#also i have a similar opinion of bigfoot as i do of aliens
fishy-lava · 3 months
🌌Get To Know Me🌌
Tagged by @bunnakit :)
do you make your bed?💜 if ive just washed my bedding then yes but otherwise no
what's your favorite number?💜 47
what is your job?💜 dont have one rn
if you could go back to school would you?💜 i would rather die
can you parallel park?💜 ive never tried so no
a job you had that would surprise people?💜 nothing ive done so far but i sometimes fantasize about being a groundskeeper at a cemetery
do you think aliens are real?💜 yeah but in like a kinda apathetic way like the universe is far too big for us to be the only ones out there but that doesnt actually affect me in any way
can you drive a manual car?💜 i cant drive lol cars scare me
what's your guilty pleasure?💜 uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk maybe watching videos about/reading fanfic for media i never actually watched/read
tattoos?💜 not yet because tattoos are expensive and im afraid of strangers and being touched by them but i have a list of things i want as tattoos that is currently at 47 things (im just trying to decide which one to start with lol)
favorite color?💜 any shade of purple
favorite type of music?💜 i dont really have one? ill listen to pretty much anything and what i enjoy most depends on the day and my mood
do you like puzzles?💜 yes! pretty much any kind
any phobias?💜 well if im not medicated then i just kinda stop going outside or touching people because it makes me panic so probably some level of agoraphobia and germaphobia also trypophobia and whatever you call being afraid of reptiles and frogs
favorite childhood sport?💜 i didnt play any sports but i did take ice skating lessons as a child and i miss it every day
do you talk to yourself?💜 frequently. nearly every day
what movie(s) do you adore?💜 the breakfast club, if i had wings, howl's moving castle, treasure planet, pride and prejudice, Utsukushii Kare: Eternal, D.E.B.S.
coffee or tea?💜 i dont like coffee and while ive found some teas i can tolerate i still havent found any i actually like
first thing you wanted to be growing up💜 pirate mermaid. i still wanna be a pirate mermaid
Thanks for the tag!
Tagging: @ommited-miscellaneously @morathicain @buckystilinski (no pressure tho)
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cartoonemotion · 7 months
hiii. after watching class of 3000 what character interactions do u think would be most fun to explore. I almost typed explode
YAAAAY this is such a good question !!!!!! honestly as an ensemble cast i feel like class of 3000 overall balances itself and its cast interactions out pretty well (lil d, eddie, and philly phil maybe get some more extra centric episodes in my opinion though. granted it makes sense for lil d since there was an interview where andre said that the character was supposed to in some way kind of be based off him as a kid/his experiences in school)
pretty much tamika and anybody else. being fully transparent, this is bias cuz tamika is arguably one of my faves of the show and while she does actually get moments to shine i feel like shes just a liiiittle underutilized. when they start using her to set up gags about eddie being clearly infatuated with her instead of that being more of a consistent background detail it starts really negatively effecting the writing of both characters imo. she and madison have some charming bits and that episode where theyre paired up together but i would have also loved to see more of a dynamic between her and kim !! kim's very artistic and expressive and wants to be something of a trendsetter but is obviously (for very reasonable 12 year old reasons, i think) invested in still being apart of the "in" crowd and other people's perception of her, and i think that mirror's tamika's whole thing of being cool and tough but being afraid that that image might be compromised if she lets more of her softer side come through (her collecting dolls, baking cookies with her goofball dad, and actually really enjoying very mushy displays of affection for example) rather nicely ! plus their instruments (turn tables, misc percussive instruments and the harp) would go nicely together imo
I ALSO THINK tamkia and lil d would be fun to explore !!!!!! they kind of start off strong in the beginning of the first season but theres less of it as the show goes on which is a shame ! its funny to watch them squabble almost like siblings but its very clear that they still like and care about each other-- i mean in one episode where tamika goes to hang out with some other girls lil d laments that he misses her threatening him and when she shoves him he exclaims "we missed you tamika !!!" very earnestly !!! it would be nice to explore tamika's side of that yknow !!!
