#also gus hcs and probably ships
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vtkuu · 8 months ago
absolutely love how early on in the Oregon Parks promo campaign everyone was under the tweets being like "alex what is this" "alex we know it's you" "what are you plotting alex" and now everyone is screaming and crying in the replies for Park Ranger Gus Burnside and asking if he's okay
he got the fandom invested in his twitter roleplay character in the span of ~a week. i'm afraid there's nobody doing it like him— anyone who thinks they can pull off a Gravity Falls revival hoax/troll/etc should quit while they're ahead, truly
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braveasnouns · 9 months ago
sweet tooth sexuality headcanons and headcanons in general pretty plewse(i’m starved for content)
hi hi! I too am content starved!!
I have SO many things to say about this show and this ship, I had to narrow my list down for this post so I’ll probably post even more hcs and random thoughts soon! I am keeping some for future fics tho hehe
I apologize that I don’t have too many Sexuality hcs!
- To me, Bear and Tiger are both lesbians! the way they both dress honestly makes so much sense for the 2010s era of queer fashion that they would have access to from before the crumble (if we’re assuming this show is set in the present, which I do for ease ). Bear wears a ring on her thumb! this is a symbol of lesbianism too and I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a carabiner on Tigers hip either. to me they both already knew they were lesbians and I think they were together before the show started, but of course were estranged throughout.
- I think that the Animal Army was pretty queer in general! I can definitely see some of them being in relationships and some being trans that we didn’t get to explore! I also lowkey think that if that weren’t the case they would be having babies and stuff because WHO is teaching these orphaned teenagers anything about their bodies? yeah…
- Becky coming back from everything that happened in season 3 and not only getting to see the kids, but seeing Tiger there too and finally, finally feeling safe for one of the first times in her life. all of them coming out of fight mode and slowly learning what it is to heal, what relationships look like when there isn’t something dangerous looming over their heads. figuring out who they really are in a way they could never do before.
- I think that Becky remembers more about her childhood before her parents passed then she says, but keeps it to herself because internally she feels like everything she puts out into the world is taken away.
- I imagine Wendy (when she’s a little older) coming to Becky and asking her for advice and about Becky’s feelings for Tiger, trying to figure out her own feelings for Gus! this is so cute to me because I assume the couples both met around the same age. and Becky feeling so proud and like she won at big sister when it works out for them!!
- Tigerbear having little signals and mannerisms that no one else would understand leftover from when they needed to communicate without words in a fight. a certain whistle/noise or hand motion that seems like absolutely nothing but says exactly what it needs to for them.
- Tigerbear play-fighting in the woods in yellowstone, like a game of tag but they legitimately use fighting techniques and take each other down frequently. all the kids always wanting to join so they tone it back when playing with them, but absolutely and lovingly hunt each other down when it’s just them two. they would also kiss when they catch each other, yes this is true they told me!
- playing off of that, I think within their new, more calm lifestyle they both get the zoomies from time to time and absolutely have to run around to get it out of their systems, their bodies are too used to the chase lol. Jepp probably looks at them both like they’re insane when they willingly run a mile, but appreciates it because it usually gets all of the kids pretty tired too.
- at some point when they had time off in animal army HQ they most definitely gave each other stick and poke tattoos, i’m not *exactly* sure where or what they were, but i know in my heart that it happened.
- keeping the rest of the animal armies memories alive through stories and songs, making a book full of them like Katniss and Peeta did after the war in mockingjay.
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gummy-sharks666 · 1 year ago
Uh I like Bakugan Hcs!
How about Spectra, Mira, Alice and Hydron?
So I did actually answer for Mira awhile back in this post:
But now for the other 3….
Gender: flamboyant man for sure 💅💅💅
Sexuality: oh he gay. Gay as hell
A ship I have: this is SO basic but I LOVE GUS/SPECTRA 🫣🫣🫣 they’re like Steven/Wallace from Pokémon to me. Thank you spinmaster for feeding the gays one time. Glad they made it out of S2 alive and together. Good for them.
BROTP: honestly,, either Gus or Dan. Dan especially after Spectra comes around to his side
NOTP: uhhh idk… I feel like him with Hydron or Lync would just be like oil and water. Their cattiness would not let them mix well. The girls are fightingggg
Random hc: Transmasc spectra supremacy
General opinion: him being so obnoxiously dramatic and fruity and him trying to be brooding but just turning out to be pathetic are all what makes me like him as a character tbh. A lot of ppl hate him bc of it but I just love it lmfao
Gender: (Chucky voice) GENDAFLOOID
Sexuality: tbh I’m kind of a lesbian Alice truther although I do like the spectralice ship a lot 🫣 either lesbian or pan
A ship I have: Runo/Alice is top tier. Once again I’m also a fan of SpectrAlice
BROTP: Lync, Julie and Runo
NOTP: Lync lmfao I’m sorry,,, they would be friends tho
Random hc: she, Runo and Julie all keep up with each other in a group chat or discord or something and they def have regular reunions ;-;
Gender: I am a transmasc femboy hydron truther
Sexuality: GAY obvs
A ship I have: not rlly a ship but I KNOW he be crushing on Volt I just know it!!
BROTP: I can’t see him having many friends, which is actually a good thing for his character I feel. He’s a self absorbed monarch with deep rooted daddy issues so ofc he’s probably not going to have many close friends. I like that ab him. Makes him a good villain and later morally gray character
NOTP: p much any female character ??? And lync. Once again, Lync and Hydron would be SO petty to each other omfg …
Random hc: he scams men online. Get that bag bby (trust me, all twinks with daddy issues been there)
General opinion: kind of already stated this but I think he makes for a good villain/evil monarch character. He’s a prissy little shit w daddy issues (/pos) and it makes for a very interesting character.
