#also hangst time
llitchilitchi · 2 years
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spaceexp · 4 years
ALPHA collaboration at CERN reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research logo. Feb. 24, 2020 The measurements are consistent with predictions for “normal” matter and pave the way for future precision studies
The ALPHA experiment in the Antiproton Decelerator hall at CERN. (Image: CERN)
The ALPHA collaboration at CERN has reported the first measurements of certain quantum effects in the energy structure of antihydrogen, the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen. These quantum effects are known to exist in matter, and studying them could reveal as yet unobserved differences between the behaviour of matter and antimatter. The results, described in a paper published today in the journal Nature, show that these first measurements are consistent with theoretical predictions of the effects in “normal” hydrogen, and pave the way for more precise measurements of these and other fundamental quantities. “Finding any difference between these two forms of matter would shake the foundations of the Standard Model of particle physics, and these new measurements probe aspects of antimatter interaction – such as the Lamb shift – that we have long looked forward to addressing,” says Jeffrey Hangst, spokesperson for the ALPHA experiment. “Next on our list is chilling large samples of antihydrogen using state-of-the-art laser cooling techniques. These techniques will transform antimatter studies and will allow unprecedentedly high-precision comparisons between matter and antimatter.” The ALPHA team creates antihydrogen atoms by binding antiprotons delivered by CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator with antielectrons, more commonly called “positrons”. It then confines them in a magnetic trap in an ultra-high vacuum, which prevents them from coming into contact with matter and annihilating. Laser light is then shone onto the trapped atoms to measure their spectral response. This technique helps measure known quantum effects like the so-called fine structure and the Lamb shift, which correspond to tiny splittings in certain energy levels of the atom, and were measured in this study in the antihydrogen atom for the first time. The team previously used this approach to measure other quantum effects in antihydrogen, the latest being a measurement of the Lyman-alpha transition. The fine structure was measured in atomic hydrogen more than a century ago, and laid the foundation for the introduction of a fundamental constant of nature that describes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. The Lamb shift was discovered in the same system about 70 years ago and was a key element in the development of quantum electrodynamics, the theory of how matter and light interact. The Lamb-shift measurement, which won Willis Lamb the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1955, was reported in 1947 at the famous Shelter Island conference – the first important opportunity for leaders of the American physics community to gather after the war. Technical Note: Both the fine structure and the Lamb shift are small splittings in certain energy levels (or spectral lines) of an atom, which can be studied with spectroscopy. The fine-structure splitting of the second energy level of hydrogen is a separation between the so-called 2P3/2 and 2P1/2 levels in the absence of a magnetic field. The splitting is caused by the interaction between the velocity of the atom’s electron and its intrinsic (quantum) rotation. The “classic” Lamb shift is the splitting between the 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 levels, also in the absence of a magnetic field. It is the result of the effect on the electron of quantum fluctuations associated with virtual photons popping in and out of existence in a vacuum. In their new study, the ALPHA team determined the fine-structure splitting and the Lamb shift by inducing and studying transitions between the lowest energy level of antihydrogen and the 2P3/2 and 2P1/2 levels in the presence of a magnetic field of 1 Tesla. Using the value of the frequency of a transition that they had previously measured, the 1S–2S transition, and assuming that certain quantum interactions were valid for antihydrogen, the researchers inferred from their results the values of the fine-structure splitting and the Lamb shift. They found that the inferred values are consistent with theoretical predictions of the splittings in “normal” hydrogen, within the experimental uncertainty of 2% for the fine-structure splitting and of 11% for the Lamb shift. Note: CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments are used to study the basic constituents of matter — the fundamental particles. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists learn about the laws of Nature. The instruments used at CERN are particle accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before they are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Founded in 1954, the CERN Laboratory sits astride the Franco–Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe’s first joint ventures and now has 23 Member States. Related links: Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2006-5 Standard Model of particle physics: https://home.cern/about/physics/standard-model ALPHA: https://home.cern/science/experiments/alpha CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator: https://home.cern/science/accelerators/antiproton-decelerator Measurement of the Lyman-alpha transition: https://home.cern/news/news/physics/alpha-experiment-takes-antimatter-new-level For more information about European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Visit: https://home.cern/ Image (mentioned), text, Credit: CERN. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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the-moose-says-jerk · 5 years
Fanfic Recs - Wincest - Cursed Updated -05/03/19
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All That Sexual Tension by soy_em
Rowena is sick of those Winchesters hunting her down. She needs something to distract them... maybe if they finally act on all that sexual tension buzzing around them they'll leave her alone.
A Not So Cursed Christmas by hit_the_books
This Christmas is just going to be the two of them, and Sam's looking forward to it. He's got the perfect gift for Dean and they're going to be spending some quality time together. It'll be a million times better than one of their motel Christmases... right?
Bind Thy Heart by ghostboi
"That’s when it hit him: this was part of whatever the witch had done to him. It had to be; why else would Sam be staring at him like he wanted to consume him on the spot?"
Sam gets hit with a binding spell by a (damn) witch, & the boys discover only Dean can help.
(Don’t Want to Let You Down But I Am) Hell Bound by slf630
Dean is hit with a fuck or die curse. Will he let Sam help him before it's too late?
Merry Sexmas, Sammy by brokenlittleboy
A sex-obsessed witch curses Sam. Sam has to be claimed by Dean and follow his every order before the clock strikes twelve or he'll die. Sam freaks out at first, worried how Dean will feel, but it turns out Dean doesn't really have a problem with any of that. At all. This is half-angsty, half sexy humor--I dub it "hangst."
Please Tell Me Who I Am by Eugara
A/B/O AU. As a beta, Sam shouldn’t even be attracted to his alpha brother (much less be yearning for Dean to finally take that last step into claiming him officially) but, a few compatibility issues aside, they’re happy with the pseudo-mateship they’ve got going on. At least, until a hunt-gone-wrong ends up with Sam being cursed into an omega. He and Dean race to find a way to reverse the spell before it’s too late…but now Sam’s not entirely sure if he even wants to be cured.
The Incredible Shrinking Sammy by QueenofSchmoop
While investigating a case, Sam gets shrunk. Will he keep shrinking or will the boys be able to reverse it in time? Also, how will Sam's new state affect the boys?
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tangygoat · 6 years
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whats up gang its time for art spams at midnight thats what howdy this is my funky guy miguel and some other chuckle fucks we play dnd online im super tired the filter is coming OFF
Miguel: paladin archetype: Dad + gay = *those really long baby leashes that tired adults use during shopping excursions* he’s an old irish talkin soldier who didn’t get recognized for shite lmao. Likes: cats, poetry, nihilist memes about death and surfing on straight tears if the internet existed, fantasy weed lmao 420 blaze it, saying “Eh” instead of “uh” like normal people, topping Dislikes: i dunno, getting pinned to anything by anyone, Travis Starborn’s Coin Surge Spell, topping, how one of the bloodhunters (travis) and rogue (fallen) are stronger than hiM BECAUSE DAMNIT I JUST HAD TO USE STANDARD SCORES HUH!
