#also happy lesbian week to u anon if u identify as lesbian!!
Back in the old days 'lesbian' was a term to describe women who are attracted women, regardless of if they also like men or not. That anon is a damn exclusionist, has no right to tell people whether they are valid or not and is the one who needs to do some research. I really hope that ask didn't bother you too much and am wishing you the best.
I know about it!!! The reason I stopped calling myself lesbian online is because of exclusionists in the first place.. I was like yay bi lesbians!! And I I saw people telling bi lesbians to kill them selves and I got scared so I just. Never did call myself a lesbian in English afterwards even tho I p much like women + nb femmes only nowadays… I just don’t want to associate with English speaking lesbians anymore … thank you though!!! Ur rly kind and good day to you too!!
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jjackrabbitt · 3 years
U never fail to deliver and make me laugh with ur posts!! Thank u for all the hcs abt their love lives 😭🙏🏻 I’ve been in a vv gay (specifically lesbian), evil (but in a fun way) mood too so can u share more details on alma/Isabel and Jack/Percy 👀👀👀👀 I love how u write them 😭 I also don’t mind a sprinkling of sharon/myron (I too project onto myron like a clown 💔)
My dearest Anon! You have returned! I’m gonna make this three posts because it’s about to get long, so I’m doing jacival first and then perekoo.
Just a heads up, the darling of the mphfpc fandom, the phantasmagoric @finn-nito came up with a lot of the jacival hc’s. Alright alright alright, let’s seeeeeeeeee >:)
I don’t know if you are partial to my damned au, but Finn and I made a backstory for Percy, since he didn’t have one in the book. Also, I would like to preface this by saying that Percy is absolved of none of his actions. He chose all of them and he actively enjoys harming people. Just so we’re clear here, this is not some UwU sweet bean kinda shit.
Percy’s a shapeshifter, he can change who he looks like, as long as they’re humanoid and he’s not growing like,,eight extra arms.
Percy’s also trans, because we’re overly fond of him here.
So Percy is born into a big family in a small town and his peculiarity develops early. He hides it. That’s what he does. He tells no one. But he’s not horrified. He doesn’t think it’s a bad thing, he’s only curious.
His family’s farmers, so when he’s out in a field alone, he practices.
He turns into his siblings, his parents, his cousins. He steals a small mirror from his mum and watches his face change, watch the changes grow steadier, feel it become easier to hold faces for longer. His mum looks for that mirror for weeks.
His favourite person to change into is his older brother. He feels confident and more comfortable looking like him. The face and body he was born with feels too soft and confusing.
Several times, he steals his brothers clothes so he can walk around and do his own chores in his brothers face.
Percy makes his own face, it’s a combination of his own and his brothers.
Not sure how yet (if you get any ideas, feel free to share), but Miss Blackbird finds him. He’s 15.
Once he gets to Miss Blackbirds house, he starts wearing his own face all the time.
Percy can’t hold faces forever, but because the face he made for himself is how he actually sees himself and he identifies with it, that becomes his actual face.
Percy doesn’t really get close with the other kids, he’s too anxious and it makes him angry that he’s scared of them so he doesn’t end up making friends at Miss Blackbirds’
When he’s more anxious and tired and upset than usual, Percy gets grumpy and tends to lash out. Not normally physically (at least, not at Miss Blackbird’s), but he gets loud
He does like Miss Blackbird though, she took notice of him and helped him set up the department of obfuscation and told him to watch his manners when he got mean with her.
Later, when he was organising the loop raids, he always found a way to avoid going into her loop. If someone came out of her loop though, they were out of her protection and would get grabbed up.
Percy met Horatio when he was working at the department of obfuscation. He was almost 21 when Horatio’s scrawny ass swaggered into the department, looking for a disguise for a job he was working.
Horatio was part of an American group of freelance spies that had made their own organisation so they could get better jobs. Horatio’s barely older than Percy, and thinks himself to be real hot shit.
While Percy helped Horatio find what he was looking for, Horatio talked his ear off. Strange thing is, no matter how many short answers Percy gave him, Horatio seemed happy to talk to him. Stranger still, Percy got comfortable talking to Horatio.
At the end of Horatio’s visit, he writes down how Percy can contact him, and tells Percy he would make a good spy.
Percy starts helping out the spies with their disguises a lot and eventually does join them
Percy and Horatio become really good friends, they work together a lot and hang out outside their spy work too
Horatio likes the department of obfuscation. He shows up randomly just to hang around and talk to people. He likes to sit on the front desk and chat with the assistants and customers and go through the books they have. Some times Percy tells him to get off his ass and do something useful (affectionately). Sometimes Horatio is flippant about his request, but sometimes he obliges.
Finn and I have decided that some of the assistants at the department got little crushes on Horatio because he’s all mysterious and cool. They try to get him to open up beyond the Casual Friendliness but Percy notices too soon and tells them to lay off. Horatio thought it was funny but wasn’t interested and wasn’t looking forward to them getting too comfortable.
I’m telling you all this because I need you to know how much things changed.
Jack was just supposed to be one of their jobs. The spy agency got wind of it from the ymbrynnes who heard from one of their junior ymbrynnes, Alma, who got a letter from the brother that she kept in contact with that some new political sect was going to be nearby the department and the council wanted Percival and Horatio to check it out. See what all was happening and perhaps feel out some weaknesses?
