#also if you didnt know he had Parkinson's
tragically-jane-doe · 17 days
Frothing at the mouth every time I see a "hopecore"/anti suicide TikTok(idk what to call them I'm just using their tags?) that includes Robbin Williams (specifically his one talk thing about suicide) and the comments are filled about his suicide going on and on about how he didn't reach out
like babe let's be honest if you're diagnosed with a incurable disease that will kill you but before that tear your body and mind apart suicide will most definitely cross your mind as a good solution
this is not me saying suicide is the answer to everything if you feel like that is the final answer you should talk to someone preferably a doctor.
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fanaticbitchhh · 11 months
because i love you.
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theodore nott x reader
kinda toxic theo, reader is quite sensitive ig, house isnt really specified.
and i made a character ai bot of this scenario which sparked the idea of a fic soooo yeah! my character ai tag is: cherry_loves_80s. if you could check that out that would be awesome!
warnings: sexual innuendo?, underage drinking, foul language, a bit of angst lmk if i missed any!
synopsis: you were at a ravenclaw party, enjoying yourself. you and theo had been hooking up for a few months now, despte being best friends, but it was always a 'no strings attached' basis. it wasnt until this fateful and drunk night, you found out how he truly feels.
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you had your favorite dress on, it was tight and short but it accentuated your curves perfectly, and it had a small slit going up your thigh. you had also been drinking a bit more than intended that night, which brought you to where you were now; dancing on a table with astoria greengrass and pansy parkinson.
you never really spoke to astoria, but through this night you knew she would be in your life a lot more. you were having fun, of course you were, chase atlantic playing in the background as you danced the night away like you didnt have class the next day. it was perfect. almost.
you had yet to see theodore nott, the boy you had a crush on since first year. the boy who you had a strict 'no strings attached' arrangement with, where you promised you wouldnt catch feelings but there you were, agreeing to the arrangement knowing the massive crush you had on the guy.
you knew you shouldnt have agreed, it was wrong and you gave yourself false hope. but there was no going back now, every time you try to call the agreement off, you'd come crawling back into his bed the next night. a vicious cycle you had yet to break.
astoria hopped off the table, grabbing the three of you some more firewhiskey. pansy and you had barely registered that she left before she came back with three red solo cups filled with the alcoholic drink and hopped back up on the table. you'd normally be embarrassed to be up there, but you were drunk and excited.
you carried on dancing, even when you spotted theodore nott in the corner of the room watching you intently. you smirked upon seing the curly haired boy, and he motioned you to go to him.
"pans, m' be right back." you shout, slurring your words over the music.
you made your way over to him, a smile gracing your lips as you grew closer. you stumbled a bit, but you managed to get over to him in one piece. as soon as you get to him, he takes your hand and leaves ravenclaw common room without another word.
"theo, where are we goin?" you slur, stumbling and wobbling with every step you took.
"my dorm, you're drunk and you shouldn't be out there when you're like this." he tried to sound annoyed but he couldnt help the concern that dripped from his words either.
you carried on walking for a bit before tripping. luckily, he caught you before you hit the ground and ultimately decided to carry you bridal style.
"m' fine theo." you sigh, lulling your head back as he walked.
"we cant be seen together like this." he mutters, speeding up his pace.
"why?" you asked.
"you know why." his voice was stern and you could feel his heartbeat through his shirt.
"no actually, i dont. so please theo, enlighten me." you say annoyedly. "are you embarrassed about being seen with me or something?" you asked, silently hoping that wasnt the case.
"embarrassed? what? of course not, i just..." he pauses for a bit. "just forget it." he opens the slytherin common room door and heads up to his dorm, you knit tightly in his arms.
you sigh, you were annoyed by his reluctance to tell you what was bothering him. he sets you down on his bed, but not before noticing the creases your dress had, or how your dress rode up your thighs, or how your high-heeled feet were on his bed.
he lets his eyes wander to your thighs, he always loved them, the plush flesh was always there to squeeze when he got too overwhelmed with something.
"you okay theo?" you ask, it was clear to him you were tired, but you cared for him deeply and wanted to know what was troubling him.
"im... fine." he says, his eyes still locked on your thighs. he moves his hand to ghost over the flesh, before placing it on your thigh.
you drew a shaky breath, cheeks flushing red almost immediately at the touch. his breathing had become heavy as his hand travelled further up your thigh before stopping abruptly, the warmth of his hand dissipating from your thigh.
"i cant do this." he sighed in annoyance.
"what?" you sit up, missing his touch.
"i want to... but i cant" his voice was shaky and nervous.
"why cant you?" you ask, turning your head slightly as you grew confused.
"because we both know this'll ruin everything." he says, looking away from you. "you're drunk and if anyone were to find out, my reputation would be ruined."
"is that what you care about? your reputation?" you scoffed.
"obviously thats not all i care about" he sighed, thinking about his words. "...but that's been my reputation my entire life, its a hard thing to throw away."
"and what exactly is this reputation huh?" you ask, growing irritated.
"you... you know, rich, well respected, the popular, quiet kid. my parents worked very hard to give me my reputation. i can't just throw it away for a... drunken mistake." he whispered.
"thats what this is to you? a fucking mistake?" you ask, tears welling in your eyes.
"no, no, absolutely not, that's not what i meant. that's not what i meant, okay?" he sounded frustrated. "you… you're the best thing that's happened to me, the only good thing in this stupid school." he says, his voice filled with panic.
"please stop lying to me." you sigh, tears streaming down your face. "i think i should go.. and i dont think we should hook up anymore.."
"this isn't what you want, you're just drunk." he says as he gently wipes some tears off your face. "please, lets just talk about this in the morning when you're sober."
"you said this was a drunken mistake theo. that im a drunken mistake. i think that sobered me up more than just sleeping on it would." you scoff.
"stop putting words in my mouth! i never called you a drunken mistake, my god. i said this was a mistake in general and i didn't mean it and-" he stopped short, frustrated with himself. "just please let's talk about it in the morning, alright?"
"im not putting words in your mouth theo! thats exactly what you said! you said you cant ruin your reputation your parents built for you over a drunken mistake!" you quote him.
he sighs. "fine, if you want to be like that then maybe we shouldn't hook up…" he looks away before muttering another sentence, you didnt hear but it was something like '…but i need you…'.
"maybe we shouldnt." you sigh before standing up, you tried not to cry but the tears flowed anyway, you knew you needed him more than you cared to ever admit.
he looked down, clearly upset, before speaking up again. "yeah, yeah.. its for the best.. just make sure you get some water and some food before you go to bed, please." he says before allowing you to leave.
you nod, "mkay, i will" you sigh. "g'night theo." you walked out and went to your dorm.
you heard a faint "goodnight y/n" as you left, it caused you to smile but it also reminded you of those nights. the nights after a hook up where you'd talk about anything and everything but solely ignoring your feelings for him because you didnt want to overstep boundaries.
im doing a week time skip because i can 🐍😩😋😻😻💋💃👻
everyone had noticed how angry you had gotten over the past week, they also noticed how miserable, snappy and quiet theo had gotten. they chalked it up to the end of your friendship, but it was more than that. the slytherin gang had noticed your absence, they were quite upset about it frankly, you were always able to make them laugh.
you were stomping into the great hall for breakfast, your ink spilled this morning and set you in a worse mood than usual. a guy, probably in the year below you, had bumped into you by accident and it got you. you lashed out at him, but you didnt know that theo was watching you since you came through the great hall.
"the fuck's your problem!" you yell at the boy, a furious expression taking over your face.
"m' m' so sorry! it was an accident m' sorry y/n!" he squeaked out.
you rolled your eyes and stomped over to astoria and pansy, sitting between the two. you muttered a quick "morning" to them and grumpily ate your breakfast.
theo was still conflicted about the whole situation, replaying what happened in his head with a solemn look on his face. but he was miserable without you, knowing he could never have you the way he truly wanted you. what made it worse was the nightmares and dreams, both of those which involved you in some way.
when theo noticed you'd sat down, he was hesitant to approach you, in fear of ruining your day more than it already was. he looked over at you, observing your actions incase you snapped at someone else. it seemed everyone was stepping on eggshells while talking to you, they were too afraid you'd start to lash out.
people were staring at you, you could hear you name come from the whispers to their friends. you looked just about ready to kill someone. man, if looks could kill, half the school would be dead by now.
theo kept watching you, hoping you'd calm down at some point but he could tell you were still on edge. he eventually decided it was best to just pluck up the courage and talk to you, to make sure you didnt hurt yourself or anyone else.
"hey. can i sit with you for a second?" he asked, just after getting out of his seat and walking over to you.
he was lucky the slytherin gang liked to sit at the edge of the table otherwise he'd embarrass himself by walking the whole way around the table just to ask you that.
you looked up at the boy, then the whole gang saw it. the flash of pain and sadness that washed over your face at the sight of him, it was then they knew something had happened between you two.
"sure." you reply, monotonously. (idk if thats a word but it is now😭😭)
theo sat down next to you at the table, glancing over at all your friends before focusing his attention on you. "y/n, can i ask you a question?"
you looked at him expectantly, awaiting his answer.
"you know how you've become more.. emotional.. this past week? is it.. is it my fault?" he asks, sunding genuinely worried for you.
"maybe? i dont know." you sigh. "i just cant stop being so angry, god knows ive tried.." you say softly to him, your voice cracking as you looked up at him through teary eyes.
theo frowns slightly, realizing you were hurting more than you let on, which made him feel even worse than he already did. he takes your hand in his to comfort you, fully expecting you to shove it away but you dont.
"well, if its any consolation at all, i havent been in the greatest of moods recently." theo was never good with words, you saw he was trying to comfort you the only way he knew how.
"atleast you havent been snapping at poor first years just for existing.." you say, a guilty look washing over your face.
he chuckles slightly. "no but, im still not the way i usually am. i miss.. when i used to be able to make you smile.. among other things" he winked, it was a joke but you couldnt help but frown.
"can we talk about that at some point?" you ask, biting your lip softly.
"about what? me making you smile?" he asks, he was quite clueless at times but you loved him for it.
"no.. about what happened, between us." you sigh.
he sighs, he knew it would come to this eventually. "sure, do you wanna talk now?" he asks.
you nod, taking his hand and pulling him into an empty corridor. once both of you are in the corridor, theo takes a moment to think before speaking.
"y/n, im not embarassed of you, i couldnt ever be embarrassed of you tesoro.. im head over heels for you y/n." he gives you a warm smile before pausing. "but we both know i cant.. y'know."
you sigh, meeting his eyes. "im head over for you too theo.. i just.. wish it were different, i wish you could date without worrying about your reputation. but i get it, i do."
he shakes his head "no, you dont understand. i could care less about the reputation, i only care about how my father would react." he sighs.
"hes been pressuring the family's bloodline for years, and me marrying someone with a bloodline that.. isnt up to his standards is, i suppose, too much for him to bare." he pauses noticing you tearing up.
"please dont cry tesoro, m' sorry this cant be how we both want it to be.. but i.. i care too much about you."
"i care about you too theo, but if you dont think i'd be accepted by your father then im okay with it.." you sigh.
"no, no, the reason i'm so scared is because i know he'd approve… you're smart, from a good family, everything my father's been looking for… which is also why i'm terrified of messing things up." he sighs.
"i just… i don't want to ruin what we have right now even though i desperately want more than this." he sounds extremely conflicted.
you nod. "you could do anything theo, and i'd never leave you.. (fr y/n) a good relationship involves communication and if we have a fight, we need to talk about it maturely, if you'd be willing to try, i will too.." you say, hoping he'd take your offer up.
he seemed to think about it for a bit. "fuck it." he muttered.
"fuck what my father thinks about your bloodline, you're perfect for me tesoro." he smiles softly, it was a new sight, people rarely saw him smile.
"m' willing to try, for you. just promise me one thing." he says.
"mhm?" you hum, you couldnt trust your voice to speak, incase you squeal from pure excitement.
"that if things get rough, or we have problems, or even if it simply doesn't work out for us, that we can still be friends after, okay? i'd be miserable if i didn't at least have you by my side." his voice sounded genuinely vulnerable as he spoke.
"yeah of course, i would too.. i'd start yelling at first years for existing again.." you joke, laughing.
theo chuckles, the comment cheering him up slightly. "i'm going to tell you one more thing, even if my dad doesn't accept us there's one person in my family that does…"
"who?" you tilt your head in confusion.
"it doesnt matter who, what matters is that im willing to fight for us to be together, no matter what my father thinks. because i love you." his voice was a mix of nervousness and confidence, but you could hear the sincerity in there too.
"i... i love you too theo, i always have and always will." you smile, you could feel.your heart just about melting and you knew, right then and there, that he was the right one for you.
he smiles. "now that we've got all of this out of our way, do you want me to carry you back to the dorms? your feet must feel like they're about to fall off." he chuckles.
"all that stomping made my feet hurt so, if you dont mind.." you smile sweetly.
"of course, come here." he stands up and holds his arms out for you. "hop on my back and i'll carry you."
you laughed softly as you jumped on his back, thankfully for his fast reflexes, he caught you. theo walks through the castle with you on his back, he seemed more relaxed now that you guys talked everything through. he was talking but you couldnt focus, not with his scent filling your nose.
you hummed along, burying your head in the back of his neck, he chuckles. he walks you up to your room and your dorm mates look at the pair of you in confusion. they leave, sensing that the two of you wanted to be alone.
he sets you down on the floor softly, a smile thrown your way.
"is it okay if i kiss you?" he asks, taking a step towards you. (consent king 👰)
"yeah." you reply, almost breathlessly as you anticipated this moment.
he smiles before giving you a short but sweet kiss, resting his forehead against yours despite the height difference.
"i love you tesoro." he says sweetly.
"i love you too amoure." you smirk.
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wowzah2nd · 5 months
"I'm Glad I Did"
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
WordCount: 4k
You and Draco have been married 19 years now, but the start of your relationship did have a bit of downs but eventually you life started to look up as the years went on and you both couldn't be happier.
You and draco have been married  for 19 years now, it was rough in the beginning of your relationship, especially being in different houses. Him being in slytherin and you being in hufflepuff. You were a pureblood that was from overseas and moved to hogwarts in your 5th years that was when you first met.
Quick flash back 
 You were walking down the hall rushing to the library, you woke up a bit later than usual and were running late to meet a friend to help with their homework. As you were running you bumped into someone
Boy: watch where you going
 He then got up, as he was getting up you followed him with your eyes till they met him, you stared at them for a long time admiring them till you snapped out of it.
Y/N: oh my goddess i am so so sorry i wasn’t watching were i was going and i didnt mean to run into you
You saying all this while trying to pick up tha books you had ended up you then look up at him again this time he was the one staring at you causing you to panic
Y/N: oh my gosh is there something on my face
You rubbing your face trying to get whatever you thought may be stuck to it, then looking back at him 
He then started to blush realising he had been caught staring at you 
Boy: n-no i was just looking to see if you needed help
That made you stop panicking, you saw his robes after you bumped, you knew they were green which surprised you even more he would wanna help you
Y/N: you wanna help me?
