#also i love the idea of him having a rat tail ive decided
magicianenthusiast · 2 years
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post rehabilitation touya
he gets a cat when he’s in prison as part of his therapy
also ever since i read @himbotwice​‘s amazing fic crimson ive been obsessed with touya having his red hair grow back as he recovers
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spirk-trek · 8 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on kirk's backstory and what happened on tarsus iv, I feel like I've read so many conflicting takes on here and none of them actually match up with the episode (conscience of the king)
Hi anon! The way you worded this makes me think you were just looking for information and not a fic request. Forgive me if I was wrong!! 😅
I think the reason there are so many conflicting ideas is because of how vague it is in canon itself (which is cool, leaves a lot of room for interpretation). Because of this, when I recently wrote a thing about Tarsus IV I also struggled with "research" for it. Here's what I came up with:
!!! Disclaimer! I am not declaring any of this the One True Canon™! This is just my interpretation/speculation based on existing lore !!!
To me, it makes most sense for Jim to be sent to Tarsus IV with his mother, and for her to be a civilian scientist/researcher of some kind. I find it very hard to believe the massacre could have taken place if Starfleet were present, which would include George Kirk, Jim's father. George is said to have been absent often due to his work (SNW), so it wouldn’t be strange for him to be separated from his family (this is also just normal in Star Trek in general, i.e. Sulu [AOS] and like… everyone with children in TNG).
A more recent Trek book called Drastic Measures seems to back this exact idea up (depends who you ask which novels are canon, and this book was written for Discovery so take it with a grain of salt).
Sam would, in the TOS timeline, be 10 years older than Jim (~23). That would make it unlikely he'd be tailing after his mother to remote colonies. It's much more likely he was concerned with his own career/family/life.
So, in summary of those points, I think it was just Jim and Winona. Jim is between 12 and 14 years old, and his mother was a civilian researcher (the novel I mentioned earlier made her a xenobiologist, probably for plot reasons).
Something I do see exaggerated sometimes is the method of killing in the massacre. An antimatter chamber appears to be what was used, similar to A Taste of Armageddon, so it would not have been mass carnage or a big dramatic fight in the end. Just... zap. 
SPOCK: "He was certainly among the most ruthless, to decide arbitrarily who would survive and who would not [...] and then to implement his decision without mercy. Children watching their parents die. Whole families, destroyed. Over four thousand people. They died quickly, without pain, but they died.”
However, these are also quotes from the episode, so I can see why people might think the massacre itself was more violent: 
- JIM: “Four thousand people were needlessly butchered.” - LEIGHTON: “I remember him. That voice. The bloody thing he did.”  - JIM: “Are you sure you didn't act this role out in front of a captive audience whom you blasted out of existence without mercy?” - KARIDIAN/KODOS: “Murder, flight, suicide, madness. I never wanted the blood on my hands ever to stain you.” 
There was a revolution of some kind, probably brought about by people easily radicalized out of hunger and desperation.
- KARIDIAN/KODOS: [reading] "The revolution is successful…” - SPOCK: “There were over eight thousand colonists and virtually no food. And that was when Governor Kodos seized full power and declared emergency martial law.”
If Kodos already had his ideas about eugenics, which it sounds like he did, he would have seized this as an opportunity. This would make him an even more solid comparison to Hitler, which they were definitely going for to at least some extent (this was written two decades after WWII which many involved in the making of star trek were deeply affected by if not veterans themselves).
Because of the above quotes, I also think there’s merit to the idea of there being multiple formal executions where Kodos gave his infamous “speech” each time rather than just once (this would be another reason Jim would remember it enough to write it down), rather than one massive execution of 4,000 people. However, this quote could be interpreted to mean the opposite:
SPOCK: “Kodos began to separate the colonists. Some would live, be rationed whatever food was left; The remainder would be immediately put to death.”
Arguably, the even more traumatic suffering would be the period of starvation and upheaval leading up to the massacre. To me, a 3-6 month period of slowly worsening starvation as the food supply shrank and shrank to nothing would make the most sense.
