#also i forgot to add alt text to the image my bad
fakehelper · 1 year
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✦ Okay, I give in. Let's upload our gifs on the beta editor to prepare for a gif pack page. Resources are available at the bottom, so lets get started !!
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So first things first, you can only upload 30 gifs at a time. Now for me, I will always upload as I gif, around every 20 gifs, then upload to the page (this also ensures I don't skip any or have doubles) and keep gifing. That used to mean that I don't have to wait for tumblr to load 300 gifs and die from impatience. For the rest of y'all that means you're going to have to batch upload. I know, I'm sorry.
Note: With the help of @nataliealynlind we discovered that the daily limit is 250 gifs! So if you have more than that, prepare to upload your gifs over the course of a couple days or use a second blog. (imo this is another great reason to upload as you gif! that way you don't have to get stuck at 250!)
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So after you upload your gifs (in this case I only did 10)*, you're going to go to the gear at the top of your post and click it. Then scroll all the way to the bottom where it says Text Editor. This looks familiar, right?
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*Note: If you don't save it as a draft first, your gifs will be in .gif format, not .gifv. This means you can skip removing this tag later on, but I'm not sure if gifs that are uploaded but never saved/drafted will later disappear at some point. To be safe, I would save it as a draft. I just forgot at this part tbh
Well the good news is, you only have to change this once! The bad news is, we don't do Markdown then HTML anymore bc Markdown doesn't strip any of the code anymore 🙃 So just change it to HTML
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Now it should look like this! Fun!
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Okay, now we're going to copy that text and take it on over to our new best friend, the HTML Cleaner! So you're going to want to paste it on the right side of the screen. Your gifs should appear on the left side. If both sides have text, that's how you know you pasted it on the left.
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So in order to get ride of all this extra code, it's going to take a couple extra steps. First, you're going to check these boxes on the left hand side.
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Now, on the right hand side, you're going to enter these under Find and Replace (copy/paste section below!!). I know you're like, uh what? Where the hell did you get those numbers? Well, I got them from our gif post code!
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For easy copy pasting:
Find: <figure> Replace: (leave blank)
Find: </figure> Replace: (leave blank)
So after you add the specific widths for your gifs, you're also going to want to add the following:
Find: .gifv Replace: .gif
Find: alt="" Replace: (leave blank)
Find: /> < Replace: /><
NOTE: If your gifs are usually the same size, I would recommend saving these snippits above on your computer's sticky notes or a draft to copy/paste for future uploads! While I do appreciate the viewer traffic, I'm sure coming to this tutorial every time is gonna get old real fast.
After all that, click Clean HTML
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And now, your code should look like this! If there's still a space between your image links, just click Clean HTML again and it should get rid of it!
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Now your code is nice and clean to put into your gif pages! Not quite sure how to do that? Read the Setting Up Your Sidepage section in this older tutorial!!
HTML Cleaner
My Gif Pack Page Codes
Recommended Gif Pack Page Codes (tag)
Previous Tutorial (How to upload to a Standard Sidepage)
Barebones Code (for previous tutorial)
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honorary-fool · 11 months
Nameless Bard Cosplay Breakdown
Why? Why not (I want to share my creation especially with seeing so many tiktok cosplays of them, but never any guides/posts about how people. did stuff for them /lh)
I..don't know how well screen-readers will handle such a long post. I hope it works out okay.
Note: final image does not have alt image text at the time of posting, but I intend to add it later on
add alt text to images (all minus final since that would be a picture from the morning of)
This thing is LONG. I'm about 5'1/155 cm, and this thing goes down to my KNEES (& big hood too!)
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The inside fabric is from old off-white/beige bedsheets, and the outside fabric was from joann's (link).
I used a pattern from Aliceincosplayland on Etsy (link) (note: you don't need to buy a pattern to make a cloak- I bought it because of the different options between the lengths & hood sizes) ; for mine, I used the knee-length pattern & the larger hood size.
The large covered hook & eye also from joann's (link).
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POCKETS! There's 2 small pockets close to the edges, & a bigger one I added this year to fit things like my PDM, testing kit, battery pack, etc. The smaller pockets have wooden buttons & button holes, the bigger one has a snap w/ a wooden button hot-glued on top because I didn't wanna tinker with the button hole foot.
Windblume Flower
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I forgot what I traced but I made patterns for the leaves and petals & used a tutorial to make the tassels with red embroidery thread.
It's made of felt, hot glue, and I hand-sewed some bits like the button in the middle. It's also removable & fastens via safety pin sewed into the back.
I gotta be honest, I forgot to work on it and tried to finish it about a week before the con. It looked like it was going well, but little errors made it look not up to the standard I was holding myself to and I hated it. I didn't even add the finishing touches with the shirt's collar's closure, or the ruffles on the cuffs of the sleeves. Instead, I'm using the original shirt I got off amazon last year (link), which I'm glad I kept intact when trying t make the second version's pattern.
I wanted to make another variation that was closer to his canonical outfit and was not made out of that plasticky fabric material (not that it was uncomfy, I just thought it'd be better for a convention center with a lotta people). The arm holes were a bit too big, the neck hole was a bit snug, and I botched the collar almost entirely. Lesson learned, make mockups and do not procrastinate on your projects until the week before the event.
I have the picture of it in this post.
If it counts, last year I made a slight alteration to the original shirt in which I sewed part of the slit in the top so it didn't go as deep. That's about it, honestly.
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Honestly, these weren't too bad overall. I cut the triangle panels out of white fabric, used embroidery thread for the criss-cross bits, and hand-sewed said panels onto the shorts.
It's great 'cus it has pockets and it's adjustable with the drawstring on the inside.
This fucker (part 2)
I combined a wig off Amazon (link) with wefts from hair extensions (link; though it comes with two I used just under one weft for both briads) to get the general shape
I went into detail on how I redid it here (also where the pictures are) but to sum it up: washed out hairspray/gel from last year, trimmed & rebraided the longer strands, used hairspray to do the bangs & gel to fix the ends.
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I had this old brown fabric from an old sewing class project that I used. I measured the length by putting the rest of the costume on and using a measuring tape, overlapping a little so there was room to add the snaps for a closure. I think I used the trim from an old bedsheet and put it on either of the longer ends, then painted it yellow to match the bard's. Semi-reliable snap closure sewn in later, then boom, belt!
Lyre Prop
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I forgot what I traced to make this pattern too, but I made it out of felt, essentially a stuffed toy. The little bar bit at the top is a separate pattern piece, as I tried making it all into one and was unable to turn it inside out. I forgot what kind of cord/string I used for the lyre strings, I just remember using mod podge to stiffen it as a finishing touch.
I used it last year as a prop, but I ended up just carrying it around so it might be best to leave home unless you plan to take a lotta pictures.
Miscellaneous Parts
Corset Belt: bought off amazon (link) ; It's comfy for the most part. liked the idea of a faux corset as opposed to the vest
Boots: last year I used a different set of boots that I've had for years, this year I'm using slightly newer boots that I got off my brother since they're small on him. They're timberlands I think? A li'l bit of height, lace-up, slight heel, feels 3% more badass /j
Makeup: I... know very little about makeup. I highly doubt the bard used makeup back then (/j). With that in mind, I really just use black eyeshadow & an eyebrow brush to fill my brows in and that's it. I use an old eyeshadow palette, but I also have an eyeshadow stick from the dollar store that works if you wet it slightly (mostly because it's a year old and is dried out by now..probably).
Wisp Prop: Touched on in this post, I like to take along one of my wisp dolls- the second one I've ever made, specifically. Made with my own personal pattern, he's easy to tuck away into a smaller pocket with just his head sticking out. I'll never forget the excitement of the Bennett and Fischl cosplayers I ran into last year when I took the wisp out to show them. 100/10, easily my favorite prop. The only real change made to him is that he has glow in the dark paint on his eyes, which probably won't do much in a convention setting but I still think it's cool.
Sword Prop: Very unnecessary & impromptu, but also very fun. At last year's con there was a vendor selling foam game/anime weapons and I got a foam Freedom Sworn. At the time of writing this out, I'm unsure if I will be taking it with me this year or not, since I can't exactly store it under my cloak when I'm not holding it.
Final Reveal!
(like I said at the top, this image is the only one w/out alt image text; I'll add it later)
(face scribbled over for comfort reasons)
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yerbamansa · 2 years
on revenge ranch, hitting milestones, and writing to process personal shit
trying to port a twitter thread over here, please hold for awkwardness.
Our Flag Means Death got me back into writing fanfic after a few years of not writing at all, and I just hit what feels like a milestone there and wanted to reflect on it. 🧵
I just hit over 100k words across 15 entries in a series, Revenge Ranch, a modern AU loosely centered on Jim and Oluwande but with POV stories from other characters too. It's definitely a case of "I write for myself," but thrillingly also connection with others. 2/
I'm not comfortable writing smut and plot isn't my strong suit, so it's not like I'm "popular," but writing as a means of processing feelings that the show and also life brought up has been its own reward. 3/
Specifically, of course, the show dredged up an awful lot of stuff about queerness and gender for me, which was a path I'd been on for a few years already, but clearly had (have) a long ways to go. So I wrote about people trying to find their place in the world. 4/
I wrote in a modern AU because, frankly, historical stuff was both too complicated and too icky in the details to be fun for me. Surely worthwhile themes to explore, but not for me. I just wanted people to get to be OK. Because maybe we get to be OK. 5/
The first story I wrote in the series was an attempt to explore how Jim and Oluwande ended up together, and I went with the latter's POV. Just thought we needed more fics of the pair, and figured it'd be a one-off. 6/
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(so i went a little nuts in canva last week...)
