#also if anyone comes over here and uses woke as a dog-whistle I will report
secretly-a-catamount · 4 months
Broke: Peril and Sky are both cisgender.
Woke: Due to reptilian biology either Peril or Sky are trans because twin reptiles always share the same biological sex.
Bespoke: Peril and Sky are both trans because I said so.
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aimeelouart · 4 years
I dunno how you feel about Rufus, but I think it’d be kind of interesting to see if he found a young time travel Cloud instead of the 1sts. Like it starts off where he like “oh another shinra bastard” but by the end evolves to “if anyone hurts Cloud I’d kill everyone in this tower and then myself” lol
The Tanuki of Shinra Tower - 2106 words, roughly the same continuity as SSC, so Cloud looks like a kid
Rufus blinked at the little blond child, freezing halfway through his office door. The little blond child glared back from the wall, a knife clenched between his teeth. Slowly, he slid back into the vent he was hanging out of and pulled the cover closed behind him.
“Huh,” said Rufus. He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed Veld’s office.
The child was back, this time raiding the break room for food at the asscrack of dawn. He paused when Rufus came in, eyes briefly flitting down to where Rufus’s guns were holstered, before apparently dismissing him as unimportant and going back to rooting through the fridge.
Rufus narrowed his eyes, a little insulted but more than curious enough to set his annoyance aside for the moment. He realized what he hadn’t the first time⁠: the tiny little thing had mako in his bright blue eyes. The tiny little thing had a SOLDIER’s enhancements. So Rufus leaned against the wall by the door and crossed his arms over his chest, observing as the child picked up a container of leftover wutaian noodles, sniffed it, made a face, and put it back.
Had his father handed one of his bastard children over to Science? It didn’t seem like something he’d do, but at the same time it didn’t seem like something he wouldn’t do. And if the little thing was an experiment, why was he running amok like this? Veld hadn’t had a clue that a blond child was loose in the vents when he’d first called, though Rufus and the Turks in general were starting to think the kid had something to do with the many mysterious happenings around the Tower.
The kid finished his raid as Rufus watched thoughtfully, standing up with an apple in his mouth and a half-eaten sandwich in one hand. He kicked the fridge door shut, cast Rufus one last uninterested look, and scrambled back into the open vent, closing it behind him with his bare feet.
“Huh,” said Rufus.
He mentally dubbed the child Tanuki and set the coffee to brewing before he went back to his office and called Veld again.
The Turks weren’t making much progress on tracking Tanuki down, which was, frankly, hilarious. Some wild theories were being thrown around, mostly for entertainment and venting frustration that they were somehow losing to a child whose age wasn’t even in the double digits. The most popular theory was that Tanuki was actually a very lifelike robot.
Rufus’s personal favorite theory was that Tanuki was the hellspawn of Scarlett and his father. Scarlett, being a heartless bitch, had dumped her newborn baby in a reactor, from which he had then emerged filled with the wrath of the gods and spite enough to kill all of Shinra by a thousand petty cuts.
Considering how often the coffee makers in the executive floors had been mysteriously sabotaged, it seemed about right.
Rufus came back to his office from an executive meeting that had lasted well past 9pm, exhausted and determined to pick up Darkstar so that they could go home immediately. He found his dog, certainly, curled up in the corner of his office on her bed. 
He also found Tanuki, sleeping like a pup against the barrel of her chest.
Starry raised her head and whined very very softly, short tail wagging as if to say ‘look what I have!’ Rufus toed off his shoes and crept over to crouch just out of arm’s reach, observing the boy’s sleeping face. Of course his murderous (pushover) guard hound would be the first to pin the child down. He shook his head and patted her flank. Her tail wagged harder.
The child woke all at once, eyes flying open and landing squarely on Rufus. It was impressive. He’d seen Turks who had far less control over themselves so soon after waking.
“Oh. You,” said the child in a sleep-roughened voice. He rubbed briefly at his eyes, yawning without actually opening his mouth. “Tell Darkstar to get off me.” One of her heavy forelegs was laid over his waist, keeping him trapped curled up against her. Mako strength or not, it was probably difficult to wiggle out from under a heavy, stubborn dog.
A little smile curled at Rufus’s lips. The kid was fearless. He liked it, especially in a maybe-possibly little half-brother. “Why would I do that instead of, say, calling a Turk while you’re stuck here?”
The kid shot him a wry look that didn’t quite fit his soft young face. “I could kill either or both of you instead,” he said with not an ounce of false bravado. Pointedly, he tapped the hilt of the knife at his waist with one finger.
“Then why don’t you?” Rufus was curious. What exactly were the kid’s goals here? Based on his preternatural skillset, he could probably have killed every single person in the Tower and gotten away with it.
“Too much trouble. I’d prefer you alive.” He reached up and scratched Starry behind the ear. She leaned into it, tail and tentacle waving happily. “And Darkstar is the most tolerable out of all of you.”
Fair enough. Rufus was satisfied for now. He whistled and Darkstar got up with a deeply reluctant whine, slinking sulkily over to his side. Tanuki got up too, stretching fluidly, and headed for the vents.
“Do you have a name?” Rufus asked impulsively.
The kid climbed up and slid into the vent feet-first, pausing to look at Rufus. A tiny, shit-eating grin curled at his lips. “All things considered,” he said, “I think the nickname you gave me is good enough for now. I’ll tell you when you’ve earned my name.” Then he closed the grate and vanished.
Rufus huffed. Alright then.
The tiny acts of sabotage continued apace, much to the Turks’ frustration. Veld still had yet to see Tanuki himself, though a few of the younger Turks had caught glimpses. That might have been deliberate on Tanuki’s part⁠—he seemed to be something of a little shit. Rufus himself had semi-frequent, if unpredictable, conversations with the child, mostly when he caught him stealing food from the break room. 
Or from his desk. Tanuki was shameless.
The child would pass on information when it suited him⁠—flash drives, printed files, occasionally physical evidence. It all seemed very random, but Rufus guessed that there was some kind of connection between everything. Whatever it was, it was inscrutable, even to Veld.
Or at least, it was until nearly all of Science was demolished in one fell swoop.
The chaos was incredible. As the reports rolled in, it seemed that dozens upon dozens of small events had neatly lined up to kill the top scientists and send the whole department screeching to a halt. Hojo was dead, killed by one of his own experiments. Hollander was dead, drowned in a vat of mako. Every fire sprinkler in the whole building had gone off and didn’t shut off for nearly thirty minutes. The physical damage was incalculable.
And Rufus had a feeling it was all Tanuki’s doing.
Oh, he had no evidence. But arranging something so grand in scale would certainly explain why someone of his skills had been doing nothing but relatively harmless sabotage for nearly three months. Veld agreed, when he voiced his thoughts. No one had any idea where the little gremlin was, or how he’d done any of it.
Rufus got part of an answer when he retired to his executive apartment at the top of the Tower, unwilling to go to his preferred home in the city proper when there was still so much work to do. Starry perked up the moment the front door opened, whining and bounding away from his side. Eyes narrowed, Rufus drew his weapons and crept into the apartment. If Starry was whining instead of growling, it was probably fine, but one could never be too cautious.
He followed the sound of Starry’s whines into the master bedroom. There was a trail of blood leading from the windows to the en-suite bathroom. When he entered, he found Tanuki curled up in the bathtub, head pillowed on a folded-up towel with Starry nosing at his hair. His hand was pressed over his stomach. Bright crimson soaked into his shirt and dripped trickled into the bathtub, flowing steadily down the soft incline and into the drain. His lips were tinged blue, cheeks pale, the dark circles beneath his eyes stark.
“Shit,” Rufus breathed, fumbling to holster his guns and pull out his PHS as he quickly crossed over to kneel by the tub. “Kid.”
Tanuki didn’t open his eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. “Did you know...that…Hojo is...actually a...good shot?”
“Was,” Rufus corrected, hitting the speed-dial for Veld’s personal phone. It was the first time he’d ever used it.
Tanuki huffed a laugh. “Was,” he agreed. “Sorry. Tried not to bleed too much on your fancy expensive carpet.”
“Oh, make no mistake,” Rufus said, shucking off his white jacket and shifting the PHS to his other ear, “you’ll be cleaning it up later.”
“Sure,” the kid agreed, breezily enough that it made Rufus’s stomach twist strangely.
Veld picked up. “Rufus?”
“Tanuki is shot and bleeding out in my bathtub. Executive suite. Send medical assistance.” He paused. “SOLDIER kit, a surgeon if you can manage it.”
“Understood.” Veld hung up.
Rufus got another towel and pressed it against Tanuki’s torso, gently moving aside the little hand that could no longer press down with mako strength to staunch the bleeding. “Hold on, kid,” he told his maybe-possibly⁠ little...no, his definitely little brother. Because Rufus said so, and what he said went.  “Help is coming.”
Tanuki didn’t say much of anything.
The kid lived, though it was touch and go for a while. They couldn’t risk taking him down to the non-science medical floors just yet, so Veld came personally escorting one of the Turks' own medics. Assisting in emergency surgery on a mako-enhanced child on the floor of his bathroom was certainly not something Rufus was ever going to forget.
