#also extremely funny that I specifically have been annoying enough
max--phillips · 7 months
Still completely and truly baffled that Matthew “photomatt” Mullenweg blocked me. And he chose to block me rather than annihilate my blog from orbit. Me, a transmasc person.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Sanji transitions to a woman living her best life with her crew. The vinsmokes find out the typical reactions indifference (They're kind of like kaido. Yeah, they're terrible, abusive, neglectful but they're not transphobic Jud is but the siblings are not).
Her sister is upset that she never got to spend time with sanji as sister.
Ichiji doesn't like that she looks so much like their mother it makes his feel something he doesn't know what it is happiness sadness maybe both but not enough to truly care about his sister.
yonji feelings are complicated. He's really angry, really angry. Looking at her bounty just makes him scowl she looks so nice and pretty. She also looks so happy and free not worried about judgment or slander from family and peers he hates it. He hates this weird feeling and he hates sanji. She's happy and living her life with her loving and accepting crew and he's stuck at home unable to open up about anything without backlash
( the weird feeling is envy specifically gender envy. Trans girl yonji she would be the most cold hearted girl on the planet but she'd be so pretty)
Niiji stopped caring about Sanji when she left the second time. Her being a girl now doesn't change anything and besides you could see the signs from mars of course she's a girl. He used to watch her play with her sisters doll all the time before throwing them in the moat
Jud nobody cares about his opinion
Transfem Sanji my beloved yayyyyy I love these asks!!!!!!
Reiju would be extremely happy for Sanji, of course, but a bit sad she couldn't be able to help her sooner. Because maybe- And this is unfair but- If maybe Sanji had been born a girl, perhaps Judge would've let some of the stuff she did slide the way she let Reiju be a little bit more emotional. Everything would've ended up the same, yes, but Reiju can't help but wonder. And also, she's dying to see her and her crew again to finally spend time with her sister. She isn't sure if she'll ever be able to do it, but Sanji's wanted poster kind of keeps her hopes up.
Ichiji is conflicted. Because he shouldn't care about Sanji at all. He doesn't care. Is she a girl now? Good for her. Whatever. She can do whatever the fuck she wants with her life. And yet he keeps finding himself staring at her wanted poster rather often, and seeing her mom in her. And he- He didn't care about his mom either. She's dead. It doesn't matter. But there's just something about Sanji now that makes him feel... Warm and melancholic and he hates it. He tries to avoid the subject completely.
Ohmygod- I love the idea of trans girl Yonji being jealous of Sanji's life and having gender envy. That's- That's so good. She shouldn't be able to feel like this and she should not want these things like her sister but she wants to be like that. Be free like that. And that makes her so, so angry and violent and she's constantly talking shit about Sanji only to feel better but it only makes her feel worse.
Niji is... Complicated. Because he doesn't care. But I think he'd also be jealous of her. Like- Jealous of her being happy and free. But he accepts it better than Yonji because Yonji goes all sentimental and violent and visibly jealous about it while Niji tries to be more like "Huh? I don't give a fuck about her. Why should I? Why do we even keep mentioning her? And besides, you didn't know she was a girl? It was obvious from a mile away. Not that I care. Because I don't care. She rejected our pretty kind invitation to the family again because she's an ungrateful bitch, anyway" but he actually does care and it frustrates him but, anyway, it's not like she's here anymore so he doesn't think about her. I also think he'd be annoyed about her looking like their mom btw he says she doesn't deserve it since it was her fault she died (and then he realizes what he said and he shouldn't have said it because in theory, he doesn't care about their mom dying).
And you're right, nobody cares about Judge. But I think it'd be funny if he complained about Sanji and misgendered her all the time while the siblings keep getting the pronouns right and they kind of... Defend her? To some extent? They start to develop stronger feelings as time passes by and I just think it'd be great for them to finally lose it with their dad because "at least she managed to find herself, we don't even know who we're supposed to be" and it doesn't matter which one of them says it, because it affects all of them equally and they have the biggest identity crisis ever only because their sister finally is happy and they want to be like that too.
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yesimwriting · 6 months
i get this vibe that best friend reader was a cheerleader in high school … https://pin.it/1OAic25B1 😋
was she popular in high school or not really?
omg!! love this and the jennifer inspo pic,, very bestfriend!reader with the uniform and the fun vibes lo
ik this is kind of a straightforward question but you've given me such a perfect opportunity to dip into character analysis/evaluation
but bc i have a long reply, i'll give a short answer here and my thought process (and some character discussion on saltburn in general,, more specifically on oliver and felix) below the cut;
short answer: reader was popular enough in a private school full of rich/extremely privileged kids, she wasn't running her high school, but she got invited to the fun activities bc she made friends with the students that were older than her, i kind of picture her like a smart karen if you've seen mean girls, kind of along for the ride with the popular kids but not actively working at it/being mean about it
but!! she's not fully aware of her popularity/influence on others,, which i think is her "major flaw",, which is something i think all (main) saltburn characters have (which is why they feel so real),, i'll discuss that below the cut :)
so something i love about saltburn is all of the (main) characters have a relatively clear flaw(s) that still leave some room for interpretation,, for example ollie and over indulging/consuming (he's "too much of a good thing" personified to me, i think the reveal that he comes from a pretty well off/financially comfortable family proves that taking too much is more of his issue than jealousy),
and felix is flawed in that typical rich kid way (he's a llittle weird in the way that influencer nepo babies are weird 😭 i'm sorry, i promise i still love him), he's so removed from poverty/struggle in a way that gives him a subconsciously self righteous ego, he's not naive but his perception of reality is warped, and in the end it's this belief that he's removed from real world dangers paired with his ego that catches up with him
so i wanted to do something similar with bestfriend!reader and in my head her "fatal flaw" is that she views herself as an underdog even though if you think about it,, she's not really
i want to make it clear it isn't a pick me thing!! at all! i see best friend! reader as not having the easiest childhood bc of some family things and it's not easy being openly smart in late elementary/middle school (especially in the 90s/2000s which is when she would have been that age...i think?)
so her insecurities are real,, but a part of her kind of embraces the "outsider" label bc it's familiar, she doesn't see herself as this polished, socialite despite being familiar with them and their world,, and even though she means it, to people that don't know her, it can be a little annoying to people more on the outskirts than her (cough, cough,, this is lowkey why oliver doesn't like her at first)
bc even though she's not as wealthy as felix and co,, and she's not fully embraced by his friends, she isn't this outsider that has no chance at getting in, people like her enough,,
it isn't perfect, but it's enough to get by, for example, people laugh at her jokes/comments, but usually, it's when she didn't mean to be funny; she always knows what to wear, but she doesn't always know what to say; she knows how to act at parties/knows how to be a fun "drunk", but feels awkward/under a microscope when at smaller things like dinners and group study sessions
also!! a little side note that i just think is fun, i think farleigh and reader's relationship is the marker of how well she's fitting in,, as soon as farleigh starts getting along with her, it's hard to deny that she's fitting in bc he's not easy to win over
i think all of this works as a point of contention between reader and oliver,, bc at first it's okay to hear "oh i get it,, it's hard to fit in with felix's friends" but that can only sound so genuine when farleigh starts calling reader over to hang out at parties and then later starts hanging out with them just bc
can also see reader having an identity crisis the day it's pointed out that she's friends with farleigh 😭 like one day another one of her friends asks her to do something and she's like "can't, i'm getting coffee and studying with farleigh later" and then it hits her like 😟
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candlecordyceps · 5 months
This is just my raw emotional reactions, opinions, and just general interpretations of the last few scenes in the episode.
