#also if anyone knows what site people typically use to make edits cause i made this on canva and it was... lacking
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babycharmander · 4 years ago
If you think you have never stolen artwork, read this post.
So, art theft. If you've been a follower of mine, you've heard my barely-coherent rants about this before, but I thought it might be more productive to make a more coherent post on the subject.
If you're wondering about the title of the post here, it's because I feel like a lot of people aren't really grasping what exactly art theft is, and a LOT of people, even well-meaning ones, do it without even realizing it.
"But wait," you say. "I would never STEAL from an artist!! I never claim it as my own!" And that's all fine and good, but you're missing something here.
To start things off, what IS art theft? (It's not what deviantART said it was several years back, I'll tell you that much. *cough*)
We all know what art is, so let's talk about theft. Dictionary.com defines "theft" as "the act of stealing; the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods or property of another; larceny." Okay, makes sense, but what about that other word there, stealing? Dictionary.com defines "steal" as "to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force."
From those definitions, we can go on to define art theft as, specifically, "taking art without permission or right." In the context of art, that typically involves reposting it (not reblogging--reblogging is different) or using it for other things.
And there, my friends, is the issue.
If something is taken or used without permission, it is stolen. Permission is the important thing here--if an artist says "oh yeah, you can go ahead and use this!" then it's not stolen. You have their permission. But if you DON'T have that, then it IS stolen. It IS theft.
"But I'm not claiming it as my own!" you say. But you don't have to claim it as your own--the act of taking it in and of itself is an act of theft.
"But I said 'credit to the artist!'" The "credit" thing is a whole other conversation, but here's the short of it: The entire point of credit is to direct people to the source of something. If you are not directly linking to where you got the art from, you are not giving credit. "Credit to the artist" is not actually credit of any kind whatsoever. (Also, Google and Pinterest are not sources.)
"But I DID link back to the artist!" Okay, now this is where it may get confusing, because you may think you're covered because you actually did give credit. Here's the problem: if you reposted it or used it without permission, regardless of whether you gave credit or not, it's still stealing.
I'm bolding this because it's a point that a lot of people get tripped up on. Let me explain it this way: If you went into your neighbor's house and took something of theirs without their permission, but you told people "oh yeah, I got this from [neighbor]'s house!" that that would still, of course, be stealing, and it's no different for art.
Another thing is that even when you credit, people don't always check the source. Very recently I found a case where someone had reposted a piece of artwork of mine to Pinterest that was deliberately made to look like it came from the source material (it wasn't meant to confuse anyone, though--the description of my original post made it very clear that it was fanart). The person who reposted had linked back to my original post. The problem? The comments had people asking if this was official, where it happened in the source material, etc. Despite the fact that the source was right there, no one thought to look at it.
Even if you link back to the source, if you did it without the artist's permission, it's still stealing, and still causes problems for us artists.
"But this artist friend of mine says they're okay if I post their work to my Pinterest so long as I link back to them!" Good for your friend! But the fact that your friend is okay with it doesn't mean that all artists are okay with it. For me, personally, I am very not okay with my work being posted to Pinterest, and say as much on my art blog description and posts (which people tend to ignore).
The problem with Pinterest--and reposting art in general--is that we artists don't know when it happens unless we're told, or unless we find it ourselves. It causes us to lose control of our art. And because of this, our art can spiral further out of our control, because when our works get posted to Pinterest or other similar websites, people who have no grasp whatsoever on how art works will just take it as "free art" and then use it for whatever they want.
That's how a piece I spent 20+ hours on was used as a poster for a paid event, without my permission, and without any payment or credit to me.
If an artist has said nothing about Pinterest (or other similar image sharing sites), your default should be to assume that they don't want their artwork posted there.
"Well I didn't repost someone's art, but I did use it for my avatar/RPing icon/video/fic cover/photo edit--" That's still stealing. If you're using it without their permission for any reason, that is stealing. Not to mention, the artist may not be cool with what you're using their art for anyway. (Looking at you, people who use platonic art in your shipping videos.)
“I MEANT to ask them for permission, but I forgot!” This can ONLY happen if you used the artwork BEFORE you asked for permission. You can resolve this by asking for permission BEFORE you use it, rather than assuming the answer will be “yes” and using it before asking.
"But it took me a really long time to make that icon/video/cover/edit!!" How long do you think it took the original artist to draw their piece? It doesn't matter how much work you put into modifying someone else's art--if you're doing it without their permission, you're still stealing.
"But I couldn't find the original artist! I tried to find them, I really did, but I couldn't. Is it okay to use their art then?" No, because you still don't have permission, and by reposting it anyway, you’re continuing to make the artwork spiral out of their control.
"What if I found the artist, but they speak a different language from mine? I can't ask them for permission, so is it okay if I repost their art anyway?" NO!! DO NOT DO THIS!! If there is a language barrier, use Google translate or find someone to translate for you and get a hold of the artist that way to ask them for their permission. The language barrier is NEVER an excuse to steal artwork. There are plenty of non-English-speaking artists who have taken ALL OF THEIR ARTWORK OFFLINE because the art theft was completely out of control. (And this isn't just exclusive to English-speakers stealing art from people who don't speak their language. It happens artists who don't speak English stealing art from English-speakers, too, but as this post is written in English it doesn't do much good for me to rant about this here.) If you can’t ask their permission, do not use it!!
"But what about reblogging?! Isn't that the same as reposting?? Should we not reblog art at all then?" No, reblogging (or retweeting) is not the same as reposting. If you reblog art, you keep all the information that we attached to the art, including our blog name and the description attached to the art. Reblogging/retweeting actually helps us artists A LOT, so as long as you're reblogging from the original artist (and not someone who's reposting their art), by all means, reblog our art!
"What if I just want to share someone else's artwork on Discord or show it to a friend?" This one's a bit different and is not actually as problematic. If you want to share our work on Discord or whatever, just link directly to where we posted it. Please don't post the art itself, unless you're doing it alongside a link because Discord won't show a preview or something.
"What about a forum or a site like Reddit?" This one's a bit different, since due to the way Reddit functions, if you LINK to the art, you have to go directly to the artist's original page to view it. (At least, that’s what it’s like the last time I was active there.) In a way it's roughly the same as with Discord--be sure you're linking directly to the actual post rather than just uploading the art on its own--but I would also ask the artist if they're okay with it, because they may be a member of the subreddit or forum and want to post it themselves, or they might not want their work shared to specific communities. (Some communities have a function where a bot will repost the artwork to Imgur, and some artists don't want that done with their art.)
"What if I'm saving it to my computer/phone to look at later, or making it into my desktop/phone wallpaper?" IMO this is fine, since your computer/phone files aren't public, and neither is your wallpaper. It's only a problem when you post it to public places without our permission.
"What if it's art I commissioned?" Well... like... in that case, it's art you paid for, so unless the artist you commissioned laid out very specific terms for you, you should be good to use that art. Like, at most, the artist may ask you to credit them somewhere in your blog description if they drew your icon or something, or credit them in a fic description if you commissioned a fic illustration from them, or something to that effect. It's really something you should have already worked out with the artist beforehand, but for the most part you should probably be fine to use art you paid for however you like.
"What about art I requested?" This is a bit different from commissioned work. Just because the art was drawn at your request doesn't mean it's explicitly yours (unless it's like, a drawing of your original character or something). Some artists take requests more as suggestions, so the art they draw in response to a suggestion or request is still theirs. Treat this as you would any other artwork and ask the artist for permission first before you do anything with the artwork you requested from them.
“What about NFTs?” ... Okay this one I can’t really go over too much because I barely understand it in the first place, but NFTs are BAD for artists and are a form of art theft. Do not turn people’s art into NFTs. This is a crappy thing to do. (If you want more information on this one, you’ll have to look it up yourself. It’s a form of cryptocurrency and it’s confusing.)
“If you don’t want your art stolen you shouldn’t post it in the first place.” This is fascinating logic. Try applying it to something else and see how it holds up. “If you don’t want your merchandise stolen, you shouldn’t open a booth.” “If you don’t want to get poisoned you shouldn’t eat food.” “If you don’t want to get punched in the face, don’t walk outside.” Yes. Flawless logic. Truly.
"Why do you care so much, anyway?! I'm sharing your art because I like it! That's a compliment! Shouldn't you be happy?" Well, we're certainly glad you like our art, but the problem is... as I've said before, reposting our art causes us to lose our control over it. When we lose control of our art, that damages our livelihood. As I said before, other people have made money off of my artwork. As well, some artists lose jobs because when their potential employers check out their portfolio, they may find artwork that's been reposted everywhere online, so they cannot hire the artist because they believe they may have stolen the artwork in their own portfolio.
Your reposting an image you thought was cute to Facebook or Pinterest could cost an artist their job. Think about that.
So, tl;dr, keep this in mind: you need the artist's permission to repost or use their artwork. If you do not have it, it is stealing, even if you credit the artist.
I know this post is really harsh in places, but this is such an important thing for all artists, and there's so many misconceptions about art theft online. And I feel like one of the biggest problems is that when some people see posts on art theft, they ignore them, because they think they've never done it or would never do it, so that's why I worded this post the way I did. I'm not trying to hurt anyone--I just want people to understand what art theft is, how it affects us artists, and how you can avoid it. Thank you for reading.
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seb-owns-these-tatas · 5 years ago
Witcher of the Night (Chapter 13)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Your existence in their world had reasons. A purpose that involves the contentment that Geralt never found in the world that he was in. The feelings you have for your witcher makes you feel things that you haven’t experienced yet, desires that make you feel sorts of things as it also was a cause of the Cicatrix that laid in between your chest. The question is, were you on the same page as Geralt is? or was it just a misunderstanding prior to that night?
Warnings: Soft and smiley Geralt! (*rolls on the ground*), Sexual Implications, a needy reader, an annoying bard, MODERN references, mention of Divergent, grumpy Geralt, a soft-touchy-feely reader. FLOOFY chapter! Insecure reader tho. 😭 Harry potter and Lord of the Rings references. HAHA!
Words: 8.5k (Well, Hello long ass chapter)
A/N: THERE’S STILL CHAPTER 13.1 BEFORE THE SMUT. AHE. Sorry for the delay. Happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there! Y’all are the best and real superheroes! If this chapter didn’t make you smile, then this means I am a failure for everyone! 😂💖
Disclaimer: PNG’s used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren’t from moi as well. GIF’s INCLUDED ARE CREDITED TO THOSE WHO MADE THEM! I DO NOT OWN THEM!
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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KISSING GERALT HAS BEEN SUCH A DREAM. The kiss felt like you were in seventh heaven and it also kept your mind wide awake the whole night; even with Geralt by your side with his lulling monster stories and those gentle fingers raking your hair like how he always does.
The gesture even made you a little more giddy than ever and Geralt didn't seem to mind as you've kept yourself wide awake; watching him sleep and never keeping him out of sight.
Though, he'd eventually covered those coy eyes of yours because it was bothering him; coaxing you to stop staring and just have your beauty slumber because you needed all the energy for your training.
A training that you thought would be for Cirilla because they've always had their swordplay fights before the sun rises and sometimes in the middle of a beautiful morning; as you watch Geralt in discreet as he wields his sword like how the waves move in the ocean. Very satisfying to ogle and observe.
The way he handles a sword was perfectly smooth and bland like how your coffee tastes in the morning.
Which is why your face was scrunched in peculiarity when he was done with Cirilla's training; giving the smaller silver sword to you with that reticent expression on his face; his habitual tight-lips now relaxed as he eyed you back with that tender gaze he holds whenever you were there.
An image you weren't used to; but may seem to wish it would be there forever because of how soft he appeared for you to see, not his usual brooding and serious persona.
"This is a very nice first date," you sarcastically muttered; wanting to scoff and whine from how unusual it was to receive training from the witcher like you were some sort of Tris Prior in the world of Divergents.
After the kiss last night, you've expected him to give you flowers, gifts, kisses or maybe more of his attention. Howbeit, you'd remember that you weren't in your world and that he wasn't a typical man who'd woo women like that. Geralt was probably a man whom women has been trying to court just to have his attention based on how beautiful and captivating he was.
Were you his beloved now? A girlfriend? his lover? you actually had no idea and chose to stay silent. Never asking anything more as to not ruin his good mood as he woke up in the morning.
Geralt didn't specifically told you anything about being his beloved. The only thing you understood in his words last night was that you were important to him and that he also cared.
Perhaps, he doesn't roll that way. The witcher wasn't particularly that type of man.
Therefore, you left it at that although it was dithering your heart. You were contented whether how ill-defined your position was in his heart.
"Why am I doing this again, Geralt?"
The latter silently watched you fidget with the sword on your hands, your cheeks puffed from how strange you thought his favors may be. He couldn't help but give you a beam that showed his teeth, his emotions thoroughly in a bliss after the night he confessed; parts of his aggression lifting up his chest, "The bard knows how to fight with his dagger," he adhered strictly to the fact, keeping the sword safely on his side.
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Those lips of yours jutted in an opposing pout; your eyes seeming to connect with his spellbinding ones while he continued to wheedle, his cat-eyes curving into a soft shape of a crescent and you were totally enamored. Your heart skipping a beat when he was never breaking his gaze away; giving your stomach the heebie-jeebies, "---Cirilla is finally learning the techniques of using a sword,"
Your mouth was now turned into a tight-lipped one, shaking your head from the idea he wanted as you scrunched your nose further, "And I am better watching you and Cirilla have your little sword play fight," pause. "---I'm not going to fight anyone,"
You've continuously shook your head, tutting at the brilliant idea he'd tried to think of. Though, Geralt was adamant for his preposition; seeming to think the idea won't get you stabbing him accidentally or better yet, yourself.
"We can't be certain that there wouldn't be," he proclaimed, utterly determined.
You huffed out a frustrated breath, face falling right in the middle of the meadow as Geralt stood before you. His comely stature shining against the morning light and you were sure you've been blinded, "Right. Bad people are chasing you still,"
A bashful look has been unintentionally given to the witcher, lighting up an amused crooked smile and hum from the latter as he stayed completely taciturn, admiring the shy woman that stood before him.
You've suddenly felt him shift, turning your focus back at the Herculean, white haired Legolas as he'd languidly took a step back, looking calm and composed as he firmly ordered. His smile falling, turning all ruminative.
"Hit me."
More complaints were sent for what he requested, finding the whole ordeal somehow lamented because all you ever held was a pen, paper or laptops that certainly doesn't deal with people shedding blood unless you stab a pen at them. Sure, you've dreamt of fighting in combat in fantasy series or movies; but in your imagination, you were skilled. The version of yourself that you had in your dreams had talent and the one you have today only had idiotical abilities to plot your own demise because of how foolish you were in their world.
"Can't I fight with Jaskier?"
Geralt cocked his head to the side; in utter amusement as a small smile carved his pretty, luscious lips that grabbed all your attention. The witcher immediately noticed and had a smug glint in his amber eyes as he talked, "If you wish to annoy people and woo the king then he is excellent at it," pause. "---You wouldn't learn how to use a real sword from the bard. Unless, using a lute as a form of weapon in the middle of a royal banquet is your choice of fighting then Jaskier would do a great job,"
Thus, from the moment Geralt has made his utterance, Jaskier somehow had the luckiest time on planning to feed Roach as he emerged from the doorway, ceasing himself from sending a teasing ridicule as his name has been called in vain; backstabbing him by finding entertainment from how he tried shielding himself from the incident back in the years.
"I've never received any compliments from you don't you, witcher?" he hollered back, enclosing his mouth with a hand as he called from afar; a bucket full of Roach's food on the other.
Jaskier seen Geralt shake his head, a surprising beam drawing his face as the witcher playfully wisecracked out loud, "You don't need them, Jaskier."
The harmless banter made Jaskier pucker his lips in surprise, never anticipating how he'd gradually changed from being the brooding, reserved witcher to the grinning, active man he was seeing as he was teaching a woman who had no inspiration on learning the techniques of sword fighting.
Geralt simply turned his head to see you awkwardly holding onto the base of Cirilla's sword; having a gawky, hunched stance and the witcher took heed of it but chose not to correct it yet. You were dubious of even holding a sword and also a lot more hesitant as you've tried to strike a blow at his face. Without effort, he'd simply dodged the attack with one hand using minimal strength. The swords instantaneously crashing against each other with a satisfying ring of metals colliding.
Unfortunately, the weapon flew out of your hands as he'd dodged your strike, shamefully falling on the ground with a soft thud. Geralt snapped his eyes at the sword that fell from your hands before feeling his eyes turn to you, "Midget." he calmly scolded, having at least a massive amount of patience for you, "---Take it easy." you'd heard him advice. Baritone timbre soft but still rough which stirred that familiar warmth pooling just below your stomach; heart beat stumping upon your chest because of how you were worried it would obscenely pool in between your thighs. Just the thought of Geralt's presence kindled with the fire raging your insides.
You've never had felt any such strong desire for a man other than the witcher himself and it was beginning to grow frightening because of how you wanted him so bad; the kiss you had probably triggering something inside of you that didn't know it existed.