Of course, once I wrote it, more story came to mind, and I had to switch to Jim's POV. Which was scarier. Harder shit to work through, plus actual personal (gender) feelings. But it cracked something open. 8/
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And people commented/liked? There was discussion? Again, not in VAST numbers (which, honestly, that would be a lot to deal with, and I am an anxious soul), but the interactions I had and connections I made gave me a weird glimmer of hope. 10/
It's fucked up, honestly. I have long called myself "fandom-phobic" because it's just...a lot. Either you're hot shit or you're no one, and everyone's judging themselves and, uncomfortably often, each other. Cliquey. So a little niche felt right. 11/
Also, I am VERY MUCH in therapy, and my poor therapist has had to patiently listen to me rant about a TV show and fanfic for six months now while actually being supportive so uhh. Huzzah for queer therapists. Anyway. 12/
My intention was to avoid focusing on Ed/Stede just because there was so much of it already, but I couldn't tell the story without it. Plus, I just...really get Stede, in the sense that it took me a long time to figure things out, and wanting to escape. /13
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At this point I decided the pattern was Oluwande➡️Jim➡️another character, so it was back to Oluwande, now more settled in, both at the Revenge Ranch and with Jim. And third-wheeling Ed and Stede's reunion. I wanted to explore his interests, though. 15/
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Once you've been jolted out of monotony and things seem safe, what then? What makes you tick? Who do you want to BE? OK, also Izzy is in this one. 17/
Looking at one relationship through the lens of another person is kind of a fun challenge, especially when the third party is building a relationship with each half of the couple. So naturally, Jim and Ed gotta bond. 18/
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ugh, i just realized i forgot to add alt text to earlier images. sorry.
Anyway, Jim/Ed's friendship was maybe the most fun to write, and probably the thing I think about/wish for most often myself. (I exist on the internet…) 20/
There's so much I can't put in these stories. I aim for sensitivity and some thread of honesty, but ultimately it's a personal exploration. Which may be careless on some level. I'm bad at asking for help, especially without something to trade. 21/
Anyhoo, next we have a tiny lil' Wee John story, which pairs him with Frenchie but leaves it open-ended. As a POV character, he didn't speak to me too much, but I love him. 22/
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It's all exercise, trying to find someone else's voice. Some are so loud I hear them through everyone else. Some fade into the background and I need to work to pull them out. Maybe some aren't for me at all. 23/
The next Oluwande story was maybe the hardest of the batch to write. I had an idea where I wanted him to go, but couldn't take it there yet. But he has a role and a voice and things to do. He's observant. He's kind. 24/
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...and his relationship with Jim is so damn important. That they're growing together in ways that lets both of them change and fuck up and hurt and learn. Which is what happens to Jim. /26
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I honestly thought this would be a fun little fuckery story and then is really, really wasn't. I love Jim and I hate making them hurt but THE SHOW DID THAT OKAY. I'm just writing the fallout. /28
So they "faked" Ed's death to get rid of Izzy. It probably doesn't work, but also I don't feel like writing it /harder/. Ed deserves a moment of reflection. He's pretty prominent in a lot of the other stories, so the one-off is short. /29
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Feeling yourself out takes a goddamn lifetime, y'know?
Next, Oluwande comes home from EMT training (growth! change!) and just has a long conversation with Jim in the car. Because I love writing them together. /31
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(ok i'm getting self-conscious about the length and self-indulgence of this thread, but you can always bail, folks! might as well finish this!)
With a little feel-good out of the way, it's on to more pain. I'm sorry. /33
We've gone 10 stories with Jim getting away from the vengeance life and feeling maybe good about themself for possibly the first time ever. So of course a little bit of the past has to come back and test them again. /34
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Grief is hard, and closure isn't always (often) really possible. I was fighting both the "make everything better" and "make everything worse" inclinations. Also why not let Stede's kids show up now? /36
Time for yet another POV character! How about...Lucius? I am a big fan of major life events happening outside the story. I'm more interested in regular life. Anyway, let's meet Lucius's mom and his BFF, eh? /37
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tfw it's fine but it's not fine with your parents, y'know? I did say I'm still working a lot of shit out, didn't I. But also Lucius is such a good dude to have in your life. He deserves the world. /39
THREE TO GO. OKAY. I had the idea to do a two-parter in which Oluwande does the EMT thing during a big storm while Jim is back at the ranch. /40
First part has the first M rating of any fic in the series. I tried. I am awkward as fuck but wanted to give them more clear intimacy. GOD, I feel fucking stunted sometimes. There's that "working shit out through fic" thing again. /41
Because of the nature of the main story, I felt compelled to do more actual research than I'd done before, at least enough to get a rough sketch of relevant details. I watched a lot of storm videos, too. And bad shit is encountered. /42
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I wanted Jim's story to be more...light and fun. And it kind of is, but weird feelings snuck in there. Just, surprisingly, not theirs. /44
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Which brings us to No. 15. I wanted to write a Halloween story, and I wanted to find Roach's perspective. I have so many notes trying to suss out what everyone else did for Halloween, bur Roach doesn't give a fuck. /45
Roach has his own shit going on. Lots of it he didn't want to share, and writing around that--both what he shares as thoughts and what he actually says to other characters--was tricky. Sooo many notes. /46
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But in all of these, there's a little piece of myself. There's stuff I'm trying to do that's different or trying to be consistent or whatever. Because it's project, and it's given me something to focus on. /48
I don't know where the story's going from here. I want to work on some other stuff, plus I need to, like, find an actual job that pays money and doesn't make me completely miserable. So maybe I can find my own path, too. /49
Anyway. There's a whole pile of feelings and fic links from an unemployed 40-year-old weirdo. If you wanna connect, I'm open. I'm mostly enjoying the corner of the fandom I can engage with and am so inspired by other creators. Full of gratitude. ❤️ /end
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bigmammallama5 · 2 years
Dear ms llama,
How do draw?
How do learn draw?
Sincerely, the gayest mess who wishes to draw all the things
Dear Pizzarolls,
I'm sorry this sat in my ask box for two months, life has been very hectic and it slipped off my radar. D:
How do draw: get a pencil and paper, set your self critiques and harsh expectations to the side, and draw your favorite character or otp. It's intimidating still even for me, but just being in the moment and creating something that makes you happy is worth it.
How do learn draw:
draw. get used to the motions, problem solving, and repetitiveness. make sure you stretch and take care of your hands. also drawing with friends is very fun!
look for references and resources and tutorials! looking at what you want to draw will help you understand how to draw. wanna draw a skelly boi? look at lots of skeleton pictures. using a reference is not cheating, so dont let people tell you that. i would also suggest taking your own reference pictures if you can using yourself/your friends/or those little wooden bendy dudes you can get at the craft store. i didnt really use those but i have friends who swore by them. worth a try!
trace. yes, im saying this. tracing for the purpose of learning is not inherently bad. if looking at a picture of a skeleton and following a tutorial are just not clicking, print that sucker out and tape it to a window and trace him. focus on the part that you arent understanding and see if it clicks then. if it does then yay! you have successfully learned. now draw him again without tracing and see how you do!
***an addendum to tracing: i would suggest not tracing other people's artwork without asking first. a fair amount of artists are okay with you using their work as inspiration, though the topic of tracing has always been polarized. use caution and err on the side of screenshots and stock imagery!
draw for yourself. the lure of popularity and "clout" for notes and likes is really pervasive in a lot of online spaces now, and ive seen it destroy artists and fic writers. ive seen how it can negatively impact individuals to the point of hatred and jealousy and while it is extremely easy to want to get notes and recognition and we as humans thrive on feedback and community... draw for yourself. you will find your community and people who genuinely enjoy what you make. your worth is not measured by likes or algorithms.
On a more academic note some actual resources I and other artists do recommend are the Morpho books. I'm sorry for the am*zon link but that should give you an idea of what to look for. They're affordable, well illustrated, and cleanly put together. I would also look at those fun stock image packs of dynamic poses! Like the ones you find on deviant art. Those are super great for drawing your oc's and otps. I'm also a big advocate of live drawing, which i know isn't always available for some people. Drawing a Real Body right in front of you with an instructor is invaluable, but also asking to draw your friends sitting at the lunch table is just as good.
Um yeah. That how draw. And disco music. here's a skelly boi for your troubles
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hes doing the marge simpson dance
sincerely a very tired and gay llama
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Me? Reposting my art I spent hours on bc only like 6 people saw it? It's more likely than u think
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 9
back at it again, and its time for the shadowplay arc, HELL yeah
oh I'm so excited i love this arc lets DO this
oooh its nightbeat and quark!! way before they become relevant, which is so cool
‘one of those recepticon fanatics’ lmao imagine if they were...the recepticons. just doesn't have the same ring to it 
god i fucking love all the politics of mtmte. i love how they’re talking about the senate here before we really get to See how bad they were (we heard a bit about it from whirl a few issues ago, and now here)
love how nightbeat is pretty much agreeing with the decepticon ideology here, even if its clear that he isn't Actually a decepticon - it just drives home the fact that, in this story, The Decepticons Were Right About A Lot Of That Stuff (or at least, they had a reason other than ‘destruction’ for rebelling). 
