#also dont mind me its 4 in the morning and ive been reading fics all night rip
sseulhello · 4 years
its currently 6:40am here and i just finished editing the mobile ver of the blog :3 im sleepy.. gonna continue everything later (also !! Got a new user lol :p)
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Okay but hear me out sometimes I think about an AU where Sorey's potential for being a Shepherd is realized early on by Heldalf who abducts him to raise him and fill him with Malevolence, and I get rly sad thinking about Angst for soft green-eyed boy and water boy getting fleeting glances from opposite sides of the battlefield and continually missing each other
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
MacRiley fan-fic
This one is a classic. Probably wont happen but it was fun to write anyways!
Season 4 spoilers..... duh!
“Good night guys. Riles you coming?” said Mac with his usual smile leaving the war room followed by Desi and Bozer. Matty and Russ were still busy.
Mac had been wanting to tell Riley about his break-up with Desi but they had got the call from Matty.
Desi and he realised they were never going to work. The weird part was that he didn't feel heartbroken. 
He had seen it coming for a while now, it was just a matter of finally ripping off the band-aid. Desi seemed fine too, she still nipped at him occasionally but they had managed to keep it professional for the whole mission. Desi was staying with him until she could get back her old apartment.
“No I have some stuff I need to do. Good night Mac.” said Riley with a tight lipped smile. 
Mac raised his eyebrow at her. “Okay. Good night then. Call me if you need a lift anyways.” He and Des got into his car while Riley walked to the nearest bar.
The mission had been rough. Riley felt completely spent but she needed a drink. It was Friday night and she was all alone. She let that sink in. At the rate she was going she was going to die alone too.
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Mac’s phone buzzing woke him up. It was 1 am. It had been barely 2 hours since they got back. 
“Why won't criminals just take a day off.” said Mac half asleep, groaning as he reached for his phone. 
He read the caller id fulling expecting it to be Matty. But it wasn't.
All the sleepiness drained right out of him. It was Riley.
“Hello? Riles? What’s going on is everything okay?” said Mac already getting up, fully alert now and trying to make as little noise as possible so as to not wake Desi up in the adjoining room.
Mac could here loud music in the background. What the hell was going on?
“Hey Mac. I need a ride.”
Mac found Riley outside The Bar. Riley was drunk and she was standing all alone outside at the entrance when she had called. Mac drove over as fast as he could. His heart racing the whole time.
He pulled up to where she was standing. Silently thanking the universe that she was okay. 
“Riles? Are you okay” said Mac with deep concern on his face.
Riley nodded but swayed on her feet. Mac caught her.
“Okay lets get you home.”
Mac got Riley in the passengers seat and buckled her up. He had just started up the car when Riley mumbled.
“I’m sorry. I'm so so sorry” and tears started rolling down her face. Mac’s heart broke a little. Why had he not gone with her? What if something had happened to Riley? What if he had somehow missed her call?
“Riles. You dont have anything to be sorry for. It’s okay. Its a best friends duty to pick up them up especially when they get drunk. Today’s mission was hard on all of us.” said Mac with a smile. It really was the least he could do for her. She had put everything on the line when she had come to his rescue. She was always there. The one true constant in his life. The one person he could count on.
Riley just went on apologising until a minute later she had closed her eyes and fallen asleep. Mac looked over at her a few times. She seemed so peaceful. He had been so caught up with Desi, Codex and Phoenix that he hadn't even paid attention to what was going on with Riley. Something was definitely eating at her. He was hoping he could have talked to her today, tried to get to the bottom of things.
Riley had seemed a little distant lately. He didn't even blame her. He had no idea what was going on with her, but for now he would be there for her just like she was for him.
Mac pulled over outside Riley’s apartment. He didn't want to wake Riley up but he couldn't help it.
“Riles,” Mac whispered. “I need you to wake up now. Please.”
Riley opened her eyes slowly. He helped her out of the car and grabbed her bag. It was a good thing he knew she kept her keys in the tiny zipper in her favourite bag which she was also carrying right now.
He opened the apartment door and helped Riley in. He set her down on her bed  and took off her boots. Riley was half asleep and was really out of it. 
He tucked her in and was about to switch off the small bedside lamp when Riley reached for his arm.
“Hey Mac” she slurred a bit while talking,”Thanks for picking me up. Your a good friend you know. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Mac smiled. Even half drunk Riley was still thinking about him. He brushed out a few strands of hair out of her face and turned off the light.
“Good night Riles.” said Mac leaving the room.
“Love you, Mac” says Riley before cuddling into her covers and falling straight asleep.
Mac froze at the door, his heart pounding. 
He had misheard her right? But he found himself hoping he hadn't.
It hit him like lightning. He loved Riley too, didn't he? Deep down he always had. 
He had told himself that he had held her hand when that missile was about to hit them because he wanted Riley to know he was sorry. Sorry that he couldn't save her. But it was more than that,wasn't it?
He had loved her. 
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Mac smiled to himself. He was such an idiot. How had he not seen it sooner. Not seen what was right in front of him the whole time.
But he wouldn't say anything until he knew for sure.
The next morning Riley woke up to the worst hangover. Maybe even worse than the one that Mac’s alcohol breaking down drug had given her when he, Leanna, Bozer and she were undercover.
She dragged herself to the shower and got changed which is when it registered that she could smell pancakes. What the hell?
“Good morning sleepy head.” said Mac a little too loudly. Riley winced. 
Mac was cooking.... Pancakes... In her kitchen... In her house....
She looked over at her sofa and saw a blanket draped on it.
“Hope you dont mind. I crashed here after last night just incase you needed me.”
“No of course I dont mind. I’m just really hazy on what happened last night.” said Riley rubbing her head.
Mac placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of her along with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.
“You dont remember anything?” asked Mac trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. “You got really drunk last night and called me to ask if I could give you a ride home. You were really out of it.” said Mac with smile.
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Bits and pieces came rushing back as she took a seat at the kitchen island. She had gone to the bar and had one drink after another and had completely lost track. She remembered contemplating calling Mac and then sitting in his car. She couldn't remember if she said anything. What if she told him about her feelings. Oh no no no no. Rileys mind was going into overdrive.
“Oh god Mac. I’m so sorry. I probably ruined you and Desi’s night. Im such an idiot. I dont even remember what I was thinking.”
“Hey hey its okay Riles. Besides Desi and I aren't dating anymore.” said Mac.
Woah. It was really taking her a while to process things.
���I’m sorry to hear that Mac. I feel like such a terrible friend. I didn't even notice something was up.” said Riley. Gosh when had she become such a mess.
“It was a long time coming. Desi and I just weren't right for each other. We both knew it, but we were hanging on to the relationship because it was familiar I guess.” said Mac.
Riley just silently nodded. Her mind was spinning.
“Anyways” said Mac smiling, “try the pancakes. I need to know if they are any good.”
Riley eyed the plate remembering Mac’s track record with cooking. She could feel Mac’s gaze on her so she tried it.
