#also if you read all these tags I’m sorry. and you’re welcome I guess
rhiannonsaintofcharm · 2 months
you people are lucky I can’t draw because the content I would release upon this world would be so cringe and insane (griddlehark harley quinn x joker au)
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loudstan · 2 years
Perfect Little Toy
Summary: Mark was looking forward to meeting his mate, but he was not expecting to find her in a sex shop.
Pairing: Werewolf! Mark x Witch! Female reader
Warnings: smut, some angst, magic potions used during sex I guess? also this is way longer than my other fics sorry
 Mark should have known better. But when Haechan asked him to go shopping with him, never in a million years did he think they would end up in a sex shop.
“Dude, I don’t wanna go in there,” he hissed, trying to break free from Haechan’s unrelenting grip on his arm.  Haechan pulled harder, whining vociferously. “S-stop! People are watching,” Mark whispered urgently, trying to hide his face from the curious bystanders.
“What’s the big deal?”Haechan rolled his eyes.
“You could have ordered stuff like this online!” Mark sighed, reluctantly letting himself be dragged into the eye-catching store. “It’s weird to come here together.”
“It’s only weird if you make it weird,” Haechan shrugged, walking to the nearest shelf and inspecting the x-rated shaped toys on display. “We are bros, aren’t we? Remember when you wanted to get a fortune telling reading but didn’t want to go alone? Who went with you?”
“Okay, first of all, you can’t possibly compare fortune telling to vibrators,” Mark argued, slapping Haechan’s hand away when it playfully brought a pink dildo uncomfortably close to Mark’s face. “Secondly, you literally found your mate in that shop, so you should be thanking me.”
“Well, maybe you’ll find your mate in here,” Haechan said.
“Very funny,” Mark deadpanned, offended at the mere suggestion of meeting his destined partner in such a lewd place. “Oh, shit I made eye contact with an employee, fuck he’s coming this way-”
“Hi, welcome to Pandora’s Box. My name is Jeonghan,” said a young man with dark hair and a bored expression as he pointed at the name tag on his shirt. “How can I help you today? Is there anything specific you’re looking for?”
“Hey,man!” Haechan greeted. “You see, my girl and I have a lot of sex-”
“Sure you do,” Jeonghan’s plain voice replied. If only he got paid extra for every time he heard that. 
“But she’s human and I’m a werewolf. I’m afraid I’m too big down there for her, you know?” Haechan continued with an arrogant smirk, pointing at his crotch just for extra clarification, Mark cringing behind him.
“Right,”said Jeonghan, clearly unimpressed. Again, if he got paid for each guy who said they were too big. “If you want to train her for your size, then we have some bigger models over here,” he offered, walking the two customers to a shelf with exotic looking silicone dicks. He shoved a massive  neon green dildo into Haechan’s hands.“This one was molded after a head alpha. It comes with a remote to simulate a knot,” he said as he pressed a button on the remote and  the phallic toy started growing in the werewolf's hands, who was in obvious shock. This was Jeonghan’s favorite part of his job: humbling men who thought they were the shit, when it goes without saying that there’s always a bigger dildo that can do a better job. “It glows in the dark,” he added, biting back a smile.
“Cool,”Haechan breathed out, trying not to show how much they had hurt his ego and ignoring Mark’s snort. “Uh–I’m not sure about the… the color, yeah,” There was no way he was buying a toy bigger than him. “Do you maybe have, uh–...something else? Maybe a potion or something that makes it less painful for her?” He added before that Jeonghan guy tried to show him another colossal toy.
 Jeonghan put the toy back on the shelf and lifted his eyebrows as he seemed to think about it for a second. “I guess a potion would work, yeah…This way, please,” he instructed, taking a very embarrassed Haechan and a now amused Mark to a different section of the shop, hidden behind some dark curtains. “Hey, Y/N! Do you have anything to make werewolf penetration more enjoyable for humans?” he asked loudly as they entered a small room decorated with tons of colorful potion jars and  illuminated by candles. 
 At first Mark choked at the employee’s vulgar words and coughed awkwardly. Then a sweet and fresh scent invaded his nostrils, making him freeze. He let out a shaky breath and inhaled once again, letting the summer-like scent fill his lungs and his brain go fuzzy, his eyes trying to focus on the source of such heavenly stimulation. There you were, the most beautiful woman Mark had ever laid eyes on, wearing an employee uniform and your hair tied up neatly not to get in the way of your job. You had stopped mixing a bubbly lilac potion in a cauldron to listen to Jeonghan and help him solve Haechan’s problem. And god, your voice was so melodic, Mark had no idea what you were talking about but he could listen to you forever.
“So this would make her produce as much slick as an omega in heat?” Haechan was fascinated, staring at an expensive looking potion in an elegant jar. 
“Well, not automatically,” you replied. “It will depend on how aroused she is. If you can’t  turn her on, it won’t help you.”
“So you’re telling me,” Haechan insisted, overconfidently. “That she’ll have no way to hide how turned on she is?” he was already thinking of how cute his girlfriend would look when she’s all wet and embarrassed. 
“Yes,” you replied dryly at the same time Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the cocky customer. 
 Mark, on the other hand, was in his own little world and couldn’t stop staring at your lips. Unconsciously, he found himself wondering if you would need to use that potion to make him fit or if he could make it work by taking things slow. Maybe if he ate you out real good and opened you up with his fingers it wouldn’t hurt that much. Mark didn’t want to hurt you, he wanted to make you feel good, take care of you.
“Holy shit,” he gasped when it finally hit him. This was it. He had found his mate. In a fucking sex shop.
Haechan gave him an inquisitive look, but he quickly dismissed his friend’s reaction as him being impressed by the potion. 
“Anything else you need?” Jeonghan asked, making Haechan turn his attention to him once again. 
“Mm…Handcuffs?” Haechan asked after a few seconds of hesitation. 
“How original,” Jeonghan muttered, before indicating for Haechan to follow him back outside. Mark didn’t budge when his friend walked past him. It was like his feet were glued to the floor as he stared at you going back to mixing the suspicious-looking potion while humming to a sweet melody. His eyes landed on your name tag and he found himself saying your name out loud before he could stop it. You quickly looked up, surprised that the customer was still there.
“Yes?” you asked politely. “Can I help you with anything else?”
Oh shit, he had to think of something before you thought he was a creep. He licked his lips nervously before he came up with a question that sounded convincing enough. “I j-just uh… are y-you the owner?”
“Jeonghan and I both co-own this place,” you replied and gave him a smile. “Why?”
“N-no, because, like, you look very y-young so I w-was a bit…surprised, so…so I asked?” The way he ended as if he was asking a question was kind of cute if you were being honest and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
 Mark let out a giggle too, dazed at the fact that he had made you laugh. Oh, how he wanted to make you laugh everyday for the rest of his life. 
“We came up with this idea when we were in freshman year, so we had plenty of time to save money and plan everything,” you explained patiently. Somehow, this stranger made you feel at ease, like you didn’t need to be careful with him, or at least not the way you were with most men. “By the time we graduated we were ready to open the store. It’s like our baby.”
Mark felt a pang of jealousy at the fact that there was a man who was close enough to you to plan such a big project together. “That’s cool, uh– s-so are you two, like, a thing? A c-couple?”
 The sound of your laughter made Mark’s heart skip a beat and he smiled dreamily, almost forgetting what he had asked in the first place.
“No way!” you continued laughing at the ridiculous idea, Mark’s relieved sigh going unnoticed. “We’ve been friends since forever. Just a little advice; never make business plans with a romantic partner, kid.”
“I-I’m 23,” Mark laughed nervously, using the back of his hand to dry up some sweat beads accumulated on his forehead. Your sweet scent was so suffocating it was getting harder to breathe, but he couldn’t care less. 
“Oops, my bad! Not a kid,” you said. “You look so young, though! I’m jealous,” you complimented him, not wanting to admit that he also looked gorgeous. “What’s your name?”
“M-mark,” he stuttered. Cute.
“Nice to meet you, Mark,” you extended your hand for him to shake it, smiling more brightly at the way he giggled like an infatuated high-school girl. Everything seemed to be funny to him and it was endearing. He took your hand into his delicately and allowed you to shake it in a friendly manner when your heart started pounding ridiculously fast and you felt the room move around you. Mark’s hard squeeze on your hand brought you back to reality and you saw his body visibly wobbling as he closed his eyes and his chest rose and fell rapidly. “Mark?” you called his name worriedly, but he only whispered your name weakly before he collapsed on the floor with a thud.
“M-mark?” you breathed out, still trying to calm down your own fluttering heart. You knelt down next to his unconscious body and only then you noticed he was covered in sweat. “Shit. Hey, Mark!” you insisted, giving his face a gentle slap with hopes of waking him up. No response. You tried to stand up to go get help, but for some reason you had no strength in your legs. “Jeonghan!” you screamed as loud as you could. Few seconds later, Jeonghan burst into the potions room, his face incredibly pale and eyes wide open, this being the first time he had heard you scream like that. He looked from your terrified face to the motionless man on the floor, trying to assess damage. Immediately after came Haechan, carrying a basket full of different products, which he almost dropped when he saw the state his pack brother was in. 
“What happened?!” Jeonghan asked, kneeling down and wrapping an arm over your shoulders protectively. 
“I d-don’t know! I just shook his hand,” you said.
 Haechan, who had been checking Mark’s pulse, moved his hand from his wrist to his forehead, confirming that he was burning up. “So he became like this right after you touched him?” he asked, staring at you intently, his tone indicating that he knew something you didn’t. 
“I guess? I…I really didn’t do anything to him, I swear!” your voice shook, thinking you were being accused of harming such a nice guy. You tried to stand up but, again, your weak legs pulled you back to the floor and you let out a frustrated groan as Jeonghan helped you reach a chair. 
“Are you okay?” your friend asked you anxiously, stabilizing you on the chair.
“I’m fine!” you sighed. “I’m probably just nervous. I’m not used to people fainting in front of me- Why haven’t you called an ambulance yet?!” you urged him.
“No need,” Haechan interrupted you before Jeonghan could pull his phone out of his pocket. “This is just his rut. It was due a couple of days, but I guess it came early,” he explained, his eyes shining too excitedly for someone whose friend was unconscious on the floor. He chuckled under his breath like the whole situation was amusing. “He’s fine. He just needs to get home and rest.I’ll ask someone to pick us up,” he added, quickly typing on his phone.
 In less than 20 minutes, an old fashioned vehicle pulled up by the store, a man hurriedly getting off the car and making his way to the entrance, stopping midtrack once he opened the door and found himself surrounded by adult toys. 
“Yeah, yeah, this is a sex shop. People have sex, surprise!” Haechan said sarcastically, gesturing to the newcomer to come in. 
“How’s he?” the intimidatingly tall man asked, after clearing his throat and taking long strides towards where you were. Thankfully, the store was almost empty when the whole incident had taken place, so Jeonghan had quickly kicked the remaining customers out and closed the store, helping Haechan move Mark to a more comfortable place while you got some wet towels to reduce his fever. Now Mark was lying on an improvised bed made of blankets and clothes, almost looking like he was taking a peaceful nap. 
“He’s fine, Johnny,” Haechan chuckled. “Our little Mark is just a bit overwhelmed.”
Johnny turned to you and Jeonghan and thanked you for taking care of his brother, before kneeling next to Mark and Haechan. “I didn’t know his rut was due today,” he muttered.
“Because it wasn’t,” Haechan simply said, giving Johnny a playful look. 
 Johnny stared back at him and raised his eyebrows. “Then what-” he trailed off when he saw Haechan tilting his head furtively towards you, the movement barely perceptible but enough to make Johnny look at you out of the corner of his eyes. Thankfully you were busy talking to Jeonghan, who did catch Johnny staring before the tall werewolf quickly turned his back towards him and tried to move Mark carefully. “Which one,” Johnny whispered only for Haechan to hear, to which Haechan mouthed ‘the girl,’ eliciting an impressed grin from Johnny. “Okay, Markie, let’s get you out of here,” Johnny’s voice was back to normal volume, lifting Mark off the ground and carrying him on his shoulder, Mark’s weak groan being the only sign that he was alive. Haechan followed after him, carrying bags of new toys with him and thanking you again for everything before exiting the shop and getting in the car. 
 Once you and Jeonghan were left alone in the store, you let out a heavy sigh. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jeonghan asked.
“Yeah, just tired,” you replied, stretching your body now that your legs seemed to function properly. “This town has more werewolves than I thought,” you suddenly said. 
“I´ve heard about those guys. It’s a big pack that moved here a couple of years ago, and for some reason the number of members keeps increasing,” Jeonghan huffed as he moved towards the counter to close the cash register. “I also heard some of them are imprinting on humans,” he added slowly, looking at you attentively. 
“Imprinting,” you repeated unconvinced such a thing was ever real. “Do you really believe in that whole soulmate thing wolves have going on?”
Jeonghan hummed and seemed to focus on his task of counting bills. “How would I know? I’m not one of them,” he finally said. “It could be real.”
“It’s an ancient tradition. Someone probably came up with it to keep them from having sex with whoever they want,” you spitted.
“They can still have sex with whoever they want,” for some reason Jeonghan was defending werewolves’ outdated way of thinking. “But they are more likely to settle down once they find someone who is very important to them.”
“That's called commitment,” you fired back. “Which is not the same as being forced to like someone through imprinting.”
“They are also gifted,” Jeonghan continued matter of factly, with a hint of annoyance in his voice, like he didn’t like admitting to it. “Down there. Massive dicks.”
“Jeonghan, we literally sell toys that could satisfy me better than a traditionalist guy with attachment issues who thinks having a big dick makes him special,” you deadpanned. 
“Okay!” Jeonghan sighed and raised his arms defensively. “No need to be so defensive.”
“I’m not-,” you stopped yourself because you were in fact being defensive. Why did you care? Was it really because you hated old-fashioned ways of thinking? Was there something else bothering you? To be fair, you had been unnecessarily mean; you didn’t think any of the werewolves you just met were traditionalist assholes with attachment issues. Mark especially seemed like such a kind and chill guy. The type of guy you would have asked out on a date if he hadn’t passed out in front of you. Maybe that’s what bothered you: was Mark the type of werewolf who followed traditions to the extent he wouldn’t even give you a chance in order to prioritize his supposed mate? “Sorry, you’re right. It has nothing to do with me anyways.”
When Mark woke up, his head was throbbing and your lovely scent felt like a distant memory. His muscles ached when he sat up and he winced at the way his shirt stuck to his sweaty body. As he took the messy shirt off he heard a soft knock on the door.
“Come in,” he croaked, after taking a proper look at his surroundings and recognising his own room. The door opened slowly and the youngest member of the pack slid into his room, carrying a glass of water and a little medication bottle. Mark could already tell what type of medication it was.
“They told me to give you these,” Jisung offered him the suppressants and waited until Mark had successfully opened the jar and taken a pill into his hands before offering the glass of water.
“Thanks,” Mark muttered before swallowing the pill and gulping down the content of the glass. 
“Do you need anything else?” The younger asked sympathetically.
“No,” Mark assured him, already having gone through his rut so many times he just knew there wasn’t much he could do about it besides fucking it out of his system, by himself or with somebody else. “I just have to wait for the suppressants to kick in and I’ll feel a bit better.”
“Do suppressants really help?” Jisung asked curiously. He had only had a rut once and he spent it with his mate, so he didn’t have to suffer as much as his older brothers. 
“They make the whole thing bearable,” Mark answered, cracking his neck and sighing tiredly. “But it’s still a pain in the ass,” he admitted.
“Is he awake?” Haechan’s voice called from the door. “You got me worried when I saw you unconscious on the floor, man. I calmed down because I understood what was happening, but you probably scared the shit out of the people who worked at the store. That poor girl didn’t know what to do,” he chuckled, inviting himself into the room and sitting on Mark’s bed. 
“Fuck,” Mark groaned at the reminder of such embarrasing first impression and he flopped into the bed. “Y/N…”
“Who is Y/N?” Jisung asked.
“That, little Jisung, would be Mark’s mate,” Haechan revealed and then looked at Mark for confirmation. “Am I right?” 
 Mark whined and covered his face with his palms, but he nodded. 
“And you met her thanks to who…?” Haechan continued, looking from Jisung to Mark , adding a dramatic pause. “Me! I was the one who took you to that sex shop!”
“S-sex shop?!” Jisung choked on his saliva and stared at Mark in shock as if he was waiting for him to tell him it was one of Haechan’s jokes. 
“That’s right,” Haechan laughed and then he gasped as he seemed to remember something. “Hold on, I got you something,” he suddenly said, standing up and leaving the room shortly,and coming back with a pair of handcuffs which he gave to Jisung. “Here. These are for the next time your mate tries to run away.”
Jisung’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he stared at the pink, fluffy handcuffs in his palms. “S-shut up!” He stuttered as aggressively as he could in spite of his voice cracking. “Noona’s not going anywhere,” he muttered to himself.
“Fine,” Haechan rolled his eyes and extended his hand. “Give them back if you don’t want them.”
“N-no,” Jisung said quickly and hid the gift behind his back. “You gave them to me.”
“Can you have this conversation somewhere else?!” Mark suddenly groaned. Haechan’s voice was making his headache worse and he really wanted some peace before his rut hit completely. And he definitely wanted to be alone when touched himself to the thought of you. 
The next few days were a blur. Mark lost count of how many times he cummed in his hand, on the bedsheets and finally in a fleshlight that Haechan sneaked into his room as a gift at some point. At first,  ready to reject whatever ridiculous toy he was bringing, he yelled at Haechan to get out and threw a shoe at him, which Haechan avoided just in time by leaving and closing the door behind him. But then Mark caught your scent. It was very faint, but he would recognise it anywhere. Dizzy, he got up, and crawled towards the fleshlight Haechan had left by the door. He inspected it , never before being so mesmerized by a toy, and bringing it close to his face to inhale your scent deeply. “Y/N…”
“I knew you would like it,” Haechan chuckled from the other side of the door, startling Mark. “It’s a small human size.I went to the store and made sure Y/N was the one selling it to me. I asked her to open the product and test it in front of me…,” he teased. “She stuffed her fingers inside of it to demonstrate how flexible the material is.”
Mark groaned and slid his tongue into the toy hungrily, trembling as he got to taste a bit of you before your scent faded away. 
“She asked about you.I told her you were fine and that you were sorry for scaring her. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her the fleshlight was for you,” Haechan continued, oblivious to what was happening on the other side of the door. “That Jeonghan guy is totally onto me though; he wouldn’t stop glaring at me like I’m the  biggest perv-,” she trailed off as he suddenly heard wet, slippery sounds, indicating that Mark had wasted no time in using his new gift. “Gross! Wait until I’m gone!” Haechan yelled and ran off. Mark was too gone to care, fucking into the toy with intent and imagining it was you. 
No matter how insufferable Haechan was, this would really help him get through his rut more easily. He should thank him later.Later. Now he really couldn’t think with anything but his cock. He let his animal instinct take over and he forgot about everything and everyone except you, and by the time he gained some self control and clarity back, he found the sticky fleshlight completely destroyed in his hands.He panted heavily as he grabbed some tissues to clean himself before he stood up and put some clothes on for the first time in days. As soon as he opened the door he was met with a bag hanging off the handle containing a bottle of water and some energy bars, which he quickly devoured before heading to take a shower. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jeno asked him as soon as he entered the living room where some of the younger members of the pack were hanging out. 
“I’m good,” Mark sighed. “This one was kind of intense, though…”
“We heard,” Jeno said, quickly correcting himself when Renjun nudged him and gave him a pointed look. “I mean, we can imagine.”
“The first rut after meeting your mate is hell if you don’t spend it together,” Jaemin butted in. 
“To be fair, your mate was particularly difficult,” Jeno told Jaemin. “She denied you for months.”
“Which I’m sure won’t be the case for Mark,” Jaemin assured Mark, who was squirming anxiously on his seat. “You already know her name and where to find her, and from what we heard she’s single.”
“Wha-how do you guys know that?”
“Haechan said he couldn’t smell anybody else’s scent on her, besides the guy who works with her,” Renjun clarified. “Just go see her when you feel better-”
 Renjun’s voice was overpowered by loud whines and complaints coming from the main door, where Haechan and Yangyang were making their entrance.
“I didn’t know!” Yangyang sighed tiredly, like he had been forced to repeat the same thing many times. 
“Well now you know, you little traitor,” Haechan hissed, pulling Yangyang’s arm and carrying him to the living room, where everyone stared at them wide-eyed. “Oh, look! Mark is here! Why don’t you tell him who you were planning on letting suck your dick?”
“Look, Mark,” Yangyang gulped, looking anywhere except Mark’s confused face, which was quickly morphing into one of apprehension. “I didn’t mean to- I just-...I was walking back from campus and I saw that new sex shop downtown and there was this hot-” he interrupted himself and looked at Haechan, who was raising his eyebrows at him, encouraging him to go on. “-a woman. I-I saw a woman who was hanging a sign outside the store, something about needing a volunteer to try a new potion. So I asked what it was about, and she said-...” he paused again and breathed in, knowing there was no nice way to say it. “She said it was something that would like, uh- turn off her gag reflex when doing oral, and that she needed a guy whose size was above average and when I asked how she was gonna test it, she said that-...that she tried all her potions herself…So like, she would be the one d-doing the…the sucking,” he trailed off, his voice going quiet as he felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on him.
“...You didn’t,” Renjun was the only one to speak. “...did you?”
“Ugh, I…,” Yangyang groaned. “I’m a man, okay? Why would I say no to a pretty girl sucking me off and giving me cash for it?!” 
“MARK’S MATE GAVE YOU A BLOWJOB?!” Jeno exclaimed incredulously. 
“NO!” Yangyang quickly shut him up and looked for Mark’s lifeless eyes before denying it again. “No. Nothing happened. I had an interview with her and a guy who works there. They measured my cock, asked for a sexual health check-up and told me to come back tomorrow with the results. I called Haechan to ask him about a good clinic to get tested and he practically jumped down my throat,” he explained nervously. “I…I really didn’t know.”
Everyone stayed silent, looking at Mark who was scarily quiet, clenching his jaw and looking at his own hands folded on his lap. “So? Are you going tomorrow?” he asked cautiously.
Yangyang shook his head quickly, but it was Haechan who  spoke. “He isn’t. But you should.”
“Me?!” Mark bawled out. 
“Do you want her sucking somebody else off?!” Haechan spit back. “If it’s not Yangyang, there will be another dude out there who’s willing to do it.”
“Haechan’s got a point there,” Jaemin agreed. “She’s gonna test that potion anyways, and you were lucky that the one finding out about it was one of our pack. She won’t be looking for somebody else because she’s expecting Yangyang to show up tomorrow. This is your chance.”
“But she’s expecting him, not me,” Mark said bitterly. 
“Not at all! She didn’t seem particularly interested in me. She just thought I was hygienic enough, I guess,” Yangyang laughed awkwardly. “It was kind of intimidating how professional she was about it, to be honest.”
“This is the plan,” Haechan asserted, like he had been waiting the entire time to show how much of a mastermind he was. “Yangyang’s gonna call tomorrow before his appointment and let them know that he had an accident or something,” he quickly explained, ignoring Yangyang’s whine of how bad he was at lying. “And then he’ll say that he sent someone to replace him and BOOM! You show up with your STD test results and your monster cock and she falls in love.”
“Then he would have to go get tested right now,” Renjun said, entertaining Haechan’s plan.
“No need!” Haechan laughed like he was revealing the biggest plot twist. “Because last week, I forced Mark to go with me to get my annual check up and he ended up getting tested since he was already there. Who saved the day again? ME!”
“Problem solved, then,” Jaemin beamed, like it was actually that easy.
 Mark nodded slowly and then, when he actually processed what he was agreeing to, he shook his head violently. “No, no way. I can’t do it.”
“What?!” Jeno asked. “Man, you have to!”
“I- I just can’t,” Mark stuttered.
“What, is she ugly?” Jeno asked incredulously. 
“No,” both Mark and Yangyang answered immediately. Mark narrowed his eyes and glared at Yangyang who didn’t seem to think he said anything wrong. “What? She really isn’t,” he tried to defend himself.
Mark sighed. “I literally just met her. I haven’t even asked her out. How am I supposed to-...do that?,” he admitted.
“I understand this may not be your ideal version of a fated meeting,” Renjun spoke in a calming manner. “But if you want to take things slowly, you must know that she will be testing all these…sex potions with somebody else. Are you okay with that?”
Mark shook his head and clenched his fists, biting his lip. Hell, no.  He could never be okay with anybody else touching you now that he met you. But that was exactly what was going to happen if he didn’t man up and showed up to get a platonic blowjob from his mate who didn’t know was his mate and would suck him off for science/magic purposes only. 
 And so, Mark found himself standing outside your store the next evening, wearing an expensive hoodie (to keep it casual, but not broke), gray sweatpants that, according to Haechan, accentuated the goods, brand new boxers and holding a neat folder with his check-up results printed in his hands.He took a deep breath in and stepped towards the door, before stopping himself again but this time the door opened from the inside,and  he was greeted with Jeonghan’s impassive face. 
“Are you gonna come in or not? It stresses me out to see you having whatever internal battle this is in front of my store,” Jeonghan said.
“No-I mean, yes! I was just about-...uh, my brother asked me to- well, he like, sent me to-...,” Mark struggled to get to the point and ended up just giving Jeonghan the folder he was holding. Jeonghan grabbed the folder with a puzzled look, which quickly became one of amusement as he opened it and understood what he had in his hands. 
“You’re Yangyang’s replacement?” he asked, his tone slightly playful.
“Uh, yes…if that’s okay,” Mark said, suddenly feeling self-conscious. What if he wasn’t what they were looking for?
“Well, you’re clean and you seem to have a decent size,” Jeonghan pointed out, looking at Mark’s crotch shamelessly. “I’ll just need to ask you a few questions to make sure we’re good to go. You’re also allowed to ask us anything and back down if you feel it’s too much for you,” he explained, making space for Mark to enter the shop and then hanging a sign indicating that they were closed. He then guided Mark to the room where he had first met you before he had any time to prepare himself. “Hey, Y/N, look who’s back!”
You were not expecting to see Mark at all after what had happened last time. First of all, he had literally fainted in your store, which you thought was enough to make him not want to go back there ever. Secondly, he didn’t seem like the type of guy who would casually go to a sex shop. But there he was, standing in front of you and stuttering something about wanting to volunteer for potion testing. As he was speaking, you found yourself looking down and vividly staring at his dick print, salivating at the idea of having him in your mouth. When you looked back up, your eyes met Jeonghan’s knowing ones and you knew he had caught you red handed. Okay you had a tiny crush on this Mark guy, but what you were about to do was strictly professional. 
“Are you sure you’re okay doing this? Didn’t you go into rut recently?” you asked, indicating for him to sit down in the chair across yours, as Jeonghan took a sit next to you, going over some papers and taking notes. 
“I’m fine. Also…I’m sorry for last time,” Mark rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “It must have been shocking.”
“Don’t apologize for that. I-...” you quickly corrected yourself. “We are glad you’re okay. If you want to do this we need to ask you a few questions first, is that okay?”