Eventually, though, long after his knees had gone numb and his back started cramping, the last bullet was fished out and the wound closed with a Cura, cast by Veld because the medic was exhausted. Rufus washed the blood from himself, then helped the medic wash the blood off the kid. They put him in Rufus’s bed, covers tucked up to his chin with heating pads (and Starry) around him to help as he recovered from blood loss.
The medic left, escorted back to her own floor by a younger Turk. Veld and Rufus both watched Tanuki sleep, lost in their thoughts.
“Did you know that Hojo was actually a good shot?” Rufus said abruptly.
Veld looked at him from the corner of his eye. “...no. That, I did not know.”
Rufus fished a bloodied USB drive out of his pants⁠—the same USB drive Tanuki had been clutching in his free hand. On its side, a neat label read ‘For Verdot: Valentine & Gast.’ He handed it over.
“I have a feeling he wasn’t just being glib about his own injuries,” he said, a wry, tired smirk pulling at his lips. “He’s a little shit like that.”
Veld read the label and slowly⁠—so slowly⁠—slipped the drive into his inner suit pocket. “Hm,” he said, a strange tightness in the corners of his eyes. It softened a little when he looked back at the kid. He leaned over, briefly resting his hand on top of Tanuki’s wild blond hair. “Get some rest,” he told Rufus, standing upright and straightening his suit jacket. “We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”
On that cheerful note, he left.
Rufus glanced at his newfound little brother and sighed. Great. Now he had to sleep on the couch.
When Rufus woke up the next day (late, because he deserved it for once, goddammit) he found Tanuki mysteriously missing and his fridge quite a bit emptier than it had been before he’d gone to sleep. He shambled around a bit, checking to make sure the kid hadn’t gone and holed himself up in a closet like a real tanuki or anything equally ridiculous.
There was a note on one of the pillows on his bed. In a surprisingly elegant hand, it read ‘call me Cloud.’ When he flipped it over, the other side had the name and number of a carpet cleaning company. Rufus threw his head back and laughed, startling Starry.
Yeah. Tanuki⁠—Cloud⁠—was going to be just fine.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
5. Draw me like one of your French girls
Tumblr media
Genre: Min Yoongi x oc
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.3k
At this point, I’m seriously considering commissioning my own fanart.
It all started the next morning at our first press release. Somebody had the bright idea to show me some fanart that’s been rolling in the past few weeks of a certain k-pop rapper and I. Not gonna lie...we look good together.
Too good.
Then again, everything about Min Yoongi has seemed pretty good since I woke up to a couple more texts from him this morning. I passed out after his late-night/early morning apology, but he sent another text not long after.
4:32 MYG: So does this mean I’m forgiven? Bong-cha made it sound like you enjoy holding grudges.
9:02 MYG: Morning. I hope everything goes well with you today...is it alright if I keep texting you?
9:02 MYG: Just so I can keep tabs on everything. I don’t want this to get too out of hand for you.
Obviously the poor man is just as worried about all of this as I am. I couldn’t help but give a sleepy chuckle when I woke up to his messages.
So far, I’ve done a wonderful job of ignoring how nice it felt to wake up to a good morning text.
I’ve also done a great job at keeping calm and breezing past any weird questions from the current press conference I’m in. That is, until a Korean reporter (I have a hunch they’re from Dispatch) pipes up not only with a question, but with visual aids!
“Cara, do you mind if I ask you a question? Would you like a translator?”
Reminding myself to be gracious and kind, I shake my head. “Go ahead. I should be alright without a translator, thank you.”
The reporter nods, shuffling forward until they pull a paper out of their file in hand. She gives me a sickly smile, passing the paper up to our security guard who does me the honor of bringing it right to my outstretched palm.
“This is one of the newest renderings, I was just wondering how you have been feeling about this entire situation?”
I already guessed what this was going to be about, but the picture in my hand confirms it.
It’s fanart.
To be honest, it’s very well done. It’s a watercolor, the artist placed us walking along a rainy sidewalk. Hand in hand, Yoongi’s gummy smile on full display while I look down at my toes.
Sebastian whistles beside me, clearly as in awe of the artwork as I am. Before me the reporter still wears her smile, waiting for a response. I pass the paper down the line, allowing Rhea to get a chance to admire the fanart.
Maybe it’s the boost of confidence I received upon reading Yoongi’s text this morning that has me grinning back at the reporter with a saccharine smile.
“Did you draw this? It’s very well done.”
Not everyone can understand Korean in this press conference, but the few that do start chuckling. The reporter blanches for a moment, smile faltering.
“N-no, but if you could answer the question-”
I’m sure I look very disappointed as I look down at her. She definitely works for dispatch; she practically reeks of it. Maybe that’s what gives me the boldness I need as I realize that I’m not even her direct target; Yoongi is.
Yoongi’s nice. I don’t think she is.
“Oh, everything is going fine. Honestly, I should get in touch with this artist. They’re very talented.”
The reporter’s eyebrows flick up, sensing a new method of attack. “Were you thinking of commissioning your own?”
“Honestly, I might consider it. Maybe it’ll make my aunts quit hounding me every Thanksgiving about my love life.”
With that, the paper is handed back to the security guard, but the reporter motions for him to keep it. Confused, he hands it back to me. I turn it over so I don’t get caught staring at it during the conference. That’s the last thing Yoongi or I need right now.
As the reporter takes her seat again, I can’t help but feel a little triumphant. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
12:22 ME: I never said you were forgiven, did I?
As soon as we get out of the press conference we are ushered into a van which takes us to another interview. I figure that now is as good a time as any to text Yoongi back, seeing that this morning I woke up late and was too flustered to come up with a response.
“Who are you texting?” Sebastian asks. “Is it your friend that always calls you?”
I consider lying to him for a moment, but realize that it might actually be nice for him to know. He can keep me from being unrealistic when I start to fangirl.
He may also help me to keep that promise I silently made a while ago: to not go so easy on Yoongi. Right now, it’s proving harder than expected to dislike him.
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “You’re grinning at your phone like an idiot, that only happens when you get texts from me.”
“Ha! Right. It’s a secret...kind of. Don’t tell anyone.”
“I’ll try my best not to.”
Taking an unnecessarily big breath, I spill my secret that I’ve kept for approximately 12 hours.
“It’s Yoongi.” When there’s no immediate reaction from him, I backpedal. “Also known as Suga?”
Before Sebastian can respond the ping of my phone pulls my attention away.
12:26 MYG: Oh good, you responded. I was getting worried you were actually mad. So is it alright if I keep texting you? I don’t want to mess with your schedule.
“You’re smiling again.”
I look up to see an annoyed Sebastian Stan. He’s not very good at sharing attention, and it would appear that Yoongi is no exception.
“How strange, I didn’t realize.”
12:27 ME: That’s fine.
12:27 ME: But I am mad!!
12:28 MYG: Hahaha sure
“Cara, we’re here.” Sebastian says as he clambers out of the car. I follow after him, pocketing my phone.
There’s a few cameras outside waiting for us, but we’re able to make it inside the building without too much fuss. Once we make it into the room where we’re supposed to have one of our interviews, Sebastian pulls a paper out of his back pocket.
“What’s that?”
He smirks at me, unfolding the paper. It’s the fanart from earlier. I didn’t even realize that he’d pocketed it.
“Tell Suga I say hi, at least.” He poses with the papers just below his chin, giving the best puppy dog eyes he can muster up. It’s rather convincing, if I’m being honest.
“You weirdo,” I mumble as I snap a photo. I’m quick to send it off to Yoongi, captioning it.
12:37 ME: Sebastian says hello.
Our interviewer is just about to come into the room when I receive a response. Not having the self-restraint to put my phone away, I quickly take a look. Sebastian peers over my shoulder, curious as well.
12:40 MYG: Winter Soldier!!!
12:41 MYG: Hi. Did he draw that?
I cackle, quickly translating the message. Sebastian looks appalled. “I have better things to do than draw fanart!”
“Yeah, like write fanfiction, right?”
He grins at me. “Obviously.”
12:42 ME: No, but he says he’s writing fanfiction.
12:42 ME: We’re about to start an interview rn but I’ll tell him to send you his rough draft later. 😏
Interviews pass, and it isn’t until I’m finishing up dinner that my phone pings with another message from Yoongi. I nearly impale Sebastian with my fork as I lunge for my charging phone; he’d come into my hotel room to eat dinner with me.
“Watch it!” Sebastian grunts, shoveling food into his mouth at an alarming rate. We were promised lunch by Rhea earlier but it ended up just being a small snack as she was whisked away by a long-lost friend. The two of us managed to control our hunger for as long as possible, but Sebastian wasted no time calling up some food for us before we even got back to the hotel.
We barely beat the delivery boy here. He wasn’t all that surprised that we were American. Sebastian had tried out some very choppy Cantonese. What did end up surprising him was that he was delivering a meal to the Winter Soldier. I was able to sneak into my room undetected while the boy’s eyes were bugging out as Sebastian signed his hat.
