#also hi hello i fell down the stairs last night and i am suffering today
austerulous · 1 year
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Okay, so I had been alternating between the beta and legacy editors, but now I think I’m ready to commit to the bit with the former.
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Sand and Stars - Chapter Two
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Series Summary: After the water pump being blown up, the insurgents in Baqubah are taking a hold of the food supply to the village. Camp Warhorse is in dire need of reinforcements. It has been eight months of submitting countless requests when the High Command commissions Sergeant Olivia Ross to take her group of men and women and help Captain Syverson and his team to restore a semblance of normalcy. But with the war raging, does it get two hearts closer too?
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC x OMC
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+, Mentions of war, military technicalities, smut in future chapters
A/N: Hello peeps! I hope you are enjoying this series. Please comment and reblog if you like it. It’s always good to hear that your work it appreciated. And massive thanks to @thelastsock for being my beta, who is immensely talented and the sweetest person ever! ❤️
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<Chapter One
Title: Chapter Two
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As the golden rays of the sun peered from the horizon, the living quarters came to life. Olivia was the first to jump into the shower, with Sloan and Sierra joining in by occupying the other booth, sometime after.
They had the food truck retrieval on their agenda today. But before that, the ladies, and everyone else in their unit had to carry out their scheduled morning workout. 
Olivia walked to the gym downstairs feeling fresh after the much needed shower. Everyone had retreated to their quarters last night, matted with sand and sweat, only cleaning themselves with a wet towel owing to water scarcity in the camp. As she reached the open doorway to the gym, she instantly spotted Schmidt lifting weights with the other men. A boombox sat on a table on one corner, blasting rock music from its speakers.
“The level of testosterone in this place is maddening,” Sloan groaned from beside her.
Olivia whinced as the song played a displeasing high note of an electric guitar. The gruff laughter of the men, along with the loud music was not the first thing she wanted to wake up to. “How about we go to the roof instead?” Olivia suggested, shrugging her shoulders. 
Half an hour into their workout, Sloan groaned under the heat. She pulled her blond hair up in a bun and sat on the ledge of the rooftop. Olivia got a couple more of her crunches done, the back of her t-shirt sticking to her body with her sweat. Sierra was staying put in a plank, Olivia always admired how this woman, even after bearing two kids, had an excellent core strength.
“Look at these guys,” Sloan commented, looking down from the roof. “They so bulky and unkempt.”
Olivia sat up, crossing her legs and grabbing her bottle of water. “You checking out the SF guys?”
“Yeah. Yesterday one of them, BJ was he? Was staring at my ass as I walked past him.”
Sierra stood up from her plank position and walked up to where Sloan sat. She ran a hand through her brown bob and looked down at the men. “I don’t know, they look rough and tough. Like, come on, they aren’t exactly Abercrombie & Fitch, but some of them are easy on the eyes.”
“Syverson, you mean?” Sloan nudged her friend. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you let out that low whistle when he spoke.”
“You know I am weak for the southern twang. And has a buzz cut ever looked that sexy on anyone?”
Olivia rolled her eyes watching Sierra fan herself while Sloan shook her head in disbelief. Pushing herself off of the floor, Olivia stretched her arms above her head. “Tell that to your British husband.” She poked the tip of her empty bottle in Sierra’s belly.
“Come on, Sarge. Tell me you didn’t find the Captain sexy.” Sierra wiggled her eyebrows at Olivia, giving her shoulders a shake too.
“Maybe she’s missing Captain Coop,” It was now Sloan’s turn to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively. She jumped down from the ledge and grabbed her own bottle. “Tell us, Sarge. Is he good in bed?”
“I think he’s so vanilla. Syverson seems like hot chocolate. Yum.” Sierra content with her comment, laughed along with Sloan. With her arm perched on Sloan’s shoulder, Sierra waited for an answer from their Sergeant.
“Guys, we have important work to do today.” Olivia let out her braid, letting her sweaty hair dry. “Come on,” she tilted her head towards the broken door of the roof.
Both women rolled their eyes at her, not stretching the topic further. Although when they were walking away, Sierra added a cheeky “I bet Syverson is an ass-man,” making Olivia shake her head.
But now that she was alone, she allowed herself a moment to think. She wouldn’t lie to herself, she found Sy to be very appealing to the eyes. The command he had over his men was also palpable. He hadn’t addressed them in front of her, but even in a laid-back manner, they seemed to be respectful of him.
With a warmth creeping on her already flushed skin, Olivia's thoughts turned to how he had checked her out. He was trying to be discreet, but she had noticed how his gaze had washed over hers when she had stood in front of him in the office. But, she was no innocent maiden either. Like for instance, when he had been looking down towards the map, pointing out the routes and places to hit for the food truck, she had noticed a few details about him. They were subtle attributes like the bridge of his nose, how his lashes looked thicker than hers, how his scruffy beard concealed most of his face, making her fingers tickle with the urge to touch it.
Olivia let out a slow breath, turning to look beyond the compound. It was not the time, or the place to be thinking about the physical features of her captain. They were in the middle of a war and she was here for a particular mission. Besides, she wasn't sure they were on good terms right now.
Shouldn’t have lashed out at him about being checked out when I was doing the same to him.
Her eyes fell towards the Humvees getting prepped with ammo and men getting ready to head out. She was bunching up her damp hair, to tie it up in an army regulated 'bun' to avoid violation of the dress code, when she caught sight of the Captain.
Sy stood in a black t-shirt and cargo shorts, holding a cup in his hand. A green spray-painted German Shepherd stood near his feet, wagging it’s tail and tongue lolling out of it’s mouth. The more Olivia looked at Sy the more she leaned towards agreeing that Sierra was right. Buzz cut hair never looked so good on anyone she had ever met.
Olivia’s mouth fell open when Sy looked up towards the roof, directly at her. Her hands fell down to her sides as they both stared back at each other. She watched as a smirk appeared on his bearded face while he brought his cup up to his mouth. Even from this distance she could notice how after taking a sip he licked his lips, darting only the tip of his tongue out.
“Yo, Red!” The sudden call from Schmidt standing just below the one-story building, wearing his gear and black sunglasses covering his eyes, broke the semi-trance Olivia had going on with Syverson. “We need to roll out.”
She nodded at her comrade, throwing a last look at a smiling Sy, before heading down towards their room. This was unacceptable. Get your head in the game, Liv. She scolded herself, a frown forming on her face as she ran down the stairs.
It was almost sundown when the troops finally came back to Warhorse. Olivia let the chopper hover over the camp while the last of the Humvee travelling behind the tarp-covered truck, entered the compound. They had noticed a few cars driving up to the mountain while the on-ground crew had spoken to the truck driver. Olivia was aware that they weren’t supposed to fire until they were getting attacked, but her fingers had hovered over the trigger to their machine guns attached to the chopper as a precaution. 
Luckily for them, the cars had driven off without any sort of trouble. The rest of their route back had been mostly uneventful with one of their men singing “Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain” making everyone laugh over the comms. Olivia, unlike her own no-nonsense superiors, usually let her unit members have fun from time to time. She believed to earn respect, it wasn't necessary to make them bend the knee to her.
As soon as the skids hit the dirt, her eyes seemed to lock onto Syverson. He stood near their main wing in the same clothes, patting on the backs of his men as they walked back to their building.
“That seemed easy,” Schmidt cracked his neck, shrugging his shoulders to loosen his muscles. She could also feel the stiffness in her neck from sitting in the chopper, tensed and worried about the ground force. “This will feel like a vacation, huh Red? Work only once a week.” He laughed, joining the other men as they jumped out of their vehicles.
She smiled at him, stopping to watch the SF men helping her guys to unload the contents of the food truck. She spotted a body walking towards her from the corner of her eyes. She chose to look on ahead, counting the number of crates being offloaded, without glancing to her side.
“You did good, Red.” Sy’s gruff voice sounded from beside her. The use of her nickname sent weird sparks down her spine. “You scared off everyone with your chopper blades.”
Olivia couldn’t help but let herself smile. She would like to believe she did scare off the insurgents. “Would that suffice for everyone?” She jutted her chin, indicating the cartons of food being placed on the ground.
Sy let out a heavy sigh. “Will have to. Can’t let the locals suffer because of us.”
“What if they don’t care about us helping them?”
“We still do it. That’s our job.” She looked to Sy after he spoke. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his lips pursed together as he observed his boys taking the cartons to storage. Her eyes lingered on his, the evening sun making them look like two limpid pools of blue. She was aware she was staring but in a deeply cliched moment, she couldn’t avert her eyes.
“Like what you see, Sergeant?” The smugness in his voice was unmistakable. She quickly looked away and down towards her shoes, vaguely noticing the sand stuck to the eyelets and the scuff marks on the toe caps. 
Even though her ears warmed up from being caught red-handed, she was quick in gathering her wits around the awkward moment. She looked up again without much consideration towards him and turned to walk away. But before she was out of his ear shot, she couldn't resist adding, “I’ve seen better.”
Sy’s laugh, loud and filled with spirits, made her bite her lip as she smiled and sauntered back to their designated wing. Two things she was glad about right now. One, about Schmidt being right, this definitely felt more like a vacation. And two, Syverson and her weren’t exactly butting heads.
Olivia refused to accept it, but it really warmed her heart and she looked forward to the coming days.
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Chapter Three>
✨Series Masterlist✨
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Tags: @wanderlustkitkat @michelehansel @stephartrave @yuhsophie @hennerslionhat @henrythickcavill @eldarwen333 @peakygroupie @klaine-92 @thelastsock @indigosaurus @oddsnendsfanfics @viking-raider @cavillliketravel @geralt-of-baevia @achaoticaugust @dancingwendigo @littlefreya @luclittlepond @mansaaay @agniavateira @inlovewithhisblueeyes @henryobsessed @henryfanfics101 @poucinette1333 @ohmygoodie @oolicity @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @asyverson @summersong69 @awhitewolfandhisvibraniumshield
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Have Your Name (And Your Back) Chapter 1
(This is a continuation of AU-gust Day 31: Fantasy + Crime, but you don’t need to read it because chapter one is nearly identical to the one-shot)
Patton has never had a happy life, being an abused slave to his own parents, but it's the only life he's ever known. So when he unknowingly gives his name to multiple fairies, essentially giving away his life, Patton doesn't know what to do. Luckily, their head Fairy Roman has claimed Patton as his godson. And while the Fairies have his name, they also have his back.
Masterlist | Chapter 2
Patton grunted as he scrubbed the floors with all the energy he had. He bit back a whimper as his back throbbed from the fresh bruises and cuts. He wasn’t allowed to make a sound until he was asked a question. Patton knew that if he was too loud, his back wouldn’t be the only thing bruised.
“BOY!” Patton’s head snapped up to see his mother at the top of the staircase. Patton made sure to keep direct eye contact, partly because it was required and partly because his mother was wearing nothing but a loose sheer robe.
“Yes, ma’am?” Patton internally winced at the pain in his voice. Showing weakness just meant worse punishments.
Luckily she didn’t seem to notice, making her way down the stairs to the parlor. “Stop scrubbing the tiles. Your work was…” she sneered at the pristine floors, so clean she could almost use it as a mirror. “...adequate. Apparently we will have guests coming over for dinner tonight. Pasta won’t be enough for tonight. Since we haven’t been able to get a new chef yet, you’ll need to prepare a meal for the seven of us. Just cook up a few chickens and serve it with the pasta and salad.” She turned and started to walk away.
Patton whimpered. “The chickens?” That meant that he’d have to… k-kill the chickens.
Suddenly, a hand collided with his cheek. Patton reeled back, falling onto the ground behind him. Patton’s mother stood above him, fuming. “What did you say, boy!?”
Patton bit back a whimper. “Nothing, ma’am.”
She gave him a look before huffing, storming up the stairs. “We better have a perfect dinner tonight, boy! Or you’ll wish for a fate worse than death!”
Patton forced himself to stand up, ignoring the pain as dread forced its way into his system. He grabbed the cleaning supplies and limped his way over to the kitchen, putting them in their respective places. He then opened the door from the kitchen to the backyard, whimpering as a few drops of heavy rain hit his skin. He made it around halfway to the coop before collapsing.
Patton let out a strangled sob as everything hit him at once. The pain in his back from his previous beating. The pain in his knees and arms from scrubbing the floor for several hours. The pain in his face from talking out of turn. The pain from the heavy raindrops hitting his skin and freezing his bones. The pain in his heart from what he had to do.
Patton continued to cry, unaware that the rain had stopped. Or, more importantly, that the rain had somehow shifted to where the area around Patton remained dry; and the area around the manor’s windows increased with vigor, making it impossible to see anything from inside the manor.
Patton heard the sound of a twig snapping off to his left and immediately sat up, forcing his tears to stop flowing (a trick he’d found useful over the years). He internally frowned at the mud on his clothes before forcing a smile onto his face. He turned to look at the person approaching, confusion rising in the back of his mind. His parents had fired all of the staff over the past few years, and the guests weren’t scheduled to arrive until later tonight. And there was no way that his parents would be found outside in the mud. So who could it be?
Standing a few feet away from Patton was a young man, around 30 years old in appearance. He wore a simple black suit with a blood-red undershirt and handkerchief. His dark brown hair was perfectly arranged, and his tanned skin looked flawless. His dark green eyes pierced their way into Patton’s soul. (Patton was so busy observing the man’s ethereal beauty, he didn’t even realize that the man was completely dry). The man smiled at Patton, showing his perfectly white teeth. “Hello, young one.” His voice was deep and smooth, reminding Patton of a warm fire after a long day of work. “What is your name?”
Patton let out a shaky breath. The man was a stranger, and it would make sense not to talk to strangers. But Patton’s learned from experience that he would be in pain if he didn’t answer questions when asked. “My name is Patton, sir.”
The man’s smile widened slightly. “Patton, what a lovely name.” Patton shivered as the words brushed across his skin. “Tell me, Patton, why are you crying?”
Patton started crying again, not realizing that he was more eager to speak than normal. “I-I have t-to kill the chickens.” He whimpered out, wincing as one of his tears rolled over a cut on his jaw.
The man frowned, tilting his head to the side. “Why must you kill the chickens?”
Patton let out another sob. “We have guests arriving for dinner, and mother wants me to cook some of the chickens for supper.”
The man smiled. “Oh, have you never killed a chicken before?”
Patton shook his head. “No, sir. Ever since father fired the cook, I’ve been buying meat from the market. But we were on such short notice, and we have no meat beyond the chickens in the coop.”
The man’s expression darkened. “I assumed that your parents worked in the manor.”
Patton shook his head. “No, sir. My parents are Lord and Lady Hart. There are no more workers in the manor.”
The man frowned. “I was unaware that the Harts had any children. And how do they keep the manor in such pristine condition without anyone to take care of it.”
Patton smiled slightly, glad to prove his usefulness. “I am the only child of Lord and Lady Hart. And I am the one who takes care of the manor!”
The man furrowed his eyebrows. “You keep this entire manor in this condition. You can’t be any older than 10!”
Patton’s smile fell slightly. Yes, he did look quite young, with his blonde curly hair and big blue eyes, freckles scattered across his bruised skin. And maybe he was quite small, around the height of a 10-year-old and so skinny that most of his bones were showing. But it still hurt to be called a child. “I’m 14, sir.”
The man’s face was now blank. “What?”
Patton felt another chill go up his spine, but he forced himself to keep his voice from shaking as he spoke. “I turn 15 in the fall.” It was currently spring, when the rains were heavy and the winter chill was barely letting up.
The man smiled again. Even though there was no difference between this smile and the last one, something told Patton that this one was forced. “Ah, how I love birthdays. How will you celebrate it?”
Patton tilted his head to the side, confused. “Celebrate?”
The man clenched his fist slightly, but his smile and relaxed posture stayed the same. “Well, Patton, I came bearing a gift.” He knelt down to where Patton was still sitting on the ground. “Have you ever heard of a Fairy Godmother?”
Patton thought for a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t believe I have, sir.”
The man frowned slightly before smiling again. “Well, in most tales, a young maiden in need will be blessed with a Fairy Godmother, who helps them achieve their dreams.” He brought his hand up to cup Patton’s bruised cheek. The hand was extremely warm compared to the chilly air, and Patton leaned into the touch. “A Fairy Godfather, on the other hand, is slightly different. They can protect young humans who have been hurt by the people they should be loved by. And you, Patton, have been hurt very badly.”
Patton shook his head. “But sir, I deserve my pain!” He saw the incredulous look he was given, and started rambling. “I slept in this morning and was late to cook breakfast, so Father set me straight. I didn’t have the flavor of jam that Mother wanted out on the table, so she punished me for not being prepared. I didn’t call Father ‘sir’ when answering his question, so I was punished. I spoke out of turn instead of doing my job, so Mother gave me a smack as a warning. She was very generous that time. Just today, I’ve been so disobedient. I’m a horrible son. I don’t deserve a Fairy Godfather!”
“Shh…” A thumb caressed his cheekbone, and Patton melted into the touch, still crying. He hiccuped as the thumb wiped away his tears. “Don’t cry, little one. You are not to blame.” Patton went to interrupt, but the hand grew warmer, and Patton sighed at the blissful feeling. “Patton, you may feel as though you deserved this, but you did not. No child deserves the pain that you’ve been through.” Patton let his head be tilted upwards, and his gaze was suddenly locked onto the man’s piercing emerald gaze. His eyes seemed to glow as he spoke. “Patton, I wish to be your Fairy Godfather. Will you allow me to protect you, to allow yourself true happiness? To end the pain and suffering, once and for all?” The air around them seemed to still at his words, the world itself bending to his will. “Patton Hart, do you accept me as your Fairy Godfather?”
Patton’s instinctive thought was to say no. He deserved his pain! The man would soon see how damaged Patton was, and Patton didn’t want to burden another person! But another, smaller part of him spoke up. It was the part of Patton that yearned for the warmth of this stranger’s hand. The part of Patton that smiled when he heard a happy tune, and cried when his parents stopped tucking him in at night. The part that didn’t want Patton to be hurt any longer. I want to be happy.
Patton let out a sob, nodding his head frantically. The man smiled sadly. “Child, you need to use that lovely voice of yours.”
Patton ignored the way his voice cracked as he forced himself to answer. “Yes! I accept you as my Fairy Godfather.”
The man smiled, his green eyes glowing. “Then it is done.” There was a flash of bright light, reminiscent of a fire, and Patton had to close his eyes. When he opened them, the man was gone, a small ring lying where he once stood. It was a beautiful gold ring with ruby gemstones along the band. He slipped the ring onto his finger, and was surprised to see that it was a perfect fit. Patton slowly stood up, noting that not only had the rain stopped, the pain on his cheek had completely disappeared. He turned towards the chicken coop, dread forming in his stomach from what he now had to do-
Five chickens were laid out next to the coop, all with their necks snapped. Patton shakily made his way to the coop, scooping up the chickens to take inside. Their feathers were completely dry, and so were Patton’s cheeks. He had no more tears to shed at the moment.
