#also i offer these 20+usd doodles at any time
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mintmoth · 10 months ago
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Thank you doodles!!
These are for an unnamed account, Seungmina56, Acidbubblegum99, hamstergal, Reunis, Ella Cullen, Hallie, SoulSurgeon, and Judai from over on kofi! Thank you to everyone again!
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pumpyriah · 3 months ago
Please help an unemployed brown mixed disabled trans person sustain their family + help their parents leave venezuela
Hello tumblr dot com users! I'm Ren, a trans and disabled venezuelan trying to get back into art. And as of the 1st of nov 2024 I'm officially unemployed and really, really broke 🥲
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If you want a more extended version of our situation you can reffer to my last post thread from months ago, I decided to finally create this one as an updated version.
Summarizing and updating extremely quickly what has happened this last time: The humanitarian Parole is no longer available, The Darien has become way more dangerous and inaccesible to cross and the Panama goverment is going to get toughter, considering this is a mostly usamerican site I hope I don't have to mention what happened this month over there, and obviously there's certainty shit isn't going to get any better from this point onwards. Things have changed so much that my mother started considering emigrating to Spain.
As some of the people close to me know, I really dislike being in the necessity of e-begging without at least offering something in return to people helping me because I don't feel ok doing so otherwise. That's why in this post I have several avenues to help me depending on what anyone might preffer.
Our current plan is to keep saving as much as we can while we wait and hope for a relative of my father to present a Family Reunification TPS while there is still chance, if neither of those don't work or something happens, we'll help either him or my mother go to Spain instead. We are definitively not giving up, but that doesn't mean things didn't get harder.
❗Some of the most urgent needs we're currently trying to cover:
7-12$ Bug poison. We have an extreme problem of cockroach infestation
20-25$ Rispheridona resupply
10-15$ Glasses reparation
6-10$ Shower reparation
+30$ Mother's car revision
+20$ By-Weekly groceries
+15$ General Medicines
You can make as little as a 1 USD donation by simply buying a high quality piece I've done recently!
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I'm also currently still offering extremely cheap comms for little chibi doodles like the ones in the pics below!!
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Either way. If you can't of don't wish to donate or commission. Please know that just by sharing this around as much as possible is enough to help. Thank you <3
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echonidae · 3 months ago
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:"D an assortment of pagedolls, as examples for a new commission option, to be available from Dec. 2nd onwards!! will be posting more info on the upcoming batch in a moment!! :3c
but yes, from left to right we have my boyfriend's @struikbeheerder lil' goat-persona, my own vaguely-bat-looking Creature™, his character Grimm, and then good ol' Oliver :')
([psst!! go check out his art]!! :3ccc) some info and musings under the read-more!! :3c
these were suggested long ago as options (Sibbi! thank you again!!), the issue at the time being that it wasn't really something i was used to drawing, lil' stylized full-body portraits like those– that's changed this last year or so, particularly with all the doodles :'3c
these were already really fun to work on, and i hope folks will like the pagedolls as an option as well!! :')c
they're going to be $15 USD each ($20 for the very very intricate characters, which is always discussed case-by-case), static images with transparent backgrounds, always full-body and just the one character (and the usual pet/familiar allowances!!), clean lineart with flatcolors and a teensy bit of highlights here and there c': the .png files are always sized with a minimum 1000px of width or height, and can have the lil' floating bits and bobs or not, outlines and other little visual effects, bits of background of any sort, and so on!! :')c
they also have their own queue, since these don't take too long to finish much like doodles, but they also are meant to follow the usual feedback process of larger orders (updates at sketch, lineart, coloring, and before finalizing), so they'll get their own list :')c no set amount of slots, and no limit to how many any one person can order!! but i will be working on those two orders at a time :')c
but yeah, there you go!! pagedolls!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
hoping in the future i can offer them with little animations too :'3c for now, just wee lil' guys floating about… :'3c
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cottoncolors · 16 days ago
Intro and Commission Info!!!
