#also i tried to add a gif from the gif option but it's not showing up
chrolloluvr · 6 months
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Adam, Mammon, Alastor and Lucifer if S/O is on their period
Note: AFAB!Reader, not proofread, (should I make a story out of mammons??)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, minor degrading?, fluff 🥺, cute moments
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Adam 🕊️:
He has an idea of how periods or the menstrual cycle work. In his time of being married to Eve and Lilith, he basically just let them handle it themselves. But with you, thats not how it works
When you get moody swings, he tells you that your being dramatic.
"Babe what the hell? Take a chill pill, jesus."
Please slap him across the face.
When you get cramps, he will throw you some Pepto bismol and call it a day.
If you send him to the store, he will ask you what flavor tampon you want (???), and if he can have a visual representation on what size he needs.
He tried to FaceTime you 15 times...
Had to disguise himself so nobody knew he was there.
He will offer to have sex with you, since that was what seemed to work with his other two wives
Goes out and buys you snacks, but he forgets that you're on your period so he mostly bought them for himself.
Asks Lute for advice, since he isn't a girl.
You end up with your head resting on his shoulders, while you sit in his lap. He will call you a drama queen, but he will still comfort you.
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Mammon 🕸️:
He knows literally nothing about periods or the menstrual cycle.
He never really cared to learn anything about it either, since he had never taken any romantic interest in anybody until you. He considered it a waste of time.
When you have mood swings, he does not take you seriously, and he will probably baby you.
"Awhh, dont get your thong in a twist sugar. Now calm down before i have to hold your ass down-"
When cramps roll around, he will just put his hand over your lower stomach. And just, leave it there? He thinks it helps you, so don't argue with him or he will back off of you.
When you send him to the store, he asks you for your pussy size...
Will FaceTime you, and show you all of the options.
Gets stopped and asked for photos multiple times, so it takes him like an hour.
He ends up getting you Nutella, pads, and a menstrual cup, because he thought it looked funny. He even jokes about it being his next big product.
Offers to eat you out. Yes, while you are on your period. He is a freak. He does not mind getting his mouth bloody. I HC that he actually prefers when you are on your period, because he likes the metallic tase and smell it emits.
Wont let you out of his sights during this time. He will let you lay on top of him while you two watch your favorite show. And he will hand feed you the chocolate and say,
"Heres comes the choo choo train cutie 😙"
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Lucifer 👑:
He knows a lot about the menstrual cycle and how it works. He was very attentive to Lilith during their marriage.
When you get moody, he will distance himself from you, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire.
"Hey honey, I just wanted to check in on you, see how you were doing, you know-"
When you have cramps, he hates seeing you in pain, so he will heat up a heating pad and rest it on your stomach.
When you send him to the store, he goes in a disguise. He will call you and ask what specific products you want.
He ends up getting you strawberries, chocolate, medicine, etc.
He treats you like you are sick. Will force you to stay in bed under his supervision.
Will also offer to eat you out. He just wants to make you feel better, and he is an expert.
He will spoon-feed you medicine, and turn on your favorite show. He will snuggle up against your chest and fall asleep.
Will ask Charlie for some advice and help. He really does care for you deeply. So he just wants to make sure you are content and satisfied.
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Alastor 🦌:
Knows quite a bit about period and the menstrual cycle.
When you get moody, he will also coddle you like Mammon. Will purposely try to get you more upset. But stops after a while, since he is a gentlemen.
"My little doe, lets stop with this tantrum. Your a big girl, aren't you?
When you get cramps, he will come up behind you and trap you in a bear hug while rocking the both of you. He will do this while using his thumbs to rub your shoulders.
Instead of the store, he goes to Rosie and asks her for supplies and advice. He hates seeing you upset, so what better of a person to ask for advice from than his long time friend Rosie?
He will not want to do anything sexual with you. Not because he does not like getting bloody, (he has, and isn't afraid to.), But because he does not want to possibly hurt you.
He will try to stay near you as much as possible. He maaaay even let you touch his ears if you look up at him all nice and cute.
Tells you a story, or will turn on the radio for you to both listen to.
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ohdeerfully · 8 months
Hii! I really like your work :3
Can you do demon alastor and his goth human girlfriend comfort scenarios? :D
hii! i hope i did some justice, i dont know much about alternative subcultures (,: i tried something new, with some bulleted headcanons and a oneshot afterwards! thank you so much for the request! <3
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How to Summon an Overlord
Alastor x Goth!Reader (fluff) TW: mentions of animal death/taxidermy
join my discord!
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Alastor definitely appreciated the goth aesthetic
He lived in Hell, yeah, but a lot of the style there was more punk or grunge. Not that he even knew what these words meant but he could visually tell the difference
Similarly, you adored his red color scheme. You thought it complimented your black extremely well
He wasn’t particular about the music, it wasn’t quite his taste, but he didn’t mind listening as long as it was with you. He could manage to enjoy what you enjoyed
You typically conjured him into your world two or three times a week. You weren’t a busy person, but he was a busy demon
You typically spent a while before seeing him getting into a full goth getup, perfecting your white foundation and sharp eyeliner for what felt like hours 
He would assure you that it wasn’t necessary, but wasn’t overbearing about it. He knew some people just liked to get dressy
He did kind of like knowing that you were so excited to see him and show yourself off to him though
The dates you shared with him were… untraditional, to say the least
He enjoyed taking you out deep into the forest to explore and find bones and such to add to your collection at home. You were brave alone, but before meeting him never dared going as far in as you two did. There was so much you had been missing out on
He would never tell you, but when you weren’t looking he would use some of his powers–which were much weaker in the human realm than in Hell–to quickly catch and kill a small rodent if you were having no luck. He knew you’d probably get upset with him about the morality of it
Even though you’re literally dating a demon
So like. What morality
“I was a hunter in my life,” He had said when you caught him standing over the corpse of a deer. “I know how to… track them. When they’re dying.”
You loved that sinister grin of his. You never knew what was really going on behind it, but you found that and his glowing red eyes so… attractive. Oddly enough
At-home concerts were a must. As stated earlier, he wasn’t a huge fan of your taste in music, but he would never admit it. He did his best to follow in your steps and you swung your arms and sang out to your song of choice
He forced you to dance along with him to some jazz, too, of course. He left you no option for that
Baking was probably the most normal thing you two did together
He didn’t like sweets at all, but he liked shaping the dough into little themed cookies
He also loved helping you dye your hair; so much so that the second your roots started showing signs of your natural hair color he was the first to point it out
He loved being able to sit behind you and run his fingers and work the dye into every strand of hair. He didn’t care if it stained his fingers
Gifts weren’t very common from him, but you could tell that when he did get you something, a lot of thought went into it
Recently he had given you a dainty black chain with the most beautiful, glimmering blood-red ruby dangling off of it
You always asked him about what Hell was like. You asked and asked and asked, so many questions. And he was happy to talk your ear off in return
Part of him wanted to convince you to choose a sinner’s path, to join in him Hell. Honestly, he had a feeling you would if he simply asked. You seemed genuinely devoted to him
But, at the same time, the other part of him did care about you in a way that didn’t want to see you stuck in that place. Even with him
That was something he’d think about later
You were always so upset when it was time to exorcise him back to Hell. Harsh words, but it was just technicality
You clung onto his fingers for longer than you needed to. You knew he’d be back in a few days, but you had begun to feel increasingly lonely in the time between his visits
He would give you an affirming squeeze on the shoulder, and rest his chin against the top of your head for a moment before you performed the ritual
He kept in contact with you through the haunted radio you met him through, of course, a daily meeting that had become routine
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You loved antique shopping. 
Especially when you end up with your own little haunted radio.
Especially when that radio had the smoothest voice, with the most peculiar and out of date accent. It was charming. And, it knew your name.
You sighed as you stroked your fingers down your cat’s back, smiling softly as it arched into your touch. Your legs were crossed in front of you, sporting a comfortable and fuzzy skull-patterned pair of pajamas. Your eyes kept flicking expectantly to that old radio, and you were growing impatient. You hadn’t heard from the demon haunting it all day, and you were growing lonely.
It felt incredibly surreal and peculiar, feeling ghosted by a literal ghost. Or demon. Or monster. Or whatever it was.
You weren’t really a lonely person, preferring to stay inside–enjoying the comfort of your cat and a good song or show as you practiced tattoo flashes on the kit you bought yourself as a birthday present. But you had grown fond of that voice, as strange as it may seem. And you believed he had grown fond of you as well, what with the pet names he had begun referring to you as.
A crackle of that radio made you jump to your feet, which startled your cat. You quickly ducked down to apologize and rub behind his ears before scampering over to the coffee table and crossing your legs as you sat in front of it. You couldn’t help the smile that beamed across your face.
“Little bat,” The voice practically sang. You rested your head on your hands, careful to avoid a fresh piercing you had given yourself earlier in the day. “Sorry, I’ve been quite busy with my duties down here.”
You sighed, a childish grin playing across your face. “I was beginning to think you forgot about me. After all that work I did repairing you.”
“Darling, I would sooner redeem myself in heaven than forget about you.” Your brow quirked at his statement.
“Isn’t heaven like… all sun and happiness and grandeur.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You let the conversation end there. You couldn’t get over that voice of his. Maybe it was the combination of the accent and the filter of the radio over it, but you just knew this demon had to be a handsome one. Though, you had considered the idea of him being some sort of terrifying, eldritch horror. You could probably get behind it, honestly.
You purse your lips in thought, fantasizing about seeing the owner of the voice.
“Why haven’t you told me your name yet?” You asked him. A few seconds passed by.
“How incredibly rude of me!” He announced, and he sounded genuinely upset with himself. “I forgot my manners, I truly never expected this radio to be touched again. I’m Alastor, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” You laughed a bit, playing along with the formality. You reached forward and brushed a settlement of dust near the base of the mesh cover. 
