#also i looked up my sun moon and rising signs for this (i knew i was a virgo but i had no idea what the different things were)
punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyega’s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes they’re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they don’t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time I’m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since they’re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf it’s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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helslastangel · 2 months
Random Astro Observations #6
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Disclaimer: These are based on personal observations and experiences and may not resonate for everyone with these placements. If it doesn’t apply, let it fly 🪽
🔥 Leo sun men as fathers often make excellent financial providers but poor emotional support for their children
💧Scorpio moon women are often overprotective of their sons and very harsh or demanding of their children's love interests
🌬 Aquarius mars placements don't get mad, they get even. the definition of neither forgive nor forget
🌿 Capricorn moons pay attention to what you like and will send you relevant memes or funny videos if they like you. They love making others laugh and sharing humor is a love language to them
🔥 Sagittarius sun women with Aries placements can be self-centered in their day-to-day actions without realizing it and sometimes end up with strained friendships and issues with their siblings
💧Cancer venus men can be some of the most caring and kind if they like you, but they are also vengeful and will ruin your day on purpose if they feel like it will make their point
🌬 Libra suns are typically cheerful unless they have Virgo or Capricorn moon - those can be quite serious or melancholy. if they have Sagittarius moon they may have more anger management issues and are more confrontational in general.
🌿 Taurus sun men prefer to be chased than do the chasing. if a Taurus man is chasing you, he seriously likes you something different because they're not getting off the couch for just anybody
🔥 Aries moon and Sagittarius mercury can make anyone 2x more fiery than they would be based on their sun sign, or give an otherwise chilled-out chart a massive energy boost. I had a Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Sag mercury, Libra venus, Scorpio mars friend and she was the sweetest but most aggressive Scorpio I ever met. Nobody believed she was a Scorpio tbh her Aries + Sag energies overwhelmed the rest of her placements. I knew someone else with Scorpio sun, moon, venus, mars, and Libra mercury and they were like a huge teddy bear and kind of a pushover most of the time.
💧Scorpio risings deal with a lot of unexplained hatred from acquaintances and random strangers. Most people react to them with either love/obsession or intense anger. It can cause them a lot of anxiety and people like to pick physical fights with them.
🌬 Gemini women are extremely loyal friends besides the tendency to talk a little bit too much to one person about someone else's business. The thing is, Geminis value community and communal traits a lot. I think they subconsciously forget that their friends aren't automatically your friends too, so they do need to ask before sharing things you only wanted them to know.
🌿 Virgo suns/moon LOVE to dance, or if they can't/won't, they might either enjoy watching other people do so, or just enjoy some form of physical movement that requires some coordination and focus in some way (martial arts, boxing, yoga, Tai chi, etc). But yeah if they become comfortable around you, just like with Capricorns, you'll discover a whole other side to them
🔥 Leo venuses are known for liking gifts but tbh it's not just any gift - they want things that are high quality at the very least. Even better if it's something they can show off to others. My ex has this placement and I remember for Valentine's Day, I got him a bunch of things ranging in price, some for glamour and others because I just noticed he could use them. Yeah well, he loved the $250 gold earrings and immediately put them in and went to show his friends, and he loved the black woven bracelets because they "looked exclusive" but I found the tracksuit, graphic tees and the card with the lipstick print I got him shoved in the back of his closet. Asked about it and after lying about putting them there "just for a second to sweep the floor" he eventually admitted that because they weren't designer he really didn't want them. Lesson learned 0_0
My dad also has Leo venus and although he doesn't particularly care about things being designer or not like that, he WILL pick at the quality of anything you get him and only be happy if he can do the boomer thing where they say how "solid" something feels and how it will "last." If it's something like a book, it has to be a super popular bestselling "everyone is talking about this" title or else... yeah your gift is ending up in a sock drawer :/ lol
💧 Water moons experience a lot of guilt whenever they set boundaries with others and it's something they have to overcome as early as possible or they will suffer from a lot of headaches or stomachaches from anxiety
🌬 Aquarius sun men can be extremely toxic when it comes to wanting and chasing someone only after that person loses interest or displays nonchalance towards them. It is almost like they like a challenge to the point of manufacturing it over investing the same energy into a personal connection. The thing is, this is fun for a while but if they do it too often to too many people within a closed environment (school, activity group, work, etc), word gets around and they can often suddenly find themselves losing friends and romantic prospects. They can become lonely at that point and try to double back with their top interests, but won't admit they f*cked up. They just show up either acting as if nothing happened or being kinda arrogant about the whole thing and insisting that you're the one playing games with them.
🌿 Earth signs in the big 3 can make someone develop very peculiar ways of organizing. It can be physical objects, locations, or even just their thoughts, but they will have a whole elaborate process that can be kinda cute to watch unfold.
🔥 Fire signs in the big 3 can make someone highly expressive and have huge energy, even if they're a shy or quiet person. You'll know they've arrived at a function long before you see them and can find them in a room by just following the vibes ✨️
💧Pisces placements, especially suns, are extremely perceptive and people do not give them nearly enough credit for this. They're noticing everything and taking notes for future reference - looking like they're in the own world is just how they seem on the outside. Just because they didn't say anything doesn't mean they didn't clock your tea.
↤ go back to the masterlist
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anxious-witch · 4 months
Dead boy detectives characters as their big three in Astrology-Charles
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Text in the pictures and more explanation under the cut
So, this, unlike Edwin's, aren't canon, just my hcs, although Charles is imo implied to be a Taurus in a scene where Edwin says Taurus and Aries are highly incompatible. Because I refuse to believe this boy is Aries and even less so that Crystal is a Taurus so.
~ Strong will & aesthetic sense, very tactile
~ Loyal & great at taking care of what they love
~ Patient & present, drinks in life with no rush
~ Wide-eyed truth seeker, lives life as a quest
- Spontaneous, adventurous, philosophical soul
~ Inclusive & generous, magnet for opportunity
~ Soulful & deep, needs emotional security
~ Sympathetic, extra sensitive & very protective
~ Sentimental, strong ties to the past & family
Text from moonomes.com
So, he'd be a perfect balance of earth, fire and water in his big three. Taurus Sun, aka he is grounded enough to have a stable base people he cares about can lean on. Fiercely loyal, once you have his affection, he'd anything for you(cough like fight a demon or go to Hell cough). As a Venus sign, he cares about his apperance, but still keeps it comfortable. Hence why he looks so effortless cool throughout the series. Also Tauruses often love to indulde in little pleasures, such as food, so it's no wonder Charles complains about missing spaghetti. He is a creature of comforts.
His down to earth attitude balances well with Edwin's Capricorn qualities. Both are grounded, but when Edwin focused solely on the goal, Charles is there ti be present in the moment and notice what happens around them and react accordingly. Like with the Night Nurse, where Edwin froze, because he had no idea how to face this kind of threat. Charles was present and his protective instincts kicked in immediately. 
Then we have Sagittarius Rising. I knew he had to be some sort of fire sign, because that boy has so much inner fire to keep him going. And Sagittarius is exactly that. Rising signs are all about how one is perceived, and Sagittariuses are positive and friendly, with boundless energy. One could say that Charles' statement of being "aces with people" fits perfectly here. They are always here for the new adventure and experiences, especially when they are surrounded by people they love to be around.
Last but not least is Cancer Moon. Cancers are known for having many emotions, even having a reputation for crying often, although that's not necessarily true. Having it as his Moon, that represets emotions, especially hidden ones, does mean Charles has lots of feelings. He is sensitive to feelings of others, and in normal circumstances, should be of his own. However, he, similarly to Edwin, isn't a fully realized Cancer Moon at the beginning of the series. He bottles up his feelings, hiding behind his more "desirable" Rising. But eventually, the dam breaks, and he cries and/or lashes out.
Also, interestingly, Cancer Moons are known to be very possessive, which we see when Edwin is spending time with Monty or the Cat King. 
With his full potential realized(which I think, he has more work to do than Edwin does as things stand rn) he'll be a wonderful friend, attentive partner and somehow who freely expresses his emotions, both good and bad.
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melpomenismask · 9 months
Ketu Moon Natives and our Ketus 🖤
(an unedited, unrevised, stream-of-consciousness vedic astro note where I understand more of the point i was trying to make as I wrote it.)
Rando thought but I was analyzing my own astro today and if you’re a ketu moon you should especially pay attention to your ketu sign and nak!
I have a little theory that us ketu—and likely rahu— moons are more “susceptible” to the intense energies our destiny points signify—we can conquer using them, or become devoured by them, and I imagine wielding such forces can break those of is who might not have the luckiest charts/best spiritual, mental, and emotional foundations. Thus, it’s crucial we ground ourselves in the present—feel the sun on our skin, feel the time come and go instead of passively watching it, participate in life rather than floating through it. If we don’t put energy towards it we could find ourselves horribly lost, unrecognizable to who were once were or considered ourselves to be.
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For an example, I decided to look up Bobby Fischer’s vedic chart—if you aren’t aware of him, he’s considered to be one of the best chess players of all time, if not regarded as THEE best because he just left that significant of a mark. He is a Purva Bhadrapada sun and Ashwini moon, Purnavasu asc, and his Ketu is in Dhanishta. He rose to fame meteorically as a child prodigy and famously broke down after he had won the title of the World Champion and didn’t return later to defend his title; he had a full mental breakdown and disappeared from the public eye—it’s a familiar story about how high and bright Dhanishta stars rise before cruelly plummeting back down to earth.
Luckily, Bobby isn’t a primary Dhanishta placement, as the archetypal Dhanishta story ends in death; Bobby is an Ashwini moon AND Magha rahu. He remained quite eccentric and unstable due to being so isolated as part of his paranoia, but he recovered sufficiently for the most part after he disappeared from the spotlight, but he lived peacefully in Iceland despite his mental and emotional struggles until his passing (I believe he had Saturn in the 12th).
Ashwini is also associated with very high intelligence, according to Claire Nakti’s research, and being one of the best chess players of all time requires a pretty impressive and sharp intellect!
Now, Magha is another factor here that I wanted to take a glance at, just because it also gains more significance through the lens of the Ketu placement/Ketu relationship, also it’s a small note.
Bobby rejects some of the Dhanishta mold in favor or satiating that Magha Rahu. He didn’t fall in line as Dhanishta does as a kind of servant, which is how so many famous natives of the nakshatra are tragically exploited and/or “drained” until it they and are replaced by another. That is his Ketu; Bobby gladly leaned into his Rahu in Magha. Of course a Purva Bhadrapada sun contributes to a bit of edge imho, but Bobby famously threw his weight around. He wasn’t shy about the fact that he was the best, he had a bit of a “Kingly” attitude!
For example, Bobby nearly didn’t go to his final title match for the World Champion title! Luckily he was convinced and he went.
The reason he suddenly refused to participate was because he wanted the prize money to be increased and he couldn’t agree to a location he wanted. He was famous to being this pedantic about game conditions: if his demands weren’t met, he wasn’t coming, so you better get ready to dance. His ego was absolutely huge, no doubt! This is quite a Magha thing to do, as he intends to run the show and “rule” the game, even to the point of where it is or what bulbs are shining over him and the board, because he’s the “King”. He’s the best and he knew it, and he proudly swung this weight around.
Once his mental health declined and he never defended his title, the rest of Bobby’s life became a poignant drift into being forgotten and unwell. In a way, he fulfilled the Dhanishta story—the “King” Bobby Fischer died much earlier than the man himself. He lived peacefully, but very lonely and disturbed. (This is something associated with ashwini moons in particular, of course, but I haven’t looked into that personally.)
It seems to me that the ketu moon’s relationship with ketu is extremely important because after he abandoned his Magha path, he fell into a Dhanista-esque afterlife of emptiness. One thing I particularly remember him for were his words “Nothing soothes as much as the human touch”. Bobby’s Venus was actually exalted in the Nakshatra of Revati, but he had a very anemic emotional life—not much is said about love throughout his life save for after he fell into that Ketu “void”. He married the president of the Japanese Chess Association in 2004, and reportedly had lived with her for years prior, but life had different plans for him: he was a fugitive by the time he had met her, as he had become wanted for arrest by the U.S. government for playing a game against Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia, which violated the President’s UN sanctions against the country. Bobby literally spat on the Presidential order in the match’s FIRST press conference. This was Bobby’s life after he refused to continue onward with defending his title. He was arrested in Japan and sustained injuries because he resisted arrest. He was fortunate to have Iceland give him a visa on Humanitarian grounds thanks to his Title Match in the country (Saturn in the 12th returning a karmic gift.)
He had no children.
I want to take a final moment to touch on an important thought for us ketu natives: it’s extremely important to fulfill those node missions for us. After Bobby stopped acting out his Rahu it turned against him because he had simply let go of his fate—the U.S. government quite literally attacked him and kicked him out of the country, a simple chess player! He refused any of Rahu’s energies after he had left the stage; he was already a relic of chess during the 90’s because he was still playing the chess of his time; he was already a “forefather” in his own lifetime, a mad king with a dulled crown, solitary despite the few connections he did make.
Maybe it’s because I’m a magha moon, but Bobby’s story always tugs at my heart. It’s so saddening and tragic when I think of the greatness he could’ve continued to build if he had more stability available to him. He still tried to act as Magha even when he was no longer in his Rahu path and I think the Martian nature of his Ketu’s nakshatra and the Saturn rulership of Aquarius absolutely ripped him apart every time he did. Magha is of course Ketu, but I also think of the fact that it’s also Leo. The Sun, the light! Bobby seemed to fall into his ashwini moon later in life, and lunar energies are obviously unstable (hence his mental illness), but that connection to his Dhanishta ketu made it even rougher in my opinion. It made everything even more heartbreaking considering he was so deep in shadow that only the smallest slivers of light could reach: his friend’s kids were fond of him; he had safety and security, but Bobby only had emptiness after the ketu energies were no longer being led by him, and ultimately pulled him down and into a time capsule ; the smallest world possible. Another negative effect of Magha is the danger of becoming racially superior—he was notoriously anti-semitic despite his Jewish heritage; he denied this and was also a Holocaust denier. He remained arrogant and proud as if the 1970s had never passed.
Ketu moons, we must make sure we don’t fall into our ketu’s energies helplessly, or we will waste away, and it can happen as quickly and permanently as it did for Bobby if you’re not careful with your mind, body, and spirit. (This goes for 12 housers too!!) I know it’s hard to stay on the ground, keep following the light when you don’t even know where to start to look for it, but you must persist.
Your destiny awaits.
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*Vibrating with excitement* would you like to share opinions on tlt characters zodiac signs. Because I have so many
(Naberius is a Virgo sun Taurus rising imo)
I have a lot of opinions. Bear in mind that I am not an astrology expert and I personally consider zodiac signs simply a fun, sometimes humorous thing and not an end-all, be-all thing. I don’t know a thing about rising signs or moon signs or all that. I don’t even know my own full chart! I’m friends with a very big astrology buff and they—in all seriousness—told me I was born the wrong sign 😂. According to them, I act like a Sagittarius.
But as for my TLT zodiac opinions, I’ve included my thoughts in the tags of each poll I’ve posted. So far, my prediction have been 50/50. I’ll go into more detail about my thoughts in this post, though.
Past polls:
Gideon is an Aries. Two of my best friends are Arieses and they give off the same energy as Gideon. It’s a kind of ‘fuck you if you’re rude, fuck me if you’re hot’ energy. They don’t give a flying fuck what society thinks of them. They’re also incredibly gay. Do I also happen to fall for Aries a lot? Yeah. Am I in love with Gideon Nav? Also yes.
Harrow is a Scorpio. I’m a Scorpio and so is one of my other best friends. I identify a lot with Harrow (we have the same genre of religious trauma/Catholic guilt, as well as a shit ton of grief and loss in our lives), but honestly, I just go with vibes. Incidentally, I’m related to one of people who helped discover Pluto (the planet that rules Scorpio) which is also the Ninth house. Like, legit these bone lesbians are from Pluto. I’ve seen several posts joking about that why Harrow’s so short. Because she’s from a dwarf planet.
Palamedes is a Virgo. This is based solely on one guy I knew in high school. Dude was a walking encyclopedia and had a pair of Pikachu sunglasses. I feel like Pal would wear Pikachu sunglasses.
Camilla my love. I thought Leo. Again based on one person I knew in high school. But Tumblr at large thinks she’s a Virgo and after some thought, I agree.
The Tridentarii are either Leos or Geminis. I said this in the tags, but Leos for personality, Gemini for the meme. My friend from high school is a Leo and she is one of the most driven and determined people I have ever met (so Ianthe it hurts). But she’s also one of the biggest romantics I’ve ever met. Like romantic as in the art/literature movement. She wrote me a fucking poem hyping me up because she saw that I was going through a tough time (self image issues). She compared me to the goddess Athena and I have never been more honored. Ray of fucking sunshine is the most wonderful sense (CORONA AF).