Honest/Sorrow: bard + gay = “Its cold outside but I’m still looking like a thotty because a hoe never gets cold!” a charming little bean that everyone is horny for i guess? miguel’s def confused. into him? *Miguel voice* “Eh, we’ll see.” Likes: Miguel, The Refreshing Taste Of Whole Milk Dislikes: drama, people giving half a shit about his ass lol challenge accepted you funky little tiefling, Travis probably
Vihaan: bard + gay pining = *slaps roof of car* This bad boy can fit so much Angst in it thERE ARE TWO BARDS AW SHIT. nah its cool this one’s goth. there’s a difference. Orphan drama? probably. got some zuko-ass scars up in this funky fella. Likes: Honest (aw beans who saw that coming), The Refreshing Taste Of Whole Milk Dislikes: Being Ignored (sorry bout that @jasamiemindrow i am not good at reading chat i am going to try harder also you did inspire this post good job gold star it is almost 1am), It should be a given that nobody likes Travis except Travis
Speaking of which..
Travis Starborn: a piece of newly minted gold + mollymauk but meAN = “Thank Travis for Travis” So the PLAYERS like travis…. can’t say the same for the CHARACTERS…. Likes: Travis, gold, peanut brittle, Jorge???? (Hi, its me, Miguel. The universe wants to speak to yo-STOP TRAVIS OH GOOD GOD STOP) Dislikes: You, Sex, Established Religion
Bonelle: angst + horny = HANGST *eyeshine* (its sucks but they had to leave the session bUT THEYRE HERE ANYWAY WHATS GOOD MOFOS) Whats good kids lets imagine the real-life real-world consequences of your devianart oc yknow the crazy one hahah you have made their life a miserable living burning burning burning hell (thats a reference to the character please call me cool?) anyway congrats your babu is suffering and its all your fault Likes: GIRLS boy hOWDY, cats aw thats good, sweet tricks *spaghetti western theme plays* Dislikes: anyone touching her guns, Travis, fire fire fire, strip truth or dare
Fallen: invisible + draco malfoy = STEALTH 100 ah yes, Miguel’s worst nightmare: an invisible kindergartener with a superiority complex and the stats to keep it up and running *insert shitty audience applause* Likes: being invisible, being royal or something idk, riddle me this batman if you cant see the boy than was he ever really there oooooooo Dislikes: not getting his dick wet in every fucking problem even if theyre not his issue damn boy u horny for drama chiiiill
Qin: warlock + angst = CRAWLING IIIN MYY SKIIIIIN it makes sense dont worry. This funky god fucker loves cats, cool swords and going shopping without telling anyone where they are. Likes: fantasy weed lmao 420 blaze it, cats, sweet flips, strip truth or dare Dislikes: lmao idk??? dudes’ up for whatever the fuck
Aidre: muscle + gay = *crushing watermelons between well-oiled thighs* i dont need to explain myself Likes: Girls, getting laid every time they show up Dislikes: idk probably something lol
Ganymede: horny + mollymauk = ANIMORPHS imagine mollymauk but hes now hornier and also an animorph and thats ganymede. yeah Likes: sucking dick lol, Strip truth or dare, sneaking up on parties of strangers in the woods blasted on ale Dislikes: TRAVIS FUKIN STARBORN LmAOOOO
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yeskraim · 4 years
The antimatter factory about to solve the universe’s greatest mystery
Why is there something rather than nothing? We’re finally making enough antimatter to extract an answer – and it might reveal the dark side of the universe too
Physics 26 February 2020
By Richard Webb
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Carol and Mike Werner/Science Photo Library
SURE, the big bang is cool, in a hot sort of way. The beginning of all things. Space, time, matter and energy bursting into existence from a pinprick of infinite temperature and density. Space racing away from itself faster than the speed of light. Maybe even the making of a multiverse.
But a second moment shortly afterwards doesn’t get half the press. Perhaps that is because it is when precisely nothing happened. Call it an anti-moment.
It is when all the matter that suddenly and inexplicably came into being in the big bang equally suddenly and inexplicably failed to go out of being again. When it didn’t cease to be available to create stars, galaxies, planets, an unquantified quantity of questioning life and, on one world at least, some highly embarrassed physicists who predicted exactly that. “The fact that we are a world completely dominated by matter is completely un-understood,” says Chloé Malbrunot at particle physics lab CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland. “Theory says we shouldn’t be here.”
After decades trying to understand why we are here, we could now be nearing a breakthrough on multiple fronts. And the answer probably isn’t the one we first thought of. There is even a slim chance it could explain not only what happened after the big bang, but also great mysteries of our universe today, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy. “We are just one experiment away from a revolution in our understanding,” says Jeffrey Hangst at CERN. “That’s what makes this so cool.”
At this story’s heart lies perhaps …
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sciencespies · 4 years
ALPHA collaboration reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter
ALPHA collaboration reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter
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Credit: CC0 Public Domain
The ALPHA collaboration at CERN has reported the first measurements of certain quantum effects in the energy structure of antihydrogen, the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen. These quantum effects are known to exist in matter, and studying them could reveal as yet unobserved differences between the behavior of matter and antimatter. The results, described in a paper published today in the journal Nature, show that these first measurements are consistent with theoretical predictions of the effects in “normal” hydrogen, and pave the way for more precise measurements of these and other fundamental quantities.
“Finding any difference between these two forms of matter would shake the foundations of the Standard Model of particle physics, and these new measurements probe aspects of antimatter interaction—such as the Lamb shift—that we have long looked forward to addressing,” says Jeffrey Hangst, spokesperson for the ALPHA experiment.
“Next on our list is chilling large samples of antihydrogen using state-of-the-art laser cooling techniques. These techniques will transform antimatter studies and will allow unprecedentedly high-precision comparisons between matter and antimatter.”
The ALPHA team creates antihydrogen atoms by binding antiprotons delivered by CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator with antielectrons, more commonly called “positrons.” It then confines them in a magnetic trap in an ultra-high vacuum, which prevents them from coming into contact with matter and annihilating. Laser light is then shone onto the trapped atoms to measure their spectral response. This technique helps measure known quantum effects like the so-called fine structure and the Lamb shift, which correspond to tiny splittings in certain energy levels of the atom, and were measured in this study in the antihydrogen atom for the first time. The team previously used this approach to measure other quantum effects in antihydrogen, the latest being a measurement of the Lyman-alpha transition.
The fine structure was measured in atomic hydrogen more than a century ago, and laid the foundation for the introduction of a fundamental constant of nature that describes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. The Lamb shift was discovered in the same system about 70 years ago and was a key element in the development of quantum electrodynamics, the theory of how matter and light interact.
The Lamb-shift measurement, which won Willis Lamb the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1955, was reported in 1947 at the famous Shelter Island conference—the first important opportunity for leaders of the American physics community to gather after the war.
Technical Note
Both the fine structure and the Lamb shift are small splittings in certain energy levels (or spectral lines) of an atom, which can be studied with spectroscopy. The fine-structure splitting of the second energy level of hydrogen is a separation between the so-called 2P3/2 and 2P1/2 levels in the absence of a magnetic field. The splitting is caused by the interaction between the velocity of the atom’s electron and its intrinsic (quantum) rotation. The “classic” Lamb shift is the splitting between the 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 levels, also in the absence of a magnetic field. It is the result of the effect on the electron of quantum fluctuations associated with virtual photons popping in and out of existence in a vacuum.
