#also i go by she/herđŸ€—
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anartisticalniche · 1 year ago
Woah thank you so much this looks so cute!! Fighting side by side with your enemy/captain eheh (surely nothing will happen if he keeps staying this close to him😄💕)
Fanart for the pirate au by @anartisticalniche bcuz I'm mentally ill aperently
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I tried perspective for the first time and it looks like shit😞😞
Also she/he/they/idfk I forgor replied to my question omg??đŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż
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overly-verbose · 6 months ago
If SIkuna will get the Heian era form later, can he change his appearance? I mean, it will be weird to see a guy with four arms hanging in public.
Assuming he were to do that,
(who knows, not me (I do lol) , if the hypothetical timeline where he and Yuji get separated is gonna be Canon to the Series *HeeHee HoHo's mysteriously*)
His alternate, 'human' form would be strongly based off of Yuji still, but with some differences.
(I've kinda drawn that as well, but I can definitely imagine it not exactly being clearly explained lol)
For one, he's significantly taller than Yuji (at least for now, the kid is most likely gonna grow to be not as much shorter lol) - although he can be shorter.
He usually isn't much 'shorter', because it's more comfortable - any much lower and it'd feel a bit like a too-tight shirt, but for your whole body lol
('down' to 6~ft/182~cm (wherein he usually stays at 6.4-5ft/193-195~cm) is the min. of proper comfiness)
He also wears earrings (I usually imagined some simple black ones, but he could just as well wear something Hello Kitty related lol (both for the Meme and just because) or just cute, or more colourful), and his left eyebrow has two slits - to kinda connect him visually to his Big Form heh
(I'm kinda contemplating adding some other things but yeah that's the bigger things heh)
And, although usually he only has these whilst in the Bigg form, he can have four arms, stomach mouth, and such whilst 'small' as well - but yeah, that's not exactly something that'd be useful/possible to use in public 😂
As shown in Chapter 2 of Visuals (although it is a different timeline, SIkuna is SIkuna lol), he can sometimes forget to close his secondary eyes, especially at the beginning of the Separation or when kinda mentally tired - it's just much more natural for them to be open
Some random person is more likely to assume they imagined it or he just had good cosplay than actual four eyes though, so hey at least there's that saving him
Not to mention interference from the kids he's likely hanging out with lol, Nobara is a quick-thinking Queen when her older familial figure is being a dum-dum and forgoring 💀 how to Human properly and we love her for it 👏
Since I imagine her dragging SIkuna out for clothes shopping relatively often, perhaps with other kids as well - and SIkuna doesn't mind it at all, he loves actively participating in the kids' hobbies đŸ„ș - she probably had to cover for his spookiness and such quite often lmao, even if he tries his best 😂
He is very respectful and polite to any workers they might encounter during their shopping though (well, assuming they aren't being unreasonably rude themselves but that's rare, especially in Japan I'd imagine), so fortunately even despite his Vibes being Very Off the two (or more) usually end up being a nice surprise to them actually lmao
- the fact that SIkuna likely takes everything that isn't chosen back perfectly into place whilst waiting for Nobara/other kids to put another outfit on probably makes their spookiness easier to deal with as well 😂😂😂
(He's not 'spared' from dressing up, but he can lighten the load on the workers' shoulders a little bit while he waits his turn, you know - he might be partially old as hell and from a time where that would have been unheard of to do for the sake of 'servants', but he also is partially someone from the 2020's lmao, he gets the pain)
(Imagine crossovers with Canon whilst he's in this form though lol, I feel like one Quite painful Misunderstanding that could happen is that This Other Sukuna apparently completely took over an older Yuji or something (since he clearly isn't there but Sukuna looks. like he looks.) OOF-)
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good-beanswrites · 5 months ago
Imagine if in OoA, Fuuta wasn't unconscious when Amane showed up during the initial attack. Better for Amane since she's not alone, but probably much worse for Fuuta since he's forced to watch helplessly.
So... prompt? 👉👈
OUGHGH what a concept... You would think the near-death experience is what's most traumatizing to him but no, it's the fact that, yet again, he couldn't be the hero that he thought he was... Thank you so much for the request and uuhh sorry I beat up your boy...
TW for violence/injury, nothing super gory but I did try to detail out Kotoko's canon attacks
He’s probably never even taken a hit in his life.
Kotoko’s fist connected solidly with Fuuta’s jaw. His vision sparked.
And anyway, it’s his own fault. He got himself into this mess.
Her knee jabbed into his gut, knocking the wind out of him before he could gain his bearings from the previous strike. Kotoko had appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the night. He’d been dragged out of bed with a cheap shot to his face.
The voices in his head spoke oblivious to the situation. He hardly processed a single word they said, the sound drowned out by the prisoners’ shouts. By the ringing in his ears. 
He’s so pathetic. 
By the crack of his own bones breaking. 
So weak.
By the choked sounds he could hardly recognize as his own. 
So cowardly.
The room dipped and darkened as his consciousness threatened to give out. His chest rattled with a struggling breath. Kotoko’s arm raised, and he got the feeling this blow would be the last.
Well, whatever happens, he did it to himself.
She paused. Something distracted her from behind. Fuuta was left in a heap, his body unresponsive to his mind’s desperate pleas to escape with this chance. The most he could do was angle his head to see what had blessed him with this moment of relief. 
It took only an instant for his gratefulness to sharpen into panic.
Just think of that poor, young girl. She had her whole life ahead of her.
Kotoko towered over her Amane. She had flattened herself against the cell door. The flickering fluorescents above cast a shadow across her face.
There was too much spinning inside – and blood outside – of Fuuta’s head to make any sense of what they were saying to one another. He got a pretty good idea when Kotoko lunged forward and struck the girl.
And now she’s dead. Because of him.
Fuuta tried to pick himself up. He had to stop this. More blood pooled around him, but he no longer cared. All he could focus on was the new splotches of red that Amane dabbed at with her uniform sleeve.
As hard as he willed himself to move, his limbs refused. He thought emergencies like this were supposed to give you newfound adrenaline. You were supposed to triumph over the pain, not succumb to it ripping through every inch of your being.
Does he think this is one of his stupid video games? This is real life. He’s nothing special. 
He dragged himself an inch or two forward, and that was all. He could only watch helplessly as Kotoko attacked again. Amane sank to the ground after a few harsh kicks to her legs. She lifted her arms to block her face. 
If he wanted to help society, he should have protected people. He should have protected that girl.
Fuuta had never begged for anything in his life before. 
He opened his mouth to beg Kotoko to stop. 
But his body was doing everything in its power to sabotage him. His words dissolved into wheezing coughs. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t save anyone.
He hasn’t done anything useful with his life. Worthless.
Darkness invaded his vision. The horrible sounds within the cell grew more and more distant.  
Amane was thrown to the ground nearby. She lay close enough for him to reach his arm towards her, though still out of his grasp. Her eyes were trained on him. He wished he had the voice to scream at her to look away – to turn her attention to Kotoko, and not the failure of a man who wasn’t going to help her. 
All he could do was hold her gaze until his own eyes slipped shut.
Some hero he was.
Just before the world disappeared around him, he felt warm fingers interlock with his, and squeeze.
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kay9leo · 5 months ago
#MCtober2024 - Week 2
Based on @lamieboo's #MCtober2024 event (click on #MCtober for more info).
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What are your MC / OC study habits?
Iñaki has a few methods of studying as you can see above. She usually doesn't like to review in groups (unless its with trusted friends) until she feels comfortable with the material on her own where she knows what she doesn't know and can bring it up to the review session. While on her own, she'll either will use flash cards, rewrite notes or teach Uturunku (her jaguar plushie) in her shared dorm room. Eventually Imelda joins in on her teaching session with Uturunku since the two girls are in the same class and share the same dorm. Once she gets more comfortable with Sebastian and Ominis as friends, you would often find Iñaki in Undercroft studying with the two boys especially when Midterm Season hits and the library is packed. She would usually be sitting on cargo crate box reviewing her flash cards or notes, waiting for the boys to show up. She also like doing reviews on charms, spells and dueling techniques with Sebastian by physically practicing them in the Undercroft.
Her other known study locations is her dorm room or the Slytherin Common Room with Sebastian when burning the midnight oil, the Room of Requirements (not often since it's out of her way) and the Great Hall with her friends who are in the other houses. She also likes white noise the noisy Great Hall provides. Iñaki vs History of Magic
Iñaki hates Professor Binns. She thinks he's the most boring-est person in the planet with how monologuist, plain and calming his voice is and hates how he can knock her to sleep. It is her goal to actually sit through class and stay up completely for once and take notes, but she can't. She always knocks out if she's trying to focus and ends up becoming Ominis' pillow once the two are friends.
At least Ominis is kind enough to share his notes with her as he takes them with a bespelled diction quill that he'll later transfigure the notes into braille. Eventually Iñaki gets her own diction quill like everyone else in class does.
After a couple of classes with Prof. Binns, Iñaki will eventually accept that she's either going to nap in this class period or try to get ahead and do homework from her other classes with her enhanced earbud on to listen to music while her diction quill does the work of taking notes down.
Iñaki's Girl Crew
Iñaki becomes especially close to Natty, Poppy and Imelda for different reasons:
Natty is the first friend Iñaki made while at Hogwarts. She and Natty bond over living in a foreign country far from their homelands and learning to live in a different world. Natty's friendship is important to Iñaki because she is one of the few people who really gets what Iñaki is going through and the same is true vice versa. It isn't surprising to see one going to the other to have a good cry over missing their homeland. Natty also was the one who helped her finish her animagus training in secret and saw her transform into a jaguar for the first time. At one point, the two would go running in the Forbidden Forest in their animagus form, baffling any locals as to where a gazelle and a giant cat came from. Natty is also the first person Iñaki says is her friend.
Poppy's friendship with Iñaki began after defending the kneazle in class. After they partnered up in Beasts class that same day, the rest became history. Poppy enjoys Iñaki's frank and playful nature and Iñaki's enjoyed Poppy's bluntness and kindness (it reminds her of home). The two girls end up bonding over being oddballs, caring for beasts and going over the different magical beasts and their tales around the world. Poppy especially loves it when Iñaki tells her stories about the magical beasts native to the Americas that you wouldn't be able to find in Europe and ends up making it a goal to see the thunderbird that lives near Niagara Falls one day.
Imelda Reyes at first is Iñaki's roommate. For about five minutes until Iñaki grumbles in Spanish "¥Ay!¥Por el amor de Dios! after stubbing her toe against her misplaced suitcase as she was moving in a week later after arriving at Hogwarts. Imelda was surprised to learn that the American spoke Spanish. Iñaki didn't realize Imelda was Spanish (Imelda holds duel Scottish-Spanish citizenship) and spoke Spanish as well. They became friends like a house on fire due to their Hispanic heritage (Iñaki's family is originally from Latin America who immigrated to the US. Imelda's father was the one who moved their family to the UK when he went play on Puddlemere United to be close with them). They only speak Spanish to each other as it makes them feel at home as they both miss speaking it while at Hogwarts (There's very few Spanish speakers there). The two spend a lot of time talking about their Hispanic Heritage while comparing and contrasting the differences in the cultures (Iñaki' is bicultural as her Latino roots hails from two different countries) and the Spanish language as well.
When Imelda found out that Iñaki has family in South America (but didn't realize Iñaki was a first generation/muggleborn witch) she immediately assumed Iñaki was good at quidditch due to the sport culture in that continent (quidditch is essentially the magical equivalent to soccer/fĂștbol) and tricked her into trying out for the team in having Iñaki play in pick-up quidditch games since it didn't seem like she wasn't going to try out because she seemed nervous about it (in Imelda's eyes). The moment Iñaki realized what Imelda was doing, she calls Imelda out and the two end up having a frank discussion as to why Iñaki didn't play quidditch (American racism is the reason why - Iñaki didn't want to play into the stereotypes and found she couldn't really enjoy playing the sport back in New York) despite being good at it (Iñaki played with her first-generation/muggleborn mage cousins on both sides of the famiy as a kid and picked up the sport pretty fast). In the end Imelda helps Iñaki get over her prior reservations on playing the sport but not enough for Iñaki to play as a starter. Iñaki ends up playing as the reserve chaser though and ends up as a starter in sixth year during her last year at Hogwarts.
The four girls accidently become a friend group through a class project. Iñaki had them all meet at the Three Broomsticks to discuss what they would be doing and it spiraled to the four girls realizing they were outsiders in different ways as they talked about their lives and bonded over feeling like a fish out of water at times with their peers. They ended up making outing to the Three Broomsticks for lunch to be a weekly thing after their class project was done as all four became close friends with each other.
More on Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga
#Iñaki's study methods are actually useful to do in real life to study for exams#Somewhere in Hogwarts Sebastian feels an annoyance coming out of nowhere and doesn't understand why#He's going to tell his bestie Iñaki about this annoyance later lol#Sebastian: What do you mean I'm not YOUR best friend?!?😱😭💔#Iñaki: You're my best guy friend Sebastian đŸ’–đŸ€—đŸ’–đŸ«‚đŸ’–#Sebastian: đŸ„čđŸ˜ŒđŸ˜đŸ’–đŸ«‚đŸ’–#Also Sebastian to himself later that day: Why does having the title of being Iñaki's best guy friend annoy me?đŸ€”đŸ§#Sebastian in 5th year to himself: Oh...I fancy her...💘😳💘#Ominis also likes to rile Sebastian when he realizes Seb has a crush on Iñaki by saying: I slept with Iñaki...in history class 💅😏#Sebastian: Ominis why must you phrase it like that? đŸ˜€đŸ˜  😱#It's his way of keeping Sebastian in check#Ominis gives Iñaki a 5/5 on 5 star rating of being a great pillow#Uturunku means “jaguar” in Quechua - she was five when she got the plushie as a gift 🐆#and she just learned that Quechua word when she was visiting her dad's family in Ecuador. Iñaki wasn't that original as a kid lol#I realized I drew Poppy's head too big - oh well XD#mctober2024#inaki#inaki martinez cariaga#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy au#Modern AU...sort of#natsai onai#poppy sweeting#imelda reyes#ominis gaunt#sebastian sallow
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swordmaid · 1 year ago
my hc for shri'iia is that she hasn't been to the surface before, nor has she had a lot of chances to explore the underdark outside of menzoberranzan so throughout the entirety of act 1 she's spongebob caveman meme. she has not seen the sky before, or the sun, and it's very clearly overwhelming her. but she's trying to pass off as a local! but when that doesn't work, she will relent and say that she is a bodyguard for a merchant drow (another lie) who was going to go to the surface but she was kidnapped. but then you see her sneak off at night, trying to familiarize herself with the layout of the forest, or what surface trees feel like, and even tasting surface food so when they come across that later in the day she won't be surprised
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confinesofmy · 9 months ago
my special talent is talking on the phone for 40 minutes and getting really, really pissed off
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spideyjimin · 6 months ago
effet mer | jjk
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‷ effet mer, french for sea effect, but it’s a play on word. effet mer and Ă©phĂ©mĂšre are pronounced the same way in french and Ă©phĂ©mĂšre stands for ephemeral. 
⏀ pairing: jungkook x female reader 
⏀ genre: best friend's brother, kinda strangers to lovers, roommates au, angst, fluff, and smut 
⏀ rating: 18+
⏀ words: 11,197
⏀ summary: everything we face in life is ephemeral, nothing stays forever, even the bad. when you and your roommate, jungkook, face devastating breakups, you leave everything to spend some days at the beach holding the world’s record of the highest waves. it brings you comfort but also brings you closer as you get to truly know each other. 
⏀ warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, mention of cheating, mention of breakups, jungkook and oc are completely broken, mention of sex, teasing, a lot of making out, nipple play, mention of nipple sucking, face riding, oral sex (f & m receiving), hair pulling, dom!jungkook, big cock!jungkook, tattooed!jungkook, praising, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, riding, missionary, doggy style, creampie, multiple orgasms, and overstimulation 
⏀ author’s note: here it is the little fic đŸ€— i had a lot of fun writing this, especially since i’m talking about a place very dear to me & also since i get to promote a bit of my culture in a fic (a first time for me). as a portuguese, this is very special & i think this fic will hold a special place in my heart 💞 hope you’ll enjoy it & let me know what you think ✹
Nazaré (check out this video so you get to visualize the little town)
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The waves. 
The crashing of the waves against the sturdy rock and soft sand is the only sound echoing in your ears. It brings an immense sense of comfort, the only sound calming your tormented soul. Coming here, you knew it would quiet the turmoil within your mind. 
The sight of the waves colliding against the monumental rock also brings peace. It’s thrilling to see what Mother Nature can do. The waves are incredibly high and powerful, offering you and any person present a wonderful show. For years, you wished to come see those impressive waves but never got the chance. 
