#also if anyone has any gif requests please send them over i need to keep myself busy :((
aayakashii · 3 months
The plushie headcanons are so cute! Mind if I send in a request for part 3 with Subaru, Alan, Sho, and Kaito? (I know damn well Kaito's gonna burst into tears at such a cute gift)
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Thank you so much for enjoying them!! 。゚(*´□`)゚。 ♡ Hope you guys like this one!!
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How Tokyo Debunker boys react after receiving a cute little plushie from MC – Subaru, Alan, Sho and Kaito 
Kagami Subaru – red crowned crane plushie
He apologizes for the fact that you went out of your way to make such a delicate and cute plushie for him
Then he apologizes because he doesn't have a gift to give you yet
Then he apologizes again because you told him he doesn't need to apologize
Please be a little patient with him! He's a bundle of nerves, and it makes it hard for him to express himself properly
He absolutely loved the little crane though!!!!
He is wondering how are you so creative, how did you make such a majestic animal become so cute and round as a plushie
Subaru manages to makeshift a little cushion for the plushie, and now it has its own spot at the tea table
Being such an anxiety-ridden guy, your gift to him also became a huge source of relief – he doesn't bring it with him anywhere, but it's like all his problems magically fade away once he sees it, it quickly became a source of comfort and emotional support
He doesn't really tell that to you or anyone, for that purpose, because he feels a little silly, but he absolutely cherishes his new friend and hopes to give you a gift that might mean as much to you as his little crane means to him!
Alan Mido – doberman plushie
Contrary to what people might think of him, Alan is a gentle giant
He's all soft eyes and little smiles to his underclassmen and Vagastrom students
Even if he's strict with them sometimes, it's all just his own form of tough love
So when you give him a doberman plushie, he can't help but smile and pat your head affectionately
The thought of you working so hard to make such a cute little thing for someone like him makes his chest all warm and fuzzy
He treats the plushie like a delicate trophy that could crumble into dust at any given moment
So he doesn't snuggle, nor squeeze it at all
He mostly just... Holds it. And stares at it, admiring your handiwork and thinking that it looks adorable.
And he also asks your opinion about everything plushie-related
"Do you think I should keep him in my room or at The Pit?"
"Why would you put him in The Pit?!"
"Maybe he could become a mascot..."
One day, he can't keep his curiosity at bay any longer and decides to finally ask you
"Why did you give me a doberman plushie? Specifically a doberman, I mean."
"Well, you are strong but also very gentle, just like a doberman can be protective and dangerous, but also sweet when it comes to its family"
Alan smiles and pats your head for the millionth time that day
He surely hopes he can keep being that to you.
Haizono Sho – raccoon plushie:
"I made this for you, an animal that reminds me of my cute kouhai"
"... senpai are you telling me I look like someone that eats trash"
"How the hell did you jump to this conclusion"
Don't worry about his reaction though, Sho absolutely loves it but he can't let any of his cuteness aggression show, to keep his bad boy image intact
Leo teases him over this gift, but every acid word just goes through one ear and out the other because Sho is over the moon, feeling like the most spoiled guy in the entire world
You see him through his rough image and have enough courage to give him such an adorable gift, you're truly something...
Oh, and the fact that you gave the raccoon a little apron to match his when he's working totally caused extreme mental damage over how cute it is
What if he also bought a leather jacket and a helmet to take him on his rides with Bonnie...
But will it be safe for it to ride Bonnie when it is so small and rotund and easy to slip away...
Please don't judge him, he's just a kid, he wasn't ready for parenthood
But since it has an apron, Sho will most definitely let it keep him company at the food truck
Maybe the little raccoon can be the cashier?
Sho will probably settle for this though
Fuji Kaito – penguin plushie:
Immediately screaming and gross sobbing
Cannot form a single coherent word once you give him his little chubby penguin
It looks so cute! It's so round and fluffy even though now it's a bit damp because of all his tears
A HUNDRED PERCENT takes this plushie everywhere
Kaito gives it a name, clothes, and accessories and creates an instagram account just to post photos of the penguin around the nicest spots jn Darkwick
Suddenly, Kaito becomes a photography pro since he just won't stop taking pictures of the little guy
Shows off to anyone that even points it out, ESPECIALLY if it's Luca
"MC made this FOR ME, which CLEARLY means I am their knight in shining armor and will protect both them and our child I mean our plushie with MY LIFE"
Totally misses the fact that Luca doesn't care
MC has to come to him and ask him pretty please to tone it down a bit because he is scaring the hoes everyone away
But how!!! He just loves (you) the plushie so much!! Let him show off, please? He's just a very excitable person!
He promises he'll chill out though, but before that, just one more photo for the plushie's instagram page...
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I hate to ask again but I had and idea. Also the last one was so cute thank you. If you can can you please write a Kaz Brekker x reader where the reader is in love with this book but no one has read is so they have no one to talk to about it so Kaz reads it and starts a conversation about it with the reader and they get really happy and start ranting about it to him and he’s just happy to sit and listen to them and make comments from time to time
Dude, send me all the requests for our boy Kazzle Dazzle your ideas are so creative!
Book Club (Kaz x reader)
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He needed an opening. Just one solid reason to actually talk to you. You had been in the Dregs for years now and Kaz was still struggling to even breathe around you. He had this crush on you that he refused to admit was there. Inej saw it, even dumbass Jesper saw it.
You'd assume that Kaz was mute if it hadn't been for your presence in the Dregs. You had been there for a long time but disappeared on a mission far off for three years. The room above Kaz had been vacant and then suddenly it had life. Kaz had no idea anyone even lived above him until you knocked on his door your first night back and asked him to join you for tea.
There you sat on a nice couch with a cup of chamomile. Kaz was perplexed by who you were and why the fuck you wanted to drink glorified leaves in water.
"Why am I here?" He asked.
"You tell me." You said, sipping from your cup. Kaz furrowed his brow.
"You asked me to have tea with you." He said, watching you with those daggers for eyes.
"You didn't have to say yes." You shrugged.
"I did."
"You did not." "I did." He said. "Okay then, why did you have to accept?" You asked. He sighed, looking at you with his gloved hands gripping his cane.
"Because I needed to know who was suddenly living in the room above me." He said. You rose a brow.
"You could've asked Inej to investigate." You said. He blinked.
"You know Inej?" He asked.
"I've been in the Dregs for three years, of course I know your main lot. Inej, Jesper, Nina, Wylan and that off-putting convict Mattias." You said.
Kaz was confused. How did you know so much but he was ignorant to you? How did he not know who you were?
"I'm a sharpshooter. I use that-" you pointed to a rifle on the mantle "rifle to kill whoever you want dead." You said.
"Why do I not know you?" Kaz asked.
"I was off in Shu Han for Haskell." You said. "For what?" Kaz asked.
"You do your business, I'll do mine." You said.
He liked that response. It meant you'd keep any secret that slipped through your ears. "I will work for you when you need me. Say the word, I will be there no questions asked unless one of ours is bleeding." You said.
"Why tea?" He asked. "We easily could've done this over something less detestable."
You chuckled. "You've not had the right tea then." You said with that smile.
That fucking smile. From that moment on Kaz was hooked. He couldn't help it. It was hard to not fall in love with someone like you. You were always there when he needed you, apparently you had taken some training on stealth from Inej, leaning to be one with the dark making you even more deadly.
But for the deadly persona that the streets simply knew as "the bullet", you were a gentle person. Kaz often noticed you with stray animals, seeing that kind smile. The one that made Kaz at a loss for words. You'd often make that same smile at Kaz when you'd pass him with a gentle "hi boss."
Sure, technically Per Haskell was the "boss". You however knew damn well Kaz was the brains behind everything. You had become close with the other members of the Dregs, including Inej who called you a sister. She loved being around you. You gave good advice and that was probably why the rest of the group would flock to you.
So there you all were, your head in Jesper's lap as you read. Kaz had noticed your sudden interest in this, everytime he saw you, you had that book in hand now. Wylan looked over at you.
"Care to join the game?" He asked.
"I'm good." You said, turning the page.
"You've been reading that for two weeks now, come up for air." Inej said.
"I need to know if Alistair lives Inej, the prophecy is strongly implying he will die and I don't think Cousland can handle him dying." You muttered, reading.
"None of that made any sense." Nina said.
"It'll make sense if one of you would at least read it." You said.
"We're all too busy. Kaz keeps giving us stupid b&e's.(breaking and entering)" Jesper said.
"Not all of you are busy though. Wylan?" You said.
"Kaz has been training me for lockpicking." Wylan said.
"He take you to the financial district?" You asked, looking up.
"Once or twice." He shrugged.
"Course he did. Best place to practice." You said before going back to your book.
"Alright, who's in?" Jesper asked.
Inej noticed Kaz at the bar, occasionally looking over at you. "I'm out." She said.
Inej made her way to him and he cleared his throat, turning back to his drink. It looked like scotch but the smell... it wasn't scotch it was tea.
"Didn't you say that tea was just leaves in water that is hot?" Inej asked.
"I hadn't drank the right tea." Kaz said, looking at the glass with vacant eyes. Inej recognized the expression. Kaz was at war with himself, as usual.
He never handled his innermost feelings well, especially the ones that left him vulnerable. And what was more vulnerable than love? You were a plague to his mind, always there. When it wasn't your face that he was smiling internally at, it was your laugh. When it wasn't your laugh it was your smile and so on. He wanted so badly to talk to you like he once did over tea but he didn't think it was a good idea.
You were just so perfect in his eyes. So beautiful, so smart. If he tried to converse, he'd make an ass of himself. He needed an opening something fierce. Something to give him a reason to talk to you instead of "hey, your face is anestheticly pleasing to look at, which I do. Frequently. Without you knowing."
"You're staring at your glass mighty hard there." Inej said. Kaz looked up. "You should just talk to her." She said.
"It's not that easy." He muttered.
"I do it all the time." Inej said with an eyeroll.
"Because you are friends. You know her. I am not that lucky." He said.
"You do know her." Inej said.
"Not like that. I know her from afar. Where it's safe." He said, drinking the glass.
"Kaz, she's right there. Just talk to her." Inej said.
You got up, stretching with a yawn. "I'm heading out " You said to Inej.
"Kaz will go with you!" Inej volunteered.
If looks could kill, Inej would've been six feet under at that moment Kaz glared at her.
"Alright..?" You said confused. Kaz sighed looking at Inej and then you before standing up.
He walked out with you, noticing the dark clouds that hung in the sky. "Looks like it might rain" he said.
"Good reading weather." You said.
"You're usually reading nowadays." Kaz said.
"It's a nice escape from things when they get too intense." You shrugged.
"What is it that you're reading now?" He asked.
If you were a dog, your ears would've perked up. "It's amazing- it's about this girl who joins this legendary army and has to rebuild what was-... Sorry." You cleared your throat.
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked.
"Well apparently everyone thinks I talk too much about this book." You said.
"Who said that?"
"Well Nina." He'd kill her
"And Jesper." He'd shoot him with his own guns
"And Inej." Wait what?
"And pretty much anyone who asks me." You finished.
"Wow." Was all Kaz could muster for words.
You shrugged. "I wish they'd just listen to me and read the damn book." You said.
"Why do you think they haven't?" He asked.
"They're all busy. They have their own lives and I have mine. It's nothing personal, I know. But I just wish sometimes I could talk to someone about it and have them actually know what I'm talking about." You said walking.
Kaz then realized this was it. This was his perfect excuse to get closer. "What's the name of the book?" He asked curiously.
"Rise of the Grey Wardens. Why?" You asked.
"I figured I could read it." He shrugged.
Your eyes lit up and Kaz felt intense joy. He made you happy. He actually made you happy. He didn't mean to but he did and my god were you adorable to him when you were beaming. "Then I know where we should go!" You said walking ahead of him.
Instinctively he followed. "Where are we going?" He asked.
You looked back, a breeze blowing your hair in such a beautiful way as you turned to him. "My favorite place in Ketterdam."
He asked no more questions after that, just following you quietly through backstreets. Kaz watched you approach a side door to a building, knocking on it rhythmically. The door open, an older woman smiling at you.
"Weren't you just here a few days ago?" She asked.
"I brought a friend." You said with a smile, stepping back and motioning for Kaz to introduce himself. Kaz couldn't help but feel a little giddy of your use of 'friend'.
"I know." She said. She didn't say it with disdain though, which shocked him. "You're the reason we're still open. Come on in Mister Brekker."
He didn't know what that meant but accepted the invitation, walking in. "Do you have another copy of 'Rise of the Grey Wardens'?" You asked.
"I do, why did you burn through your other copy?" She asked.
"Mister Brekker wishes to read." You said with a grin. Kaz's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. Bookshelves lined the walls both on the first and second floor of the building. There must've been thousands of books in front of Kaz.
"Here you are mister Brekker." The woman said.
"Thank you er..."
"Miriam." She said with a nod and a kind smile. She gave off the feeling of a doting grandmother with how fond she seemed of you. "Right! Y/n dear, I made some sugar biscuits if you'd like to try them" she said. You seemed to have found your way upstairs when you responded back with a
"Be right down!"
You returned with a new book in hand and Miriam grinned as Kaz took the book. "I see you've found the sequel." She said. You had the biggest grin.
"I had no clue it was a series." You admitted.
"The second one tends to be slow but it is vital for the third." She said, handing you a cookie.
You smiled, taking it. "Thank you. How much do I owe you?" You asked.
"Nothing. It's on the house." She declared.
"Miriam, if you ever wanted to apply for sainthood, I do believe you to be eligible." You said making her laugh.
"Thank the saints you didn't know me in my youth." She teased making you laugh. Kaz couldn't explain it. Usually smalltalk annoyed him but something about this was nice to him. You and Miriam seemed to have a tight bond.
"We should go, it does look like it'll rain." You said, peaking out a window. Kaz nodded but Miriam held her hand up before handing you and Kaz paper bags.
"For the road." She told the both of you. You gave her a kind smile before walking back to the door. "One moment Mister Brekker." She halted. Kaz turned around as Miriam motioned for him to lean forward for them to whisper. "Keep her safe, will you? There's not many a good person in Ketterdam but she's one of them." She said.
Kaz with possibly the sweetest look of adoration he could muster simply said "I will, Miss Miriam." Before he followed you out. The two of you began your trek back to the Slat. "How long have you known Miriam?" Kaz asked.
"Going on ten years now. Saved her cat from a town fire, she's been grateful since." You said, opening the paperbag and pulling a cookie out. Miriam gave you both cookies. Maybe Miriam was just a village grandma.
"Has any of the others met her?" He asked.
You shook your head. "You'd be the first I've shown to the Archive." You said.
"Why me?" Kaz asked as a crack of thunder sounded off.
"Because you asked me about what I read." You said before walking into the Slat.
Kaz winded up spending a good week reading that book. You were right, it was an amazing story. When he finished, he had that same urge that you did to discuss it.
All of the crows were back in the club, this time Kaz and you both playing a round of poker. Jesper hated this. You were way too good at poker and kept winning, hand after hand. You had a nice stack of chips. Inej seeing your smirk as you leaned back in your chair.
"I win again!" You said.
"Why is this so hard?" Wylan asked.
"Because Y/n is way too good at this." Jesper groaned, smacking his head on the table. Nina sighed.
"I need a drink. A very large one." She said.
"I've got my own little army of chips." You said, stacking them.
"You could rebuild the Cousland estate with your winnings." Kaz said, you looking up slightly shocked. "Course, I could always pull a Howe and, y'know. Knock it down." Kaz added.
You looked bewildered as Inej rose a brow.
"Kay, is it just me, or did none of that make sense?" Jesper asked.
"You just made a reference." You said.
"I did." Kaz nodded.
"You finished it."
"I did."
"You were right. The book is fantastic, I could not put it down." Kaz said.
Inej and Jesper exchanged a look.
"Fuck poker. We need to discuss the book NOW!" You said excitedly.
"Yes! Put me out of my misery!" Jesper said.
Kaz looked at him and then you. "Let's have tea." He suggest. Nina's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening before her, her looking at Inej who had a smile on her face.
"I'm grabbing my coat! Let's go!" You said getting up. Kaz followed you as you practically bounced out the door with excitement.
Nina gaped. "How long has he been in love with her!?" She asked as the door closed.
"Oh a while now, like since she got back." Wylan shrugged.
Jesper and Inej looked at Wylan as he moved your chips.
"You knew?" Inej asked.
"It'd take a blind man not to see."
You ended up back at the Slat, sitting cross legged on your sofa. You two must've discussed the book for hours, Kaz loving every moment of it as he heard you passionately talk about the story.
You sighed with a smile. "It's funny, I didn't think you liked me." You said, looking at your empty tea cup.
Kaz rose a brow. "Why did you think that?" He asked.
"You just seemed so... I dunno. Angry that I returned." You said.
"I wasn't."
"But you seemed it."
"I didn't know who you were. I was on my guard" he said. You rose a brow.
"You're not anymore?" You asked. Kaz bared a gentle expression that made your heart almost explode inside your chest.
"I'm not. You're one of the few I trust. The only I'd trust with my entire being." He said. Kaz didn't have faith in a lot of things. But he had faith in you and it showed. He looked at you. "Do you trust me?" He asked.
You gave him a look of pure adoration. "Of course." You said. You had spent your life reading books about the greatest romances of all time. You'd get lost in those stories of how the man always loved the girl but she didn't realize it until a pivotal moment.
"Kaz... you said you trusted me." You breathed. "Please. Please let my intuition be right." You thought to yourself as Kaz gave you a questioning look. "Do you... love me?"
Your question hung in the air for what felt like the longest minute of your life. Kaz definitely seemed caught way off his guard by the question, his eyes widening the second he realized what was happening.
This entire time he has been hoping for an opening to talk to you. A moment to truly get to know you. Well he got one. And he fell in love with every bit of you. He swallowed hard.
"Forget that I asked, I am so sorr-" "I do." He said.
You blinked. "What?"
"I love you." He said. Your jaw must've hit the floor. You knew how guarded this man was. You heard that any semblance of vulnerability was practically impossible from Kaz and yet here he was. Being the most vulnerable he could be with you.
You looked at him before getting up. He thought his words might've done something bad. Maybe you didn't want his love. Maybe he had misinterpreted everything, maybe he was a fool for thinking there was-
You kneeled in front of him. "Kaz, may... Uhm... May I touch you?" You asked. With hesitation he nodded as your hand gently held his cheek. The touch of humans was deeply unsettling to Kaz. That feeling brought him back to a place he never wanted to be in ever again and yet somehow...
Somehow your gentle touch made him feel safe. If it had been anyone else he'd probably be in the process of murdering the fool who touched him. But it was you. You were like an angel on earth to him.
"When I look at you, do you know what I see?" You asked softly.
"No." He muttered.
"I see someone else who's been through hell and came out on the other side." You held his hands, Kaz looking in your eyes. "We've suffered long enough and we deserve to be happy." You said softly.
Kaz had a momentary loss of control. He kissed you, you leaning into his touch. He pulled away with wide eyes. "I am so sorry-" "shut up and kiss me Brekker."
The next day you were at the crow club reading at the bar next to Inej. Jesper yawned. "It's a boring day. Wish Kaz would give us something to do. By this point I'll take a fucking b&e." He whined.
Kaz, as if he were summoned, walked through the doors of the crow club, sitting on your other side. For once, Inej watched you put your book down as you gave a gentle smile to Kaz. "Hello" you said.
