#also he could just. drive a truck like Ok
theevilbrainman · 1 year
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Redraws of Isaac's old designs in my style. He's so funnyy😭😭😭😭😭
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castielmacleod · 2 years
You know that trope where a character books a fake therapy session for some ulterior motive (like to investigate something, maybe to subtly interrogate the therapist, or for an opportunity to access to secure documents, etc) but then the therapist ends up getting the character to talk to them in earnest? And the character ends up just completely unzipped by accident? That literally should have happened to Crowley Supernatural
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finniestoncrane · 7 months
Date, Digger Style
KTJL!Boomer x Fem!Reader, word count: 6k hi i am sorry, this was supposed to be like. a lil silly thing about what a first date with george might be like. and it ended up being 6k words. i just want him so bad it makes me look stupid quite honestly and i am ok with that 💙 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: sleazy behaviour, groping, tongue kissing, just the tip and then not just the tip but agreeably so, lots of physical affection, reader has tits and a vagina, reader is referred to with feminine pet names, descriptions of a gross kitchen, also let's pretend that he's always a lil bit drunk so his drunk driving seems like the normal state of things. he's a villain. he's allowed to break laws lmao (and it's fiction, so i'm allowed to decide what alcohol does to him)
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Sitting on the edge of your sofa, you took a quick look at your phone to check the time and to see if you had missed any messages. Nothing. Not even a quick courtesy text with "on my way" typed hastily, or auto filled. You'd been sitting there for twenty minutes already, with no sign of George. If this was what he considered a good start to your first formal 'date' then you two were perhaps too different after all to make this work. He was laid back, to a flaw. Horizontal. And you were more organised, at least more so than George Harkness.
Just as you began typing out a message, you heard the tell-tale screech of the tyres on his van, followed by the rumbling of the engine as he put the brakes on and came out of the creaking door. The sharp buzz at your door was enough for you to know your suspicions were right, and without answering it, you headed downstairs. At the door, you could see Digger, picking at his teeth and tucking the stray strands of hair back under the rim of his hat before he noticed you and struck a pose, goofy smile plastered onto his face.
He moved to grab you when you met him on the steps leading up to your building, but you dodged him, spitting his nickname at him.
"Aw, are you mad cos I'm late? You're not some bloody princess, I think you can wait five minutes!"
"Twenty minutes."
"Twenty, the- Twenty!?"
His eyes were wide as he looked to you, and you offered a solemn and unimpressed nod in response.
"Fuck... alright, that is a bit much. This'll be worth it though, I promise."
Raising an eyebrow, you silently questioned that. You'd known him for a while now, skirted around the conversation, flirted constantly, but turned him down at every offer of a date. And now, when you had finally agreed and given in to his constant pestering, he was going to show up late and not even dressed differently or in clean clothes? You weren't sure it would be worth it. But, if all else failed, you could always count on him to make you laugh, or at very least conjure up a smile. And despite wanting to still maintain an exterior of disappointment, you could feel the corners of your mouth lifting as he opened up the passenger door and gestured to it with his arm, bowing low.
"M'lady, your carriage awaits."
As you stepped up and into the front of the van, the smell was the first thing that hit you. Stale beer, sweat, and about five other scents just indistinct enough to elude your keen nose. Trying not to think about it, you turned to grab your seatbelt and noticed, out of the corner of your eye, that the back of the truck was filled with empty beer cans and bottles, piles of clothing, some dirty and some clean. And in the middle of it all, a mattress, some pillows, and a scattering of sheets.
"Do you live in here?"
"Don't worry about it, babe."
Before you could ask him any follow up questions, he pulled away from the kerb with a stuttering acceleration, and carelessly pulled into traffic. After a few minutes of teeth grinding, life-threatening driving at high speed, he pulled off the main roads and began taking back streets.
Granted, you didn't know where you were going yet, since Digger was insistent on keeping it as a surprise, you still assumed that after ten minutes of nothing but roads dotted with potholes and routes plagued by speedbumps that it was surely quicker to have stayed on the main route until you were closer. However, it became clear that there were intentions behind this path after all, when you turned to question George about the route and found him quickly glancing from the road to your chest, smiling wider every time a bump jostled your body, causing your breasts to jiggle. With a heavy sigh, you turned to look out of the window, concealing the smile that threatened to give away your façade. There was no way you could let him know how oddly flattering you found his constant gawking, that would be a nightmare.
When the van stopped at a red light, you spoke, still looking out of the window, to try and get Digger to tell you where you were going.
"I just would feel better knowing how long we've got left to drive is all."
He reached over to you, placing his hand on your thigh and pressing his fingers and thumb together, squeezing the ample flesh.
"Listen, don't worry about it, we're almost there."
His palm pressed down and skimmed further up your leg, and as you turned to catch his eye, hoping to at least shame him into not continuing his bold heavy petting, you were instead met with his lopsided, careless grin. With one hand on the steering wheel and one permanently on your thigh, he continued driving for another ten minutes, until you were well on the outskirts of the city. When the van finally stopped, you could still hear the tinny rumbling and sharp clinking of the empty bottles and cans bashing around in the back, feeling like it had shrilly inserted itself permanently into your head. But once you had stepped out of the van and the fresh air, plus the odd stench, hit you, you could hear yourself think clear enough to know that you were definitely beginning to regret this decision once more.
"Told ya we wouldn't be much longer! We're here!"
"Where is here?"
"About twenty minutes outside Gotham."
He slapped his hand on your back and pulled you into a side hug, dragging you along as he walked towards the door of the flat roof building with broken neon lights that stood in front of you.
"Ah, come on babe! Get a sense of humour, or you'll always look fuckin' miserable!"
You weren't sure if he could hear your sighing over the sound of the gravel as you made your way to the front door, and he definitely couldn't hear the louder second one you let out when you got inside. The one that was cut short when you realised you could taste the smell that lingered on the air.
Taking your hand, an oddly gentle move from Digger. The moment was gone quickly when he smacked your ass as he ushered you into the dingiest looking booth at the back of the bar.
"George, really? Here?"
"Yeah, babe! This place is great. Cheap beer, good food. I promise, you just gotta trust me, alright?"
Taking a quick look around the place told you otherwise. But there was just something about him you found hard to say no to. Which you imagined would land you in much bigger problems later on, but for now, potential food poisoning and a hangover of the worst order seemed like a fair risk for what would no doubt be a fun night regardless. It always was with George.
"Aw, I know that face! You're on board! Right, I'm gonna go to the bar and get us some drinks and food."
"I don't know what I want though, I haven't looked at the menu."
"Don't have to, I'm getting us the usual. You'll like it, tr-"
"Trust you, yes, I know."
With a wink, he slid out of the booth and you watched him make his way to the bar, leaning on it with his oh-so-cocky attitude as he ordered for you. And when he sat back down, he slid a pint in front of you and began chugging at his own. Looking over the tip of your glass as you sipped, you tried to get a glimpse at the kitchen. From what you could see, it looked like the kind of place that might give any decent health inspector an aneurysm. The chef's clothes were dirty, the walls were a stained yellow colour that seemed as though it was dripping down the walls, and every surface had a strange assortment of crumbs and stains on it. But still, you persevered.
And still, when the plates were slammed down on the table in front of you by the uninterested waitress, you were optimistic. Because you were determined to have a nice time. It was likely that which annoyed you the most of all, because the moment you bit into the greasy sandwich you didn't care in the slightest what kind of health hazard it was prepared in. You just wanted more.
"See, told you it was good."
Nodding in agreement, mouth too full to speak, you swallowed down the rest of the sandwich, although by the time you had finished it and your accompanying beer, Digger was already onto his third pint, and the sandwich was but a memory. Until he burped and you could smell it on his breath, something he found hilarious.
"Lighten up! You try, give it your best shot."
"I'm not having a burping contest with you, George. We're on a date."
"Yeah, but you're on a date with Digger. Way more fun, far less stuffy. Go on."
You mustered up the best you had to offer, cheese and beer and lettuce the most noted flavours in the air you expelled. Closing his eyes for a moment, Digger reached out across the table and took your hands.
"That was, without a doubt... the most pathetic fuckin' burp ever. We gotta get you another drink!"
Before you could say anything, he was already shuffling out of the booth and shakily making his way back to the bar. A bad decision being made and you couldn't really stop him. He could handle his alcohol, definitely, you'd seen him do it a number of times before. Digger could put away what might kill a lesser, for want of a better word, man. But it didn't make him any easier to be around. You'd already found yourself flushing hot, cheeks darkening, a heat building in your stomach with each lingering touch or flirtatious stare. So far this evening, you'd almost kissed him twice. It wasn't going to be any easier to prolong what you felt was the inevitable if he got far too drunk and became his usual, handsy self.
Of course, that's exactly what did happen. One more pint in and Digger was all over you in the booth. He'd leaned in at first to say something to you, speaking over the noise of the bar, close to your ear, his arm reaching up and around you and pulling you close and then keeping you there. As his fingers stroked at your shoulder, the other hand fell to your thigh, periodically squeezing it between his fingers and thumb. And every time you got distracted by how far up your thigh he was snaking his palm, fingers splayed out, pinkie grazing over your crotch, his other hand would pull your attention away as his fingertips skimmed over the top of your breasts.
It was difficult to try and hold him off. You were both tipsy, or at least you were tipsy, Digger seemed to be wasted. No good decision could come from that. But the way he touched you, the way he smelled as he leaned in, sweat, cheap body spray, acrid beer, it was intoxicating. If you'd been any less sober you might have leaned in then and there in the booth to kiss him, tasting the alcohol on his tongue, letting him put his hands all over you, anywhere, anywhere. But luckily, before you could make what you knew was a mistake, he sat back and laughed, one loud and sharp 'ha'.
"I fuckin' love this song, babe! C'mon!"
Before you could argue otherwise, you were being dragged out of the booth to join Digger on the tiny dance floor in front of the band. The song was difficult to dance to, at least you had assumed, given the heavy rock riffs that underlined the inaudible, high volume lyrics. But George wasn't deterred. It was almost endearing, how horrendously embarrassing he was, standing there with his air guitar, throwing goat horns at the band as he bounced on the spot. Cute, nearly. But mercifully cut short as the song ended.
"Aw, just as I was finding my groove."
You smiled at him, rubbing his shoulder in sympathy, biting your inner cheek as you felt how strong he was, impressed by his muscular arm as you let your hand slip down to graze over it.
"A real shame, George. Let's go back to- "
The band started up again, this time, a slower song, one that lent itself well to the kind of 'end of prom' vibes all young lovers were hoping for. And before you could finish your suggestion of heading back to the booth, Digger had pulled you close, his arms around your back, falling to your waist as he swayed back and forth. It could have been dancing, it could have been the uncoordinated shuffling of a man who had one too many beers, but either way, you leaned into it, allowing your head to rest against his chest while you placed your hands, linked together, at the nape of his neck.
It was almost too romantic, in its own, strange way. The dim lights, the other couples around you, the unique twang on the guitars, the stench of the greasy food, and the way George kept his hips, his crotch, pressed tight to you as you leaned against him. Not particularly from a storybook romance, but perfect all the same. You'd known this would happen. One date, and you were already falling for him. Not because of anything he'd done, but because deep down you knew you had been into him, since almost the moment you'd met. But you'd fought it, because men like George Harkness, you assumed, weren't the kind of nice boy you dated.
But here he was, holding you, swaying you, sighing softly as the music swelled. Granted the movements weren't exactly graceful, but they were surprisingly fluid, as though he might be good at dancing when he was sober. Yet another surprise for you to learn about, but obviously not right now. He was trying though, his hands at a respectable height, his head leaning on your shoulder. Every so often, he nuzzled into your cheek, placing a soft kiss to it when the notion took him. And when the song finished, you could hear his words clear, spoken gently into your ear.
"You wanna head out?"
You weren't sure if that was "out" as in "get some fresh air" or "out" as in "let's head home, yours or mine" but either option seemed good. The last remaining bit of sun and a soothing breeze might be enough to sober George up before you brought him back in for more dancing. And if it didn't, you were happy to take him to your place for a coffee, nothing more. Although, you were potentially considering letting him sleep on the sofa. You couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to nurse a hangover in the back of his van.
Outside, finally able to breathe without choking on the stench or the thickness of the air, you watched as Digger shielded his eyes from the sky. His stumbling stopped, and he began walking with his usual confidence, almost sobering up immediately in the light of the day.
"Christ! Still pretty bright out here..."
"Yeah, it's not that late. You tapping out early, George?"
"Nah, nah. Not at all! If I've got you for the night, then I'm havin' you for the night. C'mon, I know a place."
Admittedly, and strangely enough, you really hadn't had enough of him yet. It was one of the few things you agreed on, actually. This was supposed to be a date, you'd set aside the evening for it, so you were keen to make it last as long as possible. You couldn't let George know that, though. Keeping the upperhand seemed to be key with him, so you offered him a reluctant smile and rolled your eyes dramatically.
"Well, I suppose so."
Stepping up into the passenger seat of his van you caught him smiling back at you, knowingly. You weren't kidding him, he wasn't as stupid as he seemed at first pass, but he was kind enough to let you keep up the ruse. It didn't stop him getting a little dig in at you, however.
"Are you sure? If you're not keen I can take you home, babe. Wouldn't want you to be bored or something."
"And where are you planning on taking me that isn't boring, then?"
"Eh... just a little spot I know of. Quiet, secluded. Up that back road to the overlook. But again, if you're not into it..."
"No, no. It sounds... well, it doesn't sound boring, anyway."
Digger laughed, starting up the van which groaned horrendously before sputtering to life. Before he drove off, he turned to you and winked.
"Definitely won't be, it never is with me, babe."
Pulling out of the parking lot, he turned away from the city and onto the quieter roads which led out past the city lines and into the expansive countryside that secluded Gotham from the rest of the world. From the window, you watched the sun slowly setting, clouds turning purple and navy as they pushed in from the sides like curtains on a stage show. You had all the time in the world to gaze peacefully, as George was driving in complete silence, way below the speed limit, focusing intensely on the road. He'd seemed to sober up once you were out of the bar, but you didn't want to distract him while he was doing his best to keep you both alive.
The van bounced along a short dirt trail until it stopped in a small clearing, surrounded by trees on all sides and far above the dim, intrusive glow of the city, which buzzed against the now deep, navy sky. Shutting off the engine, George turned and shot you a smile, eyebrows raised playfully, before he leapt out. He walked quickly to the back of the van and you followed, waiting patiently as he opened the two back doors wide, finally giving you a better look at what had been rolling around there the whole time he had been driving.
There wasn't much you could think to say, being of the opinion that you should only speak if you had kind things to say. From where you were standing, you could definitely tell that you had been correct in your earlier assumptions. This was where he lived. His rolling apartment. Convenient, yes. But it was a long way away from being one of the trendy 'tiny homes' you'd seen. The walls were adorned with four posters in total, all of them the kind of cheap standards you would expect in the bargain bin of some ancient music store, miscellaneous women in very little clothing gazing out as seductively as they could from the airbrushed backdrops. On the floor, there was a stick and poke tattoo kit that looked like it might be the source of several new variants of hepatitis, and it was littered with empty beer bottles and cans, some of which may have been half-full at the point he decided to drive off given how sticky the surfaces looked. And to top it off, there was a worn out mattress. No sheets on it, no sheets around it save for one scruffy blanket. It was covered in stains that you couldn't quite place, which matched the single, dented and almost flat pillow that lay haphazardly to the side.
"You live like this?"
That was what you had wanted to say, but again, your polite nature stopped you.
"Handy to just get in the van and sleep, or get out of bed and go."
George smiled, looking oddly proud of himself.
"See, you get it. You won't believe the amount of people who have been put off by- uh... well..."
He looked to the ground, rubbing at the back of his neck with his hand.
"Not that there's been that many people I've invited into- A-and not that there haven't been any people that have been-"
You placed a hand on his shoulder and raised your eyebrows, offering him a sympathetic grin. He took the out, thankful that you'd put an end to his suffering, and reached in for the blanket, placing it flat over the top of the bed before offering his hand to you. Taking it, he helped you shift yourself into the back of the van, watching as you got comfortable on the mattress as best as you could, at which point he joined you.
Leaning back on his arms, he looked to the sky, sitting in silence for a few minutes. You had joined him, watching the stars start to sparkle as they became visible against the darkening backdrop. At some point, you realised that he was staring at you, and you wondered how long you'd had his gaze trained on the side of your head. Not on any other part of your body, you noted. He was looking at your face, gazing at your eyes. When you turned, you caught his stare immediately, smiling softly when he blinked and looked away with a cough meant to clear the air of the awkwardness he was bringing about.
Rooting around behind him, he eventually found two unopened beer cans, both of which were loose amongst the rest of his belongings. Keeping one for himself, he passed the other to you. He raised his, tipping his head with a 'cheers' and then cracked it open. You watched the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped, a small trickle of foam slipping past his lips and down his chin. The urge to lean in and lick it off was disturbing, most of all because you felt yourself moving towards him before you even realised it. Settling back down into the strange romance of the moment, you pulled the tab on your own can.
