#also had to go to the Tumblr webpage on my phone to be able to post this. what in tarnation
potatobugz · 2 years
hi did you know I make music sometimes
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adorkablephil · 7 years
Fic: Listen (Chapter 8)
Title: Listen Rating: PG Word Count: 3.5K (this chapter) Summary: Phil is a successful YouTuber, and Dan is a fan desperate for attention. Sounds like 2009, right? Except Phil is Deaf. Tags: AU, Deaf!Phil, Mute!Dan, Both YouTubers, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Conversion Disorder Author’s Note: I am posting this on the first day of the International Week of the Deaf, which extends from September 18-24, 2017. The theme this year is “Full Inclusion with Sign Language,” and you can learn more about it here. This webpage gives information both in text and in sign language, so you can read a short bit about each of the year’s campaign messages while simultaneously watching someone sign the same information. (Though it’s the International Week of the Deaf, I think the signing on the page linked above is all in ASL.) I strongly encourage you to check out the webpage and not only learn a bit more about deaf issues but also see a bit of sign language in action! Fic also available on AO3 here
[Masterlist of all “Listen” chapters on Tumblr]
Chapter 8: The Definition of “Normal”
A few days later, Phil showed up while Dan’s parents were at work. Dan had the day off … or, rather … he had all days off … because he’d quit his Asda job with no notice. His manager had always treated him as if an inability to speak implied intellectual inferiority, so using rather easily interpreted sign language to tell him to shove it had been quite liberating. He’d gleefully reenacted the scene for Phil over Skype when he got home.
So now Dan’s parents had both gone to work for the day, and Dan was home alone. Or at least he was alone until Phil showed up as planned with a lorry, a huge pile of empty boxes, and two of his most muscular friends. He introduced Dan to Reggie and William, and the four of them immediately set to work packing up everything Dan owned as quickly as possible.
Not quickly enough, though, as one of the nosy neighbors must have spied on the boys carrying boxes out to the lorry and had phoned Dan’s dad at work, resulting in Mr. Howell storming into the house to demand what was going on. Phil immediately rushed to Dan’s side, but was surprised to see Dan standing tall and stubborn in the hallway, facing his father, who was actually an inch or two shorter than his adult son.
Dan’s father was yelling something, his face red, eyes bulging, but Dan simply replied in sign language, which only seemed to infuriate his father even more. Phil saw him sign, “If my things don’t belong to me simply because you paid for some of them, then I guess you aren’t really my parent, just my landlord. Wow … it all makes a lot more sense now!” Dan let the sarcasm in his expression show, making sure his dad would get the meaning even though he wouldn’t understand the BSL.
Mr. Howell, shouting and gesturing wildly, stepped to block William as he carried a box toward the front door. William glanced back at Phil, then at Dan. He couldn’t hear a word Dan’s dad was saying, of course, but he’d do whatever Dan and Phil decided. Phil looked at Dan in concern, but Dan merely scowled and nodded to William, signing angrily, “Ignore him.” William grinned and nodded, then neatly sidestepped the older man and carried his box out the door to the lorry.
Dan told Phil, “Go ahead and help with the last few boxes. We’re almost done here.” He turned to look at his father and signed, “I can’t wait to leave this fucking place.” Phil hadn’t taught him that particular word, so he suspected Craig’s sneaky influence.
Dan stood his ground, facing his dad, impassively letting the man rant while the other three young men finished packing up his things and carrying them out, blithely unaffected by the shouting going on. Phil saw both Reggie and William make repeated small gestures of support, giving Dan a thumbs-up sign or clapping him on the shoulder as they passed. Each time, Dan signed to thank them again for helping … and to reiterate that they should just pay no attention to his apoplectic father.
When Dan’s room contained nothing but empty furniture, all personal effects gathered safely and stowed for travel, Phil decided a little show of force wouldn’t go amiss. He gestured to Reg and Will to come with him, and the three of them stood behind Dan who still faced his father. Dan turned to look at Phil, and Phil told him, “We’re ready,” and Dan nodded. Phil rested a hand at the small of Dan’s back, just a small gesture of support, but he saw Dan’s father notice the movement and frown even more deeply. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Will and Reg cross their arms, impressive biceps bulging. There was a reason he’d chosen them out of all his friends. He hadn’t known exactly what they’d be facing today, and he was glad of their intimidating presence backing Dan up.
“You’re a crap father,” Dan signed calmly, looking his dad straight in the face. Mr. Howell rolled his eyes and said something spiteful Phil didn’t quite catch, but the words “crazy hand stuff” figured in there somewhere. Dan just shrugged. “I don’t have to care what you think anymore. And you don’t have to worry about me embarrassing you anymore, either.” Dan looked his father up and down dismissively, then signed, “I know you don’t understand anything I’m saying, but I don’t really care, because you never really tried to understand me in the first place. I’m moving out now, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I left a letter for Mum on the kitchen counter. Have a nice life. Or don’t. It’s nothing to do with me anymore.”
And then Dan shocked Phil by reaching out, taking his hand, and leaning over to kiss Phil lightly on the lips. He turned to look at his father again, the man’s mouth hanging open in appalled surprise, and just smiled smugly, then led Phil to the door and out of the house, Reggie and William following them like protective shadows. Dan’s father seemed frozen in place.
The front of the lorry only had seats for two people, so Dan and Phil sat together on the floor in the back of the lorry, squeezed between boxes of clothing and books and video games and childhood mementos. Now that the adrenaline had passed, Dan trembled in Phil’s arms, but Phil just held him close and stroked his hair and marveled at the display of courage he’d just witnessed.
They hadn’t been able to bring the piano, of course, but in his thoughts Phil swore to the vulnerable boy in his arms that someday, someday he would get Dan a piano all his own, and he would watch those graceful fingers dance over the keys every day and watch the ecstasy that shone on Dan’s face when music took him over.
Phil might not be able to hear the notes, but he could experience the music by watching Dan as it moved him, and to him Dan’s music was beautiful.
Eventually all the boxes were piled haphazardly in Phil’s lounge … except that it wasn’t just his lounge anymore, was it? It was theirs. His and Dan’s.
“This is our lounge,” he said, emphasizing the crucial sign. Then he repeated it, just to make sure Dan understood. “Ours.”
Dan looked around himself in wonder, then looked back at Phil and signed dazedly, “Ours.” And his smile was like the sun for a moment, until he simply wilted, collapsing melodramatically onto the sofa, which they’d kept purposely free of boxes. “Fucking exhausting day,” he signed, and Reggie and William laughed.
“Clearly you’re not the only one teaching this one to sign,” William teased Phil.
Phil shook his head in defeat. “I introduced him to my friend Craig. He’s a bad influence.”
Reggie nodded, “Right. Craig. Hearing guy, right? Signs pretty well. Drinks like a fish.”
Dan sat up suddenly. “Oh! You guys totally helped me today, and I should be thanking you. What do you do when people help you move? I’ve never moved before. You buy people beer and pizza to thank them, right? I mean, I think I saw that on tv. Do you guys want some beer?” He glanced anxiously back and forth from Reg to Will, both of whom looked amused.
Phil commented, “I think that’s the most I’ve ever seen you sign! Anxiety must be a good motivator.”
William shook his head admiringly. “Oh, he was signing up a storm at that dad of his. Must have learned some of those signs from Craig, too.” He patted Dan on the back and said, “Good on you, mate. That guy deserved worse than what you gave him, but you gave him hell.”
Dan ducked his head, shrugging uncomfortably. “He just … he’s always been like that. Ever since I stopped …” he glanced around nervously from face to face then look determined, “since I stopped talking.” He crossed his arms defensively, then seemed to realize that he couldn’t talk that way and unfolded them. He signed, “I just couldn’t take it anymore.”
William signed his approval, clapping his hands together in silent applause, then mimed reverent bowing down to Dan over and over again, which Reggie joined in on, until they had Dan giggling.
William stopped goofing off and looked Dan straight in the face, serious, and signed, “No one has the right to treat you that way. You stood your ground, you kept your cool, you told the truth, and you got the fuck out of there. You’re a fucking survivor, mate. Don’t forget it. You made it through, and you survived it, and you got out. Good on you. Congratulations.” And then he pulled Dan into a rough sort of laddish hug, complete with back slapping and a quick tousle of Dan’s hair as they pulled apart.
Dan looked a bit disconcerted afterward, but not actually unhappy. He smoothed at his hair and adjusted his fringe, smiling shyly. “So … thank you guys for all your help. Should we … we should get pizza or something to thank you, right? And … beer? You guys probably want beer! Do you want beer?” He seemed very much out of his element, but Phil loved him for how hard he was trying to connect with Reg and Will. Talking to other people was still very new to him, but Phil thought he was doing great.
They ended up ordering a lot of pizza (Will and Reg were big guys and they ate like ravening wolves) and drank Ribena instead of beer while they lay exhausted on the sofa watching Donnie Darko. Reg and Will ended up leaving before the movie ended, both declaring that the film made no sense anyway, and wished Dan a happy housewarming. Reg winked broadly when he said that, which made Dan blush and Phil laugh.
And then they were alone. The flat felt different—even with Dan’s things still in boxes, just the awareness that it was now their home, instead of just Phil’s home which Dan visited on occasion. This was Dan’s home now, too. Phil pulled him close on their sofa and they watched the rest of the film on their tv until the activity and emotion of the day caught up with them and they were ready to go to sleep in their bed.
They both got into their pajamas, neither having the energy for anything acrobatically romantic tonight, and climbed into bed together, sitting up and facing each other so they could still talk, but with the duvet pulled up over their legs so they could just slide down to sleep whenever they were ready.
Phil said, “We should talk about whether you want to get new stuff for the flat. Like, if you don’t like this duvet, or if you want a different shower curtain or something.” He paused, then continued hesitantly, “Maybe you didn’t get to have things the way you liked them before, but now you do. I want this to be your real home, the place where you feel happy and safe and loved, a place where what you want always matters. Because what you want matters to me so much, Dan. Making you happy matters to me so much!”
Dan reached out to squeeze Phil’s hand before letting go to sign, “That house never felt like home to me, at least not since maybe when I was a kid. I never felt like I was really home except the times when I came to visit you. But that isn’t about the flat, it’s about you. You’re what feels like home, Phil. So I was already home when we were sitting together in the back of that lorry crushed between all those boxes. You don’t have to do anything to make this feel like home to me, Phil—all you have to do is be here.”
A few days later, the doorbell rang, causing the light to flash, and Phil didn’t bother to get up. Dan could let the person in, because they were just expecting a delivery from Tesco. Living in such a big city now, Dan had been going out less often, afraid that fans might recognize him on the street, so they were having their groceries delivered. Phil could have done the shopping himself, but … well … lazy.
But Dan didn’t immediately return with several plastic bags full of foodstuffs. Instead, he reemerged with a stunned look on his face and a plate of small cakes in his hands, trailing after Phil’s beaming mum like a lost duckling.
Phil got up off the couch and ran to hug his mum, signing, “What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming over!” He took the plate of cakes from a very dazed-looking Dan and rushed it into the kitchen to leave it on the counter, then rushed back to the lounge.
His mum was signing to Dan—well probably SimComming actually, as Phil noticed her mouth moving and he’d long ago told her Dan could hear—and Dan just stood there, looking completely overwhelmed.
“I kept asking Phil to bring you over so we could meet you, since you were here in Manchester so often and we live so nearby, but you never came.” She put her hands on her hips, looking disapproving, but then continued signing. “Well, now you’re living here, so I decided that I would just come over and finally get to meet you and simply insist that you come to dinner this Sunday, as I’m doing a roast. Everyone will be there, so you can meet Phil’s father and brother as well. Everyone signs, you know, so that won’t be a problem, and I won’t take no for an answer. I even brought cakes in case I needed a bribe. Phil said you like cakes, and I certainly know he does!” She glanced smugly at Phil and he shrugged, guilty as charged.
Dan stared at Phil’s mum as if he’d just been run over by a particularly friendly train. Phil had gotten his unblinking stare from her, though, and she simply gazed at Dan without saying anything else, waiting for him to respond.
Eventually, Dan signed hesitantly, “I do like cakes. Thank you for bringing them, but you didn’t have to bribe me. I’m grateful for the invitation and of course I would be honored to join your family for dinner. Thank you for asking me.” He smiled, but it looked very strained. Phil could tell he was nervous but trying not to offend this nice lady he’d never met before. His vocabulary had gone all posh, always a sure sign he felt particularly uncomfortable.
Phil’s mum beamed at him and brushed her hands together as if pleased with the accomplishment of some allotted task. “Well, I have a million errands to run, so I should be off, but we’ll see you on Sunday, Dan.” She fingerspelled his name, as Phil had always done when discussing him with his family, a little embarrassed about the soppiness of the name sign he’d been using when talking to Craig and Dan. Then she pulled Dan into a warm hug—Phil knew his mum hugged with as much enthusiasm as he did himself—and Phil saw Dan’s eyes go wide, but he returned the hug awkwardly.
And then, with a last, “Enjoy the cakes, boys!” Phil’s mum had gone as quickly as she’d arrived, and Dan just stared at Phil, obviously in shock.
“I guess you’re coming to dinner on Sunday,” Phil said happily. He’d asked Dan for this several times but Dan had always pled off.
“Yeah, about that,” Dan frowned. “She signed the BSL sign for dinner, but out loud she said ‘tea.’ What’s up with that?”
Phil waved a hand dismissively. “It’s a Northern thing. She means Sunday dinner.”
Dan nodded, still looking a little dazed, and collapsed onto the sofa. He had the look of a man bracing himself for the greatest challenge of his life.
Dinner with Phil’s family went swimmingly, of course. Everyone in the family but Phil was hearing, but they had also all been using BSL his whole life, so they SimCommed throughout the meal and Phil felt sure Dan could understand everything being said and could participate as much as he liked.
And, to Phil’s surprise, Dan did participate in the conversation. After an initial period of paralyzing shyness, he slowly began commenting on the meal, responding to questions about himself, asking questions about Phil’s childhood, and even discussing his videos.
“We’ve watched you on YouTube,” Phil’s dad admitted. “We were curious about this mysterious young man so important in our son’s life.”
Dan reddened, always so uncertain about the quality of his work, how others would perceive him, worried about criticism or judgment. But of course Phil knew his family wasn’t like that.
“Your style is so unique!” Phil’s mum enthused, but Phil’s dad interrupted.
“Did you know we watched a lot of silent films when Phil was young? Before he was old enough to read subtitles, we watched a lot of the real oldies. Phil’s favorite was always Buster Keaton—always a goof, that one.” He smiled fondly at his son, knowing that the gentle teasing wouldn’t sting. “Kathryn and Martyn and I have often commented how interesting it is that you chose a silent movie style when that was really Phil’s first experience with film. Did you choose that style because of him?”
Dan shook his head. “I didn’t even know about that! When I decided to start making videos, I wanted to … I didn’t want people to know that I can’t talk.” He looked ashamed, but Phil’s mum reached across the table to rest her hand on his, and Dan smiled at her gratefully. “The silent movie theme just seemed like an interesting way to make it seem like … a creative choice, rather than a way of … I don’t know … hiding.”
Phil’s dad shook his head, “You don’t need to hide anything, son. You’re fine just the way you are. But I understand why you would feel self-conscious. I’m glad you found a way to express yourself that felt safe for you.” He glanced at Phil again. “When Phil first started making the videos where he spoke about his life, we knew he might get criticism for being Deaf, for signing in such a public way. A lot of people don’t understand. But we were proud of him for being himself and not letting fear get in his way. Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, and someone who doesn’t speak orally can do anything, too. Being unable to hear or speak doesn’t affect your opportunities in life. You can do anything you set your mind to, just as Phil can.”
Phil’s mum added, “It’s lovely that you found a way to be so creative and make such lovely videos, but I do hope that someday you feel more comfortable with being who you are, dear. Because there is nothing wrong with you at all. You are a wonderful boy just the way you are.”
Dan quickly excused himself to use the toilet and did not return for some time. Phil’s parents got concerned and asked Phil if they had overstepped, and he assured them that they’d said nothing wrong. He knew Dan well enough to know why he’d fled.
When Dan came back to the table, his eyes were puffy and rimmed with red, and Phil knew he couldn’t be the only one aware of the fact that Dan must have been crying, but none of them commented on the fact. They just changed the subject back to Buster Keaton, asking Dan his opinions on the old silent films, and let the more personal subjects drop.
On the bus home, Dan told Phil, “I’ve never sat around the dinner table and just talked with people. I’ve never had a conversation like that, just … normal. Like I was normal. Not since I can remember, anyway. I don’t know how to feel. It’s … it feels overwhelming.”
Phil replied, “I know they can be a bit much, but they really loved you, Dan. I hope you’ll learn to like them, too. They’re important to me, and I’m so happy they finally got to meet you!”
Dan signed emphatically, “I already like them. Tonight, at dinner, they felt more like family than anyone I’m biologically related to. I felt … accepted. You’ve always made me feel that way, but this was the first time I really felt like other people really saw me as a person … not as a freak.”
The expression on his face looked like joy and confusion and healing all wrapped into one, and Phil pulled him into his arms and kissed his lips gently. Another woman on the bus eyed them disapprovingly, and Phil didn’t know if it was because of the kiss or the signing, but he didn’t care a bit.
Author’s End Note: Okay, this fic is going to be a little longer than planned. This particular chapter became ridiculously long and so I’ve split it into two, which adds a chapter … and I’ve also decided to add an epilogue. So it’s going to be 11 chapters instead of 9. That’s the current plan, anyway.
An Additional Note About SimCom: The main reason that SimCom (speaking orally at the same time as signing) is controversial is that it’s literally communicating in two languages at the same time. Sign language isn’t just a word-for-word translation of a spoken language; it has its own syntax, morphology, structure, and all that. So SimComming is sort of like trying to speak English at the same time as you’re writing the same thing in German (a language with a very different syntax, structure, etc.). Generally, the person’s first/primary language ends up being expressed more effectively than the other, so when a hearing person fluent in BSL speaks at the same time as they sign, they generally do not sign as clearly as they would if they were just focusing on the BSL and not on simultaneously translating, and so deaf people will not receive the communication as well as hearing people will. SimCom is very common, however, among hearing people in the Deaf community, people who became deaf later in life, and people in a group that includes both deaf and hearing folks. Quite a few people in this chapter and the next chapter SimCom for those kinds of reasons.
[Continue to Chapter 9]
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rotfilm · 7 years
"Dearest Ivy"
The medium size box was wrapped plainly, brown paper and only a hemp cord to keep it from unraveling. Upon opening, the box bursts open with dark tissue paper that seemed to be glittering with gold. The things were laid delicately inside. A sage stick lay among crystals of amethyst and quartz. The Never Ending Story, who’s pages and cover has seen much love. A small bottle of pink, sparkly fluid simply labeled “Faerie Sight Oil”, and a small bundle of incense sticks. And down at the bottom, only visible if you really look deep into the box, is a note. It’s sealed with an orange wax stamp, trifolded and tucked away in the box, as if meant to be read last.
The letter is written on almost parchment looking paper, the hand writing on it a swirling, looping cursive, with care taken to perfect spacing between letters and words. The letter reads as follows:
“Dearest Ivy-
I would like to start by saying that you are possibly one of the most talented actresses I know. I have been a fan of yours for quite a while; you’re acting skill and endless beauty is highly alluring. Although I wasn’t nearly as serious about acting as you are, I still know how difficult it can be at times, and you seem so natural at it,
This is beside the point - I didn’t decide to write this letter only to complement your acting skill, although I couldn’t seem to help myself. The reason and point behind this letter is to reach out to a friend. I know we have never met, but I feel we could get along swimmingly. It might seem rather presumptuous of me to think this, but please allow me this dream, at least for a little while longer.
I would also like to invite you to my shoppe, Felix’s Shop of This and That’s in San Francisco, California. It’s the only one of its kind, easy to find on the corner of Haight - Ashbury. I hope I may be able to meet you one day, so I may tell this all to you in person.
I apologize, in retrospect much of this letter reads rather presumptuous and forward. I suppose I let my excitement get the best of me, and I already told myself when I began this letter, after many other attempts, that this was going to be my final try. I would send this letter, despite how silly and twitterpated I may seem.
I hope you don’t mind this train wreck of a letter too much.
In good health and Blessed Be,
Felix Peyton Lorant II”
Below is a hastily written instagram username and tumblr url, obviously a side thought, something scratched down as an after thought. The rest of the space in the box is filled with flower petals.
Zero had delivered the package to her, terribly vague and secretive in way of an explanation, offering only that it was from a friend of his that appreciated their work — her work. She had tried to press him for more details, but he had given her absolutely nothing, choosing instead to be infuriatingly cryptic, avoiding her questions and telling her that the box should probably be opened in privacy. “Gifts are intimate anyway,” he’d said. “And this person is particularly intimate.” 