“Sorry,” I mumble around my food.
9:12 MYG: I’m still waiting for the rough draft.
I translate the message to Sebastian, who cackles and promises to get started on it as soon as possible.
9:14 ME: Sorry, Sebastian said he’s still trying to write it. I’ll let you know when it’s ready!
9:15 MYG: That’s alright. I’ll be patient.
9:15 MYG: I saw a clip from your press conference today.
My stomach lurches as I realize what clip it was that he probably saw. Does he think I’m some crazy fangirl now? I mean, I might be. But he doesn’t need to know that.
9:18 ME: I didn’t get you in trouble, did I?
Sebastian notices my change in expression and shoots me a worried look. “Everything alright?” I shrug.
“Yeah...I just hope I didn’t get him in trouble with what I said at the press conference today. I think that reporter was trying to go against him somehow.”
“He’s a big boy. Did he say anything about it?”
I look back down at the messages even though I already know what he said. My stomach lurches again as I see the three little dots at the bottom of the screen.
“No, not really. He just said he saw a clip or something. He’s typing right now, though.”
9:20 MYG: I thought I was the worrier. No, you didn’t. How was the rest of your day?
“What’d he say?” Sebastian grabs our cartons of food, tossing them into the wastebasket.
“He’s just…”
“Are you blushing?!” My friend stares at me from across the room, eyes wide. “No way! You like him!”
“No! No I don’t!”
“Yes you do, don’t lie to me! You’re so into him!” Sebastians hurries back over grinning wide. “Wow, he must be a good texter.”
That really is helping my blush. “Nooo, he’s not. He’s just nice. That’s it. It’s just fun having someone nice to talk to, you know? He feels really bad about everything and - Sebastian quit it - and it’s just sweet of him to care. That’s it.”
Sebastian stops looking at me with his puppy dog eyes and leans back in his chair, a contemplative look overtaking his features. “I thought I was nice to talk to.”
I pause for a second, breath getting caught in my throat. “Y-you are. I didn’t mean it like that.”
He shakes his head, giving me an award-winning smile. “No, I know. Aren’t you going to respond?”
“Oh! Yeah!” I focus on my phone again. There’s an uneasy feeling rising in me at Sebastian’s comment, but I brush it off for now. He’s always been bad at sharing his friends. He’s the same with Anthony Mackey, I’ve seen it up close.
9:25 ME: True, I’ll let you worry. My day was good, just finished up dinner. How was yours?
“There, I-” I look up proudly only to find Sebastian’s chair empty and the door clicking shut. “...I did it.”
MYG: It was great. Got lots of work done.
MYG: Have you decided if you’re going to come to the festival or not? Also, Bong-cha says hi.
ME: Wow, she can’t even tell me herself. No respect. No, I honestly didn’t even think about it today...but I’m pretty sure we’re all going either way.
MYG: Haha she’s not happy with your comment.
MYG: She’s reading over my shoulder, I promise I’m not reading our conversation out loud. Is your director making you go?
I just miss the chance to respond as my phone lights up with an incoming call.
“Bong-cha, quit reading my conversations you little weirdo.”
“Hey, how’s it going with you? I’m great, thanks for asking.”
“Are you still in the room with everyone?”
“No, just left. You should see Yoongi right now, though.”
“He looks like a kid in a candy store every time he gets a text from you. It’s adorable.”
My friend’s cackle soars through the phone, and I swat at the air as though I could somehow get her to stop.
“Please tell me you guys are coming to the festival.” Bong-cha’s sudden change in tone has me pausing, chewing on my lip.
“We are. Why?”
“Come stay with me!” Bong-cha shouts. I jump up, a grin already working its way onto my face. “It’ll be just like old times. And, I was looking at the schedule you sent me...there’s a couple of nights where you’re done relatively early. We could go do something fun!”
I sigh, rubbing my temples. My phone is buzzing with incoming texts, but I ignore them for now. “Yeah, that’ll be fun. I’m not sure if I can come stay with you-”
“C’mon,” Bong-cha whines. “I never get to see you anymore. We’ll make it work! Oh, I’ve gotta go, Tae brought Yeontan. But let me know!”
With that, Bong-cha cuts the line and leaves me on the other side caught between excitement at seeing my friend and dread at having to come face to face with Yoongi. Texting is one thing; but actually spending time with him?
“Just be his friend,” I mumble to myself. Settling down, I attack my food once more. The space where Sebastian sat before makes me furrow my brows.
What’s going on with him? I mean sure, we’re really good friends. But we still see each other constantly, why would he be so possessive?
It’s probably all just in my head. My phone light up with the texts I received a couple of minutes ago while I was still on the phone, and this time I physically cannot restrain the smile that comes through as I realize Yoongi is still texting me.
MYG: Really no pressure about the festival. I know Bong-cha really wants to see you, but please don’t feel like you have to come and hang out with us.
MYG: We’re not even that cool, anyways.
MYG: Are you just hanging out with Sebastian tonight??
I stare down at my phone for a moment, the smile being wiped from my face. Plopping down heavily on my bed, I close my eyes and power off my phone.
Yoongi is nice. So nice, apparently, that I can’t even tell now if he’s trying to get me to stay away. The fact is simple: he’s a nice man who has a reputation to uphold and is trying to keep everyone happy. That includes me.
He’s nice for texting me and trying to make sure I’m doing alright. Any decent human being would do that. But there’s also the fact that I’m new to this game in the spotlight and I know that I’m not going to be able to keep my feelings out of this.
I take a moment to breathe, forcing myself to push away the impending panic that sets in. This is no way to live, and I know that I’m only setting myself up for heartbreak when someday I don’t wake up to a good morning text from Yoongi.
It’s only been one day of communicating and I can already feel myself getting too attached.
Powering on my phone again, I flinch at the new texts.
9:17 MYG: Bong-cha just told me her evil plan. 😩 Did she tell you about it on the phone?
9:31 MYG: Sorry if you’re busy! Just text me back when you can. Let me know about your plans for the festival, too.
Even though I’m itching to text him back and waste away the rest of the night talking to him, there’s another more pressing matter I have to face. Quickly getting up and leaving my phone there in order to fight the temptation, I grab my room key and head a few rooms down. A quiet knock and a few seconds later and Sebastian is opening up his door.
He looks down at me warily, and I feel almost like we had a fight because of the way he’s looking at me. Emitting a loud sigh, he shakes it off and grins down at me in a way that makes me question if I even saw the previous expression at all.
“Hey,” I mumble out weakly. Moving past him into his room, he follows silently behind me.
Without another word I land face first onto his bed, the action pulling a laugh from him. Good. His laugh reminds me that this is real. This friendship is real, and Sebastian for all his annoying teasing, is a true friend.
Bong-cha is miles away and busy. She’s also biased. So Sebastian is the next best thing.
“I’m freaking out,” the pillow muffles my words but I know he hears me loud and clear. The mattress dips on one side as Sebastian settles onto it, and a moment later a hesitant hand begins kneading the flesh at my shoulders. I let out a satisfied sigh.
“What’s going on?” His tone is gentle, and the sound of it nearly tugs some tears out of my eyes.
“I’m pathetic, Sebastian.” I clutch his pillow and bury my face farther into it. “I’m so pathetic! I’ve literally never met the man before in my life, and I’ve spent the last 24 hours sending a few texts back and forth and I already feel like I’d jump off a cliff for him!”
Sebstian’s hands pause in their kneading for a fraction of a second before continuing on. “I told you you liked him.”
I turn to look at him, and again I catch that wary gaze before he drops it. “Really? ‘I told you so’? Rude. I need help, Sebastian. It’s never going to happen, he’s just being nice, and I just need to be cordial and get through this. Right?”
He nods, contemplating a bit. “Sure. He seems like a great guy. But at the end of the day, the two of you are just caught up in a weird media frenzy and that’s it. Is that what you want me to say?”
“I guess.” I huff, flipping onto my back as I stare up at the ceiling. “Why do I like him though? Am I just desperate?”
Sebastian stands up and laughs. “No way. If you were desperate you would be falling for me, not some inconvenient, crazy famous kpop star.”
Somehow his words make me laugh, the feeling easing the panic a bit. “You’re right, I guess.”
I end up passing out in Sebastian’s room only to wake up at 3 am and find myself a little too close for comfort to my co-star. Gently untangling myself from his mess of arms and legs, I sneak out of his room and back to my own.
Half-asleep and looking the part, I groan at my reflection in the mirror as I try to brush my teeth. Pointing at my reflection with my toothbrush, I give myself a pep talk.
“You are not pathetic,” pause to spit, “you’re not desperate,” rinse out the brush, “you’re just friendly. You’re practicing making new friends, and Yoongi as well as all of BTS are a part of that. That’s it.”
So when I finally settle down into my cold and very empty bed, I don’t feel very guilty sending Yoongi a late-night text. He never texted me again after the last one I saw, and I easily brush off the feeling of disappointment and replace it with relief.
