#also its so funny to compare him to like paul
httpiastri · 4 months
the last photo of kimi is also wow but pepe… the arms, the neck. oh my god.
also, complete side note, but i had absolutely no idea dino is 20?? i always thought he was 18 at best, only because he seemed so young in the prema videos when oscar and logan were still around
- 🪐
its getting harder and harder every day to not find kimi attractive 🙃🙃 but pepe 😭 he looked soooo good during the run, like his big smile, his hands and arms on display……. w o w
also!! you're definitely not the first person to be surprised over dino's actual age… he doesn't look (or sound) like he's aged since fourteen 😶 okay that was an exaggeration but it's so funny to look at some old prema videos with him because i think "ah yes a fourteen-year-old" and then it turns out he's 17?!?! 😵‍💫
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cordyceph · 1 month
one big thing about iwtv i like is that Every character has flaws. even characters we're meant to unapologetically sympathize with in other medias
paul, for example, is a very clearly sick man whos sickness weighs on his family. in any other media, hed'd be virtually untouched by any flaw other than being tragically sick. in iwtv, the first time we see him he's harassing louis' prostitutes (and we Know its harrasment because she tells louis he wont leave and paul isnt listening when she tells him she isnt interested.) we also see paul detest levi- who he views as having taken away his sister- and then act borderline hostile to lestat- some weird white man who's come to take his last sibling away, by attacking something he Knows he can win (religion, implying that lestat is either a blasphemer or gay) (either way, living in sin)
i think the only character who is like not an asshole without reason to be is grace? because shes generally kind and understanding until louis endangers her kids, literally disappears for months, years, until their mother dies, until she has to 'kill' him in her mind. sure, she was aggressive and insulting at their mother's funeral, but like... i would be too. if my brother fucked off for who knows how long, comes back Wrong and more of an asshole than before, literally breaks a door down, threatens me? id be way more upset than she was. like shes kind of a saint compared to literally everyone else. armand? armand. need i say more. louis? half the show is 'look at louis be unnecessarily cruel to those around him' (claudia, daniel, armand, lestat) lestat. oh my god lestat. i want to study his brain and be like brother how do you have every disease.
claudia is kind of a special case because for as much as she acts grown shes permanently stuck in that fourteen year old era. i know i, when i was an unsupported mentally ill teenager, said horrible things i deeply regretted later on. claudia goes through that too, just by like... a hundred or so years more. its not until madeline really treats her like another adult woman that she acts more like. well. an adult. louis didn't treat her like an adult ever (as much as lestat did wrong by her specifically, i do think he treated her like an adult, but never a child. but thats for another ramble) anyway, claudia says awful things and does awful things because shes fourteen and being treated like a child, but shes an adult, but no one treats her like one. like babydoll from batman animated
daniel . daniellllllll. olllllld man. i lost my steam thinking about that old man im gonna be real. hes just really funny and pretty and smart and cool okay im gonna jackhammer that guys pelvis
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stardust-sunset · 3 months
darry headcanons
Of course!!
tw for suicide mention at the very end)
He’s a really good woodworker. He used to make tiny wooden figures for his brothers and parents
He was kinda the golden child for a bit-not exactly in a bad way, but he was smart and athletic and he would be the one his parents would brag about
He almost lost it when he heard from Soda that a teacher had been comparing Soda to him. He was livid.
His second job is a daycare worker and a lot of people judge him for it because he’s a man (he has a soft spot for kids
Sometimes when Soda and Pony are arguing he’ll just clunk their heads together
He’s lactose intolerant (Darry can’t have dairy 😞)
He didn’t lay a hand on Pony for a good few months after the book and kinda flinched whenever Pony went to hug him because he was terrified of hurting him
He actively makes an effort to listen more to Pony after the book
The reason Darry and Paul fell off was because after their parents died Paul thought it would be funny to prank Darry by waiting at the train tracks with flashlights with a few other people and they held flashlights up to look like train lights (Pont and Soda were with him) and Darry nearly cracked into a ditch.
Hes a dog person and lowkey kinda wants a german shepherd or something
The reason he started going to the gym was because he kinda had a rebellious teenage phase and he realized he was just kinda angry and he wanted to work it out
Darry was actually really popular in school and he keeps his Bou of the Year award (and was honestly probably voted prom king too)
He’s REALLY good at singing country songs (Brent Comer I see you!
When he read Pony’s recollection of him he nearly had a breakdown because he realized how stoic and hard he seemed
He hates being called Darrel because that was his father and hearing it reminds him of his father and it upsets him to no end
He takes the longest showers, like half the time he just stands there and thinks
When he first got into working out he had extreme body dysmorphia and constantly tracked what he ate. Pony and Soda had to help him out of it after their parents died
He has a kinda hefty accent especially when he’s upset
He often thinks Pony and Soda would be better without him and this led to very…bad thoughts.
The only way to really break him is by giving him a big hug and he’ll just break down.
Hell subconsciously clutch his brothers’ hands when he feels like they’re in danger because he’s scared he’s gonna lose them
He often skipped meals in favor of Pony and Soda and only stopped when he passed out on the roof he was working on and broke his arm
His dad taught him to play guitar and he could play it really well actually. He stopped when their parents died because it hurt too much.
He cries himself to sleep a lot tbh-his brothers only found out because they were cuddle piling him and he just started crying because he thought they were asleep. They don’t let him be alone at night after that.
Pony was valedictorian and he was so incredibly happy for him and cried at his speech because he mentioned how much he needed to thank Darry for his success (Pony also got a buttload of scholarships and Darry was beyond the moon)
Hes really good at fishing because he went with his dad a lot
He kills them with his bare hands though. He literally punches its skull in.