Babs. He was a fucking asshole, but he deserved better than what he got. Taurus. Yet again, based solely on a dude I knew in high school. Voice of an angel that boy. Bust out into a rendition of “A Whole New World” on an escalator one time and no one complained because it sounded so good. But a low key asshole. Not entirely unexpected as he was a tenor. Yes I am throwing shade at tenors. Most tenors (and many sopranos) in my experience are bitchy as fuck. Naberius Tern has tenor energy. Polls ended with Leo taking the win, with Aquarius a close second.
Dulcinea. The real Dulcinea. My other love. She’s horny for revenge and I love it. Chronic illness Queen. Like, can we please talk about the representation in this series? We have all manner of queer representation, mental illness rep, and chronic illness/disability rep! I know that *spoilers* it’s actually Cytherea in GtN, but then the real Dulcie shows up to be a bad bitch in HtN and I am in love with yet another TLT character. She’s a Libra and I love her.
OUR LADY OF FUCKING PASSION. Pash. TLT’s John the Baptist (take a look at Alecto Theory 11 for more on that). Capricorn. I don’t think I know any Capricorns irl, but from what I know of them, she’s a classic Capricorn.
So yeah, those are my thoughts.
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p0ison-inmyteeth · 3 months
Test Test Kiss Kiss
Little Shadowpeach morning kiss for practice
"You know, watching the sunrise with you is something I thought I would never live to see again. I thought you hated me" the great sage murmured, leaning against a tree while his companion, Macaque was lazing on a bench right next to him.
"I did" he said without hesitation, a sigh escaping his lips as he turned his head ever so slightly to look up at the other. "But, letting go of something positive is harder than keeping something negative." A hint of fondness was found in his tone, as he once again felt his head ache in memory of what had been lost, but, not everything has to stay lost, not forever.
"Pft, I killed you, what’s so positive about that? I mean, how could you forgive me?"
"I can forgive, because you’ve done nothing but show me the Wukong I knew, is still present today, even if the battles over the years had taken their toll on you, you’re still… you." The six eared simian kept his voice low and calm, no use in keeping grudges where they’re not supposed to be kept. "I don’t think the you that killed me that day is the you I hear and have heard today, and in the past."
"You're delusional, then" Sun Wukong was quick to cut him off, his tail nervously swishing against the floor. "You're not supposed to forgive me, it was I who had brought you false hopes, and endlessly painful torture" Macaque stared, unbothered by wukong's words, he had heard them before they were spoken, he had heard everything before, in the past, and in the future.
And yet, he still saw no reason to hate the King, maybe he was delusional. Maybe he was completely out of his mind. He didn’t know, and it didn’t bother him, at least for now.
"You're also the one who brought me redemption, a home, safety, you’re the one who shines light on me, I simply reflect it." The shadow sat up on his bench, gesturing for the great sage to sit down. "While you have done horrible things, you show me time and time again that they’re mistakes you regret, isn’t that a sign for me to trust that you'll learn from the same mistakes?"
… Wukong sat down next to him, huffing as he looked into the still intact eye of the six eared. "I haven’t changed a bit, I tell you time and time again, *you've* told me time and time again. Why do you suddenly believe everything I've done and came to regret is something I learned from?"
Macaque shrugged, averting his gaze towards the sun. "You can open someone's eyes and make them look at you and think, you know" He then leaned back and looked up at his sun, raising an eyebrow. "Guess your so called "charms" are more than just your stupid jokes."
Wukong exclaimed offendedly at his companion's comment, while he just smiled and chuckled. It was a good morning, for the both of them. It felt normal, peaceful.
Wukong huffed as he leaned against the back of the bench , resting his left arm on the bench's back as he faced macaque, an expression of confusion and gratitude on his face. "Thanks for uh, coming out here with me" he said, his voice slightly cracking at the end of his sentence. He cleared his throat and put his head down on his resting arm. "Means a lot to me"
Macaque huffed in laughter as he turned to look at wukong, mirroring his position as he moved ever so slightly closer. "You're lucky I was awake this early, I would’ve kicked you out if you woke me up"
"Yeah?" The king said, a quiet chuckle leaving his lips as his gaze turned from his moon's eyes lower, first to his cheeks, then his nose, and finally, the lips. The source of the sweetest words being uttered.
"What're you doing, do I have something on my face?" The shadow asked, his voice low and soft.
Wukong hummed 'yes' nodding slowly as he leaned closer, his right hand rising up, the King's arm goes around the warriors neck, gently pulling him in.
"Just that," wukong started, pausing to find his words while his right hand was caressing Macaque's furr, gently and tenderly. "… You got something on your lips, I think." He finally murmured.
"Do I?" Macaque huffed in laughter. "Hmm, could you get it for me then?" He asked, the shadow's left hand traveling up to cup the king's cheek.
"I uh… sure, sure, I can… do that" was all the king could utter before he gently pressed his lips against his warrior's. Soft, gentle touches were shared, the sound of birds waking and the sea, the wind, they all fell silent as all they could hear was their heartstrings ringing, their breaths ever so slightly hitching as they departed from their short peck, looking eachother in the eye.
"…" Wukong looked down at the other’s lips once again. "I… I think I missed a spot.."
Macaque chuckled "I hope you miss again, then"
I LOOOVVVEEEE WRITING KISS SCENES. And a friend said to give them a Shadowpeach kissing scene so that’s what I did. I’m still an Amateur so for all those geniuses out there who want me to get good, tell me what I did "wrong” and give me some tips on how to write better kissing scenes!
I mostly plan on posting Lego Monkie kid stuff, but I'm open for more fandoms REQUESTS ARE WELCOME!!!<3
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olivescales3 · 3 months
The Forgotten Legends of Chima Episode 4
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“My dad really knew what he was talking about. There’s nothing in here”, Eris ruffles up her white feathers in frustration as she picks up everything available to analyze in this small section of a tall shelf.
The piles of paper and files have been growing ever since noon. And even before that, Eris’ voice didn’t stop echoing around the library from morning until now. The sunlight that was hitting our heads is now softer, but still feels like a heat wave is upon us, with the ceiling made out of glass radiating extreme warmth on us. I’m surprised how this hasn’t gone down with fires yet. Cragger is panting, trying to cool himself off, alas, to no avail— his arm’s temperature is hotter than normal, I can sense his scales getting dull from the touch of my paws. Eris, however, seems unbothered by all this heat.
She turns around, giggling a bit, “Guess you guys live in the cooler side of Chima. Just wait for the sun to move away.”
We continue listening to the incessant page-flipping noises. How come we’ve been almost the entire day here, and yet no sign of clues?
“If we don’t find anything soon, I fear that our situation might actually turn for the worse. I might’ve recovered, but this doesn’t mean we don’t have someone behind our backs.”
Eris freezes in place for a brief moment, her beak pointed at the empty shelf. She then turns around, facing the mounts she accumulated throughout the day. They look intimidating for sure; I wouldn’t have the brainpower to absorb— furthermore dissect— all of that information. She’s very dedicated to her goals. Pages upon pages of archived material won’t stop her from spreading them all across the wooden floor. This vast library’s walls are covered with books, but its center is empty; how many books are there, really? After a few minutes of thinking, the eagle calls us to stand besides her, then sits down.
The countless papers describing our sky and starts in detail… Ah, even from the distance I can find studies about the moon!
Eris sighs, perplexed, “So far, the only information I’ve found about the Hundred Year Moon was from anecdotes—”, she picks up a piece of thick, old paper, “and the document my dad previously talked about, like, a week ago”.
Unfortunately, ever since I got myself entangled on the inter-tribal dispute with those crocodiles, my dad started to be more worried with my vulnerability on the outside world… which is something I can’t deny. The incidents related to wolf deaths and the Purple Moon also began to increase, alongside to the strong rise in robbery of Chi— it’s a strange coincidence, too.
“The old piece of document aside, which I’ll try to decipher later— we only have three crucial clues for our mystery: the Purple Moon being linked to wolves going insane, who afterwards go searching for Chi.”
I ask, “Do you mean that the Purple Moon and Chi are somehow linked?”
She nods in response.
“Aight, but… If that’s the case”, Cragger interrupts our conversation, “then why did a lone wolf attack Laval?”
Eris shrugs; perhaps that specific wolf wasn’t affected by it, as they attacked me independently of the others in a premeditated manner.
She proceeds to grab a book, one that is open on a section about the moon. “I’ve been speculating about this for a while now… Chi has a liquid form, doesn’t it?”
I nod; Chi, in a liquid state, can be seen all the time, back at the Sacred Pool of Chi.
“It’s a well known fact— at least inside our Eagle circle— that the common moon shakes the lakes and rivers of Chima”, the bright eagle continues speaking as she looks at me attentively, “but the Sacred Pool of Chi is unaffected by this strange pull.”
The heat begins to die down a bit, enough for our minds to refresh. I have slight difficulties breathing because of the altitude, but it’s the expected. I’m feeling better, at least.
“Chi is normally found in crystal form, Eris.”
“Yes… but!”
She observes once again all of the things she had previously scattered, and focuses on them with her eagle vision. If there’s something unclear to us, then it’s obvious to her. I don’t doubt that a genius like Eris will let us down.
She adds, “ It wouldn’t hurt to test it out. Tomorrow will be Chi’s Giving.”
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Because of the reoccurring incidents, our visits have to be done from inside the lion temple. Lagravis had discussed with his brother on how to let important visitors without risking them being attacked by the wolves— they reached the conclusion that events such as our “Chi’s Giving” can only be executed in the morning, around the time the Sacred Pool of Chi is bright enough like the sky above it.
I observe the blue, liquid Chi inside the pool; it twitches around in small waves, almost freezing at certain areas, which soon sinks then rises to the surface as a crystal.
Those waves… do they react with the Purple Moon?
“What are you looking at, son?”, Dad interrogates me, his worried tone of voice sounds passive aggressive— or that’s what it feels. He’s behind my area of view.
Lagravis kept his body stiff on top of his throne the entire time we waited for our guests. He chose to not budge. I fear for my dad, that anguish has started to consume him whole…
The temperature in the room refreshes a lot, and not even the scorching torches that hang from pillars are able to heat us up properly. It’s much better than whatever went on at the library.
I turn around; Dad’s head lies on his hand as support, and he’s sitting with legs crossed. The tapping noises from his toe echo across the octagonal room, though they blend in against the noises of the Chi waterfall behind my father.
“I’ve been thinking about Chi for a while. Do you believe there’s a reason for the wolves to want it so much?”
He sighs. “One can only speculate, Laval.”
Tall silhouettes appear on the distance, who seem to walk at our direction. A surge of relief falls upon me— I’ve been waiting for this moment, eager even, as Eris might push us forward and give us a boost to end this mess. Then, the clouds of feathers shine through the Chi’s light, revealing themselves as Ewald and his kin. They greet us with a shy hello.
It’s only a few minutes later that someone brings the courage to speak:
“Ah… well, quite complicated, isn’t it?”, Equila stuttered.
His white feathers blend with the blue reflection of the Chi; the light also hit his eyes, which aren’t protected by his goggles.
No one else had the audacity to speak over Lagravis’ silence, but Equila’s words have compelled my father to reply.
“Good morning. Yes, everything thus far has been more than complicated”. The lion king stands still behind the Sacred Pool of Chi, itching his chin nervously. “I hope you understand why I took these measures. It is simply not possible to hold the Chi’s Giving event outdoors. We have to escort Chima’s kings inside the lion temple.”
Ewald bows in agreement without letting his golden wreath fall down to the ground.
Eris and I glance at each other; this is the longest my dad has taken to execute this ceremony. He seems hesitant, his eyes staring down the electric blue liquid. I can see his paws shaking ever so slightly, and his black, shiny lips struggling to open.
I walk next to him and hold his hand; it’s cold and sweaty, kind of like mine sometimes. Lagravis melts a bit, his anxiety tones down. My eagle friend also comes to comfort Dad: she lays her head on his shoulder, then hugs him tight. It’s not we’re supposed to treat a king, but he isn’t bothered by our manners at all.
Ewald chuckles. “I’m sorry—”
“No. Do not apologize. I… needed this.”
Lagravis detaches us off him, proceeding then to kneel to the Sacred Pool of Chi; his muzzle falls near the reserve’s water, appearing as a distorted reflection on the liquid’s surface. Afterwards he raises his arms to honor Mount Cavora above us.
“I, king of the lions, hereby lend you the Chi bestowed by our creator, Mount Cavora. Your tribe shall be blessed by its magnificent power.”
This isn’t even the beginning of the ritual, and yet, the water inside the pool already begins to vibrate with intensity— it sways in huge waves, forming crystals from below. Nature itself is manifesting its power. It intimidates both Eris and I– her eyes glint not in a way it would–, because we’re sure to test whatever it takes to learn about this miracle we call Chi. Some may say it’s a daring move, or that we’re going against nature’s will, but I don’t care—
A surge of uncertainty pierces my heart.
Well… perhaps I do care. But I believe that I’m doing this for Chima, for everyone.
Lagravis continues his speech, while retrieving the crystals, “Please, accept this gift from Mount Cavora. We would be nothing without it.” He marches towards the leader of the Eagle’s Ruling Council. “Use it well, use it wisely.”
Lion guards, including Longtooth and Leonidas, surround them while wielding ceremonial spears, and tilt them, making some kind of ‘tent’ shape. They raise their spears and shout, “For Chima!”, before hitting their polearms on the ground in synchrony.
Usually, music would play. Seems that this event is going to be more discrete than usual.
The lion guards leave, marching outside the temple. Lagravis nods to signal that the event is over. It was quicker than I expected.
Eris waves to me. She blinks, because she knows she’ll see me later. I wave back. They leave.
…A surge of loneliness hits me. Why does all of this feel so… lonely? Before, animals from all tribes would look at us receiving our Chi. They would cheer out of excitement. Now, it’s just us, afraid, in danger. We’re terrified, with no light giving us hope to leave the cave of despair. I can’t understand why would this Purple Moon even happen in the first place, but it’s making our lives miserable. That’s why I want to find a solution; I want to bring peace again, just like a prince would do. Or, I hope to do such a thing. I will not disappoint.
I had seated myself on the first step of the Lion Temple’s entrance, as the scorching sun sizzled on my bruises and made them ache. I kept observing the few clouds that barely did anything to protect my fur; they came and went, just like the hours did. I ended up submerging myself into some kind of weird reality where only the blue sky existed, but it was just me drowning under my boredom. I had waited for Eris, and she came.
“Laval! Hello? Please, get away from the sunlight, you’re going to have a heatstroke!”, my friend scolds me, “You’ve been still for a while, it’s worrying, you know.”
I nod. “Yes… Sorry.”
I didn’t notice it at the time, but she parked her white, shiny Speedor right in front of the stairway. Animals go up and down, avoiding the vehicle that’s blocking their path. A few of them even glance at us, which is understandable, because they’re witnessing two important animals just… staying in the middle of their way. Me almost suffering from a heatstroke is also concerning. Eris hops on her unicycle, and I place myself behind her. As she takes her leave, riding us away from the Lion Temple, she turns to the left.
Our surroundings become drier, the landscape barren and fragile. Eris took a decent path towards the Eagle Spire. I think it’s quite fun to see that tall peak from far away.
She begins to speak, waving her head sideways, “So… you see, I may have just found something important… Actually— it may be just a hunch, but I need to test something out.”
I poke my friend’s back to remind her that she’s driving.
“Sure. What is it?”
She points at the sky, bringing my attention to an almost transparent dark dot. “That might be the Purple Moon. I saw it using my telescope just to make sure.”
“And you’re still not sure?”
“…Yeah— Doesn’t hurt to test it out, though!”
“Test what—”, my voice is cut off by Eris’ sudden speeding.
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A marvelous sight at the Eagle Spire’s helipad greets me. It’s awesome! Eris brought a single Chi crystal with her. It shines bright, spreading light blue across our view.
The eagle observes her Chi up close.
“After the ceremony, my dad told me about the wolf invasion that happened inside your borders. I am sorry for the losses of both the Lion and Wolf Tribe… However, he said that those wolves were after your Chi, and it made me think for a while!”
Eris’ enthusiasm with her research surprises me… How can she keep such a bright spirit amidst the horrors of the Purple Moon?
“I have a tiny speculation… that might crack the code! That’s why I chose to call you under the Purple Moon.”
I ask about her ideas; she raises her voice in excitement.
“The Chi might be influenced by it!”
