#also i really love cams and filming soooo
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the fic for me
the shutterbugs

because it lasts forever
part 1
warnings: very smutty, very fluffy, slight slapping, chow town, blowie vill, piv palace, flash warning, recording warning
word count: 4k
You're standing in front of the produce, strawberries to be specific. One hand on the small shopping cart, the other on your chin. You're contemplating the strawberries. They aren't in season but they look perfectly sculpted, painted in a daunting red, designed to grab your eyes.
Then you hear the click. There he is. Alex. His tiny camera sitting in his hand. His brown leather jacket crinkles as he drops the camera down from his eyes, revealing his face. He plays the shy innocent card—bashful smile with those enamored brown eyes staring straight at you.
You giggle at the familiar sight. "God, you're like glorified paparazzi. You never leave me alone with that thing." You swat your hand at him and gaze back upon the strawberries.
He comes closer to you, one of his hands landing on your shoulder. "How could I?" He lands a kiss upon your cheek, gentle and soft.
You lift a carton, examining it. "Should I get strawberries?"
He pulls back, landing a hand on the small of your back. "Get whatever you want, love."
"I don't know if it'll be a waste of money." You tilt them in your hand trying to decide. It's easy for him to get lost in you in moments like this. That's why he takes pictures of all these little things. You make everything seem fun. The idea of the grocery store is a joy to you and something that was such a pain in his day, you make an adventure out of it, not only with his photography but with your behavior.
"All eat 'em if you don't like 'em, so get 'em," Alex insists.
You hum, tapping your chin before exclaiming your decision, "Okay!" You place them in the cart and start your stroll again. He lags behind to capture a picture. "Alex," you whine, "don't make me do all the work."
He snaps a shot of your frustrated face—nose wrinkled up, hand on your hip—before putting the camera away and taking over for you by pushing the cart.
Things came easily in your relationship. He felt it was something you both just relaxed into the inevitability. In other relationships, this would have caused him trouble. He’s been called uncommunicative and taciturn for a time or twenty—something inherited from being a natural perceiver hidden behind the camera.
But this time was different. It was like a puzzle piece had fallen into place. Part of him slotted into part of you and that missing gap was no more. Maybe he’s becoming soppy, he’s been accused of that by some, including you—though that is more a teasing flirt than ridicule.
He doesn’t mind. He takes it all with a shrug of his shoulders like yeah, no shit, how can you not be in love with her?
Alex finds it weird that you, as a model, think having pictures of yourself is egotistical. He won’t pride himself and say he’s the greatest photographer of all time and he doesn’t have an altar dedicated to his work but he thinks homes are supposed to have pictures of loved ones. He reasons you’re a loved one so he should have pictures of you. He tries to convince you of this when you’re moving in.
You refuse every picture. He scrolls through each one trying to get you on his side. You shake your head at each one. There are the grocery shopping photos. There are the photos of you by the ocean wearing only bottoms (fair enough, if your parents ever visit). There’s one of you doing laundry, pissed off he was getting in your way. There’s the one when you painted his bedroom walls.
You told him no person should have stark white walls. It makes you insane and the walls get super dirty. So, you painted them yellow with a bandana tying your hair back and a sunshine smile on your face. He asked you to move in that day.
“I’d like to have you around more often,” he said, standing on the ladder, perfecting the lines between the wall and the ceiling.
You giggled. “But I’m here all the time already.”
“Maybe you could live here all the time,” he offered plainly.
So, now there’s your clothes next to his clothes and way too many shoes on the rack and you have this weird powder you put in all your drinks that makes the water green. He had a taste of it once and almost vomited. But he sees that shade of green everywhere now because he thinks of you everywhere now. He likes the sight of your body next to his body.
The bed is warmer now and his house is starting to gain personality now, covered in colour and books and artwork, no longer looking like an asylum’s padded room. The world just seems to brighten up. He always found that to be cheesy, the way those people who aren’t in love roll their eyes when someone gushes, but he gets it now. As if the world was blurry and you’ve shifted it into focus.
Sometimes he feels crazy. He desires you violently. It’s kind of his every waking thought and he knows that’s crazy because it makes his heart beat really quickly and he’s aroused by just the thought of you. That’s certifiable.
But then one time you straddled him in the morning. He had just woken up, barely had enough time to open his eyes before you were all over him. He never considered that he may want him this intensely too. Enough to crawl all over him during your first wink of the day. You’re uncontrollable. You’re licking up his body and you’re making him feel like he’s dead and you are the gates of heaven, slowly opening to him.
He reaches down in between the two front gates, runs his fingers through you. He brings it back up to his mouth just to taste it because he’s never tasted something quite so sweet. “They should make that into a lollipop,” he says.
“Shut up.�� You hit his chest and he can tell you’re hungry for it. You would usually laugh at something like that but you’re horny, rubbing your cunt along his thigh, soaking your wetness on him.
He puts his hands on your hips and stops your movement. He has you groaning and writhing against his hold. He’s hungry too but it’s nice to see you starve. “I was gonna give you a blowjob,” you say, “now I’m not so sure.”
Alex pouts. “You don’t behave well enough to give me a blowjob.”
You lean over him, your hair making a curtain around the two of you. “What do I behave well enough for?” Fuck. You’re whispering seductively, your breathing making love to his breathing, and it’s unfair when you have a voice like that. “What? Are you going to spank me?”
No, he doesn’t have the nerve for that. He doesn’t ever want you to hurt, even if you ask for it. Also, he thinks he’d be bad at it. Like it would be too soft or too half-hearted or he would rather fuck you within an inch of your life than smack you around. Fucking you sounds really fucking nice.
“Do you want to spank me?” He counters.
You straighten and laugh at him. It’s ruthless but he likes the feeling. You sober when you see his face. “Wait. Are you serious?”
He shrugs. “Yeah. Hit me.”
You giggle nervously. “Like on the ass?”
“Wherever you want.” He does mind pain if it gives you pleasure.
You scoot down so you’re sitting on his thighs. “What if I kick you in the balls?”
He blushes and chuckles. “If you want, I would like to still have working function of my dick and I think you would too.”
You put your hand on his cock over his boxers. You press down on it placing pressure but not hurting him. “I wouldn’t kick you that hard.”
“I’ve seen you work out. I think I’d have to get a new set.”
You tilt your head back in laughter. Then, you pounce, laying your mouth on him, covering yourself over him. You kiss his bare chest, a straight line down from his Adam’s apple to his pubic mound. You bite into the waistband of his boxers, teething on them. Then, you drag until he pops out.
You sit up again. “Should you roll over now so I can smack you?” You’re touching your lips together to reduce giggles.
“Don’t make fun of me. It’s natural sexual desire.”
“I’m not making fun of you.” Despite the insistence, your laughter bubbles up. “Swear.”
“Uh-huh,” he sounds. He can barely be heard over you losing it.
To hell with this, he thinks. He lifts his hips and rolls until you’re on your back and unable to breathe because of the shock. “I could blow air on you and you’d fall over,” he says.
You smirk. “I’m already laying down.”
He groans and ground his head into your stomach. It would be annoying if you weren’t so cute.
His mouth is right there, kissing just above your clit. He would tease you if he wasn’t voracious. He sticks his tongue in and you crack almost instantly. Hands to the roots of his hair, yanking as if to scalp him. It hurts and he loves it because it’s a sign of your uncontrollable gratification.
“Higher,” you command, so he goes higher. He sucks right on the clit, pucker his lips out to tweak it, to put his tongue on it, to turn it in his mouth. He goes harder with each of your moans.
Alex traces his fingers up your leg until he reaches the middle of you. He runs his fingers through and then pushes in, fucks you with his fingers because he wants to be soaked by you. He wants his fingers to prune with the taste of you.
You wanted more and now you think you asked for too much. It’s overwhelming and you’re beat red and you just woke up but you’ve never felt more exhausted in your life. But you don’t want him to stop. You want to dissolve into his hands.
You weren’t inexperienced when you met him but you were young and you had never felt lovemaking like this before. Sex was something to make guys like you. Sex was to make babies. Sex was something to fake your way through in the hopes of maybe, one day, that boyfriend will figure out how to make a girl cum.
Men are more appealing when Alex is included with them. Before men were gross, stuffy, stuck-up beings with only a handful of good ones that were either taken or related. You wake up smiling every day because you realize you’re one of the people you used to be jealous of. You’re consumed by the idea people look at you guys together and are green with envy. He’s one of the taken ones now and he’s taken by you.
And then you cum and it all goes white, those thoughts in your head. It’s the only time in your life when you don’t think it all. And then you spend the rest of your day replaying it in your head. You knew orgasms were good but you understand now why all guys think about is sex because it feels like that’s all you think about now too.
When you can see again, he’s lying on top of you, brushing your hair off of your face. He’s smiling and not in the pride way, but in the plain old happy way. Because making a woman cum isn’t an achievement for him. He’s never struggled with you and you doubt he’s ever struggled much since he figured out where a woman’s clitoris is.
The urge suddenly possesses you because the thought has been ticking in your head since he mentioned it. You slap him. Clearly across the face. It barely makes a noise but it puts a red mark on his face. He squints his eyes and shakes his head before he’s able to process everything.
You’re laughing below him, clearly sheepish by the action and waiting for his response. He can’t think of anything to say. He didn’t think you’d actually do it and he’s kind of stunned, but, you know, incredibly turned on.
“Do you still want that blowjob?” You ask, a slight blush on your cheeks like you’re a schoolgirl with a crush. He lets out a breathy laugh. You feel the way his stomach rubbles, tickling up against your skin. Sometimes you’d like to rip him limb from limb, other times, you’d like to just stare at his softness.
He rubs his nose against yours, his mouth hovering over yours. “You can if you like. I won’t object.” He’s kissing you gently like a cushion for your soul to rest on.
You nudge him to signal him to roll off of you. When he’s on his back, you assume your previous position straddling his legs. You take him in your hand, squeezing him slightly before putting him in your mouth. He’s half-hard. You like the way he feels when he’s soft like you have to work for it. Sometimes you like to feel him when his dick is in its resting position. The slight window into his natural body.
