#also interesting that both gangs are robbing the same home
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i think it's interesting that red dead redemption 2 opens by setting up this dichotomy between dutch van der linde and colm o'driscoll. we see the ways in which they contrast quite early, but what we see even earlier is the ways in which their gang members contrast.
the o'driscoll that jumps arthur, once you have the ability to interrogate him, will fold instantly. no further beating required. you simply ask, and he will give up information. his loyalty to colm o'driscoll and his gang was fickle. then, when you see how colm treats his gang members, it makes sense. he clearly doesn't respect them, and that's why within chapter 1 not one but two o'driscoll's (barn jumper and kieran duffy) fold on their loyalty to their gang without much push at all. in fact, kieran also reaffirms this idea that he hardly knows the o'driscolls and he even hates colm.
dutch would know this. they have a history, which this chapter makes sure to relay, so dutch would be privvy to the way colm operates and treats those around (or under - in a hierarchal sense) him. he would also know what it yields. he affirms this when he talks about how many gang members colm goes through, how low the standards are for the o'driscolls and how impersonal their dynamic is. in contrast, we see the way dutch treats those around him. he seems to care for them and their well being, insists upon their safety. but we know retroactively that perhaps, this wasn't truly who he ever was. he's self serving, which this chapter also establishes through subtle nods like his calls for the gang to stay with him, or the subtle reflex to put himself before the group when speaking of charles smith's necessity to the gang.
the contrast between dutch and colm only really strengthens this idea of it being a facade for me. especially as we are told they have history, both from his own mouth and arthur's. with time spent around colm, both amicable and antagonistic, dutch has come to understand how colm works and how he doesn't work. and he responds accordingly.
colm and the o'driscolls are really a pretty minor antagonist, so it makes one wonder why they're the first one we're introduced to and struggle with the longest. their impact on the story is tangible but in comparison to the pinkertons, leviticus cornwall and dutch van der linde himself, they pale in comparison. but the contrast between dutch and colm, the o'driscolls and the van der lindes, in retrospect calls dutch's character into question early.
#guess who'e replaying rdr2#i was rly struck w this idea that they're an interesting opening contrast#also interesting that both gangs are robbing the same home#and residing in abandoned mining camps of sorts#many paralells that rly emphasize the ways in which they're similar by kieran's description#but also contrasting the ways in which they're different likr caring for sadie's safety (after looting her house)#ANYWAY#rdr2#dutch van der linde#colm o'driscoll#red dead redemption 2#arthur morgan#kieran duffy#thinky
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Alright, I see other writing blogs doing this, so here's my writeblr intro. Still needs some work but this'll do for now.
Hi! I'm Logan (Yes, like Wolverine), I'm 19 years old, use He/him pronouns, and I'm from South Africa. My main interests are writing, philosophy, history, binge-reading entire series' at a time and any kind of experimental artistic media. All my characters' sexualities and gender identities are up for interpretation unless explicitly stated.
Despite being an English language writer, English is not actually my first language and thus I do still have my fair share of idiot moments in it. If you notice that I used a word wrong, or if my grammar or a phrase seems little bit off, don't hesitate to let me know.
Below are my current WIP's:
Children of the Stars

Perspective: third person limitted.
Genre: Science fiction political drama and mystery.
Tropes: Slowburn lovers, enemies to friends to lovers (more like mutual annoyances to friends to lovers), a stranger in a stranger land, found family.
Status: Currently being worked on.
First chapter
Lyanni has been condemned and incarcerated, charged with witchcraft under the paranoid reign of her home kingdom. Under the laws of her people, she is offered up to their patron Angel as a gift of thanks for ending a long and bloody war, and to her horror: he accepts.
Soon, however, she learns the shocking truth of the universe. Her people's angels are members of an Alien organisation in service to the Empire of Earth, charged with working from the shadows to foster the upliftment of her people in order to free up the human garrison for the front lines of a star-spanning war, and the same is happening on a thousand other worlds.
This Angel, however- who calls himself Adrian- is about as happy about their new living arrangement as she is, which is to say not at all.
When a ship carrying an experimental superweapon crashes on her world, the two must begrudgingly work together in a desperate race against time to find it, while also holding back the tide of forces that threaten to plunge her world into armageddon.
Children of the Wolves

Perspective: First person limitted
Genre: Sci-fi political drama and heist story with some pulp western and cyberpunk elements.
Tropes: found family, heists, honour among thieves, glorious bastards, a lot of gay, high-tech Low-lifes, class divide, redemption arc.
Status: Scheduled to be written sometime after Children of the Stars.
Four years after Children of the Stars, Adrian Castellan returns to Callisto to make amends with his family and tie up the final loose ends of his early life.
Accompanied by Lyanni Sverik and Wilhelm Freedman, he links up with his siblings: Isabelle and Marcus Castellan, and while the trio catch up and scheme to finally exact vengeance for the deaths of their mother and friends at the hands of a rival clan's lord, Lyanni learns the story of why Adrian left his homeworld in the first place.
Seven years before Adrian became an IUC praetor, he was a member of the Volnur, a gang of six young but promising Callistoan gunslingers who acted as the enforcers of clan Castellan.
After a slightly botched trade negotiation with a rival clan forces them to scatter and regroup at home base, Adrian bumps into a mysterious offworlder running from both civil security and the Solar homeguard themselves, and offers to bring him to his clan's holdings for safety.
With supplies running low and the botching of the deal that was meant to save them, the six gunslingers and their new offworlder tagalong begin plotting to rob a Civil Security supply train.
Yet other forces move in the shadows, snapping at their people and waiting for their eventual fall, and with a young Adrian's ambition growing constantly, fostered by his mother's guidance as the Lady of clan Castellan, he will eventually come to match wits with some of the most powerful people not only on Callisto, but throughout the entirety of the Jupiter Prefecture, he will come to question who can be trusted, and whether his own well-founded ambition has given way to a fatal hubris.
The Tempest prince

Perspective: multiple pov first person.
Genre: YA contemporary fantasy with some elements of eldritch horror.
Tropes: Stranger in a strange land, finding identity, causality loop, found family (to an extent), recruiting teenagers with an attitude.
Status: On the back-burner til I gain a little more experience with certain writing skills that'll be necessary to write a 21 book series.
"Congratulations. You are now dead"
Those were the last words he heard before his normal life came to an end.
It was just a another day in February, the scorching, vampiric heat of the sun beating down on the brothers as they slogged through just another school day. At least it was just another day, at least until they stumbled into another dimension and accidentally brought something back with them.
From then on, Jason and Alex Haliday found themselves caught up in a hidden world, one where Jaegers -a race of magic-capable supersoldiers- contain and hunt that which shouldn't be; where ancient gods and forgotten horrors seep through every crack and crevice right under humanity's collective nose. When the brothers show abilities that no-one -Human or Jaeger- ever have, they are offered a job.
Of course, the pair first need to survive two years of training. Noone wants to send a pair of untrained teens into the longest battle of human history, after all. But between a school rivalry, a bloodsport tournament, and a looming ancient threat, it quickly becomes apparent that even while surrounded the extraordinary, their lives still refuse to fall within the established 'normal'.
When their home is attacked: their mother put into a coma and Alex kidnapped, Jason- accompanied by his new Demihuman friend Helga Ravenscar- goes on a manhunt to find his brother against the express orders of some of the most powerful people in the hunter cities. The pair must balance hiding such a dangerous endeavour with excelling in the taxing student life of a mage and a medical officer in training, while eldritch forces plot and scheme in the backdrop.
Echoes of Shadows

Perspective: multiple pov third person limitted.
Genre: Gritty Fantasy-noir detective story.
Tropes: Five man band, (Dunno what to call this but it's like the world is halfway through a transition that'll change every aspect of daily life. Will edit once I've figured it out)
Status: Scheduled to be the next project I finish. Probably.
First chapter
The city goes by many names: Novya Koroleva, Zuidpunkt, De Gat, but the local Ost-Rietlanders simply call it The Pit: the city that'll swallow you whole and spit out whatever bones may remain, a nature that has been exasperbated by the recent surge in mages, splitting the population almost evenly between regular people and the magic capable.
To Johan Suiderkloof and Anastasia Retvenko, the city offered a new start, free of the horrors of their pasts, and among it's verminous populace, they have carved out work for themselves as a private detective agency.
It's a stable job, with many opportunities to find work in the Sodom. By day: the pair investigate cartels, murders, infidelity, all the worst that society has to offer.
But late at night, when Zuurveldt, Ost-Rietland and the rest of the continent of Sumer sleep soundly, they stalk the shadows for leads, tracking down the fanatic followers of dark gods and puttinh an end to their machinations.
When mysterious murders with occult symbolism surrounding them begin to crop up throughout the city and surrounding countryside, the pair find their lot unceremoniously cast in with complete strangers, caught in the powerplay of cults and dead gods as they try to untangle a growing conspiracy that threatens their world as they know it.
The lonely god

Perspective: First person.
Genre: Science fiction.
Status: In the process of being finished up.
The lonely god is a short story I wrote more than a year ago (Originally titled "The last human) and am currently in the process of remastering. I'll be posting it here when I'm done with it.
Some sixteen millenia in the future, humanity finds itself forceably coalesced into a single, immortal being. This individual, born of a trillion infighting souls, is the last human, a species made into a god, and 'The lonely god' follows their story til the end of the universe and beyond as they seek out revenge for what was done to their people while slowly learning to let go of hate.
What does it mean to be alive when you'll outlive even the sand beneath your feet? How do you cherish or love when everything vanishes in but a blink of the eye? How can the product of trillions ever be an individual?
And when the score has been settled; When every trail has been blazed, and all knowledge learnt; When all that is left is to watch as the stars slowly whimper away: how will you find meaning?
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Since Christmas is in 3 days can I maybe get some Hc's about Jimmy and Alex spending time With reader around this time?
(Moki!!! I love you so much and hope you have good times!!!)
Tsundere Delinquent Bully X Reader:
Christmas HCs

Jimmy Santos
✣ Jimmy has never celebrated Christmas, because his uncle is mostly drunk and his aunt is never home, also he never grew up in a healthy household, so his first Christmas is going to be with you!!!
✣ He only celebrated Christmas once with Alex and Chris and he was mortified, because those two also don't know Christmas traditions and they kept making up stuff and some of it wasn't really family friendly....
✣ So, upon the beginning of December, drag this man out and play with him in the snow, he's going to be so happy!!! He's never known how soft snow can be until he fell face first into the snow with his uncle laughing at him in the back....
✣ He would love to help you pick a Christmas tree, but het gets all confused and doesn't see the difference between them....After you both get one and set it up and get it ready to be decorated, he going to be waiting all patient beside you, while you do it, like a little baby.
✣ He would also dance with you, he surprisingly knows and still remembers a little bit of waltz as he took an interest in it when he young and tried learning it from Youtube, but he dropped it after entering middle school and meeting Alex, Chris and his gang.
✣ He also tried crocheting and now, he knows how to make you mittens, gloves and what not for your hands and he doesn't really care that you don't need them, just take them, he made some for you that he might want you to wear when he decides to propose to you, he put five hours of work in them to make them special for you!!!
✣ Jimmy now has a fake ID and would often buy alcoholic drinks for Christmas and probably would sneak his uncle and aunt's drinks as well, he doesn't really care what they think...He likes to have festive drinks as well...He has three different types of Christmas wine, he maxed out his uncle and aunt's card to get them for you both, yes you did end up drinking it after much persuation from him.
✣ Oh!!!! You both also bake cookies and gingerbread, and he won't stop baking and making them until he got the authentic taste and they look perfect in his eyes, it's gonna take hours..So now you both have many different types of amazing cookies to give away as Christmas presents to your neighbors.
✣ Oh, yeah I honestly think you'd have a Christmas party where you'd invite Director Richards and when he enters the house he sees Jimmy and immediately gets scared that he's trying to rob you or that he threatened you to invite him...
✣ But after you welcome Director Richards and leave him to sit near Jimmy, where he holds you hand occasionally kissing it, Director Richards absolutely dies on the inside, because Jimmy Santos? The biggest delinquent of the school? The biggest asshole? Being sweet with you? The kind child and the hall monitor?????? He can't believe he got to date you, he's mad thinking Jimmy will distract you from your studies, but you still do as good as you used to before and Jimmy is now getting slightly better in his studies as well, so he'll ignore it, but he's still not fine with it...
✣ Jimmy hates to play in the snow, or so he makes it seem, because of his RoUgHeSt GuY oN tHe BlOcK ReP....He actually loves snow, he loves to play with it like it's slime, trying to squish and poke it, and he builds balls with it saying they're diamond ball he found while in the pyramid of Hong-Kong...He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit!!!
✣ He also loves Christmas treats, especially if they have white chocolate in them and they have Oreo in them, he don't care whether it's just a gloop and not even a treat yet, he's just swallowing that shit....
✣ He also loves to make snowmen, they're also named 'Goody Two Shoes' after you and he says it's a snowman version of you, they are also the same height as your as he often decorates it with tiny snow diamonds!!!!

Alex Bokarov
☣ Alex, if he wasn't like what he was in the series like not traumatising nor crazy, he would actually be very sweet boyfriend. Alex but still is a part of his gang and would probably still be friends with Jimmy and his S/O.
☣ Alex would try to tell you his favourite traditions, but they're all mortifying, like he wants to have mayonnaise to make and decorate his gingerbread houses and gingerbread-men...He's very optimistic about it at-least, so that's a plus point...I guess?
☣ He would carry you around in snow, playfully pretending to drop you and would often kiss you to calm you down and later on whine about how you don't love him if you don't give him pecks every 20 seconds.
☣ He knows how to make amazing hot coco, they're the absolute best, so warming and creamy, yet not too filling, it is great and when he makes them for you, he lifts you up and sits you on the counter and often make-out, while your hot cocos are slowly heating on the excruciatingly slow so he gets more time to kiss you.
☣ He grew up near a old couple who would looks after him, Jimmy, Chris and other gang members as her sons and would always make them those satisfying, ugly yet adorable, vintage, Christmas sweaters, upon learning of Alex dating you, she would now make you a sweater too as to welcome you to the neighbourhood, you and Alex both have matching reindeer sweaters and they look absolutely adorable on Alex.
☣ He knows how to play a guitar, but he only plays it for Christmas, he calls it "Christmas guitar', so you both can have fun singing Christmas songs, this begins when you start the month of November, when one day you were rummaging through old things in Alex's attic, you came across a guitar decorated with painting of snow, snowmen, Christmas lights, pine trees and overall festivity symbols.
☣ Upon taking it to Alex, he told you about his hobby of playing guitar from Christmas songs and Christmas chorus at the church, so his singing voice is just amazing even though it is quiet in the beginning because he's shy and then he gets confident and starts singing normally.
☣ Alex is also good at making cakes and gingerbread, he makes everyone jealous with his gingerbread house making skills, including you, except when you get all pouty, he gives in easily and lets you sit in his lap when he feeds you your favourite food.
☣ If there is one thing he loves about Christmas is buying each-other gifts, you both will play a game with Jimmy and his girlfriend, the game will include buying things for everyone according to a list given to everyone, it's like a secret Santa, but a bit more fun for him!!
#Tsundere delinquent bully x reader#navi⌗writes⌗#navi⌗answers⌗!!!!!#Jimmy Santos X Reader#Alex Bokarov X reader#anime#jimmy santos x reader#alex bokaravo x reader#tsundere delinquent bully#tsundere delinquent bully x y/n#tsundere delinquent bully x reader#tsundere deliquent bully series#tsundere delinquent bully headcanons#tsundere delinquent fanfics#tsundere delinquent bully imagines#jimmy santos headcanons#Jimmy santos imagines#alex bokarov heacanons
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The Lost Boys: Sirius, Percy, and BCJ
I was thinking about Sirius and BCJ being the OG Azkaban escape artists, and it occurred to me that their lives are actually parallels in several ways. Sirius grows up with an overbearing parent in a family with Voldemort sympathizing beliefs. He, however, goes in the complete opposite direction of his family, befriends a bunch of blood traitors, and runs away from home. His mother disowns him (allegedly?) and blasts him off the tapestry. BCJ, does the same, but on the other side of things. He grows up with an overbearing parent in a family with strict law abiding beliefs. He goes completely against his family and joins a pureblood supremacist gang. When he is arrested for his crimes, his father has him hauled off to prison.
And like, sure, sure, sure, the House of Black is fucked up, that is Known, but what on Earth was happening in the Crouch household? I mean, just the absolute insanity of Crouch Sr. agreeing with his wife’s plan to break BCJ out of Azkaban...when she was sitting there crying through his whole trial and likely begging her husband not to throw him in jail in the first place Crouch Sr was like “nah, fuck ‘em, off to the dementors he goes”. But then she’s on her death bed the very next year and asks him to put her in Azkaban in BCJ’s place, Crouch is like “yeah, sure.” What?!
(My interpretation of his change of heart: partially motivated by his wife’s last wishes, yes, but I think if his wife had been on her death bed when BCJ stood trial, he wouldn’t have cared if she asked him to release their son. First, Crouch was in a very different position at the time of his son’s trial. He was rising in power and had supporters, and he felt compelled to make an example of his son to mitigate the embarrassment of having a DE son in the first place. A year later, he had less to lose. Second, the trial was public and breaking BCJ out of Azkaban was secret. My read on Crouch is that he was the type of person to typically behave the same in private as he did in public, but if he was going to put his family above the law he was only going to do it in secret. Which is sad. Whack priorities, man, whack priorities.)
Crouch is such an interesting example of both extreme rigidity and obvious moral relativism. The man is so in love with the law he might as well have married it (because he had no business having an actual human family). And yet, he is comfortable bending the law when it suits him. He authorizes the use of the Unforgivables, so long as they’re used on the “wrong sort”, he sent people to Azkaban without a trial, and he breaks his son out of prison and harbors him as a fugitive with the aid of an Unforgivable for years. Not to mention poor Bertha. He's rigid enough to send BCJ to Azkaban without an apparent lick of regret or sorrow, flexible enough to Imperius BCJ in captivity.
Another parallel, another example of rigid parenting leading to the excommunication of a child is, of course, Percy. He completes the unholy trinity, because there are really three sides in this war: the Ministry, the pureblood supremacists, and the Order. BCJ goes from Ministry origins to the pureblood supremacists, Sirius from pureblood supremacist origins to the Order, and Percy from Order origins to the Ministry. The circle is complete. All three are considered dead to at least one of their parents (Sirius, unfortunately, is probably considered dead to both his parents, but Percy and BCJ both have sorrowful mothers who still love their children). All of these parents have whack priorities, imo. They only want children who agree with their politics. If you love your principals more than you love your children, then you probably shouldn’t have children, and I don’t care what those principals are tbh.
And it’s interesting to note that Crouch Sr. is pretty significantly involved in all three of these stories. BCJ is obvious, but he also is responsible for sending Sirius to Azkaban and robbing him of the opportunity to defend himself, and he is Percy’s first mentor in the Ministry. It is Crouch, I think, rather than Fudge or Scrimgeour, who represents the “power gets to your head” theme in the Ministry faction best (a theme we see in Voldemort for the pureblood supremacists and Dumbledore for the Order). He foreshadows the idea that the Ministry is not and will not be the “good guys”. And he’s one of the first illustrations that, while there’s obviously a bad side, there’s bad in every side.
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So when he rolled up to the nurse’s station at 6PM just before she gave report to night shift, a stolen pudding cup in hand and cheeks rosy from the cold chill of Gibby’s hospital room. Harry grins at her, “Let me drive you to my place, yeah? I’m making dinner tonight.”
Her brows raise, a smile teases her mouth as she finishes writing down a cheat sheet for each room that she can give to the nurse coming in (she’s a bit new, and doesn’t know the flow of the floor very well yet, so Y/N tries to help when she can) “Yeah? Didn’t know you could cook.”
A gasp leaves him, “Oi, of course I can cook! I could make a Sunday roast that would put any Nan on the block to shame.”
Y/N gets everything she’s ever wanted (Harry does too)
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
“Holy fuck.”
Y/N had been equal parts nervous and excited when Harry invited her to his flat, a mere four days after they returned from Sweden. In all their time together, and in what they had gone through in the past few months, Y/N had not even so much as been extended the offer to go to his flat, let alone actually be privy to it. To no fault of his own -- Y/N reckons that the last thing on his mind was a tour of his home when someone was threatening to rob their company blind and murder his boss -- but that never meant she wasn’t curious.
She was excited because she thrived off visiting people’s places for the first time and learning what their decorating techniques consisted of. Ever since they’d started chatting past the nurse/family relationship, Y/N had been intrigued to know what his place looked like, and would even theorize about it sometimes if she had a moment to spare. Harry had very offhandedly mentioned that he had a Tanuki statue stationed to the right of his door as soon as you walked in, and Y/N (who also had a Tanuki statue) had her interest piqued immediately. Did she and Harry have similar decorating styles or just equivalent odd taste in staple items? Was that his only piece of decoration?
Some boys she considered complete psychopaths and had barren walls besides maybe a flag or a singular sports poster -- that’s why she’s nervous. Hell, she’d love him all the same if he was repping a Manchester football poster but visiting his flat would be a bit of a struggle.
So when he rolled up to the nurse’s station at 6PM just before she gave report to night shift, a stolen pudding cup in hand and cheeks rosy from the cold chill of Gibby’s hospital room. Harry grins at her, “Let me drive you to my place, yeah? I’m making dinner tonight.”
Her brows raise, a smile teases her mouth as she finishes writing down a cheat sheet for each room that she can give to the nurse coming in (she’s a bit new, and doesn’t know the flow of the floor very well yet, so Y/N tries to help when she can) “Yeah? Didn’t know you could cook.”
A gasp leaves him, “Oi, of course I can cook! I could make a Sunday roast that would put any Nan on the block to shame.”
“Better watch your mouth, Miss. Gregory has a keen sense of hearing and would beg to differ.” She clicks her pen shut, looking up to where he was leaning against the counter, “I’ll let you drive me, yeah, but can we stop by my place so I can grab Ubbe and a change of clothes? Reckon you don’t want the scent of hospital clouding your flat.”
