#also hiiii it feels like it’s been a while but it hasn’t even been a week
monochromatiica · 2 years
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ahahahaha *falls over, dissolves into a pile of dust*
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hiiii, omg i would absolutely adore more of vampire rhysand fics, especially from that universe you created with them all vampires, will there be more? maybe when reader is turned, she can finally take both azriel and rhysand👀👀👀 or maybe to explore rhysand's relationship with her maybe nesta or someone from her family sneak in to the ball to steal reader back but rhysand is like nu uh tf
those are just some of the ideas that popped into my head, i love your writing and your smut💖
You must be psychic because I had literally just opened up a Word Document to try and write another Vamp!Rhys fic but couldn't figure out where to start!
I've got some ideas, and was thinking about doing some Monster Themed Fics for Spooky Season (More Vamp!Rhys + Bat Boys, maybe a Werewolf or Demon AU) if I can get my thoughts in order enough. Until then, pls enjoy a possessive!vamp!Rhys ;)
Content Warnings: Slight SMUT, Possessive!Rhys, Blood and Gore
“I’m bored,” Rhysand says by way of greeting, as he throws his lythe body onto the chase across from where you sit, curled up in a reading chair in the library.
 The sun sets behind you, the golden rays peeking in through the blackout curtains that usually remain closed during the day. Most of the horde sleeps through the day, meaning, if you let your body’s natural rhythm guide you, you have the entire manor to yourself. And of course, you use most of that time to peruse the thousand year old vampire’s massive collection of books. There’s so many organized on the floor to ceiling shelves you’re not even sure you’re promised immortality will give you enough time to read all of them--that doesn’t stop you from trying, however.
The vampire lord remains in the shadows of the library, the crack of sunlight just far enough away to not burn his otherwise unbreakable skin. Sometimes you think it’s a shame he can only go out at night, while it’s true he looks his best under moonlight, the golden hue of the fading sun makes his bronze skin glow like a god. You’re tempted to set down the book in your hands and climb into his lap, unbutton the already half open shirt and run your tongue over every golden inch of him. Time has not dulled the need you feel for him, even after all these months, he’s still as tempting as he was the first time you laid eyes on him. 
“There are a number of things you can do in this manor,” you say, ignoring your instincts and going back to the fantasy romance you’ve been devouring for the last hour. In truth, the smut on the page before you might also play into why your mouth is practically watering at the sight of him. You’re right at the good part, and your mind is torn between finishing the chapter and indulging your own fantasies with the very real, and very eager, vampire before you.
“Not entertaining enough,” he whines. 
Your eyes still on the page as you try and think of something to offer him. He hasn’t been able to throw another ball in nearly a month, not after a group of vampire hunters had come rolling into town. Their presence had been tiresome and even Azriel, for all his talents had not been able to figure out who’d tipped them off and brought them around. Rhys had initiated an indoor ban on the whole horde just to keep everybody safe. That meant for the most part, everyone had been living off of sheep’s blood and well, you. Mostly the sheep’s blood though. Rhys had threatened to keep you locked in his room, for only his enjoyment if Azriel didn’t stop leaving so many bite marks in your thighs--his favorite place to feed from you apparently. There were more than enough bite marks across your throat to give the others pause before they tried to drink from you these days. And it hadn’t helped that Cass had snuck out and nearly been caught, drinking from a barmaid in an alley three nights ago. Everyone was on edge. 
You glance up at him over the top of the worn pages in your hands. He keeps an arm thrown over his eyes, as if, even the little bit of sunlight filtering passed is enough to hurt him. Aside from that, he lays with one long leg tossed over the back of the couch, his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, the swirl of ink across his chest on full display. His dark hair is tousled, falling messily over his forehead. He had to have come directly here from his bedroom.
You look back down at the paragraph you were reading, the spicy scene practically leaping off the page at you, then back up to him as you bite your lower lip in thought. It’s usually him that initiates your interactions, him that dictates how and where  you take him. You don’t mind. Truth be told, you love being able to let go of everything and let him dominate you in whatever way he sees fit. It is the height of your pleasure, knowing he could so easily break you, and yet he doesn’t. You think meeting him might actually have put some pieces of your soul back together, rather than shatter them further and you love him all the more for it. And now, in that freedom, you can’t help but wonder if there are still other things to explore?
“We could play a game?” You suggest, voice softer than you mean it to be. Neither of you have ever talked about switching things up. Why mess with a good thing, right? But he’s here, asking, and the idea is literally in your hands as you speak, like fate prompting you to try something new and exciting. It can’t hurt to ask, right? He’s never denied you anything before.
Rhys spreads two fingers over his face, so you catch a glimpse of one, gleaming, violet eye. A grin spreads across his handsome features, fangs glinting in the scarce few rays of sunlight left. There will be nothing but starlight here soon, the plain of existence made solely for him. The others may live in the dark, but it is Rhys who thrives in it. “I’m listening.”
You draw a shaky breath. It’s just a question. No harm can come from a question. But how exactly do you suggest… this? You glance down at the pages again, trying to see if they even gave it a name for you to offer him, but there’s nothing but the promise of pleasure blurring across the pages.
Gathering your courage, you unfurl your legs from beneath you and cross the distance so you can climb onto his lap. Those thighs might have been made just for you, muscle shifting to let you get comfortable as his hands settle on your hips. He sighs contentedly, like this is something he’s been missing as you settle your weight against him.
“I was reading this book and these characters are…” you scrunch your face, trying to explain without sounding crass and failing. A blush works its way up your cheeks as you shove the open book into his hands. “Maybe you should just read it.”
He takes his time, tongue slipping out to wet his full lips as he reads. You count every breath he takes in the silence, watching his face with rapt attention to try and gauge what he’s thinking about it. He’s a master of schooled expressions, always collected and together, but after all these months, you like to think you know his tells. Yet, as he reads, there is no gleam in his eye, no obvious indication of arousal from where you sit over his hips. There is nothing but careful calculation as he reads--and maybe rereads, judging by the time it takes him--the pages.
Finally he closes the book and sets it down on the floor. “You’re suggesting we do that?” 
It’s hard to identify if that is amusement or irritation in his voice and you find your heartbeat quickening regardless of which it is. “I-if you want.”
“That’s not what I asked, Little One,” he tuts, hands resuming their rightful place on your hips. His thumbs stroke gentle circles into your skin, a move that can turn either teasing or cruel at a moment's notice. 
“I don’t know, you said you were bored. I thought maybe, you know, since we haven’t had a ball in awhile you might want to…” the word sticks in your throat and you swallow as the intensity of his gaze pins you in place. “You know… hunt.”
His eyes light up at the word. “And you want me to hunt you?”
Your thighs clench involuntarily at the thought, a move that doesn’t go unnoticed in the slightest. He grins wolfishly, gaze pinned to where your hips rest over his. He could have you right here, like this and he knows it. All it would take is a couple rocking motions of his hips, a slide of his fingertips beneath the thin silk of your top, teasing up bare skin until he can play with your breasts and you’d surrender. He could drink his fill and take you just as you are, right here and now. But there’s no challenge in it, no fun to be had, and he wants you to tell him you want it. Want him like that.
You’d be a liar if you said you’d never thought about what he would feel like if he let loose his control and showed you just how much a monster he was capable of being. You knew that even if he lost his usual composure, he would never hurt you. Even his basest instincts would balk at the thought of causing you pain. If you said you wanted it, he would make sure that you enjoyed every minute of it.
“Yes,” you say softly.
He sits up, swinging his legs onto the floor, moving you with him. His hands slide over your hips to your ass, squeezing playfully as you squeal in surprise over the sudden shift in position. “What are the rules to this game then?”
Your heartbeat quickens in your chest. You’re actually going to do this.
“I want a ten minute head start,” you say slowly, mind spinning. 
He hums as he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Done. What else?”
“No going past the gardens.” There is enough yard between the manor and the perimeter walls that you could still feel like you were outside without risking an encounter with a hunter. 
“Agreed,” he kisses the opposite corner of your mouth.
“If you catch me-”
“When I catch you,” he says, lips pressing to my chin.
“If you catch me before the end of the hour,” that gives him a total of thirty minutes before the clock chimes, “then…” It’s not like you’ve never talked dirty before, but still, your cheeks are a deep set of red as you say, “then I am yours to do with what you wish.”
His eyes gleam, fangs glinting as he leans back and grins like he’s already won. “And if I say I want to be so deep inside you that every sorry hunter for miles will know your mine regardless of where I find you?”
You clench your thighs again, or attempt to, this new position in his lap doesn’t give you a lot of room to do so. “If you can find me.”
He slides you effortlessly off his lap, but you find, given the nature of the way he’s looking at you, that your legs feel weak already. “You should get going. You’ve only got ten minutes, Darling.”
You waste precious time leaning down to capture his lips in a quick kiss, but you don’t care. Every kiss, every touch is worth the lost time. He is a promise of endless time, of boundless freedom and new adventures, time is never wasted with Rhys.
He pulls away with some difficulty. “I’m still counting,” he warns.
You grin as you turn and sprint out the library, leaving the doors wide open as you run. It occurs to you now that you’ve never actually seen him hunt outside a ballroom. There’s a lot of strategy to those hunts, as you’ve observed, but he’s never had to chase anything. He’s like a spider, waiting patiently for his prey to get caught and stuck in his web for him to devour. You don’t actually know how fast or strong he is. He certainly has a heightened sense of smell, but how heightened?
You know you want to make it outside, just to let him feel like he’s getting out of the house, but going straight out the back door would be too easy. You run up the stairs to the second floor instead, then into one of the many empty rooms and unlatch the window. This might waste more of your precious time, but still, you’re curious to know if he’ll save time and run right out the door, or if he can actually follow your scent. 
Carefully, you climb onto the roof and pick your way across the slanting tiles, until you reach the side of the manor where tree branches reach for you. The gardens outside the estate are massive, their own little forest, and with the gates closed, the gardeners haven’t been around to trim the trees. Branches that would normally be clipped to keep the leaves from collecting on the roof have been allowed to blossom and you find a sturdy one and nimbly walk across it like a balance beam. He may be the expert hunter here, but you spent years outside the Spring Estate, back when your parents were still alive, exploring the massive gardens and climbing the trees. Until your Governess had dragged you back by the ear, yelling about your ripped skirts and scraped knees. Hardly the lifestyle of a lady, they’d said. You couldn’t care less now as you climb, hand over hand through the dense leaves, moving from tree to tree. This is familiar yet different, you are far more free here than you had ever been back home.
Anticipation sits hot and heavy in your lower belly as you move. It’s hard to tell how much time you have left and you need to decide if the plan is to just keep moving or to hunker down and hide in wait. 
When the trees start to thin, you finally clamber down onto the damp floor below and take a good look around. There are certainly plenty of bushes to hide under, but that feels… boring. 
You glance over your shoulder, the trees blocking out the moonlight that has now replaced the earlier sun. Shadows cling to the trees providing ample cover, for both you and the predator you know is coming. 
You bite your lip. You want it to be a challenge. So you keep moving, ears straining for any little sound that might indicate your ten minutes is up. Every rustle of leaves makes a shiver run up your spine, heart thundering beneath your ribs. It’s a heady sort of rush that makes you laugh as you break into a full on sprint, wind tearing at your loose hair. 
This is freedom. Unbridled and unrestrained, there are no limits on what you can do or want, and right now, you want exactly what he promised you.
You slow to catch your breath, the trees thinning as you come closer to the hedge maze on the far side of the property. There’s usually a whole slew of string lights bobbing overhead, so partygoers can see past the towering hedges full of roses and attempt to find the bubbling water fountain at the center of the maze. It’s a showstopper when lit, but right now, it is dark and unyielding and you inch your way towards it with more than a little trepidation. It would be a good place to make him walk through to get to you, but some of the hedges are so thick and overgrown it blocks out the light, and you do not have the night vision of vampires, not yet.
A twig snaps behind you and you jump with a hand clamped over your mouth to keep from screaming as you turn to face the noise. There’s enough moonlight to see by out here, but there is no familiar shape stalking towards you. There’s nothing there at all but the trees and the maze at your back.
You give yourself a little shake to calm your nerves as you inch backwards towards the opening of the maze, still anticipating Rhys’s sudden arrival. One step back, then another, until you can almost feel the shadow of the hedges against your back. It’s a degree colder within it than outside of it.