“Hey,” You said slowly. You continued after he responded with a hum of curiosity. “I have a bunch’a books on like… summoning demons. And stuff. Do you know if…” You trailed, hoping that he was catching the idea.
He did catch on, and you heard an amused chuckle. 
“I’ve never thought about it,” Alastor admitted. “I’ve been too busy down here to really care about visiting the human world.” Even through the filter of static, you could tell his curiosity was piqued. And you were suddenly very, very excited.
“Stay here,” You jumped up without a second thought and scampered into your room. You had a cabinet full of small antiques and trinkets, from cute bunny figures to reptile skulls. You gingerly opened a lower drawer, careful not to knock anything over, and rummaged through an old storage of books you didn’t often touch.
While you were in your room, you quickly swiped on basic makeup. There was no way you had time to do a full face, you felt that you were risking it already even putting a little bit on. You teased your hair and threw on a simple outfit, layering some jewelry over it. If you were going to summon a whole-ass demon in your house, you wanted to at least look hot. Obviously.
You hurried out back into your living room. You felt a little nervous as you neared the radio, which had gone quiet. Usually, when Alastor was connected, there was a garble of frequency that announced his presence.
You skimmed your fingers across the mesh and, nearly instantly, he was back. You wondered if he felt any physical connection to the thing. You decided to ask him about it later. You gently picked up the radio and traveled into your basement.
It was the perfect ambience for this type of thing. A bit dreary, empty, cold… You really only used the basement for storage, so the air was thick with dust and stagnant oxygen.
“Okay. I got a couple books on different ways I could go about this. I should have all the candles and salt and stuff…” You flipped through the pages, muttering as you set out different books on methods of evocation that seemed interesting around you, your legs crossed comfortably.
He hadn’t said much since you mentioned summoning him to your realm. You began to wonder if this was a good idea. Were you jumping the gun? Was he actually as interested in you as you were in him? Did he want to see you?
You suppose he noticed the long pause in your mumbling, because he finally spoke. 
“Find anything, (Y/N)?” You smiled at his question. You took that as a good enough sign that he was interested.
“I found some… I just hope one of them works.” Alastor simply hummed in response.
You carefully drew a symbol on the concrete floor, hand dripping with white paint. Your arm was pressed against your chest to keep your stack of necklaces from dragging along the ground you kneeled down on. Your eyes flicked back and forth between your work and the book, trying to make it as perfect as possible.
Alastor hummed a little tune as you laid out the necessary candles. A few white ones dotted the formed circle, for “purification and spiritual protection” the book said. You figured it wouldn’t hurt, just in case Alastor did end up being some hideous monster. You crossed your fingers.
“Okay…” You said slowly, standing up to examine your work. You bent over to pick up the book you followed. You also carefully placed Alastor’s radio in the center of the symbol you drew. “Get ready.”
You read over the words a few times before trying out the chant. 
You must’ve done it just right, because as soon as the words began tumbling from your mouth, a wind manifested and twirled around the circle you had created. Amazingly, the candles remained lit.
The lace on your clothes billowed in the wind, and your hair blew into your eyes. You furrowed your brows in an attempt to stay focused and kept your eyes on the paragraph. You could see that radio slightly glowing out of your peripheral.
A flash of light concluded the chant, and your eyes squeezed shut at the unexpected shine. You had thrown your arm over your head, and carefully began to peek under your elbow as the wind settled.
The candles, save for the white ones, had all gone out and the room smelled heavily of the smoke that curled from the extinguished wicks. And, in the center of the circle, the radio was gone.
And a demon sat in its place.
He was sitting, arms catching himself on the ground and a puzzled look on his face. The transition between realms obviously wasn’t the smoothest ride, but he quickly gained composure and stood up, brushing off his clothes.
The first thing you noticed was how tall he was. How he loomed over you, even from a couple feet away. The next was those piercing, dangerous red eyes of his as he made eye contact with you. And then his lips curled up in a wide, yellow grin.
“A pleasure to finally meet you in person, little bat, quite a pleasure,” He said with a dramatic bow. You were too stunned to speak, simply looking up at him with your mouth agape.
You realized that radio filter over his voice wasn’t exclusive to the radio itself, because his voice cracked with it as he spoke to you. You swallowed your intimidation and stepped towards him. He wasn’t a disgusting tentacle monster, which was awesome. He was actually… incredibly handsome. Lucky you.
“It’s… so good to finally meet you, too,” you said. You reached a hand out towards him. His eyes followed your movement carefully, smile twitching and eyebrows narrowing as he considered your hand.
Your hand was stopped at the edge of the circle he had been summoned in. Some invisible barrier prevented you from getting any closer. You both looked down at your hand, and then back up at each other.
You laughed, breathlessly and nervously. After all that work, you couldn’t even get any closer to him.
“Those candles, (Y/N),” Alastor explained with a teasing grin. You looked down at the white candles that still had their flame. You cursed yourself briefly.
“I was, uh, a little nervous. That’d you’d be, like, you know…”
“A hideous, slimy monster?”
Alastor laughed down at you. “My dear…” His voice was suddenly incredibly menacing,  the scratching of his radio-like ambience becoming more aggressive. You felt a cold sweat run down your spine. As fast as the tone changed, though, it was normal again. His voice was light with humor once again. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about!”
You stooped down towards a candle to snuff it, but a quick rap from the demon’s cane halted you. You slowly craned your head up to look at him.
“You wouldn’t want to upset the delicate balance of a seance, my bat,” He said smoothly. “You can fix it next time. I should be going, I wasn’t expecting this… I have some things to do back in Hell.”
Next time, you thought, a tight feeling in your chest. You were incredibly excited at that idea, and it helped you not feel so bad about the short visit from Alastor. You nodded at him before turning around and fishing through the book for a banishment spell.
“I’ll… see you later then,” You said after finding the page. You pressed your hand against the invisible barrier again, to which he followed and pressed his own on the opposite side. You examined those long fingers of his. He smiled down at you. His expression was strange and unreadable.
“Until next time.”
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animeshotsh · 8 months
Hotel Life | Various x Kid!Reader
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Summary: Just stuff about your life in the Hazbin Hotel.
Warnings: FLUFF
Imagine Kid!Reader wants to be the first one to welcome everyone at the new Hotel. And how some sinners go "aww" when they see them with a big "WELCOME TO YOUR SALVATION" big sign in hands with little hearts around it.
Charlie swears it has made the hotel boost up so much.
And of course Lucifer hates it. His idea of sinners has yet to change so he made a new little flying lamb to follow you around with a more menancing stare.
Alastor also does not like it. You are his and he should be the only sinner (and the hotel staff plus Rosie) to get close to you and- oh did that one just squish your cheeck? Someone is dying today!! Looks like he has found his next meal.
One of his shadows its besides you all the time too. And when a sinner who its still not convinced to be in the hotel ends insulting your sign, they are gone in a second. Alastor's shadow acts faster than the lamb Lucifer gave you and it actually ends being a competition to see who can protect you better.
You also will end running from one side of the hotel to another one. Why? Because your dad's room and uncle's room are too far away!!
Charlie has insisted on getting you a room thats just in the middle so you wont be running up and down everyday but once they tried to make it Lucifer and Alastor tried to get your room closer to one of them.
Of course it did not work so now you end staying in Charlie's room or Angel's room when you are too tired, Husk its also an option and he makes the best juices!!
You also leave lots of flowers under Sir.Pentious memorial photo. You like to think that somehow he did save himself. You also like to tell others (new residents) how he fought and how brave he was.
"Adam was a coward!! He did not want to face him" cut to you with an angry face.
Cherri ends meeting you and almost makes you explote with her bombs getting the scare of her life when the king of hell himself shows up for a "talk" and later Alastor ends coming too.
Alastor its more direct. "If you hurt (Y/N) I will kill you", add glitches and a very demonic Alastor.
Lucifer is "I know it was not your intention BUT if by heavens you end showing them another one of your bombs, your time in hell will end before the next extermination comes". Like, chill but also dont chill, cause i may kill you.
Now Cherri wont get close to you because she is afraid she will end just doing something and be dead in seconds.
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Oh, and we have yet to talk about your new dog ♡ one that Charlie got you!!
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Stay tunned~
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littlebumblebeesstuff · 8 months
Can you do a jasper hale x little reader nd do have him punish them for throwing a tantrum
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Fussy Baby
Hiya! I changed it a little bit, but I hope you enjoy 💙
Notes: fluff, Angst, sickness (fever), bratty reader, timeout.
It started off with a stuffy nose, that turned into a runny nose, and then back to a stuffy nose.
Then your body started to feel owie. Like when you press on a nearly healed bruise.
You didn't want to play, you didn't want to eat. You didn't want to do anything.
Jasper was very aware that sometimes his little doll just woke you up in a funny mood, but that as long as he kept an eye on you you would be ok.
He let you do what you wanted today, which was to lie on the play mat and watch cartoons on the iPad while your daddy sat in the rocking chair reading a book
You managed to pick away at a snack plate that Jasper brought you, some apple slices, some crackers, strawberries, little sandwich bites etc.
So when it turned 1pm, Jasper was ready to put you down for your nap- nothing out of the usual.
"Hey, baby." You did melt a little when he kissed the top of your head. "Come, it's time for your nap."
He was about to go and close the curtains, stopping dead in his tracks when he heard you say something he's not used to from you at all.
His head slowly turned to face the back of your head. "Excuse me?"
He was looking at you sternly and you knew it wasn't the best idea to repeat yourself, an apology was a much better option, but you were feeling frustrated and you didn't want a nap.
"Wanna try that again?" he asked raising an eyebrow at you.