The dead give away that something had changed was the fact that Kaz smiled. He actually smiled back at you. "Hello." He said softly.
Inej and Jesper swapped shocked looks. "Y/n, do you mind helping me with this? It's a rifle mod and I wanna make sure I've got the measurements right." Wylan asked. You looked over.
"Alright." You said walking off.
Jesper and Inej looked at Kaz who now had a drink in his hand. "What the hell happened last night!?" Jesper asked.
"Nothing important." Kaz shrugged.
"We just had tea."
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itsabouttimex2 · 11 months
ooo if your not busy maybe Mei or Azure a gn! Reader who’s a descendant of the lady bone demon but said friend tries to hide that fact from them
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(Thank you for sending such an interesting request! I ended up liking this scenario so much that I wrote out a few characters for it!)
Descendant of the Lady Bone Demon: Part One
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
Maybe they should’ve seen this coming. Maybe there were a few warning signs they didn’t pick up on. Looking back on it now, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? All those little things should’ve added up a long time ago.
The way the room grew silent and tense when you walked in, no matter how how exuberant it had been prior. How you manage to sneak up on everyone without even trying, as though you had no presence. The wide berth that strangers give you, even though they can’t explain why. That last one had been particularly strange for your friends. They hadn’t understood why people would treat you so coldly, not back then.
They understand now.
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Mei Dragon thinks of you as one of her best friends, right alongside MK. Even in childhood were the two of you close, your company providing a brief break from her parents expectations and the crushing weight of living up to her family name. She grows up to think of you as a sibling, really. She’s a ride or die, rise to the challenge, thrill junkie sort of girl. And above all else, she’s fiercely loyal to her friends.
So Mei doesn’t believe a word that LBD has to say. She doesn’t care about destiny, about fate, about these so-called “invisible strings that guide us all through life”.
She lives her life as she pleases, doing what makes her and her friends happy! And she’s not gonna listen to a word that some wannabe world-destroyer has to say about it!
Until the Lady Bone Demon mentions you.
“Y/N bears my very own blood, thin though it has grown. In time, they will follow the very same path I have, to cleanse this world of pain and suffering.”
Now she’s listening. Her control over the Samadhi Fire slips, scorching a ring of death into the earth around her. The heat alone wilts the any flora that was spared outright combustion. “How…” The fire flickers, fizzles.
And then promptly reignites, blazing hotter than ever before. Immediately, the Lady Bone Demon cringes away from Mei’s sweltering power as oppressive heat waves bear down on her. She can only watch in fear and awe as the Samadhi Fire grows hotter and brighter, fueled by rage.
“How DARE you say that about my friend! Y/N would never do anything like that!” A blazing arc of black and red fire slices into the blue crystal formations created by the demon, melting them into sizzling puddles. Her anger builds with each lash of multicolored fire, reducing each and every spiked crystal around her to a mess of glowing goo.
That anger doesn’t fade even after the fight is over, not even after she gets to see the Lady Bone Demon shred apart and drift away. It’s cathartic to watch, but doesn’t make her any less angry about what she heard.
No, that anger only fades once she has you in her arms, hugging you as tightly to herself as possible. You don’t know about your lineage. No one else does either. Just Mei. Which leaves her with the worst dilemma of her life.
Does she tell you? Does she tell anyone?
She doesn’t want to be like Sun Wukong, hiding important information from even the people who would be affected by it the most. She was a victim of that, and it had hurt. She doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s the last thing she wants. But she also doesn’t want to cast any doubt on you, doesn’t want anyone to think you might end up a destructive foe that would one day need to be struck down.
The fear of losing you somehow outweighs the fear of you being angry at her for withholding information from you.
So she keeps quiet.
Mei rationalizes her silence on the matter by telling herself that she’ll tell you later. Yes, everything will work out, she’s sure of it! She’ll just… wait. Just a little bit. When everything calms down and everyone starts to move on from this disaster, she’ll speak up. Once everyone is in a better, happier mood, they’ll definitely be more receptive to the bad news, right? So she isn’t doing anything wrong. She isn’t acting like the Monkey King. She’s… just keeping you safe.
And she really hopes you won’t hate her for it.
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Tang has long pondered your place in this little group. It’s not that he doesn’t like having you here, nothing of the sort! Really, he sees you as family, the same way he sees everyone else in this ragtag group of misfits.
But you stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone else has a direct tie to the original pilgrims who once undertook a legendary journey to retrieve sacred texts.
Tang Sanzang for Tang. Zhu Baije for Pigsy. Sha Wujing for Sandy. Ao Lie for Mei. Sun Wukong for MK. Everyone had someone who their skills, appearance, or even personality harkened back to.
Everyone except for you. Tang had made several guesses before, wondering if there was someone you yourself were standing in the place of. But no one truly seems to fit. Rather than distancing himself from you over this disparity, he makes an effort to grow closer. “It must be lonely”, he reasons to himself, “being the odd man out.” He’s struggled with his own insecurities of being useless or weak, so he can relate to you on a personal level. After making that connection between the two of you, he starts to look out for you, trying to help guide you as you grow.
Tang probably sees himself as your father figure, just the way he sees himself as MK’s.
But, since you don’t have the support system that MK has, he tries to take a more involved role in your life. He’ll sit down with you to chat about any troubles or struggles you have, offering you a kind ear and a welcoming shoulder. And if you ever are struggling with something so bad that it breaks you down and leaves you in tears, he happily takes you into his arms and stays with you through the meltdown. If you fall asleep in his embrace after wearing yourself out, he enjoys it all the more.
He cherishes moments like that, actually.
Sure, he’s sympathetic to your feelings of loneliness and isolation. It’s true that he wants you to be happy. Sometimes he hates the world for hurting you the way it has.
But he loves that you trust him enough to break down in front of him, that you trust him to console and protect you in your weakest moments.
Even at a moment like this, where one of the greatest threats to humanity is bearing down on the two of you. For once, he doesn’t hide or cower. Not when your life is on the life. His golden shield encapsulates both of you, a fierce glare painting his face as he holds you close. You breath raggedly against his shoulder, barely able to support yourself. You had been wounded in the fight, nearly passing out after taking several blows for him and the others. Now, he holds you close, standing tall as you lean on him for support. He watches as the Lady Bone Demon throws attack after attack at the two of you, each blast of crystal and bone shattering and fading against his aureate shield.
The ancient demon glares down at him, a sneer curling her face. “You would fight your destiny? The great monk, Tang Sanzang-”
“I don’t care! Even if I am his reincarnation or his descendant… the choices I make are mine and mine alone! And I will always choose to protect my friends!”
“Even Y/N? Even the very one who bears my blood within them? Are you truly willing to risk saving them now, that they might follow my ways later?”
All the little pieces click into place for him. The mystery he had pondered the most was finally solved, and now he had to live with learning the answer.
“That- that doesn’t matter! Y/N is a person all their own, who will make their own decisions! And I trust them to stay by our side and fight for good! I won’t let you corrupt them!”
And he doesn’t. His resplendent barrier holds fast, shining brightly until all that is left of the demon has been scattered to the wind. He holds you gently, mustering the strength to carry you on his when everyone makes the trip back to Pigsy’s noodle shop. Someone like Sandy or Wukong would definitely better suited to the physical labor he was performing, but Tang couldn’t bear to separate himself from you yet.
Nor is he willing to let go once everyone has taken a seat. He props you up against himself, rubbing your back to keep you awake. “The kids eat first,” Pigsy says, carrying three hearty bowls of noodles. MK, then Mei, then you. Once all of you have your noodles, the chef goes back to the kitchen to start on another batch. Tang holds the bowl and the chopsticks, lifting the noodles to your mouth. Occasionally, he tips the bowl to your mouth so you can sip at the nourishing broth. On any other day, he would’ve swiped a few bites for himself while feeding you. Now, you’re all he can think of. He feeds you bite by bite, then guides you to lay your head in his lap once you’ve finished.
“Hey, Tang.” Pigsy peers down at him, another bowl of noodles in his hands. He passes it to Tang. “What was that demon lady saying to ya anyways?”
Tang looks down at you, watching your chest rise and fall, looking more at peace than ever before. He can’t tell you. Not here. Not now. Maybe not ever. But he and Pigsy can both keep secrets, and more than that, you’ll have two targets to split your anger between, keeping Tang from catching the brunt of it if you ever do find out. So he asks:
“Do you think you can keep a secret, Pigsy?”
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Red Son
He doesn’t know why he likes you. By all means, you’re just another peasant, another mortal working at the same noodle store that his arch-rival is. But there’s something different about you. Maybe it’s the way you never seem to flinch or cringe or even cower. Maybe it’s the cool head you keep. Maybe it’s the wide-eyed awe you stare at his creations with.
Even after you had been kidnapped.
“I thinks that it was very clever of you,” you softly admit, not fighting against your bonds. “The way you used the tri-toothed 1x2 plates. I don’t see many people use those.”
He shouldn’t be happy to hear you say that. He should scoff and huff and strike down your praise like it’s meaningless drivel. But it’s not. Not to him. He’s been waiting to hear something like that for a long time, actually. Now, if it only it had been from the mouth of his father…
He shakes himself from those thoughts. “Not that a PEASANT like you could ever comprehend just how truly clever my work is! In fact, the legs of this machine are held in place by a truly unique-” “Technic angular wheel,” you finish for him. “It was a smart choice. I bet finding one that could evenly bear the weight of four legs at once wasn’t easy.”
No… no, it hadn’t been. In fact, it had been very hard to source that component. But here you were… acknowledging him. Praising him. Giving weight to his accomplishments by recognizing them. Somewhere deep inside, he’s a little touched to have his efforts commended.
Not that your kindness inspires him to release you. The only thing that frees you is MK and Mei coming in and storming through, knocking him over the head and escaping with you in their clutch.
Still, he doesn’t… hate you, at least. Or maybe, he just hates you less now. It’s a surprisingly good start.
A start that you continue to build off of throughout your repeated interactions, to his surprise. Your praise wasn’t just a one-time thing, wasn’t a way to get him to drop his guard. It had been genuine, entirely sincere. You had truly thought of him as clever, and you still do.
His schemes become less destructive, but more frequent. MK starts sending you out to deal with him, and most of your “skirmishes” end without any true damage. The two of you talk tech, and then he “tactically retreats” from the fight. Eventually, he drops the act, just swinging by the noodle store to talk with you about mechs or vehicles or rare components and where to find them at reasonable prices.
It’s a strange sight for everyone, the two of you amicably chatting. Sometimes someone will try to butt in, usually MK, who tries to keep up with your conversations to no avail. Other times it’ll be Pigsy, making sure that one of his employees isn’t being threatened or endangered. If one of his new mechs has a Journey to the West inspiration, Tang will happily chime in on it.
But most often, it’s only the two of you, happily talking as equals. Not enemies. Not rivals. Just… actual friends, somehow.
Even if it meant fighting to defend them, these are the sorts of moments he doesn’t want to lose. He wants to protect these cherished hours he spends with you, sharing noodles and blueprints in the middle of a crowded but welcoming restaurant.
Even if it meant fighting a foe he had no chance of defeating. All he has to do is buy a little bit of time. Just enough for MK and his ragtag team of idiots and peasants to smash this osseous demon into pieces. He glares up at her, his hair and hands exploding into flame. It’s a mere display, a small threat to keep her occupied. If she focuses on him, then she can’t hurt you.
Not that she’s trying.
“Foolish child. Do you really think I can’t understand the game that you’re trying to play? You would stand in the way of a peaceful world, all in the name of protecting the heir of your enemy?”
He falls to the ground, clutching his head in pain as she taps into his mind to deliver her next words.
“But a meager resistance cannot hope to undo destiny. I will find Y/N, and add their power to my own. That is their destiny, and I will see it fulfilled.”
“You- you won’t! I wont allow it, you… you PEASANT! You can’t hope to beat all of us! The Demon Bull Family, Sun Wukong and his successor, and the Six-Eared Macaque! All of us will stand against you! If we stand together, there is no threat that can overcome us!”
It’s a little funny, almost. Once, he would’ve scoffed and mocked another for saying such a thing. They sound silly on his tongue, cheesy and overblown. It’s something more suited to MK and his band of goons, speeches of friendship and overcoming adversities together. But it’s true.
And her defeat is testament to the strength that loves brings.
He thinks he loves you. You’re what he imagines having a little sibling is like. He wonders if you could love yourself, if you knew the truth of your heritage. Maybe you could. Maybe you’d fall apart and refuse to trust yourself ever again.
He chats idly with MK as you rest your head on his lap. It brings a strange peace to his heart. You look almost happy, in spite of the bruises and cuts. You look happy, which is proof that you didn’t hear a word that the Lady Bone Demon said about your blood ties.
He doesn’t want to rob you of that happiness so quickly, not when you fought and bled for it.
He absentmindedly strokes your head, thinking of how he’d roast anyone who might try to harm so much as a single hair on it. He can’t let anyone hurt you. Not even himself.
So he keeps quiet, and prays that all will turn out well.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
Birthday Sex - Wes Hicks
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Minors DNI - Please don't read if you're under 18!
Wes Hicks x F!Reader
This contains smut
Let's pretend for a second that Wes didn't die at the hands of Ghostface.
A/N: I had a smut blog forever ago that I just stopped writing for. If anyone has a request, please feel free to send them my way! (I'll have a separate post including what I will and won't write)
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It’s Wes’ 19th birthday, and the only thing he wants for his birthday is you.
“Babe, we need to go back downstairs!” You said, as Wes continued to kiss your neck.
“But it’s my birthday,” he whined between kisses.
“We have to go eat cake,” you said, before he smirked. 
“I’d rather eat you.”
It took a few minutes to convince your boyfriend that he needed to return to his party. Once you reminded him that his mom was downstairs, he finally agreed.
He was mingling with a couple friends, but couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The dancing you were doing with Tara, the way you licked the icing off your fingers from the cake you were eating, the flirty glances you gave him from time to time. He was going crazy, caught up in the thoughts of you bent over every piece of furniture you came in the vicinity of.
After a couple hours, the party started to die off, and his mom had gone to bed. He couldn’t wait any longer to have you to himself. Once the last few straggling friends cleared out, his lips were on yours. He wasted no time, leading you to the basement door.
“Why are we going down here?” You asked, as he pressed you against it, kissing your neck.
“Because I can’t fuck you the way I want to if my mom’s two doors down the hall from us.” You moaned lightly at his words as your heart began to race.
Once you made it down to the basement, you both started shedding clothes. He pushed you back on the couch, the cool cushions giving you cold chills on your hot skin.
He attacked your chest, gently licking and sucking your nipples. You were trying so hard not to moan, and Wes started to get frustrated.
“I wanna hear you, baby,” he said, kissing back up your chest to your neck. You still tried to fight it, because the last thing you wanted was to wake his mom, even if you were as far away from her in the house as possible.
Unsatisfied with your silence, he reached his hands between your legs, rubbing your clit. You couldn’t suppress the moans any longer as they started to flood out of your mouth.
“That’s it, baby,” he said lowly, before replacing his fingers with his mouth.
“Oh fuck, Wes,” you gasped as he lightly sucked on your clit.
“You taste so fucking good,” he mumbled against you as he slid a finger inside you, then adding another. Your breathing got heavier, your moans got louder. Your brain couldn’t process thoughts, just how good he was making you feel. Your legs started to shake as he moved his fingers faster.
“Wes, I’m gonna-“ before you could finish your words, your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave. He pinned your hips down as he got you through it, gently licking your clit.
Once you came back down from your high, he stood up, leaning down to place a tender kiss on your lips. That wasn’t enough for you, you were craving him. You pulled him down on top of you, the kiss becoming way more intense. You felt his length pressing against you.
“Baby, it’s your birthday. Let me take care of you,” you whispered against his lips. He hesitantly got off you, taking a seat beside you. He wanted to be inside of you so bad, but he also loved the way your mouth felt around him.
You sat on the floor in front of him, gently stroking his hardened cock. He leaned his head back when you put him in your mouth, gasping as you started to go down on him. After several minutes of you giving him the best head you’ve ever given him, he asked you to stop.
“Baby, as much as I’m loving this, I want to cum in you,” you felt the wetness pooling between your thighs at his words. You smirked as you stood up, him grabbing at your hands to pull you to straddle him.
As you slowly sank down onto him, you both whispered “Oh fuck,” as he filled you up. You sat there for a minute, giving yourself a second to adjust to his length stretching you out. Once you started grinding on him, his hands started to help you move your hips.
“Baby, you feel so fucking good,” he said between his heavy breathing. You soon felt that familiar knot forming in your stomach, as you started to move faster. Wes reached between the two of you, rubbing your clit. He knew you were close as your moans got louder, and the grip on his shoulders got tighter.
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” His words sent you over the edge, tensing up and tightening around him. He repositioned you so you were on your back as he fucked you through your orgasm. He was so close himself, only needing a few more pumps into you before he moaned all kinds expletives in your ear and relaxed on top of you.
“I love you,” he whispered, as you both got up to get dressed.
“I love you too, baby.”
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Hi, can I maybe request top g!p Kate and bottom shy milf reader? Kate moves to the suburbs next to divorced milf reader (other parent and kids up to you). Kate helps reader with something which turns into Kate bending reader over the counter and just absolutely destroying her. Some breeding kink cause Kate wants to be readers new baby mama and get her pregnant.
Your work is awesome and I seen you do a Kate one when alot of people don't. So I thought I'd ask.
Also Kate in her early 20s and reader in mid 30s.
Perfect Little Slut
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Pairings: g!p Kate Bishop x milf!reader
Word count: 2370
Warnings: mentions of age play, smut, voyeriusm, masturbating, kate has a dick, small angst, small fluff, fingering, breeding kink, reader has kids and a ex husband, let me know if I missed any
Summary: The new neighbor has seemed to taken a liking to you, and you’ve taken a liking to her as well
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
The moving van was parked outside of Kate’s new home as she finally finished unpacking. The town was nice, just a normal suburban neighborhood that she thought would be great for her new work. Her mother had given her some assets, along with partial ownership to the Bishop security that her mother wanted her to take over someday. She didn’t want that, not yet. So, she planned to finally take charge and run the business once her mother retired. But for now, she wanted to lay down low, have a few peaceful years.
You were slightly excited to finally get a new neighbor, you were starting to get sick of the others. You hoped whoever it was had kids, your children weren’t the most popular and you wanted them to have some friends. You even greeted the woman with kindness and offered to help her unpack, to which she struggled to say no. Her muscles were bulging out of her top and you couldn’t help but get flustered around your new neighbor, who you learned goes by Kate.
“Are you sure you don’t need help? I’m not exactly busy.” She chuckled and you followed her into the almost empty home, only being filled with boxes.
“I’m sure miss. As much as I’d enjoy your company, I don’t want to bother you.” She turned around as you removed your gaze from her ass, she noticed. A sly smirk was plastered on her face and you shyly looked down.
“W-well, I guess I’ll go then. If you need anything, I’m just right across the street.” She walked up to you and placed her hands on your hips, glancing at your body with a hungry gaze. She licked her lips and ran her hands up and down your sides slightly before leaning in, whispering close to your mouth.
“I’ll keep that in mind, baby.” She let go of your body and you almost collapsed on the spot. The woman was unbelievably attractive, it was hard not to kiss her when she got so close. It was clear she wasn’t with anyone, she wouldn’t have been so forward if so.
