#also i BET people are gonna come for me for what i said at the last question
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bunbun-mochi · 1 day ago
When Asiatic Apple Petals Fall III
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Cale POV
Word Count: 2432, no proofreading
3rd year Caleb and 1st year MC. It is the month of romance and Caleb was ready to throw dozens of love letters to him. But this year, it's different. He's not just throwing love letters meant for him, but also for someone else too.
<-Prologue <-Part II
Caleb stared at his desk and sighed. A box of lunch is placed on his desk. He doesn't always get love letters and snacks every day, but this boxed lunch always seems to appear on his desk every day without fail. In all of the notes, it is always signed as "secret admirer". Part of him wanted to refuse them, but seeing how excited MC is whenever he brings lunch when they meet, so he made no effort to reject those gifts. He would toss the note away and just leave with the lunch. Right before he met MC in those study rooms, as usual, he would put the lunch into his backpack for MC.
The bell rang loudly and a mere second later, all doors in the hallway opened, flooding the hallway with students.
This month used to be Caleb's most disliked month. The month of romance. This means this entire month, he'll just keep getting love letters and confessions. To make it worse, the school started a fundraiser for the month of romance. Every year, on the board, there are always couples that students believe are a perfect match and place money on them. Then on the day of the romance, the school holds a fundraiser party where everyone brings a partner to the party This year, however, he seemed excited. He's excited to spend this month with MC. He wanted to go to this party with MC.
Caleb glanced at the board, not surprised to see his name on the board. He feels there should be only one name worthy to be next to his. However, he stopped at one: Iac x MC.
He felt his mouth went dry. He had never heard of a boy named Iac in this school. Granted, he doesn't know everyone. But he has a very good memory. Every student he had come across with, he remembered their faces and names. But he had yet to encounter a student named Iac. And this Iac has the guts to place himself next to MC.
His mind swirls with all kinds of thoughts. Is MC seeing someone? What will he feel if she does? Would this new guy she's seeing would treat her well?
Does she only see him as a friend?
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The next few days, all the talks and gossip are about the couples on the board. Caleb was sitting in the cafeteria along with his friends. He stares at his food while mindlessly playing with the peas on his plate while he keeps thinking about Iac.
"Hey, Caleb, you joinin' this bet?"
Caleb shook his head, "Let those people live in peace. Their private lives shouldn't be influenced by others."
A friend of his smirked, "Hey, I heard something quite interesting today. MC was it?"
Caleb's head immediately shot up and that earned a howl of laughter from his friends.
"I told you so!" Another friend of his loudly said. Caleb narrowed his eyes. He had been friends with him since middle school. The same friend who tried to send MC love letters to confess his feelings but Caleb would interfere with the letters. "Caleb doesn't care about anyone unless that person is MC."
"So, Caleb." A friend scoots toward him. "You gonna confess"
Caleb raised an eyebrow, "Confess what?"
"Your feelings."
Caleb looked at his friend, confused.
"You're telling me you're not going to confess to MC?"
"MC and I are friends," Caleb said before going back to poke at the peas.
"Yea, keep telling yourself that." His friend stretched. "Well, since you're not going to, I should do it."
Caleb shoved his friend away, "You're not her type."
His friend shrugged, "How would you know?"
"I have known her since elementary school."
"Alright, then tell me what's her type."
"Dark hair, tall, strong, smart, outgoing..." Caleb started to trail off when his friends were giving him weird looks.
"You're not describing yourself, right?"
Caleb rolled his eyes, "And why would I do that?"
"How about this: what is her standard?"
Caleb took a deep breath, "A guy who can cook, clean, fix electronics, can do her makeup, is willing to do skin care with her, knows how to wash her hair-"
"Wait, wait." His friends around him dropped their jaws. "How is that even possible? What kind of man do those things?"
I do.
"Man, she's such a high-maintenance girl. Not my type."
"Yea, me neither."
"Caleb, at this point, I don't even know if that was the truth or you lied so that you can keep her to yourself."
Caleb slightly smiled to himself as he heard his friends giving up one by one on pursuing MC.
That happiness faded quickly though.
As soon as the bell rang for the start of the next class, a sophomore approached Caleb in the hallway.
"You and MC are friends right?"
Caleb glared at the sophomore. "Yea, and?"
He hands a letter to Caleb, "Could you um, send this to her?" His face was slightly red and he looked nervous and embarrassed.
Caleb glared at the letter and then back to the sophomore again. "What are you sending her?"
"Well um, I like her and um..."
"Don't bother."
"Huh?" The sophomore looked at Caleb, bewildered.
"You're too short." Caleb snatched the letter. "Don't expect a response from her." He said, leaving the sophomore confused in the hallway.
Caleb walked into the bathroom. After he checked to make sure the bathroom is empty, he opened the letter and read the content. The more he read, the more he scowled. He rips the letter into pieces before flushing it down the toilet.
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"Caleb, if you keep frowning like that, your wrinkles will become permanent."
Caleb glanced at his friend. The bell had rung for the school dismissal.
"What made you this upset? I had never seen you this upset before? Is it about MC?"
His friends laughed, "I bet it is."
Caleb rolled his eyes. "No, it's not."
It actually is. This year, instead of receiving love letters from girls, he been receiving love letters from boys who had a crush on MC. Thinking Caleb is just her friend, they decide to ask him to deliver the letters. Each time he received those letters, he would insult the sender. Claiming they aren't good enough for MC.
"She prefers a man who's strong enough to protect her. You look too weak."
"She prefers a man who can cook. If you can't even make a sandwich, are you trying to starve her?"
"Your hair is too light, her type is dark-haired."
"Your eyes are too small."
And so on and so forth.
And of course, those letters never made it to the recipient. Caleb would discard those letters. Perhaps he had intimidated MC's admirers or they assumed he was her boyfriend, he started to receive fewer and fewer love letters to be delivered to MC. Well, he never delivered them in the first place.
"Hey Caleb, what kind of food does MC like?" A classmate of his asked.
Caleb looked over to him, "My home-cooked food."
Without a second word, he stood up and left the room, leaving everyone in the room baffled.
He was on his way to the school gate where MC was supposed to be waiting for him when he got stopped by a boy.
"Hey, you're Caleb right? MC's friend?"
Caleb scowled at the word "MC's friend." "Sure, if you want to think it that way."
The boy cocked his head to the side, looking confused but didn't press on. "Um, my name is Iac."
Caleb glared daggers at the boy. So this is the Iac that he was trying to find. The Iac who dared to think he deserves MC.
"I was wondering if you could give this to her." He handed a box of cake to Caleb. "I heard she likes these kinds of cake so I got it custom-made."
Caleb made no attempt to take the cake. "I think you had mistaken, Iac." He emphasized Iac's name. "She doesn't just like that kind of cake. She likes this cake made in a specific way."
Iac blinked. "Do you know where I can acquire it?"
Iac stared at Caleb to continue but Caleb made no effort to give more answers to Iac. Awkwardly, Iac cleared his throat. "Where can I acquire that specific cake?"
Caleb folded his arms and answered cooly, "I'm going to have to check my cookbook."
Although subtle, Iac already got the message. This cake is only acquired by Caleb, meaning Caleb makes those cakes. He nodded in acknowledgment and pulled out a letter from the cake box. "Would you-"
Iac didn't even get to finish his sentence when Caleb harshly interrupted him, "You're still young, I would advise you to focus on your studies."
"I appreciate that but could you please send that to her."
Caleb scowled further knowing this boy was not backing down from this. He snatched the letter, turned on his heel, and left.
Once he had gotten far enough, he opened the letter and was about to read the content, he heard a voice.
"Caleb!" Caleb snapped his head toward the sound and shoved the letter into his bag.
MC looked at him skeptically. "What's that?"
Caleb shook his head, "It's nothing."
MC narrowed her eyes but didn't press on. "I feel like no boys like me. Am I that ugly?"
Caleb frowned, "What are you talking about? You look..." He wanted to say beautiful. He wanted to shower her with compliments. But only one word left his lips. "Nice."
MC rolled her eyes at his poor attempt to compliment her. "I got nothing. No love letters, no confession, no nothing." Caleb gulped as he knew the reason why. He's the one who has been interfering with it. "You, on the other hand, have been receiving gifts here and there."
Actually, Caleb had gotten significantly fewer love letters. In his freshman and sophomore years, he got tons. This year, when MC joined high school, the love letters dropped. He only got maybe four or five. Compared to his earlier years of several dozen, it's a significant drop. Perhaps, people know their relationship already and are mature enough to stay out of it. Unlike some dumb people who can't read the room.
Caleb smiled, "Think of it that way, MC. Perhaps boys believed they weren't up to your standards."
MC frowned, "But my standards aren't that high."
Caleb nervously smiled. Sure, her standards aren't that high, but he made it high. "Well, perhaps those boys are very immature and only like pick-me girls."
MC leaned in and peered into his eyes, trying to find any clue on him. Caleb felt he stopped breathing right there and then. The way she leaned in, he could feel her breath on his face. Then she narrowed her eyes, "Do you have anything to do with it?"
Caleb felt his palm sweaty from how nervous he was but still managed to show his "normal" face. "I'm not sure I understand."
MC leaned back and sighed, "No one had asked me to be their partner for the fundraiser party. All my friends are going with someone. Except for me." Then she gasped and grabbed his collar. "Did someone ask you? Did you already have a partner for the party? You promised that you'd only go out with me!"
Caleb chuckled, "No one asked."
MC narrowed her eyes, not believing Caleb. "Uh-huh. So who has been giving you those lunches and love letters? Huh?"
Caleb shrugs.
"You!" MC let go of Caleb and slapped his arm. "You have the mouth of a liar."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm sure someone asked you. Bet those letters you get all the time asked you to be their partner."
"Well, I never read those, so technically speaking, they never asked."
MC rolled her eyes, "Well, technically speaking, they did ask. You just never read it."
Then there was a moment of silence. MC was staring at Caleb. Then she started to glare when Caleb made no attempt to make a conversation.
Caleb chuckled, "What? Are you expecting me to ask you something?"
MC folded her arms and looked away with a huff. "No."
"Oh, my bad. I wasn't aware." He was fully aware. He had known MC for such a long time. He knew what was on her mind. What she wanted him to say, to do. "Would you like to be my partner for this upcoming party?"
MC pretended to gasp and covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh, did this super popular guy ask me to be his partner?" Then she placed her hand on her heart as if being swooned.
Caleb gently smacked her arm, "Stop it."
"Oh, my heart!" MC teased, trying to stifle her laughter.
Caleb pinched her cheeks, "I said stop it!"
MC smacked his hand away and rubbed her cheek. "Fine, since you asked so nicely, I shall be your partner. Totally not because the hot pot is giving out discounts for couples." She pointed over her shoulder.
Caleb widened his eyes, "You used me for mere coupons?"
MC stuck her tongue out, "You bet! I'm such an amazing friend! Willing to help you save a few bucks!"
"And who said I'm paying?"
"Let's get some milk tea with it too," MC said, completely ignoring his question. "Ooo! Let's also-"
Caleb flicked her forehead. "OW!" MC rubbed her forehead. "What was that for?"
"One at a time, pip-squeak. Hot pot today and whatever else you had planned is going to have to wait till next time." He smiled when MC looked at the ground, looking guilty. He felt his chest tightly slightly, seeing how adorable she was.
"Fine, but you're paying." MC quickly said, dragging Caleb toward the restaurant.
"Fine, fine! Since I had already spoiled you, might as well spoil you again." Caleb pretended to be upset, but he enjoyed it. He wanted to spoil MC as much as he could. He had already worked a part-time job just so he could pay for whatever she asked for. With those adorable eyes, how could he say no?
Caleb suddenly stopped, "Wait, I forgot. I need to talk to my teacher about an assignment. Go in without me, I'll be there in a few minutes." And discard that letter along the way.
MC nodded, "If you don't come in time, you'll have to be Tango's and my personal chef and maid for another four weeks."
Caleb bolted back into the school gates, yelling back, "Yea, yea!"
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Part IV-> Coming Soon
Dividers, headers, banners, and templates used on this post are from @uzmacchiato
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years ago
That Which Burns and Warms
Patty couldn't bare to see it, but she could feel it clearly.
It was like a volcano, or an uncontrollable wildfire. Demonic energy was scorching everything, turning lesser demons' corpses into stains on the ground. The only reason she was even spared was because of the Behemoth corpse on top of her, and she could smell it cooking and burning away. The devil erupting out this energy was still roaring, and it hurt her eardrums to listen to. How the other demons had pissed it off this bad, Patty didn't know.
All that she did know, was that as soon as it was done with the demons, it would be coming for her.
"Hey Pattycakes." Dante started talking as soon as she opened up Devil May Cry's front door. "You wanna come with?"
Patty was less than impressed with Dante's attempt to avoid the topic of their previous arguments, but at this point she expected it. So, she decided to play along, for his sake.
"Come with you where? To the grocery store? Bout time you ate something other than pizza." She didn't miss a beat, waltzing over to the jukebox. She could hear Vergil snort from over on the couch, nose deep in some old-ass poetry book.
"Hey!" Dante smacked the magazine he was reading onto his desk. "I eat sundaes too! And you would know, Brat." He mumbled. Patty laughed as she fiddled with the jukebox.
"Dante." Vergil doesn't even look up from his book.
Dante flinches like he's been burned and growls under his breath. Patty cocked her head as she looked over at the brothers. Were they fighting again? It wouldn't be the first time in the six months they've been back. "I was wondering if you would want to come with me on a job, Pats."
Her mental heelturn was instantaneous. "Really?" She gasps. "I swear, if you are lying to me Dante-"
She had started 'interning' for Devil May Cry before Dante had even returned from Hell, and he had been weird about it when he had gotten back. He was super cagey about it, but refused to tell her why. He had also 'forgotten' to tell her about some really big jobs, which had pissed everyone off (a hellbird roosting in Redgrave was kinda an all-hands-on-deck situation). Needless to say, she was finally called in after Lady shot him in the head a couple of times, and he was still upset about it! He had only put her back on the actual rotation after she had promised him to let him teach her how to use a sword - which was stupid because he knew she has watched him use Rebellion for years.
"I'm not, I'm not! Take your finger off of the trigger Pattycake!" Dante ran around his desk like a chicken with its head cut off. "Verge is being boring and refusing to go."
Vergil immediately glared at his brother with the force of a rolling thunderstorm. It would of bothered Patty a long time ago, but it didn't now. It shouldn't of bothered Dante either, but he grabs her hand and rushes out the door before anyone could get a word out.
Yeah, they definitely had a fight about something.
The job had been going well, almost to well.
An old park had just been bought by a private buyer who wished to put in a bowling alley. Cool, no problem there. The park was previously used in demonic ritual summoning. Not cool. Thus, a call to Devil May Cry.
There were a lot of the basics: Hell Cainas, Pyrobats, Riots, the whole works. There were more interesting threats as well, like Behemoths, Blitzes, Hellbats, and Baphomets, but nothing the two of them couldn't handle together. In fact, Patty was sure Dante could have handled them by himself. He was certainly acting like it.
It felt like Dante was all over the place, flying from enemy to enemy. There was a slight lack of his usual playfulness, but his quips with her didn't slow down in the slightest.
"You slowin' down, Pats?" He leaned his elbow on the Baphomet corpse he had just punched straight into the ground. Balrog lit up in what had to have been amusement.
"Not in a million years!" She yelled back at him as she aimed one of her custom twin pistols down a Hell Cainas' eye socket. Patty had given Nico very specfic specifications when she crafted these guns, and boy, she had delivered. Half of the Hell Cainas' skull was blown into nothingness.
"Now your even stealing my lines!" His voice rumbled weirdly as he spoke, and his eyes had an odd shine to them. "Brat."
The demons close to Dante suddenly started hissing under their breathes and one of them - a Riot - scurried away before Dante could shove King Cerberus down its throat. "Shit." He muttered.
"You think they're getting their boss?" Patty ran over, putting a spray of bullets into a Blitz as she did so. The other lesser demons were beginning to back off, which meant something bad was probably about to happen. Dante suddenly leaned his back onto her shoulder with his full weight, the asshole. The small bit of demonic power in her veins sparked at his touch.
"Hopefully. Then we can finally get paid." He laughed and softly knocked the side of his head into hers. For a second, Patty swore his entire body was vibrating as he bounced off of her and shot Ivory into an approaching Pyrobat. The air surrounding her felt like was vibrating too, if only for a moment.
Huh. She thought as Dante finished off the flying fire hazard. Must be demonic adrenaline. Dante landed on the ground with a stylish flourish, but his taunting suddenly stopped. Patty then felt more vibrations again, but this time from...
...the ground.
Instinctually, Patty pitched forward, using what little demonic energy her blood had to shove herself forward as much as possible. Seconds after she launched herself, a massive fire-covered claw ripped through the ground where she had been standing. Her landing wasn't graceful, but she was alive. Dante immediately grabbed her arm and heaved her up onto her feet. As they looked at their attacker, the devil hunters suddenly realized something crucial.
They were surrounded.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The hole in the ground from where the claw sprouted through the dirt was ripped open, and a Fury-sized demon crawled out, spewing magma as it did so. It was a disgusting thing, reptilian in body structure but covered in obsidian and magma. There were obsidian spikes and horns in what had to have been uncomfortable places, and its teeth jutted out of its skull like daggers. One of its clawed hands was lathering magma over its body like it was sunscreen, but it just looked like it was causing itself pain. To put it bluntly, the demon looked utterly nasty.
Dante immediately shot Ebony and Ivory into its volcanic hide, but the bullets got caught in it like a glue trap. The demon tried to laugh, but it just sounded like a clogged volcano about to explode. Dante let out a hiss underneath his breath, and Patty could practically feel his energy begin to wind up like a spring. She wasn't any better; her fingers never let go of the triggers.
"The blood of Sparda, truly a waste with a being like you. It could of seen its true potential elsewhere." It tutted like it was a disappointed school teacher.
"Oh really? Got any applications to turn in?" Dante's words sounded playful but there was an edge to his eyes.
The demon ignored him. "Your... successor even more so, sullying the Sparda clan with something like that."
Dante stilled at its words. His grip on her arm tightened, and he began to lean forward towards the demon. The edge in his eyes had turned as sharp as the blade that shared his name, and she could faintly hear a growl on the air.
Patty has heard enough; she whips her left handed pistol up in line with the demon's chest. "Enough chit-chat." The shot went off.
And chaos erupted onto the battlefield.
The shot had connected, but the bullet got caught in the obsidian on its chest. The demon, however, clearly felt offended by Patty's potshot. It charged, but Dante met it halfway. One half of Cavaliere slammed into the right side of its face, but it catches Dante in claws. Both of them fly off to the side, propelled by the force of Dante's demonic motorcycle buzz saws.
The lsser demons wanted in on the action too. Patty turns to shoot a pouncing Riot in the face. Sidestepping its flying corpse, she angles one of her pistols into the magma latherer's side. The rounds connected, but it only grunted as it vomited magma in Dante's direction.
"Darn." She muttered as she shoved the other pistol into a Baphomet's mouth and fired.
Dante launched himself forward in the blink of an eye, slicing upward with the DSD. The blade repeatedly spins along along the middle of its chest and neck, and the cut squirts out blood and fire. The demon, hissing angrily, lunged forward and blocked Dante's exit off with its arms, blocking him from view.
Logically, Patty knew he would be able to handle himself. He had saved the world, what, four times? Five? A single demon being a son of a bitch couldn't hurt him that badly. But, in the heat of the moment, all she could think about was that Dante was in danger. Shit!
Patty immediately unloaded one of her pistol's entire clip into the Ugly SOB's face. It turned to her with fire in its eyes, and her spine shivered. It gripped down onto Dante, and chucked him into a group of approaching lesser demons. "Dante!"
He was gone from view before he could even get a word out.
Stay calm, Lowell! He'll be okay, he's Dante! Just breathe. Her bleeding heart gladly accepted the reassurance, even as it picked up in speed when the SOB looked down at her.
"Human. How you managed to gain his favor, I will never know." The demon hissed. Patty vaulted over a Behemoth that had charged at her back. It ran straight into the SOB, but it just grabbed onto the giant, chained demon.
"Hate to break it to ya, you son of a bitch," Patty shakily yelled as she shot through an approaching Hellbat's wing, "but I have no idea what the hell you are talking about!" The SOB deviously laughed at her words.
"Fine. Lie to me all you want. It doesn't matter..." In one quick motion, it grabbed the Hellbat she just shot out of the air and pushed the Behemoth so hard it's chains broke. The Hellbat's head was then bitten off, and the demon held its back out in front of its chest. "...Because you're not getting out of here alive."
A lot happened in those few seconds.
Patty tried to back up, only for a Blitz to slam into her back. A large group of lesser demons suddenly started to scatter, as if afraid of something. The SOB shoved the dying Hellbat into the bullets and magma on its chest.
And the Hellbat, and all of the magma and bullets with it, exploded.
She doesn't remember much else other than pain, heat, and a crushing force after that. But there was a sizzle in the air, and the last thing she was able to hear before the world went dark was a voice.
She only woke up when the air shook.
But there was too much pressure to think. Too much, too much too much too much-
She gasped for air. It hurt to fill her lungs, hurt to breathe, but she did it anyway. She felt her lungs stutter, and a horrible sound filled the air. For a second, Patty panicked.
Oh, please no more demons please not right now. She kept breathing, because that was all she could do, as she waited for the demons to come after her again. Lord, she was tired of decade long chase.
But nothing came. Her lungs hitched again, and she heard the ragged, wheezing cough. Oh. That was her. Not more demons. Not Dante. Just her. No one else. Only her. And that hurt so much.
God, she needed to breathe.
She laid there - breathe in, ignore the stabbing in your lungs, breathe out, ignore the pressure - until she finally had the courage to open her eyes. The light burned for a second, but when she finally manged to look around, all she could see was a mass of rotten scales. There was a Behemoth corpse on top of her.
She immediately went to push it off of her, only for her entire body light up in pain. Everything burned, but all she could think was Get it off get it off get it off-
Her arms felt the least damaged, so she slowly pushed against the rotten scales to free her lungs. She couldn't even get it fully off of her, but her arms were holding something. It didn't help much, but at least some of the pressure was gone. A few inches of gracious space for her to inhale.
Patty took in a couple of deep breaths, the first in what felt like hours, and tried to assess her physical condition. Nero had said once on a job that it was really important to do that.
Everything hurt, which was good, because that meant she wasn't paralyzed. It was also bad, because everything hurt. Multiple things were broken, like her leg and definitely some of her ribs, but she was just glad her back was functional. She could barely keep track of the number of cuts she had, and the bruises that would surely form would only make that harder. The only one she definitely knew was there was the one on her forehead; she could taste the blood running down her face. Or maybe there was just blood in her mouth. No doubt the ground was stained with her blood. Fear only truly set in as her skin ran along a sharp, metal point on her stomach. There was a jagged piece of the Behemoth's chains the size of her hand sitting against her stomach. One wrong move, and it goes into her gut.
Wow. Great. Thanks Nero, but NOW WHAT DO I DO???
The only part of her that wasn't in pain was the tiny piece of demonic energy she inherited; it was just fine. In fact, it was sparking, helping her senses come back to her.
Wait, what? Why... And then she felt it. In the air, on her skin, everywhere. It thrummed in the air, against her strained arms, and it made everything she could see wobble with its mere existence. It was hot, sizzling even. A huge outpouring of this demonic energy was coming from... her left?
She turned her head, but her view was partially obscured by the Behemoth's half burned skull. She could see other demon corpses, and the ground was razed down to black ash. Suddenly, something flew into view. No, it was thrown into her view.
It was the SOB demon from before. That is, if it was still alive.
It was missing an arm, and it's lower half was charred so badly that one of the legs disintegrated as it fell down onto the ground. Almost none of the obsidian remained, and what little did was hanging on by small pieces of ripped skin. It's upper jaw was partially caved in, but the eyes moved. It was somehow still alive, and it was looking at something. It's eyes were wide with fear, and it's remaining arm tried to pull it away from whatever it was looking at.
For a second, Patty felt vindicated. Yeah, asshole, you should feel afraid. You should die for the countless people who have probably died because of you. You should suffer for throwing my-
Its terror partially came into view. And Patty's brain stopped.
Being the descendent of a summoner had a lot of perks. A small bit of demonic energy reserved for just for her, the ability to summon demonic energy recreations of some demons (eventually, she didn't have that down yet), and being able to gauge the general level of power of any demon she could see, just to name a few. The third one never really had many applications;in fact, she often forgot she could do it. She couldn't escape it now.
She couldn't even see all of it, but, God, she did not need to. Its back was turned to her, and she was glad about it. The SOB looked like a child next to it, it was so large. The body is covered in dark ridges and spikes that looked straight out of Hell. Firey, demonic energy is leaking out of it at any crack in its obsidian carapace. Four wings adorned its back, and swirls of demonic energy radiated off of them. She couldn't see its face, but the back of its head showed off two pairs of horns, one on the sides and the other on top.
Everything about its presence screamed power; the amount of demonic energy was overwhelming. Abigail had been bad to her, and this thing felt like it could eat Abigail for breakfast. Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if this demon could pick up the Yamato and snap it in half like a twig. All of the burning energy filling the air came from that thing, and seeing it made it all hit her at once.
Her head hurt, but she couldn't look away as the devil (that's what it was, a high devil, a king) shoved one of its claws into the SOB's eye sockets. Garbled screeching soundsfilled the energized air as the devil lifted it up with one claw. It pulled it up to what Patty had to assume was eye level, and stopped. The devil held it there as it hovered for a few seconds, and it opened its mouth. All Patty could see was sharp, black teeth and a lava colored tongue before it roared and slammed its prey into the ground.
Patty had to look away then. She had nearly lost her hold on the corpse, and she could feel the point of the Behemoth's chains poking into her lower ribs. It was hard to ignore the horrifying sounds of her previous attacker being squelched, but she couldn't look. She couldn't lose focus, not when the energy was already making everything more difficult; the air burned in a frenzy with the devil.
Patty couldn't bare to see it, but she could feel it clearly.
It was like a volcano, or an uncontrollable wildfire. Demonic energy was scorching everything, turning lesser demons' corpses into stains on the ground. The only reason she was even spared was because of the Behemoth corpse on top of her, and she could smell it cooking and burning away. The devil erupting out this energy was still roaring, and it hurt her eardrums. How the other demons had pissed it off this bad, Patty didn't know.
All that she did know, was that as soon as it was done with the demons, it would be coming for her.
The ground shook each time the demon pounded its prey into the ground. With each shockwave, she could feel her hold on the Behemoth slipping. Just breathe, Patty. Breathe.
It had felt like hours had passed when the devil's rage finally subsided. Its demonic energy began to die out in the air. The smell of burned flesh started to overpower her senses. Patty could taste the dried blood sticking to her face.
Her arms were shaking more now than ever, but she couldn't focus on the pain. She had to breathe. The devil was staring down at its kill, levitating a few feet above it like it was its superior. It probably was. Ragged, animalistic breaths escaped its maw.
The air was still burning, but the defensive, angry part of the air had finally began to fade away. The devil sensed no more enemies; anything that could threaten it was gone. All that was left was corpses.
Brea- Dante.
The devil would consider him a threat; Mundus did years before she had even met him. There was no way the devil would feel calm if Dante was around. If Dante was alive. Tears pricked her eyes. Her arms shook even more.
She hadn't even gotten to tell him how much he meant to her. They had been fighting so much over whether she should be a hunter, if she could take care of herself, and if she was ready for the world. This job had felt like a step forward, that Dante was finally pulling his head out of his ass. That maybe Dante was finally ready to acknowledge the fact that he was the closest thing she had to a father. And now he might be... gone.
Her arms finally gave out.
The Behemoth had lost a lot of its weight to the burning, demonic air, but the chains had remained unbothered by the burning air. The body had been moved just a bit, either by her arms, gravity, or the shaking ground. The corpse fell what few inches it could.
The sound that escaped her as the knife-like chain piece lodged itself in her stomach wasn't a scream, or even a true cry of pain. It was a weak, strangled noise. The sound of something rendered helpless through no fault of their own. The noise of something that desperately wants to live but sees no way out of their situation. The choked cry of someone that thinks they lost someone they love.
Her arms laid limp at her sides, and, for a second, she stared up at the sky. Pressure choked out any breath she had, and her blood was staining the ground again. Patty Lowell fought to keep her eyes open, but her exhausted and battered body forced them shut. She could barely think, and the world began to fall away.
I don't want...to die...please...Mom.....Da...
...warmth. It was so warm. It spread everywhere, into each exhausted limb and bleeding wound. Her small, demonic core pulsed like fire, accepting the warmth greedily. It held her up, keeping her mind aloft.
pleasedon'tgo It said. Why was it so nice? pleasestayipromisesafewarm
The ever-present pressure suddenly lifted, and she instinctively took in a breath. So many places suddenly hurt all at once, especially her stomach, but the warmth buzzed almost angrily over her wounds. Pressure returned suddenly to her stomach, and, in a moment of rage, she tried to sit up and throw the pressure off. The pain stopped her before she could even prop her elbows up. Falling back unceremoniously, a strained whine ripped out of her throat. For a split second, she braced herself for the pain of her skull knocking back onto the ground, but the impact never came. Instead, a gentle hand caught her before she could smack into the dirt.