‘Yes we can stop to grab Ubbe, no you may not grab any clothes. Want you in mine.”
Y/N pulls her bottom lip into her mouth, fixing a response for him in her head but Johnathan just about trips over himself with a convenience store cappuccino and a reusable grocery bag with his lunch, “I’m so sorry m’late, my bloody dog decided he was going to wee on my scrubs.”
“Well, I hope you changed out of them.” Harry notes and Y/N snorts, rolling her eyes before she rolls her chair over to him and starts her shift report.
Things had been calm since they returned from Sweden. Or as calm as they can be post-kidnapping, attempted murder, gang fiasco they had encountered there. When Y/N saw Gibson after it had happened, he pulled her into his body closely and squeezed her tight enough that she had a bit of trouble breathing. Y/N couldn’t lie, she was immensely happy to see him, and despite what she had learned about his relationship between him and his son, she let herself enjoy the cuddle. Even the kiss that he pushed to her temple, before holding tight on her shoulders, “I am not a man who fears many things,” he had started slowly, “Nor am I a man who cares about many things, but you -- I care about you,” he cradles her cheeks in his palms, patting it gently, “I’m glad you’re safe.”
Gibson -- just as Harry -- had a knack for making her feel like a very important addition to their lives. He was relieved to know that she would be his main nurse for the day, and Y/N it’s so he could keep an eye on her. She couldn’t fault him for it though because she beckons Harry around so that she can keep an eye on him. Niall doesn’t think anything is out of the ordinary regarding it, since they usually traveled in something short of a pack. The only reference to the night before that he made (other than asking about her hand, which she had promptly explained that she drunkenly broke a vase and tried to clean it up with her hands) was squeezing her shoulders and uttering, “Champagne turns you into a lightweight, ey? Harry treat you right?” Harry smiled a bit to himself and Y/N cleared her throat, tucking the hair behind her ear.
“Tucked me in, got me water, nursed my hangover, the whole nine.”
Niall patted Harry on the shoulder, “Nice then, mate. Hear one thing about you hurtin’ her and I’ll have to do ya in.”
Harry pouted, “What’s with all the threats my way?”
The night before had felt surreal; a bad, hyper-realistic dream that stuck with her like syrup to a plate. There wasn’t much on the agenda for them since the wedding had passed so they all kind of lingered in Niall and Gibson’s room. They ordered room service, rented a horror film (Gibson was something short of a horror buff, it turned out), and relaxed for the first time in a very long time. It felt like everyone had collectively let out a sigh (apart from Niall, who remained blissfully unaware and fast asleep most of the day).
Harry allowed the others to love upon her for a majority of the time they spent in Gibson’s room. She alternated from being close to where Gibson sat, to leaning against Mickey, and hell she even hung out with Niall a bit when he bothered to wake up. The only bits alone they had together were when she would take Ubbe out for a wee, which normally Mickey might want to accompany her during, but Harry was insistent that he be the one. Had practically pushed her over attempting to get up before Mickey could even think to say that he wanted to go, which he later apologized for.
“I just. . .it won’t be like this for long, but I just -- I wanna be near you, y’know?”
She did know -- because she didn’t want him out of her sight. The few moments that she had to spend, leaving him behind with someone who would ( did) harm him given the chance -- she couldn’t stand it. Could have crawled out of her skin even -- and she knows he must have felt the same, if not worse. Y/N was even more thankful now than ever that they were sharing a hotel room.
Because by the end of the night, when Y/N gave Gibson his nighttime meds, tucked Niall in, and pecked a kiss to Mickey’s scruffy cheek -- they got to flee together. Popped open the door to their room, Ubbe ran in first and beat them to the bed, and Harry suggested a cheeky shower together which -- well, Y/N said if he didn’t mind her in a shower cap (she couldn’t be arsed to wash her hair) then they could go right ahead and do it.
So they did, and Y/N doesn’t think she’s ever been this close with someone before. She helps him tie a plastic baggy over his thigh so that the bandage didn’t get wet before she changed it, and in turn, he helped her tie her own around her hand, “It’s good that I’m here, hm? How else would you clean this arm if you didn’t have me?”
“Niall is dexterous enough.” She teased him.
“I can assure you that I’m far more adept with my fingers than Niall.”
Nothing but bare, smooth skin that their hungry eyes drink each other in. Harry had a lot of tattoos and she can’t help but outline them with her gaze, though she does attempt not to let them wander too far downward -- she would feel bad to stare at his bits, even if he was getting a good look at hers. She did take a whack at his peachy bottom when he leaned over to turn the shower on, and he squeaked, putting his hand over it palm outward, “Aish, that hurt!” Y/N went for him again, a little harder on the other cheek until he straightened out and pivoted, looking at her with furrowed brows, “I’ll spank your bum, see how you like it.”
(Y/N reckons she would like it.)
The shower had been good; it was hot, steamy, and they hadn’t even done anything sexual. They just enjoyed one another, soaked in the hot pelts of water against their skin as they both took turns with who was in the direct line of the water. Harry cleaned her, sudsed her up with strawberry-scented soap, and made her all bubbly before nudging her back into the water. He sang obnoxiously loud, ticked her when he could, and he did get her back with a few swats on her wet bum, leaving a resounding smack that bounced off the walls in an echo. She had fun, and when he bent down to slide their lips together for an innocent little peck, she was over the moon.
It was just good to be with him, and she was happy that her feelings were finally able to be expressed. And he had almost immediately quelled her worries when she thought that maybe this was just a Sweden thing -- maybe they would go home, Harry would not feel the need to be around her constantly since the initial threat had been dealt with and he could go on about his normal life. When she really thought about it, she was sort of just a wrench in his normal plans -- an unnecessary addition and disruption, having accidentally gotten involved in their whole scenario.
But almost as soon as they landed, an hour or two after they had all parted ways to unpack and destress, Harry rang her phone and when she answered she got a, “I don’t think m’quite ready to not be around you 24/7 -- can I come over?”
With a grin that threatened to split her cheeks, she told him to hurry up.
While things were calm now, Y/N still strayed from going out too late at night or lollygagging when she went on her walks with Ubbe. She’s cautious still, of course, but it doesn’t feel like she has to keep looking over her shoulder. They were still taking care of some things, tying off the problem with a nice, neat little bow, and figuring out the semantics of what Elias had left behind with the people he’d hired. From what she understood they were paying them off with a suitable amount to make sure whatever they had discovered or heard wouldn’t be discussed, along with the looming threat that they had actually kidnapped her, and they shouldn’t be a problem any longer. Especially given the fact that they had no emotional ties to the whole situation.
There were still a few questions she might have and confusion on some parts of what happened, but Harry opens up and explains it to her if she asks him anything.
And now she was outside his flat, after climbing seven flights of steps with an ecstatic Ubbe who was beside himself with the new smells. It was a nice area -- a rich one, at that -- the kind of place that she would press her nose up against the window glass as they pass, before looking it up later and realizing that it’s a month’s salary for rent alone. The outer exterior was all sleek and white, about a thousand windows that decorated the building and peered into the lives of the residents. There were balconies as well, each flat had one and from where she could see when they were driving around it toward the parking garage, they were evenly spaced far apart from each other. Which she reasoned that they would be decently large on the inside.
They could have taken the elevator but Y/N felt too guilty to drag Ubbe in when there was an older woman and her friends stepping in, so they took the stairs. When Y/N had suggested it she hadn’t known he was on the seventh fucking floor, but she trudged up and huffed every time he giggled and teased her, even though he huffed and puffed himself.
He was quick with his keys, the slide of the teeth into the lock was smooth and clicked in a fluid motion that she envied (she had to jiggle and jangle her own), but he paused before he twisted the knob, and turned toward her, “Listen -- this is. . .new for me. I don’t invite people over ever . . .not even like hookups or anything, so other than the movers and the occasional Mitch -- nobody else has been here. This is my own little safe space, y’know, I try not to sully it with all the shite I’m in but you -- I just can’t get the thought of you in here out of my head. Needed to see it for myself.”
Her heart was full upon entry, which she hadn’t known if that was his intent or if he just needed her to know beforehand that he wasn’t used to having other people in his flat and he might be a little squirrely. Either or, she leaned forward and nudged her forehead against his shoulder (her hands were full with a wriggling Ubbe so at the time it had been her only option to show affection). She was still a little nervous about initiating the kisses -- Harry was typically the one to initiate it and Y/N melts into them.
Harry opened his door and Y/N was almost immediately greeted with the beloved Racoon dog statue. He told her to go ahead and let Ubbe run amuck (he was her good boy though, he wouldn’t climb any couches or beds without explicitly being told he was allowed to) as she was looking around the small foyer-like entrance. Right away she could tell that Harry had somewhat of an eye for interior design -- everything was cohesive in color and sense of style, he easily put her flat to shame. The sofa was facing away from the door and loveseat was caddy corner to it, both large, and a light grey that looked incredibly pricey but lived on -- there were blankets rumpled atop of it like he might have napped there, the pillows only kind of positioned correctly on the couch. They sat on a rug that is a lighter grey in tone, atop of smooth pine flooring. Behind the sofa, there was a dark console table that stretched along the length of it with a modern square lamp on either end. To the left at the end of the couch, he had an electric fireplace installed into a wall of what appeared to be marble, and above it his tv was fixed to the wall, far bigger than what she was used to. His coffee table looked like it was made of black glass, magazines and books were halfheartedly thrown in the middle.
But what really takes her, that she’s trying to drink in entirely, is the wall of windows that is opposite of where she stood. It was clearly the way to the balcony that looked far larger than it did from the car, the panes of glass were so clear that she would probably slam right into them. They only stopped when it reached the kitchen, because of its open concept she could see it from where she stood and it was all sleek, marble counters and black appliances that all looked incredibly new. There was an island counter with bar stools that she reckons he eats at. On the opposite end of the flat, there was a hallway that she believes led to what she presumes was the rooms and bathrooms.
“Holy fuck.” That’s where she was now, her brows raised as she turned to face him, “We’ve been at my crowded, old, rickety flat when you’ve had this just laying around?”
His brows furrow deeply, “Oi, I love your flat. It’s cozy and comfortable, don’t you dare talk about her like that.”
Y/N is too enamored with what she’s seeing to pay much mind to his words. She’s looking around with her face permanently stuck with her lips in an ‘o’ as she looks up and around, taking in the artwork that he had chosen, how it smelled like him, the way it appeared well lived in yet still pristine and polished, “If I lived here, I reckon I wouldn’t leave,” she continues, reaching out, letting her fingertips stroke against the couch wondering how the material could just feel expensive, “I’d be one of those nurses that answers panicked calls from parents at like 3AM ‘cos their kid sneezed.”
A snort leaves him, but he shakes his head all the same, “S’not that great. Gets a bit lonely.” Her face is pressed against the cool glass of the windows, looking out on the dazzling lights that twinkle from the city below them, but his words and the sad inflection in his voice drags her from it. She turns to face him, where he’s setting his things down on his coffee table before sliding up beside her, “It looks much better with you stalking around it though.”
She laughs, leaning her head against his shoulder, “I’ll come stalk about whenever you want then.”
Harry maneuvers them, kisses his teeth to garner her attention before stealing her lips in a kiss when she turns to face him. Her nose scrunches up and she giggles -- he’d let his facial hair grow out some, and it tickled her face when he pressed their mouths together. She sinks into it though as she always does, and Harry can only kiss her for a few moments before he begins to smile against her, and withdraws, “Christ,” he pecks another kiss against her mouth, “Alright, I’ll show you how to operate my shower, and I’ll have some clothes out for you to change into. Will you teach me how I should wash your scrubs?”
His bathroom is just as modern and seemingly hi-tech as the rest of his flat. He surpasses the one in the hall in favor of taking her to his own through the master bedroom, which has a Hilma af Klint painting (he and Mitch have similar tastes), a bed the size of a room that she’d grown up in (it felt like at the very least) that was made, with a black comforter and about thirty thousand pillows. The headboard was large, rectangular, and a dark stained wood that his other furniture matched. Across from his bed, there is another TV affixed to the wall, with a screen saver of a night sky during a thunderstorm. It smells like lavender and Harry -- she’s comforted by it.
There’s a sleek, black tub, an entirely separate shower that came straight from the ceiling, his sink counter is large -- like, several people could keep their morning and nightly skincare routines on there. He shows her how to use the shower (there was a fucking touch screen on the wall that she used to decide the settings), makes a cheeky joke about watching her undress before he left her be to shower.
It was unlike any showering experience she’d ever had before. He showed her the rainfall setting, gave her a spare loofah to scrub with and he let her use the rose-scented body soap he had a huge container full of. She scrubbed her skin raw, washed away every bit of the day. Harry had told her there was a surprise about the towel when she was finished, which she was soon to find that he had a heated rack. The towel is warm, big, and soft as she wraps it around her body, and she finds that he had left her some clothes to change into. It was a grey soft, worn Harley Davidson shirt and sweatpants. Y/N wriggled them on and left the bathroom. Harry told her he would be in the living room, so she ventured out from his bathroom, but she pauses when her eyes flicker across his dresser.
Set on his drawer chest, there was a photo frame that made her heart swell.
Y/N very vaguely remembers taking it -- the night of the bonfire, when she was scared to be alone and that man who’d been following her turned up at the park when she was there. Harry had come to get her, made her feel safe and soft. It was the first night she had met everyone, hung out with them, drank with them until she got sleepy, and managed to slump into Harry’s body. She remembers being lulled to sleep by the steady drum of his heart, how nice it sounded, how warm she felt, and she remembered how he accommodated her body with his arm around her while he let her rest. All of that she remembers quite vividly, however, the picture that was taken is what she has to dig through her thoughts to be reminded of. It was right after Harry had woken her up, called her snoozy, and patted her bum before letting her lean against him so they could walk to the car. Just before they had started their venture to the car, she remembers Mickey stopping them, having been trigger happy with a camera the entire night.
“Big smiles! This one’s for the books.”
Y/N’s eyes shut and she smiled sleepily, her fingers thrown in a peace sign and Harry grinned wide, a dimple dotting his cheek. The ember glow of the fire outlines them in an orange-ish tint as the flash illuminates them in the night, and Y/N wonders what possessed either of them to wear ripped jeans when she was almost certain that night it was below freezing.
“Tha’s my favorite photo,” Harry’s voice rings from behind her and she nearly startled out of her skin, turning her head to look at him, the frame in hand, “Mickey gave it to me like a month or two after he had developed it, I thought we were right cute.”
“We are,” she thumbs the wooden frame, the ridges dabbing into her skin, “This is the night you first stayed at my flat.”
“After you practically tore me a new one for suggesting otherwise,” his chin hooks on her shoulder, nose dipping into the curve of her throat, “You look nice in my clothes.”
“Reckon?” She leans back, melting into his touch, “They’re very soft, kinda feels like cuddling with you. Guess if I have your shirts I don’t have to bother with the body and your freezing toes.”
“Oi,” he grumbles, sliding his arms around her waist, “Be nice, Pet, or I’ll take ‘em right back. Besides, clothes can’t pet on you, or feed Ubbe, or even turn on the godforsaken vampire film or cook dinner.”
A gasp leaves her as she spun in his arms, “You put on Twilight?”
“Of course I did, you wouldn’t shut up about it before, which had me wondering if I remembered it correctly. Figure after you we eat and you tell me about all the gross shite you had to deal with today, we could watch it.”
It was true -- on the way to his flat, she had not so subtly mentioned that it felt like she was being invited into a vampire’s home before delving into a scene by scene explanation of the better half of Twilight. Harry had openly admitted to not really liking the film but he let’s her rant and rave anyway, even offered his commentary on what he did remember from it. Y/N thinks it’s the first time anyone other than her mother let her express the teenage nostalgia that still resonated with her and the movies as a whole.
And for him to put it on for them to watch? In his beautiful flat that smelled like him? Where she would be fed, be able to chat about her day with someone other than Ubbe, feel warm and happy? She couldn’t think of a better way to spend her time.
“As long as we can cuddle, I think this might be the perfect night.” She tells him and he rolls his eyes playfully, teasing her with a squeeze at her ticklish sides.
“Of course, we’re going to cuddle. You think I spent the last four months pining after you, just for us not to cuddle?”
Y/N lets her eyes flutter shut, leans into him, and smiles.
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So I did end up watching both Alien Avengers I (the one without baby Jason Sudeikis) and Alien Avengers II (the one with baby Jason Sudeikis).
They were definitely movies.
I remember when I tried to look them up, I could find very little information about either movie. So I thought I’d share my Opinions about them below the cut.
Be careful for spoilers. For movies from 1996 and 1997.
So the first move, Alien Avengers I or “Welcome to Planet Earth” is interesting. it’s very Roger Corman, which means that I’m not altogether sure what the genre actually is.
It’s a comedy, but also a bit of horror, and some pretty biting social commentary. And a surprising amount of slightly cartoonish gore.
The main premise is that George Wendt and Shanna Reed play “Charlie” and “Rhonda”, who look like a perpetually cheerful middle-aged white couple that are throwbacks to 1950s sitcom parents in a way (particularly in dress). They and their sulky, homesick daughter show up in a pretty awful part of town, presumably in California (?) for “vacation”, claiming that they want their daughter to experience “other cultures”.
Of course the twist, which is kind of blown in the title, is that they’re aliens. They come from an ultra peaceful, orderly society and they are on vacation. And what they do on this vacation is create elaborate scenarios that provoke admittedly horrible people to try to rob, rape, or kill them and murder the folk right back, all with cheerful touristy expressions. (Rhonda even takes many many pictures with her ever present camera.)
Their daughter, Daphne, isn’t enjoying any of this. She seems to be the only one of the aliens with a conscience and is not particularly interesting in hurting or killing anyone (though she does end up killing someone in genuine self defense: a gang banger who thinks she’s got influence over her new boyfriend.)
The fourth lead character is Joseph, who is a young black man from this terrible neighborhood. He may or may not be involved in some minor theft/illicit sale of goods (though he claims it’s legitimate and he has papers for everything) at the beginning of the movie, but is careful and adamant that he wants to avoid any involvement in the drug dealing or violence in the neighborhood. His mother died recently (shot in a random act of violence) and left him her run down boarding house. He is very surprised to get new, very strange tenants who are happy to fix up the place and even happier when he ends up dating their daughter.
So as mentioned, there’s a lot of pretty biting social commentary here. From the middle-aged white couple who happily invade this inner city neighborhood as gawkers and tourists. To their gleeful sociopathic indifference to the lives of the people within. (Admittedly, it’s rather satisfying to see them go after their victims, especially the Neo-Nazi would-be rapists.) To the way that most of the community’s response to the killings is satisfaction that someone is cleaning up the streets. To the cheerful friendliness with which they treat Joseph, but also their happy smiles as they blithely frame him for their own crimes. To their happy enthusiasm that their daughter gets “serviced” sexually, but at the same time, their incomprehension that she might care about Joseph as a person rather than as someone that sexually gratifies her. To their assumption that once “vacation” is done, they’ll just go home, the whole experience relegated to pleasant memory and scrapbook. Heck, even the resolution, which involves Charlie and Rhonda in prison for their crimes (but always cheerful: lots of people to provoke and kill for fun!), shows us guards who are completely sympathetic, insisting that these nice people don’t belong here in jail.
There’s a LOT here, and definitely worth unpacking. I don’t necessarily think it’s a GOOD movie, per se. But I’m not sure I’d call it a bad one either. It was an experience.
The sequel, Alien Avengers II or “Aliens Among Us” is the one that also happens to be Jason Sudeikis’s first movie.
Sadly, it doesn’t have the social relevance of the first movie. There are a few notes here and there: like the way the police have been giving Charlie and Rhonda special treatment prior to their release. Their release for good behavior due to prison overcrowding, despite having murdered at least four people. (And judging by the end of the first movie, killing others while in prison.)
Mostly though, it’s far more of a straight out comic farce. Which is a bit of a shame.
So the plot is that newly freed Charlie and Rhonda end up stowing away in a freezer truck that houses a decapitated body, as one does. The truck owner finds them and well, the usual happens. Though unlike the first movie, we don’t actually see the violence and gore on screen. They eventually ditch the truck and find a town that’s basically a throwback to the wild west, where the Sheriff’s head was recently found sans the rest of him. And there’s a whole alien abduction plot. More specifically, a land developer is trying to get people to sell their land so he can make a tourist attraction and is doing so by staging alien abductions. And murdering people, both directly (the Sheriff) and indirectly (the Deputy was supposed to be a witness/victim of alien abduction, but he dies of a heart attack mid scare session.) Tourists Charlie and Rhonda end up volunteering to be Sheriffs.
The other plot involves Daphne and Joseph’s return to Earth after their escape last movie. Joseph in particular is quite homesick, and we see that the structured lives on their home planet does grate on people. They’re sent back to fetch Daphne’s parents, now that they’ve been released from prison, before they wreak more havoc. In the process, their spaceship (disguised as a car) is stolen/ransacked/made undrivable, so they end up hitching a ride in an RV with an eccentric couple and their “son”.
The big thing is that Rhonda was recast for this movie. Shanna Reed is now Julie Brown. The reason given for this in character is that she and Charlie fucked so hard on a conjugal visit that her head popped off. It is a rather funny bit that no one in the prison actually notices she’s a different woman.
Julie Brown’s very funny, but she has a broader comedic approach. Which probably suits this movie better. But robs it of some of the social commentary part. Shanna Reed’s Rhonda was on point, a sweet 1950s inspired white woman with a truly vicious streak. Julie Brown is just cheerfully homicidal.
There’s far less gore and violence. This is explained by Rhonda and Charlie embracing and celebrating the idea that on Earth, the punishment fits the crime. So we get ironic punishments, instead of quite as much throat slitting of hijackers. Some of which are guiltily satisfying (the dude who cost a woman her legs in a hit and run is pulled apart - off camera thank god, when they tie him to two separate cars and drive in opposite directions) and some that just don’t really work. The speeder is an arrogant asshole, sure, but tying him to the hood of their car and racing him around seems a bit much when he hadn’t actually hurt anyone. He makes it out alive but as we see from the Deputy situation, he might not have.