You walked back to your house where your kids sat, bags in hand ready to go to their fathers.
“Hey you guys, ready to go have a fun weekend with dad?” You asked them excitedly, already knowing the answer. He had already told you that he planned on taking them to this new water park he heard about and you agreed, wanting your kids to have as much fun as they could.
“Yeah!” They both yelled out in sync and you laughed, ruffling both of their hair. You heard a car drive up and walked the two outside, making sure they had everything before sending them off, giving a wave to your ex-husband and children. Kate watched from afar, she didn’t care if it seemed creepy to admire you from her window, she just wanted to get a glance. She never knew you had kids, you must’ve forgot to tell her. The thought alone of you being pregnant turned her on more than she wanted to admit. She wanted to knock you up, be your new baby mama. She prayed you’d come back and offer your help once more, then she’d take you however she pleased. She could bend you over any surface she pleased and fuck you senseless. Spending hours between your legs, fucking those perfect breasts of yours, she could feel herself getting hard at the thought alone.
You walked back into your now quiet house, not noticing the woman staring at your frame as your back now faced her. You went to turn on the air conditioner, only for it to not work. You kept trying, but recieved nothing in return. You sighed and wiped the small beads of sweat off of your forehead, ready to get your toolbox until you realized, you let Bucky borrow it a few days ago and he forgot to give it back. You gathered up the courage and made your way back over to Kate’s home, knocking on her door as you heard a small ‘hold on!’ from inside. She opened up the door and was greeted by the sight of you once again, it must’ve been her lucky day.
“Hey sweetheart, what are you doing back here?” Your cheeks turned a small shade of red and she used her thumb to pick your chin back up, making you stare directly into her eyes.
“I,uhm, I was just wondering if you had a, uh, a toolbox?” You stuttered out nervously. She let go of your chin and walked you into her garage, a hand being placed upon your lower back.
“So, what do you need it for?” You explained your whole issue with the device as she listened intently, grabbing the tools from a box in the dark room.
“Huh, you know, I could always help with that. My step-dad wasn’t so bad with that stuff, he taught me a few things.”
“Oh, no t-that’s fine, I don’t want to bother you.” She walked back over to you, the way she’s done multiple times today.
“You’re never a bother, sweetheart. Why don’t you just let me help? I’ll get it done in no time, you won’t even need to pay me.” You eventually agreed and walked her over to your house, showing her what she needed to fix.
“Would you like some food? You know, something to eat while you work on that?” I want you, she thought to herself. She turned around and spared you a glance, smirking to herself when seeing your staring at her biceps.
“Oh I’m alright for now, I should be done in only a few minutes.” You walked back into your room and tried cooling yourself down. The heat in the house along with the heat in your panties made it almost impossible to even think straight. You dragged down your shorts and rubbed your clit softly through your drenched undergarments. Silent moans escaped your mouth as the pads of your fingers sped up in pace.
“Oh Kate” Came your hushed tone. Your eyes fluttered shut and your free hand went to cover your mouth.
“Yes baby?” You shot up and opened your eyes to see Kate standing in the doorway of your room.
“I finished the air conditioning, thought I’d try to find and tell you it was done but, by all means, continue.” She gestured to your hand still in your pants as you quickly tried to remove it, only to be stopped the woman.
“Did I tell you to stop? I want you to keep going for me, see you cum all over your fingers while picturing it’s me.” She intertwined her fingers with yours and led them back onto your dripping core, guiding your fingers to stroke your clit once more. You rested your head on her shoulder as she continued her torturing of your cunt.
“That’s it, baby. I can feel you, you’re so wet for me, this is all for me right? This little pussy is dripping all for me?” You nodded desperatly and she ripped off your shirt, using her hands to palm your tits and pinching your hardened nipples. You teased your hole with a singular digit before finally entering, feeling your warm walls clamp around it. Kate groaned as she took your nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the bud while her hand went to palm her crotch. She unbottoned her pants and stroked her cock through her Calvin Klein boxers, her eyes trailing down to your center.
“Mm, you get me so fucking hard baby. You make my dick so fucking hard.” She moaned out into your skin and moved her mouth down your body, replacing your finger with her mouth. Her tongue teased your hole like you did moments ago, slipping in and whimpering at the taste.
“This sweet little pussy tastes so good, I fucking love it.” You threw your head back and your hands went to pull her hair harshly, trying to direct her to hit that sweet spot inside of you.
“K-Kate, please..” You stuttered, the pleasure becoming too much.
“What is it baby? What do you need?” She asked before sucking on your swollen bud. You tried speaking, but it was too diffucult. Your body spasmed as your orgasm came crashing over you. She pulled away before you could ride out your high, causing you to let out a frustrated whine.
“Did I say you could cum? I don’t think I did, baby.” She suddenly flipped you over, putting your arms behind your back and using her belt to keep them in place. Your head was pushed down onto the mattress while your ass was faced up, she slapped it harshly making you jump.
“Such a cute little ass.” She mumbled under her breath and continued spanking you, watching as the plush skin jiggled lightly. She stood up and completely removed her pants, originally only having them down to her ankles. You felt something prodding at your hole and looked back, only to see Kate with her head thrown back at the feeling of your warmth. She continued teasing your aching cunt before finally slipping in, bottoming out inside of you as you bit down on the sheets to mufle your scream.
“‘M sorry baby, it’ll feel better soon. Fuck! You’re so warm, I fucking love it. I love this little pussy so much.” She mumbled out incoherently and returned her hand back to your clit, toying with the sensitive bud. The burning sensation slowly started to turn into pleasure, you tried to tell her to move but she was already one step ahead of you. Her thrusts were slow at first, but hearing your moans and whimpers made her increase her pace. She leaned her body on top of yours, the new angle hitting a special spot inside of you.
“I bet that husband of yours never fucked you like this, did he? Did he ever make you cum the way I do?” You shook your head but it wasn’t enough, she slapped your ass harshly and awaited further for your response.
“N-no, he never made me feel this good- Fuck! You fuck me so good! You’re so big..” The last words were whimpered out as tears pooled out of your eyes. You could tell she was experienced, no virgin has ever taken you like this, treated you like a rag doll. Like you were just a sex doll for her pleasure only.
“That’s right, I own this slutty little pussy. Tell me you’re a virgin, please tell me I’m the first to touch this wet little cunt.” She knew she’d never be the first, but she at least wanted to imagine it. She acted like you were a virgin, like you were an innocent little angel all for her. You were hers now, no one else's, she’d make sure of that. Playing along with her little game, you gave in. You muttered the words only your ex-husband ever got the pleasure of hearing, that you never had sex.
“You’re the first Kate, you’re the first to fuck me. You’re the first to ever make me cum, I promise.” She groaned, her orgasm approaching as you clenched around her.
“Such a good girl for me, are you my good girl? Will you take my fucking cum like a good little girl?” Even if you were a little over a decade older than her, she still called you little. She acted like you were innocent, as if you were young. As if you were her little angel.
“Mhm, I’ll take it all! Please cum in me, stuff me full, Kate. Please fucking do it!” She chuckled and took your earlobe into her mouth, biting the lobe before speaking once more.
“I will baby, I’ll knock your sweet ass up. How do you think your little husband will feel? You think he’ll be mad? Maybe he’ll dump your slutty self, but I’ll take care of you sweetheart. I’ll be your new baby mama.” The moment she finished speaking, you felt hot channels flow through your awaiting hole. Her hips stuttered lightly as her thrusts slowed to a stilt, still letting you reach your peak. The knot in your stomach snapped once and for all as a loud moan escaped your mouth. Your body rocked back and forth, matching the woman’s harsh thrusts. Both of your breasts bounced slightly, she gripped yours. She was kneading your tits like a stress ball, occasionally pinching your nipples to tease you further. Her panting soon stopped as did yours, the two of you now against each other in the room filled with the stench of sex.
“Mm, I love you baby. I love this perfect little ass, this perfect little pussy, these perfect tits, I love it all. I love everything about you, princess.” She couldn’t have meant it, she couldn’t have. I mean, she only just met you, how could she already love you?
“I mean it sweetheart, I love this sweet little body of yours. And I love everything about you.” ‘But you don’t love me?’ You thought to yourself, quickly forgetting the thought as she removed the belt holding your hands together and dragged you to the walk in the bathroom.
“Alright, gotta take care of my precious little thing.” She whispered while starting the bath, twisting a bunch of knobs until she got the right one. When the temperature reached warm, she helped you in as she entered before you. You sat on top of her as she wrapped her arms around your frame, her fingers finding their way back down your body.
“Kate, I’m too sensitive.” You whimpered out and she only laughed lightly, bringing her lips to your neck and creating new marks.
“Oh baby, will you just take it? I promise I won’t hurt you, ‘just wanna make you cum again. Will you let me do that?” You couldn’t say no to that. With your nod, she continued her teasing and slowly entered you with two fingers, starting a fast pace almost instantly. This would be a long night.
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ashessonfire · 1 year
Hiiiii!!! I love your dating Kaz with a chronic illness but can you do one with Jesper? I can’t find any and I love your writing so much! Thank you :)))
Jesper Fahey x (Chronically ill) Reader - Headcanons <3
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Pairing : Jesper Fahey x Chronically ill! Reader
A/N - Here are my headcanons for Jesper with a chronically ill reader!! Much like with the Nina post, I hope I have done him justice since it's my first time writing for him. Please keep in mind my requests are open, so send any ideas through and I will get round to writing it when i can !! <3
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Unlike Kaz, who understands chronic illness and pain first hand, or Nina who has the ability to ease symptoms, Jesper has neither advantage
Panic was all he could process as you explained your condition to him for the first time, traces of fear deepening with each symptom you explained
Throughout the first few flare ups, Jesper would be completely distraught, fussing over your every pain, whilst trying to uphold some sense of calm on his features
However, Jesper is extremely enduring, and would slowly find his footing and discover his own ways of assisting you
Almost as natural as his own breathing, humour would likely be his first call in trying to distract you from your pains and troubles
Ludicrous jokes would spill out of his mouth, as your aches become overwhelmed by laughter, sweeping away your exhausted thoughts
"Come on, even I didn't think that one was that funny?" - he would tease as your mood lightens with the laughter he brings
The sharpshooter would literally do anything to brighten your features with the smile he adores, and humour is definitely what comes to him the easiest
However, sometimes your symptoms make even Jesper's golden jokes seem dull, and he has to push even harder to be rewarded with your melodious laughter
So, I can vividly picture Jesper dragging Inej, Wylan, and Nina into the room, dressed in costumes wilder than imagination itself
"I present to you, the Dreg's production of... uhmm, I can't actually remember what we decided to call it in the end."
Throwing on a similarly garish costume, Jesper would join the crows in performing a slight variation of one of the Barrel's most popular shows
The laughter these performances would bubble out of you would cause all sorts of new pains, your stomach cramping from the amount of laughter drawn out of you
(Even Kaz would not be able to contain a smirk at the sight of it)
The musical varients of these shows would be the absolute best
Jesper would definitely have draws full of notes on which shows he could do next, and how to modify them to exactly what you enjoy most <3
Although Jesper's charm can also distract you from some of your symptoms, he discovered fairly early on that he could use his allurement to help you
Travelling to the most respectable parts of the Barrel, Jesper would charm every doctor he could find into giving him the best advice possible to soothe your condition
After leaving with a flirtatious wink, he would race to gather the medicine they recommend, noting down every shard of information he receives in order to support you
However, I think the easiest form of comfort Jesper can almost always supply, is love
No matter how bad your symptoms are, his arms will always race out to warm you, lips settling gently on your forehead, words wrapping around your being and showering you in flecks of comfort
Despite his initial hesitation, Jesper is a fast learner, and whatever you ask for he will always, always do it for you <3
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P.S : As a chronically ill person myself, I just wanted to say that my requests will always be open for ideas like this, and my private messages are open for anything. If anyone is experiencing any form of chronic illness and needs someone to talk to, I am here for you!! It can be super isolating and difficult, especially when those around you cannot understand your struggles. Hopefully this post can find all my spoonie crow fans!! <333
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lotus02lavish · 1 year
Kinda worried that u didn't get my request cuz I got a notif Abt it and it was soon deleted I think, I'll just send it here again lmao Ivor and how he acts around his crush in case you didn't get it hh
[ Hello, hello! I apologize that your previous ask is suddenly disappearing after an error 😭 ]
➳ Minecraft Story Mode (MCSM) // Ivor Season 1 (Adventure Pass) and 2 (Ninja!) // Headcanons // Romantic! ✍🏻
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{A Whole New World With You and Me}
《 Crush! Ivor x Gn! Reader 》
*ੈ✩‧₊˚︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶
"Long live my Lava House! Long live lava!"
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Weirdly, Ivor acts shy, nervous, becomes the softest bitch, as well more excited than he usually feels when his crush is near him. Although Jesse had given him the tips to stay cool and not be entirely himself, this eccentric man is Impossible to avoid having those manners.
"My friend, Jesse. I have a crush on someone. HOW DO I GET RID OF IT?"
"Do you mean by stop liking this person or make that fellow go away permanently?"
"Yes." 😃
In the event that you are not around him, Ivor speaks of how stunning and magnificent you are to Jesse and over again until he is out of breath to explain.
There are three choices available for Jesse to interrupt Ivor so he stays quiet and would not continue ranting forever and ever:
1.꒱ Teasing him that he has a crush on you =
"Awww, Ivor. Just admit it, you have a crush on [Name]! You really like them."
"Shut up! I don't know what you're talking about. And What do you mean I have a crush on [NAME]?! That's nonsense!"
2.꒱ Encourage him confessed his love to you =
"C'mon, Ivor! I know you can say to [Name] that you love them very much. After all, you've also explained a long paragraph about [Name] for hours."
Ivor sighed, "I don't want [Name] and I feeling uncomfortable with each other."
3.꒱ Make him feel panic when you are around =
Jesse called out your name, "IVOR HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!"
It is obvious to understand that Ivor is a man who will never admit his feelings to anyone and still be caring. Despite a million butterflies flying inside Ivor while wondering if all of the romance matter seeing you makes sense to him, he is getting closer to obtaining despair by free any day now.
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No matter what you need help from Ivor, he sincerely helps you with no complaints. Let me do it for u 🎹 Didn't I do it for u? For instance: Teaching you how to create potions, showing the proper and perfect tutorials to build a lava house and bridge, etc other important lessons. Both of you are literally lab partners in crime. >:3
If anyone mocks or belittles you, Ivor will defend you and use his words to repay those mean bullies sadistically. Their reactions are gasping or crying. This is his natural weapon of pride to use as a poet.
【 "There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord." 】
When you need to get the stories out of your mind and chest about what happened (gossip, trauma, and normal chit-chat), Ivor does not mind hearing you out and giving sassy or sarcastic yet wise advises.
"Ivor, you're the only one who understands me."
"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I care."
You have the ability to reduce Ivor's grumpiness and keep him calm, preventing him from continuing to yell even louder at everyone he sees.
Ivor does not ever stop his goofy behavior since he knows it makes you laugh and smile to cure your sadness.
If you ever catch Ivor in bridal style to prevent him from falling to the solid ground and you told this crazy man that his weight is light as a feather, he will giggle uncontrollably to himself like a schoolgirl.
From that moment forward, Ivor finds plenty of excuses in a dramatic way that he tells you to hold him in your arms again:
↳ "Oh, I don't race so much anymore. Bad, heh, bad knees. Sweet [Name], could you save me and take me to that faraway place, pretty please!"
↳ "Oh great, a run for my life. Just what I was hoping for! Not that I completely need [Name] to carry me from this life-and-death situation."
Ivor feels very embarrassed when you see him not wearing his 'adventuring' clothes.
"Don't look at me with those eyes!" Thereafter, his friends (Bombastic & Criminal offensive) side-eyed him and let him know with a visible sign that his words bothered you. "What I meant to say was," Ivor clears his throat as he twirls his hair, "are you staring at me because my outfit breathes wonderfully?"
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·*ੈ✩‧₊˚
"I’m a ninja now. You’d be surprised just how deadly I can be."
【[《{(꒰< Warning topic: Yandere behavior! >꒱)}》]】
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Ivor has a hobby of sending you daily poems, words of admiration, your favorite flower(s), love letters, and stories about how he's been doing lately at your doorstep or mailbox without writing his name. However, the lapis lazuli inside the mail is a hint, giving away his secret identity easily and without a doubt.
Master Shadow has taught Ivor to focus and clear his mind on doing endless housework for the rest of his time as a ninja in training and not get distracted by thinking about you every day and night.
Ivor thought his 'crush' phase had finally faded elsewhere. Except for the moment you hug him tightly and say, out of the blue: "I miss seeing you each day so dearly, beloved dork." Yep, you shoot the Ninja with the bang-bang to the heart once again, causing his head to explode into red color.
In the past, Ivor used to gaze for a long time at you when you were not looking and refused to admit he was smiling at you, which he turned away and blushed. At present, Ivor is caught 4k staring at you with a helpless smile that puts him in a trance. He does not deny it this time. <3
These days, Ivor habitually keeps his distance from you and plays hard to get, the suggestion by Petra that he should give it a try to keep in ninja (mysterious and quiet) character for gaining more attention from you. Afterward, the masked hero does not continue to act like that anymore when he realizes you are confused and guilty.
"I hope you can forgive me if I did and say something that hurt your feelings."
"It's nothing you should worry about, really! This is supposed to be my responsibility to offer an apology to you. I was not at my best self."
The deadly intrusive thoughts in Ivor's head submit to reality, and jealousy strikes the best of him when he spots someone else having a crush, flirting, or even hurting you; he is calling dibs and keeping the inventory first to himself when the corpse is *POOF*!
If you want Ivor to train with you and make him fight like a man, he is reconsidering sparring so as to not hurt you in the process.
Sometimes, Ivor is creepy in the fact he spies/stalks on you to keep you safe and sound. The Ninja often uses the long-lasting potion of invisibility while casually walking or running beside you. At the time you notice him and ask: "Why, when, what, and how are you here?", he informs you: "Like I don't have anything better to do than spying on you. Wait, I actually don't. 😳 SMOKE BOMB!" Then, he fails miserably to disappear from out of your sight, "You didn't hear anything from me. Got it? I'm not here anymore."
One fateful day, Ivor is no longer a ninja, and before it is too late, Ivor will finally have the courage to communicate with you and he reveal his secret: that he thinks of you as more than just a friend in terms romantic feelings, also inviting you to go on random adventures with him and help him in his efforts to mend the divide among his old friends.
.ೃ࿐˚ ༘♡ ·˚₊˚ˑ༄ Bonus Scenarios ₊ˑ༄ ˚ ༘♡ ·˚.ೃ࿐:
For real that Lukas would write fanfiction about Ivor as a TSUNDERE and YANDERE man, and you are his beloved senpai. This blond boy's work of the story is classified and never will be read aloud to the public.
Lukas wins the bet that Ivor in the end confessing his love to you and you accept his feelings; Petra owes the Ocelot boy four iron.
Petra does not know what is the reason you also love someone like Ivor, of all the single individuals than can be chosen in the world? You definitely have a weird taste in people.
"Because he makes me laugh." You replied.
The warrior rolled her eyes and groaned, "No kidding, and sure, that's what all of them who like Ivor would say." 😒
"Okay, you got me there. 😔🎹 But, that is not a crime."
*ੈ✩‧˚ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶
despair - leo.
