#also it feels naturey
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pawfulofwaffles · 1 year ago
Actual name: Peer Gynt Suite No. 1
Me: uhhh the waking up in the morning song... classical
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moe-broey · 9 months ago
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Full page of my Elanorre sketches, btw!!! Just wanted to see what I could extrapolate from her in-game sprite, and add my own touches...
First one (fully colored) was me getting a feel for what I'm working with, and the pencil sketches on the side are me figuring out where I can go from here/how things look broken down...
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These ones are the closest to a canon look for her, I think! Most fleshed out!! 🫡😊
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llumimoon · 1 year ago
THANK YOUUU!!! ive come to the realization lately that if i was a dnd class i WOULD probably be sorcerer despite my inclination to play paladins.
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level2janitor · 7 months ago
tactiquest structure
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so i've posted a lot about tactiquest's classes and monsters and everything on here but i haven't really talked about the non-combat subsystems much yet and i wanted to go into detail about them, bc tactiquest has very different goals from most heroic fantasy systems.
tracking inventory, travel time, worrying about actually running out of your adventuring budget, are things a lot of big-damn-heroes fantasy systems throw out because they're just paperwork that gets in the way of your cool fights. that's not the case in Tactiquest! these systems are so core to the experience that removing them will make a lot of classes unusable. the game is built around them.
travel & exploration
tactiquest explicitly assumes you're running an open-sandbox hexcrawl and is designed to support that, including the fact the game is designed around random encounters. this is the sort of thing D&D 3e expected you to do, but people ditched random encounters because they thought they were boring and tedious. so classes balanced around that attrition of resources ended up with a huge spike in power other classes couldn't match.
the boring-and-tedious problem is mostly addressed by trying to make combat really good and resolve really fast. if i fucked that up the whole thing falls apart, but so far people are liking it
the second thing that helps with random encounters is your resources don't fully restore immediately at the end of each day like they do in 3e. resting is less effective in the wilderness and resources expended are a tomorrow problem, not just a today problem. so you don't have to have 3+ fights every single day just to maintain parity - 0-2 fights per day still adds up to difficult resource management.
because the game has such a focus on it, you can have classes like the ranger actually be good at travel and exploration instead of just giving them vaguely-naturey combat abilities.
in most D&D-likes, even usually OSR ones, you accrue so much gold. just as a side effect of adventuring. to the point money no longer actually matters because you can throw piles of it at any problem. this is bad. it's a system that defeats its own purpose; there are no interesting choices involving money when you have so much the only real expense is like, 50,000-gold-piece magic items.
i don't just want players to care about money, i want them to worry about money, like a normal person. you're not batman who's a billionaire as a side hobby, you're spiderman who has to deliver pizzas in between superhero work because he's got bills to pay like everyone else. so a whole lot of effort has been put into actually designing prices and treasure amounts around this dynamic.
i also hate how games will usually go "oh adventuring gives you 900,000 gold for existing but a normal person's living wage is 2 gold a month". i don't want to be fantasy jeff bezos, thanks
this is something i just lifted from OSR games outright. you can carry ten things (and tiny things don't take up an item slot). that's the whole rule.
tracking inventory can add a lot of interesting decisions to a game and adds a new lever for abilities from classes and magic items. having a character play the merchant class which gets a bunch of extra inventory slots feels really impactful. finding a bag of holding that doubles your carry capacity feels so good when you actually have to watch your inventory.
the only thing i felt was really unenjoyable when running games with strict inventory limits was tracking rations for each character that you eat every night; it felt too much like busywork with not enough payoff. so in Tactiquest rations are abstracted into a single Supply stat that's tied to the party rather than any individual character.
you can only restock Supply in towns, and it drops by 1 each time you rest. you can sleep without resting and this won't cost supply, but you won't regain any HP or other resources. this gives you the impactful decision-making of tracking rations without the annoyance of "okay it's been a day of travel, everyone make sure you dock a ration from your sheet" like twice per session
Supply is one of the things that slowly drains your funds and gives you a reason to keep seeking out treasure, tying back into the economy. it also gives merchants and rangers some extra mechanical levers for their class abilities to pull on.
Edit: in the time since writing this post, tactiquest's been released as a public playtest. if this sounds interesting to you, play it here!
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ddemons-bblog · 3 months ago
So I finally watched helluva boss, season 1 & 2. TW-R*pe, Cannibalism, Fatphobia. DNI: Helluva/Hazbin stans, people who are wanting to argue with me on my opinions. Just block me. I know I'm late to the critical party and have some opinions already said by others, as well as some of my own opinions that y'all may disagree with, but here's what I have to say:
Here are my thoughts as a queer individual and a demonolator:
1. Why are there sexes assigned to imps (sexual diamorphism) Demons in Christianity (and Luciferianism) (depending on the branch) have no sex or gender (except for succubi and incubi maybe) also Imps all have the same shade of red skin across all rings, so why is there no variations in each ring such as greed, lust, etc.
2. Now I see why Stolas told me he doesn't like his depiction. He doesn't wear enough starry or naturey clothing (except in ozzie's) and he's went from being a weird sexual pervert (even possibly a r*pist) to now being sad all the time. Like as someone with depression this is not accurate. Depression is more than just being sad.