The first bit of darkness covers your entrance.
And it covered the hiding place too, because you hadn’t seen anyone or anything within the maze until a firm hand clamps over your mouth. Surprise makes you scream, the noise muffled beneath the weathered palm as a strong arm wraps around your waist. 
How the hell had he gotten behind you?!
Hot breath fans your ear as he puts his lips to your ear. “Scream, and you’re dead.”
That’s not Rhys’s voice at all!
Panic grips you and you have just enough presence of mind to fight, digging your elbow into the stranger’s soft gut, throwing your head back into his shoulder. You twist and claw and bite down on the hand covering your mouth so hard you taste blood.
“You little bitch!” The stranger snarls, his hand slipping off your mouth.
You don’t have time to spit out the blood as you scream, “RHYS!!!” As loud as you can.
The stranger grabs your hair and spins you, face scraping over a cluster of thorny roses that cuts open your cheek as you fight to keep your footing. You stumble, but before you can hit the ground, another rough set of hands grabs your arm and yanks, pulling you deeper into the darkness of the maze. 
“Get off me!” You shout, your game forgotten. There is nothing but wild panic in your blood as you claw and punch at the hands that pull you deeper and deeper into the maze. 
Rhys can find you in here, right? He knows this isn’t part of the game?
Blood trickles down the wound in your cheek, following a trail down your neck and chest as your head whips around to try and get a good look at your attacker. He’s not much taller than you, but he’s twice as large, his arms made of thick, corded muscle. A spiderweb of scars travels up the bare expanse of his right arm, but he has no other defining features you can see in the darkness.
The second remains in the dark as they drag you through the maze. They must have been here awhile, if they know their way through it. In no time at all, you find yourself at the maze’s heart, the fountain that’s usually so dazzling at parties remains full of stagnant water and dead leaves. Sitting on the lip of it are another two men, one carrying a sword and another wearing a bandolier full of wooden stakes. Hunters.
Your mouth dries, heart skipping a beat. No no no! This can’t be happening! How’d they get past the gate? Rhys had it made by some local witches, it was supposed to be spelled to keep hunters out!
The world narrows in to the sound of that voice, as the body attached rounds the fountain. The sliver of moonlight cuts through the overgrown shrubs, highlighting the swatch of blonde hair, carefully tied back from a face that looks so similar to your own. 
Though you have no fangs of your own, you pull your lips back in a snarl as Tamlin draws nearer. “You did this?” You hiss at your brother.
He looks older, tired. Emerald eyes framed by dark circles. It’s been months since you’ve seen him. Months since he sent someone to tell you not to bother coming home since you’d ruined yourself with Rhys. Based on the stories you’d heard, he’d trashed the manor in a fit of rage when he’d found out he could no longer auction you off like a mare to be wed and bred by some stuffy, old baron or count.
He takes you in, nose crinkling as he spots the hickeys littering your throat. You’re not wearing anything more than a pair of lounge shorts and a silk top, an outfit that had felt appropriate a moment ago but now, based on the judgment and leering of the hunters, feels poorly out of place.
It’s an effort not to try and cover yourself, to stand there, blood still dripping from your cheek and keep your chin up.
“Where is he?” Tamlin demands. 
Shit. Shit. Shit! Of course he’s not here for you, he’d made it clear you were as wanted as a wadded up gum wrapper. He--they--are all here for Rhys. 
“Who?” You play dumb, trying to buy time. Rhys is walking right into a trap and if you don’t think of something quick…
“Don’t play dumb!” Tamlin snarls. “I know you’ve been whoring yourself out to that blood sucker!”
He can’t know that Rhys is the town’s vampire, there’s no way. Every person that leaves the manor is compelled to forget everything they saw. The whole horde is meticulous, Az has even followed people home to ensure the protection of the den. 
When you don’t respond, he says, a little gentler this time, “Tell me where he is, Y/N, and I will consider this whole mess a compulsion on his part and not hold it against you. We’ll go home and find somewhere safe for you to live. There’s a temple that will take in ruined women…”
You’re seeing red. “Nobody fucking ruined me! It is my body! What I do with it is none of your business!”
He frowns. “Nesta thought you might have been compelled, I didn’t want to believe that you were so weak minded that it could happen to you, but now that I see you…”
Nesta. Your stomach twists itself into knots. She was supposed to be your best friend, and yet she had gone to Tamlin and he’d called the hunters. She must have seen Rhys drinking from you that first night after all. In her rush, she’d pissed off Cass, who had been so distracted with her leaving he’d distracted Az from following her home. She’d gotten out of the den knowing what they all were and Tamlin had spent all this time summoning these hunters. 
The betrayal stings worse than the cut on your cheek, your eyes burning despite your attempts to keep it all bottled up. You can’t cry here! Not in front of them. The four hunters hover near the exits, blocking your escape, but keeping watch for Rhys all the same. They all have stakes. They’re all clearly fighting men, all capable of taking on an unsuspecting vampire. 
“Don’t do this, Tam,” you whisper. If anything happens to Rhys… If they get their hands on him because you suggested going outside the manor, you’re never going to forgive yourself.
“You forced my hand!” Tamlin snarls, advancing a step towards you. “You went and made a mess of things as always! If mom were still alive she would have keeled over and had a heart attack from the strain of having you for a daughter.”
The words hit like a slap. He’d always been good at that; when he couldn’t use his size and strength, his words were just as sharp as a blade, and he’d used them to keep you in line for years. Even now, the freedom you had so desperately craved feels like it’s slipping through your fingers. You feel your shoulders hunch, chin dipping towards your chest. He’s always been so terribly good at making you feel small and useless and so terribly unwanted. Even now, your own flesh and blood isn’t here to make sure you’re alright, he’s here to prove himself a hero by killing a vampire. Your vampire.
Figures, as soon as you’d found something to love, Tamlin found another way to rip it from you.
Seeing a weakness, Tamlin stalks towards you, his footfalls heavy in the damp earth. He reaches out a hand to grab you, but before he can so much as brush a fingertip over your arm, his body flies backwards like it’s been tossed by an invisible hand. He hits the statue guarding the water fountain so hard the old angel’s head falls from it’s stone shoulders. 
“Don’t fucking touch her!” Rhys snarls so loud the ground shakes. He’d come in silently, stealthy as a cat. The power that radiates off him is nothing like the demure courtier you see in the ballroom, there is nothing subtle or charming about this Rhys. There is only cold, unyielding rage as he moves around you faster than your eyes can track. You don’t even have time to warn him about what the hunters are armed with before he uses his teeth to rip the throat out of the first man. Blood splatters across his face as the hunter falls. Another blink at the second falls, his heart still beating from where Rhys holds it in his fist.
The third hunter has just enough time to slide a stake out of its sheath and lunge, but Rhys is so much faster and stronger, there is no contest. He snags the hunter’s wrist, snapping the bone so hard his wrist twists backwards, the stake now aimed at the hunter’s heart. His own momentum keeps him moving forward, even as he screams in terror, and he impales himself on his own stake. Rhys hurls the body into the thorny hedges, leaving it to bleed out as he turns to face the fourth and final hunter. 
It's the one that had grabbed you initially, his thin lips pulled back in a sneer as he flips two stakes around in his large hands. 
“You think you can waltz into my domain,” Rhys seethes. There’s an eerie calm to his steps now, blood dripping from his fingers, splattering the trampled grass. “And try and take what is mine?”
Rationally, you know you should be terrified of him like this--this is who he really is, not the courtly mask and disarming smiles you know, this is a full-fledged vampire in all his glory--but you’re not. Not even a little bit. If anything, the sight of him makes you feel like you can breathe again. 
“I’ve killed worse things than you,” the hunter spits. “You won’t even be a challenge.”
Rhys cocks his head like he’s thinking, a grin spreading across his face. His fangs are longer than you’ve ever seen them, poking into his lower lip, where the first hunter’s blood still lingers. “Is that so?”
He takes a small step forward, and though the hunter’s fingers twitch around the stakes, he doesn’t move. He doesn’t even blink. He stands still as a statue, his chest barely rising and falling. Almost like he can’t move at all.
Rhys reaches out and plucks the stakes from the hunter’s hands like he’s taking a toy from a belligerent child. The hunter doesn’t move; doesn’t speak in his own defense. 
Rhys lifts the stake to get a better look at it in the moonlight. “These are poorly made,” he tuts, right before he jams it between the hunter’s eyes. The man falls, still completely immobile.
“You’re a fucking monster,” Tamlin hisses from where he’s still struggling to get back to his feet. 
Rhys slides the hand not dripping blood into his pocket, appearing bored as he puts a boot on Tamlin’s shoulder and pushes him back down into the mud. “Humans are so very dull.”
“Yet you keep my sister like a fucking pet!” Tamlin snarls, trying to rise again and losing the battle as Rhys’s heel pushes down against his shoulder until the bone snaps. “You compelled her into being with you and have been keeping her here against her will.”
You stare at the two of them. Rhys is holding back now, toying with Tamlin--the brother that had locked you up, had insisted your Governess cut your meals in half to keep you thin and desirable for a suitor; the brother who had ignored your wishes your whole life and had stolen almost every bit of happiness you had tried to carve out for yourself. Only one of them is the monster here.
“Nobody compelled me into staying,” you hiss. “Nobody compelled me into doing anything! I chose it.”
Tamlin tilts his head to look at you, despite the pain flashing across his face. “He just used his powers to freeze a man in place, you’re too stupid to know if he used them on you.”
Rhys moves his boot from Tamlin’s shoulder to his wrist, heel crushing down until the bone splinters, the resounding crack echoing through the maze. “Try that again,” he dares. 
Tamlin’s howls of pain have somehow not drawn everybody else outside, but you are relieved to see it. As much as you want him out of your life forever, you’re not up for watching them all devour him like a turkey at a Sunday roast. 
You pick your way around the mess of bodies until you can grab Rhys’s hand, the blood now cold and sticky over his palm. You do not balk from it. This is still your Rhys. He is still what you would choose, if you could go back to that first night on the dancefloor. Bargain or no bargain, you would have come back time and time again, to be with him and this family you have made for yourself here. This is the life you want, messy and full of monsters.
Rhys glances down at your joined hands, yours so small and delicate against the mess of his own.
You intertwine your fingers. “Please don’t kill him.”
He reaches out with his free hand to run a thumb over your ruined cheek, checking how deep the cuts are. “Why not?”
“Can he be compelled to forget about all of us? Can you make it so that we never existed?”
“Y/N!” Tamlin screams. “You don’t know what you’re doing!”
“I could,” Rhys admits. “Is that what you want?”
“I want to be with you,” you say confidently. “As a human or a vampire.”
Tamlin tries to move out from under Rhys’s boot but gets nowhere.
“I want him to no longer have control of my life. I want to be free to choose where I go and who comes with me. I am angry at him. I’ve been angry at him my whole life. But… but I don’t want him dead.”
Rhys nods, then brushes a tender kiss over your forehead. “It’ll be done then.”
Azriel appears from the shadows then, as if he’d been hovering somewhere in the maze just in case. That intense hazel gaze sweeps over you, taking stock of your injuries before he hauls Tamlin to his feet. 
Your brother still tries to fight it, but his right arm hangs limp and twisted at his side, and even if he was whole, he’s no match for either of them. 
Rhys takes Tamlin’s chin between his forefinger and thumb, holding him in place with just those two fingers alone. “Any last words, Darling?”
You flash your middle finger at Tamlin, “If you come back through these gates, I’ll hunt you down myself.”
“Vicious,” Azriel praises, tongue running over his lower lip in appreciation to this new side of you. 
Rhys keeps his attention pinned to Tamlin. “You’ll return home. You’ll forget this vampire business. You went out and got drunk and got your ass handed to you by the barmaid.”
Azriel snickers at that. 
You’ve seen that barmaid, she very well could hand Tamlin his ass, the story will be convincing. 
“If anyone asks about your sister, you’ll tell them she ran away to be with the people that love her. There is no need to look for her. She is happy.”
And you are. Your chest warms at the words. You are happy here. You will always be happy here, with this new family you’ve found. 
Tamlin repeats the words in monotone, like they’re being forced out of his head.