"I've lost my cool, I'm not sure how to act
Not even sure how I can keep my pride intact
Well, I don't know if this is it, but can't you see?
No, I'm not falling for you, so please have mercy on me."
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thorxthunder · 1 year
Cardinal Copia SFW Alphabet <3
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Hi hi! I’m Demeter! I’m primarily active in the Marvel community but I’ve shifted myself over to ghost! I still write for both and my inbox is always open for suggestions!! So PLEASE SEND ME SOME GHOST REQUEST!! I WRITE FOR EVERYONE!! Anyways, here we go!
A = Affection:
Cardinal Copia is naturally affectionate, often expressing his care through warm embraces and gentle touches. He shows affection by surprising loved ones with thoughtful gestures, such as leaving small gifts or writing heartfelt notes. He loves surprising you with things like your favorite treat or your own personal acoustic concert of new/old songs.
B = Best friend:
As a best friend, Cardinal Copia is loyal and supportive. The friendship with him would likely start through a shared interest or a chance encounter. I like to imagine that you probably met him as a sister of sin and soon became his secretary. I know it’s cliché but I eat that shit up EVERY TIME!! I ,also, like to imagine that you are a vet/ pet care worker and he brings a rat when he gets sick. He, then, starts to make excuses to come see you because you don’t judge him for his pet choice. He would be the type of friend who listens attentively, offers advice, and is always there to lend a helping hand.
C = Cuddles:
Cardinal Copia enjoys cuddling, finding comfort in physical closeness. His cuddles are warm and reassuring, often accompanied by soft whispers or soothing strokes. He cherishes the intimate moments shared with his partner. He loves any position as long as he’s basically squeezed into you. You’re his true and only love and he’s not gonna lose it.
D = Domestic:
While Copia has a busy life, he appreciates the idea of settling down. He might not be the most skilled at cooking and cleaning, but he's willing to learn and contribute. His enthusiasm in creating a cozy and welcoming home would make up for any domestic shortcomings. I love to think he’s shit at cooking. Eggs? Burnt. Toast? Burnt? Cereal? Somehow, also burnt. But those aren’t things he really ate since he grew up in Italian culture. But, he can make killer Italian food and pastry. (Oh God, am I gonna have to write a domestic Copia fic?)
E = Ending:
If Copia had to break up with his partner, he would approach it with honesty and compassion. He would ensure that the conversation takes place in a private and comfortable setting. He would make sure that you understood why it was happening But God, it would it break his heart to do it. He would probably break up with you because he felt like he wasn’t giving you enough time on tour. Or that when he became papa, he’s so involved in paperwork that he doesn’t have enough time with you. He wants to fulfill his duty as leader but, he wants to keep you as happy as possible.
F = Fiancé(e):
Copia is open to commitment and values the bond of marriage. However, he believes in taking the time to build a strong foundation before rushing into such a significant step. Since marriage really wouldn’t be a option while he’s a papa, he would probably not think about this. He would be happy just knowing you were his forever. If you were serious for a while after he became papa, he would probably make you prime mover. But he treat you with a lot more respect than just a sexual partner.
G = Gentle:
Cardinal Copia is naturally gentle, both physically and emotionally. He handles delicate situations with care and approaches relationships with a soft touch. He takes great pride in treating others with kindness and tenderness. That’s one of the reasons why Nihil didn’t like that thought of him being Papa. As Cardinal, he was kind. He never raised his voice and would always be compassionate. He would always give a hand to anyone who needed it. Nihil didn’t believe that Copia would be capable of being a strong and serious leader.
H = Hugs:
Copia enjoys hugs and believes in its power to convey warmth and affection. He is generous with his hugs, freely giving them to express comfort, support, and love. He appreciates the comforting embrace of others as well. But his hugs… are exquisite. His hugs come from gentle arms but it tell you that they are with you. I can imagine after a long day of hard work. Both of you are having a bad day so you just sit and the couch and cuddle forever. I imagine he wears a very strong woodsy cologne.
I = I love you:
here’s the thing, we all know our mans is clumsy. I would think that Copia would try to takes his time before saying the L-word. He would want to be certain of his feelings and ensure that the connection is deep and meaningful. Despite that, he probably would say it in the most random times. You could be having a bad day and crying and he would come over and comfort you and tell you that he loves you. Or he accidentally bumped into you and tell you then. It’s probably not in the most fairytale way but it’s genuine.
J = Jealousy:
Copia prone to intense jealousy…. Especially if it deals with his brothers. He trusts you and believes in open communication to address any concerns. He’ll probably seek reassurance but he’ll never become possessive or controlling. Now, if you’re at a ritual and someone comes up and starts flirting with you, you better believe that he is on you. Holding you as tight as you can the entire night. Everyone in the ministry knows not to mess with you but once you get out and about, there’s no telling what could happen. And don’t even get me started about how he acts with his brothers and you. One time, before you were together, he saw you and Primo talking and laughing in the garden. He thought that you were flirting with each other so he ran to his room to cry for three solid days. When he joked about this later on, you told him that you actually remember that. You were actually in the garden talking about what flowers were Copia’s favorite and Primo was making fun of you (jokingly) for being in love with his brother.
K = Kisses:
His kisses are passionate and tender. He enjoys exploring different areas of intimacy and finds pleasure in sharing gentle kisses on the lips, as well as on the forehead, cheek, and hands. He appreciates both giving and receiving kisses on the neck, finding it particularly intimate. His first kiss with you one of two things: After a rather successful ritual and he ran backstage and kissed you. He was so caught up in emotions that he kinda forgot it was his first kiss but everything went perfect. Or, he could’ve been trying to confess his feelings. I imagine him stuttering and getting all jittery trying to explain how he feels and you cut him off by kissing him to let him know you feel the same.
L = Little ones:
Cardinal Copia is kind and nurturing around children. He’s a bit awkward at first, especially with babies, but after seeing how you interact with them, his tension would start to melt away and he relaxed around them. As they get older, Copia enjoys their innocent enthusiasm and loves to entertain them with his rats or his musical skills. He somehow has a natural ability to connect with kids, providing them a sense of security and understanding.
M = Morning:
Mornings with Cardinal Copia are often filled with laughter and warmth. He enjoys cozy breakfasts together, sharing light-hearted conversations and affectionate gestures. He might surprise his partner with a fresh cup of coffee or breakfast in bed. Especially if he makes that breakfast. It will consist of some thing that his brothers taught him when he was younger.
N = Night:
Nights with Copia are a time for intimacy and deep connection. He enjoys cuddling in bed, exchanging whispers and soft kisses. He cherishes the quiet moments shared, where he can truly be present with his partner. At night, he likes to read some sort of book. His makeup is off, his hair messy, glasses on. Hell, he’s probably playing something like Candy Crush or something.
O = Open:
Copia starts revealing things about himself gradually, allowing trust and familiarity to develop. Being friends for a long time meant that you two were already very comfortable telling each other things. When you start dating, he was slow to tell you even more secrets, until he knew you were the one. He believes in the importance of maintaining a balance between sharing personal details and respecting his own boundaries.
P = Patience:
Copia possesses a patient demeanor. He doesn't get easily angered and prefers to approach conflicts or frustrations with calmness and understanding. He believes in working through challenges together, fostering growth and harmony within the relationship. Now if you guys got angry with each other, he would feel like it was all his fault and he would try to make it up to you only for you to apologize too and remind him that it wasn’t all his fault. Overall, you very rarely fight, and he intends to keep it that way.
Q = Quizzes:
Copia has a remarkable memory and pays attention to the details. He remembers significant moments and appreciates the little things that his partner mentions in passing. His ability to recall and cherish these details adds a personal touch to their relationship. He would pretend not to remember things about you and ask you. It never annoyed you though. He loved hearing you talk about yourself and all of the things you can do. He’s absolutely smitten by you. Those conversations would reminded of how special you are.
R = Remember:
Copia's favorite moment in the relationship would be the first time his partner truly understood and embraced his dual nature, both the light and the darkness within him. It symbolizes acceptance and genuine connection, bringing immense joy and satisfaction. It would probably be after a particularly long tour. He just needed time to sit and think. You were right there beside him and constantly reassured him that he did a great job. He also really enjoys when you confessed to each other. Remember, you’re his first love. This is not something he’s ever experienced before. Thinking about all of those things you said about him and why you love him truly makes him smile every time he thinks about it.
S = Security:
Copia is protective of you and takes your safety seriously. He would do everything in his power to shield you from harm, whether it's physical or emotional. He would even ask Sister Imperator to teach you defensive and offensive spell you can so you can never be hurt. He appreciates a sense of security in his own life and you can offer him support and protection when needed.
T = Try:
Copia puts a great deal of effort into creating memorable experiences for you. He plans thoughtfully curated dates, celebrates anniversaries with heartfelt gestures, and surprises them with meaningful gifts. He believes in continuously nurturing the relationship and showing love through everyday tasks and acts of kindness. He always wants you to know how much he loves you. He would go to the ends of the earth for you and wants you to know it.
U = Ugly:
One of Copia's bad habits would be his jealousy. Like I said before, he’s very possessive and sometimes this causes the two of you to fight from time to time. He wants you to be with him, but you need him to respect your boundaries. Eventually, the two of you would make up and find a happy middle where you both were happy.
V = Vanity:
On the outside, it seems that Copia takes pride in his appearance and pays attention to his looks. He does believes in presenting himself well and maintains a certain level of vanity. However, he very self conscious in his looks.
For his partner, he values substance over superficiality and appreciates genuine connections beyond mere physical attraction. He’s not concerned about your looks at all and you amaze him even in your pajamas or in your clergy wear. You’re beautiful because of who you are. But, it’s an absolute bonus that he finds you smoking hot.
W = Whole:
Copia feels complete and fulfilled when he's in a loving relationship. He thrives on the emotional bond and shared experiences with you. While he's an individual with his own identity, he believes that love enhances and enriches his life. Once he gets with you, however, he is truly terrified of losing you. He knows that he would never be whole again if he lost you. You are his world and he couldn’t even bear the thought of a life without you.
X = Xtra:
Do I think that he’s nervous and clumsy? Yes, but he hides it very well. When he first met you, he treated you with such elegant and poise. But on the inside he was a mess. He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest and that he could fall dead on the floor any minute.
I also feel like if he kept rats, he would love them but would be terrified of seeing one out and about. Just imagine that the cage breaks and all of a sudden there’s a rat running around the ministry. Someone will scream “there is a rat “and immediately he will turn his head and scream. He would totally forget that he actually has pet rats. Y’all know that one audio on TikTok that goes “It’s Shredder” and he goes “WHERE”… it’d be like that
Y = Yuck:
Copia dislikes dishonesty and lack of integrity in both himself and others. He values transparency and expects his partner to be honest and genuine. He also dislikes arrogance and selfishness, as these traits go against his core values.
Z = Zzz:
God, let’s not talk about his schedule. Copia’s sleep habits are hella irregular due to his busy schedule. However, when he does find the time to rest, he enjoys sleeping in a comfortable and cozy environment. That 100% means his bed, cuddled next to you or your guys matching plague doctor plushies. When he has the chance, he will always nap with you. He love those naps when it rains. The bad weather makes him want to stay in and relax with you. He loves feeling your body cuddled up against yours and when it rains, he brings you up to your bedroom and cuddles you until you both fall asleep.
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jessybarnes · 1 year
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Hi, lovelies! Welcome to my first writing challenge. First, I want to thank each and every one of you for following me, supporting my work, and cheering me on. I appreciate and love all of you. This is the first time I have ever hosted one of these, so bear with me and I hope you enjoy it! Anyone can participate as long as you're at least 18!
Since my blog is 18+, you must be 18 years or older to participate in this event!
Along with this being a writing challenge for you guys, I will also be taking requests for mood boards, little drabbles, and more!
The official due date for you guys to submit your entries is January 1st, 2024
Below the cut will be the rules, ask game information, and prompts list!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to message me! Have fun my loves! <3
First of all, have fun with this. I wouldn't be here if y'all didn't support me, so I want to ensure you all have a great time! There isn't really a theme to this celebration, so no need to worry there. However, there are a few rules that I request you all to follow.
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Please use the read more option.
Please be sure to list all of your warnings appropriately
Please make sure this is a new piece of writing that you're submitting.
Please send me an ask or a DM telling me which prompt or prompts you'd like to claim.
Please do not submit anything that has scat, watersports, pet play, necrophilia, bestiality, self-harm, DD/LG, or underaged characters
Tag me in your stories and use the hashtag #jessybarnesreaches500
The cut-off to submit entries is January 1st, 2024
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"You can't be bitter now, this was your decision." (1/2)
"Let me go." (1/2)
"I let you in. I let my guard down, and you made me feel like I'm no good." (0/2)
"I don't forgive you." (1/2)
"You know what? Everyone was right, you don't deserve me." (0/2)
"Don't you dare leave me! Not like this." (2/2)
"You're too late." (0/2)
"I can't keep doing this, I can't keep giving you chances just for you to break my heart over and over again." (1/2)
"How could you? After all that we've been through, how could you?" (0/2)
"I don't feel like I'm worthy of you. I don't deserve you." (0/2)
"You did all of this for me?" (1/2)
"I swear I fall in love with you more and more each day." (0/2)
"I haven't been this happy in so long." (0/2)
"I would be honored to be your first kiss." (2/2)
"Come here and snuggle with me." (1/2)
"Kiss me again." (2/2)
"Will you sing to me?" (0/2)
"Will you marry me?" (0/2)
"That dress looks incredible on you." (2/2)
"Stop! That tickles!" (0/2)
"That's it, baby. Take it like a good girl." (1/2)
"Look at you. You're dripping wet and I've barely touched you." (0/2)
"You'll cum only when I tell you to. Got it?" (0/2)
"Make me." (0/2)
"Maybe I need to remind you who's in charge here." (0/2)
"Don't test me, sweetheart." (0/2)
"Did I say you could stop?" (0/2)
"You look so pretty on your knees with my cock buried in your throat." (0/2)
"I'm not going to touch you unless you beg for it." (0/2)
"You're so beautiful. All spread out like this just for me." (0/2)
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Send me an emoji from the list below in my ask box! It can be anonymous or not. I love interacting with you lovely people! 🥰
✍️ - Send me this emoji, a character, and if you want fluff, smut, or angst and I'll write you a little blurb!
🎶 - Send me this emoji and a character and I'll tell you what song reminds me of them!
🤫 - Send me this emoji and ask me a "Never have I ever" question!
5️⃣ - Send me this emoji and a category and I'll tell you my top five!
🥰 - Send me this emoji and tell me who your favorite writer or writers are! Let's help spread positivity and love on here!
👀 - Send me this emoji and I'll reply with a little snippet from a WIP I'm working on!
💎 - Send me this emoji and tell me what fic of mine is your favorite and why, and I'll do the same for you!
💋 - Send me this emoji, a character, and a theme and I'll make you a mood board!
💍 - (Mutuals Only!) Send me this emoji and a little description about you (hair color, hobbies, how tall you are, etc) and I'll tell you which character I ship you with!
💌 - (Mutuals Only!) Send me this emoji and I'll write you a sweet little note!
Tagging some friends to hopefully get this seen as well as some participation 😅❤️ I'm sorry if I forgot to tag you. I'm excited and my brain is slow. Anyone can participate as long as you're 18!
@buckyalpine @fandoms-writings @pocolottie @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @superdcchick @animnerd @natashanonnie @writercole @winecatsandpizza @ejshellsiteofsins @tmpestuous @bucky-barnesrp @artistssteverogers @helium-queen @sarahrogersevans @chrisevansdaughter @chrisdrysdale @lovebittenbyevans @lipstickandtanqueray @bluearchersstuff @madashatters18 @imyourbratzdoll @nickfowlerrr
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junowritings · 3 months
Hi! I heard your requests are open and I know you don’t know me very well but I thought I’d send an ask 💛 my first ever 🤭
I’m a 24 year old woman, 5’3, brown hair to my shoulders, brown eyes and glasses. I can be a little introverted at times but when I’m comfortable with someone I tend to come out of my shell. I’m an only child 😔 I love all things creative and I have a love for all things supernatural and nerdy (80s vibes)
For my ideal partner I’m not very specific really I’ve got a vague idea.
My first ideal partner would be someone who’s always willing to challenge me and humour my constant ramblings, taking in even the smallest detail and adding their own spin on what I have to say. An animal lover for sure who can do their own thing but would come home at the end of the day and just sit together and exist. Someone I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with even if he isn’t over his crusty dusty musty ex who’s got something in common with drake (and it’s not rap)
My other ideal partner is a little vague so please forgive me.
Male, 6’1 Half-Elf paladin who has a tumultuous relationship with being alive. Grey hair, beard, fuelled by grief - possible dead family. Slight homicidal tendencies (I can fix him) previous dalliances in governance. Girth 15cm, length 16cm, Tip #c88d94
Thank you can’t wait to hear your thoughts your stuff is amazing!! 🥰🤭💛
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The way I immediately knew who this is I SWEAR-
I had to go a lot off my own knowledge for this one (also I need to brush up on BG3 a bit bc I think I need a better grasp on the characters.) so hopefully this is a fun to read as it was to write lmao
You know what ask and ye shall receive you joked about him but y'know who I'm gonna match you with...
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Let’s just start this off with the obvious. It’s a miracle in itself that you’re still alive after an initial interaction with Ketheric. Anyone who remains in the tower are either prisoners, loyal worshippers of the absolute, or whatever poor souls have somehow managed to survive the shadow lands just to get here. And then there’s you, who exists as what is essentially the weird third party in this whole scenario. 
It’s not as though you intended to be here (or maybe you had who knows), but here you are,   Perhaps those first hours of quiet was what kept you out of sight, keeping to yourself and merely watching as each of the cogs in this plan moved and shifted as though little more than puppets. But once Ketheric takes notice of you he watches. You stand out like a sore thumb afterwards, if only because of how noticeably alive you are compared to everyone around you. Yes there are many there who are alive in a sense (unlike him), but you’ve got a gung-ho way about you that feels like you’d be better suited to be literally anywhere else than here.
Ketheric is heavily involved, as the general of the absolute’s army it is an unspoken must. When he’s not at Moonrise’s peak he is working across every inch of the tower, ever present as the time to strike grows ever closer. Because of this there are plenty of times where you cross paths, with you always throwing an over dramatic abbreviation of his name in greeting as you dart off to hells knows where before he can decide if today is the day he’s had enough. 
You always somehow manage to toe the line of the wrong word at the wrong time, but if that line exists none of the out of pocket commentary have pushed past it yet. Were it anyone else, it’s unlikely that Ketheric would have humored them long enough to finish a joke before making an example of them for anyone foolish enough to get the same idea. And yet you seem to walk away unscathed all the time, whether it’s rattling off a niche fun fact about something so out of the blue, or being straight up sat on his desk or on the floor beside his throne picking apart his war strategies with an eyeroll worthy pun at the end of each one.
You’re a walking anomaly - no one at the tower knows how you showed up or when, and any attempts that his followers have made to ascertain your origins only returns little to nothing that gives a definitive answer. Not to mention the few times that followers wishing to prove themselves have make an example of you somehow seem to always end up the fool. 
In regards to your penchant for any and all things supernatural, it’s safe to say that an undead general, dwelling within the shadowlands where a single wrong misstep out of the tower’s perimeter could lead to your unfortunate end, counts as something that’s right up your alley. There’s not a single inch that he hasn’t caught you hemming or hawing at. With undead creatures roaming the halls, anyone within their right mind would feel but a shred of terror; and yet all he sees upon your face is awe, watching you trail after ghouls where others would deign to keep fair distance.