3. Beelzebub is a fox? I honestly don't care about that but the wrong sigil was used. Also like, I like her party theme, but she's probably the reason that the hellhounds are so low class to begin with.
4. Wow. So Stolas's wife is abusive to him. Not a bad idea to write, but she's so cartoonishly evil and one dimensional like Andrealphus is. (Who looks like an Elsa ripoff?)
5. Andrealphus was confirmed gay I think, but it's so fucking weird to flirt/say weird things with your sister man. 😭
6. Mammon should be a two headed Bird according to demonology, why is he a spider? I like him though, he's funny. I just wish he wasn't used to be a fatphobic stereotype.
7. Man, I feel so bad for Octavia. She deserves better. Both her parents suck.
8. Worldbuilding: I like the idea of hell being circus themed, if only Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Belphegor had the theme on their outfits too. Also, I like the Gluttony, Sloth, and Wrath ring designs, but the rest shown (Lust, Greed, Pride) are just boring cities with weird sky colors. I hope Envy has a good ring design.
9.Full demon forms, just like Lucifer's I am SO disappointed, minus Stolas's full demon form. That one is nice. Like they just are bigger versions of themselves atp.
10. Paimon is a priveleged anti poor asshole. This literally demonizes irl! paimon, who I also work with.
11. Satanists portrayals: I HATE how Martha is portrayed as a violent cannibal ans a Satanist. The religion is actually peaceful. Also, as a Stolas worshipper, we do not do sacrifices to him. That is a violent stereotype and it's offensive.
12. The Hellhound designs: They're just red eyed dogs, which is okay, but I'd perfer horns, skulls n bones, fire, and 3 heads. Also loona's feral form is boring.
13. Sallie May needs more screentime. I like her but she just feels like a token trans character.
14. Y'all are gonna disagree with me on this but I like Fizzmodeus. They're cute.
15. The Cherubs are cringe as fuck. I hate them. Especially Deerie.
16. I like how Vassago isn't British. For fucks sake the Goetia are based on demonized gods and was written in France. So making them British pissed me off. I don't like how he is just a used design though.
16. Overall, I honestly didn't like Stolas, Paimon or Andrealphus's depictions. But Vassago and Asmodeus I liked. Making Asmodeus not a r*pist is kinda nice for a change.
17. Seven Deadly Sins- If you're gonna make an "anti-Christian" show then at least omit this. Because we personally believe in our own seperate sins against Satan and others, and the only "sins" we embrace are Lust (when all of these "sins" done in moderation) and Gluttony, and Pride. We always agree that Greed is 100% bad in my groups, so making a show that says "embrace sin" with Greed and Envy being part of those is kinda....bad. Also, some Satanists believe in their own Sins to completely avoid Harming others, Controlling others, Always forgiving horrible people, etc.
So those are my thoughts. I may not talk about this crapshow much anymore on here on my page. I want to focus more on my spirituality.
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samthecookielord · 2 months ago
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Welcome to bugspace youve been living with bugs for as long as you can remembug
Some vague thoughts copied from discord (though im not really planning on going anywhere with this. Feel free to do whatever you want with this concept):
sig is a sort of a mix of sunny/omori and basil. headspace belongs to him and hes #autismweezerstanced but hes also the naturey guy that assigns everyone an associated bug (like how basil assigns everyone to a flower) and he has a Stranger
amitie is assigned a ladybug on her hat. she has a donguri gaeru plush named ribbitie
raffina is assigned a praying mantis, maybe even an orchid mantis? on her earrings (shaped like mantis claws)
ocean prince is assigned a monarch butterfly, and has hero's mechanic of being able to gain free items from certain npcs and lowering shop costs
klug gets basils role of GET LOST NERDDD. he has a Stranger too ok there can be two as a treat please its so funny because strange klug ok ok
i imagine its not really a turn based combat rpg like omori. maybe its more like a farmer sim about bugs and also theres puyo of course
(I didnt really make an effort to design them after past game designs because i didnt feel like that theming was neccessary with current sig? but if you want to do that in your own interpretation go ahead)
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poproccks · 1 year ago
John Dory Headcannons!
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★ Glove is a compression glove for an old injury; a major burn scar that lines his fingers, palm, and paw pads on his left hand. (Inspired by @teaOwOstache’s comic – I am currently writing a one-shot for them based on their amazing comic.)
★ Has about an inch of white hair from the sheer power of Crimp’s vacuum. I, personally, believe that the vacuum’s power accelerated the talent-leaching tremendously and caused physical effects to show sooner. (Also shown on Bruce and Clay)
★ Various scars from his years of camping, foraging, cooking, hunting, and other things related to the nomad life.
★ He is the third tallest of his brothers, being almost the same height as Bruce. Second shortest of Brozone.
★ He was left-handed before the burn incident – and had to reteach himself how to write with his right hand instead since his left hand shakes too badly to write properly now. His handwriting, while improved, still isn't as good as it used to be.
★ Has nightmares occasionally like Branch. I like to imagine they bond slightly over that fact once they do get closer – obviously, it's still nothing like Branch’s and Floyd's relationship.