Frustrating as it was, she’d obeyed. Ivy was in the habit of doing what Zero told her to do, and besides, there was something almost romantic about the mystery of it all. She waited all the way until a quarter to midnight, after she had locked herself alone in her suite and had taken her nightly perfumed bath. When she finally opened the package, her room was lit only by the glow of candles, and she was settled luxuriously under her bed covers. 
She let out an audible gasp at the sight of the items, a manicured hand shooting over her mouth. Slowly, painstakingly, each and every object was taken out and admired with utmost care and love. Such magical, dreamy things! Ivy was so overwhelmed by it all that she almost didn’t notice the letter — but when she did, it was snatched up quickly, turned over in her hands, torn open. Who would be so kind, so wonderful? She had to know. She loved them, whoever they were. 
Tumblr media
The letter was read and re-read so many times that she lost count, holding and caressing one of the velvety flower petals between her index finger and thumb as she did so. Each time, she was more and more endeared to this stranger, this Felix. Heart fluttering, she took her phone and looked at his webpages, and then booked a flight to San Francisco for the morning.
She wanted to meet him. She wanted to kiss him and thank him. He had no idea how much something like this meant — no idea at all.
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okayish-omens · 7 years
Do all 100. and entertain me
....u want me dead(honestly same)1. Last kissLmao that was WAY way back. Man. Uhhhhhhh with someone else, probably like last year spring2. Last phone callA couple days ago, with my father3. Last text messageA picture of my current costume project (which is progressing horribly thanks for asking)4. Last song you listened toCrash Decisions, from the Star Trek Beyond theme5. Last time you criedWhen I was walking back home a day or two after I met Karl (!!!), and was listening to Night on the Yorktown from the aforementioned album and the music swelled up and I was overwhelmed with everything at onceHAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twiceNope7. Been cheated onNot as far as I am aware8. Self harmedYep9. Lost someone specialYeP10. Been depressedStill am. Eyy11. Been drunk and threw upNoTHIS YEAR HAVE YOU: 12. had sexNo13. How many people have you had sex with this year?Only with the void. I mean what15. Made a new friendI think so. Yes. 17. Laughed until you criedOhhhh yep a lot18. Met someone who changed youMultiple times19. Found out who your true friends wereAlso multiple times and I’m still experiencing this20. Found out someone was talking about youYes a LOT26. What did you do for your last BirthdayI don’t know??? Not much I think, spending time on my own. I distinctly remember convincing my mom to please not buy me any cake thanks27. What time did you wake up today6:3029. Name something you CANNOT wait forNEXT WEEK MONDAY NEXT WEEK MONDAY NEXT WEEK MONDAY. HOOOOOOO30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same timeAll the time cause i don’t have any31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your lifeMe32. What are you listening to right nowSounds of Super Mario Odyssey, and mom preparing dinner33. When is the last time you had sex?-34. Who's getting on your nerves right nowMe35. Most visited webpageTumblr dot com? 36. Favorite colourBlue37. NicknamesCameron/Cam, Bones38. Relationship StatusLaunching myself into the void39. Zodiac signLeo40. Male or femaleNo41. Primary schoolYes42. Secondary SchoolAlso yes43. High school/collegeYep, uni44. Eye colorGreen?with brown bits46. Height170cm47. Do you have a crush on someone..maybe48. What do you like about yourself-49. PiercingsUsed to have earrings but i haven’t worn them in forever so i’m not even sure?50. TattoosOne of Adam’s tour logos on my left upper arm, one of Mickey Mouse (lineart) on my ankle, and Karl Urban’s autograph on my right forearm51. Righty or leftyLeft-handed with writing but I tend to use both interchangeablyFIRSTS: 53. First piercingEarring54. First best friendPrimary school? Someone living in my street55. First hookupNo56. First BestfriendUhhRIGHT NOW: 59. EatingNothing60. DrinkingAlso nothing61. I'm about toMake dinner62. Listening toThe tv63. Waiting forAll this shit to finally e n dYOUR FUTURE: 64. Want kids?Pfft no i don’t think so65. Get married?Maybe66. CareerCostume designer for film hopefullyWHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes.....both. I love both. Literally both BOTHOKAYICHOOSEEYES68. Hugs or kissesYes please holy s h i t69. Shorter or tallerDoesn’t really matter, a person’s length is literally tailor-made for them and fits them perfectly70. Older or YoungerUsually I feel more comfortable around older people but some of the people closest to me are younger than me so ??71. Romantic or spontaneousBoth!! Romantic AND spontaneous!72. Nice stomach or nice armsArms. Arms. Arms. Fuck me up73. Sensitive or loudSensitive pls74. Hook-up or relationshipRelationship, a hookup is too...superficialHAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a strangerNo77. Drank hard liquorYep78. Lost glasses/contactsYep (sunglasses)79. Had sex-80. Broken someone's heartOh yes many times82. Been arrestedNo83. Turned someone downYep ahahaha84. Cried when someone diedFictional, yes. Otherwise, at funerals yes but when I get the news? No85. Fallen for a friendHa. Haha. YepDO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. YourselfNo87. MiraclesNo but I hope for them88. Love at first sightNot really, one can have a general indication but this is based on stereotypes and assumptions and pls don’t take them as gospel89. HeavenOnly when I’m with you ;););););)90. Santa ClauseMy lord and saviour91. Kiss on the first dateIf we both feel like it why not92. AngelsSome people come pretty close tbh93. How would you label yourself?Un-label-able (alternatively: not to be labeled)94. Someone You Pray Everyday ForThe Grim Reaper95. Did you sing todayNo96. Who From All Your Ex's have You Cared The Most AboutAll 1 of them97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?To the Victorian era, or to see my favourite films/series being produced98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish ForShit to End99. Are you afraid of falling in love?Yes100. Do you like the way you look?No
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jarienn972 · 7 years
The Right Place - Chapter Two
Here’s the next chapter for this WIP.  It’s a pretty long one with lots going on. Some mysteries will be solved while others continue to befuddle our heroes.  I’m working on editing Chapter Three so hopefully it will be posted in the next few days.  If you missed the earlier post with the Prologue and first chapter, catch up here:
Also on AO3  and FF.net
Tuesday Morning, Storybrooke Sheriff's Office
David Nolan sat anxiously at his temporary desk, having promised his daughter that he'd help out with some of the duties at the station until Killian was found. Distraught as she was, Emma had once again turned to busy work to keep her mind occupied – leaving behind piles of paperwork which were now scattered across the desk before him. There were reports that needed to be uploaded and filed, bills that needed to be paid, bills that had already been paid, numerous pages of case notes that probably needed updating and one pile that the Prince had simply labeled miscellaneous crap. He really was trying his best to help her out, but his mind just wasn't focused on the task any more than Emma's would have been. He knew she was heartbroken. He knew she hadn't gone home last night, probably crashing on the sofa in the back office here at the station or perhaps camping out in her car parked down at the harbor so she could watch for any sign of the Jolly Roger should it drift into port.
The pirate had been missing for two full days now without any contact and the entire family was searching for anything that might provide a clue as to what had happened to him. He knew she'd tried several tracking spells that had failed and had attempted to ping the GPS locator on his phone, but that hadn't been successful either. The phone hadn't even registered a connection to a tower since he'd left Storybrooke - which wasn't entirely surprising out on the open ocean. He would have to be close enough to land and to a large enough population area to get a signal – and that was assuming he was still even in this realm. David, like the rest of her family, was attempting to remain positive, but he knew that there were grumblings around town fearing the worst. He knew he had to be a pillar of support for his daughter – remind her of their family motto – we always find each other. If Killian Jones was still alive out there somewhere, they would indeed find him.
He just had to keep those positive thoughts as he turned his attention back to the mess on his desk, eyeing the largest pile – his aptly named "crap" pile which was a jumbled mess of forms, receipts, faxes and stuff that Emma had printed out for one unknown reason or another. Most of this was just junk that could have been thrown out and that was something that David should have been doing but instead, when Emma walked in through the front door around 8:30am, she caught her father sailing a paper airplane toward a metal trash can placed under the front window and based on the wreckage of multiple aircraft littering the floor around the can, most of his flights hadn't reached their destination.
"Sorry," David smiled sheepishly, his entire face instantly flush with embarrassment that he'd been caught engaging in such childish behavior. He quickly crumpled the folded paper in his hands and dropped it carefully into the closest trash receptacle while she merely rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I guess I got a little distracted – and a little carried away…"
"I hope those weren't made from anything important," she scolded as he sulked over to the window to scoop up the rest of his crashed fleet and deposit all of the carnage into the wastebasket.
"Just a bunch of random junk. I don't even know why you kept some of this stuff…"
"I don't know," she sighed as she slowly made her way toward her office. "You can deal with the rest of that later. It doesn't need to be done today…"
"Okay," he replied, noting the defeated tone to her voice. "It's been a slow morning so far so I'll just get it done and out of your way."
"If you want," she offered, but clearly paperwork was far from her mind. "I'm going to grab a cup of coffee and then check in with the cell phone company again to see if they've managed to locate Killian's phone today."
"I'm sure something will turn up soon," he tried to encourage her, but in the back of his mind, he knew that was likely to be a fruitless effort as well so he simply left his statement at that.
She fetched her silver travel mug from atop her desk and made her way over to the coffee pot, thankful that her father had remembered to turn it on and brew the first pot of the day before he'd begun piloting paper airplanes around the squad room. She didn't really fault him though, she thought as she filled the insulated mug and snapped the lid back onto it, delicately taking her first sip and offering her dad a faint smile of approval that it was palatable. Mug in hand, she strolled back to her desk and plopped herself down onto her chair, letting it spin slightly while she attempted to relax her mind. If only that was as simple as twirling around in an office chair…
She'd scarcely had time to press the power button on the desktop computer when a shout came from the station's front door as it swung open widely.
"Mom! Mom!" Henry shouted at the top of his lungs as he allowed the door to slam closed behind him. He was clearly out of breath, his face beet red as though he'd just run the entire length of Main Street. Wondering what the emergency might be, both David and Emma sprang to their feet at the boy's sudden arrival.
"Henry? Whoa… Where's the fire?" David wondered. "Shouldn't you be at school by now?" His grandson barely acknowledged him, darting past the prince into his mother's office.
"I agree – why aren't you in school?" Emma asked, awaiting her son's response, quite curious as to what this outburst might be about.
"I was getting ready for school this morning," Henry began, breathlessly panting through every word. "I turned on the morning news while I was eating breakfast as part of a homework assignment on current events and I caught a piece of a story they were running about a man they were attempting to identify… A picture flashed onto the screen, and although I didn't really get a good look at it, something about it was very familiar…"
"Okay, kid, slow down and take a breath," she said, still awaiting the actual answer to her question. "Is there a point to this because if there isn't, you really need to get to class…?"
"There's definitely a point, Mom. I went to their website to see if I could find the whole photo because I was curious – and Mom, you really need to see it! Open up Channel 7's website – and click on the Local News link…"
"Channel 7 is a Portland station, right?" David queried, joining his daughter and grandson in the office while Emma humored the teen and typed the website address into her browser. When the page opened on the screen, Henry pointed to the hyperlink tab for Local News from their banner and she clicked on it. As the next webpage opened, she could already see the headline that Henry wanted her to find: Cumberland County Authorities Seeking Assistance in Identifying Comatose Man.
"That one," Henry stabbed his index finger toward the line of text on her screen. "Click on it. You'll see why…" Emma begrudgingly clicked on the story headline which opened a video clip from the previous night's newscast. The station's female anchor, stern yet professional, displayed little emotion as she read the story from her teleprompter:
In other local news, the Cumberland County Sheriff's Department is currently seeking the public's assistance to help them identify a man found yesterday afternoon on one of Portland's coastal islands. The man was carrying no identification, but he was found wearing some rather unique jewelry that authorities are hoping would be recognizable to his family and friends. This man may be a victim of a crime, so at the present time, we are unable to relay any photographs of him, but the Sheriff's Department has supplied us with a close-up photograph of the rings and pendant worn by their John Doe. If you recognize any of the items in this picture, please contact the Cumberland County Sheriff at the phone number listed on your screen.
A full screen photograph was then displayed with a phone number embedded into the bottom of the image causing Emma's jaw to immediately gape open. The items shown were unmistakable: three men's rings and a pendant featuring a skull and dagger.
"Those are Killian's!" she gasped, now instantly having part of the answer as to why her husband hadn't returned. He was apparently lying unconscious somewhere in Portland and no one there had any idea who he was. "Henry – thank you!" She exclaimed, reaching for the phone receiver and rapidly dialing the number shown on her computer monitor where she'd paused the video.
"Cumberland County Sheriff. How may we be of assistance?" the female voice of a dispatcher answered.
"Good morning. My name is Emma Jones and I'm Sheriff here in the town of Storybrooke, Maine. I need to speak with whoever is handling the John Doe case that was profiled on last night's news."
"Do you have information regarding the case, Sheriff?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. It's highly likely that your John Doe might be my missing husband. The jewelry in the photograph from the newscast was what he was wearing when he left here two days ago."
"I see…," the dispatcher continued. "So that we can be certain that this isn't someone simply fishing for information, would you be able to provide a description of your husband? We've had quite a few prank calls already this morning…"
Emma knew the drill. They had to be certain she was legit. "Sure – I understand. He's 5 foot 11 with short, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He has numerous scars including a diagonal one across his right cheek and several tattoos, but his most obvious feature is that he's missing his left hand. Does that match the description you've got there?"
"Thank you, Sheriff. It sure does," the woman stated, now convinced that this was no prank call. "Let me get you through to Deputy McCallen. He's the primary on this case."
"Thanks," Emma replied as the dispatcher put her on hold for a moment, then she heard the sound of the phone ringing again as she was connected to a different number.
"This is Deputy McCallen," a new voice answered. "My dispatcher tells me you can identify our John Doe. She said your description was a definite match to our victim."
"Hello, Deputy McCallen. I don't know if your dispatcher told you but my name is Emma and those rings and the pendant from the photograph belong to my husband, Killian Jones. He went out sailing two days ago and hadn't returned."
"Killian Jones you say? We've tried everything to identify him but we couldn't find a record of his fingerprints anywhere."
"Yes, I know. That's a very long story… Would you happen to have a photograph of your John Doe's face just so that I can verify that it is definitely my husband?"
"I can email or text you one. Which would you prefer, Sheriff?" Emma quickly rattled off her cell phone number and seconds later, a notification popped up. She immediately clicked the file to open the attached photo, taking in a deep breath as her eyes fell on the bruised and swollen face of her husband. What the hell had happened for him to end up like this and hours south of Storybrooke?
"That's Killian," she replied with a sigh, relieved to finally know where he was, but with a renewed concern for his welfare because she had no idea what circumstances had led to this current predicament. "I don't know how on earth he ended up on one of your islands down there, but I'm so happy to know he's been found. I can be down there in about two hours if you'd have time to meet me and discuss the case?"
"I'll be more than happy to make time to meet with you, Sheriff. Why don't I meet you at Portland Medical Center downtown where they're treating your husband? I'm sure you're anxious to be reunited with him, although just to let you know, as of this morning, he still hasn't awakened. I'll call over and let them know you're on your way and of course that he's no longer a John Doe."
"Thank you, Deputy McCallen. I'll see you in a couple of hours," she stated as she hung up the telephone.
"So your pirate turned up in Portland?" David asked as Emma pushed away from the desk and stood up, tugging on her jacket while fishing her keys out of the pocket of her jeans.
"Looks that way. I'm going to run by the house and pick up a few things. Sounds like I might have to be down there for a few days. Think you can handle taking over Sheriff duties again for a while?"
"I've got things handled here. Go take care of your husband." David insisted.
"I think I saw the evidence of how well things were being 'handled' earlier…," she teased, directing a thumb toward the trash can while she playfully shook her head. "I'll call you as soon as I know more."
"Can I come with you?" Henry asked as he followed his mother out of the station toward her battered old Volkswagen beetle.
"That's probably not a good idea," she replied as she pulled open the driver's door. "You have school and honestly, I don't know how long I'll be gone."
"Please, Mom? I'm worried too and you could use the company…"
"Henry, until we know more, I think you should stay here. Besides, I don't need Regina getting upset with me over you missing school again. Let me find out what's going on and maybe we can work out something for you to visit later this week?"
"Okay…," he sulked as Emma climbed into the car. "I better get to school then…" Emma felt a little pang of guilt over the pained expression on her son's face but until she knew what was going on with Killian, it really was for the best that he stayed behind.
Portland Medical Center – two hours later
Of course, she really should have known better. Henry was far more like her than she ever wanted to admit and the boy had decided to sneak into the back seat of the Bug while Emma was inside the house packing a bag with clothing and necessities. She'd nearly run off the road when his head popped up in her rear view mirror as she'd turned into the highway. She almost turned the car around and took him back to Storybrooke but not wanting to make Deputy McCallen wait, she scolded him for disobeying and forced him to call Regina to explain his actions as soon as they reached the interstate. Stubbornness certainly was a Charming family trait… Regina agreed to let him stay the night, but stated she was coming to Portland to pick him up tomorrow since Emma had enough to worry about and the Queen was right - Emma herself was focused on just getting to Portland, disobeying more than a few speed limits during her drive south and she managed to arrive at the medical center ahead of Deputy McCallen.
She checked in at the reception desk to get visitor's badges for each of them although it took the receptionist a few moments to locate the room information as Killian's name hadn't yet been entered into the hospital's directory. He was still listed officially as John Doe, but his electronic file contained a note that Deputy McCallen had advised that the patient's wife would be arriving. The young lady then directed Emma to the sixth floor – room 627 – and advised her to ask for Jackie, the head nurse for that unit. Emma thanked her and as they made their way to the bank of elevators on the left, Henry gave her a reassuring pat on the back, trying to ensure that his mother kept a positive attitude. They'd found Killian and everything was going to be fine soon. She knew exactly what he was trying to express so as they rode up in the elevator, she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and while neither spoke a word, their intentions were clear.
Mother and son stepped out of the elevator when the doors parted on the sixth floor, searching for signage that would tell them which way to head. Henry spotted the placard on the wall first which displayed an arrow indicating that rooms 615-630 were to their left. Passing through a set of automatic glass doors, they arrived at a short corridor that led into a U shaped section of patient rooms surrounding a central desk. Each room in this unit had floor to ceiling glass windows with privacy curtains on the inside which could be drawn as needed but otherwise gave the nurses a clear view into each patient room. It took merely a quick glance around for Emma to determine that the only room with an armed guard seated outside was likely the one they were headed to, but she figured it would probably be best to introduce herself first rather than head straight into her husband's room.
"I'm looking for a patient of yours – Killian Jones?" Emma asked hesitantly as she approached the young nurse seated at the desk. "I'm his wife…"
"I'm sorry…," the nurse stammered, slightly startled by Emma's arrival. "You said Jones?" she asked as she scanned her list of patient names, not finding a match.
"Yes, Jones, but until earlier this morning, you had him listed as a John Doe… found on a beach a couple of days ago?"
"Oh!" the nurse exclaimed, a little embarrassed at the oversight. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Jones. We just received that notification about an hour ago so I do apologize that I hadn't yet associated his real name. He's in room 627 – right behind me."
"Thank you. I was told I should also ask for Jackie? Is that you?" Emma wondered.
"Jackie is my supervisor. She's been the one primarily in charge of your husband's care during the day shift with Colleen filling in at night. I'm certain she would like to speak to you about his condition. Let me page her..."
"Thanks. I'm not going to have any issues with getting past him, am I?" Emma asked, aiming her thumb in the direction of the armed guard seated just to the right of the door to room 627.
"Not at all. The Sheriff's deputy phoned this morning so we've been expecting you. Again, I'm sorry about the confusion with the name and all…"
The privacy curtains had been drawn across the windows to Killian's room so Emma couldn't yet see inside to get even a brief peek at her wounded husband. She managed a polite smile as the guard nodded to her when she pushed open the door, still slightly reluctant to enter. Even with Killian having been identified as a deputy sheriff, she was surprised to see a guard positioned at his door. There was a clear concern for his welfare and she was formulating a mental list of all of the questions she'd have to ask Deputy McCallen when he arrived, but for the moment, she let the butterflies in her stomach take over as she stepped through the doorway, the image from the photograph McCallen had shared earlier still clear in her memory. If she'd been aware that she'd been holding her breath, she might not have allowed the little gasp to escape her lips when she at last was able to see him with her own eyes. The marginal bit of information she'd been given before leaving Storybrooke simply hadn't been enough to prepare.
