#also his desire to protect gabriel even after everything
sic-vita · 22 days
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GOOD OMENS + Aziraphale, Guardian of the Eastern Gate
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books-and-omens · 1 year
I wonder, too, I wonder when Crowley is going to know. The six-espressos-in-a-big-cup protective hypervigilant Crowley. Ever circling around his angel, snapping at the slightest threat, shielding him from harm.
When is he going to know that he’s been manipulated, too?
And when is he going to know what role he himself played in Aziraphale’s decision?
There are so many things he didn’t tell Aziraphale. To protect him, to spare him, to give him time. Except, of course, all of that also meant that Aziraphale had no time and space to process them.
(And yes, there were things that Crowley could not possibly tell his angel. The cruel disdain of Gabriel’s words at Aziraphale’s execution is burned forever into Crowley’s mind; how could he have taken this dagger to Aziraphale? 
Anyway, shouldn’t the fact of the execution itself be enough for Aziraphale to know?)
But Crowley’s angel is kind, is bright, never expects and is forever surprised by treachery: Rose Montgomery turning out to be a Nazi spy, a countess turning out to not be a countess. Of course Aziraphale’s sheer relief on deciding that he’s been wrong about the Metatron will be a powerful force. He wants to be aligned with something bigger than himself; he wants there to be a point.
For all of S2, Crowley deflects threats from Hell. (Aziraphale, involved? Unlikely, Crowley says with studied nonchalance. And how do you know I didn’t do that miracle?) Out of Aziraphale’s earshot, he threatens and hisses, as he has likely done for millennia. Remember Hell’s book on angels, with everything it says about Aziraphale, with instructions to ‘avvoid’ and report to Crowley? Yeah.
By the end, there are key things that Crowley hasn’t told Aziraphale: his visit to Heaven, Gabriel’s punishment, what it was that Gabriel refused to do. Yes, there were archangels in the room, watching. Yes, Crowley had rather assumed that Aziraphale is as done with Heaven as he is himself. Still, it wasn’t Crowley’s instinct to give Aziraphale all the information. And after Aziraphale’s conversation with the Metatron, Crowley was primed to go ahead with a confession, was interrupted during said confession—so in the aftershock of Aziraphale’s words, he went right back to the path he’d already committed to. Then, of course, it was too late; the pain became too much; neither of them were thinking clearly, neither of them had the time to understand.
Yes, telling Aziraphale of the danger may not have helped. Aziraphale is even better at denial than he is at forgiveness; he might have refused to see what Heaven needs him for, how they intend to keep him in line. (Also, no doubt a worrying thought for Crowley if he was conscious of it: it’s very like Aziraphale to go to Heaven to try and stop the Second Coming no matter the risk to himself.)
But the thing is, the Metatron remembers Crowley. And he must know how rash Crowley is. How impulsive, and how likely to rear up and bite when presented with an offer to be forgiven for an injustice done to him.
So yes, Crowley has been manipulated. Through Aziraphale: through his angel’s indefatigable hope, through his desire to see the best and redeem what had seemed (but surely cannot be!) irredeemable: Heaven itself. Manipulated into storming out, his heart broken, the pain of that kiss still on his lips.
Into, after so many millennia, letting Aziraphale walk straight into danger.
I wonder when Crowley is going to know.
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scoobydoodean · 3 months
I have 2 spn accounts, a Deancentric blog that ships Destiel and another account that unintentionally follows a lot of Samgirl blogs. So one blog follows majority Deangirl blogs and the other incidentally follows a lot of Samgirl blogs. And here's the major difference I've noticed on the different dashboards.
Deangirl dashboard: Great meta analysis. Beautiful art. Level 1 and 2 headcanons (largely based in canon). Pro-Dean. Stumble across reblogs of Deancrit. Bitter Deangirl blogging. Generally fair portrayal and discussion of the positive and negative traits and actions of Dean, Sam and Cas. Deanhater anons.
Samgirl dashboard: An entirely different pool of beautiful art. Whole lotta woobie!Sam art where Dean is his abuser. Deancrit about Dean being an abuser. Bitter Samgirl blogging about how people will find any excuse to hate Sam. "How can anyone be Samcrit he has done nothing wrong ever." Level 5 headcanons (you literally ignored canon to make that up). More about how Dean is Sam's abuser. So many posts about how awful Samcrit is. "Do Deangirls really think that Dean cries himself to sleep at night thinking that ppl thinks he doesn't know how to read." I have yet to see any actual Samcrit posts (not even links or reblogs from Sam defenders), not even after literally searching the Samcrit tag for it. The Samcrit tag is full of Samgirls crying about Samcrit and no actual Samcrit. "Samgirls are feral, but we need to be bc of the hate ppl throw Sam's way."
I literally have to block so many people on the incidentally Samgirl dashboard bc I'm not on Tumblr to randomly stumble across a post on how Dean is a toxic stalker who abused Sam by changing Amelia's number in his cellphone. Do you have any idea on why Samgirls seem to feel so attacked all the time even though I literally only ever see *them* attacking Dean?
If you dig deep enough into any fandom, you will encounter people who fetishize "helpless victimhood". Some fandoms attract more people with those particular proclivities than others. Supernatural and Sam in particular attracts people who hold those sorts of aesthetic interests because of his relationship toward accountability versus Dean's.
Dean is a character with an overactive sense of responsibility. He blames himself for the Lindbergh baby and unemployment and every child murdered by a shrtiga from 1990 to 2005 because he went to play an arcade game when he was 10. He also blames himself for things like Jessica dying and Sam not being in school. Other characters pile on this blame frequently. John blames Dean for Sam getting hurt (1.18). Ruby tells him (and Sam) that Sam is a weak baby who won't psychologically survive without Dean there to protect him (3.11). Meg alleges that Dean is "dragging Sam everywhere" (1.16). Sam rewrites reality from 1.05 to 1.21 to make Dean responsible for his burning desire for revenge. Cas and Zachariah and Gabriel blame Dean when Sam breaks the last seal because he didn't stop Sam in time. Sam blames Dean for him drinking demon blood first because Dean wasn't there to protect him and then—in a complete 180—because Dean is smothering (4.04, 5.05). Dean generally absorbs blame when it is piled at his feet because he has been blamed for things he couldn't control for most of his life and thus he feels guilty and responsible for things even when him being responsible makes no logical sense. He's never a victim of anything—everything is always on him.
Sam, on the other hand, tends to eventually deflect blame because he can't handle the gnawing bite of it for long. It reminds him too deeply of being left isolated and alone as a child and the feelings of otherness and wrongness he developed through that neglect. When his actions ultimately have consequences he didn't foresee and/or that he finds undesirable, it makes him feel ugly and unaccepted and he can't face it so he eventually finds a way to make what happened someone else's fault—usually Dean's fault. Nothing is ever on him. He's always at least a little bit of a victim and Dean always carries at least partial responsibility for his decisions (1.21, 1.08, 4.04, 5.05, 8.23, 11.01)
In other words, Sam has an under-active sense of responsibility and Dean has an overactive responsibility and that dynamic—driven by their childhood experiences—places them into a vicious cycle of blame being cast onto Dean for Sam's decisions and Dean absorbing it. Dean absorbing it reinforcing the narrative for samgirls with a victimhood fetish that Dean deserves blame and that Sam truly is a helpless baby. They never watch what actually happens on the show to see whether this narrative that Dean is responsible for everything and Sam is a helpless baby lines up with the actual events that occurred onscreen because why would they? That would ruin their enjoyment. Sam isn't interesting to them outside of his capacity to be mourned as some sort of helpless martyr. And yes—they will cry and moan about how horrible and unfair Sam's suffering is, but it isn't because they're having a bad time. They're having a great time. They love thinking about Sam that way. They wouldn't be here blogging about it day in and day out for the last 20 years if they didn't actually want to see exactly what they're seeing.
Related tags of note:
#sams motivations
#taurus sam in the flesh
#In which Sam is not a helpless little waif with his hands cast over his eyes being carried along by the tides of the immutable sea
#sam the hunter
#sams follower/leader false dichotomy
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Why did Felix hide from LB and CN in S5?
My dear anon, I wish I could provide you with an explanation full of such profound wisdom and clarity that you would speak my name with reverence for years to come. Alas, I cannot because, when viewed as a complete whole, Felix's season five actions make absolutely no sense from any perspective other than, "Well, if he acted logically, then the season would be over in about five episode or, at the very least, Adrien would have learned the truth which would lead to an identity reveal and we can't have that!"