Your silence is more incriminating than it should be, showing your reluctance to apologise or do as your told.
You're suddenly hoisted up by your waist and set in his hip. A whine slips from you when you realise where he is going... naughty corner.
He sat you down on the large pillow in the corner of the room, facing the wall. You pout, you didn't really know what you expected by telling him no but you really didn't want to sit here now.
"5 minutes darlin', then we can have a chat about our feelings"
Jasper soothed with a soft pat on your head. He already knew that you were feeling frustrated, but that wasn't the point. The point was for you to understand how you were feeling but also understand that you can't be rude to your daddy.
You huff and stare at the floor, listening as Jasper steps out of the play room to go and set up the bedroom for your nap.
In a very rebellious move, you shuffle over and pick up one of your toys and take it back to the naughty corner. You just wanted comfort from this icky feeling. You felt like your nose was all clogged up and you were cold despite your fluffy oodie.
Of course Jasper heard you move and sighed, rubbing his temples and walked back in.
"Darlin'.... what are the rules?" Jasper calmly walked over to you, kneeling beside you as he gently takes the toy.
"....no toys in timeout...". If it was anyone other than Jasper, they never would have heard what you said, but he nodded.
"Yes. No toys in timeout. For that, I am going to add on another 3 minutes-"
That just burst your bubble.
You let out a scream, kicking your little feet as hot, stinging tears drip down your cheeks.
All your frustrations and your ickyness was just too much for your little body to deal with.
You were instantly picked up and rocked in Jaspers arms, his cool hand rubbing over your back. His coldness was actually really soothing and you press into him as much as you can.
The next thing you know, you are in his bathroom, still in his arms, as he tries to coax you into letting him take your temperature.
You can hear the soft murmur of Carlisle talking to Jasper as you continue to fuss and cry. Soon the thermometer under your tongue beeps and shows that you have a light fever.
"Easy darlin', daddy is gonna help you feel better"
Jasper places a kiss to your temple, measuring out a dose of medicine to give you to help with your discomfort and fever.
Everything seems like a blur as you continue to cry, fussing when Jasper patiently changes you into clean pyjamas and carries you through to his bedroom rather than your adjoining little room.
By now you are starting to exhaust yourself, your sobs turning to sniffles and your fever making your head and body ache.
"Here we go, have some water baby, make you feel a little better."
Jasper holds you close as he holds your sippy cup to your lips. The cold water helped you feel a bit better, but what really makes you feel better is just being in your daddy's arms, his cool skin soothing your low fever.
You soon end up falling asleep in his arms, snuggled up under the blankets.
Jasper should have known that something was up, you were usually such a well behaved little darlin'.
When you woke up you would get all the snuggles you need and you wouldn't leave the bed for as long as possible.
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sunkissedlouis · 21 days
Hi! I don't know if you already have a tutorial but would you mind sharing your gif making process? Thank you!
hiiii anon!
thank you for sending this in :) it's my first time getting a tutorial request hehe i tried to explain each step i do as best as i can.
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i'll put the gif making process and tutorial under the cut bc it's image + text heavy
before starting, i'd just like to share what i use in creating gifs:
i'm on mac (i used to do them on windows... the ps steps are the same if you're using one)
i'm currently using photoshop 2022
i use 9xbuddy or video downloadhelper extension on firefox mainly for downloading videos
best quality to download for hq gifs is ideally 1080p and above. (although you can get away with 720p for smaller gif sizes)
i use mplayer-osx extended to get the screencaps/frames for my gifs (if i'm not doing the import option in photoshop)
for this tutorial, i'm using the latam highlights video from louis' ig reels to make today's gif. on to the tutorial / process!
please click the screenshots i've included below and zoom in on the texts on them to see them clearly (apologies for the quality!)
IMPORT YOUR FRAMES. once you've downloaded your video, open photoshop and click FILE > IMPORT > VIDEO FRAMES TO LAYERS
SELECT THE PART YOU WANT TO GIF. the shorter, the better because you want to keep it crisp and keep the file under 10mb when you save it after all the layers. here are the settings i use:
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toggle the smaller arrows under the bar to select the parts you want to gif. once you have your frames loaded, it should show you a timeline table at the bottom and their corresponding layers on the right side. (if you can't see the timeline, go to WINDOW > click TIMELINE)
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after cropping the parts of the gifs, resize them according to the tumblr sizing to prevent your gifs from looking blurry once you upload them. you can use this size guide for your reference :) the gif's height can be any size as far as i know. go to IMAGE > IMAGE SIZE > INPUT THE SIZE. for this gif, we'll do 540 x 540
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once you've selected all frames
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set the delay to 0.07. this is usually the natural, normal speed for gifs on here. it depends on the number of frames you have but i usually do .07 or .05 (sometimes .08 haha)
with all your timeline frames still selected, then select all the layers on the right side. go to SELECT > ALL LAYERS
then convert them to smart object so we can edit all the layers all at once. go to LAYER > SMART OBJECTS > CONVERT TO SMART OBJECT
5. SHARPEN (one of my fave parts!)
this is the basic one that most users use:
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radius usually goes from 0.3-0.4
STEP 2: Repeat STEP 1, but this time change the settings to:
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you can stop here but i like my gifs crispier and to have more texture! i use the sharpening settings from this tutorial or these sharpening action packs from user brainwasheds. i highly recommend these! i mix and match the settings when i'm not happy with how they look on my gifs. but for this gif we'll use the sharpening settings from this tutorial.
in addition to the settings from that tutorial, i also added FILTER > OTHER > HIGH PASS at 3.4 radius, then set the opacity to 60-80
then lastly add FILTER > ADD NOISE > NOISE at gaussian setting with 1.5 amount, then set opacity to 20-30
now for the fun part!
STEP 1: BRIGHTEN UP THE GIF this is my go-to way to increase the brightness. go to LAYER > NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER > BRIGHTNESS / CONTRAST then change its blending mode from NORMAL to SCREEN
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you now have a very bright, highly saturated gif but we'll fix that lol
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i usually play around with these. middle and black arrows add shadows and contrast while the white arrows add highlights/brightness to the gifs.
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these are my settings! these are not definite bc it varies depending on what you're working on, so adjust them accordingly. next, add another adjustment layer > CURVES
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i usually zoom in to locate the darkest / black area using the black dropper. then once that's done, do the same and locate the brightest/white area. this adds further contrast to your gif that wasn't done in the previous step.
STEP 3: COLORING (my fave part!!!) add a new adjustment layer > SELECTIVE COLOR this is the part where i like to neutralize the skin color when it gets too yellow or red, make the colors pop, and sometimes change them too. louis' skin was looking too red heavy, so i wanted to reduce that! i start with balancing out the skin color with REDS & YELLOWS.
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these are my settings for this gif! adjust them and observe the changes it makes on the person's skin. if you know color theory, it's helpful to see how it affects the colors on your gifs. putting the arrows more on the left side, adds more 'cool' tones, whilst putting the arrows to the right side, adds more 'warm' tones.
i like to deepen the blacks on my gifs further so, go to selective color's BLACKS and on the black scale, add more to the right! for this one, i added +10
add a new SELECTIVE COLOR adjustment layer. for this one, we'll make the surrounding colors pop more!
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for these settings, i made the leaves more vivid while the teal(?) wall, i adjusted them made it more blue.
next, add a new adjustment layer > COLOR BALANCE this is where you can make further adjustments on the overall colors of your gif. you can also change the color tone of your gifs here if you want to make it more 'cool' tone or 'warm' tone looking.
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earlier's color theory applies here as well!
6.5. OPTIONAL STEP: ADD TEXTURE/OVERLAYS after the last step, you can save your gif as is but again, i like adding textures to my gifs so we'll add one. i use the textures/overlays that i got from here :)
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i like to use film, grainy textures! add the texture you want on top of all the layers.
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then change the blending mode to LIGHTEN or SCREEN. adjust the opacity to 20-40%. for this gif i used screen with 40%.
7. EXPORT AND SAVE YOUR GIF time to save your gif! click FILE > EXPORT > SAVE FOR WEB
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this is my default setting for my gifs. i also tick the interlaced option sometimes.
here's the finished gif:
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there you go anon! :) if you have any more questions, just lmk or you can directly dm me off-anon if you want.
i also get inspo, guides, and other tutorials over at @usergif
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lemotmo · 2 months
Ask box opened! I wanted to copy the question because I think it's a good indicator as to a lot of that fandoms thinking but it was way too long. Basically they were asking about chemistry differences between O/L and O/R. And what the show wants being different from what Oliver and Ryan want. Anyway, enjoy!
A. Hello anon, haha I know, we will see how long I last with it open. There were several parts to your question so I will try to hit everything but forgive me if I don't. First of all the show already tried less Buddie and it backfired spectacularly on them. The beginning of season 6 was very minimal for Buddie scenes, by far the fewest they've had. And the audience hated it. Complained loudly and often about it. It's what I mean when I say they are an audience favorite. That's not an exaggeration. The audience complained after every single episode. The ratings went down. They're a real thing. They have many, many fans that are not part of Tumblr/Twitter fandom. Less Buddie is not an option for the show and the show knows that. Tim definitely knows that. It's why he doubled down on them this season. It's why ABC used them as basically the entire marketing campaign for the entire season and every episode. And look at the results. 911 is the network's number one show. 911 is number one in their timeslot against every other network. Those are unarguable facts. Kristen was well aware of all of this as well, btw, but she's an incompetent brat who used separating them as part of her temper tantrum throwing that was season 6 as a whole. And why she absolutely should no longer have a job anywhere near the show. She purposely hurt the show by actively going against what she knew the audience wanted. Knowing it would hurt the show and doing it anyway should have absolutely gotten her fired (sorry for my mini rant, lol, but I hate her).