Maybe, it was probably horny hours like how you had them back in your apartment. The problem here was that you finally had a man to do it with, but you weren't sure if he also desired for you the same way as you do.
What if he only wanted you for companionship? Perhaps, he'll somehow find you boring like how your dates went back in earth when the time comes?
You didn't notice Geralt has grabbed onto the sword that flew right out of your hands, sauntering towards where you were and his presence lingering a little too close for those kindling flames aggravating that desire you had when his voice vibrated from behind.
"Also, try harder."
Despite of how enormously tall and brawny he was, the witcher leaned down to grab onto your hand, his rough fingers caressing yours that was sparking up the flames as it felt so gentle. He placed the handle of the sword onto your palm, delicately dragging the other to hold onto the base. Those calloused palms of his enclosing yours in a warm embrace as his warmth from behind seemed to turn more quenchless as time goes by, a sudden hunger flooding your system as your body turned putty with just a simple touch.
You've felt your throat run dry, stance turning standoffish when he'd loomed behind you. Heavily aware of his presence. Your voice cracking and stuttering as you mindlessly thought out loud, trying to wash the vulgar thoughts away, "I--I--I am! It's just that you've given me a real sword for practice!"
Geralt reiterated; utterly droning, "It's lighter than mine," with a simple raise of his brow as he stood behind you, his face inches close and you could feel his stare completely immense, making you look away from how flushed your face have been, "Even so! It can hurt anyone! Can't I learn witchcraft instead? I’ll be the potato version of Hermione Granger! It’s impossible that your world has no Voldemort! Expecto Patronum! Avada Kedavra!"
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The preposition was hurriedly rejected with just Geralt's smile turning upside down; replaced with a scowl that coaxed you to turn your head to see him shaking his head with his face approximately close to yours; those amber eyes trying to melt your heart as he still had that vivid, affectionate dewdrop clustering in those peepers that provoked a satisfied sigh out of your ajar mouth.
His pitch suddenly turned austere; mouth tight-lipped as he quoted, "You will not use any ounce of sorcery from my world," you've seen the side of his lip turn into a smirk as he haughtily added, "---Alas, you are also too clumsy and impulsive for it,"
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Geralt grudgingly moved his face an inch away; not before seeing a sight of him taking glimpses of your ajar lips as you awaited to be kissed by the witcher himself; howbeit, he chose to tease and ignored the accented feelings he had been trying to hide since the first day.
The latter surprisingly gave a chortle, his chuckle sounding heavenly amongst the birds chirping in the background, "How dare you?!"
He gave your hands consolatory pats as it was already surrounding the base of the sword. Geralt straightened his back, his thumbs casually giving the back of your hand a soft caress before taking heed of your silent squealing from his seraphic touches, "Hold the sword with your dominant hand, midget." before he took a step back away and muttering a mocking repartee, "---Maybe a Hirikka will be a better combatant than you,"
You've watched him waltzed back to where he was as he stood in front of you with a grin on his face, "I shouldn't have accepted your apology last night." you deadpanned with your eyebrows furrowed from how riled up and entirely flustered you were feeling early in the morning.
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The witcher tipped his head with his smug grin, "You didn't. I just knew you would because you never get to have your nap without receiving cuddles and chill from me,"
You've feigned a gasp, unclasping your hold around the sword as you placed your palms around your hip, giving him a sassy posture of how you were appalling by the truth that he suddenly was giving; thoroughly surprised by his sudden pesky, frolic attitude he seemed to vibe. He was learning from your modern references and it shocked you even more.
"It was cold last night!"
"The night is also dark," He ridiculed and mocked what you've said to him last night while he was asking for forgiveness. His teeth slipped against the cardinal pillows of his lips, giving you a gorgeous toothy grin that made your breath hitch as if his aesthetics radiated off the sun light, "---You needed my warmth, midget."
A playful glare was sent to the witcher; intentionally keeping up with his mockeries as you gave a chuff and found his mischief rather entertaining because he rarely acts the way he is right now, "Are you a furnace? No. You aren't, Geralt of Rivia. Don't act like raking those fingers of yours through my hair doesn't help you sleep at night---"
"But, I'm your furnace amidst the benumbing night."
You couldn't help but giggle from his innocuous pick up line, utterly finding it amusing and endearing when you've understood it way differently despite of how ingenuous he wanted it to sound.
Their era and how they communicate was certainly giving you a good ol' laugh.
"Are you calling yourself hot?"
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Geralt couldn't help but outstare; gawking from the dazzling laugh you've mindlessly given him. He was oblivious of his beguiling beams he has been making you see and the gaze that bewitched the morose of his spirit, puzzling how a mere person could take away the misery that has been haunting him since the moment his mother has left him alone to become a witcher in their world and a lot more great affliction he'd somehow experienced.
Presumably, your existence in their world had reasons.
Hence, the witcher knew it involved his happiness.
"Now, keep your stance firm," he snapped out of his daydream, gently tapping the tip of his sword on your thigh which erupted a squeak and a tiny whine from you, "---I can't always be with you when you are attacked by anyone who wants my family dead,"
You tilted your head to the side, cheekily wiggling your eyebrows as you grinned up at him like a Cheshire cat as he shook his head from your playfulness, "Did you just lowkey tell me that you treat me as family?"
"Would you want it to be that way then?"
Another failed attempt of giving a successful, strong blow has been swung towards the latter, easily stepping one foot back as he blocked the smite with one hand. Though, you hadn't let the sword fly out of your hands this time which Geralt considered as slight improvement for being taught in the first day.
"Hmm. Again." he'd given an entranced hum, giving a tight lipped smile as he affirmed and tried to wriggle out more strength from you because it was pretty much a reluctant strike as well.
You've straightened your back, keeping your feet loosely away from each other as you sighed an exasperated one. The sword falling on your side as you wanted a truce. Feckless of the pout you were giving to the witcher who was too persistent in giving your body an ache from the training. Geralt raised a brow, seeming to enjoy your whining and allegations from the moment he'd given you a sword.
"Stop puckering your lips like that. I'm not giving you a buss when you're acting like a chit,"
A buss. It sounded pretty much familiar as it was used in those romance books you've read back in earth. His straightforwardness tickling your spine in a delicious way that got you flustered for the tenth time this day. You know your eyebrows rose up till your hairline from how he was assuming things that were actually the truth, "Did that mean a kiss?! I--I wasn't asking for a kiss though!"
"Then, acting adorable won't let you get away from this."
You've groaned out loud; fighting yourself off from stomping your foot out in utter vexation from how he'd always seem to knew what you were thinking. Were you that obvious?
"I hate you,"
Geralt took a stroll towards you, thoroughly leaning down to your height with a cross of his prodigious arms; the sword still in his fist and watching how he'd closely stared into your eyes as he fought off a smile, "The hate is quite indistinct and difficult to tell after you've been kissed last night,"
Your heart wanted to burst from the embarrassment, feeling your face turning into flames. Just add a little bit of oil and people could probably fry anything they wanted to as they use your face as a pan.
Reprehension would have escaped your lips if a hand hasn't clutched onto the side of your neck, his hot breath assaulting your face before you've felt his lips on yours in a hot second; never giving you time to process everything as he broke the buss with a sweet, tinge sound that seemed more soundly in your ears rather than swords colliding in a battle.
His hand behind your nape left in haste, straightening his back and shoulders; acting like he hadn't done anything wrong nor he continued to act like he didn't even give you a small, plain peck to the lips that gave a startle and somehow positioned you into a blissful, heart exploding condition.
"You don't dislike me, midget." Geralt's expressions were indescribable. His features stoic for five seconds before seeing his lips turning into a gloaty smirk as he spun in his heels, leaving you dumbstruck from the surprise.
"G-GERALT! That's not fair!" you stood rooted on the ground, keeping your lips together as you smacked it out loud like you couldn't believe he'd given you another kiss to ruin your ovaries and focus.
He strolled along the meadow, his emotions flying elsewhere as he was entirely finding your reactions hilarious. Geralt walked the path back to where he stood before, turning around in face-front to see your face all red and giving him the stink-eye, "Nothing is ever fair. Now, use all your strength to hit me with your sword."
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You tightly grabbed onto your sword with both hands, listening to how he'd told you it should be held and also thoroughly remembering the basics that he told you prior; keeping your stance better than the one you held a while ago, watching how his face lit up as yours turned serious and challenging, "Oh, I will! You're a cocky witcher today and it's annoying!"
Jaskier have fed Roach back in the stable, he walked back to the doorway to see Cirilla leaning her back on the stone walls, arms crossed with a smile that tells how amused she was as she watched how you were trying to strike a successful blow at the witcher who found your lack of knowledge utterly astonishing and endearing; regardless of how he has been fond of having lovers which were strongly independent and knew how to stay alive in a battle.
You were a paradox to his life. Utterly questionable as to why you have even arrived.
"He's not teaching her how to fight," Cirilla admitted towards the bard who subtly nodded beside her, also watching the quote training unquote that you had with the white wolf. Yet, both of them could see how his way of teaching seemed to be less harsh than how they've been taught. Totally aware of how he was also buoyant rather than serious and brooding.
It was like a different Geralt that loom before them as he tutted and shook his head to cease your reckless attempts of trying to hit him with the sword; grabbing onto your fingers to cease you as he explained with a relaxed face he'd given while all you could do was glare and huff back.
Jaskier gave a small smile, eyes narrowed from how the sunshine hits his face and mindlessly tapped the handle of the bucket with his index finger, "The witcher is flirting with the rat, probably want some bonking,"
The lion cub of Cintra gave him a once over, "Some what, bard?"
"Forget what I said,"
Cirilla brushed him off as she went on with her lurking, Something you said ignited a grin out of the witcher as he quietly listened to your rants and rambles about how annoying he have been, "Also, this is the first time I'd seen Geralt smiling like that again. I hope she doesn't leave. I'll do everything for her not to leave,"
The bard gave a nod of understanding. Deeply thinking as to why Cirilla would do everything in her willpower for you not to leave; hence, seeing the smile that Geralt has given you was a simple answer as to why you needed more protecting and a lot more time to stay. Would it be selfish of them when you probably had a family back in your world?
Thus, Jaskier's gaze lingered on you and saw how you giggled back at the witcher who has said something that made him scowl. The mere sight of you strumming along the rakish onslaught of his heart strings from the week that Geralt wasn't around bothered him but he chose the better of it and ignored.
"But, isn't it strange?---" he momentarily ceased, snapping his gaze away from you as Cirilla gave him a nasty lour for whatever thoughts he wanted to say out loud, "---That your step-mother would be pretty much smaller than you?"
The child loudly groaned in response, turning her back away from him as she pulled the doors to go in, "You are honestly the most irritating person in the continent,"
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The day has been pretty much a blur. After being trained by the witcher no matter how many failed attempts you tried; his patience utterly high for you to even comprehend that he had a lofty tolerance for your inability to successfully strike a sword.
Your arms were somehow sore, considering the amount of attempts that Geralt has been repeatedly telling you to just hit him with all your might, yet being active in the battlefield will never be your forte. He tried giving you hope, downright telling you that it was normal and everyone improves sooner or later as long as your training had consistency.
You've been a bitchy-pants after the training. All catty and stopping yourself from sending a t-bird for the bard who received a snide remark and decided to send irritating teases that you were just being sexually frustrated.
Simply to say, Jaskier knew you were having your horny hours. That time of the day or that day of the week.
How'd he know? you had no idea. It was probably only his guesses as to why you were acting bitchy towards everyone except Kolby and Cirilla. You were being bitchy towards the men of the house especially at Geralt who has given you body soreness.
If only it was a different type of ache, you would probably not be bitchy.
A heavy sigh left your lips as you sat your back along the walls of the hallway, the only place where you've found peace because walking in the first floor even got you vexed because Jaskier seem to find your irritation amusing and had been running his mouth about how it was fine to just give in to your fantasies especially that the witcher probably had wanted it as well since the first day.
You were contemplating whether or not to turn on your cellphone; remembering how it was only at seventy-five percent. You've stared on your phone that rested on your hands, spinning it around as you were trying to fight off the kept fervor that has been insatiable and a bother when Geralt has given you one touch.
The feelings and emotions have been skyrocketing, it was already there even just from the start of your morning. However, after going home from the Djinn troubles, it started doubling and began to grow bestial like a monster wanted to come out of your chest from how you badly needed the witcher.
It just wasn't normal.
Geralt was entirely aware of your vexation. Though, he was meters apart from you and was actually outside to take care of Roach. Inside his chest, he felt an ounce of disturbance with the help of your irritations and frustrations; the sensations coming back again and the witcher still had no idea why.
He knew where you were and decided to find you. Finding a midget hunched in the middle of the hallways with her brows tightly furrowed, a worried pout on her face and blown cheeks as you fidgeted with your phone.
Geralt fought the urge of smirking and just sauntered to where you were, his heart beat beating in blissful thumps that got him wondering how it was even possible in just the sight of you.
You've felt his presence looming before your stooping form, a stink eye was given to the witcher who crouched in front of you, his burning gaze solely on you as he cocked his head to the side, observing your face and the state you were in with a smile growing on his face.
"You're annoyed." he artlessly admitted, never risking to leave your sight.
You scoffed, shaking your head as you felt the burning desire grow even further, turning away to help your poor little heart from feeling more bothered than it ever intended to, "How'd you know, Legolas?"
The nasally mention of that nickname you had for him got Geralt frowning. His forehead creased to the extent that he seemed to be thinking rather too deeply as to who this Legolas was and why were you even calling him that.
"---and now you're the one annoyed,"
Geralt kept his lips in a tight firm line. Amber peepers shining in dissatisfaction.
You brushed off his noncommittal reaction; already used to his lethargic norms as you complained about his infuriating friend, "It's Jaskier! He's annoying me since this morning!"
He just continued to give you a listless look, giving a displeased hum as he wholeheartedly let you rant to him.
Then, you added, "---Just his breathing irks me!" which only a hum was the only word you've received again, "Hmm."
You've irritatingly grunted, giving him a glout as you also kvetched, "Stop the humming! You're annoying me as well! You've been annoying me too since this morning!"
Your cavils has stirred a defeated sigh from the latter. His sudden actions obviously had reasons as to why you were abruptly being trained with a weapon. If only he hadn't brought you with them in the marketplace and haven't run into Tybalt then gallants weren't supposed to be searching for you by fair means or foul.
"What did I do this time?" he lowly grumbled, utterly dead beat. A faint, crooked smile raising those lips of his. You've held onto your phone a little more tighter, feeble arms crossed in front of your chest as he simply gave you his attention that you somehow yearn a lot, "You and Jaskier can stay in one room together while I sleep in yours! Men are so annoying! Always have been!"
Geralt's features appeared to be of someone who was suddenly bothered at the understanding of your statement, his listening comprehension twisting whatever it is that you've said as he skeptically appalled, "You have been with other men?"
Your face twisted in a tight cringe, bewildered by his presumptions that sounded like he was telling that you had a lot of men back in the days or basically his words were telling you that he couldn't believe that you actually had a man before. You've given him at least ten seconds of you just giving him a displeased flicker of your eyes before the white haired witcher proceeded with his remarks.
"Also, are you threatening me in my own home? You're kicking me out of my own chambers?"
An innocent nod was given to Geralt. The witcher simply gave an enervated blink, hearing a serious growl buzzed out of his chest; scrutinizing for whatever your eyes held out to him. The intensified gaze of his peepers searing that says he needed your sincere answers.
"This...Legolas you have been calling me," pause. "--- Do I remind you of your previous lover?"
You waited for more additional questions or perhaps a moment where he could tell you that he was just joking around. However, the intimidating, gargantuan monster-slayer who was crouched before you; never said that he was just giving out any jocularity of his previous light-hearted demeanor as he was all brooding again.
He fervently stared you down, making you shift on the floor as you looked up into his eyes; mirth surrounding the windows to your soul when he didn't budge after you've given him an guileless beam, "Yeah. Pfft. Earth also has their own witcher slash elves---What? Oh my God, this is funny."
Geralt is all wordless and silent; awaiting for whatever explanations you could give him and you couldn't help but ask in a skeptical manner; bizarrely gasping for his seriousness.
"Wait, you're actually---stop giving me a scowl! I never had...one? He's a Lord of the Rings character and I swear to God, he is fictional---Not real! Though, he looks like you because the hair and such---but---" you've jumped from one thought to another, feeling the scrutiny under his gaze and obviously nervous that he appeared to look like he would grab his sword and look for the man to behead him. Though, it will never happen due that Legolas was entirely fictitious to even start.
You ceased yourself from trying to explain the background story of Legolas for Geralt. Your nerves getting the best of you whenever you were being interrogated. An exhale of breath escaped your lips as you took a good look at the grimacing witcher before witlessly reaching onto his face with your palms on either side of his chiseled face as you gave him your best doe-eyes, sweetly trying not to coo at how his brooding demeanor actually makes him look fetching nevertheless.
"Stop being mad at me," you buttered his silence up with a tender tone of yours and the way he scrunched his nose and appeared to be looking bizarre tells you that your sweet-talking was cringe-worthy because of how you probably never knew how to simmer a man's troubled day.