To explain, let's quickly go over the various assumptions one might have made as season five went on and why they all fall flat by the end of the season:
At the start of the season, Felix's hiding away made some sense if you assumed that he was hiding from his uncle. This was a logical assumption since Gabriel should have viewed Felix as a massive threat that must be eliminated. After all, Felix was clearly no fan of Gabriel's and Felix also knew everything one would need to know in order to bring about Gabriel's downfall. None of that actually panned out - Gabriel basically ignored the Felix issue for the entire season in favor of being the world's most obnoxious Adrigami shipper and Felix, well, we're about to get into that- but it was initially a valid assumption.
Continuing along the logical path from our ultimately erroneous fear-of-Gabriel assumption, one might think that a person who was terrified of Gabriel would go straight to Gabriel's enemies for protection. However there was an argument to be made that Felix feared Ladybug and Chat Noir's wrath just as much as he feared his uncle. This was also a fair assumption. Felix had just betrayed them plus, in those early episode, most of us assumed that Felix was going to refuse to make sentimonsters of his own, so he'd have no protection if Ladybug and Chat Noir immediately went on the attack. These assumptions all proved false in the end, but they were all reasonable when the season started.
Another initially valid assumption was the assumption that Felix's ego mania and self-serving world view meant that he only trusted himself to take down Gabriel. After all, past seasons had shown Felix to be clever, resourceful, and deeply devoted to his mother, so it made sense that he'd be working on some brilliant plan to bring his uncle's downfall and restore his aunt if only for love of his mother. You could even add an assumption he even wanted to keep everything quiet for sake of the family image or just a simple desire for personal privacy.
These assumptions and all of the others stopped holding water after Emotion. In that episode, Felix was shown to be fine making sentimonster, fine outing his own secret identity to the world, and fine confronting his uncle directly without a real plan for stopping him long term. The closest thing to a grand plan that we get in Emotion is Felix demanding Ladybug give him her miraculous:
Argos: Ladybug! Good. Now we just need to wait for Cat Noir and you'll both give me your Miraculous! Ladybug: (livid) So that's it then?! You're working for Monarch! You're the reason why I lost the other Miraculous in the first place! And why he took them!! You gave them to him without any regard for the consequences it might have with the people of Paris! Argos: True, except I work for no one.  I only helped Monarch cause it served my plans! I needed the Peacock Miraculous and today I need yours and Cat Noir's so I can make my wish!
But if this was his master plan, then why did he do the Red Moon thing? That took Gabriel by surprise, but it didn't knowingly do the same for Ladybug or Chat Noir. Without knowing their identities, there's no way for Felix to reliably find them during the Red Moon incident since he's snapping everyone he sees out of existence, making it somewhat likely that he'd accidentally snap the very people that he's looking for. You can't even go the snap-everyone-and-look-through-what-remains-to-find-the-miraculous route because he snaps the person and all of their accessories, too. Otherwise he could have snapped Gabriel and gotten all the miraculouses back in one go, then grabbed the Ladybug miraculous as a fun little bonus.
In other words, everything about the Red Moon plan was focused around making a big, flashy entrance for Agros and little else. It's not even focused on stopping Gabriel since Felix doesn't seem to have planned to snap everyone away long term or at least I think that's what's going on here?
Kagami: Happy? When there's no one left?? Adrien: How can I be happy without my friends, without my father, without the girl I love?! Argos: You really think I'm that evil? (goes to open the trash bin where he hid Marinette...) Ta-da! (...only to find it empty; Adrien and Kagami peek inside, too) Huh? That's weird. (snaps his fingers in hopes of bringing back Marinette) Huh?! I don't understand! (backs away from the trash bin) She should come back! (continues to snap his fingers) Something's wrong! I can usually bring back whoever I want, but it's like she's nowhere! Like she's completely gone! (apologetically) I'm sorry, Adrien! Kagami: Sorry? You're sorry?!?! Adrien: You're not even in control of your own power! Don't you realize what you've done? Bring everyone back! NOW!!! Argos: Okay, okay, alright. I never meant to hurt you two...
Well that was anticlimactic....
Note how Felix doesn't take this opportunity to explain the danger his fellow sentimonsters are in before bringing back the people holding their remote controls? And what about his mother? Did he snap away his mother, too? And did he initially plan to perma snap everyone or not? If not, then what was the goal here?
This episode is confusing and could even be argued as a single, giant plot hole because it reads like a mental breakdown episode, but it's also a meticulously planned attack that was hinted at all the way back in Multiplication. So which was it? What was the master plan here? What's going on? Did the writers seriously do all that Felix stuff back in season four without fully thinking through how to make that work in season five?
After the mess that is Emotion, Felix basically gives up on whatever he was supposedly doing in Emotion. There's no master plan to stop Gabriel or make the world-changing wish or anything interesting. Instead, Felix is just there to be Kagami's Adrien replacement. Much like Adrien, Felix has no motive beyond "date the pretty girl and do whatever she asks of me." I guess it's a family trait.
One would think that this would lead to Felix making some interesting new plan to stop Tomoe or even joining forces with Ladybug and Chat Noir since he knows that Tomoe is in on whatever Gabriel is doing (Kagami wouldn't exist otherwise), but that's not what happens. We don't even get Felix going full senti's only because Adrien is left in the dark, a fact that doesn't seem to bother Felix or Kagami. They're too busy being in love to actually do anything to back the nonsense claim that they care about Adrien, but it's hard to blame them when it is so glaringly not their fault.
Letting these two have the sort of active role that would make sense for their characters would ruin the story the writers are trying to tell. We'd probably never get that whole "girl power" Bug Noire thing the show wanted to end the season with because Gabriel would have been stopped way sooner. It would also mean that Adrien knows things and the show can't allow that to happen even if it makes everyone involved look like massive tools. Let this be a reminder to you that you have to let your characters shape the path your story takes. If a character knowing X ruins plot Y, then you can't have both.
In summary, Felix's actions initially made some sense depending on your point of view, but as soon as he became a real part of season five, his character stopped making any sense. The reason for this seems obvious to me: you cannot write Felix logically while also actively including him in the show, keeping Adrien in the dark, keeping Gabriel a threat, and keeping Felix from flat out winning because the peacock is so ridiculously over powered. They wrote themselves into a corner and dumbed Felix down to get around the fact the same way Alya got dumbed down to make the Lila stuff work and Nathalie got dumbed down to make Gabriel's plot work. These writers aren't consistent at writing things like lore or characters, but they are incredibly consistent at the type of bad writing they have to fall back on. Expect to see more of these issues in the future.
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violasghost · 5 days
Thoughts on Emily in Paris S4, Part 2
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S4, Part 2 Spoilers below....
Although S4 part 1 was much happier for Emily and Gabriel, it was inevitable that they had get past the love triangle between Emily, Gabriel, and Camille. Unfortunately for Gabriel’s sake, he failed to successfully balance his relationships between the two females masterfully. So instead of an essay style review, thought I would break it down character by character.
Gabriel: Where to begin with him? This guy is all over the place. He’s always been wishy washy, but even moia who has been a fan of Emily x Gabriel pairing since S1 was a little disappointed in him. So, he can spend Christmas with Camille’s family for a couple days, but can’t hop on a plane to Chicago? Despite Camille’s family place being closer to his restaurant, it was kind of a weak excuse. As far as the skiing incident, I understand that he was in-between a rock and a hard place with wanting to protect Camille’s fake baby, but Camille had mentioned that she was an expert skier, and she was certainly not in any peril but in a split second, he leaves the inexperienced Emily in the dust. Despite Camille’s family plotting against Emily and Gabriel as a pair from the beginning, Gabriel illustrated Emily’s worst fears, that he cares more for Camille/baby than he does about Emily, even when Emily was scared. And yes, sometimes people make mistakes and had there been a sincere apology and Gabriel going after Emily after she left, perhaps there would be some grace given, but he pretty much let Emily leave without much argument and then he shut her out for the remainder of the season. He really is shit at communication. I’m kinda on team Emily after that breakup. Gabrielle needs to earn her back if he ever wants a chance again.
Emily: Although Emily is far from perfect, I felt for her when she was all alone on Christmas and then ran into Alfie who had clearly happily moved on. (I’m glad for Alfie by the way. He deserved a happy ending.) I get that Emily not learning to be fluent in French is part of a schtick because we arrogant Americans expect everyone to speak English, but I think being in Paris for more than a year (right?), she should be more fluent in French by now. That said however, I did think it was unfair that Gabrielle at his low point criticized her flaw for not ever speaking to him in French when she was already down. Emily’s fatal flaw however is that she tries to gloss over all of her feelings and she never really takes time to process. It probably would have been healthier for her to be alone for awhile, but that would be boring TV I guess. One small sign of growth however, I’m glad she did not tell Genevieve about the available apartment, and I liked that she told Camille that she no longer tried to plan too far into the future. I think Emily is no longer wearing the rose-colored glasses and is starting to realize that life is messy and rather than planning everything out, she is trying to carpe diem more.