“Okay wow. These are actually really good.” said Riley. Mac laughed, ”Mission Accomplished. You have to tell Bozer they were good, okay? He won't believe me if I say it.”
Riley and Mac sat there eating chocolate chip pancakes, laughing. Riley felt like all the problems in the world just fell away.
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Riley was helping Mac clear up even though he had insisted he would do it on his own. There was still that worry that she had said something to Mac nagging her. He seemed alright. A little chirpy but happy. 
“Mac. Last night. I didn't say anything stupid right?” said Riley washing the plate and handing over the last one to Mac to dry it since he had insisted. 
“Why?” asked Mac a curious look on his face. “Was there something I needed to know?”
“Nope no reason. I was just really out of it yesterday. Just curious if I said anything.” said Riley relief washing over her.
“Well there was one thing I wanted to talk to you about actually.” said Mac putting the last plate away. 
“Riles, I’m sorry Ive been such a terrible friend to you lately. I..just.. with everything going on with Codex and Desi.. i..never even bothered to check in on you. I had no idea why you were being distant until I realised last night that you were probabaly drunk because you felt like you couldnt talk to me. You’ve always been there no matter what and I couldn't even return the favour. I'm so sorry.”
Mac looked so stressed. He really thought it was his fault she was avoiding him. 
Oh god what had she done. The exact reason she didn't want to tell Mac the truth was so she didnt hurt him but seeing him like this broke her heart. She loved him so much it physically hurt sometimes.
“Mac. Its not your fault. It has nothing to do with-” Riley stopped herself. She had nothing to lose right? She should just tell him. No more lies or secrets.
Mac looked up searching her face. She wasn't meeting his eye and she was fidgeting with her hands. 
Could it be possible that Riley was distancing herself from him because of what she said last night? Could it really be true?
"Before you say anything, there is something you should know." said Mac. This was it. He felt brave all of a sudden.
"You said something last night. I mean I could have misheard you but it sounded you like you said you love me. Is that what this about?" Mac sounded so nervous.
Riley was shocked. She had said it last night. Oh god what if he didnt feel the same way?
"I- Mac- I am so sorry. I just- You were dating Desi and I just broken up with Aubrey and I just had to-"
Before Riley could finish Mac kissed her. And she kissed him back.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. " said Mac smiling. "I'm such an idiot. It took me so long to see what was in front me this whole time."
Mac held Rileys hand in his and they started at each other and smiled. They were in their own happy bubble.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
I was tagged by @writing-with-melon I hope my answers aren’t complete waste or if time and if so I’m sorry and I love you
Rules: Answer ten 10 questions, ask 10, and tag 10 people
1. What song automatically plays in your head when you look out the window on a long drive? 
i dont really have an answer for this. i think i just automatically think about any song ive been listening to recently or any song that has been stuck in my head. 
2.  Do you have some snacks nearby when you write?
well i live in a two story house so the kitchen is downstairs and im usually lazy busy so since i have a mini fridge upstairs i just usually get water to drink while im writing. its kinda hard to eat and write cuz i loose focus really easily so when i am writing i am writing! i am in the zone! but if i am a little hungry ill usually snack on candy like chocolate kinder joys i love them but they r so expensive or snack on chips but i get like salt on my fingers or i like cheetos so cheetos dust and that just gets everywhere and later my hands and keyboard kinda smell like fart. 3. What do you do to combat creative burnout?
so burnout happens to me a lot so to get inspiration i either read other stories or fanfics which gets my head gears turning or i admire a piece of art or photography or a song. whats so unique and satisfying with writing you can explore and go anywhere with it, hehehe erotic if you know what i mean lol jk there are no barriers with writing just your imagination. there is inspiration any where you go and id advise to never stop writing. even if its a few short sentences or paragraphs about anything even bird poop its still progression and your mind is working and your searching for words like its all good for you bby.  4. Do you use (or like to use) prompts? 
i do ill put the link here. im thinking of changing it though to do something different. 
5. What is your favorite place to write?
lol boring, i know but my room. my room is really bright in the mornings and comfortable and chill and i have a candle of the pandora ride in disney that smells like the ride so its all good and relaxing and super peaceful plus i have a picture of myself the age of like 9 on my desk idk why but it encourages me and makes me focus to make sure i never get that cringy again. 
6. What is a hobby or yous that you usually don’t talk about?
well i like working out HAHAHAHAHA jk that was a joke...get it...cuz i much rather be eatingokillstop. but i really like to draw which i have a art page you can see it if you click here pls look at my failed attempts to be hip and cool with the cool kids and being artsy fartsy. another hobby is i really like to do makeup and nail art, nail art is really tough guys no joke if you do it like you got wizard powers are something. maybe its bc my nails are shorter than pete davidson and ariana grande’s relationship, alright im trying to stop i swear!
7. Do you play an instrument? Which one?
no i wish though. i always wanted to learn to either play the piano or electric guitar cuz H.E.R looks so cool doing it. 
8. How do you feel about your handwriting?
it sucks dont even try me. my sister can barely read it like no wonder nobody wants to steal my signature heck they can’t even read it!
9. Can you tell us of a story that marked your development as a person? As a writer?
ok sit back guys, sniff a nice amount of crack and get ready for the most cringy moment of my life but also a time when i knew i was meant to be *inhale* a fanfic writer. 
so it was elementary school, i think 3rd grade and for my writing assignment we were given a prompt of idk what the heck tbh i think it was like be outside the box and im like ok imma nail this cuz im a weird child and yeah so i got my papers and pencil and i went TO TOWN on this paper. so i wrote two stories. one short story with a picture to go with it and one long story that yeah i buried years ago. so my first story was about a farmer was about that farming life. he had chickens and dairy. so i cant remember if the cheese was spoiled but doesnt matter. anywho these cheese and a chicken were alive like they could talk in the story and i gave them faces, yikes. but the whole story was the farmer was a b*tch and he was trying to eat the chicken and cheese so they hatched a plan to get away from the farmer. they did it successfully and they ran away. yay happy ending my teacher actually liked that one me too and my school mates were thinking what they heck is this girl on i made a story about how me and justin bieber made cookies for Christmas you know. so then my other story i was more proud of this one cuz it was a tone of paper, sorry trees, and this story was about how a female hippo (girl i was all about plus size and thicker girls and no body shaming) and an male ostrich were kidnapped from their own habitats and taken to become circus animals. failed version of Madagascar hey mine was before the circus movie OK THEY STOLE IT FROM MEEEEE. so they get taken and are treated to harsh punishment and the animals can talk and i think its in the point of view of the male ostrich guy thing. they are in the circus and they start to have this relationship happening. love starts blossoming its all good. im happy with this cuz i believed in love at age of 8. they find a way thru a kick butt scene of the animals escaping and the hippo and ostrich are so in love that they run away together and they have half hippo half ostrich babies and i think i named the species  hipstrich or like ostppo idk but i was so proud of this story and when my teacher read it she was worried about me lol i think she thought i might like mate these two animals like secretly idk but she was like it was ok and i was like what this is frickin William Shakespeare writing or like F. Scott Fitzgerald writing. nevertheless it taught me a lesson that nobody else needs to like what im writing the main point and only thing that matters is if your proud of it and you like it and i really did. i will remember that story forever and thats what made me want to be a writer. lol sorry that was a lot. 
