#also for the mimic to have gotten to the point where he is i feel like they obviously weren’t friendly at first
lesbian-mimic · 5 months
mimeanor really is the ultimate femme x butch ship
Eleanor and Mimic as a dynamic is just so fun they are out here making eachother worse, and thriving off each others agony, THE agony yuri
I tend to draw epilogues Mimic with Eleanor 99% of the time mostly because 1. they are both epilogue characters and 2. in an alternate universe where Eleanor is alive (but like has low energy) I’d feel she would have met the Mimic from around where the tftp epilogues take place.
Consider: Eleanor going through a bunch of rubble on the search for agony, finds this endo with a ton of agony, *I can use this*, profit!!!! Eleanor and her wicked henchman scowering the pizzaplex to create agony until Eleanor is given enough power (que tftp)
guh!!! mimeanor is awesome!!!
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thepersonperson · 3 months
I just want to say that I really love your analysis on Gojo and Sukuna a lot.
Can I ask for analysis of Sukuna and Yuji dynamics? It's okay if you take awhile to answer this.
(Answered as of JJK 262 using TCB Scans.)
Oh boy this one is fun!
I see Sukuna and Yuji as opposite sides of the same coin. They both have the same kind of tools but wind up at completely different conclusions because of their own personal biases.
By the way, thank you for breaking my brain anon. I'm going to consider this yet another part of my attempt to grasp Sukuna's character.
Sukuna's Loneliness Part 3 (Sukuna's hatred of Yuji is jealousy.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Click images for captions/citations.
Yuji and Sukuna's Shrine
Gege does this really clever thing where kanji used to describe a Cursed Technique (CT) have multiple readings, especially if you look past the initial proposed reading. In a way, this is teaching you how to read the text. The face-value reading, albeit true, hides another reading underneath.
Dismantle comes from the kanji 解 (Kai). This kanji can mean to unravel, to explain, to understand, to solve, to cut. It’s first introduced with chef knives which pushes the reader to interpret the meaning as “to cut”. However, this doesn't mean it's not carrying the other readings at the same time. The cutting is not simply cutting, it's a purposeful unraveling in search of an answer—in other words, dismantling.
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Another good translation of 解 (Kai) would be Dissect. Though dismantle gets across a similar feeling, dissect invokes a more intimate and purposeful imagery to the cutting. Both of translations are good in their own ways. It's a matter of preference for which is better.
My point here is that the technique itself indicates the user is trying to understand something closely. The surface reading isn't sufficient for the user, the insides, the guts are what they're after. Both Yuji and Sukuna embody this desire to understand others in completely opposite directions.
Yuji, Human Golden Retriever
Yuji is wholly devoted to understanding others. He unravels the hearts of those around him by being himself. Similar to Sukuna, he also mimics people he admires. Not only in battle, but casually as well, pair bonding with just about anyone who will let him.
The mimicry aspect of Yuji here is very important because it demonstrates he is trying to understand other people on their own terms and not his own. Yuji engages everyone as themselves and accepts them as they are. Him having no braincells is a boon because it means he can absorb others' with ease.
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I'm extremely fond of Yuji's pair bonding with Gojo in particular. In great length I've explained how Gojo's inability to deeply connect with others since his breakup with Geto was isolating and dehumanizing. Yuji is the first person since then to match his energy exactly and without question. Usually other characters get irritated with his shenanigans and can't follow him in conversation. Yuji consistently keeps up with him in that regard even if he's confused. In this way, Yuji has done the impossible, he has gotten past some of Gojo's emotional barriers and connected with him.
This type of seemingly impossible connection is not limited to Gojo, my other favorite being Junpei. Up until Yuji meets him, Junpei is effectively groomed by Mahito into hating other people. Mahito teaches him distrust and to see human ugliness first. Junpei starts to believe everyone is rotten and therefore ok to kill. But Yuji meets him by chance and does this:
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All that time Mahito spent molding Junpei into someone worse flies right out the window because Yuji wins him over by being genuine. This is the crux of Yuji's character.
Yuji's Unyielding Spirit
Just about everyone is won over by Yuji's persistent unending good boy energy, even the people who try to kill him (Megumi, the Kyoto students, Choso, Hakari, Higurama, etc.). His most interesting converts are Higurama and Hakari in my opinion. This is because Yuji's steadfast devotion to others defies their world views.
After a lifetime's worth of heartbreak as a public defender, Higurama believes that deep down all people are hideous (similar to Junpei). He's ready to kill Yuji until he takes the blame for something he didn't do. It so thoroughly shakes him that he has a meltdown over the chapter and ultimately concludes he was in the wrong.
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Yuji doesn't try to make Higurama understand him here. All he does is be himself and it forces Higurama to undergo character growth that ultimately results in him understanding Yuji.
Yuji does the exact same thing to Hakari but in a different way. Hakari believes in the selfish types who are passionate in their own pursuits. He's a lot like Sukuna in that way, he straight up calls Yuji boring for doing things on the behalf of others.
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Yuji doesn't care though. He's got a clear goal and he's chasing it. Hakari knocking him down over and over does nothing. Unlike with Higurama, Yuji explains exactly how he sees himself and that if Hakari can't handle it, he'll keep getting back up until he accepts it. And it works. Eventually Hakari can see the "fever" of someone who is nothing like him.
These two converts best illustrate how Yuji is the embodiment of unwavering humanity. He does things for other people and he will keep doing things for other people even it brings him pain or death. If you don't understand that kind of mentality, he'll let you pummel him until you do.
Also notice how he never once tells his converts they are wrong to think the way they do. This acceptance of their differences is very important and will be coming up later.
Yuji's Love
Yuji connects with others through mimicry (and so does Sukuna). This, of course, is an expression of love. But what really sets his love apart from others' is his ability to perceive people and their emotions—he notices things about them no one else would.
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I include the bout with Panda in this collage since their entire conversation occurs nonverbally. Yuji infers how Panda is feeling and what his goals are by sparing through a fake duel. All of this shows that despite Yuji's low general intelligence, his emotional intelligence is unparalleled. In a way, this ability of his to read others is him taking after both Kenjaku and Sukuna. But he doesn't use this insight to torment others, he uses it to befriend them.
This understanding of others is not limited to those Yuji is friendly with too. Hated people and things are something he is willing to engage without hostility.
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I'm using the anime screencap because Yuji immediately accepting cursed objects, Sukuna's in particular, as something to be cherished instead of scorned really needs to be talked about more. And of course his acceptance of Todo (who is just like Sukuna for reasons we will get into later) is nearly just as important as him understanding Sukuna enough to utilize him against Mahito. These are both people, despised by most of the cast, that Yuji is willing to accept and work with on their own terms.
I often use the lens of analysis in which Umineko gave me: "Without love it cannot be seen." This is referring to how one needs to set aside their negative biases and assumptions to properly see the motives behind an action. It's sort of like giving someone the benefit of the doubt in your attempt to understand them. I think Yuji is the personification of this concept. And that's why Sukuna cannot stand him.
Sukuna, King of Miscommunication
The way in which Sukuna goes about understanding others is the polar opposite of Yuji and deeply perverse. It's like how a shark uses its mouth to explore the world. Instead of using his words, Sukuna uses his cutting to feel others out. And much like a shark, the exploratory bite and attacking bite are extremely different in action despite both resulting in the same level of harm or death when experienced.
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Take notice of how happy Sukuna is when cutting his playmates. He doesn't kill them immediately and uses the information from his slashes to gain a better understanding of them. This is how Sukuna interacts with the world.
It's easy to dismiss sharks as evil since their bites do harm to humans no matter the context. But if you try to understand them on shark terms, they're actually pretty adorable. In other words, without love it (shark cuteness) cannot be seen. Please keep this in mind as I attempt to convince you Sukuna is peak gap moe.
Sukuna's Affection
Sukuna is very similar to Gojo in that he displays affection in very bizarre and unpleasant ways. But unlike Gojo who just verbally assaults people, Sukuna straight up assaults them. He's more than happy to give people compliments for their efforts, but it comes at the price of enduring his violence.
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As you can see some of these compliments coincide with attempts to teach his opponent how to be a better fighter. And this is where Sukuna's affection shines the most—when he reaches out to his opponent and tries to connect with them and understand them through battle.
However...every single time Sukuna tries to bond with someone this way, they try to kill him. It's kind of hilarious.
He tries to connect with the Finger Bearer, a curse of all things. Rejected.
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He tries to connect with Megumi after showing him his heart. Rejected.
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He tries to connect with Higurama after cutting his limbs off. Rejected.
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He tries to connect with Maki via an unhinged high-praise yapfest. Rejected.
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No one here engages Sukuna's dialogue. They ignore his words entirely to focus on killing him. The only time anyone listens to him is if they're Uraume, actively dying, or Kashimo.
As you can see, Sukuna primarily expresses affection through violence. It's always accompanied by a smile and sometimes a backhanded compliment. No one can recognize this as affection because getting bit by a shark hurts regardless of intent. That being said, this affectionate violence differs greatly when compared to the violence inflicted out of aggravation.
Sukuna's Pickiness
Sukuna shows his displeasure through cutting as well. This usually occurs when people reach out to him without his explicit permission. Though Sukuna is eager to form bonds with others to some degree, he absolutely loathes when expectations are thrust onto him by another party.
That kind of relationship is transactional and not between equals. They don't want Sukuna for himself, they want Sukuna for themselves. Yorozu is the epitome of this and Sukuna treats her accordingly.
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Notice how in both of these instances Sukuna's expression is the furthest thing from pleased. Yorozu does recognize his loneliness but disregards how he wants to deal with it. Sukuna cuts her to keep her away from him, not to understand her, and she doesn't get it. (Also note how he refuses to use his Shrine on her in their battle. Which we’ve established as Sukuna’s tool for understanding others. He wants so little to do with her it’s funny.)
Mahito also winds up on the receiving end of "get the fudge away from me" slashes despite initially bonding with Sukuna over Yuji's suffering. They inadvertently disrespect Sukuna's boundaries through unwanted contact, much like Yorozu, leading to this reaction. (To be fair, having your soul touched by a stranger sounds pretty upsetting.) Framing Sukuna's dislike of Mahito as an annoyed hostess vs a touchy patron in joke panels is a great way to illustrate how much he values this particular boundary.
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Once again, Sukuna's expressions are very clear in their disgust. These cuts are to be read as hostile. When Sukuna cuts others in this manner, he is not trying to understand them.
Sukuna's Missed Connections
Now that we know how to read Sukuna's intent through how he cuts, we can also read his mood during fights and infer how he feels about other characters.
In this post I kind of went over why Jogo wound up being favored by Sukuna. But let's break it down some more.
Jogo started in Sukuna's doghouse. His body language, facial expressions, and treatment of Jogo initially indicates Sukuna categorized Jogo amongst the likes of Mahito and Yorozu (he did touch his face without permission). Then Jogo said he wanted nothing of Sukuna, and everything changed.
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Sukuna smiles at him and plays with him in the exact same manner he tried to with the Finger Bearer and Megumi earlier. He tries to coax Jogo into going all out while taking the time to figure out why he doesn't.
And perhaps learning from past mistakes, or Yuji (though he'd probably never admit it), Sukuna engages with Jogo on his terms—fire power. This mirroring is a show of respect and an attempt to learn more about Jogo.
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This is the first time we see Sukuna do such a thing. And in return he gains a deeper understanding of Jogo for it while seeing him off into the afterlife.
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Another first for Sukuna, he makes a meaningful connection through combat with Jogo who listens to him and accepts him as he is. Sukuna gasses him up while simultaneously putting him down, eventually ending on a genuine compliment, believing Jogo could've become an equal to Gojo Satoru. ...And then that blossoming relationship burns to ash by Sukuna's own hands.
This is where Yuji succeeds and Sukuna fails. Yuji's love builds and Sukuna's love kills.
The main takeaways from Sukuna vs Jogo are:
>Sukuna's facial expressions are a strong indicator of how he feels about someone. (Glaring at Jogo initially when he felt disrespected and then smiling at Jogo when he became interested in him.)
>Sukuna will offer aid to those who don't demand it of him. (Promising to kill all the humans in Shibuya on Jogo's behalf and giving permission for Jogo to boss him around if certain conditions are met.)
>Sukuna holds back during fights with those he wants to understand. (Playing with Jogo and trying to coax him into fighting harder.)
>Sukuna mimics others as a form of respect. (Fire vs fire showdown.)
>Sukuna is interested in the internal logic of his opponents. (Asking why Jogo doesn't use his domain and being intrigued by his attempt to become human.)
Keep all of this in mind as I use these points to revisit Sukuna's biggest missed connection.