Patton lugged the dead chickens inside, checking his face in the nearby mirror. His cheek was still bruised, but Patton couldn’t feel any pain from it. Patton shrugged it off, focusing on the task at hand. He did his best to follow the directions from an old cookbook he’d found on how to properly prepare raw chicken. It took the rest of the day to cook, and Patton had just made the pasta when there was a knock on the front door. Patton ignored it, moving to make the salad. He knew that his father would answer the door, and that Patton was not to be seen by the guests.
Sure enough, Patton heard his father’s voice ring throughout the house. “Welcome! You must be Lord Ignis. It is a pleasure to meet you!”
The person laughed. “You’re referring to my brother. You may call me Viridi. These are my associates. You may call them Anguis and Umbra. My brother had some matters to attend to, but he and our final associate should arrive before dinner begins.”
Patton continued to chop the vegetables as he heard his father speak. “Then, let us wait for them in the study.” Patton heard footsteps moving in the opposite direction and sighed, wiping the sweat off of his brow. He’d been working in this stuffy kitchen for hours now.
The door suddenly swung open, revealing Patton’s mother. “Is the food ready, boy?”
Patton shrunk under her gaze, but continued to cut the vegetables. “The chicken and pasta are ready to be served, ma’am. I’m currently cutting up the vegetables for the salad. It should be ready in a few minutes.”
Patton’s mother glared at him. “It should already be done by now!”
Patton whimpered. “I’m sorry.”
His mother scoffed. “Grab some Chardenney to go with the chicken.”
Patton frowned. “We don’t have any Chardenney left…”
Patton shouldn’t have been surprised by the pain that now bloomed across the back of his skull. He whimpered as he accidentally cut himself with the knife. “Listen here you brat.” She growled out. “You are nothing but a nuisance and a waste of space. If you can’t do your job correctly, you’ll wish for death by the time I’m done with you.” She pushed him forward, and Patton winced as the knife dug into his skin. “Get some damn wine.” And with that, she left.
Patton held back tears as he held his now blood-covered hand close to his chest. The pain was excruciating, and Patton didn’t know what to do-
“Is she always like that?” Patton spun around to see a man sitting on the countertop near the door, relaxed as if he’d been there for hours. He wore an expensive-looking black suit with a purple undershirt and handkerchief. His pitch black hair almost completely covered his amethyst colored eyes. His skin was deathly pale, nearly translucent.
Patton attempted to ignore the pain in his hand as he answered the man’s question. “I’m not sure what you mean, sir-”
“Please drop the formalities.” The man interrupted, examining his dark purple nails. “Call me Umbra.”
Patton bowed his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Umbra. My name is Patton.”
Umbra seemed to shudder as his eyes appeared to glow. Patton blinked in surprise, and the glowing was gone. “It’s dangerous to just give your name out like that, Pa-” He suddenly stopped, appearing to sniff the air. His gaze focused on Patton’s hands. “You’re injured.”
Patton looked down, staring at his blood-soaked hands. He’d almost forgotten about his injury. “It’s fine-”
A hand touched his, and Patton looked up in alarm. Umbra was suddenly in front of him, inches away. Patton felt his breath catch as Umbra whispered. “I’d assumed it was the chicken I was smelling…” His fingers traced through Patton’s blood along the cut, and Patton felt a shiver go up his spine. They stood like that for several seconds before Umbra’s fingers suddenly grazed against Patton’s new ring. “Where did you get this?”
Patton saw Umbra’s expression and looked down at his feet. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
There was a moment of silence before Umbra sighed, letting go of his hand. “The bleeding stopped. Go ahead and rinse the blood off. I’ll finish chopping the vegetables.” Patton was about to speak up, but Umbra beat him to it. “Do it, Patton.”
Patton felt the shiver again as he went to do what he was told, knowing that he could get in more trouble for refusing. He carefully washed the blood off of his hands, making sure that there were no stains from it. He looked back at Umbra and was surprised to see that the salad was done and a bottle of Chardonnay sat next to it. “H-how?”
Umbra smirked. “I am a man of many talents.” He turned and opened the door leading to the dining room. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Patton. I’m sure we’ll meet again soon.”
Patton shuddered as the door closed. He didn’t feel uncomfortable, but something about the people he’s met today…
Patton shook his head, grabbing the salad and wine. He needed to have the dining table ready for dinner!
Patton quickly had the food on the table, each dish covered to keep them warm and/or fresh. He then filled the glasses with wine before quickly hurrying back to the kitchen. Technically, Patton should go to his room (one of the old servant's quarters), but he didn't want to get in trouble for not cleaning up the kitchen. Patton felt his stomach twist in hunger, and Patton wished that he had eaten some of the food before moving it to the dining room. But that would be bad. Patton’s already done enough bad things today. Only good boys got food.
Patton heard the door from the parlor to the dining room open. “My esteemed guests, may I present to you: your dinner!”
Patton whimpered, hugging his knees. He wasn’t allowed to be in the dining room while the guests were eating, and the only other door led to the chicken coop, and Patton wasn’t allowed outside unless he was doing chores! He was stuck in the kitchen until the meal was over!
Patton whimpered as his stomach twisted painfully in hunger. He wasn’t told he could eat tonight, but maybe Patton could have some bread for cooking the chicken well on his first try?
Patton was about to get up and find some bread when he heard a familiar voice. “Thank you for treating us to this feast, Lord Hart.”
Patton’s blood went cold as he heard his father answer. “Please, Lord Hart was my father’s name. We have no need for formalities between us. My name is John, and this is my wife, Elizabeth.”
Patton felt his skin grow warm as the voice chuckled. “Then call me Rubrum.”
Patton forced himself to stand as the discussion continued. “Well, I’ve been introduced to the others, but who’s this young man?”
A different voice answered. “You may call me Glacies. It is a pleasure to be here, John.”
Patton cracked open the door and surveyed the dining room. Patton’s father was closest to Patton, sitting at the head of the table. His back was to Patton, and for that Patton was grateful. Patton’s mother sat on his left. A few seats down sat five men in expensive black suits with different colored accessories. Patton recognized one of them as Umbra, and-
Patton barely held back a gasp, remembering to stay silent at the last second. Sitting at the other end of the table, staring at him from his spot behind the door, was Patton’s Fairy Godfather.
Taglist (Let me know id you want to be added or removed!): @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess
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worryinglyinnocent · 4 years
Fic: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Zoom-mas
Summary: It wouldn’t be Christmas without a visit to the Lab Nights ‘verse and Aunt Elvira!
Things are looking a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean that the little Lab Family can’t still celebrate in style. 
Rated: G
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Zoom-Mas
“Is this thing on?”
“Aunt Elvira, you ask that every single time, and every single time we tell you that it’s working fine. Surely you must be used to it by now. We’ve been doing this for months.”
“Well, it’s all right for you bright young things, you’re used to technology and all those whatnots. I can barely make my mobile phone work, and even then Rum had to get me one with super-sized buttons on it so that I could read them.” Aunt Elvira waved her oversized phone at them over the webcam and Bae couldn’t help but grin. 
It was a strange Christmas. He and Emma had always intended to spend this year just the two of them; they tended to alternate between seeing family and needing a break from all the madness, and once Emma had entered her final trimester they wanted to avoid any and all contact with the outside world as much as possible. But with everything else that had gone on throughout the year, they had decided that a family Zoom call on Christmas day would be a good idea to help spread the festive cheer. Well, it would be a rather extended family call, since Regina and Mal and Ursula and Ella would also be joining in, but it had long been established that they were as much a part of the family as the core Gold clan were. 
Beside Bae, Emma just laughed. “You know, I haven’t known Aunt Elvira for anywhere near as long as the rest of you have, but I think that she’s a lot more shrewd about technology than she lets on.”
“Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out.” Aunt Elvira winked. “Anyway, since we’ve established that we can indeed all see each other, Happy Christmas!”
“Happy Christmas, Aunt Elvira.”
Despite the current state of the world, it had been a very happy Christmas. Without having any of the family coming to stay or having to go out to see any of them, it had taken the pressure off a bit and Bae and Emma had spent the entire day in their pyjamas, including their Christmas dinner. 
“Where’s the rest of them?” Bae peered at the screen, trying to see past Elvira into the rest of the house. 
“Just finishing doing the dishes, then they’ll be here.” On cue, Rosie raced into the room and took up a seat on the sofa beside her great-aunt, waving excitedly to Bae and Emma. 
Another window opened and Regina and Mal waved from their living room. 
“Merry Christmas everyone!”
“Merry Christmas… Mal did you just pour an energy drink into your eggnog?”
Mal nodded merrily and took a sip of what must have been the world’s most disgusting concoction. Bae didn’t like eggnog at the best of times but he knew that adding sugar, caffeine and chemicals wouldn’t make it any better. 
“I haven’t been to bed yet,” she said. “I’ve been awake for the last twenty-four hours and I am wired!”
Regina shook her head in despair. “I would like to point out that I did tell her to go to bed. It’s getting to the stage where I think I’m going to have to tie her down to the sofa to stop her bouncing off the walls with the amount of sugar she’s consumed. She ate pretty much the whole yule log on her own.”
“I get the munchies when I’m tired!”
Ursula appeared on the screen and waved. 
“Hello all, Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Ursula. Where’s Ella?”
“Looking for her Christmas gin. She bought a bottle specially and hid it so that she wouldn’t drink it before Christmas, but now she can’t remember where she put it.”
There was a brief pause whilst Aunt Elvira expounded on the horrors of not being able to find any gin, during which Rosie spent most of the time rolling her eyes. Elvira didn’t even realise that Belle and Gold had joined them in the living room until Bae said hello to his dad and stepmum.
“I found it!” Ella raced into the picture and threw herself down on the sofa beside Ursula, no mean feat since she was also holding a bottle of gin and a glass of tonic. She poured a generous glug of gin into the glass and waved it at the rest of the gathered family before taking a huge sip. Ursula just gave a long-suffering sigh, and Ella rolled her eyes.
“Oh come on, you can’t deny that after the year we’ve had, we all need it.”
Gold raised his wine glass. “Amen to that.”
“I think we should have a toast,” Mal said. “Congratulations to all of us for surviving the year from hell with only mild alcohol poisoning.”
It was certainly an eclectic mix of drinks used in the toast, from wine to gin to orange squash to tea to Mal’s hideous concoction, but the spirit of the message, Bae found, was definitely a celebratory one rather than miserable. There had been many moments of misery over the last year with so many of them working in the public health sector. There had been so much worry on all sides, but the fates had finally come together to allow them all to be together - if not physically together - today, and they could all see that they were healthy, and happy for the moment, if a little worse for wear. 
The merriment continued as Mal, Ella and Elvira all got steadily drunker, sharing hilarious tales of Christmas shifts at the hospital gone by. The year that Elvira fell down the stairs was mentioned more than once. 
Eventually though, the time came to bring the call to a close after Mal had finally given up the ghost and fallen asleep on Regina’s shoulder, and quiet goodbyes were said, with the hope of being able to all see each other in the same room soon.
Bae closed down the laptop as Emma leaned into his side with a contented sigh. 
“It’s been a strange sort of Christmas,” she began.
“It’s been a strange sort of year.”
“Well, yes, that too. Anyway, it’s been a strange sort of Christmas, but it’s good to know that no matter what else is going on, there are some things that never change. Like Aunt Elvira. And Ella and her gin. And Ursula despairing of us all.”
Bae smiled. “Yeah. We can always rely on them for entertainment if nothing else.”
“And you know, hopefully next year Ursula will be despairing of us all whilst Elvira and Ella enthuse over alcoholic beverages in person. Although I’m not quite sure that would be a good first impression of Christmas for Henry.” Emma patted her belly. 
Bae just laughed. The times were indeed strange, but there was always hope on the horizon.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Congrats on 200+ followers!!! You deserve it!!!!!!!! Can you please do a bakugo or todoroki angst and smut where it’s a villain au and the reader finds out??? Idk I had a dream about it and I immediately thought of you because I know that you’re the perfect person!!! Sorry if it’s not detailed enough Also ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
villain!todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: angst, smut, cursing, villain shouto
word count: 4,437
a/n: oh man, this was supposed to come out with a bakugou part as well because i have no self control and wrote them both. i haven’t quite finished bakugou because i am still adjusting to this new life schedule I have (and my roommate has me sleeping before my crackhead hours so i’ve been writing a lot less, but it will come out i promise!!!) anyways this is kinky public sex. like 100% straight up. i’m a bit nervous if you guys don’t like the smut but it’s the best i can do LMAO enjoy!!! also i dont really know if there was an actual villain au so i made it my own...with inspiration from horikoshi
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Life was hard as a normal civilian.
To be quite honest you were mad that you weren’t blessed with some amazing quirk so you could be a hero. Instead, you had to be successful elsewhere. So you were a second-year university student with a quirk that allowed you to see probability in everything. Which, don’t get it wrong, helped you with multiple-choice tests, but besides the occasional better route to places, it wasn’t that extraordinary. 
Your boyfriend, however, was a hero, and a massively successful hero at that too! With only his hero debut two years ago he was currently the number three hero on the Hero Billboard Charts, it was insane. To be quite honest, you had met him during his debut when you had nearly died because of a villain. It had traumatized you.
You had already despised villains with all your being before that incident.
You had been in an eerily similar situation when you were younger when a villain swept you off the street and held you hostage on the tallest building of Japan. Since that moment, you were sincerely against every and all villains, none of them could be excused in your eyes. Nothing they did in the act of violence was justifiable.
But again, you guessed that the entire morality of people truly changed when people could suddenly do things that normally should not be possible. For instance, one of your classmates could physically remove his eyeballs from his eyesockets as part of his quirk and it made zero sense to you. It was a great party trick, but a terrible quirk.
You felt your hands shake slightly, a wave of dizziness hitting you as you finished walking up the hill. A few years ago, you had started suffering from anemia, your red blood count had taken a deficit hit and no one could explain why. Doctors had seen you countless amounts of times, but no one could explain to you why your blood had suddenly taken a hit. They had run tests, even going as far as culturing your cells in a lab in an attempt to find a solution, but everything was normal. So it left both the scientists and you stumped. Reaching into your backpack, you removed your daily pills to alleviate most of your symptoms and swallowed them before continuing on your way.
You walked up the stairs to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, a simple three-bedroom, with a two-bath apartment that he paid for with his earnings. “I’m home.” You call out, brushing your hair out of your eyes as you dropped your books onto the ground, trading your shoes for some slippers before walking into the common space where Shouto sat in his casual clothes.
“Hi, there,” Shouto greeted you as you groaned softly, trudging over to where he lay, and collapsed onto his lap, “Long day?” He asked, his fingers massaging your scalp softly.
“I had to sit throughout the worst lecture of all lectures because in my philosophy class we were discussing if ‘villains deserved to have second chances after inflicting damage on civilians.’“ You mutter into your boyfriend’s neck as he holds you gently in his arms.
“And your position?” Shouto asked, although already knowing your answer.
“They don’t, if heroes can’t get away with hurting other people without licenses, why in the world would I expect any less for criminals.” You say in a defeated voice as you remember most people in your class hadn’t agreed with your viewpoint. 
“What about if they’re inflicting damage because they got caught and didn’t see any other way out?” Shouto asked, picking away at your thought and you groaned again.
“Instead of being my incredible stupid smart boyfriend, can you just agree with me? Everyone already said everything you could think of and I’m sad.” You pout trying your best to disappear within your boyfriend’s arms. A small chuckle vibrates through your boyfriend’s chest and you can’t help the smile on your face as he places a kiss on your head. He was the best.
You found yourself later that night collapsed onto your shared bed, your face buried in the pillow as you longed for the next day to come. You had no classes the following day, and with Shouto having–at least so far–an open day, the two of you planned on making it a 24 hour date day. You trailed your tired gaze over to Shouto who was standing by the doorframe, his eyes concentrated on his phone, a very stiff and angry look on his face.
“Everything okay?” You ask, your voice muffled with the pillows as you watched Shouto typing away, his attention not on you in the slightest.
“Yeah…” Shouto trailed off, his face set in a small scowl as he turned off his phone screen and walked over to the bed, “The office called in, they made a stupid mistake that I need to… fix.”
You sighed softly, his office was always messing things up and you thought it was very unprofessional of them.
“Hopefully they’ll be able to work it out tonight without you, come on and sleep Shoucchan,” You yawn as your boyfriend comes to lay in your arms. “Just sleep.” You encourage.
“Okay…” Shouto nods his head as he wraps his arms around you as well, and you feel warm as sleep takes over you in the best of ways.
You woke up to an empty bed, your eyes looking over at the clock on Shouto’s bed-side that read four in the morning, and you were confused. Where was he?
You sat up and quietly walked to the bathroom, but found it empty and it made you even more disoriented, where was he?
There was a low growl, almost a snarl like snap coming from the living room, and you walked over quietly to see Shouto sitting down on your couch, surrounded by villains. Villains you recognized as the ones on Shouto’s debut.
His back was to you, the villains not even the slightest bit aware of your presence as Shouto spoke.
“How the hell, could you mess this up? Again?!” His voice is low, angry, a whole new tone to it, and it was something you had never imagined you could ever hear from your boyfriend. “I supply you with so much blood, and you can’t even produce what I need you to achieve?”
Your breathing slightly quickened as you stilled in the hallway, disappearing back into the shadows.
“I have been taking y/n’s blood for years, and you’re still unable to come up with a resolution. It’s making it seem unusual to me, you aren’t deluding me, are you?” Shouto’s voice echoes through your mind as a choking breath escapes your lips, and you panic as the pleading voices of your boyfriend’s company subsides.
You turn on your heel, running back into the room, slamming the door. 
Your breathing was staggered, your fingers trembling as you heard footsteps in the hallway. “I’ll deal with you later,” Shouto’s voice speaks, “Get out before you can’t.”
You didn’t know who he was talking to at this point, and despite being in only your sleepwear, you ran to the fire-escape of your room and left the house. The sound of the doorknob opening almost screaming through your ears.
You climbed down the ladder as fast as you could, uncaring of the shooting pain going through your feet. Your heart clenching at the revelation of what was being kept from you.
You ran.
And ran.
And ran.
Eventually, you found yourself collapsing in the middle of the street as tears fell down your cheeks, what the hell was happening?
Your head rose up from your childhood bed weeks later, it had been three weeks since you had last seen Shouto. Three weeks later and your anemic symptoms had all disappeared. Three weeks later and Pro-Hero: Shouto was still a name people loved. Three weeks later and not a single word or encounter with villains or your boyfriend and you weren’t really sure what you were expecting.
Everything just felt entirely wrong.
You still had feelings for Shouto.
Your feelings towards villains hadn’t changed though.
You now hated Shouto.
But you still loved him.
You missed him.
You resented him.
He had violated your body, for your blood, something you couldn’t comprehend as to why. Was everything between the two of you fake? Something created to obtain your blood?
Was everything a deception?
You walked aimlessly to university, your usual friendly personality had been scuffed to death at the moment, and you ignored the hello’s that still came your way. You sat down in your philosophy class later that day staring out the window, uncaring of the lecture that was taking place on the ethical and moral dilemmas that had resurfaced with the introduction of quirks and how even today it was in place. 