When Mark nodded, Jeonghan shot the first question. “Are you a virgin?”
“N-no,” Mark stuttered. “I’ve…I’ve had sex.”
“When was the last time you had sexual relationships?” you asked, trying not to make it noticeable that what you actually wanted to know was if he was seeing someone.
“Uh maybe 5 months ago? Or more, I’m not too sure, sorry.”
“No girlfriend? Or boyfriend?” Jeonghan asked, even though that was not one of the questions on the list.
“No, I’m single,” Mark stated more confidently, his eyes darting towards you nervously. 
“Would you be willing to participate in future testing for our products?” you asked, again trying not to show how much you wanted him to say yes.
“Yes,” Mark said firmly, this time staring right into your eyes. He wanted you to call him and only him for whatever you wanted to test. You blushed a little, but quickly hid your face behind some papers you pretended to be reading.
“Did you like the fleshlight?” Jeonghan asked as quickly as Mark answered the previous question, again, not following the script.
“Yes,” Mark answered honestly, caught off guard, and blushing furiously when he properly understood  what he had just admitted. Shit. Fuck. Okay, Mark, keep it cool, nothing wrong with using a fleshlight. Just move on to the next question. “But I split it open, s-sorry,” fuck why would you tell them that, Mark?!
“Oh?” Jeonghan was having the time of his life. “How come? Our toys are very resistant.”
“The toy was g-great! Amazing quality, very soft,” Mark cringed at his own words, because he had no idea how to rate a sex toy and it showed. “It’s just that ruts are… rough,” he said for a lack of a better word to describe how wild things got when his wolf consumed him.
 You gulped and cleared your throat while Jeonghan let out an impressed whistle and took some notes. “I guess we need to make them even more resistant, then,” you said. “Anyways, Jeonghan is going to measure you now so I’ll step out for a minute and come back when you’re ready, okay?”
When Mark agreed, you left the room and went straight to the restroom to wash your face and calm yourself down. Did he really break the toy with his dick? Fuck, he was going to destroy your throat. But then, he was the perfect candidate to test the potion; if you could deep throat him, it meant your creation had been successful. You took a deep breath in and drank the anti-gagging potion before you made your way to the potions room, waiting for your sign to go in. Then Jeonghan came out and wiggled his eyebrows at you, chuckling.
“I’ll bring you some honey and lemon tea for your throat tomorrow,” he said, winking at you and walking towards the counter to count today’s cash. “He’s all yours.”
You rolled your eyes and walked in. “Mark? are you ready?”
 Mark was standing, adjusting the hem of his sweatpants around his hips, giving you a teaser of his defined abdomen and hipbones. He blushed, and nodded. “So… how should we do this?”
“Just take a seat and let me do the rest,” you instructed, quickly kneeling in front of the chair he was now sitting in.
“Y/N,” he suddenly called your name, and his hand stopped yours from pulling the elastic of his pants down.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, your heart dropping at the thought of being rejected. “Did you change your mind?”
“No,” he said quickly. “I was just wondering… Why are you trying the potion yourself? Couldn’t you have found somebody willing to test their gag reflex?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” you muttered, distracting by the way his thumb was drawing gentle circles on the back of your hand. “But I find it hard to trust other people when it comes to feedback. This is my product so I want to make sure it works. Plus, I happen to have a strong gag reflex; everything makes me choke,” you shrugged, without noticing the way Mark’s breath stuttered. “So if someone can tell if this potion works, it’s me.”
Mark nodded and exhaled. “Is this the very first time you drink this potion?”
“No. I’ve tested it with inanimate objects, like some of the dildos we sell,” you said and Mark hoped you hadn’t noticed the way his dick twitched at the mental image of your pretty lips sucking on a toy. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna vomit all over you,” you chuckled, trying to ease the tension. You wanted Mark to relax, to feel safe with you. “Any more questions?”
 Oh, there was so much that Mark wanted to ask you, like what was your favorite color or if you liked flowers, but he knew it was not the right time, so he just shook his head and released your hand, letting you pull down the waistband carefully. Once you lowered his sweatpants slightly, you looked up at him, looking for any sign of discomfort, but besides the intense blushing that covered his face and ears, he seemed fine, so you took it further by pulling his boxers down enough to release his cock and you gasped out loud. Now you could understand how he managed to destroy the fleshlight.
When you stared at his dick for way too long,Mark got the wrong idea. “You d-don’t have to-“ he tried to say but he ended up hissing when you took him in your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s perfect,” you murmured before remembering you had to keep it professional. “For testing, I mean.”
“O-okay, okay g-glad to hear-ooh!” Mark definitely shouldn’t be trying to have a conversation right now. You had barely touched him and he was already half hard. He should be embarrassed, but he couldn’t even think when you were in your knees between his legs and stroking his cock like that.
 On your side, you knew you didn’t need to be jerking him off. The deal was just to put it in your mouth and see if it could reach your throat without gagging you, but it was like you had no control over your actions right now. Just like last time you had seen Mark, your heart was fluttering and you felt lightheaded and all you wanted was for him to feel good.
 Carefully, you flicked the head of his cock with your tongue, causing his back to arch and his hips to chase your mouth. “S-sorry,” he quickly apologized, already panting. 
“It’s fine,” you purred, your tone a bit too seductive to be professional. Fuck what was Mark doing to you? You were basically drooling as you trailed your tongue from the base to the tip. “I’m gonna put it in now, okay?”
“Fuck,” Mark moaned, throwing his head back and clenching his fist on his sides, not quite knowing what to do with himself. “Y-yes,” he consented.
 You didn’t waste more time, guiding the head of his cock into your mouth and sucking softly, and delighting on the hushed curses that left Mark’s mouth. You worried the problem wouldn’t be your gag reflex; you had underestimated his girth, which was making it difficult to even fit him between your lips. You worked on relaxing your jaw and took a bit more of his cock in, trying your best not to let your teeth scratch him.
“Shit…Y/N,”  Mark sobbed, trembling under you, when his tip met your throat and you successfully swallowed around him.  One of his hands grabbing the hem of his hoodie and lifting it enough to expose his tense lower abdomen. You looked up through your eyelashes, enamored by the way his brows furrowed in pleasure and his chest rose and fell. Before you could think about what you were doing, your hands traveled up, caressing his waist and stomach, which contracted under your hands. Your head bobbed up and down slowly, still trying to remind yourself to be careful of his size in spite of his soft moans driving you crazy.
“Mark,” you call for him, swirling your tongue around the tip teasingly. “Mark,” you repeat when he doesn’t reply, eyes unfocused and mouth agape as he panted. He acknowledged you with a soft ‘hmm?’ and you spoke again. “I need you to fuck my mouth now,” you spoke casually, like you were talking about the weather and Mark could have died right there.
“Wha-,” he stuttered, trying not to panic. “W-what?!”
“I need to check if the potion is still effective when things get rough,” you blushed, hoping not to sound too desperate. In your defense, it was for the sake of the experiment, but a part of you really wanted Mark to fuck your mouth. “You don’t want to?” you whispered, suddenly considering that maybe he wasn’t into you and was only doing this for the money. Maybe he wasn’t enjoying himself as much as you thought. And that shouldn’t bothering you, but it was.
“It’s not that,” he sighed, trying to ignore how hard he was and how badly he did want to face-fuck you. “I’m-...I’m stronger than I look, Y/N. I would ruin you.”
“That’s the point,” you simply said, again trying to help him relax, but also god, did you want it. Mark groaned and clenched his eyes closed, a bead of precum sliding down the head of his cock to your hand that was jerking him off slowly. “So, no?” you asked one last time. Mark bit his lip and avoided your eyes, and you felt officially rejected. “That’s fine, I won’t force you,” you accepted your defeat, trying not to be too bitter about it, slowly letting go of his dick and getting ready to stand up and leave with some dignity. “Please tell Yangyang to come whenever he has time-”
 Now, that seemed to do it for Mark. Before you could stand up or finish speaking, he tangled his hand in your hair and pushed your head down onto him roughly. A guttural moan left his lips and you whined in surprise and looked up to him; his eyes had turned red and his jaw was clenched. Without a word he pulled your hair a little and thrusted his hips up sharply, causing you to let out a muffled cry. 
“Like this?” he panted, placing both his hands on your head and moving you up and down his length fast, his cock hitting the back of your throat with every thrust. “Is this what you w-wanted?” he growled, not even hiding how irritated he was at the thought of you sucking off his pack brother. The way your jaw stretched for him was uncomfortable, but you couldn’t deny this side of Mark was turning you on. You found yourself wondering if this was the way he treated that poor fleshlight. You also wondered if he had, at least for a second, thought of you during his rut. You moaned around him and his eyes rolled back. “Fuuuuck.”
 He quickly brought his eyes back to look at you, like he didn’t want to miss a single detail and thrusted his hips up into your mouth at the same time he guided your head up and down his cock, his moans becoming louder and more desperate, completely forgetting that Jeonghan could probably hear everything from the other room. You looked so pretty, and he hoped you knew that, so he said it.
“You’re so pretty, Y/N,” he said, one of his hands caressing your cheek, while his other hand kept your head in place to take his slower but more forceful thrusts and swallow the salty precum that for some reason tasted addictive to you. You looked up to him, surprised at the sudden gentle words. You knew for a fact there was no way you looked pretty when you were a drooling mess, with sloppy hair and a dick down your throat, but his mouth hanging open in pleasure, forming a perfect ‘o’ shape and the way he looked at you with those intense red eyes filled with lust and something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on somehow made you feel like the prettiest girl on earth. You tried your best to hollow your cheeks and swallow around his length and Mark finally lost it, letting out a loud moan that sounded like your name mixed with profanities as hot and thick liquid invaded your tastebuds. Mark kept your head right there while he rode the aftershocks of his orgasm, making sure you swallowed every drop and caressing your hair and praising you until he lost all strength and let his body relax on the chair, releasing the hold he had on you. You let go of his cock with a soft ‘pop’, pulled his pants and boxers back up and rested your head on his thigh, trying to catch your breath and clenching your thighs to get some relief, incredibly aroused. 
“W-was that okay?” Mark asked after a while, hoping you didn’t hate him.
“Yeah…” you replied dreamingly, feeling lightheaded. “Perfect.”
“Y/N,” Mark breathed out, caressing your hair and looking at you lovingly. “Can I…Would you let me make you feel good too?”
“Huh?” you croaked, looking up at him. Mark inhaled deeply and sighed, focusing his eyes on your crotch and then you remembered that wolves had an enhanced sense of smell.He could surely smell how wet you were. How embarrassing. “Oh, no! Don’t worry about it,” you said, standing up too quickly and almost falling because your legs were not ready for that. Mark immediately stood up and caught you in his arms, pulling your body and face dangerously close to his. “I- it’s…,” you tried to speak, but it was hard when Mark was close enough to kiss you. “You don’t h-have to, r-really,”
“I want to,” Mark whispered like he was hypnotized, licking his lips and staring at yours hungrily. “Please let me…” 
 Oh, he was trouble. You wanted to say yes to anything he asked from you. But your prideful side reminded you that you had had to basically beg him to fuck your mouth. It wasn’t like he actually wanted you. “No need,” you finally said, pushing him away gently and turning around to search for his payment. You came back to him and offered him an envelope with cash. “Thank you for your help. It looks like the potion works perfectly,” you said politely, becoming your professional persona again, much to Mark’s disappointment. 
He looked from the envelope to your face, until he remembered that, according to you, what had just happened was all business. The fact that you would go on thinking that he would just let anyone suck him off for money made him feel physically ill, but then, he is the one who showed up for the job. He looked away and nodded, before taking the envelope and stuffing it into the pocket of his hoodie, without sparing it a glance. “No problem,” he muttered, dragging his feet towards the exit, but he stopped himself after a couple of steps, addressing you. “Hey, Y/N! Uh… do you, like, maybe- I was wondering if you,” just ask for her number,dude. Why can’t you do it?! “Is there any other potion you need to try?” he asked instead. Mark, you fucking loser.
“Uh…” you pondered for a few seconds. You would love to see him again, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. But he did say he would be willing to participate in future testing during the interview. “There’s something I’m working on these days,” you admitted shyly, shifting around because of the uncomfortable stickiness between your legs. 
“Call me,” Mark said quickly. “Whenever you want to try a new product, call me first,” he added, pointing at the folder where Jeonghan had written all his information, including his phone number. “I’ll t-try them out… with you.”
“O-okay,” you knew you were blushing and you couldn’t even hide the small smile on your lips. Again, you tried not to let it get to your head; for all you knew he could just be desperate for more cash. “We’ll let you know.”
 As soon as Mark got home, he was met with uncountable indiscreet questions. The entire house, and maybe the neighborhood knew he had been out there getting a blowjob.
“Did she fall for you?” Haechan asked, coming from the kitchen with a bottle of champagne ready to be opened. 
“Not even close,” Mark grunted. 
“What?!” he lowered the bottle, disappointed.”What happened?!” 
“She gave me the best orgasm of my life and then gave me money,making it very clear it had been for the sake of her business,” Mark muttered, plopping on the couch as his brothers surrounded him with curious eyes. “Didn’t even let me return the favor…”
“So this is it?” Chenle butted in. “You’re giving up?”
“No, I… I told her I was willing to volunteer to test other products and she said she would let me know if something came up.”
Some of the guys gave each other skeptical looks, communicating with their eyes that they thought you wouldn’t call Mark.
“No. You’re going to that store every damn day if you have to,” Haechan said stubbornly.
“Just because it worked for you, it doesn’t mean it will work for everyone,” Mark sighed, remembering how Haechan had showed up in their mate’s store everyday for months to win her over. “A guy going to a sex shop everyday? She’ll think I’m a perv.”
“Persistence is key,” Haechan insisted, but Mark wasn’t listening anymore. He stood up and left to lock himself in his room, leaning against the door. He took the cash envelope out of his pocket and threw it somewhere on the floor, letting out a frustrated groan. He should have asked for your number like a normal man interested in a woman. Why did he have to be such a coward? He probably wouldn’t hear from you again.
…But he did. After a couple of weeks of him watching the store from afar (while Haechan straight up went to the store and bought whatever just to make sure you weren’t testing any potions with somebody else), one morning he got a call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” he murmured lethargically, still half asleep.
“Hello? Is this, uh…Mark Lee?” your voice asked on the other side of the line.
“Y/N, shit-,” he sat up immediately as soon as he recognised your voice. “Sorry, I was- Y-yes, this is M-mark.”
“Hi, Mark, this is Y/N ,from Pandora’s Box,” you introduced yourself even though you had clearly heard him say your name. “We were wondering if you were still interested in helping us test our products,” you recited just like you had practiced a thousand times before making the call.
“Yes, please!” Mark answered way too quickly. “I mean, I would love to- I… sure, I can help.”
“Would you be available Saturday night?”
“Y-yeah, Saturday sounds great,” honestly, he would have showed up in his pajamas right now if you had asked him to.
“Great! I’ll text you the address. Save my number!” you said quickly and hung up before he could question if it all had been a dream. You put the phone down and glared at Jeonghan. “Happy now?” you asked him sarcastically and he laughed.
“Now, that wasn’t that hard, was it?” he asked back. He had been teasing you ever since the last time Mark had visited the store. Being your best friend meant he could immediately tell when you liked someone and you really really liked Mark. So Jeonghan, being the good friend he was, had been pestering you day and night to call Mark directly instead of recruiting new volunteers to test your potion. 
Still on his bed, Mark was having a thousand different thoughts a second. You’d said you would send him an address. So you wouldn’t meet at the store? And you also told him to save your number… so the phone you used to call him had to be yours, right? Oh god, was this like a date? Just then, a notification of a message from the same number popped up, informing him of the address he had to go to the next day. Nothing more, and nothing less. He bit his lip nervously. Why did you have to keep treating everything like a job? Would it kill you to send an emoji? But he told himself this was no time to be pessimistic. You had called him, and that was a good start.
 And here he was now, on a Saturday night, ringing the bell of an apartment and trying to control his anxiety. 
“Mark?” He was met with your flustered face when you opened the door, wearing an oversized shirt that had him wondering if you were completely bare under it. “You’re early!” you said, pulling the hem of the shirt lower to cover you better. “S-sorry, come in! I’ll just get changed quickly.”
“You don’t have to!” Mark said way too fast, having a hard time to stop looking at your thighs. “I m-mean, you can if you want to, but I…I don’t mind… like, at all.”
You blushed and stared at Mark, not knowing how to reply to that, because he was obviously checking you out.
“I mean, this is your house,” Mark stated. It wasn’t a question; your scent was everywhere. “You get to wear whatever you want, right?” he shrugged, hoping he wasn’t making it that obvious that he didn’t want you to cover up. “Why are we meeting here, by the way?”
“I thought some privacy would be nice,” you said, remembering how Jeonghan made fun of you because of how loud Mark had been last time. “Does it make you uncomfortable?”
“Not all all.”
“Cool,” you sighed. “I just need to add a couple of ingredients and the potion will be ready. Make yourself at home,” you made your way towards the kitchen, deciding not to change clothes, partly because your current outfit was comfortable, but mostly because you secretly enjoyed Mark’s eyes on your body.
Instead of finding a seat and killing time on his phone, Mark followed you, hoping you didn’t mind some company. He leaned against the fridge as he watched you do your thing, trying to come up with something to say to start a conversation.
“How’s your throat?” he finally asked, watching you almost drop the spoon you were holding. 
“Fine,” you gave him a short answer. He didn’t need to know you could barely speak for a couple of days after you deepthroated him.
“Good to hear,” he whispered, watching you with doting eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he confessed. Maybe it was because your aroma was surrounding him, but he found himself feeling more relaxed and open to speak without filtering his words.
“You didn’t hurt me,” you assured him, not daring to look at him and focusing on your potion instead. “You were…really good.”
“Yeah?” he purred, feeling lightheaded by the domestic view of you wearing nothing but an oversized shirt in the kitchen, wishing he could see this everyday of his life.
“Y-yeah,” you gulped,feeling his eyes boring into you. “Okay, uh-I’m gonna need a drop of your blood,” you changed the topic quickly.
“Sure,” Mark didn’t even question it. You could have all of him. He walked towards you and let you grab his hand, using a needle to prick his index finger as fast and unpainfully as you could, letting a single drop of his blood pour into the cauldron. Immediately after, you did the same to your own finger, letting your blood mix with his in the potion. “What does this potion do?” Mark asked.
You gave him a surprised look. “Didn’t I tell you on the phone?”
Mark shook his head, chuckling. You remembered how you were so nervous you hung up on him as soon as he agreed to help.
“And you still came? Without even knowing-” you gasped when Mark took your hand into his and slid your injured finger into his mouth, softly sucking on it.
“Does it hurt?” he asked gently, giving it little licks,  completely forgetting the conversation you were having just now.
“N-no,” you sighed, confused and nervous at the loving way Mark had been behaving ever since he entered your place. Maybe he was just being nice and you were imagining things. “Anyways, about the potion,” you raised your voice in panic, removing your hand from his and going back to mixing the potion. “It will make you feel what your partner feels. This way, people can know if what they are doing is enjoyable and no one needs to fake their orgasms.”
“Have you?”
“Have I what?” you asked, now pouring the bright pink potion in two different glasses and offering one to him.
“Faked an orgasm?”
“Of course. Not like men care enough to check,” you said, hearing Mark tsk next to you. “So, after we drink this potion, I would need you to touch yourself,” you swallowed nervously, hoping not to scare Mark away with your straightforwardness. “ Nothing too wild, just something that feels good to you and we’ll see if I feel it too… if you are still up for it?”
Mark raised an eyebrow and straight up drank the potion, not leaving a single drop behind. He wouldn’t even dream of letting you try that out with somebody else. “Well?” he asked, tilting his head towards your glass. You hesitated for a moment before drinking the potion too.
“S-so, you can use the bathroom and uh-...do whatever you need t-to do,” you stuttered nervously, showing him where the bathroom was and letting him have some privacy. You assumed he would probably need to watch some porn on his phone or something, but you had no idea your scent already had him on edge. As soon as you sat down on the sofa, you felt a tingling sensation on your neck, which traveled to your shoulders and then your arms. And then it clicked; you were feeling his fingers. He was gently caressing his own body like he would to a lover and you could feel it on yourself. You gasped when the invisible fingers ran down your chest and grazed your nipples softly before toying with them. Oh fuck, the potion really worked.
Mark never took his sweet time like this when touching himself, but just thinking that he was indirectly touching you made him want to seize the opportunity. He closed his eyes and let his hands move like they were exploring your body. He teased himself by running his hands up and down his abdomen several times, always stopping at the waistband before sneaking only the tip of his fingers in, imagining you begging him to get to it.
In the other room, you were mentally begging for him. His faint touches had you trembling and wanting to touch yourself. You didn’t, because you knew he would feel it if you were pleasuring yourself and it would be embarrassing, but god you wanted to. Thankfully, Mark seemed to have mercy on himself-on you- and slid his hand past his boxers, fully palming himself and letting out a moan that echoed past the bathroom walls. You bit your lip to suppress the moan that almost escaped you, quickly crossing your legs at the sudden stimulation, arching your back when you felt slow circles being drawn on your clit. Shit, he was teasing the head of his cock, going from slow big circles to tiny fast ones that had you squirming on your seat. That’s when it hit you that he wasn’t doing this to himself, but to you. This fucker was doing it intentionally. 
 Mark started stroking his cock furiously, knowing it would take you by surprise and smirking victoriously when he heard a whine coming from the living room. He was so thankful for his enhanced hearing right now, because he could hear every little gasp you let out like you were right in front of him. When he felt himself close to his climax he stopped moving his hand and chuckled at the way you whimpered. He pulled his pants back up and exited the bathroom to find you in the living room.
“Did it work?” he asked innocently, trying not to laugh at your frustrated, blushing face. You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again and nodded. He eyed you up and licked his lips, before sitting on the couch in front of you. “Shouldn’t we test if it works both ways?”
“W-what?” you croaked, breathing heavily. 
“Don’t you need to know if I feel what your body feels too?” he asked, scanning your body carefully.
Even in your aroused state, you knew he was making sense. Plus, you were so close and desperate to cum you didn’t care if it was embarrassing anymore. But you also wanted to get back at him for teasing you. So you obliged, sliding one of your hands under your shirt right there in front of him. His breath hitched and his eyes widened when he saw what you were doing.He was a bit disappointed when he saw that you were in fact wearing a pair of shorts under your shirt, but he wasn’t going to complain when he had you groping your tits in front of him. He sighed shakily at the way you floundered your breasts, occasionally teasing your nipples.
“Can you feel it?” you asked.
Mark licked his lips and shifted on his seat. If he admitted he felt it, would it be over?Would you give him money and kick him out again? He had to make it last. “I-...I’m not too sure. My nipples are not very sensitive so m-maybe…you could touch somewhere else?” he asked hopefully, letting his eyes fixate on your crotch. 
“You’re not sensitive there?” you teased, sliding your hands down your stomach to your shorts. “But you were touching them so much earlier…”
“Did you like it?” he asked hopefully, his body leaning forward and falling on his knees on the floor, slowly crawling towards you and breathing heavily..
“This isn’t about my pleasure,” you sighed, your words contradicting how wet you were when your fingers made contact with your pussy.
“Why not?” Mark asked, on his knees in front of you, looking at your fingers move up and down under the fabric of your shorts.He swallowed back a moan at the way your teasing touch felt on his own body thanks to the potion. “Why can’t it be?”
“I just w-want the best for my b-business,” you said stubbornly between moans, getting closer to your orgasm when a pair of strong hands stopped yours from moving and you gasped. “M-mark?” 
“Then we should test this shit right, don’t you think?” Mark asked through gritted teeth, his eyes displaying the same red color you saw when he fucked your throat weeks ago. 
“T-test it right?” you repeated dumbly, as he took your hand out of your shorts.
“Do you normally just meet up with sexual partners, watch each other touch themselves and call it a day?” Mark asked you nonchalantly. 
“N-no, but…”
“Isn’t the entire point of this to feel if our partner likes what we do to them?” he clarified, gently placing his hands on each of your knees.
 You froze at his words. Was he suggesting you touched each other? You already liked him way too much for what would be a normal crush. You knew you would fall for him badly if you two went any further.
“Let me,” Mark pleaded, moving his palms up and down your thighs and applying more pressure on a spot on your inner thigh he literally felt you liked better. 
Would it really be that bad to give in? To enjoy yourself a little? To allow yourself to feel something for him?
“Okay…” you finally said and Mark didn’t waste a single second more, pulling your tiny shorts off and groaning at the sight of your wet panties sticking to your pussy. He licked you languidly through the thin fabric and moaned loudly at both the way you tasted and his own body receiving the pleasure he was giving you. 
“O-oh my god,” he whined leaning back in, this time more aggressively, moving his head up and down and lapping and sucking brutally.
“F-fuck,” you moaned, trying to close your legs around Mark’s head, who didn’t seem to care at all. He hummed and slid his hands up your thighs to your ass, grabbing your buttcheeks and pushing you against him harder, which made you tremble and throw your head back. “Mark, oh god, M-mark I’m-...I’m gonna-”
Mark knew. He felt how close you had been to coming so many times in the last half an hour. He himself was close too, so he used one of his hands to stroke himself in sync with his tongue, bringing both of you to such a powerful orgasm you couldn’t even moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your body tensed. Your legs fell off Mark’s shoulders as he continued licking you obsessively. 
“Mark,” you moaned, trying to push his head away weakly. “I’m s-sensitive, Mark.”
Again, he knew. He was trembling himself at the overstimulation, but he didn’t want it to end. “Please,” he whined when you managed to put some distance between you. “Just a little bit more, please,” he begged desperately tugging at your panties which ended up tearing apart in his hands. You gasped and he looked at the ruined material he was holding in his hands. He seemed as confused as you were. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to-” he muttered. You remembered how he had told you that he was stronger than he looked, how he had broken one of your best selling toys and now he had destroyed a pair of panties without even trying. Fuck, the things he could do to you. 
You loved it.
You loved him.
Wait, what? You knew your crush on him was weird, because of how your body reacted to your first encounter, how your mind would go to him 24/7 and how you really wanted him to…bite you?? You looked at him, on his knees, staring back at you cautiously; almost like he could tell what you were thinking, like he felt what you felt not only physically…but emotionally. The potion had worked so well, you could feel everything the other felt. The lust, love, possessiveness, the need he had to mate you, you felt it all. 
He had imprinted on you.
“Y/N…” he could sense it; you were terrified. He reached for your hand, but you quickly stood up, pulling your shirt down and walking away from him with wobbly legs, ignoring your ripped panties sliding down your legs. “Y/N, come on…” he called, standing up and going after you, stopping when you turned back to him, offering him an envelope with his payment. 
“Thank you for your help,” you said robotically, looking at the door instead of him, indicating it was his time to leave. 
Mark glared darkly at the damn envelope in your hands. There you went again, being intimate with him, making him feel like his heart could burst out of happiness and then throwing cash at him like he was a hooker. Why did you have to make it feel so dirty? He didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want to let you go, but maybe he shouldn’t push it too hard. Maybe you needed some space and you could talk later.