Art (self and reblog) sideblog of @uhcottonrot
Slots available - 4/4
Prices (USD, PayPal only) -
Original/Custom Full Body design (ex. Character based on a moodboard or collage you provide): $30
Full Body: $20
Half Body: $10
Bust/Icon: $7
Colored lineart to any piece: +$3
Examples -
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All pieces come fully flat colored, light shading can be done for no extra charge upon request (light and for no extra charge because of my lack of experience with it). I will do “complex” designs for no extra charge since it’s subjective, but the design may need to be simplified.
I can generally get pieces done pretty quickly but I am a real person with a life away from my phone so I may not always be readily available to message or work, but I’ll do the best I can ^^
Will Do - Furries, Humans, ship art, fanart, physically disabled characters, healed scars or injuries, light blood
Won’t Do - Nsfw, gore, mechs, armor, anything proship or otherwise relating to my DNI, feral characters
Terms or service -
I do not consent to my work being used for anything affiliated with AI. I don’t do business with AI supporters.
I have the right to deny service for any reason, you are not entitled to why. If there is as issue with your specific request, I am willing to explain and try to reach a compromise.
I will offer updates of my progress on your piece as follows - First/rough pose sketch, second, more detailed sketch, final/cleaned sketch, lineart, coloring. Shading and lineart coloring will come last if they’re included.
I will not begin your commission until I have received payment. I am willing to fully refund up until the final sketch is finished, at which point I will only refund half of what was paid. I will offer no refund at all once the coloring is complete.
I highly suggest reading my DNI below before reaching out for a commission <3
Contact - cottonrot on Discord
If you message me here you’ll be redirected there since it’s easier for me to keep up with my messages.
If you dm me here and you have a blank blog with like one or two posts I’m probably gonna assume you’re a bot and block you <\3
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Tags stuff -
#Art - Finished art I don’t intend to work on further
#WIP - Work in progress
#Doodles - Silly/small doodles. Stuff that isn’t big or serious
#Text - Posts with no art, just me yappin
#Reblogs - yeah reblogs
Personal info in undercut ^^
Name(s) - Comet or August!!
Age - Minor
Pronouns - He/They/Xe/Sleep
Interests - Studio Investigrave Games, Cry of Fear, Fear and Hunger, Rain World, Hollow Knight, Faith - The Unholy Trinity, ULTRAKILL, Dragon Adventures, Creatures of Sonaria, Mouthwashing, The Stanley Parable, Resident Evil (mainly 7 and 8), Silent Hill (Mainly 2 and 4), Analog Horror (No support for the actions of problematic creators within the community), indie horror, my characters
DNI (Basic stuff and whatever can be found on the DNI of my main (again @uhcottonrot go look) but quick rundown of what I think is more relevant to this blog) - Proshippers or any other name for them, nsfw blogs, maps/pedos, bigots, anyone who’s DNI I violate.
If I accidentally interact despite violating your dni or you violate mine please let me know and I’ll undo whatever I did. Just be polite
Extra - I’m autistic and have a hard time communicating sometimes so please be patient and understanding if you choose to interact with me personally. I’m also not great socially so please don’t take it personally if I have issues talking to you
Tysm for reading <3
Tags for engagement
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velvet-serenity · 8 months ago
Hello! My name is Lucian and Im in dire straights rn. I am a trans, intersex, disabled, otherkin who really does not want to be on the streets. My commissions are open in a sort of emergency mode as my housing has become incredibly unstable and I need to get out of the state I'm in (Missouri) and preferably this country.
Between all of us (my two partners, who also need to escape) we have 3 cats and a dog who all need to come with us. I cannot leave them behind.
Here are my goals so you know what any money you spend or donate will be going towards:
Feeding me and my cats: pretty self explanatory I think.
Passports: we all three need them and they're about 165 dollars each.
A mobile home or RV big enough to fit all of us, used: I have no idea how much this will cost but I know it's a lot. We may also need a vehicle if it's a 5th wheel.
