#also i named my mc Katsuki which means moon and i thought that was fitting
local-changling · 10 days
People who canonically live in the dorm building:
1. Six (or so) Traumatized High Schoolers
2. Robot Girl (also a high schooler)
3. Magic Dog with a Knife™
4. A Punk (Possibly also in highschool might be a drop out, I don't know)
5. A Literal Child
People who do not live in our dorm building:
1. Any sort of Adult Supervision
2. Someone who can cook
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mammonology · 4 years
Literally drawings⟨All 7 of them⟩
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—A fem!MC that fangirls over anime/otome game characters
—WC; 1k
—A/N: First of, sorry for the inactivity for the last 2 days but here is a thank you for 300 followers! ily all sm, and I tried to pick anime/otome game boys that kinda have the same personality as them? So hopefully that was okay
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❥Your husbando: Jumin Han
➷He looks at you as if you're literally deranged when you squeal at your phone
➷Can you be anymore annoying? You're literally talking to your phone as if someone was calling you.. oh shit someone was
➷He didn't know that it was a game okay! He was just listening in on the convo not really knowing what the guy was saying as it was in Korean
❝MC, who's that?❞
➷You start fangirling and roll all over his bed, hugging your phone, totally ignoring Lucifer, okay it was starting to annoy the hell out of him
➷You better stop or he'll bring out the red ribbon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
❝It's nothing, just Jumin~❞
➷He'll have to confiscate your phone, he is not having any of that today, no sir. And if you disobey? It's the red ribbon for you kitten~
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❥Your husbando; 707/Saeyoung
➷You're into jokesters? We'll get ready cause every group chat will be filled with Mammon's attempts of jokes that just ends up being super corny
➷ *Lucifer has left the chat*
➷Insecurities will start to creep up to him, is this your ideal type? Does he not meet the standard?
➷You'll have to convince him that No! You are enough! And you're just playing it for fun
❝Huh?! The great Mammon doesn't need reassurance! I already know you wouldn't leave me, I mean who would? You won't right?❞
➷Yeah, you would tell him that Mammon reminds you of 707 that's the reason why, and he'd be over the moon cause even with a fictional guy the person you think of is him!!
➷He'll still send you jokes and try to make you laugh tho! He's the only one who can do that, no 707 or other fictional characters
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❥Your husbando; Levi Ackerman
❝Levi! You're so hot!❞
➷He'll blush cause he thinks it's him you were talking about, as he was gonna reply he turned around to you kissing the screen
➷With an anime character in the screen, he immediately recognizes it as Levi from AOT, he rolls his eyes as he sighs
❝Next time can you say their last name too? I'll get confused❞
➷He'll start sulking cause he really thought you were talking about him!! Say sorry >:(
❝Ahh, but Levi you're hot too~❞
➷You'd wrap your arms around him, peppering his face with kisses, he would blush but turn his face away
❝Hmph, you mean the other Levi
➷Jealousy cranked up to 1000, he thought he was the only Levi for you!
➷So with a lot of consultation and cuddles he'll forgive you, but whenever he sees Levi on the screen, he'll just scoff and look away cause MC likes him and only him
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❥Your husbando; Bakugou Katsuki
➷You have a type for hot heads don't you? Is one hot head not enough?
➷Doesn't understand your attachment to these drawings, but vibes with it nonetheless
❝I don't get it, he's a blond angry boy? Me? It's like me? Y–You got me there❞
➷He finds Bakugou's screaming and constant swearing unbearable and just wants to shut him up, but his quirk to him was interesting, sweat that's explosive? That's hella cool
➷Would spend time watching the anime for 'experiments' but honestly he's just looking for what Bakugou has that he doesn't, surely not looks
➷It's quite adorable seeing passed out Satan with the TV still turned on, on the table he'd have a notebook open, 'Satan VS Bakugou' was written, what a dork
➷You'd kiss his forehead, thinking he was asleep but he just pulls your wrist to lay in the couch with him
❝Say I'm better than Bakugou MC then I'll let go❞
❝You're way better than Bakugou❞
❝Good girl, just kidding I'm not letting go, you're stuck here with me❞
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❥Your husbando; Oikawa Tooru
➷You're calling another guy pretty? It should be him only! Would not stand for this slander
➷If he catches you watching Haikyuu and sees you fangirling about Oikawa, he will roast him, no mercy
❝He's not even perfect! Look he has no cake, how absurd❞
➷Would list off why Oikawa is not fit for you, mostly saying you're out of his league and you're better with him
❝Asmo, don't worry, they're just drawings besides you're right here with me❞
➷He's not the avatar of pride but he is very prideful with just that sentence, okay maybe Oikawa is pretty
➷After a while he'll be the one fanboying about Oikawa or any other Haikyuu character, you're not jealous or anything cause at least he knows how you feel
❝MC! Akaashi's super pretty too! Oh my! Also Kageyama!❞
❝He likes my diamonds and pearls, I said thank you I designed it ❞
➷Is what you'd say when one of the brother's ask why Asmo is fanboying over anime characters
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❥Your husbando; Tamaki Amajiki
➷He thinks that his quirk is cool, whatever he eats gets to be superpower
➷He wants to have that kind of power too 🥺
➷He would watch BNHA with you cause it seemed interesting, his second favourite would be FatGum
❝So if Tamaki eats chicken wings, he'll gain wings? That's cool❞
➷He doesn't mind when you compliment Tamaki, he thinks it's quite cute actually
➷He has a soft spot for you that's why 😌
➷He usually eats whenever you two have a binge watching night, I mean what else should he be doing?
➷ (Sorry Beel's is so short ;;)
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❥Your husbando; Todoroki Shouto
➷Another edge lord captured your heart?
➷Not in his watch nope. He would say things like
❝Wow, he doesn't even look that good that half and half hair looks stupid, and he has a grudge on his dad? Sounds like someone I know❞
➷You explain you like the quiet and mysterious type of guys, and he'll stay quiet, if that's your type then so be it
➷But do you really have to compliment Todoroki right in front of your boyfriend?? Are you trying to get a reaction out of him?
➷He'd rather sleep with you y'know, not waste energy on watching anime like Leviathan
➷He would cling on you at bed and try to make you sleep but you had to much energy, and he hates when you ignore him whenever Todoroki was on screen
➷He'll shut the TV off so quick, his mouth forming a small pout, you knew if you kept ignoring him he'll start ignoring you
➷So you gave in, knowing you'll just have to watch later, and dove right into Belphie's arms, which he gladly enveloped you into
❝Don't ignore me like that again, I'm way more important than that Todoroki guy❞
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