For better or worse, he arouses quickly. You take the compliment and suck him off. You lick his shaft because it always gets him kicking his legs and he’s fighting against your body resting on top of his legs, unintentionally brushing against your pussy.
You kiss his tip, treating him delicately after the harshness inflicted on his face. You want to treat him right and make him squirm from the lightest touch. You mouth your way down his cock and begin to stroke him with one of your hands.
He curls his toes and squeezes his eyes shut, despite how much he wants to look at this. He wants to capture every moment of this. He wants someone to transmit the whole scene into his brain to replay over and over again. He sees why people become sex addicts and he might even be one because he wants to stay buried in this. He pets your hair back before fisting it, cumming, jerking up, and shaking his legs. He can’t help but mutter, “Fuck.”
He opens his eyes and sees you wipe your mouth after taking every drop of him. He tosses his head back. “Fuck.”
You like watching him take pictures. You don’t often get to center in on him because you’re usually the one he’s taking photos of, but every once in a while he’s able to take you with him. You fake being an assistant and sit in his chair and watch him work. You’ll get him a bottle of water to play into the act but other than that you simply watch him.
He leans a certain way depending on how good of a photo he thinks it’ll be. If he’s standing straight up, he hates it. If he’s all the way forward, willing to get on the ground for the photo, he’s completely in love, swooning for the photo (you know from experience that he likes getting on his knees, at least for you).
It’s probably not the smartest thing for you to be on set with him because he’s easily distracted. It’s hard to pull his attention away from the camera but he’s beginning to understand the beauty of his own eyes. It’s much sweeter to look at you than whatever person is before him.
People used to ask him how he didn't fall in love with all these beautiful models. Before you, he had always viewed this as work. He keeps work and pleasure separate. What a fool he was because mixing pleasure with work was the best decision of his life. But nobody else has had that ability. You drive your personality into the photo. Your gaze only turns any picture into art. He thinks whoever said eyes are the windows to the soul was only referring to you. Everyone else is just a model, nothing else.
This doesn’t do well when he’s on a professional photoshoot and he’s distracted every two seconds by you—your laugh, your eyes, your smile, the way you leave to talk to Jerry (because nobody else ever wants to talk to Jerry).
He has two models yell at him for getting distracted but he doesn’t understand how they can blame him. How are they not staring at you?
He’s a fool who should never bring you to work again but can’t bear to leave your side. He has an attachment issue.
Alex gets an idea. This can either be the smartest idea ever or the dumbest one. This one might be the first to lie somewhere in the middle.
“You want to make a sex tape?”
“An artistic film,” he says because he’s a pretentious prick who claims everything you do is art. It’s flattering but sometimes you want to brush your teeth in peace.
“A porno.”
He purses his lips. “An erotic film.”
You furrow your brows. “Do you jerk off to photos of me?”
He stands up and collects your plates from dinner, silently.
You gasp. “You totally do. You perv. I never gave you permission to do that!”
Alex chuckles. “What did you think I was doing with nude photos of you?”
You follow him to the kitchen sink. “Admiring their aesthetic quality.”
“Believe me, your tits are very aesthetically pleasing.”
You smack his arm and walk down the hall.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
You don’t bother to turn back and walk straight to the bedroom. “To prepare for my porno debut.”
The sex tape, or whatever you want to call it, doesn’t happen until the weekend. Alex wants to shoot it on film because he’s a weirdo (he admits it) and you want to get cute lingerie because you're self-absorbed (you admit it). You’re two peas in a pod.
“Are you rolling?” You ask him as he sets up. “Oh, god, that was the most pornographic thing I could have said.”
“Relax,” he commands. You’re on edge, he can tell.
In an effort to put you at ease, he walks over and lies on top of you. He wraps his arms around you and holds you to him. He digs his nose into your neck and breathes you in. He told you once that you smelled like what he imagines clouds smell like and cherries. It puts him at ease and his body in this position calms you. It’s familiar and there’s no reason to be performative.
“Do you ever wish that film could capture smell?” He asks into your skin.
“When there’s cookies on screen, yeah, but what if someone farts or just smells bad?”
He chuckles and looks up at you. His smile is joyous and there’s something about this being for only you—the smile and this film. It makes this idea of his even more interesting because it’s not about sex, it’s about these little in-between moments.
Each move is delicate. He’s always been a smooth lover, even when he’s harsh and raw, his touch is always soft. He parts your legs and drags your underwear down. He takes his shirt off and you unclip your bra. He stands off the bed to take his pants off.
“Film is expensive so we’re gonna have to go quick,” he says. It leaves you cackling and already out of breath.
“That’s up to you. You’re the one who drags things out for so long.”
Alex joins you back in bed. “I can’t help it if I last long.”
You squint. “I didn’t say that. It takes you a long time to make me cum.”
He leans over you, pushing you down against the mattress. “I know that isn’t true.” He moves closer and closer. It would be threatening if his eyes weren’t so swoon-worthy. You want to kiss every inch of his face. You’d give butterfly kisses to his eyelashes. You’d make love to every last inch of him.
He’s fast, but in a controlled manner. His hips meet yours and he lines himself up with your core. He eases in slowly as you engulf his cock. He hums at the wetness and you moan at being open. Sometimes it feels like the first time all over again. Sometimes it feels like you’ve been doing this all your life and you’ll do it for another hundred years. Either way, you don’t mind, both feel this good.
“Should we be loud?” You ask.
Alex smirks. “You’re already loud.”
You roll your eyes. “I mean so the camera can hear us.”
He’s moving in and out of you now. “I don’t think it’ll have a problem hearing us.” He thrusts straight into, knocking your head against the wooden headboard, eliciting a moan from you. He knows every move in the book. He could write a manual on you to fuck you.
You push against his shoulders. “Should we do a sexier position?”
His grin is shit-eating. “Like what?” You’d slap him again if you didn’t think he’d enjoy it so much.
“I don’t know. Should I ride you? Or doggy? What way do you want it?”
“Whatever way you want it.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows. He’s still moving, albeit slowly, but still pleasantly. “I don’t know that’s why I asked you.”
“Alright.” He pulls out of you and it aches. It isn’t right, he should always be there. It feels like a part of you slipped out. He flops onto his back beside you. “Go to work.”
“Facing you or the camera?”
“But the camera won’t be able to see my boobs.”
“But I’ll be able to see your boobs.”
“But does future you want to see my boobs?”
“Every me wants to see your boobs.”
“So, I should face the camera.”
“No, I still want to have sex with you, not the camera.”
You giggle and don’t say anything else. You want to give yourself over to him. The whole point of this was to commit your sex to film not have sex for the film. You sink down onto him and rock against him. It’s quick because you want it to be, not because the amount of film calls for it.
It’s the perfect sight for him. Some people like sunsets or the ocean, he likes your body. He doesn’t care if it’s naked, clothed, or covered by bubbles in the bath, every part of it is poetic. He’s a bit self-conscious about him being on film. He isn’t used to being in front of the camera. But he so desperately wants you committed to filmic memory. He’s terrified one day you’ll leave or he’ll get dementia or amnesia. He wants to remember every second of this.
You arch your back and throw your head back. You’re shaking. His hips buck up, slamming into you, finishing you both off. You land on top of him and this is his favourite part, other than the incomparable act of coming for a man, this is his second favourite. He wraps his arms around you, still inside you, and holds this moment in his arms.
The physical thing will always be better than any photography or piece of film. Only here can he feel your laughter and see your smile and smell that cloudy scent and feel the touch of your delicate, little hands. Only here can he kiss every bit of you while resting inside you. He feels you as you slowly fall asleep. He whispers, “I love you,” only for himself to hear, but you know it just as well as he does.
The film cuts off right around when you straddle him. Something is better than nothing. You can always do it again. Neither of you mind.
a/n: sigh, the long-awaited part 2. is it as good? probably not. but it's the most smut i've written in a while i feel like (two scenes in a fic, very impressive for me as of late, i am no longer a prude). i wrote the first part of this fic back in september and now here we are in march with 3.3k words more. anyway, take a picture, it'll last longer. and someone please take more pictures of alex. please & thank you!
#oh the dialogue here is so domestic its outstanding#also so fabulously captures what its like to be in a srs longterm relationship#'sometimes you wanna tear him from limb to limb' TELL ME ABT IT#junedenim being fabulous#also i really love cams and filming soooo#alex turner#alex turner fic#alex turner x fem!reader#fic rec
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That motherfucker really always zooming into Jimin's face mehn. I'm not talking about when they were about to eat and he filmed the food before panning the cam right into Jimin's face as he always does. I'm talking about when he was filming Jimin dancing to SNTY in the convenience store. He zoomed right in. It's like he can't help himself at this point. Or it's like muscle memory.
It's also how at times he zooms more into his mouth than his face. That scene when they were walking and Jungkook playfully zoomed into Jimin's face multiple times while singing a funny tune (?). He was aiming right at his mouth
Jimin must really be so adorable and attractive to him. And it's so obvious to me that JK is very different when the cameras aren't rolling and it's just the two of them. I think he's way more clingy and open with Jimin and does and says way more things to him that can't ever be explained away as platonic. Kinda makes me sad that we'll never ever be privy to that part of their lives, to that dynamic.
I feel so fucking jealous and I'm not even joking. Where does one find a man like this?
He’s soooo unserious 😭 but that’s why I LOVE him 😩
He. Just. Can. Not. Help. Himself🤣
And let’s be honest, he’s stronger than us!
I’d be in the corner hiding behind a curtain just staring at the Park Jimin from afar, soaking in his Jungkook induced giggles.
Even though he’s not the strongest soldier when it comes to the Park Jimin, that’s ok, he’s Park Jimin’s soldier, has been before enlisting and just formalised it with their service 😌
You did hear the 101 times JK said so right???

