#also drawing him with the papers is peak comedy
malmagma · 2 years
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Hi yes go read all of @megamanrecut ‘s things that is my command
(Based on Become The Night)
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madbiscuitlady · 4 months
Ed and Stede coming up with ideas for themed nights at the inn to keep things interesting and unique.
Murder Mystery Mondays
Basically dinner with a murder mystery to solve. To keep things fresh, they change roles and costumes so that it's a little different every week. (Basically they invent "Clue" but they're trying to play all the roles)
Taco Tuesdays
Which turns into a debate about whether or not tacos are considered a sandwich or a cannoli. They never decide because Ed's apparently never heard of cannoli and now Stede is hauling him to the market to rectify this, but no one has any, so they settle on some sweet bread and eat it on the way home.
Watercolor Wednesdays
Everyone gets to paint something on the beach and of course there is wine involved. In case of rain, a still life will be set up in the drawing room. While testdriving this, Ed accidentally invents Jackson Pollack style painting out of sheer frustration. Stede insists he likes it and it winds up hung above the fireplace in a gilded frame. If anyone makes an unsavory comment about it, they will answer to Stede.
Themed Thursdays
After unsuccessfully coming up with an appropriate alliteration for Thursdays, they decide to write a series of themes on scraps of paper and toss them into a bowl to be chosen at random.
Fire Fridays
Weather permitting, a bonfire on the beach with snacks that can be roasted on sticks, or sitting around the fireplace indoors with the adult beverage of your choosing. Ed attempts to make spicy foods, but quickly learns that Stede has sad white guy tastebuds, so he's just nursing some coconut milk while everyone else gets to enjoy.
Silly Saturdays
Lots of unfortunate comedy routines and general silliness. Mismatched clothes, funny hats, etc. Everyone's least favorite. The crew decide to show up as a troop of clowns. This is how everyone discovers that Stede is terrified of clowns and he spends the rest of the day locked in the bedroom.
Super Soft Sundays
Also known as Self-Care Sundays. Nice baths with your choice of scented oils and/or bubbles, a mud masque with freshly sliced cucumber for your eye lids, and Ed hosts group meditation for peak mindfulness (which is to say it's not relaxing at all because he keeps trying to make soothing ocean noises peppered with the random cries of a seagull).
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sunsumu · 4 years
I loved the hair playing with atsumu so much,, can you do the same with ushijima, akaashi and tendou? I feel like their hair doesn’t look like the softest but once u touch it it feels like heaven. Thank you!!
a/n: This one includes both headcanons and a small little drabble because we didn’t know which one you wanted- All the admins worked on a different character. Ushijima was done by admin oli, Akaashi was done by admin imeda  and Tendou was done by admin lisa. Hope you enjoy! -admin oli💫, admin imeda💕, and admin lisa💌
⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.Playing with Ushijima’s hair⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
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the first time you did it he was confused??
but it also felt nice??
honestly he’s conflicted
his hair is so soft??? like what conditioner do you use-
it also smells really nice
as you keep playing with his hair he slowly starts leaning into your touch
suddenly he’s on top of you
and that’s how your cuddling session begins
when he wants you to play with his hair he doesn’t outwardly ask you
kinda stares and stares and stares, until you notice
he tried to play with your hair once, he got his hands tangled in them
a liddol drabble <3
Ushijima didn’t have practice with the team today, so we were spending time together in our shared apartment. We were just enjoying each other’s presence. As I continue to add the details onto the drawing I was working on, I hear the wooden floors creak. 
I glanced up to see Ushijima standing behind me, staring at my drawing. 
“Do you need anything Toshi?” I asked softly. He takes the pencil out of my hand and he suddenly carried me in his arms. 
I looked up at him and got an idea. I moved my hands to his head and I started playing with his hair. 
Ushijima closed his eyes as I did, his face looked content. He slowly walked over to our shared bed and sat down, gently placing me in his lap. 
He slowly leaned into my touch as I kept playing with his hair. We both suddenly fall back and I let out a laugh. 
As he laid his head on top of my chest, I continued to run my hands through his hair. Ushijima moves his head to the crook of my neck and inhaled. 
Everything was at peace and we were happy. 
playing with akaashi’s hair <3
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akaashi’s hair is SOFT soft
like its a mess of soft black curls but it’s just so soft and nice to run your hands through
you’re surprised you didn’t play with it sooner
a lot of the times when you’re studying together, akaashi will just lay back and you’ll start playing with his hair
the first time was definitely during one of your study dates
ever since then akaashi will kinda give a small cough and then lie down so you’ll start playing with his hair
he once just fell asleep while you were playing with his hair and you went PANIK
it was so cute and he just curled up to you and your heart melted cause hes so cute
he apologized like 50 times after that how were you supposed to tell him that you didn’t want him to apologize you wanted him to do it again
lil drabble cause apparently we’re all doing this
“Akaashi, I don’t get this problem.” your voice is soft as you nibble on the end of the pencil. Akaashi’s head shoots up from the math problem he was working on. He leans over and wraps a hand around your shoulder, you nearly bite off your eraser and choke on it at the sudden touch.
“You have to do this part first cause it’s in brackets and then do the addition and subtraction from left to right.” Akaashi explains. You look at him as he leans across your paper, pointing at the math problem. He runs a hand through his black curls and you find yourself just slightly staring. You realize that you should probably be paying attention to what Akaashi is saying, but you can’t help it because his hair looks so soft and fluffy.
“Hey, ‘Kaashi, can I play with your hair?” your question is simple enough and it shouldn’t be too difficult of a request. Akaashi’s head quickly turns to look at you, but he turns away as fast as he can, trying to hide his growing blush.
“I mean, yeah, if you want. That’s okay, you can do whatever you want.” it’s rare to see Akaashi so flustered and the dark red blush on his cheeks is even rarer.
Akaashi slowly lays his head in your lap as you tangle your fingers into his hair. His dark curls are so soft that you have to resist every urge to start interrogating him about his hair routine.
You sneak a peak at Akaashi’s face. His eyes are closed and the blush on his face still hasn’t faded one bit — maybe it was even more noticeable than before.
While one hand makes it’s way through Akaashi’s hair, the other one strokes the side of his face, earning a small smile from Akaashi.
“Hey, y/n.” Akaashi mutters softly, not yet opening his eyes. You hum a small response and he finishes his sentence, “I love you.”
It’s moments like these that you tend to treasure. When Akaashi can let down his guard and smile freely.
And you don’t have to even give Akaashi a response, because he can tell in the way that you softly run your hands through his hair. You love him and both of you know it.
It feels just a little sweet, knowing that Akaashi can tell just how much you care about him through one small touch.
playing with tendou’s hair :p
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he would be surprised but likes it
he would tease u for it but like u tease him right back
the urge came that one time he came out of the shower w his hair down and you HAD to touch it. no buts.
he kinda lays in your lap while yall watch movies and lets you play w his soft ass hair while he eats popcorn
becomes a natural thing when cuddling
his hair is soft. like SOFT. (esp after a shower and its let down :p)
lil drabble bc oli started it
You sat at his couch in his room, waiting for Tendou to be finished from his shower. You were scrolling through Netflix to decide on what to watch later with him, before deciding on this show called Busted!. It was a comedy, mystery show which sounded interesting. free promo :p
You heard the door open and snapped your head towards the restroom, spotting a shirtless Tendou wearing shorts walk out. He was combing through his hair with his fingers, and you stared at his red hair. It was the first time you had seen his hair being let down.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He smirked, shaking his head to dry out his wet hair. You rolled your eyes at him but smiled. You waved him over to sit next to you as he grabbed his shirt to put it on. Tendou walked over, sitting beside you and immediately laid his head onto your lap.
"Hey! Your hair's wet, get off," you whined, pushing his head. You didn't actually mind but it was fun to mess with your boyfriend. He laughed, refusing to move.
"Nooo~ I don't think I will." he replied, teasingly. You huff, giving up, before realizing how soft his hair was. Before you knew it, you found yourself playing with his hair, rubbing his scalp. Tendou looked at you, confused, but not mad. He looked like he was kind of enjoying it.
"Oh, sorry." you apologized, reluctantly pulling your hands away. "Didn't mean to." Tendou lightly glared at you, grabbing your hands and placing them back onto his head.
"Well I didn't say stop, did I?" he pouted, turning back to the TV. "What show are we watching anyways." He began eating the popcorn on the table in front of him. I smiled at the back of his head, moving my hands to rub his hair.
"This comedy show. It looks good, click play," you told him. The rest of the night was peaceful. Tendou laying comfortably on your lap as you rubbed his very soft hair, (seriously, what conditioner does he use?) and both of your laughter being heard by your neighbors. It was a memorable night which started your habit of playing with his hair whenever both of you cuddled. He never minded though.
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m0etenchandon · 5 years
First Time (reader x virgin!Joe smut)
Pairing: Female reader x Joe Mazzello Summary: You always sit together in class, but your friendship never extended past the four walls of the lecture hall. So, when Joe finally musters up the courage to ask you to hang out, you take your shot. You have pizza, try to watch a movie, and finally show him what he´s been missing out on Warnings: SMUT (18+ only), virgin!Joe, blowjob, premature ejaculation, fingering, pussy eating, unprotected sex, creampie A/N: This is my 2,000 followers celebration! Thank you guys so so much, I don´t know what I would do without you. I love you all! So to thank you, here is some soft virgin Joe smut Word count: 6K
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Gif credit to @mazzelloplots
This is pure filth and you are not allowed to read it if you´re under 18. I will block you if I catch minors interacting with this story.
You met Joe the first proper day of Uni. He had stumbled through the door a few minutes late, spotted the first available seat and made a beeline. Fortunately for you, it was the one next to yours. At first you were annoyed. You had hoped you could get some space, especially since it was first thing in the morning, but when you met his gaze your heart made a little flip. It wasn’t necessarily love at first sight, but he was cute. Very cute. His auburn hair was all messy from him having probably just woken up and there was a hint of some light stubble covering his jaw.
Joe was his name. He didn´t introduce himself so you had to peak at his notepad to find it. Joseph Mazzello.
You didn´t talk the first day, but he gave you a soft smile at the end of the lecture. The next day he asked to borrow a pencil. And after that he asked you for the answer to one of the questions. And then a joke which was actually funny. You could never forget the proud smile on his face when you laughed at it. That and his New York accent.
You always sat together and quickly became good friends. But inside of the classroom only.
“Hey Y/N?”, Joe said when you started packing up your notebook and your laptop. It was a Friday and you were eager to get home. Netflix and the wine in your mini-fridge were calling your name.
“Yeah”, you said, shooting him a smile. A blush crept onto his cheeks. God he was too cute. You were absolutely smitten. It was unfair really.
“I-I wanted to ask you if you uhm- I want to- shit I´m sorry”, he mumbled, eyes panicked.
“Joe! Relax”, you giggled, reaching out to grab his arm. It felt firm under your grasp and you had to properly concentrate on not squeezing to feel his bicep.
“Right. Sorry. Uhm- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?”, Joe asked. His eyes met yours momentarily before shying away and staring at his feet.
“I would love to, Joe”, you said, a stupid smile plastered on your face. You scribbled your dorm number down on a piece of paper and put it in his hand. “Come around mine tonight at 8”
You walked home with a spring in your step. It wasn´t a date, or maybe it was, but at least it was a start. You really liked him. Whether or not he liked you too was a mystery though. He might just be shy around everyone, right? You hadn´t really see him talk to anyone else, but he answered lots of questions in class and often made them funny. It was strange really how he could go from being the class clown to struggle to ask you one simple question.
You decided to not dwell on it further and unlocked the door to your dorm. There was a note on your side of the room from your roomie. She was going home for the weekend. Thank god. Not that you didn´t like her but it was so refreshing to have the room completely to yourself. Also, it meant that you and Joe wouldn’t get interrupted.
Deciding you were going to order pizza for when Joe came over, you just popped a few slices of bread in the toaster and decided that would have to do for now. You picked up your dirty clothes and made the room all pretty. You didn´t want him to see how messy you really were. At least not right away.
There was a knock at the door at exactly 8pm. Ok this was happening. You felt your pulse increase. You looked over your room one final time. The pillows and blankets on your bed looked very inviting next to your open laptop with Netflix on.
“Hi”, you said when you swung the door open. Joe had put on a sweater that made him look so soft. And cute.
“Hey, Y/N”, Joe answered. He gave you a lopsided smile and took a step into your room. You could see him taking it in, making you oddly nervous.
“So, do you want to watch a movie? I have ordered a pizza for us”, you said, plopping down onto the bed. It wasn´t the biggest bed, but it could fit two people if necessary. And it just meant that you had to sit closer which you definitely weren´t complaining about.
“Oh I thought we were going to study”, Joe said. A pink blush rushed up his cheeks as he gestured to his bookbag.
“It´s a Friday night, Joe”, you giggled, waving him over. “Come here you nerd”
Joe gave you a nervous smile and dropped his bag before heading over to you. It really was a bit of a squeeze to fit you both. You could feel warmth radiating from his thigh over to yours and the way his arm felt firm against yours.
“What do you want to watch then?”, he asked, desperately trying to ignore the tension in the air. You always sat together, just never this close.
“What about this one?”, you said, pointing to the thumbnail of a horror movie. You could feel Joe tense up next to you.
“Uhm what about a comedy instead?”
“Oh don´t tell me you´re scared, Joe”, you laughed. “I´ll protect you don´t worry”
Joe sighed and let you start it.
You regretted it after about 30 minutes because you were both scared shitless. Joe was biting down on his nails, trying to avoid looking at the screen but at the same time not wanting you to know how scared he actually was.
When the main character was chased down a hallway by a guy with a chainsaw, you closed the computer. Not exactly the type of mood you wanted to set.
“Let´s not watch that anymore”, you said, throwing it to the side. You turned to Joe just in time to watch him let out a sigh of relief. The look on his face almost making you melt.
“What should we do instead?”, he asked.
Your eyes fell on his lips as he spoke, and you could immediately feel the tension turn into lust. This was your chance. You could just ask him and get it over with. If he didn’t like you back then fuck it, you could probably get over him. But you needed to know.
“We could kiss”, you suggested, your voice barely above a whisper. But Joe caught it though. His eyes went wide as he stared at you, his mouth falling open slightly. Shit.
“I mean it´s just an option, we don´t have to if you don´t want to. I get it if you only see me as a friend”, you mumbled rapidly. Shit you had messed up.
“No no, I-I want to”, Joe said after a while, taking your hands in his. His long fingers wrapped around your palms, his thumb soothing the skin. It felt warm. The butterflies in your stomach went crazy.
You closed your eyes and leant in, drawing in a breath as you felt his warmth when you moved closer. You stopped just before your lips met his and stopped, wanting him to take the final step. He did. Joe closed the distance between you and pressed his lips to yours. They were soft. Slightly chapped. A wave of warmth spread across your entire body, making your heart flutter.
The kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door. Shit. The pizza.
Joe pouted when you pulled back, his lips pink and puffy. You couldn´t resist. You leant in and pressed another peck to his mouth before moving off the bed. He shifted in his seat and ran his fingers through his hair. Trying to take a deep breath to compose himself.
As soon as you opened the door you could smell the delicious pizza. You hadn´t realized just how hungry you were before now.
“Pizza for Y/N”, the delivery girl said, giving you a kind smile.
“Yes, thank you so much”
You fished out the money along with some tip and thanked her again as she handed you the pizza.
“Smells so good”, Joe said as you closed the door. You half- groaned in agreement and made your way over to him. You sat the pizza down between you and sat crossed legged in front of him.
“So you actually intended this to be a study-date?”, you asked, taking a slice into your mouth and moaning at the taste. It was delicious.
“To be completely honest, I just brought them because I didn´t want you to think that I thought it was a date-date”, he said, blushing.
“Aw you´re so cute, Joe”, you giggled, nudging his knee with your own. “I wanted it to be a date-date”
Joe nearly choked on his pizza. His eyes went wide.
“Really?”, he questioned.
“Of course! I like you, Joe. Why did you think I kissed you?”, you gushed. The deep-red blush that painted his cheeks were enough to have you swoon.
“I don´t know, I haven´t really uhm- I haven´t really kissed that many girls”, Joe admitted. He looked away as he spoke, picking up another slice of pizza and eating it in three large bites. Yep. He was definitely from New York.
“I don´t care, Joe”, you said, giving him a grin once he finally met your eyes again, “And for the record, I couldn´t tell”
“Oh. Well that´s good I guess. Thank you”, he said, wiping his hands on his thighs. Joe paused for a second to look up at you. He seemed nervous all of a sudden again. “Do-does that mean we can do it again?”
“Mhm”, you smiled, moving the half-empty pizza box out of the way. You perched yourself on your knees and leant in. Joe met you on the half-way, his lips melting against yours. You could feel your stomach churn with excitement, his slight stubble igniting the tingles in your panties.