What brings you here is your roommate, Jungkook, who’s also the older brother of your best friend, Joongki. You’ve been living under the same roof for five years already. You were looking for a bed during your college years, he was looking for a roommate, and Joongki put you together. 
Even though you’ve been living together for a long time, you barely know each other. Jungkook is a night owl, basically living at night, and during the day, whenever he’s awake, he’s at his girlfriend’s place. Well, ex-girlfriend now. On your side, you’d also spend a tremendous amount of time with your boyfriend in and out of the apartment. Well, your now ex-boyfriend. 
Your ex-boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend are what brought you and Jungkook here. His girlfriend was cheating on him while your boyfriend didn’t love you anymore. 
It’s hard. Way too hard. 
Amid your pain, Jungkook proposed to drop everything for a couple of days and go to a place you both have always desired to visit. Praia do Norte (North Beach in English). It’s a beach located in Portugal, in NazarĂ© to be precise. The city isn’t far from the capital, Lisbon.  
This coastal town is known for its massive waves, some of which can reach heights over 100 feet - 30 meters during winter time. 
Years ago, you spent some days with your friends in Nazaré in July. It was already a breathtaking place. You saw pictures everywhere of the impressive waves. After that, it became your dream to see them. Life happened and you never got to go there. 
Jungkook, on his side, heard of this place through a documentary he once watched. Throughout his entire relationship with his ex, he proposed her to travel to that town, but she never was really interested. 
Randomly, through a very rare conversation, you found out about your mutual interest in Nazaré. Then, when your hearts got broken, you found yourselves being locked up in the apartment, crying like babies. Jungkook suggested the coastal town, and you embarked on this little journey together. 
As a wave is forming in the sea, you grab your phone to record it. Although you foresee it to be impressive, it exceeds all your expectations. It’s breathtaking, and by far, the prettiest natural event your eyes have ever witnessed. 
“Woow,” you say while firmly holding your phone in your hands.  
You’re completely mesmerized by the impressive wave, you forget about everything. It’s just you and the wave. It’s an incredible feeling, one you hadn’t felt in a while. Being here genuinely brings you comfort to your soul. 
Slowly, you turn your head to look at the person who brought you here, Jungkook. He’s also looking at the sea with the same face as yours, and it makes you smile. There’s not much you know about this man. Sometimes you wonder how he is like. Everything you know about him, you’ve heard it from Joongki. It’s quite odd that you don’t really know anything about your roommate but it has always been fine for you like that. 
“That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen,” Jungkook says with evident bliss in his eyes.    
Jungkook and Joongki are quite similar. Physically, you mean. They share the same pair of doe eyes, the same eye and hair color, the same facial shape, and the same smile. A lot of people mistake them for twins because they really look a lot like each other.  
The first time you saw Jungkook, you also thought it was your best friend’s twin. But as time passed, you noticed how different they can be. Jungkook clearly looks older than his brother, he’s after all three years older than Joongki. 
“Couldn’t agree more with you”, you tell him with your eyes still on him. 
For the past three months, you’ve been wondering how his ex-girlfriend could have cheated on him. He’s clearly a good-looking man, and on top of that, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. You’re not sure to understand in general how someone can cheat. Wouldn’t it be easier to simply say: “I want to be with someone else”? At least, your ex had the decency to say it. 
You chase away those thoughts before crying in front of thousands of people, and especially before ruining your entire trip. 
Your eyes look again at the sea. It’s slowly getting colder. As time passes, the sea looks more and more furious, the waves are only getting bigger and bigger, and as they hit the rock, water is thrown at your faces. 
You’re fully covered to try to protect yourself as much as possible from the water, but it seems not enough. But it’s incredible to be here. 
“Do you want to stay any longer?” Jungkook asks while he turns his head to you.  
With your roommate, you’ve been watching the waves for already two hours although it doesn’t feel like it. you look down at your phone to check what time it is. It’s already 6:45 pm. As you’ve booked a table for 7:30 pm at a restaurant, it’s probably best to get going. Given the long road to the restaurant, you must leave to ensure you’re on time. 
“I don’t think so,” you answer. “We still need to walk to the restaurant and it might take some time,” your eyes look around as you think about the fact you still have to walk for a bit. “And I made a reservation at 7:30 pm for tonight, so it’s best to keep going.” 
Jungkook simply nods, agreeing with you. Slowly, you turn around and walk away from the waves. You look behind you one last time to admire a wave crashing against the impressive rock. 
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Jungkook has yet to learn where the restaurant is. He’s never been in this town while you have. So he doesn’t have much choice but to follow you around. On top of it, you’re the one who made the reservation so for sure, you know where the restaurant is. 
If someone had told him five years ago he’d be in NazarĂ© with his new roommate, he would have never believed it. Probably, he would have laughed at their face. Outside the fact that you’re his little brother's best friend, he doesn’t know much about you. It has never bothered him not to know you. 
However, since you’re both single, things are different. You’ve been talking and even traveling abroad together. Presumably, traveling with a stranger isn’t the best idea but he fundamentally trusts you. You’re not completely a stranger to him, but there’s very little if nothing he knows about you. 
But he doesn’t mind. After all, you’re both here to enjoy the impressive waves. 
Nazaré’s downtown is made of tiny streets which gives its charm. Based on the info he found about the town, it’s the typical type of street in Portugal. So far, he has been loving this town. For sure, the waves are quite a big deal, but the coastal town is captivating. He loves everything about NazarĂ©, and he’s only been here for a day.   
The people are also extremely nice and always smiling even though sometimes it’s hard to communicate with them since they only speak Portuguese. But there’s always a way to understand each other. He’s genuinely happy to be here, and he’s already thinking about coming back more frequently, maybe even during summertime to discover the town from another perspective. It must be so different from wintertime. 
After a long walk, you finally reach the restaurant located on a very small street. Jungkook is definitely falling in love with this city. Right now, he’s kind of grateful he never came with his ex otherwise it would have been excruciating to be here. Most probably, he wouldn’t be here today with you. 
You enter the restaurant, and a man comes in your direction. “Olá,” he firstly says. Based on the very limited words he got to learn in the past 24 hours, Jungkook knows that ‘olá’ is the portuguese equivalent of ‘hello’. 
“Olá,” you answer in portuguese. “We have a reservation for 2 under the name y/l/n,” you continue in english. 
“Let me quickly check,” he moves to a little piece of furniture at the entrance composed of some books and a cash register.  
Jungkook takes a look at the restaurant. It’s very small but definitely very charming. 
“Follow me, please,” says the waiter when he comes back to you. 
The waiter shows you a little table on the left corner of the restaurant. This very cozy place is already crowded, most definitely a popular place to be in Nazaré. 
“Here are the menus,” he hands you both menus. 
“They do fantastic pizzas here,” you say once the waiter leaves. “I came here once with my friends and promised myself I’d come here again.” 
“Let’s see,” a little smile appears on Jungkook’s face. 
For a hot minute, he stares at you while you look down at the menu. 
Since the moment, he met you he always believed his little brother was in love with you. He couldn’t stop talking about you with such a spark in his eyes. However, as time went by, he realized he was wrong, or at least partially. His eyes have a spark because he adores you as a friend and because you seem to be a wonderful person. There is something about you that is appealing, Jungkook won’t deny it. 
In the past 24 hours, he’s got to learn a bit more about you. Even though it’s pretty obvious you’re still trying to get over a breakup, you’ve been immensely excited to be here and show him around the places you know. And he’s been lucky to see a bright spark in your eyes. You’re without any doubt in love with this coastal town, he can tell that. 
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The pizzas were, as you remember, fucking delicious. Jungkook even admitted it afterward. 
Funnily enough, during dinner, you got to discuss with the owner, who was also acting as a waiter. He’s actually french. He came here once, fell in love with the town, and decided to move here. He then opened this restaurant with his mother, and luckily, it’s always crowded. It can be calmer during periods but it’s always for a short time. 
“Not sure I’ll want to come back home after this stay,” Jungkook tells you as you’re making your way to the little apartment you’re staying in. 
“Me neither,” you say. 
The only thought of leaving this place breaks your heart. Once you get back home, reality will hit you. You’ll once more be reminded of your lost love. Maybe the pain will be more bearable as you’ve taken some time for yourself here in NazarĂ©. 
The rest of the walk until the apartment is made in silence while you look around. Everything about this place screams perfection. The people, the food, the views, the tiny houses, the sea, and everything else. NazarĂ© will now be your safe place on earth. It’ll be the place you’ll always look forward to coming again. Strangely, it feels like you belong here.   
When you’re not very far from the apartment, it starts raining, and not just a bit. The two of you put the hood of your jackets on your heads. 
“Let’s run to the apartment?” Jungkook asks. 
The only answer you gave him is starting to run. 
“Eeeh,” he screams while he starts running after you. “Wait for me.” 
A little chuckle escapes your lips when you hear him complain. Since you run in the opposite direction of the rain, it hits you right in the face. It’s not pleasant at all, but you’ll soon reach the place you’re renting. But running in the middle of those tiny streets with Jungkook behind you makes you feel alive. 
In a matter of seconds, Jungkook catches you. For a brief moment, you look at each other with the brightest smiles on your faces. You’re both feeling the same, you know it. Your roommate grabs your hand while you keep running under the heavy rain. He holds your hand tightly in his, the warmth of his hand contrasting with the cold weather outside. 
Feeling his hand in yours unimaginably warms your heart. 
When you reach the apartment, you both stop at the main entrance. Briefly, you’re standing face to face, breathing hard, and staring deep into each other’s eyes. Over the years, you didn’t really have the opportunity to see him up close, but lately, it feels like you’ve only been physically close.  
This closeness has allowed you to really look at him. Although Jungkook looks a lot like your best friend, he’s more attractive, charming, and alluring. This man can have any woman he desires, but he chooses not. It’s understandable due to his recent breakup. But based on how Joongki speaks about him, he’s never been a womanizer. He’s more of an ‘i want a long-term relationship’ guy. 
Jungkook’s hand brushes a strand of hair falling on your face. The simple touch of his fingers against your skin sends shivers down your spine. The two of you don’t cease to stare into each other eyes. This simple and intimate moment is something you never thought would happen five years ago. 
Well, even yesterday, you never thought it’d happened.
You’re interrupted by someone leaving the apartment complex standing in front of you. By reflex, you take a step back, creating some space between you and Jungkook. The person greets you before disappearing behind you. 
Before the main entrance door closes, Jungkook takes a big step to keep it open. “After you,” he smiles at you while he gestures for you to come inside the complex. A smile spreads across your face as you make your way inside. When you pass by him, you take in his strong perfume. He smells so good. 
Joongki’s brother follows you, closing the door behind him. The apartment is located on the first floor so luckily, you only have to climb a few steps. You hurry up because you only want to be warm. 
Once in front of the door, you take the keys from your pocket. Your winter jacket contains a massive pocket on the inside. You’ve placed all your important belongings like your phone, ID Card, bank card, and the keys. At least you’re sure you won’t lose anything nor anything won’t be stolen. 
Once inside, the first thing you do is remove your jackets, and shoes. It’s a bit warmer inside but you still need to turn on the heating. The two of you head to the small living room. 
The place you rent isn’t big, but it’s enough for you. There’s no need to have a massive apartment for two people. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom are largely enough. No need for more.  
The owner of the apartment left some portuguese liqueurs for you to enjoy. He advised you to start with ‘Licor Beirão’. As the owner said, it’s a sweet liqueur that tastes like orange. You haven’t tasted it yet but tonight you feel like you really want to. 
“Do you want to taste the famous liqueur the owner advises us to taste?” you ask Jungkook as you grab the bottle from a wardrobe. 
For a brief moment, Jungkook simply watches you while you hold the bottle in your hand. The look he gives you makes you feel a bit special as it is the same look he gave you at the complex entrance. 
“Why not,” he replies with a smile. 
Your roommate goes to the kitchen to grab two glasses. He remembers that the owner told you to put a cube of ice in your drink to make it even better. He said: “Licor Beirão without ice tastes like shit.” A smirk appears on his face when he recalls those words. 
When he comes back with the glasses, you don’t waste any second to poor a bit of liqueur. You hand one of the glasses to your roommate and take the other. While you both take a seat on the couch, you take a sip of your drink.  
“Fuck,” Jungkook says. “It’s delicious.” 
A little laugh escapes your lips as you hear him slobber about the drink. Your eyes wander a tiny bit on his face.  
“Indeed,” you say.   
It’s certainly not bad at all. It’s also not that strong for a liqueur, maybe the sweetness hides the hardness of the alcohol. Probably, you won’t be drinking much since you don’t really want to end up drunk in front of Jungkook. You’ll for sure embarrass yourself. 
“This will definitely warm me after this cold rain,” Jungkook says while taking another sip. 
You put your drink down on the coffee table before sitting properly on the couch and placing a blanket on top of your legs. 
“It’s still unbelievable that we’re here,” you tell him. 
“Yep, yep,” he nods and takes another sip. “I would have never bet that one day, I’d travel with you.” He puts down his drink next to yours and sits closer to you. 
This closeness is something you still need to adjust to. It’s so new. 
“Me neither,” you say. “I actually never pictured myself traveling with someone else than Guwon,” you almost whisper at the end of the sentence. 
Guwon was your boyfriend for more than five years. You were dreaming of starting a family with him, seriously considering moving in with him and already discussing marriage. You were madly in love with him and you strongly believed that he was your forever person. But you got it all wrong. 
One day, out of the blue, he told you that he didn’t love you anymore. It devastated you beyond comprehension. You begged for an explanation because how can someone fall out of love? It was inconceivable for you that after all that time, he stopped loving you. He didn’t give you an explanation, he just said he didn’t love you anymore. 
However, everything made sense when you found out he was dating a colleague shortly after your breakup. When that colleague joined the company he’s working for, you still remember that he wouldn’t stop talking about her. He praised her so much. Until one day, he stopped doing it. But right after, he told you he didn’t love you anymore so no need to be a genius to understand he started loving her.  
It hurt even more. 
“I also never thought I’d be one day traveling with someone else than Yoojung,” he adds. 
You bring your legs against your chest and you look down for a little bit. There are so many questions you want to ask him about his breakup but you’re not sure it’s appropriate. 
“Can I ask you a question?” you dare to say. 
Jungkook simply nods while looking at you. 
“How did you find out about the cheating?” 
Your roommate is taken aback by your question. As you notice the expression on his face, you instantly realize that you crossed a line. Now you regret your question. 
” Before you can even continue your sentence, Jungkook replies to your question. 
“A couple of months before, we stopped being intimate,” he starts saying while looking down. “Every time I’d try to initiate anything, she’d give me an excuse. Most of the time, it’d be tiredness. Then, we slowly started not to see or even text each other as often.” 
His eyes now look up, meeting yours filled with sadness and empathy. The same gaze you gave him when he informed you of his separation. 
“At first, I didn’t really notice it, but when people started asking me about her, I’d never be able to give them an answer. So I started to realize something was off.” 
You can hear in his voice how it still breaks him. 
“One day, I simply went to her place without informing her, and that’s when I saw the other guy.” 
Now, your heart breaks for him. In an act of kindness, you grab his hand and squeeze it. Jungkook looks down at your hands, and you gently stroke the back of his hand with your fingers. From the way he suddenly glances at you, you can tell that the gesture moves him. 
“That must have been horrible,” you softly say. 
The man in front of you simply nods. 
“Thankfully, I didn’t see anything that would have destroyed me but you could tell by the way they were looking at each other that they were at least sleeping together. She confessed it afterwards and I left her.” 
Definitely, you want to hug this man. It’s so heartbreaking what he went through. It’s never easy to find out to have a cheating partner. Even though you never considered Guwon to have cheated on you, you wonder if he didn’t. Maybe he kissed his colleague or even went further and left you afterward. 
“Apparently she’s with that guy now, but I don’t care,” he tells you. “I prefer to ignore what she’s doing now and who she’s with.” 
You couldn’t agree more with him. She and Guwon have broken your hearts enough, no need to torture yourselves in knowing what they are doing now. 
“All I care is to heal,” he whispers. 
You caress his hand with your thumb. Although you’re doing it to comfort him, it also has the same effect on you. 
“Looks like you’re going in the right direction,” you tell him with a little smile. “You didn’t cry.” 
Barely a week ago, he wasn’t able to say her name without falling apart. It’s a big step into healing. 
A very tiny smile spreads across his face when he realizes that you’re right. He didn’t cry while talking about the most heartbreaking moment he faced in life. 
“You’re right,” he grabs his drink to take a sip. “It’s even better now with the ice,” he totally changes the topic of conversation. 
