#also forgive me but I don't know what ship Oz/witch is?
I haven’t read many OzQrow fics where Salem was Ozpin’s ex, but I’ve read a few Ozwitch fics and I just wanna day THEY WERE RIGHT HOLY SHIT THIS WAS LIKE BACK IN SEASON THREE WHEN I WASN’T SUPER INTO RWBY YET THEY ARE PROPHETS
Curious. Most ozqrow fics I’ve read feature Salem as an ex, and I know a lot of Oz blogs that have joked about it for years. I think I have a few silly plush comics that mentioned it? 
I don’t know if anyone meant it as seriously as canon has established, but I suppose I would have been surprised if the story had gone in a different direction. 
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wingsofhcpe · 3 years
I'm starting to ship Audrey and Till. Fml. Although I stand by my word that Till/Sykes will forever be superior.
When Kevin died I was literally like "ding dong the witch is DEAD". Good job LJ you made a good choice and I love you even more for it.
Josie breaking that window while Wilford is like "nah she's not going to- oh shit oh fuck.". And then when Layton caught him... Epic dialogue, great delivery, thank you Sean Bean.
On the topic of Wilford it hurts me how much he and Audrey actually love each other, it's so weird because you'd think neither of them would be capable of love (esp. Wilford) and yet here they are, Audrey clearly being his greatest weakness, his greatest love. Good writing.
No seriously I'm not over this. I want this on my tombstone.
Roche is coming back!!! But oh I can feel the angst coming with his wife...
Speaking of, when all the Tailies were in the procession at the end I was like "oh Anne is dead and they're mourning her because Roche helped the tail" and then the scene changed to Strong Boy and I have, quite literally, never felt so much pain in my entire life.
See I didn't realise he was DEAD. I thought they were supposed to keep everyone alive, what the fuck Kevin?! I literally teared up???? When I realised he was dead???? Like wtf????
In a way my reaction was funny bc while Kevin was fucking him up my mum was freaking out but I was like "nah he'll be ok, he's very strong, I bet he's gonna show Kevin a world of pain as soon as he gets the chance". And then just. WHAT. WHAT.
No I can't wrap my head around it still???? This episode is 99% me weeping about Strong Boy and 1% everything else.
Ben's and Javi's reunion healed my broken heart just a little, though. I love them.
Layton is on the path to becoming the villain and honestly? I dig it. Who doesn't love a good corruption arc. Also it would be poetic (and hilarious) if LJ joining the resistance pitted her against Layton.... again. Same for Ruth, Till, etc.
Asha my beloved. She's Not Okay and honestly I can't blame her, also 10€ that Layton's lie is gonna come to bite him in the ass SO bad.
All things aside, I'll never forgive this show for not giving us Ruth's reaction to the news of Melanie's death (and for killing Strong Boy but yknow). Like literally wtf???? I wanted TEARS I wanted PAIN. Instead all I got was Zarah's stupid face and her stupid baby and stupid Layton and Josie just having second thoughts about everything and honestly? I don't fucking blame her.
Oh God if Josie sides with Wilford it's gonna hurt so bad (but once again, I won't be able to blame her).
Also hold up, LJ gave an orange to one of the rebels right. While she was telling Oz she loved him. You know what that means? THEIR SHIP NAME IS OFFICIALLY OJ (ORANGE JUICE)!!!!
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