#also in the words of demi lovato: get a job stay away from him
marciliedonato · 1 year
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each day we stray further away from god’s light....pull the trigger piglet 🥴 😮‍💨 🚬
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stone cold
Request: “Hi I love your stories 😍❤️ can I request an angst where Timmy and the reader are together but Timmy fell out of love with the reader. Inspired by Demi Lovato's song "stone cold" the line in the song " if happy is her, I'm happy for you" really got me. Thank you please notice me 😊” @kristineyoshaii
word count: 1,245                                                                                     reading time aprox: 5 mins
You know they say that time is of the essence and that it must not be wasted on invaluable things because every moment is priceless. They say that only time will heal and that memories will soon be nothing a figment of our past lives. What they didn’t tell you is how cold those memories feel after time elapses. 
“You’re my world, do you know that my love?” Timmy murmured, nuzzling his head into the crevice of my neck. “Do you know that out of all the people in the world, excluding my mom of course, you’d be the only one I’d ever do anything for” He stated, wrapping his arms around me tighter as we laid on his bed. 
The moonlight engulfing the room entirely, casting shadows of the dressers onto the wall that stood in front of us. The air was crisp due to the autumn air and the open window that creaked ever so often.
“You’d do anything?” I questioned flipping over to face him, shifting under the white duvet to cuddle closer into his chest. I laid my head comfortably on his shoulder basking in his scent of old cologne combined with fresh linen. 
“Anything, my love” He kissed the top of my head, exhaling into my head as he combed the tangled bits of hair. 
“So you’d strip and give me a lap dance if I asked?” I playfully suggested, drawing figure eights on the surface of his skin, knowing the comfort that usually brings him. 
He chuckled lightly, pressing another kiss, but on my forehead this time. “Maybe not everything”
We were in love. Maybe they were right and that we were too young. His friends always judged him because of his decision on our relationship. My friends always reminded me how gullible I was for continuously forgiving him after many fights and deliberations. But he was my person, he was part of me, and he made me. 
“Hey babe, are we still on for movie night tonight?” I asked, looking behind me as I watched Timothee get ready for an interview he had to attend for New York Times. He was in the middle of rushing to put on his blazer and grabbing his keys.  
“Oh shit, my love I forgot, I’m so sorry I have a shoot toni-” 
“It’s okay Timmy” I cut him off with a smile, laughing as he struggled to put his boots on. 
He then came up behind me in a fit of laughter and began peppering kisses all over my collarbone. “You. are. the. best” He stated in between kisses, pulling away while wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. “I promise my love, I’ll try my best to come back as soon as possible, and if not you have my permission to murder me” 
“Go Chalamet,  before I actually do murder you” I chuckled, shaking my head as he ran to the front door. 
“I LOVE YOU Y/N Y/L/N” He yelled before slamming the door shut in a hurry. 
He’d never forget to tell me that he loved me everytime he left, even if it was to pick up the mail that was delivered in the lobby of our apartment building. He loved me and I loved him.
“Hey baby” Timmy greeted as he walked through the front door, giving me a chaste peck on the cheek. I sat on our couch watching the latest season of Criminal Minds, resting from the tasks I had accomplished today. 
“Hi darling” I greeted back. “When are you going to take a break my love, you’ve been working an awful lot” I inquired. 
“Well, it’s all in a hard day’s work baby” 
His response triggered an unnerving feeling inside me, but I pushed it off. 
“Okay darling”
He was an actor and he was famous. All eyes were on him, which put a lot of stress and anxiety on Timmy. I also knew he was a workaholic, but the difference was that he held passion in what he did, so I never questioned it. 
Timmy came through the front door, his hair was disheveled, his shirt was buttoned in the wrong places and he looked overall exhausted. This caused me to jump up from where I was sitting and traveled over to where he was. 
I placed a gentle hand on his cheek, shifting his face around to get a better look. “Geez Timmy, are you okay baby? What happened?” I asked, frantically checking his body for any injuries.
He simply brushed off my hand and replied, “I’m okay Y/N, relax a bit. I was doing my own stunts for a scene we were shooting” He explained, laughing as he glided in our bedroom. 
“Well...do you need anything darling?” I continued, still worried about his state of appearance. 
“No, I’m fine Y/N”
Fine. That’s a funny word.
“Hey baby, it’s me. Send me a text or call me when you come home” I sighed as I left him the sixth voicemail I’ve recorded. It was already 2am and he hasn’t come home yet. 
My mind began exploring irrational theories of what could’ve happened to Timmy from getting jumped in an alleyway near Grand Central Station to him being kidnapped by a crazed fan. 
All my thoughts were halted when my phone lit up, Timothee’s name appearing as a notification. 
“Shoot is late, home tomorrow. GN”
He never came back home. 
Well he did physically, but my Timmy didn’t come back home the next day. 
“Y/N can’t you understand I have a job to do. Hell I’m the reason you even have a place to stay in” He argued, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned away from me. 
“Baby, I’m not saying to stop wo-” 
“Stop, don’t call me that. Just stop” 
We can make it work, right? We were Y/N and Timothee. We loved each other, we were each others worlds...right?
“Baby, please, please don’t go please” I begged, following Timmy as he paced to the front door with packed suitcases in both of his hands. “Baby, why are you- please baby...” 
“Y/N I told you not to call me that” He said emotionlessly, huffing as he set his suitcases down to open the locks to the apartment door. 
“But, I don’t understand, why? Why are you leaving me?” Sobs racked my entire body as I struggled to let simple sentences leave my mouth. 
“Y/N please don’t be difficult, you knew this was bound to happen, especi-” 
“You cheated on me didn’t you?” I accused him
He stared at me with an incredulous look, appearing more offended that I suspected him of such a heinous crime. 
“What? No Y/N, you think I’d be one to cheat on you?” He retorted, staring at me in disbelief”
“Th-the long n-nights at work, an-and the excuses- I though-” 
“Y/N, I don’t love you anymore” 
Silence came after that, it was the hardest part to bear. Not when he confessed he didn’t love me anymore. Not the sleepless nights I spent alone without him by my side. But the silence that engulfed me in the aftermath. 
“I’m...I’m sorry Y/N, I just don’t love you anymore” 
He’s dating his co-star now. He’s won approximately one Golden Globe and have had two nominations for an Oscar award. His significant other had won one, but not him. 
Although, she’d won more than an Oscar. She’d won Timmy. She makes him laugh now, she draws the figure eights on his chest now, she’s his comfort now, while I sit here in a pool of regret. 
Time elapses and memories fade, but when they’re gone all you’re holding onto is the stone cold feeling of what was once there. 
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scullydubois · 5 years
thoughts on Oubliette (3x08)
Written by Charles Grant Craig      Directed by Kim Manners
We’re starting off in a high school...I’d rather not
I’m already very uncomfy about this
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All I can think about is the Demi Lovato meme that’s like “STAY AWAY FROM HER. GET A JOB”
I’m really about to have nightmares about getting kidnapped by some creepy middle-aged man aren’t I
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Uh...can someone check on her
Interested (and potentially frightened) to see how this storyline is handled
ANOTHER episode written by a new writer...don’t disappoint me please!
Where’s Scully
Every time I ever write that she comes onscreen like 10 seconds later
“That’s spooky” “That’s my name isn’t it”
This teenage girl (Lucy) is not cutting Mulder any slack
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TFW you’re a kidnapper and you have to carry a crowbar around to attack people with in case they suspect you
Scully suspecting Lucy and Mulder strictly believing she’s a victim...interested to see where this goes
It is very creepy out here
Lucy is a captivating guest character
Mulder has his work cut out of him
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Not the photos again
Lucy reminds me of (and might be based off of) a case I learned in psychology, Genie the feral child
The girl who was kidnapped earlier just freed herself...the power of that
This is a really interesting episode...I keep using that word, but it fits
Didn’t Mulder study psychology
Lucy was covered in the girl who was kidnapped’s blood...hmm
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Where exactly is the appeal in kidnapping a person and holding them hostage?
I side with Mulder in this case actually
“You’re so sympathetic to Lucy as a victim like your sister that you can’t see her as a person that’s capable of committing this crime”- there’s the connection I was missing! Mulder is so obsessed with Lucy and this case because it reminds him of Samantha.
How exactly is this guy who kidnapped a girl 17 years ago just casually living his life with no consequences? WTF?
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So Mulder found Lucy in the bunker, not Amy…
As a teenage girl, I cannot reiterate enough how much this premise creeps me out
Into the river they go!
They’re both giving her CPR...there’s something symbolic about that
Mulder’s really going through it this episode
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Oh no, Lucy!!
This episode is really fucking me up
Also, I’m glad Scully established the whole Samantha connection earlier or I would have found Mulder’s obsession with these girls really goddamn creepy
Fox Mulder, let me hug you
I’m very much near tears here...I did not expect that to hit so hard
Consensus: This episode left a much greater impact on me than I expected it to. It reminded me a lot of Irresistible, except in this case the emotional burden was placed on Mulder instead of Scully. It was creepy, disorientating, and emotional. I couldn’t ask for much more.
4 out of 5 stars
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fencheto · 5 years
Forbidden - Part 4 (Dimon Romantic)
The story can also be found on Wattpad You can find the previous chapters here Feedback is greatly appreciated.
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a-simple-imagine · 7 years
Tell Me You Love Me (Christmas Special)
Requested by me: It’s Christmas time. You’re spending it at Demi’s parents and you have a surprise for her
Pairing: Demi Lovato x fem!reader
A/N -  Its officially christmas here so MERRY CHRISTMAS!! or HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! my lovelies. Consider this my gift to you guys, I’ve been so hyped to publish this one so I hope y'all like it. 🎄💕
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I remembered that day like it was just yesterday. Christmas would always hold a special place in my heart which was why I had planned to do this tomorrow. It was the first time I heard those three little words from my girlfriend. I love you. Demi and I had been dating for a while and it was our first Christmas together. We weren’t doing anything particularly special. Just cuddled up watching Elf. I had originally planned to say them first and on that day too but I was much too nervous. So much so that I almost didn’t say them back. I love you too. To this day those words still rain true. If anything they mean so much more now. Our relationship was no longer new. We’d been together for a few years. We were different people now, than we were back then. We’ve grown. And matured. This year we were spending Christmas with Demi’s family. I was actually looking forward to it. Although I was a little on the nervous side. We lay together in what I assumed was Demi’s old room. Demi’s arms wrapped around me as she slept. I honestly couldn’t understand how that was comfortable for her but she was snoring away. I, on the other hand, was struggling to get any shut eye. I just lay in the dark waiting for the appropriate time to get up. Careful not to wake my sleeping girlfriend, I reached over to grab my phone off the bedside table. Clicking the home button, I was almost blinded by the light. Time; four, thirty nine a.m. Despite my caution, Demi seemed to wake.
“Y/N?” She mumbled, arms slipping from around me to gently rub her droopy eyes. “Can’t sleep?”
I nodded slightly. “Not a wink.”
“Are you excited for tomorrow?”
“You could say that, yeah.” Lips curling into a small smile, I shifted to look towards my girlfriend.
“I’m excited too.” The woman snuggled up closer to me. I kissed her gently on the forehead. “You should…” She lost a battle with a yawn which was admittedly adorable. “try to sleep though.”
“Trust me, I’m trying.”
Demi fell back to sleep after that. I moved a stray lock of hair behind her ear as she nuzzled against me. I wrapped my arms around the brunette. Holding her close as she slept. No matter what happens. No matter the answer. Tomorrow would be the day our lives changed forever. I lay in the darkness. In the silence. Just waiting until I finally drifted off.
My body shook rather violently, awaking me from my slumber. A long groan emitted from my throat. Turning away from the source of the shaking, I clutched the sheets tighter. Yanking them to my chest. No part of my wanted to get up now that I had but a taste of unconsciousness.
“Y/N, get up!” Demi whined, trying to pull the covers from my grasp.
“Just five more minutes, please.”
“Last night you couldn’t wait for today, so get up.” Demi climbed onto the bed. Legs either side of my body, She hoovered above me. Moving to lay on my back, my eyes fluttered open. Demi smiled, pecking my lips. “Get up!”
“I swear you’re like a child. Go away.” I chuckled. Closing my eyes and turning away from her once more. “I need my beauty sleep.”
“Fine.” Demi left the room without another word. I buried myself within the sheets. A few peaceful minutes until paws clawed at the sheets rapidly. Opening my eyes, I saw Batman. Demi’s Black yorkiepoo. His tail wagging excitedly. I attempted to push him off to the side but the dog kept coming back. His tongue lapping at my face.
“Okay, Okay, calm down. I’m up.” I ran my hand through the dogs soft fur. Sitting up in bed, the dog jumping down to run over to the brunette. Demi picked him up in her arms.
“Good boy, Batman.” She gave him a treat before placing him back down. Throwing off the covers, I thought it best to finally embrace this Christmas morning. I was a mix of exhausted and excited. Today was the day. I’d been looking forward to it for what felt like months. Glancing towards Demi, even in my state I couldn’t help but smile at the Christmas onesie she wore. It matched mine but it didn’t look nearly as good on me as it did her. I only wore it per her request. The girl made her way over to me, took hold of my hand and planted a kiss to my lips. That was before practically dragging me downstairs. As we approached, I could hear her family chatting. Everyone must already be up and I guess they were waiting on me. I was slightly embarrassed as I was lead into the room; walking just a little way behind Demi. But we were greeted by warm hellos and holiday cheer. I sat beside my girlfriend on the plush sofa located next to the Christmas tree. My head almost instantly falling to her shoulder.
I nodded.
“That’s what you get for staying up most of the night.”
She patted my cheek softly. And I groaned. As much as I hated to admit it, it was my own fault. I was too anxious to sleep so it was technically out of my control but still. Demi’s mother insisted that she should have let me sleep in which I totally agreed with. I kept feeling myself beginning to nod off to sleep before jolting awake again. My ears hardly even registered any of the conversations happening around me. That was until I was given food. French Toast to be exact. It smelt divine, tasted It too. The coffee that accompanied it was also a blessing. I felt more awake and ready to face the day. The family chatted, this time I joined in though. They asked typical questions about how I’m doing. About my job. All that fun stuff.  I answered of course. I wasn’t about to be rude to my girlfriend’s family and they were just making conversation. When it came time to finally open the presents dotted under the tree, that all too anxious feeling returned. I being one of the closest to the tree was tasked with help handing them out. It was always nice to see the way people reacted to getting gifts. You could tell almost instantly if someone liked something. And I enjoyed the mental challenge of figuring it out. we finally came to the point where there was but one present left under the branches. I had made sure to keep it off to the back. Purposely ignoring it. Reaching for the parcel, I checked the label despite already knowing who it was for. This was it.
“Seems like you missed one, babe.”
Her head tilted a little out of what I assume was curiosity. I placed the gift upon her lap. Demi pulled off the lid of the moderately sized box. An amused smile tugging on her lips. Everyone seemed to just watch her.
“Really?” She rolled her eyes and pulled out a slightly smaller box. And as she opened that one, a chuckle slipped past her lips. Again she pulled out a slightly smaller box. This continued to happen and I could see Demi was getting annoyed. Her family was still rather amused though which made me think they were in on it. I had spoke to Eddie in advance after all. The girl eventually got to a rather small box. It was tiny compared to the one we started with.
“I swear to god if there is another box in here-”
“Just open it.” I interrupted sharply.
Pulling off the lid, her brows furrowed. There was another box inside, only this one wasn’t covered in Christmas paper. Nor was it made out of cardboard. Instead, Demi pulled out a velvet red box. She lifted the lid with caution and my stomach began doing somersaults. This time I wasn’t gonna back down though. Demi couldn’t do this for me. I had to be the one. I positioned myself on the floor so I was down on one knee.
“Do….” I swallowed hard. “Do you remember our first Christmas together, Demi? That was also the first time you told me that you loved me which is why today is my favourite time of year.”
“And everyday since then, I-I’ve  fallen more in love with you. At this point I’m… ridiculously, head over heels, in love with you. And so I, uh… got to thinking about the future and I want a future with you, Demi. Nobody else but you. And I think this s-should be the first step. So, Demetria, Devonne, Lovato, will you please do me the honour of becoming m-my wife?”
Her brown eyes drifted from the ring to meet my eyes and then back again. There was a sinking feeling in my gut. I’d messed up, I was too nervous. Nobody said anything and the silence was painfully awkward. I expected Demi to answer relatively quickly. Maybe she didn’t want to marry me? And she was trying to work up the courage to say no? I was really starting to overthink so I got to a point where I was about to tell demi it was okay to say no when she took the lead.
I hesitated. “Yes?”
That lost look that was plastered on her face broke into her signature bright smile. She looked so happy. And so beautiful. Grinning ear to ear, Demi nodded eagerly. Her family seemed overjoyed. I caught a glimpse of Eddie who gave me a little nod. I had told him in advance because it was a tradition to ask the father of the bride if you could marry their daughter. I didn’t so much as ask because Demi isn’t his property to give away but I told him that I wanted to propose. And that I wanted to do it on Christmas Day. He gave me his blessing. I rose to my feet and demi instantly wrapped her arms around my neck. Pulling me so there was no distance between us. I stared into her eyes. A warm smile to match hers. I was about to speak when I felt her lips on mine. The kiss was slow and tender but full of a passion that was relatively new to me. It had a need behind it. My arms secured themselves around the girl, keeping her as close as possible as I kissed back. For a split second I forgot where we where. I forgot that there were even people around us. It was just Demi and I. Sharing a moment that would undoubtedly change our lives. While she may have pulled away from the kiss, her arms remained tight and she caught my gaze once more.
“I remember our first Christmas perfectly. It was one of the few I hadn’t spent here with my family. It was just us two and you had eaten way too many candy canes off the tree.”
“Let’s not relive that part. I was so sick after that.” I laughed.
“I remember the shake in your voice as you told me you loved me. I heard that same thing today. You were nervous. Scared I was gonna reject you. But you had no reason to be because I’ve known for a while now that there is no one I’d rather spend my life with than you, Y/N.”
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rwbyremnants · 7 years
NOTES: Sorry for letting two weeks pass, didn't mean to lose track of time. Hope you like the update! Things are gonna start moving a little quicker plotwise now; not NECESSARILY because of what happens in this chapter, but it will affect things. More to come!
=Chapter 13
“Hey, Snow Bunnies! Check out where I am!”
The camera panned over to the backdrop of Times Square. Lights flashed and blinded the viewer, turning everything into a smear of colours as it slid back to Weiss’s poorly-lit face, grinning from ear to ear. Her other hand nipped a strand of white-blonde hair behind her ear as the first raised the phone on its selfie stick a little higher.
“Big things are gonna happen in the Big Apple! I’d say more, but who wants all their surprises spoiled? Certainly not me! See you soon!”
As she waved vigorously before tapping the button to stop recording, Yang approached from behind the camera and chuckled. “You sound like the biggest cheeseball.”
