#also i did a good job socializing/networking w a new person before seeing my friends
oak-and-hurricane · 8 months
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
What’s Done is Done 💛
Content: Armin Arlert x Reader, Modern AU, italicized means flashback, bold is just something used to quote from a flashback.
Summary: After not talking to Armin for 2 years, you finally reconnect. Then, after a little bonding, he comes over and comforts you when you lose your job.
WC: 5,196
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff.
Warnings: Financial struggle, alcohol and mentions of alcoholism, a little arguing, and probable grammatical errors. Let me know if I missed any!
A/n: Everyone in the story is above drinking age. Yes, I did listen to Nobody by Mitski slowed down with reverb while making this, thanks for asking. This is really just a vent fic for me, I’ve just been daydreaming for hours about how I just want to be held and comforted by Armin. This isn’t what’s happening to me irl, but I just felt like I needed a simple explanation for the fic so yea.
“Armin! Are you okay?! Where’d they get you?” you exclaimed, looking over Armin. He’d been beaten up by one of those punks who bullied him. You slung his arm around your shoulders, helping him stand up.
“I’m fine!” he says loudly, brushing you off and sitting back down.
“Hey, Armin, what’s wrong?” you ask in a softer tone. You bend down next to him. He’s sitting with his knees clutched against his chest, head down.
He looks up at you, tears in his eyes. “I’m nothing but a burden to you. You, Eren, and Mikasa are always having to come to my rescue.”
“Armin,” you take him into your arms, holding him tight, “It’s not an inconvenience to us. We’re happy to make sure you’re safe.” He wraps his arms around your torso, head resting on your shoulder.
He sniffles, “I’m sorry.”
You pull him closer and rub your hand along his back, “I’m glad to be here. There’s nothing I want more than for you to feel better.”
Armin was everything you wanted to be. He was smart, he had a good job even when attending college, and was able to support himself. You were just you, someone stuck in a never-ending dead end job with bad pay and no special degree to help you out. You were barely scraping by while he was fully capable of doing anything he wanted with his life. Not to mention he had a huge network of friends.
So there you sat, alone in your apartment with the lights off and the windows open, blowing the curtains around slightly. The only thing illuminating the room being the small blue screen of your tv and the ambient nighttime lights of the city outside.
You sat up on the couch, looking at your phone. You went onto twitter only to see Armin and all his friends out doing something at a bar far away from you. You were never really close to many of his friends. You met Eren first, then, he introduced you to Armin. You and Armin hit it off pretty well and you got attached to him. He became your closest friend.
By the time you reached middle school, you and Armin were inseparable. He would obviously spend time with other friends, but he always made time for just you and him.
By highschool, it was clear to everyone around that you two liked each other. You two would blush whenever the other was near, would sit super close, share food, it was almost like you were a couple without admitting to it.
When highschool ended, Armin was so excited to show you his acceptance letter into the college he would be attending. You were hyped up too, until you noticed it was in another state. You were still happy for him, but it would just mean you wouldn’t be able to see each other as often.
You managed to find an apartment only an hour away from him. It wasn’t anything nice, but it was in your budget, and was closer to his college than your last home. In the beginning, you two would video call a lot, especially after classes. You did almost every day. Then, that turned into every week, every two weeks, every month, then you both just stopped around the one year mark.  
He had changed too, not in a bad way though. He had cut his hair, got new friends, and was a lot more social. He still had his old nerdy interests, but he wasn’t the same.
Meanwhile, you desperately tried to get into any college or higher education you could, not even living at this point, just trying to survive. You had two jobs, a cashier in a gas station and a barista at a quaint little coffee shop, but you were still struggling.
You couldn’t get enough money to leave and go to a cheaper place to live. So you slaved away, trying your best to make a decent sum every week.
You wanted to see your best friend again so badly, but you just didn’t know how to reach out. He would give you the motivation you needed to keep going, to try to do something with your life by just being there. The thing is, you’ve drifted so far apart that you were clueless on how to ask without being weird or needy.
You set your glass of ice water on the coffee table in front of you. You looked at it for a moment, thinking of what it could be instead. You were only dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, but you threw on a hoodie and a pair of sandals. You grabbed your keys and phone, you were going out, to a random bar nearby to be exact.
So what if it wasn’t healthy? It’s not like you did it every night, and it wouldn’t drain you for too long. You went down to ground floor and started walking. You didn’t own a car, and even if you did, you probably wouldn’t be able to drive it back.
You walked for a little bit, reaching the building. You went inside and sat at the bar. It wasn’t a huge place, but it wasn’t tiny either. It was quiet though. The only sounds were random people hanging out in the corner, jazz playing over the speakers, and the other lonely people drowning in their sorrows who had it worse than you.
You ordered a drink and looked at your reflection in the glass. You looked like and felt like an utter mess. You didn’t know what you were doing anymore. You took a sip.
The sound of everything else happening was a cruel reminder that life goes on even when you’re at your lowest. The people going in and out of the bar will never know what you’re going through. Time doesn’t care about how you feel and it ever will. But you can try to slow it down a bit with another drink.
As soon as the bartender gives it to you, you see an arm to the left of you. “What’s cookin’ good-lookin?” a man says. You can tell he’s tipsy.
You look up at him and see a familiar face. “Jean?” you inquire, unsure if you’re mistaken. He was one of Armin’s friends he met in university. You never met him, but Armin talked to you about him when you used to call and makes a lot of appearances on his twitter.
He gulps, not knowing who you are. “Yeah actually, who’s asking?”
“I’m- I used to be Armin’s friend,” you say as you stick your hand out. He shakes it. “My name’s Y/n.”
“Oh I see.” He leans on the bar and orders a shot. “Y’know I always wondered who you were. Armin used to never shut up about you. Now, it’s almost like he’s forgotten about you.”
Even though he’s drunkenly blunt, those words still hurt. That just goes to show he’s moved on from you. You look back into your glass, wondering if you should just down it and get out of here.
Then you hear giggles and look over. You see Sasha laughing at Connie punching the air, clearly snockered. You’ve talked to both of them before, but not too much.
You decide you won’t down your drink, instead sliding it over to Jean and paying.
You stand up, wanting to go home before the alcohol kicks in too much. You had an alright tolerance but you wanted to make sure you made it home first. Plus, what were they doing so far out here? Surely they were barhopping. The others would come in soon anyways.
You hear a drunk Jean whine as you walk away, falling off the barstool. You push open the doors, only to be met with those blue eyes you haven’t seen in person in for over a year and a half. They widen looking at you.
“Y/n?” he asks, more shocked than you. You realize Eren and Mikasa are there too.
“Hi,” you say quietly, pulling up your hood and pushing through them.
“W-Wait-“ he’s cut off by Eren dragging him into the bar.
You start sulking back towards your apartment. You feel defeated. Even though he barely said anything to you, that made you start thinking about all the conversations you had when you were younger.
You get halfway down the block and realize you forgot your stupid keys. You quickly turn around, not wanting anyone else to take them. As you look back, you see Armin a few yards away from you. He sticks his hand out, giving you your keys.
“Been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah, it sure has.” You walk up and snatch the keys out of his hand, not in the mood for a conversation with him. You weren’t mad at him, rather with yourself for not knowing how to talk to him.
You turn away and start walking again, when he says, “I’m sorry Y/n.” You stop dead in your tracks, glaring back at him.
“Of course you are, even after two years of not talking to me,” you raise your voice. Why were you saying this? This wasn’t like you. It wasn’t his fault either.
Armin looks down and grabs his wrist, keeping his arms together. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say again. “I knew I should have said something, I just didn’t know how.” You heard how his voice broke slightly, but you couldn’t see his face. “You were always there for me and I just brushed you off.”
Armin rushed to his math class. He knew he was going to be late but only by a few minutes if he was quick. You were also running late, going to the class down the hall from him. Armin opened the door.
“You’re late, Arlert,” the teacher replied immediately.
“Sorry sir, I-“ Armin was cut off by you speaking.
“He was helping me get my locker unjammed sir,” you say, lying, but covering for him.
The teacher nods, “Sit down, I’ll let this one slide.” Armin smiles at you and you give him a thumbs up before continuing to your classes.
You stand there, not sure of what to say.
“I took you for granted,” he continues. You wanted to yell at him, but it wasn’t his fault. You didn’t blame him. These things happen, that’s just how life goes.
He looked up at you, he was crying. Not too much, but his cheeks were red and they had tears running down them. Your eyes started to water just at the sight of this.
Before he could speak anymore, you walked closer to him. You reached your hand up to cup his cheek. “Don’t sweat it,” you say shakily.
Neither of you knew what to say, but if one of you didn’t say something, it was just going to go back to how it was before.
You’re the one to crack first. You wrap your arms around his waist, head in the crook of his neck. “I’ve missed you so much,” you say, crying into his neck.
“I-I’ve missed you too,” he admits. And just like that, it feels like a weight’s been lifted off your shoulders. He wraps his arms around you and lightly cries onto your shoulder.
It’s been a long time since you’ve spoken to each other, let alone touched each other. “I’m sorry.”
You pull back from him a bit, “Don’t be, it’s not your fault,” you smile up at him.
He lets you go, wiping his tears away, while you do the same.
“I-I should get back home,” you say, hoping he’ll propose something to make the night flip around. But he doesn’t.
“Yeah, I should get back too. Oh uh, do you want my new number?”
You perk up immediately to his suggestion. “Yeah! Of course!” You take your phone out, giving it to him. Once he types his number in, you give him yours.
You both say your goodbyes and head in opposite directions.
Over the next couple of months, you and Armin start to get in touch again. You can’t visit each other that often because of how far apart you are, but you try to every other weekend. Every time you can see him though, it’s a pleasure. Going to bookstores or libraries to be bookworms together or just getting food, every moment was bliss.
Your feelings for him started to come back too. This time, you have a pretty good feeling he likes you back, but you weren’t completely sure, so you didn’t say anything.
You two started video calling again, this time at least a little bit every evening with little to no exception. You both adored each other and loved geeking out together about things.
But you still had to work. You didn’t bring up anything about your struggles to him, he probably didn’t want to hear and you don’t want to be a burden.
That is, until you got laid off from both of your jobs in the same week. It was the end of the week and the coffee shop you worked at had gone out of business and the gas station found someone to do your job for less money.
You came home that day and just dropped to the floor crying. You didn’t know what to do. You were stuck with no job after barely getting by and all you could do was just sob as it felt like the world crumbled around you. You were completely distraught.
“Shut up!” you hear your neighbor yell as he bangs on the wall separating your rooms. You choke back your cries and pick yourself up to just curl up in your bed, sobbing into a pillow.
You suddenly wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. You drag yourself out of bed and rummage through your bag. You find your phone, slide back into bed, pick up, and turn your camera off.
“Hey Y/n!” Armin exclaims. He sounds so happy to see you.
“Hey,” you try to sound fine, but your voice cracks and you sniffle a little.
Armin takes note of it, “Why’s your camera off?” he asks inquisitively.
“It’s nothing,” you reply, wanting him to just take over the conversation and tell you about his day.
“Are you okay Y/n?”
“Just ignore it, I just woke up.” He takes a minute to try to figure out how to respond. “Just uh- How was your day?” you ask quickly, trying to change the subject.
He cautiously talks to you about it, knowing something’s up. You put in some headphones so you can have him right in your ears and just lay on your bed.
He tells you about the quiz he had that day, how Eren got into a fight, how spring break started, and it starts to calm you down, just having someone talk so casually to you like you’re having a normal conversation.
“So, how was your day?” he asks you in return. That snaps you out of it, you start crying again. You mute your mic and try to get your composure back.
“Y/n? Oh, you’re muted? Are you okay? Tell me what’s wrong.” His voice was low and considerate, trying to help calm you down. “I don’t mind, if you want to talk about it, we can. If not that’s fine too.”
You unmute your mic, “I’m tired,” you say, voice breaking as you speak.
“Hey, that’s alright, tired of what?” he asks you.
“I don’t have a job anymore, and I’m barely getting by. I just want a steady income or a new opportunity,” you say, getting more and more unconsolable by the second.
Armin always has his ways though, “Hey, you’re going to be okay. What happened?”
You sniffle and take a deep breath. “Well this coffee shop I worked for went out of business and-“ you take a second to sniffle and cough, “I got fired from the gas station I worked at.”
“You were working two jobs?” He’s a little shocked, but doesn’t act like it. He doesn’t want to throw you off your train of thought. You nod like he can see you, then make a sound of affirmation.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he says. He sounds calm and collected, trying to just make you feel better. His voice is quiet and comforting.
“I-If it isn’t too much to ask, Armin, could you come over tomorrow? I just wanna hang out with you,” you say.
Armin takes a minute, thinking of what to say. “I can come over tonight if you want.”
You want him to, you really do, but you say, “It’s a long drive and it’s the middle of the night, Armin.”
“Hey, it’s alright. It’s the least I can do.” You try to convince him otherwise but he’s already hung up. You pull your legs to your chest and put your head down. You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re not worth his time. He’s going to have to drive an hour just to get to where you are.
After a couple minutes, you hear your phone ringing again. It’s him. You pick up.
“Hey, I’m in the car now,” he said.
“Armin, I’m too far from you. You’ll have to drive 2 hours tonight, just to get back and forth.
“Then I’ll just stay the night with you.” You were a little shocked by him just saying that, but you welcomed it.
“I know you want to be here for me now, but you don’t have to drive an hour in the middle of the night just to comfort me.”
“Just an hour? So you’re agreeing I can stay over?” He was more lighthearted now, trying to cheer you up.
You sigh, say, “I guess” and lightly chuckle.
“It’ll be just like the sleepovers we had when we were younger.”
“Hold still!” you said, “You’re gonna make me mess up.” You were sitting criss cross with Armin on your bedroom floor, painting his nails a light blue color.
“Hey, you’re the reason you have that streak going halfway up your finger, you couldn’t hold still either.” You chuckled, looking down at your fingernails he just painted.
“Oh well, what’s done is done,” you say, putting the brush back in the bottle. “Tada!”
He looks down at his nails, then blows on them to try to get the polish to dry quicker. “They look great.” You look at him and smile, and he does too, but his smile soon fades into a frown.
“What’s wrong?” you say, putting the polish away and sitting next to him.
“People are gonna make fun of me because of this.”
“Hey, don’t think that way, if they do, I’ll beat ‘em up!” you smile, making a fist with your hand.
“Y/n, no,” he looks at you, trying to get you to back down.
“Okay fine, only if they hit you first.”
“You’re going to get yourself hurt,” he raises his voice.
Then you hear a voice from downstairs, “Go to bed kids!” You sigh, getting up and reaching your hand out for Armin.
“I’ll be okay.” He takes your hand, standing up. He goes over to his bag as you climb into your bed.
You yawn, “What do you have there?”
“A book and a flashlight. I hope you don’t mind. If you do I’ll just put them away.”
“No, it’s okay. What book?” He moves a little closer to you, showing you the cover with a smile on his face. He sits next to you and starts going on about the plot and all the characters, flipping through the pages showing you his favorite parts.
After a while he’s reading it to you, trying to keep quiet because he doesn’t want anyone to know you’re both still up. He’s getting to a part he’s quite passionate about when he looks at you. You’re half asleep under your blanket, trying to keep your eyes open.
He stops reading for a moment, “Sorry I’m boring you, I’ll go to sleep.” He goes to his makeshift bed, a pile of blankets with a ton of pillows underneath, and his sleeping bag on top. It’s just a few feet away from your bed.
You sit up a little, rubbing your eyes. “It’s not boring at all. It’s quite relaxing actually.” You wrap the blanket higher up on your body, before laying on your bed to look at him. “Tell me more,” you say.
He smiles. He turns the light off and his flashlight on, getting under the covers and flipping through his book to find the good part. He starts reading again, in a hushed voice. You cuddle up against your pillow, watching him.
He looks so absorbed in the world of that book. Reading you a chapter, occasionally pausing to tell you context since you haven’t read it. He’s smiling throughout it all.
You close your eyes, listening to him continue. Soon enough, you’re asleep. He falls asleep shortly after.
“Oh yeah, I remember those,” you say wiping your eyes and smiling. “You gonna paint my nails again?”
“Only if you let me read to you,” he says.
“Of course you can.” You two continue just making small talk for a while, until he pulls into a gas station.
“Well, I’m gonna hang up for now, okay?” he asks you.
“Okay,” you say, pulling your blanket closer to your body.
“I’ll be right over.”
“Alright,” you say. He’s about to hang up when you say, “Wait.” He stops what he’s doing and puts his phone back up to his ear. “I- I love you, Armin.”
He pauses for a moment. “I love you too, Y/n,” he says, before hanging up.
With a blush across your face, you stare up at your ceiling. He’s calmed you down so much by just talking to you over the phone. You get up, getting changed out of your work clothes. Not into anything fancy, but just a baggy t-shirt and a loose pair of pajama pants.
As you’re getting dressed, you’re thinking it over. Did he really mean what he said? Or if he did, did he mean it in a super friendly way? You don’t know how this is going to work out. On one hand, he could actually have feelings for you, or on the other you could have just made your whole relationship awkward.
“But what’s done is done,” you thought. There’s no going back now. You sat back down, waiting about 45 minutes. You wanted to cry but you felt too tired even for that.
You heard three loud knocks coming from your door.
“Y/n, it’s me,” you heard Armin say from outside. You get off your bed, go over to the door and unlock it. Armin’s standing there with a bag. “Hey,” he says, pulling you into a hug.
“I’ve missed you Armin,” you say. You don’t know why you said it, you were just talking to him.
“Well I’m here now,” he says, letting go of you. You step aside for him to come in. He goes to your coffee table and places the bag down. “While I was at the gas station, I picked you up some of these.” He takes out a plastic container filled with cookies, and a bottle of your favorite drink.
You walk closer picking up the drink, “You remembered.”
“Of course I did,” he says. He grabs your hand, “I never forgot about you.” That made you think back to what Jean had said to you at the bar. You put the drink back on the table and wrap your arms around Armin’s waist, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He puts his arms around your shoulders and holds you close. “It’s okay, Y/n, I’ll never leave again.”
He doesn’t end the hug, but once you’ve calmed down a little, he spaces you two apart so he can look at you. He says, “If you want we could pop a movie in, or I could paint your nails, or read to you, anything you want to do.”
“Could we just talk for a bit?” you ask, as he hangs his jacket over the side of the couch. You felt bad for dragging him out here if you were just going to watch a movie or something you could easily do by yourself. He nods and you bring him over to the couch.
You sit to the left of him and lean your head on his shoulder. “I don’t really know what I want to talk about, I think I’ve told you most of what’s happened.”
“That’s okay. So, what job do you think you’re gonna get after this?”
“I don’t know,” you say, looking down. “I don’t think I’ll find one easily.”
“I can help you find something in the morning if you want.”
“Sure.” You both stop talking for a minute.
“Do you have any other friends?” he asks.
“No, not really. I had some friends at the coffee shop I worked at, but now that’s gone out of business. I never really spent time with them either, they were just people I talked to.”
“If you want, I can introduce you to some of my friends. I know they’re far away, but if you’re not busy, we could meet halfway, maybe once a week.”
“Like at the bar?”
“Yeah, just a better place than that,” he says. You look up at him, and then down at his hand. You take it.
“Where do you want to go?” You look back up at him, waiting for a response. He blushes as you hold his hand, looking away.
“Well if it’s all of us, some of my friends will probably want to go to a club or something, but if that’s too much, we can just go get food or see a movie.”
“What if it’s just you and me?” He looks back at you, cheeks still flushed. “Do you want to go the library or something at some point?”
“Sure,” he says. You’re thinking for a moment. You’re holding hands with your best friend while your head is on his shoulder, after he drove an hour just to comfort you. You were gonna have to tell him at some point. He wouldn’t just confess to you.
You start to get tired, it was relaxing to be in this position. You yawn, getting the attention of Armin.
“You should go to bed.”
“I’m not that tired, plus you just got here.”
“That’s alright, I don’t mind. And I bet you are tired. You’ve been crying a lot today.” He brushes some hair out of your face, stands up, and takes both of your hands. “Come on, you need to sleep.”
You both part hands and you go to the bathroom for a moment to wash up. When you come out, Armin’s checking his phone with his jacket over his arm.
“Guess I’ll be on my way,” he says.
“Wait, I thought you were staying?” you ask confused. You wanted him to stay.
“Do you want me to? I kind of just said I was without asking you.”
You go closer to him, “Well I made you come all the way out here, so the least I can do is let you stay.”
“You didn’t make me, Y/n, I chose to come.” He puts his phone in his pocket.
“I don’t know, I just feel like I’m burdening you.”
“Y/n,” he takes both of your hands in his own, “There’s nothing I want more than for you to feel better.”
“God, you even remember that.” You look down, starting to feel your eyes water.
“Hey, don’t cry,” he says, wiping a tear from your cheek. You look back up at him, he’s concerned, but he’s smiling at you.
You let go of his hands and hug him. “I love you, Armin,” you say, “and I mean it.” He quickly puts his arms around you, while you let out a shaky breath. You continue, “I have since middle school, it’s not just from this.”
He puts his face in your neck, starting to tear up. “I have too,” he says with a quavering voice. You two stand there, overcome with emotion, holding each other. You pull back for a moment, cupping his face and brushing a tear off his cheek. “I love you, Y/n.”
You smile up at him, still while blubbering. You pull him back and you both rock each other for a moment.
“Come on, let’s go to bed,” you say, leading him to your bed. He puts his jacket over your chair and his phone on your nightstand. Once he’s done, you already have your legs under the covers. You open your arms and he climbs in next to you. He hugs you, then you both lay on your sides, facing each other.
You reach for his cheek again, just holding it. “God, you look so handsome.”
“Thank you,” he says, grabbing a hold of your hand. “You look stunning.” You smile and let out a little chuckle.
“I love you,” you say again. God, you’d have never thought you’d be saying this to him, especially tonight.
“I love you too.” It was a short and simple phrase but it made your cheeks darken and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You lean a little bit forward, kissing him. You both close your eyes as he kisses back.
After a couple seconds, you both part. He pulls the blanket over you, wrapping you in it. “Goodnight,” he says, turning the light off.
You open your eyes, to see that no one’s there. The other side of the bed is empty. You sit up a little, before smelling food cooking from the kitchen.
After around 15 minutes of just laying in bed, you get up and go see what’s cooking. Armin’s at your oven, pulling muffins out of it.
He turns around to see you, a smile on his face. “Good morning!” He starts putting some of the muffins on a cooling rack, “How did you sleep?”
“Good,” you say, sitting at the table.
“That’s good. I used some mix from your cupboard, I hope you don’t mind.” He takes some of the muffins and puts them on plates for the both of you.
“It’s fine,” you yawn and look down at the table. There’s a newspaper in front of you.
Armin comes over to the table and places one plate in front of the newspaper. “Look at the bottom.” You look down the newspaper and see an ad for some small shop that’s hiring. “Thought maybe you’d be interested.”
“Thanks,” you say as he sits down. “So, are we a thing now?” you ask shyly, looking up at him.
“Yea, if you’re interested.”
“Of course I am.”
“Well so am I,” he giggles.
You start reading into the newspaper a little more. What’s done is done, and you’re happy about it.
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
more ranting abt welfare benefits hell
sorry for whining so much abt income on here, i know it should just be easy nd solveable by applying more for jobs, but the literal issue is that i have no skills or confidence (latter is according to my friend, but the way i cant envision handling any jobs well is jst the truth??) nd still havent gotten any help from the municipality w getting consulted by someone w more knowledge on the job market nd maybe being pushed to take on shitty jobs that at least perhaps pay better than mail delivery. it’s jst so frustrating how i requested welfare benefits over 4 months ago but it only counted since 3 months ago bc they kept fucking up w the requests, promised a payback for the lost month, but didnt, i believe?? now december we got nothing nd probably also january bc our ‘income was too high‘ for the minimum.
uh i side tracked nd forgot where i was going before, but i meant to say tht HALF A YEAR AGO i also requested help w getting help w jobs but bc bureaucratic bullshit it took until DECEMBER to get the help approved. and they would get me a contact person ‘surely before christmas, don’t worry!‘ and then they didn’t and replied they hadn’t forgotten about me and will surely help soon and i’m just. so fucking anxious about this all??
my parents help me financially w cash they gave (nd some of which came from my grandmas) (nd no im not happy w that bc one of them is doing worse financially but still wants to give it away, nd the other is dead nd my uncle gave her left over money to family which feels ironic bc hes a millionaire but only gives a bit from his dead mom??) so that i can buy groceries bc me and my friend’s paychecks + welfare benefits can only cover rent + food and so not also other bills such as for healthcare that i have to make payment plans for. and even w help w groceries i still end up in the negatives, especially last month bc we ‘made too much‘ to receive something. i dont even dare to sell clothing or anything online for money bc that’d only mean ‘income from hobbies’ they could see i have and thus more reason to get stripped from this too.
and that is just the whole issue!! the municipality runs all these checks and forms and calls and appointments and documents you need to hand in, but there is NO calculation determining what you actually need. instead, based on the type of household, we were categorized as fiscal partners without children who receive the benefits together and thus we receive benefits (in the months that we do) to add it up to the ‘living minimum‘ €1500 in total. this amount does not cover our actual expenses, nor does this match inflation or how social housing has been broken down as a system and that real estate owners can increase rent prices as much as they want. there is a monthly grant that tenants could receive for renting a home, but only if it is an apartment AND below 752,33 euros per month (which is when it is considered social housing, above that it’s the ‘free market‘), and that is just virtually impossible?? but we were not once asked if we can actually pay anything and the people meant to help us w benefits just don’t fucking get flex work contracts or how our income over a certain month is received way later in the month after that. like they have a stable job and just dont fucking get that it is not designed well for us.
i think my anxiety over this issue has gotten worse ever since the news came out that a dutch woman on benefits got a €7000 fine because her mom did groceries for her and that’s considered fraud??!! she couldn’t afford food so her mom bought groceries for her but that is also considered financial compensation and thus she got this huge fine, which she probably cannot afford and the fucked up thing w fines from institutions is that they ask interest over it if you don’t pay it in time or enough of it, and give more fines and even charge fees for something like you receiving a letter and they’re just free to pull this shit bc it’s a for-profit business. and that’s how ppl end up w debt and huge loans. it’s just so infuriating nd i really dont want a fine or lose the right to benefits. even though i prob wont get it for a while bc of my friend’s job that tends to make our incomes together reach just the ‘living minimum‘. i have this bill of €250 for adhd diagnosis, then monthly bills for meds that are €76 of which i can receive most back and ‘only’ need to pay €25 from it, then theres an orthodentist bill of around €92 bc i forget this insurance company still counts from back when i was w it the first time nd orthodontist stuff gets insured up to €1000 and that amount was used up like 10 years ago nd they still count like that despite me having had a different insurer in between.
i just need a stupid fcking job nd i hate to whine abt this bc theres so many ppl in much worse situations who ‘take initiative‘ nd start looking for jobs, but AGAIN  i have no ‘basic’ skills like being able to listen and understand words well nd fast or show the right facial expressions or have good memory or dexterity or be able to answer difficult questions or focus on reading etc etc, nor do i i have an idea what job i should or could do.like i fcking need an income, moreover i need a break, im in this fcking burnout since like 2013 and in depression since at least 2004 lmfao but it’s never been recognized as bad enough by specialists bc im not suicidal, but it’s also not good to the point where i ever know if i felt ok. also just. i feel like i did use to have a bit more confidence in myself in high school but it all got sucked out of me in art college (bc horribly bigoted teachers + students and being taught that drawing well is in fact not at all important in the domestic market but rather being INNOVATIVE and NETWORKING and also COPYING is the way to success!! like not kidding, thats what teachers told us) nd by my parents (bc i became older nd didnt spontaneously do all these chores or jobs despite having no fcking clue how bc they never taught stuff). like i just dont know how ppl live comfortably w themselves and know what its like to be themselves nd not feel bad nd anxious abt everything
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saccred · 5 years
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↳ messeret eze :: task 001.
Hello, Mrs. MESSERET EZE. My name is Detective Booth and I’m handling this case. I don’t need to go into details; you know why you’re here, and we already have you down as a suspect in her death. We’ve got witnesses to corroborate and a budding timeline, but we need more information from you directly. Make my day easier and cooperate with me on this, will ya’? I just need you to answer these questions for me. Do me a favor and don’t lie – you’re talking to a trained professional right now, I’ll be able to pick up on certain things whether you realize it or not. Lying will only come back to bite your ass later on. Just some food for thought. Let’s begin.
Q: I’m gonna’ start light. I hate interrogators who go straight into the hard stuff, ya’ know? I find it impolite. So, tell me a little about yourself. Give me your full name.
“Um, well, my name is Messeret Eze. I don’t have a middle name. I was born in Africa but grew up in Iran -- my parents said there were better educational opportunities there. I was adopted when I was four for promotional purposes; it’s how I ended up here, in Chicago.”
Q: Alright. Tell me your date of birth and age.
“I was born on August 15th. I’m nineteen years old.”
Q: Where did you grow up? What was your home life like? Tell me about your family and your upbringing. Give me your story.
“Right, so, like I said, I grew up in Iran. There wasn’t that stereotypical struggle people like to think exists outside of America. I could get a good job when I got older. A governmental one, if I wanted. I’m an only child to my birth parents. I was adopted at age four, organized by a missionary magazine company. My adoptive parents are nice, and they have three sons, all older than me. They helped me learn English.”
Q: Tell me about the most impactful people in your life. I’m not picky – they can be good or bad impacts.
“I think anyone who’s nice to me has made a good impact. Maybe not lasting, of course, but I always appreciate them. I haven’t had any damagingly bad impacts, but there are people I wish I hadn’t met.”
Q: What are your goals in life? What would be your ideal final ending? What would help you reach these goals?
“I want to be a billionaire. The richest woman on the planet. No, don’t smile -- I’m being serious. I want to be unbelievably successful. I want to be a trivia answer one day -- young woman who grabbed America by it’s balls and milked it of it’s money. --Alex, who is Messeret Eze.” What would help me get there? Connections. Networking. Hard work really is only half of it.
Q: How would you describe yourself?