They go to the rally.
Both of them are so. incredibly. annoyed. At the whole thing. They both know the ymbrynnes have their issues, but do anything overall good job. And they were both raised by ymbrynnes. It’s just ridiculous!
Well, apparently that’s not the end of the job.
Because SOMEONE. At the rally. Knew who Percy was. Knew where he worked. So when the little man up on the stage asked around if anyone knew who Percy was. He got his answer.
Much to Percy’s great annoyance.
Jack showed up at the department of obfuscation.
He does not know Percy is spying on him or knows who he is beyond that one rally.
The second Jack opens the door Horatio shouts that he’s getting coffee, launches off the desk, and leaves. he Does Not want to deal with the slimeball.
Percy is left to deal with Jack and makes a list of reasons why Horatio is a terrible friend for leaving him with Jack so he can shout them all at Horatio later.
Jack thinks that the department is a store and tries to buy something, which almost offends Percy.
Jack spends the entire time trying so so so hard to flirt with Percy but it’s like he’s flirting with a brick wall, both because Percy’s built like one and because he’s solidly Not Interested
Jack is, and I cannot stress this enough, drooling. Acting a complete fool. Trying so incredibly hard to get any little bit of attention from Percy and it is just not happening and that only makes him more interested. He’s used to people liking him! They’re supposed to! Why does this one not like him?
Does not improve the situation for Jack that Percival is hot. I’m not just speaking for Jack here, I mean it. Were he not an evil bastard, I would lick him.
This continues for about,,three weeks? A little more maybe? In any case, Percy starts to find Jack tolerable. He’s not bad, just has some dumbshit opinions. He compliments Percy a lot, which Percy starts to enjoy.
Horatio stays Not Liking him. He doesn’t trust him and refuses to engage. Both because he’s spying on Jack and he can’t find it in himself to pretend. He complains to Percy every chance he gets.
Percy, once, says something like “he’s not all that bad” and Horatio starts laughing because OH YES HE IS HE’S INTOLERABLE!!
Unfortunately for Horatio, they decide that their next course of action is actually joining the claywings. Which means they’ll be seeing even more of Jack.
This is supposed to be a completely professional move, one that does not reflect their actual opinions. They just need to get close.
After they join, Percy starts actually hanging around with Jack. He says it’s just for the job, and Horatio trusts him.
It is for their job, at first. Jack is still mildly annoying, and Percy still doesn’t agree with him. But he’s starting to see the merit in Jack’s ideas. Where Jack is coming from with his antiymbrynne agenda.
I'm actually going to end this here for now, it's long enough, but i will start a part two and then do the Perekoo headcanons! sorry this took so long, love ya <3
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thelesbiancitizen · 3 years
hello, u seem like u have good opinions just in general, so like i have extreme body dysphoria and have been "out" to my best friend as transmasculine and straight for a year or so. the thing is, i came out to my other friends as a lesbian a few weeks ago, cause i found it easier to explain than heing transmasc (ik that sounds strange/annoying, so yea) but lately i've been feeling more comfortable identifying as a lesbian rather than a trans man, but my body dysphoria has gone up extremely. this isnt me saying that i made the wrong decision to id as trans, because i do want to pass as male. also, have never felt any shame in being a 'girl' or a lesbian, i just felt it wasnt right for me, but now i'm feeling doubts again, cause most of my trans male friends are completely happy with like, who they are, u know?
(pls dont feel obligated to answer this, i just needed to rant, thank u <3)
Hi anon! Nothing about that sounds strange to me. It sounds like you're feeling pretty confused at the moment. Sometimes, worrying about labels can make things more confusing -- labels are meant to help us categorize and make sense of things, but they can trip us up, too, because it's easy to get caught up in trying to shape and mold ourselves to fit into labels, instead of just letting ourselves be. I understand that, because I was really worried about labels for a long time. I think it was because I was so out of touch with my feelings; I was really, really concerned with what others thought of me. I didn't think I was at the time, but in hindsight, it was all I thought about; how I might be appearing to others, what they might be thinking of me. I was so worried about what each label 'said' about me -- not realizing that the labels themselves... don't really mean much. People tend to imbue words with a lot of meaning that isn't necessarily there for anyone else but us, because we are emotional creatures. That isn't necessarily bad. But it can be confusing, too. What helped me the most to 'figure myself out' was realizing that it didn't really matter what words I used to describe myself, or words that other people used to describe me, because no matter what I call myself, it doesn't change who I am on the inside. How you feel about particular words and labels isn't as important as how you feel about yourself. Comparing yourself to other people is only going to get you so far, because you don't know what sort of internal battles they may be fighting, you can't understand what it is like to be them. You only understand what it is like to be you. Let your gut feelings and your intuition guide you toward what feels right, and don't worry about labeling anything. Often when we are feeling strong emotions we tell ourselves stories to try to explain the feelings away, rather than being honest with ourselves and letting our feelings "speak for themselves". Sometimes feelings are ugly and frightening and painful, but they can't hurt you; it's alright to sit with them and explore them. Write about your feelings and get to know them. They give you the most important information about your life. If you've been feeling more comfortable identifying as a lesbian lately, that might be your intuition speaking. Keep listening and learning about yourself. Give yourself permission and space to explore your feelings and, in time, you'll be able to make more sense of yourself and your experience.
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