#also i feel like i should have something up for agatha's birthday but like
aparticularbandit · 2 years
first two scenes of next agathian backstory chapter is done.
two-three-ish scenes left.  (potentially two; i may save the aftermath for the next chapter.)
one more chapter after this one and then back to agave stuff proper.  although probs gonna take a break for glass onion fam holiday special.
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farfarawaygirl · 2 years
The Rookie Recap - 5x07
In which I have many questions, several reactions, and get mildly confused. (Also, excuse my typos and formatting, I did this on mobile, and all I can say is sometimes it do be like that.) 🦀🥰😇
Celina and Bailey is the team up of my nightmares. Is anyone enjoying them? Is this an in demand dynamic? If you actually like them please leave me a comment explaining why! I am curious. If you don’t like them, please leave a comment telling me I have excellent taste. 🫣
I am not an astrological person, I respect those that are, but I feel like the show is not treating them kindly? Like, wrapping all mystics/Astro/etc etc believers up in a ball and saying Celina is all of them? These are separate things and really important to some people.
This Wesley/Elijah/Lopez/Grey business is a plot hole built on a dream, all based on us, the viewer, suddenly caring about the lack of continuity we have grown to embrace! Tim can be in the spin team for his wife’s drug deal, but Angela is not allowed to be on the takedown team for a man who is blackmailing her husband? Don’t make the rules messy and then break them. 😤
Elijah: I’m going to hit them where it hurts! I’ll accuse Lopez of using excessive force, and even worse, I’ll stop Wes from getting his *checks notes* cranberry scones.
A dead man is shot? 🧐 this is like an Agatha Christie novel.
Only Thorsen is looking out for this kid. I am shocked that anyone is doing this? Lucy? Nyla?
(Sidenote: the trailer for The Menu ran every break for me, and it looks genuinely like the marriage of a true thriller and gore, and I am equal parts scared and intrigued.)
Why is Bailey bringing all that house stuff to the station, in an episode where they have highlighted the need for separation of church and state why is this allowed? She moved in with none of her stuff? Has no one who works on this show been in a healthy relationship?
Do gangs just have block parties? This seems counterproductive to criminal life.
Lucy was in her feels when Tayvon was beat up - as she should be! Tim should apologize to Aaron, keeping him in was about Lucy’s career and Aaron calling him on it was interesting to see. (Is this maybe why Tim and Aaron are not riding together next week?)
That Mom was exactly the right kind of mad. Shame on that whole team for using him!
An interesting note on Lucy’s makeup for UC, they emphasized her Asian features and did something different with her under eyes. I would love to see the notes as to why. It is hard to guess the reasoning for that direction without explicit comment.
Now Elijah is there bring up Nolan? I don’t even remember if Nolan was on the raid. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention- but what does this biker take down have to do with… anything?
The man who was shot, was already stabbed, and was poisoned?
Vena was gorgeous. Too bad she’s a murderer! Do we need to be worried that Lucy has now made and blown like 3 covers in LA? How come Aaron is not recognized more?
If you have made it this far, here’s a quick tip: should you ever be arrested for a murder you did in fact commit, don’t give them a line like, “I was owed at least the life insurance.”
Aaron apologized to Tim? 🫠
If you were a criminal (Elijah) how would someone who worked for the DA saying you deserved a second chance be a win?
Does that ending mean there might actually be another plot line about John and Bailey fumbling towards the alter?
Very Chenford light.
I am rating this episode two birthday cake Oreo cookies out of four, because the points are made up and the rules don’t matter.
How are we feeling, party people?
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! It's gossip girl! I hope your days been good! I've been pretty good. School has been a bit crazy and I'm a bit stressed by the work I have but I've also been procrastinating a but more than I should on it which probably isn't a good thing😂 I think I've started trying to write at times to avoid my school work, because it helps me kinda relax too. But over all it's still been pretty good!
Oohh I did read part two!! I liked it a lot!! Especially how you wrote about some of the darker parts of the modeling industry! Those were very good! And yes, Lenny totally deserved better!!
And I think I've found a lot of inspiration for background characters in my writing from my friends and just people around😂 it's amazing how one thing they say or do can inspire a part of a story!!
Then yes! Being surprised is great!. I kinda feel the same way about interacting too😂 I'm kinda scared of like putting too much out or like interacting once in some way (like an ask or reblog or comment) and then maybe not again for a while because of anxiety or some reason and that person thinks I don't like them or their stuff😅 I always do it's just I don't know what to say sometimes or can't get it out! But I have been able to do it a little bit more since I got back!
I am almost done with the story I sent in an ask about, I think I just need to edit it now and find a good time to get it up!
And OMG yes! Alfie's POV would be brilliant, I'd love to see his background and what he did while Tommy wasn't there. Also it would mean that we might get to see domestic Alfie with Cyril which is just 😘😘😂😂
And definitely let me know! I'd be eager to hear!
I think I do the same thing that you do with Lenny, that I do with Jonathan  Crane in the Batman Movies😂 Like I know he's crazy but Cillian is so fun to watch! There's one scene in the first one where like Batman breaks into his hide out and Crane is like looking up and goes like "he's here" or something and idk why by I just love that whole scene so much.😅😂 
And honestly I'm also kinda with you on the Sherlock stuff. I liked the show, but I think overall I was much more into the RDJ movies. I think it was because it was in the historical setting with I'm a sucker for. I think they just announced the 3rd one is in development this months and I really hope it's true!!!😂😂ALSO GUESS WHAT! I was watching actually the second RDJ Sherlock movie and guess who showed up as Sebastian Moran? PAUL ANDERSON!!!! I heard his voice and recognized it and told my dad like "That's Arthur Shelby!!!" And we both laughed because he looks so different in the movies than Peaky. And yeah, it made me laugh thinking of Arthur Shelby trying to fight Sherlock Holmes and what not😂 
And yes! There are those two movies about Agatha Cristi's Hercule Poirot Mysteries and they were both brilliant!!! I especially liked the first one!! Murder on the Orient express!!
And I'm starting to love nail designs too!  I still always loved watching those videos!! I've actually recently gotten stuff to try the nail stamping which is really cool! It takes a bit of practice but the little designs from the cheap stamping plates I bought look really cool if I get it to work! Plus it would mean when I get my nails done I could do like just the base coat and if I wanted a design I could do it at home and not pay like $10  extra for each design! And they have some pretty cool ones to but😂😂  The lip color I like is Birthday Suit by Revlon, but they have a whole line of colors and nail polish colors that match. I also like that it's relatively cheap compared so some other brands😅 And I've heard of places that do that! I've always wanted to try!! 
Also 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 all the fingers crossed!! That sounds like a really fun concert to go too!! I've only ever been to three of them actually myself. I liked the music but I think there were just too many people for me and I got a bit overstimulated but the people and noise after a bit, but I still had tons of fun!!😅😅😂 the last one I did was a Thomas Rhett Tour in like 2019😂. But the one I really enjoyed the most was actually when Hugh Jackman preformed in Atlanta the same year! I loved it! He even do a routine where he tap danced to ThunderStruck which may still be the best thing I've ever seen🤣😂 Fingers crossed you get your tickets!!! 
It was great chatting with you too❤️❤️Hope to talk soon too!! And who knows, even if you won't see me, maybe you'll see something I've done soon too😂😆🥰🥰 
Hey GG! I didn’t want to leave this message hanging for a long time in my drafts, so we’ll have lots of things to chat :)
Last night there was such a storm and one of my puppies was super scared around 2:00 am, I stayed up hugging her 🥺 thunders are so scary for such a little baby ♥️ and is raining again so I will use it as inspiration to write…
Oh I’m sorry to hear that! I know school Can be so stressful, but hang in there, it will get better. Totally agree with that! Writing is so good to relax, it passes the time and you barely notice anything else 🥰 (if only we could do it all the time).
Yeah? You liked it? I’m so happy to hear that! I’m planning part 3, but I don’t have anything written yet, although in my mind, I have the entire chapter figured out, it’s funny how I just can’t come around to actually write it. I thought it would be a good approach, to be honest I didn’t plan for it to be like the major plot but it turned out that way.. okay, we Can keep “fixing” baby Lenny in fics 😉
I love how it sounds! I do it all the time too, like the way someone looks at their partner, a small gesture, a line… there’s inspiration everywhere!
Oh no, well you know yourself better than I do obviously but don’t ever feel like that at least not here, I understand anxiety is something huge and sometimes it plays against us, making us feel insecure about something (trust me, I’ve been there), sometimes I’m thinking I will bother someone by asking this or approaching for x, because in real life I think (or maybe is just me), I’ve been rejected and I’m afraid it will happen again so I retrieve and prefer to watch from afar, but not you, you’re always welcome here! 🥰 that’s right sometimes is hard to put into words how we feel, but I’m glad to know you felt encouraged enough to write me that first time and you kept coming back, to me it means so much because I feel like in some way, we clicked? Or connected and you felt like safe (or at least I hope so).
OMG what?? That’s great news! Lots of progress here!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m so so excited to hear that!!
You know, I’ve been reading some Alfie fics and I have to admit he’s been growing in my heart, his character was full of potential! We need like that side of him, I think he’s such a big fluffy bear 😂 and they owe us the Cyril story how he and Alfie met, and how was the dynamic once Tommy “adopted” him.
Jonathan is a treat to see! I bet he has this weird fetish or something like will have you gasping 🫢 I don’t know why, that or a completely different personality… oh I think is when he also says “the bat-man” with his beautiful voice and his hair looks greasy?? I love that! I have one more request to write about him too, I should start working on that this weekend :)
Yeah, I understand they didn’t continue with the films because RDJ was also in this other character of Tony Stark but I liked him better as Sherlock, I think he and Jude Law should work together again. What?!! No way!! Really?? 👀 I need to watch it, I don’t remember! Oh my my!!! Yes! I totally get that is so weird to see him in other character, but I swear I don’t remember (and I’m supposed to be a Sherlock fan!) haha
I need to google those films!! Bet they are amazing, and I don’t know why I’m almost sure I saw the other day they are making another movie about another book! Although don’t ask me which one because I don’t remember 😂 oh shushsss where did I see it? 🤔
I love stamps!!! Stop!! I bought the stamps, machine and plates but I was a fail 😂😭 couldn’t get it right hahaha is harder than it looks! But the final result is amazing! You need like a heavy nail polish, oh please if you find a way, let me know because I was utterly frustrated that I couldn’t do it right 😂😂😂 I need a slow motion diy video or something, but I’m sure you will do it better than I did and you could even make money out of it 😉
Oh stop! That color is amazing! I loved it 😍 and revlon is a great brand! They’re always making the exact same colors than expensive brands and revlon and maybelline for example last longer, I love it, buy another one whenever you can because you will ran out of it one day if you like it so much.
Oh May the concert fairies be with us! I’m going to see Adele in June!!! A dream, I’ve followed her career since she started and I’m super excited for this Vegas residency ♥️ before the pandemic I was all concerts it was one of my favorite activities to do, to enjoy a moment like that, carefree… this is the second or third concert I will attend so I’m excited! Never heard of Thomas Rhett before, any song you’d particularly suggest? Oh one of my friends is súper fan of Hugh she went to a show too, said it was amazing! Thank you, you’re so sweet. I didn’t buy the tickets for the festival, but I’m hoping Westlife will do about her show on their own (I see lots of fans in the US requesting a tour here, so maybe I will have a chance to see them…) 🤞🏻
You can’t even imagine how much joy your chats give me, makes me wonder how it would be in real life to talk and talk and talk for hours like this, oh I really look forward to!!! 🥰
Have a great and safe weekend and enjoy the days off xx
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Must be the eyes (Teacher!Agatha x Fem!Student!Reader)
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Here it is! first part of the TxS au! Let’s get this party started!
"And who exactly was the villain then, Miss Y/L/N?" You gnashed your teeth when your teacher looked at you behind the frame of her glasses, with her piercing, stupidly beautiful blue eyes and a raised eyebrow.
You flinched a bit from her gaze, but you refused to back down, you never had and you weren't going to start now, no matter how hot your cheeks got or how close this damn woman stood to you.
Agatha Harkness, Westview’s University history professor, terror of the first years and your crush since the first class you had with her. Her blue eyes had captivated you from the first moment, as had her slightly wavy hair and mocking smile. Her sarcastic and dry sense of humor was also something you loved, plus she was incredibly smart and not afraid to show it. Beautiful, smart and taught your favorite subject. Yup, you were completely under her spell.
But you hated it when she argued with you in front of the whole class, especially for things like this. It always made you feel so small and helpless, even if you didn’t show it on the outside.
She had asked your class for an essay on Greek myths, and you had chosen Medusa’s. Miss Harkness had said that you should express your views, with clear and concise arguments, which took you most of the week to investigate. But it seemed that you had not been clear enough.
Either that, or your teacher really hated you and enjoyed challenging you in front of your classmates, expecting you to break up and argue with her, so she could send you to detention. Well, you wouldn't let her win that easy.
You forced a smile and looked up. She was right in front of your chair, looking down at you as she waited for your answer.
"Athena and Poseidon" you said confidently "They are the villains"
"Interesting posture" she smiled, but it was a smile that reminded you of the cheshire cat "Although that doesn't take away the blame for the lives she took, does it?"
"It wasn't her fault either," you said, frowning.
"Oh it wasn’t?" she asked. You suppressed a gasp when she rested her hands on your table and leaned forward. You could feel her minty breath on your face "And whose fault was it, Miss Y/L/N?" she asked.
"Men’s" you gulped "Those who went to look for her"
"Explain" she ordered. Her eyes never once left your face.
"They went looking for her. They tried to kill her, what was she supposed to do? Let herself be killed? Besides, it wasn't her fault that Athena turned her into that, she didn't ask to turn people to stone" you said, crossing your arms and leaning toward back in your seat.
Anyone would think that your gesture was one of challenge, considering that your face was neutral and your eyebrow was raised slightly. But inside you were screaming and having a panic attack.
Agatha smirked in her head at your attitude. She wouldn't tell anyone even if she was under torture, but she loved having these little discussions with you. You were the only student brave enough to argue with her, and you were brilliant in the way you did.
On the other hand, you were also incredibly cute and she would lie if she said that she didn't like to make you blush, your eyes lit up a bit and the red on your cheeks really contrasted beautifully with your skin. She knew it was wrong, that as a teacher she shouldn't find any of her students attractive. But she couldn't help it, there was something about you that just fascinated her.
Most of her fellow teachers had already noticed the strange dynamic she had with you, but they took it as a simple student/teacher rivalry, stemming from the fact that you seemed like a history prodigy, which presented a vast battlefield for Agatha, it was no secret that the woman was competitive, after all.
The only one who seemed a little suspicious of what was really going on was Wanda, the literature teacher. She had been one of the best students in the university and had returned as a teacher 5 years ago and because their subjects shared a field of investigation, she and Agatha ended up spending more and more time together, until they became good friends. 
It was fun having someone to judge and gossip about both the staff and the student body. But that also meant having to endure the teasing of the younger woman every time you walked by Agatha.
Of course, she had scolded Wanda for even suggesting that she was attracted to you, a student, and the redhead had apologized, saying that she was only joking, but she wasn't sure how long it would be before her friend became suspicious again. Not that the history teacher was that subtle with the way she looked at you.
Still, Agatha Harkness had certain principles, and she knew that she couldn't flirt with you as long as you were her student, so she was content to make you blush and nervous when she was around you.
“She broke Athena’s rules” she said, almost growling.
“Poseidon raped her. That wasn't her fault” you growled back. You cursed yourself for being so passionate about this. Your classmates probably thought you were an idiot for fighting a teacher.
"You seem quite determined to defend the monster," she accused, frowning. She pushed herself off your bench and turned to the rest of the class, letting you breathe for a second. "Not many people would pay attention to Medusa, a hideous and dangerous creature. But she seems to have won Miss Y/L/N’s heart" she said, making your classmates laugh and you blushed again.
"It must be the eyes" you mumbled without thinking.
Your teacher looked at you for a moment before smirking. Fortunately, it seemed like she didn't have time to keep arguing with you. Blessed heavens for that. You heard the ring bell and sighed in relief, starting to pack your things.
“Remember that the project is due for next monday” Ms Harkness said and you hear some groans from your classmates. You chuckled as you left the classroom.
“It’s not fair” you heard your friend Nick saying beside you “She didn’t give us enough time!”
“What do you mean?” you asked “I finished it three days ago”
“But you don’t count!” he frowned “you’re good at history! I can’t even remember my sister’s birthday!”