Or he was just not used to gentleness.
You've retracted your hands away from Geralt's face and tried your best in avoiding those questioning and bemused eyes of his as you abruptly stood on your feet, shamefully rubbing your nape as you had yourself wincing from the second hand embarrassment of treating Geralt like he was some soft baby, reminding yourself to never do it again, "I am embarrassing myself,"
At the time you've stood up, Geralt also has been on one's feet. He didn't mean to look at you weirdly as you've cupped his face with that tender gaze inside your eyes. When the moment your delicate fingers brushed his, he felt as if he was in utopia. The man wasn't just used to intimate touches especially your caresses that felt like Gossamer.
Geralt just wasn't used to people treating him like he was actually human instead of someone who deserved to be treated differently.
Only Renfri, Yennefer and you had this effect on him. Though, with yours seemed to be much stronger.
Your panicking state urged you to flee from his presence, but the witcher wasn't going to let you go that easily as he'd caught your wrist; gently pulling you as your back hit the wall. Both hands and fingers scooping your neck like a baby chicken he'd caught and decided to take care of as his his warm touch skimmed till his thumbs brushed against your jaw, carefully urging you to peer up into those amiable gazes he successfully tries to give.
"I'm not mad." he dearly reassured, his small smile bringing your heart into euphoria because he was much more beautiful this way; smiling as if the world hasn't condemned him with an ill-fate of being a witcher.
Your beams were difficult to fight off; immediately giving him a smile as he also did as well. Chiefly, only giving you the sight of his crinkled eyes. His thumbs tenderly caressing your jaw which coaxed you to calm down from being fidgety which was totally a good medicine because your nervous jitters actually ceased with just his gentle touches.
You've grabbed onto his hand, memorizing his soft features as it was ever been a rare sight. Never believing he was acting the way he right now towards you. Your fingers brushing against his hands like a feather tickling the witcher's sanity.
Before another utter cockblocker slash disturbance came trudging up the staircase and somehow found you both in an heartfelt position; with Geralt cradling your face like no other.
"Oh! Ughm, this is a rare sight." Jaskier ceased his steps, midway through the hall, the bard's growing grin seeming to give you jitters as his ridicule began, "---and the small rat has been sexually frustrated, Geralt!"
You just wanted to strangle him sometimes.
"Cot damn it, Jaskier! SHUT UP!" you exclaimed, totally flustered as Geralt dropped his hands to the side; looking between you and Jaskier in ponder; those eyes of his full of curiosity, "You're...?"
If only you could dig and cover yourself up from the embarrassment, you would.
"You get my point, Geralt! I know you do!"
Geralt had his forehead in a tight wrinkle, thoroughly thinking what you meant; though, he understood none because the word seem to be peculiar, "Midget."
Jaskier exhaled an exasperated breath, dramatically rolling his eyes as he waved you both off and curved right pass between the both of you, entering his chambers to grab onto some clothes because he wanted to bathe.
The bard pointed a finger as he walked off, his hips swaying as he does so and never looking back, "She needs some nightly penetrating! You're welcome, witcher!"
Geralt watched Jaskier leave, an amused pucker of his lips was the answer to your questions that he certainly understood everything now and cocked his head to the side, peering you down as he awaited for an explanation. Yet, all he saw was you covering your blushing face with a guilty, forced smile as you washed your face in frustration to give him your regretful eyes.
"Don't listen to him," you quoted and begged for him to just take the bait.
Nevertheless, you've seen him raise a hand; about to start talking about being one horny woman for him when you've stopped him midway and tried to shift the topic away, "Anyways, I forgive you, Geralt. Now, can I braid your hair?"
The witcher closed his ajar mouth, humming in wonder as he dropped his hand to the side; narrowing his gaze at you, "I wasn't asking for any of your forgiveness."
You've blinked back at him, jutting your lips together as you looked away, tone teasing and slightly threatening, "You sure that's your final answer? No regrets?"
Geralt roughly puffed out a breath, muttering profanities beneath his chest, "Fuck." and another grunt because he'd remember how he still wasn't forgiven by yelling at you for last night, "---Fine. Do I have a choice?"
Your smile turned into a knavish grin, wanting him to regret why he even agreed to whatever plans you have for him as you bluntly answered.
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The one you had in mind, planning for a simple diversion for Geralt to erase the horrid truth that Jaskier has told out loud for him to hear was actually another rabbit hole that had caught your feet, catching you going far down the pit like you have been scammed. Clearly, because Geralt's unwitting deep groans and hums has made you hot and bothered every time you've tried combing his hair along his snowy locks.
You were wincing every time he has his nose flaring whenever your fingers thread along his hair, the knots giving his head a rough yank from how you were trying to untangle those knots.
Geralt sat on the floor; his arms on either side of the bed. With you who sat on the bed and your legs criss-cross behind his impressive, thewy back; tempted to just give him a big hug because he seemed so comforting but chose not to based on how grouchy he became once you've combed his hair with your fingers.
You didn't even know if he was irritated or somehow liking the whole situation because he was deeply growling, groaning and eventually having to hear a slip of guttural, restrained whimpers that caught your ears. Enlivening that cravings and curiosity you had for some human touch.
"Midget..." he grumbled another complain and lowly warned, hearing the baritone growl he'd ought for you to hear which made you ignore his protests as you had your own protestations as well, "Stop complaining. Also, don't you own a comb? Your hair---It's---Oh! I'm sorry! Can you please stop growling and moaning at the same time!"
His head was minimally pulled back because of your reckless combing. Your nose scrunched even more as you'd received another menacing hum that tells he was close to hitting your face with a pillow because of how rough you were taking care of his hair. It's not that you weren't rough, but the locks in his hair was frustrating you to the highest.
You subtly leaned down, sneaking your head to the side of his face to see his expressions void of emotions. The typical Geralt whom you've met as he felt your presence nearer, he'd turned his head to give you a lackadaisical look in his eyes that tells that you were stressing him out.
Your eyes twinkled apologetically as you had no problem in receiving a glare from the fussed out witcher. "Well, that sounds like a displeased hum," you stated as a matter of fact, shrugging your shoulders before straightening your spine and grabbing onto his Ivory roots again, "---and a different kind as well,"
He sighed in defeated, letting you handle his hair in spite as he simply closed his eyes. There was no more backing out as he was now sat in front of you, hair all untied as you've threatened to cut his hair with a scissor you've managed to have that was sat beside you.
"Bad kitty! You're liking this, aren't you? You like your hair being pulled!"
No answer was received and you left it at that. Thinking that maybe he wanted silence as you went on with brushing his hair with your fingers. Now, all gentle as the tangles were already free from the knots. It was certainly improvement; in Geralt's side because he stopped complaining after you scolded him so and quietly waited for you to finish; showing like he trusted you with his hair or whatever.
With a gentle tuck of his hair behind his ears, the witcher was all putty on your hands. Hearing a low rumble that resonated off him in pleasure and satisfaction because of how your touch was sending torment to the cravings he had for you.
Hence, his patience and respect he had for not throwing you over the bed and just relishing in with those insatiable desires he had for you needed and deserved an applause because of his high-capacity to resist the mania.
His appetite was surely in a famished mayhem as he breathed in slow and deep, your gentle touches that raked through his roots and his cravings growing more and more uncontrollable with each passing day and night.
Maybe, the scar you had on your chest had effects. Lewd effects for the both of you.
After minutes of comfortable---well, aching moments for Geralt; you've heard him mutter through gritted teeth in the midst of his slow breathing, "I'm not a cat."
You were already at the ends of his Ivory hair, simply braiding them in perfection as you objected, "But, you are! My grumpy kitty!"
There was no response again and you focused on braiding his marvelous hair and let the silence flow. You were actually just hearing him breath as it also calmed your nerves; a bewildering occurrence on how one's breathing could simply put you in peace.
You've grabbed onto his black ponytail which seemed to be owned by Cirilla and tightly tied onto the ends. Small hairs that seemed to not be possible in tying them down were imperfectly out of its nest; though, the ruggish effect it gave was actually making it look perfect for him.
"There! Done!" you mirthfully exclaimed, giving out a tiny tee-hee before you recklessly surrounded your arms around his musclebound shoulders. The irresistible urges just telling you to cease from being shy even just for today and be more of your unshackled self; stepping out of your timid borders every once in a while. It surprised the witcher with your touchy-feely attitude as his body went stiff when you've embraced him from behind, "See? I told you! You'll still look beautiful with your hair braided! Now, payment time, mister!"
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down, clicking his tongue as he tried to find any words to say from your hasty, sweet gestures while he was not one who is used to receiving such care. Geralt had no words to say, his mind going in a haywire as he suddenly saw your palms in front of his face, begging like a peasant with your face nuzzled to his side as he weirdly stared at your palm.
"You want coins?" he skeptically questioned, your warmth and scent crashing his ability to think straight. You've dropped your arm around his shoulders, your actions seeming to surprise you as well but you paid no heed and just wanted him closer; his warmth insatiable as you hugged Geralt tighter. Your warm touches giving his body to adjust and be used to it as you felt him slowly relaxing against your hold.
You peeked from the side of his face, giving him a twinkle of those vindicated eyes as he languidly turned his head to see you giving such a naive look that he couldn't help but be fond of everyday. If it would take his hair to be braided for you to sweetly look at him like how you do right now; he would take the risk on letting his hair get yanked, "I don't know. Whatever payment you have in mind---I would love it,"
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Faces were inches apart. You've seen the way his eyes glow in sudden mischief. His risquè suggestion making your heart warm in a way that got your ravenousness fueled as your face felt the blush and sudden excitement, "The one I have in mind is quite unseemly for your chastity,"
You gave a giggle, always loving how he'd intensely stare into your eyes like you've given light to his darkness; that type of glow inside his eyes that got your insides churning whenever he does, "Aren't you playful and naughty today, Geralt?!"
Geralt gave a tight-lipped smile; knowing you wouldn't accept his ravenous suggestion because of particular things he knew about. The witcher knew he wasn't wrong, he can never be wrong by what he was sensing.
However, a rare smirk was promptly shown, the ingenuous flicker inside your eyes changing in just a snap of one's fingers as it turned suggestive and playful, "What if I actually want that?"
It was what your heart wants and what those voices inside your head has been whispering. The mere idea of Geralt defiling your chastity that you have been treasuring because no other men deserved was utterly thrilling and worth it.
Not because of the thought that he was striking, but he was the only man you've wholeheartedly trusted and probably have given your heart like he was a king no matter how unsure of what you were in his life.
Closer and closer, you went in for the kill. Just his golden peepers alone was enough to pull you into a hypnotizing trance as you closed the space between you both, landing your lips to his in a soft, birdsweet peck that got you insides melting and the desire rapidly coming back in scorching flames, "I thought you wanted to indulge my curiosity all night long?"
Your words were temptingly drawled slower as your warm breath hit those ajar lips of his, an impenetrable haze in his eyes that suddenly brought uncertainty to what Geralt actually meant the last time you had the bathroom moment, your sudden confidence kind of wavering but still you've wanted to see how he was fond of you the way you also had your affections for him, "When I told you I was curious, it’s true, Geralt."
You've brushed your lips together and felt the witcher sigh before you had given one last honeyed kiss to his lips in which Geralt had puckered back, raising your hopes that he was solicitous about you.
'More,' his consciousness and emotions echoed, kissing you back with the same tenderness you held for him. He seemed like he was about to deepen the kiss; breathing through his luscious lips before you've felt the pillowy vermillion brush against yours as he abruptly ceased, hearing him lowly growl as he kept the tip of his nose, touching yours in an eskimo kiss before slowly pulling away to your disappointment.
The hesitation of wanting to deepen the kiss shot a sting to your heart; your overthinking self reading his actions that you've misunderstood his feelings that it was downright doting because you were head over heels for him after quite sometime.
But, hearing his next words immediately brought a weight down your chest, feeling the ineptness, dismay and shame for even suggesting lechorous behaviors that made you feel shameful because you think that it was rejected; thinking he rejected you.
He bedded tons of women. So, what makes you different?
You probably just weren't worth it.
"You don't mean that," Geralt lowly grumbled, his robust shoulders moving from how deeply he was breathing; ceasing himself from doing anything more further as the witcher continued to dispassionately utter, "---I don't deserve it,"
You hardly ignored the shame trying to strangle you into feeling such tightness around your throat as you unlatched your arms around his shoulders, skeptically eyeing the witcher who avoided your eyes, "What do you mean you don't deserve it, Geralt? You do,"
Were you desperate? Was the irresistible sensations making you act this way? Maybe. Howbeit, you would never regret every little thing you do for Geralt because it was what your heart has been telling you to do and not just your impulsive decisions.
Yet, the more he'd talk; it felt like as if the only thing you would regret was asking him what he meant.
Geralt heavily swallowed, jaw tightening as he apathetically muttered, "I'm guessing it's the Djinn's work that is talking,"
His response to your question ignited such ferocity inside your heart, shooting straight to your mouth as you couldn't believe what you were hearing. Did you misunderstood everything he has said when you were important to him? Deeply thinking that him and you were actually in the same page when his gestures and words right now seem to be the opposite?
"Are you saying that what I feel about you isn't true?" you questioned in disbelief. The scoff automatically being done as you've seen the tight scowl that Geralt has managed to put up again, "---That it's all...magic? The thing happening between us?"
You've tightly bit the insides of your cheeks, watching him stay silent and cease from opening up to you as he went on in avoiding your gaze and looking like he was the one who'd been rejected when it was you.
Thus, a continuation of your vulnerability went on despite of his stillness, your honesty probably will rue once it was said and done, "---before the Djinn even happened, you've been clouding my mind since then," a breathless pause. "---Since the first day I've been here, it felt like I was bound to fall for you, Probably, because the reason why I'm here is because...you are also here,"
Your candor has gotten the best of you and when Geralt was about to open his mouth for whatever that he wanted to say, your anxiety has managed to take over as you stood up from the bed in haste, feeling your palms tickle in humility from how everything that has been planned went down the hill because you misunderstood everything.
You tightly swallowed the tightness stuck in your throat, finally feeling his gaze on you but you chose to look away; eyes now downcast as your toes fidgeted inside your boots, voice cracking when the apprehension was starting to take a toll as it was harshly plucking with your heart strings, "It's fine. We're just probably not on the same page yet and I understand why. Who would want me even?"
Geralt has been ruffled by your sudden assumptions, yet he chose to stay silent and be upset by whatever lies he'd been hearing; only having the actions to grit his teeth together as you restlessly tried your best to steer clear of your own dismayed feelings.
You shuffled on your feet, briskly walking towards the door before giving him a faltering gaze of yours as you awkwardly pointed at his perfectly braided hair while you stammered and tried to get a hold of yourself from the mortifying, stinging shame, "It's probably just...the genie effects doing these effects on me---I'll go apologize to Jaskier or something---Don't take that off, okay?!"
Hence, Geralt could only watch you leave as it was obvious that he'd upset you by his complicated behavior. Thus, leaving his heart stinging as well; feeling the same way as you.
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Y’ALL ARE PROLLY CURSING ME FOR MAKING AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER 13.1 AHONHONHONHON XD (Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you, buddy! Please do check your settings, bb! Thank you!)
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vincentu76 · 4 years ago
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years ago
Then when you start a startup anywhere. That's why mice and rabbits are furry and elephants and hippos aren't.1 The very design of the average site in the late twentieth century. He got a 4x liquidation preference. Google, it's hard to get into grad school in math. Can we claim founders are better off as a result of this new trend. Where you live should make at most a couple percent difference. But investing later should also mean they have fewer losers.
They make something moderately appealing and have decent initial growth.2 If you major in math it will be whatever the startup can get from the first one to write a paper for school, his mother would tell him: find a way to turn a billion dollar industry into a fifty million dollar industry, so much the better, if all fifty million go to you. The classic yuppie worked for a small organization. Before us, most companies in the startup funding business. The best way to get a big idea can take roost.3 4 or 5 million. This essay grew out of something I wrote for myself to figure out how to increase their load factors. But you can also apply some force by focusing the discussion: by asking what specific questions they need answered to make up their minds. This plan collapsed under its own weight.4 Startups happened because technology started to change so fast that big companies could no longer keep a lid on the smaller ones.
The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the industry.5 People who do great work, and it's a bad sign when you have a special word for that. One of the exhilarating things about coming back to Cambridge every spring is walking through the streets at dusk, when you can see into the houses. If you have steep revenue growth, say over 6x a year, no matter how many good startups approach him. Recently we managed to recruit her to help us run YC when she's not busy with architectural projects.6 This works better when a startup has 3 founders than 2, and better when the leader of the company in later rounds. I'm not saying you can get away with zero self-discipline.
