#hangst? hunkgst?
Voltron Crossed AU
Sorry I’ve literally been thinking about this all day so here are some thoughts on it (which may or may not include notes I wrote during class, jfc im in college what the fuck)
v unpleasant topics below you have been warned
Shiro loses his arm after the outbreak
Good news: the gang found this old abandoned research facility early on and fortify it
Bad news: Lance gets crossed
they kind of pull a Fido and capture/secure him
Katie is hellbent on creating a cure, possibly a vaccine too
Lance TORMENTS them until Hunk finally figures to get a muzzle on him
before that he messed with Keith real bad
Hunk apparently walked in on something but he and Keith won’t tell the others what happened, just that Keith never wants to be near Lance again (or at least till he’s cured if he’s cured)
Lance said “Fuck her right in the pussy” at least once and Hunk was physically incapable of keep himself from laughing. He felt terrible but goddamn you take good times where you can
Taking care of Lance is not. pretty nor pleasant
Shiro was pretty good at handling it but he, Keith, and Hunk left to gather more supplies and info for a couple of months, leaving Katie to it
Bad news: it fucking sucked
Good news: it was proper motivation to build something that would secure him more thoroughly
he was originally being kept in a cell Hunk and Katie fashioned from a shower and bulletproof glass
thank god they chose a shower
Katie makes this complicated system involving magnets, a helmet, a muzzle, a feeding tube, a heart monitor, a neck brace, wrist and ankle cuffs, a gauntlet, and a toy helicopter remote while the gang’s away
their jaws drop when they get back, like Katie how did you pull this futuristic shit out of your ass
so not only is Lance secure now, he’s also Mobile (convenient for take your demon-possessed-friend to work day)
when Katie thinks she nailed a vaccine, Shiro offers to take it, but Hunk Volunteers as Tribute bc they’d be losing a lot more if Shiro took it and it failed (i.e. where my Hangst at)
“Hunk... I hope you know that you’re a valuable part of our team. If this doesn’t work, we’ll miss you while you’re gone.” Hunk isn’t wallowing in self-hatred but he does have his doubts, so it’s good to hear
Hunk is strapped down in case it goes wrong (1: the vaccine itself infects him 2: the vaccine doesn’t stop the virus)
he takes it and thinks the vaccine infected him but turns out he was just having a panic attack (Shiro can spot one a mile away)
Katie feels so guilty that she offers to take the vaccine and continue to phase 2 (infecting) herself
Shiro convinces her that she is too important to lose (shes making the fucking vaccines)
It works so they all take it and travel to spread the Good News
some scandal pops up about the vaccines (probably due to snake oil salesman claiming to be hers, or people with immune deficiencies taking it and getting infected) and she dons the alias Pidge Gunderson
when/if Lance is cured, he’s so overcome with guilt, not only for what he did and said but the things he thought about
the gang hoped he wouldn’t remember his time as a crossed but he did
he goes as far as to say it’s better to kill the crossed then cure them, bc the guilt they’d be left with is almost worse than death. he probably couldn't go on if it hadn’t been for his friends saying how they missed and forgave him
his cross scabs over and scars
Hunk “I care about this family, damnit” Garret
Keith “I’m not gay” Kogane
Takashi “i didn’t sign up for this” Shirogane
Lance “red shirt” McClain
might edit/add to this
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