Joe had apparently gotten a surge of confidence, because he pushed his tongue into your mouth, his hands grasping your sides and pulling you into his lap. A gasp left your mouth as you felt the bulge under your crotch. You placed your legs on either side of his body and deepened the kiss. Your hands slid around his head to pull at the hair in the nape his neck, causing Joe´s mouth to fall open against yours.
You took the opportunity to trail your lips across his jaw and down to nibble at his ear lobe. Joe´s grasp on your waist tightened.
“Do you like that, Joe?”, you cooed, pulling at it with your teeth. His breath stifled in his throat.
You smirked against his skin, moving your lips down to suck at his pulse-point. You took his fair skin into your mouth, marking him up. A strangled moan escaped his mouth.
You pulled back to eye your masterpiece, a smirk pulling at your lips at the light purple bruise.
Joe looked absolutely fucked out. His eyes were hooded in pleasure and his lips puffy from kissing. A thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. Huh. Already. That was quick. This was going to be fun.
You made a tentative thrust of your hips, dragging your clothed heat over his crotch. Joe´s eyes shot open in surprise, his fingers digging into your sides. He was already rock hard.
“You´re so hard already”, you said, cocking your head. You grinded down again, seeing his breath hitch in his throat. A vein popping out on his forehead.
“Shit I´m so sorry, Y/N”, Joe said. He tried half-heartedly to push you away. “I-I uhm, I can´t. Fuck I can´t control it”
You giggled at his innocence. God he was cute. So innocent.
“There´s nothing to be sorry about, Joe. I´m flattered”, you said, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips.
You slid your hands down his chest to pull at his sweater.
“I need you to stop me if you don´t want to do this. If you´re not comfortable then we won´t do anything”, you warned, tapping your fingers against his skin.
Joe´s eyes went even wider as he desperately shook his head. He grabbed your hands and pushed them further down towards his crotch. A yelp left his mouth as your fingers grazed over his erection when you were grabbing his shirt.
“Fucking hell”, Joe muttered under his breath, leaning forward to let you pull the sweater off his body. His chest was lightly littered with hair, his pecks and stomach soft.
“I love your body, Joe”, you cooed. You leant down to press your lips to his chest, your fingers sliding down his torso to rest against the waistline of his jeans. His cock was straining against the material, his pulse increasing as you were inches away from where he found himself so desperately wanting you.
“Please”, he whined, hips thrusting up to meet your touch.
You giggled and moved your body down his thighs. You reached out to play with the button of his jeans, letting your fingers graze lightly over his bulge.
“Please what, Joe?”, you teased, looking up to meet his desperate eyes.
“Can you please touch me, Y/N? I need it so bad”, he begged.
You hummed in amusement before leaning down. You pressed your lips against the soft curves of his stomach while your fingers popped the button of his jeans. Joe´s tummy was rising and falling rapidly under you, small whimpers leaving his mouth as your fingers grazed his cock while sliding the zipper down. You looked up at him to check if you could keep going before moving your lips down. Placing a kiss on the waist-band of his briefs, his cock twitched in anticipation just below where you were touching him.
There was a small dark stain on the material where the head of his cock laid. He was visibly throbbing, causing your mouth to water.
You hooked your fingers into the waist of his jeans and boxers and tugged at them. His cock was pressed down as you pulled the material down his thighs, before springing up and hitting his stomach with a loud thud. It was heavy and large, a prominent vein running up the underside. The head glistening with pre-cum.
Joe looked down at you with lust in his eyes, his hands gripping the sheets beside his body.
“Your cock is so pretty, Joe”, you cooed, reaching out to run a finger all the way down his shaft. You pressed against the vein, watching as it twitched underneath you. Joe cursed underneath his breath, biting down on his bottom lip.
“I uh- Shit I have to tell you something”, Joe said, grabbing your hand to stop you from touching him again. You cocked your head, giving him a sweet smile. You had a sneaking suspicion what he was going to tell you, but you needed to hear him say it.
“Go ahead”, you said, squeezing his hands.
“This is really embarrassing but I feel like you need to know, this is my first time. Ever. Like, doing anything”, he said, eyes fleeting away from yours. A deep red blush crept onto his cheeks and chest. Hmm. Yep. That´s what you thought.
“It doesn´t matter to me, Joe. As long as you want to keep going, I want to too”, you said. You tapped the back of his hands to force him to look at you.
“God I want to”, Joe moaned, letting go of your hands. He drew in a sharp breath when you placed them on his hips. Just beside his throbbing cock. “I just want you to know that I don´t really know what I´m doing. Everything I know is from porn”
You giggled and leant up to press a kiss to his lips. Mostly to stop his rambling but also because he was really cute and awkward right now. Joe moaned softly into your mouth, his lips following you as you pulled away. His eyes closed. Wanting more. And that was exactly what you were going to give him.
“I´m going to take such good care of you, Joe. Just sit back and relax”, you whispered, moving down his body again.
You caught his eyes as you leant down. You blew hot air onto the head of his cock, humming in amusement as it jumped. Joe´s knuckles were already going white from how hard he was fisting the sheets.
“Ready?”, you asked, ghosting your lips over his tip.
“Please”, Joe whimpered, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
You smirked before licking a bold stripe from the base of Joe´s cock all the way to the tip. It jumped up to meet your mouth as your tongue swirled the string under the head. A steady stream of salty pre-cum leaked from the slit, and Joe yelled out in pleasure when you licked it all up.
You wrapped your hand around the base before pursing your lips and slowly taking the head into your mouth. It felt warn and soft, the salty taste covering your lips.
“Fuck that feels- oh my god I can´t believe this is happening”, Joe rambled, thrusting his hips to meet your touch.
You squeezed his shaft harder and hummed around the tip, letting your tongue press against the underside of the head. Your eyes were locked on his as you took him further into your mouth, sucking just a little bit harder until- oh. A salty liquid shot out of the slit, coating your mouth and causing you to lift an eyebrow. Ok. That was fast.
“Shit I´m so sorry I couldn´t- oh my god ah it feels so good”, Joe moaned. His back arched off the wall, his hips moving up against his mouth as he emptied himself. His cock throbbed in your hand as you guided him through his high, milking out every last drop of cum.
You pulled off him and sat down on his thighs again, opening your mouth to show him his own load. Joe´s eyes were droopy as he watched you swallow, cursing under his breath when you opened it again. All gone. The salty liquid slid down your throat.
“Hmm, I´d appreciate it if you warned he next time”, you said, a playful smirk pulling at your lips. You reached up to wipe the sweat off his forehead before pressing your lips to it. You moved off his lap and sat down next to Joe, pulling out the pizza and reaching for a slice. Cum wasn´t something you wanted to taste for much longer.
“I´m really sorry, Y/N. I didn´t mean to do that it just felt too good and I tried to hold back but I couldn´t and fuck I´m sorry I didn´t want to ruin this”, Joe rambled, pulling a pillow into his lap to cover his softening cock.
You giggled and offered Joe the last slice, grinning when he looked up at you for a split second before grabbing it. He groaned slightly at the delicious taste. He needed the energy.
“It´s fine, Joe. It happens. I just need you to tell me when you´re close so I can stop or slow down”, you said.
“I´m sorry”, Joe repeated. He threw his head back against the wall in embarrassment. His Adam´s apple bobbed when he swallowed the pizza.
“We´ll work on it. There´s no need to apologize”, you smiled, nudging his knee with yours. “But first, I´m going to enjoy this pizza”
“So we can try that again?”, Joe asked. He bit off another piece of the pizza, his eyes trained on where you did the same. They darkened as you licked your lips.
“I was thinking we could try something else, but yeah. If you want to of course”
A grin spread over his face, his lips curling around the food inside his mouth.
“I want to. Very much so. I´m not sure I can go again right away though”, Joe said. He swallowed the last piece of his pizza.
“I know. That´s why we´re having a pizza break. And, I also need you to get me ready first. That cock of yours won´t fit inside if you don´t”, you said, smirking when you saw Joe´s eyes grow wide. His gaze fell on your boobs before trailing down to your covered heat.
“Uhm do you want me to? Can I touch you? There?”, he stuttered, eyes meeting yours again. You chuckled before wiping your mouth. Joe drew in a harsh breath when you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him towards you, removing his pillow in the process.
You laid down on the bed and pulled him with you, wrapping your legs around his naked waist. His teeth clenched against yours as he settled himself between your legs, both of you giggling into the others mouth. Joe tasted like pizza. Delicious.
“Ca-can I?”, Joe muttered against your lips, whining as his sensitive cock grazed against your inner thigh. He slid one of his hands down your side to your waist, squeezing slightly before moving down to the hem of your shirt. His fingers felt warm on your skin.
“Of course, you can”, you said. You lifted your back off the mattress to allow Joe to slide the material off your body. He drew in a harsh breath when he saw your boobs in that lacy bra you had put on – just in case.
“Do you like it, Joe?”, you teased, smirking at the way he couldn´t pry his eyes away from your chest. “Or-“, you trailed your hand down your own neck, over your boobs before sliding back to the clasp of your bra. “Would you rather me take it off?”
“Off, definitely off”, Joe rambled. His eyes met yours for a brief second before they fell on your boobs again as you unhooked it. You shuddered as air hit your stiff nipples.
You grabbed Joe´s hand and slid it up your body, your fingers urging him to squeeze. He did. Ever so slightly, as if he was afraid he would hurt you. You giggled and moved his hand, pinching his fingers over your nipple. You arched into his touch, a low moan falling from your lips. This gave Joe some confidence apparently, because he looked up to gauge your expression before pulling at the nub a little. Another moan.
“Your hands are so big Joe”, you whined, squirming under his touch, “Feels so good”
“Can I kiss them?”, Joe asked, subconsciously leaning down. As if there was a magnet between his face and your boobs.
You nodded, burying your fingers in his auburn hair, urging him closer. His lips met the soft curve of your breast, his breath hot on your sensitive skin. Joe looked up at you as he moved his lips, pressing a kiss to the area just beside your nipple. His hand cupping the other breast. You could feel his cock harden against your leg, his hips moving against yours on reflex.
Joe hesitated for a moment before wrapping his lips around your nipple. He flicked his warm tongue over the nub before sucking it into his mouth. You moaned and pulled at his hair, feeling tingles go straight to your heat. Absolutely drenching your panties.
“I-I´m going to need you to move on, Joe. Feels way too good”, you whined, pushing him away from your chest. You were throbbing with need.
“Really?”, he asked, a confident smirk playing on his lips. Well, at least until he looked down your torso to your still clothed bottom half. “You´re uhm- You´re going to have to tell me what to do”
“Don´t worry, I´ll guide you through it”, you said with a smile, pulling him up for a kiss before grabbing a pillow and propping it under your torso so you could see down on your lap. “Start by taking my jeans off”
Joe nodded, scooching down and reaching up to unbutton your jeans. He pulled the zipper down while holding his breath, eyes going wide as he saw the matching lace panties you had put on.
You lifted your hips to let him hook his fingers into the waistband. Joe´s eyes nearly bulged out of his head as you told him to take your panties off to, inch by inch of your bare pussy exposed to him as he pulled them down his legs.
“Fucking hell”, Joe whined, desperately trying not to palm his cock as you were naked in front of him. You spread your legs, watching him draw in a harsh breath.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”, you asked. Joe nodded frantically before plopping down on his stomach between your legs. Oh. His head was really close. You could feel his hot breath.
“Ok, uhm do you want to use your mouth or just your fingers?”, you asked, not really knowing how much you were going to teach him the first time.
“Both”, Joe said. He was determined, you had to give him that. Ok then.
“Eager, are we?”, you giggled, reaching down to run your thumb over his lip. He pressed a kiss to it, shooting you a wink. “Push your middle finger into me, yeah, right there”
Joe´s finger felt amazing sliding against your walls, your breathing already increasing.
“Oh god”, you whined, throwing your head back. “Another one. Curl them upwards”
He nodded before sliding his ring finger in as well. His digits were thick, strong. God you swear you could have cum right then and there. A rush of pleasure shot up your body as he curled them, somehow hitting your g-spot at the first try. You drew in a sharp breath and reached down to stop his hand, keeping his hand in place until you had calmed down just a little bit. Your chest rising and falling.
“What´s wrong?”, Joe asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Nothing. I just need a moment”, you said, breathing heavily. God how was he this good without even having any experience?
Joe grinned, obviously proud of himself.
“Uhm, ok if you want to, you can start kissing the inside of my thighs. Just keep your fingers still for a little while”
“Ok. I can do that”, Joe said. He leant down to press his lips to the apex of your thighs. Oh. That was nice. A rush of electricity shot up your body. Goosebumps forming on your skin. Joe´s stubble rubbing in the most delicious way possible.
“Yeah that feels very good”, you moaned, trying not to move your hips too much “Just keep kissing. Do you know where the clit is?”
“Here?”, Joe asked, pressing a kiss to the hood of your clit. A gasp left your mouth. Yep. That was it. You nodded, earning a cocky grin from Joe. He pressed his lips against it, adding a little more pressure.
“Fucking hell. I uhm- just keep kissing my clit, take turns licking too. I don´t know, my brain doesn´t seem to be working right now. I´ll tell you if it feels weird”, you rambled on, feeling the vibrations from Joe´s chuckle through your body. Your neck almost cramping up with how hard you were straining to look.
“Oh ok. Like this?”, Joe asked, flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub. Your walls clamped down on his fingers, already feeling the knot in your stomach start to tighten.
Joe took your loud moan as a yes and kept going. He alternated between flicking his tongue over your clit in fast moves, pressing small kisses to it and the surrounding areas in between.
“You taste really good. I haven´t tasted anything like it”, Joe mumbled, his words almost muffled by your pussy. “And I can´t actually believe I´m doing-“
“Less talking more licking, Joe”, you said, growing inpatient. You were so close.
“Right. Sorry”, he giggled, leaning back down. “Do you want me to move my fingers again?”
“God yes. Just rub them against the front”, you instructed, gasping when Joe did just that. He watched in awe as you threw your head back in pleasure. Your orgasm was rapidly approaching, the tight knot almost becoming unbearable as Joe wrapped his lips around your clit again. He sucked it into his mouth while working your g-spot with his fingers.
Short puffs of air were leaving your lungs as you inched closer and closer to your high. Joe´s surprisingly skillful fingers urging you forward. His hips grinding into the mattress, the view of him all fucked out and with his lips wrapped around your clit almost too much to bear.
“I-I´m going to, holy fuck- I´m going to cum”, you whined, tugging at his hair even harder. Your fingernails digging into his scalp.
Joe nodded against your heat, sucking your clit harder, rubbing your g-spot faster. There was no way you were going to be able to hold back. Your orgasm washed over you like tidal wave, almost knocking all the air out of your lungs. It felt like a rubber band snapped in your pussy, your walls clenching around his digits, clit twitching in Joe´s mouth.
He watched intently as you came down, fingers guiding your through your high.
“Oh my god you- shit it´s too much”, you half yelled, pulling his face away from your heat. Joe apologized, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of your thigh before retracting his fingers. He brought them to his lips and licked them clean, earning a groan from the bottom of your throat.
“That was so hot, Y/N”, Joe mumbled, looking down at how wet you were. How your clit was still twitching with aftershocks. His cock begging for attention.
“You´re good at that, Joe. Are you sure you haven´t done it before?”, you giggled, pulling him up to your face. His lips tasted faintly of your juices, his hard cock digging into your thigh.
“Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop here if it´s getting too much”, you said, running your fingers along his jaw.
“I really want to, Y/N. I´m so fucking hard again”, he half-wined.
“Hmm, I can feel that. Do you have any condoms?”
“Yeah hold on”, Joe said, scrambling out of the bed. He walked over to where his jeans were discarded and reached for his wallet. There was a deep flush covering his chest and face, his cock standing at full attention. Red and dripping with pre-cum.
“Shit”, he mumbled, reading the label of the condom he fished out. “It´s out of date”
Joe went bright red, desperately wishing he had just said he had none.
“God you´re so cute, Joe”, you giggled, making grabby hands at him, “I already know you´re a virgin, I´m not going to judge you. Besides, I´m clean so we can go without if you want to? If not, you´re going to have to run to the store”
“Really? Holy shit I want that”, Joe groaned, his cock twitching in anticipation. He made his way over to you, positioning himself between your legs again.
“Just slide in whenever you´re ready, and then let me adjust for a few seconds, ok?”, you asked, running your fingers up and down his arms to try and calm his nerves. Joe nodded, grabbing his cock and running it through your folds. You shuddered at the sensation.
He looked down as he pushed in, watching your pussy swallow him inch by inch. Your juices slicking him up and allowing him to slide in easily. He let out a loud groan as he bottomed you out, his head falling into your neck.
You tried to remain composed, knowing that you were the one who was supposed to be experienced, but it just felt so good. He filled you up just right, your walls clenching around him as you adjusted. Stretching you in a way that sent goosebumps over your entire skin, tingling with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around him, digging your nails into his fair skin.
