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abyssalwavezz · 17 days ago
zayne smut and i need it neowwwwwww do whatever you want with the plot
Impulse Control
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Author's note: I know who you are anon, and this one is for you <3 that's all I've got to say LOL also if you like kpop, check out my kpop page @ta3mint bc I am trying to revive it after such a long break lol also fun fact...I think this is one of if not the longest fic I have ever written. So yeah...send in your LADS requests. It's good to be back, ya filthy animals.
Contains: Zayne x MC/YN, consent king Zayne, jealous/down bad Zayne, explicit sexual scenes with unprotected P in V (use protection irl pls), fingering (fem receiving), MC briefly on top, relatively vanilla missionary (but it’s a classic okay?) and somewhat vague hints at Zayne and MC lore if you squint
Warnings: Minors for the love of God, pls do not interact!! Sexually explicit content, adult themes, cursing, etc. and as always...no proofreading <3
Word Count: 7,872
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It was no surprise that Akso Hospital was winning an award for their exemplary service to Linkon City. What was a bit of a surprise though, was Zayne taking the initiative to ask you to come to the banquet with him. He could be so hard to read sometimes, and though of course he could be thoughtful, this seemed to be a direct request, even for him.
You couldn't help but reread the texts from earlier, your heart and your mind racing in tandem.
Zayne☃️: How has your day been so far? Have you been staying hydrated? You often forget to drink enough water when you are busy.
Me: Dr. Zayne, do you text all your patients and remind them of their hydration levels?
Zayne☃️: Only the most forgetful ones.
Me: You mean there's more than one? And here I thought I was special :(
Zayne☃️: Don't fret. You are, in fact, the only patient who I perform this service for.
Me: Well in that case...I should probably go drink some water in between training sessions.
Zayne☃️: Before you go, I wanted to ask you something.
Me: Oh? I am listening (and hydrating as we speak)
Zayne☃️: The hospital is receiving a service award tonight. There will be a banquet. I was hoping you might want to come with me. After all, you have served Linkon as much as I or any of the other medical staff has. It is only fair that you are my plus one. If you want to be, of course.
Me: I would love to, Dr. Zayne. One question though...
Zayne☃️: Yes?
Me : Will there be dessert? 🧁
You had hoped the little joke about dessert would take your mind off of...everything. But it hadn't worked. You were still sitting in your desk chair, knees pulled tightly against your chest.
What did this invitation mean? Did Zayne...no. No way. There was no way he was inviting you because he saw you as something other than a friend and a patient. He said it himself, that it was only fair to invite you due to your service as a hunter.
How about you, though? What did you see Zayne as? You definitely would like to be more than friends. You couldn't help but fall for him after seeing him so often nowadays. He was everything you could have ever dreamed of in a man. But did he know about your feelings? Did he notice the amount of time you spent watching him work or study instead of focusing on your own work or training material in front of you? Did he notice you watching him even more closely during your workout sessions?
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat.
Anyway. It was time to get ready now, and the part you dreaded most was here... Choosing what to wear.
You didn't really have many formal outfits to choose from, and you felt like the ones you did have were worn too many times. Right about now, you were wishing that Zayne had asked you earlier than the day of so you could've had more time to prepare. But honestly, would it have made a difference? Procrastinating was one of your favorite sports.
Eventually, you settled on your favorite dress.
Putting it on turned into somewhat of a chore, though. It didn't fit quite the same way as you remembered... but it had been a while since you last wore it.
Thankfully, it went on without any damage to the dress, but you couldn't help but pull at the fabric at the bottom of the dress. It was also a bit shorter than you remembered, it seemed.
And was this slit in the side always there?
Never mind that, it would have to do. There was no more time, and you still had to do your hair and makeup, as well as put on accessories to go with the dress. To be honest, you were a bit out of your comfort zone at the moment.
"Tonight better go well," you muttered to yourself.
The sudden noise from your phone caused you to stop what you were doing with your hair.
Grabbing it with a gloved hand, you immediately saw the text from Zayne letting you know he was waiting outside to pick you up.
You placed the last bobby pin in your hair and gently pushed your earrings in, then grabbed your phone and clutch before heading out the door.
As you passed by the mirror on your wall, you checked your makeup one last time, too.
Was it too much? It was a formal event, so you assumed you were to look the part. Ultimately you decided you looked fine, and part of you wished that Zayne would like it, too.
Oh, who were you kidding. You really hoped that Zayne would like it.
The sounds of your heels meeting the hard floor echoed throughout your apartment building until you got into the elevator. Once you were inside, you sent Zayne a quick text letting him know you were on the way.
The elevator alerted you to let you know that it had arrived on the first floor. Quickly, you stepped out and into the parking lot, not wanting to be the cause of potentially being late.
After a quick scan of the nearby parking spaces, you saw his car a short distance away. You made your way over, cursing yourself for choosing these particular heels that were already causing foot pain.
As he saw you approach, he stepped out of his car and walked around to the passenger side, placing his hand on the door handle. He was wearing a traditional suit, accompanied by his glasses that he seemed to save for special occasions or work.
"Wowww, Dr. Zayne. No lab coat today? And doesn't your car have a button to open the doors, even when you're inside?"
"Would it still count as chivalry if I were to only press a button?"
He gave a small smile and pulled the door handle, stepping aside to let you in the car.
You smiled back, gently sitting down so as not to disturb your hair and dress.
As you moved past him, Zayne took a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes briefly before forcing them back open.
"You okay, Zayne? Am I wearing too much perfume? Or even worse...do I stink?"
Zayne shook his head and smiled once more.
"No and no, of course not. I like what you are wearing."
You nodded, satisfied with his prompt answer which caused your cheeks to burn.
Zayne closed your door and walked back around to his. He sat down and buckled himself in, motioning for you to do the same.
"The banquet is in an event hall not far from here. There will be some speeches that may bore you, by the way. This is your last chance to back out."
It was your turn to shake your head.
"Not a chance. It took me so long to get ready, I have to see this through. Besides, I was glad you thought to invite me."
Zayne turned the steering wheel to back out of his parking space, carefully eyeing his backup camera.
"Well, I am glad you accepted my invitation."
Zayne was telling the truth about it not being far. You made it there in only a few minutes. Frustratingly though, it had started to drizzle.
"Aw man, my hair and makeup will be ruined. Then everyone will think you brought a drowned rat as your plus one."
Zayne chuckled, pressing the button to turn his car off.
"Nonsense. Chivalry is still alive and well in Linkon."
Once again, he came around to the passenger side of the car rather than pressing the button to let you out. Seemingly out of nowhere, he had produced a large umbrella that was big enough to cover both of you, and especially big enough to protect your hair and makeup.
"Zayne, you are really outdoing yourself already. How could I ever repay you?"
"Don't worry, you already are."
Zayne walked slowly with you, making sure to keep the umbrella placed perfectly over your heads. Thanks to him, you both made it to the doorway of the event hall dry and in one piece.
There were lots of people, which was to be expected. Nevertheless, you instinctively clung to Zayne's arm, wrapping a hand around it tightly.
He was caught off guard, but only for a moment, before placing his large hand over the top of the silky fabric of your glove.
"You hunt Wanderers for a living and you're scared of a little crowd?"
You glared at him playfully, the amusement obvious in his usually soft voice.
"Hush, you meanie."
If you thought there were a lot of people in the foyer, it was nothing compared to the amount of people in the actual hall.
Numerous circular tables littered the hall as far as the eye could see. Pretty much all of the seats were already full, causing you to wonder where the two of you could possibly sit down. In the center against the back wall was the stage, presumably where the speeches Zayne mentioned were going to take place. Flower displays were plentiful, several of the biggest ones taking up the front of the stage, and the smaller ones sitting in between tables. Tiny vases with smaller versions of the displays sat on top of the tables, surrounded by expensive looking crystal dinnerware. It was definitely not something you see every day.
"Where would you like to sit?" Zayne asked.
You scanned the nearest tables, squeezing Zayne's arm when you saw an empty one.
"Let's sit there," you said quietly, pointing with your index finger so he could see what you were talking about.
Zayne nodded once he saw your choice, leading the way through the people that were still standing around.
There were five seats at the table in total, and by the time you got there, one of them was already filled by a young man that hadn't been there before. Oh well, you couldn't have expected to sit at a table with only Zayne at an event like this. But a girl could dream.
After you and Zayne sat down, the young man turned his attention to you. Nothing in particular stood out about him, and you couldn't say you recognized him from anywhere.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you," he said in a voice that didn't quite match his plain-looking features.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you, too," you replied politely.
"And you as well," the man added as he looked towards Zayne.
Zayne nodded, but didn't say anything. It seemed his mind was elsewhere at the moment.
"I'm (Y/N), and this is Dr. Zayne from Akso Hospital."
The man gasped quietly and looked back over to Zayne.
"Ohhh, I've heard a lot about you. You're definitely a big part of the reason the hospital is receiving the award tonight, I'm sure!"
The man seemed genuine in his comment, as far as you could tell.
"I am only doing my job. I have no desire for awards or accolades. Besides, there are many competent doctors and nurses that work at Akso. That is the reason for our award." Zayne said harshly.
You were a bit taken aback by Zayne's choice of words, but you chalked it up to potential nerves about tonight. The man didn't seem too fazed, which relieved you.
"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Richard."
You nodded and smiled at him, just before a sharp noise echoed throughout the event hall. Your eyes searched the surrounding area, and you realized the banquet must be underway. There was a very important looking man near the edge of the stage, clinking a metal spoon against his wine glass.
"As you all know, we are here tonight to recognize the achievements and outstanding service of Akso Hospital...but we are also here to eat!"
This earned a few laughs from the crowd of people, and even one from you. You couldn't deny you were starting to get pretty hungry.
You looked at Zayne and noticed that he did not laugh, nor did he even smile. Instead, he seemed to be set in stone, staring straight ahead at the man speaking by the stage. It almost seemed as if he was looking through him, like his mind was still somewhere else entirely.
"It isn't like Zayne to be nervous...but what else could it be? Does he regret bringing me here? I probably look so silly, like a little girl all dressed up for her secret crush", you thought to yourself.
