#also i'm crying so hard like a baby that it's what got the dog who was sleeping near the window
icharchivist · 4 months
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and this just breaks me
when Barret paid his hommage he also rested his hand on Cloud's shoulder to try to support him through the grief
but Tifa.... Tifa cups Aerith's cheek, slowly carressing her face down as she has to face that she's gone. Her close friend. Gone. She can't even focus on Cloud's grief nor even sharing her own with him.
she can only run away
one more thing she loved taken away by Sephiroth....
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caraphernellie · 28 days
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tiny, silly, cute blurb today because i'm thinking fluffy!!! and fluffy in particular = cats! i love cats and ik i'm always talking about cats so… in the need to quell my desperation right now, i'm going to write about it instead. because i keep looking at cat rescue pages and crying about all those precious babies.
now it's a little hard to picture ellie having a dog because, erm… but moving away from that– i think she's one of those people who prefers dogs simply because they're playful and have such wholesome faces. who wouldn't falter over a puppy's virtuous little smile, falling over feet to give them some head pats? but imagine her reaction when you tell her you want to rescue a cat. imagine the vulgarity in her response every time you'd show her pictures upon pictures of sad babies with no homes – just a snap back to reality. "yeah, babe, s'cute, but probably got ringworm or some shit."
 and yeah, sure, all of your arguments are sound, your list of pros outway the cons, but cats are so lame. lame is what she said.
and lame is what she is, because the furry creature does win her heart fairly quickly. almost as soon as you showed her the picture of this poor unnamed cat without a family, desperate tears in your eyes just waiting to shed at her denial, she folded.
on one condition.
"if we get the cat, i wanna name him."
so much for 'not wanting a cat', it was obvious from the start that your new baby had dug his way into ellie and tugged at the heartstrings. so that was how rover became yours– never trust your girl not to name something unrelated to her interests – but rover was a cute and fitting name overall, if only a tad nerdy due to her ongoing obsession with space and the long lost dream of being an astronaut. 
but there seems to be such a common phenomenon when it comes to cats. they know exactly who doesn't like them, and they make it their mission to insert themselves every which way like stubborn bastards. rover is a smart little man, and he was aware quickly of how awkward ellie got when he'd sit on you or knead on you. it progressed into him treading into the bedroom at five o'clock sharp every morning to wake his mothers up, pushing his way between you and ellie to enjoy the warmth of your cuddles.
from that point, he started getting bolder, jumping onto ellie's lap when she was always busy. he'd nuzzle up against the controller while she's gaming and she'd scoff quietly, clumsily moving to see the screen over his body. then his tail would swipe her across the nose and she'd groan, "you're a little dick."
even then– the words are coated in affection, softly spoken and accompanied by her pausing of the game to rub her hand over his sandy coloured fur.
there's also many, many times in which he appealed to her in humour. it can be utterly amusing at the least and hilarious at most when a feline is taken over by the zoomies. watching the usually collected and calm cat sprint at top speeds and leap dangerously across the room never failed in its manner to bring ellie to laughter.
so yeah, there's a growing attachment to rover bubbling under ellie's surface, and she's never really sure what to do about it. admit that she was wrong about hating cats? she admits so with her every action, making a stop at the store on her way home from work to bring a new cat toy or bag of treats she's desperate to give him. maybe it's in the way she lets him settle on her lap and feels a rush of warmth and love. maybe it's that her lock screen is now a picture of you carrying the cat over your shoulder like a newborn.
photomode creds to @/seraqhite on pinterest!!
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pensat-i-fet · 4 months
His very own real princess (Pedri x Reader)
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**I'm back with another imagine! This one was requested many moons ago and the anon who sent it might have forgotten about it so sorry 😕 but I got the inspiration for it and so I wanted to share it! I'm not so used to writing short format anymore so I feel everything could be a series. Let me know if you'd like this concept to be one! ☺️ And enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 3675
Being famous was not as great as people made it up to be. For Pedri, it meant leaving the house was too much sometimes. He had to deal with people following him and even getting in front of his car just to get his attention. He was asked to sign autographs and to take photos every couple of minutes. While he loved his fans, it could be a bit much. Especially when he could tell they were filming him so they could post the video on TikTok for a couple hundred likes. So, one day, he tried to avoid those people by going to a park. He could probably lose them there. There were so many trees and dogs that made it harder to move quickly around the area.
For you, it had been a bit different. Growing up your family wanted to keep you a secret almost. For security reasons…or so they said. So, naturally, you wanted to rebel against them and do the complete opposite. Still, it wasn’t until you turned 18 that you started to show up at official events. And now you were 20, you realised maybe your parents had been right all along. But you weren’t going to tell them that. Of course. So while some paparazzi were chasing you, you spotted a park and thought you could hide there for a bit. Maybe even call your chauffeur so he could pick you up and save you from the vultures.
“Oh! Sorry”.
Pedri turned to look at the girl who was apologising to him. You had bumped into each other and he hit you in the head with his shoulder without meaning to. He hadn’t even seen you there.
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry. Are you alright?”
And then, it happened. You looked up to see his face and you couldn’t believe who it was that you were talking to.
“Oh my God…oh my God”, was all you could say.
“I take it you know who I am”.
“Yeah, who doesn’t?”
Pedri chuckled. “I guess there are some lucky folks out there who don’t. But really, are you ok?”
“Yes, it’s fine. Just more shocked to see you here than anything else”.
Pedri smiled at you and you were trying hard not to swoon. Being hidden from the public eye meant you hadn’t been around a lot of famous people before. Your second cousins were way more used to this and always told you famous people were just normal people. To them…not to you. To you, famous people were…fascinating.
“I was planning on hiding here for a bit”, you said.
“Me too, but I don’t want to ruin your plan so I could leave…”.
Pedri started to look around, getting ready to leave so you stopped him. “You don't know who I am so that makes you good company. Perfect company actually. So you can stay. Also, you got here first”.
“Should I know who you are?”
“I guess not”, you shrugged. Not everyone followed your family. Thankfully.
“Are you a singer?
“Babies cry when I sing”.
“I only influence how much money there is left in my dad's bank account”.
You thought it was really cute how he concentrated, trying to guess. “Then…a model?”
“No, but I appreciate the compliment”.
“What compliment?”
“If you think I could be a model, then you think I'm pretty”.
“Well”, he started. “I like to invite pretty girls to eat or have a drink so…which one is it going to be?”
“There is an ice cream ban there…if you dare approach it”.
It made you laugh how Pedri looked around the area, making sure no one who could know him was there and then he turned to look at you again.
“What flavour?”
“One ball of coffee and one of vanilla, please”.
“Sounds sophisticated”.
“I guess you’re getting closer to my identity”, you laughed.
“What are you? A princess?”
“Nah, the princesses are my cousins”.
Pedri laughed before going to the ban to get the ice cream. The funny thing about being part of the Royal family was that it was so weird that many thought you were joking when you said that. But you weren’t. Not many people knew your parents but they still were part of the family so…they got attention. And now, you got the attention too.
“Here is your ice cream, your Majesty”.
“Thank you, Golden boy”, you joked back.
“Does that make me royalty too?”
“I guess. Football royalty so less hated than real royalty”. “Less hated? You clearly aren’t on Twitter”.
No, you weren’t. No amount of therapy would heal you after reading what people wrote about you or your family there.
Sitting down on the grass and eating an ice cream while chatting with Pedri was something that healed your mood. It was so nice to be with someone who didn’t know who you were but that also understood how you felt. Even if he didn’t know it yet.
“There are a lot of kids and parents around now. I feel no one will even look at us while we leave”.
You looked around and agreed with his assessment. “Ok, where should we go?”
“I don’t know. Wanna go walk near the beach? It’s usually where I end up when I go out. It’s not often I do but it’s nice to go there”.
“I like the beach”.
“Where are you from?”
“Well…it’s a funny question that one”, you sighed.
“How so?” “I was born in The Netherlands, then lived in Madrid for a bit, went to school in Switzerland and Wales and now I’m back in Spain. I go to different cities all the time. I like travelling”.
“Wow, that’s a lot. Was it a boarding school you went to?”
“Maybe you are a princess after all”.
You giggled and looked down to hide your blush. Yes, your life sounded very much like that of a princess. Even if about 40 family members needed to die for you to become one for real.
“I love this”, you said, looking around and feeling so…normal.
“Yeah? That’s good”.
Pedri smiled at you and you realised maybe it wasn’t so normal what was going on. Sure, you were on a walk like a normal person but you were walking with a very famous footballer. That didn’t happen every day. At least not to you.
“And I see pizza there. Do you want a slice?”
“I probably shouldn’t…”.
“But Pedri! Today everything is possible! You’re not a football player but just Pedro from Tenerife. And I’m not a princess”.
“What are you then?”, he asked, smirking.
“I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy…asking him to get some pizza”.
The excitement of the crazy afternoon made you lose a bit of the control you usually had and you grabbed Pedri’s arm to take him to the pizza ban. It wasn’t like holding hands but…once the physical contact started, you were both very aware of it. But pretended it was all normal.
After buying the pizza slices, you didn’t wait a second to start eating. You were so hungry and it wasn’t often you got to eat greasy pizza with your hands.
“That burns!”, you complained, opening your mouth and using your hand as a fan.
“Maybe wait a little to eat”.
“I was hungry”, you pouted and that made Pedri stare at your lips.
“You got some sauce on your mouth”.
“I think I have a mirror on my bag…”.
But before you had time to find it, Pedri used one of his napkins to clean your face. When you looked up at him, you noticed he seemed to have done that without even realising.