We're not a replacement for don't give up. What you should not do is rebel. But while series A rounds from VCs. Someone who's scrappy manages to be both threatening and undignified at the same world everyone else does, but notice some odd detail that's compellingly mysterious.7 Even Tim O'Reilly was wearing a suit, a sight so alien I couldn't parse it at first. They can't tell how smart you are.8 The story about Web 2. Maybe one day the most important thing is to be learned from whatever book on it happens to be closest. This essay is derived from a keynote at FOWA in October 2007. They'll decide later if they want to raise.9
Sometimes it reached the point of economic sadism: site owners assumed that the more pain they caused the user, the more benefit it must be to them. It's cities that compete, not countries.10 Kids are curious, but the best founders are certainly capable of it. But investors are so fickle that you can fix for a lot of time on work that interests you, and don't just refuse to. But you have to be an insider.11 A key ingredient in many projects, almost a project on its own, is to step onto an orthogonal vector. So ironically the original description of the Web 2. Back when it cost a lot to like I've done a few things, like intro it to my friends at Foundry who were investors in Service Metrics and understand this model I am also talking to my friend Mark Pincus who had an idea like this a few years ago.12 0 seemed to mean was something about democracy. We didn't have enough saved to live on. There is another reason founders don't ask themselves whether they're default alive or default dead.13
So most investors prefer, if they wanted, raise series A rounds. They're unable to raise more money, and precisely when you'll have to switch to plan B if plan A isn't working. That doesn't mean the investor says yes to everyone. Miss out on what? It's so cheap to start web startups that orders of magnitudes more will be started. Investors evaluate startups the way customers evaluate products, not the way bosses evaluate employees. The bust was as much an overreaction as the boom.14 Startups are undergoing the same transformation that technology does when it becomes cheaper.15 Another way to fly low is to give them something for free that competitors charge for. After all, a Web 2.16 He bought a suit.
Instead you'll be compelled to seek growth in other ways. They all knew their work like a piano player knows the keys. But consulting is far from free money. They say they're going to get eliminated. What does it mean, exactly? If investors were perfect judges, the two would require exactly the same skills. And to be both good and novel, an idea probably has to seem bad to most people, or someone writes a particularly interesting article, it will show up there. The mere existence of prep schools is proof of that.17 So far the complete list of messages I've picked up from cities is: wealth, style, hipness, physical attractiveness wouldn't have been a total immersion. Don't just do what they tell you to do. But advancing technology has made web startups so cheap that you really can get a portrait of the normal distribution of most applicant pools, it matters least to judge accurately in precisely the cases where judgement has the most effect—you won't take rejection so personally. If raising money is hard.
There is no sharp line between the two types of startup ideas: those that grow organically out of your own life, and those that you decide, from afar, are going to get rarer. While some VCs have technical backgrounds, I don't know enough to say, but it happens surprisingly rarely.18 Most subjects are taught in such a boring way that it's only by discipline that you can never safely treat fundraising as more than a startup that seems like it's going to stop.19 It sounds obvious to say that you should worry? One reason startups prefer series A rounds? When I was in high school either. If you feel you've been misjudged, you can do. Google. Of course, someone has to take money from people who are young but smart and driven can make more by starting their own companies after college instead of getting jobs, that will change what happens in college.
Though they are themselves typical users. But it takes to get good grades in them to private schools that in three months, a valuation. Giving away the razor and making more per customer makes it easier to get them to stay in a time machine.
Apple's early history are from an angel investment from a mediocre VC.
In the beginning.
Plus ca change. But on the other.
And that is exactly the point of a stock is its future earnings, you now get to go behind the scenes role in IPOs, which allowed banks and savings and loans to buy it despite having no evidence it's for sale.
However, it will seem dumb in 100 years. Digg is Slashdot with voting instead of blacklist.
I write out loud can expose awkward parts.
I've become a so-called signalling risk.
Hint: the way they have because they couldn't afford a monitor.
And it's particularly damaging when these investors flake, because there was a new search engine is low. They have no connections, you'll find that with a wink, to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way in which income is doled out by Mitch Kapor, is to raise money after Demo Day, there would be easy to discount, but I'm not against editing. As one very successful YC founder told me they like the one hand and the exercise of stock options than any preceding president, he tried to shift back. At three months we can't believe anyone would think twice before crossing him.
Progressive tax rates has a significant startup hub. He, like speculators, that alone could in principle 100,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the early adopters you evolve the idea is crack. As we walked in, we love big juicy lumbar disc herniation as juicy except literally.
It's sometimes argued that we didn't, they thought at least accepted additions to the modern idea were proposed by Timothy Hart in 1964, two years, it was cooked up by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 28%. I've come to accept that investors don't like the bizarre consequences of this essay talks about programmers, but I know of no Jews moving there, and should in some ways First Round excluded their most successful startups are competitive like running, not the original text would in itself deserving. This is not whether it's good enough at obscuring tokens for this type are also several you can't even claim, like play in a city with few other startups, because time seems to pass. Please do not try to avoid that.
This kind of people starting normal companies too. If Ron Conway had been raised religious and then using growth rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc, and then a block or so.
But it is to trick admissions officers. I meant. The mere possibility of being harsh to founders. As he is at fault, since 95% of the class of 2007 came from such schools.
I started doing research for this purpose are still, as they are now. There was no more unlikely than it would be easier to say that it is dishonest of the next round, that suits took over during a critical point in the usual standards for truth. Wittgenstein: The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
It wouldn't cut their overall returns tenfold, because they wanted, so the best ideas, they mean statistical distribution. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
A doctor friend warns that even this can give an inaccurate picture. At some point, when the problems you have no idea what's happening till they also influence one another directly through the window for years while they think they're just mentioning the possibility is that in Silicon Valley. I find hardest to get rich by creating wealth—wealth that, isn't it? Look at those goddamn fleas, they have less money, the big winners aren't all that matters, just as if you'd invested at a famous university who is highly regarded by his peers.
Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to pound that message home. He, like arithmetic drills, instead of blacklist.
Thanks to Tim O'Reilly, Peter Norvig, and the guys at O'Reilly for inviting me to speak.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/covid-19-news-live-updates-the-new-york-times-22/
Covid-19 News: Live Updates - The New York Times
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Here’s what you need to know:
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A vaccination center at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Mass., on Thursday.Credit…Steven Senne/Associated Press
Racing to ramp up Covid-19 vaccinations, states have opened mass inoculation sites and expanded eligibility. But a big problem remains: The supply isn’t increasing fast enough.
The United States, facing a growing threat from more contagious and possibly deadlier virus variants, is gradually administering more doses every day, now up to an average of about 1.7 million, according to a New York Times database.
But states are also steadily widening access beyond the most vulnerable groups, frontline health care workers and nursing home staff and residents. Now, some state officials say they are ready to administer thousands more shots every day — if they can get them.
Last week, California announced that it would soon become one of just a handful of states to expand vaccine access to people of any age with underlying health issues or severe disabilities. But it has already used 72 percent of its doses and has shortages in some areas.
The mass vaccination site at Dodger Stadium shut over the weekend because Los Angeles had exhausted its supply, Mayor Eric Garcetti said. He said the city received just 16,000 doses last week — roughly a day’s worth.
“When vaccines do get to Los Angeles, we know how to administer them,” Mr. Garcetti told reporters. “We have a great infrastructure set up, of amazing people, and we will give them to folks efficiently and safely. But the problem is, we still aren’t receiving enough doses soon enough.”
Officials in Georgia say constrained supply is getting in the way of opening up eligibility. When the Atlanta Board of Education called on Gov. Brian Kemp earlier this month to start allowing teachers to be vaccinated, the governor said the state was not getting enough doses for residents who were already eligible.
Many districts around Atlanta, he said, had stopped scheduling new vaccine appointments because federal deliveries were falling so far short of the demand.
Experts say expanding eligibility requires a delicate balance of prioritizing those most at risk and ensuring no dose goes to waste.
“I don’t think anyone would want to be the person to receive the vaccine at the expense of someone else who is higher risk,” said Dr. Sarita Shah, an epidemiologist at Emory University in Atlanta.
Dr. Michael Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said expanding lists too quickly could backfire. “People are going to be angry when they are promised a second dose and don’t get it on time,” he said.
Some experts, like Dr. Robert Murphy, the director of Northwestern’s Institute for Global Health, have called for more flexibility for places that have already vaccinated their most vulnerable residents.
“I think the dangerous thing is some places are too regimented with the current rules,” Dr. Murphy said. “If you’ve got an extra 50 vials, that’s 500 doses, and nobody is coming, and this thing is going to expire in a matter of days or weeks — give it out.”
New York State has used 90 percent of its initial doses, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday, but is forging ahead to expand eligibility to anyone with underlying health issues. He, too, said his state could be vaccinating faster if it had more doses.
On Sunday, the first day that appointment sign-ups opened for New Yorkers with chronic health conditions, tens of thousands flooded websites and many were left waiting for openings.
United States › United StatesOn Feb. 14 14-day change New cases 63,758 –39% New deaths 1,080 –18%
World › WorldOn Feb. 14 14-day change New cases 272,658 –29% New deaths 5,954 –16%
U.S. vaccinations ›
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Security personnel at London’s Heathrow airport escorted travelers on Monday to buses taking them to compulsory hotel quarantine.Credit…Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
People flying into England from South Africa, Brazil and 31 other countries deemed by Britain to be hot spots for coronavirus variants will be required starting Monday to complete a 10-day quarantine in a government-sanctioned hotel, costing nearly $2,500 for a single adult. Travelers from elsewhere are required to quarantine at home for 10 days.
Scotland is requiring all international air passengers, no matter where from, to isolate on arrival in a government-sanctioned hotel.
The compulsory quarantined hotel stays, which include meals, security guards and virus testing, bring Britain in line with similar requirements in some of the countries that have been praised for their virus response, such as Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Britain, by contrast, has suffered one of the world’s worst coronavirus outbreaks in terms of deaths per capita. The country is under a monthslong lockdown to tame a huge surge in cases caused by a virus variant, first detected in southeastern England, which is more transmissible and potentially deadlier than others. But it has not shown the diminished response to some vaccines associated with the variants first found in South Africa and Brazil.
Britain is vaccinating rapidly, with first doses already given to more than a fifth of the population.
The new quarantine requirement applies to British citizens and residents and Irish citizens who fly into England from any of the 33 nations on the British government’s “red list” of high-risk locations, which does not include the United States. Foreign nationals from those destinations who are not residents of Britain were already barred from entering the country.
Those who fail to comply face fines of up to 10,000 pounds (about $14,000), but concerns have been raised about Britain’s ability to safely handle the influx of passengers.
Heathrow, Britain’s busiest airport, warned over the weekend that the extra checks needed at border control could create long delays. The Times of London also reported fears that a lack of protocols for limiting interaction between travelers from high-risk countries and others on planes and in some parts of airports could lead to safety compromises.
“We’ve got the right balance — robust measures, but targeted measures,” Britain’s foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, said in an interview with the broadcaster Sky News on Sunday.
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Celestria Gilyard, who is homeless, preparing her cot at a temporary shelter in the Bartle Hall convention center on Thursday in Kansas City, Mo.Credit…Christopher Smith for The New York Times
When temperatures in Kansas City, Mo., plunged into the single digits a little more than a week ago and stayed there, the coldest arctic blast of the season, Jae Bennett looked into the eyes of people waiting outside his daytime shelter for the homeless because the squat, brown building was full.
“I said, ‘Screw it, just come in,’” said Mr. Bennett, who founded a nonprofit organization, Street Medicine Kansas City, six years ago. “What’s the option? Follow the health code for Covid, or put them in the cold and let them die?”
Cold weather and the nation’s homeless crisis have long been a fatal mix that community advocates and public officials have struggled to address. But this winter, the coronavirus has added a dangerous new complication as cities and community groups wrestle with how to shelter members of a vulnerable population from the elements while not exposing them to an airborne virus that spreads most easily indoors.
The calculation has taken on greater urgency in recent days as arctic weather freezes large areas in the middle of the country, from Minnesota to Texas, with wind chills expected to dip as low as minus 60 degrees Fahrenheit in some places.
Officials in Ramsey County, Minn., which includes St. Paul, have set up shelters in a vacant hospital and a vacant seminary dormitory so that they can better distance homeless residents from one another. Chicago officials have used former school buildings as well as Salvation Army and Y.M.C.A. locations. New Life Center, a nonprofit rescue mission in Fargo, N.D., outfitted an abandoned warehouse. And in Kansas City, where the weather on Monday is forecast to be a low of minus 14 degrees, officials have converted the downtown convention center.
Kansas City typically spends $1.5 million a year on homeless services, according to a city spokesman. But this year, with the help of federal relief funds, it plans to spend $8.5 million on programs that include paying for hotel rooms to house families and providing financial assistance to prevent evictions.
At the urging of local activists, city officials opened a temporary shelter, with a capacity of 65 people, at a community center in mid-January. The number who showed up quickly exceeded that, and city leaders had a difficult call to make.
So they allowed the shelter to operate over capacity.
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Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at Harvard, envisions an early-warning system for new pathogens that checks blood from all over the world.Credit…Kayana Szymczak for The New York Times
Back in the summer, Dr. Michael Mina made a deal with a cold storage company. With many restaurants closed, the firm had freezers to spare. And Dr. Mina, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, had a half-million vials of human blood plasma coming to his lab from across the country, samples dating to the carefree days of January 2020.
The vials, now in three hulking freezers outside Dr. Mina’s lab, are at the center of a pilot project for what he and his collaborators call the Global Immunological Observatory. They envision an immense surveillance system that can check blood from all over the world for the presence of antibodies to hundreds of viruses at once.
That way, when the next pandemic washes over us, scientists will have detailed, real-time information on how many people have been infected and how their bodies responded.
It might even offer some early notice, like a tornado warning. Although this monitoring system will not be able to detect new viruses or variants directly, it could show when large numbers of people start acquiring immunity to a particular kind of virus.
The human immune system keeps a record of pathogens it has met before, in the form of antibodies that fight against them and then stick around for life. By testing for these antibodies, scientists can get a snapshot of which flu viruses you have had, what that rhinovirus was that breezed through you last fall, even whether you had a respiratory syncytial virus as a child.
Although the observatory would not have been able to identify the new coronavirus, it would have revealed an unusually high number of infections from the coronavirus family, which includes those that cause colds. It might also have shown that the virus was interacting with immune systems in unexpected ways, resulting in telltale markers in patients’ blood.
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Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago in a classroom at William H. Brown Elementary School on Thursday.Credit…Pool photo by Shafkat Anowar
After a bitter fight, the Chicago Public Schools reached a deal with its teachers’ union last week to reopen elementary and middle schools amid the pandemic. By early March, students who have been learning remotely for 10 months will be back in classrooms.
The agreement speeds up vaccinations for teachers, provides expanded accommodations for educators with medically vulnerable relatives and sets virus thresholds that would trigger a return to remote learning.
With other big cities across the United States, particularly on the West Coast, locked in conflict with teachers’ unions, the deal is a potential road map for how local officials can have children return to the classrooms and help President Biden achieve his goal of reopening most schools within the first 100 days of his administration.
In an interview with The New York Times, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, spoke frankly about her acrimonious relationship with the Chicago Teachers Union and how she plans to rebuild trust with students’ parents. Despite campaigning to restore an elected school board, she now says that she believes reopening would not have been possible without mayoral control of schools — something that mayors in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland, where schools remain closed, lack.
Mayor Lightfoot said that it is “important for us to talk about what’s happened to our children during this.” Their social life, she noted, had been torn away. “Our 3-, 4-, 5-year-olds?” she said. “Their social-emotional learning is absolutely central to their growth, and yet we see them learning on screens. We know that’s not the best way for them to learn.”
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Credit…Getty Images
Yes, I miss going out to restaurants and concerts, and traveling, but above all I miss going to a friend’s house and hanging out. I miss browsing through someone else’s cluttered bookshelf, or admiring their décor. Of all the layers of life that have been stripped away by this pandemic, the loss of casual intimacy — time with a friend that’s not masked and outdoors and crowded with worry — takes a toll.
Now that vaccines are rolling out, the prospect of a post-pandemic life has started to become worth imagining. When will we readily have house guests again without worrying about contributing to the spread of this disease? What might those visits look like?
Perhaps we will quickly return to our old habits. Or maybe a new normal will take shape, one influenced by the troubling new variants of the virus that threaten to undermine vaccination efforts.
I spoke with historians and health experts to learn when we might be able to safely spend a weekend with friends again, and what that get-together will look like.
“By the time we get into late spring, summer, I fully expect, with a large proportion of adults vaccinated, things will be dramatically better,” said Dr. Ashish K. Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.
“We’re not done by a long shot, and if everything goes well, and I mean everything,” then we may see normalcy resume by the end of 2021, said Dr. Ingrid Katz, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and an infectious-disease specialist. She sees the summer as more of a test case for the fall. She anticipates that gatherings will still happen mostly outside, but masks might come down more readily.
After the 1918 influenza pandemic, Americans went shopping, traveled, and attended sporting events, movies and concerts. Christopher Nichols, an associate professor of history at Oregon State University who studies that period, anticipates that Americans could go big after this pandemic, too.
Initially, our gatherings may be about “going small,” he said — a dinner party for four, a weekend trip with your best friend. “I suspect we’ll be taking baby steps” back to a normal social life.