AND THEN THERES RUNG!!!!!!! WITH HIS MODEL OF THE LOST LIGHT....god i fuckgin LOVE the continuity in this story bc the first time reading this ur like oh ok rung is old yea makes sense...but then later all the time travel stuff happens and then its like OHHHHH 
damn poor rung nightbeat can rlly tell he's lonely just by looking at him vbhjdkdfhbjsjkdf geez. also nightbeat that's ur mystery stick bf from the future js!!
quarks extreme POV on all of the stuff is so interesting, and makes so much sense bc of Course he would think that as a non-combatant scientist who, due to his functional value in current society, wouldn't really benefit much from a revolution - in fact, he’d probably lose a lot. and that’s the sort of thing where you’re like, ok well think about everyone else dude, have some perspective - but at the same time, quark did suffer a pretty terrible fate, so his fears weren't entirely unfounded...augh, its so fascinating...im sorry I'm not gonna shut up about space robot politics this Entire time
HOW did nobody notice that dead body before now
ratchet spray-painting the hands he stole from pharma to match his own paintjob is like...kinda gruesome if you think about it hvbhsjkdfbkjdf
i love rewind sooo much oh my god 
he rlly stashed rung’s comatose body in a wheelchair behind the bar hbkjdhfbshjkdf rewind 
rewind and chromedome’s tag-team explanation....ough hhhhh THEM 
wait a sec, rewind, you have medical records in your database? that is, at least according to regular medical laws, very illegal lmao. my favorite long-running theme in mtmte: the fact that hipaa and osha laws on cybertron are either basically nonexistent, or just universally disregarded 
what the actual fuck is up w/cybertronian time units. that shit is wack as hell 
ooh i love how chromedome looks different in the flashback - no shoulder tires! - that's a cool detail
how come prowl just said ‘minute,’ rewind was busting it up w/all the wack ass fantasy time units just a second ago. geez
also goddd i love the scenery of pre-war cybertron, its SUCH a cool setting like, visually and aesthetically and politically
like, i adore details like the sign in the bg that says ‘everyone’s shape serves a purpose.’ really adds to the ‘society on the precipice of civil war currently controlled by an increasingly-desperate faction who are doling out propaganda like crazy in an attempt to maintain their image and control over the populace’ vibe
good ole murder mystery setup. love it!
pre-war prowl is such an interesting character. actually prowl in general is such an interesting character...I kinda wrote him off during my first read of mtmte (and even a little during my second readthru) as just this dude who’s an asshole (espec bc my prev tf experience involved watching tfa as a kid, and this prowl is very different from tfa prowl lol)...but prowl is SUCH a multi-faceted and interesting character, even in the relatively little we see of him in mtmte 
plus it was interesting to learn later that prowl was one of the characters that jro wanted for mtmte and didn't get, and MAN i wish he got prowl bc I would've loved to see what jro would've done w/prowl on the lost light, that would've been amazing. like, just imagine the arc he would have...I have no idea what that arc would BE, but I know it would be awesome. plus I’d be really interested to see how prowl would factor in, relationships-wise, amongst the crew of the lost light. so much potential!
anyways. I'm in a very talky mood tonight it seems. its currently 4 am so that kinda explains it. ok, moving on!
chromedome and prowl bantering....in their own morbid forensic-cop way...
skids bvhjdbsfjasf. speaking what we’re all thinking: is prowl gonna keep showing up in mtmte despite not technically being part of the cast??
swerves drawing of prowl lmaoooo
AND THEN REWIND IN SOME OF MY FAVORITE MTMTE PANELS....fuckgin cracks me up every time god. rewind was rlly about to flip their entire ass table just to demonstrate that prowl is a serial table-flipper...and then he cant even make the table budge and he just stares at his hands like ‘how could you betray me like this’ hvbajkhhsfdhksdf PEAK hilarity
drift hvbshfdjbasdfj his forcibly cheery expression even tho he’s being harassed by rodimus, who is a big whiny toddler w/drift lmao 
rodimus is the type of guy who, upon drift not replying to one of his texts, would post a whole twitter thread being all like ‘these days u cant trust any1 to hav ur back...u think u kno someone and then they just ghost you...(1/14)’
again, rewind, HOW and WHY do you just Have medical reports, oh my god, somebody please call a hipaa agent I’m scared, 
ratchet interrupting the story to give a quick medical PSA....that's Such an on-brand thing for Me to do that I feel like jro is assigning me ratchet kin as I read this
also, hey, its sonic and boom, those two decepticons from delphi! nice little continuity there
can’t believe idw made my dad optimus prime into a cop. smh. shouldn't be that shocked tho, I feel like half the idw characters are cops
orion rlly hit them w/the omae wa mo shinderu arrest strat
orion: I cant believe you're beating this guy up. anyways, now I'm gonna beat YOU up,
when ratchet puts his hand over drifts mouth and then gets spray paint on drifts face bhjdfsvsdjhfgbjdskf
pre-war ratchet and drift ;_; ratchet’s little inspirational speech...the fact that he tells drift that he’s special...the fact that drift remembered all of this even after 4 million+ yrs...it gets me bro it GETS me
ALSO the layers in the fact that drift then goes on to become a well-known murderous decepticon...so this little scene of him and ratchet in the past gives a lot of context to ratchet’s general attitude towards drift - ratchet clearly feels at least somewhat responsible for all the blood on drift’s hands, since he saved drift’s life way back in the day
the whole relinquishment clinic thing is such cool worldbuilding, bc of course that's the kind of thing that would develop in a society of robot aliens who are only allowed to work within the rigid confines of their alt mode 
I love the whole matrix thing bc its kinda like being the pope or st but also you have a ton of political sway, so its a super important position, so of Course the corrupt senate would want full control over that power, and would assassinate the current prime to try to get their own guy in 
god vhbhjsdkbgshjdf rodimus is such a dick lmao poor drift
HHHHH I love that the cybertronian version of an autopsy is taking the dudes body apart into the smallest components and laying them all out. that's so fucking cool
hmmmm chromedome maybe you should Not be interested in mnemology, how about that,
oh god. time to start being sad about op and senator shockwave. oh god
senator shockwave more like senator sexy 
also the first time I read this I thought I had just missed his name and like halfway thru the story I went back and scoured the pages looking for it hbvhsjdfbshgfdsbj then I was like oh ok so we’re maybe supposed to just know who this guy is from another comic? but NOPE it was very deliberate and I only realized very close to the end that they were setting up some sort of reveal
its funny bc normally I'm not a huge fan of stories where politics play a huge role but I fuckgin love it here, the politics and worldbuilding is all so interesting and also balanced out with a healthy dose of cool sci-fi hijinks, so
lmao there's chromedome being obsessed w/people making the ‘pfft’ sound 
also wow yet more hindsight, maybe you Shouldn’t be so interested in the Institute, chromedome, 
OHHHH shit I forgot abt the red alert stuff happening at the same time as this :( :( :( 
AUGHHH what a fucked up situation. god 
oooof i gotta continue now!! what a solid issue, I love the shadowplay arc
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - The Top Title Cards
One of the artistic choices the show makes is its use of unique title cards. On one hand, the reboot's title cards lack the punch of the original's. The original had the Powerpuff Girls flying, making. In the reboot, it's lumpy text with some drawings surrounding it with some soft ambient techno over it. On the other hand, the reboot lacks the punch of the original, so they fit perfectly.
One improvement I can see with these title cards is the variety. The originals do not have pictures, it's just white text on black background. The reboot has these works of art for each episode. I don't hate the original's title cards, far from it, but I couldn't rank them. Just for fun, I’m going to rank my top favorite title cards of PPG 2016. These will be ranked based on if they fit their episode and whether or not they look great.
10. The Trouble With Bubbles
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Out of all the Bubbles coding episodes, this is my favorite one. While the title is actually kind of generic, it does show that this is an episode where Bubbles codes a clone of herself and prints it with a 3D printer. The title is even laid out in a way similar to Scratch, a beginner's programming language that the Powerpuff Girls even had a tie-in with at one point. It's a little more literal than something abstract or symbolic, but it works.
9. The Secret Life of Blossom Powerpuff
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Yes, they actually believed that the Powerpuff Girls' last name should be Powerpuff in Season 1. Let's ignore that, as that's one of the few aspects they did change their mind on in Season 2. I like this effect of Blossom getting split into two different versions of herself, one in a Victorian dress, and the other as an astronaut. This does perfectly show what this episode is going to be about: Blossom imagining herself as different versions of herself much like Walter Mitty.
They had to leave out one Blossom for this title to look good. Honestly, I would have went with the breakdancer Blossom, as it would have been a contrast between the elegant Victorian Blossom. The astronaut Blossom still works as a "Past vs. Future" contrast, and the cynic in me also notes that they are also the low points of the episode.
8. The Tell Tale Schedulebot
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Maybe I'm going for more of how it looks rather than what it represents. The title references a horror story, and, while it's not exactly a reference to the original story, the title card represents a horror theme. Yes, Schedulebot seemingly rises from the dead in one of the very, very few times they referenced plots from previous episodes, and the title card shows it as this zombie rising from the dead. They put this title card in this artsy cloud-esque smudge, with lightning inside of it, which adds to the effect.
