#also for real check out the kenji video
fantasycostco · 7 days
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i think this is the best toast i’ve made
feat. whole wheat sourdough from @grubloved’s work, local soft bloomy-rind cheese, stewed sweet cherry tomatoes, (sort of) caramelized onion, and j. kenji lopez-alt’s scrambled egg recipe
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mirandamckenni1 · 6 months
A skeptic's deep dive into hypnosis I command you to go to https://ift.tt/wMh01ug to try everything Brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days. You’ll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription. You're getting very sleeeeeeeeepy. Sleeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyy. In one form or another, hypnotic trances have been interwoven throughout human history, manifesting in various forms, from the rituals of ancient shamans and healers to the profound experiences guided by spiritual leaders. But hypnosis has also been (and continues to become) a popular tool for use in therapy. But what, exactly, is going on? Is the hypnotic state legit? And if so, what is it? And if not...well then what? In this deep dive into the world of hypnosis, I'm going to try to untangle this fascinating phenomenon from every angle. There are so many complex mysteries surrounding hypnosis, from the state versus non-state debate to the latest research findings. We'll journey through the history of hypnosis, debunking myths along the way and uncovering the truth behind its efficacy as a therapeutic tool. But this isn't just an academic exploration, it's a personal journey too. As someone who has been a long-time skeptic, I feel compelled to learn more. I'm pretty surprised by what I found. So whether you're a doubter yourself or a curious believer, join me on this thought-provoking adventure into the realm of hypnosis. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below—I'd love to hear your thoughts and takeaways. HUGE thanks to Rohin from Medlife Crisis, WonderWhy, and Thomas Rintoul for lending their voices for the amazing voiceovers. Go check out their YouTube channels! I've linked them in my pinned comment below. Sources (and links to hypnotherapy demonstrations): https://bit.ly/Hypnosisvideosources Wanna watch this video without ads and see all of our exclusive content? Head over to https://ift.tt/LU6f1IK 0:00 - I'm a non-believer 1:57 - Hypnosis in ancient history 3:04 - Mesmer and magnetic powers 10:35 - The debunking of animal magnetism 12:27 - Hypnosis gets scientific 18:02 - Freud shows up lol 19:36 - A casual mention of stage hypnosis 20:24 - How therapists hypnotize people 25:21 - What hypnosis feels like...and not 26:49 - A significant risk with hypnosis 28:14 - The big debate: state or nonstate 30:22 - Self-report and biological research 33:36 - Psychological research 39:57 - Research supporting a nonstate 44:25 - A deceptive test of hypnotizability 47:45 - So is hypnosis real? 52:07 - Where I land We published a book called Brains Explained. You can buy it! https://amzn.to/3hkmCdo Join our mess of a Discord server: https://ift.tt/xMWSpH3 If you like what we do, support our work by becoming a Patron: https://ift.tt/SgXZ4pz Alternatively, if you wanna support the channel and get some fun emojis to use in comments and a badge next to your name in the process, consider becoming a "member" of our channel right here on YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYLrBefhyp8YyI9VGPbghvw/join We couldn’t do all of this without our awesome Patreon Producers, Ryan M. Shaver, Carrie McKenzie, Jareth Arnold, and Caldwell Braeburn. You four are like a hypnotic suggestion to feel warm and cozy on the inside! And thanks to our other high-level Patrons, including: 12tone Marcelo Kenji Linda L Schubert Susan Jones Ilsa Jerome Chuck V Robert Stuckey k b Raymond Chin Marcel Ward via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMQ9mCadSzM
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
Haikyuu Headcanons
Little things the teams do that tell you they love you (love language)
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Aoba Johsai || Karasuno || Nekoma/Fukurodani || Miscellaneous ||
Pairing: Team members x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: This one’s kinda long because I love too many characters and refuse to make another post. Enjoy!
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Date Tech
Takanobu Aone
Will cook you your favorite meal at least once a month, more if you personally request it from him or if he’s seen you’ve had a particularly rough day. He always has the ingredients on hand at all times and is always prepared to cook it for you. He surprises you with it and sometimes you help him cook, which he loves the most cause now he has excuses to hold your hand to cut the ingredients or hold you from behind as you cook on the stove. 
Kenji Futakuchi
Always gets on your nerves. This boy will find any chance and any opening to annoy you and pick on you, but it’s fine cause you come back at him ten times harder. You wouldn’t have thought that his “playful banter” would be his love language, but there's the smallest of smiles that he gives you when you look at him after he says something to you and the stupid loving look in his eyes that tells you he doesn’t really mean any of the mean shit he says. Plus when you snark back at him with an even meaner joke/insult he smiles ten times harder. 
Kanji Koganegawa
✨Enjoys long walks on the beach✨ but for real he loves going on walks with his s/o. (Golden retriever bf right here) holds your hand and swings it back and forth. Stops for ice cream, street food, hot coco, etc. Will probably walk till you both get lost, but the advantage is the more you walk the more you both remember where you guys end up. Ya’ll end up with the hottest thighs and calves in the whole town because of how much walking you guys do all the time. Will also give you a piggyback ride if you get too tired. 
Wakatoshi Ushijima
I hc this man as being the mom friend, so obviously he’s the mom in the relationship as well. He carries his sports bag filled to the brim with extra things he might need. Shirt, pants, underwear, toothbrush, deodorant, extra masks, socks, etc. But when he started dating you he started carrying extra things you use with him. Things like your lotion, chapstick, hair ties, charging cable, metal straws, or whatever it is you always carry wherever; he has extras for ya. It’s really cute how he gives you the items too- you’ll be checking your pockets/looking through your bag for something in particular and not find anything, only for Wakatoshi to hold it out in the palm of his hand in front of your face without looking up from the book he’s reading. 
Satori Tendo
Always tags you and sends you the stupidest shit on the internet. He’s tagged you in a 5 second video of Mario slipping on a banana in Mario kart and the roblox “oooof” sound playing before cutting off with the comment “you lol”. Will proceed to reference said video or whatever video he had sent you throughout the day when you two see each other face to face. You can’t help but laugh and cringe and wonder what is wrong with your boyfriend. *sigh*
Yuji Terushima 
He gives you massages. He loves to put his hands on you, will be touching you 24/7, and sometimes when his hands are within reach he’ll rub your shoulders. Sometimes when laying on the couch he’ll pull your feet in his lap and rub them. Even kissed your foot one time and has not lived it down since; you always tease him for his ‘foot fetish’ and whenever he begins to give you a foot rub you’ll say something along the lines of, “you miss my little piggies that much?” Your teasing does little to deter him from giving you massages though, and your favorite is when he gives you a head massage. He’ll drag his fingertips along your scalp and trace imaginary patterns all over your face and temples with just enough pressure to not hurt. Usually ends each massage with a kiss on your forehead.
Suguru Daishō
Helps you study. Whether it’s homework, a final, a presentation for work, or just anything you need help remembering- he helps you out. He makes flash cards for whatever terms you need to remember, quizzes you throughout the day on your final notes, or becomes your audience during a rehearsal presentation. He offers advice, maybe a snide comment here or there, and criticism when asked. Ultimately, when he helps you, he becomes pretty knowledgeable about the topic(s) as well and sometimes surpasses your knowledge of it if he really digs around for information. Also he’s one of the boyfriends who does the “I’ll kiss you every time you get an answer right” trope every time you ask him for help. 
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Washes your face for you. You have a bad habit of falling asleep early and not doing your skincare routine, and sometimes even forgetting to brush your teeth. So, Sakusa will see you sleeping on the couch when he gets home and already knows you’re not ready to go to sleep; not without a clean face you aren’t. He’ll pick you up and carry you to the bathroom, talking to you to slowly wake you up before setting you down on the toilet in the bathroom. You’re groggy, but you’re able to keep yourself upright as he washes away the dirt and oils off your face as well as applying your creams/moisturizers. He then picks you back up and carries you to bed before mumbling to himself about how you could even fall asleep without cleaning your face.
Shinsuke Kita
Takes you on long drives. He’s definitely a car guy and takes pride in driving his car around, keeping it clean, etc. loves to drive around town with you or road trips to the ocean just to try some seafood by the beach. You man the music and sometimes he’ll just bob his head to the beat Or sometimes he’ll belt out the lyrics with you. Always has his hand on you when he drives- of course when conditions allow him to drive calmly- either holding your hand, on your thigh, running his fingers through your hair. Just loves to be with his two most important babies- you and his car. (But this was a huge red flag for you when you first started dating him lol) 
Aran Ojiro
This man is a waterholic bro. He’s one of those guys that carries a gallon of water with him at all times and obnoxiously gulps down water like he hadn’t had anything to drink for two days. As annoying as this is, he doesn’t just think of himself when it comes to his precious water. He always brings you a glass of water whenever you two are home and offers you sips from his gallon when you guys are out. He usually brings you water when you are focused on your work, to the point you forget to eat, drink water, shower, etc. You always thank him and he gives you a kiss on the forehead before reminding you to take a break and leaving the room. Perfect boyfriend. 
Atsumu Miya
Compliments. This boy will compliment you all the time and you know from his personality that compliments from Atsumu are rare. Super rare. But with you, it’s like every sentence is a compliment. It’s either something simple and cute, like, “you look good today,” or it’s something meaningful like, “you mean a lot to me,” or, “you are enough.” Always know when you need to be complimented too. When your mood is down he can brighten you up with just a few words. And you never have to second guess if he actually means it or not because he wouldn’t even be giving you a compliment in the first place if he didn’t mean it. 
Rintaro Suna
Suna is a really quiet guy and when you first started your relationship it was hard for you to understand his feelings towards you. There were definitely a few fights about this because there was no communication happening between you two. So the way Suna expresses his feelings towards you is through writing. He finds it so much easier to express himself on a piece of paper where he can sort through his thoughts and write down exactly what he wants to say to you. Sometimes he’ll leave his love letters where he knows you’ll find them, like under your pillow, in the fridge, in the bathroom, etc. Sometimes they’re poems. Some he’s written himself and others he read and thought of you and rewrote it for you to read. Sweet boy 10/10.
Osamu Miya
Okay sooo, this man owns a restaurant, soooo he’s constantly cooking new recipes and perfecting old ones. But he always lets you have the first taste of whatever he makes. Ya’ll may come for me for this, but you ever see those cooks on tik tok who are shirtless half the time and throw knives in the air and cut things perfectly? Just me? Yeah, that's Osamu. He likes to share his love for cooking with others and help give cooking tips and tips on how to run a business and what not. The occasional thirst trap is posted and his fans are quite pleased. He always posts you as well when he cooks his new creation with your reaction. He’s always so excited and maybe a bit nervous when he asks you for your review of his food and you find it so sweet and cute. You adore him. 
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
random bungou stray dogs hc's that exist in my head
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a/n: no real reason for me writing this other than the fact that i’m depressed and need to procrastinate on my studies and other WIP’s dklajdlas hope you guys like this (there might be a pt. 2)
akutagawa is Banned from drinking coffee. mori himself forbids him from ever drinking it
thats because the first time he drank it (in a meeting when chuuya was serving coffee) he just went completely fidgety and broke the ceiling with rashomon
so no coffee for him. ever.
higuchi tries to quit coffee too because akutagawa-senpai doesn’t drink. she ended up crying on day 3 without coffee
also, contrary to what everyone thinks, akutagawa is very much a cat person
he doesn’t go out of his way to pet cats but he thinks they’re cool and doesn’t mind if they rub themselves against his legs
and then fukuzawa was walking around and found akutagawa pretty much doing nothing and is yet still surrounded by cats and he feels so fUCKING BETRAYED
he carries cat snacks and everything AND THE CATS STILL WON’T NOTICE HIM
fukuzawa feels a bit better about atsushi wrecking akutagawa’s ass in their first fight
ranpo visits the convenience store near his house SO MUCH that all the employees already know him by name
ranpo thus makes it a point to remember their names and ask a lot of personal questions about their life that he just randomly deduced
sometimes he opens the snacks and eats them already without paying for them but they let ranpo off the hook
dazai actually knows how to play the keytar. he learned back when he was in the mafia because it pissed off chuuya so much
he also cuts his hair by himself but it always ends up disaster so he calls kunikida to help him 
at first kunikida’s like ‘no it’s not in my schedule’ but dazai sends him a pic and he’s like ‘ok i’m on my way’ 
he’s actually very, very intimidated by the sole fact that someone like kenji exists 
that’s because dazai accidentally opened up about his entire life story to kenji after just a few minutes of knowing each other and the fact that kenji hasn’t used it to his advantage frightens him
everyone in the ADA has tried to scare kenji at some point but every single one of them failed
kenji likes giving people cow-print socks on christmas and they look horrendous but everyone wears them
atsushi loves collecting mugs and whenever he buys one, he always buys another one for kyouka
that said, recipes involving mugs and a microwave fascinate him and he tries to make mug cakes as much as he can
kyouka personally isn’t a fan of these mug cakes (she thinks they’re weird) but it makes atsushi happy so she can’t bring herself to say no
atsushi has only said ‘fuck’ once and that was after he was so shocked at hearing kyouka say ‘fuck’ that he just yelled ‘KYOUKA-CHAN SAID FUCK’ only for dazai to go ‘ATSUSHI SAID FUCK’ 
not a good time for fukuzawa and kunikida to come in with a very esteemed visitor
kunikida does a fair amount of yoga to keep himself sane
but he does have a tendency to emit a low-pitch scream when the instructors tell them to let out their worries
he has a book full of crossword puzzles that he likes to work on in his spare time but then one day he came to the office to find that ranpo had filled out every single one
kunikida has never considered punching ranpo but he did for one second
he is ASHAMED of this but he did use his notebook once in a while to make a spare key to his apartment because he keeps losing his keys
jk dazai steals them from him
chuuya makes Really Good Coffee, specializing in drip coffee in particular
the reason why he wears black a lot is because the coffee stains would be less visible
he’s actually REALLY BAD at technology. he’s been so busy working at the mafia that the whole smartphone revolution went past his head but he still only knows how to work a flip phone
yosano sometimes wears a nice dress to work but that’s only when all her other clothes are in the laundry
she actually visits the port mafia casinos quite often and is a sucker for slot machines. she wears a really long coat when she goes to visit and mori was pretty sure he saw her once
yosano definitely saw him and proceeded to hit her head against the slot machine so that she’d look like just another crazy casino-goer
the tanizaki siblings love buying matching phone charms and switching them out every few weeks
they actually rehearsed that part where tanizaki pretended to bomb the agency with a whole script and everything
tanizaki has maybe used his light snow once in a while to skip out on work and play video games in the corner and ranpo noticed but he promised not to say as long as he was in on it
chuuya accidentally called kouyou ‘mom’ at one point and the two of them just stared at each other before swearing to never speak about it again
kouyou has probably used golden snow once in a while to help her dress and she needs help with dressing because she conceals knives everywhere 
the metal detectors light up like a christmas tree whenever she passes by them so no, she doesn’t go to malls much
while elise has a sweet tooth, mori is really into salty food. it’s quite addicting for him actually
for the longest time, people thought that the mug on his desk was full of coffee but no, it’s actually just salted peanuts that he snacks on while doing paperwork
he actually doesn’t know how to play chess. people assume he does because he’s an evil mastermind but mori can’t remember the rules please stop asking him if he can play chess
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @tpwkatsumu @laure-chan
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
This chapter came out a little longer than usual. lemony teasing
Natsu’s secretary called her boss from the front office. “Mr. Dragneel, Mr. Avatar is here.”
“Thank you, Ms. Kinana. Send him in.”
Because no one in the organization was a computer whiz, he contracted with an independent IT person who was recommended by Yura. The guy, Jerome Avatar wasn’t skittish, didn’t care who he worked for as long as it paid well, and generally had a pleasant demeanor. As the accountant, Yura was in contact with Jerome the most, but for any major issues or changes, those had to be cleared with Natsu first. It was mostly quick, in and out of the office dealings.
Jerome shook Natsu’s hand over the desk before taking a seat.
“So,” Natsu questioned, “what brings you here today? Is there something I need to approve?”
“No, nothing new. I asked for this meeting because I came across some intelligence you might be interested in.”
“I learned that your rival Heartfilia had been in contact with a new cyber security client, Mikage Kaishā who’s into a lot of shady dealings with government contacts.”
Natsu shrugged his shoulders. “Sounds like just a typical client for her, probably has her launder money for them. I don’t really pay attention to her clients because we deal with different things. But I do appreciate you telling me.”
“Should I keep an eye on them?”
“That’s fine if you believe it’s worth it. And if you learn about anything that could hurt us let me know immediately. By the way, how did you find out this information?”
“A friend in the field told me about it, then I hacked into Heartfilia’s computers to authenticate the information.”
Natsu sat forward in his chair. “You hacked into her computer? I’m surprised her employee didn’t catch that, cause I know she’s good at this stuff too.”
The man grinned. “Well, not as good as me.” He pointed to Natsu’s laptop. “If you’d like, I can set it up so you can access her system from your computer too.”
“Oh, I don’t want to tamper with her company—”
Jerome waved a hand nonchalantly to stop him. “I wouldn’t advise it either, if you touch things, that’s what’ll get attention, but you can watch what’s going on. Keep an eye on her calendar, meeting dates, whatever you want.”
Natsu sat back, rubbing his chin. The offer was a very tempting one indeed. A chance to stalk his ex through cyberspace… someone must have mentioned to this Jerome guy their history. It wasn’t exactly hidden, but not something talked about either amongst lower ranking employees. This wasn’t the first time Jerome had brought them intelligence info, so maybe he was looking to increase his usefulness, climb the ladder so to speak? Being connected to a powerful Yakuza house was certainly handy, and what better way than to tap into such a personal subject.
“That could be interesting,” Natsu finally responded. “Alright, what do you have to do to set it up? And make sure it’s nothing I could screw up accidentally cause I really don’t want her to find out.”
Jerome looked at his watch as if calculating his options. “I could do it now. Might take me about an hour if you can go without the laptop for that amount of time.”
“You have to take it back to your office or something?”
“No,” the man shook his head. “I can do it right here, so I can explain along the way.”
“Perfect.” Natsu then called his secretary and requested she double his lunch order due to an extended meeting.
While the computer tech fiddled, Natsu just sat back with his meal, watching him work. Math wasn’t his strong suit— nor academics for that matter. Growing up, his father had always told him he would be next in line as boss, so he only learned what he needed to for that world. One needed strength, cunning, street smarts, not book smarts. Though he had to admit the things these hackers could do was scary when you thought about it. Lucy was lucky in that her best friend was just a wiz at language— including computer languages. It all looked like gibberish, but the woman interpreted it almost like a savant. According to Jerome, from what he’d seen so far, Levy was not yet at his skill level, but that could easily change with time and experience like he’d been through.
“Natsu you—” Gray paused his knock on the doorframe. “Sorry, I thought the meeting would be done by now.”
“It’s fine, Jerome is hacking Lucy’s system for me right now.” Natsu responded with a grin. “Now I’ll see what she’s up to in real time.”
Gray groaned and ran a hand down his face in disgust. “I’m not even gonna respond to that. But I will tell you I told you so when it blows up in your face later.”
“Tch. She won’t know, right Jerome?”
“She shouldn’t unless you touch something.” The man answered while continuing to type.
“See. It’ll be fine.”
“You’re an idiot. Anyway,” Gray waved a hand nonchalantly as he left, “call me when your free to go over the new orders.”
“It will be fine, right?” Natsu asked Jerome a second time with a bit of anxiety in his tone.
Jerome stopped typing. “As long as you just observe they shouldn’t see you, just don’t get excited and touch something.”
“I don’t plan to; not like I’ll know how to do that anyways.”
“I’m almost finished, but do you want me to turn on her web camera so you can see through it?”
“But she won’t see me?”
“No, for you it’ll just be like watching a one-way video feed with image and audio.”
After a momentary pause, Natsu’s eyes narrowed with a mischievous grin. “Do it.”
Being able to see Lucy every day and feed his addiction was just too tempting, ‘I’m turning into a junky.’ But Gray’s words entered his mind. What if the man was right, could this bite him in the ass later? Probably… Though how bad could it really be? He really had no plans to interfere with Lucy’s business, just her personal life— and yes, he knew it sounded horrible. What right did he have to stalk his ex? None. ‘I just worry about her, is that so wrong?’ Lucy’s tough, but she’s just a woman and their world didn’t always treat women fairly. His desire to protect her bordered neuroticism, but could anyone blame him considering the underworld they worked in. ‘I’m just doing it to protect her,’ Natsu justified it to himself. Guys like Gray who haven’t fallen in love yet, ‘they just don’t understand.’ If anything were to happen to Lucy, he didn’t know what he would do. Probably move Heaven and earth and kill any in his way for what they’d done.
It took just over an hour before Jerome finished installing the spyware and making sure the systems were still secured. Just a one-way mirror that Levy shouldn’t catch unless really digging for it. Another 20 minutes were spent explaining to Natsu how to do the accessing part, including pulling up the webcam whenever he wanted to. “Or just leave it running,” Jerome noted. “It’ll just show up in this window,” he pointed towards the screen, “and as long as you don’t log out completely from your computer it’ll stay open.”
“Who turns off their computers?”
“Actually, it’s a good idea to turn them off now and then so any software updates can be completed, but since I manage your systems, there’s not really a need to.”
“Great.” The two men stood up and shook hands. “Thanks, Jerome.”
“It was my pleasure.”
When Natsu arrived each day at headquarters, the first thing and last thing he did was check to see if there was anything new or interesting going on Lucy’s side. It was like being hooked on one of their products, because the high it gave sucked him right in. But so far, he also stayed away from the video feed. Looking through her calendar or emails were cold and impersonal, but maybe the video was too close, too real, too much of a moral dilemma in crossing that line of a peeping Tom. That didn’t mean his addiction may one day require more feeding…
October had rolled around, and the air outside grew crisp and cold. It was a beautiful time of the year with the color changing leaves, reminding that winter was soon upon them. How quickly the time sure flew. The Dragneel Yakuza clan had already started preparing for their end of year Bonenkai to happen in mid-December. This plus the Shinnenkai in January were the two biggest parties the clan threw for all their members. The first is to forget the stresses of the past year, while the other was to welcome a successful new year. Natsu spared no expense on the food and drinks to take care of the loyalty and hard work their members contributed. From the emails, he knew that Lucy’s group had also started preparing for theirs. ‘Maybe I’ll crash her party,’ he mused to himself. ‘Oh, what’s this?’ His eyes fell on a new email of an appointment reminder for the next day. It was for Lucy’s monthly massage at an upscale spa. Natsu checked his own calendar and noticed he had nothing booked, no meetings, no shipments arriving— a perfect opportunity.
The next day, Natsu went to the spa early and spoke directly to the owner, paying them a nice chunk of change to allow him access and to play along. Lucy was scheduled for 2pm and arrived right on time. So, as he waited behind the scenes, the receptionist acted like normal and directed her inside. She had a regular masseuse, something Natsu knew he couldn’t fake upfront, so that person stood inside the room to greet her.
“Welcome, Ms. Heartfilia. I’ll step out while you get ready. Please lie on your stomach like normal.”