...Who?... Patty managed to think, cracking open her left eye.
A demon looked back at her. Kneeling next to her, its wings blocked out the light, but its demonic core glowed faintly orange. Its head looked more like a skull, with no skin to speak of. There was no readable expression, and its eyes looked like yellow pits. Four vaguely recognizable horns wrapped around its head like a crown.
...The devil from earlier?!?
Why in Hell was it holding her like this? Her guns were laying on her chest too; had it gotten them for her? One of its clawed hands had caught her head, and the other was... Patty caught a glance at the sight of the claws gingerly applying pressure on the stab wound on her stomach. She had no energy to move, but she did have enough energy to squeak.
Out of all the ways Patty thought it would react, leaning down and making soft clicking noises was not one of them. She couldn't tell where its eyes were looking, but it didn't feel like it was looking down on her. The devil lifted her head with far too much care, and sniffed her forehead cut. Her entire body instinctually tensed up, fully prepared for the devil to brutally cave her head in.
To her udder shock, instead of immediately biting down after catching the scent of her human blood, the devil leaned back slightly and hissed under its breath. What is going on?? Patty's bewilderment must of shown on her face, because the demon made more soft clicking noises. Her breath hitched when it leaned back in again. She shut her eyes instinctively.
The open cut on her forehead was suddenly covered with a warm, wet substance. She immediately opened her eyes back up in alarm, only to see a tongue the color of fire rasp over her cut again. And again.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Her core sparked again as the warmth responded in tandem. safemustbesafemustbehealthy
To say Patty was overwhelmed would be an understatement. Every muscle in her body felt like it should be tense and in pain, but instead they were slowly relaxing into the warmth. Her tiny demonic core certainly didn't mind the devil's actions; it pulsed even more.
Apparently, while she was trying to process what was happening, the devil had decided its job was done. The cut slowly stopped buzzing with demonic energy, and it weirdly felt sealed. All of her cuts felt sealed, Patty realized, even the big one in her gut. The devil looked down into her wide eyes and chuffed affectionately. Its clawed hands suddenly shifted, moving underneath her to slowly lift her off of the ground.
Without warning it pressed her body on its chest, her left ear landing right on top of one of the many spikes surrounding the core. A small bit of energy cushioned her from the spikes and jagged edges. The wings folded in as well, practically covering her like a shield. For a second, all Patty could do was breathe and question why?
A rumble answered her.
It started in the devil's core, and expanded until its entire body vibrated with the noise. It was so loud, right next to her head, but it didn't hurt. The devil set its chin on the top of her head, and never stopped purring. That's what it was, purring. A grounding showcase of care that felt real.
And familiar.
It had only came up occasionally, but it had been happening for years. Every once in a while, there would be a rumble in his voice. They could be arguing over sundaes or she could be shooting a Hell Caina in the face, but it would appear out of the blue. Only to disappear as fast as it came, covered up by grins and snarky quips.
She brought a hand up to his demonic core and let the energy run through her fingers. It burned the air around it, small embers glowing and fading in the wind. As it hit her hand, it gave her the same sense of warmth she had felt when he had pulled the Behemoth corpse off of her. The same sense of warmth buzzing along her skin. The same warmth she had barely felt when she had first met him a decade ago.
"D-Dan-" Her voice broke off into a mangled cough. She shut her eyes as she fell limp from the force of it all on her still-battered body. The purring tapered off and Dante let out a worried warble as he gently caught her. Clearly Dante's human brain was taking a snooze, since he would normally say some silly quip to lighten the mood and cover up his nerves.
She would of reassured him if she hadn't see movement out of the corner of her eye.
Snatching one of her guns out of her lap, Patty leaned out of Dante's grip. Everything hurt, but that small bit of demonic energy pulled through as she aimed at the crawling, half-dead son of a bitch. The recoil hurt like a bitch too, but her reward was instantaneous. The SOB moaned out a pained gurgle as its remaining eye angrily searched for her. And then widened as she fell back and tucked her head underneath the unhinged jaw of one very pissed off devil.
The screech Dante released should of burst her eardrums, but the energy hovering around her thankfully muffled it. His wings wrapped around them both as he lifted into the air, and fireballs started shooting out like they were being fired from a minigun. When Dante's wings opened back up, the only thing left of the SOB was a chunk of his obsidian hide surrounded by charred flesh.
And then, like a switch was flipped, Dante was back to fussing over her. He gently lowered them both onto a relatively uncharred and less bloody patch, although he refused to let go of her. The purring was back as well, and Dante let out a croon as soon as she set down her pistols. Carefully, he set her down on his incredibly spiky lap, and gently knocked his head into hers, wary of the sharp points cutting her. Despite everything, Patty just felt relief and exhaustion, and she sagged into Dante's affection. As he set his head on top of her's again, Patty noticed something new. Words.
"Slipping out of safety and attacking your enemy. Heh, course my nestling takes after me too much..." They were low, and hard to separate from the rumbling purr constantly underneath it, but they were there.
Nestling. The term made her suck in a breath. Vergil once called Nero that after a really intense misson, and Trish had explained that it was a term of endearment parent demons used with their children. If Dante is refering to her as his nestling, then that means that he sees her as...
Patty burst into tears.
Dante immediately stopped everything: the purring, the words, the demonic energy, everything. The warble that left his mouth just made her cry even harder. She held her head in her hands.
Is this real? Their relationship had been so rocky lately with his overprotective actions, because of course he was being overprotective. God, Vergil totally knew and was hammering him about it. Patty's thoughts were moving a mile and minute.
She had always held out hope for a father to enter her life when she was little, but that had stopped after meeting Dante. It only after he disappeared into Hell again did it finally hit her why. And now he was telling her that all of him, human and demon, wanted her as his kid? It was almost too much to bare. But she needed confirmation. She needed to know for sure.
Her tiny demonic core responded immediately, reaching out with what little energy it had to connect with Dante's for a split second.
That was all Patty needed to know.
She launched herself at Dante, wrapping her arms around his giant, spiky torso and shoving her face into the most comfortable place she can, directly above his core. Dante instinctually wraps his arms around her in return, and his wings join in a second later. Questioning clicks sound out from above her head, but her answering tears just fall past the jagged edges near his core.
His voice is rough, deep, and has a weird echo, but it was his. It was tentative, worried, and almost sounded scared. His energy hangs in the air, disconnected but still nervous. Her throat burns, her head is throbbing, and she feels like walking corpse, but she just needs him to know.
"I love you too, Dad."
It barely gets out in one piece, but those words hang in the air. For a split second, Patty is terrified that Dante didn't hear her, or that she was completely off base somehow. But then, the energy comes rushing in as Dante curls himself around her even more. It's as if a dam had been released, the warmth wrapping itself around her like a blanket. Dante's purring was almost too loud; she could barely hear anything else. He nuzzled the top of her head, almost as if he was terrified she'd disappear. She laughed into his chest, a battered but happy mess.
There would be time for arguments, explanations, and personal conversations later. Right now, Patty couldn't give a damn about anything, not when there were tears mixing with her own in her lap. They should be burning her, the fiery, demonic things that they were, but all she felt was warmth.
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lil-oinks · 2 years ago
my issue with movie peach isn't that she's not feminine because obviously she is, and anyone sensible already knows "she's too feminist" or whatever is dumb. my issue is they made her into every generic cool serious surface-level "strong female character" action girl in a group of all men whose only character trait is "capable" that they've been writing over and over and over for the past ten years. I genuinely feel like they erased any personality she had past her appearance in favor of the single superficial female character type men tend to write when they want to be feminist and "modern." I'm not saying she shouldn't be capable and she shouldn't be cool or fight things because (I love paper mario) those things already are a part of her personality. this point is difficult to make with all of the "they're erasing feminine dainty proper women" takes because that's not what I'm taking about at all. I've seen people say if they wanted a character like this daisy was right there, but I wouldn't switch her character over to this trope either. daisy's LOUD and energetic and fun and the subdued woman whose role is being picking up the men's slack doesn't really fit her either (although I agree the two of them together would balance each other out (and it'd be nice if there were two women and they could interact)). it's exactly what I'd expect from a movie like this so I don't know why I complain, but I wish they would've done her differently. the character mario is about the whimsy but so is peach
#to me at least#no hate to you if you like her I just think they passed up an opportunity for variety. could've fought things And been a little silly#people say 'what personality' but I think she has a pretty equal amount to every other main mario character#and imo the Strong Female Character has less personality and isn't unique either. there's barely any variety between characters like that#people use paper mario etc to say look she's always been like this but the two are different characters. paper peach being better imo#your female character doesn't need to be serious all the time to be taken seriously#/The/ princess peach and they made her interchangeable with almost any marvel movie girl#honestly I think they also just didn't have an existing movie character trope to change her to that was very close to the original#and refused to keep her the same#also benefit of the doubt that she's wearing motorcycle outfit because she's on her way to ride a motorcycle#but when they first showed her in it I thought they wanted to put her in a cooler more heroic outfit than dress but for whatever reason#they couldn't come up with literally any other outfit for that (or they couldn't for nintendo reasons or smthn)#which to me made it read like She didn't have any other outfits for the situation and had to wear her motorcycle outfit like a costume#like I said later they showed the mario kart thing but that just initially made it worse for me dfghjgh#super mario#princess peach#I bet she's not even gonna fly just flip the axe around a bunch in her hands with a lot of swishing sounds
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writingbluerose · 2 months ago
I saw this thing and I spoke to the creator who did it and they said I can do this too so here I am!
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credit to — @ashengrottosgf — on Instagram for this image !! Now let's get going !!
1) When did you start playing?
I technically started at the beginning of the year but I uninstalled it after like 2 months of playing. Then I came back at the end of the summer and here I am! I'm doing way better than the first time playing hehe
more utc!
2) Whose hand did you take?
Complicated thing but I would say Silver, no words
3) Who was your tutorial SSR?
The first time I played it was Jack's dorm uniform, now I have Deuce
4) First fav versus current fav?
Had a whole adventure with this. Malleus was my first favorite for a very long time, but after a while I left him for Idia and Silver. Idia AND Silver, I can't choose between them :')
5) Caught up with the main story?
In the game no, but I watch some translations on YouTube whenever a new chapter is out
6) How many unread vignettes?
None! Every time I unlock a vignette I read it
7) First event banner SSR?
Uhm, none so far. If you consider the Birthday Bash events, then yes I have one
8) First birthday SSR?
This is connected to the previous question. My first birthday SSR is Idia's birthday boy, I wanted the card ever since I started playing hehe
9) Gacha saver or impulsive?
I was impulsive but I'm slowly learning to be a saver. I learned from my mistakes way too many times 💀
10) Favorite dorm?
Diasomnia, I love how it looks, the aesthetic of it
11) Favorite 1st year?
Sebek! I love him so much. A lot of people hate him because he's loud, but that's exactly what I like him for. I love his personality a lot
12) Favorite 2nd year?
Silver of course. Another Diasomnia member in the pack, but I love Silver's calm personality a lot, and his character
13) Favorite 3rd year?
Probably some of you predicted this but it's Idia of course. I love him the most. His personality is what I love the most and his passions are similar to mine
14) What NRC class would you actually take?
History of Magic for sure! I mean I'm not a sucker for history in real life, sure. But the thought of being able to learn about the evolution of magic is great
15) What character would you beef with?
Ace 😭😭 I swear I would challenge him 24/7 we have similar personalities so it would be even funnier
16) Favorite book?
Book 6! It had the most impact on me, personally
17) Favorite original card art?
Fellow's Playful Dress card! I love the colors SO MUCH! It's a card I must have. One more I really like is Sebek's Evernight Armor, I'm in awe with it
18) Favorite Groovy card art?
Jade's Mermaid Fin, Leona's Fairy Gala outfit and 100% Rollo's Council Robes. Yes they're three I know, but I can't decide
19) Are you good at twisttunes?
Yes! Although I hate the flicks...
20) Favorite Staff Member?
21) Who is the closest in height to you?
It might come as a shock, but I love love Crowley. I can't deny he treats Yuu like absolute shit, and I don't like him for it. But I know there's more to his character that we have yet to discover. That's what makes me love him the most,
22) Are you saving for anything?
If nothing turns up, I plan on saving for Silver's Birthday Bloom card! Again, I hope no cards come out that I really want
23) Who do you relate the most too?
Leona and Idia
24) What club would you join?
I'd love it if I could join the equestrian club! But because you probably need experience I couldn't, the last time I rode a horse was when I was ten. If not, I'd love to join the Gargoyle Research club, I loved to go to see ruins since I was little
25) What dorm would you want to be in?
Is this a safe place to say Ramshackle??
26) What dorm would you actually be in?
I don't want to say it but probably Scarabia. Even tho I absolutely hate everything about that dorm
27) Favorite event?
GLORIOUS MASQUERADE AND NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! They hold a very special place in my heart
28) Favorite Vignette?
By far it's Idia's Birthday Boy one. It will probably change
29) What does your homescreen look like?
I think you're referring to the one in Twisted Wonderland right? If yes then I have the background of the Savanaclaw lounge and Sebek's Evernight Armor is my home character
30) What's your hottest twst take?
I don't know if this is a hot take but oh well :
What Jamil did to Yuu has to be one, if not the worst thing that happened to them. People seem to forget the fact that Jamil held Yuu and Grim AGAINST their will and KIDNAPPED them and manipulated them, then threw them at the end of the dorm's dimension. Yes, I agree that the housewardens all did fucked up shit, but what Jamil did is the most overlooked in my opinion, and Vil too. People seem to forget about what he did because he has pretty looks. Therefore, Jamil is the only character I purely hate. If you're gonna hate on me, you can. It's just my opinion here
0 notes
reidrum · 8 months ago
like i would | s.r
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pairing: spencer reid x bau!fem!reader
a/n: ok im gonna be honest idk how i feel about this one, i just wanted to finish it and put it out so apologies in advance if its not the best lol. this was requested with the prompt "i bet he can't fuck you like i can"! feedback and reblogs are always appreciated ! thanks for being paitent while i got this one out <3
cw: 18+ minors dni, smut, fingering, munch!spencer, jealous!spencer, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you whack it), reader's bf has a name which i hate in fics but its so hard to write this trope without a name so, afab!reader,
summary: a confession about your sex life makes it's way to the one person you'd hope wouldn't hear, and now he's determined to rectify the way you've been wronged
wc: 4.5k
you were a great asset to the bau. it was why you were personally recommended by emily to transfer out of sex crimes, the skill set you brought alongside the field training you had proved to be vital for the team’s success lately. you were also a great asset to the team. the bau was notorious for having people turnover fast, and you knew they were apprehensive with newcomers. but you managed to hit it off with every single member, one more than others.
spencer reid did not expect someone like you to join the team. not that he didn’t have faith in your talents and skills, he’s read your file and obviously knows you’re more than qualified to be here. he just did not expect someone who looked like you to join the team, someone who didn’t look beaten down by the horrors of the world and still believed in pots of gold at the end of rainbows. 
it didn’t help that you were so beautiful he literally would feel his heart ache when you walked in. like literally, would have to rub his chest to soothe the pain. and as spencer would, he would logic out his feelings with science because that’s all they are, scientific chemical reactions in the body. but what he felt in your friendship, what he felt when he was lucky enough to be in your presence, was something no textbook, theorem, or equation could explain.
so imagine the size of the fucking hammer coming down on his head when he finds out you have a boyfriend who: 1. is not him, and 2. is an actual real life bozo.
apparently you’d been seeing damon from organized crime for about a month now, that’s what he heard from penelope, and you ‘claim’ to be super happy. 
spencer doesn’t buy it.
he’s seen the way your ‘relationship’ operates, and he’s got the facts to back it up. damon never lets you get a word in when you’re in group settings, even purposefully talking over you when you’re clearly attempting to speak. majority of the time he’s condescending about your job as a profiler for the bau, saying that him and his team bring down drug rings, but you guys ‘just read their horoscope or whatever and decide the killer.’
it made spencer’s blood boil hotter than the sun. he couldn’t figure out why you put up with it, and why you continue to.
the final straw that broke the camel's back about his disapproval on your relationship choices, is what he overheard on the jet one time on the way back from a case.
the girls were talking in the back of the jet, unaware of spencer’s very awake mind despite his visibly sleeping body.
“i don’t know guys,” you had started with a sigh, “you think it’s weird right?”
“that your own boyfriend won’t go down on you? yeah hon, that’s fucking weird.” emily strikes.
“what did he say exactly?” jj asked.
“he said it increases the risk of STIs on the mouth? and doesn’t like the feeling of thighs crushing his head? and that even with all the … grooming … it’s still unnatural ?”
emily gagged while jj continued, “um…but do you like…on him?”
“yes! he literally won’t touch me unless i do!” you rage whisper.
“i am about to give him an organized crime to deal with,” emily half jokes, “what an asshole, why are you still with him?”
“i don’t know, he’s still nice to me i guess, and maybe i’m just being dramatic. or maybe i’m just not someone people go down on, who knows.” you sigh.
spencer stops listening, he can’t hear you talk so poorly of yourself. not when it’s so far from the truth yet you’ve been indoctrinated to think it’s accurate. how anyone could take advantage of you like that is beyond him, but it did light a fire inside of him and made him determined to help you realize you deserve so much better. if that happens to be him, then who is he to fight that?
spencer doesn’t get his chance to prove it to you for another two weeks, when you’d come over to his apartment for a movie night after getting in a fight with damon, your date night being canceled and leading you to spencer’s doorsteps, all dolled up with tears lining your eyes asking to come in.
he doesn’t even have time to be mad at your shithole boyfriend when he’s ushering you inside, offering you to sit on the couch while he goes and put a kettle on the stove for tea.
“i’m really sorry to just show up like this, spence.”
he doesn’t even blink before calling out from the kitchen, “don’t apologize, i’m always here for you. anytime and anywhere.”
you give him a soft smile before returning your gaze to the soft glow of doctor who.
he returns cradling two mugs in one hand and a pack of haribo gummies in the other. spencer doesn’t care for gummies, he’s more of a chocolate guy, but he knows it’s your favorite. so he makes sure to keep a couple bags in his apartment for you.
“my favorite!” you gush. his heart warms at your smile as he sits next to you on the couch. you naturally gravitate towards him to lean your head on his shoulder, and it’s automatic for spencer to wrap an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer.
the whirs and whooshes of the tardis fill the silence for the next hour as you visibly become calmer than when you first arrived. he decides this is a good time to ask, “do you want to talk about it?” as he turns his head to look at you.
“i don’t know,” you say quietly popping another gummy in, “i’m starting to believe it's just a me problem. like, maybe i’m just objectively not a great partner, and that’s why we keep getting in these fights. you know this time, he said i’m not worth all the effort and stress i bring him and that because of me he’s gonna bald at 29? i’m not a scientist like you or anything but even i know that, at least, can’t be my fault.” you end with a chuckle.
spencer knows he should probably comfort you in this time of honesty you’ve graced him with, squash your insecurities like a pesky bug on the windshield, and tell you how beautiful you are in as many words it’ll take for you to believe it (and he knows a lot of words).
but right now? he’s just fucking pissed.
not at you, never at you. at your situation, yes. at that sorry excuse of a partner let alone agent, immensely.
so he can’t help what escapes his mouth next, “why do you let yourself get treated like shit?”
you look up at him in surprise, at both the cursing and what he said, “what?”
“you’re constantly talking about how awful he treats you, and yet everyday you still go back to him knowing it’s going to repeat the next day. i just want to know why you don’t respect yourself enough to not let that happen to you.”
pulling away to sit far from him on the couch,  you start letting the annoyance show on your face, “spencer, that’s not fair at all. you think it’s my fault? do you really think i want to feel like this?”
“yes!” he shouts, “you seem like you do with how much you crawl back to him everytime, and everytime you let him back in.”
“okay, i think i should go,” you stand up and grab your things, “it was a mistake to come here, goodbye spencer.”
he grabs your wrist before you can get too far, “i just have to know, what is it?”
“what’s what spence, let me go.”
“what keeps you going back to him, it can’t be because you love him. it’s obviously not because you’re happy with him,” he lets out.
“you don’t know anything about me or my life, spencer!” you snatch away your arm and start heading towards the door.
“it’s definitely not because the sex is good, because i know it’s not.”
any emotion you had on your face wipes away like an etch a sketch, staring blankly at the door, hearing the man you’ve harbored a crush on since you started at the bureau years ago, telling you he knows your sex life is abysmal.
your voice comes out small, “h- how would you know that?” you don’t dare to turn around, knowing that if you did any resolve you held onto, any denial of emotions you’ve stripped from yourself would come pouring out like a broken dam.
the couch groans at a loss of weight, and the floorboards creak closer and closer to you.
“i heard you, on the jet.”
you’re especially glad he can’t see the blood draining from your face. if your heart already wasn’t at your feet, it’s most likely six feet under at this point. 
he heard you?
“when you were talking with the others about how he doesn’t reciprocate, and won’t sleep with you unless you get him off.” he continues.
the room is getting hotter by the millisecond, temperature about to be comparable to the sun’s core. it’s one thing to have just anyone hear the intimate details of your life, but spencer? the man to which you’d been using damon to get over?
the only sound that can be heard is your increasingly heavy breathing, and spencer feels like he’s caught a fish on his line and is ready to reel you in as he inches closer to you.
“you’re okay with that? not being taken care of in the way you deserve?”
his presence is merely nanometers behind you, the ghost of his fingers looking for landing on your hips. when you don’t move away, and he hears your breath hitch at the contact, he sets his hands more earnestly on your curves as he leans down to the nape of your neck.
“just don’t know,” kiss, “how anyone,” kiss, “wouldn’t want,” kiss, “to give you everything.” kiss.
your head lolls back onto his firm chest as he whispers in your ear, “cat got your tongue, sweetheart? you were so mouthy not even five minutes ago. be honest with me, has he even ever made you come?”
the whimpers escape you without warning and you find a single decibel of voice to speak, “spencer…” hoping the whine would dissuade him to let it go.
“uh uh, i asked you a question,” his arm tightens around the front of your waist to press back and fully feel him, “answer me.”
your lexicon has depleted except for the one word you know he’s desperately waiting for you to say, and the one he knows is the answer. yet you know the second it leaves your mouth, everything changes. and maybe you’re okay with that.
spencer hums lowly, “has anyone made you come?”
“no.” you say again, softer this time.
“should we change that?”
this was not what you expected when you came to see him after your failed night out. the amount of processing you’d done in the last year to essentially not be thinking about spencer 24/7 was extensive. and you were ready to render it all useless in a matter of seconds.
so you let the strap of your bag fall down your arm and hit the ground with a thud, and finally turned around to look the good doctor in his eyes. while his voice held traces of anger and frustration, you came to see his eyes were full of reassurance and comfort, the spence you always knew to prioritize your wellbeing more than anything.
he looked down at you and slid his hand to up to cup your jaw, and he hears the smallest murmur, so delicate yet so full of want leave your lips.
that was all spencer needed to catch your lips in a heated kiss, moving your body to the closest wall as he places a hand behind your head to protect you from the wall’s impact while the other pins your waist to the wall.
you move your arms to wrap around his neck and keep him pinned to you with no escape, like he’d ever want to. his lips detach from yours and make a descent towards your neck again, taking deliberate effort to locate the sensitive spots.
he finds one just behind your ear and spends time sucking and bruising up the spot, relishing in the soft whimpers leaving your mouth. while you’re lost in the sensation on your neck, you don’t notice spencer move one of his hands closer to the button of your pants, effortlessly (and impressively) opening it up.
detaching from your neck with a heavy pant, he moves back to lean against your forehead with his own and look you in the eyes to ask, “is this okay? we can stop if you want, i didn’t mean to be so forw-“
“please don’t stop.”
he searches your eyes for any conflict and finds none, considering it the okay to continue his downward descent. he returns his lips to the second home they’ve made on your lips and starts to push your pants down over the curve of your ass, leaving your panties on.
the flash of purple lace underwear glares at him when he glances down, and suddenly he remembers what got him in this position in the first place.
“were you wearing this for him?” he lets out condescendingly, “you really think he deserved to see you like this?”
spencer’s fingers brush against your front, leaving your heavy breaths hitting him in the face. you can’t think of anything to say. hell, you’re not even sure if you know any words right now. all you can offer is a pathetic moan, and spencer doesn’t think that’s enough.
“come on, don’t get all shy now. what were you expecting him to even do, hm? thought you said he didn’t care about making you feel good.” he taunts as his middle finger traces the outlines of your cunt through your panties.
you shudder at the contact, leaning your head back against the wall as he refuses to break eye contact. he’s waiting for you to say something, raising his eyebrows expectantly as he’s slowed down his movements on you. taking a shallow breath you open your mouth, “h-, he didn’t care, just thought if i ke-, kept looking nice he’d wanna, fuck, do something.” you moan out.
“and did he?” he moved his hand back up to slowly slip into your panties.
his finger dips all the way down to your entrance to gather your wetness and spread it all the way back up to your clit, your mouth dropping open as you let out a whiny, “no.”
“what a shame.” he dips a finger into your hole and you let out a pornographic moan.
he drags his finger in and out slowly making sure to watch your face as it contorts in pleasure. once he feels you’ve gotten used to it he slips in a second finger, increasing the pace and moving his thumb to circle your clit again.
“oh fuck,” you cry.
“baby, you’re so tight.” he whispers. the way you clenched around his two digits made feel almost pussy drunk, and he wasn’t even inside you yet. he starts to wonder if damon was doing anything really to prioritize your pleasure, and it only just worked him up more. he felt more determined to bring you to finish, so he picks up the pace and increases the pressure on your clit.
you drop your head to his shoulder no longer being able to hold yourself up anymore, the sensation of his fingers on you taking over, loose whimpers and moans falling out of your mouth every other second.
“spencer…shit, i’m gonna come…”
“let go for me, baby.” he whispers in your ear.
the pleasure barrels through you like a wrecking ball, knocking the wind out of your mind and body. your legs turn into jelly and you almost fall before spencer holds you up. you try to regulate your breathing into his shoulder, hoping to calm down before you look up and meet his eyes again.
he makes that choice for you when he gingerly lifts your head up, his eyes silently asking if you’re okay. you don’t even bother responding before softly pressing your lips to his again, hoping he can feel your response to his silent question.
the kiss picks up in urgency, and soon his hands are back to exploring your body again. they slide down to the backs of your thighs while he murmurs a small, “jump.” and lifts you to wrap your legs around his waist. without breaking the kiss he walks you both to his bedroom and places you on his bed with care.
his fists flank you on both sides as he leans down to kiss you, and he moves further down kissing along your neck and chest. you reach down to the bottom of your top to pull it over your head, leaving you in the purple lacy bra that matches your panties.
he detaches from you and stands at full height, gazing at the sight of you spread out on his bed with your hair framing you like a halo. he can’t even help himself when he says, “you look so beautiful, angel.” the blush rises to your cheeks, and you beckon him to come back down to which he happily obliges.
spencer moves down further towards your hips, and his lips ghost over the lace band spreading along your waist. his fingers play with the fabric and he moves his face to be directly in line with your clothed cunt. your breathing gets heavy, and you anticipate what he’s about to do.
“wait, you don’t, you don’t have to do that, spence. i already came.” starting to feel a bit guilty at the man above you potentially feeling obligated to do this, as you realize that if he heard you on the jet, he heard about the one thing damon refused to do for you.
“sweetheart, i’d love to keep making you feel good as long as you let me, okay? you gonna let me make you feel good?” he breaths, pressing chaste kisses to your inner thighs.
you give a slight nod and he gently pulls your panties off your legs, marveling at the light glistening off your cunt. he kisses up the plush of your thighs before pausing right where you need him the most. you look down at him and meet his unwavering eyes full of love.
he places a long kiss to your core before licking a long stripe. you moan out languishly, the euphoric feeling taking over every sense in your body. you’re unable to comprehend how you went so long without feeling this, it almost feels criminal. and the way spencer was eating you out, felt like this was doing it for him too even though you were the one getting pleasured. 
it turned you on even more to know he was getting off on how much you were enjoying this. your head was spinning off into another realm, and the only thing tethering you to this reality was the grip of your hands in his hair. his tongue made circles and shapes all over your cunt before dipping down to thrust into your hole.
your thighs shake and threaten to clamp shut on his head, and he uses his wide hands to wrap around your thighs to hold them in place. “oh my god fuck, that feels so good…spence…please..” you’re not even sure what you’re begging for, but of course, spencer does when he adds a finger into your hole and moves his tongue to focus back on your clit. the combined sensations were enough to tip you over the edge for the second time tonight, your release glistening on his chin as he moved back up to kiss your lips again.
your heavy panting tries to bring you back down from your high, a mix of sweat and the taste of you lingering everywhere. 
spencer smooths your hair back as he moves his body to lie next to you, “i think, damon’s a fucking loser, if he doesn’t think that’s worth doing.” he says between pants.
you hum in agreement, or just in acknowledgement at whatever he said since you’re still reeling from the endorphin release. hiking your leg over his body to straddle him, you clumsily reach for his belt and attempt to undo the clasps to reach his growing member. you pull his pants down and palm him through his boxers, reveling in the broken moans falling from his mouth. you start inching downwards when spencer grabs you by the forearms and flips you over so you’re back on the bed staring up at him.