She hadn't expected to see him positioned on the narrow bed nearly sitting upright with a heavy blanket draped around his shoulders and chest like a cape. Only his hand and a few inches of his wrist were left exposed most likely due to the IV line that was taped there. A second matching blanket was draped over the lower half of his body which made her wonder if his body temperature was a concern. It was April in Maine after all and since she knew he'd been found out on one of the islands, she guessed he had spent some time in the frigid waters of the Atlantic. Almost unconsciously, she reached out to gently squeeze his fingers finding them slightly cool to her touch, but warmer than she'd expected.
Her gaze drew upward toward his face, taking in the sight of the deep eggplant purple bruise under his right eye that extended to the bridge of his nose. His lips, parted by the plastic breathing tube, appeared to be dry and chapped – another strong indicator that he had been exposed to cold temperatures. But she just couldn't fathom how he'd gotten here... Had he been in a shipwreck or had a storm swell thrown him overboard?
"Oh, Killian… What the hell happened to you?" she asked her comatose husband aloud as she tightened her fingers around his once again while raising her left hand to his face, tenderly cupping her palm around the right side of his jawline as her thumb grazed across the thick growth of scruff along his chin.
Henry remained standing stoically behind his mother, fully understanding how much she needed this moment. He considered excusing himself so she could be alone with Killian but he decided against it, preferring instead to just stay back out of the way, relieved that they'd found his stepfather alive yet wary of just how severe his injuries could be. They had learned from the news clip that he'd been found two days ago – the same day he had sailed out of Storybrooke harbor. Since he'd been listed as a John Doe, he must have been unconscious this whole time or they might have been able to ask him his name so while he knew his mother was elated to locate him, the circumstances were raising more questions than answers – answers they weren't likely to get anytime soon.
"You must be Mrs. Jones?" Emma heard a woman's voice ask from the doorway. She turned to see a petite ginger haired woman wearing faded floral print scrubs. "I'm Jackie, the head nurse for this floor. I've been taking care of your husband for the past few days and thought I could answer some of your questions."
"Yes, I'm Mrs. Jones. You can call me Emma. This is my son, Henry. We can't thank you enough for all you've done to take care of my husband – even when he was just a John Doe to you."
"It's all in a day's work, sweetie, and I'm so glad to finally know his name. We don't get a whole lot of John Does around here but I've handled a few where we never learned the victim's real name. It's a bit discouraging sometimes." The nurse smiled then briefly glanced at her watch. "I have a briefing in a few minutes but I'll try to answer your questions about his medical condition, but more specific details regarding the case might have to come from the Sheriff's department."
"I appreciate it. I spoke briefly with Deputy McCallen this morning, but he didn't really tell me anything about what happened. Could you give us a brief overview?" Emma wondered.
"Of course. From a medical standpoint, here's what we know: your husband, then John Doe number 3, was brought in by a Coast Guard rescue unit two days ago. He was hypothermic from immersion in frigid salt water and then from exposure to the elements after washing up on the beach. He showed symptoms of near drowning including mild cyanosis and fluid in his lungs. His body temperature was below 95 degrees when he arrived to our ER, but his lowered core temp may have helped save his life because it might have slowed his circulation enough to prevent him from bleeding to death…"
"Wait – bleeding to death?" Emma interrupted. "I see bruises all over his face but I don't see anything that would possibly have caused him to bleed to death? Wasn't he in a shipwreck or something?"
"You'll really have to speak to the deputy for more specifics, but your husband appears to have been stabbed. He suffered a single puncture wound through his torso from a narrow, very sharp object consistent with a long knife. It entered his body from just below his rib cage on the right side of his back then angled upward through his chest slicing through a portion of his liver and puncturing his diaphragm. Luckily for him, no major blood vessels were severed and surgeons were able to repair the damage. We've been working to get his body temperature back to normal and maintain it which is the reason for the thermal blankets. We've had some difficulty keeping it regulated so he definitely has a way to go - and of course there is still lingering fluid in his lungs which runs a risk of developing into pneumonia so we're keeping a watchful eye on him. With the damage to his diaphragm, his breathing is still compromised so we've kept him on the ventilator, but we're hopeful to have him breathing on his own soon. I've probably rambled on enough, but essentially, we won't know the full extent of the damage until your husband regains consciousness." The nurse paused for a moment to let Emma attempt to digest all of that information then glanced down at her watch once more. "I know that was a lot to take in, but did you have any questions?"
"Honestly, you covered most of it but I know I'm going to have a whole lot to ask Deputy McCallen when he gets here," Emma sighed.
"I'll be in and out periodically for the rest of my shift, then either Colleen or Penelope will be in later this afternoon. If you need any immediate assistance, you can have me paged or just ask Kelly or Judy, the other two nurses in duty."
"Thank you. I appreciate your time and all of the info you've given us." Emma tried to smile as Nurse Jackie excused herself, closing the door behind her. Emma now had a better idea of what he was facing, but they still didn't have the whole picture. She could only hope that Deputy McCallen would be able to fill in a few of the blanks when he arrived.
By this time, Henry had moved to take a seat on a chair by the window as the nurse's words had made it clear that nothing was going to happen for a while so he settled in for what could be a long day.
"Do you want me to text Grandma and Grandpa to let them know what we've found out?" the teen asked, pulling his iPhone and ear buds out of his pocket.
"Sure, kid. You're faster at it anyway," Emma replied as she began to lower herself onto the uncomfortable looking molded plastic chair at Killian's bedside only to be interrupted by a light rap on the door. Medical staff wouldn't knock so perhaps this could be the deputy who was running a little bit late.
"Sheriff Jones?" a voice called out as the door swung open slowly, a voice that was the same as the one she'd heard on the other end of the phone line this morning.
"Yes – come on in," she instructed, turning her attention momentarily away from her husband toward the uniformed deputy as he stepped into the room, trying not to comment on how much younger he appeared to be than what she'd expected. "And please, you can call me Emma."
"Thank you. I'm Deputy Aaron McCallen," he introduced himself, extending his hand toward her for a courteous handshake. "You're welcome to call me Aaron or just McCallen if you prefer. Everyone pretty much just calls me by my surname anyway." He grinned as Emma shook his hand, his dimpled cheeks making him appear even younger. She guessed he was probably in his twenties or at the most, early thirties which really wasn't much younger than she was but he didn't wear the strain of her more jaded existence. He stood at least a foot taller than her and wore his sandy hair cropped very short, almost military style. "I apologize for the delay but I was meeting with a colleague to gather some new information pertinent to your husband's case."
"It's alright," she insisted. "It gave me a few minutes to speak to a nurse so it all worked out just fine. She filled me in on some of the basics that our brief conversation this morning hadn't covered so I'm appreciative of this meeting to find out the rest of what you know about how my husband ended up in this hospital bed. I'm also really glad that my son, Henry, stumbled onto that newscast or we might still be searching for Killian."
"I'm glad he found it too," the deputy stated. "I'm glad we now know your husband's name, but there's still a huge mystery to unravel about how he ended up on the island before we can close this case. This morning, I was meeting with a colleague on the Portland police department as we're working on this as a joint investigation for the time being…"
"A joint investigation into what? Was my husband in a shipwreck or some kind?"
"No – not a shipwreck. Is that what you thought happened?" McCallen seemed understandably confused.
"Well, Killian was out sailing when he disappeared. I guess that was the most logical conclusion, but then I guess that doesn't explain the stab wound the nurse told me about."
"A shipwreck would have been a far easier investigation to sort out," McCallen sighed, glancing toward the window where Henry sat, headphones tucked into his ears as he tapped away on the tiny electronic screen. "Do you want to talk here or would you prefer to step outside?" he asked Emma, slightly uncomfortable about discussing case details in front of the teen.
"It's okay to talk here. It wouldn't be anything he hasn't heard before with his mom, stepdad and grandfather running the Sheriff department back home."
"Bit of a family business?"
"You could say that," she snickered. If only this young deputy knew the whole story…
"Okay – just checking. Why don't you have a seat while I fill you in on everything we know at this point?" McCallen retrieved a small, wirebound notebook from his uniform coat pocket while Emma finally settled down onto the plastic chair at Killian's side, feeling slightly awkward that they were about to discuss what had happened to him while he lay beside her unable to confirm or deny any of it. "As you know, the coastal islands here mostly fall under the jurisdiction of the Cumberland County Sheriff Department which was how I became involved in the case. I was sent out to investigate how an injured, unconscious man came to be found by the Coast Guard on one of our islands with no identification on him – further complicated by the fact that that our John Doe's fingerprints weren't in the system anywhere…"
"Yeah, Killian's a bit of an enigma. He doesn't usually carry a wallet and I really doubt you have the time right now for me to explain his lack of identifiable information in your database," her response came with an uncomfortable laugh that she hoped the deputy hadn't picked up on. "It's a very long story, but please, go on."
"Sounds like a story I'd like to hear some day, but I don't want to digress… Getting back to what we do know, yesterday, before releasing the photograph of your husband's jewelry to the news media, we also sent out a photograph of your husband to local county law enforcement as well as to some of the surrounding areas looking for any additional help in identifying your husband. I apologize that I wasn't familiar with your town of Story…" he struggled to think of the town's name so Emma helped him out.
"Storybrooke," she reminded him.
"Storybrooke," McCallen repeated. "I'd never heard of Storybrooke before so the alert didn't make it to you but our bulletin did generate a hit for facial recognition from the Portland PD – the ones I met with earlier today – who are investigating a robbery and hostage situation that took place the same morning that your husband wound up on the beach."
"You're saying that Killian may have been somehow involved in a robbery?" Emma was slightly dumbfounded at this new revelation.
"He was. I've confirmed that your husband was definitely there from the security video provided by Portland PD."
"How exactly was he involved?" she wondered, her mind racing with questions regarding what her pirate's intentions may have been that drew him into a robbery.
"From the accounts and evidence we have, he appears to have volunteered to allow himself to be taken hostage instead of the store owner," the deputy explained. "I'm heading over to speak to the proprietor myself later today to see if she can provide me with a better idea of how your husband ended up there in the first place to try and sort out the timeline of events."
"When did the robbery take place?"
"If we can believe the time stamp on the security camera footage, just before 11AM on Sunday morning. Portland PD's witness statements put the time between 10:30 and 11AM so we're pretty certain that the video is correct."
"And Killian was rescued from the island at what time?"
"We don't have the exact time that the fishermen spotted him, but Coast Guard Rescue received the call at 1:46PM."
"So the hazy timeline you're working with puts the physical attack – when he was actually stabbed - somewhere in those roughly three hours that are unaccounted for…" Emma thought out loud. "Killian sailed out of Storybrooke harbor about 6AM and ended up on the Portland waterfront about four hours later…"
"What kind of boat does your husband have?" McCallen queried. "One with a powerful motor?"
"One with sails," she deadpanned her response.
"Damn! He must have caught one heck of a breeze to bring a sailboat this far south in that amount of time. I mean, it took you two hours to drive it and sailboats aren't exactly the speediest mode of transportation…"
"It's a pretty good sized 'sailboat'," she chuckled, turning toward her husband and imagining the offense he would have taken to hear his ship referred to as a sailboat, but she also found herself wondering how he'd managed that much speed. "I just wonder what he was doing…"
"Does your husband make a habit out of going sailing alone?"
"He does. I guess you could say that it's his therapy. He's an expert captain and the sea was definitely his first true love…"
"Well, you've filled in a few more points on my timeline," McCallen said as he scribbled a few notes into his little memo pad. "Looking forward to getting some answers from him though." He gestured toward the unconscious Killian with his pen.
"You and me both," Emma sighed, reaching over to pat Killian's hand, remembering how happy she was that they'd found him and just how heartbreaking it was that he wasn't able to tell his side of this mysterious tale.
"I'm sure this hasn't been easy on you," the deputy said, his tone genuinely empathetic as he tucked his notebook and pen away. "I can't begin to imagine what the past few days have been like for your family not knowing where he'd vanished to."
"No, it certainly hasn't been easy. A whole lot of awful things went through my mind," Emma confessed. "Just looking forward to getting him safely back home now."
"Well, I'm going to get out of your hair for now. I've got a witness to go interview, but I promise to check back in with you later."
"Actually…," Emma spoke up as an idea suddenly popped into her head. "Would you mind if I tagged along? Professional courtesy or whatever?" She was slightly torn in asking, but she had her own questions – ones the young deputy might not think to ask and while she didn't really want to leave Killian's side, curiosity generally got the best of her and of course, there was no doubt that he would rather have his wife out there searching for whomever injured him than pining away here.
"I don't have a problem with it, Sheriff, but what about your son? I can't bring a teenager along to an interview…"
"I'll be fine here," Henry chimed in, clearly having been listening to far more of the conversation than he'd let on.
"If you think it would be okay with the guard and with the hospital staff, Henry could stay here so there would be a familiar face if Killian wakes up…," she suggested as she stood up. "I'd honestly rather stay here myself but my gut is telling me that we'll get more answers if I go with you."
"It's fine by me. I know Hank outside. As long as the kid stays in the room, he won't have a problem, but you might want to check with the nurses to see what they have to say," McCallen didn't really know what to make of this blonde Sheriff but she intrigued him. He had a feeling that she had a way of getting answers and admired the strength she displayed, not certain if he'd be able to even consider leaving his spouse's side if he'd just been reunited with them after days of being missing. Finding out what had happened to her husband was such a clear priority and it had the deputy smiling stupidly as she walked past him and headed out to the nurse's station, returning maybe a minute later to collect her coat.
"Okay, kid – you're cleared to stay here but should anything happen, you'll have to stay out of the way. You also need to stay here in the room unless told otherwise by security or one of the nurses."
"I'll be fine, Mom. I've got my phone, headphones and a charger. I can keep myself entertained," Henry insisted.
"Thought so. Call me if there are any changes, okay? We should be back in what – about an hour or so?" she looked over her shoulder at Deputy McCallen for confirmation.
"Um…yeah… I would say about an hour," the deputy stammered, not really certain how long the interview would take as he didn't really have a plethora of experience with these types of investigations. "If you're ready, we can head over to the witness' shop. She said she'll be there all afternoon and with traffic, it's about a fifteen minute drive from here."
"Okay – just a sec…," Emma paused as she tugged on her camel colored wool peacoat, lingering momentarily at Killian's bedside before stooping to plant a quick kiss on his forehead. "I'll be back soon," she whispered, hoping he was able to hear her. "Would love to see you awake when I get back." She then turned to Henry, giving him the same reminder that she'd return soon. "Do me a favor and give David a call? Let him know I'll fill him in on everything later?"
"I already texted him that message," Henry grinned, "but I'll give him a call too. I know Grandma's pretty worried." Emma nodded, agreeing that both of her parents were likely very worried since they still had so little information to work with and especially since after two days, Killian remained unconscious. She pushed back the lingering guilt as she really didn't want to leave him, but her inquisitive side was demanding answers and she felt she'd serve him better if she tried to obtain those answers instead of just sitting idly here.
"See you in a bit, kid. Don't do anything I would do," she said with a little grin as she stepped through the doorway following Deputy McCallen.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Mom," Henry responded as she left, realizing very quickly after she and the deputy were gone how eerily quiet it became. It wasn't totally silent as he could still hear the voices of people out in the corridor, but now that he was alone in this sterile hospital room, he felt a heightened awareness of the strange sounds coming from the abundance of machines and monitors that surrounded his stepfather – oddly equally unnerved and comforted by the unusual noises. It was weird and a little bit lonely – even though he wasn't technically alone. Killian was right here – just a few feet away from where he sat, yet at the same time, he wasn't there. He had no way of knowing if Killian could sense his presence – whether or not he now knew that he wasn't alone anymore in this strange city.
It certainly wasn't that Henry hadn't seen the pirate injured before. He'd had the unfortunate honor of watching Killian die twice for heaven's sake, but something about this was different. The boy sat there oddly transfixed by the unnaturally even rhythm of his stepfather's machine-aided breath and the consistent bleeps and blips that registered everything from his heart rate to blood pressure and other vitals that Henry couldn't even identify right now. It was all slightly surreal and there was a part of his mind that couldn't shake the thought that he could be sitting here watching his stepfather slowly dying yet again – all the while wishing that there was something he could do.
He finally broke his stare when he felt his phone vibrate in his hand with a message from Violet - a reply to his earlier text expressing her relief that Killian had been found. He responded with a promise to call her later when they had more information, remembering his assurance to his mom that he'd call his grandfather – awkwardly wondering for just a moment whether Killian might be bothered by him making a phone call.
Yeah, certainly nothing normal about this situation…
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Week 5 roundup: new guidelines, remote unlocking, forced surveillance, and resetting other people’s passwords
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Welcome to the third edition of my roundup blog posts. If you’re reading this, it means Tumblr’s text editor didn’t explode this time.
Germany set to detail security measures that must be present in web browsers they are deemed “secure”
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Image credit: Gizmodo
Modern web browsers are very capable and thus see widespread use. This means they should be secure against any attacker in the everchanging internet landscape. Because the scope of a possible attack is so wide nowadays, it is difficult to define what “secure” means in the context of a web browser. Regardless, Germany is set to detail guidelines that define what a browser must have in order to be deemed “secure”.
Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security, or Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), first introduced these guidelines in 2017. They have published a new draft document with new guidelines. The notable guidelines include:
Mandatory support for TLS
Mandatory support for a list of trusted certificates, including extended validation (EV) certificates. These certificates must be verified against a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) or Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
Indication to the user via iconography or colour to show the encryption status of network communications
Mandatory support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) (RFC 6797), Same Origin Policy (SOP), Content Security Policy (CSP) 2.0, and  Sub-resource integrity (SRI)
Mandatory signed and verifiable automatic updates of the browser and its installed extensions or plugins
The browser’s password manager, if it has one, must store user-deletable, encrypted passwords. Access to the password manager is only granted to the user after they have entered a master password
Browser cookies and history must be user-deletable
Giving organisations the option to disable or prevent the sending of browser telemetry or usage statistics, the ability to have locally locally-defined site blocklists, and the ability to regulate the browser addons or extensions installed
Mandatory inclusion of mechanism to detect harmful content or URLs
Accessible options to toggle plugins, extensions or Javascript
The browser must be executable with minimal permissions from the operating system
Mandatory sandboxing or isolation of webpages and browser components. Components may communicate with other components via an interface. Resources of the components must not be directly accessible
Browsers must be programmed in a language that support stack and heap memory protections
The browser’s vendor must move to a new browser if a security flaw is not fixed within 21 days of public disclosure
The draft document is currently going through public debate in Germany. Once this is complete, the BSI will publish the finalised document with all the guidelines.
Source: ZDNet
Zipato smart hubs had a vulnerability that allowed for the easy unlocking of connected smart locks
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Image credit: TechCrunch
Smart homes with smart things in them are thought to be more secure than their tradtional counterparts. However this is not the case as some security researchers discover a security flaw with Zipato smart hubs that made it possible to remotely unlock a connected smart lock. I wrote a separate blog post about this in more detail earlier in the week.
Source: TechCrunch
Tourists in China’s Xinjiang region are forced to install data-collecting malware on their smartphones
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Image credit: The Guardian
China already controls and sees what its citizens can see and say both on the network level and on the personal device level. It is more difficult to exert this control to personal devices from foreign tourists. Authorities in China’s Xinjiang region are flexing their powers to access these foreign devices.
A joint investigation between VICE, The New York Times, The Guardian,  Süddeutsche Zeitung and German broadcaster NDR has revealed the extent of the surveillance on foreign tourists being carried out by Xinjiang authorities.
Border authorities stop tourists and confiscate their phones. The authorities then install a pre-built malware app referred to as BXAQ or 蜂采 (Fēng cǎi). BXAQ collects data on the phone owner’s emails, text messages, contacts. The app also seems to collect data on the phone’s hardware specifications. Any data collected by the app is uploaded to a server.
The Xinjiang region of China is home to a large Muslim population. Chinese authorities are undergoing a mass surveillance program of the region and its people. BXAQ seems to be also searching and flagging any data or information related to Islam. Some of these include an al-Qaida produced magazine and information on the Islamic month of Ramadan. Other seemingly unrelated things BXAQ flags are information on the Dalai Lama and a Japanese metal band.
For iOS devices, the device is plugged into a reader that performs the same scanning procedures as BXAQ. Android devices support  third-party app sideloading so the BXAQ app is installed directly on the device and is uninstalled afterwards. In some reare cases, authorities did not uninstall BXAQ before return the phone to its owner. The APK file for the Android BXAQ app was obtained by VICE and uploaded to their GitHub account.
It is not clear where the collected data is sent to or how long it is stored before being deleted. The joint investigation also notes there is no evidence of surveillance of tourists after they have their phones returned to them.