“Does this mean that you’ll have to use this crystal for your own research? Chi is a scarce resource! Do not!”
She groans. “Do you want more wolves to die?”
I shake my head.
Then, a familiar approaches us. Equila has come to see us, but why? Eris smirks in silence, refusing to utter a word. She giggles a bit before raising her head with a menacing grin. A macabre and suspenseful weight pushes both Equila and I down as we wait for the genius eagle to speak.
At the helipad, our horizon broadens exponentially— I can see the Outlands from here! It’s amazing to see the gray landscape of the Alpine Tundra, where stipples of dull greenery scatter across the surface. Sometimes, if I tilt my head, everything flattens up.
A cold touch pokes my shoulder, catching me off guard. Did I get distracted again?… Eris and her brother stand behind me; Equila’s expression right now has changed into fear, with sweat falling down his slick feathers, an unbelievable face considering how overly happy he was at the time of the last Speedorz Race; his orange goggles can’t be found on him, which reveals a worried and anxious look I’ve never seen on him before. He’s quiet. 
Eris, on the other hand, is excited, chirping underneath her fluffy feathers. She has been holding a Chi crystal between her delicate talons. But then, she hands it to Equila.
“What do you want..?” He shrieks quietly.
Eris has not spoken yet, as she would only chirp merrily; a macabre suspense haunts the air around us, raising anxiety at each breath she takes. The bird looks at her awkward, scared brother, who reciprocates the visual contact. 
“I want you to eat the Chi.”
Equila gasps in response, his beak open wide; this terrifying demand pierced through Equila like a thunder and left him paralyzed from head to toe. It was only seconds later that he managed to sweep away the shock and snatch the crystal from Eris’ talons, placing it behind his back.
“Eris! What went through your head?”, his despair shoots through his screaming voice, “Where did you get that idea from!”
In the blink of an eye, Eris holds herself back but returns to her eager face; her eyelids shine slightly with a faint violet tint of the Purple Moon that’s far away into the sky, hidden in plain sight.
She sighs, “I’ve thought hard about this. I’m not doing a sort of gag— if I understand how the Chi works, we might solve the problems that cause the wolves’ aggressiveness.”
Equila is visibly unable to understand his sister’s words and chooses to not ask any further.
“Your sacrifice won’t go in vain! Please, help us free the Wolf Tribe from suffering.”
“S— sacrifice? I don’t want to die! Eris, I’m begging you, for the Phoenixes’ sake, leave this idea behind. I am not going to swallow a Chi crystal.”
My friend clenches her palms; she frowns her fluffy eyebrows; her patience is reaching its limit. In an outburst, she cries:
“If you won’t, then I will!”
She’s not willing to back down.
I swallow my saliva in anguish. There’s no way she would do that, I thought, but if she’s this determined…
I lay my paw on her tall shoulder. She freezes for an instant. 
Equila’s eyes twitch between the Chi on his grasp and his sister. He has a multitude of choices, but seems to only think of two. And so, with grief… he shoved the Chi down his throat. He flinches in pain, gulping multiple times; he starts to gag uncontrollably afterwards.
Eris stands there, staring at her brother— who once was an extroverted, outgoing eagle— transform into a surge of uncontrollable anguish. As the Chi went down his throat, he choked for a bit— then, a blue, almost ghostic silhouette of his rose from the ground, and it pushed us away with a powerful blow. After that, Equila’s eyes shined like the Chi he had swallowed. He couldn’t hide the pain, wouldn’t stop screeching; his cries have been piercing our eardrums, along with the noises of his nails scratching the helipad’s floor. Tears fell down his face until he was unable to hold himself any longer. It feels like an eternity—
He pounces on me, but lands face first onto the floor. I quickly turn around and run up to Eris, who kept watching everything without moving an inch. Senses come back to her, she pulls me tight to her bulky chest.
The haze leaking from Equila’s beak transitions from blue to purple, and the screams that rise out of his lungs become more and more unbearable.
“Somebody help us, please! Equila, hang in there!”, Eris pleas, her voice blending in with the painful noise underneath. Her panting breath grows louder as she holds me strong in the air.
A flash turns at us, and, in the blink of an eye, we’re inside a jet. My head stumbles itself into a state of shock; all that surrounds me become twisted into a fuzzy mess hurting my brain.
Soon enough, my eyes return to normal, yet I feel light headed. To my side, where the passenger’s door is, I can see ten other jets surrounding the Eagle Spire’s helipad, beaming downwards blue fire to stay afloat in the sky.
“Stay where you are, Equila!”, a deep, breathy voice shouts, “We won’t hurt you— just be still!”
The feral white eagle can be seen clenching himself from afar; he’s really trying to not go against those orders. However, I have a gut feeling that it won’t take too long for Equila to lose his control.
A sudden gust of wind races from Equila’s wings and wobbles the jets, including the one I’m in. At this moment, I turn around and notice that Ewald was the one who saved Eris and I from any further harm. He, the leader of the Eagle’s Ruling Council, put his life on the line for our sake. Right now, he looks horrified. His son has gone into a state of madness because of the Chi.
Eris cries with her hands over her face, “D— dad! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault.”
“What do you mean?”, her father shuddered.
Then, Equila punches his wings around the sky and they push the air at every flap, but it seems like he can’t keep up with the flight— the bright electricity on his body begins to sizzle, and the eagle has become unable to maintain his position. He lands on the Eagle Spire’s ground, exhausted.
When our eagle jet roosts down, Eris pushes the door open and sprints towards her unconscious brother. I follow suit, walking behind her.
The bird’s face rests emotionless, besides the pain felt wrinkles near his eyes. My friend lays her head on his chest; the tears that fall across her feathers would soon hit her brother’s apparently unmoving keel. His wings are spread across the floor, tainted with dust. However, Equila’s body is not stiff; when I lay my fingers on his wrist and press it for a bit, I can feel the blood crossing inside of him.
I smile in tears. “He’s not dead”, I cry.
A navy blue eagle— the one who helped us just now— leaves his flying vehicle. He walks up to Equila and, with a red magnifying monocle, analyzes his every feather.
Ewald whispers, his voice weak, “Eglor… Tell me that my son is alive!”
“Yes, he is. It would be a lie to say that he isn’t!
Eglor pokes Equilas knee, and the tendons jerk in reaction.
“Now, call the paramedics! I can’t help him all by myself”
Both Ewald and Eris screech with every strength their lungs can muster; thereafter, from a faraway building at the Eagle Spire, blue-tinted raptors slide in the air towards us, and four of them seem to hold a stretcher; they quickly come by, laying their golden claws down on the helipad. Equila is placed on top of the stretcher, disappearing alongside the other adults.
For a fleeting moment, I saw Eris' eyes shed tears, but she fled just as fast as the other eagles while mumbling to herself; each step she took was too fast for me to keep up with, and her words got lost in between her despair. I could see her silhouette from afar, getting farther away from me.
She continues to sprint without looking back; one of her talons twist right at the edge of the ground— and Eris has fallen in front of my eyes. As I reach the same edge as she did, my heart starts to punch down my guts. However, she's flying fine— a bit disoriented, I'd say— straight up to the library. I run around the stairs of the mountain, trying to reach the same destination as my friend; they are long and hard to climb for a lion like me, though bearable enough right now; at my top speed, I drift along the stairway a few times and enter the library.
Absurdly tall bookshelves corner me akin to a maze, yet they cannot stop me from overhearing Eris' weeps that echo from left to right. I go through the jungle of books; the sections vary by subject, like religion and geography. Until, something catches my eye: Eris is removing a book from a shelf; her body quivers a lot, shaking the arms without control; she opens the book, trembling, which reveals pages filled with child-like handwriting.
"I— I can't believe! Where is it?" She wails, the sound of flipping papers whispering beneath her tears.
The eagle seems to land on a specific part of the book, one that makes her stop and read; afterwards, she drops it and herself onto the wooden floor.
My soul can't stand looking at Eris like this!
"Eris! Don't worry, I'm here... Please—"
"I almost killed my brother!"
I can’t wipe the image off my mind— Equila’s reaction to the Chi was awful, and I suppose the pain he felt was horrible too. Though… I still don’t understand how this was influenced by the Purple Moon. Is it even a moon? And Equila ate a crystal, instead of drinking a liquid. Anyhow, now’s the perfect time to ask questions. Cragger and I have been waiting for our other friends to come, in hopes of discussing what to do next.
During our time doing nothing, Cragger kept nagging me about what games to play next.
I told him, “We’re in a critical situation right now, Cragger. It’s not safe to play out there!”
But then he got down to his knees and looked at me with big, watery eyes, begging me to race at least once.
“I have cool tricks to show you that Papa taught me! …Pretty please?”
“Okay, okay”, I grunted, “We’ll play later, just promise me to not do anything hasty.”
Well, at least that made my buddy calm down… He’s leaning on the same rock as I am, somewhere in the route between the Lion Temple and the Eagle Spire.
To think that I’ve been frequenting this area quite a bit…
Eris and Worriz arrive on their Speedorz, and we greet them.
“Good to see that you kept your promise, Laval…“, Worriz laughs, “You’ve been keeping a keen eye on this Chi stuff.”
I sigh, “Only keeping a keen eye… Since Eris is the one doing the actual research.”
My fur looks unkempt; I barely had the energy to tidy up, as the recent memories of Equila’s agonies haunted me down to my core— it made my paws tremble, and I needed to hide from Dad whatever happened beforehand by lying through my teeth that I was fine. I’m laying lies after lies; this will not end well. Dark circles cast from underneath my eyes, very much so, to the point where not even makeup could make them less visible.
“What are you going to do next?”, the pup asks Eris, snarking, “You guys are catching up some pace, but are still nowhere. Sacrificing your brother won’t do much.”
She puffs up, frustrated at Worriz’ words. “I’m planning to bring a bucket of Chi where the Purple Moon is near.”
Cragger, who was distracted with the rattling leaves from above, becomes startled with our conversation. “Where is the bucket of Chi? Don’t we just have crystals?”
“Or so you’d think— but I let the Chi simmer on hot water and melt for a long time. Oh, also, I thought that you could take notes with Laval during our experiment. We have to document everything we see... Everything.”
He nods. 
Eris speaks with a melancholic tone of voice, “Great... Let’s go at the West side of Chima tonight, the three of us.”
Worriz huffs while hopping on his Speedor without afterthought and quickly leaves the area. It’s surprising that he spoke so little during our short meeting— perhaps it’s another jab against us? Or is he wimping out like a coward? … Is it my appearance? 
The sky is pitch black, but It doesn’t bother us for the experiment. Instead, this might as well be the ideal scenario for Eris’ plans. From above, the only source of light remains the Purple Moon, and from below– where we are– dances a tiny flame at the eagle’s palm; a torch brightens the liquid Chi inside this bucket on the floor.
“When the moon moves, it might pull the liquid Chi. I made sure to come here when the normal moon was unable to be seen”, says Eris.
I— I can’t believe we’ve come this far. Equila's temporary sacrifice of his well-being showed itself to be the key for our experiment. We will save the wolves, I’m sure of it. If this water sways along with the Purple Moon, Chima will finally have some peace of mind.
I poke Cragger’s shoulder and point upwards. “Are you keeping track of the moon?”
He looks at me, slightly startled, as if I had caught him off guard, then returns his gaze to the bright, cursed sphere that hangs atop the horizon.
I stare deep at the Chi. Adrenaline pushes my heart back and forth. Pencil and paper in hand, my paws shake as sweat begins to crawl down my forehead— I swipe it aside with the back of my wrist as to not let it fall into the bucket. But the liquid wont move.
A sudden force pushes my arm.
“Look! The stars, they’re shinin’.”
At that moment, the Chi shook— it moved!
“Take notes!”, Cragger shouts.
I rapidly push my pencil on the paper and scribble down what I witnessed.
Eris and Cragger rush towards the bucket, observing it with all of their energy. Again, it moved!
Tears slide down Eris’ eyes. Cragger shoves us into a hug. We start to jump around and frolic.
Who could’ve thought that this was so easy, so quick? It’s amazing!
Something hit the bucket; it’s circling on its own circumference. The liquid rocks violently, and it’s pushing the metal object.
The bucket falls down. All of its insides flow out, being absorbed by the grass.
Then, a gust of dust blinds us for a second, before our surroundings tremble. Worse— I can see that a huge stampede runs at our direction.
A piercing agony cuts me in half, hardening my legs like dry clay. I can see the wave of creatures consuming the horizon. They get closer and closer each time I blink.
“Laval, what are you doing? Run!”, Eris screams from the bottom of her lungs.
She pulls me with her hand. I can’t stop looking behind me, even if she’s dragging me away from that crowd.
Loud howls form a symphony of wildness, followed by the percussion of paws running on the ground.
My legs return to their senses and begin moving with my will. I turn around and sprint far away from the stampede, but the darkness of the night engulfs us into a sudden, unpredictable maze. The cracking noises of leaves and branches can’t muffle down the stalking wolves; they get louder by the minute— they might catch us soon.
A sudden pebble gets stuck in between my toes— I loose my balance and trip. I can only feel the leaves breaking under my fall. But something lifts me just after, as it tightly grips my tunic.
I tried to scream, but fear shut my mouth.
And yet, the stampede is behind us. Maybe.
“How’re you this heavy?”
This familiar voice breaks the suspense haunting me. Childlike and brittle… It can only be Cragger!
“Alert! There’s a big tree nearby. Follow me!”
We follow suit the eagle’s words.
An explosion of leaves echo out of our sight.
“I— They’re getting closer!”
Eris’ voice becomes louder than before, "Cragger, please, hold my friend tight!”
He groans, “What do you mean?”, before a gush of wind pushes upwards on us.
Wing flaps can be heard, slow but steady. Worse— it seems that Eris picked us up just by herself! The pressure on my tunic gets stronger, starting to rip part of my clothes, and it worsens with my friends wobbling atop the sky, until I’m finally able to touch on high branches.
My friends proceed to hold themselves onto the tree alongside me. From the looks of it, as I stare downwards at the tree’s roots, the trunk is very, very tall. Weird enough, the branches are long yet sturdy, flowing in whatever direction it can.
The moonlight shines, hitting faintly on these huge, hollow seeds that hang from those branches. They’re not just hollow; they have open holes like doors and windows! Are they houses?
Cragger whimpers, “Eris… Tha’was close! How did you…”
“You just answered me by yourself.”
He sighs.
From below, the rush of wolves pass galloping in a hurry, avoiding us and the tree, but their noise attracts an unexpected rumble at our height too. We hear heavy panting, and it gets louder by the minute.
“Dude!”, the disembodied voice groans, “What in Cavora is going on?”
I look behind me and notice a small gorilla, perhaps a kid even, juggling from branch to branch until he reaches us— up close, his bright markings all across his face feel familiar.
“Ey, Gorzan!”, Cragger greets the child in relief.
“Oh, hi bud. Crocodiles never climb trees.”
Gorzan stares at us, suspicious of why we’re here in the first place. Though, he looks down once more, then analyzes us briefly, before nodding.
“So you guys are also troubled by this mess?…”
“Wait— what do you mean ‘also’? Where were you during all of the past Hundred Year Moon incidents?”
Eris starts to propel herself using an offshoot in an attempt to wrestle the kid, but he remains unfazed. The eagle’s eyes shine with tears— I suppose adrenaline also pumps violently in her, just like it does in me.
“…We stayed home each and every night it crossed our view. We’re not reckless, you know!”
I unwillingly giggle, my voice trembling a bit; now everyone’s attention is directed at me, so I lower my voice.
“Yes… We aren’t reckles… I guess…”
The gorilla laughs loud, swaying himself around. He’s amused, but I’m not. I don’t think my other friends are amused either. But he’s there, kicking his feet on the air, for a minute. Underneath his smile, I can notice he’s slightly nervous. Then, he returns to a calmer stance, hanging with one hand.
"You guys should come with me. My grandpa won't be happy to see us here like this..."
After being led with my friends by Gorzan into his village, we're greeted with faint lights that scatter across the enormous tree they're hanging from. Those lights all come from the houses of the Gorilla Tribe; one of them in particular strikes attention because of its flashy blue paint job. Gorzan points at it, telling us about a little party that was going on in there; it got previously interrupted due to the sudden wolf stampede, followed by our screaming. He proceeds to vocalize and whoop; the other gorillas who remained inside that house reply and wave at us. We swing our way to the party.
As we set our foot inside that abode, a dizzy sensation makes me lose focus; the seed is more hollow than I had imagined, with a lot of empty room, besides a circle of gorillas awaiting for us. One of them, a grayed elder, itches his dry lips before drinking straight from an open coconut.