3:13 ME: Yeah, we’re going. No, I have no idea what the evil plan is. Do we need to come up with a counter-plan? And sorry I never responded...I was busy annoying Sebastian and left my phone in my room. Good morning! This is payback for your late texts last night!
I fall asleep easily after that, double checking that my phone is on silent before snuggling deep down into my pillows.
Honestly, what do I even have to worry about? Everything is going great with promotions, the movie is finished and should be well received, and in a couple of days I’ll get to go see Bong-cha and make new friends!
Into the silence, I can’t help but laugh. I’m not dumb enough to believe that everything will go as planned.
Especially not as my dreams take over and the only thing I can dream of is a man in a black suit, turning around to greet me over and over again. I can never quite see his face, but somehow I know him.
Even in my unconscious state, I lie to myself and say that it’s not Min Yoongi.
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weird-incarnate · 4 years
A Brief Intermission For Shipping Content
This is the story of how Dr. Valentine and Dr. Afton met.  Dr. Afton belongs to @theho11owknight TW: Sexual Harassment, Nearly getting hit by a bus,  Summary: Dr. Marbus Valentine has  been on Earth for over a millennia now. Somehow she still gets herself into quite a bit of trouble, but that somehow all led up to this. Her first meeting with Dr. Charles Afton. 
Dr. Marbus Valentine woke up to the familiar ache of her body complaining. It’s been a full millennia and her damaged back still complained of the soreness it felt from the wounds inflicted on it. Groaning, she rolled over trying to go back to bed, shivering as the cold air hit her exposed back. She would’ve loved to fall back asleep, she really would have, but Nurse Mortus had other plans, made apparent by the way he kicked open the door and let himself in. “Rise and shine, my Valentine!” He rhymed laughing at his stupid joke. Mortus surveyed the room and clicked his tongue at the scene The computer in the corner of the room had been left on, again, and she had neglected to pick up her clothes off the floor… also again… She wasn’t necessarily messy, no not by any stretch of the imagination. Dr. Valentine actively enjoyed cleaning! Mortus on the other hand, hated anything being out of its place. He had to set up everything just right and it had to be like that the moment he woke up. Dr. Valentine was not like him, made apparent at her snakelike hiss when he opened the blinds. “Oh hush, you have to get to your clinic, and I need to get to the bar,” He scolded, “I’m just waking you up before I leave. Are you able to get there on your own today?”
“Yeah yeah… I’ll be fine getting there Mortus,” She responded grumpily, before shifting and sitting up in bed to rub her back, ignoring Mortus’s complaint at the lack of shirt she was wearing. “You’re in my room you old bastard. You should’ve expected it.” “Still! You’re an angel! Have a fragment of modesty please?!” He begged averting his eyes, and making a bee-line for the door. “I’m leaving to work! Be careful and I’ll see you tonight!” 
Dr. Valentine watched him leave, and waited to hear the front door shut before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and using her night stand to push herself up into a wobbly standing pose. After a couple shaky steps, as per her morning routine, she made it to the bathroom and began brushing her teeth. She spat out blood, most likely leftovers from last night's feast and sighed returning to her computer screen. She checked the news to see if anyone found the bodies of her victim from last night. They hadn’t and she was sad they hadn’t even been reported missing yet. She wondered about their family, their friends, their loved ones. She was struck between being sad and relieved no one had reported them yet, but accepted the relief and rolled over in her desk chair with a push to the dresser.
 It was too early for her to go to the clinic yet, Valentine wasn’t due to be there for three more hours. Still she got dressed, pulling on a turtleneck and a pink skirt, something she had worn for years. It took a bit of struggle to pull the turtleneck over her back scars as they were being angrier than usual today. Once the fabric settled she was able to move easier, and rolled over to her wheelchair in her room. She picked up her black plague mask off of the wheelchair seat and sat down in it after a quick transfer, pulling on her mask. It took her about twenty minutes to get ready in total, not shabby for a bad pain day. Looking around, she located her hat and placed it on her head, before rolling her wheelchair into the living room, and then to the front door. Did she ignore the meds and food Mortus set out for her? Probably. Did that matter to her in the moment? Not really. 
She checked herself in the entryway mirror of the quaint house to make sure everything looked correct on her, before unlocking the front door and rolling out, locking the door behind her. Dr. Valentine began her trek down the street into the city humming a small tune to herself. Despite the normally busy metropolis it was quiet and empty today. She didn’t mind it entirely. After years of living in the city, she did get sick of the noise every once in a while. 
Without much incident, Dr. Valentine arrived at the park, seeing some people walking their dogs, and children playing before school. She smiled at the scene. Normally she hated parks but this one by her house always brought her a sense of peace and joy. It was always so quiet and empty. Happily rolling down the path, she made her way to the duck pond where everyone seemed to be gone. She took some spare bird seed out of her bag and tossed it into the water, giggling to herself as they flocked to the seed, nibbling on it. 
However, she quickly felt a familiar feeling of being watched and she looked away from the ducks to a man on the other side of the pond. Dr. Valentine was taken by surprise at his appearance. Sure, in this new generation, much of the clothes was brightly colored and very different from when she was sent to earth, but only doctors ever adorned plague masks and here she was. Staring at a man in a plague mask. He was quite intriguing at her first glance. He had on a purple dress shirt and black slacks, with a black and silver plague doctor mask. He had what looked like a scar across his neck, and some marking on his wrist as well, but Dr. Valentine ignored all of it. She locked directly onto his glowing purple eyes peering through the holes of the mask. He hadn’t actually been looking at her. He was actually looking at the ducks she was feeding, but when she stopped feeding them, he noticed almost seemingly instantly and locked eyes with her. 
Dr. Valentine cursed the blush she felt tint her cheeks as she ripped her gaze away from him. The blush deepened when she saw him approach her. She damned the angels in heaven by making her a hopeless romantic when she fell, getting ready to roll away in escape, but he stopped somewhat close to her to look at the ducks closer. Despite her usual hatred of strangers, Dr. Valentine spoke. 
“Would… you like to feed them too?” Her voice came out soft and gentle, but nervous. The masked man looked over at her and back at the ducks before nodding. Dr. Valentine couldn’t help the smile that spread across her cheeks as she poured some feed into his hands and let him toss it out into the lake where the ducks quacked and munched away. That should’ve been it. It really should have been, but Dr. Valentine was desperate for human connection. So she started attempting to chat with him. 
“The ducks are always so hungry in the mornings. They would eat my whole bag of feed if I let them,” She mused, halfway not expecting a reply. 
“Do… you come out here and feed them often?” The man asked, seemingly analysing her. His gaze could have melted her alive, if she was the slightest bit weaker. Instead, she ripped her eyes away from him for the second time and looked back at the ducks. “Only when I get the time. I was just heading to my clinic but I had a lot of extra time so I decided to stop by here.”
“. . .Interesting…” 
Dr. Valentine was practically melting in her seat at this point. Looking for an escape, she looked up at him, glad he couldn’t see her face, and offered him the small bag of feed. He looked at it without taking it, so she prompted him further. 
“I have to head to work about now. I don’t meet many people by this duck pond so take this as a gift and feed them for me okay?” She smiled, and even though he couldn’t see it, she practically radiated sunshine through her posture, getting the message across. He took the bag, his hand brushing hers for a moment, and pulling back analyzing the bag. Dr. Valentine pulled her hand back and wished him well before taking off down the pond and into town. 
She cursed herself for chickening out and not staying longer. In her defense, she was useless when it came to her dumb instantaneous crushes. Either way, she hoped he enjoyed her gift to him. Despite her alert nature, she didn’t really get shaken out of her daze until she heard someone whistling at her. 
“Huh?” She jerked up and looked around, her eyes falling onto a tall man, with blonde hair and tanned skin whistling at her. 
“Hey, I’ve been trying to get your attention for like… five minutes!” He laughed, saying it in a chiding tone. 
“Oh uh… Do I know you?”  She asked, not intending it to sound as rude as it came out. 
“No you don’t but I’d like you too baby!” Oh. Oh gross. He was one of those guys. 
“Uh sorry, I’m not looking for anyone to date right now.” 
“Oh really? Are you sure?” 
“I’m not interested.” She snapped at him, fed up with his approach. Dr. Valentine realized her immediate mistake, when the smile on the guys face turned into a snarl. 
“I don’t think a crip like you has the right to be choosey” He answered with an angry tone. 
“Excuse me?! What right do you have to demand I go out with you after you insulted me?!” 
“It should’ve been a compliment you bitch! You should be honored I even considered you!” 
“I… I don’t even fucking know you!!” Dr. Valentine, very quickly fed up with this guy, went to roll away, but was stopped by him grabbing her backrest and forcing her back to face him. Not thinking, Dr. Valentine responded by pressing her foot against his chest and shoving her leg straight as hard as she could, shoving him back. She pushed him away but herself also in the process, causing her left wheel to fall off the edge of the curb. The entire chair tipped over and dumped her into the street, the force of the fall skidding her directly into the driving lane, and right in the path of a bus. 