Boy: Y-yeah it was also my fault i was really looking either 
He then knelt in front of you to help pick up you books, you couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in your chest when he help you
You then saw him look up at you causing you to look down and continue picking up your books. Once all your books were picked up you got up and so did he then handing you books back to you.
Y/N: thank you for the help
Boy: no worries it was the least i could do
 He was about to walk away before you stopped him 
Y/N: HEY, could i get you name you never told me 
Boy: you don't know who I am 
He said in a confused tone as if i was suppose to know it 
Y/N: sorry i'm new here so i don’t know everyone in my year yet,
He then made a face in relation as if the pisces just started to fit together 
Boy: no wonder i didn't recognise you, you new duh?
He started to laugh at himself but you decided to stop him since he still hadn’t answer your previous questions 
Y/N: you still haven’t told me your name stranger  
You giggle at him 
Boy: oh right, My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Y/N: well thank  you Draco Malfoy for your help 
You then put out you free hand to give him a hand shake
Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N nice to meet you 
End flashback 
That was the first time you had met him and you both admitted it was both the best days of your life and the most life changing. Over the years you got to know each other more and more and since you were pure blood it was easy to talk to him. Most of the Syltherin didn’t mind you coming around but some did give you looks such as Pansy Parkinsons. You really hated her. She always had something to say to you, even though you were nothing but nice to her.
Your mother always taught you to never let anything get to you and if someone was bullying you to always kill them with kindness. But that never alway ways worked. One particle day really got you and you didn't leave you room the whole day not even for classes which worried draco
Flash back 
Draco Pov 
Apparently Draco had been looking for you and came all the way to the hufflepuff common room to try and look for you. Even waiting for a hufflepuff near the entrance to get to you since he wasn’t friends with anyone from your house besides you. He  stoped a hufflepuff girl and ask about you
Draco: Hey, by any chance do you know Y/N L/N 
Girl: Yeah ofc everyone knows her, why?
Draco: i just haven't seen her all day and im getting worried 
The girl then made a nervous face, saying that she knew where you were 
Draco: w-what happen to her you clearly know
Girl:... she been in her room all day we don’t know what's wrong she won’t talk to anyone from any year and the whole house is worried about her 
Draco then made a worried expression what could have happened to you to make you stay in your room all day 
Draco: can you please let me in i need to see her and see if she's okay 
The girl thought for a moment then decided to let draco in, probably knowing you two were friends. No one would stop talking about the slytherin prince always hanging out with the sweet hufflepuff princess
The girl knocked on the barrel as the password and let draco in, she then let draco up into the girls dormitory and led him to Y/N rooms
Y/N pov
You were laying face down on the bed eye still full of tears, you havent been able to stop crying all day. Usually you didn’t let anything bother you this much but this one particular thing really got you and you were doubting yourself more then ever 
As you were crying you hear a know at the door, thinking it was another hufflepuff house mate being worried you tried to shoo them away 
Y/N: please go away i said i was fin 
The knocking stopped but a voice you recognised surprised you 
Draco: Hey, it me i've been worried about you all day can i please come in to see you 
You contemplated not letting him in but in the end you decided there was no point fighting it. Anyone could have unlocked your room but everyone was too considerate to try but draco with all the worry you could hear in his voice you knew he’d come in either way 
So you got out of bed, made your way to the door, unlocked it then headed back to laying facing away from the door . Draco immediately entered the room and looked around to find you laying in your bed. He made his way towards you and decided to sit down in your bed
Draco: what's got you all down in the dumps love
You always had a weakness for the nickname he gave you 
Y/N: nothing you should be worrying about, you can go now 
You still won’t look in his direction trying to hide the tears flowing from your eyes, at this point draco was more worried than ever so he decided to get in your personal space. He grabbed you shoulder softly and encouraged you to face him.
And you didn't really didn’t have it in you to fight him off so you turned to face him. ONce he saw the tear in your eye his heart broke and he leaned down towards you and gave you a hug and you gave him a hug back and ended up crying even more.
Draco: What happened to love?
Y/N: you’ll think it’s stupid 
You said still crying 
Draco: nothing you ever say will be stupid to me 
You stayed silent for a bit and draco waited patiently for you to tell him 
Y/N: someone came up to me yesterday asking why someone like you would want to hang around me. I tried to defend myself by saying we're friends but then she said no that can’t be it's probably because I'm your pet since I seem to follow you around. 
You decided to sit up and sit next to him but you couldn't look him in the eye, scared that maybe you were just a pet to him. There was always a saying that every slytherin had their pet hufflepuff and maybe you weren't friends. Maybe you were just a dumb pet.
Draco then gently held you chin and pulled it to face your face so that you now facing him,  the expression he was showing wasn’t one of malice but one of someone who was really worried and cared for you 
Draco: Who said this?
Y/N: I dont wanna tell you
Draco: please tell me love who said this to you 
You paused for a moment contemplating in the end you told him 
Y/N: it was your friend Pansey 
Draco got up from where he was sitting and started to pace angrily, you thought he was mad at you so you decided to apologise for telling him, that made him stop pacing and kneeled in front of you
Draco: I'm not mad at you love i could never be mad at you. I'm mad that my own friend called you my pet, you are not my pet. You're not my pet, you my dearest friend.
It made you happy to hear you weren't some pet to him but you were also sad that he only saw you as a friend since if you had to tell the truth you were madly in love with him ever since you first bumped into him. You looked draco in the eye and noticed he was getting a bit nervous and this worried you 
Y/N: draco are you okay you look nervous, did io do something 
Draco immediately looked back at you 
Draco:no no you didn’t…i just don’t know if i should tell you something 
You gave out a sigh of relief that you didn’t do anything wrong but you were still worried for draco 
Y/N: draco you know you can tell me anything, you worried ill get mad, sad or uncomfortable you'll never make me feel that way so please whatever you gt too tell me get it off your chest
Even though you were worried what he had to say to you, what you said was true you'd always be there for draco no matter what especially how he had been here for you today 
Draco took a deep breathe then spoke 
Draco: y/n l/n i've been in love with you ever since i first laid eyes on you and i would like for you to be my girlfriend. But if you don't feel the same i will gladly stand by your side as your friend  
That left you speechless for a moment then pure joy and happiness just flowed through you body that you flung yourself to draco giving him the most bone crushing hug. You then pulled away and gave him a passionate kiss you've always wished for. You pulled away making eye contact with draco giving him the biggest smile you've ever given. Even bigger when he had given you a puffskein for your birthday 
Draco: i'll take that as a yes then
Y/N: 100 times yes i'll be your girlfriend and also i've loved you since that day too draco i really have 
You both just sat on the floor looking at each other happily until draco broke the silence 
Draco: come on let's head to dinner i think it just started and i dont think you've eaten all day 
You couldn’t say anything just out of pure happiness so you nodded, he took your hand lead you out of your room towards the great hall and the whole way there you never let go of his hand and he never made an attempt to stop either. Once you got to the great hall you were about to let go of his hand and head towards the hufflepuff table but before he could he spoke
Draco: Would you wanna come and sit with me?
Even though you've known draco for a year now you've never sat with him feeling you weren’t welcomed by his friend’s so this surprised you 
Y/N: Are you sure? 
Draco: of course i'm sure, now come on let's get you something to eat
He led yo9u towards the slytherin table which caused most people in the great hall to start looking your way and to whisper to each other especially the slytherin’s. Once you sat down draco started to make your plate which you thought was so sweet since he remembered your favourite food. Once he made you plate he gave it to you so you decided to start eating you noticed he wasn’t so you decided to give him some of your food 
Getting some of your favourite food you decided to feed him, and he gladly accepted which made you smile. But the moment was ruined by someone slamming their hand on the table which got yours and draco’s attention 
Pansey: What the hell is she doing here?
She looked at draco then turned to you to speak 
Pansey: And what are you doing feeding my dracy huh? 
You didn't wanna start a fight so you stayed slightly. You were still upset about what she said so you didn't really wanna look at her. Draco seeing that you were getting upset again decided to stand up for you 
Draco: pansey what is wrong with you speaking to her like that 
Pansey: b-but dra-
Draco: no buts pansy your not allowed to treat her like that, especially now that she’s my girlfriend
Hearing this your turned back to look at draco, you thought you'd have to keep the relationship a secret since draco was always a prideful person but guess you were wrong
Pansey: t-thats a lie why would you be with her a not me a pureblood whos in slytherin 
Draco: because pansy she's a sweet,kind, caring person who is considerate for everyone even slytherin’s. And your a cruel and bitter obsessive person who doesn’t understand i will never be with you
At that last sentence pansey started to cry and ran out of the great  hall, everyone in the room was left speechless even you but draco wasn’t done
After that he sat back down next to you and all you could do was stare at him, after that day you knew he truly loved you 
As the years went on things never got easy especially during the war draco had to be with his parents and you understood that and never got mad at him for it. Even after the war was over people still looked at him as a death eater but you never did and you always told him.
Once the war was over draco found you and asked you to marry him and you said yes. The time apart you spent when he was on the other side broke you and made you realise you couldn't live without him 
Married life was amazing. Instead of moving into malfoy manor draco got a cottage in france where you could live in peace, far from people who may still have malice for draco or death eaters who may want revenge.  Draco's mother was always supportive of the marriage seeing that you did some good for him but his father never approved of you even though you were pure blood he just saw you as a lowly hufflepuff.
But with Draco's constant love and reassurance it never got to you again and you both lived happily.  Draco became a position master and opened a shop in hogsmeade to sell potions to people who are in need and people are always referred to him when they need a potion. As for you you opened a herbologiest and botanist opening a store where you would grow and sell plants. Which worked really well with your husband's store, you were always his go to supplier.
After 8 years of working and marriage you both finally decided to have a child since you were both feeling ready and more than financially stable. 9 months later scorpius malfoy was born he had his father's hair for sure but he had your eyes draco said.
Having scorpius kept you busy meaning you had to hire people for your store which sadden you a little bit since you wouldn't be working as often but you didn't mind if it mean more time with your son. As soon as scorpius was able to walk draco bought him his first broom which you were mad about but you later got over seeing how happy scorpius was.
5 years later you found out you were pregnant again which excited scorpius so much seeing as he always wanted a sibling mainly a little brother but you had to tell him that it might be a sister.
Scorpius: what do you mean he might be a girl, i want a brother not a sister 
Y/N: i know you do sweetie but i can’t control if we have a boy or a girl so you have ot wait a see 
After hearing we couldn't do anything about the gender he sat in his room sulking for a bit until he heard his father come home. Immediately he forgot all about it.
As the month went by, Scorpius was more open to the idea of a sister but he still wanted a brother. But you a draco didn’t mind as long as the baby was healthy
9 months later a baby girl named  Astra Malfoy was born, she also had a malfoy hair which you were not surprised about the gene was just too strong not to come through. As soon as you got the okay to go home you immediately wanted to introduce her to scorpius.
Y/N: Hey, darling do you mind getting scorp so we can introduce him to Astra 
Draco: of course love 
He gave you a kiss on the forehead before heading upstair to grab scorp, you immediately heard little footsteps running from upstair to the stairs then they stopped right in front of you 
Y/N: hey there sweetie ready to meet your baby sister 
Scorpius: It's a girl?
Y/N: yeah she is i hope that's okay
You immediately lowered yourself so that scorpius could see Astra and the moment he say her you knew he didn’t mind at all. 
19 years after the war
Today scorpius  was heading to hogwarts and to say he was excited was an understatement 
Scorpius: come on mom were gonna be late 
He said as he was pulling you hand trying to make you move quicker
Y/N: we can't go through the wall just yet scorp we have to wait for your father, you know he wants to go through with you 
As you both were waiting for Draco and Astra scorps excitement turned into worry 
Scorpius: hey mom, do you think ill make any friends 
As little sad scorpius thought he wouldn’t make any friends, you knelt down to his height to look him in the eyes as you talk
Y/N: of course you’ll make friends scorp, you the most funny, amazing and fun kid to be around who wouldn’t want to be your friend
At hearing you words he started to smile more but his smile grew even wider when he looked behind you 
Draco: what happening here
He said as he put Astra down, even though she was 6 years old she's still a daddy's girl 
Y/N: i was just telling our amazing son here that he doesn’t need to worry about not making friends cause he’s so amazing 
Draco then looked at scorpius and knelt down to his height 
Draco: your mother is right you know any kid would be lucky to be your friend 
Scorpius smiled again then gave draco a big hug
Draco: well be better be going through that wall now before we miss your train son 
And just like that they got ready with the trolly, scorpius looked scared to go through but draco encouraged him and told him they would do it together and just like that they disappears throught the wall.
Astra looked at the wall amazed 
Astra: where did they go mummy 
Y/N: they went to platform and 9 ¾  and we should be going too 
Astra looked worried too but you told her she would be find and that you'd hold her hand as you went through 
Y/N: let's get a running start okay 
Astra: okay 
So you both decided to run through the wall and once through the nostalgia and wonder hit you once again. Seeing the train once again was magical and it made you nearly tear up 
Astra: wow this is amazing mummy, did you get to ride the train too 
Y/N: yes i did and so did your father, but let's go find them so we can say bye to your brother 
As you were trying to find your husband and son you saw so many familiar faces even though you weren't friends with all of them a lot of them remembered you which was heartwarming to think you made such an impact in their life that they’d remember you. 
Walking through the crowds of students and parents saying goodbye you finally found them 
Y/N: getting on the train before saying goodbye to your dear mother 
Scorpius started to laugh at you silliness 
Scorpius: i would never dream of it mum 
He then walled up to you giving you a big bone crushing hug and you returned it with a kiss on the head 
Scorpius: i already said bye to dad and told him i'll miss him. But i'm gonna really miss you too mum 
Y/N: and i'm gonna miss you so much too sweetie we both will, just promise me not to get into too much trouble 
Scorpius gave you a mischievous grin telling you that he probably wasn’t going to keep the promise long 
Scoprius: of course mum i will 
After giving him one last hug and draco giving him one too, Astra decided it was her turn to say bye as well
Astra: im going to miss you 
Scrpous: and ill miss you too 
Astra started to cry which broke your and draco’s hearts, but scorpius being a good brother that he is comforted her 
Scorpius: dont worry Astra i promise to write you every week and ill also be coming back for the holidays so don't cry so much okay 
Wiping her tears away she say’s
Astra: do you promise 
Scorpius: I promise 
After saying goodbye the train's whistle started to sound indicating it was time to get bored, you watched as Scorpius got on the train and found a sit waving to you as the train left. After all the struggles you and draco had you finally had your happily ever after with two beautiful kids 
Draco picked up Astra and held your hand indicating to head home 
Y/N: do you think he’ll be okay 
You say looking at draco
Draco: i think he’ll do heart, he has his mothers kindness and patience as well as his father amazing good looks
At that comment you started to laugh, your daughter was a it confused as to why you were laughing but she smiled at the comment 
Astra: why are you laughing mummy, daddy is very handsome
Y/N: i know sweetie, he is but let's not say it to much or else daddy might get a bigger forehead
Draco gave out a fake offended gasp as if saying you really did hurt his feelings but you knew he was being dramatic 
Draco: hey you chose to say yes when i asked you to marry me 
Y/N: and i'm glad i did 
At that you gave him a kiss on the lips which caused Astra to giggle
Astra: you two love each other very much 
Draco: yes we do my little star we do 
Y/N: and we love you and your brother too
The End
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littlesnakelets · 1 year
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(1) of the summaries
A summary of Pansy Parkinson:
Pansy was born into a rich family, and growing up she was close to her mother who thought her everything she needed to know, to keep a family together and a household going. In her early childhood she was close friends with Dorothea Nott, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe. She always viewed herself as the queen and Draco as the king of their group, their familys supported her mindset and it always looked like she and Draco would marry some day.