You can’t blame him, talking about his cheating ex isn’t pleasant. Plus, you’re here to try to move on from the terrible things Guwon and Yoojung did. 
“Let me taste,” Jungkook hands you your drink before you can even bend to get it from the table. “Thanks,” you whisper with a little shy smile. 
Your roommate winks at you as a way to say ‘you’re welcome’, but oddly, it increases the heat of the room. Very quickly, you drink a bit of the liquor. It instantly cools off a bit the warmth you’re feeling inside you due to Jungkook. 
The liqueur definitely tastes better with ice. The owner was right. Well, you never doubt it since he’s portuguese and knows his country better than anyone else. You’re looking right in front of you since you’re feeling Jungkook’s eyes on you. You’re not brave enough to face him because you know your cheeks will instantly turn red. 
“You know,” he starts saying. “For a long time, I was convinced you and my brother were in love,” you almost choke with your drink when you hear those words. “You’d always be together, almost acting like a couple, but then I found out you were in a relationship so it changed my perspective,” he adds. “Also with time, I realized that it was your way to be friends.” 
You’ve been friends with Joongki for more or less six years, but only a couple of months later, you got to actually meet Jungkook. Of course, you’d already heard a lot about him since your best friend would mention him a lot, but he was living abroad back then. 
And well, if you’re a hundred percent honest, you had a crush on Joongki when you met him. How could you not? Joongki is very good-looking, he’s funny, he’s adorable, and, beyond anything else, he has the biggest heart on earth. Then, that crush eventually faded, and you met Guwon so everything changed. 
However, you’re never going to say anything about this crush, especially to Jungkook. 
Nevertheless, your reaction intrigues your roommate. Your eyes widen, you take a big sip of the liquor, and you try to hide your face. 
“You actually liked my brother,” he points out with evident playfulness in his voice. 
“No,” you immediately retort. 
Obviously, it’s a lie. You’re trying as much as possible to hide yourself but it’s basically impossible. Jungkook is right next to you. 
“Don’t worry,” he says. “I won’t tell him anything, it’s none of my business.” 
You finally look up at him, and for fuck’s sake, he looks stunning. You take another sip. At this pace, your drink will be over in 30 seconds, and you’ll be drunk by then since you don’t know how strong this liqueur is. 
“I’m sure he had a crush on you too at first,” he smiles at you. 
Jungkook gets closer to you, his breath crashing against your neck once he’s very close. Your heart starts acting crazy inside your chest, your heartbeat increasing drastically. You’re both staring at each other, and his eyes are very dark. 
“I mean I would too if I was Joongki,” he whispers in your ear.    
Fuck, this man manages to cause goosebumps all over your body in a matter of seconds. His eyes look up at you, the mood has completely changed. It’s not anymore casual, it’s really giving the ‘i want to kiss you’ vibes. But as you think better about this, it has changed the second it started to rain. 
His eyes switch from your lips to your eyes a couple of times. Without any doubt, you do the same, you even bite your lower lip. You’re definitely desperate to kiss each other. There’s absolutely no doubt.  
Still, you’re unsure if you really want this to happen. You enjoy being here with Jungkook and getting to know him better, but once you kiss, everything between you will change forever. He wouldn’t simply be your roommate and your best friend’s brother anymore. 
Nevertheless, there’s nothing you want more right now. 
You want to know how it feels to be kissed by him, and how it feels to kiss someone with a lip piercing. Your imagination is going wild at the moment.  
You clear your throat and take a step back while placing your hands on his chest. “We can’t,” you shake your head. “It’s not a good idea.” 
Jungkook nods before simply sitting on the couch as he was before. You take a deep breath, trying to gather yourself after this rather intense moment.
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Jungkook stares at the ceiling of the bedroom he’s staying in. His mind keeps repeating the moment he almost kissed you. It was quite clear you wanted it as well, but he still doesn’t understand why you push him away. He wonders if it’s maybe too soon for you. Maybe you don’t want to kiss someone else three months after your breakup. 
He sighs. Hopefully, this moment won’t create tension or something like that between you for the rest of your stay. It’s not what he wanted.
Suddenly, he is pulled out of his reverie when he hears a shy knock on the door. He frowns before standing up to open the door. He’s greeted by your sleepy face and messy hair. A little smile appears on his face because he can’t help but find you adorable. 
“I can’t fall asleep,” you tell him while rubbing your eyes. “Can I sleep with you?” 
Well, now that you’re here asking him to sleep here, he’s sure that he didn’t ruin anything. It’s definitely a relief for him. 
“Yes, yes,” he says while opening the door a little wider. 
Without hesitation, you enter the room and he closes the door behind you. He makes his way to the bed before you lay next to him. At first, you put some distance between you two since you’re both unsure what to do. On top of that, you’re both looking at the ceiling as if you’re scared to look at each other. Jungkook can feel his heart beating fast inside his chest. He has never been this nervous to be around a woman that he likes. 
“I’m sorry about earlier,” you tell him while turning your face to look at him. 
Honestly, this surprises him. “About what exactly?” Obviously, he knows what you’re referring to but he still wants you to say it out loud. 
“When I pushed you away.” 
Jungkook ignores what he can say right now. 
“Don’t be sorry,” those are the only words crossing his mind. 
Still, you keep talking as if he didn’t say anything. “I really wanted to kiss you.” His heart beats even faster now. “But if we do it, it will change everything between us, and I’m not sure I want that.” 
Well, he’s glad you explained why you pushed him away although you didn’t need to. You have your reasons and he can only accept that. Jungkook turns now to his right to finally see your face. You look angelic from this perspective. 
“Why so?” he dares to ask. 
For what feels like an eternity, you don’t talk, probably thinking about the proper answer to give him. His heart is still hammering very fast in his chest, nervous about your answer. This silence feels heavy for him, but all he can do is remain patient. 
“Honestly, I don’t really have a reason,” you say when you break the silence. “Up until now, we were simply roommates and you were Joongki’s brother,” you take a deep breath. “And it was fine like that.” Jungkook’s eyes deviate for a split second to your lips while you speak. “However, everything is different since we came here. You aren’t really a stranger anymore, I got to know you better and to spend good moments with you.” 
Jungkook couldn’t agree more with you. No matter what, when you go back home, your relationship and dynamic will forever be different. In a good way, though. As you mentioned, you’re no longer strangers now. 
“I’m not sure I’m ready for more changes in my life,” you confess while biting your lower lip. 
But the changes are already happening. 
“I totally understand you, yn,” he simply answers. 
Well, the only change Jungkook wants right now is your relationship. It’s evolving in interesting ways and he doesn’t want to hold back this shift between you. 
"A lot has already happened this past few months,” he adds. 
For sure, he prefers things would have happened differently but what can he do? This year has been too chaotic. Being here in Nazaré right now is the only thing that has been able to calm him down. Just for a moment, he can cut himself off the reality to truly rest and heal. 
Slowly, you get closer to him. You only stop when he can feel your hot breath crashing against his face. You’re super super close now. His eyes roam your pretty face, admiring it as much as he can under the light of the night. How could he not notice before how beautiful you are? 
“But the more I think about it, the more I get desperate to kiss you,” your words echo in the room. This is as well unexpected for him. “I’m not sure of anything but fuck, I crave nothing more than to feel your
Before you can even finish your sentence, your roommate crashes his lips against yours. You’re caught by surprise at first, but then, you kiss him back with the same passion. Although it’s a passionate kiss, it’s very soft at first. Jungkook doesn’t want to rush anything, he wants to enjoy this moment. His left hand moves to your cheek, caressing it. 
The kiss is so passionate and deep. Jungkook's lips are soft against yours like he is scared to break you as he kisses you. But they feel good on yours, it’s as if they were meant to kiss you. 
As he’s kissing you, he regrets not having noticed you before. You’re hot, good-looking, intelligent, and above anything else, a wonderful person. For sure, he was in love with Yoojung, but he should have seen you before.   
Jungkook doesn’t hesitate one second when you part your lips to let his tongue meet yours. Your tongues meet for an erotic and slow dance. This is intense, but so fucking good. 
Out of breath, you break the kiss but your roommate’s hand remains on your cheek. You close your eyes briefly, and his eyes stay on you. Even though you’re not kissing anymore, he still can sense your lips on his.  
Jungkook pushes you against him, your head against his toned chest. He places his head on top of yours after pressing a gentle kiss on your head. He’s not sure about what will happen from now on, but he’s certain of one thing, he doesn’t want to let you go. 
Shortly after, you both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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Slowly, you open your eyes. The sun irradiates the room and at first, you close your eyes again as the sun is way too bright. 
While you move in the bed, you rub your eyes before opening them again. Gradually, you perceive the figure lying in bed next to you. A smile spreads across your face when you realize it’s Jungkook. 
The man is looking at you with the brightest smile on his face. He seems happier than ever. You haven’t seen him like that since his split with his ex-girlfriend. That alone makes you smile even more. 
“Good morning,” he says. 
“Good morning to you too,” you reply. 
For a moment, you remain in silence, looking simply at each other. This right here definitely makes you happy. You don’t need anything else. Well, you still want to go watch the impressive waves, but you can stay here a little longer. 
“How was your night?” he asks. 
“Good,” you start saying. “I guess all I needed was a kiss to fall asleep,” the biggest smile appears on his absolutely handsome face. 
“Well, you should try that more often,” he teasingly says. 
“For sure,” you exclaim. 
You’re sure that right now, you both look like idiots with the happiest smiles on your faces. You get closer to Jungkook before pressing a gentle peck against his lips. The feeling of the cold metal of his piercing against your lips sends shivers all over your body. It’s quite special to kiss someone with a lip piercing, it’s a first time for you, but it doesn’t change anything about the fact that he kisses like a god. Actually, you’d say that with the piercing it makes the kiss even more intense. 
The man in front of you presses another peck on your lips before pressing a thousand others more, causing you to giggle. This sound, you haven’t heard it in months, and you’re grateful Jungkook is responsible for it.  
Then, the kisses move to your cheeks, your forehead, your jaw, the corner of your lips, and finally, they start to descend to your neck. You can feel his round nose pressed against your neck as his lips kiss your skin. Instantly, your hands move to his hair to play with it. A very soft and barely audible moan escapes your lips. 
This jovial and playful moment has turned into a very heated one. 
Jungkook’s lips keep going down, dangerously getting closer to your cleavage. Your breath is getting heavier, your heart beating faster, and your eyes fluttering shut. As he gets closer and closer, soft moans leave your lips, indicating to Joongki’s brother that he’s doing everything well.  
Before he even reaches your breasts, he retreats to take a look at your pretty face. When you feel the cold air brushing against your skin, you open your eyes to watch him. His teeth are now playing with the metal ring on his lips while his eyes are clearly devouring you. Dam, this is turning you on. 
“Do we keep going?” 
You’re about to answer when suddenly, his phone starts buzzing. Someone is trying to call him. He turns around to check who’s calling him. 
“It’s Joongki,” he says before answering. 
Jungkook sits on the bed, and you do exactly the same. The call doesn’t last long, your roommate barely talks, it’s mostly your best friend talking, you can hear it. Once he puts his phone down, he looks at you. 
“He tried to call you, but since you weren’t answering, he was getting worried,” he tells you. 
You only nod. “Maybe I should go call him,” you say. 
“Well,” Jungkook says as his face gets closer to yours once more. “Maybe you could call him later,” he teasingly says. “He interrupted something.” 
A smile appears on your face before you kiss him with evident passion. For sure, your best friend interrupted something, and he can wait because you’re slowly but surely getting desperate for his brother. 
“He can probably wait a little bit longer,” you whisper against his lips. 
Your teeth bite his lower lip, causing him to moan. That sound alone makes you grow wetter inside your panties. His hands move down to your waist, and before you can even comprehend, they are pushing your pajama pants down your legs. 
Once they are at your ankle, his lips hungrily kiss you. You’re definitely desperate for this man. You want more. You don’t simply want to be kissed by this man. You want him to rail the shit out of you. Hopefully, he’s good in bed. 
While eagerly kissing each other, you lay down in bed. Jungkook is now hovering over you, his mouth still on yours. By reflex, your legs open to welcome him after removing your pants with your feet. He presses his hips against yours, his growing bulge now against your wet core. That sensation alone makes you moan. 
Teasingly, he slowly rolls his hips against yours, but he doesn’t stop kissing you as a desperate man. You hold his pajama shirt firmly as you moan against his lips. Without any doubt, your panties are getting soaked. Jungkook is fucking you when you’re still fully clothed. 
His lips finally set free from yours so he can rest his forehead against yours. His lusty eyes stare deep into yours which causes you to moan. Your walls clench around emptiness, but you’re slowly getting desperate to feel something inside you. 
Jungkook’s hips stop moving only for him to speak. “Sit on my face,” he says. “But first, remove your underwear, angel,” he adds. 
No need to be a genius to understand that he wants to eat you out while you sit on his face. It’s something you never tried before so you’re not sure how this is supposed to go. However, you desire nothing more than being eaten out by this man so you do as he says so. 
In a matter of seconds, you throw your underwear onto the floor. Jungkook moves to be now lying down in bed with an eager smile on his face. He bites his lower lip when he sees your core. 
“I’ve never done that before,” you confess when you get closer to him. 
“Okay,” he nods. “All you have to do is sit on my face and enjoy the ride, love,” he tells you. 
The little cute nicknames make your heart flutter.  
You place yourself over his head, your heart pounding fast. You feel a bit shy to have your pussy on full display on his face. 
“Nice,” he tells you. “Now, bring yourself closer to my face,” you do as he says so, his hands grabbing your thighs to guide you down against his face. “Perfect,” his hot breath tickles your core which makes you move a tiny bit. 
The sweet scent of your arousal makes him hungry, causing him to lick his lips. “Your cunt smells so good, yn,” he whispers against your core. 
His nose brushes against your core, a small moan leaving your lips at the feeling. As he hears the barely audible moan, he deliberately breathes against your throbbing core, the cool air sending shivers down your spine. Slowly, you grow wetter which gives him more juices to lap. A smirk grows on his face when he notices it.  
Before you can even process what is happening, he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking at it. The coldness of his lip piercing and the tickling of his nose on your core instantly send goosebumps throughout your entire body. Little moans leave your lips while he starts to torture you with his mouth. It surprises you how cold his piercing is. 
This is by far the best oral sex experience you’ve ever had. First of all, nobody else has ever eaten you out like that. And on top of that, you’re wondering how on earth you’ve never done it this way. In this position, it feels like you can sense everything even more. 
Automatically, you bury your hand in Jungkook’s hair, pulling it as he laps your sensitive clit with his tongue. A groan rumbles from his chest, the sound echoing against your skin. You close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of having his nose in your core. He makes sure to take his time as he wants you to grow wetter and wetter, he doesn’t want to rush things because he wants you two to enjoy this moment. 
After a little while, he buries his tongue in your hole, causing an explosion of fireworks inside you. The man laps at your arousal as if his life was at stake. His eyes glance up at you, enjoying the way your body is contorting with delight. An evil smirk appears on his face while he keeps lapping at your juices. Your back arches, causing you to push your pussy closer to his mouth, and a trail of moans escapes your pretty lips. 
“So pretty,” Jungkook mutters against your core. 
Naturally, you start rolling your hips over his head, your hand running and pushing your hair back in order to not stick against your face as you start to sweat. The moans get louder as the wave of pleasure begins to strongly build within your lower stomach, his ears hissing at the sweet but loud sounds.   
His eyes glance down with marvel at your core. Everything about you is extremely wonderful. 
Jungkook senses the orgasm building stronger inside you at an extremely fast pace. Your body is moving more and more, your walls are clenching way too much, and your moans are also getting high-pitched. The man starts to suck harder on your core to make you come all over his face. That’s all he wishes for right now.  
Your free hand goes to the headboard of the bed to hold yourself onto something. The man below you is sucking and lapping every single drop of your arousal, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. It’s a matter of seconds before you come undone all over his face. 
“Jungkook,” you mutter as your hips desperately roll over his face. 
The man underneath you detaches his mouth when your legs start shaking, indicating that your orgasm is finally hitting you intensely. His name leaves your mouth when the wave of pleasure explodes inside you, your back arching even more, and you close your eyes to enjoy every second of it. 
Your arousal leaks over his pretty lips while he watches with marvel at the way you come over his face. This man is without any doubt very skilled with his mouth and tongue. Not only does he kiss well, but he also knows how to bring pleasure. 
Jungkook moves under you, your core now pressed against his covered chest. It takes you a moment to come down from your high, he can even feel your walls clenching against his toned chest. His hands caress your hips, trying to bring you comfort as you come down. His eyes never leave your pretty face. 
He swears he has never seen any prettier woman. 