The immediate explosion, the build up of pressure and gasses from the can being jostled around as you drove up the bumpy, dirt track to the spot you now sat in, left you in shock. Your shirt was soaked, completely, and the cool air was already beginning to chill your body. You blinked in shock, watching as Boomer tried to conceal his giggles while he stood up.
"Take your shirt off."
Looking to him, you raised an eyebrow, a look that said "is this really how you're going to make that move?" in a way that he read almost straight away. He began unzipping his blue hoodie, turning from you and passing it behind him, generously, and uncharacteristically, offering you some privacy.
Taking it from him, you quickly made the swap, your body exposed to the cold night air only briefly before you zipped up the hoodie, still warm from Digger's body. You tucked your bra and shirt under the mattress, making a mental note to collect them before you were home, hoping they would be dry. Making sure the zip was up completely, not offering any suggestive cleavage for Digger to hook his ideas into, you settled yourself, noticing that you were smiling. You could smell him on the fabric that covered your body. Beer, sweat, lingering smoke, an acrid smell you couldn't quite place and a sweet one on top of that. As the fabric grazed over you, you could feel your nipples hardening. It wasn't the cold though, it was faint arousal at the way you felt so close to him.
"You done yet, you're only putting a hoodie on!"
"Shit, yeah, sorry."
"I can look?"
He raised his hands, pulling them from his pockets and holding them up to his side, questioningly.
"Mhm, yeah."
When he was facing you again, he let his lips turn into an appreciative expression.
"Looks good. Suits you!"
Thudding back down beside you, George immediately lifted his arm up, wrapping it around your body and pulling you close. You found yourself settling into the hug, a natural embrace, one that made your heart flutter slightly as you let your head rest entirely against him. And then it happened, the moment that secured your confusion about him and his intentions. He sighed wistfully. So deep and joyous, his fingers digging into your arm to let you know you were the reason for the warmth spreading through him.
"It's nice out here, you can actually see the stars. Couldn't tell you what any of them were though."
"Are you kidding me right now?"
He turned slightly to look at you.
"What? What are you doing? You brought me up here to look at the stars?"
George narrowed his eyes, his brow furrowing in confusion and slight irritation.
"Yeah! I thought it would be romantic!"
"Exa-... what?"
"You're so confusing. This whole evening, you yourself, it's not how I thought it would be. I mean, it wouldn't be you without the occasional grope and cheeky wink, but you've been so... You're so... It's weird to see you being so..."
Digger's hand fell to your thigh, a light pressure aiming to calm you down.
"So what?"
You couldn't answer it, because you weren't even able to settle on a definitive answer yourself.
So confusing?
So disgusting?
So gentlemanly?
So romantic?
So hot?
All of that and more.
And when words had failed you, you decided that you'd have to express your feelings another way.
It was less of a romantic, graceful move and more that you sank into him, falling against his body, your lips luckily making contact with his as you both found your way in the kiss. Neither of you expected it, both of you surprised. The tenderness, the hunger behind it. You could taste everything about him, smell him even better than you had when you had put on his hoodie. You expected he was experiencing the same.
Digger fell back, his hands catching your waist as he pulled you with him, both of you laying now on the mattress in the back of his van. His hands pawed, grabbed, skimmed over you, oddly restrained in fact. That was until you shifted yourself up and onto him, straddling his hips and staring down at him, panting heavily as you both caught your breath and took stock of the situation you were now in. His hands on your waist made their way up to your shoulders, your neck, cupping your cheeks as he grinned at you. Watching your face, your expression, for any subtle changes as he let his hands trail back down your front, fingers catching on to the zip of his hoodie and pulling it down slowly, opening it to expose you to him before he cupped at your breasts as you bit your lip.
"Fuck me..."
Digger let out a low groan that followed his short, to the point statement. His fingers circled your nipples, tightening around them as he teased you. His hips bucked up, jostling you, letting you feel how hard he was. You could tell just from that motion that the rumours about how gifted he was had truth behind them.
Bending down to kiss him again, you let your tongue slip past his lips, his own meeting in your mouth. He tasted divine. Sweet, but acidic. Earthy almost, definitely addictive. Everything felt dream like, surreal. Mostly, you assumed, because you were doing something you'd never dream of, something you knew was ill-advised, a little bit silly, embarrassing in the right company. But it was hard to care.
You were quickly brought out of the dream like state however, as you felt Digger's hands between both of your crotches, unbuckling his belt and fiddling with the zipper on his jeans.
"Wait... on the first date? You think you've charmed me enough for that?"
With the smug, self-satisfied grin you had grown oddly fond of, George looked into your eyes as he spoke.
"I think you started this, so it's a pretty good indication of how much I've charmed you."
He winked as he let his fingers tug at the waistband of your own pants, pulling at them as you leaned in to another kiss. Your attempts to stop him, or at least to pretend that was your intention, were put to one side as your body reacted to the feeling of the cool air against your bare skin, his hands, rougher than you expected, holding your thighs, pulling your pants down further until he needed you to move.
"Well... have I charmed the pants off you at least?"
Smiling back at him, you nodded your head from side to side as though you were weighing up his efforts over the evening.
"I suppose you have charmed the pants off me, yes. But... I'm not sure how much further your winning personality has gotten you."
"There's plenty of time for me to catch up, then."
Clumsily, and with very little grace, you shifted and removed your pants, blushing as you noticed Digger watching you intensely, taking note of every movement, every second of you undresssing, as though you were offering him the performance of a lifetime. As you steadied yourself, he hooked his fingers into the band of your underwear and pulled you back to him, landing you flat on top o f his body, your hands on his chest.
Teasing at the band of your panties, he dipped two fingers underneath the fabric, skating over your mound and down to your lips, stroking them gently before spreading them apart. He rubbed one finger up and down, collecting your slick as he licked his lips, desperate to know how you tasted. Bringing his fingers to his lips, he ran them on his tongue, sucking them with his eyes rolling back.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck me."
He continued unzipping his pants and pulling them down, boxers included, to reveal his more than impressive cock. At least ten inches, easily, thick, perfect, topped with a tuft of almost flaming red hair. Trying to control yourself, you leaned back.
"What are you planning on doing with that, Harkness?"
He squirmed, pressing his eyes shut and biting his lip before he managed to strain himself enough to speak.
"I just want... I want you... touch it... feel you... something... come on, please!"
Shuffling forward, teasing him knowingly as you felt his head, his length, against your thighs, you mused out loud, humming as though you were actually considering it, as though you hadn't already made your mind up yet.
"I suppose... this was a pleasant enough date. I could give you something, throw you a bone."
He nodded furiously below you, muttering his words of agreement.
"But! Just the tip. I'm not sure how much more of that I could take. It should come with a warning."
George actually blushed, looking away from you for a moment, as though the comment had genuinely embarrassed him. It did seem odd to you in that moment that he wasn't constantly bragging about his prowess in that area. He struck you as exactly the kind of person who would mention the size of his cock at any opportunity. You wondered if had the effect on others that it had on you. It was daunting, a little bit nerve-wracking. How many of the few people who had made it this far had given up at the sight of it, you wondered.
Most, you assumed, as despite how desperate he seemed to fuck you, he agreed enthusiastically, happy to be offered any opportunity to get as close to you as possible. He was already pulling at your underwear, grasping at it, trying to pull it down before deciding to push it to the side as he lined up the head of his cock with your swollen lips.
Looking directly at you he maintained the intense eye contact as he slid himself between your lips, pushing at your tight entrance slowly, carefully, only allowing his head to enter you. It felt amazing. So good, better than you thought. It stretched, filled you up, and that was ten percent of what he had to give. He hissed, gritting his teeth in concentration, trying his hardest not to move his hips, to buck them, to push himself any further inside of you.
As you balanced yourself, trying to contend with the little of him that was inside of you, he brought his thumb to your clit, rubbing it, making you twitch, contracting against him, tightening the grip your cunt had on his head. As he groaned, you couldn't help yourself anymore. You wanted him, all of him. You were willing to risk it.
"God, George... just fuck me."
"Fuck me! Just..."
Realising you might need to take matters into your own hands, you let yourself slide down his cock, each inch stretching you further, a shockwave of pain followed by dull throbs of ache and arousal coarsed through your body, the pit of your stomach feeling pressed, your insides stuffed with him. Llike you were being entirely consumed, enveloped, in George Harkness.
It was all he could manage with the limited breath he had, his whole body stopping any other function to focus on not letting himself cum inside of you immediatel. The sudden warmth, the tight, wet embrace, the way you leaned back, breasts bouncing as helped yourself to him, riding his cock as he lay back and held your hips. His thumbs, stroking against your skin, where the top of your thighs met your lower stomach, feeling your own desperation as you worked him harder, faster, palms resting on his chest to balance yourself as you took everything he had.
Brows furrowed in concentration, pursuing your orgasm, you wailed as his fingers found their way back to your nipples, teasing them, grabbing at your breasts as you rolled your hips and felt his cock twitching agaisnt your walls. It hurt, but in a way that was delicious, a way that felt like it should be borderline illegal, like most things that provided such a wonderful, addictive experience were. But there you were, enjoying it. Loudly, explicitly. And very publicly. It didn't matter to you, and it really didn't seem to matter to George. You were quite happy to scream it from the rooftops then and there, how much you were enjoying it. Being fucked by Captain Boomerang, as ridiculous as his name always seemed to you. You'd be quite content to tell everyone that he was making you cum, that he was one stroke of his thumb against your erect nipples, one tap of his cock against the exact spot inside of you, from losing all composure.
"George... George..."
"Yeah... yeah, it's good... eh? I'm good."
"Fuck, you are. Yeah. Yes! Yes!"
One final, loud, resounding 'yes' echoed around you, filling the air, bursting through the trees. You imagined that anyone within a five mile radius might have heard Digger coming. His cock, falling from you against his body, still dripping with your slick, still spurting streams of his thick, white cum all over his abdomen, covering his thick pubic hair. His hands, still embedded in your skin, creating deep, red marks where the grip was far too tight, stinging so perfectly pleasantly.
Your own notes of pleasure hadn't exactly been all that much quieter than his own, but still drowned out by the amped up grunting and wailing of George. At least you could hold that saving grace. Allow yourself to cling to that modicum of your dignity.
Because you certainly weren't bothered about any other facets of it, as you slid down beside George on the dingy mattress, curling around his body, hand on his chest, smugly satisfied to know that you had contributed to the stains that would no doubt be a permanent feature.
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pedge-page · 6 months
I really love and laugh over your Joel and Preggo. I was wondering about Joel and his mother-in-law. How does Preggo get along with her mother? Maybe mother-in-law who lives out of town comes for a quick visit ? I leave to you what the dynamics or what directions “the mother-in-law” could be!
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Mother-in-Law
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^some inspo photos of Pedro with friend or his family. Momma is touchy but it's nonsexual. He's just eating it up.
Warnings: angry sex turns soft, brief oral F receiving, getting caught (not sexy), favoritism war
18+ ONLY
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You remember when your parents used to hate Joel. From the moment you announced your engagement, they frowned. Why not someone who has a more stable job? Went to college? Doesn't have white in his beard already in his 30s?
But when you refused to back down, they begrudgingly put up with him. And he went above and beyond to impress them. Gifts, kind gestures, helping around their house and treating them to nice dinners. 
But oh boy, the SECOND your Facebook friends let it slip that you were expecting, your parents flipped on a dime.
Joel was now their favorite child. 
And your mom was—
“I hope she makes that famous apple pie of-hers,” Joel says, a bounce in his voice as the two of you drive to your Mom’s house for the weekend. 
Your upper lip gets caught on your teeth as you scowl at his more-than-she-deserves giddy smile. “What about my apple pie?”
“You don’t make apple pie.”
True. "Well. If I did..."
“—Then it would be the best.”
“You’re just saying that because I expect you to. You probably would hate it.”
Joel opens his mouth but hesitates for a moment. “I don’t know how you want me to respond here. We’re talking about a fictional pie you’ve never made.”
Grrr fuck this man and his logic.
He tries to alleviate the subject—maybe you wanted to give baking HIM an apple pie a go? ”She did buy me that Kitchen-aide mixer..."
You shake your head. Not this again… “No, she bought it for me!"
"It was my Christmas gift she gave me.”
"Why would she get you a NICE kitchen aide thousand dollar mixer, when you don't even BAKE??? PLUS I'm her actual DAUGHTER??"
Joel just shrugs. It pains you but you will never admit it's most likely true. Your mom bought it for HIM and you got breast pumps and a barf blanket. She used to get you the over the top nice things, and Joel would get socks. But now…
Your mom always loved you, probably a bit more than most. Sometimes it was overbearing, but that’s how she is. She’s nurturing, caring, always cooking and taking care of everyone, running a million miles a minute yet still having time to tell you everything is going to be ok after you stubbed your toe and cried about a broken nail. 
Though, she also expected to be treated like royalty by Dad. Momma knew her worth, knew her value to the family and Dad would grovel if he didn’t give her exactly what she wanted the moment she wanted it.
You’re glad that Joel doesn’t have to deal with a nagging wife who needs to tend to her ridiculous wants and emotional turmoil whenever it falls over less he be beheaded for his insolence.
You narrow your eyes at your bopping himbo Joel now, completely unaware of your thoughts as he jams to the radio. 
What a lucky guy he is.
When you pull up outside the old ranch home, Joel hops out and smells the air like it’s the Bahamas.
He helps you down from the passenger side of the truck before you both jump at the sound of your Mom screeching from the porch.
His eyes crinkle in a warm smile as the little yet fiery woman you call Mom comes rushing towards you two like a marathon speed walker, pumping her arms at a whopping 1 mile per hour.
He opens his arms and as your mother wraps herself in his embrace. “Hey you!”
“Oooooh! Ohhh you’re so thin!” 
You raise your eyebrow. Joel’s no heavy weight champion, but he’s got a dad bod ready to rival any of the neighbors—a body that you LOVE more than anything else as it is.
Finally seeing you behind him, she shoves Joel aside and wraps you up in his warm hug. “MY BABYGIRL!!!!”
That’s right, let’s remember the pregnant one here please!
Your mom is the same height as you, but that doesn’t stop her from getting on her tip toes to kiss your forehead like she always did since the day you were born. She marvels at the size of your belly, filled with excitement and wonder and familiarity. “Oh my gosh look how much you’ve grown already, are you sure it’s not twins??? I have twins on my uncle’s side so its entirely possible—oh my gosh you’re so—“
Please don’t say fat please don’t say fat…
“SKINNY! JOEL! Have you not been feeding her????”
You snicker and throw your arm around her shoulders. “That’s what I’VE been saying. Momma, he’s been limiting snack time.”
Joel rolls his eyes. The two of you ganging up on him wasn’t in the cards just 5 seconds ago when he was sweet Joely.
 “My poor starving baby starving my baby’s baby!” she muses, forces Joel to bend at the knee for her fat wet kiss on his scruffy cheek before rubbing her kisses into your head on the other side.
“Come, come in! I’ve made—“
“Pie?” Joel pipes up, his eyes tilted eagerly towards the overly touchy woman suffocating you both.
You roll your eyes, already smelling the apple and cinnamon in the air. Of COURSE she would make his favorite pie. She runs inside to set the table.
Joel starts unpacking the truck but you cross your arms and tap your foot.
He towers over you with a duffel slumped over his shoulder. “—Not that shit."
“I'm just saying, she’s nice to you all the sudden. It’s weird—“
“Don’t start.” He interrupts, slamming the trunk with a startling bang. Those biceps look fucking delicious rippling under his tight tight shirt— "Just want her to think I'm good for ya. Not tryin' to replace you."
You scoff him, as if anyone else could pull a man like that except you. 
But Joel can still feel that tension radiating off you, knowing you won’t truly acknowledge what’s bothering you until it blows into something ridiculous.
“Jooeellyyyy?” your mother shouts from the kitchen window.
���JoElLeY” you mimic with annoyance. “I used to be the only one with cute nicknames, ya know. You used to just be ‘J guy-my-daughter-is-dating’. And that even AFTER we got married.”
He chuckles before giving you a peck on the lips and guiding your waddling self inside. Joel doesn’t want you thinking that he would ever choose your mom over you, of course not! 
Just, for the now, being on her favorable side was something he had been working towards for years. You would just have to put up with her lipstick stains on his cheek and endless praise from his mouth of her fabulous cooking for this the weekend.
Your mom zips around the kitchen, going off about the new nail salon down the road, the garden beds that can’t keep the chipmunks away, and how your old ultrasounds to compare baby sizes.
Joel watches the way she waddles. It’s EXACTLY as you do, and he starts to think maybe it’s not the pregnancy that is giving you such a signature walk. You both sit down at the table together and sigh, biting into a cookie and making a nasty face before putting it back on the tray.
Oh wow.
Joel has to hide his smirk. You claimed so often how you were NOTHING like your mom. Your mom was pushy, demanding, filled to the brim with extra energy that would come out of no where—ironically all the things that defined you but obviously was not obvious to his wife yet. 