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losergendered · 2 years ago
I saw you're a total drama fan,, do you have any headcanons? I like seeing other folks headcanons ^__^ /nf
oh you KNOW I DO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im probably gonna make a followup post like. actually making the icons but. yes here they are (its just the gen 1 cast cause. theyre the best. and also i havent seen roti or pahkitew or the reboot)
Ezekiel is a genderqueer transmasc bisexual and uses he/they!
Sadie is a biaesthetic lesbian, Katie is a transfem omni lesbian, and they're dating!
Eva is an acespec demiplatonic unlabeled sapphic! She's also Sephardic!(one of my fave random hcs is that all of team escope is jewish but from different disporas :D)
Noah is a Mizrahi gnc gay guy! (ik that sometimes people consider mizrahi to be a subterm of sephardic but im making the distinction lol)
Izzy is an Ashkenazi genderfucked abrosexual aroace demihuman xenogirl who uses any pronouns!
Justin is a flamboric cupiospec arospec gay guy!
Beth is a nonbinary weirdgirlpunk bi lesbian who uses they/she!
Owen is. well i'll be so real with you i dont really care about him (IM SORRY OWEN FANS. I JUST DIDNT LIKE HIS JOKES VERY MUCH. his friendship w noah was cute tho) but like. literally i interpret him as canonically bisexual. like he was literally so in love with justin like that wasnt even subtext that just. was a fact
Geoff i also lowkey dont care about (SORRY) but i also find him bisexual. hes so in love with bridgette and hes so in love with brody. two hands <3
Bridgette doesn't label her sexuality, but has had feelings for multiple genders before!
DJ is questioning his sexuality, but thinks that he's somewhere on the aroace spectrum! He also considers himself a cisgender demiboy!
Leshawna is a bipan girl, and her girlboyfriend, Harold, is a bigender transfem genderqueer genderfluid bisexual boygirl!
Lindsay is a bi straight lesbian, and her partner, Tyler, is a cusper straight lesbian transfem boy who switches between identifying as a cishet man and a trans butch lesbian and uses he/she pronouns! (also this is because i like both headcanons for her lmao)
Trent is an ace bisexual with an aesthetic lean towards girls and a romantic lean towards boys! He leans more towards the cis man side of the gender spectrum, but likes to get a little funky with it u know. like he listens to arctic monkeys. u know.
Gwen is a bi lesbian/shadowlesbian trans girl who defaults to she/her, but doesn't mind neopronouns! Also gwourtney is real to me
Cody is a bisexual trans guy!
Sierra is an intersex trisfem paradoxibinary arospec bordersexual first-quarter/third-quarter neaptide mspec lesbian who prefers she/her, but also likes they/them and neos!
Duncan is a bisexual guy with a preference for girls! also i am still a duncney believer. who else still part of duncney nation in 2023.
Blaineley is an aphrodite bi lesbian and shes dating ME SHES DATING ME SHES MY WIFE ILY MS STACEY ANDREWS OHALLORAN. i actually made a whole oc to ship her with lmao. i guess i can include that um shes dating jules who's a lesbian and is my oc <3
Heather is a bisexual girl with a preference for girls and she's dating Alejandro, who is also bisexual! their romance was cute argue with the wall
Courtney is a bisexual girl and she's also a cit <3
Chris and Chef are both gay men and are married! gay wrongs
uhh random other hcs i have for non gen 1 chcs are bi trans girl kitty, bi straight emma, uh that little swagless kid from rr who competed with his dad uh hes a trans boy, jo is a butch bisexual girlboy & is dating brick, a gnc bisexual man, scott is bisexual and dating courtney, sam is a nonbinary bigender transfem straight lesbian who uses all pronouns & is dating dakota who is a bi trans girl, um that one dude who had the name reveal is ofc trans, svetlana is a transgender bi lesbian, vito is hypersexual and bi, uh my hcs for mal are. long so keep an eye out for a mogai-headcanons post in a few months, shawn (?? is that his name) is a transhet guy and is dating jasmine (??? i do not know these chcs at ALL) who is bisexual.
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zee-thezebra1 · 2 years ago
Pride Month day 2
It feels like I've been waiting forever omg but now I will showcase the flags and my headcanons for the babs :)
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Obviously we all know this one lol
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I decided to give Amity the moon lesbian flag because I feel the aesthetic fits her very well (I also feel like she would associate the normal lesbian flag with who she used to be in season 1 so the change in flag represents the change in who she is). She probably learned about it through the internet like I did once they got to the human realm (I hope they got to celebrate pride month while they were there too)
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Another self explanatory one, this pan flag also captures her ✨aesthetic✨
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Now for the traumatized kid. We all know he is confirmed to be Bi and I've seen so many HCs about Hunter being transfemme but I feel that they would want to keep their masc energy but not completely. I think demiboy fits him quite well don't you think? As a demigirl myself I quite like the representation :) don't get me wrong I love trans characters I just like the "not straight straight couple" representation too and this felt like a nice balance
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Now a lot of people like to ship Gus with Mattholomule (or rather Mat Tholomule) but judging by Gus's reaction to Man Tholomule™'s mustache of confusion (and maybe a little disgust lol) and the lack of an actual love interest I like to think Gus is an aroace lad (also the ✨aesthetic✨)
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Omg I love Vee so much I wish we got to see more of them but I think they would be a Neptunic Ceteroromantic nonbinary basilisk :) Neptunic refers to someone who is sexually attracted to female aligned or nonbinary aligned people (anyone not male aligned or masc aligned) and ceteroromantic is a nonbinary person who is romantically attracted to other nonbinary people. I just love representation of lesser known sexualities and identities and so on <3
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Now it is the God Kid™ again the aesthetic of the flag fits perfectly and people have already been using they/them for the collector in the show (they are very androgynous fr I'm so jealous 😭) so of course they would be nb. I didn't think it right to give them a sexuality since they're a literal god and a kid so I just left that part blank (if anything they would probably be questioning but I don't think they would have sexual/romantic attraction to any mortal being, I feel like the concept would be lost to them like death was so I think they wouldn't put a label on it either tbh)
Welp, those are my HCs :)
Remember the ones that are headcanons are JUST headcanons, feel free to make your own, it's all for fun!
