#also he and k2 are dating
indiworld · 4 months
i KNOW it’s not what will happen but funniest timeline is the one where Buddy creates his own god Bakarath through sheer conviction
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hontobakane · 10 months
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mulligans-tavern · 4 months
Dear K2,
If you're seeing this, it's probably because you're on Tumblr, and let's face it, you would be on Tumblr. So, here's a few things to know:
1. You're British. You live in England, which is part of the United Kingdom. People will give you shit for this, and it's because of a history you have no knowledge of, but that's not the point. The point is, you're very close to where King Charles is right now. It's gonna be hard to bring down the whole monarchy, but you do have your own magic now. Do your best.
2. If you get a positive pregnancy test, that is no longer just a thing that happens around you. That means something entirely different now.
3. Somewhere in this world is a man named Brennan Lee Mulligan. Some people will tell you he is your nemesis, or that you are his. This is... true, to an extent. You should get a Dropout subscription, actually. That might be helpful.
4. Along those same lines, the reason nobody can tell what part of the UK you are from is because your accent is entirely stereotypical, from the Most American member of the Fantasy High cast. This is something you're gonna have to work through on your own.
5. You're the first miracle worker on Earth in 2000 years, maybe. I'm not up to date on my religious history. Keep that in mind when you're casting spells around people, and also keep in mind that while you are getting magic from a goddess, that goddess was created at 3am in a warehouse by Ally Beardsley.
6. If you ever meet Zac Oyama in real life, know that he narrated your darkest moments with the gravity and honour they deserved.
Here's to you, kid. Hope you do okay out here in our dimension.
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legoiscrying · 1 year
Since you guys liked my first k2 analysis so much, I've decided to make a second one and mainly focus on things that I mentioned in the last paragraph there: how I see their romantic relationship. This is probably going to be more headcanons than analysis but we'll see lol (it ended up not)
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As I mentioned before, I don't really see k2 having some sort of special feelings for each other when they're young. Meanwhile it can kinda work with Kenny, it's probably won't work with Kyle: Kyle already has two strong sources of emotions. His bond with Stan and his sort of rivalry with Cartman clearly means more to him. And to get myself more clear: No, I do not erase everything I said in the previous post about their interactions, they're still very sweet and in my personal opinion important. But if we analyse Kyle's relationships with others and give everyone some sort of a status, Stan would be "best friend", Cartman would be "frienemy" (it's not so obvious when I say it like this but we all should agree that Kyle cares a lot about the shit Cartman says, not necessarily in a good way but it's still a huge source of emotions for him). And Kenny, as I believe, would be just "friend". Not much to add.
But if we're looking a little bit further...Time skip for a few years. Or not a few. High-school maybe?? Or adults?? Whatever you prefer more
From this part it'll be mostly headcanons because different people can see the future relationship of the main four differently. I'll talk about my personal point of view here (I think it's the most popular one in the fandom anyways)
So this is where Kyle's previous sources of strong emotions are kind of fading away. With Stan...I'm almost sure that no one is going to argue with me for this. Stan, as a depressed individual, would probably at some point of his adulthood change his relationships with people. He'd cut contact with some and just sort of change his attitude to other. And although I believe Stan and Kyle would still be friends (close friends??) when they grow up...There's not going to be the "bond" as strong as it was before. This is debatable, but even if you don't agree with my statement: One source of strong emotions is definitely not enough.
With Cartman my point of view is much easier to explain: they're not kids anymore. I believe their rivalry won't dissappear, but. They're not kids and not gonna fight 24/7. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this properly, but I think it's just not gonna take all their time. So yeah. It's not enough
Kyle feels a bit more lonely. So he hangs out with Kenny, who pretty much feels the same. They spend time together, talk a lot, remember some things...And realize how similar they are to each other (this part is also analysis btw, I didn't come up with it from nothing). They realize that back then they both were trying to act kind to people around them, but no one seemed to appreciate it as much as they wanted. They were doing it differently and was getting treated differently, but in the end both ended up being lonely without much people around. You. You can feel my thought here. right
They realize how similar they feel, so they decide to try to help each other. Just make some company. It won't hurt, right?
It didn't. I see them a bit fast burn... They start to appreciate each other's company more. And more. They hang out in a lot of different places. Anywhere you can get your old buddy: like seeing some cool movies with him, taking him to restaurants so you can make sure he eats well, sometimes going to his ol' house with him to help his sister...At some point Kenny starts calling it "dates", and Kyle is extremely flustered about this.
Kyle falls first, but Kenny confesses first: so their relationship-thing happens not so long after that.
And yep. This is what I wanted to share from now. I really hope someone reads all that xD
Love k2, appreciate k2, enjoy k2, share k2. They're very lovable little guys!
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(If this gets 100 likes AGAIN I will write k2 headcanons. Go)
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wysteriaisapenguin · 10 months
Based on a post about Percy and Harold:
If Percy is older than Edward but looks younger than he is, what was Edward’s reaction to finding out that Percy is older than him if he did or ever found out?
How would the others react if they ever found out? Or would they not believe Percy is older than Edward? Because then that would make Gordon the youngest.
(Gresley a1 Pacifics were made in 1922. Furness K2 “Larger seagull made in 1896. E2 tank engines made from 1913-1916. And L and YR class 28s made from 1909-1912. And for the heck of it: Sterling singles made from 1870-1895. Also Toby: J70 tram engines made from 1903-1921)
I feel like if the others ever found out about Percy’s age they’d lose their minds since Percy doesn’t act that old.
Ok so I found out that the Avonside 0-4-0 saddletank engine was built sometime in 1897-1900, so Percy is technically younger than Edward. But it’s a one year difference at most, so that still means he’s REALLY old. Sorry if I was wrong about that fact!
That being said! I think Edward would be the first engine to know about Percy’s real age. One day, he was feeling upset about being called “old” by the others. Percy tries to cheer him up by telling him that he can’t be that old since Percy claims to be ‘even older’. Edward doesn’t know what he means by that, so Percy tells him his actual age.
The blue engine is surprised to hear about this. He never would have guessed that a small and energetic tank engine like Percy would be just as old as him. Edward laughs and tells him that he’s still a year older than Percy, but he appreciates the support. He then asks why Percy never told anyone about this and the green tank engine replies that no one would believe him if he did. Edward understands since Percy does get teased a lot for being little, so he promises to keep it a secret.
A few years later, Percy’s crew wanted to celebrate Percy's build date (they have an estimated guess) so they surprise him with a birthday cake. That is when all the other engines learn about Percy’s real age. Needless to say, they were all in shock. (Except Edward because he already knew.)
Emily and Toby are confused about why Percy never acted his age but they don't mind that much. He’s still the same cheerful and hardworking little saddletank they know and love. Thomas bombards Percy with a million questions while Henry starts to feel bad about being rude to him in the past and apologizes by saying that “he didn’t know”. Percy happily forgives him since he's nice to him now. He also teases Thomas to "respect his elders" from now on, but Thomas teases him back saying that an elder can be his best friend too.