“Thank you, Kenji,” Lucy smiled. She’d been coming here for a couple years and was aware of the routine. The male masseuse had strong, but gentle hands and knew her body well by now.
Natsu had to admit he wasn’t happy to find out Lucy’s regular masseuse was a guy but held back from lashing out. He didn’t want to do anything to mess up this adventure— and oh, he planned to have his own revenge. It wouldn’t be as sexual as the soapland incident but knowing many of her trigger points meant he could do a bit of damage well enough. Now, Natsu had noted that Kenji’s voice was a bit deeper than his own, which would be difficult to fake, but the man explained he didn’t do much talking while working and played relaxing music during the session. Perfect. Natsu could just hit play and not talk at all.
“Ready, Ms. Heartfilia?” Kenji called out through the closed door.
The muffled yes was heard, and the man stepped away, leaving Natsu to his business. He entered the room and immediately turned on the pre-set music, a light instrumental with Asian undertones. It was quite pleasing to listen to. And there Lucy was under a silk sheet to cover her naked body, with her arms up and crossed, head perched on the relaxed hands, and hair up in a loose bun, revealing her beautiful neck. Natsu almost shuddered at the sight and knowledge he would get to touch her skin… it was the one thing she didn’t allow him to do at Soapland— touch. His grin grew as he rubbed his hands together to warm them before making the first move.
He moved the sheet to uncover Lucy’s lower half, up to the thighs, then applied a film of scented massage oils to his hands with a few drops over the taut muscles along her long legs, chasing the dripping liquid along her skin to smooth them over. His hands glide through several passes to the swell of her ass, then back down again all the way to the ankles, fingers applying pressure against the tendons and ligaments to gently work out any tension it encountered. Lucy sighed wispily as his hands massaged each foot, squeezing, smoothing, paying attention to each digit and every curve. His thumbs applied pressure at the arches, kneading the tight knots there from wearing heels all day long. He stayed focused on the area, her toes curling and flexing as the mewls leaching from her show their pleasure, until Natsu felt the knots give and relax away.
“Mmm, you’re getting good at that Kenji,” Lucy purred with a little huskiness in her tone.
Natsu grinned to himself as he lowered the sheet back down, so she stayed warm and moved onto her supple ass. Using both hands, he took his time to knead each cheek through the silken fabric, using his fingers to follow the gluteus muscles, starting near the leg, and following the swell of her curve upwards, slowly riding the fibers looking for any knots or tense areas. One cheek, then the other paying loving attention to and listening to the sounds Lucy made to clue him in on where to go. Every sigh a notch in his belt, each mewling purr a win. Natsu grew bolder, fanning out his thumb each time it got closer to her thighs to touch…
“Oh, Kenji,” Lucy whined, “you’re being a naughty boy today— keep it up.”
‘What?!’ Natsu’s hands paused and tensed for a split second before catching himself. Does Kenji mess with her too?! He shook his head and finished up in the area quickly trying not to let such thoughts stop him. ‘Just focus…’ Natsu grumbled in his head.
After applying more oil to his hands, he moved the sheet down to reveal Lucy’s back and for a second time, Natsu paused on what it contained. Her tattoo… It symbolized… he took a deep breath and dropped more oil on to the skin, willing away the memories breaching his mind. He didn’t want to think about it, not now. It was too painful.
“You okay, Kenji?” Lucy questioned as if noticing the slight pause or tremble in the man’s hands.
Natsu mumbled a soft Mmhmm and dived into the massage so Lucy wouldn’t grow more concerned, missing the uptick in the corners of her lips. He slowly smoothed along the skin using the base of his palms for pressure, each hand following the muscles, moving out from the waist, up the center of her back, and flaring out towards the sides just below the shoulder blades, repeating the same movement, each time increasing the speed while lessening the pressure. Next, he targeted the upper back and shoulder blades, an area he knew Lucy held a lot of tension from carrying the weight of her voluptuous bosoms. With precise ministrations, Natsu applied careful pressure with his thumbs and follows the curve of the blades up and around to the top of the shoulder. He then searched with the pads of his fingers for any knots along her trap muscles, moving up along the spine and fanning out to the top of her shoulders.
“Oh, yeah, right there,” Lucy mewled when he reached a specific spot.
The area around her spine, between the shoulder blades held the most tension and knots from constantly holding the upright, flexed posture that wearing heels will create. Her wispy sighs signaled the release of her tense muscles, bringing another wave of pride swelling in him. Natsu continued onto her neck, his strong hands kneaded the supple flesh, fingers palpating and soothing all the knots. Her neck too, held a few tense areas, especially around the base of the head, so he did his best to melt them away. He worked through Lucy’s mewls and moaning sighs, almost sexual in nature, aroused and a little heated in the face knowing his handiwork brought forth such sounds. Ugh, how he wanted to hear more of it! Lucy putty in his hands and spread between his thighs, calling out his name…
“You’ve gotten better at this… Natsu,” the cocky teasing tone, snapped him out of his dream.
“Natsu?” He tried failingly to disguise his voice. “I’m Kenji, Ms. Heartfilia.”
“Uh-huh. You think I can’t tell the difference Natsu?” Lucy quipped back with a chuckle. “Kenji’s routine is very different. Plus, I knew the moment I smelled your cologne.”
“Tch. Well, if you knew it was me all along, why’d you let me do this?”
“Making you work is my payback.” She settled back down, relaxed on her arms. “Now, chop, chop, finish the job.”
This little minx! He was the one supposed to be torturing her this time, not the other way around! “Fine, kitten.” Natsu gritted out a smile and took hold of her neck again to placate and lull Lucy back into thinking he would go along. He massaged the sides with the tips of his fingers Both hands wrapped around, and his thumbs pushing up through her hair against the muscles on the back of her head.
“If only you’d taken care of me like this before,” Lucy mumbled.
Natsu paused and leaned over her ear. “Why not let me take care of you now?”
“You know the answer to that.”
“No, I don’t know the answer, that’s part of the problem!”
Lucy sighed. “Natsu, I don’t want to fight right now. I’m here to relax, not fight. If you’re done, then leave and send Kenji back in.”
“Oh, yeah. Why? Because he’s another one of your boy toys? He gonna be naughty again with you once I leave?!”
“Pfft, I said that knowing it was you, idiot.”
“I think you live to torture me, Angel. But you’re right. I don’t wanna fight right now either, so—” Natsu leaned down quick and latched his mouth onto the area between her shoulder blades, sucking hard.
Lucy squealed and reached back frantically trying to claw at his face, but he grabbed her hands, knowing if she struggled any harder, she risked completely exposing herself. He held her for a few seconds, and once satisfied he’d achieved his goal, let go.
“Natsu! Did you put a hickey on me?!”
“This Angel,” he trailed his fingers over Lucy’s tattoo as he spoke, “belongs to me. Will always be mine,” he whispered close to her ear. “You know it, I know it, and your boy toys will know it too.”
“I hate you.”
“Nah,” Natsu stood up and covered her back up with the sheet. “You hate that you don’t hate me. It’s okay. I still love you too. See ya around kitten.”
Natsu heard the woman’s sigh as the door closed behind him and smiled to himself. He knew she didn’t actually hate him, their relationship was just complicated at the moment, never love the actual problem between them… Though, it had been a dick move to give her a hickey, but that’s what Lucy gets for leading him on like that. She could’ve just stopped the massage immediately if she knew it was him all along, so to let him go through the entire process, it was tit for tat— and hey, at least it’s only temporary.
‘It’s your move next kitten…’
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kekoma · 4 years
— futakuchi as your boyfriend.
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sour gummies? sour gummies. hope you enjoy.
oh look another side character that isn’t talked about much but let me just say... he should be just a bit.
futakuchi has so much potential even if he’s really on the sideline.
although i’m sure his simps didn’t come to hear me rant about him.
kenji being your boyfriend? a literal dream come true.
before i really start talking about him dating you, i want to point out that when you two weren’t together— he would CONSTANTLY flirt with you.
after he logically going over that his feelings for you are real, your personality matching his and overall just the basic so he knows that he isn’t setting himself up for soon to be ruined relationship after a few weeks or maybe a month.
has had his fair share of being in relationships and caught on that some of the lovers he weren’t entirely honest.
meaning they only showcased a side that they only wanted him to see yet around others— it was a complete 180 and different from what they presented to him.
that alone is something kenji dislikes since he’s the kind of guy who likes to go after those who are honest with themselves and unfiltered.
plus commitment to him is rather big. bigger than his concern about getting his wisdom teeth pulled out.
really just keeps testing the water with you and making sure that he actually falling for the real you.
anyways, when he flirts with you it wasn’t the type of flirting that had extremely bad hints that confirmed he liked you.
no no no. futakuchi here is bold so his flirting was direct and easy to pick up that he took a huge liking to you.
everyone near you two could already sense it. even those who are extremely slow when it comes to picking up hints could actually tell as well.
the whole atmosphere was basically heavy mutal pinning. too much actually but that’s a whole story for another time.
just know kenji = big bold energy all around.
are we surprised by this though? nope.
his personality has already exposed him before so nothing to be shocked about really.
definitely put in his all to win your heart over once he confirmed to himself that he wants you apart of his life and he wants to be apart of yours as well.
pulled out all his charm cards, always kept you company (when he wasn’t hanging around aone), occasionally would poke fun/tease you whenever he saw an opening to do so and much more.
bonus points if you can actually keep up with his energy because if you weren’t able to then his attempt to make you his would have left.
leaving the crush phase, we’re now talking about the dating phase.
still keeps his playful attitude with you because he likes joking and keeping a smile on your face all year round.
so arguments between you two don’t ever occur.
however if they happen occur then i hate to say it... but it’s gonna take him a while to apologize. likes to give you both time before coming together and fixing the issue.
kenji does his best to avoid fights anyways. no need to worry about it much <3
immediately want to say that he pays a lot of attention towards you and keeps track by making mental notes.
if you’re ever in a bad mood but don’t want to verbally say it then best believe— he already knows from your body language.
also you can’t try hiding it since again, he pays attention to you. very close attention at that too.
ever told him about a certain item you always wanted or hinted at? already on it. all you gotta do is check the location he sent you to get what you asked/hinted for.
although it you don’t hint/ask for it then he’s still gonna buy it for you and gift it to you.
overall, studying you helps kenji understands you better. 
whether you verbally tell him or physically show it, he picks it up and finds himself falling for you more than before.
side fact: he loves when you verbally tell him things. doesn’t even have to be about you in general. 
accepts any and every topic because he loves hearing your voice along with how your body moves too when talking (meaning you either talk with your hands, make certain facial expressions and other stuff. overall very expressive movements)
also an great listener which is another reason for why he enjoys listening to you.
“did you know, kangaroo pouches are furry inside? it’s literally pink and furless babe... pink and furless. their nipples are also inside there too.”
“i— when did you discover that love?”
“when it appeared on my recommendation on YouTube.”
“and you watched it...? the whole video?”
“well yeah. i was curious about it and it was super late at night.”
“... what else did you learn about kangaroos?”
proceed to teach him everything you learned from that video. he’s not gonna complain or see it as weird because he’s suddenly interested in it as well. 
but even if the topic isn’t random or adding more to your personality; kenji loves hearing about your emotions but if you ask him for emotional advice— it’s gonna be a bit difficult.
really isn’t the type 
vvv supportive.
lemme say it again but in caps— VVV SUPPORTIVE.
is the type of boyfriend who gives his 100% support and even goes out of his way to help you archive whatever you desire in life.
wanna become a model and unsure about it? kenji here is already hyping you up while searching for good cameras so he can be your personal photographer.
even looks up videos on poses that could help get you in the groove.
and how to edit them to your liking as well.
futakuchi loves knowing he has the ability to lead you to a brighter future when it comes to your desires and watch you flourish.
we stan and love that about him.
extremely loyal.
has never given any girl the same attention and energy he gives you.
no matter how pretty they are or if their personality is considered bomb— his heart only beats for you and that’s final.
so you never have to worry he might leave you for someone better or become insecure.
gonna briefly discuss nicknames.
his top nicknames for you are; love, baby/babe, cutie, flower and occasionally gorgeous.
as for pda, the energy is the same in both departments. not shame in holding hands, kissing you anywhere on your face, cuddling you and all the good stuff.
actually loves showing physical affection and if anyone calls him a simp for it then he’s not afraid to admit it.
and dates? whew the best.
most dates with kenji is actually chill and normally consistent of getting sweets.
he does take a liking to sour gummies so don’t be surprised when he takes you out to the bakery, candy factories and anything along those lines.
however when he isn’t taking you there then he’s skiing you to sneak out so you two can drive around aimlessly or walk to the convenient store to pick up some candy.
gonna end this short before i blow a circuit in my brain but dating futakuchi is dope. promise the relationship is never dull and he’ll always keep you happy.
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© all content belongs to kekoma 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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redrosesartcabin · 4 years
Self indulgent series part 1
At home where everything seems fine
(Kenji x female reader, first perspective) (This story was originally written for me about me, which is why it’s called the self indulgent series. But because I’ve written so god damn much I decided to edit it a little, edit some things out as well etc and share some of it with you, I hope you’ll enjoy it!)
The horrors were over.
Where day after day, week after week we had to fight for our survival.
It was finally over.
Setting foot on land was a dream come true for us all, though it was also a heart wrenching goodbye as we went off home.
We had longed for home for so long, but we had also found a family in our new friends.
I especially felt that Kenji took the goodbye hard. Maybe even the hardest.
After all this time I knew all too well, that despite all the wealth he has, despite all the things he owns and the comfort he enjoys in life, there was no family he was going home to.
He was an only child with no known mother in the picture and an absent father. It tore me apart as I had to release him from the tight hug he had me in. It was the kind of hug that begged you to never let go. But I had to. My family was waiting. I had that luck.
I turned around with pain in my heart for him but the utmost joy as I saw my parents and siblings with tears in their eyes, seeing their long-lost daughter and sister alive and well.
I felt infinite warmth as they brought me into their embrace and we finally went home.
 Before going home, we had told each other’s socials (none of us remembered our phone number after all that time) so we would stay in touch.
In the beginning we would talk to each other every day whenever possible for us. We all had a hard time especially when it came to getting into daily school life again, since we had to start over with the grade we had already started and thus weren’t with our old friends again, who had on top of that moved on as they had thought we had died and thus it was hard to reconnect.
Luckily, we all somehow found new connections again (many people took pity in us for what we had lived through) and we could move on.
As we did, so did our chatting.
No: of course, we didn’t lose contact. We were all a second family to each other and there was no way in hell we’d ever be able to live without each other ever again. Not after what we’ve been through.
We however lost the need to tell each other every little thing and could live on our own. Much like when a child moves out from their parent’s house. The child is used to seeing their parent every single day so the parents (if they are good parents that is) will feel the need that the child writes them every day and the child will feel the need to write and connect every day. But as they learn to be independent, they will lose their need to be connected to their parent and the parents will start trusting the child and not need them to write every day or all the time.
That was the case with us all: Except when it came to Kenji and me.
 As unbelievable as it would’ve seemed in the past, we both became best friends. We would send each other stupid memes and laugh about animal videos and Tiktok or vine compilations on Youtube, or, on the other hand of the spectrum, we’d talk through the nightmares we sometimes had about what we lived through and the permanent trauma our time in Jurassic World had caused us. Somehow, we felt the most comfortable talking to each other about that as well as laughing about the same things.
We seemed to have a similar psyche, despite him being extroverted whilst I was introverted and him acting like a jerk to appear cool, whilst I would often refrain from talking and try to appear cold so people wouldn’t know who I was.
But on the insight, when you’d look past that outer shell, it turns out we are very similar people with very similar views. Kind of an opposites attract thing where we both had qualities that we both could benefit from and grow together as a person whilst holding the same principals and morals.
Though quicker than I could blink, that opposites attract thing turned into a huge, massive, enormous, gigantic crush.
 I should’ve known that this would happen. Right after I figured it out for myself, I just had to groan. I had always found him very pretty, though I would’ve never admitted that: He had enough of an ego, I didn’t need to feed into that act any more than necessary.
During our adventurous time on the dino-island, I hadn’t had too much time to think about my own feelings. But now that I was safe again in my comfortable home, I had finally realized my dreaded crush.
I didn’t dread it, because it was him. I didn’t even dread it too much because we didn’t live in the same place (though that was quite annoying too). I dreaded it mostly, because of the simple fact that I probably wasn’t his type. And I hated that my first deep friendship with a boy had turned my head upside down after all. But he was just too beautiful not to crush on.
Or maybe I was even in love.
And so, I kept on dreading it, until one crazy day.
 I was exiting my school around lunch time on Friday, idly chatting with a bunch of my newfound friends, when I detected a helicopter on the schoolyard.
“No way”, I whispered
“Might that be your little rich boyfriend?”, one of my girl friends asked me teasingly
“Oh shut it”, I gave her a jab in the side but had to giggle nonetheless.
And indeed, it was him. I mean: What other person would make such a grand arrival on a schoolyard?
Kenji had seemed to have detected me and got out of the helicopter.
“Y/Nnnnnnn”, Kenji yelled, stretching my name as he did
“Kenji!”, I screamed back and ran into his arms he opened wide for a loving embrace.
I didn’t care that everyone was looking or that they thought we both were lovers and that this might be a tad bit embarrassing and overboard: I had missed him too much to give a damn.
“Kenj’ my dude, what are you doing here?”, I asked, getting out of our embrace to take a good look at him. He was well dressed and styled as always.
“Sightseeing”, he answered with a sarcastic undertone which made me raise an eyebrow (I of course knew why he was here, it was a rhetorical question), “…Visiting you of course”, he explained anyways, “can’t I miss my best friend?”, he asked and I could feel my cheeks grow red.
Yes… best friend.
“Of course,”, I smiled back, “I missed you too, ya dingus. Though why did you come with the helicopter? Don’t you think it’s a little…much?”
“Well first of all: No, never. Secondly: It’s faster to fly here with the heli, and thirdly: I talked to your parents and they agreed you can come to my crib for the weekend”
“Really? You’re not messing with me?!”
“I swear”, he said, lifting his hand to make the swearing sign to show his uncrossed fingers, “and if you still don’t believe me you can just check your phone”, he added as he had pledged is truthfulness.
I tucked it out of my backpack and there it was: A message from my mom wishing me a good time over at Kenji’s. Plus informing me she had packed me a little luggage that Kenji already had in his helicopter. I wrote her thanks and a heart before facing Kenji again with a content smile.
“Ok then: What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”, I laughed, “Later you guys!”, I turned around to my friends who were giving me cheeky smiles and a thumbs up.
 The flight lasted three hours in total. Though it felt like no time at all as Kenji and I caught up on things. And even when we were done with that, we found a way to talk about anything and nothing at all or sometimes even just sit there in a comfortable silence and looking out of the window. I had never flown in a helicopter and was in constant awe of it all. Kenji had made a little bit fun of that and called it “cute” which however made me fluster more than anything else. Him calling anything I do cute just made the butterflies in my stomach swirl like crazy.
 We arrived on top of a huge roof that had a designated helicopter landing spot.
“Wow damn. Your house really is big!”
“Y/N: That’s the helicopter Garage”
As we got out a tall man in a black suit, who carried my luggage, accompanied us through a trap door on the ground down to a huge hall with several helicopters in different colors and sizes.
My mouth was wide agape as I looked at it all.
“And where in the ever-loving f*ck is your real house then?”, I asked
“We are gonna be brought there by the limo in a sec”, he explained as casually as someone saying they were going grocery shopping.
Though that was probably more unusual for anyone in his family than it was for me to drive in a limousine.
 We got out of the garage and waited on a small patio. Only a couple of seconds after we had exited, surely enough, a pitch black, perfectly cleaned limo appeared. A chauffeur exited the driver side opening the door, way in the back, “welcome Sir Kenji and Madame. Please enter”, he said in a very British accent and motioned us to get into the car.
“Wow” is all I could say at first but then could muster up a “thank you” without sounding too flabbergasted.
 The drive from the helicopter Garage to the actual house (if you could call it that) was only a couple of minutes, but boy what a couple of minutes!
I was looking out of the window yet again. This time I was looking at a huge, very well groomed, garden. It had huge rose bushes, ponds with statues spewing water, a maze… just like you’d imagine the garden of a king to look like.
“Kenji: This is batshit insane. You live in a freaking palace!”, I exclaimed.
“Well: Did you think I was exaggerating when I said I was filthy rich?”
“Yes! Kinda!”, I answered, feeling my voice heighten, still not being able to process the sight before me, “it’s hard to believe that people can live like that”.
At that he just laughed, and we kept on just enjoying our company in silence.
 And finally, we truly arrived.
We were let out again by the chauffeur. As I exited, I noticed a red carpet being rolled out in front of me.
I turned to Kenji arching an eyebrow at him.
“A red carpet? Really?”
“What? I just wanted the lady to feel welcome”, he grinned, and I couldn’t but laugh and feel my cheeks redden again.
I everted my eyes from his, because of how flustered I got, but mostly to look at the house… or well: Mansion.
It was a very modern construction. Mostly white and looking futuristic. It was the kind of construction you’d expect a man, owning one or the other huge corporation, to have.
It was almost a disappointing contrast to the old seeming garden, but it was impressive nonetheless. I felt like I had jumped forward in time to the year 2030 or something.
After analyzing the mansion for a bit, we walked towards the dark gray double door that was opened by what seemed to be a sort of butler.
I was now faced with the entrance hall. It was all paved with a grave shiny stone and had a big, golden chandelier on the exaggeratedly high ceiling. In the back of the hall were two gray stairways going up to the left and right with glass barriers. On the front were clothe holders made of ebony wood and hanging hooks made out of fine steel.
“If this visit gets anymore incredible, I’m gonna faint”, I whispered
“Please don’t, ‘cause it will get better, but I’m glad you like it”, he whispered back, and I giggled like a little schoolgirl.
 Honestly, I could go on and on about everything he showed me in that building, but that would probably be twenty pages long, so I’m going to summarize with bullet points:
 ·      The west wing, like in Beauty and the Beast, is off limits: Except it’s because Kenji’s father was working there and harboring some kinda lab or something. A little shady if you ask me but I didn’t further question that
·      The east wing is full of fun rooms: A swimming pool room, a swimming pool patio outside together with a Shakuzi, a small private cinema room and of course, deep down in the cellar (at least he calls it that, for me it feels more like a casino), the bowling alley.
We spent the most time there, playing round after round where I didn’t let him win. Funny enough (though not the haha kind of funny) he almost cried tears of joy as he lost against me
·      The middle part, one could say, had the entrance hall, the kitchen, as well as the living room that had a ginormous couch and a huge 3D Tv with a Nintendo, Xbox and the newest Playstation. We played a couple of games in which I always lost because my parents never allowed me to have a gaming console and thus I was a bit inexperienced with most of the games, except in the case of U-sing: I played that with my ex best friend from primary school when we were little, plus I have a good voice whilst Kenji, well… he could work on his vocals. We however had fun either way.
·      And the third segment is the upper rooms with three bathrooms (one of which was Kenji’s), a spa room, a sauna and the bedrooms (that were strangely far apart from each other. A very bad gut feeling told me, that was on purpose).