Ignoring the sudden pain in your chest, you turned your focus back to the man up front.
"...once again, I thank you all for coming. But for now, let us eat and we'll get to the rest of the award ceremony later!"
The hall gradually began to get louder as people began to talk amongst themselves again. This seemed like a good opportunity to get Zayne to talk and settle the nerves that were boiling under the surface of your skin.
"Zayne, aren't you starving? We didn't eat before we came!"
"Mmm," Zayne hummed quietly in agreement.
"Oh! I didn't realize you two came together. Are you...?
Richard didn't finish his implied question and your ears began to burn instantly.
"Oh, no no! Nothing like that," you quickly replied, waving your hands back and forth in front of you.
You didn't dare glance at Zayne, so you weren't sure of his reaction to the conversation. But thankfully you didn't have to worry for long, since Richard started talking again.
"I see! Well, (Y/N), what do you do for a living?"
Grateful for the change in topic, you jumped at the chance.
"Well, I'm a Hunter!"
"She's very good at what she does. I have seen her at work. We often assist each other," Zayne said suddenly from the side.
Both you and Richard glanced at each other before looking at Zayne, who was as stoic as ever, but this time looking directly at you.
Your ears, still not recovered from a few moments ago, grew uncomfortably hot.
"I think the line for food has gotten a bit shorter," Richard pointed out. "Should we go ahead and head over?"
"Yes, I-."
Zayne cut you off, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table.
"Why don't you save us a spot, Richard? I need to ask (Y/N) something about a confidential matter at work. It cannot wait."
Richard stood, giving a small nod and a quick smile in your direction before walking towards the food serving line.
Once he was out of earshot, you hastily gathered yourself before facing Zayne.
"Is something wrong? You've been acting strangely since we sat down."
Zayne pushed up his glasses, keeping his eye on Richard's back as he stood at the end of the line on the other side of the hall.
"There is something odd about him. We should find somewhere else to sit for the night."
You scoffed, unsure of what he could be talking about.
"I'm not sure I understand, Zayne. He seems perfectly normal and nice to me."
He shook his head.
"Don't you trust me?"
"Well, of course I do, but..." you trailed off before continuing, "It just seems like something has gotten into you. Am I not allowed to make friends?"
"Of course you are. You can have as many friends as you like. Just not him. There is something wrong."
For some reason, Zayne's words frustrated you.
"I don't need permission, Zayne. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to get some food because I am starving. If you'd care to join me, I'll be over there."
Without waiting for a response, you left the table and walked with determination over to Richard, where he was still waiting in line. You truly had no idea what had gotten into your usually very kind and understanding friend, Zayne. You had never seen him act this way, so far as you could remember. Even so, as you got farther away from him, your resolve faltered. Had you been too harsh? No. Zayne was being...weird. You wanted to get to the bottom of it before the night was up.
"Hey!" Richard smiled and waved you over.
You gladly stepped beside him where he had saved you a spot.
"Thanks for holding a place for me, Richard. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get over here."
"It's no problem! I know you and Dr. Zayne must have a lot of secret work you need to do for Linkon. Speaking of, is he coming? There's more than enough room for him!"
You sighed, shaking your head.
"I'm not sure. He seems a bit...stressed at the moment. I may just bring him something to eat to help out a little bit."
Richard nodded.
"That's very kind of you. Dr. Zayne is very lucky to have a friend like you."
"Yeah," you couldn't help but sigh as the staff behind the table handed you a serving of the first dish. "A friend."
As you progressed down the line, Richard told you more about himself. You returned the favor, sparing some of the more private details of your life. But it truly was nice talking with him. He was very easy to get along with, and that further fueled your confusion towards Zayne's behavior.
After the two of you finished getting your food, you made your way back over to the table. As you got closer, you realized Zayne was no longer in his chair.
"Where did Zayne go?"
Richard looked around, nearly spinning in a circle.
"I'm not sure. He must have gotten tied up in an important conversation somewhere."
Just then you felt a buzz in your clutch, your phone alerting you to a text.
You set your plate down and reached into your clutch, grabbing your phone easily thanks to the small size of the bag.
On your phone's screen was a brief text from Zayne, asking you to meet him outside.
"Is everything okay?" Richard asked.
You snapped your attention away from your phone and smiled nervously at Richard.
"Of course! I just need to use the restroom before we start eating. Will you finish telling me your story that you mentioned in line when I get back?"
Richard nodded enthusiastically.
"I would love to!"
"Great, I'll be right back, I promise."
The air outside had gotten significantly cooler after the sun finished setting. Thankfully, it wasn't raining anymore. But you didn't see Zayne anywhere. He wasn't in the foyer and not immediately outside of the building. Almost in a panic, you turned around to search the entire parking lot. And that's when you caught a glimpse of a nearby streetlight reflecting off of something other than a car a few feet away.
It was Zayne's glasses, and he was leaned up against the side of his car with his arms crossed, looking off to the side.
Your voice caught his attention, and he used his weight to push himself off his car and move closer to you.
"There you are. I need you to come with me, we have to go."
As you got closer to him, you noticed he had an unfamiliar look in his eyes. It was one you had never seen in them before, and it instinctively made you nervous.
"Zayne, what's going on? You've been so weird tonight and now you're kind of scaring me."
Zayne sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Forgive me, I..."
You remained silent, waiting for him to finish, the rapid beating of your heart pounding in your eardrums.
"I seem to be acting on my impulses tonight. Something I thought I had been teaching myself not to do."
His actions were still not understandable to you, and he instantly read the confusion on your face.
"It's...it's his fault," Zayne murmured. "It's this dress."
Suddenly, he bent down to your level and ran his finger up the sleek fabric of your dress resting against your thigh. It caused you to tense up and shiver, whether from his actions or the night air, you weren't quite sure.
What you were sure of though, was how badly you wanted him to touch you again.
"Forgive me," he repeated. "I can call you a taxi to take home. I shouldn't have done that."
"Zayne," you said abruptly, causing him to stop from getting his phone out.
"Kiss me."
"Kiss me," you repeated, this time a little less confident.
Zayne didn't say anything else before closing the rest of the gap between you in one step. Both of his large hands found space on each side of your face, and they rested there for a moment before he looked at you in the eyes, his own moving back and forth to discern the expression on your face.
"(Y/N)..." he began hesitantly.
"If tonight has shown me anything, it's that I have not been controlling my impulses as well as I have previously. If I do this...I fear that I won't be able to stop myself."
You tried to take a deep breath, but it got caught in your throat.
"Do you want to kiss me, Zayne?"
"Yes," he breathed, pressing his forehead against yours and closing his frenzied eyes. "I cannot tell you what it has been like, seeing you almost every day now and falling in love with you all over, again and again. I have waited as patiently as I could have."
Shakily, you reached a hand up and loosely gripped one of Zayne's hands still on your cheek.
"Again? You've fallen in love with me before?"
Zayne hummed quietly, almost imperceptibly shaking his head against yours.
"Never mind that. Just know that I need you...I always have."
"Zayne, I..."
Something about what he was saying felt eerily familiar, and it felt like an invisible force was pulling you somehow even more closer to him in that moment.
"Please," Zayne whispered. "Tell me what you want."
"I...I want..."
Zayne rubbed his nose against yours, inching closer and closer to your parted lips. His labored breaths mixed with your shallow ones, causing the cool night air to visibly swirl around you. Your heart continued to pound, so loud and hard you were sure Zayne could hear it.
"I need to hear you say it...one more time."
Lighter than a feather, his lips brushed against yours as he spoke to you. And finally, finally, you were able to get your words out.
"I want you to kiss me...and I don't want you to stop."
Zayne tightened his grip on your face, his hands slipping slightly due to the thin layer of sweat that was between your skin and his. And then he pressed his lips firmly against yours.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't thought about what it would be like to kiss Zayne before. You had always assumed it would be magical, meaningful, and passionate.
And it turns out, you were right.
His lips tasted slightly sweet as he moved them against yours in perfect harmony. The sounds of your breathing echoed around you, muffled slightly by the sheer lack of distance between his face and yours. Your hands moved to hold onto his shoulders, and his moved from your cheeks to your waist, leaving a feeling of bitter cold behind. Somehow, in the contrasting heat of it all, he turned you around so you were now pressed between him and his car.
As soon as he did this, the kisses became more sloppy, more intense. You could feel his energy shift and it nearly caused your knees to buckle as he moaned quietly into your mouth. It occurred to you that your nails might be digging into his shoulders, but he didn't seem to notice.
Suddenly unable to breathe, you were the first to pull away. Zayne froze, looking down at you with a scared look in his eyes now.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I should have restrained myself properly."
"Zayne...again. Please, I only needed to catch my breath. You aren't the only one who has been waiting for this, you know."
This time, you didn't even wait for him to initiate the kiss. You moved in first, catching him slightly off guard. But he recovered quickly, matching your intensity in a flash.
The tip of his tongue brushed against your bottom lip, causing you to shiver for what felt like the hundredth time tonight. You weren't sure if he did it on purpose or if just happened, but you decided to open your lips slightly, providing an opening for him to push into deeper than before.
Zayne quickly obliged, a significant portion of his tongue meeting yours. This time it was your turn to moan, though yours was a little less controlled, and a little more loud.
He audibly groaned, the gnashing of your lips, tongue, and teeth causing a drop of saliva to run down your chin. You were pressed up against his car so tightly that it cause your shoulder blades to burn where they met the hard exterior of it. Zayne had a vice grip on your hips, and his hands were so large that you were sure it would leave marks.
The slit in your dress that you were shocked by earlier became Zayne's next target. He used one finger to trail up your thigh and hook under the edge of the slit as he kissed you, the fabric being pulled taught against your tingling skin.
Once again, you pulled away, letting your head roll back so that it rested against the top of his car. Your chest heaved, stretching the dress where it rested against your breasts with every breath in.
Zayne nestled his head into the crook of your neck, leaving small, wet kisses there. His finger that had been hooked into the slit of your dress continued its way up your body until his hand came to rest against your ribcage.
"Zayne, we should...get back before people start noticing we're gone."
"Hmm," he hummed against your collarbone.
"I mean it. What about the speeches?"