Maybe it’s the slight difference between you two is exactly how Joel can relate to Momma—showing love through acts service. Your mom is constantly working around the kitchen, cleaning, cooking, and it has nothing to do with expectations. He can see the little smile on her face, the skip in her step—she loves taking care of her people. She likes that you whine because only she can make your favorite coffee cake the exact way you like it. That you credit your own excellent laundry folding skills thanks to her methods that prevent wrinkles without ironing. How she always had the BEST soups for when you’re sick as if they cured like medicine itself, even if its just poured from a can—its done so with love.
There’s a unique bond between mother and daughter that Joel gets to witness. It’s not self serving either. There’s a sense of personal gratitude in being able to care for someone that makes their world worth living in.
Other times you can be a total bitch but honestly? That’s just pregnancy talk.
“It’s a girl, isn’t it? Grandmother’s just know these things—“
“Mom, I called you a few weeks ago and told you it was a girl. You didn’t just guess—“
“Just as you had predicted!” Joel jumps in. “Grandmother’s intuition is a real thing, and this sweet }Cookie’s got it.” He winks towards her and sips the lovely tea she had made him.
Your mom begins to favor his conversation over yours. “And names…?” She asks expectedly.
“Yours is definitely in the mix!” Joel boasts.
She clasps her hands together, not seeing the deathstare you were giving him. Momma’s name was only in the mix for MIDDLE names, not firsts. You both had agreed you wanted your baby to have her own unique first that belonged to just her. 
He ignores you for now, hoping you can see the ‘please forgive me’, in his pupils as your mom goes to hug and kiss his messy hair like a bird feeding its young in the nest.
You clear your throat, eager to get her hands off your man and back on to the one actually giving her the grandbaby. “I think it’s time we settle down in our room. Right Momma?”
“Oh, you know your way up, I wanted to show Joel some of my new kitchenware—I just couldn’t decide what to buy so I got everything, knowing you’d be by this weekend! Come on, you can pick the ones you like.”
She grasps his hand and guides him, side to side with her piddled feet, into the next room and leaving you alone.
The blunt edges of your chewed up nails dig into Joel’s meaty chest. there are wrinkles in your forehead from how tightly concentrated you are at riding back and forth on his cock, your belly dragging along his and hips slamming down aggressively as you ride him with the pent up fury of the day.
Joel’s got a mix of emotions: your tight pussy sucking him in, kissing your cervix with each swallow, deep and delicious in that tight heat, plus the sheer feel and sight of you so pregnant yet fucking him so furiously while he lies back and takes it all in, trying not to cum too soon—but also knowing you’re more angry than you are thinking about the sex you’re having, and you’re going to injure yourself by all this energy not driving you anywhere closer to an orgasm, and he knows  he has to works out the knot in your brain before you can let the knot in your tummy snap.
“Why are you so upset?” He asks as his head rubs up along the pillow from each bounce of your body atop him.
“M—m not—upset,” you stammer, your fingers gripping his flesh even harder and slamming yourself down on his cock like you want to hurt it.
You’re sweating, visibly aggravated and probably in pain but refuse to quit.
Maybe you need this, but as he glances down at your bulging pregnant belly that is also being shaken up like a martini, he decides that his unborn baby doesn’t need brain damage too from your furious fucking.
Joel’s hands glide up along your flexed arms until he’s cupping your cheeks gently, wiping the tear that is building along your eyelashes. You slow your pace until you’re just sitting on top, impaled on his cock and letting out an exhausted huff.
“So why are you upset?” He asks calmly.
“You’re MY husband,” you say, and though your voice is full of confidence at the statement, it quivers just a bit at the end. 
Joel knew you would be pent up. That your mom was too touchy with him, and in his good faith to keep her good favor, he leaned in and let her butter him up, gave her the attention and kisses and hugs she asked for, and now its getting to you, and you’re jealous of your own mother—
“--and I’m HER daughter. But now she’s acting like you’re her favorite child too, even though I’m the one giving the grandbaby here, I used to be her favorite kid! Just me! I used to be the one BEGGGING her to give ya a chance but now suddenly she’s also loving you, out of the fucking BLUE,  like you’re all special when IT SHOULD JUST BE ME—.”
He blinks for a second, and you squeeze your walls around him as if signaling you’ll cut it off if he dare try to act confused. 
“Wait, are you jealous… of me?” 
Your eyes drift away, just in time for Joel to have the worst fucking reaction by chuckling so hard that the two of you are rolling over to your side.
He wipes his reddened face and calms his breathing so he can talk.
“That why you’re fuckin’ me like you wanna break me?” 
Maybe you did want to make a point to anyone who might be in the house about the hierarchy over who’s got right’s to loving Joel…specifically, to make that clear TO Joel himself. 
He scootches as close as he can, despite the big baby between your middles, and rubs his nose along yours, his palm brushing your cheek and centering your focus entirely on him.
“I’d shoot myself if I had to spend more than just this weekend with your mom. She’s nice, but I couldn’t EVER stand around bein’ pinched in the cheeks like that. Always doting on my ass all day, tryin’ to service me and make me feel like a spoiled porcelain doll that needed nurturin’ like a baby 24/7. I’d feel like a useless fuck. I think she n’ I are kinda alike in that. Wantin’ to take care of what’s ours.”
You snort in the boogers pooling in your nostrils. 
“Look, It’s nice gettin’ praise, THAT you could give me more of.”
“I don’t wanna talk about my mom when you’re inside me.”
“Then lets talk about you being a momma while I’m inside you.”
“Yeah… but I liked being the only one she adored. Now I gotta share?? With you????”
You nod shyly but agree. “I do appreciate you. I’ll try better to show it.”
“Nah, don’t want you to change. N’ I need you to listen to this because I know you’re gonna leave some details out intentionally when you go tattlin’ to Maria—but being pregnant with you has been the best adventure we’ve been on so far. You keep me on my toes and keep life interesting. I like the smile on your face when I give ya something only I can give. The dance you do when you get your little cookie dough milkshake thing, and the pout you make when I tell ya no, and you get all cute on me and do some ridiculous shit that I can’t deny you anymore cuz fuck, I want you happy sooo bad, and I wanna be the one that does it. YOU make me feel special.”
He smiles, stroking the hair away from your eyes. “Think of it this way: when did she suddenly start showin’ me some special treatment? When I put a baby in your belly. That’s it. She’s happy to be getting a grand kid, and she knows I’m officially stuck with you so might as well get used to it. I’m here to stay. “Ya spent so long tryin’ to get her to like me. She does now. Job well done! You don’t have to stress anymore. No need to get all greedy, baby though I know that’s just your thing,” he teases, rubbing his knee along your thighs to part them again.
You furl your lower lip out in a childish pout. “I think the baby is making me possessive over my belongings.”
“Oh? I’m a belonging now?” He wiggles his eyes brows. Slightly more relaxed, he takes advantage and smoothes his palm down your arm, behind your waist to squeeze your ass.
He’s about to pull you in for a victory kiss when your eyes shoot open.
“Wait… am I… the useless spoiled porcelain doll that needs nurturing 24/7 that you have to dote on all day??????”
“No! No you’re not useless!”
He’s offering a sweet smile, rubbing your shoulder with encouragement as a pregnant pause fills the air.
“…you got anything else you wanna deny in that or just that one part.”
He licks his lips before flipping you on your back and sliding down between your legs.
“You know what the BEST pie is?”
T h e o n e  b e t w e e n  m y l  e g s, you mouth out into the air, your belly conveniently keeping your lips out of frame as Joel spread your pussy and blows cool air on your nub.
“S’the one between your legs,” he whispers sensually against your thigh, nipping it and growling before dragging the tip of his nose through your slit, inhaling your scent.
You smile and cover your face with both hands. He’s cheesy, but he’s a keeper. 
and maybe, just maybe, worth sharing the love with.
The love that is quickly about to be snuffed out for the both of you as your mom opens the door and begins asking "Joel did you want the red one or the blue--AH!"
Joel and you both frantically cover your lower half, his head accidetanlly bumping into your belly at the same you to strain your back trying to sit up.
she slams the door closed but calls out through the wood: "Oh that is NOT appropriate for the baby!" before stammering away.
Joel just chuckles into your breasts. "How does she think I got the baby in you?"
You shake your head and smack him, trying to feel more ashamed then amused right now.
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More Momma in Law and Sarah
@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrs-oharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-dinero @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee
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meowshark12 · 1 month
i know it won't work (rc)(3)
series summary: you're best friends with topper, kelce, and rafe. it has never bothered you to see them with other girls, knowing that they usually only have flings, but, when rafe gets what appears to be a girlfriend, how does this change things?
(not canon)rafe x kook!reader, original characters
chapter 3 summary: the after effects of Topper's party. I'll leave it at that.
warnings: rafe is pissing me off.
2.4k words, basically unedited.
1 2 3
chapter 3: why
Topper's party ends with you, Stella, and Macey walking back over to your house after the vast majority of the crowd had dissipated. All who remained there ended up crashing somewhere in the great unknown of Topper's parent's estate.
You wake up in your bed next to a snoring Macey and an already awake Stella, who greets you with a soft smile and your water bottle. You sit up.
"Thanks," you whisper, careful to not wake Macey. You take a few sips of your water, not realizing how thirsty you actually were. "what time is it?" you ask.
"only 8" Stella responds, which prompts you to lay back down (dramatically) and open your phone.
You are met with 11 messages from Topper from last night.
yoooooo wya??
sent 1:28am
yn. are you here
sent 1:31am
did you fr go home?
sent 1:32am
omfg I see ur light on.
sent 1:32am
you actual pos
sent 1:32am
kelce and rafe are asking where you guys went
sent 1:36am
they say they're coming over
sent 1:37am
I told them not to. why did you leave?
sent 1:41am
what's wrong.
sent 1:45am
pls respond.
sent 1:46am
ok gn then. dont be mad.
sent 2:19am
You sigh. Stella shoots a questioning look your way before you show her your phone and she understands.
Macey stirs, though it is much too early yet for her to arise. She hums in her sleep, probably to tell you guys to be quiet.
"what do I even say to all this?" you ask, nobody answers, but you didn't really need an answer. You knew that you would explain to Topper that you and the girls just needed a girls night, but you also knew that he wouldn't buy it for a second.
You respond to Topper, and ask if he would want to meet you at the club for lunch, somewhat disregarding his messages but knowing he would force you into talking about last night somehow. Topper may not be the brightest, but he is much more in tune with emotions than someone might think. He says yes to lunch, and you turn your phone off, satisfied with the way you bought yourself a few more hours.
You think about the best way to approach the subject with Topper. Because 'hey me and the girls don't like that beautiful girl that you and the boys hangout with and we want you all to ourselves because it works better that way' doesn't seem like the right thing to say. Topper texts you again, asking if you could do coffee and bagels instead. You take a minute to respond though you know you'll say yes anyway. You were hungry and did need a hangover-curing coffee, as did your girls, you were sure.
You reply a nonchalant 'sure' to Topper before telling Stella your plans and that you'll bring her and Macey back their faves. Topper offered to drive, so you begin your walk to his house.
As you open the fence and walk through, you see Rafe's truck pulling out of the driveway with Amber in the passenger seat. You have to stifle a reaction, but you did not expect to see Rafe and Amber interact ever again. Rafe was usually a one-night kind of guy, not a one-night and drive you home the morning after kind of guy.
You had heard your fair share of Rafe's escapades in your group's conversations, but nobody in the group ever seemed phased to hear about anyone else's hookup stories.
Though, there was the one time that you shared a story that the boys, and especially Rafe, were not fond of.
You had just turned 17, and had all begun the night drinking your beverages of choice and hanging out in Kelce's room, if you could even call it that. Kelce's parents only had one kid, and they let him have free reign of their finished basement. So, as you all sprawled on the various couches and chairs there was conversation flowing aimlessly throughout the group.
Though, you started out talking to the girls (who prompted you) about your recent endeavors with a boy named John, the boys begun listening after they realized the topic of conversation. You were never entirely open with the boys about your personal life, so they were completely intrigued with the conversation.
You paused partway through your long story before realizing that the three nosy boys on the other side of the room had stopped their conversation to listen to you. You laughed, saying a quick "stop listening!" before rolling your eyes and turning back to the girls. When you saw that the boys had no intention of stopping their listening, you turned back to them and didn't speak.
"Oh come on, yn, we never get to hear about this stuff!" Kelce begins, raising his eyebrows and giving you a look to try to persuade you to continue.
"Yeah, yn, you know all about our lives, how come we rarely get to know about yours?" Topper chimes in, agreeing with Kelce's sentiment. Rafe is quiet, not sure if he wants to hear what you are going to say, but his gaze on you is intent, almost silently willing you to continue talking.
"Ugh. Okay. Well..." you begin, without really knowing how to continue. All you had really told the girls was that you had hooked up with John Townsend, the boy whose parents were the sole contributors of the Kildare Yacht Club. But, the boys hadn't been listening to who, all they heard was that you had hooked up with someone.
"Go on..." Macey says, hoping her prompting will elicit a reaction out of you.
"We've just hooked up a few times. It's not that big of a deal." You spit out finally, waiting to see what your friends will say.
"A few times?!?" Stella nearly yells. "I thought it was only the one time at his house?" She finishes, waiting for you to say something. Before you can, Macey interrupts.
"His house?!? I thought it was only at the..." she starts before glancing at the boys, "...you know where I thought it was." she finished meekly. The boys erupt in a series of "what"s and "no way"s, turning to you for an explanation.
You laugh and cover your face with your hands, your cheeks turning a shade of red that you didn't even know existed before now. The boys are all slack jawed and waiting for you to talk.
"Oh what? Like you all haven't had your fair share of hookups??" You start, "why is this so crazy?"
"because its YOU, yn. You've never told us about this stuff before, even when we ask!" Topper says, still bewildered. You look between the boys. Rafe seemingly deep in thought, Kelce wide eyed, and Topper's mouth still hanging open.
You begin to defend yourself before you are cut off by Rafe asking "Who is this guy?" and that's when you realize that they hadn't been listening the whole time. Topper and Kelce hum to show that they also want to know. You look over at Stella and Macey, both of whom are making faces at you to show that maybe you shouldn't tell the boys who this mystery man is that you've hooked up with more than one time.
"Ummmmmmm..." you start, not intending to share with them.
"Fine. If you don't want to share, we'll just got through your phone and find out ourselves." Topper says, lunging toward your phone with an open hand.
You protest, holding it out of reach. Some semblance of a fight ensues, the girls trying to keep them away and the boys pushing through (to the best of their ability without trampling a bunch of 17 year old girls) to get to your phone.
"FINE!" you finally shout, stopping the fight. "If you really want to know that bad... it was John Townsend." You finish.
Rafe is the first to speak. "What?" He says plainly.
"Did you really not hear me?" you say.
"no, I think I heard you. I just- what??" he finally answers.
You look at the rest of the group, the girls looking relieved but worried, and the other boys looking somewhat the same as Rafe.
"What's the problem with John?" you ask innocently.
"What's the problem? Yn what's NOT the problem?" Kelce begins before Topper finishes his sentence.
"Yeah, yn, that guy is bad news. His parents might be hot shit in Kildare, but he's a weirdo. Especially for younger girls, like you." Topper says, not intending to hurt you with his words, but they do sting a little.
Rafe is still silent, and you look to him to say something. He avoids your gaze, waiting for the other boys to be done.
"I think they just mean that you should be careful, yn" Stella begins, trying to fix the tension in the room.
"No, Stel, we mean that she shouldn't be so stupid to fuck around with a dirty loser like that guy." Rafe finally speaks up, and his words hurt you the most. "I mean really, yn. Be serious right now."
You're on the verge of tears, not expecting to be belittled in front of your only friends.
"Alright that's enough dumbass." Macey says. "She's allowed to do whatever she wants and doesn't need approval from anyone, especially not you idiots."
You give her a small smile. You're not sure why Rafe's words affected you that much. You all are silent for a moment before conversation restarts. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, hoping to get your bearings back.
Stella and Macey follow not long after you, and soon you are all on the bathroom floor. They begin explaining to you that the boys were just being stupid and protective like they always were, and that it just got out of hand. You agreed, and soon everything was back to normal. But, you had always thought about that moment before beginning to share something with your friends from that moment on.
Overall, the relationships of your friends were private from your friend group. In a way, all of your most important relationships were with each other. So why would you want that to change? Nobody ever really had serious relationships anyway, and you all liked it that way. At least you thought you all liked it that way.
Soon after you see Rafe and Amber leave, Topper comes out of the house and sees you leaning against the passenger door of his Jeep.
He gives you a small smile before unlocking his car. You open the passenger door and get in.
Topper climbs into the driver's seat right after you. "Coffee first or bagels?" he asks, avoiding the obvious awkwardness between the two of you.
"Bagels, probably? I'm gonna get coffee for the girls too, don't want it to melt," you reply easily, since conversation with Topper has always come naturally for you. Topper nods, turning up the music that was playing and rolling down the windows.
The drive to get bagels was short, short enough that neither of the two of you had tried to initiate conversation, but long enough that the awkwardness began to brew. After getting bagels, you buckled yourself in and felt the rumble of the engine, but Topper didn't shift the car to begin driving.
You knew that leaving early normally wouldn't have been a big deal for other people. Especially since you lived right next door, it makes sense to sleep in your own bed after a party instead of cramming into one person's house. But, the six of you always stayed, and if you didn't, you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.