7. Once Upon A Townsville
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The episode's idea is that it's a Disney-esque princess in a modern day world. I did not get this at first, thinking this was just a generic city. I didn't even notice the little circle around it, which is supposed to represent that part of the logo where Tinkerbell flies around the Disney castle in an arc.
I think the less said about Once Upon A Townsville, the better, so let's move on.
6. Save The Date
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Not all of my favorite title cards are graphically complex, as this one is pretty simple: just Ms. Keane and a really, really big shadow. The obvious meaning comes from how Ms. Keane turns into a giant in this episode. I can't help but see another meaning in this, referring to the other plot of the episode that is intertwined with.
Ms. Keane is on her first date with some random dude, and she is not confident about it. She can't walk in high heels, she has a zit that we thankfully never get to see, and she's late! Maybe I'm looking too deep into this, but I'll still rank it this high.
5. Breaking Bliss
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Also known as part four of the Power of Four, which is actually five parts long. Each part of the Power of Four has a standalone version, complete with its own unique title card. This is the only special to get this treatment; Small World just uses that magic hat for every episode. Outside of Find Your Bliss, which just has the title on 3D glasses, they're all pretty good. I even like Bliss Reminisce's title card, with. I decided to choose only one, and it was a tough pick between this one and Blisstersweet Symphony.
In the end, I went with this one, which is a good representation of the episode. Bliss is utterly broken inside in this episode, and the title card puts that in a symbolic way that looks aesthetically pleasing. The only real problem with this one is that the text seems to be put as an afterthought. Granted, this title card never aired on US TV; Power of Four only aired as a special, and that only came with a rather generic title card of four Powerpuff Girls flying.
4. Power Up Puff
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Rather than outright showing the aura powers that were the star attraction to this episode, this episode focuses more on how Blossom seems to be overshadowed by her sisters. I do like the idea behind this one; Blossom is just way in the background while her sisters do these poses.
I will say the drawing is a bit awkward here. They forgot Buttercup's all-important cowlick, which is shockingly common in title cards. so it's a little bit lower than another episode that has a similar idea.
3. Bubbles The Blue
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Well, this episode seems to rank high in any PPG 2016 list I would make. Bubbles is sitting down, looking sad, while her sisters are very tiny. I would say it represents their understanding of the episode's situation, and not in a way that can be blamed on bad writing. This episode's title card is very similar to the last entry in this list. Honestly, I would have had this in a tie.
Also, they actually remembered Bubbles' pigtail bubbles. That doesn't look like Blossom or Buttercup, though. That looks like a wrapped peppermint and one of those Ring Pops. I can still see what they were doing there.
2. Can't Buy Love
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One of the more artsy title cards. They could have just had a cupcake, but instead, we get this romantic shot under the moonlight. One may have to ignore the participants here. If it is your thing, that's fine, but I don't think a lot of people would have wanted BarryBucks. The joke is that's the case even in-universe.
This episode is about Princess believing this fantasy this title card seems to portray. Everyone else around her isn't even aware of this, including the hunk-in-her-eyes-and-only-her-eyes Barry. Since this episode is from her perspective, the title card decides to use a shot from her perspective.
1. Salamander
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There's absolutely no way this title card wouldn't be #1. Just look at that volcano's majesty. The detailed lines, those two trees that give the title card more body, and that sculpt of the villain's face. This volcano lair looks like something straight out of those 80's cartoons with the over-the-top bad guys, which is exactly what they were going for with this episode's lead villain. This one is a work of art, plain and simple.
I'm not going to do a Bottom 10, because most of the bad title cards can be summed up as "yup, that's an X", with maybe some text put in as an afterthought. I will do a bottom 3, though.
3. Man Up 3: The Good, The Bad, and the Manly
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One thing I didn't really notice is that they did remove the wacky inflatable tube man from the second Man Up. They didn't do it for this one. Man Up 4 at least had a different title card. Sure, it's just a strawberry, a reference to a plot that rarely even appears in the episode, but it's better than reusing the same log and tube man again and again.
The biggest flaw with this one besides the reuse is a similar problem the second one had: this title card doesn't convey Man Up 3 to me. It's just Man Up, with some really tiny fine print that says it is the third one.
2. Odd Bubbles Out
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It's a Bubbles head surrounded by hearts, which has basically nothing to do with this episode, as Bubbles, surprisingly, never really got a love interest. Maybe it's supposed to represent the love of her friendship with Donny and only Donny that depends on his friendship with Bubbles and only Bubbles, but that's a stretch.
Also...Odd Bubbles Out? I know I'm judging these title cards based on their artwork rather than their titles, but that has to be addressed. It's a play on being the Odd One Out, which is certainly what's happening in this episode, but I can't even consider it a pun.
1. The Bubbles-Sitters Club
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It just looks like a screenshot they put a sillohuette on. If they couldn't even bother to make the text not look like something they just slapped on at the last second, why should I put more effort in describing it?
Next week, I'm going to dedicate Saturdays to DuckTales 2017 reviews, since that show is returning. Just one per week; as much as I want to review them quickly, I'd rather not have another hiatus. I also need the time for college. See you soon!
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roycareyou · 7 years
100 SEO terms you need to know in 2017
Hello everyone, welcome to my site!
You are a pro or you are a newbie, you think you known all SEO term.
I bet that certainly there is some time that you read the article or hear people talk about a term in SEO but you do not know exactly what that word means. Sure?
So, today, I want to show you all SEO definitions from basic to advanced that I synthesize, research many articles to help you answer the “embarrassment” when you see a new SEO term.
I will show you  SEO term in order from A – Z!
Let ‘s start!
1) 301: Move Permanently This means that the site or page you are trying to reach has been redirected to another destination. For example, you tried to access mangafox.com but automatically redirected to mangafox.me (you can try it). Unlike 302 redirects, the 301 redirect will transmit the entire link juice of the website redirecting to the redirected website
2) 400: Bad Request This means that the server you are trying to access can not be run at this time, the current data is being altered, which means it does not follow the HTTP protocol at this time. Therefore, users should edit or revise the link for accuracy to be able to access the specific link
3) 404: Not Found This means that the site you are trying to access is not found on that server or website This happens for a variety of reasons: It usually content of this page may have been deleted completely or the content has been moved to a new destination but the owner forgot to redirect the link to the current link containing that content
Maybe you have typed the wrong URL.
4) Affiliate Marketing:
This is a form of making money online by selling another product and getting commissions on the number of products you sell.
You do not even have to buy one product at a time, just register to sell. Clickbank is one of the best places to sell information products like Ebooks, online video or audio courses, even 75% commissions per product.
5) Algorithm
Algorithms are programs of the search engine such as Google, Bing, … to give you a solution to answer the question you set for it. 6) Alt text / Alt Tag / Text Attribute
It is a shortened word of Alternate Text. Alt text is a descriptive part of the search engine and is the HTML of your web page. Each time you type a search keyword, the corresponding images will be displayed on the SERPs.
But in fact, Google can not see the image so you have to add the alt text because it can read the alt tag to understand what the image says about what content and display the results accordingly. So the next time you insert an image in your post – do not forget to add alt text to the image.
7) Analytics
This is a software that makes it easy to analyze your web pages in one account. It gathers information about incoming traffic on your site, bounce rate, keyword, and all other details of your website.
Google Analytics is a great tool to use to get the actual details of your website and then suggest the direction of website development to match the business strategy.
8) Anchor text
Anchor text is a text that you can click on of a link.
You can see it when you read any article. There is a line or a word that is blue and it has or does not have underscores.
And if you click on it, you will be flying to another site. Normally you will not know how you will be “moved” to a page because the URL is different from the anchor text. In the HTML code, the anchor text will look like this <a href=”http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog/” target=”_blank”> Roydigital Review </a>
As you can see above, the URL http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog/ is a URL you will not see, but Roydigital Review is the part you can see and it contains the URL http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog/ in there. So when you click on the GTV SEO anchor text, you will be teleported to the website URL: http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog
Anchor text is a very important role in SEO top Google. With me, it is one of the HEADS to help me succeed in my SEO projects (1. Anchor text, title, URL, 2. quality backlinks)
9) Authority means Trust. When people search for something and they get to your site – your site gets credited along with their trust (on page SEO). Authority can also be increased when other sites talk about you. (Off page SEO) 10) Authority site It is one of the most reliable websites. When any site receives many internal links and backlinks, it may be because of the quality of your content or because the reader trusts you; Your site tends to become an Authority Site. When you get more incoming links from other trusted sites and authority sites, of course, Google will trust your site more. Authority Hackers website is a great example of this or sites like Wikipedia you can say it is the Big Authority Site. 11) Auctions Domains:
When seeing that many people may think of PBN as well, Auctions Domain are domains that have been owned by someone before, but when the term expires, they will not renew. Because they do not renew that domain name is brought to the auction. Expired domains (old domain names) can be used as a money site or a satellite site.
12) Backlinks
Backlinks simply mean getting links pointing to your site. It is also called another name is Inbound Link. When other sites provide links to your site on their blogs or simply website, Google will trust you more.