(Link to base in previous post if anyone is interested)
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athena-xox · 1 year ago
Melody- I hc she’s acearo
Justine - Ramona
Farrah - ASHLYNN
Jillian - Nina
Humphrey - Hopper
Gus - no one
Helga - Clara Lear
Okay and then this backgrounder (who is 100% the most gorge) I hc to be Amber Midas daughter of king Midas and I can’t chose if I ship her with Lilly-Bo or Meeshell
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Because on the one hand, you’ve got her being an Elsa type of character, scared of turning things to gold and meeshell being a literal mermaid who could probably reverse it for her.
But then also the whole water thing isn’t in the original myth (and one could argue that really Greek myths don’t belong as destiny’s and Cupid is just an exception) and her and Lilly are just cuties.
Sorry for taking forever to respond, I SWEAR I thought I posted this earlier but apparently not 😭😭
I’m curious to see who y’all ship with the eah side characters 🤭 reblog with your answers to each character listed….
Lily Bo-peep-
@emixion @eahravenmh @ratfullyeverafter @roybelmirrorcast @oklotea @smileyfacemojisworld @gumjester @athena-xox @blajah-blaster
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years ago
Based off that one scene in eclipse lake I've decided that willow's favourite human music would be the world's worst fucking ear-bleeding hyper pop.
Hunter sits down to listen to it with her and has to rip the headphones off 4 seconds in because he thinks he's gonna throw up and willows like "omg are you okay?? I'm sorry we can stop listening to it if you need to :((" all concerned and hunter's like "no no it's fine! I just...don't know why you listen to this. Or how" and willows like "it makes my brain itchy :)" and hunter says "THAT'S A GOOD THING??"
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#willow park#hunter toh#hunter noceda#feel free to tag as ship. I'm not bc i want hyper pop willow to reach the widest possible audience#in all fairness i think most of the kids would have pretty eclectic music tastes across the board???#luz likes songs from anime and k-pop i feel but she also likes the merengue and latin pop music her mom loves and classic rock from her dad#probably also enjoys showtunes? at least the ones that are popular in her demographic (re: teens)#then i think in like. s3 specifically she'd be enjoying a lot of mountain goats and julieta venegas and mm@ta??#plus lucy dacus i feel#willow also likes lucy dacus (i already made a whole comic abt her liking breakup songs lol)#(LISTEN i just think that when she was little she lacked the vocabulary to express her feelings on the Amity situation-#-and the closest thing she had was angsty breakup songs. hunter shares this problem aftet belos ''dies'' and she gives him her playlist)#she likes mxmtoon and boy genius and some other artists she likes k-pop but overall her fav is wretched hyper-pop#(also i wish i could specify which k-pop groups luz and willow (and gus and Amity btw) would like BUT. I've only listened to blackpink)#(so feel free to weigh in on that)#i think zeno once said that hunter would like slipknot and other metal and metal-adjacent music??? feels right#but i also know he'd enjoy cavetown. yes yes it's basic but it's so him. it's a common hc for a reason#(FUN FACT AVI ROQUE RAINES VA SAID THEY'D LIKE IT TOO. CUTE AS SHIT)#he also likes manny's old rock CDs and even though he doesn't get the lyrics he likes camillas music too#he'd like a lot of orchestral arrangements too and acoustic pieces i think. movie scores and folk songs#gus likes everything i cannot stress this enough. if it is music gus is in love with it. even the weird shit. actually ESPECIALLY that#again. points at the scene from eclipse lake#but also his frame of reference for what's weird is skewed??? mongolian throat singing is more normal to him than Shawn Mendes#he likes carly rae japsen i stand by that from the comic#oh i also forgot to mention this in his section but huntet enjoys phoebe bridgers and the front bottoms#amity likes mitski and phoebe bridgers. she likes kate bush but also like late 90s/early 00s rnb???#she likes pop punk specifically paramore#i have more thoughts but I'm out of tags lol
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lollytea · 3 years ago
No need to apologise for the derailing loved reading all of it (and as person who tends follow a stream of thoughts i relate)
When it comes to shipping in every fandom the characters / dynamics tend to be simplified for the convince (and bc id be hard to whip out a whole essay about in and out s of their relationship everytime you wanna make a silly joke, but it tends to be so widely and often used that it makes me sometimes think "wait you don t really think that they would act like that right?"But that s something that s just gonna happen ig and who am i to police ppl on jokes🤷
Loved the insignt about his military upbringing and automantically analysing ppl s strenght which i haven t though about but very much agree.
Althought i also think that beside willows powers she has proved to be quite fearless (let s overlook ladybugs / j) especially in front of Hunter where she stood up to Darius and was ready to protect EE with her body. She knew she was gonna lose and that she s weaker than the coven head but that didn t stop her. That s one of the reasons (i think) Hunter recognised fake willow so soon. Because real willow regardless if she s stronger or not overlooks the dangers and focuses on doing everything to save her friends.
And willow + gus being Hunters safe space is so dear to me it s honestly ridiculous
Hopefully after some time in nocedas household he ll have time to relax/heal and be a lil snarky maybe in a form of sibling like banter with luz?
//and back to willow and her strenght there s this hc i have about beta willow. That althought beta universe is way more dangerous/bloody i like to think willow wasn t that much violent there? But unhinged for sure, using plants attacks and refusing to "unspell" them after fight (they are her beloved plants and she s not heartless enough to make them disappear just after bringing them to life) leaving those dangerous creatures (but before the battle she always thinks what kind of flowers would grow the best in this climate/soil etc)
(was the last addition totally off the topic? ... perhaps Is this ask a mess? Very much yes. Sorry!)