“No, don’t be. Thank you for not letting me look dirty while we walked”.
“Princesses have to always look perfect”.
“Exactly”, you told him, laughing.
But good things had to come to an end and soon Pedri started to notice people looking at him. That meant it was time to go home.
“I’m sorry. It just…that’s my life”.
“I get it”, you told him, wanting to explain to him how much you actually got it. “It was fun to spend some time with you though”.
“Would you like to do it again?”
“I would. But maybe somewhere more private”.
“Do you have Instagram? So you can follow me and we can talk about meeting”.
That made you pause. You had an official account controlled by people hired by your family but also a private one. So maybe you could use that one to follow him.
“Yeah. I’ll follow you later and send you a message”.
“Cool. See you…soon?”
You nodded, not knowing what to do. Should you hug him? But then all the people ready to surround him showed you that no, a hug wouldn’t be a good idea. So you said goodbye and left.
Pedri was entering the dressing room a couple of days after you met, not really looking at his teammates but at his phone. You two had been texting ever since you separated. And he was constantly checking to see if you had sent him a new message.
“Hello, your Majesty”, said one of Pedri’s teammates and it took him a second to notice he was looking at him.
“I just said hi to your Majesty. Would you like us to find a throne for you to sit on?”
“What are you on about?”
“Haven't seen the cover of the magazine yet?”, asked Frenkie.
“I haven't done any covers lately…”.
“The gossip magazine”, pointed out Lamine. “It’s all everyone is talking about”.
“I don’t get it. I haven’t done anything to be in one of those magazines”.
“How about going out with a pretty girl the other day? Paparazzi are everywhere. You should know that by now”.
So people had seen him when he was hanging out with you. Great. You didn’t seem like someone who’d enjoy the attention. But why make such a big deal out of him being seen with someone unknown?
“You also chose the wrong girl to date”.
“I’m not dating her but she's just a normal girl…”.
“Who's related to the Royal family. And here we were worrying about Gavi being the one who could become king”.
“I would have made a great king”, said Gavi, raising his chin proudly.
“You would have made a terrible king”, told him Fermín, shaking his head.
“What do you mean Royal family?”
Pedri was about to start freaking out. You joked about being a princess but…was it not a joke? What? He knew the princesses! Leonor, Sofía, Victoria, …none of them were you. So what the heck was going on?
“She’s like a second or third cousin of the real princesses but the media has been trying to find out everything about her in the last few years”, explained Pau.
“How do you know so much about that?”
“My mum loves the Royals. I live with her and she talks about it”, shrugged the youngster.
The jokes continued but Pedri didn’t care. He just kept thinking about how you had lied to him. And he got it in a way. It couldn’t be easy to be in your position but…you had spent two days talking to each other about a lot of personal stuff. Didn’t you trust him enough to tell him the truth?
When he finished training and picked up his phone again, he saw a text from you saying “I’m sorry”. A part of him wanted to ignore it but you didn’t deserve that kind of treatment despite your lies. So he asked you to meet instead. But you were in Madrid for a couple of days so it’d have to wait. You apologized multiple times and Pedri told you it was ok but…you weren’t so sure.
“What’s wrong?”, asked your cousin Sofía, who was a real princess.
“You saw the magazines, right?”
“Yes. Wanna talk about it?”
“I…we bumped into each other randomly and it was so good to meet someone who didn’t know who I was. You get it, Sof. If someone gets it, it’ll be you”.
“I do. Is he mad at you for lying?”
“Not really”, you said, frowning. “I expected him to be but he seems to understand why I lied. He also gets it”.
“I bet he does. So, what are you going to do?”
“We’ll meet when I get back to Barcelona in a few days”.
Sofía laughed looking at you. “That smile…someone is smitten!”
“How could I not be? Have you seen him? And he’s super nice too, not just handsome. But I fear I’ve ruined it”.
“Don’t be so negative. Let’s just get ready for the match and forget about your Barça boy for a couple of hours”.
It wasn’t a secret that the king of Spain supported Atlético de Madrid and a lot of people suspected his daughter Sofía did as well. However, it was very hard for her to attend matches without people noticing but she had become a bit of a pro at it. And now she was taking you to the match too.
The match was fun and Atleti won so Sofía was very happy. And you didn’t get spotted by anyone…or so you thought.
“Pepi!”, called Ferran when Pedri was entering the dressing room in the morning.
“Your princess is a traitor, she doesn't even support you”.
“What are you talking about?”
“She was at the Atleti match yesterday with Princess Sofía. But I bet you can turn her into a Barça fan”.
Ferran’s wink didn’t stop Pedri from feeling so weird about this whole situation. Or more like jealous. What if you had your eye on an Atleti player?
But he could only stare at the photos in the article. After your meeting, he had only the memory of how you looked that day. Your private Instagram only had a handful of photos and a few were of your dogs. The official Instagram only had a few official photos and…even though that was you too, it wasn’t the you Pedri knew. The girl in the photos from the Atleti match was you. Laughing with your cousin and looking so happy.
The article…he didn’t like as much. After the photos of what the press called “a date” were published, they just assumed you were seeing Pedri. So what were you doing watching a rival team? It wasn’t as if you went to see a Real Madrid match, God forbid. But still…shouldn’t you be supporting “your boyfriend”?
A few days later, you were back in Barcelona and Pedri invited you to have lunch with him. Finding a place where no one would see you was hard, but your family knew a few tricks to achieve that.
“Hey. It’s good to see you again”.
This time, you did hug as a greeting. Even if you had spoken only via texts, it still felt like you knew each other so well now. So a hug seemed like the right thing to do.
“I’m sorry about everything that happened. I just…I don’t know, Pedri. Being with you made me forget who I was for a second and I didn’t think about how this could affect you”.
“It’s ok. You know I get it. It’s the same for me. My every move is overanalysed. Though I guess being a princess is a bit more important”.
“Not this again”, you shook your head, laughing. “I’m not a princess. I’m a nobody, really. But the press was waiting for a moment like this. A scandal or whatever”.
“Eating pizza in public is very scandalous. I don’t know how your reputation will recover”.
You laughed at Pedri’s joke but also remembered what you had been told. “It’s not so much what I did but who I did it with”.
When the photos were published, your parents talked to you about all the reasons why you should stay away from Pedri. Before you even had time to say nothing was going on…at least not yet.
“It’s stupid. I told you I’m a nobody. But family connections dictate this or that…I don’t want to date a politician or another royal just because it’s what I’m supposed to do. I don’t have it as bad as my cousins. You know, the real princesses. But still…it’s boring. I want to be able to make my own decisions”.
“You don’t want to date a politician…but would you like to date me?”
Being so annoyed with your family and their restrictions, you didn’t realise Pedri wasn’t stupid and could easily read between the lines.
“You’re better than a politician so…”.
“Look”, said Pedri, grabbing your hand to hold it. “No relationship was going to be easy for me. I knew that. So…this doesn’t scare me”.
“Really? I was actually worried it would”.
“I could see it in your face”.
“Can you read minds now? Is that how you know where to shoot the ball?”
“No, that’s because I’m a generational talent”, joked Pedri, making you laugh. “But I mean it. I’m not scared. Are you?”
“Not as much as I probably should”.
“But…are you an Atleti fan? These are the important conversations we need to have before trying to date”.
“That’s my cousin. I don’t really have a team. So I might let you convince me to become a Barça fan. I already support Spain so…”.
“Even against The Netherlands?”, he asked. Your mum was Dutch so it was a fair question.
“Only if you play for Spain that day”.
And so you both forgot about what people would say, what people would demand from each of you and started to date. There was no need to hide since there were photos of your first date online already. Even if back then you didn’t want to admit it was a date.
Being together compensated for any comments or insults…but Pedri was starting to get a bit tired of his teammates curtsying in front of him and calling him Majesty. They did it with you too, which only made you laugh.
“I told you, guys. I’m not a princess”.
“No. Not officially”, told you Pedri. “But you are my very own princess. My queen even”.
Your blush made everyone laughed. It was so obvious to everyone how in love you both were.
However, the media was going to try to find anything that could make it sound like your lovely love story wasn’t so lovely.
Something your family always had to do was attend charity events. It was probably one of the few things you liked doing, since many of those events raised money for great causes. So when you were invited to one to raise money for cancer research, you said yes immediately. It being organised by the Atlético de Madrid foundation didn’t matter to you. But for the press…it was a different story.
“Hi, it’s nice meeting you”.
You turned to see it was Álvaro Morata, the player who presided the event, saying hello to you.
“Thank you, it’s nice meeting you too”.
“I heard about you and Pedri…sorry if it’s too informal of me to say this”. “It’s ok, don’t worry”.
“So…you two are really together?”
“Yes”, you said, blushing.
“Good. He’s a good guy. I’ll see you around the Spain matches then”.
“You will”.
Other players were there too and you were introduced to all of them. Mario Hermoso, Marcos Llorente, …they were all very nice to you. But it was a younger player you had to sit next to at your table. One that you hadn’t met before but that introduced himself as Rodrigo Riquelme. However, that wasn’t what his teammates called him.
“Should I call you Rodrigo or Roro?”
“I feel I can’t ask someone of your station to call me such a nickname”.
You laughed seeing the Atleti player blushing. “I don’t mind. I’m not really that important”.
“You are the most important person here”.
“Depends on who you asked”, you shrugged.
It was lovely having someone young to chat with at such an event. You were usually surrounded by old politicians and entrepreneurs who bored you to death with their conversations. So you had a great time…Pedri didn’t have as much fun seeing all the posts on social media talking about how his girlfriend was being too friendly with another player.