When she entered hogwarts she was quick to adopt Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis and Milicent Bulstrode into her little found family, she also tried to befriend Blaise Zabini but while he liked her, he wasnt as servile as the others. Instead of idolizing Draco and Pansy he spend most of his time hanging out with Y/N in the library. Dorothea who always used to be quiet and shy was quick to befriend Blaise and Y/N aswell and distanced herself from Pansy. Pansy who wasnt used to rejection blaimed Y/N, for stealing her friends. Eventually in their second year she grew closer to Y/N and they aktually became close friends, but Pansy was still quiet irriated everytime Y/N, Blaise or Theo wouldnt mindlessly follow her lead. In the fourth Year she and Draco were naturally partners at the yule ball, but when he spend more time with Y/N instead of her she found that she wasnt mad or jealous instead she was happy for her friends. She found out that she never actually loved Draco and her plans for the future were just childish fantasys. Even tho she knew that she and Draco would never actually date or get married, she wanted to keep the appearance up, so she helped her friends to keep their relationship a secret and pretended to her familys that she was the one dating Draco.
But at the end of fourth year when Voldemord came back Y/N cut of her friends and broke up with Draco, Pansy decided she needed to protect her friends and cutting of Y/N was the lesser Evil. This mindset evolved over the next years and after Draco distanced himself in year six she was so scared bc of the return of you know who that she got anxious everytime one of her friends wasnt in her reach. It got so bad that she got panic attacks everytime she didnt knew where one of her friend were and had problems sleeping bc she woke up multiple times a night to check on her friends.
After The final battle she moved in with Daphne, Daphne who mourned Tracys death and Pansy who battled her PTSD and Depression gave each other comfort, it took a lot of time until they finally gave into their feelings. Pansy never had time to think about love and sexuality, after she relized that Draco and she would never end up together, she was simply to busy taking care of her friends, there were Theos coming out Dracos secret relationship, Gregorys and Vincents troubles in school etc. etc.
Pansy is an incredible woman and a great friend. She often gets underestimated bc she is very feminine and never openly shows her Strength but that just makes her even more powerful.
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nathank77 · 15 days
9:31 a.m
I don't want to spend time with any of these people:
Kenny is a pill head alcoholic. He is gay and an asshole.. very transphobic. He has called me by my birth name many times and said you have a cunt... I don't have a cunt actually and you don't know what happened when I lived with cecile i could have gotten bottom surgery i didnt but i say this to people all the time...
Also I'm intersexed. When it comes down to it if you don't know what pre op transmen on testosterone look like naked, look it up. I get hard. I have pearly penile pauples for christ sake its a man thing... women dont get those they popped when i started testosterone.... It looks different, it smells different. It performs differently. It isn't a cunt. It's something inbetween a penis and a vagina. It's a trans dick I actually get hard.
i lived out of my moms house for 5 years and cecile would have taken care of me if I got bottom surgery.... she took care of my top surgery..... but i say you dont know what happened during those 5 years.. i say i wouldn't tell you if i had a hysterectomy or bottom surgery I'd only tell my partner and have her take care of me... I wouldn't want you at the surgery its too personal... i really wouldnt tell them none of them not even my dad i wouldn't make YouTube videos about it for the public...
Id only do private YouTube videos for me that my partner would record for me. And we would keep it a secret. I'd never make it public on YouTube...
so they dont really know... all they know is cecile took care of me while i lived at my moms when I got top surgery... she took a week off of work...so theoretically when I lived with her I could have gotten bottom surgery and I never would have told my family and if I wanted bottom surgery i would have gotten it while i lived with cecile or at least colleens.. I was out of the house for 5 years.... all the phases of surgery would have been completed by the time I moved home...
i got to be scared of Kenny robbing my xanax...
Debbie is a kleptomaniac. She talks shit about everyone behind their back. She was recently trying to convince my mother to throw me away in the hospital and let them straighten me out in the psych ward.. she is also transphobic and thinks I'm disgusting for transitioning.
Wayne isn't too bad but he tried to rape me when I was 14 bc he was sniffing glue. It didn't go far. He tried to kiss me in a car alone parked on the side of the road I said no. And he started the car got his cigarettes and brought me back home. But if I wasn't such a strong will child he would have raped me that night. If he was anymore fucked up. I don't hate Wayne. But I'd rather not see him although out of everyone I dislike him the least. He is a veteran with half a foot and his brother has schizophrenia and Parkinsons from antipsychotics and is the zombie at a nursing home. I actually feel bad for Wayne being stuck with Debbie. I don't hate him bc he didn't force himself on me and when I said no he turned on the car and drove me Home.
But Debbie sided with him when I told her what happened........ which is another reason Debbie is disgusting... it's not like I lied and said he raped me. I said he tried to make out with me and I said no and he drove me home. I told the truth and Debbie called me a lair. Even though she knew he was high on glue when I went with him to pick up cigarettes.
And yea I got to protect my xanax but this side of the family is gross and I don't want anything to do with them. They aren't my family.
As much as I want my "own" child and to see my eyes, part of me is like this DNA from this side of the family is too fucked up. And me and skye are the only ones that are semi normal.
Skye is the person who leaves bags of cat shit outside my only window with an air conditioner.. it hasn't happened for a while but she used to do that often until I flipped shit on her and threatened to kick it around the yard bc it's actually toxic..
David is coming and he is the guy who snow blowed my car into a snow mountain.... you couldn't even see my car. It permanently damaged my paint and could have actually froze the engine, it could have locked the brakes and destroyed more than just the paint... I was lucky it didn't. He paid me 300$ so we are good but last time I saw him he was so disgustingly drunk. And I'm sure he will be this time.
That's the party. That's who is coming. I got to protect my xanax but yea my family is fucked up..
I suppose my only solace if I was to have a biological child is that my mom had a different father than Kenny and Debbie. Same mother obv... but we come from some Russian guy she randomly fucked.... and we don't know anything about said Russian guy. Maybe that's why my skin is so dark besides for my father being dark skinned...
Also when I woke up my ear started pppping a lot.
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liarsweapon · 3 years
tortimer reminds me of my godfather jfc
#‘retirement was boring and despite what people think i still have a lot of energy in this shell!’#my godfather had an emergency kidney transplant or smthn as it was called loke some kinda kidney surgery#an hour later after we brought him home#aND HIS FOCTORS SAID PLEASE SLEEP AND REST#thIS MAN WAS MOWING HIS LAWN BC HE ‘GOT BORED’#now he has parkinsons and failed kidneys and hes not the same anymore but#getting so bored he did a ton of fucking gardening and vigorous labor immediately after surgery will always get me#and the fact we picked him up bc he didnt feel like staying at the hispital as suggested and signed himself out???#like???? excuse me sir u should be reSTING#i shouldnt say amything ive definitely forced mysef to the limits when i shouldnt have bc i was either#bored or wanted to aee how much pain i could handle which evidently is a lot but lol#last time i went to my dentist they said they knew my tooth pain must have been horrible#bc of how insanely high my pain tolerance is lmao#idk how to tell ppl i do feel pain i just dont wanna be a bother lol#chronic pain and invisible illnesses???? my entire life is endless pain i just dont wanna bother ppl lMAO#wouldnt do gardening w heavy machinery an hour after kidney surgery tho im not that mad#im also allergic to plants and would die but yknow#we literally found out he was doing that bc we went to go pick up stuff my godmother asked us to bc she was at work#i still dont understand like sir i know you were in war in the 60s or 70s or smthn but jfc sir#brings tears to my eyes the power is just icb#out.
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dr4cking · 3 years
Only You.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | angst | fluff | smut | req.
summary : you and draco got into a big fight but he make it up to you.
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“why cant you believe me, y/n? how many times do i have to prove it to you that you are the only one for me!” draco shouted loudly slamming his fist onto the desk.
they were having a big fight after what y/n just saw in the common room, pansy parkinson was sitting dangerously close to draco, flirting with him. but pansy has taking things too far this time, she was placing a kiss on his neck and y/n saw the whole scene.
draco reacted fast, pushing her off of him but y/n already ran to her dorm. he cursed at pansy before running after his girlfriend.
“how am i supposed to believe you if you yourself let her lips going near your skin?!” y/n yelled back, throwing her hands in the air.
“for godsake i didnt let her touch me i pushed her away as soon as she crossed the line! but you already gone before you see what i did!”
“yeah? but you still let her pressing her body to you and you dont even seem bothered by it!” she was still bothered by the fact that pansy dare to flirt with her man.
“what the fuck?! i dont even noticed she was doing that? okay you’re just being overdramatic right now.” he turned his head to her.
“overdramatic you said? as if you wont act the same when you see harry flirting with me!”
“its totally different, you know he is my enemy!” he snapped in disbelief.
“so what? he also happened to be my friend!” she snapped back at him letting her anger out.
they both went silent for a few seconds before draco took a big sigh and stand up, anger still plastered on his face.
“fine, believe what you want. i’m so tired of you!” and with that he walked out of the room slamming the door shut loudly.
y/n flinched at his harsh action, regret immediately filling her. did she really being overdramatic? but he would do the same too.
tears rolled down onto her face remembering his last sentence, he’s tired with me.
she curled her body under her blanket, burying her face onto her pillow letting her tears wetting it.
two hours passed, and draco hasnt come back to her dorm. y/n cried harder when she realized she had messed everything up.
draco on the other side isn't doing any better, he was calming his anger down in his own room, reading a book but his mind always coming back to her. he lets his ego get the best of him and choosing to stay in his room longer.
he continued reading but her face flashed to his mind. then he rememberes the last argument he threw at her. “i’m tired of you.” fuck- how can he said that? the words obviously empty. he quickly pulling a shirt on panicking at the thought she must be crying now.
he grabbed his wand and casted a spell that make a white rose appeared on his hand then he made a way out to her dorm.
“y/n love, its me draco..” draco knocks softly on the door.
he waited for seconds, worry filled his face as she hasnt respond him. he twisted the doorknob only to see y/n curling up to her bed with her face buried on the pillow.
“love..” he approached her, sitting on the edge of her bed, his other hand shakily pulling her wrist to sit up.
his heart broke when he saw her face, eyes red because of the tears and her body shook due to her sobbing. he wrapped her in his arm burying her face onto his chest. his hand stroking her hair softly making her sobbed harder.
“sshh.. calm down love, i’m here..” he rubbed her back and placing soft kisses to her head.
“i’m so sorry draco.. i’m so sorry i upset you, i’m so sorry i’m tiring you” y/n look up to him still hiccups.
“no darling i swear you're not. i’m sorry i said that my love, it meant nothing i promise i just said it out of anger” he cupped her face, wiping her tears with his thumbs and give kisses all over her face to calm her down.
“i shouldnt have accused you, dray..”
“its okay darling.. its over now i’m here, we’re okay. besides you were right, i would act the same if i was in your position.” draco reached beside him and handing her the white rose.
“here, your favorite.” he kissed the tip of her nose making her smile.
y/n brought the rose to her nose sniffing it, the scent could always calming her down.
“thank you so much draco..” she wrapped her arms around his neck burying her face on the crook of his neck.
“you know i love you, right?” he tucked her hair behind her ear, tilting her face up to him.
“i know and i love you too dray..” she looks at him through her eyelashes letting him putting the rose to her vase.
“good. let me show you how much i love you, let me make it up to you princess..” he closed the gap between them, catching her lips in his, savouring her taste like he couldnt get enough of her.
y/n slowly laid back on her bed pulling draco on top of her without breaking the kiss. she let him exploring her mouth, heavy pants fill the room as the kiss heated and get deeper.
“i adore you so much my love.. you have completely stole my heart” he said as he broke the kiss and lowering it down to her neck, sucking on her sweet spot.
“draco..” she tilted her head back allowing more access for her boyfriend, her hand grasped onto his hair.
“may i?” she opened her eyes and look at him who tugging at the bottom of her shirt.
“yes dray, please..” she said allowing draco to take it off of her.
draco take her shirt off of her as soon as he gets his permission then he takes off his own, he groaned when he saw her not wearing a bra.
“you’re so beautiful princess” his lips instantly latched onto one of her nipple suckling while he twirled the other in his fingers.
“mhmm dray..” she arched her back as she feels his warm tongue swirling around her hard bud, his free hand playing with the bands of her shorts.
draco plopped her wet breasts out of his mouth, looking into her eyes when he was about to pull her shorts down. she nodded eagerly lifting her hips to help him.
“fuck.. looking delicious as always, i could eat you out for the rest of my life, doll” he began to eat her out like a starved man, licking her glistening folds and sucking on her sensitive clit making her body jolted out.
“dray..” she choked out of air at his sudden move, her hands pulling him close between her legs while he gripped tightly on her thighs spreading her legs wider.
all draco could think now is just her, her taste, and for her pleasure. he was making it up to her, but this was for his pleasure too. he would do anything to have her in his mouth.
he inserts 2 digits of his fingers into her slowly, stretching her out and thrusting them into her making the girl squirming there and then.
“fuck dray i’m close..” y/n cried out moving uncontrollably as he curled his fingers inside her hitting her spot making the coil tightened.
draco sped up his pace, both of his fingers and tongue helping her to finally reach her high. the slurping sounds and moans of him and her making her face heated.
“oh- draco..” y/n moans his name out loud as her high snapped hard through her body making her legs spasmed.
“you taste so good princess, i can't get enough of you..” he brought his fingers into his mouth sucking on her taste. closing his eyes and humming at it making her blushes madly and butterflies filling her.
draco kicked off his sweatpants, hissing as his cock slapped up to his lower abdomen, precum oozing out of it.
he pulled her hips closer to him, positioning himself at her entrance, lining his cock on her cunt making him grunted.
“you ready, love?”
“yes dray..” with that he pushes into her slowly, letting his cock inch by inch disappeared inside of her, both of them were moaning each other over and over again.
draco let y/n adjust for few seconds after being balls deep inside her leaving no gap between their bodies. his eyes never leaving her face.
“move.” she pulls him closer by his back to her face and reconnect their lips, muffling their moans as he slowly moved in and out of her.
“so t-tight love, so good for me” he broke the kiss to catch some air burying his face on her neck moaning against her neck.
“feels so good dray to have you inside me..” he groaned louder at her words, thrusting harder and deeper into her, his balls slapping the curve of her ass.
moans, groans, sounds of skin against skin filling her room, full of ungodly yet intoxicating sounds.
“i love you so much, y/n.. its you, only you’re the one for me” he intertwining their hands and put it on the side of her face as he snapped his hips harder.
“i love you draco, you’re the only one..” she said between her moan, her breath hitching as he hit her spot repeatedly.
“fuck y/n lets do it together” he caught her lips in his again to muffled their scream, both of their hands squeezing each other as they were near their high.
they disconnected the kiss and moaning each other loudly as they both came together. her walls pulsing and clenching hard milking him and longing his orgasm, filling her up with his cum, only.