Source: VICE, The New York TImes, The Guardian
7-Eleven Japan discontinues new mobile payment app within days after launch
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Image credit: Google Play
7-Eleven Japan recently launched a new mobile payment app. Usage of the app was discontinued within days because it allowed users to reset the passwords of other user accounts. I wrote a separate blog post about this in more detail.
Source: Android Police, ZDNet
In other news
Google releases the monthly Android security patch for July. Some critical vulnerabilities with the kernel, WLAN host and driver, and audio were fixed, with Android version 7.0 Nougat and newer affected.
Dating app fined for misleading users about privacy and leaking their nudes. The app leaked user’s photos for a year and did not make any changes despite being notified of the leak by several news sites when first discovered. The photos were found on an unprotected server.
Decade-old “Heaven’s Gate” technique is still being incorporated into modern malware. Heaven’s Gate works to allow 32-bit applications running on 64-bit machines to execute 64-bit code. 64-bit operating systems have a subsystem to run 32-bit applications and by escaping this, the malware application was able to evade antivirus detection. This vulnerability is patched in modern OSes like Windows 10, but Heaven’s Gate malware applications still target legacy OSes.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection suspends a subcontractor after collected information was transferred to its network that was attacked. Photos of travellers and car registration plates were transferred. Attackers stole government agency contracts, budget spreadsheets and slideshow presentations.
MacOS malware masquerading as an installer for Adobe Flash is appearing in Google search results. The malware installs mallicious applications and browser extensions.
Phishing site mimics the site used to obtain the Instagram “verified” checkmark. The site was discovered by some security researchers.
Google security researcher discovers an iMessage vulnerability that soft-bricks iPhones. The vulnerability caused the Springboard, the launcher app that handled the homescreen on iPhones, to crash and launch itself infinitely mimicing the behaviour of a bootloop. All solutions to recover from this require the affected user to wipe their device.
OpenID Foundation says “Sign In with Apple” is not OpenID complient and insecure. The new service announced by Apple at WWDC 2019 is built on top of the OpenID connect platform but is not compliant with all the standards set by the foundation.
Attack steals money from banks in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Kyrgyzstan. One affected bank in Bangladesh had over $3m USD stolen.
UK forensics firm paid ransom to attackers. The ransomware caused police to suspend all operations with the firm.
Hero image credit: Getty Images via The New York Times
0 notes
truebluedreamer · 8 years
87 fucking truths lmao
Rules: When you get tagged, the game is to write a note with 87 truths about yourself. After that, you’re supposed to tag 25 people. You also have to tag the person who tagged you. Let’s all get to know each other! I was tagged by: 
1. Last beverage: Oolong Tea
2. Last phone call: my grammy
3. Last text: My best friend @garden-goth
4. Last song: Crayon by G-Dragon
5. Last time you cried: two days ago for a very long time, it was horrible
Have you ever….
6. Dated someone twice: nope, never really dated anyone ever so
7. Been cheated on: nope
8. Kissed anyone and regretted it: ...YES
9. Lost someone special: Yes.
10. Been depressed: I’m currently depressed and have anxiety which I take medication for 
11. Been drunk and threw up: I’ve only thrown up briefly the next morning (I have acid reflux/GERD so alcohol late at night KILLS MY STOMACH but I’ve never had a hangover)
List your three favorite colors… 
12. Pink (all shades)
13. Red
14. Black
In the last year have you…
15. Made a new friend: Recently? I think so... maybe not, idk
16. Fallen out of love: yup
17. Laughed until you cried: a few times, and I love it
18. Met someone who changed you: Yes, many people. For the better, too, I hope.
19. Found out who your true friends are: Yup. Sammy is my #1, she’s the only one who really listens to me. I have friends who would be there for me if I really needed them, but it’s easy for me to tell when they care and when they don’t, and that’s kind of painful to realize.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: LOL yeaaaah and it really pissed me off, but what can you do?
21. Kissed anyone on your FB list: nope
22. How many people do you know on your FB list: I haven’t met all of them in real life, but I’ve spoken to most of them a lot, so I would say around 90%
23. Do you have any pets: YES!!! I have a dog, a siamese cat, a betta fish, and a leopard gecko. My sister has a crested gecko, but he creeps me out.
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah, it’s kind of unique so I don’t mind. My mom loves it too, so I could never.
25. What did you do for your last birthday party: Had cake and icecream with my family
26. What time did you wake up today: 11:14am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: scrolling through FB haha
28. Something you cannot wait for: to pay off my school bill and pay my gram for her car so I can start saving up for TEACHING ABROAD
29. Last time you saw your mother: literally two seconds ago, I live in her house
30. One thing you wish you could change about your life: My lack of money and motivation. At least I’m trying to fix both.
31. What are you listening to right now: my youngest brother, who turns 5 tomorrow, scream because he won Mario Kart against my dad and my other brother who is 7
32. Have you ever talked to a Tom: um... a guy named Tom? Yes
33. What’s getting on your nerves right now: My brother screaming -_-
34. Most viewed webpage: Tumblr right now
35. Nickname: Meegs, Meegee
36. Relationship status: Single, as always
37. Zodiac sign: Leo
38. Elementary: Not sharing this, too personal, nobody knows where I really live
39. High school: Nah
40. College: Lock Haven University of PA
41. Hair color: Brown
42. Long or short: Long
43. Height: 5’9″
44. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
45. What do you like about yourself: My eyes are a pretty color
46. Tattoos: A branch with 3 Rose of Sharon flowers, though one hasn’t bloomed yet, with the quote “the sun will rise and we will try again” from a Twenty One Pilots song
47. Right or left handed: Right
48. First piercings: ears, that’s it. Only the first hole. That’s literally it, until I move out I’m not really allowed to get any. My mom was already mad that I got a tattoo lol
49. First best friend: Abby Krah
50. First sport you joined: AYSO Soccer
51. First vacation: West Virginia? I think
52. First pair of trainers: no idea
53. Eating: nothin
54. Drinking: tea
55. About to: do some TEFL studying
56. Watching: The Office
57. Listening to: my brother cry because he got in trouble for hitting and my sister make stupid noises while playing with the dog
58. Waiting for: bed time -_- I love my siblings but holy crap, sometimes they’re so loud and I need a break but the only time I have away from them is when they go to bed lol
Your Future…
59. Want kids: not sure. Maybe, maybe not
60. Get married: I hope so, but I don’t really see it happening within the next 5-10 years. I haven’t even dated, really. I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m super in-experienced and I have really high standards when it comes to men because my dad is a great person and is always willing to do things for his family, and I want someone who will see me as an equal and NOT any other way. 
61. Career: dunno, I have a degree in English writing with a minor in history
62. Lips or eyes: both
63. Hugs or kisses: I LOVE hugs and cuddling
64. Shorter or taller: taller, for the love of god, I am so tall and I need someone taller I am so sorry but I hate being taller than the person I like
65. Older or younger: older, but as long as the person is MATURE enough for me, I don’t care. 
66. Romantic or spontaneous: both
67. Nice stomach or arms: don’t really care
68. Loud or sensitive: both? my family is loud, so they would need to be able to participate and handle it
69. Hook-up or relationship: RELATIONSHIP
70. Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker. I love adventure.
71. Kissed a stranger: ......... yes, damn it
72. Drank hard liquor: yep
73. Lost glasses/contacts: yes, not often though since I’ve worn them for over 16 years
74. Had sex on a first date: I’m a virgin, so... nah
75. Broken someone’s heart: No? don’t think so. I don’t know any guys who have had a crush on me???? or any who have come right out and said it at least
76. Been arrested: hell no
77. Turned someone down: Yes? but I couldn’t tell what they wanted, whether it was just sex or they actually liked me, so idk
78. Cried when someone died: YES. it hurts.
79. Fallen for a friend: yes, and it was horrible because it ended badly.
Do you believe in…
80. Yourself: I try to
81. Miracles: yes
82. Love at first sight: no
83. Heaven: I don’t see why not
84. Santa Claus: no lmao
85. Kisses on first dates: yep, only because my first date would be with someone I’m already comfortable with, so I would be comfortable with kissing them. I think.
86. Angels: I don’t see why not
87. Reincarnation: eh, I dunno
@garden-goth @yuurikaatsuki @grizzlyman77
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"affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will buying a 2005 Mistubishi Lancer Evolution 8 raise my insurance premium?
I'm looking into buying a new car and I'm a bit of a motor head and like to race. The Evo 8 is my next choice, but I can't find out how much it will raise my premium. Anyone know? If it helps, my insurance provider is Allstate.""
Does a Seat Belt Ticket in California increase insurance?
If I have to report a seat belt ticket to insurance, because i am using traffic school for a stop sign ticket, How much will my insurance go up by. I am 17 and I have ameriprise insurance for my car. PLease help also if i will not have a car or drive in college should i just lose my insurance or keep it for 4 years with a perfect record.""
Will adding factory bodykits affect your insurance costs?
Ok so i was just curious to know that if i buy the new Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in the SE trim level, with an insurance group of 3, if i was then to add a factory fitted bodykit from SEAT to replicate the Cupra model would this rise the insurance group and costs? This is what i was thinking of getting for it: http://seatepac.gedas.co.uk/productdetail.aspx?p_no=ZGB6J3071670""
Insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I turn 16 on December 30th, and i can get my license on January 4th. I know insurance costs less if you have a 3.0 or something like that in California, thats the state i'm asking about. Our new semester starts when we go back to school on the 3rd or something like that and i will have all a's. I was wondering if anyone knew if they look at those grades, or the final grades from the semester before? this is for the deduction on the insurance, anyone know?""
""When you had your first car, how much were you paying for the insurance?
im just gathering statistics
What car insurance has the best deals with teen drivers?
I'm 18 and a good student. I want to use the car for school and college. I will probably be putting 10k miles a year. how much will my insurance be? what company has the best offers for this? thanks
How much should I expect to pay for umbrella insurance?
I'm a landscaping contractor in Southern California. I think I need about $2,000,000 in umbrella insurance. How much should I expect to pay (yearly) for that?""
What car is very cheap to insure? Im 17 and really want a car!?
I was thinking about the peugeot 106 before ad the saxo but apparentley its too expensive, i just want to know a car that i can get quite cheap insurance for, bearing in mind im 17!""
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Same insurance company but different rates?
Is it true same insurance company but different agent offers different rates?
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
Does an not guilty accident effect the insurance rate in California?
the type where the opposite side confesses of their guilt but the case goes to insurance. will next time my insurance raise or it will be unaffected?
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
Do you need full coverage insurance to take a driving test?
How does that work? Me and my boyfriend just got a car & I still need to get my license in order to get full coverage insurance, but can I take my driving test without full coverage? I'm in a bit of a pickle here any opinions would be great! I live in California.""
I need cheap car insurance in New York City?
I need cheap (FULL) coverage for a financed vehicle in the NEw York Area...I've tried the popular sites...any leads?
Car Insurance and good grades ?
I hate All state as insurance. I am in college, how high does my GPA have to be and also how much do they lower insurance for having good grades?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
What car and insurance?
hi can anyone help my daughter wants a car she likes the fiat punto td sx i think it is and the vauxhall corsa merit and the citroen saxo and the ford ka and fiesta what is the best car for a first time car and what has the most cheap insurance as it would be a provisional licsence ? and what website has the most cheap insurance? if anybody has any idears for any other cars like these please help also is auto trader any good? thanks any Question plz ask
""I don't own a car, was involved in a wetreckless, and need good, cheap car insurance, can anyone help?!!?""
I don't own a car, was involved in a wetreckless, and need good, cheap car insurance, can anyone help?!!?""
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
Cheep car insurance companies in London?
I am a new driver, Can someone advice me how can I get cheep car insurance and with who? Thanks.""
Cheap car insurance in Texas?
Hii i don't have a job right now, the car insurance bills are very high, can somebody suggest me cheaper insurance , currently i am with geico and am in Texas. Thanks in advance""
What do you think is the best health insurance company in southern california?
i need to purchase individual coverage.
How much do you think my insurance will cost for my car?
I'm 16 and a female. I'm getting my license in a few days, and my parents are going to add me on to the insurance list. We've never had any accidents, except my dad, but someone hit him on his motorcycle, it wasn't his fault. My car will probably be made around 1998-2008. We have Allstate. What's your rough estimate?""
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
125 motorbike insurance 19 year old?
hi, im 19 and have had a car driving licence for 2 years and clean. As my car insurance renewal is ?n a few months and because its a 2.3litre and all that talk of premiums of increasing, its my option to sell my car for a motorbike and a riding experience, so typically how much would insurance be for a 19 year old, With a new bike licence but been driving a car for 2 years (if that matters) 1000 pound 125cc motorbike stored in a garage, immobiliser, not for any sort of business and miles of maximum 2000 a year. im just asking because insurance webpages don't open on my computer today, but i roughly remember whats asked for insurance. thanks in advance""
Insurance on a civic si?
Alright so im pretty sure that answer is going to be high but im thinking of buying a '06/'07/'08 civic si, but i was just wondering if any other si drivers could give me how much they pay for insurance. im 20 live in s. cali and have one ticket so i bet thats gonng drive it up but still want to know like an average. will it make a difference if i but a civic si sedan instead of the coupe?""
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
Is affordable (not free) health care a right or a privilege?
There are many constituancies in this debate not the least of which is individual health responsibility. That said the costs are driven in large part by greed. Insurance, hospitals, doctors, drug companies, lawyers, restaurants and the food industry and fraudsters all have a dog in this fight. If affordable health care is believed to be a right (I believe it is) then all of these constituants need to come together. Al Tennessee""
What is the product of an insurance company?
every company has a product, what is the product of an insurance company""
""So, is a MAZDA 3 sedan good for first time driver?""
insurance cost?( 19 and a female, live in sf) my dad could own the car and put me as co owner so that insurance wud be lower..hmm? fuel cost? and the cost of the car( including taxes and everything else) please help!""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
How much does insurance for motorcycle cost? Whats the average? Is it monthly?
Is car insurance mandatory?
I'm 16 years of age. i don't know that much about business. If i purchase a car, MUST i pay car insurance? is it mandatory? What will happen if I don't have car insurance?""
How to these rich boy racers who are like 18-19 afford the insurance on aventadors and audi r8's?
How do they get quoted at such a young age on supercars,I understand money's not a problem for them so it doesn't matter what the price is but if I wanted 2litre audi at my age (17) a insurance company wouldn't even quote me""
Can i get car insurance as a learner driver?
i am a learner driver and was wondering if i can get learner car insurance if i got a car and a qualified driver to teach me
Life insurance - can policy owner change % allocation after death of insured?
My sister has a policy with NY Life where she is the policy owner.. AND is 50% beneficiary with me. My mothe passed away 2 weeks ago.. however my sister tried calling NY Life to change the % to her benefit, 70/30. Bottom line my sister is cheating me out the insurance money. Can this be done post death? I've always thought once insured has died changes can NOT be made. I may be wrong..... Any comments or suggestions?""
Would car insurance be expensive for a Mazda RX-8?
expensive being around sportscar/ muscle car range or like a regular cars insurance?
Are Farmers Insurance rates competitive?
My friend has auto insurance with them and claims they raised his insurance rates 4 consecutive times (every 6 months). He has 3 cars with them and no accidents nor tickets during this period. Is this normal other insurance companies to be raising their rates during the last 2 years? I mean the economy sucks and they still raising rates? Is the insurance business a monopoly? Do they raise their rates all at the same time, same rates?""
Insurance company GETTING AWAY?
I was reently rear-ended, my vehicle was totaled. My MEDICAL insurance paid for all our medical costs, does that mean that the other drivers car insurance company gets away without paying anything. At the hospital I gave all my medical insurance info, recently I got a letter from the hospital saying that all cost were already paid by my MEDICAL insurance company. Is the other drivers CAR insurance company gonna get away without paying anything? They have accepted FULL fault, since I was rear-ened.""
What kind of car could i buy under around 4200 and is a cheap on insurance but is fast ?
What kind of car could i buy under around 4200 and is a cheap on insurance but is fast ?
Cheap car insurance quotes??
I've heard 'Co-op' is a good place to get cheap car insurance from.. However i've tried to get a quote of their site and it seems they want you to have a car already chosen or something. I don't have a car, im 18 and i neeeed one. Can anyone help me!? I'd like a fiat 500 orrrr a silver fiesta. Thank you!""
If i have one product insurance with two companies can i claim both?
I lost a mobile phone. I have insurance from my bank and network provider, so can i claim from both of them?""
Cheap Car Insurance in Fl?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I have a 95 Pontiac Firebird . What are some super cheap car insurances in Florida . I just need the basic coverage , like just the state minimum . Can somebody please tell me some cheap insurance companies !""
Life insurance on an ailing parent? How do I take out a policy on my mother?
I'm the sole caretaker of my ailing mother, I have no siblings, just a husband, a 4 y/o and a baby on the way. My mother and I have been talking and she needs life insurance. I take care of everything with the household, bills, etc....but I'm kinda unsure what to do about life insurance. Right now I'm about to get power of attorney over everything but I'm inexperienced about the life insurance thing. What are some good companies to go with? What kind do I get? I think she had life insurance when she was working about 5-6 years ago but she has no clue what happened to it..so I'm taking matters into my own hands. Help? She has ALS (Lou Gehrigs).""
What states don't require auto insurance?
As a young driver auto insurance is way to expensive. Since I drive a Mercedes most quote me at thousands of dollars a year. More than what I can afford. I know some states don't require car insurance if you can prove you have the financial means to pay out if you cause an accident. I need a list of those states that don't require auto insurance if you can prove you can afford to pay out. On top of this question how do I prove I can afford it. Do I need to keep a minimum amount of money in a bank account or do I have to buy a bond how does it work. And if it works with a bond or bank account please list the states with the minimum $ you need in bonds or account money. The reason Im asking is that I can easily get a minimum amount in my account (hopefully under $10,000) because id rather have $10,000 sitting in a bank I cant use than having to pay thousands a year for insurance I don't need. I been driving for 3 years and I never had an accident and im confident I never will (at least not one that's my fault) so I don't wanna waste thousands of dollars I need for my school. The reason Im asking is cause im looking for a state that suits me. So far Vermont and new Hampshire have laws to my liking but hopefully you guys can give me more possibilities by answering this question. Thanks""
Why are Pickup trucks so expensive to insure?
ok, I'm 17 and I own a 1999 Dodge Ram 4x4. I pay an insane amount for insurance, and I know I'm a teenager, but I haven't had any tickets or accidents to make it go up. Anyway, my truck is really common in my area, there are Ford, Chevy, and Dodge trucks everywhere you look. But yet I compare the insurance of my truck to a brand new Camaro SS, and the Camaro way cheaper, Heck I compared it to a Brand new Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG, and it's still way cheaper. I'm thinking about getting a little newer Dodge Ram, but the insurance is a little more expensive on it than what I'm already paying. So why are trucks the most expensive vehicles to insure? I mean if they are in a low speed accident, they don't cost nearly as much to fix as a Brand new expensive car such as a Mercedes with expensive parts, and trucks don't get damaged as easily either. It's kind of frustrating that I have a 11 year old vehicle that you see everywhere, and the cost to insure it is outrageous already, but even If I get the same truck only 5 years old, it's even more to insure, which is understandable seeing how it's newer. I know trucks are big, but even a Brand new Suburban cost less to insure than my 11 year old truck. The truck I'm thinking about buying is the most expensive vehicle possible to insure on a standard drivers license.""
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
Looking for health insurance?
I'm a 23 year old male bartender that has recently graduated from school and thus has been recently dropped from my parents' insurance plan. All I really need is a good ...show more
What kind of Certificate of Insurance do I need.?
Hi. I just found a new apartment and in the lease contract there is something about a Section 1940.5 of the California Civil Code. The code basically says that if I have a waterbed or fish tank that is over 5 gallons I need to provide the landlord with a certificate of Insurance in the amount of $100,000. What kind of insurance would I be looking for to cover this? I have a 18 gallon fish tank that I would like to keep. Thank you!""
""What company in ON, Canada will insure my 1976 corvette?, im only 17?""
What company in ON, Canada will insure my 1976 corvette?, im only 17?""
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
Is this true about car insurance?
I know that when you're 25, your car insurance is usually lowered. Today someone told me if you're under 25 but over 18 and have a child, your insurance is the same as someone over 25. Is that true?""
Are harleys cheaper to insure compared to a 600cc sportbike?
i live in ontario and i am wondering because the average sportbike insurance is 4500 a year so i am wondering if a harley will be lower or higher
Dental insurance..?
Hi, i am a student so i do not have much money. I am living in Melbourne, Australia. I would like to know if there is an affordable health insurance that cover dental needs. I need to remove my 4 wisdow teeth and also i would like to put some braces...but i can not aford it. Would an insurance be worth in this case?""