She was only able to push up to all fours before she saw the bus barrelling towards her. She froze like a deer in the headlights and closed her eyes waiting to be hit. A flash of purple could be seen tackling her out of the line of danger. She heard the screeching of wheels, and felt herself be shoved several feet away, and her back slam against the concrete. She cried out in pain, her mask getting skewed and falling off. She opened her eyes several seconds later, to be greeted with the same masked doctor from the pond on top of her. He had shoved her out of the way and was surveying her for damage and there was a slight crackle of… electricity?
Dr. Valentine looked at him, entranced by his purple eyes, but even when he met hers, she didn’t look away. She noticed the ever slight widening of his eyes, and processed her mask had fallen off and her glowing pink eyes were a dead give away about what she was. Fear filled her body and she covered her eyes expecting some sort of reaction. Fear, hatred, anger, but all she felt was him picking her up off the tough concrete and carrying her back to the side walk, where the man that had caused her to fall was long gone. She fixed her mask back on her face, as she was set down on the sidewalk. The bus driver peeked out of his vehicle to ask if she was okay. She gave a quick nod, and after evaluating if he could trust the man that saved her, the bus driver drove off. 
The strange doctor picked up her half crushed wheelchair out of the street, and looked over at Dr. Valentine. 
“Um.. I don’t think you can use this,” He stated, as he attempted to spin the bent wheels. Dr. Valentine looked at him, then to the wheelchair, and started laughing. She was probably in shock, but something about the situation was so funny to her. He looked back at her laughing form and returned it with a small chuckle. 
“No, I don’t think I will be able to use that,” She giggled, trying to calm her panicked, heaving chest, “I.. uh… thank you. For saving my life.” 
“. . .Don’t mention it.” He said flatly. 
“Hm… Only if you don’t mention my eyes,” She joked before reaching out her hand, “I’m Dr. Marbus Valentine. Who are you?”
“Dr. Charles Afton. And are you sure I can’t mention the eyes?” 
“I’m sure.” She smirked, “Uhm… I don’t suppose you could call a friend for me…? I don’t have any way home.” He responded by pulling out a phone and handing it to her. She didn’t waste any time and called Mortus’s number. After explaining the situation and getting promptly chewed out for nearly dying and fretted over, Mortus said he would be there in ten minutes. Satisfied with the answer, she handed the phone back to Dr. Afton. 
“Thank you again. You’ve been a great help,” She smiled under her mask again and hoped she translated how grateful she was with her body language. Dr. Afton nodded, his face looking thoughtful. 
“I should get going. Are you going to be okay?” He asked. 
“I’ll be just fine,” She replied, getting as comfy as she could on the sidewalk. Her tailbone still hurt. She wasn’t expecting to feel his hand place itself on top of her head in an odd ruffling motion. He pulled away just as quickly as he did it. 
“Take care of yourself,” He said not really as a request but a statement, and walked away. Dr. Valentine didn’t even get time to respond before he turned the corner of a building and vanished from her line of sight
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dolphinitley · 6 years
Jacob Seed/F!Deputy Fic
“Love Like Revenge”
Chapter 4
Word count: 2,499
Full work on AO3
Summary: In this chapter we learn about Jacob and Dep’s pasts, as well as the deputy’s real name! Also they kiss for the first time!
Constructive criticism and comments are very welcome!
Tagging @theeonlyroman @colorguardian18 @flyawayturtle @farcrying5 @zacklover24 @sassenach-on-the-rocks @theromanianbookworm @afeverxlongingstill @mmechromancer @jacobmybeloved @jacobseedswife @theatmmmmm @liilaac @deputyoneill @jacobsrook
Rook woke up on her couch alone late in the morning. She pondered if last night was real or a dream. The Wolf came to her house, made her dinner, cried with her, apologized to her, and slept with her.
But that didn’t change the fact that he was still leading the PEG military. He was still part of an organization that kidnapped and killed non supporters without provocation. He still sponsored The Cook who butchered and burned families in front of each other.
When Rook lived in her hometown in Missouri, she would have consulted her best friend about her romantic life. However, if she were still in Missouri, she probably wouldn’t be having feelings for a killer. She wouldn’t be a killer.
Her new friends here in Montana understood her recent behavior that would seem horrific to people back home. Rook found great friendships in Hudson and Jess, but knew neither of them would condone her feelings for Jacob.
When she moved to Montana a couple of months ago, she intended to keep a low profile. She didn’t expect to make real friends or make a life here, but she did.
When Rook earned her master’s in criminal justice, she didn’t expect to be fighting a war against a militant cult.
When she began working as a detective in Minnesota, she didn’t expect to be killing zombie-like Angels.
When she was assigned to go undercover in Hope County, she didn’t expect to be the heralded catalyst of the end of the world.
But all of these things, she did.
Her exceptional performance as a detective in Minnesota drew the admiration of the U.S. Marshall Service. However, it also drew death threats from criminals she’d once put away. The USMS’s solution for this was to relocate her to Montana to investigate mysterious disappearances in Hope County. She was to take on the role of an unassuming rookie for Whitehorse and learn about PEG.
The USMS sent Burke in too early. They didn’t listen to her when she said that PEG was too strong for one squad to take on. With or without her, the squad was going to the compound, so she figured she might as well go and help any way she could. That was her first mistake.
That’s what she thought about when the helicopter was going down and when she was killing dozens of Peggies from the passenger seat of the getaway truck Burke drove. Then it was too late to escape Hope County, and she was in it too deep.
She trusted Dutch so quickly. She became a tool for him so easily. She wanted to rescue her team from the Seeds, but a lot of shit got in the way.
Rook was a natural leader, but didn’t enjoy being called a hero. She didn’t want to be deified. She just wanted to do the right thing. Her exposure to the Bliss and gruesome battle made her judgement more clouded over time. She had been trained to kill, but in Hope killing is quick and on a massive scale. It was war and it gave her scars.
She thought she’d be stronger than this. Life would never go back to the way it was before Hope. You can’t just fall back into your old life after war. The person who understood this more than anyone was Jacob. He was smart and strong enough to survive anything.
Since Rook left Hope County, she’d been working on her report to send to her sergeant from the USMS. When she finally sent it in, she made the call.
“It’s a relief to hear from you, Anderson,” the sergeant said. It was strange and comforting to hear someone use her real last name for the first time in weeks. “Your report is impressive. Good work.” This phrase reminded her of Jacob’s praise after she killed Eli, and she clenched her teeth.
“I wish I could say your assignment is over and that you can go home, but it’s still not safe for you in Missouri.”
Rook gave a disappointed sigh. She missed her family so much. “I understand.”
“I wish I could offer you some kind of treatment, but the budget has been cut again. Our resources are drying up. I don’t even think we can send a team into Hope County to deal with Eden’s Gate. Just stay where you are and relax. I’ll call you in a few months when it’s safe again. Take care of yourself Detective.”
“You too Serge.”
A few days later is was Rook who called Jacob in the morning.
“I’m standing in my kitchen right now, looking out the window, and there’s a Judge wolf who literally barked Tommy up a tree.”
“And you haven't shot it yet?”
“Hey, I’m doing a courtesy to you by letting you know. Anyway, I’m not going to waste ammo on it. I thought Judges were supposed to be obedient, soldier. Don’t tell me you sent it up here just to get my attention.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dep.” She could hear his smile in his tone. “It’ll be dealt with within the hour.”
Forty minutes later, Jacob’s truck came rumbling up her gravel driveway. She watched his tall and confident figure get out of the truck. Jacob sounded his dog whistle to summon the Judge to its kennel in the back of the truck. Rook felt pity for the poor wolf that now had to live as a Judge, and she didn’t like that Jacob was the person who made it that way. But, she still admired how strong he looked, how focused and blue his eyes were, and his unique red hair and beard. Despite everything she’s seen, Rook knew that there was a good man in Jacob.
When the Judge was secured in the kennel, Rook stepped outside. She didn’t quite know what to say to Jacob, so she went right for the tree that Tommy was in. Tommy could get down on his own, but she wanted to hold him now.
Jacob watched Rook call to Tommy with her arms raised and her head craning up. He chuckled and walked over to the tree. Quickly he climbed the tree to where Tommy was and grabbed the cat. Rook noticed how all animals seemed to obey him. Hell, even most humans did.
Jacob carried the fluffy orange cat over to Rook with a smug look on his face.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Yeah...sorry about that. Won’t happen again.”
Rook stroked Tommy’s fur happily and gave a shrug.
“Anything else I can do for you?” Jacob asked.
“Actually, yes. Follow me.”
There was a lightbulb out in her house that she couldn’t reach to change. She figured that she might as well use Jacob’s height while he’s here.
“How do you not have a ladder?” he asked.
“I, uh, haven’t lived here for very long.”
“Hm.” He wanted to know her story, but got the feeling she didn’t want to talk about it. He quite enjoyed helping her and seeing her satisfied with something he’d done, even if it was an easy task.
Jacob noticed a backpack on the living room floor with the name “Emily” embroidered on it. It was the answer to a question he’d often thought about.
She turned at the sound of her name. She saw what he discovered and grinned at the realization. “Yes?”