I know, I know lovely, acceptance is the first step, our delulu asses now need to heal 🥲

Thank you for the laughs lovely
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spent the evening reading through all of the like galley pdf copy of the 2 trans 2 furious zine and a great time start to finish like it was Not an effort to keep at it despite its being like 160 pgs. and despite my not having ever seen a f&f movie or really especially directly "correctly" being interested, though i'd ofc love to see any of the films like live & in person w/a bunch of trans strangers, say
laughed and teared up multiple times and thought about how impressive and creative entries were and like, the momentum was easy, everything was engaging and intriguing and invigorating and enriching....and Printed Editions (that ship to US & canada) are still available for pre-order, for about another week (also the window given for us going over the digital copy for edits/corrections lol) soooo. again i like haven't seen any f&f movies, and that didn't impede anything at all, and it was a fantastic time:
and another reason i'm like Oh My God So Appropriate To Have Sent In An Entry is how, like, it's all transformative fun and serious yet not somber Media Analysis on media you don't have to have actually even seen, or "like" straightforwardly, or at all, or be the "correct" audience for, or have an "intended" interpretation, lol, lmao....like this is Extremely our shit out here lol, what one is up to all the time in the world of Billions Series Analysis like, personally haven't even seen it, i'm not cishet enough to be the intended audience or otherwise sharing various particular assumed perspectives that are occasionally required to even parse, much less enjoy, some material....and yet!!
and like, if there was an all-autistic contributor's fun fan media analysis / commentary / parody / exploration / transformation / etc zine about billions? it'd be like wow how exactly me, and yet ofc i'd be at way more of a loss at what to scream abt winnie, perhaps ft. & tay, and the overall [billions]ing, much less how to actually execute that lol. it was easier to do a Very 101 Intro To: Cam Stone Exists Btw, nonbinarily, in that i limited myself to One Page so i could actually feasibly get it done, but in doing so i, as expected, could only say a fraction of what i could say about cam, were i explaining things in full / just unleashed, and skim the surface but just go "they exist btw and here's a tiny bit of further 101 info." it's not like, An Issue, b/c i don't think the [everything] that i could say would work great in full, and i can't write a great little short form piece of text about them (or winston, or anything else)....but it was also like, well if a trans f&f zine Doesn't have the trans f&f character in it then what are we doing, and We Know Of Cam Stone, so the most feasible [handing out a flyer] version of telling ppl they exist has gotta be done
and it's like, it's (relatively?) matter of fact to this end of only having so much room to put in words, and definitely ending up having to squeeze lines in vs struggling to fill the space. it could've been weirder, or funnier, or hornier, but it successfully exists and maybe it's a little weird, funny, and horny (drew an Especially [ooh sexy cam stone]-tinged pic lol) and whatever is difficult for me to perceive abt my own personality infusion in whatever, like how i have to be reminded like oh right, my Art Style, the way that Eye draw lol....and of course, i can't and don't expect my one page informative crash course intro to cam stone to be able to be Everything, any more than years' worth of lots of [winston billions] material in various formats of various extensiveness from various angles has been Everything. and the zine as a whole can't be Everything but it is, in fact, So Much abt So Many Things from so many different approaches. i enjoyed everything, especially like, "An Ode to X" as in fast x, which evolves into "x" as an (implicitly nonbinary) in-universe character and i was Moved and teared up, and i see it immediately follows "Jason Statham Will Call My Dad A Pussy In Fast 12" which moved me and made me tear up, which follows an entry that's a haiku about each film, none of which i've seen, which i didn't get misty about of course but was fully engaged with and enjoys, which follows my entry
there's naturally plenty about roads and horizons and racing and speed and i'm also like, i'm a gay who can drive, and i can feel it re: the trans contributor whose entry mine follows which is about their irl experiences driving in a demolition derby, inspired by f&f. and i can feel it re: enjoying f&f beyond how you're "supposed" to, or how you would in a cishet(tm) way, and how so many of these entries had resonance, and that intrigue and engagement, and lenses on where to find explorations of gendering which will kind of Have to come up whenever anything succeeds in approaching things that are genuine and really truly more To Life, even while the point of f&f is not to be "realistic," especially about, you know, the driving and what you can do with cars, which i fully appreciate and definitely understood more for cam stone being in a story ramming through a wall outracing an avalanche hacking cop cars and defusing bombs and ramping over bucket wheel mining excavators and being swept out of the way of a train that was going full speed but silent until like 0.05 sec ago when it also burst through a wall or something? and whomever all is involved with racing like a rocket launch fr. and having fun, being yourself, and killing people, hell yeah
and like, the [this is like my autistic ass out here laser pointing at winston billions as autistic and having that lens on this media that doesn't intend it or directly invoke it] relevance also Of Course in that, through kompenso, that is where it is like yes as i have that personal symposium of ongoing compounding unfolding branching distilling consideration, analysis, appreciation, transformation, etc going on, so too does my colleague as the world's preeminent tayficionado, which is where they looked into akd's oeuvre and found the cam stone material, and passed it on to me, then passed on the [zine call for trans f&f contributions], So
and that, just like as is also found crucially in kompenso / the then preexisting & all eventually following winnie n tay material, there's that Autistic and Trans resonance. some particular quotes from this zine were especially like, oh, pointing, pointing...."Thirty minutes into my visit, I suddenly just didn’t want to be there anymore. I didn’t feel angry, not really very sad at all either. I just longed to be elsewhere. A different place, with different people, within a different moment. And then every cell in my body pleaded to not feel that way in all of my moments, in every group of people, in all places." ....[from a poem, ft. formatting thusly:] "It made me feel important, kind of? Like, more present? Like people talked about me a lot but never exactly about ME, if you know what I mean. I mean, of course sometimes I could feel something inside of me. A sneaking or, like, a skittering. I just kind of figured everyone feels that sometimes, like really deep down, right? It’s just that no one really talks about it, you know. That’s what I figured." ....[from a section of a contribution w/the context of the author not yet knowing that they're trans]: "but he was familiar and didn’t make me think too critically about much in the world, especially myself, especially as he never seemed too interested to ask me about me—not that I would’ve had much insight to share at the time beyond “please do not think too deeply about how I am.”"; and then, w/the context that they do realize, and have expressed, that they're trans: "but I was still learning about the concept of mattering, so I didn’t push the issue of basic respect at the time." ....from another submission, that is Sooo: "maybe i am transing Fast and Furious just by loving it" ...."Discovering, loving, and sharing this franchise (and myself) with others has been such a wildly different experience—maybe even the opposite experience—than self-policing myself into who I thought I should be. It’s nourishing, welcoming—an open invitation to learn and grow rather than an ongoing test to constantly worry about failing."
an ongoing test to constantly worry about failing....here ofc a parallel to Gendering, and, ofc, the autistic & trans [handshake] and resonance, to Autisting....i resonated with plenty, genderingly, but this wasn't a surprise or even like, my focus, and of course not all the entries themselves Textually mention [gendering], but it's like, a trans space in a zine lol, a baseline of that understanding and perspective, vs having to be actively looking. nonzero textual neurodivergence mentions, too, and other lenses of ways to be Othered / non normative, like race, nationality, religion. the overarching, Constant [omg sooo me] resonance is that of like, having this foundation of refusing Limits, of approaching a Rich Text a hundred different ways, w/different tones, and different formats, and different experiences and ideas explored. you don't need the source material to acknowledge any noncishet people textually exist (to be understood by noncishet audiences), or to be deemed Good, or Enjoyed, or your entry to be proffered as like, correct and definitive rather than One exploration you could offer up, amongst many offered by many others who could say more, again, differently....i've been like, balancing excitement for having this contribution, and its being like ooh fancy lol this is the one time i can say i have (non self-)published work, and it'll be Out There, and (including all contributors' gifted copies) apparently that ft. abt a thousand printed copies atm, and the digital distribution option hasn't happened yet....along with, like, it can't even be my comprehensive, definitive [cam stone exists btw] theoretical Ideal Entry lol b/c that would not be feasible for me to make or to be put into a zine. knowing i have Points on my side for it being crucially relevant lore (and the competition being hotter for the small form text entries, though there's other illustrations, comics, collages, edits, etc) like, yeah the strength of this isn't in its being as weird or funny or horny as anything could be, lol....but my Personality is embedded in it as per like, see: how that Journey of relevant interests and enthusiasms and engagements and perspectives and weirder, hornier, more extensive and varied works led up to and contribute to this piece's existence (such as, years of drawing winston 9000 times being part of how my drawing looked in march, when i made the cam stone piece)
and like, in not seeing everything as a test to fail, in seeing [when are you seeing things as that test to fail], &/or similarly/overlappingly seeing [when are you seeing things as a test to Prove Value to others or something and achieve person status in their eyes b/c of it] like, lol, i hope a thousand plus ppl learn cam stone exists, and it'd be fun if they enjoy that process. put in little floaty hearts as flair, just as i often do, b/c by now i just Know and Embrace that i do. and i'm not like "i hope everyone ever is blown away" b/c why would they be lol, and that's fine. like how even in [i just say some shit abt winston billions, and ofc abt myself and my experiences / perspectives through winston billions while knowing that's not what's "meant" out here probably maybe though put me through to will roland, yknow...] i'm like oh don't be thinking abt proving your value w/this specific oeuvre lol like. anyone Caring as validation like, it's too late by now, i like people liking shit and getting anything out of it but it's like, i'm doing my thing, i'm having a specific ass symposium abt quantent and billionsing "wrong" that eye enjoy, i enjoy getting any feedback/attention on shit i put out there in case ppl wanna partake, i don't enjoy any/all of it in any/all ways just so long as it's Anything, yknow. like same with interactions/attention on Me as an autistic person who actually exists, lol. speaking being exhausting when it's ppl saying shit At me, would-be "positive" attention that's from someone like deciding what i'm like or what i'm communicating and wanting something from me, that shared discussion Abt something can only be a gateway into like "normal" exchanges to "normally" socialize, finding that pattern of not being worth effort unless it's effort that gets something out of hurting you / thwarting you; all versus: i have plenty of expertise knowing myself vs needing feedback, i like doing my thing, i like doing my thing Alongside others, probably strangers, within a certain context, like being cooped up at college and socially recharging by going ""alone"" to the coffeeshop down the block, while going "with" people would generally be a mixed bag if not disheartening to even distressing. which, here i am, doing my little thing alongside strangers in this context of transgendering and fun and serious but not not funny and varying and daring and earnest materials exploring something that's about anything or everything or nothing, and not made for You, but here you are anyways, as you always have been