One aspect I don't quite get is that Kodos's body was supposed to have been "burned beyond recognition.” Since we know from Conscience of the King his death was staged, then this fake death can’t have been pulled off in the midst of Starfleet intervention upon arrival (they would have taken him into custody to stand trial rather than kill him on sight anyway). Burning yourself to death is a highly unusual form of suicide, so I’m not sure if that’s supposed to allude to him being fake killed in the carnage following the execution when the people didn't react the way he wanted or expected? My only theory is that there was unrest and rioting for the period of time between the massacre and Starfleet arriving with relief, and he used that to fake his death once he knew he would be put on trial.
Anyway, this is super long so I'll cut myself off there. Hope that answered your question, sorry for being crazy! If anyone has anything to add, please do!
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neonlitlesbians · 1 year
do you have a masterpost or some key posts that help explain the setting/worldbuilding or context for your ocs? or intro posts to learn about them?
oh shit oh shit oh shittttt ok i really need to organize a little better around here BUT i have a little bit i can offer right now! (ive been meaning to make intro posts for my ocs, thank you for the reminder—i will try to get on that soon!)
(LOTS under the cut you have no idea how much i have to say!! thank you SO much for this ask)
The World
Alana and her friends live in a huge, dying cyberpunk city.
Nine years ago, the algorithm governing the city decided that infinite capitalistic growth was no longer sustainable, and went into power saving mode. Those who hid, survived; the vast majority of the city's inhabitants were given a choice between dying and going into stasis. The remaining inhabitants have come to refer to this event as the Crash.
It's not like they could just leave—The Old Internet is chewed up and defunct, existing only in archives; the remains of GPS satellites have long since crashed to earth; and it's not like an old map would be much good, since a city in what was once barren Nevada is now... on the coast.
Understandably, the ones surviving today are still traumatized, as well as lost and more than a little bored.
(The city's name hasn't been established yet—i might just call it The City but i'm not sure yet.)
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Each of these characters is diligently tagged on my blog, so you can search through all of my art that features them!
Alana/The Watcher (she/her) – One of the most capable fighters in town. Angry and quiet, but deeply caring. Died and was brought back to life by Ethlyn, now running on both red and black blood. Literature nerd and occasional writer. Zinnia's lover, Ethlyn's best friend, and Hostility's dueling partner.
Electra (any) – Alana's childhood best friend, returned after a nine-year absence. Can suck the charge out of electronics, store it, and release it. Incredibly strong, and one of the two people who can evenly duel Alana (Hostility being the other). Protective and confident.
Zinnia (she/her) – A workaholic journalist who was nearly killed by a structural collapse. Saved by Alana and given a new body by Ethlyn, she now tails Alana with a camera and documents the ruined city in photo form (not like there's much to write articles about). Quiet and serious, tending to come off as rather cold. Alana's lover.
Ethlyn Calloway (she/her) – A genius engineer, especially in the field of cybernetics, and kind of a horndog. Made most of her friends' augments and then some. Extremely hyperactive, chronically short of sleep, and prone to mood swings. The cast's leading historian on the old, defunct Internet. Bell's girlfriend and Alana's savior.
Bell Anderson (he/she) – An incredibly skilled medical doctor and surgeon. Helps Ethlyn with installing cybernetics, and was critical to Alana and Zinnia's survival. Also a highly capable chef (a good thing, too—Ethlyn would survive on nuggies alone without him). Amiable, generous, and open. Ethlyn's lover and caretaker, but gets along well with just about anyone.
Hostility (she/her) – A capable engineer and swordsmith. Made all of her own augments, as well as Nico's and some of Darcy's. Makes and maintains Alana's weaponry as well as many others'. Built an entire car out of scraps from the junkyard that she melted down and reforged. Wise and laid-back. Crowe's girlfriend, Alana's friend, and one of Rat's closer friends.
Rat Manchu (she/it) – An informant. The "word on the street." Shrewd, greasy, and much smarter than she looks. Kind of an asshole and hard to get along with, but ultimately means well. (Usually.) Also has a car (but Nico usually takes the keys before she can do anything stupid). Gay and in love with Nico and Darcy.
Nico Lombard (they/them) – A former cop and current encrypted-data-vault-slash-blank-slate. Jailbroken thanks to Hostility and Darcy, and now lives with Darcy and Rat. Still figuring themself out. Gay and in love with Darcy and Rat.