“not tonight, sweetheart. it’s about you right now, wanna make sure you know what you deserve.”
“but…” you pathetically respond.
“i don’t know what that neanderthal tells you, but sex is not transactional. i think if i ever see that guy again, i’d punch him for making you think otherwise.”
the words go straight to your core, turning you on even more. spencer takes note of how your pupils widen and your chin tilts up towards him.
“besides,” he presses his crotch to yours, “the sex wasn’t even that good with him, right?”
you moan out again, unable to find words to satisfy his question. he leans back up and off the bed to fully remove his boxers and you finally get a good look at what was underneath.
holy fuck, he was huge. you propped yourself on your forearms to get a better look at him, and watched as he lazily stroked himself while he sauntered back over to you. the image was so lewd, you hoped you could borrow some of his eidetic memory so you could hold on to this moment forever.
his face held a smug smirk at your awestruck one, and he felt his ego inflate even higher, “by the looks of your reaction, i’m guessing he’s never been much of a, challenge, for you in bed has he?”
you dumbly shake your head no, “definitely not as big as you.” you whisper, more to yourself than him.
his smirk grows wider, “don’t worry, baby, i’ll take real good care of you.” he says as he climbs over you to line himself up to your entrance.
you feel him slowly start to push in, the sensation of being split open growing bigger by the second. your brows furrow and your eyes are shut tight as you wait for the pressure to turn into pleasure.
if spencer thought you around his fingers had him pussydrunk, what he’s feeling now has to be close to pussy poisoning or something because he cannot think of anything in existence that feels as good as the walls of your cunt clenching around his cock. it’s taking everything in him to not break, to just fuck you senseless and reach his peak.
once his hips are flush with yours and he’s fully settled within you, he waits for you to give him the okay to move.
you, on the other hand, have never felt more full ever. damon was not nearly this big, nor has any other guy you’ve been with. it’s a bit of a miracle on how it fit inside you, and how it felt better than anything you could’ve imagined. the pressure and slight pain subsides, and with a slight nod spencer takes the cue to start moving.
the first thrust has you both moaning out in harmony together, and he sets the pace nice and slow so as to make sure you’re comfortable.
but it's not enough for you, you need him to fuck you.
he stills at your word, leaning up so he’s perpendicular to you.
“whatever you say, princess.”
and he starts pounding into you, hips rutting at a pace you can’t even keep up with. the whimpers and moans gush out as the familiar coil begins to build within you. he taps your leg to lift it up over his shoulder to allow him deeper access, and he’s able to reach that one spot you’d heard about from all your friends, on reddit, in movies. you had no idea this type of feeling even existed, and spencer was hitting it with precision every single thrust over and over.
“fuck,” you whine.
“that feel good, baby?” he teases, “the way you’re squeezing my cock so tight, i doubt that fucker ever made you feel like this, huh?”
your tits bounce with every thrust, and the deepened angle has you reaching your climax fast. spencer feels it too and drops his head to whisper in your ear.
“i bet he’s never fucked you like this,” he continues his taunt, “he’d never be able to fuck you like i can, make you come three times in one night like i can.”
you whimper, “spencer,”
“say it, sweetheart. say no one’s ever fucked you like me.”
he was trying to kill you, death during intercourse would be a crazy way to go out but it’s a fate you’d be willing to accept. nonetheless, you comply.
“never ever, fuck, been fucked like you, baby.”
spencer has never felt more satisfied, “good girl, now come.” and with a final thrust he lets you reach your peak as he releases himself into you.
in the midst of groans he gingerly pulls out of you and you whimper at the loss.
the next few minutes are just filled with the sounds of yours and his heavy breathing, before spencer leans over to you, “was that too much?”
still in your daze you let out a soft giggle, “spencer, i think you’ve ruined all men for me.”
he smiles back, “i meant what i said, damon’s really stupid if he’s not willing to do all that for you.”
you intertwine your hand with his, “you know, i never really liked him anyway. i was just using him to get over you.”
“me?” he says incredulously.
you nod, “i didn’t know if you would’ve felt the same so i just tried to move on to someone else, stupid i know, but i don’t know it made sense then.”
he pulls you closer to rest in the crevice of his chest, “i have been into you since the day you walked into the bullpen, and letting you slip through my fingers is a mistake i will never make again.”
you hug him tightly before groaning out loud, “shit, i have to tell damon it’s over now don’t i.”
“i mean, i could tell him if you want.”
“spence, no. i think you might kill him.” you laugh, “i can do it, i just don’t want him to get all ‘organized crime’ on me.”
“just tell him i have a gun.”
“so does he?”
“mine’s bigger.” he smirks.
you roll your eyes, “well, yes.”
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endzithefangirl · 6 months ago
"I'm gong to put 'being a WAG' on my CV"
Authors note: Here's a little Max Verstappen x TechCEO!Reader. Bet you didn't see that comng. Anyway, got the idea for this a few days ago, and I guess my love of Italian food made me finish this
Summary: Max's new relatioship causes a social media stir, but the new couple couldn't care less whilst in Italy.
Warnings: English isn't my first language, no use of Y/N, female reader, famous reader
Word count: 2k
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You understood it, to a degree. Max had just broken off a three-year-long relationship right before summer break, and now suddenly he was spending the summer with you. Now you’re at the paddock... No wonder people thought there was some crossover.
The truth? You two met last New Year's at a party for some sporting event. You, being one of the sponsors for your country's national sports committee, were invited, and Max... well, Max was Max Verstappen. You hit it off, exchanged numbers, showed him around your company a few times, and took him to all of your favorite restaurants in NYC. But you knew he had a girlfriend; everyone knew. And he was taking care of her kid too.
That breakup was hard on him. He had stopped loving her, but he couldn't just kick a woman and her kid out of his house. Max waited for them to have a huge fight, and then they just... broke up. And to your surprise, he was in New York the next day, saying that he needed someone to talk to. Bullshit. You knew he liked you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come all the way here 'just to talk.'
But here you were, in Italy, spending time with him before Monza. You were currently typing away on your phone, trying to make peace in the finance department. Max glanced up from his phone every so often, stealing peeks at you while grinning.
He had never quite been so into someone like you. You were smart, funny, talented, pretty, and on top of all that - you were also rich. But you were also the most challenging girl to flirt with Max had ever met.
"You look like you could use a break," he said, after watching you tap away at your work laptop for a few minutes.
"Probably. What's the point of having interns if they don't do anything?"
"Then you should consider hiring me; I'm pretty good at helping out," Max teased, looking up from his phone and sending you a cheeky smile. He loved a woman who was in power, who knew what she was doing, and he could tell you were used to being the boss. "Come on, take a break. You know you deserve it," Max encouraged, resting his hand on top of yours to stop you from working some more.
"I guess I could eat…" You say, closing your laptop. "I saw on Google Maps that there’s a nice pizza place down the road. We can go if you’re hungry.”
Max smiled and nodded. “Yes, I’m starving; let’s go,” he said, reaching for the car keys.
“No, it’s okay, let’s walk,” you stop him. He turned towards you, slightly confused. Usually, women would give anything to drive around with Max Verstappen. Maybe that’s just what makes you special.
The two of you walked out of the hotel, your bodyguard Lenny standing outside the door. The tall, muscular man just nodded as the two of you entered the elevator. Max found it funny that you preferred Lenny guard your stuff more than you. Especially the laptop. He sometimes wondered what you kept in there...
“Is Pierre gonna be at the race?” you asked as you exited the building, breaking the silence.
Max’s head snapped towards you, and he raised his brow. “Uh, yes, of course he is… Why?”
“Because I want to see Kika.”
“Oh, so she’s your secret F1 crush, eh?” Max said, relaxing.
You laughed. “Pierre is a solid seven with a better haircut. Kika is a twelve on a bad day.”
As you got to the bigger streets, you started to understand why Max drove everywhere. Unlike you, who were a chiller and niche celebrity, despite being incredibly rich, Max was a real superstar. Your short walk to the pizza shop became a fan meet and greet, with people coming up to you every three seconds and asking for photos.
“Is this your girlfriend?” one of the people asking for a picture asked. As you finished taking the photo, you noticed Max’s slightly flustered face as he heard the question. He stumbled, but you answered with a simple “Yeah.”
As you arrived at the restaurant, you noticed that Max was staring at you. He seemed… surprised. You laughed at his facial expression. The sound of your laugh calmed him instantly, his heartbeat beginning to return to normal. Max cursed himself in his head; he was better than this. He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Is it something I said?"
Max ran a hand through his hair, feeling his cheeks heating up slightly. "No, no... Not really," he reassured you, trying to sound casual. "I was just... thinking."
"Okay, well I'm thinking about the food. I think a Vesuvius sounds great right now."
Max chuckled and quickly glanced down at the menu to hide his embarrassment. "Vesuvius? What the hell is a Vesuvius?" he asked, though his eyes scanned down the menu, searching for it.
"It's a type of pizza," you teased. "It's been like three minutes; have you not even skimmed the menu?"
Max fidgeted under your gaze, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks again. "What?" he asked with a nervous chuckle. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You tell me. Why are you staring?" Max shook his head, glancing up at you questioningly. He had no idea what you were thinking about. "No... What are you thinking about?" he asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.
"There are pots from 4000 years ago found in ancient Egypt that are made out of an incredibly difficult to manage material and are cut to such perfection that they balance on their round bottom."
Max's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He was expecting something totally different. Something that had at least a little bit to do with him. He chuckled, still somewhat surprised as he studied your face. "Where did that come from?" he asked incredulously.
"The Egyptians. They were like, cooking pots and stuff. Royal cooking pots probably, but still," you teased.
Max chuckled again, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're thinking about cooking pots, and here I am, just trying to figure out what I did to make you say that we're together so casually."
"What do you mean? Are we not together?"
"Well, of course we're together," Max said, his voice taking on a more serious tone now. He glanced around the restaurant briefly, making sure no one was listening in on their conversation. "I just... I didn't expect you to say it so casually," he said, his eyes meeting yours again.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know we were keeping it a secret. I mean, I was at the paddock and all last time, and I took days off work to come to this race—"
Max shook his head, realizing you completely misunderstood what he was saying. "No, no, it's not that... I just..." he began, struggling to find the right words. He took a deep breath, his fingers fidgeting in his lap. "It's just... you're so casual about it... and I'm... a bit too flustered for my own good," he admitted, a tinge of embarrassment in his voice.
You softened up a bit. "Oh, okay, I get it. It was just a bit too shocking for you... Yeah, sorry."
Max felt his heartbeat a little faster when you softened, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, it was a bit... unexpected for me," he chuckled, feeling somewhat silly for being so flustered. "But it's fine, honestly."
"Do you think my stomach is gonna have space for gelato later? There's a really good gelateria; I can see it from the window... They make the ones with the macarons..."
Max chuckled, loving how you were so excited about the gelato. "Well, based on the amount of pizza you usually eat," he teased, a smirk on his face. "I'd say you're probably fine."
"No, they put the macarons on the gelato."
"On the gelato?" Max repeated, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
"I've never heard of such a thing," he said, leaning forward to get a better look out the window at the gelateria you were talking about. "Well, in that case," he said with a grin, "we're definitely going there for dessert."
After eating so much that your belts barely held, you came back to the hotel, Lenny greeting you at the door as usual. Max's stomach was stuffed to the brim, but he was in such a good mood from the good food and even better company, he didn't even care. He walked back into the hotel together with you, his hand still holding yours. Lenny greeted the two of you as usual, but Max couldn't help but notice the way Lenny looked at you, like he was analyzing you.
"All good, Len. You go to your room for the night," you said to Lenny. He nodded, smiled at the both of you, and then went off. Max watched as Lenny walked off, then turned to you, a small frown on his face.
"He was looking at you funny," he said, a protective edge to his voice.
"He thinks it's funny. That I'm dating a Formula 1 driver."
"What's so funny about that?" he protested, his grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly. "He just... I don't know, he's a big fan of yours I don't think he's processed it yet". Max's frown relaxed as you explained it, his ego immediately soothed a bit. Of course he was a big fan of his, who wasn't?
"Oh, so he's a big fan?" he teased, a hint of pride and cockiness in his voice.
You take your shoes off and lay on the bed, your stomach bloated from all the good food "Yeah. Talk to him a bit, I think it'll make him happy" You let out groan as you move "I hate you Italy. You has so much good food... I love it though"
Max chuckled, watching as you dramatically threw yourself onto the bed, your stomach protesting the amount of food you just had. "You're such a drama queen sometimes," he teased, grinning as he took off his shoes as well and joined you on the bed. He lays down beside you, running a hand over your bloated stomach. "You'll be fine," he said, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Oh, you know what I saw on TikTok?"
Max raised an eyebrow in curiosity, his hand now resting on your stomach. He didn't typically pay too much attention to TikTok, but he was more than happy to listen to you.
"What did you see?" he asked, turning his head to look at you.
"Well first of all, I'm a WAG now. Thank you for that, I will be putting that on my CV. But second, they liked that I was wearing Red Bull merch. I thought they wouldn't like it, but they did"
Max chuckled as you spoke, amused by how casually you mentioned being a WAG, and how seriously you were taking the fact that you were wearing Red Bull merchandise. "Well, of course they liked it," he said with a smirk. "You were wearing the merch of the best team out there."
He gave you a smug look, his hand moving up and tracing a lazy pattern on your stomach. "Not to mention the merch of the best driver out there."
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checkeredflagggs · 6 months ago
A Perfect Storm
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
summary: meet dr. alice “barbie” sargaent, professional storm chaser
a/n: so twisters 2024 changed my life (glen powell in wet white T-shirt changed my life) so…here’s this. Also I got conflicting info about instagram so for here - no one but those that follow you can see a private accounts comments (even on a public post). Also plz suspend your disbelief - idk anything about storm chasing or tornadoes
Part 2
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 2,345,239 others
drbarbie: tbt to the very first storm I ‘chased’ and the lifelong obsession that it sparked within me!
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user1: you were so young!
teammember1: nice to know you’ve been crazy for years! 😂❤️
drbarbie: Passionate! The term is passionate 🩵
teammember2: no I think crazy is better
user2: ok but what are Logan Sargeant and Oscar Piastri doing in the likes…
user3: right?
user4: maybe they watch the Storm Wrangler YouTube channel?
user3: that would be the crossover of the century!
teammate3: awwww baby Dr. Barbie…
drbarbie: I think I made my dad drive around for hours trying to find where the rain was actually coming down
user4: ok that’s adorable
user5: newbie here 👋🏻 why the nickname Barbie?
drbarbie: I’m a 5’11” blonde woman with blue eyes who was in like every conceivable sport and after school program. Some butt starting calling me Barbie as a joke and now people forget my real name 😅
user6: wait your name isn’t actually Barbie? What’s real? What’s fake? Who knows? 🤣
drbarbie: yeah you can blame my twin for that…
loganpriv: you begged for weeks to get a cool nickname and were delighted! To tell people to call you Barbie.
alicepriv: shush 🤐
oscarpriv: oh really?
alicepriv: I said shut up?
user7: you have a twin?!
drbarbie: yup! I’m older then him by about 5 minutes - and I’ve never let him forget it 😂
loganpriv: and another lie! What’s up with that?
alicepriv: I’m gonna tell mom you’re bullying me!
loganpriv: do it! And I’ll tell her you’re lying to the internet
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liked by alicepriv, oscarpiastri, and 1,023,677 others
logansargeant: traveling means time to catch up with TheStormWranglers
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user8: you’re a buckaroo too?! Love this!
oscarpiastri: watching the back episodes or the live stream?
logansargeant: back episodes first of course!
user9: ok but they’re both buckaroos too
user10: am i dumb? Buckaroos?
user11: kinda a you had to be there moment - during one of their first live streams teammate2 called everyone on the team buckaroos to get them moving and the fans just? kinda adopted the term for ourselves
user10: ohhhh ok. That makes sense and it’s so cute! Proud to be a buckaroo!
user12: this is gonna be your week Logan!
user13: yeah! Austin has always been really good to you! 🩵
alicepriv: so I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…
loganpriv: what does that mean?
oscarpriv: Alice…
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 3,677,345 others
drbarbie: isn’t she a beaut! One of the biggest this year and I’m very happy to say Dolly (and us!) survived it!!! The opportunity to quite literally drive into the storm started as a fever dream from a few of the team members but we proved that it could be done. And this now allows us to gather even more important data — and as we always say, you can never have too much data!
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user14: Watching that almost gave me a heart attack oh my god
user15: i know! And they didn’t even give us any warning that it was something they could do!!!😡😢
drbarbie: We apologize! The team had been so excited and focused on getting Dolly ready for this that we forgot other people don’t live in our brains
user14: what even prompted this?
drbarbie: we were hitting bumps in the research process and as we were brainstorming ideas on how to fix it someone said that the easiest way was to…just go into the tornado. We said “bet” then figured out a way to allow us to do that safely!
teammember1: so I’m switching vehicles. I’m staying with the weather van from now on
drbarbie: oh it wasn’t that bad!
teammember1: I have about 200 new strands of grey hairs and a sore throat from all the screaming
drbarbie: like I said! Not that bad
user16: oh so you’re crazy crazy
drbarbie: we’re doing important research!
user17: what even was the point of all this?
drbarbie: my team and I are researching for a way that would allow us to stop a tornado in its tracks. We’re at the point where we can almost completely accurately predict when and where a tornado will hit — which is hugely important! Cause that allows us to save lives. But my team wants to take it a step further — to stop the storms when they do hit! To help protect people’s livelihoods
user17: holy shit! That’s huge!
user18: I didn’t even realize that is something that could be possible!
drbarbie: we believe strongly that it’s something that can be done. And we’re trying everything that we can to make it happen!
loganpriv: what the hell is this?!?
alicepriv: i told you you wouldn’t like it
oscarpriv: yes but there’s a huge difference between not liking it and it being completely INSANE
alicepriv: the theory was sound
loganpriv: this time - that’s not good enough
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What the hell Alice? Driving into a tornado?
Oh don’t even Logan! Not when the two of you drive those super speed death traps!
That’s not even remotely the same and you know it!
…I know. Ok I know…
Don’t. I know I should have told you before but…
I know you don’t like this answer but the theory was sound. We reached out and talked to like 10 different universities on the best way to modify the car and took all the extra precautions we could. The science-
doesn’t lie…
…you’re ok?
I think my heart is still racing but yes. And it’s almost done!
What is?
Project Aeolus!
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liked by alicepriv, alexalbon, oscarpiastri, and 627,933 others
logansargeant: ahhhh Austin, my home away from home. It’s always good to come back to you — and the people that live there 🩵
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user20: are we soft launching now?
alexalbon: Did you get a puppy?
logansargeant: no 🤣 just pet sitting for the day! This is rascal!
alexalbon: i think it might be criminal if you don’t let me meet rascal!
logansargeant: I’ll ask! But it will probably have to be after COTA!
alexalbon: worth the wait!
user21: rascal? Like drbarbie’s newest puppy?
user22: no but that dog looks just like her new dog and we know that Logan is a buckaroo!
user21: I've connected the two dots
user23: You didn't connect shit
user22: I've connected them
user24: are my 2 fandoms colliding?
alicepriv: rascal!
loganpriv: i see how it is. I come back home and you just want me to watch the little nightmare
alicepriv: rascal is perfectly well behaved! You’re just a bad example
oscarpriv: I’m agreeing with her. We’ve had no problems with him until you came along…
loganpriv: lies and slander. Objection
alicepriv: law and order again logie?
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liked by drbarbie, logansargeant, alexalbon, and 4,034,838 others
williamsracing: all smiles here at COTA as we welcome a special guest! Spending the weekend with us is Dr. Barbie, a meteorologist who specializes in tornadoes with a popular YouTube channel The Storm Wranglers!
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user26: this is everything I didn’t know I needed holy crap
drbarbie: it’s always a pleasure to visit COTA! And it’s even better to visit one of my favorite teams!
williamsracing: so glad to have you here!
user27: ok but do you see the look on Logan’s face?
user28: yeah mans in love
user29: or…and hear me out…he could just be happy to meet her? We know he’s a fan of her channel
user28: no one is ever THAT happy to just “meet” a YouTuber, no matter how famous
logansargeant: Glad you could make time in your schedule to visit!
drbarbie: “But it's the Grand Prix!”
logansargeant: “Is it? Who's playing?”
drbarbie: “No one's playing. It's the Grand Prix. I never miss the Grand Prix.”
user28:…ok maybe you guys connected the dots
alexalbon: it was nice to meet you! Didn’t think I’d ever meet someone who had a more dangerous job then race driving though
drbarbie: same! It was such a pleasure — and don’t even. I’ll take my job over yours any day
alexalbon: really? You’d rather drive after and into tornados then drive in circles?
drbarbie: stupid circles! And yes. Yes I would
alexalbon: they’re not stupid!
user29: ok but they’re funny af
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 2,654,887 others
tagged: williamsracing, logansargeant, alexalbon
yourusername: trading in Dolly this weekend for some faster cars! Zoom zoom 🏎️💨
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user30: COTA! I’m at COTA! 🤞🤞 I might get to meet her and get her signature!
user31: oh my god! That would be the coolest thing ever
user32: you’re at a Grand Prix and meeting some stupid blonde is better?
user31: watch yourself! Dr Barbie is about 1000x better then you are you damn mouth breather
user30: mouth breather? 😂😂
user33: cool you’re at COTA but sargeant? You couldn’t pick literally any other driver to support?
drbarbie: and that’s you blocked. I don’t support hate on my page and I definitely don’t support hate against Logan
user31: you said it so well! Supportive queen!
loganpriv: cool your jets Alice. It’s fine
alicepriv: I don’t support hate but I do support bullying your unsupportive twin. Take that attitude and shove it
oscarpriv: sometimes I forget you’re twins and then I see you interact…
alicepriv: you watch yourself too. I’m soon to be in head smacking range…and I’m tall enough to get you
oscarpriv: yes ma'am
loganpriv: whipped
alicepriv: 🤨
loganpriv: 🤷🏼‍♂️
alicepriv: 🖕🏻
user34: ok but why Dolly?
drbarbie: why after the fabulous Dolly Parton of course
user35: you named your truck after Dolly Parton?
drbarbie: she’s had a lot of work done but she’s still the best
user35: 😂😂 icon behavior
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liked by alexalbon, drbarbie, alicepriv, and 1,208,943 others
tagged: drbarbie, williamsracing
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user36: SISTER?
drbarbie: yes! He’s my YOUNGER twin brother!
logansargeant: the hell I am!
logansargeant: fake!
user36: ok that’s definitely a sibling relationship 😂
teammate1: woohoo! Go baby sargeant!
teammate2: congrats baby sargeant!
teammate3: could you feel us cheering for you baby sargeant?
teammate4: couldn’t be prouder baby sargeant!
logansargeant: not you guys too…
oscarpiastri: congrats man! A well deserved podium!
logansargeant: thanks brother!
user37: brother?!? dots are connecting again!
user38: oh give it up
alexalbon: great race today dude! Congrats!
logansargeant: thank you! You’ll be next!
williamsracing: Congrats Logan!
user39: he saw us shipping him with his sister and said hell no 😂😂
user40: right? Most definitely had to set the record straight!
danielricciardo: good job man!
charles_leclerc: great to share the podium with you!
maxverstappen1: good race!
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liked by logansargeant, alicepriv, landonorris, and 2,567,432 others
tagged: mclaren, landonorris
oscarpiastri: not the race we wanted today but we’ll come back stronger next week. Congrats on p4 landonorris and congrats to logansargeant on your first podium!
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user41: don’t worry about it Oscar! You’ll get it next week!
landonorris: thanks man! next week will be our week for sure!! papaya rules!
oscarpiastri: for sure! Papaya rules!
user42: it might not have been your week but that overtake lap 12 was INSANE
user43: right? Pretty sure I woke my dog up screaming
alicepriv: it was a good race babe. Glad to have been there to see it 🧡🧡
oscarpriv: you know I always love it when you can come to a race
alicepriv: and you know I always love watching you working for your dream
oscarpriv: 🧡
loganpriv: cheesy
alicepriv: 🖕🏻
alicepriv: anyway…
alicepriv: maybe I can get you to come to my job next? 😆😘
oscarpriv: your job at the universities? Yes. Your job in the field? No way in hell
logansargeant: great race brother! Taking notes on that overtake man
oscarpiastri: thanks Logan!
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liked by logansargeant, drbarbie, landonorris, and 3,728,899 others
tagged: drbarbie
oscarpiastri: you are the best thing that’s ever been mine
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Part 2
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00valentina-writes00 · 1 month ago
✞⛧Drunk Texts from Sevika ✞⛧
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[3:47 AM - sevika]
Where the hell are you.
[3:52 AM]
I can’t find my keys.
Did you move them?
Don’t lie to me.
[4:03 AM]
Okay. I found them. Never mind.
You left the light off in the hall. Almost fell.
Trying to kill me or something?
[4:15 AM]
You’re probably asleep.
Good. Stay that way.
I’m coming home. Don’t get mad if I wake you up. That’s on you.
[4:18 AM]
Forget what I said.
You better be awake when I get there.
[4:32 AM]
I miss you.
Don’t tell anyone I said that.
Delete this message.
[4:40 AM]
I’m outside. Open the door.
Wait. Don’t open the door.
I got it.
[1:15 AM - Sevika]
yo. you up?
wait i kno ur up
u alwasy wait 4 me lol loser
miss me?
[1:17 AM - You]
You just left two hours ago. Are you drunk already?
[1:18 AM - Sevika]
pfft no
im fine. like FINE fine
everybody herez lookin at me
prolly think im hot
[1:19 AM - You]
Or they’re staring because you’re typing while glaring at them. Be nice, Sevika.
[1:21 AM - Sevika]
u kno me im so NICE
just told sum guy id break his jaw
he looked at me FUNNY
…or maybe his nose idk he left fast lol
[1:22 AM - You]
Sevika. Stop scaring people.
[1:25 AM - Sevika]
nah. scared ppl r funny
bt not u. ur cute. like a bunny. lil bunny. my bunny.
u wanna sit on my lap again? bet u do. bet ur blushing rn.
[1:26 AM - You]
Sevika, you’re ridiculous. Are you drunk flirting with me? You live here. Just come home.
[1:29 AM - Sevika]
no im GOOD HERE.
this chair is kinda comfy but not like MY CHAIR. u kno the one i let u sit in.
[1:30 AM - You]
…I’m in your chair right now, actually. Feet up and everything.
[1:32 AM - Sevika]
im takin ur chair privlages when i get home.
wait r u waitin 4 me in my shirt 2?
[1:33 AM - You]
I’m literally in your shirt AND your chair. You gonna do something about it or just keep texting like a drunk idiot?
[1:35 AM - Sevika]
ok LISTEN u lil gremlin
ur gettin kidnapped when i get back
ur goin STRAIGHT to my bed. no more chair 4 u.
u think im jokin? bet.
[1:36 AM - You]
Oh no, whatever will I do? Guess I’ll just have to wait here like the little bunny I am.
[1:38 AM - Sevika]
stop bein cute im tryna be mad >:(
also ur def not a gremlin ur MY bunny
fine im comin home rn
…after one more drink
[1:40 AM - You]
If you come home smelling like beer and trouble again, I’m locking you out.
[1:41 AM - Sevika]
lmao ok but then who’s gonna carry u to bed?
face it baby u need me. luv u but dont tell anyone i said that.
[1:42 AM - You]
I’m screenshotting this.
[1:44 AM - Sevika]
delete that or ur grounded
also open the door when i get there
i lost my keys.
[12:56 AM - Sevika]
why iz the floor so sticky in here
feels like im walkin on a damn flytrap
someone buy me new boots rn
[12:57 AM - You]
That’s because you keep going to The Last Drop, Sev. Why don’t you ever drink somewhere normal?
[12:59 AM - Sevika]
cuz i own this place
like spiritually
everybody knows me here
bartender just gave me a free shot for “looking scary”
i think that’s a compliment
[1:01 AM - You]
It’s… something. Are you already drunk or just being you?
[1:03 AM - Sevika]
im DRINKIN rn duh
but im fine like always
bet i could arm wrestle half the bar and win rn
u think i should? for fun?
[1:05 AM - You]
No, Sev. Please don’t break someone’s arm again. Last time you did that, you came home with their wallet as a “souvenir.”
[1:08 AM - Sevika]
lmao i forgot about that guy
he cried like a baby
funniest night of my life tbh
i’ll bring u a new souvenir tonight if ur lucky
[1:10 AM - You]
I don’t need any “souvenirs,” Sev. Just come home in one piece.
[1:12 AM - Sevika]
pfft u worry too much
like a lil wife or somethin
r u my wife??
we shud get married rn. i’ll find a guy to do it
[1:14 AM - You]
Sevika. No. Don’t get married at The Last Drop. That’s not even legally binding.
[1:16 AM - Sevika]
ur no fun. but u kno wuts fun?
thinkin about u
and ur face
ur face is stupid cute
[1:17 AM - You]
How drunk are you right now? Be honest.