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Eva Dayton arranging clothes in her vintage clothing shop, Consignment Brooklyn.Credit…James Estrin/The New York Times
When the pandemic struck late last winter, it devastated a retail sector that had been battered for at least a decade. Vacancy mounted upon vacancy, bankruptcy upon bankruptcy. By May, with hundreds of thousands of people living in pajamas, staffing at clothing stores was down 40 percent from the previous year.
Yet a chicly homey stretch of stores along well-traveled Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn has maintained the vitality of an alternate world. These shops are an unlikely bright spot in a devastating year, when as many as one-third of businesses in New York City have failed or been severely constrained.
The monuments to corporate branding — the Guccis and Pradas — that line so many of the desolate retail corridors in Manhattan are essentially absent here. In the 1980s and ’90s, this part of Atlantic Avenue was given over to modest antiques stores serving a new population of first-time homeowners restoring brownstones in Boerum Hill.
The newcomers brought with them not only money, but also the locavore values of liberal affluence.
They were happy to shop in places that distinguished their tastes as artful. “Through all of this, the neighbors have been so aware of how important it is to support us,” said Michele Varian, who moved her interior design store from SoHo to Atlantic Avenue in January 2020.
The intimacy extends, crucially, to landlords, who in several cases have held these properties for decades.
“In March I called my landlord, freaking out,” Eva Dayton told me. Ms. Dayton, who owns Consignment Brooklyn, a vintage clothing store, has had the same landlord for 17 years. “He is like my dad,” she said. “His response when I called him was ‘I am here to help you be successful.’” He forgave three months of rent.
Just before the pandemic, she had started a text group for 12 like-minded women who own stores on the block.
“We went through all of Covid together, texting each other every day about 500 things — P.P.P. loans, snow shoveling,” Ms. Dayton said. “We talk about everything. ‘You guys are having a sale? Maybe we’ll have a sale.’”
In December, the Center for an Urban Future, a policy organization, issued its 13th annual study of national retailers in New York City. It found by far the biggest overall decline in the number of chain stores; more than 1,000 of them, or approximately one out of seven, had disappeared during the preceding 12 months.
The lessons would seem obvious — that neighborhoods do best when they evolve organically in sync with the people who live in them. They cannot be manufactured as if real life were Minecraft. And in the micro sense there are hopeful signs: landlords tying rents to percent of sales, banks slowly becoming more flexible in their financing.
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android-for-life · 4 years ago
"Web Creator Spotlight | Stuart Schuffman"
Stuart Schuffman, a.k.a. Broke-Ass Stuart, is a globetrotting superblogger who has built his brand around the idea that you don’t actually need tons of money to enjoy yourself. Since the early 2000s he’s made it his mission to uncover hidden gems in his hometown of San Francisco and in cities like New York, San Diego, Detroit, Austin, and all over Europe as a longtime stringer for the backpacker’s bible, “Lonely Planet.” 
Over the years Stuart has published a handful of top-selling urban adventure guides dedicated to “busboys, poets, social workers, students, artists, musicians, magicians, mathematicians, maniacs, yodelers, and everyone else out there who wants to enjoy life not as a rich person, but as a real person.”
But to call Stuart a travel writer is to sell him short. He’s a web creator—a TV show host, marketer, social media manager, editor, writer, and publisher all wrapped into one. 
Launched in 2009, his website Brokeassstuart.com has grown from a local’s guide to metropolitan hotspots into a cultural force with an editorial staff covering politics, news, music, arts, and culture in the Bay Area and beyond. Even more impressive is the fact that Stuart still serves as the “Editor In Cheap” of his website while simultaneously writing and producing comedy shorts, live shows, and independent series that follow up where his show “Young, Broke, and Beautiful,” which aired on IFC in the early 2010s, left off.
“Life is an art project for me,” he says. But it’s also a job. And that’s where things get interesting.
We talked with Stuart to hear how he learned to navigate the ever-evolving landscape web creators face today.
So tell us ... what makes a web creator? What does your average day look like, etc?
It’s anyone dumb enough to plug away, day in and day out, over something they love and that they want to share with other people. I say “dumb” because it’s a terrible way to make a living, but if that’s not your main concern, it’s incredibly fulfilling on pretty much all other levels. 
As for my average day: things have been really topsy-turvy since COVID hit. Over 50 percent of our income dried up overnight so lately it’s been a lot of trying to figure out creative ways to fund this thing. I mean, I guess that’s how I spent much of my time before but, now it’s even more dire. 
Otherwise though, a typical day sees me: editing and publishing other people’s work, writing articles, doing social media for the content we create, doing sales, marketing, and business development, and answering a titanic amount of email. The thing about running your own independent media company is that my partner and I have to do about 30 different jobs. But at least I don't have some jerk boss I gotta deal with so it’s mostly worth it. 
Can you tell us a bit about your schedule? How do you get into the flow? What inspires you on a day to day basis and gets your creative energy flowing?
I give myself like an hour or so in the morning to watch Netflix while I slowly wake up. That way I’m ready to work without feeling rushed when I get down to it. As for inspiration, I’m always floored and inspired by the awesome content being created by our writers and editors. They make me so proud that I get to publish their voices. In fact, that’s one of the things I like best about what I do, I get to amplify voices that don’t always get heard.
Otherwise though, I get most excited when I’m creating new things. Life is an art project for me. Just in the past five years or so, I created and hosted seven episodes of a live late night show, put out a web series, won “best local website” a couple times, put out a zine, and ran for Mayor of SF. I’m working on some cool new projects right now that are still under wraps.
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You’re super prolific! Can you describe your journey a bit? 
I’ve been doing this whole Broke-Ass Stuart thing for like 16 years now, so it’s a LONG story. But I’ll give you the short-ish version. 
Shortly after I finished college at UCSC, I was working in a candy store in North Beach. One day a guy I knew from the neighborhood I grew up in in San Diego came in with the woman that’s now his wife. As they were walking out she gave me her card and it said she was a travel writer. I thought, “I wanna be a travel writer” so I decided to become one. 
I put out my first zine, Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in San Francisco that summer (it was 2004). That was popular so I did an expanded version the following year. That ended up winning me “Best of the Bay” and I got a little notoriety. I got the zine in the hands of someone at Lonely Planet, and they liked it, and I ended up getting to go to Ireland to write about it for them.
I wanted to keep doing Broke-Ass Stuart but I also wanted to step it up and I actually found a book deal on craigslist. So I ended up doing three books. A Broke-Ass Stuart in SF book, an NYC book, and a book that was applicable everywhere in the U.S. 
Then in 2011 I had a travel TV show on IFC called Young, Broke & Beautiful. It was amazing. All the while though I was building up the website to be an arts & culture destination, so as my popularity grew, so did the site. Then running for Mayor obviously helped as well.
At this point we’re one of the most influential sites in the Bay Area for arts, culture, nightlife, and activism. It’s been a hell of a ride.
What are the best/worst parts of your job?
Getting to amplify voices that don’t always get heard while informing and entertaining hundreds of thousands of people a month is the best part for sure.
And then the hardest part, as you can imagine, trying to keep this thing afloat. I started this whole thing to be an art dude, but somehow ended up being a business dude out of necessity. I’m much better at creating funny and beautiful things than I am at making money. But I end up having to spend more time being a business dude than getting to create stuff. I’m at my happiest when I’m creating.
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At the end of the day what is the ultimate goal of your blog/website? 
I used to care more about being famous, but as I get older, it doesn’t matter that much. I just want to create things that hopefully make the world a better place. Activism is a huge part of what we do at BrokeAssStuart.com. Over the years we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for various charities and causes. We’ve turned out tens of thousands of people to protest the many injustices that plague our world. Our Voter guides sometimes get like 30k views. And we’ve also made a lot of fart jokes. Gotta keep things balanced.  
Any words of advice for someone just getting started?
It's important to ask yourself if you really want to make a living doing something that you love. I know your immediate response is "Duh! Of course!" but really think about it. You're taking something that gives you joy and release, and turning it into a job. There will be many days where it is simply a job and that's something you need to be ok with.  
Another quick piece of advice is: build your audience before you try to monetize it. Get people to love what you do and believe in you before you start asking them for money.   
I could talk about this all day long. I've actually given a talk about how to "turn your side hustle into your main hustle" a number of times including at General Assembly and at Patreon's yearly conference, so if anyone reading this is interested in me giving the talk to you and your friends/coworkers reach out and we can figure out a price. 
And finally a quick #PayItForward. Name five other websites doing awesome stuff in your field.
SF Funcheap
The Hard Times
Follow Broke-Ass Stuart on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Patreon
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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fandomwriter39-blog · 8 years ago
College - Dan Howell
"Hey Emma! You won't believe who I just saw at the libr- oh shit! Oh... eh... okay? I'll just leave now, yeah..." Aubrey slowly closed her dorm's room and stepped back. She stood where she was for a full minute, a frown plastered on her features.  "What the hell did I just saw there?!" She thought out loud as an image of her roommate with her boyfriend crossed her mind. She shook her head furiously, trying to get both of their naked figures off her brain. Soon, another thought took over the previous: where was she going to stay? She had been studying in the library until late, it was around 11:30 now, which meant Emma's boyfriend wasn't going to leave her room any time soon. And who was he anyway? Tony? Harry? Chris? She'd had so many boyfriends in the span of 2 months that she couldn't remember which was which. She somehow pictured seeing a law book in their room's table yesterday, so she assumed that's was he was studying.  "Did he ever mention who was his roommate?" She pondered as she walked through the endless halls. Maybe she could stay the night with them, since she didn't quite know anyone but Emma, and didn't feel like sleeping in the restroom or baths. As she walked she tried to remember said boyfriend's name, which came to her quite quicker than she had expected. "Matt!" She exclaimed, then covered her mouth with both hands as she realised most people were already asleep.
She crossed what seemed like hundreds of corridors, looking at the small whiteboards on each door to try and find any with the name Matt on it. Right before she was about to give up she saw one. 'Matt & Dan', those were the names, and she hadn't seen any other Matt until now, so she hoped it would be that one. Reluctantly, she knocked at the door. Some ruffling sounds were heard on the other side, and then the door opened. "Hi. Uh, you're Dan, right?" "Yes..." The boy answered confused. "I'm Aubrey. Emma's roommate, she's dating Matt." "Right. And you're here 'cause?" "Well... Let's just say Matt and Emma were having quite some fun in our dorm. And now I kind of have nowhere to stay." Dan looked back at her puzzled. Of course, this scenario was the last he could be expecting on a Wednesday at 12 am.  "I was just wondering if I could maybe stay here for the night?" Aubrey concluded, hoping that Dan wouldn't just kick her out. "Sure, yeah. You can stay." "Really?! Oh my god, I owe you one." Dan stepped aside to let her in, and signaled her in which bed she could sleep. "By the way, sorry for appearing all of a sudden. I hope I didn't wake you up or anything." "Nah it's okay. I was just doing some stuff on my computer."
The first awkward moments soon ended, and in a matter of minutes they were both laughing nonstop.  "But seriously, did you actually see them right in the middle of it?" "Yes! Don't mention it, I think I've been traumatised for life." "Ewww I'm just imagining it." Dan scrunched up his nose as he said this. "You should've taken some pics, we could blackmail them with those later." "I wish I had. I just ran away as fast as I could. I'm sure they didn't even notice I opened the door in the first place." "Oh I'm so gonna annoy him with it now." "You have to!" Aubrey encouraged, at this point exaggerating her movements to make it look more dramatic. "He's taken my dorm without permission, I'll need some kind of revenge." "I'll help you out with that."
She hadn't payed much attention to the room until that moment, and she scanned quickly what was there. The typical, she thought. A large, messy desk full of open books and notes, and the walls covered with posters. There was something odd though, a videocamera.  "By the way, what's that for? Aren't you studying law?" "I am, but I also make videos in youtube. For fun." "Oh you're a youtuber!" She exclaimed in realisation. "I gotta say I wasn't expecting that." During that time YouTube was still quite a brand new site, and only now the term youtubers had began to spread widely and gain popularity. "Now that I know it I gotta check out your videos." "I'm sure you'll like them." Dan said grinning widely.
           *time skip*
As Aubrey opened her eyes she was startled at the new surroundings. It wasn't until later on that she remembered the past night's events. "You finally woke up." Dan said, already dressed and packing the books he needed for that day. "I don't think I even heard your alarm." "Yeah, that's what happens when you stay awake past 3 am." She looked down, realising she was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and seeing their state after having slept with them, she could imagine what a mess her hair would be. "Gotta go back now and get changed. Let's pray Matt has already left by now." "Yeah. Well, I'll see you around." "Yup, see ya!" With that Aubrey left the dorm and made her way to her's. She was a lot more lucky this time when she opened the door, as she was met with Emma apliying some makeup on. "Had fun?" Aubrey casually asked. "Why you mention it?" "I happen to have witnessed, sadly for me, some of last night's events." Emma's face grew pale after Aubrey's words."Oh my- How did you even-" "It's my room after all! I had to come back to sleep at some point, did you even consider that?" "Not... really... no..." Emma sighed defeated. "Where did you sleep?" "In Matt's room." Again, another comment that left Emma even more confused."Wha-" "He takes my room I take his! Plus, there's no one I know, so that was my best shot." "And his roommate, eh..." "Dan." "Right, Dan. How is he?" "He's a really nice guy." Aubrey said, smiling from ear to ear as she thought of him. "Guess the whole situation wasn't so bad after all, I got a new friend now."
           ~ ~ ~
They were reaching the end of their first year in college. Dan and Aubrey's bond had only grown stronger ever since that day. They'd had some of the best times together. But lately Aubrey had been getting the feeling that Dan wasn't exactly ok. He was a lot more quiet, thoughtful, as if there was something of great importance that was bothering him. At first she had let him be, thinking he wouldn't want to be asked about it. But in the end she couldn't contain it. She needed to know what was going on, she had to help him in someway.
Dan remained quiet at first when she asked. "C'mon Dan, you know you can trust me. Please, I'm really worried." She insisted. Of course, the last thing Dan wanted was to make her sad, and seeing her like this made him say it all in a rush, words tangling among each other. "I can't take it anymore." He started. "It's all too much. All the exams, all the pressure... All the effort and time wasted in something I don't really care about." Aubrey was confused at this. "That you don't care about? About what, your career?" "Yes. I didn't really want to study this, you know. It was a career many were choosing and my parents constantly insisted that it'd be a good choice for my future. But I can't get the hang of it. My interest have always revolved around scenic arts, videogames... Not law." "Are you planning to drop out then?" "Well, yeah, I hope so. I can't take being like this for much longer. I'll finish this year and then leave." His expression transformed into one of concern and expectancy, as he looked at Aubrey hoping that she would, in a way, approve of his idea. "If it's making you unhappy then you can't continue. It'd be stupid to do so. Though I'll have to say, I'll be missing you, so don't you dare regret it." "I'm sure I won't." "But, what will you do? I mean, after hearing your parents where so eager for you to study this they might not be too happy to see you back, have you thought of where you'll stay? Or where will you work?" "About that..." Dan took a moment to continue, replaying in his head all of the ideas he'd had over the last month. "I've already planned it all. You know the YouTube thing I'm doing?" Aubrey nodded as an answer, already perceiving where this was leading.  "You see, lately the idea of earning a living with it has becomed more popular. Seems like it can actually work out. And that's what I like. Making videos, sketches of my very own, editing them and all that sort of things, that's what I really enjoy." "Who would've thought that'd be a thing... But yeah, I've read some things about it, and from what I've seen you're really talented. I'm sure you'll be among the lucky ones." Aubrey said encouragingly.  "Let's pray for that. But I'll be living with an already lucky one, so that'll be some good help." "You're gonna live with a former youtuber?!" Aubrey's eyes opened wide, both surprised and excited about all this news. "Yup." Dan said smiling sheepishly. "AmazingPhil, one of the dinosaurs of YouTube, as he's called. He's just the nicest dude I've ever met, and he's helped me out so much. He lives here in Manchester and has an apartment of his own. I already asked him and he's eager for me to arrive already." "That's great news! He sounds like a great guy, you'll have to introduce us some time." Her smiled turned to slightly melancholic one as she thought of Dan having to leave so soon already. "I'm really gonna miss you." "Me too Aubrey. I'll miss you too."