maybe the writers thought philly phil and madison were too similar since theyre both kind of eccentric goofballs to have them paired up more often but i think they could play off each other really nicely ! after all madison is supposed to be more of a ditzy but friendly hippie type and philly phil's mostly just socially inept and kind of clumsy, i think you could find a lot of comedy potential balancing that
i also think philly phil and kam could have gotten more screen time as a duo, seeing as they have the whole geek and nerd dichotomy going on. kam is more of a skeptic whereas philly phil seems to be more willing to believe in things like aliens and santa claus and unicorns even though hes a "man of science", i think it was a real missed opportunity to not have him and kam maybe get into friendly arguments about it or something, or maybe realize they have converging interests (like kam's belief/enthusiasm for bigfoot)
i like lil d and eddie's friendship ! it read to me like eddie was the closest to lil d out of everyone in the group, and i say that even without taking "eddie's money" into consideration (even though thats a great showcase i feel like as to what im talking about !) like everytime lil d needs to pay for something and hes just like "its whatever eddie's got it" eddie just does with very little to no complaint, idk !!! i just like em. plus i think they illustrate again some of the stuff andre was talking about in his goal of exploring the culture of atlanta and his own experiences there since lil d and eddie come from bankhead and buckhead respectively, and him (andre 3000 i mean) mentioning that he went to school on the other side of town with a whole bunch of ppl including the mayor's kids lol
i just love sunny's little individual mentor moments with the kids in general !!!!!! obviously he and lil d are big one and kind of the show's highlight for obvious reasons, but i also really love the one on one moments he gets with kim, which happen way more often than i initially expected !!! i would have loved to see him sort of guide and mentor again tamika a bit more too again to possibly help her reconcile both elements of her identity as both a no-nonsense butt-kicker and somebody with more "childish" or "girly" interests. and also him and philly phil, just because i think. it would be zany. and good for hijinks.
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clockworksalsa · 5 years
Duck doesn’t know what to do.
Not that he’s ever known a goddamn thing about what to do and when to do it his entire life. It’s a vastly different not-knowing, though, without the feeling of a set path underfoot, like a well-worn trail through the thickest of forests. Whatever choices he wound up making, the curves followed him, not the other way around, and he always ended up right where he needed to be, every time, until...
Well, he won’t say he misses it, exactly, the destiny business and the asshole sword, the alien planets and interstellar wars, but he does miss the sense of purpose. He has to fill up the newly vacant spot in his life, with something or other, he guesses. His schedule is wide open, and he’s a little embarrassed that Aubrey and Thacker get right to work fixing up Sylvain, according to Mama, “doin’ a damn good job of it too”. In his opinion, he made off with the short stick- those two are off just now coming into what they’re meant to be, and he’s already ticked that off the ol’ bucket list. It’s a blessing and a curse. 
For years, he’s rebelled against his calling, longing to rest, but now there’s no resistance. The future is yielding to him, now, warm clay ready to be molded, but Duck hasn’t the first clue what to make of it. Even his forestry job, so near and dear to his heart, seems not to need him, like he no longer fits the mold he’d carved away in his quest for normalcy. The park’s quiet- local campers are a lot more reticent to goof off in the woods with the knowledge that Bigfoot himself is right up the road, and that kind of caution gets passed to any who pass through. It’s as green and verdant as ever out there, like the Earth is breathing a tremendous sigh of relief at not being totally annihilated, and Duck is as always captivated and wondrous of the nature he protects, but it feels like he’s missing something vital. He’s frozen, at a crossroads, for the first time in his life, he gets to choose what happens next. And in the meantime, he keeps going through the motions.
Until one night, when he’s channel surfing, sprawled on the couch with the cat on his lap, when he sees that the Amazon is burning. Something buzzes in his rib cage, adrenaline spiking in his gut, a familiar feeling with a slightly different flavor, and oh, yes, he can work with this. He calls up Juno first, figures she’d want to know where he’s hightailing it to, maybe even tell him he’s batshit crazy, but to his immense surprise she offers to join him. He heard about what she did that night, when the Quell came for Kepler, and he wonders if she’s been missing that feeling too, the feeling of being a hero, as he agrees to drag her all the way to fucking Brazil on a whim.
No, Duck doesn’t miss the battles, the training, the immense responsibility of being Chosen, but he figures, hell, there’s plenty more than one way to be a hero. It’s a fight of a different kind, but a fight nonetheless- and that’s how he pitches it to Minerva.