“Keep the money,” he sighed, walking uncomfortably towards the door due to the stickiness in his pants. “See you.”
“You won’t,” you spitted, flinching when he turned around quickly and glared at you. “We w-won’t be calling you for future testing.”
Mark tightened his jaw and stared at you for what felt like an entire minute before he decided he was done being the nice guy. Fuck it. If this was the last time he would see you, he wanted to at least know what your fucking problem was. 
“Why not?” he asked, walking towards you and feeling the anxiety build up in your body while you took some steps back. “Didn’t I satisfy you?”
You looked away. You knew it wasn’t fair to treat him like he was part of a transaction, but you didn’t think you were ready for what a wolf imprinted on you meant.
“We came at the same time, didn’t we? We felt everything the other person felt-we still do,” he continued, chuckling when he felt the way your heart skipped a beat at his words. “Didn’t I prove my worth as a test subject? Aren’t I the perfect little toy you wanted?”
His words were playful, but you felt the pain and anger behind them.
“You’re not a toy,” you said as firmly as you could.
“Then don’t treat me like one,” Mark growled. 
“When did I ever-”
“You keep shoving money into my pocket and kicking me out as soon as you’re done with me-”
“That was the deal!” you yelled exasperatedly.
“Screw the deal!” he raised his voice too. “ I can literally feel how much you want me. How much you want me to stay. So why are you making me leave? How long are you going to play with my feelings?” he paused, taking a deep breath in and trying to tune into your emotions, trying his best to understand you. “Are you-...afraid of me?” The way your level of anxiety skyrocketed gave him the answer he needed. “Why? B-because I’m a werewolf? Because of my strength?” he asked sadly.
“No, that’s…that’s not a problem for me,” you admitted shyly. Not wanting to say you were into that.
“Then what are you afraid of?” he asked.
“You imprinted on me,” you confronted him.
“...Yes,” he calmly confessed.
“These…feelings,” you tried to explain, pointing at your body vaguely. “All these things you’re feeling right now, and that now I can feel too… do you- do you feel them all the t-time?”
“Yeah, especially when I think about you,” he sighed. “...which is pretty much all the time.”
“H-how-” you breathed with difficulty. “How do you c-control them? They are so…intense.”
“I don’t,” Mark simply said. “I tried to tone them down at first, but I just made it harder for myself. I accept them and let them control me once in a while.”
“L-let them control you?!” you repeated incredulously. 
“Ah, so this is what this is about,” Mark threw his head back and let out a breathy laugh. “You have control issues.”
 You scoffed, walking angrily towards the kitchen. Not that you had anything to do there, you just wanted to get away.
“Am I wrong?” he challenged, chasing after you. “You’re annoyed because you can’t control the way you feel for me,” he cornered you against the kitchen counter, making you face his red eyes. “And you can’t control me.”
 You visibly shivered at that. “Mark…” 
“I came here because I wanted you. I ate you out because I’ve wanted to taste you since I first saw you. I love feeling this way about you and I have no intention of controlling it,” he whispered, taking a step closer to you, leaving almost no space between you.
 You breathed heavily. His feelings were too intense for your body to take. “Then who’s g-going to be in control?” you asked nervously.
He chuckled. “None of us,” he replied like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Just let go,” he purred against your lips. “Allow yourself to feel it. Feel me.”
So you did. You crashed your lips against his and brought his body into yours desperately, tugging at his hair and moaning wantonly. He cursed under his breath and shoved his tongue into your mouth, tasting every bit of you he could. You pulled away to breath, which was still hard with how tense you were. “Relax,” Mark murmured, kissing down your neck and nipping at your collarbones. “Feel everything. I got you, pretty girl.”
 You inhaled and exhaled slowly, feeling all tension leave your body while Mark’s mouth and hands worshiped your body. A warm sensation filled you and a shiver ran down your spine when you allowed yourself to lose control. “F-fuck, oh my god, Mark-” you moaned out loud when he took your shirt off and attached himself to your tits, licking them obscenely. There was nothing soft and gentle about the way you both were behaving, with your fingers pulling his hair and him humping you desperately, like you both couldn’t wait any longer. The fact that you could feel anything the other could, made it a thousand times more intense. 
“F-fuck I’m gonna cum like this,” Mark whined, rutting his clothed cock against your bare pussy faster, burying his head between your breasts and holding your body tightly against his. The constant friction on your clit had you gasping for air and you soon felt yourself cumming, staining his pants and shaking at the second orgasm you two had shared that night. 
Before you had any time to recover, Mark lifted you off the ground and sat you on the kitchen counter, taking his shirt off and stepping out of his pants and boxers carelessly. He positioned himself between your legs and pressed his naked body against yours, bringing your lips to his for another passionate kiss, and allowing his hands to touch every corner of you. 
Unconsciously you found yourself pressing your hips into his, moaning at the wet sounds that could be heard whenever his cock moved against your wet pussy. He was panting heavily into the messy kiss, physically shaking because of how much he wanted to be inside of you.
“Put it in, god, please, put it in,” you begged him.
“Shit, Y/N,” he groaned, giving you one last kiss before lining up his cock with your entrance and wincing when he could barely slide the tip in. “Y/N, y-you can’t take it-”
“I can, please-please Mark I...,” you slurred your words, grabbing his hips and trying to force him deeper into you. “I c-can.”
“You’re in pain, Y/N,” Mark hissed. The effects of the potion had faded away, but he wasn’t an idiot. He only needed to look at his size and then at yours.
“But, Mark,” you whined, kissing a spot on his neck that had him moaning out loud. “I really want it.”
He took a moment to think.He wanted it too, but he didn’t want to hurt you. 
“J-just go slowly, hmm?” you suggested as an alternative to stopping completely. 
Mark nodded. Slow, yeah. He could do that. “D-don’t move,” he warned you, sliding just a tiny bit more of his huge dick into your tight wet hole and groaning when your walls contracted around him. Okay, maybe he couldn’t do it. “Y/N, don’t do that…”
 He looked up to your face and saw that it was pointless to give you any orders right now. Your unfocused eyes and the way you bit your lip created an erotic sight that he would never be able to forget. “Fuck, Y/N” he pushed into you some more while looking at your blissful face and laughed in disbelief. “You’re fucking loving this, aren’t you?” he asked. When you only nodded dumbly, he inhaled sharply and kissed you hungrily, snapping his hips into yours harshly and holding your spasming body against his.
“Shit, d-did you just come?!” Mark asked incredulously, delivering kisses on the corner of your lips and all over your face while you sobbed. “You’re f-fucking insane, did you k-know that?” he spoke as he started fucking you fast and rough from the get go. “So pretty and s-sensitive, just for me.”
“S-so big,” you cried out.
“Yeah?” he cooed, changing the way he was fucking you to slow but deep. “Too big for my pretty girl?” god, he just loved how your eyes rolled back into your head and your hands reached blindly for something to hold onto, dropping a few kitchen supplies into the floor. “But you said you c-could take it, didn’t you?” he asked, thrusting into you particularly hard and making you scream.
“I gah-I c-can, I can,” you insisted, tears running down your face, which Mark quickly wiped off before he kissed you. “F-uh, faster-” you whined in between kisses.
“Faster?” Mark’s crimson eyes gleamed mischievously, and his hips snapped into yours fast twice, teasing you. “Is this no good?” he asked, resuming his slow pace at sliding in and out of you. You shook your head and tried to bring him closer with your legs around his waist. “Don’t you want to feel every.inch.of.me?” he hissed, accentuated each of the last words with sharp thrusts into your pussy.
You murmured something that Mark couldn’t quite understand, so he stopped his movements to let you catch your breath. “What was that?” he asked you, caressing your cheek. “Tell me, pretty girl.”
“B-bite me…” you croaked weakly.
 Mark’s cock twitched inside of you and it took all of his self control not to come right in that moment. 
“Don’t play with me, Y/N…” he warned you.
You shook your head, moving your hips against his and pulling his hair to bring him dangerously close to your neck. He gasped, salivating at the chance he was being given.
“Bite me, Mark…” you repeated and shuddered when he snarled against your skin and sank his teeth into your neck. You mewled and threw your head back, holding onto his shoulders. “O-oh god, Mark, M-mark fuck-ah!” 
 Without detaching his mouth from your neck, Mark went back to fucking you, this time fast and animalistically like you had asked him to, the pace so fierce that your moans were coming out as staccatos. 
“Uh-uh-aah-ah fuck-fuck, Ma-ark!” you sobbed, sure he was gonna break you, but loving every second of it. 
Mark could not stop as his cock started growing inside of you. “Y/N, Y/N shiiit gonna-...gonna k-knot you fuh- fuck, s-so pretty,” he panted against your neck, giving it gentle kisses as an apology for what he was about to do. “Oh, fuck- ooooh yeah, y-yeah-” he gasped and plunged into you viciously fast, letting his eyes roll to the back of his head and drooling all over your neck  as his abdomen contracted and spurts of cum spilled into you, knot securing it all inside your tight pussy. “Y/N-...Y/N, fuck,” he groaned as you scratched his back, leaving angry red marks all over him.
“Holy shit,” he breathed out once his fluttering heart calmed down enough for him to speak. “My pretty girl,” he purred, pecking your neck and then looking for your lips to kiss you lovingly. “All mine.”
“Yours,” you murmured against his lips, allowing him to kiss you again and again. "And you're mine."
“Does that mean you won’t try your potions on other men?” he asked you, half joking, half serious. 
“Why would I need to? You’re my perfect little toy, after all,” you teased him back, making him groan at the way you used his own words against him. “I’m joking.You’re not a toy,” you clarified, kissing him sweetly and looking into his eyes. “But you’re perfect.”
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storiesfromafan · 18 days
I'm Sorry Baby - Benny x Reader
A/N: I am back! And with Part 4 of my Spitfire series. This one was fun to write...as I am throwing myself into a bit of smut 😅
Also, want to thank @strayrockette for reading and advising on my attempt at smut 😂 I appricate her opinion.
Warning: my attemtp at smut after 10+ years, which even then might not have been good. So please, go easy on me 😅 also, might be grammer and spelling mistakes.
Tag list: tagging those that previously comment, in case you were looking forward to the next part haha.
@redwitchbitch1 @bellesdreamyprofile @cherryaustin
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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A few days after his return, and you pretty much throwing him out, Benny had been staying in a motel. He had been thinking everything over, trying to work out how to get back in your good graces. So, here he was at the bar, currently sitting with Johnny. With a short glass in hand, half full of amber liquid, Benny's poison of choice. He was having a talk with the one person he could talk too. One married man to another.
“What did ya expect, kid? Her to welcome ya back with open arms?” Johnny chuckled taking a sip from his glass.
“Nuh...but I didn’t think I’d get the door shut in my face” Benny sighed.
Johnny softly laughed. “She’s hurtin’. If ya could have heard her” – a look of guilt crossed Benny’s face – “Well, ya get what I mean...”
Benny nodded, taking a sip from his glass, eyes looking off into a void.
“Look kid” Johnny began, sitting up and leaning in, “woman are tricky. Wives are trickier. In a relationship there is two of ya. Not just you, or her. The two of ya. Yeah, she told ya to leave. But it was you who made that choice”.
Again, Benny nodded his head.
“But I’m not sayin' it’s your fault. It’s both of ya's fault in some way. Why hadn’t you been goin’ home at a decent hour?”
Benny shrugged. “Dunno, I’ve always been here, I guess...”
“You guess?” Questioned the Vandal leader. “You’re crazy about the spitfire, yeah?”
“Yeah” was all Benny said.
“Then you should have been goin' home to her. The club will still be here the next day. The knuckleheads will still be knuckleheads. But your woman, she ain’t somethin’ to take for granted” Johnny pointed his finger at Benny as he said that.
And he knew Johnny was right. Benny was crazy for you, had been since he saw you. He was crazy for your sass and attitude, for your fire. But also your caring and warmness to him. You were something special, something he had taken for granted. Benny was determined to get you back, one way or another. He would fight for you, fight for your relationship.
“What do I have to do to get her back?” Benny asked the older Vandal.
“I’d say get on ya knees and grovel” Johnny downed the last of his drink. “A woman with her spirit, she ain’t gonna just roll over. Your gonna have to show her what she means to ya. Or pray for a miracle”.
Getting up, Johnny patted Benny on the back laughing. He knew his younger Vandal was in for a fun time. But he wished him luck, and hoped it all worked out. Benny stared at the last of the liquid in his glass, before downing it and placing the glass on the table. Now he had to think of what he could do to win you back.
Finally it was closing time at the salon. Your feet were aching, and you had a small headache from listening to client after client either gossip or complain about life. You loved your job, but women could be so catty. And then there was Benny, and his reappearance a couple days ago. How it weighed on your mind and heart.
Betty had called you last night to let you know where he’d been staying, and how he was going. Apparently she’d seen him that day and he didn’t seem himself, lost in his thoughts. And that he hadn’t gone to the bar for long. She thinks he was riding most of the night, or back in his motel room. She believes he was thinking of you, and your relationship. You thanked her for the information before ending the call.
Part of you felt guilty, and missed him like crazy. But that fire in you wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine, for him to realise what he did and learn a lesson. You helped the owner clean up while she handled the till and books. You both conversed on the day in the shop, laughing at bits of gossip you’d both learned about other clients.
“So, how are you doing?” Sophia – salon owner – asked peering over at you, as you swept.
“Yeah, I’m alright” you replied off handedly.
Sophia nodded. “I heard Benny’s back, I take it he came home?”
You nodded. “Yeah...but I didn’t let him back in. I need my space”.
With that you collected the hair and moved to the back, where you’d dispose of it. The conversation done with, for now. Sophia wasn’t blind. She’d see how the week without your husband effected you. And how closed in and shut off you’d been. But Sophia also saw how happy you’d been when you got with Benny. Compared to your ex, this relationship was much better and you were the happiest she’d seen you.
With all the end of day chores done, you and Sophia headed out the front door. You were the last, closing the door and locking it for your boss. She always struggled to get the lock secure, so you just do it, since it seemed to like you. Sometimes you’d even be the one to lock up, and gave Sophia an early mark.
“Well, that’s a sight for sore eyes” Sophia said softly.
You’d just secured the lock, before turning to the woman, that was looking to across the road. Following her gaze you were greeted to the sight of your husband, who was leant against his parked bike. It reminded you of when he’d pick you up after work, seeing him after you’d finish work. How he'd light up when seeing you coming towards him, and how you’d greet him with a sweet kiss. But now you weren’t sure what to do.
“Are you gonna go to him?” Sophia questioned, turning back to you.
You shook your head before heading to your car, Sophia followed, as her car was next to you. Once coming to the cars she stopped you, she gave you a soft, small smile.
“Look Hun, can I give you some advice?” – You nodded for her to go – “there will always be fights in a relationship. But I know how much that man means to you, and no doubt it’s the same for him. So, don’t let this fight stop you from being with him, alright?”
You let her words sink in before slowly nodding your head. “I’ll try not to Sophia...but right now, I need some time...”
She nodded. “I know, but don’t take too long. He’s too good looking to stay away from” she teased with a wink, which made you softly laugh.
You hadn’t laughed in a little while at a teasing remark about Benny. Maybe you were already beginning to get over it. But you would give it a little more time till you were completely ready to have Benny back in your house and your bed. With a see you tomorrow, you both got in your cars and left. Briefly you looked to Benny as you drove out of the car park, and headed home.
Benny had watched the whole time you left the salon, to getting to your car. He could see how you and your boss talked, and saw how the woman had looked to him first. And when you looked to him, he felt his breath catch in his chest. You didn’t look mad or upset, it was more a blank stare at him. And he understood you still needed time. But he would make sure to be close by, keeping an eye on you and looking out for you, ready for whenever you needed him. It was one way to show you he was there, and not going anywhere from now on.
The little things will show how I care, he told himself.
Benny watched you drive off, not moving to go after you, not yet anyways. Taking out a cigarette, he placed it between his lips before lighting it up. Taking a long drag, he removed the cigarette before releasing the smoke. Benny smoked the cigarette but didn’t enjoy it as much as he usually would, it was just a way to distract himself and fill time. It was you that he was craving more then the cigarette. Craved your attention, your smile, your lips, your warmth. He craved you wholly.
The following day you arrived at work just before nine, you knocked on the door and Sophia let you. With a morning to each other, you put away your bag and got ready for your day to begin. It was going to be a relative busy day, which you didn’t mind. It was yourself, Sophia and another woman named Ella. Between the three of you, you could get a good amount done.
When your first client showed up, an older woman who was a bit of a stick in the mud, you wasted no time in getting her set up in your chair. Draping the cape over her, you made pleasantries. Though you know she did not like you, just your work. She was a stuck up woman, who you knew talked about you behind your back. But you did your best work, that way she couldn't run you down on it.
It was just after ten, the salon bustling with activity, when a delivery man came into the shop, in his hand a lovely bunch of flowers. He stepped into the shop, a little shyly. You watched him in the mirror before you, thinking those flowers had to be from Sophia's husband for her.
Sophia spoke to the young man, taking the flowers before thanking him. He didn't waste time to leave the shop and move on to his next delivery. One of the clients, being nosey, asked Sophia if they were hers. She was looking at the beautiful flowers before spotting a card. A look of surprise crossed her face, before a small smile crossed her lips.
“Mrs Carpenter, I wish they were, but they're not for me" mused Sophia.
All the women in the shop looked to Sophia, then around at each other. All wondering which of them they were for. Some probably hoped their husbands had sent them flowers on a whim, to surprise and cheer them up as they got their hair done. But they’d be wrong.
With the flowers in hand Sophia stepped around from the counter. She moved across the room and came to stand beside you. She was smiling at you as she looked at you in the mirror. They were for you. You should have guessed from the various flowers that you liked, making up the arrangement.
“Seems these are yours Hun" commented Sophia, holding out the flowers for you. “Why don't you go put them in some water out the back. And read the card. I'll take over for you while you're gone".
Reluctantly you finished cutting the piece of hair you held in your fingers. “Ah, sure...” you replied, unsure and uneasy.
Taking the flowers from your boss, you slowly moved from the floor and into the back. All the time questioning who would have sent you flowers? You didn't wait, taking the card from the flowers and laying them on the counter by the sink. You held the small envelop in your hand, reading your name before turning it over. You took a moment, looking at it once more before shakily opening the seal.
Slowly you removed the card, and taking a breath before finally reading what it said:
Flower's for my girl, my wife.
I hope they brighten your day,
Just like you will always brighten mine.
Love Benny.
Your heart skipped a beat reading his words. Words that he couldn't always say. Word's he knew you needed to read. For Benny knew how your days at the salon could be. He had seen how you come home, tired and drained. How you would have good days and bad days. He would listen to you tell him about the bitchiest women, who were the worst to deal with. But also how joyous you were when you had a day of nothing but sweet, lovely women.
Benny sent you a reminder that you were the brightest thing in his life, just as he was yours. You smiled softly, clutching the card delicately in your hand. Your chest aching with thoughts of your husband, and missing him. Maybe it was time to start working on getting your relationship back on track. Yes, this was the start. But you would make sure that man knew he had some serious work to do if he wanted you back completely.
Fixing up the flowers in a make shift vase. You walked back onto the salon shop floor, silence rolling in when you came back. All eyes watching you as you placed the flowers on the front counter. They noticed the sparkle in your eyes, along with a small smile on your lips.
“Take it the contents of that card were good, huh?” Teased Sophia, various women giggling.
You rolled your eyes. “If you must know, it was...”
Sophia smiled brightly and giggled. “Guess he made a good peace offering".
“It's a start" you retorted before taking back over working on your client, leaving Sophia to go off to do what she had to do.
Locking up on your own tonight, you noticed no Benny waiting across the road today. Which surprised you. None the less you got into your car and drove home, the radio on softly and you hummed along. Your flowers were sitting on the seat next to you, every time you looked at them you would smile softly. You wondered where Benny was. Was he at the bar? Would you have to go to him? Or could he have changed his mind?
Turning onto your street, you slowly came closer to your house. Your concerns and worries died away upon seeing the person on your mind. He had parked his bike across the road, again he was resting against it. As you pulled into the drive way, you could see him watching you, cigarette between his lips.
Benny had chosen to wait for you at your shared home. He knew to wait outside rather then just waltzing inside. He didn't want to upset you, especially after sending you flowers at work. It could have got either way, in his favour or made it worse. He hadn’t long lit a cigarette and taken a few drags, before your car turned onto the street. He watched as you approached, and turned into the drive way. But Benny never moved, he was going to see if you would invite him in, back into the house and into your arms.
Getting out of the driver seat, you leant back in and grabbed the flowers. Once you were out and the door closed, you looked to Benny. Still he lent against the bike, but he straightened up once seeing the flowers in your hand. Looking to them, you brought them closer to you. After that you walked up the few stairs to the porch – the same ones Benny climbed before you slammed the door in his face – and came to the front door. You used your keys to unlock the door and pushed it open.
Crossing the threshold, you paused a moment. Then you turned around to look at your husband. You kept your face blank, but there was a calmness to it. You looked at Benny for a few minutes before closing the door, but kept it propped open. It was a way to tell him that if he wanted, he could come in. You were calm and ready to talk.
You crossed the lounge room and entered the kitchen. Placing your bag on the counter by the door way, you moved over to the sink. You placed the flowers down before fetching a glass vase. You proceeded to put some water into it, then began to undo the wrapping to the flowers.
Mean while, Benny had watched your every move from car to front door. When you stood in the door way looking to him, he was silently hoping you would call out to him to come in. When you didn't, and began to close the door, Benny thought he would have to try again tomorrow. But when the door was left open a bit, he released the breath he had been holding. Hope bubbled in him.
Benny stood up from his position against the bike, stretching out his arms as he began to walk towards the house. Taking one last drag of the cigarette, Benny removed it from his lips and flicking it away. The smoke slipping from his lips as he walked up the path to the stairs. Up he went, boots landing on the porch. He stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing the front door open slowly.
You weren't in the lounge room, but he could hear you moving around the kitchen. He closed the door before taking off his jacket and hanging it up the door. Benny crossed the room to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. He lent against the wood frame, watching you silently.
You had most of the flowers in the vase, you were just putting the remaining in and moving them around when you felt his eyes on you. It sent a shiver down your spine. Who would speak first? How would this all go?
When you had finished, you picked up the vase and moved to place it by the window on the counter. You would figure out where to put them later, for now you had to have a conversation with your husband.
“Do you like them?” Benny softly asked, when you placed them down and stared at them.
“Yes" you replied, “I like them a lot, actually...”
He nodded, though you couldn’t see it. “Good...I remember you sayin’ how you liked those kinds of flowers...”
It was awkward, but it was something, right? To know Benny remembered what flowers you liked, it showed he had been listening. And he did, majority of the time. Slowly you turned around, choosing to lean against the counter. For the first time in days you took a good hard look at Benny.
He looked tired, maybe he hadn’t been sleeping properly. His clothes – different to what you’d last seen him in – were deeply wrinkled, most likely worn when sleeping or trying to sleep. From the way he was leaning, you could tell Benny was uneasy. Not because of you, but for what could happen between you right now. He was guarded, yet trying to keep his defences down just enough so you in turn would let yours down. You could tell he didn't want to fight, he wanted to sort this out like adults. No more running, for either of you.
“...I’m sorry for leavin' baby" Benny said, breaking the silence. ���I shouldn’t have taken off like I did. Nor did I want to worry ya".
You nodded your head. “I know...”
“When I bring up leavin'...its somethin' in me that switches when a fight gets too much" Benny tried to explain. “I know its not an excuse, but I want ya to understand. But I promise I wont do it again...if I do, you can kick me out".
You chuckled. “Like I'd want you to go...” you said softly. “But Benny...you gotta know it did hurt. You just up and goin', no word of where ya were or if you were alright. I was worried sick".
Benny moved from the door frame to you, but stopped himself from pulling you to him, to hold you close and kiss away the hurt he caused. He looked at you with soft, guilty eyes. Waiting for you to give him the ok that he could touch you, hold you.
“I’m sorry for worryin' you, baby. If I could take it back, I would" Benny said softly, hands itching to rub up and down your arms.
“I know Benny...” your voice was soft, fragile. You looked at your husband with hurt eyes, only killing him more. You then looked to his hands and back to his baby blues. That was all Benny needed, for he stepped closer and pulled you to him.
Benny wrapped his arms around you, holding you closely to him for the first time in what felt like forever. Having you close felt right. You rested your head against his chest, your hands gripping his t-shirt. A few tears, that you hadn’t realised that had risen, escaped down your cheeks, they a mix of hurt but happiness.
“I’m sorry baby" Benny whispered into your hair.
You stood there for a few minutes, just letting Benny hold you and whisper sweet things into your ear. You felt better. You felt a part of you healing. Just like it was for Benny. Reluctantly Benny pulled back, moving to look at your face. Seeing the remints your tears left, he brought a hand up and whipped them away.
“Benny, you know we need to have a long talk, right?” You questioned softly, afraid he might get spooked.
He nodded. “I know, baby. I am ready for it...”
So, with a deep breath and standing where you were, not waiting to leave his space, you began. You told him how you'd been feeling, how him staying out effected you. That you wanted him to come home more, but not to take him away from the club. Benny heard you, he agreed to it. He told you how he adored that you respected his ties with the Vandals, and not trying to entirely change him, which made you laugh. Music to his ears after so long. Benny didn't ask much of you, as you had been perfect the whole time.
“I guess Johnny was right...” muttered Benny as he moved from you, as you crossed to the kitchen door way.
“Hmm?” you asked turning back to Benny.
“Johnny...I spoke to him the other day. I asked him what to do" Benny paused, gauging your reaction, with a nod he knew to go on. “He said I should grovel, or show ya what you mean to me...”
You held in a laugh at the suggestion of grovelling. “Is that why you sent flowers?”
He nodded, “but I meant them and what I wrote, baby. As well as watchin’ out for you, I wanted you to know I wasn't goin’ anywhere".
You smiled softly, moving to stand before your man. You cupped his cheek with one hand, thumb stroking his stubbled jaw. It was rough but soothing. You enjoyed feeling of it rubbing against your skin, be it your cheek, neck, inner thighs.
You moved your hand to back of Benny's head, gripping it firmly. You stared into his eyes. “I wouldn't mind you on your knees...but not necessarily grovellin’...”
You saw realisation flash in Benny's eyes when your words sunk in. Holding his head firmly, you pulled your husbands head down. Pulling his lips to meet your own, a firm closed lip kiss. The feeling of his lips against yours feeling like home. You closed your eyes, savouring your lips reuniting.
You moved to grip his hair, pulling a little. Causing Benny to groan in the most delightful way, which you had missed. His hands moved to your hips, pulling you close as he removed his lips for just a moment. Adjusting the angle, Benny brought his lips back to your waiting ones. This time it was a feverish, slightly open mouth kiss. Over and over, short and sweet. But soon Benny went in for a longer, deeper kiss.