“Quiet, you. The fans like to see that I’m happy and my energy is up. Don’t ask me why, but it’s kind of… reassuring? Just watch Demi Lovato’s stuff, it’s all either silly or inspirational. They expect me to be positive and they have every right to expect it by now. I can’t let them down.” Then she put the phone and the selfie stick away. “Now let’s go before someone watching my Insta realises where I am and tracks me down!”
Even as she said that and they turned toward the Yamaha, there came a squeal of several young female voices from deep in the crowd. “Uhhh, too late – get on! Now!”
Yang didn’t wait, but picked her up and stuck her on the seat. They were roaring away from the curb just as a knot of superfans broke through the rest of the throng, starstruck looks in their eyes. What a lucky near-miss.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” she asked Weiss as she dropped her off at the bus a short while later.
“Stop worrying,” her principal sighed with a roll of her eyes, handing her helmet back. “I’m fine. You are not our entire security team. Go see your sister.”
“Okay.” Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, she darted in for a quick peck on her lips, making sure it didn’t turn into anything longer just in case they were caught. “See ya soon.”
“I’ll be counting the seconds.” The smirk made sure that Yang didn’t know whether or not she was being sarcastic.
The streets of Manhattan were terribly busy at all times, and almost impossible to navigate. However, equipped with her bike and the GPS on her phone, Yang did manage to find her way without losing herself in the shuffle. Also, without having to untangle the clusterfuck that was the subway map. Now that they had taken care of Weiss’s little social media check-in, they could get on with the rest of their night.
A quaint little place in the upper east side was where Ruby and Penny had selected for their meeting – at Penny's insistence, her being the native. Chinatown would be the more desirable place for dining, since it would remind her of her dad’s cooking, but it was a lot further away from both where the tour bus was parked, and Penny's home in Astoria. A reasonable compromise.
Finally, she managed to find a decent place to park, pretty close to the small bubble tea establishment for which Penny gave her the address. Yang had never tried bubble tea herself, but when Penny and Ruby insisted, she couldn't exactly say no. She had chosen the very same outfit that Ruby and Weiss helped her purchase the first time they met up, a small token that she hoped Ruby would recognise.
As she stood on her toes to try and find the two, she spotted the same mess of ginger hair in a corner booth, sat beside what she thought was Ruby. So right away she headed over, sitting herself down on the seat opposite.
"YANG!" Ruby gasped, then grinned as she threw her arms forward – and was stopped by the table between them. "Hllgg! Whoops, heh…" Scratching the back of her head sheepishly, she sank back down next to Penny. "But I'm so glad to see you, sis!"
"Right back at you, nerds! Happy Easter!" Yang grinned, settling herself down opposite Ruby. The other two had already gotten their drinks, but Yang wasn't too concerned. She just wanted to catch up with her sister. "I still can't believe you're here! How the heck did you pay for your ticket?"
That caused Ruby to blush slightly, and she glanced at her companion out of the corner of her eye – who was currently sipping tapioca pearls up into her straw. "Well… Penny paid my way. One of her dads is a lawyer, so…"
"Hmm?!" Accidentally swallowing one of the bubbles unexpectedly, Penny had to cough and beat her chest to try and force it down right. Once sure it had settled, she quickly looked around to Yang. "S-sorry. Yes! Dad paid for one half of her flight, and I've offered to pay the rest out of my savings. I get more allowance than I usually need, so I was more than happy to!"
"Cool. Well, as long as you both don't mind! I'm so glad you’re in town." Quickly bringing out her phone to check the time, Yang scratched the top of her head nervously. It would be four hours till she could see Weiss again. No matter how confident she was that Weiss would be alright on her own, she was still worried.
"Wow, are we that boring already?" Ruby attempted to joke when she noticed Yang checking the time. But when Yang didn't answer immediately, her smile slipped a notch. "Wait, are we?!"
"Huh? Oh! Nononono! I was just seeing if Weiss messaged. I'm just… it’s my job, y'know?"
As Yang rested her cell phone on the table, Penny stood up, looking over at both of them. "I'll fetch Yang a drink while you two catch up on things, shall I? You did say you had lots of Weiss-related questions."
"Oh! Um, sure! Yang, what'll you have? I like the melon one," she added in a whisper.
"Um… I've never actually been to these kinds of places before. Y'know what, fuck it – surprise me!" As Penny nodded politely and left, Yang looked over to her sister again, quickly flipping her cell phone over so the screen was down – proving she was giving Ruby her complete and undivided attention. Where to start?! There was so much she wanted to say about their touring together that she hadn't had time to before. About the attack that happened, about Weiss in general, about Blake…
In the end, she settled for something else. "So… Penny's pretty nice, huh?"
Both of Ruby's cheeks lit up as she grinned, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "Oh yeah, she's totally the best! I can't believe I got so lucky with her as my roomie - I mean, she's cute, she's smart, she's nice, AND she actually cleans up sometimes instead of being a slob like-" Her words clipped off when she realized she was about to say "like you", but she had the good grace to look slightly abashed for the near miss.
Yang simply smirked at the near slip. Ruby tended to only ramble this much about a subject if she was very passionate about it, like with Weiss, or her studying, or Zwei. Things were beginning to add up in Yang's mind…
"So being here instead of home, that was your idea? Or Penny's?"
"Penny's. I mean, we both kicked around the idea of hanging out in New York sometime, like, a lot, but she was the one that asked if I'd wanna do Spring Break here and stay at her family's place and all that." Then she grinned. "Isn't it exciting?! I'm in New York City!!!"
"Yeah! It still blows my mind that we're the other side the country, and you're here at the same time!" After taking a glance to see how far Penny was down the queue, she turned back to Ruby, slinging an arm over the empty chair next to herself. "So, what are her parents like?"
"Oh, her Dad's super nice, really chill and homey!" Then her expression turned a little more uncertain. "Um… her Father, on the other hand… it's not that he's mean to me or a bad person, he's just kinda strict, and hard to warm up to, I guess."
"He really does sound like Weiss's dad…" But as soon as she let that slip, she quickly snapped her eyes open. Yang wouldn't know that unless she was extra close to her idol, and that was the last thing she wanted Ruby to suspect. "I-I mean, like, he's pretty strict with the rules I have to follow. No photos, no unscheduled signings, yadda yadda."
However, Ruby wasn't quite that thick. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Yang, contemplating. "Why are you acting so funny about Weiss's dad? Is he being mean to my sister?" Suddenly, she shot to her feet. "I'll show him a thing or two about how my sister gets treated!!!"
"Ruby! Ruby!" She held her hands outward, trying to gesture for her to sit back down before any more attention was drawn to them. Checking the coast was clear, she laughed before whispering, "I meant mean to Weiss. Like… she's not allowed to do what she wants, dress how she wants, think for herself. She may be a popstar, but she still has so many rules set by him that she kinda feels boxed in sometimes."
"Oh…" That didn't seem to cheer her up much, but she did at least sit back down. "That's really not cool; I mean, she's such an awesome person – and obviously she's accepting of you, and she was so nice to me! She’s great how she is! So what's the point in him being so, so… control-ey?"
Yang shrugged her shoulders. "That's what I don't get; she’s got a better head on her shoulders than most people ten years older than her, and yet he treats her like she’s five. I mean…" She looked around a moment. Sure, she wasn't about to let the fact that Weiss and her were an item out of the bag, but there was a factor she remembered Weiss's father telling her before the tour began, one that Yang always cringed at when she remembered. "Even if she wanted to, I'm not allowed to let her, y’know, take anyone back to the van. If that's not controlling, I don't know what is."
"You mean she can't even have friends over? To her own tour bus?!" A little slow on the uptake, she seemed to eventually catch on to what Yang was implying, and the little sister blanched. "Ohhhh, you mean- WOW, that is SO none of his business! Geeze!"
"I know, right? He has no right to dictate that kinda stuff…"
But the blush was only growing against Ruby's cheeks as she fidgeted with her cup, staring into space. "I mean, if Weiss happens to find somebody she likes, and wants to take them back to her room… kiss them, play with their hair… maybe even let them give her a back massage… or I could go lower than her back…" Then she sat bolt upright, mortified. "THEY! They could go lower than her back! Not me, I didn't mean me!"
Shit. Of course, how could she forget? Ruby had a huge crush on Weiss. Considering the more recent circumstances between them, that made her big sister start to feel very awkward. After all, this was now her girlfriend Ruby was talking about – but she definitely couldn’t say she felt weird hearing her talk that way about her now, since their relationship was on the down low. Curling a finger through her hair, she tried to look to one side to shield her own blush.
"Y-Yeah… I mean, she can do what she wants. None of her dad’s business."
"Exactly! Up to and including massages! Or more!" Whispering to herself, she added, "No, don't think about 'more' - you promised not to do that!"
Yet again, Yang couldn't look at her sister. She'd give this all away if she asked her to stop, but to let her continue was only making things more and more uncomfortable. Scratching her head, she said quietly, "Don't tell her dad, but I… tend to look the other way when her… partner visits."
"Partner? Oh, so she…" Then her eyes went really round, and she leaned as close as she could, hissing under her breath, "Y-you mean Weiss has a secret lover?! And the tabloids have no idea?!"
That only caused her blush to intensify. Thankfully, she figured Ruby wouldn't suspect a thing. "Oh yeah, for a little while… somebody already close. But I can’t say anything – and you didn’t even hear this much from me, okay?!"
Something like a tiny squeal sounded deep in Ruby's throat, but muffled enough so that no one from other tables would probably notice. "I'm so freaking jealous! Wait, so who is it? No no no, don't tell me – I shouldn't know, oh I shouldn't know about this, but I wanna know so bad!"
Finally managing to handle herself enough, she looked back around, letting out another small nervous laugh. "Maybe when the tour is over. It's… really no one special. But she wouldn't want that info getting out anywhere – and I know you would never do anything with it, but you can't be too careful who hears."
"Who hears what?" Penny asked, placing the drink down in front of Yang. From the looks of things, she'd chosen orange juice to go with melon bubbles. Sitting herself by Ruby's side, she went straight back to her own tea, even though most of the bubbles had gone.
“My point exactly,” Yang snorted.
"N-nothing!" Ruby laughed nervously. "Just, you know… stuff! And things!" She gestured between Yang and Penny. "So, um, this is my sister; Sister, this is my Penny!"
Instantly Penny's eyes were just as round as Ruby's were, a blush joining the freckles on her cheeks. One of those words was certainly the cause. Leaning in toward Ruby, she nervously whispered. "R-Ruby, I thought we weren't telling her about that yet…"
"About what?" Her eyes crossed slightly as she ran back over what she had said, and then she slapped herself in the forehead. "D'oh! Th-that wasn't what I meant, I just got my words all mixed up!"
"So… your Penny, huh?" Yang could turn it to her advantage this time. At least it shifted the subject away from Weiss for a little while, and eased Yang's worries. As a bonus, she loved watching her sister get embarrassed.
And Penny wasn't helping at all when she just covered her face instead, groaning loudly into her hands. "Gosh darn it, Ruby, she knows!"
Slowly but surely, Ruby started melting down into her chair, covering her head with one of her various hoodies; today, it was a green one with a big white symbol in the middle from some comic book series or other.
"So I take it Ruby's the dominant one in this relationship! This just gets better and better!" Yang was teasing, quickly drinking a large portion of her tea. It wasn’t bad, even if the sensation of the tapioca pearls sliding down her throat was a little weird. But mostly, she was just glad to have it as a welcome distraction.
Although it seemed the other two needed it more. Penny especially, who could only cover her face with her hands. Although realising Ruby was vanishing under the table, she quickly pulled her back up. "Don't leave me alone with her! It was you that made it obvious!"
"Well… well it was… OH SHUSH, I didn't mean to and you know it!" All that was visible was her nose and mouth, and even then you could still tell she was beet red.
"Come on, your big sister wants details! Who asked who? When did it start? Were you roommates before or after it happened?"
Yang was going to keep insisting until one of them gave an answer. And now that she had ran out of drink and was left with just the few bubbles, Penny knew it was going to be her. Clearing her throat, she looked over to Ruby nervously as she held her hand under the table, and then back to Yang. "Well… Ruby and I were roommates from the beginning. We got along rather well, liked many of the same movies and books and things… and the relationship developed into a more romantic one from there."
"Yeah," Ruby added quietly, finally peeking out now that Penny had made it acceptable for them to be more open. "Um, I mean, I've never had a girlfriend before, so this is super new to me, so… but I mean, um… I can't imagine life without her now. Is that weird, this soon?"
Oh, the things that Yang wanted to say about her own experiences. Especially those recently. But for now, she had to smile, and simply shake her head. "That's not weird at all. First love makes people feel all kinds of ways. I mean, you know what I was like with Blake…"
At that, her sister tilted her head slightly. "Yeah, you said in a text that you saw Blake again, right? Was that… I dunno, awkward? Not awkward? Like I said, this is all new to me, so I don't know how it is seeing old girlfriends or anything…"
"No, actually! I think… I think we both needed it. I mean, we left on a somewhat bad note before; not fistfight bad but… heartbreak bad. But we're almost to the besties level again now. She has a new boyfriend now who seems pretty cool."
"Aww," Ruby sighed. "Was meeting the boyfriend weird? Yet again, another thing I know nothing about, but that seems like it would be worse than just seeing her again by herself."
Yang was half way through chewing one of the bubbles as she shook her head, swallowing before continuing. "Well… At first it was, sure. But after a while, nah. He seems like a down to earth guy, reminds me of me before I came out. Guess Blake has a type!"
At that, Ruby smiled slightly. "Really? You think maybe he's…"
She gestured to Yang with her cup, a very non-specific gesture that would make nothing obvious to anyone who didn't know about the bodyguard's gender history. It took Yang a moment to realise, until she gasped, "Oh! No. Least… I'm pretty sure he's not." But on that note, she gazed into nothing for a moment, trying to remember what she could about him. Specifically, a comment about sizes. "Aaand from something Blake said, I don’t think he’s a trans dude, either."
"That'd be cool, though! You could be buddies!" Then she glanced at Penny slightly nervously before adding, "And, um, maybe you can give him some… tips? With Blake? What she, uhhh, enjoys?"
"Ruuuubyyyy!!!" Yet again Penny was hiding her head in her hands, cheeks as red as Ruby's usual hoodie. All of which was making Yang smirk and chuckle to herself. Penny was just as much fun to wind up as her sister was!
But nonetheless, she leant in toward her, whispering, "Never underestimate the power of some dedicated foreplay. That's all I'll say in public."
Which was plenty to make Ruby turn even redder than Penny. "Ummmmm I have go to the bathroom!" she squeaked as she hopped up, sprinting for the corner of the establishment.
"Hey, don't leave me alone with her! Ruby!!!" But Penny was left with no choice as she watched her girlfriend vanish into the bathrooms, left only with a red face, and the now laughing older sister. As she ran her hands through her mass of ginger hair, she laid her head on the table and groaned. "This dinner is going to be so embarrassing…"
A very self-satisfied Weiss Schnee strolled into a mid-sized music store in Midtown Manhattan. By all online reviews, Williams Music was known for having top-of-the-line instruments, even if they didn't have a lot of variety due to space constraints. However, she was after was one specific instrument – which they definitely stocked. She had called ahead to be completely certain.
Spotting an employee lingering by books of bass tabs, she said in a polite-but-frank voice, "Excuse me. I need to purchase a guitar."
"Other end of the store," was the abrupt response of the store clerk. Her look was fitting for this type of establishment; bright green hair swept to one side, with a purple hoodie on top to hold it together. She certainly seemed the type to spend many hours tuning her bass under a blacklight. But despite the fact that all she was doing for the moment was chewing gum and reading, she didn't even stop to look at who asked her.
"Yes," Weiss began again, mood only slightly dampened by the attitude of the clerk. "I'm sure that's where they are located. But I'd like to make sure I get the best you have."
The employee finally set her book down. Of course, her attitude was still no better as she first looked her form up and down, before she started to pace toward the back of the shop. She didn't even stop to check if she was following! After all the preferential treatment she had received the past couple of years, Weiss was sorely tempted to whip off the sunglasses and the beanie she had stuffed her hair into. Why shouldn't her star power command a little respect? But she had promised Yang she wouldn't take unnecessary risks, and she aimed to keep it. Besides, it was kind of nice to have someone treat her just like anyone else for a change.
Finally, they arrived at an array of guitars along one wall. Most of them were various high-end electric models, racked up next to electric basses. However, there were six or so acoustics on display, and they all looked nice enough.
"Excellent! So… which one would you recommend? I'd pick the most expensive, but that's not always the same as buying the best."
"If you got money to burn then go for the Epiphone, I don't care." Turning back around toward her, she gestured to the black guitar, one that had a few white markings painted over it. There was no immediate response. Picking up that she was unimpressed, the clerk sighed. "What skill level is the player at? Unless it’s you." The last was tacked on purely for spite, insinuating that Weiss couldn’t possibly be a musician.
"Expert on Guitar Hero." After a few seconds, Weiss folded her arms. "Fine. She's got some real talent that I want to encourage – and I intend for the guitar to reflect her talent level. Also, I want it to last a long time, so nothing made with flimsy parts."
Looking at the racked up guitars again, the punk paced down slightly to the plainish yellow guitar, one that had a mottled brown-and-red pick guard below the sound hole. "Then you want a Yamaha JR1. Pretty mid-range pricewise, durable. For her skill level, it'll be the best choice."
"Hmm, that particular brand would be quite fitting…" Brushing over the surface with her fingertips, Weiss eventually took it from the employee and hefted the weight. "Seems solid enough.” Then she played a couple of easy chords, tuned a peg very slightly and tried again. It piqued the employee’s interest a little more, though she didn’t comment directly. “Does it come in any other colours? This finish is nice, but seems a bit… common. If the sound and quality will be the same, I would rather get her something that shows I put more thought into the gift."
"Nothing stoppin' you gettin' a paint job. But we have a catalogue of the ones we offer right… here." Picking out a small book from the shelf under the display, she quickly flicked through the pages until she found the Yamaha section. Then she handed it over to Weiss.
After a few seconds, Weiss took her sunglasses off and clipped them to the front of her shirt as she glanced down the selections. There weren't many besides the yellow finish; a natural one, a cherry red one, and one that seemed to take the yellow one and add a dark stain around the edges. That one appealed to her the most, and she had a suspicion Yang would appreciate it, as well.
"Do you have 'Tobacco Sunburst' in stock at all?" she asked as she looked up.
"Maybe, but I don’t- don’t…"
When her eyes caught those of her customer, she found herself completely freezing solid. She knew that face, those eyes, the white hair… even the voice. It'd snapped just who she was talking to at last. Weiss Schnee! THE Weiss Schnee was there in that very music store!
But she couldn't let her know that. Not yet. First, she had to be sure this was her, and do her job. So instead, she nodded. Voice now a slightly higher pitch, along with an awkward smile, she tried to sound as detached as before – and failed. "Sure! Let me just go fetch one from the back room for you!"