Camille: I know she’s got a huge fandom on Tumblr but I still think she’s kind of a selfish biyatch. She wants Gabriel, then she doesn’t, so she ruins Emilys relationship with Alfie, and then Emily and Gabriel get together and Camille decides she wants to ruin that relationship because her relationship with Sofia didn’t work out. And she never really came clean about her lying about her fake pregnancy. Might have made a difference in preserving Emily and Gabriels relationship had she told Gabriel weeks or months earlier when she found out that she was not actually pregnant and has been carrying on a ruse for some time-but she doesn’t care about that or being held accountable for her actions. Personally not sure someone who is so selfish should be a mother, but if she winds up being a single mom, she’s going to learn some hard lessons. That is unless she tries to hook Gabrielle again due to his desire to also raise children.
Genevieve: That girl is trouble. I’m predicting it right now. If there is an EIP S5, she’s going to try to take over Emily’s life, ‘Single-white female-style.’
Sylvie: That woman is forever fabulous, but not sure what’s going on with her and her Laurent. It was odd that he took off so quickly leaving Sylvie to deal with his offspring. I don’t blame Sylvie for playing the field again, but think there are some things that she likely needs to tell Laurent. It felt like this season, Emily was rubbing off on Sylvie so perhaps Sylvie will want to keep things more black and white with her work life and relationships, which might not be a bad thing since Sylvie didn’t seem all that thrilled to learn that Laurent went to NYC on numerous occasions to hook up with Genevieve’s mom. Also like that Sylvie is turning into a type of mentor for Emily. Love their ever-evolving relationship.
Mindy: I’m very happy that Mindy stuck to her guns and found some success. Thought that Nicola was turning over a new leaf early on, but it looks like he chose to be cruel like his father instead. Although I hope Mindy can still find her way back to Emily since they are so close and their relationship is the true heart of the show.
Luc & Julien: Love those two. My favorite moment was when Julien told Genevieve that Emilys desk was warm enough. Glad someone put her in her place. I imagine next season they are going to have to wrestle with her two-faced antics again.
Marcello: He seems like a gentleman and a nice distraction for Emily. But if there is a S5, I predict an unhappy end for him. Reading in-between the lines he’s pretty perfect, but perhaps almost too-perfect. I’m wondering why he was so rigid in not wanting to discuss business with someone he claimed to care about, and why he was unwilling to agree to come to Paris to see Emily again. Although now she is in Italy so there is not an issue, but predict that should Emily want to return to Paris it looks like he would not be willing to make the commute.
Whew, so this turned out to be a longer review than I thought, but it was an entertaining season. I do wish however that just once, showrunners wouldn’t be afraid to invest in a romantic couple without having to break them up all the time. Romance can be interesting in a committed relationship as well. Anyhow, hoping they get a S5 and Emily gets her happy beginning too.
P.S. BTW, hate that Netflix is now running ads during the shows. Such bullsh*t that even if you pay, they still run the ads. Not a good move for Netflix IMHO. Hope they don’t lose a bunch of subscribers this way.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
I don't know if you've seen the last two final episode yet but if you have, any thought?
I actually like it?
Sure, I was disappointed that Chat Noir didn't join up the fight. At the same time, I understand Adrien's reasons for not turning into Chat Noir in order to break himself free.
Not only was he hunted by the nightmare of him as Anti-Chat killing everything he cared about, but he was very self-aware at how emotionnally vulnerable he was to be akumatized and making that nightmare come true. This season made him realized he can be so angry to the point of he wants to cataclysm people. It almost happened with both Darker Owl AND Dark Humor this season. Adrien backing off, remaining in "prison" and taking off his Miraculous so Plagg put it in safety for the time being was not him giving up. It was him trying to protect his loved ones. And he was also unaware this was a Monarch attack going on that needed Chat Noir.
Also, everything was made so Adrien doesn't find out for now that his father was Monarch. I don't consider Marinette was in the right even if Gabriel asked her to make sure Adrien doesn't learn the truth. And unbestknown to Gabriel, his dying request landed exactly on Marinette's nightmare territory. Remember the nightmare she had at the beginning. In it, Marinette accidentaly "kills" Gabriel after vanquishing him, right under Adrien's eyes which upset him, asking her why did she did this to his father.
So all ingredients seem to be there for this secret to come back to bite them if it is ever discover. The fact Gabriel has a statue, even if it built on a lie, means that something of him remains even if he is gone. And lately, we have seen that statues IRL can be toppled. But yeah, as long as Gabriel's statue is standing high, his shadow still is present. That is how I view it.
Outside of that, the fight between Bug Noir and Monarch was satisfying. I love that she swung a shovel at Monarch's face sending him flying and the use of Lucky Charm in succession was actually interesting.
I liked that La Résistance try to help however they can. I'm not sure on how pertinent it was for Gabriel and Tomoe's last attack to be international, but I didn't mind. DC and Marvel both have heroes from their respective IPs coming together to fight when there is a global threat affecting more than one city. And it is no secret both Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc desire to create their own Zag universe of superheroes.
Also, Tomoe is so up to no good.
Luka was a surprise. I didn't expect him to be trained by Su-Han, however, considering that Su-Han was able to repel an Akuma and since Luka does know both LB and CN's identity, and that Su-Han and Luka already have met once during Ephemeral (as that part wasn't erased), that ending is not that weird if they wanted him back in the story eventually (and reminder that Mirakungfu is meant to disarm Miraculous Holders who went rogue). Anyway, with Luka, a side story about that would have been welcome. But fun detail, Luka's martial style is based on the Snake!
Love the true form of Tikki and Plagg and seeing them fuse into Gimmi was something.
"You humans always summon me to complain. Never to rejoice".
Yeah, feels about right.
Lila's intervention in the finale was pretty tame, but the conclusion is what we expected : she gets the Butterfly Miraculous. But it is probable she might have seen Ladybug untransformed alongside witnessing how to summon Gimmi (although there is no way to know for sure right now). Plus, Lila will have help which I didn't expect. And it seems it is someone who knew where to find here.
Btw, can we have more politician like Mayor Bustier, please? I know it is very utopist, but sign me up for that future.
So yeah, that finale closed a book BUT this isn't the end. There is something uncanny going on during the pool party. It's the illusion of a perfect ending.
Sign me up for S6. o/
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addledmongoose · 2 months
Good Omens Fanfic Rec (19 Jul 2024)
Started off as a human AU week, but I eventually read some canon stories.
Miracles on Ice (131K; Rated E) by @henriettarhippo-hrh
Human AU/Enemies-to-lovers. Holy cow, this was an absolutely fantastic, addictive read. I stayed up until 4am every night until it was done. This is the "Blades of Glory" Good Omens you never knew you needed.
Aziraphale and Crowley are Olympic men's figure skaters who loathe each other. After a fight on the podium gets them banned for life, they find a loophole that allows them to compete in pairs.
Of course, this being Good Omens, there's a lot more romance and sex than the Jon Heder/Will Ferrell movie. Gabriel is a real standout in this one as Aziraphale's (and eventually Crowley's) coach. He's a genuinely good person. Oh, and Crowley does not look good in this one at first. He's the main instigator of the public feud between them. (Not that Aziraphale is completely blameless). And in a first, the villain is Anathema (it's in the tags; I'm not spoiling by saying this).
The Invisible Touch (31K; Rated T)
Human AU. A really sweet story with little actual angst, though Aziraphale is both oblivious and has pretty low self-esteem, so he creates more angst in his mind than he deserves. The author, Appleseeds, is also a magician, so there's an element of verisimilitude to the story.
Aziraphale is reduced to a quivering mess just looking at Crowley’s face smiling up at him from the programme, let alone sitting in the front row of the theatre watching him perform, or standing face-to-face with him, with Crowley's hand on his arm, after he summons him to the stage to help him with one of his tricks...
When Aziraphale reveals that he too is a magician and the two actually become friends, Crowley soon realises that someone has severely knocked Aziraphale’s confidence, and becomes determined to do whatever he can to restore it.
Endless Night (32K; Rated T)
Human AU. University student Crowley has been crushing on his flatmate, Aziraphale, for months now, and when the opportunity to spend time with him in a haunted mansion presents itself, he jumps at the chance. He didn't expect to get stuck in a time loop, redoing the night over and over until he gets it right.
Dark Was The Night (20K; Rated E)
Reverse Omens AU. The author packs a lot into this story set in 1640. It's the first of "The Dove and the Dragon" series of cryptid stories with the demon, Azrafael and the angel, Crowley.