10. @emdop I’m going to use this great question: Explain one of your WIPs in the most ridiculous way possible. 
wellllll im working on my peaky blinders oc story its a lot of drugs money killing weapons jewelry rich profanities like its the show but written from my stubby hands so my oc and whatever its great and so excited to show it to you guys. 
im tagging: @thatlittlered, @ardentmuse, @acciosnapes, @lotsoffandomimagines, @collecting-stories, @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms, @naughtyneganjdm, @lenahellgizibe and two random followers @spiritsent, @sucker-for-my-fandoms
i was tagged by @writing-with-melon again ty btw, ps i felt so much pressure lol jk 😊
Rules: Answer 5 questions, Ask 5 questions, Tag 5 people.
1. What is your favorite book?
fifty shades of grey hahaha naw my favorite book is obv you all know this is series of unfortunate events but i never usually cry period and i never cry for books ever so when i read mrs. tom thumb by melanie benjamin, its the part when her sister minnie dies i cried so hard idk it was just emotional the wording the way she described her pain it was so beautiful written yet so sad and that was just amazing to me cuz im like this book made me feel things and im like wow i would love to write a book one day and make someone feel something whether it be sadness anger happiness annoyance anything they are having an emotion and that is super powerful to do that with just words. pls go check out that book its a good read. also im a fan of the greatest showman so i really enjoyed it. there are many other books tho that i thoroughly enjoy so much. 
2. What piece that you’ve written are you most proud of?
oh my god ive always wanted to be asked this question hands down i am always proud of my platonic gender neutral tony stark fic called in·con·sol·a·ble window to me i wrote it so sad and i was feeling like depressed lol when i saw peter die in infinity war like i didnt know what to do with my life tbh but im so glad that @impetrichorny requested it tysm i just like how its not based on romance or fluff or happiness it is based on when you lose someone the nightmares and sadness you go through and that there is nothing nobody can do about it except just be there for that person so i really like writing angst and something that was out of the box. ive been thinking tho of doing a part two since the fate of all the characters has changed after endgame. who knows tho. 
3. What is the last song that inspired you? 
well for art it would have to good news by mac miller when i did that kobe bryant memorial on my art page. i dont want to give it away though but ill just say some very powerful womens music inspired my oc writing and making. 
4. How do you feel about letting people read what you write?
at first i was scared cuz i thought i wrote like trash which that feeling kinda doesnt go away like some days i feel that way others i feel confident or it depends on the request it just depends but anyways i was always insecure about my writing so when i started writing it was more like lets see how this goes if not ill delete the whole page. im glad to say it went great but in the begging it was hard cuz i kept putting myself down but i learned to accept or just understand that you keep learning with writing you always learn knew things with writing how you can explain something better or you words get more intricate and people see the improvement and you do too thats why i applaud those who dont speak english that english isnt their first language. you are doing a tremendous job and keep practicing cuz you’re gonna make it to the top. ive also learned that some days are not my days and you can take time off when youre not feeling it when you have writers block. just recollect your juices sip some tea go to the beach relax your mind a little and take as long as you need to come back and give it your all. also comments and reblogs and likes a follows those meant so much to me and encouraged me. thats why i cant express it enough how much all those mean to writers, artist, photographers, anybody who is truly trying their hard in this area of social media. its makes a person happy smile and confident in their writing but first train your mind into loving what you make not what others thing. you have to be happy with the outcome that is what truly matters and what makes your writing the best. look at me getting philosophical. 
5. Do you get distracted easily? If yes with what?
yes and with porn haha i get distracted easily like very easily homeschooling was really tough for me. music distracts me, netflix, the urge to watch david dobrik or unus annus or buzzfeed unsolved on youtube, heck my farts distract me. i gotta be like troy bolton i gotta get my HEAD IN THE GAME!
im tagging: @thatlittlered​, @ardentmuse​, @acciosnapes​, @lotsoffandomimagines​, @collecting-stories​ AND WHOEVER WANTS TO DO THIS IF YOU FOLLOW ME OR LIKE MY STORIES TAG ME ILL READ YOUR ANSWERS. HOPE I DID THIS RIGHT SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING MWUAH 
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cozyteez · 5 years
Hii, do u have any tips for writing fics?? I’m so used to writing research reports, lab reports, and formal essays that creative writing has become something I really struggle with. I guess it’s having the freedom to write anything and not knowing how to make sure it’s not corny. I tried outlining a fic one time but it was so frustrating LOLOLOL. Anyways, I love your ateez fics. They are so cute and creative!!
hi !!!! im like rlly touched u asked me and i feel u actually that's why i started this blog; im a biomedical engineering major so as u can imagine i dont get to take much creativity with what i write because writing papers and reports and proposals are so formulaic and u gotta stick to the facts so that being said i actually tested out of all my college writing classes so all my writing knowledge is from ap english in hs lmao so take it w many grians of salt
the #1 thing i do when im feeling sort of unmotivated about a story or maybe like like dragging myself thru mud to write it is to just write the "fun" part first. to me the fun part is usually the climax or maybe the like the "wouldn't it be cute if..." moment that came to mind that inspired me to write a blurb in the first place! then usually once i sort of get the ball rolling on that my brain will help me out and keep the momentum going by thinking of maybe "oohh okay maybe this can happen next" or "oohh and what if this led up to it" or !! just stop there !! something ive learned from my mx writing blog which is like a year older than this one was that you don't owe anybody context especially for a blurb so maybe it really is just 3 sentences of a cute moment u thought of like its whatever ur the one writing it
now for longer fics im going to be honest jongho's first love is my first and only completed attempt at a multi stage coherent story. and that was fueled purely based on the fact that when i look at jongho he just gives off sort a really excited sort of innocence that i wanted to further explore and personify through the idea of him experiencing love for the first time but even then i really struggled w the last part because that's where my personal experience stopped and i had basically nothing to go off of because ive never been in love so i did have to kinda wait for ideas to come to me. for prince yunho i have posted 4 chapters but have all the way through chapter 15 drafted. and by drafted i mean it's like 3 sentences of the overall idea. again, the fic was inspired by the duality between yunho's on stage vs. off stage persona where if somebody was to watch an ateez performance for the first time they may find him very serious and maybe even intimidating but atiny would know that his off stage persona (the one he choses to create for us anyways) is very silly and happy-go-lucky and approachable, which is why prince yunho is seen as narameth's strong and stoic pride and joy but in reality he's sort of clumsy but means well. so i let that and his relationship w xenia who is an original character (OC) sort inspire stories or interactions that i force into a plot line. so for example i believe when i first started thinking abt a prince au for yunho i thought "wouldn't it be funny if the first scene started out painting him as this strong and serious man and then cut to him choking on food or something" and that sort of inspired the idea of him being nervous abt the speech and then xenia came out of that because he needed a complementary character imo since i knew he was gonna be kind of one dimensional and then his backstory with xenia inspired other ideas and then one day i was sad and wanted a hug so that inspired a piece of the plot line and so on. so basically: let an idea or even an aspect of somebody come to you and just write it down, let it inspire other ideas. and don't be afriad to completely start over. i wrote a whole chapter for prince yunho and deleted the whole thing because i hated where it was going and started back from scratch. sometimes you have to revisit things abt your characters and their relationships with others to get a new idea. there's a story in every person and every relationship you just have to find the clues
here's an example of what i mean by "write the good part first". this is typically what the very first draft of a blurb will look like for me
((( blah blah blah basically its raining and y/n is sad bc wooyoung broke her heart two weeks ago idk maybe go into it maybe not)))
y/n is all sad and feeling sorry for themselves on the couch theyre past crying but still feel pretty shitty plus it's storming and cold outside. great
there's a knock on their door ofc they have the cliche "who could that be moment" even tho they lowkey know. we literally all know
so yeah wooyoung's there soaked in rain eyes puffy y/n thinks he's been crying
-this would be the "fun part". i'll fix all that garbage up top later or maybe even change it completely idk yet-
"y/n? i - uh. hi"
he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while you crossed your arms over your chest, fighting the urge to close the door and walk away for good
"hi? really wooyoung? is that the best you can do?"
