#also hugging nat cause fuck i simply could not imagine being in her place
deerest-deer · 4 months
yellowjackets truly fucked me up in ways i couldn't have ever imagined, like now i simply can't listen to zombie by the cranberries without the urge to cry inconsolably about javi :c
anytime it comes up in my playlists i have to skip it or else
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - Land of Thieves - #ChapterNine
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GIF is not mine, and i’m running out of options haha.
Summary: When you were a child, you swore that no matter how high the reward in your head, she could always count on you. Life as an outlaw in the west is not easy, but you believe that train robberies are still easier than asking a pretty girl to dance. Land of Thieves, also know as your love story with Wanda Maximoff in the Wild West.
Chapter Summary:  The one where an old friend return.
AO3> Land of Thieves
Warnings:  18+, explicit language, explicit violence, slow burn, childhood friends to lovers, cursing, blood. Chapters Warnings: Slightly smut, panic attacks.
Words: 53.380K (All chapters)
tags: @mionemymind @whosedevil​ 
You wake up to a whistling noise. Wanda moves against you, burying her face in your neck, as you open your eyes, getting used to the clarity.
- Good morning, girls! - Nat says suggestively at the entrance to your tent. Wanda mumbles softly against your collarbone, not moving from her position on top of you. 
- Good morning, Nat. - You retort, letting your hands go up to Wanda's back. 
- Good morning, Nat. - Wanda repeats the greeting, but her voice is muffled against your neck. You don't mind.
Nat chuckles, walking into the room with her arms crossed.
- You guys are adorable, and everything. - She teases. - But we have work to do, Miss Maximoff. 
Wanda grumbles, and Nat nudges her quickly in the ribs, causing her to wriggle against you and almost knock you off the bed. She keeps poking Wanda until she demonstrates that she is going to get up. You just laugh at the interaction.
- Fuck you Nat, I'm going. - Wanda retorts, pulling out of the hug and standing up. You let out a sigh, missing her body heat immediately.
She stretches and gives Nat a gentle shove that makes her laughs and exits the tent, while pointing to the watch on her wrist.
- Good luck. - You tell her imagining she was already following Nat, but Wanda turns to you and climbs into your lap as she leans her body to give you a firm kiss on the lips.
Your body warms up quickly, but as you bring your hands to Wanda's thighs, you hear Nat shout that she would throw a bucket of water on you both if Wanda didn't come soon, so you end the kiss, and Wanda leaves your tent.
You lie there for a few minutes, eyes closed, smiling with the memory of Wanda's warmth, before you get up. You know you have a long day ahead of you.
Shortly after you delivered Stephen's letter to Steve, and talked to him about the plans to steal the gold from the Rhodes families, you approached Bucky as he was sitting in his tent.
- Would you help me with something? - You asked him shyly, and he just smiled, signaling for you to sit in the chair in front of his bed.
You sat down, a bit awkwardly, and then handed over the letter Erik had given you.
- A man looked for me yesterday in Saint Denis. - You told Bucky. - His name was Erik Killmonger.
Bucky frowned, looking worried. And then he opened the letter, reading its contents. 
- Did Killmonger say how he found you? - he asks seriously. And you look at him curiously.
- No. He didn't. - You reply. - Actually he didn't have time to tell me anything. - Seeing Bucky's confused expression, you add as you look away to the floor - Someone murdered him.
- Shit. - Bucky retorted, placing the letter on the bed, and running his hand through his hair. - Did anyone see you with him?
You blink in surprise at Bucky's nervousness.
- Only the guy who attacked him. - You reply. - But he must be in jail now.
Bucky shakes his head in denial, and then stands up, closing the tent. He sat down in front of you again, looking really worried.
- You can't tell Steve what I'm about to tell you, okay? - he asks, causing you to raise your eyebrows in surprise. But then you nod, and Bucky lets out a sigh before continuing. - Do you remember the time when I was away from the gang? A few years ago? - You nod in agreement. - I was up north. Helping the Wakanda people establish a reserve there. You didn't know her, but my sister lived with the Wakanda people, and she asked me to move there with her and her husband. - You were surprised by this information, but you didn't interrupt. - Unfortunately, explorations in that area started happening, and although no one can prove it, we know that the army attacked the reserve. My sister and her family died in the attack, and I rejoined the gang.
- I'm sorry about your sister, Bucky. - You say, and he smiles sorrowfully at you.
- That's all right, dear. It was a long time ago. - he says. - But what I want to tell you is this. A year after I returned, a group of Wakanda warriors set up a gang. A gang like ours. They call themselves the Panthers. - He tells you, and you nod, knowing exactly what he is talking about. - They came to me when we were in New Austin. They needed as much help as possible to get revenge on the soldiers who killed their families. And I accepted. - Bucky confesses, and pauses for a moment, as if lost in his memories. - Erik Killmonger was one of these men. We rode together to Fort Wallace, and together with the rest of the Panthers, we killed more than fifty federal soldiers.
- My God, Bucky. - you exclaimed. Bucky just looked at the ground. 
- After that the Panthers became the protectors of the Wakanda people. They are not thieves, and they only kill in case of defense. - He continued. - The gang grew in size, and spread all over the country. What we did that day, unfortunately, only delayed the inevitable. - Bucky affirms, and then grabs the letter from the bed and places it in front of you. - Killmonger has obtained the court license issued by Captain Vasily Karpov for explorations on the lands of the New Elizabeth reservation. 
- But what does this mean for the Wakanda people who live there?
- Death. - Bucky answered simply, and you held your breath. - And that's why Erik contacted you. He's trying to repeat what we did years ago. 
You bite your lips thoughtfully. And then you turn your gaze back to Bucky.
- Erik told me to save someone. - You tell. - Maybe he wanted me to find another way to help them.
- I don't know. - Bucky rebuts. - I see no other way out but to fight. Wakanda will not leave their land, and they are completely justified in staying.
You let out a sigh, trying to think. And then an absurd idea strikes you.
- What if the land was bought? - you ask suddenly. Bucky looks at you with a raised eyebrow in confusion.
- We literally have less than $500...