“You’ll have to find and compel Nesta too,” you say softly. “She saw us that first night.”
“Leave it to Cass to put us in this mess,” Azriel grumbles. “I should make him compel her for the trouble.”
“He’d just turn her for shits and giggles and then we’d be in bigger trouble,” Rhys responds as he releases his grip on Tamlin. Your brother’s head sags to his chest, unconscious, and Azriel drags him out through the back gate.
“It’s done?” You ask, watching them leave.
“It’s done,” Rhys confirms. 
You turn to face him again and stretch up on your toes to kiss him gently on the lips, despite the blood. “Thank you.”
When you try to pull away, he slides a hand into your hair and pulls you back for another, ravenous kiss. “Are you all right?”
“A little shaken,” you confess, reaching up a hand to brush a tendril of dark hair off his head. “But alright. Are you?”
He slides his arms beneath you and picks you up like you weigh nothing. “Let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll feel better.” 
In no time at all, you’re back safe inside the house, perched on top of the counter in the bathroom attached to his room. Candlelight flickers to give him a better view of the gash across your cheek, now forming a bruise beneath the split skin. 
“It doesn’t hurt too bad,” you assure. “Just stings a little.”
He frowns as he pokes at it, then brings his wrist up to his mouth and sinks his fangs into a vein. “Drink,” he orders, bringing it to your lips. “My blood will heal you.”
You stare at him for a moment. It has become an easy thing to accept that he likes to drink from you. He needs blood to live and you want him to keep on living, it is an easy exchange--and one that always ends pleasurably for you at that--but this is different. It’s not necessity. He’s offering because he wants to. Because he cares about you.
“Please,” he says gently, pushing his wrist a little closer. “Let me take care of you.”
You wrap your hand around his arm as you bring his wrist to your mouth, unsure of how to go about this. He holds you steady, pressing his wrist to your lips, guiding you through it like he has everything this far. His blood is a coppery tang in your mouth as you run your tongue over the two puncture marks in his wrist and swallow it down. 
By the time he pulls away, the stinging in your cheek has subsided. 
“It’ll taste better once you're one of us,” he explains as he grabs a towel and cleans the remaining blood off your skin.
You watch the slow pace in which he moves now, all that rage and strength once again contained within the confines of courtly manners, but there is a stiffness to those usually graceful motions. You can almost taste the unease coming off him as he uses the same towel to clean the blood off his own face and hands.
“You’re not changing your mind about turning me after this mess, are you?” 
He tosses the towel in the hamper near the door and comes to stand between your legs. You have to tilt your head back to look at him as he cups your face in his large hands. “Never.” The finality in his tone leaves no room for doubt. “I never wish to be parted from you again.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. This bargain between you is fun and exciting, and truth be told you are more fond of him than you’d ever dare say out loud, but you had always assumed those budding feelings were one sided. This was a game and a bargain at the end of the day, what was one human in the span of eternity to a thousand year old vampire? Daring to believe that you meant more to him was not a luxury you had let yourself indulge in.
“And I thought…” he shakes his head and kisses you gently at first, grounding himself in the reality that you are safe and in his arms, but it turns rough and desperate as he considers what he’s saying. “I thought I might lose you.”
You run your fingers through the silky strands of his hair, knocking a few loose leaves that had gotten caught when he’d come running after you. 
“If anything were to happen to you, I don’t…” he shutters as he slides his hands beneath you and lifts you off the counter, carrying you towards his large bed with ease despite the shakiness of his breathing.
 “I’ve killed thousands of hunters. I have drained entire covens of witches and packs of werewolves.” He lays you down in the center of the black silk sheets, body propped up against a dozen pillows someone who is undead doesn’t really need, his large frame kneeling over yours as he kisses you again. “I have fought and won hundreds of battles and taken down an army of other vampires. Bloodshed is in my nature. It is woven into the lifeblood of creatures like me. I am used to the killing, but I have never enjoyed it. I avoid it if I can, but tonight, when I saw those hunters around you…”
He steals another kiss, tongue sliding behind your teeth to try and claim your very breath as his weight settles between your legs. “I wanted to take my time. I wanted to make them pay for putting their hands on you. I enjoyed making them suffer. And I’d do it again.”
Perhaps the long lasting effects of being locked up has altered your brain chemistry, because such outright aggression should be a warning sign to run, but it makes heat flare in your chest instead. This is a dangerous amount of possessiveness and yet, you enjoy it. It is nice to be looked after so deeply.
“And I know that I should turn you,” he continues. “You have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain and after seeing those hunters today, I should give you an edge over them, just in case, but…” Another kiss, his hands slipping beneath your top to skim your sides. “But to turn you I have to… You have to die to become a vampire. How am I supposed to do that, knowing that it’ll hurt, even for a moment? Knowing that I will have to be the one to do it?”
Your fingers drift to the buttons of his shirt, slowly popping them open so you can touch him. “It doesn’t have to be today. We never set a time.”
“I saw that scratch on you and almost went out of my mind,” he says as he leans back enough to let you push the shirt off his shoulders, but as soon as the article is off he’s right back on top of you again, kissing you like he won’t ever get enough. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips. “I have never loved a human before. I have never been so conflicted before. I can’t lose you, Y/N. I’m just not ready to turn you yet either.”
Your hands skim up his tattooed torso, tracing every curve of ink up his chest and shoulders until you can cup his cheek. “You’re not going to lose me. Like I said, I choose you. I want to be here with you. Like this or otherwise. I am in no rush.”
He tilts his head and kisses your palm. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know,” you assure, using your free hand to grab him behind the neck and pull him down for another kiss. “I trust you. When the time is right to turn me, we’ll know. It’ll feel right.”
His lips pull away from yours just long enough to catch your breath before he starts trailing kisses along your jaw and neck. You let yourself relax beneath his ministrations, eyes drifting shut. It no longer feels strange that this has become the place you feel safest; this is right.  
“I love you,” you say softly.
He all but purrs into your throat, the kiss he was placing there more forceful than the last. “Careful, that’s a dangerous thing to say to an immortal.”
“You said it first,” you counter, hands sliding off him to reach for the hem of your shirt. You want it off, no clothes between your bodies, the warmth of him like this seeping into your skin. There is no telling how different it’ll feel once you’re no longer human, you want to relish every experience you have while you still have it.
He nips teasingly at your throat, fangs just barely scraping your skin. Not enough to feed, but just enough to remind you they’re there. “What power you wield over me, Little Human.”
“I’ll try not to let it go to my head,” you reply.
He laughs at that, the sound rich and deep, and you think you might do just about anything to hear it again and again. “Be careful how you wield it, I would do anything you asked.”
“Anything?” You ask with a grin, a few things coming to mind. 
He nips at your throat hard enough to leave a bruise this time. “No questions asked.”
“So if I have other scenes in my books I want to try out…” 
“What a dirty little mind you have,” he tuts. “And when we didn’t even get to finish the first one.”
“That really is a shame,” you muse. “I was looking forward to it too.”
“Another night then,” he promises, his voice low and dangerous in your ear. “Tonight I want to take my time with you.”
And how can you say no to those kinds of promises?
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vylad243 · 5 months
hiiii! 💕 I know you said you aren’t taking on too many requests atm, so it’s no pressure at all if you don’t feel like responding for a bit — your comfort is top priority after all! But here’s a bit of a fandom AU classic for you: radiostatic beauty and the beast AU.
Vox is a young, brilliant, beautiful, and talented up-and-coming overlord hoping to make it in the scene with his newfangled television idea — Hell still being in The Dark Ages (TM) at this time. He feels unsatisfied with his life and is ostracized/shunned by his fellow overlords and sinners who assume he’s stuck up and find his constant push for innovation odd (“what is this so-called electricity thing? We were doing JUST fine with the trashfires, thank you!”) Not helping matters is that he is also being actively “pursued” (aka harassed) by Valentino, who keeps proposing that they team up for business purposes but really just wants Vox’s soul/Vox all to himself and won’t take no for an answer. Despite his aspirations, Vox is content to live as happy and simple a life can have in Hell alongside his beloved personal assistant Papermint and Vark.
Things take a turn when, one day, Papermint goes out to run an errand while walking Vark and doesn’t return. Concerned for his assistant’s safety, especially after Vark returns Papermintless, Vox does some investigating (sidenote: I headcanon that Vox used to be a journalist when he was human, so he’d have the skillset) and after doing enough digging, realizes that Papermint had vanished around the premises of a seemingly abandoned and derelict hotel on the outskirts of Pride. Heading there himself, he finds himself taken aback when common household appliances start talking to him and notices a strange magical aura permeating the old building as he scopes it out. He eventually finds Papermint in the dungeon and is confronted by the imposing form of a giant, territorial wendigo — however he quickly recognizes the creature as Alastor, a former overlord who had mysteriously gone radio silent seven years ago and was presumed dead by the masses. He had caught Papermint trespassing on his property and had tossed him in the dungeon with plans to turn him into a future meal for attempting to steal from him: the poor assistant had tried to make off with a beautiful antique radio as a gift for Vox to cheer him up after Val’s latest stint had left him considerably heated and had wrongfully assumed the place was abandoned.
Vox, as you can imagine, is having absolutely none of this and barters with the Radio Demon to release Papermint and, in exchange, he’ll take his place as his prisoner and next meal—as it was his fault his assistant wound up in this predicament anyway, and besides it’s not like anyone will care if he’s gone anyway, right? Alastor is taken aback by this young demon’s gutless nature and sacrifice (and perhaps even a little flattered as well), but honours his wishes and let's Papermint go, arranging him a room to stay in and allowing Vox free reign of the hotel as long as he stays away from the forbidden radio tower. Vox is likewise just as confused by Alastor’s gentleman nature as anyone probably would be: having heard many, many stories before of the “terrifying and ruthless, bloodthirsty” Radio Demon, Vox is mostly shocked that he hasn’t been torn limb from limb yet. He finds himself adjusting to life at the hotel fairly quickly, finding the strange sense of solace it provides the much needed reprieve from his life back home, despite the occasional bouts of homesickness (missing Papermint and Vark in particular). He even quickly befriends and bonds with the enchanted staff, which includes a gothic raggedy Ann type doll named Velvette (who naturally is at the ready to give him a makeover at the drop of a hat), a vintage tea kettle set named Rosie, Niffty — a feather duster, and so on.
However, despite his terrifying appearance and reputation, Alastor is mostly just an awkward loner desperately seeking companionship and sees a worthy potential friend in Vox (although rest assured, the Radio Demon will not hesitate to rip you apart with his teeth if you cross him); living in exile after being cursed into this form by Lilith herself for his arrogance, Alastor has long since given up hope on breaking the curse and his content to live a quiet life in isolation with his enchanted servants. However something about this Vox creature draws his attention and fascination quickly turns into affection the longer the two interact and bond. It isn’t too long before Alastor realizes that he no longer wishes Vox to just be his friend, but his mate: with much of the help of the staff, he begins the process of attempting to court Vox over the span of a year — unfortunately, years in isolation has left the poor stag with the social skills of a rock, so Vox doesn’t immediately clue in on what’s going on but is flattered by the lovely and thoughtful gifts and increasing invites to dinner and dances. Unbeknownst to Al, Vox soon starts developing feelings of his own toward the terrifying but kind demon as well, but is too scared to act on them in fear of being rejected like he is with everyone else. Velvette, and the rest of the staff are all sighing and shaking their heads at the mutual idiocy of these two.
Unfortunately, their budding romance is put to the test when Alastor realizes that, by the end of this year, if his spell isn’t broken, then he will be permanently trapped in this state and will be lost to his animalistic urges, putting Vox at a great risk of getting hurt. He allows Vox the opportunity to go visit his family back home for some time and uses his absence to sneak out of the hotel and meet up with the princess — who had been letting him and his thralls hide away in her hotel this whole time — in secret, hoping to figure out how to finally break his curse before anyone gets hurt; Charlie is, unfortunately, unable to break the curse herself but informs him that if he performs one truly selfless act for someone he loves, then the spell will be broken and he will be restored to his former power.