"So," Topper begins, "what's up with you?" he says, not necessarily intending to blame you for leaving early, but maybe he knew it was your idea to leave.
"What do you mean?" you challenge, hoping he will give you some information before you explain yourself.
"I don't know, it's just weird that you guys left yesterday," he says, pausing to take in your reaction. You nod with him, understanding why he would be upset about it. "Why did you leave without telling us? I mean, we know you live right there, but that's just never happened before. We were kinda worried... Rafe suggested showing up to your house and then Kelce wanted to go with him, but I figured we should just leave you guys be." At the mention of Rafe, your ears perk up. Why had he of all people suggested going over? Wasn't he preoccupied with Amber?
"Yeah, I know we should've told you we left," you say honestly, feeling bad that you left him high and dry. "Honestly," you begin, and Topper is now staring at you, "we were just not exactly feeling it, it was kind of a weird vibe outside with you guys... and Amber... and I don't know, we just figured we would go back to mine kinda early," you pause, seeing Topper's gaze soften. "I'm really sorry though, Top. You know I didn't mean to leave you like that. We aren't mad at you, the vibe was just off and we felt weird still being there." you finish.
"Okay... well if that's really it, and you're not mad, then we are all good. We just don't want to mess around with a mad yn, or a mad Macey, for that matter." You laugh, glad to have been able to dance around the point enough to satisfy Topper's craving for an answer from you.
The two of you finish your coffee run and come back to your house to a wide awake Stella and Macey awaiting your arrival.
"Finally!" Macey says dramatically, as if she hadn't woken up ten minutes prior.
"I think she means 'thank you'" Stella explains while helping you with their drinks.
"You're welcome," you respond, and Topper trails in behind you. After the two of you made up, you figured you might as well invite him in for breakfast.
After the four of you eat together, a notification from your group chat lights up your phone.
ward not home. druthers today at 12?
Kelce has already responded 'yes' and the four of you are in agreement as well. Today was going to be a day on the boat. You were hopeful that this would be able to mend the crack slowly forming in the group of the six of you.
But, your hopes were soon crushed when you arrived to the Druthers and see Rafe and Amber awaiting your arrival.
You look at the girls, and they're already looking at you. You sigh, shrug, and hope that you all can make the best out of the day ahead of you.
🏷️list: @flvredcas @rafesno1bae @kiiyomei @silkylovey @girlwedontcare @sunny1616 @asterizee @pillowprincess4him @patychieffi @rafeslittleangel @anightlikethisss @drewsdirtyslut @mattyskies @theyluvmesblog @gothamgirl2024 @ujws5 @kmhbygss @kaiparkerwifes
a/n: hope you all keep enjoying! sorry for huge delay in posting. ill be back hopefully for a while!
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loves0phelia · 5 months
Please write about Rafe who believes in love and a reader who doesn't! I love your first fic btw
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Summery: the request
Words: 1k
Warnings: small injury, grammar mistakes (feel free to correct me)
A/N: thank you so much for this request! xxx
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Ever since you and Rafe met, he has been head over heels for you. He would follow you around like a lost puppy, he would get you anything you could possibly want, and always make sure you were okay.
In a way you loved how much he cared, but sometimes the feelings he left you with, made you confused.
In your head love was nothing but a useless feeling. The lovey dovey movies were fake and unrealistic, the people holding hands or kissing in the streets were disgusting and anyone who tried to prove you wrong was definitely not sane.
So why was Rafe Cameron making you feel this way? 
“Good morning pretty, got you your favorite like always” He says the second you open the door to his black pick up truck, and hand you the chocolate chips cookie from that bakery you adore.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to get me something every time?” Even though you wish you kept your lips in a straight line, a small smile took place on your lips.
“But if i stop bringing you snacks how else will i see this pretty smile of yours?” immediately your cheeks became red, so you turned your head to look out the passenger window as he finally started driving away.
After what felt like hours, you got the courage to speak up and asked him where he was taking you.
“Well I figured you wouldn't like the movies because you claim its “too romantic” so I decided on going up to the hill with some food and a book, we could spend the afternoon together until sunset. Also I brought my laptop in case you changed your mind about rom coms…” he uttered the last words anticipating your reaction to them.
“Are you serious? that's like the most rom com thing ever!” you threw your hands above your head and looked at him in disbelief.
“Come on Y/n just give it a shot please” you looked at him with a glare not breaking against his attempt at begging.
“for me?” your fake anger vanished the second the words left his mouth. His soft blue eyes and pouty lips had you in a choke hold. You could never refuse him even if you tried.
“fine” Rafe shouts in victory before grabbing your hand and shaking it while still holding the steering wheel.
“You're not going to regret it baby, i swear” his happiness calmed and now you could only hear the soft music playing on the radio and the harsh sound of his engine. 
What you hadn't noticed though was how his hand was still holding yours on top of your thigh for the rest of the ride. 
When the car finally came to a stop, Rafe jumped out and rushed to your side to open your door. While holding the small bag with the cookie you haven't eaten yet in your left hand your right one grabbed his so he could help you climb out. This gesture was almost too familiar now.
You stood a few feet away as he grabbed the cooler filled to the brim with various beverages and snacks. Your breath hitch when you noticed his arms flex beneath his gray shirt. 
“You ready?” you snapped your eyes away from his muscles as fast as light and quickly nodded, unable to speak any word.
In silence you both climbed the small trail up to the hill. While you could've been watching the blooming flowers, your mind was on rafe, you were daydreaming not paying attention to anything.
“shit” were your last words before tripping over a small branch on your path. your exclamation immediately made Rafe turn on his heels, he dropped the cooler to the ground and ran to you, examining the damage.
“im fine Rafe i just wasn't paying attention” you tried to comfort him but his gaze was fixated on the small cuts over one of your knees.
“Do you want to go back? we can do this another day” he asked concerned and almost already getting ready to turn back the way you came from.
“No rafe. Really I'm ok it's just a small scrap and I don't want our day to be ruined because of me” you almost pleaded.
“Are you sure you can walk? cause i can carry you” he suggested.
“don't be ridiculous, you're already carrying all that” you laughed and optimistically went back on the way.
the entire pathRafe and a small furrow in his brown and he stayed close to you in case of another accident, he was ready to catch you,
When you two were finally settled on a blanket led on top of the grass he began unpacking.
“So a movie or a book? also I'm warning you, if you choose a book you need to read to me.” he smiled innocently.
“book please” you answered shyly before taking the book from his hand. instantly rafe led his head on top of your lap and snuggled while grinning, knowing what he was doing,
but surprisingly you did not comment, nor move away, you stayed like that even when you began to read the words out loud.
he was so peaceful he almost looked asleep but the soft and smooth movement of his thumb over your small injury proved you he was definitely awake.
“Whats up” your brows furrowed wondering why he was asking. 
“you stopped reading.” You hadn't even realized you had stopped and you definitely didn't realize he was looking up at you, admiring you for almost 2 minutes before saying something.
“i was just thinking how much i appreciate this,i never realized before now how much i enjoyed it” 
“yea?” He sat up with the brightest smile.
“mhm” you hummed and you felt like a magnet was pulling you to him so without a thought you crashed your lips on his.
he made a noise of surprise before rapidly returning the gesture while sliding his fingers in your hair and holding you to him.
passionately you and Rafe kissed until you couldn't breath and that's how you realized love was actually the best thing to ever feel.
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mouwrites · 6 months
I wish I could go on a date with Nina :( but I might make a part 2 of this if you guys want :3
Creepypasta/MH - Dates With Them
Characters: Nina the Killer, Jeff the Killer, Tim/Masky, "Ticci" Toby
Nina the Killer
I feel like you have a good mix of types of dates with Nina
Some of them are super impromptu; like she'll pop her head in your room and tell you to be ready to leave soon
And then you'll head out for ice cream or to the mall or smth :)
But she also likes to plan things sometimes, particularly romantic things
Like picnics or romantic walks at night
Or, if you're also crazy, midnight murder sprees <3
She always seems to have the perfect outfit for whatever occasion though
And, if you're dating her, so will you
She would have showered you with enough gifts (and taken you to the mall enough times) that you also have like. the PERFECT outfit for a specific occasion
So neither of you really have to worry about what to wear
But Nina still does; specifically when it comes to planned dates
She'll fret over what to wear for at least a day, having long private fashion shows in her room until she finds the perfect one
She's always super confident in whatever she wears, practically beaming when you meet up to get going :)
And she will combust if you mention her outfit; she knows she looks great, but to hear it from you is just <33
Ofc she always compliments you too!!
But for more casual dates sometimes she will stop you like "ok you are NOT leaving the house like that. come on, I'll help you pick something that actually suits your stunning beauty."
No you don't have a choice when that happens ^
Dw though, she'll pick something nice that you both like and that fits your aesthetic :3
Jeff the Killer
Dates with him are always a surprise
In many ways...
There's no way to know what he's planning or when he's planning it or if it's even planned at all
Like, sometimes you'll just be out for a walk and he'll say:
"This is a date btw."
"What?! You could've told me beforehand, I would've worn something nice..." >:/
And he just laughs, because he thinks you're still gorgeous in your hoodie and jeans :)
But another way that his dates are a surprise is because his concept of a "date" is so broad and obscure
One time he literally just took you to look at this old truck that crashed in a creek
That was it. That was the date. You walked a short distance and just looked at the truck for like 45 minutes
Jeff rarely plans his dates ahead of time
The most of a head's up you're going to get is a text saying "dinner at 8"
(you got the text at 6)
("dinner" is most definitely either McDonald's or some trashy two-star hole-in-the-wall buffet)
Needless to say, Jeff isn't very romantic in the traditional sense
But for all his weirdness and un-romantic date planning, he still loves every second he gets to spend with you
He loves that you're beautiful in whatever you're wearing, he loves that you laugh at whatever lame joke he makes...
Maybe that's why he doesn't feel the need to do something showy... you're already perfect when you're casual :)
But he's also just lazy and kind of a dirtbag
Dates with him are rare
Unless you're the one planning them; he's not going to be the one initiating them in most cases
He just doesn't know how to plan a date
And he's nervous he'll get it wrong :(
But at the same time, sometimes he just really wants to go out and do something with you
So sometimes he'll ask you out for a meal, or for a drive
Something pretty quick and casual; something easy that's hard to screw up
It'll seem impromptu, but in reality he would've been planning to ask you for days at least
You guys definitely have a few favorite diners, or some scenic routes to drive
Honestly that just makes it even easier for him; he'll just shoot you a text:
"Dino’s tonight?"
And ofc you'll say yes; you both love Dino's :) (or whatever little diner)
If and when he does do something romantic, it’s rarely as big as a whole date
Like he’ll get you flowers or smth, but it’s super rare that he’ll take you on a really romantic date
But sometimes he will :o
And he’ll dress up and act a perfect gentleman, complimenting you, getting you little gifts, holding your hand…
It’s like he’s trying to make up for all his un-romanticness in one night
And maybe he is tbh :(
“Ticci” Toby
Toby just likes spending time with you; it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing :)
As long as it’s at least vaguely interesting to him, he’s cool doing whatever
So oftentimes he’ll be the one asking you what you want to do for dates
He doesn’t really have a set “date night” for you two, but he tries to have one every now and again
It’s usually when he has an idea that he decides it’s time for a date night
(Or just when he feels like going on a date with you)
Sometimes he’ll see a cute date in a movie (or when stalking “people watching”) and decide he wants to try it with you
Especially if it looks like fun, like a paintball game or trying a crazy new restaurant
But he also likes the sappy stuff, like a home movie night or stargazing
It ends up being pretty boring for him, but the way his heart races when you hold his hand is more than enough to keep him on board :)
Toby likes to do romantic gestures, no matter what kind of date you’re on
At first it was only because “it’s what people who date do” (stuff he saw in movies)
But he found himself actually enjoying your reactions, so he made a habit of doing those kinds of things
Getting you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, kissing your hand, pulling out your chair for you…
(grinning wildly at your subtle reactions all the while)
It almost makes him seem like a gentleman
But then he’ll spend the date yapping about the most unhinged shit and you’ll be reminded that he’s. Like that
But hopefully that’s what you’re really into if you’re dating him :)
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Thank you so much for reading! Take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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slasher-jax · 15 days
Muti slasher with an child reader headcannons request
The slasher learns about the fact their child is growing a part from them cuz of their murdering. The child has shown that they feel feel force to
OK! I'm gonna choose the characters randomly through wheel and do a few of them. And I am so sorry it took me so long to get done with this.
Characters: v.sinclair, b.sinclair, c.spaulding, art, d.sawyer, b.sawyer
Warnings: teen!reader, slasherchild!reader, mentions of murder, mentions of manipulation, teen!reader runs away, theft, underage drinking, possible underage driving, drinking and driving, underage smoking, drug use, underage drug use, gn!reader, suicide mention, angst
He doesn't exactly like it either, but what Bo says goes
He tried to sypathize with you, but the further you pushed yourself away, the harder he found to communicate with you
He tried taking you downstairs to his "art studio" once so y'all could spend time together but he chose a bad time to do so as Bo came downstairs carrying a dead body which sent you into a frenzy
You locked yourself in your room and cried most of the night while Vincent, silently, went off on Bo
After awhile Vincent walked upstairs to your room to apologize, just to see you not there and the window wide open
He also noticed tons of empty beer bottles and medicine containers
He runs over to the window and notices your getting into his truck and quickly rushes out after you
By the time he makes his way downstairs, you've already drove off and almost out of town
He is absolutely crushed
His darling child ran off, and it's all his twins fault
He's gonna get Lester to go looking for you, and he his going off even worse on Bo now
Bo actually feels bad now, although he is calling you a little priss, he does feel bad for scaring his brothers child away
So now Bo is looking for you too
Needless to say, they find you eventually on the side of the road throwing up
They take you home, however you start staying with Lester on the outskirts of town so you are less likely to encounter victims or the bodies of victims
He doesn't care
He does, but he doesn't
He loves you, but no child of his is going to be a little priss
He eventually tries manipulating you into killing people
^Like he done with Vincent
He tries talking to you about how proud he'll be of you, how proud uncle Vince will be of you, how proud Grandma will be of you
And eventually he wears you down, getting you to agree to kill
However, what he doesn't realize, is he also drove you into drug use and abuse
He only figured this out when he noticed three bottles of liquor gone from the freezer
It was a pretty rough night
A mother and her daughter had found their way into town and instead of going out himself, Bo sent you
He handed you the shotgun and sent you on your way
Well, you killed the mom, but couldn't kill the little girl (not like he would make you kill a child) so you instead took her to your dad's (Bo's) truck and told her to sit there
Anyways, at first, not thinking you would do such a thing, he asked Vincent and Lester, receiving the same answers from both of them
"I ain't seen no liquor in a while."
After a while of thinking he had drunk it and forgot, he heard a thud upstairs, in your room
The thump was followed by a small "Ow" and some giggles
He slowly made it up the steps, calling out for you
He goes to push the door open, but he hears a truck start outside
He rushes out just to see you in the front seat of his truck with a little girl in the passenger seat
You pulled out of the driveway and handed the little girl one of his liquor bottles to throw at him
And throw she did, it landed directly between his eyes, knocking him out on contact
You had stolen his wallet before leaving, so it's safe to say, you're not coming back
He doesn't even really kill unless he's like protecting his family, himself, or his gas station
He doesn't mind you not wanting to be around the violence and won't go out of his way to shield you from it, but he'll place his hand or arm across your eyes if your close enough
Overall, possibly the best parent
Definitely mimes empathy then (silently) laughs in your face
Makes sure you see so much gore it's a bit much even for the gore enjoyers
Once snatched a still beating heart out of someones chest and shoved it into your mouth, forcing you to eat it
The worst parent if you don't like killing
And you aren't running away either, he and (I'ma refer to her as ghost girl) will find you no matter where you try to go
And don't even think about killing yourself, Ghost Girl will just reincarnate you
*eats you*
I'm just kidding, but seriously?
You are in a family of cannibals, but you hate violence?
I imagine since he doesn't really like it either, he'll just keep you at the gas station with him when Nubbins, Bubba, and/or Chop-Top are killing people
He tries to be more sympathetic with you, but gives up eventually and hits you with his broom until you stop crying or Bubba runs him off
Don't get me wrong, Bubba is scared of him, but he will push him away from you or fuck something up else where to get Drayton off your back a little bit
Leave it to uncle Bubba to take a beating for you
Nubbins also tries to help sometimes by spitting at Drayton and getting him to chase him, but it doesn't really work half as much as it does with Bubba as Nubbins just runs off and hides while Bubba actually takes the beating
Chop Top doesn't really care but if he does see it getting excessive, he will throw something at Drayton and run
Once again, not as much of a relief as Bubba's unless Bubba rushes in, picks you up and hides you from him
100% the most caring one
He tries to shield you from it, can and will go out of his way to shield you from it
^A few victims have gotten away because of that
He kinda feels like if you're around it long enough then you'll get used to it (desensitized to it like he is)
He tried testing the theory once, but after witnessing you go through a panic attack so bad he was scared he almost killed you, he never done it again
He definitely shields you from Drayton too
He makes sure to send you into the field of sunflowers when he knows that they are gonna kill people that night
That ended after a victim tried to kidnap you tho, so now you are sent to your room with a pair of headphones and Chop-Tops records
@puppet200 @zeroisreallygood @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @im-a-simp898 @aflairforthemelodramaticc @luciluck2046 @caretaleandotherstuff @evry1h8s-me
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starscabaret · 7 months
Hear me out…
Jaden getting addicted to reader’s smile as she becomes his own addiction
Smile Struck Introduction
pairing: yandere! Hood Drug Dealer Jaden 💸 x Fem Reader
summary : meeting of course, its a little long but enjoy n give feedback! I love Jaden omg
warnings: drugs will be involved in most of his stories… he’s a drug dealer duh! and cursing
Authors note : check out my oc profiles to learn more about jaden
Jaden liked to drive to clear his head. Of course, he could relax at home. But something about driving with no purpose other than to think and listen to music calmed him. There was no destination, that would ruin the relaxation. He just drove until he felt calm. He could think straight. Breathe easy. 