“Nick, you don’t have a sister” you rolled your eyes fondly
“And? I wouldn’t remember her birthday anyway”
You laughed and playfully punched his shoulder. You and Nick have been friends since your first day here and you were thankful for that. He was the only one who knew about your crush on Ms Harkness, which was a blessing but also a nightmare. He loved to embarrass you.
“So, what was that Y/N?” He asked suddenly
“What?” you frowned
“The whole Medusa’s thing”
“Well, she wasn’t a monster and-”
“No no, don’t give me a history lesson, I already had enough of that. I was talking about you and ‘Ms magical eyes’ almost kissing” he smirked as you coughed and almost tripped. 
“What?!” you hissed “The hell you’re talking about?!”
“Oh c’mon Y/N!!” Nick laughed “She was practically lying over you!”
“That’s not true” you crossed your arms
“It is” he crossed his arms too “Y/N,I love you, but you can be so blind sometimes”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked, a little offended
“Y/N, we all could feel the sexual tension between you two” he laughed and left you frozen in the hall. 
“No” Agatha frowned and crossed her arms
“Please” Wanda begged
“No, I’m not going to babysit a bunch of spoiled kids” the older woman said
“Okay, first of all, they’re college students, not from the kindergarden” the redhead frowned “and this could be an amazing opportunity!”
“For what? I already know about the Salem trials, love, I’m more than capable of teach my students about it without having to taking them there”
“But it would be more fun for them” Wanda argued
“I teach history, buttercup, it’s not supposed to be fun for them” the brunette smirked while the other woman rolled her eyes.
“We both know you don’t actually think that. You love your class and want them to love it too” 
When the other woman shrugged and started reading again, totally ignoring her, Wanda knew it was time for plan B. She kneeled in front of Agatha and gave her puppy eyes.
“Pleaaaase” she cried “I need another teacher if I want permission to do the trip”
“Then ask Monica” Agatha said, not looking up from her book
“She has a game next week with the basketball team” Wanda said “Besides, as the history teacher, your class is the most similar to mine, it just makes sense if we both go”
“I’m not going Maximoff, period”
Wanda sighed and stood. “Fine.Thanks for nothing, Harkness” she pouted and left the teacher’s room. 
Agatha rolled her eyes, she knew the other woman would get over it in a few hours.
“I just say that witches are cool” you said as you and Nick walked through the hall
“They are Y/N, but visiting an old town isn’t exactly my idea for a good summer trip” he said and you rolled your eyes “Why don’t you go to Disneyland instead?” he joked
“Because I hate gigantic amusement parks” you said “And I really want to visit Salem, it was my dream since i was 9 and i read about witches from the first time. But you know I don't have enough money to do both trips. So, Salem it is for me”
Nick sighed “Alright, you do you, history girl” he joked “But try not to get cursed while you’re there, i don’t want my best friend to be a frog” 
You laughed and he put an arm around your shoulders. None of you noticed the brunette teacher walking out of the teacher’s room and who totally heard your conversation. 
Wanda jumped when her office door opened with a slam. She looked at a frowning Agatha, who had her arms crossed and let out a sigh.
“Alright, you win” the brunette said “We’re going to Salem”
The redhead smiled and quickly stood up to run to her friend and hug her tightly.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said.
“But!” Agatha said, gently pushing the younger woman to lock eyes with her “I pick the class we’re taking with us”
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princessfbi · 3 years
Bookshop AU + Character in Peril but for Madney Plssss
Bookshop AU + Character in Peril but for Madney
You, Nonnie, are speaking my language!
First Lines:
Maddie didn't understand how Buck always managed to lose his math book in their very own bookstore but he did. Every Monday morning she was left scouring their wide shelves of their tiny corner store looking for the wide brimmed spine with plastic red coloring that should stand out like a beacon in the middle of the second hand romance section but instead it blended in and stayed hidden from view.
The smell of the coffee that Buck was brewing to try and make up for again losing his math book was enough to ease some of the panic that itched under her skin as the press for time ticked down.
If you had told her that at age twenty-five she would own and operate her dream bookstore with a small cafe tucked in the side then she would've swooned on the spot and gotten lost in the fantasy.
If you'd told her that she would've taken her then twelve year old brother with her and ran across the country with only a handful of bags, a collection of collectable books she'd been saving since she was fifteen, and bruises on her skin that hurt down into her heart then she would've frozen up in terror.
If you'd told her that she would be looking for a sixteen year old's math book and found it sitting next to a copy of Little Women and a dog eared sun baked hardback of an Agatha Christie anthology then she would've laughed in your face.
When Maddie flees from Hershey, PA and her abusive fiancé, Doug, she takes only what was important. Her passport, her few keepsakes, a handful of first editions she started accumulating when was she fifteen, and her twelve year old brother. With her parents trapped in their grief and hiding from Doug, Maddie and Buck arrive to the West Coast looking for a new start. Eventually, Maddie is able to open a small bookstore/cafe with an apartment above the store.
One day a cute guy walked in and ordered two coffees and a scone before taking a seat at the small table by the window so he could watch the door.
By the time he finished his scone and was halfway through the second coffee, it became painfully obvious that he'd been stood up. Taking pity on him, Maddie offers him another cup of coffee and that's how she finds out his name. Howie or Chimney as his friends call him. He's a firefighter paramedic and he'd raced him after a twenty-four hour shift to make it to a date with a girl who was more interested in the uniform than she was Chim.
It took Chimney three minutes to get Maddie to laugh. Full belly, tears streaming down her face laughing. She couldn't remember the last time anyone other than Buck got her to laugh that hard. It was nice to laugh again.
They spend hours chatting with Chimney watching as Maddie stood and took care of the store before dropping back down to pick up their conversation. She opens up about why she loves books so much and the comfort they bring. She grew up in a tomb from an age where she could remember what it was like to see light. Books were her escape; her chance to remember what light was like.
When Buck comes back from school he finds Maddie and Chimney totally wrapped up in each other. Chimney, a little confused as to why Maddie has a tall gangly sixteen year old, makes his excuses but asks if Maddie would be interested in getting dinner sometime.
Maddie, a little hesitant since she hasn't dated anyone since Doug, freezes and Buck answers for her.
"Yes," he says. "She's definitely interested."
"You only want me to go so I'll bring you leftovers."
So Maddie and Chimney get closer and it's incredibly soft and romantic and everything they deserve. Chimney takes Buck under his wing and introduces him Bobby and the firehouse. He notices the little hiccups that come with the Buckleys. How Maddie shuts down sometimes when she's feeling pressured. How Buck panics when he thinks he's messed up. But slowly Chimney's family takes in the Buckley family.
And it's good. Everything is good.
Then Doug comes to town.
Additional Notes:
There is something about the idea of Buck calling Maddie in tears because Doug has him that I wish we had gotten and if I wrote this AU that would happen (this is also because I would like to see a twist on the whole Domestic Abuse victim being the person in peril and instead would have the abuser underestimate them and have them go fucking feral because you know JLH would act the hell out of it)
Literally if Doug touched a single hair on Buck's head Maddie would've started swinging and I stand on this hill with my iced coffee like the stubborn Scottish Midwestern that I am
Maddie for Chimney's birthday does a 'Book that's like A Movie' display and it's totally cheesy and Chimney loves it
Feel like Doug would try to burn the bookstore down because he's a dick
Christmas at the bookshop is magical because Maddie literally makes it look like it came straight out of a Hallmark movie
The entire aesthetic is Madney with fairy lights and warm fires and joy. So much joy.
Maybe this would take place like starting at Thanksgiving and goes towards Christmas
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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sweetuality · 3 years
EPILOGUE (pt. 2)
Lady Ruth has practically dragged us inside and into our room, "Simon! Baz! Get comfortable and settle in. I'll be downstairs making you boys some snacks."
She patted my arm, "We can all watch Mr. Bean later. Oh! Jamie loves it. He'll be back from work in an hour."
If she could, she would have hopped her way out, but I think her age can't keep up with her energized personality.
She has been like this ever since she believes that her family got reunited. Happy-go-lucky aura seeps out of her like my magic used to from my body. Like sparks from the skin pores.
I think it's something in our family after all.
I always feel like an outsider inside this house. The walls, the furniture, the rug on the floor are too expensive for me to feel a part of it. But Baz seems like he was born here.
He's wearing a three pieces suit (again) today. A shade of grey that gleams silver in the light and a black button-down with the collar buttons open. His shirt color matches his hair and he looks like he's one of the antiques decorated in this room.
He made sure I don't feel left out in his fashion ramp-walk show and dressed me up in his light blue jumper and white trousers with white lace-up shoes. He cast "Like a glove!" on the jumper and now my red wings stand out quite a contract to the rest of my (his) clothes.
"Do you think Lady Salisbury knows who I am actually?" Baz walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.
I place my own hands on his shoulder. "You mean vampire? No. I don't think so." I don't think Lady Ruth would care though. All she cares about is how much of a gentleman Baz is.
"I meant your boyfriend." He narrows his eyes as if it's my fault he has so many secrets and I should be knowing which of them he is referring to.
I lean in to rub my nose on his cheeks. Smells of cold water. "Maybe? Maybe not?"
"Snow, will you tell her if she ever asks?" He has my tail in his hand, rubbing it between his fingers.
Will I? Probably.
Baz is kind of an award for me. A medal. A treasure. Being with him is good for my status. If I could I would have flaunted him to the entire world.
"I will, babe." I kiss him because I'm a fool and I can't resist him.
Baz and Lady Ruth- she wants me to call her "Gran" but I'm still hesitant (maybe one day I will. I just need some time to get used to all this. To believe all this is true.) are still at the living room watching Mr. Bean and I'm at kitchen trying to find a can of cider. Jamie hasn't yet come back home from work, we saved him some egg and cress.
My phone rang in the back of my pocket. (Jamie has gifted me this new phone on my birthday. I'm so not used to this. I miss my old phone, it was fine for me. Just needed to replace the battery.)
"Penny?" I answered the phone.
"Simon Snow Salisbury! Do you even have time for me?" Her voice was half sarcasm and full anger.
Ever since she started dating Shepard, Penny and I have had less time for each other. Is this what people do? Outgrow their friendships?
She went to America with him without telling anybody. I was so mad at her. But then she got mad at me for not telling her about my family. And then we kind of nullified each other's anger.
Shepherd moved in with Penny and now he's a part-time journalist. I think he got enrolled in Penny's uni too but I'm not sure. Professor Bunce loves him and Headmistress Bunce hates him as much. And between all chaos Penny, herself hardly has any time left to catch up with me. I wanted to tell her that, but I don't want to get shouted at.
"I have all the time for you Penny. What's up?" I grab the cider can and walk out of the kitchen. I see Baz looking at me when I walk into the living room and I point him I'll be at our room.
"I was hoping we all could meet. I called Agatha too. She's busy with Niamh and doesn't wanna leave the goats alone. I guess she'll spend her Christmas with her girlfriend. But you two! I'll murder you two if you don't come."
Agatha and Niamh are the talks of the mages now. They both are taking care of the goats and a lot of people think that's what restored the peace at Watford.
Baz can't stop laughing at the irony of how Agatha and I had different preferences.
I took the stairs and walked inside our room, closing the doors behind. The room was dark, with only outside street light coming through the window to illuminate the room faintly.
"Just tell us when and where and we'll come."
I sat on the bed, taking a sip of the cider.
"Tomorrow, at my house. Shep is also going. Dad says he wants to chit-chat with him. Mum is at school so it isn't a worry. Did you know the veil lifted and my aunt visited her again to tell her not to look for her books? I think my mum will look for the books just to provoke her. Circe, I've got so much to tell you. Let's all meet! I've also got something important to announce."
"Don't tell me you're pregnant Penny!" I say, only half-joking. Penny's parents already had her when they were her age. So who knows?
"No, Merlin!" She screams so loud I had to pull away the phone to save my ears. I could hear the distant giggling of Shepard. "Just come tomorrow by the evening okay? You'll find out."
"Sure, Penny." She ends the call and I laugh. I'm happy for her. She found someone who looks at her like she's made of magic. Which is true either way.
I place the cider on the bedside table and plops on the bed. The room makes me feel like an outsider. But it also feels like it's welcoming me. A part of me feels like it missed being here all this time. Sometimes it actually feels like I belong here. Maybe I do.
I close my eyes, feeling sleepy.
Suddenly it's so cold. I shiver, bringing my wings around me to stay warm but it feels like the cold breeze is inside me. Like my blood is freezing up. My wings envelopes me tightly as a response but it feels more claustrophobic than comforting. Turning around in bed I feel my tail whipping around too. It gets so much cold so suddenly that I feel like I'm having all my nerves in my body breakdown. It's hard to open my eyes too. My lips quiver. I can't speak. I'm freezing. I'm solidifying.
"My rosebud boy." The voice echoes within me.
Rosebud boy? Natasha Grimm Pitch?
"My rosebud boy," The voice is crying, "I'm happy you're finally home."
I can't breathe. I can't open my eyes. I'm crying.
"I'm happy you're safe." I can feel the voice. It resonates within me. I had heard it before. "Simon..."
I open my eyes, tears involuntarily rolling down my cheeks. My whole body is frozen solid. And then I see her.
Golden hair and a face I recognize. Lucy. Mom?
Her hands are stretched out to touch my face but I really can't see her hand. It's like she's a streak of light. And within the light, I could hardly see the features of her face that looks so much like mine.
"We were so happy to have you, Simon. You make me so proud." She's not speaking, but I can hear her voice inside my head. My head thumps with each word. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I left you."
She's vanishing. The light is fading. I want to call out. Mom!
"I love you so much," She's leaving. No! "my rosebud boy..."
"Mom!" I found my voice hoarse and scratching down my throat harshly. I think I saw her smiling sadly before the room is back in its darkness. The coldness fades away as abruptly as it came.
But I can't stop shaking. My wings are flapping violently behind me and I'm sure I'll knock something over with my tail. I sit up, curling my knees to my chest to calm down. Mom... Lucy... She had visited me before. She came back...
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raypakorn · 4 years
so i don’t make many text posts mostly because i get very nervous so i talk myself out of it and then either just submit it to my drafts or delete it all together. might happen with this too....who knows 🙈 . but if it doesn’t....yall should know my love for you is just that great that my own head couldn’t sway me from declaring it.
given my inability to use social media to be...social...i’ve never really had mutuals before this year even though i’ve had tumblr for forever. it’s also been awhile since i’ve really even participated in the true fandom experience and it’s been a ride. a ride that helped immensely during this year when a lot of things were real shitty. a lot of that help was more because of my dear mutuals that i’ve made over the year. i’ll get in my feelings about a few of them below as given that i am shy and an anxious mess i haven’t talked to all my mutuals but i do see, love, and appreciate all of you! so if you’re not mentioned please don’t take offense. and i’d love to talk to you, i’m always here if anyone ever needs anything!💛
@hidden-joy 💙 .... my mutual who has been my mutual before i got mutuals😂. liz i say it all the time but you have my heart! i truly can’t ever thank you enough for everything that you’ve brought and continue to bring to my life with your friendship. our connection via the braincell we share is one of the most comforting things i have in my life! i’m happy that in this universe we made all the right decisions that led to us being able to connect.
@tsjernobyl 💜... emma, it’s no secret how much i adore you. i’ve told you before that your my comfort blog and that still stands as i can always count on you to make me smile, laugh, think, or just blow my mind with your gifs/art. you really have one of the biggest hearts and it’s a blessing to get to see you display that on the daily. i always feel very honored to receive any of the love that you put out into the world.
@welcometo-saturn  🧡....my fellow gemini & birthday twin, you are one of my favorite people to have on my dash, in my asks, and dms. doesn’t matter where i see your url çağrı, my heart is just happy. your sense of humor always speaks to me and your music taste is supreme. i’ve loved watching your journey through your editing/giffing and i really can’t wait to see what else you’ll attack me with! i’m glad that we both decided this was the year to make some mutuals because i’m so happy to have found you. 
@luxandobscurus ​ 🎬... first off caro, you’re just one of the sweetest people around and it’s been a pleasure getting to know you through our various interactions. secondly, you’re so talented it just floors me sometimes that we’re mutuals. like to get to be a mutual with one of my favorite fanfiction writers is just wild to me. i really can’t wait to see the other au’s you have planned! also you bless my dash with one of my favorite children, so there’s no way that i cannot love you 🥰.