In their new study, the ALPHA team determined the fine-structure splitting and the Lamb shift by inducing and studying transitions between the lowest energy level of antihydrogen and the 2P3/2 and 2P1/2 levels in the presence of a magnetic field of 1 Tesla. Using the value of the frequency of a transition that they had previously measured, the 1S–2S transition, and assuming that certain quantum interactions were valid for antihydrogen, the researchers inferred from their results the values of the fine-structure splitting and the Lamb shift. They found that the inferred values are consistent with theoretical predictions of the splittings in “normal” hydrogen, within the experimental uncertainty of 2% for the fine-structure splitting and of 11% for the Lamb shift.
Explore further
New results show that matter and antimatter interact with light in precisely the same way
More information: undefined undefined. Investigation of the fine structure of antihydrogen, Nature (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2006-5
Provided by CERN
Citation: ALPHA collaboration reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter (2020, February 20) retrieved 20 February 2020 from https://phys.org/news/2020-02-alpha-collaboration-quantum-effects-antimatter.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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katieshieldshnd · 5 years
Catch me if you can research
Adam Pretty
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Adam Pretty is an Australian sports photographer, he has the ability and creativity to think outside the box pushing the normal out the window and stretching for new and more exciting images within sports. Pretty has been with Getty Images since 1998 and has photographer the last five Olympic games, also being signed to shoot around the world for Sports Illustrate, Time Magazine, Life Magazine and Harper Bazaar. Getting inspired by Craig Golding and Tim Clayton when he was around 15, he was hooked, having exhibition and photographers to inspire him as a child has created the photographer he is today. He believes that sports is extremely dynamic and full of fleeting moments that make sports so stimulating to the mind. 
Matthias Hangst
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Chief Photographer for Sports at Getty Images Germany, based in Karlsruhe. Shot at eight Olympic Games, both men’s and women’s FIFA World Cup Finals and most major international sporting events around the worlds. Being an independent photographer for over ten years he signed with Getty images to become a Staff photographer with Getty Images in 2014. 
As an athlete at a young age Hangst was always around sports, however not having enough passion to take his athletics career all the way to the top he decided to give it up, coincidentally around the same time he began to be interested in photography and began a freelancing jobs for the local newspaper to earn some money while in school. Using his dads manual SLR and using the papers darkroom after hours.
Vladimir Rys
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Rys started taking photos at an early age, born and raised in Prague creating his unique style. 1996 he signed with one of the largest Czech sports daily, Denik sport and eventually two year later he secured a position as staff photographer with the football magazine Hattrick. Pushing his career upwards he joined Getty images in 2002 and moved to Germany. 
Since 2005 his main field of focus has been Formula one, where he one of the most well know photographers. His photographic style is very unique without overusing editing/optimising tools, using his background in analog photography to style his images. 
0 notes
Voltron Crossed AU
Sorry I’ve literally been thinking about this all day so here are some thoughts on it (which may or may not include notes I wrote during class, jfc im in college what the fuck)
v unpleasant topics below you have been warned
Shiro loses his arm after the outbreak
Good news: the gang found this old abandoned research facility early on and fortify it
Bad news: Lance gets crossed
they kind of pull a Fido and capture/secure him
Katie is hellbent on creating a cure, possibly a vaccine too
Lance TORMENTS them until Hunk finally figures to get a muzzle on him
before that he messed with Keith real bad
Hunk apparently walked in on something but he and Keith won’t tell the others what happened, just that Keith never wants to be near Lance again (or at least till he’s cured if he’s cured)
Lance said “Fuck her right in the pussy” at least once and Hunk was physically incapable of keep himself from laughing. He felt terrible but goddamn you take good times where you can
Taking care of Lance is not. pretty nor pleasant
Shiro was pretty good at handling it but he, Keith, and Hunk left to gather more supplies and info for a couple of months, leaving Katie to it
Bad news: it fucking sucked
Good news: it was proper motivation to build something that would secure him more thoroughly
he was originally being kept in a cell Hunk and Katie fashioned from a shower and bulletproof glass
thank god they chose a shower
Katie makes this complicated system involving magnets, a helmet, a muzzle, a feeding tube, a heart monitor, a neck brace, wrist and ankle cuffs, a gauntlet, and a toy helicopter remote while the gang’s away
their jaws drop when they get back, like Katie how did you pull this futuristic shit out of your ass
so not only is Lance secure now, he’s also Mobile (convenient for take your demon-possessed-friend to work day)
when Katie thinks she nailed a vaccine, Shiro offers to take it, but Hunk Volunteers as Tribute bc they’d be losing a lot more if Shiro took it and it failed (i.e. where my Hangst at)
“Hunk... I hope you know that you’re a valuable part of our team. If this doesn’t work, we’ll miss you while you’re gone.” Hunk isn’t wallowing in self-hatred but he does have his doubts, so it’s good to hear
Hunk is strapped down in case it goes wrong (1: the vaccine itself infects him 2: the vaccine doesn’t stop the virus)
he takes it and thinks the vaccine infected him but turns out he was just having a panic attack (Shiro can spot one a mile away)
Katie feels so guilty that she offers to take the vaccine and continue to phase 2 (infecting) herself
Shiro convinces her that she is too important to lose (shes making the fucking vaccines)
It works so they all take it and travel to spread the Good News
some scandal pops up about the vaccines (probably due to snake oil salesman claiming to be hers, or people with immune deficiencies taking it and getting infected) and she dons the alias Pidge Gunderson
when/if Lance is cured, he’s so overcome with guilt, not only for what he did and said but the things he thought about
the gang hoped he wouldn’t remember his time as a crossed but he did
he goes as far as to say it’s better to kill the crossed then cure them, bc the guilt they’d be left with is almost worse than death. he probably couldn't go on if it hadn’t been for his friends saying how they missed and forgave him
his cross scabs over and scars
Hunk “I care about this family, damnit” Garret
Keith “I’m not gay” Kogane
Takashi “i didn’t sign up for this” Shirogane
Lance “red shirt” McClain
might edit/add to this
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spaceexp · 6 years
New antimatter gravity experiments begin at CERN
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research logo. 3 Nov 2018
Image above: The ALPHA-g experiment being installed in CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator hall. (Image: CERN). We learn it at high school: release two objects of different mass in the absence of friction forces and they fall down at the same rate in Earth’s gravity. What we haven’t learned, because it hasn’t been directly measured in experiments, is whether antimatter falls down at the same rate as ordinary matter or if it might behave differently. Two new experiments at CERN, ALPHA-g and GBAR, have now started their journey towards answering this question. ALPHA-g is very similar to the ALPHA experiment, which makes neutral antihydrogen atoms by taking antiprotons from the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) and binding them with positrons from a sodium-22 source. ALPHA then confines the resulting neutral antihydrogen atoms in a magnetic trap and shines laser light or microwaves onto them to measure their internal structure. The ALPHA-g experiment has the same type of apparatus for making and trapping antiatoms, except that it is oriented vertically. With this vertical set-up, researchers can precisely measure the vertical positions at which the antihydrogen atoms annihilate with normal matter once they switch off the trap’s magnetic field and the atoms are under the sole influence of gravity. The values of these positions will allow them to measure the effect of gravity on the antiatoms. The GBAR experiment, also located in the AD hall, takes a different tack. It plans to use antiprotons supplied by the ELENA deceleration ring and positrons produced by a small linear accelerator to make antihydrogen ions, consisting of one antiproton and two positrons. Next, after trapping the antihydrogen ions and chilling them to an ultralow temperature (about 10 microkelvin), it will use laser light to strip them of one positron, turning them into neutral antiatoms. At this point, the neutral antiatoms will be released from the trap and allowed to fall from a height of 20 centimetres, during which the researchers will monitor their behaviour. After months of round-the-clock work by researchers and engineers to put together the experiments, ALPHA-g and GBAR have received the first beams of antiprotons, marking the beginning of both experiments. ALPHA-g began taking beam on 30 October, after receiving the necessary safety approvals. ELENA sent its first beam to GBAR on 20 July, and since then the decelerator and GBAR researchers have been trying to perfect the delivery of the beam. The ALPHA-g and GBAR teams are now racing to commission their experiments before CERN’s accelerators shut down in a few weeks for a two-year period of maintenance work. Jeffrey Hangst, spokesperson of the ALPHA experiments, says: “We are hoping that we’ll get the chance to make the first gravity measurements with antimatter, but it’s a race against time”. Patrice Pérez, spokesperson of GBAR, says: “The GBAR experiment is using an entirely new apparatus and an antiproton beam still in its commissioning phase. We hope to produce antihydrogen this year and are working towards being ready to measure the gravitational effects on antimatter when the antiprotons are back in 2021”.