The more backlinks you have, the more reliable and relevant you are, the better chance you get in the SERPs. Backlinks are one of the most important factors when optimizing your search engine. 13) Bing
Bing.com is another search engine owned and operated by Microsoft. 14) Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO means practicing unethical SEO principles. In this method, website owners do not follow any proper search engine guidelines that they use every way just to rank on the SERPs and are not interested in website traffic or branding. And the income of the page (You can think of as SEO is the law, and black hat SEO is the illegal method to rank top Google)
If Google or any other search engine detects such sites, they can be “closed” forever (it mean the site will never appear on Google anymore)
15) Blog A blog is a part of your website where you post many types of content that may or may not be related to your domain.
A blog helps you generate more traffic to your site so it helps you rank better in search engine results.
Just make sure that your blog content is relevant to your domain and that you publish the right content 16) Bookmark
The bookmark is a good sign that users have saved your site or any link to your site on their browser for future reference.
That means they like content on that particular link that wants to use it later in the future.
17) Bounce Rate
This is the percentage of visitors to your site and then quickly discarded after sticking with just one page.
It means they quickly exit or return to the search engine. So if the higher the bounce rate then the lower the chance of getting in top Google, because this is a google signal that shows you site is or not quality to the user.
And conversely, the lower the Bounce Rate, the more chances are for your site to rank high in Google
So keep them on your site for a long time by posting great content or by offering quality products with good features and attractive prices. 18) Broken Links
Broken link is generated when you:
Type incorrect URL or when the site has changed their domain or hosting does not currently work. This causes the user to click on the link to be redirected to a 404 site, a page is no longer active. Brand anchor text
This means that you are using your company’s URL or brand name in Anchor text. If your site is roydigitalreviews.com then Branded Anchor text is http://roydigitalreviews.com, roydigitalreviews.com, http://roydigitalreviews.com/ even www.roydigitalreviews.com.
19) Cache
Cache or ‘Web Cache’ is a copy of web documents such as HTML Tags or Images or any other material of webpages that you have visited, stored and used when using Google search. It can also be stored on your external hard drive. So, when you revisit those pages, the search engine uses a cache to load web pages faster, reduce bandwidth usage, and reduce the load on the server, as well as to prioritize the site. Example next time you want to read 100 SEO definitions, you can see roydigitalreviews.com on top 1 of Google. It is great. Right? 20) Canonical Link / Tag
Canonical Link helps search engines prevent duplicate content from ranking them on search engines.
The Canonical Tag is a classic card added to duplicate content pages to ensure that it does not rank on the original content. It’s similar to 301 redirects, ranking (SEO) pages with duplicate content replaced with (navigate to) main content. 21) Call to Action (CTA)
CTA means that you are asking or making a visitor take an action, such as a purchase, click on a link, subscribe to an email list by providing their email. You will want your CTA to be clear and effective.
One of the most common mistakes people make is that they become “too obvious” by every page I visit to see them pop up damn constantly and ask me to enter email – I HATE THIS! 22) Click Bait Click Bait is a technique used by bloggers or content creators to make the user want to click on the link they have provided.
By being able to name their article a provocative title or in a mysterious way, the user wants to know what will happen next and finish by clicking on the link you provided.
The main purpose is to attract attention and attract more traffic to their site to make money or build a brand. 23) Cloaking Cloaking is an act that causes content to be displayed to the reader differently than search engine content (in this case, Google). As Google reads A, the reader sees B.
Cloaking is widely used in Black Hat SEO. If caught by Google, the site may be penalized or may be banned completely. 24) Content
This is a piece of information published on a website to the user. It can be an art, image, document, or article. 25) Content Management Systems – CMS
Content Mangement System, widely known as CMS is a software application that allows many users with or without enough knowledge, to share a place and post their content.
For example User A does not know anything about technical and ancillary tools such as Code or HTML but still likes to write. So User A might be involved in an open source CMS software or application, and all he has to do is write some nice content and let the software do magic in it. Both ancillary tools, and then he can publish it on the site.
WordPress is one of the best examples of an open source CMS software.
26) Conversions
Conversion is widely known not only in SEO but also in marketing and business. It means converting a visitor into a customer and hoping to become a loyal customer. It can be done through different options such as Register to receive mail, purchase, receive e-books, receive bonuses,… 27) Conversion Rate
The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who convert into customers, or the percentage of traffic that converts into a loyal customer. 28) Cookie A web cookie or browser cookie is a small data file stored on the browser. It primarily stores all your data and information about your credentials, shopping cart, credit card, password, website preferences, and more.
So whenever you visit the same server as the same site anymore, you do not have to enter the details anymore. The web cookie will automatically do it for you. 29) Cost Per Click – CPC Just like with Pay Per Click, CPC means that whenever a user clicks on an ad, the advertiser pays an amount to the publisher who is the site owner.
This is an advertising model to attract traffic to websites through advertising. 30) Cost per Thousand – CPM CPM is a marketing term. Advertisers pay a certain amount of money to publishers based on 1000 ad impressions generated. The “M” in the CPM represents the Roman numerals for 1,000. 31) Crawler A web crawler, also known as a bot or spider, is an automated program on the World Wide Web, indexing data or structuring it. And Crawl is what you tell the crawler to index the data or structure for the URL you want. 32) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) CSS is a term in the code used to describe different parts of your site – how it will look, structure and flow of the site, … 33) Content Spinning – Spin Content Spin Content means using an existing text content and replacing it with a paragraph in which the words will be replaced by synonyms. Do not ever do this on money site or PBN, because it leaves footprint, and in some cases, you will be considered as a spam link. 34) CopyWriting Is a sales letter. One of the strengths of the website is that instead of having to hire a large number of sales people, your website can do the job for you. 35) CPA (Cost per action) CPA is another way of making money from an affiliate, where you get paid based on an act that helps the beneficial owner or the owner. It may be that every time you put a link to someone’s email and register, you get money from it. 36) Cpanel A form of web system software that helps you manage your website easily and install WordPress.
37) Deep Link Deep Link is a link that redirects you directly to a specific page and not to the main page or home page of that site. Eg, as you are teleported to a specific page like roydigitalreviews.com/blog, instead of the homepage, is roydigitalreviews.com.
Deep Link is good for SEO purposes as search engines tend to trust such sites more and help them rank better. 38) Dedicated Server A Dedicated Server is a server that you rent entirely and it will separate from the hosting server. It is dedicated to you and will not share it with any other customer or company like Share Hosting 39) Directory The Directory page here is an online site with various topics and domains categorized. The best example is entireweb, Dmoz, … When you sign up for this site it is like Citation, which will help you rank better in SERPs and especially Google Maps.
40) Disavow Backlinks Disavow means to deny something. If you do not want any backlinks or backlinks to come from any specific site, you can notify Google and will not include that specific link on your SERPs ranking scale.
Because backlinks are so important to any website, bad backlinks can be created (possibly by you doing it on your own hand or by having bad backlinks on you) so you should report backlinks to Google. This and refuse it so Google does not “think bad” about you. 41) Domain name The Domain is the unique name of your website. You can buy it from any different domain provider. You can check out all the top domain registrars below – these are the places I usually register my domain name and get a good review. Godaddy.com Namecheap.com Bluehost.com Name.com Ipage.com 42) DA – Domain Authority
DA is one of the scales that can be used to evaluate the trust or strength of a website for Google. This scale is generated by Moz, which you can view by accessing the open site explorer or the Moz toolbar. 43) DR – Domain Rating
Similar to DA but this scale is created by Ahrefs (of course the scoring will be different but generally showing some role) 45) Duplicate content A duplicate content means that a content has completely overlapped or that a large part of it has overlapped with a certain content on the internet. Pages like these are not highly trusted by Google so they will not rank higher on the SERPs. 46) E-commerce site Is a site where they sell their products or other people’s online (eg Lazada, Amazon,…) 47) External Links
External links are links that when clicked, you are redirected to another site. 48) FootPrint
Footprint is one of the repetitive signs that cause google birth and can penalize you. One example of that footprint is your PBN / satellite host on the same hosting. You can better understand the footprint here 49) Fiverr
One of the largest outsourcing services in the world for all industries but starting at just $ 5. Those who outsource it are called Gigs, and the better Gigs are rated and reviewed more.
50) Google Google is the largest search engine in the world today 51) Google My Business This is where you register Google for your business, Help to pull part of the traffic to your website
To succeed in google map google, the first basic is that you have to register google my business and create web citation, have an exactly phone (address), address and name (business name).
52) GSA A tool dedicated to link building is widely known as well as used in many SEO worlds. 53) Gray Hat SEO If black hat SEO is illegal technique and is not liked by Google, you will die if you are discovered, while white hat SEO are the guiding principles of google the gray hat SEO is the phase mixing between a black hat and a white hat does not violate the Google guidelines. PBN (private blog network) is one of these ways.
54) HTML HTML is the language of the web, for example, when you talk to each other in English and French, one of the web languages ​​that “talk” to each other is HTML. 55) Headings Heading (H) is the title of the article page you are displaying in the form of H1, H2 tags with the type of font usually larger than normal to be able to attract attention. 56) Hidden text
This is a process/technique for hiding the text of a website such as white writing on a white background so ordinary users will not see it.
This violates Google’s SEO principles so if you get caught, you will have a big problem. 57) Hosting
If the website acts as a house, hosting is like the “land” of your website. 58) Impressions
This is a term that is talked about in marketing, not SEO. Impressions are a number of impressions to web users. One view = One impression.