That fascination extends to Ketheric. He’s already aware that you know of his undead disposition - the tales themselves paint a pretty picture of the dead man walking before you every day - but the true invincibility is new to you. The first time you experienced it firsthand, Ketheric had taken an arrow or two to the jugular from fools wasting what little remained of their lives. Where others' faces were grim at the sight and others horrified, Kethric still remembers the distinctive “HOLY SHIT!” you so eloquently shouted as he’d plucked the arrows from his throat like splinters. After that it’s a miracle if he doesn’t hear you ask about it. Ketheric waves off any attempts of concern for these injuries - they’re but mottles on dead flesh that will knit back together with time. But if you express fascination? That’s…new, and he won’t outright refuse to indulge your curiosity. Feel free to rattle off questions about the limits of his invincibility - just don’t ask how he does it, for your own safety and sanity.
Your habit to lurk and wander doesn’t go unnoticed - not even locked doors can stop that curious nature from getting the better of you and more than once Ketheric has caught wind of his followers’ latest gossip of your whereabouts. He sees it for himself firsthand, even when you haven’t actively been caught red handed. He’s seen you slide through corridors with armfuls of books and blood still dripping from your clothes after an unfortunate slip in Balthazar’s room; has seen the occasional ball roll out from the doorway to his old chambers from your attempts to coax squire into a game of fetch. And he has seen how you worm your way out of trouble you’ve caused - whether it’s being chased from the kitchens for trying to pet the gnolls or somehow convincing the traders for freebies whenever new wares come in. All the while laughing as you do so, grinning as though these foolish little acts mean such a great deal to you.
When had Ketheric last heard the ring of such laughter in the tower’s halls? A century at least. It almost feels out of place here, within the old bones of a place that holds so many memories for such a vengeful man. It should be nipped in the bud; should not be tolerated from a man who’s every waking moment is consumed by his loyalty for the one thing able to bring the only things he had cared for back from death itself. And yet he never stops you, never once cuts that laughter and smile short. Instead he pauses, for but a moment, and listens to you as you disappear into the safety of the chaos on the lower floors for a place to hide away and savor your spoils. It’s only until you’re from sight that he continues on as though nothing occurred, but even after your laughter has died down it persists, nagging in the corner of his mind at fond memories.
For whatever reason you seem content to exist within this abysmal place, and should you prove yourself competent enough to not hinder the big three’s goal with the netherbrain, Ketheric decides that having you here around him till that time comes isn’t the worst thing in the world.
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bellarke-events · 2 years
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Is this event for fanfic/gifs/etc. only?
Absolutely not! Our lists of fanworks include: fanfic, fanart, fanvids, gifs, graphics, moodboards. Basically, as long as its an original creation (meaning you made it!), it’s pretty much accepted!
When are we expected to post?
Valentine’s Day, February 14th!
What if we’re in different timezones? When should we post if we’re ahead of US time?
Whenever works best for you! If you’re in Australia and you’re gifting someone in the US (or whatever other combination of places) you can post on your time, or you can wait a little for a better time you think would be good for you both. Remember queueing/scheduling posts is a thing, that’s always an option!
I’m running behind, can I get an extension to post my gift?
You can get an extension, on a few conditions.
Firstly, you of course have to let us know you need an extension. We understand that things happen, but we want to make sure everyone gets their gift!
Secondly, extensions will last until the weekend following the 14th (18th-19th) to make sure we can come up with a backup gift in case something happens. We’d love to give everyone free rein, but we don’t want anyone to feel like they were forgotten, you know?
Thirdly, if you do need an extension for your finished piece, remember you can post a sneak peek beforehand! Writing a fic? Post a paragraph or two. Got a fanvid? You could post a small snippet. Got fanart? Post a close-up or maybe some of your process. We do recommend a sneak peek post if you need to request an extension if that’s possible, I’m sure everyone would love it!
Can I participate outside of Tumblr?
Technically yes. While all of the official event info will remain here, you can participate without a Tumblr username (though you will need to sign up with some username, whether it’s Twitter, AO3, etc.). If you do sign up without a Tumblr user, please contact both your assigned user and us (Anon asks are open!) with your gift!
Will you post the gifts on the blog?
We will! We will reblog all posts in the #bellarkevalentines and #bellarkevalentines23 tags and will create a post with a direct link to any creations posted outside Tumblr. If you don’t see your gift on our blog and it’s been a day or two since it was posted, shoot us an im or an ask and we’ll get to it ASAP!
What happens if someone pulls out? Will I still get a gift?
Yes!!! We will do everything we can to make sure everyone gets a gift. Your friendly neighborhood admin will be handling backup gifts in case anything comes up with your assigned gifter. We will also try to keep you as up to date about gift extensions and gift backups as possible. If you have any problems with your gift please let us know!
Posting day is over and I haven’t seen my gift or gotten an extension notification, what now?
Please contact us directly as soon as you can! We’ll make sure if your gift has been posted, we’ll send you a link to it if you missed it somehow. If it hasn’t been posted, we will contact your gifter and begin working on a backup gift if we haven’t heard back from them in a day.
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commanderquinn · 1 year
Good Space Chapter 3: Hey Gringo
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! i dont! keep these posts! updated! like i do! ao3!
that means you're going to find typos and shit (and possibly minor detail changes) that don't match the ao3 version! that's because im not going to bother fixing the tumblr posts until i finish good space as a whole. im only uploading them here as a backup tbh
master list / ao3 chapter link
warnings: ayyy!! none this time!! unless you wanna count Highly Disrespectful Thoughts ❤️ tho!!! the flashbacks are shuri, heads up for anyone who is a big baby (like me) and still crying over WF. also (shocker) bucko angst/panic attacks
song: it KALEO time!! istg there are golden oldies and hippie classics on this intended playlist, we just havent gotten to them yet. this choice is mega self-indulgent on my end ngl, buuuuut thats the whole fic in general lbr (side note: every time i write Angy Ava, i want you to imagine the vocal intensity of jefferson airplane’s lead singer, grace slick)
the timing of this chapter could NOT have been better with the probably-russian hackers knocking out ao3 that long. i mean it dude, im pretty sure the universe had a good chuckle over this one bc i sure as shit had to sit here and go “youre pullin my leg bud”
also now feels like a good time to mention, for absolutely no reason in particular (definitely not bc of Bucky being a Huge Simp this chapter), that i hc bucky as a dom with service top leanings. i just didnt wanna give the impression that reader is dom for this and accidentally get anyones hopes up with no payoff. i try to avoid that as much as i can bc god knows i drop Big Honkers on y’all every damn chapter, id hate for you to get all the way to the end of this and not get your cookie, y’know? (i am, ofc, down to write mega sub bucky for smut-shot requests)
also remember when i mentioned giving ava a HANDFUL of physical details for writing fuel? 🌝 (ur gonna think im funny rlly soon, dw)
anyways if you dont have adhd, good luck and god speed with the idiots thinkin abt each other in this chapter ❤️ im so sorry in advance 🥺😔
Febuary 17th, 2015
"Good morning, Sh—"
"Have you left your worthless husband yet?" Shuri impatiently taps a finger against her elbow, where her arms are crossed over her chest. 
She watches Ava sigh on the other end of the vidcall. The woman looks too tired. She needs rest. Shuri wants to stab Alec all over again. She's going to make a new, self-lacing, possibly electrified dagger just for the occasion. "I know you're just trying to—"
"We can come to get you. I will send T'Challa. You must promise me that you will have him get me something from Washington." Shuri raises a stern finger, pointing it directly at the camera. "Do not let him pick it out himself—"
"Shuri, honey, I love you with all my heart, but please—"
"I want you to pick it. The furniture in your office is ridiculous; I want something like that."
A smile far too small pulls at the corners of Ava's lips. Her smile used to move freely, and it will do so again if Shuri has any say in the matter. Which she does. "Well, thank you, I work very hard to keep it ridiculous. Now—"
"It will make me think of you whenever you are not around to make fun of my brother with me. My mother will get the lawyers you need to start your divorce—"
"I—sweetheart, please, it's been a very long night—"
"It is the afternoon where you are. You have not even had breakfast, have you? Of course not. You are busy doing the work while Alec—"
"Shuri!" Ava puts a hand over her eyes and takes an unsteady breath in. "I'm sorry. This is—it's been a long night. I didn't mean to yell at you—"
"You need to start yelling much more, Ava. Aim it at your worthless husband while you tell him you are leaving," Shuri argues, entirely fed up with how the doctor allows the spineless dickhead to make her miserable. "T'challa will remove him for you while you stay here with us."
Alec—she refuses to call him Ryder; the man does not deserve to have taken the doctor's name—leans into the camera view, his expression bored. Dismissive. Shuri wants to smash his wrinkling, greasy face in with her fist. "While I appreciate the offer, your majesty, my wife and I can handle our private life alone."
Shuri glares back at him, one of her eyebrows hiked as far up as she can comfortably get it. "Do you really think being aware of your presence on this call will deter me from reminding my friend that you are a demon?" She looks pointedly at Ava, who's still covering her eyes. "He is a demon. A pasty, rude demon."
"Alec is going to shut the fuck up now, I promise." The fingers over Ava's eyes pull in until she's pinching the bridge of her nose tightly. She looks as if she's fighting off a migraine. She probably is. And it is Alec's fault. "That way, we can get this over with, and I can finally get some sleep—"
"Which you need and are not getting enough of." The words slip out before Shuri can stop them. 
Ava's shoulders deflate slightly. Her hand drops, and she attempts another smile that doesn't reach her eyes, making Shuri feel a pang of guilt. "No, I'm not. But I will, just as soon as we finish the basic adaptation matrix. I promise."
Ava always encourages her to speak her mind, no matter what. Sometimes it gets her into trouble. She is not looking to berate her favorite Canadian; she loves leaving the vidcomm between their labs on. The open connection is a comforting window into the outside, one that lets Shrui indulge in any question or raving that passes through her mind. 
Alec is a poison in her friend's life, and Shuri will not back down from reminding her of that. But mother and Nakia have sat with her over this, explaining that sometimes, an abused heart will cling to what hurts it. They have to be supportive while Ava works through this. She's getting there. Just not nearly fast enough for Shuri's patience.
Father has been reminding them all that Alec is a risk, given what he knows. Trusting Ava means trusting her for the duration, and they can't go back now. If she says she is handling the issue of separating the man from her work, they have to allow her room to do that. But T'Challa has been ordered to keep close, or at the very least, ready to go.
As much as she despises Alec, Shuri does not wish to see Ava hurt in this. Not any more than necessary. She is also not interested in trying to control her friend the way her mother sometimes tries to control her. It is infuriating. 
So, taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders, she lets some of the fight leave her. For the sake of Ava, not the pasty demon. "I have the latest build ready for transfer." 
"You're sure you've secured the connection on your end?" Alec has the audacity to question, even outside of the frame. "I'm not interested in spending my week chasing traces of this—"
"Do I look as if I will hesitate to strike you, colonizer?!"
"I'm just saying, Humpty Dumpty."
"Fuck off," Bucky wheezes at the billionaire, compressing the towel he grabbed from his new medkit against his ribs. Why he expected to make it through his first mission back without having to crack it open, he's not entirely sure now that he's sitting in the hindsight. Getting shot today was, if he's honest with himself, entirely predictable. It's his luck, after all. 
"We let you out of the house again for five minutes, and you've already broken yourself." Tony shakes his head as he tsk's, making Bucky roll his eyes lazily. "What's Ryder going to think? If you keep this up, you'll give the woman a complex about draining your mojo."
"She's going to think I throw myself in front of armor-piercing rounds for idiots that don't notice when they're being shot at." The mention of Ava brings the doctor's smiling face to the forefront of his mind. Bucky leans back against the Quinjet's co-pilot seat, letting his eyes fall closed. 
He could take care of this latest injury himself. That's what he usually does. Thanks to the serum, all he has to do is keep the wound clean for a few hours while his body stitches itself back together. Nothing's broken, and he'd be in much more pain if anything were punctured. Hell, he'd probably be dead already. The fix for this is so easy it'll practically handle itself.
"You always get so cranky after you've played the hero." He hears Tony kick his feet up on the Quinjet's main controls. "Take a breather. Maybe a bow or two. Believe it or not, it's possible to accept a compliment now and then."
"Grandstand more often, got it."
Ava's probably going to hear about today's incident now that Bucky thinks about it. If anything, Steve's going to make sure of it. He doubts she'd guilt him for not being comfortable with an optional trip to medical. They've been having more conversations about boundaries and comfort, and she's been unwaveringly supportive of him moving at his own pace. 
"You don't have to grandstand, you gigantic baby," Natasha chides from between the chairs. Her hand smacks against his shoulder, making Bucky grunt softly. "A whole new world is going to open up for you when you relearn to accept praise."
Tony snorts, long and loud. "Has he reached that stage of modern education yet?"
"I reached that stage of education before you were born, Stark." Bucky's not territorial over his reputation anymore; those days are long since passed. The grand majority of his mojo got left in the 40s. He's just tired of Tony's shit. That's all it is.
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Ava might feel bad that he didn't come to her for something like this. He doesn't... want that. He doesn't want her thinking that he doesn't welcome her help or that he doesn't trust it. He... he does. He doesn't just appreciate having the option; he enjoys it. The new routine is a breeze, and his neck feels better than it ever has. At least that he can remember.
"I'm confused," Tony mumbles around a mouthful of snacks. The man never stops eating. "Are we talking about your no-no years, or did you and Rogers hit up underground bars before Germany?"
"I know all his secrets from the vanilla days; they never went to any of the fun ones," Natasha confirms. It's not like Bucky was going to take the verbal bait anyways. Steve still falls for it regularly. 
"I like how you don't deny having the rest of the answer; I feel like it tells me all I can tolerate about the icicles when it comes to this. That's my favorite part about you, Romanoff. You know when I don't need to know, you know?"
His dumbass friends might as well be background noise with Bucky's mind this firmly in the memory of Ava's office. She's been so good to him, especially over this last week while she pushed through all the red tape for him. He'd been expecting it to take an eternity of hounding Steve all by his lonesome, but she got him back in the field in under two weeks. His best friend had actually been kind of pissy about it behind closed doors. For Bucky, it was like getting sprinkles on top of his cake. 
He's been thinking about getting flowers delivered to her lab for the trouble. It feels like too much whenever his thumb hovers over the confirmation button. He's reached the part of staring at the order details four times.
"I'm pretty sure your country doesn't appreciate it as much as you do. They tend to fight cold wars over it."
"Well, yeah, but our country—you see what I did there? That was a pretty funny communism joke. And it works as a reminder for both of us that you're actually an American citizen these days; isn't that wild? Back to the point here, our country fights wars over stuff we do ourselves all the time, so that doesn't feel like a fair reason to dismiss our friendship."
The doctor's forcing him to expand his music library. Her taste there is as scattered as her taste in movies, but she's got some leading themes he's been able to pin down. The 60s and 70s are huge for her, expectedly, and she's got a lot of nostalgia over the 90s. Paige keeps her versed in all things pop, folk, and country, according to her. 
"If I start referring to the US as my country, you people will expect me to do things like register to vote. Or put up wallpaper."
"I don't think anyone's expecting you to be legally allowed to do that. The voting thing, not the wallpaper. In most states. For multiple reasons. Although, the wallpaper might be a good call."
Ava invited him to their absurdly large archive of playlists during his second session. The ones Paige curates are nothing but insanity. Not one of them makes a lick of sense. Bucky decided that he should have expected that, given her Energizer Bunny reputation. Ava's are less scattered; more organized. Soothing for his mind to digest. He's been using them as workout music ever since. And driving music. And general background noise. 
"I don't think I'd know where to start buying wallpaper. Do you even want me putting that shit on your expensive building?"
"Not really, but the idea of walking in on you rolling paste on the living room walls is worth anything it could take to fix them later."
God, she's funny, too. He could listen to the woman's awful, soul-crushing puns and subsequent cackling for hours. He'll never say that to her face, not for as long as he lives, but they've made him feel lighter every morning that he's gone to let her work him over. He's already stolen two of them to torture Sam with. Another thing he's not going to tell her.
"Maybe I should start smaller. Bruce keeps suggesting a car that has legal registration."
"Heeey, that could work. You'll be signing up for mailing lists and bitching about state tax in no time. You know what?" He hears Tony snap his fingers. "We should get you a houseplant. Work you up to having a fish or something."
Alright. Maybe he'll go to Ava. He doesn't want her to think he's trying to blow off her expertise again. Or that he's avoiding her. He's not; he really does like hanging out in her office. Even if it's technically a medical appointment. He's a lot more eager to visit her than his therapists, that's for sure.
"I am not paying taxes," Natasha scoffs. "If you think I'm tying a legal address to my name, you're out of your fucking mind. Moreso than usual."
"You don't think you'd enjoy having a cave to lurk in?"
"What makes you think I don't have one already?"
"I'm talking about a real house, not a safe house."
This injury isn't related to his cybernetics. It's his ribs, well below any of his implants. He's not entirely out of the loop when it comes to what doctors have to do to get their licenses. She no doubt had to pull a lot of hard hours during her residency. Maybe she doesn't want to patch up the tower's notorious grouch every time he takes a hit. But he doubts she'd ever be impolite enough to refuse him walking in.
"I have my space here: bathroom, laundry room, small kitchen. If I haven't bothered decorating that, what makes you think I'll want to do it for an entire house?"
"Aww, come on. Look at Ryder! She's having all kinds of fun making her place as obnoxious as possible. That could be you after a few online shopping sprees."
Bucky's eyes open slowly, his brows drawing in when the second verbal mention of Ava pulls parts of his attention back to the conversation. 
Fuck, not going to medical still leaves the option of her taking offense. Okay. Alright. So, he'll split the difference and go to emergency intake. He's pretty sure she's listed as his surgical contact in the tower now—he can't stomach looking at his own medical file, not even the written records. Any injury this big will get flagged for trauma support, and she'll be notified. Then it's up to her what she wants to do. That feels like a good compromise.
"She's doing that to reclaim it from Alec; that's different. I don't have the same motivation. For me, it's just going to be extra work.
"Who's Alec?" Bucky asks without thinking. If the universe doesn't hate him today, Natasha's just going to assume he's being his usual kind of paranoid.
"She hasn't mentioned him?" Tony sounds surprised. "Alec's her ex-husband."
Ex-husband? She was married? And she's not anymore, meaning she might be—
He shuts down that train of thought immediately. 
Reclaiming the space of her house implies they lived in it long enough to form some heavy memories. She hasn't mentioned having a kid, and she strikes him as the type to bring up something like that pretty fast. So it was just the two of them, most likely.
"People usually don't like talking about the egocentric sack of shit they used to coexist with," Natasha points out. Of course, she already knows about the doctor's history. It's her.
"Bad divorce?" he prods, trying not to sound overly invested in the answer. These assholes will take it as an invitation.
"Oh, the worst," Tony confirms. "Shithead tried fighting her on it tooth and nail. She had to borrow my legal team just to get the guy to fuck off and leave her alone. He even kept her surname after the divorce; can you believe that?"
An uneasy feeling starts to rise in his gut, making Bucky look over at him. Then up at Natasha. "What kind of won't leave her alone are we talking about?"
