#also don’t like…use them for money…
What queer Asian sci fi authors would you recommend?
Yeah, to put my money where my mouth is, here are some queer SFF writers from Asia and the Asian Diaspora in the Anglosphere that I really like and highly recommend:
Nghi Vo: probably doesn’t need an endorsement from me, hah, her The Empress of Salt and Fortune is one of the most perfect novellas I’ve ever read and well deserved its Hugo win. The whole Singing Hills cycle is great. It’s a fantasy world strongly inspired by Imperial China and Vietnam, and does clever things with fantasy, folklore, storytelling, and memory. Her novels are standalone historical fantasy set in 1920s-America-with-magic and are very much about Asian immigrant/diaspora experiences in the early 20th century US. With Magic.
Yoon Ha Lee: I love his Machineries of Empire. Would love to finish that trilogy someday. But seriously it’s creative, intense military sci-fi in a magic-science space empire and is very interested in what it takes to uphold such a system.
Simon Jimenez: The Vanished Birds is sooo heartbreakingly good and I need to read A Spear Cuts Through Water soon.
Isabel J. Kim: Short story writer. Runs the gamut of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and the weird stuff in between. Creative and vivid in really compelling ways. Her first novel is in the works and I am SUPER interested. She does funky and creative things with perspective and structure in her stories. Has several stories now that are about turning popular tropes or other iconic stories around like they’re in a kaleidoscope, but her first published story “Homecoming Is Just Another Word for the Sublimation of the Self” is probably still the most affecting to me.
Michelle Kan: Has a trilogy of novelettes called Tales of the Thread, self-described as “aromantic Chinese fairytales” that take a deliberately aro approach to fairytale retellings and fairytale style fantasy. I recommend them. (Also has a superhero novel I haven’t read.)
Haven’t read yet but they are on my TBR:
Aliette de Bodard: Her Xuya universe novellas, and the relationships between humans and AIs and spaceships, sound super up my alley.
Kai Cheng Thom: Author of Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir is a less traditionally sff entry but is a fabulist/surrealist take on the Trans Memoir… which I feel like I have to be in the right space for, but I do want to read it.
Also he’s not out as queer or anything but I can’t not recommend Ted Chiang because he writes some of the best short stories In The World and has THE most interesting and unique and compelling ideas.
There are also so many more authors out there I don’t know and haven’t read! But! Someday!!
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jubshead · 2 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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Paring: Soft!Agatha Harkness x reader
Summary: Being a babysitter in college isn't the worst way to get some money, especially if it comes with its benefits.
A/N: So I have to say that this has been the first fanfiction I’ve written in years and when I used to write I was around 14, so it sucked.
My love was supposed to do a review for me but she is sick (take care baby) and I am way too anxious to wait for her to get better, so I hope you guys enjoy this as my guinea pigs lol.
Also english is not my first language!
Almost forgot to say that this is a modern day AU (based on the 3rd episode) where Agatha doesn’t have magic! I hope it isn’t too OOC, bc I do think Agatha has a softer side as a mother.
Warning: Smut.
Word count: 4.7k
As always comments and constructive criticism are extremely appreciated!
Tags: @harknspet @harknessshi 🙃
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You are startled awake by the shrill sound of your phone. Sleepy, you feel around your bedside table and accept the call without looking at the id. 
“Hello?” Your voice sounds raspy to your own ears and you hope whoever is on the other side can't tell you were awakened by their call.
“Oh hun! I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” An hesitant, stuffy voice sounds from the other side of the phone and you hear a sniff. 
“Uh, Mrs Harkness…” In your post-sleep state you are barely able to formulate a response. 
Trying to bring a little clarity to your thoughts by rubbing your eyes, you look at the clock at the bedside table and it indicates 10pm. It was an unusual occurrence for your boss to call you at this hour, she must have assumed you were awake studying for your finals. 
Today was the last day of your tests, after a shower you had slept immediately, exhaustion sipping into your bones and as a result your phone had remained on. 
“Is everything alright? Is Nickie okay?” Desperation catches in your voice when you realize there was only one reason for her to be calling at such an hour. 
“Yes, he’s alright, just a little fuzzy, I… really shouldn’t have called you at this hour.” A lump seems to form in her throat as she speaks. Straining your ears you can hear baby Nicholas crying in the back, your heart clenches for him and his mother. 
“Don’t worry, Mrs Harkness. I will be there in 15 minutes.” You say as you get up from bed and start putting yourself together. 
“Ok.” The fact that she accepts without pulling a fight was enough to make you concerned. 
“Thank you.” She ads as an afterthought and hangs up. 
Pulling out black bell bottom leggings, a thin tank top and a sweatshirt you hastily throw them on and quickly walk to your door, grabbing your keys and entering your car.
It was a 15 minute walk to their house, but at this hour you wouldn’t risk a stroll in the empty street. You’d arrive there in 5 minutes. 
In the car you keep anxiously drumming your fingers in the steering wheel and when you finally arrive, after what felt like an eternity, you are quick to park your car next to Mrs Harkness’ and step out. 
The mansion stretches out in front of you, the walkers on the street wouldn’t be able to tell that in this house only lived a woman and her child. 
Before you could ring the bell, the door snaps open, in front of your eyes appears a woman carrying her crying baby.
She looks beautiful and elegant as always, with her social gray pants, white turtleneck and light brown blazer. Her usual grandeur though, seemed tapped out by the redness around her eyes, the hairs out of place and the chewed out plump mouth. 
In her hip lay the clear sight of her distress, the crying infant was blowing out his lungs with his loud cries, the screams sounded hoarse and you assume it was because he had spent too much time in this state. His cheeks were stained with tears, but you couldn’t see the liquid roll out of his eyes. 
“Oh baby, come here.” You coo and stretch out your arms. 
Agatha with glazed eyes takes a step in your direction, pauses and hands you her son, you blame it all in her exhausted state. 
When you finally have the baby in your arms you give him a once over and the clench in your heart dissolves when you see that there’s nothing wrong with him. 
Bouncing Nickie in your arms, you turn to your boss and indicate the inside of the house with your head. She turns and you follow her inside. 
The state of the house is a clear indicator of the situation, multiple toys were thrown around the living room, you can see a number of milk bottles in the furniture and faintly hear a cartoon voice from the television. 
Turning to Agatha, you say.
“Mrs. Harkness, how about you get yourself a glass of wine and relax, I’ll put this one to sleep and come down to organize the living room.” 
She looks at the baby who seems already much calmer in your arms and nods. 
Climbing the stairs into the upper floor, you can only shush and coo at Nickie, he seems tired and as the time goes by his cries become only sniffles as he settles into your shoulder. 
“I know you are tired, darling.” Standing in the middle of the infant's room, you swing him softly and gently pat his back. 
Looking around the spacious room, you can’t help but to smile. This kid had everything someone his age needed and more, he was spoiled rotten by his mother.
When you see their relationship your heart clenches thinking about your own mother, you wish things were different with her, but you never got jealous of Nickie, he deserved everything he got. His father was an asshole enough. 
The baby’s arms start to drop and his eyelids flutter shut. You keep swinging him gently for a minute or so and settles him in his crib for the night. You watch him sleep for a while and smell the baby shampoo in his head before getting out of the room. You love this kid like it was your own. 
Going down the stairs your heart begins to beat faster, being in Agatha’s presence always made you nervous, especially when you two were alone.
When you re enter the living room she’s sitting on the sofa with the biggest glass of wine you’ve ever seen in her hand and that is saying a lot. 
“He’s asleep.” You tell her.
A deep breath leaves her and she relaxes onto the couch. Her feet are propped on the sofa beside her body. You bend down and start to pick up the scattered toys.
“You don’t have to do that, sweetheart.” She tells you softly and your heart does a flip at the nickname.
“I don’t mind.” You respond.
Silence befalls you two as you gather things around. You can feel her eyes on you while you’re bent over collecting the stuffed animals. When the silence becomes too much, you give in. 
“Are you feeling better, Mrs Harkness?” You turn in her direction to ask. 
“I feel like myself now.” She doesn’t elaborate, but you know exactly what she means. The state she was in wasn’t her usual composed self, but you suppose motherhood does that to you sometimes. “I really shouldn’t have called you at this hour, especially because I know you’re in your finals week.” 
“It’s alright. My tests ended today and I think I went pretty well.” You beam at her, proud of yourself. 
“Well, that’s a good girl.” She praises you and you have to turn around quickly so she doesn’t see your rapidly reddening cheeks.
“And as you know, I’m always happy to help you with Nicholas.” You mumble.
“And I thank you for that, hun. I wouldn’t have known what to do if you hadn’t showed up today.” 
When you look back at her she gives you a tired smile and takes a sip of her wine. You give her a once over and she looks as breathtaking as always, but you can feel the exhaustion radiating off her, so as politely as you can, you offer. 
“Mrs. Harkness, if you want to you can go to sleep, I will stay here on the couch in case Nickie wakes up.” 
“Oh honey, no. I couldn’t ask you to spend the night here, you must be exhausted after this couple of weeks.” She answers you, shaking her head slightly. 
“I’m fine. I slept the whole afternoon and if I feel like sleeping I’ll just crash in one of the guests’ rooms.” It still sounded wild that someone had multiple guests’ rooms in their house.
She stares at you weighing her options and it seems exhaustion wins at the end. “Let me grab a pajama for you then.” She downs her wine and gets up from the couch. 
“Oh no, you really don’t have...” Your protest falls on deaf ears as she continues to walk up the stairs.
While waiting, you go looking for your purse. Searching inside, you grab your phone and look at some of the messages you received. 
A friend of yours asking if you wanted to grab a drink to commemorate the end of your finals, a boy from college you were certain had a crush on you and one of your professors asking about your well being now that the tests ended. 
You answer your friend with a sad emoji and tell her you can’t make it today, but would definitely like to grab that drink later. Ignoring the boy, you go straight for the message you’ve been wanting to respond to, with a loose smile you tell her you’re doing fine. 
“Good to know my favorite student didn’t fry her own brain.” The text read. 
“Can’t let that happen, you’d miss me too much.” You reply. 
“I doubt it.” Comes the response, making you let out a breathy laugh. 
She was hard to read sometimes, but if you took everything she said as a joke you’d probably be fine, at least that’s what you told your friends when they asked how you weren’t scared of Miss Vidal.
You tell her about staying at your boss’ house for the night and ask if she has any good ideas to pass the time. She knew about your babysitter gig and seemed to know Mrs. Harkness, but then again that wasn’t surprising, there were probably few people in the city who didn’t know who she was, if any. 
“Watch a movie. I can recommend you one, if you want.” She answers your question.
“Yeah, that will do. My computer is in the car.” You reply.
““Bound”, it’s about women doing crime and fucking men over.” She tells you. 
“Lol, that sounds fun.” You make your way to the door and towards your car. Your phone vibrates again.
“It is. Tell me what you think about it later. Good night, sweetheart.” You rapidly answer her and grab your computer, coming back inside. 
Closing the door behind you, you make your way to the couch, before sitting down you hear a voice behind you.
“Here it is.” 
You turn around and find Agatha wearing a small purple satin babydoll, covered slightly by the untied black robe made from the same material. Your face automatically becomes a heating inferno, you curse hell and above from the strong lights in the room and when she gives you a smirk, you know you’ve been caught. 
“Thank you.” You manage without stuttering. “I’m just going to change.” 
Grabbing the clothes she’s extending in your direction, you practically run to the bathroom and lock yourself. 
Laying your head against the wall you let out a breath and ask the heavens above for her to not be in the room when you come back. You quickly put them on and feel your cheeks heat up again when you see yourself in her clothes. This woman was going to be the death of you. 
The pajama consisted of a matching set of black satin tank top and shorts, accompanied as well by a rob, it was the same color as her babydoll. You rule it out as unintentional and shake your head from the inappropriate thoughts you were having. 
When you arrive back at the living room, Agatha is seated on the couch, in the same position she was before. 
When she sees you, you lock eyes. The intense stare makes you squirm and avoid her gaze, lightly rubbing your thighs together. When you look back at her face, you see her giving you a once over and wetting her lips. 
“Mrs. Harkness, it’s alright. You don’t have to babysit me, you can go to sleep.” You reply, hoping she won’t notice the effect she’s having on you.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I trust you.” She replies with a wink and patting on the couch adds. “I’m just not in the mood to sleep, too much on my head.” 
Sitting by her side you say. “I was going to watch a movie my professor recommended. If you want to watch it with me…” 
“Sure, hun.” She answers with a smile.
Trying not to think about the arm over your head and your close proximity you quickly grab your computer and search for the film. 
“What is it about?” She asks while scooting closer and looking at the screen. 
“Apparently a woman is dating a guy from the mob and she and an ex-con, that’s also another woman, try to commit a crime and blame it on him. It’s called “Bound”, I haven't watched it.” When you look up into her face, you see her mouth form an O shape.
“Oh.” That’s her only answer.
“What? Is it bad? Have you watched it? We can watch something else if you’d like.” You quickly make numerous questions without waiting for her response. 
“No, no. It’s fine, I haven’t watched it.” She reassures you. You frown at her when you sense a lie, but seeing that there wouldn’t be a reason for her to do that, you just accept what she tells you. “Who did you say recommend it to you again?” 