"Thank you, grandson, for saving the future of Chima...", he bows to the child in relief, "When I heard them, I immediately recognized their voices... An old leader like me can't do much."
Gorzan gives him a massage on the shoulders. "Grizzam, don't worry about it, I brought them here just fine! Let's just relax and party!"
Another tiny gorilla, dressed up with flowers, hands us a handful of coconuts. Her blue skin bears a resemblance to Gorzan's, but her fur is brown.
“Drink it— you’ll feel much better, especially if you did a lot of exercise beforehand!
She crawls up to us, then whispers, “My bro loves coconut water… That’s because it helps you regain the salts you lose when sweating!”
Gorzan blushes in reaction after overhearing our small conversation.
He says, “Don’t mind G'loona, please! My sister's kinda talkative about our lives…”
“But she didn’t say anything special… Oh well, perhaps I do need to drink this more often”, I tilt the fruit at my muzzle and drink the refreshing liquid, “I tend to sweat a lot… Do you Gorzan?”
His face immediately becomes shiny, with water dripping from his forehead. He covers his face in shame and everybody laughs.
Eris starts to dance to the rhythmic clapping of the animals around us; Cragger also joins the fun; everyone chants and sway around eagerly... but me. I look behind, stare at the dead of night, thinking about the bucket of Chi we abandoned. Oh well, I wonder what those wolves did with it. The music bounces around the house— my ears hurt! Eris, however, probably noticed me crouched on the floor; she reaches her hand, inviting me to dance.
Should I?
My legs wobble and I fall back to the ground. She giggles and lifts me up.
"Don't be shy, Laval! I know you can dance."
"Yes... But—"
The gorillas stop their music. Grizzam's pale blue eyes shrink unexpectedly.
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"You heard that?", he utters, "Troops are marching their way here. Gorzan, take care of the unwarranted visitors!"
The grandchild bows before hopping down the house; he descends from branch to branch, until I can't see him well at this height. I crouch again and tilt my ears forward; the silence helps me eavesdrop a husky voice below, then faint metallic noises. Eris sits near me, picking her feathers.
"Hey—", "Calm down..."
"Bring them to me!"
Afterwards, Gorzan comes back, panting and trembling.
"It's... It's the Crocodile Tribe's commander, grandpa! He wants Cragger and Laval!"
My blood runs cold— The commander, he said!
Grizzam coughs. "I suppose someone had to come rescue these children..."
I snap, "But— Why would it have to be the commander-in-chief? What about Cragger's dad! He's the king! Right, Cragger?"
He stays quiet. "I— uhh... I dunno..."
Gorzan pulls our hands, visibly afraid. Cruz— I can't even imagine what that deplorable criminal said to him!
"Guys... We have no choice", he whispers.
Cragger and I are brought down to the earth's level, face to face with the blue, tall, intimidating crocodile and his army. The moon still shines bright, but the purple tint has gone away. Gorzan runs back to the tree, and we're left alone with the crocs.
A medium sized vehicle stands behind Cruz; it's bulky and wide, with a crocodilian mouth open on the front. Cragger is slowly escorted by some guards to the back of that tank, slow enough to be deliberate; I see him distracted, his back facing me.
A blunt force hits my head and all fades to black.
That... horrible, disembodied voice— I know it... I've heard it one too many times. It pierces my skin without remorse. It haunts me, crawls inside my eardrums, spits on me, screams at me.
"And you thought that you could get away from me, brat!"
Cruz' foul breath hurts my eyes; I tear up, and whatever I could barely see is now gone. The humid and airtight room makes me squirm.
"What are you even doing?", I cry.
He pushes my head onto something hard; the pain spreads around the back of my skull. "Making sure you don't get in my way."
"Way of what?"
He hits me again, but I hold myself back from crying. "What do you have to do with the wolves?"
A finger shoves itself onto my muzzle; it pulls my mouth upwards, then snaps it back to place.
"You rat— Why should I tell you anything?" He stays silent for a moment, breathing heavily. "It doesn't matter anymore. I got what I wanted; you'll see it soon when I kill your entire family!"
No— not my family!
Chains rustle as I shake my body, trying to free myself. Cruz laughs with a raspy, sadistic cackle, before wet steps begin to hide his voice: "The Crocodile 'king' has a huge storm coming for him... Hah!"
Dead silence.
Here I am, once again caught in between these chains, hidden by the shadows of a selfish commander. 
"If someone tried to attack us, we'd have no choice but to defend ourselves", the words of my uncle echo in mind.
While I am left here to rot, Cruz will, without a doubt, start war against my tribe. Perhaps... kidnapping me was the plan, to avoid the wolves from being saved, to continue this disaster and take advantage of it? Stir violence from violence? Meanwhile, where is Crominus? He's the one in charge; where is he in a fragile moment like this! 
I stare down at my stiff, tightly held body; the strength of those chains begin to hurt my bones. An anguished sigh leaves my throat.
If I recall properly... Cragger didn't know where his dad was, right? I wouldn't be surprised if my Dad summoned him because of Cruz' actions. But it doesn't make sense for Cruz to be left alone and do what he wants!
Sudden noises– of what sound like sparks– burst around the surface; I hold my breath and listen to them, but they're interrupted by faraway screaming; it's followed by dashing steps that get stronger by the second, alongside a torch I see, being held by Crawley. He enters the cave, looks around, then whispers: "Dang it! Cruz has to stop drifting away from my plans!". When he noticed that I listened to it all, he gives me an ugly look, akin to a threat, and leaves the place.
"Troops, to the entrance! Go!", Cruz' orders manage to get inside my eardrums.
Noises of metallic weaponry clanging and banging around follow suit, but one seems to direct itself inside the cave. A tall brown crocodile, with a metal lower jaw, rises from the depths holding a torch.
The crocodile moves behind me and begins to melt down the chains holding me; the dampness of this cave makes them sizzle ever so slightly, as fire appears within my view.
“W– what are you doing!”, I cough blood.
Suddenly, the chains fall free onto the muddy floor, but I’m held by unbelievably huge, muscular arms.
“Silence”, he whispers, “They’ll catch us if you make any noise.”
The stranger hugs me tight before running away; I cannot see properly for I have been tied up longer than anything in my life; though I lost track of time, the light quickly blinds me in a matter of what feels like minutes, and deafening noises of heavy vehicle tracks invade my unrecognizable surroundings.
Even if my senses are adrift, I will always find my way— unfortunate, however, the stench of blood floats on the atmosphere; rich and metallic— a smell that I am too familiar with.
I cry, “The gore… It’s sickening…”
The crocodile’s heart beat shoots fast.
“Crug, you insolent swine! Go to the battlefield like I ordered you to!”, Cruz’ orders echo from afar.
Crug rubs my eyes, helping me regain my sight. He pets my tiny little mane and leaves me behind, hidden besides a tall tree, whose roots rise of the ground with very good shade. I hide underneath it, then stare at the mud on my legs and arms. Ugh.
And so I dive myself into the mud, hoping that my adrenaline stink becomes less noticeable.
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Ugly screams of agony shake the ground, mixed with thuds of dead bodies being shot with Chi lasers, metals clanging, blood splattering. I could not interfere. Neither could I help. I'm left to rot here, and if I leave, I will die! Oh Mount Cavora— I had a hunch that Cruz was indeed plotting something... And he did! Outside of the Crocodile's Swamp Hideout is a battlefield!
Underneath all of the noise, a firm voice passionately screams far away: "Give my nephew back to me, heinous criminal! You will never be king, speaking as the brother of one! You are nothing but—"
A heavy gunshot silences Lavertus.
"I will run over all of your lions! Crominus is no longer with us— I, the commander of this tribe's army, have become the Crocodile Tribe's only ruler!", other gunshots ensue, followed by painstaking roars of demise, "Your nephew keeps meddling in my business; I'll take care of him just like I did with those soldiers!"
Crocodile soldiers bellow in pain; I close my ears in reaction. My body shakes in fear, as sweat surges from my skin.
No... First the wolves, now the crocodiles... No... Cragger— Oh Cragger, I'm sorry, I hope you're alright...
Lavertus groans, "Crominus... Crun— They're at the Eagle Spire, and you pounced at the moment they left because of the Purple Moon! You coward!"
I shut my muzzle shortly after, as to not gasp. My heartbeat loses all rhythm and goes out of control. Tears cascade down, burning my eyes.
Everything around me becomes bleached of color in a sudden— these wooden walls that surround the Crocodile's Swamp Hideout curl into an oddly familiar shape, similar to the Coliseum; it's like I'm watching a Speedor Race from above, as the tiniest of ants spiral, until a crocodilian mount of dirt rises from the ground, holding a gun.
Its eyes shine bright, like amber.
"The wolves, Laval... They don't know it yet!", it screeches into a macabre laugh, "It's too late. Give up."
In a fraction of a second, the entire scenario dissolves, revealing Lennox in front of the hideout's now burnt down walls. He pulls me away from underneath the tree, and, while he runs to somewhere, my eyes begin to lose their senses.
"Laval! Oh, please...", Lavertus' voice is swallowed by the never-ending cries of misery, as I fall asleep within someone's grasp.
I start shoving my face onto the bed's pillow with strength— it becomes stained with warm tears and mucus. I cry, scream, muffling down my voice on the cushion.
"Why, why? I'm useless! Oh Mount Cavora— ever since that sinister wolf hurt me, everyone's lives have been falling apart. I tried all I could, but it always ends up unfolding into something terrible. Wolves are being killed everyday, and now we got crocodiles trying to take advantage of this for power!"
My tail, whipping sideways, hits something— then it gets grabbed and pulled around! Ouch! And so I turn around.
It was Furty who picked my tail; but as I stare at his body, I notice the stiffness of his bright orange fur; his tan raggedy clothes are covered in dirt and grass. The fox’s quaking in place, kneeling in front of my bed, clenching his hands as if begging.
“Please, Laval, hear me out!”, he whimpers, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but please give me one chance!”
“W— what is it? How did you even get in here? Guar—“, I tried to scream, but he shut my muzzle shortly after.
Furty lets me go, then wipes the tears off his eyes. “I betrayed you, okay? I told them about your plan. They went after you. It was my fault! But it was at that moment where things escalated— I had to run away! But they found me and threatened to kill me if I…”
 His cries start to become too loud, so I shut his muzzle for a second.
 “You… were involved with Cruz?”
“Yes! I thought he was some… crazy, overenthusiastic croc, but he’s actually doing it! His plan… He told me that if I snitched, he’d kill me. I don’t want to go back. I am the last of my kind— and I am done for!”, he cries on my bedsheet.
 “You sneaky— Argh! Guards!”
Furty grabs my cold hands in despair; his dry paw pads uncomfortably itch my skin. He moans in fear. “No! If your guards catch me, they’ll kick me out! Don’t you understand?”
He looks at me with very, very wet eyes. It is a life or death situation for him— it must feel horrible to be the last fox, with his impending doom right behind the door. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death… No… He put my life at risk, but I would never want to do the same… 
 “I need refuge. Please.”
I sigh, hiding the pain of my voice, “Look… I’ll try to save you, Furtivo. But you will have to promise me two things!”
His ears raise.
“First, you’ll have to tell my dad everything you know, spoke and heard about this; and you will never, under any circumstance, meddle yourself in crime! I will call the guards and you’ll be imprisoned— then, you’ll soon be interrogated by my dad and kept behind bars for your own safety.”
Before the fox could do anything, Longtooth gently opens the door, catching him on sight; to my surprise, I'm able to get out of bed and walk to the bodyguard. He looks at me with a worried expression, but he's understanding of Furty's presence; the lion pets Furty's orange fur and wipes away his tears. Of course, it was only a matter of time for that cunning youngling to be arrested. He better explain everything he knows about Cruz and the wolves... If he wants to be forgiven by those around him...
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The leaders from each and every tribe of Chima have reunited to discuss about the reoccurring issues of the Purple Moon. Not only that, but—
"The commander-in-chief of your tribe has attempted to overthrow your ruling", Dad speaks with an assertive tone of voice that echoes within the lion temple, "Explain yourself, Crominus."
I tug on my father's leather skirt, afraid. Cragger... I am so afraid for you...
"Your Majesty, I went to visit the Eagle Spire with my wife and children— we had important matters to solve with the Eagles, right, Crunket?"
She, queen of the crocodiles, remains silent, without budging any of the pale green scales of her lips. Her moist pink dress flows stiff as she pinches it in inquietude.
He continues, "The wolves began to advance into our territory each Purple Moon. Their power is... Uncontrollable. The walls protecting the Crocodile's Swamp Hideout might not be enough. I had to consult Ewald for help— his tribe has the technology, after all."
Ewald picks on dead skin of his talons. "Exactly that, Your Majesty! But we're at a tough place right now. As I've said before, we have almost nothing about the Purple Moon. My daughter found extremely crucial clues, though they're not enough..."
Dad sighs, tapping the index finger on his arm. Those words don't seem to convince him of anything...
"You're drifting away from the point, Crominus. The captain you chose was not a trustworthy one; he kidnapped and tortured my son multiple times! I can't imagine how you weren't able to crack down on this sooner."
The crocodile king tries to speak, but his words are run over by those of my father, who gives Furty his turn to speak. Lagravis' menacing stare pieces through the poor teenager, whose face has become expressionless with dread. He laughs a bit, shaking.
"Ah, Lagravis— I mean, Your Majesty... It is of—"
 Dad roars, "Do not play with me! Be honest and direct or face a father's wrath!"
 Furtivo audibly gulps, "Yikes! Sorry— I first saw Cruz at the swamp... He was gnarling at Crawley— you know the one, who shot a bullet during the Speedor Race— about kicking Crominus out of power. His tirade was so absurd that I had to butt in... I swear to Mount Cavora, I didn't know he had that much power!
His breath runs short with saliva dripping from his muzzle down to his tan raggedy clothes. "He kind of hired me as his personal spy... But it was only at the moment where he began to manipulate the wolves that a red flag rose, especially with whatever happened after the Speedor Race. I couldn't back away as he had threatened my life when I did so."
I hide behind Lagravis' back, holding myself from tears. All of this can't be a ruse, the Chi moved along the Purple Moon, how could that crocodile even control such a raw item of nature?
"Furtivo, are you implying that the wolf attacks against my son have a correlation with Cruz' actions?"
"Yes, sir."
"Argh!", Lagravis screams as he hits the hilts of his throne, "I should have summoned the wolf elders. Was Wakz right all along? Is Wilhurt on the loose?"
"I... am afraid so, almighty king of the lions."
Taglist: @fenth-eiria @harleyacoincidence @awleeofficial @eldritchx @tigeryasou @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @the-lesbian-demon-queen1 @nexusofdomains
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dilf-din · 1 year
Chapter 4: Winter
Din Djarin x florist!reader
WC: 5300 (oops)
Warnings: absolutely none, all fluff and domestic bliss. No use of y/n but reader is female presenting and has a nickname.
A/N: the final chapter is here! I’ve had so much fun writing this little world. I already have a few one shots planned, so stay tuned! As always, inspired by Venus by Sleeping at Last. Enjoy, my loves 🩷🩵
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I was a billion little pieces
'Til you pulled me into focus
Astronomy in reverse
It was me who was discovered
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Winter on Nevarro was busy, despite the fact that the climate was so steady that all the days blurred together. Karga liked to celebrate the changing of the seasons. He said it boosted morale, made the people there seeking shelter feel like they were on a bigger, mid-rim planet. So even though the sun still beat down with the same intensity that it did when you arrived on the planet at the beginning of the year, the town square was decorated for a weeks-long winter equinox celebration. Though he had spent most of his life on the volcanic planet, Karga’s travels had taken him around the galaxy a few times. He fondly remembered the festivals he had observed in worlds with more extreme climates.
He had recruited you to help in the decorating efforts. Your apprentice, Tal’oh, had really come into his own the past few weeks. His broad frame made it easy for him to handle the deliveries of large clay pots, bags of soil, and heavy stones that came in several times a week. Your home gardening section of the store quickly moved inventory as everyone in town was taking to creating their own green oases on the dusty planet.
Despite his large stature and equally large hands, Tal’oh was also a natural when it came to floral arrangements. He delicately trimmed and placed flowers with a soft look of determination. His dark hair fell over his eyes while the tip of his tongue stuck out from his lips in total concentration. He had been a welcome addition to the shop, coming highly recommended from the townspeople when they saw your help wanted sign. He was the grandson of one Mrs. Greebs who had been selling yard ornaments in your storefront for a few months now. She made delicate metal frames filled with stained glass that cast luminous rainbows when they caught the light.