 As we arrived in Kenji’s room, I already saw my small red suitcase laying on the white, very comfortable looking carpet. It was one of those carpets with the long white fur like texture. I sometimes wondered what hid amongst the long fur, but knew in Kenji’s case, this room was kept squeaky clean by his father’s staff so I wouldn’t have to worry about that.
‘The guy cares a little I guess’, I thought as my thoughts wandered to Kenji’s father.
 Kenji’s room itself indicated no personality at all. It was extremely odd. It looked like it came right out of a magazine. It had a big bed (usually such a bed a married couple in their 40’s would have), a white, of course, big wardrobe, a black colored dresser with a less impressive, yet still pretty modern Tv and another small dresser beside the bed, that had a very boring looking nighttime lamp on it where you could regulate the light by tapping on the bottom part. And a couple of steps away, parallel to the entrance door, was a big glass wall with an integrated door which led to a wooden balcony that had a small table, two chairs and a sun-umbrella.
‘Or maybe’, I continued the thought from before, ‘he simply cares about his son’s image’.
 “Nice room”, I said, so it wouldn’t seem suspicious that I wasn’t as exited this time about what I saw. But I hate hiding the truth and when I try doing what I hate, I don’t come off as a good liar. So, one can imagine: He noticed my hesitation.
“Is something wrong y/n?”, he asked, genuinely concerned, “is there something in here you don’t like? I can remove-“
“No”, I interrupted him, “there is nothing wrong with it. That’s just the thing: It’s immaculate”
“And why is that… bad?”, he asked a bit confused. Not angry confused, but just plain old confused. I felt sorry for him: I simply just think too deeply about things sometimes.
“It’s not bad”, I answered, “I’d just say its extremely weird: Don’t you have any posters you wanna hang up? Or pictures? Photographies of memories with your friends? Books or magazines you like to have at your bedside? It’s just: You have so much personality, I sometimes fear you’ll implode if you fail to show it even for a second. I can’t imagine that you don’t want to decorate your room in any way at all”
“But what if I do?”, Kenji asked, though his confused expression had turned into a cold glare that made me wish he would look confused again. I felt a lump built in my throat and my heart race in fear. Not because I was scared of him: But more so of what he was trying to hide by pretending.
“Kenji”, I said softly, letting a concerned frown adorn my face, “it’s ok. I’m your best friend. You can talk to me about it. And before you ask: I know what this is all about as much as you know that I know. But I won’t say it because at the end of the day, it’s your choice, but just know: I’m there for you, I won’t judge”
There was a moment of deafening silence as Kenji seemed to contemplate whether he should react defensive and angry, that I brought it up, or tell the truth.
I was glad when I could visibly see his guard drop as he looked at me with saddened eyes.
It was heartbreaking, but I’d rather have that than a stupid fight. I’d rather have that, than him being arrogant and prideful, trying to push me away as he had in the very beginning in Jurassic World.
He sat down on his bed, and I right beside him, looking at him concerned as he stared on the floor.
“You’re right: It is because of my father.”, he began, “You see: He wants me to become like him. Keep the business going. I’m like the first born to a king. And so, he decided there was no room for me to be too much of an individual at some point. He wanted not only the house to always look presentable in case one of his strange buddies appeared, but also for me to start being presentable. It only got worse after I failed algebra. He pushed the role of being him more.
My father might not be the worst: He does gift me a lot of things, makes sure my room is clean and that I get transported to whatever place I want with whatever vehicle I want and buys me whatever I desire. But it’s a disguise, you see? Trying to cover up that I’m just a trophy. Just the predecessor. He wants me to favor and admire him so that I will be him one day. He doesn’t care about me like a dad cares about his son. We are no family”, his voice got quiet as he tried hiding his tears. I said nothing and decided to just embrace him. I felt him become weak in my arms and sob so touchingly, I almost cried with him.
 A few minutes passed before his crying became hiccups and eventually quieted down.
“I’m sorry”, I murmured, “I shouldn’t have brought this up”
“No”, he answered, his voice still veiled in a layer of sadness, “it felt good. I haven’t cried like this in years. Thank you”
“You’re welcome”, I softly spoke back. I was glad he had relieved himself of that sadness he had seemed to hold in. I also immediately felt that this had also been the thing to finally have us come closer.
 After that, we figured we watch something lighthearted to cheer us up again.
It was a rom com called ‘L.A. story’ we both found very amusing.
Though at some point, as the love story came to its highpoint, I noticed my mind drifting away into a side space in my brain, where suddenly the main characters were him and me.
 My cheeks reddened for the third time that day (I almost feared he’d think I got a fever) and I could swear I felt his hand in mine… wait.
Was that real?
My gaze travelled from the screen to my hand and really: His hand was in mine.
Was that an accident or intentional?
‘Screw it! It’s now or never’, I thought as I felt daring for once.
I inched closer and leaned onto his shoulder. My heart was racing a hundred miles per hour it seemed as I waited for what his reaction would be. At first, he got stiff, but then everything happened at once and it happened fast. He lifted his head to look at me and I looked back into his deep, dark brown eyes and in one motion he leaned in and… kissed me.
At first, I couldn’t believe it, I was frozen in place, but soon enough before it could get awkward for him, I leaned in as well. Though I decided to just stay put and let my lips feel his carefully: It was my first kiss after all, I didn’t want to ruin it by getting sloppy.
We staid like that for a couple of seconds before deciding to part.
 “You like me too?”, is the first thing I asked, amazed by what just happened.
“What are you talking about? I’ve liked you since I saw you! You are the one who likes me too”, he answered. My eyes first widened but then I couldn’t but laugh out loud.
“And I always thought I wasn’t your type”, I admitted flustered at his words.
“Really? You are a pretty, talented girl with a super nice personality and you didn’t think you were my type?”
“I mean, I always assumed you’d be more into the mermaid type”, at that he raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh with a single laugh
“You are mermaid enough for me y/n”, he said, cupping my face with his right hand, putting a hair strand behind my right ear, “you are better, even”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #17: (NSFW)
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A/N: taglist, I did not post one with the last marathon so check if you missed collections 13-15 |
I had a lot of difficulty posting this so if it seems unfinished and you don’t see the taglist please let me know!
Poor Aone………………………………………’s sexual composure. 🥵🤯🤸‍♂️
That following Friday, In the calm Date Tech Hallway….
Like a hurricane, Kenji and a kanji ran over to Aone-san out of breath. 
Used to his best friends being storms at home and at school, he turned to them at his locker. “Yes? Are you two okay?” 
Kenji made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “—Just dandy. We’re fine. But you’re not. Or, you won’t be. You’re supposed to help Y/N with her tryout video today right??!!!” 
Aone’s heart picked up speed, thinking about being alone with you again. He nodded. “Yes. Why? Is she alright?” 
“Cancel it.”
Beside Kenji, Kanji bounced on his own two feet, repeating the brunette with wide eyes. “Cancel it, cancel it, cancel it!” 
Aone looked confused. His best friends knew how much this plan meant to him, which included getting closer to you as a step, so he didn’t understand. Besides, they’d just spoken about it this morning and everything was fine. 
“I don’t understand…” Takanobu tilted his head to the side curiously. 
Kenji huffed. “Just trust us!!”
“Give me your phone Aone-senpai, I’ll call Y/N and cancel for you!!!” Kogane shouted, bustling in between the two of them to search Aone’s open locker…… for his phone, no doubt. 
Aone stepped to the side so that the setter could search his locker, knowing his phone was in his pocket. “Kogane-san, please calm down. Is anyone hurt or injured?” 
His friends looked frazzled as hell.
“No one is fucking hurt, you big giant. Just trust us when we say you need to cancel helping her film her stupid thing. Tell her to get a camera stand or pay one of the film geeks or something—“ 
“No.” Aone growled unintentionally. He didn’t mean to, he just really disliked the idea of another guy spending hours with the love of his life. Hewanted to help her. Aone removed the venom from his next words. “I want to see her, Futakuchi-san. You know that. What has gotten into you two—“ 
Kenji pinched the bridge of his nose, interrupting. “—Kusa said..... that apparently, Y/N’s cheer uniform had an issue with the order. The University—our University— sent her a uniform that’s a size or two too small. But she still has to submit her freaking audition in it and then they’ll apparently send her a new one, so—“
“I’ve seen Y/N in a cheerleading uniform before.” Aone stated calmly, feeling better now that he knows you weren’t involved in some incident or something. “You both really expect me to cancel on Y/N because of that?” Ridiculous, Aone wanted to add, but he didn’t. He tried his best to ignore, however, the way he felt a small stir in his lower belly because he recalled seeing you in the normal Date Teko cheer uniform. Not only is that cheer uniform what you were wearing the first time he ever laid eyes on you, but every male in this school—including the Mountain Man—thought you looked unbelievably hot in it. 
Before you noticed him, Aone almost ran into a pole once because he specifically saw you stretching in uniform outdoors with your team. Kenji pulled him from the pole’s path in the knick of time. 
Another time, When you were dating, Aone had gotten a huge boner after school just because he had received a text from him asking if your bra was showing through your white cheer top, with an attached photo of your chest. It was, in fact, transparent and Aone couldn’t think straight for the rest of his own practice. Coach was really mad at him that day….
Anyway, the point is that Aone has seen you in your attractive cheer uniform plenty of times. Perhaps his friends forgot?
“Aone-san, we can tell her that you’re sick, or that there is a family emergency or something, come—“ Kenji grabbed his best friend’s arm, steering him toward the exit. Aone let his friend turn him so that he does’t over exert himself like he usually did when he tried to move the all-muscle man, but he stopped just before they blocked the exit. 
‘Aone! TRUST ME. You cannot handle—“
“—I can and I will. Kenji. Please let me g—“ 
Just then, you entered through the exit doors a few feet away that Kenji was about to lead you out of, cutting Takanobu off and immediately heading his way. 
“Oh, hey, Aone! There you are!”
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Aone Takanobu can truly say—if he could speak—that he will never even question Futakuchi again. 
Kenji whistled under his breath when he saw you too. “Too late.” he muttered, folding his arms and a blush setting in. “See you at home.!” The brunette yelled as he grabbed Kanji, who was still searching the white haired’s locker—with one hand, using his other to plug his nose because was trickling a bit of blood. 
Upon seeing you, Aone felt as if all of the air in his lungs had been shaken out of his body like a damn salt shaker. He had to physically rub his eyes to make sure they were functioning correctly, and after he did that and you were still walking towards him, Aone pinched his own forearm, hard. 
Still, you were walking toward him. 
Fuck. This is real then.
Holy mother of God, Aone thought in a panic. This isn’t a wet dream?! It can’t be. He’s never seen that uniform on you before.
You stopped in front of Aone, ignoring the handful of boys that were drooling over you in your potential new post secondary school uniform. 
“Ugh. I said medium, not extra small. If I didn’t need a scholarship to make up for my grades, I wouldn’t go to this damn school. Just for this.” You grumbled, walking right past Aone to his locker that was left wide open. Without thinking, you reached inside and collected his huge Date Tech Volleyball jacket, swinging it over your shoulder and zipping it up. Aone had so many of these, and you loved them. You could practically hear the collective disappointed-male groan when you covered yourself completely. It reached the bottom of your kneecaps. 
When your eyes fluttered closed in pleasure because you were wrapped up in the most incredible warmth and scent in the world—Aone’s—you realized you had basically just performed theft, you looked down at your white cheer shoes sheepishly. “Oh my gosh. Sorry, Aone. Habit, I guess.” You apologized, too nervous to look up at him. Horny Mountain Man was in no position to respond coherently anyway, even if he didn’t want you wearing his stuff. 
Which, for the record, always makes me happy as fuck. 
Water. He thought. Water is what always helps in times like this. 
“Please, second.” Aone blurted, turning quickly to speed walk down the hallway to the nearest water fountain. It was tucked away in a corner to where he was hidden, so Aone alternated between taking big, big, very big gulps and splashing water on his face. Repeat.
You were wearing a form-fitting yellow cheer uniform. It said Pirates across the chest that it squeezed, exposed your entire stomach, and then yellow met your waist again in a really short pleated skirt (skort) that was barely covering your ass. Just seeing you in it for two seconds before you put on his jacket alone made Aone store that visual in his spank bank for tonight. Uh, for tonight x3.......or tonight x4........and then tomorrow morning, ……because the way that uniform fit you made him fantasize about doing every position in it….... ugh, Aone splashed more water on his face again. 
Back at Aone’s locker alone, You were so embarrassed in this uniform. You look like an absolute fool in a uniform so tiny, what the fuck?
Hearing a group of hurried footsteps coming from your left, from your two places you both turned to see a group of the biggest fuckboys in the school turning down this hall, searching for what Aone just knew was you with expectant expressions, positively gutted when they saw a giant jacket on you. 
You narrowed your eyes at the group in a glare, giving them a sickeningly sweet smile. “Hi, Fuck off 😊🖕.”
“Heya to you too, Y/N.” Said the guy you briefly gave a chance to before you met a real man like Aone. The baseball player. He had such a disgusting grin on his face, as if he was looking to bring you home or something. As if. 
Seemingly correct in deciphering what his look means, You had to hold down your lunch when he said, “Good luck with your online tryouts today. Care to show us that new uniform of yours?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“Nope, thanks. I just want to send my audition tape and solidify my future never seeing your ass again.” You snapped back. 
“Ouch, Y/N. We just heard it’s tryouts for the cheer squad today, and wanted to give all you ladies our sincerest thanks for being what awoke our hormones in first year. Is that so bad?” 
“Gross. You’re disgusting.”
“And you’re newly single, right? C’mon, I’m leaving the country after graduation for baseball. Consider it a parting gift,” The baseball player licked his lips and took one tiny step toward you. “I can stretch it out for you,” 
Takanobu—who was frozen in horny-for-Y/N-mode by the water fountain—was snapped out of it as soon as a threatening movement was made toward you. 
Aone understands very well that this was not a good position for any female to be in, but especially not the most important female in his life.  
Immediately, he was in front of you, completely shielding you from the other boys behind his broad, muscular body. 
Not knowing how the fuck this giant man can move that fast again, you couldnt help the breath of relief that left you, knowing you didn’t have to fight this battle anymore. Your knight has arrived. Your ex-knight. ☹️
“I’m sure you all have something else to do this afternoon.” Aone stated, trying to be as civil as possible. 
The baseball player threw his head back and laughed. “I definitely do…..but she’s just a regular student, not a cheerleader…… so it can wait. Oh, and—totally forgot to welcome you to the dumped-by-a-hot-cheerleader club—we’re all in it.” The baseball player gestured toward the group of boys he was in and they all laughed. 
Aone felt his heart break a bit, but his anger didn’t allow him to falter. Girlfriend or not, these boys didn’t respect the love of his life or any female in this school, and it was obvious. Nothing made him more upset.
“Come on bro, tell her to take off the jacket, we all wanna see her new uniform—“ the creep tried taking a step around Aone to get to you, so Aone stepped forward blocking that path, pulling you behind him again. 
“Take one more step toward her.” Aone growled in the smoothest voice. You couldn’t see it, but from experience with creeps trying to hit on you when you were together, you could tell Aone had his absolutely terrifying expression on and fit didn’t even mean to. The biggest teddy bear... that turned into your tough grizzly without the tiniest bit of hesitation if it meant protecting you.
 “I dare you.” Aone added, for good measure.
Needless to say, like always, the group of creepos saw how serious this giant could be, and then scurried away faster than they came. 
It turns out they’re not a fan of Aone’s dares.
You resisted every nerve in your body from acting on your instincts and grabbing Takanobu and kissing him as thanks for protecting you. Fuck, you just fell deeper in love with the man and if we are being g honest, hearing him become so respectfully protective like that, not only made your heart clench but your pussy clench as well. 
Aone turned to you and bowed in apology for speaking for you. 
You waved him off and thanked him wising words as you physically pressed your thighs together to keep yourself from throwing yourself on your ex and begging him to fuck your brains out like you wanted him to. Like he always did. Truth be told, you are so turned on. 
Needing fresh air, right the fuck now—you grabbed Aone’s arm and he allowed you to pull him outside to the empty football field since school was over. 
You found a small corner where you’d be hidden from prying eyes and it was a flat enough green surface for jumps and tumbling passes, so you liked it. you asked your beautiful Ex if it was fine to set up here for the audition. Daylight hit the area perfectly. 
Takanobu nodded, but then a slight blush fell over his face and you didn’t follow exactly why that was. “What is it?” You ask, using your hand as a visor. 
“Ummm,… this spot is fine Y/N. But I just realized that I forgot my flash in the photography studio.” 
You shrugged. “Oh! That’s it? Okay, that’s fine. I can just wait here and start stretching.” 
Aone’s pale cheeks darkened even more. You tried not to swoon. Oh my gosh he looked cute! But you still didn’t get why forgetting his flash made him so shy. 
“Aone, what is it? Is there something wrong?”
Takanobu looked away, willing himself to speak with conviction. “No, I apologize again. It’s just….” He willed himself to meet your eyes, because that’s what his plan told him to do. “Do you mind accompanying me? Uh, to retrieve the flash? I can carry everything, that’s not a problem, but— I just don’t feel comfortable leaving you out here alone just in case that group comes back and I’m not around.”
You inside: 
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You sucked in a breath, trying so so sooo fucking hard not to shout how much you loved this man! If you were still dating, you would tackle him and showering his face with kisses right now, then probably tug him somewhere so you could drop to your knees and suck the soul out of his dick—that’s how much you loved him. 
“Oh, that’s so sweet.” You nodded, pressing your thighs together as you walked his side, in his jacket.
2 hours later, Aone is almost done filming your tryout tape. 
In the beginning, He managed to distract himself on his phone while you stretched, only stealing glances at you when you were in your splits (at which time Aone accidentally bit his tongue). 
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Then the middle section of filming wasn’t sooo bad, you had to tell the camera about yourself—in which Aone thought you looked so pretty and thought you didn’t list enough of your good qualities, but he wouldn’t interject to tell you that— he filmed you doing a few technical jumps, some sideline hand-only cheers that you yelled out, and a few tumbling passes, which Aone was able to handle if he was thinking about dead squirrels like Futakuchi taught him. But that was as far as the dead squirrel strategy went for him. It had served its purpose and now Aone was running out of steam, because you had just completed the flyer positions section: where you had to contort your amazing body in flexible positions that literally made his urges to fuck you hard come back, God damnit…
Even though that was tough, Takanobu had a plan to follow and it included being able to spend time with you like this, so he had to put on a brave face and endure it. He was so proud of himself so far—even if he had to overheat in the volleyball sweater he had to put on to hide his protruding cock. It was sunny, not hot, which is good. And it did a great job hiding his crotch, so he wouldn’t dare take it off.
But truth be told, a part of Aone Takanobu felt absolutely foolish for not taking his friend’s offer earlier and cancelling on you. If seeing a cheerleading uniform on you in the past almost made him walk into a pole, I don’t think anyone could imagine how seeing you in a much sexier, college cheerleader uniform that is 2 sizes too small makes him feel now. Fuck. 
During the final portion of your tryout video, you had to showcase the choreography they taught you, and well, Aone was…………. He was……………
He was……………………
A/N: Imma try to just come out and say it.
During your dance segment…………………
You are of course, wearing that tiny new uniform, and Mountain Man is so fucking in love and horny for you, and you were also horny so you were unintentionally giving him bedroom eyes, and your dance for the tryout was semi provocative, and you are so flexible and bendy, slightly sweaty from over exertion, and did Aone mention that you are wearing that tiny uniform????
Yeah, this white haired beauty was going to cum untouched. 
Why? How? Well:
“So, Aone, for this part, I need you to tell me how I’m doing, Okay? I know you don’t know cheer very well but just in this dance section if I look sloppy or Im going too fast, I’d appreciate the feedback since my future relies on this. Is that Okay?”
The white haired beauty grunted in agreement, the sound actually hurting his throat because it was so dry. 
You smiled at him sweetly.
You looked so fucking cute, LostyAone.exe stopped working. 
“I need you to make sure the camera is getting my entire body, Okay? So that the judges can judge my footwork too. Can you pan down to make sure you’re comfortable with the movement?
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Using the camera, Aone panned down liked you asked and nearly died. He was glad his eyes were hidden behind the camera because they just about fell the fuck out when he caught a really good glimpse of your delectable ass under your cheer skirt. Inside his brain,  dozens of little control-panel Aone’s erupted in chaos, running around his brain with towels trying to blow out the raging inferno in there.
SHE IS SO FUCKING SEXY, His mind yelled at him, as if he needed any more of a reminder. TOO SEXY, it repeated, and Aone’s dick twitched angrily in his pants. 
Takanobu briefly thought about the fact that this footage was only going to be seen by your prospective cheer captains, coaches, and himself— but he couldn’t help but wonder how he was going to edit all of this together in the time frame he promised he would with only one hand. The incessant desire he had to pump his cock to the look of you in that tiny uniform was practically all-consuming. So when he has to stare at constant footage of you alone in his room this weekend, well............. he’d probably need to take more breaks than he’s willing to admit. He needed this to end, and quick.
“So there is one move, Aone, that I need you to make sure that part gets a tiny close-up of. It’s this part where I flip why hair like this, then I have to run my hands from my neck dowwwwwwwn my body slowly and back up to do a mini chest pump… but that move I am switching it to a mini chest squeeze…, because the coach said she wants her team this year to have a lot of sex appeal and the ability to make the dances their own, so I thought I’d add that to show her I have what she’s looking for. What do you think?”
Wait, Sex appeal? Chest squeeze? As in, squeeze your breasts?! Like how? And Did Y/N just insinuate that she needs more sex appeal ? More than she already…….………..huh🥵? Aone gulped in disbelief. If you had any more sex appeal, Y/N……….. he wanted to tell you. I’d be an absolute dead man. He already was. 
You took Mountain Man’s silence as confusion. “Do you not get what I’m saying? Here, I’m thinking something like this.”
And then, if things weren’t bad enough, you showed this poor poor hanging-on-by-a-single-thread-of-composure Aone—the move that you’re referring to in slow motion so that he could recognize it in the dance: 
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Takanobu was going to lose his mind. Inside, he was all:
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And he couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that he has what you just did on film.
 Aone’s dick throbbed relentlessly in his uniform pants, practically having a pounding heart attack of its own. Luckily, it was hidden under his jacket, telling him loud and clear that this was all he could handle from under there. 
“Umm,” Aone started shakily, turning his back to you and scanning the field. He thanked the heavens because he saw the girls entire soccer team starting practice really close to where they were filming, so if anything were to happen and those boys came back to bother you, you could just walk right over to the big group and the coaches. He wouldn’t be gone long anyway.
Not with how worked up he was. 
Not even remembering what excuse he made because all of his brain blood resided in his cock right now, whether he said he needed to go to the bathroom or fucking Pluto he doesn’t know—but he finds comfort in the fact that whatever he said, you responded unsuspectingly, saying, 
“Oh Okay, sure! I needed a break anyway!” you plopped down on the grass in fatigue. 
Everything in Aone’s mind was a blur until he was inside one of the stalls in the empty boys volleyball locker room, his right hand down his pants before he could even think to unbutton or pull down a zipper, stroking his needy length. 
