thelesbiancitizen · 5 hours
Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.
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thelesbiancitizen · 9 hours
One thing I've noticed is fewer women exercising on the streets. makes it feel weird
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thelesbiancitizen · 11 hours
I'm eating it and storing it up for power... for later :)
Every time a male says or does something hateful around me, just know that I registered it and I'm storing it for later :)
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thelesbiancitizen · 11 hours
Every time a male says or does something hateful around me, just know that I registered it and I'm storing it for later :)
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thelesbiancitizen · 12 hours
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An active region on the Sun on June 28, 2024 // 56altair
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thelesbiancitizen · 12 hours
It's probably a russian bot or a teenager/wild animal with mental illness. Ok I'm fine now
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thelesbiancitizen · 12 hours
Sorry for putting aggression on your dashboards sometimes I'm about to menstruate and I want to kill people
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thelesbiancitizen · 12 hours
And I get to listen to "music" all day with "lyrics" about bitches sucking dick and giving head and having the bestest tightest pussy <3 I Fucking Hate It Here
I have to comfort myself by saying I LIKE chopping vegetables it's satisfying to use a very sharp knife! My knives at home at never this sharp! I LIKE making brownies because I get to stir and baking is really chemistry and that's so fun! I LIKE lifting heavy boxes because it's a workout :) Meanwhile I'm getting paid 16 dollars an hour to make the most disgusting sandwiches you've ever seen for the most ungrateful gluttonous jerkoffs you've ever seen
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thelesbiancitizen · 12 hours
I have to comfort myself by saying I LIKE chopping vegetables it's satisfying to use a very sharp knife! My knives at home at never this sharp! I LIKE making brownies because I get to stir and baking is really chemistry and that's so fun! I LIKE lifting heavy boxes because it's a workout :) Meanwhile I'm getting paid 16 dollars an hour to make the most disgusting sandwiches you've ever seen for the most ungrateful gluttonous jerkoffs you've ever seen
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thelesbiancitizen · 12 hours
But I know the men don't care if the women serving them are happy. It just makes them feel annoyed if it happens to cross into their consciousness that the women are disgruntled. Because these men feel it is natural for women to serve men. So a woman not happy being a maleservant is not an unhappy, entrapped person, she is an unnatural woman and the man is in the right to be upset. So I am just here all day, feeling crazy that the whole place exists in this state of such high tension, bouncing up and down all day between gluttonous pleasure and petty rage. And the interior lives of every woman who works here do not exist.
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thelesbiancitizen · 13 hours
I work in a sports bar in the kitchen and everyday I overhear the (majority male) customers talking about how they love this place because everyone is so kind and sweet, like yeah they're all women being paid to serve you and paid to smile for you. They don't like you. Women trapped with babies and with no education and no prospects beyond this life of servitude, so they wear tight pants and paint their faces to make you tip them better so they can buy weed and vapes to forget about the way you look at them. Some of the bar staff (all female) posted on a pic of them on facebook all dolled up and making kissy faces with the caption that they "are waiting to serve you." It makes me want to vomit.
So much of society is built upon men entrapping women in captivity so they can access our presence and attention whenever they want. Men get upset and even enraged when they are "left alone" with other males. They want Mommy to stay with them forever. They've created whole institutions to entrap women in mental, physical, and sexual servitude. All because sometimes women want to be "alone" with other women. Sometimes women want to be alone with ourselves. And the entire dominating patriarchal structure of society is constructed by men to prevent women from being "alone together".
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thelesbiancitizen · 13 hours
Are men too afraid to ask for help? Are they enraged at being told they must learn to care for themselves? Are they angry that Mommy is a woman with a name and personality and has her own life and doesn't want to spend every waking moment of her time with her needy boychild? And then every other woman stands in the place for Impossible Mommy the boychild couldn't forever possess. And when woman after woman fails to measure up to the impossible standard, his upset and rage heightens until one day he feels justified enough to kill to try to get what he wants. And all along the terrible morbid irony of it all is that what he really needs and wants the most is his own love and care; which has been beaten out of him, and he has learned to destroy in himself. Thus the only logical decision is to waste his own life and to wreak destruction wherever he goes. The y chromosome continues to decay, and he passes it on with his destructive predation... and the cycle continues...
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thelesbiancitizen · 13 hours
So much of society is built upon men entrapping women in captivity so they can access our presence and attention whenever they want. Men get upset and even enraged when they are "left alone" with other males. They want Mommy to stay with them forever. They've created whole institutions to entrap women in mental, physical, and sexual servitude. All because sometimes women want to be "alone" with other women. Sometimes women want to be alone with ourselves. And the entire dominating patriarchal structure of society is constructed by men to prevent women from being "alone together".
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thelesbiancitizen · 13 hours
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— Italo Calvino, The Baron in the Trees
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thelesbiancitizen · 17 hours
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sobbing @ this
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Whenever I see a post boasting about something "good" someone did with AI. I'm like yeah that's what they used to call agitprop!
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