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Starting off, I’m beginning with Shuro confronting Laois for what he did. Shuro seems to be a very high-standing fellow from what I’ve been given so far (as an anime only currently- I will start reading the manga once it finishes releasing I promise). He has guards that are close to him, and I assume he’s rich, and knowing that he will DEFINITELY care a lot more about black magic and laws, because they effect him more due to his (assumed) status. He’s understandably terrified of what this means for Falin. And he confronts Laois by asking him,
“Do you know what you’ve done?” He tells him all the hell that he can go through for it, what FALIN will go through for it, Marcille will go through- but Laois knows.
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He’s well aware of the consequences and he was willing to do it anyways. For Falin. For his sister. Because she was willing to risk her life for him and for everyone, everyone followed suit, and the desperation to do so was so powerful they were willing to do what it took. And Laois ALSO knows, that despite what Shuro is doing right now,
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He would’ve done the same. Shuro won’t kill him, because he knows he would’ve done anything too. Laois doesn’t GET people. He thought he could trust Shuro to be quiet. At this point it’s pretty obvious to me, especially in the episode with him being clingy and friendly with Shuro, calling him the one of the “only ones to call him a friend”, despite Shuro’s very obvious uncomfortable-disturbed-annoyed attitude toward Laois and general unwellness being unnoticed (until told specifically of it, to which Laois immediately got onto Shuro about his health). Yet, he knows Shuro would’ve done anything too.
Shuro stays his sword, Laois wishes for understanding, Kabru gets a drama boner (I find it funny how into it he is), and the scene changes. And FUCK man.
Laois loves Falin so much, and he knows how much Shuro cares. He cared enough to return. He told him everything because he needs the help, and he’s banking on the care for Falin to be enough to work with him to return her to safety. I’m SOOOO hoping he does help. That he breaks down and the sword falls from Laois’s neck. That even though it goes against a law so potent it could get everyone involved into extremely deep trouble, the bonds he’s made are enough. I don’t know Shuro well enough at all. Lord knows if he’ll even keep it to himself if they get out of the dungeon. But GOD am I not thrilled to figure out more. AND NOW, to the scene that made me scream from my seat multiple times,
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Faliiiiiinnnnnnnnn GHHHHHOOOODDDD. When I tell you I GASPED. Watching the hands that we had witnessed painstakingly put together. The hands That two people took the care into fixing and making sure each was in the perfect place- scraping against the floor. Bloody around the sleeves, clawing forward- on a mission for someone she doesn’t actually know. Her mind is warped by the mission of the mage. Put back together just to bleed and be reshaped and melded to something scary and unknown and new-
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AND ITS TERRIFYING. LOOK AT HER. JESUS CHRRRIIIIIIIST. Someone so loved and someone they all want to protect is RIGHT THERE, but she’s almost unrecognizable beyond her face, and mentally she’s so incredibly far away.
I can’t imagine the distress in everyone as they realize that they have to fight the exact person they’ve been fighting for. Because there’s no way she is peaceful and there is no way she’ll just “be Falin” without some extreme inbetweens. There’s no way that the mage doesn’t return if/when they succeed. I’m SOO excited to witness them figure it out and try to save her once more.
IF YOU MADE IT HERE THANKS FOR READING ME YAPPING!! This is mainly a little storage for me later when I wanna revisit and figure out what I thought before I knew what happened. Have a nice day/night readers!
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tuesday again 7/23/24
i woke up at ass o'clock monday morning to find BOTH of my cats sleeping on the bed with me :') temporary peace and love on planet niceys
also read a book where my takeaway was that there are SO many opportunities in the world for evil engineering but not nearly enough for evil puzzle games
my sister sent me ONE instagram reel/screencap of a tiktok and ive been muttering "emergency! emergency! paging DOCTOR BEAT!" under my breath for the past three days. alarmingly catchy remix of this gloria estefan song. this specific video below is pretty close but there are approximately eight zillion versions
Dark Wire by Joseph Cox (photo from here, description from the publisher's site).
The inside story of the largest law-enforcement sting operation ever, in which the FBI made its own tech start-up to wiretap the world, shows how cunning both the authorities and drug traffickers have become, with privacy implications for everyone. In 2018, a powerful app for secure communications called Anom took root among organized criminals. They believed Anom allowed them to conduct business in the shadows. Except for one thing: it was secretly run by the FBI.    Backdoor access to Anom and a series of related investigations granted American, Australian, and European authorities a front-row seat to the underworld. Tens of thousands of criminals worldwide appeared in full view of the same agents they were trying to evade. International smugglers. Money launderers. Hitmen. A sprawling global economy as efficient and interconnected as the legal one. Officers watched drug shipments and murder plots unfold, making arrests without blowing their cover. But, as the FBI started to lose control of Anom, did the agency go too far?   A painstakingly investigated exposé, Dark Wire reveals the true scale and stakes of this unprecedented operation through the agents and crooks who were there. This fly-on-the-wall thriller is a caper for our modern world, where no one can be sure who is listening in. 
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i really liked this one! cox did a really good job of slowly unfurling the extremely technical details as they became relevant, instead of one horrible infodump near the beginning, and has a real gift for humanizing little anecdotes that illustrate the concept. he's also dryly funny in a very british way, eg the transition between one paragraph describing a very talented olive oil salesman and his lifestyle to how that olive oil processing covered up drug labs with the sentence "But Catanzariti didn't stay with olives; he pivoted instead to methamphetamine." i loooooove reading about how the drug trade gets around customs. i love edge cases and figuring out why things fail. i truly think some of the finest materials engineers of our time are out there trying to figure out how to get cocaine into australia.
this is deeply reported in a way that's very different from a lot of popsci and pop-history books that annoy me: this is NOT a book where it feels like the author is simply padding out a wikipedia page, supplemented with articles he's already written. he's been on this beat since 2016 and it shows: he has quotes from hundreds of people on many sides of the drug war. something i also appreciate is that cox is not automatically, rabidly pro-cop; he does not gloss over the very real tortures and kidnappings and all the other nasty realities of the global drug trade, and frequently shows how much overreach and entrapment took place during this whole endeavor. i particularly liked a chapter where he flipped back and forth from various law enforcement officials assuring him they of course complied with all relevant privacy laws and blacklisted anyone using it for simple secure communications, and lawyers telling cox "no the cops very much did spy on my privileged communication with my clients and i know this because these texts came up in court". also gratifying to read about some cases overturned or thrown out, in the odd case a judge decided it looked too much like entrapment.
i feel like i devoured this book SO fast but it's a solid 352 pages in hardcover. i also had to wait a good two months on the libby holds lists so there is strong interest in this book! good for cox!
how did i find this book: it's austin underscore walker's fault. they used to be coworkers at vice and cox and three others broke off last year to found 404 Media, which has had an absolutely crazy amount of real-world impact for the size (again! four people!) and how long they've been around. rip vice. wish u did better by your people.
watched Hercules (1997, dir. Clements & Musker) with my bestie's five year old. i did not grow up with disney movies and don't really have a nostalgic affinity for them but this shit holds up! i like how meg has the silhouette of a greek vase
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powerwash simulator has a new free DLC out! we get to go to the aquarium and wash some exhibits and wash the research submarine!!! VERY soothing. took me a good solid two hour podcast episode to clean the exhibits.