He knew it was stupid. You were just chatting with Riquelme. Pedri knew you now and realised that was how you talked to his friends too. That was how you talked to Ferran, for example. It was nothing like how you talked to Pedri.
But still…it wasn’t nice to see so many people doubting your relationship. And, what was worse, insulting you.
“You look unhappy”, you said when you met him again in Barcelona. “Is it because of the articles? Nothing happened with Riquelme. I swear”.
“I know”, he sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your forehead. “I just hate how people will try to find any excuse to try and hurt us”.
“We knew it was going to happen…”.
“It’s not nice anyway”.
“But we’re fine?”, you asked, worried.
“We’re fine. I missed you a lot”.
“I know. I missed you too”.
Knowing Pedri trusted you was so important and you felt you needed to prove you were worth that trust. So, even though you knew you were likely to get in trouble, you forgot about protocol and attended his match wearing his shirt.
It wasn’t even the most important match but when it ended, you went as close to the pitch as you could and called Pedri so he could go meet you. Every one of his teammates that walked past curtsied and called you two “your Majesties”. But you didn’t care. You looked around, noticing the cameras were all pointed at you, and kissed Pedri.
“Making sure everyone knows you’re just my princess?”, he whispered.
“Yes. And while we’re at it, everyone can also learn you’re my prince”.
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 4 months
Losing your pet.
Triggers: pet loss; talks of depression.
Author note: I had to put my cat to sleep at the beginning of the month, he was my baby so things have been really rough lately. I'm hoping writing this will help with grieving and it may be posted it may not be. If it is I hope it helps anyone who is also experiencing something like this.
You call him when you were freaking out about what to do. You were awoken by your animal crying out and knew they needed a vet but it's so early in the morning you don't know where to go.
When he got the call he was instantly worried for you. He knew how much having your animal helped you cope with your depression and he didn't know how losing them would make you react.
He rushed over and took you two to the 24 hour vet.
He was there to hold you as you cry, he talked to the vet for you, he called the place to make arrangements for the remains
He'd offer to have you either stay at the trailer or for him to stay at your house. He thought being in a quiet house would make you feel worse and since it happened in your room he knew you wouldn't be able to sleep in your actual bed for a while.
The two of you slept on your couch for a week after everything happened.
He would set even more reminders to help remind the both of you that you need to take your medicine
I think he would have you come and sit in on a DnD session to give you entertainment and take your mind off of things, he'd feel pretty prideful when it works
He wouldn't rush you to do anything. There is still a box of litter, still a collar, still toys on the floor oh thats fine! We can get rid of it whenever you are ready to. You want to get a new pet great! Let's get into the van! You don't even want to be around animals that's fine too!
He will map out the store trips to make sure you do not have to even walk by the pet supply aisle if you can't handle it
He paid for everything. He knows money doesn't fix much but he didn't want you to be worried about paying for anything.
He never had a pet but he knew how close you were with your pet and he knew you were going to take it hard.
He would make sure you ate and took your medicines, he isn't the best cook but he can do basics so it was about a week of mac and cheese before you started cooking again.
He had you stay at his house, he would worry about you being alone so he made a plea deal and convinced you to stay with him. It's already pretty big and there is more than enough room for the both of you
He would try and get you a new pet better soon after everything happened
I think he would try and get you to talk about your feelings, either by making you therapy appointments or getting you stuff to journal he doesn't want you to keep things bottled up
He tends to treat it as any other heartbreak. There will be days where you two just eat junk food and watch sad movies and when that happens he doesn't mind holding you as the both of you cry into your bowls.
Alot of people would probably say Billy wouldn't be that helpful.
I think he would struggle with knowing what to do, he could tell you were struggling but he freezes when he doesn't know what to do.
He would make some sort of comment that made you start crying and that is when he realized how serious this situation was. "It was just a cat/dog/bird/lizard/etc. get over it." Seeing you break down in front of him was his wake up call.
He would bring take out everytime he came over, he'd act like it wasn't a big deal but he knew how much it meant to you.
I think if you were to journal it would be because of Max and if/when Billy tried to make fun of the new habit you both would give him a look that made it clear to back off and he took the warning loud and clear.
I think the next time he sees a stray he would pull over and try and take it home for you. He either comes home with the animal successfully or he comes home covered in scratches and is refusing to speak about what happened.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years
So, like a week or two after Eddie got chewed up, Metallica was playing in Indie, right? Eddie was full on complaining about it in the hospital while Steve listened to him. I mean, Eddie was in full on tears because he had saved up money to go, and now, because he's still healing, he can't go. Plus, the town still hates him even though the charges have been dropped. Steve hated to see the tears in his eyes, so he decided to do something about it. He made a call to his mother, whom he knew felt guilty about leaving him alone so often, so she owed him.
It took a couple of days after the concert for it to happen. Eddie was pouting even harder, and he had actually even cried because he had missed the concert. He was still pouting when Steve came in and excitedly told him to prepare himself. Eddie was about to ask him what he meant by that when in strolls. . .James Hetfield? Eddie thought he was having a stroke, but Steve assured him that he was not. The other members of Metallica followed him into the hospital room. James had laughed when Eddie asked politely if he could freak out for a bit which he did.
They told Eddie about how they heard about what happened, how he had been set up for murder, and had been hunted like a dog. They told him how they weren't surprised about that.
"People always assume the worst with people like us," James had said and clapped a hand on his shoulder.
They heard about his band and how Eddie was a really great guitar player. Eddie was still in disbelief that he was talking about his band with fucking Metallica, of all people. When they told him how awesome his band name was, he nearly died on the spot. They presented him with a t shirt, signed photos, and then the last but greatest present of them all. . . A replica of his guitar, the guitar he had tragically lost.
"Hey, do you mind if we fuck this up a bit with our autographs?" James had asked.
"Fuck! No! Go right ahead," Eddie had told him with excitement.
When they had left, much to Eddie's disappointment ("You can't keep them, Eddie,"), Eddie cradled the guitar in his arms like a baby. He even cooed over it. Steve could only watch and thought that, yeah, this was so much better than seeing him cry. Once the guitar had been put away safely and Eddie was resting comfortably, he frowned in confusion.
"I don't understand," Eddie said.
"Uh, understand what?" Steve asked.
"How did they know that I lost my guitar?" Eddie asked.
"Uh, okay," Steve said, blushing. He never thought he would tell Eddie he was the one who pulled the strings, did not think that through. "I may have called my mom because he owed me a huge favor, and she got in contact with Metallica's manager. I also told her about losing the guitar, and I guess she told them. Man, you were just so disappointed that I -,"
Steve had been cut off by Eddie pulling him in for a kiss. He had been so stunned, he didn't have time to react, and by that time, Eddie had pulled away. Eddie opened his mouth, probably to apologize, but Steve swooped in and kissed him. It was a hard, desperate kiss full of so many emotions that neither one of them could comprehend. They eventually broke apart to breathe. Eddie swung his legs over the side of the bed and fully sat up. He wasn't fully healed, but he was close enough to at least do that. Eddie grabbed Steve by his hips and pulled him closer.
"Eddie, what -," Steve started.
"Take off your pants," Eddie told him. "I'm going to fucking thank you, big boy."
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cressthebest · 18 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 47
chapter 72:
1. “The day of Marlene's memorial is the first time Dorcas decides she's going to kill herself.” oh shit, oh fuck wait
2. bro dorcas is unwell. like holy shit. i forget that the war started because of dorcas’ love for marlene. like. this is just as much of a dorlene fic too
3. dear god i wanna help dorcas so badly
4. call it instinct, but i knew dorcas’ hair would be a crucial part of her healing journey 💃🏼💃🏼
5. i love well rounded female characters but at what cost. dorcas is well rounded but at what cost? she’s suffering and it hurts to read
6. god damn. finding out that dorcas’ mom was in charge of a quarterly quell is fucking insane. considering that dorcas all but ran the resistance
7. “”You said it first, didn't you? There are no good people in war. I lived by those words, did you know that? All that you were wrong about, but that…" She gives a brittle laugh. "You were right about that."”
foaming at the mouth oh my god. i wanna chomp glass
8. DORCAS NO! (she started drinking fyi)
9. dear god dorcas, you aren’t the only one who knew the “real” marlene. people other than you loved her.
10. dorcas finally admitting that if she could choose someone other than dorcas it would be lily hurts. especially since lily has mary.
11. “Marlene was the love of her life, and that's it. Simple as that. She'll never love another.” OWWWWW
12. “She will make sure Lily never knows that Dorcas looks at her now and thinks before this life, it could have been us; maybe in some other life, it is. And that's more than enough.”
13. brb i’m sobbing
okay i’m back. dorcas just found out marlene was gonna propose and now i’m a sniveling mess
14. so much thanks to bizzarestars making the effort to learn about the way war vets healed and dealt with ptsd
chapter 73:
1. sirius having an emotional support dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. also imma make predictions now: this is the chapter where sirius goes home. it’s time
4. “A homely little home with a porch-swing under the stars. Sirius is homesick for that, too.”
this is my dream too. like it’s been my dream for so long. i can’t even fathom how sirius isn’t bawling like a baby over this. IM bawling like a baby over THEIR porch swing
5. regulus saw sirius and was willing to risk it all just to hug him omg
6. “Barty was the sort of person who needed no outside guidance into being a bit insane.” LMAOOOOOO
7. they’re running a business together and they’re gonna do it forever and now i want to gnaw on wood and glass and plastic and anything i can get my hands on
8. lmao not sirius sitting like a spoiled puppy dog as james and regulus argue over him for the wedding
9. “"Oh, please," James scoffs, rolling his eyes. "One, I'm not stealing your brother away from you, and you know it. Two, who the fuck else would be my best man, hm? Who? Go on."