“I’ve always kinda wondered what your name was. I like it,” Jacob said while scratching his beard.
“At home people sometimes call me Em or Emma. But everyone here in Montana calls me Dep or Rook, except you. I’d like to keep it that way if you don’t mind.”
“Right. I’ve got to get the Judge back to the Center now.” Jacob walked to the door and stopped. “Hey Em,” he called. It was so intimate to call her by a friendly nickname. “Would it, uh, be alright if I came back sometime?”
“Doesn’t really matter what I say, right? You’re gonna come back anyway.”
Jacob realized that his past visits were intrusions and actually wrong. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t.”
“It’s alright. You can come back sometime.”
Em often thought about Jacob’s reason for his previous visit. “When I’m with you, like this, my head is clear.”
That was her purpose for him, she thought. She was his soothing drug. She viewed him as less of a threat now, but was still a little suspicious. Nonetheless, she very often dreamt of touching him.
Em got out of Hope County and listened to radio stations that weren’t controlled by Peggies. The news on the radio was still just as bad as it was in Hope and getting worse. The most recent report was that the U.S. government had lost communication with North Korea, and the first attack was to be expected at any time.
One of Em’s neighbors decided to move back to their hometown to be with their family, and gave their horse to Em. Her house had a barn and fenced in meadow, and she’d had horses as a girl. Her new horse’s name was Honey on account of her color and kindness. Riding her each day was rather therapeutic for Em.
She was riding at dusk one day when Jacob came to visit her. Tonight he wore dark jeans, a gray t shirt, and a black hard shell jacket while Em wore light jeans and a hoodie. Her brown hair was in a ponytail.
Em wondered how her horse would feel about Jacob. She shouldn’t have been surprised when Honey liked him, as all other animals did. Jacob climbed the fence to the meadow and held the horse’s head in his big hands.
“Are you hungry?” Jacob asked with his straight lipped smile. He was looking up at Em sitting on the horse. Usually she was the one looking up at him. She nodded in the affirmative.
“Good. I brought dinner. Here.” Jacob gestured for her to hand him the reigns.
He led Honey to the barn. Honey was a rather tall horse and Em was 5’4”, so it was quite a jump from Honey’s back to the ground. Right as Em’s feet hit the ground, she felt the slightest grace of Jacob’s hand on her back, just in case.
They went inside the house and washed the dirt off their hands. Em took off her hoodie to reveal a Rye Aviation t-shirt.
Jacob brought in a large paper bag of random things he grabbed from the Vet Center pantry.
He included a six pack of beer bottles, but it only took two for Em to loosen up and want to talk with him.
Sitting across from Jacob at her kitchen table she said, “You know, I’m not really into religion at all.”
“Me neither. But I take care of my brothers.”
“You guys are close, huh?”
Jacob had the remaining four beers which loosened him up as well.
“Growing up we only had each other. Or more like the thought of each other. Most adults were shit to us. We were poor. Our dad preached to us and beat us half to death. Our mom was a shell of a person. Our foster parents worked us half to death. I burned their barn and went to juvie, then I didn’t see my brothers again until I got out of the military. The thought of them was the only thing that kept me going until Joseph found me.”
Em was flooded with empathy for the brothers. His story made her want to adopt children so they’d not ever have to be abused by people like those from Jacob’s past, and she told him that.
“Do you want to sit on the couch? Watch a movie or something?” Jacob asked.
Em put in a soothing movie that she’d seen a hundred times while Jacob cleaned up dinner.
Em laid on the couch, and Jacob lifted her legs easily, sat on the couch, and set her legs on top of his thighs.
The movie was about 10 minutes in when Em asked, “You still brainwashing people?”
Jacob felt bad about his past actions. “No. I don’t do a lot of the stuff I used to. All I focus on now is building and training the Chosen. I don’t fuck with people outside of Eden’s Gate.”
“Why the change?”
“I never cared about anything other than my brothers. I was in pain and I had the power to make others feel pain too. Nobody could stop me. The first time I saw you, it was like a switch flipped. I wondered if I could care about you. You almost were the one to stop me. Then when you said you wanted me, I knew I couldn’t pass that up. Then you telling me to leave you alone had me thinking about what I’d done to you. And others.”
Em got up to her knees next to him. “Do you still want me?” Jacob asked her.
In response, Em placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly leaned in to cross the space between their faces. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she looked into his fierce blue eyes. Her gentle kiss on the cheek made Jacob close his eyes and exhale at the touch he had been so starved for.
When she pulled away from his cheek, Jacob brushed her hair behind her ear and pulled her over to straddle his lap.  
His tough hands settled on her waist and looked up from her legs to her expectant eyes.
Softly, he placed his right hand on the back of her neck and she moved in for a real kiss this time. With heads slightly tilted, their noses touched first. Jacob had the rare look of desire in his eyes and closed the last bit of distance between their parted lips.
Jacob gently enclosed Em’s bottom lip and took his time moving away. They felt a surge of intimate energy that spurred more kisses. Em realized how soft and kissable his lips actually were. Jacob forgot anything that wasn’t the act of kissing her. His eyes were closed and he allowed himself to just feel. The pair got more comfortable and settled into each other. Their kisses gradually became less gentle and more consuming. They were both so starved for this that they didn’t think they’d ever stop. They couldn’t get close enough. Em admired his beard and scarred skin with her grateful hands. Jacob kept pressure on her back and threaded fingers into her loose hair.
Finally pulling away and out of breath, Em said, “I still want you.”
Jacob smiled and pulled them down to lay on the couch. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her jawline up to her lips.
Em enthusiastically wrapped her limbs around him and continued to ride the high. Now he was her drug too, and they were both addicted.
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kiribakus · 7 years
man remember project metis
here is literally everything i have written for the third chapter of Project Metis since i probs won’t get to it for a while
****Chapter Three: they told us we could be whatever wewanted, and we chose puppies***
MILITARY RANK:Special Officer
DIVISION: HybridStrike Corps, Musutafu Base, PPDC
ACCESS: Omega Level
AGE: 5
HEIGHT: 176cm
ALTER EGO: “Shouto”
POINT OF ORIGIN:Endeavor Project
DESCRIPTION:Category Five; dragon-like; long, serpentine body; six eyes, heterochromia;spines and vents down back, spines trailing down to make a heavily spiked tail,note crown of horns and white shoulder spikes; red sheen over black scales
QUIRK: half-cold,half-hot; can expel magma from mouth and propel ice from shoulder spikes; canchange temperature of hide at will
MILITARY RANK:Special Officer
DIVISION: HybridStrike Corps, Musutafu Base, PPDC
ACCESS: Omega Level
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 166cm
POINT OF ORIGIN:Lycaon Project
DESCRIPTION:Category Three; lion-like; smaller but strong feline build; thick, curlingmane; green sheen over black scales and mane; beaked face, thick hide, dullspikes, massive claws on heavy paws
QUIRK: “one forall”; incredible physical strength
MARCH 17, 2035  8:32 HOURS
LOCATION: LOCCENTMission Control, Musutafu Base, Japan
Urarakahides a yawn behind her clipboard and doesn’t notice the person sneaking upbehind her.
“That’s agood look on you,” Aizawa says, coming to a stop beside her.
Urarakasqueaks and blushes, peeking out from behind her clipboard and glaring atAizawa. “Sensei!” she exclaims. “You shouldn’t sneak up on a lady like that!”
The cornerof Aizawa’s mouth twitches. “How are they?”
Urarakalowers the clipboard and turns to the holographic screens displaying a herd ofthousand-ton monsters running, swatting at each other, leaping, and all inall…playing around. On screen, Mina bites Kirishima’s tail and he yelps.Uraraka smiles. Then, straightening her back, she delivers her report.
“Artemispack seems to be in top-tier condition,” she says. “The test run a couple daysago showed no sign of shifting pack structure—Bakugou is still clearly thepoint of the pack. Ojiro and Shouji aren’t showing signs of discontent as rearguards, and Tokoyami is as usual, submissive to Bakugou. Any worries we hadabout Kirishima vying for Bakugou’s position are null. All our results suggestthat his insubordinate acts help Bakugou blow off steam. He’s acting as theregulator for the pack.”
“Good,”Aizawa says. “I’m still worried he’s a powder keg on the brink of exploding,but…”
But weneed him. Urarakanods. She gets it. “Apollo pack is due for a test run soon, but I don’t haveany worries about shifting pack structure. As a rule, they tend to be steadierthan Artemis pack anyway. That kaiju takedown illustrates just how functionalthey are as a pack. My only concern would be that they rely on Todoroki alittle much, but all his psych analyses come back with negligible worries. He’sa machine when it comes to leading; I’ll never understand how you managed topry him from Todoroki-sensei’s hands.”
“It cameat a high cost,” Aizawa says. “Sometimes I wonder if I have yet to realize allI gave up for him.” He frowns.
“I believeIida briefed you on the results of Alpha Strain’s routine check?” Uraraka says.
Aizawanods. “Yes, and I did look over the test run results briefly when they came out.What I really need to know from you is how the officers themselves are doing.”