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the temporary summer event in genshin impact is very darling this year-- there are big indie game vibes and unlocking every chest is a little more complicated or has a little bit more story attached than usual. very excited to see if this continues with the next big update that introduces a whole new land.
i also like that they've picked An Art Style to work with-- everything is very toy-like or origami. not that genshin doesn't have a distinct art style, but playing around with something less realistic is fun!
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look im going to have to add a cross stitch update to the morning reblog. the lighting in here is simply Not Good Enough
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bloodyinkandquill · 18 days
Biograft x Reader
again like before this will be a specific biograft that has gained consciousness somehow and again, i will use he/it on it and call it zeta for clarification purposes b
- Metal was cold and unfeeling, everyone knew that, but though thought they were wrong, if robots didn’t have emotions or thoughts then your lover sure has some strange coding
- Zeta was so interesting, a good interesting, but interesting and strange nonetheless, a robot only made to kill, mass produced, but somehow, he had come to gain consciousness, he had emotions, opinions, ideas, things Biograft’s shouldn’t, neither of you knew how or why he had come to be like this but neither of you really cared all that much, all that mattered was that it led to you two catching feelings, which was very confusing for Zeta who was experiencing emotions for the first time
- It was odd having a robot for a boyfriend, you had to teach it so many things about, well everything frankly, demons, emotions, existing, relationships, all of it was new to it so that led to many conversations where you’d explain concepts that were things very difficult to explain because it was just sort of something demons knew
- That’s not to say the relationship was bad by any means, absolutely not, even if not conventional you two made it work, figuring out how to show each other love, kissing, dates, the whole shebang
- For kissing it was easy enough, your lips to his metal, or him pressing his facial plate to your face, usually mouth, cheek, or forehead, even if he couldn’t actually feel it he knew what it represented and you could feel it, so he was content with it
- Seeing as he was a robot with no job and no money he couldn’t really buy you things, he could make you things here and there but you guys usually never got each other gifts, for the reason he can’t really and he also doesn’t have much use for most usual gift items, he can’t smell flowers, he cannot eat, jewelry is usually too small to fit on him etc, and you guys didn’t usually go on dates, most date activities include eating of some kind and when only one of you can eat it’s odd, but you guys would go on mock picnics, he always though nature was super pretty so you’d prepare yourself a bit of food and then just lay on a blanket together looking at a meadow or whatever nice spot you had found
- Zeta does not get the idea of pet names, like they make absolutely no sense to him, so you two just call each other by your names, you don’t mind much, if your lover doesn’t wanna use pet names you’ll honor that to make him more comfortable
- He worries about your health, sickness is one of the only ways demons can die so he is very fearful over your wellbeing, to ridiculous extremes honestly, if he sees you eating junk food or having a energy drink, or overall just consuming something unhealthy, he’ll tell you in greta detail how that thing is unhealthy and you should stop consuming it, if you ignore him and keep doing so he gets a little annoyed and starts listing the full ingredient list stating the dangers of each one either until you stop eating it, finish eating it; he gets angy, or somehow get him to stop it
- He feels oddly about seeing other Biografts out around, he knows only he is like this, no other Biograft so far has been able to think and feel, it’s lonely for him sometimes, when he knows the others of his basically species are emotionless husks, you do your best to comfort him but for someone experiencing these sad feeling for the first time he’s not good about how to deal with them
yippee!! i had one of these ideas in my head since the first biograft request because i thought it was pretty funny so glad i can finally share it, also if you guys didn’t notice my requests are closed just for a little bit, again i just need to catch up because i don’t wanna have too many requests and stress myself out
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pain-is-too-tired · 11 months
Am I the only one who's kinda getting bored of the "haha Percy is blonde like Will, the you're not my type scene is gonna be so funny" or whatever?
Specifically because Walker looks nothing like how I imagine Will?
Like yeah, he's blonde. But not the blonde I see for Will? It's a darker tone. Plus He does not have lanky cat stretched out in sun vibes sorry y'all
That, and Nico never specified he meant looks when he said Percy wasn't his type.
Cause if we compare Will and Percy they're different in a lot of ways.
Will's a healer, Percy's a fighter.
Will is described as laid back and appearing a lot more harmless then he really is. Why Percy is constantly being described as frightening and even godlike. He's a whole storm why Will's a cat stretched out in the sun.
Both are stubborn,but Will is a lot better holding in his more extreme emotions. It takes a lot more for him to be loud when going back and forth with someone. He can sound annoyed but he hardly ever sounds angry.
That and Will can calm down others like Clarisse, why Percy ends up matching them in attitude at some point.
Like I said, Percy's a fighter which often leads to impatience as usually in a fight its so quickly placed. You have to strike first before your enemy gets you. His adhd is a lot more hyperactive.
Will on the other hand has to balance patience and speed. Rushing can be dangerous, but you also can't be too slow or else chances of your patient dieing grows. It applies to how he interacts with others too.
And I honestly think that might be why Nico clicked more to Will. Will just has more patience to get through to him. He gets upset but he keeps his cool. Literally,iirc, they were in LITERAL HELL before they had their first true out right fight.
Idk why it urks me so much now. It was funny at first but it feels it's been beaten to the ground.
I think a lot it is also I feel Will is way too often chopped down to Nico's "hot therapist boyfriend". That y'all literally think of Percy was blonde that's all was needed to be Nico's type again. Like that's all that makes Will his type.
Heck, think about the fact Percy hardly ever defenseless. If he doesn't have his sword he has his powers.
Nico's thoughts on Will why he was literally going on about him in boo is that despite his harmless figure. Despite being a healer and not a fighter. Will rushes in to battle, even volunteering to scout on a enemy right after DELEVERING A BABY AT 14.
I think Nico found Will a lot more welcoming because Percy is just too much like him in some ways.
Sure, they can outsmart opponents, they're not dumb or completely dependent on their weapons and abilities. But without them they're a bit more unsure of their next moves. We see that Nico,despite being on the verge of dieing, still instinctively relies on his abilities. Though we don't see a similar case with Percy, his abilities is what makes him great enough to go toe to toe with literally gods. Nico's connect to death related abilities radiating from him was enough to scare back monsters.
Both need someone who isn't as use to being able to depend on weapons or godly powers strong enough to topple armies. They need someone to keep them grounded.
It's why Will and Annabeth click so well with their respective boyfriends. Annabeth constantly coming up with plans, she has only really her wits and a small blade to get her the upper hand. AND SHE DOES SO. I'm sure if Percy was in a situation where he couldn't use any of his abilities and either without his sword or couldn't depend on it as well, she would easily think of a plan and keep him from over doing it.
Will,like Annabeth, doesn't have the same powerful aura that his boyfriend does that keeps others literally backing away.
But he still managed to walk past Gemini without being stopped. I refuse to believe that he can't handle himself in battle like TSATS tried to say.
Anyway, really excited to see baby Will in the show in a few years fhdh
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bizaar · 2 years
Okay bear with me because this is an extremely specific scenario that I don’t have time to write out right now, but lately, I am obsessed with the concept of a reader who has been Dustin’s babysitter for actual years, like from elementary school on.