"Easy..." he murmured before placing an open-mouthed kiss, this time against your jawline. "Forget them."
"Zayne! You can't be serious."
"I assure you, I'm very serious. As serious as a heart attack."
You weakly raised your head back up to meet his gaze. There was a deep hunger in his expression, one that you could tell had not been fully satisfied.
"I did warn you," Zayne murmured before kissing you on the lips again briefly. "I have waited so long for you, it will be nearly impossible for me to let you go now that I have you."
You couldn't help but wonder what exactly he had in mind. But your thoughts and your body seemed to be communicating together, the undeniable warmth from your core spreading outwards fast. You knew you wanted to taste him again, to feel him against you again.
"Take me home, Zayne."
The drive back to your apartment seemed longer than it did when you left earlier. Inside Zayne's car, the air was thick with tension and desire. Neither of you spoke, too hesitant to mess anything up.
Once you were at your door, you prayed Zayne didn't see your hands shake slightly when getting your keys out to unlock it.
As you made it inside, Zayne closed the door behind the two of you and then slowly crouched down in front of you.
"Zayne, what are you..."
"Shh. Let me help you."
He motioned for you to lift one foot up, and you did so. He then undid your heel's strings and slid it off your foot carefully, before repeating the same steps on the other foot.
This time though, he placed his hand against your calf and let it trail up your bare leg until he stood up all the way. He took a deep breath as he did so, causing you to shake in anticipation.
"(Y/N). I know what I said, but if at any point anything becomes too much for you...or you simply change your mind, I want you to tell me. I will never do anything you don't want to do. Does that make sense?"
You nodded, overwhelmed with all the feelings coursing through you at the moment.
Zayne seemed satisfied, taking off his suit jacket and hanging it by the door. You couldn't help but notice how nicely his white button-up shirt sat against his toned arms.
He chuckled.
"If you don't like this," he said softly, pulling at the fabric of his sleeve, "I can remove it, too."
Involuntarily, you shuddered, realizing what he meant. But you had a better idea.
"Can I?"
Though your question was short, he understood what it meant.
Without a word, he stopped closer to you, looking down at you with a glint in his eye.
"If that's what you'd like."
You didn't mean to necessarily, but you held your breath as you let your clutch fall to the floor and instead placed your hands at his collar. As carefully as you could, you undid the first button of his shirt. Zayne watched you intently, his breathing picking up again like it had earlier in the parking lot.
One of your knuckles accidentally brushed against his collarbone while you undid another button, and it was his turn to shiver, even at such a slight touch. Honestly, it made you feel good, knowing that he must be feeling the same things you are feeling.
You continued down the shirt, each button coming undone with an almost inaudible pop sound. The farther you made it down, the more of his chest you started to see. It was unsurprisingly perfect, chiseled in all the right places, so much better than you could have ever imagined.
By the time you made it to the last button, you needed to pull the fabric out from where it was tucked into the hem of his pants. It was here that you hesitated.
"Are you alright?" Zayne asked, sensing your mind reeling. He placed a hand over top of yours where it still held onto the last button of his shirt.
"Yes, I'm alright. I just...don't want to mess anything up."
"Don't worry. You are perfect. Whatever happens will be perfect. Let me help again, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered, nearly silent.
Zayne gently removed your hand from the last button, and tugged his shirt out from his pants to remove it completely.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you took in the sight before you.
Then without thinking properly, you let your hands reach out for him, flattening against his bare chest. Your fingers traced the lines carved into his skin, and you realized you really shouldn't be surprised at this since you know he works out regularly.
“Would you let me take you somewhere more comfortable?” Zayne asked, nodding his head towards your bedroom.
“That definitely isn’t a bad idea.”
Zayne chuckled at you again before grabbing one of your hands to lead you away, making sure to carefully step over your forgotten bag and his white shirt on the floor.
He sat on the edge of your bed, waiting for you to enter into the room completely.
You were still mesmerized by him, by the situation. And then you realized that you had on remarkably more clothing than him. You decided to enlist his help one more time.
You turned in a circle, so that your back was now facing him. Though you could do it yourself, you thought this would be more fun.
“Help me again, Dr. Zayne”
From behind you, you could hear him stand up and make his way over to you. You moved your hair out of the way so that the zipper on the back of your dress was now visible.
“If that is what you wish.”
Even through the material of your dress, you could feel his cold fingers against your back as they slid the zipper down to your waist.
Once he made it to your waist, you took a step forward and chanced a look over your shoulder.
Zayne stood behind you, watching you with another unknown emotion behind his darkened green eyes.
You shrugged off the top of your dress, causing it to instantly gather around your waist. Your bare back was now directly in front of Zayne, as the dress didn’t require you to wear a bra. The air in your room made you tense up.
Braving any lingering fears, you pulled the dress past your hips so that it fell to the floor, and you stepped out of it. Now you stood only in your underwear.
A few seconds passed and you could then hear Zayne take another step forward. A few seconds more, and you hissed as Zayne’s cold hands made contact with your exposed hips.
“So beautiful,” he whispered, planting a kiss against your shoulder.
You no longer felt the metal of his glasses bump into your skin, so you assumed he must’ve tossed them aside.
“Let me show you what you do to me. What seeing you with someone else does to me. How it makes me feel…”
Before you could respond, one of Zayne’s hands snaked around the front of your waist and began teasing the waistband of your underwear. You instantly knew what he was planning to do.
“And more importantly, let me make you feel good.”
You couldn’t help but gasp sharply at how bold Zayne was being as he gently slid the tips of his fingers past the edge of your underwear. His other hand was laid flat against your stomach from behind you, and the pressure against you only intensified once his pointer finger made contact with the edge of your aching core.
Zayne placed his chin on your shoulder, looking down with an almost gleeful smirk on his lips while he watched the rest of his hand disappear past your last piece of clothing.
“Mmmm,” you hummed as the pad of his pointer finger circled around your center.
“Such a pretty sound,” Zayne stated as if it was a well known fact.
He took this time to softly dip the one finger inside of you, pumping it a few times before adding his middle finger. You could tell he was instantly covered in the wetness coming from deep within you, the slick feeling of his fingers inside already driving you wild.
A fire began burning inside your mind and body as he continued drawing his two fingers in and out of you, curving them slightly to find the spot that would inevitably cause you to unravel around him.
Your knees buckled and his grip around your waist with his other hand tightened.
“I’ve got you. I always will,” Zayne spoke against the thin skin of your neck, nuzzling deeper into the space between it and your shoulder.
The faster he went, the less you felt like you were physically there. The only feeling you had right now was the feeling of his touch, as if that feeling which wasn't even your own doing was the only thing that tied your existence to this room, to this place. You weren't even sure if you were standing properly anymore or if he was holding you up with his other arm. You didn't really care.
Never in your wildest dreams had you expected to end up in this situation. But now that you were, you couldn't imagine being anywhere else or with anyone else. You knew from this point on, he was the only one allowed to witness you like this. There was no going back from this. He had drawn you in and made you his, and this was where you belonged.
It was when you realized this that you came undone.
Somehow, you remained conscious of your neighbors and stifled the strangled whines that threatened to escape your gaping mouth. You eyes screwed shut in pure concentration, causing a single tear to escape the corner of your right eye.
"Shh," came Zayne's quiet voice from behind you.
He rubbed his nose against your cheek where the tear had fallen, ultimately wiping it away. The contrast of his cool nose against the sizzling skin of your cheek was very noticeable.
"Would you like to lay down?"
"Mhmm." This was the only sound you could get out now, but Zayne understood.
He kept a stable grip on you because he had, in fact, been holding you up for the past several minutes. You would have to thank him later.
Zayne guided you towards the bed and helped you first to sit down, and then to lay your head against the pillows. He gingerly grabbed your ankles and readjusted your legs so that they would be laying more comfortably on the end of the bed.
You couldn't help but cringe at the feeling of your now freezing, wet underwear that was sloppily pulled back into its proper position.
From the left side, you could hear Zayne lay down next to you, and his wide hand rubbed the clammy skin of your stomach.
You laid in silence for a few moments, waiting for your breathing to calm down before speaking.
"That was, ummm..."
You briefly glanced over at the man next to you and couldn't think of what to say next, your mind a tangled mess. Really, you had assumed he would say something to fill the silence where you were lacking. But when he didn't, you decided to take a better look at him.
Though his hand had come to a rest on your stomach, he was not looking at you. Instead he was looking at the ceiling, his jaw set harshly as if he was concentrating on something.
"Zayne, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"
You rolled over onto your side, wrapping an arm around him and trying to ignore the feeling of your bare nipples against his cool exterior.
"No," he said shortly, but softly. "You were perfect, just as I said you would be. I just find myself...struggling to restrain my actions further when I should already be satisfied. And I am...satisfied. However, it would seem that you allowing me this pleasure has turned me into not only an impulsive version of myself, but a greedy one as well."
You began to sit up on your elbow to look at his face, but your other hand brushed up against a lower part of him you weren't expecting to. The sensation immediately elicited a sharp hiss from Zayne.
"Oh!" you exclaimed in surprise, "I'm sorry."
Zayne shook his head roughly.
"Don't be. And don't feel obligated. Promise me, (Y/N). We don't have to go any further."
For a minute, you thought about what you would like to happen next. You took Zayne's words to heart, and you knew he meant them.
But perhaps you had become a bit impulsive as well.
Wordlessly, you finished sitting up enough to look down at Zayne who was now making eye contact with you rather than looking at the ceiling. Your hand had come to rest on his lower stomach now, right below his belly button. If you moved down any further...
You noticed how tight the fabric of his pants was around his bulge. You swallowed thickly, the embers of the fire you felt a little while ago becoming reignited.
Zayne watched as you looked between him and his painfully restricted erection.
"What do you want, Zayne?"
He was visibly surprised at your sudden confidence, but remained composed.
"That is not as important as what you want. I will always place your needs and wants above my own, no matter how tempting it may be otherwise."
Zayne sounded almost hoarse from timid anticipation and it only further fueled your own desires.
"Let me show you what I want."
He didn't say anything else, he could only watch as your now steady hands touched the belt keeping his pants up.
"(Y/N)," he repeated, this time urgently.
"I want..."