Urarakarolls her eyes. “Well, Artemis pack is doing as well as their kaijucounterparts. They’re not…close…like Apollo pack is, but they have anunderstanding. They work together when they’re needed and their ties arestrong. I think Ojiro feels inferior,” she says, frowning. “Tokoyami and Shoujibalance and rely on each other. Kirishima and Bakugou balance and rely on eachother. But Ojiro has no one. I want to look into that.”
“AndApollo pack?”
“Like afamily,” Uraraka says proudly. “Midoriya and Tsuyu might as well be siblings.Mina gets along with everyone, and Kouda is protected and looked after by hispack. Todoroki is respected and loved.” Her smile fades a little. “Midoriyatold me he’s been having those nightmares again. He had one so bad it woke uphis packmates, the morning before the double event.”
“Is it aproblem?” Aizawa asks.
“As aresearcher, it’s not my place to say,” Uraraka says. “It’s Todoroki’sresponsibility to get Midoriya in to a psychiatrist if he thinks the nightmaresare affecting Midoriya adversely. I trust his judgment. He’s logical andclear-headed, and if he thought Midoriya was dragging his pack down, he’d doanything to fix it. But Midoriya performed well during the battle, so it can’tbe affecting him that much. As a researcher, I think it’s okay to let it go.”
“But as afriend…” Aizawa trails off.
Urarakasighs. “As a friend, I don’t like to see him suffer. I worry Todoroki is beingtoo cold, but I’m not in their heads. I don’t feel what they feel. I don’t knowif Midoriya can handle it, even if he thinks he can.”
“Thankyou, Uraraka,” Aizawa says. “For now, I’ll advise the Marshal to withdrawApollo pack from any encounters with return kaiju until we can get Midoriyaanalyzed properly. No special treatment aside from that; if he thinks he canhandle it, I’ll let him try. But I’m not throwing one of my best officers intoa situation where a trauma-induced moment of hesitation could kill him if I canhelp it.”
“Is itbecause he’s a good officer, or because he’s Alpha Strain?” Uraraka asksquietly. Not quietly enough, though, because Aizawa gives her a sharp look.
“If youwant to talk favoritism and human rights with me—”
“No, no,I’m sorry,” Uraraka says. “It just slipped out. I understand even if I don’tlike it.”
“Good,”Aizawa says. “We don’t look it, but we’re skating on thin ice here. The lastthing I need is one of my closest to start doubting our cause.”
“I don’tdoubt us,” Uraraka says. “But they are my friends, too.”
“Then youknow better than any of us why we can’t have anyone too nosy poking their headinto what we do,” Aizawa says.
Aizawajerks his head towards the door. “I’m going to check in at R&D. Make sureour officers don’t kill each other, won’t you.” He turns away sharply.
Urarakasighs and collapses into a chair, rubbing her temples. Ah, she had ruined hergood mood. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?
She looksup at the kaiju moving millions of gallons of water like it was nothing as theypounce on each other and roll and snarl, jaws parted in what might as well besmiles. Aizawa-sensei was right that they were soldiers who lived to fight, butthey were also human underneath the mass of scales and claws and teeth and fur.They were human and they needed to be treated as such. Aizawa-sensei couldn’tseparate their human and kaiju selves, couldn’t help but see the whole picture;it was only logical, but also terribly heartless.
She wishesIida were here. Iida always knew how to phrase his concerns logically. He wasalways on the same wavelength as Aizawa-sensei, but Iida had a heart. Hecared for their friends as much as she did. He knew that Aizawa-sensei’s waysweren’t fair and he would find a way to word it so that Aizawa-sensei wouldagree. Uraraka thinks about calling him, just to hear his steady voice and havehim talk her down but no, she had taken this shift to allow him to sleep in foronce. She wouldn’t wake him up even if the sound of his voice, heavy withsleep, brought peace to her mind.
Besides,she loved this part of her job. She loved the kaiju. That’s why she was here andwhy she put up with the ethical dilemmas of their work. And to think UrarakaOchako, a woman fresh out of graduate school, could befriend the groundbreakinghybrids and work alongside the legendary Aizawa-sensei to keep them all safe—
Shefrowns, and then swears softly. Speaking of safe…
She poundsthe com. “LOCCENT to HYCOM, what the hell are you guys doing? They’re going tokill each other! Get on it, officers!”
MARCH 17, 2035  8:15 HOURS
LOCATION: MusutafuTraining Bay, Musutafu Base, Japan
Enrichmentdays, Midoriya thinks, are awesome.
Urarakahad told him why enrichment was an important part of keeping their kaijuhealthy and their mental health stable, but Midoriya couldn’t really fathom allthat science-y mumbo jumbo. All he knew is that his hundred-foot long lungswere heaving and he hadn’t felt this alive in days.
Ojiro’sear frills lift and then lower, a taunt. He’s poised and ready to leap, rear inthe air and spayed out in front of him, a reptilian dog ready to play. Midoriyatenses his own haunches and leaps out and to the side, ready to pounce onOjiro’s unprotected flank. Ojiro tears away from him, long blue tongue hangingout of his mouth as he pants. Midoriya chases him, hind legs bunching as hepicks up speed.
They teararound the group of kaiju in an outer circle, so fast Midoriya can feel thewind whistle past his ears. Ojiro makes for the relative safety of Shouji’stentacles. He’s right—Midoriya won’t run under Shouji’s body because he doesn’thave a death wish. Shouji eyes him with what Midoriya guesses is amusement.Tokoyami, draped across the slope of his back like a black, feathery ridge,ruffles his wings in irritation at the disturbance. Midoriya huffs. He bats atone of Shouji’s tentacles and gets another two slithering out after him.
Yelping,Midoriya jumps away. Shouji makes a sound that is definitely amusement.Tokoyami, decidedly woken from his dozing atop Shouji’s back sits up and glaresat Midoriya for a moment before beginning to clean Shouji’s scales with hisbeak and claws. Shouji makes an appreciative noise and lowers himself into thewater. Ojiro, realizing his protection is about to crush him, scurries out andright into Midoriya’s waiting paws.
Midoriyabody slams him, knocking them into a wrestling match in the water, jaws partedand snarling, the flats of their paws batting at each other. They’re careful toavoid each other’s spines. Ojiro gets to his feet and starts to run again, butMidoriya grabs onto his hind leg and drags him down, pushing him onto his backand holding him down with a heavy paw. Ojiro huffs.
You win.
Thehivemind is alive with emotions and thoughts and impressions from all thehybrids but Midoriya can pick out Ojiro’s voice easily, warm and amused, just alittle disappointed. This is why Midoriya was a flank and he was rear guard,though. It was only a natural result.
Midoriyalets Ojiro get to his feet and bumps shoulders with him affectionately,brushing their hides together from shoulder blade to hip. Midoriya feels aspike of pain and hears Ojiro exhale sharply and he pulls back, alarmed.
Shoulderouchpulled, Ojiro projects and Midoriya canfeel the faint throbbing as if it were his own pain. He sniffs at the sore spoton Ojiro’s shoulder, projecting his own worryconcernwasitme?
Ojiroshakes his head; he had landed funny on his leg when running from under Shouji.Midoriya laps at the sore spot anyway, as if he could take the pain away justfrom cleaning it. Ojiro pushes at Midoriya with his nose, appreciating thesentiment. He pads off to see Bakugou probably, who will look at his injury,snort, and say well, what do you want me to do about it?
Morelikely he’ll point out that it’ll heal when they shift back so Ojiro shouldjust deal with it, but Midoriya doesn’t want to give Bakugou that much credit. Ever.Hey, when one of your own kind nearly shreds you for trying to play fight withhim, it sticks with you.
Hispartner gone, Midoriya turns back to find a new bloodmate to brawl with. Minahas taken to leaping up in the air and swatting at Tokoyami on Shouji’s back,who screeches at her and claws back. Shouji doesn’t seem too perturbed byTokoyami’s distress. Their section of the hivemind is an almost sibling-likesquabble, easily dismissed as not real fighting.
Ojiro andBakugou are together. Kirishima is dodging Tsuyu’s attempts to smack him withher tongue, and underestimating her speed if that yip is anything to go by. Todoroki,predictably, isn’t engaging in the fun and instead sits off to the side, stillmanaging to look elegant with the long column of his neck extended and the sunglinting off the sharpness of his facial features. Kouda sits beside him, theonly kaiju bigger than Todoroki, head on his paws and eyes closed, taking inthe sunlight on his rock-like hide.
Midoriyaapproaches Todoroki, bobbing his head. It’s a causal invitation to play. Koudalooks up, senses Midoriya’s intention, and moves off towards Shouji with apassing good luck offered to Midoriya. Todoroki blinks slowly.
He regardsMidoriya with passing interest, showing no intention of getting up from wherehe’s comfortably splayed in one hundred feet of water.
Midoriyatries again. Runchasejumpcatch? He suggests. Bitepawgrowlplay?
Idon’t, Todorokireplies. You go.
Midoriyawhines. Not pack without you.