“C-Can I move? I don´t know how much longer I can hold it”, Joe moaned, his hip stuttering slightly. The mere feeling of your walls contracting around him enough to push him right up to the edge.
“Y-yes”, you said, feeling Joe pull back the second the words left your mouth. He moaned into your neck as he pushed back inn, feeling your warm pussy engulfing him. The wetness creating an obnoxious sound, filling the room.
Joe´s back was sweaty and hot under your fingertips. He sped up slightly, his breathing increasing.
“A-are you close?”, you asked, wrapping your legs around his waist. It allowed him to go even deeper, Joe´s hips stuttering.
He nodded into your neck, not trusting his words. He made the mistake of looking down to see your wet pussy wrapped around his cock, causing a desperate yelp to leave his mouth.
“Slow down, Joe”, you said, wanting this to last longer even though you knew it wouldn´t. You wish you could spend the entire evening like this. Joe´s cock buried deep inside, nudging you towards your high with every thrust. Pleasure filling your entire body. 
“I-I”, he tried, whimpering, “I can´t hold it. I´m gonna cum”
You clenched around him, feeling his cock twitch inside. 
“Holy shit that doesn´t help, Y/N”, Joe moaned, closing his eyes as he tried to hold back. 
Joe was moaning into your neck, his hips moving against yours at a frantic pace. His balls felt heavy, your walls practically forcing his orgasm out of him.
“It´s ok, Joe. You can cum. Cum for me”, you urged, pushing him further inside with the heels of your feet.
Joe stilled as you pushed him over the edge, spurt after spurt of hot cum shooting out to coat your walls. He bit down on your shoulder, trying to conceal the high-pitched whine that wanted to leave his throat.
You stroked his back through his high, feeling his body go limp after he was done. He slumped down on your chest. His softening cock resting against your inner thigh, his cum sticky against your skin. Not to mention the puddle that was currently sliding out of your pussy.
“You´re not a virgin anymore”, you giggled, running your fingers through his hair. He giggled against his skin before pressing his lips to your neck.
“Thank you. Should I be thanking you? I feel like I´m high right now. That was so fucking good I can´t believe how amazing it was. You were so tight and so wet and so oh god I just loved it”, Joe mumbled. He pulled back and rested his chin on your chest, looking up at you. His hair matted to his forehead. His cheeks red.
“There´s no need to thank me. I wanted to Joe. Remember, I was the one who invited you over”
“Right.. did you cum too?”, he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
You smiled, reaching down to move his hair out of his face.
“No, but it doesn´t matter. I wasn´t expecting too”, you said, completely honest.
“Was it that bad?”, Joe questioned, but the tone in his voice gave away the fact that he didn´t really want to know the answer.
“No”, you giggled, “I don´t have to cum for it to feel good. You did good. I´m not complaining”
“Oh ok. I can eat you out again if you want to?”, he suggested.
“Relax, Joe. We have the entire weekend. We can go again later”, you giggled. You leant down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
“Yeah. Let´s get cleaned up and watch another movie and if we still feel like it, we can go again”, you said with a smile.
“I´d like that”
“Good. Maybe this time you will warn me before shooting your cum down my throat”, you teased, pushing him off you and heading for the bathroom to get cleaned up.
“Hey! You told me it was fine”, he protested. You turned around to give him a wink before turning the corner. Joe did the next time. And the time after that.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
July 16, 1960
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TV Guide ~ July 16-22, 1960 (Vol.8, No.29 & Issue #381) Cover photo by Sherm Weisberg, Fashions by Sacks Fifth Avenue
This was Lucille Ball’s tenth (of 39) TV Guide covers. 
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On January 19, 1953, Desi Arnaz rushed exultantly into the Hollywood Brown Derby, grinning that wide, idiotic grin common to new fathers for the past several eons. Striding down a side isle, he threw his arms excitedly in the air and shouted, "Now we got everythin'!" By "everythin'," Arnaz was encompassing quite a bit of territory - an eight-pound son born that morning, the birth of the Ricardo son on ‘I Love Lucy’ that same night and a gold-plated peak of popularity for a television series which, in all probability, will never again be approached. On May 4, 1960, just seven years later, Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, quite possibly the most widely known couple in show-business history, were divorced. She had sued for divorce once before (she didn't complete the proceedings), but that was back in 1944 when Desi was a corporal in the Army, Lucy was a star at MGM and World War II was getting all the headlines. By 1960, the Lucy-Desi combine had made so many headlines that no one even bothered to look at the press-clipping scrapbooks any more, or the countless awards that had rolled in on them from all over the country. On an overcast spring afternoon, just 10 days after the divorce, Lucille Ball was sitting in her small but tastefully decorated dressing room on the Desilu lot. That morning, during a short drive over to the neighboring Paramount lot to confer with the producers of her upcoming picture with Bob Hope, she had stuck her head out the window of her chauffeur-driven car and shouted to a friend, "Hi! Remember me? I used to work at Desilu." The remark was not only typical of Lucy Ball but an unwitting reflection of her character and a classic off-the-cuff example of the laugh-clown-laugh tradition. Like most true clowns, Lucy is not a jovial, outgoing person. Her devastating sense of humor, often with a cutting edge, is reserved for her friends. In her dealings with the press she is precise, truthful - and sparing with words. A newsman asked her recently if she had plans to marry again. Lucy stared at him for a few seconds and said simply, "No." (1) The newsman felt that Lucy had missed her calling and should be rushed into the negotiations with Khrushchev forthwith. Relaxing (which is to say, at least sitting down for a few minutes) with an old friend in her dressing room that spring afternoon, Lucy alternated between abrupt sentences and spilled-over paragraphs. On the subject of her immediate plans, she talked almost as though by rote. "I start rehearsals this week for a picture with Bob Hope. It's called 'The Facts of Life.' [She did not wince at the title.] I liked it the minute I read the script and said I'd do it if Bob would. It's written and produced by Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. We have a 10-week shooting schedule. "Then I go to New York with the two children, my mother and two maids. We have a seven-room apartment on 69th Street at Lexington. I'll start rehearsals right away for a Broadway show, 'Wildcat.' It's a comedy with music, not a musical comedy, but the music is important. I play a girl wildcatter in the Southwestern oil fields around the turn of the century. It was written by N. Richard Nash, who wrote 'The Rainmaker.' He is co-producer with Michael Kidd, the director. We're still looking for a leading man. I want an unknown. He has to be big, husky, around 40. He has to be able to throw me around, and I'm a pretty big girl. He has to be able to sing, at least a little. (2) I have to sing, too. It's pretty bad. When I practice, I hold my hands over my ears. We open out of town - I don't know where - and come to New York in December. [Ed. Note: ‘Wildcat’ is now scheduled to make its debut in Philadelphia in November.] (3) "I'm terrified. I've never been on the stage before, except in 'Dream Girl' years ago. But we always filmed ‘I Love Lucy’ before a live audience. I knew a long time ago that I was eventually going to go to Broadway and that's one reason why we shot Lucy that way. But I'm still terrified. The contract for the play runs 18 months. Maybe it will last that long. Maybe longer. And maybe it will last three days." (4) The phone rang. A man's voice, the resonant kind which a telephone seems to make louder, wanted to know if Lucy would like to go out that night. Lucy's expression indicated that the whole idea was a bore but the man prattled on. He apparently had a commitment to attend a young night-club singer's act. "I've seen him twice already," Lucy said into the phone, "and his press agent is now saying I've been there eight times. If I go again the kid will be saying I'm in love with him. He's 2-feet-6 and nine years old. I don't want any part of it." The voice on the phone turned to a tone of urgent pleading. Lucy held the phone away from her at arms length and looked to the ceiling for advice and guidance. She finally hung up. "I go out because people ask me to," she said. "I have no love for night clubs, unless there's an act I especially want to see. And I don't especially want to see this kid's again." She lit another cigarette. "Nervous habit," she said. "I don't inhale, never did. Just nerves.” "I get tired too easily. The reaction is beginning to set in. I've had pneumonia twice in a year. That's not good." There was a long silence. Even for old friends, Lucy is not an easy person to talk to. "I filed for the divorce the day after I finished my last piece of film under the Westinghouse contract," she said suddenly. "I should have done it long ago." Would there ever be any more Lucy-Desi specials like those Westinghouse had sponsored? (5) She stared. "No," she said abruptly. She paused. "Even if everything were alright, we'd never work together again. We had six years of a pretty successful series and two years of specials. Why try to top it? That would be foolish. We always knew that when the time came to quit, we'd quit. We were lucky. We quit while we were still ahead." Was she happy?
Another stare. "Am I happy? No. Not yet. I will be. I've been humiliated. That's not easy for a woman." She started to talk about the recent years with Desi. She talked in a quiet, factual monotone, a voice that had been all through bitterness and was now beyond it. She talked with an implicit faith that what she was saying was off the record. It was. Some day, it was suggested to her, somebody was going to write the story. She stared. "Who would want to?" (6) She looked over at the framed picture of Desi that stood on a small table. "Look at him," she said. "That's the way he looked 10 years ago. He doesn't look like that now. He'll never look like that again." The door was opened and a spring breeze began drawing some of the heavy cigarette smoke out of the room. Lucy smiled a little and turned to her desk. "Try to write," she said finally, "more than I said but not as much as I said." 
(1) Lucille Ball did indeed marry again - to Gary Morton (born Morton Goldaper) on November 21, 1961.  They remained married until her death. 
(2) Gordon MacRae, Jock Mahoney, and Gene Barry were considered before Lucille selected Keith Andes to play the role of Joe Dynamite. He was indeed 40 years old at the time of casting. He committed suicide in 2005. 
(3) 'Wildcat’s’ Philadelphia tryout opened on October 29, 1960. The Broadway opening had to be postponed when trucks hauling the sets and costumes to New York were stranded on the New Jersey Turnpike by a major blizzard. After two previews, the show opened on December 16th at Broadway’s Alvin (now Neil Simon) Theatre.
(4) ‘Wildcat’ ran for 171 regular performances. The show was on hiatus from February 5, 1961 through February 9, 1961 during Lucille Ball's illness. The production was to take a 9-week hiatus after June 3rd, 1961 and re-open August 7, 1961, to complete Ball’s contract, but the show closed and did not return due to Ball’s physical exhaustion. 
(5) Jenkins is referring to the 13 “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hours” which were part of the “Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” which continued the adventures of the Ricardos and the Mertzes, including guest stars, musical numbers, and travel-themed episodes. 
(6) Lucy and Desi’s tempestuous marriage has been the subject of several books, two television movies, an award-winning documentary, and at least one stage musical! 
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TV Guide columnist Dan Jenkins had his name used by “I Love Lucy” in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) in 1952 for the used furniture salesman played by Hans Conried.  His name was also mentioned in “Lucy and Ethel Buy The Same Dress” (S3;E3) as a possible emcee for their television show.  His qualifications? He plays tissue paper and comb! 
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In 1953, when Lucille Ball was accused of being a Communist, the real Dan Jenkins stood up at a press conference and said “Well, I think we all owe Lucy a vote of thanks, and I think a lot of us owe her an apology.” Lucy and Desi walked over to where Jenkins was standing and gave him a huge hug. Jenkins later said, “From that time on, we were very good friends.”  His last interview with Lucy was in 1986 during “Life with Lucy.” 
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“Shari Lewis and her Puppets” - Lewis was a ventriloquist who’s main character was the sock puppet Lambchop.  In 1960, after years of guest-starring on television, Lewis got her own show, which lasted three years on NBC. 
“Ty Hardin’s Whirlwind Career” - Ty Hardin and his western show “Bronco” (1958-63) was ABC TV’s answer to Clint Walker’s “Cheyenne”.  
“From the Mouth’s of Babes Comes Happy’s Gimmick” - “Happy” (1960-61) was the nickname of a baby, who’s thoughts could be heard by the viewers in this one-season sitcom.  It was filmed at Desilu Studios. 
“The Untouchables - Fact and Fiction: Part 2″ - “The Untouchables” (1959-63) was a series that began on “The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” and turned into a hit weekly show by Desilu. 
“Linkletter’s Packing Tips” - Art Linkletter was one of television’s most popular hosts and presenters. Lucille Ball appeared on his show “House Party” in 1965 as well as a 1966 episode of “The Lucy Show” and a 1970 episode of “Here’s Lucy,” both times playing himself. 
“Connie Stevens’ Calorie Counter” - Connie Stevens was a singer and actress then playing Cricket Blake on “Hawaiian Eye” (1959-63). 
“Mystery Show” - was a mystery anthology series broadcast on NBC from May 1960 to September 1960 as a summer replacement for “The Dinah Shore Chevy Show” with Walter Slezak as host, except for the last three episodes, which had Vincent Price as host.
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At the time Evelyn Bigsby was the Associate Managing Editor for Women’s Features at TV Guide’s Hollywood Bureau. Her name was given to the new mother (played by Mary Jane Croft) who sits next to Lucy on the plane in “Return Home From Europe” (ILL S5;E26) in 1956. 
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Depending on the time zone, “I Love Lucy” was re-run every morning at 10 or 11am. Here it competed with “The Price Is Right” which was broadcast in color!  NBC (RCA) was the leader in color television and staked its claim far soon than CBS. “The Lucy Show” didn’t air in color until the fall of 1965. 
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In another market, “I Love Lucy” ran weekdays at 10am. This edition (same cover and feature articles, different listings) included “Lucy” episode descriptions, while others did not. Notice that an hour earlier the same channel re-ran Desilu’s series “December Bride”. On Monday, July 18, 1960, the re-run was “Second Honeymoon” (ILL S5;E14).  From this we can logically assume that this week, in this particular TV market, channel 2 and 8 presented:
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1960 - “Lucy Meets the Queen (ILL S5;E15)
WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1960 - “The Fox Hunt” (ILL S5;E16)
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THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1960 -  “Lucy Goes To Scotland” (ILL S5;E17)
FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1960 - “Paris at Last” (ILL S5;E18)
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On Tuesday, July 19, 1960, at 8:30pm, CBS aired the unsold pilot for "Head of the Family". The pilot had Carl Reiner as TV writer Rob Petrie, Barbara Britton as Rob's wife Laura, Sylvia Miles as Sally Rogers, and Morty Gunty as Buddy Sorrell. In 1961, CBS would score a hit with a new name and a new cast of Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore, Rose Marie, and Morey Amsterdam, filmed at Desilu Studios. 
For American TV viewers, this was the week between the Democratic National Convention (July 11-15) and the Republican National Convention (July 25-28).  Both parties affirmed their November presidential candidates: John F. Kennedy (D) and Richard M. Nixon (R). Kennedy would prove the victor on Election Day. 
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Eight years earlier, in July 1952, an estimated 70 million voters watched the broadcasts, which ended with the nominations of Adlai Stevenson II and Dwight D. Eisenhower.  Although the conventions were also televised in 1948, few Americans owned a TV set to watch them. There was a popular myth that Stevenson lost the election because of backlash from interrupting airings of “I Love Lucy” with hour-long campaign ads. Another story has Stevenson receiving a telegram from a Lucy fan that read: “I love Lucy, but I hate you.”  The situation was paralleled on “I Love Lucy” in “The Club Election” (ILL S2;E19).  By 1956, the conventions were less a novelty on television, and drew smaller ratings and less attention. In the summer of 1956, Lucy and Desi were preparing their sixth and final season of “I Love Lucy” and storylines had to revolve around big name guest stars (Orson Welles and Bob Hope) and the move to Connecticut. 
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Lucille Ball’s last appearance as Lucy Ricardo was on April 1, 1960, just four and a half months before this issue of TV Guide hit the stands. She wouldn’t return to series television until September 1962, by which time Lucille will be back on the cover of TV Guide once again.  She remained a yearly fixture on the Guide cover until 1974 and then made only one more original appearance to mark her return with “Life With Lucy.” 
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After this article comes out, the next time TV viewers see Lucille Ball on their home screens is to promote her film with Bob Hope, The Facts of Life, on “The Garry Moore Show” on September 27, 1960. The film opened in November 1960. 
For more about TV Guide and “I Love Lucy” click here!  