It’s a shame, because there was the potential to say something interesting about casual sadism of police officers and the ease with which white people can slide into roles of authority. Unfortunately, the pseudo Wild West setting (complete with miserable bartender) and the alien abduction stuff (complete with “news” anchor) just kind of lose any sort of point.
The RV couple might be the closest thing they have to social commentary. They’re eccentric over-sharers. He’s into alien stuff. She’s along for the ride. We learn right away that they can’t have kids and they compensate, not by adoption or foster care or another sane route, but by taking in foreign exchange students every year. They’re friendly hosts, but insist in gender-segregating the tents when they camp, even though Daphne and Joseph are adults and would prefer to sleep together. When Daphne and Joseph are caught (via photographs) sneaking off to the RV to have sex, they’re immediately kicked out into the desert. Which you know, in a serious movie, would basically be murder. (instead, they learn that Daphne is an alien and see her device explode.)
So that brings us to Sudeikis’s character. The movie calls him Gunter. The credits call him Chester. I can completely believe that this couple has decided to call their “son” (who speaks very little English and seems to have only a limited comprehension of what’s going on!) by a different name entirely. He’s very teenaged. Bored, most of the time. Occasionally enthusiastically shouts things in broken English. He takes a LOT of pictures with his camera, which is a really interesting parallel to Rhonda in the first movie.
The parallels between Gunter/Chester and our...heroes? is pretty interesting though. He’s a tourist. He has no emotional investment in what’s going on here. He’s occasionally curious but mostly disinterested. He’s a bit of a perv: some of his photos of Daphne are of a more objectifying nature. And when he realizes the other two are having sex, he is quick to take pictures. He’s then pretty indifferent when his pictures are used as the reason to kick Daphne and Joseph out. Like Charlie and Rhonda, he’s has no real appreciation or interest in the damage he causes.
Of course, there are differences too. He’s a kid. (It’s not clear exactly how old he’s supposed to be, but late teenage seems a good bet.) It wasn’t good that he took the pictures at all, but he also didn’t intentionally share them. His “mother” presumptively grabbed them out of his hand. There’s no indication that his “parents” have made any attempts to communicate with the kid at all. He only exists to them when it suits them.
Though this invisibility ends up working to his advantage, since he’s the only one who gets to keep his camera and photographs at the end of the movie. It is rather amusing to see the human characters grumble about how no one will ever believe them without proof, while the teenage foreigner is off in the corner, flipping through an album of pictures of aliens, exploding devices (and presumably Charlie and Rhonda stabbed by a knife and with a bullet in their chest before getting better.)
I think ultimately Joseph has the most thankless plot. They seem to have utterly forgotten that he was suspect 1 for vigilante serial killing last movie. I don’t expect the RV folk to know, but Daphne probably could bring it up while they bicker about where to live. Their relationship tension is resolved with a kidnapping and a “I do really love you” bit, and then a semi-shotgun marriage so he can stay on her planet (they’re cracking down on “illegal aliens.”)
There was also a weird bit where the alien government dude makes a point of asking if he loves Daphne for more than just sex (which they have, a lot, we’re told. Good for them.) And this doesn’t quite sit right with the way the first movie presented their relationship and the others’ reactions. To go from a critique of viewing black men as sexual objects to then acting like HE is the one obsessed with sex didn’t sit right with me.
I did mostly enjoy the movie though. George Wendt is always charming. The actors playing Daphne and Joseph did a good job with relatively thankless roles. Sudeikis was very amusing in his role, though I’m not entirely sure he knew he was supposed to be speaking German. Or what German is. Or that it’s a language at all.
It’s definitely a bad movie, without any of the genuinely interesting beats of the first one. But as comic farces go, I’ve seen worse. And now we know what Ted Lasso looked like at age 20-21. So yay!
#a review of sorts#alien avengers#alien avengers II#(I review other things too sometimes but with even more words and less coherence)#jason sudeikis
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A Bolt From The Blue (MLQC Shaw - NSFW) - Part I: A Matter Of Convenience

Description: An extraordinary man arrives to shake up your ordinary life Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised. Potential trigger warnings: robberies and mentions of firearms, physical violence, mild depictions of bodily injury, blood and masturbation, profanity Word Count: 1650 words (~8 mins of action, drama and the start of a slow burn 🔥) Author’s Notes: This multi-chapter fic is dedicated to the lovely @op-peccatori, one of the winners of my Follower Milestone Celebration! Thank you so much, Nana, for requesting a mafia AU story starring everyone’s favourite lavender-haired man 😆 This is actually my first time writing an AU fic, and the experience thus far has been incredibly eye-opening and lots of fun!
For this piece, I wanted to localize the AU to better fit the world of MLQC, so instead of using a traditional mafia setting, the events take place in the milieu of the triads and “black societies” that are more likely to be found in corresponding parts of the world. For those who are interested, Wikipedia has an incredibly comprehensive article on triads and organized crime.
This piece turned out to be much longer than I anticipated and is still ongoing as of the time of this post! That being said, I hope you’ll join me on this wild ride 😂 As always, wishing you all a very happy read 😊
Jump to Chapter(s): Two | Three | Four
“Put the money in the bag and no one gets hurt.”
A black duffel bag is thrust onto the counter before you, panels wide open like a gaping maw. You look up at the man in the bomber jacket and the only things you can process are:
One: his nostrils are flaring.
Two: why bother trying to be nondescript by dressing in all black if you’re going to leave your face uncovered during a robbery?
“I ain’t playin’ around, little girl. Put the goddamn money in the bag right now or else I’ll shoot—”
The man’s eyes widen in the split second before his face crumples, teeth yellowed and uneven protruding in an ugly grimace. His hand flies to his head, trying to stem the blood already streaking down his face when he collapses onto the counter, taking out a display of collectible miniature keychains next to the register as he does. They scatter, some rolling across the floor before being stopped by a pair of purple Chuck Taylors tapping out an impatient rhythm on the linoleum.
You look up from those sneakers in a daze, eyes following the silhouette of a pair of jeans so worn in places you doubted the rips and tears were purely for aesthetic purposes. And if you’d had to guess, you’d say that purple was your saviour’s favourite colour, given the lavender hair that fell over his eyes the moment he pulled back the hood of his sweatshirt, also in a shade of violet. His other hand — clad in a fingerless leather glove — gripped the skateboard that had just connected with the head of the would-be robber, still groaning before you.
You startle at the sound, heart slowing only when you see the pink bubble deflating between the young man’s lips before the gum is pulled back by the tip of his tongue. And from where you stood — glued to the spot behind the counter — you swear you can detect the hint of cinnamon.
He crouches, picking up the gun that had slid out of the thief’s hand when he was unceremoniously hit from behind, and when he chuckles — the sound dangerous and cocksure — it ignites something deep within you.
“Tsk, tsk. Can’t very well go around robbing people with toys guns, now can you? Especially not on my turf. Piece of advice: don’t mess with Boss Li’s territory or else I’ll be doing more than just breaking your head the next time around. Don’t let me catch you here again.”
Letting out a pathetic whimper, the robber snatches the empty bag from the counter, running for the doors in such haste he almost trips over his own feet. The electronic refrains of the door chime still ring in your ears when you realize the man has already made his way to the beverage dispenser, one long finger pressing the Pepsi button before switching to Coke, both drinks mixing in the same paper cup.
Smoothly stepping over the mess on the floor, he places the drink on the counter right next to a smear of blood. Mind still reeling, your customer service instincts take over.
“H-hello. Just this?”
He nods, popping a purple straw through the plastic lid before fixing you with his amber eyes as he pays, a hint of a smirk on his face. And that is when it hits you that he is actually…actually…
…incredibly gorgeous.
An intense wave of heat washes over your face and you can’t help but look down. By the time you’ve worked up the courage to lift your head again, he is already at the door, merging with the dark night beyond. He throws up one hand in goodbye, not even bothering to look back when he says, “Relax. That guy won’t be bothering you again.”
You hear his skateboard hit the pavement, listen to it rolling away. Only when the sound completely fades do you remember to breathe.
There was a certain tranquility in working late-night shifts at the 24-hour convenience store — aisles empty save for the occasional customer breaking the monotony: high-strung lovers grabbing last-minute condoms and overworked salarymen buying the beer and discounted meals they subsisted on.
And though your coworkers complained bitterly about the graveyard shift, they were more than happy to pass them on to you, making up every excuse as to why they were unable to show up during those times. It was unnecessary, really. You didn’t mind it, even preferred the solitary calm it afforded.
Until now.
Your peace has been shattered, replaced by something that made your hands ball into nervous fists — fingers gripping at the hem of your polyester uniform and wondering for the first time ever whether blue stripes made you look ridiculous.
Because for the first time in a very long while, there was something, someone, to look forward to.
Night after night, it’s the same. Repeated glances at the clock above the magazine rack, your breath growing shallow to see it approach 1:30. Heart leaping into your throat to hear the automatic doors slide open followed by the scuff of purple sneakers, tracing a path through the store.
Since the night of that foiled robbery attempt a month ago, he has visited like clockwork and you still haven’t figured out how to remain calm. So you find contentment from behind the safety of the counter, watching the man with lavender hair — soft, even when lit beneath a harsh fluorescent glare as he stands at the drink dispenser, always filling a cup with Pepsi first, then Coke.
Only ever buying the same thing every time.
This strange ritual lasts all of ten minutes, fifteen at most. And it takes just as long after he leaves for the hairs of your body to cease standing on end, as if electrified by the intensity of his eyes on yours.
That gaze of molten gold stays with you even when you return home in the early morning hours, pulling blackout curtains across your window before falling into bed to pretend your hands were his: tracing the outline of your lips, caressing the swell of your breasts, dipping between your legs.
And when your breath falters in a quick succession of shudders, you wonder at your own sanity. Because in spite of your suspicions about the guy with the purple hair, the warning signs that pointed to his obvious involvement with the triads that extorted money from local businesses as ‘protection fees,’ you still couldn’t help but think about the man who visited you every night without fail.
“You’re hurt—”
“I-I’m fine. Just…just ring this up, will ya? I’m…in a rush…”
One arm crossed over his abdomen, he places the cup onto the counter as if it took all the concentration in the world — his efforts squandered anyways when his hand spasms at the last minute to send dark liquid sloshing over the lip. He hadn’t even bothered to put a lid on.
“…Emergency responders have just arrived on scene and are dealing with scores of injuries. Eyewitnesses describe what appears to have been a violent clash between rival gangs in a longstanding feud over contested territory. The police are seeking help from the public in locating several key suspects believed to have fled the scene. Please do not approach them under any circumstances as they are considered armed and dangerous…”
The news anchor’s face on the wall-mounted television is replaced by another: that of a youthful man with lavender hair and multiple piercings on his ears — challenge exuding from amber eyes. You scramble for the remote on the shelf behind you, mashing the power button until the screen goes black. And in the eerie silence that descends upon the store, all you can focus on is the laboured breathing of the man slouched before you.
Skin pale, beads of sweat dot a face drained of colour save for the crimson protrusion above his left eye — soon set to transform, ironically, into his favourite shade of purple. He tries to suppress a cough but it is too late: you’ve already caught sight of the blood spreading out from beneath the palm pressed to his stomach.
“It’s on me tonight.”
The words leave your lips without second thought as you make for the storefront, flipping the light switch even as you reach to turn the lock on the automatic doors.
“No, don’t…don’t get yourself involved…”
Ignoring his protests, you gingerly place his arm over your shoulder, doing your best to support his weight as you make an awkward attempt to hobble together towards the back of the store.
Suddenly, the darkened interior is lit by flashes of red and blue and you are pulled in the direction of the nearest pillar, a strong arm flexed as it tenses around your waist, holding you to him in an intimate embrace.
He is close…so close that your senses are flooded with him: the heartbeat thunderous in your ear, leather and sweat tickling your nostrils; the scent of blood thick enough you can almost taste it on your tongue. The hand on your hip — grip firm in a way it almost seemed possessive, and you are ashamed to find that you can become aroused even in a situation like this.
When you finally gather the courage to look up at his face — seeking a sign in the tension dissolving from the firm set of his jaw that the police cruiser had passed — you are shocked to see his pale lips stretched into a smirk instead.
“You know...I’ve been coming here every day…for weeks now…and this is the most you’ve ever said to me.”
He is still smiling when he passes out.
Thanks so much for reading! Hope you all enjoyed it and please stay tuned for part 2! Check out more of my work here! 📚
(Updated): Jump to Chapter(s): Two | Three | Four
#mlqc#mr love queen's choice#love and producer#mr love dream date#evol x love#mlqc shaw#mlqc ling xiao#mlqc smut#mlqc shaw smut#mlqc fic#follower milestone#op-peccatori#my writing#multi-chapter fic
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Dracula (the novel) || Jack Seward/Quincey Morris || very slightly nsfw
ao3 link eng || ao3 link rus
“I remember stitching up this one,” Jack remarks, tracing a scar on Quincey’s shoulder with a tip of his finger. The scar is already pale but still prominent, uneven, resembling a primitive picture of a lightning bolt. “Colorado, right?”
“Oklahoma,” corrects him Quincey, and chuckles. “A fun day it was, wasn’t it?”
“I suppose so, if you believe that nearly dying is fun… which you probably do.”
“Not always,” Quincey wraps his arm around Jack’s waist and pulls him closer. Both of them are still hot and sweat-soaked; cuddling up to each other ought to be unpleasant. However, it is not. “But look me in the eye and tell me it wasn’t a first-rate adventure.”
Jack remembers that day – the oppressive heat, the sun high in the sky, the gang of bandits attacking the train. There was no one to await help from, so the passengers, among which were also he, Quincey, and Arthur, had to defend themselves and, surprisingly, managed to beat the robbers back with less casualties than one would expect. He remembers the smell of gunpowder and the sounds of battle, the weight of a pistol in his hands, and the quiet sobs of the women and children hiding under the seats. He remembers the realization that there was no other way but to fight – not because it was noble or commendable, but because they needed to survive somehow. He remembers what it is like when panic suddenly gives way to clarity of thought, as if someone else is in control of his body, someone much braver and more confident than he. The panic returned when everything was over, when he stepped on a corpse at the platform, when Quincey stumbled into the carriage with a knife handle sticking out of his shoulder – but during the fight itself his heart was an eye of the storm.
“It certainly was… an interesting experience,” he admits. “An enlightening one. Which I would rather not repeat,” he hastens to add as soon as he notices Quincey’s contented grin. “Scars are not the best kind of souvenirs to bring back from travels.”
“That depends. Such kind of souvenirs surely won’t let you forget those travels,” Quincey definitely is of an opinion that arguing jokingly about various absurd subjects is also fun. In this respect, however, Jack is of the same mind. “And they are splendid illustrations for the stories about those travels, particularly if you want to make one hell of an impression on those listening to you…”
“Well, go on, then. Impress me,” Jack suggests. He is aware that he’s stalling for time, unwilling to break the embrace, get out of bed, and return to his rooms at the asylum, even though he cannot afford not to spend the night there for so many days in a row – in a hospital, anything could happen anytime, and being the head doctor, he ought not to leave it for long. This is what his common sense tells him, yet his soul and body keep getting better and better at ignoring its admonitions. It was much easier to retain prudence when all he had were the thoughts he had grown used to pushing away in shame and tried to play over in his head as rarely as possible. It is more difficult by far to keep his passions in check after having a taste of what he’s longing for – a literal taste as well, the taste of kisses and sweat and seed, the feeling of another’s fingers in his mouth. If he could go back in time and refrain from making this mistake, he would have certainly made it again and again and again. “You cannot use this one, of course.”
“Of course. Hmm…” Quincey takes Jack’s hand in his and guides it down, to his hip. The scar there must be old, a smooth light spot on brown skin. “I was fourteen when someone attempted to rob our ranch. Father and brothers weren’t home then – I don’t remember why, must’ve gone to town, so it was just me, my pregnant mother, and our old maidservant. In other words, it was actually just me against these three bastards.”
“Was that so?”
“You bet it was. Well, what was there to do? Mother and Abigail – the maid – barricaded themselves in the parents’ bedroom with a gun, and I took another gun and went to welcome our dear guests. When I took one down, another one got scared and bolted, but the third one flew into a rage and rushed straight at me. He had a hunting knife…”
“With which he struck right into your old scar?” Jack can’t resist interrupting him.
Quincey blinks at him, puzzled. “My old scar?”
“Why, of course,” Jack says, trying his best to keep a straight face. “I recall that when we visited your family, your mother told Arthur and me how as a child you vexed a cow once, and it butted you in the left hip. With all its strength, so that you still have a mark.”
Quincey stares at him in astonishment, then throws his head back, and bursts into laughter.
“Oh, screw you,” he says, having stopped laughing. “You know me too well.”
“I just remembered this for some reason, that is all. It is strange you did not remember it – you were laughing the loudest as she was telling us that…”
“Damn it, Jack, you told me to impress you! Ain’t easy to impress a man who’s already heard half of what I can boast about and seen the other half with his own eyes.”
“Well, sorry for being harder to surprise than a barmaid in a saloon,” Jack says, and bites his tongue at once. He isn’t sure this is an appropriate joke. As a matter of fact, he still isn’t sure about many things, though to a lesser extent than back when he kissed Quincey for the first time, grabbing him by the shirt collar and feeling like he’s making a step into emptiness.
“Far harder,” Quincey agrees. His eyes are still smiling, so the joke must have been not entirely disastrous. “But that is all right,” he continues, caressing Jack’s back. Perhaps one day Jack will get used to being looked at the way Quincey is looking at him now, but he still isn’t sure about that either. “I like you better.”
#this is like pwp without either p i am sorry#also the silliest thing i've written since that b/b/l crossdressing fic#also i have never been attacked by a cow and the last western i watched must've been hmm. bandidas when i was a kid#jack seward#quincey morris#dracula#bram stoker#talk talk talk#gella talks dracula#my fic#morward
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hey, could you write a yoongi smut and make it angsty (but with a happy ending)? please. i love your stories, thanks
↬ Pairing: Yoongi x Fem. Reader (ft. Namjoon and Hoseok) ↬ Story Genre: Medieval!au, ANGST, fluff and smut ↬ Warnings: explicit language, explicit sex scenes, minor character death ↬ Word count: 11.7K ↬ Summary: You father, The King, wanted to marry you off to someone you didn’t know but you wanted to find love so you decided to run away. You became a wanderer and luck would have it that you’d wander right into what you were looking for.
A/N: I usually don’t do requests (partially because I don’t get any lmao), but I was feeling so inspired that I decided to do it. Hope this is what you were craving anon, and thank you for loving my stories <3
“Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!” A distant cute voice you recognized as your younger sister, Miri, came through the door to your chambers.
“Mmm…” You turned around and covered your head with one of your pillows, trying to block out the noise. You never enjoyed waking up early.
“Y/N come on! The man with the pretty horsies has arrived and mommy said I could only play with them if you came along!” You felt your mattress slightly dip on your right and suddenly her cute small hands were tugging at the pillow on your head.
“Ugh, why me? Ask cousin Yuri.” You said in a whiny tone.
“Because it’s your birthday, and you should always play with horsies on your birthday!”
Your heart melted at the cute way your little sister said that. How could you say no to her? You couldn’t. She was the most precious thing to you in this world.
“Fine, I’ll go, but only if you survive this tickle attack!” You jumped out from underneath the covers and grabbed her tiny body to lay her on the bed and mercilessly tickle her.
You woke up with tears running down your face. You’d just had another nightmare about the last time you were truly happy. Another nightmare to remind you of the moments before everything changed and your parents, The King and Queen, decided to send you away to marry an unknown man. Another nightmare of the day you left everything behind and ran away.
“Having trouble sleeping again?” The man laying right next to you asked, startling you.
“I see that I’m not the only one,” you said right after wiping the tears off of your face with your sleeve and turning around to face him.
“The problem with sleeping out on the floor of the forest, Wanderer, is that you risk losing out on a good night of sleep.”
This had been your life since you’d run away from home: travelling around with a group of three guys, going from town to town selling anything from stolen goods, to food and craftwork. Sometimes that meant having to camp out in the forest, while others (provided you made good money) meant that you could sleep at an inn.
“Well, we could be sleeping at an inn if someone hadn’t been too distracted by a pretty girl to let himself get robbed.” You sent dirty looks to the snoring tall man by the name of Namjoon that was right to your left. His left foot was dangerously close to the fire you had made to keep the group warm but you weren’t really worried, he’d move away if it burned.
The man with the black hair chuckled, his gummy smile calming your still racing heart from your nightmare. “I kind of like sleeping outside.”
“Really? Don’t you prefer the comfort of a bed?”
“Well, in those regards of course I do, but where can you have such a beautiful view at an inn? You just open your eyes, look up, and a sea of stars are twinkling down, just begging to be observed.” He looked up to the sky and you couldn’t help but follow his gaze, seeing what he had just mentioned.
“I didn’t take you for a romantic, Suga.” You looked back at him and lightly pushed his shoulder in a teasing matter.
Suga had joined the gang just a few days before you. You didn’t know his real name and story, but that’s why you liked to hang out with him so much - he wouldn’t ask questions about your life.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Wanderer.”
Suga was the one to give you your new name - Wanderer - ever since, on a night just like this one, you were wandering in the forest, right after running away from your castle, and tripped on a sleeping Namjoon, falling right on Suga’s arms.
“I think it suits you,” you turned your eyes away from him and focused on the starry sky, being fully aware of the way Suga fixated his gaze on you.
Suga and the other guys - Namjoon and Hoseok - quickly accepted you in their little group, seeing as you had some crafting skills you had learned in the Castle, and you got along great with all of them. You would be lying though if you said you didn’t favour Suga over the others.
You didn’t know what it was, but there definitely was this heat between you two. Maybe it was because he was so handsome, or maybe it was because you both had mysterious lives, but he definitely had the ability to cross your mind several times a day and stay there.
“Thanks,” his volume was so low that you could barely hear him.
“Now go back to sleep, Wanderer. We have to get up early for the Narymya Market.” His tone was now back to his normal volume.
