#also i just realized you type the hashtag afterwards and now i feel like a tech gramma hallo 💀
elenielheron ¡ 3 months
I made a knife! Phile's knife. An ugly knife. A knife of many tales. Behold the hideous stabby!
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elytrafemme ¡ 2 years
@evilpuzzlingpapercrown and also @eternallyworm because i haven’t been checking evilpuzzlingpapercrown recently and missed the latest response by several hours even though i was kinda online at the time
~ now here is the message that took me 2 hours to write (i got distracted)~
shimmying into your inbox hello hello an irl almost found out i was a system today by following one of my alter blogs. ✨yippie✨
tbh!!! idk if he actually realized because 1. he didn’t like the pinned post but 2. he sent an ask saying “omg it’s you” (possibly a reference to the inclusion of “my main is puzzlingpapercrown” in the top of the pinned) 3. he still might have not read the read more 4. i sent them the men and black gif and they were confused 5. i immediately blocked him from that blog and privated the pinned 6. we have had 3 conversations since then and she never mentioned it
conclusion? i have no freaking idea what i’m doing ever 💅
claps my hands together i am here. today. to talk. aka to answer the question you handed me in the last ask response but i have lots to say… so it’s another ask BABY. okay i’ll admit my typing style is kinda fucked right now but we’re managing 
i feel like making some like short responses to some things in the response to the ask before covering the question so here we go (imagine me doing that silly drumming on the desk that like hyper salesmen do. or something)
freaking hyped that i have the dahlia hawthorn seal of approval. like for real we are quite thrilled. we are quite hesitant with interacting with anyone so i am thankful for this. there will likely be an ask one day in dahlias inbox(most likely from Jupiter tbh) 
shaking hands on the switching thing. i think the worst time a difficult switch was like *trying* to happen was one of my drivers ed driving sessions. like in the middle of driving and my eyes are unfocusing and my brain is literal soup and that was a freaking moment for real. didn’t stop till i like got home and crashed. it also prompted me to think “hypothetically if i was a system perhaps and maybe that was a switch or SOMETHING”
okay and also that’s so interesting that there’s those tiny shifts in appearance for ya. i don’t know but it’s just interesting to hear an individual experience on stuff (for me it’s like a change in perception of my appearance. like i look different and feel different about how i look depending on who’s fronting. even if i look the exact same there’s something off in the brain and it’s so funky)
“ do you also like... ever feel the process of a memory actively getting repressed?”
okay tbh yes. and it’s like uh. there’s multiple ways this sorta happens.
for starters i can very much tell when a period of time is going into the hashtag memory vault because i will have the worst memory of the events while they’re happening. most recently i can recall, i forgot in full basically everything about after 24 hours of it happening. everything i remember is what my sister said about it afterward. yippie!
however even smaller events i can sorta figure out that they’re going to be hashtag in the vault in the moment. it’s like our perspective feels small and maybe even blurry all around. and then even directly trying to recall events from within that moment are very choppy.
idk how to describe it but it’s there.
and! with some important information we’ve developed a system of like for fully logging information. so like an important memory we will sorta lock an image and singular thought into the brain regarding the event as a way to make sure everyone has a memory of the moment. this was a tactic we came up with long before realizing we were a system which is funny. 
so a good amount of my memories from like a while ago are singular faded images with like a sentence of thought. 
okay i realize this is even longer than before but i’m having the time of my life with talking about this hahdjfj okay yea 
i also did stop for like an hour to look on instagram and fell down a rabbit hole of small buisness making makeup brands. yea
ANYWAY PEACE AND LOVE ✨💕✨💕✨💕✨ YEAAAAAA (but for real thank you for listening and talking i’ll try and respond in the comments this time)
HIYA!!! Hoping answering this activates something in me TM because I'm getting such nice asks on both my alter's sideblogs but i want them to front to answer them :((( hopefully they decide 2 say smth but for now just me Mare again!
absolutely fascinating and yet horrifying experience oh my God. see I'm playing with fire b/c the first person I would ever tell about systemhood is my best friend who is also the only person i know IRL that has access to this blog. so it's like I wouldn't hate it if xe sees this but also it's pretty dicey that it's written all over this blog and xe definitely could see it. but. shrugs.
still. goddamn that is either lucky or like. unfortunate. either way uhhhh hope things r alright with that
yep! Dahlia's approval is hard to acheive and I can say that because she hated me at first but now she's basically my older sister so we chill we chill. yeah idk she's a cynic so she likes The Good Intentioned TM and appreciates that u guys are like. so caring and kind to me all the time. and also finds you all funny. so like. thumbs up emoji
OUGH THAT'S AWFUL!!! HATE THAT HATE THAT. Long switches fucking SUCK don't know how long u all have those, typically ours don't last too long but the first time Nightshade fronted. hoo boy. that was a rough 30 minutes . still Drivers ed.... fucking SUCKS goddamn.
totally get that w perception, i think sometimes it's like that for us but usually even if our face looks the same there's something about the way we hold ourselves that's distinctly different. like how we set our jaw or the way our eyes slant or something. yeah!
THAT'S SO INTERESTING WAIT. the fact that you guys have a memory storing system for important memories is SO so fascinating and like. i'm so glad u have that bc that seems to be so helpful!!! from how u describe it at least idk i hope it's helpful! and the blurriness is interesting and also hashtag relatable; for us it's less blurriness and more exhaustion but at some point exhaustion becomes blurriness. at any given point in time if someone in the headspace wants me to not think about something they put my brain in sleepy mode and i can't think. assigned naptime at hosting
if any businesses stand out or seem super cool feel free to share with the class bestie
yeah :D u can talk to me whenever i mean that. im sorry im so bad at answering ur asks i always wanna give them my full attention unfortunately i have the worst attention span in the world. promise i love talking to u all though :D
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sluttyten ¡ 3 years
I don’t even think Mark was being dirty minded when he did the pose tho. They were doing top model poses and a lot of models pose by emphasizing their boobs and squeezing or placing their hands on and under the boobs/chest it’s a normal pose. He just happens to be a guy. If a girl kpop idol did the a pose like that in the same type of game it wouldn’t be seen as dirty minded, it’d be seen as a flirty pose. And afterwards when he said something like “its a subtle difference everything depends on that subtle difference” he seems like he’s talking about how modeling takes a subtle difference to make the pose good/artistic. For example emphasizing your boobs lol like he’s not even realizing at first how dirty minded it seemed. Mark has always been awkward and dirty minded at times but in a ditsy way 😂 but I don’t think he was genuinely being dirty minded I think fans and the other members sexualized it more. It’s goofy to see a person who presents as male pretending to have boobs especially with the wording “squishy rice cake” but I don’t think he initially expected the reaction be deemed dirty minded bc he’s usually embarrassed or nervous about what he’s allowed to do or say bc of his image. He doesn’t always think things through 😂 and it does kinda suck that ppl still immediately think of boobs as sexual organs rather than just body parts that are made for something completely different. But who doesn’t love boobs?
Also just want to add that I think whole situation is a mess and an overreaction on both parts. There are now locals and nonkpop ppl posting actual boobs, also minors posting, nctzens taking the joke too far and posting and also creeps lurking in the tag. So it’s a mess. But I’d also like to add that although its annoying rn it’s not the same as unsolicited nudes/dick pics. No one is dming Mark these. They are posting it in a hashtag and the only way to see it is if you click in the tag or go out of your way to view them. He’ll only see them if he’s curious or wants to. If I saw the tag trending and I didn’t want to see it I’d simply not click onto it. But it’s not the same as an annoying random man harassing me and sending me dick pics I didn’t ask for. Does that make sense?
You’re right that it’s not the same as unsolicited pics necessarily since he would have to click on it to open the hashtag, but still it is something that could make him uncomfortable and it is unsolicited still in a way since he didn’t ask fans to post their tits or even make a joke out of it. Yes he would have to click the hashtag to see it, but still just because you don’t open an unsolicited dick pic or other nude doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable with it if you know that it’s there.
You’re also right that he probably didn’t initially mean for it to be dirty minded when he made the pose, like Mark is always so conscious of the things he says and does being interpreted in a dirty way, like the “travel” VLive he did with Johnny when he made that rap up and said something that was kinda dirty and then was like “oh but dude was that okay?” and also when they filmed their “short film” and his ass was up in the air and he was worried about that. Like Mark does show concern for maintaining a certain image, but it’s fine when he doesn’t stick to that image like a lot of fans think it’s funny when he shows that he’s just a normal guy who cracks dirty jokes. I don’t think he ever does it in a way to make it offensive or does it on purpose really, it just comes out that way, and also when it’s being interpreted by such a massive fanbase of course it’s going to blow up a lot more than the little thing that it initially was
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i-want-anne-hathaway ¡ 4 years
Analysis of “Flat 15B” from Halls
This is exactly what it sounds like. I took apart the lyrics of the song to try and figure out more about the characters. I only have the brief descriptions George and Jen gave and a six minute song, but I tried.
Jessie (Grace Mouat) is the person who immediately tries making friends and initiates the Flat 15B group chat. She says things and criticizes herself for it afterwards like when she says “#15B? Oh my god, who even hashtags anymore” and “Oh god, not a wink face.” She questions very small things she does in regards to other people. This could be one of the things she works on throughout the show.
“I don’t know how I’ll cope with sharing a bathroom” demonstrates some of that privilege George and Jen mentioned. She probably doesn’t have any siblings because if she did, she would’ve shared a bathroom at least once. This privilege is different from the privilege they mentioned Will having. Will’s benefits are a lot clearer to see, but Jessie’s are very small things.
She mentions relationships twice with her lines, “Mom keeps on telling me that the best days of your life getting a first class degree, while finding Mr. Right” and “Did you know that 40% of people find their partners at uni” so I think she may have a romantic plot or subplot throughout the show.