@zoesrobbe ✨ ....if i’m being completely honest jovana, you were my most shocking mutual addition as in, i was completely thrown off that you started following me back. only because with everyone else i think some sort of ask or something happened before they did but with you i just opened up my notifs and there you were sjsksj. i had one of those moments where i was like ‘wait...what? why? i have nothing to offer her but my silly little blog’ 🙈. but i’m also more than happy to be mutuals with you as most of the time when you reblog something especially text posts i’m like SAME. and of course your gifs, they always look so AMAZING and have provided much needed serotonin throughout the year!
@sonderthroughthestreets  💕 ....there’s a reason your tag is talented tasfia because you posses so much of it! not only do you bless us with your art, you’re also one of my favorite sobbe writers! truly just one of the most delightful people i’ve come across. and there is also the fact that i always appreciate the tags you leave on my edits, it just makes my heart all warm to know even just one person enjoys them!
@nyttvera, @mirroroferisedx  💐 🍁 ...vera & agatha i don’t want to make this as long as a book but you two also deserve love as being a part of the pack who have made my year. as a share of the goodness from my year came from our interactions in asks or tags as well as the things you created. i’m so happy to be able to call both of you sweet and talented individuals my mutuals!
other mutuals that are amazing and helped me find some serotonin this year... @sander-klaas (so talented that you inspired me to pick up writing fanfiction after years), @driesenrobbe (becca you’re the coloring master and i’m always blown away from the things you make), @kehlanies (nicole���s talk tag is always a highlight on my dash), @sanderxrobbee​ (you delivered a couple of really unique sets & i can’t thank you enough for the delightful comments on my fic), @alwayskissmeatnight & @earthlingeliott (both of you talented individuals provided me with a lot of my favorite skamfr content)
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // AUGUST 21
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Happy 2nd birthday to these Round Ups! For two years I’ve been making monthly pop culture picks, and they’ve included:
More than 200 movies
32 TV shows and specials, plus 8 different Saturday Night Live Round Ups
27 albums, singles, playlists, and more music picks
13 podcasts
12 books
2 concerts
There have also been articles, events, museums, social media bits, trailers, and a service that helps you find movies across streaming platforms. (Find all of them here.) This month I’m adding a few more, like: 
2 podcasts
2 albums
5 vampire movies
A conversation between two GOATs
A very funny dead guy
A terrifying Robert Mitchum performance
Another Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed
Here’s to another year!
August Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Jungle Cruise (2021)
Indiana Jones meets Pirates of the Caribbean with a dash of The African Queen. I like all those movies, so sue me, I had a nice time! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10
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2. Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Genetically-enhanced sharks try to break free of their cages in an ocean research facility, chaos ensues for the characters, and it’s a delight for us. For no intelligent reason, I love movies that make me guess who’s going to get killed off next, so a big dumb shark movie starring L.L. Cool J and Samuel L. Jackson? It’s a particular brand of joy. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 5.5/10
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3. Double Feature — Adam Sandler Comedies: 50 First Dates (2004) + Murder Mystery (2019)
Adam Sandler movies are little like IcyHot for the brain—that is, they’re the relaxing kind of mind-numbing. Thanks to a stressful month at work, I watched six Sandler flicks in August—which I don’t necessarily recommend but also don’t regret—and the Netflix original Murder Mystery (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10) was one of the the best of the bunch. It’s a silly spoof of Agatha Christie’s work, and it’s a scenic two-hour European vacay. I also gave 50 First Dates (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10) another try and was pleasantly surprised. Once you get past some of the gross-out humor at the beginning, you’ll find a sweet story all about how we need to keep showing up for the people we love.
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4. Double Feature — SNL Comedies: Wayne’s World (1992) + Hot Rod (2007)
My love for Saturday Night Live is more than well-documented, so exactly zero mes were surprised that I loved these flicks from its alums. Wayne’s World (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10) follows up with Wayne and Garth in the basement we first saw on late night. Now they have the opportunity to make it big on TV thanks to a sleazy exec (Rob Lowe). Brian Doyle-Murray and Chris Farley show up, and so do Laverne and Shirley? Hot Rod (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6.5/10) follows Rod (Andy Samberg) as he tries to make it big as a stuntman and impress his stepdad (Ian McShane). Will Arnett, Bill Hader, and Chris Parnell show up, and now I can mostly forgive all those boys in high school who quoted this movie non-stop.
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5. Weekend at Bernie’s (1989)
If those SNL comedies weren’t enough silliness for you, how about you add some Bernie to your lineup? Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman are wannabe-yuppies who think they’ve got their  career breaks when an exec named Bernie invites them to his vacation home for the weekend. What they don’t know is that Bernie (Terry Kiser) has been laundering money, is connected to the mob, and, is now, um, dead. The right thing would be to call the police, but then we wouldn’t have a 97-minute high-concept comedy, now would we? Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
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6. Twilight series (2008-12)
I mostly skipped the Twilight phenomenon at its peak, but I’m so glad I hopped on the train years later—this series of vampire vs. werewolf showdowns are ridiculous.  But major kudos to the filmmakers who somehow turned a dump truck of nonsensical gobbledygook and unhealthy teenage relationships into something insanely watchable. Also, major kudos to Billy Burke and his understated, curmudgeonly, sarcastic performance. Bella’s dad is the MVP with the only appropriate responses to all of the nonsense he's forced to participate in and the only tether this franchise has to reality. Be sure to watch with a friend so you have someone else to process this weirdness with. Series Crowd: 8/10 // Series Critic: 5/10
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7. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at The Muny
You know what’s great? Live theater! This month I made my first trip back to the stage at America’s oldest and largest outdoor amphitheater, the Muny in St. Louis. Their productions never disappoint, and these performers reminded me of Howard Keel, Jane Powell, and Russ Tamblyn in the best ways. 
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8. Wimbledon (2004)
Paul Bettany and Kirsten fall in love at Wimbledon! Frankly, that premise alone should be enough to sell you on this very winning rom-com. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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9. Career Opportunities (1991)
This month’s Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! Frank Whaley and Jennifer Connelly fall in love while stuck overnight at a Target—which honestly sounds like a dream scenario—and since it’s a John Hughes script, it’s got some heart beneath its thin premise. John Hughes directing would’ve made it better, but there’s enough Hughes in there to catch my heart. Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 4.5/10
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10. First Blood (1982)
Aka Rambo: Part I. Sylvester Stallone is a tough-as-nails Vietnam vet, and Brian Dennehy is the self-righteous sheriff who ticks him off. It digs a bit into PTSD and how we don’t take care of our veterans, but mostly, it’s just Stallone going ape with a knife and explosives. Oddly, also from the same director as Weekend at Bernie’s! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10
August Critic Picks
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1. TCM’s The Plot Thickens Season 2 (2021)
You know those movies that make you ask, “How on Earth did this get made?” This season of The Plot Thickens, subtitled The Devil’s Candy, is an attempt to answer that question. Pretty much no one thinks 1990’s The Bonfire of the Vanities works as a film—including yours truly—and reporter Julie Salomon documented many of its production troubles leading to the final product. A must-listen for anyone who loves hearing behind-the-scenes stories or just gets a kick out of schadenfreude. 
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2. Gene and Roger (2021)
Gene and Roger, the summer series on The Big Picture podcast, is an overview and reflection on the work of Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, starting with the launch of their individual careers in the ‘60s through their partnership that lasted into the ‘90s. Another must-listen for movie lovers, especially those who love digging into the history and criticism.
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3. Gold-Diggers Sound by Leon Bridges (2021)
Chill vibes and cool groves to transition you from Summer to Autumn.
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4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Come for the Clint Eastwood, stay for the Ennio Morricone. Actually you can stay for Eastwood, too, because his humor is at his driest, and for Eli Wallach, whose Tuco is an insanely charming cockroach. It’s almost three hours, but this treasure hunt breezes by like a tumbleweed in the wind. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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5. AFI’s Master Class - The Art of Collaboration: Steven Spielberg and John Williams (2011)
Two GOATS talking about making some of the GOATs. They share clips and explain their collaborative process (including on projects like Jaws and Schindler’s List), and they take questions from film students at AFI. I’m only wishing it were 10 hours instead of 1!
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6. The Night of the Hunter (1955)
Robert Mitchum’s terrifying preacher elevates this classic into more than just a standard crime thriller. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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7. Respect (2021)
While a few scenes indulge in melodrama, Jennifer Hudson’s killer performance—both in vocals and character work—more than makes up for it. This Aretha Franklin biopic hits the familiar beats, but it makes you feel like you’re in the room listening to Franklin sing , which is really all you want from a movie like this. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8/10
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8. Solar Power by Lorde (2021)
At first listen, this minimalist pop record sounds worlds away from the angst of Pure Heroine and the melodrama of Melodrama. At second listen, you realize it’s the Lorde you know and love, just with a Laurel Canyon influence. Carole King even gets a shout!
Also in August…
This month Kyla and I checked out Loveline, a call-in radio show popular during the run of Gilmore Girls.  Should our favorite Yale students give up dating OR call into the syndicated radio show Loveline? Should Dr. Drew Pinsky and Adam Carolla give strangers advice OR make fun of them? Oh, and Germany OR Florida? Listen to ep. 107 of SO IT’S A SHOW?
The '40s are coming! Reviews of 1940s Best Picture winners are on their way, and I kicked it off with an overview of the Academy that decade focusing on how they responded to World War II and their new prestigious reputation.
Photo credits: The Muny, The Plot Thickens, Gene and Roger, Leon Bridges, AFI, Lorde. All others IMDb.com.
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Fic Writer Interview
Usually I don’t join games like this but I woke up with a lot of tags and thought... this could be nice procrastination from writing 👀 Thank you friends @captain-aralias @vampire-named-gampire @ninemagicks @caitybuglove23 @phoxphyre @banjjakbanjjak and @bazzybelle  🥰
name: my real name is Demi, but mostly I go by “Dem”… us Brits love to shorten names where we can 🥳
fandoms: I only write in the Carry On fandom nowadays, but it was B99 that brought me back to Tumblr & AO3 and Six of Crows that got me back into writing! I’m also really into fandoms for: Full Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, ATLA, any books V E Schwab has written, and the Folk of The Air series.
where you post: 🥳  On AO3  🥳
most popular one-shot: My first in the fandom! Agatha Returns! I love myself a good Agatha finding out fic 👏. It’s also my shortest at 657 words.
most popular multi-chapter: it’s Raising a Demon 😈 that I wrote with @scone-lover. What was meant to be a cracky fake-magickal-baby one-shot for our lord and saviour @krisrix‘s birthday turned into a sprawling 30k of chaos crack with all the feelings and thirst. 😂 No regrets. 😂 We legit never expected it to get as much interaction as it did, and we’re so grateful 🥰! It was the most fun I’ve had whilst writing, and the most inspired I’ve ever been; I read back over it sometimes like... wow, was that me?
fic you were nervous to post: I’m always vibrating with nerves. But I was TERRIFIED to post Serves You Right, because at that point I knew a lot of people and it felt so much more vulnerable. The mortifying ordeal of being known and all that. Sconey and @twokisses were exceptional cheerleaders and I cannot thank them enough.
Also Omertà was similar levels of nerves. It’s from Vera’s POV and I effectively had to develop a whole new character from two lines, which I’d never done before. I’m so so happy that people think I managed to pull it off 🥺🥰.
how do you choose your titles: I suckkk at titles. You can usually catch me bugging Sconey or @xivz in DMs with 15 different options 😂
do you outline: hmmm, I’m gonna go with no. I do in a sense of, I’ll write down bullet points of the idea in my head, and I’ll rearrange them into a “structure” but that’s it. Almost all of my ideas start out as dialogue (usually Baz’s snark 😂) and then I end up filling in around it and that helps flesh the idea into something solid.
For my NaNoWriMo however I did outline because I’d been letting the idea simmer away since July. Full spreadsheet and everything... I haven’t continued that forward haha 👀
complete: 10 fics on AO3; 8 for CO (after I upload todays!), 1 for Six of Crows and 1 for Warcross.
I have two more that are complete for CO in my Googledrive... just need to get the courage to post.
do you take prompts: I never have, but after doing the COC, I’d like to try!
in progress: okay I have at least 15 lmao. For the sake of like, not droning on, ones I’m actively working on right now: Secret Santa, my NaNoWriMo which I think I’m going to do for Big Bang, a Valentines day exchange and a songfic which sprawled out of control and I’m VERY excited for!
coming soon: Today I have a fic coming out for the prompt Party! Also the Secret Santa, first chapter will be Sunday ❤️ (which I should probably be working on right this second instead of procrastinating.....)
Almost everyone has been tagged at this point I think? but I’ll do... @eelwinks @laeve-leve @knitbelove @snowybank @arca9 @lexcanroar @wetheformidables @thehoneyedhufflepuff @pipsqueakparker @annabellelux
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padfootagain · 4 years
The King And You (X)
Part 10 : Dreaming Awake
 Here is another part for my Caspian series!!! Tons of fluff here again! Got inspired a little by the movie Kate & Leopold here again for the rooftop scene, although it's not exactly the same thing happening.
Anyway, it made me feel so soft… It also turned way longer than expected, I don't think I should apologize for that though. I hope you all like it!
Word Count: 4504
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There was a robin singing outside, maybe it was serenading the new dawn. After all, the sky was as red as its bosom, perhaps it saw a little bit of itself in the burning firmament.
It was a merry tune that would have put a smile on Caspian's face any other day.
Not today though.
No, as we take a glimpse by the window, at Agatha's home, we don't find Caspian waking up with a smile on his lips thanks to the melody. Instead, he's sitting on the edge of his bed, his head in the palm of his hands. He didn't sleep during the night, his thoughts did a wonderful job at keeping him awake.
He kept on thinking about you. About your features, about your eyes, about your voice, about how you made him feel, about the realization that had struck him the previous day.
He loved you.
And not in a 'little infatuation' way. Not in a 'friendly' way. Not in a 'crush' way either. No. It was none of these. He had never felt this way before, and yet, he knew, somehow, what all the signs meant. The butterflies in his stomach, his sometimes-erratic-sometimes-pounding-sometimes-stopping heartbeat, his thoughts always wandering back to you, the ache in his chest growing stronger and stronger the longer he was away from you…
He was in love with you.
What should he do?
It was a question he already knew what to bring as an answer for, but he kept on torturing himself anyway, hoping that with enough work of his thoughts and his heart he might find another thing to say. But he couldn't find any other end to the two of you. Because he didn't even know if you felt anything close to what he felt, and he didn't have much hope, actually. Because you lived in this incredible, gigantic world, and he had to go home. He had an entire people depending on him, and he couldn't let them down. He knew, deep down, that no matter what would need to be done, no matter how much he would have to suffer, his people would always come first, it was the vow he had taken, the promise he had sworn to hold when he was crowned king, and he would rather die than break his word.
So really, there was nothing to torture himself about, right?
He would fly to London, find a way back to Narnia. He would leave, and you would stay. And of you he would keep only the memory of a woman he had loved so truly he didn't want to go home.
He heard Agatha climbing down the stairs, knew she was going to prepare breakfast. In a few minutes, he would have to go down himself too. You were to meet that day again. He didn't know what you had planned for him, and despite his troubled mind, a rush of excitement crossed his frame at the thought of exploring this strange world with you again.
He knew what he had to do. He knew how it would end. He had to shush these feelings of his and act as if none of them existed. The thought alone tightened his throat.
How could he act like he didn't love you though?
 Over the course of the next few days, the answer to that question appeared as obvious.
He couldn’t.
He couldn't possibly push away the thoughts you ignited in him. He thought that if he could bury his feelings deeply enough, then he would be able to function normally around you. But he couldn't.
His heart seemed to burst every time he saw you smile, he lost himself in your eyes as if they were a maze, your voice spoke in all his dreams. On the contrary, the more time passed by, the worse it became. Every symptom seemed to grow on him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it from spreading.
The alternative was to not see you at all, and hope it would break the spell, but he knew already it would not make his feelings for you disappear. And when he thought about how he would soon have to go back to Narnia, he was certain that he would forever regret it if he didn't spend as much time as he could with you now.
He had no doubt that you didn't feel the same, no doubt that there was no chance he would be more to you than a friend, no doubt that your lives were meant to be spent apart. But when he thought of the life he would live in Narnia, he reckoned that the only way he would go through it all was by remembering the time he had spent with you. You would be his guiding star although you had no idea what you meant to him. And he was okay with that.
There were but a few days left to spend in New York. Agatha and Roger had planned everything, and in their mind, you were travelling with them to London. You weren't sure it was a good idea though, and for now, you had not agreed to anything.
After all, it was a crazy idea. To fly halfway across the world to help a man you had met a couple of weeks before in the weirdest circumstances, and that was still without mentioning the whole Narnia theory.
And yet, a part of you wanted to go.