And he loved his car. He cared for it like it was his first and only child. He never let his car get dirty. Never missed an oil change. Hell, he never even let the gas go below a quarter of a tank. His car was just one of the things he was proud of. His career choice although illegal, he was proud of.
He always made sure his family was straight. He played it safe, he had little to no enemies, and his criminal record was clean. He also had respect. In his hood, people knew and respected him. He didn’t sell to kids, he didn’t go around starting fights, and he didn’t bring the cops snooping around in the area. 
It was a Monday night, people weren’t exactly blowing up his phone trying to get served, so he had time for his relaxing drive. As his drive neared its end he stopped at a nearby gas station. His car would attract attention of course, but nothing most folks weren’t used to. This was the inner city, with plenty of tricked-out cars. 
He wanted a pack of gum and a bottle of water. Also to fill his beloved car with premium gas. He loved to chew gum. Later you’d notice when you kissed him you could taste it. 
He hopped back on the highway to head home. He felt great. Things were good for him. Business was good. Life was good. His mom didn’t have to worry about much. That’s what mattered most to him. 
A smile on his face as he drove, was soon removed. He felt the powerful jolt of another car hitting his rear. He was a player but not too player for a seatbelt luckily. He was unharmed …. But his most prized possession was not. His jaw clenched as he unbuckled his seatbelt to get out of his car and assess the damage. Oh, and curse the other driver the fuck out! 
They were 100 percent at fault. They rear-ended him. He would never drive so recklessly not in his baby! When he stepped out of his car he was bombarded by you.
“OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OK??? IM SO FUCKING SORRY PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE POLICE!!!”, you screamed frantically with tears streaming down your face. In your disheveled state, you grabbed him, hands all over his chest checking for injuries. 
Wow, you were breathtaking even in tears and in shock. He had expected some ugly ass old man had hit his car. Not you, the most gorgeous woman he had seen in a while. He had to get on your good side. So instead of cursing you out as previously planned he grabbed your hands and held them to his chest, “I’m fine, are you ok? no cops sweetness I promise.”
“Oh hello, my goodness, yes I’m ok, but I’m sure my car isn’t, and I don’t even want to think about what I’ve done to yours.” You replied hands still in his against his chest.
“Don’t worry we’ll get it fixed, from the looks of it mine is still drivable… but yours … you should probably call your man to pick you up.” He was fishing, he hoped and prayed you didn’t have a man. And even if you did, no one he couldn’t get rid of.
“Uh no actually I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ll call my dad, he’s going to kill me …fuck.” With that realization, you began to sob. Cute, you were a little crybaby. 
“Shh shhh, I can drive you, and I can get it towed I know a guy it’s free.” He cooed; he already didn’t like to see you cry. Especially if he could fix it. He had tons of connections, none with a tow truck though, no worries he’d pay. 
“No that’s too much, I fucked your car up, and now you’re helping me, you should be getting my information and taking my dumb ass to court.” You replied. 
“Oh yeah that, let’s exchange information, I just need your name and number my insurance company can sort the rest out.” That was a lie, he didn’t plan on filing a claim, and he had enough cash on him to cover the repairs. But he did need your name and number. 
“Of course, it’s f/n l/n, 000-000-0000” you spoke while he inserted it in his phone and texted the tow company. 
“Got it, my guy is on the way with the tow truck, oh and I know a nice repair shop it’ll be the cheapest I told him to take it there. I’m sure I can get you a low price.” Now that was the truth, his uncle had one of the best repair shops in the city. The price would be free because he would pay and not tell you. 
“My gosh I can’t thank you enough sir, you are so nice, especially considering the circumstances” You couldn’t believe the kindness and mercy of this handsome … very handsome stranger after you hit his very expensive car. 
“No problem, it’s what I do. You can call me Jaden, not sir, sweetness. Hop in, I’ll take you wherever you need.” He replied with a smirk. 
And that’s when he saw it…. Your smile. Your smile was so big, bright, and beautiful. He swore he almost fell over. Your smile was natural he could tell you never had braces but cared for your teeth. They weren’t fake like the veneers lots of girls would get these days, they were natural in color. He swore he could count all 32 of them. 
You were gorgeous before. but something about that smile. It did things to him, his mind, his body. He knew he would do literally anything to keep that smile on your face. Whatever it took, whatever he could do. And if it was something he couldn’t, he’d become a better man for you so he could. 
He had to see you again. He had to make you want him like he wanted … no needed you. Even though you had nearly demolished the back side of his first love, and when he thought about the damage, he damn near threw up. You had given him the opportunity to insert himself into your life, so maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. 
So, as he drove to your apartment, you two talked, starting to get to know each other. You both liked what you saw and what you heard. He realized you were new to the city, no close friends, or relatives. No way to get to and from work while your car was being repaired. So, he offered. Of course, at first, you declined it was too much. You barely knew each other, he had already done so much, what about his job? He reassured you and told you he owned his own business it was fine, what else would you do? So, you agreed. He was elated, now he could see his sweetness every day. At least for a little. But no, it wouldn’t end there, he was smooth. He’d ask you out before your car was fixed. Fuck that he’d ask you as soon as possible. He didn’t mean to rush things. He just knew you were perfect for him. 
The first day he came to pick you up, you texted him to honk and just text he was outside. But he was a gentleman at least for you. He came to your door and knocked. You were shocked but smitten by the gesture. Even more so when he had breakfast ready for you in his car, opened all the doors for you, buckled you in, and asked what you wanted to listen to. That same evening, he asked you on a date at the end of the week. To which you agreed. You were excited, he was kind, and so many other things. Your rides to and from work were filled with laughs and smiles from both of you. 
On that Saturday evening, you two went on your first date. He made sure to trap all week so he could spoil his darling. He took you to a very nice restaurant. He sat beside you in the booth, not across from you. He liked to be closer to you. His large body blocked you in and you couldn’t even be seen by outsiders he liked that. Your outfit was beautiful. For work, you still looked stunning, but you dressed more formally, not yourself. But here with him on this date, you let your creativity flow in your outfit. He was fly, and you matched it. It wasn’t revealing but man did it arouse him, you always did.
At the end of your date at a mom-and-pop ice cream shop. Where of course once again you insisted on paying, he frowned at you and pulled out a stack of cash. Your displeasure disappeared once you two were at the table sharing ice cream. You even used the same spoon. You didn’t realize it, but he did, it was intentional he was even feeding you. He made sure you got a spoonful first, so he could taste you off the spoon. When he drove you to your apartment and came to a park you turned to him, “Jaden, I don’t want to seem fast, or like a hoe or something but I really like you. Thank you for everything, from my car to the perfect date.”
If he could Jaden would dap himself up. He knew he had a game. But with you, he had to be careful, you were special. He turned to you and spoke up, “It’s no problem sweetness, any man would do it for the woman he’s interested in.” He said as he grabbed your hand from the console intertwining it with his and kissing the back of it. 
Whew, your pussy was on fire. You had to get out of this car before he had you in the backseat. Then he’d really think you’re a hoe. Of course, he wouldn’t but you thought so. “Jaden uhm I should probably head inside, would you … would you like a kiss?” You could barely get it out before he grabbed the back of your neck kissing you deeply. You were starstruck, while he seemed so calm, so reserved. But inside he was crazy for you. The kiss was perfect, your lips and his lips together sent a chill down his spine and made this dick throb. He willed it down. He would be good to you. 
“Goodnight y/n, let me walk you up, I’ll text you when I get home. You will call me before you go to sleep, sweetness?”, He asked. 
“Of Course, Jaden,” you replied. 
He planned on making you some part of his life the day you met but this week and tonight’s date sealed the deal, and if that wasn’t enough, you smiled at him with all 32 of your teeth before you closed and locked the door to your apartment. There it was that smile; damn he was absolutely sprung. 
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powerfultenderness · 2 months
Storm (actual)
Summary: When you get flooded in at work, neighbor!König comes to the rescue. Paring: König/F!Reader Rated: Mature Word count: 2331 Notes: [Storm AU]
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Turns out, when the weatherman said there was a chance for scattered thunderstorms today, he meant it would be storming all day. Storming heavily at that, so much so that by noon you could see water levels rising beyond what you were comfortable driving in. Hopefully it will stop soon.
Of course it didn’t. By the end of the day flood levels were creeping up the car park. Around lunchtime, you ran out and moved your car to the closest spot available (thankfully there were many to choose from, as smarter people left by then or simply didn’t bother to come in at all). It didn’t look like it was in danger of flooding yet, but with the rain still not letting up, you hadn’t wanted to risk it. 
You sighed as you looked out the glass doors, “there’s no way I can make it home in that.” 
There were some agreed grumbles, unfortunate souls trapped at work with you. “If only one of us had a truck…” One of your coworkers mumbled beside you.  
You perked up, “I think I might!” 
He turned to you with an arched brow, you clearly had a small car. “...what?” 
You checked your phone for the time, it wasn’t too late, maybe König wasn’t home yet. And if he wasn’t, maybe he could swing by in that big truck of his and help out.
“You know someone with a truck big enough for this?” 
“Mmhm,” you nod as you wait for König to pick up. 
A different coworker smirked at you, raising her eyebrows suggestively. “Boyfriend?” 
“No,” you coughed, “he’s my-”
“König! Hey,” 
“I’m your König?” 
You let out a quiet nervous laugh, “well, aren't you?” 
Köing’s heart did a silly little jump in his chest as he heard your words, at both the implication of you calling him your king and at the thought that you were laying any sort of claim on him. Still, he chuckled into the phone and cleared his throat, “what can I do for you then?” 
“I don’t suppose you’ve left work already?” 
“No,” he sighed, “some rain and all of a sudden people want to cause problems. Why?” 
“Well the office is a little flooded. Too much for my car, but your truck can make it through, and I was hoping you could-”
“Just let me finish up here and I’ll pick you up.” He didn’t even let you finish your question.
“Great, thanks! But I was also kinda wondering, erm, hoping, maybe-”
Sometimes he thought you were so silly. Always hesitating to ask him things that would do in a heartbeat. “What?”
“Can you also give a few of my friends a ride too?” You would have said coworkers, but you figured he’d be more inclined to say yes if he thought of them as your friends.
“There’s only one person I’d like to ride.” He lets slip under his breath, and in German, thankfully, so all he got in response was a cute little “huh?” from you. “How many people?”
“Including me, four.” 
Your voice pitched up at the end, as if you were nervous that you were asking too much of him. 
“Ah, I can do that.” 
“Thank you!” 
“I’ll call you when I get there. In the meantime, don’t go outside. And be careful.” 
“Alright, you be careful too, König. See you soon.” You hung up and turned to your coworkers with a grin, “truck acquired!” 
One of the women, your closest friend in the office, looked at you with a raised brow, “are you sure it's OK?”
“Yep!” You chirped happily, confident that König really didn’t mind helping a few extra people out. He’s a nice man, after all. 
“So, he’s cool with driving around a bunch of strangers as a favor for you and…he’s not your boyfriend?” 
“We’re. He’s. We’re friends! He’s my neighbor!” Even as you try to explain yourself, you can feel your face heating up. 
“Uh-huh. And you called him König,” 
Oh no.
“Is this the hot Austrian neighbor you were studying German for? How’s that going, by the way?” 
You blushed even more as you heard the other two chuckling at your expense. You have half a mind to tell them to keep quiet or you’ll have König leave them here! But, as you looked at your friend, you sigh. “I, uh, I’ve been busy!” 
Truth be told, you liked when König spoke German to you and you didn’t understand. He would smile (you had stared at him enough that even with his mask on, you could see the smile reaching his eyes) or chuckle so sweetly and translate for you. Sometimes he’d teach you a few phrases, and you’d purposely mess up just so he could lift the bottom half of his mask and show you how his mouth moved. (What dreams just a glimpse of his mouth inspired!)
She just kept smirking at you like she knew what you were pulling. 
“Just, just get your stuff! Don’t want to make the man drive through all of this and make him wait!” You sputter out and retreat to your desk. 
It was another half hour before König arrived, practically barreling through the lobby doors and scaring the others. You could understand why, he always cut an intimidating figure on his size alone, but with the big jacket with its hood pulled up, and half his face covered by a gaiter, well you supposed he could very well play the villain in any movie.
You stopped finding him intimidating long ago though and smiled as you greeted him. “König!” 
“Hello, darling.” He finished shaking the water off his coat, some big thing that was water repellant apparently. He didn’t hug you, not even one of those quick side hugs, as he started to unzip his coat. “You have everything?” 
“This everyone?” He looked over your shoulder at everyone else. “Alright, two up front, two in the back.” 
“Will just need a second to lock up.” Your manager said as König began to guide you to the door. 
It was still raining out, though it seemed to have slowed down just a bit, and König tucked you under one arm while he held his coat over you, protecting you from the rain. 
He led you to his truck parked just outside the front door and helped you and the others in, your manager having to do a quick little jog to catch up after he finished locking up. You sat up front with your friend, you in the middle of course, while the other two sat comfortably in the back.
“Alright, where to first?” König asked as he carefully removed his jacket, he didn't want it dripping water all over you. 
“Here,” you mumbled and took it from him, placing it over your lap, at least all the water rolling off would fall to the floor instead of on the seats. 
While the others were discussing who lived nearest, König slipped a hand under his coat, landing on your thigh just below the hemline of your skirt. This pulled your attention away from the conversation of where to go first and when you turned back to him, you had to bite back a gasp when you noticed how close he was.  
His cloth covered nose brushed against yours as he practically nuzzled you. His hand, so big and warm, and calloused from decades of hard work and weapons handling was gentle against your skin. Until he found the band of your stockings. You don’t miss the near imperceptible hum that escapes him, the sound sending a shiver down your spine and heat blooming across your face. Your heart, already thumping against your chest, nearly bursts when you feel the tips of his fingers tug at the band of your stocking ever so slightly, they move just a scratch. 
“König!” You gasp quietly, whispering his name as you grab his hand over the jacket. 
“Hm, are you alright, honey?” 
You wonder what in the world has him so worked up. He was often a little touchy yes, but never so much like this! You clear your throat quietly, though don’t let go of his hand, and nod. “Thank you, for this. For helping me. And uhm, my friends.” 
“I am glad you called me. I don’t want you driving in this kind of weather.” And honestly, if it were feasible, he’d always drive you everywhere. 
He pulled away enough to look past you at your friend. “Have we decided where we are going?” 
She grinded at you, raising her brows slightly, but started pointing, “first, second, third.” And then she handed you her phone, so you could show König the map she pulled up. 
As he leaned into you a little more than necessary to look at the map, you shot your friend a silent “STOP” but quickly corrected your glare into a smile when he looked up.
Like the gentleman that he is, König had helped the other two women down from the truck and even shielded them from the rain as he walked them to their doors. Your manager declined such treatment before there was even the chance of an awkward question by practically jumping out of the truck as soon as it was parked. 
Despite the fact that the passenger seat was now empty, you remained in the middle seat, side pressed against his. He didn’t seem to mind. 
By the time he parked at the flat the rain had fallen to a light drizzle. Something of a relief as it was now dark and even though you trust König, driving in a heavy thunderstorm through a flood at night doesn’t sound like something you want to try anytime soon. 
He drops his hand on your thigh one more time, “out this way.” He motions to his side.
You nod and throw his jacket around your shoulders, knowing full well he’d just tell you to wear it. You quickly scoot after him once he opens the door, but you barely have a chance to gauge how deep the water is before he scoops you up in his arms and shuts the door with a bump of his hip. 
You let out a surprised squeak and laugh, not having expected that, and hold his jacket up over his head, partially shielding you both, as he jogs to the entrance. 
There’s not even an awning over this entrance but König doesn’t put you down to open the door, just shifts your weight to one arm and opens it with his now free hand. 
Once safely inside the stairwell, you sigh and gently shake his coat free of water off to one side. Lot of good that did though, with as much as he had been jumping in and out of the rain, his shirt and pants were practically soaked through. Even his mask was damp against his face, how he wasn’t suffocating was beyond you. 
As for you, your stockings and shoes were wet, and the side you had pressed up against König is damp, but other than that you were good. Good enough that you expected him to set you down, which of course he didn’t, just started making his way up the stairs.