Car rental insurance ?
i'm going to rent a car for 3 weeks from avis but there are 4 types of insurance to choose from : (1) Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) Personal Effects Protection (PEP) what does each one mean ? and which is necessary ? note : am not US citizen .
I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?
Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How can I get a fair replacement cost by the auto insurance company when my car is totaled?
my car is being paid off by the other person's insurance company, not mine.""
Can i buy a car with no car insurance?
don't i get the insurance afterwards... both of my parents just past so I'm trying to get my life going....just need a little help NO HATERS
Classic car insurance from a 17 year old? less than a grand (VW Beetle)?
Hi all, Im 17 a VW enthusiast and just passed my driving test. I'm not saying im going to be any different to the statistics but im not a racer at all, lack of experience is still an issue though Guys preimiems are double girls and yet i think its possible to get insurance ive heard of people who have just wonder from which company? Im after insurance for a VW type 1 1300 beetle or a VW split screen camper for a 17 year old. As anyone who has tried getting a quote for a 17 year old boy its going to be 800 for cheap 1L car, 900 for a 1.25L Fiesta or 1,400 for a 1.4L Zetec. So im after insurance for less than 1000 has anyone manged it for a classic car? and where? The RAC quoted 1,100 and then went to ask about it and then they refused had several quote for a 1.6L beetle (due to age and slowness) of 1,400 but would like under a 1000""
Car insurance for 17year olds? ?
Please answer this question for my cousin: I'm 17 in november and I'm planning on taking my theory on my birthday and the practical 3/4 weeks later because I can already drive well but before my practical I just want to have 3weeks worth of lessons on the road with the public instead of friends cars and stuff. My mum has said she will help me buy a car but when I look at insurance quotes they are very very expensive. I wanted to put my long term boyfriend who I live with during term time on my insurance policy so he can drive it as well. He has his own car but he is thinking of getting rid of it soon. He has been driving for 3 years and is 22. Is it cheaper just to have myself on the policy or with him on it too? What cars are nice (no old fashioned ugly cars) are cheap to insure for a 17year old girl?
""Under Obama's socialized medicine, what would happen to those that work for health insurance companies?""
What would happen to those who work in medical billing & coding, claims departments for insurance companies, underwriting, etc... Wouldn't this just raise unemployment?""
Is buying health insurance across state lines just a strategy to lower quality?
Allowing states to issue insurance across state lines allows the originator to bypass the regulations of the state being sold to. Since the regulations insure quality; and states with the crappiest quality insurance due to lack of regulation can be the most affordable is this not another example of trading gold for candy as offered by the GOP?
Insurance and tickets?
I got pulled over for being on my cell phone but the cop gave me a ticket for not wearing my seat belt which is only $46, i can pay online, and i dont have to go to court. Will this ticket be reported to my insurance?""
1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta Insurance???
How much would a 1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta cost? Would it be really high because its a sports car? I have a great deal on a GREAT looking car and just wondered if i could afford the insurance..... Im almost 18 and a boy if that helps you answer....
Proof of Insurance (NJ)?
Today, while driving home from school, an officer stopped me. I pulled over and proceeded to give him, my license, registration, and insurance. However, I was not given a ticket for speeding, but for failing to produce insurance. He told me that copies of insurance do not count, yet I gave him not only a copy, but the original which had been torn. Will I be charged with failure to produce insurance, even though I had a copy, and the torn original ?""
""When buying your most recent car, how did you obtain auto insurance?""
A few options, feel free to choose one or just let me know what happened to you. A. You bought insurance at the dealership B. You bought insurance at home within a week of purchasing the vehicle C. You bought insurance at home longer than a week after purchasing the vehicle D. You already had insurance and just added the car to your existing policy. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you drove home uninsured. :) Thanks! Also, let me know if you bought a new or used car.""
Car Insurance Quote - Looking for afford auto insurance?
Car Insurance Quote does some one know a cheap auto insurance that is dependable I am a good driver please advise.
What is insurance?Explain?
I mean what is malpractice insurance, car insurance ,health insurance, etc. Please explain is simple, clear and easy words.""
If i buy 2008 BMW M3 - how much would i have to pay for insurance?
i am 17 years old Ontraio Canada the car should come in white, alarm system, no tinted windows fair safety rating...""
Health insurance and ma.health?
If you are 19 and have coverage under your fathers insurance . You have no job or income and Living with grandparent because of health issues Can you still have Ma. Health to help cover medication and co-payments for doctors? Applied once and told no because they have coverage under the fathers insurance. Has applied for disability because of the medical illness. Do not know of any other insurance to help with costs.
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance for a HD night rod special or VROD?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance for a HD night rod special or VROD?
Does a car being Stolen/Recovered Affect Future Insurance Policies?
I am looking to buy a car, and wondering whether a car that had been stolen with keys, and recovered (but not before the insurance company had paid out for it) will have problems getting insurance, similar to cars rated as Cat C, or Cat D?""
How many years no claims bonus does it take for your car insurance quote to be at its minimum?
For example, If I were to insure an Audi RS4 which costs around 48,000 - which group would this be in?? etc...""
How much would it cost if my parent added me to his/hers insurance?
I'm 17 and I've got a provisional licence and I can drive my dads car if I'm on his insurance and if he's in the car whilst I'm driving. He has a modern looking rover that was made in 2002 and litre is 1.4. Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost? Thanks.
How much is the insurance for a 2003 Nissan Maxima?
I am a teenage driver and i need a cheap car but a nice car
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
Affordable Care Act?
My wife is 54 with diabetes (insulin) and high blood pressure. I care about my wife and want to act to buy her what i can afford which is up to 200 dollars a month. I can not fine an insurance company that will take her. What do i do when she won't qualify for medicaid either.
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
How much is the average cost of premiums for E&O insurance for a CPA firm?
I'm wondering what would be an average estimated cost for e&o insurance costs for a CPA firm? the firm has more than 3 people and more than $400,000 in revenue""
18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
Car insurance?
after a claim with my car insurance they wanted the policy payment in full,i would;nt pay it at first because of the crap service i recieved.4 weeks later i said i would pay as long as my policy ran its term they refused but still want the policy money.now they wont release my no claims bonus until i give them the money. what can i do ?""
Female teen car insurance cost?
I am 17. I took drivers ed which gives me some discount on my insurance and get good grades. Would this give me a discount? I would like to know how much it would be for me to get insured on my parents insurance as a secondary driver. As well, i will have my own car, but since i am an only child there will be three cars and three people, so can i still be put down as a secondary driver ?""
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Ok...so I'm looking at an old 73' Bug to possibly buy for college and all. Cost- of the car at least- is not a problem, as its $100, and I have $100. (Yes, it does have issues and looks horrible, but hey it runs and drives). So...that brings up insurance. There is NO way I can get in on my mom's insurance- she won't let me get a car so the only way is if I do all myself, and I'm 18 now and going to college in a few weeks, so a=Im looking at my options. I know as a male teenage driver its going to be high, but what is high? How much will good grades and all that help? Just, what would you recommend and how much could it end up costing? Thanks...""
Will just one speeding ticket increase insurance rates?
I got a speeding ticket for going 70/55. This is my first moving violation since 2004, but that one should be off my record. I also got a ticket for having a cracked back window in June, but that carried no demerit points. I am in my early 20s. How much is this likely to impact my insurance rates? I am a resident of Virginia""
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
Motorcycle insurance?
How much is insurance? I am 15 1/2 (male) and I want to get a ninja 250r. I live in california, I get good grades and I will take the basic riders course ( I hear good grades and the brc give insurance discounts).""
What is the expected value for a 21-yr old who buys insurance?
The ABC Insurance company charges a 21-year old male a premium of $250 for a one year $100,000 life insurance policy. A 21-year old male has a 0.9985 probability of living for a year (based on data from the National Center for health Statistics.) A. What is the expected value for a 21-yearold male who buys the insurance? B. B. What would be the cost of the insurance polity if the company just breaks even?""
Car insurance for a Ford Mustang GT?
I am saving up to buy a 2004 Ford Mustang GT for my 19th birthday. I have no wrecks or tickets on my record and have been to driving classes. How much would insurance be if 1) I had the car put under my parents name or 2) I had it put under my name only
What is a 2Dr car that has low insurance rates?
around $5,000 range runs well""
Insurance while in the military?
How does insurance work when the car is registered in another state which for me is california and I'm currently stationed in texas. What address would i use if my car is with me in texas but is registered in cali.
Car Insurance Quote so high?
I'm an experienced driver here in Ontario Canada. I'm 26 years old and own a full G level driving license. My record is clean. I'm looking to get my first insurance coverage, with a used Toyota Sienna CE 2005. I would be the sole owner of the vehicle and only driver for the most part. Wont even be driving too often. However, I got two quotes and they are outrageous. about $350 a month for only liability coverage and the other even more. How come a clean record first time insuree ca get such bloated quotes?""
Where can a 29 year old student find health insurance?
I am a 29 year old substitute teacher and part time student. I am looking for some type of affordable health isurance and prescription plan. I am in need of some help...I have no idea where to look. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
""Speeding ticket, will it raise my insurance in texas?""
hey, I got a speeding ticket a few days ago and would like to take the defensive driving class instead, if the judge will let me. i really dont want to let my dad know about it and i am willing to pay all of it, i just dont want to have to deal with my dad. Will my insurance go up even if i do the defensive driving class? Thanks!""
Should i tell my car insurance?
i got 3 bans but now legal and got a new job as a delivery driver should i tell my insurance company and would it make my insurance cheaper
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
Insurance company !?????
How does someone own or idk a insurance company.. I mean I would like to own my own office with State Farm insurance how do you go by doing this
Riding a 125 motorbike on fully comp car insurance?
hi does anyone know, if you can ride a 125 motorbike with l pates and cbt on a fully comp car insurance, i know i can drive other vehciles on fully comp insurance but it turns into third party only , can it be done with my motorbike , thanks .""
Does my insurance go up after I get a ticket in someone else car? Or the owner of the car insurance goes up?
I got pulled over for speeding and the officer never asked for the insurance card. Since he didn't ask for the insurance card, does that mean my pay rate will be the same? Or can the insurance company find out by the tag number? Please inform me because this is my first time. Thanks! Also remember I was in someone else car.""
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim??""
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
affordable health insurance for two partner law firm
0 notes
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
"How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families?
Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families? Everyone for the bill is so happy because they finally get affordable insurance, but I have yet to hear how much they will really be saving compared to private insurers? Thanks!""
1998 V6 Firebird Insurance?
I'm 18 years old, just graduated high school, and am looking to buy a car to get to college and back home. What is the insurance on a 1998 v6 firebird or camaro based on a clean driving record and taken the driver's ed courses?""
Low premium high return life insurance policies of life insurance corporation of india?
is jeevan saral a good choice?
Is this insurance company giving me the runaround?
I filed a claim with USAA on September 5th on a hit and run accident in which the police were able to find the person and get his insurance. He called them and said he didn't do it - and I hit him. I called, gave my side of the story and the number of the police who were handling the accident. They always say they will call me back and they don't - so I call them in which they give me another date they will get back to me. They never ONCE have gotten back to me. The policy holder who hit me is now in jail on an unrelated offense and they say they cannot get his statements - duh. They say they will contact the police and get back to me - but they never have. The damage to the car isn't that much - it is $416 (just a headlight) but I cannot afford to pay for it. Putting it through my insurance is dumb because the deductable is $500 - at least I think that is how it works. Could you give me advice on how to deal with USAA? I can't talk to them on the weekends because they say they can't handle my existing claim. I'm getting REALLY frustrated.""
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
Car insurance__________________?
How much do you pay for car insurance? (in a year), mine is going to expire in november (november, 30) when I am supposed to go to the agency to renew it? Can I go for example on november 1st?""
Who's a good Life insurance company?
I'm looking for Life Insurance Company that doesn't require health exam for my husband. He's a tabacco user Copenhagen Long-cut but a non-smoker . We are looking to get a policy $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. I see those advertisements on TV saying you can get $250,000 for $30.00. You know what I'm talking about? He's never been sick but he is a little over weight. Come on who isn't? LOL Help, Please for those who know something about Life Insurance policy. Tks.""
Whats the cheapest insurance company in NYC?
Whats the cheapest insurance company in NYC?
Are the insurance companies having a super party right now?
I mean it is now law that they will have a steady stream of customers. So are they psyched?
""How much on average would insurance cost for my 150cc motorcycle? 23 years old, 100% clean driving record.?""
Live in michigan and if it makes any difference, i would be driving it under 20 miles per day.""
""My husband and I want to get Life Insurance, help!?""
We have NO idea how this works. We have NO kids, we are in our mid 30's and relatively healthy. We prefer the NON hassle of no medical exam, etc. Can someone give us a hassle free/low cost, name of a company to use and explain how Life Insurance works? (I know the basics, that if one of us dies, we get benefits yada yada)""
How can I find affordable auto insurance quote online?
How can I find auto car cheap insurance quote?
What are some good homeowner insurance companies in Louisiana area ?
i want to have different quotes from different companies ! but i don't know much about this.. by the way what is the average premium homeowner insurance in LA ?
""How much does private health insurance cost in Johannesburg, South Africa for 1 healthy young person?""
My husband may be relocated to South Africa for about a year. My sister was going to come with us. My husband gets health insurance through his work for him and I and my two kids. My sister would have to get her own health insurance. I understand that you want private coverage over there b/c its considerably better. We are from the U.S. Does anybody know the average cost (just an estimate) of about how much it would cost her per month for private health care insurance over there for one person? We would be in the Johannesburg area. She is 26 yrs old, non smoker, physically fit, no health problems at all, etc. No maternity coverage needed either.just a basic just in case something happens plan. Shes had no prior surgeries or anything else like that and no pre existing conditions. She also does not take any medications. Any info on this would help a lot! Thanks.""
Health insurance for my to be step son...?
my boyfriend wants to get his son health insurance but not himself. I think he should insure both his son and himself but he doesnt want to. He wants to wait until we get married and ...show more
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
Dental insurance Help. Dont have insurance. 21 yrs old?
Hello, im 21 and from California. My question is about dental insurance if anyone could give me some helpful Information. I don't have dental insurance and have no idea how to go about getting it. I currently have a few cavity's and a crown that needs to be done. Im not sure how that could affect me getting insurance? Also how much is dental insurance.. a range? Any info you can give me on how to start looking for an insurance would be great..THANKS!!""
Car insurance quote?
does anyone know a website that can give me an aprox car quote without having to go through all of the sign up etc process?
Will I go to jail for not having health insurance?
Will I go to jail for not having health insurance?
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Umbrella insurance?
instant quotes for the stand alone umbrella insurance in california
How much would my car insurance be?
Right now I have a Nissan Maxima that im paying about $1000 per year liability insurance on. But this car is giving me problems and I am tired of putting money into it so im looking into a new one. I seen a nice 08 Honda that I can afford but my only concern is that my insurance will skyrocket because I have been told that I would have to get full coverage on it. So about how much would insurance on a 08 Honda accord be for a 20 year old male. Btw I have all state right now can anyone recommend a nice cheap insurance?
What are good sites to get multiple car insurance quotes all at once so you can compare?
I don't mean individual insurance companies like geico or all-state, I mean where it can do the quotes for multiple companies at a time. Know any safe & legit websites? I don't want to put my personal info just anywhere.""
How much will my insurance rise?
I recently got a speeding ticket for going 9 over in a school zone as well as one for talking on a cell phone in a school zone. I was curious as to how much my insurance will rise. I am 18 and recieved the ticket in Texas. This is my first offense(s). How many points for insurance is a cell phone ticket? Thanks so much!
Where can i get affordable health insurance for my family w/ maternity coverage?
i am currently looking for family health insurance. if i go thru my job it way too expensive. i also need to include maternity coverage. does anyone know of any insurance companies? whenever i go directly to the provider website like united healthcare or cigna it always directs the webpage to ehealthinsurance, and while yes their affordable they don't offer maternity coverage. thanks for any suggestions""
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
Where can i find insurance for a barber shop?
what are the best insurance companies for barbershop insurance? where should i look?
i am looking to get car insurance.
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx""
Will a car thats registered as non op and has a salvaged title cost more for insurance?
Will a car thats registered as non op and has a salvaged title cost more for insurance?
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm looking for the cheapest car insurance coverage right now. All I need is an affordable quote, so I don't care about how good the company is or how much they will cover. I just need affordable insurance to drive a car. I had 2 tickets, and all the quotes I've been getting so far are over $1,000 for 6 months. I am fully aware that I drove like a dummy and was unlucky as hell; that's where the 2 tickets came from. So please don't make any comment on that. I just need some help. Thank you!""
Can a minor in California purchase auto insurance?
I am 17 and I was wondering if I could just buy my own auto insurance instead of having to get on an adults insurance. I live in California.
How much is insurance for a 15 year old girl?
I live in Denton, TX and I'm going to get my permit soon and my mom said I can't drive her car until I get insurance ! I started working recently and I can pay for it but i just need to know how much it is ! So can you please tell me the how much insurance will cost in Denton, TX for a 15 year old girl ! And also I want to save up to buy my car ! Whats some cute cars for a girl ! Something like a Altima or Fusion ! Thanks (:""
How much does it cost to insure a motorcycle?
My age group is 18-25 I have no experiance How much will be insurance on a : Honda CBR125r Kawasaki Ninja 250r Is an older bike better (Learning, and cheap to insure) for a first time buyer/rider? Location: Canada""
Enterprise Rent a Car Insurance?
I reserved a rental car in California with Enterprise. The price was $9.99/day because of a weekend deal . When I checked in at the counter the agent told me that I needed to either provide proof of FULL COVERAGE insurance or purchase their insurance (which would raise my daily rate from $9.99 to $40)!! If I didn't do either then they wouldn't let me rent a car. I thought that was ridiculous and decided not to rent a car. I've never been required to show proof of any type if insurance whether it be liability or full coverage when renting a car. Was there some recent law that I missed or were they scamming me?
Who are the top insurance providers in the US for life insurance?
I am wanting to get life insurance for myself and want to find out some good references or list of common providers in US. Also, I need guidance of selecting the type of life insurance (what type of policy do most people normally get). Thanks""
I pay 450$ for car insurance. Ridiculous!?
I am 20 yrs old, have a full license with no accidents or major tickets. How do they expect young people to survive? With gas at crazy prices i pay nearly 800$ a month on gas and car insurance. I drive a Honda Accord and i need the car due to my commitments. Any thoughts?""
Car insurance refusal.?
I got my self as a named driver on my dads insurance policy,and then phoned them up to confirm payments, but the representitive worked out i was not my dad phoning in. when i told her that i was his son and just wnted to make sure weather,they recieved the money or not, she went and canceled the policy saying i had broken the data protection act. she told me they would'nt charge me anything but my dad would have to tell other insurance companies that he had been refused insurance, i just want to know that will this make a difference to my dad's future insurance quotes?""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm 18 and want to get insured. How much would it be? I've been passed since July? What if I get my dad the registered keeper and me second driver? My mate she's 18 and she's got insurance. Come on, there must be a way!""
Why is insurance on an s2000 so expensive?
I have been looking for used cars in the 10-15 grand range as my second car, currently drive a miata, and I am stuck on a few cars: -01-02 s2000 -01 m5 -01-03 s4 I just recently turned 18, and took my driving test, and passed. I'm a male, about to graduate highschool with above a 3.0 and am already enrolled for a Junior College starting in Fall. I haven't received a violation yet, and I don't think I will any time soon. I was just wondering why insurance on an s2000 is MORE expensive than an m5 or s4. I was really sold on the s2000 because its 4 cylinders naturally aspirated (cheap on gas), a convertible, and relatively pretty. All of this was great news, until I saw how much insurance would be for this car. Lets look at the facts for these cars s2000: 2 door convertible 237hp/153lbft RWD 2 Liter N/A 4 cylinder top speed: 155 0-60: 5.5 - 6 seconds m5: 4 door Hardtop 394hp - I don't know the torque RWD 4.9 liter Naturally Aspirated v8 top speed: ~180 mph / 155 mph with limiter 0-60: 4.7-5 seconds s4: 4 door Hardtop 261HP/I do not know the torque AWD 2.7 Liter Twin Turbo v6 top speed: do not know/ limited to 155mph 0-60: 5.5 seconds I know that the small size of the car may make the s2000 unsafe, but the m5 is much more of a car than the s2000, and in my opinion much, MUCH more unsafe than the s2000. The s2000 is a sports car, but what is the m5 then, a 4 door family car? It is much more than that. High performance sports car in my opinion would be much more apropriate. If you are knowledgeable in the area of car insurance, i.e. you are a insurance agent or work for an insurance company, could you please let me know why an 18 year old has a easier time insuring an m5 or s4 than an s2000 under the exact same plan? Thanks for reading, and if you answer, thank you for answering. Have a nice day!""