His hands are caressing your thighs as he admires you. Your cheeks are red, your hair is a complete mess, and your pretty lips are swollen from the intense making out that happened minutes ago. 
When you realize that you’re dirtying his pajama with your arousal, you stand up but his strong hands firmly hold you tight against him. “What are you doing?” he asks with obvious confusion. 
“I’m dirtying your pajamas,” you answer. 
“Don’t worry about that, angel,” he winks at you. 
Since you don’t want to make his pajamas dirtier and you want to give him pleasure, you move your body down on his. This time around, he realizes what you’re about to do. The simple thought of feeling your hand around him makes him grow harder. 
Without an ounce of hesitation, you push down his pajamas pants with his underwear. He raises his hips to help you out, and you throw them on the floor. Once his cock is freed, it slaps against his shirt.  
Your eyes instantly glance down at the beast between his legs. He is massive. Even massive is probably an understatement. For sure, he holds the record for the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. In a matter of seconds, Jungkook takes the last piece of clothing off his body to be fully naked in front of you. 
You patiently wait for him to lay back on the bed so you can place yourself in between his toned legs, your hands running up and down his thighs. You bite your lips as you’re watching him getting naked. His body is very toned. His chest is broad as fuck, and his arm is fully covered in tattoos. This pretty much gives bad-boy vibes. Thankfully, you know that he isn’t one. Well, at least, he doesn’t seem to be one.  
You also remove your top in order to be fully naked as well. It’s not as sexy as the way he removed his shirt, but you’re now naked together. 
“Can I touch you?” you ask him, your eyes glancing up to meet his.  
With his eyes locked with yours, he nods. He’s completely desperate to feel your fingers around him. Since you’re equally desperate to please him, you wrap your hand around the base of his dick. 
His head is red, precum running down his length and over that prominent vein that lines it. You rub your thumb over the tip before going down on his shaft, spreading his arousal all over him. A deep moan escapes his lips as your hands finally touch him, his head falling completely on the pillow.       
“Damn, angel,” he growls, “you’re touching me so fucking perfectly.” 
A smile appears on your face at his words. Based on your ex words, you are very skilled with your hands so you hope to provide a lot of pleasure to Jungkook. You want to reward him with the same pleasure he granted you with his mouth.  
Slowly, you start pumping him, your hand gliding up and down his length. A trail of groans leaves his lips while you pump him nice and slow. Every time your hand reaches the base, Jungkook shivers, loving how you’re touching him. 
As you pump his massive length with your hands, you never stop glancing at him. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing him melting in your hands.
It’s absolutely incredible to think that you’re sharing such an intimate moment. Barely a week ago it was inconceivable that you’d be here with him. So, this alone is a surprise. Yesterday night, while you were turning in your bed, you were only thinking about the kiss he almost gave you. And now, you’re basically having sex. 
That’s incredible.  
After a little while, you dip down to kiss the head of his cock, causing deeper and louder moans to leave his mouth. You lick his tip, his precum coating your tongue before you wrap your mouth entirely around his cock to fully sink down on his length. 
“Shit, yn,” he groans, loving the warmth of your mouth around him. 
He swears that he’s about to fall apart, painting your throat white with his seed. For a little while, your head bobs up and down his length, your tongue twirling along to try to satisfy him as much as possible. Your roommate closes his eyes while he lets his pleasure overwhelm him. 
When he opens his eyes, he’s graced with your filthy eyes staring up at him. He never knew that he desperately needed to see you looking at him like that. That sight alone makes him bust right there, his hot seed filling that pretty mouth of yours. You swallow every single drop of his hot cum, but your eyes never leave his face as he groans loudly.  
Jungkook looks incredibly hot when he has an orgasm. 
Slowly, he comes down from his high, your mouth leaving his cock to just watch him being completely overwhelmed with his orgasm. He looks like an absolute angel but clearly, an angel that seems to have had his cock sucked. His hair is already messy, and his lips are all wet with your arousal, which honestly looks pretty good on him. 
“Would you want to keep going?” he asks with his heavy breathing. 
The simple fact that he raises the question melts your heart. Your ex never did that before. Once you’d start, he would just keep going without checking if you’d want to stop or not. Well, obviously, you never wanted him to stop. But now, you wished he could have asked it. 
It’s pretty obvious you want more but he still wants to make sure you want it. He’s not going to force you to do anything, he has never been like that. After you pushed him away yesterday, he honestly expected you to do the same as things started to get steamy. 
You crawl over his body so both your faces are close. For a brief moment, you just glance at each other. You bend down, your face getting closer to his ear, “yes, I want it,” you whisper with a smile on your face. 
Jungkook bites his lower lip, he’s having goosebumps all over his body. “I didn’t bring any condom,” he informs you. “I wasn’t expecting this to happen.” 
If he knew beforehand that you’d have sex, he would have bought a hundred condoms. He would have used all your free time to fuck you senseless. But this is highly unexpected. 
“Don’t worry,” you say. “I have a vaginal ring.” 
For years, you’ve been trying different birth control. At first, it was the pill, but very quickly you changed to the vaginal ring since it felt better than the pill.  
You press a sweet kiss on his lips. A sincere smile grows on his face, he’s so happy to be here today with you. With your hands, you grab his little monster before brushing it against your pussy. A whimper leaves his lips while he shuts his eyes close. Slowly, you sink down onto his cock. 
A deep moan leaves your mouth as his massive dick stretches you out, your hands falling on his chest to balance yourself. His large hands find their way to your waist, caressing your soft skin while his doe eyes filled with lust look into yours. Both of you groan as he slowly pushes his long and thick cock deeper inside you.
“You’re so big,” you whisper. 
“If it’s too big, we can stop,” he proposes. 
“Eeeh,” you slap his chest. “There’s no way we stop here, Jungkook.” 
Jungkook giggles at your words, his face lighting up when he does so. He’s incredibly beautiful when he’s smiling.   
You sit on his lap with his cock almost completely inside you, your eyes looking down at him with a bright smile on your face. Jungkook licks his lips, loving to have this beautiful sight in front of him. At this precise moment, he’s wondering why you both lost your time with your exes. This is a hundred times better than all the times he had sex with his ex, and it’s only the beginning.   
Very slowly, you start rolling your hips, causing small whimpers to leave his lips. His eyes never leave you as he wishes you to see him starting to melt down under your slow torture. 
“You’re riding me like a pro, yn,” he compliments you, letting you also know that you’re doing it right. 
“Thanks,” you sincerely say. 
Riding your ex is something you wouldn’t do that often, but you’d enjoy it when it happened. 
“But,” he starts saying. “I don’t want this to be any slow.” His hands hold your hips tightly allowing him to turn both your bodies to have you now under him.
“Eeeeh,” you say as he places you under him.  
His lips find yours for another kiss, the taste of your juice being all over his soft lips while he can taste a bit of his cum inside your mouth.  
“I’m gonna wreck you so bad,” he whispers against your lips. Your walls clench around his cock, causing him to moan at the end of his sentence. 
“Then, do it,” you reply. “Ruin me.”   
Jungkook slowly pushes back, leaving only the tip of his cock inside you. His eyes never leave your figure, watching you with delight. He brutally pushes his cock fully inside you, a loud moan leaving your lips. For a little while, he doesn't move, hovering over you before his lips meet yours again for a sloppy kiss. 
“Will you stay like that forever?” you cock an eyebrow. 
“Looks like someone is impatient,” he chuckles. 
For a second, his eyes get lost in your body, groaning as he watches himself buried deep inside you. You’re completely intoxicated by the feeling of him stretching your walls. 
Without wasting any more time, he pulls back brutally before slamming himself back into you. He leans closer again before licking the spot just under your ear. His hands slowly travel down your body to rest on your hips while his hips slowly thrust into you. The slick sound of your pussy soaking his cock as well as your moans quickly fill the bedroom. 
“Damn,” you manage to say. “You really know how to use that cock.” 
Sex with your ex was totally different. He’d always prefer to do things nice and slow, it would never be rough. He didn’t like it at all. Honestly, since you didn’t experience much before him, it was fine for you. You enjoyed it as well. 
However, now that you’re being fucked by Jungkook, you realize that a bit of roughness can be better. 
Jungkook chuckles at your words. “Of course I do,” he whispers in your ear. “After all, I ain’t called the best man in bed for nothing.” 
You roll your eyes. This man seems to have quite a big ego. For sure, you can agree so far with that title ⏀ most probably a self-given title ⏀ but you won’t say it.    
The feeling of his cock filling you up, his hips hitting against yours with every thrust he makes causes sparks of pleasure to shoot throughout your body, your arousal dripping from your core and creaming his covered cock. He licks his lips as he notices the sticky mess you’re causing. 
“You’re making such a mess, yn,” he growls.  
His cock is buried deep inside you, brushing against your walls which only causes you to moan even louder. You grip the sheets as hard as possible to steady yourself from Jungkook’s hard thrusts. 
“And you’re responsible for that mess,” you teasingly say although you’re completely lost in your euphoric state. 
“You’re a fucking tease, yn,” he hisses. “Never imagined you like that.” 
“Should have fucked me sooner to find it out,” you wink at him. 
Honestly, you’re even surprising yourself by being such a tease. With your ex, you’d talk in bed but it wouldn’t be like this. With Jungkook, you simply can’t help yourself, he’s literally giving you everything to tease him. 
“That’s my biggest regret right now, angel,” he manages to say in between his moans. 
His hands press harder into your skin when he feels your walls tighten around him. Every time he pushes his hips back, he watches with delight the way his cock is completely covered with your arousal. Nothing drives him crazier than seeing it. 
His hands move on your body, grabbing your breasts and squeezing them to make you moan with desire before his fingers start playing with your nipples. Moans flood out of your mouth as he tortures your body like no one else.  
“Damn, Jungkook,” you say. 
His thrusts become again slow and harsh while his fingers on your nipples are pushing you closer and closer to the edge. This man is without any doubt very skilled when it comes to sex. Fuck, you wished you would have sex sooner.  
Gradually, Jungkook resumes to thrust hard into you, and your moans follow his harsh movements as they get louder and louder. Your walls suck his cock as he slams his hips into you harshly. His hands can feel the way your body quivers with each thrust, the way you’re losing yourself further into pleasure. 
“Fuck,” he groans when he feels the warmth of your walls wrapping tighter around him. “Your cunt is clenching so hard, angel.” 
As you glance up at him, you can’t help but find him extremely attractive. His eyes stare down at you with so much passion and desire as his tongue licks his lower lips. He keeps growling your name, thrusting into you with more urgency. Quickly enough, you sense inside your stomach the powerful feeling of pleasure growing. This is becoming overwhelming. 
“Gonna come so hard,” you tell him. 
His fingers pinch your nipples while his cock twitches inside of you at your words, a low groan rumbling in his chest.  
“Don’t hold back, angel.”
Since he wants to torture you more and more as you get closer to your orgasm, one of his hands slowly goes down on your body, passing your stomach, and landing on your throbbing clit. His fingers start to rub your sensitive spot as his cock keeps slamming roughly inside you. 
“Jungkook,” you almost scream in surprise. 
His fingers on your clit are what you need for your orgasm to explode intensely, making you come hard around him. Your walls squeeze him over and over again while you come all over him. 
While you’re completely euphoric from your orgasm, he speeds up the pace of his hips slamming into you, wanting to chase his own high. The coil in his lower stomach tightens inside of him, and it completely clouds his thoughts. 
Breathy whines escape his pretty lips as he looks down at the mess you made. A loud groan leaves his mouth when his orgasm hits him hard, your name rolling out of his tongue. His eyes roll back with pleasure as his body tenses up and releases his load inside you, his semen painting your walls white.
Jungkook collapses over you, both your bodies covered in sweat. While you both come down from your high, you simply enjoy this proximity. You wrap your arms around his body to hold him tightly against you. Nobody talks. The room is only filled with your heavy breathing while you caress his back. 
This is a fantastic way to start the day. After this steamy session, for sure, your day is only going to be amazing. Hot sex with Jungkook in Nazaré is a combo you never thought you needed. 
However, once you are calmer, Jungkook stands up with a smile on his face. He doesn’t need to say anything else for you to understand that there will be a round 2. Fuck, this man has an impressive stamina.   
“On your fours, angel,” he growls.   
“So now, it’s doggy style,” you say as you follow his order, positioning yourself on your hands and knees but you make sure that your ass and pussy are on full display to him. 
Jungkook gets closer to you. “My favorite position ever,” he whispers against your ear. 
Your roommate takes a step back, his hand holding his hard dick to stroke it a bit as he places himself behind you. His tongue licks his lips while his eyes are glued to your pussy. Slowly, you press your chest against the mattress to give him more visibility to your wet core. You can still feel inside you his release. 
Jungkook’s hand touch your pussy to gently touch it. “Still fucking wet,” he mumbles but you can hear it. 
“Because you’re fucking me senseless,” you reply, and you moan when he slaps your pussy. Fuck, you’ll have an orgasm before he’ll even be inside you.  
“That’s the whole point of what we’re doing,” he grabs your right arm to pin it behind your back, slowly shoving his cock into you again. 
You whine, your teeth biting your lower lip as he resumes to pound into you again. He slowly rolls his hips into your pussy. 
“Shit, I’m not going to last long,” he grunts. 
He leans down, his right hand going down from your waist to your thighs. His fingers brush against your clit, making you moan a bit louder, and they pinch your clit while you bite harder on your lower lip. The man behind you never ceases to thrust into you harshly, making you see stars. 
Every muscle of your body tenses as Jungkook abuses both your clit and pussy. But you decide to torture him a bit as well, it’d be only fun for him to torture you. You clench your walls around him, making him groan louder and smirk
“You’re such a fucking tease,” he moans lustfully as he gives you a harsher thrust.  
You’re unable to reply since Jungkook has decided to increase his pace. His hips slam into yours ruthlessly which causes the whole bed to shake under your bodies. Your moans are louder and louder as his cock hits all your sweet spots. The pleasure is slowly but surely growing strongly inside you, and you try as hard as possible to hold your orgasm. 
“Fuck, I’m going to come,” Jungkook whimpers.  
The second the words leave his mouth, he fills you with his cum and he holds your hips tightly while he gives you small harsh thrusts. Your name rolls out of his tongue, and you decide to let go of your orgasm. There’s no point in holding back. Your walls squeeze him hard when your orgasm hits you once more, your arousal leaking all over his cock.     
Jungkook pulls out of you before he lays down next to you on the bed. You come closer to him, his arm wrapping around you to hold you tight against him. None of you speaks while you both catch your breaths. 
“I guess now you can call my brother,” his lips press a gentle kiss on top of your head.
A little chuckle leaves your lips at his words. “Let me first catch my breath,” you tell him. “I’m sure he’ll understand right away what we did.” 
“Well, I don’t mind him knowing it,” Jungkook replies while doing circles in your back with his fingers. 
“But I’m convinced he doesn’t want to,” you look up at him. “Personally, I wouldn’t want to know that my brother fucked my best friend.” 
Jungkook giggles before pressing a gentle kiss on your lips. 
Joongki will probably know one day what happened here, but you don’t want him to know it just yet. You’re not sure how he’ll react, and honestly, you’re a bit scared of his reaction. Will he hate you for sleeping with his brother? Probably not, but it still would be weird to say to your best friend that his brother slept with you. 
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After an hour in bed talking about random things, you and Jungkook decide to leave the apartment and go admire the waves again. After all, you’re here for that. 
Usually, you’d directly go to the top of the sturdy rock since the waves are more impressive from there. But today, you decide to go to the beach. They are less massive, but still, you can admire them from another point of view. 
You’re sitting at the edge of the sidewalk, right where the sand begins. The sea isn’t that far from you so you really have a beautiful view from where you are. The sea seems more furious than yesterday so Jungkook knows you won’t stay long here before going to the top of the massive rock. 
“Today, the sea is creating bigger waves,” you tell Jungkook. “It’s quite impressive.” 
He turns his head to look at you. In all honesty, when you moved in with him five years ago, he barely noticed you. He had just come back from New Zealand where he lived for two years. His relationship with Yoojung was starting and his mind was definitely somewhere else. You were simply the best friend of his brother. Nothing more. 
However, today, he regrets he didn’t really look at you back then. It would have probably spared him a heartbreak. But, at the end of the day, isn’t it prettier that things between you start here in NazarĂ©, a place you both wanted to visit? 
Of course, you still have to figure out things between you. Obviously, you like each other so you’ll have to see what happens after this trip. Jungkook won't force you to do anything. If you don’t want to give a shot to whatever is going on between you, he’ll respect your choice. 
You turn your face to look at Jungkook, offering him a smile when you notice that he’s already looking at you. 
“What do you think will happen after this trip?” Jungkook asks you. 
You shrug. “I’m not sure,” you say at first. “But if you’d like, we could continue what started here.” 