You’re the ultimate be-all-end-all super cool babysitter who sits and plays Atari with him, talks about comic books and Lord of the Rings, chaperones trips to the arcade and movies, and gets super into it when you step in to play an NPC in their D&D games. Dustin has had literal heart eyes for you since you first started babysitting, and probably has a secret vow that he’s going to marry you someday when he’s an adult. And then devastatingly, one day you show up gushing about this guy you met at school, how he’s really cool and funny and you think Dustin would love him because he’s into all that “nerdy fantasy stuff” and plays D&D, and that’s bad enough because you literally never stop talking about this guy, but then one day he’s gone from being just some guy you like to fully and officially your boyfriend and it’s all Dustin can do to keep from blowing his lid because who the hell does this guy think he is swooping in and stealing you like that? He’s known you for years and this guy, whoever he is, has just fully got the audacity to just ask you out? And it’s like a full year or two of Dustin having to endure listening to you gush about your stupid boyfriend, getting wildly jealous and snotty about it when you go on and on about how fun and funny and nice he is. He can’t even be too mad about it because honestly, your boyfriend does sound like a really cool guy, he even helped you plan a mini-campaign to run for the Party and it was actually super fun, despite what Mike said about it being “baby-shit”. It’s annoying because Dustin can’t deny that he’s happy you’re happy. Eventually, he can kind of start to ignore it because he’s got Suzy (and he really, really likes Suzy, but let’s face it, she’s not you). Still, really, he’s just biding his time until he’s old enough for you to take him seriously, and for you to break up with your stupid boyfriend (or for him to just die, whatever comes first).
Then one night, after you’ve graduated and right before he’s about to start High School, you show up to babysit (which is ridiculous, he’s thirteen now, WAY too old for a babysitter) and you aren’t your normally happy, self. Your eyes are all puffy and swollen like you’ve been crying, and it turns out you and your stupid jerk boyfriend finally broke up, but he can’t even be happy about it because you’re devastated, and before he knows it, suddenly Dustin is vowing to avenge your honor against the no-good son of a bitch who broke your heart, partially because he is honor bound to be the sworn enemy of anyone who makes you cry, but also because it finally makes you cheer up a little.
Then he starts school, and he meets Eddie and everything changes. He’s arguably obsessed with him, because he’s so cool and fun and funny, and he’s into all the nerdy fantasy stuff that Dustin and his friends (and you) like. He runs an awesome D&D club, and he wants to be just like him, but mostly he can’t stop thinking about how much you’d like Eddie too. Sure, he’s a little rough around the edges but he’s really truly and deeply nice. It makes Dustin happy to think about sharing his new friend with you because Dustin shares everything with you (he even told you about Eleven way back when they’d first met her and Will was still missing, but you’d scrunched up your features and told him that it wasn’t funny to joke about keeping girls in basements, so he’d made sure not to tell you about the crazy stuff with Eleven and the Upsidedown, if only to keep you safe from that super scary dangerous part of his life).
Time goes on and Dustin keeps trying to get you two together, not out of some desire to hook the two of you up, but just because he wants his friends to be friends too so that he can hang out with you at the same time, but you’re both busy with your own lives and it never ends up happening.
Then it’s spring break, and Chrissy’s dead, Eddie’s in the wind, and Dustin has vowed he’s going to help clear his name no matter what, so he goes to find you, because as an authority figure from his childhood, you’ve always had really creative solutions to seemingly impossible problems. Dustin drags the party down to the diner formerly known as Benny’s where you’ve since started working, he leans over the counter and asks conspiratorially,
“Do you know Eddie Munson?”
And suddenly your face goes steely in this bizarre, super serious way. You clench your teeth and swallow hard, and say sure, you know Eddie, (which honestly throws Dustin for a loop, how the hell do you know Eddie? All this time he’s been trying to get you two to meet and suddenly you already know the guy? What the hell?) and when pressed for your help, you agree right away, in fact, you think you know a few places where he might be hiding out. The party splits up, with you an honorary addition striking off on your own with a walkie-talkie to go turn over the few rocks you have in mind.
“How do you think she knows Eddie?” Lucas asks once you’re gone, and Dustin shrugs feeling weirdly a little jealous.
“I don’t know, they probably went to school together.”
And Max heaves a disgusted sigh, because oh my god, you guys are idiots, and she drops the take of the century on the Party.
“Morons. They used to date.” She says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “I used to see them together at the mall and stuff, making out all the time, like, super in love, it was actually really gross.”
And suddenly Dustin feels like his guts are about to drop out of him, because Eddie??? Is your super cool (ex)boyfriend??? He wants to tell himself Max is wrong, that she doesn't know what she's talking about, but suddenly there are a bunch of annoying little puzzle pieces all falling into place to make a picture of the last couple of years. He remembers seeing you get into a big shitty panel van blaring overloud rock music, you stealing away from outings at the movies or the arcade to go talk to some guy with long hair he'd never really gotten a good look at, the specific details of the D&D campaign you'd run for the Party, and how he'd thought he'd recognized minor NPCs in Eddie's own campaigns. Honestly, Dustin doesn't know how to process the information, so he stuffs it into the back of his mind and tries to forget he ever heard Max say it. It's almost impossible, especially when they finally find Eddie at Reefer Rick's, and for as relieved as he is to see him, he can't help but be ever so slightly hostile towards him, because he can't rationalize the conflicting truths he has wrestling around in his brain.
How is he supposed to be Eddie’s protector now that he knows he is the stupid shithead douchebag who broke your heart and had you sitting on his couch, crying, over the summer? The person he is sworn to protect is the same person he has sworn his mortal enemy? How does that work? Conflicting vows off honor are no good…
(anyway I’ll cut this off here because I could literally write a whole novel about this concept, it’s just giving me brain rot)   
UPDATE: Parts One and Two are up ...
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lovelylivelyv · 9 months
Beware This Person
Before we begin, obligatory disclaimer: do NOT harass the person I am about to bring up. I don’t want things to spiral out of control and I am simply here to warn you guys about a potentially harmful person I advise you stay away from. Ok? Good. Also a TL;DR is at the bottom of the post just in case.
It has been brought to my attention that someone I had beef with on Discord took to Tumblr and has been badmouthing me for months. Sidetable-Drawer (also one of the mods on Hottoepecker) and I met in a Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends server though I came across her blogs around the same time. We initially got along well, but then I noticed her behavior would change when it came to disagreements. It got to the point where I felt she was getting extreme, and she blocked me shortly before leaving the server entirely. I thought that would be the end of it, but I find out that two months after she left the server (and two months before the post was sent to me with monthly reblogs), she made an entire rant about two sides of the fandom. However, I noticed for one particular side she seemed to talk less about the side in general and moreso one person, and that person is me. Since she blocked me and made me powerless to defend myself on the post itself, I’m here to warn you all about her behavior.