“holyshit.. you are amazing as always, princess..” draco collapsed on top of her, resting his head on the side of her face. his hot breath tickling her ear as he catches some air.
draco grabbed his wand and muttered a quick spell to clean both of them before rolling to her side, getting both of them under the covers.
“i only have you in my heart, i promise.” he pulled her closer to him by her waist and reconnecting their lips one more time before falling asleep next to each other.
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tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please e @silverdelirium @underappreciated-spoon-321 @littlemissnoname13 @youreso-golden @noceurwhore @dlmmdl @mvdbldd @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @yiamalfoy @black-repunzel99 @acciodignity @riddleswh0r3crux @hopelessbutterfly @rylynn-m @miraclesoflove @i-love-scott-mccall @slythermuf @maybesandohnos @teenwolfbitches28 @ferretboysupremacy @coolbeans32 @fullcheeseengineer @yvonnearce22 @alexthealexthealex @seriouslyinlove @arzfia
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Pansy’s Plot // Draco Malfoy
Request: hi there!! I just wanted to say i absolutely adore your writing, and was wondering if you could write something where the reader and draco are dating but pansy is jealous so she lies and makes draco think you cheated on him but in actual fact you didnt and it’s just super angsty and then fluffy. The prompts i chose were 94, 85, 55, 14, 1 and 34 of course i don’t mind at all if you don’t want to use them or leave a few out :)
A/N: Hello! Sorry this took so long to get written, but I wanted to make sure it was good so I took my time. Also, my arthritis was making writing a very painful process, with that being said, I likely won’t post anything else this week until the weekend because I need to rest my hand. But I hope you enjoy this and to the person who requested, I hope it’s everything you wanted! Side note, I did change some of the prompts to fit the story and I didn’t use 55.
Summary: Pansy tricks Draco into believing his girlfriend (Y/N) cheated on him with Blaise. Angst and fluff follow.
Warning(s): Swearing, physical beating up/hitting, non-consensual kissing/touching
Word Count: 4.6k
Prompts (list): 1, 14, 34, 85, 99
Y/N trudged into the Great Hall, looking miserable. She’d just had the worst potions class of her life. Snape had been teaching them how to make a memory potion, but she had mistakenly added the powdered sage before the stewed mandrake, causing the brew to bubble violently and splatter her Slytherin robes with putrid yellow liquid. It didn’t help that along with having unflattering stains, she now smelled like rotten roses. 
As she dragged herself to the Slytherin table, she felt stares on the back of her head. She rolled her eyes and positioned her chin over her shoulder, instantly zeroing in on the Ravenclaw boy who was pointing his thumb at her and laughing with his mates. With a discreet flick of her fir wood wand, Y/N sent the boy’s noodles flying onto his face with a loud splat. She smirked to herself while tucking her wand back into her pocket. She continued walking and took her place at the table next to her boyfriend. 
“Hello, Draco,” she said sweetly as she plopped down onto the bench. Her boyfriend looked up from his meal.
“Bloody hell, Y/N. Where have you been? And what happened to you?” he asked, his face scrunching up in disgust. It took everything in his willpower not to slide away from his potion covered girlfriend.
“Sorry, I’m a bit late. I fucked up in potions. Don’t worry, though, I’ll get cleaned up after I have my lunch. Besides, I hardly see you anymore with O.W.Ls coming up. I didn’t want to skip out on you,” she explained, shifting her gaze from the food in front of her to Draco's distasteful looking face. 
“What, Malfoy? You don’t like the smell of a failed memory potion?” she questioned while playfully leaning closer to him. Draco couldn’t take it anymore; he scrambled to scoot away from her. This made Y/N begin to giggle. She pushed her head behind her ear and batted her eyelids mockingly. 
“Why won’t you give me a kiss, love?” she asked with pouty lips, her hands making grabbing motions at the blonde boy. He opened his mouth to speak but was promptly interrupted by a snooty voice from across the table. 
“Perhaps it’s because you smell worse than a dirty house-elf, Y/N,” sneered Pansy Parkinson, a dark-haired Slytherin girl who was particularly nasty. Draco watched as Y/N’s back straightened, and her angry eyes flickered to the hard-faced girl. He knew this look well, considering she’d given it to him quite a few times throughout their two-year relationship. If it had been anyone else receiving Y/N’s glare, he might’ve felt a bit scared for them. But this was Pansy, and not many were fond of her.
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, Parkinson. But please, by all means, let’s hear your thoughts. Frankly, I didn’t think you had any up in that empty head of yours,” Y/N retorted, her voice calm and collected. Pansy’s face went redder than a tomato. She angrily stood up from her seat, leaving her untouched sandwich sitting on the table as she stormed out of the hall, her hair swishing behind her.
Y/N scoffed. “What a wanker. Honestly, hasn’t she got anything better to do?” she questioned, voicing her irritation. Draco slid close to his girlfriend and gently put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them firmly. He felt the tension begin to leave her muscles.
“Don’t let her get to you, love. It’s only Parkinson. Since when did you get so worked up over what she says?” Draco asked. 
Y/N remained silent. Truth be told, Pansy had been tormenting her for nearly a month now. Her usual snide remarks had never caused much of a ruse within Y/N before, but that was until she’d started attacking her and Draco’s relationship. Whenever Y/N would say goodnight to Draco and head up to the girls’ dormitory, she would be greeted by Pansy sitting next to her snotty friends. They’d sit on their beds and snicker when Y/N walked in. They’d always say things like, “You know, Draco only likes you because you’re easy,” or “He pities you, Y/N.” Not to mention all the times they'd called her a slag. At first, she was able to ignore it. But after numerous weeks of hearing such degrading and hurtful words, she’d begun to believe them. 
Telling Draco wasn’t an option. Y/N was ashamed; she didn’t want Draco to be disappointed in her for letting Pansy get to her. The look on his face if she told him would be too much to stomach.
“Y/N? What’s wrong, babydoll?” Draco asked. His girlfriend’s silence was concerning him. Y/N turned to him and forced a smile onto her lips. “Nothing,” she assured him, “I’m fine.”
Draco looked skeptical but dismissed his worry and leaned in for a quick kiss. Y/N kissed him back, but after a few moments, she pulled away. “I’d better go get cleaned up before Transfiguration. McGonagall wouldn’t be pleased if I came in like this,” she laughed while gesturing to her soiled uniform. Draco smiled and nodded. 
“I’ll see you in the common room after dinner, yeah?” he asked as Y/N stood up from the table and pushed her hair out of her face. She willed herself to look up and shake her head, yes. Her boyfriend still looked apprehensive. “See you then,” she choked out as she spun on her foot and made haste to leave the Great Hall. 
Later in the school day, Y/N was leaving her last class, Herbology, and was walking through the mysteriously empty corridors, the thought of a relaxing bath filling her head, when she ran smack into someone. She nearly toppled over from the impact, but the person she’d bumped into quickly seized her arm and pulled her close to their chest. Y/N instantly felt uncomfortable and pushed herself off of the tall figure. Upon looking up, she saw that Blaise Zabini had been the one to save her ass from hitting the floor. She’d never been one to forgo manners as many other Slytherins did, so she nodded her head and said, “Thanks, Zabini.”
He smirked down at her, his white teeth showing. “No problem, sweetheart,” he purred. A cold shudder ran down Y/N’s spine. She didn’t like this situation one bit; however, when she tried to distance herself and Blaise, he grabbed her upper arm and tugged her towards him. She found herself once again pressed up against the boy’s chest. 
“Where you going, babydoll?” he asked. Bile rose up from Y/N’s stomach. When Draco called her babydoll, it was cute, but when the word fell from Blaise’s lips, she felt thoroughly sick. She wiggled her arm, trying desperately to remove it from his grasp. But it was to no avail. His fingers were wrapped around her bicep so firmly she could practically feel the bruises beginning to form.
Y/N continued to struggle against him. “Let go of me, you prat,” she grunted. Blaise didn't heed her words; instead, he stared at something behind her. Y/N looked over her shoulder, but before she had the chance to register who was there, Blaise took her chin in his fingers and forced his lips onto hers. Y/N squealed in shock and tried to use her free arm to push Blaise off. She felt fear overtake her entire body as she fought hard to get out of his clutches. But the boy was too powerful. Luckily for Y/N, she remembered what her father had always told her to do if a male ever tried to violate her. Hit him where it hurts. Without a moment's hesitation, she lifted her foot and rammed her knee into Blaise’s crotch with as much force as she could muster. 
He grunted painfully and instantly let go of her, his hands flying to protect his private parts from any further harm. “Fucking bitch!” he yelled. Y/N backed away from him in fear. She was about to run away when she remembered that he had been staring behind her. Y/N turned around to see Pansy holding a camera in one hand and fresh pictures in the other. Her heart raced when she put two and two together. She’d been set up, and she was angry. Y/N whipped out her wand and pointed it at Pansy's head. Wordlessly, she sent the camera and pictures flying from her grasp and into her own. This didn’t please the Slytherin, who took out her own wand and angrily shouted, “Flipendo!” Before Y/N could react, she was sent flying backward, letting the camera and pictures fall from her hands. 
When she fell, her head hit the floor hard enough that it bounced. She stayed still as pain pulsed through her entire skull. As she was recovering from the intense blow, Pansy strutted over to her. She laughed as she stood over her and glared down. “Look at you—what a pathetic excuse for a Slytherin. Can’t even properly defend yourself,” she sneered. Y/N, fueled by anger, jumped to her feet and shouted the first spell that came to mind without thinking. “Incarcerous!” Ropes shot from the tip of her wand and wrapped around Pansy’s chest and arms, rendering her defenseless and immobile. Adrenaline was still rushing in her bloodstream when a deep voice called out to her.
“Miss Y/L/N,” it bellowed. Y/N’s heart sank; she recognized that voice to be Severus Snape’s. Sighing, she tucked her wand into her robe and glanced to her left to see the greasy-haired professor. His robe was flowing behind him as he walked rapidly towards her. “Detention,” he declared. Y/N knew better than to argue; the last time she tried, she’d only earned herself another week of writing lines in Snape’s office. After nodding to her potions professor, she turned to go but then spotted the camera. It was in Blaise’s hands. He simply smirked at her and sauntered away. 
No, no, no, Y/N thought as her heart sank. She felt as though she was rooted to the stone floor. It was obvious what Pansy and Blaise were planning to do with those photos. They had thought this out; they were going to show them to Draco. After she realized the shit she was in, Y/N knew there was only one thing she could do at this point. Get to Draco before they did. 
She bent her knees and took off sprinting through the hallway, determination pumping through her body. But she was stopped short by the sound of her name coming from Snape. Reluctantly and defeatedly, she willed her feet to slow down. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?” Snape called out to her. Y/N spun around slowly, a grimace plastered to her face. “My dorm,” she said uncertainly; her statement sounded more like a question.
Snape raised an eyebrow. “You’ll be coming with me to my office to serve your detention.” Y/N grumbled to herself angrily. She still couldn’t understand why Snape was never as nice to her as he was towards the rest of the Slytherin house. Y/N watched as Snape freed Pansy from her restraints. She got to her feet and thanked her head of house before strolling down the corridor, making sure to leer at Y/N when she passed. The urge to sock her in the jaw was strong, but Y/N refrained and followed after Snape, hoping to get detention over with as soon as possible.
Draco was fiddling with a stray thread on his sweater when Pansy sat down next to him. He gave her a look. Pansy had a devilish smirk on her face. “Hello, Draco,” she cooed. The blonde shifted his weight so that he was farther away from Pansy. “What do you want?” he questioned. “I’m waiting for Y/N.”
Pansy’s head fell back as she let out a shrill laugh. “You won’t give a damn about her once you see this,” she declared cheerfully. Draco looked at her quizzically. “See what?” he hesitantly asked. Pansy wiggled her eyebrows and reached into her pocket. Slowly, she pulled out two pictures and passed one to Draco. His eyes studied her face before they downshifted to the photo in his lap. Draco’s confusion only grew when he saw what the picture was showing. Y/N and Blaise were pressed up against one another. Her hand was touching his chest, and he was caressing her cheek. 
“What the fuck is this, Parkinson?” Draco spat violently. Pansy said nothing; she only handed him the second photo. Draco snatched it from her; his breathing stopped when he looked at it. It was a photo of them kissing. Blaise and Y/N had kissed. Draco felt betrayed, deceived, hoodwinked, you name it, he felt it. Questions began to flood his brain. How could she do this? How long had she been seeing Blaise? Was he not good enough for her? Had he done something to upset her? Panic began to rise within Draco.
“She’s been cheating on you for quite some time, Draco. I was going to tell you sooner, but I knew you wouldn’t believe me without proof,” Pansy said sweetly. She tentatively put her hand on Draco’s shoulder and began to rub up and down soothingly. He barely registered her touch as his world began to crumble. His heart was totally and utterly broken. He couldn’t think he couldn’t breathe. Nothing made sense to him at that moment. 
“This must be so hard for you, Draco. I’m so sorry. But look on the bright side, now you can get rid of her. You have proof that she cheated. There’s no way she can deny what she did,” Pansy said a little too excitedly. But Draco paid her no mind; his eyes still hadn’t moved from the photographs in his palms. 
“Where is she?” he asked through gritted teeth. Pansy sighed dejectedly. “Well, she attacked me in the hallway, but Snape caught her. I suspect she’s still in detention, but—” Pansy was cut off by Draco springing to his feet, the photos in his tight grip. “Where are you going?” she asked him; he was at the door. Without looking back, he said, “To find her.”
“Draco! Wait!” Pansy exclaimed, but Draco was already gone. 
Snape’s office wasn’t far; it was in the dungeons along with the Slytherin common room and potions classroom. Draco’s heart was racing as he stormed through the hallways. He had no plan of action; he just knew he had to find her. Millions of possibilities ran through his head, but he didn't stop to ponder any of them. He rounded a corner and felt his breath catch in his throat. There she was. She looked distraught. When her eyes found Draco, she walked towards him immediately. Draco didn’t move from his spot. He let her come to him. When she reached him, she stared at him intently. A few moments of heavy silence passed before she decided to test the waters. “Draco?” she asked hesitantly.
“How long?” he retorted.
“How long? What do you mean?”
“Don’t play fucking dumb, Y/N. How long have you and Blaise been together, huh?”
Y/N’s face paled. “Draco, it is not what it looks like. Whatever Pansy told you isn’t true.”
Draco laughed. “She didn’t tell me. She showed me,” he replied in a strangely calm voice. Y/N felt tears spring to her eyes as Draco harshly shoved the photographs into her hands. She reluctantly looked down at the images of her and Blaise. She knew it looked terrible, but she was determined to make Draco believe her. 
“What do you have to say for yourself? I mean, seriously, was I not good enough for you? Is that it?” Draco asked. Hurt was audible in his voice.
Y/N felt her heart shatter. “Draco, don’t talk like that, of course, you’re good enough for me. You’re more than enough. Please, you have to trust me, you have to believe me. I would never cheat on you; they set me up.” Y/N pleaded. Her eyes were wide with fear.