She says “moving in gets nearer” as if it’s something she’s scared about. She’s obviously nervous about it, but in a very subtle way. It’s expected to be nervous and anxious, but Jessie treats her fear like something to be ashamed of. 
Zoe (Olivia Moore) is our resident theater major. She comes off as friendly and open like Jessie, telling her “you’ve got yourself a wing-woman right here” in response to Jessie’s “Mr. Right” line. If I were to mark one definite friendship, it would be Zoe and Jessie.
The lines she has to herself are both about her clothes fitting in the car and how many shoes she’s taking. This doesn’t give much information, but people who overpack generally do it for the reassurance that everything they may need is with them.
Zoe is also nervous about this whole university experience, but she’s straightforward about it. She says “I’m feeling scared” and that fact she’s sacred doesn’t bother her like it bothers Jessie.
Natalie (Millie O’Connell) has already made herself known as the party girl from the very first line she sings. She seems to be somebody who likes to joke around as shown in her line “Wink face? That’s a bit keen.” I’m not entirely sure that’s what she’s saying, but it’s definitely something making playful fun of what Jessie said.
She is already like, “I can’t wait for Freshers week,” which is a week long period before classes start to get Freshman settled. There are parties and drinking all the time, and Natalie wants in on that. “No one to check what time that I get home…” made me think she doesn’t want people concerning themselves with what she does. She’s kinda like “I’m just tryna have some fun, so don’t worry,” and yes, that was a SIX reference. I’m not ashamed of myself because it fit very well. 
Natalie has this one track mind of going to parties and drinking. Almost every line she says has something to do with partying or drinking, for example “I packed my tequila.” This whole party attitude reminded me of Farrah from We Are The Tigers, and if they are similar, Natalie has some issues she’s trying to run from.
Josh (Tarinn Callender) is the person you hate, but you love. He also seems like a bit of a party person, but not as much as Natalie. Almost all of his lines are about sex and appearances.
He’s cocky and confident, as seen in his line “Can’t see any girl saying no to me when I move in,” but if I’ve learned anything from school, the people who seem incredibly confident and cocky are faking it until they make it. 
Dan (Cameron Burt) starts his section off with “This has to be the thing for me” because he started university before but dropped out. He no doubt feels pressure to stick with whatever he’s doing because of the fact he’s already quit once. I can already assume he probably feels awkward being older than everybody else. 
He comes off as incredibly shy and reserved especially with Josh and Natalie coming right before him. In comparison to those two, he’s like a mouse. Dan looks very chill and relaxed to me. Everybody else texted something kind of bold, like Josh or interacted with the others, like Zoe, but Dan just said “Hey everyone. I’m Dan. Nice to meet you” and sort of left it at that. 
Sam (Sophie Isaacs) is our working class student who juggles multiple jobs throughout the show. She’s not exactly poor, but she’s having difficulties with student loans. She says she’s “packed all my life into a case,” which suggests she doesn’t have very many things to even take with her. 
She states “I can’t believe I’m going to get out of this place.” She either hasn’t been anywhere but the area she lived, or she didn’t think she’d manage to get into university anyway. There’s a chance her family didn’t go to university.
“I’m not coming back” is said with strength and confidence. She’s determined that she's getting out of that small town for good. There is no way she’s returning. 
“I’m not gonna slack, I’m gonna make my family proud,” follows that line. She certainly doesn’t slack off because it’s been confirmed that she’s always working in order to pay off her loans. She’s going to do whatever it takes to get herself through school and make her family proud. I’ve had her character for less than a day, and I would kill for her. 
Josh, Dan, and Sam all claim that they aren’t scared, which is different from the previous group, Jessie, Natalie, and Zoe. Natalie never outright says she’s scared, but I’m pretty sure she’s more nervous than she’s let on. 
Lewis (Alex Thomas-Smith) is this confident gay character who helps the others on their road to find themselves. I’m not sure if that’s in a mom friend way of helping them, or a friend who roasts you every time you try to make bad decisions, but either way it’s great. 
He says “everything will start again when I walk through that door,” implying there’s something he wants to redo. He’s confident now, but he definitely wasn’t always like that. There’s something that happened he doesn’t want to think about.
“They’re gonna see me as who I am, not who I was before” gives off a similar idea as the previous line. These could be references to his sexuality, but it doesn’t feel that way. This makes me think he’s done/said some things he’s not proud of. Sexuality isn’t a “who I am now vs. who I was back then” type of situation because if you’re gay now, you were always gay. It’s not one of those things that starts after some event, it’s just a matter of realizing. He was somebody before that he doesn’t want to be associated with who he is now, and I doubt that the reason he’s so ashamed of this previous version of himself is because he wasn’t out of the closet.
“Cause I’ve already wasted time being scared and having to hide” does seem like a reference to Lewis’ sexuality, but I still don’t think that’s what the other two lines were about. His sexuality can be a reason he’s confident though. A lot of openly LGBTQ+ people are more confident because they’ve already accepted who they were. This is supported by the line “I won’t have to lie” because it implies he’d lied about who he was before.
Will (Matteo Johnson) is also a law student and is supposed to be a parallel to Sam. They study the same thing, but because of finances, Will is much better off than Sam. Because he has rich parents, he doesn’t have to concern himself with working to afford school. 
He’s seen speaking to his mother before he starts singing, and it doesn’t appear like she’s able to support him at school. We don’t know what she’s saying, but Will responds “Yeah, no, I understand it’s your job.” Even as he’s doing what his parents want, they still aren’t able to be there for him. “I’ll see you at Christmas” implies that from when he starts school in August or September, he won’t see his parents the entire time. 
“My whole life has always gone perfectly to plan” perfectly shows that Will hasn’t been making his own choices. His major probably wasn't his choice nor was the school. “Never straying from the path that they laid out” conveys the same message. His parents planned out everything he did, and he never questioned it. “For the first time in my life, I suddenly feel unsure” shows that he’s doubting whether he wants to follow everything his parents tell him to do. He’s even doubting the fact that he’s doubting himself, “maybe I’m just scared.” After not questioning anything his whole life, now he doubts everything. A major point in Will’s story is going to be finding out what he wants and stepping away from the path his parents have for him
THAT WAS SO LONG! If anybody actually managed to read that entire thing, I must applaud you. 1511 words of character analysis based off of one song. I have way too much time on my hands, but I’m just so excited for this musical. 
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popculty ¡ 5 years
Surviving the Coronapocalypse: A Masterpost
Living in the current coronavirus capital of the U.S., I’ve been thinking a lot about how woefully unprepared my city was, and how I can help other people who will likely be in the situation we’ve been in within the next few weeks or months. There have been a LOT of posts - from memes to crap advice to solid advice to a misspelled hashtag that somehow blew up without anyone noticing. It’s been all over the place and kind of overwhelming, honestly. So instead of reblogging a million individual posts, I wanted to consolidate some of the most useful information/resources I’ve come across into one handy, update-able reference post. And because this a pop culture blog, there’s gonna be plenty of that sprinkled in. This isn’t going to be an exhaustive list, by any means - that would be impossible, considering how many angles there are to this thing and how quickly it’s evolving. But feel free to use this as a starter, and add to it as you come across other resources worth sharing.
First, protect your health:
1. I can’t believe in the year 2020, 150 years after germs were discovered, that we have to even say this, but: Wash your hands, people. This seems obvious, and we hear it constantly, and yet I keep seeing people use hand sanitizer like it’s the same as hand-washing. Not-so-fun fact: IT ISN’T. Not even close (so double fuck this guy!). First of all, it’s only effective against some types of germs. Secondly, it does NOT kill or remove those germs, it just temporarily neutralizes them, allowing them to resurface later. Hand sanitizer should only be used when hand-washing is not an option. It’s better than nothing, but is not a long-term habit that will save you. If you are going to use hand sanitizer, it needs to contain at least 60% alcohol to be effective. Alcohol, however, dries the fuck out of your hands, and germs love dry skin because they can hide in the cracks. So it’s important to moisturize afterward. But I’ll say it louder for the people in the back (esp. men who still haven’t figured out how bathroom hygiene works and then wonder why they’re dying at much higher rates from this): JUST 👏 WASH 👏 YOUR 👏 DAMN 👏 HANDS! 👏 Scrub for 20-30 seconds, like Kristen Bell told you. There are a million memes for this. Find one that speaks to you, or make your own, and use it.
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2. “Social distancing” - By now we’ve all heard of this, and it’s a good thing for everyone to start doing right about now, regardless of whether or not you are feeling symptoms, because as Idris Elba just reminded us (bless), many people do not show symptoms, for weeks or even ever. So: try to stay six feet away from other people as much as possible. If you can’t avoid getting close to people, just make it quick. The latest info is that it’s not airborne (thank god), but transmitted via droplets (i.e. from coughing), so it really doesn’t matter whether you’re inside or outdoors.
3. And now a word from my infectious disease specialist mom who is working on the front-lines of this: 📣  If you have symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath), stay home and take care of yourself like you would if you had the flu. Do not go out in public unless you absolutely have to, (i.e. you are literally dying and require medical attention) and if you do, WEAR A SURGICAL MASK. IF YOU ARE NOT EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS, YOU DO NOT NEED TO WEAR A MASK – THEY SHOULD ONLY BE WORN BY PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK/COUGHING (to stop those droplets), AND BY HEALTH CARE WORKERS. DO NOT HOARD MASKS FOR PERSONAL USE - THEY ARE ESSENTIALLY USELESS TO YOU AND IT DIVERTS THEM FROM THE DOCTORS AND NURSES WHO ACTUALLY NEED THEM. 📣 Thank you.