I'm happy you liked it!! I appreciate when other people whose thoughts are similarly many but disorganised see my stuff and are like "yeah me too man."
And yeah whenever I make a silly little joke about Huntlow that's not entirely a reflection of how I really see them I always think about that one post that's like "oh no they're gonna think I don't understand themes and narratives!!" But like. I have several essays I can whip out if anyone questions me about it. I am very easily coaxed into writing huntlow essays. Practically dying to at all times. All somebody's gotta do is bring up a specific topic of discussion and their own opinion to get me started and I'll go off the rails.
Willow is SO brave man. And I like to believe that it's character development, going by season 1 where she went into denial over stepping on bones. I think the Eda petrification thing really changed her brain chemistry into understanding that the world they lived in was corrupt and you either gotta learn to protect or get protected.
She's still just a kid tho. You KNOW that deep down she was probably terrified during her confrontation with Darius, especially after it was demonstrated that she was way WAY outmatched in this fight and she hadnt a chance of winning. But she did it anyway because her friends' lives were at stake and somebody had to fight for them. Man Willow is SO cool.
(Something kinda tragic about her eventually giving up and throwing her arms out to shield them and shutting her eyes tight. She thinks she's gonna die protecting them. And it's noble. It really is. But we gotta remember that she blames herself for all of them being in this mess.)
I love this scene a lot because like both the "half-a witch" admissions from earlier, it's a moment between Willow and Hunter where they realize "Oh. You're like me."
They're both brave to a recklessly suicidal extent. They're protectors. They're self sacrificial.
Hunter sees her bravery in this scene and he understands it completely. She was prepared to handle this herself and lose in the process and he begs her to please just let him do it for her. His tone of his voice, the intense eye contact, his use of "Captain" and his plea? He knew she wasn't going to run away unless he begged. It wasn't the kind of person she was.
Hes known her for a DAY!!! But he gets it!!! He fucking gets her!!!!
Of COURSE this was one of the many reasons he realized LR Willow was a fake. After this girl pulled some shit like THAT there is no way she's getting spooked by illusions.
I know Hunter's gonna have some rough times in season 3 but I also know he's not just gonna be angsting the whole time. He's too funny. As much as the crew loves putting him through shit, they also clearly love him in comedic situations. They love Hunter man. You can clearly tell. He's gonna be so snarky he's gonna be so annoying. Hes gonna argue with Luz and probably Gus and maybe even Amity. It's gonna be great.
I'm so excited for s3 Luz and Hunter dynamic. It's coming I know it is. Its gonna be big and everything I ever wanted. Its so interesting to me how, besides Flapjack, Luz is the character Hunter has been the most comfortable around. They just have something special man. They're gonna have their snarky snippy little bickering, I know they will.
Beta stuff isn't really a thing I'm all that interested in. I'm happy people have their fun with the designs and coming up with lore and headcanons for those versions of the characters and the lore but I'm so attached to the canon interpretations that I can't really get invested. But I do love this!! Even in canon itself, I'd love to see Willow be the kind of person who dotes and fawns over her horrifying poison mucus spraying briars or whatever other plants her creatively unhinged little brain conjures up. Like they're her BABIES!!! It makes people uncomfortable but Willow is just so sweet that they don't have the heart to tell her to get rid of them.
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multifandomweirdo11 · 2 years ago
Hello! This is my intro post for this Blog! 🎄🕎
This post will cover the fandoms I’m in and what I post on here.
•DNI ❌•
Zoophiles, MAPs, Proshippers, Xenophobes, Racists and Homophobes/Transphobes
Fandoms of these types of media;
Amphibia — I love this show SO much! The dynamics between Sasha, Anne and Marcy are immaculate and play off of the frogs, toads and newts so well; you have to watch this show if you haven’t yet. This goes for the whole list BTW. ^^
Owl House — I love this show, but I feel less of a connection than Amphibia because I watched Amphibia first ;-; THE BEST thing about this show is the characters. Amity, Raine, Hunter, Luz and Gus are the best characters IMO.
Deltarune — OMIGOSH PLZ TALK TO ME DELTARUNE FANS. TELL ME ALL OF YOUR THEORIES AND HC’s. If you cannot tell, I love Toby Fox games. Especially this one. I am Noelle (real) /j. Love all of the characters in this game. Not one I don’t like. (Maybe King -7-)
LOVE UNDERTALE. Don’t think I have to say that since they’re probably connected, (sorry Toby i just don’t trust you when you say that they aren’t ;u;) I will post about Undertale when we get news relating to the game!
Walten Files — Woah, if you’re reading this part this probably means you at least know what this is. Yeah that analog horror videos on YouTube. Also TW if you watch this… Uhh, used to be really into this one, but my interest has faded. I will be all over TWF4 whenever it comes out, but until now I’ll be posting about it scarcely. (SOPHIE AND JENNY KINNIES I SEE YOU OUT THERE.)
Disventure Camp — YES, THIS IS BETTER THAN TDAS, TDPI AND TDA. And yes, that was my opinion ofc. Anyway, more about Disventure Camp… ALLY, TESS AND HUNTER ARE ALL IN A POLY-RELATIONSHIP. Again, my opinion, but it makes so much sense! I’ll ofc respect your opinions. Also Aiden and James all the way.
Also I will interact with some Total Drama content, but not heavily. (Dave, Cameron and Sky IRLS DNI.)