“Mhm,” you hummed, looking right back at him, “you too! You don’t want Hoseok to punch you again for not getting up.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he said as he massaged his jaw, probably reliving the pain of Hoseok’s punch.
“Good night Suga,” you got back in your sleeping position, this time facing him, and gave him one last smile before closing your eyes.
“Good night, Wanderer.”
“Come in! Come in! The best rabbits in town! You can’t get a better product than this!” Hoseok usually had a very loud voice, but when he was in the markets trying to get everyone’s attention he cranked it up to the maximum. Your ears wanted you to complain (seeing as you were right next to him), but you knew that this way he would get the attention of potential clients much easier.
“Hoseok! Buyers won’t come if you make them deaf!” You teased him. You and Hoseok had a very push and pull kind of relationship. You bickered so much that people either thought you were brothers or in love.
“You know nothing about selling my dear, learn with the pros.” He waved his finger around like he was making fun of you and turned to the clients.
You marched towards him with your hands on your hips, not giving a damn about the people around you. “Oh yeah? I bet I can sell more than you by today.”
“That’s cute.” He laughed at your proposal and you knew that his overconfidence and arrogance would make you enjoy your victory so much more. “You think you’re gonna sell more makeup products than I’m gonna sell food? We live in a time of hunger.”
“Alright then, if I win you have to pay for my next meal.”
“Fine,” he agreed after brief consideration, “but if I win you have to give me a kiss.”
“What?” You took a step back. You were thinking maybe he would ask you for the same thing but a kiss was something that never once crossed your mind.
“Are you scared? Come on, I’ve been told I’m an excellent kisser.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and you felt the immense need to slap his smirk right off of his face.
“Deal,” you shook his hand in agreement, wanting nothing more than to show him who’s the boss.
“Perfect, can’t wait to kiss those pretty lips, Wanderer,” Hoseok teased once again.
“What? You’re gonna kiss him?” Suga’s voice sounded right behind you, making your heart jump.
“Guess I’m gonna beat you to it, Suga.” Hoseok winked at the male standing right next to you.
“It’s nothing like that,” you responded as you saw Suga’s conflicted face, “we just made a bet to see who can sell more-”
“And when she loses she’s gonna have to kiss me,” Hoseok interrupted you making you snap.
“I’m not going to lose! At the end of the day, you’re still going to have to kiss your pillow like you do every night. You’ll see!!” You turned away and stormed off back to your table.
“That was harsh,” Suga joked as he made his way to his table, which was right next to yours. “You should have seen his shocked face.”
“Well then he shouldn’t have come up with such stupid prizes- Hello pretty lady, may I interest you in this wonderful rose water?” You interrupted your conversation with Suga as a young lady passed by your table.
“No thanks, I don’t need such things,” she barely even looked at you and walked right past, giving you no attention at all.
“Yes, because not even rose water could fix that ugly face.” You mumbled through your teeth as soon as she left.
“If you want I can buy you the products,” Suga offered, making you feel grateful.
“Don’t worry Suga, I can do it, I just have to turn it up a notch.”
You noticed another young woman approaching your area, so you cleared up your throat and went to her. “Oh dear, he was right!”
“What? Who was right?” The woman asked, feeling worried.
“You see that man over there?” You pointed at the most popular seller in the markets, a man so handsome that he had a line of women ready to empty out his table every day.
“Yes, I just came from there.”
“He told me,” you paused a little for dramatic effect, “in secret, that he liked you and that you were really pretty.”
“Really?!” She seemed so excited that you felt bad for deceiving her, but you needed to win this bet no matter what.
”Yes, but he also told me that, as you can imagine, he has a lot of women interested in him.”
“Yeah, it’s hard to get his attention,” she put her head down, clearly remembering all the times she tried to catch his attention but failed.
“I wish there was something we could do, you seem like such a nice girl...Oh, I know!” You shamelessly turned around and pointed at your products. “I have a tonne of products that could help you stand out from the other girls.”
“Really?” She opened her eyes wide open and looked towards your table, making you feel optimistic.
“Yes! Here I have this rose water mixed with dried roses, clove, nutmeg, watercress and galangal. All you have to do is dip your comb in this and run it through your hair and it will smell so nice that he’s never going to want to leave your side!” You handed her one of your bottles for her to smell.
“Oh my, that smells divine! What else do you have?”
“This is a new product I have, it’s wine boiled with bilberry leaves, you just dip a cloth in it and apply it under your arms and they won’t stink. This is perfect for when you get a bit nervous, maybe when you’re gonna talk to him. You’ll be so fresh!”
“Oh, that sounds amazing!”
“I also have this mixture, all you have to do is put it in the fire and when it’s lukewarm, smear it on your face, but don’t let it touch your eyebrows. Leave it for an hour until it becomes cold and then remove it. Your skin will be so refined and beautiful! Plus you can use it in other parts of the body to remove unwanted hairs and clear any blemish. You just know a man like that likes his women smooth-”
“Okay, I’ve heard enough, give me all you have!” She picked up her pouch full of coins and gave it to you. You turned around to look at Suga, who was staring at you with a surprised look on his face, and gave him a wink as you handed everything you possessed to that woman.
“You really have no shame,” Suga said as soon as the girl left.
“Listen to that,” you put your little pouch full of coins near his face and shook it so he could hear them clashing against each other, “that’s the sound of success, my dear friend. I’ll offer you a glass of wine at dinner, it’s on Hoseok.” You winked and made your way to Hoseok’s table to announce his defeat, unaware of Suga’s affectionate eyes staring at you.
“To Wanderer!” Namjoon toasted as he clinked his cup with the rest of the group’s cups.
“To Wanderer!” Suga and Hoseok repeated (the latter less enthusiastically) before all of you poured the wine in the cups down your mouths.
“Don’t be so sad Hoseok, you also did a good job! Thanks to our little bet we can sleep and dine at a good inn tonight!” You gave him a warm smile and placed a kiss on his cheek, feeling a wave of sympathy that may be attributed to the combination of your victory and wine.
“Yes, my back really thanks your stupid bet,” Suga mumbled as he drank more wine, his mood suddenly becoming more grumpy.
“He’s just sad he didn’t get to kiss Wand- OUCH!” Namjoon revealed before he got stepped on underneath the table, presumably by Hoseok.
“So that’s why you’re like this?” You turned to the man with the black hair, your heartwarming up at the thought of him being jealous. “Here.” You reached over the table and gently placed a kiss on his cheek. He looked so shy at that moment that you couldn’t help but feel giggly, and this time it wasn’t because of the wine.
“Wanderer, I’m also sad I didn’t get a kiss!” Namjoon said, clearly trying to also get a kiss out of you.
“Shut up you idiot, she’s not kissing you,” Suga protested.
“Somebody’s jealous,” Namjoon teased in a half-singing voice. You felt like you were burning up, and placed your hands on your cheeks being sure they were tinted red.
“Just eat your food before it gets cold,” Suga snapped back, taking another sip of wine and picking up his chicken leg to take a bite out of it.
“Hey, boys,” a young beautiful woman approached your group, interrupting your conversation.
“Hello,” Hoseok promptly responded, getting over his loss to you and becoming instantly infatuated.
“Hey lovely,” Namjoon also answered.
“Do you boys need some company?”
She was clearly a prostitute looking to make some money tonight. You didn’t have anything against her until she ogled Suga up and down and decided to put her arm around his shoulders. Your body immediately stiffened. Suga was a single man, (or so you thought since, after all, you knew nothing about his personal life) so you couldn’t put it against him if he decided to go with her. The thing was you didn’t want him to and, to your likeness, it seemed like he also didn’t want to.
“We have company, or are you blind?” His stare was so deadly that you felt kind of bad for the girl. The tension instantly got so thick you could cut it with a knife.
“I- Sorry to bother you,” she removed her arm from around him, quickly apologized and left, Hoseok running after her.
“Wait! I don’t have company!”
“I’m not going to do it!” You screamed at both your parents as you left their presence and made your way to your chambers.
“Y/N get back here!” You heard your father yell. You could tell he was about to follow you, but your mother’s pleas to leave you alone made him stay put.
Miri was asleep on your bed, probably waiting for you to come and read her a bedtime story.
You didn’t want to do this. You didn’t want to leave her behind, but you had to. You couldn’t get married to someone you didn’t know. You had dreams. You dreamed of living your life as you saw fit. You dreamed of meeting a nice guy wherever and fall in love with him. You dreamed of starting a family someday. A family filled with love and trust, and not one built on convenience. You hoped someday Miri could think of her big sister and have the courage to also follow her dreams. That’s why you had to leave.
You took whatever you could carry, gave your sweet little sister a kiss on the forehead and made your way to the door, tears streaming down your face.
“Y/N?” her sweet little sleepy voice said. “You’re back, I was waiting for you to read me a story about the nice prince who fell in love with the princess.” You dried up your tears with the sleeves of your dress and turned around to look at her - she was getting out of bed to get near you.
“It’s late Miri, you need to go back to sleep,” you tried to control your voice so she wouldn’t realize you had been crying, but it was much too difficult.
“Okay…” she gave you a cute little pout that broke your heart, “but can you sleep with me?”
“Of course Miri.”
When Miri turned her back on you to get back to bed, you put your things near the door and lay next to her. You looked out the window and noticed that it started to rain, so you grabbed your blankets and tugged your sister in tightly.
You started to hum her favourite lullaby to her and as she looked adorably at you your heart sank. Her eyes started to gently close and that’s when you realized: she was probably never going to see you again.
You woke up with your heart racing and your cheeks wet. As you looked out the window of your room you started to doubt yourself and wonder if all of this was worth it. If you’ve made the right decision. Then you started to imagine what Miri would be doing now: she was probably sleeping with the little bunny toy you had sewed for her in one of your classes. Fortunately, someone interrupted your thoughts with a knock before you cried even further.
“It’s me.” The voice of the man who made your heart race sounded from the other side of the door.
You dried up your tears with your sleeve and opened the door to the handsome man.
“Is everything alright?” You asked as you saw his worried expression.
“Well, I was awake because Namjoon was snoring and then I heard noise coming from your room so, I decided to come to see if you were alright.”
“I’m fine.” You tried to dismiss his thoughts but, by the way he was attentively looking at your face, you knew you weren’t going to be able to trick him.
“Then why were you crying?” You sighed in defeat and sat on your bed, Suga joining you right after closing the door of your room.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to..” He placed his hand on top of yours, letting you know that you could feel safe and comfortable with him.
“I was dreaming about the last time I saw my little sister.” Suga didn’t say anything, but he gave your hand a gentle squeeze, letting you know that it was okay for you to go on. “I- I had to run away from home and… I just miss her so much.” You took a deep breath, trying to contain the tears that once again threatened to spill but to no success.
“Hey, don’t cry Wanderer,” Suga’s warm palm touched your left cheek so it could turn your head in his direction. “Why did you run away?” His voice was soothing and low, something that, in combination with the calming circles he was drawing in your hand, managed to calm you down a bit.
“My parents wanted to marry me off to some guy I didn't even know…” You confessed as you avoided his gaze.
He chuckled, and the look on his face gave you the impression that he was amused somehow.
“Why are you laughing? You think I’m a spoiled little brat that threw a tantrum just because she didn’t get her way?” You took your hand from underneath his and removed his other hand from your cheek, feeling hurt that he might actually think that.
“No! It’s nothing like that, Wanderer. I swear.” He sounded so sorry that he had given you the wrong impression that you started to believe that you were the one with the wrong impression. “I was just thinking...What are the odds we both ran away from home?”
Your eyes shot wide open in surprise. “You also ran away from home?!”
This was the first time Suga had mentioned anything about his life to anyone. Even the other guys knew nothing about him, just that he showed up out of nowhere as you had. But the fact that he was confiding in you made you feel tingly all over.
“Yes,” he smiled. “And that’s why I know you are not stupid. You are the bravest woman I’ve ever met.” He placed his hand once more on your cheek, a gesture that, in combination with his adoring and warm smile, made you feel warm inside. The fact that he had gone through something similar and that he understood you made you feel like you were valid somehow, and that was the most precious thing he could have ever given you.
“You really think that?” You shyly looked at him and his expression turned from an endearing one to a very serious one.
“Not only that - you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
Everything stopped.
Suddenly your heartbeat rose to a million beats per minute and your eyes couldn’t stop staring at his lips. It was like they were calling out to you. Like something between you two was pulling you closer and closer until you (being the impatient woman you were) just threw every bit of self-control you had to the wind and kissed him.
No kiss you ever had before had felt like this. It felt like love and adoration were flowing through you both. It felt like you were connecting on all levels possible. It felt safe and real but hot and dream-like.
“I can’t tell you-” kiss “how many times” kiss “I’ve dreamed about these lips” kiss “and how it would feel to kiss them,” kiss kiss kiss.
“Why did you take so long?” You whined as he covered your neck with soft kisses.
“Because I’m a stupid man.”
His hands instinctively grazed up your thighs, sliding under your nightgown, but abruptly stopped when he reached your centre. He left your neck alone and looked you in the eyes with a very flustered expression.
“May I?” He asked, the red tint that emerged on his cheeks making him look adorable.
Now you were the one chuckling. How could he be this perfect? If you already were feeling hot, now you were flaming up.
You took his hand and guided it to your wet folds, immediately moaning as his fingers grazed your clit. “You may.”
Suga’s hand pressed on your shoulder so he could lay you down. Once your back reached the mattress you further spread your legs to give him better access, the gesture making you feel excited.
His fingers moved slowly, gliding through you with the help of your growing arousal. You felt good. So good that your mind kept having impure thoughts of the things you wanted him to do to you.
“More,” you moaned as he skilfully fingers toyed with your bud. He knew what he was doing, and he was doing it so well that you instinctively pulled him for a needy kiss.
He chuckled into your mouth, his middle finger immediately obeying to your request and sliding from your clit down to your little hole, slowly entering it.
“I want you so bad Wanderer,” his mouth moved away from yours and down to your neck. “You have no idea how many times I dreamed about having you.”
Suga inserted one more finger, making you cry out due to the stretch.
You were a virgin, as it was expected of a princess until her wedding night. You’d be lying if you said you had zero sexual experience - the time you sneaked to the stables at night with the son of the Minister of Coin as a teenager and dry-humped his crotch until the both of you came undone suddenly came to mind. That boy came dangerously close to “taint” you, and you’d say he would have succeeded if he hadn’t been promised to the daughter of a Duke and shipped off before he could do it. You were bummed at the time, being the rebellious teenager you were, but now you were glad he didn’t do it.
“Does it hurt?” he lifted his head so he could look you in the eyes, his lips starting to get swollen from all the kissing he was doing on your neck.
“No, it’s fine,” you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close, whispering against his mouth: “I want more.”
Your right hand released his collar and travelled down between your bodies, palming his erection over his clothes. Suga closed his eyes and hissed, his hand following your requesting and adding one more finger in.
“Fuck,” you cursed at the mix of pain and pleasure.
“Shhh Wanderer, you don’t want to wake up the people next door,” Suga said with a mischievous look as he started to pump his fingers faster into you.
“Well, I don’t care,” you dismissed him as you remembered the several times your ‘neighbours’ Namjoon and Hoseok didn’t let you sleep because of their snoring. “All I care about right now,” you added, moving your hand inside his pants and grabbing him raw, “is you.”
Suga ceased all movement and practically growled. He removed his fingers from inside of you and quickly disposed of all his clothes, you following him suit.
“Have I told you you’re the most beautiful woman in the world?” He questioned as he observed your naked body with an infatuated look on his face.
You blushed and giggled, “twice.”
“Well,” he lay on top of you, your skin touching his like they were one and the same, “I mean it.”
Suga reached down for a kiss and you swear you could feel yourself emotionally crumbling into pieces at his hands. His lips were quite literally taking your breath away and you were honestly getting scared at how fast you were falling for a man you knew barely anything about.
“Are you really sure about this?” His eyes were honest and kind, and you could tell he was really worried about you and not asking just because. “Losing your innocence to me-”
“I left home because I wanted to be the one to choose who I’m going to be with,” you interrupted him, already knowing what he was going to say. “I don’t plan on being sold to someone who cares more about my so-called ‘innocence’ than me. I want to be with someone who worries about me and calls me beautiful without second intentions. I want to be with someone who truly wants me. I-” you paused, feeling a bit insecure about your next words. “I want to be with you…”
Suga didn’t say anything. He simply stared at you with an unreadable expression on his face, leaving you completely terrified.
“If you’ll have me…” you added as you took in his expression, scared that you had screwed everything up.
Without warning Suga attacked your lips, passion overflowing between the two of you. “I want nothing but you, Wanderer,” he confessed to your lips.
You grabbed his hardness and placed it at your entrance. “Then have me.”
Suga grabbed his penis and slid it through your folds, collecting your slick, before he slowly entered you.
“Mmh,” you grunted, the stinging feeling being a bit overwhelming to you. Suga noticed your discomfort and placed gentle kisses on your skin while he delicately ran his fingers over your thighs to try and ease you.
“Tell me when it feels better,” his voice was caring and sweet and you swore you immediately felt better.
“You can go.”
Suga went slow at first, but as soon as he noticed your change of expression he started to pick up his place.
“God, you feel so perfect.”
His mouth was working on your chest, his tongue playing with your erect nipples, making you moan out his name and squeeze tighter around him. “Oh, Suga.”
“Fuck Wanderer,” he revolved his eyes in pleasure, his expression driving you wild. “Excuse my crudeness, but if you moan my name again and keep squeezing me tight like that I’m going to fuck you so hard that this bed is going to break in half and you’re not going to be able to walk straight tomorrow.”
“Mmh Suga,” you moaned in response, partly because you wanted to tease him but also because you were just so turned on.
Suga didn’t even say anything, he just nuzzled his face on your neck and started fucking you like crazy, the bed making squicky noises in return.
“Oh, fuck, I’m not going to last very long, you’re too much.” He grabbed one of your breasts and pinched your nipple, trying to get you closer to your release. “Touch yourself for me, beautiful.”
You had touched yourself before. It was something that, as a princess, people would frown upon if they ever found out but, then again, you weren’t like most princesses. Touching yourself in private was never a problem. Touching yourself in front of the man you liked on the other hand, was a completely different story. It felt dirtier, nastier and exposing. Something that even you, as out of the ordinary for a princess as you were, felt ashamed of, but you were so inebriated with pleasure that you didn’t even have to think about it, you simply reached down and started rubbing yourself for him.
“That’s it, rub yourself until you cum, Wanderer.”
He didn’t even have to say it because almost as soon as you started to pleasure yourself you could feel that sweet feeling building up in your core. It was only a matter of time before you came and when you did, you couldn’t help but scream.
“Mhm, oh Suga…” You didn’t care if the whole damn inn heard you at this point, all you cared about was that he heard you and that he knew just how good he was making you feel.
As soon as you came though, he removed himself from inside of you and pleasured himself until he released on his hand.
“Why didn’t you cum on my belly or something?” You asked as soon as his panting subsided.
“I didn’t want you to get dirty,” he picked up his shirt and cleaned his hand on it, quickly joining you in bed with a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“I don’t mind,” you kissed his lips and stared him straight in the eyes, getting entirely lost in them.
“I didn’t think you were this naughty,” he smirked.
“To be honest, neither did I. I guess you just brought it out of me.” You looked down, trying to hide the blush you were sure was present on your cheeks but Suga had other plans.
“Are you being shy now?” He placed a finger on your chin and turned your head back up.
“Shut up,” you lightly slapped him in his firm chest, making him laugh in return.
Suga wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in close, your head resting comfortably on his chest.
“You seemed to really know what you were doing…” You didn’t mind if he had had other girlfriends before, you just wanted to know a little bit more about his life.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve...done it before.” You could tell that your statement made him uncomfortable because his muscles quickly tensed up. “Sorry…”
“Why are you sorry?” You left the comfort of his chest and looked him straight in the eyes, his apology seeming completely ridiculous to you.
“Well, I was your first and you deserve your first time to be with someone who had you as his first.”
He was the sweetest. He was actually the sweetest. If there were any doubts that he was right for you then they were out the window.
“Suga...I don’t care,” you touched his cheek and ran your thumb over it. “You already know I ran away because I didn’t want an arranged marriage, so I’m not exactly a conventional girl. Plus,” you moved in closer and whispered in his ear, “this way my first time gets to be much better, don’t you think?”
Suga quickly flipped you around, so he was on top of you, and gave you a kiss. “You really are trouble, and I don’t think I can get enough.”
------------------------------------- 1 month later ------------------------------------------
The sound of someone knocking at the door woke you up from your sleep. You were pissed since you were having a nice dream about Suga and you rarely got nice dreams.
“Who is it?” Suga yelled. If you were pissed then he was more than pissed, he was not a morning person, and it was way too early to be getting up.
You scoffed, leaving your boyfriend in bed and coming to open the door to your friend. “Do you even know what time it is? You know Suga, he might actually kill you for this.”
“I’m sorry, I know you had a...busy night,” he winked right before earning himself a kick in the shin. “Ouch!”
“What do you want, pervert?” You sighed, thinking he had woken you up for some stupid reason like so many other times. One time, when you were sleeping in the woods, he had the audacity to wake you up because he saw a shooting star. You loved shooting stars, it’s true, but you loved sleeping even more, and that action earned him some words that your royal family would definitely not approve.
“Arial just told me that the Guard is coming early to the inn for breakfast.”
“Fuck…” You realized that you had started to curse a lot more the more time you spent with these guys but, it was something you found liberating and, in this case, appropriate. The Guard was the big authority in the Kingdom you were currently at and you bet they would be very happy to find a bunch of casual criminals like you and your friends.
“Wait, who’s Arial?” You heard the sleepy voice of your boyfriend ask from behind you.
“The daughter of the innkeeper, the one I slept with last night.” He winked at Suga. He wore a mischievous look on his face, telling you he was probably remembering all the dirty stuff that poor girl let him do to her.
“You’re disgusting.” You noted, realizing you had a disapproving expression on your face.
“Hey! We don’t have time for this, you can call me disgusting all you want when we’re out of here.” Hoseok pointed out, making you realize he was right.