★ Building off the last point, JD tries not to feel too bitter about the close relationship they have. He realizes that the fractured relationships he has with all of his brothers are his own doing. He’s doing his best to get to know them all now and learn about their interests and hobbies. JD still walks on eggshells around them all about 60% of the time after a few more major blow ups between them. He is John Dory, however, so he still crosses lines many times by accident.
★ Thickest and fluffiest tail of Brozone (more of a general HC but, tail hair/fur can move like Troll head hair/fur.)
★ Very active, and regularly takes walks, runs, etc around Pop Village to keep up his fitness.
★ Found Rhonda when he was in his early 20’s and she was a much smaller bug bus. (Inspired by @ohposhers) She grew rather quickly after that and they became inseparable. John Dory handles all of her repairs and anything to do with her healthcare. He becomes very anxious when he has to pass that responsibility to anyone else. Branch took care of an ailing Rhonda once because he was the only one in the village with the needed materials and ingredients for the medicine. (“Who's crazy now? Me. Crazy prepared,) The dull-toned troll basically had to beat John off with a stick to get him to listen/let him help the poor bus, basically like a Helicopter parent. I genuinely believe without her, John Dory would absolutely crumble. Troll dust.
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★ Stay’s in Branch’s bunker the most of the four others, besides Floyd who decided to move to Pop Village. When he’s feeling especially bad or wants to be alone, he will still retreat into Rhonda. She is basically an oversized security blanket.
★ Smells like either dust, fresh dirt, or rain. Definitely smells like something naturey. Branch smells like things similar, but it’s noticeably different.
★ Usually ALWAYS has something stuck in his hair or tail, no matter how small. Dust bunnies from exploring or helping clean, leaves, branches (ha), and other miscellaneous things.
★ Usually has the following in his hair pocket dimension; 2-3 bandaids, an extra glove, chapstick that he always loses, granola bars, and a small thing of water; just in case. Oh, and treats for Rhonda.
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★ Carries an old family photo of his brothers and Grandma Rosiepuff from right after Branch hatched. His parents were also in it, but have long been torn out.
★ His goggles, past and present, were from his father (Also inspired by @teaOwOstache) and so he takes begrudgingly good and meticulous care of them.
★ Definitely a victim of parentification/older sibling syndrome. (I’m not projecting, you are.)
★ The order of brothers he bonds or reconnects with the easiest to hardest; Floyd, Bruce, Clay, Branch.
★ Suffers from aches and pains when it's cold or rainy out. He refuses to admit it is because of age.
★ Self soothes by pulling at his jacket, running his fingers along the zipper teeth, or adjusting his goggles when anxious.
★ If he doesn’t want to make eye contact or is crying or about to, he’ll pull his goggles on. It’s easier to hide than to explain. He gets better about talking about it but emotions are always a sore subject and difficult for him.
★ Like most Trolls, John Dory can hiss, growl, and purr.
★ Dark blue paw pads, with blunt nails with chipped polish.
★ When he went back to the troll tree pod, after mourning what could have been, he collected mementos of his brothers and his grandma; Branch’s old baby blanket, Floyd’s old plushie, Bruce’s old hoodie, One of Clay’s old books and a blacket Rosiepuff knitted long ago. They’re hidden in a box on Rhonda.
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gypsophiliaz · 1 year ago
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“ douceur „
quanxi x fem florist | barista reader.
multiple part series. first part thats just pretty fluffy and romancey!! first time writing and actually publishing it so ermm leave tips ig idk. ik the pacing is weird but its bc i like to write in detail.
feminine reader x quanxi, includes romance. >:3 smut in later chapters or wtv.
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disclaimer ; I've never written like romance before so forgive me lol. I write with extreme detail too so it probably gonna be the SLOWEST burn ever. also she smokes weed cuz ion fuck wit that cig shit lmfao
being a florist in tokyo isn't anything you thought you'd be finding yourself doing. though, being drawn to the sweet and naturey smell of flowers wouldn't suprise anyone who had known you before. head over heels constantly in love with all kinds of plants and flowers, from spider lilies to hydrangea, peony and flower arrangements in themselves.
. . .
you'd adjust your grip on the box cutter in your dominant hand, the vivid pink color of it mixing with the warm lighting above you, the blade swiftly and sharply cutting through the protruding thorns of the white roses, the remaining water inside would drip slightly onto the paper below the bouqet would find itself sitting inside of momentarily. a smell similar of freshly cut grass would fill your senses, and the cozy and comforting feel of the floristry – cafe place that you had recently assigned yourself to.
the smell of coffee, tea, and the baby's breath that sat to the right of you would fill the air, a rainy day with cars ever–so making light noises as their wheels splash and sputter inside of the puddles left by the rain. the annoying ding of the door would fill your ears once more, and like clock–work the all too familiar words would spill out of your mouth.
“ Welcome to Yrlissa's Flowery, How may I be of assistance? ”
as your eyes lazily drifted off the commissed bouqet that laid on the counter infront of you, your eyes would laid upon a tall lady, with a muscular yet slim figure. wispy bangs and a lacey eyepatch concealing her right eye. the rest of her thin hair contained by a black hairtie— who the hell visits a flower shop in a full black suit? Is she going to a fucking funeral ?