He didn't wait for permission, his tongue delving into your mouth, seeking out your own. Tongues colliding, caressing the other in a fast paced dance. You moaned into his mouth, which only made Benny return with his own. Stepping forward, Benny backed you up against the small table in the kitchen. The edge digging into your backside. Without breaking the kiss, Benny picked you up and set you on the tables edge.
Your other hand moving to cradle is cheek, while its partner ran threw his hair before pulling it occasionally. That only spurred Benny on further. His hands moved to your slacks, unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper. Pulling away from the kiss, you both took a moment to get some much needed air. And in that time Benny silently instructed you to lift your hips. You did, and he removed both your slacks and underwear, leaving you sitting in bare from the waist down.
Benny wasted no time falling to his knees, as you both had mentioned. This kind of grovelling was not for forgiveness, but for your own pleasure. Benny would worship every part of you, if it would make you happy.
His rough hands moved up your calf muscles, slowly over your thighs, pushing them open wider. His eyes drinking in the sight before him, Benny placed kisses along the inside of your thighs before coming to his destination. Slowly – tongue flat – he licked at the opening of your sex. Tongue finding your hard nub, applying the right amount of pressure as he caressed it. You moaned, head tilting back, as one hand moved to Benny's hair.
Benny worshipped you with his tongue, bringing moans and praises from your lips. When he would change movements with his tongue, you would pull his hair lightly, encouraging him further. Then when he added a finger inside of you, and then a second after sometime, he had you a mess upon the table. Your free hand moved to clutch the edge of the table, trying to ground yourself. Your man knew how to worship at your alter.
“I-I need you, baby" you managed to get out, between moans.
Reluctantly, Benny moved his head back. His baby blues, now dark with desire, staring at you as he licked his lips, tongue taking in your essence that had been resting there. After a brief moment of watching you, he rose to his feet, standing between your legs. Without delay, your hands moved to Benny's jeans. Undoing the button before pulling down the zipper. You pushed his jeans and boxers down his hips.
When he was freed from its confines, you wrapped a hand around his member. Slowly moving your hand up and down the shaft. The way Benny's breath caught in his throat, before a small strangled noise came from his parted lips, such noises pleased you. He leant in and captured your lips once more, sloppily and mindlessly at your touch and ministrations.
“Baby, I want you" Benny sighed against your lips.
You hummed in approval. “I want you too".
You guided him to your sex, Benny's hands coming to hold your hips. His tip brushed against your nub, drawing out a moan. He was teasing, but you'd allow it. You brought your hands up to his neck, one resting there while its partner tangled with the hair at the base of his neck.
Finally lining himself entrance, Benny began to enter you. The way he felt, stretching you, you sighed as you gripped his hair. That action cause Benny to buck his hips, finally sheathing himself completely in you. You both moaned in satisfaction of being one again.
Benny moved in, taking your lips into a deep kiss. He drew back his hips before snapping back into you, over and over. At first a gentle pace, but with your hold on his hair and nails at his neck digging in, Benny picked up speed. Before long you were head tilted back, moaning, as your husband slammed into you. His lips upon your neck, sucking and biting, while he too made beautiful sounds.
With the rise in pleasure that Benny was giving you, and feeling, it had to come to an end. The tension rising and twisting in the pit of your stomach. You tightened around him, only adding to Benny's please, and making him move more vigorously.
“Cum for me, baby" Benny said with a groan, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. No doubt there’d be bruises later. “Ya gotta cum for me".
You nodded your head, whimpering at his words.
Benny placed his forehead to your own, his eyes staring deeply into yours. The pressure just building inside you both. Finally he hit that spot, and you tipped over the edge. You cried out, clenching tightly around his member, while you let your release wash over you. With a few more sloppy thrusts, Benny finally found his release. Buried within you, his seed coated your insides. His hands moving to the edge of the table, while catching his breath.
You opened your eyes, which had closed at some point, to look at your husband. He looked gorgeous, breathing heavily, trying to calm down after your vigorous activity. When his baby blues found yours, the smile that graced his perfect lips, melted your heart. You smiled right back at him. You both sharing a tender moment.
Those lips met with yours once more, but this time a chaste kiss. Pulling back, Benny reluctantly removed himself from you, which made you whimper at the lose. But with a promise that he'd gladly make it up to you later, you giggled with joy.
You watched as Benny pulled his boxers and jeans back up, fastening them before turning to you. He helped you down from the table, legs a little shaky from how well he had taken care of you. With some work and help, you had your own underwear and slacks back on. You kissed Benny's cheek to say thank you.
“Remind me to thank Johnny" you said off handily.
“Why's that baby?” Benny asked, confused.
You smirked. “For givin’ you the idea to grovel" was your reply before laughing.
Benny shook his head, pulling you close to him. “Oh”.
“And Benny" you said after a moment of silence. He waited for you to go on. “Next time you leave me, and hurt me, I will castrate you". Then you chuckled.
Benny softly laughed. “But what about kid's, baby. I'm gonna need them”.
Wrapped in his arms, you pondered Benny's words. “That is true...I will just take one then. You can give me kid's with just one, after all".
“Yes ma’am” Benny said in humour.
You both roared into laughter. Though you told him, as you laughed, you were serious. And it would be smart not to test you. Benny just continued to laugh before scooping you up over his shoulder, and carrying you off to your shared bedroom. Not without a small smack to your backside at you sassing him, as he walked up the stairs.
167 notes · View notes
weirdsht · 2 months
Cliché - LoTCF & Venion Stan! Reader
notes: ngl i took more time dwelling whether i should make this a series. but i never did two series at once because i can't handle the commitment, so i compromised by making it a long oneshot. ALSO TRIGGER WARNING: I put my psych major to work while writing this fic so...
tags: TRIGGER WARNING PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE TAGS (dw nothing too graphic for every warning) depression, eating disorder, anxiety, self-loathing, torture and abuse, guilt, like lots of guilt, passive to mild suicidal thoughts, not being able to control your body, catatonic depression, anhedonia, blood, cursing, vague novel spoilers, Taylor Stan being the best brother out there, open ending i think, can be seen as hurt/comfort
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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Navigation Masterlist Platitude (pt. 2)
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Tak Tak Tak
The sound of the horses of the carriage filled your ears as soon as you woke up.
…Wait horses?
How could there be horses when you were sure you were inside a lecture hall?
“Young master I’m glad you’re awake. We are nearing Viscount Tolz’s territory.”
Viscount Tolz? That sounds familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on it as you just woke up.
You observed the unfamiliar place you woke up in. You seem to be inside a carriage, years of reading manhwas, manhuas, mangas and web novels have gotten you familiar as to what they looked like. 
Observing the interior a bit more, you notice that the carriage you are in seems luxurious. That and the servant riding a horse outside the carriage window just called you “young master”. 
‘Did I transmigrate? I swear I was just nodding off during one of my lectures…’
“You. What date is it? My head feels fuzzy from sleeping in this uncomfortable carriage.”
‘I’ve rotten my brain reading that damn isekai genre. I already know the drill, I should be a villain or something. I guess I should be glad I didn’t end up as an animal, those things have gotten popular these days…’
You silently shivered at the thought of being a bird or a snake.
“I’m sorry about the seat young master. You’re custom cushion should be arriving tomorrow. As for the date, it is currently year 780 of the Felix Calendar.”
By the calendar mentioned you could already tell what series you transmigrated to. There was only one series you know that uses Felix Calendar.
Lout of the Count’s Family
And it looks like you got sucked into that novel a year before things began.
“As soon as that arrives install it in my carriage. This thing is as hard as a brick.”
Contrary to what you say, the seat is very soft and comfortable. However, if you really did transmigrate as a villain like in all those manhwas you’ve read then you figured you have to act as bratty as possible. 
“I understand young master. We are nearing the villa soon, I’m sure young master Neo has prepared your room so you can rest.”
Fuck. You’re fucked.
Out of all the small villains in existence you just had to steal the body of a dragon abuser. You just had to get in the body of Venion Stan.
Venion out of all people. Even Neo Tolz or Adin or Duke Fredo would’ve been better picks.
But no, the gods of this world just had to put you in the body of an atrocious villain that has no use.
Never mind running away in the countryside while enjoying all the inheritance, there’s no way that black dragon is going to leave you alone.
…And for sure the black dragon is already 3 years old, there’s no saving you now. Anger and despair are already planted in that poor baby’s heart.
Everything moved too quickly to your liking. One moment you were in the carriage, then next Neo was greeting you. After you blinked you’re already in the black dragon’s cell.
‘Can I survive a year before Cale comes here to get the dragon?’
The black dragon can’t use mana, let alone dragon fear. But his vicious gaze full of animosity is already enough to make you feel guilt and fear.
He looked so pitiful. The cell might be spacious, but a cage will still be a cage. He was just there, in the middle of the cell. Chained and unable to fight back.
The buffet in the middle doesn’t help the queasiness you feel in your stomach.
‘Don’t bother with it, I won't be visiting the dragon further.’
The words you want to say are stuck in your throat. Some unknown force is stopping you from uttering them out.
You figured it was so that things would still go according to the plot.
‘I know I wasn’t the greatest in my previous life, but was I so bad that I must experience this?’
Tap Tap Tap
Heels of your shoes tapped against the ground as you walked towards the table. You tried to stop your body, but it was useless. No matter how hard you try to stop yourself you just keep moving.
Your voice- no Venion’s voice said and the torturer started whipping the dragon.
There’s a bile in your throat threatening to show itself. However, you swallowed it. The scene may look horrendous, but you didn’t look away. You didn’t stop eating the feast in front of you. You didn’t stop laughing at the small dragon’s demise.
More like you couldn’t.
You wanted to cry. You wanted to go back to your world and curl up in your bed. You wanted all of this to be a dream.
‘Is this the doing of the gods? If so then why must they be cruel.’
“Is there anything else you want to do young master?”
“No just go out. All of you. I will follow in a short while”
Following your order, everyone in the dungeon started heading out. After a few seconds, there was no one but you and the dragon in the room.
As soon as there was no one else in the room you vomited. Good thing there was a bathroom attached in the dungeon. The bathroom door was wide open as you puked your gut out, showing the black dragon a view of your pale face. Despite that you didn’t care, your only focus was to get rid of the horrible feeling running through your body.
It’s not as if the dragon would care about its torturer.
That night you spent the entire time in your bed tossing and turning. Too tired to sleep but too scared to face the nightmares you have to combat every time you do.
“Go find a magician or something and commission a temperature-regulating device. I want it installed at the cave before we visit the Tolz territory again.”
“As you wish your highness. However, aren’t you spending a bit too much on a mere pet?”
“You dare think I’m buying all these things for that pesky dragon? I’m buying it for my own comfort, you should be aware of how I want to be comfortable all the time.”
“It seems I made a mistake. I shall prepare everything you desire for the next time you visit the villa.”
Six months has already passed since you became Venion Stan. Adjusting wasn’t easy, especially when there are more times when you can’t control your body than when you can.
But still, you persevered.
It wasn’t like you had a choice anyway. You have already taken over this body so you have to live in it. That and there’s also the fact that you want the original plot to go smoothly.
You want the black dragon to experience justice.
So you persist. Even when the atrocities you did make you puke. Even when you want to kill yourself.
You didn’t
It wasn’t right.
You may not be the original Venion Stan, but it wouldn’t be right to take away the revenge the black dragon deserves. That was why you decided to persevere.
Persevere now and suffer at the dragon's hands later before finally dying.
That was your plan.
You didn’t care about other things anymore. Money, territory, power; none of those things mattered to you anymore. Too disgusted with yourself and everything you have been doing to even attempt to enjoy those things.
There’s a silver lining in all of this.
After a month of being in your new body, you have found a loophole. You found a way to combat some of the restrictions to your actions. As long as you sound selfish and villainous enough, you can get away with saying and doing most things.
Using this knowledge to your advantage, you slowly made life for the dragon easier. You bought a lot of things such as cushions, a more comfortable collar, and the temperature-regulating device you just ordered. You also used this fact to lessen your hold on both Taylor Stan and the underworld.
“Venion, I heard you withdrew the people watching over your older brother.”
You scowled at Marquis Stan’s words as if the mere mention of Taylor Stan upsets you.
“Father, what can that cripple do? He has no legs, no power, and barely has any money. Putting people to watch over someone like that will only be a waste of resources.”
Luckily, the marquis agreed with your reasoning and let the situation go while praising how smart you are.
‘Hopefully by this Taylor Stan can gather more information now that my people are now hovering over him.’
That night you managed to sleep for approximately 30 minutes. The longest sleep you’ve experienced since coming over to this world.
It was another torture session and once again you were vomiting everything you ate that week after the session. 
While you were busy trying to not make a mess on the bathroom floor, you didn’t notice a certain young dragon observing you.
He may be three years old and he may not know much but his still smart because he's a dragon. That was why he noticed the changes in his captor that started around 8 months ago. 
The young dragon noticed the hesitation in your eyes whenever you entered the dungeon. How you were puking from self-hatred and not because of how bad the food was like you said. How your laugh is soulless, especially when he’s being tortured. 
How you stagger the slightest bit while standing up after those sessions. How your hands shook ever so slightly from guilt. How you tried to make the cell as comfortable as possible for him despite saying you were doing it for your own comfort. 
How your eyes look more lifeless each time he sees you.
The young dragon noticed all of it. He may not know what caused the change, but he knows that everything you’re doing is against your volition.
“Fuck I lost my appetite already. I’m going back to my room. Feed those scraps to that dragon.”
You ordered your servants on your way out. Walking as if your entire body wasn’t shaking ten seconds ago.
The black dragon just watches you with observant eyes. 
The “scraps” you were talking about were the feast that was barely even touched. It had always been like this for a few months now. You would barely touch your food and give it to the dragon in the guise of treating him like a dog.
For now, the young one accepts the food. He’ll figure out your intentions later.
“Lessen the guards at the dungeon. Remove all the cushions too, I’m going to change them. Do the same thing to the dragon’s collar too. While you’re at it increase the guards stationed at my quarters. Put the guards in the cave to my room.”
It’s the fated day. Time passed and now is already the day the black dragon will be rescued by Cale, Choi Han, and the cat tribe children. You already met them earlier and acted as arrogant as you could.
Hence the preparation. You need to make it look like the dragon was kept in a horrible condition. Of course, he was… but like much more worse conditions.
“Assassins have been increasing their attempts lately. If I see someone assigned to my room not doing your jobs I’m going to feed you to the sharks. Oh, and you.”
You pointed at a random servant passing by.
“Here’s some gold, buy some alcohol from the inn. Don’t tell anyone I was the one who bought it.”
“May I ask what you’re going to do with the alcohol young master?”
Everyone knows that Venion Stan deemed things not noble enough as disgusting. But you felt guilty for pushing that old man around earlier so you made an excuse.
“Depends on my mood. I’m feeling generous so if you all guard my room tonight then I’ll give you the alcohol tomorrow to drink.”
Everyone held in their shock.
“But if you don’t then I’m going to throw each bottle in your heads while drinking real wine.”
With that, you turned around to lie down on your bed.
That night was the same as every other night you spent in this world. Sleepless. However, that night you felt some weight being lifted off your shoulders as you heard the ruckus Choi Han was causing outside.
‘He should be curled up in Cale’s lap while looking at me viciously’
You stealthily peeked at Cale as you walked towards your seat. Just a moment ago he was trying to rile you up by acting obnoxious. It was hard to try and act like you were keeping your composure when you agreed with everything he said.
“What the..!” 
‘Shit did I not put enough strength into my acting?’
You barely felt your blonde hair sway as you slapped the table in supposed shock at Taylor Stan’s entrance.
‘Maybe I should’ve forced myself to eat a little bit more before coming here…’
Gritting your teeth, you ignore the black spots dancing in your vision. Today is a vital day, you can’t ruin the script by fainting because you only ate 3 spoonfuls during breakfast.
Luckily, it looks like everything is going according to the plot. Based on everyone’s reaction, you looked like an enraged noble.
Days following that event were even more chaotic. Not only was the terrorist attack in the plaza terrifying but trying to act as if you were trying to hold on to your position when you just wanted to give it to Taylor was even tougher.
As usual, you persevered.
Comforted yourself at the thought that in a few months, you can embrace death’s sweet presence.
“Do I look different without the blood?”
You felt scared and relieved at the sight of the black dragon that now goes by Raon Miru.
Scared because even though you have resigned yourself to your fate, and felt like you deserve it even, you still feel fear for what’s about to come.
Relief because he looks healthy. Chubby even. You were glad that he was living a good life after he got away from you.
Disregarding your feelings, you let the poisonous fog into your body. Resigning yourself to the four days of hell waiting.
Your body feels sluggish when you wake up.
“What the… It hasn’t even begun yet why does that bastard’s eyes already look dead?”
“That’s what I was telling you human! That punk's eyes tell a different story from his actions.”
Soft. Whatever you were lying down on felt soft. It wasn’t like what you’ve read in the novel where Venion was lying down on the hard ground. The magic collar was also soft. It felt similar to the one you bought for Raon a year ago. 
You would know because you made sure to pick the softest one yourself.
“His eyes look more dead than when I last saw him at that cave.”
Eyes? Were they talking about yours?
You didn’t know. You didn’t care.
You just want everything to end.
Someone gasped, you think it was one of the kittens.
“T-tears! Why is he crying? I only put paralysis in poison earlier.”
Crying? You were crying?
You sit up. It was hard because of the chains tying your arms but you still did it.
As you look down on your lap, tears are indeed flowing.
‘Why am I crying? Wasn’t I waiting for this day?’
Everything was already planned in your head. You get tortured then you will go crazy. Then you will kill yourself and make everyone believe you did it because you’re crazy.
So why are you crying now?
Why are you in tears as if you don’t deserve what’s happening to you?
Why do you weep as though you haven’t committed several crimes this past year?
How dare you do so.
How dare you act so pitifully when the child you tortured is right in front of you?
Shameless. Till the end, you’re so shameless.
Beacrox unlocked the magic collar. As he did you saw it falling on the ground.
“Ah, so there really was fur inside…”
Your voice sounded soulless. It sounded so dead that even you were shocked at how you sounded.
But it also felt cathartic.
After two years of trying to act lively. Two years of acting as if you were fighting for something.
You can finally let out your real emotions.
Two years. It took more than two years for you to be granted that privilege. 
“Speak. I heard you bought the same thing for Raon.”
“You really named him Raon…”
Beacrox grabbed your collar. He looked furious. If you remember things correctly, he just heard about the dragon’s story a while ago so you understand his feelings.
“He told you to answer. Why did you buy something like that after 3 years?”
“I was getting tired of looking at the hard metal… There was nothing in that cave but stone and metal…”
Your tears are still flowing. It looks like they were crying a whole year’s worth. 
Despite that, you were not shaking, nor were your eyes looked sad.
Contrarily, you looked like those creepy dolls with soulless eyes that cried in horror films.
That low-key scared everyone in the room.
“Before, when I was three, I saw you shaking every time you came to the cave. Why was that?”
What’s happening? Why is there a sudden interrogation? You signed up for torture not for a cross-examination.
Still, you answered the dragon.
“I can’t tell.”
“Is it related to how you can’t seem to say what you want at times?”
Just how much did that kid notice in the few times you visited him?
“Yes. When are you going to get started? I need to meet with my hyung after this…”
Meet him and then die.
So please hurry up already.
“Hey punk, you sound like you already know what’s going to happen.”
“It’s obvious. This place looks exactly like that damn cave.”
You were getting tired of talking.
Actually, you were tired. Period.
“But it doesn’t look like how I left the cave when you rescued him.”
“Yes, because that wasn’t how the cave I lived in looked like. It looked like this.”
And the “this” Raon was talking about felt more homey. There were soft lights and a bunch of pillows and cushions. There were even some stuffed toys and blankets.
Was this how you decorated Raon’s cave?
You can’t remember.
Not that you care.
“Can we get started already please?”
“I thought you were a sadist, not a masochist.”
Something snapped inside you at that moment. You didn’t know why it was Choi Han’s comment that riled you up. Maybe it wasn’t the comment but the waiting that set you off.
“Just do it already! Are you dumb?! This fucking plot will not move unless you fucking torture me!”
In that moment you felt a searing pain in your chest.
Blood flowed out from your mouth.
‘So that’s what happens when I try to push the restrictions.’
Coughing out blood when you’re body was already weak from not eating and sleeping enough was bound to cause you to faint.
And faint you did.
“Young master Cale said you were unconscious for 4 days. The doctor told me you were both malnourished and fatigued. One of your servants confessed that it’s an achievement if you eat 4 spoonfuls every meal. The young master also mentioned how it seems like you were forced to do everything you’ve done… Just what is happening? Hmm? Tell this hyung of yours.”
In the end, you didn’t get tortured…
“What’s going to happen now? What’s going to happen to me?”
You diverged from the fate carved out for Venion Stan.
That made you scared.
The restriction placed upon you to prevent you from straying from the plot scared you.
“Everything will be okay. But you need to tell me what’s going on.”
Taylor Stan hugged you, and you felt disgusted with yourself that you dare find warmth and comfort in that hug. Disgusted that you dared cry in front of him when you tried to kill him in the past.
But you couldn’t help it.
You couldn’t help that your hyung was soft and caring even though he was stern and strict. 
“I’m scared hyung. I’m a horrible person.”
As you speak you notice Cale in the corner of the room. He was trying to go out to give you two some privacy.
“Please stay.”
‘You deserve to hear the truth too.’
Cale stopped moving at your words. 
At that moment you decided to spill everything. Venion Stan’s role was already done. Even if it wasn’t, you already strayed from the path written for him. So you’re pulling all stops now.
“I’m a horrible person that did horrid crimes. I know that, I did them with my own hands after all. But I didn’t want to do them.”
You felt that stinging pain slowly coming back.
“There are times when I can’t control the things I say or do. No matter how hard I try my body won’t listen to me.”
The taste of blood in your mouth is back. You tried to act as calm as possible and nonchalantly spit it out in a napkin as if you were just wiping your mouth.
“I think it’s the god’s doing. It’s fated that I must be a bad guy for everything in the future to work out.”
You wiped your mouth again.
“I couldn’t resist it. But I found a loophole.”
“If I make it look like what I was doing is villainous then my movements will not be restricted as much.”
“So when you removed the people watching over my residence..?”
You nodded while wiping your mouth once again.
However, this time Taylor snatched the napkin out of your hands.
“You’re bleeding..!”
You were wiping so much blood that it already seeped out. Causing for Taylor and Cale to see the blood.
“I should’ve used a darker colour…”
“Stop talking. I’ve already heard everything I need to know.”
“I have nothing else to say to you anyway.”
The two men started walking out of the door when you called out to someone.
“Young master Cale, can you please stay? I must tell you something.”
The marquis and the young master exchanged a glance before one of them left the room.
“What is it?”
At Taylor’s exit, Raon undid his invisibility.
“It’s not fate.”
Cale and Raon looked at you as if you’d lost your head. Honestly, you wish you did. Being beheaded right now is better than living with these horrible feelings.
“It’s plot. You should know what I’m talking about.”
Luckily, Marquiss Stan left the napkin so you could wipe your mouth again.
“I think the universe, not the gods, made a mistake with me. But despite their mistake, they are insistent on going with the plot laid out.”
You discarded the napkin. It’s already drenched with too much of your blood that it can’t be used anymore.
“But don’t worry. This plot is very beneficial to you. You just have to follow whatever you think is right. You can disregard whatever anyone says. Even if that anyone is a god.”
‘Unlike me’
Cale handed you a handkerchief and you wiped your mouth with it.
“Lastly, I’m sorry Raon Miru-nim. My only choice was to either keep torturing you or throw you out. I couldn’t throw you out, because if I did then you wouldn’t meet the young master.”
“It’s okay… I am great and mighty so I figured out long ago that you were being forced.”
“Thank you.”
With that the dragon became invisible again and the two head out of the room.
Cleanup was easy. Of course, it was. Everything was already planned out beforehand.
The previous marquis was arrested and his people were successfully rooted out. You got sentenced to house arrest.
Meaning, you got a slap on the wrist.
It confused you. Why did you get such a light sentence when you did so many horrible things? It didn’t even feel like house arrest because your hyung always kept you by his side and personally took care of you.
“How about you? How are you and your brother doing?”
You heard Cale speaking on the other side of the communication device. But you just kept your head low and stared at your palms, unmoving.
Marquis Stan hesitated.
“His been listless since that day. I checked with an expert and they said his in a catatonic state.”
You blur out the rest of their conversation. It wasn’t like there was a need to listen anyway. There’s nothing for you to do now. Your role is done but you can’t die.
You're tired.
So so fucking tired.
Tired of waking up. Tired of moving. Tired of thinking. Tired of breathing.
Tired of living.
So you opted to not move. Tune out the world around you. Maybe if you’re lucky they’ll leave you to rot in that lavish room of yours.
“Your eyes look more lively today. Do you have enough energy to speak?”
You blinked once. Then twice. You don’t know how many days have passed already. All of them look like a giant blur in your mind.
For the first time in a while, you moved your body to look at your surroundings.
As you take in your surroundings you notice that there’s a storm outside. That and Taylor Stan seem to have put you in the wheelchair he used to use.
“Taylor Stan…”
“Call me hyung.”
Did you deserve to? Well, it doesn’t matter since he ordered you to.
“Yes, my dongsaeng?”
“Why won’t you kill me?”
The wheelchair stopped in its tracks. It was because the one pushing it stopped walking.
“Why would I kill you?”
“Why would you not kill me?”
You had no way of knowing just how scared Taylor was at this moment. Your voice sounded so soulless. As if you were asking about the weather and not about your death. He was already scared that one day he would just wake up to find you dead. Your questions and your way of asking them are not helping his fear.
“I told you, I wouldn’t kill my family.”
Silence lingered as the two of you went to your room. Inside, the first thing you noticed was the door on the wall.
“That’s a connecting door. It’s connected to my room.”
“Very fitting for a criminal like me that needs to be monitored at all times.”
“That’s not…”
Taylor Stan chose to sigh instead of answering. After he did, he called the servants to help you with your nighttime routine.
“You all can go now, I’ll take it from here.”
Servants filed out of your room as your brother took the brush from a servant's hand.
“You know that this is useless right?”
“Why is that?”
Taylor continued brushing your blonde hair that now reaches past your shoulders.
“It’s not like I’ll sleep. There’s never a night where I slept for more than 30 minutes. I think.”
“Maybe if I stay by your side you’ll sleep better.”
You didn’t respond. You just watched in the mirror how your hyung gently brushed your hair. At some point, you pulled your legs up to your chest and started hugging them.
Taylor Stan didn’t seem to mind your movements. In fact, he seems to encourage them.
“Let’s eat dinner now. Do you want to walk?”
The mere thought of moving more than you already did makes you feel nauseated.
Your hyung nodded and started pushing the wheelchair again. As he did the sight of the food prepared on your table caught your eyes. It wasn’t a feast like how you were served in the past.
Instead, there were just two simple identical meals on the table.
It reminded you of how you used to eat your meals back on earth.
“You’re eating too?”