"Uhh… thank you. Oh, and if there's a matching case for it, I'll also take one of those!" But the woman was already retreating, so she simply hoped she had heard her request and turned to browse through a potpourri of guitar picks that were littered about in a basket.
As her assistant wandered into the store room, her mind was completely abuzz. Even though she was set on her task, she couldn't stop thinking about what she had just saw. 'That was Weiss! Holy shit, that was actually her, in the flesh! You've been trying to get into one of her concerts for well over a year and she walks in, and you treat her like crap – way to fucking go, Reese! Why are you like this?'
When she found the selection of guitars, she grabbed the finish she had asked for. The nicest one in the stockroom; it was the least she could do. And on her way back, she went to look for a case that would match it fairly well.
'Okay, calm down… It still might not be her. But if it is her, she'll have a tour bus or something, right?' She picked up a yellow ones that had a tribal dragon design over its casing. Something was telling her this would be the one she would want. 'That's it!' she thought as she made her way out with both items. 'Get Arslan to ring her up, then you can sneak out and follow her on your break! If it's not really Weiss, you come straight back. If it is, can you imagine the stuff you'd see?!'
When Reese returned from the stockroom, Weiss had selected two or three picks that struck her fancy and was inspecting a tuba out of boredom. When her eyes alighted on the case, complete with guitar tucked inside, she began to smile.
"Ooh… you know, I think that complements the guitar quite well."
'That's her, definitely. You've listened to more than enough interviews to know her voice.' She handed both items over to her seemingly famous client. Now she just had to get away for a while.
"I figured it did, y'know, the whole torched thing, plus a dragon. Now if you head over to my friend at the counter, they should be able to put it all together as a package deal for you; we’re having a promotion for guitars bought with cases. Knock off a few bucks."
"Ah," Weiss said with a polite smile as she took the case. By now, they both knew that the money didn't matter to someone like her, but Weiss didn't know Reese knew. "Well, that is much appreciated. Thank you for the assistance." Then, with a slight nod, she headed off toward the counter to complete her transaction.
"No, thank you…" She spoke quietly to herself as Weiss headed to the counter. Her plan was in action. As Weiss was being served, she made a quick dash to the staff room to sign herself out for break, then grabbed her skateboard and headed out the main doors into the hustle and bustle of the outside crowd. If she blended in, she knew Weiss would never have any chance of noticing her…
Sure enough, by the time Weiss was through talking to the dark-skinned woman with bleached-blonde hair at the counter, signing warranties and declining to become part of their mailing list, she had forgotten about Reese entirely; she was too focused on having made one of the most important purchases of her life.
"Yang is going to love this," she whispered to herself as her burly security guard motioned to the cabbie who had kept the car idling for her as she shopped. The man hopped out and helped her situate the large giftwrapped case in the back seat, where Weiss would still have plenty of room to sit next to it on their way back to her bus, the guard taking the passenger seat.
Thankfully, the traffic was rather slow in the area. Which meant that she couldn't easily keep up with the taxi in the traffic without having to get her own, but she managed – even if she did have to hastily warn some of the bystanders to jump out of the way. Every time there was a red light, Reese had caught up again, even if it had managed to get a few metres down the road.
Within twenty minutes or so, they were back to the parked bus. As the guard assisted Weiss with her things once more and Weiss tipped her cabbie generously, Reese was keeping an eye on them from a distance. It was definitely her, and the bus proved it one hundred percent. Now was the next issue: getting in unnoticed.
The guard held the door open so Weiss could struggle with the overlarge case. It wasn't all that bulky, but then again, Weiss was not an especially big person. Then she was inside and out of sight, the guard remaining outside of the door.
'This is gonna be a little tougher than I thought,' Reese mused as she hid her skateboard nearby. What were her options? She could hardly pay off a guard, not when she was barely making enough to afford an apartment in the Bronx. Nor could she fight him down. The only other option was…
A window. Weiss had left one of the windows at the rear of the bus wide open, presumably to let in the fresh air while she was out. It wasn't in the eyeline of the guard, and so pacing to it was simple. Keeping out of sight of him, she walked around to it, listening out for any possible sign that Weiss would be out of the way so she could enter, or at least just have a look…
A light humming was coming from the window. Not loud enough to signal that she was in that room itself, but she was definitely in the bus. Then the sound of running water gave away her location. It didn’t stop, which meant a shower, not just washing her hands; perfect. She wouldn't be coming out for a while.
Hauling herself up and straight through the window; she tried to make no noise whatsoever. And landing on the sofa meant she did that with ease. She'd done it! She was inside Weiss's tour bus!
"Oh man, nobody's ever gonna believe this," she whispered quietly, heart pounding in her throat. Where to start? What was she even doing in there?! The main room didn't have much to offer of value; just a few tables and seats, the wrapped guitar in its case, a couple of pairs of boots… though she happened to notice one pair seemed a bit too big for the diva herself.
Curiosity was getting the better of her, and when she looked toward the main bedroom area, she couldn't resist. As quietly as possible, she made her way inside, nudging the door closed behind her to make sure she was hidden that while longer. Yet even there offered very little in actual items that would make for a really cool memento. Was Weiss as pure and dull as everyone believed?
However, one thing did catch her eye in an unexpected place. In anyone else's household, she would have turned her nose up at the sight, but here, there was a story to tell in the laundry basket. One she couldn’t believe. On top lay a pair of black shorts, stained with the telltale remnants of a wild night. That added with the bigger boots she'd seen…
‘Weiss isn't the innocent, All-American sweetheart everyone thinks she is,’ she thought to herself with a quiet chuckle. ‘Shoulda seen that coming…’
Suddenly, the sound of running water stopped. There were shuffling sounds from inside the bathroom; it wouldn't be long now before the diva emerged, and the bedroom was her next likely destination. Eyes snapping wide open, the intruder realised she didn't have much time left. She needed to take something if she wanted people to believe her! Some kind of trinket that wouldn't be noticed, but enough to prove it.
Spotting the hairbrush on the small dressing table, she quickly nabbed it, forcing it into the large pocket of her hoodie and making her escape to the door. That would have to do. But as she opened it, she realised her escape plan had come too late.
Standing before her was Weiss herself, one towel tucked around her torso, and another wrapping up her hair in a makeshift turban. Those were the only things covering her flawless white skin. For a few seconds, she merely blinked at the girl who was somehow in her bedroom – and blushing from being this close to a nearly-nude celebrity. Then she opened her mouth, and the first words out of it were almost inane.
"Um… can I help you?"
Her intruder didn't even have any words. All she could do was stare back at the underdressed diva in front of her, blinking herself a few times to try and focus. Her mouth did work for a second, as if she could come up with anything to say that would fix this situation.
Until she made a quick dash toward the open window again.
"HEY!" Weiss shouted loudly, pelting after her. "Wait, wh-what are you doing in here?! And where are you going?!"
She almost cut off her retreat, but not fast enough. The intruder had already thrown herself out the window, dashing away from the scene. The damage had already been done; a complete stranger had been in her home, raided through her things, and made off to tell the tale.
But what she didn't consider was the bike pulling up just by the bus from the opposite side. Yang had managed to get back early, with the thought in mind of using the shower herself before they headed for dinner at Penny's. But upon dismounting, she could hear a strange amount of shouting…
All Weiss could think to shout while half of her torso was hanging out of her living room window was, "STOP! THIEF!!!" One arm held her towel over her chest while the other was levelled in the green-haired punk's direction as she snatched up her skateboard from where it had been stashed behind a trash can.
There was no hesitation. Instantly Yang was in pursuit by foot, dashing right past the van and heading the same direction as the green haired thief. In the busy streets, it was a difficult chase, especially when numerous people were looking around at them, curious of what was happening.
But having barely made it past one block, the chase was over. Yang had launched herself forward, latching her arms around the green haired thief and tackling her to the ground, sending her skateboard flying backward in the opposite direction. Despite her requests to be let go, Yang held firm, managing to adjust her position to pin the girl's hands behind her back, where she held them firm.
"What's the big deal?! I didn't take anything valuable! I just looked around!"
"You can talk to the rest of the security team about that. Now move it!"
Unconcerned about the growing crowd around them, Yang had hauled the green haired thief to her feet despite protest, keeping her hands restrained as she walked her right back to the bus's location. At least that way, the security could hold her until authorities were phoned, and Weiss could get answers she needed.
By the time Yang returned, Weiss was wearing a simple white dress and green flats that didn't particularly suit each other, but they had been pulled on in a hurry. Her hair was still in the turban. A crowd had gathered outside the bus, one or two people snapping pictures with their phones, and she certainly didn't want to be caught with a towel that could fall off at the worst possible moment.
"Thank you for grabbing her," Weiss sighed in relief. Then she fired back up at once. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself – and I can't believe you followed me here from the store!"
Teeth gritted in mild pain, Reese struggled in Yang's grip. "Hey, what do you expect?! Not every day a popstar comes in. Real question is, someone as big as you, why'd you leave a window open?!"
The comment only made Yang angry for Weiss. Right away, she pulled the girl's arms in tighter behind her back, growling lowly. "Because she's still a person? An open window ain’t an open invitation into somebody else’s home! You ever consider that before you did this?!"
"Exactly!" Weiss agreed heatedly, hands on her hips. "You have broken the law, and I'm afraid you're just going to have to live with the consequences!"
"Come on, anyone would have done what I just did! It doesn't matter if I broke some dumb law or not! Anyone would have jumped at the chance to get a sneak peek into Weiss's life – which as it turns out ain't so innocent after all!"
That response earned a few gasps from their gathering crowd, not to mention, a rather horrified look from her bodyguard. There wasn't anything to give things away inside the bus, was there?
"Wh… I don’t understand, what are you talking about?" Weiss breathed, quietly enough that the others gathered would not overhear. Her blood was running cold, her palms tingling.
"Some of the clothes in there aren't yours, and some of your laundry is… extremely dirty."
Right away, Yang knew. She remembered leaving the shorts she had used to wipe away the remains of that night in Weiss's laundry basket. But what angered her more than this intruder knowing that business was knowing that she had been in her bedroom. It was such a violation. Before she could reflect on that for too long, she forced her toward the nearest security staff to hand, trusting them to hold onto her instead. Any longer and she knew she would have ended up doing something she regretted.
But Weiss wasn't above a low blow. She followed, keeping an eye on Yang's clearly upset features out of the corner of her eye. As the police sirens began to reach her ears, she leaned in and grasped the collar of Reese's hoodie.
"Listen, you. Maybe I do have a personal life outside what I let my fans know about. But it's still my personal life – and you're still the one who broke into my bus AND went rifling through my laundry! How can you stand there and judge me?!"
"Because everyone else is gonna do it anyway. You really think cuffing me’s gonna change that?" Reese shook her head. She looked scared, but also angry at being forced to own up to her own actions. “God, all I wanted was to get a souvenir and a story! You really forgot where you came from. Well, good luck sweeping this one under the rug.”
Those were the last words the scorned fan spoke before the security staff hauled her away toward the oncoming police cars. An ominous warning that this was going to change Weiss’s life. But she didn’t know anything – not really. Whether it was the ramblings of a crazed fan or not, Yang didn't care. All she did was glare at the woman as she was forced into the back of a squad car.
But upon noticing how big of a crowd had actually gathered around them, that seemed to be the last straw for her. Raising her hands upward, Yang practically spat, "What's everyone gawking at, huh?! Show's over!"
Once the suspect was in custody, an officer had taken Weiss’s statement, as well as Yang's; finding out she was employed to protect Weiss's interests seemed to be enough to satisfy their curiosity as to why she had chased down Reese on foot. They did turn up the hairbrush in her pocket, but it could not be returned yet; it was evidence now. The fingerprints from her window provided only one clear set; there were others inside, but they were so muddled up with her own and Yang's that it didn't matter. None of the police even gave the laundry a second glance – luckily for them both. It was such a cut-and-dry case of a fan breaking in to steal a single item that there seemed to be no need.
But now they had to deal with the consequences of Reese’s outburst. It may be just a minor inconvenience for everyone else, but for Yang and Weiss, this would have widespread effects. Even if Yang's reputation was completely unharmed by the transpiring events, Weiss's was potentially under threat. All it took was one silly rumour to potentially ruin her reputation, and get her in major trouble with her father. Yang cared more about that than anything else.
Taking a seat in the sofa, she hesitated a moment before she asked, "You okay?"
"No," Weiss sighed, face in her hands. "I feel so stupid – I shouldn't have left the window open, but I wanted to air out my musty bus, and it was only… I thought the guard being with me at all times would have been enough, he should have been enough! Why can't people just… just let me live my life?!"
Rather than say anything else, Yang sighed deeply, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her body in close. The very idea that this whole thing happened was enough to make Yang's blood boil. But she couldn't let that feeling take over. Weiss was her priority. And she was going to do everything in her power to make her feel safe again.
"You're right, it should be enough." Yang repeated, stroking her shoulder softly. "Don't blame yourself, you're allowed to have a window open, it's not like you're a prisoner."
"But I shouldn't have to post a guard at every corner of the… oh, never mind. I just hate this." Sighing, she leaned back against the couch. "And now I don't feel comfortable here, I… god, I just want to be home in Nashville for once."
Looking around the bus a moment, Yang count understand why. The idea someone had been in here without either of their knowledge, even if no harm came to her… the thought of someone rooting through their personal belongings was enough to make Yang's skin crawl.
"Well… we could always book a hotel room or something. I mean, we're here for all your gigs, right? It’s gonna be a while."
"Suppose you're right. And… and maybe that sounds okay, but I don't want to draw undue attention to this by having people camp outside the hotel, trying to figure out why I'm there instead of my bus."
"Ugh… you're right about that. What else can we do?" Leaning forward, she ran a hand over her face as she tried to think. The bus wasn't the best place to be at the present, and hotels would draw attention. It was a shame that they didn't know anyone in the city that had a place of their own-
Then Yang suddenly snapped her fingers instead. They did know someone in New York City. Perhaps not with a place of their own, but it didn't hurt to ask. And with that knowledge in mind, she pulled her cell phone back out of her pocket, quickly typing away.
"Let’s try for a plan B."
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namjoonsteeth · 7 years
Ruin The Friendship (part II)
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Title: Ruin The Friendship (mini-series) Part 2 
Word-Count: 5k
Pairing: Jay Park/ Reader (kinda)
Summary: Best friends to lovers. Inspired by Ruin The Friendship - Demi Lovato. 
Genre: Smutty Fluff
Part 1 Part 3
He leaves with a kiss in the morning. I’ve been hyper-aware of his body presence through the night, clutching his body against mine. At some point between two am and three, I’d pulled off my T-shirt and the underwear he’d taken the time to get. We’d made love in slow, lazy, sleepy pulls. Silently, he touched my body like he’d been born to do so. His mouth had moved against my skin so tenderly that there was no mistaking what it meant. Love is easy to fall into. You fall in love at least a hundred times a day; with the sky, the moon, the feel of somebody’s hands touching your body. I think Jay fell in love with my skin. Even as he pulls away, his fingers press against the side of my neck, drawing me closer to his mouth. Light streams in through the peek behind the curtain that I never bothered to close last night. I groan as he stands upright, pulling his boxers and sweats back into place. I watch him move around my room, picking up my discarded clothes. I can only imagine what his day entails with so many artists depending on him. As much as I wish he’d stay in bed kissing me dumb, it’s highly unlikely. Finally, when he’s done cleaning up our late night mess, he stands beside my bed, hovering over me once again. “I don’t want to go,” he whispers. His face falls into my neck when I wrap my arms around him. The thick duvet between us is the only thing keeping my bare chest from touching his. I run my fingers over the wings that cover the lower back of his scalp. My nails scratch against each line slowly. “I don’t want you to go,” I say around a yawn. “I’ll try my best to stop by tonight. I have a flight to New York tomorrow morning,” He grabs my bottom lip, pushed out in a pout, between his teeth before running his tongue against mine. 