NOT professional thoughts. get it together!!!
the lady would approach the counter, with an almost monochromatic expression. not one emotion would appear on her face, and no body language out of the ordinary. her movements would seem almost perfected calculated, almost uncanny even, but as she grew closer the smell of the the roses and baby's breath would be replaced with the smell of marijuana.
the footsteps would come to a halt uncomfortably close to you, or maybe it would seem that way since shes near the height of a basketball player and you couldn't be any closer to a smurf, and also leaning over flowers with posture far from the best in the world– a few seconds of silence commence, the ladies eyes piercing above to read the sign. her lips parting to finally speak.
“A small espresso will do, please.”
“ would you like sugar or cream? ”
“ Surprise me. ”
the click of the box cutters blade retracting back into itself, and the clack of its placement onto the counter would follow her sentence. with your feet tapping to the cups behind you, and your body language obviously showing your nervousness, you'd swiftly grab it and draw back over to the counter near the woman.
tipping over the jug of geyser water just measuring to the line that marks a half liter. the sound of the water filling up would once again save you from extremely embarrassment from the pure awkwardness of the situation at hand.
. . . .
you'd stretch your hand over and weigh out 20 grams of coffee beans, pouring them into a small tin and placing them on the miniature scale. the lady bringing a stop to the awkward silence that filled the air.
“ I take it it's relaxing to work here hm? ”
“ It's nice on it's slow days, but then there's times like valentines day, and wedding season ykno? ”
“I'd imagine.”
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as a few weeks passed, the lady swiftly became a regular. almost always coming in during your shift or being there before you clock in. a name you wrote on the coffee cup almost every shift, the type of name that rolls off your tongue sweet and slick, — quanxi. another day had arrived, opening the door to yrlissa's the bell would chime as you walked in, swiftly pittering to clock in, not missing quanxi sitting in the corner of the shop, as always.
she would stay for a few hours and make nice company on slow days, an often occurrence it would be to sit and speak with her while filling out the commissions for bouqets, and other kinds of assortments. it didn't take long to realize quanxi liked more to listen than to speak.
today was october 5th. the chill in the air sweeping into the store moments after the bell on the door would ring. it didn't take long for you to learn to brace yourself against the cold on the cue of the chime. completing the same ol' sequence you'd do everyday, steaming the milk and poking holes in the puck of espresso, yet this time for yourself to warm up on the cold day.
the thick fog outside would make seeing the people and events happening outside near impossible. pouring the milk, then espresso, a drizzle of caramel and whipped cream onntop, the perfect go—to drink. the cup would warm your hands, soothing you and bringing you into relaxation with the first sip, a small breath leaving your parted lips—
the all too familiar chime would fill your ears.
quickly stepping behind the counter to at least shield your lower half. or.. 90% of ur body bc ur a fucking smurf. srry im writing this in my perspective im fucking 5'0. the chill would still expectedly hit your face and torso, sending a small shiver up your spine. gripping the cup of coffee just a bit tighter to warm your hands once again. fluttering your lashes and squinting to keep the ice cold air out of your eyes, you'd realize who'd walked in.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cold.” Quanxi would say, looking back and closing the door softly behind her as not to brush more cold air inside. this time she was wearing a brown turtle-neck under her coat and long black pants. she'd take a deep breath in and pull her other hand out of her pocket.
“you're fine don't worry. at least it's not another total stranger walking in, I think I'd rot inside having to make any more small talk today.” you'd set down your coffee to start her order, placing it beside the cash register and lean on the counter with the corner digging into your palms.
Quanxi would approach the table near the entrance of the work space, leaving about 3-5 feet in between the two of you as you started her order. It took her a few days in the beginning but she got what she wanted down pack. a shot of espresso, mixed softly into chocolate syrup followed by warm steamed milk and whipped cream. In other words, a Caffé Mocha. with some extra chocolate.
. . . should probably start that order
you'd started serving quanxi in the pretty white mugs boss lady told you not to use, simply to reduce dishes. but you didn't mind washing one or two for quanxi. You'd hear the clink of her keys being placed onto the table before she'd speak.
“How's work been treating you lately? ” Quanxi would say to you, looking at you completely still with a hand propped up under her chin, but still as nonchalant as usual. It was hard to believe she was genuinely interested sometimes.
pouring the chocolate into the bottom of the cup focusedly, to make it look as pretty and perfect as can be, you'd take a second before answering. “Horrible, Actually. This guy yesterday, came in and got mad at me because I forgot to put caramel on top of his frappe. He ended up throwing it on the floor, and of course I had to clean it. ”
Quanxi's eyes would follow the way you carefully made the coffee. The way you'd twirl the cup to make sure it was evenly distributed, and the way you'd add extra for her, even though she didn't ask for it. Nor did she really like how sweet it made the drink, but to her it was an act of kindness.
“Oh! and thennnn I had a lady come in here with her boyfriend and I guess I was a bit too friendly with her and she pulled me to the side and basically threatened me. I'm not one for wanting a guy in general. That was actually around a week ago and she came back a few days ago an—”
the glass pot to steam the milk in would fall to the ground instantly shattering. nothing but the thought of your boss chewing you out rushes into your mind. not only is it expensive to replace, it was definitely coming out of your paycheck. Quanxi wasted no time raising out of her chair and assisting you with cleanup even before you, yourself could process what had happened.