He had a high school sweetheart actually but they broke up when his parents died (it was a clean one though)
He sleeps on his back and then wonders why it hurts so bad
He loves getting his back rubbed honestly. Someone should take him to a chiropractor
He cracks his knuckles a lot
His eyes are fucking scary like catch him in the sunlight and it’s like when a cat is in the dark and gets a flashlight in their eyes
He started drinking beer after his parents died. Then he kinda turned to harder stuff. He was quick to shut it down honestly.
He gets hangry. Like he will snap at just about anyone and anything
Hes tried to off himself once. Long and Soda caught him evacsue he was drunk off his ass and missed and they were absolutely horrified
Thanks for the ask!! Hope you like the angsty ones!
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[image description: digital art of miss pauling as a drag king. he sits on top of a stacked red briefcase and blue filing cabinet, and on the floor is an open coffee cup smeared with his lipstick. over one shoulder he holds an axe. miss pauling wears a purple suit with exaggeratedly large shoulder pads over a cropped white button up, with drawn on purple body hair visible underneath. his hair is slicked back but messy, and his eyeshadow is red on top and blue on the bottom, which look like undereye circles. his drawn on beard and mustache is a similar purple color. /end description.]
the least overworked office worker, the worlds first competitive 9 to 5'er, put your hands together for miss pauling!
not too long though, he needs to finish this report by 5. minutes.
(he/him pronouns for miss pauling (drag king variant)!)
more on this design below the cut :)
miss paulings look was first inspired by 80s womens fashion with the big shoulder pads, though i was taking it in a 80s mens fashion direction. the accessories choices were mostly decided by what i notice mens fashion show off the most, so a watch (which i thought would be in line with miss paulings battlefield work environment), a ring, and a belt . i dont think miss pauling is necessarily married, its an aesthetic decision
at some point, i realized im in american psycho territory. this happened after i gave him the axe.
all in all, an incredibly anachronistic king (tf2 is the 60s, the fashion is the 80s, the movie reference is the 2000s)
i actually had a different aim in mind with the facial hair which was to give him a five o clock shadow, but it looked either too natural or goofy. because having purple drawn on hair was the goal. which is also why the button up is cropped.
with this look being more naturalistic (if you could call it that) compared to some of the other designs i have done, it was pretty funny stopping before the makeup and realizing he looks incredibly like just some guy
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wallbang-buzzkill · 2 years
CoD MW2 HC's for round 3:
Rudy doesn't make much body heat and his fingers are almost always ice cold, as opposed to Alejandro who's a furnace compared to his counterpart. Rudy starts bundling up for the fall pretty quickly, but Alejandro can be seen walking around in basketball shorts well into November.
Ghost finds small comforts in the smell of cigarette smoke. He's not exactly sure why, but it puts him just a little more at ease.
Soap can handle SOME spicy in his food, but because of his cocky nature he always vastly overestimates his ability to handle any at. He'll do his best to down a plate of hot wings to impress people and start wheezing 2 wings in. But if you give him milk he'll just fill up on that instead, so Price thinks it's better to let him re-learn this lesson till it sticks. It's also funny to him.
Gaz and Price both like Juicy Fruit gum and will go through a pack like it's nothing while Ghost watches in disgust. Ghost doesn't like gum.
Price likes the desert at night. It's cool and the flat land provides a wonderful clarity of sound. It makes him feel better about hearing any approaching threats.
Ghost's great at measuring height/distances without a tool and nobody knows why, not even him. In another world where he actually watched TV, he'd be a god at finding the TV remote on the first try.
Rudy fucking loves horchata.
The Vaqueros have a tradition of writing stuff with their fingers in the dust on each others' vehicles. Rudy always leaves little positive affirmations with a little heart, Alejandro likes to put 'wash me!' or a dad-like 'Stop slacking!' They joke it's the Vaquero messaging board. Someone has recently taken up drawing penises but no one will admit to it. After the 141 left Los Almas, Alejandro discovered their signatures and a 'thanks for the food! :^)' on the back of his truck. He cherished it.
Price keeps sharpies on him as a general rule of thumb for labelling/directions, but sometimes they explode and get all over his vest. It doesn't happen often but when it does he makes a great show of annoyance. Laswell thought he was shot once when a red pen got its ink all over him.
Gaz hates cacti and when he was informed about jumping cacti (from Alejandro, who made them out like they jump up and grab you from the ground) he started pulling his socks much higher on his legs. However, he goes apeshit the cactus fruit candies Rudy shares with him.
Gaz took one of Price's sharpies and wrote his name on Rudy's football, along with a little sketch of a cat face. Rudy pretends to be mad about it, but he can't hide his smile. It's an old ball and already has tons of scribbles on it from when he and Alejandro were younger.
Ghost misses Paul. She did seem to like him when they'd pass by in Los Almas. Soap agrees she was a good cat, and they're both thrilled when they receive a message through Price from Alejandro informing them that she had kittens.
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kimi-co · 2 months
paul aron learn how to shut up challenge !! the screenshot of him trash talking kimi after australia is making its rounds again 💀💀
lmao what did he do this time
i mean he should've known better when he made those comments...well they've come back to bite him in the ass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
its just how the internet side of any sports is now with better results comes greater scrutiny bro apparently hadnt wrapped his head around how unrelentess and unforgiving that could be back in late march.