And just beyond the gates of the hotel, things in Hell aren’t looking so hot either: Vox’s disappearance was initially brushed off, as was Papermint’s claims of the Radio Demon still being alive, but now — six months in without power and the media demon still not showing has made speculation rise. Things only go more out of control when Alastor himself is accidentally spotted on one of Vox’s still functioning security cameras leaving a secret meeting with the princess. Shit hits the fan and, ever the opportunist, Valentino seizes the chance to rile up both the public and his fellow overlords into taking down the Radio Demon before he becomes too “difficult to manage”, his efforts only strengthening when Vox suddenly reappears back in Pentagram City, still alive and singing the Radio Demon’s praises as he gleefully reunites with his beloved assistant and pet shark once more. Valentino tries to pressure Vox into staying away from the hotel even longer and becomes more aggressive/possessive in his advances as a result — accusing the wendigo of brainwashing him and projecting so, so hard in the process. Vox, fed up with the moth’s disgusting dehumanizing treatment of him, denounces him and tells him flat out that he’d rather die than be Val’s little plaything, inadvertently letting his feelings for Alastor slip in the process. Enraged at this final, brutal rejection, Val knocks Vox unconscious and keeps him locked up in his tower for a time, using his sudden disappearance and staged evidence to fake the media overlord’s murder and further rally up the people and leads them into an attack on the hotel — fully intending on killing Alastor so that Vox has nobody left to go to but him.
Meanwhile poor Al is beside himself with worry over his mate not returning but falls into despair at the thought that Vox has abandoned him the longer he fails to return, and meanwhile Vox desperately tries to escape Val’s tower, realizing that he really is in love with Alastor and vowing to kill Valentino himself should anything happen to his Radio Demon. He manages to get a distress message to Papermint, Vark and a stowaway Velvette, who help him break out and together, they race to go save Alastor before it’s too late.
This is quite a long one! While this is a great prompt, sadly this would be quite a large project and I don't want to do anything too big for prompts since I like to keep them to 1k-3k words. Maybe one day I'll shorten this down and make it into a prompt, but not right now
Thank you for the prompt regardless! It sounds really interesting!
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expired-bat · 10 months
pre-show (one shot)
omg hiiii its been a while since i wrote anything lmdksfkafs. have a one shot of my band RABIES. if you don't know who they are, check out their bio on the mtl oc wiki!
tw for vomit for anyone who's sensitive
The buzzing of the cheap lights dancing through the cramped, hot dressing room stresses Meilin out. She hasn’t put on setting spray yet and her makeup is melting. Even worse, it’s their first show since Chris had to be sent to the looney bin once again. She can feel her teeth grinding against each other, feeling small bits of bone crunching away and touching her warm tongue. Her tiny fists clenched, her long, stiletto nails, painted obsidian and crimson to match her outfit, digging through her soft flesh. Just by the humidity alone, Meilin could feel her hair frizzing up no matter how much product she added.
She has to share this room with six other assholes she calls her bandmates. “De History of Chessboxin’” by Wu-Tang Clan is blasting through the cheap Bluetooth speaker thanks to Ryan. Speaking of Ryan, he’s still in the middle of spraying half a can of that Got2b hair spray. His deathhawk nearly reaches the ceiling, almost looking as if he were some goth cockatoo. Meilin’s nose scrunches just by the overwhelming smell of the spray.
“Why the fuck is he always like this? It’s gon’ end up all messy and down once we’re done, damn…”
She sprayed a whiff of setting spray, flapping her hands around and praying to whatever phony deity that her makeup didn’t look messy. Her spiky buns stick out of her black locks, her bangs almost covering her slim monolid eyes. Her soulless eyes roam around to see what the others are doing.
To her left, June is putting on their contacts; red and black, almost reminding Meilin of a ladybug. The kid is nuts for putting them on last, considering that their Jazmin Bean-inspired makeup is already on and their hair is up. They look insect-like, hence why they’re also called “June-bug.”
Next to June is Eddie, adding the last bit of corpse paint on his face. The thin brush slides through his full lips, sliding down a bit to give that cracked, distorted look. His long locks are still tied in a braid; how does he manage to keep up with hair that reaches down to his ass? Ed-boy is shirtless, wearing cargo shorts, and has his earbuds on, probably listening to Mortician or Emperor. She couldn’t blame him, the guy keeps to himself all the time.
“Gotta ask him ‘bout his hair routine.”
Meilin could see in the far back Tony, the big guy of the group. He’s adding Elmer’s Glue to his hair while blow drying it, shaping up his liberty spikes. She’s surprised he isn’t dumb enough to use Gorilla Glue like that lady did to make her hair flat. His golden eyes glimmer through the little light provided by the room, his full lips pursed and nose slightly twitching in focus. T is shirtless as well, showing off that bara body of his. His plaid shorts look a bit tight on him, with a red bandana wrapped around his thick neck and spiked bracelets covering up his wrists. A big observation the singer made was that Big T did or did not take small glances at the drummer, looking at him for a bit longer than usual…
Meilin turns around and gets up from her vanity, walking towards the cooler to get out a canned cocktail. She sees Jayu, sitting on the cheap, gross couch tuning his Jackson Series Rhoads. He’s still wearing that mask (like he always does), but she can sense that he’s getting irritated. The short man wears a tank top, revealing his many old scars. Meilin can tell that it tells a thousand stories and, knowing his background and how shut-off he is, is not going to bother how he got them. His hands clench slightly, veins slowly forming on his beige skin.
The door barges open, making the remaining six swoop their heads at who it is. It’s Chris, the notorious schizophrenic DJ for the band, literally the most unpredictable person you’ll ever meet. His body, a bit bigger in terms of weight, stumbles and wiggles a bit. He smells like Purple Haze and Newports, but Fearless, if not everyone, can tell that he took something stronger.
“Nah… This motherfucker did not-”
“I wan’ hot chocolate… hrnnnnngkjdsfnkgj.”
Chris then projectile vomits onto the floor.
All hell breaks loose in the dressing room. So far, this is the most insane shit they’ve witnessed.
“EWWWWWWW!!!!” screeched June.
“Oh my fuckin’ lord.” deadpanned Eddie, his eyes wide open.
“GAHHH DAMN!!!” said Ryan. Literally everyone knows that he speaks in bold text.
Jayu puts his Rhoads to the side, getting up from the couch to help his “little brother.”
Meilin puts a hand on her forehead, sighing deeply.
“Chris, if you keep this shit up, we’re gon’ have no choice but send yo ass to rehab.” 
“Suck my dick,” he replies.
Before Meilin would smack the shit out of him, someone from the bar staff said that they have five minutes before showtime, instantly getting out from the intense smell of bile.
“Nerds Rope… Rosetta Stone…” the DJ slurs out. 
Everyone was confused about what the hell he was saying (were they ever), until Ryan pointed something out.
“Yo… Ay yo yo yo!! Where the fuck is my Nerds edible?! Chris!! Did yo fatass ate it?!”
Chris giggles the giggle of a dying hyena.
Before Ryan could jump Chris, he was instantly held back by Eddie and Tony. His face looks like a screeching banshee. He kept on hurling out threats using his Japanglish.
“Yo, yo! Yoshi! Calm the fuck down!! Get out, everyone!!!” Meilin screamed out.
Everyone but Chris and Jayu was ushered out by their fearless leader. Meimei watches as the lead guitarist kicks his legs up and screams out like the diva he is while being carried away by the bassist. She leans back against the door to the dressing room, being nosy as hell as to what the two are talking about..
“Yeongi, why did you eat that? You know we have a show tonight.” Jayu asked.
Woah. Meimei did not expect his voice to be that deep.
“Hrnnn… I was bored, hyung~” the younger replies, still slurring his words.
Jayu lets out a deep sigh.
“I’ll get you some tea after the show, but you’re going to have to pay me back. Understand?”
Fearless instantly got bored of their little conversation. She walks off to enter with the other guys. Ryan and Tony are having their lil’ homo moment, playfully smacking each other’s asses while Eddie is drumming his thighs with his sticks. June is taking selfies.
Not long later, the two men appeared. Chris still looks a bit fucked up, but that’s Chris.
“Alright motherfuckas… Get in a circle. It’s time to make this show the best we got, ya hear?!” Meilin booms out.
The gang cheers on, hearing the crowd chanting their name.
It’s showtime.
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hiiii idk if you’re taking requests, and feel free to ignore me lol, but i’ve been thinking abt Try Your Best (That's All We Can Do) a lot recently. and like reading it is so perfect and i love it. i was wondering if you were going to add to the story at all. ik it is wrapped up nicely, but i kinda wanna know what happens to them (make sure roman can avoid being murdered and heal), but yeah! thanks for all you write!
I really, really like how I ended that fic, so I don’t think I’m going to do another full chapter, but I’ll do a mini-fic epilogue just for you :)
Roman eventually shares with Virgil and Remus—and Janus, by default, because god knows his two lil gremlins don’t want to keep secrets from their dad if they don’t have to—that he’s been going to a therapist since a few months after Jamie committed suicide. He ascribes a lot of his personal growth to talking things through with them, even though they’re determined to get him to accept some credit on his own.
(Remus may or may not hit Roman in the face with a pillow for the same reasons and the two of them may or may not get into the habit of pillow-fighting whenever they see each other. It’s unclear whether or not this is actually a good thing.)
(It is, don’t worry.)
Roman actually plans to meet up with Virgil for a date right after one of his appointments, and Janus drops him off outside the building. While there, the therapist asks Janus if he’s Roman’s father. He isn’t, and says as much, but he starts to worry about how Roman’s managing to afford this if his therapist can’t even recognize his parents. He confronts Roman about it and Roman says that the school’s guidance counselor actually recommended and they worked out something with insurance that his parents never had to personally approve.
There’s another indecent at school where Janus is called in because Remus got into a fight. When he gets there, he sees Roman sitting outside the principal’s office, holding something to his head again, and Remus glowering at the wall. For a terrible second, he has memories of the same thing happening in middle school, only this time Remus has his arm around Roman’s shoulders and Virgil comes running up a second later.
Jamie’s friend had attacked Roman again, and Remus had tried to stop them. Roman had shoved Remus behind him and been rewarded with a textbook across his temple. The administration had found the three boys like that: one bleeding, still holding back another, the third crying and screaming on the floor.
Roman’s parents never make an appearance.
Janus offers to drive Roman home—and maybe not-so secretly give them a piece of his mind—but Roman pales and makes up something about how that would just leave his car in the school parking lot overnight and he’d have to figure out a way to get to school tomorrow. Janus lets it go, mostly so the poor thing doesn’t freak out even more, but he’s oddly quiet for the rest of the night.
He also turns into a total cuddle monster for the rest of the week, but that’s not that big of a surprise.
No, the surprise comes when Virgil gets a call during one of their weekend afternoons and finds out that Roman has to cancel their date tomorrow because he’s in the hospital.
The call doesn’t even end before Janus is barking at both of them to get in the car.
They’re almost not allowed in, because only family is permitted, but then the orderlies reveal that Roman’s actual family hasn’t showed up at all, didn’t answer the emergency call, and Janus just about shoves his way past them to let Virgil run into Roman’s room. The room is filled with machines and loud beeping and a scared child in an oversized hospital bed, and all Janus can think about is the little boy in his father’s suit, all alone in a graveyard.
The doctor comes in. All three of them completely fail to be subtle at eavesdropping as she tells Roman that his attacker has been taken into custody, and that it’s a good thing his family came so quickly.
Virgil barely stifles a gasp, Remus’s eyes go wide, and Janus’s just watches the most heartbreaking confusion cross Roman’s face until he realizes that the doctor is referring to them.
“…yeah,” Roman mumbles, not meeting any of their eyes, “I guess I am.”
The doctor turns to Janus. “Did they tell you what happened?”
“No, not yet.”
“Your son was hit by a car. Luckily it wasn’t going very fast and his injuries aren’t too severe, but he’ll need to rest and heal. Is there somewhere you can—“
“Can you give us a moment, please?”
The doctor looks at Roman, surprised, then back at Janus. Janus just raises his eyebrow—“He’s the patient, it’s not up to me.”—and the doctor leaves.
“If you say anything about being sorry for being an inconvenience or her assuming we’re your family,” Remus says before Roman can say anything, “I’m gonna hit you with a pillow.”
“Remus,” Janus warns.
Roman winces, holding a hand to his side. “Don’t make me laugh, my ribs are cracked.”
“Good thing Re’s not funny, then.”