Wendigo: a mythological cannibalistic monster in the spiritual tradition of North American Algonquian-speaking tribes. It is associated with winter and described as either a fearsome beast that stalks and eats humans or as a spirit that possesses humans, causing them to turn into cannibals.
In the winter of 1640, Hell has claimed responsibility for the massive death tolls caused by the French/Iroquois War, and the desolation wrought to colonizers that have taken up residence in New France. Anthony has made it a personal mission of his to do everything to protect the peoples afflicted by this devastation, unaware of the magnitude of Hell's influence on these poor souls.
Meanwhile, Azrafael discovers Hell has unleashed a very powerful species of demon into the world, intent on destroying all life in the area, with Heaven's permission. The Wendigo has risen, and they have abducted Anthony. With the clock ticking, Azrafael sets off on a rescue mission to save Anthony before the Wendigo demons can consume his Grace and banish Anthony's soul to the void for eternity. The question is: With as powerful as these demons are, feared even by Lucifer himself, will Azrafael succeed in saving his beloved angel?
All the Desires of Rome (5K; Rated E) by @lemon-tart-221
Part of Lemontart's "A Special Ineffable Arrangement" series, through-the-ages one-shots of Crowley and Aziraphale meeting up for sex and friendship. This one is set in a Roman bathhouse after hours.
And if you enjoyed the previous Roman bathhouse story, may I also suggest
A Bathhouse Pretense (18K; Rated E) by @doonarose
Aziraphale seeks Crowley out in a Roman bathhouse that happens to be hosting an orgy. Aziraphale is there to discuss business, but when one of Crowley's demon enemies shows up, it gives them a flimsy excuse to turn it into more.
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scorpi14 · 1 year
Crowley is the biggest trauma survivor in the whole universe
Why is my brain like this? Why does it like to hurt me?!
In retaliation, I shall hurt you all.
Ever think about how Crowley fell because he didn’t want the universe to end? He “sauntered vaguely downward” and “hung around the wrong crowd”, but what he REALLY did was challenge the idea that the beautiful things they created, that HE helped create, should be destroyed. 
He was rejected from heaven for loving the universe too much.
And then we see time and time again he still does everything he can think of to save things. The goats and Job’s children, questioning killing kids when the Arc was built, saving the grave robber from suicide. And he gets away with this desire to save the universe more in hell... until he doesn’t. Until he’s too blatant is saving a girl from condemning herself to hell for a cardinal sin and they torture him with god knows what for god knows how long. 
And after hell gets him for this too, he’s prepared to end it all the next time heaven or hell come after him.
NO WONDER every time it looks like the noose is tightening on him and Aziraphale he jumps to “we could just leave.” He has a severe flight reaction after he was literally cast out of heaven and tortured in hell for wanting to save the universe and all the little things in it. No wonder he snaps every time Aziraphale calls him good, because all the things Aziraphale praises him for have cost him everything with BOTH HEAVEN AND HELL. I cannot imagine how much Crowley must crave this praise, but also loathe it because of what it means in the rest of his life.
And he does his fucking best to protect Aziraphale from the same pain he’s gone through. He acts as the birther for Job’s “new” children so all the heat’s on him if the angels figure it out. He bombs a church so Aziraphale doesn’t get in trouble in WW1. He tries to get Aziraphale to leave with him before they can get caught in any crossfires, and when that doesn’t work he sticks around to make sure his Angel doesn’t get hurt. Like when he stays to help with Gabriel, even though he wants to rip him apart for telling Aziraphale to “shut up and die”, because if he doesn’t, Aziraphale might be erased from the book of life. 
And Aziraphale doesn’t know better because he hasn’t experienced either of the traumas Crowley has. He’s been lucky enough to skirt under the radar, and even when he DID almost get killed for it, he didn’t see what heaven was like because Crowley went in his place. He can retain the idea that heaven is inherently good because HE hasn’t been a victim of it yet. He’s seen other people victimized by it from a distance, but he’s brainwashed to think there’s a good reason for this - much the way people who are gaslit by narcissists are made to feel their feeling aren’t valid because they don’t understand what’s actually going on and can’t trust their own judgment. 
And because Aziraphale doesn’t understand, Crowley has to watch him walk straight back into the trap and there’s nothing he can do about it. All his attempts to protect Aziraphale fail, and he can’t watch what comes next because he knows what comes next, and he knows Aziraphale well enough to know it’ll break him. And it’s going to break Crowley too  😭
So did I do it? Did I hurt you as badly as I hurt myself?
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Round 3 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Well he's an angel so I'm taking him being catholic as canon. There are a lot of themes in the game that point to catholisism specifically.
He's so fucking funny. he listens to nine inch nails and quotes one of the songs in a fight basically "fight me like an animal". he and v1 kind of have this yuri thing going on. he has an official bodypillow. hes a metaphor for being excommunicated and no one gets him like me and my friends do
The *true* Catholic experience is leaving the church and having a gay awakening, ask anyone
its debatable if Gabriel truly believes he's "the one true savior" or is mocking the idea of it
ok im actually gonna write some gabe propaganda bc despite what you may expect from a game called ULTRAKILL theres a lot to be said about his character and how catholicism is represented
Gabriel is a genuinely caring person who struggles to square his desire to help people with his duty as an archangel. He's the only one in Heaven trying to make things better for those in Hell, but his faith is used to manipulate him into committing atrocities against the people he used to protect (see the "TRAITOR" mural in 4-2)
he only realizes his mistakes after losing everything and being sentenced to death, but he still decides with only a little time remaining to try and make things right. for the sake of spoilers i will just say that the measures he takes are... extremely drastic and very enjoyable. i just really like the idea that even facing the end of all living things, no matter how steep your crimes, it is never too late to fix your mistakes. you are never unworthy forgiveness.
hes also SO FUCKING GAY for this dumb little robot. it mauled him so hard he tasted his own blood and he fell in love right there. theres no way this guy has a normal healthy relationship to pain he is soooooooooo fucked. i love him. please vote for Gabriel "patron saint of gay lapsed catholics" Ultrakill !!!!!!!!
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
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yidhraloves · 2 years
Gabriel (Mandela Catalouge) x Reader
“My little Snowflake Part 2”
If you haven’t read part one yet:
Hope you enjoy! I might make a 3rd part
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When you awoke, the first thing you saw were rays of sun that shone trough his wings that were carefully positioned around you. How long have you slept? Weeks? Months? It must be spring by now!
Not sleep, food and warmth deprived anymore you slowly got your senses back and stared at the being beside you, and it stared back. Despite its human appearance, this was an alternate, for sure! But it did take care of you while you were asleep, so you weren’t sure if you should be afraid or not. After what felt like hours of staring Gabriel, or whatever it called itself, Gabriel pressed his cold lips against your forehead which sent multiple shivers trough your body. You continued to stare at his face with a growing smile on it, your cheeks reddening. His soft smile and beautiful eyes made you question if he was a human after all, but then you remembered the way its face morphed into something gruesome back when it looked at you trough your window. Its deep, creaking voice broke the silence “ Do not fear, my beautiful lamb, for I am your true saviour, Gabriel” it took a pause to tilt its head, seemingly investigating you. “Your weak lifeform must not worry while I am here, I will protect thy body” wtf was this dude saying???
“You are a weak mortal, my sweet lamb”
“Utterly useless is what you and your species are, destroying gods Gift and polluting it. I, Archangel Gabriel am here to change that. But you don’t seem so much of a sinner, my dove. In fact, you could prove to be quite useful to me.” Those words kept repeating in your head after he got up and left trough the window he came from. But what bugged you the most, was the fact that he seemingly knew everything about you. Your favourite food, tv show, everything, as if he had been watching you for your entire life. You found this out from the “interview” he had with you before he left, seemingly asking you questions but answering them himself. Itself. At this point, you don’t even know anymore. You got up and looked out the window. A beautiful shade of red coloured the sky.
Suddenly a pair of cold arms wrapped around you. Turning around, you screamed, thinking that your Doppelgänger had come to get you. But you were met by Gabriel’s ever so calm face. “What’s the matter, my sweet lamb? Do I scare you that much? I’m sorry, I truly didn’t mean to.”
“You humans have such weak minds, shying away from your guardian Angel”
There was an akward silence, since you didn’t respond, but it broke it by handing you a neatly wrapped box of your favourite food. “I hope you like it! I made it just for you” it said, while flashing one of his sweet bitter smiles. You opened the box and were in shock. It was beautifully prepared and smelled wonderful. You looked up at his Form, muttered a quick “Thanks” and started devouring the dish in front of you.