"Oh, you want to go there?!" Regulus shouts. "What about me? Yeah, didn't think about that, did you? My best friend is dead. Oh, and so is Barty. Who do I have, James? Hm?"”
10. awwwww sirius’ compromise is so sweet omg. i’d literally cry if i was james and regulus
11. ugh gay people are so confusing. like you’re allowed to be freinds with the same people and freinds with any gender. so like, it makes wedding planning so hard. who goes on who’s side? what if i said that when i found out about gay people, my biggest hold up wasn’t religion or anything like that, but instead wedding side logistics
12. canonical genderqueer tonks!!!!!!!!!
13. regulus went to aberforth to cause a scene, and damn if he didn’t succeed
14. damn they’re both stubborn. and both got their way jfc
15. full circle. dorcas is designing their wedding clothes. i’m losing my mind, actually
16. the bookshelf. the fucking bookshelf from the first arena. i’m losing my mind oh my god
19. i didn’t know i needed insecure james, but oh i did
20. i get to read the crimson rivers jegulus wedding and oh my fucking god i’m losing it. i am so unbelievably happy
21. “For him, it's easiest to show love when it's a tragedy.”
dksjdjjsjdjsmdjske holy shit
22. “You're hesitating, love."”
23. “You might wish to know a lot of things about their wedding, and their love, but frankly, it's no one's business but theirs.” so feral over this. that’s literally one of the biggest themes of the story omg i love this
24. hi, anyways, i am so unwell
25. the authors notes about the wedding are golden
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Out of all the recoms, who do you think would be best/most likely to talk you through an orgasm?
WARNINGS: NSFW, 18+ content, SMUT (not proofread)
It would definitely be one who cares about you. Being talked through that by someone also shows the 'power' they have which is why:
Colonel Miles Quaritch
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...is number one. He's an old man so he isn't there for quickies. He likes to take his time and he's a mean tease. Something that really gets him going is when you are submissive and visibly smaller than him. He loves the power and size difference and definitely uses it to his advantage to tease, embarrass, and overwhelm you. The teasing continues all the way until the very end. Meaning he'll be mean through your orgasm but nice enough to let you cum.
He'd say things like:
"Aww look at you baby, fucked dumb by my cock."
"Stupid slut, you want more don't ya?"
"You're Daddy's whore ain't ya? Lettin' me use you all the time."
"You're takin' me so well."
Quaritch does care about you, he just doesn't verbally say so. Praise is rare from him but that's why when you get it, it's good. During your orgasm, he'll continue to pleasure you but he'll make fun of you for being so desperate for him. Secretly, he loves when you beg and especially loves when you're so fucked out you can't think or answer him except moan and cry. Crying turns him on big time.
Z-Dog / Zdinarsk
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Is second because even though I don't write for her, I know she prioritises your pleasure over hers. Sometimes when you two have sex, she won't even touch herself or let you touch her because she just gets so much pleasure out of overstimulating you and making you cum as many times as she can. If her mouth is free while you cum, she will guide you through it and tell you how well you're doing. Sometimes she will tease the shit out of you until your face is flushed and all you can do is beg and plead.
"That's it baby, let go."
"Come on, make Mommy proud."
"Look at you, so pretty for me when you cum."
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...would probably be third because I just know that he knows exactly what he's doing. His experience isn't abnormal but he just got the hang of it quickly. He's a switch, meaning he'll enjoy taking pleasure as much as giving it to you and he won't mind being dom or sub. It all depends on the occasion. He as well isn't a fan of quickies unless there is no other option. Lopez loves to take his time and edge you until your body is weak and begging for a release. Seeing you follow his movements with your hips like it's everything and all you will ever need gets him so uncontrollably hard, he can straight away go another round after you've both cum. When you orgasm, he takes pride in it and needs to hear you confirm how good it is and that it's him making your legs shake.
"Such a beautiful mess you're making, baby."
"Is it that good?" he would coo in your ear with a grin.
"Come on Mami, tell me. Who's making you feel like this?"
Lyle Wainfleet
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I'm not sure exactly where to position Lyle, because it definitely depends on who you are to him and what occasion it is. He loves quickies and had a few fuck buddies during his time in the RDA, so if that is what you are to him, he won't be as verbal. He'd occasionally praise you and say how good it feels, but that would be it. If he would talk you through your orgasm as a friend with benefits, then he would just tease you about it. However, if you're dating, Lyle would absolutely prioritise you. If he loves you, he will make you his world and his everything. So when you cum it means a lot to him and you'll be flooded with compliments, love and praise.
"God, you look so pretty like this"
"Fuck- that's it. Look at you. So fuckin' perfect."
"Let go baby, I'll give it to you. Don't worry."
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We all know by now that Mansk is more conservative. He's not as outrageously social as Lyle is which means he gets laid less because he doesn't initiate conversations or talk to people he doesn't know. (Unlike Lyle, who I know was a total slut as a human). If Mansk finds someone, or more like if someone finds Mansk and it leads to sex (without romance) he's quiet. Literally, no words are being spoken he just focuses on his pleasure and then helps the other person get off. He would never hook up with anyone random he doesn't know too well though. If you're in a relationship, everything is different. He trusts you and is able to let his guard down around you. Which is also when he is more vocal. He prefers to listen to you but from time to time he enjoys just letting it all out and talking away with you for hours. During sex, Mansk is a changed man. He's just so in love with you he will randomly blurt out the compliments that cross his mind. You can be riding him, going down on him or he can be pleasuring you and the man will just stop for a few seconds. When you wonder why he stopped moving you look up at him to see his lovestruck eyes admiring you. He'll be mumbling things like: "I love you so much..." ; "You're so pretty." ; "You look like an angel...".
When you're having an orgasm, he takes so much pleasure in seeing your body react to him and he watches how your face contorts. Once, he was watching you pleasure yourself and when you visibly came, he creamed his pants without even touching himself.
"Let go baby, please. Let me see you."
"Don't hide, I want to see how good you feel."
"That's it, take it all."
"You're so good for me, 'm so lucky to have you."
(Author's note: I'll be gone for a week because I'm on holiday with friends. Probably won't manage to post until next week, sorry.)
Tag list: @numarusworld @jatwow @number1gal @ikranwings @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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kenlvry · 2 years
you're the only sp writer i request from you're literally my fav 😢😢 but can i request stan kyle and kenny with a reader who gets jealous really easily??
reader who is easily jealous
okay kyle didn't know you were the type to get easily jealous, i mean he js thought you didn't really care and kinda let him roll with whoever he wants but thats probably because he hangs out with girls who are in the same cliques as you so,,
it was until you literally glared at the waitress who stared at him for one too many seconds he knew, you ended up having a bad mood throughout the whole meal and eyeing the waitress "baby r you okay?" "why? if im not are you going to leave me for that stupid waitress?" "WHAT NO???"
theres always two reasons why you're so quiet on a date, kyle was too friendly with a girl or a girl was too friendly with him. you ignore him roll your eyes at him and he's just begging you to give him an ounce of attention.
if a girl likes his story you literally stalk her, her mom, her brother, her father, her boss, her colleagues everything.
you continue to ignore that girl for weeks and roll your eyes at her whenever you see her around cz why u liking my mans story? keep your likes baby
he finds it so hot tbh like omg ur this obsessive with me?? 🤭 he gets turned on by this for sure.
even though he finds it attractive and it gets him all sweaty he needs to he careful because you weren't easy to persuade once your jealous fr. once he had to get down on his knees, crying out to you to please look at him. he loves you though and he'd do it again
a thud was heard from your window, then another, and another. it was annoying you so you open your curtains to see what was causing the noise, it was your boyfriend. you opened up your window sticking out half of your body out of the window, "kyle?" you yell, "please unblock me, i dont know why she follows and likes all my post i swear" he yells back. you smile to yourself at how desperate this man is "what if i dont want to?" you put your hands in the frame of the window smiling "um,, I haven't really thought about it" "oh bye then" "wait wait!" he called out and you turn back from walking away. "I'll uh.. I'll freeze myself!" your eyes upon widen at his dumb idea "what no you idiot" he takes off his jacket, gloves and hands then put it on the ground, he then kneels clasp his hands together "please?" "omg." you rub your temples together and rush down. kyle sighs thinking you left him, looking at the ground of shame because now the neighbors think he got another girl pregnant or something. the front door open and he flung his head to its direction, you walked out with your own coat wrapping it around him "you can beg all you want but there's a way to do it without hurting yourself" "anything to make you happy" "I'm not" he chuckles as you drag him inside "don't do that again" "hmm we'll see" "kyle brofloski!" he chuckles again at you while you bring him up to your room, he really loves you.
its like he knows you love him because you'll isolate yourself just because a girl winked at him and won't see him until he begs for forgiveness even though it aint his fault
okay that kinda sounds like a redflag,, WTV WALK HIM LIKE A DOG IG 🤭
anyways, he doesn't hate it dont care if it interferes his life. even if he has to give up everything to make you talk to him he'll do it IM NOT JOKING
he does not care, he has to block all the girls he knows? okay! never talk to any of his girl friends? yea sure! breath only your air and not lay his eyes on a single woman except you only? anything you want babe ☺️
ALSO GETS HARD FOR THIS PLEASE. i js know he's turned on after you get visually jealous.