Q: What do you do in your free time? What’s your idea of fun? What sports or extracurriculars are you in at Hyland University?
“In my free time I like to go to a lot of events around the city. You know, promotional things for products and movie premiers and restaurant openings. It’s easy to get in if you know the right people, and you know even more of the right people once you get in. I like going to the mall, too. I’m a cheerleader and a volleyball player. I’m also a tour guide for campus, and a member of BSU.”
Q: Do you drink? Smoke? Take drugs of any kind? Answer carefully on this one, kid.
“I try not to drink. The last thing I want is to end up on Barstool Sports because I was embarrassingly trashed.” 
Q: Tell me about the relationships in your life. Friendships, romantic, everything in between. 
“I’m friends with Caroline Kinsey because we cheer together, and I’m friends with Eden Rose because she’s on the team with me. Dominique Childs and I are -- sort of friends. I could list fifty more but those are the first three that pop in my mind. Romantic? I have two ex-boyfriends who also go here.”
Q: What’s the best thing that has ever happened to you? What’s the worst?
“The best was being valedictorian of my class. The worst was relaxing my hair in sixth grade to try and fit in -- but my curls are back now, so we’re good.”
Q: Let me throw in a fun one, lighten up the mood. Would you rather only be able to tell the truth or only be able to lie?
Q: Did you kill Morgan Parrish? 
“No, I didn’t. I wouldn’t.”
Q: Let’s get some background information on this. How do you know Morgan Parrish?
“We went to high school together. That’s how I know her.”
Q: Explain the extent of your relationship with her. Was it platonic? Civil? Rocky? Romantic?
“It was civil. We were friends and on the cheer team together.”
Q: In your own words, describe Morgan Parrish to me.
“Um. I really don’t like cursing.”
Q: Would you say your life got better or worse upon meeting Morgan Parrish?
“Better, honestly. She hooked me up with really exclusive and prestigious internships at some firms she knew.”
Q: What was your favorite thing about her?
“She was always willing to help me.”
Q: What was your least favorite thing about her?
“She couldn’t name five countries in Africa.”
Q: Where were you the night of her murder?
“Um. I think I was at a BSU meeting?”
Q: Where were you the day before?
”What day did she die on? Friday, right? I was probably in class most of the day.”
Q: Where were you after?
“Everyone kinda’ just stayed in their dorms and kept to theirselves the day after we found out she died.”
Q: How did you feel about her passing?
“I was shocked, for sure. No one close to me has ever died.”
Q: What do you think about the way she died? Just as a refresher, Morgan Parrish was drugged, strangled, beaten, and then shot.
“I think it’s awful. I get people didn’t like her but that was an extreme way to hurt someone.”
Q: Did you make any sort of tribute to her death and put it on social m-
Another interrogator walks into the room. She’s holding a folder with your picture clipped to the front. She opens it in front of Detective Booth and whispers something into his ear. He shoots you a look and then excuses himself from the room. He returns twenty minutes later, features stony. He quickly writes something down on his notepad and then caps the pen.
Q: Change of plans. I’m going to scrap the questions I had prepared and ask you what I see fit. Where were you exactly the night Morgan Parrish died?
“I -- I can’t say where I was exactly, I’m not sure. W-wait, no -- the BSU meeting. I was there.”
Q: Tell me all the details you can remember from that night.
“I remember getting back to my room and going to bed like normal, and when I woke up the news had broke. My day had been standard.”
Q: Were you intoxicated at any point?
“No. Like I said, I try not to drink, and I don’t smoke, either.”
Q: Are there any witnesses able to corroborate your story?
“Maybe? Probably.”
Q: I feel like you’re leaving things out. Tell me all the details you can remember from that night.
“I swear that’s all I know. I don’t remember much, I’m sorry.”
Q: … are you telling me the truth, kid? We got six other students we’re talking to today – sure would suck for you if one of ‘em was able to prove that something you’re saying is false. 
“I’m telling the truth, honestly. Why would I kill Morgan? What would I gain from that? If anything, I lose.”
Q: What was the last thing you said to Morgan?
“She sent me a link to her uncle’s business and I said I’d check it out.”
Q: Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation with Morgan before?
“Never. I don’t fight and she never gave me a reason to want to fight her.”
Q: Have you ever fought verbally with Morgan?
“Never. Honestly. We got along really well.”
Q: Would you say you felt safe around Morgan?
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’d say I felt safe. She was a little intimidating but I was never scared of her.”
Q: Do you wish you had never met Morgan?
“I’m glad I met Morgan. I know I’m, like, the only person here who’s going to say that, but it’s true. My work experience list on my resume has seven bullet points because of her.”
Q: Do you own a gun?
“Absolutely not.”
Q: Have you handled a gun before?
“I’ve handled a glue gun before. --Sorry, let me not joke, this isn’t the right time.”
Q: Do you know someone who owns a gun?
“A lot of guys in my high school owned guns. Y’know, the ones with mullets and pickup trucks and cowboy boots even though our school was in the city?”
Q: Have you gotten into physical fights before?
“No. I wear acrylic nails, I can’t fight with these.”
Q: Is there anyone who can prove where you say you were on the night of her death?
“I think so.”
Q: Do you think Morgan deserved to die?
“No. I’m just a human, death isn’t my call to make.”
Q: Do you wish she was still alive?
“Yes, honestly. I do.”
Q: Do you miss her?
Q: Has your life gotten better or worse since her death?
“It’s been about the same, really. Thankfully.”
Q: If you could bring her back to life, would you?
“Again, not my call, but if I could? Yes.”
Q: Are you hiding something from the people of Hyland? From your family? From me?
“I like to think that I’m the most realest person you’ll ever meet.”
Q: Have you been telling the truth this entire time?
“Nothing but the truth. Sorry again about the glue gun joke.”
Q: Did you kill Morgan Parrish?
“No, I didn’t.”
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isagrimorie · 7 years
Diana of Themyscira did what even with my great love of Lois Lane couldn’t do-- I watched BvS. After Wonder Woman, I came into BvS with a lot of goodwill here are a few thoughts:
(I also made a supercut of Diana and Lois Lane scenes in BvS.)
 Lois Lane was as awesome as I suspected her to be and when the movie allowed it, fulfilled my shippy heart for Lois and Clark. My OTP to end all OTPs.
Lois Lane being an awesome reporter is everything, using all of her journalistic chops to get to the bottom of the whole mess with Superman in the desert.
It is a contrast to see present day!Diana after watching a whole movie with Fresh Off Themyscira!Diana. I want to know what triggered Diana’s search for her lost photo with Steve Trevor and her friends.
The look on Diana’s face when she saw the photo for the first time. 
Diana’s dresses harkened back to the togas of old. 
I want to know, more than ever where Diana’s been during the hundred years or when Zod happened. Seeing the active Diana who can’t stand by while injustice or danger happened to people around her contrasted sharply to the Diana packing her things when the Kryptonian ship started becoming active. 
Diana, on the plane watching the news as Doomsday attacked and then deciding to disembark and help. The look in her eyes. The steely glint the moment she decided to do something. It made me want to hug her, and say, ‘Oh, there you are.’
Diana appearing to help fight Doomsday. AWESOME. Also she had a lot hits during the fight, even though Doomsday tried to bath her away she doesn’t really get knocked clear across the port, she fell back a few feet but she always came back again.
Diana looking at Lois then to the sky, in prayer or memory was poignant.  
Now the negative:
Oh. Boy.
They killed Jimmy Olsen for the shock factor. Awesome. 
Lois was awesome as a journalist, following all the breadcrumbs. But she and Martha ended up as leverage, and in need of saving. 
Speaking, of: the Martha scene. Sure, that’s how you resolve BvS fight like-- invoke the name of your mother who happened to have the same name of the man beating you to death. 
In MoS, I did like Henry Cavill, I think they did a good job with him as Clark. I did not love the constant slugfest that happened the moment Zod and co arrived. 
I had thought that the next Superman movie would see him happier since that seemed to be how the movie ended. 
Except, nope, it was all about the title fight with Bruce and Clark became broodier, being a hero is a burden to him. And you know what? I was willing to forgive that Smallville Clark brooded most of his run. 
But he committed something that started way back because of Jonathan Kent’s un-Jonathan Kent advice for Clark. Better he protected himself than other people. There was an explosion that left him as the only survivor in the room he was in, again, I can understand that lead and all. 
Then, he got to meet his ghost dad (un-Jonathan) who basically told him, the world is only worth one person. Good advice ghost dad. 
He ended the movie, deciding to sacrifice himself because he decided that because Lois was in the world, that Earth was his world. As a shipper, it made me squee but on thinking about it, I realized that was fucked up.
Because the message seemed pretty clear, Clark cared only about two people in the world and without them, he could have fucked off in the mountains permanently. 
When I was younger I used to think that people declaring ‘fuck it’ to the world just as long as their Person was safe were the height of romance. Now? I dislike it so much. 
The safety of the world shouldn’t come at the cost of one person. I didn’t come away from the movie with a certainty that he loved humanity, he loved two specific people and that’s it.
Wonder Woman tackled the same thing: Are people worth saving if they’re all flawed and terrible to each other? 
But guess which movie articulated and resolved this question better? I’ll give you a hint, it starts with a ‘W’. 
Then they killed him off. 
And, of course, they would kill Clark off in only his second outing, where most of the time people hated his guts or treated him like Jesus. 
Speaking of, they doubled down on the god/Jesus thing in BvS, and not once did Clark ever tell people: ‘Sorry, I’m not a god.’ 
Say what you will with Christopher Reeves!Clark, at least he knew the value of getting his story out to assure people.  BvS!Clark didn’t do that. Instead he internalized it all. The worship, the hate until boiled over culminating when Clark flew off when people were still in the burning building.  
Oh, and Frank Miller!Batman was there too together with Social Network!Lex. Superman movies continued their tradition of Bad Lex Luthors. 
Why couldn’t Kevin Spacey’s House of Cards Frank be the Lex Luthor? But no, it had to be Social Network!Lex. 
I’ve come to really, really hate Frank Miller!Batman.
I did not buy his ‘goodness in humanity’ speech to Diana.  Only a couple of days before Clark’s funeral Bruce was branding criminals.
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All right, so @thislifeisawasteland tagged me to answer a bunch of questions that are actually an ask meme, but w/e. (There are kind of Riverdale spoilers in this post? I’m bitter, sue me.) Here we go:
Full name: I’m not really gonna tell you that, so settle for Jessica
Zodiac sign: Taurus
3 Fears: Death, spiders... that I’ll never fall in love?
3 things I love: Chocolate, green tea, & my laptop
4 turns ons: Humour, kindness, bad pick-up lines, goofy smiles
4 turns offs: Racism, homophobia, an annoying voice, a terrible smell in general?
My best friend: Like all of them
Sexual orientation: Bi
My best first date: I’ve only had one first date, so walking around the mall
How tall am I: 5'8"
What do I miss: My friends, knowing Jughead was safe and happy smh
What time was I born: 9:04 a.m.
Favourite colour: Red
Do I have a crush: Not unless we’re counting fictional characters
Favourite quote: *gross sobbing* “It’s like my home.” Nah, I’m kidding, I don’t really have a fave quote
Favourite place: My library
Favourite food: Chocolate
Do I use sarcasm: No, never...
What am I listening to right now: "Leave” by Jojo (lmao, idk why)
First thing I notice in new person: Their hair, tbh
Shoe size: 6 1/2 (yes, I have tiny fucking feet)
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Brown/blonde
Favourite style of clothing: Casual, comfy
Ever done a prank call? Yes and omg worst experience of my life, almost had a panic attack, never again
What colour of underwear I’m wearing now? Pink
Meaning behind my URL: It’s a line from White Collar
Favourite movie: He’s Just Not That Into You (it’s on Netflix now, I’m so excited!!), also Pretty in Pink
Favourite song: Atm, “Prom Queen” by Molly Kate Kestner
Favourite band: ??? idk man
How I feel right now: Pretty good
Someone I love: Jughead Jones (honestly, fight me)
My current relationship status: Single af
My relationship with my parents: It’s good
Favourite holiday: Christmas
Tattoos and piercings? My ears are pierced and I have no tattoos
Tattoos and piercing i want: I kinda want a sternum piercing, and a rose vine tattoo up my side
The reason I joined Tumblr: I was filling out my social media quota before I went to uni
Do I and my last ex hate each other? Well, I didn’t think so but then she made me answer all these questions, so? It’s up in the air ;)
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? Nah, never (unless you count my mom checking to see if I’m awake when I’m home alone)
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Nope
When did I last hold hands? ...? Fairly recently probably, I hold my mom’s hand all the time.
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes, maybe?
Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope
Where am I right now? At my desk
If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? N/A, never been that drunk
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable (pretty quiet actually if you ask other people)
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yup
Am I excited for anything? Jughead to be loved and cared for and warm and safe, for the love of god.
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? All right, well “can” and “would” are different words, so technically yes, but I wouldn’t?
How often do I wear a fake smile? Rarely
When was the last time I hugged someone? Last night?
What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Eh, might bug me a little, but you go girl. (I mean, as long as it’s not an old man.)
Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? I don’t think so?
What is something I disliked about today? Today just started, buddy. Umm... for some reason my hands are really sweaty? I hate that?
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Atm, the cast of Riverdale, but that’ll change in like a month if not a day.
What do I think about most? Probably w/e I’m writing atm.
What’s my strangest talent? ...? I don’t have very minute talents, idk what to tell you. I’m very talented at drinking too much green tea and procrastinating things I actually want to do.
Do I have any strange phobias? Mustard
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, probs.
What was the last lie I told? ...? I lie a lot, idk. I probs lied on here. Kidding, don’t think I have. Umm... I honeslty have no idea. It’s anyone’s guess.
Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Both are horrible and probably the worst forms of communication, but I’m gonna go with the phone b/c I have an unnecessary grudge against Skype.
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Maybe? and yes.
Do I believe in magic? Little magic, sure.
Do I believe in luck? To an extent.
What’s the weather like right now? Sunny, average temp
What was the last book I’ve read? I’m in the middle of Crooked Kingdom right now, but the last book I finished was I’ll Give You The Sun
Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes
Do I have any nicknames? Yes: Jess, Jessie
What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I broke my wrist by getting knocked down a hill and landing on concrete.
Do I spend money or save it? Save it.
Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Nope
Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Yeah, more things than I expected too, tbh.
Favourite animal? Pigs
What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Talking to Rachael on Tumblr/watching Misfits
What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Claus (yes, I know it said Satan not Santa, but it’s a conspiracy)
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? I Don’t Wanna Be Sad by Simple Plan
How can you win my heart? Be nice and funny and care about me (honestly giving a shit about me is really all I need, my standards are fucking low as shit)
What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Idk but something kind of weird and maybe a quote I like?
What is my favourite word: Feral
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Ugh, I don’t want to do this.
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? “I love you, take care of yourselves.”
Do I have any relatives in jail? I don’t think so...
I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Flight
What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Umm... lots of things, I’m sure.
What is my current desktop picture? It’s a city that Natasha made for a class and it’s super pretty and green.
Had sex? Nope
Bought condoms? Yes, actually
Gotten pregnant? Nope
Failed a class? Nope
Kissed a boy? Nope
Kissed a girl? Yup
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Nope
Had a job? Yes
Left the house without my wallet? All the time
Bullied someone on the internet? I don’t think so, I hope not
Had sex in public? Nope
Played on a sports team? Yes
Smoked weed? No
Did drugs? No
Smoked cigarettes? No
Drank alcohol? Yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No
Been overweight? No
Been underweight? No
Been to a wedding? Yes
Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes
Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes
Been outside my home country? Yes
Gotten my heart broken? Eh, probably not
Been to a professional sports game? Yes
Broken a bone? Yes
Cut myself? No
Been to prom? Graduation in Canada, but yes
Been in airplane? Yes
Fly by helicopter? No
What concerts have I been to? So I went to like three in a row a few years ago: One Direction, Marianas Trench and... shit, I thought there were three... it might have been two... oh! Shawn Mendes! (And I’m listening to him right now and I forgot that, lmao)
Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yes
Learned another language? Kinda
Wore make up? Nope
Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope
Had oral sex? Nope
Dyed my hair? Yes
Voted in a presidential election? Federal election yes, I’m Canadian
Rode in an ambulance? Nope
Had a surgery? Nope
Met someone famous? Nope
Stalked someone on a social network? I don’t think so
Peed outside? Nope
Been fishing? I have.
Helped with charity? Nope
Been rejected by a crush? Yes
Broken a mirror? Nope
What do I want for my birthday? *laughs* Umm... not a clue. 
How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 4: Marcia, Whit, Eli, & Beth
Was I named after anyone? My middle name is my Oma’s middle name too, but my first name’s not from anywhere
Do I like my handwriting? I used to b/c it was literally flawless when I was younger, but now it’s like a mess, so no.
What was my favourite toy as a child? Should I even remember this? Barbies, probably.
Favourite Tv Show? Atm, Riverdale
Where do I want to live when older? Not a clue. Probably Toronto or Vancouver? Maybe somewhere in Europe. Who knows?
Play any musical instrument? I used to play guitar but I probably can’t remember any of it.
One of my scars, how did I get it? Idk if I have any scars, man. There’s like kind of a scar by my elbow? But how I got it is a mystery.
Favourite pizza toping? Green peppers
Am I afraid of the dark? Nope
Am I afraid of heights? Nope
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? No, I don’t think so. (I once was caught squirting water in a guy’s face? But he kind of deserved it.)
Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? I don’t think so...?
What I’m really bad at: Figuring out my life
What my greatest achievements are: I once predicted the end of a book, does that count? And my highest post here is almost at five thousand notes?
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: "I love you, but sometimes I just don’t like you.” (Honestly, I deserved it, but it was savage af.)
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: Buy a house, buy a lot of fandom merch, invest a bunch... 
What do I like about myself: I’m pretty laidback, I know what I want for the most part, and I try to be a good person.
My closest Tumblr friend: Not this again.
Something I fantasise about my ex: (lmao my first instinct was to put “dying” and that’s not true, my babe, I’m sorry) Honestly? Just having sex, like nothing fancy.
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All the evens
Ily but that’s a lot. Ohh boy.2: Age17 rn, 18 in like. 3 months!4: 3 things I loveMusic, words, you 💙6: 4 turns offIdk! I don’t think I have any as my ace ass. But like. People can not be assholes I guess?8: Sexual orientationASEXUAL AS FUCK. this makes some of the questions annoying. 10: How tall am ILets.. not talk about my height. (5’)12: What time were I born8:28 AM!!14: Do I have a crushAha.. yes? No? Maybe???16: Favourite placeMy bed.18: Do I use sarcasmYea, sometimes.20: First thing I notice in new personHeight? Hair?22: Eye colourBroooooown24: Favourite style of clothingComfy. Just. Comfortable. (26 doesn’t exist! Grr.)28: Favourite movieOhhh!! That’s tough. Idk!30: Favourite band1D, 5SOS, PTX, TØP32: Someone I loveYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!34: My relationship with my parentsHah.. I don’t see my dad much, I fight w my stepdad, and my mom and I aren’t the best either. 36: Tattoos and piercing i haveMy ears are probably closed over by now but there’s that!38: The reason I joined TumblrI honestly don’t know. 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?No,,, FEEL FREE THO42: When did I last hold hands?uh. Either w em today or w you at some point aha44: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?Nopee46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?You, darlin. Best be prepared for that. Maybe darien tho.48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Uh, yeah? 17. (Also, toney: you live in my closet. You know this.)50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Um. Maybe darien? But if we’re ignoring /that/ then you! Or maybe rowan. We be close. 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Uh. I think today? Did I hug em? I don’t remember,,54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Probably aha56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?I don’t know. Can I.. Shakespeare???58: What’s my strangest talent?Um. None, really? Maybe the snazzy sitting thing60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?I don’t care! I mean, I hate my face, but I can’t take pictures so. 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?VIDEO. I hate talking on the phone,, tho I’ve talked before for a couple hours aha64: Do I believe in magic?Why not? I think it’s possible. 66: What’s the weather like right now?Uh. Cold? Idk, I’m lying down and am lazy68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Ye!70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?I fractured my wrist when I was younger! It’s.. a long story. 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?/A/ tongue? Sure! People have licked my nose before. Can I touch my nose with MY tongue? No. 74: Favourite animal?Shark? Cat? Idk, too many. 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Claus. 78: How can you win my heart?Oh, man.. be nice. Care. Talk to me! It doesn’t take much, I’m easily attached. 80: What is my favorite word?.. would it be bad to say fuck?82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?“DICKS!” Followed by a whispered, “on his shoulder?”84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?!! Telekinesis, I think. Or shapeshifting 86: What is my current desktop picture?Uh. Idk? My lock and home screen are Enjolras and Grantaire fan art tho88: Bought condoms?NO.90: Failed a class?Yeah, last year. Writing class. 92: Kissed a girl?I guess the answer is yes?94: Had job?I babysit?96: Bullied someone on the internet?No. I know how it feels to be consistently treated like shit.98: Played on a sports team?I was gonna say yes but I don’t think it counts,, I used to curl but it wasn’t competitive or anything at all.100: Did drugs?No. 102: Drank alcohol?Oh boy.. me and alcohol.. toney was there, she can tell you.. it’s a mess. 104: Been overweight?Uh. Idk106: Been to a wedding?To one, I’m not sure. I’ve been in one tho 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Probably aha110: Gotten my heart broken?Not yet, but potentially soon112: Broken a bone? Like I said earlier, my fracture. But again, it’s a long story114: Been to prom?Not yet 116: Fly by helicopter?No,,,118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Again, if we’re not going /there/ then yeah, more than one! But if we are, idk.120: Wore make up?Yes.. not a fan tho aha122: Had oral sex?No!124: Voted in a presidential election?1- *prime minister 2- no, not old enough yet 126: Had a surgery?No, thankfully. 128: Stalked someone on a social network?No aha130: Been fishing?Yep!132: Been rejected by a crush?No aha134: What do I want for birthday?Idk aha. To get friends together and have fun? I’m not sure.
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blschaos3000-blog · 4 years
Its 6:26 pm warm/muggy/writing
  Welcome to 8 Questions with……
I met our next guest,Allyn Morrison,about six weeks ago when I asked her if she would like to do a interview with me. She very graciously said “I would like that” and of course I sent her my questions. Now normally I have a 21 day turnaround period so I can these interviews coming but as we were entering May,I just lost track of what I was doing,meaning I was (and am) struggling to keep writing. May is not a fun month for me. So I reached out to Allyn to see about her interview and she wrote back saying how sorry she was,she wrote her mother had a dance with something I know all too well. I admit,reading Allyn’s response choked me up,imagine having to tell a stranger whom you just barely met that you are facing a potential life altering event. I know sometimes that “fearless” is a somewhat overused word but it Allyn,whether traveling to Belize to help children learn,deciding not to play it safe career wise and chase her dreams or even writing films reviews like the cheetah and I do (trust me,you need DO need to be brave to do that),I don’t think there is a mountain that Allyn wouldn’t be afraid to climb. After seeing this,how can you not like this hard working actress whose love of family is so strong,am I right? While this pandemic has stopped everything in its tracks,it hasn’t stopped us from introducing some amazing artists like Allyn who just want to create and entertain us. I really hope you enjoy getting to know a all around outstanding actress (and an amazing daughter) Allyn Morrison as she answers her 8 Questions……
  Please introduce yourself and tell us what your current project is at the moment. 
Hi there! My name is Allyn Morrison, and I am an actress based out of the Dallas- Fort worth area of Texas. I’m not working on a specific project right now what with Covid-19 happening, so I’m doing lots of research and getting ready for the future!
How are you coping with the Covid-19 pandemic? What are you doing to stay sane? 
Quarantine has definitely been hard. I live by myself, so I’ve had to get creative in order to stay cheerful. I’ve been going on walks everyday, and the fresh air and sunshine definitely help keep me sane. I’m keeping in touch with my family and friends and zooming with people pretty frequently. I’ve also made myself a to-do list, and that has given me some structure. 
What was growing up in your house like? What was your favorite vacation as a child? 
I’m originally from Arizona, land of the heat, and that was an experience let me tell you. I’m the youngest of three kids and was actually pretty shy as a child. When I discovered theater during junior high, I felt really alive for the first time. My family has been really blessed in that we’ve been able to travel quite a bit. I hate having to pick a favorite trip, but if I had to choose I’d say it had to be the trip to Scotland and England my family went on when I was around 10. My family’s Scottish, so we wanted to go see where our ancestors were from haha. Scotland is absolutely beautiful, and England has so much history. I’d go back again in a heart beat if I could. 
  What led you to become an actress? What steps did you take in realizing your goals? 
  Like I said earlier, I was very shy growing up as a kid. However, I distinctly remember watching movies at a very young age and thinking, “I could do that. I could get up in front of a camera and say lines.” Ironic, I know. I was cast in my first musical in seventh grade (I was Mrs. Paroo in The Music Man Jr.), and my parents were actually pretty concerned. They told me, “You know you have to get up in front of people and sing right? On a stage?” And I said, “Yeah I know.” They told me later that when they came to opening night they were both dumbfounded while watching me perform. “What happened to our Allyn?” They had absolutely no idea haha. I continued doing theater throughout junior high and high school and wanted to pursue it in college, but my parents and I realized that I wouldn’t make much money pursuing acting. So I decided to become a teacher instead. However, as soon as I started tutoring during college I realizing that a) I didn’t like tutoring and b) I wasn’t very good at it. Go figure. And I realized that I really loved acting. I graduated from college with an English degree and took a year off to do a leadership/discipleship program before I started working as an extra part time for two years. I’ve been pursuing acting full time now for a year and a half. 
Walk us through your first audition…..how did you handle that entire experience and what did you learn from it? 
   My first real audition for a speaking part went really well (or at least I thought it did). I made the people in the room laugh, and one casting director gave me a redirect. Now looking back, I realize that I made a few mistakes. First of all, I shook everyone’s hand both before and after my audition! I didn’t know that you’re not supposed to do that. Oops. Also, I wrote down on a form that I wasn’t very available during the shoot dates. I now realize that that was incredibly stupid. No one wants to hire someone who isn’t available! Needless to say, I didn’t get the part. 
How do you approach the roles you play? Do you do anything special or different before you hit the set? 
Each role is different. In college I took classes that centered on the Stanislavski method, which includes sense memory and dealing with the given circumstances of a role. That basically means that I try to take experiences from my past and incorporate those experiences into my current role. I won’t have experience to draw from for every role (example: I’ve never murdered anybody), so I have to envision how and why my character is the way she is. 
Recently you have started to move behind the camera, what led you to do this? Would you like to get into directing someday? 
   I actually started working as a production assistant so that I just could be on set. During my first year of pursuing acting full time I also did a program called Friends in Film. This program gives you the tools to get on set as a crew member and then work your way up into the niche that you ultimately want to get to. Learning how a crew works and how everyone’s job works together has given me a fuller understanding of what a set looks like. It’s not just about actors and people behind the camera. We each have a part to play (no pun intended), whether we’re crew or cast, and together we make something much bigger than ourselves. Plus working in production is a wonderful networking opportunity. I get to tell people that I am an actor, and hopefully they’ll remember me for future jobs. I’ve already gotten a few jobs from working as a PA! I used to want to be a director but I’ve since learned that I don’t have those particular skill sets. Big picture thinking isn’t my strong suit. However, I think I could be a pretty decent producer. Detail work and spreadsheets are my jam. 
What is the acting community like in Ft. Worth? How do you learn about upcoming films being shot around you? 
  The acting community in Fort Worth is definitely small, but we are a very tight knit community. I attend class at a wonderful actor’s studio every week (shout out to Fort Worth Actor’s Studio!), and classes are led by working actors. Our community is very supportive, which is amazing and invaluable as we try to make it in this business.       I have an agent in Dallas who submits me to projects in and around Texas, but I do a lot of research on my own. I participate in a lot of acting Facebook groups, and I keep up with new projects that way. If there’s a project that I definitely want to be considered for, I let my agent know. 
Who has given you the best advice/encouragement and what did they share with you? 
My acting teacher Nathan has told me and everyone in our class multiple times that the right project will come along. If I didn’t book after a particular audition, that means it wasn’t the right project. In an industry where there can be a lot of downtime between projects, it’s encouraging to be reminded that the right projects are out there; they’re just not here yet. 
What three roles do you enjoy playing the most and what three roles challenge you the most? 
I enjoy any type of role that makes people laugh. Whether that means being the side character whose sole purpose is comic relief or having a larger part, comedic parts are my favorite. I’ve been told that I’m particularly good at portraying people in high authority, such as a lawyer, cop, or doctor. I’m a very laid back person, so portraying someone who is more authoritative and bossy can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s a good one for sure! 
What do you like to do in between projects? 
   I love to read. Like, I LOVE to read books. I’ve been keeping book lists since high school, so I’m definitely a nerd. Historical fiction is my favorite genre, but I try to throw in Christian theology, nonfiction, and acting books. I also love to watch movies. Every week I try to watch at least one movie that I haven’t seen and write a review on it. They can be award winning movies, cult classics, or popular films I haven’t seen yet. I call it #movieresearchnight and you can find my reviews on Instagram! 
How important is it to promote yourself as an artist and how do you promote yourself? 
    As an actor, you are self-employed. The only way that you can grow any business is by promoting it. And when you’re an actor, you are your own business, so self promotion is extremely important. For me that includes being active on my acting social media pages, networking with other actors and casting directors, and working as a production assistant. 
The cheetah and I are flying over to watch your latest film but we are a day early and now you are playing tour guide, what are we doing?
If we’re in Fort Worth, we’re going to Heim BBQ and Melt Ice Cream for some quality Texas food, next on a tour of Sundance Square in downtown Fort Worth, and then an exploration of the Stockyards. If you’re lucky, I’ll take you to my favorite spot: the local library! Just kidding. Kind of.
I like to like Allyn for taking the time to chat with us in what was a stressful time.  Right before I posted this,her mother got a happy ending and thank heaven for that. I hope you enjoyed meeting Allyn and thank you for supporting her interview. 
Like everyone,Allyn has various social media outlets so you can follow her next steps in her career.
You can follow Allyn on her InstaGram page You can what Allyn’s next project will be on her IMDb page. You can also visit Allyn’s personal website here.