The giantess of a woman is standing in his kitchen, carefully working the coffee maker like he taught her. She’s picked up lots of things in bouncing around between her chosen ones, but by and large she spends most of her time with him. He wrestles with how to tell her he’s leaving as she pours two cups, black for both of them (only because he’s out of sugar and creamer). He doesn’t know how she’ll take the news, that’s he’s leaving. He also doesn’t know why it matters so much, why he’s worried about what she’ll get up to without him, and how he’ll function without her constant, reassuring presence, even if he couldn’t stand it for a good few years.
And, yeah, shit, he’s spent the last 20 years of his life running from her, hasn’t he, so why now is he overcome with this... anxiety? It’s not like he’ll never see her again— an echo of the loss he felt when their connection got severed stabs into him, cold and miserable. He can tell himself it’s because he became weaker, got un-chosen, all he likes, but damn, he’d missed Minerva. Despite her hounding him nonstop, his respect for her had only grown, exponentially so since he’d joined the Pine Guard, and started coming into his destiny. She’d trusted him with this responsibility, and in return, he’d trusted her to teach him how to use it. He wouldn’t be the man he is today without her- and hell, he probably wouldn’t even be here at all.
Ah, shit. He notices that she’s talking to him when he feels the warmth of the mug being pressed into his hands, and he catches, “...alright, Wayne Newton?”
It’s still so weird to hear his name played out like that, in her particular cadence, and without a trace of mockery. Perks of having alien friends, he guesses. He much prefers Duck, but he thinks Minerva takes pride in the fact she’s the only one who gets this privilege, so he lets it slide. Hell, she’s more than earned it, putting up with his bullshit over the years. She’s earned honesty, not that he’s much of a liar. He blows out a sigh, and decides with all of his chosen-one courage to just bite the bullet and get it over with.
“Minerva, I’ve been thinkin’,” he starts, voice low and gravelly. It’s too loud in his ears, and his gut twists, “me n’ Juno are gonna head out to do some good down in the Amazon rainforests. Fightin’ fires and doin’ restoration work, and, man, they could really use the help, seems like. Brazil. It’s, uh, south of here. Way south.”
Minerva tilts her painted head. She looks almost... pleased, like she’d known he’d been looking for something to do, something more. She knows him too well. She claps a heavy hand on his shoulder and squeezes, just shy of painful. Yeah, yeah, she’s proud, but it feels hollow, especially when she says, “I see. A worthy endeavor! And how long will this new mission last, Wayne Newton? A few weeks? Months?”
“Well, see, that’s the thing,” Duck says, haltingly, “we don’t know. There’s, lots to do, and I don’t— I probably wouldn’t come back. To Kepler. Well, to visit, sure, but I’d imagine that, uh, once I get all set up over there, I won’t be, you know, back back.”
Minerva’s hand slips from his shoulder, joining her other clasped around her mug. She eyes her coffee, lips pursed, thinking, mulling it over- she’s so easy to read, now that he can actually see her face, her strong, expressive features. She doesn’t... deflate, exactly, but her natural exuberance seems to dim somewhat. She doesn’t look upset, at least, not that he expected her to pitch a fit, but maybe it stings a little that she isn’t protesting him moving miles and miles away. Why would she? Whatever his sudden hangups are, she’s still got Leo and Dr. Drake, plus all the Amnesty folk. He’s given her what she’s asked of him, done his part, and now, she’s well within her right to move on. They both are. Right?
“Alright, Duck Newton,” she shrugs, likely coming to the same conclusion, and takes a huge swig of her still-boiling coffee. Duck sips at his own, and wonders if that’s it, then. They spend the day watching old sitcoms together, a cushion apart on the couch, and Duck wonders.
It’s about two weeks after that, and Duck still hasn’t left yet. He’s really underestimated the work it takes to uproot oneself from 40 years of staying in one place, stagnant.