You let your sentence trail off and began undoing his belt as sensually as you could manage. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Zayne's chest begin to heave as he studied you like a hawk.
The belt was now completely undone, and you pulled it from its loops to toss it carelessly aside on the floor. You then undid the zipper of his pants, the sound of it clashing with Zayne's distorted breaths. Once you had the zipper down all the way, you did the best you could to pull his pants down while he was laying down. It didn't take much before his throbbing length was now restrained by one less layer of clothing.
He shook at the air hitting him down there, and you struggled to keep your eyes from widening noticeably at how large he seemed to be. At the center of his white underwear, you could see several small dark spots from his increasing arousal.
Before he could try to talk you out of it, you lifted one of your legs to straddle him. Both of you moaned simultaneously as your tingling core came into contact with his rock-hard bulge.
Using the last bit of your newfound confidence, you bent down and captured his lips in a wet kiss.
"I have always wanted you."
Zayne watched your lips in awe as you spoke, the corner of his own lifting in a small smile.
And then he collided into you.
It was like the kisses you shared in the parking lot, only...it wasn't at the same time. This felt more primal, more passionate. As if your souls had begun threading together like they were somehow meant to.
You held onto his face tightly as he kissed you, the wet sounds of your mouths echoing in your small bedroom. His deft hands came to rest on your ass, and they dug into the softness there as he thrusted upwards against your throbbing genitals. This caused your back to arch slightly, making your lips leave his, the only thing now connecting them a string of your mixed saliva.
Zayne took this opportunity to roll you under him so that he was now hovering over your exposed body.
One hand held his own body up, and the other tenderly traced around the edge of your breasts.
"You are too good to me," Zayne sighed under his breath.
"And while I do not normally condone this..."
Zayne stood up suddenly and fully removed his pants and underwear in what seemed like one swift motion before climbing back over top of you.
"I have no control left within my body."
His hands gripped your underwear tightly, his knuckles turning white and his veins popping as he completely ripped the flimsy material off of you.
He gripped the headboard, leaning over you to whisper in your ear.
"I'll buy you more."
You shuddered at both his words and the proximity of his naked body to yours.
"Do you trust me?" he continued.
"Yes. I trust you Zayne."
"Then hold on," he growled, his hot breath fanning over your ear.
Using his other hand to grip himself, he steered his length to your entrance, teasing it slightly with the head.
"Oh, shit," you gasped loudly.
With no further hesitation, Zayne fully inserted himself inside of you, making the both of you moan noisily. He remained there for a moment, his sweaty chest rubbing against your own. The hand that was on the headboard now came down against the mattress to hold the rest of his body up. His other hand grabbed one of yours, and he weaved his fingers in-between your own.
Your clasped hands gripped each other stiffly as he started to thrust in and out of you. As he did so, your other hand clawed at his back.
Where it had been silent before, your room now seemed like a concert of lewd noises. Zayne's grunts, your mewls, the wet sound of your bodies slamming together repeatedly...it was all so disgustingly beautiful.
Though your eyes were shut, you could feel Zayne's sticky forehead against your temple. The grip he had on your hand intensified, and the rapid, hot breaths from his mouth collided with your neck. Shamefully fast, you felt the familiar feeling of your impending climax, and you couldn't help but wonder if Zayne could, too.
"You..." Zayne panted, pulling himself out of you before slamming back in, all the way up to the base of his cock. "Already?"
You scoffed, opening your eyes to look at him, chastising yourself for thinking he was anything other than observant.
"You do things...to me too, you know?"
Zayne groaned, almost animalistic in the way that it sounded.
You licked your swollen lips, the moisture temporarily aiding in the chapped sensation you had been feeling.
"I want to feel it...I want you to look at me."
Zayne withdrew his hand from yours and instead grabbed your chin roughly. He then turned it, so that you were facing him completely.
"You are doing so well..."
For some reason, you fixated on the sweat that was flowing down the side of Zayne's face, dripping from his soaking wet hair. A few drops of it landed on your cheeks, but Zayne's increasingly harsh thrusts made them run down to your neck.
He kept a grip on your chin and began sucking on the skin where his sweat had pooled against a divot in your neck. It was with such force, you knew there would be a purple bruise there the next morning. The thought of others being able to see the evidence of the filthy night you had with Zayne was enough to send you over the edge for the second time.
Zayne felt you begin to tense up, and knowing what was coming and that he would not be able to stop himself from climaxing inside of you if he remained there, he begrudgingly removed himself just in time.
His warm cum splattered harshly against your pulsing core, and he couldn't help but watch as it did. The sight of you so utterly spent and covered in his seed was enough to make him collapse next to you.
This time, the silence in the room seemed ridiculously loud. It smelled completely of sex, and you knew you would have to wash your bedding tomorrow.
But you also couldn't help but feel completely at ease. That was the closest you could have ever hoped to be to the man you loved.
Love...what a word, right?
Part of you wanted to proclaim it right then and there. Though the other part of you was content with the silence, laying next to the second half of your somewhat broken soul.
It felt complete. You felt complete. And you hoped he did too.
You'd have to thank Richard if you ever saw him again.
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kaylee68 · 8 months ago
I know Dc has always proclaimed Tim Drake as the best detective and the smartest Robin and he is. By conventional measurements he is the best detective and he’s very smart but I wish they would acknowledge that each Robin is incredibly smart in their own way.
Dick Grayson is a master manipulator. He’s a genius when it comes to reading people and honestly whenever I need to write young him in fanfiction I literally just do Missy for Sheldon.
He’s smart. Book smart, but also people smart and people need to acknowledge this more it pains me to see DC forget this in exchange for a far more fannon. Far less complex version of him. He’s smart! Let him be smart.
Jason Todd is also book smart, though less mathematics and science and more classical literature. That man knows his way around the collections of Fyodor Dostoyevsky and that’s not even mentioning his street smarts.
He may not be the best conventional detective but he knows how to distinguish different gangs and their territories. He knows where dealers like to run their shops and he knows when a crime is too messy to have been caused by any of the rogues in the area.
Stephanie of course is a mix of the two. She’s good with people and she’s good on the streets but she’s also for very obvious reasons amazing at puzzles. Any tricky, seemingly impossible sort of quiz she’s got it, which is especially useful when the criminals of Gotham enjoy sending their hero’s on a wild goose chase.
She’s incredibly good at seeing through riddles and word vomit and she’s an amazing detective in her own right which should be used more.
Cass has been proven to be a great detective on so many occasions and of course do we even have to mention how adept she is at reading body language?
Her knowledge of combat is obviously unmatched and I’d love to see comics take this and apply it to her detective skills. How cool would it be for her to analyse a corpse and tell the fighting style of the assailant just by noting where on the body the strikes landed?
Realistic? No, but this is comics. Let me have my fun.
Damian was obviously trained in a dozen forms of martial arts, but he’s obviously knowledgeable about other things. The LoA are eco terrorists. You’re telling me that kid doesn’t know plants?
And that’s not even mentioning his knowledge of weapons and how he knows the ins and outs of organised crimes after living surrounded by it for a decade.
Plus his undercover skills.
Duke is new to me so I don’t know as much about him, but like Jason and Steph he grew up in the narrows and was part of gang, plus he apparently survived the riddler at like age 7 (pls don’t quote me on this I know practically nothing about zero year). So I can assume he’s incredibly intelligent. Street smarts! Also his powers let him look into the past which as evidenced in WFA can be used to help solve crimes.
Like I don’t want them to be conventional detectives. Let Tim be the Sherlock Holmes of the family. He’s already shown to be very observant.
I want to see more of the batfam using their own unique skill sets to solve crimes. They’re all good detectives they just have different ways of solving crimes.
Pls Dc, they would look so cool. If WFA can do it so can you! 😭😭
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peachesvault · 1 month ago
Dancing Queen || Quirkless Au || Frat!Bakugou x Hiphop!Reader
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Quick note, this is not finished what so ever, consider this a teaser. This is to see if anybody would actually be interested in me turning this into a full fledged series. Also reader and Mina are both considered to be brown (since there’s no quirks) as shown in the photos used (Y R THERE NO POC ON PINTEREST OR GOOGLE OMG), but this can be a self insert if you wish. Not proofread whatsoever so pls tell me somethings glaring!
Synopsis: Y/n Ashido, the sister of Mina Ashido is a dance prodigy. You were selected by a prestigious hiphop academy/ boarding school as a young child, and have been overseas apart from your family for the past 7 years. Due to circumstances you head back to Japan, and meet your sisters friends. A certain blonde sticks out to you..
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Hello -,
we’re incredibly sorry to hear about your injury, however considering its severity, we have decided to rethink your scholarship. Although you are a model student, we simply don’t have the space to accommodate an injured student while there are hundreds in the waitlist, so for now we have to revoke your scholarship, including your student accommodation. You have until the 29th to fully move out of the previously provided dorm. If you have any questions feel free to go to the head office. If you wish to return to Étoile Conservatory of Dance under hip hop in the future after you have healed, headmistress Kaea has requested you personally seek an audience with her.
Louise Wang || Deputy principal for Étoile Conservatory of Dance
Contact at: #########@gmail.com, Étoile Conservatory of Dance on ###### street, #####, Sydney, Australia
The smooth thick card paper gave up in your hands, crunching uglily as you kick it aside. Ofcourse they had to send it in a handwritten letter, really let the pain settle in knowing some random- Louise had sat in her office writing it, probably smacking her lips and chewing on gum like she has a habit of doing. She couldn’t have sent an email? That would have been so much better, knowing it wasn’t as personal.
You know your anger was misdirected, a hoax, an effort to shove down the fear creeping up your chest, stabbing you in the sternum, avoiding the thick air. Dance was all you had known. Ever since you were 9. You, Y/n Ashido, the child hip hop prodigy, catched the interest of Miss Kaea, a famous figure in the industry, as the most paid dancer, aswell as the headmistress of the 3rd most prestigious academy, Étoile had grown to be home. Miss Kaea had handpicked her, reaching out to your parents, offering to cover your whole future expenses and education wise, even flying you halfway across the world so that you could attend her academy. Yet here she was, practically your second mother figure, dumping you over a cracked femur that had almost completely healed. Sure, you might not be able to jump onto your left leg anymore, but surely she could contact a good doctor that could heal it easily, knowing all the connections she has to A-tier celebrities. What had changed? Were you really nothing but an investment?
