#also i refuse to believe that rumiko approved this
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feudalmerengue · 3 months ago
I was too bored last night and decided to torture myself watching yashajime.
and i thought: well i hate yashajime too much but i dont even remember half of the stuff that happened so why not revisit it
oh man ... it is actually that bad
under the cut my review of the first 3 eps
The first ep is good. Its the animated epilogue of Inuyasha, and you can tell that was written by Rumiko.
The character interactions are beautiful. All of them act accordantly to all the grow and maturity they had at the end of the series, its never a step back on the character development and i appreciate it. Miroku never touches someone else's butt, Inuyasha and Kagome dont get into a stupid fight and they actually talk abt their problems, and over all you can tell everyone has grown up to this point.
i haven't read the manga version of the epilogue so idk if this actually happened (bc i wouldnt be surprised if Sunrise decided to include this just for drama) but there's a lot of mentions of Kikyo and she feels like a hunting ghost all throughout the ep and i personally dont like that they still involve her even after all the time that has pasted since her death. yes she was one of the most important characters and we wouldnt have Inuyasha without her but cant she just rest in peace?
so this becomes a small problem between Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha feels uncomfortable w the mention of her and is scared that Kagome will get mad at him for getting Kikyo involved on this, Kagome feels that Inuyasha is hiding stuff from her and just wants him to trust her a little more. and i think its more than normal that the whole Kikyo situation still a little taboo between them but i rlly liked that none of them felt insecure abt their relationship bc of this
And our favorite married couple resolves this TALKING. THEY USE WORDS AND COMMUNICATE AND SOLVE THE PROBLEM. NO YELLING. NO MAKING EACH OTHER FEEL BAD. NO ABUSE OF THE SIT COMMAND (well there is a sit that is just there to check the box but its not even Kagome yelling at him or anything. it feels more like "alright on the script says 'u have to sit Inuyasha at least once in the ep' so lets just get it done")
u can tell that Rumiko cooked in there.
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Look at them they were born for each other <3333
And thats it. thats the best yashajime is going to get.
Eps 2 and 3 are just the introduction to the protagonist and introduction to the conflicts??? but its more like a bunch of information they r trying to force down ur throat. the only conflict i actually care abt is wtf happened to their parents
on those two eps they introduce us with 8 different conflicts (yes i counted them) not including all the new characters. IN TWO EPS. I SWEAR TO GOD I DIDNT REMEBER HALF OF THAT AT THE END OF THE EP, I HAD TO GO BACK AND WATCH SOME PARTS AGAIN BC IT WAS TOO MUCH
and i get that this series is going to be way shorter than Inuyasha, therefore they need to introduce everything quicker, but Sunrise that was a little too much.
Honestly i would have preferred that they didnt animate the epilogue if that was going to give them more time to present us the characters.
which leads me to my second point THE FUCKING CHARACTES. there is not a single one of them that i like (not even my baby girl Moroha)
Towa: I have the most problems with her. U are telling me that she is having a hard time in the modern era bc she is a hanyo and she is always getting into fights, fights that she is actively picking on, and she cant use her powers. but those problems (im sorry if this sounds bad) look like nothing to me. She is the one getting in trouble and she decides to get into those fights. its not like Inuyasha where we see him being bullied for doing nothing, just bc he looked and was different. and this is something that also bothers me, i dont see a reason why towa would get bullied theres nothing on her appearance that would indicate she is not human. no ear no nothing different, the white hair will just make her one of the cool kids.
u r telling me that she never had the necessity to actually use her powers and all that she did was jump fences and punch bad guys AND SHE IS ABLE TO CREATE A SWORD OF HER OWN USING HER YOUKAI ENERGY ?!?!?!
yes she is the daughter of the great lord Sesshomaru but NOT EVEN HIM WAS ABLE TO DO THAT UNTIL THE END OF THE SERIES. HE GETS BAKUSAIGA AFTER CENTURIES OF USING HIS POWERS AND TOWA WHO ONLY JUMPED FENCES CAN DO IT. not even Setsuna who has an actual training and does use her powers can do that.
Setsuna: she is just a copy paste of Sesshomaru, she doesnt have her own personality.
Moroha: Sunrise writers asked chat gpt "inuyasha's personality" and they got something like "inmature, impulsive, cocky" and just went w it but up to 100.