“thank you. god my boss is gonna make me pay for this. . . " you'd say squatting down and beginning to pick up the big chunks of glass first and placing them in your palm. “I'll get it, you might get cut. ” Quanxi would take the glass from out of your hand and continue to pick up where you left off.
"are you sure? I can just get a broom or something." you'd turn away for a second to grab the broom from the back, yet once you come back you find the glass all gone, not a single piece remaining on the floor and a note on the counter, sitting placed under two 10,000 yen notes. (around 140$)
the shock would spread across your face almost in an instant. what the absolute hell? picking up the notes, you'd take the time to read the note she'd left behind.
“𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻. 𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓫𝓮, 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮.
𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓷𝔁𝓲 347-1782.”
✧─── ・ 。゚✧: * 🎀 .* :✧. ───✧
tired of there not being fuckin quanxi fics and smut bro. ik u stans r alive ACT LIKE IT!!!! ��� k hope u enjoyed tho owo also im seriously fucking hoping this isn't ugly on pc bro.. idk but if ur reading fluff n shit on a pc u got balls cuz id cry if i got caught
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madara-no-kojika · 1 year ago
Tips for visualizing what clothes you wore as a divinekin, if applicable
Clothing and presentation has always been important to me as a God, so it's also always bugged me that my "appearance" in terms of clothing never felt right. After all, it's how I presented myself to lower beings! It's important they get the right impression, no?
So here's some tips I brainstormed on how to figure that more out. Could also be used as help for character design, I guess.
General Tips:
Throw away stereotypes. Not every god and angel wears flowy white and gold clothing, and not every demon wears dark reds and black. Go with what feels right to you.
Try to seperate skin and clothing. Maybe your skin has patterns on it or has fluffy bits/fur, and it's not a piece of clothing!
Trust your instinct. Often, your gut is correct when it comes to this type of stuff. If you look at an image and immediately go, "No, that's more something an angel would wear where I come from, so that's probably not at all like what I wore", congrats on the kin memory! But also, it's probably right.
Determine whether looking at external sources will aid you or not. For some people, looking at things like pinterest or picrews may help them visualize or trigger kin memories. However, for some it may give undue influence over what they're already trying to visualize. So, determine if you're more of an internal or external type of person.
Visualize. If you can visualize inside of your head, try meditation. While meditating, imagine yourself as a seperate entity to talk to. Imagine mirrors, imagine your "home." If you can't visualize inside your head, try pinterest, google, or character creators like picrews. Or, if you can, draw!
Consider your domain, if you know it. Fictional example, but, look at the gods of Kid Icarus. Palutena has white and gold flowy clothing, and a large pendant on a necklace resembling a sun. Her colour palette and symbolism make sense as she's the Goddess of Light. Contrasted with Viridi, who wears saturated magenta, red, and purple (much like that of a flower) with a more faded leaf-green. Parts of Viridi's outfit look like they're made out of wood, her shoes resemble leaves, and she has a flower crest on her dress. Naturally, Viridi is the Goddess of Nature. To put a long story short, your domain may have a heavy influence on what your outfit looks like.
Make a distinction between general feelings and specific details. Is that EXACTLY what your top looked like, or do you just have the general idea that you had a bare chest showing? Is your skirt EXACTLY that long and has EXACTLY that many layers, or do you just have the general idea that you wore a long flowy thing as a bottom?
The Senses
Often, the question you're trying to answer is "How did it look?" But if you're having trouble with that, we can turn to the other senses.
How did it feel? This is probably the most important one. What material was it made out of - silk, cotton, wool? Was it soft and smooth, or was it more fluffy and comfortable? Was it heavy, or light?
On the contrast, how DOESN'T it feel? Where do you not feel your clothing? If it was a cold or windy day, which parts of your body would you feel it the most in? This can help with narrowing down the shape of your clothes and where it covers and doesn't cover.
How did it sound, if at all? Is it silent, or do parts of your clothing make noises as you move? Maybe you have jewelry or adornments that clack together or jingle as you walk. If you were to rub against different parts of your clothes, what sound would it make?
Taste and smell are a little weird to talk about when it comes to clothes, but they have their uses. Maybe you're struggling to figure out just what part of your outfit you're imagining or being reminded of. If so, you could take this part and imagine what it tastes or smells like - if it tastes/smells metallic, it's probably jewelry, etc. Smell could also hint at the material, like if it smells naturey, maybe it's made out of leaves and wood.
And lastly, like I said before, trust your gut! Don't take everything in this post as absolute fact that must apply to you - these are just guiding tips to hopefully get you closer along your pathway.
