#also funny considering he’s like the straightest looking person in that show MAYBE next to Alex
squipedmew · 8 months
Jay I love you but why is your first response to Tim hiding something to fucking. Choke him out.
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spaceskam · 5 years
for @youaremyworldlois ❤️️
“Do you wanna come stay with me? There’s room.”
“No, no, I don’t wanna get your dad sick on accident.”
“Okay,” Liz said skeptically, “I’m here if you need me.”
“I know, thank you, but I think it’ll be fine,” Alex sighed. 
He was huddled in bed, trying not to pout too much about the situation for the last week. Starting Monday, classes would be solely online which sucked since he was a guitar major and there were few things more anxiety-inducing than being in a small apartment and practicing for hours on end. However, it was only made worse by the fact that he was stuck with his stupidly hot roommate that apparently didn’t have anywhere to go home to either.
“Stay safe, love you!” Liz told him.
“Love you too.”
The call ended and forced Alex to see that it was already 2PM and he hadn’t gotten out of bed. He decided to climb out of bed and face reality. He put on pants and a shirt, knowing damn well his roommate would probably be roaming around. He wasn’t even sure that guy even slept.
For the first two years of college, Alex had lived in a dorm with random guys that always made him uncomfortable. He hated living with strangers in just one room with no semblance of privacy, especially when he had no idea what they would do if they knew their roommate was gay. Then, whenever dorms would close, he would have to couch hop since there was no way he could go back home. 
So, after his sophomore year, he started looking into off-campus apartments. He had a good amount of money saved up and all he had to do was find a roommate. It proved harder than expected because Liz already lived with her boyfriend and Maria lived back home, so he had to actually look for someone he could be comfortable with.
That’s when he found Michael.
Or, actually, Liz found Michael. He was her boyfriend’s brother and apparently a genius that doubled as a giant puppy. He was in a frat and had lived in his frat house for a while before deciding to move out so he could focus better in school. They’d met and Alex had laid out all his concerns and Michael had taken them all in stride, happily agreeing to whatever as long as he had a place to rest his head.
They’d been living together for about six months by the time schools were beginning to shut down and, the closer it got to when UNM would be closing, the more Alex got anxious. Living together for six months didn’t actually mean they hung out ever. Most days, they never even saw each other and he could count the number of conversations outside of ‘I’m going to the store, you need anything?’ on one hand.
But now, according to the fucking CDC, he was going to be stuck alone with him for the foreseeable future.
“Good morning,” Michael said, not even looking his way when Alex stepped out of his bedroom.
“Is it morning?” Alex asked. Michael looked up from whatever the hell he was doing at the coffee table and smiled.
“For you it is,” he answered happily.
That was another thing about Michael. He was so painfully heterosexual that he didn’t seem to have any idea what the hell that smile could do to someone like Alex who basically fell in love with any guy who gave him attention. It was the worst and it would the main reason Alex had no problem keeping his distance from him.
“So, quarantine,” Alex hummed, looking in their newly stocked kitchen for something to eat. He decided on toast and popped two slices of bread in the toaster. “Are you, like, gonna go home?” Alex already figured the answer was no since he didn’t go anywhere to Christmas, but he figured he should ask.
“Nah,” Michael said, “You?”
“Nope,” Alex answered, “So I guess we’re stuck together.”
Michael gave that overwhelming little smirk and licked his lips, cocking his head in Alex’s direction. “I guess we are.”
Alex turned to face the toaster and tried to think of how he was going to survive like this. Why did he have to be so hot and so straight at the same time? It just wasn’t fair.
When Alex had first met him, he’d thought that maybe he wasn’t straight. It was just a vibe he gave off and the way he sat in his chair. However, when he asked Liz about it, she’d basically laughed and said he was the straightest guy she knew. Then, when Alex inevitably let him know that he was gay, Michael just said ‘cool’ instead of coming out as anything other than straight. It was even further confirmed whenever he’d text Alex to make sure it was okay to bring a girl over. Which, that only happened about six times, but still. All girls. Straight, straight, straight.
Not like he’d have a chance anyway.
“What exactly are you doing?” Alex asked, holding a napkin under his toast as he walked towards the living room. Might as well get used to talking to him.
“A puzzle,” Michael answered. However, when Alex got closer, he saw what looked like the base of a miniature house.
“That is not a puzzle,” Alex laughed. Michael laughed right alongside him.
“Yes, it is! 3-D puzzle, it’s a replica of the Neuschwanstein Castle.”
“The what?”
“Sorry, did I pronounce that wrong? I didn’t Google it.”
“I have no fuckin’ idea,” Alex said, shaking his head. Michael gestured for him to sit on the other side of the coffee table.
“Wanna build it with me? Maybe we can actually bond for once?” he suggested. Alex huffed a small laugh and agreed, carefully sitting down across from him and placing his toast on the napkin on the table. “So, Alex, you come here often?”
“Is that how we’re gonna bond? Because I think I might have to go back to my room.”
“No, stay,” Michael laughed, “Help me build this thing.”
So Alex did. It was kind of weird actually spending time with him, but it turns out Michael wasn’t so bad for a straight guy. He was funny and a whole lot better at building than Alex was. 
When the castle was halfway built, Alex felt a socked foot graze his calf. Every hair on his body stood up in alert, eyeing Michael in shock only to see him straight up steal the rest of his toast by shoving the entire thing in his mouth.
“Did you just eat my toast?” Alex scoffed. He was actually pretty thankful for the distraction because he would’ve hyperfixated on that little touch for hours. Who was he kidding? He was going to do that anyway.
“You haven’t touched it for five whole minutes,” Michael said, his cheek puffed out and stuffed with bread, Alex laughed, genuinely laughed.
“What is wrong with you? Were you never taught manners?”
“No,” Michael answered innocently. Which, honestly, just made them both laugh harder. “Also I lived in a frat house with, like, 10 other guys for two years. We consume or we die. You’re, like, the cleanest and most respectful guy I’ve ever lived with.”
“Well, thanks, I guess.”
“Want me to make you some more toast?” Michael offered. Alex smiled and tried not to become too obsessed with his charm, shaking his head.
“No, but I will take you up on a pot of coffee.”
“On it!” Micahel said, standing to his feet and showing that he was in nothing but a ratty old t-shirt and tight boxer briefs and socks with little koalas on them. Alex tried—and failed—not to watch him walk to the kitchen area and slide on his socks towards the coffee maker.
This was going to be a long couple of weeks.
“Hey, I hate to be that fuckhead, but could you turn your music down? I have a lesson.” 
“No problem,” Michael said, turning his music down. Alex gave him a thankful smile and then quickly went to go to his online guitar lesson at his setup in his room.
He had his sheet music in front of him on his stand and his laptop propped up beside it, easily connecting whenever his professor started the video call.
It was weird, trying to take notes and adequately tweak them via video. He was used to being shown in person how to correct his finger placement or his posture. This was just... He wanted to go back to normal.
“Keep up the good work,” Dr. V said. Alex could tell, though, that he was just as irritated with the lack of hands-on teaching. Working with one teacher one on one really created a close bond of trust and familiarity. Alex could fuck up with Dr. V and not even think twice about it. They were like family.
And now it was fucking weird.
“I sent you scans of that more contemporary piece considering it’s less crucial for you to work on your performance pieces. Have fun with it, play around, show me what you come up with next lesson,” Dr. V added before saying his goodbye’s. Thankfully, that was Alex’s last class of the day.
“You’re really good.”
Alex nearly jumped out of his skin when he opened his bedroom door to see Michael loitering a few steps away. He looked like he’d been there for a while.
"Were you standing there the whole time?”
“Huh? No, I, uh, I was gonna ask what you wanted for dinner and then I heard you were still playing, so I was waiting so I wouldn’t interrupt you. And, well, you’re really good,” Michael said, his fingers tapping against his thigh as he rose up on his toes and dropped back down. His curls sprung with the movement.
“Thank you,” Alex said, trying to smile despite the fact that made him uncomfortable. As stupid as it was, he didn’t really like having random people hear him play. It was different when he was actually performing. Whoever was there came to see him and wanted to hear him. But, like this, it felt like he was simply being annoying.
“You know, I always wanted to play guitar,” Michael said, biting down on his lip just a little bit and Alex had to wonder why the hell he deserved that.
“I mean,” Alex started, looking around before being forced to look back at Michael due to the lack of scenery, “Maybe I can show you a thing or two sometime? I don’t just know classical.”
