#also dont mind me i tried using the dream witchs follower design i still dont think im doing it right but i cant be bothered anymore
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Rubs hands together
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Friends to Lovers Pt. 11
(A/N) Hey there! Here’s the next part, but PLEASE LOOK AT THE WARNINGS! This chapter is about abuse and the readers father! If you’re not comfortable reading it, please don’t! I’ll write another ‘Part 11‘ without the father and post it over the weekend. Don’t pressure yourself into reading it, kay? And if you need to talk, I’m always there for you!
Warnings: abuse, violence
@beltz2016 @sammysgirl1997 @magellan-88 @iammarylastar @scorpio2009 @buried-in-books @supdarling @hello-i-dont-have-a-name @kenzieam @jaihardy @pathybo @fuckthatfeeling @letssweetvivialwaysloved
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just say so :)
first part
second part   
third part
fourth part
fivth part
sixth part
seventh part
eight part
ninth part
tenth part
eleventh part
eleventh part (2)
twelfth part
thirteenth part
fourteenth part
fifteenth part
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Being used to waking up early, I did so the next morning. Most of the others, including Xavier and Lucy, were still asleep. I took the opportunity to take a shower and put on some new clothes. I chose a tight black jeans, my new shirt and some combat boots. Jup, I really like the way Dauntless dress. Making my way to the cafeteria, I brought the glasses back. The old witch shot me an evil glance, while the kind old lady smiled at me. As usual I got in line for breakfast and sat down at my usual table. I thought that this day would be nice and relaxing. Chilling in the dorms, training a little bit, just for the record. The perfect day before the second phase would start. Soon, Xavier and Lucy joined me, but we were soon ushered out of the big hall, so the other could set up everything for visiting day. We decided to walk around the shops and later go back to see if Xavier’s or Lucy’s family or friends came. Lucy and Xavier were currently arguing if they should get a tattoo and weighed down the pros and cons, when someone grabbed my elbow. “Is he coming?” Eric pressed his chest into my back, whispering into my ear. I never thought about that. The possibility that my father could come today. “I don’t think so. I’m probably dead to him.” My answer was just as quiet as his whisper and laced with fear. Eric nodded and squeezed my elbow. A silent oath that he would keep me safe. After he left I went back to my friends, but they didn’t notice my change in mood. They were way too excited about getting their first tattoo. Xavier went first and got himself a little owl on the inside of his wrist. Lucy chose a tree that loses its leafs. Both of them were such babies and chose the new way that hurt less. I still had to hold their hands throughout the whole procedure. A few seats down was Eric, getting a new tattoo. This time on his back. “Take over for me, will you Xavier?” He threw me a look but took Lucy’s hand. I walked towards Eric and saw that the same woman that did my tattoo, also did his. She was beautiful. Long dark hair, light green eyes and full, red lips. Jealousy rose inside me but I didn’t acknowledge it. “Hey sweetie! How’s your tattoo doing?” She stopped following the lines on Eric’s back and turned towards me with a smile on her lips. “It’s perfect! Thank you so much again. I love it!” I grinned, the jealousy put aside. “You have a tattoo?” Eric chimed in the conversation, turning his head, so he could look at me. “Yeah, show it (Y/N)! It’s a masterpiece!” The woman ushered me to turn around and I did. Pulling my hair over one shoulder, I showed my tattoo through the shirt. “Believe me Eric! It looks even better without the shirt.” I had to laugh at the woman’s praise to herself. “Maybe she’ll show me someday.” Eric licked his lips, causing me to roll my eyes. “In your dreams Mister Coulter!”  He chuckled and shook his head. The woman, not used to this kind of behaviour from Eric, shot me a strange look. “Can I draw on you again today? I love your skin, it’s so soft.” Chuckling I nodded and walked over to the pre-drawn designs. I looked through them for I don’t know how long, but I couldn’t find anything that spoke to me. Mia and Xavier were called to the dinner hall, apparently their parents, friends or whatever came to visit. Meanwhile, I continued searching for a new tattoo, but soon gave up on the quest, walking back to Eric. The woman was putting some cream on his tattoo and wrapped it up. “Found nothing?” Eric stood up, shirt in hand and turned towards me. “Nope.” “That’s a shame, sweetie.” I smiled at the woman and turned to leave, not expecting Eric to stop me. “Wait a sec.” He bended down to whisper in the woman’s ear. Nodding at his idea, she waved me over to the seat and I obeyed. “Where do you want it?” She looked at Eric, ignoring me completely. “I think the wrist would be a good place…like around it.” The woman nodded and immediately tried to get to work, but I stopped her by pulling my arm away. “Wait, what symbol did you choose?” I looked at Eric, who wore his usual smirk. “Do you trust me?” He leaned against a pillar, crossing his arms across his still naked chest. “Uh, no!” “Well, bad for you.” He grins, and the woman reached for my arm. “It’s a good design sweetheart, I swear.” “I do trust you, but he is a whole different story.” Eric chuckled and threw his shirt in my face. “Keep it up there so you can’t steal a glance.” Rolling my eyes, I leant back and