“Ah~” he sighed “ I haven’t heard your sweet voice in such a long time. I’ll always make you food from now on, if it means I get to hear it, just tell me what you want, and you’ll get it”
You just continued eating and decided to adress the being with him from now on.
Gabriel wasn’t happy with your response in the slightest, seemingly feeling ignored , he contributed to ramble “Anything, anything your weak little mind desires, I’ll get it for you. Hell, I’d do anything for you, my dove. I’ll protect your weak being with all my might , and if anyone ever touches you I’ll rip them to shreds. I’ll worship you like you wish to be worshipped. I’ll do ANYTHING for you, for I am your saviour, the one and only Archangel Gabriel” Taken aback from his words you just stared at him in shock. He also seemed to be a bit startled by his little outbreak, got up and tucked you into bed. That didn’t help though, the tension between you growing. But before you could say anything he muttered a “goodnight, I have duties I must fulfill” while disappearing into thin air.
Despite his confusing words, you were sure of one thing: you’d be seeing him again. And you were a bit happier about that than you’d like to admit.
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 6 months
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Christopher Lockhart & Rosalie Atlas - Deep Dive
𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧' 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞, 𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧' 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫
Disclaimer: Christopher Lockhart is the main antagoist for Rosalie's story and his character, what's done to Rosalie is based on my experience from an ex-boyfriend of mine, however there are things here that can be triggering so I'll start with the bullets and everything else will be under read more. Triggering themes: SA mentions, suicidal ideation abuse from emotional to physical, and isolation.
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Christopher Lockhart:
Rosalie's first love and only abuser
Half incubus aka Cambion
Hypersexual due to this demonic side
VERY abusive and used this power to make Rosalie feel small
Christopher Lockhart is the first love of Rosalie Annalise Atlas, and also her first introduction to pain, anger, sadness, and feeling completely vulnerable. Christopher is one of the reason why Rosalie became suicidal and often viewed herself in low regard. Christopher only viewed her as an object and someone that he could control.
Christopher comes from a demonic background, that being of incubi. Getting this trait from his father, his demonic behavior didn't surface until he hit puberty. Once he hit puberty, Christopher became aggressive and often leaned into demonic behavior; mainly his hypersexuality. The need for sex, and indulging into this sexual desires is one of the reason why Christopher was very aggressive towards Rosalie and treated her the way he did.
With the abilities that an incubus has, Christopher would invade her psyche and often take advantage of Rosalie when she was sleeping. Turning dreams into nightmares, this is how Christopher began honing in on her to fulfill those urges until that wasn't enough and he tried his best to physically attack her. However, those attempts were always stopped by Rosalie until Claire Daniels became involved and put a stop to everything.
During college, Christopher still kept a tight leash on her and would control where she went, what she wore even what she ate so he could feed on her energy to sustain himself. Even though he wasn't getting what he wanted from Rosalie physically, he did serial cheat on her with many girls often draining them until he had his full. It wasn't until Rosalie broke up with him, that Christopher displayed his demonic strength and tried to hurt her further almost killing her. However, with Gabriel being there to protect her, Rosalie unleashed all the power she had to hurt him and give him a fraction of the pain of what he did to her. Breaking his arms, shocking him with her electricity manipulation, and even channeling Gabriel's strength to fight back and make him kneel in submission; Rosalie's relationship with Christopher ended there and she went on with her life.
Years later, once Rosalie's daughter turned into her teenage years, Kallie was able to see the abuse that Christopher had done to her mother after using her telepath abilities to see the memories from Rosalie's youth. This caused Kallie to have secondhand PTSD and vivid nightmares of Christopher. Once Kallie turned eighteen, Kallie made it her mission to torture and interrogate Christopher. Once she received enough information, Kallie deemed that a creature like him shouldn't live anymore and she murdered him.
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cherries-in-wine · 7 months
A rant/review of immortal desires:
hiiii this is my first time posting on Tumblr so sorry if it's messy- also english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes
Since immortal desires 2 is coming up I just wanted to share my thoughts on the book and this random incident that won't stop bothering me lol
So i absolutely love cas like bro's the finest bad boy love interest to ever exist he's so baby girl I love him but after the whole confrontation with mc's mom outside the fighting pit where they accidentally reveal that cas was at the crime scene in front of the entire crowd of vampires- that's a guaranteed being-summoned-to-the-nexus-and-executed. Seeing how fiercely protective cas is it just seems so odd that while mc is at the Nexus with their mom later that night being executed bro's just out with the hunting party??? 😭😭😭 I'd expect cas to put up an even bigger fight than gabe about the covens killing mc like he'd be kicking and screaming and threatening the elders and stuff but he's out feeding??
It's moments like these where immortal desires just does things for convenience like it's so obviously poorly planned.
I think my like for the book only stems from my love for vampires and I'm a teenager so ofcourse I'll eat up a highschool romance and although immortal desires is a 10000 times better than the smutty trash they've been releasing it's still very....eh?
The characters are good- but they're underdeveloped af and it's even worse if you consider the fact that it was originally supposed to be a standalone. I know i can't really compare it to bloodbound (absolutely adore that book- the plot, the antagonists, the love interests, the world building, even the side characters are just perfection) because the stories don't have anything in common other than the fact that they both include vampires but bloodbound did everything so much better. For example kamilah being so cold and cynical makes sense because she's been alive for 2000 years and experienced so much..why did cas hate his human life and why does he despise humans so much? I hope this makes sense but specially in vampire books getting a backstory is essential for connecting with the character so in immortal desires they feel like a clay sculpture that had so much potential but it was never painted properly so although it could've been a masterpiece it just looks trashy. Even the flashbacks in immortal desires feel so lazy- unlike bloodbound there's no change in clothing/hairstyle to show the different time periods.
And it doesn't make sense for mc to get over cas killing someone and Gabriel's betrayal (if the only person I thought i could actually share my problems and connect with turned out to be a spy for that very fucking problem i would be PISSED) so quickly.
The pacing is really off too like I had trouble keeping up with how much time had passed because it felt like the story started off really slow then was rushed at the end.
I didn't really love the addition of talismans either because I just find them stupid and lazy honestly like "RAHHH I'm an all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries I'm gonna kill you" and then MC's just "hi all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries and is skilled in killing humans and fighting i found this random ass charm hanging from a tree/in a cave/on the ground that is ridiculously powerful and for some reason never runs out of magic and although I'm a fragile human with 0 experience I'll kill you all in seconds hehehe" like?? 😭😭😭
And again bloodbound does it so much better like mc knows she's the weakest of the pact but she does everything she can to help. Even kamilah knows she isn't good at fighting so instead some stupid shit like trying to teach this human hand to hand combat in one day to fight against a fucking vampire (what gabe did) she teaches her to use her wits like instead of fighting back you dodge their attacks to use their own momentum against them. AND THAT SCENE STILL HAD SEXUAL TENSION LIKE IT WAS DONE SO WELL.
Another thing that bloodbound does better is that the actions actually have consequences like mc actually gets injured/dies if a lot of wrong choices are made whereas in immortal desires literally nothing happens.
I'm sorry for the rant lol that's all for now. Thank you so much for reading<33
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vividaway · 2 years
I'm gonna be the odd person out and say it: I really like Felix as a character. I think he’s one of the only characters in the show to have a proper introduction that wasn’t pushed out in a single episode. Everything we learn about Felix, to me, feels genuine and realistic to meeting a manipulative person. I also think that's why Felix is hated as much as he is: because you’re not SUPPOSED to like him. Felix as a character is very very dynamic. He lies and he cheats and he does it all with a straight face. He continuously hurts people around him no matter his intentions. and yet, there’s a piece of him that still holds his morals. We saw a glimpse of it in Strike Back, and again in Emotion.  He comes off as a very smart kid, and the writers have hoisted him up to be very ahead of everyone else. Everything he does is done with an intention in mind and it’s something his mother is aware of. They both helped introduce the rings, and the storyline of senti-monsters existing as living human children was made canonical THROUGH him. 
There's still so much we don't know about Felix and his family, though. We know  Amelie is an aristocrat, but through whom? Felix’s father, Colt, was an American billionaire and yet they all lived in London? How come? Both when and why were the Vanily twin rings created, and what’s the significance to THEM? (We have a general understanding of what they’re used for....but what do Amelie and Felix want it so badly?)