Looking back at your computer, you answer her distractedly. “Miss Vidal, she’s one of my professors at college.” With your mind elsewhere, you miss the look that crosses her face and only hear her noncommittal hum. “Found it.” 
Getting up from the couch, you connect the computer onto the television and start the movie. 
It seemed pretty interesting from the start. The first scene in the elevator had beautiful color compositions and when the black haired woman got in you swooned, you had the biggest crush on Jennifer Tilly. 
On that same scene you started to realize that you should have taken a better look of what it was about before deciding to see it with your boss, the person you were always one loss of control away from kissing. 
It was fine, maybe it would be a movie about lesbians and the mob, without any explicit content… you really should have seen the rate. Fuck it, you doubted your college professor would recommend an explicit movie. 
You tried to believe the lies you told yourself, but in the back of your mind you knew Rio Vidal wasn’t the most morally correct woman. You were definitely screwed. 
As the minutes went by you started to relax back into the couch, but sooner than you expected the scenes shifted tones. The tension between the protagonists was undeniable and extremely charged. 
When the characters sat on the sofa, you started to acutely feel Agatha’s presence by your side. The arm laid on the couch behind your back, the warmth radiating from her and her uncovered thing touching yours. 
It was too much and it only got worse.
You briefly side-eye your boss and see that her whole concentration is on the scene as Jennifer’s character takes Corky’s hand and places it on her breast. 
Looking back at the scene you start to squirm and fidget, your underwear previously wet starts to get wetter and when you remember why you got aroused the first time it only becomes worse. You are watching a lesbian sex scene with your boss, who you have a crush on and is barely wearing any clothes. 
You thank the heavens when they are interrupted by the boyfriend on the screen. 
While your brain is working hard to figure out an excuse to change the movie, Agatha turns in your direction. 
“Hum…yes?” God, you prayed she wouldn’t call you out for moving around too much. 
“Nickie’s father signed the papers today.” You snap your head in her direction, forgetting everything about the movie and your ruined underwear. 
“Papers? What papers?” Your mind goes a mile per minute. You knew for a fact they had divorced a few weeks ago, so you couldn’t see what else was there to do, especially involving the baby.
“The papers that give me complete guardianship of him. From now on he can’t have a say in his life.” She spoke with a furrowed brown, behind her concerned eyes though you could see relief.
You couldn’t process the thought of abandoning your own child, especially one like Nickie, who was amazing and you held very dearly into your heart. 
“Why would he do that?” You ask what’s been plaguing your mind. 
“Because of me.” She breathes out. Her hand stretches in your hair’s direction, swiping your bangs to the side she looks you in the eyes while passing her fingers through the strands in your left temple. “Did I tell you why I divorced him?” You shake your head and she continues. “Well, I realized I’ve been lying to myself for a long time. I married Nickie’s father because he loved me, my mother liked him and because it was easier, until it wasn’t.” 
Your attention is completely on her words, you try piecing together the information she has given you and comes back with a blank. 
“You see, honey. I’ve never been attracted to men.” She amends and continues to play with your hair. You try not to tense up at her words and the gesture. “I’ve been in denial for a long time, but it became worse recently, someone who works for me has caught my eye and I wondered how it would feel to have my way with her, corrupt her.” 
From the partial light the TV is giving you, you can see her pupils blown wide, a hungry look adorning her face and your breath gets caught in your throat when she slides her fingers through your cheek. 
“I couldn't help myself anymore, but I couldn’t do this to you while I was with him, not you.” Her face inches itself closer to yours.
You stare into her plump lips and while she approaches you your eyes begin to flutter shut. She lightly brushes her lips over yours and you hear a sound, faintly registering it came from you. She pauses and waits, as if asking for permission. You clash your lips onto hers. 
Your hands automatically go into her hair and hold her close. Your entire body goes into panic mode and you find yourself locked in place. She pulls away and lets a breathy laugh fall from her lips at your wide eyed face. 
“Relax, sweetheart.” She emphasizes the sentiment by running her thumb over your lower lip.
Forcing your body to calm down and take a breath, you mumble close to her mouth. “Mrs. Harkness...” 
“Call me Agatha, hun.” She interrupts you with a smirk.
“Agatha…yes, okay.” You look at her trying, and probably failing, to express all the information that is going through your head.
She lets out a chuckle at you again and brings you closer for another kiss. This time you let her guide you and set the pace, her big white nails run through your cheek all the way down to your neck and when she asks for permission with her tongue, you let her in without a fight. 
Relaxing into the back of the couch, you let her have complete control over the kiss. Her tongue slides along yours searching for a rhythm and when you finally set it, it feels like every fiber of your being will burst. She tastes like mint and desire.  
Her nails keep exploring until they find the back of your neck, they run through it and you let out a moan, your body shivers. The sound seems to cause a chain reaction and when you realize you’re laying on your back on the couch with Agatha on top of you.
The kiss heats up and you bite softly into her lips, when she hums you slide your tongue through it, smoothing it up. 
You don’t want to move away from her, but the air inside your lungs feels insufficient, so even though you need it, you let out a whine when she separates. 
She stares into your eyes and you give her your best deer caught in headlights look, begging her to continue. She runs her hands down your torso and up inside your silk tank top, cups you breasts and runs her lips through your neck. You automatically throw your head back to give her more access as she runs her teeth through your soft spots, making you body shiver and adjust on the couch. 
Her hands keep their full attention on you, she slowly and languidly massages your soft mounds, running her thumbs over your nipples and pitching them. At that, you let out a moan and she does it again, this time accompanied by a bite over the sensitive spot she found on your neck. Your lower half comes off the couch and she has to take her hands off of your breasts to hold your waist down. 
“Agatha?” You shakily breathe out.
“Yes, dear?” She takes her mouth off of your neck to whisper, but keeps her head in place as her nose runs up to your pulse point. 
“I’ve never… y’know?” You mutter back and pray to whoever’s gods exist that she wouldn’t stop. 
“Oh.” She comes back up and stares into your eyes. Looking up at her, you see her flushed cheeks and the blown pupils, her hair is falling down like a curtain and you hope this isn’t a very realistic dream. 
Her mouth widens to the biggest shitting eating grin you’ve ever seen and she gives you a long peck while her hands hold your waist firmly. “Oh baby, don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. I’ll make you feel so good.” 
You gulp at her words and don’t doubt them for a second. She slides her hands down the  outside of your things, hooks her fingers under your knees and brings your legs up to settle herself between them. You think she’ll get right down to business, but gets surprised when her head continues to plant firm kisses over your neck. Her hands climb up your thighs and squeeze them in the most delicious way, causing you to squirm under the touch, bothered by the way your wet underwear brushes against you without causing any form of relief. 
You hear a chuckle. “Someone is anxious.” She says and your only response is a whine. 
She slips off the straps and lower your tank top, takes a moment to move away and looks down at you. Wetting her lips, she lets out an appreciative sound at the back of her throat and jumps back to ravish your breasts, running her lips, teeth and tongue. 
Sucking one nipple into her mouth causes your hips to buckle and you find relief by rubbing your center through her hip bone. Her nails carve into the flesh of your things, but that only seems to sputter you on and when she doesn’t stop you, you let out a moan.
She pays attention to your left breast until it’s red and sensitive, your nipples are swollen from the action and you can feel the marks her teeth have left. She changes roads and focuses on your other tit, by then you’re painting from the stimulation and the constant movements of your hips. 
Your panties are ruined and it feels like Agatha spends an eternity ignoring where you want her the most. She kisses the underside of your breasts and leaves a hickey behind. As she continues her work on your chest, her nails scratch all the way up to the waistband of your shorts, she dislodges herself to take them off and stare at your purple panties.
“Purple? I like it.” She devours you up with her eyes and you feel yourself blush, as a response she gives you a fond dirty smile and you melt into the couch. 
She kisses you fervently and your hands come up to hold her head in place, not wanting the action to end. She passes her tongue through your lips and takes control of the kiss, your head swoons and you keep up with the rhythm. She bites your lips and her hands travel down into your panties. 
They are soaked through, ruined. 
“Oh honey. Is this all for me?” She asks as her fingers run up and down the fabric. You nod frantically and bite your lower lip, embarrassed. 
She pushes the material aside and runs her fingers through your folds, around your clit and near your entrance. Bringing her fingers up she puts them in her mouth and moans. Her eyes roll back and you feel a new wave of arousal in your center. She repeats the motion, but this time brings her fingers close to your face, your mouth envelopes them and a hum escapes you at the taste. 
You’ve tasted yourself many times when alone, but this feels inexplicably better, your tongue runs through her digits as slowly as you can, gathering all that it’s attached to her skin and giving her your best ‘fuck me’ face. 
She takes her fingers out and moves her thumb across your lower lip, smearing it with saliva. 
“Oh god. I wanted to fuck you so badly.” She whispers close to your face. “These are way too big though, my mouth will have to do, for now.” 
You freeze up at her words and remember the big white nails that have been scratching you this whole time. She slides down your body, stopping on the way to leave kisses at your tits and belly, before settling face to face with your center. 
She looks up at you and you hold your breath, she begins placing kisses and bites over your thighs. 
Her nails pass lightly through your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake and settling themself firmly when Agatha’s mouth comes closer to where you desperately need her. You involuntarily buckle when she brushes her lips over your mound and licks a circle around your clit. 
You let out a soft moan when she blows lightly across your soaked skin and covers your own mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Don’t do that. I want to hear you or I will stop.” She threatens seriously and continues when you nod, looking down at her. 
Her tongue slides down to your entrance and you groan when she enters you. You feel her wet chin on you and when she picks up the pace and starts to tongue fuck you, your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
You let out a cry and your thighs close on their own accord, thankfully Agatha holds them in place as she licks her way up to your clit and sucks on it. 
It’s too much and not enough at the same time, you try telling her that, but the only thing you’re able to do is let out a sob and pull the hair you’ve holding. She lets out a moan at that and the vibration reverberates through your clit, making you throw your head back. 
She presses her tongue against your hole again and you squeeze your eyes shut, while repeating the motions her hand begins to move and the world seems to stop when a finger lays on your clit, before rubbing it in circular motions. Finally your body sizzles up and a cry escapes you as your lower half disconnects from the couch.
Agatha holds you as best as she can and carries you through your orgasm, before you finally settle back on the couch. 
She climbs back and crashes her mouth into yours, you taste yourself on her lips and sense the arousal rubbing between you two, your breasts are pressed together and you feel her nipples poking through the purple babydoll.
“How was that for a first time?” She asks you with a sly smirk. 
You undulate against her and let out a chuckle. “Couldn’t have gone better.”
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pinkponyglitter · 2 days
Dating Emily Prentiss Headcanons ᝰ.ᐟ
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notes; this is silly, but i was reeeally bored and didn’t feel good enough to write anything else. also tumblr is acting up, and it pisses me off. btw, i did it for fun, so please don’t be pressed about it.
some of those are nsfw. you are responsible for your own media consumption. minors do not interact !!
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ she loooves to use pet names, especially the ones like; my love, gorgeous, angel, sweet/pretty girl. she doesn’t really like to be called anything other than emily or em. pet names are a must, but not when it comes to her. they’re reserved for you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she absolutely adores you. she is your biggest supporter in literally everything, and she is showing you off every chance she gets.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she doesn’t like to talk about her emotions, and she’s also not really good at it. she’s trying really hard for you, and she’s doing much better than before. she still has some days, when she just stuck in her head — but if there’s someone who can help her, it’s you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ physical touch is her love language. she absolutely devours intimacy. showering together, you sleeping on top of her chest. small stolen kisses when you’re at the office, sliding her hands into your jean’s pockets. brief touches. anything that keeps her close to you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ gifts, good restaurants and date nights. she always make sure to have at least two date nights in a month. she has money and she loves to spoil you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ you always ask her if she has games on her phone, and that makes her absolutely feral — you know she doesn’t, but her reaction is always so funny and ridiculously exaggerated that you can’t stop yourself.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ “are you sure?” she always asks. even if she knows that your answer is “yes”. she needs to hear it every single time.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ cooking together — she’s obsessed with it, even if she’s not the best at cooking it’s fun to experiment with you. she often ends up calling rossi for help, and you always laugh at her trying to explain what went wrong.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ sometimes you just read together. you take one of your books, she takes of of hers and snuggling up with each other you have quiet time. you often break the silence to comment on something, and she’s more than happy to discuss it with you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ salsa classes! you didn’t want to, but she dragged you there, and at first you were super grumpy about that. everything changed when you saw her actually invested — you decided that you can make a foul of yourself from time to time, to see her smile. it’s worth it.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she’s absolutely the worst at texting people back. you always remind her to keep you updated, especially when she’s away. she forgets a lot, or just sends you thumb emoji in response.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ showing weakness is the end of the world for her. she doesn’t understand why someone like you, would put up with someone as broken as her. so when she needs help, she hesitate to ask. after a while you start to catch up pretty quickly — she doesn’t need to ask anymore, you just know. it’s much easier for her to just receive.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she’s insecure about her scars. when you started dating, she delayed sleeping with you for as long as she could. sometimes you catch her touching her scars, just tracing on top of them with her finger. you always remind her that it doesn’t define her.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she was the one to say ‘i love you’ first. it caught you off guard, as she said that while you were crying — you were having a bad day, and she didn’t hesitate to fix it. she was whispering small affirmations into your ear, holding you close and the words just slipped out of her mouth.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she always compliments the smallest things. things that people don’t usually notice, or they just don’t care enough to compliment them. sometimes it’s the lipstick you use, sometimes it’s your hair, new perfume, new jewelry. something. anything. it’s like she can’t stop herself, so she finds the smallest things.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ slow mornings on days off equals morning sex. slow, tender, sweet — something different than you both are into normally, but both of you absolutely love it. in most cases you end in the shower afterwards, and that usually ends with another round.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she’s a dom. she doesn’t give up the power easily, so when she does you always make sure to give her everything you have in you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ she is absolutely obsessed with you calling her mommy. at first it kind of started as a joke, but then you decided to use the mommy card when you were really desperate, and surprisingly it worked — you never went back.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ hickeys are a routine, you almost always have at least one somewhere on your body. although, it’s never in a place that people can see, she does it for you and herself. only.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ office sex happens more often than you intend. you both know that you probably shouldn’t. hell, you shouldn’t. period. somehow you end up fucking in her office a lot. she loves to throw you on her desk, and fuck the attitude you give her at work out of you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ you wearing her clothes is a huge turn on for her. if she could, she would climb the walls every single time you wore something of hers.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ getting you off is more than enough. she enjoys your body, the small gasps and moans. every sound you make is music to her ears. they way you shiver and squirm under her touch. it’s the best reward.