Your eyebrows scrunched as you saw a figure in the alley behind the building move into the sunlight, and your face muscles tightened as you saw Shouto standing there. Wearing casual clothing, staring right back at you as if he knew it was you looking at him.
You watched in slight horror as he picked up his phone as if he was signaling something to you, and a small buzz alarmed you of a text notification.
shouto: come here
You felt your blood chill slightly at those words. Why was he finally reaching out towards you? You knew that he knew that you remembered his dark secret. Despite having this information you weren’t going to be telling anyone, especially not anytime soon.
Your hands shook as if you were suddenly anemic again as you quickly grabbed your backpack and left the classroom, ignoring the curious gazes on your figure as the door closed behind you.
What the hell were you thinking? Why were you listening to him? He didn’t deserve to speak to you, and what if it was going to be a threat? You couldn’t even begin to imagine what would happen if it was a threat. You would cry for sure, but god, you craved seeing him.
Without even fully realizing it, you found yourself stepping into the alleyway where Shouto was hidden in the shadows by himself. Your fingers tingled with uneasiness as you subconsciously moved your arms to shield yourself from him.
Shouto watched you from his position against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets, his shoulder leaning against the bricks.
God why did you meet him in this alleyway, it was a secluded area on campus already, and if he decided to kill you no one would find your body for weeks.
You begin to mentally panic as you tried to figure out a way to get out of the trap you just walked into. 
“What do you want?” You whisper softly, refusing to look at him directly and you watched as Shouto’s feet shifted as he readjusted his stance.
“I think that’s what I am supposed to be asking,” Shouto’s voice speaks to you, but it seems sharper, so foreign to you, not the man you love.
You moved your gaze to look directly at Shouto who was staring at you, almost curiously, as if you were a subject he was analyzing.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You defiantly assert your facial features set in stone as you refused to let him read any emotion that was racing through your mind.
“Hm, well,” Shouto smirks softly as he takes a step closer to you, and you automatically take a step backward. “You wanna know why I lied about my profession.” His tone suggests that he’s guessing, but you knew he could read you like a book.
A noise struggles in your throat as you refuse to acknowledge his questions.
“Simple. Being a hero is bullshit, what’s the point in being a savior to undeserving people who merited the actions of the everyday villains. It seems wrong, you would never understand, y/n, but that’s okay. Besides, there’s something so liberating doing things that aren’t… expected of you.” Shouto’s voice almost taunts you as your eyes narrow slightly as he takes another step towards you, and instinctually, you step back.
“What else would the opinionated y/n have?” Shouto says as he brushes his shaggy hair out of his eyes, their piercing colors drilling holes into your soul. “Your blood, huh? Now that is something you’ll just love. You see, your probability quirk is amazingly powerful, did you know that? The number of scenarios you can use it is unlimited with the ability to be correct ninety-nine out of a hundred times. Your quirk is good luck, and you were an idiot for never noticing it.”
Now that hit a nerve, and your lip trembled the ever so slightest as an aloof chuckle leaves Shouto’s mouth, another step forward for him, and another step backward for you.
“Did I hurt your feelings?” Shouto smirks again then a sigh leaves his lips, “You had amazing potential, my love, but your anxiety just kept you from achieving everything. So yes, I did seek you out intentionally for your quirk, but you had this fear that I could never get you over, so I had to get your blood in an… artistic way, you can say.” 
You felt like you were suffocating when your back hits the wall, but you don’t react to the feeling of the harsh brick against your back as you concentrate on the man you don’t recognize in front of you. “But of course, why did I need it?” Shouto clicks his tongue as a hand comes to press against the wall next to you, trapping you. “It will act as the ultimate judgment for every person in the world, and we needed a lot, but it turns out I had a vermin in my midst, that’s why it took so long.”
He traces a finger against your face and everything he says slams into you. Maybe you didn’t know Shouto as well as you thought you did, you were in love with a villain after all, but there was something so artificial in his words that after months of feeling numb anger flared within you. You can feel nothing but anger and hatred seeping through you towards this man before you.
“You can’t possibly think you’re superior enough to enact judgment on everyone, because of what? You save a few bad civilians?!” You spat at him finally feeling emotions and energy run through your body as your hands come up to shove Shouto’s shoulders with unknown strength and he staggers back. “Are you fucking kidding me, Shouto?!”
Your face scrunches as he takes a step backward, and now you’re on the attack. “Are you some fucking idiot? You think you can act like my boyfriend for two years and expect me not to pick up personality traits of your own? I can practically smell the anxiety from your body, you dick!” You storm as you shove Shouto again. “Your words are too pretty, too fucking rehearsed, dumbass, you’re a leader by action, you idiot, not by words! God, is someone fucking feeding you that little speech?! You’re a fucking villain, not some martyr, so you can shut the fuck up, and go feed your feeble-minded words to assholes who believe that they are the ones to shape the world! Go tell this sob story to the world, how about to your mom, let’s see how many people fucking agree with you then, Todoroki.”
You feel as if your blood is on fire as you have Shouto up onto the wall, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly opened in shock. Your breathing is harsh, fast, panting, as your eyes glare into Shouto’s eyes that are quickly turning from shock to anger to lust. You don’t even know what’s happening to you until you feel your hands grab the collar of his shirt and slam your lips against his own.
Your lips connect with his lips at every touch in a hard fashion. Your fingers fisted into his shirt as you slam your taller boyfriend–was he even your boyfriend–into the wall. You’re intensely aware of his fingers gripping your hips as your bodies came to be mangled onto each other, leaving no room between your two bodies as you continued this angry kiss.
You felt as Shouto let out a low growl, his weight shifting and he shoved you against the wall. His hands moving from your hips to cup the bottom of you ass, roughly grinding his crotch against yours, and fury went through your body. 
Why did he have to fuck this all up for the two of you?
The kiss was getting sloppy, your teeth clashing too often, breathless heaves panted into each other’s mouths as your tongue slipped into Shouto’s mouth. You defiantly press your tongue against him, not allowing him the victory of entering your mouth as your hands leave your grip from his shirt to grasp onto his hair, tugging on it sharply that makes Shouto let out a tantalizing moan. This wasn’t fair to Shouto, you knew that’s how he saw it, and just as you guessed, he moves his hands to better grasp your ass as he lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist immediately. His hands removing yours from his hair to slam them up against the wall.
A pained but lustful moan escapes your lips from this action, and you rock your hips painfully slow against Shouto’s crotch and sigh in victory as Shouto removes his lips from yours, “F-Fuck,” Shouto curses, his grip on your hands lessening slightly, and your eyes crack open to see Shouto’s head thrown back, and a mewl leaves your lips at the sight of your man stuttering because of you.
It doesn’t last long as suddenly, Shouto’s lips are back on you, leaving hot open-mouthed kisses trailing down your neck, his teeth biting down almost animalistically with every other kiss, but fuck does it make your toes curl. “Yes,” you praise the man between your legs as you roll your hips against Shouto’s in a way of retribution, and the lust and fury of Shouto’s eyes are connected with yours.
You gasp breathlessly as Shouto’s hot tongue licks slowly between the cleavage of your breasts, combined with the harsh tug of your hair sends your head snapping back, “Fuck you,” You spat, angry with yourself that he knew exactly how to please you in the best way.
“I plan on making you do that for me,” Shouto growls lowly, as you slam your lips back onto his own. 
A muffled cry leaves your lips as you feel his hands go under your shirt and massages your breast harshly through your bra, “Don’t you dare fucking think that this is going to make things okay.” You snap as you grab Shouto’s hands increasing the strength on his already harsh grip on your breasts.
“I didn’t.” Shouto laughs as his head goes under your shirt, and you can only wait helplessly as you feel your bra unclasp and a harsh roll of your nipples between his fingers sends you through another moan. You feel anger resurge through your body as you can feel the victorious smirk on his lips as he bites the sensitive underside of your breast.
With your hips still rolling away on his own crotch, you don’t hesitate as you blindly unbuckle the belt on Shouto’s pants and slip your hand through the waistline, your hand seizing the base of his cock. You hear a hiss from Shouto, and you almost laugh in manically glee of making the man you shouldn’t want tremble. 
“You’re a bitch.” Shouto gasps as he removes himself from your breasts, and goes to press wild, uncontrolled kisses onto your lips. And the coil in your stomach is tightening as he jerks against your pumping hand and rolling hips.
“And you’re a coward.” You hiss as Shouto drops you to the ground, your legs wobbly from the uncontrollable emotions you had long submitted to, the pool of heat in your underwear only seeming to intensify as Shouto slams your stomach into the wall.
“Now, are you going to behave correctly to the big bad villain who has you trapped?” Shouto whispers into your ear, his teeth biting softly onto your earlobe, shoots of tingles resonating through your body as you feel his hand move from your waist to your inner thighs, too close for comfort, not close enough for the relief you desperately sought. 
“You’d be a bigger idiot if you thought I would simply submit.” You breathlessly reply as his fingers trailed up higher, and your hips rolled slightly as his fingers touched between your legs deliciously soft, and you fought another mewl leaving your mouth.
“Ah, don’t stop yourself from making sound,” Shouto grinned against your neck, “Tell the world how much you hate me.”
You could only pant as Shouto’s hand unbuttoned your shorts and let them drop to the ground as his fingers went inside your panties, and brushed against the hood of your clit, “Fuck off,” You repeat as soundless moans leave your lips, your head thrown back again as his fingers slip into your opening, slowly moving as his other hand goes to tease your clit in a way that causes you to bite onto your tongue to contain the pleasure-filled scream ready to leave your mouth.
“Do you want me?” Shouto breathes harshly against your neck as he ground his hard pelvis into your ass, and you could only nod your head as his fingers pumped into you. The heat in your stomach only grow as the coil in you felt tighter as both the pumping and teasing intensified, “Fuck, love, aren’t you just fucking wet as always.”
You let out an exasperated cry as his fingers leave your dripping sex, and you can only watch with hooded eyes as Shouto brings his fingers to his mouth, slowly licking your juices off his fingers. “Fuck me with the same passion you have in hating me,” Shouto whispers as he twists your neck to kiss you in this twisted position, and you moan as you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and before you can even savor the feeling of his tongue on yours, his jeans are bunched by his knees, and you’re completely bent over, your underwear joining your shorts on the floor.
“You want this, you want me?” Shout asks again his voice almost a growl, his facial features intense as he drops his own underwear and is stroking his already pre-cum leaking cock. 
“I swear to god, Todoroki,” You hiss staring at the man who had your heart seem almost unsure of what was the right thing to do, “If you don’t finish what I started, I will never forgive you.”
That’s all it takes, and the uncertainty in Shouto’s mind is made up and all you could do is let out strings of curses as he slams into you from behind in one quick movement. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” Shouto groans as you pant, your hands shake against the wall, god did his dick in you send you to another planet.
“Fucking move already, pussy.” You snarl and smirk as Shouto takes it as a challenge as starts thrusting his hips, ready to kill any doubt you had in your mind.
And then you could do nothing but scream out encouragement as Shouto’s hips slam into yours, harshly, at speeds you never envisioned the two of you reaching before.
Every thrust sent you grasping for support on the brick wall as he continued thrusting into you, his fingers gripping you waist as curses leave his lips.
Your jaw drops and a shrill gasp leaves your mouth as the coil in you tightens significantly at a certain angle he comes in, “Like that?” Shouto laughs although you could hear no humor in his voice as he comes in at that angle again, and you can barely control the sob of pleasure that rips out of your mouth.
“Sh-Shouto!” You arch your back and despite the position, Shouto is edging, you can feel the tremble in his thighs, his tell when he was almost over the edge. “Fuck me, faster!”
Shouto doesn’t disappoint you as you feel his hands grasp your hair and he snakes a hand back to your clit, and you find yourself clenching your eyes in concentration, trying not to satisfy him with cumming first.
You smiled in victory as shuddering gasps left Shouto’s lips as you felt his thrusts progressively missing his usual targets, and with a drawn-out groan from him, you felt him cum in you, and you couldn’t help yourself as you looked over your shoulder and saw Shouto’s face filled with relief.
His hips stilled for moments, but your own hips didn’t stop, and another string of curses left Shouto’s mouth as he focused distractedly on your own orgasm. His body rocked into yours, and your hips met him in every motion, your lip trembling as his fingers danced against your clit.
The coil in your heat tightened and tightened, and when he pressed a kiss on the back of your neck, his fingers pinching your clit, the coil snapped and you could only see white as an immeasurable amount of pleasure ripped through you, and a scream sagged through your body as you came undone.
You whined as you felt him exit you, and you slowly straightened back up, you felt uncomfortably sore. Quietness filled the alleyway as the two of your straightened out your outfits turning towards each other, then you locked eyes, and it finally hit you. This was goodbye.
Your breathing staggered as Shouto’s lips were on yours again, and you feel overwhelmed. Your fists are clenched on his chest, his fingers hooked onto your belt loops. Your brows are brought together, and you can tell both of your jaws are clenched. It almost felt like a magnetic pull between you two, but you had to deny it. So you shift so that your foreheads press together, your lips just brushing, just barely, so faintly touching until you pull away completely with a shaking exhale, your forehead dropping into Shouto’s neck.
“I am in love with you, but I can’t love you knowing what you are.” You whisper as you break away, grabbing your bag and leaving Shouto alone in the alley, wiping tears that inevitably fall from your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
and thats all for now folks, i also updated my masterlist again so if you wanna read more crap i write, check it out :D but yes! the blood stealing is weird i know, i was told but i am so outta ideas i just rolled with it ;) anyways let me know what you tHINK I LIKE HAVING OPINIONS ON WHAT I WRITE PLEASE SEND ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT IT MAKES ME SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY
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xrikix · 4 years
» Hiraeth Chapter 14 || Haikyuu AU
❝They will learn how to fly.❞ – an AU where the kids of Haikyuu characters grow their passion for volleyball and face their problems.
Starring our OC’s Hoshi, Minami, and Leo! (don’t worry they’re as fluffy as our babies from Haikyuu but sprinkle in more angst)
Read Chapter 13 Here!
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The view of Leo’s home loomed into view, the sun’s warm glow filtered out from behind the trees. His body was curled up into a ball as much as the seat belt would allow him to. Was he comfortable— well, not really— but, all he needed to do was disappear from the world. 
Leo felt the low rumbling of the engine as it turned off, waking him from his slumber. Turning to look out the window, he realized they were home. Unbuckling the seatbelt, Leo tumbled out of the car seat and dazely walked towards the front door. 
His mind clouded with broken promises, and the radiant world he once knew seemed to turn black and white. With a downcasted gaze, Leo trudged along the concrete towards the door. 
He didn’t feel like himself. 
He didn’t feel like anything at all. 
It felt like watching an empty husk mindlessly go about life, wandering the world, being followed by the darkest of storms. Leo felt soulless.
Pushing the keys into the lock, Leo pulled the door open. The lights flickered on, and his eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness. 
In the midst of the flickering lights, his mind suddenly flashed back to his game. The gym lights shined overhead and the screams emanated in his ears. 
Leo jumped at Kageyama’s voice, “you forgot your bag—” 
He snapped out of his trance and growled at Kageyama, pushing past him to walk towards the stairs. It wasn’t in him to feel fear anymore. His feet quickly hurried up the stairs, thumping through the silent house. 
“Leo.” His body wanted to stop and turn around, but he forced it to continue. 
“Leo,” Kageyama’s voice raised louder. Leo flinched but kept going. 
“Leo, stop.” The commanding tone that laced his father’s words brought a pause to Leo’s movements, as he gripped the railing. Leo turned around to face Kageyama’s calm demeanor still at the front door, his bags still in his hands. “Dinner will be ready soon.” 
“Oh… okay,” Leo mumbled, shock evident on his face as he realized Kageyama wasn’t reprimanding him. His feet numbly continued onwards, and Leo couldn’t help but feel even more defeated.
The night sky glistened overhead by the time dinner was ready. The atmosphere surrounding the table felt dim. Shrinking his body closer into his chair, Leo poked at his food, swishing it around the plate. 
Without Hinata and Minami who could make the sun cower in fear, dinner felt deadly silent. Sometimes, he wished for a peaceful dinner with his family, but now he desperately wanted something— anything to happen. 
Storm clouds rolled in his head, and he couldn't help but sigh. 
Kageyama’s gaze turned soft as he looked at Leo’s despair. “Let’s talk Leo,” his voice turned soft. 
Leo raised his head, staring into his father’s concerned eyes. 
He couldn’t take it. Leo immediately turned his head back towards his food.
Kageyama pushed on, “you’re worrying us.” 
Leo grimaced, “but—” 
“Let me speak first.” 
Leo’s mouth sealed tight, the words that he wanted to say fell silent. 
“That outburst you had today in the gym isn’t you. I would expect that from Minami, but you… that was a surprise. Hinata and I have both felt something change in you since high school began. So let’s talk about it.” 
Leo looked at his plate, food still untouched, finding it more interesting to swirl his rice around. He really did regret his actions from before, but his mouth couldn’t form any more words. 
He was unsure what path was even his to take. He felt miles away from his family, silently drowning in the most desolate seas. 
Jealousy is a bitch, Leo thought. He was back to square one, depressed and absolutely astray. “I don’t even know…” Leo’s voice was soft compared to his raging thoughts. The words threatened to spill out despite everything he wanted to hold back. He could feel his voice shaking and he hated it. 
Leo could feel Kageyama patiently waiting, his eyes never wavering away from Leo’s. 
“I feel like I’m… falling behind. Everyone is just better than me. I really don’t know how to say it…” 
Kageyama nodded, “you should start eating, your food is going to get cold.” 
Gently raising his chopsticks to his lips, Leo planned out the next few words he needed to say so that his parents would be convinced that he was okay. Was he okay? Leo didn’t even know. “I’m sorry for what I did back at the gym, I really am. I was mad that we didn’t win, and I lashed out at everyone. I’m also sorry for pushing and ignoring you earlier.” 
Kageyama gazed at Leo, slowly nodding his head, “it’s okay.” 
Leo sighed, “I’m still trying to figure everything out. I know I should be doing better. I’ll sort out these feelings myself…” 
Kageyama shook his head, “it’s okay to feel like you’re behind. With hard work and practice, you’ll get there. Honestly, I think you’re ahead of everyone else.” Leo couldn't help but drown out his father’s words. “And about sorting out everything by yourself, you should talk to us. I know we seem like the best volleyball players out there, but we know how it feels.” Kageyama gave him a small smile, “so talk to us alright?” 
Leo nonchalantly nodded. 
“Promise me,” Kageyama’s voice became more affirmative. 
“Yeah, I promise…” Leo answered, already knowing the lies that will plagued his words. 
The rest of dinner continued smoothly. Although it was quiet, it was peaceful, the words that needed to be said were laid out and exposed. Leo excused himself from the table, ready to jump into the comfort of his bed and sleep. He wished he could shut off his mind forever. 
Nestling into bed, his blankets wrapped him up into a cocoon, Leo forced his mind to rest, but it wouldn’t stop racing through a million thoughts. His body felt restless. The flashes of the game played repeatedly over in his mind. The thrill, the exhilaration, the adrenaline mixed with the lights and screams, it felt like he was being transported back into those moments. It tormented him, hearing the celebrating cheers of the Tokonami High, the hatred that rolled off of him and Minami. All the eyes that continued to watch his every move, determining whether he was worthy enough to stay on the court haunted him. 