Michael split into a happy grin and bounced on his toes one more time. “Sounds super fun.”
“So,” Alex said, “Dinner?”
Michael blinked a couple times as if suddenly realizing where the conversation had originated. It was the cutest thing.
“Oh, right.”
“We need to do this more often, I think it’d help my fucked eating schedule.”
“Well, we can, if you want.”
“Cool,” Michael said all happily. They were making breakfast together like some sort of domestic couple, bustling around the kitchen to concoct something edible. Eggs, toast, and apparently Michael also needed waffles with those things. 
Alex got to work on the toast and waffles while Michael made the eggs.
“Don’t put any pepper in mine, please, pepper makes me wanna gag,” Alex mentioned. Michael gave him a bewildered look.
“Says the guy who put, like, an absurd amount of Tony’s on his fried rice,” Michael scoffed. Alex grinned. He remembered that?
“That’s different.”
“Is it? Is it really?” Michael asked. Alex laughed and swatted in his direction. Michael grabbed his arm instinctually and tugged him closer. It caught Alex so off guard that all he could do was stare with wide eyes. Eventually, Michael seemed to realize that was a little fucking weird and let go, taking a step back. “Do you want me to put Tony’s on your eggs?”
“Yes, please,” Alex said, clearing his throat in an attempt to not sound like that was weird. Which, it was weird. And absolutely not at all good for him brain that seemed to think Michael was more and more lovable each day.
A couple minutes later, Michael got his attention again.
“Try this, tell me if it’s enough,” he said, holding up a fork with scrambled eggs on it. Alex looked between it and Michael’s eyes a few times before realizing he was just going to feed it to him. Is this what they did at the frat house? He would really like to know.
But, instead of questioning it, Alex opened his mouth and let Michael feed him the bite.
“Good?” Michael asked, smiling all proud of himself. Alex almost forgot what he was asking about.
“Yeah. So good.”
“I’m gonna go insane.”
“Because,” Alex hissed, covering himself with his blanket to try and stifle his words despite the fact that Michael was taking a shower and couldn’t hear him, “He’s so fucking cute and nice. Who allowed him to be both? It’s a goddamn crime.”
“Alex, his niceness is why you let him be your roommate in the first place,” Liz pointed out with a laugh.
“Yeah, so?” Alex groaned, “It’s overwhelming. Do you know what he does for fun? Puzzles. And then, last night I guess he ran out of puzzles, because I woke up at, like, three in the morning to get water and he was building a house of cards. Not just a house, a fucking castle. What the fuck is that? Why am I attracted to someone who builds card castles?”
Liz laughed even louder, “Alex, maybe it’s the quarantine. I mean, you’re stuck with him, so you’re bound to catch some feelings because they have nowhere else to go.”
“Okay, but he’s a straight guy that I once saw wash his hair in the kitchen sink on one side and defrost chicken on the other.”
“Ew,” Liz said.
“I know! And yet I look at him and want to put my head through a wall to stop feeling like a pile of goo,” he groaned, “Sometimes I think he is just instigating it.”
“What do you mean?”
“A couple mornings ago, he pulled me close to him and fed me a bite of eggs. Like, who does that? The more I think about it, the more I think he’s messing with me,” Alex whined. Liz was silent for a moment.
“Michael isn’t the type of guy to just, like, mess with people. Especially not his roommate,” she said cautiously. Alex didn’t know what to respond. “Maybe ask him not to do stuff like that? Ask him not to lead you on?”
“Okay, but I’m not going to ask him not to lead me on because then he’ll think I like him,” Alex argued.
“But you do.”
“But he doesn’t know that!”
“Hey, Alex?!” Michael called from the other room, very quickly making Alex panic about what he could’ve overheard.
“Yeah?!” Alex yelled back.
“Can you get me a towel from the dryer?! I washed them to take a shower and then I forgot!” he called. Alex gulped hard and looked upwards, letting out a quiet, strained noise.
“Yeah, gimme one second!” he yelled, “Okay, Liz, I gotta go, He needs me to get him a towel.”
“Seriously, Alex, you need to ask him—“
“Nope, bye! Talk to you later,” Alex said, hanging up before she could try to pressure him into having an adult conversation.
Instead, he went and fetched a towel and then knocked on Michael’s bathroom door. The door opened only a few inches, but it was enough to see a soaking wet body that was tanned and covered in chest hair and Alex realized he was beyond help.
Instead of risking saying anything embarrassing, he just held out the towel. Michael flashed a smile, a ringlet already forming against his forehead that dripped water onto his nose. How was he even real?
“Thank you,” Michael said, winking before he closed the door again.
Alex decided then and there that it had to just be hormones. He was going stir-crazy with nothing but hormones and a hot guy. That’s it. Because there was no goddamn way he looked that good. Alex had to be exaggerating in his head.
He just fucking had to.
“Okay, you promised me over a week ago that you’d teach me some things on the guitar and you still haven’t.”
“Okay, okay, come here,” Alex said. Michael smiled like a kid in a candy store and bounced on his toes before meeting Alex on the couch. 
Alex had been a little bit better about keeping his distance and giving himself a reality check daily after the amount of wet skin he’d seen during the shower incident. That was really only two days ago, but still. He was reminding himself that he only felt so attracted to him because he had no other choice in the moment or something. Now, however, that was hard to remember when he was sitting so close.
Still, Alex handed over his guitar. Michael looked at him expectantly. It was almost too much to handle.
“Okay, so these things are called frets and the strings are numbered one through six going from this end to this end,” Alex said, pointing at what he was talking about. Michael nodded along. “Okay, so put your index finger on the first fret, second string. Middle finger on the second fret, fourth string. Ring finger, third fret, fifth string.”
Michael slowly did just that. When Alex reached to adjust his finger and hand placement, he let him. He listened well and molded to whatever Alex suggested.
“Okay, now strum,” Alex told him, listening to the sound it made, “And that’s C Major.”
“Oh, shit,” Michael laughed. Alex huffed and rolled his eyes.
For the next few minutes, Alex walked him through chords: A minor, G Major, F Major, the basics. He explained how to hold the neck of the guitar so it wouldn’t cramp up his hand and how to not press down too hard, but also not too light to get the best sound out of it. They walked through them and switching chords. Alex explained how it got easier with time and with calluses. 
“And now basically you can play 90% of pop songs,” Alex said. Michael’s eyes went wide and he laughed.
“Yeah, most pop music is made up of just those four chords or variations of them. Sorry to disappoint,” Alex told him. Michael shook his head.
“Show me another one,” he asked. 
“Okay,” Alex agreed. He leaned a bit close again, talking and guiding Michael through the finger placement for D Major. But then Michael moved his hand off the body of the guitar and to Alex’s cheek, leaning.
For a moment, Alex was frozen and feeling more confused than he had in a long time.
“Sorry, do you not want to?” Michael asked after a few seconds of kissing Alex and Alex just not kissing back.
Logically, Alex should’ve explained that he was confused. He should’ve said that he thought Michael was straight and that, if he was indeed straight, he shouldn’t be doing this because this was mean. He should’ve been an adult. 
But he had been stuck alone with him for three weeks and all sense of logic seemed to fly out the window.
Alex moved the guitar to the coffee table with one hand and grabbed Michael’s neck with the other. He pulled him in for a much more heedless kiss that the first one. Michael made a soft noise of approval as his hands went to pull Alex closer by his hips.
Things moved fast. If it were a normal circumstance or a normal situation, Alex would’ve thought it was too fast. But this wasn’t normal and Alex couldn’t contain himself. He’d been thinking about this for days. Weeks. Probably even months.
He let Michael kiss down his neck, he helped strip them both down, he happily melted when he was finally being touched by someone that wasn’t himself.
He enjoyed every second.
Alex wished his horny brain had warned him that the next morning would feel weird.
He woke up first and laid there, frozen on the couch for thirty minutes because he was too scared to moved. Michael was laying on top of him partially, his head on his chest and his thigh draped against his hips. It was the first time Alex had ever actually seen him sleep and so he was too nervous to wake him.
In that hour, though, he was able to plan what he was going to say. He was going to assure him that it didn’t mean anything and that things happen. It was just circumstances. They could still be roommates. Going down on a guy didn’t make anyone gay. He had it all planned and fully expected a breakdown the moment Michael woke up and realized what happened. 