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
A bit of angstytober request of love triangle Mob Boss Natasha and mob boss Yelena so basically Natasha and reader and like flings and they both have to choose partner to help them with their mob boss activities, so Natasha chooses someone with more masculinity because her fellow mob bosses and parents were telling her too so she chose logic over her heart, but yelena decides to chose reader
Tangled Hearts
Pairing: Mob Boss! Natasha Romanoff, Mob Boss! Yelena Belova x Assistant! GN! Reader
Summary: Having feelings for two people is never easy.
Angst, Fluff & Suggestive Themes. 18+ Only, Men & Minors, DNI!
Warnings: Mentions of illegal activities, mentions of alcohol | 2.3K
Translations: Detka (baby), 
AC: I love this idea so much! Jess also sent me a mob boss idea (which you can see here) so I picked some ideas from that and included it into this request. I hope that’s okay! I hope you enjoy! x
October Special 2024 Masterlist
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“What are you thinking about?” You asked Natasha in a soft tone watching as she buttoned up her white shirt, the bed sheets covering your naked body. Natasha looked over her shoulder, her jaw ever so slightly clenched at the thought of telling you what you was playing on her mind. You wondered if you had any reason to be asking her this, after all, it was mostly just sex between the two of you, both of you using it for your own selfish reasons but you’d be lying if you didn’t start to feel something bigger than the heated moments shared in her bedroom. 
“It’s just business stuff” she replied, tugging her crystal white shirt into her black dress pants. 
“Anything I can help with?” You asked kindly. A heavy sigh filled the room as Natasha turned to you, sliding her phone into her pocket. She shook her head, “thank you but no thank you” she smiled ever so softly, “I have to go deal with somethings, um, thank you for last night” she added, reaching for her suit jacket before leaving the room. You let your head hit the softness of her pillow once more, allowing yourself a little time to gather your thoughts before you got your things and went home. 
Entering the ‘office’ which was nothing more than a mansion or a safe house of those who worked for the crime syndicates boss sisters, Natasha and Yelena. You sat down at your desk, turning your computer on when Yelena knocked softly at your door.
“Late night?” She asked with a slight hint of disappointment in her voice. You spun around on your chair to face her, “nothing out of the usual” you smiled softly. You’ve known the sisters for most of your life, they took you under their wing when you had nothing left. Both sisters have always admired your genius skills in cyber hacking and your high attention to detail. 
Yelena’s eyes dropped to the piece of paper in her hand, “got a job for me?” You asked, shifting the conversation. The blonde handed you the document with information, “Nat asked if you could wire some cash to detective Agnes O’Conner. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you this morning” Yelena explained causing your eyes to drop to your feet for a brief moment before you looked up at her once more. 
“Please don’t start, not today” 
Yelena closed the door behind her, “She hasn’t told you, has she?”  Tilting her head slightly to the right as she locked eyes with you.
“Told me what?” You asked with a light frown. 
“She’s moving. There are some issues in Mexico and cargo needs to moved, that’s why she’s paying Agnes to turn a blind eye” Yelena explained.
“Why does she need to move?” You questioned. 
“Because she’s taking over the cartel over there, it’ll be good for us, the business. It’ll open up a new world of money for us, new clients, we’re stepping up again” Yelena says with proudness in her voice. “You sound excited” you replied with a light smile. 
“Well, yeah” she wanders over to the sofa in your office and takes a seat, “You’re up for raise” she adds. 
“A-are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
Yelena nods, “things are going to change around here. With Nat moving, she needs some extra help so between her and I, we have to pick who we need most for our organizations. I thought she would’ve told you all this” 
The information made you understand why Nat was distant with you this morning. Your mind filled the thought of all the new changes that would be happening, and you could see that Yelena, although she was excited, she was nervous. 
“She’s going to ask me to go, isn’t she?” You asked the blonde. 
Yelena ran her fingers through her short blonde locks, “well since you both are such an item, I just assumed it would be the case” she replied, barely able to look at you. 
“Lena” you said softly, placing the document on your desk and wandering over to the sofa to take a seat next to her. “Lena, you can talk to me” you added, placing a hand gently on her knee. Her jaw clenched for a moment, deep down, her heart skipping a beat as she looked you in the eyes. 
“You should probably get that money wired” she said, brushing you off and standing up. 
Yelena turned to you, “oh, uhm, don’t leave for lunch today. We’re ordering in” she gave you a soft smile before leaving the room. 
“When’s your flight Natasha?” Alexei asked. 
“Later tonight” she replied, taking a puff from her cigar. 
“And you have everything sorted? You have an assistant, yes?” He asked. Natasha lent forward, “you stress to much old man. Everything is fine” she assures him. 
“So no, you don’t have an assistant” Melina pitches in, downing a shot of vodka. Nat sighed, “I don’t need an assistant” 
“Did you even look at the resumes I gave you? There is some good, strong men and women on that list” said Alexei. 
“Yes, I looked at them, not interested. Like I said, I don’t need an assistant” 
“It’s not negotiable Natasha. You’re going into foreign territory, this isn’t about getting you an assistant, you also need a bodyguard” Melina says, raising a brow at her daughter while the red head chuckled lightly at her mother’s words, “I can handle myself” she comments. 
Melina rolled her eyes before she locked eyes with Natasha once again, “you pick somebody Natasha, or I will” she says sternly. Natasha puts out her cigar, defeated, knowing she won’t win the argument no matter how good her skills are.
“What about Yelena?” The red head questions, she knows Yelena can look after herself and can stand her ground but she’s still her little sister and Natasha can’t help but feel protective of her. 
“Yelena is fine, she’s more organized than you” Melina replies, “you’re avoiding what needs to be done Natalia. Your heart, it’s clouding your judgment. You need to think logically, there isn’t anything wrong with them but are you sure that they can handle themselves and protect you if need be?” She adds, catching Natasha’s attention once more. 
“Ah, you and Yelena are still fighting over this hacker huh?” Alexei chimes in, exhaling smoke from this cigar. Natasha’s eyes shift to her father, “Fighting?” She questions, “Yelena isn’t interested in Y/n” she adds. Alexei chuckles before taking another puff at his cigar. 
“What is this idiot talking about?” Natasha asks, looking at her mother who sighs at Alexei’s words. 
“Hey!” Alexei frowns.
“Maybe I was wrong, maybe your heart isn’t in the way” Melina starts, “you’ve never noticed the way Yelena looks at them?” She asks making Natasha’s eyes drop to her feet. “Think logically, got it.” She says before standing up, wanting to end the discussion. 
Lunch time came with catered mini subs from subway, everybody at the office enjoying light chatter and laughter while taking a break from their illegal lifestyle for just a moment, everybody but you. After the news Yelena gave you this morning, you found yourself burying yourself into work. Finding anything to do, breaking into the FBI’s cyber security to access files you found yourself reading from time to time, your own personal record. 
“You’re torturing yourself reading that, you know that, right?” Yelena’s voice broke the silence in your office. Quickly, you closed the window and spun on your chair to face her, “doesn’t hurt to refresh your mind” you replied while Yelena let herself in with a mini sub on a plate for you. “You didn’t come to lunch” she said, placing the plate on the end of your desk.
“I got busy, sorry” 
“Thinking about Nat?” Yelena questioned. 
“Lena, just say it. You keep bringing it up so just say” you said, slightly raising your voice at the blonde. 
“Okay. Fine” Yelena sighs, “why don’t you just admit it?” 
“Admit what?” You question just as a soft knock on the door interrupts your conversation. You both look up and see Natasha leaning against the door frame, she gives Yelena a look that makes her excuse herself, leaving you along with Natasha. 
“She told you about Mexico?” Natasha asks, breaking the silence as she closes the door behind her. 
“Yeah, was that what this morning was about?” You watch as she steps closer to you, cupping your left cheek as she looks into your eyes, “I’ve been selfish” she says as her thumb gently strokes your cheek. “and I’ve blind to see what has been in front of me for so long. I’m not taking you with me detka” she adds, keeping strong eye contact with you. 
Gently, you remove her hand from your face and swallow the lump in your throat, “well we always said it was just casual” you remind her, but she sees past your wall. “When do you leave?” You ask her, trying to avoid an awkward situation. 
“Just because we have casual sex doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings for you, you need to know that” 
“Just not strong enough to ask me to go with you, right?” 
“Trust me, if I could ask you to come with me, I would but I can’t. Not when I know that your heart never belonged to me” 
You frown at her words, “what are you talking about? You’ve never asked me about my feelings and now suddenly my feelings matter?” 
“Your feelings have always matted detka, I was just too selfish to see the truth. I’m not the one who deserves you, I never did” she says.
“That’s not for you to decide Nat, but thanks for making up my mind for me” you snapped. 
“It wasn’t me who bailed you out all those years ago. It was Yelena. It’s Yelena that makes your eyes sparkle, that makes your laugh contagious, it’s Yelena that makes you rest your limits and makes you push yourself harder. It was never me and that’s okay. I wanted to be that person so much that I blocked out the way you look at her and the way she looks at you” Natasha explains calmly, as you stand from your chair in disbelief. 
“I’ve stood in the way of the happiness of the two people I care about the most for too long and even if I did choose you, Yelena already has.” She adds. 
You’ve known about Yelena’s feelings for a while now and you’d be lying if you didn’t feel something different with her than you do with Natasha. What you share with Natasha is something you’ve struggled with; you love the time you have with her, but you noticed just how different she is with you compared to Yelena. Maybe all you and Natasha were was a casual hook-up to keep one another distracted of the world you both lived in, maybe you tried too hard to convince yourself to have deeper feelings for the boss, these were thoughts that rang through your mind while Natasha made herself comfortable on the leather sofa. 
“You have every right to be mad with me” Natasha adds, drawing your attention back to her. 
“Mad with you? I could never be mad with you” you smile softly to assure her, “I’ll never understand truly what you and I share but I know I’ll miss it, and I’ll miss you” you add.
“I’m not going forever” Nat returns the soft smile, “I’m sure Alexei will fuck something up” she adds causing you both to chuckle. 
“I’m sure Yelena will keep him in his place” you replied. Natasha nodded in agreement before your office went silent once more, “are we okay?” She asks. You took a deep breath in before giving her an answer, “yeah, we’re okay”
“I’m glad, because I still need you regardless of if I am here or not. I need somebody to keep an eye on Yelena” Natasha jokes once more just to hear you laugh. 
With Natasha settling into things in Mexico, the workload didn’t seem so high. Although Yelena had meetings lined up all of next week, you kept working on a side hustle in hopes it would strike interest for the blonde. Using your skills, you heard word about a rival mob planning to move some military trade weapons, you made sure to have all the facts before presenting the idea to Yelena. The weapons could easily be sold to connections that Yelena had in Russia, a quick easy few million dollars to add to the accounts. 
Yelena was puffing on a cigar on the balcony when you approached her, almost startling her when you leaned against the railing overlooking the pool beside her. “I’ve got a little gift for you” you said, smirking at her. 
“Oh yeah?” Yelena replied, looking over at you. 
“You can have it on one condition” you tease, watching her put her cigar out. She never liked to smoke around others. 
“I’m listening” she said, turning slightly to face you better as you looked into her eyes.
“That you tell me what you wanted to tell me before Nat left last week” 
Yelena’s eyes dropped slightly as a smile tugged at her lips, “you really want to go there?” She asked. 
“Go where? I have no idea what you’re talking about” you teased her once more as she looked up at you, running her tongue over her bottom lip, “I’d rather skip that and get straight to the point”
“And what would that point be?” You questioned, feeling Yelena rest a hand on your hip, gently pulling you closer to her, “that Natasha never loved you the way I do, and I’ve been waiting a very long time to call you mine” she confessed. 