With some help to look after the every day responsibilities, you dedicated your time to creating a collection of wreaths for the townspeople. Using some of the planet’s native plants and briars, you wove together wooden, earthy designs that people flocked to your store for. Each time you set out a new display, they sold out within the afternoon. You also painted some small signs to commemorate the equinox, a simple scene of a bright white moon rising over the lava plains. Karga beamed with pride when you brought him the first samples.
“I knew you were the right person for the job! Your cheerful spirit is going to spread to every person who sees these hanging on people’s doors.”
You sheepishly accepted the praise, relieved that what you made was to the High Magistrate’s likings. He was hosting a feast at his palace at the end of the week that everyone had been busy preparing for. The extra influx of jobs was welcome to the hardworking people of Nevarro. Everyone brought their own skills to the cause. Carpenters fashioned the extra long tables to hold the elaborate meal that would be made by the local restauranteurs. The baker was tasked with creating an elaborate cake along with an array of sweet treats showcasing the local fruits and flavors of the planet. For a place that seemed to settle into its own factions, it was nice to see the community coming together like this. Karga had done a wonderful job of busting up the gangs that once ruled the streets, bringing a long sought after peace to the residents.
You were busy working on a new set of wreaths when you heard the familiar tinkle of the bell indicating someone had walked through the door.
“Be right there!” you called from the corner bench in the work room you had spread out on, carefully tying a bundle of branches together.
“We can wait,” your favorite smooth voice responded, as you saw Din appear in doorway with Grogu in his arms. Grogu wiggled with his hands out trying to get to you, drawing a laugh from your lips as you resigned to finish your project another time.
“Come here, little one,” you said gently taking him into your lap. He held his arms straight out to give you the closest thing to a hug someone that tiny could give. Din leaned forward to press his helmet to your forehead. Your free hand rose to rest on the side of it, and his own hand met you there, giving it a gentle squeeze. He had explained to you the meaning of the keldabe kiss in Mandalorian tradition, and you revered those touches even more than the few kisses you two had stolen over the past few months.
“To what do I owe this great pleasure?” you teased, helping Grogu down onto the floor so he could waddle through the greenhouse. Din carefully moved a pile of sticks over and sat on the bench next to you.
“You’ll be attending the feast at the end of the week, correct?”
You nodded, “I don’t think I have much of a choice. I’ll probably get roped into resolving some last minute decorating snafu.”
Din paused, “Would you like to go with me?”
You turned to face him, a smile lighting up your features, “Of course, I’d love that.” Your hand found his to give it a small squeeze, a touch for a touch, always keeping the score even.
The two of your gravitated towards each other whenever you were together. Always hands resting on arms or backs, the worn tips of his gloves brushing your hair behind your ears. When he left for bounties now, he always pressed tender kisses across your neck and jaw, saying they were meant to hold you over until his return. He had spent his entire life stuck behind a wall of metal, and now that he lowered his defenses to let you in, he couldn’t get enough. He craved nearness, hating the sight of you on the lava plains growing smaller behind him each time they departed.
You yourself were surprised with the quickness with which you had fallen for him. Din was easy to talk to. Maybe it was something about the fact that you couldn’t see any judgement in his eyes like you did talking to people face to face. You thought to yourself that, one day, if you were to ever see his own eyes laid bare before you, the same thing would be true. It wasn’t the mask or the beskar, it was just who he was to his core. He longed to understand others and to be understood himself. The Mandalorians were connected by creed, a loyalty engrained in their bloodline like the iron that made it red, but they were stoic people, reserved when it came feelings and personal matters. Din had always longed for more, hoping to one day meet someone he could bare his soul to. Grogu was the first one to make his proverbial armor crack, inching his way in until he occupied every chamber of Din’s heart. Now he felt those spaces expanding, leaving space for someone else to find their way through the labyrinth, someone like you.
He had agonized for days over asking you a simple question, to go with him to the feast. He knew what your answer would be. You had both expressed your fondness for one another, but he still had seedlings of doubt trying to take root.
With the first part of this interaction out of the way, he took a deep breath as he reached into the bag at his side.
“Then I hope you will accept this as a gift for the occasion,” he said, drawing a parcel out wrapped in brown paper and tied with a delicate blue ribbon.
“What is this?” you smiled, taking it into your lap and easily undoing the knot holding it together. The paper fell away to reveal a beautiful emerald gown with gold beading. You held it up to admire the detail and care in every stitch, hands running over the small, round beads. The back was low, the sleeves were capped with a sheer material, the body of the dress being something closer to velvet.
“Din,” you said breathlessly, “This must’ve cost a fortune.”
“Price is no issue when it comes to you, I picked it up on Coruscant a few months ago. I couldn’t help but think about how nice the color would be against against your skin,” he said softly, drawing some of the skirt up to hold against your arm.
“It’s beautiful.”
“And it will look beautiful on you,” he said, rising to go.
Grogu had wandered back in holding a few tan bean pods to snack on.
“Bye bye!” he squeaked out, opening and closing his hand in your direction like the small wave that babies do.
“Bye buddy,” you smiled.
“Goodbye, cyar’ika,” Din nodded, heading back towards the front of the store.
You sank back against the wall, clutching the bundle of paper and cloth to your chest, heartbeat pulsing all the way to your fingertips as you thought about dressing up for a date with him. The two of you had talked that one night in your apartment, and several times after that, but hadn’t yet had a chance to do something together like this. You dove back into your crafting session with newfound vigor, as if working faster would convince the clock to skip a few beats and jump forward in time to the weekend.
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The time did in fact pass quickly. This was the busiest week you had had at the shop to date. It seemed like everyone wanted their own solstice decorations. You were so thankful for Tal’oh’s presence to help head off the rush. The night of the banquet, you closed down shop early, slipping Tal’oh an envelope full of credits.
“Consider it a holiday bonus,” you smiled.
“Thank you,” he said in awe, giving you a quick squeeze before running home to get change out of his dusty clothes.
You locked up the shop before retreating upstairs to get yourself ready. The green gown had been hanging on the door of your closet for days now, practically calling out to you to put it on. You tried it on the second you got home earlier in the week and twirled around your living room for hours. It was a good color for you. His gift giving had been impeccable since you first met, yet he continued to surprise you with his thoughtfulness.
After washing off today’s layer of dirt, you slipped into the cool material, reveling at the way it fit so snugly against your skin, as if it was made for you. It probably was, you wouldn’t put it past Din. With some fluffing of your hair, and a fun addition of some gold eyeliner to match the dress, you were satisfied. Din was supposed to pick you up snd walk with you there. The knock on your door came just as you secured the clasp of your necklace. It was an intricate web of golden flowers given to you by your grandmother. Your hand lingered on it for just a moment as your heart ached at the thought of her seeing you all dressed up like this.
You crossed the expanse of your room quickly so as not to keep your suitor waiting, swinging the door open with an eager smile. Din, of course, was sporting his armor. Although, it seemed that he had worn a nicer cape for the occasion than his usual tattered one. He stood clutching a bouquet of flowers you recognized as ones Tal’oh had arranged earlier that day.
“Hi,” you said shyly, gesturing for him to come in.
“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice tinged with a gentle awe.
“Thanks, my boyfriend got me this dress,” you joked doing a little spin.
“I’m not quite sure what to call you,” you laughed.
He chuckled, “I’ve never been a ‘boyfriend’ before.”
“Where’s Grogu?” you asked, noticing the lack of his usual companion.
“I dropped him off with Karga already. He’s always looking for ways to spend time with him,” the hint of annoyance in his voice drew another giggle from you. You took the flowers and set them carefully on the counter behind you.
“So you’re saying I have you all to myself?” you said coyly, running your hands up his chest plates. His own arms wrapped around your waist pulling you flush to him. Muscle memory took over like you were suddenly marionettes with someone else pulling the strings, and the two of you parted, his hands drawing the curtains, yours reaching for the black scarf he got you all those months ago. You found each other again, and the sound of air rushing from his helmet signified to you that your hands were free to roam, caress the sharp angles of his jaw and get tangled in the ends of his curls.
His always nuzzled his strong nose against yours, lips ghosting over your own as he whispered to you, a mix of Mando’a and basic. “Mesh’la. Pretty, pretty girl,” he murmured.
The two of you only ever allowed yourself a few moments of these touches, not wanting to wander too far from the creed.
“We’re gonna be late,” you whispered, sneaking one last kiss before he pulled the helmet back over his mysterious face.
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The walk to the palace was a short one, it being just around the corner of the town square. Evening’s dimming light painted the backdrop for the dozens of others couples making their way up the stone steps, arm in arm, just like the two of you.
You noticed wreaths hanging on every door and window, a small smile playing on your lips.
“Nothing, it’s just, it’s nice to see this town doing things for beauty’s sake. It seems like a much different Nevarro than the one you’ve told me stories of.
“Cyar’ika, you’ve brought so much beauty into the lives of everyone here, including my own,” he said softly, “You can’t turn any direction in town now without seeing something touched by your kindness.”
You squeezed his arm a little tighter as you climbed the wide staircase in front of you, following the sound of laughter and low music floating out the double doors. The scene before you was like something straight out of a storybook you read as a girl on Naboo. The ceilings were so high, going straight to the top of the building with multiple crystal chandeliers casting twinkling light onto the white stone walls and floor. Grand columns rose on either side of a long great room filled with rows of long, wooden tables piled high with food. You walked down the aisle between the two tables taking in the amethyst and ruby banners hanging down from the stone railings on the balconies above you. Ivy and other greenery running in between the narrow rails added a sense of liveliness to the decorations. At the end of the rows of tables, the room opened into a large dome, the round floor decorated with a beautiful pattern of smooth tiles in every color imaginable. It seemed that that portion of the room was being reserved for dancing. On a platform to the left sat a large band playing elegant music.
You suddenly felt out of your element. You had never been somewhere as fancy as this, your heartbeat quickened in your chest, and you found yourself thankful for the steady man you found at your side. His arm now resting around you, hand at the small of your back, grounding you.
“There they are!” Karga’s voice boomed, drawing your attention to the head of the last table on the left. Your feet followed Din’s closer to the High Magistrate, noticing Grogu beside him in a new black jacket with a bow tie. He sat perched on a pile of pillows being used as a makeshift booster seat. He chirped when he saw the two of you approaching making you feel more at ease.
“What do you think, huh?” Karga grinned, clapping Din on the back. “It’s barely begun and I can already tell people will be talking about it for years to come. Come sit! You two are my guests of honor,” he gestured to the open pair of seats beside Grogu, taking your hand in his and bowing as he spun you to let you to your seat. He was in a long, deep purple robe with beautiful gold adornments on it. Din scooted your chair in for you before taking his place between you and Grogu.
It was only a few moments before Karga garnered the attention of the entire room and gave a speech about what an honor it was to have everyone there under his roof. It wasn’t until that moment that you realize you were at a feast, and Din wouldn’t be able to eat anything.
You leaned your head to his and whispered, “I’ll eat quickly, then maybe we can find a private room for you to get a bite in.”
He chuckled lowly, sliding his hand on top of yours where it rested in your lap, “I’ll be fine waiting, mesh’la, you and Grogu take all the time you need.”
Your skin burned under his touch, even through the thick leather of his gloves. As Karga’s droning came to a finite end, the room filled with scattered applause and then the sound of silverware clanking against the thick, black ceramic plates as people helped themselves to the array laid out on every table. It was a magnificent meal, decadent in a way you were unaccustomed to. You enjoyed all types of meats and breads, all the while immersed in a conversation with an older couple sat across from you. They were some of the wealthy few in Nevarro, donating heavily to Greef Karga’s campaign to clean up the city. Din watched you through the side of his visor, taking in all your little tics and quirks. The way your hand covered your mouth as you laughed, how intently you look at whomever was speaking at the moment, the way you glowed under the silver light like a star fallen to earth. But you didn’t look out of place, you looked like you belonged there. He would’ve been content to watch you for hours. He almost didn’t notice when you called his name, your hand sliding onto the exposed part of his arm above his vambrace.
“Would you like to go eat something?”
He nodded and smiled, although you couldn’t see it. You helped him pile his plate high before retreating to the library with him and Grogu. The inner rooms varied heavily from the bright stone of the main hall. The library was filled with dark wood and carpet, old books on shelves that ran to the ceilings, all warm tones and comfort compared to the cold regality that lay on the other side of the door. You doubted anyone would be making their way in there on a night like tonight, but you still locked the door for good measure. Din sat down at a large desk in a green, velvet chair while you chose a wooden bench facing the door. You heard the familiar click of his helmet releasing and smiled softly at how it had become a regular sound in your life, when you never would have dared to dream of it a few months ago.
Grogu sat on the bench next to you sharing a pastry filled with dark berries. You carefully tore off pieces to hand to him, and he chirped his thanks while Din ate quietly.
“It’s good, right?” you called over his shoulder, and he grunted his agreement through a full mouth.
“I haven’t eaten like this in a long time,” his low voice called back. You cherished every syllable that fell from his lips when the modulator wasn’t sitting between the two of you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a meal like this before,” you commented, handing the last bite of your treat to Grogu.
“I’ll have to take you to Coruscant one day, there’s a restaurant there I think you’d like,” he said so nonchalantly, as if taking a trip across the galaxy was an every day thing. Although, for him it was.
“You keep saying things like that,” you looked down at your feet, trying to focus on anything on this side of the room, ignoring the aching magnetic pull of the man behind you, longing to see his face.
He was quiet for a while before responding. “Do you think I don’t mean it?”
You instantly regretted your word choice, “No, no it’s not that. It’s just, you say it so casually, like it’s not a big deal for me to think about something like that. You’ve seen corners of the galaxy I could never imagine, I’ve only ever been here.”
“I don’t take it lightly, mesh’la,” he said softly, “I would be honored to be the one to show you the stars.”
Your breath caught in your chest, the stirring you always felt gave no indication of settling down any time soon. The draw you felt to him, the connection you two shared was starting to scare you.
You tried to change the subject in an attempt to compose yourself. “I uh, I brought you a present,” your hand shuffled into your bag to bring out a small frame wrapped in brown paper with a gold ribbon delicately tied around it. Din placed his helmet back on his head and crossed the room to take the package carefully in his hands.
“It’s not much, just a little something I’ve been working on in my free time.”
He pulled the bow loose and shrugged the ribbon off before peeling back the paper. In his hands sat a lifelike portrait of Grogu that you had painted, his big brown eyes shining and his small mouth turned up in a smile showing off the few teeth he had.
“Look, kid,” Din said angling it down for the boy to see. You couldn’t be certain, but you thought you heard his voice crack.
“Thank you, this is lovely. I’ll treasure it always.”
You smiled up at him and rose from the bench to meet him face to face.
“I actually have something for you too, but I left it at home,” he said softly, his hand moving to brush your hair behind your ear.
“Oh that’s fine, you can bring it another time,” you reassured, your own hand cradling his helmet where his jaw would be.
During your exchange, Grogu had wandered over to the tall door. “Out,” he said, tiny finger pointing at the door knob.
Din chuckled, “Let‘s go, ad’ika.”
The three of you rejoined the festivities, getting lost in the music and lights. You sipped a few of the themed cocktails one of the cantina owners had crafted for the occasion, feeling a pleasant lightness as the alcohol mixed with your blood.
Towards the end of the evening, you found yourself swaying in Din’s arms. The bright chandeliers had been dimmed by this point in the night, most of the light coming from what remained of the cranberry colored candles adorning the tables. Your head rest on his chest while the band played a slow melody. You didn’t even realize the sleepiness that was overtaking you at first. Grogu had passed out long ago atop the pillow tower he had sat on to eat. He laid on his belly with someone’s jacket draped over him, tiny snores coming from his mouth.
“I think it’s time to get you home, cyar’ika,” Din mumbled lowly, his hand gently rubbing over your back to draw your attention back to the present.
You straightened your posture and pulled away from him.
“You’re probably right,” you said with heavy eyes and a sleepy smile. “Good thing it’s just a short walk,” you continued, making your way over to the table grab your bag.
“Actually,” Din started, pausing as if he was unsure about the question about to fall from his lips, “What if you came back with me and the child, to get your gift. I have a spare room, you’re more than welcome to stay.”
“I’d love that,” you smiled, heat rising to your cheeks, a mix of the leftover buzz from the drinks and the desire to maintain the closeness you had fallen into over the evening.
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You held close to his waist as the three of you sped down the barren road leading to their small cabin. You realized about halfway through the ride that this would be your first time seeing his house. You were curious to see if it revealed any more about him. Although you had spent a considerable amount of time together, he was still a bit of a mystery.