Gojo Satoru
Jogo and Gojo as names are interesting in that they're inverses of each other if you go by the hiragana in Japanese. I think this was deliberate. It's not a coincidence that Jogo is someone Sukuna learned he was compatible with through fighting. Nor is it a coincidence Sukuna tried to understand him on his own terms in a way that killed him. This fight winds up being a blueprint for how Sukuna attempts to connect with Gojo Satoru.
The culmination of Sukuna's attempts to understand someone other than himself is Gojo Satoru. A whole 6 months in the making, the effort Sukuna puts towards others doesn't compare. He saw the potential in Megumi and found Mahoraga, blowing up half of Shibuya to tame it. He stole Megumi's body and subjugated his soul to obtain it, using his sister/Yorozu as calibration. And he explicitly states all this was for cutting through Gojo's Infinity.
All this prep work to kill one guy, and his loved ones are tormented for it. Gojo's prized student, Megumi (who Gojo treats like a son) is bathed in curses for days and has his sister murdered by his own CT. Sukuna picked through Megumi's memories as a part of this strategy, which means he has access to these two conversations.
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A very selfish dream on Gojo's end, the desire for an equal he saw in Megumi more than any other student. In other words, a little piece of Gojo's internal logic that reveals a path for exploitation. And exploit it Sukuna does, deliberately wearing Megumi's face to mess with other sorcerers.
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But that's probably not the whole truth here. Though Kenjaku and Yorozu understand Sukuna to an extent, they don't understand him fully. It's definitely true he used Megumi's face to better subjugate his new vessel and throw off Gojo. And it wouldn't be wrong to assume Sukuna did this out of malice. However...
Without love it cannot be seen gives me a framework to view these actions as something beyond hatred towards Gojo. It allows me to entertain a hypothetical where this a twisted display of affection. But it doesn't give me the evidence for this. So for this dissection, I'm using another important tool from Umineko: "Flipping over the chessboard." This refers to how one should try to see things from a different perspective.
For example, many people interpreted "The one who will teach you about love is..." during their fight being about Gojo trying to teach Sukuna love.
I decided to flip over the chessboard and came to the conclusion: The one who will teach you about love is...Sukuna.
I supported this claim with the conversation where Sukuna teaches love to Kashimo while alluding that Gojo needed teaching. And now I flip over the chessboard again. If Sukuna sees himself as a teacher of love, was Sukuna vs Gojo an attempt at education?
I reread the fight again and found this:
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It's very clear that the one being satisfied in this instance is Gojo and by Sukuna. This battle is technically everything Gojo hoped for from Megumi. The potential of the 10 Shadows is maximized, Mahoraga is tamed, and the Infinity Gojo has longed for someone to pierce since Toji is obliterated.
The one satisfying him now is...Sukuna.
The one who will teach you about love is...Sukuna.
The parallel syntax and a definitive answer. I'm more confident that this is how the blank is to be filled. And that's why I don't know how to interpret this fight anymore.
This story repeatedly emphasizes how selfish Sukuna is. It beats you over the head with how self-centered and uncaring his conduct is. So why is it that he has seemingly gone out of his way to satisfy Gojo on his own terms?
There's not enough information. Did Sukuna hold back with Gojo because Megumi was still resisting him, or was it an attempt to mimic Yuji and connect with him? Did he use Megumi's body and face after reading his memories to better torment Gojo or was it give him satisfaction?
So I flip over the chessboard and go back to Jogo.
Gojo didn't ask anything of Sukuna just like Jogo. Neither of them asked to have their strength validated. Sukuna is the one who came after them.
Sukuna expressed his gratitude towards Jogo for wanting nothing of him by helping him with his objective. He killed all humans in the area as he promised and gave Jogo a chance to ask for more. Instead of slaughtering Jogo instantly, Sukuna played around with him while trying to understand him, all smiles, both backhandedly and genuinely complimenting him as he died.
...And it appears that Sukuna has done the same thing for Gojo too.
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According to this post 龍鱗 (ryuurin) translates to dragon scales and "describes the basic application of Limitless, a strong defensive barrier like the scales of a dragon." This reference is also Buddhist in nature likening these scales/Gojo to a "dangerous divine power/authority", aka someone more than just a fish.
Now take this hidden meaning and Sukuna's 6 month long obsession with cutting through Infinity. Take how he describes the World Slash as something that reaches its target by making them the center of Sukuna's world. And remember that this solution is a modified Dismantle—the tool which Sukuna uses to connect with and understand others.
Sukuna made Gojo Satoru the center of his world in an attempt to understand him. He cut through Infinity in the exact way Gojo has always wanted to satisfy him. This could be read as flirtation since Sukuna has told Kashimo violence is how he loves. Just as he did with Jogo, Sukuna killed Gojo with his love.
The biggest difference between how Jogo and Gojo are treated is the complete lack of Sukuna in Gojo's afterlife. Jogo let Sukuna in and they bonded in death. Gojo seemingly kept Sukuna out, choosing to be surrounded by those he felt close with as a teenager, and waxed on about how it's hard to be understood. The irony is staggering.
It's possible that Sukuna expected Gojo to let him in during death so he could learn the unspoken secrets of his most favorite plaything. There’s also the possibility Sukuna was privy to Gojo’s afterlife scene and became acutely aware Geto still had Gojo’s heart entirely. (I don't think this the case since Sukuna is bright-eyed and smiling after that sequence.) Either way, Gojo failed to realize Sukuna was trying to reach him and inadvertently rejected him.
I flip over the chessboard again, revisiting Sukuna's lecture on love to Kashimo assuming that Sukuna attempted to teach Gojo love and failed. And now I don't know how to interpret his conversation with Kashimo either.
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Is he simply saying love is worthless because all he values is strength? Or is he lamenting that each and every time he has tried to love his heart has been trampled? Could it be both?
Sukuna loves eating and humans are amongst his favorite meals. In that way, he does need someone else to be satisfied. Yet he insists on the contrary all while looking for companionship with anything that moves. Sukuna has gone his entire life not caring for others. But his fights with Jogo and Gojo demonstrate the opposite. Post-Gojo death, his expressions are ones of boredom and he is far more depressed. When his opponents most resemble Gojo, his smile returns.
Sukuna is too much like Gojo here, his 2 birds 1 stone approach to obfuscating his true feelings makes him very hard to read. It really doesn't help that instead of saying "I love you" Sukuna cuts people to pieces with a smile on his face. Forget about the gap moe. Sukuna is the most tsundere of sharks.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni (When the Seagulls Cry) is a visual novel about a person who is fundamentally misunderstood by those around them. They desperately want to be loved without being perceived, believing themself to be unworthy due to trauma and immutable characteristics given to them at birth. Instead of telling anyone these feelings directly, they play games akin to torture. They torment the ones they love over and over in hopes they'll see through their actions and understand them.
The Uncle vs Nephew Problem
What does Sukuna's inability to socialize have to do with Yuji? Well...everything. Remember that similar to Yuji, Sukuna rejected Mahito—the manifestation of the hatred between humans. Symbolically, this suggests Sukuna doesn't hate humans as much as he appears to. And from how he interacts with others, this may be the case.
Sukuna tries to be himself to connect with others and fails miserably. But Yuji? He breathes and makes 10 friends instantly. And even worse, he can fight others to understand them without killing them. Either with words or with fists, Yuji can make the connections using the very tools that isolate Sukuna.
So Sukuna falls back on isolation being strength. It's fine that he's all alone because it's what makes him strong. ...And in complete opposition to that philosophy (which is a huge cope), Yuji grows through his connections with other people.
Isolation vs Cooperation
Yuji is the undisputed king of running duos, in part because he can decenter himself at will to sync up with others. It doesn't matter how well he knows them or how long he's been around them, he will find a a way to be the best support they've ever received.
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Sukuna doesn't believe in this kind of cooperation or other people. But he still respects Gojo and Megumi who do, so why does Yuji piss him off? I think it's because Yuji rubs his ability to love and grow from others in Sukuna's face, constantly.
Whether he's trapped in his body or on the receiving end of his friendship beatdowns, Sukuna has been present for each and every bonding moment Yuji has through fighting. Sukuna has an involuntary front row seat to Yuji's defiance of everything he stands for.
He's forced to watch Yuji learn how to Black Flash by cooperating with Todo. And since then, Yuji has learned to proc it with anyone he pairs up with.
Near death and with Nobara? No problem.
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Things look hopeless and the shiestiest guy around is barely hanging on to his dead mentor's memento? 2 Black Flashes.
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Yuji is even able to sync up with a guy he's never met, whose name he doesn't know to pull off this.
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And of course we can't leave out Todo Aoi himself who maximizes Yuji's black flash efficiency.
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This shakes Sukuna to the soul because holy fudge, Yuji is starting to become just as strong as him without mercilessly abandoning his humanity.
And that might mean Sukuna was wrong to suffer isolation in the pursuit of strength. That would mean Sukuna endured a lifetime of misunderstanding and loneliness for no greater purpose. In fact, he might be stronger if he had someone else to grow with. Which means he could've had love and strength.
That's a painful reality to confront. It's no wonder most of the black flashes Yuji lands on Sukuna are over his broken heart.
Selfishness vs Selflessness
Earlier I claimed that Sukuna and Todo are the same kind of person. This is because they're both extremely egocentric individuals who categorize people worth their time by boring or interesting. They both hate taking orders from the people they deem boring and go about understanding people through combat. And just about everyone hates them for being this way. The difference between them is Yuji and restraint with their opponents. (Todo doesn't outright kill the boring people, he just beats them half to death. And though he beats up the interesting people too, he allows them to grow for the next time.)
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Note how Yuji matches Todo's communication style. He chooses to learn about Todo through combat and their relationship grows along with their strength, all without death. Yuji understands Todo and Todo understands Yuji. This is exactly what Sukuna has been trying to do.
Now Todo sees Yuji as his brother, aka someone with the potential to rise to his level and beyond. He doesn't mind at all that Yuji fights for others and Yuji doesn't mind that Todo fights to stave off boredom. Their relationship shows that someone as selfish and isolated as Todo (aka Sukuna) is capable of coexisting and growing with someone.
Sukuna rejects this on principle, going out of his way to destroy Yuji's bonds and ideals. He mocks his cog mentality and lectures him on this weakness. But like the fraud he is, Sukuna copies Yuji and obtains greater power by becoming obsessed with someone other than himself.
His fight with Gojo and the preparation up to it mirrors everything he hates about Yuji. Sukuna learns all about Gojo Satoru to find a way to kill him. He engages the fight on Gojo's terms and reaches out to satisfy him. And worst of all Sukuna grows through this—he upgrades his CT by making someone else the center of his world.
The fact this happened means Yuji was right about everything, so all Sukuna has left is denial. Yuji is boring, he's a brat, he's weak, he'll never reach his level. Because if he does, well, Sukuna's entire world view falls apart.
We saw this with Higurama and Hakari vs Yuji. Both of them eventually accepted that these differing ideas can exist together. Sukuna can't be like them since he keeps borrowing Yuji's tactics instead of sticking to his own ideas. He's defrauded himself and Yuji has to pay for this.
Rejection vs Acceptance
So that's the rub. Yuji is strong and properly loved through his unwavering good boy energy alone and this breaks Sukuna's brain. It's hard to read this as anything other than jealousy since Sukuna is watching Yuji obtain the things he's been denied using the exact same toolkit. And though Sukuna rejects Yuji for this, Yuji accepts Sukuna for what he is, just as he does everyone else.
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All Sukuna has do is accept that Yuji's way of thinking is just as valid as his. But he can't since they're too similar. Yuji's existence forces Sukuna to confront a reality he's not emotionally equipped to handle. Instead of facing these emotional problems head on, he buries them and blames everyone else in a combination of envy and denial.
Deep down Sukuna knows he's in the wrong, otherwise Yuji's punches wouldn't shake his soul.
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fortheloveofkonig · 3 months
Okay okay so i have a bit of a silly one. So i have autism and somtimes i will mimic somones accent without knowing it. Can you write a fic for Soap x Reader where he accidentally mimics soaps accent when talking.
N like he gets embarrassed and apologies sooooo much jffjfjjffjfjfjcjf and extra embarrassed because he likes the Scot 👀
Its 4am please excuse if theres any spelling errors
And i hope you have a good day!
Note: Ah, the dreaded draft which I never feel like is enough.
It's short but sweet, I may end up one day doing a part two just to add on to it. This was a cute idea as someone who also mimics accents.
I hope you enjoy it anon <3
(Oh, and the reader doesn't really apologise at all because personally, I feel weird making readers apologise for something he can't control <3)
Content: M! Reader (obv), Fluff, Reader is called Mockingbird (in a cute way)
Summary: Reader mimics Soap's accent, Soap has a hayday.