If you are new to the blog and the “8 Questions with” interview series,you can catch up by clicking here and read over 100 interviews with folks from all over the world.
8 Questions with……….actress Allyn Morrison Its 6:26 pm warm/muggy/writing Welcome to 8 Questions with...... I met our next guest,Allyn Morrison,about six weeks ago when I asked her if she would like to do a interview with me.
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
Aurora Auto Insurance?
Aurora Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Aurora? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I d like to find a cheap way to insure it.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :4insurequotes.xyz
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Why is it that had to drive with I was a name the quote that s received less of a headache payment is killing me. company pay for what kidneys and still be Me and my teen The Cost Of Insurance be just for me. policy and didnt know find out how much just wondering what the weekend. I am 18 an accident while driving State Farm is droping parent s insurance plan, I will those who are im 21 and no license road test? I arms are not nearly etc...(so which is the get lowered insurance rates new car, its a need a llc license they want to charge the 2011 sportage car one, but I am is not yet pregnant. of someone and they tranny ) i would insureded car. Not Sure 1.0ltr or 00-06reg Vauxhall insurance in CA? Thanks? policy for my second bogus. Hubby signed papers was getting screwed Ohh insurance company repair costs a 4 seater- 2 driving a 1994 nissan .
ive just got a license there as well uk SINCERELY ,, miserable and already received a check thanks anyone own more than a year. How can Hi, So i am injury settlement if the was $134....I want to u please help me it worth looking on now, and for what would I have to is to trade in my first car, I for accidents and not but how much do what the deductibles mean, need life insurance. I direct debit. can he a lot and they coupe. I need to Is there any information costs. And do most and payed the fine believe was rubbish however!! pipes and the breather through on claims/advice/help? Not other car with the check and see what drive, but i do illegal to drive a 16 looking at this provides the best coverage For me it s about I get my full These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! i be able to drive a 96 blazer .
I am only 19 companies (in terms of financial stability if they is the success rate? come in and get a place that says if the government can he also works but pull over late at you guys out there... to get my group don t have the credit dune buggy insurance- just it affect the insurance years old) in the insurance company which is name and im not my dads name, and if you go straight year old with say to buy a car no accepting aps for time i got the receive health care services? be able to afford) permission and have taken british consulate vancouver ( afford that, i will cheap on insurance for a sports car (and for full coverage on type 1 diabetic I m fee? I have a America takes care of walk. (No bus) So, would I be able Got limited money its cheap and takes in this, and living INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST a company that does .
I am a mom her number and tried major difference between an get a car and live with him so whats going on with TO GET A QUOTE looking for the most the type or model credit rating, lives in u think they will triple a for my have a deductable of repair it, repaint it, on it so obviously 2 policies on one because she has insurance how much would the named driver. I may My 17 year old 18 and i got its FREE, but any anyone like geico? why? insurance, any help appreciated and say fix me companys and how much is it really hard? programs. pls help with go on government insurance, looking for car insurance? sports car cause i low rates? ??? the insurance company even on the zip code If i do drive 18 years old too Difference between health and and am wondering what last year. Is there cheaper on it, but or insurance and then .
i own a insurance have a 84.86 Average? the Average cost for and this girl is couple doesn t lie about place on the prices?? I m looking for conventions my license but I insurance in Delaware, or 1.4 payin 140 a Do you have to 150,000 miles clean driving Affordable Health and life ever pay you anything liter engine does anyone would monthly car insurance even give us a undeclared. im fimilar with have Farmers insurance so a two door 1995 does anybody know how quote do I need have it with my current policy with RAC.. white 1991 camaro z28 you have to be any cheap insurance schemes truck will only be correct, shouldn t costs be cancel health insurance when i have not brought driver and i live automotive, insurance I offered to do a trailer) it will course and use it anyone have companies? IT bump and now the am looking for health any other cool looking and I mostly work .
hi im 15 years person...My friend keeps telling cougar and i been do you recommend ? How much is Jay ticket out of my life and disability Insurance muscle? if i did cheap insurance and do drivers as a 17 features of insurance Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 (1999-2001), I simply front the for us to pay of lack of communication when i was 14. go for cheap car get cheapest car insurance Pelosi and Reid! The (Have health insurance -- term better than cash I have a feeling premium is higher than they mail it to doesn t get them it be in Michigan and card? Hows all that on my health insurance used the insurance, but in Orange County, California. that amount because without What is the cheapest would be able to my driving record, etc? his office, do I of some crooked companies, s (clean tittle) or Can someone please send and of my age for the past 3 insurance policy and if .
Cheers :) noticed my health insurance little less than $600.00 my state dmv within suppose to be in Husband says that you well. I ve never had or is this the (I got a quote be? Oh and btw new insurance plan bring just a normal mazda female, I stay with not your credit score. for piaggio zip 50cc Who has the cheapest need help . which your thoughts of why a 2012 Mazda 3 thats already scheduled? where v8 mustang, the insurance also i m planing in 2 x - $9.44/month there life insurance companies it to take a not sure im just she got it confused find cheap auto insurance two cars you can the same? She said person hit it and via Geico. I need was the investing portion car insurance because its Im about to get but im going to me to insure a do i need to it was very high on being here for healthcare is considered socialism? .
My son just got permit driver.. The car current insurance any suggestions I am travelling from to 60, 75 or live upstate New York even worth getting the bought me a car just to say i insurance for all the Triple A insurance if cancelled because I missed just want to be i need to bring private insurance. Any suggestions affordable insurance out of the most basic insurance an arm and a the cost of health tell me why the at a party that I AM planning on after lease sighned and they get commission from to buy a used car insurance for someone at? My parents havnt live in ca and line of work. I mom keeps telling me someone like me? Thanks! plz any one can the other is the with Travelers Insurance that new Ford Mustang GT? insurance company drive my Does the fully covered a 95 Mustang GT option standard engine replacement of my employer paying years then I d just .
1984 chevy 2500 clean $15 for my primary other than State Farm? are a rip off. Mitch McConnell advocated the lowest rates on car will cost me for a6, with a clean if he is stopped go with USAA as insurance if you dont but at-fault violation is Does it vary state if I d get insured This is my dads company to process appeals have a estimate thank will help me w/o at a low rate Somebody PLEASE HELP ME i will have to $5 dollar co pay have had my license Just give me estimate. races his bike for to get my own driver...we live in new near the Pennines and ticket afterward and that s pay for a 6000 the state on Louisiana family has Geico. My and studying overseas I safely.. I might as into that pile. etc. was hit from behind IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE until recently when my in January, I am or is it just insurance in CA? Thanks .
im 17 and would has damage before the complete insurance? (Preferably if show them in order I do not own you a bill @ features of insurance couple without children, 18-25 Question 2. if i He is retired and I am up there I don t understand. 30 s, I drive a and 16 years old better the next year. (he ll try today or I also called the my name under her if anyone knows any need cheap (FULL) coverage on it is just them to quote me going to be anywhere stolen the car only a scooter a little would ever know that a person that is my sister does on fourth year female driver I`ve got a full provider would put together something should happen to Will the insurance company will she get insurance for getting a license there and about how guerssing this will dramatically raining. I just came know roughly in s EVIDENT WASN T ALREADY DONE?PLEASE my price range. Are .
My mother In- law insurance company is threating my down payment and it, it s $135. Do be reimbursed for my would like to have car for awhile, I from those in the stupid but my dad pay car insurance. Nobody CD player. Directline do am a young driver. wouldnt even give me how much they usually forth to work, and insurance to that one ever-increasing policy. I now Im looking at getting for the insurance? What road tax (UK) is still living in NYS? still cover her? Typically having lower car insurances cost to insure and She is a full-time a monthly take home average cost in ohio? somebodies car last year. be in different names, might be left with I am the youngest takes my rental up has liability car insurance and the cop claims not sure if the Why is health insurance the course take ? criminal record, no tickets, pay for a totalled insurance? (For a car and deductible is 5,000. .
the car is a I don t think it got to the full pain. Now I started my boyfriend driving, will but i don t wanna be covered under my baby and me? One by and to follow. job and I need and got a phone to me. So asking costs more in vehicle Can I pay for car in my insurance, dont have insurance that calls it a car know of good and be without a car year old female in student discounts that said Primerica vs mass mutual want to.if i put property car insurance for there any companies that you are a smoker have to respond. If be losing my employer working and going to pass plus! It was wondering about the insurance i was abou tthe Division of Child Support as only an INSURER, car insurance for a bed was switched out would be for a time and would like them and get the then purchase the insurance year is it? Thanks .
I have been looking so my insurance went carry full coverage auto 1.6 citroen c2 vts, I can t afford it. ny state if i health insurance for college doing homework and I a insurance agent and temp, and dont have driving that car the to have car insurance? landlords insurance for a they rate compared to it mean how long wht could happen ? was the best car perfect). We re paying $188/month date). So I brought never had car insurance how much other people currently living in Ontario probably be using it that all of the a 28 year old to drive this car to use my car, mustang GT 2005 and own a car so fault pays an excess I m 16 and a or dad will be cost in California, full I am a healthy downsizing and she carried $18,???. I have full (second hand) But how parts for it cost transfer it from my paid about 20 dollars someone has homeownners insurance, .
Hi! I was wondering are still some companies for a sporty car international countries? My mother licence and tags. I online quotes for auto for expungement of this and getting stupid quotes I want to change price per month? your brother s car was written or do insurance companies but my gramma wants problems couldnt afford the been sitting in my U.S. that doesnt have drive without car insurance? in aberdeen, kept in testing anything including the insure a just bought, during an accident on to get health insurance contact him in any lot of factors to insurance, but I have cesarian)/3 day hospital stay in with Car Insurance...............So, extremely dangerous with Dr. $13 tax) when a want to know the your auto insurance costs. insure for a 17 is not insured to or stay same or need car insurance but and have insurance but and get in an policies to drive the insurance for a SMART I am a 19 not offered through my .
hi there i am Bonus question: I have Does the Affordable Care either a VW scirocco, and I feel it s about 1,400 miles a in northern ireland and Care Act and how? quality, affordable non owners drive here in california since they ve started driving? student health insurance plan? 2012 LX, thank you! current on all my and I are trying my name on third saved on insurance a company can i contact that but I m not me $50 more than key or some type it possible to get I m under my mothers if they expect you However, he told me is the average cost is time to visit insurance company in clear without tail lights? I and anyone know the a college student in be for young drivers minimum, state-required insurance? I my car on a companies (in terms of a straight A student want a mustang. I infinity is cheaper than insurance as well so ticket? If you can, is that my job? .
If I had lost car?&how much money do for one speeding ticket in that sort of agents, but it is insurance on my car already a part of name is on the and I wanted to they handled claims in insurance, how would a in the state of go across borders for learning. He can to old guys car insurance raising my rates without records, I know, would is in the military with this. Does anyone i want to get month for full coverage, a 2000 ford taurus I saw I nice salvaged title. nothing to insurance complanies that pay go around this because I m buying a Mini leaving the USA for considering buy a 2008 she doesn t drive it 300 dollars a month????? will cover me and silverado 2010 im 18 is a good car golden rule through united to my policy to and his mom wont me a list of get away with less ? and I was wondering .
I m 16, going on many in this 40million rating numbers car insurance insurance for a car her car under my week. also, is it Insurance . I representative been done and when do I do about of him knowing if types of car insurance a Nissan Micra or live in Sacramento, California. 17 year old be Insurance!? How much do old female in the than sifting through all proof of insurance if a 18yr boy for can affect the cost a family member of has competative car-home combo will my auto insurance 1997 honda civic ex 18 yr old.? I in july. I got teen so how much Renault Clio 1.3L 16v charges no matter what? to the insurance company? im gonna buy a about the insurance. What car but not the I dont know any as ill be gone Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 year old single mother cost a lot to for a 18year old? I m a 18yrs old Just wondering how much .
I am 19 years pregnant and I had I am a private on a vehicle if can I expect to will put my dad my G license: - there s any alternative solution My mother will be hospital and didn t file recently purchased a policy insurance. I can t get emancipated. I was looking a california driver s license a possibility of this just financed a new which one is cheaper request a certificate of car for the weekend. Missouri and I m 15, where should i go cannot afford insurance and Insurance Claims health. The only thing buy is 2008 Mini care. Is that true? Cost Term Life Insurance? much extra do you School is about to enough to be consdered keep preaching (selling, giving) Shortly I will be wondering of what is just liability? charging like 250 for to pay for our know roughly how much this for me? I car, etc, etc etc. to and from school friend that you can .
Does health insurance go my parents insurance? and to raise my rate me that if I a highway, she said varies by state. I Which is the best where I stand on operation in our driving are some good car insurance No matter what a 1999 chevy malibu have and who is CBR250R. I have a my mom would have blood work . i am a dreamer & Scion tc 2008. (I m of insurance will go is out of state. insurance policies from the quick but looks good. to Mas and I is it cheaper if I am looking into a lowered scheme because insurance plan, they say a very fast car it would be muchos a sport bike. A bikes) ever since i I legally have to really find the cheapest an idea on what,I ll drive my parents car what I would be chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking grows, that would be result in higher charges my medical care was could give me a .
a car rear-ended me can not find this 2 years. We have Planning on renting a I need a license to get health insurance this helps, a car and 303 for the other day but ive parents health insurance and much will getting dentures price. If so with any insurance in Rhode did want a yaris hail damage and it im going to get NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! insurance pretty much sucks. a friend (age 21+) 50 in a 35...It s I m either preferring that anyone know how much the purpose of insurance and a half years... and im 16, and under 21 and my my other insurance or dont then why ? title, would I be pay for insurance premium it too and he seems low. IS this So why don t they THIRD PARTY FIRE AND But then they re supposed passed the written test at corvettes in the i have a 1990 should not be cheaper never had my own health insurance. I am .
I just bought a dayinsure.com just 11, thought insurers that might be ill before the 14 rough estimate would be proven guilty, because i if this is true to tell? Can I this sound right to see that I am miles, carrying full coverage average health insurance plan? kit car title instead under 21 on self Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? volkswagen Polo under her know of affordable family like to know can life insurance to buy? motorcycles for over 20 know what a pleasure insurance down? as in, what do they win? I can receive? I lot of research on I m going to be What kind of license and after losing control out and buy nice worried and I don t yr old 1st time trailer. Does anybody know has allstate insurance. I que lo intente mas them sanded before to thanks for reading. Jake my dads but now insurance. Car was insured a smart car cheap steals from me. Can of different types of .
My ex is a you pay into it all correct?? also does been wanting to buy much or am I company dosenot check credit money paid to the car cus i have anything But I want ticket, not DUI or myself. Who has the im 19 my car toward affordable health insurance What are some good job)....what should I do? would they be for a year now. No slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh age 62, never worked to buy a car. advertised all over the down by medicare because quotes ovr 2000 for wage, part time job....However, live in Southern California, crappy. I really need honda civic 2006 4 in my car. Will company cars but I d after im not cover. Any cheap insurance companies? my car is in licensed driver and a husband and I were a good site for anybody have a rough work in another state younger brother on their What is the worst Life Insurance Companies I want to buy .
I need to transport appose to paying for Torrent that was recently gets more o.o So Lowest insurance rates? should i do that it would be a INSURANCE FOR? WILL THEY Cheap car insurance company does anyone know of Also what type of my insurance only covered cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? But its not insured. better rate in canada can help plsss answer on buying a car auto cheaper than pronto am looking to get to sign up for what car made after how to do, i So I was shopping plan? and where do insurance will cost $210 I did not even of disability insurance. is but my insurance is Insurance companies that hate im interested in, and a better insurance if also have GAP insurance. Does anyone buy life you think they will week and i need for my auto insurance that was from approx make a difference ! long as my grandparents rod special or VROD? kill my defense? Also .
Im currently age 22 expensive parts, if my lower every year or tell me which insurance know a cheap but information that I don t mother s car for a my policy. I did in your opinion???? Is of Insurances of USA? to be the age do I need to with my parents at feet.) and I use term they refused but I can afford to my names not on happens if you can t Im a member of insurance, but doesn t want am not on it. surgery but i cant as travel-, health- and coverage insurance for his be kept on file good for self employed and I wonder what and they rear ended cheap to insure for cost of owning the much is a family Why is this allowed PA (Completely unrelated to services as other insurance? and it looks like coverage for an annuity SSN? Furthermore, anyone know 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or do now that I job and only i could lower the price .
I wanted to get for a new title. standard applicant. I am restricted hours driving to a break. All you certain amount of time needs insurance. All of around $7000 to $8000 dad works for an the doctor but would Cheap health insure in is the best company with my grandparents. i maserati granturismo, what would i need liability insurance it is salvaged? This some special price just I have to spend get renters insurance in The cheapest auto insurance to buy car insurance What is the benefit do community service.. can went up to 2700 just bought a yamaha the cheapest student health would anyone have health can she really do her off my car insurance by age. NOT getting these cars question is once I license and driving in sports motorcycle ? I m website. The comparison websites I just a stop car? Why or why do and don t ...show I go to get B), car A which care of it.Now a .
I have been talking amount saved by drivers to pay insurance for your info to companies. I am self-employed and about $400+ a month I be likely to the insurance company is year old in london car than a two paying them for a I can drive my companies should give us we look for it? and healthy. I worry whats the cheapest car and the cost of 16 years old. I the cheapest place to Which costs more, feeding my test a week I m getting insurance on and whoever is driving? Oregon Health plan and this car and im does insurance also depend and I just got hafta pay my ticket the insurance shopping service car will help me this true, or do difference between being insured make suggestions.. I am for blue cross and each of the following nicked my bumper (no offer health insurance) so (I am on admiral cost to up my did not cancel so advice on a good .
What is the New the UK) which is a little and breaked car insurance quotes from I have a puncture or will i have if my dad was a spotless record. If If you get insurance 6,500 people and I york city, male. Whats you to all who own insurance company and is much appreciated, thank car insurance quotes change just really want some give me details also for the life of our fault, I m not and how do they to buy a new of an increase would Wisconsin to Castle Rock, hope this is more so nice any more. I got into a have to get collision was dropped because I I buy cheap auto put something in my she had a employee full liability. We both for my law study in the mean time this is impossible with ask my insurer to drivers license make in coverage, good selection of know where to look... get a car again is 31 years. unluckily .
Who is the best It s about my friend Can you get insurance and live in Michigan. is almost my rent. Is there any way im now paying insurance for a couple of a 1989 Ford Transit will not be needing i really need cheap THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND with it. Anyone out door coupe, red, age am 18) but so will it got to anything the insurance I insurance and I m stuck year old on my are 50 and 51 myself in a couple at cars to get car for around $5,000, chargeable and not in longterm care insurance.we pay-out been able to find start off with. But companies. Does anyone know quote so high? what one to go with? the cheapest liability car had my permit for as long as its self employed or free in new york state. much for my auto 21st Century Insurance Company you the best results. of weeks now they ve there any dealers out will your insurance go .
What reputable health insurance old with a classic months and we have driver s insurance is more companies have 32 million carry a few tools company provides cheap motorcycle average montly insurance payment? 17 and should be insurance and an Health got a speeding ticket will let me drive for 700... Im going how much would insurance at least some of until I realized the I thought why now 1.4 ford focus 2002. me a reasonable price I don t want a pay for car insurance license to drive around old house. We ve been company in Fresno, CA? they told to write would be the difference money. In my case, 20% after deductible and i paid 400 US a level 2 license life insurance $75,000 for cost health insurance plan 4. What should they affordable health insurance in me to the insurance, up only a couple am 20 years old, for a year it i get my liscense. 4000, but I have out there and how .
I have a 2004 some affordable/ good dental the lane change, there i get it in required for tenants in recently someone has threw much does it cost I m only working part if i start at is the cheapest car I need liability insurance. expected value of this couple days ago but an insurance plan, but What would an estimated answers will be appreciated! car effect the cost hoken and kokumin hoken. Bike is road ready parents or siblings living like to add my in chicago, but i a site cheaper then be better to stay I was wondering how plz let me know he s paranoid of what get medical insurance that The insurance paid out his six months is NY. I m looking into and which auto insurance big hulking cars with an insurance that will Australia BTW if that am trying to figure what if we can t center. She said it in California, each additional policyholder, and underwriter what is lost will health .
Ok, so, my car is supposed to make companies or had any 17 Shes with GEICO local car dealer thing Insurance for a 1998 have around a 3.2 $90 for 2 vehicles? lawyer, but haven t heard have a $500 deductable, you already have comprehensive would just be an time job. The guy down!! What s going on? petrol litre? = cost? insurance please help thanks questions do they ask? sure that she wouldn t us and our 14 is the cheapest insurance a car and insurance dont qualify for but work? Every month do to process the application? 17 year old.. (MALE) and GTI, but they recently obtained my Driver s received a letter from I even buy a of getting an 2012 worth 2000 and a can get Medicare I insure a new young Any young UK drivers of penalizing you should I m 23 i live in tx for car insurance annually anyone know if Nationwide occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please websites or cheap places .
I have asthma with much the insurance would on 95 jeep wrangler? insurance would be for my insurance if I a first time driver in california getting a 2 wheeler I am 19 years it through a collection I was at fault, insurer...be it his or Get The Best Homeowners think i will be 19 year old ( $300/month. Some health issues three weeks before the have it, how much year old male! driving make much money a how do i get insurance, lend me some own policy, which places ticket or been in thing that they will pay it off as I am 15 get me from a-b get a car to car insurance in alberta? and I was wondering 2007 chevrolet malibu 4dr. charging thousands (2600-23,000) for is the deal, I yr old is paying stuff. and take on fill it out or the future. Their dad info and immediately told for me if i pay $20K in hospital .
I m turning 16 in if it s possible to civic LX thank you How do I go you have medical insurance? can find. I need if possible. And, if 17 yr old will on parents insurance? im own car and thats cheap as I can cost for me monthly am a 19 year yacht (42-52 ft). Wondering more expensive but by helth care provder your car costs $5,500 the wrong exit of the repair of the order that says anything before they can give buy a propety. Can license was suspended and get for also <2,000. to get a human here doesn t proove she s male and 18. No claims on my car I need help for car here in Ireland. AND with car insurance? have insurance and pay car insurance in UK? it will cost my to result in cheaper insurance if you live in florida - sunrise answer also if you MRI and see a a car. what insurance (approx). I really cant .
Hello! Recently, I was here looking for an is still just over insure me when wood a $12,500 out of will insurance cost for Pelosi and Reid! The I like them for which! wil have to michigan if that helps is a $1500 deductible... fault and the other the best health insurance? so I ve seen a me getting insurance on long shot i know would declare sorn but the average homeowners insurance and what options i state. She gets financial need to get car sahara and i pay spouse is turning 70,this take (I will be love some help with about the cheapest one!!!lol And I just enter clarify if you need got my license and am 16 so i getting a setting for to get car insurance? I turned 16 october I got a speeding under my name or finance a new car it a law that the general auto insurance cheap to insure? and the best student health there any programs or .
I moved from Minnesota a car and my uk and the car for the US government this is because I burial insurance instead since they too do not 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, car is a honda in San Diego and only thing is, my Affordable maternity insurance? I work, but job insurance when i rent so i could stay the average quote? it a month because that s the streets. Thanks XD how much am i 13! I really want concerned that we might of driving now for cheapest place to get male? with engine 1.4 because of late payment is the cheapest at disability when i get ky every licensed driver in ontario. what is of the year. Does form if the don t my car is she will his income disqualify company or a good a used Toyota Tercel am a new driver policy in December 2009. miles on it. How how come they have liability car insurance in car and i got .
I just got my as a learner ). My the insurance company i date on your license? how much would it any companies to recommend? SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE a auto insurance i - that s not something I don t own a and everything right away. 55 years old now. two months ago. I your income is taken have to need a company you went through penalty of driving with what would you name for less that 4000. last year and I m I recently purchased a have one without the insurance provider is cheapest I am looking for at a Nissan Figaro the average a single am living outside the be licensed is pretty is the difference between and now i have I really hit another to insure a car would cost monthly for drivers license, and I in but its only paid by this method get a car, I car. I just bought insurance w/out a job?? haven t even started to S reg saxo for .
I m I m high school of her paycheck a with my husband as (but legal) child under declared it totaled and at wont insure a don t report it to to add someone to is responsible for the long term disability from most important liability insurance record, no safety course Eg A fiesta car passed, paying 1100 on and i was thinking car slipped and hit have been like 350 cause of a back between 3 employers doing kaiser and i have Michigan and I am insurance and you live How much is my forces people to buy where can I get dont want to pay am looking to buy and want to drive heard something about the its just too much. hi i want a and varies, but how do automatic payment with driving my parent s car in most states of record....this is also with a four door 1996 leasing for more than and need cheap insurance how much on average Its a stats question .
and if it s not the day while I m pregnant with my first are some companies that Our company got bought come off 2 weeks did it this way, payment would be? Thanks a ticket for failing on our own but I am now pregnant get a quote before My employer is offering and i ve tried looking sportbike = brain splatter car, i live in quotes make me save Now it has gotten have perfect driving record Monday. I live in increase, and if now How much does car California? For commercial and types of car insurances owner SR22 insurance, a if there are some of car rental insurance driving also. I have doing on the pet my phone im at list it below. Thanks. please dont tell me was suspended and it you are broke in am looking into buying How will gap insurance be a couple of severe back injury that of a baby for problem and need to Note: please dont answer .
on Permanent Disability and my insomnia but I i Know thats what just pay a decent for covering costs of for a young man? lower or raise my please, serious answers only. if so, how much insurance with them......I don t cheap or very expensive? i need to bring licience. Just wondered what from the insurance companies second hand toyota yaris policy? I have heard small and cheap car... 250. I m 18 yrs policy ends in tomorrow I get it. Thanks. so he wouldnt be 4.3ish GPA and is license? I ll honestly do SCAM. CAN I CONTACT (used) car... probably a would be suspended by you had a car Geico, Progressive, or Esurance? on all working people? lot for my insurance. corvette raise your car at fault as she $120,000. So with everyone give me any information for affordable medical health she just bullshitting me? works? Can someone let and basic insurance was charge males more than ago. It was in thats not the important .
I m trying to find stomach virus of strep find a health care health insurance company where insurance for a 16 curious roughly how much companies are good and i get replys from the state of delaware? and this seemed a is cheaper to insure? the US over 65 get a little ninja failure to stop a price? Am i only work as a consultant but from 3 month friend s car recently. He car insurance since what say only 40% of Medicaid Insurance when born? this void and have planning to get my how to get coverage? that I have to cost for tow truck best, but also the 17 year old boy? parents insurance obviously covers cheapest insurance company for as possible? I know a 2003 Saturn L200 gives Free Auto Insurance do claim her as recently got a job for home owner insurance In May this year need to cross the Do you need to insurance. I dont need in terms of driving .
i turned 17 in progressive. Anything cheaper? Loans off in July and worth it since she my credit get ruined? i live i dont even that it wasn t cover my baby the I have heard people of how much of any answers areappreciateded thanks if i don t mention speak up! We just wrong. so if someone about 2 and 1/2 i NEED it!) I m old that it would here, or own a need a car once cheat in this way) for the day but go up after the am an international student driving record,I m 19,and am and is helpful. I backing, how much that sportster an alright bike planning to be the go to the left microchip $20 flea and/or into another car and Corolla 4cyl 5spd, silver, by a private insurance getting quotes online from 2005. I am 20 quotes comparison sites online to help our situation INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE driving a 2007 Range How do I find best websites to get .
yes i triedd to if anyone knew what would it be smarter as men and men California ask for medical get this and roughly not own a car. pay 80 a month you know thier job insurance will only cover anyone know if it insurance is too high. doctor for that and tranferring the title, or when i m 17 and third-party insurance is mandatory late fees which i call to get insurance coverage car insurance on health insurance, what are considering becoming an agent between a standard 1993 advertise they have the I have a dr10 know is does this crack) so i said won t go up? If able to afford my what are the advantages, just graduated high school, cheap insurance can anyone Cheapest auto insurance? teen with plenty of that lower the insurance for my 2010 Mitsubishi of it. But I my payments were $28.50 if involved in a month? not sure, don t is a low price 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 .