I don't know anyone who is saying they hate Lou because he doesn't have the same chemistry with Oliver that Ryan does. That's not what people are saying. Chemistry is tricky. It's either there or it's not. Yes, sometimes when it doesn't exist naturally it can be manufactured, but that's difficult to do, and, no offense to you, Lou's not a good enough actor to pull off manufactured chemistry (it's fine he admitted himself action is his preferred thing). And frankly the show isn't invested in Tommy enough to help him learn how to do it. But what's insane is that somewhere along the way anyone pointing out that their chemistry is off a bit somehow meant you all had the right to blame Ryan for that. That Ryan, along with Oliver were somehow sabotaging Lou. Listen when I say, there are several voices, loud voices in your fandom you all have got to stop taking direction from. The nonsense of going from ask box to ask box pointing out that Oliver and Ryan had a falling out at one point was childish. Yes, Ryan said a stupid, hurtful, ignorant thing and was, rightly, called out for it. But he publicly owned the mistake. He worked on himself, got out of a particular relationship, and seems to be a better person for it. That's called human growth. It's what you should want someone to do. He and Oliver made up. They're friends. They don't owe you an apology or explanation for that. Also, sorry to point this out, but Oliver basically has the man tattooed on his body (gunshot arc crawling rescue). They're close. Get over it. Oliver and Lou aren't required to be friends. It's fine. You don't need to belittle other friendships to make you feel better about that.
Asking if Oliver and Ryan have maybe backed the show into a corner they don't appreciate is I think deliberately naive. Yes I think by now it's pretty obvious what direction they think things should be going. And yes, I think their natural chemistry adds to the scenes, but scripts come with stage directions. They're told how close to stand. They're told what the mood of the scene should be. Now I do think Oliver and Ryan probably add their own spin on certain things, but not enough to change whatever the meaning of the scene is intended to be. For instance I think the thumb to the neck with the gentle rub is one hundred percent an Oliver and Ryan addition. It's been in too many scenes now, and no way in hell is a writer like Kristen capable of coming up with a touch like that, and working it into her scripts. So I think that's their thing. But again it doesn't change a scene overall, it's just their addition to the scene. The show knows what it's doing. If the way Oliver and Ryan were acting was not what they wanted they wouldn't use the scene. They would make them redo it in a different way. It's that simple. And the show is definitely not showing signs of doubling down on Tommy. I have no idea where you all are getting this. If the show meant for the audience to root for Tommy as far as Buck goes, they would not have released that deleted scene. That clip did Tommy zero favors. And your fandoms reaction to that clip proves how poorly he came across in it. You all just can't decide who to blame for it. My favorite are the ones blaming Aisha. I mean there's twisting yourself into knots to not acknowledge the writing meant for it to come across as a bad look, and then there's whatever the hell you have to do to arrive at it's Aisha's fault. I'm going to say something and I genuinely don't want it to come across as mean because I never want to purposely hurt anyone's feelings. The reality is if Buddie goes canon 95% of your fandom will become, or revert back to, Buddie shippers. That's the basic truth. The chemistry is there. The history is there. The two actors the show cares about are there. The majority of their audience is there. The hard-line remaining 5% are the hardcore Lou shippers, and, again not to sound mean, the show doesn't care about that 5%. The true numbers size of your fandom, when you take out repeat comments from the same blogs and duplicate accounts from the same people, seems to be in the mid thousands. That is tiny. That's not even enough to move a neilson rating. It just feels bigger on here because you're all on Tumblr, but many of you have admitted that you run multiple accounts so even mid thousands may be too generous a guestimation. And the majority of the fandom would be soft shippers, meaning they'll follow the relationship that is canon. The hard liners are Lou shippers and the show doesn't care about Lou shippers. I'm sorry anon but unless the show does something in CANON to show a shift somewhere Tommy is a plot point. I'm not going to pretend he's anything else.
I have just one thing to add here:
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Thank you for putting this in my ask box Nonny. It's appreciated!
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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totallybakedcake · 1 month
Hello! I just can't get this idea out of my head and I just need to let it out. Considering the rivalry between gen and soshiro, I think it would be funny if they found out that their younger siblings are dating. Could I please request gen and soshiro's reaction to their younger sibling dating the other's younger sib? It would be even funnier if their sibling has the exact same personality as the other.
I am sorry but I changed a idea for your fic it's like Gen's little sister x Soichiro because I didn't want to make Hoshina another younger sibling if he already has one I could add. Hope it doesn't bother you so much!
I sort of you this idea to bring me out of writer's block so not my best. Sorry for that..
Listen to this song while reading? I listened to it while writing this and had fun!
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It had been 100 days. It had been 100 days since you and Soichiro had been dating, but you hadn't told your older brother Narumi and his younger brother Soshiro. Sweat would pour down each time you tried to even consider telling Narumi that man would become a nuisance whenever even one of the Hoshina brothers was brought up. To even think he will let you be in contact with Soshiro, he would end up even using the number 1 weapon to decimate them.
As you tried to find out any option where Narumi would not be a brat, a pair of arms wrapped around your figure and pulled you to the lap. "Soie?" I called out to Soichiro, who had plates full of your favorite meals, as he smiled gently and kissed your forehead.
"What's with that look, cupcake?" He cupped your face, pressing a few kisses before feeding you some stew. He knows you can get tense quite easily.
"It's just…" Your voice trailed off, trying to collect all the thoughts before speaking again. "Wondering how Gen-Nii will react to us dating, you know. After he hates your younger brother and isn't very fond of you,
Soichiro also knew it was about time to tell the brother duo about his and your relationship. It also concerned him, but he knew it would turn out alright. "It will be a cake walk, silly! Just lax a little and enjoy the view." He pinched your nose before letting those thoughts go away.
That turned out to be awkward.
"THE FUCK?" Gen was speechless. How the hell could his adorable sister be in a relationship for 100 days with one of the Hoshina brothers when he had clearly mentioned a gazillion times that he hates them to the core of their existence?
"Name, are you serious? Why the hell didn't you tell me you were with Hoshina Soichiro? What if they hurt you, make you uncomfortable, or might not be able to protect you from dangerous things?" He hugged you too tightly, trying to hide you from Soshiro, who was as confused as Narumi.
"I never say something to you, but to be in a relationship with someone like this dude's sister is not something I expected!" Hoshina pointed at you, practically ready to murder Gen.
He went towards you and placed a hand on your head. "I don't mind a little sister. Commander Narumi, you should make your sister happy while she is dating, isn't it?" Gen then all at once calmed down, not wanting to make you more annoyed or to show Soshiro he actually cared for you.
It ended up as both of them leaving you and Soichiro alone, going to a cyberpunk cafe where both of them would spend their day together and make bets. Didn't both of them hate each other? but now they are going to spend their day together.
As he walked towards you, Soichiro placed his hand on your head, rubbing your hair as he spoke in a soft tone.
"I told you not to worry!" he said, as a hint of a grin crept on his face.
"That maniac," Gen yelled out angrily. Showing you his calm side was not true at all; inside his heart was a fire that was spreading. He needed to get revenge, no matter what it took.
"Don't worry, bro, I've got you all covered. Here is what Soichiro doesn't like and his strange habits." Hoshina pulled out a list and showed it to Gen. He was once helping Gen because he also knows how it feels to see your sibling be annoying and not do things properly.
"Dare to even think about something like that, and you will pay." They jumped as both of them turned their heads around.
It was Okonogi and Mina, ready to kill them with glares. "If they break up, you will see your end." Their voices were enough to send shredders down Narumi and Hoshina's spines.
End of this saga, as the two of them never did something like this.
Wink, wink, Mina and Okonogi.
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Also I am starting this new thing where I tag some random followers
A bunch of thanks for liking all my posts, even following me! Truly feel so happy
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berryjammer7 · 4 months
Why So Blue?
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Alright, Baby Varian writes about a lot science stuff in my Crescent Moon TTS comic (exemplified on this page and the next: https://berryjammer7.tumblr.com/post/637645850521272320/crescent-moon-pg-01 ), so now I am going to extrapolate excessively about it to provide you all with even more needless details--specifically about the science of blue! (This will be a long one and a lot of text, so grab some tea or something)
Firstly, let’s talk about what most fans know about Varian’s blue hair streak. The blue streak does exist. He’s had it since he was a baby as seen in a photo from the show, and the color eyedropper tool in my art app tells me that is blue (NOT green, you colorblind fools). Then there’s the whole theory that Varian’s dad Quirin absorbed some of the moonstone while working with the brotherhood after it exploded a little bit (as one does). Then he passed that on to Varian. All of which is well and good.
But let’s talk about the SCIENCE!
Ironically, this is not the first time I’ve dealt with blue hair [insert artist backstory]. Before TTS even came out, I created an OC I named Blueberry (my user-name-sake) who also has blue hair:
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(Don’t judge the anatomy, I was a baby artist)
Blue, as it turns out, is actually very rare in nature, and this sci-show youtube video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cdoPD51bng provides a pretty good summary of why that is (and how pigments work in general).
So while I had long since determined Blueberry had a plant based pigment that made his hair blue (anthocyanin), Varian clearly had some sort of mineral based pigment from the moonstone. I’m guessing he only ever had enough passed on from his dad to turn his hair slightly blue (until he snatched the moon shard in my comic, that is).
But I’m going to take this one step further. Varian’s hair is black, and if you’ve ever tried to dye dark hair, you’ll know that it is hard for any color to stand out without bleaching it first. And that’s where Poliosis comes in.
If Varian has a single strand of hair that produces no melanin, then the blue pigment can show more clearly. I find this to be a really cool option because I actually have poliosis (or something similar.)