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snobgoblin · 1 year ago
erm I've actually been nervous to post my Arcana theories here but I really like this one if you'll fuck with me on this
I think that like, the way the characters use magic? is actually based on the Minor Arcana. let me explain
the suit cards, to my understanding, have an elemental association and an overarching thing they relate to in a reading. I'll list out the elemental association of each suit and the traits associated with it, to the best of my ability, drawing from multiple sources including the official Arcana tarot guide, and then when I'm done with that I'll explain how this correlates to the magic systems present in the game
Cups ☕️💧
this one is associated with water, and it relates to matters of the heart, emotions. as well as connections to other people, spirituality and adaptability
Swords 🗡🌬
is associated with air, and deals with internal dialogues, logic, and intuition. it also has associations with decision making and intelligence
Wands 🪄🔥
this one is associated with fire and emphasizes willpower, self reliance, and the ability to take direct action. there's a lot of strong emotions associated with this one, it's a passionate suit
Pentacles ⭐️🍃
is associated with earth and deals with the tangible things in one's life, physical things. it also represents hard work, stability, and practicality
NOW THAT IVE EXPLAINED THAT let me explain how this fits into the way characters will use magic
Asra 💧
i dont think *matters of the heart* represents anyone better than Asra, how about you 😉? not to mention his magic is described as feeling like rain, he communicates through water, he can MAKE water in the desert, in the gladiator battle they can control it too iirc, AND his personal gate is full of pools of water. their teachings also seem extremely emotion based in a way that's hard for me to explain, a very "believe it will happen and it will happen" kind of way to using magic (God I wish I could articulate this better but luckily the others will be easier to explain) all of this would mean they would be operating under the Cups magic system
Nadia 🌬
Intuition is her whole thing! of course she'd be the swords (also notable that Nadia is great with a sword) intelligence also screams Nadia, she knows 12 languages and when she first met the High Priestess all she wanted to do was figure out how the realm worked because it wasn't scientifically accurate to her. decision making is also fitting considering she is the Countess
Lucio 🔥
Lucio is actually a little bit bad at magic according to Asra, so I won't be relying on him entirely for this (you'll see) however, it should be noted that when Lucio summons Vlastomil, he does so by setting a fire and then cutting open the bottoms of his feet. this mirrors how Morga uses magic, like once she cuts open her palm to catch her own spear on fire, and there is no hesitation in the way Morga uses magic, like rushing into portals (not for recklessness, but because she's so sure of herself) and another time she breaks the Devil's chains via extremely precise spear throw, something Asra is impressed by. so! I think the wands suit fits just perfectly when we consider direct action and self reliance in reference to Morga, and I suppose by extension Lucio, if he practiced a bit more
Muriel 🍃
his magic is actually described as feeling earthy at at least three different points, and the way he casts magic is very interesting as well. runecasting, which is described in the game as Muriel throwing a rock and interpreting the meaning. which is a very physical, grounded way to use magic. not to mention the myrrh and protection charms he uses- those are also extremely tangible things, naturey things so I think it aligns perfectly with the Pentacles. I would even argue that Mazelinka falls under this magic system, since she uses plants to make her potions- which is also a tangible way to do magic- pulling from your environment and such
so yeah I just thought that was interesting 🤔
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liddlbiddlbunnie · 11 months ago
25 days of agere moodboards !!
Day 10: based off of another regression blog
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This moodboard is based off of the amazing @sippycuppup !! They are one of my favorite regression bloggers on tumblr and I absolutely adore their posts! The layours are always so neat and the themes are on point! Their account gives me naturey, nostalgic feelings and has a primary color pallete. It also makes me think of primary school and the very hungry caterpillar!!
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taiziyueshen · 5 months ago
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@lotftober2024 day 10: headcanons !!!
the drawing is just ralph doodling :))
im very tired so few headcanons written, but i have lots so feel free to ask and ill probably answer them later 😇 (i fell asleep before posting this at 11pm help)
- Jack
his parents spent very little time with him, mainly leaving him with the church or with tutors
his parents could only express how disappointed they were in the fact jack became a "savage", rather than "acting like an english boy", and didnt care much if at all about the long-lasting effects and trauma the island caused him
jack is the way he is because of his parents.
he has never had any siblings, nor even met any of his extended family, but will forever feel like his ability to lead is an expectation, and he has no other choice to be a leader, otherwise he has no purpose in the group (basically canon but some people choose to ignore it...)
ralph was his unintentional gay awakening (/silly)
post-island jack was terrified of seeing ralph again because he'll never escape the guilt of almost killing him
selective mutism
was raised by his grandparents
modern-y simon would wear long naturey themed skirts (notbsure how to describe it
listens to his friends yap happily, and could talk/write about how much he loves and enjoys all of them and how different their personalities and perspectives on things are
genuinely enjoyed choir
poor boy is severely traumatized.
based on a fix i read, but hes overly observant and paranoid about his surroundings, and cant handle pigs, spears, being chased (even in sports or playtime), and being snuck up on
refused to eat meat for months after getting off the island in fear it was pork
has frequent nightmares about the night simon died
wants to be angry and hate jack, but hes unfortunately aware that they were just kids, he heard the men on the television say it, they were all just a bunch of silly kids that decided to play war
his parents were never strictly religious, so he never really went to church
his first time in the church mightve been visiting the funeral/s for simon, piggy, and the mulberry boy
he isnt much of an artist, but more healed post-island ralph that's more amended with jack doodles them both in little stick figures
awful awful parents
parents are also why he is the way that he is
ended up in some form of foster care after the island
was forced into choir because his mom wanted him to do something she could brag about, but his dad thought it was the stupidest thing, and that he dhould be preparing himself to join the silly army like he did
used to absolutely adore christmas
hated choir for a while because his dad did, until it became a safe space
now he genuinely enjoys it
he really likes animals
feels genuine guilt for what he did to piggy, and felt sick in the moment of him doing it
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rainymossgoddess · 4 months ago
Hey how was everyone's day, good? Good. I would never come up with a basic story/vibe for a nonexistent zelda game on a whim instead of studying. Nope. Definitely not like I'm writing this post instead of studying or anything.