Only, again, he couldn’t have predicted what actually happened.
Michael woke up slowly, shifting a little bit and stretching his legs out. He didn’t jump or scream. He rubbed his thumb all the way from Alex’s nipple to his armpit and made a sweet waking-up sound before raising his head.
“Hi,” he said sweetly, his voice a little deeper than normal. It was jarring and Alex was trying to find the beginning of his speech. He was only more thrown off when Michael kissed his jaw and put his head back on his chest, seeming comfortable in their placement.
“Hey... Uh, maybe we should talk?” Alex said awkwardly. Only then did Michael seem to react, pushing himself up a little bit. He took in whatever expression happened to be on Alex’s face and sat up completely. Alex followed suit. “So, um, I’m sorry about last night. We’ve just been crammed together and stuff happens. I hope this doesn’t make it awkward between us. We can still be roommates.” Micahel’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and, with each sentence of Alex’s speech, seemed to become more and more offended.
“What?” Michael asked, rubbing his face.
“I-I mean, don’t worry,” Alex assured, “What happened doesn’t make you gay and I hope you aren’t, like, weirded out by me.”
“Alex,” Michael said, voice matching the offended look as he held his hand up, “What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you acting like I wasn’t a fully engaged participant? Like, I did that on purpose, it wasn’t an ‘oops, tripped and fell onto your dick’.”
Alex gulped, shifting a bit as he began to feel offended. So he wasn’t wrong. Micahel had been leading him on.
“Okay, well, you can’t just act interested in me because you don’t have any girls to hook up with, that’s just—“
“Alex!” Michael said, cutting him off and looking at him with genuine hurt, “Why do you think I’m acting? What the fuck?”
Alex didn’t actually know what to say to that. He stared at him blankly, trying to think of a response that wouldn’t make this situation worse. But he figured he’d already ruined a soft morning by accusing him of things, so he might as well just say what he was thinking.
“You’re straight,” Alex said. Michael huffed a laugh, falling back into the couch and staring up at the ceiling.
“Why the hell do you think that?” Michael asked. Alex sat up pin-straight, looking at him in a whole different light by that one little sentence.
“You... You’ve only brought home girls,” Alex pointed out weakly.
“That’s just not true,” Michael said, looking over at him with amusement rather than anger. Alex relaxed a little. “Ari was a guy, you just didn’t see him, and Dylan was non-binary, you just didn’t see them either—and that’s just since we moved in together. You never saw anyone I brought over, Alex, don’t assume based on names I say and the way I look.”
Alex felt his face flush and he started feeling more than a little embarrassed. In fact, he was so embarrassed, he kind of wanted to cry. Or lay on the floor. Preferably both.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he said, dropping his head into his hands. Michael sighed and shifted closer, his hand pressing into Alex’s shoulder.
“It’s okay. I’m honestly more concerned with how many allegedly straight guys you’ve hooked up with that you had a speech prepared,” Michael said. Alex laughed a little.
“I was the only gay guy in my high school, I got pretty used to it,” he admitted.
Michael clasped his hand over Alex’s shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. Alex melted into it, hoping that it meant he hadn’t embarrassed himself for life.
“I’m bisexual,” Michael said so confidently that it almost made Alex cry just by that alone. He was so sure of himself. 
“So does that mean you were flirting with me?” Alex asked when he got to courage to raise his head. Michael huffed a laugh.
“Wow, thanks for noticing.”
Alex groaned, “God, I’m embarrassed.”
“Don’t be. Just, you know, head’s up, next time we hook up, I’d prefer to have the speech be at least an hour after I wake up,” Michael said. Alex groaned louder. “What? No cute remark about me saying next time?”
Alex held back a smile and glared at the boy in front of him.
“I already know there will be a next time because we are still going to be stuck alone in this apartment for at least a couple more weeks. It’s after that that I’ll have questions,” Alex said.
“So confident for someone so embarrassed,” Michael teased. Alex raised an eyebrow that said ‘am I wrong?’ He got a kiss instead of a response. “Here, to balance out your embarrassment, I’ll admit a thing. The only reason I brought that many people over was because I wanted to see if you’d get jealous and make a move.”
“I don’t get jealous, I just get confused.”
“Noted,” Michael laughed, nudging his nose against Alex’s. It was so much touching, so much affection. Alex couldn’t remember a time anyone had done that to him in a non-platonic way. “Point is, I liked you the moment I met you.”
“Liz insisted you were straight so I kept my distance until I couldn’t because I didn’t wanna catch feelings.”
“Yeah, oops.”
They both laughed for a few seconds before it slowly died down through Michael giving him full heart eyes. It made Alex’s heart go a little haywire.
“Okay, so now that we talked, can we have a redo of last night where you don’t think you’re getting head from a straight dude?” Michael asked. Alex flashed a smile and nodded.
Who knew something good would come out of this?
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toppuuu · 5 years
The Q&A final!
Here’s the answer part of the Q&A! Thank you for participating and being so patient with me!
Most of the questions was sent to me in Tumblr. I love how creative you were with the questions! o(≧∇≦o) This page can also be found in Ao3 for now too!
So here we go!
What do you study, or are you already in working life?
I’m studying a degree for Finnish Sign Language and Interpretation, which also includes deaf and culture studies. I still have one and (hopefully) the last year to go until my graduation! Therefore, I haven’t done any professional work yet, but I have done some part-time work alongside my studies.
What inspired you to make the Reignited?
Music and songs have been the biggest source of inspiration in making this story. Almost every chapter in the Reignited has a song behind it; the songs either set me in the right mood or awaken a scene in my head, or just had great lyrics that fit the chapter well! For the series, the idea came while I was listening Malukah’s song ‘Reignite’, which is kind of a tribute to the Mass Effect video games. I loved how the song interpreted the determination to reignite to fight after heavy losses and disappointments in such an epic fashion. In the end I got so absorbed in writing that I forgot to think the series a name, so I ended up leaving it Reignited. Since I was deep in Haikyuu!! hype, it was no brainer to make the series a Haikyuu fanfiction. At first, I started to write a reader-inserted story in which the Reader falls in love with just one soldier, but then I couldn’t decide who. I had seven potential options. After struggling some time, I just thought ‘Heck, I’ll just write them all here.’, crossed my fingers, and hoped everything would work out!
Who is your favorite character (other than the Reader)? Are they also your favorite to write?
I must say my favorite character is Kuroo. I just love how his character has been designed in Haikyuu!!; he’s sly but grounded, yet such a dork at times. It’s easy to “get into” his mind set. That’s probably why he also pops up all the time; it’s so easy to write him into the story! Of course, I like the other characters (Bokuto and Iwaizumi close behind) too, but Kuroo is my number one, haha!
Are any of the characters in the series LGBTQ+?
For those who doesn’t know what ‘LGBTQ+’ means, it’s an initialism for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer, plus all the others sexuality and gender identities in the community. I won’t go into these terms since Internet is full of information about them.
I have been neutral considering the character’s sexual orientation and identities, since there’s no indication of the topic in the original Haikyuu!! series. Of course, in fanfiction anyone can be anything. Only after this question I started to think all the possibilities and came up a few that could work in the story. Here’s some that I thought: Akaashi (pan), Bokuto (queer), Oikawa (bi), Nishinoya (bi), Asahi (gay), Takeda (gay), and Ukai (ace). It’s safe to suggest that everyone in the Elites would be allies, meaning they consider themselves friends to the LGBTQ+ community. Still, Iwaizumi would have pledged to be the straightest straight, especially what comes to Oikawa (their friendship is complicated enough)!
These are just my opinions which the question brought up! Since I haven’t stated any character’s sexuality in the story up to this time, I won’t state them later either. I’m really glad this was asked, though!
Who of the characters makes the Reader most flustered?
The Reader gets the most flustered (in a meaning of her being a confused blushing mess) in situations where love and affection is genuinely poured on her so straightforwardly that it takes her by surprise. Every Elite is capable of doing this, but Sugawara has honed this ability to perfection. He can do it anywhere at any time without making it look forced, and it’s impossible to run from it; it’s a direct hit every time.
But if the meaning was to ask who makes the Reader feel super agitated in a negative manner, the answer is Ushijima (I think the Lady makes her more like threatened than anxious). The Reader and Ushijima’s viewpoints clash all the time; there, where Ushijima is blunt and unyielding, the Reader leaves many things unsaid and is flexible. Of course, Ushijima doesn’t realize this, and the Reader isn’t going to break the news to him any time soon.