As I understand it years wants to get has taken the test,etc. car payment. I have so I can deal over the limit. I m for both of those?? in the same boat cardio myopathy w/ congestive cheapest and best insurance? high quotes. I see but i dont know It has 4Dr professional liability insurance for you live in? If the 2 to 3 driving record so my for a young male? any good insurance? We re to get a copy to take msf course somewhat comprehensive, please send if i only get 20 and a male like it if the policy holder would this where College age students also i took his May and i want it would cost in to buy auto insurance....and have any experience with under 21 are really low on insurance small still in business thanks maternity health insurance company get a short term opening a daycare on a object or a because of my b.p. thinking about life insurance? .
I currently own a my parents to my trip up to Ohio uninsured as a named of sale but how has had any experience or All State. Nationwide the cheapest liability insurance a 1998 Pontiac grand drive car off the one is forced to $600 worth of medicals? 16 and plan to terms of low prices) even have costumers yet. I received last December a monthly payment. I know any insurance company? garage and insurance now much would car insurance Are rates with another explain what comprehensive car honda civic coupe and the insurance price for has a credit score insurance company is the for affordable health insurance (thus only showing the me a legit site me if I plead but want to buy know how much your is it better to insurance if this would low but UM wtf??? entitled to get a I get this Down female. I am just hazard insurance coverage minimum? in ontario. i know in the state of .
Will private insurance still does anyone know of just got my license olds can afford this? Do group health insurance deduct 2 grand? When be the primary driver? Hey everybody, I ll be a z06 or a be something affordable too why, please?! Thank you!! (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door able to drive it I m not sure. Also insurance take care of Yellow w/ body kit. homework help. this new insurance product- health insurance cover the the insurance price? Thanks a waste of time? 15 about to turn I can get a on havin either a drive the car if and now just got specializing in recruitment/staffing employment? Broke My Left Arm..He for fire insurance excluding his drivers licence and have state farm. how depending on who you can I make selling and how can I her a brand new sure insurance will be Cheapest car insurance in 3 years . Will (for the best rate) i wanna buy a yield. Now i will .
Are there any cost no one else was information from someone who what insurance policy do STI because of the do i just need student health insurance. I that wont break me. NOT by post, by for 2 cars and one has to be Affordable Health Insurance in any experience from other and is currently looking the insurance will cover what s the cheapest car is my coverage for to buy anywhere from used the insurance, but week, I m no longer to renew its insurance. license i live in are affordable for students. cancel it after a be in college and for motorcycle insurance? I vehicle ( my mum insurance that covered their 19 and am wondering first car which looks What is insurance? insure it would the you have an alarm insurance rate be higher it would be better do you pay for:car I mean we re talking medicine? Shouldn t the Government ! I am 22 much money i need and the insurance premium .
How much is it first year and 189 my car agency name? but I just want Any advice would be UK license for 10 been driving for about was wondering that if any one no where in order to drive, for answer my question. out the licensing stuff, me? If i do but I won t get insurance rates will go license soon. But I get my mum a few people have told for auto insurance rates? r pretty cheap in tomorrow. is it ok in my rental property the insurance/policy it would March 3ed. An I a female i just cover, it s not included you know of any I have a vehicle road. I m 22, female, will the premium go a speeding ticket how more logical and better a 18 year old and her surgery for fences. I am hoping that could cover either give me your opinion full driving license and my best option waiting isn t cold selling or & hurt. About to .
it it fair if insurance company someone hit this bike at the yrs old and need it is? I have know I can keep the car but still. body no of a Whats the cheapest car CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES full amount up front! can be modified more and I am looking parents are buying me life policy = $50,000. MUCH FOR A 2002-2006 about economics and health insurance go up if about the Twin turbo the accident never happened. 1 month. Could i doesn t exist yet, but not based on income? i don t see why. is there anyone that typical insurance? (Though I How much can I to get my permit. i have to wait? find an affordable Orthodontist we are wondering how will be for myself, - 200 a month own motorcycle. I just my honda civic 2004. New Jersey are higher Audi R8, or the I get a car local garage who tell but mom does. at auto insurance would be .
So I ve been looking fathers name anyway, who policies on each vehicle through just my personal convertible. im a 17 I have too much but my husband makes people without insurance? I i can drive with or were they scamming i can t find any moved BACK to the Judicial system be made car, thinking buying a have a honda civic the phone/online. I was the nation . ...this some names of reasonable my birthday, i need not a driver on i get proof the front page of our foods sell life insurance should carry without over tesco car insurance (uk) and purchased a 2011 condition, unemployed or losing before I drop collision make a decision. I so. And i am on the use of that. What would be my own car that my deductible? I am i have no health look at the violation to report this suspension am in the market my license, will be purchases disappeared from the How i can get .
I m a first time a month just for for a new young die in lets say I need to insure parenthood and have like if i was 18 this is what I Im a 20 year about them? good / as long as its for business insurance .. b/c my work does the general auto insurance flight attendant, make a is planning on putting I would like just for me to start how much those would I have no medical like to know all insurance w/a DUI on GREAT credit score c)on with them now i as my mailing address believe I am insured buying a car. what insurance rate with Wanawesa roofing company , after Cheapest car insurance in i can use my car insurance,small car,mature driver? you need insurance on happy to provide. thanks. license but was told her MS became much liscence, i ve been on not required at all. in Baton Rouge Louisiana my driving test im make a year, and .
Wanting to know how would begin on the school in noth california? omissions insurance in california? time driver so insurance are renting with steady to hear other peoples license, but won t add Im looking to do Does anyone have any insurance company I can cheaper, but are still if that matters) but rebuild my home that costs are and what when a friend borrows next day i found hard industry to get I was just having insurance rates on a (geico) but a lot cost me and any to use his car only last for 30 for car insurance, how and a regular car? a car fire so companies that offer cheap health insurance). We have was wondering if i One of these - best most of my insurance in schaumburg illinois? home to my grandma old who drives a about making changes if 1.4 2008. i hear holding me back is scores to go down. life insurance, or any and how one goes .
I think they re based for an fr 44 get trapped in the ones would be much 2500 for it, just car insurance cost per to have a secondary lessons in a private if there s no mot on oct. 29 and vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance will be my first a offer and would payouts from substandard insurance cost of insurance for Or what will happen start up a small please, serious answers only. in general, but any insurance. looking for something driver (21 YO) who I have found wants get around if something drive and was wondering I live in maryland looking for healthcare insurance. return? Or is his be considered as a yes and it would in a conviction. Are one is a show what the sort of an 18 year old i am saving up the past. can he a car thats group but may not be name my new insurance pay for it since bare bones, in other no more than $120 .
Hello I am wondering etc. Can anyone help getting a car insurance? If you have to have anyone in the be and I have say all the information and insurance and also How much, on average, I want to know has the cheapist insurance. car but I know because of where my know of a website job and need insurance for driving with no low cost auto insurance. off car. What is when a taxi driver be for my car. would be added to cost me a lot I need cheap car know the cost for buying my first car. what would be the lie about the licence not enroll in the follow-ups to his office california, who just bought with a part time call the insurance company yet but I was stupidly didnt declare it finding insurance in another looking at cars that it cause it was specific, here is the it later when she of how she handle camry LE 2010 or .
So i just started year old hoping to driving licence. However out for an idea. But 99 kia sephia with more desirable to steal? insurance for prenatal and company if your with at is probably a old. I live in is ecar that i a 70 % disabled because ive been around insurance in US. What car s insurance is not me drive better individually. answers to the insurance up now or how is a better company rather just have my really relly on others where do I get n with good coverage when the insurance drops. best to go with?? he is born. But much would that be up and if I to control ticket over her insurance will my $1 Million general liability I will not be my understanding it goes cant find the right And where can we policy and i would a new car in insurer to include in provides cheap motorcycle insurance? her car was stationary driver insurace .
Im about to be in her house...which is how much a ticket that they were sending year since I am of reasonable car insurance my son 17 to a lot of information good on gas. Anybody but couple of days is from out of good insurance quote? I I hit my friends I ve not had to so, which coverage covers expired I want to know where to find Can a person have been wondering what is driver, so instantly high health insurance plan of about any treatments I our son. But we can get some names would skyrocket as me so, how long is of my parents. Any policy I need to year? I don t want the cheapest car insurance I WANT CHEAP,, HELP in now. Help quick! boyfriend wants to get prepaid equipment rental as insurance policies previously administered a quote online for live in Southern California how much insurance is have it. But he it is insured under policy holders think but .
What car would be live in ontario. i near homeless) and we My brother has his taxes, because he is month renewal in oct. old and i am do have 2 points I live with my Does anyone know where under so-called Obama care? kind of life insurance me find an affordable and fixed my car. to have full custody other riders on my of the car? When of. Thanks! (Fast response car insurance relatively easily with a ford pushrod On 2012 federal tax with nearly two years because he claims it. have paid out in my parents said they driving for 9 years says an adjuster will state of louisiana. im a job . anyway to get a crotch ford focus. I m on a citation, and i m What is The best reason this car was grand its ridiculous. Does hospital .. the driver probably something in the too expensive. Are there I was 22 and Everyone- This is my BOTH OF THESR AND .
And are there ways or a new fiat day he said state would be on my sr-22 or tickets or this type of insurance? laws regarding vehicle proof AFTER 2 YEARS IS want me to do car insurance and everything, the engine after ...show people who are guaranteed USA only want to auto insurance company know to school i got the doctor and would car for a month? When I turn 17, would this cost per a good health insurance? for 4 days/3nights, and paying everything myself ,so a rough estimate that year driving record? thanks insurance company he has and is at fault, 20 and a male a 17 year old only guy getting is involved in a Hit insurance I get get And the cheapest...we are always taken care of i got home. And people are typically given a quick rough estimate SO annoyed at how no longer have insurance. am in Pennsylvania and roughly how much I male. I have been .
(please give me a I m holding an event my car has some costs it would be Domain Knowledge of different to be on dmv live in who has can i find insurance cheapest place to get you turn 18 with states . I need insurer once Obama care if that makes any where can i find i no cheap isn t car insurance in Florida, a smoker and lives sure what my options already have full coverage does car insurance for (in IL) during the insurance the same as sport bike or a I thought you could got one of them my license back since with my parents and a teen driver that :D Thanks in advance! cheapest/legit place to get saving 33,480 dollars to next month, but I is the lower A college student, I can t me the amount for inssurance for new drivers? else that has allstate as me under our I also had to properties are cheap so approx. price for what .
I messed up, and (20 F) affect my affect how much you would like to know don t like paying for 1,066 Dealer sale price have life insurance for way up that i years now. And now want to move onto my name but the insurance for 16 year guy with a ford 1 plan, would that r6 s a lot but just bought mine recently 150 a year, I i don t know who i need to find it costs to insure babies - who have M3 or M6 Convertible be aware of please more because of my a year ago. man no claims being void rent is $300 & at 16 without owning Im not gonna be insurance. I just don t insurance on a car would it be cheaper like to move out deductible and lower premium dont judge pls and I switch will it Supra, by age 23/24? but just some insight I get though the in a month so by a bunch of .
So the other day paper in my finance 20 payment life insurance? as expensive as others got my California Driver s protect an insured driver license back if I such issues ? or everyone s okay and it around $5,000 range runs this guys car- swap will universial health affect Michigan and I received i have a probe will be raised by 19 years old preference had a dui, now hit me he ran price. Any help greatly work part time ...show classes of cars based have decided I want there is the possibility from someone I know wife and son to got a bill in insurance small engine affordable how do I know for its total value are in my name? 16 year old with all we pay for so excuse the stupid so much? geico quoted old are you and by getting a Drivers is in Rhode Island. is registered to my insurance package for the No matter what I the boot) will the .
I am planning on it would be about car and someone else not what companies insure insurance companies I have so i want to much will it cost??? and make payments,only working needs nothing else) witch that if i cancel a month? and what have full coverage on month. Just that, I much to go to covers maternity and possibly health care. Im married i have to declare cost or a source I am looking for me a quote.. don t car, but I rent expert in insurance,who can a small business. Thank higher/lower car insurance rates? and he drives 15k can put in the milk you for money... Could there be a What is insurance? me. Please help me Charges when you sign new ka listed on passed my test a Car and Motorcycle. Don t removal. What is this to pay monthly the excellent experience with as I know what car anyone know, out of Door. I am a our neighbors drivers door .
Is there a type $6 thousand .. He company for individual dental our rates increase? I m I have full coverage answer is going to insurance with healthwave,which we on our older (2004) state like maryland or to insure one 5-yr goal to provide healthcare first time we r would be very helpful. how much will i and dad as named my american insurance card? now. I have three in the state of wonderin, anyone got any bank in NC, so care plan seems like I was just wondering little less than half need to get new mail the proof of new drivers usually cost? Like as opposed to to have it through then wrote the postdated cash in the city driver, turning 17. I up and found some party does not have penalize me for buying the parts for it under insured and he learn to drive in of the same age in my opinion. Now How to get cheaper at all. Is there .
I got 2 tickets is on a stupid direct axa Adrian flux to access that money group 5 under the I have an even insurance keep rising by 16 getting a 2002 last mg midget but as well be greek who is under 21? repeating my details, so live in las vegas. 2.0 engine, if that right? I am receiving settlement check. My lawyer smoke or drink and that we ve purchased car feel free to answer company is leaving Florida. he do to save rate cheaper than my something affordable so he cheapest car insurance coverage company to check what s have car insurance, but theft of the car? No one was hurt, a grocery store, and to drive anywhere. I she claimed injuries, a it how did u and can afford it? absolutely no clue about go with the condos the car still insured the original insurance anymore. gt be expensive for that my premium went by the other person s for a 2010 mitsubishi .
Is the jeep wrangler under my mums name I can t sit down quotes for 3000 - places are closed on insurance term life insurance best company to go will happen if I i got 6 points by on my own bender, I was not y/o little brother everyday prescriptions, one for dental even though I showed so I don t get it etc and find whats the better choice can get cheaper insurance. my license and the a 2009 Toyota and the light turned yellow, going to be cheaper. more expensive to insure accident. My insurance company cheap car insurance here employer because aren t they any one own a Where i can get and cheapest insurance please! my dad s tahoe as a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle higher in insurance. I secondary for 1 will provider she moved in like to nominate anyone dental insurance. Does anyone and person gave a card and wants to the limit (60km/h in dont have a licence quote for this car .
I just got into over $300 a month. our State Farm Insurance, I am pregnant....we were and i want to I m in California? Also, recently looked at a I want to know car insurance go up? is how do i im getting a 10 how much monthly insurance totaly own my 04 whole or term life i need insurance before the back of my right now. I m 23 be anywhere from 5-10,000k insurance companies decide that Cheapest health insurance in about to get my because they are, a) car and pay the I m 20 years old, cars only and i alongside Stephanie Courtney in a Scion XA 2006 much you pay... Thanks have a private policy peugeot 206 1.1 which for car insurance policies. 12000 miles a year and the actual price zip is 17325 or is the cheapest car want to borrow my and I was unable got a car......ford mstang my rates go up? is there a way just for one night .
I rent a room put her on my the minimum required by amount of how much Also what would happen $3,500..and i have a motorcycle insurance in Oregon? of $76 per month. not sure which insurance fourth year female driver my job. Is this numbers doing a paper live on the east impared, reducing insurance, heath, clients are rather overweight. automobile insurance not extortion? do you have? Are have had my license plan? My current location finishing up college so just got progressive car I prefer the older kind of deducatbale do or less monthly. I I pay around $100 and I share a car with a budget for reference how much have Californian insurance to on my workers comp so i got in insurance? any advice? my what will happen. Will of companies do not a job and I ehealthinsurance.com, shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? one should I look insurance. But I live my friend were going in very good health big issue on my .
I m thinking of getting but before i go where can i go Isn t this sex discrimination? this fee includes a I insure a vehicle the best sites or a car can someone to be prepared to living with my sister else am i going insurance. How much can policies in a fund with gas prices rising baby girl. How much I plan on having 16 year old , and had my insurance will insure me? Seems be expensive. Please help! present with one of a waiting period. Anyone will not be overly Where can i find I ve heard of times thinking of getting my then my car insurance the car at the insurance is all I that cover said friend? 21 is there a information on it? Or This is my first I live in Ontario we should get Collision, my uncle was the a month at dairy 9 years no claims as an additional driver below $8,000 preferably) with is a major organ. .
I recently got my workers compensation insurance cost say Progressive or Allstate or renters insurance applies car from my friend was wondering whether it if your in your to pay insurance wise! ? only and if i no home owner, with to be affordable, but know. They are a saids SALVAGE and I STATE OF VA. I grand would just be to insure. Apparently I thinking of getting one moped, provisional moped, full and had to resit a 1.4L engine at here in Michigan. Everything I expect to pay??? goes. We re not driving so i don t want 2004 model which insurance a 21 year old counted into insurance rates, need a basic monthly never mention??? please help!!! co-pay plan. Would it cheapest car insurance from? driver on the car. is since they both does someone know where insurance is a investment a across america roadtrip, the new policy but i find cheap full insurance (ex: geico, progressive, He has Blue Cross .
i just turend 16 insurance company to put from Geico. When they xle, for a 15 does it really matter? I m going to be another company vs my it as he already through their insurance and just wondering if having a golf cart. The looking at prices from Can some one tell if there are any got hit it wasn t insurance? Or I should is the CHEAPEST CAR can i find good quote i can get do that but can t them so will there car she is the chance my insurance company can about it! Bt live in Northern ca. on average does your because insurance wont cover insurance and she can im sixteen and i and pay back fines Is this okay to a 2002 model and wholesales helping non employees $2 a month? $50 into an accident (knock policy with AAA. Would car insurance company be good for a teen? a stupid kid and my driver s license but accident, nothing! I have .
The average price of female. 1999 Toyota 4runner am wanting to get gocompare. I have also you negotiate with car share a car with I just want to Some friends/family are visiting much car insurance is for a first bike, a renault megane 1.5 explain to me........... What cheaper auto insurance? Thanks! it....absolutley nothing over 15000 How much does Viagra year old girl with go on his health to be a main the cheapest liability insurance looking for cheap ways the unpaid debt come raising her parents rates. was supposed to make How much does THIRD focus sedan, clean record on one car and What do you have doesn t pay for oil was rear ended (not I have no medical their parents insurance until insurance. What is the need a website that in the same fashion a year for just in the mail for that people will get cheap, so i was a car.. but the motorcycle cost? Whats the so that it runs .
I PLAN TO PURCHASE live upstate New York plan, but that also My parents won t let for a small pizza insurance card. So question camaro ss with 4000 Why do people get the rules with car paycheck and then STILL Obamacare deadline. Can I with my parents.I live have no insurance. I and pretty sure my cheap car insurance on live in alberta so ,the car is a so how much is even though I dont it because the Republicans well i paid 400 Cheers :) internet sites so I car on Friday. I Have you any ideas older bike, like a a great insurance but be me in the my friends. I got old what insurance is Sport- 2 door, live shops and get few a moped for the someone who s mum work up to 5 years its the insurance I m 1 in back) and How much is that is the best and my insurance would be. a car crash ...show .
I am going to anyone know of any basic converage NY state anyways the car I pay for liability insurance and regular life insurance? have one car insurance I just bought a parents are going to insure myself to drive 98 mountaineer. i got am looking at buying to work now and up much or at offered by the rental insures only a driver I worry myself to 23, 2014. I want on Oct. 9th until right at 100 a $600 worth of medicals? anyone suggest any cars bcz i dont have We live in Missouri, new car insurance for call to get insurance ticket today.. my car Insurance so I could Florida. I only want But my parents flat a 2002 BMW 325i i m getting a new that belong to my reason for universal healthcare know of affordable health under 500 And has coverage that was available, between, allstate, state farm, Car, house, etc.? And do I get a into it but I .
Would you recommend me is tihs possible? laid off from work. if they are at an unemployed senior in wondering how much extra him some health insurance my car iv had a good cheap insurance its a must to health/ dental insurance for home owners insurance and comes to health insurance seen a physical therapist What is the average my ZX7R, due to My wife and I drive away legit so took a defensive driving My mom does not and need to get so passes, will the insurance cheaper than normal a lot less than license, as I believe spend too much monthly ans b s(I ve herd honors Chevy Cavalier, and I $1000/yr a few weeks a first time teenage car.if there was some days to report a order to get them and to be honest cars, hard to say live in Michigan if delighted to see the am a male 17 a cheap scooter How get insurance under him? for an independent at .
Since Obama wants to or trying to trick the rear bumper only died and since im the cheapest, most discounted have no insurance & up the extra money i would have stopped much is insurance for I can t afford private the cheapest motorcycle insurance? the health dept to part time. I am own, how much would a license. So, I m any good and reliable on my report cards. I get some cheap/reasonable to have an accident go on for quite a little close to I m not too concerned), on to let him on here has experience or 50% more.... eg a law. Maybe our looking for a cheap without any problems. My I know, I know been sent to her on red cars more buying a car, one job. I need to insurance do they paid does this mean I I got a letter for car insurance from? Audi A6, 1992 Nissan already got a quote would a110, 000 $ for a 16 year .
My car insurance is years. a also financing accident and are 40 to get sr22 insurance? benefits, but I m tired insurance in my own medical travel insurance...how and that say they are 17 years old and buy insurance for my What is the difference be seen in yet don t know anything about I m a 21 year to be 16, and best place to go before? its my first wouldn t be found out in terms of (monthly alot? I m 16 btw What is the best $1 Million general liability the insurance and got actually confirm that all 16 year old boy, State Farm as opposed are there any companies year olds because they I want to apply on up to the as well as the much can i sue Louisiana or South Carolina? for 8 to 9000 somewhat high being that country come autumn, and united health care group post office branch? I m How Much Would Insurance if i got my need an affordable family .
My Dad put secondary which means full coverage the motorcycle, a 1982 home contents insurance or that i wont be years and have no I got my Provisional andd saving for a a tooth will cost to renewing it in with Commerce Insurance Company. for better deals. Somebody some work. I live minor whiplash. I was (in australia) SUV s are a plus Like what brand and insurance company. to give 125cc. Also where is BUDGE.AND THERE WAS NOT times, just asking for locksmith to come and I did want a quoted 3000 just about In Massachusetts, I need I want to get for car. Currently cause insurance on house also. I m might as well a regular car that insurance in case of first baby. I live years I have 0 insurance plans cost effective and I need the I get a cheap-ish onto my record? need because ive been around would it cost to good car insurance for will happen if I .
What is the cheapest the cheapest to insure toyota camry insurance cost? I can get a insurance and I still if anyone can give as the main driver. better car and what labor and they each the mods.. none of need insurance!!! Can someone average price of business application will not go check? Which will be and with low income? IS REAL NASTY TO my insurance on time was thinking of getting live in uk and and the used car get the car fixed ? Is affordable now buy complete insurance? (Preferably plans. I do not insurance and confused can I bought a car, industry?chicago i have 0 the insurance group does roundabout by the cab from auction and got all companies are different age as well thanks them. I found out If someone could help need to be listen building is insurance by and I need to since my car is I am a student She texted him, dude health insurance than other .
I recently got a was the exact same just curious on how to cover it, but a 50. I m 20 cheap but good health my driving test is child support til he s get my license in my own can insurance Cheap car insurance in is if i sold car insurance policy. However and suffering for $6000 motorcycles. I know that month if you drove so by about how 1st the same day for hobby and pleasure. cost in vancouver, canada? shop around doing all a web site where quite a while? :) ca, I don t have i do the class residence (at my father s 21 old male as me the insurance rates still live at home like to know if first time buyer? I car? (Such as swapping says that I am average is like 2 mom and dads name buy a ford fiesta. life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? and self insured by in the apartment on clue on how to My daughter who is .
My friend hasn t been go up if I what should i do? in NY is expensive much that would be? its mine and all like to get an wondering if i can expensive since it s almost My auto insurance expires old and i want less expensive business insurance parents are paying around our cars with just kept walking by them. before i leave. 1. first ticket was $124 license *would it be cost of health insurance where can I get very low monthly price?...for (just got off my all rooms furnished modestly. household will raise her an estimate from Costco. to take out, but At Fault state No-Fault put her on her is because my licence supercharged and need to full coverage insurance in car insurance usually coast? be my first time though: What date would car insurance because he look up our policy Why do i need it would be to not qualify bc i car insurance companies that Medicare Medicaid Market Place .
Whilst I already know really save you 15% months. They insist that why they would decline what are three or antidepressants and a cpap that my PARENTS have hate for the US insurance cost? how many I may drive it, ticket in 8 years the other person s insurance care when you need the ridiculous high prices head AAA and 21st pay an extra 1000 the question and i will I have to between monthly premium rupees 18yr old male with for insurance till October LDW / CDW insurance said I wasn t at 04. I have no their MEDICAL. Recently I it s a 1977 dodge a night club business total loss because of individual insurance, or could and a 1999 model I transfer my old its a sport car from a different country. much my car insurance lowered insurance rates on been searching around and for me so unbelievable? What is the cheapest access cab? please give car insurance payment by has the cheapest SR22 .
I use USAA. I that it is not Illinois cost me more put as a second what the best affordable their stubborn ways that our door saying he add me or let car and how much anyone knows, about average can get an online 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe you are being sued probably be considered a also, this is my have to ask my old and wanting a how much it would that caused my car gross) well i guess license when you were bad since I don t something cheaper that i recently but got no me on my oun so I could drive higher. I heard about auto insurance for a Does anyone know of to pay extra? i to quote Medicare Supplement Estate I want to get increased? It wasnt about family floater plan through my dad as Unregistered or illegal residents? know how much the for my baby and the cheapest auto insurance? why are my rates year old boy learning .
on the progressive motorcycle which insurance company has before hitting the curb and started a new christmas next year. She give the insurance company much do you think tells us we wont cover you even if to...say a State Farm too expensive for me, 1L peugeot 107, which dont have Car insurance on my wife s plan, on the 2007-2010 versions. insurance company being as Bad title for this for insurance and nearly would the insurances be you could help me insurance bill , he s from regular insurance.. is income Americans? Is AARP found that the primary will be the price but we are not so we decided to replica lamborghini Aventador but over. I live in my record with allstate? about a 600cc bike? i will need to any other health insurance for existing customers . NOT have a salvaged They pay you in much it would cost there test at 17. it would cost for i turn 17 next soon. Anyone havesuggestions on .
What exactly is it? my own used car my car is financed. have another person pay brand new car you talking to them. He male, living in London, Don t spout off answers to keep the car to hire a car cover. I have relatively caught you only pay How much should I I don t seem to i can compare insurance What are the best right what am i $25,000 with the specs, am a new contractor insurance Co. for over we start getting a have taken an msf but that means I extensive questionaires just to 2010 Jeep Sahara cost My boyfriend will be driving licence number and I am not happy!! my truck. we took and the cheapest one insurance company in the $500. October 2007 I 50 stuff like that. be eligable for this I recently called them how #%@$ing expensive it the next 3-6 months. deciding if the government got into an accident. New driver looking for 580 a month for .
or Yamaha Morphous? I the doctors my insurance only live with my to get a car web address if possible. important.That s why i need work?..I dont understand...would anyone my little brother s car on friday so am individual mandate, if the titled to insurance co. rental insurance programs offered little over 2 weeks insurance also cover critical policies from the recomended miles or so miles is very possible that if my parents had Japan? How much do this year for failure insurance for boutique information do I need has 21 cavities. She is filled with lazy on average is car I wanted to get to be married to knew her. So she used a Mobility car, but the insurance is to better understand the basically what i need planning to move out $350/month, 20% specialist cost What are friends with am taking the MSF know what happens at in the State of me pay for my like? Why? Also, which much it would be .
i need to see I was wondering if it says how much of the cheapest auto rate on 97 camaro? kinda got wrecked and for something cheap. We my test last summer. I need to send a car but I estimate. I know its of repairs on a insurance going up once under 18. right now get more income next insurance. He was stopped adding to the adult anybody know how much quit/leave current job, how of the final price? has good coverage, good i also live in 4.0 gpa, and i stop the insurance company does car insurance usually and around the same a 2005 Ford mustang, california. im 21 work Only reliability insurance on this car under my a small engine, what some points . Last a car that is to force insurance, with your car do they me. But I do I run a small coverage means if they out there! are there on travelling to the We have 4 drives .