“Then do it” you said softly, “call me yours” 
With a soft smile, Yelena lent forward, capturing your lips with hers and only deepening the kiss when you kissed her back. The side hustle plan forgotten about, the world of crime non-existent just for the moment until Yelena pulled back ever so slightly, “I’m yours” she said in a soft whisper as you smiled, “and I’m yours” you replied.
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batboyblog · 2 days
I frankly also get the impression that a lot of these people genuinely think another Trump term will just be “business as usual” or “it’ll only hurt the people who deserve to suffer” and that they’ll just be able to hide away from the consequences for four years before someone comes along and fixes the mess for them and they get to benefit.
I don’t think they have any realization of just how bad this is gonna get the second time around, because the first time Trump was metaphorically behind a chained fence and held back by strong rope. This time he’s being let loose alongside his fascist theocratic friends.
I've puzzled about this for some time, because like do people honestly not remember what it was like? what those 4 years were like? the fear, the chaos, the national embarrassment. Every day waking up and going "oh god! what did he DO! while I was asleep!" and how often you'd wake up to some story that he'd tweeted something scary and dangerous at 4am. I believe him threatening to nuke North Korea (the "Fire and Fury" tweet) was one of those very early AM specials that we all woke up to.
I mean for people like Chappell, its hard to remember, but Trump has been the more or less national main character for 9 years, since the fall of 2015. I mean an 18 year old first time voter could have been 8 years old when Trump came down the gold escalators told us all that Mexicans were rapists and he was running for President. So for anyone under 30, Trump is normal since every election they've been able to vote in, he's been the Republican nominee. I've spent 9 years of my life, across 5 elections fighting Trump directly or indirectly. Depressing thought that.
but past that there's been a national effort to gaslight us all into thinking "yeah no it was normal" I mean I remember the media coverage of 2017, the first year or so of Trump's Presidency, every few weeks or so there'd be some "is it time for the 25th amendment now?" story about if Trump's weird behavior this time for his cabinet to step it and remove him. (A quick google turned up CNN Oct 2017, New York Times May 2017, The Guardian July 2017, and Vox February 2017) compare that to coverage today? The term "Sane-washing" has been coined where when Trump says something bonkers it gets characterized as "sometimes meandering" rather than "incomprehensible" and "worrying"
figures in the media have gone so far as to claim there's just no point to covering new Trump scandals because "they won't move the needle" which really should not be a journalist standard. And we see that they do, take North Carolina's Mark Robinson. Caught in a massive scandal, involving sex, porn, and being a Nazi, he's now down massively in the polls after nation wide coverage. Trump just had new court documents opened that showed he wanted a riot on January 6th, that his reaction to a mob threatening the life of his Vice-President was "so what?" and they he knew full well that he had lost but was going to "fight like hell" any ways. And its not much of a story, indeed I'm seeing more news about a NY Republican Congress having worn black face (new story today) than Trump's effort to over throw the government and kill Mike Pence.
past the media's gaslighting of course there's been a major and on-going campaign to effect how we see reality. I know that sounds very woo-woo, but to step back for second, most of what we know about the world is stuff people tell us, so you know Joe Biden is the President because other people have said so, most likely you've never met him or even seen him in person. Well as more and more people turn away from traditional media, and traditional media turns more and more to making of money by confirming the bias of people, it becomes easier and easier to slip things that are not real into "facts we are told". So for example "Joe Biden is President, and also in decline" there's never been any real evidence of that, but if on social media you are bombarded with it 4,000 times a day... you start to take it as understood wisdom.
people are also getting worse and worse at not just taking what they're told if it confirms biases they already have. Former Vice-President Al Gore wrote a book nearly 20 years ago now, called "The Assault on Reason" which had a ton of very interest neuroscience about the ways that moving images, TV he was talking about, by-pass the logic centers of the mind, the way we relate and trust someone talking to us in a way the written word does not. I can't help but reflect on that with the rise of TikTok and short form video as a "source of information" (lol)
any ways this is a long winded way of saying bad faith players, Republicans, left wing grifters, and agents of chaos, have been very good at flooding the zone all through the Biden Presidency with stuff "student loan debt" remember when that was SO! important SO big and Biden "not doing anything" (untrue) was the biggest deal? well yesterday his newest plan got unlocked in court and 3 out of every 4 people with loan debt will get relief.... oh you're just now hearing about that from me? huh... funny... I thought it was the number one issue and reason we should never trust Biden and the Democrats... weird....
but there have been other issues pushed up as THE! issue, its all misdirection, its all meant to get natural Democratic voters to feel frustrated, upset, and hopeless, and not to vote their interest. The world is a big complex multi moving machine, and anyone telling you that one issue either fixes every other issue or totally totally outweighs everything else and should for everyone, is most likely BSing you and doesn't have your best interests at heart.
and lets be clear, Trump is a Rapist he's a lot of things, traitor, racist, scumbag, criminal, scab, tax cheat, fraud, etc but for me any ways, I'm not gonna vote for a rapist to be President and if other people aren't gonna do everything they can to stop a rapist from being the President I don't want to hear how much they care about progressive issues.
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solxamber · 2 days
Omg, uh sorry if this is filling up your inbox! You can take your time with this anytime! Pls take care of urself if u feel sad (Romantic btw :3)
Savanaclaw and Scarabia with a silly reader who owns a circus and stuff— they act all innocent and stupid and silly, but are actually really good at being mature and responsible and smart (emotionally and intelligently). And, They always have some extremely shocking stories to tell, like that one time where they and Falena are friends and how their family has some history with the al-asims.. oh the list can go on!...
can u see what I see ☹️☹️
Savanaclaw, Scarabia with a Silly but mature! reader
i think i see your vision anon 🫡 Thank you for the request!
also the inbox is open for all requests, there's no need to be sorry!
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona was lounging under a tree, as usual, his eyes half-closed as you plopped down beside him. You had that mischievous smile again, and he braced himself for whatever nonsense you were about to spout.
“Leona, did I ever tell you about the time I accidentally declared myself queen of a lost kingdom? Oh yeah, I was leading a parade for my circus when we stumbled upon this hidden city in the desert. They hadn’t seen outsiders in centuries, and for some reason, they thought my outfit meant I was royalty. Long story short, I ruled for a day—had a crown and everything.”
Leona cracked an eye open, staring at you. “You? A queen?”
“Yep. But don’t worry, I abdicated the next morning. Told them it wasn’t for me. Too much responsibility, you know?” You laughed, completely at ease, as if you hadn’t just described one of the most ridiculous situations ever.
Leona groaned. “You’ve gotta be making this stuff up.”
“Nope! 100% true. I even have pictures of the royal llama they gave me as a parting gift.” You winked, leaving Leona wondering whether you were serious or just really good at telling tall tales.
But later that day, a real problem cropped up in Savanaclaw. Some of the younger students had gotten into a fight, and it was escalating fast. Leona, grumbling, was about to step in when you, with a surprisingly firm tone, intervened.
“Hey! Knock it off!” you commanded, standing between the feuding students with a calm but authoritative air. “Fighting’s not going to solve this. You need to talk it out—what’s going on?”
To Leona’s surprise, they actually stopped. You took each of them aside, patiently listening and guiding them to a resolution, diffusing the situation before it could spiral. Once things calmed down, you turned back to Leona with a smile, as if nothing unusual had happened.
“See? All it takes is a bit of patience.”
Leona stared at you, genuinely impressed. “You’re... not as dumb as you act, are you?”
“Only when it’s convenient,” you replied, your grin back in full force. But there was a warmth behind your eyes, a quiet confidence that made Leona’s chest tighten. For once, he didn’t have a sarcastic comeback, just a lingering thought that maybe you were a lot more than you seemed.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie was used to your wild stories by now, but every time you shared one, it still left him shaking his head in disbelief. Today, you were telling him about one of your most outlandish adventures yet.
“So, Ruggie, did I ever mention the time I accidentally joined a pirate crew? My circus got shipwrecked on this random island, and before I knew it, I was swabbing the deck of a pirate ship. They thought I was this legendary thief, and I just rolled with it. Spent the whole month trying to convince them to switch to legal trade—pretty sure I turned them into a merchant fleet by the end.”
Ruggie almost choked on his snack. “You? A pirate? No way.”
“True story! They even gave me a parrot. Named him Biscuit.” You grinned like this was the most normal thing in the world.
Ruggie shook his head, laughing. “You’re somethin’ else, y’know that?”
But not long after, a real problem popped up. One of the younger students in Scarabia had been short on money, and there was a mix-up with their scholarship. The kid was panicking, unsure how to fix it. While Ruggie was good at hustling, this wasn’t his field of expertise. He figured the situation was about to get messy.
Then you stepped in, calmly talking to the student. “Hey, don’t worry. We’ll figure this out. Let me help.”
You guided the student through the bureaucratic mess, making calls, filling out forms, and working things out with Scarabia’s administration. By the end of it, everything was sorted, and the student left with a grateful smile.
“You handled that like a pro,” Ruggie commented, impressed. He hadn’t expected you to know your way around serious issues like that.
“Sometimes life throws you curveballs, and you’ve gotta handle them with a cool head,” you said with a wink. “I’ve got practice from managing a circus, after all.”
Ruggie chuckled, but the admiration in his eyes was clear. “You’re full of surprises.”
“Good surprises, I hope?”
“The best kind,” Ruggie grinned, feeling his heart skip a beat. You might act goofy, but there was something about you that kept pulling him in.
Jack Howl
Jack was used to your carefree attitude by now, but your stories never failed to catch him off guard. Today, you were regaling him with a tale so absurd he didn’t even know how to respond.
“So, Jack, did I ever tell you about the time I accidentally tamed a dragon? It’s true! I was performing in a mountain village when this dragon showed up, all angry and roaring. Turns out, he had a thorn in his foot. Once I pulled it out, we became best buds. He even gave me a ride back home.”
Jack slowed his jog, staring at you incredulously. “You’re telling me you... tamed a dragon? Just like that?”
“Yep! He was actually really sweet once he wasn’t in pain. Kinda like a giant puppy.” You laughed, completely unfazed by how insane the story sounded.
Jack shook his head, half-impressed, half-baffled. “You’re something else.”
But later, when a real problem cropped up—a couple of first-years lost their way in the forest near campus—your goofy demeanor melted away, replaced by a calm, focused attitude. Jack was ready to run in headfirst, but you stopped him.
“Wait, Jack. If we charge in, we might get lost too. Let’s think this through.”
You took a moment to assess the situation, coming up with a plan that involved splitting up into small, safe search parties. You helped guide the students back, your calm leadership reassuring everyone involved.
Jack was impressed. “You... really know how to handle things when it matters.”
You smiled softly, shrugging. “I guess when you’ve been through enough crazy stuff, you learn how to stay calm.”
Jack couldn’t help but admire you. You might be goofy, but you had a strong sense of responsibility underneath it all. And, more than anything, he liked that you didn’t lose your lightheartedness, even when things got tough.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Jack muttered, a little flustered.
You grinned. “Just doing my best. But thanks, Jack.”
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim was always delighted by your stories, and today, you had another one to tell that had him practically bouncing in excitement.
“So, Kalim, did I ever tell you about the time I accidentally became the head chef for an underwater banquet? We were traveling with the circus near a coastal city, and somehow, I got mistaken for a famous sea chef. Next thing I knew, I was cooking for a bunch of merfolk. It wasn’t too bad, except for the fact that the main course was supposed to be jellyfish. Do you know how hard it is to cook jellyfish?”
Kalim’s eyes went wide with fascination. “No way! What did you do?”
“Well, I just winged it! Turns out, jellyfish isn’t that bad if you deep fry it. The merfolk loved it, though I think one of them might’ve cried because I didn’t use enough seaweed seasoning.” You giggled at the memory, and Kalim burst into laughter beside you.
“That’s amazing! You always have the best stories!” Kalim grinned from ear to ear, completely charmed by your carefree attitude.
But later, as a group of students caused a commotion in Scarabia over some miscommunication regarding event planning, Kalim started to get overwhelmed. The party plans were a mess, and everyone was panicking.
Before Kalim could start spiraling, you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Kalim, it’s okay. We can fix this.”
You quickly took charge, calmly directing people, assigning tasks, and helping resolve the confusion with remarkable ease. Despite the chaos, you remained collected and responsible, ensuring everything got back on track. By the end of it, the students were thanking you for saving the event.
Kalim watched you in awe, his heart swelling with admiration. “Wow, you’re amazing at this! I didn’t even think about half of the things you just did!”
You smiled, a little sheepishly. “I’ve learned a thing or two from managing my own circus. Keeping things organized is important when you’ve got that many moving parts.”
Kalim beamed, his admiration growing even more. “You’re incredible! I love how you can be so fun and carefree but also super responsible when it matters.”
You laughed. “Well, I can’t have you stressing out, can I?”
Kalim’s heart fluttered as he realized just how much he adored every part of you—the goofy, lighthearted side and the calm, mature side that always seemed to have everything under control.
“I’m lucky to have you around,” he admitted softly, his face turning pink.
You grinned, nudging him playfully. “And I’m lucky to have someone who enjoys my stories. We make a good team.”
Jamil Viper
Jamil wasn’t one to get distracted easily, but you had a way of getting under his skin, especially with the wild stories you told so casually.