“Ohhhh my God,” Aone sighed, using the immense amount of pre cum on his dick as lubrication. His dick was twitching in his palm as he stroked. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,”  chanted the middle blocker who does NOT use profanity regularly, shutting his eyes as tight as they could go. Immediately, images of you met the inside of his dark lids, especially this image: over and over and over.
So horny he wasnt even thinking clearly, Mountain Man immediately reached for his camera hanging on a necklace around his neck with one large hand. He immediately scrolled to the dance footage and moaned when your beautiful face and figure met the screen. He stroked himself through the dance you just did that wasn’t even the official dance yet, lidded eyes staring at your pretty face and amazing body in that fucking uniform. A hand job has never felt so knee-buckling.
He replayed the footage.
She’s so hot. Stroke harder. Rewind. Replay. She’s so fucking hot. Stroke faster. Rewind. Replay. She’s so UNBELIEVABLY fucking hottttttttttt. Fuck my hand. Replay, replay, replay. 
Within 50 seconds of starting, Aone was releasing so hard into his hand that he was grateful the camera was around his neck because the force of his orgasm made it slip out of this hand.
Breathing heavily as if he had just run a fucking marathon, it was only one more minute later that Aone felt himself hardening again, thinking of you and needing another release. Home. His dick chanted. He needed to go home. Takanobu was so horny for you that he guiltily fantasized about taking the bra you left at his house all that time ago out so that he could paint it white and possibly fuck it, but he somehow thought that was disrespectful and felt a little ashamed for thinking of you so inappropriately while looking at your footage, so he decided not to do that again. Mountain Man cleaned up with a napkin, but didn’t move to leave just yet. He knew himself better than that, so he wrapped his hand around his pre cum lubed cock again, just waiting.
He loved you for so much more than just your physical appearance—Aone knew that—but sometimes how hot you were put him through a loop. Clearly, considering he’d just jerked himself off in his locker room in 55 seconds and was ready to do it again. Unbelievable. You are breathtakingly beautiful.
I can’t believe Y/N….. gave me a chance— What could the most beautiful woman in the world have seen in me? What am I doing trying to get her back, have I SEEN HER? As Aone was greeted with his self-deprecating thoughts again, he thought about your gorgeous face. This made Takanobu began thrusting up into his wet hand impatiently. 
She’s so caring. And so loving. And such a force to be reckoned with, God I want to put a ring on her finger and cherish her forever.
Even his self deprecating thoughts couldn’t take him out of how far gone he already was, he almost forgot that he actually had to take off his pants unless he wanted to ruin them completely and chance you seeing him walk back out with a giant cum stain. 
With an upsetting growl because his pleasure had to wait a millisecond, Aone roughly unbuttoned, unzipped, and shoved down his pants and boxers, moving so that when he came it would aim where he wanted it to down the toilet. His hand found his aching cock again and he resumed pumping, Aone squeezing at the base and tip and fucking his own fist. He felt just as worked up as the time you relentlessly teased him while studying, but this time you hadn’t even touched him once. He couldn’t believe it. 
But then, well, he remembered it was you, so he could. 
He loved you for years without you even knowing his name, so logically he knows that seeing you bend and bounce and do the splits in a small cheerleading uniform can easily make him cum in his pants unprovoked.
I want to make love to her soooo badly, Aone thought, feeling a little guilty for thinking of his ex so lewdly. I’d stick my cock so deep inside her unmatched pussy and hear her moan my name so loud until she was having one of her hard shuddering orgasms around me that Aone always managed to give that made his thrusts stutter, fuck fuck fuck. Aone thought about moving those tiny shorts that are connected to your skirt aside and pounding into your tight hole, pinching your nipples and sucking a hickey on your sweet skin. Ugh, he was practically pounding into his first now. It almost hurt, but hurt in a good way. He needed this. There is absolutely no better feeling in the world than being inside you, so he tried to remember it and pretend that’s what he was doing to the best of his ability to throw himself over the edge faster. It worked. His entire body trembled.
Aone bit his juicy bottom lip, actively keeping growls in his chest because he felt so carnal. He wanted you soooooooooo bad, and if you two were still together right now and you verbally agreed, thrice—you’d be in this stall with him, your legs wrapped around his waist as he,— oh god, just the mere flash-thought of you in here with him made Aone thrust into his hand even harder, thinking about your perfect ass under that small yellow skirt, how perfect your tits would look when you freed them out from under that constricting small cheer top (but kept the skirt on), and he thought about how wrecked you’d look because you both knew such a big guy like Aone would need at least three or four rounds until he was sated and you were always so fucking willing for him—
Aone let out a growl he’d been holding in as he immersed himself in the dreams, thinking about how fuck-hot you are when you dance, how amazing your breath sounds when its short and calling his name, the look of that chest squeeze and peek-a-boo’s you practically killed him with out there—and not before long Mountain Man was subject to an array of pleasure zaps shooting from his groin up his spine, making Aone close his mouth and let out a pretty loud “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..” As he shot cum after cum, spritz after spritz, into the toilet. His second orgasm was so intense that he needed to grab the top of the stall wall next to him with his clean hand to keep himself upright, because his knees were shaking.
Trying to catch his breath and calm down, Aone stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes until his heart beat regulated somewhat. Even though it felt like forever, it had only been maybe 5 minutes since he’d left you on the field chilling. Not enough time for you to even believe that he was pleasuring himself. It couldn’t have been enough time. 
Takanobu cleaned up in a hurry—washing his hands four times before returning to you, feeling a little bit lighter—but not enough to say he is satisfied. Considering the fact that he didn’t have sex, Mountain Man would need a few more rounds with his hand to be satisfied. Mountain Man is a big guy and even though he is the kindest person on earth and thinks about buying you flowers and holding your hand, when he’s horny he needs a lot to satiate that hunger. 
Aone returned to you only 6 minutes after he left, and right away you made his dick semi-hard again, looking so beautiful when you accepted his apology.
“Don’t worry about it, Aone. If I haven’t said it enough.... I really appreciate your help. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” 
Takanobu bit back a groan because yes, there was a lot you could do to repay him. Starting with giving him one more chance..... but he couldn’t ask that of you. In any case, he knew what the answer would be right now. 
“No, I’d like nothing in return. I am glad I could help a friend, Y/N.” he offered you a slight smile that made you feel all fuzzy inside. 
You wanted to melt, he is so sweet, even after you shattered his heart. Your heart was swelling and you couldn’t wait to leave him, just so that you could go home to cry your eyes out for the man you let go of. 
“We should finish. It’s getting late.” You collected your emotions and shook out your limbs to prepare yourself for the last section of your tryout video. 
You performed the dance section even sexier than Aone could’ve imagined, and it made Mountain Man absolute putty. Due to the events that took place in the locker room not too long ago, Aone was able to get past his horny mind numb to recognize that his heart was exploding for you—for other reasons. His heart was bursting due to pride.
He was so proud of you. 
You weren’t his girlfriend anymore, but you were still an absolute inspiration to him in that you always chased your dreams. Here he was, giving up volleyball, and here you are—killing your own audition in an uncomfortable costume. Wow. Aone would be sure to edit the most amazing tryout video for you to the best of his ability so that the team would be absolute fools not to give you a scholarship. If you didn’t get it, he’d find some weird way of secretly paying for your schooling anyway, if it came down to it. He loved you that much. But he just knew you’d make it. 
When the last take was filmed and all was said and done, Aone was both positively enamoured and positively hard, of course. You looked beyond sexy and flushed, and when he gave you his water and you drank it, some droplet missed your mouth, skidding down your cheek and disappearing into your cleavage. Mountain Man just about needed to run back to the bathroom at that point, but it was time to go home anyway.  
You changed and Kusa picked you up, waving to Aone and thanking him with a hug before leaving. 
Aone sat in his car for 5 minutes once you left, his eyes closed and his head resting on the headrest, just trying to figure out how he would live with these feelings. He didn’t know if he could. A million questions jumped to the forefront of his mind: 
How could someone be so beautiful, so perfect in every way to him? 
What did you even see in him the first time? 
Is it even worth it to try again? 
What happens if his plan fails? 
What would he do?
And, because his dick wanted to throw in a question as well: How fucking amazing did you look today? 
Is it even possible to be this attracted to someone? Fuck. 
Aone’s dick twitched in his pants as thoughts of your pretty smile while you cheered tonight filled his mind, alerting him once more that he has suffered through enough for a lifetime and he needs release again. 
Aone raced home after that, unable to get your brilliant laugh and your perfect ass in that skirt out of his mind the entire time. 
He’s a mess. 
An aroused, lovesick, unmistakably heartbroken mess.
Taglist: @galagcica @chaichai-the-weeb @nairobiisqueen @bisasterrr @juminly @simply-not-the-same @marvelousbakugou @qyuanon
Outtake #18: CLICK HERE!
63 notes · View notes
gb-fics · 5 years
Your Skirt Is So Short
Kiryuuin Shou x Kyan Yutaka (Golden Bomber)
Note: It’s Yutaka’s birthday today! (^-^) The fic is based on the song “Kimi no sukaato ga mijikakute” from the last album. Also, WARNING! There is a full on sex scene in there. The kinky kind, with Yutaka in a skirt. The first half is normal, though, so you can read up until the confession without being scared :D
Shou was in suspense.
Suspiciously he eyed the bare thigh, that was almost touching him.
Why did they even sell skirts this short? Was it okay to wear something like this in public? One wrong movement and the world would be able to see panties. Not that Shou was thinking about the panties beneath that skirt. Though he had to admit, that those were some pretty sexy thighs, objectively speaking. They were well shaped and the skin looked so even and smooth and Shou caught himself thinking that …
“Oi, pervert! What you looking at?!”, Yutaka shouted and nudged him with his elbow.
He didn’t have to speak quite so loudly, since he was sitting right next to Shou, but he did anyway.
“Isn’t that skirt too short?”, Shou said scolding. “People will think you are a pervert for wearing it!”
He managed to look up into Yutaka’s face. His face was irritating, too.
The makeup around his eyes look more delicate today. He was wearing lip gloss. Long hair was framing his face.
As long as he kept shut, he looked like a cute girl. A cute girl, that Shou would go out with, even if the thought was somehow disturbing to him. Fortunately, it was nearly impossible for Kyan Yutaka to keep shut.
“Eh?! Me?! A pervert?!”, he shouted and then paused to laugh. “Yeah, sounds about right.”
Shou snorted and rolled his eyes, checking on the camera team. He didn’t know what was taking them so long today. He couldn’t wait to change into more comfortable clothes. And to see Yutaka change into other clothes as well. Right now, Shou wished he could put a pair of pants onto him. Or wrap him up in a blanket or something, so people wouldn’t be able to see his legs like this. And by people, Shou mostly meant himself. He really needed to get laid, when even the sight of Yutaka’s legs already threw him off balance so much.
“Ah, what’s taking them so long?”, Yutaka whined.
Shou noticed that Yutaka’s voice always sounded slightly different when he was dressed as a woman, but he couldn’t quite place what it was about it that changed. His voice sounded high, but then Yutaka didn’t exactly have a deep speaking voice to begin with, so he was clearly not talking high pitched on purpose. When Shou dressed up as a woman for their shows, he always felt the need to talk gentler, a little more in character with what he deemed the female nature. Yutaka clearly did not speak gentler. His way of talking was still brash and loud, but where it usually was just aggression, it was now aggression and a soft pout. Shou thought it sounded cute somehow. Slightly scary, because he wasn’t used to women being so very … much of whatever Yutaka was, but cute nonetheless.
“They’re probably still searching for the rest of your skirt, before we can get started”, Shou observed dryly.
Yutaka laughed.
Even his laughter sounded different. It caused a soft, warm dripple inside Shou’s chest, that he usually only felt when he succeeded in making a pretty girl laugh. Surely, Yutaka’s laughter therefore sounded different. If it always sounded like this, it would mean that Shou felt the same about his usual self, too, which would be absolutely absurd.
Shou shifted on his seat. They were really waiting around here ridiculously long already, considered that it was just supposed to be a short promotion video. Jun and Kenji hadn’t even come in. It wasn’t anything official, just for their social media channels. They shouldn’t be wasting so much time on it.
Shou’s body was starting to feel uptight. He stretched his arms, letting his hands fall back onto his lap. His hand brushed against Yutaka’s thigh lightly. The skin felt smooth indeed and his body was warm. Shou sensed it, although he flinched back immediately. The touch felt weirdly forbidden and exciting at the same time. He hoped that Yutaka hadn’t noticed his reaction. Shou couldn’t explain why he felt this flustered. He cleared his throat.
“It’s alright”, Yutaka said teasingly.
He spread his legs – Shou was horrified thinking what that might do to the skirt, but he was too scared to check – so his thigh was now pressing against Shou’s. He felt his body heat through the fabric of his pants.
“I’m not timid”, Yutaka added.
Shou turned his head only slightly, watching Yutaka’s face out of the corner of his eyes. When he didn’t look at him directly, the illusion grew even stronger. He could almost believe that he was a real woman.
“Uhm”, he muttered.
“Aah”, Yutaka exhaled. “Do I make you nervous?”
He put his hand onto Shou’s thigh. Shou stared at his hand. Yutaka’s nails were short and clean. They looked surprisingly well trimmed. It wasn’t a very feminine hand, but if you wanted to believe that it belonged to a woman, you certainly could.
For a moment, Shou considered just allowing himself to be fooled by it. Yutaka’s hand felt very warm on his thigh. If he slid his hand up a little bit higher …
Shou cleared his throat again.
He tried not to let any of his emotions show on his face. He wasn’t nervous. Nervous? Whom? Him? No way! He wasn’t having inappropriate thoughts about his friend and bandmember right now. But if Yutaka was a woman, well, that would make things easier. In that case, Shou would definitely be attracted to her. And if she touched him like this, it would only be natural that he thought of that warm hand with the neatly trimmed nails slipping into his pants and closing around his …
Yutaka leaned in a little.
Shou inhaled deeply, hoping the oxygen might somehow clear his mind. Damn, he was desperate. His last relationship had been what – two years ago? Nearly three, if he was being honest. No wonder his mind turned funny with a pretty woman this close to himself. Man, a man this close to him, looking like a pretty woman. There was still a difference. Yutaka wasn’t a woman and therefore Shou did not feel attracted to him.
The air around Yutaka smelled very sweet.
Looking for help, Shou glanced over at the camera team. They were still busy with their equipment. If they looked over to them now, what would they be thinking? That something was going on between them? Would they judge Shou? Or would they take a look at the length of Yutaka’s skirt and get as confused as he himself? The thought made Shou feel protective again. Yutaka should not be wearing such a short skirt. If he wore it in Shou’s presence, that was alright. If they were alone, maybe Shou would not feel so guilty for staring at his legs and actually enjoy their sight. And even if Shou’s thoughts headed into a weird direction then, Yutaka wouldn’t have to worry. They were friends. Shou knew his boundaries. Those guys from the camera team maybe didn’t. They might see Yutaka dressed liked this and actually get the idea to hit on him. Maybe they thought it wouldn’t be so bad to be with a man, if only he was as pretty and charming and had legs like Yutaka. Maybe they wanted to do gay things with him. Shou had to protect him from their dirty glances! He wished Yutaka would be wearing sweatpants underneath the skirt.
The sweet scent in the air sent Shou coughing.
“Are you wearing perfume?”, he asked and furrowed his brow.
Yutaka leaned back immediately and his hand vanished from Shou’s thigh. He reached up to fumble with a strand of his hair. He looked a little coy. The gesture was so girly that for a moment, Shou really forgot it was Yutaka he was talking to. His usual way of movement contained definitely more poorly concealed aggression.
“You don’t like it?”, Yutaka asked.
Shou sniffed again, this time making a small show out of it.
Yutaka smelled sweet and feminine. If Shou closed his eyes, he’d surely have the feeling of being with a woman. If he wrapped his arms around Yutaka and felt his warm body and smelled his sweet scent, it would be like being with a girl.
“It smells nice”, he admitted. “But why did you put on perfume? It’s a video, dude. No one is going to smell you!”
Yutaka parted his lips as if wanting to say something and then closed it again. His lips looked glossy today. Somehow, the gloss made them look fuller, too. Was that possible? Could lip gloss do that? Or did his lips always look so gorgeous and Shou hadn’t noticed?
“I was trying to get in character!”, Yutaka finally huffed out.
Shou shook his head.
“Just tell me you didn’t buy it for today. The sheer waste of money would pain me too much.”
Yutaka grinned. His grin was a little lopsided. He looked more like himself that way. Or rather, he still looked like a pretty woman, but not just like any pretty woman. He looked like Kyan Yutaka as a pretty woman. The junction was very unsettling.
“Nah, one of my exes left it at my place. It looked expensive, so I thought I’d keep it, you never know.”
His grin looked proud.
Shou shook his head with a smirk.
“That poor woman”, he said. “First she has to date an idiot like you and then she gets robbed after the breakup.”
“I view it as a compensating fee”, Yutaka said. “She broke up with me without good reason!”
“She had a good reason”, Shou said seriously.
Yutaka looked at him kind of puzzled.
“She was dating you. That should be enough of a reason for a breakup already”, he clarified.
“Oi!”, Yutaka shouted and slapped Shou’s head.
Shou chuckled. He knew that the average cute girl would never talk to him like that. But that was also kind of nice, he thought. Usually, Shou tended to get awkward and tense around cute girls and the conversations did hardly live up to that term at all. Talking to Yutaka was easy. Talking to Yutaka was fun. He wished Yutaka was a woman. He wouldn’t just be attracted to her. He’d probably fall in love.
“It was not that!”, Yutaka protested. “She claimed I was in love with someone else.”
Shou suddenly felt curious. For some reason, Yutaka wasn’t one to share details about his love life as freely as the other members, who discussed it quite frequently whenever they were stuck with each other on tour. Yutaka sure talked a lot about his sex life, but it had always remained a bit of a mystery to Shou how he actually felt about his girlfriends.
“Were you?”, Shou asked.
Yutaka shrugged.
“I was seriously trying to make it work with her anyway. I deserved that perfume”, he said.
Shou wondered what to make of that reply. If Yutaka had tried to make it work with her, it meant he didn’t have a chance with the person he actually liked. As far as Shou was concerned, Yutaka had never mentioned an unrequited love.
“We are ready!”, a loud voice interrupted them, before Shou could voice any further questions.
“Finally”, he muttered.
“Kiryuuin, please look infatuated”, their director inquired. “And then try to embrace him. Kyan, please, just look like you are annoyed with Kiryuuin.”
“Oh, that can do”, Yutaka said cheerfully. “And I thought I’d have to act today.”
“Oi!”, Shou said quietly.
Yutaka flashed him a quick smile. Shou’s chest tightened. He really enjoyed joking around with Yutaka like this.
“Alright, we’ll just give it a go then”, their director said. “Action!”
Shou turned his head to look at Yutaka. Yutaka looked away. It gave Shou time to study him closely. He had soft looking features. Maybe that was why he made for such a pretty woman. His lips looked gorgeous, his eyes, too. The light colour of his wig suited him. He looked healthy and cheerful, just the type of woman that Shou would fall for. If Yutaka was a girl, his smile would be the cure to Shou’s gloominess.
He shuffled closer, trying to put his arm around Yutaka’s shoulder. He always felt awkward when doing that with women, too. Shou wasn’t good at initiating the first touch. Just before he managed to rest his arm around him properly, Yutaka shifted his weight and dodged Shou that way. He hated it when that happened with women. Now, he didn’t know what to do with his arm for real. He tried again to put it onto Yutaka’s shoulders. This time, he managed.
Yutaka’s shoulders were bare and Shou sensed the parts where their skin touched way too clearly. It was the same with women, too. He always felt their touch too violently.
He checked on Yutaka’s face. Yutaka was frowning.
“Cut!”, the director shouted, then he laughed. “Guys, that was perfect. I was aiming for awkward, but this was more awkward than I even dreamt of.”
“The awkwardness comes to him naturally”, Yutaka replied.
The frown had vanished from his face and he was grinning again.
Hastily, Shou pulled back his arm. He had kept it around Yutaka for far too long. Why had he done that? And why was he so self-conscious about it? Usually, he didn’t have a problem with touching Yutaka.
“Maybe we can do another one, that’s a little more straight-forward. Kiryuuin, can you really go in this time and try to kiss Kyan?”
The temperature in the room seemed very high all of a sudden. Of course, Shou just had to pretend to try. He wasn’t actually going to kiss Yutaka. No reason to feel weird.
“Sure, sure”, he said.
“Kyan, you just keep it up. Action!”
Without warning, Shou turned around and wrapped both of his arms around Yutaka’s waist, pulling him close. His body felt warm and Shou smelled his perfume more strongly again. Up close, his face looked even prettier. Holding him like this, he wasn’t able to tell the difference to a real woman. His waist was slim and for a moment, Shou wished it would be possible to get even closer to him. It felt astonishingly right to hold him like this.
He leaned in, bringing his face closer to Yutaka’s. Of course, he was just pretending. But if he had to kiss him for real to get a good shot, well that could just happen. He was a professional. He wouldn’t mind putting his lips against Yutaka’s. But just because he didn’t mind, didn’t mean he wanted to. His heart was beating just a little too fast, because the situation felt so new and unfamiliar.
He was so close now, if the director didn’t announce the cut any time soon, he’d definitely end up kissing Yutaka.
Yutaka turned his face to avoid Shou’s lips and stared right at the cameras. Shou paused. He was leaning in so far, it was hard to keep his balance. If he had to hold this position much longer, he’d fall onto Yutaka for sure.
“And cut!”, the director shouted.
Shou inhaled deeply and sat up again. Yutaka’s perfume was making him feel dizzy. Somehow, his thoughts didn’t seem to work properly the closer he got to him. It had to be the perfume.
“That was perfect!”, the director announced happily. “Kyan, that face you pulled was perfect. I could really see you thinking: What the fuck is he doing?, when you looked into the camera. The audience will laugh for sure. And Kiryuuin, great job at acting awkward, very authentic.”
Shou pulled a face at Yutaka, who certainly did not believe Shou had to act to appear awkward. Yutaka gave him his lopsided grin. Shou was almost sad he hadn’t ended up kissing him. Just because he wanted to know what it felt like when he looked like this. Maybe it could have been enjoyable – as long as Shou convinced himself that Yutaka was a woman, of course.
“Any more takes?”, Yutaka asked.
“I think that ought to do. Some edits and it will look great. You can go change, if you want. We are done here. Thanks for your hard work”, the director said.
Shou bowed his head slightly.
“Thanks for your hard work”, he repeated and got up.
Yutaka jumped up as well. His usual, energetic movements looked cuter while dressed like this. Shou checked for his skirt. It was still extremely short, even when he was standing.
“Sorry you had to do all this for just such a short video”, Shou said and gestured towards Yutaka’s outfit.
“It’s alright”, Yutaka said and waved it off. “You had to get your makeup done as well.”
He walked off towards the dressing room. Shou followed behind him, staring at the back of Yutaka’s thighs. The skirt was just barely covering his butt, for heaven’s sake. Luckily there was no wind inside the building. A light breeze and there’d be eyewitnesses.