- The scam, Bucky! - you exclaim, smiling. - We'll get more than five hundred dollars with those gold bars.
Bucky laughs, but then he realizes your expression.
- My God, are you serious? - he asks incredulously, and you nod. - Child, we don't even have the money yet! And we don't even know if we're going to get it. On top of everything else, the army will send troops to the area in a few days. We simply can't help them!
You don't answer Bucky, because you are too busy thinking about the whole plan.  Bucky looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
- I need a paper and pen please. - You ask him, and he hurries to look for the items in the room.
When he hands you the objects, you turn toward the table next to the chair you are sitting on, and start writing down the plan as you explain everything to Bucky.
- If we do this right, we don't need to put anyone in danger. Especially the Wakanda people. - You say and Bucky nods slightly. - I really hope Tony Stark agrees to help us, or I'm going to need someone who looks a lot like a feudal lord.
Bucky laughs and picks up the plan sheet. He lets out a sigh and looks at you proudly.
- Let's do this, kid.
You don't tell Steve about your plan. Bucky doesn't like to talk about his past, and he thinks that this operation is something that only disrespects you and him. So he asks you not to mention anything to Steve, that he would find a way to tell him about it. You feel that they are distant lately, but you don't mention anything.
You have to go to Saint Denis, to pay Tony Stark a visit, so you leave after lunch. You'd like to kiss Wanda before you go, but she's not at the camp, and you figure she's still in Rhodes with Natasha.
It doesn't take that long to get to town, you quickly realize that your mare is quite sturdy and can run for a long time.
Now that you are in town, you need to find a way to find Tony Stark. The only place you know that has information on everyone is the saloons. 
So you spend much of your afternoon pulling conversations with strangers and buying them drinks, while trying to find as much information as possible. Finally, while you are at a card table surrounded by well-dressed drunks, a man tells you that Stark lives in a mansion at the northern end of town. You say a polite goodbye after he describes the house, and then you leave the saloon in the direction of the place.
You figure that the guards standing in front of the gate, and scattered all over the entrance area will not respond to an outsider's request to see their boss, so you go around the house, looking for a way to get in without being seen.
You find a ledge in the wall, and scale with some difficulty, but finally enter. Then you walk around with your head down, and enter the house through one of the windows.
You have never been in a mansion before, but you imagine that they are all as beautiful as this one. The floor was so shiny that you could see your reflection in it, and you suppressed the urge to let out an impressed hiss.
Finding the stairs to the second floor, shortly after ducking behind a couch when I heard a maid walk by, you went upstairs.
You had to look through many empty rooms before you found Stark's.
Opening the door carefully, you frowned with confusion at the image you found. Tony was sitting with his legs spread on the floor in front of his bed. Many bottles of drinks surrounded him.
He raised his gaze to you as you entered, and let out a dry laugh.
- Are you here to kill me? - he asked, clearly drunk, and then laughed again. 
- This is sad. - You commented with a light sarcastic tone, closing the door as you entered the room.
You walked toward the closets, looking for something for Tony to wear. You threw a set of the most comfortable clothes you could find on his bed.
Then you walked to the bathroom suite, and filled a metal pot with water. 
- Sorry about that, Tony. But I just don't have the time. - You told him before you poured the water over his head.
He let out a mixed exclamation of anger and surprise, and sank his face into his hands. You put the bowl on the floor, and stooped down beside Tony.
- Did that sober you up enough, or do I need to get more water? - you asked, and Tony just flashed you his middle finger, eliciting a laugh from you. You stood up, looking around the room, amazed at the number of items there. You were going through the books on the bookshelf when Tony finally finished dressing after he had gotten up complaining of a headache.
- What the hell are you doing here? - he asked as he approached you, taking the book from your hand and putting it back on the shelf.
- You treat your friends very badly. - You sneer and he lets out a laugh, turning in the opposite direction toward the room's exit. You follow him through the house to the lower level, where he leads you into the living room, and you sit in one of the armchairs while Tony pours a drink for you, and water for himself.
- To what do I owe the honor of your visit? - He asks with a slight irony as he sits down on the sofa.
- I need your help with something. - you say. - But I would also like to know if everything is okay with you.
Tony seems really surprised that you would ask him that. He rests his legs on the living room table and assumes a lost look.
- Everything is fucking great. - He replies sarcastically. You frown, and he looks like he is going to cry at any moment. - I live in a house with twelve rooms. I have employees at my disposal twenty-four hours a day. Everything is just fine.
- Tony.
- No. - He interrupts. - I don't want your pity.
You sigh, crossing your arms and placing your legs lying on the table next to theirs.
- I don't pity you, Stark. - you say. - I was going to tell you to have a little self-respect and stop sinking to the bottom.
He laughs lightly, and you follow him. You fall silent for a moment, and you assume a serious expression.
- This is about your father, isn't it? 
Tony's gaze is focused on one point in the room, as if he is not really there at all. But he nods slightly. You wait until he is ready to speak.
- I don't... My father and I, we didn't get along very well. - He confesses, looking down at his lap. - We had different opinions about many things. I never wanted his legacy. And then he died, and all his responsibilities fell to me. 
- This isn't about you assuming his business, is it? - you ask after a moment. Tony laughs humorlessly.
- No. - He confesses, and when he speaks again, thick tears stream down his face. - I just miss him.
Tony wipes away his own tears as they fall, apologizing. But then he sobs, and you get up, and throw yourself on the couch next to him, hugging him tight. 
- Damn, I'm sorry. - he says when you part, several minutes later. - I am a complete mess.
You nod in disagreement.
- Stop it, Tony. You don't have to apologize for your grief. - You tell him, and then put your hands on his shoulders, and give him a smile of mixed amusement and sarcasm. - But if I see you drown yourself in booze again, I'm going to punch you in the mouth, okay?
Tony laughs, hugging you one last time. He then gets up and asks one of his employees to prepare dinner for you both. 
He beckons you to follow him to the table.
- You still haven't told me why you are here. - He says without sounding accusatory, just curious, while pouring you some wine. 
- I need your help with a job. - You say. - I need you to pretend to be interested in buying some land for me. 