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(Kinda like reverse Rapunzel, amiright? My blonde streak is somewhere on the back of my head though, so not as cool.) This is also called a Mallen streak, but because that term is more modern coming from a book series set in the 19th century, using it in the comic is a bit anachronistic. The condition has been associated with witchcraft for a long time though, which seems fitting for someone dealing with the magic of the moonstone (whether he ‘works with magic’ or no.)
So yeah! That’s it! Seriously, go watch that sci-show episode, blue is SO COOL! I do wanna add a disclaimer though—if I am wrong on any of this science stuff let’s just all pretend it’s due to the limits of scientific knowledge at the time the comic is set rather than my own fallibility.😅 Maybe people already know all this stuff, but I just never see it talked about!
Bonus, this Wikipedia link for Al-Jazari: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_al-Jazari Guys, this fellow is credited with making all sorts of automata (!?!), as well as the first flushing toilet—he deserves your respect!
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sapphicforsarahh · 7 months
best hands i've ever seen
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ship: loubbie x fem!reader
word count: 800+
warnings: dom!loubbie x sub!reader, no smut (yet), dom and sub themes, sexting
synopsis: debbie and lou are looking for a new crew mate for the newest heist plan, that's when you catch their eye.
A/N: let me know what you think of this and whether you'd like a second part!
"Deb, I'm telling you, this girl has some of the best hands I've seen," she whispers to her wife. Both of them watch as you perform magic tricks to people who are stupid enough to fall for them. "Look, watch this," Lou leans forwards from her chair and watches you attentively. Your hands cleverly moved to show the participants correct cards. As they looked at their friends in shock and awe, you confidently slip the gold engagement ring, decorated with a diamond, off this woman's finger and secretively slip it into your pocket, without a single one of them realising.
"Not too bad," Debbie agrees and Lou smirks in return. "A pretty girl too," Lou adds, Debbie hums in agreement. After the bystanders had walked off, it was just you left with Debbie and Lou in the distance. "What do you say Deb?", Lou tries to convince Debbie to consider you, knowing their could be other benefits of having you on the team. "Sure," Debbie says a bit more easily than Lou would've thought. Without another word, Debbie stands up, Lou quick to follow her and the couple begin to approach you.
You're sitting on your bucket, counting your previously 'earned' dollars when you hear an Australian voice grab your attention. "Hey, can I hel-", you look up to see the older couple. Jesus, were they beautiful. All the thoughts in your head disappeared and you somehow managed to mumble out, "is there anything I can do for you ladies?". Debbie chuckles out, "we've got a charmer here."
One of the women stood with a dark, grey trench coat that pretty much hid her entirely black outfit, but still managed for her stiletto heels to stick out. The other, a blonde, stood taller with a sophisticated yet sexy leopard print coat. The dark, green lapels of her blazer were peeking through and you noticed her chest and hands were complimented by stacks of jewellery, most likely 24 carat gold.
"Me and my wife here noticed how skillful you are with your hands," Debbie started, taking off her shades and looking down at you with alluring deep, brown eyes. "We were wondering, if you could help us with something?" Lou added, also taking off her sunglasses, her eyes juxtaposed with her wife, as she met your gaze with light, blue ones.
You clear your throat with anxiousness, wondering what these women had proposed to you. "Uh, what is it?", you finally plucked up the courage to ask. "Come with us sweetheart, we'll explain everything," Lou said, placing her fingertips on your chin, making the power dynamic even greater.
You nod obediently, not wanting to upset these clearly powerful women. Debbie and Lou stand to the side whilst they watch you collect your things. "She's obedient isn't she," Lou chuckled, grabbing onto the lower of her wife's back. "Always a good thing, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Debbie looks at her wife with a raised brow, knowing her full intentions with this girl. As Lou was going to answer, you walked over with your bag on your back and ready to follow these women to wherever they were taking you.
"Let's get going, I bet you're eager to find out what we want, aren't you sweet girl?", Lou teases, walking forward and placing her hand on your back. "Yeah," you managed to squeak out, before the the two women pushed you into the taxi. Debbie sat in the front, whilst Lou got in the back with you. You tried to distract yourself by looking outside the window but you just couldn't concentrate on anything else apart from the insanely good-looking blonde next to you. Finally, you decide to stare at your feet and choose that as the safest option. The sound of Lou's ruffling coat caught your attention but you didn't look up. She took her phone from her pocket and looked at the notification from Debbie.
| Debbie: finish what you were going to say earlier love x.
You silently watch Lou smirk and quickly text back:
| Lou: i was going to say she’d be a good toy x.
she listened to every word we said without questioning it, we could break her in no time x.
Your eyes widened in shock at how these two women were talking about you. I mean would you really want that? Maybe you would!
| Debbie: good call baby, we'll discuss when we're back home x speaking of, i need you to take care of me once we're back i need you so badly honey x
You really try hard to hold back any reaction to the obvious sexting that's occurring in the back of this taxi, and it must've worked because all you hear is a small groan from Lou before she put her phone away.
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @angelick1sses @gmtsu @thenazwife @ladysc @midnightlove30 @blanchettlovebot
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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teetlezhere · 10 months
Like promised, I've retraced my steps and the post here is a full guide on how to download and play TMNT homecoming for Android device.
Here below I've compiled a series of steps and useful links in case you might need to play the game:
(Edit: The guide's updated now:)
Step 0: First things first...
First thing first, you'll need an Android device to download and play this game.
UPDATE! - The game now also works on Bluestack!
Second thing you'll need (unless you know chinese) is a picture Translator app.
I've used translation apps that take pictures of the screen and translate it to english and followed the instructions to set up my username and password.
Step 1: Downloading the APK
Unless you live in China, or you can get the game legit in some way I don't know, APK downloading sites might help. However, be careful, for some may be scam sites. Use a VPN to help block unwanted visitors.
I've used this site here to download the APK for the game and seems pretty legit (based on bitdefender, the apk is safe) compared to others I've tried. While the picture is from the beta version in 2022, the update is the most recent from 2023.
If you have another apk downloading site you'd prefer to try download the apk from, try looking up for TMNT Homecoming (it will not show as Rise or ROTTMNT despite being the same characters)...
Or if that fails too, try searching for 忍者龟: 归来 apk if you can't find it in english.
STEP 2: Installation
Once you download the game, install it on your device. Phone might ask for permission due to being considered an unknown APK from an outside source.
STEP 3: Username and Password
If everything has gone smoothly, then it's time for the username and password.
A window will show with MUZHI written on it. Here, you must write your username (top) and your password (bottom). -ps: ignore the writing below. It was my bad 😅-
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You shouldn't have any issues with this step as it accepts western keyboard characters.
Just remember to write the ID and PW down somewhere so you won't forget them. Or take a snapshot of it before proceeding.
UPDATE! - It seems there are issues with the western keyboards and won't accept them anymore. So, if this step doesn't work, click the button that says: Quick Registration (the button in red) and proceed to step 4!
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A new window opens
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It requires that you put a name (top) and ID number (below) in order to play the game.
To bypass this, this helped me:
You can pick any of the codes shown (I used the very first one and it worked like a charm).
Let's use this for example: As you can see, there is a series on numbers first, and chinese characters at the end.
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Careful with this step as the name goes on the top bar, and should be only chinese characters.
Like this: 刘剑丽
The ID is only numbers, and they go in the bar below.
Like this: 220283198306236235
It must be like this:
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STEP 5: Selecting A Game Name
If you've reached this point, and if you're able to play the game at long last, then CONGRATS! You've made it! But it's not over just quite yet.
The game, eventually, requires that you add a GAME NAME. It can be anything you want it to be, but MIND YOU! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
IT WILL NOT ACCEPT Western Keyboard characters. Only chinese characters!
This is, however, much, much easier to bypass than step 4. Here, you have 2 options:
Option 1: If you want your very own original game name to play, you can go to google translate and simply write down and translate it to chinese.
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Just copy the chinese characters and paste them in the bar. Then proceed.
Option 2: If you don't care about what name you use to play, just generate a complete random name by pressing the dice button right next to the name bar. The game will insta-generate a completely random name for you to use.
STEP 6: Have fun!
If you followed each step of the way without too much hassle and managed to get through the apocalypse that is bypassing this, then CONGRATS! YOU'VE FINALLY MADE IT!
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I'm so, so proud of you! Now you're free to play this Rise of the tmnt game as much as you want! Keep your translator close just in case, and have plenty of fun with the features this game offers.
If you're looking to send me a friend request, You'll find me as Ninja of Liberation (or 解放忍者 ).
In case there’s issues, DM me and I’ll see to try help and update the guide.
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theoneprecioustome · 10 days
Aikoto Moments: Episode Aigis vs The Answer
Finished Episode Aigis, so time to gather what was added & what was removed in comparison to The Answer!
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As usual, lots of images and SPOILERS for the entire game below the cut.
I won't be going over the moments that were either still included or left intact, I'll cover that in another post!
✤ We now have not only an Aikoto Opening, but also an entire song detailing Aigis' feelings after he's gone and throughout Episode Aigis: Disconnected.
✤ We also have a new battle theme, Don't, which focuses on Aigis' feelings during the conflict with SEES all while containing references to her feelings for Makoto ("Only had one wish now it's never gonna come true. Trapped in time, forever in remorse, how could I ever be in peace when nothing else matters to me?")
✤ We get a new cutscene with Aigis' reaching out for Makoto during her awakening.
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✤ A new comment from Metis that shares some insight about how Aigis feels at being the Leader instead of Makoto.
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✤ When Metis describes the fulfilment she feels whenever Aigis gifts her something, players have the option to let Aigis reply "I think I understand." If they do, they will get this dialogue from Metis.
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✤ There's an added line after Mitsuru tries to explain why Yukari has been feeling jealous of Aigis.
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✤ Aigis' Trophy is named after her dream of chasing after Makoto.