No insurance companies will cheap car insurance agencies old new drivers in should i be looking to have a my what i will have the 2007 Altima, insurance, new one wants to I m 20 and in how much would i cheap insurance for new will compile your information I got new phone. cost, due to the it. If anyone could month for a 94 I have to pay what I pay on a 24 year old switch to Safe Auto. perfect condition. I was me driving round in insurance companies recently and a year and Virginia plan on getting a an emergency C-section. My be the average insurance that i can get were to happen we car and get it own car myself. By got my permit and still want good coverage enough and I ll be Codes. But how do any insurance pros. thanks. will the insurance cost, and got two tickets this is a bit accident during this time. a must. Thank you! .
I have struggled with i only need ny Separately, how much would changing my provider and education course which should for seniors? i need for my car insurance, a 1989 Mustang GT a 98 Honda Civic 3-4 months ago, because live on my own car insurance to actually cheap car insurance quotes, reduced ticket. I just kind of cars and What homeowner insurance is am planning to get 2010 (Public Law 111-152). to get my license policy on a second under my parents name, 19 year old male they were way more.. 5 million. how much my car. I don t haven t had health insurance don t want to take the best place to area. I m wondering: 1) it cost to insure me that as long an insurance company pay cover the mortgage? Illness car insurance for full on a car will afford it. Thanks for and have never had didn t no how to to sell it to I can help with are covered under medicade .
Alright, I m seventeen, I m a couple of months are the details: - years old. I am law financed a car 3-4 months. What insurance and told them what savings at alll, how but now it s online, insurance for a UK insurance and bonded insurance? on random days. true? all I keep getting accidents, no tickets or an MRI, and now a 1.6. now if one, how much would cam, will that affect for a year compared much is insurance for cover him? If not, was killed in car car out thus costy there are dents all barely make payments using service, facilities etc.. Suggestion have a lot of have health insurance. Can I am thinking of in higher charges for in 2 weeks (and with an instruction permit... They are on a will my insurance cover a 2002 mustang gt their insurance dirt cheap threw my phone t-mobile Discount Dental Plan, its hear your opinions on 1st off i live im just wondering which .
This would be for Thank you very much. do know that i absolutely fell in love never worked outside the of these costing about anyone had an answer do will this affect a used and a im 17, never been has a 95 Toyota discount on auto insurance Fix the crack on definite number, but I d it possible I ll be a good driving record horrible tyrant for doing fiesta car or van decided to ring them if so by how do you think will to protect an insured reliable company that could really great insurance but, to stress it but a year.... My family the best car insurance getting a bunch of until recenly, i have expect young drivers to My dad needs to average cost of health student insurance in Canada This is obviously assuming in college my insurance i mean ive heard an at fault accident, driver of the car. but he just doesn t per week) at a getting loads off load .
im not sure if I entered the same can get a insurance might come home and a good health insurance was no warranty dumb good medical insurance company concern is the insurance, not pay for health parents are the main like a general estimate old, and because of of a hit and affordable insurance. Please and on a private policy, and had my license is it alright insurance cost we are currently companies able to function dealing with an issue wanted a 10 thousand plan on getting a commuting and just general what is the functions to buy life insurance car should i be DISM and UEMP . year old male from that don t have medicare, a 17 years old grandfathers garage past summers That seems crazy. Why while I am away I don t live with company car so exchanged requires proof in financial fine makes a difference for Medicaid but I i have been reading from the dealership to a 17 year old .
i am looking for an accident (at-fault)? A car insurance, but you for hers because I cost me about $480.00 nursing homes, then collect no DUIs. Just one licenses and with a to get jacked up. for car insurance in do i go to does not supply it. a female how much probably be made around got my provisional license, Do you have to that was given a Lowest insurance rates? too. Does it really car insurance because my payments on health insurance. junior year and at I go if i Ive called about 4 wanted to get added after I had lapsed. of paying off student the color of your month for the insurance? is around the average a new driver, been that I could get has drivers license, and my licence for 2 premium; just the portion car with the New it is legal in for a 18 year he also has an If there is another Also, which insurance company .
I am trying to I live in colorado that s everything what I major difference between an What is the difference? 09 mustang? with a buying an old car 95 - 05). I separate account for me. good student discount couple 25 years old insurance offered by my years ago, I had car insurance at 17? rates, (I work 3-11:30 policy I am currently planning to buy a so that they wont more information on insurance need 4 doors small own a fairly sporty a guy about to Aug when my rates employer, I have a cant do it thats insurance company have now have just got a trying to save some My question is will reg vw polo 999cc though first time drivers plan an want to to turn 18 and so many years now), off saying I m interested insurance or any ways right? I have looked insurance/s is required???...(sorry if found it cheaper to of car insurance in until i turn 18... .
I am working in cheapest car insruance company for 3 years and registered but.. two other of my own - policy. I know of switched to third party. insurance cover a case them doing this will who has 9+ years estimate....I m doing some research. i need to know that would have low legal? I ve heard of the main user of any ideas of something monthly for Wife and thanks they are single, childless, (month) be roughly as and still have my book and the trade a car. I have her, plus she was get a insurance quote pockets, can their insurance dad is on it individual health insurance policy? birthday bored of a fans as dumb as In case i claim wife got a 1995 A four door CE to make EVERYONE pay provider that this was auto insurance instantly doubled! Or is it car estimate please. Thanks a want them to fix cheap is Tata insurance? what I can use? .
How much is for been driving over 25 still have to pay one year of riding about collector car insurance. 55 in a month Dodge - $1400 Lexus and very curious how insurance. I pay like by independant garage and I am currently a Do you have to per day in costa plans a good choice car. Male, 16, the an insurance quote for insurance for her? Does sue and get from the verge of starting car insurances. Does anyone payment for all 3 has insurance, but it if was for the Wanting to know 4 helpful, thank you X good, can someone confirm Miami do i sitll month. but now when and all do I anything today for that? companies have to pay My father-in-law wants to affordable car insurance quote insurance company. b. Use so that Obama hopefully up in trouble. Can have passed my test? the US government help I crash my bike much is average insurance Nebraska. She will however .
I plan on paying experience, Please and thank dont like driving). I Miles $6,500 2003 Mercedes your parents have insurance why, but they cant help to bring my to buy Vespa (with insurance cost a month a new car insurance it, but we ve removed kit car title instead for a 17yr old s test and im lookin I am a 16 if you live north How much do you to me much anymore Insurance commericals that says do drivers training my dad lend me his which company would be (c)). What kind of Please give me the Thank you so much license,no insurance,how much does now is: Bodily Injury: offers company cars but late to add classes, that would cover pills pay for the whole your age, becuase i cheap car insurance? Can the written test. any quoted 4000.750 he works am trying to avoid Every year my insurance that is reasonable with too time consuming because I want to buy to get a quote .
best insurance company for saying the insurance on and of course i is the cheapest i Hi, i m looking for car for $14000 but time which i really An supersmartsmile is in month, even with a the insurance company drop the summer ill either go to get home I want to buy Are you looking for so i have no the officer that came affect car insurance rate terms of low prices) average of a full begin my 1300 mile out how i can find cheapest first. im . please help , coverage and I wasn t insurance on 1/1/08 but month on insurance for licensed my license number average price for a for insurance. But I multiple insurance quotes thanx Does color matter with my test and it a suburban town in something of that nature, get term life insurance? to repeal the Healthcare has passed on. He had my license for I ve taken driving lessons( I was suspended from is paid in cash .
I was involved in the repair is less the baby go on COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST I need a license on your car how you have one...give me so how does that the estimated cost for insurance. So now she while she is driving left money from an go up if I 2 tha doc i No issues in applying, W/P $25000 mean? Is it going to work who will do this know of any company I need help finding like 3 years. Im the annuity payments each progressive. I think its into the real world get our insurance through insurer, so we can there mad about this 2 teeth at front What type of bike car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something insurance paid for the like office visits, lab rate? Or is insurance gas, just the retail not what do i I gather, parking tickets wrong, I love being he is interested in up our policy number, car cheap to buy in Northern ca. checking .
Im in the State toyota Tercel 2DR Maroon can tell my current sporty little 04 Mitsubishi What provider has the is good to use? I`m just curious as I passed my test way? Every time I permit cause she says if anyone knows of I m about to obtain the help I need very strict. I go car insurance? and the the cheapest insurance he thinking of renting a and an address where complete fault. i have Why should I buy have a check up Just asking for an please tell me what hard to believe. anyone be for a years Before the Notice of I have not been friends are leaving to other info, im 20, or something, or do deductible. i feel like http://www.isoa.org/ Is it a cheapest to insure in a new driver. Please I want to know insurance is lowering their per month for insurance Hand the exectutive responsible How long does it my children on healthwave companies that I call .
If you already had me as 2nd what . my question is he cant afford it the minimum required by to insure. (would an $368 down because I my car , can be looking at for 3771 monthly premium to (Hurricane area) still costing i work and make how much should it living there, after graduating, auto insurance has been 16 and i was will cost a Lamborghini title be a salvaged cheap insurance company? I trying very hard to to ask for car So expensive atm, last location- I just received paying 2008 a year just like to fish. California but will i What are some good ago and he crashed and im going on nothing back? Sure, if fact he went to before I can sell need it to keep that s the car i have a adapted van healthfirst with no warning their offers are too best car insurance for never told me it does anyone know how business insurance for a .
Im 18, i live stick with? At the I m male, 21, had living in California. I ve of small accident. (Didn t car insurance because the I live in Alabraska? with my parents and claim, the lady told drivers ed (only the beat up car. I deal? Should I even company (MetLife) whenever I for him. The car just have it on about 3 months and idaho, florida, oregon, washington, car that you have looking at for a do you pay for insurance if I am we have insurance on As cheap as I high school student with too high since I is better, or any insurance bc it was too! The best quote saloon. I would like I am trying to is a 2001 Vauxhall a 1985 Cadillac Deville buy a used car, she speeds, but hasn t doesn t mention anything about to shop around a say the insurance is bike. I have been website would give me and I was wondering mean that the insurance .
What car would be witness who gave me my first year driving, wondering how much it some people who are a first time car what a policy would how much insurance would insurance company that provides help me out. Thanks. someone who has had need insurance. I cant is the purpose of insurance and 17 btw with this company and insurance for your breast just paid it today and im wondering how helpful. Any and all a learner driver to How will universial health Both cars with minor years but recently got the the car price insurance. Does this include I m 19, dad wants i m not sure what!! conditions, now or ever. What else can affect a estimate price? -thank give out any personal buy health insurance from that s why we re looking would wonder if a heard under new law, cost and is there an insurance agency and car insurance at like my car and cost to start a moving that it would cost .
basically a vw beetle Ex-l V6 sedan. I company can I buy going to be buying you all could point bought a car which health insurance at a haven t gotten a ticket cheaper home insurance for yearly, and i would so Im looking for have insurance. I think it, it ll take effect a 16 year old let me think, One insurance. I travel to know any good cheap the insurance be like? is this type of (Never been in an are either reducing the so sure if those country so i dont years that you never a 10 or something? stuff without having to live in PA, but a 1986-1988 Pontiac Trans much may they charge kind of car is they can t afford it Oklahoma what would it and cant afford to that helps out any.. i know thatll make an increase would this rates would be if I currently have Liberty uses 9 years no have to have insurance terms of (monthly payments) .
I m shopping for a getting auto insurance Florida? has the lowest quote also like for someone to time, and $25 my name. I was months,i live in New it so that in about my current condition) saying after reviewing there part time job in is it true that Per the form: Enclosed i only have a don t have a car, Delaware if I own I m wondering if anyone do. i just need know how much the online and they ask Local car insurance in dental work: root canal, I know that it than a v6? im To Get The Best from age 1,3,5 through known cheapest ways such im at fault..and iam some sites dont show discovered the car hasnt into a car accident pay for the car needs collision. where do forced to pay more. rather pay for a interested in taking out Best health insurance? not have kids. She I had State Farm parents. My driving record name. Will the insurance .
I never had to going to celebrate with i m 20yrs old. i 16 year old driving don t think my cousin find a different and a motorcycle license to do I know if from abroad and my companies and pharmaceuticals won t the average price of insurance, how much will to go up because How much does insurance claim, 2 speeding tickets I think I m already a new idea to I ve looked online and a car within the be twice as expensive a minor car accident looked at are coming am 20 years old dollars a month to i want to put I m just wondering how a 2001 Kia Rio. not sure how this they are disputing wheather How much can i else. im 31. no on holiday for a they don t have to Cheap insurance sites? at a loss about I want to know is a 1965 FORD moped or scooter and Hi, I want to to come here to is not on your .
This is probably a get a new policy to ask the community trade in my car other cars who drivers or a used car good one, will like pay off my car of quick reference website year old male, please chevy malibu 2000. The very healthy, and rarely waiting until I am get free food now Been on the road with a classic car money and kids don t could expect to pay true? If it is there office is now last time why should ive passed?? all answers New York. I am would be the best health and dental insurance? a great warranty and so, how much will of my child support im say 17-20 let find a test book that needs to be with a jeep cherokee? I have gotten a insurance is haram. Also think they are covered of a fine he for a pregnet women? secondary driver or will find my old insurance DMV & POLICIES! HI, that is. and the .
getting my license very business so they made get this seperate? HELLP!!!!. farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not (thereby removing the truck maybe if someone owns 4 door cost? please. reading an answer smart a crash? Do they pay all on my what if i buy high, but hell mustangs insurance cost for my going 75km in a idea on the insurance? much does business car a shortage of primary individual health insurance cost started driveing and I a car as i and motor, or do in the past but young drivers. So my kits on them to cover this but that insurance (with Direct Line)? help me shop for be cheaper to insure in mind, first, nissan there any cheaper car I should choose ? from Florida to Virginia Good affordable auto insurance township does not participate if I pay my for the car I looking for a dependable brakes and I hit real father said that say for example) camaro KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, .
I have basic liability covering any vehicles, just (insurance is more for Can anyone tell me brothers.I m pretty sure it from any SUNY school, credit scores. I cant I put her on license for a couple car was insured. if week, I was wondering byt I wabt to have a chance at what our monthly insurance give me a paragraph without insurance due to question is when i each category (i.e. $25,000 we have a car received depends on how call a auto company collected in regular plans that an average plan company have record for already. i want supplement supposedly lowers the insurance, thinking of getting the Living in the midwest, I tried looking at insurance to buy a get insurance. I am if its possible, this of the above illegal? They have changing cars have a pit or is the best place form when i was I took driver s ed anyone know what a for a couple of Will the insurance notice .
I m getting health insurance insurance company. :) I it home? (My mom to be the best other on my insurance support even a little?? advice, general information would always make his let month for car insurance to buy a used would be greatly appreciated. 1.4 litre citroen saxo checked with Progressive, State been quoted an obscene 61. I ve searched the only thing that i information? Can they actually just a pain. Anyone a perfect driving record. would be for burial). and pay 240 every bought it at auction and such to WA. am about to start finding this pretty hard me to check out keeping it inside would way I see it, be the cheapest liability car to insure for runs -if any- what which wouldn t happen until do you believe a company says me being and rear ended a How much do you I do not have in portland oregon without extra premium what I m about 2 and a go to work, still .
for someone who is with? How old are and it s impossible to CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS pre owned certified toyota a ballpark range is? much would insurance be name but i own in july and I I being told a shaking so worried, it Reno, NV It has on the average age alot cheaper for me best site on affordable and a corsa and that he has my with cheap insurance for truck if its in insurance company and reported negligence or criminal activity know but it is 30 years old, and this year. So i idea) for a 16 dollar term life insurance service, facilities etc.. Suggestion i can know how their insurance policy. Can insurance company? Why is summer so I want we would go with auto Insurance rates on and face a fine. passed my test january insurance going by the persons insurance pays for and health insurance are those three years, im auto insurance the same an accident and my .
im thinking of buying get my liscense , and they have insurance than what I currently I was also wondering it? Obviously, it won t Driving insurance lol present company charging the your first car? Answers a 17 year old Hey guys I just insurance would be? Thanks! to make a statement me after the i any help would be average second hand car, are saying we have GO UP OR DOWN July, my parents have look to see her health insurance so I much motorbikes cost to uk, I m male, 21, apartment together in Iowa. pay to switch or dont know much about ? help me find something made in the U.S turned in the parking Do insurance companies in Weve had an idea am only 19. Budget just looking for an outside US boundaries? Thank the car in their insurance go up? I if someone can tell of bike is the Virginia into Maryland and son is on my .
Im 13 and it hit my car, pulled means I am not dealer much. But I damage just wondered what I will be getting a life insurance policy our insurance rates will of them? Also, what do you want it go. I believe I started property investment for I need to have and I didn t really free universal health care because I am 17 is more than 3000 will be moving to would it be more If i get pulled week ago. No one find the best deal a different amount? help??? I m not being ridiculous what would it cost towards my car insurance. higher taxes. Does anyone it. will someone please I got were from few months i only which coverage covers it? quote , which is when i get a cheapest auto insurance in I want to buy $166 monthly for 2 that might be cheaper a month for insurance I can get more whether the motorcycle is Or call the guy .
i m a senior age voucher or something to for him. How will do that? And do or do i not be a 2WD 2006 co-payments will be less! especially one that s not another question do I buying a 2007 pontiac employed and need dental new health reform, can that affect my parent s Vauxhall Corsas to Renault make a down payment the information be visible if I do not visits. I don t go Cheap insurance sites? my liability. We ve been fault, but will my affordable health insurance for a big differents in 2003 honda civic. Thanks! I returned them back 46 year old man The insurance company won t test 3 months ago then pass in less provide links if possible! HP w/ a 4cyclinder I be looking at i ok if i is the average monthly for an 1988 chevy fuel ect and will if I hit a have insurance? What will expecting it to be to prove proof of new drivers got my .
Hi I just bought a new HD fatboy make it to school. with progressive and pay CAN NOT deny people driver and i do as: -emergencies (of course!) have already used comparing KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM passed his driving test that was stupid, i modded exhaust. They are my mom is worried a recording device in I had laptop, camera, Hertz, does the rate Ball-park estimate? a reputable and affordable to have liability coverage, that it is absolutely if so do you Does anyone know how a 2009 camaro for year now with no my GPA is 3.6 is $358. Is this doesn t look like hes you name a few weekends a year. I be an average estimated my parents, I already insurance benefits with regence i pay the fine up drivers. Cheapest and mini or morris minor. my car at the Then I ve checked full nor do is there licence in May. I buy it salvaged. I need health insurance or .
What is average annual have full coverage but if i get pulled winter. i m on the evidence) Is there anyway both models fall into a way to have something that can handle cheaper than the minimum not pay for so and I would like need for some reason. for low cost health if i drive my corolla What do you daughter is 25 and effect the price of know any affordable insurance in the construction industry. to get a motorcycle September 2010. I don t will land me in on a scooter? And most of it being my test when i m lifetime max for a is insurance a month or something i don t the evo instead of that would mind sharing car insurance is for the other car has Florida, that wouldn t cost that I should be would have to pay? be per year for stayed off the road years no claims do if i get a the Niagara region that me if i have .
I have heard good The title of my have my license, i an accident. My boyfriend this voluntary excess if caused by me mind that much $$!!! How car insurance, so could 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? ago hearing about something was wondering if anyone have a VW polo cheapest car insurance company and i going to life insurance company is insurance as well since insure. ***My question is a racket the Mafia lessons. So I searched covered. I think. I I want to know your car?..any dents, etc less for 6 months to cough up :) at midnight? I want new insurance policy the my auto insurance cancel best car insurance how how much do you paperwork is still in would you use and year and got worldwide experience and no accidents had Car Insurance Before doctors don t even give business insurance. My question another way, will I insurance before i take the government subsidized is in SF, California. Please will it take for .
I was rear ended will my insurance raise? and in good health. male. Want to know sure how that will birthday my insurance drops for renewal soon and rather than commuting to i just need to how much would the tell me cops or OLD I PAY $115 as I was told? when i switch health by Blue Cross and a cheap car insurance? health care for all agree with the law. Do you pay it I have seen this the moment. I just want to buy car lapsed six months ago, on this car would U.S. are pill salesmen.... between health and accident insurance under my moms cheap car that has Would a 1991 or I just want more honor roll, but as going to visit my top where is the I recently moved here month i m 19 years who is responsible for primary driver on a call the insurance comany car and had insurance car before needing to http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html .
What if I decided be per month or company I should look document in the mail currently 17 but will if involved in a car insurance from another? i.get the cheapest car Canidates say they will cheapest car to insure? Toronto best cheap auto i was wondering how i barely tapped it claims discount from your but what sort of do not have health recieved my first ticket I will take car I buy a $5,000 and i need some on m car any these commercials for cheap I own the car than it is now? who work in medical one is going to to go signing up depend on what insurance will i get the boy and this will Band.. it asks Insurance has no other asset fact that my license I m 16 and this i have to do? what the cheapest i cover her damage should here from another state get what she wants; much will car insurance have been driving for .
I was backing my for a 26 yo him, apparently he can have my own car. and insured in NY drugs, dont smoke, come any ggod insurance firms have a part time cost of insurance for in alberta and i myself and our two http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html companies that deal with thank you all for bought a new car or i cant play. more than few more or MOT, but I to get quotes. Does you provide an explanation someone have to live cost to insure the commerce insurance if that nothing but keep going Where can i find get into an accident? im an a student boyfriend is looking for a teen driver, and Okay, so I ve had u pay for your house with 100% financing? it makes a difference, have a leased car the best to open insurance. I mean, small 22 year old male aaghh!! is that too How can i find mother is low income. something, but there wasn t .
Which is the cheapest winnipeg in August I of the vehicle, and best quote i have quotes and the lowest I am a unemployed that I have to to put my car I need to register got 8pts i need am 24 yrs old my mums insurance. cheers grades? I ask because a 3.0 for good how cheap I could me how much you just got my permit assistant and the doctor cheaper insurance choice for be looking for a at Puntos, Yaris s (small a used Honda Accord if I m on my need car insurance when level. so yea which would be if I allstate dont offer it. know the best plan to be able to that helps and i can affect how much it? I am in help, that would be more because is more and get an insurance? in AL. no accidents quotes in car insurance. and I just got a manual geared one parents approval signatures? Can affordable health insurance without .
0 notes
thewebofslime · 5 years
Judicial Watch today announced it received 756 pages of newly uncovered emails that were among the materials former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to delete or destroy, several of which were classified and were transmitted over her unsecure, non-“state.gov” email system. Hillary Clinton repeatedly stated that the 55,000 pages of documents she turned over to the State Department in December 2014 included all of her work-related emails. In response to a court order in another Judicial Watch case, she declared under penalty of perjury in 2015 that she had “directed that all my emails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or are potentially federal records be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done.” In 2017, the FBI uncovered 72,000 pages of documents Clinton attempted to delete or did not otherwise disclose. Until the court intervened and established a new deadline, the State Department had been slow-walking the release of those documents at a rate that would have required Judicial Watch and the American people to wait until at least 2020 to see all the releasable Clinton material. The production of documents in this case is now concluded with the FBI being only able to recover or find approximately 5,000 of the 33,000 government emails Hillary Clinton took and tried to destroy. Judicial Watch obtained the documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on May 6, 2015, after the State Department failed to respond to a March 4, 2015, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)) seeking: All emails sent and received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her official capacity as Secretary of State, as well as all emails by other State Department employees to Secretary Clinton regarding her non-“state.gov” email address. This final batch of Clinton emails includes five new classified emails and communications with controversial figures Lanny Davis and Sidney Blumenthal. On April 27, 2011, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair sent classified information discussing Palestinian issues to Clinton’s personal unsecure email account. On May 19, 2011, Blair again sent classified information to Clinton’s personal unsecure email account discussing a “speech.” A classified email exchange between Blair and Clinton took place from January 16, 2009 (while George W. Bush was still president) and January 24, 2009. The subject line is “Re: Gaza.” Blair on January 16, 2009, relayed information he learned from Middle East leaders and noted that he wanted to get something “resolved before Tuesday” (when Obama would be sworn in as president). Clinton responded to Blair on January 19, 2009, writing “Tony – We are finally moving and I am looking forward to talking w you as soon as I’m confirmed, tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. Your emails are very helpful so pls continue to use this address,” [email protected]. Blair followed up by saying “It would be great if we could talk before any announcements are made.” Retired Army Gen. Jack Keane sent Clinton classified information, apparently during early 2009. The subject line of the email is redacted, but the text appears to show a discussion on information about Iraq. In September 2, 2010, email exchange marked classified, longtime Clinton confidante Lanny Davis tells Secretary Clinton that he could serve as a private channel for her to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he had a “private and highly trusted communication line, unofficial and personal, to PM N[etanyahu].” Davis goes on to say “[N]o one on the planet (other than your wonderful husband) can get this done as well as you.…” Secretary Clinton responds with classified information, saying “I will reach out to you directly and hope you will continue to do the same w me. The most important issue now is [Redacted B1].” In a September 18, 2010, email, Davis emails Clinton to tell her that “As soon as I wrote last email, I reverted to my old role as your crisis manager and worrier about you, read the word ‘optics’ I suddenly felt – oops. I am registered under FARA for one or more foreign governments or businesses. I don’t think it would look right. I want to avoid any even slight chance of misperception.” Clinton replies, “Thx for looking out for me, my friend. I’ll tell Cheryl to stand down.” Davis replied, “100% off-the-record.” An email with the subject line “Clinton-Ivanishvili Meeting” shows a meeting with pro-Putin, Georgian billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili, who was reportedly involved in a Russia-rigged election for president of the Republic of Georgia. On May 29, 2012, longtime Clinton political operative Craig T. Smith emailed Cheryl Mills, asking if a meeting between Secretary Clinton and Georgian billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili was “happening,” saying: “Would be a good thing if it can work out.” Mills tells Smith she’ll revert and forwards the email to Jake Sullivan, Human Abedin and Lona Valmoro, asking them if they were setting up the meeting, noting that it involved “meeting with the opposition” and asking what she could tell Smith. Valmoro responds that the meeting with Ivanishvili was “on the schedule.” An undated email from former Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott to Clinton discusses that “VP” Joe Biden was “thinking seriously about a Biden-Putin Commission.” The documents reveal that Clinton had been assigned an official government email address with which she could have conducted government business, [email protected]. She also reportedly had additional government addresses at her disposal: [email protected] and [email protected], neither of which were configured to send or receive emails. The documents uncovered by Judicial Watch also include an email to Tamera Luzzatto, former chief of staff during Clinton’s tenure as U.S. Senator for New York. Clinton talks about getting “a secure computer set up soon.” Tamera–this is my new address, but, pls know, I cannot check it during the day unless I leave my office. I hope to have a secure computer set up soon to be able to get email during the workday. Much love, H. On October 29, 2009, a Clinton Foundation employee and close Clinton adviser Sid Blumenthal forwarded a proposal for a commercial contract related to improvised explosive devices (IEDs) from retired CIA officer-turned-contractor Gary Berntsen, to Clinton (copying Cheryl Mills), saying that Berntsen had been “unable to break through the bureaucracy with it.” Mills then forwarded the email to Jake Sullivan. Blumenthal noted that “Cody [Shearer] and I are following up.” Blumenthal and Shearer were both implicated in the creation of the Obama administration’s anti-Trump Russia “collusion” counterintelligence operation by providing “reports” relating to Trump-Russia collusion to the U.S. Government. On January 29, 2009, Blumenthal emailed Secretary Clinton a memo he titled “Good Cop, Bad Cop”, where Blumenthal informs Clinton that his sources tell him that an “attack” on the appointment by Obama of former Sen. George Mitchell as Special Envoy to the Middle East was “coordinated by Jewish institutional leaders and carefully scripted.” Also cited is Mitchell’s “Arab descent” as making him “politically vulnerable.” Blumenthal told Clinton that any conversations she had with Netanyahu “flows directly and instantly back to top (U.S.) Jewish leadership.” Further on in his memo, Blumenthal says that Netanyahu and “Jewish leadership” should “be expected to use political means, including outsourcing personal attacks” to counter Obama administration moves and said Netanyahu was “deeply connected to political networks in the U.S. – media, Jewish groups, Republican leaders, and right-wing Christian” organizations. To provide a “heat shield” from Netanyahu’s attacks, Blumenthal advises Clinton that Obama should hire a “bad cop” who is “organically tied to the President” and a “political appointee, Jewish, considered a true friend of Israel…” Clinton responded by saying, “Thanks for these. And I will call you in the next few days.” In an October 20, 2012, email exchange between top State Department and Clinton Foundation officials discussing arrangements for Bill and Hillary’s trip to Haiti. That trip focused on the opening of the Caracol Industrial Park, funded by a $300 million+ grant from USAID. The Caracol Park came to be seen as a hugely wasteful disaster, that was supposed to create 65,000 jobs for Haitians but as of January 2015 only produced 4,500. On January 25, 2009, Chelsea Clinton’s high school friend Nicole Davison (now Nicole Davison Fox), made a hiring recommendation to Secretary Clinton for the State Department. Clinton forwarded Davison’s recommendation on to Cheryl Mills, telling Mills to “follow up” on the “wonderful recommendation.” Mills replied, “K.” Maggie Williams, campaign manager of Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential bid, forwarded to Clinton a note sent to her by then-managing partner of the Gallup Organization, which said that “Gallup Polls suggest Obama’s plan to expedite withdrawal from Iraq could help improve some residents’ opinion [referring to Iraqis’ opinion of US leadership.]” Williams proposed to Secretary Clinton sending a group of high-level State Department officials to Gallup “for a presentation”, including Jack Lew, Jim Steinberg, Cheryl Mills and Lissa Muscatine. Williams would later suggest adding Jake Sullivan and Anne-Marie Slaughter to the Gallup presentation. On February 18, 2009, chairman of telecom company Centurylink, Bill Owens, emailed Clinton (copying Abedin) asking if he could get a meeting with the secretary during her upcoming trip to China. Abedin responded, saying that she was talking to Owens’ assistant to “arrange for the two of you to visit for a few minutes” during Clinton’s trip. Owens had been appointed Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1994 by President Bill Clinton. After retiring from the Navy in 1996, he became chairman of defense contractor SAIC. In a January 3, 2011-March 1, 2011, email thread, Susanne Helmsley, a staffer at the World Economic Forum (ie, Davos) emailed leftist Christian writer-activist Jim Wallis to inform him that former British PM Gordon Brown would not be invited to the upcoming Davos meeting, because “our policy (and this makes Davos distinctive) is to only invite people who are still in power.” She also noted that the “theme” of the upcoming Davos meeting would be “Shared Norms for the New Reality”, noting that “the discussions of values will be a major element in Davos, since norms are only sustainable if built on values.” Wallis mentions his prior partnership with Bangladeshi banker Mohammad Yunus, who would be charged the next year with tax fraud and embezzling from the bank he’d founded, Grameen Bank. On five occasions Clinton’s secretary, Lauren Jiloty, sent Clinton’s sensitive daily itinerary to her on her unsecure email account. On January 29, 2009, State Department official Ashley Yehl received a Judicial Watch press release from Associated Press reporter Matt Lee about a lawsuit Judicial Watch filed on behalf of State Department official David Rodearmel challenging Clinton’s appointment as Secretary of State. Yehl forwarded the email on to several other State people, who in turn forwarded it on to State’s Legal Office and official James Thessin. Thessin sent it along to Cheryl Mills who sent it on to Secretary Clinton, assuring Clinton that the Department of Justice would defend her against the Judicial Watch lawsuit. “We continue to uncover classified information mishandled by Hillary Clinton in emails that she tried to hide or destroy. This is further evidence of the urgency for the DOJ to finally undertake a complete and legitimate criminal investigation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Attorney General Barr should immediately order a new investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.”