[1:19 AM - Sevika]
like 3 beers and 2 shots worth of drunk
and one guy’s dumb enough to bet me i can’t throw a knife at the wall n hit the same spot twice
[1:20 AM - You]
[1:22 AM - Sevika]
relax babe i won the bet obvi
made 20 bucks
and the guy is buyin me another round
u married a genius
[1:23 AM - You]
I didn’t marry you. Yet. But keep this up, and I might leave you for someone safer.
[1:25 AM - Sevika]
lmao shut up u love me
im sexy AND scary
also i jus told some idiot to stop lookin at me
…or maybe he was lookin at my drink? idk
[1:27 AM - You]
You’re the reason we can’t have nice things. Now come home before you start a bar fight.
[1:29 AM - Sevika]
but if i don’t start fights who will??
jk i’ll finish my drink
n maybe stop at that sandwich place on the way home
u want anything or nah?
[1:31 AM - You]
Yes, get me a sandwich. And try not to scare the cashier this time.
[1:33 AM - Sevika]
no promises babe
but i luv u
dont wait up
unless u wanna be awake when i get there ;)
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orchidbreezefc · 10 months ago
ok. years have passed and we've had some distance, so i'm finally gonna take the leap of faith that tma fandom is finally ready to hear me on this. let's talk about tannins.
161 was the first tma episode i heard on early release, and i felt the bit where martin declines wine and cites tannins was pretty obvious in its implications. cool, got it, say no more.
imagine my surprise when i was one of maybe three people i saw read between the lines there, in a fandom famous for red stringing--a fandom that immediately caught the much less obvious thread of ignition sources in the same episode. i'll spell it out: alcohol is an issue for martin.
maybe it just felt obvious because addiction is a pet issue for me--as it is for jonny, who has said everything he writes is filtered through a lens of addiction. i don't know if that's due to his own experience or a loved one's, and i won't speculate; i also don't know if martin personally struggled with drinking or just avoids it for fear he would, but alcohol would fit what we know of his family. his dad walking out and his mum spiralling into bitter wallowing and verbal abuse? i'd bet one or both of them drank, yeah.
on a basic level martin tries to decline alcohol, and that alone should have raised eyebrows given what we know of martin and, again, a fandom that dissects everything. we already knew martin "K" blackwood lied about his personal life and his family in particular, especially pre-canon, which is when this flashback took place. i was shocked that everyone took his flimsy excuse at face value with no further questions.
and the excuse is flimsy. martin turns down wine by--nervously--exclaiming tannins are "a proven headache trigger!" which sounds like trivia from a magazine cover and not the words of someone who actually has headaches--and it hasn't come up before or since. jon, confused, points out that tea, a drink martin consumes to a degree that is memetic both in- and out-of-universe, also contains tannins, and martin squawks a panicked, "what?!"
if tannins are enough of a concern for martin that he knew they're in wine and so avoids it, why didn't he know they're in his drink of choice? why does he still drink tea at the time of canon, and why doesn't he struggle with constant headaches from consuming 'a proven headache trigger' day in and day out? why, indeed, would someone avoid wine and not tea?
when sasha insists martin drink he caves and agrees to 'just a drop'. i imagine him pouring it in a plant, which admittedly he could have done if tannins really were the issue. i will say that i, for one, would be less likely to falsely agree to something that makes me physically ill than to a private issue that i'd rather not be pressed on any further. this scene also establishes martin's birthday was an ice cream party instead of the more traditional visit to a pub.
also, this scene was in the first episode of the final season, as one of three flashbacks that could have been to any pre-canon event in the archives. prime narrative real estate. not really time one would waste on establishing the important character context that martin has... headaches. which never comes up before or after, even regarding the week he spent in spiral town. but you know what is pretty crucial character background...?
it felt like a no-brainer, and yet all i saw was h/c fluff about jon attending to martin's headaches. and i hate feeling bitter about disability representation. i want folks with chronic headaches to feel seen and have fluffy escapist fantasies. i don't want to be mad about people portraying a character with a disability. but, guys? you got the wrong disability. jonny sent a clear message, and it went over fandom's head.
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g1rld1ary · 10 days ago
well kept secret - spencer reid x hotch's daughter!reader
wc: 1420
cw: none!
me: back on my criminal minds grind... also im not gonna lie to u guys i just got back from a hosue party and im extremely drunk, so if u see any mistakes don't be afraid to lmk. also if u have any requests for hotch!daughter pls send them thru bc im heavy into reid rn i just adore him <3
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“Who is that?” JJ asked, pointing subtly over to the figure walking cautiously out of the elevator doors. The figure, of course, being you, nervously trying to find your way around the glitzy BAU offices.
“God knows we needed a new pretty face around here — no offence, ladies,” Morgan laughed, drawing well-humoured insults from the women of the office.
“I for one don’t take any offence, her shoes are so cute!” Garcia gushed from over Morgan’s shoulder, eyes locked on your sleek black heels.
“Oh my god, they look just like the ones in that window we passed on the way to dinner, don’t you remember? Even Hotch said they were nice!” Kate wheeled her way into the conversation on her swivel chair.
It was a slow day around the office, not something that went unappreciated, so each agent was eagerly amenable to conversation.
“Reid, come over here,” Morgan beckoned, “Has she ever been here before?”
“Me?” He spluttered, eyes searching frantically, “Why would you ask me? Hundreds of people come into this building every day, let alone the thousands we see on the street every day, on cases—”
“And you have an eidetic memory kid, are you thinking straight or is the pretty girl messing up Boy Genius?”
Reid would drop dead before admitting that Morgan’s words had any truth to them, but his usually overactive speech pattern was halted by the vision of you entering the office’s glass double doors. His mouth dried out as you looked around, obviously unsure of where you were headed.
“No,” He finally answered, “I’ve never seen her before in my life.”
“She looks lost. Kind of scared, even?” JJ was giving her signature maternal look, concern etched into her face and Garcia was up before anyone could tell her it might not have been a good idea.
The gang watched from afar as your expression brightened from worried to delighted as Garcia began to chat with you, eyes gleaming as you pointed down to your heels. Clearly she’d repeated the earlier compliment.
“Hi! I’m Penelope Garcia, technical analyst, and you are gorgeous. I’m in love with your shoes!” The introduction and compliment took you by surprise but you were by no means disappointed, replying with equal giddiness.
“Thank you so much, my Dad bought them for me!” You extended your right leg slightly to show off the heel more holistically, “And I just love your outfit, the glasses are everything.”
Garcia gushed her own appreciation as the two of you became fast friends, so you chanced a request for help.
“I’m looking for SSA Aaron Hotchner’s office? I know it’s one of the big fancy ones but I’m not sure exactly which.”
“Up those stairs and second door! You can’t miss it, the big boss energy radiates as soon as you go near.” You both laughed and you made sure to thank Garcia profusely.
Reid watched as you pointed up to the private offices, evidently searching for a specific office. He wondered who you could be looking for. He didn’t have to wonder for long as Garcia rushed back, talking a million miles an hour as she explained that you were looking for Hotch. That brought more questions than answers, and the BAU were quick to place bets on what you could possibly want from him.
“Well, she’s certainly too young to be his girlfriend,” Morgan laughed, “Unless Hotch gets down more than we thought.”
“Could be a young woman looking for a mentor? She looks about college age, maybe just graduated?” Kate suggested and JJ nodded in agreement, neither even pretending to be working anymore.
Meanwhile, you’d made your way up to Hotch’s office, knocking softly on the oak door.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, eyebrows raising only slightly, an extreme show of emotion for the man.
“Check your watch, Agent Hotchner,” You smiled, unsurprised that he’d gotten totally consumed by his work.
“Damn,” He huffed under his breath, “I’m sorry, should we go now, then? And what did I tell you about calling me that?”
“Sorry, Dad,” You emphasised the title, “And yeah, let’s head. I’m starving.”
Down in the bullpen, even Rossi had been roped into the shenanigans.
“You’re the closest with Hotch, if anyone would know who she is it’s you!” JJ said, the rest of the group agreeing.
“Why don’t you just, I don’t know, ask him?” Rossi shook his head like he was dealing with small children. Sometimes he was convinced he was.
You took Hotch’s offered arm and the two of you left his office, making quiet smalltalk. The office fell eerily quiet as you two emerged from the behind the closed door, and you got the distinct impression that the BAU had all been talking about you.
Obviously Hotch noticed the team very unsuccessfully playing it cool and muttered a curse, signalling to you to head over to them. You supposed you were going to finally get your formal introductions.
“This is Rossi, Derek Morgan, JJ, Kate Cunningham, Penelope Garcia, and Doctor Spencer Reid. Guys, this is my daughter.”
If you thought there was silence before, it was nothing compared to when Hotch dropped that bomb. You could hear a pin drop.
“Um, it’s really nice to meet you all! I’ve heard so many stories about your work.”
“And we’ve never heard anything about you, pretty girl.”
“Morgan,” Hotch warned with hardly any bite as you laughed off Morgan’s playful flirting.
“Derek Morgan you are exactly like I was told. You too, Penelope, my father was not exaggerating about your outfits.”
“I thought you were starving?” Hotch changed the subject to tease you, nudging you to get moving.
“Alright, alright, I get it. You don’t want me taking all your friends,” You grinned, getting moving nonetheless. The BAU laughed, both charmed and confused by you. It wasn’t unbelievable you were Hotch’s daughter — your quiet confidence and posture was the same, but your friendliness and more easily understandable humour set you two apart.
“Bye everyone!” You called over your shoulder as Hotch rushed you out the doors, clearly keen for you to stop making friends with his coworkers.
“She seems nice,” JJ commented, sitting back down in her swivel chair.
“Can we all talk about how Pretty Boy didn’t say a word that whole conversation?” Morgan asked, a hand clamping deviously on Reid’s shoulder.
“Spencer!” Kate laughed, “You don’t have a crush, do you?”
Reid could feel his cheeks heating up of their own accord, his usually genius brain useless to counteract it.
“No!” He blurted out, “I just didn’t want to say something wrong or bore her with facts like I do with you guys.”
“So you do want to impress her?” Garcia teased with a toothy grin as Reid rushed to shake his head no.
“She’s our boss’ daughter, guys. I think all of us should want to impress her, right?”
“I dunno, Reid, I don’t see Morgan or JJ blushing right now,” Rossi chimed in with a laugh before heading back to his office.
You stepped into the elevator with Hotch, chatting happily about your day so far. Your father stuck his hand out to hold the door open with such speed it scared you a little, jumping in your own body. You relaxed when you saw it was just Penelope Garcia, hurrying towards you with a few files in her hands.
“Thank you, sir,” She breathed as the doors closed behind her, “I forgot Rossi wanted these scanned and digitised from the last case!” She punched the button for the third floor. “It was really nice to meet you, by the way. Even if Hotch has kept you a secret all these years.”
“To be totally fair to him, I wouldn’t say he exactly kept me a secret if he only found out I existed a few years ago. It was nice to finally meet you all too, though. I’ve heard so many work stories.”
You bid Garcia goodbye as the doors opened once again. Just as she was almost down the hall she heard your voice whisper, “Why didn’t you tell me doctor Reid was hot and smart?”
Penelope hardly concealed her gasp, delighted at the newfound revelation. This would be fun for her.
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jiniretracha · 2 months ago
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝟏𝟎 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 - 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱
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Pairing: Lee Felix x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, slight smut (piv!)
Summary: Felix Lee makes a bet with his co-workers in which he had to make a woman fall in love with him within 10 days, but he picks the wrong woman, who's working on an article for the magazine she works for called 'How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days' and she had chosen him as his prey. Based on one of my comfort movies: How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003).
Word Count: a whooping amount of 13.2k
PS: this is an old fic of mine from my old ao3 account (that i don't use anymore lol), i rewrote it with Lix instead. You can check it out here. Also, i proofread this but i don't trust myself that much so, if you see any mistake, feel free to let me know pls.
Day 1
“I’m going back to bed, I have no reason to live”
“Oh Karina! Come on. Get up, I’m not gonna let you lose your job over a stupid guy” you said.
Karina laid in bed, tears both fresh and dried on her cheeks, heartbroken over a guy she met, fell in love with and then told her he didn’t want anything serious. 
“Oh, oh Y/N” Karina said, hugging you. 
“You only dated the guy for a week” You reminded her in a whisper. 
“It was the best week of my life, Y/N. He was perfect” she sniffled. 
You sighed and pulled away from the hug. “Come on. I’m sure Seulgi yelling at us because we didn’t write the article like she wanted us to will bring you back to reality and will make you forget about the douche you dated” you said with a smile, making her chuckle.
You helped her get dressed and then got in a taxi to the Composure offices, where you, Karina and your other best friend, Ryujin worked. Composure was a ‘girly or gay’ magazine, as everyone liked to call it, created by Kang Seulgi, where you could find either the latest trend in fashion, the Kardashians latest fake scandal or how to catch men like Harry Styles. You found all the articles that were written in the magazine a little bit sexist, you studied journalism to become a real one, not a gossip writer for a cheap magazine. But it was a job that gave you a certain status, you couldn’t complain. 
When you arrived at the Composure offices, you opened the door of the cab for Karina, who held a couple of tissues in her hand. She blew her nose and got surprised by Ryujin who was holding a cup holder with 3 newly ordered coffees from Starbucks. “Hey honey” Ryujin winced when she saw Karina state.
“I don’t really wanna talk about it okay?” she smiled through the pain, making you and Ryujin nod. 
You got inside the big building and pressed the button that led to the Composure floor. 
Karina broke down and leaned her head on the elevator wall. “Why? Why does this always happen to me? I get this great guy, and everything’s amazing for a week and a half, and suddenly, it’s over and I’m mystified!” she cried. 
The people inside the elevator were looking at the girl with furrowed eyebrows and you glared at them, making them look the other way.
“Mingyu and I had such a connection” she gushed over him. “Like-like the first time we had sex, it was so beautiful. I even cried” she said.
You pressed your lips together, suddenly very aware of the people inside the elevator. “You mean like, shed a tear, wiped it with a finger. Right?” 
“No, I was very emotional. I even told him that I loved him” she explained, with a shake of her head.
“After how many days?” Ryujin asked sipping on her coffee to hide her grimace.
“Five” she said and then looked the other way. “Two”
You and Ryujin sighed loudly.
“But… I just felt like he needed to know�� she said. 
“Well, what did he say?” you asked.
Karina sighed. “He didn’t have to say anything. I knew he felt the same as me” she smiled and then she frowned. “But then he started getting really busy… I didn’t know where he was at times. I kept calling him, calling him and calling but he was never home!”
“You kept calling him?” You asked, wincing.
“Well he wasn’t answering” she defended herself. “Plus he didn’t know it was him, my number was blocked”
“Oh sweetie” Ryujin said. “I’m sure he thought it was one of his friends”
The elevator dinged and you got out, Ryujin and Karina following behind. 
“Rina, honey. You do realize you were way too pretty for him? I mean, you were like Kaia Gerber when she was dating Pete Davidson!” you explained. “You need to be in a relationship like Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly, you can’t decide which one is hotter” 
Karina huffed. “Maybe but… for me, he was really handsome. And cute. Ugh, he was perfect” she said and a few tears slipped from her cheek.
“No, wait. Don’t cry honey. What Y/N and I want to say is that you need to realize that if this guy didn’t like you for who you were, then screw him” Ryujin explained. 
“Yeah, but I know why he dumped me. I’m too fat” 
“You’re not fat!” both you and Ryujin said.
As you climbed up the stairs to get to your respective offices you sighed. “Okay, Rina, look. Even if the most beautiful girl in the world acted the way you did, a normal guy would still be running in the other direction” you said, as your friends followed behind you. 
“No guy would be running away from you, Y/N” Karina said. “I mean, you could barf all over him and he’d say, “Thank you, can you please do it again?”” she said, making you laugh.
“Okay, that is absolutely disgusting and totally not true!” you laughed at her metaphor. “Cause if I did the things you did, I’d get dumped too. Anyways, enough with this Mingyu bullshit. I got two tickets for the Knicks game for tomorrow that Ryujin got from his cousin, and since you’re the only one available, you could join me, maybe?”
“Nah thanks, I’d like to sit in my misery for a couple more days” Karina sighed. 
The three of you got inside Seulgi’s office along with other co-workers. 
“Alrighty, family. What do we got for the next issue?” Seulgi asked.
Ryujin raised her hand. “As you asked, I got the latest The Bachelor drama covered, and I also answered a few of the questions users asked us on the website”
Seulgi nodded. “Great work, Ryujin. What about How-To with Y/N?”
You smiled. “I worked on something different and completely new for the issue. It’s uh… a political piece--”
“--Y/N. You work for Composure magazine. Not Forbes” Seulgi said sternly. “We are fashion, drama, gossip, cosmetic surgeries, you name it. That’s what Composure is about”
“Yeah, I know but--”
“Y/N, you writing in the column is new for you, I get it. But you’re working for me , and until I decide when you are going to write whatever you want, you write whatever I want. Okay?”
“Yeah” you nodded, looking at your skirt, not wanting to look Seulgi in the eyes. 
“Karina, what do you got?” Seulgi sighed.
She lifted her head and paled. “I…Uh… sorry, Seulgi. I wasn’t feeling very well” Karina said.
“She got dumped” Ryujin quickly filled in, earning a glare from Karina. 
“Oh, no… Karina. It must be feeling hellish for you these past few days, but I must say you’re looking gorgeous” Seulgi complimented. “Doesn’t she?” she asked and everyone nodded, complimenting her. 
Karina sighed. “I haven’t been eating since the split”
“Good for you! Write about it” Seulgi said. Ryujin and you looked at each other and grimaced. 
“I can’t use my personal life as a story” she said, her voice small.
Seulgi smiled. “I understand completely. Who will use Karina’s story for their article?” she asked suddenly. 
“No, no, no. Wait, Seulgi. With all due respect no one has business here using my story for an article in a magazine, I’m sorry but--”
“I’ll do it” you said suddenly, an idea clicking in your mind. 
“What?” Karina looked at you. 
“I-I’ll sort of do it. You’ll be my inspiration” you said. “Like, look at Karina. She’s a great girl, right?” you asked, and Seulgi nodded with a curt yes and nodded for you to continue. “An amazing woman. But… she has a problem hanging onto relationships. No offense. And probably, doesn't know what she’s doing wrong, like it could happen to our readers. So, my idea was that I could start dating this guy and then drive him away but only using these common mistakes like girls like Rina or our readers commit all the time. I’ll even… keep a diary of it and it will be sort of a dating how-to in reverse”
Karina smiled at you and Seulgi clapped her hands together. “What not to do. Brilliant!” 
“How to lose a guy in 10 days” Seulgi said. “Loved it, go. Now Sunoo, what’s the shoe story you wanted--”
“I’m sorry, Seulgi. Ten days? Why ten days?” you asked.
Her eyebrows arched. “Well, I figured 5 days is too short and we go to press in 11, so…” she said. 
Karina and Ryujin gave you thumbs up, making you smile at them, but innerly wondering how the hell would you manage to do this in only ten days.
Felix Lee arrived at his office, parking his motorbike and taking off his helmet. As always, earning smiles and flirtatious looks from the ladies in the streets, but he loved the attention. 
Working as a publicity chief had its perks. You could share an office with your best friends and have an assistant that brings you lunch or whatever you want, but it also had its drawbacks like having a boss who’s riding your ass. That was Felix’s case. 
Felix got inside the building and into his office. “What’s up, Hyunjinnie?” he said.
Hyunjin looked up from his computer and smirked. “Oh, hey, Lix”
Jisung, his other best friend, got inside with a worried look. “Did you hear?”
“Hear what? About the Knicks game tomorrow? I did, and it’s pretty terrible, cause I didn’t get the tickets--”
Jisung sighed. “Not about the Knicks game. De Lauer diamonds is looking for a new ad agency and Mr. Park wants to move it aggressively”
“Yes!” Felix smiled. “Yes! This is a good day. Guys, did you know that diamonds are as common as taxis on Fifth Avenue?” he asked while taking his shirt off, and grabbing his dress shirt from the desk. The women in the office every day went crazy whenever he came in with a normal, regular shirt and changed it for a formal one. “The value is entirely sentimental… but we do have game in what we do the best. Advertising. So, my point is--” he said while buttoning his shirt up. “De Lauer owns the diamond market, meaning, if I represent them, I basically own everyone’s ass in the industry” he smiled.
Hyunjin sighed. “That’s the thing, Mr. Park already gave it to the Chaeyoung’s”
Felix’s eyes narrowed. Son Chaeyoung and Park Chaeyoung were his number 1 competitors inside the publicity business. “No way!”
“Yeah, it kind of makes sense when you have a pair of hot leggy chicks and we’re the beer and sneakers division, you know?” Hyunjin said. 
“No way, I’ll have this deal” Felix said.
Jisung and Hyunjin stepped in his way. “No, Mr. Park is on a plane right now, business meeting. He’s having dinner with the Chaeyoung’s tonight”
“At Yu Bar” Jisung said and Hyunjin nodded. 
“That fancy shithole? I’ll crash there and claim what’s ours guys. This will be my pitch, my account, my campaign, my baby. I make the rules now” he smirked. 
“It’s kind of hard when you have a millionaire right above your ass but we get your point bro, we’re with you” Hyunjin said with a shrug. 
“Hell yeah” Jisung smiled. 
After work, you and the girls prepared yourselves to set a trap for the guy you were going to use for this ‘How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days’. 
You put on your best dress and put the plan in action, heading to Yu Bar, Karina’s parents restaurant. 
“I don’t think this will work, Y/N” Karina said with a frown walking down the street.
“Of course it will work, Rina. Just watch me hook a guy with my charms, like woo him a little that will make him want to see me again and then tomorrow I’ll pull the switch and make him nuts” you explained with ease. 
“Please tell me you’re not gonna burn down his apartment or bite him, are you?” Ryujin asked. 
You laughed at her comment. “No, I’m gonna limit myself to doing everything girls do that make men run off” you shrugged. “That means being clingy, needy--”
“Touchy-feely” Ryujin added and you nodded. “Oh, call him in the middle of the night just to tell him everything you had to eat that day” she smirked devilishly. 
“What’s wrong with that?” Karina asked, making you and Ryujin stop dead in your tracks. “I’m kidding”
You got inside Yu Bar and Karina gave a wink to the man guarding the door, letting him know they had free access to eat. 
“Well, Ryujin and I will grab a couple of drinks, in the meantime, you go search for a man that could easily fall for your trap” Karina said and grabbed Ryujin’s hand, guiding her to the bar. 
You nodded and looked around. Let’s get the plan started, you smirked to yourself. 
Mr. Park arrived at Yu Bar with the Chaeyoung’s behind him. 
“Hello Felix. What a surprise seeing you here” he said, surprised to see the freckled blonde sitting on the table he exclusively reserved for him and the Chaeyoung’s. 
The girls behind him scowled at the intrusive blonde, and he winked at them.
“Hello, Mr. Park. How’s it going?” he smirked, standing to shake the man’s hand. “Son, Park” he nodded to them. 
“I’m great, but what are you doing here?” he asked with a shake of his head, confused at the situation.
He sat down. “Well, I’m here for the meeting. I know I wasn’t invited but I should’ve. It was my tip De Lauer was shopping for a new firm” he smirked at the girls. 
“Yes, it was. But I was thinking about who suits best within the company” Mr. Park said.
“And that’s me” Felix said confidently. 
“Felix, I know you sell blow pretty well. But these ladies sell luxury faster than anyone” He said.
The blonde sighed, irritated to hear how his boss was complimenting his worst enemies. 
“We’re here to sell diamonds, mostly women. Because let’s face it. Women love diamonds and if we can make them seem appealing to them then boom” the freckled man said. “Selling a diamond to a woman is like making her fall in love. Like talking about head-over-heels in love, his-and-her towels, let’s grow old together, L-O-V-E, love” he explained. The Chaeyoung’s were giving him a strange look. “Look, I love women. I do. I respect them, and listen to them. And that’s why I can sell myself to any woman, anytime, any day, anywhere” he said.
“Make a woman fall in love with diamonds or with you, Felix?” Son Chaeyoung asked. 
Felix was taken aback with the question. “Either way… I’m pretty confident” he said. 
“I’d like to see you prove that” Park Chaeyoung challenged.
“Oh, you would?” 
She laughed. “The agency is co-hosting a party for the De Lauers at the museum. The party is in a week from sunday. Think you can make a woman fall in love with you by then?” Park Chaeyoung asked. 
Felix’s eyes narrowed and smiled a little. “Ten days?”
“Any woman, anytime, anywhere?” Son Chaeyoung chimed in.
“Yeah well, any woman, who’s single, straight and available, yeah” he said. 
Park Chaeyoung smirked. “Then it’s settled. I’ll choose a woman from this bar. Anyone. And then you decide”
Felix turned around with a smirk. “So, who’s the lucky girl?” 
Son Chaeyoung recognized you from the Composure offices as she was friends with both Mr. Park and Kang Seulgi. “Her” she pointed at you with an evil smirk.
Felix turned around and saw you. His heart fluttered a little bit when he saw you throwing your head back in a laugh with a drink in your hands, facing your friend Karina. He smiled and nodded. “Done”
“Done. You’re on” he nodded at Son Chaeyoung. “You both are. But here are the stakes” he specified, making Mr. Park’s eyebrows arch. “After I win this bet, the pitch is mine”
“Agreed” Son Chaeyoung said.
“Mr. Park?”
“Agreed” he said. “You come to that party with a girl that’s really in love with you, Felix, and you can make the pitch to the De Lauers.”
The Chaeyoung’s looked at each other and sighed. 
“To the De Lauers” Mr. Park said, raising a toast to the four of them. 
“Okay guys, this is not going as I thought it would. I charmed my way with two guys in ten minutes. The first one was gay, and the second one was married.” you sighed, dropping your ass on the stool. “Saw the fucking ring on his finger and the wallpaper on his phone”
Ryujin rubbed your arm. “You’ll find him. Don’t worry. Here’s your Manhattan” she said, handing you the drink. 
You noticed that your purse was not with you and you slapped yourself on the forehead. “Shit, I forgot my purse on the other side of the bar. I’ll be right back” you said, hopping off the stool. 
You made your way to where the purse was, and grabbed it. You were about to walk to where your friends were until a blonde, handsome, freckled, and sexy guy was standing right in front of you. Your eyes widened. 
“Hi” he said.
“Hi” you said, looking him up and down, while he did the same. “Y/N Y/L/N” you said and stretched your hand out. 
He smiled and took it. “Felix Lee” 
“Thank you” he said smugly.
You scoffed. “I meant your name” 
“Thank you two times”
“Unattached?” you asked. 
“Currently” he nodded, sipping his drink. 
“Surprising” he said. 
“Rarely” he said and you hummed. “Interested?”
“Perhaps” you played hard to get.
“Starved actually” you said, twirling your hair with a finger.
“Leaving” he said confidently.
“Okay” you nodded. “Let me get my stuff then, Felix Lee” 
“I’ll meet you at the door” he said, and walked up to the entrance with a smile on his lips. 
You walked up to Karina and Ryujin and squealed. “Guys, I think I got one” you said.
“But he was married” Karina protested.
You laughed. “No, not him. The cute blonde who’s waiting at the door with the leather jacket” 
Ryujin peeped from just above your head and gasped. “Holy cow. He’s really cute”
“I’m gonna check if he’s a keeper. He promised he wasn’t psycho, though” you said, grabbing your purse. “I’m doing this for you. Bye guys”
You walked through the crowd until you reached Felix, who put a hand on your back and led you outside. You walked up to a car that was right by the entrance, thinking it was his until he grabbed your hand and led you to a motorcycle parked right next to it. 
You scoffed. “I… a bike?” you stammered.
“Yep. Here, I use the black one, and you the goofy-looking white helmet” he said, handing you the helmet with a smile. 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “You always pick up girls like this? Cause I’m telling you it is not charming at all” you said, laughing.
“Come on Y/N Y/L/N” he said, and you grabbed the helmet putting it on your head. He then let out a cute giggle and knocked on the helmet with his knuckles softly.  “Beautiful”
After you grabbed food, you headed to his apartment. He dropped his stuff on the kitchen table and offered to take off his jacket that was clinging to your shoulders. 
“So, I never got to ask you this but uh… what do you exactly do for a living? Cause let me tell you, this is a great apartment” you said, looking around.
“I’m in advertising” he said, putting the coat on the hanger beside the door. “I work mostly with alcoholic beverages and athletic companies, and now our big break is with jewelry companies” he said, turning around to face you.
“Huh. That’s pretty good. I love it”
“You?” he asked, grabbing two beers from the fridge. 
“I work at Composure” you said, grabbing the bottle he offered to you. 
His eyebrows raised at that. “Wow, fastest selling women's magazine in the US, that’s amazing” he smiled at you. “What do you write about? How to save a shopaholic’s life?”
You gasped. “Oh, wow. Calm down, sparky. I got a journalism degree from Columbia, thank you very much. My boss loves me and if I kiss her ass a little more, I will write about whatever the hell I want” you said proudly, sipping on your newly opened beer. 
“Like shoes- Ow” he said, his comment earning a punch. He laughed and rubbed his shoulder.
“No, smarty pants. I want to write about politics. Or… alcoholic beverages and athletic gear” you teased and he laughed. 
Felix smiled. “You’re mean. Do you bite?”
“Sometimes. I can if you want me to, freckles” you said with a glint in your eyes, that made his darken. 