Gordon and James are freaking out and refuse to accept that Percy is older than them. This hits harder for Gordon since he is technically the youngest of the Steam Team.
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cryleforhelp · 2 years
do you have any k2 fanfic recommendations??
HI ANO N Very honored u came to me for this lol i'm also going to be including fic recs my friends gave to me because i haven't been reading (ive been busy lately!) fic recs below the cut!
Mysterion Begins | K2/Kysterion | T | TW: None author: indirectkissesiniceland I'm still reading this! The chapters feel short but the pacing + story is so good. Kenny and Kyle's relationship in here is sooo ;;_;; it's so soft to me and I'm such a sucker for pining.
SUMMARY: Four years of college didn't get Kyle any closer to figuring out what he wants to do with his life, but his friend Jimmy pulls through for him with an opening in the newspaper office where he works. Newbies have never been known to get glamorous work, of course, and Kyle's first assignment proves it: a filler piece on a costumed vigilante calling himself "Mysterion." When a dangerous situation brings him face-to-face with the hero himself, however, Kyle—and the growing number of readers his articles on the friendly neighborhood superhero bring in—seeks the answer to a question that burns within him: Who is Mysterion? it's three am, i hope you're home | K2/Kysterion | T | TW: None author: JuniperTrees AGH.. SORRY I'M A SUCKER FOR KYSTERION. THIS ONE WAS VERY GOOD, I want to tell you my favorite part but I don't want to spoil it for you!! I think when you read it, you'll know which part it is (hint: it's near the end. LMFAO) SUMMARY: Kyle knows what he wants, but Mysterion keeps climbing in through his window. back to december | K2 | T | TW: None author: JuniperTrees AJGSKLKJHFG9AOJLGKHSHSJODGDKLHJSAGNBLDKFSHJSJGISLKBMSDHJSOIGKLSAGJNASKHSAJSGJSALDK TTHE Y FALL IN LOVE. AND THEY GROW OLD. AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. One of my favorite fics, I just really love seeing K2 grow up together and the way the author wrote it was phenomenal. SUMMARY: Kenny has always been involved with Kyle’s holiday celebrations in one way or another. Take Me High and I'll Sing | K2/Kysterion | E | TW: domestic violence, smut author: Courtanie sorry for being kysterion trash i didnt mean it. i actually really enjoyed this fic, i think the author did a great job on portraying kyle's character when it comes to him being concerned about kenny being mysterion (idk if that makes sense). it gave me a rollercoaster of feeLS and ugh... its... its soft. im so bad at giving opinions im sorry LMFAO SUMMARY: For far too many years Kyle has watched Kenny slipping in and out of his heroic persona, wondering each night if it would be their last together. But when it's his needs stacked against the safety of the rest of their town, finding common ground is far more difficult than either of them could have accounted for. Lionheart | K2, Creek | T | TW: None author: indirectkissesiniceland i haven't read this one, yet! though, my good friends recommended it twice AND it's by indi so i trust that this is v v v v good :) SUMMARY: For far too many years Kyle has watched Kenny slipping in and out of his heroic persona, wondering each night if it would be their last together. But when it's his needs stacked against the safety of the rest of their town, finding common ground is far more difficult than either of them could have accounted for.
Ok, Cupid It Isn't Funny Anymore | K2 | T | TW: None author: Courtanie this one is my favorite because i love the oblivious pining and k2 being the dumbest people on planet earth when it comes to each other. stan is so sick of their bullshit here KLJDSGLKSGJSDFLKJ SUMMARY: Years of sabotaging one another's dates and dancing around feelings have led Kenny and Kyle to fall into states of pitiable loneliness. Living under the same roof sure doesn't help the situation, but some vodka might. Playback | K2 | T | TW: None author: Corrupted_Quiet i love britney spears ok and kenny here loves her too. this is one of my favorite fics !! i hope you like it as much as i did too, i thought it was really cute and the way author uses music here is fun! SUMMARY: Kenny's always listened pop music, with its bumping beats, simple lyrics, and easiness at capturing the complexities of love. Sometimes he feels himself in those songs, especially when pining over Kyle Broflovski. No one else knows that part, though, secret kept between himself and his playlist of Britney songs. But one day, his music decides to stop playing quietly, and start blasting out of his head. Oh, baby, baby, how was he supposed to know?
Daywalkerpox | K2/Kysterion (Side Stendy & Creek) | E | TW: sexual content author: Zormikea THIS WAS THE FIC THAT MADE ME SHIP K2 EVEN FURTHER. I have to reread this fic because it's been a while but oh my god i could not stop reading it when i first saw it.. SUMMARY: It’s not love. It’s not affection. It must be a disease, then.
Kyle wonders if it’s curable. Kenny knows it isn’t. Peering Through Windows | K2, Cryle (Side Stendy) | E | TW: graphic depictions of violence, non-con, major character death, sexual content author: jwink85 PLEASE be super cautious going into this fic as it does include a lot of heavy topics and depictions of said warnings listed above. that being said, this was one of the first fics that i read coming back to the fandom (i found it through the animatic based off this fic LOL). personally i like it, i really enjoy the author's storytelling here and how she takes care of certain events happening in the fic. i get that this might not be everyone's cup of tea though! please note that craig here plays a heavy villain in this story and kyle is the victim of the villain in this story, so if they're one of your favorite characters and you don't want to see them this way i think it's best to avoid this one! SUMMARY: Kyle was so in love with the good doctor until he revealed himself to be a monster...by then, it was too late. Fell In Love with a Dead Boy | K2 | T | TW: None (character death but it's kenny's) author: spirograph I NEVER READ THIS ONE!! BUT MY FRIEND SAID THIS AS A RECOMMENDATION SO I'm going to put this down here for you! I hope you like it, anon! SUMMARY: In the 3rd grade Kenny dies for the first time. OKAY, I'll stop here. Let me know what you think when you read some of these, anon!!!!! if i had to suggest what to start off with first i'd suggest mysterion begins and/or daywalkerpox!!!!! two very very very good fics!!!!!!!! if i have anymore in mind, i'll reblog this with add ons!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD @herbietales and @allymumu helped me out with fic recs so if needed, you can ask them too!! <333
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rebelmeg · 8 months
Rebelmeg's BBB2023 Masterpost
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I GOT A BLACKOUT! @buckybarnesbingo
B1 - Gunslinger | Teen | Bucky/Unspecified Partner | fanfic
Bucky is a gunslinger and has the hots for an unspecified opponent. That's it, that's the fic.
B2 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 12: Bucky's Birthday Present | Teen | Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Bucky & Clint, Jane/Thor | Fanfic
Darcy tries to think of what to get Bucky for his birthday, Jane is unhelpful, Thor is very helpful, and Clint is her partner in actual crime.