anyways, that is to say, like, perfect that it's turned out so like "yeah you don't need to have seen the movies even" and such enriching Reflections and like, so different and yet cohesive without needing to like, painstakingly group or order things to create some Connections, they're all there, and i'm like damn yeah cam's quarter-mile V neck, so fucking true. and i'm like, this is so Me, without having to be like, "and that is b/c i have put Me on the page, in full, with utmost success, and Everyone Will Love It (Me)" lol, which was not like, a danger, but that's through all the years of going [everything is a test i'm failing / can fail at any moment] and yknow, even up to recently and this very moment wrangling with and realizing things like, hand on shoulder are you looking to "earn" some estimation of Value in others' eyes that they can only choose to give by seeing everyone as a fellow person w/inherent value who deserves basic respect. like the mortality mondays that ramped up since late january, but also since '09, but also since like forever in different forms, and back when first discovering billions and, for like the only time while we've been watching, Knowing when everything in a season will air, but also not thinking i'd get to see it, and now in a similar boat, but different (having done "nothing" on paper over the years but like, been Realizing Things, been powering up, been assigning the Value to myself and Understanding myself & my experiences further. and also other things that you Could put on paper, but yknow), and like, it's still about [grr let me see billions through, even though i don't even see billions] and still about [!!!] despite it all and things that are "unserious" and also not and who needs like a certain kind of validation from enough of certain kinds of people
anyways, the autistique resonance within it, and in the process of reading it, and having our specific path to sending something in, and making it. it's an excellent ride and it's very epic that it exists so consider that print copy preorder if you want (plus the intended eventual digital distribution option, not yet available)
#2 trans 2 furious#cam stone#reiterating this blog's lore like: this [this zine] submission from me made possible by nothingunrealistic.tumblr.com#also featured here as: the world's preeminent tayficionado and in further implicit / indirect presence and relevance#also going Lol at ppl mentioning their adhd vs [these films] or [sitting through Any film] or [these action scenes] like yea same too#not re: specifically having seen these movies lol but. in theory and in my own practice....#something something also just like. rejecting [the test to fail] like i feel like i have less of a buffer or smthing. b/w me & others#not the other way around lol. idk plenty to say and i'm obviously not even raring to say it lmao#if i verbalize shit i'm going to be doing it in Many Words; which takes time & effort; b/c to do it in few words takes too much more time &#effort or occasionally someone else's....and; nonrhetorically; for what#speaking of audhd i Have stepped outside time to Write A Bunch Of Text here; i Have reentered to realize it's half past 5am....#and i haven't made an omelet [weary emoticon] here i go....#but i Did have an easy time spending like all evening / into the night reading right through this whole thing (with some small breaks)#oh yeah and forgot to say my One Edit was saying ''i thought abt saying And I'm Autistic in my bio but then didn't put it in but afterwards#was like i should've put it in so let's put it in'' & noticing like 7 small formatting errors in entirely [not mine] sections & etc lol
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How Mither Went
Either I think has been a massive success, although it isn't quite what we had planned I still think it cam out amazing.
during the production so many moving part were happening and it was honestly very chaotic. I think we struggles not having a solid producer. James had to do a lot of the heavy lifting throughout the whole production, despite have two producers outsourced.
I Was DIT and script supervisor on set and so was mainly helping out when a pair of hands were needed. i think overall the set went very smoothly other that a little bit in the middle where we had an AD who was lovely enough but was not keeping anyone on schedule. that was my first time stepping up and taking on the role of AD as she was sat in the tent writing up the next days call sheets. I found I really enjoyed it and was pretty good at it. we ended up finishing up early that day, despite finishing late on most other days.
the edit is when I ran into a few issues, I found myself finding it really hard to find a story with this film, it was more of a me issue, I think I just had a few things on in life and I wasn't able to perform to the best of my ability. but will Pauls notes I eventually think we got there, and rowens sound has brought out soooo much that I think was missing in the edit which is amazing.
also having my dad on set was a fun wee time

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E and J for ask game?
E = Exhibitionism: Do you like being seen getting off? Ever done anything explicitly hoping to get caught? J = Jack Off: How often do you masturbate and what’s your favorite way to do so? mmmm okay okay okay i'm a little high very energetic and i have thoughts as this is a kink of mine that i have been able to explore a lot more than others soooo prepare for a very long rambly answer ...!!!
i think a lot about exhibitionism in like an i wanna show off and be put on display like let me be an object of lust and desire kinda way like i would love to be justa pretty play thing for somebody showing off for them and their friends but not necessarily thinking about playing in front of strangers much ! i like the thought of being dressed up made to pose all pretty for someone in the bedroom or behind a camera but maybe you take me out in public pull me into your lap and tease me for getting worked up maybe you let your hands be resting under my shirt a little and you whisper dirty things in my ear and watch me squirm ..... i do get that kinda fun nervous lil butterfly feeling thinking about people getting off on the things i post and fantasizing about me but i personally am getting off more on how embarrassing and objectifying it is than like playing with risk that feels a little more scary to push !
i really like the idea of being watched but i haven't gotten off in front of anybody irl ! i've been fantasizing about it more lately thoughh someone making me earn their touch and show off for them maybe denying me their touch because they're enjoying the show .. i have a hard time finishing from self stimulation and i think about like someone using that telling me i gotta cum for them that im not doing enough to earn their touch or im not doing it right so they gently swoop in (after watching me struggle of course) and help me mmm ...i do like to send nudes and vids and i've definitely gotten off on calls and video chatting with other people though ! its a lotta fun like yeah i'll be your pretty cam bunny all day and i'd love to do more of that it's been a long time //// i've definitely experimented in other ways though i have had past partners film me and keep videos to get off on which i think is really hot to be honest i never actually watched them which is a disappoint fr i've also had someone spank me and instruct me to pose for them after so they could take photos of how cute and red my ass was and send them to a group chat with some of their friends and i knew exactly who was in the chat already and it didn't get brought up much but they would all tease me when it did and it turned me on a lot when i was interacting with them and i'd remember that they'd seen me all marked up and on display (i'd really prefer to be knowing than people remaining completely anonymous and getting off on me i think it's hotter and that's why i encourage people to send asks if they do!!) i am also like loud and people always tease me about it telling me if i'm not quiet everyone will know what a whore i am and that i'd probably like that which is likeeee very fun i get so wet and even more whiny in response tbh i did have a partners sister tell me later that i was too loud and she heard me moaning and shit which was really embarrassing in a not hot way i only get off to consenting participants in my fantasies lmao and despite not liking to play with risk as much i definitely have! (from here on is where i finally answer the actual asks lmao) not with like the intent of people seeing or knowing but certainly getting off on the the threat of it had someone finger me while in public and trying to avoid any attention from noises i made or my body language and stay focused on the studying they were supposed to be helping me with was really hot i've also had somebody cover my chest in hickeys and suck on my nipples in public before and almost got caught and i have fucked in public restrooms twice and also taken quite a few nudes in restrooms all pretty hot situations but i feel most comfortable in a controlled environment for safety ! i also really like to dress slutty in public and enjoy the attention i get from it and i've probably accidentally flashed some people before because i own a lotta little crop tops jdjcjc
alsooo i masturbate most days at least a few times a week if i like have the energy and usually i gotta be home and cozy in my own space i've never been able to cum from just my hands alone and don't even really use them anymore whether that's like jerking my clit or penetration (someone else's hands however 🥴) i need toys to help me out i enjoy penetration and i've owned dildos in the past and i would reallyyyy like a new one i've been thinking about it and i do have a vibrator that does internal and external stimulation and i use it a lot not my fav toy i've used but i've come from it externally plenty of times anyways umm i usually watch porn prefer good audio but that's been really boring lately need some better jerk off material :( i also like to play with my nipples sometimes i'll use clamps and i'll choke myself also have spanked myself before and i ammm a big member of the pillow grinding and humping society it does nothing for me but i cannot escape from the dumb needy pet urge to wiggle my hips and grind against and hump things and spend too much time doing that when i scroll on hereeee jdksjd
okay i'm done ramblin i'm so so sorry this got so long ty for ask though<33333
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had a dream mingyu was a youtube vlogger and it was soooo <//////3 it was like a daily life vlog channel where he would film himself going to work, cooking food, doing chores and stuff he would normally do within a week but he never showed his face (ex. vlogs like jihyunkkung, dyeong, plan d) and i dreamt this in his pov thru the cam that he was filming on and like.. i was also his gf and we lived together :,) so i would occasionally appear in his vlogs but we'd never show our faces
IT WAS SO DOMESTIC I WOKE UP SO SAD.. we didn't really say much aside from some simple small talk and greetings/farewells but there were also subtitles in my dream where he would add more context and comments so ig it did the job? 😭 but what i remember from the most from this is one day i had a ballet recital and it started off with him cooking breakfast for the both of us then us getting ready (him for work and me for the rehearsal) and then him dropping me off before heading to work and him leaving work to watch my performance :( and he surprised me outside my dressing room with flowers :(((( then it cut to footage of us walking outside eating street food together :(((((
NAURRRRR THAT’S SUCH A CUTE DREAM 😞😞😞😞 youtuber!mingyu who posts the most aesthetic, calming vlogs of his daily life with u, and his viewers adore them bc they’re so relaxing to watch and u two are just so cute together, even if u don’t show ur faces they can still tell u love eo lots through the little actions and how he’s always putting in little notes in his videos ab how cute u are or how pretty u looked that day 🫶🏻
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Huang Renjun As Your Ex (Clarity Oneshot)

NCT 127 // NCT DREAM // WAYV // Clarity Main Masterlist
A series of oneshots for different groups, for each member, wherein instead of them being your boyfriend, how they will be as your ex.