He licked his lips. “Do you want to go to my room?” he asked. “You know, it’s pretty much… comfy there”
You smirked. “Yeah, let me go to the bathroom, real quick”
You walked to the bathroom and locked yourself in there, stifling your laugh. You caught this playboy-like guy who was too cocky for his own good. You dialed Ryujin’s number and looked at yourself in the mirror. 
“Are you at his apartment? I can’t believe you, Y/N!” Ryujin squealed.
“Yes, yes. I got him”
“You’re not gonna sleep with him are you?” Karina asked. 
You rolled your eyes. “No, Rina. I have self-control. Unlike other people”
Karina gasped. “That was mean. That hurt”
Meanwhile, Felix lit some candles and put them in his room, smirking at himself. 
“You have to take down notes. Remember the article” Ryujin said.
“Yeah, I know, Ryu. I gotta go. I’ll text you guys the details then. Bye” you said and pressed the red button, finishing the call and straightening up your dress. This was going to be fun. 
You got out of the bathroom and took in his room, all lit by candles while a slow R&B song was playing in the background. 
“Wow, this is impressive” you said, grabbing the beer you had left on the stand. 
He sat on the chest of drawers he had and patted the empty space. You smiled and sat down next to him, dropping your purse next to you and sipping on your beer. You two stayed in silence, just enjoying each other’s company, until you got bored of it, and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
He let you for a couple of seconds until he pulled his head back a little with a groan. “Wait, let’s not go too fast” he whispered. 
Your heart sank. He’s not as easy as I thought. Blinking several times, you nodded, fake blushing, trying to guilt-trip him into kissing you. 
You tried to take a sip from your beer but he pushed it away and kissed the breath out of you. He made you stand up, your kiss never breaking. Wrapping your arms around him, you opened your mouth and welcomed his tongue. You felt the control slipping from your fingers and pulled away.
“We’re moving too fast” you panted against his lips. 
He nodded but you kissed him again, and he followed your lead. The kiss was hungry and he grabbed your ass, making you moan a little loud against his lips. His hands dropped to your thighs, lifting you up a little and you both dropped on the bed. Felix grabbed your leg, caressing the skin there, gripping your flesh and it made you both pull away at the same time.
“Too fast” you said in unison. 
You both sat up and looked at each other. 
“We respect each other right?“ You asked.
“If you respect me, I respect you”
“Good” you said, and dropped a kiss on his lips. 
A few minutes later, your cab arrived and you walked down the street opening the door of the taxi. You heard someone whistling and you looked up, seeing Felix in his balcony, smirking at you. 
He waved at you and you waved back.
“Ah, you are already falling in love with me” he said, pushing his tongue against the inner side of his cheek.
You smiled from down the street and blew him a kiss. “I’m gonna make you wish you were dead. Poor guy”
And then you were gone, and he was back in his apartment. He turned around and bit his lip, noticing that you (purposely) forgot your purse on his chest of drawers.
“Smart girl” he said, with a nudge of his head.
Day 2
Felix dropped the purse on his office desk. Hyunjin and Jisung sat studying the bag, their eyes running all over the leather object.
“Have you looked inside of it?” Hyunjin asked.
He shook his head. “No, I waited to be with you so you could give me advice on how to play my next move” Felix said, sitting down on his chair.
Jisung rolled his eyes. “Dude you’re the expert with chicks here”
“I know. But you think she’ll bother if I put my hands inside her purse?” he asked, sipping on his coffee.
Hyunjin tried to grab it but ended up throwing it to the floor and all the things inside spilled on the floor. Jisung smacked the back of his head, making the elder grumble and rub the sore spot. 
“Great job, knobhead” Felix said and the three guys kneeled down to check the things inside your purse. “Wait guys” he said as he looked at a white envelope. “What’s this?” he asked, opening it and he took out two Knicks game tickets. 
His eyes widened and so did his friends’. 
“She’s so hot. I don’t even have to see her face to know she is” Hyunjin said, clenching his eyes.
“That she is. But she’s also a smart little shit. She wanted me to find them” Felix said smugly, getting up and dropping them on his desk.
Jisung’s eyebrows arched. “Felix, you guys met when she had already her purse with her”
Felix didn’t pay him attention and smirked.
Meanwhile, your office was full of white roses, and you gasped looking at the scene. Ryujin next to you laughed. “Okay, what did you give him? A love spell?”
“What the hell is this?” you asked. 
Karina searched the flowers for a card and found one, and read it out loud. “One hundred times more beautiful than a hundred roses. Where the fuck do you find these guys?”
You laughed and felt your heart flutter. No, wait. This was all planned. You rolled your eyes at yourself. “He works in advertising, of course he had to give me flowers with a catchy pick up line” 
Ryujin laughed. “You think?”
You gasped. “This means he found the Knicks tickets” you said. Karina gasped. “I’m mean, I know. I’ll call him”
Just before you could dial his number, your phone rang. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, Composure offices” you said, knowing it was him.
Felix put the phone on speaker and gave his friends a smug smile. “Hey, hey pretty girl. Received my flowers?”
You sighed. “I did. I got now a really embarrassing display of roses in my office” you said, rolling your eyes with a smirk on your face. 
Felix laughed. “You are welcome, I had a really good time last night” he said charmingly. “I have your bag”
“Oh, I know. I forgot it. Such a klutz” you said, your friends stifling their laughs with their hands. 
Felix sighed. “Well, you must need it back. You know, all the cash, credit cards… Knicks game tickets for tonight” he taunted. His friends gave him a thumbs up.
You fake gasped. “You are a very bad boy, Mr. Lee. You’ve been peeking through my bag! Haven’t they taught you manners?”
He scoffed. “No, absolutely not. My art director and pal Hyunjin, who’s such a dumbass, knocked it over by accident” he said and kicked Hyunjin’s leg without even looking at him.
“Ow! Yeah, I’m a dumbass, sorry” he said, wincing.
“Alright. I’m sorry, though. I’m going with someone else to the game. 
Felix smirked. “Well, not anymore. You forgot your bag by ‘accident’? You obviously wanted me to go to the game. You just didn’t know how to ask. But save the begging, pretty girl, I’ll go with you”
You gasped internally. Cocky, you mouthed to your friends. “You are so full of yourself, tell me. Does that psychobabble work with everybody?” you asked, leaning forward on your desk. 
“You tell me”
“You are so mean” Karina whispered.
You pressed your lips together, pretending to think about it. “Alright, you win, handsome. Meet me at the seventh avenue entrance. Don’t be late”
“You got it. Bye bye”
“Bye” you said and hung up the phone. 
Ryujin and Karina let their laugh out. “He’s dead” Ryujin said.
It was Knicks night and you and Felix were sitting very close to the court. He was in awe. 
You and Felix booed, cheered, yelled and clapped, you were both ecstatic. 
An hour later, the game was about to end, the team calling for a 20-second-time and break began. That meant that the fan cams were on. It was time for the kissing cam and you both laughed at the couples kissing. You gasped when the camera pointed at both you and Felix and laughed, looking at each other. 
You patted your cheek but he quickly grabbed your neck and planted a heavy kiss on your mouth. The crowd erupted in cheers as the kiss grew hotter and you pulled away, with a red face. He sat there licking his lips, proud of your reaction. 
The break time was finished and the game began once again. An idea popped in your head.
“Lixie, babe?” you asked with a pouty face.
He didn’t even look at you. “What-what?” he asked.
“I’m kind of thirsty, Lix” you whined. 
“Yeah okay” he said and continued cheering on the team.
You frowned and sighed. “Felix, can you get me a soda? I’m parched” you whined. 
Felix couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She wants a soda right now? Just when the game’s ending? “I’ll get it right after the game, baby” he said, glancing at you.
“I’m really thirsty” you smiled at him with a little pout and he looked at you. “I’ll get it” with a sigh, you mumbled. 
He made you stop. “No, hang on. I’ll get it” he sighed and ran quickly to the shop, up the stairs. 
Felix ran to the shop and asked for a coke. When he finally got it, he went back to the bleachers. 
“Here” he said, handing it to you and quickly stretching up his neck to see what he missed. 
You took a sip and pretended to gag. “Ugh, Felix. I forgot. I wanted a diet coke. Not regular” you whined. 
Felix looked at you and you noticed he was very irritated. He pursed his lips furiously. “I’ll- Wait a second” he said and got back to the shop, right after, the crowd started counting from 5 to 0.
When the player scored, Felix missed by a few seconds on the shop TV. Everyone cheered and he stood there, watching the TV furiously. Felix kicked an empty soda cup on the floor angrily. He had missed the most important part of the game.
Once they were out of Madison Square Garden, you grabbed onto Felix’s arm and sighed. “What an exciting game, dude” you said with a smile. “I’ve never had so much adrenaline in my body, let me tell you”
Felix sighed. “Yep, pretty good game” he said. 
“Oh, too bad you missed it” you said with a cheeky smile and stopped a cab. He bit his lips and let out a little smile. She’s lucky she’s cute, he thought.
The cab stopped and he opened the door for you. You stood watching him. “So… I’ll see you later, huh?” you asked. 
He nodded. “I hope so” 
You smiled and handed him the soda cup. He kissed you holding your waist and then when he pulled away, he winked at you. You got inside the car and closed the door. 
Felix stood there watching the cab speed off. “Nice” he said, drinking the rest of the soda.
Day 3
Felix was in a business meeting when his assistant peeked in and knocked. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Park. But Mr. Lee has an important call” she said with a wince.
He nodded. “Leave them a message, Yunjin please” Felix told her.
“It’s Y/N, Mr. Lee” she smiled.
He looked at Mr. Park for permission, and he sighed, nodding. “Make it quick”
Felix grabbed the phone and hit the accept call button. 
“It’s me! Baby!” You squealed.
“Uh, I’m in a business meeting right now, babe. I can’t call you now. Can I call you later, though?” he offered. 
“It’s just that I miss you so much, baby-boo-boo-boo” you said with a baby voice. Ryujin and Karina were next to you and were holding onto each other, trying not to cackle.
“Well I miss you too” he said, with a smile, trying to ignore the baby voice.
“You busy tonight?” 
“Uh, I’m not. Can we catch a movie or something? You can pick if you want” he said. “The cinema on the fourth is making a retro movie night” he said.
“A movie? My choice?” you squealed.
“I’m so excited! I’ll call you later then, Lixie-Boo” you said.
“Bye, hon” he said, and hung up. A little smile was playing on his lips. “I think this is working, ladies and gentlemen” he yelled and clapped his hands, making Mr. Park shake his head with a little chuckle. 
Movie night was on and the one you had picked was the most cringey you could find in retro-movie night: You’ve Got Mail.
You were eating popcorn and while you were enjoying the movie, you needed him to get irritated by your comments. “I always wanted a man like Tom Hanks” you said. “This is like my favorite movie of all time” you lied.
“Yeah me too” he said. You stopped eating. Shit, you thought, bad movie choice. 
Someone shushed you from behind your seats and you kept quiet. 
You bit your lip. “What are you thinking about?” you digged.
Felix forced a smile. “Movie. I’m thinking about the movie” he said, not bothering to look at you. 
You smiled and played with his hair. “Yeah but what are you thinking about?” 
He sighed, slightly enjoying the feeling of your fingers on his hair but hating the way you were trying to make conversation in the middle of You’ve Got Mail. “The movie” 
You nodded and tried to think about your next move. “Okay, but what? Your mind’s completely blank?” you asked, and he closed his eyes, letting out a ragged breath. “Who is she?” you asked, putting your popcorn down, feeling your forehead purse into a frown.
Felix looked at you. “Who’s who?” he asked, genuinely concerned.
“The girl you’re thinking about” You exclaimed.
“I can’t hear” the guy who shushed you before says.
“I’m not thinking about any girl, Y/N” he said.
You clicked your tongue. “I’ve dealt with enough liars! You can’t watch Meg Ryan and not think about another girl” you said. 
People behind you were trying to shut you up but it didn’t work.
“You wanna know what I’m thinking?” he asked in a whisper. You nodded and he sighed. “I’m thinking about… how damn beautiful you are. And how that beautiful face like yours can believe I’m thinking about another girl, while I’m here with you” he said. “And also, how damn good this movie is. So we’re going to continue watching it” 
You squealed a little bit and hugged him. “Oh, Lix, my baby” you said and kissed his face a couple of times, leaning almost on top of him. “I love sharing this with you”
“Hey! I can’t see and I can't hear” the guy behind you said.
You whirled around in your seat furiously. “If you don’t shut up, my boyfriend here will kick your ass back to where you belong” you said smugly.
“Wait, Y/N” he tried, his eyebrows furrowing in desperation.
“Oh really? Let’s see what you got, pretty boy. Outside. Now” the man said.
Felix wanted the earth to swallow him up.
“Oh, Felix. Poor baby” you said, grabbing his face, sitting on the floor of the cinema entrance. His face was nestled between your breasts and he sighed contently, even if he was in pain.
“Wait. Lix let’s go to a hospital” you said. The bruise on his face was getting pretty bad and purple.
He grabbed your waist. “No, no. Stay. Stay right here”
“Okay” you said.
His face was rubbing your breasts and he let out a content moan. “Yes. Just stay still” he said with a smirk.
You laughed. “You perv” 
He laughed and you grabbed his hair, lifting him from your chest. 
“You’re fine. Come on” you said, getting up, offering your hands. He took them and stood up. 
Felix smiled at you and dropped a long kiss to your lips. 
“Let’s go Rocky” you whispered. 
Day 4
Felix was planning a tranquil evening, to sit on his couch, watch the Knicks game and relax in his apartment with you. He decided that he was going to cook real nice for the both of you. 
A knock startled his cooking and went to open the door. 
“Come in, it’s open!” he yelled. 
You got inside and smiled at him. “Hello, Lixie-Boo” you said.
He looked at you and his eyes widened. You were wearing a pretty baby blue dress. “Wow, you look gorgeous” he said.
“Thank you, sweet pea” you squealed and dropped a kiss to his cheek. 
You looked at the table and saw the candles, the music in the background making it more nice than it already was.
You gasped. “Oh, honey. This is… too much, I love it” you said.
“Great! Dinner will be ready in five minutes. Go ahead and pour the wine” he said.
“I got you a couple of gifts” you said evilly. You opened the box you brought with you and inside laid a couple of teddy bears and a picture of you with the caption: you’re my, my, my, my lover.
His eyes widened. “Oh… yay” he said. What the hell is all this stuff? Is she quoting Taylor Swift to me?
“Here are two teddy bears. One of them says #1 lover because you are” you said pinching his cheek. “They’re called Lixie and Y/N. Oh! Like us” you said in a baby voice. “And then this picture of me, with Lover from T-Swift lyrics. Do you like it?” you asked.
Felix coughed. “Y-yeah, baby. Love’em” he lied. You kissed him and smiled. 
“You’re so sweet. I’m gonna drop these in your room, wait up” you said.
Felix sighed once you were gone, wiping his face with his hands. 
In his room, you barely contained your laughter but you tried to keep it down. Poor guy. 
The Knicks game was on the TV and was about to start. Felix put the big tray of food and opened the lid. Inside was meat with veggies on it, a very nice decoration, and you hated to say, but you were impressed. Until an idea popped in the back of your head.
You pressed your lips together and let out a fake sob. “Oh, oh this is all my fault, Lix” you whispered, putting a hand over your chest.
He sat down next to you and his eyebrows furrowed. “What happened?” he asked, grabbing your hand.
“I’m– I’m a vegetarian” you sobbed. “It’s just that animal meat makes me sad” you said, fake tears escaping your eyes. The blonde sat frozen in his seat. “It’s-- it’s dead” you said.
He let out an irritated sigh. “I’m sorry, darling, I didn’t know” he muttered, shaking his head.
“It’s okay… this was beautiful. You’re beautiful” you said, wiping your fake tears and rubbing his cheek affectionately. 
Later, you both found yourselves in a deli, eating veggie bowls, which Felix found disgusting, and making him completely miss the Knicks game. 
You finished the food (who he labeled as cow-food), and he quickly ran to the TV to catch the Knicks game, only to find out it had already finished. He let out a grunt and dropped the remote on the couch. “Fuck” he sighed.
He let himself fall on the couch and you climbed over him, kissing the life out of him. Felix let out a surprised groan and grabbed your ass. You unbuttoned his shirt, a few buttons flying away. You couldn’t admit this to anyone, but you found him exciting. 
He smirked against your lips and let his hands wander under your dress, letting his palms rest on your ass. 
You wanted to up the game. “Does little Lix want to come out and play?” you groaned in his ear. 
His eyes widened, while you kissed down his chest. “Uh, what?”
You lifted your head.
“Little Lix?” he asked, utterly confused. 
“Well, we don’t know if he’s big or little, we’re gonna find out” you squealed and resumed kissing your way down to his crotch. 
He lifted you up gently by your arm. “No, no. Baby. You can’t just… name my dick” he said with a frown.
Your eyebrows raised. “You… what are you saying? Do you want me to call it… big Lix? Cocky enough, baby?” you said in a baby voice. You almost laughed out loud at the look on his face. 
“Uh… I’m-- big Lix is not ready to come out and play” he said, cringing at his own words. 
You sighed with a smile. “Well, in that case. I better get going” you said and dropped a kiss to his lips. “Bye honey-bear”
When you were out the door, you snickered. 
“It’s getting easier by the minute” you sing-songed with an evil laugh getting inside the elevator when a hand stopped the door from closing.
Felix smiled and got inside, grabbing your waist and lifting you up against the wall of the elevator, kissing you. His tongue got inside your mouth and tangled with yours. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist. “Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked against your lips.
You breathed in and licked your lips. “Yep”
“Well, call me” he pecked your lips and then he was out of the elevator.
You grimaced once you made sure he wasn’t looking. “What the hell? This ain’t getting easier”
You needed to up your game, immediately. 
Day 5
The next day in Felix’s office, Hyunjin and Jisung were discussing how you were getting weirder by the time the relationship went on.
“Okay, I thought you said Y/N was a goddess after the Knicks game, little Lix” Hyunjin teased, earning a punch on the shoulder from the blonde.
He laughed. “Well, that was the good Y/N, the smart, cool and sexy woman I met. Not this crazy, evil side she’s showing” he said.
“Maybe she’s bipolar--” Jisung started.
The three guys turned around to find you with a dog in hand.
“Y/N baby” he smiled at you, standing up and walking towards you. “We were just talking about you. You are looking absolutely gorgeous” he said.
“Oh, good things I hope, right baby boo?” you cooed. 
He pressed his lips together and nodded. 
“These are my friends! Hyunjin and Jisung!” he said, pointing behind him and they waved at you.
You gasped. “Oh Lixie told me all about you guys”
“Lixie-Boo told all about you too” Hyunjin teased the blonde, who glared at him.
“Great, well look what I just got you” you sing-songed. “I got you a puppy! His name is… guess what?” you said, clapping your hands together.
He shrugged.
“Little Lix!” you squealed.
Jisung and Hyunjin snickered behind him. 
He smiled and tried to think how the fuck he was going to survive six days more if this was going to keep up like this.
When he got home, he put Little Lix in the kitchen and put water and food ready for him. He grabbed his phone and saw his voicemail was full.
You got 17 new messages from Y/N Y/L/N.
“Oh shit” he said. 
He listened to every single one of them and he face-palmed himself. This is getting even harder than I thought , he thought.
He got inside the bathroom to wash his face and opened the cabinet. He froze when he found a lot of feminine products and he closed it, turning around to find two toothbrushes and a lot of girly stuff scattered in the bathroom. Felix grabbed his hair and almost yelled out. 
“Fucking shit”
Day 6
“Girls, I’m telling you. He’s not leaving me“ you said, eating from your ice cream pint. 
“Are you being clingy?” Karina asked.
You nodded. “Like a bitch, yeah. I even supplied his bathroom with girly stuff, some of them I don’t even use. Then I gifted him teddy bears and I baby talk to him. I’m whiny and needy? How is he not leaving me?” you asked.
The girls laughed and continued eating ice cream.
“Either way, I gotta think about something before tomorrow” you said.
Ryujin sat up. “Wait, why not tonight?”
“It’s Poker night with his friends” you said. “Boys night”
“You’re giving him boys night?” she asked.
“They do it every week” you shrugged.
“Before… he met… you” she said.
“Ryujin, I love you”
“Bunny! I’m home!” you said, startling his friends and him.
Felix turned around and his eyebrows furrowed. “Baby, what are you doing here?” he asked, sitting up and putting the blunt he was smoking, in a plate.
“I just… I figured I could stop by and kiss you a little bit, huh? Your friends don’t mind if I steal you for about… an hour or so?” you asked.
He laughed nervously. “Honey, I told you… boys night” he said.
You pretended to be offended. “You… don’t want to see me? Do you- Oh! You think I’m crazy!” you said.
Felix’s eyes widened. “I- No! I don’t think you’re crazy, baby. I just want a boys night with--” 
“Oh, I’m sure it was an excuse to hook up with other girls, and oh! I’m sure there’s one hidden here, probably in your bathroom” you fake cried. “I’m out of here, Felix” you said and walked out the door.
He followed you with Little Lix barking behind him. 
“Hey, hey, hey. What was all that?” he asked, making you turn around.
You pressed the elevator button and sighed. “What?”
“You acting like a freaking maniac” he said. 
You gasped and the elevator dinged. “Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t be with someone who thinks I’m mental. Bye, Felix” you said and the elevator doors closed but he pressed the button so they opened them again.
”No wait. Where’s the fun, cool, beautiful and sexy Y/N I knew? Huh?” Felix asked. “The one who wanted to be a serious journalist? You’re acting insane, like one second you’re up then you’re down!” he said.
You pursed your lips. “So I guess we’re over” you shrugged your shoulders with a glare.
“Fine” you said and the elevator door closed. You smiled in victory and then it quickly fell. What the hell is happening? 
Back in Felix’s apartment, Jisung and Hyunjin almost tackled him. “You’re going back, apologize and get back together with her” Jisung said. “Five more days, man. And that’s it” he said.
“No, wait. Hey. You saw how she acted back there” he said.
“Yes, but if you really want the pitch, then you’re going back to her, apologize and be her little bitch for five. More. days” Hyunjin stated.
“Do you want Son and Park Chaeyoung to be comfortable in their new office? The one that should be ours?” Hyunjin digged.
“No, of course not!” Felix said. “But what do I do? What do I tell her!?”
“Couples therapy! Literally anything” Jisung said.
“Couples therapy?” Felix asked.
This was getting way out of hand. 
“Yes, now go!” Hyunjin patted his back and pushed him. 
He sprinted off running to the stairs, jumping from three to three. He got to the door just in time when you got out of the building. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Wait, baby boo” he said, cringing at his choice of words. “Forgive me, please. I don’t- I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry” he said, kneeling on the ground.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. What the hell was this guy’s problem and why the hell why was he not running away from her?
“Can you give me another chance?” he asked, puppy eyes on. 
“Haven’t you had enough?” you asked ironically, but you really meant it this time. 
“I’m willing to do anything, Y/N. Please” he said, opening his arms.
You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, making him stand up, kind of embarrassed that anyone walking down the street could see him like that. 
“Like, what do you think about… couples therapy?” he asked. 
A light bulb turned on in your brain. Couples therapy, huh?
“Oh, Felix. I know a therapist who’ll do wonders with you. When shall we start?” you said, intrigued about his request. 
He nodded. “Tomorrow. Whenever you want” he said, desperately. “Whatever it takes”
“A kiss?” you pouted. 
“Thank you, sweetheart” he said and kissed you almost making you tumble at how hard he kissed you. You had to admit, he was one hell of a kisser. “Thank you for understanding”
“Yeah, no problem, baby boo. But you’re still on probation” you said and walked away. “What the fuck did I get myself into?” you whispered to yourself.
Day 7
“If we’re really doing this, you’ll have to open up, Felix. You hear me?” you whined when you reached the ‘therapist’ apartment. 
“Yeah, of course” 
You knocked on the door and Karina appeared, wearing a white pajama pants and a shirt, with big ass glasses and a bun. “Y/N Y/L/N, and Felix Lee. Come in” she said with a formal voice.
Your eyebrows wiggled and tried not to laugh. You grabbed Felix’s hand and sat him down on the couch. 
“So, before we start. I wanted to ask you how you were gonna pay for this session?” she asked.
You patted Felix’s back. “Sweetie?”
“Uh, yeah. How much is it?” he asked, grabbing his wallet from his jean pocket.
“Three hundred dollars the hour” she said calmly. 
His eyes almost bulged out of his school when he heard the price that fell from Karina’s lips. Felix cleared his throat and reached for his wallet. Whatever it takes, then the pitch is yours. He handed Karina the bills and she cleared her throat.
“So, tell me, you guys. How long have you been seeing each other?” she asked.
“Seven days” you replied with a smile.
“Isn’t it too soon to be seeing a therapist?” Felix asked calmly.
You smiled at him. “Well, it isn’t a lifetime but it is--”
“It’s like a week” he said.
You fake gasped and looked at Karina. “Do you hear that tone? How can we not need a therapist when you’re snapping at me like that every goddamn second!” you said rather loudly.
Karina nodded. “How are things between you… I mean… sexually” she digged.
You laughed a little. “Oh, about that… he has a little problem” you said, winking at Karina. “If you know what I mean”
He shook his head. “No, Y/N. Wait. We haven’t had sex yet” he said. “And I don’t have a problem”
“Yes you do”
“No, no I don’t” 
“Okay, okay. Look, the one night that we even thought about having sex you called my dick little Lix, or- or big Lix” he said, turning completely to face you. “Without even seeing it!”
“I thought it was beautiful” you said, close to fake crying.
“I see, Felix” Karina said, pushing her glasses up her nose. “When was it that you first realized you were attracted to other men?”
You had to contain your laugh at this. “Oh, it… that’s serious” you agreed.
“What? No! I love women, why-- okay. No, that it’s clearly not what happened” Felix stammered irritatedly. 
“I’m hearing a lot of anger that’s been swirling inside of you for a long time, Felix” Karina said, folding her hands together. 
You gasped. “Like a rage-aholic”
“No, I’m not a rage-aholic” he shouted.
“Take a deep breath, sweetie” you said, putting your hand on his arm.
“I gotta ask you this one question” Karina said. “Are you ashamed of Y/N?”
He was taken aback by the sudden question. 
“Of course he is” you said.
“No, I’m not ashamed of you, Y/N” he said, putting a hand on your back. 
Karina cleared her throat. “Then why don’t you… take her to meet your family, for example?” she suggested. You wanted to kill her.
Felix nodded. “Yeah, let’s go do that. You can meet my whole family, let’s go to Staten Island, you can meet them” he smiled. 
“Would you like to go to Staten Island?” Karina asked you.
No! Of course not!  
Day 8
He parked his bike in the driveway of his family house and you were greeted by his mother once you got inside of the house. 
“Oh hello, Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you!” her mother appeared with a baby in her arms. 
“ Bullshit! ” you heard from the patio.
“My dad and uncles play cards every hour of the day” Felix laughed.
“ Bullshit! ” you heard again.
“You are as pretty as Felix described you on the phone the other--”
“Mom!” Felix whined.
You laughed and shook her hand. “Well, the pleasure is mine, Ms. Lee” you said.
“ Bullshit! ”
“Sweetie!” she scolded over her shoulder. “Excuse me honey, I gotta make my husband shut up for a little bit, here” she said and handed Felix the baby he was holding, who you assumed was his cousin. 
Felix grabbed him happily and you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell at the sight of him holding a baby. 
“I’m gonna get him cleaned up, you go out back” he said and dropped a kiss to your lips and then he was gone. 
You took a deep breath and went out to the patio, finding who you assumed was his dad and his uncles. His mother saw you and dropped the cards on the table. “Everyone! Guys, everybody meet Y/N, our Felix’s girl!” she squealed.
His dad smiled and shook your hand. “Well, Felix described you as ‘beautiful’ but his words weren’t enough” he complimented you. 
You blushed a little and giggled. “Well thank you, Mr. Lee”
“No worries, honey” Mr. Lee winked. 
After they introduced you to the whole family, they gave you a couple of cards to play with them. 
“The game is called ‘Bullshit’ as you may have heard. And we’re just in the lightning round, sweetie, you came just in time” Mr. Lee said.
Felix suddenly came in and smiled. “Well look at this. I’m gonna beat everyone’s asses, including yours baby” he winked at you, sitting down and grabbing himself some cards. 
“I don’t really know how to play”
“Well, here’s the trick. You have to get rid of all the cards in your hand” His dad said.
You nodded and looked at your cards.
“Alright I’m gonna throw and say I have two aces. What do you say?” his dad asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at your cards in hand, noticing you had three aces, which meant he could only have one. “I say bullshit”
“What did you say?” he smiled.
“I say… bullshit!” you said and everyone around you cheered. 
After a couple of rounds where everyone except Felix was helping you out to win just to make him lose, you found yourself having fun, more than you had expected and more than the fun you’ve got this couple of months. The feeling was strange.
“Okay, I’ve got two kings”
You looked around and his family shook their heads. Felix caught them cheating and gasped.
“You all are cheating!” he said, making all of you laugh. “Baby! That’s treason!” he laughed.
You just laughed at him and showed him your cards. “Yep. But I won!”