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shwni-blog · 5 years
Rugby Gifts For Men
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Rugby Gifts For Men: 51 Ideas For The Rugby Fanatic
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We have all got that "RUGBY FANATIC" male member of the family Every year for Birthdays and Christmas you always find yourself looking for Rugby Gifts For Men and always struggle to find the perfect gift for them Getting the gift that they want is very important and we don't always get it right do we So I have taken quite some time looking for the perfect ones that you can get so you don't have to look all over the internet yourselves
Here Is A Quick Peak Of The Rugby Gifts
Being a rugby fan like I am myself the more rugby things you have given to you, the better You can, however, run out of ideas of what to get them I'm Welsh and our most celebrated sport is Rugby so before you take a look at this list Just spend a couple of minutes watching the Best Welsh Rugby Tries From The 2019 Grand Slam, who know's, it might even inspire you on what to buy... In this post, I have found My Top 51 that I know I would like to receive as a gift so you can be assured that any rugby fan will enjoy them also So, if you are looking for a rugby gift for him indoors, Or just some funny rugby gifts Then these rugby gifts from Amazon will not disappoint you or even the rugby fan they are for Go straight to a category of your choice in this post simply by clicking on any of the links below Books Clothing Cups Mugs and Containers Novelty Items Gift Sets
Here Are The Rugby Gifts For Men
1. Rugby Fanatic Book
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AUTHOR: Steven Gauge PUBLISHED: 06/04/10 If you want to know how much of a Rugby fan you are then if you can relate to any of these great quotes in this book then I can assure you that you must be one serious fan of the brilliant game they call... RUGBY!!!
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2. Rugby Wit Book: Quips and Quotes for the Rugby Obsessed
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AUTHOR: Richard Benson PUBLISHED: 1/11/2014 An awesome collection of some of rugby's quotes from players past and present which will keep any rugby-obsessed fan amused and happy to keep reading the hundreds of quips that are in this book
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3. A Little Bit of Rugby Wit Book
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AUTHOR: Tom Hay PUBLISHED: 08/02/2018 Another book with quotes from rugby players, refs, and officials of the game But this one has more up to date quips unlike the other one but that's not to say that the previous one I showed you isn't any good They both have the same comedy value and will certainly keep the rugby fan in your life amused
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4. Rugby's Funniest Joke Book
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AUTHOR: Jim Chumley PUBLISHED: 01/04/2009 Who doesn't love reading jokes or hearing them and you won't find better than the rugby jokes that are in this book I have never laughed so much when I read it and I can tell you now that whoever this gift is for then they are going to love you for it You can read more hilarious rugby jokes HERE if you want to have a good laugh
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5. Rugby's Strangest Matches Book
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AUTHOR: John Griffiths PUBLISHED: 01/05/2016 This book looks back at the last 150 years of rugby and tells the strange truth about genuine things that have happened during rugby matches One of them being that the entire Welsh Rugby Team was sent off during a game What was the ref thinking?
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6. Rugby "On This Day" History, Facts & Figures Hardback Book
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You can personalize this book for anyone you want to and it will give you all the rugby figures and facts for the whole year that person was born How good is that? I'm sure they are going to love it
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7. Personalised Rugby Historic Newspaper Memorabilia Book
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Another awesome keepsake for any true rugby fan as it can be personalized with a message and a name of the fan The hand bound, leather, hardback book with an optional Gold Embossed Front Cover just looks really special and keeps the inside like brand new for years to come It has all the tabloid stories from the past that actually went out in the newspapers but with that unique personal touch
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8. The Oval World Book
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AUTHOR: Tony Collins PUBLISHED: 01/09/2015 A masterpiece rugby history book is written in a way that just makes you want to keep reading and learning about the game, even if you have no experience in rugby and its foundation This book really is a must-have for any rugby fan new and old If the person you are buying it for want's to get into rugby coaching then you could buy them rugby coaching books that will teach them so much
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9. Rugby Book: Let's Get Quizzical
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AUTHOR: Gwion Prydderch PUBLISHED: 11/09/2014 Does the rugby fan in your life think they know everything there is to know about the game? Why don't you test them out with this book full of quizzes, spot the odd one out, and so much more Keep them occupied for hours if you need a bit of peace and quiet for a change
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10. A Game For Hooligans Book
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AUTHOR: Huw Richards PUBLISHED: 22/11/2007 Another rugby history book here but it will be the perfect gift for a rugby fan that wants to learn a bit more about rugby union evolving in the last 20 years The stories they will read here might not be news to them but they will enjoy reading about them all again and even learn something new that they might not have known The author really knows his stuff, or has done his homework...
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11. God Made Rugby
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A brilliant quote that any rugby fan would love to look at every morning whilst drinking their morning coffee or tea I don't think a football fan would appreciate this as a gift though but it might be fun to try...
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12. Rugby Scene 1 Pint Pewter Tankard
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Sometimes, if your rugby team has just lost a game it's time to hit the hard stuff and drown your sorrows and that's where this 1 pint tankard will help you do just that I personally don't like drinking beer out of one of these as it doesn't taste right so there's only one question here... What would you fill it with?
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13. Rugby Evolution Pint Beer Glasses
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Maybe the hard stuff above is a little bit too much for you to handle so just having a pint of whatever takes your fancy would be better for you These pint glasses are not only stylish but would be an ideal gift for a rugby and drinking fan
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14. Stainless Steel Engraved Hip Flask with Rugby Player
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I know I'm sticking with the alcohol theme here but there are not many people that watch rugby that doesn't like a tipple or 3 and this stainless steel engraved hipflask with a rugby player on the front could keep the rugby fan in your life warm on a cold day watching a game if it's filled with a drop of the good stuff Providing they are of the age of course!
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15. I'm Playing Rugby Coffee Mug
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Another great quote that is written on this coffee mug that I'm sure plenty of rugby fans have had entered their heads at one time in their lives Especially if they haven't had their coffee yet
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16. I'd Rather Be Watching Rugby Travel Mug
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How many times have you been at a rugby game freezing cold and in need of a warm drink? This travel mug will keep your drinks warm for much longer than in one of those polystyrene cups that you normally get The quote on the front is quite apt as well...
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17. Rugby Positions Mug
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This cup is both useful and informative. You could ask someone that doesn't know the correct formation of a rugby team to make you a cuppa and have them learn how the team is set up at the same time without you having to draw it out on a piece of paper for them... WIN, WIN...
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18. Men Rugby, Women Football Mug
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This coffee mug could is a bit controversial and might cause a few arguments if a football/soccer fan see's you drinking from it A rugby fan will love this and will probably send a picture of it to all his football fan mates to wind them up I don't think soccer players are soft at all, have you seen what you need to have to become a successful soccer player?
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19. "You're My Favourite Rugby Player" Water Bottle
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This water bottle is made of high-quality stainless steel and will hold up to 16oz of whatever you put into it It has a carabiner at the top of it so you can easily clip it to a bike or even your bag if you want to The quote on this though might only be perfect for an actual rugby player but I'm not quite sure if they would really take it to games with them
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20. World Cup 2015 Hip Flask
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OK, OK... I know it's not 2015 anymore but this hip flask box set could be a bit of a collector's item if you keep it in the box for a few years, and even if you don't, you still have a very stylish piece of sought-after Rugby World Cup Memorabilia Do you know anyone that collects things like this?
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21. Keep Calm And Play Rugby T-Shirt
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I don't care what you say, You are not a true rugby fan if you don't own a T-Shirt with a rugby slogan on So what better way to start buying them than to get the famous "Keep Calm" quote on one There are not many T-shirts that have a better quote than this on the front and a rugby fan will love to wear this It does come in other colours if you don't like this one
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22. I Love Rugby Sports Novelty Socks
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There's only a few men that would wear these socks but I'm pretty sure if they are a true rugby fan they would certainly wear these Of course they are black and the slogan is above the ankle so they could even easily be worn with a smart suit if that's what they wear to work Just remind them not to lift their trouser leg up during an important meeting!
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23. Tim And Ted Rugby Long Sleeve
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Another Rugby Gift here that has a dig at football players making it look like football players are babies compared to big tough rugby players Can you imagine giving this to a rugby fan and getting them to wear it down to the pub on a football match day He might not make it back home in 1 piece...
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24. Ireland Official Rugby Shirt
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I'm not saying to get a rugby fan that you know an Ireland Rugby Jersey, this gift represents any rugby jersey of the team that they follow This has to be one of the best gifts you can give a fan but they can be a bit expensive so make sure that you get the right team or they might not speak to you... Unless that's what you were going for!
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25. Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage T-Shirt
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If you are going to buy someone this Tshirt then it goes without saying that you don't buy it for children! It's not for the faint-hearted and might offend people but as soon as I saw it I just had to put it on the list CROUCH, TOUCH, PAUSE, ENGAGE... SCRUM DOWN!
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26. British & Irish Lions Men's Acrylic Scarf
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One of the most famous rugby teams in the world The British And Irish Lions have some awesome looking rugby clothes which any rugby fan would be very happy to have as a gift so getting them this scarf for the cold weather while they are watching a rugby match will be very much appreciated You could get them a football scarf if you fancy a bit of a joke with them I suppose
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27. Weekend Rugby Forecast Apron
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Who doesn't love a good barbeque? And of course, the man of the house has to be the chef, a beer in one hand and a set of tongs in the other to turn the burgers over If they are anything like me though they will get more food over their clothes than on the plates so one of these aprons will stop them ruining their clothes Also available in different colours
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28. Men's Sexy Novelty Rugby player Apron
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This novelty apron might be more for the people looking at the rugby fan cooking on the barbeque rather than the beer-bellied plump looking man that you give this to It is quite funny though but be careful that it doesn't give him a complex
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29. Welsh Tubular Neck Warmer
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Coming from Wales myself I had to get something from my home country on the list didn't I This tubular neck warmer is very versatile and can be used to keep you warm at the rugby match in a few different ways as the durable stretchy material can be put up over your head from around your neck or just used as a bandana
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30. "Warning May Start Talking About Rugby" Hoody
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This high quality made hoody is both a great looking piece of clothing and a bit of a warning to those that are around a rugby-mad fan to let people know that they can't stop talking about the sport that they love. Do you know someone that this hoody would be perfect for?
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31. Rugby Ball Novelty Miniature Clock
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This miniature rugby ball clock isn't really something that you would put center stage in your living room as it only stands at 5.5cm but it would look great on the bedside cabinet or even in their mancave if they have one It's made of a matt silver and has a quartz movement so it's not just a cheap bit of tat
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32. Mini Stress Rugby Ball
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Picture this... The rugby match is on the television and it's down to the last few minutes with the rugby fan's team winning just by a few points and they are so nervous that they are ripping newspapers up, throwing things around the room, mumbling to themselves, well, basically getting on your nerves! They need something to take that stress out on instead of taking it out on the household goods, maybe even giving the cat a bit of a shouting at. ENTER THE MINI STRESS RUGBY BALL... Now isn't the small price of one of these worth paying for?
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33. Men's Gift Designer Rugby Ball Cufflinks
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I won't lie to you, but there are not many times when you will have to wear cufflinks really but wouldn't it be great if you could have these ready for when you have to wear them for a wedding or something like that? You could play with these balls instead of adjusting your own
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34. Leather Rugby Ball Washbag
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A genuine leather rugby ball-shaped wash bag could be the perfect gift for any rugby fanatic as it can be used for every day use and not just if they play rugby or to take to the swimming pool with them Its 28cm x 13cm in size and has an additional zipped pocket inside as well as the big main compartment so there is plenty of room for their toiletries
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35. Rugby Ball Wallet
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What man doesn't use a wallet and what rugby fan wouldn't love this wallet with a classy silver rugby ball on? It is just plain black but it's a classic leather wallet that isn't overpowering with the rugby theme
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36. Beer Buddies Bottle Opener
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We all know that having a beer watching the rugby game at home goes without saying but we don't always have a way of opening those metal caps, unless they are screw top bottles or you have a boring bottle opener This angry looking rugby ball bottle opener can be fixed to the wall easily so you don't keep losing that little bottle opener that you always use, and always lose Get something like this as a focal point in the kitchen or even in your man-cave so you can open a bottle any time you want to
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37. Sterling Silver Catholic Saints Medal Pendant Read the full article
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chicagoindiecritics · 5 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: MOVIE REVIEW: Joker
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(Photo Credit: Niko Tavernise for Warner Bros.)
A pungent plethora of hot-button words are being branded into the film flesh of Todd Phillips’ Joker. Be them complementary or damning, they seemingly cannot be rubbed away. An interesting debate to have is classifying which of those fiery adjectives actually talk about the film and not some external controversy, projection, trigger, or angle being spun before Joker even hits public screens. Not to be undone, this writer will give you readers a self-appointed definitive word, one that he’s never used in a review in nine years and change. The word is gall.
LESSON #1: THE DEFINITION OF “GALL” — According to Dictionary.com, the four possible meanings of the noun span impudence, severity, bitterness of spirit, and rancor. To saunter a little cruder, which is fitting for the movie in play, the Urban Dictionary defines the word as audacity, balls, or something risky. Hot damn, Joker is each one of those descriptors from both sources and then some.
Joker has the gall to go an R-rated level of violence. The performers have the gall to attempt generating sympathy for a villain and show those connective actions in all of their uncomfortable cruelty. Joker has the gall to shove away the sunny glibness of what comic book movies have become today at their peak popularity. The writers have the gall to blaze a maze of social commentary trails and not borrow from any comic source. The director and studio have the gall to do all of this on the competitive film festival circuit rising to the biggest platform of release. And that all is just its general existence.
Between the credits, every fleck and pore of Joker is drenched in gall as well. From an opening scene that begins with a slippery tear temporarily erasing a small streak of makeup to the final one of a fade-out coda set to Frank Sinatra’s “That’s Life” that trades tears for bloody smears, the insolence escalates in a drastic manner and you cannot take your eyes off of it all. Joker is a twisted pair of narrative vines, one descending into evil and the other rising in motivated malice.
The twitchiest man in Hollywood, Joaquin Phoenix, plays Arthur Fleck, a lonely Gotham City weakling living with his mother Penny (Frances Conroy from American Horror Story anthologies) and holding down the pitiful job of being a clown-for-hire. Arthur dreams of better by journaling to become a stand-up comedian bringing laughter to the masses much like his television idol, late night talk show host Murray Franklin (Robert De Niro, switching shoes and feet from his old Scorsese entry The King of Comedy). The gaunt sad sack plods through a 1980s urban landscape of scum and social hatred. Joaquin’s first line of dialogue, an ignored question, says it all: “Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?”
LESSON #2: BE MINDFUL OF THE GESTURES YOU GIVE AND HOW PEOPLE TAKE THEM — Though not assigned or identified by name in the movies, the former mental patient is a card-carrying sufferer of Pseudobulbar affect (PBA). Arthur’s miswired emotional incontinence has cackling replacing crying when his feelings overcome his faculties. Too often, this is the wrong way for something like Arthur to get noticed. He lacks many social graces and allows spoonfed optimism to talk him down.
This Gotham environment also eats Arthur alive, one peck and one setback at a time. His mother’s advice of “smile and put on a happy face” doesn’t cut it and Arthur discovers the gun as a great equalizer of empowerment. When the wannabe entertainer uses it and takes lives, the act of murder liberates instead of rattles him. Beyond Arthur, his vigilante crime inspires anti-rich sentiments and protests throughout the city. Anarchy becomes what makes him smile and the tremors of which explode when the movement finds its poster boy and mouthpiece.
LESSON #3: WHEN ALL YOU HAVE ARE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS — Thoughts should stop at thoughts if they are harmful. By the dynamite third acat, the barrier of consideration of safety is gone with Joker. You in the audience will reach a point where you cannot assign sympathy here anymore. That’s precisely the point. Rooting for this movie doesn’t condone the character or make you a cheerleader. It makes you recognize and respect all that gall splattered all over the place that makes him evil to the core and the movie brave for even going down this path.
Director Todd Phillips and company put Joker in the capable hands of Joaquin Phoenix and he creates an iteration of the iconic villain all his own. For anyone who has seen any period on Joaquin’s resume, fidgets are his specialty. Rage is in Phoenix’s regular range and flips it on like a lightswitch when necessary. On paper, this is not a big stretch. This could have been as easy as Phillips getting his frequent cinematography collaborator Lawrence Sher to have the camera on when he tells Joaquin “just be weird.”
However, believing it is that simple would be shortchanging the performer who methodically channels straight and convincing madness with every drag from a lit cigarette to every mood-changing and entrancing dance move. Midway through the movie, Arthur writes down a poetic nugget in his diary that reads “People expect you to behave as if you don’t.” That’s a pure and blunt parallel between the character and the actor. Watching Joaquin’s poisonous performance is maniacally mesmerizing.
Joker’s artistically seedy aesthetic for moral decline and unchecked depravity creates the proper cesspool for energizing the corrupt title character. If Beale Street Could Talk production designer Mark Friedberg and The Greatest Showman art director Laura Ballinger empower the flickering fluorescent bulbs and walls of graffiti to reflect inner and outer ugliness. The complete atmosphere is made scarier by the ominous musical score from composer and Sicario series cellist Hildur Guðnadóttir. The production value rumbles all senses. Again, this too is gall.
Even without drawing from a specified comic canon source, the most important question of Joker is whether director Todd Phillips and company got this character right. It is possible to be too divergent to really fly. That’s where smart audiences can skip Nicholson, Ledger, Leto, and Romero to ask what’s the core. The essence is the unfathomable enigma. We may very well have an unreliable narrator from Phillips and his screenwriting partner Scott Silver, an Oscar nominee for The Fighter. Combine the twists and turns with the balletically bizarre lead and you have the oozing mystery that fits the urban myth preserved by the graphic novels.