That was the thought you had come to realize as you looked at the cream on top of your coffee. Caspian was sitting across from you in the coffeeshop, his long hair falling before his eyes a little, framing his face, he was dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans, his long black coat draped on the back of his chair.
It was cloudy outside, but the sun seemed to slowly pierce through the grey canopy. You were sitting close to the glass window of the coffeeshop, and Caspian watched the strangers passing by in the street. The busy city was shushed yet its sound still reached you in ghostly whispers.
He was telling you about a place called the Lone Islands he had travelled to, and his voice was soothing you more than any warm beverage ever could.
You enjoyed your time with him so much. The more time you spent together, the more you wanted to see him. You didn't understand everything he talked about, and you could read on his face that sometimes he didn't know what you meant, but it didn't matter. He didn't know what a 'software' was, but you felt more understood as a person than ever before. You weren't afraid to be yourself around him, and you hadn't realized that you hadn't been your own self in a long time.
He was talking about bells in an old hall when your phone started to vibrate.
You winced as you read Alex's name.
Caspian looked at the device that was set on the table.
"I think you should do something with… this," he nodded towards your phone.
"It can wait," you replied.
"Are you sure?"
Caspian by now had a rather good understanding of phones. He didn't understand how they worked, but was getting the hang on how to use them, and Agatha was very proud of her student.
"It's Alex," you rolled your eyes.
The king didn't know what to answer, suddenly uneasy. Of course, he knew who Alex was, because of his short but memorable meeting with him, and you had told him about your ex as well. How the two of you had been in love, and how you had drifted apart and were now standing in a weird in-between where you were pretty sure he wanted to win you over again, but was still being a douche.
Caspian couldn't refrain his jaw from clenching at the thought of Alex being with you.
The phone went quiet for a few seconds, but started vibrating again.
You cursed under your breath.
"He's not gonna drop it until I've answered," you sighed. "Give me a minute."
Caspian merely nodded and let you answer the phone, and you walked out of the coffeeshop to gain some privacy – or at least to be able to curse at your ex as much as you wanted to without Caspian seeing you.
"Hi, Alex. What do you want?"
"I love it when you're blatantly rude with me, honey."
"Okay, okay. Look, I know we're kind of… on edge these days. But I wanted to know what you were going to do with Cassie's birthday party."
You frowned.
"It was cancelled. I saw her a few days ago to give her her present and everything."
"She's decided to postpone it instead, it's back on. And it's tomorrow night."
You heaved a sigh. Cassie was an old friend of yours, and you knew she would be mad if you didn't come. However, she wouldn't be able to deny that her decision was made on very short notice and you could probably get away with a cold couple of weeks if you pretended to be busy.
"I thought I would ask you what you wanted to do. I won't come if you don't want me to."
You frowned even harder. That didn't sound much like Alex after all…
"Yeah. I mean, we're not on the best of terms these days, but I don't want us to part as enemies. So if it can help, I'll drop it. Besides, I reckon you'd like to come with your new boyfriend, and maybe you don't want us to meet again. Last time wasn't very pleasant after all."
"It wasn't pleasant because you acted like a total twat," you replied in an acidic tone.
He decided to ignore your remark, which already sounded more like him.
"Are you going with him? Because I'm bringing someone too, actually."
Your lips formed an angry thin line across your features.
"Oh, really? What's her name?" you asked, trying hard not to let Alex know how you felt.
"Great. Good for you!"
"So, are you coming? Can I go too? And do you go alone?"
You wanted to say no to all that, you truly did. But there remained the fact that it was your friend's birthday and you wanted her to be happy. And a part of you that you weren't particularly proud of also wanted to make Alex shut up and see who he had replaced you with.
So, instead of being wise, you dragged yourself into more trouble than you were in already.
"Sure, I'll come. And we're not children, so, as long as you keep your distance, I'm sure we can manage an evening without incident."
"And your new boyfriend?"
You should have said no. And you should have corrected Alex when he said that Caspian and you were together. But…
"Sure. He's coming too. Can you tell Cassie for me?"
"'Course. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"See ya!"
You hung up before he could add anything, heaved a deep sigh and walked back inside.
You let yourself fall onto your chair again, Caspian giving you a questioning look. But his expression turned into an even more perplexed one as you leaned across the table and winced before your eyes turned almost-begging.
"Caspian, I need you to do me a huge favour…"
 The music was loud, and strange. There were so many people packed in the tiny space of your friend's studio, it was hard to move around. A lot of alcohol spiralled the room too. But people seemed happy, and laughed, and Caspian, even if he felt quite uncomfortable, did his best to hide it. He already knew that it was all a terrible idea, but when you had asked him for a favour… well, let's say that you could have asked him for the moon and he would have tried to bring it to you.
You had asked him to come to this party with him, and if Alex asked, to pretend to be your boyfriend. He was blushing at the mere thought, and chose to take a gulp of his drink to hide his crimson cheeks. How could he have let himself be dragged into this?
You appeared again through the crowd, stopping to joke with a friend before walking towards him once more, a new drink in your hand.
"Are you okay?" you asked him, and he hurried to smile.
"Of course."
"Thank you again for this."
"There's no need to thank me. After everything you've done for me, it's the least that I can do."
He didn't mention that, if it was true that he was grateful for your help, he hadn't said yes because he felt like he had a debt to pay, but simply because you were the one who had been asking, and he would have done anything for you.
"Want to dance?" you offered.
But Caspian took a look at your dancing friends, and he shook his head.
"I don't know how to dance that."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know this dance. What is it called?"
You couldn't refrain a laugh.
"It's not any dance… you just… move how feel like moving."
Caspian frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that there aren't any steps or anything of the kind. You just go on that dancefloor, and dance."
But Caspian shook his head again.
"I… I don't know. I… I don't want to embarrass you…"
But you brushed his silly remark away.
"Of course, I'm not embarrassed because of you. Come on, it'll be fun. Take it as a new experience from my world!"
He wanted to say no. But your smile could have lightened an entire night sky, and he found himself yielding, as always.
"Alright. Show me how."
You gave him the brightest of grins, putting down your drink on the nearby table. He was surprised when you took his hand to guide him in the middle of the room, his heart stumbling in his chest. Your skin was soft, warm, comforting. He stayed quiet, hoping you wouldn't notice your own gesture in fear of you changing your mind. You dived together in the heart of the dancing group, it felt even more packed with people in there, a pond of dancing bodies from which he could have felt himself drowning. But you were there, still holding his hand, a lifeline he held onto, not allowing you to lose him the crowd.
You turned to him again, and started to dance, easy, little moves with your feet and arms and shoulders, and he copied them with hesitation.
But when you grinned to him and nodded in approval, he figured he would have done anything to keep this smile on your lips, so he danced with more confidence, making you laugh.
"You're doing great!" you spoke above the loud music, and Caspian grinned as well.
You loved how his dark eyes sparkled when his smiles reached his gaze…
More people joined the fray, making the crowd more compact, and you took a step towards Caspian to make more room. You were standing so close, still dancing, staring at each other, and for some reason, your heart started to pounder.
Caspian's eyes looked fully black in this light, he had tied his hair in a bun to keep it out of his face, his short beard only magnified his jawline, and you caught yourself wondering if his lips were really as soft as they seemed to be.
You stopped noticing the people around you. Were you still dancing? Was there music playing? You weren't sure. It was as if the universe had shrunk, its boarders brought around your two forms.
What was happening to you?
A hand on your shoulder seemed to bring reality to its rightful expansion though.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You shook yourself out of your trance, noticing how Caspian was blushing, and turned to Alex with a polite smile on your lips.
"Hi, Alex."
You noticed the woman standing behind him.
"I guess you're Andrea," you shook her hand, as she nodded.
She was pretty, you couldn't deny that. A lot of make-up on, and dangerously high heels, but she had a pleasant face.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N."
"This is my boyfriend, Caspian," you introduced the King standing behind you.
And you didn't miss the way Andrea's eyes roamed Caspian's face.
The least to say was that you didn't like her looking at him like that. At all.
That was it, you didn't like her.
"Caspian," Alex shook hands with you 'boyfriend'. "How are you, mate?"
"Fine, thank you," Caspian answered in a tone colder than ice. "What about you?"
"I'm great! In good company, as you can see."
But Caspian was not fooled, and clearly saw the look Alex threw at you. He was trying to make you jealous. Caspian clenched his fists so tight his knuckles turned ivory.
"So am I."
You didn't expect Caspian to drape his arm over your shoulders, pulling you to him, but you didn't mind when he did. You looked at his stare, turned irony and threatening, and you couldn’t help but like the fact that he was being protective. Besides, his embrace was gentle and warm, and you felt safe in his arms; somehow, safer than you had ever been.
You rested your hand on Caspian's chest, and you could have sworn that you felt his heart beat faster, but then, you were a little tipsy, that was probably why.
"I'd love to get a drink," you offered, and Caspian nodded, following your excuse to bid Alex and Andrea a nice evening.
You headed for the door instead.
There were a few people in the hallway, looking for a quiet haven to talk, but you knew a place much better than a corridor for that.
"Are you okay?" Caspian asked, his expression betraying his worry.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I need some air though. Come with me."
He didn't question where you were heading, he didn't need to. He trusted you too blindly for that.
Cassie lived on the last floor of the building, and had an easy access to the flat rooftop. It wasn't used, and was not a particularly nice place to hang out, but at least you would get the breath of fresh air that you needed.
Or at least, that was what you remembered. Because when you stepped out of the staircase and onto the roof, it was to discover a place alit with lightbulbs, candles and other colourful fairy lights. Above you the sky was cloudless, a velvety black canvas stained with flickering sparks. The moon shed its silvery light on the busy city, and the windows and streetlights made New York look like a field full of fireflies.
You wondered how this place could look like this: magical, beautiful.
Obviously, you have a very zealous narrator rooting for you, darling. You're welcome. It was a lot of hard work to make this place so romantic. But judging by the look on your face, I reckon it was worth it.
The cold of autumn bit your cheeks, and you finally put on your coat. Behind you, Caspian smiled.
"It's a lovely place," he whispered, his breath shaping crazy forms in the cold.
"It wasn't like that the last I came."
You could still hear the music from the party downstairs, and knew your friend would be in trouble with her neighbours the next morning. The thought made you smile.
You walked closer to the edge, watching the illuminated city splayed at your feet. And Caspian stood by your side, watching the silver of the stars get lost in your eyes, the golden lights around the roof get caught in your hair. You were surrounded with lights, and yet in his eyes you shone brighter than them all.
"It'll soon be cold enough for snow," you let out, not really thinking about what you were saying. "I wish it could snow before you have to go. New York is pretty covered in white."
Caspian's heart started aching, but he chose to push the thought away. This moment was too nice. Too perfect. A part of him wanted to ask you if you were okay after meeting Alex, but he changed his mind. He didn't want to talk about Alex. He didn't want to talk about leaving. For now, you were here, almost like a dream, and he didn't want to wake up to reality just yet.
"Would you like to dance?"
You looked at him with a surprised frown.
"I thought you couldn't dance."
"I did not know the steps for your dance. I can dance though. You taught me how you dance in your world, let me teach you how we dance in mine."
He offered you his open hand, and you let out a laugh.
"Why not?"
The tune coming from the party was perfect to jump around but far from the best for Caspian's dance. It didn't matter, he still took your hand in his, and placed his other hand on the small of your back.
"It's easy, just let me guide you. When I advance, you walk back, and vice versa."
"I'm going to step on your feet."
"It's okay."
You had a first try, and you indeed stepped on his feet. He chuckled in response.
"Let me guide you. Don't look at your feet, just look at me. Trust me."
Under the dimly lit sky, you couldn’t see where his irises began and his pupils ended. He was holding you at a respectful distance, but closely enough to make the hold intimate. You were not pressed to him, but found yourself wishing for all the space between your bodies to disappear.
The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could think them.
"I do trust you."
He gave you the warmest of smiles before trying to guide you again, and this time, all went well.
However, the music at the party did not fit the kind of dance Caspian had in mind. And Cassie didn't understand how Shall We Dance appeared magically on her playlist, but she was too busy to skip the song, and left Marni Nixon's voice fill the air. Maybe it had to do, here again, with a zealous narrator…
All that mattered was that the music was perfect for a waltz, and Caspian started to guide you across the roof with expert movements.
It didn't feel like dancing. It felt like flying. Hovering among the stars. When the rhythm got a little too fast, Caspian made sure his movements were still slow enough to keep you close, even if it meant not following the tune properly. You laughed as he made you spin, catching you again perfectly in his arms. It felt… surreal. You missed a few steps, but none of you cared, you stood close to each other, twirling across space, bathed in sweet lights, and you could not remember any other time in your life that felt both as simple and perfect as this one. It was like dreaming while wide awake.
Eventually, the song died out, and you were giggling like an idiot in Caspian's arms. And if the song disappeared, you didn't want to walk away from his tender embrace.
So, another song appeared on Cassie's playlist, and this time around, when Julie Andrews's voice started to gently sing Something Good, she was resolved to skip the soft tune. Mysteriously enough, she couldn't find a way to lock into her computer though. How strange?
Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Caspian tentatively started to guide you into a gentle dance again, and found no resistance. It wasn't a waltz this time, or at least, it wasn't fast. It wasn't a funny movement, it was intimate. Dangerously intimate.
Your eyes never left his, and you marvelled at how the yellowish lights around you appeared in his eyes, painting the brown, almost black irises with gold. You didn't notice how the space between the two of you shrank until you were almost brushing chest against chest. When he let his hand slip off your back and took a step to the side, you were afraid he would go away. But he merely placed your hands palm against palm and gently pushed to make you dance in a circle, like you had seen in these old period movies. You had always thought that it was such a cliché, how intense they made this simple dance feel. Now that you were experiencing it though, you didn't want to laugh. On the contrary, you seemed to have forgotten how to breathe altogether.
You knew your hands were supposed to be open, simply resting against each other, and even that gesture seemed too much, compared to the movies. When Caspian closed his fingers around yours though, you were certain that your heart had stopped beating altogether.
When did you stop moving, you weren't sure. The music was still playing, but your feet seemed glued to the ground. You noticed how laboured Caspian's breathing was, and it had nothing to do with the dancing.
Slowly, your joined hands were lowered, the last barrier between your faces disappearing.
Before you could make another thought, you were leaning to press your lips to his, and he did the same.
The sensation sent electricity throughout your entire frame, butterflies made too shy a term to describe what was going on in your stomach. It felt like an explosion. Like you were burning. Like your heart was expanding, ready to burst. Like you were turned into flames. You felt more alive than you had ever been before.
And most of all, it felt right. It felt like kissing him was exactly what you were meant to be doing.
Your free hand slowly rose to find the back of his neck, and his hand came to gently cup your face, his thumb stroking delicate patterns across your cheek.
When your lips moved with his, Caspian was certain to have found Aslan's land. That was what heaven ought to be like…
When you eventually broke away, both of you out of breath, both of your hearts about to combust - or implode, none of you were certain - the song was still playing, delicate notes carried by the autumn wind.
You mustered the strength to open your eyes again after a long while spent forehead against forehead, leaning against Caspian's hand on your cheek. And when your eyes met his again, the realization struck you like a punch in the gut.
You couldn't describe how you knew. You just… were absolutely certain that this was the truth, the explanation to everything you felt when you where around him, why this moment now, on the roof, was unparalleled.
You finally realized why he made you feel this way.
Oh no…
Taglist : @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony
@presstocontinue​ @ilmiopiccolounivers0​​ @madamrogers​​ @drinix​​ @sad-orange-thoughts​​ @mxrihollxd
@geeksareunique @giggleberts @sad-orange-thoughts @aylinnmaslow  @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla @drinix @joelynnp @wearetalkingtoyou @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse @cutie-bug @purplocity  @rockintensse​ @newtstarmander​ @shinebrightlikeafanbase​ 
@millionsleeplessnights @goldenor5​ @raquelbc2003​ @marvelcapsicle​​ @carolinesbookworld​ @roses-in-your-country-house @mcrmarvelloki
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Happy bday, Pen! 💜
It's 6:30 am; I immediately silence the alarm and prepare myself as quietly as possible (although Baz hears any sound within 15 meters).
The only one I don't want to wake up is Simon.
Lately he's not having a good time; he’s tormented by nightmares that often concern the Humdrum.
He almost always wakes up in a sweat; then he hugs Baz tighter, holding back his tears.
It breaks my heart to see him like that.
Baz and I try to do whatever it takes to distract him; walks, films, books (even if they aren’t very successful with him), cooking something (especially scones, of course) and other such occupations.