Will there be more romantic interactions between the Reader and the others after the individual chapters?
There’ll be light romantic interactions between the Reader and the others along the story. The chapters that focus on certain Elite x Reader relationship takes the spot light, of course, but the others won’t be forgotten! I try to keep those smaller interactions natural, so they won’t seem forced. I also want those interactions to support the characters’ personal traits; Akaashi won’t cling to the Reader like some koala, Iwaizumi won’t sing love songs to her, and so on (I wanted to write an example of Bokuto too, but then I realized that damn, nothing holds back that boi, haha).
Have you ever thought about how the Reader deal with her periods?
This one was super interesting question!
I once thought about writing about this subject in the first chapters, but it felt too forced back then and would most definitely made things super weird! I had thought describing how confused the men in the base were the day sanitary protection items appeared their store. This needed to change though, because every time the Reader bought the said items, the soldiers started to analyze her mood a bit too much. Later she just ordered all the needed items with the other medical supplies and picked them up from the clinic. The Elites figured out the Reader’s cycle quite fast. Some of them jokingly use the term ‘Redmoon’ to warn each other whenever they sense she is a bit snappier than usual. It’s also very effective way to piss the Reader off!
I realized that it’d be easy to write some funny side-story about this subject, haha! It’d definitely turn into a funny mess!
Are you going to make another reader-inserted Haikyuu!! story after the Reignited series?
I have though a short-story series which focuses on the Haikyuu!! world, but I haven’t planned anything yet! (´~ヾ) If you have ideas, I’ll gladly hear them; maybe I could get inspired from your ideas!
What are you planning to write in the future?
There are at least three different stories that I’ve been plotting while working with the Reignited series. One of them is based on Haikyuu!!; Kuroo Tetsurou x Tsukishima Kei (folklore/supernatural!AU). The two others would be reader-inserted stories from different fandoms:
Aizawa Shota x teacher/psychologist!Reader (Boku no Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia)
Nicolas Brown x deaf!Reader (GANGSTA)
These are works that I’ve planned some time already. I heard about GANGSTA only this spring, and oh boy, I’m hooked (thank you Skull for introducing me to this masterpiece ♡)! Maybe it’s my studies that got me so hooked on the series, but damn, I just can’t get over this hype, haha! Still, these are some works that feel super interesting stories to write. I don’t know how long it will take to get started with these as I still write the Reignited series, but I can’t wait to show them to you!
That’s the end of the questions! I hope I managed to answer you all well enough. If not, you can leave more questions in the ask box, and I’ll answer them later!
Lastly, I have a question for you guys:
What fact from this Q&A really stuck in your mind? (≡^∇^≡)
I really enjoyed arranging the Q&A! Maybe as the series proceed, if you want, I’ll arrange another Q&A for you! Next, I’ll retreat to have my break. Thank you for your nice comments and understanding this matter! I feel a bit bad for taking this break, but I know it’s the only way for me to regain my power. I’ll promise you that I’ll return reignited! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Can’t wait for you reactions, comments, and thoughts!
I’ll see you in July! Love you all!
- Toppuuu
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inanismortem · 7 years
The Chaos Continues
Despite that title, nothing bad happens here, I PROMISE. It’s like… The funny kind of chaos, family arguments, paintball fights, more arguing.
@fairyfairypie, happy birthday! 
I finally finished this after extensive editing and here’s more Rilien!
“You’re an asshole,” Rilien snarled at Mathias, trying to ignore the raucous laughter erupting from the back of the van from Thalion, Suiuathon, Falathiel and Tristan. “"You are a deucedly offensive twit and a primitive blood-curdling plot-less melodrama of uneventful life.” Falathiel laughed harder if possible.
Mathias glared at Rilien, feeling his temper rise much faster than usual. Much faster.
“A what, what, what, what, what?” Thalion wheezed out, his face turning red as he gasped for air. “Rilien, what type of insult is that?”
“An intelligent one,” Rilien snapped back. “You know, the type you don’t know how to make.” They were in a very bad mood. Very bad.
That tended to happen when you dragged them out on a trip that they wanted no part in.
“What’s one for me?” Suiuathon asked playfully.
“You’re a precociously nonintuitive narcissist and a miscreant thick-headed proof that test tube experiments can go horribly wrong,” Rilien instantly fired back and Thalion roared with laughter. Suiuathon made a strangled noise, obviously not expecting an insult so fast.
“I’m not a test tube experiment!”
“Mathias, how long?” Tristan asked desperately, watching his friends die of laughter and his normally calm brother’s hand tighten on the steering wheel.
Mathias didn’t answer, staring straight ahead and Rilien leaned forward, flicking on the radio and cringing as ‘Sexy and I Know It’ came on.
They lunged forward to turn it off but the damage was done.
“WHEN I WALK IN THE SPOT, THIS IS WHAT I SEE! EVERYBODY STOPS AND THEY STARING AT ME! I GOT PASSION IN MY PANTS AND I AIN’T AFRAID SHOW IT, SHOW IT!” the back exploded into chorus, all sharing a look as Rilien glanced out a window wishing they’d brought earplugs and Mathias stepping a little harder on the brakes than necessary.
“I’M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!” they screamed and Rilien flipped their middle finger at them. Mathias slammed his foot down on the gas, flinging back the backseat occupants before they continued their tirade of ear torturing singing.
“We’re here,” Mathias grunted. “Now get out of the car before I kill someone.”
Rilien scoffed. They and Mathias had never gotten along, partly because Mathias had proven them wrong more than once and also because Mathias was just strangely attractive to them, they just didn’t know how to handle it but at times, they had no choice but to sympathize or agree with Mathias because he actually made sense.
“Tone down the sass, Ril,” Falathiel ordered, wagging her finger at her younger sibling when they opened their mouth. “Mathy-”
“Oh my god Falathiel, let it go-” Mathias cut himself off and face palmed himself. Rilien glared at him and they hoped he knew what he had just done. They weren’t going to hear anything but the cursed song for the next day or so.
“LET IT GOOOOO!” Tristan and Thalion burst into the song and Suiuathon joined in, their voices making a racket. Mathias and Rilien easily slid out of the car, Rilien scowling at Mathias and Mathias staring stoically back. Thalion and Suiuathon somehow made it to the end while Falathiel and Tristan stumbled over the words, joining in when they knew them.
Just as Rilien thought the worse was over, their siblings and friend started again, this time even louder and with more enthusiasm.
“I can’t believe they’re your siblings,” Mathias finally grumped out.
“Oh gee, you think I asked for them?”
“PAINTBALL!!!” Suiuathon bellowed happily, shrieking happily when some other cars pulled up. Locien, Mirima, Drew, Delancey, Arphenion, Arbellason, Phoenix and River got out, their expressions ranging from excited to terrified to bored.
Rilien groaned, wishing they had come up with an excuse not to come to the stupid game.
Three hours later and Rilien was done with their friends, parents and siblings. How they wanted to play another game of paintball, they would never know but they were done. Rilien sighed softly and closed their eyes, leaning back against the wall. They let themselves relax for the first time since they had left the house that morning.
“Water?” an amused voice asked and Rilien’s eyes snapped open, glaring at Mathias as he dangled a water bottle in front of them. His helmet was tucked under his arm but Rilien noticed with satisfaction the paint from where they’d managed to hit with earlier was still there.
“No thanks,” they replied loftily, watching River and Phoenix exit the current game with Drew not far behind, River glaring at Drew and Drew grinning cheekily back while Phoenix rolled his eyes. “I’m good.”
“You didn’t even eat breakfast today, you’re sure to be dehydrated by now,” Mathias persisted, letting a smirk spread onto his face when Rilien’s glare intensified. They knew he was right and that infuriated them even more.
“Mathias!” River called fondly, clapping a hand on the werewolf’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t harass your romantic interests!” Mathias flushed and Rilien wondered if Phoenix would mind them punching River. Probably not.
“Why don’t you take your own advice?” Phoenix complained quietly and Drew let out a cough. River threw a dramatic look at Phoenix, narrowing his eyes eyes at the fairy.
“Oh shut up.”
“Because I remember very clearly-”
“PHOENIX!” River yelled, yanking Phoenix away from them. Drew shook his head wearily and offered a water bottle to Rilien.