Too agitated to sleep, he walked down the stairs with a volleyball in his hands, wanting to feel the crisp air outside. The living room light was on as he walked past Kageyama watching the TV. 
“I’ll be out in the yard,” Leo said, putting on his shoes. 
“Okay, don’t be out too late.” 
“Yeah…” he responded, opening the door. 
Fingers tingling, eager to touch the ball no matter what, he stepped out into the darkness. The front lights were on, chasing away the dark shadows. The grass crinkled beneath his feet as the crisp breeze kissed his face. The stars twinkled overhead, the moon’s light saying hello. His hands felt the comfortable embrace of the ball as he continued to set the ball over his head. 
Arms raised, fingers pushed against the ball higher and higher into the air. It felt calm outside, just him and the ball, the normal, repetitive feeling of an old friend. Occasionally, his eyes would glance towards Hoshi’s home, the house silent signaling the empty place. 
As if reading his mind, he heard the ding of a message. Leo walked towards his phone, letting the ball roll away into the dark. 
Hoshi: hey, u good? 
Leo sighed, the bright screen illuminating his face. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to Hoshi, but he felt obligated to respond to his message. 
Leo: yeah 
Hoshi: I saw Mianmi and went over to tell her congrats for winning, but she looked pissed
He didn’t know how to respond to that, his fingers lingering over the keyboard.
Hoshi: she told me what happened so I wanted to check in with you
Hoshi: is everything okay?
Leo groaned, tilting his head back, hands clutching his phone. He came outside to not think about what was going on, but of course life had to pull this stunt on him. Hoshi was probably waiting for a response, leaving Leo to suffer while thinking about the perfectly constructed response.
Leo: everything’s fine, I guess losing just made me feel tired  
Hoshi: well if you’re so sure…
Leo sighed, he needed to end this conversation quickly.
Hoshi: Your dad told me how well you played so
Hoshi: I know it sucks losing, but good job! Your time on the court helped your team out a lot! 
Leo was stunned, a sudden rush of fury pushed its way to the surface. He wanted to chuck his phone far away, unsure why the last message made his blood boil. He felt so close to diving off the edge, into the chasm of the storm clouds that awaited him in his mind. The words people said that were meant to help were all thrown out. 
Sometimes the light shone through but now Leo wanted to ignore it all, and embrace the darkness. Embrace the waves that continually dragged him under into the freezing water, the monster that lurked in his world waiting to pounce any moment. 
Leo shoved his face into his hands, messing his hair up in the process. He felt trapped inside a never ending maze. Sometimes he thought he found the exit, but most of the time he would find dead ends. It infuriated him. 
He wanted things to go back to normal, when his sister wasn’t furious at him, when his parents didn't have to worry about him, and most importantly, when he knew his own self worth. 
He wanted to be on the court, but everything seemed to want to hold him back. 
It all blew out of him, his fears, his anger, and his jealousy. 
With his head tucked deep within his arms, Leo couldn’t stop the onslaught of tears. His body shuddered, and the pain erupted out with his tears. 
Anxiety clenched tightly onto him, relishing their deep embrace. 
The stars seemed to lose their brightness one by one with each cry that left his lips. 
The world seemed duller than black and white. Even grey couldn’t match the color of Leo’s heart as the world around him crumbled to dust.
The forgotten volleyball loomed out in the darkness, watching the beginning of an unravelment, seeing the shadows wrap around the boy who lost his colors.
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aurora-borealis514 · 5 years
The Sidewalk.
18 + Mature Content.
(It’s a long story, but I didn’t want to disappoint!)
Location: My bedroom.
Time: 3:45 am 
I can’t sleep, I haven’t been able to sleep. I guess the stress has just been getting to me lately...Yeah... I know, I know you’re probably all laughing like “Stress! Pah! You’re to young to have any stress!” or my favorite line. “You’re lucky you still live at home. When I was your age I was already married with two kids by then.” Oh yeah Deborah isn’t that right? Well I’m sorry that my life isn't all put together at 21 like yours might have been, which was when 40 years ago? 
I hate people.
Especially the ones who just silently judge you. You know which ones, they are nice to your face but as soon as your back is turned they say the complete opposite; Walking around with their noses stuck straight up in the air, and driving around showing off their fancy SUVs. Must be nice to have things handed to you. For me, that wasn’t the case, towards the end at least. I came from an average family you know. Mom stayed at home, dad is a cop, a younger brother, the white picket fence and what family would be complete with out a dog. The all American family you could say.
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We were definitely far from it. We had our dirty secrets too, just like any other “normal” family.
Fuck! Why can’t I sleep, god damn it! 
Looking up at the ceiling all I could think of at that moment was “What if this were to collapse in on me?” “ Maybe then it would end all of my pain and suffering.” 
The roof needed to be fixed. Dad said he was going to do that months ago...but here we are closer to winter and it’s still not done. The shingles were falling off and it leaked every time it rained. My room seemed to be the only room in the entire house that received the full impact; It was so bad last week I had to sleep downstairs on the couch. The windows were old and drafty and look like they haven't been replaced in years, the doors were just the same, creaking at the hinges. The yard was over grown and had gone to complete shit. Our house didn't always look like this, we just stopped caring.
My mother was the one who would take care of basically everything around the house without her my dad, brother and I would have been lost. She taught me everything she could. How to cook, fold laundry, how to change a tire. She was a woman that young girls would look up to. She was kind and caring, she spent a lot of time working with different organizations and she was always hosting charity events. Judith Ward even made a brief appearance.
Sadly, that’s all just a faded distant memory, and now my father and I were complete and utterly lost. Most day’s we would just order take out from Ruby’s Diner, we sort of became regulars there.
Tears began to bubble in my eyes blurring my vision of the ceiling. 
My mother and younger brother were murdered, along with a few others. Most would say they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but my dad wasn’t convinced.
It all happened so fast. My mother had just picked up Danny from school and they were walking home when a man in a ski mask jumped them from behind shooting my mother point blank in the back of the head. Danny’s body was never found, so deep down I know he is still alive...somewhere.
For about 4 years now my dad had been searching and it seemed like every time he would get close to a break through...more “clues” would began to surface and he would be led straight back to a dead end. Part of me believes that the man is still out there holding my brother hostage and he’s just been leaving clues behind to this day just to try and throw my dad off the trail, but he is stubborn and determined, and why would a murder hang around and continue to leave clues? I try not to think about it to often because it kills me deep down knowing someone I used to see everyday just isn’t there anymore. I keep thinking that this was all my fault and a part of me that feels guilty everyday. I should have been there with him, and maybe at least my mother would still be here... I  know fucked up way of thinking, but that’s where my mind takes me when I think about it.
Ever since the murder my father has suggested me speaking to a therapist. He claims that “medicating with Marijuana isn’t the right way to go about dealing with my stress and pain, but what does he know, Those guys are there only to take all your money and silently judge you, then they go home and talk about how crazy you are to their immediate families and significant others. To them that’s just a normal day in the office, but to me that’s the life I am stuck living every single day.
So if you ever meet a family member of your shrink. That’s why they hesitate when saying hello. They probably think you are a psychopath and could snap at any moment.
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Time: 4:00 am
Alright, well no sense trying to sleep now, I might as well just pull an all nighter.
Stretching I rolled out of bed and grabbed a shower towel. Sluggishly I walked down the stairs. My dad was asleep at his computer per usual... he must have had another late night. 
Yawning I proceeded into the bathroom and closed the door. Turning on the shower I pulled my nightshirt over my head and gently tossed it onto the floor. Reaching my hand behind the curtain I made sure it was hot. 
That was the only good thing about old houses. The hot water is actually hot.
Stepping in I felt the heat of the water run over my skin, sending chills down my spine, and making the hair on my arms stick up straight. A draft crept through the crack under the door and my nipples grew hard. We didn’t have a shower curtain at the moment, so no matter how hot the shower got you were still cold. Why you may ask? We’ll I decided one night it was a good idea to try and sober up a friend by putting her in the shower, well epic fail on my part. Her foot got caught up on the edge of the tub and she became entangled in it which ripped the holster straight out of the wall and caved in on her. My dad was pissed and his reasoning behind not buying another one. 
“You shower with the door closed so why do you need a curtain to hide behind too.”
His logic never made sense sometimes... but that was dad. Usually his reasoning behind things made me laugh which made it impossible for him to ground me.
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Closing my eyes I let the water run down my face. It was soothing, but not as soothing as the sound of rain late at night. Washing up, rinsing off and then turning off the shower I stepped out and reached for my towel also not realizing my phone was underneath it. I couldn’t react fast enough, all I could do was stand there and watch it as It fell and collided with the ground making a sharp snap.
Great. I hope I didn’t just break it.
Wrapping a towel around my hair and the other around my body I reached down for my phone. Closing my eyes I whispered to myself. Please don’t be broken, please don’t be broken. Slowly peeking out of one eye I looked down. Phew! Not broken this time. Taking a deep breath I turned to the mirror and wiped the condensation away leaving blurry streaks. My makeup didn’t seem to come all the way off in the shower so it was still smudged around my eyes making dark circles. Washing my face again in the sink with a face cloth, I then rubbed lotion all over my body. Coco butter, not only does it make your skin smooth as fuck but it smells good too! I brushed my teeth and spit the toothpaste into the sink. Leaving the bathroom I looked over at my dad who was sound asleep, but this time snoring with his face buried deep into his in his arms. 
He looks pretty peaceful. I won’t wake him yet.
Tippy toeing up the stairs, they creaked and groaned. I closed my bedroom door behind me and began franticly digging through my piles of clothes that were just thrown throughout my room. Picking up a shirt I brought it to my face and inhaled. 
Smells ok to me. Throwing on a ripped tank top, I swirled the shirt around my back and flung my arms through. Picking up a pair of jeans I just looked down at them in disgust. These are so old. They had holes, and stains that just wouldn't wash out, but they were my favorite pair and I just couldn’t get rid of them. Slinging my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my camera headed back down stairs.
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Still sleeping...
Dad... Dad?
“Wha...What time is it?” he asked in a fog while rubbing his eyes.
4:30 in the morning...
“Why are you awake?” 
Well, I couldn’t sleep so I figured I would get an early start.
Yawning he stretched his arms back behind his head before looking back down at his computer. Grunting he held his head in his hands.
“Every fucking time I think I’m one step closer.” he clenched his fists and pounded hard on his desk making a pile of papers shuffle and fall to the ground.
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Dad? Maybe you should get some sleep... bending down I picked up his papers and placed them neatly back onto his desk
“I don’t need sleep, I need to finish up working on this case.” he growled
Seriously though, you need to rest...it’s been 4 years and you aren’t any closer today then you were 4 years ago.
“What I need is for you to stop giving me such attitude, leave me the hell alone and let me get back to work so then maybe I can try and get some sleep.”
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Alright, whatever Dad... I’ll see you later.
“Where are you going?” he asked turning to face me.
I see, he only looks at me when I’m leaving.
I don’t know, probably go down to Ruby’s for some breakfast.
“I see you have your camera too?” he smiled.
holy shit...he smiled.
Yeah, I wanted to maybe catch the sun rise. Do you want anything to eat? I can bring you something back? Maybe an extra thick milkshake 
“mmm sounds good, but no.” he replied turning back to his computer.
 Come on Dad, you know you want one. I’ll buy?
“No I’m good. Thank you, but really I need to get back to work.” he responded.
He was exhausted, his eyes were sunken in surrounded by dark circles. His hair was starting to turn gray and he just looked like absolute shit. He was supposed to be off this week. The Chief told him he needed to take time to grieve because he really hasn't since my mom died, but my dad has been sneaking around getting files from the other guys so he can continue to work, but just from home.
Ok so breakfast sandwich and a coffee instead?
“Black.” He replied with a smirk.
Sounds good old man.
Turning to leave, he called out to me once more.
“This old man could still kick your ass”
Name the place and pick a time Dad. I can take you down any day.
“That’s my girl.” he smiled.
Door slams shuts.
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It was a lot cooler out then I had expected, yet again the weather man lies, but then again the sun still wasn’t even awake yet.
The air was crisp, and the leaves crunched beneath my feet as I walked along. I absolutely loved the fall. Everything is just so beautiful and the people around here really get into the Halloween spirit.
If Halloween could be an every day event, I would be happy. 
The birds were already awake and chirping away, and just as I got to the bottom of my steps a fat squirrel ran across my path nearly tripping me in the process. Sadly he was just to quick to take a picture.
One day I’ll capture you, Mr. Squirrel. I laughed out loud to myself. You might have gotten away this time, but next time you won’t be so lucky.
The squirrel stopped half way up the tree and what looked like began to mock me, before quickly scurrying up into the brush.
Fat little bastard. I grumbled.
Walking down the street all I could do was look around at how the town went to complete shit. I feel like the loss of my mother and disappearance of my brother just caused the whole town to shut down and lose its spark. My parents were very well known and liked around the area by anyone and everyone who crossed paths with them. They were always willing to help anyone and everyone who asked them, even if that means they got fucked over 85% of the time. So I couldn’t go anywhere without something stopping me to ask how my parents were doing or if they would be around that weekend to give them a hand. Especially now...it’s always. “How’s your dad? Is he ok?” 
Half the time I want to tell them to go visit him and ask for themselves, but I usually just smile and tell them he’s fine.
It got old.
Wrapping my flannel tighter around me I headed down the side walk, the only beautiful thing left in this town were the trees and the canal. 
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Pulling out my camera I took a quick photo. 
Something this beautiful should be captured before it get’s destroyed by humanity. One horrible thing about the human race, so quick to destroy something so beautiful that life has blessed us with, and people wonder why there are global warming problems.
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Shit, whited out. God damn flash.
My camera was old and I needed a new flash, but since I haven’t been able to find a job in this hell hole I haven’t been able to buy a new one. I did ask my dad for my birthday last year, but he just hasn't had the money. It makes me feel like complete shit to even ask.
Come on, adjust...
Got it. Thank you! Kissing my camera I smiled at it.
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Perfect. I smiled down at my camera pleased with the shot.
Taking in a deep breathe through my nose I exhaled out my mouth causing a cloud to appear. 
Fall is definitely here. 
My stomach grumbled.
Alright, I need to eat...
Walking further down the side walk, and then to the cross walk, I looked and crossed the street heading towards the diner. That was another cool thing. Everything was so close to our house we can just walk there within a few minutes.
My dad and I used to take walks all the time...and then at the end he would treat me with a large malt shake. He always would suggest I get the smaller size because I could never finish a large, but I wanted to be like dad. 4 years later my brother was born. At that point I was 17 and started to rebel. Mainly tattoos, which drove my mother insane, but once my brother was born it’s like I didn’t exist anymore. I mean my dad always wanted a boy, I guess you can say that’s where I get my tomboy spirit from but from then on out it was all about Danny. 
He was only 13 when he disappeared.
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Chapter 2:
Location: Ruby’s Diner
 Time: 4:45 am.
Fucking flash!
Snap Click. chhhh chhhh.
Ugh Wherever. I’ll just fix the damn thing inside. I stuffed the camera angrily into my bag and pushed open the large double glass doors to the diner.
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“Hey Harper! Long time no see, two for breakfast?” the man behind the counter asked.
No Shane, it’s just me today. My dad’s at home working. I smiled.
“Isn’t he supposed to be on vacation?” he asked confused.
Well you know my dad...
“Yeah that’s true can’t take a man away from his work.” he laughed. “Would you like your regular booth by the window?” he asked looking down at his monitor.
Yeah that would be great actually.
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“Alright, well it looks like it was just cleared off, so right this way ma’am.” He smiled smoothly waving his arm towards the dining room.
You’re the best, they really should just let you run the entire place.
“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m one pay check away from having enough money to get the hell out of this place.” he laughed.
Yeah, I hear ya, I have a feeling I might end up dying here.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. Hey, once I’m gone my job will be free, maybe I can mention something to management?”
You would do that?! Oh thank you! 
Wrapping my arms around him I hugged him.
“No problem, I always have your back.” He laughed.
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Sitting down at the table I pulled my bag to my side, and reached in. Pulling out my sketch pad I plopped it down and began to draw. That’s why I like the window booths. They were just giant windows filled with inspiration. I especially love when the older gentleman come for the early bird specials and bring their fanciest and shiniest cars. You can see them outside standing there gawking over who has the fastest car, or the best engine. Passing around cigars and chopping off the ends before lighting them and blowing big thick grey clouds of smoke up into the air. 
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What a life. I always thought about what they were like at my age. It was such an easier time. They used to be able to go outside without having to worry that someone was going to get kidnapped or murdered. They came home when the street lights came on, not when they get a text asking where the hell they are. 
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Looking down at the menu I couldn't decided. I know I have been here a million times, but I always look at the menu, you know just incase I decide to order something different.
 Which for me that was rare.
I always wished they would serve lunch this early, call me a psycho but I could totally go for a tuna melt right about now.
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Looking up I notice the waitress. Her hair was in a twisted mess on the top of her head and her apron was stained with all sorts of different types of condiments, oil and grease. 
 Kate?! Since when do you work here?
“Well recently, Chloe’s mom was talking to my mom and well...here I am.” she sighed. “I really don’t like it.”
Well, I can tell you waitressing sucks. People are just plain rude.
“Especially the ones who tip like shit.” she laughed
Cheap bastards.
“Where’s your dad?”
He’s at home working. 
“Well it’s good to see he has at least been keeping himself busy.” 
Yeah, if that’s what you called it. I rolled my eyes at her comment.
“I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to...” she began to say.
Don’t worry about it, I’m used to people asking me about my dad all the time.
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“Anyway what can I get for you?” she asked pulling out a notebook and pen. 
I’ll have the breakfast platter and a mimosa. 
“Starting early?” she giggled
It’s never to early to drink. I laughed.
“How would you like your eggs?” she then continued
Over easy, white toast, whip cream on the pancakes, bacon fried to a perfect crisp. 
“Anything else?” 
Yeah, freshly squeezed orange juice? 
“Were a diner not a 5 star breakfast buffet.”
I couldn’t help but to laugh. Oh come on the food here is definitely 5 star material.
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Placing her hands on her hips. “If you think this is 5 star food then you haven't had real food.”
Well I mean, dad doesn’t cook and this is the only place that’s close enough for me to walk to.
“You still don’t have a car?” she asked cocking an eyebrow.
Well I do, it’s just in the shop. The damn truck is so rusty I need a miracle. Plus my dad’s car has been rotting in the driveway since my mom...
“That’s ok, no need to explain.” she smiled softly.
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You know, you don’t have to walk on eggshells around me... I don’t mind talking about certain things.
“I know, it’s just horrible. Any news on your brother?” she asked running her thumbs along the hem of her apron.
Not yet, but I know he’s out there...he has to be.
“Well I will make sure to pray for his safe return.” she smiled again.
Thanks Kate, you're the sweetest.
“Anytime.” she replied turning and heading towards the kitchen.
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Looking back out the window I sighed heavily. Well it looks like I am going to miss the sun rise yet again. 