The post is about how the “Bloo is basically Cartman” and “Bloo did nothing wrong it’s everyone else’s fault” sides of the Foster’s fandom are really annoying. But when she talked about the latter, she brought up multiple things I did specifically, in addition to how her saying she won’t pretend Bloo is an UWU Soft Baby or whatever was something she only started saying after I had the audacity to claim…that the rest of the main cast are flawed individuals that likely don’t understand the weight of their actions against Bloo (ex. excessive yelling, hitting, double-standards; for more info watch The Hidden Pain Of Blooregard Q. Kazoo). For the record, I never claimed “Bloo did nothing wrong”, I only claimed “Bloo deserved better”. But enough about that, I’m going to point out the tip-offs that give away she’s using me to cover up how she’s actually a bully.
“Guys he's just a goofy little asshole who's fun to watch (most of the time) but sometimes needs to be thrown against a wall.”
-She said this a notable amount of times in the Discord server and it sounds unironic. I don’t want to read into this too much, but I firmly believe children don’t deserve to be abused. Yet I’m the demonizer?
“He’s got his own problems…but it also doesn’t justify him being a jerk.”
-I never said his reasons make it ok for him to be a jerk, all I said was he has reasons for acting out. Understanding is not the same as excusing. This is also the same person who thinks Mac was in the right for abandoning Bloo twice but three a fit when Bloo dared to “cheat” on Mac with another kid later on (she can believe it if she wants, but I find it funny that she makes excuses for Mac while having a zero-tolerance policy for Bloo).
“I've seen some people come up with BS takes defending everything Bloo does and throwing every other character under a bus and demonizing them (we had an entire video post about FRANKIE derailed with a reblog about how everyone is "too mean" to Bloo. Please make a new post for your bad takes)”
-As I said above, the first half is not true. Sidetable-Drawer specifically accused me of demonizing them when I explained how leaving Bloo to die in the pilot episode despite mustering the courage to save Mac mere seconds later was the catalyst for his behavior. As for the other…yeah, I derailed one of her threads (because she mentioned Bloo was being a little shit for wanting credit for a rescue), but it was one time. A singular time. This is hypocritical of Sidetable-Drawer to complain about because she’s guilty of doing the exact same thing MULTIPLE times. She not only derailed Bloo conversations to gush about Mac, but also invaded Gloo shipping spaces and constantly called me and others disgusting proshippers over a HEADCANON. Here are some screenshots of Sidetable-Drawer’s continuous derailments, as well as others trying to get her to stop ship-policing: (for privacy sake I’m blocking out all pfps and usernames aside from mine but will put “SD” next to Sidetable-Drawer’s messages)
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So much for not burning me at the stake. Imagine calling my opinions bad takes when she’s the one actively harassing others over a ship she can’t accept is genuinely harmless, simply because it doesn’t fit her interpretation of a tweet Craig McCracken made. I’ve talked many times about how the aging thing is not necessarily set in stone for Bloo because of the existence of loopholes (Land Of The Flea) and the implication that Mac’s subconscious reason for creating Bloo was to have the big brother Terrence should have been, so I’ll just leave it at that.
“He's a funny jerk. Sometimes you just have to leave it at that.”
-Mac is a happy little kid, you could just leave it at that too. But you love to dissect how he’s a powerful character for coming out of his trauma a better person and theorizing how Mac’s life used to be before the show’s events. Why shouldn’t Bloo’s complexity be talked about? It sounds like you take issue with the idea that Bloo can be as layered as his peers.
“People are allowed to like Bloo but people are also allowed NOT to like him for these reasons, and you have to deal with it.”
-Then why did you accuse me of demonizing the main cast for saying the others needed to do better too? Why did you harass Gloo shippers to the point of trying to guilt-trip them out of shipping it? YOU’RE the one who’s not allowing people to think differently from yourself.
“(In the tags) Sometimes I remember that horribly squicky ‘Bloo Defense’ video and die a little bit. Sometimes you need to back up and tell yourself…it’s JUST a drawing :p”
-Ship-policing wasn’t enough for you, now you’re policing character analyses just because my view is wildly different from yours. How would you feel if someone told you that for saying Mac deserves better? You yourself are adamant against using “it’s just a cartoon”, but I guess you have no issue using it when someone else’s opinion doesn’t fit your idea of how things should be. Also if you really hated my video that much, you could have left a comment on the video proper instead of dragging my name in the mud for months.
All of this happened over simple disagreements I tried to be polite about despite her ignoring boundaries and shaming others time and time again. Normally I don’t respond to hate comments, but after having to deal with Sidetable-Drawer’s behavior on Discord for months and eventually finding out how she went out of her way to mock me and leave me powerless to defend myself, I knew I had to speak out about all this. If anybody figured out she was actually talking about one person and knew it was me, I could have been harassed. If I can help at least one person avoid being on the receiving end of her bullying, so be it.
TL;DR A Foster’s Home fan vilified me for having a different perspective, disguised a Tumblr post and subsequent reblogs targeting me to be about another group of Foster’s fans, and I’m warning others to stay away from her so they don’t go through the same thing if not worse.
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asteral-feileacan · 6 months
Sorry, I pressed a button and sent you that last ask before i finished it Can you delete it? That line you mentioned in your last answer, where Bucky says "I remember every kill"- just doesn't make sense in terms of the continuty. Wasn't his memory wiped between every mission specifically so he couldn't remember? Also, if you are passing so much electricity through the brain of a human that they are literally screaming in agony and have to have a mouthgaurd put in to stop them biting their own tongue off with the pain--- that is going to have serious effect on their brain and body.
If the guy who had that done to him says he can remember everything then either:
a) The torture didn't work or
b) He's actually lying: was saying that he remembered it a condition of his pardon, or something? I agree: the way his trauma was treated - just wasn't great. In the first couple of episides, it seemed like it was being addressed- but then they seem to have forgotten about it and got caught up in the whole catching the terrorists storyline, and then the racial inequality storyline with Sam. The final scenes with Bucky telling that sweet old Japanese guy what happened to his son seemed to be added as an afterthought when they deserved *much* more time. Bucky was clearly deeply upset just at the memory: his voice was cracking and he sounded like he was going to start crying. We should have seen more of the reaction and the impact.
it seems to me that if he was *that* distressed at just reliving the memory of one kill he could not have remembered all of them because it would have overwhelmed him and probably tipped him over the edge. ...and the therapist. Just don't get me started. I hate the way that the show treated therapy as something that was either funny or annoying. Can we just for *once* see a male character going to therapy and it being depicted as a positive or beneficial experience? Instead of just denying or ignoring their trauma and internalizing it.
Honestly, the problem is writers who don't understand how PTSD works, don't know how trauma impacts people, and don't understand that men not admitting how much they are hurting isn't being "strong".
Done, no worries!
"If the guy who had that done to him says he can remember everything then either: a) The torture didn't work or b) He's actually lying: was saying that he remembered it a condition of his pardon, or something?"
Personally? I think it's both to some extent. I always think of it more as, there has to be a reason that Hydra had to keep performing the brainwashing/conditioning, and keep using the trigger words to keep him at bay. He's a super-soldier, and has the healing factor, so he'll recover far quicker and more effectively than anyone else subjected to the conditioning. Where a non-super-soldier might not have even survived, Bucky did, and I think it's very telling that as soon as he stops getting the conditioning, he starts remembering things.
So despite all of the work and pain that Bucky has had to do to even begin undoing this damage, Hydra's methods had cracks in them, and that's why Bucky's able to remember things. Even with that, there was still extensive damage, and maybe he really doesn't remember as much as he claims. Again, to go back to my previous responses, this is a guy who was reduced to a state where he couldn't, wasn't allowed to, remember who he was, and in the wake of that, has not been given the help he needs and fears he's a monster.