Now, he’s the one smiling, and he’s smiling like an idiot, he’s aware of that. 
“I’d love to,” he says with the brightest smile on his face. 
Your face gets closer to him and Jungkook breaks the space between your faces to kiss you gently. This is undoubtedly the biggest surprise this trip offered him. After the kiss, you simply lay your head on his shoulder while you keep admiring the beauty of the sea. Nazaré, the town where you fell in love with each other. 
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taasgirl · 4 months ago
i like me better - franco colapinto
summary: franco and driver!reader seem to be getting closer, through their shared social media interaction. once y/n gets her first fp1 drive, everything falls into place.
a/n: everything is fictional, and there is no face claim! enjoy :)
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, and 563, 982 others ynusername trading four wheels for two this weekend 😉
mercedesamgf1 Please get off the bike y/n
ynusername hehe maybe
landonorris I know toto died seeing you post this liked by ynusername
motogp Fancy a weekend with us?
ynusername OH MY GOD I THOUGH YOU'D NEVER ASK team_toto_wolff No Y/n.
lewishamilton đŸ©·
ynusername hey dad!
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liked by francolapinto, oscarpiastri, and 3, 872, 440 others landonorris Summer break you will be missed
danielricciardo Mate you're so ugly
landonorris Smd old man
mclaren Pls tell us that you didn't actually go dirt biking
landonorris Don't worry I was with y/n mclaren That makes it worse
ynusername I'm on a mission to take the whole grid on a dirt biking adventure, who's next bitchessss
francolapinto Me me me I volunteer landonorris Someone's eager 😏
view ynusername's story...
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caption: track limits at turn 7 stewards go get their asses
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liked by francolapinto, lewishamilton, and 711, 923 others ynusername excited to take lewis' car out for a spin in fp1 #justiceforreservedrivers
lewishamilton Don't pull a Kimi
kimi.antonelli What the hell Lewis
landonorris awww baby y/n
landonorris Still hasn't achieved her goals of racing in f1 hehe ynusername just for that i'm running u off track tomorrow xx
francolapinto Congratulations Y/N! I'm excited to see you out there
ynusername thanks franco!!
patriciooward I agree #justiceforreservedrivers liked by ynusername
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liked by ynusername, lewishamilton, and 5, 720, 816 others mercedesamgf1 Celebratory hugs between Y/N and Lewis following Y/N's superb FP1 drive!
tagged: ynusername & lewishamilton
ynusername Maybe like I can replace the dinosaur or something aha...
francolapinto My favourite driver as a child and my favourite driver as an adult together đŸ€—
ynusername wow thank you franco! landonorris Boy you are NOT slick
lewishamilton The 🐐
lewishamilton And Y/n.
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and 142, 674 others ynusername some funny photos from a very fun weekend
francolapinto Come on you post my teammate but not me?
ynusername maybe you should visit me often then đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
georgerussell63 Is that Toto...
ynusername affirmative
landonorris Trust in y/n to expose the grid hmmm
alex_albon Wow @/georgerussell63 looking sexy
lilymhe Stop hitting on GEORGE
lewishamilton ⭐ liked by ynusername
francolapinto Penalty for eating ice cream during race week
ynusername booooo someone throw tomatoes on him
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liked by alex_albon, ynusername, and 1, 448, 925 others francolapinto Good weekend 😁
tagged: williamsracing & alex_albon
alex_albon Mate does not live up to the hype sorry Franco
ynusername what the actual hell are you doing to that car in the second photo
francolapinto I can show you later if you'd like This comment was deleted
ynusername also you expect me to post you but you don't even post me smh
francolapinto You go first then
landonorris holy shit I saw that comment franco
williamsracing We're pretending that we didn't!
view ynusername's story...
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caption: fine I'll go first @/francolapinto
view francolapinto's story...
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caption: She clearly doesn't like paparazzi
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liked by oscarpiastri, paularon, and 2, 630, 727 others francolapinto I might fall off but at least a pretty girl can give me CPR
tagged: ynusername
landonoriss FUCKING FINALY
lewishamilton I'm keeping my eye on you Franco
francolapinto 😅
ynusername awww you think I'm pretty?
francolapinto I'm happy to repeat myself francolapinto You are the prettiest girl I've ever met
williamsracing Please do not fall off
view ynusername's story...
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caption: how is he a formula one driver and still so uncoordinated
how did we like this guys? ALSO why the hell are there no new photos of franco on pinterest like damn. Let me know if you like this and as always reqs are open!
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cherrynflowergarden · 2 months ago
àȘœâ€âžŽ we listen and we don't judge || matt sturniolo
sturniolo masterlist taglist
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it started with an innocent suggestion. “babe, let’s try this tiktok trend,” she said, holding up her phone as she settled onto the couch.
matt raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. “what trend?”
“you know, the ‘we listen and we don’t judge’ one. people tell their unhinged stories, and we just
 don’t judge.”
he smirked, leaning back with his arm lazily draped around her shoulders. “you’re gonna judge them. you’re the queen of side-eye.” “i will not,” she said indignantly, though the hint of a smile gave her away. “come on, it’ll be fun!” “fine.” he adjusted his hoodie and nodded. “but if this gets outta pocket, don’t look at me like it’s my fault.”
she clicked record, grinning at the camera. “okay, so we’re doing the ‘we listen, we don’t judge’ challenge. i have a bunch of these to say. ready?”
“born ready,” he replied, though the confused glint in his eyes suggested otherwise.
she took a deep breath and said aloud “‘i used to fake passing out during pe class so i didn’t have to run laps. one time, they called an ambulance, and i had to pretend to wake up ‘confused’ just to keep the lie going.’”
he blinked at her, then let out a sharp laugh. “nah, that’s crazy. you’re telling me they had the whole ambulance rolling up, lights flashing, for fake fainting?!”
“babeeeeee! we’re not judging!” she scolded, though she was giggling too.
“i’m not judging—i’m
 i’m admiring. yeah. that’s commitment. but also, imagine having to keep that up for the rest of the semester.” he mimicked a dazed expression. “‘oh no, i can’t run laps. what if i pass out again?’”
she shoved his shoulder playfully. “stop. your turn”
“okay so one time in high school this girl won’t stop asking me out, so to avoid her i pretended to be nick.” she blinked, shocked at this revealed fact. “
woah?” matt laughed at her stated and gestured her to continue.
“fine so you remember your favourite hoodie that ‘got lost’? yeah well it’s lying in my cupboard right now and i use it whenever i miss you.” she said innocently. matt gasped loudly, “you thief! but it’s kinda sweet actually.”
“moving forward, i became obsessed with your skincare products after you did my skincare once.” he confessed. she let out a huge dramatic gasp hearing this. “so this is the reason i keep running out of the products!”
“hey no judgement.”
“urg so i keep on raiding your secret chocolate sash and blame it on chris every time you ask me” before he could even react and loud “what” was heard behind the camera from the youngest brother. the video cut to next scene where matt sided eyed his girlfriend before he said the last confession of the challenge.
“i download your voicemails and listen to them when i—”
before he could finish the sentence, a flying pillow was thrown his way cutting off the inappropriate thing he was about to say.
“mattew there are children on the app” she gasped. “you said no judging” matt said, faking confusion.
“that was before you broke the rules of decency.” was the last thing the camera could capture.
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view comments
mama y papa
user7 could be us but you playing me😔
→ user7 i'm just playing video games?
→ user6 still playing me😔
→ user7 i'm so confused babe?
user6 n user7 are my otp😇
→ yourusername ...woah?
→ chrissturniolo đŸ˜č
faking fainting is insane
→ user12 so is faking identity
they're so 😕😕😕😕💔💔💔💔
do you need a dog i can bark WOOF WOOF
→ user9 dude?
→ user8 grETA GET OUT
i hate happy couples đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—
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an; it's 5 am rn and i had the sudden motivation to write just now :D
tags: @eirianna @thebasicbiatch @katamcauley @wxnyzie @lilmear-blog @vrlixlia @star-fuck-off @embonbon @idkversace @annawilk @r0nnsblog @weluvwbb @c1ydessturniolo @vintagebishx @maddie-bell @timmdmdm @happydiplomatshepherdspy-blog @crispycitrus @faith-f1 @escapentropy @florscons @carlossainzwho @luckylampzonkland @lewisroscoelove @mudryklover @rageshots @dontworryaboutit007 @chair-things @myangelbaby555 @sheesh1311 @f1lovely @silia1raf @blahbel668 @my-dinos-life-is-good @ssturniolo92 @lilly6110 @lou-larcher5 @arminluvrr @mxryxmfooty @gabri3la-sturns @bellsboops @f1-and-shiz @emely9274 @starstrucktyrantinfluencer @kayla-hearts4sturniolo @unx100to @strnlslut
@mattslovergirlie @sarakpalsd @sweetobservationface @shadowthesim @mattslolita @cupiidk1lls @urloveanaa @t1llysblog @meatball10 @fiowerbeds
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ithebookhoarder · 9 months ago
Hello hi ! đŸ€—
Can you do a "bau reacts" when they are undercover in public and about to be found out so the reader just starts making out with them to pretend they are just a couple?
(BAU Headcanons) Making out Undercover
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A/N: Mwahaha. Oh, this is a good prompt. Thanks for making me daydream all afternoon. Enjoy my lovelies 😉 Also, as a note, I'm writing the main BAU where I'm at watching it (season 13) plus Luke as he was requested previously 💕
Warnings: Mentions of threat, mentions of weapons, alcohol references, sexual references, implied cases / unsubs. (Let me know if I missed any)
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Aaron Hotchner
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We know Aaron doesn’t go undercover for most cases, so this would have to be a big case to get him into the field. 
This man would be in shock. Let’s be real. He would freeze in place and try to argue for a split second until he realises what you’re trying to do and why - even if you were already together. 
As soon as they’re gone though, you’d glance up and see his usual steely glare that tells you you’re in for a scolding once this is over. 
However, you’d have to be blind to miss the way he lingers for a moment, holding you close for half a second longer than necessary. 
“I feel I should remind you that we are in the field, and whilst it may have worked, I can’t endorse it as a tactic in future. Understood?” 
“So I’m hearing that we’re leaving this off of our case report then?” 
“Agreed. I don’t need to give Strauss anything else to use to go after us and the team.”
He would roll his eyes and take off after the Unsub, but you’d have to be blind to miss the way he smirks as he goes. 
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David Rossi 
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He’d be a little embarrassed but mostly quite smug about the whole thing, even if you were supposed to be undercover. 
“Well, I can safely say in all my years in this field I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before.” 
He’d also refuse to let you apologise for your actions afterwards either. 
One, because he’s kind of flattered. 
Two, because he’s been around the block a few times and knows that sometimes you have to do what it takes to solve a case or protect yourselves. 
Three, you were supposed to be a couple and kissing is what couples do. He’s only sour because if anything he would have liked to be the one who kissed you. 
“Relax about it, would you? I won’t tell you some of the things Gideon and I had to do back in the old days. That was before all this new paperwork and guidelines, so that’s all I’ll say on the matter.” 
You make a point of remembering to ask him about that at your next night off over drinks. 
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Derek Morgan
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Derek is always up for anything so I feel like he’d be pretty relaxed about being undercover with you, even if you weren't together romantically. He has no issue playing your pretend boyfriend for one night, and is quick to wrap his arm around you. 
Which is why it would be such a surprise to him when it’s you who initiated the kiss. 
Derek would freeze for like a second, but only out of shock. However, you know he wouldn’t fight you on it. 
The second his brain catches up to his body he would be kissing you back, doing everything in his power to match your energy and sell this kiss. 
If anything, you’re going to have to be the one to break away once the coast is clear and remind him you’re still technically in the field and that your team is probably wondering where the hell you are right now - and why you stopped responding to your comms. 
“I’m just saying, if we get to do that then we need to be partnered up more often.” 
“Yeah yeah, Morgan. Let’s just hope Penelope didn’t see that else we’ll never be hearing the end of it.” 
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Emily Prentiss
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She’s been undercover plenty of times in her life and spent a whole chunk of time actually fake-married to Doyle for an op, so she’d be the most comfortable and understanding if you grabbed her for a kiss - especially if you were meant to be a fake couple. 
She’d work it out pretty quickly and would respond in kind, pressing herself against you and running her hands all over you. 
“Quick thinking with the kiss,” she’d whisper as she brushed a kiss against your neck. 
She’d also know exactly where the Unsub is afterwards too, having kept watch in her peripheral vision. 
She wouldn’t even have to break eye contact with you before she informed you, “3 o’clock. He just left out the fire exit.” 
With that, she’d be off. 
She also probably wouldn’t even bring it up again until you’re both back on the jet. Then she’d be smirking at you across the top of her drink and chuckling to herself. 
“Normally I’d insist dinner first but given that we caught that bastard I think we’re even.” 
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JJ knows about going undercover and it takes a lot to rattle her. She would probably go along with the action, even if she’d stay kind of stiff for a good minute or so. 
However, she’s a good agent and knows about maintaining a cover so quickly catches on when you pull her in. 
She’d return the kiss, shooting glances out the corner of her eye when she thinks it might be safe to check on their target. If it doesn’t look like they’re buying it, she’ll turn things up a notch and spin you around so that she could take control. 
“My gun is under my jacket. Reach for it slowly if he comes any closer,” she’d warn, but thankfully you don’t need it. Eventually they leave, distracted by something else, leaving you and JJ to recover.
After catching your breath, you both take off in the direction your target just left in. You can tell JJ is trying not to laugh about what just happened, choosing to make it funny rather than uncomfortable if you weren't together romantically.  
Which means you know she’d enjoy teasing you about it in front of the others, making your cheeks burn as she announces on the jet: “For the record, even though it was a ‘cover kiss’ it was pretty good. Just saying. Maybe you should give Morgan some tips. That way he might get a girl to call him back after a first date.” 
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Luke Alvez
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It doesn’t matter if he’s ex-army or whatever. Undercover is not really Luke’s thing and even then, he is more used to infiltrating gangs than playing house. 
Basically, he would be surprised by your actions, despite being undercover together. Like, I can see his eyebrows hitting his hairline so fast, bless him. He’d look like a deer in headlights. 
“Woah, sweetheart, slow your roll-“ 
“- Luke. Shut up and kiss me. Now.” 
“I - ok.” 
Just like that, he’d take control, turning and pressing you against the nearest wall in an attempt to shield you from whoever was watching. He’d also be such a gentleman about it if you weren't already together romantically, keeping his hands on your waist and pulling away the minute he’s sure the danger has passed. 
Even then, he’d wait a minute before letting the two of you move from your position, just in case they come back. He’s your partner and he’s returning the favour for you keeping him safe, even if in an unsuspected manner.
“You good?”
“Luke. Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I was the one who planted myself on you.” 
“Potato, po-tah-to. Are they still over there?”
“No. They just left out the back.”
“Then let’s go, partner. Let’s catch this freak.” 
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Penelope Garcia 
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If Penelope is in the field then you know she is already hella nervous and out of her element. It doesn’t matter if there was a reason she was needed for this particular assignment, she would just take that as added pressure not to let everyone down.
Which is why I’m sure you’d feel worse about planting one on her - even if it does also help distract her from worrying for a minute.  
All I can imagine is her giving her trademark squeal of confusion and surprise, even if you gave her a hasty warning - and apology - about what you were going to do.
She’d be stunned at what was happening and probably takes a minute to realise she should probably try and kiss you back, or at least look less visibly startled about it. 
“I feel I should point out how unfair it is that this is permitted as ‘suitable workplace behaviour’ as we’re undercover, yet my flirtatious texts with Agent Morgan are not? I will be writing a strongly worded email when we get back, telling HR they can go shove their-”
“Pen? Hey, focus here. Unsub still watching us.” 
“Oh, right. Sorry! Ahem
 as you were?”  
Also, you know that like a day or so later, once it’s all over, she sends you an email informing you that your new username on the BAU system is now ‘smoochykins’ and she will not change it until it becomes not-funny for her
 which will probably be never. After all, Morgan has been ‘Chocolate Thunder’ for the last two years and is still going strong.  
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Dr Spencer Reid
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Spencer has been undercover before and is usually quite calm about it, even if it is faking a date or maintaining a story. Still, despite having to do your jobs, you’d hate to make him uncomfortable, knowing how he feels about any kind of physical contact - especially if you're not together. 
As he says, with the amount of bacteria shared by shaking hands you’d be safer kissing 
 guess it was time to take it literally. 
He’d be blushing like a tomato as you grab his jacket lapels and pull him close. And honestly? it’s kind of adorable. As is the way he tries to kiss you back, even if he still takes a minute to remember how to even move his body. 