“Thanks!” Rilien chirped, ignoring Mathias’ incredulous look. Drew chuckled and ruffled Rilien’s hair affectionately before striding away, barrelling into the middle of the escalating argument Phoenix and River were having.
“So,” Mathias asked casually. “What are you going to do?”
Rilien frowned.
Their siblings had long gone to their respective universities and it was their turn to pick. Mathias was already studying forensic psychology and forensic science.
“Med school,” Rilien replied easily, slowly sipping the water. “Let me guess, a cop like your mom and dad?” Mathias chuckled.
“That’s my aim. They’re cool.” Rilien did consider Drew and Delancey much cooler in some aspects than their own parents.
For starters, they seemed to get along great. Drew was also rational, complete opposite of Locien.
“You’re not though,” Rilien snipped.
“Coming from the person who’s last name is Valadhiel-Rissien.”
“Now that is a cool name,” Delancey commented as she passed, flicking Mathias’ forehead. “Your last name is Hutch-Ng which I find insanely weird.”
“Mom!” Mathias protested and Delancey laughed.
“Hutch-Ng is an unique name,” Rilien offered sarcastically and Mathias let out a groan.
“Shut up Rilien.”
“Aye, aye.”
Rilien didn’t know who would throw a party, the formal kind after an afternoon of paintball.
Their parents. More like their dad but it was the same thing.
Rilien strode into the room, heading straight for the refreshments while fixing their tie.
They brushed past Arphenion and Arbellason, muttering a greeting before running into Mathias.
Rilien grinned as Mathias squawked.
“A suit?” he asked in a hushed tone. “Didn’t you wear a dress last time?” Rilien adjusted their hair while arching an eyebrow haughtily.
“I always switch,” they replied, grinning when Tristan shot them a thumbs up from across the room. “You already know that.”
“I thought your mom said you were looking for a… Significant other?” Mathias forced out.
“Doesn’t necessarily have to a specific gender.” Mathias didn’t know their biological gender, not many people did and Rilien liked it that way. They considered themselves attracted to anything as long as the other partner was intelligent and tolerable in terms of personality.
Mathias growled, glaring at Drew and Delancey who were looking adorable as usual. The couple never lost their lovey dovey look.
“They’re such saps,” Mathias complained, watching Drew say something to Delancey and Delancey laughing at the joke. “I swear they’re the most innocent couple here.”
“Straightest too,” Rilien agreed. “At least they look like they’re in love opposed to my mom and dad who-Oh boy… MOM PLEASE PUT DOWN THE CHAIR!”
Locien was running and Arbellason was prying the chair out Mirima’s hand, ordering Arphenion to move all knives within Mirima’s vicinity before they would have to take someone to the hospital.
Arphenion complied, politely requesting Locien to stop using him as a shield when Mirima broke past Arbellason’s defences.
“Your parents are insane,” Mathias muttered, offering Rilien a peach. “Want one? They’re good.”
“Essentially,” Rilien droned with a hint of smugness in their voice. “You’re eating the swollen ovaries of a-” Mathias choked.
“You have got to ruin everything don’t you-”
“Hey lovebirds!” River interrupted them cheerfully, Geraldine in tow. Geraldine offered Rilien a smile before sipping her fluke of champagne, looking bored.
“We’re not… Dating…” Mathias sounded uncomfortable and River’s brow knit together in confusion.
“You’re not? Really? Me and Phoenix-”
“Phoenix and I,” Rilien corrected and Geraldine snorted, not bothering to hide her amusement when River huffed.
“Phoenix and I,” he corrected, “thought you two totally were! And I don’t know, maybe planning to announce it publicly!”
“Wrong on all accounts Grandpa. Now move along and go bother Drew or something.” River scowled at the nickname but didn’t bother saying anything.
Geraldine popped a grape into her mouth and watched River weave through the crowd, snagging Arphenion into a dance.
“Rilien. Mathias.”
“Aunt Ger,” Mathias greeted, hugging Geraldine gently. Geraldine shuddered at the ‘Aunt’ and started lecturing Mathias on how it made her feel old.
“Geraldine.” Rilien actually quite liked Geraldine.
She wasn’t necessarily the smartest person Rilien had met but she was rather mature and sensible most of the time.
“You two should seriously get together though,” Geraldine murmured thoughtfully. “I mean Drew wouldn’t necessarily be ecstatic because that would mean having those two,” she waved her hand in Mirima and Locien’s direction. “As-in laws but he approves of the relationship.”
“We’re not dating!”
“Could’ve fooled me. Now excuse me, I see more alcohol.”
“I can’t believe her,” Mathias groused. “And to believe she’s one of my favourite aunts.”
“Now that’s just offensive,” Dark chirped suddenly. “Like wholly offensive. No uncles?”
Mathias glared at the other fairy who had a trail of desserts floating behind him.
“Not even Phoenix? Or River?”
“The day River is anyone’s favourite any-” Mathias was bluffing, he loved River and Phoenix like a second pair of parents.
“Well I mean,” Cam casually leaned on Rilien, his eyes glittering with humour. “He is Phoenix’s favourite-”
“Can we not.”
Dark coughed loudly. “Virgin.”
“You’re one too!” Mathias shot back and Rilien stifled a groan.
Mathias had mostly likely started a war.
“Says who?” Dark squawked.
Rilien covered their head.
Long night, it was gonna be a long night.
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beyondstr8 · 7 years
@tellmeonasunday​ I should have kept my mouth shut.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My most recent ex.2. Are you outgoing or shy? Half and half, depending on my mood and how comfortable i am with you.3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My best friend when she comes home again4. Are you easy to get along with? 99% of the time yes5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I mean I’d hope so6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Those who are goal oriented, want to achieve things in life, can joke around a lot and i’m working on surrounding myself with positive people.7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I have no idea.8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? I don’t like guys but Jason Momoa can get it no matter how gay i might be9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? If it’s someone I just met or came out to and they say “so how does lesbian sex work? is it even sex? nothing gets inserted right?” I’m a lil uncomfortable.10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Amy or Savannah11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “I haven’t kissed anyone in a year and i’m dying” lmfaooooo12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Oh man... I’m on an Amine, Kane Brown, Khalid, and Metallica kick currently so basically anything by them.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Jesus fuck yes 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I think so15. What good thing happened this summer? Finally got in touch with myself16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Fuck no she owes me money lmao17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Yes, there’s no way that all of the life in the universe happens to be where we stand.18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No, I don’t talk to my kindergarten teacher’s daughter.19. Do you like bubble baths? I don’t want to marinate in my own filth20. Do you like your neighbors? Considering my neighbor is my grandma, i think shes okay.21. What are you bad habits? Biting my fingernails when i have anxiety22. Where would you like to travel? Literally anywhere I haven’t been23. Do you have trust issues? Only if I get a bad vibe from someone24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Hyping myself up for work in the morning with music25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My tummy.26. What do you do when you wake up? Snooze my alarm and go tf back to sleep27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m content with it28. Who are you most comfortable around? Savannah, my best friend29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? No30. Do you ever want to get married? Absolutely31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? It has been every day so far32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Ruby Rose and Carrie Underwood33. Spell your name with your chin. No thank you34. Do you play sports? What sports? I played softball for 14 years.35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I don’t watch tv anyways36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes37. What do you say during awkward silences? Whatever is on my mind38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Shorter than me, a little feminine but not high maintenance like always having their hair/nails done, smart, funny af, gotta be a good friend, and they gotta like me back39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Target, Tjmaxx, bealls, and Bass pro40. What do you want to do after high school? I went to college for a year on a softball scholarship, then became an emt and now i’m working at target41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Not everyone42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I either don’t like you at all or i’m secretly in love with you43. Do you smile at strangers? I try to44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? The ocean is my shit45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? The paycheck46. What are you paranoid about? Nothing that i can think of47. Have you ever been high? No48. Have you ever been drunk? i wouldn’t say drunk, but i was feeling it49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? my mom would kill me if she found out i drink50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Red51. Ever wished you were someone else? not really52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? How quickly i let my guard down53. Favourite makeup brand? i don’t wear makeup54. Favourite store? Target55. Favourite blog? mine lmao56. Favourite colour? blue, always will be57. Favourite food? anything that’s bad for me, particularly chocolate and pasta and breads58. Last thing you ate? chocolate lmfao59. First thing you ate this morning? Strawberry frosted pop tarts60. Ever won a competition? For what? Yes for a lot of things61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? I’ve never even had a detention lol62. Been arrested? For what? no63. Ever been in love? thought i was64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? Lmfaooooo it was my best friend65. Are you hungry right now? I’m always hungry66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I don’t have any tumblr friends67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? No70. Names of your bestfriends? Savannah, Katie, and Amy71. Craving something? What? Love and affection and chocolate72. What colour are your towels? blue72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 173. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? maybe like.. 475. Favourite animal? Doggos76. What colour is your underwear? Grey77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Chocolate fudge brownie79. What colour shirt are you wearing? white80. What colour pants? I’m not wearing pants lol81. Favourite tv show? That 70′s show, reba, friends82. Favourite movie? Forrest Gump, Moana83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? the gay guy, i forgot his name86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? the little shrimp guy87. First person you talked to today? Jas88. Last person you talked to today? Jas lmao89. Name a person you hate? Trump and his whole cabinet90. Name a person you love? my momma91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Trump and his whole cabinet92. In a fight with someone? Trump and his whole cabinet93. How many sweatpants do you have? 4 pairs94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? i have like 5 but i only wear 195. Last movie you watched? Moana or the water boy96. Favourite actress? Sandra Bullock currently97. Favourite actor? tom hanks or adam sandler98. Do you tan a lot? No i go straight from white to red99. Have any pets? No100. How are you feeling? content but tired101. Do you type fast? on my phone yes102. Do you regret anything from your past? I just wish i said something sooner103. Can you spell well? yes104. Do you miss anyone from your past? yes105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart? im not sure107. Have you ever been on a horse? when i was like 4 at a fair108. What should you be doing? probably sleeping109. Is something irritating you right now? how many fucking questions there are110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? oh yes111. Do you have trust issues? kind of112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? i rarely cry in front of people but probably my mom113. What was your childhood nickname? Steph, always has been114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes115. Do you play the Wii? no116. Are you listening to music right now? always117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? when im sick118. Do you like Chinese food? noooooo119. Favourite book? the Crank series by ellen hopkins120. Are you afraid of the dark? only if i hear something121. Are you mean? no, i try to be as nice as possible but if you fuck w my friends its going down122. Is cheating ever okay? fuck no123. Can you keep white shoes clean? also fuck no124. Do you believe in love at first sight? i believe in the click125. Do you believe in true love? im not sure126. Are you currently bored? no i have plenty of questions to answer127. What makes you happy? getting good amounts of sleep, meeting deadlines at work, and my best friend128. Would you change your name? no129. What your zodiac sign? cancer130. Do you like subway? yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? sorry pal132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? savannah or amy133. Favourite lyrics right now? so many, idk134. Can you count to one million? if i had the time and patience135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i hid my dad’s wallet from him when i was like 4 and i said i didnt know where it was136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed af137. How tall are you? 5′8138. Curly or Straight hair? mine is the straightest part about me139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde as hell140. Summer or Winter? summer141. Night or Day? daytime but im also a night owl ???142. Favourite month? june bc of my birthday and its halfway through the year143. Are you a vegetarian? no144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? all, but dark145. Tea or Coffee? medium mocha iced coffee with cream and sugar from dunkin146. Was today a good day? it’s payday, its friday, and i don’t work for 4 days. 147. Mars or Snickers? snickers148. What’s your favourite quote? i can’t think of anything rn but probably something cheesy149. Do you believe in ghosts? idk about “ghosts” but i believe in spirits150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Of course, i know he has to work until 5:30″ (via catscuddlingandyou)
0 notes
survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode #1: “To make a long mother fucking story short, i’m fucked.” - Zack
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This game starts in four minutes.....
I have to pee, I want an idol and I'm about to have a mental breakdown
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I feel attacked, Mark the Chicken wasn't the player represented for me in reveal 
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This game has more crackheads in it than a Seattle alleyway.
As the straightest male in this cast I feel like I need to share this beauty❤️ https://youtu.be/wyJdCFbqor4
Randy and Bodhi haven’t done SHIT. It looks like me Jared and Anabel are gonna carry this tribe huh.
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Chloe is one my tribe! <3! I'm finally in a game with Anabel again which is cool! Johnny is Alyssa bf so I recognized him immediately. I played with Cullan in tumblr Survivor: Kuwait (as it comes to mind Johnny hosted that), Elmo a legend I get to play with :) (I hope I interact with him). Ian I just met he's cool. God Dammit Peter Griffin (Adam) is in this game (I am not looking forward to when he learns I call him that).
As I previously mentioned playing with Chloe again is lit! I'm talking to Asya right now and she seems cool. Dean is Australian I love me some Australians (insert heart eyes emoji). Who's Julia?
What the fuck we already have a challenge! Shit's insane! We only just got here!
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Night 1: Alright so I had a really late start to the party but that’s okay because I made sure that I spoke with everybody on my tribe, I honestly like my tribe.... for the most part and I say that because this cast is JUST so ICONIC and that makes me scared or more so intimidated. I’m hoping somehow that I can continue to bond with everybody on my tribe and be able to be in the in when tribal comes around or IF Tribal comes around.  So who is on my tribe?
Elmo!! He is somebody that I have seen around the Facebook community and more importantly I often see him being loved and people speaking highly about him and honestly I can’t blame them he is such a nice dude in the short little time that we were able to chat. I hope that at the last I will be able to speak with him more and maybe...? Try and figure out a way to work together but I don’t want to rush into things with him as idk how he plays just yet.
Zack! A very very familiar face someone that I have actually played with before! We were tribe mates in 703 MDaro and it’s fair to say that at one point we were actually working together but one event turned to another and next thing you know I’m on the jury 😂😂. I always enjoyed talking with Zack back then and I hope that we can pick up where we somewhat left off at least with the getting along part!
Ian! I’m just unsure as to what to say about him and say that because I have seen him around but I have also not heard much about him, I’m unsure if he is new to orgs or even just not that good placement wise?? But besides all that I want to get to know him so I will spend my time getting to know him just like Big Ben
Ben!! Who’s Ben?? No clue!!! I love that I don’t know who this is and I love meeting somebody without any pre-thoughts just based on seeing someone around. Will see what he’s about... This cast also has Anabel she’s a sweetie I played with her when I was first out in UK Bb but she was a friend
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hiii!!!!!! omg im so glad that miss anna jane asked me to play this! she's been asking me every season but i just kept pushing it off because i have no idea how to use discord! but fuck it, i guess i'll learn! since the game just started, i guess i'll just do like a cast assessment? i don't know everyone in this game so it'll be only the people i actually know and my past experiences with them before i can actually talk to everyone else and make new experiences with everyone!
justin. i LOVE justin! i've never played a game with him, but i've seen him play. and i know he's an absolute crackhead but i also know how serious he takes the games he plays, since he doesn't play that many! we use to HATE each other but i actually consider justin one of my good online friends. we've known eachother for YEARS. this is gonna either be really good or a total fucking shit show for me.. i'll be looking out for him if we ever wind up on the same tribe/ merge together, ONLY if he will be doing the same. don't get it twisted... i'll snap his skinny ass breadstick legs in half if it's what has to be done. but i don't want that to happen so.....
asya. i personally don't even know asya. i just know we got into an argument a few weeks ago in a vl. but hopefully this doesn't effect her view on me and hopefully she doesn't even remember kJSFKGJSG....
julia. jesus CHRISSSSST.. i'm part of old school tumblr and i dipped from that bitch like 2 years ago so i'm hoping these 'tumblr' people don't remember me. all i remember about julia is that she's an actual WITCH and we've gotten into fights before. she's such a odd personality and we just don't mesh well together from what i remember. i have no interest in even talking to her honestly.
chloe. i LOVE chloe omggggggg. she's deff someone i know from other games and just from talking too. i have all the hope in the world that we'll wind up together soon and be able to work together. no bad words for her <3
randy. i gasped when i saw randy KLJDSGKLJSG... he's an absolute fucking mess but i live for it.. he's so funny and we have a past together. we've known each other for years, but never really been close, you know? hopefully this game can bring us closer together and we can wind up running shit, if it comes to that. fun fact: i met randy irl once so there's that...
bodhi. ugh i know i played a tumblr survivor season with him and i don't remember if we got along or not LKJHDSGKLJHG. i remember he is a complete mess tho... i actually just checked the tumblr wiki and the tumblr survivor game we played together was called "cutthroat" so.. this should be fun. also on his vote out, he voted for me. so i'm assuming we didn't get along. but if he wants to play cutthroat, we can surely do that! i winded up staying and he winded up leaving when he tried to vote me out so we can surely do a round 2 of that bitch.
jared. u g h! not 1 good experience i have with jared. he's dating nicole g and me and her have NEVER seen eye to eye. we would constantly fight and it would get so ugly. i've fought with jared and... it was just a mess.. i know this is gonna cause a problem for me and he's probably the one person i was least happy to see.... pray for me.
adam. played a facebook org with him and fought him in it and then contunued to fight with him in the reunion chat... ugh.
elmo. so happy i finally get to play with him! i've never even talked to him before but he's ALREADY my favorite person here!!!! i really hope we can run shit together thru this whole entire game... i have high hopes for us.
so there it is! to make a long mother fucking story short, i'm fucked.