B3 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 4: The Cupcake Hour | Teen | Darcy & Jane, Bucky/Darcy | fanfic
Jane hears all about Darcy's new crush, and then the science bestie meets baker, who has a question for Darcy.
B4 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 1: Plum Tasty | Teen | Bucky & Darcy | fanfic
Darcy follows the siren call of baked goods, and meets the love of her life. And also the stud working the register.
B5 - Bucky's Support Group | Gen | Bucky & Avengers | fanfic
While Bucky recovers from everything he's been through, the Avengers all pitch in to help him where they can. Russian lullabies, unexpected hugs, and other things aren't what he thought he'd need, but it turns out that his bizarre support group seems to know exactly how to do exactly that: support.
U1 - A Twitch Down Memory Lane | Teen | Bucky & Steve | fanfic
Two supersoldiers are having a relaxing afternoon on the couch at the Compound. And then something unlocks a small flood of memories. OR Before the serum, Steve had epilepsy. Bet that freaked the hell out of Bucky every time it happened.
U2 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 11: Drunk Dialing and Doughnuts | Teen | Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Bucky & Clint, Jane/Thor | fanfic
Darcy and Jane get tipsy, Bucky makes doughnuts, and Clint knows a little too much about Jane's sex life.
U3 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 2: Sticky Sweet | Teen | Bucky & Darcy | Fanfic
Fate (otherwise known as a long workday and a missed bus) brings Darcy back to the bakery of her dreams. And the baker ain't so bad either.
U4 - Moodboard for Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 5: Kiss the Cook | Teen | Bucky/Darcy | moodboard
Moodboard for Bucky and Darcy's first date, roller blade and then a stop at the bakery afterward.
U5 - The End of the Scope | Gen | Bucky & Alpine | fanfic
The Asset has been out of cryo for awhile, and his conditioning is starting to break down. So when a tiny, scrappy kitten tries to play with the laser sight on his rifle, he can't help but play along. Just a little bit.
C1 - Heart Eyes Over Coffee | Gen | Bucky/Sarah Wilson | fanfic
Papa Bear Bucky (wow, does he hate that nickname) falls in love at first sight, while his work kids ogle and make helpful commentary. "Helpful" being extremely subjective…
C2 - Off the Beat | Gen | Bucky/Darcy | fanfic
Bucky spies a cutie at the club who is NOT dancing to the beat. Who brings headphones and their own music to a club?
C3 - Bucky Digital Collage | Gen | No Pairing | digital art
A li'l something I made with Bucky-themed themes in mind.
C4 - I'd Rather Be a Summer Soldier | Gen | Bucky & Steve | fanfic
Steve might like hanging out in the snow like a polar bear, but Bucky decidedly does not.
C5 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 6: Archery and Mirror Glaze | Teen | Darcy & Jane, Bucky & Clint, Bucky & Darcy | fanfic
Darcy meets Bucky's best friend, then gets to watch him do more sugar magic.
K1 - Cuddle Buck | Gen | BuckyNat | fanfic
Natasha finds out what Yasha needs, and with the help of her fellow Avengers, they give it to him.
K2 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 5: Kiss the Cook | Teen | Bucky/Darcy | fanfic
The first date is a great success, and Bucky has an extra surprise for Darcy back at the bakery.
K3 - Bot Shaming - Part 10 | Gen | Bucky & Dum-E & Tony | social media post/photo edit
Prankster bot Dum-E and Enabler Bucky make a mess of the workshop.
K4 - Scenes from an Italian Restaurant [chat version] | Mature | Bucky & Clint & Nat & Steve & Scott | brainstorming story spawning
Mafia boss Bucky Barnes recently bought closed Italian restaurant to use as his headquarters. A very tired Steve Rogers shows up for food, kicking off an unbelievable chain of events [chat version].
K5 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 8: Frosting Roses | Teen | Darcy & Jane, Jane/Thor, Bucky & Darcy | fanfic
Jane has a breakthrough and Bucky brandishes a piping bag.
Y1 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 7: Thievery and Cookery | Teen | Darcy & Jane, Jane/Thor, Bucky & Darcy | fanfic
Thor has committed a grave sin, and Bucky is in charge of fixing Darcy's cranky mood.
Y2 - Moodboard for A Cure For What Ails You | Gen | Bucky/sort of OFC | moodboard
Bucky has been busted out of HYDRA imprisonment by his suddenly huge but still reckless best friend. He's shaken up, he's got bits of memories that horrify him, and he just needs a minute alone to think. Instead... he finds an unexpected distraction while the soldiers are still giving three cheers for Captain America. In the middle of a war and in the worst possible place to start a romance, he finds a little bit of solace in a nurse with pretty brown eyes, a sweet smile, and a blush he could fall in love with.
Y3 - Moodboard for Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 13: Two Years Later | Teen | Bucky/Darcy | Moodboard
The bite-sized, sugar-coated epilogue that leads to a happily ever after, featuring a Bucky/Darcy wedding moodboard.
Y4 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 3: Glitter Sprinkles | Teen | Bucky/Darcy | fanfic
Darcy starts spending time in Bucky's kitchen, and discovers his sprinkle cabinet.
Y5 - Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 9: A Compote Murder | Teen | Bucky/Darcy, Bucky & Clint | Fanfic
Clint wreaks havoc in Bucky's kitchen, and Darcy helps to conquer a very large block of chocolate.
Adopted - Smell: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 10: Give Me the Brownies and Nobody Gets Hurt | Teen | Bucky/Darcy | Fanfic
Darcy goes feral for brownies, and Bucky tries to contain the feral beast.
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alister312 · 2 years
HELLOGE!!!!! here are the list of ships and characters i would like to hear about from you! i would love to read your insights and thoughts about them as i feel like i could appreciate a new understanding from another perspective!
- bendy
- k2
- creek
- tolkyde
- kyle broflovski
- stan marsh
- wendy testaburger
- nichole daniels
- tolkien black
- craig tucker
DONT FEEL PRESSURED TO DO ALL OF THEM. Do the ones you really want to do!!!!!!! <33333 HAIII X3
OK IM WRITING THIS AS IM POSTING TO SAY THAT I DID ANSWER ALL OF THEM AND IT'S. well it's a lot 😅 and since i care about my followers' dashes i'm putting it all below the cut.
Bendy is a ship that I’ve mentioned before that I’m fairly neutral on, mostly because I’ve got a number of ships for Bebe and Wendy I much prefer for both of them… pretty much all of them being het ships actually? I hardcore headcanon both of them as being bi but having a preference for guys. I think if they were to get together, it’d be something neither of them expect, but it’d just sort of… happens. Like they’re talking to one another about dating or something and they both come to the realization that what they want out of a relationship is what they already have with each other. I think sort of because of that they’d never officially get married? That, or they’d do a courthouse marriage. No big fancy ceremony. They’re very loving and supportive of each other and are almost always on the same page. The strike me as the type to actually be more of a career power couple than adopt, but if they did they’d be the best moms.