Danganrompa Another — SORA AND YOUROKO IS MY COMFORT SHIP. Respect to Weeby Newz (YT) for getting me into this amazing fangan. So much better than the Source material. I recommend this fan-game for everyone but HUGE TW for the first game and a even bigger one for the sequel. We all meme on Mitch here. (Anyone glorifying Mitch Higa without being ironic DNI)
Danganrompa Edens Garden — OOH THE PROLOGUE LOOKED SO GOOD. If you’re looking for a alternative from the problematic air around the Main Danganrompa games, look no further than this game. ME AND JETT DAWSON ARE LITERALLY DATING. but … if I can’t have him cause he’s not real … he can date Mark. BUT I WONT BE HAPPY ABOUT IT. /j (I’m also a MarkDawson shipper so <: )
Inanimate Insanity — POSSIBLY MY OLDEST AND FIRST HYPER-FIXATION?? Bright lights forever! Anyway,,, Plot and Pacing: 2nd Season. Quality: 3rd Season. Sorry not sorry, the First season is problematic and unfunny. Anyway Cabby can marry me. (/hj) This animated YouTube series is so good!
I also do like other Object Shows! BFDI and ONEhfj are some I love. the ones I will post about will probably II and TPOT
Dead End: Paranormal Park — I NEED THE BOOKS AHHH. Love this show for the amazing Rep alone. THAT ALSO GOES FOR THE OWL HOUSE AS WELL. The story is great. It’s somehow Realistic and Supernatural at the same time!!?!
Omori — I like this game! The story is intriguing and heartbreaking </3 My Omori phase is passing away, sadly.
More Info About me:
If you’ve scrolled this far, you prolly wanna know more.
I’m Gay (MLM) and use They/it/he pronouns ofc!
I’m into Graphic design and MIGHT be getting a vinyl sticker printer soon!!!
I draw on paper and IBIS Paint X. I do have a drawing tablet, however it’s difficult to set up, it doesn’t help that I have a pitiful dell computer that’s on the edge of deaths door ;^; xd
anyway, like just ask to talk! Always open to that. <3
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soul-eclectic · 8 months ago
this is too much to be in just the tags. okay here we go
i think that alonzo was a street cat for a good portion of his life. he has no memory of parents or anything though, and he only survived by hiding away & also begging humans for scraps (theyre how he got his name after all)
i think he strongly dislikes humans; he probably saw some horrible things happen out there tbh. he doesnt make fun of others for being housecats but he IS the type of guy to make his opinion known. every cat is well aware he dislikes them
gus & bustopher jones were the first cats ever to show him kindness, but he REFUSED to come to the junkyard because alonzo didn't think he needed help
hes very socially inept tbh...growing up with no friends, all foes kinda messes with you a little bit. hes not shy, he just learned cat social etiquette a lot later in life? (he eventually got to the junkyard after a cat fight with macavity btw
i think he was very confused by the tribe . at first. he was like "what do you MEAN you guys have a patriarch who can SEND cats to the HEAVISIDE LAYER ?????" and probably forgot to bow/yield to old deuteronomy for a while . hes gotten the hang of it though. he probably doesn't fully feel like he counts but whatever
he flourished in the junkyard though. he was always wearing a confident exterior but now that hes not struggling to survive, his personality really showed . he became especially cocky (which he always used as a coping mechanism. tbh, its probably the only reason he survived on the streets)
yk those posts that are like "when you try to be cool and mysterious but end up oversharing" thats him. he doesnt talk a lot but its amazing how much he can overshare in like two sentences
speaking of confusion, i feel like he picked up the protector role gradually. he met munkustrap while he was still training and he was kind of taken back by the fact that there was only one protector, so when he got to the junkyard, he started following munkustrap on patrol. other cats eventually noticed and joked about him being the second protector, and as alonzo continued to patrol & fight alongside munk, it just kind of became a Thing!
he likes validation a LOT btw. he will try so hard to earn it, he just likes hearing that hes doing a good job! he especially likes validation from munkustrap. alonzo thinks that other cats doubt his abilities (just based off of the things they say to him, like for instance cats asking him where munkustrap is while alonzo is patrolling, which isnt neccesarily doubting him but he is so Unconfident he takes it the wrong way) but i think he doesnt get these vibes from munk! he feels comfortable knowing that munkustrap sees him as capable; alonzo struggles with feeling inferior at times so the fact that he can walk alongside munkustrap makes him feel like an equal
i cant fit monochromatic siblings into my hcs. at LEAST biologically anyways. but it wouuld be cute if misto & victoria as kittens clung to the only cat in the junkyard that looked like them! (bustopher jones is their uncle but he is a bit scarce as we know). alonzo doesnt know what to do with kittens but he did make an exception for them
im tryinf to not mention my ship because i do ship alonzostrap and idk if op does. idk i feel like they would end up a couple gradually.!!!!!!! alonzo used munkustraps den "temporarily" until he could "heal up and go back to the city" but he never leaves. they become like room mates and besties and then eventually they start snuggling because its cold and then one day they kiss or something. but they dont talk about it until like two months later.
random things:
-he has a lip scar from a cat fight he had as a kitten. i love drawing him with scars
-hes a big tomcat, so hes a little Imposing at times. hes still shorter than munk & tugger though, just a little (theyre maine coon mixes)
-he wasnt imposing or even remotely percieved as a Threat when he first came to the junkyard though. he was all skin and bone
-he used to eat from the trash, so he is remarkably unpicky when it comes to food
-hes the more strict protector of the two; he says "no" more & questions cats a lot
-he can be a rather smooth talker, but after a certain point he will become a mess. stuttering and stammering everywhere
-him, misto & victoria have long conversations in some kind of sign language, because victoria is hard of hearing
-hes more of a listener. he could literally sit in silence forever and listen to someone (which is USUALLY munk) go on
I need y'all
(If you want)
To drop your Alonzo head cannons
I've been thinking about him a lot
And non replica Alonzo's are welcomed
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parallelroutes-ooc · 2 years ago
[ MUNDAY: wow i never talk about myself, this feels so weird. (fair warning that i do tend to downplay myself.) ]
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❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
i have been told by… a lot of people… that i'm a good listener.
friendliness. i highly enjoy being around people, even though i know i'm not going to be close with the vast majority of them. i'm just a social person by nature.
wisdom. i don't sound like it because i never have the chance to be? i also deliberately type like i normally do to make people feel comfy around me, so that doesn't help either lol. still, i enjoy being The Grandpa when i end up in communities with much younger people for this reason.
creativity. to the point where i literally can't enjoy media without taking inspiration and going right to my own projects and ocs/stories. it's a hassle struggling to absorb canon when i constantly have to muffle what i want to do to make sure i can pay attention RIP.