“So, Jamil, you know how everyone has a weird family tradition? Mine is... accidentally kidnapping a sultan’s pet tiger. Oh, it wasn’t on purpose, of course! The circus was performing in this palace, and I thought it was part of the act. Turns out, it was the sultan’s favorite tiger. Had to smooth things over with a five-course apology dinner. But hey, I got to keep a gold plate as a souvenir.”
Jamil blinked, his expression somewhere between disbelief and amusement. “You... kidnapped a royal tiger?”
“Yep! Accidentally, though. I gave it back!” you laughed, completely unfazed by how wild the story was. “But I did manage to calm the sultan down. Turns out, I’m pretty good at apologizing.”
Jamil shook his head, exhaling a slow breath. “I don’t know how you manage to stay so calm in situations like that.”
“Well, when you run a circus, you learn to roll with the punches,” you winked.
Later that evening, when a situation arose with a group of students causing chaos in Scarabia, you stepped up before Jamil could even lift a finger.
“Hold on, I’ll talk to them,” you said, stepping forward.
With a calm but firm approach, you quickly diffused the situation, guiding the students to settle down and offering solutions to their grievances. You did it all without raising your voice, just being patient and understanding.
Jamil watched, impressed at how you handled everything so smoothly. Once the students dispersed, he approached you with a newfound respect in his eyes.
“You’re... more capable than you let on,” he admitted, glancing away.
You smiled, not smugly, but warmly. “I just know when it’s time to be serious. Someone’s gotta keep the peace around here.”
Jamil’s heart skipped a beat. Maybe there was more to your lighthearted nature than he initially thought.
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I know that you mostly post about the Temu Royals but I am finding the new communications strategy of the Waleses to be quite interesting. They invited an amateur photographer, Liz, a young woman with cancer to take the photos at the investiture William did today, Catherine was there too but unannounced.
It seems to me they’re trying to keep thigh control over their social media while appearing more “approachable” but leaving the RR in the dark.
What do you think of it?
Quick little disclaimer first: I don’t want to be posting mostly or only about the Sussexes. I would rather actually not be posting about them as much as I do but I don’t get a lot of asks about other happenings in the BRF. I’m thinking about taking some longer breaks as we get into my busy season at work because this is too much Sussex.
I like the new media approach. I feel like it’s something William and Kate have wanted for a very long time - to have more control over how they’re covered. Not in a censorship kind of way, but more in a…putting “mystique” back in “royal mystique, or drawing a very sold, very defined line between what the public can access and their privacy. - so when everyone blew their top about simple edits to a family photo, they decided to take advantage of the moment.
The rota to me is a double-edged sword. On one side, they’re responsible for covering the royal family and providing information about them to their public. But on the other hand, they’re a money-making for-profit endeavor. They will only ever always cover the royals in ways that makes them, or their bosses, money. Meaning controversy, scandal, secrets, and gossip sell better than standard straightforward reporting - aka, the Court Circular.
The second part of it is the intrusiveness and pervasiveness of media today. First, the pervasiveness: the 24/7 media cycle has entitled the public to demand constant coverage of all newsmakers (politicians, athletes, musicians, actors, royals, etc.) to justify their interest in them. Because the public demands constant coverage, it’s similarly entitled, and enabled, the press - especially the rota - to demand to be in the newsmakers’ spaces. They believe it’s their job to be constantly present and they enforce their presence with controversy, scandal, secrets, and gossip under the guise of “informing the public.”
Then second, the intrusiveness: the use of social media has entitled the public and press to not only demand inclusion in the newsmakers’ private non-public spaces, but also to offer commentary and criticism over those spaces and that portion of their lives.
So because of that pervasiveness and intrusiveness, the lines between private and public and between fact-based reporting and opinion editing has blurred, and blurred so badly that it’s nonexistent. It probably didn’t help to have royals like Charles, Diana, Camilla, Andrew, Sarah, Harry, Meghan, and Eugenie running to talk to the media every single time they were offended or wanted attention. (And it also didn’t help that some reporters were hacking phones either.) Because certain senior royals were friendlier with the press, it ushered in an era of open transparency that enabled the public and the press - including the rota - to demand identical access and transparency from all royals in their personal lives/personal relationships - William and Kate especially.
After all, look what happened when Kate asked for privacy and needed some time to recover from a major surgery in hospital; the public and the press demanded she show herself and when she didn’t, it became controversy and scandal and the gossip proliferated in an attempt to force her out, and members of the rota were actively participating in that too.
Anyway. All this to say that KP’s new media strategy of disengaging with the rota to communicate directly to the public themselves using their own channels is good. I think so, at least.
The rota has gotten too big for its britches, in a way, especially if they felt emboldened to criticize Kate’s desire for privacy to convalesce from major surgery - and then a shocking cancer diagnosis - in private. They’ve needed reform for a long time, since the mid-90s-ish (when the 24/7 media cycle first became problematic (and I have theories on that too which I’m happy to discuss if anyone else wants)), which Harry was right to want and work towards.
Except Harry’s vision for reforming the rota and the monarchy’s relationship with the press was, essentially, censorship and autocratic control (ie “print only what I tell you to print and nothing else”), effective immediately. William’s solution seems to be more baby steps; letting the rota still have most of their access to do most of their work, but removing their ability to cover certain private or personal events (eg the birthday photos) and occasional work engagements (eg this latest investiture), then hopefully being able to scale that up to where the rota is actually doing their job to report on the monarchy, vs generating controversy or scandal to sell headlines. I do hope that William’s plan to modernize the monarchy’s media strategy means that he will diversify the rota and open it up to more publications and more new media - including from the realms, instead of letting traditional Fleet Street publications/tabloids hold the monopoly (because I do think that power has gone to all their heads, and I do agree with Scobie on Endgame that leadership of the rota needs to be on a rotating term basis, instead of always permanently Rebecca English).
I do think yesterday’s investiture where there was no media but the one photographer was probably a one-off event, perhaps along the lines of “make a wish” (but not really; I do think the Waleses felt for Liz and really wanted to give her/her family special, happy moments after having dealt with their own similar challenges this year.)
Personally for me, I don’t think there’s much to comment on about whether all future investitures will be embargoed or press-restricted until/unless it happens again because once is a happenstance, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern.
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mochinomnoms · 1 day
Shrimpy Chronicles: The Drop-Off
Background Octopolycule x Reader (Main: Dad!Jade and OC!Daughter)
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“Open water! I wanna see the water open at the drop-off!” Oh yes, she knows all about how Dada raved about the drop-off. Pearl knew it all too well, more than she wanted, actually. Dada, with his droopy eyes and raspy giggle, talked about how the open ocean is where all the big scaries come from. Where leviathans sleep, and the kraken lays in wait for the next unsuspecting meal. And that’s if the human fish-ear-men don’t get you first! “They throw in iron hooks, puttin’ tasty morels from the surface to bribe ya. And then, when you bite, take even a nibble, the hook digs into your cheek! And out through your skin! They drag ya up ‘n out of the water, and then they skin and scalp ya to eat!” No, she didn’t have nightmares for weeks after! Pearl was just having a hard time sleeping!
Collection Masterlist: Shrimpy Chronicles
[wc} - 2,020
[cw/tags] - Reader is mentioned as 'Ama' but has they/them pronouns, in daughter's p.o.v., heavily implied poly!octotrio x reader, main focus is Jade with daughter.
[notes] - I wanted to write a cute domestic scenario with the other twin since I did Coral in the last story lol. Thinking aboujt Jade's dream in Book 7, even though it's not accurate I think it does show that he does like having his friend and brother around. I think he'd want his kids to feel the same about their own siblings and friends.
also prime sibling behavior at the end uwu
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If Pearl had to decide on going to school or hiding in the coral in her bedroom, she’d rather hide. 
No, she’s not a baby! She’s not scared of her first day of school! She just doesn’t want to go, she thinks it’s booooooring!
That’s what she’s telling Coral anyways, who rolled her eyes when Pearl asked if she wanted to skip the day before. 
“I don’t wanna! Dada said they take you to the drop off and look at how deep the-the—um…”
Coral had scrunched her nose and lips, frustration clear on her little face.
“I forgot what it was called.”
“I think Dada said it was open?”
“Open water! I wanna see the water open at the drop-off!”
Oh yes, she knows all about how Dada raved about the drop-off. Pearl knew it all too well, more than she wanted, actually. 
Dada, with his droopy eyes and raspy giggle, talked about how the open ocean is where all the big scaries come from. Where leviathans sleep, and the kraken lays in wait for the next unsuspecting meal. 
And that’s if the human fish-ear-men don’t get you first!
“They throw in iron hooks, puttin’ tasty morels from the surface to bribe ya. And then, when you bite, take even a nibble, the hook digs into your cheek! And out through your skin! They drag ya up ‘n out of the water, and then they skin and scalp ya to eat!”
No, she didn’t have nightmares for weeks after! Pearl was just having a hard time sleeping!
Either way, Pearl just didn’t feel like leaving the comfort of her home. Her Baba was gone for the morning already to check on his restaurant on the surface, while her Ama and Nana Narissa left a bit ago to talk with people in the town.
Ama and Nana had given her and her sister lots of kisses and made them breakfast to wish them good luck. Ama looked ready to cry as Nana put a barrette made of sturgeon scales into Coral’s hair, clipping her two dark strands of hair back and out of her face.
 Ama was fully bawling as Nana did the same thing for Pearl, though her hair was long and thin enough to be fully clipped into a low ponytail.
“They match like their fathers! Waaaah! They’re so cute!” 
Ama had been babbling, squeezing Coral and Pearl to her chest like a kid with a toy. Dada always squeezed tightly, but Ama could give him a run for his money right then.
Nana had to drag Ama away and called for her Dada and Papa to finish getting her and Coral ready. Dada was giggling at Ama as they swam out the front door, while Papa was looking at her and Coral. 
“My, my. Look, Floyd, the little ones are matching us.” Papa reached down to tap at the barrettes in her and her twin’s hair. “How did Mother get these scales, I wonder?”
“Mama’s real cutthroat, probably told some of them that she’d serve them up to humans if they didn’t give her some.” Dada had taken to picking up Coral by the tail and swinging her upside down in his arms. 
“What? No, Nana is nice!” Coral was giggling, twisting and turning to get out of Dada’s grasp. 
“Nice to you, Nana loves her baby grand shrimp!” Pearl watched as Coral managed to wiggle mostly out of Dada’s grasp, reaching up to pull at his dark gray strand of hair 
As her sister pulled harder at his hair, and Papa swam over to pull Coral away from his face, Pearl took the opportunity to quietly slip out and back into her bedroom. She could still make out the sounds of laughter and a screech from Dada as she heard a chomping sound. 
Pearl giggled to herself, swimming into her bedroom to find a hiding spot. Somewhere new, though, where Dada or Papa couldn’t find her. 
Hmm, in the bookshelf? No, that wouldn’t work. Under the pillows? No, they’d see her underneath it. Oh, wait! Baba left his old octopot in their room! Said something about using it for a hatchling, but she didn’t know what that was!
She’s not a hatchling, so maybe they’d never suspect she’d be there. Perfect!
Pearl hummed to herself, going into the toy corner, where she saw the black, metal cauldron among the many toys she and her sister had been gifted with over the years. 
She didn’t exactly match the color of the pot, but Pearl supposes she can cover the entrance with a stuffed toy.
“Hmm, oh! This one!” Pearl grabbed a blue and yellow reef fish, just big enough to cover the entrance, and curled into the pot as tightly as she could. 
Pearl closed her eyes and relaxed, being soothed by the cool iron of the pot and the darkness surrounding her. Even the stripes on her tail were starting to glow in the rhythm of her heartbeat. 
Biting at the tips of her claws, she waited for the sounds of her fathers and sister to finally disappear. Hopefully they wouldn’t notice she snuck off and—
“Oya? Now what little creature is hiding here?”
The sudden light in her eyes made Pearl hiss and curl further into herself, burying her face into her tail and arms. She felt Papa’s hands carefully reach in and pull her out, though she growled and swiped at them. Even when she bit into one of his fingers, Papa still carefully cradled her and brought her back into the open. 
He looked amused as she gnawed on his finger, twisting her little tail around his arm as she let out another growl, trying to imitate a roll she’d seen him do to a barracuda once. A death roll, she thinks it was called?
“I see, it’s my little elver! Now, what is my elver doing hiding from her Papa, hmm?” Papa cooed at her, rubbing his thumb against her cheek affectionately. 
Pearl let out a pleased purr, finally letting go of his fingers and nuzzling into his touch. She just about melted into his arms as he brought her to his chest, humming as she curled in like she used to when she first hatched. 
“Now, Pearl, what’s going on?” Papa sunk to the floor, curling his tail around him as he spoke. “Aren’t you excited about your first day? Your sister certainly is.”
“Umm, yeah! I just—I just feel—um—sick!” Pearl let out a ‘cough’, sticking her tongue out for dramatic effect.
“Ehgeh…I’m too sick to go to school.”
Papa’s chest shook, sounding like he did when he was trying not to laugh at Baba Zuzu when she tried to eat one of his arms. 
“Oh, is that—pfft—so?”
“Yeah! Too sick. Too tiiiired! I stay home!”