What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?
ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.""
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
Car Accident in Michigan and no insurace?
I was in a car accident in Michigan and did not have car insurance, police did come, i did not recieve any tickets and it was determined that it was not my fault but my car is messed up pretty bad and so is the other car, now i am wondering even though the other driver said it was his fault and said his insurance would pay for it I know does not neccisarily mean that it will, but I did read somewhere that I might be counter sued, or that i may just have to pay his deductable, does anyone have any insight about this and what I should expect or expect nothing at all, yes i know i should not of been driving a vehile without atleast plpd but the car is not mine and not in my name so please no rude comments just asking for advice about the situation. Please and Thank you ;)""
Should I get insurance for my new puppy?
Just got a new pitbull about 2 weeks ago should I get insurance for her?
Teenage Car Insurance Question?
I am a new teenage driver about to go for his license in a few weeks. Before I do I have to be on one of my parents insurance plans. My mom says that adding me to hers would be about $1800 yearly and my dad just says that that is ridiculously high. I don't know which one of them to believe on this issue so: How much is average teenage car Insurance
DUI and Car Insurance???
What is the cheapest car insurance out there to get for someone who has a DUI and a speeding ticket within the last 3 years?
Purchasing an aircraft with no licenses? Insurance costs?
Hi guys my friend is selling his Piper Warrior and I'm interested in purchasing it with no licenses. Obviously I would have my friends who are CFI qualified with me every time I am in the aircraft until I do acquire the license. Anybody have an idea for insurance costs for owning an aircraft without a license as well as renting the aircraft to others?
How much will it cost to insure a motorbike such as cbr600f if im 23 and just passed my test?
And are there ways of cheapening the cost - I really have no clue of how much motorbikes cost to insure. the cbr600f is group 14,which sounds reasonable. Can i lump the insurance with a car thats group 11? i live in the uk.""
How much increase will I expect in my car insurance premium after an accident that was my fault?
I rear-ended a car that in turn rear-ended another car. Damage to my car cost $6500, liability claims against my policy at $5000. Also one driver claimed for bodily injury amounting to $2000. I am insured under Progressive in Texas""
Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?
Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?
Liberals: You are required by law to purchase automobile insurance. Why not health insurance?
The reason you are required by law to purchase auto insurance is so that you cannot screw over society by making them pay for your car accidents when you can't pay for them yourself. Same with health insurance. People get sick and then others end up paying for them. It's much easier to require everyone to pay health insurance, just as with auto insurance. Do you agree?""
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How do you find the cheapest car insurance?
I'm almost 20 been driving since I was 16. No accidents, no tickets. I've been on my grandparents insurance but now it's time I get my own. How do I go about finding the cheapest car insurance?""
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Auto Insurance discount along with online traffic school course?
I got a traffic ticket, want to remove it. I heard some where that online traffic school course offers auto insurance discount along with traffic ticket dismissal. Can any one suggest me the source where I can get information on this?""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
Which car has the cheapest insurance?
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series (Convertible) BMW 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 (Sedan) Cadillac CTS Lexus IS Lexus GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class Mercedes-Benz S-Class These are cars I want to get but my dad said that he wants me to pay for insurance and gas. I want something with the cheapest insurance BUT ALSO on this list.
Car Insurance help please?
I'm 19 year old male. I got my license for the first time (1 month ago) in NC. I was added to my moms insurance (i don't have a car) and first they told me it was $300 every 2 months for me, now they are saying its $445. I am trying to save up for a car to buy in January and I don't drive my moms car. I asked the insurance company can I be taken off the policy and they said Turn your license back in or show proof of insurance with another company... I rent a car about once a week from ZipCar (Insurance included) and I don't want to turn my license back in. Anyone have any experience?""
If my son is on my parents insurance does that mean they claim him on his taxes?
Okay my son is now 1 year old. He is on my parents insurance, we live with them, and my parents pretty much support him.(pay for all expenses).. Now my sons father wants to put him on his taxes. I know he just wants to get money to get him a new car. he also says he will get me a car too. but idk about that. When i told him i think my parents already claimed him, he started yelling its his son, and told me to give him his security card(he has a really bad temper and gets angry to where i get scared) so i did.. but now i need to sign a paper..and i dont want too.. Here is my thing i told him that he is automatically on my parents taxes, because he is on there insurance, so that would mean i would have to take aiden off of their insurance(Which means he wouldnt be on any insurance)he started yelling how stupid i am and just to sign paper, my question is is it true that because my parents have him on their insurance, he is on their taxes. What should i do? Thanks for anyhelp. Sorry long question. Please no rude answers""
Help with car insurance question!?
Around what price range do you believe a 16 year old girl's (with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car insurance would cost?
Is it better to buy cheaper can than expensive car?
I love expensive sports cars, but I don`t need to have it, I can just watch those at museum, stores, and photos. I think buying cars is waste of money. It costs money to buy cars, car insurance, gasoline, and parking ticket. Also cars get stolen lot , it can break easily by car crash, some bad kids will scratch it, and high risk of death. Using train is way cheaper. If I really need car, I would stick with least cheapest car. Because when my car got stolen, or broke, I have less things to lose.""
Ques about auto ins and traffic school in Los Angeles
I just got a ticket for a California Roll..(not complete stop at stop sign)...To do Traffic school it's gonna cost me around $130-$140 dollars...Would it just be cheaper or the same amount of money if I just don't go to traffic school and let my auto ins go up a lil. By how much is my insurance really gonna go up for that, especially when my driving record is otherwise fantastic.""
Health Insurance while Pregnant? AZ-?
I'm from Arizona- This clinic I went to advised ACCESS insurance, and when I tried to apply, I was denied for living at home or not being 19 years of age if either of these were different, I would be qualified for this insurance. but because I am 18 and still living at home- and my mom won't help me to get on any type of insurance- I don't know what to do. My boyfriend is stressing me to figure something out. I quit my job to move out of the city and go to my Dad's to better take care of myself. His family makes too much money for me to be eligible for insurance under his name. I'm not yet in my second term- but close. I also want to know what to do for prenatal care- I've been taking the vitamins, and during pregnancy I was smoking cigarettes, pot, drinking, - other; (Granted I had no idea about my current condition) what can I do to insure a healthy child? homeopathic remedies are in favor, but I'm at my limit and I need serious advice""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be?""
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Anyone know a cheap Health Insurance Cover for myself?
Im single, 27 years old and living in Victoria/Melbourne""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
Affordable health insurance new jersey family?
anyone know of affordable health insurance in new jersey for self employed 1 person needing family coverage?
Why are some people's health insurance rates going up?
I've heard a lot of stories about people's insurance rates doubling or tripling. My wife's insurance just went up. What's going on? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/
How much is liability insurance on a 1995 nissan altima usually cost?
How much is liability insurance on a 1995 nissan altima usually cost?
What are three good life insurances in california?
i need specific details about these companies
Am I better off not reporting vandalism to my auto insurance?
My back window was smashed out, and I appear to have a $500 deductable for comprehensive insurance. If I can get the window fixed for less than that, is there any point in telling my auto ins? If I do tell them, will they raise my rates? Any harm in not telling them? Thanks!""
Cheap CAR INSURANCE please! (TX)?
im 25 and single and i have a 2008 suzuki car and i drive 2 minutes to my work. can you suggest any cheap car insurance i wanna change my insurance it cost me a lot and a penny is important to me nowadays. (im not broke just want to save and save LOL) im in san antonio, tx""
How much would insurance be for a young person with a luxury car?
I was wondering if there's anyone (preferably a lady) between 22-25 who has a luxury car like a Jaguar, BMW or an Audi, and how much you pay for insurance. I'm 23 & looking to buy an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series (second hand). So just wanted to know if theres anyone else out there with those cars :) thanks in advance x""
Insurance Q???
would my insurance rates go up if i title/register my sons car in his name
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Insurance for dummies(life insurance)?
Please help . I took out a life insurance policy about 8 years ago it is a whole life insurance policy and has some cash value .I recently discovered I have a group life insurance policy at work . Should I keep both or cash in the whole life insurance policy which is worth about 11,000 in coverage and 1,100 in cash value . The work policy is worth about 65,000 in coverage and 0 cash value""
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How can I apply for Insurance???
Is there a site where i can go and Apply for Insurance??? Is there another way to do it?? Thanks that would be great.
How much car insurance coverage do i need for my car?
I totaly own my 04 toyota corolla What do you guys think the coverage should be...
Why are some people so adamant that having ONLY private medical insurance is best?
What do you think? This is a quote from the following article: In addition, under the settlement, Health Net agreed to halt employee bonuses that were based in part on how many rescissions they performed. And here's the article, with other reputable links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross Announces Settlements With California Insurance Department Over Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; Health Net Announces Settlement""
What things increase the cost of car insurance?
im 21 and the quotes are huge!! help!
When is car insurance invalid?
Is car insurance invalid if a car is neither taxed nor Sorned? I forgot to tax my car - is my insurance invalid until I renew it?
Can you sue a car insurance policy holder?
On christmas day my boyfriend had a car accident where he hit his house. He did a total of over $5,500 worth of damages to it. When he went to his mother's house that day he was told by his parents ,that his step dad had removed him from the insurance in October after his birthday (they did so without telling him until the accident ). He had been paying them insurance money each month thinking he was on the insurance. Now the lady that owns the house has informed us that her insurance is suing the title holders (my boyfriend) for insurance fraud. After my boyfriend is sued can he then turn around and sue his step dad for him removing him from the insurance/ insurance fraud?""
How much should i be paying for car insurance in the state of ohio?
I am 17 years old im a male i drive a 2000 chevrolet blazer i have no accidents no tickets and i get decent grades
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Do I have to register my car and change my insurance if I am an out of state student in California?
My insurance company told me that I do not need to change my insurance since I am a student living outside of my home of record address. Now, I keep hearing that I need to register and smog test my car in California since I'm currently living there while attending school. If I do such a thing, does that not mean that I will have to change my insurance to California rates? I do not plan on residing in California post graduation, does this make a difference also? Someone please help....""
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will insure me even though I am pregant?
My husband and I make a little over the income requirements for medicaid in our state(SC), we also own two cars so our chances of getting medicaid is very slim. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a health insurance plan that will take on a policy for me even though I am pregnant....we were in the process of looking for health coverage, but ended up getting pregnant in the mean time...thanks for your help...please serious and honest answer only...we are in the state of south carolina. thanks""
About coupe car insurance.?
I'm thinking of buying an coupe car. People say coupe car have very high insurance fee. Do you know where to check each car's insurance price? I also heard different age has different price, and older the cheaper. So if we have insurance this coupe as mom who is 50 year old would it be cheaper than me who is 18 year old? how much does it get cheaper if I never get in accident or get violation ticket? If you can, can you recommend me cheap coup car? Thank you.""
If the address on the car insurance doesn't match the registration certificate can the car still b taxed?
because i stay at both addresses the insurance and the registration certificate dont match but can i still get my car taxed?
How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla?
please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks
Is the cost of car insurance increased when you drive a coupe as opposed to a sedan?
I want to buy an acura integra and i want to know if the 2 door would be more expensive to insure than the 4 door because of the 2 door's sportier appearance. I'm almost 19.
What is usps $100 insurance included mean? Do i have to pay for it?
i order something from a third party amazon seller and today when i track my order it said: Features: $100 insurance included...what does this mean? do i have to pay extra?
Are there any states that don't require auto insurance?
I don't like paying for insurance so I was wondering if I could avoid it by moving.
""Looking for good Health Care Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng illness?""
Looking for good Health Care Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng illness?""
National insurance number
I know you can get your national insurance number before your 16 , does this mean you can apply for a job as soon as you get you national insurance number , even if you are still 15 ?""
Named non owner insurance- Florida?
It is possible to get a named non owner car insurance in Florida with damage and collision? We usually rent cars in Florida, and we pay a lot of money for CDW and liability, we are looking this kind of solution.""
What does a full coverage insurance cover?
If my car was in an accident and i have a full coverage insurance plan what exactly does the insurance cover? The car was totalled and can no longer be used.
Is Geico auto insurance liability only?
Is Geico auto insurance only liabilty coverage or do they have full coverage also?
Finding out cost of a car insurance claim - do i have to include this?
Im looking for insurance for a new car. My bf had an accident in our last car and i was wondering if there is a way you can find out how much we claimed in total? As alot of insurance companies want to know this.
Amica car insurance........?
I heard this is the cheapest auto insurance out there and wanna ask what makes it so cheap and what do you need to qualify I want to insure my dodge stealth if that helps thanks in advance
""Insurance , real estate, law question?""
if a person drive a vehicle :D, the vehicle is under the other person name H, H buy the car insurance, the D doenst have the car insurance, and D get in the car accident with K, K is the one who is false, Who is the one false in this situation, it is D or K. Because K are false, will K insurance company pay all the fee in the accident and hospital? Will K insurance company pay for the damage K cause for D? Will K insurance company pay for D health injuries? Even if D doesnt have the insurance, D drive under the vehicle that belong to H, H has the vehicle AND INSURANCE UNDER HER NAME, AND D is H sister.""
Trunk Insurance vs. Car Insurance?
I recently changed cities on my auto insurance going from a Cleveland, OH zip code to an upper middle class Cleveland suburb and my rates fell more than $200/half...I drive a '99 S-10, just a regular pickup truck, I am in the market for a new vehicle and ideally it would be a full size truck (Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra half ton)...my agent has the exact truck I would like to buy, so I asked him what that truck would be insurance-wise for me. It automatically went back up to what I was originally paying in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. Other variables of my car purchasing ordeal are that I took a buyout from General Motors and I got a vehicle voucher included in the buyout, so another option for me is to get a Chevy Malibu which I could basically drive off the lot for zero money...I've been reading that sometimes car insurance can be more than insuring a truck, with the information I've provided can someone help me out and estimate if my insurance would be more for a basic/no frills 2011 Chevy Malibu or a 2011 Silverado/Sierra with some bells and whistles...and also, do Insurance companies look at the more options a vehicle has as being more to ensure??? any answers would be appreciated""
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?
0 notes
21st Auto Insurance Company?
"21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
When buying motorbike insurance is CBT= Provisional ?
I was looking about for insurance quotes for a 125 and when you select what type of licence you have it dose not say CBT at all, but it says UK provisional and UK moped, but i dont think moped is a CBT because moped is 50cc only, can anyone tell me what a CBT licence is called when buying insurance""
Health Insurance?
Dependent's health insurance?
My friend wants to move into an apartment with me, we are both in college so we want to be roommates, but her parents say that they will not pay her health insurance if she moves out. Since she is a student, she is going to be a dependent of theirs for a few more years. Does being a dependent of her parents legally obligate the parents to pay her health insurance?""
How much are you spending on insurance for a 600cc sportbike?
I've heard that the rates are ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes like Harleys have really cheap insurance.
125 motorbike insurance 19 year old?
hi, im 19 and have had a car driving licence for 2 years and clean. As my car insurance renewal is ?n a few months and because its a 2.3litre and all that talk of premiums of increasing, its my option to sell my car for a motorbike and a riding experience, so typically how much would insurance be for a 19 year old, With a new bike licence but been driving a car for 2 years (if that matters) 1000 pound 125cc motorbike stored in a garage, immobiliser, not for any sort of business and miles of maximum 2000 a year. im just asking because insurance webpages don't open on my computer today, but i roughly remember whats asked for insurance. thanks in advance""
Classic car insurance?
i want cheap insurance so will buying a classic help that?
""If I Buy Rental Car Insurance, do I or My Personal Car Insurance Pay Anything?""
If I pay for insurance offered by the rental car company, do they pay for everything in the event of a collision? Or, does my insurance still have to pay some of the liabilities? Do I have to pay my deductible? I am simply trying to understand how this works. I have no plans to buy the insurance since I have my own insurance and my credit cards also pay.""
My car insurance monthly rate is $92 how much is my down payment?
i need to figure this out through here if possible, i will pay $92 a month, state farm wants a down payment though they haven't gotten back to me with how much I'm going to need - I was wondering if anyone here might possibly know. Thank you.""
Nissan Skyline R34 Insurance Question (WA)?
Hello guys, I had two questions about insuring a skyline R34 Turbo... First off, How much (On average) would this cost to insure for someone on their P plates. Second off, Do you know any good insurance companies to go through? WA Is for Western Australia, not Washington. Thanks in advance.""
High cost of insurance for retirees which is using up pensions.?
I worked 33 yrs at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) Aircraft Corporation and retired in 1996. I received a fair pension and insurance that I had to pay, which was affordable. What started out to be affordable in 1996 has now reached unaffordable in 2007. My pension is being quickly absorbed by the cost of my insurance, which is now $933 a month for just me. Needless to say my insurance costs outweigh my monthly pension allowance now. I am a cancer survivor since 1992 yet I am unable to choose another insurance provider because I am considered, like many other survivors and patients, high risk and uninsureable. I didn't ask to be dianosed with cancer. In fact, I have always taken care of myself. Why should I/we be discriminated against after 10 or more years of being cancer free.""
Can you help me figure out how much home insurance I need?
I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice about house insurance. We've been paying insurance as if our house is worth 224,000 still however it is worth about 175,000 ...show more""
Car insurance question?
So my policy was just cancelled and I need to purchase auto insurance ASAP but I don't get paid till next friday. Is it possible to purchase car insurance and pay later or do I have to pay same day???
How much will my insurance cost?
Im 18 and wanting to move out this august for college. The apartments im looking to rent is on average about 500 a month for me and im trying to figure out how much a month its going to cost me to live on my own. I have a 2002 Chevy trailblazer which is completely paid off. I dont know what insurrance company my parents have right now but i know for sure its not geico or progressive. I think its like blue shields or something or other. Any help is areciated! Thanks in advance!
Insurance Quotes vs Age Gender Income Etc?
Hi, Currently Insured through State Farm and paying $250.00 a month for Full Coverage. Im 20yrs old. I have a 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 hd 4wd , making 40k-50k a year. Insurance is a little too much... Am i over paying?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
It is for me, not a family""
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
Why is our car insurance rate based on our credit score?
It doesn't seem fair to pay higher insurance because our credit is bad! What do you think?
Insurance for ninja vs nighthawk?
I am planning on getting a small 250cc motorcycle either a kawasaki ninja or honfa nighthawk. i am 16 yo and this will be my first bike. will insurance for a ninja be alot more than insurance for a nighthawk? just liability i dont want comprehensive or collision.
Is homeowners insurance a complete scam?
my former agent admitted it was worthless as insurance and explained that i was buying it because my lender required me to do so. she could not explain why she did not tell me this when i bought the insurance.
Whats a good cheap sports car?
Hello i need some help. This is my situation I'm 20 years old i live in Connecticut and I'm looking to purchase a car (used). I have about $2k cash to put down on it. I would say my limit for price would be about 6-8k due to financing fees taxes etc (credit score of 731). Now what I'm looking for is a pretty fast sports car to use as my DD.(I currently have a 89 mustang lx 5.0 which gets about 10 mpg city) Not very economical as a DD when gas is over $4 a gallon. Anyways back on topic, I found a 2002 wrx for 8k but got quoted for an insurance rate of 2k-3k. So this is out of the question! I make about 200 a week at the moment and pay $100 cell phone bill and $100 a month for rent. So my funds are limited for insurance + car payments. Basically i need to know a reliable cheap fast sports car i can get a good insurance rate on. But it also has to get good fuel economy! Sorry for the long rant and me being so picky but please help!""
What is the most common health insurance?
what is the most common health insurance
Insurance for my full bike test?
I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
How much will my Car Insurance go up after first DUI?
I'm 20 years old and got a DUI. I am under my moms insurance plan and her plan has house and car insurance combined. I drive a 4 door SUV(slow) and have never gotten a point towards my license. She is covered through ALL STATE. How bad do you think this is going to be?
I currently do not have any insurance but i do know that i do not meet the requirements for medicade. Will this mean less care for me and my baby durrning my preg? I can make payments but i can not afford to make the whole payment at the time of the visits it will have to be shedualed. any suggestions? I have explored options of medicade, In Nebraska where im at you can only have 3,000 worth of assets and i have a few savings bonds and more than one car, (all older nothing new) but they will still count for assets. I do know that one car and your house is exempt but i still wont qualify. Hmm what to do. Nothing I can do i guess.... But will this mean less visits to the dr? I want the best for my baby. thanks to any and all who answer.""
Health Insurance?
What is the best affordable health insurance for a low income middle age woman in Southern CA?
21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
""Forgot to renew my car insurance, is my no claims bonus affected?