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
lol there's a lot.
when it comes to free time… i primarily love mmorpgs, but i just don't stick to them with how much there is to do - never feels like i'm going to get anywhere and it's just overwhelming. i did do ffxiv, guild wars 2, blade and soul, aura kingdom/twin saga and had been pretty far in with all of them, but they just ultimately didn't scratch the itches i needed.
however atm, PSO2 NGS (phantasy star online 2, new genesis) is kind of my dream mmo? it's a new game, f2p is 100% viable, combat is really fun and feels really natural on ps4, i have a cute and outrageously beefy/OP level 19 character and solo everything, nothing is super hard to understand, perfect game for casuals like me who just play 1-2 hours in the morning and slowly chip away at the story/game. it's just basically everything i want in an mmorpg so i'm always just happy playing it.
shout-out to pokemon sword, rune factory 4, digimon story cybersleuth. old fav games are okami, pokemon emerald/oras and ultra moon, star ocean 3, .hack//GU, dark cloud 1+2. there's some i forgot by now but still.
then there's also making ocs and art. i am so so bad at fanart (hence why i stopped) but i did really well with drawing ocs back when i was still comfortable drawing. (designing weird monsters was a huge fav and i'd probably still be able to do it but don't have the desire/opportunity anymore so! and anthros/furries were super fun to draw! help! i drew too much!)
i'm also neglecting learning music production and japanese but they have been on my peripheral for 10+ years so someday i will actually do them. (neither will be very difficult for experience reasons but what is self-starting lol.)
i've never been too big on reading anime and manga so i tended to float toward jp games instead. but… i still have a hard time getting into something new so. lol.
fashion too. love making outfits. i used to be big into lolita fashion, visual kei, pastel goth. i still have so much punk stuff too lmao. pinterest is a hellhole to try and stop browsing if you like fashion/clothes in general.
😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself?
generally, all the hobbies require effort that i don't necessarily have the energy or attention span to give, so it usually just ends up with talking to people, scrolling tumblr or twitter or reddit etc, listening to j-music.
this one doesn't have much to say, lol.
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[ for 😗, see above! ]
🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write?
fluff, hurt/comfort, weird plots that go really wild and meta, very short-term depressing/tragic thoughts, ships. i do like writing nsfw too, but definitely not here.
🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
honestly? everything longterm. i tend to forget where plots are going, which is why i'm not great with RP plots or keeping track of hc characterization. i just don't have enough attention span to take notes or reread every rp ever BUT-- when i have an active/dedicated partner, i can keep rolling with something for a long AF time. (thank you in specific, neochan!)
serious answer is long sad/angsty plots. i just don't do that well with them unless i get in the mood, but i don't really want to be sad, so it's just not usually my thing if it's not just a thread or two.
there is also that long posts are pretty taxing too, but there's not much i can do about that because lol i just innately write with the intention of going back and rewriting. rip!
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silkhy-john · 4 years ago
A smaller one this time, cause bebby needs sleep guys (I'll probably just play Radical Red instead of sleeping though lolllllll)
Anyway, I HC that Nico does a lot of quests, way more than the number any of the seven have done.
A good number are normally requests from his father, Demeter, and Persephone, stuff like helping the cthonic gods, or helping Triptolemus and his pursuits (Trip and Nico got past the corn thing. They binge Carmen San Diego after work and discuss stuff), or looking for a rare-ass flower to add to the underworld garden with all relevant sources as very dangerous creatures.
Some are from Chiron, I wrote a piece about one of those, you can ask for the link of you're interested. He doesn't really like the Chiron ones, because it's usually a quest that's too complex for even the seasoned camper's kit, or is an odd quest that relies on the aspects of his powers that Nico isn't completely comfortable with.
The last category is quests that Nico takes up out of the goodness of his own heart (which he insists to anyone who so much as suggests that said goodness exists is "cold and dead").
Nico has made himself a reputation as a helpful individual, and many minor gods reach out to him, basically. It's gotten to the point that the combination of the Persephone/Hades quests + his general reputation as helpful has made him actively interact with MANY other pantheons. He and Walt are good friends, and he helps Anubis get a grasp on powers over death and the limits of the human body.
Whenever he helps the minor gods, they impart blessings on him without his knowledge (boons for my Hades fans out there. Yes, I think Zag and Nico are very similar. Yes, I think they'd be very good friends. Hades (from Hades) would probably tell Zagreus to be "more like that Pluto-Boy" (yes, Hades knows Nico is a son of Hades, but he says Pluto for the distinction)).
The blessings definitely boost Nico's status from most powerful demigod to something closer to a minor god who can die. Zeus isn't comfortable with this. This is sorta like the plot to The Second Life on ao3. Go read that, real good jasercico with Apollico on the side.
Jason uses Nico's acquaintance with minor gods to get help knowing who to build shrines to.
The reason Chiron sends Nico on the most dangerous quests alone (at Nico's request). Nico catches on to how strange it is that he's the only exception the biggest camp rule: absolutely no questing alone. Confronting Chiron about it finally makes him aware of the many blessings he's been given. He becomes more powerful for it, being able to incorporate small aspects of other gods powers to his own. Zeus doesn't like it.
Cupid definitely asks Nico to be his champion. Nico declines.