Introducing ALPHA-g, a new experiment to measure the effect of gravity on antimatter
Video above: Jeffrey Hangst at the Antiproton Decelerator hall, explaining the ALPHA-g set-up in the run-up to the start of the experiment. (Video: Jacques Fichet/CERN). Another experiment at the AD hall, AEgIS, which has been in operation for several years, is also working towards measuring the effect of gravity on antihydrogen using yet another approach. Like GBAR, AEgIS is also hoping to produce its first antihydrogen atoms this year. Discovering any difference between the behaviour of antimatter and matter in connection with gravity could point to a quantum theory of gravity and perhaps cast light on why the universe seems to be made of matter rather than antimatter. Note: CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments are used to study the basic constituents of matter — the fundamental particles. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists learn about the laws of Nature. The instruments used at CERN are particle accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before they are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Founded in 1954, the CERN Laboratory sits astride the Franco–Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe’s first joint ventures and now has 22 Member States. Related article: Chasing a particle that is its own antiparticle: https://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.com/2018/11/chasing-particle-that-is-its-own.html Related links: ALPHA experiment: https://home.cern/about/experiments/alpha Antiproton Decelerator (AD): https://home.cern/about/accelerators/antiproton-decelerator ELENA deceleration ring: https://home.cern/about/updates/2016/11/new-ring-slow-down-antimatter Linear accelerator: https://home.cern/tags/linear-accelerator Antimatter: https://home.cern/topics/antimatter For more information about European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Visit: https://home.cern/ Image (mentioned), Video (mentioned), Text, Credits: CERN/Ana Lopes. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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tkmedia · 3 years
Euro 2020 quarter-final players - ranked
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Euro 2020 is truly at the business end, with just four teams left and players staking their respective claims for individual honours.While many standout performers have departed the tournament, there are still plenty left keeping us entertained and on the edge of our seats.Using Opta's player index – which calculates ratings based on data collected from every game – Stats Perform power rankings can reveal the top 20 performers to date.Those eliminated at the group stage have been discounted, but all others to have played in the knockouts are in the frame...
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Llorente made three chances against Swizterland / DMITRI LOVETSKY/Getty ImagesAfter starting the first two matches of the tournament out of position at right-back – two underwhelming draws – Llorente lost his place in the side and watched from the bench as Spain scored five times against each of Slovakia and Croatia to reach the last eight.Llorente was among the substitutes again for the Switzerland game but got on in place of Koke in a more natural midfield position and looked much more at home. The Atletico Madrid man had three shots and created three chances in that cameo, perhaps boosting his chances of a semi-final role.
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Sanches in action against Belgium / Isosport/MB Media/Getty ImagesPortugal's last-16 defeat to Belgium meant Sanches was not involved in the most recent round of fixtures, but he again left his mark on a European Championship.Showing his dynamism, the Lille midfielder completed 91 per cent of his open-play passes but also led Portugal with three shot-ending carries. Only centre-back pairing Pepe and Ruben Dias topped his 21 recoveries.
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Benzema scored four goals at Euro 2020 / Marcio Machado/Getty ImagesAnother player missing from the quarter-finals, Benzema is at least back on the international stage and made up for lost time with four goals prior to France's shock penalty shoot-out defeat to Switzerland.The Real Madrid striker had only 11 shots, leading the five players with four or more Euro 2020 goals with his shot conversion rate of 36.4 per cent.
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Koke has been excellent / Stuart Franklin/Getty ImagesIf Llorente does not reclaim a starting role for Spain against Italy, it may well be because Atletico team-mate Koke – the man he replaced as a substitute on Friday – is also excelling.Like Llorente, Koke has a vast array of talents.He had two shots and played four key passes against Switzerland but also trails only Xaver Schlager and Toni Kroos – who have both now been eliminated – with nine tackles won at the tournament.
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Blind's Netherlands were knocked out / Soccrates Images/Getty ImagesBlind bowed out early as the Netherlands were stunned by the Czech Republic in the second round, but he remains high up Opta's index thanks to four impressive performances.The Ajax defender led the Oranje in tackles won (seven) and was second behind Frenkie de Jong for recoveries (30). Blind was also involved in the team's build-up playing, with sequences involving the former Manchester United man leading to 12 shots worth a combined 2.0 expected goals (xG).
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Christensen and Thomas Delaney celebrate the midfielder's goal against Czech Republic / Valetin Ogirenko - Pool/Getty ImagesThe defining image of Christensen from this tournament will surely be his thumping strike against Russia, but he and a previously rampant Denmark outfit were also required to do some defending against the Czech Republic.Christensen made two tackles, two clearances, two interceptions and one block to help limit Patrik Schick and Co to just the one goal, reaching a Wembley date with England.
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Lukaku's Belgium are out / Alexander Hassenstein/Getty ImagesAlthough Belgium are out, Lukaku leaves Euro 2020 with his head held high, the Inter striker having scored four times over the course of the tournament. He certainly cannot be accused of going missing against Italy either, his successful penalty one of three shots on target as he attempted to carry the faltering Red Devils through.But with Eden Hazard out injured and Kevin De Bruyne not 100 per cent fit, Belgium just didn't have enough to see off the vibrant and solid Italians despite matching their 1.8 xG in the match, with Giorgio Chiellini and Leonardo Bonucci impressing at the heart of the Azzurri defence.