I’m just picturing the Lila kiss in season one and how he eased into that and how stunned / embarrassed he seemed afterwards. He would pretty much be like that, but with a fake smile on his face as he rambled in your ear. 
“What was that?”
“I was covering our asses. We’re undercover, remember? We’re supposed to be a couple and couples kiss. Also, I’d thought you know, genius, that kissing and displays of public affection make people extremely uncomfortable.”
“No kidding
 Morgan can never find out about this.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice. You got a deal, pretty boy. This is between us.” 
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lewisvinga · 10 months ago
como no te voy a querer | jude bellingham x alonso! fem! reader
summary; when the princess of the paddock is dating the golden boy of real madrid but she happens to have a grid full of drivers who are very protective of her
fc; rita mota
warnings; cursing i think, suggestive comment
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3
note; saw fernando at the benrabeu at the semifinals and i had to
. BUT WE’RE GOING INTO THE UCL FINALLLL!!! A POR LA 15đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸ€đŸ€ pls don’t mind the misspelt bernabĂ©u in one of the tweets lollll
masterlist !
⋆ ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†
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liked by judebellingham, fernandoalo_official, and others !
yourusername: when in spain
tagged; judebellingham
fernandoalo_official: siempre tan linda, mija😍 [always so pretty, my daughter]
yourusername: papĂĄaaađŸ„čđŸ„č
judebellingham: wowwwww
judebellingham: well aren’t you a lovely lady đŸ„Ž
yourusername: ur fine too i guess
yourusername: jk ur very fine đŸ‘©â€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘šđŸ‘©â€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘šđŸ‘©â€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘š
maxverstappen1: she’s a child.
yourusername: i’m 20????đŸ€š
charles_leclerc: a child.
username: omg her sign for el clásico 😭what a queen tbh
username: y/n đŸ™‡â€â™€ïžđŸ™‡â€â™€ïžđŸ™‡â€â™€ïž
username: jude can u fight? đŸ€”đŸ€”
carlossainz55: pq estabas en españa sola??đŸ€” [why were you in spain alone]
yourusername: because i’m spanish and my bf lives here?đŸ€”
fernandoalo_official: you’re with your boyfriend alone???
yourusername: no edu is always there 🙄
camavinga: đŸ€—đŸ€—
judebellingham: edu😘😘
landonorris: and why are you flirting with someone else when u have a girlfriend 
yourusername: oh like your bromance w carlos doesn’t exist !
username: nah the drivers comments are always so funny😭😭
yourusername: oh it’s torture, can’t even appreciate my sexy bf in peace 🙄
camavinga: OUR sexy bf😘
username: CAMA OH??😭
⋆ ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†
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liked by judebellingham, carmenmmundt, and others !
yourusername: i guess you could say i get my cuntiness from my dad xx
tagged; fernandoalo_official, georgerussell63, carmenmmundt, landonorris, judebellingham
location; miami 🌮
username: not her tagging jude on her lips 😭😭
username: me n who ong
fernandoalo_official: i’m cunty or whatever the hell it is you guys say
yourusername: tea 💅
username: here before simp jude
judebellingham: wow.
judebellingham: just wow.
judebellingham: you are unbelievable 😍😍
yourusername: 💗💗💗💗
landonorris: STAND BACK đŸ€șđŸ€șđŸ€ș
judebellingham: a lot of talking for a man who asked for my jerseyđŸ„±đŸ„±đŸ„±
yourusername: he got you there
landonorris: okay fine
 you win this time

username: the alonsos are so cunty
username: i will never get over her n jude sawrryđŸ˜–đŸ˜«đŸ˜–
maxverstappen1: well you better.
username: HUHHH???😀
charles_leclerc: stinky man around y/n, you’ll get over it
yourusername: you guys are sooooo
judebellingham: max is just mad abt el clásico score 😬😬
maxverstappen1: damn right.
carlossainz55: only time jude is tolerable 😁
yourusername: not very madridista of u carlos
judebellingham: yeah🙄🙄🙄
carlossainz55: y/n protector first sorryđŸ«Ą
carmenmmundt: gorgeous gorgeous girl❀❀
yourusername: ilyđŸ„č
yourusername: also tell george to stop sending jude threats over instagram
georgerussell63: no.
⋆ ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; going back home hungover 😬] [caption 2; morning 💗 judebellingham] [caption 3; date night fit đŸ€ș] [caption 4; mi amor đŸ€đŸ€ judebellingham]
judebellingham wow😍😍😍😍
judebellingham u single ??????
yourusername yeah:/// my bf has another bf:///
judebellingham HES MY BFF!!!!😖😖
yourusername cus why did cama see u in the showers almost naked after signing a new contract
judebellingham like you haven’t seen less🙄🙄
yourusername whyd u say that my dad saw and now’s he’s questioning me😭
yourusername he said why aren’t u preparing for the match 🙄
judebellingham ur dad is scary
judebellingham tell him the match is in 7 hours i still have chill time 🙄🙄
judebellingham DONT mention the rolling eyes emoji he is scary enough
yourusername fernando alonso??? scary??? a menace maybe,,,,đŸ€Ł
yourusername good luck my love 💗 take it easy on the knee though!
judebellingham i’ll try, it’ll be a tough match:/
yourusername papa alonso said good luck too
judebellingham tell him i said tyvm😁😁😁
georgerussell63 why is he shirtless đŸ€š
yourusername you’re one to talk

maxverstappen1 đŸ€źđŸ€ź
yourusername ahhhh u madddddddd
yourusername la liga champion😛😛
maxverstappen1 i have 3 wdcs🙄🙄
yourusername and yet, real madrid won la liga!
maxverstappen1 tap in merchant 😒😒😒

yourusername he scored a banger at el clasico i wouldn’t speak if i were u
maxverstappen1 😒😒😒😒
lewishamilton u should’ve been at the met 🙄
yourusername gf duties calls😞
charles_leclerc why is he around u nakedđŸ€”
yourusername bc he’s my bf????đŸ€š
charles_leclerc why
yourusername bc i love him??
charles_leclerc but why
yourusername bye charles 🙄🙄🙄
charles_leclerc WHYYY
⋆ ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†
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⋆ ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†à­šâ™Ąà­§â‹† ËšïœĄâ‹†
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liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and others !
yourusername: como no te voy a querer?đŸ€đŸ€ [how am i not going to love you?] congratulations on making it to the final, mi amor, te quiero muchođŸ€đŸ€ [my love, i love you so much] and so so proud of you and the squad đŸ«¶đŸ«¶
tagged; judebellingham, vinijr, lukamodric10
judebellingham: my lucky charm
judebellingham: i love you so much
judebellingham: te quiero 😍
yourusername: when he speaks spanish for youđŸ„ŽđŸ„ŽđŸ„Ž
fernandoalo_official: so that’s why i can hear y/n giggling

username: jude speaking in spanish for y/n, this is so sick
username: ME AND WHOđŸ˜©đŸ˜©
username: thank u y/n for blessing us w jude đŸ§Žâ€â™€ïžđŸ§Žâ€â™€ïž
username: can’t believe joselu scored a brace 😭
username: we gonna get a bellingol soon #trust
carlossainz55: A POR LA 15😍😍 hala madridđŸ€
yourusername: now u wanna act fine w jude 🙄
carlossainz55: WHO CARES WE’RE IN THE FINAL!!!
maxverstappen1: I CARE!!! heja bvb or however it goes!!🙄🙄
oscarpiastri: you gotta respect max for keeping up the hater act icl
judebellingham: he sure hates a lot for someone who lost his win streak
maxverstappen1: hey watch it

carlossainz55: can we get back to the fact real madrid is in the ucl final???đŸ€đŸŽ‰đŸŽ‰
judebellingham: yes😁
yourusername: HALA MADRID NUESTO MOTM !!! [our motm/man of the match]
fernandoalo_official: good game, jude👍
judebellingham: omg thank you so much, sir! it means a lot!😊
camavinga: who are you and what did you to do my jude
aurelientchm: that’s not judeâ€ŠđŸ€Ł
rodrygogoes: ‘😊’
yourusername: well, he’s MY jude and he’s just scared of my dad🙄🙄
charles_leclerc: good.
landonorris: good.
lewishamilton: good.
maxverstappen1: good.
georgerussell63: good.
alex_albon: good.
judebellingham: oh! 😀
yourusername: don’t mind them🙄
3K notes · View notes
joelsbloodyhands · 5 months ago
Din Djarin x Reader, The Mandalorian x Reader
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Summary: Your employer is pissed when you come back from getting information about a bounty with a bruised hand mark around your neck.
A/N: I kinda just wrote this one because I had a vague idea and ran with it. I think everyone is going to learn very quickly in my writing that clearly jealous/overprotective Din is my fave version of him 🙈
Warnings: reader gets choked and not in the nice way (only talks about it), overprotective Din, Din is your employer but clearly wants to be more, death and m!rder (all in the name of love) đŸ€—, mentions of blood and bodily harm, mentions of slave traders, fluff with a little bit of spice✹, soft!Din but also a little bit reckless!Din 👀 smut references but not written too explicitly but still MINORS DNI, business associates to lovers arc? 😅 not set at any particular point during the series.
READER does not have a specified gender, they/them pronouns used. Reader does not have a visible disability.
You’d been gone too long and Din was getting anxious.
This hadn’t been his original plan.
The contact for information regarding the bounty had unfortunately been highlighted as a previous foe of his. He’d busted them prior when their bounty puck had fell in his lap over a cycle ago.
Trust Karga to let the man redeem himself by providing intel on high-level bounties with the incentive of remaining out of the hands of the Rebellion that for some reason unbeknownst to Din, wanted his head on a stick.
Why had Din let you go and barter for the information again?
“He won’t suspect me to be a threat.”
Oh right, yeah. That’s what you said.
Except Din was probably worrying about the wrong thing because the biggest threat would be the ex-criminal you were meeting with at Mos Espa Cantina.
“Go say hi to Boba for me. Get the boy fed and I’ll be back soon.”
Din was losing his edge.
On what kriffin planet did he give in to such a request?
You were in danger and he knew it.
He knew it and he still sat in the markets with Grogu, twirling wupiupi coins in his fingers for the past half hour while his son slurped another bowl of pog soup.
Well, that was easy.
Since the past year you had been travelling with him, Din had grown to have affections for you.
To start he kept you at arms length.
Brief answers to your curious questions turned into nightly talks between your bunks. Subtle touches to guide you through busy and sometimes treacherous places turned into lingering holds in his grasp, fear of losing you to the crowds. He found himself watching you far longer than he ever had before and during times when he didn’t necessarily need to. The sound of you using the fresher while he tucked in his little green son had his heart pounding and a certain area of his armor feeling a little bit too uncomfortable.
He grew more and more protective the further you strayed without him.
He no longer wished for you to venture into dens alone to ask for information on his behalf but he couldn’t deny that you were good at it.
Better than him.
You were calm and collected.
You had a level head.
Something that he could very easily lose control over should Grogu and yourself be threatened by a contact. Though it was the one thing you had learned you could assert yourself over since Din’s change of heart.
You had a job that needed to be done and you were the best person for it.
So Din caved far quicker than he normally would with allowing you to go the cantinas and talk about bounties, pay and information. It sped up the process for Din to track them and also meant he didn’t have to deal with the unwanted chit chat that came with meeting up with Karga.
Something you enjoyed. Something that had Din’s palms itching whenever Karga took your hand to help you stand from the booth, Din’s clenched fist aching to wipe the smug look of his face when he turned back in his direction.
“I like her, Mando. She’s good at getting what she wants.”
He knew you were.
Din wasn’t sure if he was included on the list of things you wanted but you sure as hell were on his.
There was times he had a inkling.
Especially when he was feeding the kid and he caught you looking away when his eyes found you scraping away at your lunch.
Times when you would grab his hand without hesitation and pull him through midnight markets towards the sights of fireworks. Din’s heart warming at the wide smile plastered across your face, the powdery shades of red, blue and green lighting up in your eyes from the sky.
Damn, he was down bad and he had no idea what to do about it.
Technically, he was your employer.
Juggling Grogu and his job was a difficulty. Most of the time he was happy to venture out with Grogu in his carrier or pod but his bounties got, let’s say, brave in their efforts to deter him. Going so far as to aim shots towards the child. They learned his weakness and Din hated it.
So with much reluctance to start, he asked Peli if she would be interested in babysitting him for a price but of course she refused; even with the money on the table.
“Not a chance but I know just the person for the job.”
He had slid the money off the table and walked back to the ship without another word until she scrambled after him.
“Hey, hey, hey! Just hear me out, okay?” Din had sighed, turning back to her from the top of the ramp while she stood hands on her hips and a smile growing. “There’s this kid that needs a job. Call ‘em a distant relative, if you will. They’re desperate. Need money, board, food, water and they’ll make sure your little boy is taken good care of. I swear!”
“Have they taken care of children before?” Din asked inquisitively but also with a half mind to ignore Peli completely and close the ramp in response to her proposal.
“Yeah! Loads of times! They’re a professional!”
Din doubted that very much. He knew Peli’s tactics for selling him an offer and he couldn’t deny that she was good at it.
Fine, he’ll bite. Again.
“Call them.”
He just remembers Peli’s grin, your soft voice on the end of a comlink and then a speeder sounding just outside.
She had presented you to him like a rare gift and he was less than happy to receive you at the time but more than a few rotations later, you had thrown yourself in front of a bounty that had tried to commandeer his ship, their blaster aimed for Grogu in his bunk, taking a graze to the side before Din shot him dead.
You were willing to die to protect his son.
That was more than he could’ve ever asked for.
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Later when Din was back at the Crest, you returned.
He had spent the past hours pacing up and down the ramp like a mad man.
Originally, he had planned to detour from the markets with Grogu over to the cantina but you had used your comlink to tell him you were already near the ship.
That was interesting because Din got back to the ship and you weren’t even here.
Which begs the question, why did you lie that you were already nearby?
Maybe he was being paranoid. His fists clenching and unclenching repeatedly, stressing about your whereabouts and the obvious reason as to why he was so stressed to begin with.
So when he’d heard your footsteps up the ramp, your voice calling for Grogu, you were both surprised to see the other staring back.
“Where have you been?” Din questioned gently but you sensed an underlining annoyance to his tone.
“I detoured, sorry,” you sheepishly smiled, holding up a bag of frog meat. “I saw a vendor selling this and I knew Grogu would be happy about it. Not to mention,” you brush past him, eyes focused solely on the sleeping child snuggling into his hammock on Din’s bunk, “it would be nice to see him not eat a whole frog for once.”
You laugh and it eases Din.
Of course he was just being paranoid.
“And the contact?” He says and you remain with your back to him, reaching your hand in carefully to tug the blanket over Grogu’s body. “He give us what we need?”
“He did,” you respond and Din satisfied, presses the button to bring up the ramp and close the hatch. The sound of it whirring so loud, in need of some oiling so much so that you had probably thought he missed your quiet words.
“What was that?” His helmet turns your way when the hatch closes with a loud creak.
“I said, somewhat.”
Okay, maybe he wasn’t being paranoid after all.
Din feels his nerves wash over him, noticing how you’re not even turning around as you address him. He takes you in. You don’t seem discomforted, angry or emotional. You’re incredibly calm.
Though that was worrying.
Normally, you came back from having debriefs with the informants with a story to tell.
“It was quite scary actually. They had this wookie with them but then you’ll never believe this guy! Stood there, blaster in hand, immense glare in his face, goes and shoves a fist in his satchel, I’m ready to throw hands and I shit you not, Din
wookie pulls out a cookie and starts crunching away at it!”
“Have you ever met a Gungan, Din? I think they’re my favourite people I’ve ever met. I mean they were all like, yousa follow us now, okeyday? Seriously! Oh gooberfish! I love them!”
“What do you mean by somewhat?”
You sigh.
This wasn’t good.
“I’m sorry, Din. They gave us the last location. I think that’s the most important thing.”
“What about if they’re solo or run with a crew? We need to know what we’re walking into, otherwise we could get bombarded the moment we land.”
This wasn’t a simple bounty. This guy was one of the worst out there.
A slave trader.
It angered Din to even think about it.
“Something happened,” he doesn’t let you tip-toe around the subject. “What are you not telling me?”
You fall silent and that’s enough for him.
Something did happen and what’s worse, you don’t want to tell him.
He moves towards you and you turn on your heel, ready to protest. Din had only meant to just embrace your shoulder gently to ease you into a conversation he thought you needed to have but the slightest wince had him drawing back almost immediately.
With his steps halted in front of you, the air cold, the crest filled with silence, Din’s visor drops instinctively to your neck.
Was it getting cool? Sure, when it was getting late. Though right now, it was still early afternoon and you never wore a scarf in Mos Espa outside the settlement and in the dunes.