- Maybe this is a good time for me to tell you that I am bankrupt. - He says, and you let out a laugh. He seems surprised by your reaction.
- Yeah, I heard. - You say. - People talk more than they should when they are drunk in saloons.
Tony laughs, agreeing with a wry nod. Two servants enter the room next, and serve you both your dinner. When they leave, and Tony sees your face toward the plate, he lets out a chuckle.
- Sorry, is this not appropriate for your refined palate? - He mocks, and you take one of the cutlery to poke at the food that has been placed in front of you.
- I don't mean to be rude. - you say. - But this doesn't look like food.
- This dish costs almost a thousand dollars.
- That's exactly why you're bankrupt. - You joke, making Tony laugh. 
- It's called Caviar, by the way. - he says, eating some of the food. - You will hate it.
You laugh, and push your plate slightly forward. Fortunately, there were also other options you liked.
- Now tell me exactly what you want me to do. - He says after you finish putting some deer meat and mashed potatoes on your plate.
You explain to Tony that you need him to open a purchase order for the land in the New Elizabeth reservation area. He needs to prolong the negotiation as long as possible, until you have the scam money. You tell him what the Wapiti and Wakanda people went through there, but you don't mention Bucky. And when you finish, Tony drinks some wine.
When he nods in agreement, you let out a sigh of relief. And he laughs at your expression, but raises his hand to the table, holding yours.
You sleep in one of the rooms of the mansion, the bed is extremely soft. And then you are surprised that Tony is up bright and early the next day, excited to help you with your plan. He puts on his best clothes, and as you say good-bye at the front door, he tells you that he will keep in touch by correspondence about the negotiations, but that you should visit him as soon as you can to buy the land. You tell him that you intend to continue visiting him even after this scam, and he hugs you before you get on your horse.
Riding back to camp, you miss Wanda. You think you would like to share a large bed with her. And you feel your cheeks flush when you think about what this implies. How far away you were in your relationship. You realize that the next time you lie down with Wanda, you will most likely not sleep at all.
- Jesus, you're making that face. - You hear Pietro sneering while you are playing cards.He is sitting in front of you, while you are sitting at one of the camp tables. 
- I'm not making any faces. - You retort, looking at your cards. Pietro chuckles.
- You can't even hide it when you're thinking about Wanda. - He teases.
You had arrived at the camp a few hours ago, and when you realized that Wanda was still away with Carol and Nat, you accepted Pietro's request to play. You had also talked to Bucky about the reserve plan just before you sat down to play.
Maybe you were too distracted, and now Pietro was teasing you.
- I'm thinking about my next move. - You hit back.
- On the game or on Wanda?
- God, Pietro. - You grumble blushing as you kick him under the table. 
Pietro just laughs, and you play again in silence. When you win for the third time, you feel someone covering your eyes with their hands.
- Take a guess. - whispers a voice in your ear that you know well. You smile, raising your hands to Wanda's on your face.
- I think it' s the prettiest girl in camp. - You play along and hear her shyly laugh as she lowers her hands to your shoulders and kisses you on the cheek.
- Who's winning? - Wanda asks and you try not to mind her touch on your shoulders. She begins to massage them lightly and you ignore the shivering in your body. 
You turn your head back slightly to look at Wanda, but she turns around and sits on your lap. You suddenly feel very aware of her presence, and try not to blush so much. The position warms your body, but you say nothing.
- You know very well that I can't beat Y/N. - Pietro grumbles, leaning his elbow on the table and his face in his hand. Wanda imitates her brother's gesture, and this causes her butt to bend over your lap, and suddenly it's hard for you to breathe normally.
- Play with me then. - She says to Pietro in a tone of defiance and playfulness. Pietro shrugs, and begins to deal the card between the two of you. You rest your head on Wanda's shoulder, watching the game, as you move your hands up to rest on her lap, hugging her.
Wanda is a good player, you watch them play in silence. And then Nat joins you next, looking tired.
- By the way, how was your work? - you ask.
- Fucking boring. - Nat mutters, looking at Pietro's cards as he observes the table. Wanda let out a giggle at her answer.
- At least we have a hint. - Wanda said a moment later, and Nat nodded in agreement, and then laid her head against the table.
- What hint? - asked Pietro, buying a card from the table.
You signaled a move to Wanda by raising your hand quickly to her set, and she smiled.
- A load of moonshiner leaving in two days. - Wanda answers Pietro after following the move you showed her. - We will follow and find the breach to steal them.
- This is cheating. - muttered Pietro watching you help Wanda again. You laugh, taking your hand away from her cards. 
A few moments later, Wanda wins the game. Pietro lets out a disgruntled grumble, and Nat laughs at his expression. But then he lets out a loud exclamation as if he has remembered something.
- Girls, I completely forgot about the bear bet. - He tells you, and you roll your eyes playfully.
- We tied, Pietro. - reminded Wanda, but Pietro just shook his head in denial, a playful smile on his lips.
- That doesn't break the bet. - He says. - One wish for each. 
- That doesn't make any sense. - Nat commented humorously, but she seemed interested in where this story was going. - Please wish him to stay in silence for two weeks.
You and Wanda laughed at the idea, but Pietro was contemplative.
- I think it would be fair if we each got a wish from the other two. - He said with mischief in his eyes. You knew he would find a way to make very good use of it. 
- That's fine with me. - You agreed, shrugging your shoulders, it wasn't as if you'd thought of anything. Wanda then nodded.
Pietro seemed to get excited, and slapped the table lightly afterwards. 
- Great! I want you two to handle all my chores for next week. - he declares, and Wanda lets out a dissatisfied sigh. You roll your eyes, and then say:
- You are so predictable, Pietro. - You comment. - My request to you is that you take over Wanda's chores for the next month. 
Pietro looks shocked, and Nat laughs. Wanda turns her head to give you a little smile, and then turns to Pietro.
- And mine is for you to take over the monthly Y/N duties. - She says, and Pietro looks really annoyed that he didn't see that coming. You, Nat and Wanda laugh at his reaction.