He and Juno are in the process of seeing about a transfer over to a similar station a ways out from the forest itself, a place to set up camp as it were, a sort of jumping off point for their new lives. He’s also been brushing up on his Spanish in Duolingo, but it’s so hard to keep up with that shit, he mostly plans on coasting with his high-school level knowledge of the language. He’s sure it’ll be fine. He’s been busy, thinking about what to pack, and what to leave to his friends in Kepler, plans in place for if- when, when, they get the gate fixed, making sure all the paperwork is in order for transferring his lease, what he’s gonna do with his cat—
And, right. That’s why he’s out with Minerva at the moment, doing some pithy grocery shopping. Duck’s always been pretty bad at it- it’s not like he’s had to really try to keep in shape, he can usually just eat whatever’s on sale from week to week, takeout if he’s feeling particularly lazy. No, mostly, he’s walking Minerva through the task, subtly preparing her for the responsibility of moving in to his apartment, and keeping up with his routines. That’s his grand plan— he ain’t gotta worry about her if he knows she’s all set up somewhere familiar, roof over her head, a solid schedule, cat to keep her company. She’ll be good without him here, which is his intention, and why that still bothers him, he doesn’t know. Not that he doesn’t trust the other Chosen Ones to look out for her; he just thought that, maybe, doing this for her, for his peace of mind, would make the thought of leaving her more bearable.
It doesn’t.
They’re hefting in the groceries, and he shows Minerva where everything goes, the cat brushing at their ankles because she knows that groceries mean it’s just about feeding time. He tries to make a joke about it to Minerva, but it’s like his voice gets stuck in his throat. He feels sick, almost worse than before he planned this little scheme, and it must show on his face, because Minerva blocks the doorway before he can dive back out to get the last of the goods. She takes up the entire frame, arms crossed, a stubborn wall of muscle, and he knows it’s pointless trying to wrestle by her.
“Duck Newton,” she booms, a warning in her tone. “You are positively green. Have you fallen ill? Do you require medical attention?”
“There’s frozen shit in the car, Minerva, come on,” Duck tries, weakly, but she arches one eyebrow and stands firm, only budging to lay the back of her deeply tanned hand against his forehead. If anything, he’s clammy, so her touch is warm, and something has him jolting back, deeper into the apartment.
She remains poised with her hand held up in the open air for a few seconds, before letting it fall as a fist at her side. She narrows her eyes, grounds out, “what was the purpose of this grocery expedition, Duck Newton? Are you keeping something from me?”
Duck feels his heart pounding in his ears, louder than her accusation. He’s a shit liar, he knows this, knows he can’t smooth this over with any hemming and hawing, so, “I want you to have my apartment,” he blurts, and while perfectly sufficient, great, yup, that’s it, he tacks on anyway, “I want to know you’ll be ok, while I’m gone.”
She tenses up, just a touch, but he notices. God, he’s so stupid. Minerva is brashly independent; a warrior like her would probably be offended by being coddled. He could’ve just left it at the first bit, been all practical about it, but then he had to go on and get mushy- but, then, she smiles, and shakes her head. Her eyes, though, are unreadable. “I am flattered, Duck Newton. I shall gladly accept this charge.”
He breathes a heavy sigh of relief, glad to have that over and done with, but the knot that’s formed in his stomach doesn’t dissipate. If anything, it coils tighter. He speaks through the lump in his throat, “well, alright then. I sure do appreciate it. You’ve always got my back, Minerva.”
It comes out far more tender than he anticipated, and he feels that there’s something else trying to push through, behind the words. His mind rails against the thought, panic blooming fresh in his chest, and he mentally stamps it down as Minerva steps out into hall, gesturing for him to follow suit.
It’s bittersweet, somehow, when Minerva sighs as he passes by her, breath fanning his spectacular hat- tousled hair, “of course. That is what friends are for.”
It’s four weeks after that that Duck and Juno feel just about ready to leave. Ready, in the sense of being physically prepared, packed, locked and loaded, itching to get out there and do some good. Mentally, though, Duck’s hit a roadblock. He can’t speak to what Juno’s mind is on, of course, so she might be 100% raring to go, but Duck keeps circling back around to just plain not wanting to leave Minerva here in Kepler.