"please baby look at me" he pulls your arm for you to stop your tracks from going into your room "shut up, maybe you should go to that hoe who waved at you, why did she wink?? did you two used to have something??" you pull back your arm and go up the stairs with kenny following in suit. arriving infront of your bedroom kenny pulled your arm again and when you turned he immediately fall to his knees "please, i dont know her" he hold your palm with both hands, glossy eyed "i,, kenny" "please?" tilting his head to the side, he'll sit there for hours if he has to. "get up mccormick, im sorry i overreacted" he got up so quickly then hugged you, his head falling on your shoulder "loveyou" his breath on your shoulder, you smile "love you too"
i think he has a love hate relationship with your jealousy, like on one hand he knows you love him and would literally kill anyone for him but on the other... its kinda tiring to beg to you
i mean he doesn't care going on his knees, and crawling all fours for you but at times he just can't deal with it yk??
but he mostly loves it obvi, the way your eyes stay focus on the girl that was 'hitting' on him or the way you sulk and won't tell him why even though its obvious it's bc your jealous, its all so cute to him. and he loves this side of your jealousy, just couples being couple
other times though.. you'd block gim everywhere and won't unblock him until the next day when you reflect on your stupid decisions. or when you ignore him at school or not even make eyecontact with him, he hates and loves it.
you had another quarrel with stan again, this fight was because he still comments '☺️' under Wendy's post of herself, it was valid true but you still thought you overreacted. sitting on your bed with your arms cross and tears almost falling down at the thought of Stan going back to wendy broke your heart. ding a notification popped up and you pick up your phone hoping it was stan despite you blocking him everywhere, it was your friend "um, whats up with stan?" she texted you "wdym" your eyebrows furrow together, you immediately unblock him on Instagram and to your surprise his profile picture was you, his stories had 8 pictures of you with cute songs behind it. he had posted 2 picture of you two on his feed one captioning "traveling the moon and back to find good internet to see if her blocking me was a mistake or im a mistake". his bio was now "tell her to unblock me ☹️". you smile at this and your cheeks turned a pink tint. you unblocked him on every platform and it seems he had changed his profile picture to you on every single one. "." "BABE YOU UNBLOCKED ME" "i mean yeah i have to especially since i have 5 people texting me about your profile" "just wanted to show my girlfriend love" "whatever" a knock was heard on your door, then a chat from stan "open up i brought food and wine" you smile and blush to yourself as your rush down to open the door. he was the sweetest
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considerablecolors · 1 year
so anyways thinking about Muriel trying to learn more about humans and watching TV and such and how they would absolutely undeniably be OBSESSED with Bluey once they discovered it. how they would immediately feel connected to characters that are also learning more about the world around them everyday and being proud of themselves for slowly picking up on jokes for the older audience and such. which is a fun thought by itself. BUT THEN.
this brings to mind Muriel wanting to show Bluey to Crowley and Aziraphale (this takes place sometime after season 3 where they're all a family again), and Crowley's like "yeah everyone Below tried really hard to stop it from getting distributed in the US, big blow for us" to which Aziraphale replies "oh yes I spoke with the angel that worked on it, they got quite the promotion!"
anywho both of them try to get out of watching it because "it's a bloody kids show" and "I'm really not too fond of modern television" but Muriel is making puppy dog eyes so OBVIOUSLY they're gonna cave in eventually.
and at first they're not really paying TOO much attention, Aziraphale is charmed by the soundtrack and animation and Crowley does snort at "this isn't the eighties anymore" but like obviously they're not INTO it, they can just admittedly see why Muriel likes it. and then. AND THEN. THE BLUEY EFFECT.
pause. we all know of the Bluey phenomenon. like oh it's this kids show for babies like peppa pig to -> oh there's some fun jokes for the parents here the teachers really like it to -> oh god I'm a 22 year old mentally ill queer person who's been sobbing my eyes out on tiktok for ten minutes why didn't my dad ever love me.
something something the soft gentle tone of the show and its lessons combined with how honest and blunt they are about things combined with the kind and powerful parenting displayed by the main family. it breaks people. it heals wounds. it gets through to those repressed issues. we all know the bluey effect.
literally centuries worth of repressed trauma, NO emotional intelligence or awareness whatsoever, every mental barrier you can think of, literally mommy issues from GOD, and on top of it all, they're an angel and a demon right so obviously they don't need to worry about petty human things like "therapy" and "coping skills" and "talking through issues" and "boundaries" and ""self-worth"".
like oh yes this is a charming show but I'm not sure it's quite for me and then BOOM. Aziraphale gets hit with "there's something going on with me" "does your outside voice sometimes say yes when your inside voice says no?" "I don't think I know how to relax" "I just... felt like I was doing everything wrong"
like wow angel are you actually crying over cartoon dogs you're so emotional and then BOOM. Crowley gets hit with the "you don't need to keep coming back to this place" "he should take care of himself because I still need him" "now you've got all that upset and angry in your hands- do you want to keep it?" "why can’t she just have the thing she wants?"
i'm just saying if aziraphale and crowley had been blueypilled before then maybe there would've actually been some fucking nightingales ok.
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uriekukistan · 4 months
HI I BRING INTERACTION pls feed me megu headcanons if u feel so inclined,,,,
hii ty for the interaction :D ofc i am always inclined to megu hcs! he's in my brain 25/8...megumi my beloved <333333333
megumi's always been a light sleeper/had a hard time falling asleep. even when he was a baby, he'd be up like 37 times in the night, so toji and mamaguro would take turns pulling all nighters because what's the point of going to sleep when baby megumi is just gonna start crying 10 minutes later...even when he's older, he still wakes up several times in the night. it's too hot, it's too cold, i'm thirsty, the door slammed four apartments down, etc. of course this only gets worse after the detention center because he starts having nightmares :( dw, this opens the door for some cute itafushi moments down the road im writing a fic abt this
he also wakes up reaalllly early because of this, like 5am...that doesn't mean he's a morning person though. he's very grumpy and almost completely unresponsive to anyone trying to talk to him. not that anyone else is really up at 5am with him...maybe yuuji, but he's on the other side of his sleep cycle (hasn't gone to bed yet, was binge watching a new series) and probably equally zombie-like. anyway, megumi is the epitome of "don't talk to me before i've had my coffee." gojo got him a mug that said that once...
megumi didn't eat breakfast (much to tsumiki's chagrin) until he met yuuji, but that's mostly because he doesn't want to waste yuuji's efforts food :)
to add on to that, he has a pretty small appetite, my personal thought is this comes from when he was younger. he and tsumiki struggled to get food between when their money ran out post parental departure and when gojo came into their lives, so he just got used to not eating a lot...but for the same reason he'll never leave food on his plate. lingering fear that he'll wake up with nothing to eat one day (SORRY i had to make it angsty bc that's just Who I Am 💔💔💔)
um. to end it on a lighter note :) if megumi wasn't a sorcerer, he'd work at an animal rescue facility or a no-kill shelter and he's all the dogs' fav employee :))) (ik a lot of people like vet megumi, but i feel like he'd get too sad when he had to put an animal down bc he couldnt save it........). if he wasn't into that, he'd be interested in ecology and habitat preservation for endangered species.
um i was gonna do a Day In the Life of Megumi but the first points got sooo long so uh. stopped after breakfast.
(the way i write abt him all the time and still had to take a while to write this,,,had to separate au megumi from real megumi)
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1-800-camelliahotline · 2 months
Day 1 of @olba-week-event : Merfolk!!!
Day one, and im already fighting for my life, so you guys get a cute sketch based on a very cute moment !! Instead of a dog, I decided to try and draw a baby fox! Coincidentally, I also had a cute little story in mind, but it isn't written out like a fanfic since I didn't feel like doing that </3
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So this is the story of a little fox and a mermaid meeting by chance on a summer night.
The little fox had been wandering away from the den in a need for rebellion and independence despite still being a pup.
When night fell and she became hungry, she remembered how the local bear family would hunt in the nearby river for fish and figured it shouldn't be that hard to do the same.
Though what she found by the nearby river was way more interesting than a possible dinner.
Like the curious little pup she was, she bounded forward tail wagging. She had never seen something like THAT before!
It reminded her of those stories her sister Selkie used to tell her about how humans had human fish drawn in the sky, and while she had never seen the drawing herself she had seen humans before and fishes and they looked like a clash of both!
And so she said. "Who are you? Did you fall out of the sky?!"
Right after she said that, the human fish burst into tears and frantically she tried comfort them but nothing seemed to reach them and so she ran off to grab some nearby flowers as they seemed to always make her sister Selkie feel better when she was sad.
She ran back with the flowers kn her mouth and stumbled around, trying to make sure not to drop them getting the attention of the human fish who looked at her curiously as she placed them in front of them.
She waited patiently, hoping the human fish would cry, even nudging the flowers closer to the body of water, and she let out a breath of relief when they did.