(((wooyoung does smth idk)))
"well i just -"
"you just what? showed up here in the rain after you broke my heart and didn't even bother to tell me why? this isn't some romance movie, asshole. you can't just come here late at night and expect to find me all sad and willing to take you back because i'm not. so say what you're gonna say so i can get back to my life"
your face was red hot and you trying very hard, probably too hard, to fight back tears. ((( idk talk some more abt y/n's emotions then what wooyoung is doing)))
"look, i made a mistake i-"
"oh my god! why did i know you were gonna do this. i just knew as soon as i saw you-"
"will you let me get a fucking word in!?"
well that was new. in the entire time you'd known him he had never raised his voice at you like that, your shock causing you to immediately close your mouth and fold your arms back into yourself (((make y/n seem more scared))) noticing your reaction, he lowered his voice back down and instictively reached for you, heartbroken at the way you jerked away from his touch
"please y/n, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to raise my voice it's just that i need to tell you that i regret what i did i regret breaking up with you so fucking much and you don't have to take me back i just need you to know how much you meant, no, mean to me. i still love you, a lot. there's not a day, an hour, a minute, or a single second that goes by that i'm not thinking of you"
"then why?"
your voice was small and wavering, your tears now dangerously close to spilling down your cheeks
"why what?"
"why did you break up with me like that, just all of a sudden"
he pushed his hands into his pockets and looked away
"because that morning i woke up before you and when i looked at you asleep next to me, i saw myself spending the rest of my life with you and it scared the shit out of me"
"why did it scare you?"
"because i just figured you didn't feel the same. i was selfish and wanted to save myself heartbreak down the line and so i told you i didn't wanna be with you anymore, but that was a mistake because it turns out i can't function with out you, i can't breathe without you i can't live without you, y/n. i shouldn't have let you go"
tears were now freely flowing down your face (((okay brain no work anymore y/n kisses him duh and then ofc they make up wooyoung prob says smth cheesy and y/n is like ur lucky i love you or smth ahaha the end)))
tl;dr -> don't be afraid to get messy. creative writing is not nearly as structured as academic/scientific writing. write whatever u want first it can even be the middle of a huge fight scene or some dialogue u think is funny. if ur stuck read what you have or maybe just take a break and let an idea come to you. a story doesnt have to come together til the very end so it can be as messy and out of order as u want until u wanna post it. also i would always use the third person omniscient point of view for a longer story like a chaptered fic as a default and only change if it would impact the plot in a negative way. this is where the narrator knows what every character is thinking/feeling and im p sure a teacher in middle school told me it was the easiest to write and follow
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spiceloutte · 4 years
Got tagged by the oh so beautiful @princeofyorkshire to answer these 50 questions!
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? I... don't really use one? My hair is short enough that I don't need to.
2. a food you never eat? Vegetables, they're fine but they're not my go to. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Hmm... it depends? If it's warmer then I'm too hot but if its a little cold then Im too cold. That sounds dumb.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Proving you can pull a button up over your head while not unbuttoning all buttons.
5. what is your favourite candy bar? Oh uh... Im not too sure? I like a lot of candy bars, sweet tooth.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? Pretty sure it was me telling my little sister I loved her and blowing her a kiss.
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Mint chocolate chip and orange chocolate chip? Golden Gaytimes! I have nostalgia for goody goody gum drops.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10. do you like your wallet? Ehhh it works but I don't really use it. I just store my other cards and coins in there, all my important cards are in my phone case.
11. what was the last thing you ate? Pancakes! But also haribo gummy bears.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? hA I havent brought clothes in months.
13. the last sporting event you watched? I don't know sports, not gonna lie.
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? I... barely eat popcorn. It annoyed me when I had braces it'd always get into the metal and bleh.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? Text? Uh..... My mum? Messages? Fati!
16. ever go camping? Gosh I loved camping as a kid. We would go to this beach and you would always stand on the mangrove shoots and it hurt your feet but it was also fun??
17. do you take vitamins? Nope
18. do you go to church every sunday? When I was a kid I did but I'm not religious so no.
19. do you have a tan? Oh man when I was working every morning and having to be in the sun every week/other week for hours? I tanned real easily. Annoyingly easily. Like my arms were a bunch of shades darker than I actually am and it felt so weird (also the tan fade was so... so bad... Like milky coffee to literal milk...)
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Oh now thats not fair... I eat pizza more I guess but I do like Chinese food.
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? We never have straws here so nope
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? If its cold I like to wear slipper socks! But normally its fun patterns. I love pattern socks.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I barely have any hours on my learners so I've only driven maybe 50km/hr? So definitely not.
24. what terrifies you? Uh do you have a few hours?
25. look to your left, what do you see? Pillows
26. what chore do you hate? Thorough cleaning
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? (Fati mentioned me here and ajdjdksjd I got excited) uhhh- not being able to pronounce r's. Steve Irwin. Maccas..
28. what’s your favourite soda? Dont drink a lot of fizzy but Sunkist is good
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Most of the time we have my sister's so we just drive through so we don't have to deal with going in.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? Verbally? My sister.
31. favourite cut of beef? I- I dunno. Beef??
32. last song you listened to? Im listening to a producer go through Billie Eilish's album so 'when the partys over'?
33. last book you read? Probably a fic- I can't remember what exactly.
34. favourite day of the week? Don't really have one? When I worked I didn't have a set day off so I didnt gain favouritism towards those exact days.
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? If I tried hard enough, maybe?
36. how do you like your coffee? Milk and sugar, but I have my tea with only milk.  
37. favourite pair of shoes? My uh- my Chelsea boots?