I moan against his mouth. I don’t think I could ever get used to kissing him. Not only am I still unsure of how often this would be a thing, but also because since last night I’ve felt his mouth against mine in a hundred and one different ways and I never know what to expect. Right now, I’m getting rough dirty Jay who kisses like I belong to him only. His teeth bite into my bottom lip roughly. When he pulls back breathless, his forehead rests against mine. His eyes stay closed as he breathes against me. “I’m definitely stopping by tonight,” he smiles. I laugh and push him away and pull my duvet up over my shoulders leaving my head out.“A bit presumptuous?” I ask. My eyebrow ticks up in defiance but I can’t help the stupid grin that fights its way on my lips. Jay imitates my expression, his own eyebrow raised. His hand moves under the blanket grabbing my breast before continuing its journey lower. His destination is my ass, which he gives a rough squeeze. His fingers press hard into my skin. “I’m not done with you,” he says. I get ready to ask him exactly when he think he would be so I can prepare my heart in advance, but I stay quiet looking up at him. “Go to work, but make sure you come back,” He nods, dipping his head to press his lips against my neck, and then he’s gone. He walks out to collect his T-shirt from the floor in the kitchen and not long after I hear the door open and shut. I can already feel how empty my apartment is. It’s always like that when he leaves like I don’t know when the next time I’ll see him and how long for. I roll over gently, my body aching in some places more than others, but I’m sore all over. My joints feel stiff. My muscles feel like I’d used every single one of them last night. There’s a goofy smile on my face as I remember his hands on me. It was more than I could imagine, more than I could’ve hoped for. Our bodies moved together like there was no other option but to move in sync. Whether that’s just because Jay is good at having sex, I’m not sure. I like to hope that our compatibility wasn’t based solely on his very experienced talents. I look over at the clock beside my bed. It’s barely nine-thirty and as much as I want to spend all day in bed, it feels empty and cold. I stretch and get out of bed to make my way to the bathroom, grabbing a towel on my way. Looking at my body in the mirror, I’m a mosaic of dark purple marks. My neck is covered. My collarbones are marked with evidence of just how many times Jay’s mouth touched my skin. My breasts and hips have a faint but recognizable shape of fingers pressed into my flesh. He’s made his mark everywhere on my body. If it had been anyone else I’d be a little pissed that they’d purposely taken time to stake claim on my body. But it’s not just anyone. It’s Jay, and he’d owned my body before either of us even realized it. I turn on my shower, waiting for steam to fill my bathroom. When I step in, the water sinks deep into my bones, loosening me up. I stretch my neck, my elbows, feeling myself a little bit more. As good as it feels to get clean, I’m already eager to get dirty again. I step out of the shower, wrap a towel around my body. I brush my teeth, wrap my hair into a bun and make my way back out to my bedroom. I look at my sheets, halfway off the bed, a mess; but other than this there’s no more evidence of Jay left. Work is the last thing I want to do when I can still feel his body against me. I can’t fill my day miserably waiting for him to come back. I grab my phone and laptop from beside my bed and head to the living room. If I’m not going to my office today, the least I can do is get some work done from home. So I work. I fill orders, I track shipments coming in, go over looks for events that I have coming up. It’s all a lot to handle on my own, but I do it knowing that I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. Seoul was a culture shock, of course, but after a few weeks it became easy for me to see myself staying in South Korea long term. Even with Jay on the road, my modest apartment and dream job is home. By the time I’m done, my computer is pretty much dead and it’s almost three. I’ve forgotten that I didn’t eat breakfast until my stomach rolls violently. Reaching for my phone, I debate if it’s too weird to see what Jay’s doing for food. It’s never been uncommon for me to bring food to the aomg office. Now, after last night, it feels a little out of place. Am I being too clingy? Obviously. I’ve been craving just a glimpse of him since he left out this morning. He’s still my best friend regardless of the fact that my heart beats a little faster around him. I can take him lunch and not have it be weird. I’ve been doing it for the last three years. I type the message out and send it quickly before I can over-analyze my way out of it. *Y/N: you hungry yet?*I wait, flipping the phone over and over in my hand. It’s been so long since I’ve felt nervous because of a boy. Not only am I too old for this, but it’s also not in my character to let a guy put me in such an anxious state. And Jay isn’t just a guy. I know him better than I do anyone else. The angst, the uneasiness, it’s all unnecessary. My text alarm goes off. *Jay: what are you offering👀*I get ready to type out a reply but my phone rings instead. “Yes?” I sigh heavily into the phone. Jay laughs at me. “Don’t sound too excited,” he says. “I’m offering to buy you lunch, Jay,”“So it wasn’t a sexual favor offering? I must have read the text wrong,”“Do you want food or not?” I laugh unable to resist. He’s ridiculous, but I’m not surprised. Jay has always been the flirty type; even before I realized my own feelings. The way he talks to women has always been a part of his charm. I shouldn’t feel like this conversation is any different than the millions of others we’ve had just like it. Still, there’s something in his words that has me unsure of just how serious he’s being. “Can you bring it wearing that long trench coat and those red heels I got you for Christmas?” He asks. I roll my eyes up to the ceiling, secretly thinking if I could actually make it all the way to his office in nothing but a trench and five inch heels. *It’ll be tricky but I think...* “No, and never mind I’ll just get food for myself,”He laughs loudly. “Ok fine! I’ll take you just how you are with whatever you’re having,”“God, you’re so lucky I love you,” I say sighing and rolling my eyes again. I freeze holding my breath while I think of something that’ll make this less odd. I tell him I love him all the time. I have for the last fifteen years but...*shit*. “I can feel you freaking out from over here, y/n. Stop being  so fucking weird,”“Shut up. I’m not being weird. I’ll see you in a little bit,”I hang up to the sound of him laughing on the other end. I stare at the phone scared that my awkwardness will just materialize out of the blank screen. He’s right. I am making this fucking weird. Afraid of when the shoe will drop, I’m doing what I always do. I over-think, I freak out, I become an awkward robot incapable of rationalizing any actual thought of emotion. Except this time it’s different. It’s Jay, and I’m ten times worse. “I’m such an idiot,” I say laughing as I hear Jay’s words in my head. *Stop being so fucking weird.*After changing my ratty sweats out for a pair of shorts and actually putting a bra on, I head out toward a sushi place between my apartment and Jay’s office. It’s about a five minute walk to the the restaurant and another ten from there to the office. “Damn it. I was hoping you changed your mind about the outfit,” He’s alone thank god. Behind me, producers and artists mill around like there’s nothing out of  the ordinary happening on the other side of the glass. I set the bag of food on his desk why he shifts his computer over out of the way. I hand him his container of rolls and take my own before sitting in front of his desk. “You’ve been in town for less than forty-eight hours and I’m already tired of you,” I say digging into my food. “That’s not what you said last night,” he tells me around a mouthful of food. When I flip him off, he returns the gesture with a toothy rice-filled smile. “What time is your flight tomorrow?”“I’m actually leaving tonight,” he says. “Flight leaves at 11, then I should be in New York around noon Korean  time tomorrow,” I stay quiet, chewing the rice and fish. I feel like I just got him back and he’s gone already. I clear my throat. “I have some of the Givenchy you wanted me to order for you,”He looks at me like he wants to say something about him leaving so soon. I cut him off before he can. “You can pick it up from the studio when you get finished here. I think Bora is going to be there late so you might catch her, but I’ll text her to make sure all of your stuff is sorted-”“Y/n,” I pick at my food to avoid looking up at him. He calls my name again and it’s so soft that I have no choice but to look at him. His tongue moves over his bottom lip. “How long are you leaving for?”“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “A  few days, a week maybe more if everything takes longer. But I’m coming back, y/n. You know I always do,”I nod. “I get it. It’s your job. Nothing changes just because,” I trail off not needed to finish my sentence. “It changes if you want it to, y/n. I told you already, I’ve always been obsessed with you,” “Should we be talking about this right now?” I ask. “You really want to go another week not knowing where this is going to go?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at me. “This?”He rolls his eyes at me seeming a little tired of my behavior. I can’t help it. It feels a little like I’m losing my best friend or I’m losing the guy that I may or may not have been in love with since I was a kid (I’m still figuring that part out). “This as in the fact that we fucked on your kitchen counter last night and I told you this morning that I wasn’t done with you,”“With me or my body?” That’s really the golden question, isn’t it? It’s no secret that Jay is a very sexually driven person. I also know that he’s also not that emotionally present all the time. He never promised me anything, and I know what happens to girls that except him to give more of himself than he wants. “You can’t be serious, Y/n”“I know how you are, Jay. You’re infatuated with a woman for a week or you go through a spell where you’re so focused on work for months at a time before you even look up. I don’t want you to have to try to figure out where I fit into all of that,”He sighs. “You don’t fit into any of it, y/n. You’ve always been something separate from all of this,” he pauses, his lips poke out like he’s trying to phrase what he’ll say next just right. “I want you,” he tells me. “I want you and I think that I have for a really long time. I’m not trying to convince to do something you don’t want to.  I’m just telling you how I feel,”“And how do you feel?”“I think I’m fucking in love with you if I’m honest,” he smiles, shaking his head at me. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I quite literally have no words, because no matter how good it feels , we could still crash and burn tomorrow. With anyone else, I’d risk it. I’d fall into him so quickly. But once again, he’s him and I’m not willing to trade my best friend in for a half of a relationship just because it feels nice when he kisses me. I’m about to tell him all of that when he’s on his feet, rounding his desk. He sits in front of me, and grabs my hand. He pulls me so that I stand between his legs, my arm around his neck. “You told me to come back over here, Y/n. You’re the one who told me that this is where I’m meant to be. I was in love with you back then too I just didn’t know it,” he reaches up to cup my neck and draw me closer. His nose runs of my cheek. “Then you moved out here too, and you became everything I never knew I needed. I don’t think I was ready for you then. But right now, If you’ll have me I’m yours,”His lips touch mine softly barely a taste before he pulls away. I stretch trying to catch his mouth before he gets away but he’s too fast. “If you’ll have me?” I smile up at him. “You sound like you’re straight out of a Jane Austen book,”He laughs at me, shaking his head. “Shut up,”He pulls me in again, but this time he kisses me like I’m holding his last breath. His fingers on my neck flex as I press my chest tightly against his. His other hands finds my ass, squeezing at my flesh hard. “Tell me you’re mine for real y/n,” he says seriously. “You think you can give up Instagram models,” I ask. “The video girls, the dm’d booty calls,”His hand comes down hard on my ass to my surprise. I feel it straight to my core, and I press my pelvis against his tightly without really meaning to. “You’re so frustrating,” he tells me, groaning up at his ceiling. I finger the collar of his red Tommy Hilfiger shirt. “I’m thinking I fucking love you too,” I whisper against his neck. “But if you break my heart I’m telling your mama so fast, boy,”“I guess it’s good I don’t plan on it then,”“We’re doing this?”“We are,” he smiles at me. “And I have seven hours until I have to be on a plane,” We leave. After packing up our food, we breeze by everyone outside of the office, offering little more than hurried waves and smiles. He drives us to his apartment a short distance away and we hurry upstairs, anxious to get our hands on each other. When we make it to his flat, he has his mouth on me only seconds after we get in. He presses me against the door, his hands sliding up my shirt to lay flat on my skin.It’s too easy to get lost in kissing him. He takes all of my senses hostage and prevents me from thinking straight. It’s only when his lips move down to my collarbone to allow me to pull air into my lungs so I pull away. He looks up at me, his brows wrinkling in confusion. “What’s wrong?”“You should pack,”“I don’t want to pack,” he rolls his eyes at me and leans in again but I move my face out of the way. “If you don’t do it now, you won’t do it at all,”He leans his forehead against mine and sighs. “Give me a minute to stop thinking about you naked,”I slap his should and move around him and make my way to his bedroom. “Does it not feel weird saying shit like that?”He follows behind me, grabbing my hips as I go to his closet probably my favorite part of his place. There’s so much cool stuff to choose from that I could literally pick up anything and he’d look amazing. Well maybe except for the red acid washed jeans I hid deep in my own closet at home hoping they never see the light of day again. “Saying what? That I think about you naked?”I nod pulling down a few of the new Gucci t-shirts that I’d ordered for him. I hand them off to Jay who holds them up while I match them with jeans and joggers. “No, because I’ve always thought about you naked,”I shoot him a look before shaking my head. “So you’re saying, you’ve never once thought about me sexually?” He asks around a smirk like he already knows what my answer will be. “I don’t know. Probably not,” “You’re a bad fucking liar,”“Shut up,” I tell him as I hand over a stack of black jeans. “I’ve seen ninety-eight percent of your body already before last night and so has the rest of the world. Seeing you naked isn’t much of a feat,” I walk over to the stack of shoes on the opposite side of the wall. “Why are these still in the box,” I groan picking up the box of black Fenty pumas. I’d gotten them for him last year thinking he’d finally wear something aside from J’s. Obviously I’m mistaking. “They’re soft,” he says. I say nothing, rolling my eyes and moving on. I pull out his favorites, setting them aside to be packed. “See easy. All you need to do is get underwear and t-shirts,” “God, I miss how demanding you are,” he says leaning in to press his lips against mine before setting down all the clothes I’d set in his arms on the chair behind him. He reaches beside his tower of shoes, and pulls out his suitcase. We pack silently, folding carefully so that nothing gets too wrinkled. When he’s done, we roll the bag by the door. No less than a second, he pushes me against the door again. When I pull away, he groans loudly and reaches down to pinch my but.“Jay,”“What,” he sounds so angry at the delay that it’s almost comical. “Bed,” I whisper against his jawline. He smiles wide shaking his head at me. His hands come around my waist, lifting me so that I can wrap my legs around him. He pretends to almost drop me the whole way to his bedroom. “You can’t help but be annoying can you?” I ask. He laughs, throwing me into the center of his bed. “It’s kind of been my job since as long as I can remember. Now, take your clothes off,”I roll my eyes at his impatience but comply. I peel my T-shirt away from my body and over my head. My shorts follow. He pulls at his own clothes too. Climbing on his bed, he calls me to come closer. I inch up the bed, straddling his hips when I finally reach him his hands smooth up my thighs and up to cover my chest. It’s so intimate it feels like we’ve been doing this all along. I lean in to take his mouth. A hand curls around my neck holding me against him. When I pull back, we’re both breathless, lips swollen; and a little desperate. His fingers pull at my bra roughly, pulling it off my shoulders. I reach behind me to undo the clasps and drop it on the floor. My panties are a little more complicated but we manage them off and they join the rest of my clothes. Jay holds my waist while reaching over to his bedside table to grab a condom. I lift myself off of him so he can slide the latex into place. Once he’s good, his arms wrap around my body pulling my chest against his. He pushes my hair off of my shoulders so he can kiss my skin, his lips dragging to any open space he can get his mouth on. I reach down to line him up before sinking down on him. We both sigh out as if we’ve been waiting all day just for this moment. Jay guides my hips into the tempo that he wants. His mouth presses into the center of my chest while his hands move across my back. I move against him, holding onto his shoulders tightly. He pushes my neck back, his thumbs coming down on the hollow of my throat. It feels too good. He likes it anyway he can have it. And right now, it seems like my legs wrapped around his waist while I ride it might be his favorite so far. I can’t say that I disagree.I press my hands into his chest, pinning his flat against his mattress while I arch above him. My hair falls between us for a second before he reaches up to move it out of the way. “Come on, y/n,” his hands go to my ass, moving my hips the exact way he wants again. His fingers squeeze tightly, before one draws back and comes back hard on my skin. He smooths the sting with his palm before drawing back again. When his hand connects again it’s harder than before, but it feels too good to complain. I grind my hips harder against him, trying to get as close as I can. I reach back to grab his hand and snake it up to grab at one of my breasts. He squeezed my flesh, before bringing his mouth up to wrap around a nipple. His teeth pull softly at my skin while he looks up at me. “Jay,” I call his name like I’m desperate, like he’s the only thing in the world that can bring me relief right now. I’m pretty sure he his. My movements start to lose their rhythm as I start to tighten around him. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my chest against his. He holds me tight while I shake against him, unable to move. “You’re so sexy, baby,” he whispers in my ear, his hips moving against mine to get me to my release. I feel like I’m literally about to burst, like every single molecule of me is coming apart atom by atom. Somehow his slips a hand between us to touch me while his hips move.“Shit,” I curse feeling myself come around him. I’m blinded by how good he feels, but even while my mind and body try to find each other again, he flips me so that my back presses against the mattress. He hikes up a leg around his waist as he rocks into me harder. I focus on him. His head is thrown back, sweat falls down his body making the black ink on his skin seem to glisten in the light. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and closes his eyes. He’s so fucking beautiful. I take mental pictures of him like this, wild and unhinged for while he’s away. Reaching up, I run my hand through his wet hair. “Fuck,” he says through clenched teeth when I purposely squeeze him tighter. His eyes pop open as he stares down at me. The corner of his lips ticks up into a smirk as he shakes his head at me. “You going to killing me,” he forces out a laugh. His fingers curl into my thigh as he grunts and collapses on top of my body. Our chests move together rapidly, as we both struggle to pull air into our lungs. After a few minutes, he gets up to take care of the condom. When he  comes back he wraps his arms around my body, pulling me into his chest as he rolls over. A hand rests on my ass, holding me against him. He looks up at the clock besides the bed. It’s almost eight -thirty and I know he really should be going. Neither of us make any moves to untangle. Instead, I press myself closer to him hoping to soak in what little time we have. I miss him terribly every time he leaves, but I know this time is going to wreck me a little bit. This time I know what he tastes like. This time I know how it feels to have him deep in my bones. It’s only a week, I remind myself. I think somewhere deep down, I’m preparing myself for the later trips; the album promos, concerts in different countries, and the late studio times. I have to make it through this week. I really have no choice because it only gets worse from here. “You’re over-thinking,” he whispers. I can practically hear the eye roll in his voice. I look up at him, pressing my lips against the compass on his neck. “Only happens when I think about you,”He laughs, pulling me up to balance on his chest on my arms. His hair falls flat on his forehead, and I brush it away; running my nails over his scalp. “It freaks me out when you say cute shit,” “I wasn’t trying to be cute,” I tell him. “You’ve been actually causing me a lot of mental anguish as of lately,”He smacks my butt. “I’m not sorry,” he says with a shrug. I lay my head back on his chest. “You should probably go,” I say. “Probably,”Still he doesn’t move apart from the hand that strokes lazy circles on my hip.We stay wrapped around each other and watch the clock until it hits nine-thirty. Silently he untangles himself out of my drowsy grip, replacing his body with the pillow he was laying on. He walks to the bathroom and a second later I hear the sound of his shower running. I would join him, but I know he’d be really late if I did. So, I stay where I am drifting closer to unconsciousness and back out, afraid I’ll miss when he leaves. At some point I eventually do fall asleep only to wake up to Jay kissing my cheek. “I’ll see you in a few days,” he says. I squint at him in the dark, he’s dressed in a pair of sweats and my favorite red Tommy shirt. “I was planning to steal this shirt,” I say reaching out to grab the hem of the it. “It looks better on me,” I yawn. Jay laughs pulling at my fingers. He laces our hands together, bringing our clasped hands to his lips. “I’m sure it does,” he whispers bending down to take lips this time. When he pulls back he adjust the sheets, making sure I’m covered. “Call me,” I tell him. “Always,” And he’s gone. 
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Just Yours - Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Five - Say You Love Me
A/N: Final chapter! (Of part one) Yayyy! I hope you all like it! Please let me know what you think! I’m going to edit the whole thing and release it as one long fic. I definitely meant to make this chapter longer, but it’s kinda perfect just like this, so. I used lines from Jane the Virgin, The Last Five Years, and Nightingale by Demi Lovato. Please, please, let me know what you think!  Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader Word Count: 3,346 Synopsis: Final Chapter! Tags: @sergeantdodds, @la-devotees, @amelia-save-me, @evs14u, @cumberbabe92, @sweetsummertime99, @gibbs274, @standing-in-a-downpour
Previous Chapter
Olivia’s hands weren’t the only ones that had blood on them. You finally caught Rafael’s eye, and you let out a sigh of relief when you saw him. His sleeves were rolled up, and he looked frazzled as he spoke to one of the corrections officer. Although the entire court room looked a little bit frazzled.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” he asked, moving quickly your way.
“I heard there was a shooting. Are you okay?” you asked, touching his arm gingerly. 
“Yeah,” he said, although he was looking at you nervously. “Johnny D is dead. Did uh, Liv talk to you?”
“Talk to me about what?” you asked, looking Olivia’s way. She made her way towards you, looking more stressed than anyone in the room.
“Nick was shot. They’re taking him to the hospital right now.”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m driving up there now, do you want to come with?”
“Yes.” She nodded and walked towards the door. Rafael looked at you, and you touched his forearm softly again. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He nodded and smiled softly.
“Go to him.” You started walking away, but looked back on him once before leaving.
“Let’s talk later, okay?” He frowned slightly and nodded.
When you got to the hospital, you met Amanda in the waiting room on Nick’s floor. She hugged you, and smiled comfortably.
“Hey, how is he doing?”
“He’s in surgery. A bullet hit his liver, so they had to do an emergency laparotomy. Now they’re working on his knee,” she replied.
“The liver can heal itself, but a bullet to the knee-” Amanda cut Carisi off by shaking her head. The tall Italian had just walked up, and was already making you feel worse.
“Yeah, I know that,” she said firmly.
“Sorry. I’ll get us some coffee,” he said, scurrying off. The waiting room was filled with fellow officers, each worrying about Nick. Amanda rubbed your arm and smiled at you.
“He’s gonna be okay.” You nodded and sat down next to Fin, who touched your shoulder. He said the same, and you tried to believe it. For the next few hours you sat in the waiting room. Groups of people came and went, but only your squad stayed the entire time.