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✤ Aigis now reaches out for Shadow!Makoto when he dissolves before their eyes.
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✤ We get two dictionary entries involving Aikoto.
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✤ Unlike in the original game, this time Aigis' possible fate is kept from SEES. Selfless as she is, Aigis says she doesn't want them to worry about her when they're focused on Makoto.
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✤ After Aigis' awakens to her powers, she is under the impression that reaching the Answer to Life could mean her death. This is the same in The Answer as well, but Episode Aigis adds a new comment from Aigis during her confrontation with Metis showing just how indifferent she has become to her own life. She truly lost her reason to live when she lost Makoto :(
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✤ The first line has always been in The Answer, but Aigis saying that she wouldn't willingly put Metis through what she went through herself after losing Makoto is new.
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✤ Since the SEES confrontation is now handled differently, some lines are added and some are rearranged. Among the additions is Yukari questioning Aigis' feelings for Makoto, which leads Aigis to reaffirm them before she fights her.
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✤ In The Answer, Aigis says that she understands Yukari's feelings. Here, she outright says that she wants him back too.
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✤ We get two new shots of the rooftop scene during the Erebus cutscene.
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✤ There are a few new lines during the ending, including one where Yukari says Aigis' must have inherited Makoto's power because she's the one most like him.
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✤ While this scene is the same in The Answer, this time we're properly shown Aigis' tears 😭
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✤ This time around, there are fully visible cherry blossom petals blowing past Aigis as she stands on the rooftop, yet another reference to those last moments she spent with him.
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✤ During the ending sequence, we see Aigis looking back over her shoulder as she walks through the Moonlight Bridge (the place that started it all for her and Makoto). Lastly, cherry blossoms welcome her when she reaches the school.
✤ Aigis awakening to Orpheus is handled differently. This time we only see Makoto's back (like in Aigis' dream), instead of Makoto smiling at her (in a clear parallel to Makoto's own awakening to Orpheus).
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✤ This Elizabeth line seems to be gone. Or at least, I didn't get it.
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✤ This heartbreaking game over screen is gone, too :(
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✤ In The Answer, when Yukari talks about her promise to Makoto, she explicitly compares it to Aigis' by saying "It wasn't a promise like yours...". Here instead of comparing them, they have Yukari clarify that her promise wasn't made to Makoto, but to herself:
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✤ This line below is replaced by Aigis saying that she, too, wants Makoto back.
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✤ The lines below were replaced as well:
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✤ As she finally breaks down in The Answer, Aigis says that she thinks she's finally at peace with losing him. She no longer says it in Episode Aigis.
✤ The original credits begin with Aigis and end with Makoto (a parallel to the credits of The Journey, which begin with Makoto and end with Aigis), but Makoto was removed all-together from the credits in Episode Aigis :(
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Metatron's Evil Plan
Starting with Gabriel's trial. Metatron said, "No speeches Gabriel you're not going to Hell.
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He then adds "which there isn't."
It would obviously be an issue if Heaven were to be viewed as problematic and out of control, with fallen angels left, right and centre. So they tried to manage Gabriel, make it so he just faded from his place of power, but he outsmarted them. And suddenly there were two former high-up's down on earth, and we all saw just how desperate they were to get Gabriel back. It's clearly A Concern.
So unfortunately Gabriel has escaped from their clutches, with a Prince of Hell no less.
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Very much not a good look. So Heaven needs to act and it needs to be now. Mere minutes after Gabriel and Beelzebub leave together, Metatron is on earth.
Then he goes to the coffee shop. He asks Nina, "Do people ever ask for Death?" and the subtitles were capitalised which I do think further supports my point. We already know that seeing Death is a bad omen, since at the end of Season One right after they saw him they were both dragged away to their would-be permanent discorporations.
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There is also something to be said for the mirroring of the first season and second season. I've seen theories, as well as noticed myself that many things line up. I can't find the post that laid a lot of things out but here's a few that I've noticed.
The mention of Death in the final episode, right before something bad happens (they both get taken to be punished/Aziraphale leaves Earth.)
Aziraphale and Crowley both holding someone's hands with the person in between them (Adam in S1E6 and Jimbriel in season 2, episode one or two i can't remember which)
The Nightingale reference. Pretty obvious, but ending the season on that song holds significance. I think most people have seen the theory that that's a message from Aziraphale, but I won't go into that here or this will never end.
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The nightingales plus the plans to go to the Ritz being gone I think is definitely symbolic of the fact that they've lost something. Again, an obvious option, but it's an important place for them, so the fact they had similar plans, that were then interrupted, reflects Season One while also telling us that things are clearly not going to be good.
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But then you also consider that it's perhaps exactly what the Metatron wanted all along, for Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship of love and trust to completely fall away, symbolised by the hopes of dining at the Ritz disappearing.
Therefore I think a pretty reasonable conclusion from the mention of Death - and the parallels with last season - from someone as sinister as the Metatron is that something is going to happen to most likely both of them. Metatron is also almost surprised that people never ask for death, as it is "so predictable." There was definite intention in that scene, and makes me wonder if he thinks whatever he's trying to make happen will make them wish for death?
This next point is a big one. At first you might think its coincidental but if you go back and watch the scene I think you'll be convinced. When the Metatron enters the bookshop, the lamps with the candle looking bulbs and the glass decorations jingle and move. I can't find a good GIF to show it but if you rewatch I promise you'll notice it. And yes, since the door has just closed and there's potential wind they might move for a few seconds, but they continue moving the entire time Metatron is in the bookshop. This scene goes on for approximately 2.5 - 3 minutes, definitely too long for them to be moving. But, I suppose you never know, could be coincidental. Until he leaves the shop with Aziraphale. They move more vigorously on his way out, but by the time (about three seconds) Crowley walks towards the window to watch them go, they've completely stopped moving. Not a coincidence. Metatron has some sort of energy that's powerful, or influential enough, that it cause material objects to move vigorously when he's near them. They didn't even move nearly as much when literal demons entered the shop, at the beginning of episode six.
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Considering the fact that those lamps were completely conjured by Aziraphale for his ball, I have a strong suspicion he's particularly influential over magical objects... or magical things (entities) in general. (This is important later)
Metatron also says, "just you and me, Aziraphale, eh?" which is honestly something that sounds more like enemies facing off in a battle, than friends going out for a chat. It's like when a murderer is alone with their victim, and while Az and Metatron are talking there are no witnesses. I definitely think this is foreshadowing for next season when Aziraphale has to face off with the Metatron.
When they're leaving the shop the Metatron is all lovely smiles while Aziraphale is looking, and he seems a bit like a harmless old man, but as soon as Azi's back is turned he gives Crowley the most hateful, sinister, conniving glare, with [tense music playing] according to the subtitles and also my ears. He is up to something. This is a very strong piece of evidence that the Metatron Does Not Like Crowley.
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He tells Aziraphale, "you are just the angel for the job." It could be an ordinary thing to say, but no I don't think so. I think the Metatron has been carefully considering this for quite some time, and I think this is all about Crowley. He says there are "huge plans afoot, enormous projects," and he's so careful to be extremely vague, while talking Aziraphale up. Then he uses a tactic knows will work, which is playing with Aziraphale's heart and using Crowley.
"I've been looking back over a number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon Crowley."
He has done meticulous research, and it's made clear earlier that he hates Crowley. But, he knows that Aziraphale loves Crowley, and that he wouldnt be able to resist the chance to try and do what he thinks is the right thing. Metatron mentioned that he was a 'Prince of Heaven' and that it could be seen as an 'institutional problem'. Well Heaven can't really been seen to have problems can it? And Crowley has been doing whatever he pleases for six thousand years, not on the side of Heaven or Hell, and I think that they're sick of it. He's already 'corrupted' one angel, who knows what's next? They don't want someone to hold that kind of knowledge and power over them, and Crowley holds a far greater knowledge of earth than any of the rest of them do.
And so the Metatron offers Aziraphale something he knows he won't refuse:
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And I have to ask, why, why would he ever have Crowley reinstated to "full angelic status?" Two seconds ago he just described him as a demon?? The answer is that he wouldn't. Somehow I don't think heaven makes a habit of restoring fallen angels. He has a master plan, and that involves getting to Crowley, which means getting Aziraphale out of the way. Eventually I think they'll attempt to use them against each other, but the first thing for them to do was gain some control over Crowley. The Metatron had offered for Crowley to come to Heaven, which does of course provide easy access to him and if Crowley had chosen to do that it probably would've worked for them. But I think the Metatron was counting on Crowley not wanting to go back, and that Aziraphale suggesting it would even drive a wedge through their relationship (which it did).
And now Aziraphale is off somewhere busy working, they aren't speaking to each other and Crowley is alone on earth, no one is going to notice if something happens to him or he goes missing.
Aziraphale also really isn't that special to Heaven, he's just another angel, and one who doesn't always do as he's told, which begs the question of why Metatron would make a whole trip to earth, just to give him Gabriel's job. It could go to pretty much anyone honestly. So when Metatron says 'The Job,' I'm certain he does not mean taking over Gabriel's position. He means the job of getting demon Crowley back in order and control, so he stops causing problems for Heaven. Because wherever there's a problem, Crowley is at the centre of it.
Finally. Aziraphale's insane smile in the elevator.