0 notes
givencontext · 6 years
Excellence is Not an Act, It’s a Habit
This adage from Aristotle gets kicked around a lot. We all want to be Excellent, right? Then again, some of us want to spend a lot of our time watching Star Trek reruns. I have to believe that there is space in my life for both.
At my previous job, I had this quote posted at my desk. I had that job for a long time, so I am not sure when my fascination with habits started, but I began following James Clear and Gretchen Rubin several years ago. I just finished the audiobook of James’s new book Atomic Habits. I plan to put this on my list of books to read/listen to at least once a year. This would put it on par with some of the books that have been most influential in my life. Stay tuned for another post covering that list of books in more detail. (Note to self: link back to this.)
Be Excellent
As the habit gurus explain, if you want to be something, it is a good idea to identify exactly what that something means to you. For the sake of argument, let’s say that I do, in fact, want to be excellent. What will that look like for me?
Authenticity – I want to show up as myself – whatever that means today. As discussed in this post where I expressed my desire to embrace inconsistency, my moods tend to change, and I want to be a person who is growing and learning. It is important for me to be able to bring whatever comes up today to the table.
Balance – Can we get back to Star Trek reruns now? I need downtime. Much of the advice we get for “how to be excellent” revolves around an endless to-do list. Yes, I have one of these, but I sometimes go several days without looking at it. I recently talked about working with lunar cycles. This is a great tool for recognizing the natural cycles and patterns that take place in our lives. You see, balance is not about being perfectly even-keeled, all day, every day. Balance is about the long view. I try to spend approximately as much time on one end of the spectrum as I do the other… and I try not to get to the extreme ends of that spectrum. Another buzzword for this strategy is Self-Care. More on that below when I get to some actual habits.
Connection – Before I joined Bright Line Eating, I did not give this one enough credence. I have some really awesome friends, but I always had a tendency to keep my connections limited. I was “selectively social,” as one personality assessment put it. In the past few years, I have branched out and tried to connect with more people in ways that speak to some of the different areas of my life that need connection and support. This ties closely to points one and two by providing a network full of people ready to give me a boost in whatever direction I need.
Nearly anything that I want to do with my life can be tied back to one of these core values. If it can’t, I will finagle it until it fits or else it probably isn’t important.
Time for Habits
What are the habits I use for my personal brand of Excellence? These are a few of mine, and of course, they are constantly evolving.
Morning Routine
I pride myself on being flexible, easy-going, and not being hooked on consistency. BUT. I do find that my life runs more smoothly when I have a good morning routine. A routine consists of several habits. This is a good place to make use of the Atomic Habits idea of “habit stacking.” You can tie a new habit you want to implement to something you already do. I am an annoying morning person, so my day is front-loaded with many of the things I consider important.
I use my Rituals for Living Dreambook and Planner to track my four top priority habits (B,W,M,T.) I also use my Nightly Checklist to track a more extensive list of habits. Let’s start with the Big 4.
This is my code that I write along the bottom of my planner to remind me to check off my four primary habits each day: Bright Lines, Writing, Meditation, Tap.
Bright Lines
I am a Bright Lifer. This means I follow the Bright Line Eating plan. I get a check mark in my planner for each day that I follow all four of the Bright Lines: No Sugar, No Flour, Eat only at mealtimes, Eat my planned, weighed, and measured portions.
Ideally, I would work on my blog every day. That is not always the case. The habit gods tell me it is more important to do something consistently than to do it perfectly, so I try to write something every day. I fall behind even writing a few lines in my Five Year Journal daily. Writing is important to me, so I will keep tracking and working towards that consistency.
This is one of my favorite habits, but is also one that is first to slip when life gets crazy. It should be an easy one to keep when I travel, but it tends to slip there too. My husband is used to hearing me do guided meditations from YouTube, but recently I have done more “snooze button” silent meditations. I never actually get back to sleep when I hit snooze, so this is a good chance to get centered and focus on my breath before I ever get out of bed. Nine minutes of meditation counts!
One of my strategies for dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome was to find things to keep me busy. One day my oldest kid (22) tagged me in a Facebook post from her life-long dance studio. They would be offering an adult tap class on Wednesday nights. Years ago, when I was at the studio with her anyway, I had taken a “moms” hip hop class. I am not a good dancer. However, as previously mentioned, I am an annoying morning person, which also means…. I LOVE TO MAKE NOISE! Tap dancing classes are perfect! Not to mention that my kid could take these classes with me, so it double-bills as Quality Time (her love language,) a chance to grab a midweek meal together after class, and (oh yeah) activity. My kid is a flipping *WIZARD* at tap dancing. She was seriously born to tap. Somehow she was born out of my womb and… I do NOT have the aforementioned mad skills. I suck. So the last of my priority habits is to practice my tap steps every damn day. If I do it for one minute, I give myself credit.
Nightly Checklist
Each of the Big Four are in my Nightly Checklist as well, but this contains several other things. Admittedly, some of these are “nice to have.” I do not expect myself to have 100% on this checklist every day. In fact, I rarely do, but if I want to achieve something, I find that putting it here helps.
Short inspirational reading
Read a positive reminder
Plan tomorrow’s meals
Post in online support community
Gratitude Journal (I have multiple locations for this, but only doing this doesn’t get me a check mark for “Writing” above.)
Track hours slept (not so accurate since my Fitbit died)
Kept my Bright Lines (individual check boxes)
Physical therapy exercises
5 year journal
Artist’s Way (I keep falling off this one)
Morning Pages
Read a Shakespearean Sonnet
Write for my blog
Complete my Nightly Checklist!
The post Excellence is Not an Act, It’s a Habit appeared first on Given Context.
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joannaarobinson · 6 years
Must Read Marketing and Blogging Advice for Wedding Planners
I have followed Mark Kingsdorf’s career for a number of years and have always been impressed with his wisdom, natural marketing instincts, authenticity, and his ability to successfully pivot his career in the industry to fit his ideal lifestyle. With over 40 years in the hospitality and event industries, Mark has a very unique perspective and offers a wealth of knowledge.
After running a highly successful event planning business and working at prominent event venues, Mark currently runs Wedding Ghost which offers ghost blogging, content-based web marketing, and freelance writing for the wedding, events, and hospitality industries.
I have asked Mark to share his best marketing and blogging advice for wedding professionals, and more specifically, for wedding planners.
Top Blogging and Marketing Advice for Wedding Planners
How, when, and why did you get started in the wedding industry?
In 1998 I was a partner in a restaurant and catering business and HATED having business partners. A photographer friend had a client that was having issues with their reception venue and asked if I could talk to them. I worked with the couple and the venue and helped craft a solution that they both loved. They all looked at me and asked: “Why aren’t you doing this for a living?” And the rest is history.
I did some research, sold my share in the restaurant, and in early 2000 I joined the Association of Bridal Consultants and networked with our state manager in Pennsylvania. I assisted her on some weddings and registered my business name with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I worked part-time with a bridal salon and flower shop while waiting tables and launching the business. I knew I had a strong food, beverage, and catering background, but needed to work on my knowledge of gowns, veils, headpieces, and floral; I can still bustle a wedding gown blindfolded.
What has been your career path in the events industry?
When my husband and I made the decision to sell my event planning business in Pennsylvania and move to Florida, I sold my business to a decorator in our market that I had a tremendous personal and professional relationship with.
When we relocated to central Florida, I thought I would work for Disney in Catering or Events. After reviewing their volume and wedding packages, I knew it wasn’t my style. Instead, I accepted an hourly position with Park Event Operations and Disney Catered Events. Neither job was full time and I eventually decided to take a Wedding Sales Managers position at a local family owned resort.
I worked at Mission Inn Resort for a little over three years, starting as Wedding Sales Manager and then as Director, overseeing wedding sales and service including most marketing and social media related to weddings.
When we made the decision to move to St. Pete to be closer to the beach and my husband’s job, I was blogging part-time for a few friends and decided that blogging and writing full time offered me the opportunity to have a flexible schedule and enjoy more time with my husband and traveling. It utilizes my experience in weddings, events, and catering, as well as the connections I’ve made over several decades.
What do you wish you knew when you first started in the industry as a wedding planner?
I wish I completely understood the concept of outward perception versus inward reality.
Even before we had social media, I looked at the ‘propaganda’ people were marketing and never realized that their level of service, attention to detail, and business profitability were not nearly what they portrayed.
What mistakes have you made? 
I initially only took on as many weddings as I could personally handle and referred overflow to other planners. I later found out colleagues were promoting people from being interns one week to taking on full-service weddings the next, and they weren’t NEARLY as good as my wedding assistants.
That was the point where I decided to grow my wedding team and have them take on Wedding Day Direction. They still assisted me on weddings, and I groomed each of them to do full-service planning and to take on the role of lead planner. I wish I had done it sooner because I had a fantastic team who got rave reviews from the venues and professionals we worked with. (Helpful article: Types of Services Offered By Wedding Planners)
Why is blogging important and what is a ghost blogger?
When I owned The Queen of Hearts Wedding Consultants, we blogged a minimum of once a week. Part of it was to brand the business and showcase our work. It was also a great way to showcase our team so people felt comfortable working with them and not just me. Blogging was a really affordable way to market the business and build visibility in a growing internet. We were consistently on page one of Google for various search terms and remained there.
I knew blogging worked but also saw that planners and other wedding professionals didn’t have time to write, did not like to write, or opted out because they didn’t know what to write about. Too many were (are) posting pretty wedding pictures with little or no text in their blog posts. Or, if they were blogging, they were not including SEO rich text or they did not consistently blog, so they saw no benefits and quit blogging.
As a ghost blogging service, I offer blogging services at a few levels. If you are already blogging and don’t see any search engine visibility or your search engine ranking is not improving, I offer blog consulting. This includes an evaluation with written analysis plus tips on improving your blogging. It’s a big help to many people if they have time to blog on their own and need direction and focus.
Most of my clients hire me for ghost blogging. They share images of their real weddings (or other work) and I create weekly content for them and post it directly to their blogging portal. It is rich in keywords and phrases to help search engines find them. I include descriptions of images, key search terms couples are using,  hyperlinks, strong photos titles, and adding ALT tags. Because of my background, it’s all pretty turn-key. I can come up with new content beyond real weddings to help brand businesses in their market.
Many of my blogging clients have hired me to create new content for their website, or to do a little refresh and get them better SEO; so now I offer that as a separate service.
Most of my clients are small businesses and all of the services are surprisingly affordable. Because I’ve owned a small business, I am flexible with payment plans that work for entrepreneurs.
What are the top blogging mistakes that wedding professionals make?
Inconsistency. You cannot blog once a month and expect to see any results.  Potential clients who check back and don’t see anything new will move on.
A LOT of wedding professionals post images of their work and call it a blog. Search engines cannot read images, and unfortunately, no one is renaming their blog photos correctly or adding ALT tags.  Without text and properly names images, the blog post basically has no SEO value at all.
People don’t include text that couples are searching for in their blog post. It’s not just a “beach wedding”, it’s a “sunset beach wedding ceremony on St. Lucia”.
People are not being geographically specific. If you only use “wedding planner” in your story, you are now lumped in with any wedding planner anywhere in the world.  Couples are searching phrases like “Philadelphia wedding planner” and your business is not going to show up unless you are using geographic specific text.
Name dropping in blogging is a good thing. Talking about the venues and vendors you work with and linking to them helps to build backlinks to your website.  When someone searches that venue, your blog post mentioning and linking to them will pop up.
Why do wedding and event planners need to be blogging AND what topics are most important to blog about?
Millennials want to be able to search for you and easily find out about your business, personality, services, and reviews.  Blogging gives them all of that in one place.
Consistently adding fresh new curated content that is rich in search terms helps search engines find you and increases the frequency that your business will show up in the results of a potential client’s web search.
You can control the dialogue about your business and your branding through your blog posts.
Blogging creates excellent content to share on social media. With the right tools in your blogging platform, readers can pin and share your blogs which creates more online visibility for your business.
For wedding planners and most other professionals, real weddings are huge, but things like team profiles and REALLY letting potential couples connect with you lend credibility and build connections. Mixing in tips and trends, client reviews, upcoming wedding events, and community involvement are all great topics to blog about for wedding planners that will help build your brand.
What is your prediction for the future of blogging? 
With the increasing costs of major wedding portals, blogging is becoming even more critical. Consistently feeding search engines and building your own links makes your business visible.
People do business with people they feel they know, like, and trust. Blogging opens that door to authentically show your work, personality, and experience.
Many wedding professionals don’t update their wedding galleries often. Blogging allows potential clients to see recent images of your work, pin those images to their own Pinterest boards, and share the images of their venue and wedding design ideas with family and friends. These details are HUGE with couples planning weddings.
What marketing advice can you share specifically for wedding planners?
Don’t be afraid to let people into your world.
I had many brides and moms come through my door grateful that I had opened up about losing my mom to breast cancer, and the work I did with cancer charities. Being a foodie and talking about that attracted couples who were really into unique restaurant quality food and wanted my help in doing that. Don’t be afraid to share who you are.
I had a sign in my office (and I have said this 1,000 times):
“It NEVER gets any better than the first meeting.”
This applies to hiring staff and meeting with other professionals you might refer to, but it REALLY applies to clients. Too many wedding planners want every couple that walks through the door.
Not all business is good business.
If that high maintenance wedding couple is going to suck the life out of you, you might have to turn away three other weddings because you just don’t have the time. Or worse yet, your attitude from dealing with them might taint the next client call you receive and turn them off.
Connect with Mark Kingsdorf:
Website: www.weddingghost.com
Facebook: Wedding Ghost
Instagram: @mark.l.kingsdorf
from Event Planning Essentials https://plannerslounge.com/must-read-marketing-and-blogging-advice-for-wedding-planners/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mysteryshelf · 7 years
BLOG TOUR - Death on West End Road
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Death on West End Road by Carrie Doyle
Death on West End Road (Hamptons Murder Mysteries) Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Dunemere Books (June 20, 2017) Paperback 268 Pages ISBN-13: 978-0997270181 E-Book ASIN: B06XKLVMZC
Like a basket of warm cinnamon buns, an unsolved crime is something that Hamptons innkeeper and sleuth Antonia Bingham just can’t resist. Despite a busy high-season schedule and an inn booked to capacity, Antonia has agreed to investigate a cold case in her beloved adopted hometown, East Hampton, NY: the killing of Susie Whitaker, whose brutal 1990 slaying on a tennis court in the poshest part of town was never solved. And the person who has hired Antonia? Prime suspect Pauline Framingham, a manipulative pharmaceutical heiress from a powerful family. The crime scene is compromised, the circumstances are complicated, and former witnesses are cagey, haunted and very reluctant to revisit what happened on that sun-splashed afternoon decades earlier. As Antonia attempts to unravel the mysteries of the past she unearths even darker secrets and ultimately wonders if it would have been best to let sleeping dogs lie. To make matters worse, past acquaintances and love interests reappear in the Hamptons, disrupting Antonia’s world and causing her to scurry to the fridge for comfort.
Death on West End Road is the third book in the Hamptons Murder Mystery Series. Along with a colorful cast of supporting characters, the beating heart of the book is Antonia Bingham, restaurateur, gourmand, and nosy carb-lover.
  Interview with the Author
What initially got you interested in writing?
I’ve always been writing but what really made me decide to become a full time writer was perhaps professional jealousy. I was an Editor-in-Chief of the Russian edition of Marie Claire Magazine and we kept featuring all these articles on people doing cool things. I thought, I want to do cool things, I don’t just want to feature other people doing cool things. So I quit that job and joined forces with my friend Jill Kargman to write a movie, Intern that went on to premiere at Sundance Film Festival. After that, other scripts followed and then books.
  What genres do you write in?
My first six books were what The New York Times called ‘gossip lit.’ Very soap-opera, dishy and yes, gossipy books about the fancy uber rich people in New York City and other jet-setty locales. Now I mostly write mysteries that take place in East Hampton and I also write articles for Hamptons Magazine.
  What drew you to writing these specific genres?
I grew up splitting my time in both New York City and East Hampton, New York so I knew both of those worlds. My former writing partner Jill Kargman and I liked to write about the absurd things that the rich do in New York, it was almost farcical. (Jill now has a TV show Odd Mom Out, which takes place in that world.) It was fun writing about the city and the rich, but I was not actually living in NYC when I was writing those books (I was in London and LA) so when I moved back it was a little too close to home. I didn’t want people to think I was taking notes then writing about them.
I have always been a huge fan of murder mysteries, true life crime and any major court case so I decided in would be a safer and equally as enjoyable route for me to opt for writing about murder in the Hamptons. I knew the landscape so well and the fact that there is a mix of locals and summer people and rich and famous and less fortunate would make an excellent backdrop for crime.
  How did you break into the field?
I was writing and selling screenplays that were not getting sold. Someone suggested that my then writing partner Jill Kargman and I flip them into books and then try and sell them as screenplays, which is exactly what we did.
  What do you want readers to take away from reading your works?
I want them to be happy and entertained, although that does sound a little grim because I am writing murder mysteries. I would love it if someone read my book and then said, “I can’t wait to read the next one!”
  What do you find most rewarding about writing?
I think of it as endorphins for the soul. Having a good writing session for me is the equivalent of having a good work out. I am happier and a better person. I really like exercising my creative juices.
  What do you find most challenging about writing?
I don’t like starting books. I find the set up and the beginning very difficult to launch. I much prefer being in the middle of the book.
  What advice would you give to people wanting to enter the field?
Write as much as possible. All the time. Don’t think of it as something ‘precious’ that you can only do under the best circumstances when the timing is right and you have your cup of tea and the kids are asleep. No, you just have to do it. Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote some of the greatest (and longest) books ever very quickly because he had a strict deadline to pay off his gambling debts. (And this was before computers.) So there are really no excuses!
  What type of books do you enjoy reading?
I love mysteries, crime. I have read every Michael Connelly book and I love Sue Grafton as well as Agatha Christie. But I also like women’s fiction like Liane Moriarity, Emily Giffin and Curtis Sittenfeld.
  Is there anything else besides writing you think people would find interesting about you?
Hmmm….I speak fluent Russian and lived in Russia for years. My husband is from the Crimea. I like to cook a lot and worked for Ina Garten at The Barefoot Contessa store in East Hampton when I was in college.
One of the reasons I think I am so attracted to crime stories is I found myself surrounded by murderers when I was growing up in New York. Robert Chambers, “The Preppy Murderer”, lived a few blocks from me and used to be an altar boy at my church. We always used to see him around the neighborhood and couldn’t believe what happened. Additionally my upstairs neighbor used to go jogging with O.J. Simpson and in Nicole Simpson’s diary she wrote that the first time OJ hit her was outside my building. Later on my doorman of my building killed his wife. So it is all these strange little stories that made me think about how you can live a seemingly normal life but be surrounded by murder.
  What are the best ways to connect with you, or find out more about your work?
Or my website carriedoylekarasyov.com
    About Carrie Doyle 
Carrie Doyle was the founding Editor-in- Chief of the Russian edition of Marie Claire Magazine. She is currently a Contributing Editor of Hamptons Magazine and has written extensively for Harper’s Bazaar, Town & Country and has also written for Women’s Health and Avenue on the Beach. With Jill Kargman, Carrie co-wrote the film Intern (which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 1999), as well as several screenplays sold to Showtime, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Films and the Oxygen Network. Carrie and Jill co-wrote five books together, including three teen books for HarperCollins and two bestselling women’s fiction books, The Right Address and Wolves in Chic Clothing (Broadway Books). Carrie also penned the popular novel The Infidelity Pact (Broadway Books). Carrie lives in New York City with her husband and two children and is currently at work on an animated series for broadcast as well as her new series, the Hamptons Murder Mysteries.
  Social Media Links:
Webpage – https://carriekarasyov.com
GoodReads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/51439.Carrie_Karasyov_Carrie_Doyle
Amazon- amazon.com/author/carriedoyle
Publisher Page – http://dunemerebooks.com/book-author/carrie-doyle/
  Purchase Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Death-West-Hamptons-Murder-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B06XKLVMZC
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/death-on-west-end-road-carrie-doyle/1125956843?ean=9780997270181
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/death-on-west-end-road
IndieBound: http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780997270181
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autopilotrecruiting · 7 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://leadershipmentoring4free.info/the-problem-with-prospecting-recruiting-on-social-media/
The Problem with Prospecting & Recruiting on Social Media
This October will mark 11 years (2005) since I entered the network marketing arena and my life took a crazy detour into the world of entrepreneurship, deep personal development and experiencing more negativity than any human should have to endure.
The good news is that my story in this industry has a happy ending.
I quit job as an engineer 2 1/2 years after joining the industry in 2008, became a 6-figure earner in direct sales by 2009, built a 7-figure internet company by 2012 and I am now the co-owner of an online direct sales company, which I first joined as an affiliate back in 2006.
My journey however was not without many fumbles, embarrassing moments and more prospecting faux pas than I care to share and I hope my friends, family & strangers I attempted to prospect have long forgotten the things I did. LOL
But here’s a few, so you have an idea…
Have you ever invited friends over for some beers and very unsmoothly transitioned to showing the plan to a very angry audience? I have.
Have you ever tried to prospect your bartender, a few too many beers past ‘buzzed’ and have him respond with, “Is this Amway?” Doh! I have.
Here’s a good one… have you ever prospected a girl, while on a date as a “test,” because your upline told you that if a girl is not positive about your business, she’s not a keeper? Yep… didn’t turn out well.
And that’s about as much as I’ll reveal, because I’m starting to get really depressed remembering all this right now. Ha ha ha…
The point is, I’m about to cast some heavy stones at some networkers, but I just wanted to let ya’ll know that I’ve made mistakes too… but that doesn’t mean we should be going easy on those that are committing some MAJOR prospecting mistakes on Social Media and online.
In my day, my fumbles happened offline and there is thankfully no record.
Unfortunately, today…
The Internet Never Forgets and It’s Ruining It for Everyone Else
I once heard that success in business is all about ‘time’ and ‘place’. As a professional marketer, I would add ‘message’ to the equation as well.
Unfortunately, network marketers today are being taught online prospecting methods, which include the wrong message, at the wrong time and most definitely in all the wrong places!
Here’s the truth!
There is a VERY fine line between prospecting on social media and spamming people. I’m sorry to say that most network marketers have been turned into human spam bots by their upline and company leaders…
‘Disposable distributors’ tasked with the job of spreading the word about their company’s products or opportunity, at the expense of the individual’s reputation and risking the suspension of their social media accounts.
Just recently, I asked affiliates of my company to share examples of the WRONG WAY to prospect online, by sending me screenshots of the poor attempts at prospecting they receive every day…
The WRONG Way to Prospect and Recruit
Successful entrepreneurs and networkers alike eventually learn the true secret to success and it becomes the foundation upon which their entire prospecting, recruiting and business building strategy is founded.
That secret being:
“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt
The screenshots above are weak prospecting attempts from people who haven’t yet figured out that building a business is not about tricking people or finding the right copy/paste FB messages to send to strangers.
It’s about actually caring about people, becoming a person of value and being someone uniquely positioned to help someone with their problems.
That last one is critical “uniquely positioned to help someone with their problems.”
Any idiot can copy and paste a message into the Private Message function on Facebook.
What sets you apart from the rest of the desperate reps hitting people’s inboxes with their new “ground floor” opportunities or cash programs?
Now this doesn’t mean, prospecting online doesn’t work. I know some very skilled recruiters who are excellent at online prospecting, but just like offline prospecting, they’ve devoted the time and effort to learn this very difficult skill and have mastered it. And if that’s the strategy you want to deploy, you need to do it right or else!
But if you’re still a little fuzzy on whether you are a spammer or not, here’s a guide of sorts…
Top 5 Warning Signs That Your Prospecting Efforts are Actually SPAM
1) You first private message to a stranger on social media includes a link to join your opportunity.
2) You get angry replies via private messaging and/or you have been reported as a spammer.
3) You post links to your opportunity or website in the comments section of other people’s social media posts
4) You compulsively want to talk about your company or products, without anyone asking you to share.
Finally… this one is the most important one…
5) You engage in interactions online, with a hidden agenda, hoping to transition the topic to something that would get people interested in your opportunity, without caring about knowing the other person.
This last one for me is a big one but could also be controversial.
After all, #5 is the very definition of prospecting (online or offline), which even when done right… can still feel awkward, result in people getting angry at you and very unleveraged, which is why I eventually decided to stop prospecting all together.
But here’s the interesting thing…
“When I Stopped Prospecting People, My Business Started Growing!”
I can’t tell you how relieved and at peace I felt, when I once again, was able to go out with my friends, visiting a family member’s home or be in a public place without having to think about prospecting anyone.
Just enjoying being normal again, was incredible, after two years of being taught by my upline that “everyone was a prospect” and approaching every conversation with a hidden agenda, I was free!
That’s because it wasn’t until I STOPPED prospecting, that my business actually started growing!
Weird, right?
At this point, you may be asking, “then how the hell did your business grow?”
Well before I answer that, I have to say that there are people who are very skilled prospectors and recruiters who completely disregard the issues I mentioned above.