"Down, fido, my lawyers took care of it. There's no need to start tailing him. Aside from being a self-absorbed asshole that insists they'll," Tony's voice turns scornful as his fingers form air quotes, "work things out with time, he's toothless." 
"She's got concealed carry permits she earned properly if that makes you feel better," Natasha offers up. The thought does help ease the tension building in him. 
He won't read Ava's file, no matter how bad the buzzing gets. But he might check in with JARVIS about her home security. He's noticed her name on the system logs. She, or at least her house, is linked to SHIELD's network despite her general distrust of the organization. He understands the opposing priorities completely.
He caved and read Wyatt's file two nights ago. The buzzing had been building since Ava mentioned him wanting an autograph, and it finally got to be too much. Nothing's lurking there aside from an impressive list of historians from all the fuck over Georgia and Alabama. The kid's got more family than some towns have population. 
Bucky leans forward with a muted groan to change the autopilot's intended LZ of the Avenger's balcony to the entrance hanger for medical. If he's going to grit his teeth through the antiseptic over a couple small holes, he's damn sure not going to haul his ass through half the tower while his ribs leak. His patience has limits, and that's pretty fucking far over the starting line. 
Tony looks over at him with a deep, suspicious frown. Bucky frowns at him right back with the same level of scrutiny. He can feel Natasha staring a hole into the side of his head, even if he can't catch her in his peripherals. He hates both of them with a passion at the moment. He knows what's about to happen—
"Did you just… prioritize your own health," Tony questions like he's baffled by the very idea. His whole upper body turns in the seat as he looks up at Natasha excitedly. "Oh my god. He's doing it. All by himself." He raises a hand to his chest and looks back at Bucky. "They grow up so fast."
It's good that the autopilot is on. If it weren't, Bucky would be tempted to crash them out of spite, mostly because he's sure he'd survive it. "Very funny."
"All it took was a hippie that gives him candy," Natash adds, her voice dripping with smugness. "Who knew."
"Both of you can fuck off." Bucky doesn't like how close she just got to his primary motivation on the first try. Old habits die hard, et cetera. And he hates that he can't tell if she was trying to guess. If he's lucky, which he isn't, she was just making fun of him.
Natasha knows about his visits to the florist's website; he's fucking convinced of it now. He doesn't know how, and he can't outright call her on it. If he does, he could fuck up and make himself right. There is nothing worse than having the Black Widow as metaphorical family. Not even Steve's hovering.
She and Tony harass him for the remainder of the flight. It's not long, mercifully, and he's starting to regret not grabbing something for the doctor. They were in Montreal, of all places, so it would have been fitting. He figures she'll understand once he shows her his side. The train of thought makes him wonder what part of Canada she's originally from. She hasn't brought it up.
His foot is already bouncing by the time he reaches the elevator. He's still got the surgical towel shoved tightly against his ribs. He hopes she gets there fast if she ends up taking the call. The last thing he wants to do right now is sit around in the burn of antiseptic and bleach while he fights off the urge to bolt. 
This is good, Bucky reminds himself as he takes his first few steps into medical. He's sat through plenty of trips to emergency intake. He can handle walking into his first optional one. It's a non-issue. Completely.
When JARVIS informs him that his file and general vital scan have been submitted for intake, the buzzing gets so intense that he almost leaves. The pace of his sergeant walk, as Sam likes to designate it, slows to a crawl. Then he thinks about a doctor with concealed carry permits. One that lets her house be monitored by a government organization she's actively pushing herself to trust. All in an effort to contribute something good to the world. The buzzing eases, and he picks up his pace, headed for the solo observation room JARVIS listed for him.
There's no moment of standing involuntarily from nerves this time. He doesn't have to force himself to sit back down and wait, even though the room smells wrong. His skin is crawling, and he wants nothing more than to put a throwing knife in his hand like a goddamn security blanket. But he doesn't panic. He doesn't try leaving.
Baby steps.
When the door opens, it's devastating. There's no diminutive hippie with UFO-sized glasses smiling at him on the other side of it. It's a guy in a plain white lab coat without artistic stitching, one that Bucky's never met before in his life. He's already squinting down at a tablet, meaning this will be his doctor for the duration.
This was the worst plan he could have possibly conceived. The universe is humbling him for thinking he could get away with something like this without some kind of suffering. He just wanted to make up for being dismissive of her help initially. Now he gets to sit through this. How fucking grand.
"Barnes?" The doctor that's not Bucky's doctor looks up, his heart rate elevating by a few notches. He's putting in a lot of effort to look confident. It's not exactly working. "I'm Dr. Erickson. I'm guessing you're here for the bullet wounds JARVIS detected?"
"Yup." Bucky's not about to volunteer for small talk at the moment. It's a miracle he hasn't jumped off the biobed yet. "Where's Ryder?"
"Your primary is in a staff meeting at the moment." Erickson puts his tablet down on the supply cabinet's main counter. He's already starting to gather what he needs, leaving Bucky to figure out real quick if he's actually willing to do this. "Don't worry; I'll get you sewn up and on your way in no time."
He doesn't want it getting back to Ava that he bailed the moment she couldn't show up. He doesn't want to leave her with the impression that he's only going to take on medical care if it's her; that's not anywhere near fair. The woman is a brain surgeon, not his private physician. He can grow the fuck up and accept help from people that haven't gone through his gauntlet of verification.
"Great," he pushes out, lifting the side of his undershirt to offer an unobstructed view.
It's not great; it's fucking horrendous. The first touch of the new doctor makes the overly physical memory of the buzzing build so high, he can feel it in his teeth. They're not actually rattling in his jaw the way they did back then, he knows that, but it doesn't matter because his body is screaming at him that it's happening.
The first stitch going through his skin makes him want to put his fingers through the doctor's eye sockets. His mind goes over all the ways he can violently put at least ten feet between them without having to get up. Looking back, it's probably good he didn't reach for the throwing knives. He's not unhinged enough to stab someone unprovoked; he's better than that. But they'd have been distracting to his impulse control, that's for sure.
Dr. Handsy is pulling the first suture in tight when the door to the observation room opens again. Bucky doesn't look up, his eyes locked on a random point on the far wall while he focuses on his breathing. He only looks over when a billowing, maroon pant leg enters his peripheral.
Thanks to a bunch of dead Nazi scientists that used to hide out in the mountains of Russia, Bucky Barnes has a trigger in his brain that is entirely out of his control. One that, when activated by his own interest, lets him process his surroundings in a sliver of the time that it should for a human mind. It is exceptionally helpful in the field. 
Watching Ava Ryder walk in, wearing a suede jumpsuit that mercilessly frames her curves, proves to him that having it in the 30s would have gotten him shot by someone's father. Definitely before he left Brooklyn. Or before he got chased out by several fathers banding together with baseball bats. In the time it takes her hand to come off the door handle and make its way to her hip, his mind goes on one hell of a fucking journey.
He already had more than a vague idea of the shape of her before now; he can't help it. Comes with the territory of doing threat assessment for a living. God knows his eyes have slipped down to her chest on a shameful amount of occasions. Her tits are being held up and pushed together fucking beautifully at the moment. Typically, that would hold all of his attention.
But this is the first unobstructed view of her that he's gotten, thanks to the lab coat being nowhere in sight, and good fucking god. Holy fucking shit. Godfuckingdamn.
She's half turned from him at this angle, so he's only getting a side view. That's more than enough to show off an obscenely rounded ass and the cushy thighs it rests on that are going to haunt his fucking dreams. It's bigger than his hands by a margin that's outright glorious. The mental image of his fingers digging into it, of how it would make her skin dip under the pressure, makes his blood race.
He can't spot the outline of any underwear at first. Then her hand makes contact with the jumpsuit, and his eyes pick up on it. Right there, above the top of her finger, pulled up high over her hipbone. There's a thin band leaving an impression in the fabric. An extraordinarily thin band. There is nothing else in sight.
Pulled between Ava's legs, right at this very moment in time, is a strip of fabric that Bucky's tongue would fit against perfectly. Right under that is a taste he's been catching himself wondering about for two weeks now. One good, long drag of his nose. That's all it would take to push in whatever she's picked out for the day and soak it with that taste. He could get it back out from between her lips with his tongue, pull it to the side with his teeth to give himself room to feast—
Bucky tries to shift his weight as nonchalantly as possible while his brain slows back down. The comeback from tactical analysis is always jarring, with this one being especially so. 
He's the worst kind of bastard. An awful, selfish, perverted sonofabitch. There's not shit he can do to change that. How unfortunate.
"David," Ava greets, the name coming out as tense as the closed smile plastered on her face. "You can put that down."
The other doctor doesn't look up from the work his hands are doing. "That you, Ava? I heard you were—"
Bucky's back straightens up as David looks at her nervously, taken aback. Bucky doesn't blame him; he didn't know her voice could get that forceful.
David sort of laughs, which feels like the worst possible choice to Bucky. But, hey, not his call. "What, do you want me to just—"
"I want your hands off my patient right now. I'm not asking." She watches with unwavering intensity as the other doctor lets the needle and thread drop from his hands. She visibly bristles at the patronizing expression on David's face, her head tilting aggressively. Bucky kind of wants to watch her hit him. "I'll be back in less than a minute, sergeant. I need a word outside with Dr. Erikson."
"Take your time," Bucky assures, the tension bleeding out of him already. His ribs are leaking, and there's a piece of doctor floss looped through his skin that he's going to have to cut out of himself tomorrow morning. The immoral evaluation of her outfit that his head threw at him is going to eat him alive. Forever. Especially when he's trying to fall asleep for the foreseeable future. 
All things considered, though, he feels fan-fucking-tastic.
David still looks somewhat shell-shocked, and there's real insult starting to creep into his posture, but the guy doesn't argue. He follows Ava back out of the room, not bothering with a goodbye in Bucky's direction. When the door closes behind them, his super hearing picks up on Ava reaming David about prioritizing patients before ego. She goes into detail about the deep shit he'll be in with her if he keeps ignoring her written orders, long before it ever gets him fired. She tacks on why her anger should scare him a hell of a lot more than the idea of that. Then she instructs him to keep his damn hands off her patients and get back to the intake desk. 
The protective streak makes Bucky's chest feel warm, a half-smile pulling at his lips. She's a handful, alright. One he'd give anything to be brave enough to send flowers to.
Ava is calm, cool, and collected when she leans back in through the doorframe, hanging off it with a soft smile. "Hiya, stranger. I hear you picked a fight in my motherland today."
"I hear it has an arms dealer problem. I wanted to see if I could help." He gestures down at the needle swinging from his ribs without looking at it. "Not all Canadians are as welcoming as you, turns out."
"Eh?" she fires back, hamming up the accent. "Wellll, I'm not about to let a few cranky arms dealers tarnish our reputation. What do you say you push that bandage against your new bragging rights, and we head for my office?"
Licking his bottom lip nervously, he tries to give her a confident smile. "You were busy with something."
"Not too busy for my favorite popsicle." One eyebrow raises sternly. "You are not allowed to tell Steve I'm playing favorites." God, she's cute when she tries to deflect. It's never worked. At least not on him.
"That's—" Shit, where to even find the fucking words for her. "You don't have to do this. Go out of your way like this. I don't mind getting patched up by random medics. Comes with the job."
Her smile turns impish. "That's cool and all, but I mind when people ignore basic ethics just to have a story about stitching up an Avenger. If you need to tell yourself I'm using you as fuel for a workplace pissing contest, go for it. Whatever gets you off that biobed." She leans back, leaving the door open wide behind her. "Come on; I can't stand the way they organize these damn shelves. I wouldn't patch you up in here even if you did pay me. Next time, head for my office first."
Bucky does as she ordered, pushing the surgical towel she packed for him against his side, not minding the sting in the least. He swallows down the point that, by every definition there is, he's not an Avenger. "I'll follow you, doc."
"Alright," Wyatt plops his hands down on the glass of the holo, his expression determined. His tight curls bounce with the motion, making their resident gumdrop look adorable, even through the discomfort. "Let's get to dissectin' this cacophony. All in one go, preferably, so I don't feel like yackin' up my lunch two days runnin'."
Ava's head tilts sympathetically. "Oh, honey, tell me you didn't—"
His hand comes up, with his index finger pointed to the ceiling. "Nope. But I got close a couple'a times thinkin' about this." He mutters several things under his breath about creepy Nazi bastards while he pulls up the raw data from Bucky's implants. "All the more reason to get it the hell over with."
"A whole day of digging through coded war crimes," Hannah deadpans quietly, raising a steaming mug to her lips. "I'm glad we get the fun assignments."
"You'd ditch us if we didn't," Ava jokes. She scrolls through the sergeant's file absentmindedly on her tablet, reviewing the vitals added just a few hours ago. He actually came to medical. For something as minor as a field injury. Of his own volition.
"Mmm. I don't know. It's pretty fun watching a brain move like Jell-O. You might have been able to convince me to stick around just for that."
SHIELD's primary system makes a blaring noise of disagreement as Wyatt loads the main file structure. He frowns, looking over at Ava with concern. "Its askin' for administrative override."
"Heeey, that's that thing Tony says I'm not supposed to abuse. That's probably not a good sign." Ava pushes her glasses further up the bridge of her nose and leans over to get a look at the error. "JAR, I'd like some reassurance we're not about to trigger an ancient LoJack if you wouldn't mind advising here."
"There are safeguards in place for importing code with an unknown source," JARVIS reports in. The warning on the screen is dismissed, presumably by him, and a new window comes up. A log of the programming in Bucky's cybernetics going through digital quarantine loads rapidly, with line after line being highlighted in red and labeled HYDRA Suspected. "I will process them for you. One moment."
"We have to clean the Nazi code before we can beat it to death," Hannah mumbles against the rim of her mug. "I think I kind of like that."
"Please, Hannie, I'm hangin' on by the skin'a my teeth here." Scrubbing his hands over his face, Wyatt groans exhaustedly. He drags them down slowly, giving Hannah a pleading look over the tops of his fingers. "You know I'm always here for supportin' you—"
"I'm aware." The ex-marine's clipped tone makes Ava snort and look back down at her tablet. They both know stopping him now isn't going to cut off the word vomit.
Wyatt's hands thunk back down onto the glass. "I'm so proud'a ya, y'know that—" And there's the thickening of the accent.
"I know."
Ava's eyes skim over the list of everything detected in Bucky's wound, locking on the word leather in particular. Today was her first look at his work gear—she's got a feeling he doesn't call it a uniform—in person. It was hard to keep professional in front of six and a half feet of Hi, how are ya? wrapped up in that much heavy black. The sounds that his vest made when he dropped it on the coffee table— Jesus. He's got to be packing enough in there to arm a small country. 
"All's I'm sayin' is that if I have to hear about murder right now, I might actually upchu—"
"Please don't."
Ava's too scared to ask what's in the sergeant's pants for a multitude of reasons. Professionalism is lower on the list than it probably should be. It's a shame, too. He's downright hilarious when he lets himself talk. There's not a doubt in her mind that he'd come up with something unbearably good—and unwaveringly dry—in response to the loaded question.
"A'right then. We're in agreement. No bad thoughts today. We go in like—like excavators, right? With our helmets and our 'lil pickaxes, and we get what we need so we can—" The way he cuts himself off makes Ava look back up in concern. She finds the most horrified expression on Wyatt's face. "That—ah shit, that didn't come out all that right. That was mean, wannit? Insensitive. I'm not tryin' to belittle what the sergeant's been through."
"You weren't belittling anything," Ava assures, reaching out to rub his arm. "I think he'd be the first one to race you to a fossil joke about this."
"You'll tell 'im I'm takin' this serious, won't ya—"
A small chuckle escapes before she can stop it. "Wyatt, sweetheart, it's not like he heard you—"
"You take your pills today, Combs?" Hannah's calm question makes the gumdrop freeze in place. She blows on her coffee, taking a small sip. "If you say you don't remember, I'm going to—"
Wyatt snaps his fingers, his expression shifting to relief. "I didn't, and I remember why, too." He rolls his chair back with a sudden push, aiming for his desk. He reaches out before the chair finishes the trip to grab his patch-covered messenger bag. "One'a the cats got int'a my coat closet; dumbass got stuck on a shelf for reasons I'm still not real clear on." He pops open his medication bottle, tossing a pill into his mouth with a level of dexterity that makes her jealous. "The hollerin' was s'damn loud, I thought the landlord was gonna come knockin'."
"Which one was it?" Ava asks. "Not the new kitten?"
"No, no—Juno's been'a dream. It was Galileo again. I love that furry little bastard, but sometimes he can drive me nutty ." He pauses to take a swig from another glossy vacation mug. Today's is advertising a campground Ava's never heard of that's the best in the Rockies, according to the swirling font. "I got new pictures of Juno if you want 'em, though."
"Yes, please," Ava confirms happily. Holding the teacup-sized ball of fur made her whole month when he last brought Juno in. Hannah ended up hogging most of the cuddle time, but the sound of little meows filling the day had been enough to make up for it.
Wyatt pulls his phone from his back pocket and brings it around to hook up to the holo. The system dings with the sound of a successful transfer after a moment. He loads a collection of new photos, zeroing in on one of Juno clawing her way up a window curtain—
The power to the lab shuts off with a loud, electric click. Everything plunges into darkness with the privacy setting on the glass walls keeping the sun out. It comes back on before Ava can react, the building's primary system switching to the emergency power grid. She and Wyatt lock eyes in panic.
"Oooh man, boss, did I just—"
"I'm sure you didn't," Ava comforts, trying to push down her own panic. It helps that she's heard Tony rambling about the work he's put into making this place indestructible. "JAR?" 
There's no response from the AI. She trades another nervous glace with Wyatt.
"I know it was probably the Nazi shit, but I'm hoping it was the cats," Hannah says, sounding sincere. "I feel like that'll make a much better story."
"Oh my god, did I break JAR?" Wyatt looks between them frantically. "How often does he back up his servers? Did I kill'a piece'a JAR?!"
"I have not been murdered," the AI confirms after nearly a minute of being gone. "The safeguards reported a false positive regarding the programming of Sergeant Barnes' cybernetics. It has been handled."
Ava gives the hologram wall of code a warry look. "Handled by you?" There's a suspicion building in her gut around his phrasing, one that she's not planning on letting out of her teeth. 
"Mr. Stark has a protocol in place that cuts off my servers in the event of any irregular activity. Given the nature of the programming's origin, the system is designed to er on the side of caution."
"That's a really fancy way of dancing around the point, JAR." She's trying to stay civil about this. It's not an easy venture, and she's pretty sure it's not translating at all. Even she can hear the frustration in her voice. "How about we cut the shit, and you tell me what the false positive was."
"There are automated routines running for Sergeant Barnes' implants. They are not harmful; I've taken the liberty of checking them personally now that they've been cleared through quarantine. I am creating a stable update to forward to—"
"How long have they not been harmful, JARVIS?"
Hannah sits up from her relaxed position at the avoidance of their favorite nickname for the AI. Wyatt's brows pull in nervously, his eyes never leaving Ava. They both know exactly what she's digging at.
There's a long hesitation from JARVIS. Short by normal social standards but an eternity for a sentience with quantum processors. "There is not currently a risk posed within the Sergeant's—"
Ava's out of her chair and halfway to the door before he even finishes the omission. Fueled by some of the most intense rage she's ever felt in her life, she marches out on swift feet. She's going to kill him. She's going to string him up—maybe hang him off the side of the tower.