4. If you can stay home, stay home. Simple as that. Sure, flights are cheap and we all love a deal but at what cost, Becky?? Just because you can fly (you’re young! you’re healthy! you’re feeling lucky! you *hair flip* just don’t give a fuck!), doesn’t mean you can’t show some goddamn personal restraint and concern for your fellow (elderly, at-risk) human beings. If you won’t listen to me, listen to Wonder Woman. Participate in the #stayhomechallenge and #dontbeaspreader.
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5. Inform yourself. The news is doing a really good job of sowing general panic and not much else. And obviously, the situation is literally changing everyday, but here are the basics you should know, via handy infographics. To keep up with the latest, I recommend this interactive map and Science Vs., an investigative science podcast that is currently doing a series of episodes on the ever-changing COVID-19 situation. It does a really good job of painting a picture of how this virus actually spreads, who is at risk, and what a pandemic would actually look like. The “Pandemic” episode of Explained on Netflix is also proving incredibly prescient right now.
Be a decent human being:
The truth is, if you know the facts, coronavirus isn’t actually that scary. What is scary is uninformed people acting impulsively and selfishly. Like, there is no logical reason for the run on toilet paper (coronavirus doesn’t even make you shit!). The reason there is no toilet paper in your grocery store is because a handful of excitable people panicked and bought up all the Charmin they saw. Then other people panicked when they saw the empty shelf and thought, “I guess I should be stockpiling tp too ??” So they did. Then other people came to the grocery store, saw the empty shelves, and posted pictures of those empty shelves on social media. And now everyone in the entire world is freaking out about toilet paper, for no goddamn reason. This scarcity (of tp, of Purell, etc), is a human-created problem, not an outbreak-created problem. Whereas, if everyone had remained calm and bought only what they needed, we could have avoided this entire headache. But people are gonna people, I guess. (If you’re still freaking out about toilet paper though, you should really just invest in a bidet, which is far more sanitary and better for the environment anyway.)
All this is to say: Think before you act. Stop tweeting pictures of empty shelves - you’re only fueling the fire. And don’t use the climate of fear and uncertainty as an excuse to act like a shitty person. When things return to normal, your actions right now will be remembered by those around you. So:
1. Take a look at this graph. If you’re healthy and young (under 60), don’t be a dick. Before you snatch every last roll of toilet paper or bottle of cold remedy off the shelf, considering leaving some for the grandmother behind you who’s probably terrified and has only just now risked leaving her house for this one grocery run, only to find the shelves bare.
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2. Moreover, instead of getting swept up into the panic-buying and selfish hoarding, consider buying/delivering groceries for the elderly and at-risk, who are unable to leave their homes. Find out what volunteer opportunities have sprung up in your community to specifically address outbreak-related needs.
3. Donate to food banks - People who have been furloughed from their jobs will have an even harder time putting food on the table, and kids that depend on free school meals will still need to eat if their school is closed.
4. Support local businesses. Big businesses will weather this just fine, but your mom-and-pop store down the street? Your local grocer? They’re hurting already and might not be able to survive weeks or months of low sales or even closing down for a period of time. So...
Buy from local stores rather than big chains as much as possible.
If you are eating/ordering out, choose local, and especially Asian restaurants, who are really hurting right now, and because again: YOU CANNOT GET CORONAVIRUS FROM FOOD. YOU’RE JUST BEING RACIST.
If you don’t want to eat out at all right now (probably advisable), buy gift cards to local restaurants for yourself or others – This will support struggling business now when they need it, and then you can cash in on them when things calm down a bit.
Likewise, if you have tickets to a play, show, etc that gets cancelled, consider not asking for a refund and instead making that a donation to your local stage company, independent cinema, arts center, etc.
If you live in a city where a large event with many local vendors gets cancelled, find out if there is an alternative pop-up event to support those vendors, or buy from them on Etsy. Many artists and craftspeople depend on one huge, annual event like a fair or Con for their entire year’s earnings, so having that event postponed or cancelled is a huge financial blow to them. For example, when Emerald City Comic-Con got pushed til August, this lovely Twitter thread popped up to support the artists.
Maintain your sanity:
The other big thing we are starting to realize is that this social distancing is going to cause a loneliness epidemic in countries that are already some of the loneliest in the world. We don’t know how long these measures will be in place, so we need to prepare ourselves, mentally/emotionally:
1. Take a breath - Even worst-case scenario, this isn’t the end of the world. Try to keep perspective. Apps like Happify, Calm, or any of these can help keep obtrusive thoughts at bay, provide guided mindfulness meditations and breathing exercises, and help center you when you feel like the world is spinning out of control. This is likely going to be a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself and be proactive about your mental health.
2. Stay connected – We have more ways to keep in touch virtually now than ever before.
FaceTime, Marco Polo, Discord – Use technology to check in with your friends and family.
Podcasts are a great way to feel connected to others right now. Death, Sex, and Money just did a listener call-in episode, which was a good reminder that this outbreak is affecting people differently across city, state, country, race, class, gender, and ability. Another one of my faves that is going to be applicable to more people than ever in these coming months is The Hilarious World of Depression, in which comedians like Rachel Bloom, Solomon Georgio, and Margaret Cho talk about mental illness and comedy. In one especially relevant episode, Mara Wilson talks about how people with anxiety tend to handle crisis much better than neurotypicals (which explains how I’m so zen right now...)
3. Keep busy - Not being able to go out and socialize like we are used to is likely to make a lot of us stir-crazy. But there are a ton of things you can do and see from the comfort of your own home.
Go on a virtual museum tour, or see the Palace of Versailles.
Take a soothing, 8-hour virtual drive through Iceland.
Watch operas at The Met.
Explore NASA’s stunning media library.
Tackle your book list.
Start writing that novel (or finish that fic!)
File your taxes (Get that return!)
Do your spring cleaning.
Plant a victory garden to reduce the strain on producers and avoid crowded stores.
Binge the shows your friends keep telling you about (follow this blog and podcast for recs!)
If you have kids, here’s a list of all the free educational courses being offered right now.
Libraries may be closed, but you can still get free ebooks, music, movies and TV shows on the Hoopla app, and movies on Kanopy for free if you have a library card or are a student or teacher.
Some upcoming theatrical releases have been postponed (No Time to Die, indeed), but others, like Emma and The Invisible Man, will hit streaming platforms immediately, so you can still get your new movie fix.
So many things to do! Try not to see it as being confined, but rather as an opportunity to do all the things you’ve been putting off. If getting shit done makes you feel good, do it! But hey - remember that you really don’t have to be productive right now just because capitalism tells you to. This is also a great time to be still and relish doing absolutely nothing.
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4. Perspective - Remember that this is not the only thing happening in the world right now (psst, the U.S. government is using this distraction to fuck with our privacy, AGAIN.) Also, this is not the first pandemic humanity has endured and it will be nowhere near the worst, so soothe yourself by reading about past pandemics and how we got through them.
Alright. Back to covering pop culture for me (we’re gonna need escapism now more than ever). I’m not gonna even try to update this regularly, that’s just too daunting. But I encourage you to add to this and share as needed in the coming weeks/months.
Stay safe out there, and
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victoriavmw82 ¡ 3 years
Da Funk
Since I have been staying at my friend's pad, one of her dogs took a liking to me. It was her sons dog, Sir aka: Rookie Wookie. That dog just loved me to pieces, why I have no clue, he would sit by the door and wait for me, sit infront of the bedroom and lay in the hallway.....hoping I would cave in and let him lay with me. I was tempted to take him out and do a photo shoot and me dress up almost as if I stepped right out of an episode of Star Wars.....the vintage story more like around the time frame of Dryden Vos. I imagining I was the love interest or one of his captives/ assistant. Rookie Wookie even made sounds like Chewbacca which was hilarious. The first time he did it to me it caught me off guard because he had gotten out and typically when dogs get out of they run wild and your forever trying to catch them......this morning it was different he and LG had gotten out. Now LG is a pit mixed,Sir/ Rookie Wookie is a red heeler mix. I believe he is red heeler and spaniel mixed.....but my friend will swear up and down he was a German Shepherd mixed🙄 So Rookie Wookie he did what I call a victory run and then he went to pee. LG followed suit. I walked over to them, LG continued to use the restroom and looked at me as if to say, "Do you mind?!" Rookie Wookie sniffed the grass and as soon as he saw me he ran over making the sound 🤣😂I didn't realize it but if Harrison Ford had been standing there everything that I said and did afterwards, well sounded like I was talking to Chewbacca 😂🤣I was even trying to whisper cuz it was morning🤣😂The dogs listened😮 Surprisingly! I told Wookie it was time to go in and he followed me sniffing everything along the way, LG ran over to me. LG got in the door we had to wait before it was Rookie Wookie's turn he heard the camotion and began to howl looking at me between breaths of howling much like Chewy would😂🤣I realized this in the second round of howling and played the part, laugh out loud. Rookie Wookie knew when I was upset, knew when I was happy and knew when I needed a laugh or was sad. My first night at my friend's I even woke up to him literally sleeping in my lap, almost like he knew I needed a hug, the next night he slept at my foot which is the biggest compliment ever. I find it interesting that it was him that took up with me because I happen to be a HUGE Tom Hiddleston fan, like huge. Tom Hiddleston, apparently has a fur pet, named Buddy I'm not sure if Buddy is a Cocker Spaniel or Red Heeler or a mix of the two but needless to say Sir/ Rookie Wookie looked very similar. This season has been a very weird one since January mainly since March, there are times for me as fan getting ready for the release of Loki and then me as a fan going through all in one season the fandom of Loki;catching up,cuz I spent most of those years in a shelter.......ALL the MCU movies I watched while in the shelter. The whole reason we began was to pull me out of my funk, imagine that, going through something and a friend suggested we start watching the movies and ya know it worked. We for a short while, at least while the Avengers and Thor was doing their thing....we became family, doing what the Avengers would do, pausing to eat together.....me being the Loki at times.....a lot of times actually 🤣😂looking back on it and then turning around and being genius in the kitchen dispite what I was going through and like Dr. Strange rocking it out, being taken out of the kitchen and feeling much like Dr. Strange did afterwards and me like Dr. Strange forced to find higher purpose to heal myself and well getting a result much like Dr.Strange.