“Hey, Y/N,” Fin said, sometime around midnight. “I just want to wish you luck in Chicago. I know we’re all gonna miss you a lot-”
“I don’t know if I’m going,” you said quickly. He cocked an eyebrow at you and you sighed, falling back in your seat.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know how I can leave all of this,” you said. Fin started to say something about Rafael, but you were pulled away from this conversation when a nurse walked over to your group.
You stood up first, and Olivia was right at your side. She told you that surgery went well, and he was in recovery. It was going to be a few hours before he came to, and she encouraged you all to come back in the morning.
Carisi and Fin decided to head out, and Olivia said that she needed to go home to see Noah. You of course understood, considering everything that had happened today, she wanted nothing more than to see her son. And unfortunately, Amanda had to go home to let out Frannie.
Olivia told you not to stay here by yourself, but you weren’t going to leave. Once everyone left, you texted your dad and your brother, to tell them that you were going to be here for longer. You also texted Graham, who had been here a few hours ago, just to update him on everything.
An empty hospital room at one in the morning was a good place for you to think, and you had a lot of thinking to do. You didn’t know what you would have done if Rafael had been the one to get hurt. It was bad enough to sit out here knowing that your best friend was in there, but if it was -
You stopped yourself before you let any tears fall. You told yourself that Rafael was safe. Yet, you didn’t feel any better. Even if he made it through this moment, who knew if there would be more.
Rafael may not be safe forever, and he wasn’t going to wait forever, either.
“Are you alright, sweetie?” a blonde nurse with a kind smile asked. You nodded and politely smiled. She went behind the counter and grabbed you a blanket, and gave it to you, although you protested.
After the day you were having, and all of the thoughts swirling around your head, you didn’t think you would fall asleep. However, when you woke up again, you were face to face with Zara, and Nick’s mother, Cesaria.
“What are you doing?” she asked with a laugh. You sat up and stretched, noticing the sunlight coming through the windows. You smirked at her as she threw her arms around you. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, cutie. You have to tell me all about California.” Zara opened her mouth to start, but her Abuela cut her off.
“In a little bit. Someone else needs Y/N’s attention right now.” At that moment, it suddenly dawned on you that Nick was probably awake now.
“He’s up?” you asked.
“Yes. And he’s been asking to see you.” You stood up, hugged Zara once more, and patted down your hair before walking in to the hospital room.
Nick was propped up in bed, looking tired, but happy. He smiled at you, and you took his outstretched hand quickly. You kissed his hand and he laughed.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you said.
“I’m glad you’re here. But I don’t know why you stayed here all night.”
“I didn’t stay here all night.” Nick cocked an eyebrow at you and called your bluff.
“That’s not what the nurses said.”
“Well can you blame me? My best friend was just shot by a serial rapist and pimp, I’m not gonna abandon him.”
“You’re a good friend, Y/N.” You smiled again and looked down at your hand in his. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“About that, Nick-”
“Although, I’ve been thinking, and maybe we don’t have to be that far apart. I know that I’m going to be off for a while because of my knee, and I just heard back that the department doesn’t want to promote me.”
“Oh, Nick, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I honestly think it’s for the best. This injury and the news has got me thinking. I don’t think I’m going to stay in New York. I mean, Zara and Gil are both in California. There’s not much here for me. I figure I might as well put in for retirement, and start over in California.”
“That sounds really great, Nick.” He smiled and squeezed your hand.
“I’m glad you said that, because it could be a new start for you, too. I know you were set on going to Chicago, but I think California could be great for you, too. You won’t be lonely because you’ll see Zara and I’ll be there, and,” he stopped and laughed for a moment, while you watched him in surprise.
“And I’ve always loved you, Y/N. California could be the time and place where we-”
“Nick!” you said, pulling your hand away. “I’ve already put in for transfer to CPD. Mike is there, I couldn’t.”
“Hey, hey, just think about it, okay?” he said, smiling at you, and before you knew it, he was leaning in to kiss you. Kissing Nick used to leave you breathless and flushed. Not that it didn’t now, but it wasn’t the same feeling. It wasn’t the feeling that you felt with another man.
“Nick,” you said, pulling away, putting a hand on his chest. “I’m going to ask Rafael to marry me.”
“But didn’t he just-”
“Yes,” you said, grinning as you stood up. “But this is what I want. I should never have taken this job in Chicago. Rafael is everything I want.” He looked disappointed, so you sat back down on his side quickly. “I’ll always love you, too, Nick, but-”
“You don’t have to explain. I am happy for you.” You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, Nick.”
“He better know how lucky he is.”
Rafael walked into the precinct Sunday night, more than a little bit irritated. He had hoped that after the case of Johnny D, he would get a few days off. However, Olivia had different ideas as she called him in.
As he walked in, he noticed that all of the lights were dimmed. The front desk was empty, and he heard phones ringing from somewhere in the back. He smiled to himself as he walked deeper into the squad room.
“What kind of budget cuts are thes-”
"Hi.” Rafael stopped breathing for a moment when he caught a glimpse of you. You were standing in front of the cork board that he had given so many presentations in front of before. There were candles lit all around the room, making you glow, and look even more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. You were wearing a blue dress, and your hair was up, and you looked incredibly nervous.
“Hi,” he said, walking closer to you until he was close enough to see the tears that were brimming in your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Trying to be brave.”
“Brave?” he asked, although it came out in a squeak.
“Yes. I thought that going to Chicago was the right decision, that it was the grown up decision. I thought that putting my career forward was more important than anything. But, I learned that going to Chicago won’t change anything. I’ll still be a detective, I’ll still rise up in rank as I would here. The only thing that would be different is you. I learned that I don’t ever want to lose you, Rafael.”
“But what about Mike, what about-”
“I can visit,” you said, shaking your head. “I was terrified today that I might lose you, and I don’t want to feel like that. So.” You took a deep breath, and struggled to get down on your knees in the heels you were wearing. Rafael reached out his hand and made you stand up.
“You don’t have to kneel. You don’t have to do this.”
“Yeah, I do. Now, I had a speech prepared, so let me say it.” Rafael laughed softly but nodded. “So, I propose a new deal. We’ve made many in our time together, first when we started hooking up, and then when we decided to give dating a try, but I think - hope this deal will be our last.
“I propose that you and I spend the rest of our lives together. It doesn’t matter where we go, or what we do, as long as we’re by each other’s sides. I propose that we love each other no matter what, through whatever ups and downs we may face. I propose that we get married because I really want to see you in more tuxedos, and I couldn’t even last a week apart from you. I couldn’t imagine a life without you.”
Rafael laughed a little as he smiled at you. He could feel tears forming in his eyes, but tried to hold them back. 
“I don’t know why people run. I don’t know why people are afraid to fall in love. I don’t know why things fall through. I don’t know how anybody survives in this life without someone like you.
“I could run, I could let this fall through, I could survive a life without you; but why? Why, why, why? I want to be your wife! I want to bear your child! I want to die knowing I had a long, full life in your arms. I want to spend forever with you.” You took a deep breath and Rafael opened his mouth to say something else, but you cut him off by holding up your hand.
“I’m not done yet. Before I propose to you, I need you to know all the facts. You need to know that I’m sorry for breaking up with you, even if it was only for a week. You need to know that I love you more than I have ever loved someone in my life, and it was hell to turn you down. And most importantly, you need to know why I love you.
“I don’t love you because you’re smart, and clever, and handsome, and caring. I love you because you’re my best friend. You’re my sanity. Everything that we’ve been through has tested us, proven to us that we are meant to be together, that no matter what happens, we’ll always have each other’s backs.
“You bring me peace. You make me a better person. You’re never selfish, you never want anything from me, you love me for me,” you said, as you started to cry fully. “When I told you about Chicago, you wanted me to go. You are the most supportive man I have ever known, and you’re my dream. 
“And there are so many dreams that I need to see with you. There are so many years that I need to be with you. I will never be complete until,” you took another breath and noticed that Rafael was crying at this point, too. 
“Rafael, will you marry me?”
“Hell yeah,” he said, laughing. You laughed too and wrapped your around his neck, as you finally kissed. It was wet, as you were both crying pretty hard, and you were both smiling too much, but it was perfect. 
“I love you,” you said.
“I love you, too, cariño.” He kissed you again, and this time he heard the applause. He turned his head and saw the entire squad standing in Liv’s office, watching the whole thing. Rafael laughed and shook his head. You shrugged and put your hands up in mock surprise.
Rafael waved them over, and soon you were both met with a wave of hugs and congratulations. 
“I called it,” Fin said when he came up to you. You laughed and Carisi smiled from behind him.
“He did. He said you two would get married.”
“So I take it it was good news?” You turned around and saw your dad and brother walking into the precinct. You nodded and they both grinned as they hugged you. 
“Congratulations!” They then went over to Rafael and shook his hand, before hugging. You smiled as Nick wrapped his arm around you. You leaned against his chest and he kissed your forehead.
“I’m happy for you, Y/N.”
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“He better treat you well or I’ll beat his-”
“Okay, Nick,” you said, looking up at him. “I know he will.” He kissed your forehead again and you hugged him. 
“Oh, I gotta call Zara and Graham. I promised I’d keep them posted.” You laughed and nodded as he hobbled away on his crutches. You found Rafael again and you kissed. Your friends cheered again, and you smiled, even though you were already smiling. You smiled more. 
“Have I mentioned how lucky I am to be in love with you?”
“It might have come up,” you said. Rafael laughed and leaned in to kiss you, this time keeping his hand on the back of your head to make it last longer. “I am the lucky one though. I found a man who loves suspenders as much as I do.” Rafael laughed heartily and kissed your temple.
“You and your weird kinks.”
“Come on, babe. If you don’t hurry up we’ll be late to Liv’s,” you said as you put on your earrings in the mirror. Rafael groaned from the other room and you heard the bed creak.
“Or,” he said, snaking his arms around your waist, startling you slightly. “You could come back to bed.” You spun around and put your hands on his bare chest. 
“We need to celebrate with Liv. This is a really happy occasion.”
“It was a happy occasion in there, too,” he grumbled, walking back into your bedroom. You laughed and followed him, only to grab your dress from the closet. You slipped on the silky dress, and went into the bathroom. 
“Mi amor,” Rafael gushed as he walked in. You rolled your eyes as he slid his hand across your back. “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you. I have the best accessory to go with it, too.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked. You nodded and he smiled, knowing exactly what you were going to say. You drew up your hand and showed him the ring again.
“Doesn’t it just look amazing with everything?”
“It’s not the ring,” he said, kissing you happily. 
“With talk like that, you might get me to stay.” Rafael grinned and wrapped his arms around you tighter, looking up at you.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Our wedding is going to be a magical event everyone will remember for years to come.” You hummed happily and kissed him. 
“Rafi, we have to go,” you said, pulling yourself away from him. He groaned, and let you walk away. “Be downstairs in seven minutes, or we’ll be late,” you said, trotting down the stairs.
About half and hour later, after coaxing Rafael downstairs, falling on the couch together, and then coaxing each other out of the house, you arrived at Olivia’s. She hugged you both when you walked in, and you were soon holding Noah. Rafael smiled at you and you bumped his hip as you swayed with Noah in your arms.
“Do you wanna hold him?”
“No thanks,” Rafael said. You raised your eyebrows at him and he laughed. “I don’t do so well with kids. Although, I’m sure when we have kids I’ll do better.” For some reason you blushed and he kissed you quickly.
“I love you,” you whispered as Carisi walked over, bringing along Fin and Olivia’s babysitter, Lucy. You all cooed over Noah and Liv smiled on happily. Eventually, you gave him back to his mother, who beamed up into his face. Carisi scurried into the kitchen and got everyone a glass of champagne.
“Congratulations, Liv, you look happy,” Fin said. You all nodded in agreement, and Olivia smiled, as happy tears formed in her eyes.
"Amaro coming?” Rafael asked.
“He’s doing better, right?” Carisi asked
“Yeah, he’s only two weeks in to PT so it’s gonna be a long road.”
“But he is doing a lot better,” you said. At that moment, the door swung open, and Amanda and Nick walked in, although Nick had to hobble in on his crutches.
“Hey, you guys started without us.”
“Nick, Amanda, thank you for coming,” Olivia said, meeting them halfway. They handed her a bouquet of flowers and she hugged them. You all milled around together, talking with each other. You watched as Nick walked with Olivia into the kitchen, and you figured he was giving her the speech he gave you, minus a few details.
When they came back over, they both looked as if they’d been crying. You all circled around, ready to toast to everything that you had been through. The last year had been hell on all of you, but you made it through together.
“I just want to thank you all for being here,” Olivia said. ”I couldn’t have done any of this without you, and as a dear friend recently told me,” she said, looking at Nick. “Friends for life.” She held up her glass and you all raised your own.
“Friends for life,” you all repeated, clinking your glasses together. You locked eyes with Rafael as you took a drink. He laced his hand in yours, and stepped closer to you.
“And to a wonderful life with you,” he said. You clinked your glasses together again, and kissed instead of drinking to your toast. 
“Forever and ever.”
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shawnximagine-blog · 7 years
Don’t Forget
I saw him so happy, it hurts. I saw him with her, the woman I always wish to be. I was at the mall trying to distract myself with things that are happening around me. From heart aches, school, and a lot more.
‘Y/N!’ Shawn shouted. The voice that I don’t want to hear right now.
‘Oh, hey!’ I said. Trying to smile, and trying to hide the pain.
‘How come you’re not at the surprise party?’ He asked.
And I was confuse by that. Ian didn’t call me. Brian didn’t call me as well. Matt didn’t call me.
‘I didn’t-‘ I got cut off by the love of his love.
‘Hey!’ Lauren said.
‘Hi, Laur!’
‘What are you guys talking about?’ Lauren asked.
‘Oh, the surprise party. She wasn’t there I was asking-‘ He got cut off.
‘I forgot to tell her about that. Sorry, Y/N.’ Lauren said. She’s trying to be nice again.
‘No, it’s fine.’ I said while trying to smile.
‘Hey, are you okay?’ Shawn asked worriedly.
No. I want to tell me that I wasn’t okay, that I’ve never been okay.
‘Yes, of course!’ I said. I guess I’m good at hiding my feelings and pain.
‘Hey, babe. I think we should go.’ Lauren said.
‘You want to ride with us?’ Shawn asked.
Lauren looked at me like as if she’s saying ‘No, don’t!’
‘No, I’m fine. I got my dad’s jeep.’ I said.
‘Okay. Bye!’ Shawn said and waved at me. Lauren just smiled.
‘Hey there lady!’ Brian said.
‘Don’t hey me right now I’m not in the mood.’ I said.
‘Whoa! Okay, sorry.’
‘So there’s a surprise party without me?’ I asked them. All of them looked shocked by my statement. Brian, Matt and Ian are pointing each other on who’s going to explain it to me.
‘Okay, look. Lauren arranged it for Shawn-‘ I cut Brian off.
‘Nope, it’s fine.’ I said. There’s tears in my eyes already.
‘Hey, you’re going to be fine.’ Matt said and he went beside me to comfort me.
I just cried as the three boys comfort me. They were the people who knew about my feelings to Shawn since we were kids. I have always admire him, I always have a crush on him. I remember I was so excited for prom because I thought he’ll ask me to be his date but no, he didn’t. I remember how I decided not to go to prom instead because I wouldn’t do anything there. Of course Matt, Ian and Brian have dates and I don’t want to be their seventh wheel even though they’re forcing me to come. I remember how badly I want to go to Shawn’s concerts but I can’t because according to Shawn he promised Lauren that he will bring her at every place he’ll go and they’re both going to see it together and Lauren wanted to be just the both of them. It hurts to know that to him, I was just his clingy best friend.
‘Why don’t you join us tonight?’ Ian said trying to make my mood into a good one.
‘No, thank you. I’ll just stay here.’ I said.
‘But it’ll be lit. Ya know, we’ll be losers without you!’ Matt said.
‘I know!’ I said finally flashing a smile.
I’m thankful to have these three with me through thick and thin.
When the boys left I decided to put some make-up on and go hang out with my best friend, Janina. Since she’s been pushing me to go shopping at the newly opened store and pushing me to go get some ice cream with her.
‘So he’s back.’ Janina said.
‘Yeah.’ I sigh.
‘You know what, you should find a guy who will love you. I mean the love that you deserve.’ Janina said while comparing the two dresses that she pick.
‘this one’s more good.’ I said. ‘I don’t know. I mean for now, I’m trying to convince myself to move on you know?’ I said.
‘Yeah, but you know don’t push yourself to him way too hard.’ Janina said.
‘What about this one?’ I asked as I showed her the stripes shirt.
‘That looks good!’ Janina said.
‘I don’t know, I mean I’m going to NYU so I guess that’s a great excuse for me to forget him.’ I said as I put the shirt in the basket.
Janina and I had a great time having a girl time. I always hang out with the boys because I always wanted to be with Shawn and it’s great to do some girly stuffs with a real girl. I mean, everytime I’m with Shawn, Matt, Ian, and Brian we always do guy stuffs. We went home early because Janina have a task to pick up her little sister at her ballet class. I got home and saw Shawn playing with my little brother, Riley.
‘Hey!’ Shawn said as he shifts he’s attention to me while holding the uno cards that he and my 15-year-old brother are playing.
‘Oh, hey!’ I said.
‘You didn’t tell me that he’s back!’ Riley said.
‘I forgot.’ I said.
Shawn just smiled.
‘Okay, I gotta go upstairs and clean my room.’ Riley said.
‘yeah, and after please help me set up the table.’ I shouted at Riley while he’s running upstairs.
‘OKAYYY’ he shouted back.
‘So, how are you? it’s been so long.’ Shawn said.
‘Yeah, I’ve been great. I mean scholarship at my dream school it was great.’ I tried to sound excited and not awkward.
‘You’re going to New york?’ He asked. I can see the sadness in his eyes but what the fuck he cares.
‘yeah. You know, it has been my dream.’ I said.
‘You didn’t tell me.’ Shawn kind of raised his voice.
‘Why? Why do I have to tell you?’ I asked him raising my voice.
‘Because what? You’re my best friend?’ I cut him off.
‘Yes, I am your best friend that’s why I should know what’s happening in your life!’ Shawn said raising his voice again. ‘You make me feel like shit!’ Shawn added.
‘Oh, wow! So you’re still my best friend now huh?’ I said. ‘For fucking 10 years, I always care about you, I always care about your feelings. I almost forgot how to live because of you. Because I’m fucking in love with you but no, you always ignore me. Like I was just your best friend. The best friend who will do everything for you, when you and Laur fight I’m the one who’s fixing it because I want you to be happy and I feel shit everytime I see you wasted everytime you and Laur fight.’ I said shouting while crying. I don’t care if Riley was listening but all I care right now was I’m so done feeling like shit.
‘I didn’t know-‘ I cut him off again.
‘Of course you didn’t know! Because all you care about was yourself.’ I said still crying. ‘Please get out!’ I shouted.