For so long, they’ve been a kind of package deal. It’s not that he doesn’t want to go to Brazil, he totally does, it excites him, he just— it doesn’t feel right, without being with her. Yeah, yeah, there’s no more fighting to do, and thank God for that, but- but maybe, maybe, they’re allowed to exist outside of that, together. They’ve become more than just, mentor and mentee, at this point. Maybe maybe, they can just be.
Duck drags a hand down the side of his face, exasperated. What, is he gonna start doodlin’ little hearts with D+M in ‘em? Fuckin’ embarrassing. So, he’s got some schoolyard crush on Minerva now? He guesses? He ignores the part of his brain that tells him it’s more than that, that Minerva has always pushed him to want more and be more, and that this is no exception. No. He puts his foot down. Minerva is, arguably, his best friend, his trusted advisor. They’ve been through thick and thin— he’d do just about anything for her, he thinks, and in return she’s trusted him with more than he deserves, in his opinion. He’s sure that this is just some last ditch effort to hold onto her, selfishly. She’s allowed to live her own life, now that she’s got the opportunity. He doesn’t get to claim her, keep her close, when she’d been shackled to him out of mere necessity.
See, the more he talks through it with himself, the more he can see that it’s better for them, to go their separate ways. His hero days are over, and it’s not fair to ask her to stay. He can see that, clearly, but then he circles right back to the ache in his heart, the big, beefy hole it would make if he tried to cut Minerva out of it. He lays awake with these thoughts, and aches.
They’re over at Leo’s. They all brought something, ate dinner together, the Chosens and their guide, washed the dishes and put them away. A last hurrah, for Duck, and for the steady peace that they’ve finally settled into. The doctor is the first to go; she says something or other about being on the verge of a breakthrough, ambition burning in her eyes, and excuses herself, giving Duck an awkward hug and some final well-wishes. He thanks her, profusely, mostly for tonight, but also, a little bit for everything else too. She flushes, and then waves goodbye to Minerva as Duck returns to his seat. Leo walks Dr. Drake out, leaving Duck and Minerva sitting at the dining room table in poignant silence.
They haven’t really gotten to talking much since the whole apartment ordeal. He’s fully distracted himself with thoughts of his impending future, the complete reverse of his tactic for dealing with Chosen One bullshit, which is kind of funny. He doesn’t feel much like joking, though, looking over at Minerva. Her head is rested on her hand, and she’s staring off into the distance, face blank. She’s unusually reserved, and it’s disconcerting to see.
He sighs, quietly, resigned, and breaks the silence. He’s got one more goodbye to fight through. “Hey, you wanna root around and see if Leo’s got dessert hidin’ out somewhere in here?”
“Oh.” Minerva looks up, and offers him a half smile, sliding out of her seat. “A good idea as any, Duck Newton.”
He nods, and feels her follow behind him into the kitchen. It’s- it’s so weird, that this bothers him, but she hadn’t called him Wayne since he said he was leaving. Call me Wayne, he had said, and she did, so much so he knew she was saying it just to say it, because she could. It in no way measured up to what she’s given him, but that small secret part of himself belonged to very few people. It felt special, to him. Did he somehow take it back? Did he make her feel like he did?
“Duck Newton? You are not being very helpful,” Minerva grumbles, accompanied by the sound of shifting bags and boxes of food, shoulder deep in some cabinet.
“Shoot, sorry about that,” he laughs, short, amused. His heart does a little flip flop, and his smile withers, just a little. Right. He begins to rifle through the opposite side of the kitchen, procrastinating, until Minerva actually procures an unopened box of snack cakes from the recesses of the pantry.
“Ah-hah!” She holds the box out to him proudly, exuding pure satisfaction. Her happiness is infectious, and he feels himself being pulled into her intense orbit, being bodily lifted out of his funk. She grins, brightly, winsomely. “I have found! The Ding-Dongs!”
He snorts, unable to help himself, and again, between gasping breaths, until he’s overcome with a fit of giggles. He’s crying, too, and he can’t tell if it’s the joy or the despair that has, “God, I’m going to miss you so much,” tumbling out of his mouth, and- and, it doesn’t scare him half as much as he thought it might.
He’s almost doubled over at this point, but he can see her boot-clad feet scuffle closer, and he can hear the sound of the Ding-Dongs being set aside. He says it again, desperately, because he can, because it’s out there and it doesn’t matter if it hurts later, because at least she’ll know right now, “I’ll miss you so goddamn much.”