So, how does one take a movie like Joker and all the frenzy surrounding it? Fortunately or unfortunately, that’s up to each viewer. Since the works of Martin Scorsese are correctly being sourced (or bastardized in some opinions) for homage, Robert De Niro rub and all, I’ll submit Roger Ebert’s words be neutral reasoning. The old film critic master said the following about The King of Comedy 36 years ago:
“Scorsese doesn’t want laughs in this movie, and he also doesn’t want release. The whole movie is about the inability of the characters to get any kind of a positive response to their bids for recognition. It is not, you may already have guessed, a fun movie. It is also not a bad movie. It is frustrating to watch, unpleasant to remember, and, in its own way, quite effective.”
Todd Phillips has the very same prickly and problematic brilliance on his hands. Let the polarization begin.
from REVIEW BLOG – Every Movie Has a Lesson https://ift.tt/2nRYExt via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2n6iNzd via IFTTT
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thornstocutyouwith · 6 years
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O.C./Anako’s Base&Home(O.C. Owned) - We won’t reveal exact location of the base but it’s in the Bronx and if you ask around you’ll probably find it. Located in a office building that Anako uses as a front for her criminal activities. Each floor is a different company but to get to her penthouse you need to jam certain buttons like a code to be able to unlock the elevator door. It’s a big apartment that takes up two floors which she really doesn’t need but since people often come and leave she likes to have room. Some rooms are blocked off for obvious reasons but there are about 5 open bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, huge living room and kitchen, and a deck that overlooks the city. Esa Bodega - It’s a small grocery store that anyone can come and buy beer or candy, anything you need food wise or liquor wise you can get it here. Salon Gorgeous (O.C. Owned) - An upscale hair salon that is located in the better part of the Bronx. Most people come here to get there hair done and the girls from O.C. can come here to get there hair done for free along with any other services they have available. Himitsu (O.C. Owned) - A very popular bar/ restaurant known for the best sushi in all of NYC. This draws in a ton of tourists which means more money for O.C.!! Like the name of the bar there is a rather interesting secret about the place. Because of the fact that it is constantly full, drug trafficking becomes pretty easy for those who know how to ask for it. Oishī(Unowned) - It’s a Japanese bases restaurant, however it’s a very exclusive place which only allows important business workers or maybe even high end criminals. Police have a watchful eye on this place but because of special connection of the owner the place is always left untouched. 8-Bit(O.C. Owned) - A video game based dance club. Everything you want in a club is here, flashing lights, loud music, huge dance floor, bar, and drugs of course. This club is usually opened all the time but business always picks up during the night. O.C. usually comes here for meetings or to test out new drugs on the party animals in the club. Luckily there have been no deaths associated to the club so everything is fine and dandy. Manhattan
Port Of Manhattan
- Shipments from all over the world come in from the port of Manhattan. Curise ships, water taxi’s, and ferries also all dock and ship off from this port. Almost anything can be shipped in and out of the city with out a problem here and it’s open for everyone…for now anyway. Stay Afloat (Unowned)-A beautiful lounge that on aboard a yacht that is always docked in the port. The only time it pulls away is when it’s hosting an event and is no longer accepting guests. It also stands for a hotel from time to time depending on the person and how much money they are willing to spend. Warehouses (Unowned) - Located all around the ports, many restaurants, clothing departments, and ect. keep there things locked here until they are needed. Some where in the labyrinth of warehouses are some owned by O.C. and GiiChii but nothing is officially owned there. Laboratory - In the open there is a high end lab that is open and running. Most people think that they are doing normal run of the mill stuff but in truth humans are being tested on here. Those who are no longer needed at sold off to high end criminals in order to keep funds for their experiments. In order to get inside you have to scan your finger on a biometric security lock same goes for trying to get out. Everything looks normal on the outside but when you start opening doors you’ll want to forget everything you’ve ever seen in your life. Crazy.Lights.(O.C. Owned) - A two floored club located near Times Square, first floor plays mostly English music of all types but what the club is known for is it’s second section/floor of the club. It’s known for it’s international music and decorations of almost every country possible. There are also drinks from everywhere too but it’s a bit expensive. A huge stage can be found on the center of the room along with huge plasma flat screens that can be used for Karaoke or for when musical guest pop in to sing. Relax(Unowned) - It’s a rather laid back club that mostly couples go to either to listen to the music, dance, together, or hang out with friends. The music is somewhat slow paced to go with the mood of the place so that means a lot of slow dancing. From time to time they have comedy acts or a burlesque show to entertain the guests. P.P.P{Paper, Pen, and Pencil) - An art gallery that obviously show cases art from new or famous artists/ photographers. It’s very laid back place but if you go to the back room you’ll see that everything isn’t as it seems. The owner is a very skilled artist but he’s skilled on getting information as well, you need to know something ask him. He’d quickly came into town when he heard that the old information broker was turned into a gang leader. No-Senshi HQ - The HQ is a penthouse located in the middle of everything! The building it’s in is used for various business but mainly as a television studios and recording studios. Mostly artists and such actually live in the building, but that is only if they can pass No-senshi’s screen test. A lot of the artists that stay are brought from over seas as another form of income for the gang. They have many record deals and such, who knew! The penthouse is rather luxuious, it has two floors. The first has two living rooms, a state of the art kitchen, a dining room, laundry room, theater room, parlor, and game room. The top floor has a gym, 6 rather large bed rooms, followed by 5.5 bathrooms. There is a pool, but that pool is on the roof of the building where all in the building are allowed to use.
GiiChii’s Base/ Otto’s Place(Owned By GiiChii) - What can you say? Otto’s place is a very laid back place and he has a very unique taste. The base is located at the top of a hotel located right next to the boardwalk of Coney Island. It’s very high end hotel and security is tighter then hell. The hotel is used frequently to hold black market auctions which the money goes entirely to the gang. Uflora(Owned By Michael)- This a very well known flower shop owned and run by Michael Salvatore. You can find any and every type of flower that you might need and they can even tell you the meanings or what the flowers are used for. But even though this is a nice flower shop it also does some illegal business transactions, there in a gun shop run in the back. Anyone looking for guns come here looking for for the best without it being traced back to anyone. The old GiiChii base is located above the shop. Delizioso (Owned By GiiChii) - An upscale Italian restaurant located on the board walk. Italian food and wines is served here, along with the latest music from Italy. It’s like being in Italy! Gift Shoppe(Unowned) - Located on the boardwalk, you can by little nicknacks to take home with you after your stay on the beach. They make personalized shirts, pants,shorts, and even underwear. Risque!(Unowned) - You want party outfits? Or just something that stands out from normal wear, you come to risque.There are clothes for any and every party or club event you could be attending. But if you do come here remember the clothing here is rather ridiculous, so unless your not willing to show some skin don’t shop here. That Gentleman Boutique(Owned By GiiChii) - A small boutique found on the boardwalk as well, it specializes in men’s clothing of all shapes and sizes. The clothes here are more elegant then anything, if you wanted to buy a suit you could find it here. Shape Up(Owned By GiiChii) - Barber shop, come get your hair cut or listen to old men gossip about different things happening around town. The men of GiiChii can come here and get their hair cut for free. Alta(Owned By GiiChii) - Another high class Italian restaurant, it’s like it’s been cut right out of Italy. The manager of the place is a rather scary looking person, there are rumors as to where he used to be before coming to work there. Place is mostly used for business meetings. Otto’s Mod. Shop (Owned By GiiChii) - You want a nice god damn car? You go to Otto’s, he has the nicest set of cars out there and if he doesn’t have it you best believe that you will get it. You can modify it however you wish as well but know ahead of time that you’ll need to pay a pretty little penny. Queens Old Warehouse (A.K.A. O.C. Queens hideout.) (O.C. Owned) - The warehouse seems abandoned but there is a whole lot more activity going on in there then what appears. No one knows about this hideout since it’s closely guarded secret. Jack’s Cement Factory. (Unowned) - Just like it’s stated, it’s a cement factory. You need to do something that requires cement? You come here and when I say a job that requires cement, we mean can do ANY job. Devil Tatt’s. (UnOwned) - Get tatted up here bros. The sweet shop. (O.C. Owned) - Looking for some sweets? This is the place to go. All types of candy is stocked up here and all different types of candy from all over the world is imported here. But if your looking for a little something else that’s sweet, just make sure you use the code word: Stickys and you’ll get more then what you bargained for.
Staten Island
Misty Peak Resort(Neutral Ground) - A beautiful resort located near the shores of Rock Away beach. Whether you want to go swimming in the amazing indoor water park or a dip in the outside pool there is always some fun activity to do. And if you don’t like being indoors all day then taking a stroll on the beach is rather romantic. Rat Circuit(Neutral Ground) - An underground race track modified by organizations and the likes to entertain themselves. There is a secret passage through the resort that will lead directly below ground level. The only way to get down there is if you have a secret pass given to members of said organizations.
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Please Note this is an OC encouraged game. 
Open Males
Open Females
Taken Males
Taken Females
Master Follow List
Open All
Closed All
Obscure Chaos
No Senshi
“So what’s the plan for tonight?”
Not Right now, free roam. Currently it’s Saturday in the afternoon! It’s not a good day to be outside, it’s raining cats and dogs. The wind is blowing terribly, it’s recommended that everyone stays indoors.
“So what the hell happened so far?”
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These are humans that were either orphaned at birth, stolen from families, or volunteered to be apart of a study. However they were lied to as to what exactly they would be doing. They were taken away to underground labs run by the government. The plan was to create super soldiers; when I say super soldiers I mean humans who have mutant powers. Scientist jobs were to create different abilities and tame the humans to the point where they had full control over them. Surprisingly enough they managed to create said super humans however they couldn’t figure out how to do their bidding. So in came the torture sessions and Nero surgery in hopes to either break them or rewire their brains to think different.
Different Mafia’s, gangs, and organizations quickly caught wind of this from informant brokers. These humans were transported from lab to lab in order to field test them. Lucky for them some of these cargoes would go missing and into the hands of criminals in the city to be sold as slaves. Eventually the government shut down these labs because they were unsuccessful in taming them. Scientist were left without jobs and slaves with no where to go. Gang’s quickly built there own labs and hired the willing scientists with out any problems. Who ever is willing to pay the right price can have a slave.
Salvatore Family
The Salvatore family is one of the five families that make up the Italian mafia. At the head as we speak is Michael Salvatore who was once the leader of GiiChii. However because of that fact that he has started a family he has retired but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t participate in the mafia life anymore. The Salvatore have a good reputation with other organizations and is probably one with strong connections with people all over the world. They are dangerous when threatened and can handle any situation with ease while looking like complete gentlemen.
Rat Circuit
Located underground in Staten Island in old abandoned tunnels that were supposed to be used for building a new subway system. However the project was stopped because of the lack of funding and once the gangs caught whiff of this they turned it into a racing circuit for motorcycles and small cars. Races in the circuit usually take place on Saturday at night here, you have to pay a fee to be able to participate.
There clan had been around since ancient times, and were even sort of a gang back then. They were a group of samurai who offered protection to those who paid, and destruction for those who didn’t. After the world began to modernize the Gang became a little less violent and started exploring into more business like fields. Later in years, when satellites were circling the earth, No-Senshi’s team of scientists placed an undetectable satellite into space. It had been looking for any signs of high gang activity then out of no work New York started to buzz. It focused in and they captured photos and videos of the two gangs obtaining scientists and these genetically altered people which gave them special abilities. The satellites cameras were amazing and were able to give the gang an up close and personal view of how they were making these test subjects. The gang created their own similar way and created their own slave warriors. Now the leader is trying to spread his business. He has bought land in New York and is currently there trying to partner up with the O.C. He is hungry for large profit, and so is the Gang. However the leader quickly disappeared after a few nights in New York. No one knows what happened but there are rumors that he was taken out by another gang. A female quickly took his place and she runs the gang but it’s been a while since anyone has seen her.
Aqua~ - Drug
The new drug that’s been circulating around New York City recently and was created by none other then O.C. however no one knows how exactly it was invented. The drug got it’s name because of the fact that it’s the color of blue and it has a slight glow to it that attracts the younger customers. The drug is usually sold out in small vials and for a high price no less since a drop of the stuff can get you higher then a kite. But that’s not why the drug is so famous, the side effects are what makes everyone go insane for the drug. There is something in it that keeps people from aging as they are supposed. The bad side is that if used more then recommended one begins to have short term memory loss along with and nerve deterioration. Sad thing is that getting unhooked from the drug is probably worse then getting hit by a moving truck. After effects of not taking the drug is as follows: Trouble breathing, hallucinations, cold sweats, loss of appetite, tremors, lack of sleep for up to 3 days,sensation of skin being clawed off (that’s if your nerves haven’t already deteriorated). The distribution if this drug has long been stopped once Anako, the former leader of the gang was killed.
SLO-mo - Drug
A new and wild drug that has been running rampant in New York City! No one knows where it came from, who created, or who is distributing it. But whoever is, is making a huge profit off of this addicting drug. The drug is an aerosol that comes in a inhaler type dispenser which one inhales the drug from. The moment the drug hits your system everything slows down even though everything around you continues at normal speed. It’s just as the name of the drug says, everything is in slow motion. The perks of this drug is that it enhances your surrounding or in another sense, beautifies everything around you for five minutes. Some side effects of this drug? Well first, it is possible to OD on this drug. Inhaling too much can cause you to permanently slow down, you won’t even be able to function as a human properly ever again. Ever needed to wear glasses? Well another side effect is that your vision starts to get better and better, no one knows for sure just how well your vision gets but their is nothing like seeing better. Another thing is that inhaling too much of the stuff will eventually mess with your vocal cords. At some point you’ll lose your voice completely.
EGO - Drug
Lets see. Ego is going to be sold like a candy or something like it. It can be taken by needle, or snorted in a powdered form. It can also be smoked of course, and added like sugar to cereal if the user wishes. It’s very addicting. It comes in a crystal like form, that some say often glows in the dark. The more you use it, the more you lose yourself to the drug. It makes you live out your fantasies, with out moving an inch. When that is done with, on the come down it makes you feel like you have the power to do anything, and you will want to do anything on the come down. It tosses your fears out the window. Giving you a big ego boost to boot. It can be very beneficial to the person. If it wasn’t a slow ass poison, but shhh, nobody else knows this. Everyone thinks it’s a new, fantastic candy. The more you use. The more it begins to show on your. Overdoses happen frequently but nobody has been able to pin just how. When you’ve been using it to much, it starts to show in your veins, by causing them to pop out a little more, with a dark blue look to them, through your skin. In the dark, these veins glow. It begins to turn you into a ‘zombie’ ….Ego truly is one of the better drugs out there. Now selling at a store near you!….There’s no telling what it will do for you. It’s got endless effects.
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lekangbcu-blog · 7 years
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National Museum Cardiff, Gallery 21
Bedwyr Williams uses multimedia, performance and text to explore the friction between ‘the deadly serious’ and ‘the banal’ aspects of modern life. Williams is known for satirizing the relationship between the artist and curator by creating absurd scenarios for them to appear in. More recently he has explored, through video, themes of dystopia and mankind’s significance in the universe. Williams is shortlisted for the Film London Jarman Award 2015 and represented Wales at the 55th Venice Biennale.
Video, in recent years, has become of particular interest after a decade working with spoken word performance. This new film work mixes media and involves collaboration using humour and bathos to explore issues and subjects including, our insignificance in the universe (The Starry Messenger, 2013) a hoarding dystopian future (ECHT, 2014) and buildings with odd angles (Hotel 70º, 2015).
His most recent work ,Century Egg, 2015, made during a residency with the Museums of Cambridge University, ponders the idea of preserving objects and the moment when ‘things’ become archived ‘things’. It will be presented at the British Art Show in 2015.
Recent and forthcoming solo shows include Whitworth, Manchester, UK; Visual Centre for Contemporary Art, Carlow, IR; g39, Cardiff, UK; Vestjyllands Kunstpavillion, DK (all 2015); Tramway, Glasgow, UK for Glasgow International; Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno,UK (2014); 55th Venice Biennale for Welsh Pavillion,Venice, IT, (2013); IKON, Birmingham, UK (2012); and Kunstverein Salzburger, Salzburg, AT (2011).
Artists have been known to destroy their own work and even to kill themselves, but usually it is in a fit of despair or rage. Landy's art is quintessentially modern because it is so ruthlessly efficient, so mechanised. This work took him two years to organise. At first glance the scene inside C&A looks like a factory hard at work making things. Only up close do you see that a process of destruction is taking place which is as complex as the process of creation.  – Richard Dorment, The Daily Telegraph, 14 February 2001.