Hey unrelated what if there was a zelda game where Link and Dark Link had a sort of Link & Midna style relationship and the major themes of the game were about, like, the corrupt side of those in positions of power and how darkness does not equal evil bad bad.
Continued below the cut cause I've written myself into a corner with this pitch-
Dark Link
Dark Link is Midna adjacent, serving a supportive role as a sort of secondary protagonist. Kinda similar to Spirit Tracks zelda in a way, though they could interact with the world a bit more.
This could manifest in a couple of ways, though the first ones that come to mind are possession of armors and stuff (again, spirit tracks as inspo) and a shadow form that's similar to, like, the painting bracelet from Link Between Worlds.
Part of what's happening in my head is that i just want to see Link playfully arguing with his shadow (Dink).
There are also thoughts in my brain about a plot twist so hard it gives the audience whiplash but we'll see (will elaborate later).
Becomes more than just Link's bitter goth clone, developing a personality and both distancing themselves from but becoming closer to link.
In a fruity way?
Off the top of my head I want this Link to feel similar to Legend (or at least similar to legend's vibe in all too many of the fics I have been reading).
Definitely a magic user. Fire and Ice magic could have fun game mechanics built around them (light and reflections respectively).
Classic green outfit? Maybe with a more naturey vibe.
Darker color scheme, more suited to sneaking
Both Link and Dink have matching flower crowns as part of their outfits (Link has purple and Dink has Yellow).
For some reason I REALLY want a prince in one way or another (transfem or transmasc preferably. Y'know.)
Very pressured by abusive+corrupt nobles/dad
Unable to access triforce but hides it and learned magic in secret to keep appearances.
Still Not Enough, keeps pushing themselves over the healthy limit. Perhaps ends up hurting themself in one way or another.
Maybe the Queen could still be alive but just sleeping beauty'd by the King cause he wanted power.
King as a boss battle??
Major plot twist mentioned in Dink's section is maybe they don't have the triforce of Wisdom at all.
Option A is they actually have the triforce of Power.
Option B is they don't even have a triforce, making every bit of their magical prowess even more impressive.
Definitely not the antagonist
I feel like we're all pretty tired of the whole 'ooh ominous big villain here to kill everyone surely it's a mystery- NOPE ITS GANONDORF AGAIN BABY HAHA.'
I think he should be included somehow though, perhaps even as a triforce holder.
Antihero, possibly? I think I like the vibe of him being a goofy old hermit on the edge of the gerudo highlands with a cute little orchard more though. Of course, these aren't exclusive of each other, but still.
He has no want of power or lust to rule Hyrule, at most he wants to run a little farm.
Possible plot point is him having cut off his triforce bearing hand because he has no want of power and the triforce being a part of him would only bring unwanted attention upon him.
Avid knitting circle member.
Big Nasty
A major servant of Hylia, possibly?
Alternatively, three servants of the golden trio.
They've blocked off Hylia/The Golden Trio's greater connection(s) to the people and land of hyrule, seeking to replace her/them as a god.
Final final battle with puppeted sleeping Hylia?
I sense power creep
General stuff i guess
Could take place during a time of peace
Biggest demise sided villains would also be sided with the Big Nasty, but for their own reasons
Lore/sequel stuff??
Sequel adventure could be to re-seal/kill the Ganon/Demise/Whatever and keep the peace
Maybe something gets twisted with that
Killing TWO gods? (Hylia and Demise to halt the cycle, at least for a long while)
Perhaps halting the cycle allows the hero's spirit to move on from this endless war (echoing in an era of fresher villains)
Of course this is all just me rambling on- I would love to hear some feedback on these ideas!
I also desperately want to draw art for these characters my head has rotating violently but I always get too in my own head about drawing so-
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krmzyn · 7 months ago
GIYSYSYS i need help house shopping for my better cr.. 😭 (im shifting there tonight so i luv yous but i need a decision QUICKCK /lh)
(Reblogs r so appriciated so more ppl can help me w this!)
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Its between these 3 rn. Basically i want a bigger house that’s, like, really natury but not in the middle of nowhere. I have some floor plans selected (below cut) so I’ll just script those changes to whichever house i pick, but im rlly not sure 😭 I love the look of all of them sm..
Admittedly im kinda leaning towards the first one (also sorta bc thats the house the floorplans for loll) but i love the really naturey feel of the second one and the dock on the last is so cute.. (also ikk i can jsut script that into the house i pick.. bc i will be, but also let me house shop its so fun 💔)
Anyways!! Which house do yous think??