“Duck Newton,” she says, and the waver in her voice is so jarring that the laughter just about dies in his throat instantly. She clears her throat as he straightens up, wiping the tears from his cheeks, suddenly somber, and she continues, “Duck Newton, I will miss you more.”
They stare at each other, and he watches, wide-eyed, marking the tear rolling down her cheek. “Minerva,” he starts, but there’s just so much that he wants to say, nothing else quite makes it through. So he steps forward, and reaches, reaches up, and slowly, carefully brushes that tear away. He can see her swallow, and it feels like they’re both holding their breath.
Her skin isn’t soft, exactly, a bit tougher than his own, human skin, he thinks, but it’s warm under his palm, and as his thumb finishes it’s arc, he finds himself unwilling to pull away. Come with me, he thinks, stay with me. Until he remembers, that isn’t fair to her, that he can’t decide for her, when she’s got her own life to live, and then he steps back, skin tingling with electricity, heart squeezing painfully tight.
She touches her cheek gingerly with her own hand as soon as he does, eyeing him almost in awe, in disbelief, and he wonders. He aches. But he doesn’t get to choose what happens next. She does. So, he says, “listen, Minerva, whatever happens, wherever I am, we’re still gonna be friends, ok? I’m not— I can’t ask you to, to follow me to the ends of the earth, or you know, any other fuckin’ planet, for that matter. It’s ok. It’s— I mean, we’ll be good.”
Minerva blinks, opening her mouth, but Duck barrels on, “and it isn’t a big deal, really, right? I mean, all that destiny shit is behind us, there isn’t really any need for us, to, you know, keep close. Assuming that there isn’t another world-threatening encounter, loomin’ on the horizon, but, you know, my visions’ve stopped, I ain’t got my sword, I mean, what can I do here? You don’t need me here. And, you know, I guess without me to worry about, you’d be free to do whatever you want to?”
His heart his hammering, jack-rabbiting behind his ribs, but he’s so, so fucking relieved that he’s finally put what all he’s feeling into words. Well, most of it, anyhow, but he touched on what matters most. He’s navigating blind, and no one’s more surprised than he is at where’s he’s landed- except maybe Minerva. He waits with baited breath, feeling like he’s just run a marathon, watching as her brow furrows, digesting his long winded blathering.
“Duck,” she says, just Duck, and he feels winded a whole different way with how she says it, soft and sad and so very different from her usual boisterous tone that it physically hits him, a gut punch.
She speaks slowly, methodically, like she’s choosing her words very carefully, “I want nothing more in the world for you than your happiness, Duck. And whatever you choose to do in your life, I will be here for you, beside you. Have I not proven this to you many times over? Believe me when I say that I can see no reason to leave you now, and can foresee no reason to do so, ever.”
“Minerva,” Duck murmurs, daring to hope. He tries not to read into her wording too much, knowing her phrasing tends to come off as awkward more often than not, but. “Of course you have, but... you should be free to make your own choices, you know? I want you to- to find your purpose, you know, outside of, well, me.”
“Duck Newton, you are my purpose.” He doesn’t know when the kitchen got to be so damn small, but right now, she’s towering over him, staring down at him with something bright and yearning in her eyes, something that he’s sure is reflected in his own. He’d let his insecurities blind him to what right in front of him again, something beautiful. Something real. Something that was laid out before him, a destiny, ready for him to reach out and take it, a path for him to follow, but not alone. Never alone.
She must see the shift in his eyes, can read his heart clear as day, because her smile returns full force, and her arms spring up, landing squarely on both of his shoulders. It takes all he has not to collapse. 
She laughs, bright and bubbly, reverberating in her chest and shaking him with its power. “The best decision I ever made was in choosing you, Duck, and therefore I will continue to do so. If you will have me, Duck Newton, I would like to walk alongside you in this journey as well.”
“Alright, now you’re just layin’ it on too thick, c’mon honey,” he teases, breathless, heart feeling bouyant and stuttery and yes, yes, full of immeasurable love and respect and joy for this huge alien woman.