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Stones and England are yet to concede a goal / Lars Baron/Getty ImagesEngland have kept seven consecutive clean sheets for the first time in their history, with five of those coming at the Euros. Only Italy, at the 1990 World Cup, had previously began a World Cup or European Championship with five straight clean sheets.And Stones is the only Three Lions defender to have started all five matches. His error against Poland in March led to the last goal England conceded, but the Manchester City man looks an assured presence right now.
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Pedri has a bright future / KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/Getty ImagesWhile Spain have impressed and frustrated in equal measure, Pedri has been largely exceptional, especially considering he's only 18, and he was similarly integral to La Roja's system against Switzerland.He laid on five key passes in open play – a single-game figure that leads the way at Euro 2020 – as the Barcelona talent was heavily involved in Spain's build-up play. That has been a key element throughout and is underscored by the fact sequences involving Pedri have had an xG value of 7.8, with the next best of everyone in the tournament being 6.3.To have such influence and trust at his age is truly remarkable.
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Forsberg was Sweden's main goal threat / Maxim Shemetov - Pool/Getty ImagesSweden did not always thrill in this tournament, but Forsberg provided a regular source of entertainment with some dazzling displays.He scored four goals, with the three from open play coming from efforts worth just 0.99 xG. The RB Leipzig forward was desperately unfortunate not to add to that impressive differential as he twice hit the woodwork with superb attempts in Sweden's defeat to Ukraine.
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Vermaelen remonstrates with a referee / Matthias Hangst/Getty ImagesVeteran Vermaelen produced a defensive masterclass against Portugal in the last 16, with three tackles, five clearances, two interceptions and two blocks to protect a precious clean sheet.Belgium bowed out as Italy were able to breach that back line in the next round, despite Vermaelen again excelling. He had four tackles, four clearances, five interceptions and two blocks. Six blocks for the tournament ranks joint-second.
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Shaqiri helped Switzerland reach the quarter finals / Anton Vaganov - Pool/Getty ImagesIt was fitting that Shaqiri should score against Spain in the quarters, such is his influence in this Switzerland team, also captaining the side with Granit Xhaka suspended.No Swiss player topped Shaqiri's five shots on target and three goals from open play at these finals, with his 1.61 open-play xG leading the way. Remo Freuler's red card unfortunately meant he was sacrificed against Spain prior to the penalty shoot-out pain.
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Spinazzola has been great but his tournament is over / Claudio Villa/Getty ImagesItaly's marauding left-back was surely on track to be in consideration for individual awards at the end of this tournament given how effective he had been, but unfortunately his Euro 2020 is over prematurely after suffering an Achilles injury against Belgium.Prior to that, Jordi Alba was the only to defender to have created more chances in open play than Spinazzola (seven), who had delighted with his charging runs up the left, with only Joakim Maehle in the tournament matching his six shot-ending ball carries. He will be a big miss for Italy in the semi-finals.
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Pogba was excellent throughout Euro 2020 / Daniel Mihailescu - Pool/Getty ImagesSo good were Pogba's performances at Euro 2020 that, even after their elimination in the round of 16, he is still present in the power rankings. With eight chances created in four games, he averaged two key passes per match and also got a stunning goal against Switzerland.He was very effective in that game as he laid on four chances and also recorded a team-high 12 recoveries, but you have to mention his role in the Swiss equaliser, as he lost possession. Either way, Manchester United fans will have been suitably excited by his displays over the past few weeks.
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Schick scored one of the goals of the tournament / Alex Pantling/Getty ImagesThe breakout star of the tournament? Regardless of the Czech Republic's elimination on Saturday, Schick is certainly in the conversation given he's the only player to match Cristiano Ronaldo's five goals at Euro 2020, the latest of which came in the 2-1 defeat to Denmark.Schick's haul comes from an xG of 2.4, giving him a 2.6 over-performance that is unmatched by anyone in Euro 2020 having also become only the fourth player to ever score five goals for the Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia in a major competition. He may be heading home, but undoubtedly with his reputation enhanced.
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Alba's Spain are in the semi finals / Kirill Kudryavstev - Pool/Getty ImagesSpain have been somewhat erratic at Euro 2020, but Alba has been consistently excellent and typically a menace up the left flank, with his shot leading to the opening goal against Switzerland as Denis Zakaria put into his own net.La Roja needed penalties to get past the Swiss, though it wasn't for a lack of trying on Alba's part. He took his open-play key passes to 10 – bettered by no one – and while he may only have one assist in the competition, his tournament-leading xA (expected assists) value of 2.3 suggests he's been let down by the finishing of others.
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Dolberg has enjoyed a fine tournament / DAN MULLAN/Getty ImagesDolberg only got into the Denmark starting XI due to a Yussuf Poulsen injury. Two games on and he's already become the first Dane to score three or more at a single major tournament since Euro 2004.His effort against the Czechs – one of only two shots – proved to be the winner, and that combined with the fact his trio of goals have come from an xG of 1.6 highlights just how clinical he has been. If Denmark can get past England, it would be fair to assume Dolberg will have had something to do with it.
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Jorginho has led Italy's midfield / Claudio Villa/Getty ImagesChelsea midfielder Jorginho continues to enjoy a fine tournament, once again playing his vital defensive shield role to near-perfection against Belgium. His two interceptions and nine recoveries, which were team-highs, helped get Italy back on the ball and his 71 successful passes from 72 attempts ensured they generally kept it.His involvement carries value as well, given he has contributed to 31 shot-ending passing sequences, a figure bettered by only Pedri, Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg and Lorenzo Insigne. While we perhaps have not learned much new about Jorginho in Euro 2020, his performances have confirmed his status as one of the world's best in his role.
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Maehle has starred in defence for Denmark / Tolga Bozoglu - Pool/Getty ImagesWhile he may not top the rankings this time, Maehle's stock continues to rise after another fine performance in Denmark's 2-1 win over the Czech Republic in which he provided the decisive moment of inspiration.His stunning outside-of-the-boot cross preceded Dolberg's close-range volley and was his third goal involvement in three games (he had two in his previous 12 caps), which isn't bad at all for a full-back. 
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Verratti has been influential for Italy / Matthias Hangst/Getty ImagesEyebrows were raised when Verratti, Italy's most creative player, was withdrawn with the game goalless 23 minutes from the end of normal time against Austria in the previous round. But he retained his place in the starting XI against Belgium and was tremendous.He was as influential as ever with more touches (104) and successful passes (84) than anyone else, while he took his open-play key passes tally to 10 for the tournament, a joint-high, as he teed up Nicolo Barella for the opener with a well-timed interception and pass. Read the full article
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junker-town · 6 years
Hue Jackson’s astoundingly bad tenure with the Browns will never be topped
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Jackson’s time as head coach for the Browns is the worst ever and that’s something worth remembering.
The NFL is designed to make bad teams good and vice versa. Eventually, enough draft picks at the top of the order and enough cap space spent will turn around a franchise, and the lack of incoming resources will tear down the best dynasties. At least, that’s the idea. It doesn’t always work out that way.