Break Down, Landy's strongest work to date, embodied more than a social commentary on shopping. His gesture of publicly stripping himself of his worldly goods had a spiritual dimension. He behaved as a shaman might, enacting a purge for communal ends. – Judith E. Stein, Art in America, June 2001.
Break Down was a real event, the first Brit Art gesture I have seen that transcended the new-establishment, new-elite, bad-boy banalities of Landy's contemporaries. He's a thinker, and a tough-minded one at that. Is it art? I don't know, but for once, thanks to the carefully reasoned rigour and impersonality of the project, I think so.  – Bryan Appleyard, The Sunday Times, 11 March 2001.  
History Of The Poster: A short history of the advertising poster, which reached it's peak in Paris at the Turn of the Century. This unique hand drawn animation was created by Yaneff Design. A simple understanding. 
History Of Poster Design
Art in Advertising
Research/ One of several posters of Le Chat Noir Cabaret in Paris by Theophile Steinlen (1896). History of Poster Art (c.1860-1980)
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• Jules Cheret
• France's Belle Epoque
• Art Nouveau
• Paris in the 1900s
• Poster Art in Europe (c.1880-1910)
• The Inter-War Years: Art Deco
• After World War II
• "Art Posters" - Reproductions of Famous Paintings
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Colour Poster for Perfecta Bicycles (1902) By Alphonse Mucha.
Jules Cheret
The evolution and development of poster art has always been closely linked to technical advances in printmaking, notably lithography. Thus although the lithographic process was invented by Alois Senefelder (1771-1834) as far back as 1798, it had little impact on posters until the advent of chromolithography later in the 19th century. Even then, it wasn't until Jules Cheret (1836-1932) invented his convenient "three stone lithographic process" in the 1860s - allowing lithographers to produce a wide spectrum of colours from just three stones - that low-cost colour posters at last became a reality.
Known as the "father of the fine art poster", Cheret not only developed a cheaper colour lithographic process, with richer more expressive colours, he also enhanced the aesthetic nature of the poster, endowed it with graceful designs (some influenced by Ukiyo-e woodblock prints from Japan, by artists like Hokusai and the younger Hiroshige) and transformed it into an independent work of art. Furthermore, he encouraged other painters to explore the genre: he later published his special book Maîtres de l'Affiche (Masters of the Poster), to promote the best designers. He also introduced the feminine form into his designs, for extra viewer-appeal. His female subjects became so popular that Parisians dubbed them Cherettes. In total, Cheret produced more than 1,000 posters, beginning with his 1867 advertisement for Sarah Bernardt's performance as Princess Desiree in the comedy La Biche au Bois. Honoured in 1928 with the opening of the Cheret Museum in Nice, Jules Cheret's posters, are some of the most highly sought-after items from the late 19th century.
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The Barack Obama "Hope Poster" Designed c.2007 by Shepard Fairey.
France's Belle Epoque
By 1880, Cheret's new poster art form was attracting a number of other top designers such as Theophile Steinlen (1859-1923) responsible for the immortal poster "Cabaret Du Chat Noir", the great Toulouse-Lautrec(1864-1901) creator of numerous theatrical masterpieces, Pierre Bonnard(1867-1947), Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940). Their chosen subject matter featured Parisian night life, notably the theatres, music halls and cabarets of the city. The growing popularity of poster art led to the hosting of a major exhibition in 1884. The poster craze peaked during the decade of the 1890s. Poster artists were transforming Parisian streets into colourful art galleries, attaining cult status in the process, and causing theatre stars to insist on choosing their own favorite artist to do the poster for their show. More poster exhibitions were held, while publishers produced extra copies of the best posters to satisfy collectors. See also: Post-Impressionist Painting (c.1880-1905).
Famous Posters by Toulouse-Lautrec - Moulin Rouge - La Goulue (1891) - Ambassadeurs - Aristide Bruant (1892) - La Reine de Joie (1892) - Avril (Jane Avril) (1893) - May Belfort (1895) - Jane Avril (1899)
Art Nouveau
Interest in the poster was further enhanced in the 1890s by the emergence of Art Nouveau, a decorative style of art marked by flowing, curvilinear shapes, and drawing inspiration from Byzantine icons, Pre-Raphaelite romanticism and the Celtic Art Revival movement. Largely reliant upon form, line and colour, Art Nouveau proved the ideal poster design, and dominated the Parisian poster scene up until the late 1900s. Along the way it attracted a host of artists, including: Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939), Georges de Feure, Eugene Grasset (1845-1917) and Albert Guillaume (1873-1942). One of the first Art Nouveau masterpieces was the 1894 Sarah Bernhardt poster by Alphonse Mucha, the acknowledged master of the style. In 1896, the largest and most significant poster show to date, was held in Reims, with a display of 1,700 posters from all over Europe.
Famous Posters by Alphonse Mucha - Hippodrome, Leona Dare, 1883 - Arlette Dorgere, 1890 - Moulin Rouge, Paris, Cancan, 1890 - Yvette Guilbert, 1891 - L'Etendard Francais, Bicycles, 1891 - Casino de Paris, Camille Stefani, 1891 - Folies Bergeres, Fleur de Lotus, 1893 - Sarah Bernhardt as Gismonda, 1894 - Vin Mariani, 1894 - Aperitif Mugnier, Dijon, 1894 - Quinquina Dubonnet, 1895 - Bieres de la Meuse, 1897 - Job Cigarette papers, 1898 - Benedictine, 1898 - Moet & Chandon, 1899
Note: the Art Nouveau style had an important influence on the various secession movements in Germany and Austria, including the Munich Secession (1892), the Berlin Secession (1898) and the Vienna Secession(1897).
Paris in the 1900s
Several events led to a decline in the Parisian poster scene during the 1900s. In 1900, Cheret abandoned poster art to concentrate on painting. In 1901, Toulouse Lautrec died. In 1904, Alphonse Mucha left Paris for America and then Czechoslovakia. And from 1905 onwards, Art Nouveau gradually lost its creative edge. Then, into this vacuum stepped a young Italian artist called Leonetto Cappiello (1875-1942), who focused on simplicity and impact. He appreciated the overriding need to create instant visual impact, as exemplified by his 1906 poster designs for Maurin Quina absinthe, and in so doing established a reputation as the father of modern advertising. Meantime, French poster art was further enriched by the arrival in Paris of Sergei Diaghilev(1872-1929) and the Ballets Russes, as well as the colourism and imagery of the revolutionary painting movements known as Fauvism (1905-6), and Cubism (1908-12).
Poster Art in Europe (c.1880-1910)
The poster craze spread rapidly to most of the main cities of Europe. Exhibitions of poster designs were staged in Britain (1894) and Italy (1894), Germany (1896), Switzerland (1896) and Russia (1897), and national styles soon established themselves: Dutch and Swiss posters tended to be neat, precise but restrained; German works were direct but lapsed into medieval gothic romanticism; Italian works were typically bold and melodramatic; while Russian posters were altogether more avant-garde.
Move Away From Art Nouveau
From 1905, there was a European-wide modernist trend to move away from the fussy decoration of Art Nouveau towards a simpler more function style. More and more poster artists switched from curvilinear shapes to rectilinear and geometric imagery, in order to sharpen the advertising message. 
British Poster Art
During the mid 1890s most British designers, including Aubrey Beardsley, Will Owne, Dudley Hardy, and Walter Crane, tended to be heavily influenced by French Art Nouveau. Two of the first to free themselves were the "Beggarstaff Brothers" James Pryde and William Nicholson, who focused on far more simple types of design. Other UK post artists, some of whom specialized in producing works for the London Underground rail system, included Austin Cooper, Fred Taylor, Tom Purvis, Pat Keely and the American-born McKnight Kauffer.
Posters in Germany German poster design was strongly influenced by Ludwig Hohlwein. Good at eliminating all non-essential graphics, he was noted for his use of shadow versus light, as well as his portrayals of people and animals. Other German post artists included Paul Schuerich, H.R.Erdt and the great abstractionist Lucian Bernhard.
It was Bernhard who initiated the German Plakatstil, or Poster Style. This style was characterized by extreme simplicity, represented by clean lines, minimal naturalism, flat colors and precise structure, as exemplified by his Sachplakat Poster (1906) for Preister matches. This Sachplakat (in English, "object poster") was to become a whole new genre of poster advertising.
Austrian Poster Art
One of Austria's best known poster designers was the Vienna-born Joseph Binder, noted for his geometrical, montage-type colour patterns. Others include the Viennese abstract artist Sascha Maurer, whose famous ski-posters also included elements of realism, as well as the Alfred Roller and Koloman Moser.
Swiss Poster Art
Positioned in the centre of Europe and speaking three national languages, Switzerland absorbed a great deal from its neighbours France, Germany and Italy. Leading Swiss Art Nouveau designers included Theophile Steinlen(1859-1923) and Eugene Grasset (1845-1917), both of whom were active at first in France, as well as Mangold, Emil Cardinaux, Baumberger, Stoecklin and Morach. If Italian poster art grew out of opera, Swiss posters depended on the country's status as a skiing destination.
Italian Poster Art
In Italy, posters were initially developed to promote the opera, under the German Art Nouveau artist, Adolfo Hohenstein (1854-1928). Although influenced by the French master Jules Cheret, Hohenstein became known for his luscious colour combinations and dramatic design - often executed in monumental-size works - features which would soon come to characterize the Italian national style. Examples of Hohenstein's posters include his designs for: Tosca by Puccini (1896), and the dramatic Madame Butterfly (1904).
Another leading Italian designer was Hohenstein's top pupil Leopoldo Metlicovitz (1868-1944). He was noted for his allegorical works, as exemplified by his award-winning design for the 1906 International Exposition. Metlicovitz's best pupil was Marcello Dudovich (1878-1962), who - partly under the influence of Franz Laskoff (1869-1918) - streamlined Art Nouveau (known in Italy as Stile Liberty) into a more modern style. Other noteworthy Italian poster artists included: Giovanni Mataloni, Marcello Dudovich, Aleardo Villa, Leopoldo Metlicovitz, Achille Mauzan, and Aleardo Terzi.
Lastly, one should not forget the peerless Leonetto Cappiello (1875-1942) (see above), who was active mainly in Paris and who eventually produced over 1,000 posters during a career spanning 40 years.
American Poster Art
The leading American poster designers were William Bradley and Edward Penfield. Others included, C.E. Millard, F.G. Cooper, C.B. Falls, H.M. Meyers, Harrison Fisher and Adolph Treidler. Edward Penfield, the pioneer of poster art in America, was actually more famous for his illustration and advertising placards for Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Cutting his teeth on ink and watercolour wash illustrations, Penfield went on to produce a large number of high quality fine art poster designs, notable for their abstract style and boldly simplified shapes. Unlike the already established artist Edward Penfield, William H. Bradley - known as the "American Beardsley" - made his reputation from poster design. Famous for producing The Twins (1894), the first American Art Nouveau poster, Bradley's style blended features of the Arts and Crafts Movement, Japanese block printing and Art Nouveau. Another American who contributed significantly to poster art and illustration was Norman Rockwell. Poster art with a social message was later exploited by Ben Shahn and other members of the Social Realism movement (c.1930-45) in America during the Depression era.
Poster Art During the Inter-War Years: Art Deco
After World War I, Art Nouveau was seen as old-fashioned and irrelevant when compared to the new modernist God of Science and the dynamism of the Machine. This new technological reality was better represented by modern art movements such as Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism and others. The first flowering of this new poster style was the Soviet Constructivism movement, inspired by Kasimir Malevich's avant-garde Suprematism movement, and led by Vladimir Tatlin, Alexander Rodchenko, and El Lissitsky. Ironically, it had more influence on Western design, through its impact on the Bauhaus and the De Stijl movement, than on posters in the USSR, which would soon be forced to adapt to Socialist Realism.
In Italy, Marinetti's Futurism seemed to be the dominant style until in the early 1920s, in the hands of Futurists Nicolay Diulgheroff, Lucio Venna and Fortunato Depero, it became too aggressive and was superceded by the quieter and more nostalgic Novecento style. Artists associated with this style included Campigli, Marcello Nizzoli and Mario Sironi, as well as Boccasile, Dudovich, and Riccobaldi.
More important than Constructivism, Futurism or Novecento was a new international style known as Art Deco. Showcased at the "Decorative Arts" Exposition of 1925 in Paris, and exactly in tune with the technological criteria of power and speed, Art Deco was marked by sleek geometrical forms, and strong, even garish, colours. The movement drew inspiration from many sources including Cubism, Futurism, Plakatstil, and even Constructivism. Exponents of Art Deco poster design include the Frenchman Adolphe Mouron Cassandre, noted for his sleek ocean liner posters, the German Ludwig Hohlwein, and the Swiss designers Otto Morach and Herbert Matter.
Art Deco dovetailed perfectly with the Italian love of dynamism and drama. Cappiello and Dudovich were both leading exponents, as was Federico Seneca (1891-1976) and Severo Pozzati (1895-1983). Progress was further stimulated by Fiat and Campari, the country's largest advertisers. Among Fiat's team of poster artists were Riccobaldi, Codognato, Dudovich, Metlicovitz, Sironi, and the great Giorgio De Chirico, while Campari relied on Hohenstein, Mauzan, Sacchetti, Laskoff, Nizzoli, Sinopico, Depero and Munari. Other directions were pursued by the Bauhaus-artist Xanti Schawinsky, and Marcello Nizzoli.
NOTE: During the 1930s and early 40s, the Nazis made full use of poster art in their vicious anti-semitic campaigns, a tactic exemplified by the poster artist Hans Schweitzer (1901-80) (better known as Mjolnir). An infamous example of Schweitzer's Nazi artwas the 1940 poster promoting the anti-Semitic film, "The Eternal Jew".
Swiss Designs
In the years following World War I, Switzerland developed a clear edge in graphic design, based on their mastery of technical and creative principles from Constructivism, the Dutch De Stijl movement led by Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931), and the Bauhaus Design School. An important figure inside the Swiss poster scene was Ernst Keller, who taught at the Zurich Design School where he nurtured the young group of designers who would later invent the world-famous International Typographic Style. Other leading teachers included the artists Jan Tschichold and Theo Ballmer. Other key factors which have contributed to Swiss excellence in this area, include a formidable printing industry and a willingness by the State and Cantonal authorities to invest in the necessary resources.
The Object Poster (Sachplakat)
First introduced by Lucian Bernhard (1906) the Object Poster (Sachplakat) style of minimalism was taken to a new level by Swiss designers. Examples include Otto Baumberger's 1923 textless poster for PKZ, and Peter Birkhauser's 1934 button poster also for PKZ. Meanwhile Swiss poster artists such as Herbert Matter and alter Herdeg demonstrated their advanced techniques in graphic design and photography with a series of Swiss travel posters.
Poster Art After World War II
Demise of the Object Poster
While the Sachplakat was still the No 1 style for Swiss product posters in the 1940s, thanks largely to the efforts of Basel designer-lithographers Stoecklin, Leupin, Birckhauser, and Brun, the 1950s witnessed the replacement of lithographic printing by cheaper offset printing. Other changes were also unavoidable. During the late 1940s and early 1950s, travel posters were increasingly replaced by photographs. Fortunately, Swiss graphic artists were making rapid strides in other areas. In particular, during the following decade, they launched a uniform, minimalist style known as The International Typographic Style because of its dependence on typographic elements, such as layout grids, sans serif typefaces, and black and white photography. Developed at the Basel Design School under Armin Hofmann and Emil Ruder, and at the Zurich Design School under Joseph Muller-Brockmann, all of whom had trained under Keller in Zurich school, the style was ideally suited to the postwar multi-lingual global marketplace, and by the 1970s, it had become the foremost graphic style in the world. However, for commercial reasons explained below, its application in the field of poster art was strictly limited.
Decline in Poster Advertising
After World War II, advertising-posters everywhere declined in importance as the market was effectively taken over by photography, radio and later television. In addition, labour-intensive lithography was also becoming prohibitively expensive, causing advertisers to switch to cheaper but less colourful methods like offset printing and screenprinting. As a result, by the 1960s - despite exceptional campaigns by post artists Bernard Villemot and Raymond Savignac - the poster was no more than a minor genre. Designers who might previously have been attracted to posters were now moving into illustration and other graphic designwork.
Poster Art in the 1960s and 1970s
In Italy, a series of spectacular images were produced for the national film industry, by Alfredo Capitani, Luigi Martinati, Anselmo Ballester and Ercole Brini. Another great Italian poster designer of the 1950s/1960s was Armando Testa.
In addition, there was a sudden surge in Psychedelic rock posters, originated by Wes Wilson. They appeared in the late 1960s, together with other popular music graphics like Milton Glaser's poster for Bob Dylan's 1967 'Greatest Hits' album. Widespread in San Francisco and New York, the music poster movement expanded into marketing and point-of-sale with free album-posters, as well as promotional concert posters. The craze for this sort of graphic artmirrored the demand for vintage posters in Paris during the late 19th century.