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Anywhere between 12am and 3am
39. at what time do you normally get up? I like to between 9am-10am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset. Sunrise doesn't have the same feelings for me anymore after working during. Unless it's foggy, foggy sunrises are !!!
41. how many blankets are on your bed? One duvet and I have a throw but it usually isn't on my bed even though that's?? Why I brought it??
42. describe your kitchen plates? Plastic and plain white ceramic
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I don't drink alcohol but I do like some vodka drinks like cruisers? I dunno.
44. do you play cards? Nope
45. what colour is your car? We've got a little red car and a white hilux
46. can you change a tire? Uh... With a tutorial? I maybe kinda doubt it but if I set my mind to it I can certainly try.
47. what is your favourite state/province? In Australia? Uh... Queensland? Ive only been to NSW for maybe two days.
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Ive only had one job and although I liked working with horses everything else was... I know it won't be my favourite if we include everything.
49. how did you get your biggest scar? It's not a scar but I have an indent in my thigh from a horse when it kicked me? All my others are small and stupid. Under my chin is one from when I stabbed myself with my thumbnail while half asleep. One on my knuckle from playing bloody knuckles. I can be clumsy but usually most things disappear.
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? Oh uh... I'm not sure..?
I'll tag @bigsparrowharry @wtfneptune and anyone else who wants to do it
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Fic Search #193
1. Suggestion- Just Different by guardianlake but its Baekhyun/ Jongdae not chansoo
181014. Hi! I'm looking for a fic and if you know it i'd really love that. But, what i do remember is that its an abo fic & it might've(?) been a chansoo fic? its similar to "i want you to want me" in that the protagonist didn't expect to be an omega, and i believe it was on ao3 and if it wasnt its on lj. i also remember the alpha was like my parents were surprised by him. i also remember the p's parents to really like the alpha. i remember a scene with the alpha showing up to the omegas house and was waiting outside on his car? and i think there was mention of a leather jacket as well? and i remember the protagonist wasn’t allowed to be on his sports team anymore and his older sibling or maybe fam member was like we’ll fight it, this is discrimination. this is all i remember I’m so so sorry for the long ask, i’ve been searching the past few days but i cant find it! and if you can thank you so so much! 
181028.  hey do you know any fanfic where junmyeon is the sugar daddy and chanyeol is the sugar baby?
3. Unsight by lawlipoppie
181028. Hello! Firstly, thank you so so much for your hard work, I wouldn't be alive without you all ** I was wondering if you could help me find a fic, I've been searching it for two weeks, and I'm going crazy... It was on AO3, I remember it was like twilight except the werewolf and the vampire fell in love. And I remember how the vampire was friends with Taeyeon and saw the werewolf in her mind and fell for the werewolf that way. If you could help me I would forever love you, you have no idea! Thanks~
181031.  hi! please help me find a chanbaek fic i read but forgot to bookmark 😭 it's a "pretty woman" au and it follows the movie closely. it's multi chaptered and I think it was on ao3. chanyeol played edward and baekhyun played vivian. please help me find it!!
5.  Golden Bracelets by AnnieJays
181028.  can you help me find fics where A and B have a slave and master relationship but its more of just a title in the au, but they dont necessarily treat each other that way ? 😂 i hope that makes sense (u_u)♥︎
181101.  kaynoella : Okay so this is kinda long so I hope you'll be able to see them all together. It's a romance (rated M?) krisho ship, I believe I read it on AFF, and I can't find it again T^T So this is the only part I remember from it, the beginning, Kris and Suho didn't know each other and I believe they meet at a bar, they drink, get drunk, and Kris takes Suho to his apartment. One specific scene is when Suho took off his underwear it fell at the end of Kris's bed in between his mattress and the plank (so in the morning Suho couldn’t find his boxers when he was trying to leave so I think Kris found them after) Anyways they do the deed and then it’s morning time. Suho wakes up first and freaks out when he sees Kris so when he tries to leave (ofc his waist hurts) Kris starts to wake up so Suho pretends to sleep. Kris sees Suho in his bed and he freaks out too but keeps quiet. Then Suho thinks that Kris went back to sleep and he turns over to look, they make eye contact. Suho screams and takes all the blankets to cover himself (I think that’s what happens) and Kris starts apologizing and asks if he’s okay. And one specific sentence he says goes along the lines of “I’m so sorry we didn’t use a condom. But I already got myself checked I’m clean” but Suho just stays under the covers and doesn’t say anything. Then Kris feels sorry bc he knows Suho can’t really move atm (if ya know what I mean) and he didn’t have any pain pills around so Kris said he’ll go out to get Suho some stuff so he feels better. When Kris leaves Suho takes a shower and then starts looking for his clothes to leave asap. At this point I can’t really remember what happens next but Kris comes back when Suho has a towel around his waist looking for his clothes and so they’re both embarrassed and all that stuff. Kris gives him the healing stuff for him and Suho tells Kris he can’t find his underwear and I think Kris gives him his own and then at that point I think they just go there ways and further in the story they meet again through their mutual friends (the other exo members) and get together. Again I hope you see the parts before this so you know what I’m talking about and what to find! But anyways I really hope you’ll be able to find this story, it would mean so much. Then I could finally stop thinking about it HAHAA Thanks~!! 
7. Used to Be Snow White but We Drifted by London9Calling and Seokmonsters
181107. Hello!! I’m looking for a fic. It’s a space fic where Xiumin was a prince, but left his planet and Suho is now the King. Xiumin is found and is asked to find his fathers killer and he finds out Suho killed the previous king so that he could become the king. I don’t really remember much else, but I’m hoping someone can help me!
8.  Run For Safety and Under Your Wings by suhossineun
181109. bambaozi. Hay ive been looking for a series of fics and i cant remember who there by but i know the first one is were tao kai and sehun are a small pack by themselves and get chased by kris and lay i think. And the other ones are like chanyeol wants to be part of kris's pack and minseok is a rouge. Sorry if its not very descriptive 😅😅😅
9. we are tonight by happyxings
181112. hi admins! i lost this chanbaek fic on ao3 and i didn't get far enough in the fic to give too many specifics, but what i do remember is that it was a college!au, baek's problem was that he hadn't gotten any in six months, yeol has been trying to get at him for a while, and luhan is baek's best friend. baek and yeol call eachother by their last names, and luhan mentions somewhere early in the fic that yeol mistook baek as a girl at a frat party in their first year. when baek approaches yeol about sleeping together, it’s next to a vending machine, and they end up agreeing to meet at baek’s apartment. that’s pretty much how far i got until i lost the fic rip thank you so much in advance! 
181110. amaniz98. Hello 👋🏻 Do you know any Sekai or Chanbaek fics where they comeback from school and have sex ? 
Thanks to lawlipopie, BOYSBEFREE, DEMUREDEMONS, CHENTLEMEN-FIRST, deliciousobservationbird and anon for your help!