Roman does, in fact, try and apologize for everything, but Janus stops him with a hand on his uninjured shoulder.
“You’re hurting,” he says softly, referring to far more than just the car accident, “let us help you, please.”
When the doctor comes back, the first thing they do is change Roman’s emergency contact to Janus.
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Uncle Techno & Michael
@peerpressureweek DAY 7 WE DID IT
Techno was used to Ranboo coming into his house without knocking. It just wasn’t a sustainable practice, seeing as only a small handful of people lived out this far, and Ranboo needed frequent access to Techno’s basement for glass. Techno was pretty much used to it by now, his ear and sometimes his dogs twitching in Ranboo’s direction before laying back down, but that was usually while the sun was up. The birdS would typically be singing. Ranboo did not often careen through Techno’s door mid-blizzard, wind howling and bundle clutched close to his chest.
“Ranboo?” Techno asked as he staggered backwards, using his shoulder blades to slam the door shut. This put distance between himself and Techno’s other guest, “Tubbo?”
“Hiiii, Technoblade! Sorry to barge in like this?” Tubbo tried. The two were still awkward around each other, despite their stint as The Revengers, living right next to each other, and Ranboo’s revival.
“Yeah, no, welcome. Make yourselves at home. In my home. Which is, notably, not your own?”
“Furnace went out,” Ranboo muttered by way of explanation, setting his bundle down in front of Techno’s fireplace, nudging Steve over with a foot. “I would be fine, but Tubbo and Michael are warm blooded.”
“True,” Technoblade intoned, watching Ranboo half-unswaddle Michael so he could get a little more direct firelight. “And you picked my house?” Wait, no, that sounded wrong, “Not that I’m complainin’! Not that I am complainin’, you know I’m always happy to have you—all three of you—but, you know, Phil is also right here and Connor’s closer to you.”
Tubbo snorted. “Connor is going to freeze to death. I don’t know how he hasn’t yet.”
Techno once again declined to bring up the fact that Connor was already a ghost. “That’s fair. That’s fair. He doesn’t get a lot of uhhhh, yeah, yeah, probably not his house then.”
Ranboo shrugged. “I just knew we needed to go somewhere warm and this was the first place I thought of.”
He was a little different, since coming back. Less shy, maybe, or it could be that he was just more inclined to say the things he was feeling without worrying about other people’s reactions. In this situation, the fact that Ranboo thinkin’ of Techno first totally and definitely didn’t warm his heart at all. Did not warm his heart at! All!
“Yeah, well, you’re welcome to stay until the storm blows over. I was just about to head to bed.”
“Right. Should we, uh,” Tubbo looked around the room. Techno’s couch was nice, but hardly big enough to fit two people and a toddler.
“You can join me in the bed. It should be big enough for all of us.” Techno had built it the same day he’d rescued Phil from house arrest, the man’s impressive wingspan requiring a larger bed than most and the fact that the two of them needed to share (at least until Phil’s own house was built) meaning that Techno’s previous bed had been nowhere near large enough. Even after Phil had moved out into a home of his own, Techno had been too lazy to switch the bed back, so now he had a small kingdom’s worth of mattressed land ready for use. Plus, Ranboo was skinny and Michael was a baby, how much room could the three of them possibly take up?
“Up!” Michael demanded, facing Techno and not, you know, one of his dads. Techno grumbled something that probably wouldn't have saved his reputation even if they had heard it, and picked up the bundle of babyboy and blankets. Michael made a happy and altogether too high pitched noise, very close to Techno’s ear, mind you, and Techno grumbled again.
“Alright, bedtime for the children in my house.”
“We are both adults.”
“Sure, Ranboo, up you go.”
The big bed did in fact fit them all, Techno with his back to the wall and Michael happily snuggled up in the middle. Techno tried to find a good place for his arms that didn’t wind up draped on top of the small child. He had big arms! What if he crushed the kid!! Michael was so small, Technoblade wasn’t used to small creatures. What if his arm was heavy enough he crushed Michael’s little chest underneath the weight of it and his pupil’s kid died?
Tubbo, fortunately, did not share Techno’s hangups, bundling Michael close to his chest, and Ranboo’s arms twined around Tubbo, staring at Techno from over the young man’s hair.
Techno squinted at him.
Ranboo seemed only more amused.
Techno huffed. “You tell me what to do with my arms then.”
Ranboo laughed, and while he was definitely laughing at Techno, it didn’t feel mean. “He’s a kid, not honeycomb. You can snuggle him,” Ranboo allowed, and Techno snorted again. But, delicately, he rested one big hand on top of Michael’s little hip, and the snoozing child gave a happy little chuff that made Techno’s stomach flip flop about.
“There, see? You didn’t even break him.”
“Sarcasm from my own pupil. From my own pupil! I can’t believe this.”
It got a small, sweet laugh from Tubbo, and Techno did not feel hopeful and soft at that, either. Any accusations or lies leveled against his emotional state would be dealt with via duel to the death. Ranboo nuzzled against his husband’s hair.
Tubbo drifted off next, and Techno was fairly surprised at that, given how highstrung and paranoid the guy was. It was either a testament to just how tired he was, or that Techno had mended the bridge with him a little better than he’d thought.
“Thanks,” Ranboo murmured, quiet and soft into the night, low enough to not wake the others.
Techno made a soft grunt of his own, questioning.
Ranboo’s hand caressed his sleeping child, and then his spouse. “Trust doesn’t come easy to Tubbo.” Yeah. Techno knew that. “I rarely get to see him relax. It means something. So. Thanks.”
Techno really needed to stop underestimating Ranboo’s ability to touch his heart. Really. Just. Mmmmmm, sleep, not lookin’ at feelings head on, sleep time, goin’ to bed.
But even as successfully as Techno was at Not Thinking About It, he was the last awake in the quiet room, Michael snuffling against him.
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evvlevie · 2 years
I manifested BY ACCIDENT about being loved/liked (platonically, i don’t like them romantically) by somebody that i’ve been wanting to like me for like over 8 months with constant chatting and appreciation towards them.
i didn’t even mean to do it, and this is the first time i’ve actually manifested something bigger than somebody yawning/opening their eyes, and MAN IT FEELS GOOD. and i haven’t even noticed until now but as i’m writing this i’ve been listening to “It’s Tough To Be A God” unintentionally for like the past 15 or so minutes and.. if that doesn’t mean something i don’t know what does.
dear anybody that hasn’t very clearly manifested yet and doesn’t know if to trust it: it’s real. trust me. before you know it you’ll be doing it by accident if you keep your eyes on it.
-☎️ TY FOR YOUR HELP AND MOTIVATION EVIE!! <3<3 YOUR THE BEST!! (also i’ll make a part 2 ask on how i managed to do it ‘by accident’ if anybody wants to hear lol)
Hiiii !!!
I am so happy to hear from you! Thank you so much for sharing your success with us, I couldn’t be prouder and happier right now! It makes me smile so hard knowing that I was able to help you and motivate you❤️❤️ And please let us know how you did it on accident, I am so sure it will come in useful for at least someone 🫶🏻🧸
have an amazing day ☎️-anon ❣️❣️
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lqfiles · 4 months
hiiii 💕💕
i haven’t checked ur tumblr in a while but i did. and i am sooo caught up on your new smau… it’s so funny and it’s literally exactly what i needed cause i’ve been having the worst week possible 😖😖
basically i struggle with acne and i finally went to the dermatologist (it’s so expensive 😀😀) and they gave me some antibiotics to take??? but they’ve been making me feel sick on random mornings… which hasn’t been the best because sometimes it results in me 🤮 WHICH IS SO WEIRD BECAUSE I HAVEN’T 🤮 IN SO LONG??? i forgot what it feels like. i think today’s the last day i’m gonna take the antibiotics i tried for 3 weeks 😭😭 but today i had a 7 hour exam (which was hell btw) but i pulled up to my school’s parking lot and felt like i was going to faint 😭😭 and then after barfing my guts out in the bathroom i pull up to the exam like nothing is wrong and then just collapse on my bed as SOON as i get home.
now i’m cozily in bed reading ur smau, and it has just made me so happy i love renjun and yangyang they’re literally my favs <33 and the fact that you included them in the smau like… their dynamic NEEDS TO BE TALKED ABOUT MORE
- 🤠 anon (idk if u remember me but i think i sent you an ask once… i’m a lil shy but i was feeling bold today 💪💪💪)
of course i remember you you might not believe it but i thought about the other day while looking through my blog lol kinda crazy how you’re back but i’m happy to see you again hiii ^^
okay yeah i’m pretty sure that’s NOT supposed to happen omg do you think you can find some other type of treatment? you should look into the ingredients and search on google if there are other products that have the same effect. also that suck :/ trying to bond with you rn, but i got some skin issues too, my issue is that i have surprisingly very sensitive AND dry skin which is like the worst combination cos even my scrubbing my face thoroughly can sometimes result in my skin breaking out and making my skin worse 😭😭😭 i mean it’s not that bad anymore since it’s becoming warmer these days but god.. winter was BAAAD for me lol. I HOPE THE ANTIBIOTICS HELPED SOMEWHAT THO and you should definitely find alternative that don’t cause you to throw up every time.. hope your exam went well tho, 7 hours is CRAZYYY that’s literal torture??? are you okay???
also you being renyangist is sooooo real they’re kinda one of my fave dynamics, this whole smau is just filled with my fave dynamics now that i’m deeping it like i’m a huge jaemarkist, renminist and a renyang enjoyer too plss 😭😭 anyways YESS i love renyang dynamic so much they’re so cute, the way renjun genuinely considers yangyang his bff.. 😣 its very fun to see how everyone fights for renjuns love meanwhile renjun is busy wondering what yangyang wants in his hot pot 😭
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nursery--babyyy · 2 years
hiiii it’s been a minute hasn’t it? I think i may be more active bc i’ve kinda gotten more into my regression again ! i’m having sorta a dilemma where i don’t rlly wanna be part of any agere communities bc it’s so many minors and even tho i’m completely nonsexual, i still feel like i don’t wanna be surrounded by minors :/ but i ALSO don’t want to be in the *other* adult communities bc it’s triggering for me to see tht kinda stuff so i’m trying to figure out what’s best for me and this blog atm but i’m happy to feel comfy enough yo get back into my safe space for a little while :)
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paalove · 2 years
But (prompt, if you're inspired) how about GramBlack "didn't know we were dating" trope? I don't know if it'd work, but since Black doesn't look like one who talks about his feelings, and since we see that Gram is very tactile with Black (and he's the only one. I can't imagine anyone else touching Black's head without getting punched), how about Black thinking they are dating and Gram not knowing it? But like, pls let them talk about it and solve it, I like them happy <3 thanks so much!!!
HIIII thanks so much for this prompt that you sent *checks notes* three hundred and seventy years ago, sorry it took so long to get to 😭
this is chapter one of two, will go up on ao3 once chapter 2 is done oops
Sitting on his brother’s bed, White picks up the most incongruous thing from his bedside table and looks at it inquisitively. When he turns back to Black with a raised eyebrow, Black grabs the toy motorbike from his hands and puts it back.
“Shut up,” he says.
White didn’t say anything, but he keeps looking at Black. If he hadn’t already known there was something up with it, he would now.
“A present,” Black tells him.
“Shut up, White.”
White still hasn’t said anything. He looks around the apartment, still sitting on the bed, because there might be more clues to the giver of this gift. Black’s shifting on his feet when White looks back at him.
“Nothing else here looks like a present,” he notes. “Is it from mae?”
With a glare, Black bites out, “You know it isn’t.”
Nodding, White hums. Just has to wait him out.
The clock ticks on the wall.
White examines his own fingernails, like he even knows what to look for in his cuticles. He thinks his hands are pretty nicely kept.
“It’s from my faen,” Black eventually admits.
That makes White smile, because he’s embarrassed enough that this has to be someone he feels strongly about; he says, “You’re dating someone? Tell me about them.”
He shuffles backwards on the bed, sitting cross-legged, and pats the space next to him while wheedling, “Phi… do you not want me to embarrass you in front of them?”
“He’s the one who’ll embarrass me,” Black mutters, obeying White’s silent command and coming to sit beside him. “You know I’m not embarrassed of you, stop it.”