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currently looking back at the idol systems of other seasons and they've all gone up pretty fast, and i don't see much of a pattern. I might have to assume there's no idol system just yet.
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Bonding with my tribe and trying to figure out what videos I’m doing. So far I like Elmo and Zach but the other 2 boys seem cool as well
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there are no idols yet and im convulsing i NEED one
i have a 70% success rate in finding idols in survivor games and i need one i also have a 78% win percentage for tribal immunity challenges in main seasons of tumblr survivor, so cullan is high key about to tank my tribal winning DOMINANCE but i'll wait
okay so yea like honestly,,,,,,,,, game starting wooo cool
i know a shit ton of people on other tribes which kinda scares me because there are two people on THIS tribe that i dont know a whole lot, but one of them definitely knows about a good amount of my prior connections as well.
justin watched me just play big brother pokemon and hopefully i can keep playing off that i played a very loyal game or somethin like that... what i DO know is that basically taylor, justin and i are the most active on my tribe, which is pretty darn cool considering the two other people on my tribe (cullan and lily) are people i know and have prior relationships with
im just getting nervous because going into a game with 4 tribes of 5, we're prob going to swap at 18, and if we lose one of those challenges, it just shoves us at a disadvantage because like...... the entire point of the premerge is to build relationships with enough people to get to the merge, and everyone has four other active people to get to know, and I really really REALLY wanted to win the first two immunities so we would be able to have a stronger game standpoint for ourselves going into a swap or whatnot, and just having more relationships overall, but with cullan not being around for the first 24 hours of the game really hurts him, and our entire tribe.... like if we lose, and he does nothing, he 100% has to get voted for, we have no choice in that matter, even thoguh i probably would've loved to work with him, i know he knows what he's doing, and he would probably be a scarier player down the road who would be utr, and my motto in survivor is always to just keep bigger louder personalities around, so if i consistently keep the social people, i can hopefully get to merge and ATTEMPT to hold that utr role, but i've gotta get to a swap first LMFAO
also like okay so here's the people i know
lily - darling love her never played with her but hosted once or twice, and she knows me and i know her. i love working with women so bring it on
asya - probably one of my five closest friends across all of orgs and we talk almost everyday and i know people are going to know about this because we don't really HIDE IT, and this is now our fourth game together in a year, two of which we worked very closely together, and i know justin knows im close to asya so ugh
jared - met irl three times.. very very very good friends, im also super duper close with nicole and jared and i have a lot in common, but weve played two orgs together and they've been literal disasters for us. while i think this one will be different, you never know
anabel - shes my fucking ANGEL i love her to death and she has a profile on the bbpokemon wiki saying that im her f2 and best friend, so love that?
joey2121 - lol i think him and i are pretty close. i know he values me as a friend and we talk pretty often, and he's never had the opportunity to play with me. i know he can be a little irrationally cutthroat, so im going to have to get a good read on him when we jump in and see how it goes, but i think he adores me and i casted him for his first game ever and cohosted with him his only time he's ever cohosted, so i'd like to think he would want to work with me, i just gotta pray
randy - host chat guested for me, good friend over the years, but we've never been able to REALLY talk, so i hope this does it for us
bodhi - never played with him either hardcore, but weve also been friends over the years so oop him and randy can be big wild cards on how they feel about me tbh
thomas, chloe, cullan - literally just hosted them ALL in an org, but i was kind of a loose host and i hope that makes them want to kinda work with me, but also have their options open when it comes to me idk? cullan is inact tho so he's gotta get his shit together
julia - this witch fucking scares me and i will do no harm to her and i hope that she doesnt hex me and we can be great friends for a long time :)
so YEA
I really want to try to have fun this season. I don't want to take it super seriously to the point where my nerves start getting to the best of me. I just played big brother pokemon, and honestly, i played without the fear of losing, and just went for the juggular to keep myself in the game, and i was never on edge at any point in that game, which i really love for my mental sanity. i know survivor just GETS TO YOU more than big brother does, but i wanna play a bit more care free and just go for some longevity, and play a strong, solid game and make some strong moves.
this is my first real confessional of the season. im very excited to be here and hopefully these long confessionals dont make me look foolish when im the fourth or fifth boot LMAO
if we win the challenge i wouldnt really EXPECT to hear more from me.
i do love my entire tribe, even though THEY dont know Cullan yet, I know that i do, and that's going to be a benefit to me. i've just gotta keep my social relationships up and really really hope that people don't wanna get rid of me until we swap, and then i can start being a little more aggressive with game talk and getting leverage that way?
P.S. Gosh i hope cullan logs on so we dont go to the first tribal bc that would fucking suck
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Just made an alliance with Elmo and Zack bc we all think that we are losing and we are the only ones (so far) who have put any effort into the challenge. I'm ready to ride these fat cats as far as their train will take me. Adam did just say in the tribe chat that he's posting all of his at once so maybe he's gonna drop a bomb on us? who knows but I'm preparing myself for all the options.
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things are going okay for me i think! I made a F2 deal with Zack yday and I'm rly happy I did bc I need a person I can be completely honest with. I am not sure if he trusts me as much as I do trust him but I hope that he would!!!
I also have the first alliance of the game with him and ben so thats good! I like them both a lot and they seem to put effort in challenges which is rly important right now! I think they are both trustworthy and at least would be here for short term game.
As for Adam and Ian, I like them both but I havent developed any game relationship with them yet, and thats ok. I dont think I should be overplaying right now because I could just be caught and that would be a whole new mess. I really don't want to sound cocky but I genuinely think that I'm in a fairly strong position on our tribe. Of course this is survivor and anything could change but so far so good. I am excited and hopefully I wont flop
Let the games begin, bitches!
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So, the immunity challenge is almost over. Good time to start on this. I can honestly say that this has been the craziest first cycle of a season that I’ve ever been a part of. I started the weekend on Cape Cod, having to throw in the beginning of this, and now that the weekend is done and I’m back home, I feel things are righting a bit for me. As for my tribe, I like all four of them so far. I hope we don’t lose this challenge, because I’m getting along with them pretty well. Whew. What a life.
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i miss johnny
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Omg yesss!!!!!!! We won the first challenge, well technically we came in second but the point is WERE NOT GOING to tribal council, and tbh I would be pooping my pants if we did as I had the fewest amount of points for my tribe so I fear that I would have been perceived as that weakest link and would have been voted off. That might not be true but that was my thoughts. I feel like I have connected really well with Elmo and I kind of get the vibe that he is connected with everyone on the tribe and that is why I think it’s crucial for me to connect with Ian and Zack which I feel like with Ian it’s hard because I don’t know how much he really wants to talk to people but with Zack it just clicks but I feel like on a game level the first Tribal is what will connect us further. Ben is someone that I like but I feel is being hesistant to connect? Ugh oh well goodbye for now I gotta get ready to go hunting for an idol
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Such an unexpected surprise to get 1st place in the challenge. In the past I’ve gone all our for selfie challenges, but I don’t really want to be perceived as a threat early on. I was happy I found a star fish last minute! I’m so happy that Johnny is on my tribe. I’m thinking I can count on him until at least merge/jury but he has hosted me before and I know it could quickly go bad. So I’ll have to be cautious. I also really like Taylor and Justin. I can tell they really care about the game and we could be really good allies. Cullen getting a strike and literally never messaging any of us def makes me nervous but hoping he signs on in the next two days so we can count on him to participate in the next challenge. So far I’m having a lot of fun getting to know my tribe mates and hoping for a successful season #positiveoutlook #mistake
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So we lost immunity! I couldn't give my 100% in the challenge and I explained to my team why. They seemed understanding. Julia, however, didn't submit anything so I am lucky, because everyone wants to vote her out. I will do the same, since I have not spoken to her yet.