Though water's still falling from their face, they were definitely calmer than they were just a few minutes ago and that had to mean something! They took in a deep breath before repeating what they said while wiping away their tears. "I'm Cove and I'm lost... I ran away from home because I wanted to live with my mom but I got swept up! an-and!-" they erupted into sobs that looked even worst than when she found them. Immediately she bounced closer to him stepping into the water and quickly said. "I'm Rena! Don't worry! We'll get you to your mom's by sunrise I promise!" This statement was the start of their adventure that lasted them quite a few hours stopping to eat once in a while and asking directions from the bear family that lived nearby and birds. Sometimes they were led astray and other times they were on the right path but Rena never gave up! This had to be the most fun she's had in a long time! Everything was so boring at home and of course it didn't help that her mothers were so boring. On their adventure Rena never stopped talking about anything and everything while Cove quietly listened sometimes adding to the conversation. Unfortunately their adventure didn't last long as Rena's mothers Pamela and Noelani found her and immediately snagged her by the scruff before she could run off. Both vixens gave her a good scolding and made her promise she would never do it again but deep down they knew she didn't really mean it. Then they made her explain why she was gone for so long with expressions that basically told her "if you lie you really won't hear the end of it". With great reluctance she said the truth which resulted in another wave of scolding but at the end of it they decided to help Cove as well since they knew the way. And as promised they reached the sea by sunrise and there they found another human fish with brown hair and with one sided tearful reunion they go on their separate ways with a promise to meet again. The end....
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neverchecking · 1 year
Um hi I am 🪷 From clouds Page and I wanted to be it on here if it ok
I just wanted to say I really love your work
And I have a huge question It not a requests but a ask
I am autistic high functioning one but it still hard to do things that you don't understand and you have to have yours comer plushy
I have one and even though I am in my Earl 20's I am crying like a baby over my plushy I had snic I was a kid it a cute Pokemon one and it a cute little mew doll and my rabbit and stuff dog. But the got torn up by my sister dog and they are trying to fix it
What would the link boy do
I know sage would try a fix it with touch stuff that the reader would like. Also I just know the gop that is on the itam look so soft and like slim I would beIN playing with it for so long
So my question is how would the boys fix it or think of the reade beIN so over stimulated and can't stop crying and can't cop with out her stuff plushies and would they make a smiler one until the fix it
I know four would quickly get the plushy fix and time with the song of time
And fd is a god he can use powers but the others I am confused on
Sage would be using his hand
Sorry for the long question I am just in a stage of cleaning down and trying to wait for my other plushy.
FROM 🪷Aron p.s I am not good at spelling and my autocorrect is a meany
Hello 🪷anon! Don't worry, I know who you are! Your request is currently a work in progress! You totally can be 🪷anon!
I'm so sorry about what happened to your plushy. I totally understand as I'm nineteen, almost twenty, and have my own comfort plush. I know I would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to her (Her name is Princess and she's a pink poodle :)). I can't imagine what it would be like for someone with Autism. I'm not nearly as educated on the spectrum or what it entails, but I know a disturbance like that can be especially hard. (Please take no offence to what I'm saying, I'm trying not to make this sound as bad as its coming out.)
Now, Time, contrary to how he looks, does know how to sew. He's not exceptional at it, but it's certainly passible. Sure, it's a little wonky, maybe crooked, but it's evident that he put a lot of effort into it. While it's a work in progress however, or after the initial incident, he remains a steady rock for you! If your okay with physical touch during this time, he's holding you to his chest and humming a soft tune under his breath while gently rocking back and forth. If not, he's counting breaths in front of you, tapping off his fingers to help you regulate.
Twilight cannot sew. Point, blank, period. His hands are too clumsy and his movements too rough for the thin, fragile string. However, he knows people who can. If your near Ordon, he's asking Ilia or Uli. If not, he'll take it to a tailor in the nearby village. If your not near a village, he's sucking up his ego and asking Legend. His pelt is always available if you need it, but so are his arms. Lemme tell you, he gives the best hugs. If you don't wanna hug him, that's fine, maybe Wolfie will make you feel better? If you don't want any contact, that's just as okay! Wolfie with sit with you until you feel better!
Sky is tricky because while he can play the harp/lyra/whatever that thing is, I can't say I see him being able to sew. His hands are too used to the thick sturdiness of wood or the gentle plucking of the strings. The repetitive motions confuse him and he just knots the string over and over again. He doesn't wait to ask Legend or Time however, and he'll even use tears to get what he wants. Like Twilight, his sail cloth is always available to you, and he also gives pretty good hugs. If you want your space, he's pulling out his latest project and working on it beside you, hoping the repetitive noises and motions help you ground yourself.
Now, Wars can't sew well either. But he can. He's not going to put your biggest comfort item at risk for that. He's not sucking up to Legend however. No, he'll instead hand over the needed dough to the nearest Tailor or, hell, even Time to get it done as quickly as possible. His scarf is also always available. It's a good way to ground yourself as he'll sit with one end, wrapping and intertwining it around his fingers and urging you to follow.
Legend, my lovely little rat, is the best at sewing hands down. He'll remain by your side, letting you take whatever comfort needed (Physical or otherwise), while he sews your comfort item back to its rightful state. He won't shoot any quips, nor even have a harsh tone with you and anyone who dares to even try and tease you are gifted with a dirty glare.
Wild cannot sew. Period. He'll also bribe Legend with food of some sort or some ancient tech to do it for him while keeping you distracted with food prep. You don't even have to do anything, but sit there and look pretty. If you want physical comfort, sucks for the rest of the chain because they are now on their own for dinner as you become priority number one.
Hyrule can sew! With resources as scarce as they are in his world, he had to learn to preserve what he had. Which included repairing his tunics, pants, boots, etc., etc.. So, he jumps at the opportunity to fix your comfort item. It's done pretty well too! Now, Hyrule probably uses some sort of Fairy magic to calm you, through touch or otherwise, and also hums to keep you grounded.
Four can also sew! He'd fix it up right away! In fact, he'd probably split to speed up the process. One of the colors, probably Vio, would sew the item easily and quickly while the others worked on comforting you. Cuddles? Done. You wanna hear them sing? Give them a song, darling. You just want your space to process your emotions? They're steering the others away. And then, when they combine to give you back the object, Four doesn't leave until he's certain your doing okay again. :)
Wind (This is entirely platonic) cannot sew. But, he's the youngest, so he can use puppy dog eyes and get Legend or Hyrule or Time to bend to his will and do it for him. He is then either distracting you with a game or adventure or small hike, or sitting with you and telling you all sorts of stories about his journey as a pirate.
Sage can sew! He learned after his original Champion's tunic had taken one too many hits and he refused to ask Natura (His Zelda) to fix it, or use the one she was dead set on him using. Of course, he could also use his hand to help, using Recall if the incident is recent enough. If it's not, he's more than happy to fix it himself. He's offering you his hand to take should you want it, using it to pull you into his lap if that's acceptable in the situation. If not, he's sitting with you. He's all too aware of what's it's like to be so...overstimulated, so he's not asking anything. Not humming or singing. Just sitting and acting like an anchor for you.
Fierce Deity can't sew. He can use powers to an extent, but he mostly has to use his scary dog privileges to get a tailor to fix it. He's built like a tank and has a core like a furnace though, so he's perfect for cuddles. If you wanna sob into his chest, he won't do anything but shield you from the view of others. He's another one to offer silent comfort rather than any form of conversation.
Bonus! First can sew! Not badly, nor too well, but it's average. He's humming lowly while fixing the object before giving it to you. He's brushing your knuckles before pressing a kiss to them, tapping your breaths along each bump when he pulls away. His scarf is also available to you. Whatever you need, darling.
I really hope this makes you feel a bit better 🪷anon! I tried using the little bit of knowledge I had to make this as good as it can be. I wish you all the best and wish I could've gotten to this sooner.
With all my love,
Cinder XOXO
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calamitoustide · 2 months
A REG FIC IDEA FOR COMPLEX??? oh i'm so hooked. even if it never happens it's living in my heart!!! obsessed with this song
YES! oh my god I've been thinking about this fic forever every time that song comes on I'm thinking of my Reg... my poor baby is going through it
It would've been a jegulus fic but it's also not the complete focus of it. It's more on Regulus because James is not the guy the song is talking about. Whenever I listen to the song I see a Regulus who just left his parents and who is left outside like a stray dog just clinging onto anything he can. He's stoic and acts like he's got all his shit together but he doesn't. When he leaves his parents I see himself immediately attaching himself to the first person who shows him any kind of affection. That person is an older guy he met and no matter how many red flags are clearly visible he doesn't see any of them. That guy is giving him affection, and a kind of attention he never got before, everything else goes away.
All his friends hate him but Regulus doesn't see that, he thinks he's a good guy and he starts pushing them away because of it. He isolates himself with the "one good thing he has" even if that one good thing really isn't that good at all.
The gist of the fic would be Regulus being found by Sirius and them reconnecting again. Sirius hates Regulus' boyfriend but is at first too scared to say anything because he thinks he'll lose him. So he let's it continue there's nothing else for him to do. He just has to watch Regulus be miserable and not even know it. Regulus looks at his boyfriend like he hung the moon, but he's just not a good guy. They fight all the time and Regulus just let's him win the arguments and let's him get away with things because he's so scared of abandonment.
James comes in at the same time as Sirius. A recent addition to my little idea in my head is that James is Regulus' childhood best friend, so when he comes back they're very affectionate with each other. Which Regulus' boyfriend doesn't like so Regulus does push James away throughout the fic, but they always come back together. James loves Regulus the way he deserves it. It's not about their relationship, and yet it is at the same time. It's a little hard to explain the concept of it. They are a focal point but it's more about Regulus' self journey instead. It's about him realizing he deserves more than what he has.
I just get stuck on the lines, "but I'm wearing his boxers I'm being a good wife... I need him like water he lives on a landslide I cry in his bathroom he turns off the big light." I think of a Regulus who has no sense of self. As the fic goes on he looks at James and he sees the differences. He starts to slowly realize he doesn't deserve this and it's fucking terrifying to him. There's a small part of him who still thinks his boyfriend is a good guy, he wants to believe in him because otherwise what's the point? He left his parents for him. I can see him talking to James, and he's crying after a fight and he's just repeating through his sobs, "He's a good guy, you know, he's a really good guy." Just trying to convince James, and even more himself that it's true.