The Situation
one of the advice your seniors keep repeating to the group is
“Never, I mean never, be in a relationship with an idol at your age. No matter how mature you are, you’re still too young to not feel awkward around them when you fight or break up.”
you and your members just laughed it off
you’re not laughing now after breaking up with huang renjun
one of your guest co-host in knowing bros
The Co-Hosts
when your manager contacted you to tell that you were going to be the guest for knowing bros
you were ecstatic
over the moon excited
even before you became a trainee you watched the show religiously
to the point where you caught up with all episodes and was even watching replays
and after your manager offered you the spot to be a temporary guest host
you were already looking online for uniform like outfits
it was only you knew it wasn’t just you when renjun
yes that guy from nct
came in your dressing room while you were doing a tiktok with heechul
“Oh, sorry. I thought this was the guest dressing room.”
“You’re in the right place! Come in.” Heechul said enthusiastically to the soft-spoken, head bowed Renjun who, just like the Three of you, was already in school uniform.
He briefly greeted his senior before facing you. “Hello, I’m Renjun. I though we would only have me as the temporary host as the guest though.” He said, confused lacing his voice as both of you shook hands.
You chuckled at this before nodding. “Yeah, I’m also a guest host. I think our agency forgot to mention that. Nice meeting you too, sunbaenim. I’m yn.”
“Ah that sounds weird, just call me Renjun.” He visibly cringed when you called him sunbae.
You laughed at his reaction but nodded. After a few more exchanged conversation, you continued with the tiktok but now with Renjun.
after the show aired
everyone was shocked to know that you and renjun were going to host
it was teased that there would be a temporary idol to host
but not Two, let alone Renjun and you
who is part of a just a year old group
but still, everyone had a great feedback with your dynamic
after being teamed up with multiple games
and being in an idol group
you and renjun just clicked
and the run was smooth
heechul then begin teasing the both of you backstage
causing the others to tease you as well
you initially didn’t want to give in
but then ultimately gave up
First Date
knowing you would get a lot of teasing from your ‘hyungs’
you and renjun went on a date in secret
not letting anyone know that you invited him to your apartment
okay maybe some of your members know
and maybe nct dream knows too
still, the date went well
you agreed you would handle the where
and renjun will handle the what
meaning: food and what to do really
he showed up 10 minutes early
and saw you actually set up a fort at the living room
it was hard to miss really
it occupied the entire space
“I’m sorry if I did too much-”
“I love it! You could’ve waited for me and we would’ve assembled it together.”
What Happened?
you only went on a few dates
because you know, yall were idols
fans and schedules and all
but spending time with him during kb was enough
and officially became a couple after a month
called it quits 4 months in
the both of you just wanted more
more time with each other
but also more time for each of your own career
you thought breaking up would give you more space to think
and that it’s really the correct choice
but a day after not reading his unusual morning texts
after not hearing him tell about his day all the while he’s yelling at his members (and hearing their voices most of the time asking how you were)
you missed him already
but you couldn’t go back to him
you would just start thinking about your career again
“You guys should date. Like no joke, I’m serious.”
You and Renjun glanced at each other at the same time, but then looked away immediately as he chuckled. “Uhm, hyung, yn and me? Haha, uhm-”
“We were in a relationship for the past 4 months, but we called it off since we need to focus on our careers first.” You said as you stood up from the chair, following your sentence with a laugh as Heechul looked at you wide eye. “Oh, the staff is calling us. We should go.”
And the End
when you and renjun finished off being the guest host
everyone was quite sad
mostly the fans
for your last episode, you, renjun and the hosts were just watching the very first episode the both of you were in
but then said a very grateful goodbye to the fans and the staff
during this time, you and renjun are still awkward with each other
but still very professional on cam
as the episode aired
you posted on instagram some behind the scenes photos with the caption thanked the fans for welcoming them along with the staffs and crew of the show
meanwhile renjun posted on nct dream’s twitter and his bubble
which just made the fans sadder
that night though, as you were about to call it a night
you received a text

Not Really
it has been 2 months since the last episode filming for kb
and you became the host for Show Champn not long after
along with you were Jaehyun and Naeun
still, you and renjun could just never get away from each other
each interview you would have people would ask if the both of you kept in touch
and how was working with renjun, if not all of the kb host
renjun is dealing with something similar
but since dream would have a comeback
it was just time until you would cross paths again
however, you did have to pay SM a visit since you need to practice an opening number with Jaehyun
you were supposed to be with Naeun but your schedules didn’t aligned
after a brief greeting, the both of you started to practice
which wasn’t really that hard
so it only took a few hours before the both of you called it a night
with your manager, you were simply lounging at the sm cafe when you received a text from renjun

you chuckled at your own reply, knowing he already knows why you were here but would definitely confuse him.
the last time the both of you talked to each other was at the last day of filming, the rest are just social media interactions and some mentions.

instead of him being confused, it seems like it was you who was more confused.
you fixed your position and pulled your phone closer to you.

you then struck up a conversation with your manager, telling him how renjun invited you and at first, he didn’t allowed it as some fans might see and perceived it differently and you have an early taping tomorrow.
but after more persuading and promising to come back at the dorms in less than an hour, he eventually agreed. giving you a specific instruction to text the company driver once you’re done.
you then texted renjun right after, telling him that your manager agreed. instead of replying through text, he opted to call you instead and told you how he was going to come down to get you and told you to go to the elevators.
as soon as you arrived at the elevators, he was already there and the both of you dropped the call.
after greeting each other briefly, he guided you to their dorms. following him at the elevators as he pressed a number. as the doors closed, he leaned to the side, same as you. “how was working with jaehyun-hyung?”
“he’s amazing, very gentle guy.”
“who is the better sunbae though?”
you pretended to think for a bit, which renjun replied by looking at you with disgust, earning a laugh from you. “of course it’s you.” renjun nodded, satisfied.
silence then followed, just as when he seems like he is about to say something, the elevator doors opened. he let you out first, waiting for him once you get out so the both of you side by side.
before you could even reach their dorms, you could already hear yelling. and once renjun opened the door, you could see the dreamies scattered over the place. the most prominent once was jeno and jisung slapping each other’s hands, even hearing a “let’s wait for yn-”
renjun groaned at the sight and turned to you. “I’m so sorry you have to see them like this, it’s usually not this messy and noisy. Most of the time they’re asleep.”
you only laughed at this, renjun introducing you to each other soon after and was finally able to get a taste of the cupcakes they made.
admittedly, it wasn’t the best. but it was edible and above average for someone who only started out baking and only did it because the video games were lagging.
you offered to do the dishes but was then denied by almost everyone, telling you that you were the guest and it wasn’t nice to clean up their mess. because of this, you were given some time with renjun, who invited you to his room.
as you entered, you noticed how not a lot changed. you have been here before, but mostly when no one was around beside you and him.
“hey, you still have porkchop!” you exclaimed, grabbing the blue and yellow fish you from renjun’s bedside.
he chuckled while nodding, even if you couldn’t see as you were too busy examining 1/2 of the prize you got from a game you played at kb.
“of course, do you still have fillet?”
“yeah, just showered her and all yesterday too.” you answered, referring to the small pig stuff toy that has a pajama outfit.
you placed porkchop back at his position before walking to his chair, renjun sitting down at the edge of the bed facing you. “soooo, how have you been?” renjun asked, nervousness lacing his voice.
you just nodded in reply. “the hosting isn’t easy nowadays since we’re about to start preparations for our comeback but yeah, it’s something I could handle.” you leaned back to the chair as you answered, renjun nodding at your answer. “how about you? missing me enough to invite me, huh?” you joked.
“to be honest, I do. I saw how you were having fun with jaehyun-hyung, you really do know how to leave an impression you work with.” his replied caught you off guard.
you were speechless, not knowing what to say. your eyes started looking around the room, but his eyes on you was burning too much for you not to feel. as you are supposed to respond, your phone rang.
you sighed and pulled it out, seeing it was the company driver. after a short acknowledgement, you closed your phone again and look at renjun with frustrations. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”
renjun smiled at this and nodded, standing up from his bed the same time you stood up from the chair as he stretched a bit. “let me walk you to the elevator?”
you nodded at this, renjun opening the door to let you out first. saying your goodbye to the members as you and renjun walked the empty hallways, renjun sprinting out a bit as an elevator was about to close.
you thanked him as you stepped in. “thanks for today, renjun-ah.”
“no problem, yn.” you were looking at him as the elevators doors was closing in. when there was barely anything of renjun left, you let out a sigh and immediately pressed the open button, startling renjun was about to walk away from the elevator. “did you forgot anything?”
“maybe we should get dinner sometime, just the two of us. soon.”
renjun smiled widely at this, before nodding. “sure, just tell me when you’re available?”
“yeah. okay now I really need to go, bye renjun.”
“text me when you’re home so I know, I’ll see you around yn.”
#what is this?#idk#renjun#huang renjun#renjun imagines#huang renjun imagines#renjun oneshots#renjun oneshot#huang renjun oneshot#huang renjun oneshots#nct#nct dream#nct imagines#nct dream imagines#nct dream oneshots#renjun fluff#nct fluff#nct dream fluff
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repost, don’t reblog.