My insurance was due on 15th October but because km away at uni and the car is at home I completely forgot to renew it until today. If I decide to renew it now are there any consequences for paying it late? I would declare sorn but I don't know how it works and When I go home for christmas I do want to be able to drive. I've got 3 years no claims and my insurance has gone down a lot since I started to drive so will I lose it?
Insurance Coverage Driving Another Persons Car?
Suppose you had to drive another persons car because they were incapacitated, etc. If you got into an accident with them in the car - but you driving, would the car still be covered under insurance?""
How much would my insurance cost on these two cars?
A 2006 Audi s4 and a 2011 Camero ss. I will be 18 years old once I start the insurance with really no driving record, good or bad.""
Paying 10k a year for car insurance?
with a great driving record for 3 cars total is that even possible to charge that much. I have been told that if I move to Illinois it will cost that much.
Life insurance question?
Y do insurance companies call it life insurance? aint like we can insure our life and decide when we wanna die. it should be called death insurance since we cant use it until after we die. even then we dont get to enjoy the money that we paid into it.
Hastings direct car insurance.?
We are thinking of taking car insurance through Hastings direct. Are they reliable? Until now we've been with Norwich Union, but they are very expensive now, so we want to switch. Any others people really recommend, reliable and cheap?""
""I live in California and need a good health insurance, what do you guys recommend?""
The health insurance will only be for me and my husband. Not too expensive, maybe like $250 the most as far as monthly payments. However, although I'm not pregnant, my husband and I do plan to get pregnant by the end of this year, therefore thats another thing I'm looking for that it will cover maternity. What health insurance do you recommend?""
I am looking for a good team name for an insurance agency.?
we are selling insurance products, estate planning and other financial products.""
How much would my insurance go up if I got a jaguar instead of a civic.?
Hi I'm 16 and my dad wants to get me a car and I really want this 1996 jaguar and he wants to get me a 2000 civic and I was just wondering how much my insurance would go up over the two cars or if it depends on what insurance I have just try to give your best guess how much it would go up
How much does insurance generally run for a company van?
Some fellow students and I are attempting to start up a laundry service at our school. We are looking to purchase a van so we can pick up and deliver the laundry to our customers. The van will only be used about 8 months out of the year and daily mileage will be fairly low because our campus small.
What does chips health insurance cover in texas?
does it cover gynecologist visits non pregnancy related? braces? i read pamplets over and over and i dont seem to get a grip on it,can anyone help please?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in general/in NM?
I feel like i'm paying too much for auto insurance (i have aaa) what other insurnce cold I get that will be the cheapest, I don't drive my car all that much, I just want the cheapses rather than nothing.""
Does engine size make your car insurance go up?
I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?""
Does it cost more to get insurance for a motorcycle?
Will the price be even higher if its a new driver on a motorcycle?
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
Insurance coverage after my car was totaled?
In 2005 I was in an accident, not my fault. My 1997car was totaled, due to a small area of body damage. I kept the car. Comparing notes with my friend, he said I should not have been paying for collision these past 4 years. When I called to tell my insurance company I bought a new car, I asked why my rates didn't go down after the accident. They said only I could have made a change. Question: what would have happened had I been in another accident that would have totaled my car a second time. Would they deny me. Are they obliged to counsel customers about keeping collision insurance on an already totaled car. Do I have any recourse. Could I get a refund. (My question mark key is gone on my keyboard.)""
How Much Would Insurance Cost On A Mitsubishi Lancer Evo?
What would be an approximate range on insurance cost for me? I was considering buying a mitsubishi lancer evo and need to factor in the cost of insurance. It would most likely be a 2003. Model: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Car: Year 2003 Age: I am 16 soon too be 17 State: Oklahoma Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) Other Info: I would most likely only drive to school and the gym 5 days a week, less than 10 iles a day round trip. I would be able to pay a higher deductable if need be. Live: with parents Background: Father is a Radiologist - Income: easily 300k+ Although I come from a very affluent family my parents are making me pay for most of my car If I am lucky they will give me a 10k allowance max.""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
If i have liability insurance and i hit a car but the car leaves the accident will my insurance pay?
I have liability car insurance and the other day a car pulled over in my lane and just stopped i ran into the back of her smashed the front end of my car(non driveable) the police said it wasn't my fault and the other car just left right after it happened. Will my insurance pay for my car?????
How much would like insurance cost for my 60 year old mom?
i will be paying but is it based on her income? im looking to buy anywhere from $100,000 - $1,000,000 life insurance she suggested i do but i have no idea where to start and what are some legit real life insurance companys? thanks""
How much would a 2002 impreza wrx cost to insure?
Im 17( i know im about to get a bunch of your going to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly drive my dads 05 mustang gt, i know how to responsibly control power) and me and my parents have found a great deal on a 2002 impreza sedan, it has 125k miles on it, and the last thing deciding factor before buying this vehicle is the insurance. We already have a mustang gt on the family plan, i live in VA, make all A's(supposed to give me a 30% discount), im male, the color is blue, with only a greddy bov aftermaket part installed. The car itself is blue, it is the turbod WRX version(not the sti), and has never been wrecked. We have state farm, im not sure as to what other information anyone would need to know, but im jusst looking for a rough estimate, thanks for any input.""
Help! i need to find out insurance costs if i add parts to a car?
hi, im 17 and i own a peugeot 206, im wanting to tune it, and i need to know where to find a cheap body kit, new headlights, and some wheels? just trying to make my driving life and little more better :) i need to know roughly how much it will up my insurance cost, im currently paying 1,650 for it, and i can mabye go up to 2,000 also i need to find some speakers to go in the boot of my car, will that make my insurance go higher to? thanks for your time.""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
Health insurance for full time college student?
I realllyy need to see a doctor about some issues im having with my health, but the onlyproblem is i dont have insurance... Are there any affordable insurance plans i can get??.. im a full time student and i really need it.""
Where do you get cheap car insurance in Northern Ireland?
Hi Folks, I'm moving from Dumfries in Scotland shortly to Northern Ireland, my car insurance is going to double in price, just wondering where the best place to get insurance quotes, I tryed NI Compare and it was actually more expensive than Go Compare, many thanks""
Car Insurance Quote..Without a license yet..?
I have just been bought a car for when i pass my driving test, so i do not have a full UK provisional license yet. I have been looking online for insurance quotes, they are expensive which i expected, but i was told that when i have entered my details the system will register that i do not hold a full license with he DVLA (even though i put in that i do, just for the sake of a quote) And this is why the quotes are higher..if i was to do the same when my license was valid it would be much lower. Can anybody add proof to this? Thanks""
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
Good deals on car insurance?
Ok so me and my wife have been insured by American Family Insurance and pay about $400 a year. My 17 year old son recently got his license and we want to add him to our policy. He barely drives (we only have one car), but we want to add his name just in case. When I asked Amer. Fam. Ins., they gave a quote for almost $1000 a year, which is more than double the amount I'm currently paying!! And that's with the Good Student Discount as well!! I was wondering if any of you guys know a reliable company that could provide a cheaper rate.""
Car insurance for dummies?
i am trying to be an adult here. i graduate college in 8 days and am getting quotes for my own car insurance. I got one today from progressive for $83/mo, full coverage. It is 25,50,25 and $500 deductable. How do I know what is good? i need someone to tell me what coverage I should have-is 25/50/25 good? break it down. Thanks!""
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
I'm 17yo Male and need cheap car insurance!!!!?
Well im 17 soon and want to get are car so i can work more. i have been looking at some very cheap cars that i would think are cheap to insure but are not- Fiat Punto (more than 10 years old) worth 400; 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same with Peugeot 106- around the same price to insure. What other cars would you recommend that are cheap to insure???
Auto Insurance discount along with online traffic school course?
I got a traffic ticket, want to remove it. I heard some where that online traffic school course offers auto insurance discount along with traffic ticket dismissal. Can any one suggest me the source where I can get information on this?""
""Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Will car insurance cover in case my friend crashes my car?
Will all kinds of car insurance cover a case when a friend borrows a car and gets in an accident? What do i need to look for in my policy to make sure that my car is covered even if someone else other than me drove my car.
Auto insurance raised cause of credit!?
I bought another used car 2005 and my insurance rates when up $500.00 a year. They told me because of my credit rating........what! I have a perfect driving record and have been driving for 36 years so tell me what does my credit have to do with my car insurance or driving record?!!!!! I am only behind on a couple credit cards so please someone tell me why this is?
Will insurance be different on any of the 5 Camrys?
My dad wants to get a new Camry. I really want the SE (i'm a 16 yr. old guy) But he doesn't want to pay a whole bunch more insurance. We have Allied. Our options are CE, LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will there be a huge insurance difference?""
State Farm or Allstate Car Insurance: Which one is Better?
I'm trying to choose between the two...which one is better?
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Car financing and insurance?
I would like to know what happen if I finance a car and I wreck the car and I don't have insurance at the time I wreck the car.
What is a good website to compare auto insurance rates?
What is a good website to compare auto insurance rates?
How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?
How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?
Cheap car insurance for 17 year olds?
I know this is probably one of the most asked questions on the here, but for me it is a real pain finding any decent answers... Id be very grateful if anyone could list insurers that are relatively cheap for car insurance for us youngsters! (Preferably under 200/month). Thanks in advance! :)""
Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?
I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
How much do you pay?
""For me, the auto insurance company USAgencies is cheaper than Progressive, Geico, All State, State Farm, ...?""
....Direct, The General, and Safe Auto. Does anyone have an auto insurance company not mentioned above that is cheaper than USAgencies? Do not send my links of places that quote different companies. I want to know from your personal experience.""
im turning 17 and love old cars i was just wondering were i could get classic car insurance
Car insurance change of address?
My car is registered in upstate but I came to ny recently because of my recently wife. I just leased a brand new car like two weeks ago and they are asking me for proof of residency. I registered the new car in hicksville li not in upstate. So i want to change my car insurance to hicksville but after a week change it back to upstate. Will there be any conflicts with my car insurance? Please help..
Cheap auto insurance?
My son has accidents and tickets over the last 3 years. We are paying $229.05 to Windhaven Underwriters. Know of any cheaper insurance prices?
21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
I got in a car accident with no insurance?
Well im 18 and I work a full time job to help my mom pay the bills. I live in Illinois I have a 97 oldsmobile, I have my insurance slip, but i haven't paid it for 3 months, so when i get pulled over, i show the cop it and im fine, well now I smashed some ones car and am paying the price This is the story on what happened. On Friday the16th it was -20ish out wise whit the the wild chill, it was horrible cold, I was Driving on a road that was 45 mph and i was going 30ish maybe 35, There was a car accident next to us, the girl infrount of me freaked out and slammed on her breaks, I hit mine and I just sled, there was nothing i could do i pumbed my breaks and all, i hit her at about 7 mph, my car was messed up, hood wouldn't close lights broken bumper broken, but i deserved it for not having insurance, anyways, on her car (06 Toyota ) her bumper was Cracked, When it hap pend she got out of the car and say she was sorry like 10 times and said she had no choice but to stop, Witch is understandable Long story short, i gave the cop my insurance card that im not insured with any more he wrote our info down and we went our separate ways, yesterday i two messages from her insurance Company, What would be the next step i should take and what will happen, will i need to go to court? will my drivers license get sespended?""
How does points affect my car insurance?
I just lost 4 points. I dont know much about the points system. How will it affect my car insurance when it's renewed? I am in NJ, if that makes difference. Thanks.""
Policy loan from life insurance interest pay to insurance company! why?
Any one can tell me, loan money from life insurance policy cash value intrest collect from the lisurance company, the cash value is my own money, should I paid intrest back to myself? not to insurance company""
I am 19 in Texas. is it cheaper on insurance to do the whole teenager coarse or is it the same going adult 6hr?
My dad is wondering if it would be cheaper on insurance if I did the the three week teenager coarse or if it doesn't matter anf do adult which is one 6 hour class. Again I'm in Texas and a guy and know about how its cheaper for girls on insurance
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
Why do good drivers get better car insurance rates than bad drivers?
It's not fair. Some people are genetically predisposed to be bad drivers or just don't care. Why should they be charged more than drivers who do not participate in risky behavior?
Recovery/treatment dates for disability insurance?
If someone was never treated for borderline hypertension, they just controlled it with diet without any input from a doctor, what can be used as recovery and last treatment dates? Could it be when the patient's current physician first had their blood pressure measured and it was normal?""
Which to buy?? An Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 lusso or an MG zr 1.4?? They cost the same and insurance is similar. ta.?
Which to buy?? An Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 lusso or an MG zr 1.4?? They cost the same and insurance is similar. ta.?
""I have no car insurance, husband got into a car accident, what to do?""
We've been struggling financially this past year, and to make matters worse, my husband rear ended another car. He's stating he didn't see any signal lights or tail lights that night. Our car is totaled, but the other person's car got there whole back end bent in like hulk punched the crap out of it. All procedures went, police and ambulance came, and now we need to go to a doctor today to see how long he has to recover. Luckily we are living with family, so we are getting support from them also. Thing is, we have absolutely no money, and no car insurance. What should I do? I live in Hawaii so there's a no fault benefit, but is that only if I have insurance? Should I get a lawyer involved even if my husband was the only one hurt?""
Need advice: Parked car hit - Car has no insurance?
Ok, so last night my friends car was hit by a driver who fell asleep. the car was in front of our house and pushed 40ft and his flipped over. Both cars totaled. He has insurance, but my friends that was parked and hit, does not. Will this be an issue for her, or will his insurance be paying for everything since he was 100% at fault? Please help!""
Car insurance problem!!! Please help!!!?
My problem is that I had a car accident last monday, and I just picked the police report. I called the other person insurance (Which is responsible for the accident), and they told me that his policy is suspended because he didn't pay. Basically he was driving without insure. ***My question is what I need to do now??? I have a repair estimate, which is $1,400.""
What are premiums in insurance?
I'm looking at insurance policies.
Question about car insurance?
k so im 16 and im about 2 get my license but im not getting my car yet but i heard that my mother would have to put me under her insurance in order for me to drive her car since im a minor or something like that is it true
What is the best but most cost-efficient insurance for a 22year old male driver who just got his license?
Used, older car (either 1990 honda or 1995 toyota). Just got his license. Want decent insurance but not outrageously price. Any help greatly appreciated - thanks!""
Home insurance first year up front?
the bank is requiring us to get a year worth of Homeowners insurance . and i am asking what is the norm (interior wall to wall) without personal items included.. should i go with the condos exterior insurance companies to just have it uniform. ?
Nissan skyline insurance and price?
ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car...
Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage?
My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?""
If I upgrade to full coverage insurance can I get previous car accident damages fix?
I have liability and I was in a minor car accident two months ago. I need to upgrade my insurance because the bank than loaned me money for the car requires me to have comprehensive and collision coverage. If I upgrade could I fix the damages to my car?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
How to get auto insurance quote/ estimate without a car?
I am doing a research, and heard that ur insurance can be based on not just the model but the color of the car. I want to know how to get an estimate based on vehicle, model. So that I can make a diligent choice when purchasing my new car.""
Cheapest car insurance in texas?
Hi... I have been re searching insurances and they are most around 180.... i was wondering if there were any other cheaper ones in texas... am single pregnant with assisiates, renting, 23 years old. No tickets. 1 acciden no okthers damaged.....""
Car accident without insurance?
I hit a parked car with a moving truck. My insurance was evoked at the time of the accident and I got a phone call today from the insurance company of the car I hit saying that the ...mostrar mais
How much is insurance for a Porsche Boxster?
I'm 16 and getting a Boxster. I would like to know how much insurance is for it. We have state farm insurance. And I DO NOT want to hear Parents shouldn't give their teenager an expensive car! Just because I am a teenager, doesn't mean I will crash. I don't drink, speed, do drugs, or text and drive. So keep your opinions to yourself, thanks :)""
My son's car was totaled and the insurance company offered us a very low price?
My son was rear ended at a high rate of speed. He was pushed 6 feet into the car in front of him. The guy had to really be moving when he hit my son. He was driving a 1999 Chevy Lumina LS. The blue book value according to NADA is $5000. It only had 78,000 miles onthe car. No rust on the body and overall in excellent shape. The insurance company offered me $3600 for the car. I can NOT find a replacement car in that shape for that price...""
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
0 notes
lumalilac · 7 years
1-100 ;)
*Cracks knuckles* Let’s do it
1. Last kiss
Family wise my mom. Not family @queenlicatastrophe
2. Last phone call
I think it was another store who never answered me back finally getting around to me 8 months later when I already had a job.
3. Last text message
My dad
4. Last song you listened to
Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko
5. Last time you cried
Honestly I can’t remember. Not in the “I havn’t cried in a while” sense and more in the “I have literally no sense of time” sense.
6. Dated someone twice
7. Been cheated on
8. Self harmed
Not really.
9. Lost someone special
10. Been depressed
11. Been drunk and threw up
Nope and hope to never.
12. had sex
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?
15. Made a new friend
Ehhhhhh not really. Though the line between “Friend” and “Close Aquaintence” is kinda strict for me.
17. Laughed until you cried
18. Met someone who changed you
Yes, it’s hard not to.
19. Found out who your true friends were
20. Found out someone was talking about you
Been there, done that.
26. What did you do for your last Birthday
Just went out for dinner with my folks.
27. What time did you wake up today
I wanna say around 11? I usually wake up, check something, and go back to sleep a few times before I’m up completely. Allergies were also a bitch this morning so I was really allergied out
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
The next time I can hang out with a friend
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time
Like two hours ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
I wish I had gotten tested sooner.
32. What are you listening to right now
Silence. And me typing.
33. When is the last time you had sex?
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
My boss.
35. Most visited webpage
Somewhere between tumblr, my email, youtube, Tapastic, and currently tagpacker
36. Favorite colour
37. Nicknames
Katie, Kate, Luma, Luma-Bug, Lumama, Katie-Kat, Burrito Overlord, Cat-ilyn, etc.
38. Relationship Status
39. Zodiac sign
40. Male or female
How about no?
41. Primary school
Block House
42. Secondary School
43. High school/college
Leander HS
44. Eye color
Blue Hazel/Grey/Blue/Green and everywhere in between
46. Height
47. Do you have a crush on someone
At this point I’m tired of trying to figure out where the difference between strong platonic, Squish, and Crush lies. Let me just appriciate people in my life
48. What do you like about yourself
The fact that somehow I’m still kicking
49. Piercings
Nope and never will
50. Tattoos
Not with my fear of needles I’m not
51. Righty or lefty
53. First piercing
54. First best friend
Grace, never could remember her last name. She had the same birthday as me and I was convinced she was my soul mate. I should have realized I was queer a long time ago.
55. First hookup
56. First Bestfriend
Refer to 54.
59. Eating
60. Drinking
61. I’m about to
Work more on transferring all of my webcomics into tagpacker.
62. Listening to
63. Waiting for
getting too tired to keep working
64. Want kids?
Probably not. If I ever do they’ll probably be older and adopted
65. Get married?
I’d love to marry a QPP. Whether or not I ever have a more significant relationship is another thing entirely
66. Career
I’d love to have some form of career in webcomics, whether it be blogging about them or making my own. My most out there dream is skydiving instructor. The realistic one I’m going for is something in the cooking industry that makes enough money to decently live on my own
67. Lips or eyes
68. Hugs or kisses
69. Shorter or taller
70. Older or Younger
Pefer my own age
71. Romantic or spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud
74. Hook-up or relationship
76. Kissed a stranger
77. Drank hard liquor
Hell no
78. Lost glasses/contacts
79. Had sex
80. Broken someone’s heart
82. Been arrested
83. Turned someone down
84. Cried when someone died
Every Time
85. Fallen for a friend
86. Yourself
It’s a work in progress
87. Miracles
with the small things. Big things, well, those you gotta make yourself.
88. Love at first sight
I’m not even sure what love is how am I supposed to know if it can happen at first sight?
89. Heaven
I don’t know. But I can’t stake my life and thus my happiness on something may or may not be real. 
90. Santa Clause
91. Kiss on the first date
If it’s consensual who am i to judge? Definitely not for me tho
92. Angels
93. How would you label yourself?
Confused but trying to make the most out of it.
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For
I try not to pray. Everytime I’ve really prayed the person ends up dead.
95. Did you sing today
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go back in time, between my queerness and my disabilities I would be in for a rough ride.
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For
just to be content. I want to look in the mirror and feel proud of what I see staring back at me. I want to know that I have a strong support group that I can trust to be there that isn’t too far away. I want to know I have a roof over my head that can’t just be snatched up by anyone who gets sick of me. A job that provides for the basics and also allows me to send money on the things and experiences that I’ll look back on happily
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?
Yes. Because I know that no matter how much I care, how hard I work, how much I love a person, it will never be really recognized as significant in the long run. Since the only love I can give is platonic, it will never seen as enough. No matter how much I give, I’ll never get as much in return. Maybe it’s because I have problems truly letting people in, for personal reasons and because of my communication problems. The few real platonic relationships I have been able to make mean the world to me, but I wish I was enough to make them last.