Then there's the dreams. We know he has dreams, nightmares of the people the Winter Soldier killed, and we know they're extremely vivid. I can't really say whether he remembers names, but he for sure remembers their faces, and that's already bad enough.
And as for the distress of remembering all those kills in THAT level of detail - that's exactly why Bucky desperately needs real and competent psychological aid. Even if he doesn't remember every single kill, he clearly remembers a significant amount of them, which is hardly any better. Maybe he's already had a point where he's been overwhelmed by his memories and has since had to defend himself against them? The other option is that that point hasn't happened, but it's going to happen, because, well, the only thing that's changed is that he has people to support him now - he hasn't made other progress in terms of his mental health and the only other good thing going for him is that I assume he doesn't go back to that therapist.
Exactly. The show not only doesn't give Bucky a chance, it flat out refuses to allow him to be vulnerable and open when it matters. I can think of three scenes where that happens; the first is him telling Yori what happened to his son, the second is his talk with Sam when they're throwing the shield back and forth, and the third is that one from the dual therapy session ("If he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me."). There may be more, I haven't seen TFATWS in a while, but these are the ones that stick out to me.
The first WAS quite literally an afterthought. It's like they remembered at the last second about the old man and were like "oh crap", and then shoehorned a 2-3 minute confession scene in THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN FINISH. Sebastian Stan's acting in that was beautiful and didn't deserve to be cut off in the middle.
The second was a step in the right direction, and it did resolve the tension between the main characters. But they didn't follow through on it, and Sam only barely got past Bucky's flippant facade there and then they were like, "aight we're done".
The third. Oh my god, the third. The potential. And it was never referenced again, iirc. The scene started out so silly, and that sudden tone shift almost saved it, but they chucked it out the window by not following through again and making light of the entire therapy.
Oh yeah - the Isaiah Bradley scene. In my eyes, that was one angry, brutally hurt and bitter character lashing out at another. That's such a good lesson for writers there on building real characters. Isaiah hated Bucky, scorned his attempts to be better, because in his eyes, he was right. Everyone's behaviour makes sense to them, and everyone has reasons for that behaviour, good or bad. It's such a beautiful lesson in building characters' psyche.... or it would be, if it wasn't the view of the people writing the show just trying to belittle Bucky again.
Like, I'm not saying that Bucky doesn't make mistakes of his own, or is a perfect baby boy who can do no wrong, that people need to walk on eggshells around him or that everyone must respect him because his feelings are more important than anything else.
I am saying that he is a trauma survivor who deserves help and love and support in his healing journey, who is not getting that in the capacity that he needs. I am saying that the way this studio treats him is garbage, and the way it expects praise for treating him in that manner is vile.
Honestly, the problem is writers who don't understand how PTSD works, don't know how trauma impacts people, and don't understand that men not admitting how much they are hurting isn't being "strong".
PLEASE. PLEASE say it louder for the people in the back. On top of absolutely everything else, the way they treated Bucky was a massive mockery of male victims.
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leopardom · 9 months
i thought i wouldn't end up making one of those sappy posts before the end of 2023 but here we are i guess
what i wanna say in advance is a huge thank you, and that i'm sorry
this year has been a nightmare for me and i can't stress that word enough. i won't get into details, if you follow me you may have seen some occassional rant posts. long story short though, i'm ending 2023 being mentally exhausted af and even though i'm not in my most optimistic mood, i hope 2024 will not as shitty as 2023
as of my tumblr presence, there have been some changes. i jumped from one fandom to another without completely leaving the bc fandom. i'm just not that much in the mood anymore. maybe this will change once the new album is out? we'll see 👀 and jumping to another fandom means that i lost contact with so many people from the bc fandom. i promise you i didn't do this on purpose and i don't hate or stopped liking any of you. it just... things got weird and a bit too much in my head and now idk how to keep contact without looking extremely weird in this fandom
anyway! entering another fandom has been weird not only in means of interests but also in means of communication. ever since i remember my tumblr activity in any fandom, i always tried to interact as much as possible with other accounts and talk with people, whether that was via posts or messages. in the jo fandom i feel like i have kinda failed that
i'm aware that i post a lot and i'm probably everywhere with the content updates and the gifs. and that may be annoying to some people. and i understand it, i don't like it but i understand it and i wanna apologise for being... all over the place yet not really reaching out to anyone in the fandom or building any kind of online friendship
idk if there's an accurate explanation for the way i feel about this so i'll put it in the best words possible: i wanna make jokes and have fun in here and exchange random messages or mentions in posts and talk shit or not about jo etc, but i feel like my social anxiety (both online and offline) has passed any limit i had put to it until now that i end up thinking it's actually wrong to interact with anyone in this fandom. because everyone has already connected with some people and have built a specific line of interests and you all seem so fucking cool for someone who is as insecure and scared to talk as me so i end up hiding behind my gifs, shitposts and content updates in hopes that people will like me or at least aknowledge i exist in this fandom. and again, that's all on me, there's no one to blame for this behaviour but me and my fucked up mind (which got even more fucked up in the past year). so idk, i feel like i wanna apologise for this, for being like that
however, no matter the anxiety, i must admit that the jo tumblr fandom was actually my escape when things in real life got bad bad. i've spent hours scrolling through the jo and kaarija hashtags in hopes of seeing something unhinged and funny to lift my mood and you know what? i found something every single time. and that was more than nice. if it wasn't for all of you being as funny and crazy (in a positive way) as you are, i'd feel even worse. but every time i open the jo hashtag there's someone posting a wholesome thing or saying something unhinged like how many ways has Kris listed to kill Bojan in his sleep lmao
anyway i ended up writing a lot, this could easily be an entry to the journal that i don't keep but maybe should start keeping. if you read until this point, congratulations for going through all this ramble and i'm sorry
hope 2024 is gonna be a lot different than 2023 but in a good way this time. and i hope i get better and actually get to interact more with all of you great people 💕 and obviously i hope you all have a fantastic year ahead of you 💖
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I’d literally marry you if you’d please write some human kowalski boyfriend headcanons. Penguins fans are so content starved it’s not funny 🙏
Human Kowalski boyfriend headcanons coming righ up! I'll admit it took me a little to come up with some good ones but I think I did pretty good!
Human! Kowalski dating headcanons.
(Gender neutral pronouns used for the reader.)
I always feel like I should give them full names so Kowalski's first name in Johnathan.
(Also I kinda see human Kowalski looking like Corey Michael Smith, especially when he's the riddler in Gotham.)
Kowalski is definitely a little autistic so he tends to hyperfixate on his work. You'll have to pull him away from his work if you want him to eat or rest.
Kowalski had been sitting at his desk all day, working tirelessly on whatever it was he was doing for his job (he'd explained it to you at one point but it was all technical talk.) You came up behind him, gently draping your arms over his shoulders, planting a kiss on his temple. "Johnny, why don't you take a break and eat something? you haven't moved for hours."
A soft smile spread across Kowalski's face and he sat the papers he'd been reading down, removing his glasses. "Alright, love, I guess you're right. Do you want me to make you dinner?"
You chuckle softly. This man never stops working.
