#also fun fact it took me an entire year to start liking underfell in the first place
missholoska · 4 years
a couple days ago I got an ask I typed out a big ramble in response to, put it in my drafts via XKit, and then the next day when I went to edit it somehow the read-more had become stuck inside the ask itself
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and I still wanna answer it but putting a glitched post on my blog seems like maybe Not A Good Idea, so I’m gonna just shove the whole thing into this new post oTL;;
anonymous asked: What is your opinion of underfell fellswap and swapfell and what not
I have very different opinions about all three so this is got pretty long :'D
Underfell is my fave of the three, but like with Underswap I'm really not fond of large parts of its fanon content, namely monsters being irredeemably abusive to each other and the excessively dark tone a lot of people go for. those versions just lack the charming spirit of Undertale for me. and the less said about the abusive Fell Skelebros content that swamps the entire AU the better
I much, much prefer Underfell where monsters are still edgy and more inclined to being mean and violent, but they're also goofy and fun and still have the capacity to be good deep down. I don't draw or think about my own Underfell headcanons that often, but that's the kind of Underfell I prefer to portray :'>
as for Fellswap and Swapfell... my opinions are largely negative. I know next to nothing about all the hundreds of versions of both, but the way I think of them is Fellswap is Underfell, swapped, and Swapfell is Underswap, fell-ified, and I do apologise if that’s incorrect but I’m not invested enough in either for it to make much difference to my opinions ahah
Fellswap is my least favourite of these two; it seems like most Underfell swaps don’t go for the kind of swaps that I enjoy, keeping aspects of personalities and such. in my experience at least, it's usually just FS Sans is a short UF Papyrus and FS Papyrus is a tall UF Sans, and that's about all there is to them. pretty much the same as how the fanon Swap Skelebros work, which isn’t bad, just not my thing.
but the big reason why I actively avoid Fellswap is that back when I still didn't know anything about it, I ran into a whole post giving info about the AU and thought it was mildly interesting right until the very bottom of the post, which casually mentioned it was started for fontcest. it was like 3 years ago and I still don’t know if that’s actually true, but even just the possibility that it was created for incest shipping immediately obliterated all chance of me ever liking the AU. and I'm sure there are other people's takes on Fellswap that are entirely separate from that one, but I’ve never been able to even look at anything referred to as Fellswap since.
Swapfell fares a little better in my mind, but I'm still not fond of it. I've heard it was primarily started for Alphyne and later expanded to other characters, but literally the first time I even encountered it was also when I had the misfortune of seeing fontcest, so my first impressions weren't great. I appreciate it a little more in any case, but generally I have the same issue with the dark abusive tone as with Underfell.
another problem I have with both Fellswap and Swapfell is a little awkward to explain, but... although I can see the Undertale-y vibes in specific versions of Underfell and Underswap, for whatever reason the combination of both just... doesn't leave any room for that, to me? whenever I see the Fellswap Skelebros or Swapfell Alphyne, they certainly look similar to their UT counterparts, but they don't feel like them. I can't see the charms and quirks of the original versions I loved in the first place in them, and I don't feel any connection to these AU characters as a result.
...now here's the thing. if you'd asked me this about 3 months ago I probably would've ended this by reiterating that I'll keep drawing Underfell whenever I feel like it, I definitely won't ever draw any Fellswap, and it's extremely unlikely I'll ever draw any Swapfell content myself.
but on that last point I have a confession that I am still somewhat ashamed of.
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a while ago a concept that fixes my problems with Swapfell popped into my head against my will and I have been quietly adding to it every now and then ever since. every time I get a new idea half of my brain is angry about it
it definitely won't be something I focus on anywhere near as much as Underswap MH (like even less frequent than Outerswap MH), but maybe someday I'll have enough ideas that it'll be worth drawing them once or twice. no promises oTL;;
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keelywolfe · 5 years
Drabble: An Egg-ceptional Day (baon)
Summary:   There was a reason Stretch slept in on Saturdays. The Universe was out to get him. A little nugget of luck doesn’t hurt.
Based off a tumblr post @kiwaid reblogged. It was adorable and I could not resist. ^_^
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established Relationship, Domestic, Fluff, Chickens!!
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it Here!
Usually, the curtains in their bedroom were pulled tightly closed at night. Specifically chosen to be room darkening, because Edge had a thing about making sure Stretch got enough sleep.
Yeah, Stretch had it good and he knew it.
But somehow, last night a quarter inch of fabric didn’t get quite pulled into place (and yeah, Stretch was the one who closed them, no way Edge would’ve missed it), and a sliver of sunshine was creeping through it. That it landed directly on Stretch’s face was the Universe’s way of being funny and Stretch could only grudgingly appreciate its rude sense of humor.
It was way earlier than he normally got up on a Saturday, but he was awake now, may as well give sleep up for a loss. With great reluctance and a groan, Stretch hauled himself out of bed, scratching at his pelvis as he scrounged for something to wear. A pair of shorts and a bathrobe later and he shambled downstairs, thinking wistfully fond thoughts of coffee.
There was a full pot on the burner and a couple of bowls with rising bread dough in them, but no sign of Edge. That wasn’t too worrying, he was probably up to his elbows in some weekend project. Stretch would stumble over him eventually; hell, once he’d done it literally and that’d teach him to scrub the floor behind a door without a warning.
One cup of glorious coffee later, Stretch went outside to check on the girls with a bran muffin in hand. As per protocol, he would pick at it disinterestedly before giving most of it to the chickens. So far, he hadn’t been caught out and he was hoping his luck would hold. Whoever decided to make bran the main ingredient of the deliciousness that should be a muffin had a cruel soul.