Note: an iconic poster dating from the 1968 student riots in Europe, and still popular today, was the silhouette style image of the Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara by the American artist Jim Fitzpatrick.
"Art Posters" - Reproductions of Famous Paintings
If original advertising posters have lost their appeal for commercial companies, the "art poster", replicating a famous work of art like The Mona Lisa, remains a popular item for consumers - especially during recessionary times. Today, it is possible to buy a reproduction of almost any major painting by any important painter from the Italian Renaissance to the Postmodernist era. Online poster publishers typically stock a wide selection of the most popular works.
Designer research: BREWERY LABEL ARTIST/ Sean Dominguez is a surfer and artist, for the past 13 years, he’s been a faithful devotee of The Lost Abbey.At this San Marcos brewery, the 49-year-old artist creates labels with images drawn from Bible stories and the history of Christianity.
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wrestlingisfake · 7 years
G1 Climax A Block finals preview
This airs Friday, August 11th at 5:30am Eastern time, so plan on spending all morning avoiding spoilers until you have time to watch it. 
Hiroshi Tanahashi (12 pts) vs. Tetusya Naito (12 pts) - There are five A block tournament matches on this card, but this is the only one that can still decide which wrestler wins A block and goes to the G1 Climax finals on 8/13.  Tanahashi is not defending the current IWGP intercontinental championship here, but a loss would almost certainly set up a rematch for the title later.
The winner of the match gets 2 points, the loser gets 0.  If the match goes to a 30-minute draw, both men receive 1 point apiece.  (I think if it’s a double count-out or double disqualification, both men get 0 points, but that’s probably not going to happen anyway.)  So whoever wins this match will end up with 14 points--more than anyone else in A block can possibly score at this stage--and win the block.  If we do somehow end up with a 13-13 (or 12-12) tie, I don’t know what the hell happens, but this show gets English commentary so I suppose they’d explain it pretty thoroughly.
This match was booked as the main event of this show weeks ago, and it’s not exactly a shock that the entire block comes down to this.  Naito and Tanahashi had a damn good match for the IC title back at Dominion 6.11, so this should be at least pretty good.  However, it’s been tough watching Tana work with that torn biceps--particularly since every match has been about his opponent targeting it--and you have to figure everybody’s pretty wiped out this deep into the tour.  I’m not counting on a repeat of Dominion, but chances are Naito and Tanahashi have been saving something up for this big stage.
Of the two, I prefer Tanahashi, but in light of the arm I would much rather see Naito be the one to win and go on to work another grueling main event and Tana take it easy in the midcard.  Naito (and LIJ) have been super over throughout this tournament and he really makes the most sense to go the finals, whether or not he can actually win this year.
Kota Ibushi (10 pts) vs. Hirooki Goto (8 pts) - Another A block match.  Kota was a cult favorite to win A block, mostly because it might set up an Ibushi vs. Kenny Omega dream match, but I had a feeling they’d cockblock everybody for now to tease it for later.  On the bright side, Ibushi did get a win over Tanahashi, which puts him in line for an intercontinental title shot later in the year.
If Kota scores 2 points here and Naito and Tanahashi both score 0 points in their match (which I’m not even sure is possible), I guess Ibushi is in the picture for a tiebreaker?  I mean, I can’t see it actually coming up, but I don’t want to act like it absolutely can’t happen.  It just seems weird to me that they’d have him get so close and then make it impossible for his last match to matter.  I would have at least booked him to have 12 points coming into this match and then lose to Goto.
Goto is just sort of...there.  I can’t really get into the guy.  I could see them giving him the win here just to maintain a nominal push, but meh.  I’d put Ibushi over to see where you can go with him.
Tomohiro Ishii (8 pts) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8pts) - Neither of these guys can win A block, but only one of them can at least finish with a winning record.  I really liked their match in Long Beach, where Sabre is being a British twink and Ishii is like “fuck this” and pounds the shit out of him.  I wouldn’t expect the exact same dynamic this time, but in any case it’s a good mix of styles.
I’m guessing Ishii goes over because New Japan loves to protect its old big guys up to a certain age.  But I think Sabre can build on the momentum of having an impressive G1 debut (including a big win over Tanahashi), and I’d take it as far as possible.
Togi Makabe (6 pts) vs. YOSHI-HASHI (4 pts) - Nothing against either guy, but they’re starting to feel like filler in the G1.  I suspect this match is going to be very skippable.  Not because they’re both so low in the scoring (if you expect  every G1 match to matter, you’re gonna have a bad time), but because they both feel like they’re just...there, and it’s bad enough to have just one guy like that.  I guess Makabe wins.
Yuji Nagata (2 pts) vs. Bad Luck Fale (10 pts) - This is Nagata’s final match in his final G1 tournament.  (He’s not retiring but, at 49, he probably doesn’t need to be one of the top 20 heavyweights in the promotion anymore.)  The booking logic seems to be that Nagata should lose almost all of his matches to justify his decision.  Fans don’t like this because they’re sentimental and don’t want to see him jobbed out, but I kinda get it.  I want to believe Yuji is this wise old master who can sense that he’s past his peak, so a miraculous swan song would undercut that.
At 10 points, Fale is in the same “Bernie can still win” zone that I mentioned with Ibushi.  But it’d be weird for NJPW to pull a goofy stunt just for Ibushi to win the block, and it’d be absolutely insane to do it for Fale.  Also I’m still pissed at Fale for tearing up Daryl.
On paper, I think Nagata should be able to take this fucker and get his badass theme music played one last time.  But Fale is deceptively tough to beat in the G1, so you shouldn’t bet against him.  At least that’ll keep the match exciting while we’re waiting for the main event.
Kazuchika Okada & Toru Yano vs. Kenny Omega & Yujiro Takahashi - Okada and Omega will be meeting in the B block finals on 8/12.  Yano also has a B block match, but it’s against Minoru Suzuki, so I don’t blame him for getting booked as far from that guy as possible. 
If you ask me Yano’s had a particularly great run of comedy bullshit this year, notably including his matches against Okada and Omega.  Add to that the fact that they’ll want Okada and Omega to rest up, and I suspect this will be a fairly nothing comedy match.  Oh, and Okada will have Gedo at ringside and Takahashi will have one of his bikini models with him, so I bet that’ll mean even more HIJINX~!  Works for me.  I’m predicting Yano pins Yujiro with a nutshot.
Cody Rhodes & Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson & Hangman Page & Chase Owens vs. Michael Elgin & Raymond Rowe & Hanson & Ricochet & Ryusuke Taguchi - All the guys who haven’t been on the tour are coming in for the finals weekend.  On 8/13 Cody and Page are facing War Machine (Hanson/Rowe), and Tagushi & Ricochet are facing the Young Bucks (Nick/Matt).  Elgin is the only one in this match that’s part of the G1 tournament, so I’m just saying maybe he should score the win.
Satoshi Kojima & Juice Robinson vs. EVIL & Hiromu Takahashi - Kojima will be facing Evil on 8/12.  Robinson is also in B block but he’s set to face Elgin on 8/12 and Elgin isn’t on Evil’s team, so that’s how Hiromu ended up here.  A quick Daryl update for those of you who don’t follow New Japan (but somehow made it this far down a New Japan post): Daryl is reportedly on the mend, but I haven’t seen him back on TV, and at this point I suspect we won’t see him until at least the 8/13 show.  I’m sure the New Japan side of Tumblr will keep you posted.  I don’t know who wins here, but New Japan sure likes Evil a lot so I’d bet on him.
SANADA & BUSHI vs. Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa - Sanada and Tama are booked for 8/12.  Tama and Tanga are usually a tag team, but Loa’s been nowhere to be found on this tour until now.  I assume this means they’ve got a tag match in the works for 8/13.  Tama insisted before the tournament that he has nothing to prove, and so far he’s 3-5 so I guess he’s succeeding at proving nothing.  It’s kind of a shame and I hope his team wins here to make up for it.
Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado & Taichi vs. Katusya Kitamura & Tomoyuki Oka & Hirai Kawato - Suzuki leads his thugs against the rookie jobber guys.  I like the Young Lions but Suzuki is going to fuck them up pretty bad.
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
1956 - 1966
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“I've Got a Secret” is a panel game show derived from “What's My Line?.” Instead of celebrity panelists trying to determine a contestant's occupation, the panel tries to determine a contestant's ‘secret’; something that is unusual, amazing, embarrassing, or humorous. The show premiered on June 19, 1952 on CBS and ran until April 3, 1967. It began broadcasting in black and white, switching to color in 1966. From 1952 to 1960 the show was done at CBS Studio 59, formerly the Mansfield Theatre, now the Brooks Atkinson.
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When “I’ve Got A Secret” first went on the air it was an immediate disaster, in part because producers Goodson-Todman tried too hard to differentiate it from “What’s My Line?” It had an awkward courtroom set in which the panelists would interrogate contestants seated in a witness box. After the first broadcast, Goodson ordered the set scrapped and a new one built which would mirror the “What's My Line?” set. One of the show’s two sponsors canceled so for the remainder of the first season the show only aired every other week, alternating with “Racket Squad.”
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The show was originally hosted by radio and television personality Garry Moore. After several months of an ever-changing panel, game show host Bill Cullen, acerbic comedian Henry Morgan, TV hostess Faye Emerson, and actress Jayne Meadows became the four regular panelists. In 1958, Emerson left the show to star in a play and was replaced by actress Betsy Palmer. Later that year, Meadows relocated to the West Coast and was replaced by former Miss America Bess Myerson. Other comedians and celebrities appeared as guests on the panel when others were away. The announcer for most of the run was John Cannon.
Moore left the show after the 1963–64 season. When his comedy program “The Garry Moore Show” was canceled by the network, Moore chose to retire from television to travel the world with his wife. He was replaced by Steve Allen, who left his own syndicated talk show to take over the game.  
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A typical episode featured two regular contestant rounds followed by a celebrity guest round, occasionally followed by an additional regular round, if time permitted. “I've Got a Secret” was more informal than its sister show “What's My Line?” in most respects. The panel and host were generally on a first-name basis. The formal time limit on questioning was removed early in the show's run, and time limits were set more for entertainment. The men on the panel always wore informal suits or even sport jackets. The panel was introduced at the start of each episode by the host (as opposed to by each other, as on “What's My Line?”), sometimes with a series of descriptive puns, but generally without plugging their other projects.  
“I've Got a Secret,” along with “What's My Line?” and “To Tell the Truth,” were canceled in a mass axing of CBS's remaining panel shows in 1967; the shows were financially successful but were not drawing good ratings. Between 1952 and 1967, “I've Got a Secret” ranked among the top 30 television shows for ten out of fifteen seasons, peaking at #5 during the 1957–58 season. The show was nominated for three Emmy Awards during the 1950s.
The first theme music used on the show from 1952 to 1961 was "Plink, Plank, Plunk!" by Leroy Anderson. The second theme, used from 1961 to 1962, was an upbeat arrangement of the "Theme from A Summer Place" by Max Steiner. The third theme, used from 1962 to 1967, was an upbeat march composed by the show's musical director Norman Paris and played by a live studio combo.
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February 8, 1956 at 9:30pm
Directed by Frank Satenstein
The program is sponsored by Winston cigarettes. Because of this, host Garry Moore smokes continually throughout the program. Those contestants who stump the panel win a carton of Winstons and a cash prize [$80 in 1956].
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Garry Moore (Host) says that Faye Emerson is on vacation and that Lucille Ball will be taking her place that evening. Unbeknownst to him (supposedly) Lucille Ball shadows Moore on his entrance, making funny faces behind his back. When he turns to introduce her they come face to face and scream. Moore mentions that Lucy is there to promote her film Forever Darling.
John Cannon (Announcer)
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The Panel (left to right)
Bill Cullen hosted 23 shows in his lifetime and earned the nickname "Dean of Game Show Hosts". Aside from his hosting duties, he also appeared as a panelist / guest on many other game shows, including “To Tell The Truth,” a sister show to “I've Got a Secret.”
Jayne Meadows was an actress who was also quite a popular game show panelist, often beside her husband Steve Allen, whom she wed two years before this telecast. In 1970 she appeared on an episode of “Here's Lucy” (S3;E16). She is sister to “Honeymooners” star Audrey Meadows, who appeared with as Lucille Ball's sister on an episode of “Life With Lucy” (1987).
Henry Morgan (not to be confused with actor Harry Morgan) was a frequent guest panelist on three of the most popular prime-time game shows in the 1950s and '60's: "I've Got a Secret," What's My Line," and "To Tell the Truth."
Lucille Ball (Guest Panelist). Two days earlier, “I Love Lucy” broadcast “The Fox Hunt” (S5;E16) for the first time, part of the Ricardos and Mertzes trip to Europe.  A few days after this appearance on “I've Got A Secret,” Ball returned to California to begin rehearsals for the classic episode “Lucy Gets a Paris Gown” (S5;E20), in which Lucy and Ethel are duped into wearing burlap bags as fashion. The episode was filmed on February 16, 1956 and aired a month later.
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The Contestants
Bertha Pierce is from Olean, New York. Her secret is that she built the chairs that the panel is sitting on. Lucy is put on the spot when asked to go first. She notes that Olean is very close to her hometown of Jamestown. Lucy is startled by the buzzer of the timer. Jayne Meadows guesses the secret correctly.
Seymour J. Seymour is 96 years old and appears on the stage with a patch on his eye, using a cane. Moore says Seymour had a fall in the hotel the previous evening. His secret is that he saw John Wilkes Booth shoot President Lincoln on April 14, 1865. [Seymour passed away two months after the airing of the show.] At the time, Seymour was the last living witness to the shooting. Jayne Meadows guesses his secret and Moore gives Seymour the full prize of $80. Before the show, Seymour informed Moore  that he does not smoke cigarettes, so he is given a can of Prince Albert pipe tobacco instead. [In other instances, the sponsor was not so amenable. Both Groucho Marx and Ernie Kovacs wanted to smoke their trademark cigars on the show, but Winston forbade it. In the case of Groucho, they eventually relented.]
Desi Arnaz (Guest Contestant) is introduced by his wife, reading a script written by the show that comically goes on...and on... and on. The panel leaves the stage while Moore and Arnaz discuss Forever Darling, which opens the next day at the Loewe's State in NYC. [Lucy and Desi expected the film to open at Radio City Music Hall, just like their last MGM feature The Long, Long Trailer. But the Music Hall declined to premiere the film. They did not expect it to be a blockbuster, which it was not.]  Desi has planned to play a trick on his wife by telling everyone else on the panel his 'secret' and telling them to pass their turn to Lucy. Desi's secret is “I love Lucy.” When Bill Cullen disqualifies himself, Lucy is immediately suspicious. Lucy is totally confounded by being the only player and she and Desi devolve into good-natured husband and wife bickering. With a big smile of realization, Lucy finally gets it! Before they depart, Moore reads a wire from the Heart Fund, thanking Lucy and Desi for their time and energy on their behalf.
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February 15, 1961 at 9:30pm
Directed by Franklin Heller
The program is sponsored by Bristol Myers' Bufferin. Doing a live pitch for the pain remedy, Garry Moore says that an in-store display features a mirror in which his face appears. The associate sponsor was Clairol.
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The show begins with a cold open of Lucille Ball talking to the viewers: “My name is Lucille Ball and I've got a secret.”
Garry Moore (Host) notes that Bill Cullen is on vacation and introduces the panel, staring with Cullen's replacement, Johnny Carson.
John Cannon (Announcer)
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The Panel (left to right)
Johnny Carson (Guest Panelist) did a dozen episodes of the game before assuming the hosting duties of “The Tonight Show” in October 1962. He played himself on a 1969 episode of “Here's Lucy” (S2;E11).  Ball made many appearances on “The Tonight Show” during his tenure.  
Betsy Palmer was an actress equally at home on Broadway, film and TV.  She became known for her many appearances in regional theatre, particularly at New Jersey's Paper Mill Playhouse. Later in her career she became famous for her role in the 1980 horror film Friday the 13th.
Henry Morgan (not to be confused with actor Harry Morgan) was a frequent guest panelist on three of the most popular prime-time game shows in the 1950s and '60's: "I've Got a Secret," What's My Line," and "To Tell the Truth."
Bess Myerson was a former Miss American (1945). She was the pageant's first and only Jewish winner. Myerson was a panelist and talk show guest on many television programs.
The Contestants
The Smith Family – four children from Kenmore New York (Herman, Theresa, Mary Margaret, and Ralph) are introduced by Moore. Their secret is that they each have a twin backstage. The Smith Family consists of 13 children.  Henry Morgan guesses the secret. Moore says the odds of such a thing happening are 40 million to one!
Pat Patterson from Washington DC sailed from there to Jacksonville, Florida... in a paper boat made of water-proof cardboard and wood supports. The trip took him six weeks. Patterson is a corrugated box manufacturer. The boat itself is on the stage. Moore is a boating enthusiast.