The lights flickered overhead, almost in an effort to mock your suffering. You couldn’t even bear to look at this god forsaken dorm anymore, somewhere you once considered home. But at home you wouldn’t get kicked out so cruelly, no consideration for the almost decade, 7 years, of blood sweat and tears you put into Étoile. What were you meant to do now? You had friends here, a lot actually, but they all stayed at the dorms anyways so it’s not like you could crash at one of theirs. There was nobody who didn’t live at some sort of dorm, there was no place left for you at Sydney and legally you couldn’t even rent, due to being a minor and all that. There weren’t even options for other academy’s around here, with all of them only revolving around ballet and classical technique based, something you didn’t have the calling for.
Sitting on your bed, everything seemed hopeless, you just needed to heal your leg and you’d be back… but you needed somewhere to heal first. You eyed your phone, before dialling a number that you probably shouldn’t have neglected for so long, if it was a physical being it would have had a fat layer of dust on it already. Not from hatred or ignorance but just your busy schedule.
“Hey ma..”
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Reblogs and spam likes encouraged and welcomed! Do not copy or post on other platforms.
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steviebbboi · 6 months ago
Hi! Me again 😅 I have another request for Good For It Ari ❤️ Was wondering if you could do a proposal/marriage moment between them too? Wondering if there would be any angst/push back from the town at all/or like how’s the town feeling about now later down the road? Do they still like them or not? Thanks again ❤️
Hi hi again~ thank you for sending this in <3 i love this prompt too! it definitely made me think hard about how Lumberjack!Ari would propose given that his language is comprised of well-placed, intentioned grunts lol but i hope that i did it justice.
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Pairing: Lumberjack!Recluse!Ari x F!Reader (Good For It)
Word Count: 1.6k~
Summary: How would Lumberjack!Ari propose to you?
You could read the original fic here.
Disclaimer: ***I don't give any permission for this to be reposted anywhere! Pls do not steal work, plagiarism isn't demureeee***
Reblogs help writers reach more readers who may also enjoy our work. As you like, kindly reblog~ <3
Warnings/Triggers: explicit detailed depiction of smut in a memory, lovie dovie softness, protective and mild possessive Ari showin’ up to wreck you. this isn't beta read, and most likely will read it over again to edit but wanted to put it out for ya'll to enjoy!
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The cart wheels rattled along the road pavement as you walked into the store. You could feel some of the speculative stares already as you perused the vegetable aisle. 
Looking at some of the fresh veggie options, you could feel your heart thundering heavily and could feel the heat start to envelop your body underneath your clammy palms. Instinctively, you inhaled deeply to alleviate the tension building in your shoulders when you also start to hear the whispers. 
You were staring way too long as two identical pieces of squash when you felt the relief come in, “Should I give you three a moment alone?” 
Broken out of your dissociative gaze, you scoffed out a laugh while you turned and looked up to find Ari smirking at you. His frame towered over your significantly smaller one as your narrowed eyes met his affectionate glint. “No, you brute– we have concluded our meeting, thank you very much.” You teased back at him with a mocking smile. 
Ari only chuckled and put his burly hands on both of your shoulders and squeezed lightly. You could feel the tension slightly leave your body at his touch as you put your best pick of squash in the cart. 
Ari did his best to cheer you up whenever the both of you were out together. Even in the most mundane tasks, people seemed to still enjoy torturing you with their prying stares and gossiped whispers. Even though it's been two whole years since you started dating Ari, people still seemed to carry their weighted opinions about your relationship. 
The guilt that Ari carried for what happened at the mill has dissipated throughout the years– his feelings no longer diminishing your relationship together as you both worked it out a year ago. You tried to remind yourself that other people had no say or merit in the security of your relationship together. In all honesty, their judging natures have only helped you both grow closer together, never doubting each other’s feelings for the other. 
Classically, Ari’s protective nature only grew the more that he noticed the town’s critical disposition towards you in particular. He didn’t much care about their opinions of him, but when it came to you, he felt a heightened sense of defensiveness. 
You carried a light in his world that was unfamiliar to his own–he knew the significance of your presence in his life, he felt better and just good with you in his life. He would happily follow you to the depths of any sense of darkness. He understood that your sensitive nature has taken others’ criticisms more personally, but he also knew that he would never let anything come too close, or at least, close enough to jeopardize your relationship. 
You were a softness to protect, he cherished you, and utterly adored you. Ari would do anything to preserve that with you and in your shared life together. 
Not ignorant to the glances that people were extending towards your direction, he used his commanding physique to his advantage to narrow his gaze directly at those who were brave enough to send stares in the first place. Once they noticed his directive blaze, people would flush and scurry their grocery carts away in a masked hurry. 
Satisfied, Ari turned back to you and put an arm over your shoulder casually while placing a kiss on your hairline as you looked at him curiously. “Now, what’s next?”
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Surprise bloomed in your thoughts as you noticed that the further you walked into the store, people seemed to deviate their intrusive stares away from you and Ari. Either you were getting good at avoiding them, or you were missing some sudden piece of information. 
Your thoughts were curious as you glanced over at Ari from the passenger seat. The breeze from the open windows graced soft wind through his locks, he looked so effortlessly relaxed and handsome. 
Eyes still pensive, you couldn’t help the small smile that grew upon your lips. 
Ari sensed your stare as he took a glance over at you before looking back at the road. Catching the inquiring glint in your eyes, he glanced back at you, “Everything okay, baby?”
Humming out an affirmative yes, you said simply, “You’re pretty.” A full smile graced your face at his typical responding grunt. 
You didn’t forget your earlier thoughts though and continued, “And you’re sneaky.”
Ari released his own slow hum this time that you quickly mimicked. “I don’t know what happened, but something did.”
He didn’t say anything even though you made your speculative tone obvious. He only gave you a soft smile and merely took his right hand off the wheel to extend an open palm. You narrowed your eyes at him again but took his invitation and put your hand in his. Once your palm met his, he gave you a gentle tug to pull you closer to him and you tucked yourself all small underneath his arm while resting your head on his shoulder. Ari’s calloused fingers stroked your exposed skin on your arm intimately while you both sat in silence the rest of the drive home. 
You knew how Ari oriented himself to shield you from the nosy outsiders scrutinizing your relationship. While you liked to think that you could handle it all on your own, you secretly enjoyed it when Ari protected you like this. There was just something about his guardedness that made you feel worshipped and cared for– on the flip side, it was also assertive and dominating. It was definitely dangerous, but that's what made him so alluring and even more attractive in your eyes.
Something told you that Ari knew that too. Your mind suddenly flashed back to last night– the room barely lit by the moonlight shining exposed through the curtain. Your legs bent over Ari’s broad shoulders which forced your legs open wider to accommodate for his weighted stature as he held you down for his gluttonous tongue that lapped and sucked at your soaking wet pussy eagerly, over and over again until you felt the day’s stress leave your body with each mind-numbing orgasm that he gave you. 
You cleared your throat as you felt your breathing shift momentarily, your body instinctively reacting to the memory as you fidget closer to him. It was like he knew what you were thinking as he released what sounded like a knowing hum at your movement and kissed your temple tenderly.
Finally reaching your shared house, you giggled as Ari took most of the grocery bags from the back of the car and ducked his head as he entered. The rest of the evening was spent cooking dinner together, a favorite pastime that the both of you loved to do. 
It was later when you were resting on the couch, both of you stretched out leisurely. You were unwinding from the day, already in your night clothes (you in your camisole and underwear and Ari wearing only sweatpants as you bullied him into being shirtless for the remainder of the night). Your legs entangled together with your head resting on Ari’s naked chest while he held you closer on top of him. He had one long arm wrapped around your waist while his other hand stroked and played with the back of your hair lazily. A calming and grounding feeling overtook your body at the sensation. Your favorite movie was on, but with Ari’s soothing touch and his soft heartbeat thudding underneath your ear, you could feel your eyelids getting heavier. 
A frown settled on your face when you felt a sudden weight and cooling feeling on your hand that was resting on Ari’s shoulder. Your sleepy eyes glanced up towards the limb and widened. 
There, resting on your left hand on your ring finger, was a simple silver band with a round stone just glimmering at you with how it shined underneath the warm light from the living room lamp. 
Not really registering what you were looking at, you rose up from your lazed position on Ari’s chest suddenly to pull your hand closer to your face. Almost as if you couldn’t get closer to it, you inspected the jewelry on your hand as if it was magic. Your shocked eyes met Ari’s equally sleepy and rested gaze as he took in your reaction humoredly. 
“Ari…what–,” you started with awe in your voice. Ari took your left hand away from your stunned face to bring it to his soft lips. Your breath hitched as he kissed the ring on your finger solidly.
“From the first day that I met you, I knew that I wanted you. To this day, even though I already have you, I still want you. But, I also need you.” Your eyes glittered with tears at listening to his affection-coated words. He would never really admit it, but his blue eyes also glittered with his own. 
“I love you. And, I think that you may need me too,” his deep-toned voice was rasp with desire as he continued, “if you’ll have me.” He placed another sincerely soft kiss on your ring finger and continued placing kisses up all over the inside of your wrist. 
His other hand wiped at the tear that fell and you grabbed his large hand before he could pull it away. There were so many things that you wanted to say but your voice locked in your throat. You took his large hand in your own to kiss his own ring finger softly with a whispered “yes.”
Ari’s mouth opened with his own gasp at the feeling of your plush lips on his skin. Hearing your tender response, Ari allowed his own gentle smile to grace his content faced expression as he pulled you down to clutch you desperately close to him. Pressing soft kisses on each other’s exposed skin periodically, you held each other for some time, your newly sparkled hand intertwined with his. 
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A/N: AHHHH, their softness really just kills me. And the NEED argh, i wrote it and also dyin' from the sweetness of this drabble. pls let me know your thoughts, they are so welcome. <3 hope you enjoyed!