- Plot should be against the rules. - He says angrily as he gets up and walks out toward his own tent.
Nat gets up next, stretching.
- You two are all hugs and cuddles, aren't you?  - She teases you about your position, but you and Wanda just giggle. She then leaves with a smile.
You lean back against the chair as Wanda turns in your lap, her legs splayed out to the side, allowing you to see her face.
- How are you? - you ask as you twirl your arms around her and intertwine your hands around her waist to hug her. Wanda smiled, leaving one hand on your forearm and one on your neck, her fingers playing with the hair on the back of your neck.
- I miss you. - She says, ignoring your question. Her eyes sparkle with something that means something else, and makes you swallow dryly.
- I'm right here. - You joke breathlessly.
- I miss touching you. - She confesses softly before she brings your mouths together. Her tongue caresses yours with slowness and sensuality, making your whole body tremble. 
You kiss like this for a few minutes, and then Wanda breaks the kiss, but keeps your foreheads together. You are both breathless as your mouths part. You think about saying something, but your mind is completely blank. And then Wanda is brushing her lips shallowly against yours again, as if deciding whether to kiss you again. She licks her lips, and this makes her tongue rub against your mouth because of the closeness, and you let out a low moan.
- God, keep it PG. - You and Wanda are startled as a voice sounds mockingly from beside you. Wanda sinks her face into your neck, you can't tell if she is embarrassed that she was caught or if she is trying to calm down. You look at who is talking, and find Carol with a suggestive look in her eyes. - I hate to be a bother, girls, but I need to steal Y/N away for a little while.
You let out a sigh, and from the look on Carol's face, you know what you are talking about. The blonde nods her head for you to follow her, and walks off in the direction she has pointed. 
You raise your hands along Wanda's back, stroking her tenderly to get her attention. Wanda looks up at you next, a dark gleam in her eyes, mesmerizing you, but a mischievous smile on her lips.
- I have to go. - You mumble, clearly preferring to stay. 
- Go before I kiss you again. - She says, looking down at your lips. - If I do, you're not going anywhere.
You let out a breathless laugh, and Wanda stands up. She smiles at you before you walk over to Carol's tent.
- What happened? - you ask as soon as you enter the place. Carol is waiting for you with a cigarette on her lips, standing beside you as she looks around the camp.
- Bucky told me about your little adventure. - She says without looking at you. You can't tell if she is angry, but you are surprised that she knows. You put your hands in your pockets while you wait for her to speak again. - I've been thinking about the whole situation. Do you have any idea how Killmonger even found you?
- No. - You shrug. - He died before you could tell me.
Carol takes a long drag on her cigarette before speaking.
- I'll find out if he was following us. - She says. - I wouldn't want to end up bringing other people to us.
You nod knowing that she is referring to the feds and bounty hunters.
- You want me to come along, right?
- You'd rather stay with your wife? - Carol replies with a teasing tone and a sideways smile. You can feel your cheeks flush, but your tone of voice is also provocative when you say:
- Wouldn't you?
Carol lets out a giggle, and throws the cigarette on the floor, putting it out with her boot. Then she turns to you.
- I'd better ride alone. - She says. - I'll attract less attention. And besides, Killmonger looked only for you, so maybe it's better that you are not seen investigating.
You nod, and Carol pats you on your back before walking off in the direction of the horses. 
You return your own tent, and Bucky enters at the back, carrying a letter in his hands.
- This is for you, kid. - He says, handing you the paper. - It's from Tony Stark.
You thank him and hurry to open it. 
- He made it. - You tell Bucky as you finish reading. - We have a week until the buyer arrives to meet with Tony.
Bucky nods, looking anxious. You place a hand on his shoulder.
- It'll work out, okay? We'll do it together. - You assure him. He gives you a short smile, and a pat on the arm before leaving.
You throw yourself on your bed then lie down as you stare up at the ceiling of the tent. You feel slightly anxious. You trust Stark, and you will have to be content with that. The other alternative was to die in a gunfight defending that territory. 
You end up napping for a few hours. When you wake up, it is very late at night. You walk out of your tent, and many huts are closed, indicating that much of the camp is asleep.
You walk over to the campfire area, where Nat and Bruce are sitting by the fire. 
- Hey. - You greet them with a smile, which they respond to. 
- Hey, sweetheart. - Nat says. - Do you want to sit down?
You shrug, looking around. You are cold, but feel that you are interrupting them both.
- Not really. - You deny it and your heart races slightly when you notice Wanda several meters away, staring at the lake. - I-I'm going to...
- You can go. - Nat cuts you off with a smile and an insinuating look. You give an embarrassed chuckle, and walk away in the direction of the lake.
You hug your jacket against your body as you walk toward Wanda. She is right on the edge of the camp area, and when you are arriving, you make sure to make your steps louder so that it doesn't startle her. And then she turns her head slightly to the side, and gives you a shy smile, before looking away again towards the lake.
- Someone is pensive. - You comment with a slight playfulness in your tone as you stop beside her. Wanda is quick to entwine her arm in yours and suddenly you forget that you were cold.
- Take a good look over there. - She says without looking away from the front. - Can you see the swans?
You squint your eyes to see through the darkness, and at first you see nothing. But then, several meters from where you stand, floating majestically on the water are swans. And they are white like the moon, and completely hypnotize you.
- They are beautiful. - You remark. - Do you remember the last time we saw swans, Wanda? When we were little...
- And we ran away to get married. - She interrupts with a giggle. - Oh yes, I remember well. - You laughed as Wanda turned to you. - We ran away to get married in secret and Bucky and Steve followed us for two days. 
You laughed as you remembered.
- We were, what, fourteen? - you ask, and Wanda agreed with a nod as she laughed. - Wow, that sounds like a lifetime ago.
- Yes. - She says looking at the lake. - I think I would do it again.
- What? - you ask with a smile. - Run away?
Wanda turns to you, her eyes glowing tenderly.
- I would run away again with you. 
Your heart skips a beat, but you hold her gaze and smile
- Where would we go? - You find yourself asking as Wanda brings your bodies closer together, and rests her forehead against yours.
- I'd go anywhere with you. - she declares.