Everything you give will go to keeping me and my pets off the streets.
If you aren't interested in Fursuits, Bleach Painted Clothes, Traditional Art or Pixel Art, but you ARE willing to donate, please send it to $SignalEhxx on cashapp. Everything helps, even one dollar.
I am willing to take "after dark" style commissions! Please feel free to dm me if you have any questions regarding ANYTHING.
I'm thinking of offering writing (fic/custom work) coms but I have no idea how to price those so if you're interested in having a fic written please message me about it.
Fursuit commissions:
! quotes required for full pricing !
This list does not include material pricing, which will be a part of your quote. These prices can, will, and do go up based on complexity and other factors such as tail length and plantigrade (humanlike) or digitigrade (animal like) legs.
Head Only: Starts at a baseline of 100USD.
Head+Handpaws: Starts at 150USD.
Mini Partials(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail): Starts at 200USD.
Partial(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail+Armsleeves OR Legsleeves): Starts at 300USD, if choosing legs, digitigrade legs add 50USD.
Full Partial(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail+Armsleeves+Legsleeves): Starts at 400USD for plantigrade legs or 450USD for digitigrade legs.
No Fullsuits at this time.
Individual Part Prices:
Handpaws: Starts at 50USD
Feetpaws: Starts at 75USD
Tails: Depends on length. Nubs/Short tails start at 25 USD, Long Tails+Husky Curls start at 75 USD, Floor Draggers/Oversized Tails start at 150USD.
Armsleeves: Start at 100USD.
Legsleeves: Start at 150USD plantigrade, 200USD digitigrade.
Price will go up depending on certain factors and complexities in your design. Here are a few:
Colours: Suits exceeding 3 colours (including blacks, whites, and greys,) will have an additional 25USD added per colour. this is because it will add to the working time.
Markings: Stripes, Spots, Lines, Swirls, and other numerous small markings will raise the price by 50USD per type, this is because i have to hand sew them and they take a very, very long time. if it is a single marking, i likely wont charge for it unless its very complex, like a cutiemark.
Specialty Fabrics: Fabrics including Vinyl, PVC and Metalic/Leather look type fabrics will raise the price by 25USD per. this is because theyre very hard to work with, especially when hand sewing.
Payment Plans Available.
Material Costs will be expected to be fully covered before work begins. Completed items will not be sent until all costs are covered. At this time, I cannot give refunds.
Bleach clothes:
Simple designs: 15 dollars + shipping
Medium design (ie lots or words or a character) 20 + shipping
Complex/Dual Sided: starts at 30 and depending on just how much you want may go up! + shipping
Traditional Art:
Simple doodle: 5 dollars, may be less depending what you ask
Bust: starts at 10
Half body: starts at 15
Full body: starts at 25
Full body + scenery (ie furniture, background): starts at 35
Shaded Sketch:
Bust: starts at 15
Half body: starts at 20
Full body: starts at 30
Full body + Scenery: starts at 40
Badges: must pay shipping! Otherwise prices above + 10 (so I can laminate them!)
Full colour:
Bust: starts at 20
Half Body : starts at 30
Full Body : starts at 40
Full body + Scenery: starts at 50
Badges: must pay shipping! Otherwise prices above + 10 (so I can laminate them!)
After dark adds a small fee of 5 dollars for all of the above
Pixel art: all of the above prices, but does not offer badges.
My work is under no circumstances allowed to be used for nfts or ai generation.
You are not allowed to claim my art as work you did.
Please don't post my work on Pinterest just for personal comfort
Won't do:
Any of V1vzie P0ps works
Z00, n3cr0, or p3d0 nonsense. Get out of here.
Anything promoting racism or bigotry, including exclusionism or medicalism of any kind.
Extensive gore.
Wont do AD (tbh this mostly all applies to everything):
All of the above
Sc4t or Di4pers
R4p3 or anything non consenting
Anything where one of the characters is dead or dies.