A lot of people are discounting a lot of what Felix said in emotion, too, but I personally think it’s very telling. Consider this: Gabriel Agreste has an ‘unconditional love’ for his wife (I see u Gabe, that is NOT love!) and watched her slowly die. Most days are spent isolating himself from everybody but his work staff. Soon, even they started to turn against him. He tried to do everything he could to protect his son, even to the point of abusing him because he was so blindsided by not just his wife’s ailment, but through a true commitment to the “rich and luxurious lifestyle” we see displayed in Emotion. There’s a reputation, AND an expectation that comes with it, and he TRULY believe’s it’s “the right thing” when in actuality, it isn’t. Gabriel has not just become numb to the reality of “being a normal person” but he’s more focused on bringing his wife back to him, and fixing his family. And even after all that? He’s still dying. He knows what he’s going to subject his son to. What he’s asking of Nathalie. He TRULY lost everything to get the miraculous he has. But Felix? Why would Felix say he’s lost everything? We know he lost his father, and we know he’s lost his morals, but a big piece of me is screaming that this is NOT what he meant. So what DID he mean? We know the connection of the Senti-Monsters and his desire to free them. We’re starting to understand that, in his own way, he’s ATTEMPTING to free Adrien and Kagami in the process. But what else could there be? My point in all of this is to say, there are SO MANY QUESTIONS LEFT UNANSWERED. So many that FEEL valuable to the plot of the show. The more we see of Felix, the more I reckon back to Timetagger episode where Gabriel found out he wasn’t going to be HawkMoth anymore. SO many people thought Lila, and even criticized how bad it would be because she was introduced too fast and set up so poorly.........so why NOT Felix? 
He was introduced as an antagonist who wants, not to fulfill his own emotional needs (I.E, Chloe and Lila) but sheerly to get Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous. The lines “I’m after a few jewels myself” could have easily been a red herring and wasn’t mentioning the rings at ALL, especially with the way Felix gave the rings back at the end of said episode. As mentioned previously, Felix’s desire to free Adrien would make sense as to why Felix would take on the role as HawkMoth. Felix wants to make his own wish, and he’s got nothing left to lose. Pairs nicely with Nathalie, doesn’t it? 
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merchantarthurn · 1 year
i dunno man. this reaction to the finale squicks me out so much. i am deeply uncomfortable with people acting like it would have been better if adrien was told everything on the spot (eventually? yeah. right then? god no), or that gabriel was textually redeemed, or that the writers weren't aware that gabriel had done wrong despite them actively avoiding having him take ladybug's offer (which would have been far more like a redemption than what he actually did - violently reject her path and took his own in the end. like be serious)
i say this as someone who has been worried for a while about how they would handle gabriel as a clearly abusive man. and as someone who has been emotionally, socially and financially controlled and threatened by my own father (the height of it being when i was adrien's age, isn't that wild), but as in adult still struggles to call it abuse because like. sometimes your dad is horrible but you also have good happy memories with him. and a couple of weeks is not enough time to fully accept your dad did you harm and should have known better - especially after he fucking dies - and that's the case regardless of whether he's considered a hero or a villain by everyone around you. adrien expressing admiration to his father is not only consistent with his desire to see his father improve (because shockingly with the kind of abuse gabriel was up to, adrien was always going to hope for the good he saw in him to prevail. that's just how it feels) but is also not guaranteed to last - we have no idea how adrien will process his father's abuse alongside the grief he's also processing????
like i guess this finale made me so emotional, specifically that last part, because fuck if it didn't speak to something that felt pretty emotionally real. at least to me, as someone who can see a snap shot of my life in this family relationship. and to see people boil that down to "urgh the abuser got away with it" is kinda agonising honestly (not to mention everyone collectively losing their wit and forgetting that like... time exists, and shit changes? idk maybe the monster-of-the-week seasons broke people's brains or something).
just... like goddamn when i think about what i wanted re: dad like... what i wanted was to be safe and happy. if that happened by dad being gone and/or him never being 'punished' for the hurt he caused me then like... would i fucking care? the hurt is over. even as im still disentangling myself from him that's still all i want. i don't want my dad to face justice, i want MY justice - and that's to have some fucking peace!!! i am deeply glad they let gabriel die rather than find some way to save him so he's out of adrien's life, i am deeply glad he did it in a way that wouldn't entirely devastate adrien, i am deeply glad marinette chose not to tell him.
like. i get that so many people do not understand the complexity of recovering from this particular abuse-flavour (because there are many) but. justice is for the victim. justice prevents future victims. it's not justice for me to prioritise exposing gabriel over protecting adrien's happiness? the desire ive seen expressed to expose adrien to all of this and rend him apart is pretty goddamn ghoulish in this context - if you wish to explore that alternative, write a fanfic instead of insisting the only morally good way to resolve abuse is to further traumatise the victim of it
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nukritus · 2 years
How ‘Immortal Desires’ could have ended to give at least a bit of closure (Part 3)
Several words from me, before you read this part:
Sorry in advance for those who love Gabriel more, this part is with Cas and MC only. This one was quite a big challenge to me, as English is not my first language, but I tried my best to picture a scene of Cas’s turning preparation. I hope you’ll find it interesting. Thanks for everyone who is going to read this! :) It is quite a long one this time.
Playing as female MC named Stella, male Cas:
You look at Cas attentively in silence, not wanting to make him change his mind in this vulnerable moment. Seeing your favorite vampire boy trusting you to share about his past is something special and new. Your heart fills with warmth and love looking at Cas's beautiful features. For a moment, studying your face and finding curiosity in your eyes, he smiles and continues to speak, never leaving your gaze. while holding your hand, fingers interlaced.
'Practically speaking, each vampires' coven have a goal to maintain similar amount of members through centuries, to keep its stability for holding traditions and laws, and also to have enough fighters to defend home lands, these safe, magical territories enclosed by ley lines.'
With these words Cas said, you turned to look around. Before, with your human's eyes, you couldn't see that every tree in this mysteriously beautiful land have a golden pulsing aura, which is floating in the air and filling your whole body with welcoming warmth. Sensing all of this somehow struck you mind-blowingly, that never in your life you have ever felt this strongly what it means to be at home, as if all nature around Crimson Beech is a part of you, beating its heart together with you.
With the corner of the eye you see Cas looking at you, smiling. 'I know how you are feeling. Beautiful, isn't it?'
You meet Cas's eyes again still with disbelief how many hues of blue you can see in them, enjoying the view of him and the nature around.
'It is like heaven really. I can understand now, why you all were so determined and brave to do everything to win against those monstrous vampires, even to pay an ultimate price. This land is like the life essence itself, like there is no point in existing, if this magic around has died. Not only because it protects all vampires from toxicity of sunlight, but there is something way more to it.'
Cas slowly nods to your words. 'Now you actually see it. Crimson Beech is our home and our life in a way that no human could ever understand.'
‘I still can‘t believe it... I never felt anything in my existence this strongly...‘
‘Oh, believe me, New girl. Vampire‘s life is truly unbelievable in so many ways, and you are surely going to enjoy it. Especially when you have someone amazing as me by your side.‘ Cas rises up eyebrow flirtatiously.
‘My favorite, cocky vampire.‘ you respond while mimicking his expression. ‘Okay, but I still want to hear your turning story.‘
’Ah yes, I promised that, so here it goes...‘
Around 60 years ago, now playing as Cas:
1964 October 24th.
You were a young 19 years old boy, who just finished school this year and worked at ice-cream shop in summer. After saving a bit of money, you decided to leave for a hiking trip around New England‘s woods, camping near lakes at night.
That day you were walking around not far from Crimson Beech, planning to make a stop there and buy some supplies for several coming days at a local groceries shop. Last met people told it was a nearest town. Even with relatively blunt human‘s senses, you could feel there was difference about the air around this city, as there was something welcoming and magical about it. You were so mesmerized about the atmosphere in those woods, that you stopped paying attention where you set your feet. The ground in some places of the forest was covered with dense layers of moss, you made one wrong step on a moss hanging above deep pit and you fell hitting your head quite hardly on a way down, might have broken several bones too. Your vision blurred, you were laying there in the bottom barely conscious, not being able to move as your head and your sides hurt badly, it was hard to breathe. So you just laid there in a bottom of the pit, trying to hear or see anything what‘s happening on a top. But nothing happened, after a while you blacked out.
Suddenly, you came back to consciousness, as you felt a gust of the wind near you and then two female voices. After a short chat, one of them lifted you as you weighted nothing and hanged your numb body over her shoulder, then in a second you were flying together in the air and landing on the edge of the pit. You were too weak to think what was just happening. Then the stranger who was holding you started running incredibly fast. It was several minutes when pace slowed and became nearly normal speed.
Air around has changed – there was cool humidity floating around, you must have gotten somewhere underground. Then walking stopped and you felt your body being put on a cold stony ground. It was quiet, but you could sense that room is not empty. Your eyes are shut, your weak body is lying unmoving. You are just waiting for what is going to happen next.