closed my eyes, that were still hidden under his black shirt. The procedure began. It hurt, but not as bad as last time, after all, this time I was expecting it. And his smell, oh this smell, kept my mind away from the pain. Yesterday I wanted to punch this guy in the face with all my strength, and now, he chose a tattoo for me and stayed with me while it’s getting put on my skin. And one question remains, can we still go back to how it was? I want my best friend back, but I’m not even sure that this friend is still inside him. Still, I’m going to try to get him back. I lied there for about an hour, before the woman took Eric’s shirt off my face and grinned at me. Looking down, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Flowers and stripes ran around my wrist. On the inside, she worked a small ‘E’ into the design. “So, what do you think?” Eric still stood there, staring at me with curious eyes. “I think, that you should put on your shirt.” I threw said shirt at him and he, for once, obeyed and put it on, still staring at me. “It’s beautiful, thank you.” I stood up and squeezed his arm. “Not a problem, kiddo.” “Oh, shut up! I’m not that young!” I hit his chest, causing him to chuckle. “Whatever you say!” He kept teasing me, while we walked to the checkout-desk. Reaching for my point card, Eric caught my arm and put his own on the counter. “All on me.” The woman nodded and proceeded to fumble with Eric’s card, having him sign the receipt at the end. “You didn’t have to pay for me…” We walked next to each other, but he just rolled his eyes at my comment. “And you could just accept it and thank me for it.” Chuckling I nodded, but said no more. “Y/N! Someone is waiting for you in the dinner hall!” I exchanged looks with Eric and cautiously followed Four. Entering the hall, my eyes immediately found him through the crowd. I took a step backwards and hit something hard. Looking behind me, Eric stood there, glaring daggers at the man, obviously waiting for me. “I…I can’t Eric. Please, get me out of this room.” Eric obviously noticed the panic in my eyes, nodded and grabbed my hand, to lead me out,  just as a blonde lady called his name. Jeanine Matthews. Of course, she would be here too. For some reason, Eric immediately tugged at my hand and hid me behind his back. As if he had the feeling he had to protect me from her. Well, she isn’t nice, but the person he should protect me from stood a few feet behind her. “Miss Matthews. Can I help you?” Eric was obviously trying to be polite, his grip on my hand tightening. His hand, the only thing keeping me grounded right now. The only thing keeping me from either running out of the room, or walking up to the man, that oppressed me my whole live and beating his ass. I honestly don’t know which would be more likely. “I just wanted to talk to you and Y/N. Erudite misses it’s two brightest heads.” Her fake smile almost made me vomit. “I’m afraid we don’t have time at the-“ “But isn’t that Y/N’s father? Doesn’t she want to at least say hello?” She leaned to the side so he could look at me. “I’d rather no-“ Not letting me finish, she grabbed my free hand and dragged me towards my father. The only positive thing at this moment, was Eric’s hand, still holding onto mine. “Y/N.” My father curtly nodded at me. “Father.” I didn’t look at him. I just couldn’t bring myself to look at the man that tortured me so many years. He still had the glint in his eyes, the one telling me to hide in my room and listen to him if I didn’t want a beating. He didn’t change at all, and even though I was first in the rankings, I felt like the little girl back in Erudite. Weak and pathetic. “Can we please go?” I looked at Eric, squeezing the life out of his hand. He nodded and turned to leave. “Y/N, wait. I do wish to speak to you.” Ignoring the man, I hoped to never see again, I followed Eric through the crowd. My father often lost his composure when we were at home and he was drunk, but he never lost it in public. Well, until now. He grabbed my arm and spun me around, with such force, that Eric had to let go of my hand. He slapped me across the face, silencing the whole room. I held my right cheek, where he struck me. “You listen to me, or do I need to put you in your place?!” He pushed me to the floor, and began to pull his belt out of the loops. But before he could strike me with it, Eric had him on the floor, punching him in the face and knocking him out. In the meantime, Four, Max and a few other leaders appeared to see what all the commotion was about. “What happened?” Four and another leader walked to my father, making sure he was only unconscious and not dead. “He attacked an initiate, his daughter.” Eric told Max what happened after he helped me up and made sure that I was alright. “…/N? Y/N?” Max stood in front of me waving his hand. Finally, my eyes focused again. “Has this happened before? Did he hurt you while you were still in Erudite?” Not being able to answer, I just nodded, blinking rapidly. My eyes moved through the room, noticing all the stares, till they found Eric’s blue ones. My safe haven. Slowly I felt myself falling, but someone was there to catch me. Of course, it was Eric. Just as back then, it didn’t matter when or where I fell, he caught me. Max instructed something I couldn’t hear. Eric picked me up, one arm under my knees, the other one around my shoulders. After a few moments, he started to walk. I just hid my face between his neck and shoulder, letting silent tears flow. With changing factions, I hoped to finally be safe from him, but even here, in Dauntless, he can reach me. I’ll never be safe, will I?