There are also just little pictures in my head of Regulus always calling James whenever he's upset. Like they've just had a fight and Regulus is crying on the bathroom floor so he calls James, and he comes, fixes him up, and carries him to bed. He tucks him in and stays with him until he falls asleep.
But then there's also James' perspective because he's madly in love with Regulus and will do anything for him, but he's being led on by Regulus still being with his boyfriend. Regulus is emotionally cheating with James and it's slowly breaking James down but he stays anyway.
I'm talking a lot and it's really just a vibe and not an actual concrete idea but like does any of that make sense 😭 do you see the vision because I do it's all I think about
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 3
I always get too invested in the story at this point to notice any details so this list is making up for several detail-oriented rewatches. It got so long I'm going to split it into two parts. This is going to cover everything from the pocket full of posies to when the bears are in their cabin. It also includes lines I wish were talked about more lol
I think it's so funny when Kitty and Puss are trash talking Perrito as they go through the pocket full of posies. "Ughh, his path is so corny." "And cheesy." "And lame." "And weird. Like him." "Yeah. Why are you so ridiculous, dog?"
Jack has to push off a baker's face with his foot to pull Excalibur out of his magic nanny bag
When Jack's tank gets stopped by the posies, he says, "Well?? Start chopping!" There's this one baker who says, "On it! You don't have to tell me twice! I'm going to chop the heck out of this Ficus lyra-" He then gets eaten by a flower and another baker falls to her knees and goes, "Jerry, no!!" I think the fandom should appreciate Jerry more; the baker who was overeager at his job and knew a lot abt flowers lol
Jack has basically no eyebrows (they're a very light purple that's only visible in close ups) and crow's feet
When Jack is using the phoenix as a flamethrower, it cries a single tear
Jack also sets one of his men on fire when he's flamethrowing
Kitty has gold embellishments on the end of her sash
Kitty sees Puss scratch at his beard twice before he tries to get her to say he should shave it so she definitely knew he didn't like it
When Kitty's shaving him, there are some hairs that stay longer even after she went over that area. It really gives it the look that he's being shaved by a dagger on a boat lol Not the most precise shave, but it gets the job done
Kitty brushes Puss' fur off her hands as he gets rid of his stick sword after the shave
During the fight on the bank of the river, Puss sneezes out a bunch of confetti after the second unicorn horn explosion
During his panic attack, Puss lightly pets Perrito's head. I'm sure this is common knowledge but I always thought that he just put his hand on his head, not actually pet it too
When Mama bear says that they're a "crime syndicate family," it triggers the map to bug out. Goldi's holding it at the moment and the map could probably tell the confliction between her wish and her reality
The map's message right after also has more foreshadowing for Goldi's wish. "To find your wish, adjust your view. What you seek may be right in front of you." It's trying so hard to tell her that she already has her wish but she doesn't get it lol
It must be winter wherever the bears are from. They keep bringing up hibernation, their cabin is covered in snow, and both Baby and Papa are asleep in a matter of minutes of entering their house
The library stamp in Goldi's book reads "Crying Tears Orphanage Library." What kind of name is that??? Also, it proves that Goldi was at an orphanage first and then probably wandered into the woods on her own accord; her parents didn't leave her there. It does still have lots of angst tho because everyone in the town/orphanage probably assumed she died
The other kids who checked out Goldi's book were Hansel and Gretel
Mama has a scar on her nose. It's pretty big too
I love Baby's line after they find Puss hiding under the table with the map. "Oi! You crime-ing us when we just crime-ed you? No. No crime backs!"
Part one, Part two, Part four, Part five
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starshine-wagner · 2 years
Reasons to Hope (part one)
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x F!Reader
Summary: On a walk in the woods, Sam and Rose encounter someone in need of a friend.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, angry boss, toxic boyfriend, cheating, Rose Kiszka
Author's Note: I couldn't stop thinking about Dog Dad Sammy. Oops. I also am impatient so here is part one.
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You'd had it. The week's heartache had finally caught up to you, and you needed to just get out. The office could feel so constricting, and the break room was certainly not where you wanted to spend your hour on lunch break. So, you headed for the woods.
You were lucky that your building was right next to a public recreation area. Skyneck Woods had all sorts of walking trails, fields, benches, playgrounds, and paths to enjoy. Here, it was almost as if the stressors of your job, your family, and your broken relationship couldn't reach you. Here, there were no deadlines, no tensions, and no checklists.
You grabbed a snack from your bag and set off onto one of the many trails. The further you went into the woods, the less you could hear the cars on the main road, the kids on the playground, and the static frustration in your head. It was a silent retreat, and for that you were grateful. After the reaming you'd just received from your boss, you needed silence. He'd been patient with you all week, but, when you forgot to place an important order, he had to lay it on you. And so, here you were. Boots in the dirt, heading for God-knows-where.
After the weekend you had with your long-distance boyfriend, you had admittedly been useless at the office. Apparently, it wasn't good enough for him to plan for a relaxed weekend in. He had insisted on going out when all you wanted to do was spend time on the couch watching Bachelor and eating Chinese. Just like you used to at home. You explained how exhausted you were, how you missed just getting to hold him, but he wasn't having it.
"God. Honestly, Y/N! It's like we never do shit anymore. I don't want to watch your stupid fucking show. And when was the last time we even fucked? Like-"
"Don, please-"
"I only see you every other weekend and it's like every time I do, you wanna play fucking house. I'm tired of spending my hard-earned money and time to drive all the way here just for this," he motioned to the living room, "and some mediocre head."
You weren't sure what compelled him to say such a stinging remark. But you knew exactly why your hand went up to slap him across the face. His hand caught your wrist, though, just before you could make contact and slap some decency into the man who was supposed to love you.
"Nice try. I'm out. If you need me I'll be at O'Leary's. Who knows? Maybe finding myself a lady willing to put out for once," he said as he slammed the door shut, leaving you alone in the apartment.
He'd been becoming more and more of a dick these past few months. Even his name was dick-ish. Donovan. Who the fuck named their kid Donovan? Worse, who thought it would be a good idea to date a guy named Donovan? You, apparently. It wasn't the first time he'd thrown a tantrum over something like this. Once you moved to Nashville while he stayed in St. Louis, things had started to change. He got angrier. Impatient. It was like the boy you fell in love with in college had morphed into someone you didn't know. Long gone were his sweet gestures and gentle caresses. No more were the "good morning" texts and the random flowers.
Not having the energy to cry when he left, you simply fell back onto the couch. You reached for your phone to check the time when you realized Donovan had left his by the pillow next to you. You hadn't meant to even look, but a notification caught your eye. A message.
Katie (8 min ago): You think so, baby? I'd say you were just as good.
Baby? Who the hell was calling him baby? Who was Katie? Oh, now this was something. Just as you were getting ready to helplessly text your best friend, Donovan came crashing through the front door once again.
"Fucking forgot my-"
"Who the fuck is Katie?" you interrupted. You stood up from your spot on the couch and marched over to the door, where he still stood in its frame. The instant look of shock on his face told you everything you needed to know. But he still played the game.
"Katie? Katie who? What are you-"
"Shut the fuck up. Katie." You threw the phone towards him and it clanged onto the vinyl floor. "Hmm?" You crossed your arms and waited, mostly so that you wouldn't ball your fists in his direction.
"Babe I don't know what you're trying to say here. Katie is on my sales team. We-"
"Your sales teammate calls you 'baby' now? That's fucking rich."
"I don't know what you want me to say. I don't even know her that well, like, she- Actually, no. No. I'm not going to explain myself to you. I haven't done whatever you're thinking. And fuck you for doubting me, Y/N." He with a final huff, he shoved the phone pointedly in his pocket, shut the door, and left.
Needless to say, your weekend ended with more screaming matches, a half-assed excuse, a confrontation with this Katie, and a bitter goodbye. Donovan was gone. You were finished. Though you knew it was a long time coming, and probably for the better, it still hurt. It still made you question what you could've done wrong. Why you weren't enough. What Katie had that you didn't.
With the events of this weekend replaying through your mind, you found a spot to sit some half-mile or so onto the path. Nobody was around, and it was midday, so you figured it was a good a time as any to let the dam welling in your chest break. Criss-crossed on the log, you let your head fall into your hands and wept.
You wept for the old you. The one who dreamed of a life with Donovan. Who imagined 3 little mini-you's running around a fenced-in yard while the two of you held hands.
You wept for the current you. The one who was hurting and betrayed and broken and helpless. Who couldn't seem to catch a break.
And you wept for the future you. The one who you didn't know yet. You prayed she was happy. You wished she was successful, and loved, and cherished. All the things you weren't.
It was a relief to be able to get it out. The pain you'd been holding in all week was too much to carry in silence. So, you didn't hold back. You allowed the sobs to come from deep within your chest, emptying out the caverns of your broken heart into nature. You remained like that until you thought you had no water left in your body to cry out.
Then, a shuffle of leaves caught your attention. You figured it was a squirrel or some critter just pattering around. But soon, the rustles got louder and closer, until finally you saw a dog skipping right towards you. Now, this would have been a welcome surprise if it weren't for the reality that the presence of a dog meant the presence of a human somewhere nearby.