“Uh, König? I’m okay to walk..?” 
He shook his head and looked at you with a gleam in his eyes. “No. I don’t want you to slip and fall on the stairs again.”
“That was one time!!” You gasped and pouted at him, though wrapped your arms around his shoulders to stabilize yourself, even though he proved he could carry you just fine.
He chuckled, “and it wasn’t even raining then. Need to keep you safe.” 
You let out something akin to both a scoff and a laugh and rolled your eyes, it was only two flights of stairs and König was already almost at the top. “Ok, König.”
Maybe that’s what was up with him today. The storm must have made him feel a little worried about you, leading to this protectiveness. 
“Besides, I know you like being carried like this.” He teased as he gave you a gentle shake at the landing to your shared floor.
You couldn’t help the embarrassed little giggle as you hid your face against his shoulder. Yea, you did like it. How many men could just fully princess carry you on just a whim? Not many. His strength never fails to amaze you. 
You looked up at him just as he paused at your door, though he didn’t let you down just yet. “Thank you, for everything, König.”
“Of course, prince-”
König froze when you pressed your lips to the side of his face in a soft kiss, your upper lip barely touching the skin of his cheek as most of his face was still covered by his mask. 
Even as you wiggled out of his hold and hopped down, you could see the tips of his ears turning a cute shade of pink. Ah, he was going to tease you and now look at him! 
He cleared his throat and shuffled his feet while muttering a quiet, “you’re welcome.” 
Perhaps your friendship wasn’t quite on the level of kisses on the cheek! 
You turned around to unlock your door, a smile still on your face. “Oh,” you pushed open your door but turned back to him, “I know it’s a little later than usual, but do you want to stop by in like an hour or so for dinner? Something nice and hot sounds good after today.” 
König nodded enthusiastically, he hadn’t quite been ready to say goodnight to you yet! “Yea, yes! I’ll see you in an hour.” 
And much to your surprise, he leaned down and gave you a quick peck on your cheek. A mirror of your kiss only moments ago and suddenly it was your turn to blush and stumble over your words.
“Alright, see you in a bit.” 
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End notes: I had this idea that could have went two ways. I could fit this one into the neighbor narrative easily, so I made it part of the story. The AU version of storm would mess with my planned ending, thus it's an AU of the story. Also, that time you fell down the stairs isn't written yet (Chronological Order is my nemesis).
[Neighbor!König Masterlist]
Neighbor König taglist (blurbs): 
@warrior-of-justice  @cumikering @ihateuguys @rand0m--fangirl @keiva1000 @dtftheavengers @takeyour-pants-off @aeeliy @milenko115 @sodonuthideout @onegami @nadiauddincrafts @nadiauddincrafts @grizzersmamma @flooftoof @techs-ass @virginalsacrifice @s0rc3r3r @sleeplessskeleton @introvered-violinist @tizylish @romula96 @peach-habibitch @mitchlow @queenotaku27 @fenixnegras @emmbny @love-dove-noora @lesbianmitsuri @supergirl16 @wybwtjmiadz @ghonigsloverbabe @thatmusedhatter @grassclippers @skystreamchan @lordlydragon @luvecarson @thetestsubject666 @mafer383 @darkangel4121 @puppylikethedog  
75 notes · View notes
callsign-dexter · 8 months
"911 what is your emergency?"
Request: hi I was wondering if I could please request a TK x daughter with the angst prompt starter “you were supposed to leave”?
totally your choice 💜
Starter- You were supposed to leave.
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst
miscellaneous angst starters
A/N: Thank you to the person who sent this in!
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“Remember I need your guy’s permission slips for our field trip to Laboratory and Field Investigations. I also need another parent to go because this is a huge lab and we will be splitting up.” Mr. Vencie said, he was your science teacher and you absolutely loved him because he always made class fun. You, Y/N Strand, are just a junior in high school. You didn’t like school but science had quickly become your favorite subject thanks to Mr. Venice. There was instant chatter has the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Normally you would head home but you were given specific instructions to head the fire station that your father and grandfather, TK Strand and Owen Strand, worked at.
“So, what are your plans after you leave?” Your best friend, Harper Wells, asked as you both walked out of the school.
“I was planning on going home but I was told I needed to head to the station, something about people coming to work on the house. Dad, Carlos, and Gramps don’t want me there alone and they’re both working.” You said, Carlos is your father’s boyfriend and you love him dearly and he loves you just as equally. You called Owen, Gramps just to get on his nerves because he didn’t look that old but he acted like it sometimes.
“Your dad is hot.” She said not afraid to let you know that pretty much all the time.
“And gay.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Hey, it doesn’t hurt to look.” She said and you laughed as you reached your Jeep that you begged your dad for. “You think he will be chaperoning the trip?” She asked and you shook your head.
“No, he has to work. I think Carlos may go though.” You said already preparing for what was about to be said.
“Hey, he’s hot too.” She said and there it was.
“Yea ok Harper.” You said and she just smiled because she knew that it got on your nerves sometimes. “Listen, I got to go. I’ll text you later.” You said and then hugged her and she hugged you back.
“Be careful and let me know when you get to the station safely.” She said as she released you from the hug.
“You know I will.” You said and then you both were saying bye to each other and getting your cars and driving home. You got into your car and sat there for a minute while you pulled out your phone and opened your text messages and opened the group chat that you had going with your father, Carlos, and grandpa.
School just let out. Heading to the station.
You waited for a response and immediately got them back.
Dad: Be safe. We will see you when you get here. Love you!
Gramps: Don’t get pulled over… but I’m sure Carlos would get you out. Love you.
Carlos: I would absolutely do that. I love her too much. Let me know when you get there safely. Love you.
Love you guys too. I will be safe. Gramps I’m going to break every single road law.
Gramps: Y/N Y/M/N Strand
You just laughed and began your drive after starting your car up. It was only a 30-minute drive to the station. You arrived in no time and parked where your Jeep next to your grandpa’s truck and killed the engine and made your way inside with your backpack on your shoulder and keys in one hand. Everyone knew who you were even the ones that normally didn’t work with your dad’s crew so nobody asked why you were there. As you were walking you noticed that the ambulance wasn’t there and it didn’t surprise you. You walked further and saw Judd. “Hey, Judd!” You said and he turned around and smiled.
“Little Strand! How are you?” He asked coming over and hugging you and you hugged him back.
“It was good! I have a field trip coming up to a science lab.” You said and he smiled and released you from the hug.
“That sounds fun. Your dad, Tommy, and Nancy got called out but should be back shortly. It didn’t sound like anything serious.” He said and you nodded.
“How is Grace?” You asked and he smiled. Grace was like a mother figure to you; she helped you with girl problems and when you had boy problems but your dad was surprisingly good with that. Your mom hasn’t been in the picture since you born. She and your dad had hooked up while they were both on drugs and she had stopped them when she was pregnant with you, she did have a soft spot for kids and babies, but when you were born, she gave up parenting rights to TK who was off of drugs and getting help. You had stayed with your grandma at the time while he got help but once he was clean, he was 100% about taking care of you and you quickly became a daddy’s girl. Now at 17 years old your bond with your father was strong and you could care less about his sexuality just as long as he was happy so were you. When he got dumped by his boyfriend before coming to Texas, he was heartbroken but he stayed strong for you and continued to be a great father to you.
“She’s good! She’s wondering when your next girl date is, she’s missing you.” He said and you smiled.
“I’ll have to shoot her a text later.” You replied and he smiled.
“She would love that.” Judd said “Your grandpa is in his office.” He said and you nodded and started that way. As you were walking you saw everyone else in the kitchen. “Hey!” You said with a smile and everyone turned to look at you.
“Little Strand!” A course of voices shouted out and they came over to hug you.
“How was school?” Marjan asked
“It was good. We have a field trip coming up that I need to talk to dad about chaperoning or maybe getting Carlos to do so.” You said and they smiled.
“Where is it?” Mateo asked and you turned to look at him.
“Laboratory and Field Investigations.” You said 
“Oh, that sounds fun.” Paul said and you nodded.
“Science is a favorite of mine especially since the teacher I have makes it fun.” You said “Sorry to cut this short but I need to talk to Gramps.” You said and they all snickered, they encouraged it. You headed to his office and when you got there, he wasn't doing anything so you knocked and he looked up and waved you on in. “Hi, Gramps.” You said with a smirk and he groaned playfully but got up and walked over to you and hugged you.
“Hi, Sweetheart.” He said and then released you from the hug. “Your dad will be back soon.” He said and you nodded.
“Yea, Judd told me.” You said and then went and sat down on the couch and pulled out your phone shooting off a text to Carlos letting him know that you had arrived along with one to Harper. “Hey, Gramps?” You asked looking up at your phone seeing that he had gone back to his desk and he looked up.
“What's up?” He asked
“I have a field trip coming up soon and need a chaperone. Do you think Dad will be able to get off?” You asked, sounding hopeful but knew the answer.
“Depends on the day. When is it?” He asked 
“Friday.” You said and he nodded thinking.
“I think we'll be working. Maybe Carlos can go with you.” He said and you nodded.
“That was going to be my next person I ask.” You said just then your dad walked in and that made you smile and get up and hug him. “Hi, Daddy.” You said excitedly which made him chuckle.
“Hi, Baby Girl. Good day at school?” He asked and you nodded and stepped back. 
“Yes. Speaking of school.” You started
“Uh oh. What did you do?” He asked smirking teasingly and you pushed him slightly “Kidding.” He said and then you both went and sat down on the couch and Owen came over.
“Oh hush. I have a field trip coming up and we need an extra chaperone. Gramps said that you all would be working.” You said and he nodded.
“He's right but Carlos would love to go with you. He loves hanging out with you and doing stuff with you.” TK said and you smiled and nodded, you really loved Carlos too. “You can ask him tonight.” He said 
“Ok!” You said and didn't have a moment to say anything else because the bell rang signaling for all trucks and ambulances to go and you hugged them both and got cozy on the couch. While they were gone you did your homework and played on your phone. There was no telling how long they would be gone for.
It was Monday night which meant that your day was getting off today and that meant he had 3 days off but would have to go back to work on Friday. When he got off of shift, he got into his car and you drove behind him going home. When you got home you saw Carlos’ Camero was in the driveway and you both parked in your undesignated spots. You both walked in to the cooking filing the house and your mouth watered, that was one thing about your dad and Carlos they could cook and it was the most delicious food ever but its another story for when your grandpa cooked. Carlos looked up and greeted the both of you with a smile. “Hey guys.” He said as he stirred something on the stove you walked over and he pulled you in a side hug.
“Hey.” You said
“Hey babe.” TK said and walked over to kiss Carlos.
“We’re having enchiladas tonight. I hope you’re both hungry.” He said and both you and your dad nodded.
“I’m ready for some good food. Let’s just say it had been rough with food for the last couple of days at the station.” He said and you and Carlos chuckled and TK grimaced.
“Grandpa cook?” You asked and he nodded.  
“You two go wash up and change. Supper will be ready in 30 minutes.” Carlos said and that is what you both did. 30 minutes later all 3 of you were sitting down for supper and talking began. Typically, they kept work talk at work and didn’t bring it home but sometimes there was a slip up but you enjoyed hearing about their days.
“Carlos.” You began and he looked up at you as if saying ‘go on’ “I have a field trip to a science lab coming up on Friday and we need another chaperone. Dad is working and so is Grandpa. I was wondering if you would be able to go.” You asked shyly. You didn’t like asking much but you had too.
“Of course, I would love to go with you. It sounds like fun and I get to be with you.” He said and the biggest smile appeared on your face and one appeared on both his and TK’s face. “Where is it?” He asked.
“Laboratory and Field Investigations.” You said getting excited.
“Oh exciting.” He said and TK said at the same time and you smiled and continued to eat. The rest of dinner was in great spirits and everyone was happy.
Over the next couple of days, you were preparing to go on the field trip. You had turned in your permission slip that your dad had signed and told Mr. Vencie that Carlos would be the chaperone for the trip, he was beyond excited to hear that since he was a cop and could handle out of control situations.
Friday rolled around and you were riding with Carlos to school. When you got there both of you walked in and went to the meeting place to check in. Once everything was good to go Harper found you and you both began to talk. Everyone got on the bus and you sat close to Carlos not wanting to be away from him, the bus ride didn’t take to long it was only a 20-minute drive to the lab and you were getting excited. Carlos talked with the other chaperones about anything could and you could tell they were drooling over him you just smirked and nudged him and he would playfully roll his eyes at you “You’re too much liked your father.” He would say and that just made you laugh.
Everyone gathered out front of the building and Mr. Venice gave orders and told everyone to get into groups with a chaperone. You were quick to side with Carlos and Harper was too. Once everyone was grouped the tour began, something was making you uneasy and you didn’t like this feeling but you were enjoying the lab so you didn’t say anything. The further the tour went on the more had the feeling but still didn’t say anything.
The tour was almost done when there was an explosion very close to your group and was so powerful that it pushed you back into Carlos and you both went down. You had hit your head on a metal pole and that had your ears ringing and blacked out for a moment. When your senses came back to you the building was filled with smoke and some fires had broken out. “Are you alright?” Carlos was asking you but your ears were ringing and that made him concerned he has been kneeling over you having gotten up but you could see some soot and some cuts on his face but nothing too major. “Y/N.” He said and it was slowly becoming clearer and you turned to him “Are you ok?” He asked again and you nodded having heard him this time around.
“I think so.” You said as he helped you sit up.
“It looks like you have a cut on your forehead and doesn’t need stitches. Anything else hurt?” He asked and when you went to get up your ankle screamed out in pain and you hissed.
“My ankle.” You said and he nodded and looked down and when he touched it you were ready to kick him but didn’t.
“Can you walk and try to help everyone and get them out?” He asked and you nodded as he helped you up. You pushed the pain down and limped checking on people and telling them where to go. You also had gotten your phone and called 911.
“911 what’s your emergency?” Grace’s voice came through.
“Grace it’s Y/N Strand. There was an explosion at Laboratory and Field Investigations. I’m on a field trip.” You said
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?” She asked
“Yes, I am but I’m ok. Carlos is here with me.” You said
“Is anybody else hurt?” She asked
“Yes.” You said
“Ok, I’m dispatching the 126. Y/N?” She asked
“Hmm?” You asked surveying the area.
“Be careful.” She said
“I will.” You said and then hung up the phone.
As you were making your rounds you would look up at Carlos every now and then but when you went back to checking on people you saw Harper lying unconscious on the ground. You limped over to her and kneeled down.
“Harper?” You asked and shook her slightly and that roused her and she was slowly opening her eyes. “Are you ok? There has been an explosion.” You said and helped her sit up.
“I think so.” She said and you helped her up and started to walk outside. Carlos was right behind you and when you got out most of the building had been evacuated and people were being tended to. You could really see the smoke and the fire from the outside. Carlos turned to you.
“Stay here.” He said and you nodded and waited outside after 10 minutes he hadn’t come out and you needed to go back in you needed to help people, it was in your blood. You started to walk that way when Harper stopped you.
“What are you doing?” She asked
“I can’t just sit around and do nothing. That’s not who I am.” You told her and then hurriedly walked towards the building just as soon as the 126 pulled up meaning that your dad was pulling up. You walked into the building and was met with smoke and that made you cough. You got to one part and ran into someone and it turned out to be Carlos and he turned to you.
 "You're not supposed to be here. You were supposed to get out." Carlos said to Y/N, she was just like her dad and grandpa always running into danger and not away. You shook your head.
“I need to help.” You said and he sighed.
“You’re just like your father and grandpa.” He said and shook his head and then began telling you what to do. You got more people out but you heard someone hollering and instead of sticking with Carlos you went to that voice. “Y/N!” He yelled but you were already gone into the black smoke.
“Can you hear me?!” You yelled out.
“I’m here!” The voice said you followed it and it led you to a door you tried to touch the handle but was burnt in the process.
“Hold on! Back away from the door!” You said and prayed they listened and you raised you foot and used all the strength you had and kicked the door and it actually worked.
“Thank you! We were trapped!” They yelled out over the alarms and fire.
“You’re welcome! Is anyone injured?” You asked and they nodded.
“My partner. She was blown back into the wall and hit her head. She’s bleeding pretty badly.” They said and you nodded and looked around.
“Take your jacket off and press it to her head. The pressure will help. Let’s get you out of here.” You said and they nodded and did as they were told and the three of you slowly made the trek out of the building you were close to the entrance but you heard something “Get her to an EMT more specifically Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, or TK Strand.” You said and they nodded and you headed back in. You followed the sound to another room and saw that someone was trapped and you tried to get to them but it was hard and your ankle hurt and so was your head. When you got them, you kneeled down. “Sir? Can you hear me?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yes, I can. My leg is trapped.” He said and looked over and it was.
“I’m gonna try and lift it.” You said and he nodded and when you began to lift it, he yelled out in pain but it was working. Once it was up, he scooted himself away and out.
“Thank you so much.” He said and you smiled.
“Let’s get you out of here.” You said and he nodded and you helped him stand up it was getting hard to breathe.