Pulling out my camera and tiny tool kit, I began to work on the flash. Alright if I just adjust it here.... and then tweak this.
Damn it! I slammed my fists down on the table tightly gripping what felt like the worlds smallest screw driver. Taking a deep breath I went back to working on it.
10 minutes later.
click, click. Snap, Snap
Yes! Fixed it!
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And it looks like just in time. Looking over Kate held out the tray of food and placed it on the table. 
Looks good. I smiled at her.
“Let me know if you need anything else.” she smiled.
I will, Thanks Kate. 
Nodding her head Kate turned and walked away. Slapping my hands together and rubbing them I grabbed my fork and dug in.
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Everything here just tastes so good to me, I guess you could say this is the closest thing I have had to a home cooked meal in a long time. 
The pancakes were perfectly fluffy, and drizzled with maple syrup and a dollop of whip cream in the center, the bacon was perfect and crispy where it melted in my mouth every time I took a bite, and my eggs were cooked perfectly. 
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Finishing up rather quickly I waved for the bill.
“How was it?” she asked removing my plate from in front of me.
It was amazing, as always.
“You really need to get out more.” she laughed. “Need any change?” 
No thanks, I’m good. You keep it. Hey, it was good seeing you. I haven’t seen you since graduation.
“Well, if you want to see me again I’m here everyday of the week.” she smiled.
Alright, sounds good. Bye Kate and thank you.
“You’re welcome.” She responded hurrying off into the kitchen.
Walking outside the sun was finally raising and everything began to flare with color. 
Perfect timing. I smiled to myself.
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Time 6:30 am
18 year’s I've lived here and I’ve never really stopped to actually look at the beauty this run down town can hold. 
Looking into the water I held my hand over my eyes to shield the suns glare. I could see fish swimming around happily, and rising to the surface for a small gulp of air before dipping back down and disappearing beneath the rocks.
Life is just so beautiful if you actually open your eyes and look at it.
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There is just something so calming about still water. I could just stare into it for hours, even days and never get bored.
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Beep, beep.
What the fuck, low battery? Already. Fuck this stupid camera. 
Turning it off I placed it in my bag, well that’s enough pictures of water for right now I guess. I frowned looking down as a fish swam up and grabbed a cigarette butt that floated by before quickly spitting it back out.
Now that’s just disgusting. I frowned.
I really hate people sometimes.
Reaching for a stick, and then stretching out my arm, I managed to cause a rippled effect to move the cigarette butt close enough for my to pull up into the grass.
Ok fish, you are safe for now! I smiled looking down as 5 little babies swam out from under that same rock.
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Heading back towards my house, I decided to take a quick detour.
SHIT! I forgot to get my dad food and coffee. I groaned. Oh well...he probably wouldn’t eat it anyway. Pretty sure his last sandwich is still there not even touched.
Turning the corner to enter my street I looked over at the park. The once beautiful fence, now rusted and damaged from little assholes around the town. There was trash and left over food laying all over the broken cement top. Shards of glass from beer bottles were smashed and smushed into the grass. The only new thing in this place was the swings and the basketball nets. Looking over I saw two kids throwing a ball around. 
“Haha loser! That’s an E for you.” one kid mocked.
“Fuck you asshole.” the other kid replied.
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Pulling out my camera I quickly capture the two as one of the boys punched the other directly in the stomach. He started crying. 
“Fuck you dude.” he said as he ran to exit the park. “I’m telling mom.” 
“Don’t tell mom! Wait Get back here!” the other hollered as he ran after him.
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Well, that one will definitely be a good addition to my scrap book. Laughing out loud at the picture my camera began to beep, and then shut off. Great. I put my camera in my bag and headed over to the swings. Placing my bag on the ground next to me, I began to swing.
Back and forth, higher and higher. Getting lost in a daze.
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I loved playing on these when I was a kid. The swing creaked as I swung back and forth. The memories of my childhood began to flash in front of me. All the times my friends and I would sneak out and meet here just to smoke a joint and drink beers that we stole from our parents fridges.
One time we ended up getting busted by the police. He was a rookie, and my friends decided it would be funny to mess with him. We had a bag full of stink bombs, which we lit and threw at him as he walked towards us. When they started to smoke and release the smell, all of a sudden the officer grabbed his throat and began gasping for air. We all panicked and ran away, we ended up hiding across the street in the neighbors rose bushes. MISTAKE. We were covered in scratches from the thorns afterwards. Finally when back up arrived what seemed like hours later, they ended up having to give him CPR and some oxygen. Little did we know he ended up having an asthma attack.
Needless to say that was his first and last day on the job. We also never got caught.
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I just can’t believe we let this town go to shit like this, this placed used to be so beautiful and full of life, now its just surrounded by crime, punk ass kids, and lazy old people who spend 90% of their time on the front porch in rocking chairs scolding the teenagers as they walked by. 
Swinging high enough, I launched off the swing and landed on my feet.
I should get home, Dad’s probably worried about me.
I paused.
Yeah right. Laughing to myself I left the park, luckily for me I lived right next door so it wasn’t far.
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Time: 8:00 am
Reaching my house I noticed the mail had arrived. Wow, this is here early. Might as well bring it inside or else it will be sitting here for weeks just piling up.
Pulling out a stack of envelopes I quickly shuffled through them.
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Bills, Bills, Junk mail, Junk mail, bills, bills. Great. Nothing for me. What else is new.
I always looked through the mail like I expected to receive something, even though every time I always knew none of it would ever be for me. Sighing heavily I stuffed  the mail into the side pocket of my bag and headed up the front steps. Reaching for the door knob I pushed the front door open and this time closed it gently behind me, incase my dad had decided to finally give it a rest, and get some rest.
But no, Dad was still in the same spot I left him in.
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Hey Dad, I’m home. Here’s the mail. I said reaching into my bag and then placing it on the desk. I’m sorry I forgot to grab you food. 
“Great honey. How was school?” he asked.
Dad...I’m 21, I don’t go to school anymore.
“Right, right...well good to see you.” He mumbled with his eye glued to his computer screen while he rubbed his temples.
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Yeah Dad, Always a pleasure. I sighed waving at him and heading up the stairs to my room.
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To be continued...
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Hello! Could you write another fanfic about Priya’s past before the council? 😱
Out of Character:
Hey! I have a feel the Priya fics might get annoying to some (?) and I do have other ones requested, but I’ll go with this one for now, because I love giving her depth.
Also, the following fic will include a headcanon I have about her that I haven’t revealed or hinted at ever. I don’t want to spoil, but I always had a feeling with her, and it does fit very well into the background I gave her.
The following fic doesn’t include NSFW, but it’s a sad topic that may be very triggering to some. I’m almost sorry to think it happened to her, because no one deserves this. The topic alone makes my heart feel so heavy…
Priya felt her head aching, but she kept her focus on the door. Wearing nothing, she sat on her bed in a way that was unusually patient. Over the few years, she had gotten used to the ordeal that was her job.
A man entered the room, grinning as he saw her. “Good morning.”
“Guess what?”
“Your wife isn’t home?”
His smile became wider. “You’re so smart, gorgeous.”
“I’ll take the usual, yes?” He approached her, letting a hand run through her dark hair. “Can you do that for me?”
“Sure. Money?”
“Can I pay later?”
His smile faded. “Oh, come on.” He reached out, groping her chest.
She pushed him back with an arm. “Stop.”
Rolling his eyes, the man got out his wallet. He counted the money and put it on the bed. “Here.”
“But only ‘cause your body is sooo sexy,” he told her, gifting her a wink. As Priya didn’t react, the man sat down on her bed, cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
As always, the young woman tried to mute her thoughts, as well as the voice inside her heart that was screaming at her to stop. Instead, she tried to think of the money that she’d actually earn for that.
Only a few seconds later, she suddenly felt sick. Physically sick. Unbearably sick. In a hurry, Priya got up, pushed him away - and ran to the bathroom!
“Hey!” Angrily, he faced the closed bathroom door. What was that girl thinking? He got up, approached the door… and heard her vomiting. “Am I that gross to you?!” He gave the door a kick. “I want my money back!”
Minutes later, as Priya felt better, she left the tiny bathroom - to find her bedroom empty. The client had left, and he had taken the money with him. She got dressed again, sat down on her bed… and just escaped into the chaotic world that was her mind.
Shortly later, the door opened and inside stepped a familiar face, with a single question. “Money?”
“It’s in the drawer.”
He walked to the drawer, opened it, grabbed the money and counted it. “Is that all?”
It was then that he turned to another man who had entered, and ordered, “Search her room.”
Like every week, she watched the room being searched for additional money. Of course, they didn’t want her to keep anything. The days where Priya had tried to hide money were over anyway. She had long ago learned that these guys would find anything.
Finally, she took her chance to speak up. There was a topic she had been worried about for weeks: her health. “Can I see a doctor? Please.”
Immediately, the man bursted into laughter.
“I’m sick. I can’t work properly.”
His laughing fit kept going for several moments, before he asked his companion, “Have you heard that? She’s asking for a doctor.”
It was then that the other one laughed, too. They did, together, as if her well-being was in any way a joke.
Priya scowled. “I’m serious.”
When giving her the bit of money that belonged to her, he asked, “Isn’t that enough for a doctor?”
“No.” Dumbass.
“Really? That’s too bad.”
“…I haven’t found anything, sir.”
“Good for her. Let’s leave her alone, so she can save up for a doctor.”
Laughing and seemingly entertained, the men left the room.
Priya bit her lip. She usually never worried about her health. But this time, it was different. This time, she felt that it was something serious.
Her legs shaking as she was surrounded by darkness, Priya knocked on the door.
The voice that came from inside was whiny, exhausted. “No more… Please…”
“It’s me,” Priya said quietly. “Can I come in?”
…The silence lasted so long that she took it as a yes and invited herself in.
Inside was a woman in her thirties, lying on a bed, her face buried in a pillow.
“Sorry to bother,” Priya claimed. “I need your help.”
The woman didn’t answer.
“I have money.”
Moments later, she spoke. “What is it?”
Priya took place on her friend’s bed. “I have a sickness, something, I don’t know.”
She sat up, her eyes sad, positioning herself so that the two were facing each other, and sighed. “How often have I told people that I can’t help with that? Just because my father used to be a doctor, doesn’t mean I can cure your STDs.”
Priya pouted. “It’s just… You’re the only person with some kind of medical knowledge in here and… No one else helps.”
“I know, but you’ll have to suffer through it in the same way we all do. It sucks, but… There’s nothing I can do.”
“I don’t think I have an STD, though…”
“Then what?”
“I don’t know, it’s like… I’ve been feeling sick for weeks. Today, I actually vomited when a client was there. I’m not, like, me anymore.”
“You ate something bad. No wonder. This place is nasty.”
“No, I crave food all the time… And I’m dizzy and my head hurts and I’m tired and moody and… I feel shitty in general.”
“…When was your last period?”
“I don’t know, like, three months ago or something.”
“You’re pregnant.”
Having reached her all time low, surrounded by two friends, Priya was sobbing like never before. “I c-can’t d-do this…”
“Priya, please… Calm down.”
“You’re going to be fine…”
“I don’t even k-know who the f-father is…”
“But that’s not your fault.” She stroked her back gently.
“I’m like my m-m-mother…”
“But she made it, too, didn’t she?”
“What d-do I doooo?”
“It’s most important to keep calm right now. Maybe… you’re not pregnant. Or a miracle will happen and… you’ll get out. Something like that.”
Priya felt her friend’s arms around her. “Promise me you’ll go to bed. You need sleep. And tomorrow, you can think about what to do.”
“W-what if they f-find out?”
“We’ll find a solution.” She kissed her forehead.
“Next time your mother visits, if she visits, you’ll ask her for advice, okay?”
Priya’s answer were simply sobs.
“Priya, we must go to bed…” One friend reminded her. “Before anyone sees us…”
“I don’t c-care,” she sobbed. “It can’t get any w-worse.”
“We can’t risk getting beaten,” her friend said. “Especially not you. If you really are pregnant, you have to take care of yourself. After all, you’re carrying a life.”
“That’s true, Priya. You must be gentle with yourself. Violence to your body can cause a miscarriage.”
The women had split, but Priya wasn’t on the way to her room. Instead, she was going somewhere else. To throw herself down the stairs.
Weeks later, Priya mustered the courage to confess, “I’m pregnant.”
Her mother gaped.
“I’m sorry… I know you hate me now.”
“Priya, that’s beautiful.”
“I know, and- Wait. What?”
She used her fingers to wipe away a few tears that had escaped her eyes. “The fact that life can develop and grow at a place as ugly as this one… That is a miracle.”
“I… don’t know what to say.”
“Your brother will finish school in just a few weeks, Priya. Now he has twice the motivation to seek a high paying job!”
“…And then?”
“Then we can exchange that money for you… and your baby. You will get out!”
“I…” Priya looked at her mother, tried to keep her eyes wide open… But couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I’m so sad…”
She leaned forward, hugged her daughter tightly. “I know it’s overwhelming. I’ve been in your shoes! But this life…” she pulled her closer, kissed her cheek, “…deserves to be protected.”
Priya broke down in her mother’s arms. She felt relieved and sad and happy and… guilty. “I’ve… I’ve been trying to abort.”
The woman gasped. “Priya!”
“It’s… I… I didn’t know what to do.”
“It’s against the law!”
“I know…”
She cupped her daughter’s cheeks and looked her in the eyes. “I know it’s confusing. And insanely difficult. And you may say it feels impossible. I thought the same…” It was then that tears ran down her own cheeks, “I thought the same and…” she started sobbing, pulled herself back together… “Now, I’m looking into your eyes and I know that it was worth it.”
Only a few days had passed after the conversation with her mother, but those days had been better than the ones before. She had never had such an eye-opening conversation, one that had left her feeling warm and comfortable and… loved. For the first time in years, Priya was happy.
She lay in bed, thinking just how irrational it was to feel this way. She was trapped in a horrible place, and the future perspective her mother had shown her was nothing but a loose promise, one she knew might not be possible to keep.
Regardless, she was excited every morning to wake up and to feel her tiny bump that no one was paying attention to. It was something no one in her environment cared about or bothered to know of, but, at the same time, a source of endless happiness.
Whenever she got mistreated, Priya remembered that there was hope. That there was a miracle inside of her, one she loved more than anything in life. Knowing of its existence had changed her perspective, had given her hope. Priya fell asleep, promising she would never hurt herself again.
Hours later, she woke up due to severe cramping. Immediately, Priya knew that something was wrong. She thought of all the times she had tried to abort, the times she had experienced violence, the nights she had prayed to lose the baby…
It caused her to rush to the bathroom immediately. She kneeled down, eyes wet with tears, and wished this to be a nightmare. In fear, she witnessed blood and tissues leaving her body, staining the ground. She knew what this meant.
Priya broke down in tears. She didn’t know if this was nature’s way of telling her she didn’t deserve to be happy, or if it was the consequence of her own cruel making. The only thing she knew was that, right at this moment, she was losing her baby.
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bananashemmo · 6 years
#297: You’re Admitted To The Hospital
So hey, it’s been a while! I’ve been in and out from the hospital for the last months after a surgery I had in my foot. As a few of you know, I fractured my foot four different places last year and I couldn’t get it operated until now which means I’m currently on crutches and not allowed to walk. It’s been a hell of a ride for me visiting it so often and the Ashton one is very important to me. It’s literally the goodbye between my boyfriend and I as he had to leave at night when I was admitted. 
Read When We Collide here //  Find my Masterlist here  
“What do I do if I can’t walk? Should I just stay in a wheelchair for a whole day? Not to mention going to the toilet? Do I need assistance for that?” The questions flied from your lips within seconds. Your mind almost couldn’t keep along but it was just as confused as the rest of you. Things had been going so fast you could barely keep along with it. Everything from the second you fell down the stairs over Luke’s old sports bag packed for a trip to the gym and to the point where the ambulance had picked you up. You tried to convince him at first, it wasn’t something huge. But as time progressed and your knee had turned into the size of a grapefruit you started to question it. Luke, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate at all but kept to his previous statement. There was no need of staying home when you were in a condition like this. You looked at him with his crossed arms over his chest and a smirk smeared on his lips. “You don’t have to worry about anything. They said that things are okay, your knee is feeling better and all you need is to make sure it gets plenty of rest and not much of the walking.” “So what you’re saying is my destiny is to be in a wheelchair?” You asked with wide eyes, looking up at Luke as he had tried to explain himself. Luke looked down at his feet a little confused, his mind trying to come up with something that didn’t argument against his previous sentence. “I’m sure you will get some crutches to use but for now as long as we wait for the last results we just have to use the wheelchair okay? I promise you I will drive safety and nothing is going to happen.” Luke made sure to add pressure on the last bit of the sentence, wanting you to feet as secure as possible. It was a bit of a thing to put your life into someone else. Or maybe that was a bit overdramatic. “Just promise me you won’t drive into something that hits my knee.” You mumbled and he nodded his head in agreement. “Of course.” He sat next to you on the hospital with a smile. You nodded your head and leaned back into the pillow that didn’t even have a case on it. You looked at him as he moved hair away from your face and caressed your cheek. "How come you be so calm?" You leaned your head to the side. "Because even though I'm shitting inside I'm not the one who's actually suffering. So if you don't feel like the brave one I will instead." You looked at him as if it was the sweetest thing he could possibly say. Leaning your head against his chest you sighed heavily, feeling the urge to hug the life out of him because that was how you knew you would recover the best.  
“I can’t walk out like this.” Your statement made Calum stop in track from pulling socks over the handles of the wheelchair. His hair had fallen in front of his eyes during the process and he looked up at you a bit confused. “What do you mean?” He leaned his head to the side and stopped from what he was doing. You looked down in your lap with a shy expression and shrugged your shoulder. You didn’t know what to properly say, you didn’t feel there was an excuse for it. You had been stuck to the bed since the second you had been rolled into your private hospital room. The pains had been covered by the pills and you could stand up almost without problems. But it was like no matter what complications came in the way. Not that it had something to do with your surgery or anything, it was just you who messed up everything in your mind. At first you had been bawling your eyes out explaining to Cal that you regretted everything. But as he had mentioned you would have died of appendicitis if the doctors didn’t do anything. And if it wasn’t because of the pains from the surgery it was because of the large scar that was left on your stomach. Everything just seemed like a big blur and now also the fact that he had suggested you needed a walk even if it had to be in a wheelchair. At first it sounded like a great idea but as he had wrapped it up in a blanket from home and a pillow you couldn’t help but feel sad instead. “I-, I just feel like an old lady at a nursing home who can't take care of herself... I feel like it's humiliating." Calum looked carefully as you explained and took your hands to lead you over to the wheelchair. "Listen..." He carefully whispered and caressed your fingers. "This is a hospital... Nobody will look down at you for not being able to handle yourself right now. It's how it is and I promise you the second you are able to do normal stuff again we will." You blinked twice trying to get the tears away and leaned into his hand when it came up to touch your cheek. "But we also need to look at the bright side. And since we have this Y/N mobilo we should use it and go for a walk." You had to give him, he was truly the best convincer ever. You nodded your head carefully and sat down onto the blanket that he had decorated and looked up at him. "Good. I love you and don't ever think just because you're disable for a day I will leave you." He opened the door to the hospital room and started to roll you out. At least trying his best to avoid knocking you into the door frame. "Now let's go invade this hotel like we're at a shopping mall."