K2 is one of those ships that I’ve mostly shipped because others shipped them so, I’ll be honest, I haven’t bounced them around my brain that much! I do see them as the type who always have each other’s back which I think is a very good foundation for a relationship. I love Stan, but I don’t think he quite understands like Kyle and Kenny can and always are trying to do for others. I think they’d get into fights a lot initially, but eventually they realize that they want the same thing but they just have different approaches. After that, they rarely fight except for the occasional Big Fight mostly about expectations they have for one another. They’re both very confident in themselves and their actions though, so they wouldn’t bend much for the other and ultimately they both really respect that about one another.
It’s honestly hard to say more about Creek, because what can I say that countless other fans (and perhaps even the show itself) haven’t said better? I suppose what I can say is that my favorite flavor of Creek is Impastor (mostly bc of my love of religious imagery in stuff). I just love the idea of both of them defying everything everyone else expects of them for each other. I suppose they already sort of did that in real life, but it’s just fun to put it into a grander, cosmic scale for me. I do ultimately see them as being extremely domestic though, whether regular or Impastor. I feel like they’ve got dads of a daughter sort of energy? Of course they are the ultimate guinea pig dads but I think they’d also make good real human child dads as well! Tweek is absolutely the fun dad in their duo.
Tolkyde!! I always saw it called Tyde back in the day… but anyway, I always felt very “meh” on this ship for the longest time until I read a very good fic exploring the two of them (if it wasn’t untitled i’d plug it). Anyway, I think especially once Craig and Tweek start dating, Clyde struggles not having someone he can always rely on. Not that Craig wouldn’t be there for him, but I think Craig would emotionally struggle handling both Tweek and Clyde sometimes and he may unintentionally prioritize Tweek. This would lead Clyde to start looking for someone else when he gets upset and Tolkien is always down to help out. Clyde would probably struggle with really opening up, worrying that Tolkien will find him too much like Craig did, but Tolkien is much more emotionally available and that would help Clyde a lot. I think Tolkien also really needs to chill out and relax with someone who is more normal (aka not South Park levels of crazy) and Clyde is kind of average as they come, in a good refreshing kind of way. They aren’t endgame, but I think they both look back on their time together fondly.
Ok now on to characters!!
Oh Kyle… such a little guy and yet so constantly clamored over by fans from all corners of the fandom. For starters, I guess I should say that I think he’s 100% gay. Maybe tries dating girls in middle school, but it doesn’t work out. The other thing I feel the most confident saying about him is that he’s a family man. That’s been proven time and time again, but I feel it always bears repeating. He cares very deeply about his relationship with his parents and brother, and once he’s a dad, I imagine a lot of his personality does revolve around the fact that he is a dad. I don’t want to say that he’s on constantly, because that makes it sound like his familial love is a chore or fake and I don’t think it is, but I do think he puts a lot of focus on it. I do think that, because of that, him doing something with helping families in the future makes a lot of sense. Whether it’s a guidance counselor like in Post Covid or a marriage counselor, I think he’d be compelled to help others understand the value of family and togetherness like he values them.
Stan is your classic kind-hearted quarterback, the kind of guy who goes to the big game afterparty but will leave early if the person who he came with isn’t having a good time, even though he is. Perhaps controversial, but I like a bit of alcoholism mixed in with my jock Stan. I don’t love seeing him hopeless, I want him to have a happy ending, but I think Stan is someone who is often his own worst enemy. I think he gets too in his own head and he’d probably find something kind of freeing about having his thoughts a little muddled. This would freak Kyle out which would definitely make Stan turn himself around because, whether he and Kyle are dating or not, I think Stan always puts a lot of value on Kyle’s opinion of him. I can sort of imagine a life for Kyle without Stan there, but I can’t really imagine a life for Stan without Kyle there.
I love regular Wendy but honestly I sometimes I love genderfluid Wendyl more. Perhaps it’s because she’s a girl written by men who grew up in the 70s and 80s, but so many of Wendy’s internal struggles are tied to her being A Girl and needing to act the part. Whether that’s worrying about her image and photoshop or relationship woes based in her expectations for herself that she must “fix” someone, Wendy seems very upset with the idea of how she should be. I understand that women can continue to be women while also bucking gender roles, but from a self projection standpoint I like the idea of Wendyl coming to the realization that the reason (s)he disliked all the complicated rules is because (s)he just disliked gender generally, for themself at least. If she were to continue being a cis woman, then she absolutely would be the type to wear it on her sleeve. Absolutely not in a TERFy way, but in the sense that she’d be very vocal and proud about being an accomplished woman (and she would be accomplished, no doubt there).
One of my favorite headcanons I have about Nichole is that she’d be a career podcaster. She’d probably start out as an actual play podcaster with all the girls from the TTRPG club but I think she’d move on from there to have a comedy/commentary podcast and then just keep making more short podcast series about cool stuff. From there she’d probably transition into voiceover work and then writing for shows, or maybe she’d become a host personality for TV. I just think there’s something about her energy that would have people wanting to listen to her no matter what she ends up doing. There’s also just something about Nichole that makes me feel like she’d fit really well in the entertainment world. But no matter what she does, she does continue podcasting, especially to keep in touch with old friends from South Park.
I think Tolkien would be the most likely to break free from South Park, in the sense that he’d be able to get rid of that “weird small town” vibe that all of them definitely have. Like, he could go to college and be a normal guy who just occasionally pulls these wild stories out of nowhere and everyone stares at him incredulously. He’d still hang out with everyone when he’s back home, but somehow he’s managed to be both South Park normal and Normal normal. Tolkien has East Coaster energy anyway, maybe New England or New York, so if anyone is actually permanently moving out of the town, it’s him.
I know many people love the idea of Craig going to work at NASA in the future, but I really love filmographer Craig a lot! I think he’d only ever produce very underground indie stuff, but I think it’d be super helpful for him to remove himself from a situation and study his feelings for it through a camera. Obviously he’s working on his emotions via Tweek, but even still I think he’d like the initial sense of detachment he can give himself. In addition to that, I think he’d be very into media analysis. He’d be that guy who makes hours long video analysis essays about media that no one cares about except for him. It’s a good balance between creativity and logic that I think Craig can really appreciate.