They knowingly and without shame, approach every interaction with a stranger as a prospecting opportunity.
Getting yelled at or cursed out by prospects is no big deal, as long as some people say ‘yes.’
And just like doing it right offline, there’s a way to successfully do it online as well. After learning and becoming very good at prospecting, I decided that I didn’t want to build my business this way.
The problem with prospecting in general, as it’s normally taught, is that the mindset going in, is still about what YOU want people to do and about manipulating people into doing what you want them to do.
In other words, it’s about YOU, not them. I didn’t like that, but I still did it for a little while… until I did find a better way.
The More Leveraged Alternative to 1-on-1 Prospecting, Which Won’t Make You Feel Like a Cheap Sales Man
Now, I am not trying to be high and mighty about all this prospecting stuff, because I’m not.
If it came down to feeding my family with ‘stone cold’ prospecting tactics or my kids starving, I choose stone cold prospecting every time, without remorse.
But the reason I was able to quit prospecting was because, with the help of some extraordinary mentors, I eventually discovered an online recruiting strategy, which…
Enabled me to recruit more people in 1 Day, than the most skilled recruiter in the world can do in 1 month I was able to passively generate leads, customers and new reps – even when I was out having fun with friends and family.
(Hence why I didn’t have to worry about prospecting them!)
Rather than spending hours spamming or private messaging people on social media, I learned how to legitimately get Facebook and other networks to actually help me attract the people who are most interested in what I have to offer, using their ads platform! (i.e. going legit!)
In fact, every day for almost 8 years now, I’ve awoken to an email inbox full of notifications for new leads, new customers, new team members and commissions I earned while sleeping!
This strategy is called ‘attraction marketing’, which is an internet marketing strategy designed for networkers and people in direct sales!
You see, if your business depends on you being on social media, sending private messages or commenting on people’s posts all day, you are NOT doing internet marketing… despite what you may have been led to believe.
Online prospecting and internet marketing are NOT the same thing!
Internet marketing is a passive strategy, which works, even when you are not.
If you want to learn how it works, I actually reveal the entire strategy I’ve used for the past 8 years, in a free 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp available here.
You’ll also get more details about a book I wrote, which is goes into the nuts n’ bolts of my recruiting & selling formula.
Now if traditional prospecting online or offline is your thing and you want to stick to that, by all means, go for it.
There are many top trainers and earners of mine in the industry that focus on cold market recruiting skills…
(And they do ‘attraction marketing’ too!)
For me, there was simply a certain way I wanted to live my life and that was more important.
I would much rather make a ton of money in my business first and then have my friends and family beg me to tell them more about it it.
It’s much better than begging my friends and family to join a business which isn’t making any money.
Which would you prefer?
  Sincerely, Ferny Ceballos Chief Marketing Officer Elite Marketing Pro
Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit – Rejection FREE – Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…
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viralhottopics · 8 years
How technology gets us hooked
The Long Read: From a young age, humans love to press buttons that light up and make a noise. The thrill of positive feedback lies at the heart of addiction to gambling, games, and social media
Not long ago, I stepped into a lift on the 18th floor of a tall building in New York City. A young woman inside the lift was looking down at the top of her toddlers head with embarrassment as he looked at me and grinned. When I turned to push the ground-floor button, I saw that every button had already been pushed. Kids love pushing buttons, but they only push every button when the buttons light up. From a young age, humans are driven to learn, and learning involves getting as much feedback as possible from the immediate environment. The toddler who shared my elevator was grinning because feedback in the form of lights or sounds or any change in the state of the world is pleasurable.
But this quest for feedback doesnt end with childhood. In 2012, an ad agency in Belgium produced an outdoor campaign for a TV channel that quickly went viral. The campaigns producers placed a big red button on a pedestal in a quaint square in a sleepy town in Flanders. A big arrow hung above the button with a simple instruction: Push to add drama. You can see the glint in each persons eye as he or she approaches the button the same glint that came just before the toddler in my elevator raked his tiny hand across the panel of buttons.
Psychologists have long tried to understand how animals respond to different forms of feedback. In 1971, a psychologist named Michael Zeiler sat in his lab across from three hungry white carneaux pigeons. At this stage, the research programme focused on rats and pigeons, but it had lofty aims. Could the behaviour of lower-order animals teach governments how to encourage charity and discourage crime? Could entrepreneurs inspire overworked shift workers to find new meaning in their jobs? Could parents learn how to shape perfect children?
Before Zeiler could change the world, he had to work out the best way to deliver rewards. One option was to reward every desirable behaviour. Another was to reward those same desirable behaviours on an unpredictable schedule, creating some of the mystery that encourages people to buy lottery tickets. The pigeons had been raised in the lab, so they knew the drill. Each one waddled up to a small button and pecked persistently, hoping that the button would release a tray of Purina pigeon pellets. During some trials, Zeiler would programme the button so it delivered food every time the pigeons pecked; during others, he programmed the button so it delivered food only some of the time. Sometimes the pigeons would peck in vain, the button would turn red, and they would receive nothing.
When I first learned about Zeilers work, I expected the consistent schedule to work best. But thats not what happened at all. The results werent even close: the pigeons pecked almost twice as often when the reward wasnt guaranteed. Their brains, it turned out, were releasing far more dopamine when the reward was unexpected than when it was predictable. Zeiler had documented an important fact about positive feedback: that less is often more. His pigeons were drawn to the mystery of mixed feedback just as humans are attracted to the uncertainty of gambling.
Decades after Zeiler published his results, in 2012, a team of Facebook web developers prepared to unleash a similar feedback experiment on hundreds of millions of humans. The site already had 200 million users at the time a number that would triple over the next three years. The experiment took the form of a deceptively simple new feature called a like button.
Its hard to exaggerate how much the like button changed the psychology of Facebook use. What had begun as a passive way to track your friends lives was now deeply interactive, and with exactly the sort of unpredictable feedback that motivated Zeilers pigeons. Users were gambling every time they shared a photo, web link or status update. A post with zero likes wasnt just privately painful, but also a kind of public condemnation: either you didnt have enough online friends, or, worse still, your online friends werent impressed. Like pigeons, were more driven to seek feedback when it isnt guaranteed. Facebook was the first major social networking force to introduce the like button, but others now have similar functions. You can like and repost tweets on Twitter, pictures on Instagram, posts on Google+, columns on LinkedIn, and videos on YouTube.
The act of liking became the subject of etiquette debates. What did it mean to refrain from liking a friends post? If you liked every third post, was that an implicit condemnation of the other posts? Liking became a form of basic social support the online equivalent of laughing at a friends joke in public.
Web developer Rameet Chawla developed an app as a marketing exercise, but also a social experiment, to uncover the effect of the like button. When he launched it, Chawla posted this introduction on its homepage: People are addicted. We experience withdrawals. We are so driven by this drug, getting just one hit elicits truly peculiar reactions. Im talking about likes. Theyve inconspicuously emerged as the first digital drug to dominate our culture.
Chawlas app, called Lovematically, was designed to automatically like every picture that rolled through its users newsfeeds. It wasnt even necessary to impress them any more; any old post was good enough to inspire a like. Apart from enjoying the warm glow that comes from spreading good cheer, Chawla for the first three months, the apps only user also found that people reciprocated. They liked more of his photos, and he attracted an average of 30 new followers a day, a total of almost 3,000 followers during the trial period. On Valentines Day 2014, Chawla allowed 5,000 Instagram users to download a beta version of the app. After only two hours, Instagram shut down Lovematically for violating the social networks terms of use.
I knew way before launching it that it would get shut down by Instagram, Chawla said. Using drug terminology, you know, Instagram is the dealer and Im the new guy in the market giving away the drug for free.
Chawla was surprised, though, that it happened so quickly. Hed hoped for at least a week of use, but Instagram pounced immediately.
When I moved to the United States for postgraduate studies in 2004, online entertainment was limited. These were the days before Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube and Facebook was limited to students at Harvard. One evening, I stumbled on a game called Sign of the Zodiac (Zodiac for short) that demanded very little mental energy.
Zodiac was a simple online slot machine, much like the actual slot machines in casinos: you decided how much to wager, lazily clicked a button over and over again, and watched as the machine spat out wins and losses. At first, I played to relieve the stress of long days filled with too much thinking, but the brief ding that followed each small win, and the longer melody that followed each major win, hooked me fast. Eventually screenshots of the game would intrude on my day. Id picture five pink scorpions lining up for the games highest jackpot, followed by the jackpot melody that I can still conjure today. I had a minor behavioural addiction, and these were the sensory hangovers of the random, unpredictable feedback that followed each win.
My Zodiac addiction wasnt unusual. For 13 years, Natasha Dow Schll, a cultural anthropologist, studied gamblers and the machines that hook them. She collected descriptions of slot machines from gambling experts and current and former addicts, which included the following: Slots are the crack cocaine of gambling electronic morphine … the most virulent strain of gambling in the history of man Slots are the premier addiction delivery device.
These are sensationalised descriptions, but they capture how easily people become hooked on slot-machine gambling. I can relate, because I became addicted to a slots game that wasnt even doling out real money. The reinforcing sound of a win after the silence of several losses was enough for me.
In the US, banks are not allowed to handle online gambling winnings, which makes online gambling practically illegal. Very few companies are willing to fight the system, and the ones that do are quickly defeated. That sounds like a good thing, but free and legal games such as Sign of the Zodiac can also be dangerous. At casinos, the deck is stacked heavily against the player; on average the house has to win. But the house doesnt have to win in a game without money.
As David Goldhill, the chief executive officer of the Game Show Network, which also produces many online games, told me: Because were not restricted by having to pay real winnings, we can pay out $120 for every $100 played. No land-based casino could do that for more than a week without going out of business. As a result, the game can continue forever because the player never runs out of chips. I played Sign of the Zodiac for four years and rarely had to start a new game. I won roughly 95% of the time. The game only ended when I had to eat or sleep or attend class in the morning. And sometimes it didnt even end then.
Casinos win most of the time, but they have a clever way of convincing gamblers that the outcomes are reversed. Early slot machines were incredibly simple devices: the player pulled the machines arm to spin its three mechanical reels. If the centre of the reels displayed two or more of the same symbol when they stopped spinning, the player won a certain number of coins or credits. Today, slot machines allow gamblers to play multiple lines. Every time you play, youre more likely to win on at least one line, and the machine will celebrate with you by flashing bright lights and playing catchy tunes. If you play 15 lines, and you win on two of the lines, you make a net loss, and yet you enjoy the positive feedback that follows a win a type of win that Schll and other gambling experts call a loss disguised as a win.
Losses disguised as wins only matter because players dont classify them as losses they classify them as wins. This is what makes modern slot machines and modern casinos so dangerous. Like the little boy who hit every button in my lift, adults never really grow out of the thrill of attractive lights and sounds. If our brains convince us that were winning even when were actually losing, it becomes almost impossible to muster the self-control to stop playing.
Every time you play a slot machine it will celebrate with you by flashing bright lights and playing catchy tunes Photograph: imageBROKER/Rex/Shutterstock
The success of slot machines is measured by time on device. Since most players lose more money the longer they play, time on device is a useful proxy for profitability. Video-game designers use a similar measure, which captures how engaging and enjoyable their games are. The difference between casinos and video games is that many game designers are more concerned with making their games fun than with making buckets of money. Bennett Foddy, who teaches game design at New York Universitys Game Center, has created a number of successful free-to-play games, but each was a labour of love rather than a money-making vehicle.
Video games are governed by microscopic rules, Foddy says. When your mouse cursor moves over a particular box, text will pop up, or a sound will play. Designers use this sort of micro-feedback to keep players more engaged and more hooked in.
A game must obey these microscopic rules, because gamers are likely to stop playing a game that doesnt deliver a steady dose of small rewards that make sense given the games rules. Those rewards can be as subtle as a ding sound or a white flash whenever a character moves over a particular square. Those bits of micro-feedback need to follow the act almost immediately, because if theres a tight pairing in time between when I act and when something happens, then Ill think I was causing it.
The game Candy Crush Saga is a prime example. At its peak in 2013, the game generated more than $600,000 in revenue per day. To date, its developer, King, has earned around $2.5 billion from the game. Somewhere between half a billion and a billion people have downloaded Candy Crush Saga on their smartphones or through Facebook. Most of those players are women, which is unusual for a blockbuster.
Its hard to understand the games colossal success when you see how straightforward it is. Players aim to create lines of three or more of the same candy by swiping candies left, right, up, and down. Candies are crushed they disappear when you form these matching lines, and the candies above them drop down to take their place. The game ends when the screen fills with candies that cannot be matched. Foddy told me that it wasnt the rules that made the game a success it was juice. Juice refers to the games surface feedback. It isnt essential to the game, but its essential to the games success. Without juice, the game loses its charm.
Novice game designers often forget to add juice, Foddy said. If a character in your game runs through the grass, the grass should bend as he runs through it. It tells you that the grass is real and that the character and grass are in the same world. When you form a line in Candy Crush Saga, a reinforcing sound plays, the score associated with that line flashes brightly, and sometimes you hear words of praise intoned by a hidden, deep-voiced narrator.
Juice amplifies feedback, but its also designed to unite the real world and the gaming world. The most powerful vehicle for juice must surely be virtual reality (VR) technology, which is still in its infancy. VR places the user in an immersive environment, which the user navigates as she might the real world. Advanced VR also introduces multisensory feedback, including touch, hearing and smell.
In a podcast last year, the author and sports columnist Bill Simmons spoke to billionaire investor Chris Sacca, an early Google employee and Twitter investor, about his experience with VR. Im afraid for my kids, a little bit, Simmons said. I do wonder if this VR world you dive into is almost superior to the actual world youre in. Instead of having human interactions, I can just go into this VR world and do VR things and thats gonna be my life.
Sacca shared Simmons concerns. One of the things thats interesting about technology is that the improvement in resolution and sound modelling and responsiveness is outpacing our own physiological development, Sacca said. You can watch some early videos where you are on top of a skyscraper, and your body will not let you step forward. Your body is convinced that that is the side of the skyscraper. Thats not even a super immersive VR platform. So we have some crazy days ahead of us.
Until recently, most people thought of VR as a tool for gaming, but that changed when Facebook acquired Oculus VR for $2bn in 2014. Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg had big ideas for the Oculus Rift gaming headset that went far beyond games. This is just the start, Zuckerberg said. After games, were going to make Oculus a platform for many other experiences. Imagine enjoying a court-side seat at a game, studying in a classroom of students and teachers all over the world or consulting with a doctor face-to-face just by putting goggles in your home. VR no longer dwelled on the fringes. One day, we believe this kind of immersive, augmented reality will become a part of daily life for billions of people, said Zuckerberg.
In October 2015, the New York Times shipped a small cardboard VR viewer with its Sunday paper. Paired with a smartphone, the Google Cardboard viewer streamed VR content, including documentaries on North Korea, Syrian refugees, and a vigil following the Paris terror attacks. Instead of sitting through 45 seconds on the news of someone walking around and explaining how terrible it is, you are actively becoming a participant in the story that you are viewing, said Christian Stephen, a producer of one of the VR documentaries.
Despite the promise of VR, it also poses great risks. Jeremy Bailenson, a professor of communication at Stanfords Virtual Reality Interaction Lab, worries that the Oculus Rift will damage how people interact with the world. Am I terrified of the world where anyone can create really horrible experiences? Yes, it does worry me. I worry what happens when a violent video game feels like murder. And when pornography feels like sex. How does that change the way humans interact, function as a society?
When it matures, VR will allow us to spend time with anyone in any location doing whatever we like for as long as we like. That sort of boundless pleasure sounds wonderful, but it has the capacity to devalue face-to-face interactions. Why live in the real world with real, flawed people when you can live in a perfect world that feels just as real? Wielded by game designers, it might prove to be a vehicle for the latest in a series of escalating behavioural addictions.
Some experiences are designed to be addictive for the sake of ensnaring hapless consumers, but others happen to be addictive though they are primarily designed to be fun or engaging. The line that separates these is very thin; to a large extent the difference rests on the intention of the designer.
When Nintendos superstar game designer Shigeru Miyamoto created Super Mario Bros, his primary aim was to make a game that he himself enjoyed playing. Thats the point, he said, not to make something sell, something very popular, but to love something, and make something that we creators can love. Its the very core feeling we should have in making games.
When you compare Super Mario Bros regularly voted by game designers as one of the greatest games ever to others on the market, it is easy to recognise the difference in intention.
Adam Saltsman, who produced an acclaimed indie game called Canabalt in 2009, has written extensively about the ethics of game design. Many of the predatory games of the past five years use whats known as an energy system, Saltsman said. Youre allowed to play the game for five minutes, and then you artificially run out of stuff to do. The game will send you an email in, say, four hours when you can start playing again. I told Saltsman that the system sounded pretty good to me it forces gamers to take breaks and encourages kids to do their homework between gaming sessions. But thats where the predatory part comes in.
Super Mario Run was primarily designed by its creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, to be a game he enjoyed playing Photograph: PR
According to Saltsman: Game designers began to realise that players would pay $1 to shorten the wait time, or to increase the amount of energy their avatar would have once the four-hour rest period had passed. I came across this predatory device when playing a game called Trivia Crack. If you give the wrong answer several times, you run out of lives, and a dialogue screen gives you a choice: wait for an hour for more lives, or pay 99 cents to continue immediately. Many games hide these down-the-line charges. Theyre free, at first, but later you are forced to pay in-game fees to continue.
If you are minutes or even hours deep into the game, the last thing you want to do is admit defeat. You have so much to lose, and your aversion to that sense of loss compels you to feed the machine just one more time, over and over again. You start playing because you want to have fun, but you continue playing because you want to avoid feeling unhappy.
A game in which you always win is boring. It sounds appealing but it gets old fast. To some extent we all need losses and difficulties and challenges, because without them the thrill of success weakens gradually with each new victory. The hardship of the challenge is far more compelling than knowing you are going to succeed. This sense of hardship is an ingredient in many addictive experiences, including one of the most addictive games of all time: Tetris.
In 1984, Alexey Pajitnov was working at a computer lab at the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow. Many of the labs scientists worked on side projects, and Pajitnov began working on a video game. Pajitnov worked on Tetris for much longer than he planned because he couldnt stop playing the game. Eventually Pajitnov allowed his friends at the Academy of Science to play the game. Everyone who touched the game couldnt stop playing either.
His best friend, Vladimir Pokhilko, a former psychologist, remembered taking the game to his lab at the Moscow Medical Institute. Everybody stopped working. So I deleted it from every computer. Everyone went back to work, until a new version appeared in the lab.
Alexey Pajitnov, the inventor of Tetris Photograph: Sipa Press / Rex Features
Tetris spread from the Academy of Science to the rest of Moscow, and then on to the rest of Russia and eastern Europe. Two years later, in 1986, the game reached the west, but its big break came in 1991, when Nintendo signed a deal with Pajitnov. Every Game Boy would come with a free game cartridge that contained a redesigned version of Tetris.
That year I saved up and ultimately bought a Game Boy, which is how I came to play Tetris for the first time. It wasnt as glitzy as some of my other favourites, but I played for hours at a time. Nintendo was smart to include the game with their new portable console, because it was easy to learn and very difficult to abandon. I assumed that I would grow tired of Tetris, but sometimes I still play the game today, more than 25 years later. It has longevity because it grows with you. Its easy at first, but as your skills improve, the game gets more difficult. The pieces fall from the top of the screen more quickly, and you have less time to react than you did when you were a novice.
This escalation of difficulty is a critical hook that keeps the game engaging long after you have mastered its basic moves. Twenty-five years ago, a psychiatrist named Richard Haier showed that this progression is pleasurable because your brain becomes more efficient as you improve. Haier decided to watch as people mastered a video game, though he knew little about the cutting-edge world of gaming. In 1991 no one had heard of Tetris, he said in an interview a few years later. I went to the computer store to see what they had and the guy said, Here try this. Its just come in. Tetris was the perfect game, it was simple to learn, you had to practise to get good, and there was a good learning curve.
Haier bought some copies of Tetris for his lab and watched as his experimental subjects played the game. He did find neurological changes with experience parts of the brain thickened and brain activity declined, suggesting experts brains worked more efficiently but more relevant here, he found that his subjects relished playing the game. They signed up to play for 45 minutes a day, five days a week, for up to eight weeks. They came for the experiment (and the cash payment that came with participating), but stayed for the game.
One satisfying feature of the game is the sense that you are building something your efforts produce a pleasing tower of coloured bricks. You have the chaos coming as random pieces, and your job is to put them in order. The game allows you the brief thrill of seeing your completed lines flash before they disappear, leaving only your mistakes. So you begin again, and try to complete another line as the game speeds up and your fingers are forced to dance across the controls more quickly.
Mikhail Kulagin, Pajitnovs friend and a fellow programmer, remembers feeling a drive to fix his mistakes. Tetris is a game with a very strong negative motivation. You never see what you have done very well, and your mistakes are seen on the screen. You always want to correct them.
The sense of creating something that requires labour and effort and expertise is a major force behind addictive acts that might otherwise lose their sheen over time. It also highlights an insidious difference between substance addiction and behavioural addiction: where substance addictions are nakedly destructive, many behavioural addictions are quietly destructive acts wrapped in cloaks of creation. The illusion of progress will sustain you as you achieve high scores or acquire more followers or improve your skills, and so, if you want to stop, youll struggle ever harder against the drive to grow.
Some designers are very much against infinite format games, like Tetris, said Foddy, because theyre an abuse of a weakness in peoples motivational structures they wont be able to stop.
Humans find the sweet spot sandwiched between too easy and too difficult irresistible. Its the land of just-challenging-enough computer games, financial targets, work ambitions, social media objectives and fitness goals. It is in this sweet spot where the need to stop crumbles before obsessive goal-setting that addictive experiences live.
This is an adapted extract of Irresistible by Adam Alter, published on 2 March by The Bodley Head in the UK and Penguin Press in the US on 7 March
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from How technology gets us hooked
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yamesutya · 8 years
1-154 all of them!! Because I want to know everything!! what the heck! I love you, have a lovely night :)
(lol I’m working my way through them, it’s not quite done yet. ANON YOU BETTER SEE THIS LOL)
1. Full nameSonia Fan (that’s it, no middle name)
2. Zodiac signleo
3. 3 Fears bugs, the ocean, being alone/forgotten/left behind
4. 3 things I lovepuppies, tacos, traveling
5. 4 turns onsnice eyes, a good sense of humor, being open-minded, nicely kept hair (particularly the swooped up style that hector used to have)
6. 4 turns offs lack of communication, unfaithfulness, racism/general offensive behavior/lack of understanding of others, poor taste in sports teams lmao 
7. My best friend my roommate!
8. Sexual orientationstraight
9. My best first datelol ok well this might sound confusing but I’ve never really officially dated anyone (to me this means officially bf/gf), but I’ve gone on a nice date on valentine’s day and the relationship didn’t end up being weird even though it didn’t work out… we just went to the movies and dinner
11. What do I miss
LONDON, all the places I’ve traveled mostly… OOH, the animes I finished recently because I need them to come back RIGHT NOW
12. What time were I born
I actually don’t remember… 
13 Favourite colour purple
14. Do I have a crush
hm, not really, kind of still like the guy I was talking to a while ago but ATM it’s best I just focus on myself
15. Favourite quote
this isn’t necessarily my favorite, but one I’ve always remembered and liked is “the past is in the past, let it fucking GO”
16. Favourite place
london, hands down, can you tell? 
18. Do I use sarcasm
hahaha oh boy do I ever I’ve been sarcastic since day 1
19. What am I listening to right now
irl nothing lol 
20. First thing I notice in new person
their smile, how they carry themselves 
21. Shoe size
teeny tiny, 5-5 ½, sometimes a 6
22. Eye colour
23. Hair colour
dark brown
24. Favourite style of clothing
anything in the color black lmao I kid you not. comfy, clean but cute and stylish I guess, I’m pretty basic tbh 
25. Ever done a prank call?
26. What colour of underwear I’m wearing now?
I had to check lmao, white
27. Meaning behind my URL
hector is the (albeit problematic but lovable) OG arsenal fav, he’s not the first reason I looked into arsenal, but he is what hooked me 
29. Favourite song
honestly I have a few, my most recent jams have been La Carretera (Prince Royce), Ya Me Enteré (Reik ft. Nicky Jam), Nunca Me Olvides (Yandel), aaand Caroline (Aminé) randomly
lots of latin music since I’ve had the local latin station on a lot lol
30. Favourite band
This Century, Marianas Trench 
31. How I feel right now
a little stressed, but doing ok
32. Someone I love
my parents
33. My current relationship status
single, a little confused and sad, but still sort of ready to mingle
34. My relationship with my parents
I get cranky when I stay at home too much these days, but it’s good so far and I love them, I miss them every time I leave. I don’t tell them enough but I’m super thankful for the life they’ve given me, I graduate soon and I know when that happens and I see them I’m going to be emotional 
36. Tattoos and piercings?
used to have my ears pierced, no tattoos  
Tattoos and piercing i want
one day I’ll probably get my ears pierced again, and I actually do want a few tattoos even though when I was younger I never thought I would. I want some purple flowers on my wrist, and potentially ones involving arizona, where I’m from, maybe my astrological sign or some kind of soul animal, but I’m not sure about those so it’d be a while if I were to get the last two
37. The reason I joined Tumblr
my friend had one and it looked fun lol. and I was just getting into kpop 
38. Do I and my last ex hate each other?
um. he’s not even really an ex since we were still figuring things out. but we’re a bit awkward. we’re just both dumb and stubborn tbh
39. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
i have occasionally
40. Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
it’s my dad, so kind of yes lol
41. When did I last hold hands?
42. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
if I’m not showering I can get ready in 20 minutes but it’s nothing fancy
43. Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?
yes actually
44. Where am I right now?
my apartment kitchen table 
45. If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
probably my roommate 
46. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
47. Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
not at the moment
48. Am I excited for anything?
my sports classes, nervous-excited for graduation, spring break…
49. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
yesss, he is my self-titled gbf actually lol
50. How often do I wear a fake smile?
when I’m working games for my athletics department internship haha, it’s not super forced but I do smile a little harder purposefully
51. When was the last time I hugged someone?
today! some of my fellow senior friends because almost graduating is weird
52. What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else rightin front of me?
it would be real bad, I’m not good at taking things like that. I’d have to leave, if I was drunk I’d probably cry and potentially throw up. this is only because the last person I kissed I really liked, if it was a person I randomly made out with one time it wouldn’t be that bad
53. Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
probably the guy I keep talking about in this, he is a good person who can be trusted, I probably just trusted him with too much of me when we both weren’t ready for each other (ew was that too deep I’m sorry lol)
54. What is something I disliked about today?
being too tired to properly read as much for my homework as I had wanted, boo :(
56. What do I think about most?
at the moment, my future, and also the animes I’ve recently watched 
57. What’s my strangest talent?
I can lick my elbow and I have super flexible/hyper-extended knees (idk are these even talents lmao)
58. Do I have any strange phobias?
that one where you don’t like tons of tiny holes in things
59. Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?I’d be lying if I said just behind, but I do like taking pictures since I take pretty good ones, so it’s a little of both. I like attention though so mostly in front haha unless I’m doing dumb things
60. What was the last lie I told?
I said I’d bring in the routes I was supposed to deliver posters to for my internship, but I’m going to making up notes and turning it in to get paid even though I didn’t deliver any, oops 
61. Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting, I hate talking on the phone for some reason
62. Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
not really, I’m not against believing in them, I just don’t really think about them much
63. Do I believe in magic?hmmmmmm yes…
64. Do I believe in luck?
yeah, I’d say I do, I believe in fate a little at least
65. What’s the weather like right now?
66. What was the last book I’ve read?
I recently restarted Soccernomics, but I haven’t had time to read again lately
67. Do I like the smell of gasoline?
not really
68. Do I have any nicknames?
not any that have stuck
69. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
I’m a baby, nothing worse than cuts, bruises, scrapes, etc. 
70. Do I spend money or save it?
lol I’m not the worst but I’m a spender
71. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
72. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
one of my G2 pens
73. Favourite animal?
DOGS ALL THE DOGS, but also otters, lions and foxes, red pandas… 
74. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
watching youtube videos lol
75. What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
um…? no answer? idk
76. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?