“And that makes him have the lowest score out of all of us in Bullshit thanks to you, for the first time ever! I say we expect you to come here sooner” his mom said, standing up and drawing his score on a chalkboard. 
You laughed. “Why? Were all his other girlfriends Bullshit losers?” you asked, sipping on your drink.
“What other girlfriends? He’s the first girl he’s ever brought home” her mom said and hugged you. 
First girl he’s ever brought home? You felt special. You hated to admit it, but it was true. 
“Don’t you break his heart” she whispered with a little smile and walked away.
It’s a little too late for that now.
After the game, Felix offered to take you for a ride to meet the island on his bike. You accepted, and the blonde took you everywhere. For ice cream, for lunch, to walk in the park, down the port, everywhere. He even taught you how to ride his bike. You couldn’t help it but you felt the butterflies kicking your stomach everytime he smiled or looked at you. And he felt the same. He felt at peace that the fighting and craziness was over for good.
At a certain hour, it started to rain, soaking you from head to toe. You arrived at his home, you rode the bike while he was behind you.
He got you inside of the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
“Alright madam, let’s have a shower, what do you say?“ he asked and turned on the hot water.
You nodded and sat on the sink, thinking about why the hell did you accept to do this to this guy. He was perfect and so good with you. If you ever told him the truth, he’d hate you, and you’d lose him. 
“You can shower first if you want” he said, drying his hand with a towel.
You bit your lip and sighed. 
“Is everything all right?” he asked, putting his hands on your legs, his eyes finding yours. 
You smiled at him, caressing his cheek. “It’s more than okay” you said in a low voice. 
He kissed your palm and pinched your leg a little. “Then tell me what’s wrong. You don’t seem okay”
You let out a breath. “I think… when your mother hugged me today, like… she really hugged me” you said, your eyes getting teary. “For winning a game at Bullshit. Like I was a part of the family” you said, a tear flowing down your cheek. 
Felix’s eyebrows furrowed and he put a hand on your cheek. “But that’s a good thing, baby. Smile for me” he said with a little grin, poking your cheek with his pointer finger.
You smiled for him and his grew bigger. Your noses were almost touching and it confirmed for the both of you. Both bets were a huge mistake.
He brought your head closer to his and kissed your lips. You pulled away and searched for something in his eyes, something that would give you a red flag. You found just a glint and lust in his eyes. You kissed him again, opening your mouth for his tongue to come inside your mouth and sighed at the feeling. 
Felix pulled away and you lifted your hands up, so that he could take your shirt off. He complied and saw that you weren’t wearing a bra. His eyes darkened and you hopped off the counter to take his shirt too.
You dropped it to the ground and then went to unbuckle his jeans while he did the same to yours. He pushed your panties to the ground and he pushed his underwear, too.
Felix grabbed your thighs, hoisting you up, making your legs wrap around his torso and kissed you again. He got inside the shower and pressed you against the cold tiles. His mouth on yours felt heavenly, and with every brush of his tonguey you got more and more wetter by the second. 
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful” he whispered against your neck. He kissed a couple of hickeys on it and then came back to your mouth.
If anyone walked past the bathroom, they would’ve heard the breathy moans the two of you emitted and the slapping of skin on skin sound. Once you came and he did on your stomach, you stayed staring at each other. Guilt was in his eyes, thinking that you, a beautiful woman he had managed to fall in love with, and probably she did as well, was part of a stupid bet to get a stupid pitch. 
You dropped your forehead on his and sighed with a smile. “That was amazing, Lix. Little Lix down there wasn't so little, huh?” you joked, making him laugh out loud. 
“Well, what can I say? I’m full of surprises”  he said.
You got down and you washed each other. As his arms came around you from behind and you couldn’t help but feel like shit. 
If only he knew. 
In the meantime, Felix rested his chin on your shoulder, leaving a little peck on your skin. He closed his eyes as soon as his lips touched you, feeling the guilt and regret wash over him. 
He didn’t know how he was going to tell you, but there was one thing he knew it was certain: he didn’t deserve you. 
At least, that’s what he thought. 
Day 9
The ferry arrived at Manhattan and he drove his bike back to your home. He got down from the bike and walked you to the building entrance.  
“Well, this is home” you said, dropping his hand. 
He nodded and smiled at you. “Uh, Y/N? I wanted to ask you back at Staten but uh… my boss is throwing this party for the diamond account I was telling you about and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? You know… as my date?” Felix asked, clearly nervous. “As my girlfriend” he stated. 
You smiled at him and put your hand on his cheek. “Are you calling me your girlfriend?” 
“Yeah, I am” he said, sure of himself.
You pressed your lips together. “Tomorrow will be the tenth day of seeing each other.”
“I know” he said with a sigh. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow huh?”
“Yeah, absolutely. Should I dress fancy?” you asked.
 “As fancy as you want… but still fancy” he said.
You nodded. “Perfect” you pressed a kiss to his lips and when you pulled away, you hugged him. He felt so good. You didn’t want to let him go just yet, or tell him what you were doing, or him to find out via the magazine. 
As you pulled away, he kissed your head and let you go inside.
“Bye” you blew him a kiss.
Day 10 - final day-
You barged inside Seulgi’s office with a very worried face on you. You let out a breath and sat down on the couch.
“Seulgi? I can’t- I can’t write this article” you stated.
Her eyebrows furrowed and sat down on her chair. “What? Why not? Is your computer broken or something? Figure it out”
“No, it’s not that” you said. “I just… I’ve got to know this guy. He’s amazing. He doesn't deserve this, I really like him, Seulgi. Please” you pleaded.
“Okay. Who’s the boss here?”
“You” you sighed. 
“Then you write what I tell you to write. And that means the article” she said strictly, not even bothering to look at you while she was paging down a magazine. “You’ll do the article, because you are a professional. That’s what professionals do”
“Yes I am” you whispered. 
“Great. Now go. I want the article in less than 48 hours”
The night fell and Felix arrived at your house. He was wearing a fancy tux, but he managed to keep it a little less formal. He took a deep breath and cracked his neck. Felix grabbed his phone and sent you a text.
Lix: I’m here xx
He blushed at the thought of you on a fancy dress. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating in his pocket.
You: be right down. Wait up xx
His heart picked up speed when he heard the door of your building opening. You stood there with a yellow fancy dress with an open cut back. You did a little twirled and took a second to admire him. He was so beautiful, it hurt your eyes. 
The chauffeur from his car smiled at the interaction.
“Hey” you said timidly.
He just stared, he couldn’t believe you were his. 
“Wow, you are so beautiful” he said, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You blushed and ran your fingers through his hair. “You’re looking good too, sparky” you said putting your arm around his and getting inside the car.
Once you reached the museum, you could only gawk at how much diamonds were used for this party. It almost hurt your eyes. 
“Wow, okay. This wasn’t what I expected at all” you said, looking up only to find a very big, sparkly chandelier. 
Felix nodded, chuckling at your face. “You should come more often to these things with me”
You gasped and elbowed him. “What? So you can see me with a fancy dress more often?”
He shrugged. “Maybe” he teased, making you laugh.
Hyunjin and Jisung appeared wearing very formal suits and they waved at you. “Hey guys” you said.
“Oh, great. Stay with them, I’ll go grab us some champagne” he said, kissing your cheek.
You smiled at him and watched him leave while Jisung told an incredibly boring story of how he managed to get a date.
“Uh, guys. I’ll go sit by the table, there are some snacks there. If you’ll excuse me” you said, and excused yourself, really not wanting to deal with those noisy boys. 
Hyunjin and Jisung stood watching you when they felt hands on their shoulders. The Chaeyoung’s were staring at them with an evil grin on them. 
“News for you guys” Son Chaeyoung said.
They looked at each other. “We don’t want to deal with you snakes today” Jisung said. 
Park Chaeyoung scoffed. “I just wanted to let you guys know that we know that Felix cheated” she said.
Hyunjin’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean cheated?” he asked in a monotone voice. 
“We know he told this girl about the bet even before they started dating” Park Chaeyoung said. 
Jisung and Hyunjin looked at each other, wide-eyed. 
“We’ll go tell Mr. Park if you don’t hurry up” Son Chaeyoung said, and then, they were gone.
“Shit, we gotta do something” Jisung said.
They ran to the table you were sitting and sat down next to you, startling you mid-eating a snack. You furrowed your eyebrows at their state.
“Hey, Y/N. We know you know about the bet. Okay? And we need you to play dumb when Mr. Park asks you if you fell in love with Felix” Hyunjin said.
Your stomach dropped. A bet? What bet? You were about to ask until it dawned in you. This was all a bet. Felix made a bet, in which he had to make you fall in love with him (in which he succeeded).
“A bet?” you asked in a small voice.
Jisung nodded. “Yeah, the bet… you know, he’d get the pitch if you fell in love with him” he said.
You played dumb. “Of course” you faked a smile. Internally you were just trying to keep the tears to yourself.
Felix was heading to their table when Kang Seulgi intercepted him.
“Hello Felix. What a pleasure it is to see you” she said with a smile.
He nodded and smiled at the elderly woman. “Yeah, nice to see you too. I gotta head back to my table, there’s this beautiful woman waiting for me-- right there” he said with a smug grin and pointed at you.
Seulgi perked up and gasped. “Y/N? Oh she’s my How-To girl in Composure” she said.
“Your How-To girl?” he asked confusedly.
“Yes. Right now she’s working on an article called How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days” she said and his smile visibly dropped. You were just using him for… an article? Her laugh made him come back from his thoughts. “This poor guy she’s been pretending to date-- wait, she’s actually dating this guy trying to scare him off by making mistakes girls do when--” when she saw the face that Felix and she stopped talking, realizing he was the guy you were dating. “Oh… oh, I’m sorry” she whispered and excused herself. 
He pressed his lips together and downed his champagne glass. He saw you getting up from your chair, grabbed your purse and headed for the exit. Felix followed you, steam flying out of his ears.
When you reached the street you heard his shouting. “No, no, no. Y/N Y/L/N get back here” he said. 
You stopped in your tracks and looked at him. 
“You used me! Just to get a stupid fucking pitch! You played with my feelings, you made me believe you actually care about me” you yelled at him. 
Your words would’ve hurt him if he wasn’t angry enough about the article thing. 
“I used you? You drove me insane for that article from your stupid magazine, okay?” he said angrily. 
“You told people you could make me fall in love with you, like I’m just some random girl that needed saving, you backstabbing jerk” you said, hitting him with your purse. 
Felix stood, pressing his lips together, figuring out what to say next. “So that was what I was, huh? A stupid guinea pig you could use for your experiments?” 
“Yeah and I was just some girl you picked up from a bar because you feel bad for her, sitting all alone with a drink in her hands” you said more calmly.
He chuckled ironically. “Well, you did it. Good job. You wanted to see if you could lose a guy in 10 days, congratulations. You just lost him” he said, and turned away from you.
“No, I didn’t, Felix”
He turned back to face you.
“Because you can’t lose what you never had” you cried out. 
He watched as you turned away and called a cab. His heart was hurting so much. Felix took a shaky breath in and headed back to the party. 
Day 11
“Well, this wasn't what I was expecting” Seulgi said, pushing her glasses up her nose. “But it’s better” she said gladly. 
You chuckled and smiled at her. “I’m glad you like it”
“Now this is my time to free you from my leash. You can write whatever you want now” she said, putting your recently printed article in a folder. 
Your eyebrows perked up at her saying. “That means I can write like… about politics, economics, religion, or--”
“No, Y/N. Whatever you want means what Composure is about, shoes, dramas, what’s new in Oscar de La Renta’s new dresses, you get what I mean” Seulgi said, flicking her wrist at you. 
This wasn’t what you expected. Writing an article about a guy you did end up falling in love with wasn’t even worth it. In the end, Kang Seulgi had tricked you into making you write whatever she wanted. 
You nodded and sighed. “Thank you for the opportunity, Seulgi” you said slowly. She smiled at you. “And thank you for making it easier for me to turn it down” you said, heading for the door. “My resignation letter will be arriving at your mail very soon” you said and then you were out of the door, leaving Seulgi shocked to her very core. 
Felix was in his office, Little Lix in his arms and he let out a sigh, looking at the Knicks game he did not attend. The tickets were laying on his desk, he had planned to give them to you after the party but that did not end up well. 
A knock on his door startled him. “Hey, my man. I’ve got something for you” Hyunjin said, sitting down on a chair.
He saw it was a Composure magazine and he let out a sigh.
“I’m not gonna read that”
“No, you should” he said. Felix just shook his head and dropped Little Lix on the floor. “Okay. You win. I’ll read it to you” Hyunjin said and Felix was about to protest but he held his hands up. “ I’ve lost a guy. And I don’t know why. What went wrong? When I started writing this month’s column, I wanted to commit those certain silly dating mistakes we all commit at some time. But what I didn’t realize was that I was making the biggest mistake of my life ” he said, he lifted his eyes to watch the blonde, who was looking at the floor, with glassy eyes. “Here, read it. Trust me” he said, dropping the magazine on his desk and then he was out of his office.
He sighed and grabbed it, turning to the page where your article was. He started reading and he noticed some important lines: “ I lost the only guy I’ve ever fallen for ”; “ Best 10 days of my life ”, and one that he wasn’t expecting at all. “ This is my last article for Composure ”
His eyebrows furrowed and an idea popped in his head.
A few minutes later, he was running down Composure’s office asking everyone where the hell was your office located. He won a few glares from most of the girls but right now, he didn’t give a fuck.
He found it, and noticed it was empty. Fucking shit, Felix internally cursed. He saw a woman standing right next to her office. 
“Excuse me, Ma’m” he said.
Ryujin turned around abruptly. “Holy crap. You’re Felix”
“I know. Tell me where’s Y/N” he said urgently.
“She quit” Karina appeared from behind him. 
He turned around and noticed a familiarity with the girl.
“She’s got an interview right now, in Washington” Ryujin said.
“Like, right now. She’s leaving right now” Ryujin said, checking her watch.
He turned to leave but not before he turned to face Karina. “You’re not a therapist aren’t you?”
She looked confused until she burst out laughing. “No, I’m not”
“Good job. You owe me 300 dollars”
You leaned your head on the taxi window, letting out a sigh, thinking about the events that took place that week. You knew that Composure wasn’t the best option for you since Seulgi had always done the same shit over and over again, making you think you could write about something more interesting than fashion and then taking your emotion with her. You rubbed your forehead and allowed yourself to think about Felix. There wasn’t a time that you didn’t regret what happened, but looking at the other side, he made a bet too. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you reached the Brooklyn bridge and saw someone riding a very familiar bike, wearing a very familiar helmet. Oh shit, that’s Felix. 
“Sir, please pull over” Felix yelled.
You gasped at the scene. “What-- Felix? What are you doing?” you yelled. “Sir, pull over please?”
“Are you crazy, woman? We’re in the middle of the bridge” the chauffeur said.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not feeling well, I think I’m about to puke”
“Alright, you win” he grumbled.
You got out of the car and saw him pulling the helmet over his head. “What the fuck is this Felix?” you yelled at him.
He sighed and handed you the magazine. 
“Is it true?” he asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed. 
“Dammit, Y/N, what you wrote in the magazine. Or were you just trying to sell a magazine?”
“I meant every word, Felix” you said, your eyes getting teary. “But that doesn’t change anything, does it?”
“It does, and you’re running away” he said.
“I’m not!” You yelled out in a high-pitched voice.
“Yes, you are. To Washington” he said.
You rolled your eyes, pinching your eyebrows. “Yes, but it’s an interview. Besides, what do you care?”
Felix was taken aback by it. “What do I care? I fucking love you Y/N. But I need to be sure it’s true”
“I already told you. It’s true and I… I love you too, Felix. But--” you said-
“But what?” he asked, stepping closer to you.
“I can’t write here. I applied for a job where I know I can write about whatever the fuck I want without a bitch that tells me I need to write what it’s accord to my gender” you said, and turned away to get back to the taxi.
You stopped in your tracks. “Excuse me?”
“Bullshit. You heard me” he said, stepping closer to you. 
You couldn’t move. He reached until your noses were practically touching. He handed a couple of bills to the taxi driver and told him to send your bags back to your apartment. 
“You’re having alternate transportation from now on” he said. 
You sighed and looked at him, your eyes watery. 
“Really? Are you serious?” you asked with a broken chuckle.
“You bet I am” he said and put his hands on your face, bringing you to a passionate kiss. You melted on it and put your arms around his neck, sighing into it. You felt complete. Finally.  “I love you, so much” he said against your lips, letting his nose rub against yours.
“I love you, I love you, I love you” you mumbled, each ‘i love you’ with a kiss. 
“Okay, so are you two gonna let me drive back to the ladies apartment or what?” the taxi driver grumbled, making you two laugh.
You couldn't believe how perfect this moment was. How it all started with a bet and an article that was meant for you two to find each other. 
i hope you liked it :) there are more Felix's fics coming in, i've been pretty busy
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norrisainz33 · 4 months ago
the call pt 2 || platonic grid & gr63
summary: y/n finishes out the triple header strong after being called up to race for alpine
pairing: platonic!grid x george russell x rookie!driver!reader
fc & warnings: none and minor hate comments, bad language, and bad grammar from my end
a/n: i've never had this many people request a part 2 before so i hope y'all enjoy!! I'm going to keep her racing in the remainder of the season so keep an eye out for the rest.
part 1 | part 3
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
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alpinef1team: a point in the bag for pierre and another good drive for y/n 💼
view all 435 comments
user2: solid result for the team!!! y/n ate in her second race ever
user99: a team of losers tbh
ynuser: yay for points! let’s go pierregasly
pierregasly: we go again in brazil! points for both of us there 😉
ynuser: everyone better make sure to bet on us 🙂‍↔️
yourbff: let’s go best friend(s)!!!!
ynuser: 🫶🏻
georgerussell63: great stuff ynuser
ynuser: thanks georgie
user1: notice how he is always supporting her…. is there something here?
user2: they’ve been friends since their karting days!! if you asked me back when they were in f2 if they were tg i would’ve said yes bc they were kinda sus but now idk
user1: gonna go research the lore on their f2 days
you let out a huff as you threw your padel racket on the ground and wiped the sweat from your brow, “god dammit lance! how are you so good at this!?”
laughing lance shrugged, “maybe you and george are just really bad!”
george shook his head, “no mate that can’t be it!”
you took a long drink of your water as the pair continued to bicker. “did you both see the weather for the weekend?” you asked changing the subject so they’d stop.
“yeah, lots of rain it seems.” lance put his racket into his bag and looked up at you with concern. “have you raced in the rain before?”
you shook your head, “no not really. i mean when i was karting yes but outside of that not really.”
“blimey y/n/n,” george ran a hand through his hair. “you’ve been going over those scenarios with your team right? there’s a chance of some really heavy rain.”
“i have, i have. i’ll be ok!” you assured them both with a smile but your friends looked anything but reassured.
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user2: jesus christ you’re so hot
user4: im obsessed with you holy f
georgerussell63: green is a good color on you. tho i think mercedes blue is better
ynuser: you mean alpine blue and pink
georgerussell63: nah i’d like to see you in my colors
ynuser: oh?
georgerussell63: you heard me
francocolapinto: 👀
ynuser: and you’re coming to play with us next time yea?
francocolapinto: si bonita
yourbff: H O T
ynuser: thanks bb
ynuser: also i think george might be flirting in my dms rn?
yourbff: WHAT?!
ynuser: he said he wants to see me in his mercedes kit
yourbff: oh that’s 🤭
landonorris: you look tall here
ynuser: thanks shortie 🩷
landonorris: uncalled for
user5: thanking your parents for doing it tbh
holding in a yawn you turned to walk back to your garage after the brazilian national anthem. the 5am wake up for this ‘super sunday’ as they were calling it was catching up with you despite the butterflies swarming in your stomach. you had had the qualifying session of your life, which despite the cool confidence you played it off with in your interviews after, shocked you just as much as it shocked everyone else. you qualified in 4th. yes, you read that right, p4. something about the car came alive in the rain and you prayed it came alive again during the race but the rain was starting to pick up and it seemed like it was only going to get worse. you’d already seen several red flags in quali and would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t terrified that that was about to become you in the race.... especially with the threat of the entire field behind you, including max verstappen, wanting to push forward and push forward fast regardless of the consequences.
“y/n!” a hushed voice caught your attention. george had caught up to you and had a serious look on his face. “please be careful out there,” he pleaded.
“you too george,” you squeezed his arm lightly. “i’ll see you on the podium, yeah?"
"yeah," george winked as you turned to head into the alpine garage.
your engineer, james, handed you your helmet as he went over a few more pieces of data. he was stressing over the litany of different plans the team had put together in the very short window between quali and now. the heavy rain and your heroic lap times caused just about everything your team had prepped to be turned upside down.
“right, right i’ve got it james. plan a seems the most logical if i can keep everyone behind me.” you said as you pulled your helmet onto your head and fastened the strap.
things were about to get interesting.
f1 has made a post
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f1: the race is stopped under the red flag for a crash….. and y/n y/l/n is our new race leader! after running a surprisingly strong p4 for the first half of the race, she took the lead when those in front pitted for new tyres. y/n is the only woman in history to lead a lap in a grand prix
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user1: not them calling her performance surprising 🥴
user12: only gonna last a second. she can’t even compete with the likes of verstappen
alpinef1team: @ everyone behind, y/n.. can we pretty please keep it this way?
yourbff: real tears are being shed rn this is monumental
user9: god is this amazing
mercedesamgf1: we love to see this historical moment! even if we’re coming to take it back 😉
user11: literally the most amazing thing i’ve seen all day
you ripped another tear off from your helmet wishing it would make it easier to see but to your dismay, you still couldn’t see a damn thing. the rain was coming down in buckets, your inters were worn, you were fighting the car even in the straight lines to keep it on the track and worst of all, you were scared shitless. you had no moment to even be happy about your current position in p1 because you were too busy trying not to send your car into the barrier.
“max is 2 seconds behind you and gaining very quickly. gasly is 1.2 seconds behind max and leclerc is 0.9 behind pierre.” james updated you on the radio which sent you into a fit of rage.
“james for fucks sake i don’t care!!! stop giving me timing updates!! i can’t see the road so i can’t do anything about it!!!” you almost screamed. "i can't even pass half throttle!"
“rain is expected to lighten in about 10 laps,” james reported ignoring your outburst.
“10 LAPS?! how am i supposed to survive 10 laps?!?!?” as you yelled you felt the rear of your car start to slide causing you to need to quickly snap it back into place. “there is so much standing water james - i can’t keep doing this. the front straight is like a swimming pool!”
“yes you can, y/n. lock in and calm down. you only have a couple of laps left in this class of rain.”
“lock in? calm down!? and what if i crash this damn car first?!” turning off your radio you tried to take a few deep breaths while focusing on the road in front of you. you couldn’t panic - that would only make matters worse. you had to stay calm. you knew your car, you knew to deviate off the racing line to avoid the slippery curbs in specific turns, and you knew that you had to make it through whether you wanted to or not. panicking was not going to help anyone but there was little way to explain just how scary it was on track at this current moment.
another snap of significant oversteer left you breathless and near tears. “james im so serious - i need wets and even then i don’t think they’re going to be enough. there's standing water on every part of this track. i can't race like this on these tyres. please talk to fia. please we need a red flag.”
“pitting doesn’t make sense right now, you’ll come out in traffic and your race will be over.”
“i care more about making it out of this race alive than coming out in traffic.”
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“they couldn’t have taken any longer with that red flag could they?” you snapped as you pulled your race suit down to your hips.
“no they really couldn’t have! it was getting ridiculous out there.” pierre grabbed his water bottle, "driving couldn't have been more dangerous."
“alright you two! thats enough!" your team principal interrupted, looking very serious. "we have a real chance of keeping this double podium finish especially because george and lando pitted before this red flag and lost a lot of time," he explained. "y/n, you’re going to have to push, there’s not much chance you’ll be able to keep max behind you but we’ve got to be fast enough to keep george, charles and lando behind pierre.”
right... keep 3 of the fastest drivers on the grid behind you both.. you were going to need a real stroke of luck.
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"thats p2 y/n - great job! the entire team and i are so fcking proud of you."
"AHHH YES YESSSSSSS!!!!" you screamed into the radio, banging your hands against the steering wheel, "WE DID IT!! WE DID IT JAMES!!" the emotions hit you like a brick wall, and tears quickly began falling. "thank you all so much. thank you for this opportunity. thank you to the mechanics, to everyone back at the factory, to every single one of you. thank you for believing in me when no one else did."
"you're welcome, y/n. you deserve it. you deserve it all kid."
pierre rolled up next to you to drive the remainder of the cool down lap by your side. he waved excitedly and you waved back without hesitation - you both had achieved what felt like the impossible.
you were the first woman to ever stand up on the podium and you were the first woman to score points in formula 1, but you knew you certainly weren't going to be the last. if you would do anything with your remaining races, it would be to show the world just how much women belong in this sport.
you pulled into parc ferme and shut off your car as quickly as you could. you fumbled with your straps and when you finally got them off, pierre was standing above you with his hand held out. you smiled, grabbing his hand and allowing him to pull you out of the car. "we did it, p -" you said just loud enough for him to hear over the cheering.
"we did it, y/n/n." pierre replied and with that, you both turned and ran hand in hand to your team who was waiting with open arms to greet their heroes.
ynuser has made a post
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ynuser: we did it 🩷 thank you to alpine for believing in me, thank you to pierre for being the best teammate a girl could ask for, thank you to my friends and family for supporting me through the ups and the downs and thank you to my fans -- i love you all so much
view all 999 comments
user1: i've never shed so many tears over a race before
yourbff: i feel like a proud parent rn
ynuser: thanks for never giving up on me bestie
georgerussell63: you're a force to be reckoned with y/n. congratulations on an impressive drive! today is your day 🤍
ynuser: mark your calendars! 11/3 is national y/n day
landonorris: speechless... i am so proud of you. if someone had to be up there besides me, i'm so glad it was you 😉
ynuser: thank you lanny. only thing that would have made it better is if you were with me up there 🩷
user10: tea LOL
francisca.cgomes: i dont think i've ever been happier?? my two favorite people are on that podium?
ynuser: stop dont make me cry agAIN
pierregasly: thankful for you mon ami
ynuser: 🤍🩷
lewishamilton: being a barrier breaker is never easy y/n but you are crushing it. i am proud to race with you!
ynuser: you have no idea how much this means to me lewis
user9: thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to prove everyone wrong
user95: nothing could have prepared me for 1) them running hand and hand to their team, 2) y/n crying tears of joy on the podium and 3) gr63 picking y/n up and twirling her around in parc ferme
user2: george and y/n were so cute it was actually sickening. did you see the way he fixed her hair after putting her down
user95: and how he wiped away her tears??? yeah i saw it 🥹
user2: i want them together so bad
user10: you are going down in the history books
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thank you for reading!!! likes, feedback and reblogs are welcome!! massively appreciate all of the support on this little series. i am really enjoying it too
tag list from part 1: @yawn-zi @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @divagreymare @raizelchrysanderoctavius @ferakillia @stressed-cherry @sassyangel16 @mxdi0 @awritingtree @danielricciardoslut3 @dying-inside-but-its-classy @seasonswinter @rawr-123s-stuff @grussellsprout @belncaldern @ellelabelle @rafeyybabyy
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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kaisacobra · 5 months ago
I Dare You - Tara Carpenter
Summary: When Amber Freeman, Tara's best friend (and secret crush) dares her to win a random person over, she thinks it's gonna be an easy task. What she wasn't expecting, however, was that y/n y/l was far more interesting than she thought.
Warnings: Painter!Fem!Reader, very small mentions of sex and alcohol, non-canon/high school!AU, angst? ish?
W.C: 6.0k
a/n: She's back! This is probably not my best one but i was desperate to write something again and end my awful writers block. Anyways, i do think this will be a small series so stay tuned for that!
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Tara’s head was pounding.
The school day had barely started and she couldn't stand being there any longer. Contrary to what many might think, her discomfort didn't come from the noise of lockers banging or the loud chatter and laughter of the students in the hallways. In fact, the reason had a first and last name: Amber Freeman, her best friend and secret crush, who seemed very intent on recounting every detail of her hookup with a girl last night.
“And then she asked me to...”
“That's enough! I definitely don't need to hear about what sex position you used, or anything like that.” Tara held up one hand, grimacing in disgust as Amber laughed beside her, opening her locker without the slightest shame at what she had said.
“Come on, Tara! Don't be so grumpy.” The dark-haired girl gave her a fake pout, purposely trying to annoy her friend. “I needed that! Do you know how long it's been since I've been with anyone? Too long!” 
And not only did Tara know how long it had been since Amber had kissed anyone, she also knew exactly why it had happened. Tara had a certain advantage at school for hanging out with Amber, who carried the title of most popular and desired girl for her unattainable energy, memorable parties and, of course, singular beauty.
Hanging out with Amber and basically being her right-hand woman meant that Tara was also popular by proxy. The students knew exactly who she was and, what's more, they knew that if they messed with Tara, they would have to deal with the wrath of the implacable Amber Freeman, which came in handy when Tara needed to “gently” convince multiple people in the school that Amber would never be interested in them behind her back. 
Apparently, someone had slipped through her fingers. 