– one / name / alias. Cam/Tycho – two / birthday. May 25th – three / zodiac sign. Gemini – four / height. 5′10′‘ – five / hobbies. Writing, competitive smash, long walks, fashion, GAYming, listening to Eurobeat, listening to Japanese Citypop, driving + racing, blogging on my personal for all them mfuckin’ aesthetics. – six / favourite colors. Pastels, honestly. Literally almost any pastel. – seven / favourite books. UhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- – eight / last song listened to. Toshiki Kadomatsu - Fly By Day – nine / last film watched. UHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhHHHH-- – ten / inspiration for muse. I really liked Incineroar’s design despite a lot of babies giving it flack for basically being furry bait. I’ve always been really good at drawing out large, hammy characters by making them incredibly fun to read while at the same time giving them development that makes them intriguing. Thus, I made Keahi and I haven’t really regretted it since he really is a super fun character when I need to take a break from reality! – eleven / dream job. Clinical Therapist! I’m currently heading my own independent research studies for my university to get ever closer to this goal. I would also love to eventually be a professor at a prestigious university and be a respected authority in the social sciences while being the first in my family to hold a PhD. – twelve / meaning behind your url. It’s just a funny corruption of Wrestlemania and it also ties into Keahi’s most dedicated fans, the Incinemaniacs.
tagged by: @sternenteile + @ghostbustingreen. Ily both soooo fuckin’ much.
tagging: @cosmcther @drylicu @morningtomes @lylxt @smashmeltingpot @theswordqueen @lycanrocspirit @lycanastrophe @drxgon-soul @dragon-prince-behemoth @tazmily-farm-boy, and YOU!
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Southern Charm Recap: Can They Get Any More White?
I have emerged from my two-day hangover solely to write this weeks recap. Guess killing brain cells is one of my hobbies now.
When we left off I wasnt sure if I was Team Kathryn or Team Whitney, and I dont think thats ever going to get resolved tbh. However, I did just notice Kathryns facial expression in the opening sequence more or less sums up her entire personality.
Thomas and JD, back at it again with the polo. Cause that ended really well the last time. Can they get any more white?
Whitney has some fruit salad and is making coffee and Larissas like, If that’s cooking, I’m about to be the next winner of.
Whitney trying to explain what going steady means to Larissa is pretty hilarious tho.
Kathryn andKody? Corey? Fuck, I forgetare getting a seaweed facial or some shit, AKA Bravo is pampering them so they can talk shit in style. Nice.
Kathryn is bummed that once she has her baby she has to go home alone with her two children.
Kathryn: Im a 24-year-old soon-to-be mother of two. If you dont think Im overwhelmed and nervous then you dont think.
Wow that was like, unnecessarily aggressive Kath.
Cooper? Cooper! Calls Thomas a 50-year-old playboy and is like,
Cooper: Instead of letting it frustrating you I just say let it strengthen you.
Cooper is the moral compass this show needs.
Meanwhile Thomas is sipping bourbon with JD on his porch because Kathryn really needs him.
JD: Hows the baby? Thomas: The doctor said fine… JD looks skeptical, because Im sure he knows better than a trained doctor.
JD: Kathryn moving up the due date seems awfully peculiarseems suspect.
JD is a regular Hardy Boy over here.
JD: I think women dont like being asked for paternity tests.
JD is like, and Thomas is like, Its clear hes forgotten who hes about to have a kid with because Kathryn is NOT going to be down with Thomas basically accusing her of slutting it up and then trying to trap him into fatherhood. JUST SAYING.
Its date night with Craig and Naomie. Craig chooses going to L.A. over the biggest event for his company, because hes never been to L.A. before. And Craig wonders why hes not allowed to head a bourbon division. I don’t foresee this ending well AT ALL. Craig, youre a fucking idiot and for once Naomie is in the right to tell you youre fucking up.
Craig: Do you see how hard Im trying to justify this?
Yeah, because you KNOW YOURE IN THE WRONG. Thats literally what justification is.
Cameran and Landon meet up for a candle-making class and I am kind of jealous because that low-key sounds fun. Landons explaining her travel guide to Cam, so Im going to take a quick nap.
Cameran: I think its hard for Landon bc she was a typical Southern stereotype of the woman who got married young and was taken care of and she doesnt have that anymore.
Wait, how is this the first Im hearing of this failed first marriage? How has this NEVER come up before this season??
Cameran: So any man prospects? Landon: IDK not really its kind of sad and pathetic.
Landon is like Same tho. Cameran: Do you think the reason youre not meeting anyone is because you want something to work out with Shep? Landon:…Yeah
Cameran and I are both like, FINALLY!
*Cue a montage of them looking really couple-y* I’m rooting for you guys!
Landon brings up every middle schoolers dilemma which is that if she dates Shep, then shell lose him as a friend. Can we get like, a violin quartet to score some melodramatic music or something?
Craig and Shep make it to L.A. and Whitneys bachelor pad is sick. I guess this is what that Bravo money gets you. On an unrelated note, I have a very compelling idea for a new reality show, if you wanna get on board Bravo, Ill get you in at the ground level.
Craig: I wouldve had FOMO if I hadnt gotten to come out heresothanks.
Whitney: Meh whatevs
Whitney: #NewCraig has taken on this persona thats like, not chill dude.
Whitney basically lets it go with the caveat that he may never fully trust Craig again. Eh, Im sure theyll be fine.
Shep: You know when youre perfectly drunk and youre really good at pool? Is that like when Im really drunk and I think Im really good at dancing?
Classic Shmosby.
Larissa crashes the boys weekend which is not at all chill. Larissa is, I guess, the WGG of the group.
Shep: Should I change? I dont want to look all fratty and Southern.
Well that ship sailed like, approximately 36 years ago. Whitney makes a joke about waking up in the morning covered in blood and vomit. Was he secretly with me and my friends this weekend? Unclear. V. possible.
These two slutty-looking blondes show up and Shep is in fucking heaven. Craig low-key wants to kill himself.
Whitney: The goofy, disarming thing works in Charleston but not so much in L.A.
I’m sorry, Whitney, but who you callin goofy? You’re not exactly a chiseled Greek god over there. Whitney takes a casual shot at Craigs bourbon knowledge, or lack thereof, and now that hes gotten that off his chest this friendship is back on track.
The aftermath of Whitneys party looks a lot like the scene I dealt with Sunday morning. So, like, maybe they really were there.
Whitney: The marker of a good boys weekend is a pool of vomit with a partially digested meatball in the middle.
Whitney talks about how Shep didnt get any last night and Whitney said he had a meeting with Hand Solo which made me LOL.
Sheps like, and Im getting soooo mf sick of this trope. I am convinced Shep just acts this way because y’all expect him to be a fuckboy and nobody challenges him or holds him to a higher standard. Also, there’s just no way his dick games that good. THERE IS NO WAY.
JD is on the phone with Paula and SURPRISE, Craig basically didnt do shit for this festival yet still wants to be head of the bourbon division. The entitlement is strong with this one. Craigs phone is dead, party casualty, so JD is calling around to all Craigs friends like the angry dad he is. Did I mention this was dumb af, Craig?
Also, LMAO at how hungover they all look. Their hangovers are giving me life.
Craig: I just feel like Im being used to do all the bitchwork and its annoying. I lied, THIS is the whitest thing to happen on this show.
Shep: People take work too seriously. What happened to just drinking beer and laughing your balls off?
Yeah Shep, I think this may be why your restaurant is struggling to pay the rent.
Thomas and Kathryn are discussing the ins and outs of labor, which I will file away for future knowledge. Thomas calls Kathryn an expert at giving birth which is like, kind of rude lol. But I guess also accurate?
Kathryns opening up to Thomas about being alone this time around, looking up at him with big doe eyes, and Thomas is like,SHUT DOWN.
Thomas: The timing is really bad for me, could you just like, not give birth rn?
Kathryn: Thats why I like having you around, youre like a calming presence IDK why.
Kathryn, do you know what calming means? Im starting to think not.
Back at Whitneys, some massage therapist named Megan shows up, and Shep clearly has a boner.
Shep: So youre gonna give us all massages now?
Megan: Its like holding space to really connect more with yourself.
Shep is blatantly sexually harassing this poor girl. JFC. This is so creepy. Tone it the fuck down.
JD & Co. is launching his bourbon line at Charleston Cup, this horse race in Charleston. Craig is nowhere to be found, shockingly.
JD: Work isnt all roses and cherries. Sometimes its dirt and trenches.
Im putting that on a needlepoint for my office.
Sheps not going because his grandpa died. OK thats actually like, very sad. My condolences.
We will now resume with our regularly scheduled program of shit-talking.
Craig is taking forever to get readyCraig and Chad from are both the secret Betches interns.
Craig is hungover with an upset stomach and a sinus infection, which is literally what happens to me every time I drink. AKA right now. We’ll get through this, Craig. Emergen-c and green tea all mf day.
Cams like,
Craig apparently slept in and didnt do anything to help JD set up. Which, Im not surprised by, but again, is a really bad move for when youre trying to show initiative.
Cameran: #NewCraig is starting to run its course because at this point hes becoming #OldCraig
Dannis dropping some random whiskey fun facts and Craig is like, Fuck the bourbon division, Im not sure Craig is qualified to have any job at Gentry HQ, PERIOD. How the fuck is he going to be a lawyer if he never wants to do work? He’s gonna have a rude awakening if he ever makes it to first-year associate (I have heard).
Craig is there for all of two minutes and is already like, fuck this Im leaving.
Oh JK Craig didnt actually leave. JD gives a speech and what do you wanna bet Craig is gonna get shafted in this thank-you speech?
Wait for it..
BOOM. SHAFTED. I called it.
Cameran is so into this race its scary. How much money did she put down on that horse? Judging by her reaction to losing, Id say a lot.
Once again JD is dressed like a 1920s fat cat. Live your truth, JD.
JDs like, and Craig is like,
JD: Do you think you should have gone out of town? Craig: I mean Ive never had to give up a trip for a job so
Oh boy, Craig. I fear for you in the real world. I really do.
At Kathryns, she and Thomas are eating dinner. Kathryns going into labor tomorrow morning. I hope they dont actually film her birth. That would be kind of fucked.
Thomas: I want to have a traditional family, hear the shnookums running around, hear the house fill with laughter.
Lol, “shnookums” only makes me think of one thing:
Thomas: I still love Kathryn, I care about her but Im afraid a day of reckoning is forthcoming.
Kathryn asks Thomas how he feels and he says hes apprehensive and shes like, BRUH, FEEL APPREHENSIVE?!
Kathryn: If I say anything mean to you tomorrow just give me a free pass.
OK thats fair, she is giving birth and all.
Kathryn gets up and eats some generic brand Lucky Charms before giving birth. I take it all back, she really is struggling with money.