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Friends to Lovers Pt. 11 (2)
(A/N) So, this is part eleven without the triggering content. I hope that it’s okay like this. The beginning is exactly the same as the original part eleven, later on it changes though. Enjoy!
Warnings: only swearing this time
@beltz2016 @sammysgirl1997 @magellan-88 @iammarylastar @scorpio2009 @buried-in-books @supdarling @hello-i-dont-have-a-name @kenzieam @jaihardy @pathybo @fuckthatfeeling @letssweetvivialwaysloved @maskedpenman
I hope it’s okay I tagges you all!
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just say so! :)
first part
second part   
third part
fourth part
fivth part
sixth part
seventh part
eight part
ninth part
tenth part
eleventh part
eleventh part (2)
twelfth part
thirteenth part
fourteenth part
fifteenth part
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Being used to waking up early, I did so the next morning. Most of the others, including Xavier and Lucy, were still asleep. I took the opportunity to take a shower and put on some new clothes. I chose a tight black jeans, my new shirt and some combat boots. Jup, I really like the way Dauntless dress. Making my way to the cafeteria, I brought the glasses back. The old witch shot me an evil glance, while the kind old lady smiled at me. As usual I got in line for breakfast and sat down at my usual table. I thought that this day would be nice and relaxing. Chilling in the dorms, training a little bit, just for the record. The perfect day before the second phase would start. Soon, Xavier and Lucy joined me, but we were soon ushered out of the big hall, so the other could set up everything for visiting day. We decided to walk around the shops and later go back to see if Xavier’s or Lucy’s family or friends came. Lucy and Xavier were currently arguing if they should get a tattoo and weighed down the pros and cons, when someone grabbed my elbow. “Is he coming?” Eric pressed his chest into my back, whispering into my ear. I never thought about that. The possibility that my father could come today. “I don’t think so. I’m probably dead to him.” My answer was just as quiet as his whisper and laced with fear. Eric nodded and squeezed my elbow. A silent oath that he would keep me safe. After he left I went back to my friends, but they didn’t notice my change in mood. They were way too excited about getting their first tattoo. Xavier went first and got himself a little owl on the inside of his wrist. Lucy chose a tree that loses its leafs. Both of them were such babies and chose the new way that hurt less. I still had to hold their hands throughout the whole procedure. A few seats down was Eric, getting a new tattoo. This time on his back. “Take over for me, will you Xavier?” He threw me a look but took Lucy’s hand. I walked towards Eric and saw that the same woman that did my tattoo, also did his. She was beautiful. Long dark hair, light green eyes and full, red lips. Jealousy rose inside me but I didn’t acknowledge it. “Hey sweetie! How’s your tattoo doing?” She stopped following the lines on Eric’s back and turned towards me with a smile on her lips. “It’s perfect! Thank you so much again. I love it!” I grinned, the jealousy put aside. “You have a tattoo?” Eric chimed in the conversation, turning his head, so he could look at me. “Yeah, show it (Y/N)! It’s a masterpiece!” The woman ushered me to turn around and I did. Pulling my hair over one shoulder, I showed my tattoo through the shirt. “Believe me Eric! It looks even better without the shirt.” I had to laugh at the woman’s praise to herself. “Maybe she’ll show me someday.” Eric licked his lips, causing me to roll my eyes. “In your dreams Mister Coulter!”  He chuckled and shook his head. The woman, not used to this kind of behaviour from Eric, shot me a strange look. “Can I draw on you again today? I love your skin, it’s so soft.” Chuckling I nodded and walked over to the pre-drawn designs. I looked through them for I don’t know how long, but I couldn’t find anything that spoke to me. Mia and Xavier were called to the dinner hall, apparently their parents, friends or whatever came to visit. Meanwhile, I continued searching for a new tattoo, but soon gave up on the quest, walking back to Eric. The woman was putting some cream on his tattoo and wrapped it up. “Found nothing?” Eric stood up, shirt in hand and turned towards me. “Nope.” “That’s a shame, sweetie.” I smiled at the woman and turned to leave, not expecting Eric to stop me. “Wait a sec.” He bended down to whisper in the woman’s ear. Nodding at his idea, she waved me over to the seat and I obeyed. “Where do you want it?” She looked at Eric, ignoring me completely. “I think the wrist would be a good place…like around it.” The woman nodded and immediately tried to get to work, but I stopped her by pulling my arm away. “Wait, what symbol did you choose?” I looked at Eric, who wore his usual smirk. “Do you trust me?” He leaned against a pillar, crossing his arms across his still naked chest. “Uh, no!” “Well, bad for you.” He grins, and the woman reached for my arm. “It’s a good design sweetheart, I swear.” “I do trust you, but he is a whole different