59) Inbound Link
Inbound links are like backlinks, which are links from other websites to your site. 60) Index
Index means adding a website to the search results on the search engine so that customers can find your website when they search. 61) Internal Link
If the inbound link is a link from another website to your website, the internal link is the link to your website and if the user clicks on it, they will be moved to another part of your site. 62) Keyword
The keyword is the words that a user types on the search engine to find out about a certain topic. For example, a person who wants to do SEO services, they will go to Google and type: “SEO services” to search for information and cooperate company.
Keywords can be long or short, depending on the “most professional SEO website service” or simply “SEO service” If you choose the right keyword and you get to the top it will bring you not only many traffic and many orders as well as your company brand is known to many. 63) Keyword density
Keyword density represents the percentage of times a keyword appears over the entire content. For example, you have 1000 words in SEO 15 times => keyword density = 15/1000 = 1.5%
Keyword density should not be too high nor too low. A moderate keyword density can help you rank better in SERPs 64) Keyword Research
Keyword research is an in-depth and selective research of the keywords that you think are best to write and begin to set the keywords you study. 65) Keyword spam
This is an act of deliberately repeating the keyword repeatedly in the article and of course it is not good at all. 66) Keyword Stuffing
This action is similar to keyword spam, an act of cramming unnecessary keywords into the article to “hopefully” Google will rank the keywords that you cram into it.
It may be good but if you do it with a little intensity because otherwise Google can even penalize your website. 67) Landing page
When you click on any link and you go to a page, that page is called the landing page 68) Link
The link is a text (or word) that you can click on. When users click on, they will be redirected to another page that may contain images or posts. 69) Link bait
This is a technique or perhaps an article strategy that targets a large number of traffics to your website and reads and encourages other websites to link to your site (for you). A good example of this “link bait” strategy is how I create this content: “100 SEO terms  and definitions you need to know in 2017” 70) Link building
Link building is a process that helps a website get many good or quality links that can rank higher in the SERPs.
71) Link Farm
This means that a group of websites is linked together, A backlinks B and B backlinks A attempts to “fool” the search engine to rank higher in the SERPs. 72) Link Juice Link juice is like the power of links that are passed to your website through another website. For example, page A backlinks on page B then the power of these backlinks is called link juice 73) Long Tail Keyword Long Tail keyword is more than 2 words long. The common and effective method of SEO is that you will try to SEO long keywords because it is easy to get up and then you will have traffic to your website and short keywords with lots of searches will slowly increase.
74) Meta description
The Meta description is a short text (limited to 160 letters) that appears under the title and URL of the SERPs search results.
Many people believe that Meta description has a good effect on search engine results if it contains keywords, some people do not, but I think you should still add keywords (do not spam the whole bunch of keywords in it is dc then) 75) Meta Tags
Meta tags are part of the HTML tags, where Google searches to understand the website content. 76) Meta keywords Meta keywords are specific tags or keywords used to describe the subject of the article. 77) Money site A money site is one of your main web pages to attract traffic and then they can buy or click on your ads and you get money from them. 78) Natural link
A natural link is the link that your website has naturally and not intentionally created for you to SEO. 79) No follow
Nofollow is a small code used to remove a link, which serves as a signal to Google that the link is linked to another site but that Google does not follow the link to that page.
Many people believe that no follow link does not affect the SERPs and does not give you any link juice because Google does not follow that link to the linked website, but the truth is Google still Follow but Google will not give more value with a normal do follow link.
There are lots of web 2.0s for you no follow links, such as youtube, but this does not mean the link from youtube has no value at all, but the truth is the opposite but it will not be as valuable as a do follow link. 80) Noindex Noindex is an HTML and it means that search engines do not index the pages. 81) Off page SEO Off page, SEO is one of the techniques that helps website owners get quality, relevant backlinks to help rank higher in search results. Off page SEO not only includes link building as people often think but also social share, social bookmarking and of course in SEO ways, I often pay attention to off page SEO, namely, link building most 82) On page SEO: (Optimal on page) On page, SEO is the technique that helps website owners optimize their website for the search engine. This is done by techniques such as optimizing keyword density, optimizing the title, website structure (one of the most effective structures today is Silo) and above all, designing for eye-catching content. And easily shared on social networks. You can see the techniques and elements that affect on the page through my video. 83) Outbound Link Outbound links are links on the site when the user clicks in redirected to another domain. 84) PA (Page Authority) Is another Moz scale, which measures the strength and reputation of that particular page on the web (specific URL).
85) Page Rank
Is a Google index to measure the strength and reputation of that page in google eyes. This is an old index and Google did not show it as well as update it in 2016 86) PBN (Private blog network) PBN is your websites created or earned to create super-backlink to your website. This is also one of the link building strategies I like most.
87) Panda Google Panda is a Google update that helps Google lower the rank of low-quality web pages with bad content (articles with few words) and increase the ranking of websites with high-quality content. 88) Penalties
Google applies websites that do not follow webmaster guidelines and tries to manipulate search results by lowering their rank in the SERP or by banning forever. 89)  Penguin Another Google algorithm update string focused on Checking Anchor text, URLs and “bad neighborhoods” – bad backlinks and spam to the website.
90) Research tools
Ahrefs, MajesticSEO, SEMRush, LinkResearchTools and RegisterCompass are the tools that I love and use to research and use when making SEO. 91) RSS Feed
It means Really Simple Syndication. A user can subscribe to this option to get the latest updates and notifications from the site. RSS is also a way (technique) that I use to automate backlinks to improve my reputation and even top google rank in just a few days. 92) Reciprocal Link
It is a phenomenon where two websites decide to link one another to achieve a ranking in the search results. (A backlink B and B backlink A)
93) Sandbox Sandbox is another index created by Google, where they rank your link (Url or even website) as standby.
94) SERPs (Search engine result page) SERPs are the acronym for Search Engine Results Page that refers to the search results pages (Google, Yahoo, Bing ..) that return when someone performs a search query to the search engines. This search engine. 95) Sitemap A Sitemap is a structured page or document that helps search engines or webmasters know about the proper traffic and structure of a website to help them index and rank better in the SERP. 96) Spider (Crawler, Bot, Robot) Google spider is a special software that crawls a web page, analyzes it, and sends it back to Google to help them index the page and sort it accordingly.
97) Traffic Traffic is the visitors and activity on your site. The higher traffic is also a signal that helps you get better results in the SERPs. 98) Trust rank Is a hidden scale of Google created to evaluate a reputable site or not. You can watch my videos talk about Trust rank and how to increase the Trust rank for the site.
99) Web 2.0 Any site where content is built primarily by encouraging users to have their own pages. The first example included MySpace and YouTube.
Or right now some of the biggest Web 2.0 are Facebook and Twitter. Web 2.0 has the advantage that it is easier to SEO than a new website normally because it has a degree of credibility is not small with the search engine. 100) White Hat SEO In contrast to Black hat SEO, white hat SEO is a technique that complies with the laws that Google has set that website owners apply to help SEO in a sustainable way.
These are are SEO term I research and synthesize articles online.
I hope it will help a lot of for you – especially for newbie.
If you have questions you can comment below. I will try to reply you soon.
Thank you for read my article!
The post 100 SEO terms you need to know in 2017 appeared first on Roy Digital Reviews.
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roycareyou · 7 years
100 SEO terms and definitions you need to know in 2017
Hello everyone, welcome to my site!
You are a pro or you are a newbie, you think you known all SEO term.
I bet that certainly there is some time that you read the article or hear people talk about a term in SEO but you do not know exactly what that word means. Sure?
So, today, I want to show you all SEO definitions from basic to advanced that I synthesize, research many articles to help you answer the “embarrassment” when you see a new SEO term.
I will show you  SEO term in order from A – Z!
Let ‘s start!
1) 301: Move Permanently This means that the site or page you are trying to reach has been redirected to another destination. For example, you tried to access mangafox.com but automatically redirected to mangafox.me (you can try it). Unlike 302 redirects, the 301 redirect will transmit the entire link juice of the website redirecting to the redirected website
2) 400: Bad Request This means that the server you are trying to access can not be run at this time, the current data is being altered, which means it does not follow the HTTP protocol at this time. Therefore, users should edit or revise the link for accuracy to be able to access the specific link
3) 404: Not Found This means that the site you are trying to access is not found on that server or website This happens for a variety of reasons: It usually content of this page may have been deleted completely or the content has been moved to a new destination but the owner forgot to redirect the link to the current link containing that content
Maybe you have typed the wrong URL.
4) Affiliate Marketing:
This is a form of making money online by selling another product and getting commissions on the number of products you sell.
You do not even have to buy one product at a time, just register to sell. Clickbank is one of the best places to sell information products like Ebooks, online video or audio courses, even 75% commissions per product.
5) Algorithm
Algorithms are programs of the search engine such as Google, Bing, … to give you a solution to answer the question you set for it. 6) Alt text / Alt Tag / Text Attribute
It is a shortened word of Alternate Text. Alt text is a descriptive part of the search engine and is the HTML of your web page. Each time you type a search keyword, the corresponding images will be displayed on the SERPs.
But in fact, Google can not see the image so you have to add the alt text because it can read the alt tag to understand what the image says about what content and display the results accordingly. So the next time you insert an image in your post – do not forget to add alt text to the image.
7) Analytics
This is a software that makes it easy to analyze your web pages in one account. It gathers information about incoming traffic on your site, bounce rate, keyword, and all other details of your website.