I've spent most of this season honestly trying to figure out if I'm to risk everything and try, try to break through at age 38 now 39 with the purpose of trying to see Lady Deadpool come to life on Cinematic screen or if I'm supposed to at age 39 go for it and try to make it as a make-up artist and or hairstylist. I considered risking everything and trying to go for a chance of a lifetime for a series that actually wanted to train those wanting to learn.......the only thing that stopped me was it was in a different country and it's one thing to be homeless close to home but homeless going for your dreams in a foreign place I actually was like.....Ummm if I fail,it's gonna be an epic fail and Well ya!" Although Scotland sounded like a dream hashtag goals and well, I do know a lot of biblical info enough to have the average person left going😲😮Like you stored that away in your brain....what the heck! Why aren't you a scholar or something 😂🤣 So I found out that my buddy that found me parelled his, I just keep wondering if this was a sign. I was not the dogs owner, and yet it listened to me as if I was, almost like he choose me. So I'm still up in the air what I should do honestly, I've been inspired by so much this season it's hard to put it all down and honestly some strange things that have happened that almost make me think I should try. I've been debating on if I should move to New York. Why New York, I haven't got a clue it just keeps coming up. There was a job opening recently that was in New York, I felt it was a job I should have applied for because I could have rocked it out, I let fear get in the way from applying, again being homeless in New York, is not ideal or starting over again.....it's literally sink or swim. Cold winter.....being homeless in the winter sucks ass, just saying. Imagine being up North......No!!!!!! So that was the factor that stopped me that and Pandemic issues in regards to the Delta Varient. However, it does keep coming up, should I try starting over again in another state, would I be more successful? Who knows, in my opinion I think it would be the same, just different people and scenery so to speak but hey I could be wrong. I keep thinking that my life is gonna some how change drastically for the good by moving to New York, like almost as if it was destiny type thing. I don't believe much in destiny but it keeps coming up, the whole New York thing. The shelter systems in a way are even better, the programs and the success rate and resources are better. However I'm not sure if those statistics are based off of women with children if this also includes women without children and women in my age bracket, that also plays a factor believe it or not. Not living there I can already without digging probably guess that shelters are gonna probably be in or near Brooklyn, so to me then there is the factor of how do I get to interviews, jobs, if I do pursue my dreams schooling or classes. Restaurants are probably gonna be on the other side of the bridge then there's the factor of the bridge, during the winter is that something I need to be doing. How long are these programs for time line wise am I looking at a couple of weeks to get a job,save and find something or is it 90 or 180 days or something between those two numbers. What are the other variables. I can tell you all about Texas, TABC, Food handlers, etc but in another state what's it like? Health care, would my situation medically be able to be fixed there through indegent programs or are my chances better here in Texas??? Cuz that has to be taken care of at some point.
My goal if I do this would be to move there, get in a shelter cuz I have nothing, first get my medical issue taken care of then work on what I'm calling physical therapy (losing weight)training down to the size I'm normally at which is an athletic size 12 or 14, while I'm doing that since medical issue is taken care of working and saving, finding a place then from there either going back to school or doing the crazy and attempting to start an acting career or technical backstage career either as makeup artist and hairstylist or just makeup artist and possibly my other strength in tech; props and set building, believe it or not. I already asked my high school drama teacher when I thought I was gonna apply for the Good Omens job opportunity if she'd be willing to write me a letter of recommendation and she hands down was all for it.....soooo I'm not sure. I mean it would be a big risk. I keep having reoccurring dreams were I'm in New York, I'm not sure if it's a sign or if there's something else that is being said to me in my dreams and I'm just focusing too much on the literal. Either way I've been doing a lot of thinking since February 😬.
Back to Rookie Wookie, he passed today. It came as a shock to me. Like I said for whatever reason he was brought into my life even if it was, just for a short while to help me along to the next part of my journey but I must say, my jaw like to have hit the floor that again on the fact that a four legged friend mine was similar to someone I admires fur baby. What is so weird about this is,in my dreams, Sir/Rookie Wookie was there with me in New York, I had asked my friend if he could go with me and she had said yes. We walked a trail together in a park, if that even exist and we would go have coffee together and I'd feed him pieces of apple or frozen green beans🤣😂sounds weird, I know and I even got him certified so he was my service dog, I imagined him a Wookie and me dressed space age😂🤣even the collar. I know I had waaaaay too much dream thought into this and then he'd sit with me head in my lap while I read to him whatever book I was reading or with me enjoying whatever music I was listening to. In my dream we even jogged together. I firmly believe that some animals have a spirit about them, almost as if they are like sent from God to be with you or that they have a human type personality Rookie Wookie was that type of animal and he will be missed greatly.
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douglassmiith ¡ 4 years
Now Is a Good Time to Read for Joy Not Productivity
Rediscovering your love of reading can soothe your anxiety and take you to another world.
April 6, 2020 7 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Type the hashtag “bookstagram” into Instagram and you’ll find over 40.5 million posts dedicated to reading. These photos evoke a dreamy world of steaming teacups, stacked paperbacks and cozy blankets. It beckons you to slow down and lose yourself between the pages — and it feels especially comforting now, when we’re facing deep anxiety and uncertainty.
Then there’s the startup world. Founders repeatedly hear that success requires a superhuman reading habit. Bill Gates reads about 50 books each year. Investor Mark Cuban logs more than three hours a day reading. Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are also dedicated readers. Author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss will even teach you how to triple your reading speed, just so you can plow through more books.
As if doing business now isn’t challenging enough, we’re still counting books along with our steps, macros, sleep hours and toilet paper rolls. At the same time, 27 percent of U.S. adults say they didn’t read a book — in any format or genre — in 2018. There’s a huge disconnect here.
I realize that socioeconomic barriers can prevent some people from reading in their leisure or work time — and the virus has turned everything upside down. For those of us who can still enjoy this privilege, I want to propose that we take books off our collective to-do lists. Reading isn’t a numbers game. It’s about following your curiosity and losing yourself in stories and ideas. When businesses are at risk, counting books as a productivity measure already feels outdated. It’s time to rediscover the power of reading.
Related: How Reading Books Helps Your Brain Recharge
Forget the numbers
When I started my company, JotForm, in 2006, I approached reading like any other task. I diligently worked my way through the business bestsellers and every title my friends and colleagues recommended. “Buy a new printer” held the same weight on my to-do list as “read The Tipping Point.” Eventually, I realized that I wasn’t retaining anything I read. I thought that consuming all this printed wisdom would accelerate my success, but it didn’t work that way.
I had turned reading — one of my favorite pursuits — into drudgery. My life was already full of deadlines and KPIs; I didn’t need to add more. And while many successful entrepreneurs do read a lot, it’s also a natural extension of their curiosity.
Valuable reading is deep — and you’re not failing if you don’t hit a numerical target. “In the case of good books,” wrote philosopher Mortimer J. Adler, “the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”
Read for the joy of it
There’s nothing quite like falling into a book. You know you’re in deep when you breathlessly devour every word. You read in the bath and while chopping onions. You race through pages on the subway, in the grocery store line and while the kids finish soccer practice. Every scrap of time is a chance to sneak in a few more paragraphs.
Focused reading lengthens our attention spans and expands our vocabulary. It can make us feel more inspired and more connected to the world. Most importantly, it’s fun. And it’s difficult to fret about your business or the state of the world when you’re fully absorbed in a plot line.
When you read for sheer enjoyment, the content naturally stays with you. When we read like it’s our job, the ideas often evaporate after the final page. Retention doesn’t matter if you’re reading to unwind after a long day. But if you’re tackling something that you hope will improve your life or business, the books are only as valuable as the action you take afterward. In other words, you have to implement what you learn.
Related: Easy Reading Is Damn Hard Writing
The upside of opening a book
Not all books are created equal. Some stay with us and change our lives. Others fade into the background. But even when a book isn’t exactly transformational, the simple act of reading is good for our bodies and minds — and we could all use some good health news right now. For example, studies suggest that people who read books live longer, on average, than those who don’t.
People who regularly challenge their brains by reading, playing chess and doing puzzles are reportedly 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who do less engaging activities in their downtime. Another study from 2013 found that people who read and participated in mentally stimulating activities throughout their lives experienced less cognitive decline than people who didn’t actively challenge their brains.
People who read a lot of fiction also score higher on both empathy and social ability tests, Dr. Keith Oatley, a professor emeritus of psychology and human development at the University of Toronto, told NBC News. These are skills that all entrepreneurs need to hone. So, even if business-focused nonfiction feels like the “right” thing for founders to read, a novel or a short-story collection can improve your leadership abilities in less straightforward ways.
“Fiction can show you a different world,” writes author Neil Gaiman in his essay collection, The View from the Cheap Seats. “It can take you somewhere you’ve never been. Once you’ve visited other worlds, like those who ate fairy fruit, you can never be entirely content with the world that you grew up in. And discontent is a good thing: People can modify and improve their worlds, leave them better, leave them different, if they’re discontented.”
Protect your reading time
The more we understand how books enhance our lives, the more likely we’ll find time and space to read. Aiming for a relaxed atmosphere will also give your brain time to make new and insightful connections, which is the very definition of creativity.
You could also emulate author Neil Pasricha, and create one “untouchable day” each week — if your circumstances allow. Use some of this quiet time for reading and reflection. Dedicating at least some of your day to strategic thinking is an important practice for entrepreneurs at all stages of their businesses, and especially right now.