“I can lay it on as thickly as I so choose, Wayne Newton, for I am the master of my own destiny, as you said,” she says, teasing back, and now he knows for sure she’s doing it to annoy him, and he laughs, and curls his hands up to rest on top of Minerva’s, like a complete circuit, and his world rights itself.
“Oh shit.” Realization dawns on him, and he whirls to go retrieve his phone from the table— because he has to text Juno, oh god, they’ve gotta postpone, he’s gotta get Minerva a plane ticket, and can she even legally get a job— and runs smack dab into Leo,“oh shit!”
“Hey Duck,” he says, casually, glancing knowingly between the two of them. Duck wonders, mortified, how long he’d been standing there. “So. Need me to cat-sit?”
Minerva inserts herself between them, frantically shouting, “we are taking the cat!”
They do end up taking the cat to Brazil; getting her in the carrier is an endeavor in and of itself. But that aside, all other last-minute preparations go surprisingly smoothly. Minerva is ecstatic— turns out, she’d wanted to go with him all along, but she hadn’t wanted to annoy him by tagging along. She figured, with the sudden announcement, he’d made plans without her, which was fine, just caught her off guard. She likes to tell him that, over her course of thinking about it, she learned she simply considers him a constant, no matter what they’re doing, or where they are, at war, in peace, she wants to be where he is, and if he offered, her choice would be obvious, natural as breathing.
They were paired, she had said, by fate, but are bound by respect, admiration, and love. It’s not textbook romance, Duck doesn’t think, but it’s one of the sweetest sentiments he’s ever heard, and it’s one of the things that keeps looping through his mind on the trip down, a positive feedback loop that has him slouching, dazed and smiley, in his tiny airplane seat, hat brim pulled down low. Old habits die hard- they’d surely get new uniforms at their new service center, but for now, the thing is a comfort. Juno’s dozing, leaning up on his shoulder, probably drooling. He looks a little to his right; Minerva’s got the window, gazing out at the clouds as they fly by. She’s practically glowing— and hell, she might actually be, there’s still so much to learn about her— but she turns when she feels his eyes on her. Backlit by the sun, she smiles, and Duck, in his life of uncertainty, of fighting his way through everything thrown his way, has never been more sure of anything. He settles back into his seat, and rests, hurtling into the unknown with an uncharacteristic confidence. For the first time, he’s running to something, instead of away from everything. Hell yeah, he thinks. Bring it on. 
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towtiems-blog · 7 years
Do podcasts provide the free speach platform we desire?
So, I am just this moment listening to the WTF with Marc Maron, podcast when he did an interview with frm. US President Barack Obama. And to be completely honest with you, I am hearing some stuff, I have never heard before. Here is a brief journal of what I heard and what I think about them.
Incident 1.Obama refers to the gun problem in the US and he seems that he has some pretty logical conclusions made. He says that the NRA’s grip in the congress is very strong, that he doesn’t see any change happening regarding gun control during his presidency, and finally flat out saying it that until the American people themselves don’t try to do something about it, nothing’s going to happen. Bare in mind that gun control has been a major problem for the US, mainly because of the amount of mass shooting they have. People aer dying left and right. And do not forget the famous bank heist that happened in LA, with them people shooting it out with cops for over an hour. Maybe more, cant recall. Gun industry, is an industry that makes trillions. With some leverage, they can control certain situations to influence things for their benefit. I would do something like that. You would as well. What is wrong trying to defend what you have, and get what you can more. So, it makes sense to want a nation as rich as the US to buy as many guns as possible. More sales, more profit. To do that, the gun industry uses tactics such as the 2nd ammendmend, ie personal protection. They appoint people in key positions within the greater government, nt directly in the Obama administration, because they are smart. They know that Obama administration will change at some point and they will lose their players. So, they target, administration position in various commitees, such as the climate change comitee, the gun control comitee, thw whatever the fuck comite. Who cares, the goal is the same. Buy more stuff, they make, so they can make more money. Same happens with oil, climate change, guns, the list goes on.
 Incident 2. The black helicopters. This is an issue that has been involved in US conspiracy theories since the 70’s. And he goes on to say: “.. we operate those. But only to get Bin Laden..” , and such cases ofc.
He even touches the subject of lobbying and watching FOX News.