The dressing room was empty now. The makeup kits had been removed from the tables, so Shou assumed that their stylist had already went home. Yutaka’s clothes were resting in a pile by the door. Shou would only get changed into something comfortable at home. He hadn’t brought a set of spare clothes to the shooting. He thought of removing his makeup, but decided he might just as well do it at home. Since they would be driven home together, he’d have to wait for Yutaka, though.
Shou closed the door behind himself, so no one from the camera team would walk by and accidently catch a glance of Yutaka changing. Not that Yutaka would be embarrassed by his own nudity, but after showing off his legs like this already, Shou decided seeing any more of him might be a bit too seductive for anyone from their staff.
Yutaka stared at his clothes indecisively.
“What are you waiting for?”, Shou scolded him.
It was high time Yutaka got out of those clothes and took off the wig. Shou was tired of feeling confused whenever it was alright to find him attractive that way or not.
“I think I will just change at home”, Yutaka said. “Let’s go already.”
“You can’t go out like that”, Shou protested, stepping in front of the door to block Yutaka’s way out.
Yutaka snorted. He put on a small pout. His lips looked very sexy that way. Just, objectively speaking.
“Well, we’ll just be in the car”, he said.
Shou frowned.
“The driver will get distracted by that skirt of yours and we’ll get into an accident. I’m not having that”, he said sternly.
Yutaka laughed quietly. His laughter sounded a little gentler today, Shou thought. More melodic. Sweeter, somehow.
“What’s with you and that skirt, really?”, he teased and tucked at the hem of it.
If he had been a woman, Shou would have found the gesture somewhat flirty. He was looking up at Shou through his lashes. But at the same time, he didn’t sound shy. He sounded challenging. Yutaka made for a good woman, yes, but a frightening one.
For the briefest moment, Shou considered admitting that the skirt unsettled him, because it made Yutaka look sexually attractive to him. But then he realized that it would be a pretty weird thing to say to your friend. It would sound like Shou meant it in a homosexual way. Which, very clearly, he did not.
“Aren’t you ashamed to be seen like that?”, he asked instead, sounding too harsh even for his own means.
He hadn’t meant to shame Yutaka in any way.
“Actually”, Yutaka said and raised his head to meet Shou’s gaze directly now. Somehow, Yutaka’s eyes fixed on his face, made Shou nervous. “If I’m being honest, I feel more confident this way.”
“Uhm”, Shou said.
He wasn’t sure what to say to that. It felt like Yutaka was pulling a joke on him and like Shou was supposed to give a joking reply in return. But on the other hand, Yutaka had spoken quite seriously. Was he trying to come out to Shou in some way? In that case, making a joke about it would be the most insensitive thing to do. But Yutaka had never given off the impression that he wanted to be … what even? A woman? A man who wore women’s clothes? Shou really didn’t know a lot about things like that.
“You never struck me as someone who is struggling with low confidence”, he finally observed.
Yutaka made a face that looked slightly flushed and embarrassed. Shou thought he had never seen him like that before. He wondered if that facial expression came with the outfit.
“It’s just that I feel braver like this”, Yutaka said. “Braver to do things I usually wouldn’t do.”
Shou could not think of anything that Yutaka might be scared of.
“Like what?”, he asked dumbfoundedly.
Yutaka took a sudden step towards him. Instinctively, Shou took a step back. Then he realized he was being stupid and tried to look casual.
“Flirting with you?”, Yutaka suggested, making it sound like a question.
Shou thought of the way Yutaka had put his hand on Shou’s thigh earlier. He usually didn’t do things like that – not with such seriousness at least.
“You like women, I know that”, Yutaka continued and took another step towards him.
This time, Shou managed to not back off. His throat felt dry. He had a suspicion where this conversation was heading, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about it.
“So, maybe”, Yutaka carried on. “When I’m like this.” He ran his hand up his own thigh, lifting the hem of his skirt just another few centimetres which caused Shou’s face to feel very hot. “You don’t mind so much, if I …”
He broke off and took another step towards Shou, so their bodies were almost touching now.
Shou felt nervous. Incredible nervous. He knew what was going to happen. He still didn’t know how it made him feel.
Yutaka leaned in and kissed him on the lips surprisingly gentle. It didn’t feel passionate, but not playful either. It felt tender and maybe a little hesitant.
He pulled back and looked at Shou.
Shou was aware that he was supposed to say something. His mind was completely blank, though. His lips felt weird. Tingly. It wasn’t a real sensation, but rather an itch that came from thinking about it too much. Yutaka had kissed those lips right now.
“I’m usually ashamed of those feelings”, Yutaka said, quietly. His voice sounded gentler when he lowered it. “But if it was Yutako, she wouldn’t have to feel ashamed. She wouldn’t have to be scared you’d hate her.”
Shou just looked at him for a moment.
The thought that Yutaka felt ashamed for liking him seemed absurd. They were friends. Even if Shou didn’t like him back, it wasn’t like he would hate him. They could talk about those things. Liking another guy was nothing shameful.
Slowly, Shou blinked.
Today, when staring at Yutaka’s legs, he had felt ashamed.
He had felt ashamed for being desperate enough to find the sight arousing. He had been scared of Yutaka noticing, because he would judge him for sure. Deep inside, Shou had felt ashamed for finding another man attractive, although his brain told him there was nothing to be ashamed of.
And he wondered how he felt, if he was honest with himself. If he stopped judging himself.
He looked at Yutaka and tried to forget about all the heteronormativity he had been taught throughout his life. If he allowed himself to find Yutaka attractive, how would he feel about him?
Shou leaned in and kissed him back.
Yutaka gave a surprised noise, that died out against Shou’s lips.
Shou reached up, putting his hand onto Yutaka’s neck. He felt the long, smooth hair of the wig tickling the back of his hand. His neck felt frail under his palm.
Yutaka softened against him, parting his lips. Their kiss turned more heated now. Shou was no longer holding back.
He had wanted to kiss Yutaka all day long.
He wasn’t sure if it was only because he looked like a pretty woman today, or because Yutaka was handsome in general and he hadn’t really noticed it so far.
Without breaking the kiss, Shou took a step forward, using his body to push Yutaka towards the dressing table.
He heard loud clattering as Yutaka collided with the table and then he started laughing against Shou’s mouth. The kiss became sloppy and he could feel Yutaka’s teeth. No woman he had kissed had ever laughed like this. Shou thought it felt surprisingly nice. Not in an arousing way, but in a way that lessened the tightness in his chest and gave him the feeling it was impossible to do anything wrong. Usually, Shou was quite good at worrying about doing something wrong.
Yutaka pulled free and then hopped onto the table. He sat on it, spreading his legs widely. The skirt was still covering his crotch, but his thighs were almost completely exposed now. Shou slipped in between them, putting his hands onto Yutaka’s thighs. He had wanted to do this all day long, too. His skin felt soft and smooth and his legs were very warm. They were pressing against Shou’s hips from both sides. He dug in his fingers lightly and watched Yutaka inhale sharply.
“We should definitely not continue this here”, Shou observed, sounding somewhat breathless.
“Agreed”, Yutaka said and then put his hands onto Shou’s shoulders, pulling him close to kiss him again.
Shou slipped his hands up a bit further. Against his fingertips, his could now sense the hemline of Yutaka’s pants underneath the skirt.
He broke the kiss again and tilted his head, now running his tongue down Yutaka’s neckline. His skin tasted a little salty. He kissed his bare shoulder, burying his face against his neck for a moment. The hair of the wig felt smooth and not very natural against his cheek. He inhaled Yutaka’s smell. There was the sweetness of his perfume, but underneath was something else, darker and more masculine; maybe the leftovers of Yutaka’s bodywash. It was a weird mix that somehow got him excited.
“Your perfume is driving me crazy”, he mumbled against Yutaka’s skin.
He didn’t mention that the same went for his thighs and his skirt and his kisses.
“Shou?”, Yutaka said, running his hands from Shou’s shoulders up his neck, until they entangled in his hair. He was gently pulling him to look back up.
Shou looked at Yutaka again.
His lips seemed even fuller now, swollen from kissing. His eyeliner was smudged, but only on the left side. Shou wondered how he had managed that without touching his face. He still looked pretty, though. Now that Shou allowed himself to view Yutaka as attractive, he suddenly couldn’t get enough of him. Yutaka was – without exaggeration – the prettiest woman Shou had ever been with.
“You want me to …” Yutaka hesitated. Shou noticed that he was indeed speaking a little high pitched now as if trying to imitate a woman’s way of speaking. Shou wished he would speak normally. “You want me to suck you? If I do it like this, you won’t even notice the difference.”
Shou stared at Yutaka’s swollen, glossy lips. He imagined them closing around his cock. He felt a throbbing in his pants.
“You know I’d never say no to that”, he said with a grin and leaned in to kiss Yutaka again.
His offer was generous, but Shou couldn’t get enough of kissing him just yet. He loved the sensation of Yutaka’s body pressing warm against himself. He loved to feel his arms around his shoulders and his legs around his waist.
He felt the strong desire to touch Yutaka’s crotch. That was what he would do with a woman right now. He’d slip his fingers into her panties to feel if she was wet, taking pleasure from the feeling as much as from the knowledge that their kisses were turning her on as much as they turned on him. He thought how good it would feel to know that Yutaka was hard as well. Maybe that would be crossing the line, maybe being reminded that Yutaka was a man would destroy the illusion and put him off. But in his mind, Shou thought it to be quite sexy instead.
He slipped his right hand to the inside of Yutaka’s thigh, going up under the skirt. Against his palm, he could sense Yutaka’s hard cock, surprised at how hot it felt even through the fabric of the pants. The feeling was quite sexy indeed.
Yutaka inhaled sharply, followed by a short whining noise that sounded as if he tried to suppress his voice.
Shou rubbed him through his pants teasingly, grinning as Yutaka’s whimpering turned louder and he felt his fingers digging into Shou’s shoulder violently.
“You don’t”, Yutaka gasped forcefully. “You don’t have to do this.”
Shou leaned back a little, just to watch Yutaka’s face more closely. He squinted his eyes slightly. Women wore that expression, too, at least when he did it right.
“You don’t have to do this?”, Shou repeated mockingly. “Usually this is when I get to hear: Shou, maybe this should wait until our second date.”
Yutaka snorted and a lopsided grin spread slowly on his face. He looked like himself again. Not like a pretty woman – with an admittedly male boner – but like Kyan Yutaka with a wig and makeup. And Shou thought, that actually, he looked even prettier when he smiled like that.
He pulled back his hand abruptly, realizing only now why Yutaka had felt uncomfortable about the touch. He thought that Shou minded. He thought Shou needed the clothes, the illusion to fool around with him. And maybe Shou had thought so too, just a little, and that was why he hadn’t protested sooner.
But he got excited by touching Yutaka’s dick and he got excited by his smile. He wanted to reassure Yutaka of that, but he also wanted to reassure himself.
Gently, he reached up, pushing back the wig from Yutaka’s forehead. He wore a black hairnet underneath. Shou took off the wig completely and threw it onto the table behind Yutaka.
“You even need that?”, he asked jokingly and pulled at the hairnet lightly. “For the bit of hair that you have left.”
Yutaka grabbed the hairnet and pulled it off with a jerk. His hair underneath looked both flat at the top of his head, and very messy everywhere else. Combined with the makeup, it looked ridiculous.
“You are just jealous, because they don’t make hairnets your size”, Yutaka shot back.
Shou laughed and kissed him on the lips, gentle and quick this time. He loved joking around with Yutaka and making fun of each other. He had loved it, before they even founded the band.
“We should really stop making out in the dressing room”, Yutaka said.
Shou nodded and reached for the hem of Yutaka’s top.
“Yes”, he confirmed. “We should take this to a hotel room already.”
Yutaka raised his arms without protest. Shou pushed up the top and pulled it over Yutaka’s head. His hair looked even more messy when it came off.
Shou stared at Yutaka’s chest. He was wearing a hot pink bra. Probably, it had been meant to create the illusion of boobs for the video, although it hadn’t done much good.
Shou gave it a knowing look.
“A cup?”, he guessed.
Yutaka rolled his eyes and grabbed Shou’s neck, pulling him close for another kiss. Shou’s lips were starting to feel sore.
He smiled into the kiss, reaching around Yutaka with one hand and fumbling with the clasp of his bra. He tried to pull back the fabric on one side to loosen the bra hooks. But instead of loosening them, he seemed to pull the entire backside off Yutaka’s back, without doing anything to open it.
Yutaka leaned back, pursing his lips and watching Shou’s face in amusement.
“I’ve got this”, Shou said.
Yutaka nodded.
“Sure, shoot me a message when you are done. Or when you are ready to admit you need help.”
“I’ve got this”, Shou repeated, pulling harder.
He had managed to open bras with one hand before. Sometimes. He might have gotten lucky, though.
“Okay, I have not gotten this”, he finally admitted and reached behind Yutaka with his second hand as well.
He fumbled with the clasp some more.
Yutaka started dangling his feet to either side of Shou. He pretended to suppress a yawn.
“What kind of witchery is this?”, Shou whined.
“I can’t believe there are actually women out there who had sex with you”, Yutaka said, shook his head gravely and reached behind himself, pushing Shou’s hands away.
He opened the bra at first try, stripped it off and slapped it onto Shou’s shoulder.
Shou pretended to wince.
“It’s a complicated technology!”, he defended himself.
“No, it’s not, you are just stupid”, Yutaka said.
Shou looked at his face. Yutaka was grinning. By now, his makeup was smudged across both eyes. He looked incredible.
Shou put his hand onto Yutaka’s lower back, pulling his upper body closer to himself. He kissed his neck again, this time hearing Yutaka moan softly. He seemed to have given up on suppressing his voice, or maybe he had just reached the conclusion that it wouldn’t scare Shou off. Shou liked the sound of it quite a lot.
Yutaka’s hands were on his hips by now, holding on to him lightly.
Shou wondered if it was alright to touch his chest. He kind of wanted to touch his breasts like he wanted to touch female boobs, but he wasn’t sure if that was a normal thing to do. Did dudes touch each other’s boobs as well? Or was that a habit developed by his heterosexual experiences and wasn’t appropriate in this specific situation?
Shou hesitated, but then he reached the conclusion that the worst thing happening would be Yutaka making fun of him. Since that wasn’t really anything new, Shou figured he might as well risk it. He had never felt as much at ease with anyone else before. It was just Yutaka. The thought was soothing. It was comforting. There was nothing Shou had to feel ashamed of.
He reached up, cupping Yutaka’s breast with his hand, massaging it quite firmly. It felt harder than touching boobies, but then not that much different from small boobs. Shou concluded that whatever the differences or similarities, it felt equally good.
Yutaka’s knees were pressing into his side a little firmer now, which Shou interpreted as encouragement to keep going.
He bent his head, kissing down Yutaka’s collarbone until he reached his nipple, flicking it with his tongue, then nudging it with his teeth carefully.
Yutaka shuddered against him. Shou could sense it all over, since their bodies were so close. He even felt it against his crotch. He moaned very quietly in return.
Looking down Yutaka’s body, he saw the waistband of his skirt digging into his skin.
Shou loved skirts. He had tried hard not to think about it too much for the entire day, but he really, really loved skirts. What was exciting about skirts was knowing you only needed to push them up a bit and you already reached the panties. And with those, it was only one layer left until nudity. Right now, all he had to do, was pull down Yutaka’s pants and he’d practically be naked. In this position, if he leaned back a little and if Shou took out his own dick, he’d be able to fuck him without further problems. Not that he was considering doing that. Shou had never considered doing that with another man before. And he wasn’t even sure if Yutaka would be alright with it. He shouldn’t image how easy it would be right now and how good it would feel. Shou’s penis was throbbing again.
“I know what you are thinking right now”, Yutaka said.
Shou stopped kissing his chest to look up.
“You don’t”, he said firmly.
He felt his cheeks heating up even more, but he assumed Yutaka would not be able to tell the difference. Shou probably looked flushed already anyway.
Yutaka could not possibly know the shameful thoughts Shou had had just now. He could not know that Shou wanted to do something so extreme to him.
Yutaka leaned against him, bringing his lips closer to Shou’s ear, so he could lower his voice.
“My handbag is by the door with my clothes. The side pocket on the back”, he whispered. “There are condoms inside.”
Shou felt himself tense up.
Was Yutaka really offering him what he thought he was offering right now?
“Are you … are you sure?”, he stuttered.
“Dude”, Yutaka said, leaning back and raising his voice again. He nodded down to his crotch. Although the skirt was technically covering it, it did nothing to hide the bulge of Yutaka’s erection showing visibly. Shou thought that skirts looked sexy with a boner underneath. Weird. That was clearly something he had never thought about before.
“Does that look like I have any doubts to you?”
Shou chuckled, but he still felt hesitant.
“Have you ever …?” He broke off. “Have you ever done it before?”
This time, he could see Yutaka hesitate as well. For a moment, there was no emotion showing on his face at all, as if he still hadn’t decided on how to feel.
“It’s only been you”, he finally said and shrugged as if he felt somewhat embarrassed by it. “It’s been women and you.”
Shou swallowed. He understood how big a confession that was. It must have been him for a long time then.
“But don’t worry”, Yutaka added hastily as if he had noticed the mood was growing too heavy and meaningful. “My body is ready. I bought myself a dildo.”
Shou managed to choke on nothing but air.
“You what?”, he assured.
Yutaka shrugged again, this time peaking up at Shou through his lashes. It was his flirty, challenging look again.
“I wanted to know what it would feel like to have you inside”, he said. “I only ever thought of you when using it.” He paused. “And sometimes of that foreign AV actor I once saw in an American porn, but that guy was fine as …”
Shou kissed Yutaka to shut him up again. Both of them were smiling into the kiss. He liked it when Yutaka talked silly like that. It was so very much him and Shou wanted to kiss him whenever he made a stupid joke and he wanted to hold him and he wanted to tell him how much he loved Yutaka being himself.
“I just want it to be nice for you”, he mumbled close to Yutaka’s face. “Especially if it’s your first …”
Yutaka slapped his shoulder lightly.
“Please”, he said. “You are allowed to treat me like a woman, but dare you treat me like a lady.”
Shou chuckled.
“Alright then”, he said quietly and reached under Yutaka’s skirt until he found the waistband of his pants.
Then he knelt down on the floor in front of the table, pulling down Yutaka’s pants. Yutaka had to shift his weight for it, so Shou managed to pull them out from under him. He closed his legs, so Shou was able to push the pants down to his angles.
“Don’t treat me like a lady, he says”, Shou muttered. “And still has me taking off his shoes.”
Yutaka laughed loudly as Shou took off his shoes first and then his pants. He was still kneeling in front of him.
Shou pushed up the skirt to expose Yutaka’s erection towering up. Yutaka spread his legs again, allowing Shou to get close.
Shou eyed his penis curiously. He had never seen it erect like this.
He stuck out his tongue, running it along the downside of Yutaka’s dick. The taste wasn’t nearly as strong as he had assumed. It felt hot and smooth against his tongue. Yutaka groaned loudly.
Shou got up from the floor, pleased by the reaction.
“And there I have been worried to gross you out for years”, Yutaka observed and flicked his tongue. “I should have known you are a pervert.”
Grinning Shou walked over to the door, taking his time to turn the key before checking for the bag. He couldn’t believe they had allowed things to get this far when someone might have walked in on them any moment. Shou had completely forgotten about it. Yutaka had either forgotten as well, or he just hadn’t cared. Knowing Yutaka, both was possible.
Shou found the side pocket, opening it to a number of wrapped condoms. He took out one and shook his head visibly.
“I can’t believe you just carry those around with you”, he stated. “You are clearly more optimistic than me.”
Yutaka let out a barking laughter.
“I’m more handsome than you, too”, he said.
Shou turned back to him to stick out his tongue. Yutaka winked at him.
Unbuttoning his jeans, Shou walked back towards him. Yutaka had shifted his position and the skirt was falling back in place. Yutaka reached under it, starting to move his hand. He pulled a dreadful face at Shou, that made Shou laugh, but that also somehow turned him on, because he noticed Yutaka’s chest heaving a little more violently now.
Shou pulled down his own pants and exhaled with relief. They had grown uncomfortable tight for his erection. He ripped open the condom, putting it onto his cock with not so practiced motions.
“You don’t have lube or anything with you, do you?”, he assured, worried if Yutaka would be alright.
He had always thought of sex between men as something somewhat unpleasant, something that you did not want done to yourself. But then he was aware, that it was probably just the stigma of homosexuality in Japan in general and had nothing to do with the actual experience. From what he had figured, gay men seemed to enjoy sex, too.
“This might come surprising to you, but I do not carry a sex store around with me”, Yutaka said, rolling his eyes.
“It does come a little surprising to me”, Shou agreed. “Since you have enough condoms on you to provide for an entire brothel.”
“I won’t be judged by the person who keeps the whole tissue industry running just by himself”, Yutaka shot back and grinned.
Then he pulled back his hand from under the skirt and leaned back, spreading his legs and putting his feet into the air in a way that made him look like a frog, if that frog had to struggle with a serious physical disability.
Shou laughed, but he also felt excited. Yutaka was the only person who had ever made him feel this very specific mixture.
He stepped in between his legs, letting Yutaka wrap them around his waist. One of Yutaka’s hands was on the table plate behind him, support his weight while leaning back. The other one he now placed on Shou’s shoulder, grabbing him firmly for support.
Shou shot him a short smile, suddenly feeling nervous. So, they would really do it. Him and Yutaka. His friend. His bandmember. They would fuck. What a scandal.
Shou took hold of his erection, guiding it as he pushed up against Yutaka.
Yutaka tilted back his head and moaned as Shou first entered him. His insides clenched down tightly on the head of Shou’s dick. He moaned loudly as well. This definitely felt better than they made you believe.
He pushed his hips forward carefully, making sure to enter Yutaka slowly. He had to keep himself in check to not thrust into Yutaka in one go. The sensation was so great, it almost made him lose self-control.
Finally, he was buried inside Yutaka almost completely. He paused to give both of them time to adjust to the feeling.
Yutaka exhaled shakily, though he did not look very much in distress.
“That feels bigger than expected”, he owned up.
“And that was only the first half”, Shou joked. Both of their laughter sounded breathless.
Shou grabbed Yutaka’s hips, right where his thighs were starting. He held him in place firmly as he started with small, slow thrusts. The fact that Shou was standing made it easy for him to control his motions and regulate their impact.
Yutaka closed his eyes and moaned softly. His lips were parted and curling up. It looked like he was smiling. Shou was going in and out at almost full length now. It felt amazing.
Yutaka opened his eyes again, digging only his forefinger harder into Shou’s shoulder now as if trying to give him a signal.
Shou met his eyes, though he felt slightly embarrassed by it. His breath was coming heavy and he didn’t feel in full control of his facial expressions.
“Hey”, Yutaka gasped out. “I told you, I’m not a lady, right? No need to go easy on me.”
Shou jerked his hips forward violently as a form of teasing. A funny sound escaped Yutaka’s lips, that was somewhere between a gasp and a moan. Shou felt his entire body shuddering and realized, he had done something right.