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jooheonies · 6 years
nawar lover no.1 aka user shwhyuk uwu
bloodorangeki said: the lady formerly known as hyuccwoo, shreknu if u will,
send me a tumblr url and ill tell you what i think of them!
hhhhhh ok before i eben launch into this full love essay. i jst wanna say tht u truly are the light at the end of my tunnel sejung,,,,u make me so happy !!! Like i remember when i was losing my mind off of like three sips of pineapple cider and i legitimately felt like i was gonna throw up but then i was like … damn i can’t forget to text shannon and tell her about all this. and then i talked to u for a full hour or so while u called me a liddle babie nd i continuously whined…either way you truly have me under your spell you demon!!
okay so not to be. dramatic but youre so dreamy and pretty you remind me of rain and soft kisses on the cheeks and rose gardens and bouquets of flowers and soft sunlight on flower meadows and like! that feeling you get in your cheeks when you smile too much for too long and you get that permanent blush across your face! god that’s probabaly nonsense and not very cohesive but you have the same sort of colors…soft orange and light pink….you’re like a sunset on the beach right at the start of spring when theres barely anyone on the shore and the whole world feels really big and wide but even though youre all alone you don’t feel lonely because it still feels like the whole world(you) is poised right at the edge of your fingertips.
hhhh that also probably made very little sense but i dont care i love you so much and im very bad at expressing emotion (blame my virgo moon who hasn’t felt any feelings in over 18 years) but i still feel like always showering u in that sweet love and affection, despite the fact that im horrible with words and i have absolutely no consistency. I feel like it’s really rare to meet someone who literally changes your entire perception of the world but … damn here we are!! tlkaing to u is literally a part of my daily life its a part of who i am at this point :/
Anyways, friendships don’t really come naturally to me because I have a very weird perosnality where like. im simultaneously suffocating whilst also being very detached and it turns people off so quickly but..god we mesh so well i truly love you so much. i also tend to not write a lot whenever i make these posts bc im the kind of person who continously says how much i love you throughtout the convo (even thoguh ill ghost most ppl for a few days) so whenever i get around to writing these im like :// but what else do i say :// but this time!!! oooo i have so much to say i can never go into full loving hours with you bc you always turn things around and get me to start talking abotu myself and pretty soon we start talking about how i used to raise rocks as a kid instead of talking about how hot you are :/
so anyways firstly . those were just the intro pragaraphs im finally getting into my loving sejung essay :(( helloooo one of my favortie things about talking to you is how easily the conversation always flows ….us talking about shownus asshole and the questionable consumption of expired jello and orbeez at 3 am is most likely the more demonic things weve done while simultaenously being the more tame things…my head still aches when i remember that giagntic bruise i got from looking at that wonho+tentacles/changkyun+black hole sketch u made… god we somehow always go from topic to topic with absolutely no regard for cohesiveness and yet neither of us ever question it…we’ll spend hours discussing absolutely nothing …like that one night we stayed up for like three hours on rabbit talking about all the different mx stans and which member has the most stans internationally versus domestically and why….icons of developing complex sociocultural theories at 2am while occasionally mentioning “oh wow its late u should go to bed >:/” god its just that I always lose track of time whenever I talk to you…its like im so focused on that I Love Her mood that I don’t even realize its been 4 hours until I look down at my pile of unfinished homework and then back up at my laptop like. This was a Valid choice why would I pick ib math when I have a whole entire sejung talking to me. hhhh its just that talking to you comes so naturally and I always tell you all these quesiotnable things to which you always respond by first calling me a demon and then laughing about it and encouraging my stupidity. it’s also so so endearing that ill tell you about the dumb shit im doing and your first response is always to nag at me to be safe and take care of myself as if ill actually listen to you and clean a cut with alcohol, risking legitimate Pain… anyways sejung? queen of making me feel loved and noticed? MORE LIKELY THAN U THINK!!!!
hhhhh ok moving on now I get to talk about how. sexy u are damn….i remember back when we were first starting to talk and you sent me those pictures of yourself in that button up and I literally. I quite literally almost passed out in the starbucks while the barista was handing me my strawberry lemonade I truly almost lost it…nd right before that I was encouraging you to talk to the boba girl nd flirt nd be all spicie…but then u sent me those pics nd I was like for what reason would she have to impress boba girl when im right here … mouth open so wide in love that all the bobas are spilling out of my mouth :( not to be dramatic yet again when I know ive mentioned those selfies before but damn…those were so hot u unbuttoned like two or three of the top buttons and u looked so hot truly. raw me vore me behind each and every single boba store location hewwwooo u look so intense nd powerful im truly putty in ur hands not only would I lose my mind for u, I have already lost it
hhhhh im very much rambling and making very little sense rn bc its. 2:30 am and im sleebie nd I blocked all social media sites so id do homework bt I kept thiknning abt u so I was like hm the universe clearly wants me to write about sejung more even though ill have to post this in the morning bc tungle is blocked until then :// bt anaywas that also means I get to go into all the other thigns I love about u and all the things u remind me of :(( hhhh its so wild that I never actually aunch into full loving shannon mood bt I talk abt u so much w my friends theyre all. suspicious ,,,,
them: nawar u don’t actually like romance and u hate talking about people r u perhaps dating this girl??me, w hearts in my eyes laughing at smth ure saying on my phone: what
HHHH DJHFKSJDHF TAHST TRULY ME,,,,ALWAYS THIKNING ABT U,,,ALWAYS BEING BIG HEART EYES FR U,,,at any given moment I could be reminded of u :( I see a piece of paper nd im like huh I should do work then again is work necessary to live perhaps not but sejung is necessary to live,,,,me thinking abt u as I procrastinate every single thing ive ever had to do :D Like, ive never understood when people say that they hated a zodiac sign at one point, and then they met one person and they were like oh my god nevermind this sign is perfect but truly,,,I love geminis now ,,,I used to hate them almost as much as cancer nd now? geminis are all good ure so wonderful nd loving nd sweet u being a gemini saved geminis collectively,,
ill also neber stop talking abt how now matter how much I whine and demand attention, youre always jst,,,supplying it without any question like at one point people usually get annoyed, no matter how endeared they were by it at first, bt youre always calling me a baby (even though im older) nd giving me that sweet Love and Attention,,mmmmm my libra sun thrives under ur care :( hhhh also I feel it is important to point out I love. all of u,,,,like I don’t even usually care much for peoples voices or anything unless its like so deep it sounds like the grim reaper bc that’s wild u ,,bt anyways the first moment I heard ur voice I was. breathless I was so shocked like ur voice is so soothing nd warm its like. if the aesthetic of sunlight and honey and warm pies had a voice,,,hhhh im also not the type to really believe in things like fate nd destiny and soulmates and stuff bt that’s kind of what u remind me of ? in a? not weird way hhhhh so I feel like youre just so naturally in tune with people like nothing really catches you off guard and you roll with peoples different personalities and quirks and you always jst. mesh so well with everyone ure like the minhyuk of the internet,,,,nd like!! theres smth abt u that reminds me of balance and maybe its my libra sun always seeking peace and harmony in life but I always feel so relaxed nd steady whenever I talk to you its like . idk how to explain it!!! its jst so comforting!!!