Pearl went limp in Papa’s arms, feeling rather satisfied in herself. She managed to trick him! No school for her means no drop-off either! Now she could stay home all day and—
“Oh noooo, you can’t stay home, Pearl, we need to take you to the doctor!”
“Oh, um, no thank you—”
“Yes, yes. You must go to the doctor, that cough sounds awfully terrible. You’re going to need, hmm, throat surgery.”
Pearl started squirming out of Papa’s grasp, finding it rather hard to do when he decided to squeeze her against his chest. 
“No Papa Jade, I don’t wanna go to the doctor—”
“Hmm, then you’ll need medicine, the one that tastes like sour algae.” 
Pearl panicked, pushing against his face, which was slowly morphing into a grin.
“Actually Papa, I think I’m okay, I’m not sick—”
Papa’s second jaws clacked as he softly pressed his teeth on her, brushing against her cheek, then neck, then tummy, tickling her. 
“Aha! You lied to Papa, now he’s going to eat you!”
“EEEEE!” Pearl shrieked, thrashing in his hold as she cackled. “NOOO—snrk—STOOOP! PAPAAAA! AAAAAAH—snort—THAT TICKLES!!”
Papa let out a gentle laugh as he finally let Pearl breathe, using his free arm to lean against the ground. She was small enough though for her to still be cradled in his other arm. 
“Now, Pearl, do you want to tell me the actual reason you don’t want to go to school? It’s your first day after all.”
Tucking herself into his arms and shutting her eyes closed, Pearl mumbled into her Papa’s chest.
“...I’m scared of the monsters…”
She felt herself moving again, peeking from her eyelashes to look at Papa’s frowning face. 
“Monsters my sweet?”
Peal nodded, tapping her claws together nervously. 
“Yeah, and the fish-ear-mans. The ones that Dada Floyd said would-would—um—scape you to eat?”
“Scalp, my sweet.” Papa looked mad, but still gave her a soft smile. “He means scalp.”
Sighing and swimming up and towards the door, Papa held Pearl’s hand to help her follow. 
“And he’s being a bit dramatic, they don’t eat little mermaids like you. Even if they wanted to, I wouldn’t let them.”
The living room was empty, Dada and Coral probably left already to the pickup spot for school. It wasn’t very far from their grotto, and it looked like a lot of other families were on the way as well. 
“...But, Papa? What about the monsters?”
Papa looked down at her, his eyes softening as he rubbed a thumb over her hand. 
“Well, the sea has many monsters, but they all live far, far away from the reef. Much farther in the deep sea, that’s why you go to school, to learn how to protect yourself from the monsters.”
Pearl pouted, she didn’t know what learning her numbers had to do with monsters. 
“But, if I stay home…the monsters will never find me! Problem solved!”
She smiled to herself, shimmying her shoulders like she was dancing. 
“They can’t find me at home! You can protect me!”
Papa let out a chuckle, tugging her along as they saw Dada and Coral waiting at the pickup for the teacher. She thinks his name was Mr. Raymond.
“Well, that is certainly true, but—” Tugging her up into his arms again, Papa pressed his forehead against hers and murmured. “—who will protect Coral? She’ll be all alone without you.”
Pearl frowned at that, looking at her sister, who was currently clenching tight onto Dada’s arm and digging her teeth into his shoulder. 
“...I think Dada Floyd needs more protecting than Coral.”
A laugh left Papa’s mouth as he watched the small shrimpmer somehow launch herself at Dada’s face, making him fall backwards into the ground.
“Perhaps you’re right, but she’d still like the company. I know I did with your other parents.” 
She smiled at that, Coral did always like bringing her around when they got into trouble. Baba and Ama told her that Dada and Papa got into it a lot too. They seemed to grow up fine. 
“...Okay Papa, I trust you!”
Pearl wriggled out of his grasp, darting over to Coral and practically tackled her off of Dada and into the soft sand. Both of them giggled as they played a game of tag, waiting for their teacher to pick them up. 
As the two were preoccupied, Jade swam up to Floyd, who was up and stretching his arms over his head. 
“Heya Jade, was wondering how long it’d take ya to find Pearl—yow!”
Floyd hissed as Jade pulled on his earfin, on the verge of digging his claws into the thin skin. A small, polite smile on his face, Jade leaned in to quietly hiss. 
“When our mates get back home from their work and chores, we are going to have a good and clear conversation about how to talk to our children, if just to keep myself from mangling you to shreds.”
Finally let go of, Floyd held a hand to his now tender fin, glaring at his brother and growling. 
“Tch, what’s stoppin’ ya now?”
Jade pouted and wiped an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye, even sniffling for dramatic effect. 
“Our mates—unfortunately—adore you too much, I fear Azul and (Name) would be devastated…”
“Fuckin’ asshole.”
“Yes you are, but what am I?”
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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wanderingwnderland · 3 days
more valentina hcs pls?🤘🤘
yandere! female model x fem reader . ۫ ꣑ৎ .
a/n: I hope this was up to your standards 🦇🍒 thank you so much for requesting for her!
currently listening to: bulls in the bronx - pierce the veil
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Valentina has a habit of being incredibly touchy when it comes to you, and the fact that she’s so unapologetic about it makes it even worse. She couldn’t care less if the two of you were stood in front of a group of 1,000 people, she will hug you from behind while one of her hands is practically groping one of your tits. However, she doesn’t do this with the intention of initiating sex. She is so much worse when she’s in desperate need of playfully flicking your nipples with her slick tongue while her hands are down your sweatpants. She’s a really bold person and doesn’t seem to care if her desires make your face flush with how descriptive and needy her language can get. If anything, she finds it really cute when you get all shy on her.
This girl absolutely loves to bake/cook and she somehow manages to love it even more when she’s making something that she knows you’ll enjoy. She treats this sorts of things as surprises that should be taken very seriously. Sure you know she’s working on something for you with the way she’s practically banned you from entering the kitchen for the day, but the fun part is you never know what it is exactly that she’s making. Valentina has a raging adoration for everything creepy and surrounding ‘spooky season’, so don’t be surprised when she makes you little hand pies made to appear as miniature ghosts.
She has an extreme obsession with horror movies, so she’ll love planning movie nights with you and preparing food for the occasion. She’ll pick out all of your favorite snacks, and insist that she doesn’t need your help in the kitchen because she just “wants to take care of you.”
The nicknames that she has for you consist of the basic, yet adorable ones like baby, honey, sweetness, and sweetheart. But, she also loves giving you nicknames based off of the most random things like your favorite movie, song, color, certain physical features, etc.
For example, if your favorite color is pink she’ll call you pinkie. If it’s black she’ll call you battie (cute, right 🦇?). If your hair is curly, she’ll call you her ‘little curly’. Other times, her nicknames for you can just be outwardly silly like ‘cutie baby’. Doesn’t necessarily make sense but that doesn’t mean you don’t love it.
Valentina makes it incredibly well known that she’s yours and you are hers. She’ll gift you necklaces that have her name as the charm, hoop earrings that have her name inside of them, promise rings, etc. she loves giving you gifts and especially when they give everyone the message that you’re taken, and you belong to her. Valentina already has a majority of her body decorated with tattoos so she had no problem taking herself to get your name tattooed on her a month into you guys dating. She had a golden necklace with your name as a pendant, a shirt that says ‘ I ❤️ my girlfriend’, and so much more. She absolutely adores you and isn’t shy about showing it.
It’d be fair to say that Valentina doesn’t necessarily like certain people, but she tolerates them. You’re the only person (except her parents) that she truly loves being around. She is constantly face timing, calling, and texting you. She has your location on her phone, so she’ll ask you to pick her up an iced coffee if she sees that you’re near her favorite coffee spot. But not before sending you the money herself. She basically never lets you use your own money.
As I was saying, you’re literally the only person that Valentina loves being around. She’s constantly cuddling up to you, giving you the cutest of nicknames, taking you to try out new bakeries, cafes, restaurants, taking you on European getaways, etc. she just cannot get enough of you and you could probably get the message with the way she talks to you in a baby voice, gently squeezes your cheek whilst doing so.
“God, I love you so fucking much, baby. You know that, right? I hope you do, never think that I don’t. If only you knew the things I’d do for you, honey.”
Except you do know. She is constantly fixing her mouth to tell you about how she’d kill for you, and how she’ll never let anyone hurt you. You’re her baby and she would never show her face again if something were to happen to you. Especially if someone hurt you and she didn’t do anything to them in return. You always thought that her protective tendencies and sayings were endearing but you didn’t really know what to think when you actually caught her in the act.
You were flat out frustrated, angry even. How could they think they could just talk to you whichever way they wanted? Sure, you got your word in and walked off to cool down from the altercation, but that didn’t mean Valentina couldn’t sense the pure anger radiating off of you once you made it back home. “What’s wrong, honey? Wanna tell me what happened?” The sound of her velvety voice made you practically surrender to her and explain why you were upset. Including who made you upset. The conversation ended with her speaking words of reassurance and comfort to you as she rubbed her hand up & down your back. However, you couldn’t help but notice how angry she sounded. It was honestly quite frightening when your head was nestled within the crook of her neck and you could hear her whispers of comfort come out of her mouth in an increasingly furious manner.
“It’s okay, alright? It’ll be okay, just don’t worry about them. I’ll make sure you’ll never have to worry about their bullshit ever again. I’ll do it. It’ll be okay”. The black haired girl kept on repeating herself as if she was summoning some sort of darker force. And what did she mean by “I’ll do it”? You eventually took your mind off of that and your day together went on as normal.
However, you found yourself stirring awake from your slumber at four in the morning due to the sound of the shower running. You decide to take it upon yourself to check on the noise as Valentina wasn’t beside you. Why was she showering so early? Did she have a show today?
But what could you do when you found your girlfriend removing thick stains of crimson blood off of her skin?The red substance being washed off of her body and making its way down the drain. She turned to you and her expression was surprisingly calm, as if she couldn’t have a moment of relaxation until she did it. But the moment she saw your face filled with shock she was incredibly quick to begin making her way towards you in an attempt to comfort you. Valentina couldn’t help but start sobbing at the thought of scaring you, she just loves you so much, baby, and she would never want to scare you.
“I’m so sorry if I scared you, baby, please don’t be scared. I just hated seeing the way they made you feel an-and I had to do something! But everything is okay now, alright? Don’t worry about it you know I hate to see you worried. I took care of it, I’ll always do what I can to take care of you, honey.”
The scene was almost poetic in a way. There you were holding your girlfriend who was sobbing and covered in the blood of another human being as water droplets hit her bare body, yours clothed. And all of this ensued for the simple reason that another person made you upset. But, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Valentina is the love of your life and you’re willing to stick beside her throughout everything and anything that occurs during the duration of your relationship. Even if it’s at the expense of other people’s lives.
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hi roman,
I was wondering if you had any advice or insight on your experiences as a christian and reconciling it with progressive views. i’m a catholic but it’s hard to justify my liberal views in presence of other people with my same religion and im feeling a bit lost in my faith right now.
I’m not Catholic I’m Protestant but I’ll try my best here. The way I put it is I’m trying with my politics to pick what causes as much net good in the world as possible. God calls us to love our neighbors, to love others, to love Him, to love ourselves, to feed the hungry. God also calls for the wealthy to give up their possessions. Taxes and taxing the rich to me logically fits into all of that. If we take a portion of our own money and especially money from the rich we can feed the hungry and house people as a society. Something that we’re supposed to do as Christians.
And if you’re talking about socially progressive views, a lot of the stuff about all that in the Bible is ambiguous. And a lot of it is also meant for a society we no longer live in. Again I try to go with what causes the most net good. And with certain things, trying to aggressively weed them out causes more harm than the thing itself. For example drunkenness. Going on a tirade against people getting drunk doesn’t work. In fact historically it’s led to more drunkenness. The way to reduce drunkenness and alcoholism in society is to give people support, make the stuff available for purchase as safe as possible, and educate them on how to drink safely. There’s a lot of things that are best fought with understanding and providing resources and there’s some things completely out of peoples control. Generally trying to snuff these things out by force as a lot of people try to only makes the problems worse, if they are problems at all.
And this won’t convince people. Not if they already have their minds made up anyways. But it might be helpful for you and your mindset.
And you know a lot of things that people think are “sins” aren’t really causing harm. Like, gay sex. What physical or spiritual harm is that causing to anyone involved? Even if you believe it’s wrong (which I don’t) aggressively trying to stop it causes more harm than the gay sex does. It alienates people from the church, it stops people from getting the education they need to do it safely, it makes other people’s private sex life the business of the whole community for no reason. I don’t think it’s a sin because it’s not purposefully causing harm physical or spiritual to anyone involved.
If someone is trying their best to live their life doing acts of love for god and their fellow man and themselves I think they’re doing their very best as a Christian. And almost none of us are trying or doing our best all the time,let’s be honest here. We’re all sinners and we’re all stupid but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to create as much good as possible while we’re here.
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bengiyo · 2 days
Peaceful Property: There’s Nothing Noble About Being Poor
Coming off of episode 6 of Peaceful Property, I am feeling some consternation because once again GMMTV has given us a poor character who’d rather be poor than take the money. I’m also frustrated about the baiting of this show, because I don’t like TayNew enough to forgive Home his greed or his cowardice. 