Maybe it's a little better. (Maybe).
Not one of the best times for me either.
Relations between Premal and my mother are again strained (he wants to be recognized at all costs as The Mage's heir and she threatens to disown him); as if that weren't enough, I am full of exams to take at college and I can't concentrate very much.
Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom crying like a teenager (not without having first cast the soundproofing spell 'Swept out through the cracks beneath the door').
Finally it's Saturday (January 23, uhuh; tomorrow’s the big day) (even if I haven't organized anything; the greatest gift would be a moment of blissful tranquility).
I leave the house with an apple in one hand and greeting Baz with the other, who’s awake and, if possible, paler than usual; he gives me a slight nod so as not to further disturb Simon's sleep, that’s hugging him.
The professor of History of Magical Sciences asked me to make a general summary on all the topics covered recently; I got away with it, but she still seemed a bit disappointed ("Okay, Bunce. Not very thorough", when she usually dotes on me).
After classes, I call Agatha, who doesn't answer me.
I also send her messages, but nothing.
I decide to stay in the library to study; I haven't bonded with any of my classmates, so I find myself alone.
Better (at least I'll be able to focus more).
The afternoon flies and, almost without my noticing, the sky’s already turned dark blue shades.
I arrive home, walking up the stairs wearily; I feel I can't take another minute alone. Once the door is closed behind me, I warn that I am back:
"Hey guys! I’m at home!"
No reply.
Given the state of mind of the last few weeks, I doubt they're in the mood for stupid jokes, so I'm starting to worry.
I drop the shoulder bag on the doormat and run to the kitchen, where a completely different scene from what I expected to find appears before me: it's all in the shadows, except for the floating candles in Hogwarts-style and confetti suspended in mid-air.
The table is full of all sorts of goodies: muffins, crackers, various appetizers, chips, tacos, fruit and a cake in the center says 'Happy Birthday Penny!'
As I continue to rub my eyes to make sure it's not just my imagination, I see the tablecloth under the table move and hear moans of protest.
Someone whispers "3, 2, 1 ..." and Simon, Baz, Agatha with Lucy and Shepard emerge (a bit messily), exclaiming: "Surprise!"
Suddenly, the space in my chest seems to have become too small to contain my heart swollen with joy.
Tears of emotion run down my cheeks, and, half suffocated by their hug, I murmur 'Thank you very much, guys'.
Hi guys! <3
How r u?
First, excuse me for posting this 2 days ago; the enthusiasm was too much (and you should know that I'm a mess w/ bdays 😅🥺).
Second, hope u like this little hc that I wrote for the one and only Penelope Bunce, a very strong, independent and powerful magician; she's one of my favourite character ever.
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(I'm not an artist, but sometimes I like to draw)
Well, that's all; love u guys & stay safe! 🥰
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
I’d love to know your headcanons for Roxy in your au ?
Sure thing! (Like a fool I typed out a lot for this and then didn’t save or publish it so let’s test how well I remember what I wanted to say yesterday)
- Roxy is three years younger than the Winx when they meet, her being sixteen the other girls 19 mean. She is just finishing her upper secondary school and is procrastinating thinking deeply about which higher education prep direction she should take while working part time at her dad’s beach bar
- (Dumb distinction to make, but in my AU, Bloom and Roxy are from AU Earth and live in a country called Europa. Their native language is Esperanto)
- Her full name is Roxana Birchfeld-Pendragon, which she Never. Ever. Under any circumstances, willingly uses
- Both of her parents are trans! (There is literally no other explanation for her existence.) Morgana left her husband before she got locked up in Tir nan Og and had no idea Roxy was hers until she saw her together with Klaus and connected the dots
- Roxy has the tiniest bit of resentment left for Morgana, because she feels like Morgana slipped out of the responsibility to raise her. She is also reluctant to call her “mom” as they are essentially strangers to each other, but is indirectly very happy to report about her “moma and papa” doing well
- Having all memory of magic erased from Earth impacted Klaus (and other people who had magic spouses and magic kids on the way) especially hard. He has ongoing brain fog and memory issues, of which his inability to remember names is his least worry. Their home is plastered with post-its among all sorts of other assistive technologies reminding Klaus of daily routines and tiny details, like that a light switch exists and maybe he should use it, because the electricity bill will be a bit steep this month again if he leaves them on all night again
- Klaus has been steadily getting better of course with the help of mental training courses and his assigned healthcare worker - he was fit to raise Roxy after all. But still he has been leaning on Roxy a lot and while she was never explicitly his carer, she had to learn how to take care of herself to lessen his burden. She is organised, self-sufficient and mature in a way that has old people coo at her and call her an “old soul” - which is just neurotypical speak for mildly traumatised
- Roxy has always been that “weird kid” and she is more or less fine with that. She grew up crawling in mud and had an innate sense for finding injured and abandoned animals that immediately capture her heart, no matter how gruesome or weird they might look. Other kids were rightfully afraid of her and her rescues
- Her rescue attempts were not thoughtless or unresearched. Roxy poured over book after book on animal care and natural habitats until her local library had no more books for her to read on the topic in the kid’s nature section. She took the information to heart and took great care of her charges. Much to Klaus’ dismay.
- Getting Artu was a compromise actually
- Klaus had to put his foot down somewhere, and that point was at two rabbits, a blackbird, three baby sparrows, someone’s escaped pet chinchilla, various stick insects, a rhino bug (Roxy they are protected, keeping them is forbidden!), about nine moth pupae and four freaking rats(!) strategically “hidden” in strategic spots around Roxy’s room. Klaus may periodically forget things, but his home turning into a zoo was unmissable even for him.
- Roxy was of course inconsolable after the animals had to leave, but Klaus took her to the animal shelter right as her tenth birthday was coming up and the stars to Roxy’s eyes returned immediately. She picked the most hurt and undernourished mutt she could find and nursed him back to health perfectly and lovingly. Artu and her have been inseparable since then
- Artu is her best, and frankly, only friend through secondary schooling. Roxy had no intention to become any less weird than she was before and as kids are.. her peers kinda felt that. It’s not like she has no one to get along with or do group projects with, but she wouldn’t call any of her classmates a close friend and neither would thy call Roxy that
- With the Winx she at least found a social circle that did wonders for her in an otherwise extremely stressful time 
- Undigested, Roxy carries a mountain of resentment and fear and trauma about witchers with her. Since she doesn’t brush much with that half of the magic using community, she believes she can keep it all under a lid, but realistically it would be healthier for her to seek mental healing from what happened in a constructive way
- School, Roxy thinks, is just not for her. She has an absolutely awful first year at Alfea. She is awkward, uses an incredibly high level transformation without understanding even the most basicest of basics and it certainly doesn’t help that in every official capacity she keeps getting called “Queen” - (that is her title though, despite Nebula being the regent)
- (Roxy does indeed have Believix in this AU as her first transformation. It is limited by her understanding of magic and her body’s ability to process and transduct the necessary energy, but it is Believix non the less. She gains it as Klaus immediately puts his faith into his daughter, memories coming back to him when he sees her exhibit traces of magic, realising just what she is. His belief in her being much stronger than whatever small magic core Roxy might have had at that point, she unknowingly went for it and unlocked her Believix ahead of time)
- Roxy is not actually very enthusiastic about magic after she already gets out of it what she wants- that being the ability to communicate with her beloved creatures - and she has a hard time to motivate herself to work towards Winx or Alfea mandated goals. As happy as she was about being something special, that joy of novelty wore of fast in organised education
- Not that she is aware of it at that point, but Roxy is actually extraordinarily proficient at handling external sources and cores of magic. It is not just her first transformation being Believix that gives her this penchant, but she also handles the White Circle, her Mythix wand and other high power artefacts that she picks up with surprising ease
- Her shitty streak of social life, the top tier of which so far has been the few summers she hung out with the local goth and alternative kids at the city park who loved to pet Artu, eventually comes to an end. In her second year she gets closer with her dormmates after the Winx rope them all in to help with their current quest (Butterflix). After rescuing the witches from Cloud Tower after the Trix’s renewed takeover, Roxy also gets close to a senior witch called Agatha. They become great friends over the course of their collaboration and maybe also ... you know, more
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better things are here with you
Summary: “Despite the objective truth of the statement, Logan was still not convinced that that was the whole story.
Whether it was intuition, his embarrassingly extensive knowledge of Roman’s behaviours and mannerisms or Logan simply reading far too many Agatha Christie novels, the fact still remained: Roman was lying.”
Pairing: Logince with background moxiety
Warnings: Quick mention of very minor burns.
A/N: This is my fic for Logan’s birthday!!! He’s my Favourite Boy and I’m very excited to see all the stuff surrounding him that’ll come out today.
AO3 Link
"Do you not have better things to be doing?" 
Logan raised an eyebrow, looking away from his novel to see Roman attempting to squirm his head into his lap—rather unsuccessfully considering that is where Logan's book currently resided.
It was not the first time Roman had demanded his attention today. He'd already burnt his hand on the oven whilst attempting to make lunch—fortunately, the burns were only superficial and he’d recovered fairly quickly—on top of both getting trapped looking for something under the couch and colliding directly into Logan in the hall, sending papers flying everywhere.
In conclusion, Roman had been particularly trying that afternoon and Logan had no clue as to why.
"Better than bothering you?" Roman replied with a wolfish grin that definitely didn’t make Logan’s heart turn over in his chest, "Never."
He seemed to have momentarily given up on his attempts to invade Logan's personal space, instead resting his head on the couch cushion beneath him, his legs thrown over the side.
It didn’t seem a very comfortable position to be in when taking into account Roman's height but then, all his roommates had a tendency to sit in rather odd positions. Whenever Logan inquired as to why they didn't simply sit like regular human beings he got some indecipherable comment about gay culture and as such he'd long since stopped asking.
He closed his book, making a mental note of his place before setting it on the coffee table in front of them.
"Was there something you required, Roman? You've been notably…” Logan searched around for a moment for the correct word, “…disruptive this evening. If I didn’t know better I would say that Remus had come to take your place—however, I’m also well aware that your brother is somehow even less subtle than you are.”
The expression that took over Roman's face seemed appropriately caught out. “Oh! Um…”
He scrambled around on the couch for a moment, trying to turn himself around so he was sitting upright. Once he’d finally settled, wide eyes and a hesitant smile on his face, Logan was almost certain there was more to this than Roman simply bothering him for amusement—something that had remained perfectly plausible until now.
“Well, you know… it gets lonely without the other two around! I’m used to hearing Patton giggling at something or Virgil… well, Virgil doesn’t really make a whole lot of noise, I suppose, but he’s always there. And now they’re not.” He scratched at the back of his neck, mostly avoiding Logan’s gaze. “‘s just weird.”
It was true that the flat had gotten a lot quieter since Virgil and Patton had left on vacation earlier that month.
It was something Virgil had been planning in secret for weeks and weeks before revealing it, knowing that Patton appreciated surprises just as much as Virgil disliked them. He’d been coordinating with Roman and Logan too, considering Roman and Patton were generally considered the closest platonic pairing amongst the four and Logan had a better sense of budgeting than Virgil could even dream of having.
Patton had been delighted, Virgil had been delighted by association—or as delighted as he allowed himself to be in front of the rest of them, anyway—and the two of them had set off, leaving the apartment to Logan and Roman.
Still, though, Logan was not convinced that that was the whole story. Whether it was intuition, his embarrassingly extensive knowledge of Roman’s behaviours and mannerisms or Logan simply reading far too many Agatha Christie novels, the fact still remained: Roman was lying.
Despite his reputation, Logan was not heartless—and when it came to Roman, even less so. If something was bothering one of his friends, Logan wanted to know what.
“And that’s all?” he questioned dubiously.
Roman nodded his head vigorously. “That’s all! Anyway, I think I should be getting back to-”
“Forgive me if I don’t entirely believe you, Roman,” Logan interrupted, stopping Roman dead in his tracks, “If you were simply lonely, why would this behaviour have developed today rather than several weeks ago when Patton and Virgil first left? Why now?”
Roman’s eyes were wide, still frozen in a position of half-risen from the couch. He bit at his bottom lip for a moment before sinking back onto the cushion, far enough away that Logan couldn’t help but notice the absence of warmth beside him.
“Well… it’s Patton and Virgil’s three year anniversary tomorrow.”
Logan blinked. “Yes, I am aware.”
Ducking his head suddenly, Roman’s whole face alighted with a blush Logan had never previously seen from him, colouring his cheeks in beautiful shades of pink and red.
Roman was not easily flustered. He was a rather extensive flirt—a fact that Logan attempted not to be frustrated by—and tended to give as good as he got, shooting back line after line and laughing when any were particularly corny.
In fact, his blushes were considerably more likely to be caused by embarrassment, yet years of living with Remus had given him a rather high tolerance when it came to being ashamed—when your brother has already been thrown out of the aquarium for loudly describing how he was going to have sex with a fish, it feels like not much else you do can compare.
Logan wasn’t going to claim that Roman’s behaviour was completely outlandish, however, it was most definitely something to take note of.
Roman mumbled something under his breath, raising his eyes to meet Logan’s with a somewhat vulnerable look.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Logan admitted carefully.
Roman’s expression became pained for a moment.
“I just-” He cut himself off with a frustrated yell, jumping up from the couch to pace agitatedly around the room. Logan just watched—quiet and patient, wishing he knew some way to soothe him. “This wasn’t how I wanted to do this!”
“Do what, Roman?”
Roman stopped suddenly, spinning around to look at Logan in a way that he was entirely unfamiliar with. It was something soft and awed, like all the fight Roman held had been drained out of him with Logan’s words and replaced with a quiet sort of wonder, lighting Logan’s chest on fire with his gaze.
Logan was entirely uncertain about what could have caused such a reaction but he was unable to question him as Roman began to speak.
“Do you know the way you scrunch up your nose when you’re thinking? Or the way your eyes light up when we take you out stargazing and it doesn’t seem to matter that it’s a regular event because you display the same kind of astonishment every single month—as if you’re truly seeing the stars for the first time?
“I thought about telling you there, seeing the reflection of the stars in your eyes as I told you how you are worth more than galaxies to me, and how if it were in my power I would gift you every single star in that sky just to see you smile like that forever.”
Roman glided back around the coffee table, perching himself on the edge as he continued to speak.
“I thought about telling you a million times. Every moment you provided some marginally-relevant fact as if it were the most valuable knowledge you’ve ever imparted, every moment you debated me with a passion unmatched and a joy I’m oh so happy to bring, every time you rolled your eyes fondly or stared just a moment too long and blushed as you looked away and every moment that I got the sense that maybe—maybe—you could be thinking about telling me too.
“I had dreams of wooing you, Logan, because you deserve so much more than a rushed confession on the deadline of a dare and it is my own cowardice that has robbed you of that. I only hope you can forgive me.”
Roman may not be easily flustered but Logan found he most definitely was, especially when it came to attractive men confessing their love for him. He was almost certain his face had never been as red as it was at this exact moment, his lips gently parted and eyes blinking rapidly as he struggled to find something to say.
“I…” Logan trailed off almost immediately, his head abuzz with scraps of sentences with no conclusions. “Oh.”
Roman appeared regretful for a moment and Logan became so keenly aware of the fact that he never wished to cause that expression in Roman ever again. “You don’t have to return my affections, Lo. Goodness knows I don’t deser-”
“You do,” Logan cut in with a kind of assurance he hoped left no room for error or doubt, “Of course, you do. I can’t believe you’d think for even a moment that you are not worth exactly as much to me as I am to you.
“The idea of you claiming yourself unworthy as if you aren’t akin to a supernova—brightening the night sky and lighting everything around it on fire—as if you aren’t a story more interesting than any constellation could possibly hold, rarer than any star shooting across the sky…”
He felt breathless for a moment, gasping from the incredulity colouring his words.
“It’s absurd that you could think you aren’t deserving of love, Roman. Utterly absurd.”
Roman blinked a few times, seemingly processing Logan’s words, before grinning big and bright and gorgeous. There was an entire universe contained in that smile, gifted to Logan in a moment of unbridled joy that he could never be more grateful for.
“Does that mean you feel the same?” Roman asked, hope tinting his words.
Logan softened, the edges of his mouth quirking up in a way he wouldn’t have been able to repress even if he’d wanted to. “Ye-”
He barely managed to get through his confession before Roman was springing forward, pinning Logan back against the couch and pressing their lips together. It was hot and overwhelming and so very Roman, and Logan did nothing but soak it in—returning the kiss with, while not as much frenzy, just as much affection.