“I haven’t eaten yet. I figure we can eat together since Cage is not here.”
She must be in the super rock’s villa or something.
Eat together was what you did. Well, more like Taylor ate while you take a few bites and play with your food.
“Do you not want to eat anymore?”
“It’s fine, just leave it there. You already ate thrice more than you usually would. It’s okay to take it slow.”
That’s true. You ate 10 spoonfuls today when you would usually just take a bite or two. Three at most.
Maybe a gentle company and a simple meal did the trick. But you aren’t sure.
After the meal, you brushed your teeth before lying down on the bed. Taylor was sitting on a couch beside your bed as promised.
That night, for the first time since you arrived in this world, you managed to sleep almost the whole night.
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ruh--roh-raggy · 9 months
Stars Look Nice Tonight (Punk William x Fem! Reader)
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Hello hello! Welcome back to my lovely little punk Will series, thank you all so much for the love he's been so fun to write! So, this is a technical part 2 to Buzzed, but this series is going to be a little different than Home Sweet Home. I don't plan on following a linear timeline once I get their relationship fully established. What that's going to mean is we're going to have some plot build up with them being all cute and getting to know each other and flirting and all that good stuff, but the rest of this series is going to be published through one shots. I have a lot of ideas for fics with punk Will hehehe. If you have any requests you would like to see with him, let me know! If you would like to be added to my tag list, also let me know! Thank you all so much for reading!!
WARNINGS: Recreational 🍃 smoking, drinking at a bar, age gap (Reader is in early 20's Will is in his 40's/50's), mostly fluff with some suggestive flirting
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 2,782
“Are you around this weekend?” You smiled against the receiver you had pressed to your ear. You paused for a moment, not wanting to respond too fast and seem too eager. Over your post concert dinner of greasy bacon and fluffy waffles you and Will both realized one thing, neither of you could get enough of one another. He loved how the sound of your melodic laughter made his heart beat faster, the shy smile you would give him as his hand brushed over yours, how every so often he would catch you staring at his lips with a wistful expression on your face. You were too busy getting caught up in his seductive gaze to notice. He asked if he could see you again. Casually, of course, he doesn’t want you to feel tied down. You had to refrain from practically screaming your acceptance in his face. Now, you were standing in your kitchen almost a week from then, the man occupying your every thought on the other end of the line.
“I should be.” You respond coyly. William breathes out a chuckle, he could practically hear the smirk in your voice. “Got something in mind?”
“I was thinking we could go out for drinks… give me a chance to make up for the one I spilled on you at the venue.” You leaned against the counter, listening to the way his deep voice crackled through the phone.
“If I remember right, you weren’t the one who spilled it on me.” You respond in a teasing tone.
“Still happened because the prettiest girl in the room decided to stop and talk to me.” You freeze, your cheeks immediately growing warm at his compliment. After a moment of your silence you hear Will laugh on the other end of the line. “If you want to throw me off my game you’re going to have to do a bit more than fact check me while I’m asking you out.” He jokes.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you.” You giggle. “I get off at 7 tonight and then I’m free the rest of the weekend.”
“I guess I should plan something a little more special than a grimey dive bar then, huh?”
“I don’t know, sounds pretty romantic to me.” The sound of his laughter makes you smile. “Will… you know I don’t mind seeing you more than one day in a row, right?” Now it was his turn to be quiet for a moment.
“I just don’t want you to feel rushed-”
“It’s not like that.” You twist the long, cream colored spiral cord around your finger. “I had a really nice time with you the other night.” You chew your lip nervously before deciding to just put it all out there. “I like you, Will. I want to spend time with you.” Your hands grew clammy as his end of the line remained silent.
“I like you too.” Will was grateful you couldn’t see him right now. His face was hot, there was no doubt in his mind that he was blushing terribly. He couldn’t believe how ridiculous he was acting right now. But, there was something about the soft way you spoke, your small confession still ringing in his ears, he felt like he was back in college all over again. “Do you want to meet me at Ralph’s after you get off work tonight?”
You were taken aback for a second, “you know Ralph’s?”
“What, you didn’t think you and your little baby punk friends discovered Ralph’s?” He asks in a teasing tone. “Baby, I’ve probably been going to Ralph’s since before you were born... Do I know Ralph's?” He scoffs.
“To answer your original question, I would love to meet you for drinks.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you attempt to suppress your eagerness to see him.
“8 o’clock work?”
“That sounds perfect.”
“I’m really excited to see you tonight.” You jump as you hear him slam down the phone as he hangs up.
Will groans as he drags a hand down his face. “I’m really excited to see you tonight.” He repeats in a mocking tone. “Get a grip.”
“Well, hey stranger.” Will straightens up at the sound of your voice chirping next to him at the bar. He stood, sliding out a stool for you. His eyes hungrily raked over your frame, you had put on a slinky little black dress that perfectly hugged all of your delicate curves. He swallows thickly as his gaze trails over your pillowy thighs, he could only imagine how soft they would be clamped around his head.
“You look amazing.” He smiles at you, struggling to keep his eyes on yours, the thin layer of gold body glitter you had applied sparkled in the neon lights that covered the walls. He accidentally caught sight of your cleavage as you wiggled your way onto the stool, the sight alone enough to make his cock twitch in his jeans. You were incredibly beautiful, Will couldn't believed he had managed to earn even a fraction of your attention.
“Thank you.” You blush, looking up at him through your lashes. “You're looking pretty good yourself.” Will had opted for something a little more casual, a nicely fitted flannel that he had rolled up to just above his elbows and some jeans. Your eyes trailed down his arm, landing on his massive hand that dwarfed the beer bottle he was holding. The bartender makes his way over to you, a flirtatious smile on his lips that immediately makes Will prickle with annoyance.
“What can I get started for you, beautiful?” He asks with a wink. “Unless you want to just jump straight to getting my number?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Some things never change. You glanced at Will out of the corner of your eye, his gaze was burning a hole in the side of the bartender's face. But, considering the two of you had agreed to keep things casual, he just sat quietly in his seat. Your delicate fingers slid over Will’s forearm, his attention immediately moving to you.
You leaned into him, wanting to give the bartender a full show in hopes he would leave the two of you alone. “What are you drinking baby?” You see Will subtly mouth the pet name you had decided to call him, pure confusion written in his features. You take the beer bottle from his hand, your chest pressing into his shoulder as you cuddle up to his side. You turn the bottle to read the label, it was some foreign beer you didn't recognize. You slowly brought the dark brown glass to your perfectly painted lips, tilting your head back to take a long sip. Your face scrunches up at the pungent, bitter liquid, you shake your head before putting it back in Will’s hand. You almost blew your cover as your eyes met Will’s. You could see his thoughts loading as he processed having you so close to him, threatening to tear a laugh from your throat.
“She’ll have a vodka cran.” He chimes in, gaze never leaving your face. The bartender hurries off with his tail in between his legs, obviously embarrassed that he came on so strong to someone who was obviously taken. “Not that I'm complaining, but what the fuck was all of that?” He asks with a chuckle.
“I came here to spend time with you.” You explain with a soft smile. “Not to be hit on by some sleazeball who’s probably going to somehow manage to fuck up a vodka cran, good choice by the way.” He laughs at your blatant dismissal of his competition.
“It seemed like a pretty safe option.” The two of you sat and chatted for hours at the bar. William filled you in on the fact that he both owns and operates Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, a place you had loved since you were a kid, and he found out that you have the much less glamorous title of working at a hardware store. “I can't believe it, you've been working there all this time and we’ve never met.” The two of you had managed to huddle close together, you looked more akin to children swapping secrets on the playground than two grown adults having a normal conversation during a night out, but that was part of the fun. There was something about being around Will that made you feel alive. You weren't afraid to be silly, you weren't worried about him judging your interests, from the moment you had met you felt comfortable being 100% yourself around him, and Will would be lying if he said he didn't feel the same. He thought you were incredible, absolutely breathtaking in every way imaginable. He couldn't remember the last time someone had made him laugh this hard outside of Henry, every so often the two of you would have to pause just to catch your breaths. Will was honestly surprised that you seemed to like him, it had been years since he had met someone he didn't need to wear a mask in front of. Eventually, as it grew later, the bar gradually became more crowded. “Would you maybe want to go somewhere quieter?” He practically yells over the wall of sound.
“Sure!” You call back. “It’d be nice to be able to hear you.” You chuckle. Will settles your tab, refusing to let you pay for a single drink despite your adorable protests. You slowly pushed your way through the sea of people, Will keeping a protective hand on the small of your back as he helped part the way. You pushed into the stillness of the night, a shiver running up your spine at the drastic change in temperature. You stood opposite him, you faced each other in silence for a moment as you thought of a way to extend your evening together. “Not to be your stereotypical twenty something year old,” William chuckles as you break the stillness that had surrounded you. “But, I have a bong and an eighth in my car.” Will glances up at the sky.
“Stars look nice tonight.” A small smile spreads across his lips as his attention falls back onto you. “You're going to freeze to death dressed like that.”
You wave him off with a dismissive sound, “I'll be fine, I've been through worse.”
“I think,” he starts as he takes slow steps closer to you, “you should go get that bong ready to go while I go grab you a jacket.”
“I can work with that.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, shooting him a coy expression.
You pop your trunk, digging through the bags and emergency supplies you had stacked in front of your piece. The glass was ice cold against your palm and you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that you had fully cleaned it after its last use. You let out a small scream as a warm weight falls around your shoulders, the sound of William’s laughter immediately calming you. Your nose filled with the growingly familiar scent, a delighted hum slipping past your lips. You glanced at the denim, a patch you recognized catching your attention. “You know if you keep letting me borrow this jacket I'm going to steal it one of these days.” You tease.
“What a shame that would be.” He responds with a slight roll of his eyes. He carefully takes your hands in his, holding your arms away from your body. “If I'm being completely honest you look a lot better in my battle jacket than I ever did.”
“This is your battle jacket?” Your eyes widen as you ask. He nods in response. “Oh, Will, I-”
“Listen, my days of being a grimy little pit rat whose only purpose is to smoke, fuck, and sticking it to the man are behind me… Well, maybe not that last part.”
“Doesn't seem like you're doing too good at the first part either.” You tease with a small laugh, holding up the bong you had originally been asked to retrieve. “Hopefully I'll find out eventually where you fall in that middle category.” You wink at him before heading to the front of your car, attempting to hide the fact that your cheeks were burning over such a forward statement. You hoist yourself up onto the hood of your car with a groan, sliding yourself back so you could lay against your windshield. Will maneuvers himself next to you, fishing a lighter out of his pocket. He nods for you to take the first hit, flicking the lighter to life and preparing to light the bowl for you. You glanced up at him, stunning silver eyes studying you with a softness you had never witnessed before. You tilt your head back, blowing a plume of smoke up into the night sky. The two of you take turns, swapping the bong between you. A soft smile grows on your lips as you catch Will's lingering gaze. “What's that look for?”
“Can I make a really stupid request?” He asks softly.
“No such thing as a stupid request, but continue.” You turn to him with a smile.
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about kissing you since I saw you tonight… I’d like to be able to kiss you again, if that's alright.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, scanning over his handsome features as your pulse thundered in your ears.
“I think that sounds a little better than alright.” You respond in a low, seductive tone. His hand cups your jaw, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip. He dips his head lower, his lips just out of reach of your own.
“Has anyone ever told you, you have really pretty eyes?” You breathe out a laugh.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” He shakes his head in response, you notice him swallow, a subtle nervousness in his eyes that you almost missed.
“There are no other girls… only you.” You push yourself forward, a surprised sound escaping Will as your lips land on his. An arm circles around your waist, pulling you in impossibly closer. You set the bong down on the hood of your car before straddling his lap. He pulls you flush against his chest, his other hand tangling into your hair. Your arms rest comfortably over his shoulders, he lets out a small hum as he kisses you, smiling against your lips. You pull back with a small gasp as air rushes into your lungs, your pupils blown as adrenaline courses through your veins.
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the concert.” You admit breathlessly. William gives you a charming, lopsided smile.
“Well, I guess we’re both in trouble.” He responds with a chuckle, making you let out a soft laugh of your own. “I just don't want you to feel like you have to rush into anything you’re not sure about.”
“I don't feel like we’re rushing anything.” You reassure him. “It feels right, being here with you like this.” He feels the way your shuddering breath ghosts over his lips, his eyes flicking over your face as he drank in every detail of you. His hands knead at your waist, trying to think of how to respond. It’s not that he didn't want you to be exclusively his, he had thought about how pretty you would look covered in bite marks, showing off to the world that the two of you were an item. But you had so much life in you, so much you had yet to experience, could he really be what you want? At the moment he couldn't really bring himself to care. You were sitting so prettily in his lap, your short dress riding up your thighs, his jacket drowning your tiny frame. Who was he to deny an angel what she wanted?
He sighs out your name as his lips find their way back to yours. You tangle your fingers in his hair, his glasses pressing uncomfortably into your cheek. Will tried to elaborate on his conditions in between kissing you. “I want you to set the pace.” He sputters out breathlessly. “If we’re moving too fast… or not fast enough… just tell me…” He slides a hand under your jacked, feeling the soft curve of your back against his palm. His lips leave yours, trailing across your jaw.
“Will?” You ask softly.
“Yes, rabbit?” He pauses immediately, pulling back to make sure you were okay. Your eyes instantly met his, the way they twinkled in the moonlight almost made him melt on the spot.
“Take me home?”
Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @zoey5252 @redflowery @loudchaosking @weirdoartist21 @residentevilbeast @lokanda @emmbny @yukkkiki @twelvelevens
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rosze-v · 2 years
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green cloak and green stones
pairing: Baizhu x Reader
synopsis: The story of a green cloaked adventurer, Doctor Baizhu and your disappearance (Based on this ask!)
tags: NOT PROOF READ, ANGST, visionless reader, mentions of wounds but its not explicit, death!, unrequited love (I'm not sure what else to tag but if there’s anything please let me know)
w.c : 2.7k
a/n: Halu!! First of all, I AM SO SORRY FOR POSTING THIS LATE!! I was so busy and I’m only getting busier cause guess what? YOUR GIRL IS PURSUING HER DEGREE OMG ASDHASKDJAHSKASKJ I AM SO HAPPY! I JUST GOT THE NEWS TODAY! Anyways, this is very angsty and my first ask ever!! I tried my best to make it good so I hope my first anon loves it! All in all, enjoy and thank you for all who love my writing, I am nothing with your love.
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You are an amazing adventurer— visionless, but amazing nonetheless. Others had said (your people from Sumeru), that being a visionless adventurer is like a knight without its swords, but you have proven them wrong. You cultivated multiple skills, be it in the swords, in using polearms or any weapon it is, you had also cultivated your adventuring skills such as navigation and mapping; the skills under your belt are enough to pick up top tier commissions without any hassle.
Of course, being visionless means you’re more prone to injuries, so you have to always make do with passing doctors or medicine you produce yourself using wild herbs, yet nothing beats Baizhu’s medicines. You could still remember the day you first went to his pharmacy; it was raining, you had asked the locals if there’s any place that will tend to injuries and they directed you to Bubu Pharmacy.
Once you reached the Pharmacy, you could see a little kid behind the counter and almost cursed the locals for lying but then a green haired man, with a rare white snake around his neck, emerges from the back.
“I'm sorry but we’re close dear customer, you can come over tomo—”. Baizhu took in your haggard appearance, your green cloak clung to you; the rain drops below your feet mix with red and your alarming paleness were enough to make Baizhu ran over towards you, when your knees caved in.
Next thing you knew, you’re staring at an unfamiliar ceiling and you could feel bandages wrapped around your stomach, directly below your left ribcage where you were stabbed.
“Do you want coconut milk?”.  Your eyes snapped to the pale child beside you, her eyes expressionless. You were going to ask her what’s coconut milk when the man from before came in with a pitcher.
“How are you feeling?”. You draped the blanket over you, as you sit up. You shrugged your body, trying to get a feel and as you were doing so, the doctor examines you briefly. When you realize that your body feels much better you gave him your biggest grin and a thumbs up.
“Feels great doc!”.
Then ever since, you had decided to stay in Liyue. Of course, your reasoning was mostly on how rich, historically and, literally Liyue is but you can’t possibly admit that you stayed because of the quiet and handsome doctor. You made sure to visit Bubu Pharmacy every single time you have any injuries or illnesses and over time, you realized that you had caught feelings over Baizhu. He was gentle and you were obnoxious both in your volume and your incessant flirting, it was obvious that you like the doctor.
“Baizhu? Are you here?”. You walked into the pharmacy, and there you could see him sitting beside Qiqi, instructing her on how to make the medicine. The dendro vision holder looks up at figure clad in a green cloak he knows very well and gives you a smile, his eyes crescent.
“Welcome back”. Hearing those words, some of the fatigue straining your body were lifted as you approach the counter.
“Where are you hurt again (y/n)?”. He asked, standing up and leading you to the room at the back for his patients. You pat Qiqi’s head before dragging yourself to the room, where Baizhu sat on a chair by the bed. You sat down, taking off your cloak and show him your wounds, though they’re not huge and gnarly, you have multiple cuts and slashes on your arms and legs. You let Baizhu tends to you while you tell  him stories of your adventures. Every single time, Baizhu would listen, at times he would ask questions or look at you in disbelief because how the hell did you get caught in such situations, but most of the time he would listen quietly.
He enjoys listening to you, your presence brought him joy and serenity but he could never tell you. Not with the illness he has, he can’t let himself like someone to much or even fall in love.
But, you were so… loveable. Your flirtations were constant but you were never scared to show him how much you love him. He was also amazed at the fact that you’re vision less yet you’re so fearless, unlike him. That’s part of you that he envies so much, because unlike him, shackled by an illness, incurable and unknown, you’re so free and filled with life.
Once he’s done with his treatment, you rummage through your bag and took out a white string decorated with various colors of green stones. You hand it to Baizhu and he examined it, trying to understand what is it.
“Its for your hair”. You said, as he stared at it, the stones were beautiful and it glimmers under the light. It’s too beautiful for him but he knew that rejecting your gift would be useless. All the gifts and letters from when you remembered him on your journey were kept safe in a box. He smiled and thank you for your gift, making a mental note to keep the hair tie in the box later. 
“Can I tie it for you?”. You whispered, a blush staining your cheeks as you gaze at him with those eyes filled with adoration. A pang of guilt reaches his heart when his mouth almost utter rejection. Its not that he dislikes your gifts, he was just afraid that the feelings he kept safe in his own box would burst open. He nodded and smile, as you give him a grin, and gently reaches towards his braid.
With a slightly shaky hand, you reach towards the end of his braid, unconsciously rubbing his hair between your fingers. You untie the one on his hair and with skillful hands, you tie the beautiful gems around his hair. Once you’re done, you show it to him and Baizhu took the end of his hair into his hands and inspects your work. His green hair compliments the stones well and he thank you. Feeling the heavy tension in the air, you jokingly asked him out for dinner in which he, time and time again rejects you. Telling you that there’s a policy he has to follow as a doctor, and you only laugh and nodded, though deep in your heart, you understand the ‘policy’ were merely sweet words.
Then you were off to your next adventurer.
It was another rainy day, and you were back from your adventure. It has been two weeks since you last seen him and you missed him so much. Once you reach the pharmacy, there was a heaviness in the air, as if telling you to be careful. From the counter you could see, Qiqi, reading on her little book, the notebook you gave her the last time you were there. You smiled as you ask.
“Where’s the doc?”. The pale child points to the back and you give her a pat as a thank you. You went in and there Baizhu was organising his medicine, you cough, indicating your presence as his head whips towards you. You give him a huge smile, and usually he would give you his but this time, he nodded curtly. Your heart stinged at his cold welcome but shrug the thought off.
“Please sit down on the bed”. Something is amiss because Baizhu would usually say “welcome back” but here he is, tending to your wounds silently, a somber look on his face. You tried making jokes but he only nodded while focusing on his work. For the first time, the patient’s room were silent and you could only stare at him when you noticed that he was not wearing the hair tie you gave him.
A sharp pain reaches your heart but you shook your head, trying to make excuses. Once he was finish, you thank him as he mutters a no problem. You palm the smooth gem in your pocket, wondering if it’s the right timing to give it to him. The thing is, you have to give him because you are going for a very long journey, a journey for him.
“Hey Baizhu, are you free after this? Let’s go have dinner together yeah?”. Baizhu stares at your smiling face and shook his head.
“Sorry (y/n), I can’t go. I have something to do”.
“Aww come on!”. You approach him, pulling at his forearm. “We haven’t eaten together for so long! Besides there’s something I wanna gi—”.
“Just stop”. Baizhu pulls his arm from you, trying to walk away. It has been a long day, rude customers and his painful illness has been consistently attacking him throughout the day. He can’t afford to flirt and entertain you right now.
“I’m sorry Baizhu if I was too forceful, but the thing is I have to g—”.
“Stop it! I told you I have something to do!” Baizhu raises his voice as you step back, shocked by his sudden anger. You were going to apologise when he turns around, face red and filled with anger.
“I am so tired of you! Your incessant flirtings are so distracting and I… I can’t afford to be distracted!”. He clutched his chest, hissing as he continues.
“Why can’t you just stop? I have an illness to cure and you’re just…”. Baizhu sighs, trying to control his emotions and keeping his anger at bay. He knew, that you don’t deserve to be the one receiving his anger but everything is too much.
And you? Your head hung low, lips trembling as your nails dug into your palms. You took in a deep breath and look up, meeting his eyes as you give him a forced smile.
“I understand Baizhu.. I’m sorry again”. You whisper as you walk past him, and out of the room. Baizhu could only see your green robe flutter away as he curse at himself. Baizhu’s hand reaches his head, and fisted his hair, frustrated at the turns of event. He needs to apologise, he thought.
So he quickly get out of the room, trying to reach you again but as he passes the counter, he saw a stone. A green stone, he recognizes as aventurine. He knew instantly that it’s from you and guilt swarmed him all over. The meaning of the stone sinks into him, along with the relationship he denied ever since.
Months had pass since your disappearance, and his remorse had attached to his heart like a lock. On the second month, he knew that something was wrong. You never took this long and even if you do, he would have receive a letter. No letters came, days and night waiting for your letter, for your fluttering green cloak; yet nothing came and after the third month, he decided that this time; he’s going to find you, apologise, bring you out for dinner and continue the routine the both of you once had, between a patient and a doctor.
So Baizhu set out for Sumeru, your hometown. Once he reaches Sumeru it was already night, and he believe that nothing good will come from rushing, so he check into a place to stay. When the morning comes, he asks one of the local for a place to have some coffee, and the local suggested Puspa Café.
The aroma of coffee reaches his nose when he opens the door to the café. He looks around, trying to find a place to seat when he saw a familiar robe. His heart beat increases, excitement and relief pumps through his vein. Without much thought, he reaches towards the robed figure sitting down and places a hand, startling the figure.
“(y/n)?...”. The figure turns around and its not you. “Sorry, I thought…”
“Doctor Baizhu?”.  Baizhu’s face changes into confusion, wondering how someone from Sumeru would know his name. He nodded, when the robed person, a lady in her teenage years smiles and offers him to sit.
“I know you! Master (y/n) talked about you all the time; I thought my ears would fall off. How are you, Doctor Baizhu?”.  
“I…I am doing fine. I’m sorry but Master (y/n)? are you…”
“Yes, I’m Master (y/n) apprentice! Thank you for always tending to my master’s injuries. Master told me that you’re an amazing doctor and—”.
“I am sorry for interrupting but do you know where (y/n) is? It has been months…”. The girls face turns into sadness, the light she had, dimmed when she realize that Baizhu didn’t know. She stood up, confusing Baizhu who’s follows her movement.
“Come.” Baizhu in his confusion, follows despite his instinct telling him to stop. An instinct that he’s going to get hurt.
The girl lead him to a place where vast field of greenery feasts along his eyes, a single tree stood around it and a small house a bit faraway from it.
“Go to that tree, I’ll come with you soon, I need to get something”.
Baizhu nods in understanding as he walks towards the tree. He didn’t see it at first; the tombstone was covered by the tree.
May the shade bring serenity and peace for the brave soul beneath it, (y/n)
Baizhu read the etchings on the stone over and over again. Trying to understand what was etched and his brain had accepted it, but his heart can’t seem to fathom the thought that, that’s your name written there. That under this tree is you, that the (y/n), his (y/n) is gone. He had to held onto the tree, sliding down as his trembling hands reaches for your tomb stone.
“Master left you this”. The girl said, as she gives Baizhu a brown box and left him to look into the contents of it. Baizhu holds the box, somehow heavy despite the contents only being a piece of letter and an unfinished bracelet, one aventurine missing from it. Baizhu could feel his chest tightening, as he opens the letter.
To my most, dearest Baizhu,
If you received this letter then that must mean that I’m gone. Now, now don’t you cry your handsome face off! Only smiles and laughter should pass those lips. I’m sorry for not coming back to the pharmacy for so long, I was in search for these aventurines. You see, a friend of mine told me that these stones have healing properties and I thought that it would be great for you! Though you’re a doctor, I’ve seen how frail your body is and well… I’m not a doctor so I can’t create a potion for it but I’m an adventurer! Please wear them and I pray that these stones can ease your pain, albeit a little. Baizhu…may I call you my love here? It doesn’t matter anyways; I'm dying so I will. Baizhu, my love, you held my heart in your palms ever since you wrapped those bandages on my body. I’m sorry for all my doings that annoys or disturbs you, it was not my intention love. I am so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you all this in person but I am a coward and my body is not strong enough to travel back to Liyue, but please. Please Baizhu, don’t you dare blame yourself, you have been a light, a love though unrequited but a love I received through your soft touches and tender words. So please, live a long, healthy life for me and continue helping others. The letter has gotten too long, I’ll wrap it up here. Thank you Baizhu, I love you. I love you. I love you.
P/s: Pat Qiqi’s head for me!
Baizhu held the letter to his chest, his tears had long wash over his face from the beginning of the letter. You’re gone. You’re gone and you had loved him, and he knew but you… you never knew the love he held for you. He loves you too and he could only whisper to the tree of his love for you.
“(y/n), oh my (y/n) … I’m sorry…”. He wailed into the wind, the pain of your death triumph the pain raging through his fatigued body. In his tears, with a trembling hand he attaches the last aventurine onto the bracelet as he ties it on his left wrist.
And it was instant, the stone glow, and the pain he felt in his body dissipates, and he knew, that it worked, that though he can’t understand, but he knew its more than the stone. This final gift of yours were filled with so much love, it healed. He stares at your tombstone; a small smile grows on his face.
Yet why does the pain in his heart stays? And why is it growing? That will be a question that lingers along with him in life.
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
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You’re Welcome Anytime
Will Graham x M!Reader
Last Edited: March 24, 2021 9:30 PM
TW: anxiety
Requested: no
Word Count: 1,060
You have been under stress from Jack for a week now. He kept pushing and pushing and pushing. It was just too much. He was always rushing you to finish up your notes on cases which led to mistakes. This, in turn, led to you being yelled at by him all the time. It not only embarrassed you, but it also made you feel both dumb and inferior to everyone else around you. Jack had told you that if you were to make any more mistakes, I’d be taken off the case you are on now. That scared you more than anything. Your job is to review the cases, profile the killer, and take notes on it all. The moment Jack yelled that at you, you could feel everything crashing down around you.