Darcy Relayer (shx/hxr) – A 1337 H4XX0R with some of the juiciest databases on the network at hxr (many) fingertips. A little bit insane. Just as hyperactive as Ethlyn, but more data-driven. Prone to using goofy slang terms from bygone eras. Gay and in love with Rat and Nico.
The Guitarist (she/her) – A traveler from abroad who plays at the Z-Axis, though sometimes you can hear her music on the wind at the edge of town. Blind and mute, relying mainly on her guitar to communicate. Doesn't really have any strong ties to anyone, past or present. Mysterious, but easy to get along with.
Crowe Stormwell (she/they) – A dancer and prostitute at the Z-Axis bar. Ethlyn's favorite test subject to try new types and models of cybernetics on. Whimsical and sensual. Hostility's girlfriend.
Aly (they/she) – [WIP] The bartender at the Z-Axis. The cast's only fully fledged android. Happy-go-lucky. Narcoleptic due to a faulty power source. Crowe's roommate, when they don't just pass out at the bar.
Lizzy (xe/xer) – A reclusive tailor, printer, hairstylist, and artist responsible for a lot of the group's clothing, especially the quality stuff like Alana's outfits and Bell's lab coat. Capable of restoring physical media like books, as well as giving tattoos.
The Keeper (she/her) – The sole occupant of the lighthouse at the edge of town. A little cagey, but ventures into town now and again. Farms her own food, and trades with the rest of the cast on occasion.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
A fluffy tidbit for you today, yes? Yes. I subscribe to the HC that since Jan has all those extra arms he is especially good at weaving/crocheting. He also seems the type to show how he feels more through actions than words. So imagine that, in an effort to show that he is supportive of Vee's regression and Ro's age dreaming, he makes the boys things such as soft toys or baby blankets (big boys can have baby blankets too, you are never too old for a blanket, Roman!) 🤍
i forgot about his arms!!!!
EDIT: i decided against having janus with six arms in this au!! he only has two arms!
oh my gosh oh my gosh yes! white heart anon this is v v clever
you are right, janus' love language i think would be giftgiving (and for receiving i think he would say its acts of service but secretly its physical touch) so he very much shows his love with little presents rather than words and !!
oh oh and he will give litte gifts like he got remus a keychain that looked like a rat's tail just because he saw it and thought he would like it and thats his casual way of saying he likes you
but you know you're really In There with his affection when he handmakes something for you!!
i am really soft for the idea that janus is a crafter oh my gosh
here are some things my brain did
it will take him a while to make people stuff!! he is not comfy sharing that much of himself with ppl for a long time
but eventually..
janus knitting molly weasley style jumpers for everyone for the first christmas that he has been accepted as part of the family.. my heart
this works perfectly for the puppet show! i can't elaborate because spoilers shhh
but i can also imagine janus is just so extra and fancy he doesnt make your typical crafts that you would expect him to make like scarves and stuff
okay so basically him and patton have afternoon tea sometimes which im gonna write more about in the sequel to labd
so.. janus crocheting little tea cosies :0 oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okays i nedd to lie down
for those of u who are unaware of what that is
behold. tea cosies:
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they keept your teapot cosy!!!!! 🥺
he makes this bee one after finding out how much the boys like winnie the pooh..
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so one day he shows up to afternoon tea with this masteriece and patton is of course SO excited and puts it on the teapot straight away
(i know my british is showing here but bear with me)
and as janus had hoped, when roman passes through the dining room he's like :o !!!!!! thats pretty!!! where u get that!!
and janus is rlly shy about wanting to look after the boys actually but this is his sneaky (snakey haha) plan ! and he mentions that he made it and roman is >:O !!!!!!!!! WOW!
then the MASTERPLAN janus offers to teach roman how to do it and they bond together!!! okay
i dont have more to say bc ive just realised i might want to write it so im saving it ahh
and yes imagine he actually knows that vee doesnt like the feel of knit/crochet wool ! so while he crochets roman a blanket with little roses around the edge
he embroiders a fluffy baby blankie for virgil and around the edges are littol bunnies jumping along the hems :((( thats so soft
and vee loves running his fingertips over the embroidery thread and it becomes his favourite comfort blankie!!
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