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whatisbraincells · 2 years
Autistic Cassian evidence(from an autistic person):
Non verbal when first brought to Narkina 5
As well as during Ulaf’s death
He the has same wide eyed face I have when I’m somewhere unfamiliar both on Narkina 5 and Aldhani and with Luthen on his ship
Also little Cass also has that face on Kenari and in the square with Clem
Also in Rouge One when they’re breaking in
Bad with social cues but also a little shit with his friends
Example: not realizing why Timm would think Bix was cheating on him with him but also being a little shit to Bix about dating him
Also not realizing Vel was telling him to back off Cinta
Bad with metaphors(not knowing what “already sharing a blanket” meant, “huh” face when Nemik is rambling)
Struggles with changing ideals
Follows instructions closely
Semi verbal after learning about his mom
Gets attached quickly
Covers up bad social skills with sarcasm and again being a little shit
Black and white thinking- Empire bad, rebels good
Determined to finish tasks or finish learning things
For example, learning everything he can about the guards and what happened on 2
And still searching the ship on Kenari
Or eating his food on Aldahni
Being treated as an outcast on Kenari
Prefers animal/droid companionship(K2 and Bee)
Immediate kinship with Nemik(also autistic)
And Skeen(who is not autistic but does have similar interests/past)
Also Jyn(who is autistic cause I say so)
Meltdowns(after K2’s death, yelling at Nemik on the transport, nonverbal episode on Narkina 5, “nobody’s listening!” possibly even shooting Skeen and freaking out on Vel, snapping on Jyn)
Easily collecting found family(need for attachment, possibly attachment issues stemming from being taken from Kenari)
Bad at expressing emapthy
Aka simply just going “Oh” when given someones tragic backstory
Absolutely not thinking about Syril even though he blew up his team(task focused thinking)
Bad with authority
Some examples in Rouge One like the whole defying the entire rebellion thing and also talking over Taramyn on Aldhani
Quick decision making/quick judgements
Still lives with his mom(as in, can’t live alone because he needs help or is too attached)
Not being able to do big speeches(making Jyn do the pep talk before the Rouge One mission and making Kino talk to the whole prison on Narkina 5)
Antisocial(does not like when he has to meet new people)
No concept of personal wellbeing/rarely does things for his own benift
Getting the Aldhani money for his mom, not wanting to use it on himself, wanting to get the whole prison free not just himself, not going with everyone at the end for their safety, killing people for the Rebellion to stay secret, not killing Galen for Jyn
Unexaggerated facial expressions(keeps a similar face for most of his appearances)
Lemme know if you have anything else! If you don’t agree dni it’s not that hard
He’s also bi and polyam and in love with Melshi, Jyn and Bohdi <3
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So, I've been thinking about the Yakuza series for a long time now.
I've also just passed the 2nd anniversary of me beating Yakuza 0. So, I think it'd be appropriate, both time wise and as my first Tumblr rambling, to share a headcanon I now carry for the series.
spoilers for the Yakuza series, up to Kiwami 2/a teeny bit of 3 (mainly, Kiryu's whereabouts after K2)
After Kiryu and Makoto meet in 0, they strike up a friendship. In canon, nothing happens after that.
HOWEVER, heres where my headcanon comes in
After the events of 0, Makoto ends up visiting Kiryu at the same time she gets her watch back. They have a fun conversation, which leads to them exchanging addresses.
And then...
They start writing letters to each other.
They begin as short letters but soon evolve into pages upon pages of the two of them getting to know each other and talking about anything and everything.
Even after Kiryu is arrested, the police Date allow him to corrospond with Makoto via letter (Date would inspect them at the beginning, but eventually stopped due to trusting Kiryu)
They would talk about everything and bonded over many things, including mutual loss (Nishiki/Yumi and Tachibana), and they'd tell each other about their lives.
Eventually, Makoto would ask Kiryu about the man who saved her back in the 80s. Kiryu would identify him as Majima, the Mad Dog of the Shimano family. They'd talk ad-nauseum about him and compare stories on the intricate and complicated man.
But there's one thing.
Kiryu never described what Majima looked like, and Makoto never went looking for him, since he is yakuza. That'd be super dangerous, you know.
Kiryu never told Majima that he was in contact with Makoto, as he feared the worst. But then again, Majima was already obsessed with fighting him.
This continues, until after Majima Saga in Kiwami 2.
After giving Majima his massage, in her next letter to Kiryu, Makoto talks about the man she massaged that was oddly silent ("He seemed very intimidating, I was worried I was doing something wrong!")
In his letter back, Kiryu wrote that the silent man was Majima.
Now, Makoto is smart. However, she doesn't quite believe Kiryu at first. After receiving the new strap for her watch, she puts it all together.
The man who gave her the watch strap, the silent man who visited the massage place, the kind man who helped her all those years ago, and the person that her and Kiryu wrote about regularly, it was all Goro Majima.
Once she's settled in America, Makoto sends a package to Kiryu's orphanage in Okinawa. The majority of the shipment is gently used clothing + supplies for Morning Glory, but on the top of the package are 2 letters. One is addressed to Kiryu as normal.
The other is addressed to one Goro Majima.
Anyway, in Yakuza 3, Majima has received the letter from Kiryu, and while he hadn't gotten the guts to write back, he keeps the letter in the inside pocket of his jacket, right over his heart.
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tonystarkbingo · 1 year
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TSB Round 7 Roundup - Week 5/6!
After a slight rain delay in week five, we're here with all our party fills from the last week. Enjoy!
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Collaborator: purpleicedteas Card Number: 7007 Square Filled: S1 - Without Fear Title: Chronic Link: AO3 Pairings: Stony Word Count: 2083 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: No Archive Warnings Apply, Chronically Ill Steve Rogers, Sub Steve Rogers, Gentle Dom Tony Stark, Light Dom/sub, Back Pain, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Non-Sexual Submission, Subspace Summary: Steve's had a long day, and his back pain is excruciating. Thankfully, his boyfriend loves to give massages.
Collaborator: May Card Number: 7031 Square Filled: T5 - First Kiss Title: Even Geniuses Can Get It Wrong Sometimes Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 3356 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Getting together, first kiss Summary: Cap praises everyone on the team, but Tony. And one day he has enough!
Collaborator: scottxlogan Card Number: 7017 Square Filled: A5 - Kink: Begging Title: Dark Obsession Link: AO3 Pairings: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Word Count: 17988 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Clubbing, Explicit Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, Light Choking, Rope Bondage, Light Dom/sub, BDSM, Wax Play, Sex Toys, Restraints, Swearing, Switching, Biting, Ice Play, Strangers to Lovers, Smut, Past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark Friendship Summary: On the anniversary of his parents' deaths Tony finds himself looking for a distraction after Steve stands Tony up on their night clubbing. Undeterred in his quest to find a new distraction Tony works his way into a steamy new club in town where he finds himself drawn in by a sexy stranger who turns Tony's world around in unimaginable ways.
Collaborator: May Card Number: 7031 Square Filled: K2 - Interrupted Kiss Title: How Clint and Nat Set Steve Up Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 1883 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Getting Together, First Kiss Summary: Clint and Nat sign Steve up for a dating website and force him to go one a blind date, knowing full well he has a crush on Tony the size of Mount Rushmore. Steve holds his ground on hating them until he sees who's his date.
Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 7021 Square Filled: T4 - Dares/Bets Title: Teacher, Teacher, Can You Reach Me? Link: AO3 Pairings: Rhodey & Tony, Tony/Steve Word Count: 1603 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: No Powers AU, Teacher AU pre-serum Steve, artist!Steve, Tony&Rhodey BroTP, Dares and Bets Summary: After spotting a flyer at a new coffee shop, Rhodey dares Tony to attend a Sip and Sketch class; turns out the twinky blond barista is also the class instructor.
Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 7021 Square Filled: R4 - Playing games Title: Tony Stark Bingo Mark VII - July Round Robin Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Bucky, Tony & Stephen, Tony & Bruce Word Count: 327 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Round Robin, Team as Family, Games, Scavenger Hunt, Vacation Summary: When Doctor Strange offers the Sanctum Sanctorum up as a getaway location for the Avengers, Tony protests. However, he is swayed when Bucky suggests the idea of a scavenger hunt.
Collaborator: PoliZ Card Number: 7021 Square Filled: K3 - Pairing: Tony/Pepper Title: Starting Something New Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper/Tony Word Count: 396 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Domestic Fluff, Pregnancy, Starting Over, New Home Summary: Pepper and Tony discuss the new direction their life seems to be taking.
Collaborator: Girl Back There Card Number: 7034 Square Filled: T3 - Stony Title: The Future is filled with Surprises Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Steve Word Count: 1379 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: Canon Divergence, Online Dating, Secret Identity, Getting Together, Bondage & Gags Briefly Mentioned being used Summary: A chat on his favorite app has Steve meeting the last person he expected for a hookup.
Collaborator: endlesstwanted Card Number: 7010 Square Filled: A2 - “This won't hurt a bit” Title: The Silver Line Link: AO3 Pairings: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Word Count: 2606 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Fandom Fusions, Post-Break Up, Reunions, War Veteran Bucky Summary: Training with Camille, Bucky and her notice that the new guy coming to work for the agency is the one who witnessed Sharon breaking up with him during their double date.
Collaborator: illogicalkat Card Number: 7009 Square Filled: A1 - AU: Celebrity Title: Walking the red carpet Link: AO3 Pairings: n/a Word Count: 0 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: none Summary: Moodboard for movie star Tony Stark
Collaborator: tinystark616 Card Number: 7008 Square Filled: S1 - Tony/Steve Title: It Had To Be You (Wonderful You) Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 6500 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Virgin Steve, loss of virginity, blowjobs, anal sex, top Steve, bottom Tony Summary: During a party in Avengers Tower, Steve confesses to Tony that he's never slept with anyone.
Collaborator: endlesstwanted Card Number: 7010 Square Filled: R1 - Character Death Title: Heatwave Hazards Link: Tumblr Pairings: N/A Word Count: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Moodboard, heatwave, houseplants, popsicles Summary: Tony knows how to deal with a heatwave, but his plants aren’t as lucky as him.
Collaborator: deehellcat Card Number: 7014 Square Filled: R3 - anthropomor-fic Title: A World Where People Like Me Don't Have To Hide Link: Tumblr Pairings: na Word Count: na (moodboard) Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Shifter Verse, Prejudice, Cat!Tony Summary: In a timeline where shifters are an oppressed minority, Tony Stark struggles to balance his roles as part of a team that defends against their backlash, and a shifter himself.
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sansxfuckyou · 10 months
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oh yeah?
Most recent Kenman fic. What inspired it? Any lessons or morals? Be ignorant be gay? 👉👈🥺
before we begin talking about Contractually Obligated we need to start with some small pre-ambles
1: it's intended to be the final piece of a trio of fics, one wherein Cartman is taking the aforementioned photographs of Kenny (mentioned when they're making out on a car), and one wherein they have a big ass chat about how they should hook up now that Kyle is dating Stan (Cartman is already out of town). will I finish either of those fics? fuck if I know, do they exist in my head without fail and keep me motivated to keep going? absolutely
2: I usually write kenman fics to fill the gaping void, to cope with the complete lack of kenman fics. I also use the kenman dynamic to explore different scenarios that I can't entirely justify with K2, Stenny, Crenny, etc, etc- because sometimes Cartman is the only one who hits the specific vibe I'm shooting for.
3: they would've had gay sex on screen but I wanted it to be safe for tumblr so we only get a scene of them smoking in bed like in the movies just to make sure people understand that they hit it hard
now, actually talking about the fic itself
see, i have a fixation with the whole 'if we're both single' type of contract, because it can go two ways. both parties struggling to prevent the contract from happening, or both parties shrugging off attempts to prevent it. in this case, they gave up on preventing it, and almost forgot about it, style and creek both happened so why not try and hook up right.
but they are both stubborn, repressive, idiots! and they won't just ask each other out because no, that's pretty fuckin' faggy, and Cartman won't lower himself to that. he will lower himself to going on a date with Kenny only in the case of a bet, or a contract, because there's no control over that. he can't control it, it's not of his own volition, he's not gay if he does it, he just lost a bet. Kenny on the other hand? he's kissed all of his friends, fuck, he's slept with all of his friends because of course he has.
the pre-existing dynamics, my god, kill me now, they make me go insane. Kenny is Cartman's best friend, and Kyle and Stan are less Cartmans friend than Kenny is. already we have a rooted relationship, they're close, so very, very close, and Cartman remembers when Kenny dies (he briefly states Kenny dies all the time in the ep where he buys an amusement park). there's this dependency you know, Cartman goes to Kenny because no one else will actually listen, and Kenny listens. they ran a restuarant together! thats fuckin gay as shit!
i am getting off point, very off point, sorry. but basically, they made this contract age thirteen, and Kenny knows Cartman will still be single, because of course he will. it's just a convenient excuse, quell the anxieties. and you know what? it worked, Kenny got a partner (will be disclaimed in the unwritten fic) and so did Cartman, and that contract was as good as dead. they could just tear it up and move on.
but no, nineteen, Cartman is fresh out of town, and he calls up Kenny to tell him he finally got a girlfriend. and Kenny is so fucking happy for him, the contract fades into obscurity and that point it's entirely out of Cartman's head. Cartman gets dumped first, and he doesn't dare call up Kenny, but when Kenny gets dumped? they are sitting on the phone, consoling each other, and just bullshitting like long distance friends do.
two more years pass and Cartman is back in South Park and he knows what must be done, he's been waiting patiently for it. and he'll never tell Kenny that he dumped the chick in the same way Kenny will never tell Cartman he got dumped because his partner found the artfully nude photographs ('to test lighting!') that Cartman took.
'so what? they both fucked their relationships?'
big fucking what, it wasn't purposeful, remember, that contract has faded into obscurity. Kenny never thought the photos would come up and Cartman isn't getting what he wants, someone to remind him of his best friend. they require each other, Stan and Kyle got together, Craig and Tweek married at age twenty one, Butters is off with Tolkien, yuri happened between Bebe and Wendy- everyone is together.
except for Kenny, he's single in South Park and no one is available for him, and Cartman, single out of South Park and he's been asked out once or twice at that. he turns them down, he has business to fulfill and he refuses to leave this contract unfulfilled. he's been waiting for this, for the dominoes to finally fall so he has an excuse to get what he wants and so does Kenny.
sure, it's subconscious, but they've always had each others backs. they'll never get married (unless they make another elaborate bet for Cartman to lose so he has his personal excuse), they'll never have kids, they'll never call each other boyfriends in the public eye, even rarely around friends and family. 'it was a fluke' Cartman keeps saying whenever they're caught in public, 'I lost another bet' he needs his excuse, he needs his reason because he can't just have something this nice.