His love languages are gift giving, acts of service, and quality time, his gifts are always extremely thoughtful as well as useful. (His first gift to you was a can of military grade mace incase he wasn't there to protect you.)
Kowalski had tried to keep you away from his work but unfortunately that worked out as well as you'd expect. In the end he and Skipper had to train you in self defense.
Kowalski is a really good cook, and I mean REALLY good. You have a specific meal you haven't had since you were a child? This man will make it for you! You wake up at 3am craving a certain food? He will get up out of bed and make it for you. (Seriously, this man loves you so damn much.)
You stirred slightly, opening your eyes tiredly. Kowalski's arms were wrapped around your torso, hugging you close to his chest. Your stomach was ehat woke you up, growling loudly, causing you to let out an annoyed groan. Your groan woke your boyfriend, causing him to pull you closer. "What's wrong, lovely?" He asked, still extremely groggy. You shake your head slightly "Nothing, Johnny, go back to sleep." That wasn't enough for him though. He sat up slightly, looking down at you, the moon light coming in from the window illuminating you both in a dull glow. You let out a soft sigh "I'm just a little hungry." You admit. Kowalski let out a breathy chuckle "well let me go make you something then."
He loves explaining to you what he'd doing while he works. Especially if you sit beside him (or on his lap) while he talks. You may not understand any of what he's talking about, but you could listen to him talk for hours.
Kowalski is very romantic!.... in his own ways haha. He doesn't quite understand why anyone would want a bouquet of flowers that will wilt and die or going to expensive restaurants. Those those things jus don't seem very nice to him.
That's not saying he doesn't like going out! He just likes going to places where he can actually relax and let loose. He loves going to fairs and seeing movies. Getting ice cream (or any quick snack you'd like) and walking through the park is something you two do very often. (He really likes to feed the ducks at the pond.)
Fair warning, this man is very clingy! Kowalski needs to have his arms around you almost all the time (even when you're sleeping, which makes is very difficult if you need to get up to pee in the night.)
This man will read to you if you want! If you ask he'll get a little embarrassed but will happily oblige. Though he doesn't understand why you would want to listen to his voice for that long.
Kowalski LIVES for praise, compliments, and validation! Call him handsome and he'll deny it but his face will be bright red.
"You know, you're very handsome." You say, eyes trained on your boyfriend as he worked. Kowalski paused, glancing over at you "I think you need your eyes checked, lovely." He denied the compliment, though you could see his face flushing a bright red.
I'll add more little blurbs under each Headcanon (and more headcanons) as I think of them but I hope you enjoy what I have so far! I'd also like to add the Penguins proposing to their partners and what rings they'd choose. Hopefully this will be the start of me writing more headcanons and oneshots!
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8bitsupervillain · 12 days
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 7 Minagoroshi pt. 19
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I wonder if there was a notion Ryukishi was considering when writing this chapter to not include the reveal that Takano is the killer? Or if he had written out the scenes with Takano from earlier, and had thought about including them in a later part of the chapter, or even in the next one entirely? Or if this is all just for the sake of dramatic irony? I don't know if it would make this chapter better if they dropped this revelation later, but it's just something I wonder.
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I don’t really have anything to add to this, I just wanted to include this little interruption to say I did not do the following screenshots intentionally.
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It’s kind of funny how the log presents it in such a way that it looks like Okonogi is present for the conversation with Ooishi.
I know Okonogi was told to keep an eye on Rika, but do you think Takano also told him to sow little seeds of distrust between her and Irie? Or do you think he’s just doing that for fun? I know that this all just comes down to character interpretation but looking at the console and original art for Okonogi I could totally buy that this guy, in addition to being a ruthless killer, would definitely screw with Rika over the trustworthiness of her contacts. The remake art style version however looks like he’d be a bit too straight-laced to engage in such underhanded tactics. He looks like the sort of character who would get on the case of a less-serious underling for not taking their mission seriously enough.
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I completely buy all versions of this character making the veiled threat about talking to people about her notions. A couple of days pass, and Rika starts speculating about her death. The earliest it happens in June 22, but she’s not super thrilled at the idea of living in terror about her imminent death. More specifically she’s annoyed about the fact that she seems no closer to solving the time loop surrounding her death.
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Hanyuu is an extremely interesting character to me. I want so very much to understand what her deal is, why no one can see her, but can be heard by people who have some level of Hinamizawa Syndrome? How long has she actually been alive, is she also stuck in a version of the time loop? Did she inadvertently cause Rika to get cursed into the time loop by acknowledging her existence? Is she actually Oyashiro, or is she some other sort of deity? I suspect they’ll answer most of these questions in Matsuribayashi, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by this character. One of the other questions I have that I don’t doubt will be answered is why Rika is stuck in this time loop situation? Is that the real curse of Oyashiro? A question Rika asked here is a very interesting one: “don’t you want to see what happens after June 1983?” Is Hanyuu bound to Rika, and is forced to relive these events forever until Rika “dies?” Or are there other versions of Hanyuu who lived beyond her many deaths and saw what happens after the Great Hinamizawa Disaster?
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clonehub · 2 years
Rewatching tbb wish me luck.
First thing I've noticed is that the way tbb fights is really inefficent. It looks cool until you realize they're taking out droids one by one and techs droid poppers are only good for one use each. A normal droid popper would take out maybe like 6 droids at once if they're close enough. Tech used three and got three but we saw the whole sequence of it ig bc it's mean to be cool?
And again like I'm confused bc how much of this is their own skill and how much is access to weapons that regular clones don't have.
Like why does tech insist on getting as close as possible to stick these grenades and droid poppers on droids when the more efficient thing is to throw it from a distance?
"if you're done hiding down there" shut UPPPP oh my god
You know how like. Ppl say the Travis books are mean spirited and the jkr books are mean spirited. This feels mean. Like these are clones who were about to be overrun, who needed help, who relied on you to save them and you're immediately berating them for what?? Needing reinforcements? Waiting for YOU to do YOUR job?
No bc like just how like in s7 tbb gets away with breaking chain of command they do it here too. The captains right to berate them for insubordination like huh.
Caleb's voice has me in tears 😭
Geez the way they converse is so annoying. Wrecker is so annoying. I don't like characters that yell a lot sorry.
Kinda crazy that it took tbb that long to run back.
"talk to the reg captain" he has a name
Again the way they say regs just sounds like a slur.
Also like I feel like episode one is just the beginning of everyone else being rewritten in order to prop up tbb like kanans fans were PISSED his entire story about O66 was rewritten to give something to them.
Ah yes the first instance of Wrecker and tech being the dumb/genius trope.
Now that I think about it it actually feels kinda disrespectful to have like. The goofier/funnier moments of like the food fight and all that in an episode where a genocides just been committed???
And like wrecker isn't funny they don't actually know how to write funny. When that one critic said their personalities had been turned up to an almost caricaturish degree they were right.
And tech here asking that one clone what division he's from and naturally being brushed aside and then using that as evidence that they're still the same. Like huh. You see kaminos lockdown you see the Jedi have all been executed you see ppl got shit to do and you step directly in front of someone to ask them a stupid question like that 😭 like what was even the point of that scene they just screen wiped immediately after 😭
Good lord they're so ugly.