Finally, read to make yourself happy. Follow tangents that spark your imagination. Reading allows us to communicate with the world’s most interesting people, both living and long gone. And now more than ever, we need safe ways to connect with each other — even through the pages of a book. With so much bad news, turbulence and fear in the air, stressing about your book count or whether you’ve read the latest bestseller feels increasingly pointless. Let’s take this challenging moment to pause and reflect — and rediscover the joy of reading.
Related: Jeff Bezos’s Initial Focus on Books Constitutes the Greatest …
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Via http://www.scpie.org/now-is-a-good-time-to-read-for-joy-not-productivity/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/now-is-a-good-time-to-read-for-joy-not-productivity
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laurelkrugerr ¡ 4 years
Now Is a Good Time to Read for Joy, Not Productivity
Rediscovering your love of reading can soothe your anxiety and take you to another world.
April 6, 2020 7 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Type the hashtag “bookstagram” into Instagram and you’ll find over 40.5 million posts dedicated to reading. These photos evoke a dreamy world of steaming teacups, stacked paperbacks and cozy blankets. It beckons you to slow down and lose yourself between the pages — and it feels especially comforting now, when we’re facing deep anxiety and uncertainty.
Then there’s the startup world. Founders repeatedly hear that success requires a superhuman reading habit. Bill Gates reads about 50 books each year. Investor Mark Cuban logs more than three hours a day reading. Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are also dedicated readers. Author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss will even teach you how to triple your reading speed, just so you can plow through more books.
As if doing business now isn’t challenging enough, we’re still counting books along with our steps, macros, sleep hours and toilet paper rolls. At the same time, 27 percent of U.S. adults say they didn’t read a book — in any format or genre — in 2018. There’s a huge disconnect here.
I realize that socioeconomic barriers can prevent some people from reading in their leisure or work time — and the virus has turned everything upside down. For those of us who can still enjoy this privilege, I want to propose that we take books off our collective to-do lists. Reading isn’t a numbers game. It’s about following your curiosity and losing yourself in stories and ideas. When businesses are at risk, counting books as a productivity measure already feels outdated. It’s time to rediscover the power of reading.
Related: How Reading Books Helps Your Brain Recharge
Forget the numbers
When I started my company, JotForm, in 2006, I approached reading like any other task. I diligently worked my way through the business bestsellers and every title my friends and colleagues recommended. “Buy a new printer” held the same weight on my to-do list as “read The Tipping Point.” Eventually, I realized that I wasn’t retaining anything I read. I thought that consuming all this printed wisdom would accelerate my success, but it didn’t work that way.
I had turned reading — one of my favorite pursuits — into drudgery. My life was already full of deadlines and KPIs; I didn’t need to add more. And while many successful entrepreneurs do read a lot, it’s also a natural extension of their curiosity.
Valuable reading is deep — and you’re not failing if you don’t hit a numerical target. “In the case of good books,” wrote philosopher Mortimer J. Adler, “the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”
Read for the joy of it
There’s nothing quite like falling into a book. You know you’re in deep when you breathlessly devour every word. You read in the bath and while chopping onions. You race through pages on the subway, in the grocery store line and while the kids finish soccer practice. Every scrap of time is a chance to sneak in a few more paragraphs.
Focused reading lengthens our attention spans and expands our vocabulary. It can make us feel more inspired and more connected to the world. Most importantly, it’s fun. And it’s difficult to fret about your business or the state of the world when you’re fully absorbed in a plot line.
When you read for sheer enjoyment, the content naturally stays with you. When we read like it’s our job, the ideas often evaporate after the final page. Retention doesn’t matter if you’re reading to unwind after a long day. But if you’re tackling something that you hope will improve your life or business, the books are only as valuable as the action you take afterward. In other words, you have to implement what you learn.
Related: Easy Reading Is Damn Hard Writing
The upside of opening a book
Not all books are created equal. Some stay with us and change our lives. Others fade into the background. But even when a book isn’t exactly transformational, the simple act of reading is good for our bodies and minds — and we could all use some good health news right now. For example, studies suggest that people who read books live longer, on average, than those who don’t.
People who regularly challenge their brains by reading, playing chess and doing puzzles are reportedly 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who do less engaging activities in their downtime. Another study from 2013 found that people who read and participated in mentally stimulating activities throughout their lives experienced less cognitive decline than people who didn’t actively challenge their brains.
People who read a lot of fiction also score higher on both empathy and social ability tests, Dr. Keith Oatley, a professor emeritus of psychology and human development at the University of Toronto, told NBC News. These are skills that all entrepreneurs need to hone. So, even if business-focused nonfiction feels like the “right” thing for founders to read, a novel or a short-story collection can improve your leadership abilities in less straightforward ways.
“Fiction can show you a different world,” writes author Neil Gaiman in his essay collection, The View from the Cheap Seats. “It can take you somewhere you’ve never been. Once you’ve visited other worlds, like those who ate fairy fruit, you can never be entirely content with the world that you grew up in. And discontent is a good thing: People can modify and improve their worlds, leave them better, leave them different, if they’re discontented.”
Protect your reading time
The more we understand how books enhance our lives, the more likely we’ll find time and space to read. Aiming for a relaxed atmosphere will also give your brain time to make new and insightful connections, which is the very definition of creativity.
You could also emulate author Neil Pasricha, and create one “untouchable day” each week — if your circumstances allow. Use some of this quiet time for reading and reflection. Dedicating at least some of your day to strategic thinking is an important practice for entrepreneurs at all stages of their businesses, and especially right now.
Finally, read to make yourself happy. Follow tangents that spark your imagination. Reading allows us to communicate with the world’s most interesting people, both living and long gone. And now more than ever, we need safe ways to connect with each other — even through the pages of a book. With so much bad news, turbulence and fear in the air, stressing about your book count or whether you’ve read the latest bestseller feels increasingly pointless. Let’s take this challenging moment to pause and reflect — and rediscover the joy of reading.
Related: Jeff Bezos’s Initial Focus on Books Constitutes the Greatest …
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source http://www.scpie.org/now-is-a-good-time-to-read-for-joy-not-productivity/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/04/now-is-good-time-to-read-for-joy-not.html
0 notes
riichardwilson ¡ 4 years
Now Is a Good Time to Read for Joy, Not Productivity
Rediscovering your love of reading can soothe your anxiety and take you to another world.
April 6, 2020 7 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Type the hashtag “bookstagram” into Instagram and you’ll find over 40.5 million posts dedicated to reading. These photos evoke a dreamy world of steaming teacups, stacked paperbacks and cozy blankets. It beckons you to slow down and lose yourself between the pages — and it feels especially comforting now, when we’re facing deep anxiety and uncertainty.
Then there’s the startup world. Founders repeatedly hear that success requires a superhuman reading habit. Bill Gates reads about 50 books each year. Investor Mark Cuban logs more than three hours a day reading. Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are also dedicated readers. Author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss will even teach you how to triple your reading speed, just so you can plow through more books.
As if doing business now isn’t challenging enough, we’re still counting books along with our steps, macros, sleep hours and toilet paper rolls. At the same time, 27 percent of U.S. adults say they didn’t read a book — in any format or genre — in 2018. There’s a huge disconnect here.
I realize that socioeconomic barriers can prevent some people from reading in their leisure or work time — and the virus has turned everything upside down. For those of us who can still enjoy this privilege, I want to propose that we take books off our collective to-do lists. Reading isn’t a numbers game. It’s about following your curiosity and losing yourself in stories and ideas. When businesses are at risk, counting books as a productivity measure already feels outdated. It’s time to rediscover the power of reading.
Related: How Reading Books Helps Your Brain Recharge
Forget the numbers
When I started my company, JotForm, in 2006, I approached reading like any other task. I diligently worked my way through the business bestsellers and every title my friends and colleagues recommended. “Buy a new printer” held the same weight on my to-do list as “read The Tipping Point.” Eventually, I realized that I wasn’t retaining anything I read. I thought that consuming all this printed wisdom would accelerate my success, but it didn’t work that way.
I had turned reading — one of my favorite pursuits — into drudgery. My life was already full of deadlines and KPIs; I didn’t need to add more. And while many successful entrepreneurs do read a lot, it’s also a natural extension of their curiosity.
Valuable reading is deep — and you’re not failing if you don’t hit a numerical target. “In the case of good books,” wrote philosopher Mortimer J. Adler, “the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”
Read for the joy of it
There’s nothing quite like falling into a book. You know you’re in deep when you breathlessly devour every word. You read in the bath and while chopping onions. You race through pages on the subway, in the grocery store line and while the kids finish soccer practice. Every scrap of time is a chance to sneak in a few more paragraphs.
Focused reading lengthens our attention spans and expands our vocabulary. It can make us feel more inspired and more connected to the world. Most importantly, it’s fun. And it’s difficult to fret about your business or the state of the world when you’re fully absorbed in a plot line.
When you read for sheer enjoyment, the content naturally stays with you. When we read like it’s our job, the ideas often evaporate after the final page. Retention doesn’t matter if you’re reading to unwind after a long day. But if you’re tackling something that you hope will improve your life or business, the books are only as valuable as the action you take afterward. In other words, you have to implement what you learn.
Related: Easy Reading Is Damn Hard Writing
The upside of opening a book
Not all books are created equal. Some stay with us and change our lives. Others fade into the background. But even when a book isn’t exactly transformational, the simple act of reading is good for our bodies and minds — and we could all use some good health news right now. For example, studies suggest that people who read books live longer, on average, than those who don’t.
People who regularly challenge their brains by reading, playing chess and doing puzzles are reportedly 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who do less engaging activities in their downtime. Another study from 2013 found that people who read and participated in mentally stimulating activities throughout their lives experienced less cognitive decline than people who didn’t actively challenge their brains.