“Fine, you’re right.”
“Alright, I’ve already warned Namjoon. Meet you in the back in 10 minutes, Arial will let you through.”
You wanted to nag your friend for telling one of his conquests about your ways of living, but not only did you not have the time to do that you also didn’t want to admit it to him that his adventures with women were saving you. So, you just ignored it and moved on.
“Okay, see you.”
“Where the fuck is Namjoon?” Suga hated waiting for other people, it got him very grumpy, but you found his grumpy face adorable.
“I told him 10 minutes, not-”
“I’m here, I’m here!” Your tall friend announced just as he walked out of the inn in a rush. “I’m sorry, I- I went against the servant and made her spill everything and she made me help her clean it up…” He looked away, feeling embarrassed that once again his clumsiness was causing problems.
“It’s fine Namjoon, what matters is that you’re here and we can finally leave.” You patted him in the back, trying to make him feel better.
“How come you’re being so nice to him? I bet if it was me you’d be yelling!” Hoseok protested. You knew he was right but, honestly, you didn’t feel like bickering with him right now. You wanted to get out of there safely.
“Now is not the time Hoseok, we need to leave,” Suga came to your defence and you felt so grateful that he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“You’re right. Let’s go.”
The group started walking to the (stolen) horses you had left in the back and when you were getting ready to place your belongings in the bag the horse carried you noticed something was missing. “Oh no…”
“What is it, Wanderer?” Suga asked.
“I forgot my pouch.”
“Really Wanderer?” Hoseok sighed, revolving his eyes.
You were feeling bad. Especially because Suga reminded you 3 times about the pouch and you just ended up forgetting it on your bed anyways.
“I’ll go get it, just wait here for me.”
You turned around to leave but your boyfriend had other plans and grabbed your arm. “No, it’s dangerous. I’ll go.”
“Suga, no. You know as well as I do that as a woman I have more chances to get away, especially when it comes to the guards.” It pained your boyfriend to admit it but he knew you were right.
“What if I ask Arial to go get it?” Hoseok’s idea wasn’t bad, the only problem was that you didn’t know Arial and so you didn’t trust her with this.
“No offence, but I’m not trusting all our money with some random girl. Just wait here and I’ll be back soon.”
“Be careful,” Suga said as he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I will,” you smiled back at him and turned around to leave, giving a quick run back to the inn. You couldn’t go back through the back door as it was already closed and locked, so you had no choice but to go in from the front. It was still early, so there was barely anyone walking around but it would soon be breakfast time and the Guard would be there, so you had to be quick and careful.
First, you needed to find Arial, as she had the key to the room. That was the easy task as she was in the kitchens preparing breakfast with the other servants, the smell of freshly baked bread filling up your nostrils.
“Hey, Arial,” you called as soon as you spotted her making fresh juice.
“Oh, hi,” she let go of the fruit and cleaned her hands on her apron, pulling you to a more secluded place. “Is something wrong? Is Hoseok alright?”
You were honestly surprised she was so worried and found it kind of sweet of her. Maybe you judged her too quickly, but you were still not going to leave her alone with your money.
“Everything’s alright, I just forgot something in the room and was wondering if you could give me the key so I can quickly go get it.”
“Oh, yeah sure,” she put her hand inside the big front pocket of her apron and took out the key to your’s and your boyfriend’s room. “Here.”
“Thank you so much, Arial.” You grabbed the key and gave her an appreciative smile.
“You can leave the key under the rug after you’re done, I’ll come and pick it up after.” You gave her a nod and turned to leave, but not before you heard her warning: “But be careful, the Guard should be here any minute.”
“Thank you!”
You left the busy kitchen and its wonderful smells and made your way to your room. There was no one in sight yet, so you decided to be as quick about it as you possibly could. You quickly ran up the stairs, unlocked your door and walked right in, immediately spotting the item you were missing. “There you are.”
After collecting your forgotten belongings, you placed the key under the big furry rug - as Arial had instructed you - and opened the door to leave but the voices down the stairs quickly made you run back inside.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself. It was the Guard.
The Guard’s voices were loud and you wondered how someone could be so loud in the morning, but that also meant that you could hear when they were no longer in the way. Soon, their voices dissipated and you figured they must be in the dining room getting ready to eat. The good news was that you could finally go downstairs, the bad news was that if you wanted to leave you had to pass by them. Not knowing what to do, your eyes quickly scanned the room and caught something that gave you an idea.
This inn was the fanciest you had ever stayed on, your group deciding to enjoy the good amount of money you had been gaining (partially thanks to your healthy competitions with Hoseok). As a result of that, the decoration of the room was also, in itself, really fancy, having deep green velvety draping curtains, both on your bed frame and the windows - curtains that you could use to hide your identity. You reached under your skirt and grabbed the sharp knife Suga had given you and made sure you always had with you. You felt bad for ruining such pretty and surely expensive curtains but your life depended on it so, without hesitation, you grabbed one of the curtains and started to cut it. Once you were done, you left two silver coins on the table (in compensation for the damage), wrapped the fabric around your head (as a lot of ladies did) and made your way out of there.
As soon as you neared the dining room you spotted them. They were 4 in total, all on the same table, swords near their reach.
They weren’t in a corner of the room (as you wished). They were right in the middle, as if they did it on purpose to make your life that much more difficult. You could see the exit, you could almost imagine Suga waiting for you, but you had to go through them first, so, you took a deep breath and slowly entered the room, keeping your head down and adjusting your improvised scarf to cover part of your face.
They were practically the only people in the room, which wasn’t ideal for your situation because it would be much easier for them to pay attention to you, but lucky for you, they seemed to be entranced in conversation.
You entered the room and walked straight in their direction, as calmly as you could. Your whole body was on edge. Sweat was starting to form and you could hear your heart frantically beating in your ears. As you got closer, their conversation started to become clearer to you.
“We’ve looked for Princess Y/N everywhere but nothing.”
Everything stopped.
They knew who you were. Who you really were. And they were looking for you. If your heart was already racing, well now you felt like it was going to come out through your mouth.
Why would they know who you were? And why were they looking for you? You were reasonably far from your own Kingdom and they only roamed in here. Then you remembered that maybe there was some type of reward on the line. Part of you knew you had to get out of there as quickly as possible and you were almost there, you could practically smell the fresh air. The other part, on the other hand, was dying to know about your family, especially your little sister, Miri. The latter part won.
You stopped in the middle of the room, just near their table, and pretended to look for something in your pouch, when in reality you were just listening in.
“Yeah, I think it’s useless that we still look for her now. With the King’s death, I’m sure she’s bound to show up. Especially since I’m sure she doesn’t want little Princess Miri to be Queen and get married at such a young age.”
You wanted to throw up.
It couldn’t be real. It couldn’t. Your father couldn’t….no. No. Your father was...dead?
You fell on your knees crying, not even thinking about the guards. Not even thinking about where you were. Nothing mattered. You didn’t agree with a lot of your father’s decisions but he was still your father and you loved him. And now he died while you had run off and you were never going to see him again…
“Hey miss, are you alright?” One of the guards was on his knees trying to help you and he was that close to seeing your face and honestly, you were going to let him. You wanted him to take you home. You wanted to be there for your family. You needed to be there.
“Leave her be!”
Just as the guard was about to see your face, Suga's voice reached your ears. He punched the guard in the face, making him fall to the ground and pulled you up to run with you. “Wanderer we need to run!”
At that moment you ran. You ran for love. You ran for Suga.
You heard them yelling and coming after the two of you, but a loud noise seemed to make them stop. You turned your head and saw that Arial had run on to them (by the smile she was giving you, you presumed it was all on purpose) and caused a commotion, giving you time to get ahead and manage to escape.
As soon as you got to your horses it was over for the guards. They were left behind and you and your group rode into the forest.
The rest of the day you didn’t really say much. You had gone to a nearby city and tried to sell stuff at the market, but this was by far the worst day in sales for you. Understandably, your brain felt like complete mush, and you could tell that Suga noticed and was waiting for you two to be alone to ask you.
“Are you okay, Wanderer?” Suga asked into your ear as soon as you were both alone in your tent. Since the little run-in with the Guard that morning, and due to your poor sales, you decided that an inn was out of the option and opted instead to go deep into the forest.
“I’m fine Suga.” You lied.
“You don’t seem fine. You were weird all day.” He came closer to you and brushed a piece of hair out of your face, placing it right behind your ear.
The look on his face almost broke you. You were ready to just hug him and cry into his chest. You were ready to tell him everything, but you couldn’t.
Today you made an important decision. You were going to leave them all behind and go back. You were going to take over your father, become the Queen and marry to a King, and you were doing it all for your sister. All throughout the day you couldn’t stop thinking about her. How sad she must be. How scared. You couldn’t let everything fall down on her. You wouldn’t. Unfortunately for you...that meant leaving the man you loved behind.
“It’s nothing. It’s just the shock of almost being caught by the Guard. But, you saved me.” You put your arms around his neck and did your best to smile at him.
“I would never let anything bad happen to you.” Just like a moth to a flame, you were drawn to each other's lips. The kiss was sweet, tender, safe, loving - everything you ever wanted and everything you were going to lose.
“I love you.”
This was the first time you had said it to him. This was the first time you had said it to any boy. You didn’t expect him to say it back, you didn’t need him to say it back, you just wanted him to know it before you broke his heart.
“I love you too.” His lips were back on yours, but this time with much more emotion. “So fucking much.”
It hurt that you found everything you were looking for and had to give it up. It fucking hurt. You fulfilled your wishes, the entire reason you ran away, and now you had to go back and you couldn’t help but shed a tear, something that Suga noticed right away.
“Don’t cry my love,” he brushed your tears away and gently kissed the place they were at.
“I’m just so happy.” You lied once again.
“And you deserve it. You deserve everything.” He pecked your lips lovingly. “God, you make me the happiest man alive.”
You started to kiss him, your hands tugging at his shirt almost immediately.
You couldn’t have him forever, but you could have this night. How many people wished for a chance, one last chance to be with their loved ones and can’t? You knew this was your last time, and you planned to take in every single second of it.
As soon as his shirt was off you started to kiss his toned and firm chest. You didn’t want to miss one bit of skin, you wanted to taste it all, you wanted to have it all. You went further down his body until you reached his pants, which you skillfully untied and removed so you could have access to his penis.
He was already getting hard. He was always ready for you, and you were always ready for him.
You grabbed his penis and gave it a gentle lick, your eyes fixated on his every expression. You wanted to see it all. Every lip bite, every eye roll, every hiss, every moan, every burning gaze...you wouldn’t lose a thing. You would engrave it all in your mind and remember it until you took your last breath.
“Fuck love, you do that so good,” he moaned as you sucked him off with all the dedication in the world.
You didn’t answer him. You just sucked and sucked until he couldn’t take it anymore. You wanted to taste him one last time. You wanted for him to come undone in your mouth like he had so many times before, and you didn’t care if your jaw hurt or if you gagged as he thrust himself deeper into your mouth, entering your throat.
“Fuck, Wanderer stop. I don’t want to cum just yet.”
You didn’t listen to him. You simply used one hand to pump his base as you swirled and sucked the tip and another to massage his balls, having him spilling his sweet milk all over your mouth.
You loved watching him cum. His eyes closing, his brows frowning, his mouth opened in the perfect ‘o’ shape showing his sinful pink tongue... If you could, you would have a painter paint his beautiful face at that moment and hang it right on top of your bed.
“Shit Wanderer, that may have been the best fucking suck I’ve ever gotten in my life,” he confessed as soon as he regained his breath.
“Fuck,” he cursed as soon as he saw you swallow his semen, “I just came and I feel like I’m ready to cum again.”
Suga went into beast mode. He removed your clothes and lay you down on your mattress, kissing you all over your body until he reached your sex.
“Mhmm,” you moaned as he flicked his tongue on the most sensitive part of your body.
God, you were going to miss this. You were going to miss the way he looked at you while his head was between your thighs. You were going to miss the way he could get you to Heaven and back just with his tongue. You were going to miss the way he clawed your skin as he sucked and licked your pussy and you were definitely going to miss his fingers - his long and rough fingers. You could try, but yours could never compare to his. He seemed to know you even better than yourself how, where and when to touch you. How to rub your clit in the right measure, how many fingers you needed, how hard he needed to go and how to make you cum so hard you’d be able to see stars.
You grabbed his black locks and pressed him harder against you as he ate all of you up and finger fucked you to fucking oblivion. You were pressing him so hard against you that you knew he probably couldn’t breathe but, by the way he just went harder and harder, you knew he liked it. That fact edged you out even more, so much so that you were screaming his name in no time, your body convulsing in the sheer ecstasy of your orgasm.
“Yes, Suga! Oh, Suga…”
“I love it when you moan my name like that.” He got out from between your legs and sucked the fingers that were soaked in your arousal. “Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect.”
Suga was now on top of you, his body pressing against yours and his lips kissing your jawline and neck as he whispered sweet nothings against your skin. He was busy slowing it down, adoring you, but you needed something else. You needed to forget everything. You needed to think about him and only him. You needed him to be inside of you and you needed it now, so you switched positions (putting yourself on top of him) and placed your dripping centre right on top of his erection, rubbing yourself against it.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking lucky,” he moaned as he gripped your thighs.
“You’re wrong. I’m the lucky one.” You lowered your torso and got your face as close to his as possible, your lips, though, were barely touching, just grazing one another and causing tingling sensations that made your heart race. “I ran away from home because I didn’t believe in arranged marriages. I ran because I wanted love, true love...and I found it.” Your boyfriend’s gaze was so intense that it made you go crazy. He was looking at you like you were the moon and the stars but little did he know that tonight, the stars would go out and the moon would be eclipsed by dark dark clouds. “You’re all I could ever wish for: gentle, sweet, loving, trustful...my safe haven.” You closed your eyes and filled the tiny little gap that existed between your lips, “I love you so much.”
“Love you…” you raised your hips a little bit, lined up his dick with your pussy and simply sank right in, involving all of him and making him moan the rest of his sentence “...too.”
As you rode him and looked him straight in the eyes, his hands gripping you harder out of pure lust, you felt like you would never feel this complete in your whole life. He fit you so well that there was no way God didn’t make you for each other.
“Suga…” you moaned, reaching down to kiss him hard. “You feel so good inside of me, I wish you could fuck me all day.”
“Maybe someday we could try it, I definitely wouldn’t oppose having you wrapped around my cock all the fucking day.” His hands moved from your thighs to your ass, a gesture that, in combination with the love bites he was leaving on your neck were making you so fucking horny that you picked up the speed.
Moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin were all you could hear and, for now, you were in pure bliss. You were so in trance by him that you weren’t even capable of thinking about other things. But suddenly, your own body couldn’t respond to your needs. You needed to go faster, you needed to reach that high, but your muscles were getting too tired. Noticing this, Suga flipped the both of you so you’d be on the bottom, locked your legs around him and started fucking you like an animal in heat.
“Oh fuck, I’m so close,” you moaned, your nails digging into his back.
“Cum for me Wanderer, show me those pretty little faces you make.”
Just like that, you were cumming around him, your walls clenching so tight around him that you thought he might cum too.
Part of you wished he’d cum inside of you this time because if you got pregnant at least you would have something of him. Something to remind you of him. Something real and physical, and not just memories. But as he left you empty to ejaculate on your breasts you realized it was probably for the best. You didn’t want Suga’s child to never meet his father and vice-versa. You could never do that to him, one heartbreak was enough.
As Suga cleaned up your breasts - after he had recuperated - you couldn’t help but look at him, and your heart started to hurt again.
“What?” He asked, noticing your emotional eyes.
“Nothing,” you fake smiled. “Come lay with me.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him in close, guiding him to lay right next to you.
Suga pulled you in closer, wrapping his arm around you and making you place your head on his chest. In this position, you could hear his heartbeat, something that managed to calm you down for some reason.
“Don’t ever leave me,” Suga said, making you freeze completely.
“W-why would you say that?” You asked, completely glad that he couldn’t look at your face right now because you’re absolutely sure that you wouldn’t be able to hide your emotions.
“Just...promise me.” He inhaled deeply and placed a gentle kiss on your hair, something that managed to break you even more.
Tears were starting to emerge. You wanted more than anything to not only promise him that and so much more but to also keep those promises. You wanted to give him everything, and it was killing you that you couldn’t give that to him.
“I promise.” A silent tear ran down your face and now you felt truly broken.
You waited for Suga to fall asleep. It usually wouldn’t take long. He once mentioned that he was normally a fast sleeper, but when he was with you he felt so at home that he would drift off even quicker.
As soon as you heard his heavy breathing you tested it out by calling his name, just in case, and when he didn’t respond you slowly got up. You got dressed, covered him with the blanket and placed a letter you had written that afternoon right next to him. In this letter, you explained everything to him. Who you really were, every little detail of why you left home (even though he already knew the general idea), what happened this morning and why you had to leave. But most importantly, you confessed your whole feelings for him and told him this was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do.
You looked at his serene face one more time and gave him a small kiss on the lips. “Goodbye Suga.” You were starting to cry very hard now and you felt that if you didn’t leave right now you were going to wake him with your sobbing. So, you opened up your tent, gave him one last look and left.
“Where are you taking me?” Suga had made you close your eyes and promise to only open them when he told you to. You were curious as to where he could be leading you in a forest in the middle of the night but you decided to not peek.
“Shhh, we’re almost there.”
Suddenly the ground felt a lot more earthy and less bushy and the sound of water running could be heard.
“Alright, you can open them.”
You opened your eyes and the sight completely blew your mind. In front of you was a beautiful lake with some rock formations and a small little waterfall. The water twinkled with the reflection of the moon and the stars shone in the open sky.
“Suga, this is so beautiful.” You turned around and kissed him as a thank you for showing you this beautiful place, his arms snaking around your form.
“There’s a reason I wanted to bring you here.”
“And what’s that?”
“When I look at the reflection of the moon on this water I can’t help but think how the moon and the water are eternal companions. Some nights the moon shines for the water and the water sees it and receives it, but sometimes the moon can’t be seen or it’s covered. That, though, doesn’t mean that the moon isn’t there. I want to be your moon. I want you to know that, even when dark clouds are around, I’m always going to be there for you. So…” Suga released his arms from around you and got down on one knee, pulling a ring from his pocket. “Will you let me be your moon, Wanderer?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Suga placed the ring on your finger and immediately got up on his feet to kiss you, as happy tears ran down your cheeks.
You woke up crying again.
It seemed like ever since you left home that was all you could do. The first time it was due to dreams about your family and the past and now, it was all because of dreams about Suga and the future you could have had.
It’s been a month since you left everything behind, once again, and returned to your broken family. Everyone was relieved to see you, which came as a surprise to you. You thought everybody would have resent for you and even hate you, but the hugs your mother and sister gave you proved you wrong. Your mother said she understood perfectly why you did what you did, and so did your father, but they had to do it. They were worried about you, but somehow they knew that you were too strong and smart to let anything bad happen to you. And your little sister...she was so happy to see you that she wanted to be near you at every second, being scared that you would disappear again - something that truly tore you apart.
Your father had died of a fever, your mother had told you. She also confessed to you your father’s last words: “Please tell Y/N I’m sorry and that I love her.”
It was really hard not to blame yourself for letting your father die with resentment, but your mother made sure to reassure you that you couldn’t have known and that no one blamed you.
Ever since his funeral you barely had any time to think, which you were kind of grateful for because you knew that if you’d start thinking, your mind would go down on a spiral. You had to take care of all the affairs of the Kingdom, plus your coronation and your marriage. The coronation and the affairs went down fairly smoothly, you had to adjust a bit to being the new Queen, but it wasn’t anything you hadn’t been prepared for your whole life. Your marriage though...was a whole nother story. You knew you needed a suitable King and heirs, your Kingdom needed it. But the idea of marrying a man that’s not Suga completely broke you and all you could do was to push it deep down inside of you and repress it. Your mind though made sure to manifest your true feelings in the form of dreams.
The choice for your husband was quite a simple one. Your parents had already approved of him - the whole reason you ran away from home - so you decided that there was no better choice than him - the prince of Slavynia. You heard he was good, kind, handsome and more than willing to marry you. You didn’t care if he was handsome or not - your heart already belonged to another - but the fact that he was portrayed as kind definitely eased your mind. You had enough problems as it was, you didn’t need an evil husband added to the list.
The wedding preparations went down smoothly. You let your mother take care of everything except for the dress. Your sister Miri begged you to choose your dress and you just couldn’t say no to her.
Right now, you were standing in your room all ready to go. Your wedding dress was made of a deep red velvety fabric - embroidered with golden flowers - and it had a golden corset, with golden details and encrusted rubies and emeralds. The skirt was huge and you felt like it must weigh as much as a bear, but it did make you feel beautiful. Your crown was also really heavy but beautiful, it’s big ruby crystals on the gold metal matching perfectly with your gown.
“Your Majesty, it’s time to go,” one of your handmaidens said as she came into your room.
“Give me just one minute.”
“Of course,” she bowed down to you and left the room, closing the door behind her.
You made your way to your bed and sat down on its edge looking at the top drawer of your bedside table. You opened the drawer and pulled out its only content - the knife Suga had given you. You caressed the handle and remembered his sweet smile. You thought about how he was doing. Was he alright? Had he moved on? Did he think of you? Did he...hate you? Or did he understand what you did?
Tears were threatening to spill and you didn’t want to ruin your makeup so you kissed the handle, placed the knife back in the drawer and closed it shut.
This was it. As you stood in front of the big white and gold doors of your ceremonial hall and looked at the excited look on your little sister’s face you couldn’t help but feel nervous. This didn’t get to be the wedding of your dreams, with the man of your dreams but you wanted it to work out. You wanted the future King to be good to you and your family. You wanted him to be good to your people and help your Kingdom prosper. You wanted everyone to be happy, even if that meant that you were sacrificing your own happiness.
“Her Majesty Queen Y/N!” The announcer said, the big white doors soon opening in front of you.
Your little sister went in first, with her tiny little crown and her cute red velvety dress that she picked out on purpose to match yours. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched her enter the room while she threw red petals on the floor you were about to walk in.