He also does quests in record time and is a better "quest library/advisor" than Annabeth, simply for the fact that he has more experience than her or anyone else and has interacted with more of the mythos than anyone else. Athena considered offering him a mantle as one of her champions... but she decided not to ask.
And uhhhh.... yeah. That's it for the actual HC. Shitpost time.
Perspehone: Nico, could you get me something?
Nico: what?
Persephone: Lively daylight, the sister-flower to deadly nightshade
Nico: lemme guess, I'll have to go to Eos for this *groans*
Eos: don't start complaining yet, there's sphinges involved
(Sphinges is the plural of sphinx)
(Demeter, Hades, and Persephone are discussing Nico like a good and healthy parental unit. This is definitely not gossip or gloating).
Hades [proudly]: Nico has been looking really healthy lately. I believe all the travelling's helping.
Demeter [conspirationally]: the farm has helped him put on weight and muscle. You should see the way the Ares boys eye him up and the fantasies the Aphrodite and Hermes kids cook up when they get together. And for what? The boy doesn't look in mirrors
Persephone [feeling a bit left out]: he can make a mean cup of tea
Hades and Demeter [simultaneously]: *exchange look* *twin doting faces at persephone*
Iris: I just need someone who won't get trapped and turned into a guinea pig to deliver these for me... you've cross-dressed before, right?
Nico: once. It was literally just once because I was helping Butch–
Iris: yes, yes, so about the cupcakes...
(Butch was fitting skirts for purposes unknown to the shitposter. Something something Jake Mason something something I ship it).
Chiron: I hope this email finds you we–
Nico: I don't like it when the first thing people do is lie to me :/
Chiron [embarrassed]: *clears throat* it's leukrokottai and a single succubus
Nico: cool *face-plants into nearest shadow*
Sadie [puts down burger]: and the goddess in my mind was extremely manipulative and her plans almost fell apart
Isis: *indignant spluttering*
Nico [sipping choccy milk]: yep. Sounds a lot like a certain goat skin gal I know, except she prefers cows to birds
Hera: boy, I will smack you into next century
Hades, Demeter, Persephone [in sync]: *glare meaningfully*
Hera [teeth gritted]: and by that I'll ask Hebe if she can get you to see the next 100 years without being trample by cows
Cupid: so yeah, could you be my champion?
Nico: we've moved the incident, but not that far past it. No.
Hades: *smug*
Athena: I was gonna ask, but I like to avoid embarrassment and the answer no.
And that's it. I wasn't planning to do the shitpost part since I actually want to write something for this idea? So yeah, deuces.
These tags are wild, wild, wild. I didn't need to tag like that LOLLLL. Anyway.
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trobeds · 2 years ago
the owl house!
favorite male character GUS!!!!!!!!! (hunter close second though id die for him)
favorite female character eda i literally have all the feelings about her she is so beloved
least favorite character umm belos obviously
prettiest character uhh i had a huge crush on emira when i first watched the show so her probably <3
funniest character king and hooty
favorite season s2 :]
favorite episode edas requiem comfort episode fr fr
favorite romantic ship RAEDA.
favorite family ship luz king and eda beloveds <3 also lilith and eda
favorite friend ship willow and gus !!
worst ship belos x anyone
ship that is overhyped huntlow (i hc willow as aroace so. qpr huntlow has my heart however)
ship that is underhyped im not sure uhh
an unpopular opinion i dislike huntlow
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years ago
001 with TOH! Or, because that one was predictable, 003 with Lilith 💜
I'm a'ok with predictable haha, I'll do both!
1. Favorite character:
This is so difficult but I'll have to say it's a tie between Eda & Darius
2. Least favorite character:
Tibbles, other vile chars (Odalia, Kikimora, Terra, Adrian) are at least fun to hate, have good designs, and contribute to good char analyses on why they're like that & the harm their abuses caused. Tibbles is just...a capitalist pig, which is a great pun but he's still boring
3. 5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Raeda, Lumity, Huntlow, Gustholomule, Dariraeda. Or every char x therapy
4. Character I find most attractive:
Darius, Raine, Eda, Camila, & Steve all take turns bearing the title of "most fuckable person in the grocery store". Lilith isn't qualified solely out of respect
5. Character I would marry:
I feel like Camila would be the best choice haha
6. Character I would be best friends with:
I would've loved to have Luz as a friend in HS
7. A random thought:
A headcanon I have is that Eberwolf's a polyphyodont (his teeth continually replace themselves) like a shark. This horrified Darius at first
8. An unpopular opinion:
*sighs* Huntlow is a perfectly cute ship that's still important representation regardless if either char is queer or not, and if it ended up canon it would not ruin the queerness of the show nor would it be "horrible rushed writing". There are clear hints for a romantic angle plus it's been directly paralleled to both Lumity & Caleb/Wittewife, and after everything the show has been through & did for queer rep it's fucking nuts people are this mad over something minor. No one has to like x pairing but it's honestly depressing to see these complaints so often.