Mimicry (Soap x M! Reader)
You have been a part of the task force for a bit of time now. Enough time for the group to know that you had a tendency to mimic certain sounds that you heard but that was the length of your mimicry as far as they knew.
The group didn't seem to have issues with the sounds unless it came down to you being louder than you were supposed to be while in the field. It has become a part of their lives and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Soap was the person who started to call you by the nickname 'Mockingbird' and it eventually stuck with everyone as well. He meant it in a joking way, making sure that it didn't harm you in any way, and it kind of just stuck as you started to show a fondness for the nickname.
"Hey, birdie."
This one just made your eyes roll as you rack the weights that you were lifting and sit up on the weight bench.
"That one is a no," you respond, shaking your head which earns a laugh from the Scotsman.
"It was worth the try." He walks over and takes a seat next to you, handing you a fresh water bottle which you eagerly accept and down in a few gulps. He looks over at you as you hand him the bottle back and smiles before throwing it into the nearest garbage bin.
"Nice shot." You hum approvingly before standing up, "Lead the way, I know it's for our daily walk."
The two of you started daily walks about a month ago. Most of the time it was after a long day which left you exhausted and thus not very talkative, which was never a problem for Soap. He loved talking and that was multiplied when he had a good listener such as you.
"And that little dick walked up to him and was like, 'Try me'. Can you believe that? The fucker said that to Ghost! The fucking LT!"
He's been going on like this for an hour, you've barely gotten any words in but you didn't mind much especially since this just meant that you guys got to rest in a scenic spot while he rambled on. Every now and then you responded with one word answers but nothing too big.
He was shaking his head before starting again, "I'm telling ya, these new recruits have an insane amount of confidence and that's fucking 'em over."
You end up nodding, while looking up at the sky.
"Insane that someone would go against Ghost like that." A voice that sounds kinda like yours but with a tinge of a different accent slips out from your mouth. You didn't even realize it at first but when you looked over and saw Soap with a teasing smirk on his face, you immediately knew something slipped out.
You took a moment to regather yourself before narrowing your eyes at the Scotsman, "Shut your mouth."
"I haven't even said anything lad."
"Just thought I heard a mockingbird around, haven't heard one in a while."
He was cut off by you slapping his shoulder and he just burst out laughing.
"You're an asshole." Your voice mumbles through Soap's laughter, and you start to speed ahead away from the Scottish sergeant.
"Lad, wait! Come back, it's important!"
You turn around with your arms crossed and look at the male and he points to the wooded area, he has a shit eating grin on his face.
"It's birdwatching season."
"Oh fuck off, John"
You threw your hands up in defeat and started walking away before Soap ran up to walk beside you.
He stays silent for a few minutes as they continue to walk back to base before he smiles at you and shrugs,
"Just messing with you, it's nice, really. Just gotta push your buttons a bit."
He bumps his shoulder a bit, causing a smile to spread to your face.
"If you tell anyone about this, you're dead."
"Aye aye."
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cosmicflw3rr · 22 days
ooooo or maybe a oneshot about r adopting a pet behind dom’s back and at first he doesn’t like it but slowly starts loving it? 😭😭
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: you've always wanted a dog, but your boyfriend doesn't due to your busy schedules. a girls' day off leads to adopting an adorable black and white puppy.
A/N: I’m backkkkkk. also I feel this is so unnecessarily long but hope you enjoy!!
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you and liv were sitting at a coffee shop in san diego, enjoying the day off you both had.
being a wwe superstar required a non-stop road schedule, with just two days of home time before travelling to the next city for monday night raw.
even then, you weren't sure if you'd make it home every week due to the ongoing live events every week. so, whenever you did have days off, you tried to enjoy them to their fullest.
the two of you had just gotten your drinks, and up until this point, the conversation had been focused on catching up on how work had been. even though you worked together, you rarely saw her due to your different schedules. gradually, the conversation shifted to your home lives and how you had been spending your off days.
“oh my god, wait.” liv chuckled, pulling out her phone and scrolling through it. “the other day I was working out, and kilo would not leave my side at all!” she exclaimed, turning her phone to show you a video.
you watched the video, laughing heartily as kilo, her dog, tried to mimic her workout moves, hopping around and occasionally getting in the way. the video also showed a moment where kilo licked her face.
liv laughed, trying to move away from him, but her attempts were in vain as she eventually gave in, hugging him tightly and showering him with kisses and hugs.
“that’s actually so adorable!” you remarked, still chuckling at the heartwarming video.
she smiled warmly, her eyes meeting yours for a moment before she looked back down at her phone, her fingers deftly scrolling through the screen. “I know! he’s such a sweetheart,” she exclaimed her eyes showing genuine affection.
she then turned her phone towards you again, this time displaying a heartwarming picture of them cuddled up on the couch, kilo nestled comfortably against her, both looking completely content and at peace.
“awww!” you exclaimed, your face lighting up with genuine delight. liv had a warm smile, before turning off her phone and placing it gently on the table. “I’ve always wanted a dog,” you admitted, before you took a sip of your coffee.
the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the soft murmur of conversations around you. liv leaned in slightly, her expression thoughtful.
she quirked an eyebrow as she also took a sip of her drink, “why don’t you get one?”
you sigh gently tracing the rim of your coffee cup with your index finger. “dom’s not really into the whole idea.”
she took a moment to pause, setting her cup down carefully on the table, her gaze flickering towards you once more. “really?” she asked, “he seems like a dog dad 100%”
you laugh softly, settling back into your chair with a sigh. “he just thinks that since we’re both constantly on the road and barely home, it would be too much to ask either his mom or my parents to take on the responsibility of watching it,” you explain, your shoulders lifting in a shrug of understanding.
yet, a part of you can’t help but wish he’d just give it a try.
liv nodded thoughtfully, genuinely listening to your words, “I can understand where he’s coming from,” she began, her voice gentle and reassuring. “but at the same time, I know that even with our schedules, having a dog could be a good thing.”
“a part of me understands him; we’re just so busy,” you say, pausing for a second to gather your thoughts. “but I feel like a fur baby would be so good for us.”
liv juts out her lip softly looking at you with a ‘awe’ face. "I totally get that," she says, her eyes meeting yours with a knowing look. "maybe the conversation is worth revisiting with dom.” liv shrugs taking another sip of her coffee and glances at the clock on the wall.
"ou come,” she said, “I wanted to stop by this little pet store I saw just down the street while I was driving here."
you both stand up, gathering your things. "okay, let’s go then."
the two of you walk out of the coffee shop together, continuing down the sidewalk and admiring the charming little shops set up along the street. “this street is so adorable, I can’t believe I’ve never been here before,” you tell her, a soft smile spreading across your face as you take in the surroundings.
you both slowly come to a stop, right in front of a small pet shop/adoption center. “I know, right?” she said, opening the door and causing the little bell to jingle. you followed after her.
“I’ll be right back.” liv said giving you a soft smile before she heads straight for the aisles, searching for the items she needs.
you take a moment to look around, noticing how the shop is much bigger than you expected. the air is filled with a mix of scents—
pet food, and a hint of something sweet, like treats baking in an oven.
the store is well-organized, with bright, colorful displays showcasing various pet supplies. there are shelves lined with toys, beds, and grooming tools, and aisles dedicated to different types of food and treats.
the walls were adorned with pictures of all the pets that had been adopted and their owners.
you look around the store, looking at all the cute little animals they had scattered around, you wander over to the adoption area.
the soft meows and barks immediately catch your attention. as you walk down the aisle you see a variety of dogs.
you stop in front of a kennel and notice a tag that reads "otto." he's an australian shepherd and border collie mix. as you kneel down to get a closer look, you can't help but feel a tug at your heart.
you smile at him as you hook your finger through the fence. otto immediately starts licking it.
"you're such a cute boy," you say, your heart melting a little more with each lick. a worker comes up from behind you.
“believe it or not, but otto’s been here longer than most of our other pets have.”
your smile falls slightly as you look up at the owner, still petting him through the cage. “really?”
the worker nods sympathetically. "yeah, he's a bit of a special case. he's incredibly sweet and so well behaved, but people just seem to overlook him."
you look back down at the dog who was still licking your fingers. “that’s so sad.”
you continue to gently stroke otto's fur, feeling a pang of sadness. "I can't believe no one has taken him home yet. he's perfect." the dog looks up with you with big, hopeful eyes.
the worker smiles warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "he is. we're really hoping someone will see what we see in him soon. he's such a special dog."
liv finds you in the adoption section, her arms filled with an assortment of pet supplies. "hey, I got what I came for," she says, giving you the heads-up that you guys could leave if you wanted to. her gaze falls on the black and white dog you're petting. "oh, who's this handsome guy?" she kneels down next to you, carefully placing her things on the floor before reaching through the fence to pet him as well.
"this is otto," you say, your voice filled with affection as you watch liv interact with him. "he's been here longer than most of the other pets. It's really surprising because he's seems like such a good boy."
liv's eyes soften as she continues to pet otto, her fingers gently scratching behind his ears. "aw, that's heartbreaking. I can't believe no one has taken him home yet, I mean he’s gorgeous.”
you inhaled deeply, closing your eyes for a brief second. liv looked at you, her gaze knowing and filled with understanding. after a moment you let out a soft whine. "I can't leave him here, liv," you admitted, opening your eyes and looking at her, your eyebrows furrowing and your eyes softening.
liv gave you a reassuring smile, her hand still gently petting otto. "I knew it," she said softly. "I could see it the moment you started talking about him."
you took another deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision. "I know dom said no pets, but otto, he just... he deserves a home, you know? and I don’t think I can leave him to spend another night here."
liv nodded, her smile growing. "me being an animal lover I say you should do it, but-“ she paused smirking. “if anybody asks I wasn’t with you.” the both of you burst into laughter.
you gave otto one last pet before standing up, sighing and looking at the worker. "I want to adopt him."
the worker’s eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and joy. "oh my! that's wonderful! I’ll get you started on the paperwork."
you gave otto one last look before you followed the worker to the front desk, liv gathered her things and joined you, her excitement evident. "I think you’re doing the right thing."
you nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "I hope so. I just want him to have a good home."
the worker handed you a stack of forms to fill out, and you began writing down your information, your mind racing with thoughts of how otto would fit into your life. you could already picture coming home to him after a long week.
you could only hope dom wouldn’t be to upset with you. liv leaned over, glancing at the forms. "how you holding up?”
you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision you had just made. "I just hope dom won’t be too mad," you said, glancing at liv. "I mean, I adopted a dog behind his back when he’s made clear we’re too busy for one."
liv gave you a sympathetic look, her hand still gently petting otto. "I get it, but sometimes you just have to follow your heart," she said softly. "I think he’ll come around."
you nodded, trying to find comfort in her words. "I hope so, I think we can make it work."
liv nodded, “you definitely can,” before gasping suddenly. you looked towards her, confused. “can I please go pick out some toys, treats, and a cute comfy bed?”
you chuckled, shaking your head. “go ahead, I’m just gonna finish up the paperwork.” she squealed before leaving your side and disappearing into one of the aisles.
not long after liv left, you finished the paperwork. the worker handed you otto’s adoption certificate and a small bag of starter supplies. "thank you for giving otto a home. we can tell he’s going to be so happy with you. I’ll go get him.”
you nodded gratefully, smiling as you gazed over the adoption certificate. as the worker walked away, you glanced around the store, your mind racing with thoughts of how dom would react.
liv returned, her arms loaded with toys, treats, and a plush bed that looked perfect for otto. “look at all this stuff! he’s going to be so spoiled,” you said, grinning from ear to ear.
she smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with joy. “yes, he is! and it’s all on his auntie liv.” liv carefully placed the items in the cart with a flourish, then turned to you with a reassuring pat on the back.
you shook your head, a mixture of gratitude and protest in your voice. “no, liv, I can pay—”
“ah ah—” she interjected, cutting you off mid-sentence. “take it as a welcome home gift for my godson.” her tone was playful but firm, leaving no room for argument.
you rolled your eyes, a smirk forming on your lips. “your godson, huh?” you asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at her.
liv shrugged nonchalantly, but her smile grew even wider. “of course! someone has to spoil him rotten, and who better than me?” she winked at you, making it clear that she was thrilled to be part of this new chapter in your life.
you couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a wave of affection for your friend. “alright, alright. thank you, auntie liv. otto’s going to be one lucky pup with you around.”
the worker returned with otto, who wagged his tail excitedly as he saw you. he jumped up and down, and you couldn't help but smile widely as you bent down to pet him. "ready to go home, boy?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth and affection. otto barked in response.
meanwhile, liv took care of paying for all the items you had picked out for otto. With everything settled, you both walked out of the store, otto trotting happily beside you, his leash held loosely in your hand.
as you reached the parking lot, you and liv shared a quick hug and said your goodbyes, each heading to your cars.
you opened the backseat door and gently helped otto climb in, making sure he was comfortable. once he was settled, you closed the door and walked around to the front, sliding into the driver's seat.
after adjusting your seatbelt, you started the car and turned to look back at otto. "ready to go home?" you asked with a smile. otto responded by leaning forward and licking your face, making you laugh out loud. you turned back to the road and began the drive home.
you walk into yours and dom’s shared apartment, making your way to the spare room down the hall.
you set otto’s things up meticulously: his toys arranged neatly, his cozy bed in the corner, his crate positioned just right, and his food and water bowls filled and ready. once you're done, you sit down in the middle of the room, watching as otto sniffs around curiously before finally settling on your lap.
you pull out your phone, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness, and dial your mom's number.