Now it was your time to go. You held your head up high, straightened your back, took a deep breath and off you went.
As soon as you entered you looked straight ahead at the altar, wanting to see what your groom looked like, but he weirdly had his back turned on you. Was he against this wedding? You were so caught up in your feelings that you didn’t even imagine that your suitor could have the exact same feelings. But then you remembered that people told you that he was more than willing to marry you. Then, why wasn’t he looking at you? Maybe he was just nervous.
You were getting closer and closer to him and each time you could observe more details. His black hair, his long fidgety fingers that he kept behind his back. Then, suddenly, he turned around and extended his hand to help you climb the stairs. It was then that your heart stopped.
“Suga?!” You almost fell to the ground, but thank God he had your hand.
“Hello, your Majesty,” he bowed to you, kissing the back of your hand in the process.
“W-what’s happening? What are you doing here? W-what about Prince Yoongi?” Your head was spinning and you truly felt like you could pass out at any minute.
“I am Prince Yoongi,” he got closer to your ear and whispered: “Wanderer.”
You wanted to say something. You had one million questions, but the truth was you were barely capable of breathing properly right now, much less speaking.
Suga saw your difficulty in talking and decided to explain everything.
“Remember I told you I also ran away from home? Well, my parents wanted to marry me off to some Princess I didn’t even know and that didn’t sit right with me. Sound familiar?”
You laughed. You laughed so loud that everyone in the hall was looking at you like you were crazy but, how could you do anything but laugh?
“So you mean to tell me that we both ran away from home because we didn’t want to marry each other and ended up doing just that?”
“Yes.” You both started laughing, this time not so loud.
“You can’t imagine how I felt when I read your letter…” he placed his hand on your cheek and you leaned into his touch. God, you missed him so much. “As soon as I figured out who you were I picked up everything and went back home, and…” he leaned in once more to whisper to you. “I took two idiots with me.” He nodded his head to the back of him where your friends Namjoon and Hoseok stood.
“Who’s that with Hoseok?” You asked, referring to the young blond he was holding hands with.
“Ugh, don’t even ask…” He rolled his eyes and you just couldn’t help but smile. You couldn’t wait to hear him brag about how he conquered her and what he and Namjoon have been up to.
“You’ll tell me later. For now, I can’t wait to get married to you,” you kissed him on the cheek.
“Let’s do it then, Wanderer.”
#ksmutclub#yoongi#suga#bts#yoongi smut#yoongi angst#yoongi fluff#min yoongi#suga smut#suga angst#suga fluff#bts smut#bts angst#bts fluff#yoongi fic#yoongi fanfic#yoongi scenarios#suga fic#suga fanfic#suga scenarios#bts fic#bts fanfction#bts scenarios#request
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TITLE: If We’re Dying PAIRING: Hosea Matthews/Gender Neutral Reader (Platonic) REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: After many years, a familiar face appears in a crowd. WARNINGS: Not much. Some mentions of violence, but it’s mostly just bittersweet. NOTE: This is a late night self-indulgent thing, so I’m sorry if there are mistakes. I also wanted to try my hand at writing Hosea solo, so here we are.
You could feel your heart sitting in your throat as you brushed a hand alongside the neck of your trusted horse.
This was it. You had been found and all night you just kept playing out the idea of that bullet in your back when you exited out into the alleyway after the show. A part of you wanted to laugh--you saw so many faces come and go throughout the nights, so many conversations and words exchanged that didn’t really stand out. Yet, your eyes had connected, and you recognized him. More importantly, he recognized you. Even with the curious glance he had been giving your whole display, the look of realization that crossed his expression when your gazes met had been haunting you all night.
The little crowded tent had given you enough safety by being in public, shuffling around in the crowd to make your goodbyes. You had been cast the odd look at your behavior, usually not one to scurry off after a show but you knew you needed to leave.
Yet, as you had made your hurried steps toward your horse, you knew it wouldn’t be any use. He knew you were town, he would just find you another time.
So, that was how you ended up just standing near your horse, petting his neck distractedly as you caught sight of someone slipping out of the tent and making his way toward you.
“You seem to be in quite the hurry,” he called out after a moment, the familiarity of his voice hitting you hard in the chest as you took in a steadying breath, “You usually his hard to talk to after a show?”
“I…” you started, pausing before you glanced toward him, “I guess thinking you saw a ghost kind of does that to a person.”
He let out a somewhat wheezy laugh--that was new.
“Guess I weren’t thinkin’ we was all dead to you, then.”
“You’re not…” you replied around a sigh, “Though, with the lives you lead, it can be hard to tell.”
“Well, we know that better than anybody.”
Hosea Matthews had changed greatly since the last time you saw him, though you supposed he must have been making the same observation about you. He looked...older, more tired. His hair was now grey, he seemed a little thinner around the face as he stepped closer toward you in the light.
The mere sight of him before had almost sent you into flight, yet the expression that sat on his face currently was kind.
You had been expecting some harshness--you had felt like a traitor for years, having to up and leave in the middle of the night all those years ago. You had been expecting a bullet. You were a loose end, and yet Hosea just seemed confused as he seemed to catch on to the tension you were trying to hold back.
“I know what you did all them years ago--it’s in the past. I ain’t gonna hurt you,” he stated with some sincerity, the words making you pull your brows together in some confusion. Yet, there was a touch of relief that started to seep into your chest.
“...Well, maybe you have more capability for forgiveness than I had been thinking,” you replied, crossing your arms.
“Can’t say it didn’t hurt,” he replied, letting out a small huff, “Can’t say it didn’t piss me off, neither, but...I got over it, started to understand it. I can’t say the same for some of the others, but…”
“I hadn’t been expecting that whole thing to go over well,” you explained, “Still don’t. Though...guess I appreciate you not shooting me in front of my horse.”
“Well, then, maybe you’d be willin’ to humor an old man and tell me what you’ve been doin’ all these years?”
Your little home wasn’t too far away from the town, you and Hosea sharing some chatter as you rode up there as the sun started to set further. He told you a little bit about the gang once you both had been further away from the streets and out toward the trails--Dutch, Arthur, and John were still around. Unsurprising. However, it had gotten bigger, from the way he had been telling it, giving you some names you didn’t remember.
It was almost surreal, him being there.
All those years ago, you hadn’t said any goodbyes. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, no, but rather you didn’t want to chance the idea of being talked into staying. Forced to. You had been good to cover your tracks, and eventually the paranoia about being found had faded off once you had a couple months between you and the gang. Until the current night, that is.
You eventually hitched your horse outside of your current home--it wasn’t much, four walls and a roof with a bed and stove.
“I’ve been trying to save up,” you explained somewhat sheepishly, “Get out of here, but it’s been a slow process.”
“Ahh, it’s...quaint,” Hosea said, lowering himself down out of the saddle of his own horse.
“You want something to eat? Drink?” you offered, stopping somewhat on the front step to glance back toward him.
Hosea shook his head, waving a hand. “No, no. It’s fine, might offend Pearson with this new stew he’d been talkin’ about.”
“Might offend him to know you’ve been fed by a traitor,” you muttered, only half serious.
However, despite how jokingly you meant the statement, the expression on Hosea’s face was too serious to make you think he caught onto that. He paused, crossing his arms as he leaned back against one of the railings on your porch.
“Is that how you’ve been seein’ yourself?” he asked, causing you to stare at him for a moment before you shrugged lightly. You decided to forgo inviting him inside, instead moving to sit down in one of the chairs on the porch with a small sigh.
“I dunno, it’s been a running thought since I left.”
“You didn’t sell us out, despite knowin’ where we were,” Hosea replied, shifting to come sit down beside you, “I’d heard that worry once or twice, but nothin’ ever came.”
“I had no plans to,” you replied, “Just...guess I always had Dutch’s loyalty speeches stuck in my head.”
Hosea let out a small hum, letting that linger for a moment before he seemed to lean back in the chair, making himself a little more comfortable.
“So, you gonna tell me why you’ve been spendin’ your nights in that tent?” he asked, glancing toward you as you let out a small chuckle.
“I’m an entertainer,” you said, spreading your arms out slightly before letting them rest in your lap as you leaned back in your own chair.
“You always was.”
“I spent a good couple years on the streets,” you said, “Started with little skits, songs and dance. Some poor fools would take pity, toss some money my way but it wasn’t never enough. I decided to start some magic tricks again, that got more interest. Some people picked me up after a couple years, I’ve been in and out of tents since but this one has been the longest running one in town.”
“You seemed happy to be doing that--at least until you noticed me,” Hosea replied, causing you to glance toward him again.
“It pays, and I’ve always enjoyed doing things like that.”
“Yeah...you and Trelawny were always a bit of a force to be reckoned with when he’d stay at camp,” Hosea replied around a small laugh, pulling a grin on your face as the small memories.
They were faded at the edges, the details lacking but you could still feel the closeness and companionship that camp brought. After being alone for most of your life prior, it had been something you had cherished and yet…
You didn’t really get to think on that too much, Hosea’s laughter dissolving into some rather concerning coughs. Concerned, you reached out to touch his shoulder. He let it subside, glancing back toward you with a somewhat tight smile as you removed your hand.
“I don’t remember that cough,” you commented, Hosea letting out a small sigh before he shrugged.
“We’re all dyin’ at some point, you know that,” he said, “My time’s comin’ a little quicker than expected, but…”
“...I’m sorry.”
“Ahh,” he returned with a light wave of his hand, “I’m still kickin’, so it’s nothin’ to worry about.”
“When have you ever stopped?” you replied around a somewhat tight chuckle.
“Not once, probably. All the more reason to believe me.”
You let that conversation hang somewhat, lowering your gaze toward your hands. As much as things had changed, he was still the same. It was comforting to know, it made you wonder about the others. It put a warm feeling in your chest.
“I missed you,” you said after a moment.
“Missed you too, kid,” Hosea said, placing his hand on your knee as he did so. “You could always...well.”
A chuckle spilled from your lips as you raised your head to look at him again, shaking your head. “Even if it was just for a night, you know going back to camp wouldn’t be as pleasant as this.”
“Yeah, guess I was thinkin’ on different times,” he replied, pulling his hand back to meet your gaze, “Why’d you leave? I pieced together what I could, but…”
Ah, that was the question you were dreading. Yet, you had a feeling he already knew the answer. That life he led, the one they were all currently in? You just weren’t cut out for it. You knew you could still see some of the bodies and faces in your sleep sometimes, the thought making you glance away and out toward the trees as you lightly shook your head.
“I couldn’t take it, I guess…” you said, letting out a small sigh, “I appreciated Dutch picking me up off the streets like he did, and I don’t doubt I would be on this path without the help you and him had given me, but...I’m not an outlaw. I couldn’t kill, couldn’t rob. I’d come to face with someone and the words would die out, I’d freeze up. I knew it was causing issues, made me risky to take on jobs, and I couldn’t just...hang around camp for the rest of my life. That wasn’t a life for me, I had to get out. I guess I was just expecting to be talked into staying if I brought it up.”
“I guess…” Hosea said around a sigh, “I saw it, too. Couple of times.”
“It was a hard decision, I struggled with it a lot, but...I just had to.”
“Hey, I already understand,” Hosea said around an almost bitter huff, “Things now...they ain’t great. Think...well, I think I would’ve blamed you for thinkin’ about gettin’ out if you was still with us.”
There was a part of you that wanted to ask what was going on and yet--well, you knew you didn’t want to know. To worry. Yet…
“...Are you safe?”
“For now, yes,” Hosea said with a nod, dropping his gaze as he let out a small sigh through his nose, “Can’t say we always will be, though. Never had been, but it’s more apparent now than ever.”
“Ain’t your concern,” Hosea said, placing a hand on your shoulder before he stood somewhat shakily. He glanced out toward the trees, the faint glow of the sun disappearing behind them as he let out a small sigh.
“Hosea…” you started, rising to your feet, “You--you always were like a father to me. Probably the only one I’ve ever known.”
“I know,” he said, turning to face you after he had stepped back down from the front steps of the porch, “I’ve been thinkin’ about you, too, these years. Guess...well, if we’re dyin’, I’m glad I got to see you again after everythin’.”
“Me too,” you said around that tight feeling in your chest, “I love you, always have.”
“Now that’s a poor decision right there, but I love you too. I’m...I’m proud of what you’re doin’. May have not understood your reasonin’ in the beginnin’, but I’m relieved you’re doin’ this.”
“I ain’t gonna tell the others you’re out here, either,” Hosea said, seeming to catch the question as it started to enter your head, pulling a small grin from you. “Can’t stop them from runnin’ into you like I did, but…”
“I’ll handle that if it comes to it,” you said with a nod, “Thank you, Hosea. For everything.”
You stood outside your home as you watched him get on his horse again, giving him a nod and wave as he tipped his hat at you. He lingered a moment before turning his horse and heading back down the way he had rode up with you, leaving you to watch as the man you thought of as a father disappeared down the trail.
It was hard to watch, feeling your throat tighten as you took in a couple slow breaths. Yet, much as the goodbye was hard, you knew something had been lifted.
That ache in your chest seemed to finally fall off, one that had been there for years.
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Six of Crows- Worldbuilding
So, I don’t want to sound overly formal when writing about this stuff, because that does zap away some of the magic and excitement I feel about these stories. But because of school, where I write only formal papers, I have trouble really letting go and writing informally about literature. So please bear with me!
The worldbuilding in Six of Crows is just so… Active and colorful and alive. I mean, as I remember it, Shadow and Bone had really interesting worldbuilding, too—with all of the well-thought-out geography and history, and the way that Ravkan culture was portrayed, I did really enjoy that series. But Six of Crows, to me, feels like a different level of worldbuilding, even though the two series are set in the exact same world.
Nothing about Ketterdam ever holds still, and all of the characters are very aware of that fact. There is always something going on—somewhere, a couple of gangs are fighting over territory or money, people are getting robbed or killed in a back alley, a mercher is going to work, a child is being forced to take one desperate measure after another to survive, a businessman is taking advantage of those weaker than him. We, as readers, see all of these things just in the first book of the duology, and the main characters are not exempt from being affected by them. And we see those confrontations come and go with little fanfare, which tells us very plainly that these things just happen here, all the time. They’re happening right now.
I think that Bardugo’s covering such a wide range of circumstances really helps readers get used to Ketterdam as a setting fairly quickly. Because all of these terrible and dangerous and crazy things happen all the time, we get used to the quick pace of life in this city, and the main characters we follow around are perceived as just a part of a great sea of motion—just a half dozen kids whose only advantage over everyone else lies in their combined skills.
That “sea of motion” feel that I get from Six of Crows, starting with the first faceoff against the Black Tips and the descriptions of the Staves, is a really cool feature. I’m not a particularly experienced writer, and trying to write a focused story in a chaotic setting sounds difficult. Making constant use of that chaotic setting for the main characters’ advantage in a logical way, as Bardugo does in Crooked Kingdom, sounds even more difficult. So I really admire the “sea of motion” that is Ketterdam, and how all of that chaos contributes so much to the plot.
As far as drawing out a cohesive plot from a chaotic setting, the other factors that contribute to Ketterdam’s constant activity might have provided Bardugo with footholds, if you will, to pull her characters out of the absolute mess she landed them in at the end of Six of Crows. The nature of Grisha power and the way it is viewed by non-Grisha is very subtly integrated into the characters’ narrations, making it seem less like magic and more like a normal part of everyday life—which is important if you don’t want to risk your Grisha characters being perceived as the only “interesting” ones. Due to its activity, Ketterdam comes across as a great melting pot within the Grishaverse—anyone who strays one step too far from home ends up there, resulting in a mix of very recognizable cultures. (For example, by the end of the first book, we’re fairly familiar with the characters of Kerch’s Komedie Brute and the merchers’ and drüskelle’s respective religious beliefs. The names of Ravka’s Saints and colors of Grisha kefta are easily recognizable, and Inej’s memories of her family paint a rather beautiful picture of the Suli culture.) All of these cultures can easily become part of a subplot for a specific character—both Inej and Matthias actually are partially characterized by the way they react to Kerch’s culture as opposed to their home cultures. Also, Kerch’s status as a neutral country in a world where three major nations are at odds with each other and Novyi Zem’s jurda fields are highly desirable creates plenty of interesting opportunities involving how these world powers interact with each other, as seen at the end of Crooked Kingdom.
What I’m curious about is what came first—the dynamic worldbuilding or the elaborate plot? Because Shadow and Bone exists, I have to assume that Bardugo’s worldbuilding, with all of its politics and vivid cultures and whatnot, came first. But that makes it sound like the plot of Crooked Kingdom was just stumbled upon by a fair amount of luck and worked out beautifully, which just sounds so staggeringly incredible that I can’t quite bring myself to believe it. Just how much planning went into Six of Crows?
Regardless, talking in circles around that particular point will get me nowhere. I just think that the world of Six of Crows is really cool and interesting because it’s so complicated and yet consistent with itself. After Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows (and I’m working on getting a hold of King of Scars), I’d be really interested to know more about Novyi Zem and the Wandering Isles…
I don’t have anything else to say about Bardugo’s worldbuilding right off the top of my head... What do you guys notice about the settings in Six of Crows? What are your favorite things about the worldbuilding here? Always happy to hear people’s thoughts!
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Well, as you request, may we have some Pancho headcannons?
So I posted some stuff on another Pancho ask, so here’s PART 2!!1!!1! (I’m sorry can you tell I spend every waking moment thinking about Pancho?
After AHKJ
- I HC that after the show, Pancho is nominated by KJ to be Commander of the Ringtail guard, and his bodyguard. He has the same crazy and often questionable methods as Clover, and by the events of s5 he's already a member of Julien’s inner circle.
- Of course this is met with ample, and not even unfair skepticism. Like “Yip, that idiot king is going to kill us all. But now he’s just going to get this pipsqueak to do it for him.” (Can you guess who that is)
(hehe look at this jockey)
- Pancho is a bit awkward and unsure about the whole thing at first, but the title is shiny and the job comes with perks, like getting to officially be part of the gang. Not like he wasn’t before, but now Maurice can’t actually tell him to go away.
- He doesn’t stop doing petty crime, like stealing or shady deals, but he keeps the kingdom relatively safe with traps and sometimes shady alliances. So he gets a passing grade as their protector, even if he does steal their underwear or try to sell them ‘government approved’ blenders.
- Depending on the story, if Clover does come back, he gladly lets her reclaim her role as Commander, and he works with her and Ted as Julien’s Head of Security.
- Because his alliances change, he becomes less inclined to do hard crime with Andy if it goes against his King/Kingdom. Andy is bitter about it, but at least he has someone in government to pull some strings for him. Sometimes. But he also likes to piss Pancho off by deliberately getting in the way of his job. Ultimately things don’t change much, since Andy starts gearing more towards selling than doing massive heists or trying to sell everyone scorpions. He makes more business that way.
If the crime is outside the kingdom though, he’s keen. Robbing the crocs? Stealing shipments from humans? Count him in. That way he still gets to bring home goodies.
- He sometimes brings Julien along for heists, mostly if he’s doing them alone (Andy is a lot less thrilled about it, and he doesn’t want to upset the bat even further). Julien l o v e s going on heists, what with his passion for crime dramas and true crime stories. Now he actually gets to be part of them.
- I used to be vehemently against Pancho ever having kids, but it steadily grew on me to imagine him as a chaotic and often hopeless dad. He lets his baby play with a stick of dynamite, but if someone who isn’t him tries to hold his child he’s all “If I so much as hear a whimper out of him/her, I SWEAR TO GODS I WILL END YOU WHERE YOU STAND! DO YOU HEAR ME?!”
- As part of the gang now he often joins them for things like board game night, and he brings them new games that he steals. He’s really good at Gimme Gimme the game, but no one trusts him to be banker, ever. He loves Uno, and he saves all of his action cards specifically to stack them and ruin someone’s day. And he absolutely can and WILL end on an action card.
- He’s also really good at card games like poker and whatnot, and he teaches Julien and the others to play. They have fake gambling nights where they bet stuff like mangos and things, and at one point he wins Julien’s crown and wears it the whole night, until he lets Julien win it back.
- He eventually becomes friends with Clover, and they enjoy setting up wild and chaotic traps. And to them, what’s a few accidental casualties in the name of progress? Maurice thinks its a terrible idea letting them work together, and Julien thinks it’s genius.
- He becomes better friends with Maurice once Maurice is reassured that they both of Julien’s best interest at heart, and though their working relationship is not as great as it was with Clover, Maurice respects him for his loyalty and resourcefulness. If someone’s going to get the job done, in some sense of the word, it’s Pancho.
- Sometimes I like to imagine the sheer chaos that would be the lemurs with smart phones, after Pancho steals a shipment of them and Julien gives them out to everyone. Pancho is a menace with a phone, and the sort to send a risky text message, agonize over it, and the moment his phone vibrates with a response he literally throws his phone against a wall in panic. Then he actually has to go ask the person what they sent. He also calls Maurice a lot, and Maurice repeatedly blocks and unblocks him.
Thanks for reading! I probable have more, but this is already a LOT. Love you guys, thanks for the ask! <3
#ahkj#all hail king julien#asks#ahkj pancho#headcanons#more of the lad!#i need him to frequently have game nights with the gang
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Señorita - Shawn Mendes
dont want to brag but... this is giving me the chills. here is a long piece dedicated to the perfection of the senorita video. also its giving me strong three steps above heaven vibes
4k words of bad boy shawn falling for you
part 2
“He is back.”
Rosie winks at you as she puts the dirty dishes down to the counter and biting into her bottom lip she wiggles her eyebrows at you as you fix your hair. It’s too damn hot in the back and Rob refuses to do something against it. It wouldn’t bother you either if you were sitting in an air-conditioned office all day, but you’re right here, working your butt off every day in the steaming hot kitchen.
You let out a sigh giving her a look. She is too engaged in your life, but it’s your fault. You told her about Shawn and now it’s all she asks you about.
“Did you take his order?” You ask reaching into your pocket to look for your small notebook and pencil you’ve been using for ages and could use some sharpening.
“Yeah, but he asked if you are in.”