You hid away in the lab with Bev. Brian and Jimmy were out getting everyone lunch. Bev had lent her lab coat to you since you were pretty cold. Bev seemed fine with the entire thing since she was the one to offer you her coat. The coat was warm thanks to Bev’s body heat and warmed you right up. You and Bev had been talking about the workload you’ve been getting and the stress you’ve been facing. You weren’t ready for her to suddenly bring up Will Graham though.
“So, you got the hots for the unstable man… I see how it is,” Bev says, her lips curled up in a smirk.
“I… No! You be quiet!” You tell her, your face flushing at the sudden change in subject. Bev’s eyes twinkle with mischief.
“You know I can’t do that. Now that I know about you having the hots for him and all,” Her smirk doesn’t disappear, it seems to grow bigger. “I’m just surprised the man hasn’t noticed.”
“You’re surprised? I’m surprised! He knows what people think and, yeah it is kinda scary, but it’s also really cool. Maybe he does know but doesn’t feel the same way,” Your tone goes from joyful to slightly sorrowful at the thought of rejection. Before you and Bev can say anymore, Will walks in, holding a file in his hands. “Oh, is that for me?” You ask, reaching your hand out to take the file, already knowing it’s for you. Will hands you the file, observing you the entire time.
“You seem to be nervous, very nervous,” He says, staring at you. You give him a shaky smile, feeling your nerves slowly getting the better of you.
“Yeah, well, I’ve just been stressed lately. I mean, have you heard Jack yelling at me? I’m sure everyone has by now,” You end your sentence with a nervous, shaky laugh.
“Yeah. I heard it. Sorry you had to go through that… I’ve been yelled at by him so many times that I’ve not fazed anymore,” Will tells you, giving you a small smile, trying to comfort you. You try your best to keep your face from flushing at the simple smile. You look towards Bev quickly, seeing her mouth the words ‘Yeah, you got the hots for him’. You give her a small glare before looking down at the file in your hands.
“I guess it’s time to get to work. Bev, be a dear get me a chair, Darling,” You say dramatically, trying to get rid of the sick feeling in your stomach. You hear Bev let out a chuckle as she goes to get you a chair. Faintly, you hear Will let out a small snort of amusement. You feel that nervousness slowly coming back. Who knew that a simple sound from Will would get to you like that? Bev pushes the desk chair towards you, its wheels rolling silently. You grab it and place it by the desk and sit down. You open up the case file and start to analyze the pictures.
“Well, I’ll be on my way. I’ve done all I came to do,” He says as he starts to walk out. He stops suddenly and looks towards you. You don’t notice with your face close to one of the crime scene photos, your eyes squinting slightly as you looked at all the details. “[Redacted], you can come to my house if you need to talk about the cases or just want to chat, You’re Welcome Anytime .” He leaves after saying those words, leaving you no time to process them before he’s gone.
“Seems like Mr. Will Graham may have to hots for you too. Please tell me you’ll go to his house. Two nervous people like you and Will go great for one another, I swear,” Bev says, leaning over you.
“I might, but you never know. Maybe I’ll disappear off the face of the Earth for a while. Being alone with Will would be a nightmare,” You say, sighing. You hear her chuckle as she pats your shoulder.
“Yeah. You two would just sit there awkwardly in silence, not knowing how to start a conversation. Maybe you two would make eye contact and then look away, all blushing like they do in books and movies,” She teases, her tone light.
“We won’t do what the movies and books do. That’s too cliche. Think a little bit higher of us, will ya’?” You laugh, sounds both happy and amused by her words.
“Don’t come crying to me when you do exactly what they do in those books.”
“You’re a hopeless romantic, how sweet.” You hit her shoulder lightly, your nervousness now gone thanks to her teasing.
“Look, all I’m saying is, you two would be cute. Two cute dudes dating each other and having each other’s backs. Sounds like a dream right there. And my friends would be boyfriends! I get to be the one who sets up your dates because you both would suck at it. I can see it now!” Bev exclaims, shaking the chair gently in excitement.
“Alright, calm down. Don’t let your imagination get the best of you. You don’t even know if it’ll happen,” You tell her, your smile wide on your face.
“Oh shush! I do to know. It’s destined to happen and you know it. For now, let’s get this case looked at. Hate to have Jack yell at you again,” She says, calming down enough to finally work with.
“Yeah, alright. Let’s get this case started.”
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
fighting fire
pairing: kihyun x reader wordcount: 6.7k summary: you’re more than happy to tag along on your friends’ lake trip when a spot opens up, but the host is out to get you. 8am hikes and full days of activities? no, you have a book to read! genre/themes: sunshine/grumpy, enemies to lovers(ish), smut-adjacent? (m&f solo masturbation), outdoors/camping themes, lots of starship cameos, mostly plot, acts of service kihyun.
a/n: welp all I want is romantic buildup these days. oh well @wavelikewhat​ i hope you enjoy!!! :D
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    You groaned as the car continued to drive over the road to the cabin. You had been hoping to get some sleep on the way in, but no such luck. The location was deep in the woods with a single, unpaved road as the sole access. With every divot and rock that the vehicle bounced over, your prospects of sleep slipped even further through your fingers.
“How much longer until we’re there?” you asked of Shownu, who was driving.
“GPS says 20 more minutes?”
“So close yet so far,” you groaned, shifting to look out the window.
    As grumpy as you were about the drive, you had to admit it was beautiful out here. Dense woods surrounded a beautiful lake and the cabin was supposed to be right on the water. Jooheon had roped you into this trip at the last minute, after Naomi had had to cancel and you were glad for the opportunity but also not super looking forward to having to meet new people. You probably knew 4 people in total that were on the group trip. Jooheon and Shownu, of course, and Hyungwon and Dasom were among your close friends. Outside of that Jooheon had mentioned a few names that you recognized, but only barely.
“There it is, I can see it!” Jooheon started shouting excitedly as Shownu took a sudden right turn.
“Whoa,” you gaped appreciatively. You hadn’t really been sure what to expect from a cabin in the woods, but it far exceeded your imagination. It was constructed of a beautiful, dark wood with fine detailing and a large, brass weathervane and matching hardware. “It’s gorgeous.”
“I’m so glad we have rich friends,” Jooheon chuckled, hopping out of the passenger seat after Shownu had parked.
“Ahhhhh!” Shownu let out a loud yell in the general direction of the lake as he stretched.
“It smells great!” you smiled as you stretched your legs as well.
“I thought I heard Shownu,” Dasom waved delightedly as she ran down the stairs. “You made it!” she wrapped you into a hug before moving to greet the other boys. “Honey, you look big! Have you been working out?”
“Sure have,” Jooheon nodded proudly, flexing comically as Hyungwon finally emerged from the cabin as well.
“You made it,” he waved tiredly, looking as if he’d just woken from a nap.
“Is everyone else here already?” Jooheon asked as he walked towards the back of the car to unload bags.
“Yep, ”
“Ah, ok ok,” Jooheon nodded, loading Shownu up with the bulk of the luggage.
    You grabbed your own backpack and followed the group in through the front door. Dasom was moving to show you to your room when an impossibly smiley face popped into the hallway.
“Ah! You must be YN! So glad to meet you, drop your things off, we have a packed agenda!”
“A-ah, this is Kihyun,” Dasom filled in the gaps, seeing your blank face.
“Oh yes, sorry! I’m Kihyun, welcome to my family’s lake house!”
“Ah,” you nodded slowly, understanding this enthusiastic host personality a little better.
“So yes, please set your things down and we’ll get moving soon!”
“Can I…not?” you asked. “I’d rather just get some sleep here, if that’s okay?”
“Oh, um…” Kihyun’s face fell at your unexpected admission. “I guess that’s fine?”
“Awesome,” you gave him a half-hearted thumbs up before poking Dasom to show you your room.
    Kihyun’s lips pursed as he watched you walk away. It had been a long time since someone had turned down one of his vacation agendas. People always had a good time!
“I’m so tired!” you exhaled as you flopped down onto the bed.
“You sure you’ll be okay alone here?” Dasom chuckled as you rolled yourself up in blankets. “We might be gone for a while, Kihyun usually packs a pretty full day of activities.”
“Even better,” you rolled your eyes, “I’m a rest and relaxation type of person, so probably best to keep me away from him.”
“Oh, uh, haha, sure!” Dasom suddenly grew awkward.
“What?” you narrowed your eyes at her.
“Nothing!” she laughed, but you knew your friend better than that.
“Tell me or I’ll show Hyungwon the pictures of when you cut your own bangs in middle school,” you threatened. Not that it would achieve anything, Hyungwon liked Dasom simply too much.
“We actually thought you’d like Kihyun,” she finally admitted.
“That guy?” your eyes swiveled back and forth, trying to make the math math.
“You two are actually kind of similar, but whatever!” she laughed, “We can keep you apart, if that’s what you want.”
    You nodded shortly, waving her off to Kihyun’s activities. As you drifted into sleep, you found yourself thinking about this Kihyun. What kind of sick freak would torture everyone by not alloting the first night of a vacation to unwind and decompress?
“YN-ah?” Dasom knocked quietly on your door as she peeked in. You seemed to still be deep asleep, but she didn’t want you to miss dinner. “YN?” she called again, slightly loud and was relieved when you started to stir.
“Yea?” you turned to her, haired slightly fucked up on one side and eyes still puffy.
“We’re gonna eat dinner. I just wanted to check in and see if you want to eat now? Or I can set something aside for you.”
“I’ll come now!” you nodded, rubbing your face vigorously to wake up. You raked your fingers through your hair a few times, but it wasn’t like there was anyone to impress anyways. “What are we eating?” you asked through a yawn as you followed Dasom.
“We’re grilling over the fire!”
“Oh great! We’ll have to make sure it’s fully out before we go to bed, though.”
“Yes yes, our fire safety manager,” Dasom rolled her eyes at you. 
“Hey, I am not trying to die in a cabin fire this weekend!” you sniffed indignantly. Fire safety was no joke!
“Oh, you’re up! Come sit next to me,” Jooheon gestured at you excitedly. You took the open seat happily. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, the bed is very comfortable. Plus I was exhausted.”
“I told you, you need to stop working so hard!”
“It was the end of the quarter, I couldn’t help it,” you shrugged, glancing around to see what was on the menu. You were a little disappointed to see it was almost all fatty cuts of meat. Trying to be subtle, you checked around for perhaps some vegetables or even a stray mushroom, but no such luck.
“Oh great! You’re next to me! I’m excited to get to know you more,” Kihyun’s annoying voice grated on your nerves as he returned to his chair at the fire pit.
“Oh great,” you laughed sarcastically, but Kihyun didn’t seem to catch it.
“Wait, YN, do you know everyone?” he asked suddenly.
“Ah, shit!” Jooheon slapped himself comically. “I forgot to do intros!” he shouted as he stood up. Going around clockwise, he named every person and how he knew them.
“Ah, those that are new to me: nice to meet you all,” you laughed, “Thanks for letting me tag along!”
“The more the merrier!” Minhyuk raised his glass jovially.
“Did you sleep well?” Kihyun asked as he grilled strips of pork belly over the fire.
“Yes. Thanks.”
“Good! You missed out on a fun day, though.”
“Okay,” you shrugged. You knew you were being a bit rude, but you just didn’t have much to say to him.
Kihyun smiled into the fire as he tried to understand why you seemed to dislike him so. As the host, it was his job to make sure you had a good time, but his attempts so far had been rebuffed. No matter, he could press on. As things finished cooking, he doled them out to the hungry group.
“Ah, thanks,” you smiled weakly as Kihyun placed pork belly into your bowl. You nibbled at the meatier bits of it, but ended up tucking the majority of it under your rice.
“Did you not like the food?” Kihyun couldn’t help but ask later in the night after noticing that you’d primarily eaten banchan and rice. He truly was perplexed by you.
“No, no!” you shook your head, surprised at his crestfallen expression. “It’s not your cooking! I just-…I don’t really eat fatty cuts of meat. It’s a texture thing.”
“Oh, I see! I'm so sorry, Jooheon didn’t mention. I would’ve gotten something else for you!”
“It’s fine,” you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. His need to people please irritated you for some reason. “You don’t really have to do this ‘host’ thing for me. I’m just here. I’ll be fine.”
Kihyun blinked at you. His confusion about you now had a streak of irritation running through it. Why would you not want him to be nice to you?
“Kihyun, what’s on the docket for tomorrow?” Hyungwon asked. His arm was slung around Dasom’s shoulders, which made you smile uncontrollably widely.
“Let’s meet downstairs at eight for coffee and breakfast. Morning walk around the lake, then we can make lunch and decide on what to do in the afternoon/evening.”
“Eight…AM?!” you clarified with a concerned look on your face. “Is there a reason we can’t walk around the lake later in the day?”
“The bugs get pretty nasty as it warms up,” Kihyun shrugged simply.
“Ah,” you nodded, of course they did.
“That works for me,” Shownu shrugged, and the rest of the group agreed. Hyungwon didn’t even protest, which surprised you.
“Sounds perfect,” you gave Kihyun a big thumbs up, which earned you a chuckle and an eye roll.
“I’m about ready to turn in, what should we do for clean up?” Jooheon stood from his seat.
“If you can take all of the dishes in, I can take care of the rest.”
“I’ll put the fire out!” you volunteered, jumping out of your chair.
Kihyun looked at you in surprise. This was the most enthusiastic he’d seen you so far, and it was about putting out the fire?
“Fire safety is important,” you clarified, seeing his odd look.
“No, I agree,” he nodded prudently, “I just- nevermind.”
You shrugged and turned to put out the fire. With a poker, you pushed apart the already waning coals. The flames dimmed to a soft glow.
“Is there water I can use to put this out?”
“Yes, but you’d have to carry it down from the cabin.”
“Ah, okay. I’ll just wait for it to burn out,” you shrugged. The fire pit was a medium distance from the cabin and you didn’t really feel like carrying buckets of water to and from.
Kihyun nodded, busying himself with other cleanup tasks. When he was satisfied with the state of things, he turned his head towards you. Your expression was soft in the dying glow of the fire pit’s light. At least softer than any you had graced him with. Kihyun couldn’t help but feel frustrated for a moment. Even though he knew he didn’t have to be and you had even given him permission not to be so worried about playing host, he couldn’t seem to let it go. He was so used to being the entertainer and it irritated him that you weren’t responding to him positively. He felt a strong desire to break through your shell.
“You don’t have to wait for me,” your voice broke through his thoughts after feeling his gaze on you.
“Sure,” Kihyun shrugged, moving to take the seat next to you, “But I’m going to anyway.”
“You’re dead set on annoying me, aren’t you?” you scoffed, moving one seat to the right to reestablish the space between you two.
“Seems so,” Kihyun smirked.
“How do you know Jooheon anyways?” you found yourself curious.
“We went to high school together.”
You nodded. That was simple enough. You poked the last few embers again, willing them to go out quickly as you observed Kihyun in their last wisps of light. Like all of Jooheon’s friends, he was handsome, but there was something about Kihyun’s handsome that almost made you mad. His jawline was too sharp, his nose too perfect, and his smile too beaming. You didn’t trust anyone who looked like that. And then he wanted you to like him, too? No such luck. You were being unreasonable, of course, but you could just say you had ‘incompatible personalities’ and call it a day.
“Are you satisfied that the fire is out?” Kihyun’s voice punctured the darkness. You had been so busy being frustrated about his perfect face that you’d forgotten the task at hand.
“I think so,” you nodded, making a show of poking the ashes a few more times before standing.
“Here, take my hand. There’s a few roots that you might trip over on the way back.”
“I’ll be okay, I’ll just walk behind you,” you shook your head, grabbing onto the back of his windbreaker gingerly.
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged, leading the way back to the cabin. Even in his sleep, he could probably make this walk back without stumbling, but he had been right about the roots. You had managed to make it about two thirds of the way before your toe caught a gnarled limb and you fell face first into Kihyun’s back.
A small ‘oop’ was all he heard before he felt himself being bowled forward. He managed to catch himself with his arms, but you landed fully on his back, forcing him the rest of the way down to the ground.
“I told you!” he found himself chiding you. He wasn’t really mad, but he was startled by your warmth suddenly pressed flush against his back and his pent up irritation with you from earlier snuck through in his tone.
“Sorry!” you shouted, floundering slightly as you tried to get yourself off of his back. Your palms first contacted his shoulders and the warm firmness startled you. Trying again, you placed your hands on the ground between his ribcage and biceps and pressed up. Your knees slotted in between his and you managed to get upright without falling back onto him.
“Okay, I’m up,” you dusted yourself off as you stood. You reached down, extending a hand to him without thought to pull him up.
“None of this would’ve happened if you would’ve just taken my hand earlier when I offered it.”
“Sir, yes, sir!” you saluted him mockingly. If someone had asked, you would have had no earthly explanation for why you’d decided to say that, but you found that you really enjoyed seeing Kihyun riled up.
    Kihyun cocked his head slowly at you as you made the rest of the way back to the cabin without him. His tongue poked in his cheek as he tried to keep his cool. You had no idea how much you were testing him.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Jooheon teased as you shuffled into the kitchen. In a court of law, they’d really have a field day determining whether you were legally awake or not.
“Coffee?” a cheery voice offered. You turned to see Kihyun smiling brightly, a mug outstretched towards you.
“Thank you,” you regarded him suspiciously. You didn’t trust people who were bright and cheery in the morning, but it wasn’t enough to keep you from caffeine.
Kihyun raised an eyebrow as he turned back to his own mug. Accepting the coffee was at least some sort of progress, right?
“Honey,” you meandered towards Jooheon, leaning into him tiredly. “Is this morning walk going to be worth it?”
“Yes, so drink your coffee and wake up!” he insisted.
You narrowed your eyes at your friend before taking a sip. Wait. Your head swiveled to Kihyun before swiveling back. This was an incredible cup of coffee! Increasingly suspicious.
“You’re really not a morning person, huh?” Minhyuk teased as he walked towards Jooheon.
“Not even on my best day,” you shook your head sadly. “Worst part is I’m not even a night owl. I’m just tired all the time.”
Minhyuk laughed at your forlorn expression. You finished your coffee as the group slowly cycled in and out of their bedrooms, getting changed for the day and ready to go. Before long, everyone was booted, suited, and walking out the door.
“So YN, what is it that you do for work?” Minhyuk asked, having decided to get to know you today.
“Ah, I work in finance for an apparel company! How about yourself?”
“Oh interesting! Any specific type of apparel?”
“No, we kind of make everything,” you laughed.
“I see! I’m an art preparator at a gallery.”
“Okay! Now that’s interesting!” your eyes widened. “Did you study to go into that?”
Minhyuk nodded, eager to tell you all about his career path. In his excitement, he looped his arm into yours as you walked, attracting a curious glare from behind.
Kihyun couldn’t help but feel irritated. For all your standoffishness with him, you seemed to be interested in Minhyuk just fine. Initially, Kihyun had posited that you were introverted or shy with new people, but this piece of evidence poked a good sized hole in that theory.
“You okay?” Hyungwon nudged him gently, seeing the deep folds between his eyebrows.
“Oh, yeah!” Kihyun shook his head, trying to empty it of thoughts.
“It’s a nice day out,” the taller man remarked.
“Very,” Kihyun agreed. Try as he might, he couldn’t keep his eyes from admiring your silhouette from the rear. How annoying.
Hyungwon smirked, unnoticed by his friend. When Dasom had said you two were similar, she had been right. Unfortunately, stubbornness was one of those shared traits.
“What’s the plan for the afternoon?”
“I was planning to make a grocery run into town. People can join if they want, otherwise they can relax here.”
“Didn’t you just pick up groceries on the way in?”
“Yes, but it turns out I’m missing a few things,” Kihyun shrugged.
“Okay, well, I’m not going.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t counting on you,” Kihyun rolled his eyes at his friend.
“Kihyun’s back!” Jooheon shouted excitedly as you lounged in a hammock. As you read your book, you could hear the crush of tires over gravel.
“Do you need help?” Shownu asked.
“Yes, but there’s not much, so you’ll be enough,” Kihyun waved off the other helpful faces that had turned towards him.
You shrugged, that worked for you just fine. You had found this hammock in one of the closets and after the unexpected difficulty of finding two appropriately distanced trees, you weren’t sure you would get out until the trip was over. You had grabbed a blanket, tucked in with your current romance novel, and the slow burn was burning, so you were cozy as could be. You were in the middle of kicking your feet and squealing over the protagonists when Jooheon rudely interrupted you for dinner.
“Are you reading one of those horny books again?” he asked, trying to take a peek at the words on the page.
“No! It’s  just a romance!” you tugged your book away from him indignantly. “They’re in love!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he laughed at you, pulling at the hammock, “Come on it’s time to eat!”
“Oh, really? It’s that late already?”
“Yeah, but you were too wrapped up in your porn to notice!”
“It’s not porn!” you yelled indignantly, threatening to thump him over the head with your book.
“What’s not porn?” Dasom asked curiously as you neared the table.
“The book she’s reading.”
“It’s not-! All of you shut up,” you shook your finger sternly at the table, drawing a few laughs.
“We’re all adults here,” Minhyuk laughed before leaning towards you conspiratorially, “So what kind of porn is it?”
“Jesus Christ,” you cursed. Jooheon’s friends were just as bad as he was. “I’ll be the first to admit that, yes, I do read spicy books, but this one isn’t! They’re in love but they just don’t know it yet,” you sighed dreamily.
“Boring!” Minhyuk clicked his tongue before moving into a different subject.
    Kihyun watched the exchange with interest. He was surprised at the ease with which you admitted to reading erotica. He was still irked at the rapport that you had so quickly established with Minhyuk. But most concerningly of all, he was in disbelief at the way his breath had caught in his throat seeing you smile, starry eyed, thinking about your book. He needed to get a grip.
    As Minhyuk steered the conversation elsewhere, you took a look at the dinner offerings on the table. You had expected much of the same as last time, but were surprised to see triangle kimbap and kimchi jjigae set out.
“Oo!” your eyes lit up with delight at the sight of some of your favorite foods. You waited just enough time to be deemed polite before digging into one of the kimbap. “Oh!” you gasped in delight upon realizing that it was stuffed with pepper tuna. This was definitely in your top five favorite foods.
“Isn’t it good?” Dasom smiled at you. “Kihyun’s a pretty good cook.”
“Did you make all of this?” you turned to Kihyun, slightly alarmed. “Nobody helped?”
“You all seemed busy or were relaxing. Plus nothing was too difficult,” he shrugged.
“But you cooked two nights in a row. You should at least enlist some of us to help,” you grumbled, now irritated at how good the food tasted.
“Most of these friends are a disaster in the kitchen,” Kihyun chuckled, “Easier just to do it myself.”
“Ah,” you opened and shut your mouth. You had almost volunteered to help him cook tomorrow, but thought better of it. God forbid you ended up stabbing him in frustration.
    Dasom held in a giggle as she watched you munching on your kimbap. Your face was screwed up in such intense concentration that you might as well have been deriving calculus equations. You had always been so stubborn.
    For the second night in a row, you found yourself on fire pit duty. Standing authoritatively with your poking stick, you made yourself useful by stoking the flames and feeding the fire until people were ready to turn in. For the second night in a row, you found yourself stranded in dreadfully romantic lighting with Kihyun, who gestured vaguely about possible bears and refused to leave you alone.
“Dinner was good tonight,” you couldn’t help but fill in the painfully awkward silence.
“Oh! Good,” he was surprised, lips curling up at you with pleasure.
“Spicy tuna kimbap was my favorite snack as a kid,” you recalled with a smile as you broke up a few medium sized coals.
“Mm, Dasom told me,” Kihyun answered through a yawn.
“Sorry?” you blinked, eyes flashing to him in confusion.
“You hardly ate anything yesterday, so I asked her for some ideas on what you would eat. I know everyone else’s preferences pretty well, already,” he shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“I-,” your thoughts stuttered for a moment. “I told you don’t have to try so hard to play host to me!”
“I’m so fascinated as to why you are so resistant to me just being…nice to you.”
“It’s not that, I just…” you trailed off. To be honest, you couldn’t explain the irritation that Kihyun seemed to inspire in you. You thought so hard, trying to scrounge up reasons, that you didn’t notice your poking stick falling into a pile of ashes until it was too late. “Oh shit!” you jumped, surprised into action. Hovering your hand over the fire, you discerned that it was cool enough for you to retrieve, but not without covering your hands in ash. “Oh god, what a mess,” you chided yourself, trying to see how dirty your hands had gotten in the dim lighting.
“YN!” Kihyun all but shouted as you leaned almost too far forward and your hair threatened to dip into the glowing embers. Without a second thought, he scooped your hair up into one hand and pulled you back with the other.
“Oh shit, thanks,” you looked up at him in surprise. “Ca-can you tie my hair up? I have a hair tie, but my hands are covered in ash,” you offered your wrist to him.
    Swallowing, Kihyun nodded, letting your hair fall back down as he fiddled with the hair tie. Grabbing you by the wrist, he turned your palm to face the ground as he pulled the hair tie off with his other hand. Your heart started pounding loudly and unfortunately it did not get any slower or quieter as he moved to pull your hair back up. Gently, his fingers raked along your scalp, gathering your locks into a relatively neat bundle. You managed to reign in the soft moan that wanted to leave your lips, but you couldn’t do anything about the flush that spread across your cheeks and neck.
“Your hair is soft,” he remarked as he pulled everything into a ponytail and you shivered slightly. Out of disgust for his wildly unnecessary statement, of course, and not because his breath had whispered against the nape of your neck.
“Okay, thanks!” you cleared your throat aggressively as you jumped away from him. What the hell was going on? Without a second thought for fire safety, you rushed back into the cabin, needing to distance yourself from this insufferable man immediately.
Kihyun couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he finished putting out the fire. He really couldn’t explain why he felt so affected by you, but he was relieved to see that he didn’t seem to be alone in it. Even if you insisted on fighting tooth and nail against it, you couldn’t take back the reaction you’d just had because he’d been there to see it himself.
“Raining again?” you looked sadly at the soaking hammock through the window. This was the second day in a row!
“Yeah, according to the forecast it doesn’t seem like it’ll let up all day,” Dasom shrugged.
    You briefly toyed with the idea of a walk in the rain. You had packed a rain jacket and your boots were water resistant. You had managed to avoid Kihyun successfully yesterday, but you weren’t confident that you could work that magic two days in a row. You read a few more pages as you let the idea marinate.
“I’m going out for a walk,” you stood up suddenly after two more pages, announcing to no one in particular.
“In the rain?” Hyungwon seemed concerned.
“I like the rain!” you insisted, pulling your rain jacket and boots on hurriedly before rushing out the door.