“How are you so calm and know what to do for a 17-year-old?” He asked and you smiled but coughed and so did he.
“My dad and grandpa taught me. He is a paramedic and my grandpa is a firefighter.” You said and you could see the exit but something was creaking both you and the man you were helping stopped and looked up the ceiling was about to collapse. “We need to go!” You shouted and he agreed. You both barley made it out before it collapsed though your shoulder was hit in the process. When you were out and saw daylight you both sighed in relief. You were safe enough away from the building when you saw three very familiar figures hurrying over to you as another paramedic from another station took the man off and away from you.
“You were supposed to leave.” TK said and you looked down.
“I know but people needed help.” You said and he sighed and brought you into a hug.
“You did well. When two people said that a 17-year-old girl helped them and told them to ask for us we knew it was you.” Your dad said and kissed your head and then released you and looked at you. “Let’s get you checked out.” He said and you nodded and he threw and arm around you and helped you limp your way to the others.
“You scared us.” Owen said finally speaking up after you had come out and helping TK lower you down onto the back of the ambulance. Your dad started to clean up the cut on your head.
“I’m sorry.” You said
“You’re safe and you helped a lot of people. We can’t be mad at you.” You dad said and everyone nodded.
“TK is right. You were so brave.” Carlos said and you looked up and smiled.
“Alright, I want you to go to the hospital and get your head and ankle checked out.” TK said
“But dad-“ You began but one look that only a parent could have when their child was doing something bad you shut your mouth.
“This is not up for discussion. As your father I want you to get checked out.” Your dad said and you nodded and then he leaned over and kissed your forehead just as soon as Nancy and Tommy walked over they greeted you and your dad explained everything and they nodded as if you were being loaded onto a gurney.
“Carlos go with her. I’m gonna finish and help here.” Owen said and he nodded and got into the back of the ambulance with you and Tommy and Nancy got up in the front. “I love you, Y/N.” He said and you smiled.
“Love you too Gramps.” You said with a smirk and he groaned but smiled and closed the doors and hit the back of it and you were on your way. As you made your way to the hospital your dad and Carlos fussed over you and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You just smiled, happy everyone is ok and you were going to be ok and you had your dad and your soon to be step-dad with you, you knew it was coming it was just a matter of time. “Dad, Carlos?” You asked and they looked at you.
“Are you ok? Is anything wrong?” Carlos asked and chuckled and nodded your head.
“I’m ok and nothing is wrong. I just wanted to say I love you both so much.” You said and they smiled.
“We love you too.” They both said at the same time. You smiled. You were going to be ok. 
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
For Survival
1.4k | Joel x f!Reader | masterlist
Consensual fucking between strangers. Sarah is not in the picture.
gif source: @dark-scape - hot t-shirt gif set
I will not simp for Joel Miller, I w- *smut explodes out of fingers*
It’s human nature to get excited by disaster and feel aroused by danger. Our bodies put us in a heightened state, allowing us to do what we need to do to survive. So when a hot, burly stranger manhandles you into his truck to evacuate, you understand the desire that floods your body, and you aren’t surprised when the feeling grows.
You keep replaying it in your mind - his big arm swinging that huge wrench. His gruff voice yelling, "get in the truck!" while you stand frozen. His strong arms wrapping around you, forcing you into the cab. The whiff of his musk when he buckles your seatbelt. His massive hand on your knee. The sincerity in his eyes when he reassures you it's going to be okay. His neck vein bulging as he shifts into drive and peels off.
It's just the two of you together. It’s hard to pry your eyes off Joel while he’s driving. His jeans fit a little too well, and his biceps are bursting out of his faded blue t-shirt.
He's talking, but it’s hard to listen to his plan when his voice is so fucking hot. For the past hour that you’ve been with him, you’ve only been getting wetter and warmer. You’re so hot for him that you finally have to take off your hoodie, leaving a thin tank top.
When you remove it, Joel does a double-take and checks out your body. You know that look. The arousal must have been bubbling under the surface. All it took was a glimpse to set it off. As you sit in traffic, he keeps looking over at you. You keep an eye on his tight ass jeans, and sure enough, a bulge is growing.
Traffic is at a total stand-still. Suddenly he’s much less decisive and focused.
“We need to find another way over to highway 71,” he says, furrowing his brow. “I can’t think–what’s between here–” He scratches his mustache with his fingers. “Fuck,” he says. The way he says it hardens your nipples. His voice could not be any sexier.
“Do you have a map?” you ask.
“There’s one in the tailgate,” he says. “Yeah,” he adds, thinking it through. “Let's pull off and get it out.”
His tan forearms flex as he veers off the road.
You ask, “Can you park somewhere I can pee while we’re at it?”
He parks in a secluded spot by the woods then unbuckles his seatbelt and sighs. His biceps bulge as he scratches the back of his neck and closes his eyes for a moment.
You’ve never been this desperate for anyone, ever. You've known him for an hour, but it feels like forever. You'd be dead if it weren't for him. Even on a normal day, he would be attractive, but the combination of the disaster and the way he saved you and was also rough with you at the same time . . . Your need for him is absurd, and your body can barely take it.
You feel him checking you out as you get out of the truck and go into the woods. When you return, he’s reading the map. Or trying to, at least.
As you get back into the cab of the truck, his eyes linger and rove your body.
He shakes himself out of it. “How familiar are you with this area?” he asks, pointing somewhere on the map.
“Can I see?” You lean over the stowaway console.
“Yeah, sorry.” He folds up the console and you slide over into the middle seat. Your arm brushes his and his face flushes.
"Ok, let's see here. . ." You’re looking at the map, but you’re so distracted that it’s just a bunch of lines and numbers. You suspect it might look the same to him.
He hands it over to you and you try your best to focus so you can read it. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch as he digs his wrist into the bulge in his pants. His hips lift ever so slightly as he does it, and he sighs.
You feel a stab of need, and it's just too much. You inhale deeply and prepare to throw caution to the wind.
“Look, I’ll be honest," you say. "I can’t focus either. I’m too horny."
His eyebrows shoot up and he smiles slightly. “What was that?”
You sigh. “It’s totally normal in this situation,” you say. “It’s just, this part of the nervous system, it doesn’t always differentiate . . .” you trail off.
He inhales deeply and nods with a barely perceptible smile. There's a twinkle in his eye.
You continue. “And until enough blood returns to the brain, mental processing is going to be a challenge.”
He gazes lustily at you in silence for what feels like forever. Your eyelids are weak with desire. You fold up the map and flash your eyebrows as you set it aside.
“Fuck it,” he says, and starts unbuckling his belt. His voice is low and gruff. “For survival.”
He pauses and asks, “Did you wanna go back over there and give me a minute?” He turns to read your face. He has the deepest, most expressive eyes. You really won't be able to function until you fuck this man.
You shake your head subtly. “No,” you say, not breaking eye contact. Then, to clarify your intentions, you boldly add, "I'm on birth control." This isn't a handjob situation. Your body has a primal need for his cock.
His pupils dilate and his chest rises and falls.
He leans in and your breath hitches. His large hand cradles the back of your head, then your mouths smash together. His tongue parts your lips and your bodies pull together like magnets. You grab the hard bulge in his jeans and his hips thrust into your hand. He breaks the kiss with a gruff moan.
You ache so badly for him. You unbutton your pants and feverishly kick them and your underwear off. He pulls his jeans down.
His hips rise as you straddle him and your needy bodies come together. He's big. His clothed hardness throbs into your aching clit. You reach into his underwear and free his warm, stiff member. He's rock hard and pre-cum is already pearling at the swollen tip. His large, rough hands yank you up against him with a grunt. A tingling rush floods your body as your naked loins meet. He winces in pleasure and you softly moan.
His hips move, gliding his smooth, stiff cock along your dripping seam. God, it feels good. His swollen tip finds your entrance, and you're twitching as it nestles there. You search each other's eyes, then he pulls you down hard. He grunts as he parts your insides and fills you up.
Fuck, he's so hard. You rise up letting an inch out and he pulls you back down again. You feel it building in your core. It's even hotter than you've spent the last hour imagining.
His rough hands knead your hips. He controls the rhythm and pace. There's a sense of urgency, but no pleasure is sacrificed. He expertly thumbs your clit.
"You're incredible," he says, breathing heavily. The feeling is mutual. You look into his sad eyes before your faces meet again and you devour each other's mouths.
You fuck like your lives depend on it. His thrusts are powerful and animalistic, but smooth. It's like fucking is his purpose in life. You suppose it is, on an evolutionary level. You kiss sloppily, moaning into each other's mouths and cheeks. He manhandles you on his cock like your body is part of his. The pulsing pressure builds deep within you until it can't build anymore.
Pleasure explodes from your solar plexus and floods your whole body, releasing the tension in massive waves. You've never come so hard.
He groans as you contract around his cock, then he erupts inside you, his hips grinding into you slower. There’s something so raw about the way you both come, groaning unrestrained, letting it all out. Each pulse of his cock extends your climax, until finally you're both finished. His large hands relax on your hips and he slumps back into the seat and headrest.
He stays inside you as you catch your breath.
If you die tonight, tomorrow, next week - at least you had this.
Next Story (not showing up in tags?): for survival 2
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lovelyjj · 10 months
"Please, speak to me." from the prompt list? love your work btw<3
a/n: i got two requests for the same prompt so I decided to write two stories instead of one. sorry it’s so short.
The night sky was dark. The air was cold and chilly. You were walking to the château to see JJ. Normally, JJ would never let you walk alone at night but he was busy with John B and couldn’t walk you.
You didn’t mind it was fine. You were enjoying your walk when the sidewalk in front of you was illuminated. The headlights of the car that pulled up next to you were bright.
Soon, you recognized the truck belonged to Rafe. He was stopping right next you and he rolled his window down.
“Hey there missy,” Rafe called out.
“What do you want Rafe?” You responded, but you kept walking causing Rafe to drive up to keep in sync with you.
“I just wanted to talk to you about us,” Rafe drawled.
“There is no us,” you retorted.
“But there once was,” Rafe added.
You and Rafe had a history. It was way before you and JJ started dating. It was a casual fling but Rafe always made it sound like it was more.
“That was along time ago,” you counter.
“Yeah maybe but if you don’t tell your boy I will,” Rafe smiled maliciously.
“Why are you being like this?” you asked.
“Like what sweetheart?” Rafe smirked.
“Like an asshole.”
“Ouch. Somebody’s in a sour mood.”
“Go home Rafe.”
Rafe stopped his car and got out. He ran out to you. “Y/N!”
You kept walking faster.
“Y/N, stop!” Rafe reached out his hand and got ahold of your arm pulling you back.
“What?” you growled.
“I just don’t want you to forget we had something too.” Rafe looked into your eyes searching for emotion, anything but found nothing but annoyance.
“I’m not going to ask you again, leave!”
By some miracle Rafe drove off after a few unsuccessful attempts to get your attention. You were pissed off and now you had to be around your boyfriend. If you didn’t put on an act you’d be questioned. You didn’t want to explain to JJ your interaction with Rafe.
You also were aware of the fact that Rafe was gonna tell JJ about the two of you if you didn’t do so first. That fact and the fact that Rafe still tries to talk to you made you want to have a meltdown.
Finally, you arrived at the château, dreading the conversation you were about to have. When you walked into the château JJ could tell something was wrong.
“Hey what’s up? You made it, thank god.” JJ acknowledged.
“Yeah I’m here. Just tired.”
“Do you want anything to eat?” JJ asked.
“No thanks I’m ok.”
JJ could sense that there was something bothering you and he couldn’t figure it out.
“What’s wrong?” JJ questioned.
“Please, speak to me,” JJ begged.
“JJ I can’t,” you replied.
“Yes you can just talk to me I know something’s wrong.” JJ tried to keep his voice calm as he wanted you to tell him all your troubles.
“Alright fine. I ran into Rafe on my walk here,” your voice was shaky.
“That son of a bitch, what did he do to you?” JJ spoke protectively.
“Nothing he just talked with me,” you put your lips together forming a tight line.
“Oh. Well what did he say?”
“There’s something I haven’t told you and I don’t know how your gonna react,” you hesitated.
“What is it? You know you can tell me anything,” JJ soothed.
“Well um me and Rafe sorta had a thing way before our relationship,” you cringed hoping JJ didn’t take this the wrong way.
“How serious was it?”
“It was a little serious, but nothing compares to us, to you.”
“As much as I hate the idea of you with Rafe, I’m glad you told me. I appreciate it.” JJ let himself smile.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” You gave JJ a look of apology.
“No worries baby, Do you feel better now?”
“Yes, like a weight has been lifted off me.”
“I love you,” you spoke sincerely.
“I love you too.”
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AAASDAHKJCNSH I FINALLY GOT TO SEE HIM TODAYYY ok so we finished the orientation which happens at the beginning of every year and I decided to see if he was in his classroom. The area of which his classroom is in is kinda like seperated from the rest of the school so u have to exit the school to get to it. This area is where him and the other teachers usually park their cars.
I saw him in a Ford pickup truck and he waved at me :3 he talked about the truck before but i have never seen it irl. He was talking to another teacher so i stood to the side to let them finish. He got and said "hey (my name)" I said hi and waved at him. He was wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses which made him look SO hot. He gave me a fist bump and asked how I was. I said "Im good! Also I love ur truck its such a nice shade of blue" he said "thanks, i've been working on it during the summer and repainted it. I haven't driven it in 29 years" I looked at him kinda shocked and he told me "Its so old it doesnt even have seat belts. We could go for a drive but I would need to make a form and get ur parents permission to do so" omg man i wish but i doubt my parents would let me :( He got in and showed me the interoir which was a nice red leather.
We talked about our summer and i said it was awesome. He asked why and i told him to guess. One of the guesses was "u got a new partner?" LIKE DUDE I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR U UR THE ONLY ONE I WANT CANT U TELLLLLLLL. I giggled and said no. He said he had to go somewhere but just before he left i told him i joined his course and he said "I saw!" we said bye to each other and he drove away :) IM STILL SO GIGGLY
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
okay. i just watched the movie Snakeskin (2001). i bought a physical dvd in the year of our lord 2024 because Taika has 6.5 minutes of screentime in it. and now i'm sitting here trying to process wtf i just watched asjdhfdjsk so here are the highlights (thank you Meow @blakbonnet for going through this experience with me)
first of all, enjoy these screenshots from the trailer (i'm still not sure if they're mandatory disclaimers?):
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...but say yes to snake imagery, because there will be a lot of it
we are definitely in 2001. this is extremely apparent throughout the whole movie. but especially from this girl's hair
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Taika's character (Nelson) and his girlfriend (Daisy, pictured above) drive around in a repurposed ice cream truck and sell drugs btw. it's called Mr. Trippy.
main character Alice (Melanie Lynskey) is a huge fan of ✨America✨. her best friend is in love with her but she only wants Bad Boys. also said friend's name is Johnny but it's actually Craig
ALSO Craig-slash-Johnny is played by Dean O'Gorman (Fili)??!?!?!?
their hobby is to drive around picking up hitchhikers but only those who look not boring
enter The American. this guy is the most American you have ever seen. americans wish they could be as American as this guy. no one else has ever Americaned harder.
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as you can see, i'm not lying. he even says "howdy ma'am" so we're convinced he is a real American
three skinheads are after The American because he stole their drugs (i think). he also stole drugs from Nelson and Daisy, who now owe money and/or drugs to their boss, who also has beef with The American for reasons i'm still not totally sure of
The American not only steals drugs and money, he also has a real gun(!!!) and fucks pretty much everyone?
"darlin'. u gotta earn the raaaiht. ter wear snakeskins 😎"
oh my god the sunglasses emoji just reminded me of the fucking sunglasses oh no i'm not sure i can do this akjsdhjsk this will make sense later i promise
do not learn gun safety from this movie
at one point, there is a whole lotta sheep. we are, after all, in Aotearoa New Zealand. and ok this had the cutest moment of Taika yelling "SHEEPY" out of a car
there's a scene where uhm. uhhh no not gonna describe this i think but. yeah fair warning this movie has some period-typical homophobia let's just say 💀 this is the live reaction:
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if you enjoy the 2000s aesthetic of "look how edgy we are doing drugs" *colorful-haired people on couches in dark club* *echo-y laugh* *hallucinations* *it's mushrooms look it's mushrooms we're doing psychedelics* then this is the movie for you my friend
oh and Alice also did acid at some point while being very "i've totally done drugs before" about it (((doubt)))
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[New Zealand accent] "wow. six and acid." yes she is living all her american dreams as you can see
by nighttime, all three cars (main characters, mr. trippy, and the nazimobile) and the motorcycle (mr. drug boss) have made it pretty far up the mountain, it seems. cute moment between mr. drug boss and nelson. look how :D he is!