"hey, mom!" you say enthusiastically, a wide smile spreading across your face as you see her appear on the screen.
"hey, honey! everything alright?" she asks gently, her voice full of warmth and concern.
"well, I kind of did something," you admit, turning the camera to show otto lounging comfortably on your lap.
her eyes light up immediately. "oh my goodness, he's adorable! what’s his name?" she asks, her excitement mirroring your own.
"his name is otto," you reply, smiling. “he’s an australian shepherd mixed with a border collie, and he’s the sweetest boy ever.” you purse your lips and place a soft kiss on the top of his head, then look back at your mom.
“I thought you and dom weren’t going to get a dog?” she says, her smile still on her face, clearly happy for you.
you wince slightly at the reminder. “we weren’t, but I was out at breakfast with liv, and she needed to pick up some stuff for her pets. It happened to be at an adoption center, and I just fell in love with him,” you explain, waiting for her to scold you.
to your surprise, your mom laughs warmly, the sound filling you with a sense of relief. “well, sometimes the best things happen unexpectedly. he’s a beautiful dog, and I can see why you couldn’t resist. when you gonna tell dom?” she asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and a hint of amusement.
you look down at the ground, your fingers absentmindedly playing with the soft fibers of the carpet. “well, he’s not home right now, but as soon as he is, I’m going to tell him.” you take a deep breath, suddenly remembering the other reason you called. “the big problem with having a dog is finding someone to watch him while we’re gone, and I was wondering if you could watch him while dom and I are on the road?”
"of course, I'd love to," she says warmly, her voice filled with reassurance. “I’ve always loved having animals around, and he seems like he’d be wonderful.”
just then, you hear the front door open. "dom's home, gotta go," you whisper hurriedly, hanging up the phone.
you gently stroke otto's fur before standing up, feeling the soft warmth of his coat under your fingers. "shush, buddy," you say softly, giving him one last affectionate pat. you quietly leave the room, closing the door behind you with a soft click.
you walk down the hallway, and step into the kitchen and see dom placing some things into the fridge. “hey baby,” you say softly, moving closer to him, eager to share a warm embrace once he’s done.
dom glances over his shoulder at the sound of your voice, a smile spreading across his face. he quickly finishes putting the groceries away, then turns to face you, his arms already extending to welcome you into his embrace. "oh hey, cariño," he greets you warmly, his accent never failing to send a shiver down your spine.
you move into him and he wraps his strong arms around your waist, pulling you snugly against his chest. his hands find their place on your hips, holding you with a gentle yet firm touch.
you loop your arms around his neck, a tender smile gracing your lips. “how was your morning?” you ask.
he hums contentedly as your arms encircle his neck, feeling the warmth of your touch.
he leans in and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead, taking a moment to just appreciate being with you.
he pulls back slightly, his thumbs still gently rubbing your hips. "It was alright," he replies casually. "the usual stuff—gym, errands, nothing special." he studies your face, noticing a hint of nervousness in your eyes. "you okay, babe?"
you nod, looking up at him as you bite your lip nervously. untangling yourself from his embrace, you take a step back placing your hand on the counter for support. “I have to tell you something, and I know you’re going to be a little pissed off, but I want you to hear me out.”
at your words, his expression shifts to one of concern, his eyes narrowing slightly as he leans back against the counter. he crosses his arms over his chest, a habit he has when he's worried.
he continues to study your face carefully, recognizing that something is troubling you. he nods slowly, signaling for you to continue. "okay," he says softly, his tone neutral yet attentive. "I'm listening."
“okay, so today after breakfast, liv and I stopped by a pet store. It had this adoption center inside.” you pause, trying to gauge his reaction as you continue speaking softly. “I couldn’t resist... I adopted a dog.” you stop, waiting for his response.
dom's eyes widen in shock, clearly taken aback by your confession. his arms drop to his sides in disbelief.
he takes a moment to process your words, then shakes his head slightly as if trying to clear his thoughts. "you what?" he says finally, his voice a little sharper than usual. “you adopted a dog—without even talking to me first?”
your eyebrows furrow as you look at him, feeling the weight of his reaction. “I know. I should’ve talked to you first!” you try to explain, hoping to ease his frustration. “but I saw him, and I don’t know, I just couldn’t say no.”
he runs a hand through his hair, frustration written all over his face. he takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm.
"you 'couldn't say no'?" he repeats, his tone becoming annoyed. "babe, we live in an apartment. we have a pretty busy schedule. you can't just adopt a pet without discussing it with me first. we're supposed to make these decisions as a team, remember?"
you inhale looking down at the ground before looking at him. “I know baby. I’m sorry..”
he sighs, seeing the genuine remorse on your face. his expression softens slightly, but he's still clearly frustrated with the situation.
"I get that you love dogs," he says, his voice slightly calmer than before. "but you can't just make these kind of decisions on a whim. we need to think about this logically—our lifestyles, our schedules. we're constantly traveling and doing press, we don't have the time to take care of a dog properly."
“I know!” you counter trying to make him see your point, to at least hear you out. “I know we’re traveling a lot but my mom can watch him she’s already agreed to, and I’ve heard people at work say having a dog to come home too is a good thing.”
dom's expression softens even more, his irritation fading slightly. "your mom agreed to watch him while we're gone?" he asks, a hint of skepticism in his voice.
you nod, hoping he’ll understand
he takes another deep breath, mulling over the idea in his mind. he knows you've already adopted the dog, so there's no going back now.
"but what about when we do come home?" he asks, turning his attention back to you. he studies your face, noticing the hopefulness in your eyes. “like I said our schedule are pretty packed even at home. how are we supposed to find time to take care of a pet on top of that?"
“dom i know it sounds stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.” you assure him. “I’ll take care of him. my off days are pretty chill, and most of the times so are yours.”
dom runs a hand through his hair again, clearly conflicted. he knows you mean well, and he can see how much you love this dog already.
"babe, I get it, I really do," he says, his tone calmer than before. "but I'm just worried about how we're gonna make this work. I don’t want it to be a burden on you. you've already got a lot on your plate."
“baby I got this, please just trust me.” you ask him softly, reaching for his hand.
dom sighs, looking down at your hand in his. he can't deny that the thought of having a dog in the apartment makes him a bit happy too, even if he's still worried about the details.
he laces his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand gently. "I do trust you," he says quietly. "but we're in this together, alright? we’re gonna make this work."
your soft frown turns into a smile. “we’re in this together.” you repeat softly.
he nods, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "we are," he replies, his voice warm and reassuring.
he takes a step closer to you, his arms wrapping around your waist again, pulling you closer against him. "just promise me one thing," he says, looking down at you with a serious expression.
you look up at him confused, humming in response.
dom quirks an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his lips. he can't help but be a little bit excited at the thought of seeing the dog you've secretly adopted.
"do I want to meet him? of course I do," he says, his tone a mix of sarcasm and amusement. "lead the way, cariño."
you pull away from him, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hallway to the spare room. you open the door to see otto laying down in the same spot you’d left him in asleep.
dom follows you into the room, his expression softening as he sees otto for the first time. he can't deny that the pup is adorable, all cozy in the spare room.
"wow," he says quietly, a hint of awe in his voice. "so this is the little guy, huh?"
he steps into the room, approaching otto slowly, not wanting to startle the sleeping dog. you do the same slowly sitting next to the sleeping puppy.
dom sits down next to you, watching as otto stirs slightly, lifting his head to look at you both. he notices that the puppy has a curious look on his face, as if assessing the new stranger in his room.
he reaches out a hand, gently scratching otto behind the ear. "he’s kind of cute," he murmurs, a small smile on his face.
you look at dom a wide smile before looking at otto. “this is your daddy otto.” you say softly placing a soft kiss on the dogs head.
dom smiles at the sight, his heart melting a little at how sweet you're being with the puppy. he stretches out a hand, gently scratching the top of otto's head. "hey there, buddy," he says quietly, his voice warm and soothing.
otto tilts his head in response, his tail thumping on the ground as he seems torecognize the affection from both of you.byou smile looking at otto before looking at how dom was with the dog.
dom's expression softens even more as he continues to play with the puppy, gently scratching behind his ears and petting his soft fur.
he can't help but grin as otto seems to respond to his touch, whining affectionately and trying to crawl into his lap. he looks over at you, joy in his eyes.
dom grins at your laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I think he likes me," he says jokingly, as otto continues to crawl onto his lap, resting his head comfortably against dom's chest.
“I think he does.”
a year later.
It was yours and dom’s day off. you both had, had the most hectic week. wrestlemania was coming up and quickly.
so when you had asked him to join you at the gym he declined and told you he was just going to watch a movie.
you’d just come back from your morning workout, you could hear the tv playing softly in the background, and the apartment was dim, lit only by the gloomy light filtering in from outside. The rain had left a gentle patter against the windows.
you unlock your apartment door and step inside. “baby, I’m home,” you call out softly, not really paying attention as you kick off your shoes and place your water bottle into the fridge. when you don’t hear a response, your eyebrows furrow in mild confusion.
just as you’re about to call out again, you notice dom lying on the couch, fast asleep, with the tv quietly playing a movie in the background. you walk around the kitchen island and see dom cuddled up with otto, who was also sleeping peacefully.
a smile spreads across your face as you take out your phone and snap a quick picture. “we are too busy for dogs, my ass,” you tease softly, chuckling to yourself.
dom stirs at the sound of your voice, slowly opening his eyes as he becomes conscious of your presence. he blinks a few times, adjusting to the dim light of the apartment.
he looks up at you, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he notices you taking a picture of him cuddling with otto. "hey, you're home," he says, his voice still rough and groggy from sleep.
dom glances down at otto, who remains cuddled up against him, eyes half-lidded and content. "yeah, yeah," he mutters, rolling his eyes playfully.
you laugh, sitting down next to dom, causing otto to slowly wake up as well. “I missed you boys.”
dom wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer against him. he chuckles softly as otto raises his head, looking at you with his big, sleepy eyes.
"we missed you too," he says, a hint of affection in his voice. he gently scratches behind otto's ear, eliciting a soft whine from the pup.
you cuddle into dom, humming in contentment as your eyes flutter closed. “nope,” you say, getting up reluctantly. “I need to shower, I’m sweaty.”
dom groans softly as you get up, clearly not ready to let go of your cuddles.
"do you have to?" he whines jokingly, pouting slightly. He looks up at you with puppy-dog eyes, trying to convince you to stay.
“we can cuddle and take a nap after I shower. I promise.”
dom sighs in mock defeat, a small pout still on his face. "fine," he relents, reluctantly pulling his arm away from you.
"but you better not take forever, or I might fall asleep without you," he teases, his eyes still sleepy and half-lidded.
“I won’t.” just then, you run to the bathroom, getting into the shower as quickly as you can.
dom watches as you hurry off to the bathroom, letting out a small chuckle, amused by your eagerness to shower and be back with him.
he stretches out on the couch, reaching for the remote to turn off the movie that's still playing on the tv. he then turns his attention to otto, who's now standing beside him, waiting for your return.
"she takes quick showers," dom says to the dog, as if trying to explain your absence. "don't worry, she'll be back soon."
you finish up, throwing on sweats and one of dom’s hoodies.
dom looks up as you re-enter the living room, his eyes wandering over your sweatpant-clad legs and the oversized hoodie you're wearing. he smirks slightly, recognizing it as one of his.
"nice outfit," he teases, a hint of admiration in his eyes.
“hush,” you tease, sitting down in your previous spot and cuddling up next to him.
dom chuckles softly as you settle back beside him, immediately draping his arm around your shoulders. he pulls you closer against his chest, enjoying the feeling of you against him.