Also m/f does not automatically mean "allocishet" nor is it inherently bad, signed a queer person in a straight passing relationship
9. My canon OTP:
Lumity & Raeda are so fucking incredible and both mean so much to me, sometimes I can't believe they're canon
10. My non-canon OTP:
There's a lot of ship questions huh. So here I'll put "Darius Eber Hunter & Flapjack all live together & it's sweet chaos" because I have put a lot of HCs, writing, and energy into thinking about them
11. Most badass character:
Steve convinced a god to not care about godhood during his journey of leaving "faceless minor character status" via quietly quitting a cult. Goals
12. Most epic villain:
Belos is really the only choice, but even further Belos is probably one of the top villains in western animation, guy is unstable yet iconic
13. Pairing I am not a fan of:
Bosh//low & gold//ric were unavoidable for years (2yrs for bw 1yr for eh) it was awful
14. Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I don't wanna say "screwed up" bc despite any gripes I have I love almost every character, but I think Lilith got shafted esp with how prevalent she was at the beginning of S2 before leaving. I know why storylines had to be dropped but I think Lilith suffered a lot more from it than others
15. Favorite friendship:
Gus & Hunter, I had no idea what to expect going into LR and I adore every moment of it & everything that's come since
16. Character I most identify with:
Amity & Eda are both extremely relatable
17. Character I wish I could be:
Eda hands down I wish I was that trash milf criminal
1. How I feel about this character:
I'm an outlier in that I always loved Lilith, even after S1 first ended and so much of the fandom hated her (for good reason tho). Her friendship with Hooty means so much to me and was so funny to see start
2. Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
N/A aroace queen
3. My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
The tragedy of her relationship with Eda is just. Ah. It kills. Lifelong damage that she can't ever take back from a moment of weakness caused by the world Belos made, but she was able to lessen the load of it and through that finally starts to really understand & sympathize with her sister and work to rebuild their relationship after decades
4. My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't think it was bad writing that Luz so easily forgave Lilith at the start of S2, that fits Luz's character so much to think of transgressions against herself so lightly and focus more on the ones against Eda -- but since Eda also easily forgave Lilith bc that also fits her character so much, Luz would follow Eda's lead there. That said I'm gonna write a fic about the hard apology Lilith gave Luz offscreen
5. One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Apologies to Luz, King, & Eda, the heart-to-heart with Gwen & Dell, the confrontation with Raine about cursing Eda
6. Favorite friendship for this character:
I think so much about how Lilith befriending Hooty is what made everyone else finally start treating Hooty with any respect or kindness
7. My crossover ship:
N/a aroace queen
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0zzysaurus · 4 years ago
6. Favourite f/f ship
Probably Victeazer!! I think they'd be really sweet and funny together. People usually have it almost like a nerd/jock type relationship where Victoria is shy and nerdy and Teazer is more outgoing, but I like the idea that Vicky is also super outgoing. I also like them both having kandicore aesthetics, but Victoria is new to it so all the kandi she has Teazer has made for her, or has been traded to her by Teazer or Jerrie.
9. Most angsty ship
Mungocavity I think would have to be my most angst filled ship if I'm using non-evil Jerrie hcs. Otherwise it's just more like a crack ship where they're both evil and in love. But if we're going by my default hcs, Jerrie hasn't had ANY experience with a healthy romantic relationship. After losing his family (personal hc) and ending up alone in the Underground, he considered himself incredibly lucky to have been found by Macavity and given a home. Of course, when he meets Rumpleteazer he figures out that the way he's being treated by Mac shouldn't be tolerated and he deserves better, but he doesn't realise that for a while. Prior to that it's just a real sad relationship where Jerrie desperately wants to feel loved and will do anything to get it, and Mac just wants to take advantage of that and have a co-dependent fuckbuddy who can't leave - not because he actually needs to put Jerrie under lock and key like the rest of his harem, but because Jerrie is too afraid of being alone that if you gave him the choice of freedom, he wouldn't leave.
14. Character that you can't imagine in any ship
Rumpus Cat. Straight up. I also kinda struggle to see Gus Sr in any relationships just cus hes so crusty and old but maybe if it was a younger version of him I could probably see him living a nice domestic life with Old Deuteronomy.
21. UHHHHH I don't understand what this one is trying to say SJFHDFHH I think it has a typo or something but I don't know what it means. Sorry!!
34. Ship that I never expected to ship, but now do
Hm... Probably Demestrap actually!! I was pretty solid on Alonzostrap and I do still really like it, but I never thought I'd even acknowledge Demestrap, let alone actively ship it. I suppose you can blame @munku-collar for that.
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So I came up with this random HC concept of what the Cats would do at a butterfly farm. It's honestly trash, but I had fun making it.
Mistoffelees: probably enchaning the butterflies to change color or get bigger or land on Victoria, cause he knows she wants to hold them
Victoria: trying to hold the butterflies and would probably freak if she stepped on one
Mungojerrie: trying to eat them
Rumpleteazer: also trying to eat them
Munkustrap: chilling with the butterflies and trying to stop the twins from eating them
Demeter: looking at the flowers and maybe trying to touch the butterflies. She, of course, attracts most of them cause she's the calmest
Tugger: trying to catch them but not hurt them, just to look at them and maybe get Misto to change their colors to his liking
Bombalurina: trying her best to get red or black ones to land on her because they'd compliment her fur. Ends up attracting them because she's wearing floral perfume.
Tantomile: just admiring the colors
Coricopat: chasing them for a while, then gets tired and chills with them like Munk, which gets more of them to land on him
Etcetera: going into a frenzy chasing them, then getting so excited whenever they land on her that they fly away
Electra: trying to patiently teach etcetera how to properly attract the butterflies. Spoiler: it doesn't work.
Jemima: sitting completely still and quiet, and ends up attracting more butterflies than anyone else. Until Etcetera scares them off, that is.
Skimbleshanks: picking up butterflies gently to give to the kits so they can hold them
Jennyanydots: teaching them about butterflies and trying to make it educational
Jellylorum: scolding them if they try to hurt the butterflies
Asparagus Jr: is here to humor Jelly
Gus: quoting a midsummer night's dream or some other Shakespeare play
Bustopher: there to humor Jenny
Cassandra: acting annoyed and apathetic but secretly thrilled whenever a butterfly llands on her
Alonzo: staying with Cassandra and trying to get her to show she's enjoying this by trying to get butterflies to land on her, which just results in them flying away.
Old Deuteronomy: watching the butterflies and laughing whenever they land on him.
Remember: this is just what I HC, so you don't have to agree. Also, is appreciate it if you didn't tag this as tugstoffelees, since I don't really like that ship. Thank you!!
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