I was originally gonna cut myself off at 1k but its too late for that now and im gonna put this under a read more anyways and its 3am now so I feel like. go Big or go Home!!! now im gonna launch into a long analysis of u! and ur smile!! first of all,,,its so rare nd wild to find someone who likes validating people more than being validated,,,,u finding my libra antics cute???hhhhh tahts so wild,,,,I could pout for hours nd u would call it cute,,,validating!!! nd the fact that you’ve read my writing,,,,excerpts from my demonic wips and youre stil friends with me?? you still talk to me?? damn that’s like. never to be expected any time I make someone read that tangerine fic they ghost me for a good month but I sent you pieces of that tentacle fic and YOU FUCKCING SKETCHED OUT THE LOOK,,,,,MY MUSE,,,nd also you tend to always steer the convo around to focus on the other person n dim a FOOL who almost falls for it every time,,,before I remember and make u tell me thigns…god ive told you so many obscure things from my childhood like that time I tried to eat a brick and yet you still,,,,talk to me,,,,who are u,,,,hhhh ure always so cute nd giving nd caring I feel like I could genuinely truly look like shit nd send u a selfie nd you would still be like WOW GORGEOEUS YOU LOOK SO GOOD THAT’S HOT!!! u,,,going out of ur way to make ppl happy :( anyways im a fool in love w u ,,,also not to be like. one of those old white boy text posts from tumblr but ,,,,hey girl,,,ladie,,,wamen,,,did u know? ur smile lights up my world? ,,,did u know? theres no such thing as u being anything less than perfect,,,why? because its impossible to be anything less than the essence of who you are. hhhh that’s the dumbest thing im ever written im cutting myself off that was too much this is like. 2k words so far and in all honesty I could continue but then id get gushier than that last line and nobody wants to see That,,,hhhh
this started out with. somewhat decent grammar like I used periods and I think I occasionally capitalized the first letter of the sentence but at this point its incoherent rambling it’s the inside of my brain every time I see u or hear frm u its like when spongebobs brain was on fire and all the cabinets and computers were going up in flames and all the little brain spongebobs were losing their mind that’s me right now losing my mind over you I wrote exactly 2k words in that whole essay,,,,im so fucking valid,,,,ananywas I love you if you couldn’t tell nd iim . somewhat satisfied at being able to vent all this love,,,smoochie,,smoochh,,SMOOCHIIE
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inkbrusher · 7 years
30 Questions!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
tagged by @bebbies
tagging: @zlnkling @grumtaire @funkadacious if yall are so inclined
# following: 250
# of followers: 505... more than my oc blog but far less than my main hah
average hours of sleep: anywhere between 6 and 8 hours
lucky number: 4! i was born on the 14th of the 4th month 4 years before the new millenium :^)
instruments: i used to play clarinet. my shitty school had it so i had to give it up to pursue art. i do miss playing music...
what are you wearing: an old high school class shirt and pj pants
dream job: i would love to be a storyboard artist. or if we’re talking big dreams a director. in my dreams i dont have the extreme social anxiety that prevents me from directing effectively haha
dream trip: hong kong or australia!
birthday: april 14th
height: 5′6″
gender/pronouns: she/her
other blogs: ofc this is my reblog blog; @katribou is my main/fanart blog, @kathleeson is my original art/character blog.
nicknames: kat! some ppl still call me kitkat back from the skype days when my display name was kitkatsatbatmatribou or somethin
star sign: aries
time: 1:47 am
favorite bands: muse, gorillaz, foster the people, animal collective
favorite artist: artist in general??? film is art right, ill say chris nolan counts for this haha. i feel dumb but i love everything he makes and he seems like such a genuine guy that just really loves the form he works in. i admire him very much for it
favorite tumblr artist: oxboxer, jeluto, woonyoung
song stuck in your head: i think its called cyberspace curse? it popped up on my spotify discover weekly and i can’t get the cheesy ‘hmm... i think im gonna go OnLine today !’ out of my head (also sidenote my spotify discover weeklys have been all over the place i dont know what spotify thinks i listen to...)
last movie you watched: rewatched psycho? for a class assignment. still holds up remarkably well imo
last show you watched: in the middle of westworld rn!! wanted to see what jonah nolan’s stuff is like haha! (i think mind fuckery runs in the family...)
why did you make your blog: this blog was made bc i kind of felt guilty reblogging to my main in its early days when i felt like people were following for art! my main was made when a few ppl on deviantart told me to make one back in like 2011
what do you post: bad joak pretty art
last thing you googled: caravaggio... a pal said they liked his art so i wanted to see what was what fkljgf
ao3: i’m not really a fic reader tbh. like i dont go out looking for fics. the few ive read were recs that ppl showed me just so they could talk abt em
do you ever get asks: yeah! i always like asks bc i get to overshare or doodle a response lkfjgf
how did you get the idea for your url: i main the inkbrush in splatoon. i consider myself pretty good at it so i like feeling important with this pretty definitive url
favorite food: i fukin love ice cream
last book you read: im in the middle of the goldfinch rn (i was told it was Gay but literally the chapter i read this morn was so hetty... bye) lfkjdf but the last book i finished was stephen hawking’s a briefer history of time. i know. fuckin nerdy. over break i was thinking abt how i miss learning things for fun so ive been hitting up the nonfiction side of the library
top 3 fictional universes: splatoon... botw... i can’t think of a last fuq
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.25
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
alright!!! so this chapter is a little special. its a contest!!!!
for literally no reason at all, i decided to have a little fun with this chapter. in this chapter, there are a bunch of pop song references. the majority are from the early 2000s (before 2010, tho there may be one or two from 2011 or 12) and one is from the 90s. whoever can list the most references wins a drabble/short fic of their choice from me!
to enter, submit a list of all the songs that were referenced in this chapter (or the ones you could find!!)
shoot me an ask if you have any questions~!
mental support = nino, ebony = alya, draco = adrien, vampire = alya
i hope you enjoy!
mental support: a reminder that i hate all of you
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: u love u s
mental support: i can t believe you just made me listen to all of that what the fuck
draco malfoy: Now You Know
mental support: i wish i didnt
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: its so good so iconic also the writer is now a fukcing awesome published author and mari and i r gonna read her books together join us we can b the nerds with a book club
mental support: i just spent several hours listening to you three do a dramatic reading of my immortal i think weve gone past nerds with a book club
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: sounds fake
vampire: You cant say that wasnt a lot of fun though I forgot how wil d that fic got
mental support: i need to process
draco malfoy: Have fun
draco malfoy: Reasons to quit modelling: Early morning shoots
draco malfoy changed his name to asleep in makeup
asleep in makeup: I can’t wait to be done today
mental support: i am so sorry dude fingers crossed that your dad stops sending you to them
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: ^^^
mental support: al babe please change your name
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: f i n e uhhhhhhhh
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way has changed their name to aint no lie
aint no lie: baby bi bi bi
mental support: i dont know what i expected
aint no lie: pls choose a lyric and join me
mental support: youre ridiculous why do i love you
mental support has changed their name to fool for you
aint no lie: lmao sap
fool for you: true
vampire: Oh my god we have so man y orders to day Wont be on Im dying Im gonna dronw in frosting
vampire has changed their name to too many cookies
fool for you: uhhh no such thing let me know when youre on your break i wanna stop in and say hi and also steal some baked goods pull you away from baking for a bit
too many cookies: My knight in shining arm or  <3
fool for you: mostly hoping for cookies deemed unworthy to sell but yes i can work with knight
too many cookies: At least youre honest
asleep in makeup: Get me out og hits hous e
aint no lie: omw get ready to leave boy i was in the area on a walk
asleep in makeup: Thnak s
fool for you: let me know if i can do anything ok?? if you need to stay the night or something that super chill my moms wont mind besides they keep trying to invite you all to dinner
too many cookies: Same as what Nino said!!! And also what!! I love your moms Id love to go to dinner??????