He didn’t do anything but he gets out of that door, looking down.
Few weeks had passed and I got no calls from Shawn. Matt, Ian, Brian, and Janina are the people who’s been cheering me up. And they all decided to gather all my closest friends because in less than few days I’ll be leaving to go to New York.
We were at this round table with my closest friends, Matt, Ian, Brian, Janina, Claudia and Hannah who’s also our classmates in high school.
‘Okay, people! We will give a message to Y/N one by one alright!’ Janina said. ‘I’ll go first!’ She said.
‘Okay, so I want you to know that even if you were miles away from me, I want you to know that I always got your back. You can call me if you have problems just like what we always do and trust me I will fly to New York to go shopping with you just to make you feel better.’ She said and I smiled. ‘I love you, Y/N. And you deserve everything in this world.’ She said and she hugged me so tight.
‘Okay, I’m next!’ Matt announced. ‘To my future girlfriend because if she still doesn’t have a boyfriend when she’s like 30 years old I’m gonna marry her.’ Matt said and everybody laughs.
‘But since you’re a chick boy you’ll have a girlfriend!’ Claudia said and everybody laughs.
‘That’s easy I’ll break up with her!’ Matt said and everybody said ‘awww’ ‘Okay, could you guys please stop ruining my moment. Here it goes. I will always be here for you no matter what you’re the best girl I know in this planet, of course next to my mom. But really always know that I always got you!’ Matt said and hugged me and gave me my favorite hoodie of him.
‘Aw. Matt, you finally gave this to me!’ I said and hugged him back.
All of them gave their own touching messages to me and I cried a lot. At least this time I cried because of happiness and because of the love that my friends that are giving to me. They all went home and minutes later as I was putting my pyjamas on someone knocked on my window. And of course there’s only one person who does that. Shawn.
I opened it and let him come inside even though I’m mad at him I still want to see him.
‘Hi.’ He said.
I just smiled.
‘Look I know I fucked up but I want you to know that I love you. I love you more than as my best friend. Everything you do for me I appreciate it so much, Y/N trust me I love you even before but I was so scared to admit it to you. I don’t want to lose you. Y/N please, give me another shot. I will prove everything to you.’ Shawn said begging me to forgive him.
‘Shawn, you can’t just break someone’s heart because your best friend admitted something to you. Laur has always been your dream girl and I don’t want to take that away from you. You deserve to be happy and I deserve to be happy as well. But I think it’s not you, I guess it’s not your job to make me happy.’ I said while there’s tears falling down my face. ‘Trust me when I say I love you I meant it. But Shawn these past few days I realized that I should move on, I should live.’ I said.
‘Y/N I love you.’ He said again.
‘Shawn, listen to me. I want you to be happy, I want you to remember all the happy memories we have because hey, I still remember those and those moments makes me so happy. We gather memories together and I’m thankful for that. Your dreams, I want you to continue to do the things that makes you happy. I don’t want you to love me because I confess my love for you, think about it Shawn.’ I said.
‘But Y/N this has been messing up my mind and I don’t want to lose you!’ Shawn said and still begging me to give him a shot.
‘Shawn, you won’t lose me. And you never will.’ I said. ‘Please don’t forget that. Please don’t forget the dreams that we built. We will going to reach it together.’ I said.
‘But for now, let’s give each other some time.’ I said.
 A/N: This is so long than I expected it to be. I started listening to Demi Lovato’s song and got an idea to write something. So I hope you guys like this! P.S. Oh, and sorry if there’s some bad words. Feedbacks will always be appreciated! :)
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Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script Stories 61
Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script Stories 61
I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.
 I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.
I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.
  December 23 2017 or sooner I Stella Carrier am overjoyed to report that I now have over 1800 dollars after taxes saved. My sweet and handsome husband Rusty Ridler is relieved that I have this money saved up and our marriage is both very loving and close. I Stella Carrier have also professionally evolved from both my professional/career and volunteering efforts. I Stella Carrier have also successfully succeeded in sticking with my fitness and walking regimen. I Stella Carrier have also succeeded in achieving success and contributing beyond my wildest dreams at my University of Maryland College Park food services job. Both many of the customers I had and many of the coworkers I interacted with are satisfied with my customer service and contributions to my food services worker job.         Resources for both present and future storytelling references   I can only guess from these photos that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are very much passionately in love with each other right now. However, these articles speculating on when andor if they (Prince Harry and Meghan Markle)could be getting married soon overlook that first there would have to be an agreement between them on where they both would reside together if they make it to the atlar. It is obvious why it is being guessed that Meghan Markle would settle in London yet even the most talented writer could only be for sure after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make a joint statement on that (if they choose to). Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could be getting married sooner than you think
By Lauren Sharkey
I am fortunate to have seen Malin Akerman in an episode of Trophy wife before and an episode of Billions and she displayed brilliant acting in the episodes I had seen of her. She looks very much in love with Jack Donnelly and that is what really matters.
Malin Akerman Is Engaged to Jack Donnelly
By Jennifer Drysdale
New This Week: Miley Cyrus, Shania Twain, Demi Lovato, and more
I admit that I think it is a good thing that articles such as this come out each week to feature an eclectic mix of new music; Pink, Beck,Wu-Tang Clan,St. Vincent,Courtney Barret and Kurt Vile, Gucci Mane, William Patrick Corgan, Robert Plant, Dolly Parton, Jessie James Decker,Squeeze, Stars, L.A. Guns, Dirty Heads, Fozzy, the Radio  dept, Kenny Latimore, even some music compilation for some kids.If not for this article I would not have known of certain  music coming out. For example, I heard of the Dreams song by Beck in 2015 yet I would not have known that he released new music if not for this article. Of course, there are other artists in this article that I am curious to listen to later as well.
New This Week: P!nk, Beck, Wu-Tang Clan, and more
By Wendy Geller
The 12 most innovative universities in the world by Chris Weller of Business Insider
The 50 best U.S. colleges for international students 2017
By Carter Coudriet
Forbes Contributor
The Clarice University of Maryland College Park
Bob’s Discount Furniture Link
How to Run More Than a Mile Without Feeling Like You're Dying
By Jenny Sugar
As someone who very much wanted Hillary Clinton to win last year and proudly voted thinking that she would win on my way to work I will admit that I never thought that I would be uttering the words First Lady Melania Trump. However, I have been fortunate in being able to visit the Smithsonian National Museum of American  history before where other dresses by other women are featured; Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton etc. To be fair, it is only part of tradition on why First Lady Melania Trump would present her Inaugural dress to the Smithsonian even though I clearly did not vote for her husband President Donald Trump last year.
First Lady Melania Trump to Present Inaugural Gown to Smithsonian
John Hopkins University Graduate Programs in the Arts Communication and Writing
I confess that initially surprise filled my being at the headline due to my previous exposure about a sock business being mainly the one masterminded by Rob Kardashian (online reports such as per a People magazine reported that he teamed up with his sister Kylie Jenner for his sock business). As a result, I was uncertain until today how thriving a sock business can do. My personal career ambitions do not pertain to a sock business yet I still gleaned inspiration from this article for my own goals in other ways. The fact that John has support and encouragement from this father Mark moved me because of even though both of my adoptive parents have passed away I know firsthand how much of a morale booster it can be if a parent andor family member you care about is supportive of your career progression. Anyhow, I hope that the colorful sock business masterminded by Mark and John continues to thrive in multiple way and the video was definitely made in a way to tug at a person’s heartstring by some of the employees who were featured in a dignified light (as it is common knowledge that life can sometimes be similar to a Hunger Games film if a person is striving to increase their self-confidence andor family encouragement/support for career endeavors at the same time). Obviously, I am aware that a person must aim to be self confident and believe in themselves and their ability to pursue their dreams regardless of how many people around them believe in them. However, this story about John and his father Mark is touching because it is obvious in a good way that Mark sees immense professional potential in John and encourages him in unique ways. This is important because it is common knowledge and human nature for some family members andor parents (if still living) to sometimes have more love andor express/show professional/career encouragement more for someone who is within the mainstream ideals of intellectual ability andor conventional lifestyle.  The fact that Mark obviously does this for his son John regardless of what other people think is what emotionally moves me the most.
Down syndrome entrepreneur sews successful six-figure sock empire
By Fox News
First off, I acknowledge that the “legal sex worker” referenced in this article as working at a famous Nevada brother is brave for coming forward with her story. Additionally, the swimming pool dream she had the coincided with time spent in passion with her boyfriend and her enjoying the “Rich Girl” song by Hall and Oates intuitively symbolizes to me that she might be understandably looking for both a lifestyle that would afford her the rich woman type of lifestyle coupled with a commitment from either C.T. or another man who would provide for her and her kids. It is not my place to judge her as I have not walked in her shoes and I hope that she does get to successfully retire from her legal sex work and transition into a legal field that she can easily still be employed in if she wishes to stay in the workforce in her 60s andor 70s andor beyond. With that said, her lifestyle in no way, even with being legal in Nevada, is comparable to legal hourly employment even if private sector andor minimum wage. Why do I say this; I am blessed to be gainfully employed in a legal hourly job that pays me well for what I do with ambitious coworkers and fair leaders. Fortunately at my job I have recently met a woman in her 70s who seems to enjoy her job and fortunately the job I do is something that can still be done for a person in their 60s, 70s, andor beyond. The caveat with the sex worker lifestyle is that even if made legal across the United States one does not need to be a rocket scientist to know that being a commercial sex worker has a shelf life even if you are attractive within mainstream society standards. However, my late biological mother worked as a prostitute part of time when she was still alive and my late adoptive mother went out of her way to be a concerned mom to me in order to prevent me from sliding into the same lifestyle as my late biological mother (no pun intended but I have to credit my late adoptive mother for helping me to understand that there is a reason why she was raising me to be completely different from my late biological mother). My point; I am glad that things seem to be working out ok for the legal sex worker referenced in this article but there must be a disclaimer made in future publications of this article for readers to understand that the sex worker lifestyle must not be glamorized regardless of the money involved. Why do I say this; Talented actress Billie Piper (also known for various roles such as Dr. Who) played a dramatic and poignant performance in the series Secret Diary of a Call Girl. The real-life woman that was the inspiration for that series fortunately transitioned in a thriving life in academia(online sources such as Wikipedia list the woman’s name as Brooke Magenti who wrote the book Belle De Jour; Diary of a London Call Girl). My point; to the legal sex worker’s credit referenced in the article, she along with the father of her children seem to be good parents who are good providers to their children. However, due to me being a daughter of a woman who was a prostitute, I believe that the legal sex worker’s story involving the good care she is taking of her children is more the exception rather than the rule. As for the legal worker’s boyfriend C.T. he seems to be a driven and high-quality man. However, it is challenging for me to sound like a word that rhymes with the word witch but starts with a b, yet with the legal sex worker making a living the way she does I am surprised that she refuses to entertain the idea that he may have other lovers in his life yet I am aware that too is not my business and is actually something for another post. Nonetheless, I hope that the legal sex worker does successfully transition into some type of legal paid andor hourly employment by her 40th birthday or sooner as working longer than that could put her children’s lives in danger andor might put her farther away from working a legal andor hourly job as many legal hourly jobs even in the private sector andor ones that do not require a college degree many times require some semblance of related work experience. Even the current job I am blessed with ties into some elements of related experience I obtained from two previous jobs.  Yes, I am aware of many people who get hourly andor salary jobs without professional experience but I truthfully believe they are more the exception rather than the rule andor maybe they had an inside connection andor contact who pulled strings for them-something I think is dangerous to rely on as a primary plan for practical reasons even though it is widely pushed/implied in many online articles.
The Mom Who Supports Her Family With Sex Work
By The Cut
If proven to be accurate, I wonder how Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright feel about Russian citizens using their show House of Cards for the purposes described in this very compelling article by Michael Isikoff.
Russian trolls were schooled on ‘House of Cards’ By Michael Isikoff
I was actually thinking of eventually getting the book referenced in the article in at least kindlebook form and now the article has me curious to get the kindlebook for sure as the reference to the jokes makes the author reference a relatable moment in terms of how even the President and the speechwriter were not completely immune to making sure to express how they feel while taking into account how other people would feel.
Obama's joke writer on the jokes a president can't tell
By Oliver Knox
How being a cheapskate became ‘sexy’
By Maria Lamagna
I’m blessed with an amazing husband and a terrific job with mature coworkers and reasonable managers/a reasonable boss. However, I am aiming to be more a cheapskate and save more money out of practical necessity regardless of whether it is considered “sexy”. However, this article is helpful for other money blog references as I aim to fulfill my intent to save the equivalent of at least 3 and a half month after tax paychecks or more by June 1 2018 or sooner.
How being a cheapskate became ‘sexy’
By Marketwatch
How being a cheapskate became ‘sexy’
By Maria Lamagna
This MacArthur Foundation Genius grant winner found a smart way to spend his $625,000
By Jillian Berman
 As an American born woman blessed with a supportive school environment growing up and adoptive parents who instilled ambition in me the driven seeds were planted that indirectly motivated me to become valedictorian in 8th grade and graduate high school with honors in the top 10 percent of my class even while working at a supermarket as a bagger and then a cashier. This actually rooted the seeds in me using some of my windfall money towards educational goals. I already have one degree and my admission justifies judgment yet I intend to use any future financial windfall money to obtain a second degree yet this time I would only use a small portion in order to be a part time student while working full-time. This is important to me because both of my adoptive parents have passed away and as a grown woman who was adopted I am aware that nobody else in my adoptive family have any legal obligation to help me whatsoever. Additionally, I am blessed to be married to an incredible man who is supportive of my career and money dreams especially because they are actually on the practical side and involve living in the United States. I say this not to garner sympathy but rather to make it clear that my money and career goals come from within myself especially some ideas that I picked up during my 8.5 years that I was in the navy (as figured out that  I get the stereotype sometimes that my goals come from other people instead of myself partially due to my physical appearance and the socio-economic background I came from). This article 5 ways to invest a financial windfall is helpful to me because I am in a situation where it is necessary for me to also build up my savings and I intend to do so for the rest of my current lifetime and to build up at least a 6 month necessities after tax fund or larger by September 2019 or sooner. The caveat is that I am surprised that there was information about splurging without enough information about using the windfall towards savings goals.
5 Ways to Invest a Financial Windfall
By Jeff Brown
I am a happily married woman who feels comfortable enough in my sensuality to see the beauty in both genders. The two woman pictured in the photo (Gwyneth Paltrow and Michelle Pfeiffer) almost appear as if they are close friends in real-life (regardless if they are or just acquaintances). Both Paltrow and Pfeiffer are dressed elegantly in the photo. I understand that a person’s self-confidence matters more in the end over their physical appearance yet I have to say that Michelle Pfeiffer really looks as if she is enjoying her life very much in the photo and her gorgeous appearance seems to reflect that inner happiness and self-confidence and acceptance of her age. If I live to be 59 years old in my current lifetime,I hope to reflect a similar level of self confidence or greater that is reflected in the article photo of Michelle Pfeiffer.
Gwyneth Paltrow Introduces Michelle Pfeiffer at Variety Power of Women Lunch By WWD
Inside Variety Women of Power Lunch 2017
local Washington D.C. area radio
Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
Like A Prayer by Madonna
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Cake by the Ocean by DNCE
Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Amazon.com Inch Nails radio
Closer by Nine Inch Nails
Secret sources
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Fly by Nicki Minaj and Rihanna
Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails
Iconic by Madonna feat. Mike Tyson and Chance the Rapper
 Amazon music storytelling shuffle mode
Do You Wonder by Ever After High
Love Shack by the B-52s
Take Me to Church by Hozier
Take Over Control by Afrojack feat. Eva Simmons
Pain by Three Days Grace
Places feat. Ina Wroldsen by Martin Solveig
Rock Me In by Britney Spears
Hurricane by Luke Combs
Baby I Love U! (R. Kelly mix) by Jennifer Lopez
El Trago (the drink) by 2 In a Room
What You Like by Darren Hayes
Insatiable by Darren Hayes
 From an online yahoo add
I Can See Clearly Now song by Jimmy Cliff(references to this song that I heard today through a Claritin kids commercial online through Yahoo)
Resources part two
For moments when writing must be rationed to an hour or shorter/briefer
Law of attraction 6 to 7 months projected or sooner and a law of attraction exercise
I mark a new beginning in the book of my life and wisely use the free time I have been giving to rest and tune even deeper into various aspects of my life-spiritual, athletic goals such as walking more, balancing my writing time with some online courses I have enrolled in etc.
I am in the process of becoming more cool,level-headed, and wise when it comes to how I conduct myself around my current work colleagues and future coworkers as I am now logically and intuitively aware that some of them may follow me to where I may reside within 7 years from now or less regardless if I am a private sector andor a government/military worker/employee.
I am well provided for. I live in an abundant universe.
Resources and Affirmation
My psychic abilities expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
  I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
  more resources
 part 3 resources
I understand that I already posted these yet I admit that I am following my intuition and logic to post these again in both the career stories and scripts for towards the end affirmations and resources
Each Day I am in the process of improving upon creating heaven on earth for myself and my husband in all areas of my life both present and future as well as for the highest and greatest good for everyone involved.
I Stella Carrier am in the process of balancing my earthly concerns with areas pertaining to my celestial/spiritual growth as they intersect with my pursuit and intent to tap into the essence of wisdom and my genius abilities in all areas of my life both present and future.
I Stella Carrier enjoy the blessings of my imaginative abilities, intuition, creativity, and my gift of resourcefulness all increasing each day in all areas of my life both present and future.Affirmations I am creating heaven on earth. I am learning to be in the right place at the right time at all times. I am learning to live all areas of my life in alignment with my divine life purpose for both the present and future My psychic/intuitive abilities, creativity/imaginative abilities, and my ability to tap into my wisdom are expanding each and every day. https://www.orindaben.com/pages/rooms/affirmations_room/ I am a healer through my words, thoughts, and deeds. I am aware of the messages my guide is sending me. I receive impressions from my soul and higher self. I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.
Celestial Intuitive Insights
Goal; aim for 6 miles per day and writing 5 times a week time limit one hour and 30 minutes, resource gathering 15 minutes max- one hour and 45 minutes max minimum half hour and minimum 2 minute resource blogging, eat first and then write,  writing twice a week away from blog, public blog writing at least 4 times a week and maximum of 7 times a week
 Schedule them persistence is imaginative and intuitive key
Other things for me to keep in mind
Eat first thing in the morning ideally at home
Male playlist-akon beautiful
Carry pictures of my body inspirations around
Using the career process book my friend gave me
Year 2024 or later
Classroom party setting
Allow delay or writing today but create tomorrow the following writings
What I did do right
Intuitive insights
Sleeptime inspired/waking life storytelling ideas
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Beating Two Opponents at the Same Time: Ten Takeways from Eagles 28, Panthers (Refs) 23
This post is brought to you with limited advertising and no surveys by TalentFleX Solutions. TalentFleX Solutions is a full service business consulting firm offering contingent, contract and project based professionals in the Information Technology, Data Analytics, Finance & Accounting and Human Resources fields. Our model provides for flexibility in hiring needs from project, to contract to permanent placement.  Our consultants have extensive experience in attracting, screening, and placing the very best in technical talent for our clients.  For more information, please visit http://ift.tt/2oPPjkL or email [email protected]. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for updates. 