100. Do you like the way you look?
Not really. I mean, I have an ok face, but I wish I could pass more as androgynous/masculine. my face is really round so I have no real edges I can sharpen up to look more masculine, even with makeup.
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Certainly not getting exactly what they yearn for, certainly not acquiring all those things that they think are going to create all of them delighted, they end up being resentful, spiteful, mean as well as they are actually trying to find ways to forecast all of those unfavorable sensations on those around all of them. When you have any issues regarding in which in addition to how you can employ yellow pages residential uk, linked webpage,, you'll be able to email us with our page. This is actually typical as well as numerous do this, yet you have to be excellent as well as uproarious making it really pay. Throughout our splitting up I performed not desire to be the one crawling back to him, so I determined to participate in tough to obtain, and also produce him understand that he was the one losing out here, not me. To revitalize your power, you have to make time to replenish your character via whatever functions or practices that produce your center perform! That is actually extremely basic: Get a tape or a note pad recorder as well as track any satisfied instants you observe during your day. Read through them, think about how they make you feel as well as exactly how similar to others you can switch your life around. Port Canfield as soon as pointed out that he simply carries out traits that create him happy, and he's a very delighted man! When I come to decide on songs for praise leading, the simplest means to lead you in tune selection is actually to let you to comprehend just what goes through my thoughts. Nonetheless, an intervening snooze obstructed and even reversed this unfavorable emotional reactivity to temper and concern while on the other hand enriching ratings from favorable (pleased) phrases. If you adore a particular amazing food items, mention this and also if that is actually feasible he is going to make reservations at a bistro that provides this even though he certainly never tried that in the past. Could make every comics followers dream a fact along with a rumored launch from the Fair treatment Organization in 2015. Certainly not that I hate how I look-- that is actually additional just that I should bring in some way of life improvements. Spanish locations like Majorca keep unique entice holidaymakers outward Europe. You can possibly do factors like view as well as install your papers as well as make changes to your plan - and also the good news is, this suggests no admin costs! They could not begin this way, yet I've resided in some untamed ones where crew on various other sailboats needed to have choppers remove all of them for defective bone tissues as well as other different points. If you do not feel like spending quality time with your other half, see to it that you take this pill; it is going to certainly not just raise sex drive, yet are going to guarantee that you appreciate the second to the max. This is actually impossible to become definitely pleased when you do not possess even a little oz from flexibility in your lifestyle. Viewing father throughout our childhood our team know the best ways to create our method the furious ethnicity. Joy resembles a muscular tissue - this receives more powerful the a lot more you exercise it. Maintaining your own self delighted feels like keeping in condition. If there is actually everything else I can possibly do to earn this fic a lot more accessible by any means, satisfy feel free to email me at iaminarage @ or notification me on tumblr (where I'm likewise iaminarage). You will locate that it will certainly be actually challenging not to become happy along with your downpour after you enable on your own to experience as well as observe exactly how fantastic your downpour definitely is for you! Include new, free web information to your web site such as latest articles, internet tools, and quotations with a singular part from code! 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The wages appreciation for the innumerable reparations that mamas create their household, this particular day is observed in the whole UK and also the globe. Sweet sushi creates excellent home made presents for grandparents, educators and also even more, as well as will certainly produce those you appreciate feel exclusive. You find, our team assume that one thing or someone might produce us satisfied, yet that mistakes. Our team spend our youth imagining getting older so our experts may do things that we believe make adults pleased, after that when our experts are actually more mature our company imagine our youth and how our company squandered it by not appreciating our health and wellness and liberty off accountabilities. Be caring and reasonable; just do not slobber throughout him in your effort to make him satisfied. Keeping in touch along with loved ones is among the leading five disappointments of the dying 7. I've located some analysis that shows that may make you happier straight currently if you yearn for extra evidence that it is actually useful for you. As you can easily view, amusing companionship quotes are actually a great method to bear in mind just what makes our friendly relationships therefore exclusive as well as our buddies thus dear. When you were actually much younger or even presently possess concerning what will definitely make you really delighted, take it an action further as well as definitely take into consideration dreams you had. Barcelona-based article writer Peter Christian will definitely show you how you could incorporate a real, vivid flair to your spoken Spanish and also you may find some more truly awesome Spanish action-words and expressions sure to assist you win the respect and also appreciation from indigenous Spanish audio speakers in addition to free of charge weekly Spanish topple on the Streetwise Spanish web site. Just what creates me satisfied may or may not significantly result in your joy and happiness And also speaking of genetics, there is actually a really good odds that given that our human brains are actually wired in a different way as well as generate other levels from chemicals that affect our mind, some of our team are going to possess a harder opportunity making a pleased link".
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Why am I doing this?
I guess I'm not completely sure why. So maybe some ancillary details are necessary in case anyone stumbles into this, and perhaps applying a little context to the various rambling thoughts, that this page with most assuredly contain, will help any visitors (or me most importantly). I'm 32 year old, white male, GED certified (with a handful of college semesters, over a decade ago), living in Memphis TN. I'm straight, single, and gainfully employed, both for the time being and for the foreseeable future on all three accounts. That's probably pertinent enough, for now, I may expound on a few of these specific aspects of my life later. So I'm not exactly sure how all this is supposed to work. I've operated most of my life with a wilfull detachment from all the various social media platforms that seem ever present to the current human condition. I do have a Facebook page but I haven't been on it since around 2011. After a weird breakup, and a growing concern over my dependence on that special noise that went off every time someone "liked" or "commented" on one my useless posts, I decided to abstain from that particular instant gratification feedback loop. In the past few years, through both my current profession and some specific life choices, I've had a very sparse amount of social interaction. A few close friends, that as we get older, texts and phone conversations are much more fewer and far between. More on that later though, maybe, now let me do what I probably should have opened with and say I'm sorry and please don't read further. The meandering stream of consciousness that will reside here will probably offend someone. I'm not necessarily here seeking approval or disapproval, I don't want to "follow" or "like" your post. I'm primarily here for the utilitarian aspects of keeping a journal without having to write anything down. Despite being reasonably intelligent, my hand writing is horrid. After some cursory investigation into these various platforms, I felt Tumblr was probably the closest thing to meeting my specific needs, without having to run an actual webpage. The mobile aspect of being able to jot things down and not have to worry about constraints of characters, and I'm assuming the date & time will be annotated, which is a plus. I should probably look into the privacy settings, I bet I can make this private & hopefully build separate folders (I guess) to classify my disparate ideas in.
So back to the topic at hand, I guess since Trump was elected I've been struggling with well basically everything. I've turned to more introspection and self-examination since the election. Let me make clear that I may guilty of intellectual arrogance at times, but I fully aware that I know just enough not to know much of anything. Maybe it coincides with me getting older, and emerging from the narcicism and self-absorption of my 20's, but it feels like Nov. 8 2017 was a definite catalyst to me being where I'm at now. Let me clear about my 20's... I was a shitty person, alot of the time. I was a bad friend, a worse boyfriend, & pretty intolerable employee. Me now would hate me from a decade ago. I don't particularly think I'm alone in feeling this way. I'm fairly sure after reflection, most people would probably feel similarly, or maybe not (cuz remember dummy, your special... Just like everyone else is). I'm more comfortable where I'm at now, but the rest of the world has me a little concerned. Maybe that wasn't sardonic enough I'll work on that later. So in the past year American democracy has been facing maybe it's most legitimate threat of devolving into an authoritarian kleptocracy. SMH IKR... So I don't know what to do, I don't know how to react. So I started reading books again, for the first time in decade. I was a veracious reader up until about the age of 10, when I discovered I could be successful at school independent of actual study and preparation. I'm also eating better (I think), drinking less (most of the time), and exercising more (some of the time). Well time to go to work guess that's it for now
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askdashicorn · 8 years
VideoPal review – an in-depth look with a special VideoPal bonus
You'll be inundated with email on VideoPal today.
We are impressed with the app. We've been using it for a couple of weeks. You can see what we've done with it in video above:
From the video, you can see we have embedded it in bloggers, tumblrs and more.
We'll teach that nifty trick to you, in a special training event. Just pick up VideoPal at http://cli.re/videopal. email us your paypal transaction details.
We have already seen VideoPal increase conversions.
It's easy to use.
It's brain-dead simple, with text-to-speech.
You can use it with you existing videos.
It's effective 'pattern-interrupt.'
Check it out.
VideoPal is an innovative, brand-new software application suite that includes sensational looking Animated 3D, Animated 2D and Human Representatives (Video Pals) and enables them to be contributed to ANY site (even websites you do not own). Include to blog sites, ecommerce websites, reward pages, and landing pages in seconds to immediately enhance sales, conversions and leads!
The Video Pal app is 100% compatible with clever gadgets and mobile phones. The clients can utilize the world's finest “LIFE-LIKE” Text-To-Speech innovation to communicate any message that increases visitor engagement and drives sales and leads. VideoPal's “World's Finest Life-Like Text-To-Speech Engine” includes 47 male and female voices throughout 24 various languages, making it versatile to transform sales anywhere worldwide!
With Video Buddy you can include call-to-action buttons, optin-forms, countdown timers, voucher codes and text on top of the VideoPal videos to additional enhance conversions and own more sales and leads.
Clients can likewise submit their own green screen or “strong background” videos and transform to totally mobile suitable Video Pals in seconds. This is simply the POINTER of the iceberg, the VideoPal software application is loaded with functions that will blow your socks off! 
Futuristic Text-To-Speech Innovation The primary item functions 47 female and male voices throughout 24 various languages.
Cloud Based The software application is cloud-based so there is absolutely nothing for individuals to set up. Super simple to utilize.
Advancement Video Suite Pick from spectacular 2D/3D and human characters to immediately improve your earnings and sales!.
100% Mobile Compatible This is the only VideoPal innovation on the marketplace that works with all Smart Phones and mobile services.
How Can the Clients Utilize VideoPal?
Clients can likewise utilize our business license to offer the Video Pals to regional company websites or on freelance sites to INSTANTLY revenue. In the training we are exposing a few of our “SUPERSECRET” methods we utilize to benefit with VideoPal!
Video Friend innovation is 100% suitable with wise gadgets and mobile phones. Consumers can include and develop Video Pals to their sites, affiliate deals, e-commerce websites and even to sites they do not own in less than 30 seconds with no technical experience. Including a Video Buddy has actually shown to improve sales and conversions by as much as 300%!
Clients can include and develop Video Pals to their sites, affiliate deals, e-commerce websites as well as to sites they do not own in less than 30 seconds without any technical experience. Including a Video Buddy has actually shown to increase sales and conversions by as much as 300%! When you promote this deal, we have some extraordinary evidence that will be part of the sales page that will blow your clients away and result in huge commission paydays!
or learn more a:  http://northdenvernews.com/videopal-r…
live video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCE1-…
the latest on Video Pal : https://twitter.com/ColoHeadlines/sta…
Best demos: https://twitter.com/i/moments/8272550…
VideoPal review • VideoPal bonus • VideoPal demo Hancock term limit pledge • VideoPal review Let's take a quick look at an animated application of video just going to reload this page you can see the video power himself is right here i I'm lines long lost 12 cousin this is a test of the new video over later it is really quite a fantastic site had on with much potential to increase conversions or just to a node type people please let me know how I can be a further service and please don't let God know you found me why try two spaced ranged from our American cousins so as you can see you set a delay here in the time that you want and then the opt-in form pops up you can also put in a button to take to any URL and this integrates with a couple of different autoresponders ok so let's look at the live actor version of video again just clicking to relate page will reload you said hey there my name is under school i would like to welcome you to our website and let you in on a secret today we are giving away a ton of bonuses goodies and discounts on our products and services when you sign up to our mailing list by entering your email on this page are subscribers enjoy special member benefits & get exclusive deals by email you can unsubscribe at any time if you no longer want to receive these perks so don't wait any longer just enter your email on this page and start enjoying exclusive bonuses discounts and much much more i will see you on the other side as you can tell this is one of the pre-canned scripts that's included with video how makes doing the basics of implementation that much quicker so here we are at the video pal cloud interface SI s interface you can see that i already created a multitude of tests here I'll just walk you through the process real quick every time you open one of these you basically start a new so we're going to go ahead and look at this one this is the interesting part to me there are 2d animated options here as you can see there are the 3d animated again a doctor so women there's also some men and i'm not sure why they're showing up at the moment but they're probably being retooled pre-launch here and then there are these human standards all kind of green screen down and then the option is you can use your own video and basically create your own green screen type approach so we'll just proceed with this and here's where you're going to add in your text or you can use a drop-down pre-made script you can record your own audio file using the voice over here or important audio file so if you had something voiced by somebody and fiber or voice over artist that's where you would use this this is probably the approach that will use for our commercial undertakings and then you're going to use your call-to-action you're going to put in a button you can use Aweber you can use get response and suddenly and this works perfectly anything so delay for win the box pops up in the video very nice and you can therefore time the call to action to the point in the video overlay that you have chosen to make your call to action and then some basic playback autoplay which i think is the most relevant most natural and you can play just once per visit you can do a blackout we're black screen very very flexible here and you can choose from the various corners of the of the webpage to present the video out and offset that in the XY axis and then you can also kick this puppy in here which is a follow-on video so is going to actually grab a video from Vimeo or YouTube and drop it in the tail end of the overlay so from there you just click create and it processes and renders really pretty quickly this one is each time you do an edit is going to read render and convert and then it's going to provide you with a little code snippet this is you can either use a permanent page reference here or preferred way is to use the JavaScript in bed this means that you can put in a wordpress installation you could put it into any sales page basically from any of the landing page creators your equals your convert ease whatever you have and you can drop it into web 2 o's as well so very powerful very flexible system can't imagine a better way to boost conversions and to use this sort of Technology and it's so easy to use with the text-to-speech alright lastly i just wanted to share that with some work you can embed these on web tools as you can see this is a blog or blogspot.com domain and with a little tweaking we were able to drop the video pal right into here so we reload the page and I'll take a second Polly I'm loans long-lost wells cousin this is a test of the new video overlay to it so as you can see that work just fine also do it with a tumblr and if you want the details on how to do this go ahead and contact us directly will walk you through how to add this to the tumblr and hello there I couldn't have Jennifer to say hi so you'll have to make do with me the ability to modify tumblers is simply amazing and i think it's interesting the video pile pops over the that's what we've got here very powerful way to do overlays calls faction opt-ins all on web 20 platforms and you got web tools out there this is a great way to start monetizing monetizing them a bit more efficiently and effectively again we hope you will be doing a webinar or providing some more training materials on how we execute our video pal strategies so make sure you click the link in the description buy from us get with us send us your contact information and we will hook you up with some more training and some novel insights and applications of this great new video overlay technology.
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adiafunke · 8 years
to look back on in a year
also I did like 50 of these and it deleted wth ;_;
1. Is there a boy/girl in your life?
I am attempting to be single all of 2017 simply for growth and whatnot but I am dating bc hello I'm 19 and I have a favorite boy out of the few lol 
2. think of the last person who hurt you, do you forgive them?
I don’t hold a grudge or think about what they did but if they tried to be in my life again I would say no so idk probably 
4. what is something you really want right now?
motivation // positive reinforcement 
5. Are you afraid of falling in love? 
I think the only scary part is that you can fall in love with people who are bad for who or mistreat you but aside from that I think the privilege of falling in love is nice
6. Do you like the beach?
In theory yes because you get tan and its peaceful as well as beautiful but then you get there and it is too windy to read a book without hassle and SAND IS IN YOUR SHOES FOR 3 YEARS AFTER 
8. What is the background on your cellphone? 
Bo Burnham wearing an in&out shirt at one of his shows it is s’cute 
9. Name the last 4 beds you were sat on
mine, Nick Bocks, Wiliams’ in Iowa City, oddly probably Sams’ in mid January 
10. do you like your phone?
I’m apples’ bitch at this point 
11. Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
no but I’ve never been a planner and have always been one to change my mind so who knows what my “plan” was
12. Who is the most recent contact to be added to your phone?
I got Logan Hamilton’s digits ayy
14. Which hurts the most: physical or emotional pain?
I’ve never had a big physical injury but emotional pain lasts so much longer and can grow over time 
15. Would you rather visit an art museum or zoo? 
Art Museum. As I’ve gotten older Zoos make me quite sad tbh 
17. How long have you known your first alphabetical phone contact? 
Aaron, I think 2014? He is in prison now, yikes
18. Would you ever consider getting back with any of your exes?
There is a part of me that always wants Nate if he counts. He is the only one I would even slightly consider anything with, everyone else is best in the past.
20. When did you last talk to the person you shared your last kiss with? 
He snapped me 30 minutes ago and I haven't opened it 
21. If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
No. I don’t want the responsibility of a “wife” title. They love me and they can wait lol 
22. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
I plan on it tonight 
24. Is there a certain quote you live your life by? 
If I had to pick “you can never be overdressed or overeducated” Oscar Wilde 
25. What’s on your mind? 
The dishes I need to do 
26. Do you have any tattoos? 
No and I cannot believe at 19 I don’t have any. At 16 I thought I would have 5 by now
27. What is your favorite color?
28. Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
2 hours 
29. Who are you texting 
30. Have you ever kissed the last person you kissed on a couch?
no and why tf are there so many kissing questions? 
31. Have you ever had a bad feeling something was going to happen and then it did? 
This is my least favorite thing because yes I have and now I manifest these bad feelings that something will happen all the time and it’s so annoying 
32. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can talk to? 
Everyone I ever talk to is of the opposite sex these days 
33. Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I hope the boy I'm flying across the damn country for in a few weeks does 
34. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
They are my best feature let’s be real 
35. Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone in front of you?
It’s their life they can do what they want
36. Were you single on Valentine’s Day?
Last year I turned down 2 dates because I thought Nate and I were talking haha sick 
39. Has anyone upset you in the last week? 
Maybe once but I’m used to it from that person so I don't pay it much mind anymore 
40. Have you ever cried over a text?
43. Last time you wanted to be away from someone really badly? 
The last time I went to will’s apartment 
44. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? 
Logan talked to me while I bought batteries lollll- earlier today 
47. Would you ever go bald if it was in style?
No I’m 90% sure I have a lop-sided head 
50. Top 3 webpages?
youtube, tumblr, spotify 
53. Are goodbye’s hard for you? 
Depends. I’m usually either all in with emotions or not at all so I surprise myself. I’ve said goodbye to people and felt unbothered and yet I also continue to cling to people for way too long over trivial characteristics or circumstance 
54. What was the last beverage you spilled?
I had beer on me last night go Adia 
55. How is your hair?
thirsty as fuck, don't bleach your hair 
57. Do you think 2 people can last forever?
I'm hopeful but why do you need just one person forever? There are many great people out there. You have to never stop trying to impress and win the person over. I think open-relationships are good lol 
61. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? 
It’d be nice to be in Oregon
65. This time last year can you remember who you liked?
yeppppp good shit 
66. Is there one person in your life who can always make you smile?
I am fortunate enough to have a few 
68. What were your last thought before falling asleep last night? 
man I hope I don't sleep through my alarm to take emma to school 
70: how many windows are open on your computer? 7 internet tabs and spotify  72: what is your ringtone?  a marimba remixe of hotline bling what is wrong w me  73: how old will you be in 5 months? 19  74: where is your mum right now? in California with my step-dad for some vaca  75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? He wasn't a boyfriend towards me. Our relationship felt like I had a friend I put a lot of work into and I got tired eventually  76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? no  77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? yes, i have a few I still talk to nearly everyday  78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? omg this boy named Kane from my middle school. I was told he liked me in 6th grade so go me  79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? My old best friend’s dad is named Mike. He’s a funny guy.  80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? aww thats cute yes I have  81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? wow ok like 6 but most are older flings I just reconnected with and liked for a few days again. Also “like” is so subjective. It’s all casual in my eyes  83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? yeeeesssss  85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? depends on the “drug” but overall no I don't care as long as you aren't shooting up heroine or ruining opportunities for yourself.  86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? I sucked the guys dick because the theater was empty lol why am I like this  89: what is something you wish you had more of? patience. perspective. 90: have you ever trusted someone too much? yes. yes yes yes. 92: do you get along with girls? girls make me very nervous so it isn't that I can't get along with them it is just that I don’t approach them and I’m really short with conversation. That is probably my least favorite thing about me.  94: does sex mean love? No. Sex means whatever you need it to mean but the other person also is letting it mean what they need and you have to remember that
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?No we would just talk shit to each other until we got out 
99: do you believe in love at first sight? no but I believe in a feeling or lust at first glance. i think we have intuitions due to biology and all that which makes us able to look at someone e
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