story.” Eric chuckled and threw his shirt in my face. “Keep it up there so you can’t steal a glance.” Rolling my eyes, I leant back and closed my eyes, that were still hidden under his black shirt. The procedure began. It hurt, but not as bad as last time, after all, this time I was expecting it. And his smell, oh this smell, kept my mind away from the pain. Yesterday I wanted to punch this guy in the face with all my strength, and now, he chose a tattoo for me and stayed with me while it’s getting put on my skin. And one question remains, can we still go back to how it was? I want my best friend back, but I’m not even sure that this friend is still inside him. Still, I’m going to try to get him back. I lied there for about an hour, before the woman took Eric’s shirt off my face and grinned at me. Looking down, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Flowers and stripes ran around my wrist. On the inside, she worked a small ‘E’ into the design. “So, what do you think?” Eric still stood there, staring at me with curious eyes. “I think, that you should put on your shirt.” I threw said shirt at him and he, for once, obeyed and put it on, still staring at me. “It’s beautiful, thank you.” I stood up and squeezed his arm. “Not a problem, kiddo.” “Oh, shut up! I’m not that young!” I hit his chest, causing him to chuckle. “Whatever you say!” He kept teasing me, while we walked to the checkout-desk. Reaching for my point card, Eric caught my arm and put his own on the counter. “All on me.” The woman nodded and proceeded to fumble with Eric’s card, having him sign the receipt at the end. “You didn’t have to pay for me…” We walked next to each other, but he just rolled his eyes at my comment. “And you could just accept it and thank me for it.” Chuckling I nodded, but said no more. “Y/N! Someone is waiting for you in the dinner hall!” I exchanged looks with Eric and cautiously followed Four. Entering the hall, my eyes immediately found him through the crowd. I took a step backwards and hit something hard. Looking behind me, Eric stood there, glaring daggers at the man, obviously waiting for me. “I…I can’t Eric. Please, get me out of this room.” Eric obviously noticed the panic in my eyes, nodded and grabbed my hand. Making our way out, Eric didn’t let go of my hand for one second. He pulled me along until we were far gone from the dinner hall. “That fucking asshole-! How dare he shows his face here!” Eric was fuming with rage. Knowing, the only way to calm him right now, was to hug him, I did just that. I placed my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest. Feeling him tensing, I was about to let go just as his arms came around me and squeezed my body to his. “Thank you.” “For what?” I was surprised he was even able to hear me. “For getting angry for me.” Squeezing me harder against him, he buried his nose in my hair. “Anytime, Y/N. Anytime.” We stood there for some time, until another Dauntless member nearly saw us. We decided that we needed to keep Eric’s reputation up, so we spent the rest of the day in his apartment. As soon as we enterd, my eyes immediately found the bathroom door. Oh, how much I missed his shower. “Go on, take a shower.” He chuckled at my excitement. I ran to his bathroom and got rid of my clothes in record time. After I used his shampoo and shower gel, I got out of the shower and dried myself. Eric left me some of him clothes again, so I put them on. Again this smell…I’ll go crazy because of him! Leaving the steaming bathroom, I was hit with cold air. That idiot turned the air conditioner on! Ugh! “Eric! Turn the AC off!“ As soon as I finished my demand, he stuck his head out of the kitchen, a smirk present on his face. “Why? Was your shower too hot?” “I’m so going to kill!” And that’s the story, why I chased Eric around his apartment to gain control of the air conditioner. In the end, he gave it to my on his own accord, realizing that I still had a few weeks of initation in front of me and that I shouldn’t get sick. He also forced me to blow dry my hair. And don’t ask why he has a hairdryer. I’m not sure I want to know. After that all was over, we ate lunch he made for us and watched movies. He even got me to drink a beer and let me tell you, this tastes like shit! Ew… Before we noticed, it was time for the initates to go to sleep. Following the rules, I made my way to his door, but before I could open it completely, a hand pressed it closed again. “Stay the night.” Eric’s voice was husky as he breathed the words into my ear. “I don’t kno-“ You know, back in Erudite I read a lot of stories, like how girls get cut off by boys kissing them. But no, Eric cut me off by tickling me. Way to ruin the mood! Not that I want him to kiss me! No way…? Thanks to Eric I missed the curfew and would get into a lot pf troubles if I was seen outside, so I had no other choice than to stay the night. Well, it wasn’t so bad anyway. We continued to watch movies, got checked up on by Four, who just rolled his eyes, and eventually went sleeping. At least there were no nightmares. Just a blonde guy keeping watch over me, even in my dreams.
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