“Did he touch you?”
Din has to bite back the growl threatening to crackle through his modulator.
Your head drops, eyes on the floor and the look of regret on your features make Din pray to the Maker that he’ll kill the man just for the expression on your face.
Then you unravel the scarf and Din wastes no time.
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His hand had pulled your collar back gently, his shoulders stiffening at the purpled marks there.
You grimaced before trying for a smile but he sees the way your eyes plead with his, “Before you ask, it looks worse than it feels. I’m fine, Din. Let’s just go.”
He remembers you calling his name after that.
Only once because you knew as you watched him brush past you, grabbing two vibroblades from his armoury and charging down the steps towards the town, that there was nothing you could say to stop him.
And you were right because less than five minutes later, Din’s blades were impaled on the informants hands, stapling him indefinitely to the table at the cantina while onlookers ran completely, hid or dropped their heads from his view.
Then his gloved hands were on his throat, squeezing the life out of him.
An eye for an eye.
You hadn’t explained why the man had strangled you and it was pointless anyway.
He had no right to touch you.
To hell with Karga.
He’d lose an informant but that informant chose to fuck with what was his and that was worth more than any information.
When Din felt the life leave him, he dropped a number of credits to the table, looked up at the barman and walked away. His last words being, “you can keep those,” shrugging his shoulder towards the blades on the way out.
Now back at the ship, you sit rigidly on the bunk while Din gently swipes a lotion of bacta over your wound with a cotton wipe.
“I shouldn’t have let you go.”
Your eyes flicker to his visor and you know he’s evading your gaze.
You sigh and for a moment, he think you’re not going to reply until your hands gently take his, stopping him from tending to you.
He lifts his visor then, meeting your concerned eyes, your fingers intertwined with his on your lap.
“I can handle myself. You know that, right?”
Oh. So that’s what this was?
You were worried he thought you incompetent to end up in this circumstance?
Of course you would think that. He’s your employer. You only want to deliver good work for him.
That’s not all this is anymore though and Din can’t pretend and let you go on feeling like a failure especially with the tears dancing on your waterlines.
“You are very capable, mesh’la but-“ Din sighs.
How can he even begin to explain to you that he’s more angry at himself for not protecting you like he’s supposed to?
Kriff, you’re not even a bounty hunter. Trained to use a blaster as a novice, he noticed how you flinched whenever you’ve had to pull the trigger on his behalf. You’re at your calmest when you’re rocking the small boy before bed, singing lullabies to him in a hushed tone probably so Din couldn’t hear. You had no idea that he stood just above the ladder to the cockpit and listened.
You were ethereal and he couldn’t get enough of you.
That’s why it made his hands shake to even think that anyone would harm you.
He’s so caught up in his own thoughts, he misses the way your eyes widen at the term of endearment he let slip and the quick gesture as you shake yourself from how affected you are by it.
“I just
” you break through his racing thoughts, his eyes latching onto your dipped chin, eyes shadowed in the corner of the docking port, just outside his bunk. You look solemn but rather than feel dread, Din’s heart stills when he notices the flush of pink across your features.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d say you were nervous.
“I just want to be able to do more for you.”
The words play on a loop, almost like they’re colliding against the inside of Din’s helmet, repeatedly soaring through his ears again and again.
“I want to be more useful for you. Ya know?”
Useful? You think you’re not already useful?
“Sometimes I just feel like I have more to offer. I know you brought me in to be a babysitter but I can be more than that. For you.”
Was the carbonite freezing system failing or was it getting hotter in the crest?
Din felt like he needed to tug the shroud off from around his neck. The air was suffocating.
“Please say something?” Your small voice says quietly.
“You are more to me than you will ever understand, cya’rika.”
Your eyes meet his then.
Well, his visor at least and Din curses his creed for having him hide his face at a time when he wants- no needs you to see how much he means what he says.
You’re silent but the increasing rouge of your cheeks is enough to see that you understand him and that perhaps there was some truth in his suspicions.
You felt for him just as much as he felt for you.
And just like that, his eyes roll back momentarily hearing his name leave your tongue like a pleading prayer.
He couldn’t pretend like you weren’t affecting him too.
He needed you to know.
“Get in the bunk, ner kar’ta.”
Your body stills a moment in surprise and you don’t move.
Maybe he misjudged or maybe he’s being too forward but then you stand and without taking your eyes away from him, you seat yourself on the side of his bunk.
Waiting for him.
Waiting for further instruction just like you’ve been doing ever since you walked onto his ship.
One thing he realised he misjudged.
All those times you obeyed every command, it was never out of the need for his money.
You never questioned him, never refused an order but with Din and the matter of Grogu’s safety, it was never a request and that’s all it was to start.
It was just a matter of his sons safety until he realised he loved you too.
Din stands and steps in front of you, you look up at him as he tugs the shroud from around his neck loose.
He notices how your eyes drop to his waist, evading the reveal of his tanned skin while you’re positioned below him. He wraps the material a couple of times before placing the fabric over your eyes.
You don’t move.
You don’t flinch.
You just allow him to remove one of your senses, leaving nothing but darkness over your sight. His heart aches at the trust you have in him, allowing him to render you vulnerable before him.
He ties it behind your head, making sure it’s not too tight as to hurt you.
He’s not the same type of man as the monster from earlier today.
His fingers itch at the memory and he shrugs his gloves off, setting his bare fingers against the cold metal of his helmet.
You await patiently and he watches as you jerk your head slightly at the familiar sound of his helmet releasing.
The sound you’ve only ever heard from a nearby room, hiding away from him when you brought him supper.
You await patiently while Din removes each piece of armor, setting it aside.
Then there’s just silence.
Until you hear his knees hit the ground in front of you and a warm breath hits your neck, a shudder running up your spine.
“Is it okay if I show you something?”
His whispers hit your ear drum in the most delightful way.
You nod dreamily.
Then you feel rough, warm lips graze your neck.
If heaven was travelling at light-speed through space, it was right here and now with Din’s lips travelling along your jawline, mapping out the path to seal against your lips. He tugs gently, coaxing you out of the shy shell you had created when you realised the butterflies he made you feel when you first met had more to do with how attracted you were to him than to how intimidating most people found him.
Every step he took on each planet you travelled, Din carried a powerful aura that most people cowered away from but it only drew you to him more.
You knew Din was strong.
You knew not many could beat him in a fight, yourself included but that was the whole point.
Din would never abuse his strength over you.
Though, you wish he would, in special circumstances.
Like right now.
“How do you feel, cya’re?” Din inquires breathlessly, lips pressing soft kisses down your throat while you bite back the urge to be vocal.
“I wish we’d done this sooner,” you say uneasily, your hands gripping the bunk below you.
Din’s chuckle hits your ear, reverberating against your ear drum exquistively.
“Din?” He hears your voice rattle with every nestle of his lips stroking over your skin.
“Yes, mesh’la?” He raises his head, lips brushing the underside of your jaw, watching your lips turn up into a small smirk. Though you couldn’t see his expression returning yours, his adoring smile awaited your next words patiently.
“You killed him, didn’t you?”
You feel a thumb smooth over your bottom lip.
“He deserved it,” you shake your head slightly, fighting away an amused smile on your lips that he quickly wipes away, replacing with an expression of longing when his lips meet your ear.
“You’re mine.”
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ariesangelxo · 9 months ago
okay so i was thinking something like rafe always gives like reader butt pats and she’s gotten used to it so much that she can’t go a day without it. so one day rafe doesn’t do it and she automatically thinks he’s mad at her but rafes not he just does the but pats without thinking. so then their whole day goes along with them fighting abt small things till rafe asks her what’s wrong and they make upđŸ€—
rafe cameron x fem reader
minors & ageless blogs dni
cw: a bit of angst, a lil bit of comfort in the end. some suggestive content, spanking, reader is an overthinker, reader also isn’t good about talking abt her feelings
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long! i hope i did this justice <33
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being by rafe’s side was ninety percent of your daily routine. he’d asked you to move into tannyhill not long after ward passed, and being his loving girlfriend that doted on his every step, you did.
you couldn’t have been happier to spend nearly all of your time with him. rafe treated you like a princess. despite his rough reputation around outerbanks, you knew him to be the most loving man you’d ever met.
he could tell when you were upset, the small tells of you avoiding eye contact and biting down on your bottom lip made it obvious to him when you needed him most. he was usually able to get you back to your sweet and happy self with just focusing his attention on you. his touch, his voice, his presence, it comforted you in ways nothing else could.
rafe always gave you small pats on your ass throughout the day. it was something you’d grown accustomed to and you adored it. it was one of those little things he did that unknowingly made your heart swell. his casual dominance allowed you to turn your brain off, every thought in your pretty head revolved around him.
today, however, had been a bit different. it started with him not giving you the normal pat when you got out of bed this morning. you didn’t think too much of it, figuring he was probably concerned with work-related emails on his phone.
then it was the lack of attention while you made him breakfast. you enjoyed your small housewife-like duties. rafe walked into the kitchen, leaning his back against the granite countertop. but when he didn’t come up behind you and place a sweet kiss against your neck while aggressively claiming your ass as his, a slight pout formed on your lips. rafe was too engrossed in his phone to notice it though.
when you put a plate of food in front of him, he barely looked up to give you a half smile. you quickly went back to busying yourself in the kitchen, trying to keep your mind away from the anxious thoughts beginning to swirl around.
much to your dismay, washing the dishes wasn’t helping. did you do something wrong? could you have said something last night that, unintentionally of course, upset him? were you being too clingy? was it really just work?
you let out a deep sigh as you finished drying off a frying pan. “you okay?” rafe called out to you.
you turned to look at him, placing a small smile on your face that was definitely not genuine. “yeah, ‘m fine.”
he didn’t look satisfied with your answer, but he didn’t push any further. you didn’t want to share any of your current thoughts. if it was really only him being stressed with the business, you would feel bad for assuming otherwise. you didn’t want to overthink small things, but it was one of your unhealthy habits.
shortly after eating and cleaning up, you were upstairs in your shared room getting ready to go to the country club with rafe. he’d made plans a few days ago to go golfing with topper and kelce, naturally, you were going. rafe brought you with him almost everywhere.
you put on a short white tennis skirt, one that you knew drove him wild, along with a tight pink tank top. as you finished applying your layer of lip gloss, you looked yourself over in the mirror. there was no way rafe could resist giving you a firm slap on the ass when it looked so good in the tiny skirt.
“c’mon, kid. don’t have all day here.” he called out from the bottom of the stairs.
“‘m coming,” you responded, grabbing your small pink purse and heading down.
you walked out of the bedroom with a big smile on your face, nearly skipping down the hall. once you got to the top of the stairs, rafe looked up, giving you a quick smirk.
he held the door open for you on the way out of the house, and of course as you got into his truck, but still hadn’t given you a single pat today. you were genuinely beginning to grow concerned at this point. you could brush off not getting them when you got out of bed or while making breakfast, but when he didn’t give you one while you walked out of the front door, swaying your hips, or stepping up into his truck, purposely bending over so your mini skirt rode up? that was extremely unusual.
you buckled yourself in, leaning your knees closer to the door than him and stared out the window.
“you have an attitude?” he questioned you, his tone having a bit of edge to it.
“nope,” you replied, popping the ‘p’, “‘m fine.”
you glanced over just in time to see rafe rolling his eyes. he didn’t verbally say anything, but his actions spoke loud enough for you.
you crossed your arms, childishly leaning further into the door to put what distance you could between the two of you. rafe let out a sigh, but still didn’t say anything.
the short drive to the country club was filled with tension. it was uncomfortably silent, neither of you speaking a word to each other.
rafe stepped out of the truck when you arrived, slamming his door shut a bit harder than usual. he still came to your side though, opening up the door for you to step out. he once again didn’t offer any touch to you. your heart sank, you truly didn’t know what was going on.
he grabbed his clubs from the back, walking ahead of you to go meet topper and kelce on the course. you followed behind, slow and stubbornly, your arms crossed and your brow furrowed with a pout on your lips.
you sat in the passenger seat, legs and arms crossed as your manicured nails tapped against your bicep in an irritated manner. you looked cranky, and you knew it based on the looks topper and kelce gave rafe when you initially followed behind him. you usually wore a bright smile and clung to rafe’s side, excitedly greeting the boys.
“what’s goin’ on with her?” you heard topper ask rafe. he attempted to keep his volume low so you wouldn’t hear, but with his naturally loud voice, he failed miserably.
your eyebrow quirked up. you were curious to hear rafe’s response.
“no fuckin’ clue.” rafe grumbled out, trying to focus on his swing. you rolled your eyes, it was his fault you were in a bad mood. he’s the one that’s been neglecting you since you woke up.
topper glanced over at you, letting out a slight laugh at your pouting. rafe’s eyes followed, he pinched his nose in annoyance.
he walked up to the cart where you were sitting, crossing his arms as he looked down at you.
“okay, kid. what’s goin’ on? why are you pouting?”
you let a small scoff out, furrowing your brows, “don’t act so interested now just because your friends noticed.”
rafe was taken aback at your tone. you never spoke to him with an attitude like that. his eyes narrowed, looking at you in a way that made you feel minuscule.
“you can lose that little attitude you’ve got goin’ on, now.” his voice was stern, dripping with annoyance. you wanted to disappear, you were so frustrated that he didn’t understand he was the reason for your attitude.
you looked away from him, pulling your sunglasses over your eyes as you said nothing and stared forward, not particularly focusing on anything.
rafe muttered a “whatever.” before walking back to where topper and kelce were.
you did feel bad for having an attitude, but the way you felt like you were being rejected by him made you want to shut down. it made you want to disappear from the face of the earth for a while. you felt embarrassed, upset, and now overwhelmed with your brain going into overthinking.
you didn’t say a word to any of the men as they played through the course. not even when rafe would get into the drivers seat and bring you two to the next hole.
you instead spent that time biting down harshly on the inside of your lip, fighting to keep the tears of frustration from falling past your eyes. you tried to focus on literally anything else, but the constant noise of thoughts swirling through your brain made it impossible.
they’d wrapped up the last hole. you heard rafe saying something about possibly meeting them around the country club after for lunch.
you refused to look up at him, even when he started heading your way. you missed the way he wore a half smirk as he looked at your pouting figure. he knew you were upset about something, but you weren’t great about vocalizing your feelings.
“d’you want to go back to the restaurant for lunch?”
“don’t care,” you muttered out, looking down at your nails as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
“well, your options are either that or we can go home. your choice, kid.” he wasn’t feeding into your baiting tone, and that just irritated you further.
“said i don’t care, rafe.”
“s’okay. we can go home and you can take a nap, because you clearly need one.” he rounded the golf cart, hopping into the driver’s seat as he brought you back to the entrance.
you got out before he could, beginning to storm your way to his truck.
“hey! slow the fuck down. you know you don’t walk into a busy ass parking lot without me.” he called out to you.
you halted, but didn’t turn around to acknowledge him. you mumbled an “okay, asshole.” under your breath, not thinking he’d hear.
boy, were you wrong. it took a matter of seconds for rafe to be in front of you, one of his large hands squishing your cheeks as he moved jaw up to look at him, “wanna say that again, princess?” he said challengingly.
you didn’t respond. wrong answer. his nostrils flared as he squinted at you. he gripped your wrist, harshly dragging you to where the truck was parked. he brought you around to the passenger door where it blocked onlookers from the country club from seeing you.
“i don’t know what the fuck’s goin’ on with you today. but i will not put up with this shit in front of others. you know i- i have a reputation to uphold here, right? you think it looks good on me for others to see my girl being a bitch towards me, huh?”
your lip wobbled as tears began to fill your eyes. you wanted to look away, to look anywhere besides his mean stare, but his rough hand on your face wouldn’t allow it.
“no!” you cried out, “just- just wanted your affection. dunno why you’re mad at me.” you whimpered out, tears beginning to cascade down your cheeks.
“kid. why do you think i’m mad at you?” he quirked an eyebrow inquisitively.
“b-because you haven’t given me a single pat today! ‘nd you give me them everyday!”
he closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale to calm himself.
“you think i’m mad at you because i haven’t smacked your ass today?”
when he said it like that, it sounded stupid. but it felt like so much more than that to you.
he rolled his eyes, using his hands to wipe away the tears on your face. he made sure you were looking at him, “sweetheart, ‘m not mad at you. i’ve been busy with some clients that aren’t following through on their payments today.”
you looked at him hopefully, hiccuping as you brought your hands up on his.
“do you pinky promise you’re not mad at me?” you asked him softly, holding out one of your pinkies.
“pinky promise. but you’re not gonna be able to sit tomorrow with the spanking you’re getting when we get home.” he reached out his pinky, stifling back a smirk as he intertwined them.