- Wow, you are loaded with declarations of love today, Wands. - You sneer breathlessly, Wanda laughs and hugs your neck, burying her face in your hair. You wrap your arms around her waist.
- I'm glad that we don't have to run anymore. That I... I can love you without worrying.
Wanda lets out a sigh against your neck, and then looks up at you with misty eyes, a shy smile on her lips.
- I love you. - she confesses. - And I'm happy with you.
You nod slightly, your heart racing, and then kiss her. Tenderly and softly, just savoring her taste. And when you part, you remain holding hands as you watch the swans migrate away.
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strangermarvelss · 6 years
mission report- b.b | part 3 |
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(credit to gif owner as I do not own this gif)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky is assigned to be fake married to Natasha on a mission. Given their history, you’re not happy about the idea.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: angst, swearing, drinking, still might hate Natasha
A/N: again y’all, I’m sorry. enjoy!- sava
Sobs racked your body as you clung to your pillow, desperately seeking some sort of comfort in the form of cuddling your pillow. Your pillow was soaked with your tears, which were not looking to clear up in the near future.
Bucky had been absolutely horrible towards you, and you had done nothing wrong, which was the most confusing part to you. Your sweet, loving Bucky, who before the previous night, had never done anything that ever hurt you, he had been careful not to do so. 
Now, two days in a row he had managed to make you feel so bad that you needed to seek the comfort of a pillow as you cried your eyes out. 
Everything in your life was so confusing about situation to you, but you knew one thing for sure. Confronting Bucky was not an option. You weren’t going to let Bucky continue to hurt you for no reason, your emotions were not some toy to be tampered with.
A sudden knock at your door pulls you from your thoughts. You pull yourself away from your pillow, sniffling, trying to compose yourself the best you can. “W-wanda?” You asked, your voice hoarse and strangled. 
“It’s Steve,” he spoke softly on the other side of the door. Your breath hitched hearing Steve’s voice, thinking of the previous night at the event where Bucky kissed Natas-
You padded over towards the door pressed the button to allow it to open, revealing a disheveled Steve in front of you. He quickly welcomed himself inside your room and you shut your door. You turned to look at him, meeting a gaze that was full of relieve and pity all in one.
“Where’ve you been?” You asked, crossing your arms. You bit your lip as you looked at him. Just looking at him brings back memories of the times you would hang out with him and Bucky. Some of your best memories were with Steve and Bucky.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he answered, quirking a brow. You let out a small laugh, which caused Steve to smile slightly. “I’ve been looking for you, actually. Everyone else thought you were captured, but I hadn’t seen them since last night, so they didn’t know I knew you had left,” he explained. 
“I see,” you answered simply, looking at the floor. By now he was probably all filled in about what went down between you and Bucky, seeing it was hard to not know what happens within the walls of this compound when you’re one of the residents of it. Just the memory of your fight, if you could even call it that, with Bucky caused a tear to form in your eye, which you rapidly blinked away.
Steve turned his attention to you once more and frowned, walking towards you and enveloping you in a hug without saying a word. You wrapped your arms around his slim torso, appreciating the comfort that you desperately needed at the moment.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N, shhhhh. It’s okay,” he murmured, caressing your hair as he calmly reassured you. You didn’t realize you had began crying again until you felt wet patches on Steve’s shirt. “It’s all my fault Steve, it’s all my fault.”
“Don’t say that Y/N, it’s not. Bucky’s just overreacting. I’ll talk to him okay?” He said, pulling away from you slightly. You looked up at him with big, red eyes, a few tears still present in your y/e/c orbs. He gently wiped away the tears that sat on your cheeks and smiled down at you, hoping that you would mimic his image. 
“He’s reserved the entire training room for himself for the rest of the day, not letting anyone else inside, which really pissed Sam off. But I promise I will talk to him at Tony’s party tonight,” he reassured you. You furrowed your brows, confused at his previous statement. “What party?”
“Tony is throwing a party to celebrate the fact that we caught the last of the H.Y.D.R.A agents. It’s not a big party, but it’s big enough for Thor to be coming back. You should come, it’d be good for you,” he offered, his hand resting on your shoulder.
A party was the last place you wanted to go. Being around people who would try everything in their power to cheer you up was not something you wanted to associate yourself with. You also didn’t want to be in the same room as Bucky, just in case he has another outburst for the “shit you pulled” on the mission again. You’d much rather have a quiet night in your room with Netflix and a plate of cookies.
“I’ll think about it,” you lied, flashing him a fake smile. Steve nodded and brought you in for another hug. Steve was really bad at detecting lies, so although you weren’t the best liar, you didn’t have to act much in front of the super soldier.
Bucky’s POV
The music thumped off the walls as I entered the bar area, dancing bodies filling the room. I spotted Steve across the room and shimmed my way across the makeshift dance floor over towards him. He wore a tight, blue button down shirt with black slacks, a beer already in hand as he leaned against the bar.
“Thought Tony said this thing was going to be small?” I asked over the music, laughing slightly as I looked at the crowd of people.
“It’s Stark, small isn’t one of his things,” Steve replied. We shared a laugh and I ordered a beer from the bartender, running a hand through my hair. I cracked the beer open and took a swig from the beverage, sighing in relief at the tastiness of it. 
“Have you seen Y/N yet? I’ve imagined you been here a while so you’ve probably run into her already,” I asked, raising a brow towards Steve. He shook his head, putting his beer on the bar top and turning more towards me. “No, not yet. I did see her earlier today though. She…she didn’t look so good Buck,” he told me. 
I shot him a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“After what you said to her, she’s fuckin’ torn up. From the moment she got in her room to when I got there, I don’t think she stopped crying,” he explained to me. You nodded as you listened to the words coming from his mouth. 
“So she was crying just because I yelled at her? That’s so-“
“Jesus Buck! That’s not all of it!” Steve interrupted me, slamming his hand on the bar top. A few heads turned around  to look at us, but I gave them a side eyed look that made them direct their attentions elsewhere. “Then what else is it?”