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jakeowen · 5 months ago
pls talk about homeschooling (genuinely interested)
so ok here’s the thing. i was a montessori kid who went on to receive a private progressive education through college. i think progressive education is wonderful and important. my dad was a montessori teacher and i spent four years working in education access inside an under-resourced high school (including pandemic years). the reason i mention this is that i do believe that mainstream education (both public and private schools) is failing kids and ultimately society. i have a lot of sympathy for parents who want a higher-caliber education for their kids and don’t know where to get it besides at home. one of my best friends was homeschooled because his parents (both professors) couldn’t find a school they were comfortable sending him to, and he turned out very intelligent and perfectly ok, if weird. i’ve also seen other positive examples of homeschooling, including a homeschool program at a nature preserve i worked at and homeschool that incorporates the occasional class at a local high school or community college or what have you. all this to say, i don’t think all motives for homeschooling are evil and i don’t think every single child who’s been homeschooled has been mistreated or denied positive social opportunities or whatever. however, all that said, even the best, highest-quality homeschooling should not be fucking legal.
after i was done working at a school, i went on to work at an organization serving unhoused youth and also teens in dcf custody, so i’ve seen a lot of shit, way more than enough to make me firmly believe that children are a uniquely vulnerable and marginalized population who are at high risk for exploitation. and the vast vast majority of exploitation and abuse happens inside the home. frankly you only need to meet one kid whose “homeschooling” was religious indoctrination designed to teach them to submit to their father raping them every night to be ready to burn the entire practice down. children are safest when they are part of the community, when they have access to multiple and varied points of view and responsible, caring adults representing those points of view. no child should ever be wholly at the mercy of their parents or any other single entity. it is simply not safe, and even if it were, it’s not healthy for a child’s cognitive development to only be exposed to one ideology, no matter how much or how little i agree with the particular ideology. part of healthy growth and development is the ability to integrate or discern different perspectives—it’s how you develop a bullshit detector, it’s how you learn to form your own opinions, and if you don’t build that skill in youth you are more susceptible to exploitation and indoctrination as an adult.
not all homeschool parents are fundamentalists who limit the perspectives their children can be exposed to. but the practice of homeschooling allows for this. the practice of homeschooling allows for abusive parents to lock their kids in cages and starve them and get away with it because there’s nobody to notice. any practice that provides a safe cover for the worst kind of abuse and exploitation is not a practice worth keeping, even if it does have the potential to work out well for a few kids.
the good news is that we actually already invented a way for children to get educated: it’s called school, and it exists free of charge in every community in the country. if you’re worried about the quality of your kids’ education, you can get involved! you can run for school board or join the pta/pto. you can also seek out or provide educational enrichment opportunities for your child that incorporate whatever you think they’re not getting at school. sunday school is a classic example of religious education supplementing school. my parents discussed current events with me, asked my opinion on things, shared theirs, and honestly answered my questions about other approaches/beliefs, and i learned a lot from that. even better than laying out enrichment opportunities for your kid, ask what THEY want to learn or feel like they’re not getting at school, and honor their autonomy by finding that for them or helping them find it. education does not begin and end at school, but it does not and cannot begin and end with parents either.
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spaceagebachelormann · 1 year ago
Platonic hcs for Adam Frankenstein and a gender neutral reader that befriends him? hope you’re having a great day btw!
platonic adam frankenstein hcs !
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✧ warnings: some swearing
✧ additional info: oh my god i got so excited when i saw this request by all means pls send more for my classic monsters m.list and/or phantom of the opera (if you’ve seen it ofc) this made me so happy ur an angel. also can be read as either the book or movie versions <3
✧ m.list — nav.
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so like
he’d probably be intimidated when u first come across him
like he doesn’t trust you but he isn’t going to hurt you because he doesn’t have a reason
you probably need to show him ur not gonna do anything before he stops trying to get away from u
and when that happens he’ll still be a bit suspicious
just start by introducing urself and explaining ur intentions and he’ll calm down
he finally introduces himself to u as gently as he can cause he doesn’t wanna like. scare u away ofc
once he gets comfortable he’s such a good friend
one of the first things he does is ask u abt ur life cause he feels like it’s important to know what ur friends lives are like (he’s right go check up on ur friends rn if ur reading this 😒)
he knows he can’t like stay with u (probably) and u can’t stay with him so he gets kinda sad when u leave
goodbye hugs absolutely happen!!
and he’s super gentle cause he’s really strong and could easily crush u
also def gives head pats
erm anyway
typa guy to walk into ur house like he lives there (if u live alone)
but if he doesn’t i feel like you would be going to wherever tf he is more than him coming to u
and he gets so happy if u just show up unexpectedly
like that shit makes him more happy than showing up on scheduled time
and if ur ever late cause u had a problem for someone else oh my god
a) u came to the right person because he’s very sweet and understanding and will listen to u and give input if u ask
b) he’ll stomp that mf like a bug if u want him too
c) his hugs are fucking amazing
he’s so good at comforting <3
other than that he’d probably know how to cook from living alone so he’d like making u food
even if u don’t ask he has something ready for u
and you WILL eat it or i’m gonna come after u 😒
would also randomly bring u gifts as a thank you for befriending him because now he isn’t as lonely and has someone to talk to! <3
the thought of him like getting all happy when u come through the door to see him is making me so happy and sad at the same time he’s such a cutie patootie
this one might take some time. but once he’s rlly rlly comfortable he’ll prob tell u abt what happened with victor
was mainly afraid of telling u cause he wasn’t sure how u would react
has so much more respect for u when u aren’t rude to him abt it <3
if u have any random drama bro is invested
will think ur in the right literally no matter what
u could’ve done some shit scandalous and he’s defending u
u could probably help him come outside more cause he’d always be inside
just say to him “hey we should go for a walk!!” and with a bit of convincing ur suddenly outside in the woods on a walk
like it’s so cute he’s sitting on the ground trying to pay attention to 15 animals at once
even if he’s deformed they know hes rlly sweet and wouldn’t do anything to them
also he’d fucking love picnics
like just sitting there and listening to u talk abt whatever
he loves it <3
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quirkwizard · 9 hours ago
Heyo Wiz, I'm making an oc with a quirk that has a similar theme to one of my favorite of your works, "Cast Off". Although instead of making a wand they will be making something else. I hope you like it and pls let me know if there is anything that I should change! Quirk Name: " Wizardry" Quirk Type: Transformation Integration: This quirk allows ((NAME)) to suddenly create a hat atop their head, which appears as a classic, maybe a bit oversized, dark brown wizard's hat with a tall cone and wide, somewhat floppy brim. (1/4)
The hat seems unable to leave ((NAME))'s head unless it is un-summoned. What this piece of apparel actually does is form an invisible force around ((NAME))'s body, reaching as far as the hat's brim, which acts similarly to a magnet; repelling everything outside the barrier with a low-medium intensity. Once adorned, ((NAME)) will hover above any physical surface; example being the ground, the side of a building, the surface of water, etc. (2/4)
This grants ((NAME)) a surprising amount of power, both in combat and mobility. ((NAME)) can float across nearly any surface, leap into the air and safely return to the ground, completely ignore attacks, or just send enemies flying back with an attack of their own. However this hat will drain ((NAME))'s stamina as long as it exists, going as far as to render them unconscious if not careful - a deep sleep they will safely wake up from after recovering. (3/4)
This barrier also does not protect the hat itself, and although it can't be removed, if damaged enough it will despawn and can't be summoned again for a couple minutes. (Sidenote: I like the idea of this barrier pushing off any clothes the user is wearing with the hat on. Meaning, like Lemillion, they must have specially tailored clothes made from their hair or something so that the quirk won't identify it as something that needs to be repelled.) (4/4)
So I get the idea you have here and I don't think it's bad. I think the structure of this could work. My problem is in some of the applications may be too strong or vague. For example, the user being untouchable is too strong for what you set up the Quirk to be like. I just think having it be around as a defensive measure is fine. I would explore some more of it's offensive uses as well. That feels like it isn't really expanded on as much as it should be. Maybe think about what exactly the effect is like. Is it just people getting close to the user or can they shoot it off of themselves? The other problem comes in the downsides. Damaging the hat is fine, but having it be unprotected just seems like it'd be too easy of a target. And taking stamina from the user just seems too generic. I just think you could do more to fit with this being a wizard-like power. I would have it so the user's hat is protected, but giving it some other downsides to make it come up in the first place. For example, maybe the user could push off or extend the barrier by moving their body around, similar to casting spells. In spreading it out, it could weaken the effect of the barrier, making them more exposed. This requires them to balance how they use the Quirk while still making damaging the hat more of a problem.
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starrysan · 5 days ago
(pretty u) band info
just an excuse to yap about the pretty u band :3 this is lowk gonna be longish cuz yapyapyap
how it started: y/n was a studio comp major but also extremely introverted, when it came to asking other people to help her with recording/to play for her songs she just physically couldn't do it. sucked that she wanted to start a band because the first thing you need to have a band is people.
dokyeom: cut to a few months in when she submitted a song for her seminar class, someone suggested a electric guitar riff and when she said she didn't know how to play, cue the loudest guy in her class seokmin offering to play for her. they went to the studio attempting to be in and out in an hour or two since it was getting late and y/n had an 8am the next day, but the two hadn't really planned anything out and seokmin being a yapper and y/n becoming a yapper when she was comfortable, they yapped for the first 2 hours, started recording 4 hours in, many malfunctions later (since they're both comp majors and knew little to nothing about how to actually work the studio). they pulled an all nighter to record but from there they got super close. when y/n on a whim mentioned her dream of a band, seokmin was locked in, already having a stage name (dk/dokyeom).