Draco scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. “Don’t lie to me, don’t make up stories. You cheated, and you didn’t care about the repercussions. Did you ever care? Was I just a game, just a toy for you?” He asked, his voice cracking.
“Of course I cared about you, Draco, I still do. I never fucking stopped caring about you... About us. Draco, I love you, please believe me, please let me explain,” she begged. But Draco wasn’t having it. He took a step backward; she took one forward. Draco clenched his fists. “Get away from me. We’re done.”
Y/N began to panic. “No, no, Draco, listen to me. Please don���t leave, please—”
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up! I don’t give a damn what you have to say. I don’t want to hear from you again, I don’t want to look at you. Do you understand me? Stay the fuck away from me,” Draco commanded. He continued backing up. This time, Y/N stayed put. Tears fell from her cheeks as she watched her lover leave. She felt her legs begin to tremble. She couldn't believe this was happening. It had only been a few hours ago that she had given him a good morning kiss. How had they ended up in this situation so fast? Her legs continued to shake, and eventually, she collapsed onto the cold floor. Sobs racked her body. 
A few weeks later, Draco was sitting in his usual spot in the Great Hall. In Y/N’s place, however, sat Pansy. She was leaning on her hand and gazing at Draco mindlessly. Truth be told, it made Draco a bit uncomfortable. But he did his best to ignore her as he finished up his supper. The past week had been extremely hard for him. He’d hardly gotten any sleep due to the fact all he could think about was Y/N. The look on her face when he’d ended things was burned into his mind. She’d looked so heartbroken, almost as if she was the one who was hurting. Draco knew better than that; he knew he was the one who’d been deceived. He was the one who’d been cheated on, for crying out loud. If anyone was hurting, it was him. 
Every time he saw an orange, her favorite fruit, he’d feel his heart clench. Whenever he’d pass the astronomy tower, he’d be reminded of all their time spent up there. The worst, however, was seeing her in the hallways. It hurt beyond belief to see her with Blaise. It just so happened that every time Draco saw them, Blaise's arm was around her waist. It made him sick to his stomach.
“You feeling alright, Dray?” Pansy inquired, pulling Draco out of his thoughts. He nodded and continued to pick at his shepherd's pie. “You don’t look, alright,” Pansy pushed further. Draco slammed his fist onto the table, making some fellow Slytherins irritated. He ignored them and glared at the girl next to him. “I found out a week ago that my girlfriend of two years has been cheating on me. Sorry, I’m not my usual fucking self,” he snapped. Pansy looked disturbed by his angry outburst and decided to remain silent for the rest of their meal.
Draco remained quiet as well; he didn’t like talking anymore. Hell, he didn’t like doing anything anymore. He felt so empty without her. She gave his life joy. Bullying first years and Harry Potter wasn’t the most fulfilling activity, neither was burying himself in his studies. But when Y/N was present, he was happy; he was important. Without her, he felt worthless. 
Just then, Draco noticed the couple themselves walking towards the doors of the Great Hall. Blaise’s hand was wrapped around Y/N's arm. She looked a bit disgruntled. When the pair passed Draco and Pansy, Y/N made eye contact with the blonde boy. Her eyes seemed sad, pleading almost. This intrigued Draco more than he cared to admit. He watched them leave, waited a few seconds, then stood up from his seat.
“Draco, where are you going? You haven’t finished your dinner,” Pansy whined. He chose to ignore her and follow after his former lover instead. 
When he walked through the doors, he headed for the stairs to the dungeons. He knew Y/N would always go straight to the common room after dinner; he could only hope that was still true. Draco could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he raced down the stone steps. He wasn’t quite sure what had possessed him to follow after the girl who cheated on him, but there he was running after her.
When he got to the bottom of the staircase, he became acutely aware of the lack of people in the Hogwarts basement. Usually, Slytherins would be lurking around every corner, but not tonight. It was too quiet for Draco's liking. He willed himself to calm down. Once he did, he heard the sound of hushed voices coming from his right. He quietly hastened down the dark corridor until he came to the end of it. “Leave me alone,” a familiar voice said. Draco knew it was Y/N, he felt his heart jump upon hearing her, but He stayed hidden behind a wall and urged himself to open his ears to the conversation around the corner.
“You and Parkinson have already ruined my relationship. Can’t you just leave me be now? I thought you were just helping her get those photos; why are you still bothering me?” Y/N asked. She sounded exasperated.
“Pansy did pay me well for those pictures, but I’m afraid I’ve taken a liking to you, sweetheart. You’re just too pretty to pass up.”
After a few beats, Y/N replied with a quiet, “Don’t touch me.” Anger began to boil within Draco, but he didn’t let his presence be known just yet. He wanted to continue eavesdropping on their conversation. 
“What’s wrong, babydoll? Don’t like me?” Blaise asked tauntingly. Draco clenched his fists in an attempt to control his anger. But he knew it was only a matter of time before he lost his temper. 
“Well, no shit Zabini. You fucking assaulted me and—” Y/N was cut off by a loud slap. This set Draco off; he launched himself off the wall and rounded the corner, wand out, and raised. Y/N and Blaise were shocked to see him here, but Blaise quickly masked his surprise and put his hands behind his back.
“Ah, Malfoy. Fancy seeing you here,” he said. Draco stormed up to him and pressed the tip of his wand to Blaise’s throat. He withdrew his hands slowly while staring at the wand, fear in his eyes. “Hey man, what the fuck are you doing?” he asked in a wavery voice.
“Did you hit her?” Draco asked. His voice was dark, his pupils were tiny as he glared at Blaise. The tall boy didn’t reply. Draco pressed his wand further into his neck. “Look at her, Zabini. Her cheek is burning red; I know you see it. So let me ask you again, did you fucking hit her? And don’t lie to me, you piece of shit.” Draco seethed. Y/N watched the exchange between the boys with terror on her face. She felt anything but safe.
Blaise gulped. “She was acting like a bitch,” he shrugged. Draco didn’t hesitate. “Petrificus Totalus!” Blaise fell backward onto the floor with a loud thud; he was now frozen. Draco stood over him, steaming as he tucked his wand into his pocket and reeled back his fist. “Draco, no!” Y/N yelled. But Draco was blind with rage. He rammed his fist into Blaise’s cheek. Y/N cried out for him to stop, but he hit him again and again. Blaise didn't make a peep as he was forced to endure Draco's brutal punches. Y/N looked on with tears streaming down her face. She didn’t try to stop him for fear he would turn on her. 
Once Draco was satisfied with the pulp he had beat Balise into, he released him from his invisible bonds. The boy scrambled to his feet and ran off to the Slytherin common room, not wanting to test Draco’s patience any further. Draco watched him go as he examined the blood on his knuckles. At last, he and Y/N were alone. The blonde boy turned to Y/N. His stomach dropped when he saw her tear stricken face. Her eyes were filled with fear as she peered up at him from her spot on the floor. Draco hesitantly crouched down. 
“Y/N… it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said softly. Y/N began to cry even more. Draco felt his stomach churn with regret, and he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Y/N.
“I didn’t cheat o-on you. Parkinson pu-put Zabini up to it. I didn’t kiss him willingly,” she stuttered, her body still rocking with sobs. Draco felt like a complete arsehole. He should've just let her explain that night. If he would've only heard her out, they could've avoided all of this.
 Draco gently reached out his hand and waited until Y/N placed hers on top of it. He intertwined his fingers with hers. The warmth from her touch was a stark contrast to the icy feeling of his. He pulled her hand close and softly kissed it. “I believe you, love. I’m sorry I didn’t before, but I do now. Please forgive me.”
Y/N rubbed her nose and gradually opened her arms. Draco pulled her into a much-needed hug. He pressed his face into her shoulder and relished in the feeling of her arms around his. Even though it had only been a week, it had felt much longer. So to finally be back in each other’s embrace was like a breath of fresh air.
When they pulled away, Draco caressed her face and, with his thumb, began to wipe the tears from her soft cheeks. He noticed the fading red mark from Blaise’s slap, and he felt his fury begin to return. But Y/N saw this right away. She put her own hands on Draco’s face, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “I’m okay, just a little spooked is all,” she assured him. Draco saw right through her just like she’d seen through him. He knew she was terrified.
“You don’t have to put on a brave face for me, love. You’ve been hurt in so many ways, and I am so sorry. But I’m here now, and I promise you, nobody is going to lay another hand on you, okay? I’ve got you if you'll have me,” Draco said. Y/N smiled and pressed her forehead to his. They remained that way for a few moments before Draco pulled her into his lap. He stroked her hair comfortingly and began to rock her back and forth, calming her remaining tears. 
After a few minutes of this, Y/N turned around in Draco’s grasp. She smiled and reached up to push his hair out of his face. Usually, it would be clean-cut and uniform, but that night’s events had turned it into a messy mop. She chuckled to herself, causing Draco to look at her quizzically. “What?” he asked. Y/N tilted her head and pursed her lips. “You’re just too cute, is all.”
Draco felt blush rush to his cheeks; he buried his face in Y/N’s shoulder yet again. She simply hummed contentedly and pressed a kiss to his head. “I missed you,” she mumbled. Draco lifted his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “I missed you too, my lovely.”
“Please don’t break up with me again. I was so sad,” Y/N said with pouty lips. Oh, how Draco had missed those. He leaned in for another kiss. “Don’t worry, I was really lonely without you. You’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future,” Draco declared. Y/N giggled. “Good,” she replied. 
And suddenly...everything was okay again. 
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chachkayes · 3 years
Wait For Me
“Hayes!” Meredith called out as she saw him walking by, as she stepped foot in her hospital. His smile upon hearing her voice and seeing her in person made her heart glow, and her smile quickly matched his.
Their eyes were locked as he walked over to her. “Welcome back.” He said softly, with a small smirk. “How’d this place hold up while I was gone?” She teased, the tension between them palpable. “What, you think this place would fall apart without you? I’ll have you know, things went incredibly smooth.” He volleyed right back, a tiny laugh slipping out as he continued to look in her eyes.
“How was your trip?” He asked as he stepped closer to her, his fingertips lightly brushing hers. She looked down at their hands before finally lacing their fingers together and looking back up at him with a smile. “It was… good, I guess.”
“You guess? What does that mean?” He asked, before seeing her face turn more serious than previously. “Meredith, what’s going on? Did something happen?” Quickly they walked to a bench to talk on.
“Minnesota offered me a whole research lab to help try and cure parkinsons.” Meredith said as they sat down. The smile off Hayes’ face dropped. “You said no, right? I was serious, I cannot go through any more interviews.” Eliciting a small laugh from Meredith before the mood went back to serious.
“I mean… I didn’t say no, but I also didn’t say yes either. I don’t know yet.” Hayes could tell something more was bothering Meredith aside from the lab. “What else?” When Meredith sighed, he prepared himself for the worst.
“Hayes… I…” She stopped herself. She felt like she couldn’t say it out loud. She didn’t know how he’d react. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.” He reassured her, squeezing her hand. “I slept with someone while I was away.”
In a split second, Hayes felt his world come crashing down. He quickly let go of her hand and looked at her in shock. “Please let me explain, it’s not because I don’t want you, or because I’m mad at you. But he was someone I had history with, and he was there, and I didn’t think it would be a big deal because…” Meredith stopped when she saw the hurt in Hayes’ eyes. “Because I was the one that ended things between us.” He finished her sentence. He could see the guilt on her face.
“It’s fine, Grey. Really. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. We weren’t together, it’s fine.” Hayes told her, reverting to his hard exterior and reserved stance. Hearing him call her ‘Grey’ felt like a punch to the chest. “I’m sorry, Hayes. Thank you for understanding. I have to go, but I’ll see you around, okay?” She said before kissing his cheek and walking away.
“Okay.” He said, to himself, sitting alone on the bench, feeling like his heart had just been shattered into a million pieces.
The rest of the day, he felt himself losing himself to the heartbreak. And it was pretty much all his fault. He tried his best to avoid her, avoid how much he still wanted her, avoid remembering the fact that in the 3 days she was gone, she moved on. Even though it was for the health of Austin, he still couldn’t help but berate himself for ending things. Maybe their first reunion after her trip would have been different.
Meredith could tell he was avoiding her, and she felt awful. So, she invited Maggie over after work to drink and get her advice. “Mags, you remember how I told you I was seeing someone?” Meredith blurted out once they’d gotten their drinks. “Uh, yeah? Why?” Maggie asked, confused.
“That someone was Hayes. And he ended things because his son was having troubles with it. Which, obviously I understand. But it ended before it really even began… and then I slept with someone in Minnesota. Nick, I slept with Nick.” Maggie’s jaw dropped and she took another swig of the tequila. “The transplant surgeon whose kidney you saved?” Meredith nodded. “Did you tell Hayes?”
“I mean yeah, it would feel wrong not to.” Meredith admitted, with Maggie immediately responding, “And what did he say?” Meredith took a sip of her drink and slunk back into her couch. “That it was fine and I didnt have to explain myself to him. But now it feels like he’s avoiding me.” Her sense of guilt crept back up. He said he was fine. She could feel Maggie’s newlywed judgement eyes judging her.
“You hurt him Mer, he says he’s fine but obviously he’s not - just because he stopped seeing you for his kid doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. He’s hurting bc while he’s been waiting for you and waiting for his kid to get better after your short relationship ended, you slept with someone else.”
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celest1all · 4 years
Never Enough
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: In the end, Y/N L/N would never be enough for the Slytherin Prince.
Warnings: Angst, heartbreak, sadness, cheating.
A/N: I am currently going through my requests, so if you would like to request something, feel free to do so :)
tag list; @accio-rogers @angelinathebook
Y/N knew from the moment her and Draco Malfoy became friends that he was it for her. Even before they established a relationship.
She also thoroughly believed that she was it for him, that she was the love of his life.
Sometimes Y/N would catch him looking at her with this...emotion in his eyes, she didnt exactly know what it was, but she just assumed that it was love and adoration. Because that’s what it had to be, right?
Y/N longed for the soft kisses and the cuddles that would make her feel warm and fuzzy inside, she loved them. The way Draco’s lips felt against her own, how he murmured sweet nothings in her ear kept her going.
But then they stopped. Everything stopped. The holding hands, the kisses, the cuddles sessions, everything. But the love she felt for him never ceased.
Y/N would try and seek Draco out to just hear his voice. She missed the way her name rolled off his tongue. She hoped that one day, maybe, he would be saying her name exactly like that, but at a wedding ceremony. Because he was the love of her life and she wanted to spend the rest of it with him.
Y/N sometimes thought that the Slytherin Prince was purposefully avoiding her. Wherever she went, he would try and slip out unnoticed. She even went to plays she knew he would be but even then he wasn’t there. She waved the thoughts off, because there was no way Draco Malfoy was ignoring his girlfriend on purpose, right?
The communication between Y/N and Malfoy had become basically non existent. She had given up on trying to find him because if he wanted to be around her, he would’ve found him herself. She wasn’t exactly hiding, it was more the opposite. Y/N wanted to talk to Draco, he was her boyfriend, the person who she loved more than she loved herself and she hadn’t talked to him in weeks.
Y/N had started getting weird stares from people around the castle. She didn’t entirely know why, but she knew that there must have been a reason as to why she was getting people sending looks of pity and sympathy her way.