“Buck…she’s insecure. She has these thoughts that go through her head that tell her that she isn’t good enough for you, and when you kissed Nat like that last night, that just spurred those thoughts on. Then you were being a complete dick to her about leaving, making her overwhelmed and she just felt like she’s been doing everything wrong,” he explained in detail. 
Once the words left Steve’s mouth, everything made sense to me. Y/N had shown signs of being insecure countless times, but I always shook it off. How could I be so stupid. I quickly backed away from the bar top, looking around from her frantically.
“I gotta go find her Steve. I need to tell her how sorry I am for being such a fucking dick. How could I act so fucking stupid?” 
“Because you’re a punk,” he replied, chuckling to himself. I lean over the bar top and punch him on the shoulder, then disappear into the crowd to find you.
I reach the elevators and reached for the button when suddenly I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Natasha walking over to me in a skin tight black dress that came down to her mid thigh. 
“Hey there soldier. I just wanted to say congrats on a successful mission. I haven’t seen you since the debriefing earlier,” she said, caressing your flesh arm through the dress shirt’s sleeve, which made you more than slightly uncomfortable. 
“Yeah well, I’ve been a little busy today,” I told her, moving my arm closer to my body then scratching the back of my head with my metal hand. I look her in the eyes and see her orbs filled with lust, causing panic to wash over my body.
“Well let me give you my own special reward for completing the mission successfully,” she told you, and before you could respond, she grabbed onto your dress shirt roughly and pulled you close to her body, barely noticing the sound of the elevators going off. You felt the familiar soft texture of her lips gliding against yours, the exact opposite of what you wanted right now.
I pulled away from the kiss and tugged her arms off my body, shooting her a crazed look. Why in the hell did she think it was okay to kiss me when Y/N and I were in a committed relationship. The mission was over, meaning I no longer had to associate with this witch. “Natasha, what the fuck?!” 
I huffed out in annoyance and turned to see Y/N standing in the elevator, a mixture of hurt and broken wiped across her face. I froze, unable to think of what to say or do, only able to watch as she let her eyes well with tears for who knows how many times today. 
“Y/N,” I managed to let out. Y/N choked back a sob as she hit the floor and close door buttons, disappearing away from me before I could reach out for her. I leaned against the closed doors, mentally cursing myself for not taking the stairs to come save what was left of our relationship.
Bucky taglist: @buckybarnesappreciationsociety 
Mission Report taglist: @loveavengersandspn
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bucky-made-me-do-it · 7 years
She's My Bucky
Bucky x reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death and mention of a heated kiss, I think that’s it.
A/N: this is my first fic and I’m not 100% what I’m doing. I’m no writer my any means but thought id give it a go and see what happens. the idea for this came to me a while ago and I’ve not been able to leave it alone. so after nearly 2 weeks of making notes and telling myself to just go for it. this happened. there’s probably spelling mistakes and grammar errors everywhere and I apologise. also I typed this out real quick as I got half way through once and the computer crashed and stole it all. thank you for reading.
“Come on!” Sharon sais excitedly as she dragged Bucky and Steve to the garage of the compound. “she’ll be here soon!” Steve and Sharon’s wedding was only a few weeks away now and Sharon had asked her best friend to be her maid of honour and she was coming today. “she’s always been there for me since we were kids, we spent so much time together at aunt Peggy’s after our parents died she practically lived with us, even Tony knows and loves her, being aunt Peggy’s god son and all. She has always been a bit protective of me, I suppose you could say she’s my Bucky” Sharon told Steve as Bucky trailed behind, still not comfortable with meeting new people no matter how many times Steve said it was ok.
Just then the garage door opened and a bright purple ‘67 mustang with white racing stripes rumbled in. As the engine cut off and the door opened Bucky could have sworn his heart stopped when out climbed the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. “(y/n)!”
Sharon squealed just as (y/n) closed the door and ran for her. the two women clung to each other so tight happy to be back together again rocking each other as tear filled hellos and compliments flew between them.
As they released each other Sharon looped her arm with (y/n) and lead her over to the men. “(y/n) this is Steve. Steve (y/n)” Sharon introduced with a huge smile. Steve held out his hand and (y/n) shook it and said “wow, so your the amazing Steve I’ve heard so much about?” as she cocked an eyebrow at Sharon with a playful smirk on her face causing Sharon’s face to warm up and a slight blush to dust her cheeks. “And this is Bucky. Bucky, (y/n)” no one had noticed that Bucky had not taken his eyes off her, just then Steve nudged him and knocked him from his trance and he took her hand with a “nice to meet you.” Just then the door to the compound opened and an agent carrying san armful of paper work came in, “captain rogers, Agent carter, sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I might have you signature on a few of these please?” “Sure” Sharon said as she turned to (y/n) “ill be right back.” as Sharon as Steve turned to walk way (y/n) stepped up to Bucky and whispered in his ear, “see something you like, soldier?” his back stiffened as Sharon called (y/n) over took her arm again as she lead the way in to the compound to get (y/n) settled and meet the team. “You ok , buck?” Steve calls from across the room, “yeah, I’m fine. I think I just met my future wife!” he replies still staring at the door the women disappeared through.
walking in to the common room with Steve and Bucky in tow, Sharon introduced everyone to (y/n). “everyone this is (y/n). (y/n) this is Sam, Wanda, Nat, vision, Clint and Thor.”
(y/n) gave a small wave. she was just about to say something when,
“THERE’S MY JELLYBEAN!” a rather loud Tony entered the room with a rather timid looking Bruce. “Tony, its been how many years and you are still calling me that?” (y/n) replied with a playful smirk on her face as she hugged tony. “Of course, things like that aren’t easily forgotten.” looking around the room at a sea of confused faces Sharon took in upon herself to explain that you got the nickname from tony due to sticking a jellybean in each nostril as a child and freaking out when they got stuck and you were convinced you were going to die, she even told Sharon she could have everything in her room to remember her by. “Thanks.” (y/n) deadpanned and blushed as a few giggles were hear around the room. Bucky thought it was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. Later that evening after the kitchen had cleared bout after dinner save for Sharon, Steve, Bucky, Tony and (y/n) who were talking and catching up, “so what are you doing for work at the moment?” tony asked (y/n) while he sipped his drink. “oh, I quit my job before I came out here, they said they couldn’t give me the amount of time off I wanted and Sharon needed me so I left.”