and i dont even think he could attribute his words/likes on social to being desperate for a win anymore cause he was being hot headed abt it for almost a week just liking stuff (im not in his channel btw so idk whether hes said anything else but i also thought channel's not for that?? like complaining to your fans for smth that really was just bad luck. did kimi spin on purpose to have verschoor sympathetic spin with him and clip your front?? lol it was just funny to me at first saying you 'disagree' with someone else's mistake but then he didnt stop, so.) but imo the likegate screenshotgate repercussion isnt even that bad compared to what kimi's been facing (glad hes not on twitter 💀)
BUT this totally shouldnt be made into a comparison and i mean it!! online toxicity shouldnt be encouraged and im sure both of them have made mistakes in the past and will likely make more in the future whether on/off-track - they are still really young. but ykw ppl learn and improve and thats honestly a big part of f2 believe it or not 🌸👐 
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thealmightyemprex · 5 months
April Foolishness :Buffy the Vampire Slayer
So TV shows based on movies are pretty common but I have to say the most sucesful show based on a film for my money has to be Buffy,because the show is so iconic .....People forget its based on a movie.Now the film has a cult following but nowhere near as big as the shows .Will do some show comparisons but will keep tio a minimum as tonally they are worlds apart ,as this film is firmly a comedy when the show is a bit of a genre buster .Think of this as sort of the rough draft
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In this 1992 film Buffy(Kristy Swanson ) is a cheerleader informed by the Watcher ,Merrik (Donald Sutherland) that she is the Slayer,the chosen one reincarnated through the centuries to fight the evils of vampires ,specifically Lothos (Rutger Hauer )
So the movie is a fun slice of early 90's cheese ,and I so see the cult following and the early marks of the TV show .I think the cast is solid with some of my favorite bits just spotting the likes of young Ben Aflek and Hilary Swank .Luke Perry is great as the love interest,I think he added something to a character who couldve been bland ,David Arquette is a scene stealer as a vamparized teen .Stephen Root probabbly gets some of the best jokes in the movie,hes a small character but him talking about his experience with acid got a big laugh .Donald Sutherland I think brings a sense of gravitas to the mentor figure ,and theres a nice dramatic moments where he and buffy just chat and he brings up that he wouldve liked to have been a Boot maker that I found sweet .Paul Reubins doesnt have a lot to do as the villains henchman but his looks and a feew funny lines (AS well as his improvised final scene) make him stand out .My favorite character has to be Rutger Hauer as the villain Lothos ,he just such a fun campy villain ,very classical vampire .Kristy Swanson I feel gets sadly overlooked,and unfairly compared to Sarah Michele Geller .Keep in mind Geller had 7 seasons of character development ,Swanson had one movie ,and Swanson really sells the transformation of cheerleader to Slayer
In terms of negatives.....I honestly feel the script is a bit weak or that a lot has been cut ,because is Lothos in love with Buffy ?Why does Buffy freeze with Lothos ? I dunno I felt very lost at some places .Also while Buffy thinks Merrik is initially a crazy guy or pervert ,she treats this weird old guy WAY to casually.Also if your into the show and decide to watch the movie,be warned the vampires are so diffrent ,being more classical types and a bit goofy ,very jarring to how monstrus the vampires in the show are
I dunno its not great but its fun ,I had a good time
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland@amalthea9 @barbossas-wench @countesspetofi @princesssarisa@piterelizabethdevries @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @filmcityworld1
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corhore · 1 year
Two things:
1) People aren't really talking about Paul causing the "What did Peter do" explosions. Like, Paul didn't push Peter out yes, but he did push the dead Mayan God, causing it to explode in New York, which leads to Peter getting blamed for explosions who, again, Paul did.
2) Second, Also people aren't really talking about Paul committing genocide. Like, the thing is, he's not just Rabin's son, he helped him commit genocide in his reality, but now he's guilty about it so MJ thinks that's fine and makes him as much a good man as Peter is due to him feeling guilty for Uncle Ben.
Again, can't stress this enough: Paul committed Genocide, and MJ is ok with it because he's guilty and was just "following orders."
I can not fuckin believe the second part happened. Zeb Well's really had Mary Jane compare Paul who helped commit genocide to Peter who got his Uncle killed by accident.
I can't stress enough how both situations are in NO way comparable. MJ defending Paul because "he feels bad about it :(" Like fuck right off. This coupled with the fact that Wells put MJ in a loveless relationship with kids (the very thing MJ fears the most for her life) without a hint of self awareness just goes to show how much he utterly hates the character.
Its also immensely funny how the "what did Peter do?" gimmick turned out to be "he literally did nothing".
Like you said he didn't cause the explosion. Said explosion happened in a empty valley and he wasn't even the one who chose to go threw the portal. MJ pushed him.
So his only "wrong" doing was that he was being mean to the FF and Cap America because he was very hellbent on getting MJ back which tbh was justified given the situation.
This book is just a mess man. Zero thought. Its not even half assed. No asses went into this book.
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I listened to Paul F. Tompkins' stand-up last week, a bandwagon-jumping move in anticipation of the fact that he might be doing Taskmaster. Listened to three of his albums and his TV special. I enjoyed them. They were a bit different than I'd expected, and I'm not sure why as I don't think I had any particular reason to expect anything in particular from his stand-up. I think I'd heard him compared to Mike Birbiglia before, so I may have been surprised when he didn't jump out any windows.
It was good though. I sort of stereotype American comedy as thinking it's all about sex and drugs, and Paul F. Tompkins... I mean, there were some drugs stories. More than I usually like. I don't object on puritan grounds or anything, I just find them fairly boring. But besides that, I liked his stories. The first couple of albums were fairly entertaining mostly unconnected routines, then I got to his 2012 album Labouring Under Delusions, which was a chronological autobiographical thing, and I thought that was fantastic. Takes you through from dropping out of college to hosting TV shows and acting in movies.
I did find it funny how his "showbiz stories" differed from what I'm used to, in terms of levels of glamour. British comedians tell name drop-y stories about "one time I was on a panel show and Jimmy Carr was there", Paul F. Tompkins' one was "One time I was reading for a movie and Tom Cruise showed up!"
To be honest, the main effect that stand-up had on me was reminding me how much I loved BoJack Horseman, which I tried to re-watch but somehow did not have it in my Non-British Sitcom sub-folder of my comedy hard drive, which is a massive oversight. That folder is meant to be for any show where I've seen every episode many times, at some point in the past 20 years, and have at times had in rotation as the go-to thing to put on when I'm eat a meal or staying up at night or something and would like televisual accompaniment. Preferably something I've already seen many times so it's an easy watch. I made that folder because it's nice to have those at my fingertips, so I don't have to mess around with the effort of increasingly sketchy streaming sites when I'm just trying to put on a show that I want to watch while being lazy.