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DO YOU SEE HOW CREEPY THAT IS?? It's so off putting, and given he's just effectively broken up with Crowley you wouldn't expect him to be too cheerful. That is the least genuine smile I have ever seen, like it does not even look like Aziraphale anymore. At first I thought it was just him trying to make himself feel okay about everything, and it technically could be, but I'm not convinced of that. There's obviously the theory that Metatron put something in Aziraphale's coffee, but I just don't buy that (no hate to the theory ofc, definitely still a possibility). It's so simple, so human, and this brings me to my point about Metatron having influence over objects, particularly magical ones, and potentially entities as well. I think it is far more likely that Metatron is either brainwashing Aziraphale or simply has an element of control over him, but isn't entirely controlling him. Could be persuasive power, which he uses to influence Aziraphale, but technically if Az fought really hard he could fight him off. My mind influence theory is supported on multiple occassions, where Aziraphale seems to want to change his mind, or act a certain way, and then suddenly snaps back to acting like everything is okay. Examples of that are:
- Aziraphale straight up says he doesnt want to go to Heaven. He tries to play it off as a bit of a joke but he looked pretty damn serious when he says it. He looks so doubtful, but between then and speaking to Crowley, his attitude does a complete 180 flip
- "Well obviously you said no to Hell, you're the bad guys." Aziraphale would NEVER say that if his mind was completely his own. He has spent almost their entire existence saying that Crowley is nice and good and kind. He doesn't think for a moment that Crowley is grouped in with Hell anymore, but that's certainly what the Metatron would think
- Metatron walks in right after Crowley leaves and isn't at all surprised by the fact that Crowley refused, more evidence that it was what he'd hoped and planned for. "Ah well always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions too." Which is a tiny bit of further background into fallen angel Crowley.
- When Aziraphale is heavily considering changing his mind, Metatron keeps talking as though Aziraphale is saying different words. "It should be in safe hands." "Anything you need to take with you?" He's suddenly really pushing Aziraphale, even though he said there was no need to answer right away.
And that is all I have for you!! If anyone has anything to add I would LOVE to hear, this is my theory, definitely not the only possibility but I do think it's a candidate. Please let me know if there's any major points I've missed, I'm sure there probably is 🤍
@a-hearts-a-heavy-burden let me know what you think!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
So can i request wednesday x gn reader who has wanda maximoff powers specifically before wanda had the ability to compelety control reality
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Telepathy, telekinesis, energy manipulation/projection, forcefields and nightmare induced illusions. This was you at your most weakest and yet you were still the most feared person within Nevermore after getting some payback on Eugene’s bullies by putting them into a week long nightmare induced illusion. Some were more graphic and horrific then others that Weems had to add additional visitations to Dr Kinbott because of it.
The severity of the nightmares weren’t your doing but the rest however was so you were put into servitude by helping Thronhill with her plants to make up for it. “Your powers will only gradually become stronger with how quickly your progressing.” She once said creepily as you used your telekinesis to hook some of her newer potted plants closer towards the ceiling.
“Excuse me?” You asked her, the magic quickly fades back into the palms of your hands which you then pressed closely against your chest. “I was just merely stating a fact dearie, no need to be so worried.” She tried to pass off her comments but they still felt a weird feeling in your chest and in the back of you mind, something told you not to ever be this alone with someone like her ever again. If you knew what was good for you.
You knew that your magic was comparatively more dangerous and unpredictable then the other witches at Nevermore which was why even they tended to stray away from you in fear of becoming collateral damage when your powers became unstable. They did try to help you but all their methods contradicted each other and it ended up with you setting off a wave of un concentrated energy, injuring the few witches within the room with you at the time with bruises and bone fractures from being propelled into things.
You didn’t blame anyone in staying away from the chaos witch with no control over their own damn powers. You’d stay away from yourself if you could. Besides Eugene, the only people brave enough to be within your presence was Enid and Xavier after you saved Xavier from some normies that destroyed his art and helped Enid when she was in a pinch of getting something off of the top shelf before leaving.
The werewolf was persistent in getting to know you better after that and soon used her gossip blog to clear any misconceptions about you as did Xavier and Eugene. You helped them, so it was only obvious that they help make your stay at Nevermore that little bit better. For that act of kindness, you couldn’t repay them and they don’t expect you to because friendship shouldn’t be consistently give or take.
So when Wednesday came and started taking the cautious eyes that were once burning into your back, you felt as though you could finally breath knowing that you weren’t the one people were forcing themselves to walk on eggshells anymore. Well that wasn’t true, there were still people who feared you and what you were capable of when put/ forced to endure under mass amounts of emotional stress.
Wednesday originally came to you when her visions started to become more and more frequent, come may or may not have contained you in them to some extent. She thought that due to your extent of powers, you may give her some insight in her visions and seeing as out of every incompetent nitwit within the school, you were her best options.
She walked in on you using your powers to put back misplaced books in the library and she had to say that seeing such magic up close was a sight to behold. Though her hands were more preoccupied on how your hands moved in intricate ways or how the veins within your hands were beautifully complemented by the glow of your magic that she also forgot what she came to you for.
“May I help you?” Your voice broke her out of her trance and Wednesday was quick to show you the ripped page she got from Rowan, placing it in front of you. “Do you know anything about this?” She asked blankly as your eyes looked over the images with furrowed brows.
“Hate to break it to you but my powers don’t extend to visions of any kind. All I know about this is what Rowan told me and even then it’s like what Xavier told Me, visions only show what the person wishes to see, they’re not based upon any logic and are always misconstrued by a multitude of people who waste themselves away from trying to decipher them.” You told her as you handed back the page. “But if I were to make an assumption, you either saving the school, or destroying it.” You left Wednesday alone in the library after the encounter as she was stood there, mulling over your words as she looked closer on the page before her eyes flickered to the nightshade marking on the right hand corner of the page.
After having deduced you as unable to helping her, Wednesday thought that would be the least you’d cross paths but it seemed that fate was throwing her surprise after surprise and Wednesday wasn’t fond of surprises. Due to your friendship with Eugene and Enid, you were becoming more and more involved in Wednesday’s little investigation more so then you probably thought.
So much so that you were just as deeply in the crime as everyone else was that you didn’t noticed that it was starting to build up stress within you. So when you, Tyler, Wednesday and Enid went to investigate the abandoned Gates’ house and when the Hyde began to corner your three into a cramped space.
Enid’s panicking wasn’t helping the situation and before you knew it, another wave of energy burst forth from your hands and it sent the metal door off it’s hinges and into the Hyde, sending it back down the stairs where it came up from after supposedly ‘hurting’ Tyler. “I’m sorry.” You told the girls but Enid was more ecstatic then anything as she clung herself to your side.
“Sorry?!” She exclaimed, “you saved us y/n!you really showed that monster who’s boss!” Wednesday was silent as she looked at your hands but it wasn’t in disgust or anger but more so curiousness. After all she had only see your power in small dosages and knew that when you were put under immense pressure, your magic became more unstable for you to control, which leads to unpredicted outputs of strong chaos magic.
You protected her and Enid and it left a weird warm feeling within her chest that she was quite use to yet but would soon get use to when you would once again protect her by conjuring up a forcefield during the final fight with Crackstone.
“Witch!” He’d cried, pointing his cane at you as it beamed a vicious red.
“Yeah that’s right, I’m a witch” you said tiredly as you pointed to yourself before using the last ounces of your energy into a last ditch effort in knocking the cane out of his hand before collapsing to the floor out of exhaustion. You felt yourself becoming a little stronger after the fight but that only made the fear within your grow.
So once it was finally over and everyone was accepting their victory, Thornhill has to remind everyone that she was still very much alive and holding a gun threateningly towards Wednesday and Bianca, thinking that you had exhausted yourself, but luckily you had recovered enough energy from when Bianca and Wednesday were finishing off Crackstone to remove the gun from her hand and make it turn on her just as Eugene came in with the swarm of bees.
“You saved me multiple times when I’ve proven myself a character that you shouldn’t waste your breath on, why?” Wednesday finally mustered up to ask you when you were clearing out your dorm for the remainder of the semester.
“You’re right, you have proven yourself a character I shouldn’t have wasted so much time and effort towards but here’s the thing, butterflies can never truly see how beautiful they are with their own eyes. They have to trust those nearby to believe their are genuine.” You told her as you gave her a soft smile before turning back to your packing before adding, “will you come back next semester?”
“This school have proven it’s intrigue to me, but I’ll only be retuning if you promise to return also.” You laughed as her words before looking at her over your shoulder, “I’ve got nowhere to be other then here.” You told her, surprisingly liking the fact that she was anticipating your return to this weirdly secretive school.
“Put your number in this…thing Xavier bought me.” She tried her best to make her demand sound less of a demand but it failed and you couldn’t help but chuckle again at her attempts of being friendly and put your number into her phone so that she may text you when inconvenienced.
Spoiler: you talked to her pretty much the entire time until you had to go back to Nevermore to solve a stalker problem.
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halfagone · 1 year
Sudden thought I had:
Phantom, after everything he did for Amity, now being an adult (I'm putting at 27 here) with the necessary emotional maturity to recognize that he doesn't owe them anything, seals the portal, places the entire frame in his lair for safekeeping, along with all the blueprints his parents had, and leaves to go explore the world, like his little girl likes to do so much (I'm a sucker for Danny adopting Ellie, and being very supportive of her while also being always ready to be summoned next to her and crack some skulls if needed).
While going through Paris, and finding a pair of teenage heroes, like he and Valerie had once been, Danny decided he can take a break from his travelling to helpd these baby heroes and give them the training and support they need.
They get along better than anyone expected. Danny is Life and Death, Balance personified. Who else would be better to teach the hosts of Creation and Destruction than the one who embodies both in perfect balance?
I'm envisioning Danny sits down to have a nice chat with the Guardian about getting the kids proper training, and he's not going anywhere. The kwami in the box swarm him because he feels like a spirit of incredible power, and really, what else would happen except Danny finding himself taking spiritual custody over two teenage heroes who are clearly way over their heads fighting literal adults.
Step number one: get legal custody of Adrien Agreste and get his father charged to the fullest extent of the law for being so negligent to his own son.
