#I wish I had a cartoon moustache to swirl a La evil villain but alas I am merely mortal
farfarawaygirl · 2 years
The Rookie Recap - 5x07
In which I have many questions, several reactions, and get mildly confused. (Also, excuse my typos and formatting, I did this on mobile, and all I can say is sometimes it do be like that.) 🦀🥰😇
Celina and Bailey is the team up of my nightmares. Is anyone enjoying them? Is this an in demand dynamic? If you actually like them please leave me a comment explaining why! I am curious. If you don’t like them, please leave a comment telling me I have excellent taste. 🫣
I am not an astrological person, I respect those that are, but I feel like the show is not treating them kindly? Like, wrapping all mystics/Astro/etc etc believers up in a ball and saying Celina is all of them? These are separate things and really important to some people.
This Wesley/Elijah/Lopez/Grey business is a plot hole built on a dream, all based on us, the viewer, suddenly caring about the lack of continuity we have grown to embrace! Tim can be in the spin team for his wife’s drug deal, but Angela is not allowed to be on the takedown team for a man who is blackmailing her husband? Don’t make the rules messy and then break them. 😤
Elijah: I’m going to hit them where it hurts! I’ll accuse Lopez of using excessive force, and even worse, I’ll stop Wes from getting his *checks notes* cranberry scones.
A dead man is shot? 🧐 this is like an Agatha Christie novel.
Only Thorsen is looking out for this kid. I am shocked that anyone is doing this? Lucy? Nyla?
(Sidenote: the trailer for The Menu ran every break for me, and it looks genuinely like the marriage of a true thriller and gore, and I am equal parts scared and intrigued.)
Why is Bailey bringing all that house stuff to the station, in an episode where they have highlighted the need for separation of church and state why is this allowed? She moved in with none of her stuff? Has no one who works on this show been in a healthy relationship?
Do gangs just have block parties? This seems counterproductive to criminal life.
Lucy was in her feels when Tayvon was beat up - as she should be! Tim should apologize to Aaron, keeping him in was about Lucy’s career and Aaron calling him on it was interesting to see. (Is this maybe why Tim and Aaron are not riding together next week?)
That Mom was exactly the right kind of mad. Shame on that whole team for using him!
An interesting note on Lucy’s makeup for UC, they emphasized her Asian features and did something different with her under eyes. I would love to see the notes as to why. It is hard to guess the reasoning for that direction without explicit comment.
Now Elijah is there bring up Nolan? I don’t even remember if Nolan was on the raid. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention- but what does this biker take down have to do with… anything?
The man who was shot, was already stabbed, and was poisoned?
Vena was gorgeous. Too bad she’s a murderer! Do we need to be worried that Lucy has now made and blown like 3 covers in LA? How come Aaron is not recognized more?
If you have made it this far, here’s a quick tip: should you ever be arrested for a murder you did in fact commit, don’t give them a line like, “I was owed at least the life insurance.”
Aaron apologized to Tim? 🫠
If you were a criminal (Elijah) how would someone who worked for the DA saying you deserved a second chance be a win?
Does that ending mean there might actually be another plot line about John and Bailey fumbling towards the alter?
Very Chenford light.
I am rating this episode two birthday cake Oreo cookies out of four, because the points are made up and the rules don’t matter.
How are we feeling, party people?
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