He started using more impact with his pounding, still watching for Yutaka’s reaction. Yutaka tilted back his head and started moaning soft words of encouragement. Shou decided that it was alright to let himself go just a little. He closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling. Yutaka felt hot around him and Shou’s entire body felt feverish. All by himself, sex was usually significantly less fun.
He thrusted a little harder even, now hearing a thud whenever he jerked his hips forward. He opened his eyes to check and realized he was shoving the entire table with Yutaka on it against the wall and caused a rhythmical rapping. Shortly, he worried if it would possibly be heard outside the dressing room, but Yutaka’s voice was so loud by now, that chances were high they’d be heard anyway. Shou decided he felt too good currently to worry about it.
He looked down. Yutaka’s dick was bouncing up and down under the skirt in the rhythm of Shou’s pounds. Shou thought of touching him, but then his fingers were digging into Yutaka’s hips quite violently and he couldn’t bring himself to let go. In this position, he was in full control of his motions and knowing his own clumsiness, Shou was not willing to give up on that. Moreover, the hot, clenching sensation of thrusting into Yutaka occupied really all of his concentration and he wasn’t sure he would be able to coordinate his hand properly to get him off.
As if he had read his thoughts, Yutaka’s hand now vanished from Shou’s shoulder, reaching down between them. He pushed back the fabric of the skirt, closing his hand around him own erection. Shou watched him stroking himself with fast and hard flicks of his wrist while he kept fucking him. The sight alone was nearly enough to send him over the edge.
Yutaka’s voice turned darker all of a sudden, more guttural. Shou felt his whole body tightening and then he saw Yutaka spilling white semen all over his hand and the hem of his skirt.
Shou groaned, squeezing his eyes shut to keep going just a little bit longer. His thrusts were coming frantic and uneven by now and he was holding on to Yutaka even tighter. With a last moan, he allowed the orgasm to wash over him, a warm feeling flooding his system and the whole vision behind his eyelids turning white. Just for a moment, Shou forgot everything around him. It felt like floating.
Then he opened his eyes again, looking into Yutaka’s exhausted face. The already messy hair now stuck to his sweaty forehead and Shou really wondered how he had managed to smudge his makeup like this. He was smiling at him.
Shou pulled back, somehow managing to pull the condom of his limp dick. He wiped his fingers on Yutaka’s stained skirt. His knees felt so weak, he just wanted to lay down somewhere. Shortly, he considered just colliding on top of Yutaka, because it felt impossible to stand up any longer. His body was warm and heavy and radiating a peacefulness from the inside that Shou hadn’t felt in a long time.
Yutaka sat up straight again, wrapping his arms around Shou and burying his face against his neck.
Shou leaned against him, wrapping his arms around Yutaka’s waist as well. It felt as if he was holding him upright. Yutaka was leaning in on him, too. Maybe, they were holding each other upright.
Yutaka’s upper body felt warm and slightly sweaty. Shou could feel his chest heaving with each breath. For a moment, it felt as if they were glued together, turned into one by the afterglow they were sharing.
Shou usually felt good after sex and – he hoped – the women usually felt good, too, but to him it had always been a separate wellbeing. He had felt good on his own. But he didn’t know how to talk to the other person afterwards. Once they were done with sex, it felt like they lost their connection, their motivation for staying together. Aside from feeling pleased, Shou tended to feel somewhat empty after sex, too, and somehow lonely. But right now, he felt neither of those things. Yutaka was his friend before he was someone he wanted to get laid with. After sex, he was still his friend. That felt pretty amazing.
Shou rubbed his cheek against Yutaka’s shoulder affectionately. The smell of his perfume seemed to have intensified as if there had been a chemical reaction with Yutaka’s sweat. Shou remembered their conversation earlier.
“That person you were in love with”, he said quietly. “Why your ex left you. Was that me?”
Yutaka’s body trembled in his arms as he chuckled.
“No, that was the other guy I confessed to today”, he said sarcastically.
Shou laughed quietly as well and straightened up to look at Yutaka.
“How are you feeling?”, he asked.
Yutaka made a face.
“Seriously, my butt hurts”, he said in a whiny tone of voice.
“Really?”, Shou assured, suddenly worried he had been a little too hard on Yutaka indeed.
“Yeah”, Yutaka confirmed and let go of Shou to knock his knuckles against the table plate he was still sitting on. “Because this table is uncomfortable as hell.”
“Oi, idiot”, Shou said and nudged Yutaka against the shoulder gently.
He thought that this felt incredible nice. Joking with Yutaka, holding him like this. The sex had felt great, too.
“I also”, he said and then hesitated. “Don’t really dislike you all that much.”
Yutaka snorted.
“I figured”, he said.
Shou shook his head and forced himself to meet Yutaka’s eyes, although he felt a little embarrassed by it still.
“I don’t just mean physically”, he clarified. “More like, ah, romantically.”
“Kiryuuin Shou”, Yutaka said mockingly. “The master of romantic confessions.”
Shou rolled his eyes and watched Yutaka’s typical lopsided grin spreading slowly. He seemed happy.
“Want to get dressed and head out of here?”, Shou suggested.
Yutaka nodded and looked down on himself.
“Ah, damn”, he said.
Shou followed his gaze.
His skirt had stains of drying cum all over it.
“Looks like I ruined the skirt”, Yutaka observed.
“You know, don’t worry about it”, Shou said and looked up again, grinning widely. “I think the skirt was too short anyway.”
10 notes · View notes
elee-thesis · 5 years
How can Typing express a Tantrum ?
This week I focused on the question "How can taken-for-granted technologies express queerness?", a question posed in the article I read last week by Adrienne Shaw and Katherine Sender. The question wasn't exactly addressed quite as literally as I'd like it to be, so I chose to focus on that as my main question for the week. This week I created two lists, one representing taken-for-granted technologies, and other elements of "queerness", or what I think might encompass queerness in the context of technology. I've included the list below:
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I then wrote a script that essentially matched elements of tech with those of queerness at random, and generated new questions.
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The three questions that it generated are the following: 1) How can Typing express a Tantrum  ? 2) How can Close Buttons express Promiscuity  ? 3) How can Computer Windows express Silliness  ? "How can Typing express a Tantrum?" Felt like a good place to start to simply see what came from trying to modify typing to represent such a human expression. I first started thinking about technology associated with typing in order to see if I could tap into anything that might be an entry point for creating a tantrum.
Below I've listed out a few typing-based technologies:
• QWERTY keyboard        ○ Meant to make typing faster by grouping frequently used letters closer to the sides of the keyboards (where the hands sit) • "Texting" acronyms        ○ Meant to speedily communicate commonly used multi-word phrases • Autocomplete        ○ Meant to "predict" what a user might want to type next • Autocorrect        ○ Meant to correct a misspelling by guessing the closest word to the misspelling • Speech to Text       ○ Meant to comprehend spoken words and translate them into written text My main question became: how might we envision these productivity, efficiency-based technologies expressing the actions and feelings associated with a tantrum? First I decided to think about the physical symptoms of a tantrums and their cause.
Wikipedia classifies a tantrum as an "emotional outburst" typically "characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, violence, defiance, angry ranting, a resistance to attempts at pacification". A tantrum, I could say might consists of the following:
• Unpredictability • Increase in speed/ out of control-ness • Resistance to pacification • Erratic-ness • Nonsense/ incomprehensible-ness • Destruction (?)
Now, what might the above typing-technologies look like with these properties applied?
• QWERTY keyboard       ○ A shifting of keys, moving away from fingers.       ○ Sudden replacement of keys with other letters       ○ Keys springing off the keyboard       ○ Taking on the opposite speed of the user's hands (keys moving even faster away if the users attempt to calmly type) • "Texting" acronyms       ○ An erratic transformation of any string of words into an acronym       ○ Acronyms appearing more like code for a phrase rather than corresponding to the first letter of every word in that phrase • Autocomplete       ○ Nonsense prediction, predicting words that don't make sense in the context       ○ Nonsense prediction, predicting words that aren't real words, but rather strings of characters       ��� A prediction of negative words       ○ A rapid cycling of words • Autocorrect      ○ Automatically correcting any and all words to nonsense words      ○ Choosing words at random to "correct"      ○ Correcting words to misspellings • Speech to Text      ○ Blatant mistranslation      ○ Negative, threatening translation      ○ Nonsense translation      ○ Translating speech back into more speech, but perhaps someone else's voice, saying something else
After thinking more about my prototype, I eventually decided to abandon focusing on a specific piece of technology associated with typing! Instead I found it more productive to try and think about typing in the context of the internet, via a text box or form, something that I think the majority of computer-users have some degree of familiarity with. To me, this felt like a good basis to explore typing from.
Below is a video of the results!
I decided to try and create a text box that essentially responds to how you interact with it. While you type, the box begins to shake, the size of the font changes, and words and phrases such as "UGH!" or "I'm BORED" are typed at random, interjecting the user's typing. At it's most furious, the background changes colors rapidly, the box shakes uncontrollably, and the content of the text both is illegible. This felt like I was able to capture a tantrum, and others seem to think it also felt that way, and that the experience provoked a pretty intense reaction of frustration and anger.
The takeaways are still not totally apparent to me just yet. While the experience was jarring and not something I had experienced before, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. How might experiencing this on a day to day basis change the way I reacted with the internet? Would there be a way to calm down the text I had generated? After doing a bit more research on tantrums, it sounds like they stem from an inability to cope with the situation, resulting in a meltdown instead. Interestingly, a site called parents.com suggests that parents try and give their children their full attention and be mindful of their need to be an autonomous person, with needs and desires. "Look for opportunities to point out his good behaviors, even the small ones. The more favorable attention he gets for a desired behavior, the more likely he is to do it again." Who knows if I should be taking parenting advice from a site called parents.com, but alas, I chose to think more deeply about tantrum prevention according to their tips. How might I praise the text I type for doing a good job of appearing on the page? What might that look like? Ultimately I think this research sent me down the rabbit hole, and I don't quite know what to make of it. Something about it does feel fruitful, I think I need a little more time to fully piece it together.
The big question that comes to mind: should I be creating technology that mirrors human behavior?
I don't have an answer to that, and think this week I should probably do some research on this subject.  
After struggling to interpret my work above, I wanted to do another deep dive on why exactly I'm choosing to focus on this question. I've dumped my brain out about this below:
I want to see if actively destroying the system that most technology is based on might change the way we engage with it. In "[In Situ] Art Body Medicine" Zack Blas writes about queer technology as necessity to counter a society increasingly defined by technology. He asks "Or, is there a subcultural technology that offers empowering, subversive structures and processes to all bodies, producing a freedom that exists as fact—a freedom that is foreign to no one?" How might creating queer technology, specifically that subverts or resists these power paradigms, carve out a space for all kinds of oppressed people to find safety and freedom in their existence? When thinking about destabilizing or disempowering, my first question revolves around how I might create in order to take power away. After reading another interview with Zack Blas, it became clear that technology is rendered "powerless" when it is no longer useful. Blas also writes "I think Queer Technologies wants to work in the interstices of useful and useless, or to find new uses through the useless. Importantly, this is not about deconstruction, it is about use, about doing something, experimenting with new ways of doing and making things happen." The system that I refer to above casts out "useless" as un-useable. In this week's thesis adventure, I plan to focus on the "useless" first. How might I strip certain features of usefulness? This week feels more about the experimentation, meaning, what might com from this? I think the weeks prior will hopefully be able making sense of the useless and how I might "find new uses through the useless".
Secondary Research
In order to think more about human-like technology I think I definitely need to do more research on that. I also want to do more research specifically on "useless" tech, to see what others have done and have to say about it. I plan to check out the internet mostly, but I plan to also contact any designers or artists who might be able to help. Lastly, I've been thinking a bit about "Chindogu" meaning strange/curious tool or device, a practice created by Kenji Kawakami of making useless or mostly useless tools. While I don't know a ton about it, I think it might be interesting to research to see how it might benefit/ the overlap with the queer tech I'm trying to design.
I plan to document this research in a section in my online notebook entitled "research", and also bookmark the articles, text, and literature I find on either Zotero or Are.na. I hope this week can be research-filled, but I'm also wary of getting too deep into research.
The Letter
Thinking about who my research might impact still remains a difficult question. While my question might seem pretty academic in nature, I'm wary of it becoming that, as I'm not someone who really ever felt truly comfortable in academia. So, I don't think the audience is folks in academia, but I'm hoping it'll be accessible to perhaps, young people. Truthfully, I'm struggling to come up with 5 different people that my design is for, but I think young people feels right. I know personally growing up I really heavily relied on spaces like Tumblr that allowed me to express myself and discover who I was and in some ways, continue to be at the time. Of course, Tumblr became more commercial, ended up limiting people with new rules, and users started to drop off, not feeling like it was quite *their* space any longer. I hope at the very least the tech that I end up building can create a system that isn't incentivized by the need to grow larger and create more efficient, productive blog systems.
To those that feel trapped by their technology, but compelled to use it nonetheless,
I certainly feel this way. I grew up totally enamored by the idea of technology, hoping that I could one day feel powerful using it. Perhaps you felt this too, and today, you feel the ways that this vision has never quite manifested. Yes, technology is "more powerful than ever" but it's never really helped empower you. Instead, you feel that it's using you in the name of success for faceless entities. You have a hard time putting down your phone after scrolling for hours, the systems you use don't quite recognize the person that you are, or perhaps they aggressively try to categorize you into a neat box. Perhaps if you're like me, you feel let down. 
I'm interested in breaking down this system, and while I recognize that it's a giant task, I  plan to start small. What might a world of personal technology look like that doesn't rely on us, for example? How might we redefine what's "useful" on an individual level, veering away from productivity, efficiency, speed. What would it look like to interact with something that like you, is socially anxious, is gentle when you're feeling particularly vulnerable, or unreasonable when it hasn't had its need met? I'm not quite sure how to answer these questions just yet, but I'm curious to see what might come of it.
Write to me to tell you about your story! I'm so curious…
Final Thoughts
Though I've peppered my week's reflection throughout this blog post, I wanted to close out this post with a brief summary. I believe I've gotten closer to the *why* but I still don’t totally understand the *how* or even the *what*, and feel a bit thrown off by it. I understand that the thesis process can sometimes become increasingly confusing as you get more detailed, but I'm definitely having a hard time. My goals for this week are to continue to research, and perhaps think more deeply about my project in the context of how other people have thought about this subject. I plan to do more secondary research and hope that that informs a new project for me to create by next weekend.
0 notes
iownmywiiulegit · 6 years
Metroid Prime 4: #1- The Lay of the Land
This is the beginning of documentation representing my journey through the Metroid franchise by Nintendo.  First, a warning: This next little bit is a flashback that leads up to now.  
When Nintendo first mentioned that Metroid Prime 4 was in development I thought man, I really should beat the first Metroid Prime.  Back in the days before the Wii I worked my Metroid Prime all the way up to the Ridley battle and then set it down for a few years.  I got into different games like Soul Calibur II and Tales of Symphonia.  Soul Calibur was a great bro bonding game and I still think it is.  The next few years were spent focusing on college and then I bought a Wii.  I thought the Gamecube was obsolete at this point since my Wii could play Gamecube games, but man was I wrong.  Buying the Wii U proved this to me.  I wanted to play all discs on one system but I couldn’t do that.  I wanted (and still want) purity with my consoles.  This resulted in my going hard into my Gamecube again and getting the hardware peripherals that made it stand on par with the Wii, if not debatably better.  I bought the digital component cable for a wildly discounted price on eBay, and the Gameboy player and disc.  I got super lucky in finding the component cables at the price I found them at and I think the seller was in a pinch because it WAS around the holidays and I was just randomly checking the listings and was like “holy crap.”  No bidding, just buy it now.  Can’t say, won’t say.  It was also around this time that Nintendo announced that they were starting development for Metroid Prime all over from scratch.  Hearing this news felt like hearing a referee pistol.  If Nintendo was going to give me a fair warning that shit was getting real about Metroid Prime 4, then it’s up to me to get on the ball and meet Nintendo and Retro Studios in stride.  My instincts told me to go beat my original Metroid Prime file, finally.  My hardware was excellent and Nintendo sent the official signal; let’s go.
Turning on Metroid Prime for the first time in years with my original save file still intact, I expected to me extremely rusty at the controls and traversing the landscape.  Surprisingly it came back fairly quickly and before I knew it I was blasting different colored Metroids away no problem.  What I didn’t realize was exactly how close I was to actually beating the game.  The final boss was all I had to defeat.  Really?  17 years just for that?  If my memory serves me correctly, I simply just didn’t want the game to end.  I do that.  Leave books unfinished, leave movies before the end, compose music and leave the ending open, and I don’t know why.  I want time to soak into the experience and really savor it.  Perhaps I’m not so much a voracious consumer of entertainment but rather an appreciative connoisseur.  Back in 2004, I remember being at a drummer’s house that I was in drum corps with, and he was a stupid competitive type that turned everything into a pissing contest.  Once he found out that I had gotten all the way up to Ridley or something he set out to beat that game asap.  It was when he was at the final boss that I got my first glimpse of the future 15 years later.  Damn.  
Anyway, I beat Prime but I still have this amazing fully loaded Gamecube that has the OEM digital component cable, and Gameboy Advance player.  My next move was obvious.  I wasn’t done with the original Metroid Prime yet, not by a long shot!  If you’re a fan of Metroid, you love finding secrets and collecting all de tings.  To get the full original Metroid Prime experience, I had to play and beat Metroid Fusion for the Gameboy Advance.  I eBay-ed it up asap.  It’s kinda funny- Fusion showed up in the mail right on the day or day after I beat Prime.  Pretty cool.
Getting into Metroid Fusion was something I wasn’t ready for but always wanted.  It was Super Metroid that turned me into a fan.  The music, the beautiful colors, the crunchy explosions, and the search really got me looking in every nook and cranny in each level.  I wanted more and Fusion was it but I didn’t have a Gameboy Advance and wasn’t going to shell out even more money if I wasn’t going hard into games back then.  At that time I was so into music and rocking harder than life could offer that I just could not afford to allocate money toward a handheld that still was not backlit.  Fuck that.  When I saw pictures of Fusion all I could think was that it was Super Metroid 2.  After playing it, man, was I right about that.
Metroid Fusion is so amazing.  I love 2D Metroid-style games.  Hell, I spent a large part of 2018 playing through the indie game A Robot Named Fight on Steam and currently have a thoroughly played but not beaten Axiom Verge save file on my Wii U.  Again, Nintendo gave the signal and I had to run with it so here we are.  What I love about Fusion is quite a few things.  I love the graphics.  The colors are so vibrant and all the sprites look lively.  Even though the Gameboy Advance’s resolution is apparent on a 480p screen, it still plays amazingly.  The controls are tight and intuitive.  I did get lost a lot and backtracked often to find that random wall that needed to be blown through to progress to the next area.  I love how the security levels kept me from progressing just enough to experience the game unfold before me.  Oh man, I loved hiding from SA-X.  What a cool addition.  I swore a lot at the spider boss because it took me the most tries to defeat.  It was somewhere around that point where I thought that this game wasn’t for amateur platform players.  You really had to have a handle on things to get any further.  The moment Fusion Stole my heart was in chapter 11, at Plant Core X.
In Metroid Other M, there were oftentimes feelings of isolation and maybe even mild claustrophobia.  The same could even go for the final boss in Metroid Prime.  There’s something really gross-but-in-a-cool-way about destroying a slimy bug hive in a dark triple sub basement, especially if you have to spelunking your way to perform the extermination.  In Fusion, it’s sooo different, but the feeling is eerily similar in a way that I absolutely love.  When I first experience Plant Core X, I didn’t think I would be emotionally attached to my character.  I didn’t think I was Samus.  But then I kept getting dragged into the poisonous flower swamp that released deadly spores into the air in a wide horizontal sine wave pattern.  The music was minimal and just a little quieter than the rest of the game.  I kept trying to jump out of the swamp but I couldn’t get out.  It frustrated me because it interrupted my flow.  I felt helpless and that my situation was serious, even over my head.  I was suffocating.  I felt connected to Samus and like I had entered an extremely deadly area.  If Samus is an exterminator, this place was ground zero for the cause of everything in Fusion.  Don’t get me wrong- all the other bosses are vital to making up the game but at Plant Core X, Samus gets into deep shit.  Imagine that you’re stuck in a poisonous swamp or quicksand and you keep trying to jump out but the sludge keeps pulling you back in.  Now imagine all that while the air around you is raining poisonous dandelion seeds.  There’s no way you can’t get hit or sucked into the swamp.  What an amazing experience.  I couldn’t believe what I was feeling.  Here’s a YouTube link to this experience but it’s not me playing.  Whoever played in this video did way better than me but I think you can get an idea of what I’m talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=347poZRrbrQ
Just last week I beat Fusion but didn’t do so well in collecting all the little things in the game. The final boss was cool and well drawn for the time period and hardware imho.  My main goal was to unlock the original NES Metroid in my copy of Metroid Prime on the Gamecube.  Since I have a Gameboy Advance that my dad found on a school bus and no kids claimed, I used it to link up to my cube with the Fusion cart and unlocked Metroid.  
That brings us to the current moment.  Today I figured out how to save my original Metroid game on the Gamecube.  This was a little confusing because the Gamecube controller doesn’t have a select button like the original NES.  Instead it’s the Z button.  To save while you’re playing the game, you need a second controller, just like in the original Legend of Zelda, and while paused push UP and A to initiate the save screen without dying.  
I can’t wait to get into it.  When the original Metroid screen comes up on my HDTV in a somewhat aliased 480p widescreen picture, I am immediately in a time warp.  Since I never played the original Metroid as a kid, my only memories of that game are from looking at strategy guides that didn’t show you everything.  I didn’t think much of it then because Mario was it.  I used to watch the title screen to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link over and over again as a kid and look into the stars on the screen and just wonder endlessly about anything. It cast a spell over me or something; I was captivated.  With Metroid, the original, it is now happening again. The game is brand new to me and I couldn’t give a care to anything modern as far as gaming and technology if I tried.  The stars in the background, the blinking letters of METROID, the fairly quick opening sequence loop-  all of this shows me that I’ve never grown up from being a kid after all.  I’m still the same after all these years.  The world can only help me build character and deep down I’m just the same kid that gets filled with endless wonder when 8 bit Nintendo does it’s thing.  Amazing.
For a current side note, I’d like to add that in Fusion, you can hear sound effects that are similar to those in the Virtual Boy’s Galactic Pinball.  Although the composer for Fusion was not the same as Galactic Pinball, Galactic Pinball’s composer was the same for Super Metroid and Mike Tyson’s Punch Out: Kenji Yamamoto.  You can hear similarities everywhere like Yamamoto was consulted often.  And if you’re not aware, Galactic Pinball does have a miniature Metroid space shooter game as a bonus easter egg on one of the tables. I like to think that only the hardcore Nintendo fans know this.  
Anyway.  I’ll report back as soon as more progress is made with the original Metroid.  In the meantime, here is my most recent Twitter post with a pic documenting where things are at.  
0 notes
miragablog · 7 years
Top 10 Mahou Shoujo Shows for Babies (Part 1)
I’ll be the first person to admit, getting into Mahou Shoujo is hard.