“You should avoid hot liquids for the next couple of days. I suggest you eat cool simple things such like ice cream. Not something major and don’t expect to not throw up because your neck is going through changes and need more cells to fix your wounds.” You nodded your head repeatedly, trying to keep up with everything the nurse was telling you even though it was going through a fast pace. She had a whole list of rules that she needed to go through with you, not that she expected much because your head was still feeling light from waking up. The surgery had gone pretty well, you had even gotten the chance to see what your tonsils looked like out of your throat. Calum was standing next to you with a question sign on his face. As Michael had left to do some business he was your only watcher and tried to keep up with the things just like you. “Weight loss is very common as well but don’t panic. Once your throat isn’t sore anymore and your hunger comes back you will gain the lost weight eventually.” You nodded your head again, sincerely hoping that Calum was the one taking mental notes. “I think that is it. You will be able to walk home later today when you’re feeling 100% better. I will check on you within the next hour.” The nurse walked out of the room and suddenly gave you both peace. You looked up at Calum with wide eyes, having the exact same expression as him. “Well, that was certainly a lot to remember.” He mumbled and looked at his phone to see Michael had texted. “You don’t say,” You leaned your head. “Is it Mike? Is he coming back?” “Yeah.” Calum responded with a puzzled look on his face. You wanted to ask what the reason for his sudden expression was but it was pretty explained once the door to the hospital room opened. Inside came Michael, with a large smile on his face and also a huge bag filled with ice cream. "What is this?" You asked confused and watched him as he kissed your forehead as hello. "The nurse I spoke to in the hallway said lots of ice cream," He explained and showed you, "So I literally bought everything you can possibly get. "hazelnut, pistachio, chocolate, strawberry, and I also found this one with peanuts but I guess that will just be me and Cal eating this." You couldn't help but smile wide by his words and that was the first time throughout the pain. "Thank you so much Michael... You didn't have to do this." He shrugged his shoulder and smiled down at you lovingly. He would fly all the way to Italy just to make sure you would get the best ice cream he could find. Giving out the spoons you already dug yours into the hazelnut one, letting Cal and Michael share the peanut one.
You looked up at the clock with tears cornering in your eyes and a devastated expression on your face. You had kept your head high. Since 9 AM this morning you had made sure to show nothing else but excess, not wanting to show that there was a sad side to getting a surgery. You had been doing so well since getting your foot operated. By the help of crutches you had even been at the toilet twice during the day. Ashton had been sitting by your side determined not to go anywhere. It was like he was glued to the chair, but not with the happy expression he usually wore. It was filled with many emotions at once, mostly mixing between trying not to cry and not to break. He wanted to be the bigger one, he knew you were indeed the one who was suffering but deep down he couldn’t keep it in. You had been staring at the clock for god knows how many times, praising inside of your head that it wasn’t 9 PM yet and visitor time was over. You had been going through anesthesia, antibiotics in venflon and countless of morphine and painkillers but nothing could compare to this exact moment. “I cant-, I can’t get myself to do it.” Ashton’s voice was shaky, just like his breathing. He was standing with his jacket over his arm, torn between keeping up with the rules and just wanting to sit right back in the horrible chair he had been glued to all day. “You know you have to.” You had been crying heavily the last two hours. You just couldn’t stop. As the night was passing on you didn’t think any of this was funny anymore. But you had to stay here for the night, you needed the extra oxygen and antibiotics to make sure the wounds would heal probably with no infections. "How can somebody do this? How can somebody just leave their loved ones alone at the hospital?" "Everything else needs sleep. We can't just wake up the rest of the hospital." You knew it wasn't the right reason and to be honest you didn't even want to sound at your own words. You looked at each other knowing that it had to be done so you held your breath carefully. "I love you." He whispered and kissed you softly on your lips. "I love you too, Ashton." You ran a hand through his hair. He bit down on his lip as he moved away, both wanting to look at you but also wanting to look at the floor. You watched as he walked towards the door that was hidden behind a wall and once just the sight of him was gone you broke down. It was a loud sob that filled the quiet room and Ashton had barely gotten out of the door before he stormed right back to you. "I can't do this." He sat down on the bed again and held you close as you cried. "I can't and will not leave you like this."
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kymanss2017 · 7 years
ss gift for officialcartman updated
Sorry, I just noticed a stupid typo in the title. lol. 
Written for the Kyman Secret Santa gift exchange for officialcartman. Takes place during the episode Super Hard PCness.
Eric Cartman’s Fool Proof Plan to Break Up with Heidi Turner     
By: lonegungal17
  Eric Cartman wasn’t afraid of many things. Not spiders, not the dark and not ghosts. Okay, maybe that one a little. But there was one thing that scared him most: his girlfriend, Heidi Turner. Part of him knew he had created this monster. She had been a nice person, down right sweet, until he had got his paws on her. He had changed her, she was now an overweight, ugly, mean bully that demanded the dreaded snuggles at all times.  He had found it funny at first when she had become more like him, but somewhere along the way she had took it too far. She belittled everyone in their social circle, murdered salient creatures and threated him every time he disagreed with her slightly. He might have been a little bad now and then, but she was worst by a long shot. The last straw had been when she had referred to his mom as a whore. Who did that little bitch even think she was?
It was that exchange that had lead him to the front door of the Broflovski residence with a fool proof plan. He just needed one more person to complete it: Kyle. As much as he hated to admit, the Jew was the only one that could keep him in check, the only one not afraid of his dark side. His biggest rival but also his conscience. If he was going to escape Cartman 2.0, he would need Kyle’s help.
Cartman fiddled with the gift bag in his hand before summoning the courage to knock on the door. The door opened to reveal Kyle’s bitch mom. He had to swallow his pride. ‘Why hello Mrs. Broflovski.’
Sheila frowned down at Cartman, before he could continue, and she turned back towards the living room. ‘Kyle, your little friend is here.’
‘No, the fat one,’ Sheila answered, smirking at Cartman before walking away.
Cartman balled his fists at his sides and whispered, ‘Bitch.’
‘What do you want, fatass?’ Kyle appeared at the door, leaning against the frame. His red freshly styled hair hanging loose around his face.
Eric’s eyes locked on the Jew’s hair.  ‘Where’s your hat?’ He had to admit, Kyle’s hair looked better than the normal rat’s nest he normally hid under his hat. The new hair cut suited him and his hair looked so soft. Part of him wanted to reach forward and touch it but maybe he’d save that for one of his midnight visits.
‘In the wash. Anything else I can help you with?’
‘You just look so different…  kind of weird without it. Cartman pushed the gift at him. ‘I got a present and a proposition for you.’
Kyle narrowed his eyes, taking the bag from Cartman and looking inside. ‘Chanukah isn’t until tomorrow.’
‘It’s not more gold for your collection but I thought you might like it,’ Cartman shrugged.
Kyle held up the MC Deidel Saves the World game, examining it before placing it back in the bag. ‘Thanks, but not interested in bribes.’ He shoved the bag back into Cartman’s hands. ‘Bye, fatass,’ he said, trying to close the door.
Cartman jumped forward blocking the door from closing with his foot. ‘Wait! Surely, even giving you, a Chanukah present buys me at least five minutes of your time.’
Kyle sighed, grabbing the bag from Cartman’s hand again. ‘Fine, five minutes’ he said, releasing the door and nodding his head towards the stairs.
Cartman removed his hat and smoothed down his hair with his hand as he followed Kyle up to his bedroom. Once inside, Kyle motioned for him to sit at his desk while he sat down on the edge of his own bed.
‘Okay, spill what do you want anyway?’
Cartman looked away. Part of him hadn’t believed his plan would even make it this far. Now he felt ashamed of the favor he needed to ask for. ‘I need your help…’
‘What did you do now, Cartman?’
Cartman pinched his eyebrows together. ‘I…’
‘Spit it out, fatass!’
‘I need you to be my boyfriend,’ Cartman stammered.
Kyle stood up from his bed, his face resembling a tomato. ‘What the hell?’
Cartman stood quickly approaching the Jew. Kyle was definitely going to punch him. He grabbed Kyle’s fist before he could swing at his head. ‘Wait, calm down. Just hear me out first.’
Kyle growled as he tried to wrestle his hand away from Cartman. ‘What is this? Are you seriously trying to ask me out? Cause that is a big fat no. Plus, don’t you remember you’re dating Heidi.’
Cartman held Kyle’s strong arms at his sides. ‘Heidi is why I want to pretend to date you. Pretend, just pretend,’ Cartman shouted. ‘It’s literally my only way out, without her killing me.’
Kyle shook his arms away. ‘The fuck are you talking about?’
Cartman picked up his beanie again, squeezing it tightly into a ball. ‘Heidi won’t break up with me,’ he explained, each word coming out broken. ‘I can’t do it anymore. She’s horrible, Kyle. She bullies everyone, including me.’
‘You made her that way, Cartman. She’s your clone. You two were just finishing each other’s sentences earlier today, calling me my mom.’
Carman shook his head, trying not to laugh. ‘No, Kyle she is far worst then me. She won’t let me go. She said the only way she would break up with me was if I was gay or dead.’
Kyle laughed. ‘Carman, seriously?’
Cartman fell to his knees, hugging Kyle’s legs. ‘You’ve seen her. I can barely hold her off in a fight. I have to pretend I still like her to keep her from kicking my ass, that’s the only time she stops.’
‘Dude, get a hold of yourself. She’s a girl, she isn’t going to hurt you.’
‘Really, Kyle?  Don’t you remember when Wendy kicked my ass? Heidi is like four Wendys with access to her dad’s power tools,’ Cartman shouted.
Kyle laughed.
‘This isn’t a laughing matter, Jew. She’s dangerous and so mean,’ Cartman whined.  ‘She calls me fat, ugly and says my mom is a whore.’
Kyle frowned pulling Cartman to his feet. ‘Come on, dude. Get a hold of yourself.’
Cartman wiped his nose on his sleeve. ‘She really scares me. I’m not brave like you.’
Kyle rolled his eyes. ‘True but why do I need to get involved with you dumping your girlfriend?’
‘She thinks you’re gay, Kyle.’
‘What? I’m not gay,’ Kyle corrected him, his face burning red.’
‘Doesn’t really matter,’ Cartman assured him.
‘I’m not!’ Kyle shouted.
Cartman put his hands on Kyle’s shoulders. ‘Okay, whatever, Jew. You’re as straight as I am.  As I said, it doesn’t matter anyway.’ Kyle glared at him as Cartman continued. ‘I just need someone that is believably gay, so Heidi will give up on me and move onto her next prey.’
‘I’m not gay, fatass,’ Kyle reminded him again. ‘Why don’t you ask Tweek or Craig?’
‘Really? They are a couple. Plus, you’ve never had a girlfriend, you look like a hot little twink and we have this excellent love/ hate thing going on. It’s perfect,’ Cartman explained.
‘That’s because I really do hate you,’ Kyle said, deadpanned.
Cartman rolled his eyes to mask the hurt in his voice. ‘Doesn’t manner. I consider you to be my best friend, Kyle, and I trust you the most.’
‘I’m not your best friend, Kenny is.’
‘That poor piece of trash? Nope, never. You’re the one that looks after me and calls me on my bullshit when I need someone to. Kenny only cares about tits,’ Cartman explained sincerely looking the Jew in his green eyes as he let his hands run down Kyle’s arms to his hands. They were sweaty and warm just like his. ‘So please be my boyfriend, Kyle.’
Kyle paused for a moment to bite his lip, before shaking his head. ‘Sorry, fatass. You’ll have to find someone else to lie to your girlfriend with, cause I’m out.’
‘Fine, you damn Jew,’ Cartman threw his hands in the air. ‘I’ll just keep suffering then until she finally kills me. Thanks for nothing, friend!’ Cartman shouted
Kyle crossed his arms over his chest and turned away as Cartman stormed out of his room, slamming Kyle’s bedroom door on his way downstairs.
He couldn’t believe Kyle had let him down. He frowned pouting at the snow in the Broflovski front yard. Maybe the Jew was right, maybe he should have begged Kenny instead. He sighed, knowing Kyle was the only one of his friends smart enough to master the level of manipulation needed for his plan to work. Kenny, Stan or either of the gays wouldn’t work. Cartman glanced up toward the Jew’s bedroom window, wondering if Kyle would ever consider him a real friend. His phone buzzed in his pocket and for a moment he thought Kyle had changed his mind. He was hit with disappointment as he saw Heidi’s name appear scrolled across the screen. His red eyes lowered, and his body shivered at the thought of speaking to her. He couldn’t deal with her right now. 
Cartman hid behind his open locker door, so far so good. Things were looking up today. He had successfully avoided both Heidi and Kyle on the bus this morning by convincing his mom to drive him to school, with a bonus egg McMuffin on the way. He glanced around him before closing his locker door, if he could make it to homeroom, maybe he could avoid her the rest of the morning.
‘Eric Cartman!’
His body tensed at the sound of his name. He turned to find his girlfriend glaring at him with her hands resting on her hips. Her mid-section was peeking out the bottom of her coat, the buttons holding on for dear life. Had she gained another ten pounds over the weekend?
He shook his head trying to ignore her appearance and concentrated on the floor. ‘Hey…babe.’
‘Don’t hey babe me, Eric, where were you last night? I know you saw my text, I told you to come over, so we could watch TV and snuggle. I called three times and heard nothing back from you. You know better than to ignore my calls and texts.’
Cartman grunted but replied with a whispered, ‘Sorry babe, I was busy.’
Heidi shoved him against the lockers. ‘Are you even listening to me? Relationships are a two-way street, Eric. You make me so angry when you ignore me.’
Cartman rubbed his wounded shoulder. ‘Damn it, I said I was sorry, Heidi. Lay off.’
Heidi smacked him across the face. ‘You never show me any respect. I’m the only one that likes you, Eric. Without me, no one would even talk to such a fat loser like you.’ Heidi pushed Cartman back again, pinning him against the lockers. ‘What were you even doing that was so much more important then spending time with your girlfriend?’
Classmates started to gather around them, Cartman’s tried to wiggle free as he glanced around at all the judging faces. He just had to calm her down, so she wouldn’t kick his ass in front of everyone again. ‘Heidi, babe can we go discuss this in private?’
‘No.  Let me guess the train your mom was pulling last night was so big, it blocked the front door?’
Cartman pinched his lips together as he shook with anger as everyone in the hallway broke into laughter. ‘Don’t talk about my mom like that!’
‘Why, everyone already knows she’s a whore?’ Heidi said.
‘He was with me,’ Cartman turned towards the voice in the crowded and was relieved to see the Jew step in front of Heidi.
Heidi loosen her grip on Cartman and sized up Kyle. ‘Eric, if you were desperate for a new mother figure my mom would have baked cookies with you.’
Kyle’s face went red as the crowded chuckled. She really was a bitch. ‘Shut up, Heidi.’
Heidi sneered between Kyle and Cartman. ‘Why would you go to the dumb Jew’s house anyway?’
Cartman sighed and tried to take Heidi’s hand. ‘Babe. I just needed some guy time, Kyle got a new game for Chanukah.
Heidi slapped his hand away. ‘Again? You idiot, you know if you don’t raise your history grade we won’t be able to run for student council next month. What were you thinking?’
 Kyle held his hands up. ‘Sorry Heidi, I just needed another player. I didn’t know he should have been studying. It was just a misunderstanding, so maybe we can all just go to class now?’
‘Can it, mom! No one asked you,’ Heidi said, pushing Kyle away before poking Eric in the chest. ‘We have to keep you away from bad influences like that Jew. I know what’s best for you and you are going to start treating me with the respect I deserve or pay the price.’ Her fingers curled into a ball and she held it against his face.
Cartman could hear the other kids whispering words like pussy, wimp, whipped and loser around him as the cold eyes of his girlfriend glared at him. He could feel his skin heating up and his breathing shuddered as he managed the word, ‘Heidi,’ as he closed his eyes ready for impact.
Instead a warm hand pulled him down the row of lockers. His eyes opened following the hand to Kyle’s pale arm.
‘I think you’re the bad influence, Heidi,’ Kyle said, venom on his tongue. Cartman’s eyes widened as his hand was squeezed firmly by Kyle’s. ‘Cartman deserves better than a bitch like you.’
Heidi rolled her eyes with a chuckle. ‘Really? I think he’s fucking lucky to have me. After all, no one else wants him.’
Cartman’s face fell. She was right.
Kyle looked at Cartman, noticing the tears building in the corners of his eyes. ‘You’re wrong,’ he said, leaning over to kiss Cartman on the lips.
Cartman froze. Even when he had come up with his plan, he hadn’t thought beyond holding hands in the school hallway to get Heidi to dump him. Now the Jew was holding his chin with one hand to keep him at the right angle and pressing his surprising soft lips against his. Kyle was kissing him, like really kissing him. It felt good, better than any kiss he’d had before from Heidi. It was electric and exciting. Yet, warm and relaxing. When the Jew pulled away, Cartman could only stare at Kyle as he whispered, ‘Holy shit.’
Kyle looked away nervously. Trying not to focus on Cartman or his shocked classmates.
‘You kissed me.’
‘Yeah, I guess I did,’ Kyle agreed, struggling to look Cartman in the eye.
‘That was so hot,’ Cartman replied, unable to stop looking at Kyle’s lips.
Kyle turned completely red. ‘Any chance you want a boyfriend?’  He asked, shooting Heidi daggers.  
Cartman laughed, squeezing the other boy’s hand. ‘Hell yeah.’
Kyle motioned his head down the hallway as he tugged on Cartman’s hand. ‘Let’s go, Eric.’
Heidi grabbed Cartman’s other hand. ‘Where do you think you’re going with this freak?’
‘I’m walking my new boyfriend to class,’ Cartman explained.
Heidi looked like she might explode. ‘You’re gay now? Since when?’
Kyle squeezed his hand again as Cartman answered, ‘Since about two minutes ago.’
Heidi frowned. ‘You leave with him and we’re over, Eric. I will never take you back. I’ll find someone better than you.’
Cartman glanced from Kyle to Heidi. ‘Okay. Good riddance, fatty!’ Their classmates laughed as Heidi took off towards the girl’s bathroom.
When the crowd thinned, Cartman turned to Kyle. ‘Thanks, Jew. That was perfect, she’ll never want to date me again.’
Kyle smiled, dropping their linked hands. ‘I’m glad I could help with your plan,’
Cartman looked down at his empty hand before grabbing Kyle’s shoulders so he couldn’t walk away. ‘Umm… Kyle did you mean any of that?’
Kyle looked around nervously. ‘Maybe… some of it.’ He shrugged.
‘In that case, could we stay together a little longer then? Maybe go on some dates and kiss some more,’ Cartman said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
‘I guess there is no extra harm in that,’ Kyle said leaning into Cartman’s shoulder, ‘but you’re coming to Chanukkah dinner tonight on your best behaviour and if you call my mom a bitch we’re over.’