America's fucking Sweetheart, her ass. America's Doomed Liar is a lot more like it.
"Where is he," Ava nearly growls, still stalking down the halls, leaving the medical wing in a hurry. "JARVIS, I know you're still listening; you tell me where that puffed-up, hypocritical—oooh , you tell me where Rogers is right the fuck now. And then you tell me where Stark is—"
"Dr. Ryder, I know you're not inclined to believe this at the moment, but I assure you—"
"You're right; I'm not inclined to do that at all." She takes a deep breath as she passes through the front entrance, slowing herself to a stop. With genuine effort, she pushes down her anger. "I don't want to keep yelling at you. I don't like doing it in the first place. If you don't want to tell me where they are, I'll find them myself."
Ava heads for the elevator to do just that. She's not expecting a response as she pounds the side of her fist against the button for the Datacrux's floor. It's likely to be her best bet to find any of them. There's not a chance in hell that she's letting her team dedicate any more time to this until she gets some fucking explanations.
Halfway along the ride up, the light around the button goes dim. A flash of anger rises in her until she sees the one for the executive level illuminate. 
"Mr. Stark is not currently in the tower, but you will find Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes debriefing in the Situation Room," JARVIS informs her over the elevator's intercom, making the SHEILD agents around her pretend not to look over. She's tempted to ask them if it's the outfit.
"Thank you, JAR," she offers as an olive branch. Regardless of what's truly going on here, she doubts the AI is all that comfortable with the subject.
"You're welcome, Ava."
She's only been to this part of the tower once before. Tony dragged her up to the Avenger's balcony for a party after her divorce was first finalized. That's about the extent of her experience with this section. It's not hard to find her way with everything denoted like it is in the rest of the building.
The palm of her hand smacks against the door marked Situation Room, and she shoves it open aggressively. Both super soldiers, the Falcon, Black Widow, and a scattered group of SHIELD agents stare back at her in surprise. It doesn't slow her down any.
Ava points an irate finger at Steve in the uneasy silence of the room. "Unless New York just caught fire, you and I are about to have a very blunt conversation, captain."
"Hiya, doc." Bucky, unsurprisingly, is the only one in the room smiling at her while she glares daggers at Captain America. He's still in his not-uniform. There's still blood on it. The charm he's throwing her way reminds her that they won't want an audience. 
"I'm going to ask the rest of you to leave," she continues, but her eyes stay on the sergeant as her finger lowers. "I don't think you'll want to be here for this, Bucky."
"What makes you think I don't wanna watch you beat up my best friend?" He leans back in his chair, his hands coming up to rest on his stomach as his smile deepens.
"Can I stay?" Sam asks, his voice eager. It's a damn shame this is how she gets to meet him. She doubts the Falcon has any clue about unethical research.
"Come on," Natasha insists with a serene nod in Ava's direction, grabbing Sam's shirt to drag him up from his chair. "You heard her."
"I—hey!" Steve looks so insulted as he watches his friends and various coworkers abandon him with zero hesitation. "You're just gonna—I don't even know what I did!"
"Neither do I, but I am very ready to hear about it," Bucky assures Ava, not an increasingly distressed Steve.
Ava taps her foot impatiently as the room clears out, leaving her alone with the super soldiers. She ignores the nerves radiating off of one of them and focuses on the one that looks delighted. "I'm serious. This is about your case. Specifically, the work HYDRA was trying to finish."
The mirth leaves Bucky almost entirely. His posture doesn't adjust from its reclined position. "Alright. Tell me what's got you livid about it."
"Steve here made me a promise that was broken in my lab a few minutes ago."
Steve's eyebrows pull in with confusion. "Which promise? Wait—a few minutes ago—Is this about that blackout? Ava, catch me up here; what the hell is—"
"You swore to me that the intention of HYDRA—at least where Bucky's case is concerned—was to make an army of super soldiers, nothing more." She's letting him process this one step at a time. It'll make yelling at him for lying a lot easier. That, and she's honestly worried the technophobe doesn't understand the gravity of the situation.
"I—" Steve hesitates, and she watches the switch to tactical assessment come over him. It's startling to see it directed at her from a face that isn't Bucky's. "As far as I know, that was the intention."
"Yeah? You're sure about that? You're sure you're not omitting something pretty fucking important to my job, Steven?"
"JARVIS, what was the blackout?" Bucky questions at half the volume he started at when she first came in.
Ava points at the sergeant insistently. "See? I'm guessing he doesn't even know, but he's sure as hell already on the right track."
"There was an incident regarding the coding found in your implants, Sergeant Barnes. It has been handled. I have prepared an update to their systems whenever you're ready to undergo a transfer."
"As your doctor, I'm ordering it. We can go back to my office after I'm finished ripping your friend a new asshole for lying to my face." Her eyebrows lower at Bucky in indignation. She's doing this for him, but that doesn't mean she's going to let him off the hook if he knew. "We should probably figure out if I need to do the same to you before we get there."
"Hey, hang on now." Steve raises one hand, likely to try to calm her, but changes his mind and puts it back under the table. She's guessing someone's finally clued in the out-of-time man about that practice making women want to throw something. At his head. "We might not always be able to talk about classified information—something you agreed to, I might add—but I've never lied about HYDRA's intent as far as I comprehend it. I've been very careful to hold up that end of our deal."
"Let me tell you how I know, for a fact, that someone involved in this case is doing a piss-poor job of lying to me about it. Since you haven't quite figured out modern tech, I'm going to try to keep it simple." Ava points a far less aggressive, more instructing finger at Bucky's arm. "In order for that hunk of metal to work, it needs to be programmed. The hardware needs software that can tell it how to read brain signals. A few decades ago, some Nazis sat in a room and wrote a bunch of code for that software. That's what was supposed to be in Bucky's implants. That's all that was supposed to be in Bucky's implants."
"Wait—what the hell else is in them?" The flicker of fear that creeps into Bucky's expression breaks her heart. There's not a doubt in her mind that he could sell her on any lie he wants to with his mind set on it. That's the point of infiltrators like him. 
But Ava's willing to bet everything she's got in this world that the fear in him at the moment is genuine. He doesn't know. And it makes her feel awful.
"Given the size of your implants, I'm guessing not much," she tries to reassure. "We can always purge whatever is there later. However, if the code were as simple as 'read this signal, do this thing,' it wouldn't have been flagged as untouchable by Tony's security measures. The ones put in specifically to prevent JARVIS from being corrupted." She crosses her arms over her chest in exasperation, her eyes moving to one of the small security cameras on the ceiling. "Would you like to explain to the captain what kind of code it would take to accomplish that, JARVIS?"
There's another human-length moment of hesitation from the AI in response. "It would take adapting code."
"The part he's holding back—definitely because he's under orders not to break SHIELD protocol—is that something has to be driving the adaptation. There is such a thing as self-adapting code; that would absolutely explain it. If we weren't talking about something made in the 40s when HYDRA needed entire warehouses just to house a few terabytes of data." She glances over at Bucky. "While I'm sure the agents you scare the piss out of would disagree, your head isn't actually big enough to hold that much."
"You flirtin' with me to stop the panic or to apologize for not being Canadian for a minute?"
Ava blinks in surprise, the slightest hint of heat coming up the sides of her neck. That—she hadn't been—well. Steve's head turns to him, his eyebrows raising in mild shock.
Bucky clears his throat, then tries for a quiet chuckle, his eyes floating between her and the table. "Sorry—it's this damn room. Puts me in sergeant mode, makes me—let's get back to yelling at Steve."
"Thanks, asshole, I appreciate—"
"What makes you think I won't yell at you just because I'm Canadian?" Ava counters, finally recovering. "You trying to stereotype me, Barnes?"
The relief that comes off of Bucky is palpable. "I'd go for the hippie thing first if I was trying to do that."
"Didn't you sleep through the McCarthy era?"
"HYDRA gave me the long and short of it between naps."
Her hand flies up to her face to block a loud snort. Damn him, this is serious. But she's not about to begrudge him the gallows humor. She lowers it again while he smirks at her. "Do you mind? I'm trying to make an angry but valid point here."
"About a bunch of code that my head isn't big enough for," he continues for her dryly, one hand coming off his stomach to gesture up at it.
Ava sighs, the amusement from getting sidetracked by the Brooklyn heartstopper fading fast. "Not big enough by the standards of the 40s. By today's standards?" Her head tilts to the side sadly, readying herself to watch that fear in him get more substantial. "You tell me, Buck. Did the Nazis work in the mindset of single projects, or did they work in the mindset of generations that would lead a global empire?"
The words are the last piece to complete the puzzle in Bucky's mind; Ava can see it happen in his eyes. The expression of horror it yanks out of him will haunt her for the rest of her days. "Zola." 
It's said in a whisper, and Ava's not even sure what the word is. 
It takes Steve longer to reach whatever conclusion Buckys come to, and he looks resistant to the idea at first. "No, that's... no—Buck, you've been to what's left. You know what it took—"
"That's the point she's making, stupid. Look at how small everything's gotten." He stops, and Ava doesn't miss the sight of a hard swallow. "It makes sense. Think about it. It makes sense. They took care of the car until they could find an engine that fit. I was the prototype. Or—was going to be, at least."
The comparison—the one he's using on himself—is revolting. Accurate, but astoundingly revolting. She pushes past it, leaning down to tap a condescending nail on the table. "Hi, there. Still here. Still looking for some answers. What the hell is Zola?"
With Steve watching him like a hawk, Bucky breathes a long, tired sigh. "Not what. Who." 
"I can fill her in," Steve offers to him quickly. "You don't have to do this."
"Oh, I'm not doing shit. She's going to do it all." Bucky locks eyes with Ava, his expression passive. Having the Winter Soldier himself that focused in on her makes her breath catch involuntarily. "How's your Russian, doc?"
"I don't speak a word of it. Do I need to for this?"
"No, I'm sure you've got plenty of ways to translate anything you feel like reading. You should look up doveryai, no proveryai while you're at it." He leans forward, resting his arms on the table. His eyes never once move away from hers. "JARVIS, transfer a copy of my archive access to Dr. Ryder. Full permissions. And the next time she asks you a hard question, you don't have to bullshit her. Tell her to call me."
April 6th, 2015
"I want you to bring me with you next time."
"Is that a no because you do not agree or because you are afraid of mother?"
Shuri frowns at the security feed, ignoring the quiet laughter she can hear coming from Nakia on the other end. "Coward."
The camera mounted on T'Challa's dashboard shakes as he turns it back to his face, his expression annoyed. "Say that to my—"
T'Challa rolls his eyes and turns the camera back around as Nakia laughs harder. He will be mopey now, for sure. "I am not taking you to stare at a soldier's office with us."
"Why not?"
"To start with, I refuse to be trapped in a car with you for that amount of time."
"You should be so lucky! Now, what is the real reason."
"What part of royal family do you not—"
"You get to go to these things."
"And when you leave your lab long enough to learn to use the spears of your foremothers, that privilege can extend to you."
"Okoye is always ready to teach you, Shuri," Nakia offers up diplomatically. 
"I do not need a spear to sit in a car annoying my brother," Shuri argues. They always do this to her. She is tired of it.
"You do not need to sit in a car annoying your bother at all." The moping has already started. She can hear it in T'Challa's voice.
"Fine. I will go to Ava's house and stay there while—"
Shuri slams her hands down on her desk, making the various instruments on it rattle precariously. "She is my family, too!"
There's silence on the other end in the wake of her anger. Then the camera turns again, this time by Nakia's hand. She doesn't stop the spin until it's pointed to show her and T'Challa. He does not look as annoyed anymore. He looks guilty.
Nakia gives her a sympathetic smile. "No one is trying to take that from you. We are only trying to keep you safe. We do not know how far Alec is willing to take things."
"And I am not willing to present the man with more temptations of power," T'Challa adds, the guilt on his face shifting to resignation. "It is not simply because I am afraid of our mother. I agree with her. And with our father. Alec Harlow is a man that is losing everything. That is a powerful motivator, Shuri."
"I am not afraid of that spineless demon," Shuri insists angrily. "I could handle him myself, thank you very much."
"Half the school children in Wakanda could," Nakia mocks under her breath.
She gets a stern look from T'Challa before he focuses it on Shuri. "It is not his strength we are concerned with. It is the allies he can call upon at any time. Men with strength and resources that we do not wish to deal with."
Some of the fight leaves her. Not much, but it does ebb. Her brother might be an idiot, but he is right about this. Ava would not be this afraid for no reason. She has been trying to disguise it when Nakia brings her for visits, which is how Shuri knows it is serious.
"I hate that man, brother." The word is far too inadequate. The contempt she holds for the worm who put fear in the heart of her favorite mad scientist feels immeasurable.
"As do I. As do we all." T'Challa smiles at her finally, his face softening. "I promise to bring you to hit him if he is ever arrested. That is when I will deem it safe enough."
"How many times?" she chases after quickly. "Can I bring a weapon?"
"You can bring exactly one weapon. Can you guess what it is?" The smile turns sarcastic as he reaches out and turns the camera back around to face Alec's office window. 
"I do not need a spear to break that man."
"No, you need it so I can stop being lectured by Okoye for enabling your avoidance of tradition."
"That will not help. She wishes for me to sit through her lessons. I would just bring the spear to hit him over the head with."
Nakia laughs, the sound light and soothing. "I am surprised you did not go straight for the idea of skewering him."
Tilting her head down at her desk, Shuri hesitates. She picks up the ridiculous coffee mug Ava got her, spinning it around in her hands with somber movements. 
Ava's last visit had been especially hard to stomach. The woman had looked so... empty as she talked about the start of the divorce. There had been no vengeful joy in her as she told Shuri's father she understood the gravity of the situation. No hard-won victory in her posture. There had only been grief and shame.
Shuri sighs, turning away from the screen to head for her lab's kitchen. She is going to fill the mug with one of the teas that Ava brings her. It will be a nice change from the energy drinks she has been binging. "No. I... I do not wish the man dead. I only wish to see him locked away somewhere he can never smile again."
—author end notes—
there’s one sentence in this chapter that is 14 words long (including contractions) that is the entire foundation of their incoming dom/sub and oh my g o d when i tell you that shit was cathartic to write 😫🤌 some day when this is finished, im gonna write a whole goddamn dissertation on that one sentence and all the narrative shit that tied into it in this fic so help me (YOURE ALLOWED TO GUESS BTW)
anyways, everyone is alive in wakanda bc i said so. and nakia and t’challa are really stupid uber mega important to ava’s backstory
i feel like we’ve all, as a species, Been Through Enough. you can talk my ear off abt anything, but dont talk to me abt the opening of wakanda forever i will Literally Die, i havent cried that hard over the first watch of a movie in so fucking long and i dont think im strong enough for a second. all i ever need for binging is winter soldier and black panther anyhow (FATWS is still growing on me and i only like it so far bc im a sambucky shipper. and a stucky shipper. and a 3 musketeer shipper. and a—i like making buckaroo be in love a lot. lets just. leave it at that). we can stop with the big owies thanks. let me escape to the fictional world where everyone is alive and Nothing Hurts, t h a n k s.
well. okay. some things are gonna hurt in this. probably really super bad too and youre gonna be really really mad at me when it hits. but like. theyre set up for comfort pay off so does it even really count??? i didnt think so, ty for agreeing 😌
ily 💖 tyty for reading 💞 and tyty in advance for yelling at me when i eventually hurt u ❤️🥰 i will understand, its okay, u are entitled to the emotional compensation on that one
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fullofw0e · 2 years
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carrd | memes | open starters |  ooc
drafts: 0 queue: 0 starter requests: 0
Hey, hi, hola, bonjour, sup! I'm DeeJay. I am a 31 year old roleplayer who has been roleplaying since 2006, about the past eleven years I have been roleplaying on tumblr. When I am talking out of character, you'll see the lovely taylor swift all over your dash - thats if i feel like using icons for my ooc posts though. I have a full time job, and this blog will be on a medium to low activity having a full time job. I am going to try and keep these rules short and sweet because I do not like reading long rules at all
1.This is my main rule because it just triggers me and brings me back to early tumblr days. CUT. YOUR. POSTS. If you're replying from mobile, you can’t cut your posts there, but if it's a consistent thing I will end up unfollowing. 2.I am a semi-selective blog, feel free to reply to open starters, send memes ect, but if i do not know your canon muse or you do not have any EASY to find info about them or an OC, there is a chance I won’t reply. 3.This blog will have dark themes with some of the characters I play. Be advised of that. There will be ZERO smut with Wednesday she’s CANONLY underaged, I do not mind things being implied (because we were all that age once and I’m sure we weren’t all being goody two shoes till 18) but never written. Also, I will never force smut onto anyone - we can always imply it happened, and fade to black. I personally feel to write smut with someone you need to be comfortable with them and they need to be comfortable with you. 4.Plotting! I am an open book with that. Give me AUs Crackships, the works!. If you see a plot you wanna do and think I’d enjoy writing it with you PLEASE slide into my DMs. nine times out of ten I will say yes to it! 5.Replies. Most of the time I am pretty quick with replies, especially if I enjoy writing with you, meaning you post and then within probably a half hour when I'm on there will be another reply. I try not to have my drafts pile up because then I can get anxious about that, but I do at least attempt to get everything out in a timely manner. I do have a full time job so I am around more nights and weekends. If I ever miss a reply, after about two+ days feel free to give me a little nudge about it! 6.HAVE FUN. Seriously though, roleplaying is a hobby and it keeps me sane, and I hope that is the same for you, so just enjoy it and do not get worked up over everything being perfect.
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mhokday · 4 years
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let’s grow old together.
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Ace, Zoro, Sanji, and Law with an S/O who loves singing<3
Self indulgence continues>>>
⚠️Warnings⚠️: Fluff, possibly OOC, not proofread, GN, no pronouns used
Please enjoy this mess i cranked out simply because i wanted to😭
Please send any One Piece requests my way!<3
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ADORES your voice
“You know, the stunning siren usually isn’t on the boat.”
Encourages you to sing around others
Loves hearing you hum as you do little tasks around the ship
Contrary to previous examples, your voice keeps him from falling asleep
In a good way
This was noticed by the entire crew, so now they ask you to sing whenever they see him doze off, it’s free entertainment to them
Tries to sing along with you, but he sounds terrible
But you would never tell him that
Since he has his crew mates to do that for you.
“Leave the singing to Y/N, Ace.”
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Claims you make it hard to nap
This is reverse psychology, hearing you sing gentle tunes lulls him to sleep faster than a stomach full of food and beer
Would never admit it, but he’s addicted to your voice
He will always complain, but if you were to ever actually stop singing around him, he’d subtly ask you to continue.
“What’s wrong? You’re usually chirping a tune by now, songbird.”
“Please, I don’t want to listen to you, it’s just weird now that you’re quiet.”
Despite himself, he often taps his foot or nods his head along to your songs
But you will never catch him singing along
He’s too sneaky about it.
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When he learns you can sing, it’s all over
All but outright begs you to serenade him
“Y/N~? What was that lovely song you were singing earlier?”
Makes a delicious honey tea for your throat, should you ever need it
He gets excessively jealous if anyone else hears you
He’s convinced you only sing for him, so he operates on this assumption
“Your voice is a blessing from the Gods, nobody is worthy of it.”