White does know – he’s doubted just about everything in his life these past couple of months, but he’s never doubted Black’s care for him. It’s that care that had Black pick him up from the airport and bring him to his technically-one-person apartment, after all, despite White’s reminder that he can afford a hotel room.
But that does mean he’s being difficult for no reason, so White says, “Why else won’t you let me meet anyone you know?”
“If I introduce you to him, will you stop asking about everyone else?”
White smiles but has to admit, “Probably not.”
“Well, you aren’t meeting the rest of them.”
“Is this a bullet shell?”
Black turns back, grabs White’s arm, and pulls him away from the table he’d been examining. It’s like having a cat – he’s always getting into shit he shouldn’t be. Really, Black isn’t sure why he’s brought White to the garage at all, but here they stand.
He’s managed to keep up one of his promises to himself, at least, because he’s dropped by when Gumpa’s giving Gram some solo training at boxing. No fucking way is White meeting Yok or Sean.
“There,” he points to the training area.
Gram’s shirtless and attempting to dodge the same strike he’s been having trouble with for a week now. Gumpa… may or may not be wearing a shirt.
(Black’s been accused of tunnel vision before.)
As he watches, cataloguing a few areas for critique absently while devoting most of his brain power to Gram’s chest, White’s got a question.
“Which one?”
“The hot one,” he says, which is fucking embarrassing but he hasn’t got a lot of brain power left over for the conversation; it’s also not a lie.
White disagrees, “They’re both hot. Blond or brunet?”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” he answers, revolted at the thought that Gumpa might- no. Grudgingly, he clarifies, “Blond.”
With a hum, White answers, “Nice choice. How did you two-“
He’s cut off when Black pinches his elbow – they’ve been spotted, and Gumpa cuts off the spar to bring Gram over.
“This must be White,” he greets, and they probably exchange introductions while Black stares at Gram’s split lip and the blood in his grin.
“Hey Gram,” he says, intelligently.
Gram licks his lips and says, “Thought you weren’t bringing your brother around?”
“So did I.”
As Gram’s laughing warmly, eyes crinkled, the other two turn back to them and Black remembers – right, they’re here for an introduction.
“This is Gram.”
There, that’s enough, right?
White smilingly says, “It’s nice to meet you, Gram. I’ve heard a lot about you,” so it must be enough of an introduction to count.
He feels like he’s run a fucking race for some reason – maybe it’s the whole ‘introducing Gram to the family’ thing, because his mother had been out of his life by the time they started, so he’d never really expected to be doing this, but it makes him feel all… warm, and shit, the way they’re smiling at each other.
Happiness never lasts – the sound of engines arriving outside makes Black realise he’s made an error in his timing.
“White,” he interrupts their conversation, “We need to go-“
Too late.
Sean and Yok enter.
The atmosphere around the table is tense.
It shouldn’t be – even Sean and Black don’t normally fight when there’s takeout and beer available, but the situation is a weird one. Gram hadn’t actually realised until the others arrived that they didn’t know about White, but Yok’s exaggerated reaction had made that clear enough.
He’s flattered to be the only one Black trusted as much as Gumpa. Flattered and hopeful that maybe, one day…
Anyway, the atmosphere is tense.
One reason among many that Gram shouldn’t ask, shouldn’t bring it up, but he’s only a man, okay? He hasn’t seen Black much for the past week, and he’s at least known it was because of the brother, but it doesn’t seem like White’s leaving Black’s place any time soon, and… Gram sighs.
Looking to Black’s other side, he sees what Black’s intent on staring at – White’s having a stilted, innocuous conversation with Gumpa while the others make their way through most of the food.
He nudges Black and says, “Hey, can I ask…”
“Huh?” is Black’s only reply, still staring at White.
So he nudges Black again until he turns around.
It’s stupid to ask, “With White around, will it be weird for us to,” he gestures between them with a flapping hand so he doesn’t have to say make out on your bed for hours at a time, hoping that Black – smart, good-at-communicating Black – will be able to read it.
He watches Black’s jaw twitch and hopes he hasn’t just talked himself out of that whole arrangement of theirs.
It had been a surprise, the first time – they’d been studying in his room, Gram lying on the bed and saying something he can’t remember, taking his shirt off, and when it was on the floor Black suddenly wasn’t anymore, instead being on the bed straddling Gram’s chest. All the words had drained from his brain as he tried to remember anything that wasn’t how unexpectedly hot that was of Black, and then Black’s lips had been on his, and-
“You’ve still got a room,” Black replies. “And White knows about us.”
With that, Black turns back to stare at his little brother some more. He gives Sean a warning growl; when had Sean started talking to White? He looks guilty and White confused, which is a feeling Gram also has. What the fuck?
He doesn’t know how to reply – why would Black have mentioned their arrangement to White at all? It’s not something they’ve even talked about before.
As Black drags Sean away to ‘spar’, Yok silently wishes him luck. It’s his own fault for playing up the flirting after Black noticed, though, so he doesn’t feel too bad.
Gumpa’s off to referee, and Yok says, “You guys want to watch?”
“No,” Gram says quickly, “Why would I want to do that?”
He shrugs; it was just an option.
“You don’t like to watch him fight?” White asks.
That looks like it makes Gram panic, but Yok can’t think of why. It’s better to watch Black fight than be the one he’s fighting, the guy’s a fucking beast… but now that he thinks about it, he’s a bit more gentle when he spars Gram, isn’t he? Yok can’t see why that would make watching any worse, though.
But Gram’s shaking his head and White is humming like that’s an interesting answer, already moving on to his next question.
“How long have you been together?”
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sashi-ya · 3 years
hiiii <3 i adore literally everything you write🥰💕 but i’ve literally been obsessed with the eustass x reader smut i requested “yes master”!! it’s one of my fave ever eustass smuts💗💗💘
i was wondering if you could could do a part two for it! with similar prompts to last time, you can expand on this if you want!!💗💗
thank you!!! keep up the amazing work <3
Hi!! I'm so glad you like it omg 🙈!! I hope you like this as much as the first one! Thank u so much for your sweet words darling! 💗 ~
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NSFW ~ PART 2 ~ Eustass Captain Kid x F! Reader ~ Yes, Master.
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TW: Master/Slave dynamic, usage of toys, Impact play, Rough sex, kind of public sex, vaginal sex, face fuck, cum marking, choking, hair pulling. Kind of fluffy ending? haha
A/N: This is the second part for the fic "Yes, Master" of the Spicy Week Event.
WC: 1.7K
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Since the first time Kidd and you had a session, he hasn’t had a new sub. And that felt amazing. You have travelled around the country with the band, and there hasn’t been a single night you two didn’t fuck like crazy. You usually session on the back of the bar where they had their concerts, or even on the bus when the rest of the members weren’t there.
Yet you are all on a long, long trip across the country this time, it would take at least three days to take to the other part and even if Kidd doesn’t really care about privacy, with you, is different. The singer of Punk Rotten might be reckless and all of that, but he wouldn’t like the others to hear or even see you enjoying the pleasures of lust…
Heat, the driver of the so called “Victoria Punk” trailer announces that you need gas so he enters into an isolated gas station in the middle of the night. There are no more than two gas pumps, a little store -that looks pretty abandoned- and a few yellow lights buzzing and surrounded by bugs flying around.
“Ah God, I needed to stretch my legs!” says your Master while descending the little bus. You are always next to him, almost like a little puppy following him -and that was actually your job there, but you loved it-.
“Oi, wanna go see inside the store?” Kidd tells you. You nod and follow him who has snatched your arm and is pulling you towards the little shop.
“Good evening!” an old man salutes you. You bow your head a little while Kidd's strong voice salutes him back. Everything over there is covered by a fine cape of dust, meaning the food is probably expired or at least on the verge of it.
“Oi, old-man, do you have something to drink?” asks Kidd. “Of course, sir” says the old man and points towards an old refrigerator. Some cans of beer you haven’t seen before on display, and a can of coke is what is left. Yet it seems enough for your master, so he grabs the cans and takes them to the counter. “You like coke, right?” Kidd tells you, worried for you. He genuinely cares about you even though he might look tough.
“Yes, Master. I like it” you answer obediently while squeezing the little bag you have crossed over your body. “Son, you better treat that sweet angel right there better” says the shop owner to him. Kidd looks at him with fire in his eyes, he actually really cares about you but he is not showing that to some random stranger. “Shut the hell up, old man. Keep the change and tell me please where the hell is the bathroom” he says. The man takes the money, smiles at you subtly and tells you the bathroom is at the back of the store.
Kidd opens the can for you and hands it to you, he then opens a beer and starts drinking it savagely. “Let’s go to the bathroom” he says while dragging you. You spill some of the drink over your t-shirt and follow him stumbling.
You both enter the men bathroom. It looks old, but clean. No one has been there in some time so you don’t have to worry about some unpleasant smells whatsoever. “I know it is the men's bathroom, but I’m not risking you being all alone on the other side in the middle of the night” says Kidd to you, and you are certainly pleased. There is no more than loneliness and darkness behind the place. The countryside could be scary during the night.
“You can go to the stall if you need to use the bathroom” says Kidd pointing at a green wooden box. “Yes, Master. Thank you” you say and enter the stall. After the both of you have released their bladders, you hear the water run and finally get out. “I’m ready, Master” you tell him with a subtle smile.
Kidd looks at you, and a side grin forms on his face. You know that face, and that means sex, rough sex, right now. “Well, I’m not ready, little Slave” he says, approaching you and lifting your chin up. You giggle nervously. As much as you like being fucked by him, it’s always a little intimidating…
“Do you, have it?” he asks you. “Yes, Master. I do…” you tell him and search on your little bag. You take out a bright pink little vibrator that Kidd has requested you to take in your purse every time and show it to him. “Good girl” he says and first caresses your cheek and then slaps it softly, twice. You moan at the gentle impact and wait for your Master’s orders.
“Shorts out” he commands. You do as he tells and stand there in an almost abandoned bathroom in the middle of nowhere. “Stick that vibrator in for master”.
You gently stick the fuschia toy into your entrance and let the little rubbery tail hang outside. Kidd walks up to you and takes your oversized shirt off. “Ugh those pretty tits” he grunts and squeezes one at a time.
The quivering of the toy starts making you squirm a little. “What’s wrong little slave? you can’t stand still, huh?” he says and takes his hand over your throat. “Did I tell you to move?” ... “N-no master, I’m sorry” you excuse yourself perfectly knowing that he takes no explanation.
“On your knees” he orders you, letting your already finger marked throat off. Your knees quickly hit the cold tales of the bathroom and your hands over your thighs, expectant. Kidd lowers down his zipper and his yellow pants fall into the ground. His big member out, menacing but tempting. You stick your tongue out, because he tells you so -even though there is absolutely no need of him ordering that, you love the taste of his dick so much you want to devour it every time-
The vibrator keeps working inside you, stimulating your G point, while Kid fucks your throat, mercilessly. Your hair tangled on his fingers for a better grip, while the deadly motion of his hips makes you gag. Tears running from the corner of your eyes, you gasping for air, and your core dripping wet.
The tip of his dick stretches your cheek while he pushes it from inside, the bulge forming on your face, and his big hand slapping over it several times. You moan, you whine. Kidd notices the ground under you getting wet by the arousal liquids of your incoming orgasm and tells you “Oh no no, are you already cumming? Did I give you permission to do so?”. “I’m… I’m sorry master I-I…” you mumble with his dick still inside your mouth. “Nah, no excuses Slave… You have to be punished, you know?” he says and you close your eyes anticipating what’s next. Kidd reaches your pussy and pulls from the rubbery string that hangs from the vibrator. The feeling of the little egg getting out and stretching your walls as it slides off makes you whine, loudly.
When the vibrator is out, and your orgasm has been denied, Kidd shouts “Look at me!”. You open your eyes and fix them on his. “Open your mouth” he commands and starts jerking off violently.
Grunts and manly moans escape his mouth while he reaches climax, bathing your face with his cum. You accept it gladly, a sticky warm love seed that covers not only your tongue, but also your profile and drips into your chest from your mandible.
“There you go, little slave. You look so good covered with my cum it’s almost not a punishment” he says while slowly stops the pumping motion on his dick. “Thank you, master” you tell him, smiling, tasting the sperm on your lips. “That smile, you little pervert bitch. I’m so glad you are my slave…” he says and lifts you up from your arm.