So I downloaded BoJack Horseman, and while I was at it fixed a few other oversights, and I'm fairly sure this folder now covers most of my possible go-tos:
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It's my non-British sitcoms folder, unable to be just named "American sitcoms" because the Australian show Utopia is in there. Which I liked a lot for its first few seasons, and then it went weird right-wing in the last couple.
I meant to only dip into a couple of episodes of BoJack Horseman, but then I accidentally re-watched the entire first two seasons in about three days. God, that show is impressive. The continuity, the attention to detail, the background jokes, the foreground jokes, the complexities of characters.
I forgot how much happened in seasons 1 and 2. I think it may have got a bit uneven after those first couple, which may be why the stuff I remember most was near the beginning (and from the last season, which I also remember well and liked a lot). But those first seasons were very good.
I was also reminded of conversations I used to have with my friend, years ago, who watched BoJack Horseman and told me no fictional character had ever reminded him as much of a real person as Diane Nguyen did of me. And that is definitely the fictional character I relate to the most, out of all the fictional characters I've ever encountered. I'd love to say that makes me special in some way, but I'm pretty sure they were just really good at writing disillusioned self-hating frustrated feminists, better than anyone else I've seen try to do a character like that. Pretty sure the world is full of people who would look at that one and say "Oh yeah, that's what it's like. It's not that dramatic, it just makes you not want to go to work anymore." If you don't have a part where she spends three months sitting on her friend's couch drinking beer and throwing cans at the wall because life is pointless and nothing would be accomplished by going to work anyway, you haven't written the disillusioned feminist right. I'd forgotten that the part where Diane gets into a public fight with a powerful sex pest, loses that fight and gets told by all her friends that it's not a big deal even though every person on every side of that fight agrees that he did do all that stuff, then she goes off to try to work for a charity and learns that that is also bullshit, then spends three months drinking beer on a couch and giving up on life - that's all in season 2. For some reason I'd remembered that as taking place across multiple seasons. They really fucked with her across 12 episodes.
I love the way that show would play with perspective, write the rom-com episode from the POV of the character who was being inconvenienced by all the protagonist's romantic epiphanies, the wacky sitcom plots from the perspective of the characters who had to get shit done. And for the first while it looks like BoJack Horseman gets to be the brooding depressed main character and maybe Diane is the One Girl Who Could Be Brooding Enough To Understand Him For All His Flaws, With Her Cynical Wit. Like a reverse manic pixie dream girl. But by the end of season 2, we've seen enough from her perspective to see that actually it's her who's too flawed for everyone else, and she's just decided everyone else can sort their own lives out while she sits in the living room explaining:
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Anyway, sorry for starting a post about Paul F. Tompkins and finishing it about a fictional character (played very well but also rather problematically by Alison Brie, who is very white to be playing the Vietnamese-American character), I quite enjoyed his stand-up. I have also quite enjoyed suddenly and unexpectedly re-watching his sitcom all weekend. Though I might need a palette cleanser after being immersed in the levels of cynicism that show reached. Perhaps Community, for a far more hopeful tone and Alison Brie playing an excellent and more racially appropriate character.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
All right so theres two things
1. Two years ago i had this friend (lets call him xyz lol) and we were pretty close and shit but like in a very buddy buddy way (good to add im biologicaly a woman and back then i was discovering my gender and sexuality so i was very feminine presenting and now i use he/they xd). And there was a situation that he pushed or hitted me (i dont remember ) and after that i was like fuck it im not gonna be friends with him anymore. Well in like june (or july) somewhere holiday season anyway, he texted me that he liked me yk romaticaly. Not really proud of my respose bcz i wants the nices however today (after 2 years just gonna say) (again) he apologized and stuff and now I don't know if i want to be in contact with him again cause well the situation happened and it was pretty shit for me back then. Yeah here im just asking for advice bcz he havem't really changed from what i know but he was nice while textinggggg😔 (and also if i remember good he was pretty shit and kept insultingg everybody) but like. I need a new friend so maybeeee
2. This one is actually funny for me so yeah. Basically theres my very insicure ex in my year and shes now a "new woman" basicaly decided that shes hetero and is an active christian. I have nothing against it bcz like, cool, nice youve finally found yourself but you dont have to act like you are better then everyone bfr. On the other side we have this girl who i was best friends for 4 fucking years since shes annoying as hell now and when someone has a different opinion she decides that they are wrong, just living with this mindset for years. Nobody wanted to be friends with her so i decided like "alright maybe shes nice" she was till she met my ex. Now they are church bestis which, again, fine HOWEVER im a freaking saint paul compared to them. And im a marauders fan with is speaking for itself (the gayness) (and an active rosekiller shipper just on the side note soooo). Its just funny to me for some reason bcz they are trying to push me and my other friend down even tho i won't have them in my life like in a month or so lol.
Damn i really need to find new friends.
Uh yeah thats all have a nice day/night/mars occupation : D
Okay for the first part: I mean…I’m iffy on this one. You said he gives okay vibes now? Does he respect you? Your gender? If so, you could give him a chance, but I would do so hesitantly. Keep your guard up, you know?
For the second part: Yeah, sounds like two judgmental people found each other, lol. I would look for new friends as well.(Go Rosekiller!)
(Naming you mars anon)
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
93: Vampire Weekend // Contra
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Contra Vampire Weekend 2010, XL Recordings
Contra dropped right in the heart of what was, in retrospect but also at the time, an incredibly stupid backlash against Vampire Weekend. Fortunately, in the year of Our Lord 2023, there’s no longer any need to litigate the right of this band to exist, but it’s funny to look back at how perfectly calibrated this album was to further piss off anyone who’d hated their debut. “Too Ivy League, too WASPy,” detractors groused, so here’s a song called “Diplomat’s Son.” “They shouldn’t be appropriating African music,” members of the faculty of arts moaned, so here’s an updated song from Koenig and Tomson’s pre-VW hip-hop project (“Giving Up the Gun”). “They’re inauthentic!” said some guy in a Bad Religion t-shirt, so here are a few Auto-Tuned bars, causing that man (and Jay-Z presumably) to spontaneously shit his drawers.