          ~ ~ ~
It had been four years already. A 23 year old Aubrey closed the door of her new apartment, trotted down the flight of stairs and then began her daily afternoon walk, happily pacing down the busy streets of London. She began the half an hour journey that would take her to her favorite café. In exactly 30 minutes a beautiful pastel blue wall, contrasting with the rest of the dull façades, came into view. The tiny doorbell chimed with it's cheerful melody as Aubrey entered, smiling widely as the warm smell of coffee surrounded her. She greeted the waiter and went to her usual place, a fluffy cushion in one of the corners of the establishment, besides the window. In a matter of minutes she had her drink beside her. She didn't even need to order it, having that for the past 2 months it had been her only drink of choice, and she hadn't missed a single afternoon ever since she arrived to the city and discovered this small, cozy place. She took a sip of her hot beverage and pulled out from her bag a book she had been reading, or shall we say devouring, for the past days.The envolving atmosphere could have her lost in her own world for hours, losing any notion of time. Not that she minded, those peaceful moments made her the happiest. But today the routine was about to be broken.  The doorbell tinkled again. Usually, she wouldn't care to look, but this time she forwarded her sight to the new costumer. She could only see his back now as he headed to the counter: awkwardly tall body, completely black clothes and shortish chocolate hair which had been straightened, but because of the light rain outside it was now curly on the tips. There was something familiar in the male who she was staring intensively.  With his order in hand he turned, searching for a free seat. And that was when she finally realised it. It was Dan! After so many years, destiny had somehow given her a perfect chance to see each other again. She couldn't contain her happiness as she rushed towards Dan, tackling him and nearly making him and his drink fall down. Dan's shock was easily noticeable as he had not seen her yet, but right as Aubrey pulled back, what had been a sudden hug from an extranger wasn't from and extranger anymore.  "Dan! Oh my god, I haven't seen you in ages! I had no idea you were in London!" "Neither did I!" "Oh, we so need to catch up." Aubrey said as she dragged him across the shop back to her seat, pulling close to her another chair for Dan and preparing for all the stories they'd have to hear from one another. It felt weird in a way, but seeing him now after so long made her aware of how much she had really missed him. And just by looking at him she could see that feeling was reciprocal. There was no doubt that from that day on it'd be practically impossible to have them apart again.
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erraticauthor · 7 years ago
When the Game of Life Goes Wrong: An Analysis of Gamergate
Blood, violence, and nudity are staples of video games today, with titles like Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, and Resident Evil topping the charts as some of the highest grossing games of 2017 (”2017’s Best Selling Games”). But with big profit comes big real-world consequences when that same violence is turned on women within the gaming community in events like 2014’s Gamergate controversy, which is still in effect today. Eron Gjoni, ex-boyfriend of game developer Zoe Quinn and blogger who started Gamergate, uses pathos, dark humor, and a specific platform to maximize target audience to argue that Quinn slept with a reporter to get better reviews on her game Depression Quest, while getting the audience to side with him despite not hearing the full story.  In her book, Crash Override, Quinn argues her side of the story in a different manner.  Using anecdotes of her past, casual tone with expletives, and inclusion of a larger audience, she examines how Gamergate affected herself and the gaming community, giving special light to marginalized groups and making her seem more selfless by comparison.
To understand what both writers are arguing about, one must first know what Gamergate is.  In 2014, Gjoni posted on his personal blog a ten-thousand-word account of his relationship with Zoe Quinn, who he claims was an emotionally abusive, compulsive liar that cheated on him with both her own boss and Nathan Grayson, a game reviewer for Kotaku, a popular website to learn about gaming news.  From here Reddit users began an internet witch hunt where they began harassing Quinn on social media, hacking into her personal accounts and releasing her home address and other private information to hordes of others who sent her death, rape, and abuse threats daily.  Quinn was forced to move households out of fear for her own safety, escalating the event further (Gawker).  
In this blog Gjoni claims that Quinn’s affair with her boss was not a means of “moving up” in her career, stating no one would risk their game development for “side benefits.”  However, he does manipulate the audience into inferring that she slept with Grayson specifically to gain better reviews for Depression Quest.  Writing in this way blurs the line behind blatant sexism and casual sexism, making Gjoni initially seem like a nice guy to dismiss the idea of sex as a means of “moving up,” and making it harder for the audience to pinpoint his real message which is that Quinn slept with Grayson to get better game reviews. Furthermore, this account was originally posted on Reddit, a site where the userbase is largely made up of other white, male video gamers who often hold neo-Nazi ideals was a prime place for disaster. Using Reddit as the platform to post his blog was likely a calculated tactic that Gjoni employed, as those most likely to relate and react to his story were fellow Redditors.  
Despite being the source of the controversy, Gjoni has since re-posted the blog, as it was removed from multiple sites for not following their guidelines.  Above his account on his newest blog he writes “I DO NOT STAND BY THE CURRENT ABUSE AND HARRASSMENT OF ZOE QUINN OR FRIENDS.  STOP DOING THAT.  IT IS NOT IN ANYONE’S BEST INTEREST.”  The bold letters and use of all capitals shows that Gjoni doesn’t seem to approve of the harassment of Quinn or of any women in the gaming community as it is not “in anyone’s best interest.”  Despite this, diction used in sentences like “and I keep thinking back on this and I’m like ‘Five guys.  Man. She cheated on me with five guys? Five guys.  And now I can’t stop referring to her as Burgers and Fries” (Gjoni) showcases his feeling on Quinn as a person, and hints to how he presently feels about their past relationship.  Using dark humor, by calling her “Burgers and Fries” creates a relatable voice in his writing and the simple word choice makes the text easy for the audience to understand and connect to.  
Use of images throughout the blog of previous conversations with Quinn that include lines like “ugh don’t tell her to go public fuck, don’t put that in her head” and “also uh to be upfront I feel irrationally weird about you crashing with [Name Redacted]” (Gjoni) in which Quinn begs or is “hypocritical” provide support for Gjoni’s claims and appeal to a reader’s sense of logos as they appear to be visual evidence.  But, the reader is given no context behind these images anywhere other than the text itself, making it easy for Gjoni to potentially doctor or edit these photos to fit his narrative and portray himself as the victim of the story when Quinn is given no voice to defend herself against these accusations.  Though Gjoni appeals heavily to reader’s senses of pathos and logos, what most readers fail to recognize is that he lacks true credibility.  While his story is a primary account of events, and how he and Quinn responded to them, overall the topic matter is still about a messy break-up.  Exes wanting to get revenge or seeking to harm the reputation of the other is not uncommon in events like these.  Since the target audience of this post was made up of people that were not directly related or involved in the relationship and matters of Quinn and Gjoni, they don’t have objective evidence of what happened.  And in this case, fell victim to the “shock value” of Gjoni’s story detailing in graphic account of “atrocities” like the “Cum Collage” (Gjoni) of sexual affairs that Quinn committed based only on face-value evidence and extortion of Western human ideals of morality and monogamy.
Quinn is not a wholly reliable narrator either, in her book Crash Override, but taking this into account, she poses her argument in a different manner, focusing less on the background of Gamergate but on how and who it effects in the community – largely marginalized groups such as black women and trans people.  Doing such makes her intended target audience much larger than Gjoni’s, including not only women in the gaming community but groups of people who experience harassment more frequently as well.  An effect of doing this is an appeal to pathos, given that marginalized people are very rarely given center stage for their voices to be heard. In giving them this opportunity Quinn creates a tie of support between these groups and herself.
Despite the book being a retaliation to Gamergate, Quinn gives very little background details on her relationship with Gjoni, so as not to “feed the trolls,” in a sense and create more harassment for herself. Taking this approach makes her seem above the break up in the eyes of her readers.  But she does add small snippets into her writing such as “I’ve experienced multiple researchers citing incorrect details about my own case, frequently leaving out key facts like Gamergate’s roots in domestic abuse or the movement’s extreme targeting of nonwhite women” (165).  It’s important to note that Quinn claims that Gjoni was the abusive person in the relationship while he himself claims the opposite.  Therefore, both of their credibility and honesty must be questioned with everything they write about the personal aspects of the issue. But Quinn points this out herself throughout chapter eleven, titled “I Was a Teenaged Shitlord,” writing,
When so much of online abuse is driven by a failure to empathize with someone on the other side of the screen, turning those who are abusive online into some unknowable, unstoppable force of nature is a damaging mind-set.  If we don’t try to understand them on a human, personal level, then we are moving forward in the dark.  By dubbing them “those people,” we are also explicitly setting ourselves apart as if we aren’t one of them and thus can’t be part of the problem. (175)
She then goes on to explain how when she was younger she was an internet “troll” as well, who had fun causing distress to others online. Offering this background to the reader puts her in a more honest light, and therefore makes her seem more trustworthy in what she is writing.  The use of the word “Shitlord” in the title and simple diction further humanizes her, making her seem more approachable, and therefore relatable.
Quinn then further goes on to offer possible solutions to the problem of harassment online, unlike Gjoni who just expresses a problem.  Thus, the authors have different goals in what they want their audience to do after reading their respective arguments.  Gjoni wants to connect to groups that feel outraged or upset at events like cheating and emotional manipulation and for them to react to his writing.  Quinn, on the other hand, focuses more on teaching the audience that there is no “us vs. them” in online abuse, and that everyone must work on rehabilitating themselves as well as abusers for the internet to truly be harassment free.  Thus, this portrays Quinn in a more altruistic light, making her seem wiser, and more like a martyr in the eyes of her audience.  Gjoni can be viewed either negatively or positively depending on how and where someone reads his piece.  Though, the formatting of sources likely plays a large part in the connotation surrounding both writer’s texts.  Gjoni posted his as a blog, a format that usually isn’t meant to be viewed in a scholarly way, as blogs are typically associated with emotions and opinions rather than facts and honesty.  Books on the other hand are viewed as more scholarly and believable sources because they go through an editing process before publishing, therefore giving Crash Override a more credible outlook in the minds of readers.  
Overall, Quinn gives a stronger argument for her cause despite relying heavily on pathos and logos like Gjoni did.  The main difference is that Quinn admits her own flaws in her life both on and off the internet, as well as by targeting a larger audience, and offering up both her analysis and solution to events like Gamergate as they continue in the future. These attributes give her a fuller, more developed argument as a whole.  Despite her use of extremely casual language, Quinn seems both approachable, but more professional than Gjoni does in what she writes about, citing her own business’s creation as a light in the wake of destruction that Gamergate left on her life.
 Works Cited
What is Gamergate, and Why? An Explainer for Non-Geeks.  Gawker, 10 Oct. 2014,
Gjoni, Eron. The Zoe Post. The Zoe Post, 16 Aug. 2014, https://thezoepost.wordpress.com/.
Morris, Chris. Here are 2017’s best-selling games so far.  CNBC, 12 Jun. 2017,
Quinn, Zoe. Crash Override. Public Affairs Books, 2017.
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theouijagirl · 8 years ago
The Fall of Ghost Television, and the Rise of Internet Ghosts
I’ve long said that Ghost Adventures is the best ghost investigation show on television, and the best that I’ve ever seen. Its first few seasons were dedicated to getting factual, consistent, and clear evidence of the paranormal, with a dash of humor. You could really tell that Zak and his crew put a lot of time and effort into the show, to make it as real and raw as they could. I’ve always wanted a ghost show that didn’t have a huge television crew included, and Ghost Adventures was my dream come true. 
It’s been sad to watch the decline of this once great show. I’ve written before about the lies that the show creates in order to make good television, which I discovered after talking to people who work at one of the places they investigated. I always cringe at the irrefutable evidence they keep mentioning over and over again, especially by Zak, who keeps having overwhelming emotions and small possessions which just look like bad acting. Worst of all was their Zozo demon episode, where they heavily relied on Internet creepypasta stories and ignored basic common sense and logic about how spirits, demons, and Ouija boards work. All of this has slowly led into a downward spiral of what the show consists of now.
This current season (14) has not just been one of the worst Ghost Adventures seasons, but one of the worst ghost hunting seasons ever created. It’s clear that the places they’ve been to this season have not had a lot of activity and evidence, and have relied heavily on Zak’s acting and feelings. In one episode they didn’t have access to the building they were investigating because it was dilapidated, so instead of packing up and leaving like any investigation would, they decided to play the Ouija board in the only room deemed safe for them. I’ve said multiple times that if your paranormal expert relies on the Ouija board to contact spirits and get evidence, get as far away from them as possible. Ouija boards are toys that anyone can use; it is not meant for serious methods of spirit communication. They wound up having a typical Ouija board game and played it up like they were speaking with super dark, terrible demons that haunted the location. It was completely moronic, and the fact that it took up a quarter of the episode was appalling. Getting spirit information from a Ouija board is like getting financial advice from Monopoly.
Then there was S14E06, in which the crew went to help a family who seemed to be haunted by a demon. At no point in the show did anything demonic seem apparent, so instead of reassuring this family that they had a typical haunting and had nothing to worry about, they panicked the entire family and called in an exorcist. They should have all known better that what they were dealing with were just spirits, but that doesn’t make good television. It also just goes to show how low the show is going, in that they are resorting to investigating random peoples homes and not sites of historical interest. I mean, they’re on the Travel Channel, they’re supposed to be encouraging tourism, not making house calls. It’s clear at this point that they are more about sensationalism and scare tactics to keep the show going, instead of real evidence. I don’t know if it’s the Travel Channel pushing this, or the GAC themselves, but either way it’s ruining this show.
Ghost Adventures is now going down the path that a lot of other ghost shows have traveled down: Make Everything Spooky. Somebody has a haunting? It must be demons. Heard a funny noise? Replay it ten times and make it scarier each time. Witnessed something paranormal? Panic and scream and run for your life. Make. Everything. Spooky. I mean, people tune in to these shows to be scared, why not scare them? The problem with that is it perpetuates the idea that all paranormal things are terrifying and should be treated like it’s the end of the world. When those of us who actually deal with the paranormal know it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Ghosts are idiots that bump into things. Spirits are just regular people that are invisible, struggling to be seen and heard. Poltergeists do not mean that you are about to be dragged into Hell through a demon portal, but just basic spirit activity that can be dealt with easily. Nothing about it is scary, we’ve just been taught that it’s scary through religious extremism, Hollywood movies, and Make Everything Spooky ghost shows. Shows like these can cause actual anxiety and irrational fears for some people, all for the sake of ratings.
Thankfully, there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Internet ghost investigation shows have been emerging lately, and they’re the best and most realistic look at hauntings I’ve ever seen. Not only are they not Making Everything Spooky, they are showing real evidence, or even a lack thereof. 
The first I want to show you is Queer Ghost Hunters, in which an all queer paranormal society goes out in the search for queer spirits and ghosts. Nothing like this has ever been done before, and it’s incredible. The episodes are funny and interesting, and you learn a lot about history as well. They do not have a lot of really technical equipment, and rely mostly on dowsing rods to communicate. Dowsing rods are a very old method of spirit communication that can provide yes and no answers from a spirit, but unlike the Ouija board, they are not very spooky or have a creepy history associated with them. I’ve never seen a paranormal show use dowsing rods, and I realize now that it’s because they aren’t Spooky. You really can’t scare people with two rods spinning around. Queer Ghost Hunters use these tools to talk casually to a spirit, and don’t try to make it terrifying or Spooky. In fact, they treat any potential spirit they contact with a lot of respect, even if a spirit is being angry or threatening toward them. As someone who identifies as queer, and someone who deals with spirits regularly, I cannot recommend this show enough. Please watch this show, and better yet, support them on Patreon if you can.
The other Internet ghost show I love is Buzzfeed’s Unsolved series, which has its own paranormal specials. This is as real as a ghost hunt can get. Most episodes capture little to no evidence, which is entirely realistic. They also don’t have any fancy equipment whatsoever, and rely on their eyes, ears, and cameras. The best part to me are the investigators themselves, Ryan and Shane. Ryan is a true believer (and at one point we see the footage of a paranormal incident that made him that way) and Shane doesn’t believe in ghosts whatsoever. I’ve always wanted a ghost show that involved a skeptic, and Shane is not only critically thinking about the causes of paranormal activity, but he’s also hilarious and has a healthy, optimistic, and funny approach to the concept of spirits. At one point they make contact with a spirit who can turn a flashlight on and off on command. While Ryan panics, Shane thinks it’s amazing and a little funny. His reaction is EXACTLY how one should react to a paranormal incident. It’s not something to run and scream from, but something really interesting and cool. This show is also, hands down, the funniest and most entertaining ghost show I’ve ever seen since Ghost Adventures’ very first episode at Bobby Mackey’s. 
Internet ghost shows are going to be the future of paranormal investigations, since they don’t rely on viewer ratings in the way TV shows do. These two shows present exactly what it’s like to be on a real ghost hunt, and how you should appropriately react to paranormal activity. Ghost Adventures could learn a thing or two from these shows, but I’m afraid it’s already too late. Every ghost hunting show on TV right now is following the Make Everything Spooky formula (including, sadly, Ghost Brothers, which has the potential to be an incredible show). There is now not one TV show I can recommend people to watch in order to understand the paranormal, but I can’t emphasize enough how perfect Queer Ghost Hunters and Buzzfeed Unsolved are. Go watch them instead, and please, let’s all agree that Ghost Adventures is dead, long gone, totally over, and so deceased that you can’t even talk to it through a Ouija board.
(I run a Ouija board advice blog. Feel free to send any questions you have about them my way, I’d be glad to answer. Also, if you want a post that goes more into detail about why these most recent episodes of Ghost Adventures are horrible, let me know. I edited them out because this post was already massive. And again, thanks for everyone’s patience while I deal with recovery from surgery due to a broken arm/elbow, and thank you for all the Get Well Soon wishes!)
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lcvasuite-blog · 8 years ago
2, 3, & 10 -15 (( give me the salt bun ))
█ ▌▐ Munday Asks: Salt Edition || @hybridblues
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     I’m a little late to these but yes, of course: Bun will give you the salt. So here we go. 