  “Under fire, when I watch Carson Wentz, I see deer-in-headlights. And I still do. I don’t see the moxy, I don’t see the feel, I don’t see the command for playing that position that I always see in Dak Prescott.”
Words of wisdom from the king troll Skip Bayless, who totally nailed that take this week.
Wentz threw three touchdown passes in the Eagles’ 28-23 Thursday night win, moving the Birds to the top of the NFC with a third road victory in just six games.
But the game ball goes to the defense, which put the second-year quarterback in business with two crucial takeaways in the Carolina half of the field. The offense, which was ineffective at times, capitalized on that pair of Panther mistakes en route to a 12-point fourth quarter lead. After a couple of stalled late drives, Jim Schwartz’s unit again stepped up to the plate, holding twice to seal the road win and eliminate any doubts as to whether this team is a playoff contender.
Thursday Night Football usually sucks, but this game didn’t!
1. Beasting like Bradham
Nigel Bradham was the best player on the field last night.
When football coaches use that old cliche, he’s “flying around,” this is what they’re talking about.
Bradham’s First half:
key pass breakup on 3rd and 9
blanket coverage on a dropped short yardage pass
tackle for loss on Fozzy Whittaker run (knocked him out of the game)
big tackle on Cam Newton to keep Carolina out of field goal range
Second half:
Monstrous 3rd and goal tackle to force a FG
tackle for loss on stuffed run play
injured himself putting his body on the line to make another first-down preventing tackle
came back into game, batted pass on 3rd and 1 of final Carolina drive
His side-to-side coverage and play recognition was elite last night:
Bradham not fooled on the misdirection, had a tipped pass earlier on a 3rd down. He's having a solid game so far. http://pic.twitter.com/4yHcbqrcuR
— The Bitter Birds (@AdrianFedkiw) October 13, 2017
You could say that Bradham was good for a three or ten-point swing, because his first crucial tackle keeps Carolina from attempting a field goal before the half. His second key tackle forces a field goal and kills a Panther drive.
Theoretically, the drives he ended could have resulted in 10 points, but only ended up being three points.
  2. Keep feeding him, don’t stop
It felt like the Eagles were going to establish the run game early on, when LeGarrette Blount had some success in a few different looks – a draw, an under-center run, and a crack-down tight end block for a big gain.
His chart showed some good plays through the A and B gaps, while in weeks past he actually had more success running off-tackle and behind tight ends and extra linemen:
Blount finished with 14 carries for 67 yards, which is right around his season average. Kenjon Barner had five touches for seven yards and Corey Clement had two yards on two touches.
I thought for sure that Clement would see more of the ball with Wendell Smallwood out, but his touches have gone down every game since he had 10 a few weeks ago.
One problem area was RB pass protection, where Blount and Barner each had trouble with Carolina defenders at some point in the game. Barner’s whiff was the most egregious:
Good job, good effort. http://pic.twitter.com/hnF0K3FAoU
— Will Brinson (@WillBrinson) October 13, 2017
  3. Big V and the right side
Eagles Twitter was pooping its pants when Halapoulivaati Vaitai missed a block on the game’s first drive, resulting in a Wentz fumble and turnover.
He was filling in for the injured Lane Johnson, who didn’t clear concussion protocol.
Worth noting:
Carson Wentz in games Lane Johnson starts.
9-2 record, 65.7 completion %, 2,766 yds., 20 TD, 5 INT, 99.9 rating #Eagles
— Jeff Kerr (@JeffKerr247) October 9, 2017
Wentz faced most of his pressure coming from that side of the field, with most blitzes originating from that direction because of the Johnson issue. The Eagles were much better in the second half in that department. Did you hear Julius Peppers’ name called again? Did you hear Vaitai’s name called again? He did a nice job staying focused and limiting the mistakes after that first drive. Wentz was only sacked twice after the turnover.
As far as the left side of the line, no issues:
Jason Peters tonight 37 pass block snaps 0 sacks allowed 0 hits allowed 0 hurries allowed 3rd game in 4 weeks with 0 pressures allowed
— Nathan Jahnke (@PFF_NateJahnke) October 13, 2017
  4. Go ahead, try to run the ball
Carolina had 27 rushing yards at the half, 16 of which came on Cam Newton’s touchdown run.
You saw stuff like this all game long, when the entire team was able to push and swarm on third down:
I think even some Eagles bench players got in on that tackle #FlyEaglesFly http://pic.twitter.com/0CN0NQIYVP
— Brian J. Haddad (@BrianJHaddad) October 13, 2017
They just get fantastic penetration on every running play, no matter who’s in the game. Vinny Curry has been particularly good in run defense the past few weeks, Tim Jernigan is underrated, Fletcher Cox is Fletcher Cox, and Brandon Graham is having himself a year. Mychal Kendricks quietly had 17 tackles last night, overshadowed only by Bradham’s performance.
The Eagles defense was only allowing 62 rushing yards per game coming into this one. They limited Carolina running backs to 9 yards on the night while Newton was able to get 71 of his own. He was forced to throw it a career-high 52 times last night, because the Eagles took away the Panthers running game and made the opponent one-dimensional for the third week in a row.
Per NFL.com, opponents are only attempting 17.5 runs per game against the Eagles, which is a league-best stat:
  5. A rotation no more
I didn’t see Chance Warmack in the game. They played Stefan Wisniewski for every snap, which is the right call.
“Wis” had a big block on the 4th and 1 QB sneak in the first half, then locked up his man long enough for Wentz to find Zach Ertz on the second touchdown pass:
Vaitai is up there holding his ground, too.
So good call by Doug Pederson to take control of the left guard situation and keep his line together in a difficult road game against a solid defensive front.
  6. The officiating
Eagles: 10 penalties for 126 yards
Panthers: 1 penalty for 1 yard
Someone pointed out that this was the same crew that did the Lions game last year, when the Birds were flagged 14 times for 111 yards. Detroit received two flags for 18 yards.
One of the flags in this game was a Jalen Mills pass interference that negated an interception. Derek Barnett was hit with an unsportsmanlike conduct for knocking down Newton (he sold it) after play was blown dead for delay of game. Carolina ended up scoring on that drive, on a pick play that of course wasn’t going to be called. There was a phantom holding call on Wisniewski and Blount got whistled for pancaking his defender, which apparently is too rough in our modern snowflake dystopia.
I don’t wanna be a homer, but when the penalty margin is 10 to 1, I think that pretty much speaks for itself.
  7. Everyone’s favorite former Cowboy
“There’s Rick Lovato, Demi Lovato’s husband,” the ex-Cowboy quipped last night.
People seem to be split on Romo’s color commentary. I don’t think he’s bad at all, especially when you consider some of the guys we’ve had to listen to in weeks past.
When Romo started this gig, he was using his knowledge almost excessively, reading formations and telling us exactly what was going to happen. That was pretty interesting, but some people don’t want spoilers, they just want good analysis. I think he’s doing more of that now.
For example, you saw him explain the Eagles’ unbalanced line a couple of times in this game, where he used the telestrator to identify the concept pre-snap. But last night he stopped short of saying, “this run is definitely going off-tackle here,” or, “this is going to be a pass to the right.” That’s the kind of thing he was doing during his first couple of games. In this game he added unique analysis without spoiling plays.
I also found it intriguing how he described returners catching balls from left footed punters. Is there really a difference in spin and flight of the ball? I’d never heard that before.
The other thing with Romo is that he at least acts like he gives a shit, while you get the sense that some of these guys are just out there collecting paychecks and thinking about their next trip to the golf course.
  8. Doug’s worst call?
Was it the timeout before the converted 3rd and 7?
I get that he was trying to prevent a delay of game there, but Wentz hit that pass and the play was blown dead.
Beyond that, I think Barner saw a few too many snaps, and there were a couple of times where I felt like they could have run it a little bit more.
  9. Doug’s best call?
Definitely going for it on 4th and 1 in the red zone. Carson Wentz hasn’t failed on a sneak this season.
Ironically, the one penalty that was actually called on Carolina allowed the Birds to try a short two-point conversion after the second touchdown. They successfully ran it in to increase their lead to 18-10.
Doug’s aggression paid off in this game, but imagine if it didn’t. He’d be getting crucified for the two-point try, which would have meant that the Panthers would have been able to tie it on their final drive with a field goal. It was 28-23 at that point, but would have been 26-23 if the conversion failed. A normal extra point would have made it 27-23.
For what it’s worth, Doug Pederson and Andy Reid are a combined 10-1 this season, and the only loss was when the teams played each other. Doug P is for real. He doesn’t want to hear anymore of your crap.
  10. Any given Thursday
I don’t like Thursday night football because NFL Sundays are a sacred American right. Monday Night Football has history, but TNF reeks of corporate greed and ratings and whatever.
The “quality” issue is sort of a two-part thing. There aren’t a ton of great teams in the NFL and they certainly aren’t playing each other every week. There’s a lot of fluff weighing down the product in general (Niners, Browns, Giants, etc). There are a lot of bad games on Sundays, too. But the issue with Thursday night is that teams are beat up and tired with no time to game plan or prepare. These guys shouldn’t be out there killing themselves on three-day’s rest. It’s bad for their health and it’s bad for the game. Along those lines, Lane Johnson probably would have cleared concussion protocol if the Birds were playing Sunday instead of Thursday.
Instead of six and seven days between games with a Sunday/Monday schedule, the Eagles now have a 10-day break following a 3-day break. It’s inconsistent and annoying. Enough with Thursday night and enough with London.
Let’s just play the damn ball games on Sundays. Flex the Birds to prime time because they’re the best team in the NFC.
Time’s yours, Skip.
"When I watch Wentz, I see deer-in-headlights…I don't see the command for playing that position that I always see in Dak."— @RealSkipBayless http://pic.twitter.com/vTilPDohPf
— UNDISPUTED (@undisputed) October 10, 2017
  Beating Two Opponents at the Same Time: Ten Takeways from Eagles 28, Panthers (Refs) 23 published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
namjoonsteeth · 7 years
Ruin The Friendship (part III)
Tumblr media
Title: Ruin The Friendship (mini-series) Part 3
Word-Count: 6.3k
Pairing: Jay Park/ Reader (kinda)
Summary: Best friends to lovers. Inspired by Ruin The Friendship - Demi Lovato.
Genre: Smutty Fluff
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
There’s a picture of me on Jay Park’s Instagram.
This wouldn’t be the first time. He used to post dumb pictures of me edited to look like I had a mustache or drawn on huge boobs. This picture isn’t like that. Taken the last night Jay was home almost a week ago, it’s hard to tell who exactly is in the picture. I’m lying on my chest, my bare back facing the camera while my hair fans out messily covering my face. Posted with a black and white filter, the photo looks too intimate to be just anyone.
He’d disabled the comment section so I’m spared any attack from some of his more “protective” fans. I reread the caption, unable to stop the silly grin from taking up my face. I look around making sure my assistant, Bora, isn’t around to tease me yet again for being infatuated.
As always, I miss her the most.
He’s disgustingly cute. I send him a text message telling him it’s still a no on the pictures he’s been asking for since he left.
Y/n: I’m still not sending you nudes, even if you did post a fake cute picture of me.
He texts me back almost immediately.
Jay: fake!? I’m offended.
Y/n: Go to sleep
Jay: I can’t. Can I call you?
I look at my phone. It’s about one am on the east coast in the states. It’s usually around this time that he’s been calling either before he goes out or when he’s in bed. I won’t pretend like I’m over the butterflies in my stomach at being the person he calls at night. Back when he’d just become a trainee, he’d call me before he went to bed every night. He’d been so lonely back then, wanting so badly to be apart of something successful yet wanting to come home at the same time. Those were the hardest times for us. I’d been helpless. I couldn’t make it better for him, and I also couldn’t let him know how much I’d wished he’d come home too.
I call him, deciding to take a break from the work on my laptop. He answers on the first ring, his smooth voice filling my body and causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. He shouldn’t  have so much control of my body from across the world, but he does and it’s apparent in the way I sigh involuntarily like I’m finally at ease when he speaks.
“Hi, baby,” he says. He sounds so tired. It seems like every day he becomes more and more drained but there’s still that hint of Jay optimism that says whatever is happening is going well. He still hasn’t told me what exactly he’s up to, other than that I should expect some big news by the end of his trip.
“Hey, you ok?” I ask. He yawns loudly, there’s shuffling in the background like he’s shifting around.
“Yeah, everything is good. What about you? How’s work going?”
He’ll never admit to being tired. Even as he drifts off to sleep in the middle of our conversation, leaving me talking to myself for a good five minutes, he’ll still insist on blaming it on how melodic my voice was or some shit.
The time difference is the worst. Tonight when I’m headed to bed, and he’s got a free moment in between work, it’ll be the same. We’re figuring it out, I think. I mean, we always have. In the past, I’d chalk up our times of lack of communication as being us just growing up. We’ve always been able to go through time without contacting each other then coming back together when we could. Now, it seems like there’s no other option but to tough through it. I try not to complain because I know there will be longer stays, times when he’s touring, times when I have to travel. This New York trip is a test of our newborn relationship. If we can’t get our shit together for this, it’ll never work out.
I hang up the phone on a snoring Jay and reopen my laptop.
“How’s boyfriend?” Bora bounces in, her shoulder-length lilac purple hair swinging behind her. She’s carrying an arm full of clothes probably double her petite weight, yet she moves quickly; hanging up items and ordering them for our next fitting.
I shrug. “I don’t know he fell asleep again,”
Bora shakes her head smiling at her busy hands. “You two love to torture yourselves for each other,”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve gotten like five hours of sleep every night since he left. I’m sure he’s in the same boat if not worse. Believe me, I think it’s cute and all but I don’t see how you guys do it,”
I want to tell her that it’s not a question. When he’d kissed me, he held a part of me that he hasn’t yet returned. I’ve become so obsessed with him ( more so than before) that it’s a no-brainer. I’ll stay up as long as I need to if it meant seeing him through a grainy pixelated screen as long as he promised to come back.
I don’t tell her any of that. Instead, I shrug and go back to replying to an email, requesting us to style a Korean rapper who was invited to an American awards show.
“How are we feeling about the L.A gig?” I ask her.
“I’m in. I have a few options in mind we could think about, so I think we should do it,”
I nod at her and confirm a consultation for tomorrow morning. Bora has been my assistant for about a year now. She’s good enough to work on her own, but thankfully for me, she’d rather not. With her apart of the company, I have much more time to actually sleep in my own bed sometimes. She knows the ends and out of my business sometimes better than I do.
“So, we’re all set up for the Zino shoot,” I tell her putting the La event into the calendar. “I want you to put together a profile of what you were thinking about for tomorrow, and I’ll go through some stuff that we have maybe we have something he might like,”
“How about you go home and get some rest, and I’ll take care of the fitting today. I’ll even sort through some stuff for tomorrow. You look like you’re dead on your feet,”
I roll my eyes at her. “Oh, thanks a lot, but no. I can’t just sleep in the middle of the day,”
“You’re half asleep now, y/n,”
“Stop trying to get rid of me,”  I laugh.
Still, I take her advice and head home after another hour.
My place feels emptier than it did this morning. With Bora handling everything at the studio and Jay sleeping, there’s really not much to do but sleep myself I guess. Bora is right. I haven’t slept at all these past couples of days. Jay and I haven’t put any official title to this thing between us. ‘Boyfriend’ sounds kind of lame if I think about it too much. He’s still who he was before; my favorite person in the world. Of course, I can’t go around calling him anything like that; for one his head would get so big, I wouldn’t be able to live it down. It seems so juvenile. Eighteen year old me would be having heart palpitations at the thought of being Jay’s girlfriend. I’m over the novelties. I just want him, all the time.
I end up falling asleep on my couch. By the time I wake up it’s nearly ten, and Jay’s usually up by now. I check my phone to see if I have any missed messages. He must be still sleeping. I stretch out my limbs, getting up to shower and drink some sleepy time tea to put me back to bed. After an hour, I can’t force myself to stay up any longer. I fall asleep again after sending Jay a text telling him that I miss him and not to work too hard.
In the morning it’s the same thing. I have no missed calls from him or even so much as a text message. Even his socials are dead aside from the occasional tweet supporting a project from another artist. The only interesting activity comes from the hundreds of thousands of retweets and likes on the picture he’d posted of me yesterday morning. Quickly, I exit out before I’m tempted to read exactly what his fans think.
I check my email, seeing that Zino emailed me early this morning asking if we can reschedule the consultation a little bit later tonight. I forward it to Bora who immediately sends me a thumbs up saying she’s free.
I spend the rest of the morning trying to forget about the fact that my boyfriend is too busy doing god knows what (because he hasn’t told me anything) to text me back. I’m not a clingy person, I can respect wanting space and time to focus on work, but it’s not like him to go completely quiet. I’ll give him until I go in tonight to respond before I go searching again. Chase has always been my go-to when I need answers.
I’ve already wasted away Friday, trying to catch up on sleep and worrying about Jay. I’m determined to be productive today, even if I am a little annoyed.
I go over the prep work Bora had emailed me last night, adding a few things that I wanted to ask Zino about. Dressing men for events, especially American award shows like this had at some point become my favorite part of my job. It’s all about what an artist likes, and in America, you can go as bold as you want as like as you make it yours. Zino being invited was kind of a big deal for Korean hip-hop. People are looking at him to represent the culture. Bora and I were completely honored when he contacted us to dress him.
When I get to the studio, there’s still no word from Jay and Chase hasn’t answered his phone either. I’m trying not to panic. I’ve never been in the know exactly when they were going and coming. I guess just like everything else, this is an aspect of this new thing with Jay that remains unchanged.
Bora texts me that she’s running a bit late. By the time I’ve pulled some a few of the things we have in the back, Zino shows up to the studio.
He smiles a little less than politely, holding my hand a little longer and tighter than necessary.
“Bora should be right around the corner so we can probably start getting you dressed. I have a royal blue suit that I think you might like and it might fit you too,” I tell him running to the back to pull the rack of options out. I hand him the slacks and gesture toward the curtain for him to get changed.
“And I have these black loafers I want you to try on just for a reference but I’m thinking it might look better with white sneakers. I have to steam the white button up really quickly,”
I wait for him to come out in the blue slacks and hand him the dress shoes.
“You guys work quick,” he says while zipping the pants. I look at them noticing they’re a little short.
“We have to. It’s only her and I and we have too many clients at once. We get everything rushed, and send it back later if we don’t use it. Or we can just buy it outright if we really like it. You said you wanted blue so Bora was right on it,” I gesture for him to spin so I can see the fit in the back.