Then you heard one of the female voices in another end of the room, same one from the forest.
‘Astoria, we brought someone, as you said I can make a choice for our new member.‘
‘ That I did.‘ Astoria answered and without any noise came to you and lightly touched your neck, checking your pulse. ‘ He‘s still alive, but must have lost some blood, his pulse is quite weak.‘ She stood up and walked away. ‘Lewyn, please come with me gather everyone to the Nexus. If we want a new member among us, we must hurry to start a ritual. And Val, Margo, as you brought him here, this is your task to keep him alive for a bit longer, give him some water.‘
You heard some quiet footsteps around in the room, and then there was a cold glass on your lips, and a gentle hand on the back of your head, helping you to drink. You opened your eyes and saw two unusually pale faces with piercing blue eyes. You couldn‘t understand if they were exceptionally beautiful, or terrifying, or maybe both. If you could, you‘d run away, but you were way too weak to move, so you tried to stay calm, looking at them and taking several gulps of water.
One of the girls taking care of you was with short black hair and trying her best to put on a friendly smile, while another girl with ginger hair looked annoyed. She turned to the black haired girl.
‘If not you, Val, I would have gotten a nice meal today. Now it is too late to go back to hunt again, and I have to please myself with that cold bag of blood. Ugh, those are the worst..‘ she stood up, leaving the other girl, who still holds a glass next to your lips and puts your head on her lap.
‘Please, just don‘t mind her. She is nearly always grumpy like that, no matter if she ate enough or not.‘ she quietly chuckled to herself.
‘What did she mean really?‘ you asked with shocked expression, but not being able to turn away your gaze from Val‘s face.
‘Well, I suppose there is no point to hide the truth about who we are, as you going to be one of us soon or dead. We are vampires, and when we found you, we were hunting for human blood. I think you‘ve read about us in some fictional stories, didn‘t you?‘ Val said it in such an easy tone, almost with humour, as if it was a totally typical thing to say. Then she continued. ‘We could have killed you, but I had a right to choose a human who could join us, and I picked you.‘
Feeling a bit better and mind clearer after drinking water, you try to rise your body from the ground a bit, but pain in the sides was so sharp that you fell back on Val‘s lap.
‘Calm down, mortal. You don‘t need to worry about this pain and weakness you feel now. If you accept our invitation to join us, all your pain will be over soon, now just stay still on my lap.‘
You looked around trying to understand where you are at. You were lying in the middle of the big round hall, surrounded by half-circle amphitheatre with some rows of seats and two big thrones in front of it.
‘What is this place, really?‘ you asked returning your eyes back to Val.
‘This is the Nexus, vampires‘ central gathering place for meetings to discuss important matters. We often use it for trials when someone breaks laws, or when we welcome new members, as in your case.‘ Val said and stroked your dark brown hair, looking at them with wonder.
‘What? Is there something wrong with my hair?‘ you asked, studying Val‘s face. She definitely was plotting something.
‘Hmm... I was just thinking. Did you ever imagine yourself having light hair? I‘m sure it would suit you. I have some ideas already.‘ she seemed weirdly excited.
‘ I don‘t even know if I‘m going to survive today, and you are asking me about my hair colour? That was unexpected.‘ You nearly laughed, but hurting body stopped you, all you let out was a short cough.
‘No, don‘t laugh, just answer me!’ she chuckled.
‘Fiine!’ you answered with a smile. ‘I never thought about it, but I guess I wouldn’t mind to try. Why do you ask really?’
She seemed very delighted. ‘Ha! You asked for it. After you are turned, the first thing we are going to do is to bleach your hair!’
‘Ahem.’ Astoria cleared her throat, standing behind you. ‘Val, your job is done here, now join the others.’ She demanded. Val’s face became serious and she nodded to Astoria, then carefully unloaded your head from her lap and stood up joining other vampires around.
You haven’t noticed, that the Nexus suddenly became quite crowded, while several moments ago it was nearly empty. 
Astoria came close next to your laying body, and snapped her fingers to get everyone’s attention.
‘Listen up, everyone! We are having a special occasion today. As most of you have heard already, Val and Margo brought here a human, who might join our family.’
While Astoria was speaking, several other vampires went to end of the hall, opening big door behind the two thrones, while others encircled you both. Some of them were standing there confidently and observing you with curiosity, others looked with big worry as they were really sorry for your situation.
Then Astoria turned at you, with her piercing blue eyes. ‘Mortal, this is your last chance to say your will. Would you become one of us, or you’d rather die?
For a moment you couldn’t tell a word, stunned. This mysterious underground place like a mansion, those pale vampires and their hungry eyes, everything seemed so unbelievable, so overwhelming, you nearly fainted.
‘I don’t want to die.’ It was everything you could say without actually thinking about the consequences of the first option.
‘That’s everything I wanted to know. Lewyn, it’s time to take him to the altar.’
One of the vampires separated from other spectators, taking you in his hands with ease, you yelped as you felt a sharp pain in your broken ribs. Lewyn with you in his arms went in front, behind him Astoria and then the rest of the vampires, making it into some kind of procession. Everyone went in silence through opened door in a smaller chamber, which looked like a chapel. It had an altar in the middle, all room was dimly lit with candles. Lewyn put your body on the altar, stepping away and waiting for others to take their places around it. Then he addressed to everyone, with authority in his voice.
‘Before we start ceremony, giving an important reminder to all of you.’ He looked at everyone around with serious and worried face, making sure that everyone is listening. ‘As you all know very clearly, a venom of a single vampire would be enough to turn a human being into one of us or even kill them, but we all participate in this ceremony to make a bond with our new member. That means, we have to stay very careful not to inject too much of venom, and don’t bite deeper than necessary to keep it safe, and minimize the suffering. Is that clear to everyone?’
You saw everyone nodding to Lewyn’s words. This speech struck you with realization, that turning ritual is dangerous and might cause you a lot of pain. Thought of it made your body trembling, cold sweat covering your forehead. Though even if you were horrified with what’s coming soon, you realized that there is no way back from it and panicking might just make things worse. You use all your will power to collect yourself and try your best to lay there as calm as possible, waiting for your inevitable fate.
(to be continued)
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helloblobbyblobfish · 2 years
Sasquatch and candies
It was supposed to be a simple mission. A bunch of artifacts had been stolen from a rich mogul's collection. Some of them were supernatural in nature, according to the men of letters' sources.
So Sam and Dean went on the trail the thieves left on their wake in Texas. There, money was stolen from inside the vault with no traces of breaking or entering. An old mask amongst the stolen loot was used to enter women's rooms by a serial killer in the 1960's.
Interrogating witnesses, they learned a man and his two female companions were so beautiful they did everything they asked. Venus's perfume, though lost since the days of Giacomo Casanova.
A man was shot by a guy wearing a cowboy hat, and burst into flames? Allowing his weaver to shoot spells was only one of the many rumored abilities of the sundance kid's hat.
Sam was getting suspicious. "Okay, so. They know what the artifacts are able to do, but they broke the glass protections to access them and shot the guards with normal bullets? Even centuries-old organizations weren't sure of the nature of some of those! And we found nothing about the mundane jewels. Oh, and"
"Sam! I'm driving!"
"And Venus' perfume is supposed to make you irrésistible, not look like the person most desired. Texts explicitly say it changes what the smelling person's tastes are! And why do we still have no images 5 towns in! And it's very suspicious that most of those lost artifacts were found and/or bought by a guy we have no pictures of either in less than a year! Dean, I think it's a trap."
"And knowing is winning half the battle! Look, they use an EMT bomb each time they are near cameras."
"Except the exact time where a hat would cover the guy's face!" Still, he seemed familiar, but the brother had met too many people for him to be certain. Still, Sam was feeling worried.
Unaware of his brother's inner thoughts, Dean patted his knee to calm him. "Don't worry. Probably words-of-mouth written down and passed as facts. And yes, they wanted to show off that cowboy time. So we should prepare for a trap. But I think they're getting cocky. So, no problemo."
At the next town, Sam went to buy a motel room for the night, while Dean went to check the hospital, hit by a wave of miraculous healings. The staff of Asclepius, probably. It also means bad things happening soon to the doctors.
As he drops their bags in the cheap room, Sam hears the door lock behind him. Then, a voice comes from the bed.
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"Hey, sweetheart. Fooled you with the female illusions? I'm getting really good at those."
"Tricks- Gabriel? You?" The archangel snaps his fingers, and Sam is suddenly unable to move his lips. The trickster rises up from the bed. He was wearing very tight dark jeans, a light green shirt under a brown leather jacket and his hair was slicked back.