"so clingy," he teases, a hint of affection in his voice. he gently runs his hand up and down your arm, tracing aimless patterns on your skin.
you roll your eyes, leaning into him a bit more, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. just then, otto jumps up onto your lap, his tail wagging excitedly. you can’t help but smile as he settles down, nuzzling into you.
dom laughs softly, watching. "looks like someone missed you," he says, reaching over to give otto a gentle pat on the head.
you scratch behind otto's ears, feeling the soft fur under your fingers. "yeah, he’s a little cuddle bug," you reply, your voice filled with affection.
dom's arm tightens around you both, creating a cozy little bubble of warmth and love. "our little family," he murmurs, his voice content.
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y/n: love coming home to my boys❤️
dominik_35: love you amor🖤
y/n: love you moree 🖤🖤
yaonlylivvonce: my godsonn 😍
y/n: he misses you! visit soon😊
archerofinfamy: my man otto
y/n: 😭😭
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the-alien-stage · 6 months
This round has left me speechless. I watched it twice, with subtitles on and one without and so now let's get straight into the analysis. My hands are still shaking.
To begin, the human experimentation isn't as touched on as we thought, however it DOES foreshadow what the fuck is gonna happen in Luka's round. That, at least, seems to be what they are building up to.
This melody they have eeriely resembles what Ivan had for his round, which makes this all the more tragic. The lyrics themselves, however, are a mix of the two boys. Both of them had love songs, but Till's portion is more rough around the edges with it like his song while Ivan is straight to the point.
While they don't focus on human experimentation, it does seem to look like there was an intermission phase where both of the boys were advertised. This shows a soft moment between the two as Till lays unconscious and Ivan huddles up to him and does a very awkward cuddle.
Now, getting to the part where we all kind of lost our shit. Ivan sees the scoreboard off screen, looks at his mic and the Till and throws it as he walks to Till and makes out with him. This isn't an exaggeration, as a kiss implies one but he does multiple.
Till at first doesn't realize what is happening, he is still very much traumatized and zoned out over what happened to Mizi. Even the aliens that are caring for him seem to be hanging it over him. Whether they know his feelings for her or are just doing it because he is another contestant, who knows.
However, once he gets a handle on things, he pushes Ivan away who comes right back. This is when Ivan "chokes" Till and this, I took note of. Ivan does a specific hold, a safe-choke hold, when choking somebody that isn't actually choking the person. He purposely does this to protect Till and to fool the audience. This is when he begins to get shot at, the entire time his eyes are on Till.
I think it's also important to mention that they are wearing black and white, complete contrasts. However, it mimics Sua and Mizi who had the same fate. Sua and Ivan even had an interaction before all of this at Anakt Garden where Ivan made fun of her wanting to sacrifice herself for Mizi, and yet he shows himself to be a hypocrite as he smiles at Till before closing his eyes one last time.
Till has advanced to the next round to go against Luka and quite frankly, I'm terrified on how it's going to end. Mizi is a peace keeper but Luka was able to push her to violence. Till also has a personal vendetta against the blond for pushing Mizi. This won't end well.
Finally, for those that didn't watch till the end (HA), Dewey and Isaac are freaking out as their walkie-talkie system seems to be going off because Hyuna got injured. Mizi is fretting over her as she tries to stop the blood flow but it does seem that they have gotten caught.
Theory wise, I'm going to think that Hyuna is going to make Mizi a. Run or b. Hide to protect her as she gets taken away, and that's going to get her into Round 7.
Okay bye, I haven't emotionally recovered from Round 6 sorry pookies
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Playing Lethal Company With TWST Cast
idk I was feeling silly ig Heartslaybul
Riddle: - Invested in the lore - Hates mods - Dies more often to quicksand and teammates baiting the blind dogs to attack him - Hates his teammates (Ace) baiting the blind dogs to attack him
Trey: - Also invested in the lore - Likes the loot bugs - Mostly stays at the ship to monitor everyone and open doors/disable turrets - Tries to be responsible with the loot/money - Will kill his teammates if they're short quota and sell their bodies Cater: - Screams at the bracken and the giant worm more than anything - Loves the emote mods, poster mods, and skin mods - Will stand on a landmine just to wait for his teammates to get close and blow both of them up - Will not go back to get your body besties sorry - Always brings a sign in, always drops it so someone else has to beat the shit out of the monsters Deuce: - Gets eaten by the mimic doors...A Lot - Also dies via Ace baiting the blind dogs - Was also the one the find out about the bridge having a weight limit - Does not trust the teleporters because he always ends up in a locked room - Boomba is his worst enemy, he runs into landmines all by himself just fine he doesn't need one to run into him - Always goes back to get teammates bodies - The ghost girl targets him a lot - Has gotten really good at avoiding the coilheads because Ace always ditches him, but he can't jump on rails to save his life Ace: - Menace to his teammates (see above) - 1000000000 mods - Push mod is his favourite - Immediately finds the most annoying noisy item he can - He's fast at running but is always too slow at putting his metal items down when it's stormy out - Buys a jetpack and immediately destroys it - Buys a rifle and uses it on his teammates - Loves baiting the monsters to use the teleporters - Second loudest in the dorm after Cater, though Riddle is close too
Leona: - Will only play if push mod is enabled - Literally does nothing but kill his teammates because he thinks it's funny - The spore lizard thing is his favourite and he could not tell you why - On the last day, he ends up pulling through for his team because he wants to make quota - He will convince his teammates to ring the bell more than they should just to watch them get mauled - Loves the mod where he gets to be the monsters Ruggie: - Menace 2.0 but not in the same way Ace is - He immediately fucks with the light as soon as he can - Lies to his teammates about which emergency exits are safe - Loves the teleporters - He also loves when he can juke the turrets and stand on top of them - Also the first to run if he hears a thumper or spider - Calls the bracken his friend - Will lock people in rooms whenever possible, especially if there's a turret Jack: - Likes to stay at the ship and be dependable, will monitor and lead teammates through the map - Because of this he normally stays at full health so his teammates nominate him to go get a beehive right before they leave a moon - Buys the teleporter to get everyone's bodies back without risking loosing the loot - Doesn't know the maps from the inside very well so he will end up tailing someone the whole time if he chooses to go inside - Hates that the mimics can use voice clips from the players but it's also really funny for any dead teammates spectating - Thinks it's sad that the dogs are blind, but really appreciates the fact that the dogs and giants work together to hunt prey
Azul: - Coward /affectionate - Wants to stay in the ship, but Floyd/Jade both inverse teleport him a lot lmao - Hates the SCP mod?? Map?? idk at this point - The ghost girl targets him so much it's hilarious - Tries to stay in charge of the money, Floyd usually intervenes - Dies to giants a lot - Thought the slots mod might be fun, until Floyd spent all their money - Gets used as bait a lot - The spiders hate him Jade: - Inverse teleports EVERYONE he thinks the unpredictability is Funny - Likes to sneak up on his teammates - Pretends to be a mimic a lot (Floyd panics and ends up hitting him with the shovel) - Teammates compare him to the bracken a lot (they mysteriously die shortly after) - If someone kills him he votes to return to the ship early to be petty - Loves the monster mod that lets him torture his friends - Adores the loot bugs so much they're his Little Guys - Compares Floyd to the Thumper a lot - Brings your body back to. right in front of the ship so when you're spectating you can watch them abandon you Floyd: - Menace 3.0 (uses All tactics mentioned above) - hates the backroom mod - Screams at all the monsters, mostly out of joy - Loves the twerking emote - The Jack in the Box is his favourite - He loves the nutcracker too because when he kills it he gets the rifle - He will proceed to use the rifle irresponsibly - Finds all the ways to die on Gordion - Carries the boombox around everywhere
Kalim: - Can't play it's too scary for him. Even the minecraft world mod. It's just not for him. When he tried playing he got struck by lightning. Jamil: - Has to play with the arachnophobia filter - Still screams with the millipedes/face huggers - Always has a shovel, flashlight and walkie so he doesn't get much loot - Likes putting the mimic mask on to terrify everyone else even if it means he dies - Also enjoys the boombox and jamming out with the slime
Vil: - Gets super competitive - Actually loves the push mod but would never admit it - Loves beating the shit out of thumpers - Will kill his own teammates if they honk horns and shit he will NOT tolerate it - Ends up dying to the bracken a lot - Comments on how little sense the value of each thing is (especially the hair dryers) - Also makes up a lot of theories about the game and lore while he's playing but if you call him out on it he'll deny that he's That invested in the game (he will never look up the actual lore) Rook: - Literally only plays to try and kill the monsters he doesn't give a fuck about quota - Push mod is Funny - Dies to the slime a ridiculous amount of times because he's too busy beating the shit out of something else - Was the first one to die to a giants fart - Somehow always manages to get beehives with minimal damage - Tricks and/or "blackmails" people into trying fire exits out for him (he wants to see more of the mimic, but will leave all their loot on the ground) Epel: - Loves the high risk high reward moons - Teammates try to use him as bait, but he always uno reverses them - Blind dogs are his favourite and he likes to crouch walk with them and lowkey pretend they are his Friends - Loooooves the jetpack, he's half decent at flying with it - Has died to the ladder more than once (he did it to himself) - Also tries to send himself to the backrooms by charging things that should Not be charged - Runs into the bees by accident a lot
Idia: - Literally so many fucking mods - He looses interest in Lethal Company pretty quickly - Trans cat stuffy is his baby - the cat mod is the reason he stays, but then he also refuses to sell them to the company - He sometimes lets Ortho control everything (like monsters spawning, how fast time passes in game, how many inventory slots he has, etc. etc.) and it makes it more engaging for him and fun for Ortho Ortho: - When he plays alone he only plays on the minecraft map mod - He likes collecting Steve - Otherwise he invades public lobbies and is a little menace to everyone - At least once in game he'll abandon everyone because he thinks their panicking is funny - If he dies early, he doesn't quite grasp that it's frustrating when he calls the ship to leave, so it happens pretty much whenever he dies early - Speed runner when he's by himself because he has....all the mods at his disposal
Malleus: - He can't fix a tamagotchi, you think this man is playing a video game? - Sorry, you can play with him one on one to teach him the controls but you're not getting in the building Lilia: - Menace 4.0 - Grandpa is a little shit - Loves the coil heads and luring them towards his teammates, just to ditch them - Teleporters are his best friend - Dies to the elements more often than monsters (quicksand/Lightning/fall damage? Gravity) - Has also died via standing underneath the pod when it's delivering stuff - Loves the push mod - Calls the loot bugs his children - Will find a jar of pickles and defend it with a rifle, nobody is allowed to sell it Silver: - Dies to a lot of the monsters because Lilia told him there's a mod that lets him befriend them when there's not one installed - Has never died to a mimic door somehow - Has an amazing sense of direction in game, always knows where he is and how to get to the exit - Buys a rifle but tries to never use it - Mostly tails other teammates to make sure they're safe - If he stays in the ship he ends up falling asleep Sebek: - Dies to the blind dogs a lot - Also sustains damage from Lilia trolling him while he's trying to cross the bridge - Would rather play with no mods - Gets so proud when he brings back a lot of loot - Always tries to go back for more loot and ends up taking too long to get back to the ship
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zevrra · 4 days
As I play HL a scenario keeps coming to mind. Can you write something were Slytherin MC had a crush on Ominis form day one, but Sebastian ends up confessing and dating her?
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first love; late spring—
tags: a sweet request, sebastian sallow(18+) x fem!reader(18+), one-shot, pure fluff, aged-up characters, short & sweet.
creator notes: thank you for the ask!! sorry this is a little short too btw! i wanted to write more but needed to work on some other stuff as well so i might write a part 2 at some point!! also wrote this in 30 mins so i hope there’s no errors but if there are please forgive me ajshsgdkh
thanks again for the request and i hope you enjoy!! ♡
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“I like you.” 
Three simple words would turn your entire world upside down. 
It had been a year since you had first arrived at Hogwarts castle to practice your magic. Learning new spells everyday to prepare yourself for your future career. After everything that’s happened to you, from finding out you have control over an ancient magic to defeating Ranrok, you could never have expected this. 
Since that first day at Hogwarts, waking up in your common room, and meeting several of your fellow peers, you had developed the biggest crush on Ominis Gaunt. He was gentle, charming, and so very kind. Even with his lack of sight it never stopped him from being a leader. If not for his ancestry you would have almost thought he could have been a Griffindor. You had swore you’d stay by his side, even if your feelings were never reciprocated. Which they hadn’t. For a very long year.   