Probably the Universe again. It always thought it was funny.
The chickens were clucking loudly the moment he opened the sliding glass door, only getting louder as he approached.
“all right, i’m coming,” Stretch shook his head. “what’s up with you two, anyway, i—“ he trailed off. Two. Two chickens, Noodle and Dumpling were at the gate, clamoring for attention. Nugget was nowhere to be seen.
With trembling hands, Stretch opened the gate, swallowing back panic and gently nudging the other two aside with his slippers as he stepped inside. There was a little food in their trough, which made him frown; Edge didn’t usually feed them, even though he got up earlier. A peek in the coop didn’t reveal a little black chicken, but her leash and harness were also missing from the hook inside the door.
Welp, he was no Sherlock Holmes or even a Scooby Doo, but Stretch figured he had enough clues to solve the mystery of where. Why was still up for grabs, though, so onward he went.
As quests went, this one was pretty short, not lasting past going through the gate to the front yard. Edge was kneeling on the ground, weeding through his garden plots and honestly, anyone who thought Edge was at all scary really needed to see him in his gardening hat.
Next to him, happily pecking at the grass, was Nugget in her harness. Her leash was fastening to the handle of a trowel that was sticking out of the ground, not that she was likely to run away, not from Edge.
Why was it he never had his damn phone in these moments?
Stretch walked up to him, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down the slight protuberance of his nasal cavity at Edge. “you know, you make fun of me when i take her for walks.”
“She’s not being used as model to cadge Instagram upvotes with me,” Edge told him loftily. He tossed a handful of weeds into a basket with a pile of others. “She’s helping me.”
“helping you?” Stretch repeated slowly, tasting the words. “yeah, okay, she’s a highly skilled gardener, i’m sure. a regular johnny appleseed, bet we could find her a set of tools on amazon.”
“It isn’t her garden skills I needed.” Another handful of weeds and Edge wasn’t quite looking at him now. “Many insects are useful in a garden, so long as they don’t consume the plants, but while I was out back weeding the plot there, a multi-legged monstrosity of some sort attacked me. Nugget swooped in and consumed it. Now she’s protecting me from further incidents.”
Well, that was only the funniest fucking thing he’d ever heard and Edge was so matter-of-fact about it, Stretch wasn’t entirely sure if he was even serious. That story, told in that completely flat tone? Edge was a surprisingly skilled bullshit artist when it came to the ridiculous; it was the serious shit he had trouble lying about.
But, oh, he could picture it. His big, tough Underfell hubby, shrieking and scrambling away from certain insect destruction, only to be rescued by a little chicken who gulped down the offender with a crow of delight. It was like Godzilla getting rescued by Raymond Burr.
He didn’t know if the universe was cruel to let him know what he missed, or kind enough to wake him to discover that it happened at all, because if he hadn’t caught Nugget on duty, the chances of Edge bringing that up over sandwiches at lunch ranked right up there with Edge signing them up for line dancing classes.
Cruel or kind, hm. Both. It was probably both.
While he was wrapping his mind around that, Edge paused in his weeding to give Nugget a scritch. She crooned in ecstasy as her favorite person gave her her due, leaning into his hand and Stretch couldn’t even be jealous.
Okay, maybe a little.
If they were in a cartoon, the lightbulb going on over his head would have glowed even in the bright sunshine, “oh! hang on, stay here!”
Stretch dashed into the house, bathrobe flapping, down to the basement where he kept his box of little outfits he’d made for the ladies over the last year. It took him a moment of digging through the disorganized clutter but soon he held up the little apron he found triumphantly.
One sharpie later, and he was back outside, carefully tying on the apron over the harness. Nugget only stood there, patiently allowing it; she’d always been the best at indulging his whims. In no time she stood before them with her new uniform declaring, ‘Guard Chicken On Duty.’
Edge shook his head, “It’s my fault, I suppose, for allowing you to think you’re funny all this time.”
“i’ll have you know i am hilarious,” Stretch told him haughtily. “thousands of twitter users can’t be wrong.”
“Remind me never to tell you about the Humans who think the earth is flat,” Edge said dryly, but he was trying not to smile and on him that was as a good as a belly laugh.
Stretch pulled out his phone, quickly grabbed because like hell was he missing another photo opportunity. “c’mon, get your feet in the picture!”
His sigh was long-suffering, but seriously, this wasn’t even on the top ten list of worst things he’d done for Stretch. The pic of his grubby gardening shoes with a chicken attacking the toes was on Instagram and Twitter in no time and the likes were pouring in immediately.
“Can I finish now?” Edge asked, in that sweety-sweety polite voice he got when he was being an ass. It was in the top three tones that Stretch loved on him, handily beaten out by ‘hoarse sultry’ and ‘captain command’. Top three wasn’t bad to start the day on.
“yep,” Stretch told him absently, fingers tapping furiously over his phone.
“And don’t start feeding her that bran muffin you have in your pocket yet, I need her hungry.”
“sure, babe…ah,” Stretch cringed guiltily. “um…sorry?”
Edge only hummed and his eye lights were amused. “If you’d prefer another flavor, you can ask, love.”
“please,” Stretch said immediately, because the Universe smiled upon him this day. “anything but bran. kale muffins would be better.”
“I don’t believe I’ll put that to the test, but there are blueberry ones in the pant—“ The words were smothered beneath Stretch’s quick, sloppy kiss and then he was gone, headed back into the house for his sweet, sweet breakfast.
Okay, so maybe the universe was giving him a little bit of a pass today. Missed the exceptional funny but gained the blueberry muffins.
Fair trade.
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