As they broke the kiss, returning to blinding smiles and soft gazes, Logan couldn’t help but realise that Roman had found a way into his lap after all.
And if Roman sent Virgil a selfie of Logan curled up in his arms that night, caption claiming that his end of the deal was complete and he was expecting to see a ring on Patton’s finger by the time they returned from their holiday? Well, Logan didn’t have to know that.
Companion moxiety fic / sequel here!
Tag list: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun @teadays @sandersships @camcam774 @autism-goblin @deadlyhuggles6 @romanthestarstruckqueer @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @rainboots-are-for-snobs @sanders-and-sides @spirits-in-my-thoughts @kee-and-co @autistic-virgil @stop-it-anxiety @figurative-falsehood @jadedfantasies231 @poisonedapples @sanders-screams @another-sandersidesblog @do-not-just-see-observe @mychemicalpanicattheemo @thomassandersenthusiast @localagendergrape  @idosanderssidespromptssometimes 
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
auggie & esther (OC screenplay) Part 1
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*GIF BY @tana-the-dreamchaser​ *
Summary: Auggie’s life turns around when a baby is dropped off at his doorstep.
Category: OC screenplay
Couple: Auggie (Masc!) x Esther (FilipinoFem!) 
Content Warning: Profanity, mentions of alcohol, reference to pregnancy 
A/N: I wrote this screenplay months ago during the summer with the intentions of Auggie being portrayed by MGG, but you can depict Auggie however you’d like. 
I wanted to post pictures of my screenplay so that you could read it in the way it’s intended to be read, but Tumblr only allows for 10 pictures to be posted at a time, so I had to format the screenplay differently than how a screenplay should be formatted so that you could read it more clearly here on Tumblr. 
Where there is simultaneous or quick dialogue in the script, there is a SLASH “/” in the middle of the speaker's dialogue, representing where the next actor should begin. The following actor's line will be started with a SLASH “/” to indicate that it is interrupting another line.
Brackets “[ ]” around words represent the english translation for the Tagalog words that were previously spoken. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
The birds are chirping. The sun is out. It’s practically a perfect morning, but AUGGIE, our protagonist, is clearly miserable nonetheless. The twenty something, disheveled mess nurses a beer while staring into nothingness. 
A knock on the door snaps Auggie out of his trance. He sets down his beer on the coffee table and groans as he exerts effort to get up. The mirror that’s placed right next to the front door reveals his appearance to himself. Even he’s shocked by how gross he looks. The bags under his eyes are heavy and dark, his bed head mixed with his scruff is remarkably unattractive, and his eclectic robe isn’t even tied properly enough to hide his childish superhero boxers. He’s utterly disgusted by himself. 
With what little dignity he has left, he opens the door. Thankfully, but also strangely, no one’s there. He peers out further into the hallway and towards the elevator landing, but still nothing.
That is until he looks down. 
A newborn baby sleeps peacefully inside its infant car seat. Auggie’s eyes enlarge. 
AUGGIE:  What . . . the . . . fuck. 
TOBIN, Auggie’s roommate, and Auggie are huddled around the child, peering down in awe. The baby is like an exhibition in a museum. While Auggie and Tobin are onlookers. 
TOBIN: Don’t worry, dude. I’m sure it’s not yours. Someone probably left it here on accident. 
AUGGIE: (in denial) Yeah, yeah, I bet this happens all the time. 
Suddenly, a voice from behind them speaks. It’s RENE, the final branch of the triad that is their friend group. In his hand, he holds a folded sheet of notebook paper. 
RENE: Someone leaving their child on accident with a relinquishment deed and a note saying specifically it’s Auggie’s? (cackles at their stupidity) Yeah, okay sureee. Just listen to this. (reading the note aloud, imitating a valley girl’s voice poorly) Dear August, I thought I could handle being a mom, but now I realize she’s better off in your care. 
Both Auggie and Tobin tilt their heads as they look at the baby closer, as if to say, “Huh, I guess it is a girl.” To be fair, the baby’s dressed in unisex clothing, so it’s hard to tell.
RENE (CONT’D): (continuing to read letter) I’m sorry to spring this on you, but I’ve decided to relinquish my rights in case you want someone to adopt her. Otherwise, I grant you full custody, because of that, I thought that you should be the one to name her. I wish you both well. Take care, Jackie. 
AUGGIE AND TOBIN: (gasp and look at each other) Jackie?!
RENE: Damn! She broke your heart and had your kid.
Auggie’s mind swirls. He collapses onto the couch, but this only puts him closer to the baby. Seeing her up close and being able to distinguish his own features in her freaks him out and he spirals a little more. 
AUGGIE: GOD, she doesn’t even have a name yet. FUCK! /Shit!
RENE: /You can’t cuss anymore.
RENE: What about Marlene? She was a fan of mine back in my drag queen days. Lovely girl. Miss her to death. 
TOBIN: Marlene? Hell no, she looks more like a . . . Agatha. Yeah, Agatha. That’s perfect!
RENE: Agatha? Are you fucking serious? 
Rene and Tobin continue to argue in the background, while Auggie is still fixated on the child. 
AUGGIE: Wait, shut up. Shut up! I know what to do. 
Auggie, Tobin, and Rene wander around the Primrose Boutique - the store ESTHER works at. Esther is Auggie’s childhood best friend, and secretly, his first (unrequited) love. Tobin and Rene mess around in the store, while Auggie trails behind Esther and waits for the right moment. As the visual merchandiser of Primrose, she’s busy dressing a mannequin and later, she finishes cashing out a customer, until finally, Auggie sees his window of opportunity. 
AUGGIE: Jeez, I didn’t realize I had to schedule an appointment to talk to you.
ESTHER: (curtly, stoic) Are you bleeding, burning, or on the verge of death?
AUGGIE: (uncertain) Uh . . . no? 
ESTHER: Then can you come back in an hour? My shift will be over then.
Auggie lifts the baby carrier and sets it on the counter. Esther was so busy she didn’t even notice it earlier. 
AUGGIE: Granted, neither one of us is burning or bleeding, but I’d consider this urgent. 
Suddenly, Esther’s attention is undivided. She begins to unbuckle the baby and hold her - something Auggie has yet to do. 
ESTHER : (to the baby, in a baby voice) Oh my goodness, aren’t you just the cutest little thing? Hi, princess. 
Notably, the baby nibbles on the tip of Esther’s finger. This small connection is already far stronger than the one Auggie has with the baby, or rather the lack thereof. 
AUGGIE: I got Three men and a Baby’d by Jackie this morning. Remember her? Guess it wasn’t enough to dump me on my birthday, so she decided to drop off an extra gift for good measure.  
ESTHER: And you came to me why?
AUGGIE: I need your help. 
Esther carefully places the baby back into the carseat.
ESTHER: Like I said, I still have an hour before my shift ends. I can’t help you right now. 
Auggie groans in frustration. 
ESTHER (CONT’D): In the meantime, you should probably go to a store. There’s a Target just a block away. I can meet you there when I’m done. 
Auggie knits his brows together in confusion. 
ESTHER (CONT'D): Unless, of course, along with that baby, Jackie left you clothes, a crib, food, a stroller, bottles -
Auggie throws his head back and sulks. It never dawned on him that he wasn’t properly equipped to take care of her. 
Esther sees her exasperated friend and summons a coworker to cover for her. As Esther collects her things and prepares to leave early, a loud clutter erupts. All eyes turn to Tobin and Rene. They managed to knock down a jewelry display while walking mindlessly around the store, using sequin scarves as blindfolds. Esther shoots a deadpan stare at Auggie for the actions of his friends.
ESTHER (CONT'D): (facetiously) How can I ever repay you for bringing Dumb and Dumber into my life?
Tobin and Rene mess around with a breast-feeding system, which earns a judgmental side glance from the worker Auggie and Esther are speaking with.
STORE WORKER: (asking Esther) So, Mom, are we looking for a new breast pump? We have a portable -
ESTHER: (interrupting) Oh, no, no no. I’m not the mother, just helping out a friend.
The worker nods, pretending to understand. 
STORE WORKER: (asking Auggie) Oh wondeful. So, Dad, is this little angel’s mommy breastfeeding?
AUGGIE: (bashfully) Actually - funny story. (beat) Um, have you heard of the movie “Three Men and a Baby?”
Esther hides her face under her hand in embarrassment. The store clerk nods slowly. 
AUGGIE (CONT'D): Well that’s exactly what happened to me this morning. Yeah, I kinda just found her on my doormat. But um, the note didn’t really have information regarding (coughs) breasts, so yeah, I, I know virtually nothing. 
STORE WORKER: (unsure of how to react) . . . Oh, congrats. I’ll get you guys a registry list. It has everything you need on it. (just politely asking) So does she have a name? 
Auggie nervously laughs. 
STORE WORKER: Sir, does she have a name?
AUGGIE: Yeah, yeah. It’s . . .
He panics and his eyes wander. He scans the entire baby section. His eyes land on an entire shelf of baby soap. 
AUGGIE: (uncertain and quietly) . . . soap? Soap? 
STORE WORKER: Sorry, I’m not sure if I heard you correctly. Did you say Soph?
AUGGIE: (blurting out) Yes YES, a nickname. Short for Sophie. (actually realizing he likes the name) Yeah, Sophie. 
Auggie smiles down at the baby with satisfaction. SOPHIE is perfect for her. 
While Esther changes Sophie’s diaper, Auggie, Rene, and Tobin watch from a comically far away distance - grimacing each time they see something gross. 
ESTHER: (baby voice) There you go, princess! Does that feel better? New clothes and a fresh diaper!
Auggie approaches Esther and Sophie with caution. 
At this point, it’s undeniable that Esther has made a significantly larger amount of physical connection with Sophie in comparison to Auggie. 
AUGGIE: Thank you by the way. 
ESTHER: Oh yeah, it’s no problem. I’m happy to help.
Esther sets the peaceful baby inside a crib that she not only bought but assembled, too. 
ESTHER: I should get going now, so - 
AUGGIE: (interrupting her): Whoa, whoa, whoa you can’t leave. We need you. 
ESTHER: I have to take the opening shift tomorrow morning because I left an hour earlier today. And I’m not always gonna be around. You need to learn how to do this on your own. You’re her dad. It’s time you start acting like it.
With a heavy heart, Esther leaves, but not before planting a kiss on Auggie’s cheek. 
ESTHER: (whispering in his ear) I believe in you. (pulling away) And if you really need me, you can call me. 
As Esther leaves the apartment, Auggie stands completely still as if he’s been paralyzed with fear.
RENE: Toby, did you see that? (singing) Auggie and Esther sitting in a tree - 
TOBIN: (mocking Auggie) Oh, my dearest Esther! I beg of you, darling, do not leave me! 
Tobin and Rene crack a few more jokes about what just happened, until they realize Auggie has yet to laugh or defend himself. He’s still staring at the door that Esther just left from. 
TOBIN: Hey man, we were just kidding. 
Auggie fully turns around to his buddies. His face has visibly gone pale. 
AUGGIE: What am I gonna do?
Sophie starts to wail.  
Rene and Tobin munch on Chinese takeout, looking at something on Tobin’s phone and making calm conversation. On the contrary, Auggie paces around the room holding Sophie as she cries uncontrollably. He’s a mess. 
TOBIN: Rene and I found Jackie’s insta. She’s pretty hot for a new mom. Lucky bastard.
Auggie gives a “really?” look. Tobin immediately puts his phone away apologetically. 
AUGGIE: Yeah, I’m definitely feeling lucky right about now. Sophie’s been crying for two hours and nothing is working. I tried feeding her, changing her, I even tried reading to her. (frustrated groan) I’m gonna call Esther. 
Objections from Tobin and Rene fade into the background as Auggie calls Esther. 
Rene and Tobin are seated at Auggie’s desk with his computer, looking up ways to get a baby to stop crying. They recite them to him as Auggie tries each recommendation in his living room. 
AUGGIE: (checking his watch) Where is Esther? I called her like fifteen minutes ago. 
Immediately, the door opens. Esther barges in with a large bag on her back. It’s a guitar case. 
ESTHER: Sorry I’m late, I had to dig through the storage unit for this. (pushing Rene out of the desk chair) Move.
Esther takes the desk chair and places it right across from the rocking chair that Auggie and Sophie are in. She pulls out a dusty vintage acoustic guitar from its case. Frantically, she tunes it. 
ESTHER: (with the guitar pick between her teeth) By the way, there’s like three noise complaint papers taped to your door. Gotta hand it to you, Auggie, kid’s got some lungs. I could hear her all the way from the lobby. 
Esther strums a chord and with satisfaction, she takes the pick out of her mouth and starts to play Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. 
ESTHER: (singing) I took my love, I took it down. 
Her voice not only captivates Sophie, but it’s so beautiful that even Auggie, Tobin, and Rene are caught off guard. Not even Auggie, the closest friend she has, knew she sang so well.
A calm settles over the room. The atmosphere’s changed. Sophie coos. She likes it. She’s already calmer.
ESTHER (CONT’D): Climbed a mountain and I turned around. And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills. ’Til the landslide brought me down. 
As Auggie rocks Sophie back and forth, his attention diverts to Esther. Auggie looks at her, really looks at her. As if for the first time, he’s truly seeing her. 
Tobin and Rene are in the back, hugging each other like they’re proud parents watching their son and the love of his life interact. 
ESTHER (CONT’D): Oh, mirror in the sky. What is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Sophie’s almost fast asleep. Esther can’t help but smile. 
ESTHER (CONT’D): Well, I've been afraid of changing. Cause I've built my life around you. But time makes you bolder. Even children get older. And I'm getting older too.
Sophie finally smiles as she drifts asleep. Esther laughs in awe. Her singing almost stops, before she notices that Auggie is tearing up. 
ESTHER (CONT’D): Take my love, take it down. Climb a mountain and you turn around. And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills. Well the landslide will bring it down. And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills. Well the landslide will bring it down. The landslide will bring it down.
As the song comes to a close and Esther let’s the guitar fade, Sophie is fully asleep and peaceful again. Esther places her guitar back in its case and Auggie sets Sophie into her crib. As he does, Esther takes a deep breath and wipes the sweat of her palms on the sides of her leggings. She looks like she’s got to get something big off her chest. 
AUGGIE: You are awesome. I can’t believe how fast that worked. You should record an album and - 
ESTHER: (interrupting him) I think we should talk. 
Auggie is confused at first, but the fact that her voice yields no sarcasm, he knows she’s serious. He takes a seat on the couch, while Tobin, Rene, and Esther sit across from him on top of the coffee table. 
ESTHER (CONT’D): Look, I know you wanna do the right thing here, but just because Jackie gave her to you, doesn’t mean you have to keep her. And you are not any less of a good person if you let someone else take care of Sophie. 
AUGGIE: Jesus, what is this? A fucking intervention? I’ve only had her for less than a day and you guys are already saying I can’t do it? 
TOBIN: Augs, it’s not that - we just think you’re way in over your head. 
Auggie is completely stunned by what he's hearing. 
RENE: There’s no shame in giving her up for adoption. I know so many couples who haven’t had luck with a surrogate. So if you do give her up for adoption, maybe one of my friends could adopt her. She’d be going to a really good home- I’d make sure of it. I’m sure they’d even let you co-parent.
ESTHER : Auggie, we aren’t trying to be pessimistic, but the reality of it is, you aren’t ready to be a parent yet. Much less a single parent. 
Auggie zones out a little. Sophie catches his eyes. He looks at her pensively.
EXT. A PARK - 5:00 a.m. NEXT day
Auggie’s jogging through a path in a park. Not many people are around considering it’s so early in the morning. A nearby car chirps and unlocks. It’s Esther. She looks up for a quick second, only to realize the jogger is Auggie.
ESTHER: (calling out to him) Hey, Auggie! Wait up!
Auggie notices and jogs back to see her. 
ESTHER: What are you doing up so early?
AUGGIE: I could ask you the same thing. 
ESTHER: I’m going to an earlier spin class so I can get a workout in before I have to open the store. Your turn. 
AUGGIE: I find that in times of distress, running clears the mind. And after last night, consider me very distressed.  
ESTHER: Well, there’s also the saying “Sleep on it.” But from the looks of you, I don’t think you’ve tried that approach. (caresses his face and sees the exhaustion) Did you sleep at all last night?
AUGGIE: (passive aggressively) Well I couldn’t get my own daughter to go to bed last night, so how could I get myself to?
ESTHER: August, I was just trying/ to help              
AUGGIE: /That was out of line. I apologize.
ESTHER: I was going to meet you after my shift to tell you how sorry I was about what happened last night. I know it seemed like we were ganging up on you, but I promise it was out of love. 