And here was his best friend, your friend, confessing to you. Sebastian Sallow, a complete opposite from your one-sided crush. He was confident, dashing, and a little arrogant. A true prankster at heart. And because you know Sebastian, at first you think he might be joking, trying to tease you. But looking upon his freckled face now he’s more than serious. He’s determined to convey his feelings to you while you both stand outside on this chilly spring morning. 
You can’t help but think of all the times you and Sebastian had gotten close since you arrived at Hogwarts. From every cave crawl to simply attending class together. Copying his homework when you forgot yours. Sharing meals or taking several trips to Hogsmead together where your fingers accidentally touch as you reach for the same thing. It had never occurred to you that Sebastian felt this way but now the signs were more than obvious. How many times had you looked for Ominis when Sebastian had been looking for you.
“I really like you,” Sebastian repeats in a hushed tone. His fingers gently brush against the back of your hand. Almost scared to grab ahold of your hand in fear you’d reject him. “I have for…a while now.” He adds with a blush. You didn’t have to ask to know he most likely meant since the first day you two met. “So just be mine already.”
You stare at Sebastian for a moment then. Searching his face for any dishonesty but you find none.  You’re not sure of every single feeling you’re feeling at the moment but you know just a few things; he’s not lying and your heart is beating faster than it has ever done before. 
“Okay.” You whisper with a nod of your head. Butterflies buzz inside your stomach and chest as you answer. You smile at Sebastian who slightly jumps at your response. As if he was fully expecting you to say no. To storm off and leave him alone in the courtyard. You take his hand then, intertwining your fingers with his.
For a moment he just stands, looking at you in awe. It was his turn to search your face to make sure you weren’t pranking him now. “Okay.” Sebastian mimics you quietly. Still in disbelief but the smile across his face tells you he’s excited. Especially when he finally snaps out of his daze to squeeze your hand back. 
Every romantic book or poetry piece you had ever read always spoke about how spring was the time for first love. And for once your daydreaming of this moment was coming true.
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abyssalzones · 4 months
I would love to hear more abt your college pre-egg-breaking fiddauthor thoughts if you'd be open to it
oh BOY would I
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so when I think about college fiddauthor nowadays I mainly think about both my own experiences with ~navigating identity~ and how I would approach a gay FTM relationship from a semi-realistic 1970's angle, where you start to see a lot of what you'd call "milestones" I guess in LGBT history and public awareness. wait okay here's something I said to mer that can set a precedent for what I'm talking about
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when it comes to me and my own journey of self discovery irt sexuality and transness, I feel like those two things are very intertwined, because the concept of identity in my eyes is very socially motivated. I've previously identified as a nonbinary lesbian and a transgender gay man respectively before getting to the point I'm at now, and don't feel like either of those things were incorrect necessarily, just how I felt at the time (and what I wanted out of a relationship, really). I think I literally got an ask ages ago questioning how I went from one to the other but Idk I don't think the gender journey is as simple or "logical" as people coming from a hetero-patriarchal perspective (that's a mouthful) seem to think.
and, And, from a Historical perspective, FTM experiences and butch lesbian experiences have Always been very intertwined, especially back in the early 70's when more people were starting to have some awareness (even in LGBT spaces) of this thing known as the Transgender Lifestyle. I'm flattening things quite a bit here and I know for a fact there's a lot of variation between experiences, especially depending on your social circles, but from what I can glean a lot of the time transgender men weren't very well known and so a lot of the time you would just ID as a butch lesbian and/or present as a man socially, sometimes for safety reasons. and there's a lot of overlap there too that continues into contemporary transmasc spaces today :]
historical justification aside I basically think college would be a major turning point for self-discovery in both of their lives, but more-so for fiddleford than ford? I've always assumed based on everything we've seen that fidds was basically the only friend ford had in college, which definitely would have influenced him in important ways, but other than that I think he invested most of his time in studying and developments in gender were an afterthought. ford's FTM identity starts from a place of "failing to be a woman" and then develops with his pride in being a huge weirdo. in my mind that can only really happen once he's in gravity falls and has basically sacrificed his connections with other people/the world to live as his truest self, whether that's researching anomalies or living as a man.
fiddleford, however, I always think of from the perspective of someone bucking to societal expectations for safety reasons. this is because of a lot of things: ford's possible feelings of abandonment in favor of Normalcy (who can forget "Go back to your doting family and a life of fear and compromise!"), his jumping into a nuclear family immediately out of college, But also packing up and driving to oregon in a matter of days after ford asks for his help... when he has a kid who could be no older than 5 or 6 at home...? I sort of see his presentation as a foil to ford's, trying to mimic cishetero ("hetero") normalcy vs. being the Lone Transsexual Freak. I've gotten horribly off topic from the college thing hang on
basically I imagine them in their uni days like two weird butch gay women that are just, totally socially unapproachable. fiddleford is the more outgoing of the two as he's been voted "most likely to actually have other friends" in my mind, so if anyone was going to gay & lesbian student association meetings it would've been him, but otherwise ford is too busy ignoring his feelings. "I don't care if I'm a man or a woman I'm too busy studying. go away." but of course they find enough solace in eachother's company and their different-but-distinctly-similar weirdness that it forms an unbreakable transgender bond. freak4freak if you will. fidds settles on a bisexual identity without thinking about it too hard because honestly the conclusion here is that it doesn't matter if his roommate is a woman or a man he just knows he needs to do terrible things to him over d&d&md (sorry) (not really that sorry though.)
it's actually funny you bring this up because I'd been workshopping a short comic set in their college era that touches on this stuff a lot. not sure when that will ever get done but I can tell you it's. uhm
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yeah they're kind of weird.
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eggwhisper · 4 months
Lanolin The Sheep
Well since the new issue dropped I decided "hey why not throw gasoline onto an open flame?" so this is my totally unwanted take on Lanolin, her characterization, and how I think issue 63 and beyond could've been fixed by swapping two characters roles around so uh-- Yeah! (Also light spoilers for the newest issue/issue 69 but only the Lanolin portion/the stuff you've probably already seen/read.) tbh, this is kind of a fix-it/wishful thinking/thoughts I hope the writers have in mind in the future for issues going forward as steering Lanolin back to being a "likeable (but bossy)" character is going to be difficult. And is also so I can get my own thoughts out of my head.
Anyway here goes (sorry if I don't articulate my points succinctly in advance btw) I think Whisper shouldn't have been the one to see "Duo" kick Silver but Tangle. Like swap Tangle and Whisper in the story kind of- (trust me I'm going somewhere with this) and here's my reasoning.
Tangle doesn't wear a mask that records what she sees unlike Whisper. So if it was Tangle who saw Silver get kicked she wouldn't be able to jump right to "It's Mimic" or at least she wouldn't have any reason to believe it was Mimic (even at the "eyes changing color" topic. Albeit this should be used to make her suspicious which leads to them spying on Duo.)
Now I think it should've been Tangle and Silver spying on Duo rather then Whisper and Silver for two reasons: First- Tangle's been shown to be actually really bad at stealth. (Ms. Sneak Sneak song, anyone?) So it makes sense that Lanolin would know they were spying on the cat the whole day. Secondly- It doesn't make Whisper look like she's bad at stealth when she's the literal SNIPER. (Like seriously- half the job of sniping is hiding! It doesn't make that much sense that she'd be bad at it and I wholly blame Silver for getting them caught.)
Of course they get caught (Tangle and Silver) by Lanolin and now it's here I'd like to veer a bit more into her characterization and how she handles her interactions with the cast (Specifically Tangle). Which is with a level of reserve/mild dislike in the form of Tangle. Let's not kid ourselves here Tangle and Lanolin don't get along as much as we (and Tangle herself) would like too. Tangle's bouncy and energetic, Lanolin's a no-nonsense spoilsport so it would make sense if she doesn't believe Tangle or heck even dismisses her in regards to Duo after the incident earlier with Silver. (As this would be an actual "he said, she said" situation unlike in canon where the mask that records is right there- seriously if it doesn't come up in canon or is otherwise properly addressed in the story I'm gonna be really disappointed.)
Anyway Lanolin doesn't like Tangle, that's the baseline we're going with here. (Or at the most generous reading Lanolin finds Tangle to be "taxing".) Point is the two aren't nearly as good of friends and Lanolin's dedication the job would be more substantial here as nobody by this point has any reason to suspect Duo is Mimic.
So cue the argument, Whisper shows up/comes to defend Tangle when Lanolin inevitably tries to lecture/chastise her and Silver claiming the lemur would have no reason to be suspicious without good cause. The argument continues and BOOM! Tangle drops the tidbit that Silver said that Duo's eyes changed color and now Whisper's suspicious. Leading Whisper to try and shove past Lanolin, now also a bit more paranoid. Cue the whole "act like soldiers not children" line with Lanolin grabbing Whisper first and the scuffle ensues with Duo rushing off and Silver "hurting" him when nobody's focused on them.
Now why do I feel like it should be set-up like this instead of how it was in canon? Well obviously because in canon Whisper should've also been punished like Silver. Possibly just as severely but isn't because again- plot. (Like c'mon, Whisper technically assaults a commanding officer, she should have gotten in some trouble regardless of context.) But with how this is set-up now Lanolin instigated the fight by grabbing Whisper so punishing the wolf for the fight is out of the question and Tangle would like in canon- rush to Whisper's side once she was downed, not fighting at all meaning beyond stalking their new recruit Tangle didn't do anything worthy of getting "kicked out" for.
Meaning Silver getting kicked out still happens (hey, got to find some way to make it end the same way it did, right?) But now Tangle and Lanolin have more reason to be antagonistic towards one another. Leading to the most recent issue where Tangle and Lanolin are dealing with Sonic and co. after the boards went haywire. (Like I said super minor 69 spoiler.)
Ergo I think Lanolin's character arc should've be more focused on her actually viewing her friends as well- friends. And I feel like exploring the relationship she has with Tangle is probably the best way to go about it because of how they've interacted so far. (Or use the lemur who more then likely would forgive her in ten seconds to get the sheep a bit more on the others wavelength.)
That's just my thoughts on the whole debacle concerning Lanolin and I really do hope the writers figure out a way to make Lanolin enjoyable to read again cause right now she just comes off a little mean-spirited with little reasoning for her actions beyond "strung-up military type" (Which is a great trope btw and it can be written extremely well). I guess I really just hope they nail down the blocks making up her character in a satisfying way.
Anyway this all just sorta popped into my head after reading issue 69 and glancing in Twitter's general direction for five seconds I just hope this riders arc ends up being really good because Eggman's drip is (As Starline would put it) Immaculate.
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callsign-mimic · 7 months
This is so entirely self indulgent, it's unreal.
Part Two to what was initially supposed to be just a little blurb ficlet where Captain Castle "Daddy" Alistair meets the ever skittish Mimic. Part one is here.
Thanks to @charliemwrites for letting me use Captain Daddy and making a little suggestion that I personally think added the perfect touch
Tags/CW: Mostly OCs, Wholesome, Reader is the first SpecGru op to get to use Mimic as a pillow, Mimic is still hopeless and Castle falls a little harder than he expected
The storm rolls in shortly after Captain Reinhart leaves. Mimic was sitting on the common room couch again, reading a book while Rusty sat on the floor in front of her with his head resting on her knees. He hated thunderstorms. To the point where he would panic if he wasn't cuddled up to someone. Mimic was gently rubbing his scalp as she read, working her fingers gently through his ginger coils to keep him relaxed.
You were feeling apprehensive, though you weren't sure why. Seeing Rusty so relaxed under Mimic's care made you want to cuddle up with the two of them despite only having known them for a few hours at this point. You walked over casually and sat on the opposite end of the couch, trying to seem nonchalant as you slowly scooted yourself closer to her.
"You're not as subtle as you think, sweetheart." Mimic says, not looking up from her book. You couldn't help feeling embarrassed about having been caught, only to smile when she continues talking. "Come lay your head down. There's plenty of comfort to be found here." She didn't have to ask you twice. You settled your head onto her plush thighs and melted into her soft warmth. The minute her fingers started running through your hair, you were gone, complete putty in her hands.
How sweet you looked, lying peacefully on Mimic's lap almost forehead to forehead with Rusty. The two of you doze off, oblivious to the raging storm outside in lieu of the soft comfort provided by this one person. And that's how Castle found the three of you. He was walking past the common room with Keegan, discussing mission tactics when he happened to look over and see you and Rusty dozing with your heads so close to each other.
Mimic didn't notice her sudden audience. She was humming softly to the two of you, her fingers gently massaging your scalps as you slept peacefully on her lap. Keegan waved Nikto and Nova over so that they could also witness the scene. Castle remembered talking to Captain Reinhart about Mimic after she had gotten skittish and practically fleed from his attempt to talk to her.