Their home soon faded into view, and Din pulled the speeder to a gentle stop, hopping off to offer you a hand off. You bunched your skirt up and slid down easily with his hand to steady you. Grogu was still fast asleep in the crook of his arm. You followed him up the stone path, pausing to admire the window boxes he had planted months ago with millaflowers in full bloom. On the front door, hung a wreath you had made specially for him with a smaller one for Grogu hanging off the bottom. Traces of you were all over, and you hadn’t even crossed the threshold into the house yet.
The front door opened up into a small hall with a coat rack holding some of Grogu’s robes and Din’s extra cape. The kitchen lay dead ahead and opened into the living room. At the end of the living room was another hall leading to two bedrooms separated by a bathroom. He quickly made his way across the length of the house to tuck Grogu into his bassinet.
You wandered into the kitchen, your shoes making a clacking sound on the adobe tile. There was a half empty bowl of fruit on the counter, no doubt for the ravenous toddler at the end of the hall. The sink held an empty mug with caf stains, and you smiled at the thought of mornings spent with Din. The fridge was covered in scribbled drawings of Grogu’s held up with colorful magnets. You smiled when you noticed the same “Welcome to Nevarro” one Din had gifted you.
On the window above the sink sat two small cactus like plants native to Nevarro. You leaned forward to admire the yellow bloom on top of the smaller one when you heard feet padding towards you, your breath hitching when you felt a bare knuckle gently drag the length of your spine.
“This is pretty,” his voice came through the modulator softly, signifying that he still had his helmet on, “What does it mean?”
You realized he had never seen your full tattoo before, the low back of the dress highlighted it perfectly.
“There’s a flower for all eight people in my family. My sister and brothers, my parents, and me,” you explained, tucking your chin into your shoulder and eying his figure behind you. He had stripped off his beskar and was in simple clothes for bed, a long sleeved black shirt and dark grey sweatpants. You had never seen his bare hands before. His fingers carefully traced the petals on your back before cupping your elbows. He was drinking in every second of touch he could get.
“Would you want a big family of your own one day?” his voice came out barely a whisper.
“With the right person, maybe,” you whispered back, turning more to meet his eyes fully beneath the visor.
You stood locked like that for what felt like hours, neither one of you daring to speak next.
“I laid out some clothes for you on the guest bed if you’d like to go change,” he said, finally pulling himself away from you.
“As beautiful as this dress is, my feet are killing me,” you smiled, reaching to hook off your shoes with one finger. The kitchen tiles were cold and slightly rough against your bare feet. He gestured down the hall for you to go get ready for bed, and you gladly followed, the tiredness of the evening setting back in. You took the shirt and pants he had laid out for you into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. Using a rag and cold water, you easily cleansed your face of makeup. Slipping out of the dress he bought you and into his clothes felt like a holy moment, the answer to a long uttered prayer in the middle of the night.
You met him back in the living room. He was stretched out on the sofa, arms wide across the back making a welcome space for you to fit into. A habit as easy as breathing, you fit yourself against his side. His arm came down to hold you close to his chest. Your hands found his, running over every vein and scar, committing them to memory.
“You said you wanted to bring me here because you had a gift for me?” you suddenly remembered, shifting to sit upright.
He reached to the far end of the sofa and pulled out a long box, not very thick. He handed it to you wordlessly. You lifted the lid to find a black velvet pouch inside. Untying the strings at the top revealed what looked like the handle of a knife. You pulled out a small dagger that fit perfectly in your hand. The handle was black, possibly made out of the tusk of an animal, with delicate flowers carved into it. It a had a matching sheath that, when removed, held a thin, silver blade.
“Is this beskar?” you asked breathlessly.
Din nodded, “I took my spear to the Armorer, and she melted part of it down to forge the blade.” He turned it over in your hand to show you the other side which had his clan’s insignia etched into it.
“Din,” you gasped.
“I know you’ve read up on Mandalorian tradition based on prior conversations, I just want to clarify, this means exactly what you think it does. We already think of you as a part of our clan, I hope you’ll consider making it official.”
“Din Djarin, are you asking me to marry you?”
“Ner kar’ta, cyare, you are the one I’ve searched the deepest waters and driest deserts for. Your heart is the one that beats in time with mine. To live the rest of my days by your side would be the highest honor,” his voice tremored as he took your hands in his.
“Din, I was so scared to let myself dream of a future with you,” your eyes filled with tears, “But it’s what I’ve hoped for since the day we met.”
“I knew from the first moment that I saw you in the parade that are hearts were meant to be bound to one another,” he said softly, firm hands cupping your jaw. He wiped a single stray tear away with his thumb.
His forehead pressed to yours, and you felt something settle over your shoulders and run down your limbs to your fingertips. Something akin to peace, belonging. You had found your home away from home.
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Mando’a translations
Mesh’la: beautiful
Cyar’ika: sweetheart
Cyare: beloved
Ner kar’ta: my heart
Ad’ika: little one
A/N part 2: Tal’oh is pronounced with a soft a like tallow, not a hard one like tail-oh
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed thank you for always reading 🖤
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cosmousee · 5 months
I am back with another one ahahaha, this one is New Moon in Taurus messages for you based on your signs!
(I forgot to clarify to my deck about the sun/moon/rising so take whatever resonates with whatever sign!)
You can follow me on Insta at @cosmousee itself. I usually post the same readings, but if you guys have anything specific in mind, let me know!
Okay onto the reading now!
Earth Signs🌍
Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Show the world the real you, Aquarius full moon
Queen of wands and The Star🌟
New moon is a time of setting intentions and defining your goals. Cards are saying it's time, take the step and show the world what you're made of! Queens are wise! You might be taking steps backstage for your self or your dreams. If you want to put yourself out there, this is the time! You're the star baby! Take that step and watch how the limelight finds you in seconds🥰 Queen is the 13th card, which equals 4 and Star is the 17th card which equals 8, it's literally doubling up!!
Fire Signs🔥
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your commitment is being tested (first quarter moon) and its time to take action (new moon in Aries) sigh i asked for one more card and then my deck went boom! So yeah here you are with 6 cards!
Judgement, 9 of pentacles, The Hierophant, The Hanged man, The Chariot, King of pentacles
Pheww, the judgement might be coming from your own inner dialogue. You may realise that you can do much more in the things you're pursuing. You're testing yourself of how far you can go. You might change your perspective and change your belief system and IMMEDIATELY see yourself propel towards abundance which you already knew you could achieve. You just needed a new angle to look at things, some things to add or release from your belief system. It's not that you weren't abundant before, but this change has sent you straight to the King of pentacles from the 9 of pentacles. So take your time love, and don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing everything just perfectly🥰🌻
Water Signs🌊
Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
dont let your past hold you back (south node) Ofcourse, let me just start by saying, you guys are WATER!!! It flows forwards~ learn everything from the past and move forward love~
4 of cups, 6 of wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Hermit, 10 of pentacles and King of pentacles
You're looking at the things of your past when spirit is desperately trying to make you look towards the future! They're giving you a cup and you might be missing that! You've done your hermiting and its time to get up and get moving. Wheel of fortune is on your side but it won't move until you do! You gotta give it the energy to provide you with luck and abundance! Try to look forwards towards the future where you're celebrated, where you are healthy (mind, body, spirit everything) you're full of energy and financially as well. You're at the top of the world, just gotta let go of your past, whether it was good or bad. Its not to say you should just dump it and move on. Be gentle, take your time with your goodbyes and move at a pace which works for you🔆 Also got October from this, might be important!
Air Signs💨
Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Believe in the impossible (blue moon) and Emotions are running high supermoon 7 of wands, 8 of swords, Ace of swords and 3 of wands
Are you guys having a difficult time with yourself and other people as well?😶Or maybe people are spewing unsolicited advice or throwing jibs at you which is then seeping into your own inner dialogue. You gotta believe in the impossible right now, honey. Yes it might feel impossible to get out of this rut, especially if the people fighting with you are close and dear to you. But keep holding on and keep doing you. A breakthrough is RIGHT THERE, you might get some sort of an epiphany💡 or an idea and you'll go BAM! I DIDN'T THINK THIS COULD BE DONE! But there you are, with an idea in your head and hell lot of potential to pursue that idea. This might be an idea of how to handle the conflicts or a way to avoid it all together, or show them that their claims make no sense because now you have proof! Keep going love, don't let this deter you from what you want to do, keep your spirits high⬆ and everything will fall into place~
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ugh-yoongi · 7 months
Which personality of each member do you think fits their sign and which doesn’t?
oh, fun!! while i can crack a joke every now and then, @hot-soop is the true astrology queen, so i hope you don't mind that i tag teamed this with her.
i think the prevailing thought is that sun signs are kind of... not useless on their own, but definitely don't tell the whole story. i definitely do not feel like i fit my sun sign and relate much more to some of my other placements.
(also hard to say because we don't have a confirmed birth time for anyone other than jungkook and, speaking for myself, i feel my rising says a lot more about me than my sun sign.)
anyway!! let's speculate bc nothing matters!!
members i feel fit their sun sign:
other placements i feel they might fit more:
namjoon — (suspected) scorpio rising. i joked about it in awfos but i really do think it fits namjoon perfectly: people with scorpio on the ascendant need to fight against dark and destructive power in their life. for some, this power can also come from within, in the form of jealousy, envy or lust for power. the dark and hidden things in the soul must come out. it can be reflected in artwork, for example (cr). we know namjoon is sort of this tortured poet type of creative; the type to destroy himself in order to create.
seokjin — cancer mars. sometimes, mars in cancer likes to heighten molehills just to psyche themselves out. they like to make small issues larger because it feels safer to fight in the small than the large. they can be incredibly forthright on the smallest of things but shy away from bringing up larger life decisions (cr). we see this with jin a lot—the exaggerating and larger than life personality to hide how sensitive he is.
yoongi — yoongi's chart is interesting because it's half "i don't give a fuck what you think about me" energy and half calm, gentle placements. i think he embodies his entire chart, tbh. we know young yoongi was really angry. we know he's grown a lot. we know he's not the super grumpy, cold personality people like to pigeonhole him as.
hobi — he has three placements in pisces (mercury, venus, saturn) so it doesn't really matter which placement i pick bc i think he embodies all of them. there are a ton of writers with pisces in mercury, and while yes, hobi is obviously a writer, i think it speaks to communicating in other ways, too. for hobi, it might be through writing, through dance, or through ideas/pictures. look at any of his solo mvs, especially from hope world. they are so much more vibrant than the rest. i urge you to read all of this in regards to pisces venus and find a line that doesn't fit him (except maybe the one about eating in bed, lol).
jimin — definitely fits the stereotypical characteristics of his sun sign. he's charming, social, peace-seeking. but, if the rumors are to believed, he's also a cancer rising, and as a fellow libra sun-cancer rising, this is just... peak him. i've seen this placement described as the "i'm baby" ascendant and it's so true. they're nurturing, sensitive, and gentle. all of bts loves one another, but i don't think anyone loves bts more than jimin. he's the one who will show up for and take care of you without you needing to ask.
taehyung — aries moon. jin has an aries moon, too, but i think it's more evident with tae. most everyone describes this placement as "cannot be tamed," and i think that's especially true with him. i've talked about it before, but while other members may not fit the idol image perfectly, taehyung seems to be the only one who actively rebels against it. there aren't many other idols posting threatening messages on weverse, lol. we know namjoon has said he knew taehyung wouldn't listen to him, but as someone who also has an aries moon, there is this innate flashbang of anger whenever anyone tries to exert control over us.
jungkook — virgo mercury. the "if there is a problem, then i will find a solution" placement. there is nothing he cannot do or figure out. if he decides he's going to do something, he'll become the best at it, and that's all there is to it, but a lot of this is done internally. all those "jungkook spacing out for 5 hours" compilations? he's doing virgo things in there.
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This is for both you and Rengoku anon! Given with out you making this blog, I wouldn't have someone to talk with about platonic yandere. And I made this also for Rengoku anon cause I wanted to thank them. Without their asks I wouldn't have discovered this blog! So thank you both! I hope you enjoy something I've written shortly.
It was a simple accident, one that Shinjuro hadn't expect. Despite being the former Flame Hashira, he was completely unaware what would happen once he were to get drunk again. A part of Shinjuro was happy, the part that knew all of this was wrong, his child had been injured and needed them for help. The more 'good' part of him was screaming, that he shouldn't be making things worse by rubbing it in their face.
And yet here he was watching as his youngest son, Senjuro was assisting in cleaning your wounds and the bandages. The demon reasonable for your pain was being hunted by Kyojuro every night. It was a slippery demon and if his eldest hadn't manage to somehow convinced Shinjuro to prevent this from happening again. He would have long gone on the journey to make the demon suffer till the sun would rise.
It was night back when you attended to escape the house that you had once considered home. But was no longer a home. No longer was it a place to rest after a long night. No longer was it a place where you would interact with your friends.
Now it was only a prison.
A reminder to you that things could have go so very different. If only you didn't have to fight an Upper Moon. If only a different Hashira had come to your help. If only you hadn't lost your sword and got hurt while escaping. Then all of this could have been so very different.
The sting of someone cleaning your wounds brought you out of your thoughts. Your glazed eyes focused back into reality as Senjuro was already putting on new bandages. You let out a sign, which resulted the two Rengoku to look at you. One worried about the one he called sibling, the other readying himself for your screaming. Instead of what the two man expected to happen, you only said three words.
"I give up."
Aw, now I like where this is going. Even though it will probably only stay like a short story. Also sorry, if these long texts are annoying. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed reading this! Take good care of yourself! And have a nice day or night!
omg this is amazing! I love this so much, I love how you wrote them in this. And these long requests aren’t annoying at all, I actually quite enjoy them. Thank you for being so supportive, I am happy you found my blog so I could talk about platonic Yanderes with you as welll!
I hope the Rengoku anon sees this! I am sure they will love it <3 your writing is excellent.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology observations No.15
*just my opinions, take them with a grain of salt
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-Neptune hard aspects to Mercury/ Neptune in 3rd/Pisces Mercury- people may constantly underestimate your intelligence and they’re genuinely surprised if you’re observant/smart
-The only Virgo risings I’ve known that are not skinny/petite have mars conjunct asc (even then they had a period of time when they were really skinny and either got out of that on purpose or on accident)
-Did you notice that a lot of Cancer Asc men get cast as like “traditional” manly men. I saw Ben Affleck was a Cancer Asc and Kurt Russel! They’re both known for their action movies (I like Kurt Russel more lol) and I was looking at Jon Hamm’s birth chart and he’s a cancer Asc too. He prefers to be a comedy guy, but looks like he walked out of the 50s so he had his breakthrough in mad men. (There’s also a lot going on there with that whole hazing scandal that I note everytime I see him so that’s a lot)
-Libra mars Asc try not to get frustrated but often their mars energy leaks out in other ways and they end up expressing their anger somehow despite the passive aggressive placement for a mars sign
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-Fire Mercuries (especially Leo and Sagittarius) copy speech patterns/catch phrases a lot imo, almost as much as water Mercuries but less exact mimicry. Earth Mercuries tend to have very specific speech patterns that don’t change too much throughout their life, they can be very direct and to the point but will have a great deal of detail to share depending on the subject. Air Mercuries tend to have very distinct speech patterns and usually are the most likely to talk and write in their own sort of prose, I’ve known a few (specifically Gemini Mercuries) that have overcome speech impediments and become great, captivating speakers.
-Pluto touching Saturn can amplify its lessons and effects to a higher degree. (Trine, Sextile) will make the experiences more intense but conjunction, opposition, and square could make these effects explosive and intense. With both positive and negative aspects the native will be forced to transform and change their ways- with the negative aspects (conjunct, opposition, square) the native will feel the trials they go through in these transformations
-12th house placements can give you psychic dreams, I’ve also frequently dreamed being people other than myself. Mars will have action oriented dreams. Sun may have more dreams about experiences they’ve had echoing in their dreams. Moon will have deep emotional experiences. Venus may dream about love and friendships.
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-Moon opposition sun synastry can create a lot of tension in a romantic relationship. There seems to be some underlying competitiveness going on. Especially if the moon and the sun are Cardinal signs.
-Moon conjunct Sun synastry can be intense. I think it shows how conjunct can be a negative aspect. The energies can understand each other sure, but they can also become an echo chamber of feeding into each other’s egos. I feel similarly about Sun conjunct Asc synastry. (My parents had this and oof, if that relationship isn’t karmic anyway it’s even more so now..)