I don’t think Contra is the sound of trolling, exactly, so much as it is a band who heard everyone telling them the places they shouldn’t go and decided to go have a poke around some of them. If it’s a hair less consistent than their wall-to-wall banger debut, it also reaps the benefits of its wider range: even as “Cousins” and the extraordinary “White Sky” proved they were still capable of writing compact indie pop gems, the dayglo electronica of “Run” and languid bleep-bloop ska of “Diplomat’s Son” found them creating ever more immersive soundscapes, each full of unexpected detail and surprise. Though it’s fair to think of it as a bridge between their self-titled and the celebrated Modern Vampires of the City, I’ve always thought of Contra as my favourite by the group.
A bit of an aside, but despite all the deserved fawning over the band’s songwriting and Batmanglij’s production over the years, I realized recently that I think Koenig is a bit underappreciated as a vocalist. Listening to the way he consistently turns his own wordy, hyper-literate lyrics into fluid pop, reminds me of what Cole Porter remarked upon hearing Ella Fitzgerald’s take on his songbook: “My, what marvelous diction that girl has.” Like the singer to whom he’s most often compared, Paul Simon, he has a high, pretty voice that might seem thin in the hands (cords?) of a less sensitive vocalist, but he transcends it by making the right choices. In 2014 Koenig performed a duet of “I Think Ur a Contra” with Angelique Kidjo, a vocalist who is always poised to (warmly) eat her duet partner’s lunch, yet despite the massive disparity in firepower, Koenig holds his own. He keeps to the breathy little melismatic adornments that brought him to the dance even as she does her usual bravura thing, and the steadiness of his performance makes for be a nice study in contrasts, two ways to get at the emotion latent in an elegantly built song.
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demonsfate · 11 months
i remember discussing with my brother whether if tek4 was rushed or simply didn't have a proper budget (all of it being spent on graphics) mostly because of the lack of characters. no anna, no jack, no armor king. but there's also other weird things. such as tek4 lacks a final boss. like i don't really consider heihachi in his underwear to be a final boss - not compared to ogre, devil kaz, or unknown. it's rather odd they'd just ditch a final boss (especially a monster like one) when they've been doing it since tek2.
there's also the weird, unused audios you can find in the files. WHICH it is possible that, oddly, they got the announcer to say all the character names because they weren't sure who they were gonna put in the game. (seems like that'd be a bit early in development to be doing voice work but i'm not very knowledgeable on game development) like there's clips of the announcer practically saying every character name, especially ones who didn't make it in. some people argue that they did this just in case they planned on making a tag tournament game using tek4's engine, like how tag 1 used tek3's engine. which would be funny, given that the announcer even says dr. abel's voice. which if true, they had planned dr. abel once and it's curious that he was never added in tag 2, especially when they added lili's butler to the game. (also they could've added jane, too) which may make sense given that the announcer also mentions unknown. and whilst it's possible that they could've been considering making her canon at the time, the potential "tag 2" theory makes sense to me.
HOWEVER. there's audio clip of jinpachi, who didn't actually appear in the games until tek5. yes, with them saying dr. abel, who has never been playable in neither the past or future games. but... at least we've seen abel before, jinpachi was only ever mentioned by name in tek2, we didn't have any designs for him prior tek5. and going back to how we're lacking a final boss, i do REALLY wonder if jinpachi was planned earlier, and he was gonna be the boss of tek4, but was cut for some reason. hence why we have heihachi as a boss, who isn't really a boss. and how tek4 remains the ONLY one to be lacking the essential characters i've mentioned, as well as a proper last boss.
so i'm curious if the game was rushed (same reason why mk1 likely ALSO doesn't have a real final boss) or if they had budget constraints. tek4 actually looks really amazing for its time. especially the hair. which they were CLEARLY proud of as many characters had long hair, even ones who don't normally like christie (always in a ponytail in future games), marduk, paul, and even fucking king. so if they had less of a budget due to graphics, they may have been forced to cut some things.
regardless, i would love to find out more about the development process and the original ideas! if tek4 was meant to be something much larger and what happened! i'm currently looking at the cutting room floor for more info, but can't seem to find any.
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gorillaspictures · 1 year
Film form - critical reflection
Overall, I am happy with how our film turned out. When showing it at the crit, some people watching were genuinely scared which means we at least succeeded on that front. I was also surprised at the amount of things that the lecturers liked about the film, and that they thought our film had some very strong moments.
In terms of directing, I received some useful feedback, particularly regarding the ending scene, in which the creature approaches Eric from behind without him knowing. In the scene, Eric can’t sense the creature despite the fact that it is talking to him. However, in the previous scene, it had been established that Eric can interact with the creature and hear its voice. Alternatively, if we’re supposed to believe that Eric CAN hear the creature, but is simply paralysed by fear, this was not reflected in Frederik’s performance. This is something I did not consider when directing my actors. So, I’d say the most important thing I took away directing-wise was to think about the characters’ point of view in the scene - what they can and can’t interact with - and make sure it remains consistent throughout the film.
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Another thing I should have considered more was how to better communicate the tone of the film. Our film’s intended tone was a dramatic horror with a few slightly comedic elements. The comedy wouldn’t be laugh-out-loud, but more dry and uncomfortable, with the humour lying in the absurdity and misery Eric has to experience. Paul praised the timing of the mother coughing, and the long pause where you think she might be dead. I was pleased with this, as it was an intentional choice on my part. However, Leo wasn’t quite sure if certain moments later on were funny on purpose or not. This is something that could have been made clearer by tightening up the edit, or keeping the tone in mind while giving directions to Frederik.