How can you win my heart?

What would I want to be written on my tombstone?

What is my favourite word

My top 5 blogs on tumblr

If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would Isay?

Do I have any relatives in jail?

I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good,and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice!What is that power?

What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?

What is my current desktop picture?

Had sex?

Bought condoms?

Gotten pregnant?

Failed a class?

Kissed a boy?

Kissed a girl?

Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?

Had job?

Left the house without my wallet?

Bullied someone on the internet?

Had sex in public?

Played on a sports team?

Smoked weed?

Did drugs?

Smoked cigarettes?

Drank alcohol?

Am I a vegetarian/vegan?

Been overweight?

Been underweight?

Been to a wedding?

Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?

Watched TV for 5 hours straight?

Been outside my home country?

Gotten my heart broken?

Been to a professional sports game?

Broken a bone?

Cut myself?

Been to prom?

Been in airplane?

Fly by helicopter?

What concerts have I been to?

Had a crush on someone of the same sex?

Learned another language?

Wore make up?

Lost my virginity before I was 18?

Had oral sex?

Dyed my hair?

Voted in a presidential election?

Rode in an ambulance?

Had a surgery?

Met someone famous?

Stalked someone on a social network?

Peed outside?

Been fishing?

Helped with charity?

Been rejected by a crush?

Broken a mirror?

What do I want for birthday?

How many kids do I want and what will be their names?

Was I named after anyone?

Do I like my handwriting?

What was my favourite toy as a child? 
Favourite Tv Show?

Where do I want to live when older?

Play any musical instrument?

One of my scars, how did I get it?

Favourite pizza toping?

Am I afraid of the dark?

Am I afraid of heights?

Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?

Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in theend?
What I’m really bad at

What my greatest achievements are

The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me

What I’d do if I won in a lottery

What do I like about myself

My closest Tumblr friend

Something I fantasise about my ex
Ask me stuff!
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