‘Deal. Anything for you, Jew.’
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hyung-line-wife · 7 years
Suga Imagine : Celebrating Your Aniversary Pt. 1
Ring Ring
"Hobi!" You exclaimed with the phone against your ear, while walking in the crowded streets of Gangnam. "How are you?."
"Hi Y/ N! Yes, yes, very well currently. Just a little tired by the new choreography of the comeback, which by the way, you'll love it!. Do you want me to show you one of these days? "
You laughed inwardly, while dodging some ladies who were crossing the sidewalk in the opposite direction to yours. Hoseok was always one of those people who would be very happy and energetic, no matter what time it was in the morning.
"Thanks Hobi," you answered laughing softly, while you set the phone so it was supported by your shoulder, since you were approaching your destination, and you needed your hands to find your Metro card. "But it can not be today."
"It can’t be! ... Y / N, I almost forgot it completely, today is your anniversary with Yoongi-Hyung!" He exclaimed through the call, causing your ear to suffer a shock, almost dropping the phone. "What are you going to do?."
It had been almost two years since you met Yoongi, they had become known thanks to their dogs, who had become very good friends playing in the dog park. And today it was a year since tea had asked to be in a relationship. Knowing him, it had been a very hard step for him to give, he was very closed, and careful with his feelings, however you loved him that way, and that effort that came to do that day, came to do it on the most perfect day of your life.
Now, you had no remote idea about what to do, having canceled your two plans that you had already had for months. So you decided to go to the help of a professional.
"Eh ... Hoseok-hyung," he said dubiously against the phone, as you walked down the subway stairs keeping your credentials in your purse. "My two plans were canceled, I do not know what to do now." You heard him
You had planned two possible exits for months already. The first exit, would be to go to Yoogi's favorite restaurant, which was going to be reserved only for you, and this aria decorated with many photos and I remember that you two would have formed in this year, then, they would walk along the banks of the Han River being a very significant site for him.
The second plan, in case the first one did not work, would be to play basketball at one of the best courts in Seoul. Basketball was your favorite activity, you had already prepared for this day for months, training every day to be an appropriate rival for your boyfriend.
"Y / N ?, hey, are you still there?" You heard him ask through the line.
"Yes, yes. I thought I'd go eat with him at his favorite restaurant, but apparently the reservation was not well made. And also, I thought about renting the basketball court, but they did not tell me that today, the national team would train there. "You sighed with the phone, remembering everything you had planned, now it was not possible anymore. Today must be his day, and apparently there would be nothing. "I do not know what to do Hobi."
You heard him laugh on the line.
"Y / N, you thought of everything except of what Suga likes best." What? How? It was not possible. Basketball was his favorite sport, and he loved that meat restaurant, as well as the river that reminds him of when he was a trainee ... It was what he liked the most!
"What are you talking about, J-Hope? He loves meat and basket! "You laughed too
"No T / N. Sleep! "You heard Jimin across the line as well, greeting you, while Hobi was screaming for no apparent reason.
God, if that was really they were very boisterous, you thought smiling, climbing the subway.
"Well anyway," Hobi picked up the call, "You already have an idea of ​​how you can save the T / N day. I leave you, I have to take care of ChimChim. Goodbye!"
"Wait! What do you mean with-”
He hung up What was the word 'sleep' supposed to give you an idea of ​​your anniversary? Should I go to sleep and forget the anniversary? ...
But it made so much sense ..! How could you have forgotten about it?
Suddenly you already knew how to have the best celebration of your anniversary. A celebration that both could enjoy.
"Namjoon? ... Hello! Listen to me, I need you to do me a very, very big favor ... How does it depend on what favor? Are you there with Jin? Oh! Better yet! "You jumped with emotion, everything was going perfectly.
"I need you to get Yoongi out of his studio all day long ... No. It's not a joke Joon" You laughed. ".. Please? .. Stop laughing, pass me Jin" You rolled your eyes. Why did you think it was a joke? You already knew that Yoongi loved his studio, but ...
"Hello, Jin ... I know that today is my anniversary with Suga, that's why I am asking you to take him out of your studio for the day!" At least Jin did listen to you. "How? But you two are roommates! If there is someone who knows how to handle him, and convince him is you, I swear that if you manage to do it, I’ll invite you to dinner in the restaurant you want ... yes, yes, whoever you want .. ". Jin remained silent while listening to RM from behind screaming at him that it was a very bad idea, it really was like a married couple. ".. Yes? Yes!. Thanks SeokJin! I count on you."
You ran through the house decoration shop, you had to quickly find white sheets, at least 2 sets. Like very fluffy blankets and many cushions.
You filled the basket with the first sheets you found, continuing to the next passage, where the blankets were.
Breathe Y / N, breathe. Everything will be ready by 7, you have an hour and a half left, everything will be ready.
"OK. White blankets, or gray? "You asked yourself, causing the lady who was also in the same corridor to look at you, surprised. "Gray."
You threw about 3 packages of those blankets to your basket, to continue with your frantic search. You were nervous, and you did not know why.
The shop, which was decorated very aesthetically, with wood shelves, and products that did not vary from the range of colors of the sober tones, do not give you a greater idea of ​​where to find the pillows. The store seemed a labyrinth more than anything else, for your fear.
Suddenly you found a store attendant, who when you approached her, immediately turned around. His look changed from being calm to excited, which seemed a little strange to you.
"Miss, excuse me, where could I find the pillow section?" You asked, relieved that you had finally found a way out of your problems.
"Sure, in the next hallway, on the shelves on the left." She said, immediately, very excited.
"Thank you." You thanked me, and you started moving there quickly.
"Wait," she called, making you turn and connect her eyes with her brown eyes. "You're Suga's girlfriend from BTS, right? ... Could we have a picture, please? I am a very big fan of your relationship.
These words took you by surprise. Did the BTS fans recognize you? You could not believe it. He had only mentioned once that he was in a relationship, but they had never shown any picture of you two to the public.
The Armys were really amazing, you thought smiling.
"Yes, of course." You answered, smiling at her while you giggled. "Can you believe that right now I am buying things for the celebration of our anniversary?" You decided to tell her, raising your basket.
His eyes seemed to come out of his face, by emotion. If you could draw it at that time, you would have emphasized it with stars instead of eyes. Apparently he was really a fan.
"Complete one year! Oh my God, I can not believe it, I'm a big fan of you two, I really can not believe I just met you. "You laughed at this.
"Do you think if you help me find things to celebrate our anniversary?"
Ding Dong, Ding Dong.
The study campaign of Suga rang. Marking the arrival of him to your date. Everything was ready, and perfect.
You approached the door of the study, sliding your hands through your black jeans, smoothing us with anxiety.
You had to be careful when passing over the different fabrics and cushions that were on the floor of your boyfriend's studio, making it very soft to the touch.
'Now, when Suga enters, the only thing missing is that of a bad step and fall' It occurred to you in thought as you finished crossing and you ran into the electronic door to the studio.
You put your hand on the handle of the door, and opened it slowly, first meeting Yoongi's black hair. You only allowed a crack in the door to open, so that only your eye can be seen.
"Cover your eyes." You commanded smiling mischievously, without even saying 'Hi'.
"... What?" He replied surprised, while looking at you incredulously. I really did not expect that answer from you, you really wanted to laugh at her expression, but it would only cause her to get irritated ...
"Yes Yes. Just do it". You rushed him, waving his hand. "C'mon darling."
This last word made him give you that sticky smile of his, that had fallen in love with you since the first comment that you fell in love.
"Aish," he complained, slowly closing his eyes.
You opened the door completely, it is ringing with the electronic opening bell. You stretched out your hand, and you took it from his wrist, which was covered with his favorite black shirt, from Mastermind, the brand he loved.
You pulled the with a little force to make it enter your study quickly, but it was not easy, counting on the fact that the floor was covered by the sheets, and that made the texture is like sand.
"Wow." You heard him say when he had a view of what his study had become. You smiled to yourself, while you looked at her expression. It was pure amazement, with his mouth half open, and his eyes smiling the way he made you fall in love with him in the first place.
You had made a kind of fortress with white sheets and pillows in what was your study, removing your giant chair, which was working many hours a day, and stored in the RM studio at night. The blankets were hung in a way that assimilated to a fort, and there were many lights hanging together to the sheets, making them look like lights of fireflies. In the center of the entire studio were an iron, in which were two ice cream cafes from Starbucks, his favorite, as well as a pizza box, meat lovers' pizza.
On TVs, which he used to watch his song productions, you had set them ready to watch his favorite movie, Inception.
It was Yoongi's ideal date, and he had said it in so many interviews before he knew you, and you had completely forgotten about it. He was the type who liked to stay at home and watch a movie with his girlfriend. So you decided to create the warmest environment, in the place that he considered his home, his study.
"Y / N ... This is perfect." His smile widened, while he looked around with a twinkle in his eyes. You were not wrong in this date. "Come here.."
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After the After
*This is a rough draft! Spelling and grammar issues will be fixed with time. Also updates will happen... eventually
The sloping hills of the Dead Zone laid out before Milo. His horse breathed deeply, trying to suck whatever clean air was left in this disaster zone. Coming upon the edge of the Seira’s land, a high wall, lined with an ever-burning fire came into view. A moat, made of lava greeted Milo with a powerful blast of heat. Reaching the gate, Milo waited for the fiery gate opened,  laying across the lava moat. It’s rocky surface immune to the heat below made for a safe passage into the kingdom. The guards greeted him as soon as he crossed, circling him with high held heads and powerful muscles.
“What news have we got from those weak kindlings?” one guard sneered.
“Yeah, have they asked us to surrender again? They think we are cowards?” the other added.
“Sorry lassies, but this news in confidential, only for the Queen to know,” Milo said, undaunted by their exposed and burnt skin.
“Well be a party pooper why don’t ya? All men are party poopers,” the guard remarked, smacking the hind quarters of Milo’s horse. In surprise, the horse leapt forward, racing across the packed ash road. Milo kept the horse going, headed towards the main tower at the center of the mountain, the guards laughing behind him.
The horse, used to this daily trek, climbed up the rocky mountain, to the entrance at the top. The lava fall blocked the entrance along with the largest and meanest of the guards. They silently glared at him, asking with their eye, Why are you here?
“Hello, ladies. I have arrived with news for the Queen from Suruat,” Milo explained.
The guards huffed, using their metal spears to created an opening in the violent molten rock. Milo dismounted and walked inside. Another guard inside greeted him with a cold stare, following behind him as he walked the polished rocky floors. The castle inside opened up to him, revealing beautiful decor made entirely of polished lava rock. Fire was the lighting, making the room hot and Milo sweat. Great, iron doors filled with lava were the last set of defense for The Queen. They opened at the guard’s command and the great keeping room of The Queen unveiled itself to Milo. Even after all these visits, Milo was awestruck by the beauty and danger of the room. He walked across the bridge surrounded by magma in front of the thrown. He bowed before the Queen, kissing the birth rock on stool before her.
“Oh Queen of Fire, I have news from Suruat,” Milo said, still on his knees.
The Queen, decorated in red, orange and yellow with a crown of fire looked upon him. Her orange hair, a symbol of her power over the kingdom flowed down, rooted in the magma that surrounded her throne.
Her fiery gaze looked upon him, “What might this news be?”
Milo opened the scroll he had brought with him, and read it allowed, “Dear Queen of Seira, I have a mild annoyance with your subjects. There have been a significant amount of thievery from your subjects, from food to clothes. My economy is suffering due to your lack of supervision. I kindly request that this behavior be punished immediately. Yours truly, Damek,”
The Queen’s hair caught ablaze in fury. Her throne caught fire as she stood up, glaring at Milo with a heat intense as the sun.
“How dare he say such things of my subjects! We are the explorers of the world and are the reason the sun stays in the sky above his head! My subjects would never steal such trash from him or his despicable kingdom,” She said, voice echoing throughout the halls. She rushed down the stairs, past Milo, and across the magma to a shelf cut into the rock. She pulled out a slab of rock. Writing each letter with a forever molten lava, the fiery red stood out against the dark rock. An impulsive letter, with visually angry symbols was presented to Milo, after she had finished.
“Give this to him and shove it up his ass,” She said, fire lapping at the edges of her dress.
Despite her older age, she still had the spirit of the volcano in her, keeping her impulsive and fiery nature alive and well.
“I apologize on behalf of Suruat. I know it is difficult for King Damek to write a letter that isn’t offensive to you,” Milo apologized.
“Well he should! He is a dimwitted lollygagger of kindling. I hope his whole kingdom drowns in a flood!” She yelled. Milo looked at her terrified. She saw his fear, and calmed her fire.
“I’m sorry, Milo. I understand it is Damek I need to yell at, not you. Please forgive me,” the Queen apologized.
“Oh, your Majesty, it is quite alright. I didn’t mean to bare a letter to you of such offense,” Milo replied.
“No, no, it’s Damek’s fault. Oh he is such a bucket of water! But enough about him, I have news that I want you to spread across the land; the heir to the throne is soon to be born!” The Queen exclaimed in delight.
“Oh! That is absolutely wonderful! I’m so happy for you,” Milo congratulated.
“Haha yes. I’m so excited! The kingdom is preparing as we speak!” The Queen continued.
“Yes yes! I am so happy to hear the news. However, I must part. My wife is waiting for me at home,” Milo said.
“While I will never understand why she chose a man to marry, I am glad she chose you,” The Queen replied.
“Haha I am too. Thank you, Your Majesty for your good news and time, I will see you as soon as I get a letter back from Damek,” Milo called, leaving the room with the guard.
“Well then I’ll see you next year!” She called after him, laughing at her own joke.
Milo left the fiery kingdom and trotted his horse through the Aquene Forest. He came upon his house as the sun began to set. His quaint house, made of molten rock and tree held his beautiful wife, running around with whichever new hobby she had now.
“Honey, I’m home!” Milo called.
His wife tumbled out of tree in excitement to greet him. She jumped into his arms, her warm skin touching his.
“Hello dear! I’m so glad you’re home! I have good news!” She said, holding his face.
“What is it? You finally decided to put on some shoes?” He said, pulling up her foot to inspect if there was a shoe.
She laughed and kicked her foot away from him, “Heavens no! You’d see me dead before I wore shoes! No honey even better!”
“Well tell me!” Milo urged.
“Hmmm, you finally built a molten rock house in the tree?”
“No...but I wish! Keep guessing!”
“You found a new hobby of skiing?”
“No! You’re so silly, there is no snow around here for anyone to go skiing on!”
“Fine, you didn’t burn the bread today?”
“Why would I not burn the bread? Who’s house do you think this is, Milo?”
“I’m out of guesses,”
“I’m pregnant!” Milo looked into his wife’s eyes and kissed her.
“Oh honey! That is such good news! The best news I ever heard!” Milo said, spinning his wife around.
“I already have morning sickness, you don’t need to make me throw up anymore!” She said laughing.
He set her down and loving gazed at her, “When did you find out?”
“Today! I was walking by the old oak and it spoke!” She said, using her hands to motion and act out the scene, “He said, YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TWINS!”
“Wait, twins!” Milo exclaimed.
“I know I was just as surprised!”
“Well double the trouble and double the fun! Let's get ready for these new additions!” Milo said happily.
The night went on and both were too excited to sleep and began building a nursery in their half treehouse, half rock house. They fell asleep in eachother’s arms, on top of the crib they had began to make for their babies. Milo awoke at the sun beating down on him, his wife lay next to him, deep in sleep. He looked up to see the sun had cross almost half of the sky.
“Oh, shoot!” Milo cursed, getting up.
He kissed his wife, lifted her into his arms and took her to their room. He left her a note saying, Dear my sweet darling, Sorry to leave you so suddenly, I was late to delivering Edna’s note to Damek, I should be home as soon as I deliver it! Love you so much! PS. Don’t tumble too much, the babies will be born with as many broken bones as you!
He left the note on top of the candy stash she got into each morning. He mounted his horse and rode off towards Suruat. The Dead zone, a vacant and scorched land, void of life separating the two opposing kingdoms. As he rode along, Milo felt the sense of worry for the kingdoms; another war could easily break out again, and he was the only one able to prevent it. He sighed and kept along, his trusted steed setting the course for Suruat.
He arrived to a great wall of thorns, held together with mud and straw, a great tree full of homes within its branches. He approached the wall and soon the thorns parted into a hole for passage. His old home greeted him with fresh smells of plants and wood. The people worked around the tree, gardening and clothed fully. A guard the same height as him lead to the tree.
“O’ tis a wonderful day my laddy, I’m a utterly pleased to see you again. How tis your wife and home?” the guard asked in a proper manner.
“It is a lovely day, and I’m flattered by such a comment, John. The wife is good, we are expecting twins! The Great Old oak told her just the other day!” Milo replied.
“O’tis that a bucket full of good news! The King himself is expecting as well, The Great Tree is preparing a bud as we speak! We are preparing in advance and have arranged and projected into our schedules the birth of our new Prince!” John blabbed.
They reached the trunk of the massive tree and with a series of pullies they arrived at the top of the tree, and just as John said, there was a bud forming at the top of the tree. Milo stared in amazement as he continued towards the King’s palace. A great house built of all kinds of woods loomed about him, smelling strongly of herbs and earth. The grand doors parted to a living ecosystem within, manipulated to achieve the desired decorations of the King. Upon a living throne, the King himself sat, eating glorious fruits and foods. He saw Milo and stood up, welcoming him in an embracive hug.
“O’loyal Milo! How it is so good to see you! Did you send my letter? I made sure to think it over and make it as understandable as possible for the... Queen,” The King boomed.
“Yes I did, and sadly she did not take too kindly to it I’m afraid. I have not read your return letter, but it is still on fire with her anger,” Milo explained, handing over the molten rock letter.
The King gazed over it, huffing and sighing at it’s contents, “It’s sad she didn’t even proofread this.”
“She is rather impulsive, that is how things are done in their kingdom, your Majesty,” Milo replied.
“Well, caution and accuracy is much better than rash impulsive decisions. She should really have more control over her subjects! I can’t have them ruining the birth of the new Prince!” The King said, “I shall write her another letter. It will be done by next week. I want to make it thorough and completely understandable to her. Milo, do me a great favor and deliver this as soon as it’s done, but only if she is in an understanding mood.”
“Yes, your Majesty,” Milo said, bowing to the King, “I must be going, Sir. I also have twins I must prepare for.”
“Oh! What a lovely omen! I’m so glad to hear you and a woman were able to get along so good. Although I don’t understand how you do it, I applaud you on your patience for her,” The King congratulated.
“Yes, thank you, Sir. You know how love works, it can overcome any obstacle,” Milo said, leaving.
The months passed and all three parties prepared for their offspring. Each kingdom was happy and elated for the new coming of the Royal family. Milo and his wife were elated as well for their two new additions to arrive. Milo’s wife grew very larger, proving that the Old Oak was right; there were to be twins.
However, the night before all the young were due, the Earth shivered, shaking the kingdoms and Milo’s home. The shiver turned into a full shake as the both the tree and the volcano of each respected kingdom developed a deep crack. The King of Suruat and the Queen of Seria were enraged by the devastation to each of their life-giving palaces. Their subjects congregated and murmured, worried if the births of the new Royal family would be affected by this deviation.