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In terms of editing, the glitching effects were praised, as was the text on screen. The main piece of feedback related to the text was that there should have been more context. In the film, Eric’s friend Tommy sends him a message out of nowhere, and Eric clicks on it without questioning it. If we had included an extra line of dialogue or even directed Frederik differently, we could have hinted towards more of a relationship between Tommy and Eric. For example, Eric points out that Tommy always sends him weird things, or even smiles/laughs upon seeing the message. That way, the audience would be less confused and Eric would have a more solid motivation for setting the conflict of the film in motion.
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As I was helping with sound, it was important to take in the feedback on the sound design.
One thing we should have added was a limiter on the mix. There is a part in the film in which the music is (intentionally) really loud compared to the rest of the sound - however, the difference in volume was way greater on the big speakers than it was when we were sound designing. Had we added a limiter, the difference wouldn’t have been as much of an issue, and poor Leo wouldn’t have had to turn the sound down halfway through the film.
Another issue with sound was the dialogue towards the very end. While again, it wasn’t quite noticeable while sound designing. This was down to mic placement, as, due to the shot being very wide, the boom microphone was quite far away from the subject. Zoe suggested to raise the levels of the dialogue, and remove. If all else fails, we could use a wild track and ADR where necessary. In future, we should use two microphone placements - a lav and a boom - instead of just the boom.
One small thing was the audio of the speaker. Looking back, it is quite clear that we recorded it separate from everything else. Zoe suggested we improve the speaker audio by recording it in the same space as the dialogue. As in, we use the same recording of the voice actress, but we play it in the bedroom, and record it playing using the boom mic.
Overall, despite the issues identified while on set and at the crit, I am very proud of our film. I thought we worked together very well as a team, were always there for each other, and I would love to work with my crew again. While the feedback given at the crit was very helpful, I thought the praise we got outshone our weaknesses, and that we achieved what we were going for.
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iamacolor · 2 years
oh i love karolina! i feel like everyone i know likes to watch her videos haha. i was drawn to her because of her sense of humour but she's also taught me quite a lot! and now i correct every person who talks about corests as if they were torture devices 🧐
i studied polish philology so the main focus was obviously polish literature, language, culture etc but we also had many world literature classes of course. the only foreign language classes in uni were english and latin but we had one professor who was always complaining that not a single one speaks fluent french 😂
heh don't even mention the catholic influence... we have way too many religious crazies here 🤦‍♀️ the more right-wing, the more insane they are. just yesterday there was a parliament debate about john paul 2 (i'm serious) because some new proof that he about bishops who were protecting p*dos resurfaced and of course the right wing couldn't take it... i heard some nutjob yelling that jp2 singlehandedly overthrew communism as if we didn't have countless oppositionists fighting it for decades 🤦‍♀️
the history of polish jews is incredibly tragic. we still have some living here, there's an annual jewish culture festival in my town which i usually attend... but it's a very small minority compared to how it used to be. according to historical sources first jewish people were invited here by the polish king in the 11th century so they've literally been here since forever. they've always had to deal with prejudice (not always strictly religious) but i have no doubt that if it wasn't for ww2 and communism they'd still be here.
i've actually been to paris three times, although only once as an adult and if i may be honest, it was immigrants who were always the nicest, most helpful and friendly. i also try to follow french politics at least a bit and i see that teh raise of the rightwing is happening there just like here in poland. it's very concerning.
hahaha i admit it is quite surprising to me that you didn't know but it's okay. i'm very into classical music and also chopin is incredibly important to polish culture, very much like mozart to austria. he's also my favourite composer and my mom uses one of his compositions as her ringtone so every day is chopin day in our home 😂
that's interesting and now you got me curious if my name is still popular among children 🤔 because i know a lot of annas around my age but i can't think of any annas who'd be much older or much younger than me 🤔 damn i need to research this! 😂
I love that she's fun because that's the bext way to talk about a supposedly "serious" fashion history, just like how we talk about fashion nowadays (and also she's recently been showing her apartment and it's so pretty I'm jealous)
I'm learning so much thanks to you, I love it!!! I didn't know what philology was and that sounds so interesting, what a great choice of studies! it's funny to think of latin as a foreign language even though it technically is but since it's a dead one it feels funny I don't why lol i don't think polish is a latin language so I'm curious why latin would be the only other class instead of like German or Russian? edit: because I keep taking breaks to go do searches and so now I'm reading the Wikipedia page of the polish language and it says there's not written trace of polish before the 14th because of how much Latin was in use at the time so it makes sense - also I love that the first written sentence found in polish was a man telling his wife to rest while he'd grind for her! you're fine not knowing french, it's too complicated
omg right yeah I knew that jp2 was, of course, the only one capable of overthrowing communism, the world was just waiting for him to overthrow decades of authoritarian regimes 🤦🏻‍♀️(how can someone pretend to defend its country's historical values and identity and yet undermine its history...)
yeah I was reading the numbers and it was heartbreaking... especially since poland was one of the rare countries in europe to actually at some point be a welcoming place for them
I'm not surprised tbh even in france we don't really like parisians lol (and yes I've been living here for a couple fo years now so it's a bit hypocritical but I'm not planning on staying forever so I'll never call myself one) I hope you enjoyed your visit nevertheless it is a great city and although there too many people in the subways everyday (the audacity of people to be outside at the same time as me) I still like it
yeah I don't know a lot about classical music especially the composers and their lives, we don't study music for very long in france and even then they don't really tell us about the composers (which is odd now that I think about it because we tend to talk a lot about other type of artists' lives like painters or poets etc) but I've started listening to more classical music recently but it's thanks to playlist on spotify so I don't really pay attention to the composers... what are your favourite chopin pieces and what's your mother ringtone, I'm curious now!! also there's something I've been curious about lately but no one I know he's into classical music so this is perfect timing : do movies' soundtracks count as classical music (not the songs of course but the more instrumental, orchestral pieces)?
haha now it's your turn to do your searches!! meanwhile I've only met 3 other people with my name in my whole life lol
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crabonfire · 2 years
more random tf2 headcannons :) (modern addition!)