First she thought that everyone had found out about her and Draco’s relationship and how it barely was one anymore, but that reason was quickly thrown out of the window when she heard the rumours.
“Didn’t you hear? Draco is with Pansy now.”
“Malfoy was snogging Parkinson at Hogsmeade earlier.”
“Malfoy is no longer with that Y/H girl.”
Y/N felt her entire world implode. First, she didn’t believe what was being said because people have a way of taking the truth and manipulating it to fit their own agenda, that was until she saw it with her own eyes.
Y/N was walking through Hogwarts, her mind a mess. She didn’t want to believe it was true, she wouldn’t have been able to handle it. She thought that getting ignored by her own bloody boyfriend would have hurt, but this? Oh this was so much worse.
It was almost on queue, the walls beside her started to form into a door shape which she instantly realised was the Room of Requirement.
Y/N didn’t even hesitate to enter, but when she did, she felt regret build up in her stomach.
She could hear the sounds of two people fucking, and she knew without a doubt who it would be. Y/N didn’t hang about at all. She left without a glance back, wanting to be as far away from the scene as possible.
And that’s when she knew. That’s when she realised that she will never be enough. Not for Draco, not for anyone.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
@zozozodiacus: Hi! Thanks so much for doing ships! I'm sure you're super busy with these but it would be awesome if you have time to ship me with a male from the Harry Potter Golden Trio era :). I am an overthinker and really self-conscious (it took me so long just to compose this :)), but I don't share my anxieties with anyone, and have a happy, calm, confident front. This might sound braggy, but in school I've somehow become someone everyone knows and respects for her intellect. I like to read, and know a lot, so I can speak intelligently about almost any subject, but inside I feel like a jack of all trades and master of none—a total fraud. I am 5'3", slim but curvy, have pale skin, big, deep brown eyes, and honestly I would think of myself as beautiful if not for my slightly droopy nose, which I am really self-conscious about. I love to read and write. I love having interesting conversations with people and have a large and diverse group of friends, with lots of people from different cliques. But I'm not particularly close to anyone. I don't feel like anyone truly knows me. Sometimes I don't mind that, and I like the privacy of my mind. Other times I wish I could have that intimacy of having someone else truly know me. I can fall into dark moods where everything is dark and deep and meaningless. And, less often, I can leap into elated ones, where the world feels like sunshine and even my nose looks good. I go to an all-girls school, so I'm not really sure how I would act around a crush. I think I would be kind of standoffish because I would be so afraid of showing my feelings or coming off as a fool. I would also be terrified that he wouldn't like me and would rather just stay away. I would try to be witty if I have an excuse to be around him (like for an assignment or when hanging out with mutual friends--I would never purposefully try to go near). Thanks so much!
I ship you with...
Draco Malfoy!
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You guys are not friends
Definitely not freinds
But you still study every saturday together
Draco simply need someone who isnt a complete moron to study with and there you were, a girl who everyone knew was smart as hell
So he simply asked you if you wanted to study that Saturday and the tradition began
You had been a bit nervous when Draco asked if you wanted to study, he wasnt known for being the nicest person on the planet
But you didnt let it show and when everything went smoothly on Saturday and he asked to meet up again you agreed
Outside of those sessions you could count the number of conversations you had had on one hand
You never talked about anything but school, you both treated it like a professional relationship built on a mutual respect
Until Pansy Perkins seemed to think it was more than that
Your world was suddenly filled with pranks and rude names you couldnt seem to escape
You stopped going to study sessions
Draco showed up one saturday and you just weren't there
He waited for an hour before departing heart throbbing for some unknown reason
He didnt look for you the first time it happend
But by the thrid week you didnt show up he was getting more and more upset
So he looked for you, he caught you coming out of DADA and asked you why you stopped showing up
You said you were busy
Draco knew you were lying but didnt push he asked if you wanted study a different time
You told him it just wasnt a good time, you had other things to do
He gave up and was left confused and wondering if he had done something to upset you until he happend apon Pansy and a small anterage of girls in the hallway crowding around something
Well more someone
Pansy had pushed you to the ground and called you a bitch before her and the other girls surrounded you, every time you attempted to stand up your foot was swept out from under you or you were kicked back to the ground
"What the fuck Parkinson?!"
Pansy stopped immediately turning and addressing Draco as 'Dracie' before she was shoved to the side
The other girls scattered and Draco gathered your books that now littered the ground before offering you a hand, which you took, pulling yourself to your feet
He expected to see tears in your eyes and was surprised to find them vacant and dry
Draco swore at the girls before turning and leaving, his hand still holding yours
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"This is why you stopped coming to our study sessions isnt it?"
"No. I was busy."
"Bullshit, you're terrible at lying."
"You'd be surprised."
You left, study sessions resumed and you never spoke of the incident again
You would be lying if you said that the girls words didn't hurt, of course they did, you just didnt let anyone know that
Pansy backed off but you could still hear her whisper insults when you passed in the halls
Draco starts to notice your moods
How one day you will be elated the next defeated
He starts bringing candy and pastries to study sessions
He starts to wonder what it would be like to hang out with you in a normal setting, starts to wonder what your laugh sounded like, what music you listened to, what your favorite color was and if you had any siblings
By the time he realised what was happening it was too late
He got you a Christmas gift, it was an extremely expensive necklace inlayed with small diamonds and a deep blue saffire gem
He chickened out and couldnt give it to you, he had it in his hands but when he opened his mouth he just sorta froze
He tried agian at your birthday but the same thing happened
You start getting together twice a week instead of once
You start talking more
He learns your favorite color, he learns what genre if music you listen to, what your favorite book is
And suddenly you are friends
He knows your middle name and a food you will never eat
You learn his favorite animal and his favorite flavor of icecream
And he finally manages to give you the necklace
You refuse it at first, insisting it is far too expensive
But he insists and you take it reluctantly
His heart leaps when he sees you wearing it the next day
You find yourself playing with it in classes, your mind wanders towards the platinum blonde far more than it should
You come to a sudden realization of your feelings and you aren't sure how to act
You try a few witty comments and Draco flushes an incredible red
You find that a blushing Draco is your new favorite sight
You do things to make him blauh more and more, suggestive comments, fleeting touches, it drives him mad
He finally breaks when you reach up and fix his hair, your breath is warm and fanning across his face and your smell so good and he cant help it.
He grabs your tie and slams your lips onto his, the second your lips meet he breaks away with wide eyes apologizing and turning to leave
Before he can you grab his hand and pull him towards you
Your relationship is kept a secret
Study sessions turn into make out sessions
You hold hands under tables and take midnight walks together
By sixth year you both learn of a darker side the other attempted to keep hidden
Draco tried to cut you off after getting that tattoo but you wont let him
You tell him you'll stand next to him no matter what
You do
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innocentsliver · 4 years
{camila mendes, cis female, harry potter} look who is spotted around ha'ina it’s pansy parkinson. a eighteen year old witch. they spend their time around ha'ina as a socialite . the last thing they remember is the end of the battle of hogwarts . and people describe them as clever, selective, & cold. 
“ they say that the loveliest angels make the cruelest demons and my darling, you were so kind and beautiful before they dragged you to hell“
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her father is a cold and cruel individual ,he also is very abusive towards his daughter he tosses her aside until he needs her,
her mother could care less about her and is very neglectful
She hates her father .
She has tons of issues but doesn’t want to focus on them , so to hide them she is a huge bitch . .
She is the most insecure person ever .
People just think she is dumb when in reality she is super smart
once when his disobey her father he not only land a hand on her but shut in in a very tiny cell for a week straight with only little food . this was the first time it happened but not the last over the years it happened again and each time it did it got longer , the most time she spend in a tiny cell was two months after that pansy wasn’t the same after that . 
because of her dad throwing her in a tiny cell for long periods long she is now claustrophobic
she only lets a few people see the real her where she kind and those people only know how she truly feels .to other she comes off as cold . 
pansy has no idea what love is . like i fully believe between her couldn't care less about her and neglectful mother and her abusive father the closest thing she had to love or friendship. was draco and blasie and somewhat daphne .. its why she clings onto draco so much and her friendship with blasie so much ..
 she didn't let anyone see the real her expect draco blasie and daphne (well daphne to an certain extant ) dispute daphne being her friend she kept a certain distance between them that she didn't with draco and blaise . 
things she didnt tell daphne about like her being scared or scared of her father or her father abusing her or if she was hurt by what others thought about her " she told that stuff to draco and blasie she hide no secrets from the two boys 
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heavenlydrarry · 6 years
No Regrets
Rating: T
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Genre: Post-Eighth Year
Summary: Harry is forced to go out for drinks, Draco is d.r.u.n.k.
A/N: this is for @tossermalfoy for our fic exchange! i loved all your prompts so much and this probably sucks ass but i tried my best and i really hope u like it! its the second prompt i started and then didnt have time to finish it so its kinda rushed and all but idk
Other authors: @pixiemalfoy @rosadearest @ssoftdrarry @hpotterlocked @okaypottah
“Hermione, you ask every month and I say no every month, what makes you think that this time will be different?” Harry was annoyed. Hermione had come over, like she did on the last Friday of the month, and was trying to convince Harry to go with them, her and Ron, to the monthly meet-up that their year at Hogwarts had. It had started a couple of months after eighth year, someone had proposed the idea, a Hufflepuff probably, and the rest of them had agreed that it was a great idea. It wasn’t that Harry didn’t want to see his friends, he did. He loved hanging out with Ron, Hermione and Neville, but he hated large groups, they had started to make him uncomfortable.
Harry knew that Hermione worried for him. After finishing their eighth year at Hogwarts, Harry had completely closed himself off to everyone apart from the Weasleys, Hermione, Neville and Teddy. He had become kind of a hermit, spending his days at home, sending out Kreacher to do his shopping so that he wouldn’t have to leave the house and barely meeting anyone. He knew that Hermione just wanted to see him happy and that she was trying her best to make him.
“Alright! This is the last time I’ll ask you, though! Just come out tonight! If you don’t like it or aren’t having fun, you can leave and I won’t bother you about coming out with the group ever again!” Hermione proposed, hoping that she was able to convince him this time.
The idea of Hermione not pestering him ever again after that night appealed to Harry. He slowly and thoughtfully nodded, causing Hermione to let out a loud “Whoop!” and dance around him in a circle.
“Let’s a move on, then!” Hermione grinned excitedly, pushing Harry towards his bedroom so that he could get dressed and they could finally leave.
The two of them left Harry’s house and walked into an alley to apparate to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry was quite anxious, he hadn’t seen most of his classmates in almost a year and he was worried about their reactions towards him. As he walked into the Leaky, he realised though, that he had had no reason to be anxious. Seamus and Dean were the first to see him and they immediately pulled Harry into a three-way hug, telling him how much they were glad to see him again. Harry’s heart warmed, glad that his friends weren’t angry with him or anything. Dean led them over to a large table around the back end of the pub, where everyone else was sat.
Harry took a look around, taking in the familiar faces. He saw almost all of the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors from his year and quite a few Ravenclaws too. What surprised him though, was seeing a relatively large group of Slytherins as well. Parkinson, Nott, Goyle, Zabini and Greengrass were all there, Malfoy’s old gang, but Harry hadn’t spotted Malfoy yet. Maybe he hadn’t come, thought Harry to himself. He was slightly surprised by the pang in his heart when he realised that he wouldn’t be seeing Malfoy that night. There wasn’t any animosity between him and the Slytherins anymore. Eighth year hadn’t made them friends, but they weren’t strangers either, acquaintances if he had to put a term to it. They had apologised to him and he to them. And after that, the occasional nod in the hallways had been the extent of their interactions.
He took a seat at one end of the large table, on the far end, away from the Slytherins and most of the other people. His end was sparsely occupied and that pleased Harry. At least he could have a little space for himself.
“So glad you came, mate!” Harry’s heart almost jumped out of his chest when he felt a hard thump on his back. Harry recognised the rambunctious voice of his best friend, who only seconds later appeared in his line of view, two mugs of beer and two shots of Firewhiskey floating behind him.
Harry and Ron drank those shots and followed it by the beer. The coolness of the beer soothing the slight burning feeling left behind by the Firewhiskey. A slow but steady stream of beer into his system had given Harry a slight buzz, and he was now actually glad that he had come.
“Hi Harry! It’s good to see you,” Parvati and Padma took seats opposite him, their backs facing the entrance to the pub, and grinned widely.
“You too, girls!” Harry smiled back, clinking his beer mug with theirs. “You know, I still cannot tell the two of you apart!” He laughed.
“We shared a common room for eight years, Harry!” Parvati said playfully. Harry only knew it was Parvati because of her statement.
“I have a small mole here, and Parvati doesn’t,” Padma smiled at him, pointing to a spot near her lip. Harry nodded slightly absentmindedly, his eye focused on the door behind the girls, hoping to catch even a small glimpse of the blond hair he had been looking for.
He was able to catch up with his old friends and they had all been ecstatic to see Harry again. He had also noticed that at some point during the night, Malfoy had shown up. He hadn’t seen much of the blond-haired, grey-eyed man much since he arrived, but then again, he hadn’t made an active effort to, either.
It had been a couple of hours since he had arrived at the pub and Harry was sitting alone at his end of the table again. His friends had all dispersed, talking to other people but he had wanted to stay exactly where he was. It was a good spot, he could people-watch, something he loved doing, and also still take part in the conversation if he wanted to.
“Well well, if it isn’t the infamous Harry Potter, sitting alone. Finally decided to grace us with your presence, huh,” an unmistakably familiar voice drawled from behind. Turning around and confirming his suspicions, he saw that Draco Malfoy was standing right behind, a little too close. So close, that Harry could even smell Firewhiskey on Malfoy’s breath.
“Not even going to answer, huh?” Malfoy said, coming slightly closer and almost closing the small distance between them. As Harry’s eyes search Malfoy’s, he could see that blonde was already drunk, not buzzed, but outright drunk. His eyes were hazy, his hair messy, as though he had run his hands through them almost a hundred times, and he was even swaying slightly from side to side. Not to mention the strong scent of alcohol on his breath.
“Hermione made me come here, wasn’t actually going to,” Harry shrugged, answering Malfoy’s first question. He got out if his chair and moved to help Malfoy into the chair next to him and off his unsteady feet. He had barely even touched the man, when Malfoy pushed his hands away and scrambled into the chair himself.
Once he was comfortably seated, Malfoy stared at Harry’s face and Harry stared back, neither of them uttering a word. At first, Harry watched those grey eyes, following every slight movement with his own. But then eyes travelled down Malfoy’s face, stopping for a split second at those thin, pink lips. Those lips looked extremely kissable to him, but even in his inebriated state, Harry knew that they were not friends and he definitely could not kiss him. They were civil to each other, but that was the extent of it. After what felt like minutes, actually only about 30 seconds, Malfoy broke eye contact, shaking his head a little and then looking down at his hands.
“How come you’re not an Auror? Would have thought what with you defeating the Dark Lord and all that you wouldn’t even have to do the training,” Malfoy had broken the silence, his words blunt and direct. Harry had always known him to be blunt, usually with insults, but he was surprised to hear the genuine tone in the voice.