"they manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA--" ok so like. An aberration implies something bad. Defect implies something bad. But it's clear these aberrations were good differences taken to their extremes. Because in what world is looking at someone's DNA and seeing there actually a genius (barring that this isn't how this works) like actually a defect. "Oh this guy's strong and this one seems to have stronger senses" that's. They started out good and then were taken further??? Like??? And it was done on purpose too, not like the the Batch were unplanned, the Kaminoans specifically made them this way which is a luxury and privilege like no other clones can have.
Which is what annoys me so much about tbb being bullied by regs for being ~different~ bc that's such a shallow read on what differences exatly would make the regs hate tbb so much. Like no kdy gets bullied for being smart or strong they get bullied for being annoying as hell and being arrogant and derisive to ppl they think are "beneath" them. So the bad batch were bullied for their appearance then and the privilege they have over other clones in clone society. So like. These white boys that were made to be better than everyone else and get rewarded for it all the time look down on the """regs""" why am I meant to side w tbb lbr. Like it looks like hyped up white kids getting bullied by jealous brown kids. Huh. Bffr.
This is so bad. IM ONLY 18 MINUTES IN WHAT--
"you're more machine than man percentage wise" die
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ofthenoseclan · 1 year
hey. talk abt reimari. unless you already have then any other specific combo of charas u find interesting or particularly like
REIMARI... oh it would be my honour to,, sorry for not getting to this sooner im not very eloquent when it comes to ships but i wanted to do this ask justice
funny enough both characters took a lot of time to grow on me. i didnt dislike either of them when i began the series, but they didnt quite click for me until i got to the latter half of the franchise, and after reaching that point i had a newfound appreciation for what came before it as well
a huge strength of both reimu and marisa is how dynamic and malleable their personalities are over the course of the series, and despite the large changes in outlook as time passes they still continue to act as two halves of the same whole, complementing each other by evolving to fit the roles that the other grows out of.
as a child, marisa is extremely brash and impulsive, marching to the beat of her own drum. in contrast, reimu is a lot more mature— comparatively, at least; at the end of the day she can be as much of a kid as marisa at times (see many early chapters of touhou kourindou ~ curiosities of lotus asia.). she is carefree, but still pragmatic when need be. she often fills the tsukkomi role whenever the two interact with each other in the early era of the franchise.
over time, though, reimus worldview changes from a generally optimistic one to a rather jaded one when it comes to her role in gensoukyou. as she starts to become disillusioned with her identity and her lifestyle, marisa begins to take up the more responsible role in many instances. while still staying true to her laissez-faire, free-spirited self, she is also more down to earth, considerate of others, and able to see the big picture.
you can see this big shift on display most distinctly in touhou ibarakasen ~ wild and horned hermit. the manga is framed from kasens unreliable point of view, so the duos behaviour should be taken with a grain of salt, but not so much as to doubt it entirely. at many points of the manga you can see reimu at her most irresponsible and vulnerable, and marisa very often acts as a straight man in those situations. one persons attitude is fitted to complement the other at their lowest point, and to match them as equals at their finest.
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theres also a LOT of parts in ibarakasen where marisa is visibly affectionate with or worried for reimu. chapter 37 is iconic in the fanbase for showing them being blatantly flirty with each other, but theres many other points too. chapter 47 is an honest-to-goodness official sick fic, and during it marisa is noticeably way more worried for reimus health than everyone else, feeling annoyed when no one can nurse her back to health fast enough.
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its also telling in the first place that marisa frequently makes visits to reimus shrine at all, seeing as shes very often a loner, living secluded in the forest of magic and studying danmaku techniques in her spare time. aside from leaving to find more to research, visiting reimu seems to be the primary reason she ever leaves the forest. likewise, reimu is characteristically rude and annoyed at anyone who visits the shrine if they arent donating patrons, wanting nothing more than to be left alone. the sole exception to her surly attitude toward uninvited guests is marisa, whom she expects to show up on a whim rather often, and casually and unconditionally welcomes her if she does.
i know this isnt even close to the amount i can say about them (i havent even MENTIONED their date at the end of 4, for example) but im gonna leave it here at least for now. theres so much to their dynamic even if you ignore the romance side of things. they have been perfected and chiseled down into a beautiful intricate sculpture of a protagonist duo over the years. reimari nation represent
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if you click this unrebloggable minor ew vent post it's on you
glad i decided to nope out of watching this part of the stream, seeing chat call g'raha's bullshit in ultima thule "sweet and well-written" makes me convinced people wouldn't recognize bad character writing if it hit them with a truck
maybe if the writers ever took into account that his characterization is that of a manipulative asshole it would be good, because he is incredibly consistent on being a specific growth form of asshole, but they so clearly think his bullshit is cute and not bullshit so he's completely fucking unbearable to have pushed to the fore this much
maybe during dt they'll keep him offscreen long enough that i don't want to give him a one-way trip to the bottom of the ocean anymore
(this all would be less of an issue if a specific breed of g'raha fan weren't incredibly obnoxious if you so much as breathe in a way they dislike in his direction even when it's untagged, up there with the zenos hater reply guys (gender-neutral) for most prominent obnoxious people in this fandom (note obnoxious rather than actively harmful, those have overlaps with harmful groups but this is about people who are annoying)
granted, i also thought a lot of the ultima thule writing up to the dungeon was not that good. thancred and estinien are the only ones allowed to have any kind of tension, but they keep acting like the tension is at max the entire way through and it's just fucking not. you can try to argue that the characters don't know you'll succeed, but Y'shtola blowing the lid on the whole thing should have had more impact than it did on how the characters treated it. Also, having the two characters who are a single fakeout death apart (I have seen enough people 100% convinced that Zenos killed Y'shtola in stb that yes, I count it, and if you don't you're being disingenuous because they clearly want the player to think she's dead for a moment given that she has special textures for it) fakeout die AGAIN is just cheap emotional shots.
And maybe if EW had been allowed to actually heavily address any of 6.0 in its patches I would feel better about the weaknesses, because 3.0 has a lot of weaknesses that I felt were well-addressed in 3.x patches and I ended up with HW as my favorite expac! But EW's instead three expansions in a trench coat and they're not only not covered by the trenchcoat they're on the ground bc they fell over when they tried to add the third. The one aspect 6.0 skimmed over for pacing that 6.x does heavily address (garlemald) it addresses in different ways every time it comes up!
(thavnair doesn't really get addressed as a location in the 6.x msq, it's mostly about vrtra... which would be fine, if they hadn't decided to do ff4 but worse at the same time. and i say this thinking ff4's writing is very mid when viewed without nostalgia goggles, even if it was impressive for the console and era (and like, mid ain't bad given the technological limitations! i'm just sick of people acting like it's the best jrpg story in existence). just next to no effort to reinterpret it like they did with ct, weapons (i don't like the writing there at all but they did a lot of work to make it uniquely 14 and not "as seen in ff7"!), or the various scattered 5 nods.)
haterade empty. in conclusion i will be glad to see this expansion's back bc it's the only expansion where my opinion of it actively worsened as patches went on. e: honestly. i also would be glad to just stop having people crawl up my ass for criticizing ew's msq. i know that the loporrits are there to decompress, it doesn't change that i think they suck up way too much air for too long in an extreme pressed-for-time expac and, worst of all for a walking comedy routine, often aren't fucking funny in mandatory content. I can understand why something is there and still think it sucks shit in execution.
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