hoshi: it was kind of funny how y/n and dk found soonyoung. they booked out a practice room to just jam on their guitars when the room they booked has a guy (soonyoung) sitting on the floor plucking at his bass. they politely told him they had the room booked to which he said no they hadn't and it was first come first serve. (he looked at the wrong date and thought he was free to use the room). he apologized when he realized his mistake but when he saw their guitar cases he practically begged them to let him stay and listen. they reluctantly agree and when they finish setting up and start to jam, soonyoung quietly plucked along to their playing. y/n's eyes lit up. "you play bass?" she exclaimed so loud the soundproofed walls probably didn't do much for them. when soonyoung nodded yes, it was y/n's turn to beg soonyoung to join her band. he said yes just as fast as she asked. he was a self taught bass who was really a classical major so this was exiting for him. #lockedinabassplayer
mingyu: finding drums was the hardest, seokmin only talked to so many people, y/n was an introvert, and hoshi had more ops than friends (purely cuz he comes off too strong sometimes, love u hoshi). y/n's roommate was dating this guy who she had heard through the grapevine had played drums. that person was mingyu. y/n's roommate and mingyu were inseparable he was over at their dorm basically every night. not that y/n had minded she was either in a practice room, the studio, or in seokmin's room since he lived in a single and they bothered less people. the days she wasn't in one of those three places, she got to know mingyu a bit. he was practically a second roommate so she may as well have done so. the two got pretty close. the day y/n wanted to ask mingyu about him playing drums for her band, him and her roommate had broken up, genuinely horrific timing. she had his instagram and decided to ask just for the hell of it. it took him almost a week to get back to her but when he did he declined. turns out he only learned drums to play them with his ex who asked him to learn for her and now drums basically reminded him of her. y/n still tried asking again and again till she lowkey almost got blocked (she was desperate). when she thought all hope was lost, she learned her roommate was actually really shitty, she had cheated on mingyu with some guy and also started bringing him around to the dorm. she tried to stay out as much as possibly because it felt so shit seeing her roommate with someone else knowing she cheated on one of her friends. (luckily y/n found a new room to switch into). she and mingyu talked when they could, was more y/n would check on mingyu to make sure he was okay and him always saying yes a bit too quick but when he called her on a whim at 2am while she was recording absolutely sobbing his eyes out she dropped what she was doing and ran to his dorm. after she helped him calm down, mingyu feeling bad and like he owed y/n for helping him so much said he'd play drums for her, which was the least of her concern but she was beyond happy.
seonghwa: was not supposed to be with the band for so long. he was a arts managment major and needed to pretend to manager a artist/band. he had only been in the music building once, most of his classes being in other buildings. he was kind of scared, every room was either someone crazily practicing or bands going haywire in a practice room. he happened to see y/n leave the practice room door open for a second and he decided to approach them thinking they were normal enough (loud incorrect buzzer). he finished his assignment and was just going to move on but little did he know he was getting himself into something he didn’t know the depths to. after graduation when the band started getting bigger shows with bigger audiences they were put under the pressure and when y/n reached out asking if he’d manage them again he agreed reluctantly now knowing how crazy they were but after helping them with their first show he was locked in. turns out managing them full time was more fun then he thought it would be
first practice: was a shit show im ngl. y/n only knew how to songwrite and write for guitar so the lead sheets she had for bass and drums was sloppy at best practically chicken scratch at worst. soonyoung and mingyu tried to read as best as they could.. but it was rough. it took an hour to actually set up and another hour just to read y/n’s notes since she scribbled everything at 5am the morning of. but with seokmin’s yaps and jokes they all pulled through and had a semi successful practice.
uhh i think thats it!! ty for readingg
pretty u masterlist
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princesssarisa · 1 year ago
What do you think of PL Travers' criticisms on Andersen's writing on the Little Mermaid?
All I've read are her comments on the very end of the story. If she made any other comments, I don't know them.
As for her criticism of the last paragraph, I agree with her. I also dislike the fact that the Daughters of the Air have their time of trial lessened by a year each time they see a well-behaved child, but a day added for each tear they shed when they see a naughty child.
It's all too preachy in a classic 19th century way, and I agree with Travers that it's emotional blackmail for child readers. It's completely unnecessary too. It has nothing to do with the main themes of the story; in fact it arguably goes against one main theme. The Mermaid's failure to gain a soul by winning the Prince's love, only to to earn a second chance by self-sacrifice and be allowed to gain a soul by doing good deeds as a Daughter of the Air, sends the message that spiritual salvation can't depend on another person. That we have to earn it with our own virtue and good deeds. Part of why Andersen allegedly wrote the tale was as a deconstruction of Undine, because he disliked the concept of a sea nymph gaining a soul by marrying a human. Yet in the end, the Daughters of the Air do depend on others for their salvation, because children's good or bad behavior can shorten or extend their time on the earth plane before they're allowed into heaven.
It feels as if after writing a very personal story, with themes that resonate more with adults than with children, Andersen suddenly remembered that children were his target audience and tacked on a preachy, unconvincing message of "Be good, boys and girls, or the Little Mermaid will have to wait longer to go to heaven."
It's no wonder that even adaptations that keep the tale's original bittersweet ending tend to eliminate that part, and either have her rise straight to heaven or else de-Christianize the tale and just have her spend a happy eternity as a spirit guardian of young lovers.
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livelaughghoul · 1 month ago
I haven’t listened to any exo yet, I’ll give them a listen! I will honestly take any recommendations!
i honestly recommend all their songs but here’s a few i’m personally biased towards : (also pls listen with headphones, their harmonies are so good when you’re fully immersed it’s like they’re fighting eachother with their voices)
bad dream (harmonies galore)
oasis + el dorado + been through (actively makes me feel like i’m the main character in a dystopian world)
obsession + monster (if you’re into hard, deep and nasty bass beats with a heavy drop)
groove + love me right (80’s-90’s vibes, super fun, esp the love me right, you can tell they were having fun in the studio)
what u do + forever + going crazy (peak summer vacation)
call me baby, like this is a very good introduction into them (this post will give u an idea : https://x.com/kyoongfairy/status/1874946030262980961?s=46)
for their solos : kai’s first album (every damn song is insanely produced), baekhyun’s un village, ice queen, psycho & cold heart, chanyeol’s stay with me (that one viral kdrama song) + yours + there’s a song he’s done w far east moment and tinashe! kyungsoo’s lost & tell me what is love (2000’s r&b style),,, if you’re into ballads then their other members fit that quota but the r&b is best done by them all, it’s just the classic 2000’s dancing in the rain, some usher song type of vibes haha!
i’ hope u have a fun time listening (kind of jealous bc you’ll get to experience their discography for the vv first time), i’d love to send in more recs but these are pretty good stepping stones !!! 💗
hi, sorry this took me fucking forever to answer, mostly because i’m dumb and forgot that i have the ability to like, screenshot this and create a playlist with all the recommendations, but like, we live and we learn, right bestie? literally any other recommendations, please send them my way because this is now a core piece of my personality in the worst way possible.
anyways, thank you for sending these because what the fuck lol. my gym playlist is officially the best playlist ever.
i am, without a fucking doubt, absolutely obsessed with exo, and like, idk i think i would kill myself if kai asked me to?
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what-have-i-unleashed · 2 months ago
I'M SORRY I WASN'T AT MY COMPUTER TO SEND ASKS!!!! PLS, I PROMMY I STILL LOVE WAR AU 🥺 (/lh) UMMMMMMM to use up one of my limited lil supply if questions about it....... how many people does dust have under his command? (+ as part of the same questions who are they?) And why not, for the fun of it. What are the factions in your AU? I think you said there are 4 of them? Both interested in what their like majory goals / ideals are but also just who the leaders / faces of them are? (Well leaders / faces and/or any major players in them!) :3
dust has a special task force of his own (his personal hit squad lol) but technically he also has authority over the army too as one of nightmare's lieutenant. i'll expand on dust's squad in a separate post, but there's a storyshift chara and a fell sans in there for sure, as introduced in the latest installment! there are also a swapfell muffet and a fellswap grillby, and they're both arms dealers and assassins who compete with each other a lot lol. there's a very boisterous swap alphys in there too, and a flowey from some unknown au. i might have some ocs in it too, but i can say dust's squad had around 20 people and he personally picks the most potential people for assassination/black ops missions. there's no papyrus for...... obvious reasons 🙂🙂🙂 chara is the only human in the squad, also for obvious reasons 🙂🙂🙂
as for the factions in the au: it's still under construction right now, but the four factions are:
omega timeline council (or just the council): they are the nominally good guys in the war, with the intention of housing refugees from the crumbling multiverse. but of course as the council they have very...... peculiar ideas about who/which aus deserve to be saved in this noah's ark 🙂
nightmare: he basically picks up the discarded aus and "saves" the people from there, so his army has a lot of people disgruntled with the council. his goal is to invade the omega timeline and finally take over the multiverse. and also find dream, his biggest weakness and thorn in his side, since the guardian has been missing for a while.
ink: his side consists of people/aus he considers helpful in his own solution to save the multiverse. he has the same goal as core frisk, but they disagree on the means basically. ink's plan is a secret that only they know (and a few other people in their close circle), but there's a reason why core, dream, and ink basically ended their partnership 🙂
error: his idea is basically just end the whole multiverse porject basically. his only interest is to protect the only classic au intact, and dream is currently there away from nightmare's eyes. error and reaper have their own idea to end the war, but clearly dream, who is under their protection, is opposed to it. let's say they also have something among themselves too 🙂
killer worked for nightmare in the past, and dust and horror worked for dream. and now, killer works for the council, dust works for nightmare, and horror works for ink. a lot of drama yes.
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deadwriter16 · 3 months ago
Hi.... If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/games/etc) and your top 10 favorite characters from any media ? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this questions before or if I accidentally send this ask twice.....
Hi! Sorry I'm super super bad at managing my inbox but I am finally answering you, so sorry it took so long!! pls forgive me
as far as media goes, i dont have a rank order or anything really but here are 10 pieces of media i really enjoy:
i wouldnt say these are my top 10, but just some i really love
fruits basket (anime) - most ive ever cried watching anything. watched this during my last year of high school during the peak of college application season and it altered my brain chemistry forever. i will never be the same
assassination classroom (anime) - watched it in middle school and therefore formed a deep and unhealthy obsession with it, also karma is THAT BITCH. amazing show. also so like oddly sad
new girl (tv) - my favorite television show OF ALL TIME
how to get away with murder (tv) - my favorite televison drama show OF ALL TIME
always sunny (tv) - still watching this one but i LOVE it, shows about fucked up horrible people are my favorite, also i really love and admire their writing style and i really want to embody it on a show someday. definitely a huge writing inspiration for me
arrested development seasons 1-3 (tv) (i liked 4 and 5 but 1-3 are incredible) - again, a show about incredibly terrible people, and also really fucking funny in a weird way. and super clever. i love it
sherlock (tv) - i LOVE murder mysteries so so much. also theyre super gay which is fun
soul eater (anime) - my first anime ever, will love it forever
penguins of madagascar (movie) - i am unironically saying this, i am not fucking with you, this is my favorite animated movie
saturday night live (tv) - a classic. i haven't really traversed past the 21st century but i watch it every weekend without fail.
a special eleventh is A.P. Bio, amazing show never should've been cancelled. objectively i can completely understand why it was canceled bc there wasn't anything really objectively special about it, but by god do i love that show anyway. i rewatch it all the time
honorable mentions: on my block, sex education, the office, community, one day at a time (2017), how i met your mother, parks and rec, disney XD's lab rats (also unironically. great show.)