Harry simply shrugged, not knowing what to say. He didn’t want to tell Malfoy that he was struggling with coming to terms with the end of the war and how thinking about becoming an Auror and constantly being in a similar situation scared him an awful lot. Malfoy would have probably laughed in his face, he thought.
“Someone isn’t too talkative tonight. Drunk already?” Malfoy asked and Harry grinned slightly.
“As if you’re one to talk! You are clearly drunk! And this is the most you’ve ever spoken to me, willingly!” Harry exclaimed, his grin widening as Malfoy’s expression transformed into one of shock.
“How dare you accuse me like that!” Malfoy spoke loudly, loud enough for their neighbours to turn their attention to the pair. Hermione had turned to look at them as well, and gave Harry a look, as though she was asking him if everything was alright. Harry smiled at her and nodded his head, silently telling her that everything was a-okay.
“Oh calm down, would you? We both know you are drunk,” Harry muttered. Proving his point, Malfoy reached out to stroke the side of Harry’s face with the back of his hand. Something he was sure sober Malfoy would never even think of doing.
Just then, a popular muggle song came on, a song with a fast beat that had everyone in the pub’s hips moving. Malfoy let out a loud whoop followed by an even louder “I LOVE THIS SONG!” He jumped out of his seat, grabbed Harry, effectively pulling him out of his seat and pushed their way through a crowd of people over an empty space Harry could only assume to be some kind of dance floor. Malfoy was moving his hips to the beat of the music as Harry just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
“You’re not dancing!” Malfoy exclaimed offendedly. He grabbed onto Harry’s waist and started swinging them about, trying to get Harry to move with him to the music blaring around them. Harry tried moving with the beat, but all he could manage was an uncomfortable hip shake.
All of a sudden, Malfoy pulled him closer. So close, that Harry could feel his warm breath in his ear. He was about to pull away, but the two hands on his hips stopped him from moving too far.
“Let me teach you how to dance,” Malfoy whispered in his ear. His voice had gotten raspy and low, stirring up feelings in Harry. Unable to find his voice (he was he would have let out a squeak if he opened his mouth), Harry simply nodded.
Malfoy swayed with him to the beat, and slowly, Harry was even getting the hang of it. But then, out of nowhere, he turned around so that he was now facing away from Harry, but his backside was firmly pressed into Harry’s front. And although Harry liked, he liked it very much, his brain reminded him that this was not something sober Malfoy would have done. So very gently, as to not offend him, Harry pushed him away and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around so that they were face to face once again. Now, he wouldn’t admit this to anyone, but also hadn’t wanted Malfoy to feel the bulge forming in his pants, in case Malfoy remembered everything the next day and was utterly disgusted with him.
“You’re drunk!” Harry yelled over the loud music. “I’ll bring you home, let’s go!” Harry started to steer Malfoy away from the centre and towards where their friends and classmates were.
Malfoy was adamant, though. It was clear to Harry, that Malfoy didn’t want to leave but after couple of minutes, he gave in. Malfoy had only agreed to leave if Harry walked, or side-along apparated, him home. He had even pouted a lot, to Harry’s amusement, before coming to this agreement.
Harry bid Hermione and Ron goodbye, both of who only gave him smirks in return. His two best friends knew him better than he knew himself and they had probably already figured out whatever he was feeling currently for Malfoy. But that was the least of his concerns, at the moment. Looking around, Harry saw that Malfoy had managed to convince Zabini and Nott to give him one last shot of Firewhiskey and now he wasn’t just swaying, but literally stumbling over air and his own two feet. Eventually, Malfoy found his way back to Harry, who put his arm around the taller boy’s waist and guided him out the door.
They walked silently for a couple of minutes, Malfoy stumbling along and Harry trying to keep their balance. It wasn’t easy, considering that he himself wasn’t sober enough to walk straight, much less guide someone else. They finally got to an alley to apparate from, when Harry realised that he didn’t know where Malfoy lived. Sure, there was the Manor, but Harry wasn’t sure if Malfoy was still living there or not.
“Hey, Malfoy! Where am I appara-” Harry started to say, but was cut off by Malfoy pushing him onto a wall and pressing himself up against Harry.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” he whispered raspily in Harry’s ear, and before Harry could even ask what, Malfoy was suddenly kissing him.
Harry froze for a couple of seconds, he wasn’t entirely sure on what to do. Should he push Malfoy away, he was after all drunk and probably didn’t know what he was doing? Or should he just give in and let the kiss continue, because he knew that he wanted this feeling to never stop. It was a feeling of elation and wonder and astonishment that had gone through Harry the moment he had felt those lips, and his heart wanted to feel nothing more that just those feelings over and over again. His common sense took over, though. This was Malfoy, and he was drunk, and Harry was extremely confused. So he pushed Malfoy away, gently, not enough to hurt his feelings, because he had come to realise, in the duration on this past night, that Harry liked being around Malfoy and he definitely wanted to continue doing that.
“Let’s get you sober,” Harry said, and before Malfoy could say anything, Harry has apparated the two of them back to his house. He guided Malfoy into a chair, before summoning two sobering potions. Handing one to Malfoy, he silently knocked back his sobering potion and immediately felt a whole lot better. He watched Malfoy carefully, and saw the immediate difference in Malfoy after the potion had been taken. Malfoy had looked around the room in surprise, not recognising where he was until he saw Harry.
“Thank you,” he whispered softly and Harry just nodded. “So, did I do something utterly embarrassing?” he asked and Harry grinned. Harry started to tell him about the dance floor and eventually about the kiss in the alley as well.
“Drunk words are sober thoughts, you know,” Harry smirked and Malfoy’s cheeks went a bright pink colour. But before he knew it, Malfoy had risen up and within one quick stride, was standing in front of Harry.
“Perhaps I’d like to kiss you again, but this time with your permission,” he said, looking Harry deeply in the eye. And Harry wanted to kiss him again as well, so he simply nodded.
This time, the kiss started out slower and more cautious than the other one. But as they continued kissing, they got more and more confident, and so did the kiss. Malfoy had pushed Harry into an armchair and was straddling Harry, leaning into him and kissing him with all his might and heart. They pulled back after a couple of minutes of kissing, both of them breathing heavily, their foreheads against each other and their breaths mixing in the small space between them.
“No regrets?” Harry whispered, not wanting to break the moment.
“No regrets,” Malfoy replied.
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gender? who is she? (they???)
chapter one: what’s my name again? link to prologue
summary: [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF [??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?] [18:00] harry?: !!!!!! word count: 1,573 warnings: n/a a/n: we’re getting into it!!! hope u enjoy
read on ao3
[FRIDAY; 10.12.18]
  the golden trio™ [POTter (SumayaPotter), grangerstranger (HermioneGranger), DieselWeasel (RonWeasley)]
  [16:45] POTter: @everyone
[17:34] grangerstranger: What’s a mood [17:34] grangerstranger: Sorry [17:34] grangerstranger: What’s up
[17:36] DieselWeasel: how do you accidentally type whats a mood
[17:36] grangerstranger: Magic [17:36] grangerstranger: And a conversation going on next to me
[17:37] DieselWeasel: okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: sounds fake but . okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: a n y w a y [17:37] DieselWeasel: @POTter whats up
[17:40] POTter: oH [17:40] POTter: yh sry [17:40] POTter: if yall were th opp sex wht wld ur names b ?
[17:41] grangerstranger: Sorry just [17:41] grangerstranger: Give me a minute to decipher that
[17:41] DieselWeasel: #rekt
[17:41] POTter: r00d
[17:42] grangerstranger: Wait Maya
[17:42] POTter: ye
[17:42] grangerstranger: As in what our parents would've named us or what we'd want our names to be if we were the opposite sex
[17:42] POTter: idc both
[17:43] grangerstranger: William
[17:43] POTter: y
[17:43] grangerstranger: Well [17:43] grangerstranger: I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they named me [17:44] grangerstranger: But the name Hermione is from the winter’s tale by Shakespeare [17:44] grangerstranger: I'm not the hugest fan of Shakespeare but I'd still like to have an older name [17:44] grangerstranger: Plus his first name was William so it's still a nod to my parents
[17:44] POTter: damn out here w tht Knowledge [17:45] POTter: ron????
[17:46] DieselWeasel: uhhhhhhh [17:46] DieselWeasel: i mean if i had been born a girl it wouldve been ginerva bc yall KNOW ma and dad have been holding onto that for ages [17:46] DieselWeasel: but . harper maybe? i like that name
[17:46] POTter: huh [17:46] POTter: harperd fit u
[17:47] DieselWeasel: what about you
[17:50] POTter: idk [17:50] POTter: what do u think
[17:50] grangerstranger: Alex [17:50] grangerstranger: ?
[17:51] DieselWeasel: i mean ? would you want like [17:51] DieselWeasel: an ethnic name ? [17:53] DieselWeasel: imagine quotes on that lol
[17:53] POTter: ehhhhhhh [17:53] POTter: i wldnt b opposed but ? [17:54] POTter: idk rly i guess itd be cool either way [17:54] POTter: also @grangerstranger alex is nice
[17:54] DieselWeasel: mkay [17:56] DieselWeasel: what about harry [17:56] DieselWeasel: hari ? harry ? who knows
[17:56] POTter: OH [17:56] POTter: y e s [17:56] POTter: thank
[17:59] DieselWeasel: uh ? [17:59] DieselWeasel: no problem lol [17:59] DieselWeasel: :)
  ??? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF
[??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to hari?]
[18:00] hari?: !!!!!! [18:00] hari?: wait wait wait
[hari? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?]
[18:01] harry?: i like this better i think [18:01] harry?: idk im still trying 2 figure it out
[18:04] luna!: oh! that's a lovely name. congratulations harry! i'm glad you've found something that suits you. :D
[18:04] harry?: :D
  [SATURDAY; 10.13.18]
  everyone except sumaya [granger (HermioneGranger), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), malfoy (DracoMalfoy), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom)…]
 [13:35] granger: I just want all of you to know I still disagree with the name of this chat
[14:57] malfoy: Yes, yes, we know. [14:57] malfoy: You’ve been saying that since the creation of this groupchat.
[15:15] weasley_1: #rekt
[15:28] granger: Shut up malfoy
[15:28] weasley_1: #rekt
[16:01] longbottom: ok but we haven’t had to use this chat for a couple weeks now? what’s up hermione?
[16:01] weasley_1: sus acting weird
[16:01] longbottom: okay but she’s always acting weird, what’s different about this time?
[16:02] weasley_1: we had an entire conversation about what our names would be if we were the opposite sex
[16:02] longbottom: oh. [16:02] longbottom: yeah okay that’s a bit weird. [16:02] longbottom: what did she say her’s would be?
[16:02] granger: That's the thing though [16:03] granger: She didn’t [16:03] granger: She asked us what we thought it should be
[16:03] weasley_1: here gimme a sec
[weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.] [weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.]
[16:05] parkinson: im dead her name is my MOOD
[16:05] longbottom: damn. okay. [16:05] longbottom: what do you think it means?
[16:06] weasley_1: i dunno why does it have to mean anything
[16:06] longbottom: well, obviously you think it means something - you wouldn’t have posted it here if you didn’t?
[16:06] weasley_1: damn youre right [16:07] weasley_1: i dunno? it just feels like kind of an odd thing to ask about ? [16:07] weasley_1: especially because its not like we were talking about names today or anything [16:07] weasley_1: it just seemed like an out of the blue subject thats all
[16:09] lovegood: if i may interject? i find it very likely that sumaya is simply settling into their personality, and part of that may include an exploration of the different facets of themself! [16:09] lovegood: her*, whoops!
[16:09] weasley_1: ? [16:09] weasley_1: oh okay
[16:09] longbottom: you’re so right, luna!
[16:09] weasley_1: huh yeah that makes sense lol
  #girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:10] #girlsforluna: gay
[16:11] #boysforluna: :’) [16:11] #boysforluna: i can’t help it! she’s so [16:11] #boysforluna: wait.
  everyone except sumaya [weasley_1 (RonWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), granger (HermioneGranger), malfoy (DracoMalfoy)…]
 [16:12] longbottom: hey, @lovegood?
[16:13] lovegood: yes! hi neville!
[16:13] longbottom: hey! what pronouns are you using right now?
[16:13] lovegood: he/him for now! :)
[16:13] longbottom: okay! thanks so much.
[16:14] weasley_2: neville you fucking nerd i cant,,,,,,
  #girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:12] #girlsforluna: you okay??? [16:13] #girlsforluna: oh my god lmfao
[16:14] #boysforluna: okay, i got it. [16:14] #boysforluna: he’s just so cute! and smart! and kind! and! ugh my god i love him so much.
[16:14] #girlsforluna: youre so fucking cute i wanna die [16:14] #girlsforluna: you really just paused an online conversation to get pronouns i love you oh my god [16:14] #girlsforluna: also. i feel you so hard he’s such a lovely person??? hhhh [16:14] #girlsforluna: anyway :)
[16:14] #boysforluna: :)
  everyone except sumaya [weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), granger (HermioneGranger)…]
[16:15] lovegood: is everything okay, neville?
[16:16] weasley_2: oh yeah totally i just had the sudden and urgent realization that neville’s a fucking nerd
[16:16] longbottom: shut the hell up n stop ghosting u hoe
[16:17] parkinson: damn son okay [16:17] parkinson: i dont know if im more surprised tht u cursed or tht u didnt use Perfect Punctuation ???? either way im lowkey impressed good job
[16:17] longbottom: :)
  mione (HermioneGranger), nevs (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:46] mione: Hey neville
[17:09] nevs: yeah, what’s up?
[17:11] mione: Do you think sue might be [17:11] mione: Trans or something?
[17:11] nevs: huh. [17:11] nevs: i guess i’d never thought of it but. [17:11] nevs: i suppose it’s entirely possible? [17:12] nevs: especially because she’s been wearing her hijab more often.
[17:12] mione: Yeah [17:12] mione: Wait but why would that mean shes trans?
[17:13] nevs: well, she has really long hair, and when she’s not wearing a hijab she usually has it in a braid because it’s easier to manage, right?
[17:13] mione: Yeah I know what hou mean [17:13] mione: You
[17:13] nevs: but it’s also a constant reminder that she has hair. [17:13] nevs: i mean, i was talking to luna the other day? [17:14] nevs: and he mentioned that on his masculine days he like to put his hair up, but only when he’s feeling really dysphoric. [17:14] granger: so now that i think about it in that light, it makes a lot of sense - [17:15] nevs: her hair goes into a bun when she puts it up, and it’s tight so she doesn’t have to think about it so much.
[17:15] mione: Oh [17:15] mione: Yeah that makes sense [17:16] mione: Thanks Neville
[17:16] nevs: no problem! [17:16] nevs: i probably wouldn’t go around sharing this with everyone, though. [17:16] nevs: especially because we don’t really know if it’s true or not.
[17:17] mione: Yeah of course
  hermyownknee (HermioneGranger), ronniekins (RonWeasley)
 [17:20] hermyownknee: Hey Ron
  ron (RonWeasley), luna (LunaLovegood)
 [17:34] ron: hey luna
[17:38] luna: hello, ron! is everything okay?
[17:38] ron: um . i think so?