Google Analytics is a great tool to use to get the actual details of your website and then suggest the direction of website development to match the business strategy.
8) Anchor text
Anchor text is a text that you can click on of a link.
You can see it when you read any article. There is a line or a word that is blue and it has or does not have underscores.
And if you click on it, you will be flying to another site. Normally you will not know how you will be “moved” to a page because the URL is different from the anchor text. In the HTML code, the anchor text will look like this <a href=”http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog/” target=”_blank”> Roydigital Review </a>
As you can see above, the URL http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog/ is a URL you will not see, but Roydigital Review is the part you can see and it contains the URL http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog/ in there. So when you click on the GTV SEO anchor text, you will be teleported to the website URL: http://roydigitalreviews.com/blog
Anchor text is a very important role in SEO top Google. With me, it is one of the HEADS to help me succeed in my SEO projects (1. Anchor text, title, URL, 2. quality backlinks)
9) Authority means Trust. When people search for something and they get to your site – your site gets credited along with their trust (on page SEO). Authority can also be increased when other sites talk about you. (Off page SEO) 10) Authority site It is one of the most reliable websites. When any site receives many internal links and backlinks, it may be because of the quality of your content or because the reader trusts you; Your site tends to become an Authority Site. When you get more incoming links from other trusted sites and authority sites, of course, Google will trust your site more. Authority Hackers website is a great example of this or sites like Wikipedia you can say it is the Big Authority Site. 11) Auctions Domains:
When seeing that many people may think of PBN as well, Auctions Domain are domains that have been owned by someone before, but when the term expires, they will not renew. Because they do not renew that domain name is brought to the auction. Expired domains (old domain names) can be used as a money site or a satellite site.
12) Backlinks
Backlinks simply mean getting links pointing to your site. It is also called another name is Inbound Link. When other sites provide links to your site on their blogs or simply website, Google will trust you more.
The more backlinks you have, the more reliable and relevant you are, the better chance you get in the SERPs. Backlinks are one of the most important factors when optimizing your search engine. 13) Bing
Bing.com is another search engine owned and operated by Microsoft. 14) Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO means practicing unethical SEO principles. In this method, website owners do not follow any proper search engine guidelines that they use every way just to rank on the SERPs and are not interested in website traffic or branding. And the income of the page (You can think of as SEO is the law, and black hat SEO is the illegal method to rank top Google)
If Google or any other search engine detects such sites, they can be “closed” forever (it mean the site will never appear on Google anymore)
15) Blog A blog is a part of your website where you post many types of content that may or may not be related to your domain.
A blog helps you generate more traffic to your site so it helps you rank better in search engine results.
Just make sure that your blog content is relevant to your domain and that you publish the right content 16) Bookmark
The bookmark is a good sign that users have saved your site or any link to your site on their browser for future reference.
That means they like content on that particular link that wants to use it later in the future.
17) Bounce Rate
This is the percentage of visitors to your site and then quickly discarded after sticking with just one page.
It means they quickly exit or return to the search engine. So if the higher the bounce rate then the lower the chance of getting in top Google, because this is a google signal that shows you site is or not quality to the user.
And conversely, the lower the Bounce Rate, the more chances are for your site to rank high in Google
So keep them on your site for a long time by posting great content or by offering quality products with good features and attractive prices. 18) Broken Links
Broken link is generated when you:
Type incorrect URL or when the site has changed their domain or hosting does not currently work. This causes the user to click on the link to be redirected to a 404 site, a page is no longer active. Brand anchor text
This means that you are using your company’s URL or brand name in Anchor text. If your site is roydigitalreviews.com then Branded Anchor text is http://roydigitalreviews.com, roydigitalreviews.com, http://roydigitalreviews.com/ even www.roydigitalreviews.com.
19) Cache
Cache or ‘Web Cache’ is a copy of web documents such as HTML Tags or Images or any other material of webpages that you have visited, stored and used when using Google search. It can also be stored on your external hard drive. So, when you revisit those pages, the search engine uses a cache to load web pages faster, reduce bandwidth usage, and reduce the load on the server, as well as to prioritize the site. Example next time you want to read 100 SEO definitions, you can see roydigitalreviews.com on top 1 of Google. It is great. Right? 20) Canonical Link / Tag
Canonical Link helps search engines prevent duplicate content from ranking them on search engines.
The Canonical Tag is a classic card added to duplicate content pages to ensure that it does not rank on the original content. It’s similar to 301 redirects, ranking (SEO) pages with duplicate content replaced with (navigate to) main content. 21) Call to Action (CTA)
CTA means that you are asking or making a visitor take an action, such as a purchase, click on a link, subscribe to an email list by providing their email. You will want your CTA to be clear and effective.
One of the most common mistakes people make is that they become “too obvious” by every page I visit to see them pop up damn constantly and ask me to enter email – I HATE THIS! 22) Click Bait Click Bait is a technique used by bloggers or content creators to make the user want to click on the link they have provided.
By being able to name their article a provocative title or in a mysterious way, the user wants to know what will happen next and finish by clicking on the link you provided.
The main purpose is to attract attention and attract more traffic to their site to make money or build a brand. 23) Cloaking Cloaking is an act that causes content to be displayed to the reader differently than search engine content (in this case, Google). As Google reads A, the reader sees B.
Cloaking is widely used in Black Hat SEO. If caught by Google, the site may be penalized or may be banned completely. 24) Content
This is a piece of information published on a website to the user. It can be an art, image, document, or article. 25) Content Management Systems – CMS
Content Mangement System, widely known as CMS is a software application that allows many users with or without enough knowledge, to share a place and post their content.
For example User A does not know anything about technical and ancillary tools such as Code or HTML but still likes to write. So User A might be involved in an open source CMS software or application, and all he has to do is write some nice content and let the software do magic in it. Both ancillary tools, and then he can publish it on the site.
WordPress is one of the best examples of an open source CMS software.
26) Conversions
Conversion is widely known not only in SEO but also in marketing and business. It means converting a visitor into a customer and hoping to become a loyal customer. It can be done through different options such as Register to receive mail, purchase, receive e-books, receive bonuses,… 27) Conversion Rate
The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who convert into customers, or the percentage of traffic that converts into a loyal customer. 28) Cookie A web cookie or browser cookie is a small data file stored on the browser. It primarily stores all your data and information about your credentials, shopping cart, credit card, password, website preferences, and more.
So whenever you visit the same server as the same site anymore, you do not have to enter the details anymore. The web cookie will automatically do it for you. 29) Cost Per Click – CPC Just like with Pay Per Click, CPC means that whenever a user clicks on an ad, the advertiser pays an amount to the publisher who is the site owner.
This is an advertising model to attract traffic to websites through advertising. 30) Cost per Thousand – CPM CPM is a marketing term. Advertisers pay a certain amount of money to publishers based on 1000 ad impressions generated. The “M” in the CPM represents the Roman numerals for 1,000. 31) Crawler A web crawler, also known as a bot or spider, is an automated program on the World Wide Web, indexing data or structuring it. And Crawl is what you tell the crawler to index the data or structure for the URL you want. 32) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) CSS is a term in the code used to describe different parts of your site – how it will look, structure and flow of the site, … 33) Content Spinning – Spin Content Spin Content means using an existing text content and replacing it with a paragraph in which the words will be replaced by synonyms. Do not ever do this on money site or PBN, because it leaves footprint, and in some cases, you will be considered as a spam link. 34) CopyWriting Is a sales letter. One of the strengths of the website is that instead of having to hire a large number of sales people, your website can do the job for you. 35) CPA (Cost per action) CPA is another way of making money from an affiliate, where you get paid based on an act that helps the beneficial owner or the owner. It may be that every time you put a link to someone’s email and register, you get money from it. 36) Cpanel A form of web system software that helps you manage your website easily and install WordPress.
37) Deep Link Deep Link is a link that redirects you directly to a specific page and not to the main page or home page of that site. Eg, as you are teleported to a specific page like roydigitalreviews.com/blog, instead of the homepage, is roydigitalreviews.com.
Deep Link is good for SEO purposes as search engines tend to trust such sites more and help them rank better. 38) Dedicated Server A Dedicated Server is a server that you rent entirely and it will separate from the hosting server. It is dedicated to you and will not share it with any other customer or company like Share Hosting 39) Directory The Directory page here is an online site with various topics and domains categorized. The best example is entireweb, Dmoz, … When you sign up for this site it is like Citation, which will help you rank better in SERPs and especially Google Maps.
40) Disavow Backlinks Disavow means to deny something. If you do not want any backlinks or backlinks to come from any specific site, you can notify Google and will not include that specific link on your SERPs ranking scale.