L0li, sh0ta, or anyone who is not of age
Abdl/ddlg or anything similar.
Thank you so much for reading, if you made it all the way down here. I will be posting examples separately! Please scroll my page to see them 🥺
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geminineart · 4 years ago
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Tourmaline design Adopts! 💖
I'm offering each of these girls (Original .png + a little doodle + some info about them) for USD $20. DM me if you're interested!
I can also design an original Tourmaline of your own for $40, if you prefer! 😉💖
I originally created these while playing with the concept of Tourmalines in my own Steven Universe canon (The one which my gemsona Rubellite belongs to) and this is what I came up with!
Perfect Cut (first image):
Tourmalines are a middle-class kind of gems, related to the arts. The type of art they work with is determined by their gem color, and each of them also have unique abilities related to them, being telekinesis their only shared trait. During the ages of the great Gem Empire, their abilities were always put at the service of higher-ranking gems, often (if not always) minimizing their own vision and expression (as ironic as it might sound for art-related creatures!).
Rubellite (OPEN): Rubellites work on any kind of visual arts. Their job is to portray the ideas of their superiors on paper (screen?) so other people can visualize them: They drew scenes of the great rebellion, made the huge murals of the diamonds on the walls of the temples, and decorated all kinds of places and objects at homeworld and any gem colonies.  Special Ability: They leak pigment from their fingers and can control it at will.
Dravite (@me): Dravites perform dances and pantomime to entertain their masters. They must follow strict coreographies and do every step with calculated perfection: The most gracefully they do the specific routine they've been asked to do, the better. Special Ability: They can strecth and bend any part of their bodies with absolute freedom.
Verdelite (OPEN): Verdelites work with words, both written and spoken: They record important events for posterity, and tell stories from their ancestors. They keep history alive! however, most of the time they work with other people's words. Special Ability: Omnilingualism: They can understand an speak any kind of language
Indicolite (@fyreglyphsart​): Indicolites are related to sound arts: They play instruments, sing, and create all kinds of moods through sound effects for their owners. May it be for a ball, for a relaxing night at home, to set the mood for a storyteller, or even making the drums and tumpets of war sound all over the battle field! Special Ability: They have powerful voices which can reach humanly-impossible pitches, being able to break glass and some kinds of crystals.
Siberite (Jolttenks): Siberites design all kind of great structures all over the gem empire, so other gems (such as bismuths) can build them. They designed all the buildings from homeworld and its colonies, the injectors used to create new gems, and even their space ships to travel all over the universe. every creation with a purpose. Special Ability: They can create holograms and modify them at will
Schorl (CLOSED): Schorls emphasize in sculpting, creating statues for their beloved leaders, carving figures and devices for their temples, and creating all kind of three dimensional art following their master's wishes and requests. Special Ability: They can leak some kind of glue from their hands, which can permanently attach any kind of materials to each other
Achroite (OPEN): Achroites are basically image consultants / personal stylists. They work closely with Pearls to the service of high-ranking gems to keep their image always at their best. This means not only advicing them on their posture, presentation and even gem polishing, but also creating clothes and accessories to enhance their status. They also used to be in charge of helping off-colors look closer to ''what they should have been''. Special Ability: They can create infinite threads
Off-Colors (second pic):
In my canon, off-color Tourmalines are not only literally off-color, but also have varied bodytypes and SOME kind of personality/skill ''defect'' that distances them from their intended purpose. So... here's a little example batch! Unlike the perfect cut versions, all of these tourmalines are all about personal expression through their art!
Violet (NutriStel) is an off-color Siberite who's not interested in creating new structures herself, but only studying the work of the great masters of the past from different civilizations all over the universe! ♥
Rose (OPEN) is a cute little Rubellite (pretty similar to MY Rubellite, actually...!) who likes to relax by drawing curves and dots, to decorate anything she can get her hands on! Not people, not scenes, not even objects: only cute, flowery, half-abstract ornaments!