There’s the New England Patriots, who continue to crank out Super Bowl runs, despite not picking in the top half of the first round once in the last 10 years. And then there’s the Cleveland Browns, who have defied the odds with 10 consecutive losing seasons.
Now at 2-5-1, they’re three more losses away from making it 11 in a row. It’s not the worst prolonged funk in NFL history, but it’s up there. The only team in the last 40 years to have a longer stretch of losing seasons was the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who had a 14-year streak below .500 between 1983 and 1996.
So Cleveland’s sorrows certainly predate Hue Jackson’s arrival in 2016. But boy did he do an astoundingly bad job, even by Browns standards. Three straight losses to finish October — capped with a 33-18 loss to the Steelers — tied a bow on his brutal tenure and sent him packing.
He finished with a 3-36-1 record that was so awful that it’d be the worst 40-game stretch for a coach in NFL history even if he doubled his win total.
.@Browns fired head coach Hue Jackson after a 3-36-1 record. Jackson had the worst record in a 40-game span by a head coach in the Super Bowl era. pic.twitter.com/pDIefueW7j
— NFL Research (@NFLResearch) October 29, 2018
Mostly thanks to the 8-8 record he put up in his one season as head coach of the Oakland Raiders, Jackson has a .205 career win percentage. That ranks 178th out of the 179 who were head coach for at least 50 NFL games.
He’s ahead of only former NFL commissioner Bert Bell, who put together a 10–46–2 record with the Eagles and Steelers. Bell was also a team owner and chose not to fire himself.
Now Jackson’s gone, and Cleveland will probably improve just because there’s really nowhere to go but up, even though interim coach Gregg Williams is a mess in his own right. But let’s give Jackson the “One Shining Moment” treatment anyway and look back on a tenure so terrible it’s actually hard to believe.
Inevitability: 9.5
There was a fair share of pessimism when Jackson was hired in 2016 because of the Browns’ long track record of calamity. But Jackson’s decent run with the Raiders and relatively strong seasons as the Bengals’ offensive coordinator gave Browns fans reason to see the glass as half full.
That disappeared with one win in his first two seasons. After Jackson was somehow given a third season at the helm, everyone knew 2018 wasn’t going to magically turn him into NFL Coach of the Year. And if you weren’t already convinced it was going to be a bad year, the Browns’ appearance on HBO’s Hard Knocks pretty much sealed the deal.
In the first episode of the season, Jackson was already butting heads with new offensive coordinator Todd Haley, who was begging Jackson to make practices tougher:
Never forget the moment everyone realized Hue/Haley wouldn't work out...the first episode of Hard Knocks pic.twitter.com/GiVkFYQo28
— NFL Insider JKutz34 (@JKutz34) October 29, 2018
In the second episode, Browns quarterback Tyrod Taylor was coaching up Jackson on how to hold players accountable:
My favorite part of Hard Knocks this year was when Tyrod Taylor was teaching Hue Jackson how to coach pic.twitter.com/BKtHxPPugF
— Adam Stites (@AdamStites_) October 29, 2018
The obvious red flags that HBO’s cameras picked up in training camp carried into the regular season. Haley just flat out stopped caring what Jackson said.
Rapoport says Todd wasn't listening to Hue at all, just doing whatever he wanted.
— Andrea Hangst (@FBALL_Andrea) October 29, 2018
Jackson tried his best to throw Haley under the bus, but there was no winner of that slap fight. Both Jackson and Haley were fired by the Browns after Week 8.
So yeah, things didn’t work out. Shocker.
Hilarity: 2.3
If you’re going to be a clown show, at least be the smiling clown who does balloon animals and juggles. Nobody wants to see that horrible crying clown that mopes around with a painted-on frown.
Good football is fun to watch and so is the opposite. My favorite football moment of recent memory was Louisiana Tech’s 87-yard fumble that can only be properly appreciated when set to “Yakety Sax.” But the Jackson era in Cleveland didn’t even given us laughs. It was all just sad.
Interceptions are often funny, but when DeShone Kizer threw 22 as a rookie — the most anyone has thrown in a season since 2013 — you really just felt like someone should give the poor guy a hug. Kizer didn’t ask for that mess, he was just tossed into the blender and predictably chopped to bits.
So far in 2018, the Browns’ season has just been a frustrating series of missed opportunities and bad luck. Baker Mayfield is a quarterback Cleveland can actually feel optimistic about, but his rookie season has been dragged down by a weak receiving corps that’s not doing him any favors. There’s also the fact that officials have seemed to save their worst calls for Browns games this year.
The Browns’ 2-2-1 start to the year almost inspired hope that they were turning a corner. But the team has regressed and it’s back to being depressing.
The best thing about the Browns lately has been offensive line coach Bob Wylie:
The gut moving in synchronization with the snap count. This is art. pic.twitter.com/VxxPvNZdnt
— Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) August 22, 2018
But on the field? No, just look away.
Legacy: 9.9
Weird things happen in the NFL and it’s usually not wise to rule out anything. But I’m going to go ahead and say there’s no way we’ll ever see a worse tenure statistically than Jackson’s 3-36-1 run.
There have only been two 0-16 seasons in NFL history. Jackson had one a year after he started his tenure with a 1-15 season and he STILL kept his job. The utter lack of talent explained away his slow start, but the Browns should probably be good by now. Browns owner Jimmy Haslam tried his best to give Jackson a chance to turn things around and even had to be convinced by new general manager John Dorsey to fire the coach:
Detail on #Browns: Owner Jimmy Haslam was conflicted over blowing up another coach mid-season. Late last night he was leaning toward staying course. But Haslam spoke to GM John Dorsey, who said the Hue/Haley dynamic couldn’t continue. Some decision had to be made for the team.
— Charles Robinson (@CharlesRobinson) October 29, 2018
Reminder: the only coach who had a lower win percentage kept his job because he literally couldn’t be fired. And Jackson would’ve had half the win percentage had he not had a .500 season with the Raiders.
That’s not going to happen again. No way.
Jackson’s tenure with the Browns is the worst ever and it’s not particularly close. Nobody’s going to touch that and — even if it wasn’t particularly fun to watch — we can all say we lived through it. So thanks for that, Hue, I guess.