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but you know a movie with Taika in it needs to have a father figure talk down to him so he gets very 🥺 right after this
lots of shit goes down (i won't spoil too much if by any chance you still want to watch this) and it turns out that the older skinhead guy is the best actor in the movie??
and NOW things get weird
Craig and The American have so much beef by now that they decide to solve it by russian roulette
Alice's reaction to this is something like "ugh, you guys are crazy, i can't watch this 🙄"
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like she just walks away?? GIRL THEY'RE AIMING A REAL GUN AT EACH OTHER
she keeps COMPLETELY UNDERREACTING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING like (spoilers from now on) CRAIG IS SHOT AND KILLED and she doesn't even run over and she doesn't even say anything to The American?? WHO SHOT HIM???? he's just standing there??
and then. AND THEN.
ok this is where i fully lost it for several minutes and missed half the following scene. i was fucking HOWLING like actually crying with laughter, i couldn't see or breathe and my partner got worried ksjdhfdjsk ok so here's what happens
they're in the car. craig is obviously very dead. alice is kinda in denial i guess. The American tells her to shut his eyes and she's like why? BECAUSE HE DEAD GIRL!! but she doesn't, she doesn't shut his eyes, no, this is what she does instead
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ANYWAY shortly after this we hear one of the funniest lines in the movie (and it's not even about the shooting and killing of Craig):
"fuck, Seth! this isn't fucking America, you can't just go around shooting everybody!"
oh yeah The American does have a name and it's Seth
i'll just post a few chat screenshots for the next part because i can't really describe it, i promise we're almost at the end
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after some incredible visual effects™️, we end with Return of the Sunglasses (and me scaring my cats away because i was sobbing again)
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i haven't even really talked about Taika's scenes much (the reason i watched this in the first place) because the ending took me OUT and honestly he is maybe the most normal person in this whole movie. one review (from the trailer) wrote this:
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and yeah that may honestly be the best way to describe it. 10/10 movie watching experience, highly recommend. thank you for coming to my snek talk
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missmarveledsblog · 15 days
It's never the end only a new beginning ( joel miller x reader)
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summary : maria and the doctor show up , our girl is in a bad way but it doesn't stop joel clinging to a new feeling of hope and a chance to do what he should of done long ago
warnings: angst , fluffy fluff
continuation of the last part : is it the end ?
How could the world do this , how could it give him this woman and now he held her in his arms , limp and cold he felt like it was a cruel joke . This strong woman who only just wanted to live a  peaceful life and help them . He had to watch another person he loved slip away before he even got the chance to fully have her. Joel couldn’t hear anything , he couldn’t hear the chaos just outside the doors of the abandoned warehouse , he couldn’t hear tommy sniffled trying not to break down at sight of his friend , he also couldn’t hear the sound of maria calling out to them or tommy’s calls back in reply. Everything was quiet   all his senses were on her . he told her he’d always be there so even if it meant so she wasn’t alone in the end as much as it broke his heart he was there. 
He almost bit tommy head off and the docs when they took him away  till he said there was a light pulse but they need to move her , joel never felt something like the feeling growing within him , not in such a long time it was so foreign  but in this moment in time, it was was welcome it was hope. A chance to not let it go to waste they moved her to the truck doc used if someone got hurt on patrol. The  whole time he held her , listened and followed each instruction that was thrown his way. Anything joel miller could do in his power to strengthen that hope that was building in his soul he did. Tommy and maria both shared worried glances it didn’t look good  , it hadn’t looked good the moment she fell to that damned floor . yet in all the madness she was so proud to face the demon of her past to stand up to him . that tired smile on her face before her eyes closed would be in the star of Joel's dreams no matter what the outcome was to happen . 
The drive maybe was  , no it was definitely the longest 20 minutes of his life. Each second felt like an hour , the battle against time it’s self to get her back to the clinic back where doc could do his time properly being an universal donor too meant fully joel could help give blood if needed , hell he’d give anything to give his life for hers if he could in that moment . when they saw the gates of jackson well he’s never been so happy to see them in his life  they drove straight to the clinic where they had the gurney waiting ready to talk her in the whole town watched her pale lifeless limp body being wheeled in and the door closing with a thud . although at first she never minded to be part of the town more just a shell of a person that was there to live, do the job she was giving well she slowly became one of them , slowly she indoctrinated into the community that now stood hoping they weren’t going to lose one of their own .  she was wheeled into the back room  as joel sat letting the docs apprentice take the blood from his arm before heading into the back room as he sat waiting ,  he even prayed something he had never done in such a long time and yet he sat and prayed like it was part of his daily routine  , that he's been doing it all his Life . He would do anything that would help in any instance that meant she was ok. He felt a pair of Eyes on his frame , he knew exactly who Those eyes were . He couldn't turn if he did  weak or not  he would kill the man that betrayed Them , betrayed her . Joel could understand why mark done it and he could sympathize with the man losing his family but yet same time all that sympathy and understanding was  washed out when joel blinked , cause even in such a short span of time his eyes closed all he could see was y/n in pain , almost dead in his arms.  Happiness was a rarity and that could be gone forever as hypocritical as it would seem joel could not be on the mans side at this very moment but if he could he would be his end . 
It must of been hours by the time he was woken , he didn’t even realize   he had gone asleep til the doc shook him awake and he’d seen the sun beginning to rise  signaling the new day. The doc looked completely exhausted and yet  joel couldn’t care less in his selfish need to know , to know  how she was  , if she was. 
“ she stable it was up and down all night but we were able to stop the bleeding , she is lucky  and by lucky i mean a divine miracle this woman is still a live i have not seen a fighter like her in such a long time”  the tired smile upon the elderly mans face spoke volumes  to his shock he felt himself being pulled into a hug something the man would of put down to his tired mind playing tricks on him to think  joel giving physical Affection and yet here he was . “ you can see her  , she still out cold might be a while before she wakes up” the elderly man nodded heading to the stair of clinic  so he could rest for a little bit . 
When he walked looking at the outdated Equipment and wires sticking out of her the iv hanging up ment it was bad to us such scarce supplies . He stood looking both afraid and yet dying to touch her , hands twitching at his sides when He pulled the chair to her side of the bed . He watched as her chest had steady rise and fall , how serine and peaceful she looked laid out in the bed . she was so pale  yet so lifeless even in all that she looked beautiful almost ethereal like an angel had come straight into his life . this quiet woman who did her own thing then started opening up getting to know them all  , then she finally started getting  out of the protective shell she built around herself .  she was a storm to be reckon with everything in life that should of torn her down didn’t  and she got back , she was born into a shirt storm and somehow she was like a rainbow  making it less dull .  all she had to do was smile and instantly his day felt so much better and it scared the shit out of him but it scared him more never seeing the smile again. She was something he never expected , someone he never thought he deserved but like everything else she made him think different made him believe he could be happy with out doing much but just existing. She was something spectacular more than she really knew and he was going to make sure when she was better he was going to make sure she knew that whether  she share the same feeling as him or not .  
He stayed by her side  the whole days and nights she was there ,  with ellie bringing his meals to him and spare clothe so he could change even staying by y/n side while he went to get changed .    he watched as the doctor check her over and every time the nurse done literally anything .  He talked about everything and anything hoping she could hear him , know she wasn’t alone , letting her know he meant his words she was never going to feel alone again .  it was little at first  felt like his mind was playing tricks on him as he was dosing off til he felt it again that weak squeeze in on his finger making him shoot up , like a cold water waking him completely when he look to see she was beginning to stir with a groan and moan . her eye trying to open but the sting of the light kept them closed for a little before they slow opened more and more . the confusion on her face was almost the most adorable thing he had seen if he wasn’t so happy in that moment finally once his prayer where answer by divine miracle she was a wake  and alive. 
“ joel?” she croaked almost unbelieving she was in the land of the living she was it was it. She was so sure  once her eyes closed in that warehouse that she wasn’t going to make it out and here she was laying in the clinic back in jackson with joel miller sitting at her side . he was smiling  , he looked so happy yet so tired looked like he’d barely slept. “Joel?” she asked again trying to move only to feel the pain shoot at her side for the sudden action.
“ woah easy darling slowly” he rushed to help her sit up , handling her with such gentle and loving touch. “ you scared me little shit don’t do that again” he grumbled putting the blanket on her more  making sure she was comfortable hell he was thinking of taking the ones off mark if she needed them . 
“ i don’t have any other husbands so i think the possibility of me doing this again are low” she smiled weakly ignoring the look joel was giving her . 
“ not what i meant also you aint funny , i almost lost you “ he held her hand tightly in his , she didn't miss  the slight waver in his voice and how raw his words were . the way he was looking at her all the emotion she felt through the simple action she leaned over and kissed his chest hiding the pain she was in from doing such before laying back against the pillow. 
“ can’t kill a good thing… ok last joke” she laughed making his face soften . “ how the hell am i still alive” she asked . 
“ by a miracle or stubbornness either way we’re grateful your still here little missy” doc called walking over checking her over. “  you gave us a scare but like a common pattern lately being full of surprise” he smiled . “ maybe i can have my clinic back … oh not you dear   it him watching me like a damned hawk” he chuckled . 
“ i ain’t watching you like a hawk” joel flushed  crossing his arms pretending that the docs words weren’t the absolute truth. 
“ yeah i think your lying doc his eyes not too good with age” she smirked as joel glared at her playfully. “I’m joking… a little bit ” she giggled loudly again instant turning him into mush .  her laughter , her smile they could instantly melt his frowns and glares away  with the melody and warmth that came along .
“ yeah yeah  seems as she definitely ok with all these so called jokes” joel muttered only for her turn to narrow her eyes at him and cross her arms although she never once let go his hand . she honestly was scared to like if she did it would of been a dream . that same fear  of thinking that joel was going to magically disappear , she had that feeling in the warehouse when she thought it was her end , frankly she would fully admit never seeing joel miller would be her personal hell. She couldn’t believe once in her life luck was on her  side and her she was a second chance to live life without a worry of the monster plaguing her in the back of her mind and she had joel in her life once more. He didn’t know how much she owed him since their first patrol to everything that happened after. He gave her life before he was fully ingrained in her life all she did was simply survive day to day now well before she almost died she was living  opening herself to people again , having a family again whether she could admit to that out loud  or not but ever since joel miller came into her life she’s been living every day since. 
“ y/n ?” the doc looked at her seemly waiting on some sort of response she was too deep in though to even know what she was to respond to . 
“ doc was saying you could go home when your up to it although it on strict bedrest” joel said softly seeing the confusion written all over her face. “ she’ll be staying at ours so we can help her , just let me know when you wanna check her over and i’ll have her here” joel easily answered for her barely even let her think of away to get out of the whole thing maybe he was running before he could walk but fuck it anyway he could have her close was fine by him .
“Well how  am i supposed to get to you house giving i can’t even move in this bed” she mused only  for joel to stand a stick his hand under her legs and the other on her back lifting her up in his arms making her yelp at the suddenly tug in her arm.
“ patience would do you world of good” doc gruffed taking the IV from her arm as the older man apologized although he was behaving like a love struck teenager as he carried her out of the room taking the blanket off the bed wrapping it around her and out of the clinic before her eyes could even see mark still laying in the bed. He was carrying her home , his home but hopefully if he didn’t screw up maybe her home some day .  she smiled tiredly waving to people who both looked stunned and yet so happy to see her alive and somewhat well even if joel wasn’t giving into stopping he was  moving fast to get her out of the cold and into the comfort of home. The minute the door opened her head saw the two girls pull apart at the sudden intrusion . both standing on their feet making it like they weren’t doing anything although the shit eating grin on y/n face told ellie she was definitely caught not that the teenage could even care seeing her friend alive and awake and a little confused when joel continue walking heading up the stair making a b line to his room as they followed. 
“ jesus miller calm your ass” she snorted as joel put the blankets over her and heading out the room as the girl walked in. “ guess i’m staying here til i’m all healed up” she looked up only for ellie to hug her tightly , she could feel the wet tears soak into her shoulder making her wrapped her arms tighter around the girl . “ hey i’m ok” she said only for dina do join now both crying holding her on the bed and y/n to join in .  “ i’m not leaving ok can’t get rid of me” she sniffled lift both girls faces up to look at her . she wiped their tears away. 
“ i thought i was never going to see you again” ellie finally said . “ i can’t lose more family” she added .
“ your not going to i’m like a cat with shit ton of lives like a magic cat” she wiped her own tears as they laughed. “  your kinda stuck with me” she winked as joel walked by into the room handing her a cup of water and some tissues as they each took one . 
“ least now he won’t be so much of a grump too i think he was driving doc crazy over there ,  i’m pretty sure that nurse was going to cry too” ellie teased and joel shoved her a little trying  to shut her up only making the girls laugh more. “ dare they hurt the woman he loved even if she was unconscious” she laughed as y/n stopped her eye widened at the girls words as dina hit ellie arm making her realis what she just said . “ on that note i  think tommy told asked me to do something so good to see you live and kicking” she almost left a shadow outline with how fast she moved out of the room as dina gave them a quick goodbye before following just as fast. 
“ joel?” she looked up  at the man not sure of what else to  truly . the adoration she felt and love she felt there was a chance of it being reciprocated which made her definitely start to question if she was truly alive. She felt the dip in the bed and his hand on her almost afraid to look up incase he would tell her he loved her like a friend or worse his daughter or something giving the gap in their ages. Then she felt his other hand under her chin lifting her head to look at him . 
“ not way i was hoping it would be said, actually i would of rather been the one to say it but darling ellie isn’t lying i think i was that clinics worse nightmare these last few days , i surprised i wasn’t gonna be kicked out but even then i wouldn’t have left” he smiled  those brown eyes filled with something she only seen her mother looking at her father . that pure unfiltered raw love she only dreamed of and yet here it was the reality real time she could see it . “that first patrol hell even before then you had me hook if im truly honest but that first patrol was when i knew it for sure  and every day after it just grew to point i thought it could grow anymore and it did , when i thought you died shit i died too life just didn’t make sense if you weren’t in it , i didn’t think i of all people would get a chance to feel this kind of love and thats what it i am so in love with your darling” it was like a dam broke and every word bursting and flowing free as she let it surround her and drowned in ever syllable .
“ when i was little girl my mama told me of stories , the princess trapped in a tower and knight coming to her rescue  , him being so in love with her that he would risk his own life i thought i felt that before but i don’t think i love you joel” she said softly as his head fell . “ i never had to think that i loved you because i know i love you ,  i’ve always known and weirdly enough i wasn’t afraid to die because it was end of my life i was scared because i was…” she said only for rest of what she had to say cut off by joel’s lips crashing on her instantly with no hesitation she kissed him back . it was like everything she was searching for was all found there and then. Fireworks , sunshine and rainbows feeling that stirred within her , feeling alone to now completely loved it was beyond her wildest dreams .  she could feel the fire burning in her lungs screaming for air and yet she felt herself fighting it because she need him more til he pulled back holding her face in his hand he rested his forehead against her. Their eyes locked in some sort of bubble they didn’t hear the front door open nor the noise of the footsteps on the stairs . 
“ well i was checking to see if the little lady was ok but i guess she is” that smirk filled voice when they looked up to see tommy and maria standing looking at the both of them .  “ hey look she got some color to her cheek but then again so does my big brother” tommy laughed . 
“ good to see you too tommy” she squeaked out only for her to cough to try fix her voice.
“ i am beyond happy to see this but she aint in any condition to be doing this big brother” he snorted only barely dodging the pillow heading towards him . “ jokes aside it’s good to see you kiddo” he smiled genuinely .
“ yeah means he’ll stop crying” maria smirked . “ sorry both of em crying” she added ignoring how both brothers were looking at her or how she pushed joel out of the way to hug her.
“ you know what i’m man enough to admit it , i thought i lost one of my good friend , my best friend i already called it so sorry sweetheart” tommy smiled, hugging her next.  
“ i suppose i could have a worse best friend i’m glad i ain't dead though  , live irony of finally finding family only for it to be taken from me , maybe the universe ain’t such a cruel bitch like i thought it was plus when i’m better i know theres another person in town that needs me” she said finally looking at maria. “ you think maura’s ok to watch charlie til i’m better” she asked. 
“ wait really?” she asked excitedly . 
“ yeah hell i’m more sure now then i was before even if i was going to say yes either way” y/n nodded. 
“ we can squeezed em in here , i’m sure ellie won’t mind sharing her room” joel smiled kissing her head.
“ it’s only til i’m better” she rested her head on his chest not wanting his touch to leave even if it was for a second . 
“ yeah we see about that , bring em by when you get the chance” joel turned to the other two as they shook their heads laughing . 
“ i’ll bring him by tomorrow or next day let you get yourself some rest first and well tell ellie of her new roommate too” maria snorted . 
“ we’ll leave you love birds alone and come back later although kept it pg , she ain’t up to much strenuous activities and neither is his back” tommy called as he lead maria out of the room and dodging another pillow coming for his head.  “ we’ll get you a do not disturb sign too” he called up the stairs before they heard him running out the door. 
“ your brother is an ass” y/n flushed as joel stood heading to the door only to shut it. 
“ hey he’s your best friend” he chuckled walking back to the bed getting in the other side holding her gently to her side  kissing her head as he felt her yawn , he could see she was fighting the sleep rubbing her back til he seen her eyes closing and tired little “i love you” falling from her lips. 
“ i love you too darling and it’s only the beginning of me showing you” he smiled kissing her head before his own eyes fell closed . it was the start , the middle and a new beginning of feeling at peace having the woman he loved most in his arms.
taglist : @vickie5446 @harriedandharassed
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