Tara didn't bother to offer an answer to her friend, just rolling her eyes and closing her locker without much strength, so as not to make her growing migraine even worse. Unfortunately, Amber had never been the kind of person to wait for an opening to speak her mind. “You know, I bet that bad mood of yours would be cured if you loosened up a little bit. When was the last time you kissed anyone?” 
“Who kissed who?” 
Tara leaned her shoulder on the locker behind her to watch the arrival of Wes, closely followed by Liv and Chad, who walked hand in hand, followed by the stares of the crowd of teenagers who either wanted to be them or wanted them to be gone. The trio, along with Tara and Amber, were considered the “popular crew” at Woodsboro High School, even though the Carpenter girl hated the term because she considered it extremely cliché and tacky.
Liv and Chad were the typical American high school couple made up of a cheerleader and a soccer player. Tara had known Chad the longest, having him as a childhood friend, and she watched first-hand as he became more and more enamored of his influence through his status as a star quarterback, especially as he gained the attention of his current girlfriend and the entire school. Liv was the typical mean girl cheerleader who was extremely empty and desperate to stay relevant in the social hierarchy. Tara didn't understand what Chad saw in her, but she put up with the girl because Amber wanted her around for some reason. 
Wes, on the other hand, was an exception. He used to be a loner until Amber took him under her wing after she discovered his status as the sheriff's son, which the girl used as a pass to get out of trouble more easily. Wes knew that his position in the group was fragile and so he constantly tried to compensate by bringing up gossip that he found out about the whole school.
He was still waiting for an answer when Amber slipped an arm around Tara's shoulders, ruffling her hair. “Tara here is in a bad mood today. I was trying to tell her that the way to solve it is with a good makeout sesh.”
You could help me with that, Tara thought, but other words came out of her mouth, “Shut up. I'm just not in the mood for anything right now, that's all.”
Tara knew that hooking up with Amber, if it ever happened, would be both her blessing and her curse. Amber was the type of girl who would rather die than get into a serious relationship and, if Tara was going to be honest, she knew the girl would be a terrible girlfriend. Too bad her little crush couldn’t think rationally.
Liv smirked in her usual evil little laugh. “Yeah. I bet you're only saying that because you've been left on the shelf.”
Amber and Wes hissed and whistled teasingly, trying to get an even bigger reaction out of Tara. Chad raised his eyebrows in shock, glancing briefly at the shorter girl before focusing down on his phone. Tara felt a wave of pride and piled up anger rise up inside her. She crossed her arms defensively, scoffing as she glared at Liv. “Oh, please. You know very well that I could get with whoever I wanted at this school.”
Okay, maybe the words were a bit exaggerated and presumptuous, but it's not like she was wrong. Popularity aside, Tara knew damn well that she was a pretty girl and she wasn't afraid or ashamed to use her charms to get what she wanted sometimes.
“Whoever you wanted, huh?” Amber smiled mischievously as she heard the phrase and the evil glint in her dark eyes, which usually appeared when she was coming up with her crazy plans, began to show. “Interesting. We should prove that somehow, Carpenter.”
“Whatever.” Tara rolled her eyes, internally wishing that the matter would be closed soon. The more Amber stared at her like that, the redder Tara’s cheeks became and that was going to be impossible to hide in a few minutes.
“Ah, ah! Don't chicken out now, Carpenter.” The raven haired girl raised her index finger, shaking it in a negative. “I've got a great idea! Why don't I just pick a random person and you have to hookup with them, hm? Come on, Tara. I dare you.”
The three other teens let out more roars of approval, patting Amber on the shoulder for her brilliant idea and trying to convince Tara to go through with the challenge, offering half encouraging words and half biased questions along with “Are you scared?” and “Can you handle it?”.
The Carpenter girl felt at a crossroads. On the one hand, she definitely didn't want to do it. Her small (and growing) crush on Amber was already too much sentimental work for her, not to mention the fact that she wasn't at all keen on the idea of kissing some random stranger, especially knowing that Amber would choose the most embarrassing option possible.
On the other hand, a part of her was always tempted to indulge Amber Freeman's desires, eagerly searching for a hint of approval or recognition in those umber eyes that usually carried nothing but sarcasm and boredom.
So Tara didn't even have to consider long before she groaned in displeasure, closing her eyes and leaning her head back until it rested on the locket’s door. “Fine, whatever. But if you pick some weirdo who eats his own snot, I swear...”
Tara's thoughts were interrupted by the loud noise of something hitting the floor, followed by some snickering and murmuring from everyone in the hallways. She lifted her head to see through the crowd, searching for the reason for the commotion while already hearing her friends laughing beside her.
When the crowd finally cleared enough for Tara to be able to see, she was faced with the scene of a girl slowly picking herself up off the ground, peeling off a canvas that still looked wet from her T-shirt, now completely stained with paint. Another football player seemed to be trying to apologize for something, to which the girl only responded with a nod of her still lowered head.
"Holy shit." Amber laughed, holding her stomach as if she were at a comedy show. "What a dumbass. Hey, isn't that one of Mindy's little friends?"
Chad looked up, looking away from his phone when he heard his twin sister's name being mentioned. He let out a sound of confusion at first, but following the gaze of the others, the boy finally nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Y/n Y/l."
Tara watches with furrowed brows as the girl walks further into the corridor, clearly unhappy with her ruined painting and clothes. When she focuses back on her friends, Amber's mischievous gaze is already on her. "I think we've met your challenge, Tara."
The shorter girl's eyes widened comically and she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Chad had a similar reaction
Mindy used to be part of the group made up of the childhood friends: Tara, Chad, Mindy and Amber, at least until the beginning of high school, when everything related to her became a forbidden topic and the group underwent a change of members. What happened was that the girl had called Amber a bitch for cheating on Mindy with her girlfriend at the time, causing a rift that was never repaired. Chad had to beg Amber not to do anything drastic against his sister, which she begrudgingly accepted, but also didn't allow any of the others to have contact with her.
"Amber, are you sure?" Tara subtly tried to change Freeman's mind, already anticipating the huge mess that could arise between the former friends. "I mean, she's Mindy's friend and she's kind of quiet. Maybe she hasn't even kissed anyone yet."
A bit harsh, but that's the impression Tara got from the little she knew about you. She had never heard you speak in any of the classes you had together, she always saw you either with Mindy's group or on your own and the most she knew was that you were good enough at painting to paint a mural behind the bleachers at the school's request.
Unfortunately, Amber couldn't care less about any of these set of reasons. In fact, they even seemed to encourage the dark-eyed girl, who just shrugged. "Even better. You'd be doing her a favor and we wouldn't be attacking Mindy directly. Sounds like a win-win to me."
Tara looked at the others, analyzing their reactions to the plan. Wes and Liv had already agreed to it a long time ago and were now trying to pressure the shorter girl into accepting. Chad met Tara's gaze and shrugged, although his wrinkled forehead gave away his distaste for the whole idea.
The Carpenter girl sighed, suddenly feeling crowded despite only having four people around her and an entire hallway available for her to run down if she wanted to.
The problem was that she didn't. Not when Amber's beautiful manic eyes were staring at her with such expectation, making Tara's stomach do somersaults. So Tara just nodded her head in a yes, receiving happy shouting and pats on the shoulder as a reward.
"Y/n Y/l is the target, then."
To say that your day sucked would be an understatement.
First of all, you'd spent the whole week racking your brains, trying to somehow find inspiration to do a painting for art class, but your creativity had gone out the window. The best you could do to produce your teacher's homework request: “Represent a personal happy moment”, was an adaptation of a Polaroid you had taken with your friends a few months ago.
Being a perfectionist who already thought your artwork wasn't good enough, you decided to add a few touches on it a few minutes before arriving at school, trying to convince your inner art critic that the painting wasn't so bad.
Unfortunately, the second problem came at the exact same minute you set foot in the school, or rather, the minute one of the football idiots stepped in your way, causing you to trip and fall right on top of the canvas that wasn't yet dry.
You barely heard the boy's apology, just nodding and struggling to get out of the hall as quickly as possible, wishing the ground would swallow you up soon so you couldn't hear the loud snickering of the other people in the hallways.
Luckily for you (because something in your day had to go right), you had a spare T-shirt in your locker, near the art room. It wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, having a big Jason vs Michael Myers fan art printed on it, but at least it was better than spending the rest of the day in a shirt that looked like it had been vomited on by a unicorn.
You sighed, placing the canvas, now destroyed, on one of the empty easels in the art room. The once uniform colors now blended into a mess of paint that, until earlier today, had represented your face next to those of your friends, enjoying a summer's day in Woodsboro. The green of Anika's blouse had mixed with the chocolate of Mindy's skin, the white of the sun had stained the brown of Ethan's hair and the faces of the four of you had become a single blur, exactly where you had crashed into earlier.
“I thought you didn't do abstracts.” A familiar voice echoed into the room and you turned just in time to see your favorite teacher, Ms. Crane, entering the room with her typical warm smile. As always, the art teacher was wearing a light dress and her blonde hair was perfectly tied up in a bun, which by this point was her trademark.
“I don't.” You replied simply, pointing disappointingly at the disaster on canvas you had made. “I couldn't think of anything during all week so I tried to finish it this morning, but then the paint wouldn't dry and I ended up falling on it.”
The teacher grimaced, her big blue eyes looking at you with some concern as she left her bag on her desk. “Creativity block? You've never had a problem with that before. Should I be worried that it's happened just when the theme was having a happy moment?”
You quickly nodded, trying to relieve the woman’s nerves. You weren't a sad person at all, although many people thought so because of your withdrawn behavior. You had a good life, you were a good student with a clear talent for the arts, and you had a sincere friendship in Mindy, Anika and Ethan, who had already met all the social needs you might have had.
The real issue with this project was that none of your attempts seemed right, always seeming to be missing some element or another between the memories in your brain and the movements of the brush in your hand. And yes, Ms. Crane was right about this never happening before, which was what made you the most frustrated.
The woman seemed to understand your internal dilemma and her gaze softened. “Why don't I give you another week to finish, hm? You're one of our best artists, y/n. I know you can make masterpieces when you have your head on the right place.”
And that was the reason why the woman was your favorite teacher, far beyond just being the one responsible for the art subject. Laura Crane was extremely human and compassionate towards all of her students, even those who weren't good artists or those who went to class just to admire the young teacher's beauty.
“Thank you, Ms. Crane.” You nod, feeling some of the weight on your chest being lifted. The woman waved her hand dismissively, acting as if she hadn't done anything much, even though you knew she had just done way more than any of the other old vultures who worked at the school.
You spent the rest of the day with that in your head. Your mind twisted and turned trying to find a glimmer of inspiration for your work, desperately trying to think of something that could represent your best moment of personal happiness on a 60 x 100cm canvas. The extra deadline Ms. Crane had given you made your perfectionist side feel even more intense, wanting to make a piece impressive enough to justify your lost time.
Your thoughts clouded your mind so intensely that you mechanically made your way to the history room, sitting down in your usual chair without really paying attention to your surroundings. The room, little by little, was filled up with students and, along with them, came the loud noise of chatter and chairs being dragged around. But even so, your eyes remained focused on a blank sheet of paper in front of you, while the pencil in your hand almost had to cry out for help because of the strength with which you were holding it.
You couldn’t even draw a sketch. Goddammit, what was wrong with you?!
“Can I borrow a pen?”
You snapped out of your stupor when you heard a soft voice close to your ear. Raising your head a little too quickly, you found yourself facing beautiful brown eyes and dimples on either side of a smile. Honestly, that sight scared you even more because why was Tara Carpenter, resident popular girl, talking to you at that moment?
It's not like you cared about the whole “social pyramid” and “popularity ranking” thing that mattered so much to some people at your school, but you knew that Tara and her friends didn't have the best track record with your best friend, Mindy. You didn't know the full story, but the fact that Mindy always cursed them every time the group passed by you gave you an idea that maybe they weren't such good people.
Tara noticed the confusion on your face, thinking it was due to the sudden question and not due to her presence in general, and decided to humorously complement the question. “I left all of mine at home, can you believe it?”
Not really, you were tempted to answer, but you kept your thoughts to yourself. You spent a few more seconds analyzing the girl, trying to understand why she had asked you for the pen and not the other people in the room she usually sat nearby. Tara was still patiently standing next to you, leaning slightly towards your direction, and she didn't seem to be in any rush, nor did she seem to have any bad intentions.
Overall, the only mean ones in her group of popular people were Amber and Liv, but they usually liked to be offensive directly to the faces of the students they chose as victims. The fact that Tara hung out with them was no green flag, of course, but from what little you knew of her, the girl didn't seem to be the teaser or prankster type.
With that in mind, you pulled one of the pens you used the least out of your bag and raised it towards the girl, offering it without muttering a word, wishing that the awkward (at least for you) conversation would end soon.
Unfortunately, Tara didn't seem to share the same opinion, because she pulled out the chair right next to you to sit down, dropping her black bag carelessly on the side of the table and pointing at your clothes. “Nice shirt. Team Jason or team Michael?”
The question mark in your head seemed to get even bigger with the casualness with which Tara was talking to you. You knew that the girl didn't talk to many people apart from her friends and you knew even better that they generally tried to ignore your existence along with Ethan, Anika and Mindy.
Still, horror movies were your passion and you couldn't pass up the chance to talk about one of your favorite topics with a new person.
“Well, it depends on which parameter we're using. Overall, I like the Halloween franchise better and I prefer Michael Myers’ aesthetic, but I think Jason has a better lore and he would definitely win in a fight.” You tried to keep your yapping contained, not knowing exactly how interested Tara really was in your opinion, but you were surprised to see a twinkle in the girl's eye and a mischievous smile bloom on her face.
“Michael is much faster and smarter than Jason, there's no chance of him losing in a fight.”
“Zombie Jason was literally immortal, Michael and his kitchen knife wouldn't stand a chance against him.”
The two of you continued to talk and go back and forth with each other's comments as if it was something you did every day. Being so intrigued and immersed in the topic of the conversation almost made you forget that you were talking to Tara Carpenter, with whom you had never exchanged more than three words in your life before, but both of you only stopped talking when the teacher called your attention, asking for you to be quiet so that he could start the lesson.
Tara didn't seem as shocked by the interaction as you were and, in fact, she continued to sit next to you even though her usual chair on the other side of the room was empty. She gave you a complicit wink before turning to face forward, a satisfied smile still playing on her face, as if she had been the winner from that debate.
And you? You did your best to pay attention in the rest of the class and not keep reliving the interaction in your head, trying to convince yourself that that conversation had been a glitch in the matrix and would probably never happen again, but it was hard now that you knew how nice Tara could be and after you had noticed the way her freckles seemed to dance across her face when she smiled.
“Earth to y/n?”
The voice of your best friend, Mindy, snapped you back to reality, making your cheeks feel warm. It was lunchtime and you, Mindy, Anika and Ethan were sitting at your usual table, which was a wooden picnic table, conveniently placed under the shade of a huge tree. A few meters away, closer to the cafeteria doors, was the circular table that was always occupied by the popular kids, surrounded by people who intruded on the group's chatter to pretend they were close to them at some level.
Usually you would never look in that direction and would instead be in a conversation with your friends about anything, but you couldn't stop thinking about the randomness of the moment you had with Tara earlier.
Your eyes turned to Mindy on the other side of the table, who frowned as she realized that you were intently watching the table of the people she hated most at school. Anika, next to her, followed your gaze and the edges of her lips fell in concern. “What? Did they do something?”
“Did they do something to you?!” Ethan asked alarmed, his body leaning towards you enough to make you uncomfortable at the invasion of your personal space. It was no secret to anyone that the boy was in love with you, especially because he had confessed it multiple times. However, no matter how many times you said you only saw him as a friend, Ethan didn't seem to move on.
“No. It's not a big deal.” You shook your head, easing your friends' concern. Still, thoughts of your conversation with Tara seemed to beg to be externalized. “Tara spoke to me in class today, out of nowhere. She saw my shirt and started asking me about which of the two was my favorite.”
“Out of the blue?” Mindy asked, still frowning, and you nodded. “Well, I know Tara has always loved horror movies. We all did.”
The meaning was left implicit, but you knew she was referring to her old group of friends before things blew up between her and Amber. Anika ran her hand over her girlfriend's arms, trying to make her feel a little better about the topic through physical contact.
The table sat quietly for a few torturous seconds until you spoke up again, breaking the silence while watching Mindy's reaction cautiously. “It was nice. I mean, she was nice to me and the conversation was interesting.”
“Careful, y/n. Talking like that, it almost sounds like someone's got a little crush.” Anika teased you, wiggling her eyebrows in a way that made you feel even more embarrassed. You looked away to the crowded table on your far right, watching the way Tara seemed to be engrossed in whatever conversation she was having.
It was confusing. You didn't think you had a crush on Tara just because you had a nice moment with her, as much as you admitted that the girl was very pretty, but it was undeniable that something about this situation had intrigued you a lot.
Next to you, Ethan scoffed aggressively, looking irritated by Anika's little joke. “Come on! Y/n would never be interested in a person like her! What does she have to offer? Stupid parties and a basic knowledge of horror movies?”
“I don't think Tara's that bad...” Anika mentioned, looking up at Mindy for some confirmation. Of all of you, Anika was the most positive and social. Sure, she didn't like Amber for obvious reasons and neither did she like Liv because “her vibes were horrible”, but she constantly tried to mediate for the twins when she visited the Meeks-Martin house and you knew she'd spoken to Tara and Wes at least once before.
Mindy, on the other hand, definitely preferred to nurture her rivalry with all of them, but she sighed, knowing that she could never be completely against her own girlfriend. “I'd rather make no comment. Just keep in mind that if Tara is Amber's right-hand woman, it's for a reason.”
As Ethan protested against the small positive words Mindy and Anika had spoken about the popular group, your attention turned back to the table, your mind still processing what had happened earlier. Had it been a one-off thing? Did Tara like the topic so much that she just had to talk to you? Would she have talked to anyone wearing the shirt or would you have been special for some reason?
Your eyes were fixed on the opposite table, but your thoughts were racing, creating a thousand and one possibilities with a creativity you wished you'd had to complete your painting. You were so lost in your own mind that you hardly noticed the rest of the world around you.
Or, at least, that was until Tara caught you staring at her.
“The poor girl is so into you.”
Tara looked away from you to focus on Amber, who was sitting right in front of her with her legs propped up on the table. She had her back turned to where you were at, but somehow her fox-like senses knew exactly that you were looking in that direction.
As time passed, fewer admirers surrounded the table, picking up on the implicit hint that Amber would only give them crumbs of attention for a few seconds until she started to get annoyed by the presence of the crowd of opportunistic losers. The place was now only occupied by their inner circle, but Tara still felt like there were too many people.
“I bet she almost cried when you paid attention to her.” Liv laughed evilly, sitting on Chad's lap in a position that definitely didn't look comfortable for the boy.
Tara shrugged, feeling the gaze of the whole table on her, waiting for updates on her challenge. “It was no big deal, we just talked about movies.”
The truth was that Tara had enjoyed the conversation far more than she could have anticipated. Her initial plan had been to borrow a pen and “forget” to give it back so that she would have a reason to look at your Instagram and send a message after class (which she had actually half done, as your pen was still in her bag), but your t-shirt offered an opening that fit Tara's plans like a glove.
She had missed being able to discuss horror movies outside of the internet. Amber couldn't have a full debate because her patience ran out as soon as people disagreed with her and that made her aggressive. The others in the group didn't care that much about the genre and the most Tara could talk to them about was the basics of “which of these movies is scarier.”
The last time she had actually talked about the topic in a pleasant way had been with Mindy and that had been a long time ago. Tara hadn't even realized how much she had missed it.
“Well, I don't think it'll be long before she falls for you, anyway.” Amber shrugged, looking as bored as she usually was. “Maybe I made it a little too easy for you.”
“I've asked around and I'm pretty sure that y/n has never been with anyone. That makes things more interesting, doesn't it?” Wes said, once again trying to make himself valuable to the group with his information. The platinum-haired boy looked at Amber expectantly, like a puppy eagerly waiting for a treat.
Tara couldn't help but wonder if also looked at Amber like that, even though she didn't realize it.
“Eh. It depends on how she reacts afterwards.” The dark-eyed girl threw her head back, making her chair stand on just two feet. “Can you imagine if she just chooses to ignore Tara? Bo-ring.”
The conversation kept going on that topic but Tara was suddenly distracted by the sound of her phone’s notification ring vibrating in the back pocket of her jeans. She took the device in hand, seeing on the lock screen a new message from Sam, her sister.
Sam: Hey, I'm stuck at work until later. Can’t give you a ride, sorry.
Tara huffed with annoyance, not even bothering to reply and just placing her phone back. “Amber? Can you give me a ride home after class?”
The raven-haired girl hissed and grimaced, almost managing to sound apologetic even though Tara knew she didn't actually give a damn. “Sorry, T. I'm going to buy some stuff for the party on Saturday, so I can't.”
Maybe it was for the best. Tara always felt more attracted to Amber when they drove alone in her car, either because the conversations seemed more sincere or because the Freeman girl could be extremely attractive when she drove with only one hand on the wheel. If Tara was trying to get rid of this little crush on Amber, spending hours in a car alone with her might not be the best idea.
“It’s alright. I need to walk more anyway.” Tara shrugged, pretending not to be annoyed by the situation. Taking the school bus wasn't an option, because it would take twice the time as walking, and hitching a ride with any of her other friends would be either awkward or stressful.
So, after class was over, the younger Carpenter made her way home with her bag on her back and her headphones in her ears. It had been a while since she'd had to walk home, at least since Sam had come back from rehab, but at least it gave her time to catch up on her thoughts.
It took less than 20 minutes for her to get home, throwing her bag on the sofa carelessly and turning on the TV to fill the uncomfortable silence in her house. A rerun of an SNL episode was on and Tara hoped that the sound of the audience's laughter would make her feel a little better about the shitty day she'd had.
But then again, Tara couldn't remember having a completely good day ever since Sam had come back from rehab and had forced their mother into one as well, trying to help the woman with her drinking problem.
The girl went to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water, while in the living room, the audience laughed at some of Bowen Yang's skits. She had hoped that the cold water would relieve her negative feelings but it didn't do any good, because all Tara could feel was irritation.
Yes, she was annoyed that Sam couldn't pick her up. Yes, she was angry that her life had turned upside down ever since her sister had returned. Yes, she was pissed that she wanted to vent to someone, but she knew that her best friend wouldn't give a damn about being a good listener. Yes, she was enraged about having feelings for someone she knew would only break her heart
And GOD, how angry she was with herself for going along with this idiotic plan just to get one iota of Amber's approval. Tara felt ridiculous, even more so now that she knew that you were a nice and kind person, even if you were a bit closed off.
But the girl was wracked by conflicting feelings and she just wanted them to stop. She urgently needed a distraction, be it drinks, or a movie, or...
Or Amber was right and maybe Tara really did need to have a fling with someone to relieve her tension.
She wasn't thinking straight when she reached for her phone in her back pocket again, opening it straight to the Instagram app and finding her feed full of photos of people she followed, but she didn’t waste time on them as she was a woman on a mission. Tara leaned on the kitchen worktop, both elbows propped up as she searched for your name in the search bar.
The girl huffed when she found nothing on her first search and then decided to appeal to Mindy's profile, digging through the accounts she followed to try and find any that might refer to you.
Two minutes later, Tara came across an account called “pinceaudey/n”, which had a painting portrait as the profile picture. That's got to be it, she thought, wasting no time in opening the profile which, fortunately for her, was public. More laughter was heard from the TV, but this time Tara finally felt her mood change to something more positive.
The profile didn't seem to have any photos of you, but it was full of photos of paintings and other things related to art. Tara didn't linger on any of them. The less she connected with you, the easier it would be to have a hookup and leave, which was exactly what she needed. No more complications.
Still holding her phone, Tara crossed the kitchen to walk right back to the living room, looking in her bag for the item she had “accidentally” forgotten to return. She took the opportunity to look through the curtained windows, seeing that night was beginning to fall, darkening the streets and making Tara's heart race. She hated being alone at home and hoped that Sam's shift at the antique store wouldn't take much longer.
Finally she found the pen, just as Megan Thee Stallion began her performance as the show's musical guest. Tara held the object between her fingers and took a quick photo, sending it to your DM with a text. “Hey so i accidentally stole your pen lmao.” and then, ”I promise to give it back tomorrow.”
A few seconds had passed and you still hadn't seen it. It was alright, maybe you just had some better things to do other than stare at your phone, but for some reason, Tara couldn't stop herself from biting her nails in anxiety.
Maybe it was because it was late at night and she felt lonely, or maybe it was because she was in a particularly chatty mood that day, but without a second thought, her fingers typed out another message to keep the conversation flowing.
btw who do you think would win between Freddy and Leatherface?
As she waited for a reply with a small smile on her face and music playing from her TV, Tara finally felt less alone at home.
Maybe Amber was right. Maybe she needed a distraction.
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streetlamp-amber · 7 months ago
don’t leave
tommy shelby x fem!reader
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word count: 4.2k | divider by @saradika | requests are open!
CW: domestic violence, typical peaky blinders violence, mentions of blood NOTES: takes place after season one. i might have gone a little ooc with tommy by the end #sorrynotsorry. i’m also thinking of making a part 2 to this. maybe. i don’t know.
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“Oh, come on! I’m harmless!” You cried in defence as you watched two men tie your wrists then your ankles to the chair you were shoved in.
The last man of the trio observed you, taking a drag from his cigarette before throwing it on the floor. “You shot me. Twice.” He said, monotonously.
His piercing blue eyes were staring right at you and you felt your breath hitch in your throat at their intensity. You quickly recollected yourself, hoping he hadn’t noticed the little slip up in your facade.
He had.
“It was an honest mistake,” you shrugged your shoulders. “I thought you were someone else. Everyone knows not to shoot at Tommy Shelby.”
The two men who were occupied with tying you down stepped out of the room once they were done, leaving you alone with the most notorious gangster in Birmingham. You didn't really know where you were, probably one of the Peaky Blinders’ warehouses if you had to bet on it, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little scared. But, nothing could be worse than being with the man you were hiding from, so you found some solace in that thought.
“And who did you think I was?” Tommy asked you.
“No one important,” you brushed off, turning your head to the left to avoid his stare. Your eyes took in your surroundings, there wasn’t a lot of furniture here you noticed. Par for the chair you were tied to, there was what looked like a desk with another chair in the left corner. No machinery, no crates. The rest of the warehouse was completely empty.
“Eh!” Tommy called for your attention, snapping his fingers in your face. “You shot me twice, I think I deserve to know who you thought I was.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. “I didn’t shoot you twice, I shot at you twice. There’s a difference, I didn’t even hit you.”
“Small detail,” Tommy said. “Answer the fucking question.” His patience was beginning to wear thin, very thin.
You gulped. What was the point of avoiding the question? “My fiancé,” you finally answered.
“Your fiancé?” He repeated, trying to keep the confusion out of his tone. “Why would you shoot at your fiancé?”
“Because he’s a vile man that I don’t even want to marry,” you told him. If your wrists weren’t tied to the chair, you would’ve crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Can you untie me now? You know I’m not a threat to you.”
“Does he hit you? Is that why you’re running from him?” Tommy asked, ignoring your request.
“Amongst other things,” you mumbled, head hanging low so you could avoid his stare by keeping your eyes on your lap.
“’Amongst other things’,” he repeated your words to himself. “What does that mean? Is he a threat for the people of Small Heath?” He didn't want some low life fuck to come mess up the order of things on his territory.
“Probably, I don’t know,” you admitted, scrunching your eyes closed before looking back up at Tommy. His face was much closer now, maybe five inches separated the tips of your noses as he crouched down with his hands on his knees to be at a closer level to you. “All I know is my brother was in debt to the Billy Boys and promised my hand in marriage to one of those fucks to pay off part of his due.”
“The Billy Boys? Aren’t you a little down south of their territory?”
“Thought I’d be able to hide from them here,” you said. “Until last week, when I saw one of them trying to follow me at the market.”
“And that’s why, two days ago, you shot at me,” Tommy put the pieces of your story together.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Shelby, I was just so scared,” your voice started to wobble with emotion, your tough, indifferent persona out of the window. “Them Billy Boys, they’re the spawn of the Devil himself. They’re gonna kill me after they catch me.”
Through your blurry vision, you saw Tommy rise up and sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose between his eyes.
“Alright, we can help you,” he finally said after a few minutes.
You felt the tears roll down your cheek, whether they were tears of exhaustion or fear or relief, you didn’t know. “Thank you Mr. Shelby.”
“But it won’t be for free,” he pointed his index finger at you. “You know how to use a gun?”
You hurriedly nodded your head. “Yes, yes I do. I usually don’t miss my shots, I was just afraid when I shot at you.”
“Well thank God you were, eh?” It could’ve been a joke attempt if his tone wasn’t so serious. “It’ll be useful to have a woman to work undercover when needed. And you will tell us everything there is to know about the Billy Boys and your fiancé so we can know who to look out for.”
“Yes Mr. Shelby.”
Tommy crouched down to cut loose the bonds around your wrists and ankles. “My brother John will accompany you to your lodgings so you can fetch your stuff, it’s not safe for you to stay there if they’ve been following you around. You’ll stay with me on Watery Lane, Ada’s room has been vacant ever since she got married.”