Kidd takes you to one of the three sinks and opens the tab. Cold water splashes on your face as he cleans it from his cum. “As much as I love your face covered in my jizz, it’s time to clean that up” he says. Then, your chest. The freezing cold water in contrast with the warm night makes you shiver a little, especially when it touches your nipples.
“Mhh, master…” you whine. “You like that, huh? you little bitch” he says and twists one of your already hard nipples. Once again, your moaning turns him on, and his dick is ready for another round.
“Come here, little bitch” Kidd says, and pushes you over the countertop. Your cheek pressed against the cold wet granite and your entrance perfectly aligned to be penetrated with no mercy. And that’s exactly what your master does. He doesn’t wait, your cunt dripping wet expecting to be filled by his dick drives him crazy.
Violent thrusts in and out of you, so deep inside you can feel your guts being pressed up. Spanks hit your ass repeatedly, leaving red marks that soon will turn into purple ones. Your legs turn weaker and weaker, and your bodyweight is only held by your belly pressing over the countertop as your climax is approaching.
Rolling back eyes, shivers running on your spine, degrading words by your master and violent thrusts pressing your g spot makes you finally reach the peak of pleasure. “M-master… can I… can I come??” you ask, begging him to let you finish. Kidd laughs maliciously and finally says “Cum for me, slave”. With a last deep thrust, you release the pressure forming over your lower stomach. Your whine probably was heard over the whole countryside, but you don’t really care, nor does Kidd. He finishes too, filling you up with his warm seed until you feel your womb almost exploding.
“Good slave, take it all inside for your Master” he says and bends over you, planting a sweet kiss on your cheek. It’s the first time he does it, and you can’t help but feel a hundred butterflies flying inside you… ♥ ~
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soft--dragon · 3 years
Based on this prompt here
Word Count: 1,269
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
This is completely soft, hope you enjoy lovelies!! 💙💙
Tubbo huffed to himself as he kicked a stone out of his path. He'd been feeling extra cuddly today. Hugging anyone he came across that he knew wouldn't push him away.
Ranboo, Foolish, Puffy, Sam, Karl, Quackity, Fundy and even Sapnap had all been given a hug. But for some reason, the need for contact persisted.
Tubbo spotted the person he'd been looking for since the start of the day and immediately broke into a sprint.
"Tommy!" He yelled, and leapt at the boy.
"Tubbo- SHIT!" Tommy barely managed to catch his small friend, stumbling backwards but lost his footing and fell.
Tubbo was half laying atop Tommy's torso, arms wrapped around his middle and face pressed into his chest. Tommy's own arms came to encircle him on instinct, a shakey laugh emitting from his mouth.
"What the fuck Tubbo? Give a man some warning next time!" He exclaimed.
Tubbo gave him a small squeeze then tilted his head up, peering up at his best friend with a wide smile. "Hiiii" he dragged out the greeting.
Tommy smiled back, face void of any real annoyance. "Hi" he patted Tubbo's shoulder. "Why the tackle hug?"
Tubbo shrugged, dropping his face back onto Tommy's chest. "Felt like it."
Tommy sighed fondly and rested his head back. "I saw you do something similar to Karl earlier today."
Tubbo giggled, remembering the high pitched scream Karl gave when Tubbo jumped onto his back with no warning. "Yeah, felt like hugging people today."
"Yeah?" Tommy said curiously. "Any reason why?"
"Dunno" Tubbo shrugged again. "The feeling hasn't gone away, and you're the eighth person I've hugged."
"The eighth?!" Tommy squawked. "Why didn't you come to me first!?"
Tubbo laughed. "Clinginnit?" He teased.
"Fuck off" Tommy puffed his cheeks out in a pout.
Tubbo squeezed him in the hug reassuringly. "I couldn't find you earlier, other wise you would've been my first victim."
Tommy laughed. "Victim?"
"There's no escape from a Tubbo Hug!" Tubbo held on tighter with a wide grin, giggling at the amused wheeze Tommy gave.
"Oh no! Someone save me! I'm going to get snuggled to death!" Tommy cried out in mock fear, making a show of trying to push Tubbo off who refused to budge.
"Nope! No savior for you, Mr Innit! You're mine now!"
The two boys broke into giggles, not caring how stupid they looked lying on the grass in each other's arms.
It had been awhile since they'd acting like children.
Tubbo calmed down after a moment and gave a long sigh. Tommy caught the low tone of the exhale and looked up at his friend.
"You alright big man?"
Tubbo rested his chin on Tommy's chest. "I don't know why I still feel like this Tommy" he admitted. "I want physical contact but no amount of hugs will do anything."
Tommy frowned. "Weird."
"Weirdchamp" Tubbo mumbled making Tommy smile.
Another minute passes before Tubbo noticed the position he and Tommy were in. Tommy's practically trapped him against his chest, one hand resting on his back, the other on his side.
Maybe if hugs didn't help his longing for contact...then maybe something specific would?
He couldn't just ask Tommy for this of course. No, his pride was too big for that. He'd have to find another way around it.
Fortunately, his hands were also tactically placed, both on Tommy's stomach.
He grinned to himself and made sure Tommy couldn't see his face as he dragged his nails along the fabric of Tommy's shirt in slow motions.
Tommy visibly stiffened, hands tightening a little around his friend.
"Toms? You alright?" Tubbo smirked but kept his tone light and confused. The picture of innocence despite knowing full well what he was doing.
"Ye-Yeah" Tommy masked a small giggle with clearing is throat. "I'm fine-" Tommy fully bit on his lip to stop a squeak from emitting when Tubbo's hands came too close to his lower ribs on his back.
"Tubbo- c-could you stop that?"
"Why? What's wrong Tommy?" Tubbo asked, drawing little shapes along Tommy's sides, his touch remaining featherlight.
"I- you're trying to tickle me, you jerk!" Tommy squeaked in realization, pushing Tubbo's hands away.
"Noooooo" Tubbo dragged out the word with a grin.
"You were!" Tommy wrapped his arms around Tubbo and rolled over. Tubbo being pinned to the ground on his stomach by Tommy's weight above him.
"Tommy!" Tubbo yelped, laughing as he tried to get his arms free of Tommy's grip that still held him in a hug.
"Admit it asshole!"
"I wasn't!" Tubbo denied with a wide smile.
"Oh yeah?" Tommy raised a brow. "Don't believe you."
He dropped his head to blow a raspberry on the back of Tubbo's neck.
"NOHAHA! TOHOHohohomy!" Tubbo cried, breaking into a fit of flustered giggles instantly.
"Suffer bitch" Tommy replied, he took his arms from around the smaller boy and dug into his shoulder blades.
"AHAHA! TOHOHAMAHAHAY!" Tubbo squirmed against the ground, face flushing bright pink. He didn't even know he was ticklish on his back!
Tommy, however, had been subjected to back tickles from Wilbur more than once and was well aware how ticklish it could be. He dug his fingers into the divots of Tubbo's ribs, scuttling along his spine and spidering across the backs of his arms.
Tubbo twisted on the ground, scrabbling at the grass and laughing wildly. He attempted to speak but his voice kept cutting out from his constant stream of giggles. Tommy picked up on it and smirked playfully.
"You're awfully giggly Tubbo, can you try not laughing while you're speaking to me please? I can barely understand you."
Tubbo shook his head, only laughing harder as Tommy's nails hit a sensitive spot.
After a few minutes, Tommy paused his hands much to Tubbo's surprise and disappointment. His lingering giggles still kept him smiling as he turned to look at Tommy over his shoulder. The boy was watching him curiously, his eyes dancing.
"W-Whahat?" Tubbo asked, genuinely confused by the look Tommy was giving him.
Tommy started to smile. "You haven't asked me to stop once."
Tubbo blushed darkly. "Well- I- you looked like you were having fun-"
Tommy was full on grinning now. "Mhm, right."
He didn't continue and Tubbo mentally groaned. Tommy was really gonna do this to him, wasn't he?
"I...I was also- kinda... having fun? I guess..."
Tubbo heard Tommy giggle behind him and felt his cheeks burn.
"Yeah? So what do you want me to do now Tubs?"
Oh god. His best friend was evil.
Tubbo giggled, slightly hysterical. "Tohohommy" he whined.
"Jesus Christ can you please just...ti-tickle me?" His voice trailed off shyly.
Tommy huffed a fond laugh. "Absolutely."
The tickling returned to his back. It was softer than it was before, but it felt so nice. The nagging need for contact disappeared and Tubbo sighed blissfully through his content giggles. Tommy smiled down at him.
"This good?"
"You've practically melted" Tommy remarked with a soft laugh. "It's adorable."
"Oh huhuhush" Tubbo giggled, his blush dusting his cheeks.
Tommy giggled quietly, continuing the gentle tickles across Tubbo's back, occasionally shifting to his sides which made the boy flinch with a soft squeak.
The tickles eventually turned into a massage which turned to Tubbo being sleepily lead to his house by Tommy who realized his friend was about to fall asleep right then and there on the grass. He gently pushed the boy down onto the bed and dragged the covers over him.
"Sleep well" Tommy smiled fondly and left quietly, leaving Tubbo to snooze peacefully.
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mazojo · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Opinions
As always its that time of the year I pretend to be an anime connoisseur and leave my review on this seasons anime so take it with a grain of salt asdfgh from the one I enjoyed the least to the most.
Wave!!: Surfing Yappe!! (TV)
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You are seeing currently the only probably best thing about Wave asdfghj Tanaka bby I am SO sorry you got stuck here,,,,, Its bad because I had so many expectations for Wave but it just...... isn’t very good? The characters feel 2 dimensional, animation is veeeery average and the plot is all over the place? Dont even get me started on the Shou situation plot device that they just brushed over and went on with and,,,,,big sigh
Urasekai Picnic
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To be honest is not very fair to compare this one to the rest as ive only watched the first 2 eps but ill catch up eventually asdfghj its not bad just that the plot didnt capture me as much as I hoped but the two main characters cutiess the plot just confuses me asdfgh but I don't have much to say about it
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
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So uh anyways Chile I don't wanna talk about it the only reason this is not dead last is because RayEmma cute moments but yeah don't watch this clown show go read the manga for self care ✨
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
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The only reason this is here is because she. The main girl I cant remember the name of sucks and main dude is very normal asdfgh the plot is basically “Want people to like you? change everything about yourself and become a normie robot!!!” ASDFGHJ Like its so over the top and cringe at times it becomes very confusing but hey I am not caught up either so I may change opinions (x doubt tho)
2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
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From this point onwards I basically like everything. 2.43 Started suuuuper strong for me, definitely thought it would be one of my favs this season but as the eps went by I just.... kinda lost interest asdfgh? Like its not bad, but its a sort of mix between Stars Align and Haikyuu where I would have loved a more character based story with dark subplots like Stars Align but got the parts I always criticize about Haikyuu were there was a point I didn't really knew any of the characters? ASDFGH like the enemy team is super cool and Love their designs but if you ask me to tell you anything about them I already forgot rip. Its still cute and the animation is cool but yeah it kind of disappointed me in the end a bit ;w;
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
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AOT Is so sexci because it keeps on hurting me and I come back every-time for it ASDFGHJ Not much to say that hasn't been said, characters are super interesting, plot is a bit confusing at times for me to follow but amazing and I just :))) could go on about certain characters :))))) but I wont :))))
Wonder Egg Priority
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Wonder egg priority is very talked about right now so I wont get too much into it other than definitely give it a watch if you like the more philosophical and “makes you reflect on your life choices” sort of anime ASDFGHJ the visuals are stunning and the characters very well build, although I am very confused at times I am still enjoying it tons ^^ Trigger warning however for some heavy topics I recommend checking the warnings before watching it <3
Kemono Jihen
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I LOVE THEM OKaY? asdfghjk Kemono Jihen gives me the found family topes and I eat them all right up, I love the characters , their designs, the plot, everything. To be fair tho, I did enjoy the manga more than the anime but maybe its a pacing thing? idk but I definitely recommend 100% taking on the manga and maybe after watch the anime but I am enjoying it tons!!