Milo and his wife, while having experienced the earthquake, didn’t experience too much trouble; their house built strong and sturdy with rock and wood held tight. The birth of their babies was soon, but the earthquake worried Milo.
“Honey, I need to go check in on the kingdoms, they might be having issues with this earthquake,” Milo explained.
“Well your kingdom probably is devastated, since you know how Seria is with earthquakes; excited and joyful as lava shoots up and covers everyone.  I understand with their new Royalty on the way this might be different, be careful please” His wife responded.
Milo rode back towards Suruat. A massive crack upon the side of the tree made him stop in his tracks. He stared at it for a long time before reacting and galloping towards the entrance to the Thorn Wall. He was let in, but was welcomed to a melancholy atmosphere and destroyed homes and crops. The people of his kingdom cried and cried, holding each other. This was not the looks of a town who was to have a new King. Milo rushed towards the palace, reaching the King’s quarters to find him holding the bud, opened, but empty.
“Your Majesty? What...happened?” Milo asked cautiously.
The King turned around, “It’s that evil witch’s fault! She had to have a part in it, she's having a baby at the same time and then mine is missing! She wants hers to be the center of attention and not mine! I plan to declare war on her immediately!” The king boomed.
“Sir, let me deliver a message first, there must be some misunderstanding. Please, wait before we call for war, she and you both know that the Royalty is born at the same time. While she is impulsive, she would’ve left a trace of fire if she or one of her subjects had come,” Milo reasoned.
The King sat there a moment, holding onto his anger still, but after thinking, he sighed, “ Okay, go tell that Queen my baby is missing! And if she has it, I will, by force take him back!” The King screamed and Milo rushed out the door and galloped to Seria Kingdom.
He arrived to fiery chaos, The Queen herself rushing around, helping to restore the kingdom. Milo dismounted and tiptoed around the fire towards the Queen.
“Your Majesty Edna! I came to see if all was okay in the kingdom and with a message!” Milo called, running towards her. She turned around and picked him up by the neck, engulfing in a fiery rage, “WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY BABY??” She screamed.
“I don’t know, please....hack....both babies are missing...” Milo stuttered as his neck burned.
The queen set him down and looked him deep in the eyes, “What did you say?”
Milo gasped, “Both Royal babies are missing, Damek thinks you stole his baby.”
“Why on earth would I want his baby? It would burn up to a crisp,” She replied, “So both babies are missing? Great. How is the Royal family to continue, who will rule the palace?”
“Maybe the babies, wandered off, or were disrupted by the earthquake and ended up somewhere else,” Milo tried guessing.
“Milo, you realise if both Royalty are missing or were affected by the earthquake, and aren’t in their respective kingdoms soon, the land will fall apart,” Edna said quietly.
“Your Majesty, I will take it upon myself to find your baby, and Damek’s. You and your subjects can repair your kingdoms while I do so,” Milo offered.
“Milo, from being of the land of Suruat, you are a good person. I commend you on your loyalty to both kingdoms. But, if you don't find the babies, all hell will break loose,” The queen said.
Milo left, and rushed home to his wife. He worried over the fate of the kingdom; with both Royalty missing, it was hard to say what future lie ahead. The kingdom’s fate began weighing heavily on Milo. He came close to his house to the sound of moans in agony. His wife lay on the ground, panting and in mid-labor.
“Honey!” Milo exclaimed, jumping off his horse to hold her in his arms.
“Just...urgh...Help me,” She panted.
Milo sat beside her, holding her and trying to help her, but things weren’t going well. Milo picked her up and rushed her to the Great Old Oak.
“Please, Oh Wise One! We need help!” Milo pleaded.
The tree moved with the wind and branched covered the both of them. A soft whisper crossed Milo and his wife’s ears, These babies cannot be yours, they much save the kingdoms, they are destined to. With a violent gust the leaves lifted and Milo and his wife held to two small babies; a girl with dark brown hair, and a boy with bright orange hair.
“Dear? What did the old oak mean? Saving the kingdoms, what is going on?” Milo’s wife said, scared and holding tightly to the little girl. Milo looked at his wife’s terrified eyes, and looked at his newborn children, crying and taking their first breathes. His heart ached as he knew what had to be done.
“The kingdoms don't have their Royal Heirs, the earthquake may have killed them. Both the Volcano and Tree of Life have a deep cracks in them,” Milo explained.
“What does he mean by they aren’t ours? Of course they are ours! I just had them and it's the only way a boy could have red hair like mine and a girl to have brown hair like yours!” Milo’s wife began to cry.
“Honey, I know we’ve sacrificed a lot for our kingdoms, but these babies must take the place of the Royal ones,” Milo said solemnly.
“But it will never work! They are the wrong gender! There can't be a Fire Man and there can't be an Earth Woman! How could they accept them?” Milo’s wife cried.
“Honey, we have to. They have to believe us, I’m so sorry,” Milo said, lifting both children into his arms. Milo’s wife stared at him, tears running down her face. Milo got the family on his horse as they rode home. Milo’s wife held onto her daughter, tracing fingers along her face. Milo looked back at her, seeing the motherly love conflict with her loyalty to the kingdoms. Milo looked back at his son, seeing his small face, and thinking about how delicate he was, almost considering keeping his children to himself. They arrived home and Milo reached for their daughter.
“Wait, please. Let me see my son,” Milo’s wife whimpered.
Milo hesitated, but traded children with his wife. She helf him close to her heart, and touched his face. Her tears, made of flicks of fire, streamed down onto their son. His orange hair caught ablaze. Milo and his wife, too desolate to notice, cried and held their family together for the first, and last time. Milo took the son into his arms, and with both babies secur, he rode off away from their empty home.
Riding first to the land of Seria, he came to a rebuilding castle. The deep crack in the volcano lacked lava or heat, sending steam up into the air. The queen herself helped her subjects still, lifting and building new homes of molten rock. Milo approached the Queen.
“Your Majesty, I have found the Royal Infant. The great Old Oak had taken them in, protecting them from the earthquake,” Milo explained, handing the orange haired boy to the Queen.
“This can’t be the royal baby, it’s a boy. Milo, I’d expect you to be smarter than this,” The Queen said, handing the child back.
The Queen reached for the baby girl, but her heat hurt the brown haired baby, it's skin began to scorch as it screamed. Milo instinctively lunged the baby away, hold it protectively to his chest.
“No! No, you have to have the boy, this girl is unable to stand fire,” Milo said.
The Queen taken back glared at him, “This is a mistake!” She boomed.
“No! It's not! I promise! Look, this child’s hair is ablaze! He is meant to be with your kingdom” Milo reasoned.
The Queen stared at him hard, but lifted the orange baby into her arms. His hair instantly grew and was as fiery as hers and he giggled loudly. His eye’s opened, filled with the lava. Her eyes fell onto his and love worked it’s magic.
“While I do not understand how this could be, I accept that this is the Royal Lava Princess, erm... I mean Prince?” The Queen said, looking the baby over.
“Please, take good care of him,” Milo said, turning away and riding off, trying not to show his tears as he had to leave his baby behind. The Queen looked on at him in confusion, but was distracted by the infant boy’s laughter.
Milo rode, his daughter in his arms. Her brown hair and skin had already begun to heal from her burns. Milo rode across the Dead Zone, unaware that his daughter caused grass and saplings to grow in their path. Milo reached the thorn wall and sighed. He looked at his daughter and her eyes opened, revealing deep green eyes. His heart shook in his chest with a powerful urge to keep her, but his kingdom’s wails of sadness reminded him of his duty. He rode into the kingdom, and as he step foot, the detroyed grassed and crops sprung up in green, fresh life. Flowers grew around his horse’s feet and his people’s eyes filled with wonder. The King, seeing this miracle rushed down to Milo.
“You have found my baby boy!” The King boomed as he rushed over to Milo. Milo dismounted and held the baby out to the King. The King saw her green eyes and brown hair, falling instantly in love. He picked her up and held her close.
“What a beautiful baby, he is just what this Kingdom needed in their new leader,” The King boomed. As he looked deeply into her eyes, her hair, similar to her brothers grew long and full of flowers. She giggled and sent a surge of Spring through the kingdom. The King looked at her in confusion.
“Wait...Milo... this here child is a girl. You should know this is a kingdom of men, and no woman could ever be of the Earth. They are of fire,” The King said, looking at Milo confused.
“Your Majesty, I was just as confused, and so was Queen Edna, but this girl can’t live in fire, and as you’ve seen, this girl has the power to bring Spring, a power only Royalty possesses,” Milo reasoned.
The King looked at him hard for a long while, and looked at the girl.
“We need our Royalty, and if this baby is the one destined for it, I guess we will be having a Princess,” The King huffed as the kingdom eavesdropping around him gasped. Milo sighed in relief, but felt a pang of pain as he realised he was giving up his daughter, forever.
Milo left the kingdom and headed back towards his home, sad and empty. His wife lay on their bed, looking up at the ceiling with a blank and depressed stare. Milo wrapped his arms around her and they held each other as they cried.
Five Years Later
The Seria kingdom, long since rebuilt and fiery since the earthquake, only bared the deep crack in their volcano as a reminder of the event. The New Prince, a boisterous five year old, ran around the kingdom, setting everything ablaze. The women of the palace, still getting used to a boy being in the kingdom learned to warm up to him as he had as much spit fire as any of them. With the young girls of his age following him around in amazement, he created small volcanoes all around his kingdom. The Queen looked on in wonder, still in awe over how their heir could be a boy.  She eventually learned to accept this, especially after the kingdom grew with fun and laughter from the Prince’s mischief.
Milo, with a letter from Damek arrived, opening the gate. For the first time the young Prince got to see the outside world, and Milo. Still being young, he was unaware that he was different from the women, so seeing a man was very confusing.
“Prince Conley,  it's the messenger!” The girls squealed around him. The ran behind the older women, watching in wonder the mysterious messenger. Conley looked at him in wonder.
“Why don’t you go talk to him, Prince Conley? You’re the Prince after all,” A young girl whispered in his ear.
Conley summoned up his bravery and went up to the horsed messenger. Milo looked down, seeing his son for the first time since he gave him away. His lava filled eyes gazed at him in wonder. Milo tipped his hat to the young Prince and rode up to the Queen. Conley followed behind
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ranya-smut-blog · 8 years
Married to Dr.Woods XIII
“So how was school today?” Raven asked her daughter as they got inside their home
“Well we had a party. I ate a lot of cookies and got a lot of Valentine cards”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah and I got a kiss too”
“Those chocolates are pretty good”
Kaia giggled, “No mommy. Not a chocolate kiss, a real one”
Raven tripped on her heels upon hearing her daughter’s words. Luckily the counter was nearby and she caught herself.
“Who was it?”
“Natalie” Kaia replied with a cheesy smile
Is the word that wakes Dr. Woods up in the on-call room. She finally got a chance to rest after a 72 hour shift.
“What is it?” She mumbles as she adjusts to the new light in the room
“I’m sorry to wake you but we need you in the ER”
Anya stretches and lets out a groan before throwing her legs off the bed and headed out, adjusting her white coat on her shoulders as she walked.
“Okay what do we got?”
The nurse hands her a chart, “Bed 3, Ms. Soto is 7 months pregnant, complaining of severe stomach pain”
“Page Dr. Montgomery for a consult”
She gets a nod from the nurse, then Anya proceeds to the patient and pushes the curtain out of the way.
“Hello Ms. Soto, I’m Dr. Woods and I’ll be your doctor today. I see that you’ve been experiencing pain the past two days?”
“Call me Jilian, and yes. At first I thought it was normal in the pregnancy you know, stings here and there but I woke up this morning and it had gotten worse. I tried to ignore it but obviously I failed since I’m here”
Anya nodded at the woman and began her basic exam. Her lungs sounded fine, so did her heart, and everything else seemed to be functioning alright.
“Well Jilian I’m glad you couldn’t ignore it because something could be wrong and we’ll be able to treat it. Everything is alright, now we’ll just check on the baby”
The patient was going to reply but the OB/GYN showed up, “I was paged?”
“Yes, Jilian this is Dr. Montgomery and she’ll be checking on your baby, I’ll be back okay?”
“Wait! I’m not going to lose my baby am I?” She asks
Anya takes her hand, “I know you’re scared right now but Dr. Montgomery is an excellent doctor that deals with babies and stuff like this. Is there anyone I can call for you? Husband maybe?”
Jilian shakes her head, “Don’t have one, he didn’t want to be responsible”
“Alright, well I promise I’ll be back and I’ll be with you through this okay?”
Anya dismisses herself and heads back to the nurse station, “Who’s next?”
“Actually we have hang glider accident 2 minutes out” she replies
Dr. Woods takes the two minutes putting on yellow trauma scrubs and gloves. She had already pinned her ring on the inside of her blue shirt, no way was she losing or getting it smeared with blood ever. The paramedics soon came in with the victim through the doors.
“22 year old Elizabeth Parker, BP 100/70, open tibia fracture and complains of abdominal pain” one of the paramedics says
“Take her to trauma 1 and someone page Torres STAT” Anya orders
A minute later Dr. Torres was already in the trauma room looking at the fracture.
“Well this is a nasty break, wait this isn’t bone, it’s a rod”
“Yeah she got it implanted when she broke her tibia when she was skiing in New Zeland” the girl on the other side of the table said
“Who is this?” Torres asks Woods who was doing an ultrasound on the patient
“I’m her older sister, Dona, and I told her this was going to happen”
“But she acts like my mom” the patient mumbles
“I’m not going over this again, I can’t watch you try to die”
“It’s just a little break”
“No it’s not just a little break, you’ve broken both forearms, dislocated your shoulder, lost a kidney, concussion, knee fracture, etc you name it”
“Wow, you have a death wish” Torres tells Elizabeth
“Well I see lots of free fluid. Let’s get her up to the CT asap” Anya says
Callie and the nurse take her up while Anya stays behind and removes the trauma scrubs and gloves. Then makes her way back to bed 3 where she had left Jilian with Dr. Montgomery. The problem was that when she got there, they no longer were there. She asked a nearby nurse on information and she said Addison had taken her up for an emergency C-Section.
She ran to the nearby elevator but it was entirely full. She then went to the stairs and ran up to the third floor, it was her workout of the day. The doctor checked all 10 operation rooms until she found them in the very last one.
“Hey Anya, nice of you to join us” The OB said
“You could’ve told me you were taking her up here, what happened?”
“I could’ve but her baby was in fetal distress and you were dealing with another patient so no time. You understand right?”
“Yeah sure”
“Would you like to do the honors of cutting the umbilical cord?”
“Why me?”
“Well you heard her, she has no husband. Plus you promised you’ll always be with her”
“Alright but wipe that smirk off your face”
“How can you tell if I have a mask on?”
“I heard it in your voice, now let me go scrub in”
The rest of the procedure took about 15 minutes and Jilian was now in recovery. The baby boy was in an incubator, hooked up to machines that would help him develop. He weighed about 3 pounds 5 ounces and was 15 inches long. Anya didn’t know why but she felt oddly attracted to this case. It could’ve been the fact that the baby had no father or the fact that he had to be evacuated from his mother because he wasn’t receiving enough oxygen.
She really didn’t know which one or even if those were the reasons why. What she was sure about was the fact that she wanted to be with Jilian Soto and her baby, for as long as she stayed at the hospital -which would be long-. She’d keep updated on the baby’s progress and would entertain the mother. When Clarke heard what her sister-in-law was planning on doing, she smelt trouble but decided against telling the doctor. After all, it seemed to make Anya happy and she didn’t want to be the one to take that away.
The CT results were in and Anya was going to tell Elizabeth’s sister the results. She made her way down to the waiting room, accompanied by Dr. Torres who would be operating on Elizabeth’s tibia.
“So she might lose her kidney?” Dona asked
“No let’s not jump ahead” Callie tried to calm her down
“No please, tell me the worst case scenario. I want to be prepared” she insisted
“Okay well worst case scenario she loses the kidney and we start looking for a donor” Anya explains
“That’s me!” Dona chirps up
“You’ve been through this before?” The orthopedic surgeon asks
“Yea take your pick, bone marrow, blood, liver anything you can think of. What’s mine is hers.”
“Wow seems like she’s extremely accident prone even for a daredevil”
“No all the parachuting and stuff, it all started when she wanted to remission. She was diagnosed with plastic anemia when she was 2”
“Well that must’ve been hard, most likely that you were a match” Anya points out
“Oh it wasn’t luck, I’m a donor baby”
Torres was instantly filled with realization, “You’re her younger sister!”
“Yeah my parents only had me to save her” Dona smiled but both Anya and Callie knew, it hid a lot of pain. Torres felt bad for the woman, she was just being used.
During the surgery, Callie was working on the tibia and discovered that the rod had done a lot more damage that she’d anticipated. They had also gotten a general surgeon to look at the kidney while Anya stood on the side, watching.
“We’re going to be here awhile guys, there’s a lot of bleeding”
“There’s a lot of damage to the kidney, pass me a clamp. You guys may have to consider that donation after all” he says
“Well there’s no doubt the sister would give it” Anya speaks up
The OR phone rang and one of the nurses answered it. When she hung up, she revealed that the call was referred to Dr. Woods, her wife wanted her home early because she wanted to talk to her about something important.
“Can’t say no to the wife can you?” Torres chuckles
“Neither can you, Arizona would keep you out of your apartment”
Hours later the surgery was over and the green eyed doctor and the orthopedic surgeon were back with Dona.
“The general surgeon wasn’t able to fix Elizabeth’s kidney” Callie said
“Eventually she’ll need another kidney right?” Dona asks which Callie nods at
“Well here I am, open the tool box. Anything for her”
“Hey listen, this doesn’t have to happen now. She can stay on dialysis until we find a donor” Anya explains
Dona thinks for a second, “It’s okay to say no right?”
“Absolutely, it’s your life”
“Then I’m saying no.” The sister smiles
“Okay then, we’ll keep you updated” the doctors smiles
“God that felt good, now I need to find a boyfriend and a job” she states which makes the doctors laugh
It was night time now and Anya was back with Jilian in her room. Honestly, she had forgotten about Raven’s call, as soon as she entered the patient’s room, everything else didn’t matter.
“So when can I hold my son?”
“Not yet, he’s still under critical condition. Have you picked a name yet?”
“He’s my first child and all I ever dreamed of was to hold him and I can’t even do that. But no I still haven’t chosen” Jilian cried
Anya sat on the bed and comforted her. The rest of the night included the new mom asking a whole bunch of questions about the baby and his condition. Also a night filled with baby boy names. Dr. Woods fell asleep that night, in the patient’s bed. Something she’s never done in her entire career, Clarke of course saw this and just simply shook her head. Her friend was making a terrible mistake about getting involved way too much with this case but she’ll have to suffer the consequences.
A worried Raven stayed at home wondering why her wife wasn’t there. She called and called but it went straight to voicemail. The next morning she went to the hospital after dropping off Kaia and what she found wasn’t what she expected. That morning was a disaster for Anya and Raven but more for the music teacher
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