“m’kay!” you responded happily, the tears stopping and a smile appearing on your face.
he opened up the passenger door, holding his hand out to help you get in before he gave your bottom a firm pat and buckled you in.
he chuckled to himself as he rounded the truck, “all that attitude because she didn’t get her ass smacked, huh?”
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months ago
isha being non verbal it's so important to me because i also go non verbal sometimes and i can spent days like that so i got a request about it đŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
so, despite trying to learn sign language, i got some kind of made up sing language that i use to communicate with my sister and my parents, it's not the most pratical but they understand me so it's fine
i was thinking about reader that sometimes goes non verbal, an then her and isha made up a secret sing language that only them can understand and sometimes sevika it's being grumpy or jinx more annoying than usual and they use it to talk shit about them, at first sevika and jinx don't notice it but at some point they start to get at the fact they can't understand those sign and be like "hey whats happening here"
or maybe just something about sev and a non verbal reader, anything it's fine đŸ€—
this is just so sweet omg okay
men and minors dni
there are a lot of adjustments you have to make in your life when jinx and isha come tumbling into it.
for one thing, any semblance of privacy you and sevika once had is out the window. neither isha or jinx find the need to knock, no matter how much you beg them to.
never in your life did you think you'd be making a category in your monthly budget for toys-- but here you are.
adjusting to jinx's picky eating habits (mostly her refusal to eat anything that isn't spicy enough to kill an infant) has been a challenge, but over time you've managed to find several dishes that get her veggies in her.
but, luckily, you never had to adjust to isha's muteness.
you go mute sometimes. sevika's known this about you since you first started dating, and when she moved you into her home a few years down the road, she started taking sign language classes, just so she could communicate with you on your mute days.
it's the nicest, sweetest thing anyone's ever done for you. and now it's paying off doubly, because you and sevika get to teach your girls the language.
jinx, surprisingly, is the most excited about it. she's always asking you or sevika to teach her how to sign something, and for the longest time you just think it's another thing the girl's freakishly good at.
but then, one night, you walk by the girls' room and catch them whispering under jinx's covers, a flashlight illuminating their silhouettes as jinx gently walks isha through the new signs she learnt from sevika earlier in the evening.
at the time, isha had rolled her eyes and gotten frustrated, her little fingers not able to keep up with sevika's; and she ran away from the dinner table to color in the living room.
and now, here's jinx, taking the time to gently, slowly work her little sister through the motions, encouraging her with soft cheers and claps. isha lets out an excited little giggle, and you hear a loud, wet smooch ring out from under the covers. "you're doin' it kid!"
your heart clenches, and you sprint back to your bedroom to tell sevika about the adorable sight you'd just walked in on.
over time, with you and sevika's teachings and jinx's special encouragement, isha starts to sign more and more.
it's great. you get a better understanding of isha's personality now that she can communicate with you, and you're always shocked by the little girl's humor. she makes you laugh so much you've been going to bed with sore abs almost every day.
best of all though, are the days when both you and isha are mute and signing all day. it usually ends with the two of you coming up with some secret codes-- mostly born out of mistakes, some born out of jokes about your speaking family.
it leads to the two of you having your own little language.
when sevika's acting particularly grumpy, or hungry, or protective-- you or isha will catch each other's eyes and quickly sign a single word. 'bear'
when jinx is locked in on an invention even isha can't understand, answering isha's questions with single word sentences, scratching her head and humming to herself as she scribbles on her notebooks; isha will come find you and sadly sign 'jinx went monkey mode.' you'll just giggle and find something to do with the girl to keep her entertained as jinx works.
sometimes, isha will flash you a special waggle of her fingers-- something only the two of you know. it's her request for attention, a way for her to ask for a hug or some cuddles. it always makes something special burst inside you, and you're quick to wrap the girl up in your arms.
when isha gets tired of signing, her mind tired from communicating all day, you'll check in on her and she'll give you a gentle little flick of her hand-- her way of saying she's done talking for the day. you've started using the little sign on your own, when talking gets too overwhelming, you'll use it to tell your family that you want to sign.
so, some of you and isha's private language leaks out into your whole family's use. but, most of it stays special between the two of you.
...until you get caught.
sevika's practically hanging off of you as you make dinner, nuzzling against your throat and taking deep breaths of your scent; when isha comes running into the kitchen, singing for help to tie her apron.
you chuckle, pulling her up onto the counter in front of you and wrapping the ties of her apron around her waist, tying them into a little bow and giving her a kiss.
what's wrong with big mama? she asks, reaching out to tug a strand of sevika's hair. you chuckle, and sevika grunts, stirring on your shoulder.
bear. you sign back.
isha giggles and sevika grunts against you.
"what'd you just call me?" she asks. you freeze, and isha bursts into nervous laughter.
"nothin'." you say. sevika nips your throat and you squeak. "ah! nothing!" you squeal.
"you called me a bear?" she asks.
isha bursts into breathy giggles, her feet kicking with excitement as sevika slowly pulls away to glare at you.
"no?" you squeak.
sevika grunts, and then she flings you in the air.
isha bursts into squeals and you curse, scrambling to hold onto sevika as she tosses you around.
"i'll show you a bear!" she growls, grinning at the sound of isha's laughs. you can't stop screaming and laughing, and when sevika finally sets you down, she turns to isha with a glower. "you think im a bear?"
isha's cackling and shaking her head no, squirming as sevika reaches forward to start tossing her around.
you watch with glee as you wife throws you screaming, squealing kid in the air, both of them laughing between sevika's attempts at bear noises.
jinx stumbles in with a confused look, until she sees the way isha's laughing. she ducks under your arm, leaning against you.
"what happened here?" she asks. you snort.
"sevika figured out some of our secret language."
jinx chuckles. "how you guys call her a bear?"
"you knew!?"
"you aren't subtle." she says with a giggle as isha starts to karate chop sevika's back and shoulders. "i know about you two callin' me a monkey too." she huffs.
you cackle and kiss her forehead. "that was isha's nickname."
"figures. little shit." jinx says fondly.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@kissyslut @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @my-taintedheart
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @annesunshiner
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
@lavandasz @strawberrykidneystone @sevikasfan @fict1onallyobsessed
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rookienando · 4 months ago
our secret moments | 𝓯. đ“Șđ“”đ“žđ“·đ“Œđ“ž
pairing: fernando alonso x f!actress!reader, socmed!au
synopsis: you and fernando's rumored relationship isn't really a rumor at all. pt. ii
a/n: nando needs more fics on this app. also, i just KNOW my pinterest feed will be filled with rich couple things and yachts bc i was so picky with the pics😭
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Liked by carmenmmundt, fernandoalo_official, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername i'll take any excuse to go back to monaco. thanks for having me, @/astonmartinf1 💞
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username omggg, i didn't know y/n was an f1 fan
username she's not tho? all of these celebs are just here bc f1's more popular now
username lmao what are you talking abt?💀 she's been a fan since forever
username proof?
username google is free
username i see nando in her likes👀
username duh??😭 she was literally invited by aston martin
username pls even her past posts were liked by him
username y'all are delulu af
astonmartinf1 we were so happy to have you in the paddock today
yourusername any chance i'll be back there again?â˜ș
astonmartinf1 of course, entire crew loved youđŸ€—
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Liked by carlossainz55, francolapinto, yourusername and others
fernandoalo_official Love spending the summer break on the seađŸŒŠâ›”ïž
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username someone cooked and i'm 90% sure it isn't the pr team
username who then?
username they prolly think it's y/n but be fr
username the last picđŸ„”đŸ”„
username forrealll
username man's supposed to be on break but he's already prepping for the next race😭
username omg is that y/n on the other jetski in the second pic???
username y'all need to stop being so crazy
username no wait, look at y/n's ig
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Liked by fernandoalo_official, charles_leclerc, lilymhe and others
yourusername two weeks of this before filming starts 🌊
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username i'm officially joining the fernandoy/n train bc what the hell this can't be a coincidence
username and they've been consistently liking each other's posts too😭
username ugh that swimsuit looks sooo good on her i'm in love😍
username you're not the only one in love
username unless they actually confirm it, i'm not believing anything
yourcostar so gorgeous! can't wait to see you đŸ€©
yourusername liked this comment
yourusername can't wait to see you too, bbg!!
username i'm soo excited for the next season
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Liked by fernandoalo_official, georgerussell63, and others
yourprivateaccount just me, the sea, and my love ❀
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carmenmmundt you look so lovely togetherđŸ«¶
yourprivateaccount liked this comment
yourprivateaccount we should def plan a couples trip one day, carm!
carmenmmundt yes please!
georgerussell63 wait what?
fernandoalo_official i see enough of george already
fernandoalo_official I can't wait to see you again, mi corazĂłn ❀
yourprivateaccount liked this comment
yourprivateaccount me too. i miss you already, nando ❀
landonorris get a room
yourprivateaccount stfu or i'll make nando gift you coal for this year's secret santa
fernandoalo_official You give me reasons to love you more and more
landonorris it's actually hilarious how the internet is going crazy over whether or not you're together
yourprivateaccount we love being a menace to societyđŸ„°
oscarpiastri a fan came up to me the other day and actually asked me if you two are together or not
yourprivateaccount omg osc i'm so sorry😭
fernandoalo_official posted a story!
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Liked by fernandoalo_official, carmenmmundt, yourcostar and others
yourusername just lace sleeves and roses in the dressing room
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betterthanyalls · 4 months ago
hey betty wetty bo confetti
How’s about Ares x Reader in which she’s the daughter of Odysseus and and and she’s defending Telemachus & Penelope from the suitors and after getting into a fight with Antinous or however u spell his name, she meets Ares somehow?
Okay love ya đŸ€©đŸ€—
that nickname concerns me BUT HIIIII so ion know how good this is :sobs: , i made it in the span of like 2-3 hours from a burst of motivation. HERE YOU GO TAKE THIS AS A LATE BIRTHDAY PRESENT
Warrior's Blood
Ares x Reader
EPIC: The Musical ~ Oneshot ~ Action
Words: 1.4K
Published: 11-3-2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A loud belch sounded from the palace’s dining hall, followed by boisterous laughter and unorganized yells. The princess of Ithaca glared down the hallway while she stalked past the dining hall to her destination of the training grounds. “Men,” a loud voice called, the speaker standing up on a wooden bench, “we have been waiting for the throne for far too long. Can’t you see we are being played?”
Y/n slowed her pace, taking a peek into the crowded room to see the one suitor she hates the most speaking. Antinous. 
“I say, we take the throne. That boyish prince and his sister only stand in our way to the queen. Once we are rid of them, we shall have full access to the crown." Cheers and yells followed quickly. The onlooking royalty sneered in disgust. Normally, Y/n would only walk away and tell her mother about the new plan, but something inside her felt different—an urge to fight, a need for conflict. 
Taking a step into the light of the hall, Y/n cleared her throat.
“What would my mother think of this? Threatening to kill both of her children and then seizing her by force?" Y/n had to keep from gagging, not only at the idea of their threat but also the horrid stench of the room. 
Antinous turned to the princess with a look of pure murder and flame.
“Well, if it isn’t the weak girl. If you speak even a word of our plan, I will rip you limb from limb so you can meet your father in the underworld,” he stalked towards the younger girl with a vicious grin. “Now that I’ve thought about it, how about we begin that plan now? Starting with you.”
Y/n was wise enough to duck down, blocking an oncoming punch, only to be nailed in the gut with his knee. Falling to the ground with a sharp gasp, she was pulled to her feet by her hair. “Come on, girlie. You had the strength before to challenge me; where is it now? You’re as weak as your father.”
Staggering and getting out of his grasp, she pulled up a loose fighting position. The princess narrowed her eyes at Antinous’ insults while taking steps back to match his steps forward. Y/n tried to find some sort of strategy to take him down, like how Telemachus taught her. Her brother would always say to fight with wisdom, but there was no wisdom anywhere near this fight. Strategy only works if your opponent has strategy too. Antinous was anything but a planned fighter. 
So with her next best option, Y/n grabbed a nearby vase and chucked it at her rival's head. She missed, making Antinous even more angry. With a yell, a foot made contact with her stomach, throwing the princess to the floor and her head hitting a pillar. Pain shot through her entire body as she struggled to regain her breath. 
‘So, I did this easily. Thanks for the amazing lessons, Tele.’ Her mind wandered, forgetting about her approaching opponent as she took a glance at a nearby wall. There, up high, hung a tapestry by her mother. The twelve Olmpyians were displayed with divine glory. Glory that could help Y/n not die, if only they saw her. With nothing left to lose, the princess sent up a silent prayer before deciding to help herself.
With much pain and huffs, Y/n managed to stand on her feet once more with a sway.
Antinous offered a loud laugh, ricocheting off the stone walls.
“You just can’t stay down, can you? Do you not want to see Odysseus in Hades?”
“Don’t you dare speak my father's name,” she hissed through gritted teeth. She leaned onto the pillar with one hand while her other held her hurt stomach. Something other than pain burned inside her—a yearning to see him hurt, to see Antinous suffer. 
A new energy boosted her body; her muscles didn’t feel as sore, and the pain was dissipating. Deciding not to question this, Y/n dodged another punch aimed for her jaw. With fast footing, she grabbed a spear off the wall beside her and countered another punch.
Antinous grabbed the spear to rip it from Y/n’s grasp. Quickly, Y/n pulled the spear closer to her and kicked Antinous in the ribs. Instead of knocking him down, he only stumbled back. 
‘Left’ A voice spoke in her mind. Y/n was about to question the order until she noticed Antinous barreling towards her and instantly followed the demanded direction. 
Dodging a swipe of his sword, the princess swung her spear down at the man's knees, causing him to trip. Looking down to where he fell, a sudden push of rage flowed through her veins.
She didn’t need to hear the voice again to know exactly what to do. With momentum, Y/n brought the weapons head down into Anitnous’ thigh, earning a scream from the male. She ripped the weapon from his flesh only to bring it down once more with another bloody cry. Her thoughts seemed barren except for a new order from the unknown voice. 
That order only seemed to boost her adrenaline. Stop? She couldn’t. Not with all this pent-up anger and frustration she felt for Antinous. Y/n needed to make him learn where he stood as a guest in her kingdom. But as she raised her spear once more, the voice barked a command louder and all her pain and exhaustion rushed in.
In an instant, her spear clattered to the floor as Y/n held her head with a groan. Antinous was being tended to by his fellow suitors, who had opted to stay on the sidelines. With labored breaths, Y/n managed to stumble away from the dining hall and towards the empty training grounds. 
Exhausted, she slumped to the sandy floor and leaned her back against a rack of swords. Her eyes shut against the glaring sun as the royal attempted to regain her breath. To her pleasure, the heat was blocked by a sudden shadow. The young adult cracked open her eyes to see a darkened figure wearing the full armor of a Spartan soldier. A mixture of emotions flooded into her soul as she recognized the nation's armor. Was this news of her father from serving beside the Spartans? But her hope was snuffed out as the familiar voice spoke.
“Stand up.”
She wanted to argue, but something in her felt compelled to follow the instructions. So, shakily, Y/n stood up in front of the warrior. From a new angle, she could see the stranger's identity. All breath escaped her lungs as she recognized the being from similar statues and paintings.
The god, who towered over her with his divine form, smirked at the recognition.
“Indeed. I’ve seen your skill, princess of Ithaca. You fight well,” the god of war stalked around the girl in a circle, seeing her state after the fight. 
Finally, the two pieces connected in her mind as she turned to face him.
“It was you. The voice. The orders. That was all you.”
“You follow orders well, except for when you’re told to stop. I like that sort of fight.” Ares stood tall, power and bloodlust radiating off him as his armor seemed to brighten a bloody red in the sun’s light.
“Why’d you stop me anyway? You are the god of bloodlust, are you not? I could’ve killed him and solved the whole problem!” Y/n argued, upset at the missed opportunity.
“Have you forgotten the laws of hospitality? You would have been punished harshly by the gods had I let you continue. Not even I can defy those.” He glared down at her with warning. In response, she looked away with a defeated huff.
“Why’d you even help me then?” She grumbled, looking at the nearby swords; a few training weapons had begun to rust from limited use. 
"You have the ambition needed for the battlefield. Why would I let such skill go to waste with no proper mentor?” This caused Y/n to look at him instantly in shock, meeting the gaze of a grinning god beneath his helmet.
“Y/n of Ithaca. You fight to protect. You fight to the last stand. That is a warrior’s blood. Like your father before you, you have the makings of a legend.” Ares held out his hand like he was shaking for a deal. “Become my champion, and I will help you become stronger than any opponent you shall face.” 
Y/n thought it over for less than a few seconds before grabbing the gods hand in her own and shaking them up and down. 
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