AUGGIE : No, I get that, but the only reason I was mad was because it was true. I know I’m not prepared to raise Sophie, but my pride is telling me I can’t let her go. If Jackie never gave her to me and let another family adopt her, I’d be okay with that, but knowing about her - knowing I am a dad - that makes all the difference. The unfairness of it all is holding me back, too.
ESTHER: What’s unfair?
AUGGIE: She’s already been abandoned by her mother. And if I do this, I’m abandoning her too. Only because I don’t think I can handle it. Isn’t that just selfish? There isn’t even a guarantee that she’s better off in the system. What if she’s never adopted and is forced to move from foster home to foster home? Each one being worse than the last. I know what that’s like.
Esther nods understandingly and holds her head low in guilt. 
AUGGIE (CONT’D): My parents, now they - they are prime examples of people who should never raise kids, but I’m not them. I’m not perfect, but at least, I’m not bipolar. Or addicted to methamphetamines. I am nothing like them. And I’ve spent my entire life trying to prove that, but if I just gave up on Sophie, and she suffered the consequences, I don’t know how I’d live with myself. I’d be perpetuating the cycle. (beat) I was doomed from the start. But Sophie - I’m gonna get better for her. 
Esther sighs and smiles. She takes her free arm and puts it around Auggie, embracing him in a tight hug. 
ESTHER: I support you. (on the verge of tears but still cracking jokes) You know, Landslide isn’t the only song I can sing. I can play Fast Car, too. 
Auggie laughs as a tear falls down his cheek. To suppress his sobs, he lets his lips press on Esther’s shoulder. She feels this and rubs her hand up and down his back - still hugging him. 
ESTHER (CONT’D): I’m proud of you.
Auggie’s finally grown up. 
Esther and Auggie are sitting on a big comforter with little fixings laid out. Their conversations are tranquil as they nibble on some of the food. They even make a toast using champagne glasses filled with sparkling cider. In the distance, Tobin, who’s wearing Sophie in a baby carrier, and Rene are throwing around a frisbee. 
AUGGIE: By the way, you’re not a very good liar. Was I that bad of a teacher? I mean, really, spin class was the best you could come up with? Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s not ideal to go to Soul Cycle in a tank top and jeans. 
ESTHER: Okay, well, telling the guy who runs for leisure that I’m going to a spin class speaks more highly of my character than admitting that I had an urge to completely rearrange the store and redress mannequins. 
AUGGIE: I wouldn’t judge you for doing your job. I might’ve even applauded you for waking up that early to execute a plan that you could’ve done during your shift. I wish I had a job I was that passionate about.
ESTHER: I like it, but it’s not my passion. I’ve only been working there for as long as I have because I needed a stable job while I searched for my true calling. And now it’s been a few years, but my vocation has yet to call me back. 
AUGGIE: Why don’t you pursue a music career? (Esther shakes her head and laughs) No, I’m being serious. You’re talented, E. I’m sure you could make a career out of it.
Esther’s smile fades. With a sigh, she changes from sitting on the blanket, to laying her back completely flat on top of it. She stares up at the cloudy blue sky. 
ESTHER: I always thought about it, but I just think my window of opportunity closed. I’m what, 25 almost 26 now? And doing something as impractical as trying to be a singer - it takes years for people to build up their music careers. So I’d be nearly 30 when mine would presumably take off, and by that time, I’ll want to settle down, be married, live in a cozy home and start a family. All of the things my friends already have or are going to have soon. I mean, Francine’s engaged, Clara has twins on the way, and Julie’s living somewhere in a little European villa. (sigh) I realize that I can’t have it all, but right now, I don’t even have any of it. I feel like I’m waiting around for my life to finally begin, while it’s simultaneously passing me by.
Auggie’s face softens as he listens to Esther. He knows exactly what she’s feeling. 
AUGGIE: For as long as I’ve known you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you lose hope before. It’s what I envy about you most. I used to think the way you viewed the world was so naive, but now I’m jealous. I wanna believe in what’s to come as strongly as you do.
Esther’s moved. Her eyes cut away from the sky to look at Auggie, really look at him. 
Esther rolls onto her side and shifts closer to Auggie. He imitates her actions, and soon enough, he presses his forehead against hers - their purest exchange of love. 
Auggie’s so tempted to kiss her, but he wills himself not to. Before he truly loses his control, he pulls away and sits up. 
AUGGIE: (clears throat) So, how’s Lola? [Filipino word for Grandmother. Esther is Filpino.]
ESTHER: She still asks about you. Except now with her alzheimer’s, she refers to you as “my skinny boyfriend.” (laughing) She’s good though. My aunt and I both agreed she’s better off with people that can actually help her. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel less guilty that I can’t do more for her. I owe her so much. Like she took me in, no hesitation, and raised me all on her own. And I’m biased, but I think she did a really good job.
AUGGIE: (smiling) I definitely think so. Anytime I walked you home, she’d always come outside and offer me food, or welcome me to stay in the guest room when I didn’t feel like going back to my foster home at the time. I probably felt more at home at Lola’s than anywhere else. 
ESTHER: (beat) You don’t have to say yes, but would you maybe want to visit her with me? She really misses you and I’d think it’d be good to see another familiar face. 
AUGGIE: (nodding rapidly) Yeah, yes, yes, of course. 
Auggie and Esther are seated beside Lola. She’s weak and slow, but she’s still got quick wit and a smile that never seems to fade. Esther and Lola are holding hands, while Auggie catches Lola up in his life. 
LOLA: So, August, do you have a girlfriend yet?
AUGGIE: (blushing)Ah, not yet, Lola.
LOLA: Maybe then you should date her. (pointing to Esther) She's always complaining to me about how she is single. 
ESTHER: (embarrassed) Lola!
Auggie laughs and blushes. 
He wants to date her. He’s always wanted to date her.
LOLA: I’m not joking, ah! You two will get married and you can move into a nice neighborhood and raise Serena.
Auggie and Esther look at each other. They notice how Lola got Sophie’s name wrong. It could just be an easy mistake, but it’s not - they both know it. 
ESTHER: (planting a kiss on Lola’s forehead) We’ll think about it, Lola, but you should get some rest. I’ll be back tomorrow, okay? Do you want me to bring you anything?
LOLA: August, are you going to come visit me tomorrow, too?
AUGGIE: I’ll be here, Lola. I promise. 
Lola settles into her bed and smiles. 
ESTHER: You don’t have to come back tomorrow. She won’t remember anyway. 
AUGGIE: No, no I wanna come. She was the closest thing I had to a mother figure and I want to be there. For you and her. 
Esther smiles to herself. When they reach Auggie’s car, he opens her door first.
AUGGIE: So did you mean what you said back there? About thinking about us?
ESTHER: I kinda just said that in the moment to get her to stop. But I do think about us a lot, just not romantically.
AUGGIE: (slightly disappointed) Oh, okay. 
ESTHER: Why do you ask?
AUGGIE: (shaking his head and driving out of the parking space) Oh no reason. 
Auggie and Tobin are sitting at their dining table with Sophie in her high chair beside Auggie. Tobin and Auggie are nursing beers.
TOBIN: Yeah, she’s definitely lying. Girls always say the exact opposite of what they mean. 
AUGGIE: But that’s just it - I’ve liked her for so long, how could she not know? (beat) You know, when Lola was talking about living together and raising Sophie, I started to picture that future, and call me crazy, but I think Esther could see it, too. 
TOBIN: What’d Esther say?
AUGGIE Nothing really, because Lola forgot Sophie’s name so/ Yeah, I know. 
TOBIN: /(winces) Oh.
TOBIN: Maybe that’s why she’s hiding how she feels. She’s got a lot to lose and she’s already losing some of it. Her grandma, who is really the only family she has, has Alzheimers. And if she confesses she likes you, but you don’t feel the same way, she loses you, too. I think maybe you should take the first step here. Put yourself out there and let her know that you want the same thing she does. 
AUGGIE: But how do I do that without putting my neck on the line?
The apartment door swings wide open as an excited Rene comes running through. Behind him follows his other half, GIOVANNI. Auggie and Tobin see him and give him a small wave and an acknowledging nod. It’s obvious they’ve known each other for a while. 
RENE: Gio and I are engaged bitches!
Rene waves his hand around and shows off his ring. Tobin and Auggie are quick to stand up and rush to Rene to embrace him. They congratulate Gio, too. 
AUGGIE: So when’s the wedding?
GIO: Well, this one has been waiting for three years to get hitched, so now that we’re engaged, the wedding’s in six months.
TOBIN: Wow, so soon?
Rene snuggles up in Gio’s arms. 
RENE: I’ve been waiting my entire life for a wedding, and I don’t plan on waiting another year. And six months from now is our four year anniversary. 
A lightbulb goes off in Tobin’s mind. 
TOBIN: Can people bring plus ones?
RENE: Well, we haven’t gotten there yet, but yeah I/ guess            
TOBIN: /(turns to Auggie) Dude. That’s it. 
AUGGIE: Wh/at?                                
RENE: /Why? What’s going on? 
TOBIN: I’m like 99% sure Esther likes Auggie, but she’s just too scared to admit it. So if Auggie grows some balls and makes the first move, he shouldn’t have to risk it all in case she doesn't actually like him back. Asking Esther to be his date to your wedding is a perfect way to test the waters. Plus, if Auggie’s feelings for her are real, they’ll still be there in six months.
GIO: Are you sure you wanna ask her to the wedding? Six months is a long time to wait for a first date. 
TOBIN: Like I said, he still needs to grow the balls to ask her. I’d argue six months isn’t long enough. 
Auggie glares at him.
Esther, Rene, and Tobin are lounging on the couch. They’re watching a horror film while Auggie is alone at the dining table with a lamp specifically placed on the table for light. Sophie’s in her high chair beside him as he drafts a list. 
AUGGIE: (speaking loudly over the movie) What about a dog walker? I could use the baby carrier and then use both my hands for the leashes. 
TOBIN: (speaking to Auggie, but staying focused on the movie) You’d have to scout out people so rich that they can’t be bothered to pick up their dog’s shit. Not a stable job if you ask me. (beat) I still say just go back to Elements with me. For just being a waiter, it has pretty decent pay. And we can coordinate our shifts so that one of us will always be home with Sophie. 
Auggie nods to agree politely, but he’s clearly still conflicted. Glancing at a view of his list, there’s nearly three pages worth, but the first two pages have jobs that have already been crossed out. 
Esther notices the stress that’s manifested within Auggie. She gets up from the couch to hold Sophie and sit beside him. Tobin lowers the volume on the TV, while Rene turns his upper body around to fold his arms on the top of the couch. 
ESTHER : Don’t think about what pays well or what works for the schedule. You know I’ll babysit if you need me too. 
RENE: (raising his hand) Me and Gio really want to babysit, too. It’d be good practice for when we have our own kids. 
ESTHER : See, everyone’s here for you and Sophie. And if it's the salary you’re worried about, don’t be. You know, I’ve got you. But don’t choose a job you feel like you need to take but a job you want to. If you’re going to be spending hours at a time away from your daughter, and coming home to the job of being a dad, your work should be well worth the time you spend away and it should be something that doesn’t add to the stress you already deal with. 
AUGGIE: Yeah, you’re right. (sets aside his list and actually thinks) Well, I’m addicted to coffee, so I wouldn’t mind working in a cafe. And I like to read, so working at a bookstore would be kinda fun. 
ESTHER: Okay, good, that’s a start. Lemme think, right across from Primrose is this cafe called The Last Drop. We’d be working right next to each other so I’m always close by if you need me. 
AUGGIE: Yeah, I think I’ve been there once or twice before.
ESTHER: Sweet, I’ll check in with the place tomorrow and ask if they’re hiring.(adjusts watch to check the time) But I should probably get home now.  
Esther places Sophie back in her high chair and kisses Auggie’s cheek. She grabs her purse and waves goodbye to Rene and Tobin. 
As soon as the door shuts, Rene and Tobin rush over to sit by an oblivious Auggie.
TOBIN: Du/de!                            
RENE:  /Oh my god!
AUGGIE: What? 
RENE: What do you mean “what?!” She’s literally in love with you- I’m calling it.
AUGGIE: Okay, you need to calm down/ I don’t even know what you’re talking about.          
RENE: /She likes you!   
TOBIN: She kisses you but Rene and I get a distant wave? Rene’s gay! She could’ve kissed him goodbye if it was just a friendly gesture, but she didn’t! Because a kiss like that is to show affection. 
RENE: Not that I know anything about women and affection, but Tobin’s right. I’m not saying I want a goodbye kiss, but it definitely means something that you’re constantly getting one. And not to mention the whole sentimental speech about doing what you love and saying she’s got you if you have financial problems. She’s literally going to The Last Drop tomorrow to ask if they’re hiring for you.
AUGGIE: You guys don’t get it. Esther is just caring like that. And the kiss thing, doesn’t even - 
The front door cracks open just a bit. 
ESTHER: Hi, sorry to barge in again, but I was in the lobby when I realized I forgot to ask if you still want to go visit Lola tomorrow?
Tobin and Rene immediately hear this and they exchange subtle smirks and glances. 
AUGGIE: Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it for the/ world.       
TOBIN: /(whispering to Auggie) Ask if she needs a ride there. 
AUGGIE: Do you need a ride there? I can pick you up from work. 
ESTHER: Yes, that would be great. Thank you!
Esther shuts the door behind her, and chaos erupts. Rene and Tobin’s voices overlap as they each go off on Auggie. 
In a remote breakroom, Esther packs her things and prepares to leave. FRANCINE, Esther’s coworker and friend, scrolls through her phone while eating a snack. 
FRANCINE: You’re leaving already?
ESTHER: No, I just have to stop by The Last Drop and see if they’re hiring before I visit my grandma. 
FRANCINE: OMG, are you quitting?
ESTHER: No, no, I’m just asking for a friend. 
FRANCINE: Is it for that guy that came in with the baby a couple days ago? Do you like him?
ESTHER: (blushing and uncomfortably laughing) I- I don’t really know. We’ve been friends for so long that a part of me just can’t picture dating him. But yesterday, my grandma was talking about what our future could look like if we were together, and you know that I’ve been struggling for so long with my life plan. But hearing her say that, it felt like everything was falling into place. Like that’s the life I want to live.
FRANCINE: If it’s any consolation, it’s obvious to me that he likes you. 
Esther finally makes her way out of the breakroom to officially leave.
ESTHER: Well, I have yet to see any proof of that being true, but I’ll keep you posted. 
Esther is about to walk out fully, when Francine catches her before she really leaves. 
FRANCINE: Is he going with you to visit your grandma?!
Esther doesn’t respond, but her body language says it all. She smiles to herself and shakes her head.
Esther makes her way to the counter. No one’s there to help. Most workers are in the back making drinks, but some are waitering. 
She taps on her watch and glances out the open windows to check if Auggie’s outside yet. When she turns her head, there’s a waiter making his way around the corner to help. He twirls a toothpick in his mouth and wipes his hands on his apron while Esther reads his nametag. His name is ROMEO. 
ROMEO: Sorry about the wait, we’re understaffed today. What can I get for you?
ESTHER: Actually, I’m not ordering anything, but I might have a solution to your problem. Are you guys hiring?
There’s something in the air. The way that Romeo’s looking at Esther and the way they’re leaning in.
ROMEO: (with particular charm) Depends who’s asking. 
ESTHER:(weak laugh) Ha, I would apply, but I’ve got a job just across the street. 
ROMEO: No kidding. You work at Primrose? All this time I’ve been working across a beautiful girl and I’ve never known.
Esther smiles and her cheeks flush, but this flirtatiousness is foreign to her, so she isn’t sure how to react. So rather than play along or address it, she brushes it off.  
ESTHER: Yes or no?
ROMEO: Yes, I will have lunch with you sometime. 
ESTHER: (slaps his arm playfully) Hey I’m being serious, yes or no?
ROMEO: I’ll answer you when you answer me. 
ESTHER: I asked you first. 
ROMEO: I’ll think about it. Now you. 
ESTHER: Ditto. 
Romeo’s even more interested. He raises his eyebrow. Esther slides him Auggie’s resume and in this moment, there’s clear tension and chemistry. Suddenly, their moment is interrupted by the tap on Esther’s shoulder. It’s Auggie. 
AUGGIE: Hey, I’ve been outside, but you weren’t answering my calls. You ready?
Romeo pushes himself away from the counter, while Auggie puts his hand on her back to guide her outside and away from Romeo. There’s something subtly territorial about this interaction. 