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
     There are a few, to be honest. For one, I’m not a fan of romantic josuyasu. I love their friendship too much to twist it into romance. I can see it, but a lot of what I’ve seen of it isn’t portrayed in a way that I care for and honestly sometimes it turns me away from the possibility completely. The way people portray Okuyasu bugs me severely. I hate to tell you, but there’s far more to his character than being a dumb boyfriend type. Literally everything else is super important to who he is and there is so much underneath to point I don’t understand how you’d ignore it in favor of the dumb stereotype. That’s why he’s one of, if not my favorite character in the fandom period. I also don’t like Jotakak for the same reason – primarily because of Kakyoin’s portrayal in what seems like every form of it. You’re allowed to play a character however you’d like, and I’m never gonna judge somebody for doing what they want and feel comfortable with. But for me, personally, I don’t like super, SUPER soft Kakyoin. I like the odd side of him, and the fact that he’s also extremely rough around the edges is part of why I liked his character so much. I don’t view him as young Jotaro level of asshole, but I also don’t see him as super sensitive or emotional. And I DEFINITELY don’t see him as a huge bottom guy, either. That’s just me, though. 
     There’s probably more in my mind somewhere but honestly those are the things that came to me first because those character portrayals in ships and in general aren’t my favorite.
3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
     Honestly I don’t really have any, but feeling like I have to format everything and fit in with the trends of today makes me extremely anxious all the time. I can’t pick an aesthetic or a trend and honestly it’s as frustrating as much as it is concerning. It’s a bad habit but I like to live to please people most of the time when it comes to writing and appearing quality, so I tend to swap and change my styles a lot depending on other people. Call it a BPD habit where I pick up other people’s workings and kinda use them like a personality. I want to feel like I can just do small text or something pleasing to the eye that’s simple and not have to worry about anything else. Like back in the day no one even used small text, and I’ve basically been around since Tumblr first existed. Everything’s a lot different now and honestly trying to adapt to it each and every time is difficult. Otherwise though, I’m not really wanting any one trend to die that badly.
10. Any fandom(s) you don’t want to rp in or crossover to?
     Not really?? Some of them kinda weird me out/make me uncomfortable but honestly I haven’t been approached by any fandom I’m not comfortable with yet. If I don’t like something I’m not going to approach anyone in that fandom anyway. So as of right now, none that are relevant to me at this time.
11. Are you for or not for purple prosing?
     Do whatever the hell you want, man. For real. I personally love getting descriptive and going in depth. It does eventually hit a limit and get overzealous but typically I don’t see that being done. Most people don’t go that crazy. Basically I think there is a limit where it starts being too much, but I feel it’s difficult to reach that point for most. Whether you write ten thousand paragraphs with super complex words or stick with the simple, sweet, and to the point replies – you’re chill with me. Be flowery or plain or somewhere in between; I don’t care. I love ya no matter what.
12. Has someone in the rp community ever made you upset/cry?
     Yes. Oh God, yes. Many times. It’s even happened in this community already and I haven’t even been here all that long. I’m a very sensitive person. Small things that may not even have anything to do with me will make me upset if my brain lets me think they’re directed at me. I’ve most definitely been upset and nearly thrown off this site multiple times since I’ve been RPing here, and often it’s lead to crying and being upset. Not fun.
13. Ever told someone not to follow/rp with a particular person because something that happened to you in the past? 
     I will literally never tell someone not to follow somebody else. I’m also never going to tell someone to choose between me and someone else, regardless of what that person has done or is doing. I might warn them and let them know what they’ve done to me in the past so they can make their own choices. I might be uncomfortable seeing things related to another person or not approve of who/what they do, but it’s not in my place to tell people what they can and can’t do. You don’t “police” people in this community. I don’t care WHAT the topic at hand is or WHAT they did to me. Of course I might be upset or feel betrayed but let’s be real here: you can’t control people. They’re gonna do whatever they want. It’s not right to tell people to choose. If it makes you that uncomfortable to be friends with someone who speaks with someone else, then that’s okay. Keep yourself safe. You have every right to distance yourself if need be if someone makes you uncomfortable. But in my opinion, shunning a friend you’ve known forever because they speak to someone you don’t like is silly. Of course there are exceptions to that for more sensitive topics, but in general I think it’s silly.
14. Ever knew someone that everyone loves but you can’t stand?
     It isn’t in the RP community ( at least not anymore ) so idk if this is relevant enough to even talk about or not, but yes. As you all know, I’m an avid fan of W.orld of W.arcr.aft. I’ve been playing since late Cataclysm. I started raiding real progression around Hellfire Citadel in WoD. Our guild leader at the time, who we called Z, was a HUGE DICK to me the entire time I was there. He constantly complained about my DPS ( which, by the way, I constantly beat one of the people he praised a lot. apparently that didn’t mean shit ), told people I was a bitch, and threw a fit any time my best friend Acorn refused to go to do things unless I was also invited. Me and him are very close and I love Acorn to pieces. He was a great healer then, and the only one who could put up with Z’s shitty paladin tanking. Eventually his bullshit dissolved the guild we were in and he put all the blame of him leaving on me and Acorn – mainly myself. Everyone took his side, saying shit like “well he’s actually done things for the guild and you’re just kinda here” and “well you’re a bitch cause he said you’re a bitch”. Um, no. That’s NOT how this works. I literally did nothing to the guy. He was just a huge emotional twat. Come to find out he treated me like shit because, APPARENTLY, he felt like I was cock-blocking him from Acorn and he REALLY WANTED Acorn’s dick. Seriously, that’s it. It was fucking stupid and literally everyone loved and supported him anyway. He fucked them over later after he merged with another guild and ruined both as well. Suffice to say, anyone who believed his bullshit deserved to get stabbed in the back like I did. I’m not even sorry for saying that. Fuck them. They literally treated me like garbage because someone told them to - and without any proof of my “bitchy behavior and shitty DPS”, to boot. I hate mob mentality so much you literally have no fucking idea.
15. Have you ever done something out of spite?
     Who hasn’t??? I don’t even know if I can think of any super specific examples but I’m SURE everyone at some point has done something to spite someone else. I’m not proud of the petty shit that I’ve done, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t done any of it. 
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cathrynstreich · 5 years ago
DocuWalk Ushers in the Future of Contracts
The age of online commerce has largely been restricted to transactions that require very little negotiation and are usually individual products that can be shipped via a mail service. Large-scale, complex transactions have not been able to take place in a fully digital medium simply because the technology hasn’t been there to support the process from start to finish. All that is on the cusp of changing with a new launch from ShelterZoom, a software platform dedicated to providing a way to manage contracts and documents in a highly-secure, easy-to-use environment. Called DocuWalk, this first-to-market software was built with real estate agents in mind since one of their co-founders, Allen Alishahi, has made his career as a real estate broker over the past thirty years.
“Years ago, I saw there was going to be a need for real estate agents to bring more of their business online beyond just the search for homes,” says Alishahi. “But at the same time, I wanted to make sure real estate professionals can strengthen their role and bring more value to their services.”
At its core, DocuWalk is a digital space where people, processes, documents and data all fuse together to reach new levels of intelligence, sophistication, security and speed. Agents can manage all the required documentation, virtual negotiation and end-to-end transactions all within the same platform. The latest launch also takes the fundamental premise several steps further by allowing brokers (or agents) to create uniform document and contract templates so that they maintain brokerage-wide control.
“We are finally at a stage technologically where document management can go above and beyond track changes,” says Chao Cheng-Shorland, co-founder of ShelterZoom. “We can have side-by-side negotiation and real time messaging, whose history accompanies the signed contracts, all stored in the same place which no one else’s prying eyes can access.”
Reducing Pain Points When ShelterZoom started building DocuWalk, they knew the future of business would be one of increased remote operations, but they didn’t expect that COVID-19 would be what accelerated the world, including the real estate industry, to adapt. Stakeholders are less willing to negotiate face to face. What is hurting the industry the most during this major disruption is no ability to effectively and remotely manage contracts, negotiation and closing. This led ShelterZoom to build in a real time negotiation feature that sits alongside the contract. A platform like DocuWalk helps real estate stakeholders around the world collaborate with one another and keep business moving forward.
Another key area ShelterZoom knew it could improve upon was making contracts interconnected so they could be transported, analyzed and compared across transactions. Right now, online contracts are just a digital version of a paper contract, but with DocuWalk’s smart contract capabilities both the data and the text in each document can be connected seamlessly to other contracts so that the information and data contained within can be analyzed without extra data entry.
In keeping with their goal of creating a frictionless platform, ShelterZoom plans to integrate features that support all stages of the real estate process. Right now agents are burdened by having piecemeal software platforms that can’t interact with each other easily. The roadmap for ShelterZoom is to build functions that support everything an agent needs to do their job including lead generation, prospecting and marketing so it works seamlessly with transaction management.
Additionally, agents play a crucial role in matching buyers to the right community and some of the best agents are the ones who represent the same home several times during their career. Alishahi knew that in order for DocuWalk to meet the needs of today’s agents, it had to provide a way for them to find information about a home they had sold years ago in a matter of seconds.
“Some of my clients have been working with me for nearly as long as I have been in business,” said Alishahi. “I can’t keep track of which house had an easement for the electric company or had grandfathered clauses for certain rights of way. But if I have that information all saved in the DocuWalk library, it doesn’t take me more than a few seconds to look it up and impress my clients with the fact that I still have the information about their house.”
Broker Control 
A further place of vulnerability from the point of view of the broker is the need to have uniformity across any number of contracts. This led ShelterZoom to create a Template Solution feature which lets the manager, in this case the broker, create a contract with only certain parts of the text available for editing. Typically, those parts of the text will be the amount of money due, certain dates and the names of the individuals (though it can be for any type of information they want). This protects the broker from any risk of missing or amended clauses causing problems down the road.
“If you’ve been at this as long as I have,” says Alishahi, “you have probably had a client try to change the text of a contract without anyone noticing. That isn’t possible with our Template Solution.”
Brokers will also be able to access analytics for all the transactions that take place using their brokerage. This information stays in-house, without it being sold or shared to external parties. Whereas many third-party search sites will also analyze the numbers that come across their platform, with ShelterZoom the brokers and people they share the data with are the sole beneficiaries of the information.
Security & Privacy
The real estate industry has already been hit by wire fraud to the tune of millions of dollars, we have all heard about instances of documents falling into the wrong hands and everyone knows all too well what can happen if the wrong version of a contract is what ends up getting signed. ShelterZoom decided to address these problems by building DocuWalk on blockchain, the cutting-edge technology solution for security issues. As just one example of DocuWalk’s security, their system prevents hackers from being able to send a message with fake escrow account numbers to your clients.
“You don’t have to understand blockchain to use blockchain,” says Shorland, echoing her comments from her RISMedia’s 2019 Real Estate CEO Exchange presentation last year. “We have made this a very user-friendly platform, so agents don’t have to worry about what is happening as they point and click their way through the system.”
The concept behind blockchain is easy to understand, even without knowing the nuts and bolts of how it works. Simply put, every iteration of a document is stored on dozens of different servers around the world. Someone would have to locate each one, hack into them and change each version of the document, simultaneously, to make any alterations to the text. This would be next to impossible to have happen.
Similar to the need for having a secure platform, ShelterZoom is also committed to having a private platform. “These two are not the same thing,” says Shorland. “Security is about keeping your information safe from hackers. Privacy is about preventing algorithms and other artificial intelligence from scanning your text or other data and using it to build a database. Everything on our platform can only be viewed by the users who have been given permission. There isn’t a super computer reading anything you write and analyzing it as part of a bigger dataset.”
Alishahi adds, “I have had dozens of clients for whom I have to go the extra mile to protect their privacy, whether they were local public officials or other high-profile clients. If you communicate using most email or document sharing platforms that information can be accessed by others, even if it is against the company’s rules to do so it doesn’t stop everyone. We don’t have any access to your files. Only you do.”
If this year has shown us anything, it is that being able to work effectively while working remotely is more important than ever. Agents are adept at operating from their cars or at a makeshift desk while they host an open house, but when it comes to things as important as contracts or all the other documentation that accompanies a home sale there needs to be a way to do that digitally that meets the same standards we have all come to expect from professional real estate agents. Improved security and privacy, not to mention streamlined contract negotiation, is going to be the way of the future. For more information, please visit https://docuwalk.com. Liz Dominguez is RISMedia’s senior online editor. Email her your real estate news ideas to [email protected].
The post DocuWalk Ushers in the Future of Contracts appeared first on RISMedia.
DocuWalk Ushers in the Future of Contracts published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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milohlez468-blog · 5 years ago
News - Awesome photo editing software and edit pictures software
Photo editing software to convenient copy and paste objects in a photo or simple crop a photo
All the nice images of guys and women what everyone likes really should look standard to ensure that anyone loves so as to look into several of them and even everybody will likely even make it. Any person who exactly really want to rephrase that darkness found in a photo shoot have to try Windows 10 photo editing software as well as try your suitable photo shoot today. For the most part beginners should certainly discover a lot in order to anybody can probably get nice photo shoots, although anyone can most likely always merely run photo editing software for Windows 10 to make sure that anyone will easily earn this wanted returns. It really suggests photo editing software features an advanced breadth of appearance, from learners using cropping and editing to anyone beside many practice. Assuming that that lighting in your photo is really just not considering that anybody just like it really, anyone have the ability to style that it by having photo editing software to make sure that everybody become this most suitable result. You shall be generally generating a task getting around that motif in order to catching any single possible angle anybody are able to think of in order to explain to the article. It is better to basically post a several good photo shoots, rather than a number of average photographs. Just now when you know about this regulation and a special way to create this pictures furthermore intriguing, let us describe some features that might just sidetrack that customers while looking at this images. Photo editing software has certainly long belonged to easily the most promoted programs for many people that get a web site as well as need effects similar to blur images for the pictures. Oftentimes taking nice familiar topics can absolutely cause a lot of one of the most valued images. The present effort is going to fully handle fully in case you wish with no any trouble, practical picture transforming by working with photo editing software. Even if a different person is totally an intending electronic digital photo shooter simply beginning or maybe a proficient professional photographer focusing so as to build the venture, people need in order to go for to try to keep speed with that rapidly switching shapes as well as likewise modified technological developments coming out often. Lots of people view both of that the nature photo shoots and even all more photos behavior and even produce virtually similarly, still along with bit, special change to every. Our photo editing software Windows 10 can probably be evaluated together with the easy control helps make utilities such as mosaic an image understandable and even work. Check out if your photograph has a sense of equilibrium as well as clean lines and also if that photo shot may not appear extremely good directly on the first shot, continue trying up until anybody make it the right way and use photo editing software. If that it is possibly chance to publishing together with program away your photography skill levels, everyone are able to surely pick a lot of the visuals techniques motifs to right now inscribe all of them to a specifics dimension. If the brilliance is usually too uneven, everyone could quite possibly receive horrible dark spots inside the object which is possibly really a disorder in the interest of fashion photography. Maybe it really is simply a horrible concept to inspect photo shoots every time anything unique is occurring ahead of anyone but people can almost always possess some spare time between these photo shots. Our Windows 10 photo editing software may be definitely given a tryout together with this helpful controlling helps to make work for example, resize a photo easy to understand and make use of. Photographs who want to correct that color or textures at a photo shot should certainly have a go at photo editing software Windows 10 or possibly make that excellent photo shot today. Typically a person really should learn a whole lot so that everybody can easily get perfect photos, on the other hand anyone can furthermore only work with Windows 10 photo editing software that people might easily get hands on your wanted benefit.
Improving your photo editing software Windows 10
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martinectf268 · 5 years ago
Simple build a photo collage and best photo editor
Blend photos performs best among best photo editor just because it really is generally user-friendly and everyone is able to quite easily obtain amazing effects free from must learn a load.
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Important photo editor to soften a photo or even practical photo printing
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v93wright-blog · 5 years ago
Brilliant photo editing software and software photo editor
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Regardless the amount of problems in your photograph what was actually produced, along with photo editing software anybody will quickly resolve it. Whenever photographers receive that correct motive facing the lens, you use to prepare to secure it really into your target along with really take the ideal photo. Typically anyone can study a whole lot to make sure that anybody can get nice photographs, and yet anybody can surely additional just run best photo editing software for PC in order that we have the ability to conveniently get hands on this liked returns.
Once it really is really opportunity to produce and even program away that digital photography proficiencies, you will surely choose just some of that visuals idea motifs to right now print all of them to a detailed information description. Photo editing software accomplishes have a couple of the features is probably widely known for, and that takes place pretty much functional in cases where you have actually made a decision people possess really such as so as to produce an effort your relay anything so much more nice than eliminate objects directly from photo and even also fill the image.