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vodka-aunt-coran · 7 years
nah, no need to change my tag, friendo! I'm still fine with being the shalluratt anon. still, back on the topic of klunk: I saw you reblog that post about how hunk hasn't touched lance since the whole mind control debacle. so! mix up this hangst with the fact that hunk and keith have been have been getting closer along with a heaping helping of the 'mutual-crush-but-RIVAL' trainwreck that s2 Klance, and you got any klunk hcs for us? making us cry/giving us a happy ending both optional of course
(fun fact: i’ve finally realized that the “indent left” button for my docs app is the “go back” option for google chrome…so…just deleted a bunch of stuff and have to start over :’D also, this got longer than i expected sorry y’all)
oooh good catch on the hangst!! let me try my best….
bc hunk doesn’t feel comfortable touching lance, he takes it out on the rest of his teammates. it’s like the scene from yuri on ice where yuuri just runs around hugging everyone.
lance tries to tell him it’s fine, but realizes that it’s an issue hunk has to work through and reluctantly backs off
shiro, allura, and coran are confused but try their best to be comforting
pidge is mostly for it but has her limits
and then keith…keith heckign LOVES it. like he won’t really admit it out loud but sometimes he’ll seek out hunk and just sprawl across him like “sup dude”
which, you know. kinda bugs lance.
and at one point lance and hunk are hanging out, chilling, as bros do, and keith comes in and casually falls against hunk. and lance just. leaves.
hunk is really concerned and goes after him while keith is like “seriously”
bc to lance it’s like! he wants to be closer to keith and he misses being that close with hunk and it’s hitting all the wrong nerves to see them being close with each other!
lance tells hunk it’s nbd, but hunk can tell that it is, in fact, a bd and reassures lance that he’s still his best bro
lance smiles but doesn’t quite believe it
hm okay i know the next thing i want to do but i don’t know how to get there so consider this a segue point that hopefully i will remove before actually posting this
the issue with the three of them is that they are A Mess. because lance and hunk have had crushes before. but these crushes are like Instant Crushes? so the two of them don’t realize that their “haha bro you look gorgeous today lmao i’d totally marry you bro” is like…More Than Bros.
unfortunately, this rubs off on keith
keith: wait, you mean you…aren’t dating lance?hunk: ahaha no, but we basically are? but really we’re just close friends!keith: close friends do things that couples do?hunk: yeah totally!keith: oh cool i feel that way about you! :)hunk: aww same dude! :D
none of them catch the fact that they don’t feel that exact way about pidge
they are. A Mess.
the only pair that can tell it’s Obviously A Crush is klance, bc they didn’t have the friends phase. but they like!! won’t do anything about it!! bc CLEARLY the other one doesn’t feel the same way!! fortunately, hunk.
hunk is rly disheartened by the fact that the two of them don’t get along, so he more or less forces them into hanging out together lol
hunk: [practically carrying keith into lance’s room] let’s hang out here today!lance: hunk NOhunk, determined: hunk yes
it doesn’t rly work until keith (finally) notices that oh hey it’s weird that hunk doesn’t touch lance anymore
keith brings it up with hunk bc he’s like 80% sure that’s something lance would be bitter over and they end up talking about it
hunk discovers that keith?? gives surprisingly good advice??
i’m not a great writer, but the gist is that keith helps hunk remember that he’s in control of himself and promises that if hunk starts hurting anyone, keith will personally knock him out (he’s weird, but efficient, at being comforting)
so hunk starts being physically affectionate with lance again, and lance almost weeps with joy, and keith is like…unsure if he’s still allowed to…until hunk pulls him in like with The Hug from s1
after that, klance get along better bc lance doesn’t have a reason to be jealous and both realize that?? the other is really cool and nice with hunk?? and that causes them to start being cool and nice to each other
keith: oh man now i’m close friends with lance too! awesome!
help these boys
and honestly how i feel about klunk is that…they don’t actually start dating? it just slowly progresses until one day lance gives hunk a kiss like “bye babe” and it’s not weird until keith is like…can i do that too? and does. and hunk finally realizes Wait This Is Not A Bro Thing.
This Has Never Been A Bro Thing Oh My God What Have I Done
hunk brings it up with each of them like “hey…are we…dating?”
[imagine this part in a montage that switches between two scenes with every bullet point]
lance: what? no, of course not, we’re just really close bros who cuddle and sometimes kiss and want to spend the rest of our lives together wait.
keith: what’s the difference between being close friends and dating?hunk: i don’t know but i think we crossed that line a long time ago
lance: hold on, does that mean i’m sharing you with keith??hunk: i don’t know?? what do i even do in this situation??
keith: wait so does that mean i’m also dating lance?hunk: well, i…holy shit does it?keith: i don’t know a fucking thing my guy
hunk: hey lance…what if you…also dated keith?lance: WHAT THAT’S RIDICULOUShunk: why?lance: because!! !!! yeah!!hunk: bro,
hunk: would you like…want to date lance?keith: yes. i-i mean. maybe. it’s whatever, honestly.
hunk: ok lance what if keith wanted to date you too?lance: i mean, that’d never happen in like a billion years, like that’s super rid–hunk: BRO,lance: ok yes fine!! i’d totally date him!! but don’t tell him that. unless he wants to date me too.
basically hunk sets his boyfriends up with each other
honestly there’s not much different after they start formally, consciously dating? like allura and coran assumed they had been dating already. but they kiss more and are somehow even more disgustingly affectionate with pet names
lance: see you later sweetheart!hunk: love you honey!keith: bye, uh…sugar?lance: …we’ll work on it
and they all live happily ever after on a ranch the end
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leitch · 7 years
If the weather allows my flight to make it to Bloomington, Illinois tomorrow, I’ll be at the Illinois-Maryland game at State Farm Center for my first Illini home basketball game in more than four years. I don’t miss Illini basketball games, ever -- my poor friend Aileen, whom I see once a year at best, got dragged to watch the Illinois-Michigan game on Wednesday -- but I don’t make it back nearly as often. That ice storm better stay away. I haven’t seen the renovated arena, and honestly, my life feels incomplete because of it. The video above, by the way, is my father absent-mindedly wandering into the Big Ten Network pregame liveshot and being shooed away by an usher. I laugh every time I see it.
Here are this week’s stories:
MONDAY Listen Very Closely To This Column, It Argues Why Alabama Is Going to Win (Sports On Earth)
TUESDAY Turns Out, Clemson Won, and I Was There (Sports On Earth) Texans-Patriots Playoff Preview (Sports On Earth)
WEDNESDAY College Football’s Most Tortured Fanbases (Sports On Earth) Falcons-Seahawks Playoff Preview (Sports On Earth) The Ten Movies We’re Most Looking Forward to in 2017 (The New Republic)
THURSDAY Pity the Poor Atlanta Sports Fan (Sports On Earth) Steelers-Chiefs Playoff Preview (Sports On Earth) My Review of George Karl’s Angry New Book (The Wall Street Journal)
FRIDAY Let’s All Cheer for the Chiefs (Sports On Earth) Packers-Cowboys Playoff Preview (Sports On Earth)
This Week’s Story Count: 11.
Grierson & Leitch (subscribe in iTunes) Big Mailbag Show, also Michael Mann’s “Heat”
The Will Leitch Experience (subscribe in iTunes) Andrea Hangst and I previewed the divisional round
Waitin’ Since Last Saturday (subscribe in iTunes) I tried to do a quick hit from the game in Tampa but it didn’t go well
Also, Pro Football Now is sort of only found piecemeal now, but here’s a fun segment I did making fun of the Ice Bowl.
Have a great weekend, everyone. Fingers crossed I make it to Champaign this weekend. (With my luck, we’ll make it and the Illini will get drilled by 30 again.) And remember: I think Sartre, who was an atheist, had more religion than a lot of clergymen who are essentially just practicing a lifestyle and a business. But I don't feel we know all the answers.
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‘An incredible moment’: 15-year-old Coco Gauff still unfazed, unbeaten at Wimbledon
WIMBLEDON, England — It was easy to forget that Coco Gauff is still just 15 as she stood on the grass of Centre Court, pounding her chest and shouting, “Let’s go! Come on!” to celebrate a 32-stroke point that forced a third set in her match Friday evening at Wimbledon.