OK low blow. Sorry. Kind of.
Seeing the sheer amount of diapers in Kathryns house is enough to make me never forget to take my birth control.
Thomas: For some reason, maybe through divine intervention we were brought together. Steven Spielberg I believe said, Ive made a lot of movies, but my greatest creation of all was a child.
So I wonder at what point Thomas is gonna be like Who am I kidding, theyre gonna drag that out at least over the course of another epsiode.
OK enough shit-talking from me. That baby is cute. What did they name him?? How they gonna leave us hanging like that?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/03/16/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/
0 notes
Southern Charm Recap: Can They Get Any More White?
I have emerged from my two-day hangover solely to write this weeks recap. Guess killing brain cells is one of my hobbies now.
When we left off I wasnt sure if I was Team Kathryn or Team Whitney, and I dont think thats ever going to get resolved tbh. However, I did just notice Kathryns facial expression in the opening sequence more or less sums up her entire personality.
Thomas and JD, back at it again with the polo. Cause that ended really well the last time. Can they get any more white?
Whitney has some fruit salad and is making coffee and Larissas like, If that’s cooking, I’m about to be the next winner of.
Whitney trying to explain what going steady means to Larissa is pretty hilarious tho.
Kathryn andKody? Corey? Fuck, I forgetare getting a seaweed facial or some shit, AKA Bravo is pampering them so they can talk shit in style. Nice.
Kathryn is bummed that once she has her baby she has to go home alone with her two children.
Kathryn: Im a 24-year-old soon-to-be mother of two. If you dont think Im overwhelmed and nervous then you dont think.
Wow that was like, unnecessarily aggressive Kath.
Cooper? Cooper! Calls Thomas a 50-year-old playboy and is like,
Cooper: Instead of letting it frustrating you I just say let it strengthen you.
Cooper is the moral compass this show needs.
Meanwhile Thomas is sipping bourbon with JD on his porch because Kathryn really needs him.
JD: Hows the baby? Thomas: The doctor said fine… JD looks skeptical, because Im sure he knows better than a trained doctor.
JD: Kathryn moving up the due date seems awfully peculiarseems suspect.
JD is a regular Hardy Boy over here.
JD: I think women dont like being asked for paternity tests.
JD is like, and Thomas is like, Its clear hes forgotten who hes about to have a kid with because Kathryn is NOT going to be down with Thomas basically accusing her of slutting it up and then trying to trap him into fatherhood. JUST SAYING.
Its date night with Craig and Naomie. Craig chooses going to L.A. over the biggest event for his company, because hes never been to L.A. before. And Craig wonders why hes not allowed to head a bourbon division. I don’t foresee this ending well AT ALL. Craig, youre a fucking idiot and for once Naomie is in the right to tell you youre fucking up.
Craig: Do you see how hard Im trying to justify this?
Yeah, because you KNOW YOURE IN THE WRONG. Thats literally what justification is.
Cameran and Landon meet up for a candle-making class and I am kind of jealous because that low-key sounds fun. Landons explaining her travel guide to Cam, so Im going to take a quick nap.
Cameran: I think its hard for Landon bc she was a typical Southern stereotype of the woman who got married young and was taken care of and she doesnt have that anymore.
Wait, how is this the first Im hearing of this failed first marriage? How has this NEVER come up before this season??
Cameran: So any man prospects? Landon: IDK not really its kind of sad and pathetic.
Landon is like Same tho. Cameran: Do you think the reason youre not meeting anyone is because you want something to work out with Shep? Landon:…Yeah
Cameran and I are both like, FINALLY!
*Cue a montage of them looking really couple-y* I’m rooting for you guys!
Landon brings up every middle schoolers dilemma which is that if she dates Shep, then shell lose him as a friend. Can we get like, a violin quartet to score some melodramatic music or something?
Craig and Shep make it to L.A. and Whitneys bachelor pad is sick. I guess this is what that Bravo money gets you. On an unrelated note, I have a very compelling idea for a new reality show, if you wanna get on board Bravo, Ill get you in at the ground level.
Craig: I wouldve had FOMO if I hadnt gotten to come out heresothanks.
Whitney: Meh whatevs
Whitney: #NewCraig has taken on this persona thats like, not chill dude.
Whitney basically lets it go with the caveat that he may never fully trust Craig again. Eh, Im sure theyll be fine.
Shep: You know when youre perfectly drunk and youre really good at pool? Is that like when Im really drunk and I think Im really good at dancing?
Classic Shmosby.
Larissa crashes the boys weekend which is not at all chill. Larissa is, I guess, the WGG of the group.
Shep: Should I change? I dont want to look all fratty and Southern.
Well that ship sailed like, approximately 36 years ago. Whitney makes a joke about waking up in the morning covered in blood and vomit. Was he secretly with me and my friends this weekend? Unclear. V. possible.
These two slutty-looking blondes show up and Shep is in fucking heaven. Craig low-key wants to kill himself.
Whitney: The goofy, disarming thing works in Charleston but not so much in L.A.
I’m sorry, Whitney, but who you callin goofy? You’re not exactly a chiseled Greek god over there. Whitney takes a casual shot at Craigs bourbon knowledge, or lack thereof, and now that hes gotten that off his chest this friendship is back on track.
The aftermath of Whitneys party looks a lot like the scene I dealt with Sunday morning. So, like, maybe they really were there.
Whitney: The marker of a good boys weekend is a pool of vomit with a partially digested meatball in the middle.
Whitney talks about how Shep didnt get any last night and Whitney said he had a meeting with Hand Solo which made me LOL.
Sheps like, and Im getting soooo mf sick of this trope. I am convinced Shep just acts this way because y’all expect him to be a fuckboy and nobody challenges him or holds him to a higher standard. Also, there’s just no way his dick games that good. THERE IS NO WAY.
JD is on the phone with Paula and SURPRISE, Craig basically didnt do shit for this festival yet still wants to be head of the bourbon division. The entitlement is strong with this one. Craigs phone is dead, party casualty, so JD is calling around to all Craigs friends like the angry dad he is. Did I mention this was dumb af, Craig?
Also, LMAO at how hungover they all look. Their hangovers are giving me life.
Craig: I just feel like Im being used to do all the bitchwork and its annoying. I lied, THIS is the whitest thing to happen on this show.
Shep: People take work too seriously. What happened to just drinking beer and laughing your balls off?
Yeah Shep, I think this may be why your restaurant is struggling to pay the rent.
Thomas and Kathryn are discussing the ins and outs of labor, which I will file away for future knowledge. Thomas calls Kathryn an expert at giving birth which is like, kind of rude lol. But I guess also accurate?
Kathryns opening up to Thomas about being alone this time around, looking up at him with big doe eyes, and Thomas is like,SHUT DOWN.
Thomas: The timing is really bad for me, could you just like, not give birth rn?
Kathryn: Thats why I like having you around, youre like a calming presence IDK why.
Kathryn, do you know what calming means? Im starting to think not.
Back at Whitneys, some massage therapist named Megan shows up, and Shep clearly has a boner.
Shep: So youre gonna give us all massages now?
Megan: Its like holding space to really connect more with yourself.
Shep is blatantly sexually harassing this poor girl. JFC. This is so creepy. Tone it the fuck down.
JD & Co. is launching his bourbon line at Charleston Cup, this horse race in Charleston. Craig is nowhere to be found, shockingly.
JD: Work isnt all roses and cherries. Sometimes its dirt and trenches.
Im putting that on a needlepoint for my office.
Sheps not going because his grandpa died. OK thats actually like, very sad. My condolences.
We will now resume with our regularly scheduled program of shit-talking.
Craig is taking forever to get readyCraig and Chad from are both the secret Betches interns.
Craig is hungover with an upset stomach and a sinus infection, which is literally what happens to me every time I drink. AKA right now. We’ll get through this, Craig. Emergen-c and green tea all mf day.
Cams like,
Craig apparently slept in and didnt do anything to help JD set up. Which, Im not surprised by, but again, is a really bad move for when youre trying to show initiative.
Cameran: #NewCraig is starting to run its course because at this point hes becoming #OldCraig
Dannis dropping some random whiskey fun facts and Craig is like, Fuck the bourbon division, Im not sure Craig is qualified to have any job at Gentry HQ, PERIOD. How the fuck is he going to be a lawyer if he never wants to do work? He’s gonna have a rude awakening if he ever makes it to first-year associate (I have heard).
Craig is there for all of two minutes and is already like, fuck this Im leaving.
Oh JK Craig didnt actually leave. JD gives a speech and what do you wanna bet Craig is gonna get shafted in this thank-you speech?
Wait for it..
BOOM. SHAFTED. I called it.
Cameran is so into this race its scary. How much money did she put down on that horse? Judging by her reaction to losing, Id say a lot.
Once again JD is dressed like a 1920s fat cat. Live your truth, JD.
JDs like, and Craig is like,
JD: Do you think you should have gone out of town? Craig: I mean Ive never had to give up a trip for a job so
Oh boy, Craig. I fear for you in the real world. I really do.
At Kathryns, she and Thomas are eating dinner. Kathryns going into labor tomorrow morning. I hope they dont actually film her birth. That would be kind of fucked.
Thomas: I want to have a traditional family, hear the shnookums running around, hear the house fill with laughter.
Lol, “shnookums” only makes me think of one thing:
Thomas: I still love Kathryn, I care about her but Im afraid a day of reckoning is forthcoming.
Kathryn asks Thomas how he feels and he says hes apprehensive and shes like, BRUH, FEEL APPREHENSIVE?!
Kathryn: If I say anything mean to you tomorrow just give me a free pass.
OK thats fair, she is giving birth and all.
Kathryn gets up and eats some generic brand Lucky Charms before giving birth. I take it all back, she really is struggling with money.
OK low blow. Sorry. Kind of.
Seeing the sheer amount of diapers in Kathryns house is enough to make me never forget to take my birth control.
Thomas: For some reason, maybe through divine intervention we were brought together. Steven Spielberg I believe said, Ive made a lot of movies, but my greatest creation of all was a child.