People who read a lot of fiction also score higher on both empathy and social ability tests, Dr. Keith Oatley, a professor emeritus of psychology and human development at the University of Toronto, told NBC News. These are skills that all entrepreneurs need to hone. So, even if business-focused nonfiction feels like the “right” thing for founders to read, a novel or a short-story collection can improve your leadership abilities in less straightforward ways.
“Fiction can show you a different world,” writes author Neil Gaiman in his essay collection, The View from the Cheap Seats. “It can take you somewhere you’ve never been. Once you’ve visited other worlds, like those who ate fairy fruit, you can never be entirely content with the world that you grew up in. And discontent is a good thing: People can modify and improve their worlds, leave them better, leave them different, if they’re discontented.”
Protect your reading time
The more we understand how books enhance our lives, the more likely we’ll find time and space to read. Aiming for a relaxed atmosphere will also give your brain time to make new and insightful connections, which is the very definition of creativity.
You could also emulate author Neil Pasricha, and create one “untouchable day” each week — if your circumstances allow. Use some of this quiet time for reading and reflection. Dedicating at least some of your day to strategic thinking is an important practice for entrepreneurs at all stages of their businesses, and especially right now.
Finally, read to make yourself happy. Follow tangents that spark your imagination. Reading allows us to communicate with the world’s most interesting people, both living and long gone. And now more than ever, we need safe ways to connect with each other — even through the pages of a book. With so much bad news, turbulence and fear in the air, stressing about your book count or whether you’ve read the latest bestseller feels increasingly pointless. Let’s take this challenging moment to pause and reflect — and rediscover the joy of reading.
Related: Jeff Bezos’s Initial Focus on Books Constitutes the Greatest …
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source http://www.scpie.org/now-is-a-good-time-to-read-for-joy-not-productivity/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/614677131391270912
0 notes
scpie ¡ 4 years
Now Is a Good Time to Read for Joy, Not Productivity
Rediscovering your love of reading can soothe your anxiety and take you to another world.
April 6, 2020 7 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Type the hashtag “bookstagram” into Instagram and you’ll find over 40.5 million posts dedicated to reading. These photos evoke a dreamy world of steaming teacups, stacked paperbacks and cozy blankets. It beckons you to slow down and lose yourself between the pages — and it feels especially comforting now, when we’re facing deep anxiety and uncertainty.
Then there’s the startup world. Founders repeatedly hear that success requires a superhuman reading habit. Bill Gates reads about 50 books each year. Investor Mark Cuban logs more than three hours a day reading. Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are also dedicated readers. Author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss will even teach you how to triple your reading speed, just so you can plow through more books.
As if doing business now isn’t challenging enough, we’re still counting books along with our steps, macros, sleep hours and toilet paper rolls. At the same time, 27 percent of U.S. adults say they didn’t read a book — in any format or genre — in 2018. There’s a huge disconnect here.
I realize that socioeconomic barriers can prevent some people from reading in their leisure or work time — and the virus has turned everything upside down. For those of us who can still enjoy this privilege, I want to propose that we take books off our collective to-do lists. Reading isn’t a numbers game. It’s about following your curiosity and losing yourself in stories and ideas. When businesses are at risk, counting books as a productivity measure already feels outdated. It’s time to rediscover the power of reading.
Related: How Reading Books Helps Your Brain Recharge
Forget the numbers
When I started my company, JotForm, in 2006, I approached reading like any other task. I diligently worked my way through the business bestsellers and every title my friends and colleagues recommended. “Buy a new printer” held the same weight on my to-do list as “read The Tipping Point.” Eventually, I realized that I wasn’t retaining anything I read. I thought that consuming all this printed wisdom would accelerate my success, but it didn’t work that way.
I had turned reading — one of my favorite pursuits — into drudgery. My life was already full of deadlines and KPIs; I didn’t need to add more. And while many successful entrepreneurs do read a lot, it’s also a natural extension of their curiosity.
Valuable reading is deep — and you’re not failing if you don’t hit a numerical target. “In the case of good books,” wrote philosopher Mortimer J. Adler, “the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”
Read for the joy of it
There’s nothing quite like falling into a book. You know you’re in deep when you breathlessly devour every word. You read in the bath and while chopping onions. You race through pages on the subway, in the grocery store line and while the kids finish soccer practice. Every scrap of time is a chance to sneak in a few more paragraphs.
Focused reading lengthens our attention spans and expands our vocabulary. It can make us feel more inspired and more connected to the world. Most importantly, it’s fun. And it’s difficult to fret about your business or the state of the world when you’re fully absorbed in a plot line.
When you read for sheer enjoyment, the content naturally stays with you. When we read like it’s our job, the ideas often evaporate after the final page. Retention doesn’t matter if you’re reading to unwind after a long day. But if you’re tackling something that you hope will improve your life or business, the books are only as valuable as the action you take afterward. In other words, you have to implement what you learn.
Related: Easy Reading Is Damn Hard Writing
The upside of opening a book
Not all books are created equal. Some stay with us and change our lives. Others fade into the background. But even when a book isn’t exactly transformational, the simple act of reading is good for our bodies and minds — and we could all use some good health news right now. For example, studies suggest that people who read books live longer, on average, than those who don’t.
People who regularly challenge their brains by reading, playing chess and doing puzzles are reportedly 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who do less engaging activities in their downtime. Another study from 2013 found that people who read and participated in mentally stimulating activities throughout their lives experienced less cognitive decline than people who didn’t actively challenge their brains.
People who read a lot of fiction also score higher on both empathy and social ability tests, Dr. Keith Oatley, a professor emeritus of psychology and human development at the University of Toronto, told NBC News. These are skills that all entrepreneurs need to hone. So, even if business-focused nonfiction feels like the “right” thing for founders to read, a novel or a short-story collection can improve your leadership abilities in less straightforward ways.
“Fiction can show you a different world,” writes author Neil Gaiman in his essay collection, The View from the Cheap Seats. “It can take you somewhere you’ve never been. Once you’ve visited other worlds, like those who ate fairy fruit, you can never be entirely content with the world that you grew up in. And discontent is a good thing: People can modify and improve their worlds, leave them better, leave them different, if they’re discontented.”
Protect your reading time
The more we understand how books enhance our lives, the more likely we’ll find time and space to read. Aiming for a relaxed atmosphere will also give your brain time to make new and insightful connections, which is the very definition of creativity.
You could also emulate author Neil Pasricha, and create one “untouchable day” each week — if your circumstances allow. Use some of this quiet time for reading and reflection. Dedicating at least some of your day to strategic thinking is an important practice for entrepreneurs at all stages of their businesses, and especially right now.
Finally, read to make yourself happy. Follow tangents that spark your imagination. Reading allows us to communicate with the world’s most interesting people, both living and long gone. And now more than ever, we need safe ways to connect with each other — even through the pages of a book. With so much bad news, turbulence and fear in the air, stressing about your book count or whether you’ve read the latest bestseller feels increasingly pointless. Let’s take this challenging moment to pause and reflect — and rediscover the joy of reading.