"Rose! Rose Bud Kiszka," someone yelled, feigning severity. "Get back here- I have treats!" you heard a man calling down the path. You stood up to try and start walking away, but she was too quick. The dog had jumped into your lap and you were twisting and bending to keep her from licking right into your face. Her muddy paws were soiling your work pants with dirt and you tried to get her down, but it was no use.
"Rose! Shit. I'm so sorry-" Her owner had finally caught up. "Rose no!"
You managed to pull your face away from her excited sniffs to reply, "No, it's fine! Don't- oh!" Just as you spoke, she licked right into your mouth. Not the worst thing in the world, but definitely a little gross.
He wrangled her back by her harness and attached her to the end of the leash. "I'm so sorry. Seriously. I kinda assumed nobody would be out here so I let her off..."
You finally had a moment to look up at Rose's owner as he rambled on and- oh. He was... yeah. Your brain took a stalled out for a second taking in the attractive man before you when he spoke again.
"Are you- oh my God. I'm so sorry she made you upset. Did she hurt you? She's usually not-" He seemed overly apologetic. You realized, then, that your face was probably puffy, red, and dreary from the cry you just had. Snot was likely gathering somewhere on your face, and you clearly looked rough. And the poor guy thought it was because of his dog.
"No! Please. Don't apologize. I was just- it wasn't her! Promise." You gave him a small smile and beckoned for Rose to come towards you again, proving your point. He slowly led her over to your side again, though slightly more calm.
"What kind of dog is she?" you asked, changing the subject as quickly as possible from your emotional display.
"She's mainly a pit, but with bits of terrier and boxer mixed in. My little mutt girl. Aren't you, my Rosie?" he smooshed the top of her head with his hand and slipped into his doggie voice, causing you to chuckle. Cute.
"Aren't you just precious!" you agreed. "And how old?" By this point, she'd made herself comfortable sitting between your legs while her owner stood facing you.
"She just turned one year, actually. Still a pup!"
"Well she's lovely..."
You continued to pat her head as she sat in a glorious bliss. Clearly, she loved the attention.
"I'm Sam by the way," he smiled. "Mostly Polish with a bit of German and French mixed in. 24 years old." Oh. So he was funny too? And his teeth were perfect..
"Nice to meet you Sam. I'm Y/N." You stood up, wiping your now-dirty pants down, much to Rose's dismay. So, you reached down to satisfy her need for pats at all times. Sam quirked up an eyebrow, still hung up on the way that he'd found you.
"Are you sure you're okay...?" he pressed.
"Yeah! No. Sorry, I'm fine. Just... long day." You went to smooth your hair back, only to realize it had half-fallen out of place. Great.
"I get it. More than you know, unfortunately."
You rocked back and forth on your heels, feeling a little awkward, before deciding to put the man out of his presumed misery.
"Well, Sam, Rose. I hope you have a good walk! It's a beautiful day for it."
"Oh we will! But I'm not quite sure she's gonna want to move on," he suggested, looking down at Rose. "You might just have to join us."
"Don't let me ruin your walk! I was just gonna head back actually..." You looked down see Rose's snout exploring your left jacket pocket. Ah, yes. The snack you'd brought and neglected to eat. She found it.
"I don't know! I think she likes you too much. Walk with us? Just for a bit and then we'll see you off?" he insisted. You considered it for a moment before giving in. This Sam and his eyes were just too sweet to say no to.
"Alright then."
The three of you set off down the path together. Sam asked you a bit about yourself, your work, where you're from and what you're doing in Nashville now.
"It's a great city. Really. I've only been here a few years, but it already feels more like home than home ever was," he explained.
"Michigan. A random German town with a lot of Christmas decorations. And world famous chicken!"
"World-famous, you say?" You kicked up some rocks as you went, attempting to distract yourself from staring at his slender fingers on Rose's leash.
"That is exactly what I said. But I never said it was any good..." he peeked over at you with a sly smile.
You laughed nearly the whole walk and were amazed at his ability to set you, a total stranger, at ease. Conversation seemed to flow so easily. He spoke about his brothers and his sister. He asked for your thoughts on the Space Force and whether you think that we really landed on the moon or not. And the way he said things was so casual, yet elegant. He spoke of the beauty in the mundane things in life. He pointed out the colors on the trees as you passed by a particularly beautiful section of the woods. Sam mentioned that he was a big jazz guy and played music with his brothers, much to his father's pride. He stopped plenty of times to give Rose some love. By the time you neared the end of the path, finishing almost a two mile loop, it was hard to believe you'd only just met. As cliche as it sounded, it felt even more so.
"Thanks for convincing me to tag along. I needed that little break," you admitted. He only gave a shrug in response, as if to say I told you so. Looking at the time on your phone, you realized you only had a few more minutes to get back to the office. "Shit. I gotta run, though. My boss will literally kill me if I come back late."
"Okay, okay. At least text me when you get back? Just so I know you're alive?" He snuck the phone out of your hands and shot himself a message.
You: Sam Kiszka. Weird guy from the woods.
"I will." You gave goodbye pets to Rose before scurrying as fast as you could towards the office and back to your desk. Settling in, you tried to look as unfazed as possible in front of your boss. Then, your phone dinged.
Maybe: Sam: Alive?
You smiled to yourself.
You: Yes! THANK GOD.
You quickly saved his number into your contacts.
Sam Kiszka 🐶: Glad to hear it. Drinks later? If you're not busy.
You: I'd love to. You pick where!
You had big plans with your couch that night, but you were she'd understand.
Sam Kiszka 🐶: O'Leary's, then. 8?
You: See ya then :)
(to be continued)
edit as of 2023: im so sorry I didnt make another part lol but im stuck. maybe one day Inspo will strike!
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That Time Mat Went Batshit (Pt. 6/???)
So, idk if I've ever mentioned this, but I have kids. Like, little kids who look up to me and I make sure to check in with every day. They're my babies. And I need to do a character profiling exercise, so I'm going to introduce you to them in the most batshit way possible! (I will not be using their real names, obvi, but enjoy!)
shitposts in the group chat all the time
does not know the difference between a controversial joke and an unacceptable joke.
has???? a minimal???? amount of rizz????
knows everyone's secrets
can be wise when he doesn't wanna be an ass
the best techie EVER
The Jalapeño:
bby bisexual
addicted to Warhammer and Zelda
watches too much anime
forgets drink water
so. many. allergies. It's so fucking hard to feed him.
misled from time to time (reddit is his news source so we've had to have talks about what's fake news and real news)
is a gentleman (will give u his sweater if u accidentally bled thru ur pants no questions asked)
Stylish Arguer:
forgets she's desi all the time
too much tik tok
hot cheeto girl /pos
Gets into stupid arguments that I have to defuse 24/7
wears flared yoga pants >>>>>:\
the BEST hair of all time
so so good at basketball
Am I Your One And Only:
Will scream at you from backstage bc you're being a dinkwad
sexually frustrated lesbian
so many younger sisters
probably has committed a homicide
volleyball girl
wears slides everywhere (?????????)
Sam I Am:
needs therapy desperately
misinformed (reddit and twitter are his sources)
bitter at the world and needs reminders that sexism is still real
actually such a nice person tho
dyes hair, shaves hair
carries a suit in his backpack all the time
Abraham Lincoln:
has a dog :D
my og kiddo #1
NOT my fav tho (or maybe he is... we'll never know)
always gives me his ramen
is a gentleman (will give u sweater if u bled thru ur pants... but he'd ask so many questions and when he finds out... so embarrassed)
despite being uncomfortable about puberty, learns everything he can for his baby sister
baseball boy
mini golfs so much
can be a bit of an icarus (aka: jackass) from time to time. But if u yell at him about it, he will cry. So. Find a new way to tell him he needs to cool it.
smort boi
so much character growth from him!!!!
my og kiddo #2
NOt mY FaVoURITE i SWEAR-!!!!1!!
always lets me take his hat (it's his hat in my pfp!!!!!!!!)
learned how to be an intersectional feminist over night for reasons that will be disclosed later on
also baseball boy
bffs w abe link ^^^^^^
has minimal rizz, still pulls
finds pics of me and my worst enemy and photoshops hearts onto them
steals my food. Easy to feed.
asks a lot of questions abt sex. I'm happy to answer, but really HOW MUCH does he need to KNOW??????
Mini Me But Not Quite:
got louder over the course of eight months
big hamilton, heathers, beetlejuice, in the heights, [insert every musical here] fan
BANGER music taste
LOVES percy jackson, heartstopper, the owl house, amphibia [insert all quality media types here]
another bby bisexual
is the reason MENDOZA, GET IN MY OFFICE became an intersectional feminist overnight (that night was the night they started dating)
material GoWrl
is totally not my favorite
an amazing singing voice
came out of her shell bc of me??????????? T.T
does fortnite and tik tok dances all the time
gets into some dumb arguments
shit talks everyone
so kind
works so damn hard and she KNOWS it
not innocent.
fav Lover song is Paper Rings :D
Ham Boi:
doesn't understand hamilton refs despite being a hamilton
so dumb
Is The Jalapeño's bff
easy to feed
thinks you need to be 'one of the guys' to play DnD
knows what a chancla is (now.....)
is the baby of the group
needs positive reinforcement 24/7
got drama
so fucking loud after she met me
judges everyone.
has a good sense of Girl Code
SO stylish. My girl will coordinate her skirt, her hijab, and her JACKET in the same color family and show up to school lookin FLAWLESSS
thinks that I am a replacement for health class (I am)
makes such amazing art it makes me cry
writes so well and works so hard
I won't even deny she's up there with the favorites.
(i beg u to look at the tags. they're so fucking random)
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