-The only conjunct synastry I think I had intensely play out was Scorpio moon conjunct my Asc (I didn’t even realize it at the time) it was a lot! Fun and passionate but also he would get so overwhelmed he would be just shaking in normal conversation. Felt like with that and the 8th house synastry and my venus conjunct his pluto there was no was to turn the heat down and be normal with each other. Like we knew it would be short term but he was like talking about the future then I was overthinking the future and then it was over and idk that’s too much imo lol, lil dramatic just to be over in a snap. (Local Capricorn moon doesn’t get what all the fuss is about lol)
-Plus you can have all the positive synastry in the world, it really depends on timing and effort and individual choices and joint communication to work on your relationship, it’s an effort game
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forestdeath1 · 3 months
Hello! I was going to put this in my previous ask, but I realized it probably deserved its own so you can answer privately if you wish.
Your astrology analysis is brilliant. I love Sirius’s and I love Walburga’s so so so much. I was curious, how do you work them up? Do you have past knowledge or is there a website you use and then you just embellish to fit it into each character’s lives better? I ask bc there’s a bunch of HP Ocs I’ve been working on in my own expansion of Wizarding Greece. I’ve only found one site that’s good, but I don’t think I could find it. Theres also the thought that maybe I’d need to write out their personalities and how they change and pinpoint a birthdate for a zodiac sign that way. What do you think?
Hi!!! Thanks a lot!!
With Sirius it was easy — we know his birth date. Plus, for me he’s 100% a Scorpio ascendant, so it was pretty easy. I picked an approximate time using online rectification. Someone on Tumblr who knows more about astrology once told me they think Sirius has a different ascendant, but I don't care, for me, he’s Scorpio rising 😁 I don't take astrology THAT seriously.
With Walburga and Orion, it was harder — because we have their birth year and their "character", and I had to make it all fit.
With Walburga, I always knew I wanted her to be a Taurus, but a Taurus with challenging aspects. I wanted her Sun in the 10th house, and I considered a few other options, so those were the limits that reduced my search time. Plus, I was looking for an unstable and challenging moon — there weren’t many options (to my unprofessional eye, I’m sure professionals can think of many more options!!!). I settled on Scorpio, which narrowed it down to almost two days. Then I just built a chart online for each possible date/time, but there weren’t many options left. Leo ascendant and the sun in the 10th house, and many aspects fit very well. Since I’m not a professional, that was enough for me 😁
As for my completely original characters, I don’t worry about dates/aspects. I just come up with their sun sign and sometimes their moon, after developing their character. And I just know how the signs generally look in different planets, and I always read more online ofc! It’s also important to consider aspects and houses, but I’m too lazy to do it for OCs.
If you just need to choose, you can assume all aspects are fine, forget about houses, and just match OCs characters with star signs based on the main descriptions of the sun, moon, and ascendant.
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ninepentz · 2 years
Analyzing jeffrey dahmer & dennis nilsen natal charts
So I came across a serial killer named Dennis nilsen who reminds me a lot of jeffrey dahmer. I found some interesting information about them,
Dennis is a sagittarius pictured below
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Jeffrey is a gemini pictured below
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If you haven't heard of them, if you're into true crime I highly suggest watching some documentaries on them like I did.
I'll drop some links here of the ones I've seen:
Jeff dahmer
(have to pay to view this 1st one but it was one of the best docs)
Dennis nilsen
Both are gay serial killers who started killing in 1978, even though I believe they are 20 years apart (dennis being older then jeff) it's weird that they commited these acts in the same year, which got me curious about what the heck was going on in that time that could of caused this.
A few details I learned about them:
Jeff is from the US & Dennis from England. What caught my attention is that they look so similar & they also have similar backgrounds. What's different about each one is that dennis seemed more emotionally available then jeff did, I guess bc his motive wasn't just to kill.
Not only are they alike but apparently both of their 1st murder victims were named steven. Idk what that means in numerology or spiritually but the fact that they have so much in common freaks me out, like universally these 2 killers must of had a connection 🤔
Now to the juicy stuff..
(The aspects in their natals are right after this section)
I looked up that years birth chart from the time span of each of their 1st kills & the only thing that obviously stood out to me is that there was Uranus in Scorpio from june during Jeff's 1st murder continuing through December on dennis's 1st murder.
The birth chart on the day of jeffrey dahmers 1st kill below:
June 18th 1978
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The birth chart on the day of dennis's 1st kill:
December 30th 1978
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My thoughts..
It's so interesting that the moon and uranus was transiting into Scorpio for jeffrey dahmer on his day, with the sun conjuncting his natal sun.
& with dennis nilsen uranus was in scorpio still and venus was transiting into scorpio too which is also his natal placement, along with mercury conjuncting his natal sun & natal mercury on his night.
Now let's pull up their natal charts.
Jeffrey Dahmers natal below:
May 21, 1960, 4:34pm.
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Dennis Nilsens natal below:
November 23, 1945, 4am.
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My interpretation of all this..
What's crazy as I'm looking at both of their charts is that they apparently have libra risings almost at the same exact 19 degrees 🤯 + the same thing with their suns at 0°
Also the fact that they have sister venus signs is another thing that stands out to me + sister sign suns, like that should tell you how much sister signs are so alike imo.
For jeffrey dahmer he didn't have much scorpio besides his neptune but if his birth chart on astrotheme is correct then he had a 8H stellium. That's so spooky to me.
Neptune in scorpio: describes someone who isn't afraid to explore the dark side of things, they like uncovering the secrets that no one should know about. They are comfortable knowing what others don't know and hiding in the shadows, no one really knows who they are bc they keep so much to themselves.
Uranus in scorpio transit: Scorpio a sign that associates with occult, sex, deep topics, breaking the rules, risky things + adding that into planet uranus which is shocking, eccentric, different. Put them together & you get sex or interests that are shocking, insane, unique. Both of these serial killers were necrophiles.
Jeffrey's house placements/natal aspects:
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Venus trine saturn: Jeff knew how to conceal his true motives and interests, tastes, attraction.. he knew how to be perceived as a normal, regular, average looking person.. he strategically did not share much of his love life or any of that with anyone, it seemed like he was a nice, easy going, neutral person. He probably learned this behavior from his dad/past experiences, on how to not look like a crazy, unstable person. He did go the army and there they pretty much teach you how to survive in the world, how to defend yourself, how to take care of yourself, how to follow orders, practicing cleanliness and working hard. He gave off a pleasing and calm venusian/saturn vibe but little did anyone know who he was deep down
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Mars square jupiter: Prone to extreme excess, he may have been the type of person who covers up his awkwardness and uncertainty by overdoing things. They did say he was a class clown and would do weird/crazy things for attention in school and I think this aspects explains that. Instead of expressing his anger, passion, desire, energy in a healthy way, he ends up doing too much. This also describes his impulsive ways and taking reckless risks that could be embarrassing later on. Not a good aspect to have on top of aries moon/mars both in aries. He has strong compulsions that he could not tone down. He was probably very rude too like if someone didn't agree with him he would say the meanest things in the moment. Mars square jupiter to me would describe someone who doesn't care about the consequences of their actions, they're too impulsive to realize them. Can be extremely aggressive, rude, confrontational, somewhat disobeying the law/society's structures.
Having such different POV from everyone around him that he felt kinda isolated with his belief system, religion and passions. To me this also says he didn't respect other people's beliefs only his own, selfish.
Moon square saturn: This definitely explains his abandonment issues, maybe he felt abandoned by his dad or care giver in general. He didn't have care, love, support from his parents. He could be emotionally immature, which only further isolated him. Socially awkward, cold, unemotional, distant, depressed/depressing to be around is how someone would see this person. To me jeffrey dahmer had abandonment issues and trauma from being lonely and left behind, this not only happened with family but with his "friends" too. So mostly likely to avoid feeling abandoned again instead of facing his issues and healing them, he resorted to killing people and keeping them with him forever. That was his form of revenge and getting control over his emotions, instead of them controlling him or making him feel abandoned/unloved ever again. Tbh I understand not feeling cared for... he must of been hurt so much to go to this kindof extreme just to avoid feeling pain. His parents could have also belittled him a lot and either blamed him for things or damaged his sense of security.
One of the victims who escaped him did say that as soon as they mentioned to dahmer that they had to leave, dahmer had started to panick all of a sudden and tried to make them stay by force but they got away anyway.
Mercury square pluto: Extremely obsessive mind/tendencies.
A squared aspect to me shows excessive and unbalanced actions, does provide energy to whatever it's aspecting. So it's an active aspect.
This explains his love for exploring the unknown side of life, for forcing his way past what's considered acceptable. This aspect could also explain someone who stalks others, invades personal space in the most offensive/disgusting way, extremely controlling up to the way people think around them. Wasn't afraid to face the most darkest/occult-like things. He was private with his own personal life but when it came to his victims for example they didn't have any privacy or respect at all, dahmer basically took away all their rights.
To describe this aspect, imagine a private investigator who's supposed to be finding information about a specific event, this person would do more then they are even allowed to do. They will break rules, moral codes, disrespect the law, even do illegal things to get to the bottom of whatever it is they have to do. Like working off the clock and doing your own personal investigation. So socially acceptable behavior/ideas is something a person with this aspect would not have. It pretty much explains the fact that jeffrey dahmer enjoyed killing animals and dissecting their insides, no normal person would go to that length to fill their curiosities. And he continued with this behavior when he started harming humans as well, he was dissecting human hands from his victims and their organs etc. It's like he wanted to see how things worked, what action triggered a reaction. So like injecting acid into a human brain to see if they could be his "zombie sex slave" alive/obedient and unable to defend themselves was his goal. He did lots of experiments I'm sure. Not only that but I noticed that he was not afraid to face death or things a person should not ever see, he was completely comfortable having heads in his refrigerator, the smell of death in his apartment 24/7, even as a kid seeing roadkill didn't even phase him or replulse him like it would anyone else.. so that to me says his comfort level was extreme, he probably wasn't shocked by much tbh.
Moon square Mc: He probably felt unsupported by the people around him, like his comfort style was not relatable to the public. Maybe his emotions, his sense of security was not something everyone could relate to. It was visible to everyone that jeffrey dahmer was a unique, odd, strange person. He could of used people and bodies as a form of security, having them fully to himself, owning them, controlling them made him feel like he had a support system/safe place.
He did try to show off some of the bodies he had, apparently he had a kept a human head in a chest that his grandma gave him and he took that to work, keeping it in his locker. To me that is someone who is proud of what they've done and is showing it off like some trophy/reminder of the power they have. No one knew what was inside the chest but him and that made him feel powerful that he had FULL control of this poor person he mutilated.
His attachments were very different from everyone else's, like to an extreme extent. Most people have attachments to caffeine like me or other things like drug, food, codependency addictions.. but Jeff's was clearly much different..
Venus square uranus: Odd sexual/romantic interests, taste/type, he was probably attracted to odd people or just had unique interests that you would look at him and say "there's no way he's interested in that, he looks like such a normal guy"
This aspect doesn't have to be sadistic like Jeffrey's interests, in general it could explain someone who ends up with partners that are much different from themselves. Like a normal quiet, attractive, man with a crazy, weird, unconventionally attractive woman. So basically is shows an attraction to uniqueness, to a unhealthy extent. In Jeff's case and since this is a squared aspect he had odd even shocking romantic/sexual attraction to death/people. Unusual interests, very specific type and open minded enough to try things sexually that no one's done before, testing the limits of your sexuality. Jeffrey dahmer was so sexually advanced and charged that he probably needed to do crazier and crazier things overtime to keep him satisfied and interested. He probably never had a stable love life if one at all.
Jupiter trine pluto: To me this aspect explains that he enjoyed being in the company of people who were much different from him, with different backgrounds, probably sexual attraction to foreign people. Many of his victims were poc, I think he felt powerful around poc for some reason. Like he knew the power and influence of his "whiteness" that's just my opinion idk how true that is tho, if he used his position to get away with everything. He said in an interview that it wasn't about race and just about how people looked but who knows. Back in the 1970s and 1980s I'm not sure how much racism was a thing back then. If you know anything about that I would love to hear your thoughts.
Moon trine uranus: This could be someone who is comfortable with being different and unique, maybe their emotions were erratic and highly changeable, very smart/intuitive tho. This could be another reason he got away with so much bc he was able to think on his feet and come up with lies on the spot but that could also be enhanced by his mercury/sun conjunction in gemini. They are such good smooth talkers. This aspect also explains that he was not your average monogamous driven person, he liked to have a variety of different interests and probably unique relationships. Like dating their friends, being polygamous, just overall having an unusual love style. His emotions were prone to being quickly triggered and then just as quickly disappearing as if nothing happened. People would have a hard time trying to understand or pin point his emotions. If he was nervous or anxious he could display a straight emotionless face, which makes sense bc even after the police was inside his apartment he was able to manipulate them well enough to believe his lies and not be suspicious.
Taurus in the 8th house: This is an interesting placement, it could explain his intense interest for physical features and sex. He would admire people's bodies after they deceased, he would pose them and take multiple pictures of them in different stages/positions. Arching their back to show off their figure, showing off their l private parts, their abs, skin, faces etc. In the tiktok links I posted the woman describes something like this, def check that out. This could also describe why he liked to eat his victims, like arousal from eating them. Both taurus and 8th house/scorpio are extremely sexual. This could be another reason he preferred to have full control of his victims, so they were not allowed to talk back, fight back, ask for anything in return, he just wanted to have full authority and rulership. He also had a very specific type in people, he paid close attention to every small detail of their bodies and features, he had favorites. His favorite people would stay with him and the ones he didn't want he discarded like trash or just let them free all together.
Taurus possession/greed, Scorpio obsession/control. He has his 2nd house in scorpio and 8th in taurus, to me that's so on point for jeff.. it's hard to explain but if you know anything about astrology you would know why those placements stick out.
Pisces in the 6th house: I think jeff was very spiritual and ritualistic, even delusional when it comes to his daily routine. Like he really believed that if he ate a certain victims body part, it would mean that the person would stay with them forever. For him it wasn't enough to just take their life, r*pe, control them.. he needed to consume them as well to feel even closer to them (8h taurus things) he was also into astrology to, or atleast his own zodiac sign. Bc his favorite movie to watch that apparently put him in the mood to find victims was exorcist 3. The main character was called the gemini killer and I looked into the movie to see what it was about and some sick things were said in it that I bet jeffrey dahmer practiced on his actual victims... he was very impressionable and probably worshipped evil entities/figures. 6h Pisces could also be someone with boundaryless, unorganized, health routines?? Like if this person was unhealed they would do lots of drugs, drinking, not brushing their teeth/showering etc stuff like that. If anything they would pay least attention to details and be kinda unaware of their bad habits. Or it could be the other way around like they cover up all their bad habits to seem perfect when they are far from it. He also did try to connect with the dead, I read somewhere he would have seances with an ouija board when he was younger.
Dennis nilsens house placements/natal aspects:
In the process of adding new info and stuff like that so come back soon so you don't miss any updates!😊
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Mars conjunct pluto: My 1st thought on this aspect is annihilator, this person was aggressive, deep, intense, bold, if they're mad at you I would stay far far away. I feel like someone with this aspect would not be afraid of confrontation, if anything they are the ones everyone's afraid of. His expression/passion is straight forward and he wants to explore the dark depths of everything that peaks their interests. My personal opinion is that mars conjunction pluto would automatically make someone a killer/prone to be. If that's not it then they have the potential to be that if you're a threat or give them a reason to become aggressive.
Travis the chimp has this aspect...if you haven't heard of him I suggest looking him up. Travis the chimp I think knew that his owner was giving him medications (xanax) to calm down and go to sleep and he didn't like it so he blew up and lashed out on his owners best friend who came to help her get Travis under control. He should have never been domesticated but the reason I bring him up was bc he severely mutilated his owners best friend.. ripping her face off, biting her fingers off and he would not stop for anything. Even after being stabbed in attempt to stop him.. that should explain to you the intensity of mars conjunct pluto.
Their anger is quick, fast reactions, suspicions, high energy, physically or energetically strong, assertive. He was possibly passive at some point in his life and would do so much for others but eventually things were not reciprocated end up building resentment and resorting to forcing their way, having this obsessive need to get your needs met. He was possesive, jealous, controlling. In the documentaries they mentioned it was less about sex for dennis and more about the company but with this aspect I feel like his sexuality must have been very strong...
Moon conjunct mc: I think this aspect would describe someone who is so sensitive to the feelings of strangers and the public, they might be easily affected by their surroundings esp during childhood. He did have some traumatic experiences as a kid like his mom asking him if he wanted to see his grandpa (who was his fav person), only to realize his grandpa was dead in a box... idk about you guys but I wonder if she did that on purpose to hurt his feelings. But that situation definitely has affected the way he viewed relationships in his adult life.. he started to associate love, peace, trust, safety with death.