fool for you: yeah but theyre gonna tell embarrassing stories
too many cookies: You say that like I wasnt there for most of them
fool for you: yeah but adrie nand alya werent
too many cookies: Ok true true
19:11 in PM between too many cookies and alseep in makeup
asleep in makeup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J1-eYBbspA
too many cookies: Why the fuck
asleep in makeup: I’m with Alya We’re listening to 2000 hits from the US
too many cookies: Of course you are Are you having fun And feeling better??
asleep in makeup: Yeah We’re cuddling and making fun of the music videos Mostly the fashion Also her mom brought home some food from the hotel so we don’t have to eat ramen which is both awesome and a disappointment
too many cookies: Mhm How hard are you pining
asleep in makeup: Shut up
too many cookies: You love me
asleep in makeup: Unfortunately Why are our friends just so Great Good Incredible Sos I’m getting emotional about them Mari I really love them what did we do
too many cookies: We have really great taste obviously
asleep in makeup: Man I have shitty luck
too many cookies: Or the best
asleep in makeup: That’s your department
too many cookies: True tru e Are you going to survive??
asleep in makeup: Yeah Cuddling with Alya is unfairly nice
too many cookies: Tell me about it Anyway why this song
asleep in makeup: Because I love you and just wanted to remind you
too many cookies: This is the worst way to tell me that But I love you too I have to go help my mom with dinner but Ill talk to you later <3 Have fun Dont die
asleep in makeup: No promises
20:02 in fucking clock hearts
aint no lie has renamed this conversation to tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
too many cookies: Wha t
fool for you: what the fuck
asleep in makeup: We’ve been watching music videos for like 3 hours
aint no lie: im liv in g
asleep in makeup: My dad would die if he saw any of the outfits people are wearing in these
aint no lie: american pop music from the 2000s is wild join us
fool for you: i thik im good
asleep in makeup: Youre not
aint no lie: were not falling in love were just falling apart :/
too many cookies: Im too tired for fake deep al
aint no lie: rip im sorry babe
fool for you: can i break into the bakery and get a cookie i need sugar
too many cookies: Cn I convince you to watch a show with me or something
fool for you: duh
too many cookies: !!!!!!!!! Let me know when you get here Im just at the foot of the stairs braiding my hair Ill let you in  
aint no lie: bo y why are all of 3oh3s songs fucking icon ci
too many cookies: 3oh3 is that supposed to like Mean somethin g
aint no lie: idk its just another word i never learned how to pronounce
too many cookies: RIp
fool for you: yo mari im here
too many cookies: !!!
aint no lie: a;lsdkfjasdf things i apparently need to do add chloe on snapchat
fool for you: yo why
asleep in makeup: She just sent me a selfie of her wearing designer shades just to hide her face cause she took her makeup off
aint no lie: she is???? weirdly chill snapchattin g marhs whtf
too many cookies: Whtf???
fool for you: what hell the fuck
asleep in makeup: That might have to do with us having been friends since we were like In diapers Chloe isn’t the best person but we still talk for a reason
aint no lie: fair
fool for you: i follow her on twitter for her rants theyre ridic they make my day
asleep in makeup: Oh uh Nino can I come over when you’re done at the bakery?
fool for you: yeah of course dude!!! that offers always there
aint no lie: >:(
too many cookies: I take it you two had this argument alread y
asleep in makeup: Yup I feel bad invading Alya’s space for so long
aint no lie: youve been around all night before!!!!! its not a big deal!!!!!!!!!!! the party dont stop
fool for you: want me to steal some cookies from you
asleep in makeup: Stealing is bad
aint no lie: why are u leaving me!!!!!!!!!!!
too many cookies: Ill let Nino tak ethe cookies then its not stealing Also cant you have this con vo irl??
asleep in makeup: Yeah but this is better
aint no lie: yeah also were comfy on the couch and itd be weird to yell at each other when were sitting like this
PM between asleep in makeup and too many cookies
too many cookies: Rip
asleep in makeup: Please don’t make this worse
too many cookies: Come on Romeo
asleep in makeup: That’s not my name
too many cookies: Fiiine You ok?? I know youre going over Ninos Hes getting ready to leave btw but he just mentioned that in the main chat
asleep in makeup: Yeah I just Its been a really really messed up week
too many cookies: Fair enough Let me know if you need anything ok???
asleep in makeup: Thanks <3 Going from Alya to Nino will be fun
too many cookies: Tonight your e fallign in love
asleep in makeup: Very funny But let me know if you need anything too Ok???
too many cookies: I will <3 <3
in tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
fool for you: ok so how many cookies is too many cookies
aint no lie: there is literally no such thing weve talked about thi s
fool for you: i bet if you eat too many you could die
aint no lie: come on let me shake up ur world and change ur life eat All The Cookies
fool for you: thats too many cookies
aint no lie: eat all the cookies an d die
fool for you: youre just jealous that adrien is coming over
aint no lie: please this isnt even jealousy >:/
fool for you: bruh oh btw im leaving in like 2 minutes gonna steal you away from alya
aint no lie: n e v e r
asleep in makeup: Please save me she’s been playing the same song for like half an hour
aint no lie: listen hot stuff im in loe vwith this son g
fool for you: let the beat rock dude
asleep in makeup: Mari pl e a s e
aint no lie: i cant stop cause im haivng too much fun!!!!!!!
aint no lie: i cant believe ive been betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fool for you: youre so dramatic
aint no lie: this is the worst thing to ever happen o t me
asleep in makeup: Its not enough to say that I miss you, is it
aint no lie: no >:( tell me what i wanna hear and that is that ur coming bcak
asleep in makeup: Sorry Al
fool for you: yeah ive got a blanket fort set up still from last time so i win
aint no lie: shi t
too many cookies: Youre all ridiculou s You need to come back down t o earht Weve got bigger problems than this Liek the fact that I canT FIND MY SCISSOR S
aint no lie: r i p
fool for you: theyre under your chaise
too many cookies: What
fool for you: check
too many cookies: ……. Holy s hi t HO W
fool for you: magic
aint no lie: u might no t believe ur eyes but ninos magic
asleep in makeup: I thought I got away from this
aint no lie: nope <3
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