From GMMTV we’ve had Akk having to work his ass off to get to Paris to be with Theo, Mork working his ass off to eventually get back to Day, Sailom not taking money in Dangerous Romance, Sand not taking the money in Only Friends, Kang upending his entire life for Moo in Only Boo! When I looked into stories that seemed to consider the perspective of poor people, only Dark Blue Kiss really seemed to consider the class dynamic of Pete and Kao, and Cooking Crush with Prem taking the needed money. 
This problem isn’t unique to GMMTV, and it’s been something that has annoyed me in global media for decades. We get these kinds of storylines where poor people would rather be poor than take the money of a rich person because rich people fund the media. For them, not taking their money is the harshest punishment they could envision because it’s their primary mechanism for solving problems. However, I come from the Brian Kinney school of thought that “There’s nothing noble about being poor.” On top of that, we know that Pang and Peach have no money, because they’re living in a goddamn bar that Home owns because they have no money. How could they go back to the apartment they got evicted from for lack of payment if this was so? Sure, it’s a TV show, but damn is it annoying that I’m asked to empathize with Home being sad about losing his friends over freaking out about housing security for the people whose lives he ruined.
Now, let’s talk about the lives he ruined. It’s actually so, so much worse that Home was completely sober when he hit Peach and fled the scene. He’s lived a pleasant life this entire time, when he had every reason to believe he killed someone and let his uncle cover it up. I care a lot about the future of cities, and car violence is one of the biggest violent killers of poor people in cities. The fallout of this accident led to Peach’s ongoing terror of ghosts, screwing up badly at work, and his sense of culpability in the death of his mentor. Peach and Pang’s lives are measurably worse because of his injuries, and it baffles me that the show would have Peach take zero compensation from the people who hurt him when he and his sister are struggling. I get Peach being proud in the moment, but I just don’t see a person faced with scarcity of that level choosing to walk away from money that he’s more than owed.
Speaking of Peach, I am so confused by the plotline that has him trusting Home with the food safety of a man he almost killed the last time he worked in a restaurant. It feels like this show just doesn’t take its own violence seriously. The drama of this episode is about Home losing his friends because he wasn’t forthright about the violence he inflicted on them, and they risked Chai-un’s safety to prove that Peach could trust home? Please be serious. They should have tossed out both of those bowls and started over rather than risk that man’s life again. Peach wants to become a chef again, and this is a huge misstep!
I just don’t think I really enjoyed this last episode much at all. I liked seeing Peach not crumble in front of ghosts, but that’s about it. I feel like the show is relying on Newwie’s charm (and TayNew shipping) to have the audience root for his redemption, which I am on the side of Peach wanting nothing to do with that man ever again. He deserves to be angry, and it felt so weird to me that the one lashing out at the end was Home as our focus point. Next week they’re going to be working near each other, and I’m just gonna be irked that once again we have a story about the inherent nobility of poor people who can afford to turn down much needed money to make a rich person sad.
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ladykailitha · 3 hours
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 9
Hey, guys! Let's give this story a little more love like the other stories have this week (stripper excluding, that poor story doesn't get much regardless).
In this we have the party having fun, Steve decidedly NOT having fun, and Claudia and Hopper close ranks to defend Steve.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
When Steve showed up at the Hendersons to find six of his little nuggets waiting. Erica was at her grandparents’ house and Holly was at dance.
“You’re really going to take us to the arcade and let us go nuts?” Max asked from her spot on the floor.
Steve held up his hand and waved it back and forth. “I’d like to let you go nuts throw money around treat you guys to the extreme. But...”
“You’re afraid someone will see you,” Will said quietly from the sofa, “wonder where you got the money, and take it back to your dad.”
Everyone else looked at each other like they hadn’t even thought about the possibility Steve might get into trouble for letting them have fun. Well, everyone but Max. She knew, same as Will that there were some things that screamed trouble and splashing around money when you’re not supposed to have any?
That brought the worst kind of trouble. Cops.
“So if anyone asks,” Mike said firmly, “our parents gave us the money to get us of their hair for the day. My mom gave me extra for Will.”
“And my mom gave me extra for Max,” Lucas said, agreeing.
“Everyone okay with that?” Steve asked. He was mainly asking for Will and Max but he also wanted to make sure everyone was okay with the lying. Elle sometimes had a problem with not telling the truth.
As if to prove his point Elle cocked her head to the side. “Would lying protect Steve?”
“Yes, dear,” Claudia murmured. “Steve’s dad is a bad man who would hurt him if he thought Steve was doing fine on his own.”
Elle tilted her head to the other side as she thought about it. Then she nodded. “Friends don’t lie to friends, but they can lie for friends.”
Steve snapped his fingers. “Exactly that!” And she beamed at him.
He bundled them as many as he could into his car with Claudia grabbing the rest and they all went to the arcade with money in their pocket and Claudia making a show of giving Steve some money, when it was Steve giving her gas money for helping drive the little demons.
He herded them all through the door and then unleashed the fury of six teenagers on the unsuspecting staff. He should feel a little guilty about that, having worked retail the last year and a half, but he really, really didn’t.
He wanted to give the kids a day of fun and take his mind off not being able to talk to Eddie tonight before bed.
Steve went and ordered four large pizzas and then sat down at the largest table to wait for the kids to get hungry and return.
He didn’t have to wait long, Dustin and Lucas showed up right after the pizzas did. Probably having followed them right to the table.
“You’re the best, Steve!” Lucas cried as he pulled two cheese slices onto his plate. He sat down to enjoy them when the one in his hand was swiped out from under his nose.
“Hey!” he cried and looked up to see Max chomping down on the pizza with a grin. Lucas rolled his eyes and just picked up the second slice.
Steve raised an eyebrow at Lucas who then blushed. Yeah, that’s what he thought. Lucas liked supreme not cheese, but Max did. She also had a habit of not eating things from buffets or spreads like this. The thought of multiple people touching the food grossed her out.
But if Lucas were to grab the cheese pizza first, then she could steal it off his plate and be okay. Then when he went back for seconds, he could grab what he liked.
It was like a siren call went out that the pizza had arrived as the other three were at the table in no time at all. Sometimes Steve thought Elle was psychic with her ability to just know when food was ready. Will and Mike followed her everywhere, well, Mike followed Elle and Will followed Mike, so it boiled down to the same thing. When Elle sensed food all three would be there in an instant.
Will went for the veggie, and Mike and Elle the pepperoni. Steve had already slipped a couple of slices of the all meat pizza on his plate, watching them joke and play around. Ready to jump in if things got too out of hand, but content to just let them be themselves.
Steve could tell the kids were flagging, tickets bursting out of their pockets, stuffed with sugar and pizza and soda. So he got up and went out to use the payphone to call Claudia to help pick up the kids.
When he tried to get back in there was a large guy preventing him from coming in. He wasn’t an employee from what he could tell, just some jerk.
“Hey, I need to get back inside,” Steve huffed. “I need to tell the kids I’m watching that it’s almost time to go.”
“I’m not letting you back there to diddle little kids,” the man growled. “I know you’re a fucking queer. You better get the hell out of here before I call the cops, faggot.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, daring Steve to try something.
Steve raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m not trying to cause trouble. I really do have some kids in there, well, they’re almost teenagers and can look after themselves. Well, mostly,” he said with a wince.
The guy just glared at him.
“By themselves or with a friend, they’re fine,” he continued to argue, “but get them in a large group and they need an adult to keep them from burning the place down.” Still the guy refused to budge. “Also I’m their ride home and I need to tell them it’s time to go.”
“Never took the Harrington boy as a kiddie diddler,” the man snarled “but your daddy says you’re a fucking fairy and I believe him.”
Well, shit. Steve thought bitterly. “Look, gay people aren’t interested in touching kids, okay? That’s a myth. Catholic priests are more likely then queers are and people still go to church. Now, if you don’t get out of my way, you’re going to have six anxious preteens on your hands and a lot of angry parents, too.”
“I saw you leering at those kids you were with,” the man said, pushing out his chest further. “You better get out of here or they’ll be finding pieces of you all up and down the tracks.”
“I was watching them,” Steve bit out. “Like I’m supposed to. I really need to get back in there, they’ll be worried about me.”
But before either of them could say anything, Claudia came bustling up to the door. “Hank Tippets, what on God’s green earth are you doing blocking the door to the arcade, don’t you have better things to do with your time?”
The smile that crept over Hank’s face made Steve’s skin crawl. If there was a predator anywhere near this place, it was Hank, not Steve.
“Miss Claudia,” Hank greeted. Steve supposed it was suppose to be warm but it gave him the chills. “What brings you out on this fine day?”
Claudia raised an eyebrow at him and said, “That’s Mrs. Henderson to you. Walter maybe gone, but I’m still a missus. And as to why I’m here, Steve called me to help pick up my son and his friends. Now if you’ll step aside we can get right one that.”
Hank cocked his head to side. “Now I can’t be letting him in, ma’am. He’s pedo and I won’t have him around my little girl.”
The look on Claudia face was pure, unadulterated rage. Hank took a step back and his hands went up in placation.
“That boy is no such thing,” she spat. “And if I hear you or anyone else going around spreading such malicious rumors, I’ll show them the perils of raising pigs. He was keeping Dusty and his friends busy while I ran some errands. Now you get the hell out of here before I call Chief Hopper. His adopted daughter in there. You want to explain to him, why you’re blocking entrance to a public space?”
Hank backed up and ran away with his tail between his legs. Claudia motioned for Steve to follow her, and then went inside the arcade. She made a beeline straight for the manager and Steve almost felt sorry for the fellow. Almost.
Steve went to the kids and quickly explained what happened. All the kids came running up to him and threw their arms around him. He held them tight.
“Let’s get everyone home,” he murmured and then waited for them to gather their things and exchange their tickets for prizes.
As they all piled into the cars Hank watched from the window of the arcade, glowering at them as they drove away.
After everyone had been dropped off, Claudia convinced Steve to stay for dinner. Which when he learned she was making her famous spaghetti, he agree to in a heartbeat. After he was full and happy Dustin convinced him to watch a movie.
Halfway through, Steve fell asleep on the sofa. Claudia got a pillow and a blanket and tucked him in.
When she woke up, Steve had gone back to the hotel with a note and a twenty dollar bill for his rescue the note said.
She was looking in the fridge trying to decide between coffee or orange juice with her cereal that morning, when there came a pounding on the front door. She looked up at the clock in confusion. It was barely a quarter past eight. The pounding began again, so she close the fridge to go answer the front door.
Standing outside the door was Clint Harrington and Hank Tippets. She pulled her robe around her tighter, clutching at the top of it.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” she asked, slightly closing the door so it would easier to shit it in a hurry.
“You can tell me where my son is,” Clint growled, he folded his arms over his chest, puffing it out to make himself look bigger.
“We know he was here,” Hank said. “I saw his car out front all night.”
“You admitting to stalking that boy?” Claudia asked, eyebrow raised and head tilted. “Because if you are, I’m pretty sure my boy could have the chief here, before you can sneeze.”
“Just tell me where he is,” Clint growled. “You’re harboring a fugitive and if you don’t turn him over to me, there’ll be hell to pay.”
“I don’t know where he is,” she growled. And at this moment, she didn’t. She had a pretty good idea where he was, but she didn’t know. “He left before I got up this morning.”
“You know where he’s staying?” Hank asked. “You better not lie, Mrs. Henderson.”
“In his car, I’d assume,“ she lied beautifully. “I tried to get him to stay here, but he just wanted to take the kids out for one last day of fun before he moved on.” She wiped away a small tear. “I hope he’s safe.”
“You best not be lying,” Clint snapped. “I’d hate like hell for something to happen to you or your boy.”
“Please tell me you aren’t so stupid as to threaten someone on their own doorstep,” a deep growling voice boomed behind them, causing the two men to stiffen in terror.
Clint and Hank turned around to find Chief of Police Jim Hopper standing behind them, thumbs in his belt, rocking back on his heels.
“Chief,” Hanks greeted with false cheer. “When did you get here?”
“Mrs. Henderson,” Hopper greeted tipping his hat and then taking it off. “You’ll have to pardon Dustin, ma’am. He spotted Tweedle Dee and Tweddle Dum here from the window and radioed me to head on over. He wanted to say he’s sorry for not notifying you first.”
“Chief,” she nodded back. “It’s all right, he did the right thing. How did you get here so fast?”
Hopper grinned. “I was on my way to work and was close to the neighborhood. I got here about a minute after these two morons.”
Clint glared at him. “We were just having a friendly chat about harboring fugitives, is all.”
“Last time I check Steve Harrington hasn’t broken any laws,” Hopper said gravely. “So unless he’s done something since you and I talked, he’s free to do as he pleases.”
“He was leering at children at the arcade yesterday,” Hank said, puffing out his chest. “I was there, I’ll attest to that under oath, he’s pedophile in the making if he isn’t one already.”
“And there will a dozen other people who will claim that he did no such thing,” Hopper said, rocking back on his heels again. “So you best be on your way, or I’ll arrest you both for disturbing the peace. Go on, get.”
Clint and Hank piled into Clint’s Jag and drove off. Then Hopper made sure Claudia and Dustin were okay. Then after some major prodding he got the phone number and address of where Steve was staying.