ESTHER: Yeah, yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go. 
Esther and Auggie leave The Last Drop, with Romeo in the background following Esther with his eyes. 
As Auggie opens the door for Esther, he can’t help but ask. 
AUGGIE: Who was that?
ESTHER: No one.
Lola, Auggie, and Esther are seated on a bench underneath a cherry blossom tree. Auggie’s fixated on Esther, Esther’s fixated on Lola, and Lola is looking out into the distance. 
LOLA: August, do you have a girlfriend yet?
Lola’s already forgotten that she asked him this yesterday. Esther gives Auggie a look of “just go with it.” But Auggie already understands. 
AUGGIE: Not yet, Lola, but I’m open to it. A mother figure for Sophie would be great. 
A shift in Esther occurs. She’s listening more intently. This wasn’t the answer he gave Lola yesterday. 
LOLA: You know who would be a good mother. Esther. She was always offered babysitting jobs because people thought she was so good at taking care of their children. Maybe you should date her. 
Yet again, Lola leads Auggie and Esther down a path that they’re too scared to admit they both want to explore. 
ESTHER: That’s not true. The kids would always ask me to come babysit them because I’d sing to them. Other than that I wouldn’t say I’m very maternal. 
Auggie interjects. 
AUGGIE: She’s just being modest. I’d love it if Esther helped me raise Sophie. My only hope is that Sophie grows up to be just like her. 
Auggie looks over at Esther and exchanges a soulful  glance. Esther smiles back. 
LOLA: (to Esther) Anak [child], can you bring me my sweater from my room? It’s getting a bit chilly outside.
Esther obeys and leaves Auggie and Lola on the bench. Lola watches Esther go inside the home and places her hand on Auggie. 
LOLA: August, I am not what I used to be, but I’m sharper than you think. (beat) Esther and I spend hours just talking about you. To me, it is obvious that she wonders about your relationship, but she’s too scared to ask. So I ask for her, even though I already know the answer. I know you’ll never say you have a girlfriend until it’s her you’re dating. 
AUGGIE: Tama, po. [You’re right.] 
LOLA: I always knew you two would end up marrying each other. Ever since you came to the house with a suit on to take Esther to the dance. I only remember it so vividly because she didn’t eat dinner that night she was so sad. I regret not telling her you came by. I think it would’ve made her very happy.
Auggie laughs, not only because food is attached to the memory (something very Filipino of Lola) but because he remembers that day too. 
AUGGIE: Lola, does she love me?
LOLA: Do you even need to ask?
Auggie opens Esther’s car door and walks her to her apartment. 
ESTHER: You don’t have to walk me to my door. I’ll be fine. 
AUGGIE: No, no I want to make sure you get there safely.
Esther smiles gratefully at him and mentally notes his chivalry. 
There’s a comfortable silence that falls upon them. As they climb Esther’s staircase, very few words are shared, but it’s okay. 
ESTHER: So I’ll see you tomorrow then. 
AUGGIE: (cheekily) Tomorrow. 
Esther begins to unlock her door, but when the key turns, she hesitates. 
Esther and Auggie share a brief hug before she goes inside. After locking the door behind her, she lingers for a moment. As she presses her back against the door pensively, Auggie does the same on the other side. 
Another missed opportunity. 
Esther makes her way from the parking lot into Primrose. As soon as she walks through the door, she can hear a crowd in the backroom. When she finally gets there, she sees Francine handing out papers. 
FRANCINE: (handing her the card) Oh good, you’re here. These are my official save the date cards! 
The card reads “Save the Date for the Wedding of Francine and Alonzo”
ESTHER: Wow, I can’t believe you’re getting married in six months. That’s crazy! I swear it was just yesterday that you were engaged. 
FRANCINE: I know right!
ESTHER: Are Julie and Clara coming?
FRANCINE: I tried phoning Julie, but no response. Probably with some Italian hunk on his yacht where there’s no reception, so I won’t be counting on her to make an appearance. And Clara wants to come, but it’s just too close to her expected delivery date for her to tell. 
Instantly, Esther shuts down. As if she didn’t need another reminder that she was far from experiencing the milestones her friends were lucky enough to be experiencing now. 
Esther fakes a polite smile and thanks her. She puts the invitation in her purse and walks to her locker. A bouquet falls out. 
FRANCINE: Oh yeah, some guy came by earlier asking about you. He gave me those roses to put in your locker. That’s not the same guy with the baby, was it?
Esther reads the card. “I guess finding out your name was Esther was worth the hassle. -R”
ESTHER: No, he’s this guy that works at The Last Drop. 
FRANCINE: Ooh, playing the field now are we? Go you. 
ESTHER: No, no it’s not like that. 
FRANCINE: So which one are you gonna invite to the wedding? Baby guy or coffee guy?
Esther stops in her tracks when she realizes the opportunity that lies ahead. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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issamhysa · 5 years
Dating Dorcas would include...
A/N: A lot longer than I had planned, I’ll admit. Also, this is not proofread at all. Have fun!
You know, you should probably stop letting your sister drag you into these messes
But then again, you’re having too much fun
Isn’t that right, Y/N Morningstar?
You’re Sabrina’s half-sister
Different mothers, same father
However, your mother and Diana Spellman were close friends
So when Sabrina gets sent to her aunties Zelda and Hilda, you get sent with her
You and Sabrina are raised together, practically joined at the hip
You learn your first spells together, with Ambrose as your teacher
You were both born on the same day, so you share a birthday
Which means Hilda gets to go crazy for birthday parties, despite Zelda’s complaints
Being half-mortal, you and Sabrina start Baxter High at the same time
You both have very different friend groups
But still, you hang out with them often
On the night of your sixteenth birthday, you and Sabrina prepare for your dark baptism
Sabrina refuses to sign the Book of the Beast, but you do so
You want the power that comes with it, and you want to reach your full potential
Sabrina knows you’ve wanted this, so she doesn’t try to stop you
She has before, but to no avail
So you start at the Academy of Unseen Arts before Sabrina does
Hilda hugs you tight, telling you she’ll miss you
“Auntie Hilda, it’s not like we’ll never see each other again, but I love you. And I’ll miss you as well.”
Ambrose is next, but he’s more excited
“Go out there, see the word, explore your potential.”
Sabrina is the last person you say goodbye to
“Are you sure I can’t make you change your mind?” She asks you
But you smile and hug your sister, kissing the side of her head
“I love you, Brina. But I can handle myself.”
On your first day at the Academy, you meet Nicholas Scratch
He’s handsome, charming
And a complete nightmare
The two of you are quick to become friends
You admire the nerve he has and his sense of humor
He admires your quick wit and your no-bullshit attitude
Through him, you meet the Weird Sisters
The three immediately try to scare you off by hexing you, but you easily counter their hexes and curses with spells of your own
Impressed by your attitude, they instantly take a liking to you
They take you in, and it’s almost like you’re a fourth Weird Sister
When Sabrina starts her three-day stay at the Academy, you’re super excited
You’ve been at the Academy for a week, but you’ve already learned so much
But the two of you have separate classes, so you talk and decide to meet up again during lunch
In Demonology, you sit with the sisters, who are planning on Harrowing a new student
You stay out of it, as you usually do
“Sabrina Spellman, Edward Spellman’s daughter-”
The three turn to you with surprised expressions
“You’re not Harrowing my sister.”
Eventually, the sisters back off reluctantly
You meet with Sabrina again during lunch and tell them all about your first week
You tell her about how you’ve been hanging out with the Weird Sisters, and how you’ve bonded
Especially, how you’ve bonded with Dorcas
Sabrina is quick to catch on, and you gently shove her as she teases you
“I mean, go for it. You really like her, right? You’re single, you’re pretty, and you’re a powerful witch. What’s not to like?”
“I agree.” A male voice says from behind the two of you
You introduce Nicholas to Sabrina and head out for your next class, which you have with Dorcas
“Are you going to the dance tonight?” You ask Dorcas
“Of course I am. Are you?” She asks in return, and you chuckle
“Yes. Do you have a date?”
“Are you asking me out?”
And that’s how the two of you end up going to the dance together
Neither of you thinks too much of it, really
You both drink, dance, joke around and laugh
And at some point in the night, Agatha could’ve sworn she saw you two disappear into one of the closets
After that night, you two don’t necessarily make it official, but you start seeing each other outside your friend group more often
The other students can tell there’s something going on between you and Dorcas
But they all know what’s good for them
So they keep their mouths shut
Sabrina catches wind, and she’s strangely okay with this
“If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
You and Dorcas start going on little dates
Sometimes it’ll be a picnic in the woods after curfew
Other times you’ll both just sit in the rooms and play with each other’s hair while you study
It’s not long before Agatha and Prudence find out
They don’t really care
“As long as we’re invited, we’ll allow this to continue.”
You can never tell if Prudence is joking and when she’s being serious
When Father Blackwood summons the Crimson Avenger, you plan on leaving the Academy to help your family
But Dorcas doesn’t want to let you
“Y/N, please, stay with us here at the Academy. Father Blackwood will keep us safe-”
You silence her with a gentle kiss and pull away before she can respond
“I’ll see you soon.”
And with that, you leave
When you return, Dorcas pulls you in for a kiss in front of the entire coven, not caring who sees
You’re both official after that
A few months later, the Dark Lord comes to Greendale
He brings you and Sabrina to him and reveals your true heritage
He also reveals how he used Nicholas to get close to both you and Sabrina
Sabrina storms out after rejecting her duty to be queen, and you stand to follow after her
“Ah, ah, darling Y/N. If you follow your sister, you will be rejecting your duty to me as well. Tell me, my dear, is that something you really want to do?”
You fix him with a glare and leave to find Sabrina, leaving Lucifer dumbstruck
And enraged
While looking for Sabrina, you run into Prudence
She tells you Father Blackwood poisoned the coven, and you immediately rush over to the desecrated church to find the entire coven half dead
“Agatha! Dorcas!” You call, and you’re given a response in the form of a small groan
You and Prudence rush to the front, where you see the two sisters, barely clinging to life
You give Prudence no time to panic as you grab onto the three of them and teleport back home, where Hilda, Zelda and Ambrose help you heal them
After you help Sabrina trap Lucifer in Nick’s body, you head home to check on Dorcas
You find she’s still unconscious, but according to your auntie Hilda, she will recover
So you decide to stay until the entire coven recovers
When the pagans come, you’re very wary of them, as everyone is
You offer to go with Dorcas to deliver the moon pie after the snake incident, but she refuses and says she’ll go alone
Agatha follows her on Zelda’s orders
You don’t see Dorcas for a couple of days, and you’re super worried
However, the next time you see her, she’s turned to stone
You help Ambrose find a way to reverse whatever curse the pagans put on her, but you also help Prudence figure out what’s wrong with Agatha
Once the spell cast on Dorcas is reversed, she collapses against you
And she’s confused as hell
She tells you what she remembers before she has a tiny panic attack, which you hold her through
You two separate when you go help Roz, Harvey and Theo stop the pagans
But something feels off
You feel like something’s about to go wrong
Horribly wrong
You tell them to not move before rushing home, and the sight that greets you when you walk in breaks your heart
“Dorcas? Prudence?”
Both sisters lie on the ground, bleeding from several stab wounds
No, no no
You collapse onto your knees, taking both their hands with tears streaming down your face
As you rack your brain for any spells you can think of to heal the sisters, you fail to hear the third sister behind you
You feel a sharp pain erupt where your heart is before everything goes black
You see your memories dance before your eyes
Growing up, signing your name in the Book of the Beast, meeting Dorcas, making things official with her
And you wake up to see Sabrina hovering over you
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
7,19 and 30 for the ask thing? Akskdmfl I kinda wanna ask them all tho lmao ~✒️
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Anyway sorry for the really late reply anon(s)! I procrastinated on this for quite a while since I’d mostly answered all those before (and I was like ok let’s just ans them all anyway) and I really needed to think for some of these, or just didn’t have an answer for them. Also lol was lazy to look up which books had so-and-so no. of pages.
👀 👀 👀 is the pen nib a hint My favourite-- wow everyone really be asking me for quotes huh. 
Anyway, here’s what I answered previously for 7, 8, 15, 19, and 4,5,7,25
1 - season: winter. because I’ve always lived in the tropics winter is just fascinating and beautiful. Frost patterns??? Also because for literary reasons, winter is the time for hmm how did they put it, transformation? and plot/emotional tension
2 - classic film: err. What counts as one. And I’m really not a movie-watcher I’ve never even watched Home Alone. Can I just go for an animated Disney princess movie lmao Snow White should be the oldest I’ve watched
3 - nostalgia-inducing possession: hands-down my pink rabbit plushie I received for my 10th birthday. (Also got real rabbits at the same time!) Have had to sew back on his ears once.
6 - hour of the night: err hmm 10pm feels good? That’s usually the hour I’ll have washed up and feeling clean and cozy, and the night ahead feels sparkling and quiet.
9 - happy song: lmao jokes on y’all I think most of my music is either the calm type (lofi/art/dreampop makes me happy!!) or the emotional type, don’t really have upbeat types??
my first thought was Animal by AURORA but that’s prob not a happy song for most lol. maybe cathartic is more like it
let’s say Hand in Hand (Magical Mirai ver.)  by kz(livetune)/Hatsune Miku for now.
10 - sad song: hoooo boi which is it. Let’s say Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) by AURORA.
11 - character from a book: hmmmmmmm. Faith Sunderly in The Lie Tree (I really, really loved her character development throughout the book -- she got more feral/more true to herself as an aspiring female scientist). Artemis Fowl keeps popping up in my head as well because over the series he develops to have a heart instead of being a bastard. And Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot. Honestly impossible to not like those two.
12 - creative medium: prose writing. if i art i like using oil pastels. generally, pretty colourful things.
13 - memory: it’s my birthday, and I am a loved child. My father surprises me with two rabbits for pets on my 10th, or having a birthday party, or being surprised with a gift that I grow to love much over the years. Opening Christmas gifts with friends for the first time in a cafe, one on vidcall in 2019.
14 - aspect of a person’s face: eyes. windows to the soul~
16 - band: angela
17 - animated film/tv show: HOO BOI I WATCH SO MUCH ANIME UM. for anime!! Mob Psycho 100!! It’s the only anime so far I bother to rewatch. (Bonus mention: Keep Your Hands off Eizouken!, if they don’t do S2 I’m likely to rewatch it. Never have I experienced an anime with my heart so full of peace and feeling completely there as well.)
(For story, Hunter x Hunter and FMA:B)
For film? PMMM Rebellion. It’s so beautiful, every frame is chock-full of detail I SWEAR.  And I wept rewatching it. (Bonus: Koe no Katachi!!)
what’s new i find myself weeping more for fictional characs over the years
18 - constellation: Ursa Minor for Polaris. This is sad but I don’t know enough about the stars to say otherwise, it’s usually very cloudy here.
20 - album: errrrrrrr one of AURORA’s... or in love with a ghost? I’d say the latter’s let’s go
21 - ending in fictional media: *cricket chirps* oh dear, this will take a while. I’m standing by PMMM Rebellion. I never saw it coming, but in hindsight it really is the logical outcome for what Homura has to do to continue to protect Madoka, and I love it. I just love it. I love good stories that don’t ignore reality for the best ending, but lolol in this case Homura bent and shaped reality to her will.
22 - shade of blue: ocean. deep blues.
23 - part of being alive: going outside. nature. the world is huge and mindbogglingly there are a thousand million more things to discover. also, eating I suppose. Immersion into anything. I love that feeling. Having created something.
24 - holiday: Christmassssssss I love gift prep and carolssss
26 - person you know: um. @bradburymeinfire yeah really. first thought, not taking it back after much consideration. fellow fandom/science/writing person!!!
27 - musical movie: don’t watch these, perhaps the only ones are like... high school musical and disney. So if disney counts then possibly Frozen 2 because I cried in the theatre what even. Twice?? (and the above person was with me LMAO)
28 - superhero: don’t really have one. How about just the future Deku in BNHA, or the future Wonder Trio that’s also Bakugou? & Shouto.
29 - book longer than 500 pages: The Collected Short Stories by Roald Dahl, All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I just love Dahl. I adore him, I would read anything by him, he’s brilliant. I would love to buy his entire collection. Same with Agatha Christie, and I’m currently reading her Autobiography lol, maybe it’ll be added to the Absolute Favourites list.
30 - book shorter than 300 pages: The Word for World is Forest by Ursula K Le Guin! It just broke something in me because it covers a topic that I’m personally invested in so I don’t remember any other book having arrested me like that before. Can honestly say this is a book that doesn’t waste a word.
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