He will literally melt if you ever sing in a sultry tone, he literally becomes a dog on your leash
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Genuinely gets annoyed by it, but he doesn’t show it
He knows you love singing, so he hides his frustration
It’s not that he doesn’t like it, he does
But the man always has so much on his plate, your singing can sometimes be the final step over the stress line for him
It also tends to make him feel bad
he honestly loves your voice, and he wants to give you the proper attention when you do sing around him
He denies it anytime you mention it, but there was one night he went to your room, climbed into your bed, and asked you to sing him to sleep
He just needs your patience, he’ll get there
Hoo-wee, lookee there. Probably OOC for the boys, but I tried😭 if you have any One Piece requests, feel free to send them in! lots of love to y’all!💕
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femininefutbol · 2 years
luna de miel
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request from here
prompt: you and alexia putellas go on your honeymoon and can’t seem to keep your hands off each other 
word count: 4.1k
a/n: if you are under 18 please do not interact and read at your own discretion. this is probably the most detailed smut i've written thus far so enjoy i guess?
Joining back with the group of your teammates and friends on holiday in Ibiza after your honeymoon was always the plan for you and Alexia. It was nice to have time alone but you also love spending downtime with your friends. So your pre-national team camp plan included a perfect mix of both. 
“The party has arrived” you yell, making your way into the outdoor area of the Ibiza villa. Your arrival is a surprise to everyone as neither you or Alexia had told anyone when you would be returning from the Maldives, all they knew was that at some point during the holidays you two would be joining back with them. 
“MRS PUTELLAS!” your best friend Leila yells, getting up from her seat at the table making quick work of pulling you into her arms. 
“We both kept our own last names Ouahabi” you laugh, holding on to her tightly. 
“I don’t care, you are Mrs Putellas to me now. How was it? You need to tell me everything” Leila exclaims, grasping onto your hand and leading towards where she was previously sitting, forcing you to sit next to her, not allowing you any opportunity to greet anyone else. 
You look across the table where your wife is greeting everyone in a much more casual way than your reunion with Leila. Her eyes catch yours and she sends you a small wink, the action making you blush far too easily for your own liking. 
“(Y/N)” Leila waves her hand in front of your face, capturing back your attention. “Come on you just spent a whole week with Ale, you owe me some attention now” she whines, the sentiment making you laugh at your best friend's dramatics. 
“Okay fine, I am all yours sorry gemela” you inform Leila, dramatically moving your chair to face her to show that she has your full attention. 
The two of you catch up for a while, telling her the most exciting parts of your trip, like paddle boarding, watching the sunrise and sunset every morning and visiting some amazing restaurants. You purposely leave out discussion the sexual experiences that made up the majority of your trip, keeping that as something between yourself and Alexia. 
“Woah Ale, (Y/N) did a number on you!” Virginia exclaims, the loudness of her statement capturing your attention. 
You immediately look across to where Alexia is sitting speaking with a few of the girls, Virginia wiggling her eyebrows, “you told them?” 
“No, no I didn’t” Alexia immediately replies, knowing what you are thinking and working to assure you that she didn’t tell your friends any details of the intimate moments that the two of you shared. 
“Ale hasn’t said anything but I think the state of her neck speaks for itself” Virginia laughs pointing at the dark purple hickey on Alexia’s neck that is showing through the makeup she strategically applied. 
“Shit” Alexia whispers knowing that her makeup rubbed of due to her rubbing her neck, “sorry baby” 
“You did that (Y/N)?” Leila asks in horror. The full extent of the damage you did is shown to the group, the bruise is extremely dark, and while it is the only mark on her neck it is fairly clear that you worked that spot harshly with just how concentrated the colour of her skin is. 
You nod sheepishly, you had purposely avoided that topic of how much sexual intimacy was shared on your honeymoon but now that the girls have found a semblance of proof they are not going to stop until they know every last detail that occurred over the course of your trip. 
“My little baby (Y/N/N) did this? I don’t believe it” Leila exclaims dramatically, pulling you into her arms and coddling you. 
You push yourself out of Leila’s hold, giggling at her dramatics, “we are literally married, what did you expect us to do for a week in a private hut in the Maldives?” you raise and eyebrow, wondering if she is being serious or if her display is just a joke. 
“Not that!” Leila points at Alexia’s neck, the voice of horror causing the entire group to laugh. 
“Anyway, details now” Virginia draws the attention away from Leila, looking between you and Alexia, waiting for one of you to speak. 
“No way Torrecilla, that stays between us, you already know way too much” Alexia states, chuckling at the immediate groan that comes from Virginia. 
“So you guys just stayed in and had sex for the entire week?” Leila whispers to you as the rest of the girls move on to a new topic of conversation. 
“No, we explored other places too” you answer casually. 
“You two fucked in other places?!” Leila asks in shock, her mind instantly putting the dots together, gathering the information from the way you answered her question. 
“LEILA!” you yell, not having expected her to have an outburst like that. 
“You two fucked in public?” Virginia asks excitedly, knowing now that Alexia can not brush her off and that the details of your week in the Maldives will come to light. 
“Yes” “No” you and Alexia answer at the same time, Alexia giving up while you still attempt to deny what happened. 
Virginia looks between the two of you with a smirk on her face. 
“Okay yes, it was only once though” you sigh, giving the group the answer they so desperately wanted to hear. 
“Now there is no way you can deny us the details” Virginia states, looking expectantly, waiting for one of you to start talking. 
“I guess I should start right at the start then, hey baby?” Alexia asks with a smirk, now more than willing to disclose what happened. You are left covering your face with your hands, the blush that covers your cheeks still clearly on display to the rest of the group. 
“Are you ready to go baby?” Alexia calls out to you, it is the first night of your honeymoon so the two of you have a romantic dinner planned, the first one you will have alone since the two of you have been married. 
“Si” you respond simply, making your way out of the bathroom, attempting to pull the hair tie out of your hair while doing so. 
You let your hair down, dragging your hand through it a couple of times to make sure it falls down your back nicely, as you do you look up catching Alexia staring at you, her eyes not moving, stuck staring at your outfit.  
“Everything okay?” you ask immediately, you had been worried about your outfit choice. The white button up shirt barely buttoned in order to show off your black lace bralette underneath and a pair of black slacks while not your usual style was something you wanted to try out. 
“What time is our reservation again?” Alexia asks, her eyes still not leaving your body as she moves towards you. 
“Umm 1800?” 
“What time is it now?” she asks, her voice barely a whisper as she is so close to you that you feel the heat of her body against you. 
You ignore the close proximity of your wife, moving your hand up to check the time your watch is displaying, “1730” 
“That is more than enough time for what I am going to do to you” Alexia husks out, moving her hands into your open shirt, her hands gripping onto your bare skin causing shivers down your spine. 
Before you are able to ask what she plans on doing, Alexia's lips roughly meet yours, the forcefulness makes you moan against her lips. 
The sound of your moan causes her to buck her hips into you, gripping you impossibly tighter, you already know there will be light bruising on your waist from her hold. 
As the kiss deepens you wrap your arms around Alexias neck, your arms draping over her shoulders lazily. You are clearly distracted by the intense kissing which gives Alexia the opportunity to move one of her hands from it’s place on your waist to the front of your pants. She is able to unbutton your pants, surprising you when her hand makes it down the front of your body, her suddenly grasping your pussy through your panties. 
“Aleee” you moan out in a whiny tone. “We don’t have time for this” you force yourself to think logically in the moment knowing that you will likely miss your reservation if you let Alexia continue what she is doing. 
“I can be quick” she answers, pushing her thumb into your clit, the rough touch on your sensitive area causing your legs to buckle. “Careful sweetheart” Alexia speaks in a sly tone, her other arm now working to hold you upright. 
Alexia moves her hand that was down your pants, the lack of contact causing you to whimper, inexplicitly informing Alexia that you enjoyed her touch which makes her desire to touch you even stronger. 
“Are you going to do something or should we just go already?” you ask with a huff, hating how Alexia teases you the way she does, leaving you all bothered while she just gets to laugh it off. 
“Come on princesa, no need to be like that” Alexia smirks, her tight grip on you held even tighter as she pushes herself flush against your body looking down at you. “Why don’t you tell me what you want?” her condescending tone is evident. 
You look up at her, no words spoken not wanting to fall into her trap. 
“Fine if you won’t tell me what you want we can go” Alexia lets go of your waist, holding her hands in the air and walking away from you towards the door, signifying that you two can head out for your reservation. 
You again whine at the lack of contact, the action just making Alexia laugh knowing that half of the teasing you experience from her is your own doing. 
You begin to make your way towards the door, following behind Alexia with an annoyed pout. 
“I would change if I was you” Alexia turns around, leaning against the wall near the front door. 
“Last I knew you were pretty wet, wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable at dinner” Alexia states casually, the comment causing you to huff and stomp your way back to your bedroom to change your outfit. 
Making your way into the restaurant half an hour past the time of your reservation it is clear that between you and your new wife you are the only one who is actually worried about the fact that you are late. Usually Alexia is extremely punctual and responsible but on vacation Alexia is like a completely different person, not worrying about a single thing. 
“Come on Ale” you pull her along, her slowly walking behind you, frustrating you to no end, “what is so interesting back there that you have to walk at the pace of a snail?” 
Alexia takes two decent strides easily catching up to you. “Your ass looks incredible in that dress” she whispers in your ear. 
“I hate you for being the reason I had to change” you groan. 
Alexia’s natural response to your complaint is grasping your ass, squeezing it quickly then immediately letting go as if she hadn’t done anything. 
You halt your movements causing Alexia to stop right behind you, the front of her body pressed against your back.
 “You okay?” she asks sweetily, her breath blowing onto your neck as she speaks into your ear. 
You shudder at the contact, a harsh shiver running down your body. Remembering where you are, you snap out of your thoughts. “I’m just fine” you answer simply, walking towards the hostess stand trying your hardest to ignore what Alexia is doing. 
“Hi, we had a reservation for 1800, I’m so sorry that we are late but is there a chance we would be able to get a table anyway?“ you ask the hostess in a slight panic, knowing how popular this restaurant is and that it has a rather strict reservation policy. 
“Of course” she smiles at you sweetly, “your reservation should be okay, what name is it under?” 
“Putellas” Alexia speaks up from behind you, clearly using the situation to portray a sense of dominance. 
“Follow me and I will show you to your table” the hostess offers, walking through the restaurant, leading you to a secluded corner. 
Once you are seated and served Alexia immediately goes back to teasing you, placing her hand on your now bare thigh. 
“Really?” you ask, looking at Alexia who is clearly pretending to read her menu. 
“What?” she asks dramatically as you continue to stare at her, waiting for her to acknowledge what she is doing. “I’m thinking of getting the salmon, what about you?” she looks you in the eyes, ignoring her purposeful actions and your annoyed glare. 
You sigh knowing that the game that Alexia is playing and knowing her she will not be stopping any time soon. You decide to ignore her cold hand which is slowly inching up your thigh and engage in conversation just as she would like you to. 
“The chicken salad sounds good” you answer simply. 
The two of you continue with some simple small talk until the waitress makes her way over asking you both what you would like. 
“I’ll have the salmon with grilled vegetables” Alexia speaks, smiling sweetly at the waitress across the table. 
“And I’ll-” “She will have the grilled chicken salad, that is all we would like thank you” Alexia speaks over you, handing the waitress both of your menus. 
“I can order for myself Ale” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back in your seat, slightly annoyed at Alexia’s behaviour thus far. 
“Wouldn’t want you to waste your voice on such trivial things, it will be put to much better use later” she responds, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek, the action making you blush a deep red. 
“How so?” you bite back once you have mentally recovered from what she said. 
“I think you know exactly how baby, no need to play dumb” a chuckle escapes her lips as she inches her hand impossibly closer to your core, her hand slides under the buttom of your dress and is now sitting at the top of your thigh. 
You don't respond, instead you sit silently, a small smirk threatening to overtake your features at what Alexia is going to discover in a matter of moments. 
She presses her hand to your core, having to cover up her complete shock that crosses her face. Her hand is not stopped by your panties, instead she is touching your bare pussy, the lack of coverage both shocking and exciting her. 
“You aren’t wearing panties baby” she leans over to whisper, the stunned tone causing you to giggle, as she makes it seems as if you aren’t aware of the fact. 
“I know, I didn’t put any on when I got changed” you answer with a casual shrug. 
“You think a bare pussy is appropriate attire for such an occasion?” she asks with her eyebrow raised, one finger sitting delicately close to your hole, obviously she is ready to push it into you if you don’t answer how she would like you. 
Shocking Alexia with your lack of underwear gave you a small bout of confidence and took away any annoyance you had been feeling about her less than appropriate actions. So now rather than roll your eyes at her, you instead play into her questioning. 
“I haven’t heard any complaints so I would assume so. Is it not appropriate?” you ask innocently, looking at your wife with doe eyes knowing that your faux innocence drives her crazy. 
Alexia moves closer to you, her mouth so close to you that you feel her breath on your neck, the warmth sending shivers down your spin and pulses straight towards your pussy. She slowly pushes her finger into you extremely slowly at the same time. 
“Baby… It was a bold move but a very dumb one” she answers, her lips against your ear. 
The vibrations of her words along with the blissful feeling of her finger curling against your g-spot leaving you in an extremely vulnerable state. 
She continues to push her finger against you, the action alone driving you towards an orgasm due to how worked up she has gotten you over the course of the evening. Alexia knows this though and just before you are able to let go she slides her finger out of you, subtlety and sensually licking the finger clean, not even giving you the satisfaction of looking at you as she does so. 
Once she is done with her display of dominance she looks over at you. “Are you okay?” she asks casually, the smirk on her face and the aching between your thighs leaving you frustrated beyond belief. 
You don’t answer her question, instead just staring at her with a slight pout. Your craving for her to bring you to an orgasim at this very moment is clear to her and she finds great joy in watching you as internally debate whether to beg her to help you cum or stand your ground and pretend you are fine. 
You stand strong for longer than Alexia had expected, spending quite a few minutes deep in thought with the pout still etched into your features. There is slight sway to your hips, anyone else would think you needed to use the bathroom but Alexia knows you better than that and she is well aware that you are trying to use the friction to bring you to your orgasm so you don’t have to ask her for help. 
“Come on baby, just tell me what you need me and I’ll be happy to help out” she places her hand back onto your thigh. She looks at you disapprovingly causing you to halt your actions. 
“I need to cum” you whisper barely just urging yourself to mumble the sentence out. 
“What was that?” Alexia asks, looking at you with a mock confusion. Her hand on your thigh tightening its grip which causes a slight moan to escape your lips. 
“Please help me cum” you speak this time, louder than the last time and rephrased to Alexia’s liking. At this point you need her inside of you so there is no point even fighting against her, you are at the point where you are happy enough to appease her to receive the relief you so badly need. 
“See, was that so hard?” she asks condescendingly, discreetly moving her hand towards your wet pussy. 
She plays with your folds lightly waiting for a response, clearly not willing to give you what you so desperately need until you answer her. 
“No-oooo” you answer, slapping your hand over your mouth when she casually sticks two fingers into you, not completely being able to hold in the moan that escapes. 
She thrusts into you at a steady pace, working you up to your orgasm once more at a very rapid pace despite her not particularly trying very hard. 
She slows down after a few minutes, just barely thrusting into you, rather sitting idly instead the change in pace causes you to groan in displeasure, aching to cum at this point. 
You are thankful for her actions though as your server approaches your table with your meals. 
“Salmon with grilled vegetables?” she asks first, holding out the plate. 
“That’s mine” Alexia smiles at the girl, allowing her to place the plate in front of her. 
“And that means the grilled chicken salad is yours?” the server confirms, working to ensure that she has both meals correct. 
“Yes thank youuu” you force yourself to elongate your sentence as Alexia harshly thrusts both fingers into your pussy as you reply. 
“Yeah of course” the girl answers sweetly, not at all aware of what is occurring across and underneath the table right in front of her. “If you need anything else just signal me over and I will be happy to help, unless you need anything else now?” 
“Would it be too much to ask for a bottle of Chardonnay? We are actually celebrating, we got married yesterday, babe show her your ring” Alexia urges, she would show her own but the hand that it is on is currently knuckle deep in your pussy. 
“Oh wow congratulations you two! I will get you a bottle on the house” she answers sweetly. 
When you don’t immediately show off your ring Alexia halts her fingers deep inside your pussy, you don’t mind feeling a sense of relief that she is no longer building your orgasm while the server is at the table. She knows this though so she continues pushing deeper until you finally place your hand on the table showing off the extravagant ring that Alexia had bought you. 
“It’s absolutely beautiful! Your wife clearly has amazing taste” she admires the ring for far too long for your liking. 
“I like to think I do” Alexia answers smugly obviously making an innuendo. 
“Well I will be back with the wine and congratulations again” 
She walks away and as soon as her back is facing the table Alexia begins pumping into you again, the quick pace of her fingers drawing you impossibly close to your orgasm. 
The two of you begin to eat your meal, Alexia only using one hand, keeping up with thrusting, making the multi-tasking look extremely easy. 
It is too good to be true though as the server approaches the table with the wine that Alexia clearly only asked for so that she could continue to tease you with someone else in your presence. 
“Here is our best wine for the newlyweds, we hope you enjoy it. The chef would also like to offer a free dessert to the both of you as a congratulations”  
“Thank you so much, you are so lovely” Alexia replies, using the phrase that she always uses when you are about to cum, clearly speaking to you rather than the server as she is well aware of how close you are to coming undone. 
“Oh of course, it’s no hassle. How is your meal so far?” 
Alexia quickens her pace as you grip your fork impossibly tight, trying to work through your orgasm without making it obvious that is what you are doing. 
Your breath hitches and Alexia pauses right at your g-spot, hitting it repretivetly knowing that is the perfect way to make you cum on command. 
“Absolutely perfect” another phrase Alexia uses in the bedroom escapes her lips, and as it does you hold back the impossibly loud moan that almost escapes, your orgasm dampened slightly by the coughing fit that follows. 
You stand up immediately, barely allowing time for Alexia’s fingers to discreetly leave your pussy as you rush to the bathroom. 
“Is she okay?” the server asks with concern. 
“I think she will be fine, I will go and check on her, thank you so much for the service though” Alexia answers following after you, more than ready for round 2, the meal and wine completely forgotten at this point. 
“I can never look at you again” Leila exclaims, horrified at the details of what you did with Alexia. 
“That’s not even half of it” Alexia mutters under her breath, a smirk on her face. 
“What did you say Ale?” Virginia asks, she had heard the statement and was looking to stir up some more drama. 
“I said ‘that’s not even half of it’” Alexia answers louder, laughing lightly as she sees the blush covering your cheeks. 
“Ale definitely fucked (Y/N) in the bathroom as well!” Virginia claims, your cheeks turning a deeper red and Alexia’s throaty chuckle telling her everything she needs to know about the situation. 
“What?!” Leila asks horrified. 
“You are acting like you’ve never had sex Ouahabi” Alexia laughs. 
“No I have but (Y/N) is just a baby” Leila reasons, she had always seen you as her baby sister so the newly discovered details of your private life do not sit well with her. 
“I’m married now Leila, I’m going to have sex” you add, the sentiment making the rest of the group laugh. 
But Leila is not as amused, instead continuing her defensive tirade, “no you aren’t!” 
“Too late for that” Virginia pats Leila on the shoulder as she walks past the girl, the group falling into fits of giggles at both Virginia’s comment and Leila’s annoyed face.
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