The panel is sent offstage while Moore introduces a filmed Clairol commercial: “Only her hairdresser knows for sure.” He then introduces Lucille Ball.  
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Lucille Ball (Guest) was then starring on Broadway in the new musical Wildcat, her only Broadway credit. Moore tells Lucy that her secret will be to get the panel to imitate her. The panel returns for the questioning. The word “EXCITED” appears on the screen to prompt Lucy. While Betsy Palmer is talking, the word turns to “HAPPY” and Lucy laughs out loud continually. The questioning turns to Henry Morgan and the word turns to “DIGNIFIED” then to “SAD” - Lucy reacts accordingly. During Bess Myerson's turn the word is “NERVOUS”.  During Carson's turn, the word is “ROMANTIC” and then “TIPSY.”  They play out the whole game even though someone gets it early. Moore later confesses that (for the first time ever) he cheated in order not to spoil the fun.  
In closing, there is an extended filmed commercial for next week's sponsor, Winston Cigarettes. The announcer also reminds viewers that Bristol Myers also sponsors “Candid Camera” (consult your local listings).  
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March 8, 1965 at 8:00pm
Directed by Paul Alter
The program is sponsored by Toni Home Permanent.
Steve Allen (Host) was a humorist who starred in his own television show on another network five nights a week. More than thirty years later, Allen would guest star as himself on “Lucy Calls the President” (1977). Allen tells viewers that half the panel is on vacationing so his ‘better half’ (Jayne Meadows) and Lucy's ‘better half’ Gary Morton will be sitting in for the absent Bill Cullen and Bess Myerson.
John Cannon (Announcer) 
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The Panel (left to right)
Henry Morgan (not to be confused with actor Harry Morgan) was a frequent guest panelist on three of the most popular prime-time game shows in the 1950s and '60's: "I've Got a Secret," What's My Line," and "To Tell the Truth."
Jayne Meadows was an actress who was also quite a popular game show panelist, often beside her husband Steve Allen, whom she wed two years before this telecast. In 1970 she appeared on an episode of “Here's Lucy” (S3;E16). She is sister to “Honeymooners” star Audrey Meadows, who appeared with as Lucille Ball's sister on an episode of “Life With Lucy” (1987).
Gary Morton was a comedian who wed Lucille Ball in 1961. He acted as Producer on “The Lucy Show” as well as making occasional on-camera appearances and doing voice-overs.
Betsy Palmer was an actress equally at home on Broadway, film and TV. She became known for her many appearances in regional theatre, particularly at New Jersey's Paper Mill Playhouse. Later in her career she became famous for her role in the 1980 horror film Friday the 13th.
The Contestants
Marie Rhodes from Los Angeles is Marlon Brando's stand-in. Betsy Palmer guesses her secret. Her husband is his make-up man. She started on Mutiny on the Bounty, in order that she could be with her husband in Tahiti for the year it took to make the film. The most recent film where she stood in for Brando was Morituri, which she says will be released soon. Rhodes has also stood in for many other stars: Anna Magnani, Ben Grauer, Carol Williams, Judith Anderson, Patricia Owens, and others. Steve Allen is fixated on Ben Grauer.
Four Lieutenants in the US Armed Forces: Joe Amlong (Air Force), Billy Mills (Marines), William Stowe (Navy), and Lones Wigger Jr. (Army) enter. Allen declines to give their names at first. Their secret is that each has won a gold medal in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo.
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Lucille Ball (Guest) was then finishing her third season of “The Lucy Show.”  At 9pm that evening, CBS broadcast “Lucy and Arthur Godfrey” (TLS S3;E23). The evening before, Lucy had appeared on “What's My Line?” She is introduced as the National Chairman for the Easter Seals campaign. 
Before the show, questions were solicited for Lucille Ball. The panel is asked to answer as if they were Lucy. Lucy gives her response as well. 
“Are you temperamental?”  Henry Morgan says yes, but Lucy says no, but that she has flare-ups after long periods of frustration.  
“Are you a natural redhead?”  Jayne Meadows (also a bottle red head) and Lucy both say “of course!” 
“Who has the final say at home?”  Gary naturally says Lucy.  Lucy says the only thing she has the final say on is whether the windows stay open or closed at night.  
“Are you inherently witty or do you have to have a script?”  Betsy Palmer tactfully replies that Lucy is inherently witty but that a good script helps. Lucy says she is not witty, and that she doesn't “think funny.”  
“What is it like to be a millionaire?”  Lucy seriously says she is not a millionaire, which Henry Morgan doubts. Lucy says that all her money goes into her business [Desilu Studios].  
“Do you do your own cooking?”  Jayne Meadows says that Lucy doesn't cook. Lucy says she can cook, but doesn't have time and often let's her husband Gary plan the meals. Gary adds that Lucy makes meatballs that taste like hockey pucks.  
“Are you as funny offstage as you are on?” Gary Morton says that Lucy doesn't think she's funny – but she is.  
“Why do you work so hard?”  Jayne Meadows and Lucy agree that she works so hard because she loves it.  She mentions “The Lucy Show.”  
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The program ends with the women sitting on the mens’ laps, even Henry and Betsy, the only two that are not husband and wife. Allen says that the young people will be pleased to know that next week Neil Sedaka will be the guest. As the final credits roll, the network announcer promotes “The Lucy Show” guest starring Arthur Godfrey coming up in a half hour's time.
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Two weeks later Vivian Vance appeared on the “I’ve Got a Secret” (guest hosted by Steve Allen). Vivian purposely talked very fast because her ‘secret’ was that everything they said was being written down in short-hand backstage. 
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October 17, 1966 at 10:30pm
Directed by Paul Alter
The color telecast was sponsored by Westinghouse. [Note: No color prints were available for preview, so the photographs are in black and white.] The show is sponsored by Lucky Strike cigarettes. [Ironically, during the early years of “I Love Lucy” the show was sponsored by Philip Morris and the writers were prohibited from using the word “lucky.”]  
Steve Allen (Host) was a humorist who starred in his own television show on another network five nights a week. More than thirty years later, Allen would guest star as himself on “Lucy Calls the President” (1977).
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The Panel (left to right)
Betsy Palmer was an actress equally at home on Broadway, film and TV.  She became known for her many appearances in regional theatre, particularly at New Jersey's Paper Mill Playhouse. Later in her career she became famous for her role in the 1980 horror film Friday the 13th. Steve Allen introduces her as starring in Cactus Flower on Broadway.
Henry Morgan (not to be confused with actor Harry Morgan) was a frequent guest panelist on three of the most popular prime-time game shows in the 1950s and '60's: "I've Got a Secret," What's My Line," and "To Tell the Truth."
Bess Myerson was a former Miss American (1945).  She was the pageant's first and only Jewish winner. Myerson was a panelist and talk show guest on many television programs. Steve Allen reminds the viewers that she can also be seen on “Candid Camera.”  
Bill Cullen hosted 23 shows in his lifetime and earned the nickname "Dean of Game Show Hosts." Aside from his hosting duties, he also appeared as a panelist / guest on many other game shows, including “To Tell The Truth,” a sister show to “I've Got a Secret.”
The Contestants
Rufus Harley (Contestant) is at first identified only as ‘Mr. X’. His secret is that he is a jazz musician who plays the bagpipes. No one guesses his secret. Harley also appeared on “To Tell the Truth” and in 1968 appeared on syndicated "What's My Line?" during its first week. He released two albums on Atlantic and plays “Feelin' Good” with his Jazz combo on the show. Fittingly, the background is a tartan plaid!
Howard Goodrich and his dog Fritz (Contestant) whose secret is that both he and his dog are wearing contact lenses. Henry Morgan asks Mr. Goodrich if HE has a tail.  No one guesses the secret.
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Lucille Ball (Guest). Earlier in the evening, CBS broadcast “Lucy Flies To London” (S5;E6) which was “The Lucy Show's” set-up for the following week's location-filmed special “Lucy in London.” Lucy promotes the special talking about her love for London, especially Carnaby Street, and the mod fashions. 
To see if American people have taken to these garments, the show has given 100 audience members voting buttons to express their opinions. Three fashion models come out, while Lucy describes their outfits. [Despite the show being broadcast in color, Lucy still describes the vivid colors of the clothing, aware that not all viewers will be watching on a color television.]  
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Before asking the audience to vote, Steve Allen asks Lucy if she likes them. Lucy hesitates, but says “On some very young people, at some very special places, for a very short time.” Before finding out the result of the audience vote, Lucy guesses that just 35% of the audience will like them. The panel guesses that probably only 15% to 35% will. Allen surprisingly reveals that only 7% of the studio audience likes the mod fashions. [The clothing was supplied by Lord and Taylor.]
The second poll asks the female audience which of the three looks the audience favors. Lucy thinks 'B' will be the most popular, Betsy says 'A', Bill and Bess says 'C' and Henry agrees with Lucy that it is 'B'.  The results show that 54% of the women liked 'A' – the pant suit; 10% prefer 'B' – the mini skirt; and 36% liked 'C' – the vinyl look.  
The men are then polled and Lucy and the panel stick with their previous selections. Steve Allen likes 'C'. 54% of men liked 'C'; 40% liked 'A'; and only 6% chose 'B'.  
Lucy asks a totally different question of the men; would their wives chose a brand new kitchen or a fur coat. Lucy says that 95% will go for the kitchen. The result says that 54% said their wives would want a new kitchen. Lucy says that if the women were asked, they would chose the kitchen.  
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
June 8, 1998
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Lucille Ball was one of the figures chosen to appear on the cover of Time Magazine’s June 8, 1998 issue celebrating the top 100 artists and entertainers of the century.  In a drawing by Al Hirschfeld, Ball shares the cover with filmmaker Stephen Spielberg, musician Bob Dylan, and artist Pablo Picasso. 
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In the table of contents page, there is a photo of Lucille Ball, and her article is listed below Rodgers and Hammerstein, names that were frequently mentioned on “I Love Lucy.”  Also mentioned was Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando, and Charlie Chaplin, who Lucy embodied on several occasions. 
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The first lady of comedy brought us laughter as well as emotional truth. No wonder everybody loved Lucy
By Richard Zoglin
It happened somewhere between the clunky premier episode (”Lucy Thinks Ricky Is Trying to Murder Her”) and her first classic routine, the Vitameatavegamin commercial, in which Lucy gets steadily soused as she keeps downing spoonfuls of the alcohol-laced potion she's trying to hawk on TV. (Watch the spasm that jolts her face when she gets her first taste of the foul brew; it could serve as a textbook for comics well into the next millennium.) "I Love Lucy” debuted on CBS in October 1951, but at first it looked little different from other domestic comedies that were starting to make the move from radio to TV, like “My Favorite Husband”, the radio show Ball had co-starred in for three years. Lucy Ricardo was, in those early “I Love Lucy” episodes, just a generic daffy housewife. Ethel (Vivian Vance), her neighbor and landlady, was a stock busybody. Desi Arnaz, as bandleader Ricky Ricardo, hadn't yet become one of the finest straight men in TV history. William Frawley, as Fred Mertz, seemed a Hollywood has-been in search of work, which he was.
Then magic struck. Guided by Ball's comic brilliance, the show developed the shape and depth of great comedy. Lucy's quirks and foibles -- her craving to be in show biz, her crazy schemes that always backfired, the constant fights with the Mertzes -- became as particularized and familiar as the face across the dinner table. For four out of its six seasons (only six!), “I Love Lucy” was the No. 1-rated show on television; at its peak, in 1952-53, it averaged an incredible 67.3 rating, meaning that on a typical Monday night, more than two-thirds of all homes with TV sets were tuned to Lucy.
Ball's dizzy redhead with the elastic face and saucer eyes was the model for scores of comic TV females to follow. She and her show, moreover, helped define a still nascent medium. Before “I Love Lucy”, TV was feeling its way, adapting forms from other media. Live TV drama was an outgrowth of Broadway theater; game shows were transplanted from radio; variety shows and early comedy stars like Milton Berle came out of vaudeville. “I Love Lucy” was unmistakably a television show, and Ball the perfect star for the small screen. "I look like everybody's idea of an actress," she once said, "but I feel like a housewife." Sid Caesar and Jackie Gleason were big men with larger-than-life personas; Lucy was one of us.
She grew up in Jamestown, N.Y., where her father, an electrician, died when she was just three. (1) At 15 she began making forays to New York City to try to break into show business. She had little luck as an actress but worked as a model before moving to Hollywood in 1933 for a part in the chorus of “Roman Scandals”. Strikingly pretty, with chestnut hair dyed blond (until MGM hairdressers, seeking a more distinctive look, turned it red in 1942), she landed bit parts in B movies and moved up to classy fare like “Stage Door”, in which she held her own with Katharine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers.
Buster Keaton, the great silent clown working as a consultant at MGM, recognized her comic gifts and worked with her on stunts. She got a few chances to show off her talent in films like “Du Barry Was a Lady” (with Red Skelton) and “Fancy Pants” (with Bob Hope) but never broke through to the top. By the end of the 1940s, with Ball approaching 40, her movie career was all but finished.
It was her husband Desi -- a Cuban bandleader she married shortly after they met on the set of “Too Many Girls” in 1940 -- who urged her to try television. CBS was interested in Ball, but not in the fellow with the pronounced Spanish accent she wanted to play her husband. To prove that the audience would accept them as a couple, Lucy and Desi cooked up a vaudeville act and took it on tour. It got rave reviews ("a sock new act," said Variety), and CBS relented.
But there were other haggles. Lucy and Desi wanted to shoot the show in Hollywood, rather than in New York City, where most TV was then being done. And for better quality, they insisted on shooting on film, rather than doing it live and recording on kinescope. CBS balked at the extra cost; the couple agreed to take a salary cut in return for full ownership of the program. It was a shrewd business decision: “I Love Lucy” was the launching pad for Desilu Productions, which (with other shows, like “Our Miss Brooks” and “The Untouchables”) became one of TV's most successful independent producers, before Paramount bought it in 1967.
Today “I Love Lucy”, with its farcical plots, broad physical humor and unliberated picture of marriage, is sometimes dismissed as a relic. Yet the show has the timeless perfection of a crystal goblet. For all its comic hyperbole, Lucy explored universal themes: the tensions of married life, the clash between career and home, the meaning of loyalty and friendship. The series also reflected most of the decade's important social trends. The Ricardos made their contribution to the baby boom in January 1953 -- TV's Little Ricky was born on the same day that Ball gave birth, by caesarean, to her second child, Desi Jr. (A daughter, Lucie, had been born in 1951.) They traveled to California just as the nation was turning west, in a hilarious series of shows that epitomized our conception of --and obsession with -- Hollywood glamour. And when the nation began moving to the suburbs, so too, in their last season, did the Ricardos.
Ball was a lithe and inventive physical comedian, and her famous slapstick bits -- trying to keep up with a candy assembly line, stomping grapes in an Italian wine vat -- were justly celebrated. But she was far more than a clown. Her mobile face could register a whole dictionary of emotions; her comic timing was unmatched; her devotion to the truth of her character never flagged. She was a tireless perfectionist. For one scene in which she needed to pop a paper bag, she spent three hours testing bags to make sure she got the right size and sound.
Most of all, I Love Lucy was grounded in emotional honesty. Though the couple had a tempestuous marriage off-screen (Desi was an unrepentant philanderer), the Ricardos' kisses showed the spark of real attraction. In the episode where Lucy finds out she is pregnant, she can't break the news to Ricky because he is too busy. Finally, she takes a table at his nightclub show and passes him an anonymous note asking that he sing a song, “We're Having a Baby”, to the father-to-be. As Ricky roams the room looking for the happy couple, he spies Lucy and moves on. Then he does a heartrending double take, glides to his knees and asks, voice cracking, whether it's true. Finishing the scene together onstage, the couple are overcome by the real emotion of their own impending baby. Director William Asher, dismayed by the unrehearsed tears, even shot a second, more upbeat take. Luckily he used the first one; it's the most touching moment in sitcom history.
Tired of the grind of a weekly series, Lucy and Desi ended “I Love Lucy” in 1957, when it was still No. 1. For three more years, they did hourlong specials, then broke up the act for good when they divorced in 1960. Ball returned to TV with two other popular (if less satisfying) TV series, “The Lucy Show” and “Here's Lucy”; made a few more movies (starring in “Mame” in 1974); and attempted a final comeback in the 1986 ABC sitcom “Life with Lucy”, which lasted an ignominious eight weeks. But “I Love Lucy” lives on in reruns around the world, an endless loop of laughter and a reminder of the woman who helped make TV a habit, and an art.
TIME senior writer Richard Zoglin still watches “I Love Lucy” reruns each day at 9 a.m.
(1) Ball’s father did not die in Jamestown, New York. He died in Wyandotte, Michigan, while on assignment for Bell Telephone. 
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Some editions of the issue had an overlay cover that completely blocked Lucy from view!  She is not even mentioned in the text on the overlay!  
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