“They’re a little short but that’s how the guys in the states are wearing them now. I think with white converse or vans it would look pretty cool-,”
“The guys in the states? You know American fashion well then?”
I shrug, starting to steam the dress shirt. “My boyfriend travels to LA and New York a lot. I pay attention to what he’s wearing. He’s very into grungy styles, layers, and denim is his thing right now,”
“You’re Jay’s girl, right?” He smiles smugly at me while stuffing his foot into the shoe.
“Excuse me?” I ask looking up from the shirt I’m steaming. His eyes glisten with mischief like he knows something I don’t.
“The tattoo on your back. It’s the same one from the picture he posted,”
I look down at my yellow halter top that no doubt exposes the black ink on my shoulder blade. I still don’t see why it matters, though. Whether it’s because I’m still not comfortable being called “Jay’s girl” for some reason or because I don’t like how he says it, it annoys me. I don’t like how smug he seems, like he knows just how emotionally and physically fickle Jay could be. Or maybe I’m just projecting my own feelings of not hearing from him for two days. It’s late and I’m tired. I get it, he’s doing his own thing right now and usually, I wouldn’t bat an eye at having gone hours without talking to him. It’s just that, everything seems so fragile. Maybe I’m the fragile one and just need to learn to get over my own shit.
I clear my throat and pull the white steamed dress shirt off the rack. When I hand it to him, his fingers brush mine for a long second. He smiles at the ground, his dimples appearing. Where the hell is Bora? Jay would kill me if he knew I was alone at my studio at night with a stranger, no matter how known he is. He’s always saying I don’t take my own safety seriously, never mind the fact that there’s clearly something I’m missing between these two.
“Are you two close?” I ask, busying myself on the other side of the room with ordering papers that are already in order. Instead of stepping behind the curtain, he pulls his T-shirt off and pulls the crisp white shirt on.
“Well, we used to be ok, I guess. We were supposed to do a song or something,” he trails off, his fingers moving up the buttons of the shirt. “Then he slept with my girlfriend,”
There it is.
He waits like he’s waiting for my reaction. I’m saved from giving one by my phone ringing. When I see it’s not my assistant, I roll my eyes. Of course, he’d call me at this exact moment. Asshole. I have half a mind to decline his call. Instead, I answer, smiling brightly if only for my guest.
“Hi, Jay,”
“Y/n, baby, I’m so sorry. I’ve been running around all day, in and out of meetings, I didn’t mean to not get back to you last night,”
“It’s ok. Listen I can’t talk right now,” I tell him. “I’m working,”
“Working? At the studio? Where’s Bora? Is she there with you? Do you have a client?” He asks so many questions, and it would be a little bit funny if I didn’t know what his reaction would be to all of my answers.
“Yes, working at the studio. A client rescheduled and we weren’t doing anything else,” I look over at Beenzino who’s pretending he’s not listening to my half of the conversation. He straightens the leg of his slacks and holds up his thumb as if to ask me what I thought.
“Where’s Bora?” Jays repeats.
“She’s on her way,” I tell him moving into the other room.
“Fuck, Y/n. You literally don’t give a shit whether some guy-,”
“It’s work, Jay. I’m working, just like you did all yesterday,”
He laughs humorlessly on the other end. “So you’re mad that I didn’t call?”
“That’s not what I’m saying at all,” I sigh. I rub at my temples feeling a headache start to pound. “I miss you, I don’t want to fight,”
“We aren’t fighting,” he says softly. “I just want you to take care of yourself, baby. I’m fourteen hours away. I can’t just be there if something happened,”
“I know, I know,” I say. “I didn’t expect Bora to be late, I promise. I was trying really hard not to stress you out about this,”
He laughs. “You always find a way to get in trouble,”
I smile. “Am I in trouble?”
Jay blows a loud breath into the phone. “I can see you biting that fucking lip, Y/n,”
I laugh. “I have to go, he’s waiting, and I think Bora just came in,”
“At least tell me who it is so I know it’s not some famous gangster or something,” he laughs.
“It’s Zino,”
He’s silent. He doesn’t say a word for at least twenty seconds. Even when I call his name, he stays quiet like either he’s choosing his words or just doesn’t have any. 
“Send him home,” he says finally.
“I don’t want to hear it, Y/n. Send him home. Have him reschedule with Bora. I don’t want him anywhere near you,”
“You have to be fucking kidding me, Jay,”
“I’m serious. I’m not dealing with the shit, Y/n,”
“You don’t have to,” I laugh. “Listen, I’m going to go finish my session, I’m going to stay at Bora’s tonight, and then you can call me later if you find the time,” I hang up before he can say anything else.
My headache is in full force right now. I’m ready to go do exactly what he told me and send him home. My phone vibrates in my pocket but I ignore it. When I step back into the room, both sets of eyes are on me like they know I’m literally on the edge of sanity.
“Sorry I’m late,” Bora offers holding up the camera. I nod saying nothing as I start directing Zino where to stand while she takes the pictures.
“Do a few with the jacket, and we’ll look into jewelry after,” I instruct. They both quietly do as they’re told with little to no other interaction. Bora looks at me over the frame of her glasses, letting me know we’ll be talking on our way back to her place.
We finish the session with two more looks, promising to send Zino a copy of the photos so he can choose what he wants later. When he leaves, I release a breath like it’s the first time I’m breathing in the last hour. I pull out my phone to check the time. It’s just past nine-thirty.
My screen is filled with notifications from Jay that I’d ignored. Three missed calls and a bunch of text messages.
Jay: Y/n
Jay: I’m so fucking mad at you.
He does the thing where he thinks stating the obvious will make a difference somehow. Well, I’m so fucking mad at him too. This is my job. He can’t just expect me not to do business with someone just because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Mad at me? I’ve done nothing wrong.
Jay: I don’t want you working with him, y/n. I’m asking you not to.
Jay: let him work with Bora but I don’t even want him in the same room as you. And this isn’t a possessive boyfriend thing.
Jay: I mean it is, but he’s going to try to get back at me through you and I’ll go crazy
Jay: I’m not trying to be a dickhead. I’m trying to keep you safe.
Jay: and I didn’t forget you hung up on me too...
The ellipse feels like a promise that turns me on despite how upset I am. I sigh, dropping my head on my desk. This is Jay. This isn’t crazy new boyfriend Jay who wants to keep me in a box. He’s never been like that. If he says it’s serious, I have to trust him. He’s never lied to me a day in his life. He’s never been selfish when it came to me. This, whatever is going on between the two of them has nothing to do with me, but if I ignore him, if I ignore how uncomfortable Zino made me even if for half a second, this can and will become an even bigger problem.
“You think you cannot look so depressed at the fact that we’re going to La for free in three weeks?”
I lift my hand, flipping my friend off. “He’s all yours Bora,” I rub at my temples again staring at my phone.
“I’m not going to La. You take whoever you want, and have fun. Zino is your client now,”
“But you’ve already started planning out the looks,”
I raise an eyebrow at her. “Do you want to change it?”
She shakes her head. “No, I think it’s perfect,”
“Well, you have a free trip to LA,”
“Shit, Y/n. What happened?”
I don’t feel like explaining anything right now. I actually just want to climb into Jay’s memory foam bed and sleep all day tomorrow.
“I don’t actually know,” I shake my head looking at the next text that comes in from my boyfriend.
Jay: Call me when you get home so I at least know you’ve made it
“This is what happens when you date your best friend,” she says holding out her hand to pull me out of my chair. Her arms come around me, and I lean against her shoulder.
“A fight is never just a fight. You want to be on your own side, but you’re on his too right?”
I hate that it makes sense. And I hate that I’m fighting with Jay. We never fight. This is exactly what I was afraid of. If we weren’t together, would working with Zino even be a big deal?
“I think I’m going to stay at Jay’s place tonight,” I tell her. She rolls her eyes looking at me like I’d just told her the sky is blue. I can’t be that obvious, can I?
“Come on, I’ll drop you off,”
Bora’s boyfriend picks us up from the studio. He drops me off at Jay’s condo, and I let myself in. I haven’t been here since the night he left. I drop my bag on his couch and beeline for his shower. When I’m done, I pull one of his T-shirt’s over my head and step into a pair of his boxers. I crawl into his big bed, finally feeling a piece of my heart relax just a bit.
When I call him, he answers on the first ring. “Y/n,”
“I’m at your place,” I say around a yawn.
“I’m in your bed and wearing your clothes. I’m yours in every sense of the word, but you think some guy I just met who’s not you is going to make a difference to me,”
“It’s not like that, baby,” he sighs.
“It doesn’t matter,” I say. “I’m letting Bora in charge of him. I told her to go to LA without me,”
“I’ll take you to LA myself,” he says like it’ll make up for how dumb he was earlier.
“It’s not about me going to LA, Jay. I can go anytime I want. It’s about you expecting me to obey what you say just because you say so,”
“I’m trying to protect you,” he sighs. I’m kind of getting tired of his sighs. It’s like I’m the one being exasperating.
“You’re trying to protect me from your secrets, Jay. I already know everything,”
“How do you always find a way to make me feel bad about being mad at you,”
“Because I’m a woman,” I laugh tiredly.
“You hung up on me,” he says.
“I’m looking forward to how you’ll get me back for it,”
“Stay at my place tomorrow night too,” he tells me. “I want to come home to you in my bed,”
“You’re finally coming home?”
“You sound a little bit like you miss me,” he laughs.
“I miss your-,”
“Hey,” he says cutting me off. I laugh, pulling the blanket tight around my shoulder. “Watch your mouth,” he whispers.
“Or what-,”
There’s a sound out in the living room that stops me mid-sentence.
“Jay, I think someone is in your apartment. What should I do?” I whisper.
He’s quiet on the other end, I pull the phone away to see that I must have disconnected the call accidentally. I stay still, afraid that if I moved they’ll hear me. There’s definitely footsteps moving in the apartment. Whoever it is, moves without turning on any lights. I grasp my phone in my hand ready to throw it and make a run for it.
“You really think your phone is going to keep me from getting you back for hanging up on me,”
I look over at the doorway to see my boyfriend. I scramble off the bed and jump at him, wrapping my legs around him. He catches me easily, his hands going to my bare thighs. I press my lips against his neck, squeezing him in my arms.
“Are you crying?” He laughs while pulling back. I drop down to my own two feet, but he doesn’t let me get far.
“I thought I was going to die, you bitch,” I wipe at my eyes, failing to pull away from him as he traps me against his chest. His lips press against my cheek.
“And your only defense was to throw your phone at me. I really can’t leave you alone,”
He walks me backward toward his bed. “I wanted to surprise you. Now turn around,” he says against my hair. The tone of his voice has me eager to do whatever he says. I turn, and his hand drags up my back before he forces me to bend over his bed, my ass sticking up in the air.
His fingers peel the boxers away from my skin. He lets out a breath when he has the underwear around my knees. Two hands reach up, palming my ass. He squeezes my flesh, his fingers digging roughly into my skin.
“I owe you for hanging up on me,” he says. Before I can prepare myself, his hand comes down hard on my skin. He soothes it away with his lips, kissing where his palm connected. When he pulls away I’m expecting another sting, instead, he drags his fingers along my clit, making me gasp. I look back at him to see him bringing the three fingers against his tongue before he repeats the motion. Without notice, he plunges two fingers into me.
“Fuck,” I call out.
His wrist flicks back and forth, moving his fingers inside of me. His free arm wraps around my waist as to get a better grip as his speed increases. I move my hips with his rhythm, wanting more.
“You look so pretty like this, baby,” he says.
I’m panting, knees shaking barely holding myself up. Just when I think my legs will give out, Jay twists my hips so that I’m on my back. He pulls the boxers all the way off. His mouth presses against the inside of my left knee, looking up at me while his lips move higher toward my thigh. He bites my flesh hard before running his tongue over my skin. He moves further up, kissing where my thigh and hip meet.
I close my eyes as his mouth finally settles on it’s intended destination. His tongue presses into my clit, alternating between flicks and circles. My hands move to his hair, holding him against me. A hand reaches up, two fingers enter me once again. His thumb follows his tongue, rubbing my clit in between licks.
“Jay, I can’t hold it,” I try to pull him up but he stays put, his hand moving faster. His free hand moves up to touch my skin under the T-shirt, settling on my breast.
My legs start to close around him but he quickly pushes them down, keeping me open and helpless. I pull at his hair as I start to quiver again.
“Come for me baby,” he says against my skin. Almost like I’m programmed to follow whatever he says, I tighten around him as I cum. It feels like it lasts forever, as his mouth continues to work me over.
When my body finally relaxes, he moves up, covering me with his own body. His lips touch mine gently like he’s the most innocent person in the world. I wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing myself against him.
“I missed you so much,” I tell him. My hands go down to the waistband of his pants but he grabs my wrists.
“Not tonight. I want you to rest. You look exhausted,”
I feel my lip poke out at being denied his body. He takes my lip between his, before pushing his tongue against mine. He groans against my mouth, flipping me over so I straddle his waist. I peel my T-shirt off leaving me wearing nothing. His hands cup my breasts before he bends to kiss the center of my chest.
“You haven’t fucked me in more than a week,” I press my lips to his ear. “I want you,”
“You’re the devil, I swear,” he shakes his head at me. When I reach over for the condom, he pulls his joggers down. He lets me get the latex in place before I sink down on him, holding his shoulders. I can’t go slow, it’s like my body won’t allow it. I move against him, grinding my hips over his while his hands hold onto either side. He watches where we connect, and I can see his eyes appreciate every time I slide against him. When I can’t take it anymore, he flips me over, finishing what I started. We come together, a loud gasp and groan. He moves to pull away but I wrap my legs around his hips holding me tight against him.
“Welcome home,” I say
He laughs against my neck, his chest still moving too fast. I reach up to run my fingers through his wet hair. He’s too heavy, yet I can’t find myself pushing him off. I only cling to him tighter.
“Are you still mad at me?” He says against my skin.
“Yes,” I say around a yawn. Still, I move grab at his T-shirt, trying to pull it over his head. He does it for me before standing to go take care of our mess. When he comes back his boxers are back in place. He slides in bed beside me, wrapping my naked body up in his arms.
“Y/n,” he says my name looking at me like I can’t be serious.
“You’ve been ignoring me for like three days,”
“I was on a fourteen-hour flight,” he says laughing.
“And you still haven’t told me what you were doing in New York,”
He presses his face into my neck, drawing me close. “We’ll talk about it in the morning,”
We sleep wrapped around each other. We’re both so tired we don’t stir until probably noon. When I do finally get up, Jay’s still knocked out. I untangle myself from the sheets and slip out of his arms so I can get in the shower.
His bathroom fills with steam, fogging up the glass that takes up the large space. I step in, finally feeling relaxed in what feels like a week. I’ve never been one who needed to be around my boyfriend twenty-four seven, and I still don’t think I am. Jay could spend all day at his office and I don’t think it would make a difference. It’s when he’s away that makes me a little anxious. When he’s home I at least have the option to see him.
I step out of the shower after washing up with Jay’s very manly shower gel. I grab the towel I used last night and wrap it around my midsection before brushing my teeth and heading out toward his closet. Every time I come over, I always find something I want to add to my own closet. I go directly to his row of designer T-shirt’s, sifting through them.
“I’m getting a little tired of having my shit go missing,” his says from behind me.
I look back at him. His hair sticks up in every which way. He scratches at the lion on his chest tiredly. He looks so freaking adorable, but I refuse to let on just how much I like looking at him.
“I don’t know why you don’t just expect it by now,” I say pulling out the black Givenchy T-shirt I’ve seen him wear often. He also has a red one, so I don’t think he’ll miss this one. I pull it on before going to grab another pair of his boxers and a pair of his jeans.
I pull his clothes on while he watches in amusement. Sitting on one of the stools he has in the closet, I cuff the bottom of the pants. When I stand, the jeans sag just a bit, but it’ll have to do.
“Go shower,” I shoo him. “We’re actually going out into the world,”
Jay grabs my hips as I walk past him, pressing himself against my backside. “I thought we were staying in bed all day,”
“You assumed we were staying in bed. We need to go pick up some stuff you wanted from my studio that you never got. Then I need to make sure Bora’s all set on the Zino event. I also want to go to that new vintage place that just opened up,”
Jay raises an eyebrow at me. “And I need to be along for all of that?”
“Yes, because you have to tell me about New York, and because I refuse to build a relationship solely on the sex,”
“We’ve known each other for half of our lives, Y/n. What else kind of building do we need to do,”
I roll my eyes at him for being such a man. He’s right though, but I’m not going to admit that I just missed him too much to not want to spend the day with him. My phone rings saving me from having to answer his question. I push him toward the bathroom while answering the unknown number.
It’s Zino.
“Hey, what’s up? Is everything ok?” There’s really no reason for him to call me. Bora told me she’d sent an email right after she dropped me off, explaining that she was going to take over her event.
“Actually I was just calling to ask you the same thing,” he laughs. “Bora told me you weren’t coming to LA. Did I overstepped last night when I asked about Jay?”
Yeah, kind of. I don’t say that though. Instead, I curse my boyfriend who’s singing in the shower for being so messy and making my life more interesting than I care for.
“No, it’s not that,” I tell him. “I just don’t see why both Bora and I need to go to the event when she’s more than capable-,”
“And your boyfriend wants you to stay away from me,” he adds. I don’t deny it.
“Bora will take care of you,”
“Tell Jay I’m not trying to steal his girlfriend, no matter how much he deserves it,”
I roll my eyes at my phone. “Listen, I don’t care to get into whatever shit you and Jay are into,” I say while pulling on my white vans.
“I’m just saying he has nothing to worry about. I can behave myself,”
“Email Bora if you still want to work with her. I’m available to help with whatever you guys need. I’m just not going to LA,”
Jay comes out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He frowns at seeing me a little peeved on the phone. I shake my head, pointing for the closet for him to get ready. The less time he spends naked, the easier it’ll be to get out of his bedroom.
“Ok, Y/n,”
“You can email me if you have any more questions. I’ll see you around I’m guessing,”
“Yeah, see you,” he hangs up leaving a slimy feeling. He’s harmless I know, but I can just hear the ulterior motive in his voice. I’m feeling a little better about not working with him so directly.
“Who was that?” Jay asks pulling on a hat to cover his messy hair. I walk over to help him tuck his T-shirt in the waistband of his jeans the way he’s been wearing it lately.
“Zino asking if there’s a reason I’m no longer going to LA,”
Jay’s quiet while I fix the shirt making sure it doesn’t look weirder than it already does. He pulls it off I guess. I wait for him to say something, instead, he just presses slings an arm my shoulder. I pick up my bag on the way out the door.
“So, New York?” I prod when Jay slides into the driver’s seat of his Bentley. He looks over at me a wide smile on his face. And in a second he’s that young kid again, on the verge of something amazing. I can see it before he says anything.
“Roc Nation, baby,”
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