“what about your apartment?” Sharon asked, “a neighbour is watching it.”
A couple of weeks later the night of the bachelor and bachelorette parties arrived, “HURRY UP (Y/N)!” Nat called, everyone was ready and waiting to leave. when (y/n) entered the room she was met with wolf whistles and cheers, and a Bucky that looked like a fish gasping for air. she was wearing leather bottoms that hugged her in all the right places a corset style top and a leather jacket with high heeled boots, smokey eye make up and bright red lips. as everyone made their way to the door she caught Bucky’s eye and winked at him and went to join everyone else and Bucky leaned in to Steve and said “is she trying to fucking kill me?” After everyone had decided who was going in what car they all met a local bar for a few drinks before going their separate ways, (y/n) looked over to the bar where she noticed a very uncomfortable looking Bucky and a woman fawning all over him. “ill be right back” she told Sharon and got to her feet and made her way over to Bucky with a very seductive look on her face. Bucky saw her coming over and wondered what was happening. At the same time Sam saw and nudged Steve and got all the men’s attention to watch the events unfold.
As (y/n) got closer to Bucky she pushed the woman out the way ad held Bucky’s chin between her thumb and index finger so he was looking in her eyes and said very seductively, “me and the girls are heading to a club where we are going to have men grinding all over us, so I’m gonna be as Horney as fuck when I get home so you better be ready for a rough ride, Sargent.” then she pecked his lips and walked away with a “see you later, lover.” Before Bucky had a chance to do or say anything she has made her way over to the woman and said “honey, as cute as you are I don’t share so if I were you, I’d make myself scarce.” blowing a kiss in the woman’s direction as she walked away.
(y/n) walked back over to the table of women missing the animalistic growl that left Bucky and proclaimed it was time to move on swinging her hips that little bit more knowing she still had an audience. As the women left Bucky was still standing there uncomfortable except now it was for a whole other reason.
a few days later the girls went for their dress fitting, while they were all in a fitting room pulling on the third dress suggestion from the woman who was clearly trying a little too hard for her commission Wanda spoke up, “so (y/n) what’s up with you and Barnes?” “if you’re referring to the other night at the bar, I was simply helping a friend in need,” she replied as Nat zipped up the back of her dress for her, “of course you were,” Nat smirked. After leaving the bridal shop, Nat and Wanda were called away for a mission so (y/n) and Sharon decided just to get coffee and head home, but they were so wrapped up in wedding talk they didn’t notice they were being followed. As they made their way back to collect the car a man dressed completely in black grabbed Sharon from behind and lifter her from the floor. Just as (y/n) was about to launch herself at him, she stopped and turned her head just in time to catch the fist that was about to make contact with the back of her head. she used the momentum from it to flip the man over her head, temporarily knocking the wind from him and went to help Sharon. after a full on fist fight that lasted maybe less time than the men imagined, (y/n) and Sharon had managed to contain the men and get some agents to come and collect them for questioning and headed back to the compound.
“I don’t get it,” Steve said confused looking at Bucky, “I don’t see how Sharon managed to beat those two on her own, they are big men!?”
“that’s because she didn’t,” tony said with a smile, “here, watch this.” he put the cctv footage of the attack on the big screen on the wall and Bucky and Steve watched in awe as you helped Sharon fight off the men with moved some would say rivalled Nat’s. “wow!” Bucky breathed out. That night while snuggled on the couch watching a movie with Sharon, Steve said “where did (y/n) learn to fight like that?”
“she went to the S.H.I.E.L.D academy with me but dropped out before she finished training.”
“why? she’s good.”
“I know I asked her far ages after she done it but she never would tell me.” Sharon said with a hint of sadness in her tone, Why do you ask?“
“I was thinking of asking her to join the team.”
“that’s a great idea sweetie!” Sharon said excitedly, I’m sure she would!“
“id love to! as long as Sharon is ok with it!” (y/n) said excitedly when Steve asked her the next day to join the team.
“she’s fine she was really happy I wanted to ask,” Steve smiled.
“well ill leave you here in Bucky’s capable hands, he’ll be your mentor anything you need just ask him.” and with that Steve left you in the gym. “right. lets get started, doll” Bucky said as he took a defensive stance.
over the next few weeks, (y/n) and Bucky grew closer and started spending more time together outside of training. until one day, “would you like to come out to dinner with me one night, doll.” “are you asking me on a date, Sargent Barnes?” “That i am,” he said with a boyish smirk that made her knees weak. “Then yes, id love to go out to dinner with you. maybe pick me up at 7 tomorrow?” “7 tomorrow it is, doll. i cant wait.” As (y/n) left the gym she caught Bucky punch the air and whisper “yes!” and couldn’t help but giggle to herself.
As it happens news travels fast around the compound and as (y/n) sat down to breakfast with Wanda and Sharon, Wanda said, “a little bird told me, (y/n) that you are going on a date with Bucky tonight?”
“yes I am but never mind bout that, today is cake tasting day, so I’m going to have a shower and get dressed and ill meet you ladies back here in say, an hour.” and with that (y/n) quickly left the room.
“why does she do that?”
“I’m not sure she’s been like it as long as I can remember, never wants to talk about herself, its just the way she is I think.” Bucky and (y/n) returned from their date laughing together and decided to sit on the couch for a bit and watcha movie to finish off the perfect evening. while (y/n) went to change in to some pjs, Bucky found a bottle of Tony’s very expensive whiskey and 2 glasses and put the movie on just as (y/n) came back in. they sat watching the movie for a while (y/n) snuggled into Bucky’s side, “(y/n)?”
“yes, Bucky” she replied as she sat up and looked at him, he stared into her eyes for a second before swallowing thickly and said “I think I’m falling for you.”
(Y/n) didn’t say anything she just closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his in a heated kiss, they both stood from the couch and went to Bucky’s room and it turned out the movie wasn’t the perfect ending to the perfect evening.