You exhaled with relief as you stepped into the rain. You’d been honest when you’d told Hyungwon that you liked it. The way the air smelled and the feeling of raindrops hitting your hood was reassuring. In the rain there was no Kihyun and no hair tie, so you could finally think straight. Pursing your lips, you decided the trail around the lake could use another lap.
“How long has YN been out?” Dasom asked Hyungwon, slightly concerned.
“Maybe forty minutes or an hour?” he wondered, trying to remember what time it had been when you had rushed out so unceremoniously.
“An hour? That seems like a long time, doesn’t it? What if something happened!”
“What’s going on?” Kihyun picked up on Dasom's slightly panicked tone.
“YN left to walk in the rain, possibly up to an hour ago. I’m just wondering if I should be concerned.”
“She went out in this rain?” Kihyun found himself worried. Normally he would be concerned about wild animals, but they would be largely deterred by the rain. No, today he was more worried about lightning posing a safety hazard.
“Do you think we need to go look for her?” Dasom asked, waiting for some sort of cue from Kihyun on whether she should panic.
“No, I don’t think it’s anything to be too worried about. I might just go take a look for myself,” Kihyun decided. He had just pulled on a waterproof jacket when the front door opened.
“Dasom, I need help!” you laughed uncontrollably as you poked your head in.
“Are you okay?” she rushed towards you hurriedly.
“Yes, I’m fine, I’m just all muddy,” you laughed, gesturing to yourself. You were, indeed, covered in mud. During the last quarter of your walk around the trail, you had taken quite a slip in a small dip in the trail. “Will you grab me a towel and a change of clothes? Don’t want to track all of this into the house,” you explained as you peeled off your rain jacket.
“You can just come in,” Kihyun suggested as he handed you a towel. “We can clean up the mud.”
“No, I’m truly covered, I’ll change out here,” you insisted, peeling off your wet shirt before accepting the towel to dry off your face. You were so singularly focused on getting dry that you did not register how exposed you had become in front of Kihyun.
“Here’s a shirt and shorts!” Dasom appeared, pushing Kihyun away as she handed you the dry clothes.
“Thank you!” you smiled, pulling the shirt over your head. It took some finagling to change into the shorts, but before long you were acceptably clean and dry. You bundled up your wet clothes to take to the laundry and gave it one last shake before entering the cabin.
“You look like a wet dog,” Shownu remarked. If it had been anyone else, you would’ve assumed the statement was meant to offend but it was Shownu.
“Thanks,” you rolled your eyes at him as you walked across the open area.
“Wet dog my ass,” Kihyun grumbled under his breath. He had seen entirely too much of you while you were busy peeling off your wet clothes and that had been a grave misstep.
    Kihyun exhaled sharply as he laid in bed. There was something wrong with him. He had seen plenty of people more naked than you, so this really shouldn’t be bothering him! Unfortunately for him, he now knew exactly how you were shaped and that in turn meant he could imagine what you might look like over him, under him, and try as he might, he could not get these imaginations out of his head.
    Grumbling, he flipped back onto his back, kicking the sheets off. It was too hot. It was pouring cool rain outside, but somehow it was way too hot in this room.
    Kihyun squeezed his eyes shut. He was really trying not to give into his baser urges, but the erection pressing at the front of his boxers seemed to demand otherwise. He exhaled deeply, pushing whatever guilt or other hangups he had out of his head as he reached down, cupping himself through the thin fabric. Even this slight self stimulation was enough to provide some relief and his head lolled back as he palmed himself, hips pressing up for more pressure.
“Fuck,” he panted, his other hand dancing across his chest and over his collarbones, his mind drawing up images of the way your lips might nibble across his skin and the way they would most assuredly curl up at the corners when you heard his desperate sounds.
Kihyun growled roughly, having had enough of this self inflicted torture. He pushed his boxers down his hips and kicked them off. He grasped himself fully, using his leaking precum to lubricate himself as he thrust desperately up into his fist. Groaning, he fully leaned into the fantasy of you over him, meeting his thrusts. He fabricated the way your brows would pinch together as you held onto him for support. The way your lips would form a sweet ‘o’ shape as you gasped and clutched at him desperately. There was nothing he wanted more in this moment than to make you cum, hard, for him. He was well past a lost cause at this point.
“Shit!” Kihyun cursed as his balls tightened, signaling a quickly pending release. His abs tensed before he emptied himself onto them. He swallowed hard. He really hoped the rain would let up soon so you all could have another meal outside. Fire pit duty seemed to be one of the only times that you would tolerate being alone with him.
    Your eyes widened as you flipped to the next page of your book. Perhaps you had been wrong…this book was, in fact, getting spicy. You squirmed and your eyes flitted to your suitcase briefly before they continued down the page.
“Yeah! Yeah,” you sighed after trying to talk yourself out of it. You placed your book facedown on the bed and hopped down.
    You commended your own foresight as you pulled your vibrator necklace out of a small pocket of your suitcase. You tossed the chain to the side before settling back into bed and picking up where you’d left off. The book was shortly abandoned as your hands and mind took over.
    Flipping onto your back, the fingertips of your left hand trailed, featherlight, just above the waistband of your sleeping shorts. Goosebumps broke out across your skin and you cupped your breast with your right hand, squeezing firmly. A desperate little moan punctured the silence as you sank into the mattress, eyelids pressing shut.
    Your mind wandered back to the book. The male protagonist had just been wedging his leg between the female lead’s thighs, hand at the base of her throat, pressing her firmly into the mattress. You sighed, ah, to be either of them. Your left hand slid down to tease gently at your inner thighs as your right hand searched out the vibrator in your sheets. Flipping it on, you teased yourself, very briefly, by trailing it along your sternum and downwards.
“Oh,” you shuddered as you finally brought it to your clit. Rubbing insistently through the fabric of your shorts, your head fell back, eyes fluttering shut as you ground your hips up against it.
You let out a confused gasp as Kihyun’s eyes, lips, and hands flashed through your foggy mind. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly, but you were not quite present enough of mind to stop. If anything, your hips sought out the vibrator even more and your mind betrayed you as you fully imagined Kihyun snapping his hips into you. The way he’d smirk at the sounds that you made for him and the way you’d clutch at him, needing more and more.
    You let out a moan that was somehow both reluctant and desperate as you came intensely to the thought of him. It wasn’t until the post-nut clarity had settled in that you had the decency to be embarrassed. What the hell had just happened?
“Ah, I’m so glad the rain finally let up! I missed eating outside!” you bounced on the balls of your feet happily.
Kihyun couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he watched you setting up the fire. Obviously, he didn’t think that you put the same amount of meaning on your firepit interactions as he did, but he had accepted that he had lost at least part of his mind over you.
    You were trying so hard not to look at Kihyun between stacking logs. Your confusion over his appearance in your self care activities last night had evolved into a knob of guilt and you knew you would not be able to look him in the eye without telling on yourself. Instead, you overly immersed yourself in firepit duty.
“Did you sleep well?” Dasom asked you kindly, not knowing that your sleep last night was a very touchy subject.
“S-super normal and good sleep,” you gave her a thumbs up with an awkward smile. Luckily for you, you were a bit of a strange person to begin with, so Dasom didn’t actually think too much of this.
    Kihyun’s eyes narrowed at you. Was he truly delusional now or did he actually see a slight brush creeping up your neck?
“What about you, Kihyun?” Hyungwon echoed his girlfriend’s question. “Sleep well?”
“Good and normal,” he couldn’t help but use your own words to tease you. He commended himself for not copying your thumbs up even though he desperately wanted to.
    You scowled, warmth creeping even further up your neck.
“Do you need some wood?” Minhyuk asked, eyeing the fire.
“Excuse me?!” you balked at his phrasing.
“Hah! Haha, oh god, I’m sorry! I just…I didn’t think that through,” he laughed as his auditory processing caught up to his mouth.
“When are folks planning on heading out tomorrow?” Jooheon asked of the group, changing the subject.
    You didn’t really listen as folks rattled off their expected departure times. One more night. One more night here with Kihyun was all you had to get through and then you’d never see him again. You could do this.
    Kihyun watched as you poked the fire, clearly lost in your own thoughts. Jooheon’s comment was a sobering reminder that, indeed, you only had one more night together. One last opportunity to either act on this desire that now sat heavy in his gut or to just let things go and allow this opportunity to slip through his fingers.
“You’re gonna put the fire out again?” Jooheon pouted as he stood to go to bed. You nodded at him, giggling at his typical antics. “Okay, well don’t forget we need to leave tomorrow by 11am at the latest. If you don’t make it, I’m leaving you here with Kihyun.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Kihyun’s voice cut through the cool night’s air.
“I’d walk into the lake and never come back out,” you glared at Jooheon.
“Alright, good night you wonderful delight,” he rolled his eyes at you before walking inside.
“So did you have an alright time on this trip?” Kihyun asked after a solid chunk of silence watching you from across the fire. He was leaned back in his chair, finishing off his beer.
“Why do you care so much whether I enjoy myself?”
“Is it so impossible to accept that your pleasure is important to me?”
    Your eyes widened a fraction of a hair at his phrasing. You were fabricating things, right? You were just on edge because of last night. Kihyun became inordinately pleased as he watched your expression. He had been right, you were blushing just a little.
“You don’t have to babysit me again. At this point, I can make it back to the cabin by myself. No tripping, I promise.”
    Kihyun stood, placing one hand into his pocket as the other grabbed his empty beer bottle.
“If you really want me to go, I will leave,” he spoke, his voice tinged with something different and new.
You met his gaze as he looked down at you. The light of the fire may have been waning, but you could see desire there, clear as day. It was so clear that you had to look away for fear of acting on it. Your heartbeat grew louder and faster as you listened to him step towards you until he was standing directly in front of you. A finger snuck under your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“Tell me you want me to go inside, and I will.” His final offer. You swallowed.
“No,” you breathed, eyes glued to his. His expression softened with relief before he pulled you up to your feet. A soft exhale punched through the night air before his lips met yours.
    Kihyun kissed you in a way that was almost laughably in character. He was firm, insistent, and thorough. He gripped your jaw securely and poured into you in a way that you were simply unaccustomed to.
“The fire,” you objected, pressing against his firm chest.
“Fuck the fire,” Kihyun groaned, pulling you back towards him.
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thegreatstoryteller · 2 years
Seasonal Brews: Lights
Nick was more than happy to be open again for the season. Sometimes it could be quite the hurdle gaining the traction to whip enough magic for the season. But here he was once again. In another small town, bringing warm drinks and good company to a few lucky patrons happy to walk his way.
As everyone knows, it’s that time of year where magic is in the cold winter air, and the power of a good drink can really turn the life around for some lucky individuals.
The door opened beginning to jingle the bells marking the entrance of a new guest!
“Welcome to Seasonal Brews! How can I help y- woah! You uh…. Ok there?” Nick gasped at the young man covered in pine needles.
“Oh hi… yeah I’m fine… it’s nice and warm in here thanks. Just gonna browse your menu real quick! Wouldn’t want to inconvenience you.” The bespectacled young man said. His slim frame and pale skin lead Nick to believe he was sick for a moment, but his eager stride around the store would suggest otherwise. His dirty brown hair also had needles beginning to poke out of it haphazardly.
“Of course take all the time you need. Um… what was it exactly you were doing before to get…. All of this?” Nick gestures wildly around him as the young man blushes.
“Ah. Is it that noticeable? Sorry.” He says shaking his head knocking more and more needles to the ground. “My brother and I typically help people in the community with their Christmas trees this year! It’s kinda a nice tradition our family liked to do. My dad used to own a pine tree acre that grows these every year. We had to sell it awhile ago, but my brother and I still volunteer there! In fact… that’s kinda why I’m here! I was hoping to get a few drinks for me, my brother and some of the people we’re helping with their trees! I know it’s a lot to ask… sorry.”
Nick was surprised. He didn’t know what to make of this novel request, but he had the feeling he could help.
“Of course! I’d be happy to make you some. How many drinks are we talking here? And is there anything you’re in the mood for?” Nick offered, already in the process of making some of the drinks.
“Let’s see,  well we only have 3 more deliveries to make. So I guess 1 for each of them and my brother. Something strong for each of them to get them through the day. They’ll need the energy.” The young man offered. 
Nick smiled. “And don’t forget one for you! I’m picturing.... something sweet! What name should I put on your cup by the way?”
“Right! Sorry. It’s Noel. Nice to meet you.... Nick.” Noel said reading the drink maker’s name tag.
“It’s nice to meet such a kind heart today Noel. And there you go. Drinks are hot and ready, I’m sure everyone will love them. I brought an assortment so I hope you enjoy. The names of the drinks are on the cups, so distribute as needed.”
“Already? That was... well fast! Thank you Nick! How much do I owe you?” Noel offered.
“Consider this a gift for all the good you’re doing around town. Maybe next year I’ll need a tree or your help.” Nick joked.
“That’s awfully kind of you sir. Merry Christmas!” Noel pulled out some money and left it in the tip jar, much to Nick’s surprise.
“The pleasure is all mine. Stay warm out there” Nick said as Noel exited the establishment.
Outside Noel’s older brother was there waiting. “Thanks for getting the drinks Noel! I’ll drink just about anything after the day we’ve had.”
“No problem Hector. Here you go! This is a... dark chocolate mocha, with a peppermint twist. Hope you like it, the guy said he got some strong drinks for us.” Noel explained handing over the warm cup of coffee. 
Hector gave his little brother a hug an wiped his longish brown hair from his brow before taking a deep sip. The young man wasn’t all that bigger than Noel, but he was more leanly muscled, a skill essential for hauling trees much larger than his size with the right skill. However as he took a sip those lean muscles expanded, lengthening and hardening as a cool breeze blew through the street. Noel closed his eyes not noticing the fresh powder now around the city making it looks clean and picturesque, as his brother’s red shirt and cap turned into a more Santa themed attire.
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Hector’s beard began to grow in as abs popped under his jacket that now opened up revealing a powerfully built chest. And a deep voiced laugh emitted from the slightly older man. “It’s beginning to look a little more like Christmas now.” Hector said in a smooth baritone admiring the freshly fallen snow. “We better get to our first stop before it starts coming down faster. Let’s go.” Hector patted the side of his truck not seeing the changes spread down faster over it as its fading red color reinvigorated, but turned to wood. The entire body of the vehicle looking more sled and sleigh shaped until there was nothing more than a modern snow faring sleigh before them!
Noel rubbed his eyes as his brother’s appearance made him do a double take. Did he always look so big? And show off his abs this much? Didn’t they ride here in an old truck not some sleigh pulled by reindeers? Who’s to say, but Hector was right. The last thing they wanted was to get stuck in the snow. So the two hopped in and the reindeer pulled their sleigh to the first stop. 
“Alright first on our list is Mr. Baston Chan. I’ll go grab the tree from the back, you can ring his doorbell and offer him his drink Noel.” Hector explained hopping out back and grabbing the large tree with ease. Noel happily agreed and jumped out into the thickening snow and walked down the long path to a modest single story house. With a ring and a knock he called, “Mr. Chan? It’s Noel and Hector with you’re tree! Care for a warm drink?”
An older Asian looking man opened the door slowly with a jolly smile. “Thank you boys for coming each year to help me out. You’re so kind.”
“We’re happy to do it Mr. Chan. Plus here’s a drink. The snow is really coming in these days this one is... a Red Bean Cappuccino?” Noel said reading the label.
“That is one creative mix. I am a fan of red bean after all, how’d you know. Thank you!” Baston Chan said ruffling Noel’s hair as they shared a smile. Noel went to help Hector with the tree, not that he needed it, but he still wanted to help. So the young man didn’t see Mr. Chan beginning to change right behind him. His skin tightened into a more youthful flow as his old tattered robe fell limply to the ground revealing a healthy athletic frame! Years of labor and effort now recalling itself to an aging body now once again filled with the vitality it once knew!
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“You boys really brighten my day. It wouldn’t be Christmas without seeing your good deeds all around the neighborhood! If you ever want to come by my gym again we can do some post holiday lifting!” Baston flexed confidently out his door as Hector stood the tree right next to his porch. 
Noel laughed nervously knowing Baston Chan’s vigorous workout routine, while Hector followed along. “We’ll try Mr. Chan, but Noel and I here will have to take a break every now and then to keep up with you. Merry Christmas!” The two waved off as Hector sighed. “Wow that man is in such good shape for his age. Who is next?”
“Ms. Mary and Ms. Christine!” Noel chimed in. He loved the two older women who would make him and his brother cookies as kids. So when they arrived to their larger house, which acted also as an art studio he was eager to see them with hearty knock.
A shorter grandmother type greeted him at the door. “If it isn’t little Noel! You’re so big now it’s wonderful to see you. And your brother, strong as ever lifting those trees! In the living room Hector! There’s also some cookies waiting for you boys inside!” Ms. Mary a curly haired older black woman said, directing the two brothers inside. There on a reclining chair was Ms. Christine, a larger blond woman equal to Mary in age.
“Thanks Ms. Mary! We also brought you some drinks! this one is... a hot Alpine Apple Cider and this one is a large hot chocolate with silver sprinkles.” Ms. Marry took the cider while handing Christine the hot chocolate.
“You boys are stars tonight! Have as many cookies as you like! I made them myself!” Christine said proudly. 
The two boys began to munch on the delicious gingerbread cookies while the two women cheers and drank their drinks. Ms. Mary was the first to drink her drink. Her skin grew lighter in color, letting the cider fill her form. She grew taller and leaner, as her long curly hair receded into a shorter style while recoloring to blond! All the while Ms. Christine began to plump up even further gaining a larger bulbous belly that darkened with each sip. A salt and pepper beard grew over her face as the two of them took on more manly features! Soon Chris’ red jumper, popped open! revealing some darker moobs and a healthy gut, prompting a laugh from Mark who had discarded his shirt to sidle up next to his husband by the fire. Soon there was now a spry professional sledder and a larger black man cuddling lovingly together.
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“Thanks for helping set up the trees boys,” Mark said. “And for finishing off those cookies. Santa here is getting a little too greedy before Christmas.” The handsome blond man said rubbing Chris’ large black gut.
“None sense. It’s Christmas! We get to relax a bit. But you boys can come by anytime for more if you like. Once our kids are back visiting their friends I’m sure Mark can take you all sledding like old times.” Chris offered warmly.
“That would be great Mr. Chris. And thank you Mr. Mark!  Your hospitality and cookies are always top notch!” Noel said with a mouthful of treats.
“Now come on Noel, let’s leave these two be for now. We’ve got one more delivery!” Hector said pulling his brother who was waving vigorously goodbye.
“Gosh I love visiting them! We gotta visit more often. Anyway we have only one left and it’s... oh wow it’s Ansel! Can I uh... you know... do this one myself?” Noel asked blushing.
“Of course lil bro. He’s all yours.” Hector smirked as they stopped outside a nice two story family like house with lots of noise inside. Noel did his best to drag the tree to the door and knocked. Opening it was a handsome young man back from college this year. “Noel! You made it! With the tree too! Come inside! We were just setting up lights in here.” Ansel explained. The handsome young man’s athletic proportions causing young Noel to blush.
“T-thanks! I’d love to... oh and i Uh... got you this drink! We’ve been delivering them to people with the trees all night.” Noel offered.
“Noel! That’s really sweet. But! Did you reemember to get yourself something too? I see only one drink left. And I think it should go to the guy who’s been busting his butt trying to bring people holiday cheer. So why don’t you have it? Ok?” Ansel offered.
Noel didn’t know what to say but simply nodded and drank it without even reading the label. He was filled with warmth. A warmth he attributed being so close to his crush, but also one that was causing his paler skin to tan and his hair to shorten and darken. His jacket was getting tight so he removed it to reveal a straining polo that his larger biceps were threatening to tear! All the while Noel felt his vantage point lift up and up as he walked with Ansel through his house! Right until he saw a room covered in Christmas lights. 
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“Looks nice doesn’t it?” Ansel said looking up at Noel through the lights.
“It... it does! I like it a lot. And.. well... you... i mean I... ahha what was I saying?” Noel boomed with his new low voice sounding like a jock mumbling commands across a field. 
“Well... I think you were saying you liked the decorations. Especially the mistle toe I put over here. You know holiday traditions and all? I think I want to stay true to this one at least.” Ansel said leaning up to kiss Noel as the two embraced.
Outside Hector finished setting up the tree and smiled proudly at his brother. He knocked on the window and gave Noel a thumbs up prompting the two to stop the kissing and back away blushing.
“Sorry about Hector... he’s just kidding around a lot... but i liked that a lot... and I like you... so... maybe after the holidays... you and I could grab a coffee or something?” Noel asked blushing.
“I’d love that. Have any place in mind?” 
Noel looked down at the cup in his hand and smiled. 
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jukeboxjackal · 1 year
Headcanon- Dating Jock! Carol Danvers
Carol Danvers x fem! Reader
A/n: Hey guys, hey guys. Haven’t been here in a while. If i’m not here, it’s either because of writers block, i don’t feel like it, low motivation, or just general laziness. But enjoy my first actual piece in a while though! I just write sometimes now lmfao
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Ok ok so first of all, just in general information I feel like she is the softball captain. Reason being is softball is stereotypically a gay sport LMFAO but I guess it’s kind of right (I say this as a softball player and a friend haha) and I think she’d be utility playing either pitcher, catcher, or 3rd base
Anyways to follow with the last bullet, I feel like she would definitely have an undercut and show it almost allll the time. She also has a varsity letterman jacket that may or may not on the tag on the inside say: ‘Property of: Carol Danvers ⁺⁽ʸ/ⁿ⁾ ⁽ˡ/ⁿ⁾♡) You definitelyyyy did not write the second part
More in the popular crowd, whether you are too is up to you
Her arch-nemesis has got to be the volleyball captain Valkyrie. For one, they don’t get along and two, she so obviously has a thing for you
She’s usually hanging out with her friends in the halls or the courtyard, but when she sees you walk by she immediately goes to catch-up with you
She’s superr protective of you. When she’s walking with you she’s always holding your hand or she has an arm around you at all times. If anyone says anything even slightly snarky to you she’ll look them dead in the eye and say ‘Wanna repeat that?’
She also loves when you wear her clothes and especially her sports jackets, helps to show people that you’re hers
Her nicknames for you are the cliches, such as: Babe, baby, sweetheart, (Y/N/N), princess, and my lady/ girl. Whereas you like to call her: Care-bear (she acts like she hates it but you know she doesn’t), bubs, captain or cap, and baby
She does get jealous, but only when you’re clearly interested in the other person. Like when you were hanging out with that one ballet girl Natasha Romanoff who was teaching you but was also way too close to you and she told the dancer to back off
As much as I might get some hate for this, I do feel like she might have been a bit of a bully. Not in the way that she’d go out of her way to be mean to others but just to uphold a reputation. Like if she’s with her popular friends she’d snicker and make some snarky rude comment about a less-popular kid, but if you ever saw her do it she’d apologize to you and to the other secretly
She’s super sweet to you, always going over to your house and bringing you something whether it’s food or flowers
She usually gives you rides to and from school
Don’t forget about y’all’s after-game dates!
#6 on the field but #1 in your heart that’s for sure
If you were to also be on the softball team as well, she’d still treat you the same as the other girls (but behind closed doors that’s different) Like the one time where the team had lost a game and she made you guys do laps for every base you could have stolen but after that she took you out to eat and she apologized profusely
Make-out sessions in the locker room and the bleachers
If you don’t play, you still make sure to be at all of her games. Home or away, you find a way (ooh that rhymed)
Let’s not talk about that one time she was pitching and behind the cage she saw you talking to the opposing team member who had to use the bathroom
She’s your #1 gym buddy and vice-versa
Oh and she definitely said I love you first
Overall, she is the sweetest and you would consider her damn-near perfect. She definitely has her flaws but that’s with everyone. Your love is unmatchable.
Hey guys! Sorry if this wasn’t as straight to the point as my last headcanon was, but I just had a lot to say I guess lol. Anyways, I’ll probably come back to edit this in a few hours I just wanted to put something out for now. Until next time!
Thanks for reading! Feedback, requests, and inquiries are always appreciated and welcome!
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
Okay, now they REALLY gotta drop the Jacobi duck-related lore 🦆 (and I need to stop holding out hope Blessie will return 😔💔)
(Or my reaction to Wolf359’s Mission Mishap Episodes).
Welcome back dear readers! My schedule has been busy lately, but the Mission Mishap episodes were mercifully short, so I’ve been listening to a few episodes per week and have gathered my reactions here for you all to enjoy.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Also tagging @lovelyladylavie because I promised I’d tag you way back on this post and forgot (I’m so sorry!) but my reactions are all under the tag so you should be able to find them!
Mission Mishaps: A Little Night Music
"Not fully reading your contract before you sign it...not understanding your job responsibilities, and wanting commander off your back" I love Doug's sponsorships and the dramatic irony 😂 *Cue The Fine Print playing in the background...*
I guess the only actor they could get was Doug. Nice of him to fill us in on what Minkowski and Hera are saying though.
It's so fancy. Mannnyyyy PhDs. Very impressive, Doug.
I'm so happy we got more radio show Doug. I need to hear him do a radio show where all his personalities talk to each other. Being the special guest on the show is Cutter's punishment for all eternity. The Dear Listeners make 5 copies of Doug so he can be all the characters.
"The feeling you'll die miserably..." yikes, broke character for a second there Doug.
"Ah yes...the way the piano notes dance around the...other piano notes...absolutely fantastic piece for when you want to start your day with the paino-y energy" Well said Doug.
Oh boy. Cowboy music. Is this the return of Badass McAwesome? Do I dare to hope?
Ah, well, better luck next time.
His poor toe. I hate when that happens too, Doug.
The...mind eraser?
Don't like how that sounds. Especially after the threats in "Change of Mind".
Better not be foreshadowing.
"This song is a mutant, it's superpower is being catchy. It never leaves."
Okay, THAT better not be foreshadowing.
"Afraid of the plant monster?" I wish we could be, Doug. I wish we could be. 😔🪴
"Worried you'll never get back to Earth to see you're family?" Oh, Doug. 💔
"Bosses you're pretty sure are kind of evil" Kind of is generous Doug.
Yeah...yeah Doug that got very dark there for a bit.
Moral boosting? Oh dear. MUTE 😂 AFTER TWO MINUTES 😂
I love Doug. Poor fellow. I enjoyed the broadcast Doug. They don't appreciate your talents.
Mission Mishaps: The Space You’re In
I love the title’s double meaning.
More of Doug dodging his work I see. A common theme.
“Please stop going off on tangents” I guess Cutter and Pryce didn’t send them up with any ADHD meds. “I’m here for work 😊” Nice cover, Doug. 👍🏻 nailed it.
“I’m gonna get that thing that I forgot”. You do that Doug.
How did I know Doug was gonna break something? 🤣
Specimen incubation period??? BLESSIE????
How dare they tease us with Blessie lore?
Good question Doug. Why IS there a harpoon?
Doug literally has no where to hide. 🤣
Oh right. Space. Why do I see that backfiring?
PFFTTT—- Did she just call him a lizard? 🦎
“It’s beautiful” -> “I hate space” poor Doug. I’m sensing a pattern 🤣
Mission Mishaps: You Want, I Solve Ah Doug stealing coffee from Minkowski. Once again, I sense a pattern.