“Like always,’ you mumble under your breath, but you’re not annoyed. The guy has been doing everything to get to you and it’s kind of flattering, but you know it just wouldn’t work.
Shawn Mendes is the bad guy of the town, everyone knows his name, all girls and women from 13 to 70 are dreaming about the guy in the leather jacket, rocketing through the town on his old motorbike. But as someone working 50 hours a week you just can’t let yourself get involved with someone who is famous for his bad reputation.
“Why don’t you just give in for him?” Rosie asks with a confused look. She just can’t wrap her mind around the fact that someone is not begging for Shawn’s attention, in fact, tries to avoid it.
“Because we are working and shouldn’t you be doing your job?” you ask, earning a royal eye-rolling as you grab the plates you have to bring to your table.
“You are no fun!” she sticks her tongue out but you just brush it off rushing out.
The old couple at your table are happy to have their pancakes and you can’t help but smile at how adorable they look sharing a milkshake. As you chat with them a little you can feel a pair of hazel eyes on you and glancing up you see him.
He is sitting in the same booth as always, Rosie just brought his order, placing it on the table but he has no interest in the food or her. He is staring at you so intensely you can almost feel your cheeks blushing. You know he wants you to go over there, but you have work to do and you don’t want Rob to find you ditching your tasks for some guy. He loves his money too much and willing to get rid of anyone who doesn’t bring him any.
He stays. He sips on his drink for as long as possible, Rosie going over there many times to make sure he has everything, but he just kindly thanks her work and keeps staring at you.
“Hey,” he softly says when you pass by him, his large hand wraps around your wrist pulling you back. You gulp hard as you turn back and look at him.
“Can I get you something?” you ask with your most charming work-smile you’ve turned into perfection during your time at the diner.
“Can we talk?”
“Depends on what. If you want to know what I recommend from the menu, yes. Otherwise, no.”
The sharpness in your voice surprises both of you, but you stand your ground. You have to be tough.
“Y/N, please. I can explain everything.”
“You don’t have to explain anything. Do you need another iced tea?” you ask pointing at his almost empty cup. His eyes wander to the table and back to you. Realizing you are not going to talk about anything non-related to work he gives up and just shakes his head no. His fingers let go of your wrist and you disappear as soon as possible.
Rushing to the back you take your spot behind the fridge, taking deep breath as you try to calm your burning nerves.
You really thought you’d seen the last of him when the two of you met last weekend. It was all accident, you were out for a night run because you couldn’t sleep and ran into some sketchy guys. They circled you, ready to do your worst nightmare when Shawn appeared out of nowhere. The dudes ran so fast they basically teleported. You felt like you owed Shawn for his help so you agreed to grab something to eat with him. It could have even been nice, but trouble is always on the corner when it comes to Shawn Mendes. You ran into a local gang who unlike those fuckers weren’t afraid to oppose him. Then his guys showed up and it all turned into a huge street fight, giving you just the perfect image of what it’s like to be close to him. In the middle of the chaos you ran away and he has been following you ever since, trying to talk to you but there is nothing he can say to change your mind. You are better off without him.
You finally catch your breath, the clinking of dishes brings back you to reality and you force yourself to continue with your work.
You don’t know when but he disappears at one point and the thought of him gone should make you feel better but all you have is… disappointment.
“I got this tonight,” Rosie tells you when the place is closed and it’s time to do the accounting on the register. Taking the coins from your hand she winks at you pushing you away with her hips.
“Thanks,” you smile at her as you go to the back to get changed. It’s almost midnight when you walk out through the back door, deep in your thoughts, thinking about everything you have to do on your day off tomorrow. You don’t eve n realize there is someone else besides you until a warm hand touches your shoulder, making you jump a little.
“It’s just me!” Shawn quickly assures you as you take his tall figure in. You’ve been a bit more jumpy since your little encounter. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, but you keep walking as he picks up your pace.
“Can we please talk? I want to explain.”
“I don’t think I want to hear it,” you stubbornly say, but his hand grabs your wrist again pulling you back and finally stopping you.
“Can you at least look at me when I talk to you?”
His voice is a little harsh, it’s obvious he is having a hard time having someone not give him the attention and respect he is used to. You are standing dangerously too close to him and the last time it happened he managed to break your walls and charm you.
Forcing yourself to look at him your eyes meet his and you try to hide how much he affects you hoping he hasn’t noticed the goosebumps on your skin from his touch.
“That fight was unfortunate. You really think I would have ever brought you near anything dangerous?” His words are a lot softer this time, his thumb gently running back and forth on the inside of your wrist. “I would never hurt you, Y/N.”
“Not me, but you hurt others,” you find yourself speaking and your hard tone is kind of new to him. “I told you, Shawn. We are too different, just forget about me,” you tell him freeing your hand, ready to leave, but he quickly catches up with you stopping you once more.
“But I can’t! You are all I can think about!” Frustration soaks his words and you just can’t believe you are making him feel this way. There is no way you, an average waitress can make The Shawn Mendes lose his mind.
“I tried, believe me! But ever since we danced…”
You suck your breath in thinking about the night you met him for the first time. Rosie convinced you to go out, probably for the first time in years. There is this club in the neighborhood, they play amazing music, the kind that makes you move even if you hate dancing. You wore your most daring dress, it only covers as much as needed and Rosie talked you into it, you were fine with jeans and a top.
You were at the bar, waiting for your drink when someone spilled theirs on your back, making the ice-cold beverage run down on your bare back.
“Can’t you watch what you’re doing?!” you basically screaming turning around and you found yourself with a pair of hazel eyes, roaming your body shamelessly, as if that was all you were there, for his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Señorita.”
His voice sent shivers down your spine and you stared up at him dumbly, the wetness on your back long forgotten.
To make up his mistake he asked you to dance which you agreed to. It felt like the whole place was burning around you once his hand was on your bare back. His hot breath on your skin, muscles moving under your hand, you could barely contain your feelings right there. All eyes were glued to the two of you, women could kill you with their eyes, but you somehow couldn’t care less.
“Shawn,” you let out a tired sigh when his fingers touch your cheek. They softly run down to your neck, your side and his hand stops on your waist.
“Come home with me. Please.”
Shawn Mendes begging is not something an average person could witness ever in life. Your knees are going weak at his touch, wanting nothing else than get lost in his arms and kiss those lips until yours felt numb.
“I promise we’ll stay out of trouble.”
The playful smirk on his lips gives away he knows he has already won you over, but you don’t say yes just yet, trying to make it feel like you are still holding up. His hand pulls you closer to his body and you place your palm on his hard chest. Your eyes wander to the silver necklace hanging from his neck as he nuzzles his nose into your hair.
“What do you say, Señorita? Shall we get out of here?” You can’t see it but you can hear from his voice that he is smiling. It’s unbelievable how he can play you so easily, the power he has over you is definitely not human.
“Let’s go,” you say before your rational side could step in and stop you.
Your grip around his waist tightens every time he speeds up. The lights of the city blurs in your vision as you are still too scared to look for too long. The cold leather of his jacket feels soothing on your cheek as you rest your head on his back. The way from the diner to his place is not too long, but long enough for you to pray for your life on that bike at least three times.
“You’re cute when you are scared,” he chuckles when you hop off of the bike in the parking lot. You just narrow your eyes at him holding your sweater tighter around your body as you wait for him.
Taking your hand he pulls you to his door, carefully looking around before opening it and pulling you inside. The place is nothing you haven’t imagined it to be. A typical bachelor home, kind of messy, making it obvious a guy is living there.
You slowly walk around, taking in everything you see while you hear him shuffle around the room. His jacket lands on a hanger and you hear the fridge opening as you look at a picture on the wall. It’s him and a redhead guy, but he looks so much younger, you wonder when it was taken. There is no sight of trouble on his face just yet, now it’s written all over his forehead. His hair is shorter and he hadn’t had his ear pierced. You mentally note that you like him better the way he looks like now.
“Here,” he softly says handing you a glass filled with probably vodka-orange. That’s what you drank the night you met him at the club.
“Thanks,” you give him a short smile taking a sip and moving away from the picture.
He watches you wander around the room, his eyes are practically burning your back. You finish the drink and put the glass down to the small coffee table and turning around you find him sitting on the edge of the bed, eyeing you so lustfully you can feel your cheeks turning red again.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You lick your lips as you see him pull his shirt off throwing it to the side. The urge to touch him is irresistible and you are kind of over keeping yourself back from him
After all, you are here, at his place. Now that you came all the way here you might just live in the moment and give in to all your cravings.
As you start walking towards him he stands up, towering above you, his eyes burning from lust and you know how he must be feeling, cause the same thing is happening to you. You tiptoe as one of your hands slide to the back of his neck. His forehead meets yours and you want nothing else than to feel his lips on you. Everywhere on your body.
You tilt your head to give yourself what you want, but he has other plans. One of his strong arms curl around your body as he turns you and pushes you to the bed getting on top of you. A gasp slips through your lips as you hold onto him tighter, earning a smile from him.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” he whispers, his nose touching yours. Your heart is about to burst out of your chest as you slowly close your eyes, getting ready to what’s about to come.
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you manage to say before pressing your lips to his.
It’s just like the first time over and over again, only this time it’s not a dirty brick wall you are pressed against and you are nowhere near drunk like that night in the club. Alcohol has nothing to do with your state of mind as his lips work perfectly against yours, his large hands holding you firmly while you tangle your fingers through his soft hair.
You keep moaning as his mouth works its magic on your heated skin on your neck, his hands roaming your bare thighs and you thank god you chose to wear shorts that morning. You wouldn’t bear having something between you and his hands right now.
“You’re making me lose my mind, Señorita,” he whispers before bringing his perfect lips back to yours.
Somehow you manage to turn the two of you over, sitting on his hips as you stare down at him slightly panting. His hand reaches up cupping your cheek in his palm. His look is making you go crazy. He looks at you as if you were the most precious thing he has ever saw, the tenderness and lust in his eyes are gripping your soul, making you feel like you and him are the only people on the world at this moment. He pushes himself up on his elbows as he senses your hesitation. You can’t really decide how this is all happening to you and you still feel like you could wake up from this dream any moment.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks.
“You,” you bluntly say earning a boyish smile from him that makes your heart skip a beat.
“What about me?” His husky voice is the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard.
“Why do you want me?” you ask voicing your inner thoughts.
He remains silent as his fingers caress the side of your face, making you melt under his touch. Your hand slides to his stomach, feeling his hard abs under his hot skin.
“Because…” he starts and you hold your breath waiting for the rest. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
You close your eyes as his fingers run through your hair, his hand stopping on the back of your head.
“You make me want things I thought I would never want. I feel like I don’t deserve you, but my heart just wouldn’t let me give up on you.”
Tears are burning your eyes, this moment feels more than unreal. If someone told you a few weeks ago Shawn Mendes would be saying these things to you, you would have laughed so hard. But now somehow it’s your reality and you don’t want the moment to end.
“Don’t cry, Señorita,” he pleads cupping your face in both of his hands as he pulls you close to him, resting his forehead against yours. “Did I say something wrong?”
You shake your head not wanting to speak because you know you’d choke on your words. Wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him to stop him from asking any more questions. He returns the kiss, but you can feel his hesitation and you are cursing yourself for being so emotional.
He pushes you down into the mattress, getting on top of you once again, but he breaks the kiss staring down at you.
“Are you crying because of me?” he asks in despair.
The answer is yes, but it’s not quite how he would think. It’s not something he did or said. You are scared for your life because you’ve never felt like this before and you have no idea what you are bringing yourself into. You should be running screaming, distancing yourself from someone like him, but instead here you are, tangled up with him, aching for his touch and you have no intention to leave anytime soon. You feel like you are playing with fire.
“Show me how much you want me,” you whisper into his lips, kissing him hard.
He doesn’t as any more questions, neither of you want to talk any longer. This night is about feeling.
You feel like a creep, watching him sleep, but you just can’t get enough of him. His face looks so calm, so peaceful and child-like when he is asleep, you want to soak every moment in seeing him like this. The sun is warmly caressing your body and it’s probably well over the time you usually wake up, but you just couldn’t make yourself move. One of his arms is lying over your stomach, keeping you in place next to him as he is quietly snoring in his dream.
You need everything in you to slide out from under his arm. Grabbing your clothes from the floor you put them on just when you hear him snuffing and shuffling in bed. Turning around you see a pair of sleepy hazel eyes staring at you.
“Good morning,” he says groggily and it makes you smile.
“Good morning to you too,” you kindly say as you walk over to the window and open the curtains.
The shadows are playing on his glowing skin and his messy curls are screaming to be touched. He pushes himself up, sitting to the side of the bed as his eyes never leave yours.
“How did you sleep?” he asks as you shyly eye his naked chest.
“Come here then,” he smiles at you and you do as he asked.
Standing in front of him you climb to his lap, his arms curling around your waist while your hands slide to the base of his neck, fingers playing with his curls.
“I’ve been dreaming about waking up next to you forever and you just ruined it with hopping out of bed so fast.”
You can’t help but chuckle at his words as he presses his lips to your jawline, a smile hiding in the corner of his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” you pout your lips at him.
“What are you planning to do to make it up?”
“Make it up? Aren’t you a little carried away?” you giggle as he nuzzles his nose against your neck.
“Not at all. I think we should go back to sleep so I can wake up again, but you better be next to me this time,” he tells as he suddenly throws you back to where you slept next to him, a shriek slipping through your lips that turns into a laughter. His arms lock around you, not letting you move.
“But I’m not sleepy anymore,” you tell him as he lays his head down to the pillow, ready to fall back asleep.
“Doesn’t matter,” he mumbles with his eyes closed. The smile on your face is so wide as you stare at him.
He peeks at you, a smirk appearing on his perfectly shaped lips and you can’t hold a giggle back.
“Unbelievable,” he chuckles, his arms letting go of you and now you are lying next to each other, just enjoying the moment.
“I have to go home,” you speak up after a while even though nothing in your body wanted to say that out loud.
“Or we could stay here, in bed, all day,” he suggests.
“I can’t. I have to go home, my cat is probably starving by now. If I’m lucky my neighbor left out some food for him last night.”
“You have a cat?” he asks furrowing his eyebrows as he watches you sit up.
“Yeah. And he is very demanding.”
Standing up from the bed you grab your sweater from the armchair in the corner and put it on as Shawn finally crawls out of bed and puts his jeans and shirt on.
“Alright. That cat is more important than me. We are off to a rocky start, just saying,” he sighs and you just chuckle at him.
The ride back to your place is less scary than last night. You still hold onto his waist for dear life, but your thoughts are more occupied with the memories from last night and you don’t have time to be that scared this time.
Arriving he walks you up to the door and you turn to face him before opening the door.
“Are you working tomorrow?” he asks tugging a loose lock of hair behind your ear as you nod. “Might swing by for a meal then.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Unlocking the door a ball of fur stalks out immediately, slaloming between you and Shawn’s legs, demanding attention and food immediately.
“So he is the one I have to fight with for your attention?” Shawn asks as you scoop up the clueless pet into your arms, giving him a good scratch on the head.
“Meet Gordon,” you introduce them to each other. Shawn gives him a few strokes and he purrs satisfied before having enough and jumping down, gracefully walking back into the house to sit at his plate and wait for his food.
“See you later then.” Leaning down he kisses you slowly, hands under your jaw to hold your head in place, not that you’d want to move away from him.
You watch him jump down the few stairs and hop back to his bike as you lean against the door frame. He smirks at you one more time before starting the engine and rolling away, disappearing behind the house on the corner.
Your heart is still somersaulting as you stare after him, an uneasy feeling washing through your body. Last night has changed everything and now you can’t stop thinking about what if he gets into trouble again. You’re not stupid, he won’t just give his lifestyle up for you even though you wished it worked as easily as you wanted.
The thought of him getting into another fight, or getting cornered by a gang just makes your stomach churn. He promised to be at the diner tomorrow, but what if he doesn’t show up? You doubt your heart can take losing him but it feels like as if something tragic is just waiting around the corner, ready to crash your romantic little bubble any moment.
#shawn#mendes#shawn mendes#shawn mendes imagine#shawn mendes imagines#shawn mendes fanfic#shawn mendes fanfics#shawn mendes fanfictions#shawn mendes fanfiction#shawn mendes oneshot#shawn mendes Señorita#Señorita#mendes army#shawn mendes x reader
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I gotta know what Kai meeting his SO's family would be like. How would he react if one of his SO's family tried to get her to break up with him, ditch their wedding, or try to get them divorced.
I hope you guys don't get bothered with this type... sorry, if anything I will make one different or headcanons if its more complicated
It has been a year and eight months already that he was dating you, and things were only getting more... intimate.
He even let you meet Pops. POPS out of all people... he didn't liked to remind that day but at least the elder liked you... a lot actually, for even telling embarrassing stories about a very young Chisaki...
He never felt his face burning with such passion after that day...
So he knew that he was taking seriously this relationship... although, there was your family as well, which he never saw once.
You did mentioned about them from time to time but actually saw or in person or in video calls? Nope. Never.
You lived alone but your parents still lived on the same country, but yet, really far away from you. But every once in a while you would visit them or for the holidays or some urgency that ghey would call you.
He tried mentioning them on the topic once in a conversation, but you merely responded with a laugh and 'they are loud and sometimes a bit too much excited with things, you wouldn't atture them for too long trust me.'
He was... slightest offended at that one. He convived with Mimic, so what is loud in comparation with that man?
Conveniently, one time where he proposed the idea of a date night you sadly had to decline, saying that you needed to go to a family gathering.
Perfect. He thought.
"Need company?" He asked while you were still tidying up your bag.
"Kai, love, I know you worry a lot about me, buy no way in hell Kurono will come with me in my family reunion. They might think he is my boyfriend instead." His eye twitched at the disgusting mention before he sighed to regain his calm.
"Stupid, I'm talking about me accompanying you." He growled while looking for his dress shirt.
You looked at him with wide eyes before smirking, lifting one of your eyebrows up.
"You? My family? Together? On a family gathering no less?" He nodded numbly, sighing in relief of seing his shirt neatly clean and ironed.
"You have the courage?" He sended you a hot glare after he put on his shirt.
"What do you mean with this? Its just a bunch of people, not some... whatever it makes someone be afraid of."
You giggled before successfully forcing your bag to close.
"Just asking, just asking." You smiled up at him, feeling that bit of anxiousness and excitement at the same time. "Only if you want to."
"If I offered is because I want to. Is simple." He went to pick his tie but you had placed your hand in front of it, preventing him to take it.
He arched an eyebrow in irritation before you explained.
"Is a barbecue... not a extremely expensive event..."
"I see. Can I at least grab my jacket if you wouldn't mind oh angel of my?" He asked sarcastically, deadpanning at your 'sure' and ignoring the blush om his cheeks when you kissed his covered nose.
"Look at who is!" Your sister yelled from the door, caming to give you a hug before looking up and down at yourself wjth a teasing smile.
"Didn't change the slightest!"
"Neither you sis." You sighed before Chisaki got up from his seat and closed the door of the car, looking around numbly.
Your sister gasped before pushi g you close to her to whispwr in your ear.
"Who is that?!"
"My boyfriend. Keep your eyes to your husband will you?" You said, hidding the hint of jealousy on your teasing tone of voice.
Chisaki aproached you and nodded silently at your sister who was elbowing your arm a bit too much.
Is she sick? Stop elbowing my angel.
"Uh.. this is my older sister, (S/N)." Before you could even introduce your boyfriend properly a pair of huge arms enveloped in your waist and lifted you up from behind making you yelp.
"Hey shorty! So long that you didn't appeared!" The man laughed along with you.
Chisaki's hands immediately turned to fists as his eyes went murderous looking at scene in front of him.
Who was this filth who even dared to rouch his angel in front of him in such a way? Didn't he liked living?
"Oi! You're going to break her!" The woman yelled before the man smiled teasingly at her and putted you down.
"I swear to God you're almost broked my ribcage at that hug...ouch." you whined placing a hand on your side while the man finally noticed Chisaki's presence, he also didn't miss the murderous look on his eyes.
"Yo! Taking by seing the situacion here you are her boyfriend right? Nice meeting ya!" The man went to shook hands with Chisaki before you grabbed and placed back down, noticing how your boyfriend's gloves weren't in his hands anymore.
He spoke coudly "And who are you supposed to be?"
The man laughed, ignoring Chisaki's comments, while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Older brother. (B/N) (L/N) to be more specific about it." He turned to you with a apologetic smile before pointing to one car "Sorry sis but I have to get back home."
"It's alright. I bet both of you are busy, but thanks for showing it." You smiled at both of them before they sayed their goodbyes.
Chisaki stared before looking at you in question.
"These were only my older siblings, there's one more inside... if she even came in the first place."
"They are usually this... touchy?"
You nodded before laughing at the irritated and rather regretful expression of his.
"Relax Kai." You offered your hand which he surprisingly grabbed. "They are not going to touch you if you or me say to not do it... I hope."
"You hope? How comforting. If it happens a murder here is not my fault."
"You're not killing anyone of my family!"
"It was a joke." He said monoustly before daring to step closer to that house.
It wasn't. It wasn't a joke. He was serious.
"Your family is the reason why the population is overloading..." he growled in disgust close to you in pure annoyance and evidently very uncomfortable about what happened.
How the fuck could so many people fit in one place and be so LOUD? LOUDER THAN MIMIC?!
He never so desperately wanted to hold hands with you in all his life because dear god if someone touched him and you weren't close...
First he met, ironically, was your father... the man first commented was about his fucking jacket. Out of all things. Not even 'who is the man?' or 'good afternoon. Who are you?; no, the bastard just preferred to say
"Honey what the hell is this friend of yours wearing it? And why the fuck this mask dude? You're part of a gang or something?"
"Yaku-" he went to correct whole trying to hold back his anger before you slapped your dad's arm.
"Dad." you growled threateningly at your father which he only asked why the irritation.
Then after he met your grandparents... your grandfather seemed... to catch pretty quick aho was your boyfriend.
"Hey aren't ya that leader from the mafia or something?" He whispered to not catch much attention. You mentally faced palmed while Chisaki nodded.