With the lacking amount of accessible critique and over the top presentation shows of the genre adopt,
It can be genuinely uninviting for many anime fans to get a foot in the door that is Magical Girl.
After my last video, I received a handful of comments asking about what I’d recommend as great gateway shows for a newbie.
While a recommendations list is all good and well, giving context to why these shows are worth your time is what i’m more interested in talking about today.
Before getting into the list I’d like to clarify that the choice being presented arnt tiered based on quality nor personal preference.
Some of these shows I love more than others and others not so much; However when recommending shows to try in a sub genre like Mahou shoujo, I find it counterproductive to introduce ratings when breaking down audience bias.
Also I’m judging the viability of these shows on their first five episodes, maybe a few chapters of the manga.
With that out of the way, let's get into the first section….
Kill la Kill
In a world where facism has taken hold of Japanese government, scissor blade wielding badass Ryuko Matoi is on a quest to avenge the death of her father. This brings her to Honnouji Academy, a school run by the iron fist of Satsuki Kiryuin. 
For the sake of finding her father’s murderer, Ryuko must demonstrate pride in her body and fighting spirit with the help of a bloodthirsty seifuku known as Senketsu.
Let's say you made a magical cheesecake. Amongst the common choices, of strawberries, banana and cherries you dig through and find the tangy lemon that is Hiroyuki Imaishi’s Kill la Kill.
Trigger has done some fantastic work in its six years as a studio, revolutionizing modern anime as we know it. 
However what I never hear ANYBODY talk about is how Imaishi and co.’s work has pushed the concept of the Magical Girl.Kill La kill is a bombastic, stylish addition to the genre and a fantastic entry point for introducing others to Mahou Shoujo. 
It has a really fresh, fun take on the Magical warrior, in its most literal form. The use of a mascot character being the transformation item is rare enough, but including symbiote-esc elements to the costume as a whole is something i’ve never really seen done outside of comic books stateside. 
While some may critique the shows use of “Fanservice” to be pandering or perverted, I don't think it should be a roadblock in trying KLK out. Most of the nudity presented serves into a message about confidence and having pride in who you are.
It's not trite BS like what you see in Queens Blade or (shudder) Master of Martial Hearts.
If you’re trying to get your little brother or a friend to try Mahou shoujo without having to preface starting crunchyroll with a disclaimer- about how your a real man, throw this on with a bowl of popcorn and a pitcher of lemonade. You’ll have a blast.
Shugo Chara
Amu Himamori is, for all intensive purposes, popular.
Or is she feared?
The “Cool and Spicy” character surrounding Amu pervades the relationships she tries to make with others.
Despite her crushingly shy nature, classmates interpret everything she does in a rebellious lense, perpetuating rumors without making the effort to get to know Amu outside of her reputation.
But in a miraculous turn of events, she is given the chance to rectify her social standing with the blessing of three strange eggs known as Chara, portions of Amu’s buried personality that act as guardian angels.
Originally watching the show while airing in 2008, I can say that Shugo Chara is a contender with the likes of Pretty Cure when it comes to presentation. I’m surprised I don't hear more people talk about the series to be honest.
Transformation sequences are minimal but catch the eye.
The concept of having multiple characters to change in and out of when needed lends to keeping the audience guessing, especially when paired transformations with new Chara come into play.
In combination, Peach-Pits colorful art design and Kenji Yasuda’s directing kept me glued to the screen.
While the shows premise isn't horribly original, Shugo chara stands out for it’s “heart on it’s sleeve” approach to character development.
Overall Shugo Chara has a very child friendly plot while addressing overlooked themes in most bishoujo.  
Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
Keeping this one nice and sweet as i’ve already mentioned Hiroyuki Imaishis contribution to the genre with Kill La Kill.
If you want to test your expectation or others of Mahou Shoujo while indulging in some vulgar toilet humor, then Panty and Stocking is worth checking out.
While shows like this may not be everyone's cup of tea, Gainax has definitely cranked out a fantastic parody addressing the more sexual undercurrents usually glossed over in Magical warrior.
You don't see many studios that have the confidence to implement pole dancing into their transformation sequences.
Atsushi Nishigori, Masahiko Otsuka, Yoh Yoshinari- Shit even my girl Sayo Yamamoto is here. With the diversity in staff, you’re bound to find something you like whether its the experimental realism in “Vomiting Point” or a saving private ryan homage with sperm ghosts in “Pulp Addiction”.
As someone who's watched all of Panty and Stocking through in both Japanese and English; I’d highly recommend the dub.
Not only does it help jokes stick but stays really close to the original intent while implementing some Adult Swim level humor.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll probably be swept away by the shows poppy, powerpuff girl-esc art and Teddyloid’s contributions to the OST, introducing punchy playlist worthy electronica. Just don't listen to it with your mom or anything.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura Kinamoto is your typical fourth grader.
She's outgoing, participates in sports at school and is beloved by her fellow classmates.
One day, when returning from class Sakura hears a strange sound from her father’s study. Investigating the bookshelves, she opens a strange tome containing “Clow Cards”,
a magicians tarot deck imbued with the powers of aspected spirits.
However, with a gust of wind the cards are lost and with the help of the books guardian, Kero- Sakura must recollect the deck and discover her true self.
Cardcaptor Sakura is by far one of the least abrasive gateways into long form Magical Warrior.
I’m 20 episodes into the series and while I know I dont have the free time to watch another 50 I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddaaaaaaaaa dont careeeeeee?
The scenery is beautiful, pacing is mellow and everybody, whether it be top tier camcorder waifu Tomoyo to the cuckoo lander childhood crush Yukito will find a way to melt your heart.
When others talk about the typicality of magical girls, I find that Sakura presents many unorthodox takes on commonalities to the subgenre.
The show doesn't have transformation sequences, but rather invests its runtime on  inventive fight scenes and dynamic character development.
On the Manga side the series is much more compact read, with about 12 volumes not including the newly announced Clear Card Arc. Mokona and gangs luxurious, carefully laid linework are in the forefront, taking a less hi-scifi approach than their other titles.
When it comes to wholesome, genuine Mahou Shoujo- Cardcaptor Sakura is a great series to snuggle into a blanket and watch with a friend.
Sailor Moon
Yes, the Dic dub is borderline horrible if you didn't grow up with it and the shows a popular prototype for what we now consider the Magical warrior, which for some is pretty stock. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T FANTASTIC AND WORTH THE BINGE.
As far as Magical Warrior goes, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is a staple introduction to modern Mahou Shoujo.
While early sections of the series do contain buckets of filler, the show makes up for it with a lovable, diverse cast, Beautiful transformations and a fun premise.
Season three alone, Sailor Moon S is arguably one of the best installments in the genre and worth every second of your time as it showcases director Kunihiko Ikuhara, of Utena and Mawaru Penguindrum fame.
The story is nothing too crazy mind you; but if you’re interested in Sailor Moon manga-wise, Naoko Takeuchi’s illustrations are TO DIE FOR, drawn with meticulous detail and colored with a mixture of ink and translucent watercolors.
Look i’ll even make it easier; because I have no life and completed the show six times. A month or so ago I put together a “Abridged Viewing Guide” for people wanting to cut out useless filler so if you’re interested the link will be in the description.
Sailor Moon broke ground in the 90’s for what is now considered a “typical magical girl”. Truly, You would be doing yourself a disservice passing the series up.
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toraonice · 8 years
Yuri on Ice interview translation - CREA 2017/03 (p34-35)
Second part of the YOI interviews featured on CREA. As for the one with Kubo, more than “interviews” they are like “mini articles” that incorporate what the interviewed people said. The interviews are with Kenji Miyamoto (choreographer), Eiji Abiko & Junpei Tatenaka (figure skating animators), Yuuko Sagiri (original costume designer), Keisuke Tominaga (music producer).
Random note: thanks to this magazine I was finally able to know that Sagiri’s name is “Yuuko”. When I translated her interview on Pash I did lots of research but wasn’t able to find out the pronunciation so I used Yuiko because that was what came out searching for the name alone, but now it’s confirmed that it’s Yuuko so as soon as I have time I’ll edit that interview to fix it. I swear all magazines should be obliged to provide the pronunciation of names, because sometimes it’s really hard to find out how the kanji are pronounced when it’s not famous people with Wikipedia pages and such...
By the way, the issue of Pash coming out today (Feb. 10th) has an article I was really looking forward to (the second part of Kubo’s detailed commentary on each episode), so I’ll probably spend the night translating it when I get home from work. Also because I want to post it before the YOI all night event on Saturday (I’m going to the live viewing).
***If you wish to share this translation please do it by reblogging or posting a link to it*** 
***Re-translating into other languages is ok but please mention that this post is the source***
The reality as expressed by 5 people who created “Yuri on Ice”
Reality #2: Choreography x Kenji Miyamoto “The footage taken with the camcorder was the key to create realistic and powerful anime scenes”
Profile: From Hyogo prefecture. After retiring from competitive ice dance in 2006 he started working as a choreographer and commentator. With director Sayo Yamamoto’s “ENDLESS NIGHT” for the first time he was involved in creating figure skating choreographies for an anime.
The choreographies for all characters’ programs were created by choreographer Kenji Miyamoto. He created them integrating the music with the information he received from director Yamamoto and Kubo regarding the characters and their programs. What was different than usual is that the songs for the FS were 4 minutes long instead of 4:30 minutes. “In the anime characters need less strokes to speed up, so it’s possible to use less ‘transitions’, the movements connecting different techniques. I cut down on those and made the programs more compact.” Miyamoto was filmed with 4 fixed cameras and 2 portable camcorders as he danced all the programs, then the footage was edited into a multiframe video based on which the animated figure skating scenes were created. “I believe that the footage taken with the portable camcorder, that filmed me up close, is what made it possible to create realistic and powerful tournament scenes.” After watching the finished anime, Miyamoto commented that the characters’ monologues during their performances are realistic. “When you are performing lots of things are whirling around inside your head. In my case it wasn’t words but still pictures, like photographs. I was happy that they expressed the athletes’ feelings.”
Reality #3: Animation x Junpei Tatenaka & Eiji Abiko “The performances look realistic thanks to Miyamoto-sensei’s choreographies”
Profile: Animators working for the anime production company MAPPA. Specialized in sports and action scenes. They both created animation for director Sayo Yamamoto’s “ENDLESS NIGHT”.
Animation of the figure skating scenes was created by action specialists Junpei Tatenaka and Eiji Abiko. “It’s the first time that we digitally create 2D pictures after deciding the camerawork. It was very difficult because we had to figure out how to do everything”. Tatenaka, who was already a fan of figure skating, says: “For the moments I believed to be the ‘highlights’ of a performance I would add 1-2 extra stills. This way, I was able to draw out a little what in the live footage only lasted an instant.” They actually made jumps much higher than they are in real life. “While being aware that real skaters wouldn’t jump that high, I still wanted the scenes to be striking, therefore I was always looking for a good balance between realism and what could be allowed in animation.” (Abiko) They both agree that Miyamoto’s choreography footage was the most important factor that allowed them to create realistic performance scenes. “When there was a key point in the music, Miyamoto-sensei would pose with all of his body creating a beautiful line, from his fingertips to the tips of his toes. It was very easy to draw.” (Tatenaka)
Reality #4: Costumes x Yuuko Sagiri “I think the only difference is that there were no budget restrictions (LOL)”
Profile: Ballroom dancing costume designer working for the ballet & dance supplies maker Chacott. She has designed figure skating costumes for athletes such as Nobunari Oda and Akiko Suzuki.
Yuuko Sagiri, designer of the athletes’ costumes, created the designs giving importance to functionality that would improve a skater’s performance and to elements that would make the character’s personality stand out, just like she does for real costumes. She chose materials, cuttings and decorations that would actually be employed in costumes used for real performances. “Normally I objectively watch an athlete’s past performances to understand their level and what kind of movements they are skilled at, and this is then reflected in the design. This time I based the design on the characters’ setting materials, the information I received from the director and the choreography footage by Miyamoto-sensei. I think the only difference is that there were no budget restrictions (LOL).” Regarding Yuuri’s costume, she mentions that she wanted to reflect the fact that he is psychologically weak and gains weight easily. “I added shining decorations on his chest so that his face would look bright even when he is tense. The cuts on the waist are to make him look slim.” Actually, she also designed a costume for Yurio’s exhibition. Sagiri said that she created the design thinking of what “Yurio would really want to wear”. We’d definitely like to see him skate with that costume!
Reality #5: Music x Keisuke Tominaga “I added melody to the beautiful lyrics that is ‘Yuri on Ice’”
Profile: From Kanagawa prefecture. Music producer. He founded PIANO INC. in 2012 and is the current representative director. His main works include the Pocari Sweat 2016 commercial “Kimi no Yume wa, Boku no Yume.”, the TV anime “Zankyou no Terror”, etc.
When creating the music for this show, music producer Keisuke Tominaga constantly asked himself whether it was music you could dance to. “I would move my hands, feet, my whole body, sometimes even checking the rhythm like a conductor or a dancer. Figure skating has many elements that resemble ballet, so to express the elegant movements of the body I used many tunes in triple time like waltz and bolero.” Most of the classical and orchestra tracks were created by Taku Matsushiba, while the vocal tracks and modern band songs by Tarou Umebayashi. They worked on the music as a team, always communicating with each other. “The world created by Kubo-san and director Yamamoto was like realistic and beautiful ‘lyrics’, and I feel that our role was to create a ‘melody’ for those lyrics. In fact, when I joined together Yuuri’s FS song “Yuri on ICE” and Victor’s recorded voice for the first time, the lines sounded just like the words of a song, and I can’t describe how moved I was. I believe that this strong, deep expression that you would not be able to obtain with music alone is what realistically affects the viewers.”
Bonus in case you haven’t seen it already: Sagiri’s design for Yurio’s exhibition program.
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pekorosu · 8 years
sticking all my rambly notes about the wu xia bits under the cut.
warning for spoilers and all.
- they spent 3 months filming in tengchong, yunnan province. it's a highland area, about 2000 metres above sea level. kenji initially expressed some doubt at whether they could even pull off action scenes in such a place (bc breathing became quicker than usual).
- the movie was originally titled "同謀者" (the accomplice?)
(※ i think it refers to the conversation between liu jinxi and xu baijiu... "when one man sins, we all share his sin. we are all accomplices"? maybe that would've been too on the nose haha)
- the most consistent keywords in the early stages were [kung fu], [rashomon] and [discovery channel]
- they used shaw brothers movies as reference, with the intention of reviving "kung fu movies" in a way that would suit the 21st century.
- he talks a bit about the research that went into developing the action. stuff like how it wasn’t possible to half-ass the fight scenes when it comes to Real Kung Fu Movies(tm) unlike modern action flicks. so they drew inspiration from lau kar-leung's "classic, old school" kung fu. they watched his movies, copied the moves + camera angles exactly and studied them to figure out how to capture the right look and all.
- there's a lot of specifics re: martial arts styles that i don't know how to translate, but anyway donnie uses hung ga kuen for this movie.
(※ there are actually some videos on youtube breaking down his moves. it's p cool haha).
- kenji thinks it doesn’t feel right to call the movie "wu xia" bc everything that goes into the action speaks more of a "kung fu movie" as opposed to a "wu xia movie"
- he also jokes that they probably couldn’t name the movie "kung fu" since there's already a "kung fu hustle" out there. 
(※ that movie's actually named "功夫 (kung fu)" in chinese lmao i totally didn't know that)
- [rashomon] refers to how they wanted to infuse a similar concept of "the truth will look different from different POVs" into the action scenes. it was difficult to work out but kenji feels like they’ve achieved something fresh and new from an action perspective.
- [discovery channel] refers to how director peter chan came across a programme, smth like "the science of martial arts" on discovery channel, which led to the idea of showing viewers through CGI what goes on inside the body.
- kenji had been assigned the role of action choreographer** for this movie. he also had a minor acting role. additionally, he had no stunt double so he p much had to do everything by himself. donnie, who knew exactly where kenji’s limits were, would push him to the very edge. kenji mentions that he'd get minor injuries almost every day just trying to meet such high demands. he’d often catch himself thinking (jokingly) "i'm gonna murder this guy" lmao...
(※ here’s a video of him doing the same stunt 13 times.)
**specifically [ 動作指導 ]. donnie’s the action director [ 動作導演 ] and action designer [ 動作設計 ]. tbh they all sound the same to me but i think the choreographer does more... guiding? on a smaller scale? while donnie’s job is more in terms of the bigger picture? IDEK i’m just guessing.
- he also goes "it's difficult to breathe even when we’re just walking! i swear, at this rate, i'll be able to run a full marathon when i get back to japan..."
- kenji thinks kara hui (plays the badass murder lady) is scary bc when he tried giving her some direction, she retorted rather curtly with "i know that!" x_x
- there were plans to cast older, more nostalgic (male) martial arts stars for kara hui's part but someone (probably donnie?) suggested "a woman would be good" and so it ended up being kara. 
- kenji tho. “why did it have to be this scary lady...”
- at some point while they were location scouting by a cliff, kenji slipped and fell about 8 metres into the river! his life was seriously on the line there bc RAPID CURRENTS but luckily he’d managed to grab onto a protruding boulder and climb out somehow.
it was a pretty rocky area so he was grazed all over. literally no one knew where he had disappeared to so when he showed up covered in blood, everyone started freaking out. in the middle of all that, donnie just pulled out his personal phone and took pictures lol.
(※ documented in this bts clip)
- the scenery on the way to the hospital was so beautiful that at one point kenji wondered "what if... i'm actually dead right now??"
- when kaneshiro takeshi got a look at his injury-covered back, for some reason he yelled "unbelieeevaablllee!!" in osaka-ben and asked, "hey hey kenji, can i take a picture? i wanna send it to my mom, scare her a little by making it seem like i was the one who got injured."
- kenji: “i laughed because it was pretty much the same reaction as donnie.”
- he mentions that the staff gathered on set were of various nationalities so you would hear a mix of mandarin, cantonese, english, thai and japanese being spoken.
- because there were multilingual ppl on set (ESP takeshi), kenji couldn't carelessly curse in japanese anymore. usually when he's feeling extremely stressed out he'd be yelling things like "just die everyone!" in jp lmao
- he says takeshi is a rly interesting person. talks about how he went around suggesting eccentric ideas and asking people "hey, wouldn't it be more interesting if i did this?"
- the sichuanese thing was takeshi’s idea. 
- the little finger swipe here was also an ad lib lol 
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- those cows in the scene where kara hui's character gets stampeded on? there were stunt people inside the cows moving them manually!
- they didn't want to resort to CGI, thinking there would be a risk of it coming across as fake. like even if just ONE small part looked fake, the audience will start wondering if the rest of the fight scene they'd painstakingly worked on was fake too and they didn't want that.
- "no! cows don't run like that!!" - donnie, taking his job directing stuntmen in extremely realistic cow costumes /very/ seriously.
- meanwhile kenji: “the situation was too surreal. how a cow runs... we never learned that in stunt school!”
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"please observe this enthusiastic performance of a cow by a team of two stuntmen!"
- director peter chan never really meddled with the action parts of the movie. when asked for his opinion, he'd just say "i don't know anything about that. i'd be satisfied with the first take itself. after that, i'd just look at everything as a whole." so they were kinda given free rein to film whatever they wanted and edit the scenes however they wanted.
- tsui hark once visited the set. tang wei (plays ayu, jinxi’s wife) who already wasn’t familiar with many of the hong kong cast and crew, had asked innocently "who was that old man?" lol
- the arm-cutting scene wasn’t in the original plans, it was more of a final resort. they actually planned to have jinxi be attacked by those goons when he got "revived" and he'd escape into a small cramped space where they'd do a 1 vs 5 fight scene. but it would've taken them another month to shoot that, so they had to scrap it. after some brainstorming they decided to replace it with "jinxi cuts off his arm!" this was decided like the day before they had to start shooting it (゚ー゚;;
- they had to decide which arm to "cut off" and thought it would be cool to have it be the same as jimmy wang's one-armed swordsman. so they asked jimmy which arm it was and he told them it was the left arm. so they went with that.
...turned out when they checked the original it was actually the right arm.
(※ truth is, in the original one-armed swordsman series, it'd switch between the two arms and wasn't consistent lmfao)
- kenji really liked the final product, but it didn't do so well in china and hong kong. kenji wonders if it's bc of the discrepancy between what people expected from the title "wu xia" and the actual content of the movie. apparently people were also really disappointed by the ending.
- eventually the movie started getting attention at film festivals and stuff in the west. but director peter chan just said pessimistically, "that's precisely why there's no changing the fact that this movie is a failure, entertainment-wise."
- kenji kinda wishes people would give this movie a second chance.
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Kevin Wozniak on Kevflix: What’s Streaming This Month? – September
Here are my picks for the movies coming to Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, Criterion Channel, and HBOMax in September.  This month offers up many unique choices, from original films to Hollywood classics.
Full list of everything coming to Netflix in September can be found here.
  THE BACK TO THE FUTURE TRILOGY (Robert Zemeckis, 1984/1989/1990)
A trilogy that is full of life, fun, and originality.
  THE DEVIL ALL THE TIME (Antonio Campo, 2020)
An all-star cast of Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Riley Keough, Sebastian Stan, Mia Wasikowska, Bill Skarsgård, and Jason Clarke lead Antonio Campos’ thriller about corruption and brutality in a postwar backwoods town.
  GREASE (Randal Kleiser, 1978)
A musical classic.
  I’M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS (Charlie Kaufman, 2020)
The latest directorial effort from the great Charlie Kaufman looks like a haunting mind-bender.
  MAGIC MIKE (Steven Soderbergh, 2012)
One of Steven Soderbergh’s best features a scene-stealing performance from Matthew McConaughey.
  NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE (Joel Gallen, 2001)
This comedy satire of teen romcoms is still hilarious and has aged quite well.
  RATCHED (Evan Romansky, Ryan Murphy, 2020)
I don’t usually post about shows on here, but a prequel series looking at One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest villain Nurse Ratched starring Sarah Paulson in the titular role sounds too good to ignore.
  THE SOCIAL DILEMMA (Jeff Orlowski, 2020)
I heard good buzz about this documentary out of Sundance 2020, as it looks at the power of social media and the effect it can have on the world
  WILDLIFE (Paul Dano, 2018)
Paul Dano’s directorial debut is a quiet and powerful look at a crumbling family in the 1950’s.
Full list of everything coming to Prime Video in September can be found here.
    THE BIRDCAGE (Mike Nichols, 1996)
Robin Williams and Nathan Lane are marvelous in this Mike Nichols comedy.
  CASINO ROYALE (Martin Campbell, 2006)
The film that introduced Daniel Craig into the Bond franchise is also the best Bond film ever made.
  GEMINI MAN (Ang Lee, 2019)
Will Smith plays an assassin who is being hunted by a clone of his younger self in Ang Lee’s technical marvel.
  THE GRADUATE (Mike Nichols, 1967)
One of the greatest films ever made.
  JUDY (Rupert Goold, 2019)
Renee Zellweger won her second Oscar for pitch-perfect portrayal of Hollywood icon Judy Garland.