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Castiel's asshole uncle smirks. "Don't worry about Dean, darling." The TV set in the room turns on. It shows Dean on a hospital bed, spanked by "I have some interesting material on Deanny's kinks. Think I should tell them to his angel?"
Sam can suddenly speak. "I don't want to think about my brother's fantasies about Dr. Sexy, you" And back to the closed lips. "Hon, don't be like this. See, I planned all of this to get you all alone so I could woo you. You always were more fun than your brother. And then, you took care of me after Asmodeus, and, well." His smug demeanor notably falters as he scratches his head and looks away.
Sam gives him the most unimpressed stare he can muster. Gabriel is annoyed. "Yeah, yeah. And I guess unlike your brother, you don't swing both ways''. Sam notices a necklace with a blue hexagon stone surrounded by colorful circles. It reminds him of something. Another of the artifacts. Something about another stone? He isn't in the best position to think.
He realizes he can speak again and his captor looks at him, expecting an answer. Sam tries to turn on the charm. "Sorry, Gab." The dark look he receives as an answer is telling. "Are you… going to use the perfume?" "Loki" laughs. "Hahahaha. NO." He shows a mock serious look. "It would make you a vegetable only interested in my desires." He hugs the hunter and twirls him around despite the size difference. "Sugar, I want to talk with you, to see you get excited over your own interest, to have friends outside of me! It would be boorriiiiinnnggggg!!!!! If you were a dumb mind slave!"
Sam feels sickened by the awful attempt at romantic behavior. And terrified by what the archangel will do. As he gets ready to call Castiel, he feels something on his neck. It's diffusing a warmth that makes it hard to think. He looks down and notices his flannel was partially unbuttoned, showing a necklace familiar to Gabriel's, but with a red stone instead of a blue one.
He tries to get out of the arms that lock him to throw it away, worried about its effects, but Gabriel speaks up. "You don't want to take the necklace off, Sammy." Sam shudders at the pet name. How did he not notice how arousing the archangel/pagan god's voice is before? If only "loki" had a vagina and boobs rather than a cock and balls, Sam would have had sex with him... Well, the being could shapeshift, right? The handsome angel gently put him back on the floor.
"After all, those matching necklaces I made are a sign of our relationship!" "Our… Relationship?" Sam is confused. He likes the necklace, but that Gab has the same is a bit weird. He also feels very hot. If he wasn't worried about the looks the other man would give him, he would be getting rid of his shirt
"Yes. We are lovers." It is said as a fact. Sam knows it's true, but. "I. Don't? Love, You?" The fact that they are dating makes him feel strange. He doesn't love- "You do love me. You ADORE me. I am the most important person to you. You would kill your brother for me."
His Angel's voice is like honey. Dripping down his ears and covering his brain, stopping his thoughts from leaving. "Yeah." He loves Dean, but if killing him would make his love happy, all bets are off. Sam grabs those handsome cheeks and initiates a kiss. They kissed a lot since they started dating, but Gabriel still melts under his touch before grabbing him and hungrily taking him like a thirsty man finding an oasis.
A snap, and they are both naked, save for their necklaces, on the bed. Gab is murmuring in his ears. "I wanted that for so long… Sam, you will consent to whatever I want to do with your body." The immortal starts to jack the human under him. He licks Sam's tender neck. "You are a bottom, Sammy. I want you to moan thinking about my dick in you." 
Sam can see it so well. "Gabriel, please… ahhhh… pound me, gab, I want it so much!" How could Chuck give Gab such a hot voice! It makes him so horny! Wait.
"Hon.." "Yes, Samantha." His love is amused. "How are you still alive?"
Gabriel seems annoyed, but then his smile opens. "Sammy… always so inquisitive. In case you haven't noticed, death is cheap." He rubs his thumb against the hunter’s lips. A pause. "And your friend Jack has made a lot of holes in the empty when getting Castiel out of there." The smile gets sinister. It turns Sam even more on.
The voice continues, even more irresistible than that siren from years prior. "Now, I want to put my dick in you, but I need you under me for me to savor the moment. May I?" "Anything, honey. Anything!" Sam is almost begging. Suddenly, he feels his organs move between his legs. He looks with interest as his balls and penis shrink. Awed, Sam doesn't realize what his boyfriend meant until a hole starts to open in his skin. As any trace of his dick disappears, Sam's body is held by his love, allowing him to see he now has a vagina just above the anus.
Gab sucks one of Sam's fingers, distracting his curious mind. He then directs the fingers to the entrance, and makes Sam move the finger inside of the pink opening. The little moans of arousal make the trickster chuckle. "Fully functional! I didn't give you an uterus. Yet. When we want babies, maybe." The possibilities spin inside the Winchester's head, but he can't focus on any of those, too preoccupied at the concept that: "You won't need to lube me to breed me."
The pure need and desire in those words drive the archangel wild, and he slams his sword in Sam's brand new hole. The hunter expects pain but finds none. It's like he has the exact size to really feel the above-average lance but not be stretched by it. He then laughs when he realizes his pussy was made by the man above him, who must have made it exactly to proportions. And then, Sam can't think, because the demigod snaps his fingers, and it's like the penis is penetrating his vulva but also his ass and masterfully hitting his prostate on both sides.
"Oh! FUCK! Gabriel!!! HOT fucker!"  Tears are running down Sam's cheek as he devolves into screaming, moaning flesh. His archangel creates an apple he shoves into Sam's mouth. "Please, this isn't a love motel, Sam. Do you want me to call you a whore?" Sam chokes, before being distracted by another thrust of the angelic being's penis.
A snap, and the apple is now a ball gag. Sam slaps the torso above him repeatedly. "No gag?" A nod. A snap. Sam kisses the mouth above him to hide his moans.
As Sam lets their months separate to breathe, Gabriel takes the opportunity to bite his neck and start sucking.
The hunter scratches his angel to keep control. "How… will I explain… it.. to Dean?" "You don't want to talk about me?" Gabby pouts and twists his nipples. Sam feels like an idiot. "Oh, right. And if he doesn't accept you, the Winchesters are going solo." He can see his certainty shocks the archangel a little, even if it's well-hidden.
The archangel growls, and takes on Dean's look. It's only an illusion, as Sam feels Gabriel's host underneath, but Sam slaps him. "No incest play! Becky would have too much fun if she ever heard!" His boyfriend chuckles, but accepts to back off and dispels the glamor. "My apologies." Suddenly, there is the feeling of a third penis. "You're… oh, oh god, forgiven… but, please, nooo… can't hold it!"
Sam orgasm. "Already?" The archangel gently pouts. "Do you want me to make you horny again or do I cum?" Sam laughs. "You angels cum on command?" Realizing it's a dare, the son of god grins. "Of course." As he says it, Sam can fill the warm "divine" sperms entering his hole.
The archangel speaks up, suddenly grave. "Do you love me?" "More than anything." The archangel seems pensive. He looks at the TV screen. Dean is now sleeping on the bed. "Do you care about your brother?" "Kind of. But you're the only one I need."
Looking guilty, Sam's love makes a long silence. Sam's vagina is magically cleaned and he is poking at the growing dick. It's bigger and thicker than before. Trying to lighten the mood, the hunter states: "You know? I just could have wrapped my legs around you while you fucked me. I would have stayed below you."
He is stopped by a deep kiss that makes him turn to jelly. Weirdly enough, he feels like he can think again clearly for an instant, and the next, the necklace around his neck is diffusing a sense of sleepiness inside of him. Unable to think, Sam let his master rub his thumb against his cheeks. The master snaps his fingers, and they are both clothed once more.
"Sam, I want you to scale down your love for me. I am the love of your life, but you won't remember what we did together today. You are going to go back to the same codependent tendencies you and your brother share. You just found that pendant and found it cool. Now, go to sleep."
Sam wakes up when Dean opens the door. He must have been tired by the case, if he went to sleep fully clothed.
He notices stains of something on his pants as he rises up. Damn it. Gabriel's dead. Why can't he forget him?
He feels the cord of the necklace he bought yesterday brushing against his neck. For some reason, it reminded him of Him.
Dean looks terrible, the younger Winchester realizes. "What happened?" His brother blushes. "Nothing, Sammy. Nothing." Sam is about to push for more infos, but he suddenly feels an urge to drop it. He feels warmth coming from that odd stone. He looks at it. Maybe it's worth investigating later, but he doesn't feel the need to take it off. 
They go to sleep. Having already slept, Sam takes some time to go under and has to listen to Dean having a dream about Dr. Sexy. He sighs. Dean should just ask Castiel to put on a lab coat and get done with it.
As sleep comes to him, he smells a strange odor of candies. It reminds me of his lost love, so he slumbers with a smile on his face.
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