So I wonder at what point Thomas is gonna be like Who am I kidding, theyre gonna drag that out at least over the course of another epsiode.
OK enough shit-talking from me. That baby is cute. What did they name him?? How they gonna leave us hanging like that?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
source http://allofbeer.com/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2018/03/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any.html
0 notes
Southern Charm Recap: Can They Get Any More White?
I have emerged from my two-day hangover solely to write this weeks recap. Guess killing brain cells is one of my hobbies now.
When we left off I wasnt sure if I was Team Kathryn or Team Whitney, and I dont think thats ever going to get resolved tbh. However, I did just notice Kathryns facial expression in the opening sequence more or less sums up her entire personality.
Thomas and JD, back at it again with the polo. Cause that ended really well the last time. Can they get any more white?
Whitney has some fruit salad and is making coffee and Larissas like, If that’s cooking, I’m about to be the next winner of.
Whitney trying to explain what going steady means to Larissa is pretty hilarious tho.
Kathryn andKody? Corey? Fuck, I forgetare getting a seaweed facial or some shit, AKA Bravo is pampering them so they can talk shit in style. Nice.
Kathryn is bummed that once she has her baby she has to go home alone with her two children.
Kathryn: Im a 24-year-old soon-to-be mother of two. If you dont think Im overwhelmed and nervous then you dont think.
Wow that was like, unnecessarily aggressive Kath.
Cooper? Cooper! Calls Thomas a 50-year-old playboy and is like,
Cooper: Instead of letting it frustrating you I just say let it strengthen you.
Cooper is the moral compass this show needs.
Meanwhile Thomas is sipping bourbon with JD on his porch because Kathryn really needs him.
JD: Hows the baby? Thomas: The doctor said fine… JD looks skeptical, because Im sure he knows better than a trained doctor.
JD: Kathryn moving up the due date seems awfully peculiarseems suspect.
JD is a regular Hardy Boy over here.
JD: I think women dont like being asked for paternity tests.
JD is like, and Thomas is like, Its clear hes forgotten who hes about to have a kid with because Kathryn is NOT going to be down with Thomas basically accusing her of slutting it up and then trying to trap him into fatherhood. JUST SAYING.
Its date night with Craig and Naomie. Craig chooses going to L.A. over the biggest event for his company, because hes never been to L.A. before. And Craig wonders why hes not allowed to head a bourbon division. I don’t foresee this ending well AT ALL. Craig, youre a fucking idiot and for once Naomie is in the right to tell you youre fucking up.
Craig: Do you see how hard Im trying to justify this?
Yeah, because you KNOW YOURE IN THE WRONG. Thats literally what justification is.
Cameran and Landon meet up for a candle-making class and I am kind of jealous because that low-key sounds fun. Landons explaining her travel guide to Cam, so Im going to take a quick nap.
Cameran: I think its hard for Landon bc she was a typical Southern stereotype of the woman who got married young and was taken care of and she doesnt have that anymore.
Wait, how is this the first Im hearing of this failed first marriage? How has this NEVER come up before this season??
Cameran: So any man prospects? Landon: IDK not really its kind of sad and pathetic.
Landon is like Same tho. Cameran: Do you think the reason youre not meeting anyone is because you want something to work out with Shep? Landon:…Yeah
Cameran and I are both like, FINALLY!
*Cue a montage of them looking really couple-y* I’m rooting for you guys!
Landon brings up every middle schoolers dilemma which is that if she dates Shep, then shell lose him as a friend. Can we get like, a violin quartet to score some melodramatic music or something?
Craig and Shep make it to L.A. and Whitneys bachelor pad is sick. I guess this is what that Bravo money gets you. On an unrelated note, I have a very compelling idea for a new reality show, if you wanna get on board Bravo, Ill get you in at the ground level.
Craig: I wouldve had FOMO if I hadnt gotten to come out heresothanks.
Whitney: Meh whatevs
Whitney: #NewCraig has taken on this persona thats like, not chill dude.
Whitney basically lets it go with the caveat that he may never fully trust Craig again. Eh, Im sure theyll be fine.
Shep: You know when youre perfectly drunk and youre really good at pool? Is that like when Im really drunk and I think Im really good at dancing?
Classic Shmosby.
Larissa crashes the boys weekend which is not at all chill. Larissa is, I guess, the WGG of the group.
Shep: Should I change? I dont want to look all fratty and Southern.
Well that ship sailed like, approximately 36 years ago. Whitney makes a joke about waking up in the morning covered in blood and vomit. Was he secretly with me and my friends this weekend? Unclear. V. possible.
These two slutty-looking blondes show up and Shep is in fucking heaven. Craig low-key wants to kill himself.
Whitney: The goofy, disarming thing works in Charleston but not so much in L.A.
I’m sorry, Whitney, but who you callin goofy? You’re not exactly a chiseled Greek god over there. Whitney takes a casual shot at Craigs bourbon knowledge, or lack thereof, and now that hes gotten that off his chest this friendship is back on track.
The aftermath of Whitneys party looks a lot like the scene I dealt with Sunday morning. So, like, maybe they really were there.
Whitney: The marker of a good boys weekend is a pool of vomit with a partially digested meatball in the middle.
Whitney talks about how Shep didnt get any last night and Whitney said he had a meeting with Hand Solo which made me LOL.
Sheps like, and Im getting soooo mf sick of this trope. I am convinced Shep just acts this way because y’all expect him to be a fuckboy and nobody challenges him or holds him to a higher standard. Also, there’s just no way his dick games that good. THERE IS NO WAY.
JD is on the phone with Paula and SURPRISE, Craig basically didnt do shit for this festival yet still wants to be head of the bourbon division. The entitlement is strong with this one. Craigs phone is dead, party casualty, so JD is calling around to all Craigs friends like the angry dad he is. Did I mention this was dumb af, Craig?
Also, LMAO at how hungover they all look. Their hangovers are giving me life.
Craig: I just feel like Im being used to do all the bitchwork and its annoying. I lied, THIS is the whitest thing to happen on this show.
Shep: People take work too seriously. What happened to just drinking beer and laughing your balls off?
Yeah Shep, I think this may be why your restaurant is struggling to pay the rent.
Thomas and Kathryn are discussing the ins and outs of labor, which I will file away for future knowledge. Thomas calls Kathryn an expert at giving birth which is like, kind of rude lol. But I guess also accurate?
Kathryns opening up to Thomas about being alone this time around, looking up at him with big doe eyes, and Thomas is like,SHUT DOWN.
Thomas: The timing is really bad for me, could you just like, not give birth rn?
Kathryn: Thats why I like having you around, youre like a calming presence IDK why.
Kathryn, do you know what calming means? Im starting to think not.
Back at Whitneys, some massage therapist named Megan shows up, and Shep clearly has a boner.
Shep: So youre gonna give us all massages now?
Megan: Its like holding space to really connect more with yourself.
Shep is blatantly sexually harassing this poor girl. JFC. This is so creepy. Tone it the fuck down.
JD & Co. is launching his bourbon line at Charleston Cup, this horse race in Charleston. Craig is nowhere to be found, shockingly.
JD: Work isnt all roses and cherries. Sometimes its dirt and trenches.
Im putting that on a needlepoint for my office.
Sheps not going because his grandpa died. OK thats actually like, very sad. My condolences.
We will now resume with our regularly scheduled program of shit-talking.
Craig is taking forever to get readyCraig and Chad from are both the secret Betches interns.
Craig is hungover with an upset stomach and a sinus infection, which is literally what happens to me every time I drink. AKA right now. We’ll get through this, Craig. Emergen-c and green tea all mf day.
Cams like,
Craig apparently slept in and didnt do anything to help JD set up. Which, Im not surprised by, but again, is a really bad move for when youre trying to show initiative.
Cameran: #NewCraig is starting to run its course because at this point hes becoming #OldCraig
Dannis dropping some random whiskey fun facts and Craig is like, Fuck the bourbon division, Im not sure Craig is qualified to have any job at Gentry HQ, PERIOD. How the fuck is he going to be a lawyer if he never wants to do work? He’s gonna have a rude awakening if he ever makes it to first-year associate (I have heard).
Craig is there for all of two minutes and is already like, fuck this Im leaving.
Oh JK Craig didnt actually leave. JD gives a speech and what do you wanna bet Craig is gonna get shafted in this thank-you speech?
Wait for it..
BOOM. SHAFTED. I called it.
Cameran is so into this race its scary. How much money did she put down on that horse? Judging by her reaction to losing, Id say a lot.
Once again JD is dressed like a 1920s fat cat. Live your truth, JD.
JDs like, and Craig is like,
JD: Do you think you should have gone out of town? Craig: I mean Ive never had to give up a trip for a job so
Oh boy, Craig. I fear for you in the real world. I really do.
At Kathryns, she and Thomas are eating dinner. Kathryns going into labor tomorrow morning. I hope they dont actually film her birth. That would be kind of fucked.
Thomas: I want to have a traditional family, hear the shnookums running around, hear the house fill with laughter.
Lol, “shnookums” only makes me think of one thing:
Thomas: I still love Kathryn, I care about her but Im afraid a day of reckoning is forthcoming.
Kathryn asks Thomas how he feels and he says hes apprehensive and shes like, BRUH, FEEL APPREHENSIVE?!
Kathryn: If I say anything mean to you tomorrow just give me a free pass.
OK thats fair, she is giving birth and all.
Kathryn gets up and eats some generic brand Lucky Charms before giving birth. I take it all back, she really is struggling with money.
OK low blow. Sorry. Kind of.
Seeing the sheer amount of diapers in Kathryns house is enough to make me never forget to take my birth control.
Thomas: For some reason, maybe through divine intervention we were brought together. Steven Spielberg I believe said, Ive made a lot of movies, but my greatest creation of all was a child.
So I wonder at what point Thomas is gonna be like Who am I kidding, theyre gonna drag that out at least over the course of another epsiode.
OK enough shit-talking from me. That baby is cute. What did they name him?? How they gonna leave us hanging like that?
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/171944066947
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