House floorplan here!! (Ik its for two diff houses but tbh idc 😚)
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cobra-creampuff · 1 month ago
about the so and so is a fae thing. First and Foremost yes absolutely it is hugely reductive to that person and their work, and also almost always an erasure of some kind usually racial/ethnic let's be honest.
but it's also highly reductive on the other half too. like. people say this about artists that either have a certain ethereal, choral, or "naturey" sound to them (and/or who are powerful and intimidate them that they feel the need to defang by forcing into a framework that is more familiar and less real). but uhh. "fae" actually isn't an aesthetic. fae aren't a contextless set of fantasy traits that belong to everywhite.
the artist you're talking about is a person who has an identity and a cultural and a personal perspective, as well as histories, influences, intentions, contexts you must acknowledge and at least Try to comprehend in order to respect and authentically appreciate their art. and that's all without even getting into respecting them as an individual human person. who is human. and a person. not a creature, myth, or symbol. who has a place in the material world. where they are from. that they affect and are affected by. because they are a corporeal, mortal human person.
and the thing you're comparing them to. i'm so sorry to break it to you, but it also comes from a culture with traditions and values and history and influences and context. all of which are important due to the fact that it, like, has meaning. and purpose. and precedent. reducing it all down to "heehee nature magic (occasionally with Irish accent) 🥰" is also disrespectful, objectifying, appropriative, commodifying, entitled,
maybe next time just, like. try to remember that actually people and cultural phenomena are complex and specific and not interchangeable toys for you to play make believe with, and then idk use, like, an adjective or something.
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bakershakers · 26 days ago
i dont really know how tumblr works or what people usually post here, and i dont know if anyone will even see this but heres just like an intro to me :))
im cesar, im 15 almost 16 as of writing this and i love nature. i love geography and travel and flowers and i love music and i wanna get into reading, if you have any book suggestions feel free to give them to me 😛😛
okay so geography--in 2021 i moved from my childhood house and i kinda felt like i also left myself there, so id turn to google earth as a form of coping because that was the only way i could continue to see all the places i loved and my house without having to drive the 20ish minutes there through heavy traffic. i know its not a long distance but yall its america thats like really long like almost 10 miles. anyways, me scrolling around all my childhood memories on google earth lead to me exploring well earth. from then on, i was obsessed. call it a hyperfixation if you will but i was OBSESSED, i never stopped. my passtime is exploring cities on google earth. i can name every country within 15 minutes now, every state, locate every state on a blank map, every canadian province, locate ever mexican state, you get the point. i love geography. this sorta ties into my next one:
i love traveling! im pakistani american (first gen) so ive been to many places internationally including the uae, pakistan, canada, the uk (just london tho), the netherlands, and to a lesser extent (like layovers n such) portugal, spain, and qatar. the second i graduate highschool i am leaving florida because i can not STAND it here omfg. i wanna go to nyu, but if i get into ucla thatd be my first. given my grades and the fact that my mom went to nyu, it seems more reasonable of a goal. my dream is to live in seattle and raise kids there in the city proper, i love washington state and the mountains and the forests like yall omfg you dont understanddddd.
speaking of forests, i love flowers. flowers are literally the bane of my existence. a newer one of my interests seeing as it started in late january and its currently late february, but oh my god i cant i cant i cant theyre so pretty and delicate and precious and beautiful like how do they even exist its just so unfathomable how pretty they are like this is literally proof god exists because wTFFFF!!! something this beautiful and this widespread doesnt happen by chance (with that given, im an ex muslim and an athiest so 😭😭, philosophy is one of my big interests though, i just dont feel like writing about it rn) i love biology and science like im in ib rn and my hl's (higher level classes) that i picked for next year and senior year are hl bio, hl chem, and hl english so yeah i love science. im more of a naturey science person, like animals plants geography, FLOWERS, etc!! im thinking of doing something science for my major in college 🥳🥳
next, i love music. if you know me irl, youll know my love for music. it expands into nearly ever conversation i have. my top artists rn are (not in order) lana del rey, billie eilish, beabadoobee, marina, bôa, laufey, mitski, the marías, ic3peak, some of poppy, olivia rodrigo, grimes, kali uchis, and im tryna get into doechii currently. i love music, its so beautiful. my fav albums ever are norman f*cking rockwell, ultraviolence, happier than ever, froot, this is how tomorrow moves, beatopia, and bury me at makeout creek. as of writing this my top song for the past week are as follows; this is how it went, california, beaches, mariners apartment complex, and youre here thats the thing :)))
last but definitely not least, reading. poetry is so poetic. poetry is beautiful. i love when words have meaning instead of being flat blank skidmarks on a piece of dead tree pulp, like i love the entirety of violet bent backwards over the grass by lana del rey, her poetry and her symbolism in music always shocks me, its so good. same with marina and billie, theres a reason those are what i consider my 'big 3' , i stream them by far the most and theyre my absolute favs, i know the lyrics to nearly all of their songs!! anyways, i want poetry that speaks to me, literature that speaks to me. im thinking of maybe pursuing music or poetry in the future as maybe a side thing. i love sylvia plath, ive been meaning to go to the library and see if they have her books for a while now but i just havent found the time, hopefully soon!!
heres some last things to know about me though; im fascinated by religion and philosophy having grown up muslim (and still practicing despite not believing cuz yk parents n all), im also fascinated by topics like politics or gender and sexuality. for most of the pandemic i went by he/they and identified as gay, but as of now im he/him and identify as bisexual. ive never dated but like DGAFFFF, anyways!! i maybe wanna be a politician in the future bc i hate the current system, but idk how thatd play out. so, yeah, thats me! have any thoughts leave them below, wanna be friends then follow me and we can get to talking :)) thanks for reading!!
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