"Meine kleine Maus is very timid around people who show her care." Reinhart had said, grinning like a proud father. "She is a caretaker herself, but does not seem to know how to feel when people want to take care of her. She does not even let Welpe care for the way she does for him and others. She would rather feel useful than like she's a burden, ja?"
How Mimic could ever see herself as a burden was beyond Castle. Even in the short amount of time he'd known her, he couldn't imagine her to be the type of person that would be a burden. He couldn't help but smile as he watched how sweet and gentle she was with you. Already having you feeling so safe and comfortable that you're sleeping deeply.
Mimic stops humming and looks sheepish when she realizes she has an audience. Castle sends the test of the team off to their rooms, and walks to the couch, kneeling in front of you and stroking your hair.
"She wasn't any trouble, was she, doll?" He asks, looking up at Mimic to find her avoiding his gaze.
"No, sir. She was no trouble at all." She replies, soft and timid. He wants to reach up and cup her face, look into those soft grey eyes, make her feel as safe as she made you feel. But Rusty starts to stir and looks up at her.
"Alright, Mama?" Rusty asks, rubbing one eye, his Southern drawl slightly slurred in his half-asleep state. Mimic looks down at him, and the warm smile that appears on those pretty, full lips makes Castle want to kiss her as she tells Rusty that it's time to get to bed. Rusty asks if he can share your bed, since you had offered earlier, and Mimic nods. Castle picks you up, cradling you gently to his broad chest, and Mimic plants a soft kiss on Rusty's forehead before he follows behind the captain to your room.
"Thanks for taking such good care of her." Castle says, smiling at Mimic and making a soft pink blush rise to her cheeks. "It's been a long while since she's been able to sleep likes this. I really appreciate you being so gently with her." Mimic fidgets and mumbles something about it just being how she is before Castle takes you to your room, tucking you and Rusty in with each other. He goes back to the common room to find that Mimic had already vacated and hidden herself away once again. Dammit.
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~Kai is Clingier than Usual~
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-He’s been behaving weird lately. Perhaps no one else had noticed more than you at first, but as time went on it became more apparent. He spent less time focusing on the task at hand and more time trailing behind you. Even when he was in his own office for the day, tending to the Hassaikai, he took more time than usual to text you or to even call you. On his days of rest instead of moving about his own path, he actively sought you out. At first you’ll admit it was rather lovely having the germaphobe suddenly attached at the hip with you. However, it became a little more troublesome than you’d like to admit.
-You didn’t have enough space to do chores or to focus on your hobbies like usual. Chisaki was always there, sitting silently by your side or sometimes attempting to keep up conversation you could clearly see he wasn’t used to doing. He would tuck his head right into the side of your neck and peer over your shoulder to keep a watchful eye on whatever you were doing. At night he seemed to have gotten even worse.
-His arms were like a trap you couldn’t shake yourself from. He comforted himself at night by tightly wrapping them around you, leaving barely enough room to breath and not nearly enough room for you to avoid being sweaty. He would usually wake up and complain about the night sweat but he remains content on the very next day.
-As long as he can be near you.
-It had gotten to the point where you’d practically snuck away from Kai just to find the patriarch of the group. You confided in Pops rarely but the old man didn’t care either way. He loved and adored his time with you. That’s why when you quickly entered the tea room and locked the door behind you, the old man immediately placed his attention on you with a warm smile plastered upon his kind face. “Y/N, to what do I owe the honor of my precious in-law visiting me today?” He chuckled as you quickly took a seat in front of him. “Pops, I’m sorry to say but I think your son has lost his mind here lately.” The old man pauses for only a moment before chuckling. “Please tell me something I don’t know!” He teases but you brush it off. 
-You take time to explain Chisaki’s behavior to Pops, unaware of the listening ear from the other side of the door. By the time your conversation ends (and Pops reassures you that Chisaki is not sick), that listening ear is long gone. You feel much better after having a little time alone even if it was spent chatting with Pops. When you make it to the bedroom you’re solemnly greeted by Kai. Alarm bells ring in your head when you notice his somber disposition. It only takes a second to meet him at his side on the bed. You explain how you’ve been feeling but he also takes a second to open up as well (something rare for the man indeed).
-”Apologies...I’ve felt lately like maybe I haven’t been the best at giving you attention. I was listening to Chrono speaking with mimic just the other day. He mentioned something along the lines of our differences, allowing me to feel as though I must be pushing you away. I should’ve killed those two for talking about you behind your back, but when they brought me up, I just had to stop and think about things. Foolish I know but...I worry sometimes. I worry that I just might not be giving you enough, angel.” You start to understand fairly quickly why he’s been acting like this now. “Kai forget about what them or anyone has to say about us. You know people are going to have their opinions regardless of who it is. Besides, they were probably just joking around like usual anyway! You are just enough for me. You’ll always be enough for me. Stop worrying about how you think you need to act around me and start loving me in your own way. Besides, all the clinginess was starting to drive me insane anyway.” You tease him lightly and he smiles. 
-”I’m glad to hear you say that...now please keep your disgusting night sweat off of me tonight...” You laugh at him. “Just make sure you keep those death trap arms on your own side of the bed.”
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hey-august · 10 months
Writing in to say that I truly adore your “Buggy reacts to you getting piercings” headcanons as someone who has a ton of them themselves. It just made me feel giddy and good about myself because of course the genius jesters would be all “Yes! Look at my flashy,priceless,shining TREASURE! They sparkle like the ocean and they shine like the sun and are tough as nails and it anyone says different they are gonna make like me and get chop chopped!!”
Also makes me think of him discussing piercings with reader insert and thinking about them saying sometimes piercings make a person more confident about parts they don’t like about themself. Cue him sneakily bending one of his partners old piercings to see if clipping it onto his nose would make him feel better and maybe he should get the real thing…. Ah. Of course not. He looks even more ridiculous. This works only on people who are already stunning like you are and not for sideshow attractions like hiiiiiiiiiiiii-h-hiiiiii! He wasn’t doing anything! Especially not trying to make himself feel better about himself! He just put this on as a joke! A gag! Classic Buggy! Only to then be surprised by his partner not making fun of him but actively complimenting him. He looks good with a little ring like that! Fierce! Pretty! Rough! Maybe he’d like to try how a little stud would look there? They are quite sure they still have a little makeup glue and a blue gem somewhere that matches his hair perfectly… and while Buggy watches them dig tough their drawer he’s just…. So full of affection right then and there. In the end decides a nose piercing wouldn’t make him feel better the fact that his partner is just so accepting of the thing he’s so insecure about while also being so willing to help him find something to make him feel better about it if he wants to just warms his shriveled little heart.
This has gotten long but as you can see your writing inspires by brain by going “Okay but what if then this:” as well. It’s so fun
Oh anon, thank you SO MUCH for this! I was having a low day and this honestly made me feel so much better!! ♡
I’m so glad that post found the right audience and that it made you feel like the special, sparkly, amazing treasure you are!! ✨
I also like to imagine that if the reader has multiple piercings that they like to show off and/or stretched piercings, Buggy would suggest that they become an attraction - a human curiosity exhibit. Jokingly at first, but he would absolutely make it happen if the reader was interested. See how they shine! Look at how much metal! He’d also get you custom jewelry to match the vibe of your exhibit. Have angel fangs or spider bites? He can get you jewelry that actually looks like fangs. Industrial or upper helix? Maybe jewelry that mimics pointed ears. Also, some fabulous diamond studded chains to dangle between different piercings.
Ugh and YES to him wanting to try out a nose piercing. I was imagining a simple septum, but I’m in love with your idea of a blue stud gemstone! He really would look so beautiful!! 😭 Dashing, badass, gorgeous. He would love it more than anything pricier or flashier, because it was his partner’s idea. If he did go through with the piercing or wore the faux stud out (just for a little bit since his partner did go through the effort to put it on him), and anyone said something even moderately negative about his nose, Buggy would take it as the greatest insult to himself and his beloved partner and wreak absolute havoc.
Thank you thank you again for this! I loved hearing how it made you feel and where the inspiration took you!!
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froggos-art-corner · 9 months
Hey y'all remember how I said i would post writing stuff? Well here's a fnaf AU for ya!!!
So basically it takes years after the events of Ruin, the ending where Cassie seemed to have died but she didn't in this au since Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy went here and saved her [Also in this au the Princess quest ending is the canon ending for SB]
So basically a good couple of years later Gregory is 20 years old and Vanessa is somewhere in her 40's and Freddy has a full body cause when they saved Cassie, they all live in Ness's house [ima shorten their names] and Gerg is feeling guilt about hurting all of the other animatronics, so he wants to go back and save them but Ness is like ''Hell fuckin no'' but Greg goes and does it anyways cuz he doesn't want to listen to Ness <3
And Cass follows Greg there since she knows how to fix animatronic too [They both took engineering classes btw] but when they get there Cass shows Greg the Vanny mask and Greg puts it on and is like, ''why tf did you hide this?'' and she goes, ''Idk'' so they use the Vanny mask to get around and shit, but this time instead of showing the mimic or the glitch thing it shows Glitchtrap and only to Greg so Greg is confused but ignores him for now
But long story short they turn off all the animatronics and put them all ina area where they can get fixed Including Glamrock Bonnie along with Sun [along with his counterparts] and DJ and then they go home since it took them forever to find and to turn them off [especially since they don't like Greg LMAO]
When they get home Freddy is like ''Where the hell were you two it's midnight??'' and they answer, ''Dw about it bbg'' and he goes, ''Alr'' then Cass goes to bed and Greg looks for more information about Glitchtrap since he curious now, and during that he finds Ness's VR headset and he hides it in his bedroom then epps
The next morning he hooks up the VR headset to his TV and plays the HW game from the start, still finding Glithtrap in there and it even talks to him, explaining some things about the game and leaving hints about who he is, witch he is William Afton
Once he finds out who hes talking to is WIlliam Afton he's very confused, since yk William Afton has been dead for YEARS and William explains himself and twists the story so Greg will be on his side 
Something that had been going on as Greg had played the VR, Will had gotten more and more control of Greg without Greg knowing, but to everyone else in the house, something is clearly wrong with Greg but they cant identify what yet 
On one fateful afternoon tho, Ness finds the VR headset in Greg’s bedroom and Greg and Ness have a huge argument about it, to the point where Ness slaps Greg and Freddy has to break them up
As Greg progresses through the vr game, Greg and Cass fix the animatronics at the Pizza Plex one by one, getting them in working cognition but also finding out more about Will
The more info they find about Will at the PP [Pizza Plex] Greg finds out Will lied to him about the actual story witch causes Greg to get mad at Will but he's too far deep to break off from Will’s powers so he keeps losing his mind to the point where he's hearing and seeing things that aren't there, he even makes a bear suit so he could kill
But when Ness, Freddy, and Cass find out about all of this it's too late, he's in Will’s compete control and they cant do anything besides kill Greg, witch no one wants to do so Greg asks Cass t compete fixing the animatronics and then stabs himself multiple times with a knife in front of Ness, Cass and Freddy, witch they all cry over
But thats the bad ending
The good ending is where you fix all the animatronics before Greg loses his mind completely and he's able to fight off Will’s virus
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misspermitted · 2 years
So after my 50th time rewatching the "I need you Hannibal" scene I've gotten so obsessed I'm doing a close analysis. Also I'm procrastinating. Yes I purposefully subtitled Hannibal with a black box and Will with a white one, because symmetry.
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So firstly, I love how the first shot is Will walking towards the open gates in Hannibal's mind palace that he symbolically opened to leave in the previous goodbye scene.
It's noteworthy that Hannibal says 'goodbyes.' He's not just referring to Will's previous conversation with Hannibal, but Will saying goodbye to Jack, Alana, and this old life.
The response "we have one last good bye between us" is, like all things in this scene, dripping with subtext. On the surface Will is saying, 'we're not finished yet, we have to do one more thing' but I almost think, subtextually, he's not referring to saying goodbye to Hannibal at all, but the one last goodbye from them to Jack and Alana. Will has fallen, Hannibal has spent enough time playing with them, it is time for them both to leave. For good.
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I think this shot is really cool. It shows that, in the current dynamic, Will is essentially coming back to grovel to Hannibal. He is looking up at Hannibal in the shot. Hannibal is physically higher.
Hannibal's dialogue is also really interesting here. He is desperate for Will to apologise to him, yet he won't fully admit his vulnerability. He feigns ignorance of what exactly will says. He's trying to mock Will for having to come back and grovel without admitting that he was hurt.
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This is the first closeup of the scene and it's powerful. It shows us Will's hesitation as he repeats it. Yet also the camera has a slight upward tilt; this isn't him grovelling and saying sorry. He's stating a fact. I've seen a lot of metas about this scene which say this is Hannibal regaining control by getting Will to say please, but I really don't think it is. This is them becoming equals. This is Will saying: I can hurt you, but I need you, so you can also hurt me.