Yes Sunrise even though she is covered in red from head to toe i can definitely tell that she is Inuyasha's daughter no need to make her "female Inuyasha". Her entire personality is "more immature and childish Inuyasha", yes Inuyasha was immature and could be childish from time to time BUT NOT LIKE THIS. and not even the argument of " well she is younger and probably Inuyasha was like this when he was her age" can be used bc she is 14 and when Inuyasha was sealed to the tree he was 15. she grew up alone, in the Sengoku period where there was constante wars all the time, and she could even relate to the hanyos AND SHE IS THIS STUPID
Moroha is way better in the fanfics
Mei is insufferable, and u seriously r trying to convince my that Hisui and Kohaku dont know who Moroha and Setsuna r?
the only good things were the music, Kaoru Wada is simply a genius, and the character design which is pretty good.
but thats it. and genuinely tried to not be so harsh on it but its actually as bad as i remember it
also this
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what the actual fuck
hate u Sunrise <3
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Buddy, it's a fantasy series. He could be 150 and I still wouldn't give a fuck. What matters is that Shippo is portrayed as a small child. You know that, I know that. You also knew exactly what I meant by saying "imagine if Kagome waited until Shippo was 18." Imagine if Kagome waited until the little boy she took care of was the lowest possible age necessary for her to be able to fuck him without audience outcry. Because that's exactly what happened to Rin in Yashahime.
The only thing that Takahashi did for that CD was give them permission to put the "Inuyasha" story in wideban format. She also gave them manuscripts of the final chapter that she drew that the CD came along with, a chapter that had ABSOLUTELY NO ROMANTIC INTERACTION BETWEEN RIN AND SESSHOMARU. Rumiko Takahashi had zero control over the actual contents of that Wideban CD. She did not write it. She had extremely minimal involvement. In March 2021, she literally said "For me, Sesshomaru is a father / parental figure [to Rin]." Link to video footage of her saying so: (https://twitter.com/cheeseciabatta/status/1514282131639267329)
The term she used, "hogosha" (guardian), is only used in parental contexts in Japanese, MUCH LIKE THE LEGAL TERM IN ENGLISH. Inuyasha was never referred to as Kagome's "hogosha," because he is her love interest and that would be fucking weird and gross.
[CITATION NEEDED] on your claim that groomers use "vanilla" ships more often than pedophilic ones or groomer ones. Also, side note, really fucking gross that you call all ships that don't involve incest or a young person and their parental figure "vanilla." What, too tame for you? Lemme guess, you only like ships that would be illegal and predatory irl.
Sesshomaru didn't refuse to have a hand in raising Rin. He took her in and spent almost every single day with her for the most stressful time in her life when she was a small child. We don't know exactly how long he took care of her, because we only know that Kaede took her in at some point during the 3 years Kagome was gone. Then, while living with Kaede, he visited regularly to check on her, and love bombed her with expensive gifts. She idolized him and obeyed his every word and was desperate for his approval as an 8-year-old girl, and she did the same as an 18-year-old girl, up to and including abandoning her kids for 14 years. She still calls him "Lord Sesshomaru," for fuck's sake, they're not peers. If anyone's "only doing exactly what they ask of you," it's her. Sessrin portrays most of the behaviors and warning signs of grooming.
Towa is not from the Reiwa period. The Reiwa period began on May 1 2019.
People got the number 14 from the age of Miroku and Sango's son Hisui, who was born in the epilogue when Rin was 11 and who is stated to be 18 in Yashahime, making Rin 29 in the anime. (Very telling that the anime and wiki don't list her age, because they know it would expose them.) The twins are 14. 29-14=15. If she gave birth at 15, Sesshomaru most likely impregnated her when she was 14. Sunrise fucked up when they confirmed Hisui's age before Rin's, because even though they retconned Rin to be 18 when she gave birth several episodes after the reveal (following audience complaints), they couldn't retroactively age up Hisui. You CAN do simple addition and subtraction, so you KNOW shit doesn't add up. If Rin gave birth at age 18, Hisui would be 7 years older than the twins, not 4, and thus 21 in the anime. He isn't. He's 18. Check the wiki if you don't believe me.
Soooo do THOSE shippers think Kagome and Shippo are a hot couple too? After all, she was his GUARDIAN, not his mom, and if anything it was the non-humanoid sidekick Kirara who looked after him, not her! Plus he could get his own food, so OBVIOUSLY they were equals all along and kagome didn't play a parental role at all. Not to mention that she protected him and physically touched him sometimes, obviously making them a healthy foundation for a future romance. Shipkag ISN'T GROOMING if she waited till he turned 18!!! It's romantic and totally cool to put in a kid's show!!!!!!!!!
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