  KRAMER VS KRAMER (Robert Benton, 1979)
This Best Picture family drama features stellar work from Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep.
  PATRIOT’S DAY (Peter Berg, 2016)
Peter Berg’s harrowing account of the Boston Marathon bombing.
Full list of everything coming to Hulu in September can be found here.
    ANY GIVEN SUNDAY (Oliver Stone, 1999)
Olive Stone’s aggressive, chaotic look at professional football.
  BABYTEETH (Shannon Murphy, 2020)
An emotional relationship drama with Ben Mendolsohn and Essie Davis giving two of my favorite performances of 2020.
Two-thirds of a classic stoner trilogy.
  HOOSIERS (David Anspaugh, 1986)
One of the greatest sports movies ever made.
  THE LAST BOY SCOUT (Tony Scott, 1991)
It’s directed by Tony Scott, written by Shane Black, and stars Bruce Willis.  We could call this the “90’s Trifecta”.
  PEE WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE (Tim Burton, 1985)
Tim Burton’s debut film is utterly insane, yet absolutely brilliant
  PRISONERS (Denis Villeneuve, 2013)
Denis Villeneuve’s best film to date is a dark, disturbing crime thriller featuring incredible work from Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, and cinematographer Roger Deakins.
  THE TERMINATOR (James Cameron, 1984)
One of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made.
  THE TWILIGHT SAGA (Catherine Hardwicke, 2008/Chris Weitz, 2009/David Slade, 2010/Bill Condon, 2011/Bill Condon, 2012)
I’ve only seen one of these (I think New Moon?), but want to give them a whirl at some point.  Maybe now is the time?
Full list of everything coming to Disney+ in September can be found here.
    BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM (Gurinder Chadha, 2003)
A rousing, inspiring indie sports film.
  CHRISTOPHER ROBIN (Marc Forster, 2018)
A somber, sweet look at Winnie the Pooh and the 100 Acre Woods gang.
  D2: THE MIGHT DUCKS/D3 (Sam Weisman, 1994/Robert Lieberman, 1996)
D2 is the best of the trilogy, but D3 is pretty good and bit underrated.
  MULAN (Niki Caro, 2020)
You have to pay $30 to see this one, but I have a feeling Disney’s latest live-action feature is going to be worth is.
  NEVER BEEN KISSED (Raja Gosnell, 1999)
A classic 90’s rom-com featuring a delightful Drew Barrymore.
  THE WOLVERINE (James Mangold, 2013)
One of the best X-Men films and the BEST Wolverine movie (hot take).
Full list of everything coming to Criterion Channel in September can be found here.
*The Criterion Channel does things a little differently than every other streaming service.  The Criterion Channel, a wonderful streaming service that focuses on independent, foreign, and under-appreciates movies, doesn’t just throw a bunch of random movies to stream.  They get more creative by having categories like “DOUBLE FEATURES” or “FILMS FROM…”, giving us curated lists of films that somehow blend together or feature a specific artist.*
    BOYHOOD (Richard Linklater, 2014)
Richard Linklater’s ambitious twelve-year project is one of the finest film accomplishments of the last decade.
  THE LOVELESS (Kathryn Bigelow, Monty Montgomery, 1981)
Kathryn Bigelow’s debut is one I have been dying to see and one I am going to check out as soon as it is available.
Agnes Varda was a true artist and Criterion has put all of her work into one comprehensive collection which features all of her feature length films as well as her short films.
DUCK SOUP (Leo McCarey, 1933)
My favorite Marx Brothers film and one of the greatest comedies ever made.
CHARLOTTE’S WEB (Charles A. Nichols, Iwao Takamoto, 1973)
A beautiful animated film based on the classic book.
Three provocative films from a master documentarian.
Actress (2014)
Kate Plays Christine (2016)
Bisbee ’17 (2018)
Albert Brooks is one of the greatest comedic minds we’ve ever had.  This block of films looks at his genius behind the camera.
Real Life (1979)
Modern Romance (1981)
Lost in America (1985)
Defending Your Life (1991)
Mother (1996)
LENNY (Bob Fosse, 1974)
Two unflinching films delve into the self-destructive dark sides of a pair of comedy legends. Lenny features Dustin Hoffman in a jagged portrait of Lenny Bruce.  In Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life is Calling, Richard Pryor draws on his own personal demons in the only narrative feature written and directed by the comedy legend.
A slew of films based on legendary books, from Great Expectations to The Hours and many, many more.
The Count of Monte Cristo (Rowland V. Lee, 1934)
The 39 Steps (Alfred Hitchcock, 1935)
La bête humaine (Jean Renoir, 1938)
Of Mice and Men (Lewis Milestone, 1939)
Great Expectations (David Lean, 1946)
The Killers (Robert Siodmak, 1946)
Anna Karenina (Julien Duvivier, 1948)
Oliver Twist (David Lean, 1948)
The Heiress (William Wyler, 1949)
The Passionate Friends (David Lean, 1949)
The Idiot (Akira Kurosawa, 1951)
The Life of Oharu (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1952)
Robinson Crusoe (Luis Buñuel, 1954)
Senso (Luchino Visconti, 1954)
Pather Panchali (Satyajit Ray, 1955)
Aparajito (Satyajit Ray, 1956)
The Burmese Harp (Kon Ichikawa, 1956)
Apur Sansar (Satyajit Ray, 1959)
The Cloud-Capped Star (Ritwik Ghatak, 1960)
Purple Noon (René Clément, 1960)
Zazie dans le métro (Louis Malle, 1960)
Divorce Italian Style (Pietro Germi, 1961)
Lord of the Flies (Peter Brook, 1963)
Tom Jones (Tony Richardson, 1963)
Charulata (Satyajit Ray, 1964)
Woman in the Dunes (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964)
Closely Watched Trains (Jirí Menzel, 1966)
War and Peace (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1966)
Memories of Underdevelopment (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1968)
The Angel Levine (Ján Kadár, 1970)
Dodes’ka-den (Akira Kurosawa, 1970)
The Phantom Tollbooth (Chuck Jones, Abe Levitow, and Dave Monahan, 1970)
The Little Prince (Stanley Donen, 1974)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (Peter Weir, 1975)
The American Friend (Wim Wenders, 1977)
The Ascent (Larisa Shepitko, 1977)
The Getting Of Wisdom (Bruce Beresford, 1977)
Empire of Passion (Nagisa Oshima, 1978)
Watership Down (Martin Rosen, 1978)
My Brilliant Career (Gillian Armstrong, 1979)
Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979)
The Tin Drum (Volker Schlöndorff, 1979)
Wise Blood (John Huston, 1979)
You Are Not I (Sara Driver, 1981)
Under the Volcano (John Huston, 1984)
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Paul Schrader, 1985)
My Life as a Dog (Lasse Hallström, 1985)
Betty Blue (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1986)
An Angel at My Table (Jane Campion, 1990)
The Comfort of Strangers (Paul Schrader, 1990)
Europa Europa (Agnieszka Holland, 1990)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Volker Schlöndorff, 1990)
Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (Peter Kosminsky, 1992)
The Castle (Michael Haneke, 1997)
The Sweet Hereafter (Atom Egoyan, 1997)
The Virgin Suicides (Sofia Coppola, 1999)
The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke, 2001)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
Gomorrah (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
Almayer’s Folly (Chantal Akerman, 2011)
45 Years (Andrew Haigh, 2015)
Certain Women (Kelly Reichardt, 2016)
Zama (Lucrecia Martel, 2017)
Full list of everything coming to HBOMax in August can be found here.
  CLERKS (Kevin Smith, 1994)
Kevin Smith’s indie sensation is a masterclass in microbudget cinema.
  THE CONVERSATION (Francis Ford Coppola, 1974)
In-between The Godfather and The Godfather II, Francis Ford Coppola made this Palme d’Or winning thriller about a surveillance expert (a brilliant Gene Hackman) who has a crisis of conscience when he suspects that the couple he is spying on will be murdered.
David Fincher’s gorgeous film about a man who ages backwards.
  DOG DAY AFTERNOON (Sidney Lumet, 1975)
Sidney Lumet’s best film features masterful work from Al Pacino and John Cazzalle.
  THE INVISIBLE MAN (Leigh Whannel, 2020)
Elisabeth Moss gives one of the best performances of 2020 in Leigh Whannel’s chilling remake of the Universal classic.
  JFK (Oliver Stone, 1991)
Oliver Stone’s brilliant account of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the conspiracy behind it.
  JUST MERCY (Destin Daniel Cretton, 2019)
An inspiring film with excellent performances from Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx.
  MIDNIGHT RUN (Martin Brest, 1988)
This crime-buddy-road movie is an absolute blast and features one of Robert De Niro’s most underrated performances.
  POINT BREAK (Kathryn Bigelow, 1991)
Kathryn Bigelow’s surfing-cop thriller is one of the best action movies of the 90’s.
  SNAKES ON A PLANE (David R. Ellis, 2006)
An iconic B-movie featuring a truly great Samuel L. Jackson performance.
              Follow Kevflix on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, and on Facebook by searching Kevflix.
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meraenthusiast · 5 years
7 Steps To Building Wealth With Real Estate
Building Wealth With Real Estate
For the first 7-8 years after I started practicing periodontal surgery, I was mainly focused on getting out from under $250K+ of student loan debt using Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps. I’ll admit that I didn’t follow his advice exactly as he teaches.
For my situation, I felt I could both pay down debt aggressively while also investing for our future which goes against his principle of becoming consumer debt-free BEFORE investing any extra money.
This particular method has worked for me and should work for most people that make an above average income but…. to each his own.
The more I listened to Dave’s show, the more I occasionally heard him mention that he loved real estate as an investment. But I never really thought much of it because, again, of his recommending that we should first focus on becoming debt-free.
At the time, I was heavily invested in index funds but wanted to learn more about investing in general.
The more books I read on the subject, the more I realized that the majority of millionaires owned real estate. So if most millionaires (and billionaires) owned real estate, and I wanted to continue to grow my wealth, maybe I should get into real estate too, right?
Just like the old saying goes, “If you can’t beat ’em then join ’em“.
So a few years ago I set out to look into different options to begin diversifying a certain percentage of our non-retirement holdings into real estate. Man, am I glad I did!
During this self-education process, I’ve been able to not only read some fantastic books on the subject but also meet some incredible people that are putting out fantastic content as well.
Some of those that I’ve met are:
Joe Fairless – who focuses on apartment syndications. Joe has a great book on this subject called The Best Ever Apartment Syndication Book
Michael Blank – also teaches about apartment building investing with a special focus on raising money. You can check out his new book, Financial Freedom With Real Estate Investing.
Kenji and Leti – a husband and wife team over at Semiretired MD who offer both coaching and online courses teaching docs about real estate investing.
Yours truly with The Real Estate Physician
Cherry Chen – is an internist in Dallas that runs The Real Estate Physician site. My wife and I had breakfast with her recently and she’s full of great ideas when it comes to real estate investing.
If you’re interested in building REAL wealth using real estate, it’s important to know all of the in’s and out’s that are available.
Depending on which route you choose, it could end up being a huge commitment which you may or may not be ready for at this stage of your career.
What Holds People Back?
I often ask nervous patients what causes them to be fearful of a surgical procedure. Many cite that it’s fear of the “unknown.”
This same “fear” also prevents us from reaching our true potential in life.  Same thing can be said with real estate investing. The costs and skills that are needed with some of the different investments such as fix and flips can be daunting.
So it’s really important to understand what your options are before diving in head first. I recently heard a podcast where an investor started out doing fix and flips, a few years later he moved on to buying and selling foreclosures, then shifted to buying single family homes.
Sometimes it’ll take trying different things before knowing what works best for your situation.
A few of the questions you should be asking yourself are:
What are the different types of real estate investments available?
Is it really worth all the effort it takes?
Is this type of investing reliable enough to be part of my retirement plan?
What are other passive investing options instead?
Do I want to continue working, trading my time for money, or invest in something that could provide true financial freedom in five years or less?
Again, this is not for everyone, but you’ll see some phenomenal results if you do it the right way.
Let’s get into the exact steps it’ll take to build wealth with real estate….
7 Steps To Building Wealth With Real Estate
1) Start with your “why”
The first place to start when it comes to building wealth with real estate is….drum roll please…You!
Just like Michael Jackson used to sing, “I’m starting with the Man in the mirror.”
Many times when we seek to make a positive change for ourselves (lose weight, meet new friends, become wealthy), it’s ourselves that hold us back.
Brandon Turner over at BiggerPockets, says that there are 3 things that you must change if you want to become wealthy.
He calls these 3 things “The Wealth Tripod“.
Brandon states:
“All three steps are required if you want to build and maintain wealth. Like a camera tripod — if one of the legs is broken, the entire tripod will fall down.”
Here are the three legs of The Wealth Tripod
You must believe wealth is actually possible for you.
You must learn how wealth is built.
You must live out the steps needed to make it happen.
  The best book EVER written regarding building a “wealth building mindset” is Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich“.
If you haven’t read it and are serious about building wealth, it’s a MUST read. Go on over to Amazon and get it HERE. Share it with your spouse and kids. It’s that good.
Ok, let’s get back to Step #1.
Do me a favor and get out a blank sheet of paper.
No, seriously, I really want you to do this quick exercise as it’s going to get you going in the right direction.
On the paper I want you to write down is as much detail, WHY you want to build wealth.
To get you started and hopefully motivated, I’ll tell you a quick story. Only a few short weeks ago, my oldest son who NEVER talks about money came up to me and said, “Dad, will you teach me about investments and real estate like you’re always reading and writing about some day?”
Listen, for those of you that have teenagers, we know that when they make it a point to put down their phones and ask us questions, we better listen. Who knows when they’ll come out of their shell again!
I’ll be honest with you, his question REALLY motivated me to continue learning and networking with people about real estate investing. What better “Why” can someone have than being able to pass it on to their kids.
Proverbs 13:22 – “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.”
So once you state your “Why” you want to really do this, then that should keep you motivated to continue doing what it takes to get involved even when things aren’t going the way you may want them to in the future.
Listen, I’ve had real estate deals that haven’t done as well as expected (think RealtyShares). That’s OK as long as you LEARN something from it and not make the same mistake(s) again. It’s going to happen. But your “Why” is going to help you get over some of those humps and push past your comfort zone to keep you on track.
2) Learn how wealth is built
If you “Google” the phrase “building wealth,” as of this writing, there are roughly 270 billion search results. That’s billion with a “B”.
This shows us that there’s no excuse why someone can’t find a resource out there that teaches how to build up a big pile of money. It ain’t rocket science.
It’s like anything else in life. If you want to get good at something then you simply:
Study it
Learn it
Master it
This is why you’ll often hear highly successful people say, “The first million is the hardest.”
It reminds me of snow skiing. I first learned to ski on a church youth group trip in high school. My best friend Mike AKA “Gummer,” pulled me aside after the first day when he noticed that I wasn’t quite catching on in ski school. He brought me up to the top of the mountain in Monarch Colorado and taught me himself.
Once I learned to ski, it clicked. After that trip, I didn’t ski again for over 20 years but picked it right back up because once you learn something, such as “making the first million,” you can then repeat it over and over again for the rest of your life.
After reading books, attending seminars and networking with wealthy people, I’ve come to realize that wealth is made in one of three categories:
Personal Finance
Real Estate
If you’ve been an avid reader on this site, then you should be aware of the first two. In my opinion, if you really want to do it right, then focus on all three categories. But for today’s purposes, we’re going to continue focusing on #3, real estate.
Now that you know how wealth is built, let’s move on to step 3…
3) Must take action
How many times have you wanted to do something that you were excited about? What happened? Did you do it? If not, you probably started reading and learning about it but never did anything else with it because you didn’t take action.
I can “want” to learn how to improve my forehand in tennis by reading articles and watching YouTube videos ’til the cows come home.
But getting the “Federer Forehand,” like all us tennis players want, is not going to happen by itself.
Why? I’ve got to get on the court and take action. My forehand isn’t going to change to one like his by itself (even though I wish it could!).
The same thing rings true with building wealth with real estate. You can think you can do it, you can learn how to do it, but if you don’t take action, it’s not going to happen.
Nobody, not even the government, can help you.
As with anything else, “action” is the real key to finding success in whatever we go after in life. Without it, you have nothing.
It really doesn’t matter which of the three wealth building categories from Step #2 above you choose to pursue (or all three). Just make sure that you set aside a certain amount of time each week, or better yet each day, and take action.
4) Decide what type of real estate investor you want to be
Now that you have your “why” you are wanting to pursue investing in real estate and you know you must take action in order to continue moving forward, it’s time to decide on which route you want to take: Active vs Passive Real Estate Investing
Most active investors that I personally know that also have a “day job” typically have been involved in real estate in some form or fashion in the past. Usually their family has rental property and they already have some type of support for the day-to-day operations it takes to run a successful real estate business.
If you want to pursue the active real estate route, you need to have two things that we’ve already touched on:
Does your full time job and family obligations leave you enough spare time to be an active investor? If so, is this something that you’ve already been taught or have experience with?
Have you had a mentor show you what it takes to be successful in this business? If you’ve answered “no” to these questions then perhaps you’re better off passively investing.
The good news is that there’s multiple different ways to invest passively in real estate. For busy professionals such as ourselves, we want the benefit of an extra stream of income with the benefit of more time minus the headaches of managing properties ourselves.
For me, it’s a win-win situation.
For most of you, passive investing is going to make more sense in the long run.
5) Residential or commercial?
By now, you should’ve decided if you want to pursue either the passive or active route. For most of us, passive investing is the better option. Why? Because it makes more sense to go do what we’ve been trained to do instead of unclogging toilets in the middle of the night.
Here’s a perfect example of someone else that recommends this same line of thinking. One of the things I like about motivational speaker and real estate giant Grant Cardone is that he tells his audience to focus on what they do best and get really good at it BEFORE getting into real estate investing.
Now I realize that he maybe a bit flamboyant at times but he resonates with a lot of people. Many of his videos hit home with me. There have been controversies between who should we listen to, him or Dave Ramsey. I once heard that the difference between the two boils down to this:
Dave Ramsey’s message is for the masses while Grant Cardone’s is for entrepreneurs.
No matter who you end up listening to, there’s still too many people out there that want success but aren’t willing to work for it. But you did. So for you, me, and many others, we should stick with what we know best whether it’s dentistry, medicine, tax law, or whatever our trade is.
We paid the price, put in the long hours, and didn’t party like our friends every weekend so we could achieve our goals.
Don’t give that up.
Now your next step is to decide (either in a passive or active role) which type of real estate you want to invest in.
If you start searching online for different options, you’ll quickly realize that there’s tons of different choices to choose from. But you can boil all of these down into 2 main categories:
Residential or Commercial real estate
First, let’s define what each of these encompass. An easy way to remember the difference between the two is that residential real estate is four units or less. That’s it. So it includes:
single family homes
On the other hand, commercial real estate encompasses:
office buildings
retail (strip centers)
storage units
multifamily (five units and larger)
When people first begin investing with real estate, they typically want to start off small by investing in single family homes. There are those out there that make money in this space but again, it all boils down to your goals.
When I first started investing in real estate, I also thought the way to go was with single family homes. Once I started educating myself, I quickly learned that in order to scale for larger success, it would make more sense to invest in the commercial segment.
Another reason involved the risk factor. I, like many of you, have a family and wouldn’t want to jeopardize them in any way. In my opinion, I think multifamily poses a lesser risk. You know as well as I do that ALL investments pose some form of risk. But not all have the SAME risk.
For instance, there’s a big difference betting…I mean investing in penny stocks versus saving money in a CD. For me, I like to try to get the best possible return while taking the least amount of risk. And multifamily real estate is one of those investments where you can achieve this.
6) Do your due diligence
If you’re thinking about getting into real estate investing, whether passive or active, doing so without doing your research is a recipe for disaster.
Looking back at some of my first crowdfunding deals with RealtyShares that aren’t performing is totally my fault. I didn’t do my part to not only research the property thoroughly but also the sponsor of the deal.
One of the key factors to never pass over is the market area. In one of my previous deals that has still yet to pay in two years, it was in a crime infested area which caused many people to both move out and made it difficult to get renters once they left.
Had I done my part and studied this beforehand, I’d have never made the investment. Lesson learned.
I realize that doing the research is not the most fun thing to do in the world, but it’s one of the most important parts of this entire process. Nobody is going to look out for your money more than YOU!
If you plan on becoming more of a passive investor, then you can outsource a lot of this research to professionals. But you still need to be educated enough to ask them questions on how and why they choose their markets as well as their track record within those markets.
7) Learn and utilize the “Wealth Generators”
When you invest in real estate, there are 4 main “wealth generators” you must pay attention to.
They are:
a) Cash flow
One of the biggest reasons people invest in real estate is for cash flow. I love the thought of spending time with my family on vacation knowing that each month positive cash flow is coming my way. I guess for me as a solo practitioner, it’s even better because I’m been so used to relying on only one stream of income, myself.
Cash flow is nothing more than the what’s left over after all the property expenses and mortgage is paid each month.
b) Appreciation
Appreciation happens when the value of a property increases (appreciates) over time. Just like the stock market, there are ups and downs in the housing market (2008 crash). But historically, the value of real estate has typically increased in the U.S.
I typically invest in “value add” real estate which produces “forced appreciation.” This is the concept of increasing the value while physically updating/improving the apartment.
The apartment syndication deals I’m currently invest in typically have a hold time of 5 years. During that time, the apartments are updated, the rents are gradually increased and then when the property is sold in 5 years, forced appreciation is noted.
c) Loan pay down
If you take out a mortgage to buy real estate (ie 4 plex), each month your tenants pay you rent, right? What they’re essentially doing is paying down your loan balance for you. This is cool because as they continue doing this, it helps you to build wealth automatically over time.
Here’s an example:
Let’s say you purchased an apartment complex for $500,000 with a mortgage of $400,000. During the time that you held it, it broke even (had $0 in cash flow) and never appreciated – which is very unlikely. Hang with me here while I try to make a point.
So after the 30 year mortgage is paid off, guess what? You now own an apartment complex free and clear worth $500,000 that you never had to save for. Why? Your tenants bought it for you via the loan pay down. Good stuff!
d) Tax advantages
One of the most overlooked advantages of building wealth with real estate are the tax benefits that are associated it. Some of the advantages owners get to deduct include:
even depreciation over time as business write-offs
Plus, when an investor sells a property and exercises a 1031 exchange to reinvest the proceeds into a new property, the person can defer all capital-gains taxes. Our government loves real estate investors and uses the tax system to encourage our purchase and leasing of properties.
Now that you know the seven steps to building wealth with real estate, I hope you realize that there’s more to investing in it that just “making money.”
It’s really about taking control of your life, preventing burnout, and not having to worry about whether you have enough to retire on or if you can ever retire at all.
It’s about building real wealth. The kind that allows you to enjoy the financial freedom to go out and do whatever you choose to do.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to begin the process of building wealth and not having to worry about your future?
If you answered yes, I’d be happy to discuss with you my experience I’ve had with passive real estate investing in more detail. It’s what I and many other doctors invest in to quickly achieve financial independence.
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