Engineer likes Lego’s. He LOVES the fact that there’s a toy out there that empowers kids to create, he loves the Lego typewriter and is obsessed with the Lego creators sets. (Bonsai tree, sky wars mask, etc.) if you ask him about it he’ll be like “I think it’s great kids are learnin’ to build such things.” But he will never admit he actually wants the legos. Give him legos? So happy. In general, he likes puzzles. He loves games that have puzzles like Portal.
Pyro loves video games. Any game he’s up for it. I can see him as a MAJOR Kirby fan. He’d probably play Kirby games all day long if he got the chance to. Sometimes when he notices Engie working a little too much, he will drag him to their room and play Mario kart together. Sometimes he asks others, like scout!
Heavy doesn’t play many video games, but wanna know what he likes? Chess. He loves strategy and often plays with Medic, Spy, and Engineer. Snipers quite good at it, but he likes to watch instead so he can see how much each player struggle against each other. He finds it funny, yet insanely interesting.
Demoman and Soldier shop a lot. for the most random bullshit they can find. On some nights when everyone is asleep, they’ll sneak out to like a target and pick out the most random bullshit they can find. If anyone catches them while they try to sneak out, they ask them to come along. One time Scout and heavy came along and heavy ended up having a migraine over the three men wearing the most ridiculously stupid looking yet expensive clothing anyone has ever bought. He thinks it’s funny but is also questioning the amount of money they’ve spent in one night. He’s never coming with ever again.
Scout is really good at ALL the arcade games. But one thing he’s super good at? Claw machines and fucking DDR. He thinks of it as fun legwork and loves the competitive aspect of it. Trust me when I say he’s full combod all the fucking hard songs. Sometimes he’d just play to let out the stress tho. He’d play songs like Love Is Orange, A, and of course a CLASSIC fucking Butterfly (if u don’t know any of these songs I understand because barely nobody knows these, I just play a shit ton of ddr)
Medic has a twitter account where he just spams about how annoying the other mercs are at the medbay, if they’re treating him badly expect a whole thread on it. It’s private, everyone is on there and miss Pauling likes to reply and absolutely cackles at his tweets.
“These imbeciles get on my fucking nerves sometimes mein gott.” -medic
“I’m guessing you had a rough day?” -missp
“Yes. Scout screams like a final girl from a horror movie and demoman spilled his booze all over my table. If this job doesn’t kill them I will I swear.” -medic
“Wow…uh. I’m so sorry.” -missp
“No need to feel sorry, they might boss me around but I still have the pregnancy pen. If anyone gets out of line I’ll make them go through the worst pain of all, motherhood.” -medic
“OH.” -missp
“wtf” -scout
Spy is one of those competitive sports fans, but not in terms of sport, in terms of music. I can see him talking about his favorite jazz artist then go crazy that a pop artist who’s “nothing like *insert his fav artist*” is at the top of the billboard charts.
“HE IS MUCH MORE TALENTED THAN ANY OF THESE IDIOTIC POPSTARS. HOW THEY MAKE THESE VILE SONGS…ITS NOT ART! Nothing will compare to him, his music is like heaven to one’s ear…*rambles*”
Sniper goes to pet adoption centers to play around with the pets. He has this dog he plays with a lot, her name is Molly and he adores her.
“Your a cheeky girl aren’t cha? Your so cute…yes you are, yes you are.” He says as he’s petting Molly in his arms.
Nobody knows this except Pauling, who caught him while she was in the area. He walked in with a frown but walked out with the happiest grin shes ever seen on any man.
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therandomficwriter · 3 years
Twilight Wolfpack with a short S/O
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to come out with something! But I had requested this kinda prompt for a different imagine account but idk if they’re gonna do it,,, so I decided why not and give it a try myself! Like I am super short (like 5’0) and always wonder what it’d be like to be with the Wolfpack. Anyways, I hope you guys like it!