Surely the brightness pearl at this best photo editing software for PC bundle may be really that excellent skin cover impact, in which takes care of dark parts together with redresses best photo editing software for PC your body skin shade. That project can without any doubt control fully in case everybody desire with no a trouble, practical picture adjusting by trying best photo editing software for PC. Previously mentioned step can completely control absolutely in case that people choose without any difficulty, normal photograph reforming by working with photo editing software. As soon as that it is normally chance to print and even plan off that photography skills, anybody are able to surely choose a couple of this graphic approach themes to today inscribe them to a specifics measurement. Any individual that desires to fine-tune the color or textures inside of a picture should certainly use photo editing software or maybe take the excellent image today. Most definitely the shiniest gem at that photo editing software set would certainly be simply the good looking face overlay influence, that correct dark areas and even evens the body coloring. A lot of bloggers work with best photo editing software for PC to soften a picture, due to the fact that that helps make one of the most fantastic pictures still far better. Often times capturing little bit of ordinary items can possibly produce a number of the most impress photo shoots. Inspect if that photo shot possesses a feeling of harmony and even clearness and if your picture does not appear very good directly on the first try out, resume practicing with unless anyone having it right and work with photo editing software. Even it is undoubtedly an unpleasant decision to check images whenever anything extraordinary is coming up in front of anyone yet everyone can generally possess some rest between the two photographs. Many view each of my model photos plus all another photographs standard of living and also treatment practically similarly, but including little bit of, own adjustment to each. The instant everyone have the ideal subject facing this electronic camera, they obtain to want in order to get it to that target as well as shot your suitable picture.
Facts - Remarkable photo editing software and edit a photo software
We shall not at all supposed in order to try out this best photo editing software for PC for the reason that it is certainly very helpful along with anybody obtain a lot of help directly from our software application whenever editing the photo shoots. Even if another person are totally a professional electronic digital professional photographer merely starting or a proficient digital photographer aiming to create the venture, people require to try out to maintain progress with this instantly switching over kinds together with also changed electronic modifications operating the whole time. Once everyone understand the policy along with an original means in order to make this pictures extra unique, let us mention some facts that may well distract your observers although looking into that pictures. Women go over both that mode pictures plus all other pictures stockpile and cream almost just like, although together with very little, very own adjustment to every. In the event that everyone must get a different colors improvement what shall get as soon as possible, the very best move to accomplish that is really along with sharpen images out of that popular photo editing software.
Flip pictures does work most ideal by using best photo editing software for PC considering it is easy to use as well as each person will quite easily achieve good results in the absence of will need to discover a great deal.
Many times catching nice almost daily topics can most likely cause a number of the most treasured photo shots. This best photo editing software for PC is in truth very well for excited pupils among a fantastic package to determine the too tricky uses this will horrify very moment image colorize a picture together with enlarging clients. See if the photo shot provides a way of proportion as well as naturalness and when that photograph may not seem good directly on the original try, go on trying unless anyone having it right or even work with best photo editing software for PC. Doesn't matter the number of errors appearing in that picture what was made, using best photo editing software for PC all people have the ability to surely rebuild it. I guess it really is generally an unpleasant technique to go over photos in the event anything superb is taking place in front of anybody although anybody can often take a little bit spare time between these photo shoots. Anytime people had that favorable motif facing the photographic camera, people must to want in order to secure it into your focus as well as try the excellent photograph.
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sbetty66 · 5 years ago
Download the photo editing software for PC for automatic corrections
If that it is generally opportunity to printing as well as plan out the digital photography proficiencies, everyone might effectively find several of that image idea themes to today imprint them in a specifics rating. Photo editing software for PC executes contain a number of the characteristics is notable as, which has pretty much manageable in case you have actually choose you have in fact want in order to help make an initiative the relay anything far more sophisticated than wipe out objects from image as well as additionally fill the photographs. Previously mentioned photo editing software for PC is literally very well when it comes to enthusiastic beginners using an extremely good package for learn the far too complex functions what will shock very moment image blend photos and even increasing clients. Resize images does work most ideal together with photo editing software for PC simply because it is generally user-friendly as well as every person has the ability to quickly attain perfect end results free from must discover a whole lot.
Countless blog writers take photo editing software for PC to soften photos, given that this helps to make the super interesting pictures also far better. Conceding that the light fixture on this photograph is simply definitely not being everybody love it, you can arrange that it using photo editing software for PC in order that people get this appropriate product. At this time anybody know about that regulation and also a different use to produce this photos more intriguing, allow speak of a few facts that may well distract that watchers though seeing your photo shoots. For me it is a lot more desirable to basically post a handful of fantastic pictures, as opposed to a load of typical pictures. In case anybody will have to had a complicated adjustment this needs to perform almost instantly, the very best use to complete this is generally for soften a picture created by the popular photo editing software. Occasionally recording little bit of every single day elements are able to cause a few of one of the most blow away photos. Check out if the photograph has a common sense of proportion as well as clearness and when your image does not seem excellent upon your very first shot, always keep trying out until everyone receive it perfectly or even work with photo editing software for PC. Despite the number of blunders on the photo shoot that was produced, by using photo editing software for PC each person might easily correct it. It's possible it really is certainly a poor suggestion to review photos at the same time anything brilliant is occurring ahead of everyone nevertheless anybody will usually take some free time between photo shoots. Scholars must possibly not assume to check out the photo editing software because it really is normally extremely simple to use and also anyone obtain a number of support directly from our computer software any time you're enlarge your photos. Our photo editing software for PC can certainly be simply tried furthermore that easy handling helps make features for example, resize photos user friendly as well as work with.
All about photo editing software
Easy brighten a photo with a photo editing software for PC for students to scaling photos
Normally getting nice ordinary things might generate a couple of the most blow away photos. Mosaic photos runs finest by having photo editing software for PC by reason of it is literally simple and anyone will immediately obtain amazing outcomes free from must study a great deal. In the case that we will have to get a complicated righting what really should proceed very quickly, the very best procedure to do that is actually by using rotate a photo created by this well-known photo editing software for PC. Irrespective the amount of false steps here in the picture which was normally produced, along with photo editing software for PC people are able to quite easily take care of it really. Generally, a person should know a lot to make sure that anyone are able to really take decent photo shoots, although we can easily still simply make use of photo editing software meaning people have the ability to immediately take that wanted output. Blogger who exactly load the very best images on a website or blog had most commonly made do with software so as to arrange just because just not your picture is skilled or only in order to make use of rotate photos.
Photo editing software carries out contain some of the qualities is certainly known for, and that comes pretty much functional whenever you have actually decided anybody provide in fact prefer to produce an initiative your relay anything far more elegant than erase objects from photographs as well as additionally saturate the image.
All of the awesome images of human beings in which anybody prefers shall appear general so that the public pleases in order to consider them as well as everybody would certainly even profit. If your brilliance is simply also grim, people could quite possibly have terrible darkness going across the motif which is normally really an issue in place of fashion picture taking. At the time it is normally possibility to printing as well as program beside the digital photography know-hows, people might effectively go with just some of the image strategy motifs to as soon as possible print them in just an information dimension. In most cases the most radiance masterpiece at the photo editing software for PC package will be in fact the fantastic surface cover effect, which handles flashy parts in addition to flattens the skin tone. Photo editing software has already longish been just one of the most handy programs when it comes to men or women that get an online site and have to have functions include clone pictures when it comes to our pictures. Everybody need to be normally developing an effort moving every principal object along with grabbing for every possible view everyone can absolutely consider to explain to this tale. It really is better to just submit a handful of terrific photographs, as opposed to a huge amount of normal pictures. Numerous photographers take photo editing software for PC in order to get grayscale images, for the reason that that helps make the greatest pretty photos still far better. In the case that your light fixture is truly way too strong, everybody could quite possibly gain unpleasant shades inside the object and that is certainly most notably a problem when it comes to panorama picture taking. Obtainable it is truly an unpleasant tactic to watch pictures during the time anything unique is coming up in front of anybody yet anybody are going to usually get a little bit downtime among the tries. Anytime they obtain the correct case ahead of that photographic camera, anyone provide to prepare in order to get it really within your focal point and really take the awesome photo. At all times a person need to discover a lot to ensure everybody may take wonderful pictures, and yet everyone can easily even only take advantage of photo editing software to ensure we can quite easily earn this needed benefit. Enhance photos does work best together with photo editing software just because it really is generally user-friendly and each person can immediately earn wonderful end results in the absence of needing to read a load.
A beginner's guide to image editing with photo editing software
Clone an image is very simple plus our helpful modern photo editing software for PC.
Regardless if people are really a professional electronic digital photo shooter just starting or a proficient professional photographer concentrating so as to raise your venture, people call for so as to go for to try to keep progress with the extremely fast switching over types as well as also changed digital advancements showing up all along. People who exactly prefer to fine-tune that errors in a picture needs to try out photo editing software for PC or perhaps make your most ideal photo shot immediately.
Once anyone understand this standard including an original means to get the images furthermore unique, let us mention a few features that may possibly distract that observers while checking out this photographs. Writer should be generally working up a toil getting around every subject including capturing each available view people might consider to show your report. Resize photos operates best with photo editing software for PC by reason of it really is definitely user-friendly and also many people is able to effectively get excellent outcomes in the absence of will have to get to know a lot.
Quite often grabbing nice daily instants are able to create a couple of one of the most unforgettable photos. Influencer who transfer the most suitable images forward a web page have commonly made use of software application in order to modify due to the fact that not just pretty much every picture is possibly ideal as well as so as to utilize flip pictures. No matter the amount of errors into the photo shoot which was literally generated, utilizing photo editing software for PC anybody may surely deal with it really. I guess it is normally an unpleasant tactic to inspect images as soon as anything dramatic is taking place ahead of everybody and yet everyone can often possess a bit of thinking time in between images. Photo editing software has possibly long belonged easily the most famous software with regard to lots of people that possess a site and also need to have functions include sharpen pictures when it comes to their photo shoots. Oftentimes people should certainly know a whole lot to ensure you can try pretty good photographs, but we can most likely even only put to work photo editing software for PC in order that you may quite easily earn this wanted output.
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daisyk89-blog · 5 years ago
Improve a picture with the user-friendly photo editor for PC
More info to enhance pictures with this photo editor for windows 10 photo editor PC free download and brand new photo editor for PC for Computer with many essential functions to powerful sharpen photos. Photo editor for Computer and software photo editor to blur images. Download for free the photo editor for PC for speedy and smart cut pictures.
Shoot excellent images for your web site to one thing and this is practice. Make a point to shoot 4 pictures each and every single week no issue if you are outside as well as about or residence sitting at your couch reading. Photo editor performs have a number of the components is actually well-known for, which comes quite beneficial when you've picked you have actually like to attempt your hand on one thing more extravagant than image manipulation and remove objects from photos.
Photo editor for PC can also bring in freeze frames from online video, in addition to different data. And also when you are actually experiencing a little bit careless or it is just ordinary oblivious regarding just how to make use of some of the resources, a helper can easily help you adjustment the fundamentals just as lights, emphasis, different colors, and cutting of photos. For this people that like their pictures in other screen versions, the software helps you faultlessly assembled photos to make an impressive picture. And when it is actually a chance to printing off your photography skills, you can decide on some of the graphic package design templates to instantaneously imprint all of them in a certain size. More helpful hints about brighten photos and automatic corrections with the photo editor free download or brand new photo editor for Computer to colorize a picture. Saturate a picture is easy with the ideal brand new photo editor for Computer. Free download photo editor for PC for professionals and software photo editor to cut photos and create a photo collage.
This photo editor for PC is most ideal for ecstatic trainees along with a good deal of opportunity in their workflow to find out the also technical features that would certainly scare extremely very first time picture modifying users. It likewise happen prepared along with a 360 scenery plan. Possibly the shiniest gem in the plan will be the beautiful skin layer result, which eliminates red spots as well as evens out the skin hue.
As there is actually no automatically color fix option rather critical to solution the bad illuminating most electronic cameras squeeze, there are the regular components of draw in photos.
Either the most well-known misunderstood components of digital photography is what takes place once you take the photo as a matter of fact editing your picture. That is the moment where you edit the photos you have taken, to produce the final product. Editing your photos is the equivalent of the dark room from the time very long time ago. We are most likely to be covering some suggestions for modifying your photos, from the basics like photo mosaic as well as crop photos, via extra difficult functions. The crop device allows you to change the size of your picture, and also to transform the aspect ratio. For instance, you can crop a photo from a rectangular shape to a round form. There are many factors you would certainly want to crop, including for posting in various layouts and facet ratios. Contrasted to the initial, I have chopped the picture with photo editor to get rid of the dark component of the middle of the photo and also reassembled using the policy of one-third. That makes the darkness bolt more the focus of photograph. You could wonder why I did not simply compose properly when taking the picture. So in this case, I was arranging a lengthy direct exposure shot without having a cam stand, so had actually the video camera balanced on the side of the sidewalk for security. That really much restricted my capacity to flawlessly mount the minute, so I simply photoshoot wider, knowing I had to be able to crop the photo properly soon after the truth. In both situations, cutting out is really simple as well as it is simply involves you picking the cropping item as well as after that picking the area you intend to keep with your mouse. Then you use the modifications and your brand-new cropped picture prepares to go. Get this free download for this photo editor and smart photo editor for PC for photographers for comfortable brighten a photo and powerful photo printing. Intelligent enhance an image with a photo editor for professionals to brightening change. Download free this photo editor for PC for quick and simple sharpen photos.
Brand new photo editor for PC with a lot of cool gadgets to comfortable enhance a picture
Among one of my individual casual nuisances in photography is if the horizon band in a pic is not degree. Often when we are captured up in the second, this basic regulation is forgotten however fortunately is such modifying your shots with the photo editor for PC to make them level is additionally very simple. Balancing the electronic camera on the edge of the boat dock suggested that the shot was uneven that is specifically visible to the vision when the photo has actually a clearly defined perspective line, such as the seashore.
The degree item belongs to the cut out technique, and you may just revolve the photo to fit. A grate will certainly show up to assist you acquire the placement perfect as soon as you use the photo editor. Pointing a picture is a truly basic task this will certainly get just a few moments, causing a far more aesthetically pleasing pic. In some cases if we take a photograph, parts of the image might just finish up being actually brighter than we need. I refer to the gloomy locations of the photo as darkness, as well as the colorful areas of the photo as highlights.
Comparison is actually concerning highlighting the contrast in between the brightness and also dark components of the photo. Raising the variance of a photograph can substantially improve the visible influence in which has, by creating the limits in between these light and dark parts more clear. Color scheme change is an additional significant part of the photo editor for PC. We can change image coloring in every kind of means, from altering the total warmness of the photograph such as exactly how blue or green it appears, to independently transforming the tone and saturation of details colorings within a photo. I simply just would like to deal with some very simple shade corrections you can make use of to help to make your images simply a little bit extra visually highly effective.
The fastest method in order to change the coloring related to an image is simply with the saturation gadget from the photo editor. That changes the visual aspect related to every single color or texture within a photograph to help make it essentially condensed.
Similar to several styles, the secret is actually to locate an ideal evenness excessive saturating the pictures often tends to seem rather not naturally made. Hue pictures may be actually truly reliable, as well as certainly black and also bright white is an exceptional choosing for every sort of scenarios, in certain, construction, and also various garden images. Download now the photo editor free download for starters and experts with many new functions or new photo editor for PC for Computer for pros to simple invert a picture or easy write texts in photos. Photo editor to very easy automatic corrections or powerful sharpen an image. Free download photo editor for experts or editing photo software to scale photos or scaling a photo.
Photo editor for PC for pros to simple invert an image or very simple photo light reflex effects
From time to time there certainly may be a little something in a photograph that you definitely do not really intend to be certainly, there, like an undesirable pimple on anyone's face. This is quick to remove in all of the significant photo editor. It is definitely uncomplicated to clear away any sort of items directly out of a photography however the photo editor for PC works most ideal on distinctive, tiny things that are usually rounded by consistent color tones. This is due to the fact that the recover device needs to change the location you wish to erase with another thing, and this works best when it has an area nearby that looks similar. For instance, a pimple on a face is bordered by a whole lot of likewise tinted skin, so the recover device can quickly compute what to change the red point based on the surrounding location. This specific is because the photo editor for PC needs to replace the sector you will to wipe out along with another thing, and that runs best whenever it has a spot near that looks similar. Photo editor has actually ended up being quite complicated as well as impressive and it is actually possible to control images and so they change into absolutely different from the original. There actually are loads of photo editor and also wide ranges of techniques of accomplishing the same or very much the same effects.
The intent most when it comes to many images I publish process is normally to help make them appear as natural as feasible. I have no doubt this is a great position to start, also in case you intend to go on as well as develop much more surreal appearing photographs. Coloration variation at a photograph is generally one of the main problems. The eyes have the ability to typically see a more comprehensive series of coloration than the camera most likely record.
The significance of image editing is the act of reshaping a photo, basically put. But this is oversimplifying a theme which is rather difficult.
You can commonly execute simple picture modifying methods such as photo collage fairly conveniently and promptly but complicated techniques as well as electronic editing may need photo editor and also more years of experience. Photo editor is a gadget that anyone can work with to control and boost images. Because images come with an enhancing number of uses, numerous companies are looking for means to reutilize photos and work with them on a couple of media. Download now the photo editor for PC free download for trainees and experts with many powerful features or great photo editor for PC for Computer for amateurs for professional soften a photo and uncomplicated insert cliparts in a photo. Colorize pictures is really easy with the photo editor for PC. Download this photo editor for prompt and simple resize a picture.
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