Laying awake with her head on Bucky’s firm chest. (y/n) started to feel uneasy about how she felt for Bucky. she knew that if she was seen people would want to talk to her about it, she couldn’t handle it so she very slowly removed herself from Bucky’s  hold and snuck out back to her own room making sure no one saw her.
The next morning at breakfast (y/n) is sitting talking animatedly to Steve and Sharon about things for the wedding when a very pissed off looking Bucky walks in.
“Are you kidding me!? Where did you go?” he asks with a frown and a jaw so set it could cut glass. “Bucky,” (y/n) sighs, “I cant do this now.” “No. you can and you will, we spend a great night together, we confess our feelings and sleep together and I wake up and you are gone!?” everyone looks at (y/n). She looks at her hand that are now clamped together in her lap and lets out a sad sigh, “I did it because of Sharon.”
As she says it she look over to a very hurt and confused looking Sharon, “excuse me, I don’t follow. how is this my fault?” “I don’t mean it like that, not in a bad way. this is your time. your wedding. people should be talking about that and congratulating you, not talking about me and my feelings for Bucky.” (y/n) says matter of factly like its the most obvious thing in the world. “Hold on, I think its great you found someone. maybe even better that its Bucky. you always do this you always cut yourself short, you draw attention to my happiness even if it costs yours.” (y/n)stays quiet with a guilty look in her face, she could see the realisation dawning on Sharon’s face. “is that why you never competed the S.H.I.E.L.D training, you always were better than me, and why you enrolled in college out of town so it was harder for people to get to yours so you told them to come to mine instead?” (y/n) just sits with tears in her eyes and nods.
(y/n) gets up from the table and turns to Sharon, “I have always put your happiness first. you are so special to me and deserve the world, you are like a sister to me the one I never had. you and I both know I’ve done a lot of shitty things in my life, things I could never make up for, I thought that by looking out for you, protecting you and making sure you were happy it would be a start. I know i will never be able to make it up to you or fill the void I created, I done the worst thing imaginable top you and all you did was ask Peggy to help me. if she hadn’t agreed who knows where id be now. All I have ever done is try and make you happy but all I seem to do is make things worse. I’m sorry I ruined your moment and Bucky, I’m sorry I hurt you.“  
Before anyone has the chance to say anything (y/n) turns on her heel and bolts from the room with tears streaming down her face. “what the hell was that all about?” a very confused Steve asks a very upset Sharon. “I think its time I showed you something,” Sharon says walking over to the TV. “F.R.I.D.A.Y, bring up the file on my parents deaths.”
(Y/n) packs to leave and stops to visit Tony on the way out. “thank you for having me tony but I’m leaving,” (y/n) say s willing herself not to cry again, she doesn’t deserve to be upset she ruined it all, again. “why? what happened?” Tony walks around his workbench and hugs her. “because as usual I’ve shown up and ruined Sharon’s life and hurt people i love.” she realises what she said after id leaves her lips. she said love the one thing she’s not allowed herself. the one thing she has no rights to. “can I stop you?” tony asks and she shakes her head, no. “well I don’t like it but you are your own woman now, Jellybean, but you know where I am if you need anything.” “thank you, Tony.”
(y/n) makes her way to the garage and wasn’t prepared for what she finds. Where do you think you’re going, doll?“ Bucky say leaning against her car. "Away, Bucky. I’ve done enough damage I’m sorry.”
“Sharon told us everything. None of it was your fault.”
(y/n) lets out the breath she didn’t know she was holding, “we both know that’s nor true. if I hadn’t have been so caught up in my ex, brad, Sharon’s parents and mine would still be here.” “(y/n) there’s no way you could have known he was HYDRA, there’s no way you could have known you were used as bait in a hit on Sharon’s parents lives. but i know that if you wasn’t there that day Sharon wouldn’t be here either. she told us how hard you fought for her, taking all the hits, even taking a bullet to the leg. you may not have been able to save yours or her parents lives, but you saved hers. she owes you her life and she’s living it, she graduated college, she’s an avenger, she’s getting married and pretty soon her and Steve will start a family and its all because of you.” (y/n) stands staring at him with fat tears rolling down her face. Bucky pushed himself off her car and walks towards her. “you deserve everything she has too. all these years you have lived thinking you don’t deserve happiness and you do, so much. I cant let you leave here knowing you still think that way. I know I cant force you to stay but I need to tell you something before you decide what to do. I love you (y/n). her breath hitches in her throat as she raises her eyes to meet his, "what did you say?” “I love you.” he smiles. “Do you mean it?” “with everything I have.” (y/n) drops her bags and falls into Bucky’s arms and he just holds her .
A couple of weeks later the wedding goes well. Bucky and (y/n) steal glances at each other across the alter and they couldn’t be happier for their friends.
At the reception Bucky seems agitated, “are you ok, baby?” (y/n) asks.
“Yes, doll. I’m fine.” he kisses her forehead and wraps his arm around her.   
Before long Sharon calls for all the ladies saying it’s time to throw the bouquet. everyone counts to three then Sharon turns around and hands it to (y/n) and tells her to turn around where she is met with Bucky down on one knee.
she brings her hand up to her face and has tears already in her eyes and he begins to speak, “ (y/n) i cant begin to put into words how much I love you. you mean the world to me. hell, you are my world! I cant see the rest of my life without you and its been that way ever since the day I saw you. the day I met you I told Steve I met my future wife.”
Steve nods and laughs “he actually did.” there was a few giggles from the crowd.
“(y/n), would you make my dreams come true, doll and become Mrs. (y/n) Barnes?” She stands with tears in her eyes and gives a small glance to Sharon who gives a small nod. “yes! Bucky, a million times yes!” Bucky pushes the ring on her finger, picks her up and spins her around. “I love you so much, doll!” “I love you too!” Steve and Sharon watch as Bucky and (y/n) dance and steal kisses whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. “I’m glad they got their happily ever after.” Steve tells Sharon as he kisses her cheek. “me too,” Sharon says with a smile, “ after all they have been through. id go against the world for her like you did for him. but after all, she’s my Bucky.”
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