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Hannibal WINCES. Like the significance of Hannibal being so hurt by just hearing Will say that again that he winces and drops his superiority act. This is Hannibal expressing vulnerability. And this expression drops the mind palace, the make pretend that Hannibal is looming over Will. They're in reality now.
Ignoring how jarring it is to hear Hannibal say 'mic drop', Hannibal mimics Will so many times during this exchange. I'll point the other out as they happen, but I think this is the first time . I think it's such a weird but fun role reversal, we see Will mimic Hannibal many times during the show, as he feels the lines between them blur. The beginning of Will's villain arc is him getting all groomed and suited up, having cannibal dinners, echoing Hannibal's behaviour. Now, Hannibal is locked up like Will was, and he's mimicking his slang. It's kinda like how whenever they did the mirror effect between Will and Hannibal in season 3B Will is projected over Hannibal. It's like how Hannibal betrayed Will and ran off to get married, and then that's what Will did to Hannibal. Will blurred with Hannibal, Hannibal is now blurring with Will.
It zooms to a contextual shot as Hannibal acknowledges that Will has come back, after such an epic goodbye. Will is vulnerable, just like Hannibal is. They're at equal standing, and this is shown.
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Will isn't going to apologise to Hannibal. Like Hannibal was never gonna apologise to Will. But Will is gonna do what he wanted Hannibal to do in season 2: he's going to admit his behaviour. Which is a big deal for one these emotionally constipated gays. Hannibal tries to prod Will into admitting his manipulations in their previous conversation, where Will responds "Are you accusing me of something?" Will never admits his behaviour. Even his 'goodbye' isn't an admission, it's just a statement that Hannibal wouldn't of turned himself in if Will hadn't of rejected him. Not that Will knew and planned it. But this is an admission.
But Hannibal, who is clearly smiling and impressed, still needs more. His 'and you did' prods Will. I have admitted I need you. Admit that you need me. Stop dancing around it.
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I'm crying. Hugh Dancy is such a great actor oh my god. Will hesitates for quite a moment. He doesn't want to admit it. When he actually says the phrase 'I need you' he can't even meet Hannibal's eyes. Given how much eye sex Will and Hannibal have, when they break eye contact it's a big deal. Will breaks eye contact another time in this scene as well, in the next big statement, and I think it's important to consider that Will sees eye contact as distracting and overwhelming intimacy. He barely makes eye contact with Hannibal during his first prison visit in a desperate attempt to close that intimacy between them.
If I'm right Will does not call Hannibal by his first name at all in season 3B. Hannibal comments "are we no longer on a first name basis" and Will emphasises that he doesn't want to be personal. Will calls Hannibal his name twice in this conversation. The last time he called Hannibal by his first name was when Will rejected him. It is such a manipulation technique by Will yes, emphasising their connection, but it's also an acknowledgement of their intimacy. We are on a first name basis.
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The second example of Hannibal mimicking Will! Directly repeating Will's slang from their last conversation. Also Hannibal looking so pleased with himself. It's a lot. This scene is like my favourite scene. I'm emotional.
Okay so the next bit is, in my opinion, two conversations. One for the listeners and one between Will and Hannibal. I'm going to say my interpretation of the secret conversation.
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I have been contacted by the dragon, he wants to meet you. There's no way Hannibal didn't get that from the 'maybe.' Will never says 'maybe' if he's profiling. He's been contacted.
I am serious about this. I rejected you before. I have come back. i am staying back. This is a serious invitation. I'm interpreting this because Hannibal's previous 'ding dong the dragon's not dead' is somewhat mocking Will's previous certainty the dragon died. "You were wrong. And now you're wrong you're so quick to turn back to my help." Will's responding "I'm not being hasty. I need you. What I'm planning, I can't go back. This is a serious offer."
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If Will wasn't being clear enough that he has another plan, the 'personal ads' reference was a straight communication. When Will accuses Hannibal of communicating with Dolarhyde he says "How do you think I'm doing it? Personal ads?" It's a clear point of mockery: so boring, so obvious.
Another important aspect of this is that Will doesn't say after we fake the escape. If you didn't know the context, you'd think he was talking about a real escape. This is a purposeful choice: We're escaping. Dolarhyde knows this.
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3rd time Hannibal mimicks Will in this scene! Will raises his head, Hannibal follows suit. It may seem small, but this is a large part of what Will would do to Hannibal in season 2. They'd be sipping wine, Hannibal would take a sip, and Will would mimic Hannibal swallowing has he did. It plays into the 'doing the same thing at different times' 'you and I are beginning to blur' symbolism.
Also this conversation has turned to entirely subtext. Hannibal understands the plan. This is a discussion:
'He won't go near a mail drop': You're expecting me to meet Dolarhyde with you when he wants to change me?
'He might be curious enough to look at one, see if you sold him.': Aren't you curious what will happen? Aren't you curious if I'll let him? The use of curious clearly shows that this exchange is about them. It is the documented reasoning behind Hannibal's plans, he's curious. Curious as an adjective are only used to describe Hannibal, or by Will to describe his reasonings when he begins his villain arc. Aren't you curious if I sold you? Essentially.
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'That sounds weak to you, even as you say it': How did you convince them of this? It sounds weak. Hannibal doesn't need to call out that Will is lying. He knows this. That's why he's so intrigued. But Hannibal loves asking Will how he manipulates people: it's enjoyable to him. 'What a cunning boy you are.' etc.
I honestly don't have a very convincing interpretation of this next part. If anyone else has some ideas? But I really like 'You're our best shot Hannibal.' It communicates: They're desperate enough for this. They need me, so they need you. Also it's the second time he uses his name in this discussion.
Will's expression at the end, with the raised eyebrow. Firstly, this is the closest I come to be sexually attracted to someone, flirtatious fucker. Secondly, it's such a clear: you in? Like, Hugh Dancy, how are you this good!?
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This meme is such a clear description of what that facial expression means haha. Anyway back to the analysis.
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This, despite being a clear, I'm always a slut for murder, is also so clearly: Will, I had a request.
Also! The change in perspective to over the shoulder blocks out the people in the background, which shows the growing intimacy again. In their heads, they're now the only ones in the room. The person suit for listeners conversation is over.
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Firstly, very whore of him to move closer and whisper the please. This is such a clear flirtation. The whisper also makes it more personal, not for those watching, just for them.
Yet, despite the intimacy, Will can't meet his eyes. He still shies away from these very vulnerable requests. Another interpretation I have seen is that he is teasing Hannibal, not looking him in the eyes, clearly not desperate with his please, as if: make me mean this. Which is also very Will. So I'm on board with that. Especially with him backing away with the expression: is that good enough? Definitely very: you want me to beg, put some more effort into this and slay the dragon with me.
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This is contentious shot. This is the main shot that metas have based their interpretations that this ends with Hannibal's victory. And in a way, it does. Will had admitted he needs Hannibal, and has asked Hannibal to run away with him, with a please. Yet this whole scene is much more than this shot, and most of it is equal. This shot, I think, with Hannibal's smile, does show that Hannibal has gotten what he wants. His happiness. But so has Will. They're equal.
Anyway that's the end of this meta haha. This has been really goddamn long, your welcome I guess.
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thewalrus-said · 3 months
For "till even the sheets hurt" uwu: 2. How did you come up with the idea? 11. What was the most challenging aspect of writing it? 25. Share your favorite line 26. Share your favorite detail. Inquiring minds want to know 👀
first off, bless you for putting the Whole Question in so i don't have to go track down the post lskdjflskdjf a fantastic help that i will mimic going forward
for 2: you know good and damn well how i came up with the idea lkdsjfljds it was in your DMs over the following weeks after you honeytrapped me with nie huaisang. which i acknowledge you did by accident, but still.
for everyone else who is not stevie or i, though, i came out of the mdzs donghua thinking if that ever two fictional characters needed to fuck it out, it was nie huaisang and lan xichen. like. i was a mere baby in terms of understanding what these two had done to each other and how they had wronged each other, but still, i Knew that they needed to have absolutely disrespectful, fucknasty grief sex in order to have any hope of being, like, okay, ever again.
and also they would fall in love over the process, because i'm Me and that's how i roll lsdkjflsjdf
for 11, i think the hardest part was that i started Plotting It and Putting Together Sentences before i had read the books and gotten a sense of the tone they were written in (or at least the official english translation is written in), and so i had to, like. blend them together, once i'd actually Read the canon and confirmed that what i wanted would Work with book canon (which was what i wanted to write in).
also hard was that i started writing it while i was still frantically trying to churn out my last three FTH fics before the deadline, which i managed (!!!!!) but burned me out so significantly that i posted this fic on christmas day and haven't managed to write anything significant or complete until literally last week.
25, my favorite line, uwu.....let me think......
honestly, it might be: "Lan Xichen has never before been tempted to haul off and punch someone in the face." it's just such a fun tone shift, i think, from what lan xichen's narration has been up to that point. it tickles me uwu
special shout-out to: "No one warned Lan Xichen, when he was given his forehead ribbon, how erotic the sight of his fated person touching it would be," though. do you think there's lan-created pornography of people doing naughty things with the forehead ribbon? because i do. (and also lan xichen, if only in his head, deciding that nie huaisang is It for him, his fated person.)
26... idk if this counts, but for a long time i've wanted to write a sex scene where the pov character, like, doesn't have flowerly language for what it feels like to have sex? not even in terms of ~romance~ because for their first time in this fic, they're angry with each other and not romantically inclined at all, just, no long tangled sentences with metaphors about what sex feels like, just that it feels fucking good and they want to do it again because it feels good to do. so i'm glad i got to do that here uwu
thank you stevie!!!!!! i love talking about this fic, and about Them
(link if anyone's intrigued)
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i will comment fully, but its possible that i over-medieval'd this whole fic so that even the workshed they were in was filled with wood and crates and period-accurate details haahha
in my vision it had the same atmosphere as the byers' shed where will was first taken, golden light through slatted wood, musty and woody etc. a great callback to the show (the famous painterly s4 shot of them in the sunbeams too!) and mike and will looked amazing with that low sunlight beaming through!
fav details: flouncy robe (was NOT expecting the extra layer of flounce - look up organza, chiffon or tulle fabrics for your costume as the mesh layer!), mike's feral snarl (the line about a lamb and a wolf?! 🥵) and also just the whole dynamic of the fantasy chat, how it was a combo of different movies and hollywood versions of period drama etc, plus erotic novels, camp, even 80s comedy they might have seen at the time? it was so a great mix it worked so well, so so creative and inspired. i smiled so much as i read and definitely laughed out loud a few times at will's sass and the way they were perceived by the party. and shot through with true emotion like the other couple at the fayre! it was so atmospheric. so good i'm really glad you wrote it and i hope you enjoyed it because i can feel the work that went in, a passion project for sure. you should be really proud!
🧙�� ✨
Awww thank you!! I do feel proud. It was certainly... a feat of endurance. But I did it! Yayy.
That's so cool you had visions shifting into a more thematic, medieval (oh my god I just spelled that right without spellcheck for the first ever?? woah. anyway) setting because we can imagine for Will and Mike, they also might have gotten lost in the fantasy at times, shifting between the reality and somewhere more fantastical - like when Will was in the parking lot and he daydreamed the cars were tents on the outskirts of a battlefield. I really love that take away because that's the vibe!!! Yess!!!
The flouncy robe!!! In the Stranger Things comics and Will's drawings of Will the Wise from early seasons, we see that character as an old man wizard, and I think in season 3 his drawings become more like himself in reality. So I loved crafting this vision that he experiments with a look for himself even further removed, still very mystical?? The little robe I just adored for him. And the dialogue!! Nothing fills me with more joy than readers getting what I was going for there and YES - you did get it. It's kind of frankensteined from multiple reference points because they're nerds, they're dorks, they're also so overcome with lust that while trying to maintain character it's all a mess. Influences from DnD which is just improv and a combination of lofty, over the top mimic of high fantasy and tongue in cheek realism. Mike pulling from erotica novels he's secretly read. All over the place. Glad it worked because the challenge was - what would two nerdy 18 year olds really talk like? It couldn't sound like a porno. But it couldn't sound Shakespearean. They needed to sound like... horned up nerds hahahahah. And I think I conveyed that.
Anyway, I love talking about this story. It rotated around in my brain for MONTHS and I genuinely feel accomplished. Even having published two little fics and soooo many posts on this blog - I feel like I've finally added something to the fandom I'm pleased with. Thank you for all the kindness!!!! 😁😁😁😁
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