Peach (Jolttenks) is another kind of Rubellite with a tendency to use her own body when creating her art! She specially likes splashing balls of paint on huge canvases to create abstract, colorful shapes!
Canary (_toon_melody_) is a very flashy type of Dravite, who can't follow choreographies to save her life! She only does what her body tells her to when there's music around, performing freestyle dances only!
Tsilaisite (Music54) is a mute Verdelite who expresses herself throught sign and body languages.  And dancing is one of her favorite methods of expression!
Uvite  (emeraldragonVGC) is a very very smol verdelite who hates ''boring facts'' and is 100% into self-improvement! She's a best-selling writter who create inspiring books for those who need a little bit of guidance and positivism!
Paraiba (@leesigalaxy​) is an indicolite who can literally only speak in rhymes. She's pretty sweet and elegant, yet her way of speaking may make other people not take her seriously, even when singing.
Gray (Jolttenks) is either a Schorl or an Achroite. Nobody is really sure, not even her. But whatever she is, she's a concept artist! Her favorite hobby is collecting all kinds of trash and making meep morphs--i mean... art with them!
Which one of these is your favorite??? 😍😍
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mokeonn · 5 years ago
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Hello! My name is Simon, I am unemployed, applying for college, and Royally fucked over by my bank!
Earlier this month Spotify premium (which i bought 3 months ago for 99 cents) decided to renew without any email or notification, my account went from 2 dollars... to -81 dollars. how? well my bank made overdraft fees! Without emailing or notifying me! Hurrah!
I had specifically thought my bank account would automatically cancel subscriptions if I didn’t have the money, as it had in the past. But unluckily for me this was not the case and a spotify membership I thought was going to end on the 28th of October, ended far sooner than expected. So, in my time of need, with an inability to get a job due to both a disability and a plan to go to college in January, and the ability to draw art, I turn to the internet. 
I have a kofi you can donate to and if you donate a certain amount, you will get some little rewards like the ones down bellow! Keep in mind each coffee is 3 usd, and I tend to charge far more for my usual art. So if you like silly lil doodles and supporting your local panicking gays, please boost this!
Kofi- https://ko-fi.com/painttoolsy
For 3 coffees you can get a little ms paint sketch of your choice, color 100% allowed. Some examples are here:
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for 6 coffees you can get the same deal but now in the form of comics and in clip studio paint instead of ms paint! 
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and for 10 coffees? a fully colored headshot of a character of your choice in clip studio paint!
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The money will go to me not being in the red with my bank and if i go over my goal, I shall use the money entirely for college, either food or supplies. I have no way to make this money other than offering my art at insanely lower prices and working my ass off, please help me! whether donating or reblogging!
My Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/painttoolsy
The twitter thread you can also boost: https://twitter.com/PainttoolSy/status/1184262005340852224?s=20
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midknightxstar · 6 years ago
Why hello Tumblr!
Howdy do?
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I believe it's time we've officially introduced ourselves, here. Hi! My name is Sona, also known as Ata, Knight, @midknightxstar, Foozie... yeah I've had a few names. But most people call me Sona, pleasure to meet you all!
Now down to business! Due to some recent financial.... *squints* adventures... yeah, we'll call it that- Anyway~ I'm looking to make a lil bit of money. And practice, I do love practice. So to make some ends meet, I'm going to open a little trial commission week. In total I’m going to leave it open until I’ve collected about 10 commissions. If you like the things I've been posting on here recently, great! It's my favorite media to work with. I'd like to offer my services to you! (Yes, you there reading this. ...Hi. <(Φ ω Φ)>✧) 
So to start, what am I offering? 
Anthros are definitely doable; canine, feline, reptilian, hoofed, avian- you name it. I can at least give it a solid attempt! 
I can draw World of Warcraft ocs as well, all of my Inktober so far has been focusing on my own wow characters. I’m decent at trolls, male and female. All of our lovely flavors of elves in Azeroth, I can draw. Orcs, Tauren (Moosey or otherwise), Pandaren, Sethrak, Vulperan, Human, Worgen, Gnomes and Dwarves... Draenei and Goblins maybe? 