As for characters:
This is so so hard I've read/watched so so many things, I'm just gonna name the first ten freaks that pop into my head, but in no particular rank order and im definitely forgetting people:
bakugou (bnha) bc obviously. my entire blog is like a shrine to him. i don't need to justify this choice tbh he's the absolute best
chimney (911) he is SOOO me coded and he deserves the world and i think he's deeply underappreciated so i shall appreciate him myself. underappreciated comic relief characters my beloved
schmidt from new girl. my boy. my king. THE #1 MASTER OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. i love him so so much
chandler from friends .... extremely self explanatory (also, see chimney. very similar reasons)
kyo (fruits basket) he means a lot to me. i wish him all the best in life although tbh he did canonically win in life so go him
connor walsh (how to get away with murder) i LOVE him. so much. he's so fucked up but i think hes done nothing wrong ever
death the kid (soul eater) LOVE OF MY LIFE. ABSOLUTE ICON
chang (community) maybe its just cause i love ken jeong but i love this little fucked up mentally ill freak. he's so fucking funny
phil dunphy (modern family) - no explanation needed. he's awesome. i love him a lot he gives me faith in family
every other main character in new girl. i love them all so much
honorable mentions: annalise keating (htgawm), ochako uraraka (bnha), bobby nash (911), dwight schrute (the office), and probably many many more amazing characters who i simply am forgetting
i also really fuck with the grandma from fresh off the boat
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neonmetro · 4 months ago
Went back and reread your infodump post because that shit is like Nicotine /J
This is in no way related to Ocs or anything but likeeee I couldn't help it
Kirby mention so I'm just gonna rant rq
I have all the Kirby games up to forgotten lands, Super Nintendo? Wii U? YEAH I GOT EM
I literally can't because the Super Nintendo is the LOVE of my life, Doctor Mario and Tetris was MY SHIT, i also used to play shooters on the WII U until I lost the gun piece. . .sigh those were the days. Not to mention Hip Hop dance experience which if you want me to be honest it's just Hip Hop just dance and wayyyyy better in my humble opinion. PLS TELL ME YOU HAVE PLAYED ON THE SUPER NINTENDO, also I used to have a Mortal Kombat arcade system until it broke. . .still need a replacement piece/
ALSO YOU SHARE THE LOVE OF MARINE BIOLOGY???? PLS PLS PLS I LOVE MARINE BIOLOGY AND HAVE LOVED IT SINCE I WAS IN THE 3RD GRADE, I did half of my science projects around Jellyfish and sea slugs. . .the ocean is so scary but so beautiful. LIKE SEA ANGELS???? AND LION FISH??? DON'T GET ME STARTED ON JELLYFISH AND SHARKS CHAT. I could rant for hourrs about Marine life, also like coral is so pretty. . .I honestly think people should start caring more about the environment !!!! To keep beautiful things like this alive !!! (If you want to infodump by all means this is an invitation hehe. . .)
Another hyperfixation of mine is Astronomy. . .sighs. . .if I were to talk about astronomy I fear I wouldn't be able to send this ask because it would just be too long. . .tumblr is such a hater
and then butterflies and castles . . .I really like castles, um
Butterflies though !!! They are great, I find it silly that a lot of the Morpho butterflies are named after Greek myth. Like the Morpho menalaus, the Morpho achillies, and Morpho Telemachus.
I also really like fairy tales, classical literature, vampires. . .sighs, vampires
-Ulysses loving anon
HELL YESSSSSSS god all those games are iconic.... i'll be so honest i haven't played many nintendo games, i only got a switch this year LMAOOO and i've only played pokemon + splatoon 2.... i love kirby with all my heart though i have a little squeaky toy of him in my room and he is poyo poyoing all over the place
i mean i've watched some nintendo gameplay videos but none of those games.... sorry
most games i've been able to play are on the phone .... bc i'm not that good at playing on my computer (cause i draw instead so i have to drag myself away)
GODDD!!! I LOVE MARINE BIOLOGYYY it was so intense in junior year that i wanted to become a marine bio major (it's such an odd choice considering my first major is business marketing....?) but we ball tbh i'd still like to take a course in it
HGNGNGHGGH I FUCKING LOVE JELLYFISH YOU HAVE NOOOO IDEA!!!! the lampocteis and moon jellies are my absolute favorites, comb jellies are peak and so are moon jellies
honestly i'm really lucky i can travel a lot bc i get to go to so many aqauriums. we fucking ball. like everytime i go to an aquarium i take five million pictures LOLLL like its a problem lmfao!!!!! (like i went to a aquarium in tokyo and it was baller)
outside of jellyfish my favorite is orcas, whales, and other deep sea animals. fuck i love them so much. (i call orcas assholes all the time because they are but i love them for it) smth smth moby dick being 50% whale facts only fed into the marine bio fixation
sea slugs are awesome too. look at those sluggos go eating sponges and becoming poisonous as a result. oh i also love sphinophores (hi portuguese man o' war) they're awesome
i rarely get to make things about my marine bio interest... but while playing webfishing i almost exclusively fish out at sea and i bother my friends about fun facts all the time
HONESTLY? TRUE. that's kinda the main way to get ppl to care lol make it about little guys that are cute and don't you want them to be alive instead of dead?
coral bleaching is such a insane problem man....... make sure you pay attention to what sunscreen you're using!!!!!!!!
AHHH ASTRONOMY..... i used to be really into it when i was younger but erm. it kinda died after awhile and i'm hesitant to get back into it after an incident lol... i still love the planets tho (thank you sailor moon you are the source of many awakenings for me)
castles are awesome i'm ngl.....
its actually so cool that scientific names for animals are named after greek heroes its so cool. like the genus and family name for albatrosses are named after diomedes and i was like HOLY SHIT!!!!!
HELL YESS FAIRY TALES AND CLASSIC LIT!!!! those are so peak (i love fairy tales and ballets with a burning passion. they're awesome. i need every adaptation of a fairy tale IN MY VEINS. NOW.)
oghghgh i really love metro systems. i love how color coordinated they are and how they're genuinely the best kind of public transportation there is, its so cool... also the aesthetics are so good.
i also really love pop art (i'm from new york can you tell) GENUINELY SUCH AN AWESOME MOVEMENT AGAINST WHAT IS AND ISN'T CONSIDERED ART!!!! GOING AGAINST ALL STANDARDS AND QUALIFICATIONS!!!! also i just love bright colors and tone dots lmfao.... (i'm not the biggest fan of abstract art but pop art just hits diff)
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koinotame · 1 year ago
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
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it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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relic-seeker · 9 months ago
obligatory introduction post
aye aye & ahoy there, here's an intro for anyone looking at my humble account
i'm kris (they/them)! i'm from england & doing a degree in classical archaeology & ancient history (this is relevant because i'm a history nerd). 18 currently & my birthday is in december.
this blog is primarily dedicated to hollow knight & related sorts of interests. my main blog is technically @noromantichero BUT i use this account more in general! other popular interests include kirby, mcsm, dnd, moomin & the muppets
self proclaimed top 5 lemm lover & lemmquirrel fan.
i pride myself mostly on writing this fanfiction: whoever you are holding me now in hand -- a slow burn, rebuilding hallownest, lemmquirrel fic. part of a bigger series with other stories "tales of new hallownest"
i also draw sometimes -- mostly sketches & messy ideas (i'm Not An Artist by any means). fyi my artfight is noromantichero
i only make content for things that deserve it if it is barely found elsewhere on the internet. that is my one & only purpose.
tags to look out for:
#kris art = all of my art
#my fic = everything regarding my fics+writing
#drabble from kris = usually thoughts & useless textposts
#krask = any asks i may respond to (pls send some! i love 'em)
hey i have a discord server now too! for pals & strangers alike who may be interested in chatting... i love interacting with folks i'm just very bad at starting lol
the kris relic-seeker discord
ok cheers that should be everything. if things change i'll just edit? this post? :-) have a wonderful day
fyi i tend to rant a lot in tags, especially on reblogs, & if that bothers you plspls say & i won't do it on your posts etc etc
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lupinus-bicolor · 2 years ago
Good ol Optimus prime flower pls
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g1 optimus has major Helianthus annuus vibes because he's just A Dad. i love him. H. annuus is an important source of food for pollinators and birds in north america, and has been used as a food crop for centuries. It's many many uses and its enormous stature along with its cheerful face somehow just remind me of g1 Optimus :)
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tfp Optimus i struggle with placing a definitive flower on because there's really so many facets to their characterization BUT i settled on royal purple Delphinium sp. for leadership and strength in the face of adversity. Its tall stature and careful cultivation by gardeners lend it an almost untouchable quality that almost makes you wonder if it's real. I also chose Magnolia grandiflora for wisdom and dignity; it's also one of the oldest lineages of angiosperms on earth, and even though Optimus isn't super old compared to other bots, with the matrix he really gives off the vibe. I'd probably add rue and asphodel for a classical touch of regret and sorrow to this :')
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ALSO i know Optimus Primal is a totally different guy but I'm including him here because I just finished Beast Wars and it's unexpectedly endearing. Here's OP with Narcissus sp. because of that one episode where Dinobot left him flowers (daffodil lookalikes). They're used to symbolize new beginnings, optimism, and new love.
These blurbs are a little less scientific than my usual ones but I wanted to lean into the symbolism a little more here. If you have any more character/flower requests send them my way! :D
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