Kenny on the other hand? oh how he revels in what he's finally attained with a man as untouchable as Cartman. that he can finally have the brunette to himself, that they belong to each other instead of defying a fact as simple as that they should've coupled off so long ago. but again, Cartman needs his reasons, and Kenny respects that, he respects that they'll only be lovers in private and that they'll always be friends in public. because this is good enough, it's almost what he's been waiting for since he was thirteen.
in short: the tension of this fic weighs heavily on Cartman being inwardly homophobic, and to an extent outwardly, despite knowing he wants Kenny. an addition to the tension is Kenny being queer, no fancy labels and entirely out, the entire worlds know at this rate. he is gay and Cartmans safe way to step foot into being a little bit gay despite the idea making him feel ill (he can't, he's failing himself if he is). he can't be romantic with Kenny for a reason as simple as 'i love him' and Kenny will keep giving Cartman all sorts of elaborate schemes and reasons now that the initial barrier is broken.
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hasufin · 1 year
Biscuit of Defense
Who wants another round of me taking an awful historical recipe and turning it into something you’d willingly put in your mouth?
Dylan Hollis made K2 Defense Biscuits last week. He opined “These are the very definition of sustenance.” and “like a dog biscuit - but I would take these over hardtack.” (I will be doing hardtack at a later date, because I am apparently a masochist.)
Now, let’s be clear: the K-ration biscuit was made under very specific requirements, including some that intentionally preclude it being good. In fact, it’s specifically not supposed to be good. The recipe was - as is normal for the time period and wartime footing - made up of almost exclusively non-perishable foods. Today, we are spoiled with the lack of spoilage, but refrigeration than was expensive and difficult. By contrast, I can use perishable foods to my heart’s content.
From what I can tell, these biscuits were more like biscuits as we’d think of them, but also sorta like crackers - they were a normal staple of the era, the hard biscuit which was itself descended from hardtack. It’s shelf-stable, filling, and has a neutral flavor which means it can as easily be crumbled into stew, as covered with jam.
But also, they were actually meant to be bad. The Logan bar - emergency chocolate - was to taste “a little better than a boiled potato”. They wanted to assure soldiers wouldn’t needlessly break into these rations in search of a snack.
So, in this, I’d say the K2 defense biscuit succeeded. It was edible, it was not actively offensive, but you’d not choose to eat it if you could avoid it.
The recipe as given is thus:
K2 Defense Biscuits
·         25 grams sugar
·         25 grams mild treacle
·         50 grams lard
·         70 grams milk powder
·         200g graham flour
·         15g wheat germ
·         1/2tsp salt
·         1/4tsp bicarbonate
 1)      Preheat oven to 350°F
2)      Combine sugar, treacle, lard, and milk powder. Knead in flour, wheat germ, salt, and bicarbonate.
3)      Roll out, cut into biscuits, poke holes in top. Bake for about 15 minutes.
(It’s worth noting that Dylan was scaling down a much larger recipe, and he’s Bermudan, so he used metric.)
So, since I’m not trying to make a Biscuit For All Seasons, but rather something more pleasant to eat alone, my first thought was to make it sweeter and richer. Also, lard would make me violently ill, so I replaced the lard with twice as much margarine; if you can handle butter I bet that’s even better. Since it’s not 1944 I don’t have “treacle” but I do have honey, which I used instead, and twice as much. I also added twice as much sugar.
The original K1 Defense Biscuit had cinnamon, so I figured that would be a welcome addition, along with a bit of nutmeg.
I have no idea what the sodium bicarbonate was meant to accomplish - it needs acid, and there is none in this recipe, so I switched to baking powder, and increased it to 1/2 tsp. The idea isn’t really to make it light, but at least light enough it won’t break your teeth.
Lastly, I do not have graham flour. I do not know where I could get graham flour. It is not 1944, and graham flour is a thing of the past. I used whole wheat flour.
My resultant recipe:
K2 Defense Biscuits, Improved
·         50 grams sugar
·         50 grams honey
·         100 grams margarine or butter, melted
·         70 grams milk powder (one packet)
·         200g wheat flour
·         15g wheat germ
·         1/2tsp salt
·         ½ tsp baking powder
·         1 tsp cinnamon
·         ½ tsp nutmeg
·         Milk to made dough workable
 1)      Preheat oven to 350°F
2)      Combine flour, milk powder, wheat germ, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking powder. Combine sugar, honey, and margarine in a separate bowl. Mix and knead together until formed into a firm dough. If the dough will not hold together add milk until it does.
3)      Roll out, cut into biscuits, poke holes in top. Bake for 10-15 minutes.
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The result was... not terrible. It’s not exactly a cookie, but I’d take it camping. frosting, or maybe nutella, would be a wonderful improvement. It’s honestly about the same as many cheaper “digestive biscuits”. But what it most reminds me of? Metamucil fiber bars. And with as much wheat flour and wheat germ, it’s probably pretty similar. These might be a welcome addition to modern MREs (Meals that Refuse to Evacuate).
I think I might have been able to make them somewhat better with the addition of an egg, and maybe more sugar or honey, but these weren’t bad.
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legoiscrying · 1 year
Hey!! As soon as I read Poly I immediately wanted to know your HC on the poly main four...but if you don't ship that then can you tell me your Stenny HC?
Ofccc I don't mind poly M4 I'll do HCs on them! :D
This is probably age-uped to young adults btw
1. They like to give each other presents. But!
- Cartman doesn't like to give physical presents (like, small gifts) bc he doesn't really see anything special in them, and also the greed that he still had from his childhood not always lets him to do so. But he most likely to take his boyfriends somewhere nice, like restaurants, entertainment places, shopping centers and all that stuff.
- Kenny is an entire opposite to Cartman. Even when he grows older and has enough money, he still is struggling with wasting large sums so he's not the type of guy to take Stan, Kyle and Eric somewhere fancy. But he likes to make small gifts, and he's very dedicated to that. He's also very attentive to details: like, if Stan says that he saw a game that he always wanted to play, Kenny'd buy him it. And overall if someone mentions a gift that they really want, Kenny will remember that.
- Of all of them, Stan is the least fan of gifts. Although he's usually not the initiator of gift exchanging, if someone gifts him something, he'd be very responsible at finding something in return. Like, seriously, one time Kyle got him a small present at the mall and said "I don't know, just reminded me of you", and Stan went on a whole research on what he should give Kyle in return. He knows Kyle very well, but still usually doesn't trust his own taste in gifts, so he would definitely ask Cartman and Kenny for advise. Kenny helped to navigate, Cartman helped to choose and...Stan bought what he first thought of anyways.