Kai Byoui Ramune
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This one may come as a surprise lol?? Like I haven't seen a single soul talk about Ramune but like??? I am actually enjoying it a lot?? and look forward every week for the ep? asdfghj Like yes I will be the first to admit the animation isn't really the beeeeest out there but the plot is funny while also being serious, the characters are quirky and interesting to keep the flow going and I am liking the undertone heavy messages? the soundtrack also slaps imo and yeah I would definitely say to watch the first ep and if you like that sort of dynamic take it up on the rest!
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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Okay I will be the first one to admit this is just me being trash for the idol shows but like?? its my list so I get to decide which found family I am screaming about next ASDFGHJ. As an avid A3 stan this gave me serious vibes of my boys (plus they were made form the same company so like not very surprised there loll) and like I think the characters are cute with adorable relationships and cute songs and its just a lighthearted show I sit down every Wednesday and smile through the 25 minutes so yes I Chu deserves a high spot and yes I recommend it even if it has like a 6.3 on myanimelist sksksks
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
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Look at Gen!!!! enough reasons to watch dr stone!!!! ASDFGH but in all seriousness I....... love them okAy? The plot is amazing and the characters are super entertaining (hiiii Ukyo Gen Senku and Chrome muak) and although it may seem a bit slower paced than first season the arc is gonna get better and better and the finale is gonna be great if they stick to the manga. Only sad that I dont get to see my pirate fuckboy but we better be getting a third season
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
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when I say this is the happiness of all my Tuesdays I ain’t even exaggerating ASDFGHJ Does this have an important plot? no. Is it transcending to animation? not really. Is it BSD content I've been starving for? absolutely!!! Tbh I see my favorite anime characters in chibi version and I go feral, go watch BSD pogg!!
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Me?? searching for that one gif of the side ship scene am obsessed over?? more likely than you think ASDFGH Horimiya holds a special place in my heart because it was the first manga I ever read and the nostalgia is stroNG,,,,,, The plot isn't anything really transcending but the way the characters are captured the feelings just,,,,,, stan!! Also Yuki x Tooru supremacy !
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Okaaaaay this is also me being a bitch for sports anime but like, again, are we surprised?? ASDFGHJ It may be my love for Hayato speaking but ive absolutely loves Skate Leading Stars, I love the group, the main characters, the ships, the routines and its so pretty and they are in love and like the competition and asdfgh its gOoD OKaY??? Watch it if anything for Hayato 👉🏻 👈🏻 My bastard bitch I love the gremlin.
Beastars 2nd Season
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I think we are all sleeping on Beastars brushing it off as a furry show. I don’t speak enough about it and I am not one to go about poetic cinemaness on main but beastars is a very poetic cinema show and yall sleeping on it. Coming from someone who was uncomfortable at first with the whole animal relationships part at first, just know beastars is so much more than that, it has a complicated plot with critics about the society within the show with amazing characters, great soundtrack and animation plus banger plot. Pina, Jack, Juno and Legoshi best characters and every week I look forward for the next eps so I hope yall go give it some love.
SK8 The Infinity
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If it wasnt clear from my spam every Saturday that I am absolutely in love with this show I dont know what to tell you ASDFGHJ. Sk8 has an amazing range of characters I find fascinating, specially Reki, very much so everything Reki asdfgh but yeah!! Its super entertaining with an interesting plot and its definetely becoming one of my favorite animes because the amount of times ive rewatched the episodes to cope is kind of embarrassing lmaooo, definetely give it a try although I understand its not for everyone but like,,,,, do it for Reki? 🤧👉🏻👈🏻
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it’s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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chrsitophwaltz · 3 years
Hiiii! I just finished re-reading your “Symmetry” series on ao3, and I just wanted to say how much I love it! Thrawn is so in character and Amillia is an amazing OC, and I thoroughly enjoy their interactions (that Empire Day Ball arc in “Perhaps Not” is so so good, I don’t know if I want to laugh, cry or what. I know I want to lock them in a closet for a long while, that’s for sure…!). And your supporting characters are really well written too. I particularly love Eli’s insightfulnes and curiosity. And Krennic! He hasn’t been featured much but boy is he well written. He is such a flirt and I am here for it! 😂 Also, I have always hated Pryce, but I feel that my hatred will reach new levels with this fic.
Part II of “Perhaps Not” looks like it’s going to be incredibly interesting as well. I have so many questions and cannot wait to see what you do with the story! I love that there’s apparently going to be some sith lore as part of the plot, and I’m really curious about the Professor (especially since Amillia’s dad was a war historian/academic… did these two know each other?), and I look forward to seeing how it ties to the main plot, particularly since Thrawn accepted Pryce’s offer (will he end up going to Lothal? I low-key don’t want him to, since we know how that ends from Rebels…).
I know you haven’t updated the story in a while, and don’t know if you have any interest un doing so, but if you do, know that you have a fan over here cheering you on (I know that writing for a niche fandom can be a bit discouraging). If you ever need motivation in the form of someone to nerd out about Thrawn, you can count on me!
Sending you all the good vibes through the Force!
Also, here’s a Thrawn gif that accurately shows how I feel about your fics.
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hold on hold on excuse me i’m sorry *squeals into the void*
thank you so much! 💙 this was such a pleasant surprise and knowing that some people still read (and reread? all 80k+ words of it?! amazing) it warms my heart. you’ve made my entire holiday season and for that i thank you again 🥺
answers to your questions are below because i know i’ll word vomit lmao
god that empire day arc was fun but hell to write. not only because it spanned 4 chapters but because it was like herding cats 🤣 i didn’t even mean to end it like that but yeah this thing has a mind of its own
i appreciate you liking the support characters! i love eli and faro too so they definitely have parts to play! there’s also no ball if krennic and his cape couldn’t make an appearance so i’m glad you enjoyed him as much as i do (even if everybody else in the story didn’t hehe). and this might come as a surprise but i actually don’t hate pryce? she’s a lot, but like everything she will have her part to play. unfortunately, she didn’t make a good impression with the batonn incident and that marked her as a threat in amillia’s eyes.
we’ve only scratched the surface with part 1. if i actually get my brain working, we’ll have more surprises and lore in store for part 2. other readers had their theories about the professor and what’s going on so there’s a lot of possibilities in the mix there. stealing from sith vaults doesn’t go unpunished 😉 it only gets crazier from here (according to what my outline tells me)
finally, as someone crazy enough to tackle a star wars story with an original character, i really appreciate you liking amillia. i figured thrawn has enough on his plate, so why not make his life harder with amillia and imperial intelligence breathing down his neck? 😜 those two have a lot to sort out and want nothing to do with each other at this point (or so they say to themselves) but the Force and the universe have other ideas of course. not to mention palpatine and other unknown enemies lurking beyond the borders...
thank you again for your continued support. i don’t know if we’ve interacted before in the comments section...? if we did, hello again! if not and this is our first interaction, hello! i was never going to abandon it and have plans for the next 5 chapters at least, but this was a great motivator for me to continue. hope to hear from you in the future once i get it going again! 💙
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
Hello! I’d love to request a romantic matchup, as I’m an absolute sucker for those. Pls take your with this, and drink some water!
So first of, I’m 18 and het female. Appearance wise I’m a tiny (on a good day) 5’1 with, as of rn, pastel purple hair—I change my hair colour frequently. I have quite the defined hourglass shape, which I lowkey hate because finding clothes is a nightmare... the only feature I really like apart from that are my freckles. Besides that, I love fashion, and i spend quite some time on trying out new hairstyles and clothing combinations. So yeah that’s it appearance-wise.
To be succinct, I’m an ENTP-T (HI KIN). I’m usually quite determined, stubborn, blunt, rational, and quick witted, but I try to be softer and more careful with my words around the people I love. My main quality is really just my galaxy brain (yay me, intelligence saves me from being a complete arsehole), although I always try my best to help the people around me (which can sometimes become overbearing, I’m sure). I have random periods where I just... succumb to being a crackhead. I’m not the biggest fan of always being serious, so I want to let loose sometimes. Tho one big issue I have, is that social cues and emotions are just really not my area of expertise. I have absolutely no idea how to act in most situations, and while it’s gotten better (i was unbearable to be around when I was younger) I’m vvv awkward and can easily be rude (accidentally... sometimes at least) djdjdjieks. Also, I’m such an annoying smartass, I’m sorry to everyone.
Hobbies and Interests/Dislikes:
For hobbies, I have too many in true ENTP fashion. Although, I mainly focus on dancing, writing, and... is hanging out with friends a hobby??? Idk, but I love spending time with my loved ones. I also quite like baking and I’m a huge simp for Shakespeare—well, his works that is, and for general English literature. I also love gaming, history, and debate. Another important thing for me is topics like feminism, gender equality and all that good stuff. I’m not really an activist (too much stuff on my hands I guess?) but I’m very passionate about these topics—and easily get into arguments about it. Dislikes—well, the usual ones like unnecessary hate and stuff like that, but specifically, I absolutely abhor when someone judges and condemns someone else—who hasn’t done anything against them—without even knowing their story. Also, ignorance is annoying af.
Some other stuff uwu:
For preferred traits in a partner: First of, my love language is Quality Time (we don’t need a big adventure or anything) and Acts of Service. I’m vvv averse to physical touch in a romantic sense and I need my s/o to respect the fact that it’d take me a long long time to get used to him initiating smth. Trauma tingz... I know it unfair tho, as some people just need that, so I try to compromise as much as possible. Communication is super important to me. Keeping your secrets are alright, and if you’re shy or anything that’s also cool, but if I seriously ask you about smth, I’d rather you wouldn’t lie just to spare my feelings. Also, I need someone who isn’t afraid to voice their opinion if it differs my own. I’m quite into debating—over any topic, really. Thus, I might come off as rudely argumentative (which I guess I am), but it’s mostly just a matter of enjoying the mental thrill and wanting someone to consider my perspective/explain their perspective to me. Patience is another trait I really need in someone. I have ADHD, so even if I try my best to listen, I might have to ask if you could repeat whatever you just said. Also the bouts of random forgetting, my occasional impatience... yeah, adhd things. Beyond that, I believe that if you truly love someone, you can grow with them and work around any negativity.
Can’t really think of anything else rn. Thank you for doing this 💜💜💜 take care and drink some water
Hiiii! Omg I'm ENTP/INTP -T too! We chaotic as fuck. Anywayyy, here we go!
I match you with ... Zhongli!
- Ah yes, Geo Daddy himself.
- I think that Zhongli is one of those people who highly value intelligence. He's been around for a while now and seen a lot of things. Obviously, he knows that most people can't begin to approach the amount of knowledge he has accumulated over time. That's why meeting you is a pleasant surprise.
- He's an incredibly patient and supportive person so he'll have no problem entertaining your crazy ENTP ideas or any of the things that come out of crackhead hours.
- He'd like the interest you have in fashion. There's something charming about the way humans like to accessorize and change up their appearance and you do a good job of it.
- It's a good thing you like history because this guy will 100% go on long tangents about the history of the land. If you try to correct him on something, he might try to fight you. The best part is that he doesn't even realize he's doing it, he just doesn't see how he could be wrong about something like that when he's been around to see it all. Have fun with those debates... Thankfully, he doesn't mind your argumentative nature and tends to deal with it pretty calmly which just calms your down too.
- Imagine though, dates where you guys burst into old libraries or bookstores. You had just disagreed on a certain technicality of Liyue's history at sea and you are determined to be right this time. The two of you spend hours scanning over books and asking the various historians always conversing around the restaurants and at the wharf. You guys actually end up kind of attracting a bit of attention, since people find it cute that you're trying to outsmart THE Zhongli. Plot twist...
"See! I told you it was 254 years ago! You were thinking of something else!" You raise the parchment you have been pouring over for the past few minutes triumphantly over your head before presenting it to Zhongli.
The man in question takes the paper, scanning it quickly before looking back to you. "Hm, I suppose you are correct."
"I win!" Your smug little smile is full of pride as you place your hands on your hips. Perhaps to others, losing such an argument would be disagreeable but Zhongli finds it adorable more than anything else.
"Yes you do my love. Yes you do..."
- His love language is quality time too! You guys spend a lot of time just wandering around Liyue Harbor together, literally just chilling or sipping tea on the veranda, enjoying each other's company.
- Basically you have one of those relationships where you can be both very active and very chill together.
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Alright there we go! I swapped out my coffee for water just for you :). Hope you enjoyed!
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