Related: Jeff Bezos’s Initial Focus on Books Constitutes the Greatest …
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source http://www.scpie.org/now-is-a-good-time-to-read-for-joy-not-productivity/
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topicprinter ¡ 5 years
We had been working to create podcasts as a hobby and side hustle for about a year and a half before we came up with the idea to brand ourselves as a single company (or duo) creating multiple shows. As we create more shows, we established Fool & Scholar Productions as a way to organize our works and establish brand recognition.It was a gradual decision to start our own company. We saw that, over time, the podcasting space was becoming more prevalent in our lives and amounting to more of our income, so we sat down, worked out the numbers, and set about starting the company and solidifying our lives as entertainers. By the time we started Season Two of The White Vault, we knew we were in for the long haul.How did you get your first hundred listeners?Travis: We surprised ourselves quite honestly. It was a mix of good timing, word of mouth, advertising at live events, and marketing on social media. I feel like if there’s a particular event that got us over the 100 listener mark it was maybe a particularly successful Imgur post that Kaitlin put together showcasing Modern Audio Drama. The post reached the front page of Imgur overnight, and got a spike in listeners for almost every show on the list.Kaitlin: We tried a lot of different things in the beginning, from normal social media marketing, to spending hours making curated lists of shows to help establish ourselves as quality listeners and creators. There are a lot of shows out there, so when you say ‘Hey, I make a show you may enjoy’, people need to trust you enough to believe you. We work on Twitter to discuss our favorite shows, we started talking to others about how we wrote/designed/edits our works, and we built from the (digital) ground up. Our first 100 listeners seems to materialize rather quickly, and after that, everything kept growing.How did you validate the idea?Travis: Podcasting is still a new and growing medium, with only about 70% of Americans even knowing what a podcast is, so the metrics by which creators in our space can validate their work is ever shifting, based on the growth of the industry.Our original lofty goal of 100 listeners has long since been surpassed. We’ve won awards. We’ve far exceeded the dream of getting ‘1 million downloads’, and we’ve done the impossible in making podcasting a full time career. Those were our goals. There are many sources of validation both internal (lines in the sand or cool factor variables) and external (awards and download numbers), and we’re still struggling to find what we feel is valuable validation.What are the keys to a good podcast?Kaitlin: ‘Quality, character, and consistency’ is my go-to mantra for creating a good podcast. Without quality, anyone who listens will turn away after the first few minutes. Without characters that attracts emotion and connection, be it in a podcast host or in a story, listeners won’t have a string tying them to your creations. Without consistency listeners would never know when to expect your work, or when to return, and this is breaking the trust podcasters try to establish with their listeners.How many listeners do you need to start making money from podcasting?Travis: This is a tricky question, because if you don’t spend anything creating your podcast then your first dollar is considered income.Because every podcast is different, I’ll answer the next best question and you can reverse engineer the math to suit your personal goals. Expect to only see about 1% of your listeners support your show through merch sales or crowdsourcing with any regularity (assuming that you are offering something of value). If you are able to get a sponsor, assume that you will see between $20-$50 per thousand listeners, per sponsorship.Did you have any experience/expertise in the area?Kaitlin: Podcasting? No.Writing? Does a thesis count?Marketing? I wish.When we started creating our first show, it was the first time I had written anything for entertainment purposes in… years. I was still at university studying Archaeological Sciences and drowning under the amount of work Oxford could pour over me in a single week. My only free time I spent writing, and I’ve written nearly every day since. Now, I have the experience and I try to encourage others to pursue creative endeavors, even when they don’t have the training for it. I’m proof that this can be done without a professional background in creative writing, marketing, or media.Have you raised any money? How much?Travis: We actually did this backwards, creating multiple seasons of free content, then realizing afterwards that we might be able to break even if we asked listeners to join our Patreon. To date, we still haven’t done any type of project-based fundraising in podcasting, but our Patreon has grown to 500+ active members.Who is your target demographic?Travis: Our listeners are comprised largely of women and men between the ages of 24-34 who speak English or are learning to speak English. We have listeners in over 80 countries and from all walks of life. Most of our listeners are in the US, Canada, and UK, but we have a growing number of fans from Australia.How do you attract listeners now?Travis: I spend a lot of time on social media, using new hashtags, promoting our works, and adding meaningful dialogue to places where people talk about fiction podcasts. Kaitlin does 10x what I do and spends a great deal of time marketing.What is the funniest/most strange request you have received from a listener?We don’t get many random requests, but one fan has a tattoo from one of our shows.How did you fund the idea initially?Travis: The initial seasons were done on almost no budget. We did everything in our spare time. The sound effects at our disposal were whatever we could record in our Oxford flat, and all of our actors were friends and family. It was only after we expanded our resources and tried to improve upon our shows that we found we needed funding. At that point we turned to our listeners for support to offset the costs of these improvements. They really have allowed us to get where we are and realize the growth we’ve seen.Any tips for finding first employees?Kaitlin: Think about the people you trust in your field. Ask them to recommend someone, rather than putting out a call or a listing. If you trust someone, trust the quality of their work, then the odds are they’ll be able to recommend someone who would easily fit into your workflow.Did you run any companies prior?Travis: I’ve had some experience in the corporate world as the president of a collection agency, the managing partner of a property management company, and the creator/president of a small publishing company. I’m still involved in all of those businesses.Kaitlin: No, I was still a graduate student when I started podcasting.What were your family and friends first thoughts you creating your own your company?Kaitlin: By the time I had decided to make podcasting my full time job, we were already doing very well within the podcasting community. When we established the company, it was something my family supported because they saw it as a way to legitimize the time, effort, and money I put into creating my future career. Nowadays, my family and friends come to see me talk, or to our live performances, and they listen to most of our podcasts. My father is actually my script editor for most of our shows, so he’s very supportive and enjoys having an inside scoop on the shows before their public release.Travis: When he was alive, my father didn’t understand podcasting and couldn’t grasp the crowdsourcing side of it. My mother has been extremely supportive from day one and said that this is exactly what I need to be doing. We moved across the country a year ago, so I haven’t really told most of my friends from Florida as it doesn’t organically come up in conversations.What motivates you when things go wrong?Travis: At first it was the finished product in and of itself. I was fascinated by the process of bringing a story to life, hearing the voices read the words on the page, and the soundscape bringing us to new places. While this is still true, a bigger motivator for me of late has been the enthusiasm of our listeners. I take a particular delight in considering how they will experience the show, and working to make that experience memorable, even as things sometimes go horribly wrong during production.Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?Kaitlin: Podcasting is still new, still growing, and still expanding. Even if you already have a business and just want to start, say, a real estate podcast to better reach your potential clients, then just start. Look up how to do it, look up how it works; the recording, editing, uploading, marketing, and more. And then do it. The most difficult hurdle for me has always been my own mindset.‘It looks so complicated, I couldn’t possibly do that.’ Well, now I am, and it doesn’t seem impossible from the inside.Travis: I’d also add that if you’re already podcasting or innovating, focus on creating more new and meaningful content regularly. The more you make, the better you’ll get.What is stopping you from being 3x the size you are now?Kaitlin: Time. Travis and I are the core of Fool & Scholar Productions. We are the dynamic duo. People trust my writing and his sound design; they know our names and our works. So, to triple our reach and our audience we would need to create more shows and work even more diligently at getting out work out there. Problem being, we are booked-up already as it is. Even with new ideas stacked up like blocks on my desk, I don’t have time to write new stories given that I’m still actively writing our core shows. And even if I did, Travis would not have time to give them life as producer and sound-designer. So, time is our limiting factor, because we certainly have no shortage of ideas.What apps could your business not run without?Kaitlin: Creating podcasts is all well and good, but without marketing the shows we would have a difficult time building or engaging our audience. Even though our shows are audio based, much of social media relies on visual marketing. For crafting visuals, both at home and on the go, I use Canva religiously.Travis: We rely heavily on Dropbox to share files across our devices and with our teams. I also couldn’t function without Mixcraft, which is my Digital Audio Workspace (the program I edit in). I’m working in Mixcraft every day and it’s both affordable and reliable. Another very important tool is Microsoft Excel, which we use to track download numbers, growth, sales, and expenses. Beyond the accounting benefits, it shows us what was effective in helping us grow by creating a timeline with a perspective.Are there any new podcasts you’re working on?Travis: We just returned with Season 3 of The White Vault. I cannot recommend the show enough if you’re a fan of horror, or just value hearing voices and languages from around the world showcased.Would you ever sell the company?T&K: Fool & Scholar Productions is so tied to our identities that the brand is somewhat useless without us. We are able to build ourselves as a company because of community trust in who we are; if we were to remove the Fool and Scholar from Fool & Scholar Productions, we would have doubts that our community of supporters and fans would stay loyal to just the name alone.If you enjoyed this interview, the original is here.
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song-of-sixpence ¡ 6 years
Free instagram Followers No Verification No Survey
It's the question which people hunt each the time how to acquire Free Instagram Followers No research No Individual Verification. Although having followers isn't everything, they really do signify a large amount of individuals who are interested in one, your organization or brand. Regrettably, it may be difficult to transfer that needle sometimes, and submitting great images in the world isn't sufficient, alone to boost your followers.
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Takes too long to create points. Sometimes, the algorithm doesn't get the job done. You will like something but won't get matters. An inordinate quantity of usage on Facebook or even Instagram cubes the consumer temporarily.
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As we mentioned previously, your account will reach into a location in which you have only imagined. All you have got to take good care is to set up good quality of posts in the forthcoming days cause these are those which are shipped to the consumers anyplace.
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The TrackMaven research shows that posts with over 11 hashtags would probably to secure more connections. But occasionally, it is somewhat confusing what hashtags will be excellent for your photo or video.
Luckily, you are able to look up to find the identical popular posts and utilize the particular hashtags.
As you have been wondering it to find consistency in your own Instagram accounts, you would like good photographs to upload, and also what should you don't have enough time to acquire some good shots every day? You can always share user-generated articles on your profile too. Suppose you own a product established profile or business balances, then you could always discuss the honest reviews of your merchandise.
Socialize with your fans and customers to send their image with or wearing your merchandise, and you might feature it to the account. This creates a feeling of real and authentic experience for the marketplace and possible customers.
3) Article on Regular basis
Various social media analytics firms have proven a normal Instagram user articles at least one time daily. More interestingly, Accounts that get 5-10 followers on a daily basis regularly post marginally greater than this --around two or three pictures. This seemingly clears out for much more followers, you would like a larger frequency.
Because we frequently utilize Social Media Strategists and Developers, we must realize that Instagram is slowly rolling out a Facebook-like algorithm which raises the probability of your content becoming noticed more should you post always. With the ideal mix of the hashtags (that we'll mention later), you might get your articles noticed in search feeds too.
Instagram empowers its customers to upload and share videos between 3-60 minutes , and then introducing the feature, over 5 thousand people shared videos inside daily.
But, a mean of 10% accounts have movie, but they achieve 18 percent of their overall remarks on Instagram. Lots of YouTubers and Versions like Amanda Cerny, Kingbach, Dan Bilzerian along with other famous Instagram users place normal videos within their profile.
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0 notes
stopkingobama ¡ 7 years
Meet the Anti-Trump Supporters of ‘the Resistance’
After the shock of losing the White House and failing to take the majority in the House and Senate, Democrats quickly regrouped and developed a new approach.
From town hall protests to sometimes violent demonstrations, they’re fighting the Trump agenda at every step. Hillary Clinton recently emerged to announce she’s “part of the resistance.” In recent weeks, we sent our “Full Measure” cameras to meet some of the people in the field organizing the resistance.
They’re organizing in Berkeley, California, where violent clashes and street brawls broke out. They’re organizing at town hall meetings held by members of Congress. In the latest episode of “Full Measure,” I pried into the development of anti-Trump demonstrations.
Gene Stilp, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Campaign Coordinator: I think there’s more energy now that they realize what has happened in this election.
“What has happened” is—after liberal donors shelled out more than $700 million to put Hillary Clinton in the White House … Donald Trump won. And that prompted a national freak out on the left.
Since the election, hundreds of groups have formed to convert the disappointment and tears into something more productive: organized resistance. Stilp is Pennsylvania’s Democratic Party congressional campaign coordinator. We caught up with him at a rally in March on the steps of the state capitol.
Stilp: We have basically an idiot running the government right now and attempting to run the government, or I think he governs by Twitter. I think he’s one of the worst presidents we’ve ever had. And that’s why he’s not my president; but how do you stop him?
For many, the answer lies in taking a page from the enemy; the conservative tea party movement that caught the nation by surprise in 2009. Tea party advocates overran town halls, lashing out against big government and Obamacare.