A/N 2: None of the gifs are mine so credit to the original owners! Also I didn’t edit it so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes! Feel free to check this link out also⇒ ( ◠‿◠ )
Sam Uley
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First of all I don’t think he would tease you as much as some of the guys would
He would be extra protective since you’re smaller as it’s easier for you to get hurt
And if you are clumsy like me I don’t think that would help to ease his concern lmao
N e ways, I feel like he would have a cute nickname for you, something along the lines of shortcake or something cute like that
If you ever lecture the pack if they’ve done something wrong (or stupid) he has to hold in a laugh cause its funny to see a bunch of huge guys scared of little bitty you
Omg imagine him pulling you into a hug and your face is just buried in his warm chest and he just lets out a deep chuckle cause you’re just so tiny compared to him
Pls sir spare me for I am about to cry thinking about it
But overall he loves you no matter what size you are. Y’all are still the mom and dad of the pack and everyone respects you cause even small you still hold your ground
Jared Cameron
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He literally has so many nicknames for you and a lot of them are different ways of saying you’re short but his favorite to call you is munchkin lmao
Likes doing that thing where if you’re next to him he’ll use your head as an armrest
Also likes to randomly come behind you and lift you up to scare you
Will sometimes jokingly place you on the counter to talk to you so he won’t have to look down or as he says “so you won’t hurt yourself look up at me shorty”
He may tease you a lot about your height but if anyone were to make fun of you or tease you about it,,, oooh boy he is on them like nothing
Only he is allowed to tease his little munchkin
Y’all just have a very fun and loving relationship and you guys are literally thick as thieves and nothing could change that
Paul Lahote
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He won’t tease you as much as Jared does with his s/o because he is soft for you
He probably also has a cute nickname for you probably also something to do with being small
Probably calls you princess most of the time tho
Whenever you’re trying to get something that is high up where you can’t reach he’ll come behind you and put one hand on your waist and grab whatever it is you needed
He’ll probably ask for an kiss in return for being, and I quote, “your knight in shining armor” and he’ll bend down a bit while you tippy toe to reach and give him a small peck
It really boosts his ego every time lmao
Like Jared he is the only one allowed to tease you cause knowing him he’ll probably try to kill the person making fun of you
We all know he is the type to pull you into his lap whenever he’s sitting cause he loves holding on to you since you’re so tiny
Overall he is also very protective of you and loves having you with him and he wouldn’t want anyone else
I need a Paul in my life
Embry Call
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You get teased by him quite a lot too but not to the extent of the other 2 teases
I feel like he calls you lovebug as a joke but it stuck after a while lmao
He probably makes you help him prank the others by hiding you somewhere (since you fit almost anywhere) and then you jump out and scared them
Which in hindsight was a bad idea cause y’all got a lecture from Sam after it happened a couple times and it was not fun
Besides that he also likes to give you piggyback rides whenever your legs get tired or you’re having trouble keeping up with them (or just for fun)
He is very attentive tho and he will help you out without you having to ask cause he loves you and is constantly watching you
But not in like a creepy way sorta like a ‘I want to make sure you don’t hurt yourself’ kinda way
Y’all’s relationship is also very fun and you guys are very relaxed with each other cause you trust each other with your lives
You guys are like 2 peas in a pod and you wouldn’t have it any other way
Jacob Black
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Honestly at this point I should just say all of them have a cute nickname for you
I feel like he calls you either beautiful most of the time or smalls when he’s feeling playful or just to tease you
You already KNOW every time he hugs you he lifts you up and spins you around then when he puts you down he holds on for a little longer cause he doesn’t want to let you go just yet
Pls lord I am in need of a hug from Jacob
When he’s on the couch I feel like he’ll be sitting there and you just come up to him and crawl into his lap and you’ll just have a koala hold on him and he just simply holds you (and you probably pass out from how warm and comfy he is)
Omg when y’all sleep together (not like that ya nasties) he will have you lie down on top of his chest and he’ll have his arms wrapped around you
He’s another one that will pick you up and carry you if you get tired or if you can’t keep up
He’s also another one who is super protective of you and will constantly have you near him
Also he’s the type to walk you all the way to your front door when it’s time for you to go home and he won’t leave till he knows you’re in your room
Overall you guys have a very loving relationship and I just know when he loves someone he loves with his whole being and the same goes for you and it shows throughout your whole relationship
Quil Ateara
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I feel like he calls you something cute and small related like cutie pie or button
When he’s more on the teasing side he’ll call you pip squeak
He loves to rest his head on top of yours whenever he hugs you
Sometimes when he’s bored he’ll go and flop on top of you but he’ll try and hold himself up a bit and won’t put to much pressure on you cause he’s scared of hurting you
He likes to move your stuff where you can’t reach it so you’ll ask for his help and he thinks you look so cute trying to reach it
But if he knows he won’t be there to help you he will try and put whatever you might need within your reach
He likes it whenever you go and sit in his lap when he’s playing video games with the guys whether you’re on your phone, taking a nap on him, or just watching him play he’ll encase you in his arms and he likes the company plus the feeling of you being there (he love how tiny you feel against him)
He also likes to hold your hand cause he likes how small it feels and he likes how it fits in his hand
He is so very sweet and your relationship is another very funny and goofy one but it’s is still very strong none the less
Seth Clearwater
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A/N: I know this gif isn’t from the movie so sue me
He is the sweets boy ever omg
He would find you so adorable and would constantly gush over you
He would probably call you something like kitten cause you’re “small and cute like one”
He absolutely loves hugging you especially back hugs (he just loves to feel you in his arms)
That’s why he loves to cuddle with you and he likes to be the big spoon cause you fit nicely encase in him
He also likes it when he has his head on your chest and your fingers are running trough his hair and you legs are wrapped around his waist (cause that as far as your legs can reach from this position) he finds it kinda funny that you can’t completely wrap around him
When you’re talking to him he tries to kinda lean against something or sit down cause he thinks it’s rude for him to look down on you while you talk but also so you don’t strain your neck trying to talk to him
He’s another one that likes to give you a piggyback ride so your legs don’t get tired or he’ll just try to slow down his walking to accommodate to you
I could go on forever because he’s just so in love with you and absolutely adores your small stature
Your relationship is just so loving and he is so very caring and has such a big heart and I know you return that love just as much if not more
I needs me a Seth Clearwater plssss
Leah Clearwater
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A/N: It’s so hard to find a gif of her smiling in the movie she deserves all the happiness in the world
First of all of course I included her cause how could I not,,, she deserves the absolute world!
Pls wreck me queen
N e ways I feel like her nickname for you is not as embarrassing or outlandish as the guys names it’s probably something like angel or baby
If she’s feeling playful she calls you tiny
Fun fact when y’all cuddle she likes being the small spoon! She likes the feeling of you holding her even though she is a lot bigger than you
She’s also one of the ones that like to help you if you can’t reach something it makes her feel needed and she’s just glad she can be there for you cause she knows you’ll be there for her
When hugging you she likes to lift you up and bonus points if you wrap your legs around her waist (it makes her instantly melt)
Off topic but y’all like to make snarky comments about the guys or at them and it just makes y’all laugh and if you make a sarcastic comment to Sam when he tries to lecture you guys about something she gets mega heart eyes for you and is super proud to call you her s/o
Getting back on track but she of also very protective of you like the rest of the guys but she knows you can handle yourself well but she can’t help but worry because of your small size
Besides that y’all’s relationship is really one of a kind you guys have built up a lot of trust with each other over time and y’all’s bond is as strong as ever and I just know she loves you fiercely
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