"Ah I see. So you guys still rob a lot of mon-"
"That is business talk which I guess it wouldn't be on your interest neither it is my obligation to tell you something."
Your grandma snorted at that while the old man scoffed in offense.
"I like this one dear." He heard her whisper in your ear.
...this one? Excuse him old lady he had a fucking name.
Then your mother... which had to ask his name and try to hug him as a greeting.
"Woah woah! Mom you can't just hug a person without knowing them!" You exclaimed as you luckily prevented a catastrophe.
"Well of course I don't know him since you mever actually brought him here once. So-" she returned her attention at Chisaki with a huge smile "What's your name sweety? She never spoke your name, only 'my boyfriend this' 'my boyfriend that'..."
First he had cringed at that cursed nickname, them he looked at you silently requesting your help.
"Call me Overhaul." You almost snorted at that one and at the face of your mother.
"That's... not a actual na-"
"Anyway! Come on lets see more of the house shall we?" You thankfully had dragged him out of there.
So there you both were now after MANY INTRODUTIONS, hidded in one room while he tried to ragain his calm and relaxed posture.
"You know we can get out of here, right? I know you aren't confortable with this."
"...Honestly I don't see what's the matter with my jacket for the first place and what if Overhaul was actually my name?" He mumbled more to himself than to you before breathing in and out slowly and getting up from the couch.
"I had worse than this." He commented before he standed his hand for you to get up "But I have to admit it that having you by my side is much... comforting."
"Same my devil." You smiled affectionately at him before nuzzling on his neck as he carresed your hair lovingly.
"You call him your devil?" A child's voice manifested, making you yelp and Chisaki to glare daggers at the kid.
"So that means he is evil, so you can't date my cousin." The boy pointed ul at Chisaki whose merely lifted one of his eyebrows.
"Like you have the power to decided what either me or my partner do with our lifes, midget." You frowned up at him receiving a scoff and his hold on you getting tighter.
He didn't like kids very much... never felt much comfortable about it.
"Uh... What's a midget?" He deadoanned at the kid.
Were they supposed to be this dumb or was this only one?
You had to go to the bathroom. You had to leave him standing awkwardly on a wall, begging silently for you to come back before someone cane over to try to have a shitty talk or even worse... a kid asking for him to play with them.
No way in hell.
The unfortunate happenrd when that father of yours approached him and sigh while holding a beer besides him, thankfully not touching.
"So... what are your intentions with my doll?" He choked on his own saliva at that.
What type of question was that?! And so out of no where no less?!
"Did you already... touch them or something?" He lowered his tone of voice while Chisaki merely lifted his eyebrow up.
Was... Was this... supposed to scare him? This?
"For your knowledge, this information is extremely personal and I guess you're not exactly on the right on trying to get this out of me at this failed attempt of intimidation. And just to be clear, I am only aturing this hell hole because of my angel so I would actually appreciate if you don't have those types of comments around me. That is disgusting." He said calmly yet coldly, like he was speaking in a meeting, not with the father of his partner.
Your father oppened his mouth for a moment in surprise before closing it again and repeating his actions for a while. Before laughing. ..
Was this guy sick inthe head or something?
"You have guts. I like that. Especially when my quirkless daughter need someone to protect and care for her." His eye twitched in irritation before he spotted you.
"Angel thank god you're back." He thanked the heavens at seing you again and getting out of that conversation as soon as possible.
"Remember when you offered to go away? I will take that. Now." He grabbed your hand and dragved you to the door while you giggled at the wide stares.
"Bye everyone! See you soon!"
"We're not coming back for Thanksgiving." He growled to you in disgust while you whispered back, still trying to contain your laugh.
"Definitely not. It's a mess."
#overhaul scenario#overhaul x reader#overhaul headcanons#fanfic overhaul#overhaul#chisaki kai imagine scenario#kai chisaki x reader#chisaki kai x reader#kai chisaki#chisaki kai#bnha chisaki#bnha imagine#bnha x reader#bnha characters#bnha villains#bnha#bnha imagines#my writing#zuffer writingz
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His Name Was Isaac - Ch. 4
Fanfic summary: During a mission to avenge his mother’s death, Isaac hunts down the men responsible for her murder and kills them off one-by-one, only to discover that his last target is taking refuge among the Van der Linde gang. In an attempt to kill them, Isaac attacks the gang and unknowingly becomes enemies with his own father, who is in the process of fighting his own battle for redemption.
Point of view: third-person
Author’s note: Thank you guys for all the support you’ve given so far! The messages and comments I’ve received have all been so kind and caring. It really means the world to me. Hope you enjoy this part :)
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This story is also on AO3
“You ever wonder about eternity?” Mrs. Downes’ voice echoed in Arthur’s head, ringing like a distant bell.
“...You should.”
These days, it felt like that was all he could think about. With Hosea dead, Marston gone, and Dutch’s life hanging by a thread, Arthur often found himself pondering what awaited them in the near-future.
Their gang was pretty much done, despite how much Dutch tried to deny it. He may have acted as if they were still in their prime and running around like in the good ol’ days, but with both the Pinkertons and Skinner Brothers crying out for blood on the horizon, Arthur didn’t see much of a future for them at all. If anything, the only thing he saw coming for the Van der Lindes... was an end.
They were already living on borrowed time as it was. Their gang had experienced so many close calls and damned so many lives, that Arthur figured they were due to pay for their crimes sooner or later.
He had lived long enough to see that there was no such thing as getting away with a sin, and considering how things had been going for them lately, he assumed that their time would run out before they even realized it.
Civilization was the new foundation for America... and without anywhere else to run to anymore, Arthur only hoped he’d be able to wake Dutch up before it was too late.
Otherwise... he didn’t know what they would do.
Scribbling down a few more lines into his journal, Arthur threw together a simple portrait of Dutch as he quietly relaxed by the campfire, allowing his mind to drift away with the soft crackling that emitted from the flames.
He had just finished his heated conversation with the old man and left him to rest in the cabin, but even after calming him down, Arthur couldn’t deny that he was still on edge.
The way he acted back there... it was nothing like the Dutch he knew. In Arthur’s head, he still pictured the outlaw as a paternal figure. He saw Dutch as someone who cared for others and dared to question what everyone else accepted as their perpetual reality.
He was a guardian. A father. A dreamer. A lost soul trying to find his way back home.
But the man in the cabin? ...He was nothing but a stranger to Arthur. His mind and mannerisms both remained a mystery, and the added layer of insanity on top of all that did nothing except further his paranoia.
His life revolved solely around greed and pride these days, and if Arthur didn’t know any better, he would’ve said that Dutch himself didn’t even care anymore.
They both knew their life as outlaws was done for. That much was obvious. But the difference was -- only one of them was willing to accept it.
“Spoke with Dutch about the robbery today,” Arthur wrote next to his drawing. “...It didn’t go so well. His illness keeps getting worse, and his mind ain’t doing much better neither. He’s deranged. Lost. Nothing but a memory of his true self.”
“It just makes me wonder how life is gonna be after he passes. I didn’t say it to Dutch’s face back at the cabin... but one of my biggest fears in life is the idea of being left alone. Family’s pretty much the only thing I live for nowadays, and without anyone else to stand by my side, part of me wonders if the world is just gonna stop turning when Dutch dies.”
“I don’t even know if I’ll want to stay with the gang at that point. I suppose I could try to make contact with John and the others once again. Try to live a normal life. But knowing Abigail, she’d probably want nothing to do with me. They have Jack to take care of, after all, and it’s no secret that Abigail despises anything to do with criminals. Not that I blame her.”
“I guess I’ll just have to wait and see where this goes. I ain’t got that many options left in life, that’s true. But that don’t mean I’m not gonna try to do the right thing. We was born to be outlaws. And it’s clear to me now that that’s how we’ll die too. But I may as well try to make amends while I still have the opportunity.”
“It’s the only thing I can do at this point.”
Setting his pencil down with a conflicted sigh, Arthur stuck it in between the pages and shut his journal closed, shoving the thing back into his satchel. He figured he had wasted enough time skulking around in his head for one day, and decided it would be best if he just focused on preparing for the bank robbery ahead.
There were weapons to load, guns to clean, plans to lay out... and judging by how Dutch was doing just a few minutes ago, Arthur assumed most of the work would fall on him and Micah. That was usually how things went.
Before he could return to the task at hand however, a pair of men approached him.
“Morgan!” Shay called out as Bill Williamson walked alongside him.
Arthur mentally groaned to himself, admittedly not in the mood for socializing. “Shay. Bill.”
Mackintosh had a seat at the campfire, making himself comfortable on a crate. “Heard you had a talk with Dutch. How’d it go?”
Arthur took his hat off, combing a tired hand through his hair. “About as well as you’d expect.”
Bill joined in. “So, we’re robbin’ the bank then?”
He put his hat back on. “Yep. Looks like it.”
Shay was obviously disappointed by the news and shook his head in disapproval, glancing at the cabin. “...He’s gonna get everyone killed, Arthur.”
Arthur sighed in a defeated tone. “Look, I tried to get through to him, but his mind’s been set. It’s clear that he ain’t leavin’ Blackwater anytime soon, and if we try to push any harder, I’m worried he’ll kill someone. Dutch already pulled a gun on me when I talked to him. We’ll just have to do our best during this robbery.”
Shay stared at Arthur for a moment, evidently not reassured.
“...We have seven people, Arthur. Seven. And two are staying behind to guard the camp. That’s four outlaws and a dying man against what, a dozen lawmen? Pinkertons, too? This robbery is gonna be a suicide mission.”
Arthur rested a hand on his knee. “Well, we don’t have a choice. Alright? I don’t like it either, but no matter how unstable he might be, Dutch is still the boss. If he says we’re gonna rob the bank, then...” his eyes fell to the ground, “...that’s what we’ll do. You don’t wanna do it, you can always sit it out.”
“No, I’ll come.” Shay confirmed. “But you can’t deny that this is a stupid idea. We should be movin’ away from the Pinkertons. Not straight towards them. That was kinda the whole reason we even bothered travelin’ this far west.”
Mackintosh let out a breath and backed down for a moment, dragging a hand down his face. “Ah... I’m sorry, Arthur. I dunno why I’m puttin’ all this on you. I know it ain’t your fault. You tried your best to talk to Dutch, so, really... I should be thanking you. I just wish he would’ve listened.”
Arthur nodded in agreement, standing up from the campfire. “...Yeah. Me too. Sadly, my words seem to always fall on deaf ears these days. Feels like no one’s listenin’ to us. Not even ourselves.”
Strolling away from the fire, Arthur suddenly stopped in his tracks when he noticed that someone was missing from the vicinity. He assumed that everyone was at camp and getting ready for their upcoming job in the next few days, but upon further observation, the gang appeared to be one man short.
Arthur turned back to Shay and Bill, quirking a brow at them.
“Hey, have either of you boys seen Micah?”
Laying the weathered piece of paper down on the desk, Micah presented his roughly-drawn map of Aurora Basin to Isaac as the young man relaxed in a wooden chair, studying the map with one hand and holding onto his rifle with the other. He and Micah may have been partners for the time being, but that didn’t mean he trusted the outlaw for one second.
“...Aurora Basin.” Isaac read aloud, his eyes skimming over the text. “So this is your camp?”
Micah nodded, crossing his arms. “Sure is, cowpoke. You ever heard of it?”
The young man shook his head. “No.”
“Good. Then that means I chose a good spot. Or not, depending on how you approach it.”
Isaac pulled his chair closer, taking a better look at the map. “Well, what’s the best way in? Is it well-defended?”
Micah rested a hand on the desk. “Overall, I’d say yes. There ain’t nothin’ but mountains on the west side of the camp, and the region of Tall Trees completely envelopes the other. If you wanna attack the gang, you’re gonna have to get real close. Unfortunately for you though, there’s only one way in.”
“I thought so. Is it this path here?” He pointed to the road on the eastern side of the map.
“Yep. That’s where we post our guards. We’ve always got two men standing there just in case anyone... unfriendly shows up.”
Isaac leaned back, contemplating his next move. “So... there’s no way in from the east or the west. What about the north and south? Is it possible I could sneak in from there?”
Micah rejected the idea. “Surrounded by mountains too, I’m afraid.”
The young man furrowed his brow. “Well, shit. Looks like this is gonna more difficult than I thought. What about the guards who are posted at the entrance? When do they switch out? That might be the only opening I can seize.”
“Every couple hours or so. But they don’t switch at the same time, so there’s always gonna be at least one person there who can see you.”
The outlaw offered an alternative. “Though... it might interest you to know that the gang’s headed out for a robbery in two days.”
Isaac perked his head up. “It is? Where?”
Micah chuckled. “That information’s irrelevant to you. The part you should care about is the fact that everyone’ll be gone for a while. The only people who’ll be left are the two guards at the entrance. But I’m sure a tough boy such as yourself can handle them just fine. Can’t you?”
Isaac rubbed his chin in thought. “I should be able to sneak in, but I need to know more about the camp itself first. Where do you keep your supplies?”
Micah pointed to a group of wagons stationed near the hitching posts. “Here. That’s where we store most of our food, weapons, medicine, ammo... you name it.”
The young man diverted his gaze to another location. “And what about this cabin here?”
The outlaw followed his line of sight. “Oh, that? That’s where our leader lives.”
“You mean Dutch van der Linde?” Isaac clarified. “I’ve heard he’s quite the unpredictable man.”
Micah sighed. “Unpredictable, paranoid, and dying. The deadliest combination. I’d suggest leavin’ him alone for now.”
“...I’ll keep that in mind. But tell me more about this robbery. When are you boys setting out? How long d’you reckon you’ll be gone?”
The outlaw took a moment to think. “Oh, I dunno... about an hour, I’d guess? Not a lotta time for you to find the camp and do what you need to do, but it’s the only chance you’ll get. As for when we’re leaving, we usually start robberies early in the morning. We don’t wanna give the law a chance to wake up properly before the chaos ensues.”
Isaac stood up from the desk. “That works for me.”
Micah eyed the young man with a cautionary glare. “...Just remember who helped you get this done, princess. You may be payin’ me, but I still got guns of my own. I won’t hesitate to use ‘em if you leave me no other choice. Understand?”
Isaac took the map and folded it in his hand, casually assuring the outlaw. “Of course, Micah. I won’t forget.”
“Good. Then I think I’ve given you your eighteen dollars’ worth of information. You wanna know more, you’ll have to pay more. For now, though...” Micah made his way to the exit, resting a hand on the doorknob, “...all I can say is good luck.”
“Wait.” Isaac said, stopping the other man before he could leave.
Micah lazily glanced over his shoulder, clearly eager to get out of here. “What is it?”
Isaac took a seat on the edge of the bed, placing his rifle on his lap. He seemed a little too calm for Micah’s liking, and the next words that came out of his mouth did nothing to ease the man.
“...Don’t eat the food after you return from the robbery.” He warned plainly, obviously thinking of something.
“Otherwise, it won’t be pretty.”
#red dead redemption#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#arthur morgan#isaac morgan#dutch van der linde#Micah Bell#Bill Williamson#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2 oc
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personality + relationships for julia & background + relationships for lucia 😌
rips you off and makes banners <3
What’s their alignment?
chaotic good/neutral. more neutral/lawful later on
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into?
Not looking at it in-depth but entj 😳
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)?
Writing obviously... Mostly her little newspaper articles though, she’s not creative enough to write fiction :/ Other than that she likes to read, mostly the standard literature of the time (she’s a big fan of Ernest Hemingway.. 😳) or some of her mom’s old stuff and a few other columnists she looks up to :) Also medical books her dad has in their living room. She reads those too. She also picked up sewing at some point in the late 20′s/early30′s but she’s kinda. whatever about it. Mostly did it when she couldn’t afford new clothes and tried to change the silhouette of her old stuff
What are they bad at?
Driving 😔 she’s not... bad... she’ll just yell at anyone for no reason and break speed limit all the time
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses?
No lol but she smokes... sometimes 😒
What are their goals and motivations?
God she’s ambitious as hell and it has mostly to do with her job... she wants to be a famous journalist or something but most of all to be taken seriously? Insert that saying about having to work twice as hard as a man to get half as much respect. Besides that, she also believes whatever she puts out into the world could somehow change things for the better :) It’s a little naive so she’d never tell people but.
What are their manners like? Any habits?
Her manners are.. good? But she’s chatty and won’t shut up and says whatever is on her mind so
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
She’s friends with almost everyone at Salieri’s (except Frank ig just because I couldn’t see them interacting much.. and Vinny..) and mostly just hangs out with them, she doesn’t really interact with other people anymore. Friend group that consists almost exclusively of italians <3 Her best friends are Olive and Sarah, maybe also Carlo since he always hangs around the bar too while the others are doing idk mafia things and plays cards with them :/ She’s friends with the other guys too though. Including Ralphie to some degree, she feels sorry that everyone makes fun of him... then laughs at whatever mean shit the others say about him and feels bad about it 😔
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids?
Oh you know 🙄 has a stupid little crush on Sam because she likes evil men i guess... idk what to say because there’s. A lot. They hold hands on her dads couch, get together like a year later because hes a freak etc. You know how it ends in canon but in the sexy superior au they get married in 1939/1940 something but nothing changes bc she was living in his crappy little italy apartment anyway :) also no kids god..
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
Hmmm mostly her parents. Yes her dad is a crooked doctor but she wants to be like that too... He ends up in prison in the canon timeline though :c Also her late mother... she was an author (not a well-known one lmao) who died in the late 1910s :/ She trusts uhhh.. her dad and her friends I suppose.. her close friends.
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
She dislikes/hates a lot of random people because she’s petty but has no real enemies? Maybe Morello & his gang but just because everyone else does.. She has the exact same opinion on him as Salieri so whenever he talks shit she’s like “haha YEAH! >:(”... then he goes crazy in the end :/
Do they have any pets?
Yes, a cat :) his name is Louie
Are they good with kids? Animals?
With kids... yeah, to some degree? She’s the cool aunt who teaches kids swear words like “oh nuts” and tells them (child-friendly versions of) stories about her mafia friends but she’s not really someone who could take care of a child all day 🙄 Animals... yeah? She’s good with cats but probably nothing else
Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
She was born in Parlermo in the 1920s but her family moved to america when she was very young so she has no memory of her old home :/ They weren’t very well off in sicily and that didn’t change when they moved, her parents worked shitty jobs with low pay so they didn’t have much & lived in some ugly little apartment in little italy with their three kids... Lucia had to take care of her brothers most of the time because her parents both worked.. and was usually the one who had to beat the other kids’ asses when they got into trouble with any of them 😒 She spent most of the free time she had studying and doing things for school so she could get a proper job and wouldn’t end up like her parents or whatever
What’s their family like?
Her parents like I said are both from Sicily.. her dad is a mechanic and mostly worked in some little garage. The earning wasn’t that bad for the time but he made a few debts to the bank (and other people trying to pay those off) in the 1930s so you know :/ Her mom worked part-time in some random store lol.. they loved her obviously but they were very strict and had a billion expectations while also not really being around enough. They do support her trying to do well in school, mayyyyybe also going to college and all that but still expect her to get married instead of pursuing a career in the end so she can become a proper housewife 😒 She also has two younger brothers, Antonio and Frank.. they’re closer and like i said... Lucia is the cooler older sister who beats up the other kids who mess with them. They don’t have much lore but.. they exist..
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
None... idk.... empire bay library where she works in the late 40′s/early 50s :) she initially just works there as a librarian but becomes an archivist in 1950 something.
How do they fit into their “story”?
Just like Mia, she’s Vito & Joe’s friend from childhood.. dumb teenage antics that end after high school and they grow apart while Vito is in the army and Joe does... crime things. She’s just doing her own thing until the like 2 months where Vito isnt in prison.. where she has to drive his ass home after he & Joe robbed that one jewelry store :^) also they all meet up again in 1951, life is good for 3 months
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
Some crappy little apartment complex in Westside except her apartment looks nice 😌 it’s nothing fancy but it’s cozy and nice, lots of books lying around (there’s a system to it according to her), some old furniture mixed with new mid-century style ones. She has a little sunburst clock hanging there.
How do they eventually die?
Uhhh probably just of old age... in a swamp..
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
Her childhood friend group that I mentioned, consisting of Vito, Joe and Mia :) They all lived in the same crappy neighborhood and went to school together.. Apparently Joe was the neighborhood bully whch is funny as hell to me but also. Lucia got into his “gang” when he picked on her little brother and she threatened to beat his ass.. meanwhile Vito actually had to do that to get into their group lmao. They met Mia like two years later in church and all became friends when Lucia helped her out in school 😳 She’d definitely consider Mia her best friend, they still hung out after their little friend group fell apart :(
She’s also friends with Giuliana and by association Henry (not really she just hears about him from like everyone)
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
godd obviously she wasn’t the one who started shit but she gladly went along with whatever stupid bullshit the others were doing. She’s supposed to be the responsible smart one or something but she’s not... she’s the one who causes more trouble to help the others somehow 😌 Shoplifting antics
She started being responsible after graduating high school when her parents told her to do something with her life so she’s like... “time to stop hanging out with criminals and focus on college...”. she really misses it though :(
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids?
Ahem.... she and Vito.... Childhood friends to lovers 😌 they were just friends in high school & she thought she’d never see him again after he got arrested but she does in 1945. Then he gets arrested again :)) Uhh she probably briefly dated a few people during that time but nothing ever came out of it. They get together in 1951 though but i cant talk about my mafia ships here or I’ll combust. They also probably have kids idk yet.. they look like kids people
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
She trusts..... her friends. and her brothers. Doesn’t really look up to her parents though because that’s exactly what she doesn’t want to be :(
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
She doesn’t have any enemies she just hates some random people by association (the irish gang, some random mafia men she doesnt know)
Do they have any pets?
Two cats. Ocs by me owning cats cinematic universe
Are they good with kids? Animals?
Yes, she’s good with both :)
#THANK YOU 💗💗💗 sorry this took ages.. gets distracted from ask meme you sent by talking to you in dms#the gc too actually#c: julia#c: lucia#mafia 1 brain activated#ok also getting a solid feeling on Lucia now.. :)#jennystahl
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