Artemisis here, Todorokipoints out. Bother them.
ButMidoriya doesn’t want to bother them. He wants to see Todoroki get up and dosomething, enjoy himself for once. Todoroki’s always so stone-faced andbusiness-minded; he never got a break. This is their break. Theirscheduled time off to play like the puppies at heart they all were.
Midoriyanot-so-delicately swipes a paw through the water and splashes Todoroki in theface.
Todoroki,to his credit, doesn’t react as angrily as he could have. His shoulders tense,but other than that he doesn’t move, dripping with water. His scales glitterand then he’s covered in steam, burning away the salt water. He exhales loudlyonce, expelling salt from his nostrils. He’s not amused.
Midoriya,however, is. He runs in a circle around Todoroki, continuing to splash him whileTodoroki burns away all the water. He paws at and chews on Todoroki’s tailuntil Todoroki shifts and growls at him. He actually gets Todoroki to whip hishead around and shift towards him. Midoriya leaps back, but Todoroki doesn’tfollow. He’s almost got him, though. Midoriya pads back towards him andheadbutts his shoulder affectionately, rubbing against him like a cat.
Todorokigrowls again and Midoriya does it again. He can feel the tension in Todoroki’sbody and his mind, irritated by Midoriya’s pushiness. As always, his mind isimpenetrable, but Midoriya can tell it’s a swirling mess right now. He probablyshouldn’t taunt Todoroki too much—he was much stronger than Midoriya,and bigger, too.
Midoriyaflicks his tail across Todoroki’s nose almost flirtatiously and Todoroki snaps.He gets to his feet faster than Midoriya expected and swipes at him. Midoriya’sfast enough to get away with only a few scales off his hide, but Todoroki canreach far.
The chasedoesn’t last long. Midoriya knows to run hard when he’s irritated Todoroki thismuch, but Todoroki has speed, length, and power and Midoriya’s only purpose inagitating him was to get him up and running anyway. Todoroki swipes Midoriya’slegs out from under him and Midoriya goes down, rolling onto his back.
Todorokiis on him in a second, hovering above Midoriya and prodding at him with one pawwhile Midoriya flattens his ears and growls, his muzzle crinkled into a snarl.Todoroki prods at his cheek and Midoriya hisses, swatting at his paw. Todorokijabs at him again and again, Midoriya on defense but still belly-up,vulnerable.
ThenTodoroki lets out a low, rumbling growl and parts his jaws, making a clickingnoise. His paws are on either side of Midoriya’s shoulders and he dominates thehivemind, pushing against Midoriya’s consciousness and subduing him.
Midoriya’sgrowl peters out and his muzzle flattens. He makes a small, chuffing noise andlowers his paws, allowing Todoroki to nose along his neck, nipping at the softskin he finds there. He’s completely limp under Todoroki’s ministrations andwhen Todoroki nips at his chin, Midoriya dares to lick his chin. Todorokigrowls softly, pleased. He parts his jaws and wraps them around Midoriya’smouth. Midoriya goes still and allows Todoroki to shake him a little and pressa paw over his heart, claws kneading Midoriya’s vulnerable underbelly.
This iscomplete submission.
Todorokireleases him a moment later and steps off him, eyeing Midoriya one last time.The hivemind is grudging fondness from Todoroki and a sense of satisfactionfrom his kaiju specifically at Midoriya’s submission. The rest of Apollo packare pings against Midoriya’s mind, vying for Todoroki’s attention next.Todoroki steps away from Midoriya, but not before the tip of his tail brushesagainst Midoriya’s nose.
Midoriya’sheart sings with so much pleasure, he knows it reaches the rest of hisbloodmates through the hivemind. Mina snorts, but she’s Todoroki’s next target,rolling on her back easily and grabbing at his face to lap at his chin,playfully submitting to her point.
Kirishima,inspired by Midoriya’s display, bumps Bakugou. Unlike Todoroki, though, Bakugoudoesn’t tolerate any kind of playfulness. Her turns on Kirishima in an instant,snarling. Kirishima barks back, pawing at Bakugou, playing with fire. Bakugoucharges him and Kirishima hops back swatting at his face. Bakugou knocks himoff balance immediately. Kirishima falls onto his belly and Bakugou climbs overhim, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck.
The fightgoes from Kirishima’s body immediately and he lets Bakugou give him a few roughshakes, snapping his head back and forth. Midoriya winces in sympathy. It lookslike it hurts, but when Bakugou releases Kirishima, there are no teeth marks inhis neck. Kirishima sinks bonelessly into the water, turning over curling hispaws over his chest, whining.
Bakugouignores him. Kirishima whines louder. Kidding, kidding! The hivemindsays.
Kirishimaplaces a paw against Bakugou’s muzzle and Bakugou’s lips pull away from hisgums with the force of his growl. Don’t touch me.
Aw, Bakugou…Kirishima plays cute harder, thistime wagging his tail.
Bakugousnorts. I hate you, he says.
Kirishimadoesn’t say ‘I adore you’ in so many words, but his love for Bakugou isn’texactly subtle across the hivemind. Even Midoriya can feel the force of it.This time, when Kirishima presses a paw to Bakugou’s muzzle, Bakugou knocks itaside so he can lean down and nip at Kirishima’s chin. Kirishima’s tail goeswild.
Bakugousteps off him and Midoriya huffs at Kirishima. Gross, he says.
Kirishimamight as well grin at him, tongue lolling out of his mouth. He flips onto hisstomach and growls gently at Midoriya. Midoriya growls back, tensing to leap onhim.
Bakugouthrows himself between them, jaws parted as wide as he can spread them, and roars.
Bakugou isnot Midoriya’s point. But he is a dominant member of a pack and Midoriya, alower rank than him, cowers back, tail tucking between his legs and earsfolding back. He shrinks into a ball, unable to run as his muscles lock.
Bakugoudoesn’t have a chance to make a move. Todoroki is at Midoriya’s side and infront of him with an ear-splitting roar of his own.
The twopoints square off, roaring at each other and posturing. The rest of their packsslink away save for Midoriya and Kirishima, frozen with fear and confusion thatinnocent playing had instigated a point-versus-point battle.
Bakugou’sjaw frills extend and shake, brilliant red-orange sunbursts against the purewhite of his scales. He’s intimidatingly large and fierce, but Todoroki is notshaken. He flares his own spines and ear frills, and the vents running down hisback hiss and spit steam. Their heads starts low but slowly rise in tandem witheach other until Todoroki’s height beats Bakugou’s.
Bakugoustrikes first. He swipes at Todoroki’s neck, but it isn’t with the flat of hispaw as he had swatted at Kirishima—this was with claws extended, hoping to tearTodoroki’s throat open. Todoroki bats him away, but then Bakugou is throwing himselfat Todoroki, standing on his hind legs to use both paws to punch at Todoroki’sface. Todoroki mirrors him and they fight like tigers, dueling with their frontpaws and then dropping to all fours so they can try to ram each other withtheir bodies before standing back up again.
Todorokishould be faster than Bakugou, but Bakugou is angrier. He manages to sink hisclaws in the flesh of Todoroki’s hind leg and hold on as Todoroki snarls andtries to throw him off. Bakugou locks his entire body onto that haunch andtears at Todoroki’s leg with his back legs, trying to cripple him, but Todorokidoesn’t let him. The steam that spews from his vents grows hotter, as do hisscales, and in one burst, he forces super-boiled steam into Bakugou’s rightthree eyes and burns the skin off the pads of the paws hooked onto him.
Bakugouhowls in pain and lets him go. When they stand face-to-face again, Bakugou isblind in three eyes and his scales are ashen and flaking off where Todorokiburned him. Todoroki is limping, his back left leg shredded. They circle eachother and Midoriya feels for the first time, the seriousness of this fight.
SPECIALOFFICERS BAKUGOU AND TODOROKI STAND DOWN, IMMEDIATELY, Yaoyorozu shouts over thehivemind, using HYCOM’s controls to amplify the volume of her voice so that itdrowns out the rest of the thoughts and voices of the hivemind. Bakugou,Todoroki, and the rest of the hybrids wince at the loudness. Kouda tries tocover his ears with his paws.
All ofyou are to return to base for a debrief at once, Yaoyorozu commands. You arenot to engage each other on the way to base or I will personally see youturned off from the Hybrid Strike Corps.
Before hecan help himself, Bakugou thinks, Sure you will. There are so manyplaces for a kaiju hybrid to go.
Itwould be my absolute pleasure to turn you off and watch the Jaeger teams tearyou apart,Yaoyorozu says heatedly.
Letthem try, Bakugousays, bearing his teeth.
Bakugou, Mina speaks up before anyone elsecan. That’s enough.
Like Iwanna hear that from you,Bakugou says, but the fight is gone from his mind and his limbs. He andTodoroki limp back to their exit bays, tension still humming across thehivemind. Their packs follow, subdued. The mood of contentment and relaxationfizzles out like steam in open air.
MARCH 17, 2035  9:07 HOURS
LOCATION:Shatterdome, Musutafu Base, Japan
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