“Thank you Mr. Shelby,” you grabbed his hand as you thanked him and Tommy stopped moving, blue eyes staring at the grasp you had on him. You noticed his unease and just as you were about to release his hand, you felt him briefly squeeze your fingers before letting go.
“Come now, I’ve got business to attend to,” he beckoned for you to follow him and it took you a second to come out of your stupor due to everything that has happened in the last fifteen minutes before you rose up from the chair and walked a little behind him, out of the warehouse.
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It had been a month since that day in the warehouse. You hadn’t seen your fiancé or any of the Billy Boys since then, but you also rarely went out of the Shelby house (other than to go to the Garrison). And on the rare occasions you did, two Blinders were following close behind you to make sure nothing happened to you. You still felt greatly in debt to Tommy for taking you under the Peaky Blinders’ protection, so instead of doing nothing while you waited for any “undercover mission”, you helped down at the betting den. You liked how lively it was there, you had never worked in a place like that before and the constant rush helped you take your mind off your worrying situation. You hadn’t seen any of the Billy Boys but that didn’t mean they had left town, you knew they wouldn’t back down until they have what they came for: you.
Working in the den for the last month has helped you make your place in the gang. You spent a lot of your days alongside John Shelby and Scudboat, and they would drag you with them to the Garrison where you played drinking games and got drunk like you used to do when you were younger. You now considered the Shelby family your friends. Arthur and John were like the brothers you wished you had, Polly was a nice woman to have around in this environment full of men, and Finn, sweet Finn, his childish innocence might be fading away as time went by, but playing with him was like a breath of fresh air in your stressful life.
Tommy… Well, Tommy was Tommy. He was hard to read, hard to open up, but he was slowly starting to warm up to you. It was a bit awkward at first, living with him, but one night a little after you moved in, the two of you shared a bottle of whiskey in the kitchen, barely speaking any words but both comfortable with the silence. It soon became a part of your daily routine. Some evenings were short, Tommy would only stay for one glass before retreating to bed, while other evenings, when he was in a better mood, you would go through an entire bottle and talk for what seemed like hours. You did most of the talking, but Tommy would share some of his thoughts, maybe even some anecdotes. You loved the stories of his childhood, about all the mischief he, Arthur and John would put the people of Small Heath through. And Tommy, he loved listening to you.
You liked the life you were building for yourself in Birmingham, amongst the Peaky Blinders. You never thought you would one day leave your small village up north, where life was dull and horrible with your brother. Your mother died while giving birth to you and both your father and your brother resented you for that. Your childhood was pretty rough, it wasn’t rare that you’d show up to school with bruises, it didn’t matter who they were from. Then your brother went up north to Glasgow, and for a while it was a blessing, to no longer have to worry about what he would do to you. But three months ago, he came back and with him was Brennan. They dragged you up to Glasgow for your wedding to this man you had never met before, you who had no say in this decision, and were forced to live with him. You couldn’t continue living like this, Brennan had you fearing for your life more than when you lived with your dad and brother. You didn’t stay for more than two weeks in Glasgow before you escaped in the middle of the night and ended up here, in Birmingham.
So to now find yourself, miles away from the nightmare that used to be your life, with the safety of the Peaky Blinders, it allowed you to imagine a future that wasn’t so miserable.
You were walking down to the Garrison once the betting den was closed, talking with Scudboat about the profits you had made that day while Billy Lovelock followed behind the two of you. You were deep in Peaky Blinders territory, less than five metres away from the entrance door to the pub, when a gun shot rang out.
You ducked in fear, hands covering your ears, and when you reopened your eyes that you didn’t know you had closed, you saw Billy laying on the ground out of the corner of your eye.
Oh no, you thought, this is it. They’ve found me.
“Come on! Come on!” Scudboat grabbed your elbow and dragged you towards the Garrison, but you hadn’t made more than three steps before your friend was shot in the leg, crumbling down. “Go inside!” He told you. “You’ll be safer!”
A part of you felt bad for leaving him and Billy out here, wounded and bleeding, but you knew the rest of the Peaky Blinders would be quick to come help them. You started running, which was a bit hard to do with the heels of your shoes sinking in the muddy, uneven ground with every step you took. Your fingers were inches from the door handle when you felt a strong grip on your shoulder pull you back and slam you hard against the wall, knocking your head against it in the process.
“Ya thought ya could run away from me? Eh, lass?” Your fiancé’s stinky breath wafted against your face. You scrunched up your nose in disgust.
“I don’t know, you didn’t find me for a while,” you sassily replied, pressing his buttons, and immediately regretted it. A sharp sting appeared on your left cheek before it registered that he had slapped you.
“Heard ye fucked Thomas Shelby for his protection,” he continued, resting his right forearm over your throat with a slight pressure. “I oughta cut his dick for that,” his left hand held your cheek, his thumb brushing over your skin, “and you, well, you’re in for a lot more than a beating once we’re out of ‘ere.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you Brennan,” you angrily spat through gritted teeth. “You’re in Peaky Blinders territory, they won’t let you get out of here with me. And I didn’t fuck Tommy Shelby, I didn’t need to fuck no one for protection.”
“What did I tell you about lying?” He screamed in your face, making you flinch.
With your eyes closed, you didn’t see Brennan reeling back his fist to punch you in the face but fortunately, the contact never came.
“HEY!” Scudboat yelled from where he was on the ground, gripping his wound to contain the bleeding. “Get your hands off of her you fuck!”
Brennan turned around to look at who was shouting orders at him. “And who the fuck are ya?!” He let go of you and stalked towards Scudboat, pulling his gun out of his coat.
You had an out. Your fiancé’s attention wasn’t on you. You could escape, find safety in the Garrison, but you knew how Brennan was. You couldn’t leave Scudboat alone, the man had become your friend over the last month and you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself knowing he had died because of you.
So you grabbed a shovel laying on the ground a few metres away and right as Brennan pointed his gun at Scudboat, you whacked him behind the head with your weapon, knocking him out right away. “Motherfucker,” you grumbled to the unconscious body and threw the shovel on the ground before kneeling next to Scudboat. “Are you alright?” You asked your friend, your hands hovering over his thigh where his blood kept oozing from the bullet hole.
“I’m fine Y/N, get inside,” Scudboat waved you off.
“What about Billy?” You glanced up to where the strong built man still laid on the ground, also unconscious.
“Don't worry about him, just get inside!” Scudboat shoved you away.
You did as you were told and sprinted to the Garrison. You pushed the door open only to be met with an empty pub. Your wide eyes roamed around the room. This isn't normal, you thought to yourself. There wasn't even a bartender behind the bar! Usually, around this time of the day, almost every seat should've been occupied, beers should’ve been poured, laughter should’ve been heard. But nothing.
You walked towards the snug, where Tommy and his brothers could usually be found, but instead Jimmy McCavern, Callum Maxwell, Kenneth Morrow and Angus Burns were occupying the room, all four of them staring at you with that look in their eyes that made you want to run away as far from them as possible.
“Y/N, so nice of ye to join us,” Jimmy said, his voice sending chills down your back. He looked comfortable in his chair, with his arms crossed over his chest, almost relaxed, but you didn’t let your guard down.
“Where are the Peaky Blinders, ye ask?” He interrupted you. “They’re a wee bit busy right now, I’m afraid it’s only us.”
“Take a seat, darling, go on,” Angus told you, motioning to the empty chair in front of you.
You did as he said, your hands wringing together in your lap. You knew not to become all witty and sarcastic with these men, obeying them was always the best thing to do.
“So, hope ye had yer fun down here with Thomas Shelby,” Jimmy continued, uncrossing his arms to instead rest them in front of him on the table as he leaned closer to you, “because yer days of fun are over. You're coming back to Glasgow with us, married to Brennan like yer brother arranged.”
It was at this moment that you realised you couldn't escape the Billy Boys. You had been so foolish to think you could leave them in the past, that you started imagining a future without Brennan. The Peaky Blinders could not protect you, you had been foolish to think otherwise.
But still, you weren’t going to lose without putting up a fight.
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m not marrying Brennan.”
“Ye don’t have a choice lass, yer brother promised yer hand,” Callum said.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” You asked angrily, tears pooling in your eyes. “This is not my debt, it’s his! You can kill him for all I care, he never cared about me so why should I care about him!?”
“A deal was made, ye can’t back out of a deal with the Billy Boys,” Kenneth said, his eyes telling you to stop arguing.
“No!” You slammed your hands on the table and stood up. “I’m not going. I’m not marrying Brennan. I refuse. This isn’t my deal!”
“Don't make this worse for ye, lass,” Angus warned you, also standing up.
“Fuck you!” You spat and took off in a run, escaping through the back door of the Garrison.
You knew the four men were on your tail, you could hear their heavy footsteps behind you. You tried to remember the directions Tommy had given you to Jeremiah Jesus’ church as you sprinted down the dirty streets and alleys. He had told you to hide there if you ever needed to, and since Jeremiah didn’t partake in the Peaky Blinders’ activities, the chances he would be there were quite high and, honestly, your last hope to survive.
Gunshots started ringing against the brick walls, luckily for you all the bullets flew past you since none of the four men were able to perfectly aim while running. You turned left at a corner and Jeremiah’s church was finally in your vision field, less than a few blocks down. Jimmy and the others still had yet to turn the corner of the street, so you took this advantage to go down a small alley, knowing it would lead to the back door of the church.
You stumbled in the place of worship, out of breath, and Jeremiah came out from the back office to see what the commotion you had created was about.
“Y/N, are you alright dear?” He asked you, helping you walk inside while your left hand clutched at your chest.
You shook your head ‘no’. “The Billy… The Billy Boys… They found me,” you wheezed out.
Jeremiah’s eyes widened at the urgency of the situation. “Come with me, there’s a trap where you can hide in my office.”
The priest led you to the back, closing his office door behind him before moving the rug behind his desk, revealing a trapdoor. He unlocked the latch and lifted the door. “Hurry, get in,” he waved with his free hand.
You lowered yourself in the hole, sitting down in the small space, and looked back up at Jeremiah.
“Do you have a gun on you?” He asked you.
You shook your head ‘no’. “I was with Scudboat and Billy Lovelock, we were on our way to the Garrison. There was no need for one,” you answered.
Jeremiah motioned for you to hold the door open over your head while he rummaged around his office. “Tommy always keeps a gun in here just in case,” he explained to you as he continued his search. “You can never know when it’ll come in handy around here– Ah! There it is!”
He crouched down and handed you a pistol. “I’ll try to keep them out if they come around. Stay safe.”
You nervously gulped before nodding your head. “You too, Jeremiah.”
The priest smiled, an attempt to make you feel slightly better in the situation you were in, and closed the door above you. You heard him lock the latch and replace the rug above the trap.
You remained there for what felt like an eternity, the only sounds you could hear were your nervous, laboured breaths and the gun slightly shaking in your hands. You were about to start praying – you never really believed in God after everything you had been through, but what better place to turn to Him than in a church – when you heard the door to the office open, followed by the sound of feet walking on the floor. Scared, you held your breath and willed your hands to stop shaking as you got in position, gun pointed up and ready to shoot.
The rug was moved and the latch was unlocked. You could feel the beating of your heart grow faster and faster as the seconds went by. The door was pulled open and, upon seeing the gun pointed at him, Tommy raised one hand up while the other lowered the door on the floor.
“Woah!” He exclaimed, raising his other hand up, showing you that he was no threat. “Relax, Y/N. It’s just me.”
When your brain registered that the face in front of you was the one of Thomas Shelby, you let down your arms and sighed in relief.
“Oh Tommy!” You cried out. You dropped the gun on the ground while you stood up and wrapped your arms around Tommy’s neck, bringing him in an unexpected hug.
Tommy was surprised at first, but Scudboat had told him what happened outside of the Garrison and he had received a phone call from Johnny Dogs informing him that Jimmy McCavern and his goons were in town, so he held you against him, trying to comfort you as best he could.
“You're safe now,” he reassured you, his right hand scrunching your hair as it held your head. “They’re gone now, Jimmy’s gone, Brennan’s gone.”
You pulled away, your eyes red with tears. “What did you do to them?”
“I was able to strike a deal that they simply couldn’t refuse,” Tommy answered, his right hand now cupping your cheek. “They won’t bother you again Y/N, not ever.”
Overcome with a wave of strong emotions, you shocked both Tommy and yourself when you leaned forward and kissed him. It didn’t last more than a second for you pulled back right after, bringing your hands in front of your mouth as you gasped. “I’m so sorry Tommy, I don’t know what–”
“It’s alright,” Tommy interrupted you, shaking his head. “Let’s get you out of there, yeah?”
You nodded your head, still embarrassed of your actions, and picked up the gun before grabbing the hand Tommy held out for you. He helped you out of the trap and closed the door behind you while you stood up and put the gun on Jeremiah’s desk. When you turned around to face Tommy again, you found him mere inches away from you. Your breath hitched in your throat, you had never been this close to him before, except when you first met, when he interrogated you while you were tied up to a chair. You looked up at him, his unreadable icy blue eyes staring right back at you, and he was the one to surprise you by closing the distance between the two of you, his lips finding yours again.
Your eyes fluttered close by themselves as you lost yourself in the kiss, your hands finding their place at the base of his neck while his right hand cupped your cheek and his left one held you flush against him by the waist. It was no secret that Thomas Shelby was pretty to look at, but you never really thought about him in a romantic way before. That being said, there was no bone in your body opposed to kissing him. Actually, it even started up a fire inside you, one that you were too preoccupied to acknowledge right now.
Tommy broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours as you both took some deep breaths. “I’m glad you’re safe,” he said with his deep, low voice. “I’m glad they didn’t take you away from me.”
He never told anyone because he wouldn’t even let himself admit it, but Tommy had grown comfortable with your presence in the house. After what Grace did to him, he promised himself he would only focus on the business and his family, but his attachment for you came rather unexpectedly, just like your entrance in his life did. Still, he didn’t want to act on it, whether it was because of fear or because of disinterest in wanting some romantic relationship, he didn’t want to ponder on it too long. But after what happened today, when he heard your fiancé and Jimmy McCavern would try taking you back to Glasgow, he realised he would regret it for the rest of his life if you were gone without him having the chance to pursue anything.
You looked up at him, brushing his nose with yours as you moved your head. “Me too,” you whispered. “Thank you Tommy, for everything.”
“Don’t thank me,” he said, brushing your hair with his hand that previously held your waist. “Just, just stay with me. Don’t leave.”
The vulnerability in his voice made you smile, he had never been so open with you before. “I didn’t plan on leaving anyway,” you answered and kissed him again, safe in his arms.
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o-sachi · 8 months ago
Dress to Impress Headcanons ‧₊˚ ⋅ Blue Lock Chars.
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ଳ what's it like to play the roblox game dress to impress with the blue lock boys?
ଳ characters; isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, michael kaiser, alexis ness, shidou ryusei, nagi seishirou, reo mikage, Chigiri Hyoma
ଳ tags; crack, some profanity lol, gn reader, no y/n, can be established rs or not
[🐟]: Let me know if you want more characters to this hehe ~
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ᯓ Isagi Yoichi
"How do you change the skin? Where's the hair? Why do the others have faces?"
He's so lost... poor baby. Expect a lot of questions (some of which get repeated) from him about how the game works. He's going to be overwhelmed with the buttons and stuff around his character.
You think 5 minutes is more than enough to put together an outfit, but somehow Isagi comes out of the runway without hair or with a bunch of clothes layered on top of each other.
He also asks how you do the poses on the runway.
"Hey, what's pose 28?"
HE RATES SUPER HIGH, so you're over there pouting 'cuz he's helping these 10 year old children win.
"This one's really nice. She's got a big bow on her head." / "But the theme is sad day, Yoichi..." / "And? Won't a big bow make it a happy one?"
Gets a bit sad 'cuz he gets rated low even if he rated all the others with 4 or 5 stars. Awww...
ᯓ Bachira Meguru
Expect that he will always use the most blinding colors known to man. He's gonna walk out on that runway looking like a traffic light.
He's so noisy when he plays. It's like he's commentating everything that's happening to him as if he has a whole stream going on. But in reality, it's just the two of you.
Spams pose 28 because all of the other cool ones aren't free.
Says "slay" every time he walks out because you said it once to him.
But if he's on a losing streak, he'll suddenly go quiet and focus more lol.
"Why are you quiet all of a sudden?" / "Shhh, don't interrupt my creative juices."
ᯓ Michael Kaiser
"What? Are you playing this game with your eyes closed or something?"
He said that. On voice chat. To a little girl. Who cried.
You had to reprimand him and tell him to apologize to the girl. But with his pride, he only allowed himself to rate her 5 stars the next round as his way of saying sorry.
"There. 5 stars... for the most clown outfit I've ever seen." / "Mihya!"
So mean to everyone else, but will always compliment your outfit even the ones you barely put effort in. You're starting to wonder whether or not it was condescending or heartfelt...
"That outfit looks great. We should duo in the next round." / "No, everyone in the server's mad at you and it'll affect my rating too."
He never makes it to the top 3 despite the good outfits he puts together because he talks shit on everyone in the server.
ᯓ Alexis Ness
"I got all the new codes; let me type them for you."
HE'S SUPER GOOD AT IT? It's to the point that you're jealous because his rank's way higher than yours.
"Just type M3RM4ID in that box." / "It's not working." / "Did you type the E as a 3 and the A as a 4?" / "What?" / "Never mind, gimme your Ipad."
He definitely knows all the codes that unlocks the hidden special items of the game. Plus, he's super into the lore as well. The nail technician? You bet he's going to talk about her extensive lore.
Super efficient when putting together an outfit. He's got a whole routine down to a T.
He actually rates outfits objectively—not too low and never too high.
ᯓ Shidou Ryusei
He has also made a kid cry before. But unlike Kaiser, he doesn't listen to you and doubles down on it. Just an absolute menace all around.
He's definitely muted by the other people in the server because regardless of what he says, no one is responding to him. So there's only you left to talk to him.
Doesn't even try to put together a decent outfit. You're not even sure if he reads the theme at all because he walks out on the runway looking like the personification of a fever dream.
"Haha look. This pose makes it look like I'm thrusting in the air." / "Ryu! Oh my gosh..."
Definitely has been banned from Roblox before and he's using a new account to play with you.
Everything he types just shows up as hashtags at this point...
ᯓ Nagi Seishirou
"This theme is such a hassle... when is it going to be the pajama party theme?"
He already plays Roblox to begin with, but he needed extra convincing from you to play Dress to Impress because he didn't see the thrill in it.
He was only convinced when he saw you rage quitting after losing with such a fabulous outfit. He realized the competitive aspect of it and decided to play with you.
Nagi doesn't realize it but his rotation consists of the same tops and bottoms, so his outfits always come out looking the same. This leads him to losing all the time.
He definitely complains when the runway has too many players. Like... when is it going to end?
"Sei! Did you just tell the kids in the server to leave? What the hell?" / "Yah. They were making the line too long and I don't wanna wait."
Also complains when he doesn't show up in the top 3 even though he didn't really put any effort into his outfit.
ᯓ Reo Mikage
"Hey, babe, look. I bought the VIP. Want me to buy it for you too?"
HE'S SO PAY TO WIN. He's a VIP player, has all the pose packs, and literally everything you can buy in the game. He's not shy about flaunting it to the other players in the lobby.
He'll spend the first minute in the VIP area then walk all smug in the cOmMoNeR's area wearing the biggest fuck-you dress ever.
If the theme is anything normal, he'll still manage to make the outfit look high-end.
Trust that he'll spam all the expensive poses once he's on the runway. The little rascal would be smirking to himself as he presses the different poses.
Reo grumbles to himself when he loses. He can't help but be annoyed when he gets only a few stars while literally wearing a dress that costs thousands of robux.
"I was literally wearing the biggest ball gown and I still lost? What the fuck."
ᯓ Chigiri Hyoma
"Hm? Oh, yeah. I gave you 5 stars. Yeah, for sure... for sure."
SUPER COMPETITIVE! Not even you are safe from aggressive dressing and impressing.
You two will be in duos, but he'll always one up you.
"Hmm... interesting choice of colors." / "Is it that bad?" / "Bad? What do you mean? It's great. I promise."
He won't be talking shit on anyone, but you can tell what's running through his head with that smug look on his face.
"What's up with that look? / "Hm? Oh... haha. I'm just enjoying the game you know? / "..."
Will refuse to choose any other hair that doesn't resemble his own. It doesn't matter if the theme requires a different color. He will be using his red/pink hair and no one will stop him.
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tag list; @meowkages , @shidousprincess
ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
o-sachi © 2024
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aliceramblez · 1 year ago
Dating The BroZone Brothers 🎤🎶
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Tags: Gender-neutral reader, Fluff, Some Angst (mostly for Branch lol), Also Broppy isn't canon here, obviously. But I love them dearly so don't come at me!
Follow me @taruchinator for more structured content and/or feel free to leave a request here in asks. Enjoy!
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John Dory
We all know this man is a bit self-centered, and that doesn't stop at your relationship.
He'll find any opportunity to show off for you— anything from singing, to dancing, to just his ‘incredible leadership skills that make him the perfect boyfriend!’
He also definitely introduced himself as a member of the old boy band BroZone, which you may or may not have heard of, which may or may not have left him flabbergasted.
Despite all his faults though, John Dory will do his best to be a good partner for you. It's what you deserve, after all!
Keeping you safe from wild creatures, making sure you're always happy because he loves your smile, and also being the overprotective boyfriend who'll square off against anyone who even dares to make you uncomfortable even if they're 10x his size.
Small detail, but he also loves the fact that Rhonda took a liking to you instantly.
“She knows how to pick the good ones,” he'd say with a wink.
Talks about his brothers CONSTANTLY, but always in a way that makes it seem like he doesn't care and that it's their fault the band broke up in the first place. He obviously really cares about them, though.
Some nights, he'll reflect and regret all the stuff he said and did to them, and wishes he could go back and make it right. You reassure him through most of it, trying to convince him that he was young and just didn't know any better.
He stares at you in awe and disbelief because how could ANYONE think that what he did was justifiable? Abandoning his younger siblings all because of his stupid ego and personal insecurities.
“I really don't deserve you...”
Give him some time he's just emotionally constipated.
Also you BET he's gonna show you off to his brothers once they're reunited, so just let him. He just wants the most important people in his life to meet.
You can also expect them to try and embarrass John Dory with stories from their childhood, so be ready to have a good laugh as your boyfriend plots for murder in the background.
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Probably the one who's best equipped to be in a relationship out of everyone in the group.
He is a family man, after all.
Speaking of which, if you think him settling down in the movie and having kids of his own was cute, it really is! But that just indicates that he has a way with children.
If you have a child or younger sibling, expect them to get dotted and taken care of to DEATH by this man.
He may not have been the sensitive one of the group, but was definitely the most reliable of the eldest, so he's got experience handling little trouble makers that come his way.
He still opens a cantina in Vacay Island, which is where you two met for the first time, and so you help run it occasionally whenever you have the chance. And even though you don't go there 24/7, all the regulars just think that you're the co-owner since you're dating Bruce.
You're the one who finds out that he's actually ‘Spruce’, the member of old boy band BroZone. You just happened to stumble upon an old record he kept in his room, and after confronting him about it, he reluctantly confirms your suspicions.
It was hard to recognize him since he was much older now and his body had definitely... grown over the years.
Bruce doesn't like preaching about those days, since he's quite embarrassed of the ‘immature ladies man’ he used to be back then.
But he won't deprive you of them either, since he'll happily share any stories on his misadventures with his brothers, funny backstage incidents, etc.
He misses them dearly and wishes they're all doing okay.
Two words: Hopeless. Romantic.
He's ‘The Heart Throb’ for a reason.
Roses, chocolates, dances— he can do it all!
Bruce will always make time in his busy schedule to spend time with you, taking you on dates to your favorite spots around the island, getting you meaningful gifts, and just overall expressing his love for you in any way he can.
He loves singing to you because it always serenades you and it puts a smile on his face.
People always joke that he's going to propose to you out of the blue one of these days, which always leaves him a flustered mess, but he never denies either.
“What can I say? I might be waiting for the perfect opportunity...”
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Poor baby doesn't know what he's doing but he's trying, okay?
The two of you meet in the abandoned Bergen Golf Course, where you and Viva welcome him with open arms, and everything pretty much plays as in the movie, except that he really likes spending time with you and ONLY you, which he doesn't quite understand?
You're the one to ask him out cause otherwise you'd be playing this back and forth forever. He says yes.
He's never had a partner before, so he's justifiably worried that he'll mess up in some way, or that you'll end up finding him too boring after a while.
This becomes much more apparent after a particular bad night, in which after mumbling incoherently because of a nightmare, you find out that he has brothers and used to be in a boy band.
He doesn't open up about it at first, so you give him some space and reassure him that you'll be there when he needs you. Just give him some time and he'll tell you eventually.
He talks about how he could never be himself, since he was always expected to be ‘The Fun One’, and now he's basically tried to become the complete opposite in hopes of gaining some control over his life.
But he also worries that others will think he's too dull, and that he just isn't interesting enough to be around. Especially you.
You immediately take his face in your hands and look him in the eyes.
“I fell in love with Clay. Not ‘The Fun Troll from BroZone’ Clay. Also, you're fun in your own way!”
He basically falls for you all over again after hearing this.
After that, he becomes slightly less uptight and allows himself to enjoy the little things. You sometimes actually catch him dancing when he thinks no one's looking and you find it's the most adorable thing in the world, even after he realizes he's not alone and wants the earth to swallow him whole.
“Don't mind me, I'mma just crawl in a hole for a while...”
“No, no- Babe, it was amazing! I loved it! Pleaseeee show me more!”
Overall, he's a pretty good boyfriend all things considered.
He's incredibly overprotective of you, and will always give you advice and tools he thinks will be helpful if you're thinking of venturing outside of the Golf Course.
He asks Viva for dating advice CONSTANTLY and she DOES NOT let him live it down. Of course she has good ideas, though.
He'll pretty much do anything for you, even if it means going out of his comfort zone.
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Another great candidate for being in a good relationship.
Need I explain myself with this man?
His entire personality revolves around being caring and understanding, so he's definitely always on the lookout for anything that makes you sad or uncomfortable and will fix it ASAP.
Floyd is the kind of person who will ask for consent with pretty much anything you do— from holding your hand, to kissing you, to giving you a hug; he will ALWAYS make sure that you're okay with it even if you've given him the green light in the past.
He's not huge on PDA due to his somewhat shy nature, but if you are, he'll try his best to keep up with you.
This doesn't mean he dislikes physical affection, in fact it's his love language. He'll go out of his way to try and sneak in as many hugs as possible throughout the day and maybe a kiss or two if you'll allow it, which of course you do.
You also try your best to get involved in his own interests, because that's only fair after everything he does for you.
It isn't until one day that he sings for you that you compliment him and he nonchalantly comments that he used to be in a band when he was a teenager.
Cue the reveal of him having four brothers and you begging him to tell you all about them.
Which he does, but you can't help but notice the melancholic expression on his face, so you immediately stop him and apologize for being pushy on the matter and that he doesn't have to share anything he doesn't want to talk about.
He only looks at you with a small smile and shakes his head.
“No, I'm glad you asked. I haven't talked about them in years, so I like remembering the good times, even if they're in the past now.”
So he'll go on and on about them, one by one, and go into excruciating detail about what kind of person they are and what he loves about them. He's especially fond of his little brother Branch, based on everything he tells you.
When he gets kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer, you immediately go to Branch for help.
Once you're reunited, you two basically run to each other and hug with tears streaming down your eyes.
“Did they hurt you?!”
“No, I'm okay! Did they hurt you?!”
“Who cares?”
“I do!”
Floyd is then incredibly happy to introduce you to his brothers, who begin to affectionately tease him about getting himself a partner and you happily step in to protect him from any unwanted bullying.
You also tell him that you like the new hairdo, which only causes him to giggle and kiss your forehead affectionately.
Honestly you guys probably have the healthiest relationship out of the whole group.
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I was really debating whether to include him or not since there's many Branch Reader Inserts out there, but I don't wanna leave my baby out so here we are!
You have a classic childhood friends to lovers situation with him, since you've known him ever since he was a member of BroZone, only being about a year older than him.
You'd help him practice for his concerts and would always give him pep talks whenever he felt worried that he'd ruin the show.
You're basically his number one fan— never missing a concert even if it meant dragging your parents with you so they'd let you get in.
The moment the group disbands and Branch is left all alone, you're there for him and wait alongside him for his brothers to return, reassuring him that ‘siblings would never break a promise’.
Cue his whole childhood trauma and him losing his colors, but it's only because of you that he doesn't completely isolate himself from society. He still builds his bunker though, since he's pretty much scarred for life thanks to the Bergens.
Just like with Clay, you're the one who takes initiative and asks him out, and he's just left gaping like a fish because why would you want someone like HIM?
After reuniting with John Dory, he's also dotting you about how big you've gotten and treats you like a baby, which actually irks Branch much more than it does to him.
He makes sure to remind his brothers that you both are grown adults, thank you very much.
Once the band gets back together, you kinda become a manager of some kind and help them in organizing their performances. Branch is eternally grateful and thanks you for staying by his side all these years.
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