Because backlinks are so important to any website, bad backlinks can be created (possibly by you doing it on your own hand or by having bad backlinks on you) so you should report backlinks to Google. This and refuse it so Google does not “think bad” about you. 41) Domain name The Domain is the unique name of your website. You can buy it from any different domain provider. You can check out all the top domain registrars below – these are the places I usually register my domain name and get a good review. Godaddy.com Namecheap.com Bluehost.com Name.com Ipage.com 42) DA – Domain Authority
DA is one of the scales that can be used to evaluate the trust or strength of a website for Google. This scale is generated by Moz, which you can view by accessing the open site explorer or the Moz toolbar. 43) DR – Domain Rating
Similar to DA but this scale is created by Ahrefs (of course the scoring will be different but generally showing some role) 45) Duplicate content A duplicate content means that a content has completely overlapped or that a large part of it has overlapped with a certain content on the internet. Pages like these are not highly trusted by Google so they will not rank higher on the SERPs. 46) E-commerce site Is a site where they sell their products or other people’s online (eg Lazada, Amazon,…) 47) External Links
External links are links that when clicked, you are redirected to another site. 48) FootPrint
Footprint is one of the repetitive signs that cause google birth and can penalize you. One example of that footprint is your PBN / satellite host on the same hosting. You can better understand the footprint here 49) Fiverr
One of the largest outsourcing services in the world for all industries but starting at just $ 5. Those who outsource it are called Gigs, and the better Gigs are rated and reviewed more.
50) Google Google is the largest search engine in the world today 51) Google My Business This is where you register Google for your business, Help to pull part of the traffic to your website
To succeed in google map google, the first basic is that you have to register google my business and create web citation, have an exactly phone (address), address and name (business name).
52) GSA A tool dedicated to link building is widely known as well as used in many SEO worlds. 53) Gray Hat SEO If black hat SEO is illegal technique and is not liked by Google, you will die if you are discovered, while white hat SEO are the guiding principles of google the gray hat SEO is the phase mixing between a black hat and a white hat does not violate the Google guidelines. PBN (private blog network) is one of these ways.
54) HTML HTML is the language of the web, for example, when you talk to each other in English and French, one of the web languages ​​that “talk” to each other is HTML. 55) Headings Heading (H) is the title of the article page you are displaying in the form of H1, H2 tags with the type of font usually larger than normal to be able to attract attention. 56) Hidden text
This is a process/technique for hiding the text of a website such as white writing on a white background so ordinary users will not see it.
This violates Google’s SEO principles so if you get caught, you will have a big problem. 57) Hosting
If the website acts as a house, hosting is like the “land” of your website. 58) Impressions
This is a term that is talked about in marketing, not SEO. Impressions are a number of impressions to web users. One view = One impression.
59) Inbound Link
Inbound links are like backlinks, which are links from other websites to your site. 60) Index
Index means adding a website to the search results on the search engine so that customers can find your website when they search. 61) Internal Link
If the inbound link is a link from another website to your website, the internal link is the link to your website and if the user clicks on it, they will be moved to another part of your site. 62) Keyword
The keyword is the words that a user types on the search engine to find out about a certain topic. For example, a person who wants to do SEO services, they will go to Google and type: “SEO services” to search for information and cooperate company.
Keywords can be long or short, depending on the “most professional SEO website service” or simply “SEO service” If you choose the right keyword and you get to the top it will bring you not only many traffic and many orders as well as your company brand is known to many. 63) Keyword density
Keyword density represents the percentage of times a keyword appears over the entire content. For example, you have 1000 words in SEO 15 times => keyword density = 15/1000 = 1.5%
Keyword density should not be too high nor too low. A moderate keyword density can help you rank better in SERPs 64) Keyword Research
Keyword research is an in-depth and selective research of the keywords that you think are best to write and begin to set the keywords you study. 65) Keyword spam
This is an act of deliberately repeating the keyword repeatedly in the article and of course it is not good at all. 66) Keyword Stuffing
This action is similar to keyword spam, an act of cramming unnecessary keywords into the article to “hopefully” Google will rank the keywords that you cram into it.
It may be good but if you do it with a little intensity because otherwise Google can even penalize your website. 67) Landing page
When you click on any link and you go to a page, that page is called the landing page 68) Link
The link is a text (or word) that you can click on. When users click on, they will be redirected to another page that may contain images or posts. 69) Link bait
This is a technique or perhaps an article strategy that targets a large number of traffics to your website and reads and encourages other websites to link to your site (for you). A good example of this “link bait” strategy is how I create this content: “100 SEO terms  and definitions you need to know in 2017” 70) Link building
Link building is a process that helps a website get many good or quality links that can rank higher in the SERPs.
71) Link Farm
This means that a group of websites is linked together, A backlinks B and B backlinks A attempts to “fool” the search engine to rank higher in the SERPs. 72) Link Juice Link juice is like the power of links that are passed to your website through another website. For example, page A backlinks on page B then the power of these backlinks is called link juice 73) Long Tail Keyword Long Tail keyword is more than 2 words long. The common and effective method of SEO is that you will try to SEO long keywords because it is easy to get up and then you will have traffic to your website and short keywords with lots of searches will slowly increase.
74) Meta description
The Meta description is a short text (limited to 160 letters) that appears under the title and URL of the SERPs search results.
Many people believe that Meta description has a good effect on search engine results if it contains keywords, some people do not, but I think you should still add keywords (do not spam the whole bunch of keywords in it is dc then) 75) Meta Tags
Meta tags are part of the HTML tags, where Google searches to understand the website content. 76) Meta keywords Meta keywords are specific tags or keywords used to describe the subject of the article. 77) Money site A money site is one of your main web pages to attract traffic and then they can buy or click on your ads and you get money from them. 78) Natural link
A natural link is the link that your website has naturally and not intentionally created for you to SEO. 79) No follow
Nofollow is a small code used to remove a link, which serves as a signal to Google that the link is linked to another site but that Google does not follow the link to that page.
Many people believe that no follow link does not affect the SERPs and does not give you any link juice because Google does not follow that link to the linked website, but the truth is Google still Follow but Google will not give more value with a normal do follow link.
There are lots of web 2.0s for you no follow links, such as youtube, but this does not mean the link from youtube has no value at all, but the truth is the opposite but it will not be as valuable as a do follow link. 80) Noindex Noindex is an HTML and it means that search engines do not index the pages. 81) Off page SEO Off page, SEO is one of the techniques that helps website owners get quality, relevant backlinks to help rank higher in search results. Off page SEO not only includes link building as people often think but also social share, social bookmarking and of course in SEO ways, I often pay attention to off page SEO, namely, link building most 82) On page SEO: (Optimal on page) On page, SEO is the technique that helps website owners optimize their website for the search engine. This is done by techniques such as optimizing keyword density, optimizing the title, website structure (one of the most effective structures today is Silo) and above all, designing for eye-catching content. And easily shared on social networks. You can see the techniques and elements that affect on the page through my video. 83) Outbound Link Outbound links are links on the site when the user clicks in redirected to another domain. 84) PA (Page Authority) Is another Moz scale, which measures the strength and reputation of that particular page on the web (specific URL).
85) Page Rank
Is a Google index to measure the strength and reputation of that page in google eyes. This is an old index and Google did not show it as well as update it in 2016 86) PBN (Private blog network) PBN is your websites created or earned to create super-backlink to your website. This is also one of the link building strategies I like most.
87) Panda Google Panda is a Google update that helps Google lower the rank of low-quality web pages with bad content (articles with few words) and increase the ranking of websites with high-quality content. 88) Penalties
Google applies websites that do not follow webmaster guidelines and tries to manipulate search results by lowering their rank in the SERP or by banning forever. 89)  Penguin Another Google algorithm update string focused on Checking Anchor text, URLs and “bad neighborhoods” – bad backlinks and spam to the website.
90) Research tools
Ahrefs, MajesticSEO, SEMRush, LinkResearchTools and RegisterCompass are the tools that I love and use to research and use when making SEO. 91) RSS Feed
It means Really Simple Syndication. A user can subscribe to this option to get the latest updates and notifications from the site. RSS is also a way (technique) that I use to automate backlinks to improve my reputation and even top google rank in just a few days. 92) Reciprocal Link
It is a phenomenon where two websites decide to link one another to achieve a ranking in the search results. (A backlink B and B backlink A)
93) Sandbox Sandbox is another index created by Google, where they rank your link (Url or even website) as standby.
94) SERPs (Search engine result page) SERPs are the acronym for Search Engine Results Page that refers to the search results pages (Google, Yahoo, Bing ..) that return when someone performs a search query to the search engines. This search engine. 95) Sitemap A Sitemap is a structured page or document that helps search engines or webmasters know about the proper traffic and structure of a website to help them index and rank better in the SERP. 96) Spider (Crawler, Bot, Robot) Google spider is a special software that crawls a web page, analyzes it, and sends it back to Google to help them index the page and sort it accordingly.
97) Traffic Traffic is the visitors and activity on your site. The higher traffic is also a signal that helps you get better results in the SERPs. 98) Trust rank Is a hidden scale of Google created to evaluate a reputable site or not. You can watch my videos talk about Trust rank and how to increase the Trust rank for the site.
99) Web 2.0 Any site where content is built primarily by encouraging users to have their own pages. The first example included MySpace and YouTube.
Or right now some of the biggest Web 2.0 are Facebook and Twitter. Web 2.0 has the advantage that it is easier to SEO than a new website normally because it has a degree of credibility is not small with the search engine. 100) White Hat SEO In contrast to Black hat SEO, white hat SEO is a technique that complies with the laws that Google has set that website owners apply to help SEO in a sustainable way.
These are are SEO term I research and synthesize articles online.
I hope it will help a lot of for you – especially for newbie.
If you have questions you can comment below. I will try to reply you soon.
Thank you for read my article!
The post 100 SEO terms and definitions you need to know in 2017 appeared first on Roy Digital Reviews.
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