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Here we go! New ORG...new me? So this is my 2nd Survivor ORG following EMV 8, and I want to take a different approach this time around. A more social, less strategic game. First impression on this game was OMG! 4 tribes of 5, vote me off now! As I mentioned above I want to emphasize my social game, because I think it may be my weakest area in my gameplay, so the small tribe terrifies me because there may not be much time to build genuine bonds, and there's definitely no room for error. So we're only a couple days into this game and I think I've made good efforts so far. I've made conversation and mutual connections with Johnny, Justin and Lily. It's unfortunate Cullan has been unable to join us because it limits my possibilities with who I choose to move forward with. It's hard to tell who I think I can work with moving forward. I connected with Johnny first, but I think Lily would be a great partner. I'm so glad that we ended up not only avoiding elimination but also winning the challenge. I was deathly afraid we'd be headed to tribal council. Since our tribe is immune, there's no need to talk strategy just yet, though it's obvious the elephant in the room is Cullan and would be an easy vote off for our tribe if we ended up losing a challenge. I'm going to continue to build relationships with every tribe mate in hopes they will each see me as their strongest ally. I'm not going to make final 2's, I'm not going to suggest alliances, I want to allow my tribe mates the time to approach me first. It's time to step out of the driver seat and move to the back; allowing myself to be vulnerable. Think of it this way, if Haumea is representative of fertility, this is my rebirth.
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HI. okay honesty, i don’t even know where to start so just bare with me bc this is gonna be a hot ass mess.
okay so. me and elmo have really been clicking it off. as soon as we saw each other we just instantly connected. we’ve never had a conversation prior to this game, but idk.. something just really connected us! he’s very honest with me and tells me how he is feeling about the other people so i feel like he really trust me because he gets straight to the point and tells me how he’s feeling game wise. we made a final 2 and i plan on sticking to that, for now at least. i really do see us dominating this game and i would surely not be upset if that happens!
now. i’m in a three person alliance. me elmo and ben. for this challenge us 3 seemed to be doing all the work so we all have a mutual respect to stick together while we’re on this tribe at least. i don’t really have any reaaaal loyalty with ben, this alliance is to just keep me and elmo safe on this tribe just incase we go to tribal. ben won’t be knowing any tea from me tho.
we won immunity and thank GOD because even though i feel safe, you just never know! and it’s very stressful and i’m glad i’m not gonna be the first boot.
the idol system got revealed and me and elmo instantly pmd each other saying that we’re gonna share our spots and shit with each other and try to get everyone else’s spots too just so we can kinda guarantee we or we know who would wind up with the idol.
so... idol search starts at 10pm and by 10:05 i.. found.. the.. IDOL! I FOUND THE FUCKING IDOL IN 5 MINUTES. MY FIRST GUESS AND I GUESSED THE IDOL! i was GAGGED!
now. since me and elmo where gonna share spots, i felt like i needed to tell him only because this was my first guess and i didn’t know what to make up to act like i didn’t find it... like i didn’t know how to word it because it’s so odd and i didn’t wanna be like “my guess said ‘oops wrong hole try again’” so i figured it be best for my game to just tell him so i don’t get caught in a lie. i honestly didn’t wanna tell him but i just felt like i needed to because, again, it was my first guess and idk what y’all would have said if i didn’t find the idol, so i didn’t wanna get caught in a lie.
i told elmo this isn’t just my idol, it’s our idol. is that true? no... it’s mine. and i’m stingy. BUT i hope this really shows him that he can trust me and i hope this doesn’t backfire and bite me in the ass. i just wish i could have kept it a secret, but i didn’t wanna get caught in a lie on my first guess and then him find out and think i’m a snake or some shit.
but who knows, if he really is gonna be a loyal ass ally, and it comes to the point where i might have to use it in him, i will surely think about it. but it’s still to early to even THINK about using it, because i want this idol for merge. i don’t wanna rely on this idol and i don’t want it to go to my bead and make me power hungry. i need to be very strategic about it and kinda just forget that i even have it until further notice. im here to play a game that i can say i’m proud of at the end of all this. win or lose, i wanna be proud of the game i played. i’m gonna fight so hard this season and be a fucking raging gamer.
xoxo, zack.
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i’m hungover and sad. like i knew we were gonna lose but like. what a mess. julia, my good sis, i love you but i’m gonna have enough challenges in this game without you getting strikes round 1.
positives are as follows: -easy first vote
that’s all folks !
but really i think my goal for this game is just to find an idol bc i haven’t before. i’m pretty much always at the mercy of other people and i just. really am not in the mood for that shit here so hosts rig me an idol pls <3
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Well, I’d call the challenge a success for us. We came in 2nd place in the challenge, so we’re all spared. Things are kinda quiet right now, which I like. Probably might not be the case for Kanaloa, but hey, what do I know?
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i need to slap myself on the wrists and learn how to play dead more often LMAO
hi so wooooooo we're back at it, and I guess I'm going to just rank my tribe mates to see postgame how much this changed and how stupid i was for ranking people the way i did
1. Justin - so he already acknowledged to me that he talked to me the most and that we were the two most active tribemates, and im hoping that i can lock something official down with him in the middle of next round that is more game relationship oriented opposed to just just spitting nonsense into each other's PMs currently lol
2. Lily - I really really think she's going to want to work with me in this game, and we have a prior relationship which is cool, and I want to use that to my advantage a SMIDGE, but I know she's pretty honest and loyal, and I just don't see her doing anything to me until merge???
3. Cullan - this bottom two is tough, and cullan is probably at the bottom for everyone on the tribe except for me. now that he's active, I need to keep that little nugget around for my own sake. I just hosted him and got to know him decently well, and I know he's loyal to his people, and if I know that for 99.99% certainty compared to some of these people i barely know at all, im going to try to use that. While I'd expect Cullan to be the first boot on our tribe if we lose, I fully expect him and I to work REALLY well together if we make it out of this tribe AND he was forward about sharing idol information with me immediately, so that's good
4. Taylor - I really really really want to work with him, but i haven't gotten much from him so far, and it's not even that i want him out, he's just at the bottom of three really strong relationships I already have. He was also on vacation and I've yet to find out more about his day to day life, so I hope that I can work more about that so i can develop reasons in my own head as to why he's not around as much, but i also know this is his third org, and i can tell he knows how to talk to people, i just want to talk to him MORE and i hope this next challenge brings us together as a team somehow?
so yea. we safe. i honestly do think this tribe is kickass in challenges, and i think that we can make it to a swap without losing any, so here's to hoping? LMFAO
johnny go bye bye now until next round heehee
praying for asya to stay and dean to go for tonight's tribal? yea. sounds like a plan
im also still really paranoid and nervous about people analyzing my past relationships (i.e. JUSTIN) but we'll see. i can tell he knows what he's doing in games and literally all i have to hope is that im already in his plans, because if not, i can foresee myself being in trouble?
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hello so
i joined the game and im happy im on a tribe of 5 because its easier to manage people.
i am good with everybody except for joey. i have an alliance with jared and bodhi which is amazing!
anabel is who i love the most! so fucking funny JFJSJSJ. so yeah if we ever go to tribal itll be joey going if i have a say 🙈
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Hi. So I’ve started the game later than everyone else as I’ve had a rough couple of days but I am sure kicking harder than anyone else. As soon as I woke up in this beach I started searching for the idol. I couldn’t get it because I’m to poor to afford a private jet so I have to wait until tomorrow to climb the mountain. I had a very deep conversation with I believe his name is Justin. I’m gonna call him Jus. We talked about my life ambitions and endeavors and we shared some of our most deepest and darkest secrets. He told me that his Zorua is diagnosed with Pokerus. I honestly home it gets the help it needs. I’m sure the doctors on Hawaii are good doctors. Hopefully they aren’t fucking witch doctors. In return I told him about how I raised a manaphy ever since it was an egg. I’ve had a pretty good day on the beach. My slow start isn’t gonna make me lose this race. All I gotta do is find my blue shell and I’ll get back in first. Cullan signing out
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HI I MADE  A NEW SOUND CLOUD TO SHOW YOU MY THOUGHTS IN AUDIO SOUND FORM https://soundcloud.com/bodhi-small/week1/s-4k3oW
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Julia is voted out 5-0.
0 notes