[17:38] luna: okay! [17:40] luna: what did you want to talk to me about? [17:40] luna: i assume you contacted me for a reason? :)
[17:40] ron: haha yeah [17:40] ron: um [17:40] ron: dont take this the wrong way [17:41] ron: i know sometimes sumaya tells you stuff that she doesn’t tell me or hermione [17:41] ron: and that’s fine [17:41] ron: obviously shes allowed to make those kinds of decisions for herself [17:41] ron: but uh
[17:41] luna: she’s fine, i promise. [17:42] luna: i would tell you if she told me anything that i found concerning.
[17:44] ron: okay [17:44] ron: thanks
[17:50] luna: of course, ron.
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pufflyhallows · 7 years
Not Funny
Tumblr media
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Request (anon):  Hey I loved your first Draco fic! Was wondering if you’d be up for writing something along the lines of Draco noticing a Slytherin girl who didnt laugh at the jokes he made about Harry. They get partnered for an assignment and don’t get along too well until he eventually makes her genuinely laugh and they become friends idk I haven’t thought about the ending hahaha ❤️❤️ 
Warnings: none (maybe language?)
Word count: 1,304
The Slytherin common room would be empty if wasn’t for you, some second-years, Draco Malfoy and his friends. It was late and everyone else was in their dormitories, probably asleep. Draco was loud talking about the Quidditch practice they had in the morning, along with Gryffindor.
“We scheduled the practice before them, but McGonagall said we had to share the pitch. Imagine that,” he said annoyed.
“Tell them what Potter was doing!” Zabini laughed and Draco gave him a smirk.
“Potter couldn’t grab the snitch even if it was in front of his nose,” he said and even the second-years laughed, but you didn’t, “It looked more like he was  training for the ballet.”
Everyone was laughing, but you couldn’t see what was so funny about that.
“If you were really practicing instead of watching Harry’s steps, maybe we could win the Quidditch cup this year,” you whispered to yourself, going back to your book.
Everyone was in line, waiting by the door of Professor Snape’s classroom, when Potter and his friends arrived to also wait for the class.
“Look who’s here!” Draco said to the Slytherins, “Potty and the Weasel.”
They laughed, but you didn’t, again.
“Hey, scarhead! Madam Hooch said she can give you extra lessons, since you need them. It’s about the snitch, you know? Just a quick reminder: it is round and golden and has wings. That thing you were trying to get was a bludger,” he explained in a really slow way, as if Harry was a two-year-old.
Again, your fellow Slytherins laughed. Again, you didn’t. And this time, with that awful ‘joke’, you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes. And Draco noticed.  
“Piss off, Malfoy,” Harry simply said.
“Today we’ll be making the antidote to common poisons,” Snape announced through the classroom, “You’ll need bezoars, the standard ingredient, unicorn horn and mistletoe berries.”
Everyone stood up to get the ingredients.
“I’m not finished,” he warned and everybody sat back down, “For this assignment, I want you in pairs.”
The students started to talk to each other loudly, already deciding which pairs they would get, but Snape interrupted it.
“What is it with you that you can’t wait until I’m finished?” he intensively stared the Gryffindors in the room, “I decide the pairs.”
Some students almost protested, but soon remembered who was the professor.
“Mr. Zabini and Miss Parkinson.”
“Mr. Potter and… Mr. Longbottom,” he smirked.
“Mr. Malfoy and Miss Y/L/N.”
At that moment you stopped paying attention to the ‘sorting’. Really? Draco Malfoy? With dozens of students in the room, you had to be with Malfoy?
“Yeah, I’m not jumping with joy either,” you heard him approaching you.
“Excuse me?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Let’s just get done with this,” he said.
“Okay. Hm… I’ll get the ingredients and you read the instructions.”
Draco took his textbook from his bag and started looking for the antidotes chapter, while you went to the shelf to get the stuff. When you came back to the table, Draco was still looking for the page in an annoyingly slow way.
“Oh, don’t worry. Take your time,” you said sarcastically.
“I found it,” he stopped in a page and pushed the book to you.
“Already?” you teased, “Add one bezoar to the mortar and crush it into a very fine powder using the pestle,” you read it out loud to him.
Draco took the pestle and looked at you.
“I’ll do it,” he said.
“Okay,” you pushed the bezoar and the mortar to him and he started working.
After a while, you two managed to work together and divide the shores.
“You’re a Harry Potter’s fan, aren’t you?” he observed.
“You seem to not like it when people mock him.”
“I don’t care.”
“You don’t laugh.”
“It’s not funny.”
“Yes, it is. You see, he thinks he owns the world. He thinks everyone must bow down to him. So, he needs someone to show him his place,” he explained, “And I do the honors.”
“I think you just described yourself,” you told him.
“You don’t know me.”
“More than I’d like to, actually.”
With that, he stopped talking and you continued working.
You got the standard ingredient and put two measures of it in the cauldron. Draco finished the bezoar and started adding measures to the content.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Five?!
“Why did you put five measures of crushed bezoar in our mixture?” you asked him panicking.
“Because the book said so,” he replied nonchalant.
“No! The book said four measures.”
He went to reach the textbook, but dropped it on his foot.
“Bloody hell!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“It’s not funny,” he snorted.
“Yes, it is,” you kept laughing.
“You have a quite strange sense of humor, don’t you?” he complained but also laughing a bit.
“I can say the same about you.”
“Malfoy, Y/L/N, am I disturbing your conversation?” Snape reprimanded you two.
“No, sir. I’m sorry,” Malfoy apologized and you nodded to the teacher.
When Snape turned his back, you two exchanged a smile.
“What do we do now?” he asked.
“Start all over again,” you answered, “Evanesco.”
With a swing of your wand, the whole content was gone and you two started working again.
“So you laugh at people’s pain,” he commented, “Interesting”
“You kinda deserved it though.”
You exchanged another smile.
It was almost two in the morning, but you were awake reading your favorite muggle book in the empty common room. You loved it. It was the only time you could enjoy your own company and your reading without anyone disturbing you. And that’s why you sighed when you heard footsteps behind you.
“Beside laughing at others’ pain, you also enjoy depriving yourself from sleeping,” Draco observed as he sat on the couch next to you, “I’m starting to think you’re a masochist.”
“I enjoy my alone time, is that wrong?”
“Nope, I completely understand.”
“What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he answered surprisingly blushing. You frowned.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Nothing. Why?”
An awkward silence suddenly settled upon you two.
“Thank you,” he said.
“For what?”
“For saving our assignment. I’d probably just give up if I was alone,” he confessed, “And sorry for not paying the proper attention to the book.”
“It’s okay. It happens with the best students,” you winked at him.
He smiled.
Another awkward silence.
“You really don’t think ‘Potty and Weasel’ is funny?”
“A bit,” you admitted, “But not when you say it”
“What?! I invented it!”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t sound like something to offend, you know?”
“What about ‘scarhead’?”
“I’d actually like to be called that. It’s a bit badass, don’t you think?”
“You’re making me feel stupid.”
“Sorry,” you smiled.
You looked at each other for a while and you felt your cheeks burning.
“Well, I think I should go sleep,” you said standing up, “Goodnight.”
You walked a few steps until you heard him speak again.
“Y/N, wait. Um… The Hogsmeade trip is this weekend.”
“Yeah,” you encouraged him to continue.
“So I was wondering if you’d like to go with me.”
You looked at him without saying anything for a few seconds.
“Go with you?”
“Yeah,” he encouraged you this time.
“Are you sure you want someone with a strange sense of humor to accompany you?” you joked.
“Well, I can hurt myself for your entertainment”
Hope you like it, dear anon!
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sissy-richie · 4 years
I've got to say it's nice to finaly be back at work again after my vacation time, I got to say it never feels like it's ever long enough.
  I've really come to love my job as head nurse on the north wing, since they've moved me to the night shift it came with more responsibilities as well as better pay.  The paediatrics floor is a high paced usaly, but night shift is definitely less active than the day shift.
  Since this covid virus, things have really changed as how the procedures are run at the hospital, and how the procedures have become a lot stricter on the pediatric floor with patient care.
  I have to pay extra attention that I'm doing my best to protecting my family and friends, and not exposing them to any harm.
  I am not as concerned any more about Betty having to help with the care of Chloe, the two of them have become a lot closer lately.
  It seams as soon as Betty comes home from work the first thing she does is to check on Chloe.
  At least I am still able to take Chloe to her doctor's appointments, and it is fun the time I have with Chloe, being able to take her window shopping with me after her appointments.
  It seams Chloe has started to become a lot more at ease with being out in public now. Compared  to before.
  It is still a challenge getting Chloe to use her wheelchair, but Chloe is getting alot better about using her wheelchair.
  I believe with taking Chloe places she has developed a lot of trust in me, that I won't let anything happen to her.
  We've been seeing and getting all sorts of ideas for Chloe's nursery as well as the rest of house. Instead of just shrugging and mumbling she's starting to giggle and babble on with me about my ideas.
  Before Chloe seamed to be so secretive about herself, now its like she doesn't care.
  I'll have to be very careful in what is said aloud, because people can be so hurtful with how they can perceive things.
  Chloe has been teaching me to use her embroidery designer suite software for her embroidery machine.
  Chloe has a really nice sewing room with four different machines. With what she has Chloe doesn't have many limitations with what a person can make.
  It was really hard at first but now I've been having fun making different embroidery designs.
  We've made several cute appliques for Chloe's clothes, as well as I've monogramed several of her tops.
  I just made Chloe a pink lace canopy for her crib that I am putting little butterfly's and glow in the dark stars on.
  I should have it done by Saturday or Sunday, I hope Chloe likes it.
  Between Betty and Chloe my life is contentedly fuller, not in the bad way either, as I was expecting.
  I do have to say Chloe was a unexpected extra on us, but I have learned so much expecialy from Chloe, and now from Betty's coworker Martin and his wife Wendy.
  I have had a major misconception thinking that anyone that was living in this lifestyle was doing it for sexual pleasure not for therapeutic reasions.
  I could never live like this myself, but I have found now that some people use this as a creative way to escape from the stress in their lives.
  It has taken some time for me to except or to even to see how Chloe uses this way that she lives to help her to except the things that have happened to her.
  If this is working to help Chloe to except her injuries and how they've made her change how she has to live, then who am I to judge her, or anyone.
  Looking back at this as I've seen with Chloe, I had the pretense that this was a sick choice of lifestyle, and always questioned the importance of this.
  I will always have a deepest love for Chloe not in the way Betty and I have but more in the way of her being my friend, and sister.
  This last weekend I learned so much, and it was expecialy nice to see Chloe have so much fun, and have the interaction with someone else.
  I have no idea what happened in Wendy's life, nor am I going judge her for how she chooses to live.
  If it helps her as it seams to have helped Chloe to escape, and it isn't causing self harm or hurting anyone else then I really can't judge them.
  When Betty went back to work Martin thanked her for allowing them to come over this last weekend and mentioned that they don't get a chance to get out much.
  Well from what Betty told me they want to take the three of us out to lunch Saturday afternoon at Pizza Ranch.
  Betty told me that they are comming over earlier so Chloe and Wendy could have some fun first, and if the weather is better taking the girls up to this small lake on Sunday to let them have some fun.
  Apairently Wendy couldn't stop talking about her time at Chloe's house and having fun with Chloe. It still stuns me that Wendy calls Chloe her baby sister.
  After Chloe's last therapy appointment, I can see why Chloe doesn't want to see her therapist anymore.
  Chloe seams to become very upset after every appointment with her therapist.
  I thought the purpose of seeing a therapist it was their responsibility to help you to see where the complications were in your life and beside helping you to identify them, it was to help you to except then and to work through them. Not bring you in and judge you.
  It usaly takes me a little time to get Chloe to calm down, Chloe seams to be more at ease with me and expecialy when we go shopping or have lunch together, after her appointments.
  But I'm still concerned that these appointments are leaving her so upset, I'm not shure exactly how this is suppose to help her, I'm not allowed to be in their sessions, but I do have my own meetings, before and after each session with her therapist.
  Chloe's therapist has mentioned or should I say asked me if I'm becoming Chloe's mother. This made me some what mad, and I let her know in no uncertain terms that Chloe has some serious medical problems and as Chloe's sister I am doing nothing more than any responsible family member should. If it means I have to do certain things then if it helps Chloe I will do it.
  I am concerned about some of the things Chloe has done that could put her health at risk, but this therapist I am having second thoughts about.
  Some of Chloe's blood work has come back in, and Chloe isn't going to be able to continue HRT therapy any more. So to have her body and mind back in balance is out of the question for now, I guess it will be more Betty and I supporting Chloe.
  Chloe's vitamin D levals are also low so Chloe will have to take supplements.  I think her levals are low because she hasn't been going outside much, and she been staying mainly in her house, not to mention Chloe's has not been eating balanced meals like she should. This is another reason that she should be getting out more.
  Chloe has to see neurology and a couple of other specialists because her primary care physician is feeling that Chloe might be dealing with Parkinson's disease.
  That would explain her severe tremors and slurred speech as well as her forgetting directions that were given to her.
  If this is the case Chloe will need both Betty's and my support, and to have others in her life more than ever as she goes through the different stages if this is what's she has.
  The suspicion of Parkinson's is a very serious matter, that as it progresses can increase depression in a person.
  I can only imagine all the different thoughts that Chloe will have if she has to deal with any more medical prolbems.
  I am already trying to find ways to keep Chloe distracted and busy to build her self confidence.
  Last night was the first time in a while I have been able to laugh and have a good time.
   Betty and I met Martin and Wendy at Pizza Ranch for dinner. Before either Betty or I could get Chloe out of the van Wendy was right there waiting for Chloe. Wanting to take charge of Chloe.
  Chloe was smiling immediately when she seen Wendy.
  I think the couple that were across from us may of thought Chloe was mentally challenged when they seen Wendy fussing over Chloe.
  They were smiling every time they glanced over and seen Wendy tending to Chloe.
  They left the same time we did and his wife picked up Wendy's purse when she dropped it and handed it to her and told Wendy she was really sweet the way she was tending to Chloe.
  Wendy told them that her sister was her best friend and thanked them.
  Wendy had a smile on her face no one could wipe off.
  Betty and Martin agreed that Sunday was going to be to cool for the lake and I made the subjection that they were welcomed over for the day and the girls could play at Chloe's house, so today we'll see how it goes again.
  Sunday went well Wendy started helping with all of Chloe's care and changes, just as I was having problems with Chloe's leg and hip braces Wendy is finding it quite challenging also.
  Chloe appeared a little reluctant with   Wendy changing her but Chloe has excepted Wendy stepping in to do this.
  Martin told me that he didnt want to pry into Chloe's personal life, but he asked Betty and I about what had happened to Chloe, so I explained everything that Chloe had been through.
  Martin didn't relise that Chloe was a male physically, till I explained about her steps going through transition, and the accident taking it all away from her.
  It seams that Martin has been awakened the same as Betty was, and can understand why Chloe has decided on her lifestyle she's chosen.
  It's nice when you can have people come over that don't judge someone for the choices in life.
   I'm just too busy that I really don't have the time to post as often as I'd like, so I'll just try to post once a week
This way if I can get Chloe to express her feelings she will see all the positive feeds I've made on her behalf, and may see how much we've all grown.
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