Wait. A puppy? 🥰🐕‍🦺🐾
“The mean lady who runs this place” really Doug? You did just steal her coffee.
2 tails? Well, twice the wagging, I see that as a win. 🥰
Follow him Doug!
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The dogs are multiplying? David Bowie is here? Okay Doug is hallucinating for sure.
Ah hello Hilbert.
Why is he treating the manual like it’s the ring? 🤣
Well. That was weird.
Oh, Hilbert. All to get Doug to bond with the manual.
And yet something tells me he still won’t read it. It does sound like he might be cuddling with it at night and killing anyone who tries to take it from him though. Mildly concerning. Mission Mishaps: The Veldt Oh my gosh. The episode description. Eiffel goes into the greenhouse… y’all. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, but…
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I’m so excited guys. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, I know I shouldn’t, but I need Blessie back!
So Doug is doing his chores again. I sense a pattern.
He does a great Australian accent. Again, I need the aliens to clone Doug just so he can have a show where his different personalities talk to each other. Hm. Oxygen chamber has a lot of passwords. And a lot of weird ways to enter passwords. Which is nice for protecting the air, but not so great when you, you know, desperately need air and only have a few seconds to enter the password.
The binary forms of color? This is so extreme not to mention boring. Not one sign of Blessie. I’ve been bamboozled. And WHY is there a timer? This is so weird.
Well I’m upset. We went to the greenhouse and didn’t see leaf or stem of Blessie. 💔
I’m not giving up hope. If not in the show then in fanfic that plant is coming back.
Mission Mishaps: Lights Out
Another entry from dear Doug. I wonder if Minkowski and Hilbert are gonna have him do something he doesn’t want to and then hijinks ensues and Doug messes something up?
HP Lovecraft, Call of Kuthulu? Oh me too Doug stuff is hard to pronounce.
Doug does a good creepy narrator voice. It’s funny to think of Hera listening to all this. It reminds me of those people on Lovelace’s crew reading stories together.
“Property of Dr….”
DOCTOR WHO? (A good show, but I’m literally asking the question).
Is it that girl on Lovelace’s crew who liked to read? (I’m sorry it’s hard to keep track of their names).
Ah yes, and the star is acting up. As is Doug’s imagination. I’m sure this couldn’t possibly go wrong.
Hilbert. What sample? What escaped?
I’m not getting my hopes up this time. You teased me with Blessie once. I’m not falling for it again. I’ve been burned before.
It just sounds like a little mouse. 🐁
…I hope it’s not one of the spiders… I’m now beginning to realize Doug’s fears…
“It’s small and scurrying”
Is it a mouse?
Doug, it’s probably just a mouse. “It’s staring at me.” Well it’s probably scared too, Doug.
Doug, you better not have killed that poor little mouse.
You killed the maintenance drone Doug? Well that was a wild ride. At first I thought they weren’t gonna go the “Doug messes up a thing Hilbert and Minkowski are doing” route but they always surprise me with their ability to bring it back there. Not that I’m complaining, I’m loving these stories. Mission Mishaps: Cold Turkey More Doug! Wow. 553 days. That’s… that’s a lot.
Thanksgiving? Is this the same Thanksgiving from Hera’s memory? 🦃
Banned from the kitchen? Oh poor, Doug. Was Hilbert not available? I guess he’s Russian so he doesn’t celebrate it. But he can probably cook.
Doug is just like me fr. Don’t ask my partner what happened when I tried to make him food. All you need to know was that I tried my best, and it’s the thought that counts.
Doug is gonna burn this Turkey. I know the actress was probably busy and these are “extra” episodes, but Hera please come online and help him.
Oh gross. Cans of spam? Disgusting.
Right, maybe Hilbert can do something. But on the other hand, Hilbert and Eiffel can make each other worse. And what was that about psychoactive properties? What was Hilbert exposed to?
“Can I give indifference? I have plenty of that.” Yes, Hilbert, you made that very clear.
“Oh well if I have to “come on”.” “Really!” “No.” Hilbert is lowkey hilarious 🤣 “I like pecan pie…maybe thanksgiving is not so terrible.” 🥧
I love how Hilbert sounds like he’s plotting something ominous even when he’s just talking about pie. 🤣
But seriously, why was he in Texas? He never answered that.
“The best way to keep him away from the kitchen was to put you in charge” oh poor Doug. She was right though.
Aw, this is sweet. I like how it connects to what we saw in Hera’s memories too.
Mission Mishaps: No Complaints Aw man, SI-5? What happened to Doug?
First they take Blessie from me then they force me to spent time with his killers.
Well gang, I guess it’s time for the adventures of Whiskey Man and Duck Boy.
Wow. Sitting in a car and brooding in the rain. An action packed adventure if I’ve ever heard one.
Oh wait, are they stalking Maxwell? They said she was from a small town.
“Did you stalk me?” Yes, he did Jacobi. Kepler was acting so creepy at that bar, I’m sorry. What even was that?
“I really hate you sometimes sir. ✨You’re the worst✨” oh Duck Boy you have no idea.
What video. WHAT VIDEO.
Please tell us why Jacobi is brooding and PLEASE tell us about the duck video.
Jacobi taught him questions only? Wow he really does love to dig his own grave.
Kepler is not your friend Jacobi. If you think he is, you… gosh you really need to meet somebody. Anybody.
All this complaining… Jacobi really is the evil version of Doug sometimes…
What was on Jacobi’s mind? What did Rachel think was on his mind? Oh, his one year recruitment.
Nothing good ever comes out of a mysterious duffel bag. Why does he have all those fireworks?
When your evil boss takes you on a fake stake out and gives you some fireworks to blow up because he knows you crave destruction: 💣🎆🥰🎇🧨😍
I like that they play fireworks sounds as they roll the credits. It’s a nice touch. Mission Mishaps: Happy Holidays Already down to the last one. Time flies when you’re having fun. Oh more SI-5. Hopefully a little less Whiskey Boy, a little more Duck related lore.
Oh no such luck. :(
Geez, Kepler really does love flexing every single bit of power that he has, doesn’t he? Just get to the point already! Why couldn’t he have been the one to go instead of Maxwell?
“Oh no! Not a binary fault in the quartical… um… that’s bad!” Duck Boy stop being funny I don’t want to like you.
Not Kepler’s slow claps… I swear this man is infatuated with the idea of being a super villain.
What are they afraid of?
A holiday party?
the evil space corporation has a HOLIDAY PARTY?
For what holiday? Cutter and Pryce clearly hate holidays. They’ve ordered people killed on nearly every holiday we’ve seen! … actually maybe that’s their way of making the holidays their own… and it makes me wonder who they want to kill at this party. Jacobi and Maxwell have a right to be concerned about this.
“We don’t ask questions. We trust that we were given orders for a reason.” THAT ONLY WORKS IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE. And committing or endorsing murder takes you off the trustworthy list.
The idea of Cutter and Pryce celebrating Christmas disgusts me. Like, physically I have a hard time stomaching it. Christmas is about joy, and love, and goodwill toward mankind. Cutter and his crazy science gf have no place involving themselves in that. Not unless they show some serious remorse and do some serious penance and jail time.
What kind of horrifying messed up gifts do people get each other? I hope Jacobi gets a pet duck.
… Maxwell’s mom died? “We all know you don’t talk to your mom” “…my mom just died?” “No Jacobi.” STOP BEING FUNNY.
Compare this to the holiday stuff that happens with the Hephaestus… this has such a creepy undertone. Especially when you imagine the events happening at the same time.
Well, that’s all for the Mission Mishaps. Sorry it took me so long guys, but I love and appreciate your patience. Excited to finish the rest of the series and hopefully I’ll have more for you soon!
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tickledbreathless · 1 year
Hailing from the east coast, ladies gentlemen and nonbinary folks, here comes an introduction post!
What’s my name? I’m gonna go by Ame (pronounced “Am”). Sound good? I think so too. 😊
Age and Gender? Currently 23 and a guyy so hit me with those he/him pronouns!
What can I say other than I’m a nerd. I like nerdy stuff (ahem… minecraft, mario, pokemon, mha, marvel, more), so I might go unskippable cutscene on you if you talk to me abt the right thing 😭
Tickling. Yep, I like it. You can call me a switch as one might do!
It’s a kink blog. Sure, I’ll post/reblog about forms of tickling that can considered sfw, nsfw, or possibly outside of the realm of a kinky context, BUT this is still a kink blog.
NSFW will be tagged. I occasionally post or reblog nsfw/sexual material. You’ve been warned.
What kind of tickling? Whatever tickles my own fancy, I suppose. Teasy posts, tickling gifs, drawings. Probably some non-tickling stuff as well if I’m just feeling silly 🤭
18+ so minors and ageless bios DO NOT INTERACT !!!! Have your age in your bio. If you aren’t of age or don’t have your age in your bio and you interact with me, I’ll just block you immediately, so get it right the first time even if you’re of age.
Asks are allowed and encouraged! Keep is respectful and uncreepy or I’ll put rocks into your cereal.
Sending Teases/Tickle Talk? In DMs, i prefer to get to know people before tickle talk becomes involved. However, teases sent in asks are alright, but I reserve the right to not respond to them and no RP in asks pls!
I do enjoy DMs as well! As long we respect each other’s boundaries, we’re good to go, but also don’t immediately start off about tickling, man… but if we get along good and have gotten to know each other, tickle talk, teases, and rp are fine by me. ✨
Other kinks? W-well… yes… Gentle femdom, post orgasm, cnc, and tummy fetish /////
Also I may not always respond quickly to messages. I can get p busy some days, won’t respond to DMs while at work, and i guess when im Soooometimes touching grass. Please know that I may not be open to meeting every person who comes into my dms. I’m one person and I don’t have the time or energy to establish new connections all the time. Sorry.
It should go without saying but racism, homophobia, transphobia, whatever form of brainless hatred that festers like the disease it is is not allowed on this blog. You’re Not welcomed here. Discrimination doesn’t deserve a seat at any table. Your personal beliefs decide what you yourself should or shouldn’t do, your beliefs do not decide whether other people should be allowed to exist or whether you get to invade their boundaries.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! I’ll edit this post if necessary. For now, I’m taking it slow here and I’m unsure as to what I’ll do with this blog.
That’s all I got for you all! Feel free to ask me questions if you’re curious about me or this blog! Enjoy your day, giggly people 🪶
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Incorrect Quotes Tag Game - Ships Edition (Part 2)
It’s been a while since I last did this. Link to the incorrect quote generator:
And link to part 1 of this:
I’ve been starting to share more of the Steph’s Crew sequels with you all (UVC in particular), and there are so many more ships to explore in them. I only did 2 ships last time… the two main ones of TMM. So I think I’ll do 2 more here - Dalice (Dylan + Alice) and Chelise (Charlie and Elise). The two ships from last time are still pretty big ships in the sequel, btw. I just want to explore some different ships/characters this time around.
Here we go!!
Alice: I love you. Dylan: How many people have you said that to? Alice: Everyone. Dylan: What? Alice: I told everyone that I love you.
Alice: PEASANT. I REQUIRE SUSTENANCE. Dylan: You know there are other ways to say you want McDonalds. Alice: FOUL PLEBEIAN. YOU DARE SPEAK AGAINST ME— Dylan: *sigh* What do you want? Alice: Chicken nuggets please.
Dylan: I would let you ruin my life. Alice: Sorry, but I’m busy ruining my own. You’ll have to wait.
Dylan to Alice: Turn that frown upside-down! (a little while later) Dylan: What are you doing? Alice, trying to do a handstand: You told me to “turn that frown upside-down” but it’s not working!
Dylan: This is a bad idea.  Alice: Then why are you coming along?  Dylan: Someone has to help get your injured ass home.
Alice, texting Dylan: Any plans for tonight?  Dylan: No.  Alice: HA! Loser.
Alice: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!  Dylan: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?  Alice: I don't know, surprise me!
Charlie: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind. Elise: Thank God...
Elise: You know, when I first met you, I really didn’t like you. Charlie, after a moment: …I thought there was going to be another half to that sentence? Elise: Nope! That’s it.
Charlie: Hey.  Elise: *pissed off* You… complete …ASS, Charlie!! You show up here after WEEKS, and you say “hey”?!
Elise: Oh shoot! Elise: Um. Excuse my vulgarity. Charlie: I’ll let it slide.
Charlie: El is playing hard to get… Charlie: Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Charlie: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No progress whatsoever.  Elise: Wow. They sound really stupid.  Charlie: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Elise: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Charlie: I guess you’re right. Hey El, I love you.  Elise: See! Like that! Just say that. Charlie: *frustrated* Holy fucking shit. Elise: If that flies over their head then, sorry Charles, but they're too dumb for you.  Charlie: Elise-
Elise: Hey. So, about that love letter you sent me… Charlie: *blushes* Oh. W-what are your thoughts? Elise: The fourth sentence- Charlie: Yeah, that’s where I got really deep and emotional and I- Elise: It’s “you’re,” not “your”.
And we’re done! Woo-hoo!
Maybe I’ll do an update version of the Bephanie and Brelise incorrect quotes as well lol. This was fun! (I think my fave is the third Chelise one… reminds me of Harry Potter lol)
I’m also planning to do a part 3 for Rachel and Gordon at some point.
Anyways, I’m tagging these folks to do it next:
@mysticstarlightduck, @fire-but-ashes-too, @exquisitecrow, @toribookworm22, @winterandwords, @aziz-reads, @sam-glade, @waywardwizzard, @janec23, @rbbess110, @clairelsonao3, @ember-writer, @harleyacoincidence, and @writinglittlebeasts. Plus anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to. 🤗
Let me know what your favourite incorrect quotes were!
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enbydust · 1 year
Disclaimer: I don’t play ukelele but if you get the reference you get a gold star
Realized I have way more followers than I thought, I guess I should probably make a pinned post so first a few things outta the way
MINORS DNI this isn’t for you. really. leave.
BIGOTS DNI unless you wanna send me hate mail for entertainment, just know your opinion means shit to me.
CW EVERTHING I post and reblog and barely use tags so scroll at your own risk
Don’t bring hate into my space, follow that one rule and you are welcome.
Anyway, I’m enbydust! You can call me Kay or dust :)
This is my side blog, but it’s basically my main. It’s mostly hornyposts and shitposts but anything goes really. Kinda a place for me to be authentic.
I’m non-binary, pronouns are they/she/it/he but anything goes tbh as long as you’re not being a dick about it. Also transfem and very VERY t4t.
Things I like:
-I love a platformer that makes me want to kill myself (Dead Cells, Blasphemous, Hollow Knight…) and just about any rougelike
(what i like is all over the place and usually obscure-you’ve been warned)
-Stories that fill me with an
unknowable dread
-Overanalyzing fiction and myself
DM’s are always open I love to talk (read: infodump) Also asks are fun, I’ll answer almost anything tbh!
I have terrible self doubt and it will come through in my posts and shit, sorry in advance
Pfp Hall of Fame below the cut
Pfp hall of fame
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Credit to PotatoLord’s picrew for this one
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dear--mars · 1 year
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Academic rivals…? Pt 1
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Synopsis: You hated Alhaitham. From his arrogance to his grades. Even looking at him made your stomach turn. But then why were you two embracing each other in the broom closet intertwining breaths together…?
Notes: Natlan/Fem reader, one-sided rivalry (??), emotionally constipated Alhaitham, collapsing, Alhaitham being kind of creepy.
1.2k+ words [not edited]
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This all started when you moved to Sumeru with your family. You were originally from Natlan. Considering your homeland you tended to be a bit hot-headed however it’s not like you went out yelling and picking fights with random people in the street. 
You were soon enrolled in the Akademiya, the most prestigious institute in all of Teyvat. You passed the entrance exam with flying colors, landing yourself in second place. One point off from first place, who had answered every question correctly.
‘Second?’ You thought.
‘First is someone named Alhaitham, huh?’ You were soon snapped out of your thoughts as you heard voices talking behind you.
“Alhaitham got first again.”
“Of course he did. He’s always been at the top of his grade since elementary school.”
“Ugh! I hate him. He’s so arrogant and cold to everybody, but all the girls like him somehow! It’s not fair!” 
“You’re only mad because Lindsay confessed to him.”
“Don’t bring that up!” His voice got smaller as you left, uninterested in the conversation. You decided to go home seeing as your business was done. You opened your bag, pulling out one of the textbooks that you bought for this school year. 
Looking over the pages you fail to notice a man with gray hair, doing the same. You two collided, dropping both of your books at the same time. Your eyes widened as you looked up. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t look in front of me and I bumped into you.” You said frantically as you picked up both books. You handed his book back to him.
“It’s alright. We are both to blame. I also neglected to look at what was ahead of me.” Upon closer inspection, you saw his fluffy gray hair. He had blue eyes with a tint of red near his pupil. He was wearing the Akademiya’s student uniform and your eyes drifted to his name tag.
“Are you Alhaitham by any chance?” You asked nervously.
“Yes, I am.”
“Oh! Then you’re the one who got first on the entrance exam, right? Congratulations. I’m-”
“[Name]. You manage to place second in the exam.” He cut you off.
‘It’s just me or did he put extra emphasis on second…?’ You thought as you strained your smile.
“Yep. That’s me. Anyways I would like to congratulate you-”
“It was to be expected.” he cut you off again. You clenched your fists as you calm your breathing down.
‘Don’t cause a scene or mother’s going to kill you.’ You let out a bright smile. 
“Wow! I guess you think you’re really smart!”
“I don’t think-”
“Well it’s been nice talking to you Alhaitham but I have to go now. Bye.” You said cutting him off before walking away.
‘The nerve of that guy! Ugh!’
You were walking down the halls of the Akademiya. There were over 200 classes in the Akademiya. There was no way the Archons hated you that much, to put you in the same class as that asshole, right? Right? 
You froze as you opened the door to your class. There he sat, reading a physics book in the back of the classroom before the lesson started. 
‘Why do the Archons hate me?’ You questioned before going to the front of the class and sitting in the exact opposite corner from where Alhaitham was sitting. Not even two minutes later, the bell rang as the professor came in.
“Welcome student to literature 202. I feel obligated to tell you that an essay will be due next Wednesday, even though today is the first day of school.” Groans were heard throughout the classroom.
“Quiet! For today, we’ll review what you learned last year in middle school.” You frown as you zone out, not paying attention to the professor’s words. Unaware of the gray-haired boy who was staring at you. 
It’s been a year since you started school. You’ve been a straight-A student. All assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams, you’ve aced. However, no matter how hard you tried, it always seemed like Alhaitham was one step ahead of you.  Even if you got a 100% you’d only tie with him. 
September came quicker than it left. That meant another year with him. But you weren’t slacking off during the summer. You spent as much time as you could in the House of Daena. 
4 months passed by fast. It was already December. The time of year every student dreads, exam season. This is your chance. Your chance to finally beat him and take that top spot. You visited the House of Daena daily spending all day and even some nights studying for the upcoming exam. Even neglecting sleep, food, and water.
The pages of your notes started to blur. You quickly rub your eyes as you looked up at the clock. 
“It’s already 2? I could have sworn it was 11 like 10 minutes ago… I should probably get home…” You said shakily, packing your bags. You make your way to the elevator. Getting in you push the bottom floor and wait. Sleep comes to you faster than you expected as you slowly dozed off in the elevator.
Next thing you know you’re waking up in the Akademiya’s infirmary. 
You shot up. A white curtain surrounded the bed.
“Oh, you’re awake!” A woman’s voice said pulling the curtain aside. 
”How are you feeling?”
“A bit hungry, I guess…?”
“That makes sense, the boy who brought you in here stated you haven’t been eating for the last couple of days. That’s very unhealthy especially if you’re planning on pulling all-nighters to study. I understand it’s exam season but you have to take care of your body!”
“I see. I’m sorry. I’ll try to eat on time- wait who?”
“It was a boy with gray hair He brought you here late at night and laid you down on the bed. Imagine my shock when I saw you lying there with a note on top of you.”
“Gray hair…? A note?”
“Yes. Would you like to see it?” You nodded before getting handed a note.
“I found her collapsed in the elevator. It seems she collapsed from malnourishment. Not to mention she must have been very tired, it seems she hasn’t been sleeping for a couple of days. Please take care of her and give her something to eat and drink.”
Your eyes widened. This was Alhaitham’s handwriting…
“Here you go.” She said handing me a water bottle and a granola bar.
“Eat this and go home, you’ve been asleep for more than 24 hours.”
“Over a day! I missed school!”
“No, you didn’t. You collapsed on Friday and slept all throughout Saturday. It’s 2:00 in the afternoon on a Sunday.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” You said grabbing the water bottle and a granola bar before leaving.
Finally it was the day of the exam. You woke up bright and early and were one of the first to enter the Akademiya. You smiled as you look over the exam paper. Everything on the exam paper was stuff that you studied. Maybe risking your health wasn’t that bad. You smiled as you completed the exam.
Your smile soon dropped at the exam results.
1. Alhaitham
2. [Name]
You smiled bitterly before you turn around walking away from the bulletin board. Unaware of the gray-haired boy who watched you walk away.
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[Pt 1] [Pt 2] [Pt 3] [Pt 4] [Pt 5]
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
- Read all tags/ratings if there are any. They are important and give you all you need to decide if you want to actually read. If you do not like the tags/rating, please do not read.
- We ask that anyone who is FEM aligning/identifying to not read our MLM fics. You can still send requests, however, we do not do FEM readers.
- You can find all our works on AO3. Only registered users can view/comment.
- Minors/ageless/blank blogs are not welcome, and you will be blocked. Respect our wishes or you will be blocked. We go through all our likes, followers, and reblogs.
Want to request? Find the rules: here!
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Would You Like Some Help?
Norman Bates x M!Reader
Last Edited: April 1, 2021 5:40 PM
TW: past abuse, past manipulation
Requested: No.
Word Count: 1,192
You park the car right next to the hotel and step out. You feel very nervous, afraid that he might somehow know who you are and why you’re running. Back home, you had a very nice girlfriend. Well, very nice to look at. Her personality was like a rotten apple. She ordered you around, threw things at you, but she mostly hurt you emotionally and mentally. You wanted out the moment you saw who she truly was. In the beginning, she was very sweet and kind. She had always been praising you for the work you did and how you always treated her right. Then, after she moved in, everything changed. She would scream and holler at you for doing the simplest things wrong. She would always beat down your confidence and just generally make you feel bad.
At the time, you didn’t know what to do so you endured it. As it got worse, you had finally had enough. When she was asleep, you packed all your necessities before throwing your suitcase in your car. After that, you just drove until you came to the Bates Motel. And here you are, standing right by the lobby door, unsure on whether or not to go in. “Oh! H-Hello!” You hear someone say. You look to where the voice came from, seeing a man approach you from a large home.
“Hello,” You say, trying to keep everything short and sweet.
“I’m, uh, sorry I-I wasn’t here. I was ten-tending to my mother,” He says, beckoning you to follow him into the lobby.
“It’s not a problem, Mr. Bates,” You tell him as you stand in front of the counter. He reaches underneath the counter and pulls out a book. He places it in front of you and opens it to a page with a few names on it.
“Just write down yo-your name and where you’re from,” He says, handing you a pen. You write down your name and hesitate one here your from before deciding to put Phoenix.
“How much for a few nights?” You ask, digging around your pockets for your wallet. 
“Oh! Ho-how long are you sta-staying?” He asks, his gaze holds warmth and nervousness.
“A few nights. Maybe four I guess? I’m not really sure, just a few nights is all,” You tell him, shrugging since you’re not sure how long you plan on staying.
“Oh, well, then is th-that cash or a check? What are you pa-paying with?” He asks. You take out your wallet and pull out a few bills. You hand him the bills, watching his reaction. He gives you a small smile and nods. “This is enough f-for a week’s stay.”
“That’s good enough,” You tell him, fidgeting with your hands and fingers.
“W-Well, I’m one for nu-numerical order so you get cabin one. There were twe-twelve vacancies and n-now we have e-el-eleven,” He tells you with a smile. The smile seems kind but also nervous. Maybe he’s just as awkward as you. He grabs one of the keys that’s hanging on the hooks; the key happens to be the one underneath the number one for cabin one.
He hands you your room key, his fingers barely touching your own. You give him a small smile as you take the key from him. “Do you need to show me where the room is?” You ask him, unsure if you can go find it yourself.
“I can show you!” He says quickly, his smile seeming to be a little less nervous. He moves in front of you and takes the lead. He still seems nervous, but not as nervous as he previously was. He leads you to cabin one and gestures for you to open the door. You place the key in the lock and turn it, opening the door. He goes into the room first, you tagging along right behind him.
“Looks comfy,” You say, looking around the room. On the wall, you see two pictures of some type of small bird hanging up. It honestly doesn’t look too bad with the small vanity, bed, closet, and drawers by the door.
“Yes, it is. Th-the bed is, um, pretty soft and the she-sheet are clean. I clean th-them every day. Ju-just a habit,” He tells you, fidgeting in his spot near the bathroom.
“Well… Thank you for showing me to my room, Mr. Bates,” You say, trying to be as kind as possible. You don’t want to be rude to him since it is his hotel and he doesn’t seem to be a bad guy.
“I should g-get back to work…” He says, trailing off.
“ Would You Like Some Help? ” You ask him, not really ready to be alone.
“You don’t have to. I-I’ve taken care of the motel f-for so long…” He seems hesitant about letting you help him, but not against the idea. “I…” He shakes his head. “N-no. Yo-your a customer and shouldn’t do my work.”
“I was just offering is all. If you want help, feel free to ask me, I don’t mind,” You tell him, ignoring his stuttering. You’ve noticed it but you really don’t mind it too much. He gives you a small smile as a thanks before leaving you to your room. You look around the room some more before Norman comes back with your items.
“I di-didn’t mean to forget your stuff,” He says, setting your suitcase down by your bed.
“It’s fine. I forgot about it until you brought it in so no worries,” You dismiss his worries, not really caring. You would have gotten it at some point but now that he brought it in, you didn’t have to worry about going out to get it and getting caught up in the rain. It has just started to rain, it isn’t raining very hard though, just a light sprinkle.
“We-Well, have a good night,” Norman bids you farewell and leaves you alone with yourself, the room, and your stuff. You let out a large sigh, ready to get some much-needed sleep. You start to go through your suitcase and unpack everything. You hang up your clothes and place your journal and a pen on the vanity. You didn’t have very much so unpacking it all didn’t take much time. You pull out a tank top and a pair of pajama pants and start to strip out of your clothes.
You feel eyes on you, making you look around the room, holding your shirt in one hand. When you see nothing out of the ordinary, you throw your dirty shirt into your suitcase and throw on the tank top. You finish putting on your pajama pants when the feeling of being watched returns. You ignore it for now and let your body fall onto the bed. Honestly, it felt better than your bad back at your old home. You wrap yourself in the soft blankets, happy to finally get a break. The feeling of being watched doesn’t leave, even as you fall asleep you can feel it. It didn’t bother you too much and with that, you let your conscious drift away into the dream world.
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