I'm seeing this going 2 ways:
Danny gets custody over Adrien, moves into an apartment next to the Dupain-Cheng bakery, and their place becomes Vigilante Central, with Phantom often watching over the kids as they go out at night, typically going invisible to not give away his presence.
Hawkmoth tries one last desperate move to get the Miraculous before the police come for him. He takes to the field...and is subsequently trounced by Phantom, who beats him into the ground for picking on a bunch of children instead of getting therapy.
Plucking the Miraculous and setting the kwami within free from the old man's control, certainly expedited the process of acquiring custody over Adrien, but it also sent the poor boy spiraling for a while.
Or 2:
Their entire issues are solved by Gabriel being unable to use his Miraculius, because prison doesn't really...allow...jewellery. Which means Hawkmoth no longer shows up. Until Natalie, ever loyal to her boss, picks up the Moth Miraculous and tries to make his dreams come true. Except Phanton is...a little more ready to throw hands, and by the gods she's going to catch them whether she wants to or not.
By the end of it, Danny just doesn't really go anywhere else. Just stays in France full-time to help raise these two reckless kids. And sure, Marinette has her own wonderful parents. Doesn't mean Adopted Cousin Fenton won't spoil her rotten and enable all her chaotic gremlin tendencies while also keeping her safe. Add Ellie into the mix, and Paris has never been more happy and yet annoyed by all these gremlin heroes running around, cracking the most awful jokes and keeping the city safe.
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I actually really like the idea of option 2, not gonna lie. I like the slow, dawning realization some people might have, Adrien specifically, as they realize the possible reason for Hawkmoth's sudden disappearance. While I usually like public reveals for Danny, for Hawkmoth I actually prefer more low-key ones because I know people would probably blame or question Adrien for not knowing sooner. (Because let's face it, this is the same world that lets kids like Chloé get away with all sorts of stuff.) So I think if I ever wrote a fic following along with this kind of idea, I would actually go the route of #2.
You're giving me such brain worms, don't do this to me! One of these days I may actually have to commit to a crossover between these two specifically, and I already have so much to write TAT
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the-mother-of-lions · 3 months
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for anonymous
Program: Photoshop 2020 Required Knowledge: How to make a gif, general familiarity with PS
tbh anon i think this tutorial will be a little disappointing! i don't really do anything special to my gifs. I'm not sure if you're wanting just a general coloring or something more in depth, so I'll do a little mix of everything.
This got super long i'm sorry
Basic Coloring
Relighting the Gif: As you may have noticed, a lot of tv nowadays is dark asf, and even if it isn't too dark, the lighting is just off. So I usually fix this with a Curves Layer. It offers me the most noticeable lighting change than any other method I've tried thus far. So after sharpening and cropping to suit your tastes, add a Curves adjustment layer. Clicking on the White Eyedropper, I then pick a spot on the gif that is the brightest. Sometimes I have to zoom in reallllly close to find a singular pixel thats lighter than all the others. And sometimes the lightest spot is too white and doesn't change anything, and if thats the case then I'll click around a little to see if any other spots offer a change in lighting that I like. I'll repeat this step with the Black Eyedropper but for the darker parts of the gif.
Hue/Saturation: This changes depending on what I'm giffing. For Live Action, I never do more than 10 on the Saturation line. For Anime, I usually do 20 but sometimes I'll do less depending on how the 20 looked. For Live Action with POC, I will do 10 and then open another H/S layer and adjust the red/yellow parts on the H/S.
Vibrance: I start with a Vibrance layer of 30. If I had to take out a lot of red/yellow, I usually duplicate this layer at least once.
Levels: Once I get the main adjustments out of the way, I go back to the Curves layer and add a Levels layer directly above it. On the Levels layer, I use the drop down to go through each color (Red, Green, Blue) and adjust the levels of those colors individually. I personally prefer cool toned gifs, so I usually add quite a bit of blue and red and take out green, but adjust as necessary.
Selective Color: Optional I don't always do this, it depends on the scene and how it already looks after the other four layers. But I do like a strong contrast so I will often Add a Selective Color layer above the Levels layer, choose Black from the drop down, and on the Black slider I increase it to 100. But sometimes thats wayyy too much and I'll do less as needed.
Black and White
For B&W recoloring, I'll do a Curves layer like above and then a H/S layer. On the H/S I'll lower the saturation completely.
Simple Recoloring
Simple as in I'm adjusting a few colors to bring them out more.
To start with and to get a basic grasp of what colors are in your gif, I'll open a Hue/Sat layer and crank the Saturation allll the way up. This will show you the main colors that make up your gif and which ones you need to change to reach your desired outcome.
After muting or deleting the H/S layer, I'll do small adjustments inside a new H/S layer focusing on the colors I want to change, then I'll add a Color Balance layer. Usually I only adjust the midtones and highlights, but it all depends on where the colors are that you're changing. Again, I like cool tone gifs so I'll take out a lot of yellow/green.
From here you can go to Selective Color and adjust the colors up or down as you need.
It's also helpful to add a Gradient Map. With Gradient maps one end should be white or black and the other end the color you want to bring out. Set the gradient maps blend to Overlay and lower the opacity to about 10-25%. Put this layer underneath your recolor layers.
Adding Gradients
On some gifs, it's helpful to add a Gradient layer to achieve a certain look.
Clicking on the Gradient layer, set your gradient and then change the blending layer to Color or Hue. Both of these will give different effects, but it's also a good idea to play with other blending modes to find what you like. From there, I usually lower the Opacity to 30-50%, duplicate the layer and change it to Screen and lower the Opacity on that to 30.
Honestly I don't do a ton of drastic recolors and I always feel kind of insecure about it? I'm very unconfident in my drastic recoloring skills. But if you have any further questions please feel free to ask!
Even if I don't know the answer, I'm sure I know someone who does.
Hope this was helpful in some way anon!
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sotwk · 2 months
OC Matchmaker with my latest OC.
Her name is Faelivrin—everybody calls her Fae—and she's the third child and second daughter of Faramir (his second biological child). Her older siblings are Elboron and Elenna "Enna" (my main OC in my current WIP "The Lady of Ithilien"). As Éowyn died giving birth to Elboron, Faelivrin is the daughter of Finduilas of Lamedon (my OC, youngest daughter of Angbor the Fearless). Theirs is an arranged marriage Faramir accepts because of *things that happen* and for Finduilas is basically a gift from the Valar since she's pushing 30 and still unmarried (it is my headcanon that Gondorians marry VERY young and all of her older sisters are already married with children while she's still a maid at 28/29).
Facts about Faelivrin "Fae":
• She absolutely adores her older sister Enna. The feeling is mutual and Enna, despite her many issues and things she has to deal with, tries her best to be a good sister. She and her mother try to raise her as a proper lady and Enna will be an extremely hands-on sister as far etiquette and protocol are concerned. Though they won't see much of one another because of *things that happen* (if you want spoilers, you're very welcome to text me privately, but I don't want to spoil the story for those who are interested and may have not read the chapters that I've already posted), they'll remain very close throughout their lives. Fae also worships Elboron who's of course very protective of her and jokingly disapproves of all her suitors.
• She's Faramir's little baby and he worships the ground she walks on and their bond gets stronger as time goes by. As Enna falls out with basically almost her entire family, Fae becomes his only comfort. She's his baby, his happy place and his sunshine. She loves it when he reads to her and she'll become one of few reasons he still keeps going after some of his grandchildren, his son-in-law (Eönwë, Enna's husband. Yes, the Herald of Manwë. There's a Middle-earth Maiarin/Noldorin invasion in the Fourth Age basically) and *possibly* some of his grandchildren by Enna die (courtesy of a Maia with a fascination for smithing and jewelry).
• She loves singing (Enna taught her) and one of her favorite songs to hum is the lullaby Enna used to sing to her. She's also very good at drawing and sewing. Also, similarly to her beloved older sister, she's a historian and would read every book ever written by anyone. She's a decent dancer too.
• She's tall with dark hair and blue/gray eyes (not much else to add about that. She probably has a birthmark somewhere)
• She wears a pearl necklace with the initials of her siblings. She loves pearls.
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That's her teenage/early adult version (she looks particularly young. Actress: Isla Merrick-Lawless)
I'm not including an adult version because, although I have a vague idea of how she might look like, I'm still unsure. I was thinking of Jennie Jacques (Princess/Queen Judith in the show "Vikings" but I'm not 100% convinced yet. I'll keep her as an option and I'm still on the lookout for someone else. It should be someone who wears a lot of pearls 🤣)
That's all for now! Thank you!
Oooh! It's tricky to find a match for a young Fourth Age character, since most canon characters even named or mentioned past the War of the Ring have sparse details written about them (but you know all this, since you write mostly for the Fourth Age!). Only my Éomer fic is set post RotK, but as it happens I do have an "obscure canon" that I would like to propose for a match!
The SotWK Matchmaking Machine pairs Faelivrin with:
HALETH, Son of Háma!
In the SotWK AU, Haleth (movie character) not only survives the Battle of Helm's Deep, but he also becomes the squire of Éomer King himself! His career as a Rider only continues to rise from there, as he earns himself plenty of honor on the battlefield. Taking after his father, Haleth is brave and kind, and fiercely loyal to Rohan.
It would take quite a bit of charm for someone not from Rohan to win this Rohan loyalist's heart, but Fae has beauty and grace, so who knows? I think the bigger issue would be whether her family would allow her to love a "lowly" rough-around-the-edges cowboy from Rohan--even if he does become one of Éomer king's most trusted and formidable soldiers.
(Note: This picture of Haleth is of Callum Gittens, the very same actor who played him in the Two Towers movie! He grew up WELL didn't he??)
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Thank you for trusting me to match up your OC! :)
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This OC Matchmaking game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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