I can sort of draw a few different sorts of Final Fantasy races, I have a cute little Lalafell that I’ve drawn. This one’s probably more of a case-by-case. 
As previously stated, I can draw animal characters- fansasy or realistic. Wow hunter pets, dinosaurs, gryphons, dragons, run-of-the-mill real animals.
Generally just ask if you have questions, I’ll see if I can draw what you’re wanting. c:
Torso Shot: $20 USD
Full colored and shaded, hand drawn character. Colored with mainly Chameleon markers and possibly color pencil blended in, depending on the colors needed. 
If you want animal companions or accents included in this, like my picture of Shatargat with her spirit wolf form in the back ground just add 5$ per creature.
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Dainty Doodles: $10 USD
These are more comic-styled drawings, they’re pretty easy to draw and color and really dont take a whole lot of time. Doodles are fully colored, I can add dialog to them as well if you’d like. Generally though it’s similar to the above, with less detail and more of a cartoony style. For multiple characters, just add $5 each.
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And lastly...
Icon or Diddly Doodle: $5 USD
This one’s a small, quick doodle. Better quality than my intro picture up there, but generally that. It’s full colored, almost chibi-like in style. These are perfect for profile pictures.
In conclusion! The pictures on my tumblr are generally done by taking a picture with my phone, the quality is iffy, but I do have access to a scanner. Just need to... dig it out of the... pile of stuff on the other side of the house... If yall are interested in any of these things, please just send me a message! Generally if you’ve purchased a commission from me you’re able to use the picture for whatever you need, it’d be yours after all, but give credit to me and so on, so forth. Hope you beautiful people have a beautiful day. <3 ~Sona
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zaunites-finest · 8 years ago
Open the gates: Commission Masterpost (USD)
Hello, hello pals, It’s about time I opened up shop to use all my spare time. What I have to offer is Detailed-sketches, inks, monochrome coloring. Also, along with regular commissions, I offer art sessions per hour if you’re not sure what you’d like. First off, if you're interested any you can contact me either in PM’s or email: [email protected]
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Sketches:  (Additional characters +%50) Headshot: $10 Bust - $15 Full Body: $18 USD. Complex sketches (Includes dialogue/basic shades) + $5
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Slot 1: Matt of Discord Slot 2: Available Slot 3: Available Example Links: Boop! <-- Fullbody basic  Booop! <-- Headshots Boooop! <-- Backgrounds included with Complex fee.  Booooop! and Blp! and Blut! <-- If there’s a style you’ve in mind, lemme know. I’m an expert at plager-- I mean replicating.  Bleeeeep! <-- Multiple characters will are fun. 
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Inks are an additional $10. Slot 1: Koji of Facebook Slot 2: Available Slot 3: Available Examples: Bloop! <-- (I wanted to be Vayne...) Beep! <-- (A gif I worked on for abit.) Y’know, I haven’t inked anything this year. I hope I get commissions like these, hah!
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1. Slot taken. @cotton-hands As for splash arts, where I spend hours recreating a league aesthetic with little to no hesitation on details for the intention of professional champion select quality! Just $50. 
Background and character will be monochrome flat.  I’ll only work one at a time. 
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Rent me is for those small doodles, y’know, the 5-20 minute rough sketches. vv About an hour of work vv 
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Rent me stream sessions are $15 an hour. During that period I’ll doodle whatever you’d like, whether it be detailed or scratchy work. You can even set me to autopilot. I can fill out an expression character. I can draw bubbles. Really, aesthetic, bubbles. Stream sessions can be private or public (You decide summoner). We’ll decide on a set time and date together.  You get the point. I won’t afk at Keyboard, I promise.   I’m a submissive artist okay, feel free to yank my chain.  If you’ve any questions or concerns, let me know. Hope to do business with’cha. Y yes i do nsfw hee-hee
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