– Kyle is...Complicated. He's as much greedy as Cartman, but he doesn't really talk about plus he'd grown to overcome it a little better. He genuinely saying sucks at giving presents (like, gifting), but here's the other thing: He usually shares his stuff with his boyfriend to the point where his stuff is not only his. "Yes, Kenny, you can borrow any food you want from my fridge", "Here, take my scarf, Stan", "I don't need that, you can use it, Cartman". That kind of stuff. He sometimes complains that guys take his stuff so often, but it's his way of repaying them and making them happy. But romantic gifts? He sucks two times more. He's the type of guy to bring flowers on a date, even tho they know each other for ten years. Still, he likes enjoys giving presents
2. I do this with every poly ship of mine: In which order the guys got together romantically. Expect it's a bit complicated for them, because they've always been a group lol
Stenny, they're the most fastburn of them all and would realize their feelings relatively early > Stan still has his awful crush on Kyle but haven't told Kenny about it yet > Meanwhile Kyman's relationships are staring to develop > Kenman are hanging out together and something is happening > Stan first talks to Kenny, Kenny says he's okay with Stan having other crushes and that he wasn't surprised it's Kyle > Stan confesses to Kyle, Kyle doesn't reject him, but says he needs time to think > Kyman get together and Stan thinks it's kinda over for him and Kyle > Kenman are still hanging out and things are still happening > Kenman get together and they freak Kyle and Stan out by that /pos > Style have a tough conversation and eventually get together too > atp they already realize that the poly circle has happened, so then Stanman and K2 get together too
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dragons-and-scorpions · 10 months
Note: This account used to be called the “jaded-dragons”
About Jade
Name | Jade
Age | 25
Pronouns | she/her
Gender/Sexuality | female, bi lesbian
Extra | I am an alter in a DID system. If parts see things that they think I will like they will reblog them for me, typically with things like “jade coded” or “jade vibes” with their names attached. I also have a subsystem called the Dragons and those girls may tag themselves accordingly. Medusa, Nef, or Katana may tag themselves too.
I am a very femme lesbian, I am typically dominant by nature. Though for the right person I am open to being submissive.
Honorifics I accept | Domina, Mistress, Dame, Madame, Master, Your Majesty. Do not call me Mommy.
Kinks you may see here | butch4femme (not into femmes, sorry), dominant lesbian things, impact play, weapon play, bondage, breath play/breath restriction, degradation/humiliation (to my partner, not to me), body worship, t4t, edging, exhibitionism, mild hierophilia, objectification, mild sadism, hate sex/angry sex, sensory deprivation, marking, (consensual) forced masturbation/commanding how one should please themselves.
Non-kink things you may see here | angry-toned posts, SA trauma related posts, art I enjoy, religious trauma, demonic imagery, violent imagery/descriptions of violence.
I am terrible with tagging things correctly so consider yourself warned. These are all trigger warnings and you are responsible for your own wellbeing. If you choose to interact with my posts and you find yourself triggered, may you suffer your own incompetence.
About Elektra
Name | Elektra/Elle
Age | 25
Pronouns | she/they
Gender/Sexuality | bi lesbian, butch
Extra | I am a part in a DID system, so other parts in my system may tag me in posts, usually as “for Elle” or “Elektra coded.” I also have a subsystem and some of them use he/him pronouns. Collectively butch lesbian, though. They might tag themselves as “K1/K2” or “S” or just use the 🦂 emoji.
I believe I am a stone butch, though I’m still working on how I feel about that. I am very much a dominant.
Honorifics I accept | Boss, Sire, Ser/Sir, Domina/Dom
Same kinda kinks as Jade as we are pretty connected in-sys. I’m a big biter and into much rougher roughhousing than she is. 😝 Same non-kink TWs as well.
Butch4Butch only in this here house.
Both of us are dating a lovely butch we sometimes will tag with “sev” or “seven.”
0 notes
sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Las Vegas On line casino Closes Dolphin Exhibit After 3 Animals Die In 6 Months
The Mirage lodge and on line casino in Las Vegas introduced it might briefly shut its dolphin attraction within the wake of a 3rd dolphin demise this 12 months. The Mirage’s Secret Backyard and Dolphin Habitat presently has no reopening date scheduled, a spokesperson advised The Washington Submit. An 11-year-old male bottlenose dolphin named K2 died Sept. 24 of what the Mirage mentioned was a respiratory sickness. A necropsy is pending. “K2 was very vocal, energetic, cherished his toys and was a pleasure to be round,” Franz Kallao, Mirage’s interim president, wrote in a workers memo obtained by The Submit. “He all the time made us smile.” An Atlantic bottlenose dolphin on the Mirage in 2008. sticks its head out of the water at The Mirage Resort & On line casino throughout a go to by Ethan Miller/Getty Photos for Cirque du Soleil Eleven is a comparatively younger age for bottlenose dolphins, which may dwell a minimum of 40 years, based on the Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Some females dwell even longer, into their sixties. Earlier this month, a 19-year-old male dolphin named Maverick died on the Mirage after being handled for a lung an infection. A 13-year-old feminine bottlenose dolphin, Bella, died in April of gastroenteritis. Seven bottlenose dolphins stay on the exhibit, Nationwide Geographic reported. The attraction can also be house to leopards, lions, tigers, a sloth, a cockatoo and tons of of fish. The enterprise is working with veterinarians and different specialists to “conduct an intensive evaluation and inspection of each the animals and the services,” Kallao advised the Related Press. Three Atlantic bottlenose dolphins leap out of the water at The Mirage Resort & On line casino in 2008. Ethan Miller/Getty Photos for Cirque du Soleil The attraction advertises itself as a spot for guests to “come face-to-face” with animals. Friends will pay further for experiences like feeding the dolphins, posing for pictures, and even portray with them. Dave Blasko, the Mirage’s director of animal care, advised The Submit that the dolphins aren’t coerced into interacting with folks. However some animal welfare advocates have lengthy argued that dolphins ― extremely smart animals which have complicated social constructions and may swim as much as 100 miles a day within the wild ― shouldn’t be saved in captivity. A lady participates in a yoga class close to a window wanting into the Mirage’s dolphin habitat in 2017. The Mirage, particularly, has additionally been a goal of criticism, particularly following a collection of deaths within the late ’90s and early 2000s that led to activists on the time dubbing it the “Dolphin Dying Pool,” Las Vegas dolphin advocate Shelly Rae advised The Submit. In 2017, the ability obtained a “Humane Licensed” designation from the nonprofit American Humane (to not be confused with The Humane Society of the US, which opposes dolphin captivity). Nonetheless, the certification was controversial, with dolphin advocacy nonprofit The Dolphin Mission publishing an op-ed blasting the designation as “nothing however an phantasm.” Originally published at San Jose News HQ Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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