Now, in 2017, a mix of new and established liberal organizations have partnered to use tea party tactics to stop the Trump agenda. We repeatedly asked national organizers for interviews, but they declined. So we sent our cameras to some field events to meet local organizers.
We were at the first anti-Trump meeting organized by Andrea Walker in Arlington, Virginia. She’s a retired federal worker and Clinton supporter.
 Andrea Walker/Anti-Trump Activist: There’s an incredible amount of things that we could do, including pick-up marches, you get an email and it says for you just to go and, you know, “tomorrow show up here!”
In Wye Mills, Maryland, we found organized opposition at a raucous town hall. Afterward, we caught up with the target: Republican Congressman Andy Harris.
Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.: It’s just people came out and they expressed their frustrations. That’s part of the American system.
And on the state House steps in Pennsylvania, we met organizer Terrell Bryant.
Terrell Bryant/Anti-Trump Organizer:  This goes back to what the Founding Fathers want. What Thomas Jefferson wants. He wanted active citizens and this is what we’re doing, what Thomas Jefferson wanted to see in our democracy.
You have MoveOn.org getting involved with the resistance hashtag and you’ve got a whole lot of other groups getting involved. There are some big money names. For example, MoveOn.org’s top donors in 2016 were Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife. They gave $2.5 million. Another top MoveOn donor is environmentalist and hedge fund mogul Tom Steyer, who’s given $160 million to liberal causes since 2014.
Sharyl Attkisson: As an outsider, I see Republicans in charge of the House, the Senate, and the White House. And yet, I feel like Democrats are able to, through their organization, direct the conversation right now.
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C.: They are directing it, and of course that makes me a little uncomfortable here in my chair, you know, as you see that, because you’re seeing what is actually the case. We’re seeing at town halls across the country a real organized effort … to not really change policy as much as it is to get videos to go viral. I’m very familiar with the tea party … activists and grassroots activists. I would say that this is a different type of group; highly organized but not as much content-driven. It’s really a factor of just not accepting a new president.
Attkisson: Beyond the public town hall opposition that we see, some people think there’s sort of a shadowy version of this opposition going on inside government. What’s your take on that?
Meadows: Well, we do see some of that. I mean, unfortunately, we’ve seen a lot of that. They certainly have a name and they certainly have a face.
It’s referred to as the “Shadow Government” or “Deep State”… the notion that “influential members of government agencies or the military are involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.” It may sound like the stuff of conspiracies, but liberal and conservative analysts are among the believers: “The deep state is a very real thing—it’s the civil service … ” writes one. “Two Cheers for the Deep State … ” says another. “The defense establishment is part of the Deep State. So are the courts … the FBI and the CIA … ”
Attkisson: Besides these public protests with the town hall meetings, a lot of people think there is sort of a shadowy effort underway by Democrats to influencing control of government. What do you think?
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.:  I think they’re trying to sabotage it, quite honestly.
Johnson says the tea party movement inspired him to run for office in 2010, and isn’t dismissing the new, organized resistance.
Johnson: I would say it’s somewhat similar. I think there is an awful lot of organization in that movement, but there is also some real strong, firmly held beliefs on that, some real concerns, so you have to take all of it seriously.
There is a twist to this organizational plot. Democrats, too, are being targeted by resistance on their own side who blame leadership for their net loss of more than 1,000 state and federal seats in the past 8 years. As entrenched and visible as the resistance may be, it’s worth noting that it doesn’t necessarily translate to results. After all, the tea party didn’t stop Obamacare or dial back big government.
Attkisson: Has anything really changed since then in terms of the big government?
Johnson: No, it’s gotten worse. It’s gotten worse. It just continues to grow.
Still, the Democrats’ resistance vows to sustain a tireless campaign. They hope to stop Trump at every turn, and win congressional seats in the 2018 midterm elections.
Walker: What I’m hoping for is to make this as easy as possible for people to have a sustained protest. Let’s try and go on for two years, you know, without swooning in fatigue.”
Stilp : The demonstration season isn’t even in full swing yet. The spring and the summer you’re going to see people really get active. These guys are going to be afraid to even cross the state line to come back into Pennsylvania.
 Sharyl Attkisson, The Daily Signal
0 notes
americanlibertypac ¡ 7 years
Meet the Anti-Trump Supporters of ‘the Resistance’
After the shock of losing the White House and failing to take the majority in the House and Senate, Democrats quickly regrouped and developed a new approach.
From town hall protests to sometimes violent demonstrations, they’re fighting the Trump agenda at every step. Hillary Clinton recently emerged to announce she’s “part of the resistance.” In recent weeks, we sent our “Full Measure” cameras to meet some of the people in the field organizing the resistance.
They’re organizing in Berkeley, California, where violent clashes and street brawls broke out. They’re organizing at town hall meetings held by members of Congress. In the latest episode of “Full Measure,” I pried into the development of anti-Trump demonstrations.
Gene Stilp, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Campaign Coordinator: I think there’s more energy now that they realize what has happened in this election.
“What has happened” is—after liberal donors shelled out more than $700 million to put Hillary Clinton in the White House … Donald Trump won. And that prompted a national freak out on the left.
Since the election, hundreds of groups have formed to convert the disappointment and tears into something more productive: organized resistance. Stilp is Pennsylvania’s Democratic Party congressional campaign coordinator. We caught up with him at a rally in March on the steps of the state capitol.
Stilp: We have basically an idiot running the government right now and attempting to run the government, or I think he governs by Twitter. I think he’s one of the worst presidents we’ve ever had. And that’s why he’s not my president; but how do you stop him?
For many, the answer lies in taking a page from the enemy; the conservative tea party movement that caught the nation by surprise in 2009. Tea party advocates overran town halls, lashing out against big government and Obamacare.
Now, in 2017, a mix of new and established liberal organizations have partnered to use tea party tactics to stop the Trump agenda. We repeatedly asked national organizers for interviews, but they declined. So we sent our cameras to some field events to meet local organizers.
We were at the first anti-Trump meeting organized by Andrea Walker in Arlington, Virginia. She’s a retired federal worker and Clinton supporter.
 Andrea Walker/Anti-Trump Activist: There’s an incredible amount of things that we could do, including pick-up marches, you get an email and it says for you just to go and, you know, “tomorrow show up here!”
In Wye Mills, Maryland, we found organized opposition at a raucous town hall. Afterward, we caught up with the target: Republican Congressman Andy Harris.
Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.: It’s just people came out and they expressed their frustrations. That’s part of the American system.
And on the state House steps in Pennsylvania, we met organizer Terrell Bryant.
Terrell Bryant/Anti-Trump Organizer:  This goes back to what the Founding Fathers want. What Thomas Jefferson wants. He wanted active citizens and this is what we’re doing, what Thomas Jefferson wanted to see in our democracy.
You have MoveOn.org getting involved with the resistance hashtag and you’ve got a whole lot of other groups getting involved. There are some big money names. For example, MoveOn.org’s top donors in 2016 were Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife. They gave $2.5 million. Another top MoveOn donor is environmentalist and hedge fund mogul Tom Steyer, who’s given $160 million to liberal causes since 2014.
Sharyl Attkisson: As an outsider, I see Republicans in charge of the House, the Senate, and the White House. And yet, I feel like Democrats are able to, through their organization, direct the conversation right now.
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C.: They are directing it, and of course that makes me a little uncomfortable here in my chair, you know, as you see that, because you’re seeing what is actually the case. We’re seeing at town halls across the country a real organized effort … to not really change policy as much as it is to get videos to go viral. I’m very familiar with the tea party … activists and grassroots activists. I would say that this is a different type of group; highly organized but not as much content-driven. It’s really a factor of just not accepting a new president.
Attkisson: Beyond the public town hall opposition that we see, some people think there’s sort of a shadowy version of this opposition going on inside government. What’s your take on that?
Meadows: Well, we do see some of that. I mean, unfortunately, we’ve seen a lot of that. They certainly have a name and they certainly have a face.
It’s referred to as the “Shadow Government” or “Deep State”… the notion that “influential members of government agencies or the military are involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.” It may sound like the stuff of conspiracies, but liberal and conservative analysts are among the believers: “The deep state is a very real thing—it’s the civil service … ” writes one. “Two Cheers for the Deep State … ” says another. “The defense establishment is part of the Deep State. So are the courts … the FBI and the CIA … ”
Attkisson: Besides these public protests with the town hall meetings, a lot of people think there is sort of a shadowy effort underway by Democrats to influencing control of government. What do you think?
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.:  I think they’re trying to sabotage it, quite honestly.
Johnson says the tea party movement inspired him to run for office in 2010, and isn’t dismissing the new, organized resistance.
Johnson: I would say it’s somewhat similar. I think there is an awful lot of organization in that movement, but there is also some real strong, firmly held beliefs on that, some real concerns, so you have to take all of it seriously.
There is a twist to this organizational plot. Democrats, too, are being targeted by resistance on their own side who blame leadership for their net loss of more than 1,000 state and federal seats in the past 8 years. As entrenched and visible as the resistance may be, it’s worth noting that it doesn’t necessarily translate to results. After all, the tea party didn’t stop Obamacare or dial back big government.
Attkisson: Has anything really changed since then in terms of the big government?
Johnson: No, it’s gotten worse. It’s gotten worse. It just continues to grow.
Still, the Democrats’ resistance vows to sustain a tireless campaign. They hope to stop Trump at every turn, and win congressional seats in the 2018 midterm elections.
Walker: What I’m hoping for is to make this as easy as possible for people to have a sustained protest. Let’s try and go on for two years, you know, without swooning in fatigue.”
Stilp : The demonstration season isn’t even in full swing yet. The spring and the summer you’re going to see people really get active. These guys are going to be afraid to even cross the state line to come back into Pennsylvania.
 Sharyl Attkisson, The Daily Signal
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