Up in the stands, Mom rose to pump a fist and yell, “Yes!” Thousands of spectators jumped out of their seats, too, roaring.
By then, Gauff already twice had been a point from losing in the third round to Polona Hercog of Slovenia.
Most players, no matter the age, would not be able to find a path past that kind of a deficit on this imposing a stage, would not be able to handle that sort of stress and figure out a way.
Gauff is, quite clearly, not most players. That much has been established.
Cori Gauff of The United States celebrates match point in her Ladies’ Singles third round match against Polona Hercog of Slovenia during Day five of The Championships – Wimbledon 2019 at All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club on July 05, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
How far can she go, both this fortnight and in the future? The tennis world is watching, waiting to learn the answers.
That Gauff, ranked 313th and facing another unseeded player, was scheduled to appear at Wimbledon’s main stadium says plenty about what a sensation the Floridian already is.
That she won this one, and how she did so — erasing a pair of match points and coming back to beat Hercog 3-6, 7-6 (7), 7-5 — offer some insight into what Gauff might become.
“Obviously, this moment is an incredible moment,” Gauff said. “I’m still excited I get to keep living it.”
As it is, she was the youngest player to qualify for Wimbledon in the professional era, winning three matches last week against higher-ranked women in the preliminary rounds.
Then, by upsetting five-time champion Venus Williams, who is 39, in the first round of the main event, Gauff became the youngest woman to win a match at the All England Club since 1991, when Jennifer Capriati reached the semifinals at 15.
That was followed by a win against 2017 Wimbledon semifinalist Magdalena Rybarikova, who is 30, before getting past Hercog, 28.
When a reporter wanted to know how Gauff might spend the prize money she’s already earned of about 175,000 pounds ($220,000), she replied: “I mean, I can’t buy a car, because I can’t drive.”
That made her giggle, as did some of the other things she said at her news conference through a permanent smile, including her unprompted opening line about Jayden Smith’s new album, her plea for tickets to a Beyonce concert and poking fun at her mother, Candi, for the way she waved her arms overhead when Friday’s victory was over.
“Please tell me she’s a meme,” Gauff said. “I’m so excited to go on Instagram.”
Next up: A fourth-round matchup against 2018 French Open champion and former No. 1 Simona Halep, who eliminated two-time major champ Victoria Azarenka 6-3, 6-1.
Other women’s contests Monday will be No. 3 seed Karolina Pliskova against Karolina Muchova, No. 8 Elina Svitolina against No. 24 Petra Martic, and Dayana Yastremska against Zhang Shuai, who defeated former No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki 6-4, 6-2.
The top half of the men’s draw, meanwhile, saw more in its series of upsets, leaving defending champion Novak Djokovic with what seems like little resistance in his road to the final.
The No. 1 seed got a brief test Friday before quickly righting himself and getting past Hubert Hurkacz 7-5, 6-7 (5), 6-1, 6-4. No one else on that side of the bracket is ranked higher than 17th; that’s the spot held by Milos Raonic, who is also the only other player who ever has been to a Grand Slam final.
Those exiting Friday included last year’s runner-up, No. 4 Kevin Anderson, who was knocked off by No. 26 Guido Pella 6-4, 6-3, 7-6 (4). Pella beat 2017 runner-up Marin Cilic last year at Wimbledon and now will face 2016 runner-up Raonic, who beat Reilly Opelka of the U.S. 7-6 (1), 6-2, 6-1.
No. 10 Karen Khachanov, No. 11 Daniil Medvedev and No. 19 Felix Auger-Aliassime all lost.
“It’s impossible to say who is going to figure things out more than the others to do what it takes to win Slams,” Anderson said.
That could be said of Gauff, of course, but she sure is looking like someone who can go far in the coming years.
She has a big serve, dialing it up to 118 mph on Friday — only Hercog and Serena Williams have hit one faster this week — and good groundstrokes off both wings, along with some touch and guile. And what she possesses, above all, is some real calm amid a storm.
As Hercog perfectly put it: “She’s probably older in her head than the numbers show.”
Hercog, who is ranked 60th, and is now 0-4 in third-round matches at majors, used a seven-game run to grab the opening set, the first dropped by Gauff in qualifying or the main draw, and then go up 5-2 in the second.
With Gauff serving at 30-40, Hercog was a point from victory. But the teen conjured up a backhand slice winner that dropped right on the chalk — a shot she only recently added to her repertoire.
After Gauff’s aggressive style paid off there, it was Hercog who really went into a shell, playing so cautiously and making mistake after mistake. A big one came when Hercog served for the match at 5-3 and held her second match point: She double-faulted.
Eventually they headed to a tiebreaker, Gauff’s first at a tour-level event.
Yet another reminder how new all of this is for her. Her play then offered yet another reminder how capable she is of handling it all.
“We’ve been working on her poise all year,” Gauff’s father, Corey, said earlier in the week. “After that comes together, then you really can improve your game, because when you’re poised, you’re not that emotional. You can troubleshoot.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/07/05/an-incredible-moment-15-year-old-coco-gauff-still-unfazed-unbeaten-at-wimbledon/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/07/06/an-incredible-moment-15-year-old-coco-gauff-still-unfazed-unbeaten-at-wimbledon/
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dsoccermaster · 6 years
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Mo Salah has opened up about one of the records he broke in the Premier League last season – and noted that he told Didier Drogba he would surpass his record for a top scoring African player in the Premier League.
The Liverpool player of course did that and more, and said that Drogba not only offered him encouragement with his words, but that reaching the landmark made him want to go out and break more records – which of course he did with gusto.
The Mirror report he said: “When I reached 20 goals, I spoke with Didier Drogba.
“He told me, ‘Please, break the record’ and I laughed and said, ‘No worries, I will.’”
“I managed that so I thought to myself, ‘I have quite a few games to play before the end of the season, maybe I can break the all-time record.’ It’s a great source of joy for me.”
YEKATERINBURG, RUSSIA – JUNE 15: Mohamed Salah of Egypt looks on during the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia group A match between Egypt and Uruguay at Ekaterinburg Arena on June 15, 2018 in Yekaterinburg, Russia. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
World Cup
Mo Salah hasn’t enjoyed the best of starts to the World Cup, stuck on the bench for the loss against Uruguay on his birthday no less, yet was presented with a Golden Boot cake at the training base, and it certainly prompted some smiles from the winger.
Mohamed Salah was surprised with a Golden Boot birthday cake at Egypt’s training base pic.twitter.com/EUegqUfHWc
— B/R Football (@brfootball) June 16, 2018
Group stages
It’s now more vital than ever that Salah is fit and able to play in the other two group games – given Egypt lost their first one and are now on the back foot.
It seemed a bad tactical choice from the Egypt coach to leave Salah on the sidelines when his side were dominating the game and needed a spark to get that goal – and now the option to rest Salah won’t be available to him given three points in their next clash are an absolute must.
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source https://www.101greatgoals.com/news/mo-salah-made-incredible-prediction-didier-drogba-liverpool-season/
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