Now you have to understand that I am not US national, therefore the whole situation in the US at the moment seems so much interesting to me. I am a bystander and yet from a sociological, anthropological point of view, what is happening the US the past 100 years is astoundingly interesting.
We have seem the state moving to multiple wars. In fact, it seems to be the most blood-thirsty nation since the German of the WW2. And I get it, they need it. War makes money, nobody can deny that. And the US demands money. It has built a well oiled, efficient machine and they need to somehow support it. What is a better way than to conquer more land?
Now conquering is not like the old days, where you could go with a bunch of guys and pitchforks and lamps and take what you will and then divide it by a bunch of guys, and call it yours. Nowadays, you have to do indirectly. See, plundering is a direct approach, what the US is doing is an indirect approach. In order to avoid direct conflict with other countries that would like to do the same and will find leverage in the US’s actions and call their conquest a: “Mission to save country X from the clutches of US occupation.”
Don’t you see? This is how the world works now. It’s a was but disguised into something else, that don’t provokes. That of course come with a price. In order for this approach to work, maybe the most important ingredient of this approach is the acceptance from the general public. With having being elected, it’s easy for them to say: ”Look, you elected me, I am trying the best for you because YOU believed that I will do it.”
For that key ingredient to work, therefore, they need the public. And the way to win the public is from means such as: gun control, financial system, the famous health care system of US, even the law system is in it, and law is one of the three fundamental powers. The other two being the police(enforcing power), and the congress(voting power). Keep in mind however for the last power, congress may be substituted by, senate ie. Germany, UK.
So, we got an Obama that accepts, nothing will change and big corporations control the whole issue and I cannot do anything about it.
Water boarding was real, torturing was real. BUT, we stopped. Work for word that what he says.
Black helicopters. He says the US is operating in cases similar to Bin Laden, not for US citizen. Keep in mind the black helicopters have been a part of the conspiracy theories that surround the US political scene since the 70’s. Can you imagine? In a garage, out of nowhere, the most intimate of conversations happened. We see one of the biggest political figured of the 21th century, the first black US president, speaking loosely and without the typical censorship about subject that are subculture, borderline cult.
We all know the conspiracy theories, they helped us get by college, by keeping our minds busy. We believe that jet fuel doesn’t melt steel, ie. The US did 9/11. We also believe on chem trails, black helicopters, the bigfoot and most importantly of all, in UFO’s. Don’t you guys understand what that means? That means that the government knows about all that, they follow what we say on forums, what is going on in the internet. They see that we are looking for aliens. Whose to say that they don’t control it as well? We’ve already said that the government is trying to control the public opinion, see above), doesn’t it seem logical that they would employ all means necessary to keep us from thinking that the government is using black helicopters on us, to stay us from an opinion like that, so in the long term the government can achieve its initial goal, which is stated above.
Then again, I am no one, and I may be wrong, and I may be rumbling.
And oh my fucking god, there are so many interesting topics on that interview. Listen I have to say it again at this point because this is getting out of hand. I am not a US citizen, I have no political affiliation with any party and/or direction, I make no profit out this, I am just an observant. I just find it very interesting, the direction history is taking, history repeats itself and what is going on is living proof of it. My interest is jut that, I am witnessing change and I am writing about it. Nothing more.
Continuing, about climate change: “..if I didn’t have the chairman of the energy and environment comity in the center, holding up a snowball, as if that was proof, that climate change wasn’t happening..”. What a quote. We have a president be assigned to chair over the most important comity for this issue, climate change, trying to convince people to keep doing something that scientists say will kill us. Why? Isn’t it obvious? To keep using oil of course, a field severely dominated by 4-5 companies. Companies that have grown so much and so relentlessly that they are able to appoint someone which is under their hand, a chairman in the most important position on the matter. What 2000 years ago would happen, would be to plant a spy on the opposite camp. Is it not the same? It is exactly the same. But as again stated above, concealed in a way which is more acceptable from the general public. All again done, in the same spirit. To serve the interests of the state, to expand their land, sort to say.
He goes on. In conclusion, we see a relaxed president, feeling comfortable and speaking truths. Not directly, although he does sometimes, but pretty difficult to miss the point.
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