Moon conjunct saturn: His emotions were very repressed, not to say that he wasn't an emotional person but it sure seemed like it on the outside. He was probably constantly reminded of his past and all the mean nasty things he's done and what was done to him. His mother must have been very cold and not nurturing, which left him very Insecure and unloved. He has always felt like the responsible one when it comes to nurturing himself and parenting himself since no one was around to do that.
In the documentary of dennis nilsen his mother said she felt uncomfortable around him and was "repulsed" so unlike all the other kids he didn't receive the same affection as the others. She tried to explain this as if it's his fault for her not being a good mom tho..I personally as a mom idc if me and my child have differences I will always be there to make them feel loved and secure. I think his mom was very stern with him and treated him like a worker bee.
Mars conjunct saturn: With this aspect maybe his sexual desires were held back a bit, he could have either had strong discipline or just felt like he wasn't able to preform bc of overthinking, constant self judgement. For some reason he felt it was his duty to be there for others and be the responsible person. Maybe he did too much to help others or become likeable, which pushed everyone away.
Mars conjunct mc: He had the strong desire to make his public life something he put a lot of effort into, he wanted to be recognized, respected, seen for all his good qualities. Strong, passionate, bold, adventurous, independent. Sometimes he may have been seen as selfish and overbearing. They did say on his documentay that he had a good job and on the outside looking in, he just looked normal. It was probably bc he had a lot to hide, so this mars conj mc was a cover up for his real life/interests.
Venus square pluto: A person with this aspect might have an unhealthy obsession with whoever they find attractive, they fall in love easily/deeply, become infatuated with people to the point of stalking. This person has deep control issues that stem from jealousy and insecurities. I feel like dennis nilsen may have been intimidated by alive people, bc humans in general have free will and are able to do whatever they please. But a passive unalived person would not be able to pose a threat to him or hurt his ego, so it's like he wanted to kill all competition and any uncomfortable feelings that may make him feel inferior like he has in the past.. there may have been some trauma related to that, feeling helpless and inferior. So that's why he overpowers others instead of expressing himself in a healthy way.
might be a very complex person in general and no one really wants to take the time to get to know all their layers so they end up feeling isolated and weird.
Mars semisquare uranus: his actions/energy may have been unpredictable and messy, one sec he was fine next minute he was not. This may have been what turned people away from him, he may have acted strangely at the worst moments. Making inappropriate comments or doing inappropriate things. He could of been highly intuitive with his actions/assumptions, but other people were sometimes not as ahead of time as he was so everyone seen him as a crazy unstable person. He was probably impatient and not always reliable
2nd house in scorpio/8th house in taurus: He basically craved loyalty, security, love, intimacy. So he got that by finding the perfect person and making that his main goal. What was valuable to him (same thing for dahmer) was having a loyal, subservient, solid, predictable person in their lives. All they wanted was the assurance that whoever they loved wouldn't leave them, not question them, completely trust them.. trust is something that was hard to find for these two people. I bet they were so intense and strange that people felt unsafe around them. But overall with the 2h Scorpio + 8h in taurus, to them possessing a person was the end goal. They were obsessed with having a physical, tangible, person/thing there with them, it gave them so much security to know they had full control over someone.. even if it was by force.
Here's some videos from tiktok I came across👇
This woman apparently was in a criminal justice class taught by the detective who interrogated jeffrey dahmer. Soo freaking interesting. I've never heard of any of these details she's describing bc there's so much law enforcement didn't share with the public about jeffrey dahmer.
I did some digging and found some of the polaroids😲, please only click the link below if you're ready for what you're about to see..
*NOT for sensitive viewers*
Knowing this now just brings it all into perspective about how evil and insane jeffrey really was..
For now this is what I've got so far while looking into these people, i'll be doing more research and adding new info when I find out more. So I hope you enjoyed it😊 If you did lmk I might do more. Serial killers are something I find interesting to dissect bc it's crazy that someone could end up being so evil/immoral + adding my love for astrology to that is another plus bc it validates how accurate astrology really is.
End note:
I checked astrotheme for jeff and dennis's birthdays and I guess they are all verified and the most accurate. Wow, thankful to whoever found that information
✨️Nine of pentacles✨️
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l-d1e1 · 1 year
I wrote a Fic... for funsies
Gyutaro just came back from his killing spree, all bloody and full from eating the people he killed. He isn't the type to take long, hot, bubble baths. But today was different, feeling good for once he decided to reward himself, with his beloved loneliness peace and quiet. He took off to the bathroom, which was dark with the only lightsource being bubble shaped lamps because the window was covered all up. There it was, the wooden, circle shaped bathtub he was gonna lay and rest. All by himself. He turned on the water tap and made it very warm. When the bathtub slowly filled with the water, and poured some nice smelling soap in. He kneeled besides the tub and smiled to himsef, patiently waiting for the bath to fill. Gyutaro made sure that his bath wasn't too warm for his liking and closed the faucet. He undressed himself and slowly got into the warm water. Sitting down he let out a soft huff, finally being able to relax, even though he loved his sister, she made him all stressed sometimes. So he was very happy to be alone.He slowly closed his eyes laying down in the water.The wanted lonely time wasn't for long. He heard the doors open so he opened his eyes quickly and frowned.He saw a well-known figure. Especially the hair sillhouette gave off who it was. It was Enmu. Gyutaro wasn't very joyful about the trespass into his peaceful moment. He saw the smaller demon smile at him, while closing the door, still facing the greenhaired demon.The sound of the doors closing hit Gyu's ears and suddenly he saw the other one undress. As he saw that happen he covered his eyes, a small blush appearing on his angered face.
- Didn't know you are fond of bubble baths~! - Enmu said softly, putting his hair up in a white handkerchief. The blackhaired demon got to the tub and slowly got inside till he was covered with water. -I haven't said I like them... neither have I said that you could get in. - He hissed out, mad that he wasn't alone anymore. Still having his eyes shut, he felt the other guy lean on his own chest with his back. He huffed angrily.-Hm? What did you say? Gyutaro now felt disrespected. Well... What could he expect from the weirdly train-loving demon.-Get out.-Nah.. I don't feel like it, my dear upper moon 7.~ I got comfy... - Gyutaron maybe had closed eyes but he could feel the other one pout, as if he was a kid who wasn't getting anything.-I want my space. Get out.- He could feel Enmu cuddling up with his back. It's not like he didn't like the physical touch.... maybe...No. He was all fussy about the unwanted physical "love". -Don't feel like it. - He heard the lower moon say. He got all boiling inside. So he knew what to do.He opened his eyes and looked at the smaller ones shoulder. Quickly and with a lot of pressure he bit into it. He bit down, hearing a little crack under his bite. Gyu's nose hit the smell of blood.-Ah!.. Gyutaro~ - Hearing Enmu moan out made him disgusted, and as quickly as he bit into his flesh he pulled away. -Ew. Never do it again... Ever.Enmu turned his head and gazed at the bigger demon, smiling widely. Even though Gyutaro was stronger and more experienced than him, he could feel fear creeping up his spine. -Geez.. You can stay. Just. Don not look at me at all will ya?Feeling the other wiggle happily against his body made him annoyed. But... It was the first time that someone besides Daki was so comfortable and not grossed out by him. Well. He couldn't let his guard down and let the other one know that he got comfortable.-So... Gyutaro.-Hm?
There was a moment of silence till the smaller demon spoke.-Nothing nothing~ - He giggled. As if Enmu wanted to piss off Gyu even more. It was also a sign of his defeat in the small war for his peace.-Gyutaro? You know what?- What. If you're gonna say nothing I'm gonna put you on a leash and tie you to a tree so you'll burn when the sun rises. -Oh! kinky~... - The demon let out a short, sadistic laughter. - Well I wanted to say that I think that you are a very handsome upper moon. And a very strong one. I really appreciate your power. With that the upper moon's face flushed with red. He wasn' used to any of the lower rank's doings. He didn't know if the other one wanted to embarrass the hell out of him or what.His hand automatically slapped the back of Enmu's head. Enmu just let out a giggle feeling the hit, he regenarated himself from his new injury, while the earlier one was regenarated slowly. He wiggled his body again VERY happily and to get comfy on the other demon's chest. Enmu liked the other very much... no... no. He adored him, but it was not the time for him to confess the feelings. There was something about Gyutaro that made the black haired like him. It was like Gyutaro was in the same place in his heart like Muzan was. Maybe the fact that the greenhaired one was easy to irritate and sounded adorable.And with that the evening was filled with a lot of cuddles in bath. Gyutaro "hated" that affection. After the both got out the bath, Gyu went to his room, feeling Enmu follow him. He knew he wouldn't get rid of the lower quickly.-You won't leave me. Am I right?-Yes. I will be with you till tomorrow, Gyutaro~ - Enmu hummed out.
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Hi M!
So I first: I went through your blog and it was a very nice discovery! In love with what I've seen so far! Especially found of the mood boards and Zodiac analysis you did for Arthur and Isaac (that is such an original concept and am whipped).
I hope you're not crumbling under requests for this event, and I'd like to request a matchup too if that's fine by you :)
Looks: brown medium length wavy/curly hair, hazel eyes, pale olive skin, rather short, lean and toned
Personality: Creative, Sarcastic, Honest/outspoken (sometimes clumsily so), Compassionate, imaginative and independent. As for flaws, I am anxious, especially socially (usually I try to hide it best I can but it can get overwhelming), am also indecisive and a huge overthinker, clumsy socially and I tend to bottle up negative emotions (especially anger and sadness), my boyfriend has also told me that I lack diplomacy (if that's a flaw), short attention span (I need to be entertained by something otherwise I lose interest pretty quick if am bored, doesn't apply to people though)
Hobbies: Ballet and just dance in general, writing/reading, making jewelleries, learning about niche subjects like Greek Mythology or X-country's folklore/ philosophy/psychology... Anything that sparks my interest at a given moment, but am especially fond of philosophy.
Likes: The sea and nature, animals (cats, dogs, bunnies, horses...anything), a good debate, listening to someone's point of view and mine being listened to as well, music, FLOWERS, fashion (I am lowkey a fashion girlie, no shame), a good sense of humour
Dislikes: Any place where there's a lot of people (this tends to make me very uneasy and anxious), narrow minded people, am very open minded so it always baffles me when some people can't see farther than their own nose.
MBIT: intj
Zodiac: Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon and Cancer Rising
Love language: Acts of service, quality time and words of affection, I'm not huge on giving personal touch but for some special persons I cross this line.
Aesthetic: A bundle of cottagecore, balletcore, european summer
Suitors I dislike: Dazai, Sebastian, Vlad and his 2 children
Hope these all helped! Thank you so much for reading this and hosting this event, and have fun!
Thank you for the compliments btw❤ you're for sure a very unique person @maries-gallery
I matched you with....
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Pre-relationship (SFW)
Now before you attack me let me show you my point of view.
At first you and Arthur had a casual encounter and both of you never really felt like there's something can pull both of you together.
Arthur knew from the beginning that he is dealing with more than a pretty bird yet he thought that you might be someone who is naive but to his bad luck you're not.
At the first week of your meeting with him he thought to himself "why don't I hit on her and see if I will succeed getting her attention" but poor man, this never worked.
You talked to him casually showing no signs of interest and instead you found joy with chatting with Leonardo.
Because you know Leonardo know almost everything. So, Arthur never had the chance to ever getting to know you better.
While you were enchanted by Leonardo; Arthur for a moment felt like it is his priority to entertain you instead.
The mystery writer loved to get to know you on a personal level. So, he tried to fake a scenario where he can be in a position for you to trust.
Not in a bad way he was intrigued.
One evening, Le Comte were hosting an event in another place so you got ready and you wore this dress.
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Confession: (SFW)
It was September 1898. And the weather was cold. No one expected it to rain that night because the sun shined all day long.
That night you arrived there and all the residents were there too. So, you spend your time dancing and talking to them. And Arthur finally had the chance to just talk to you. He asked for your hand for a dance and you agreed. "You look pretty today" he said while one hand on your waist and the other in your hand. "Thank you" you said smiling gently at him. "So, I heard that you're taking interest upon Leonardo" he said teasingly. "Hmm.. I see you're interested in me" You tried not to show your embarrassment. "I wonder why won't you give me any chance" he said while his eyes was looking directly into your soul.
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And for no apparent reason you tried so hard to focus but for a brief moment you felt like everything was around both of you was vanishing away. Like tears in the rain. You heard the noises around you rising and you looked around to see that the guests started to leave due to the rain the was heavily falling. Everyone got in a carriage. At the moment you remembered that you forgot your bag there and the only one that followed you inside was Arthur. After going inside and taking it. No carriage to be seen because no one stayed there but Arthur. "I got my bag! Let's go" you said. You walked out of the building while Arthur was trying to shelter you with his coat from the rain. "I think we can not find a carriage dear" He said almost yelling. "What are we going to do?" You asked. "I say let's find any public building to spend some time in until the rain stops" he suggested. That moment you felt tired and sleepy. The cold almost broke your bones. "Okay, let's go quickly" you said. Upon going to church because the building was open. You took a deep breath of relief. "Are you okay?" Arthur asked. "Yes I'm okay, what about you?" You said. Arthur smiled "please Mary I'm a vampire" he said. You felt dizzy so you set down on a bench and after that everything became dark around you and you lost all your senses. Waking up the day after you were at the mansion in your bed. You looked left and right but no one to be seen in your room. So, you get dressed and went to the dining room to search for Arthur. But he wasn't there. You found Vincent instead. "Hey Marry how are you now?" He asked with a big smiley face. "I'm good, where is Arthur?" You asked. "He is in his room" he said. And you stormed out to go to his room. You knocked the door and you heard his voice from the inside "come in" he said. You opened the door, "why are you shy come in luv" he smiled. You intered the room. Then you threw yourself on his lap. "Thank you for helping me Arthur" you said. It was like the whole birds in Paris gathered in Arthur's chest and you heard the most light-hearted giggle from him. "I know I love you" he said while giving you the cutest smile ever. " I think I love you too" you returned it with the same smile. Closing your eyes feeling his lips on yours pressing so softly.
Relationship headcanons (SFW)
Arthur is a romantic lover even though he doesn't show it often. He will notice every shift of your mood and react accordingly. Also he is a sweet gift giver. Every gift he gave you had a meaning like this one.
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But no one can deny how powerful and amazing he is when it comes to writing poems and drawn your every detail in them.
He would literally write the most romantic poems about you and sending it to you.
He is really into writing letters especially if you both didn't have enough time to spend with each other or both of you were busy doing your errands.
Arthur is a touchy-feely man and he is really into cuddling and kissing. Because the feeling of you give him reassurance and love.
He would take you to your favorite places and he would totally respect the fact that you have social anxiety.
He would probably help you with that too (your social anxiety).
He is so into taking you out into nature and planning cute picnics for just the two of you.
Both of you would adopt animals like cats,dogs and rabbits. It won't be a lot but why not?.
He is into soothing his partner and he know well how to win a woman once he put her into his mind.
You're the challenge he wished to have his whole life.
He really loves making you smile because that smile is something he lives for.
You have so much power over him more than you think omg.
Relationship headcanons(NSFW)
He is a fuckboy and everyone knows that.
He dated nearly every whore in Paris and had sexual intercourse with almost all of them.
And you think he won't satisfy you?
I can see that he is into doing multiple positions in one round. He will literally change positions like A LOT.
Also he is hypersexual and he would really appreciate a woman with a strong appetite for sex.
Whenever he see you around or feel that you're close to his room he would pull you inside for a quickie.
If you both didn't have an intercourse in that quickie it would be something like pleasuring each other with your hands.
Also he love to receive oral sex. He don't mind giving pleasure to you at all. But he prefer to receive more because he can see how much you can take and it is a turn on for him.
This man is so into role-playing. He loovesss it and he lives for it.
Especially when you're his boss or secretary and this goes along with anything.
He would also loves it when he plays the vampire and you're the hunter, he loves how he can seduce you into doing it.
Also he is an addict to your moans. Like they're the only prayer you can say during the rush hour.
I can see him loving your facial expressions while doing it. The redness on your cheeks after that is so mesmerizing.
He is into bathing together too it is just so intimate for him to try with a whore. So he waited patiently to get his love which is you to do intimate stuff with.
Possible Conflicts
Well the only problem and the main one is that he know a lot of women and they like him and can't stop liking him too. Because of how he made them feel. So whenever you two will go out you will find strange women coming to say hi to him and he would try with his whole being to just focus on you.
Sometimes he might give them attention but not out of I'll cheat on you with her. It is just that he loves making you jealous. So, don't let him make you feel that way okay?.
Other possible match
Le Comte De Saint Germain and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Thank you for reading my match up.
The ask box will remain open until 20th/Jul/2023.
Have a good day/evening🤍.
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