“It’s to keep him safe,” Hopper promised. “I wouldn’t let anything happen to that boy. Ellie loves him and she would murder me if through my actions or inaction he came to harm.”
Dustin and Claudia shared a glance before Dustin went upstairs to get the information for him.
“Thanks for this,” he said waving the paper. “I’ll make sure no one else sees this. Not even Ellie.”
“Thanks for stopping by,” Claudia replied. “I wasn’t expecting him to actually threaten me. Steve kept saying over and over that he would and I foolishly believed that he wouldn’t stoop so low as to threaten a lowly widow.”
“That’s the problem, Mrs. Henderson,” Hopper said, shoving the paper in his pocket, “however low you think humanity can go, assume Clint Harrington will stoop lower.” He tipped his hat again. “I’ll be seeing you all.”
Claudia closed the door and slumped against it. “I’m gonna praise whatever deity saw fit to have Steve slip out at the exact right moment, because that was heaven sent.”
“Yeah,” Dustin agreed. “I hope he’s going to be all right.”
Claudia pulled him in close. “He’s got Chief Hopper looking out for him now and Clint won’t try that again, I guarantee it.”
Dustin nodded in her arms, tightening the hug.
Claudia knew she couldn’t guarantee Clint Harrington wouldn’t try something at her place of work, but she was surrounded by tough women who were more than capable of standing up to a man like him.
But it was definitely days like this she missed her Walt. He would have had the shotgun in hand the second Hank came to their door. She would just have to be the person who protect as fast and as fierce to make up for his loss.
Let's try this again! With the chapter this time! Also edited to add the warning about the douchebag.
Tag List: CLOSED
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nevadancitizen · 3 days
synopsis: you meet with a mysterious woman on an old californian dock.
word count: ~850
ships: Arthur Morgan/modern!Reader, Van der Linde Gang & Reader
notes: inspired by @heart-of-gold-outlaw !! go read their modern reader fic i really like it. also we'll be getting into the actual time travel stuff after this teaser lololol :3
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It’s a bracing, misty evening – supposed to be spring, but doesn’t feel like it. The waves are choppy and the gulls are huddled on the pylons with their beaks tucked under their wings, their feathers ruffling in the cold wind. 
Three hulking great ships, all freighters, are tied up on the beat-up dock. This isn’t one of those fashionable wharfs with dockworker unions or passenger liners – no pretty girls on their balconies, clinking champagne flutes to celebrate the start of the cruise. Just a couple of red-faced salts in pea jackets tramping by, trailing cigarette smoke, boots crunching on dried-up gull shit.
They spare you glances as they pass by, surely wondering what you were doing here in the early hours of the morning. Were you waiting for someone to get off work? Were you waiting for a drug deal? Or were you just admiring the way the waves spray water onto the dock?
(In reality, it was none of those. You’re waiting on something much worse.)
A woman, sleek and modern in style and rugged and worn in looks, approaches you. She has a quiet intensity about her — something about the way she squints against the ocean spray mixed with the permanent-looking scowl on her face. 
She tilts her head toward you, and you nod. You walk towards her and meet her halfway, leaning in close on her insistence. 
“You’re the one in need?” She asks softly. You just barely hear her over the waves crashing against the dock.
“Yes, ma’am,” you say, just as soft. “It’s my sister’s daughter. My eleven-year-old niece. She’s… she’s in a really bad way.”
“What does she need?” The woman asks. 
“A pancreas,” you say. “She’s got acute recurrent pancreatitis. There aren’t a lot of affordable child-sized organs lying around. God knows I’ve turned not just California, but the entire Mojave upside-down trying to find one. I’ve called hospitals in Arizona, Nevada, even New Mexico. I – I’m not asking you to kill a child! I just… I need the money for the operation. It’ll put her on the waiting list, and… once we show the hospital we have the money, I’m sure she’ll be okay. Somehow.”
The woman narrows her eyes. “Why don’t you just take out a loan? Or take on debt?”
“I can’t,” you say. “None of us can. I foreclosed on my last house. My sister has thousands of dollars in credit card debt, counting all the interest. Please, just trust me when I say I need this money. I don’t think anyone has nearly half a million dollars in their junk drawer. If I did, why would I be here, asking you for it?”
The woman looks you over and tucks her jacket closer around her. The outline of a gun at her hip becomes glaringly obvious – she wants you to notice it.
“Ma’am, I’m begging you.” You clasp your hands together as tight as you can. “I come from a family of deadbeats and addicts. I was an addict myself, and I quit just to save money for her operation, but it’s just not enough. I need this money. I won’t misappropriate these funds – won’t use them to pay off other debts, won’t use them for drugs. Just… please, miss.”
The woman holds up her hand. “Stop groveling.”
What the fuck else am I supposed to do?! You shout in your head. I need money, and you’ve got the money! My niece is going to fucking die if I don’t get it!
Instead, you just nod politely and put your hands behind your back. “Yes, ma’am. My apologies. I’m sure you can understand my desperation.”
“Uh-huh,” the woman hums. “I can get you the money. Just give me your banking details and I can wire it to you.” 
You pull out a pre-prepared index card with your bank information written down. The woman checks that it has your full name, address, account number, and routing number before speaking again.
“Do you have life insurance?” She asks, as if offhandedly.
“Uh, yes?” You say, unsure. “It won’t come out to a lot, so I couldn’t have an “accident” at work. Maybe just under 200,000 dollars? Nowhere near enough to cover her operation.”
The woman hums and tucks the card into her pocket. “I’ll get you the money.”
“Thank you so, so much,” you say. “You have no idea what this means to me – no idea what you’ve done for me and my family.”
“I have some idea.” The woman’s hand lingers at her waist. It takes you a few seconds too long to notice that –
A loud sound. A raging pain. The bullet hit something vital, but doesn’t grant you the mercy of dying in that instant. 
You stagger back, holding yourself. “What…”
“You’re dumber than you look,” the woman says, her voice fading in and out. “I’m just helping your family.”
You inhale shakily and take a step back. There’s a sense of falling, and something cold surrounds you, but you can’t make out much of anything in this condition. 
The last thing you think before the black takes you? It’s May. Who the fuck gets shot in May?
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1moreff-creator · 3 days
Hello! Not sure if you share headcanons regarding ships, but if so, then do you have any in regard to Xanace? Feel free to discard this if otherwise ^^
Hello! You know, I don’t think I’ve ever really talked about ships outside of some jokes here and there, but I’ll see what I can do! No Killing Game AU because I don’t know what to do within the KG, and mostly fluff because I'm not an angsty kinda mood :v
Getting Together
-Xander and Ace disliked each other upon first meeting in Hope’s Peak, kinda like canon. You know, Ace’s rudeness annoyed Xander, who scared Ace in return.
-But… they shared classes with Mai, who was hellbent on everyone getting along. Somehow she manages to get them to talk in friendlier terms, and they actually find out they have quite a bit in common. I hope you know enough about Mai for that to make sense.
-They start acting a bit like each other’s impulse control, with Xander getting Ace to back down from meaningless fights and Ace rightfully calling out Xander whenever he gets in too deep in something revolution-related and doesn’t get the help he needs (“what? So you think you’re so much smarter than all of us that you’re the only one that can steal those documents? How about you go sleep for the first time this week and I show you how easy it is!”)
-Ace starts feeling safer around Xander because of his inhuman strength and general protectiveness, and Xander starts feeling like he can relax around Ace. Ace is actually pretty funny when he's not being mean, turns out.
-Ace is actually the one to confess first, and he did it by writing a love letter because he was too scared to say it out loud... prompting Xander to first ask Whit and Arei if they were pranking him, because "there's no way Ace writes in cursive." The misunderstanding got resolved quickly, and they got together.
-Ace is uniquely capable of getting Xander our of the worst of moods. If Xander's feeling broody and doesn't wanna talk about it, all he has to do to cheer up is watch Ace's silly antics for a little bit, and he'll be fine.
-Whenever Xander gets pissed off at some form of corruption or another, Ace will join in on the hate, even if he has no idea what the situation is.
-Ace likes calling in Xander whenever he gets scared of something, which is pretty often. There are a few dents in Hope's Peak's walls where Xander threw something at a spider on Ace's behalf.
CW: Eating disorder
-Xander always makes sure Ace eats the right amount and healthily, he's inescapable in this aspect. Funnily enough, Ace actually really dislikes a lot of the food Xander makes (way too spicy for him, it's canon the Rebel eats with a lot of spice), which helps him find the motivation to make proper meals for himself as to avoid being forced to eat those monstrosities. Conversely, Xander actually likes Ace's food... provided he's allowed to add a few metric tons of condiments and spices to it.
CW Over
-Xander gets roped into the Halloween Trio (Veronika-Arturo-Ace) movie nights that Vero drags Ace into. He doesn't actually like horror movies (particularly gory ones), but he enjoys it because Ace consistently clings to him for comfort during the scary parts.
-Xander loves Ace's family, because it's so big. 9 siblings?! He knows it's a little weird, but a lot of them remind him of his own family before they, y'know... so he likes hanging out at Ace's house because it kinda fills that hole in his heart.
-A lot of Ace's siblings make fun of Xander's British accent. He's learnt to accept this. They also make fun of Ace a lot, but they do it less in Xander's presence because he scary.
-So much corruption in the horse racing industry gets exposed, courtesy of Xander. So much.
(I don't actually know how corrupt that industry is but based on a quick google search, and given there's money and gambling involved, I'm assuming "at least quite a bit")
-Arei: "How did Ace Markey get a boyfriend before you?"
Whit: "I guess he was done... horsing around xD" (<- Actually very depressed about this fact)
-David is very supportive, since he wants to support anything his idol friend wants to do. He also happens to be mostly exempt from Ace's insults, since Xander gets sad whenever Ace says something bad about him.
-Ace: "Basically you're stupid and Xander's right."
Min: "Do you have any idea of what we're actually discussing?"
Ace: "No, and I don't need to."
-Xander isn't scared of horses or horse-riding, so he asks Ace if he could take him on a ride some time. Ace finally does it one day, except he rides the horse at Ultimate Jockey speed to get it over with faster.
Xander still isn't scared of horse-riding, but he'll probably never ride behind Ace again.
I hope that's enough! Thanks for the ask!
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thatsatricky1 · 3 days
𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐛𝐢𝐞 | l.jn smau
Chapter five = Hot privileges revoked
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Y/n knew just by the address alone that it wasn’t a good idea to give Jaemin his bag tonight. Not just from a gut feeling but by the fact this very wealthy guy who comes from old money had asked to meet her downtown, he’d tried bringing her to some stuck up cafe only yesterday so this just all smelled like a walking disaster waiting to happen.
But on the other hand she had to keep civil with Jaemin, they had an assignment to finish after all and she’d be damned if she let one little thing like this stop them from completing an important assignment that was worth one fourth of their grading this year in human resources.
Y/n knew she was overthinking it, surely not giving him his bag today wouldn’t have caused any problems with the assignment but she also wasn’t going to risk it. It’s hard enough getting into Neo T University with a scholarship, if her grades went below a high B she’d be in trouble. She’d only started at Neo Technology and wasn’t about to be kicked to the curb in her first month.
Realistically she’d already thought over every possibility of why Jaemin would need tape for his hands. But the only one that made the most sense was medical. Hand tape from what she did know about it could be used for two things. Prevent injuries or prevent even more damage to an already injured area.
No, she didn’t snoop around his bag because not only would that invade his privacy but because she didn’t want to know what else a stuck up, wealthy guy in his twenties decided was important to be kept in his bag.
Getting to the address didn’t take too long, Jaemin had been right on the fact it wasn’t very far from her place. But getting closer and closer she noticed it was just a normal building with loud music emanating from the place, the bass boosted as per usual with their generation.
It must have been some closed off club to wealthy young adults with too much time on their hands. Which wasn’t uncommon, she’d heard of them before. Pulling out her phone she shot Jaemin a quick test while shifting his bag straps that was hanging off one of her shoulders.
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Pocketing her phone she only looked up when she heard footsteps approaching. She had to admit Jaemin was wearing pretty casual clothes compared to the high end brand clothing she’d usually seen him wearing around campus. If she didn’t know who he was she’d actually think he passed as an average young adult.
“Here.” She didn’t say much not thinking a full conversation was needed, pulling the bag strap off her shoulder moving it outwards towards Jaemin when he got close enough.
“Again you're a lifesaver.” He replied with a grin, taking the bag and slinging it over his shoulder this time.
“I don’t even want to know.” She gestured towards the building with her hand and back at the bag.
“Good idea. It’s nothing too bad though.” He reassured, yet Y/n wasn’t dumb enough to believe that considering who he was, I mean he was friends with Donghyuck so that was enough for her to know whatever was happening in that building wasn’t meeting every law correctly, she could only hope it was just some club.
“Do my eyes deceive me or is that really you.”
That voice, you always could tell where Donghyuck was. Hearing him before seeing him. Donghyuck wrapping an arm around Jaemin’s shoulder only seconds later flashing Y/n a large smile that could only be described as up to no good, as per usual.
“Don’t get too excited, she was just dropping off my bag.” Jaemin all but shut down any attempt Donghyuck had at causing grief.
“Not even going to stay for a bit?” Donghyuck offered, tilting his head back in the direction of the building.
“I’ll pass.” Y/n denied straight away, not realising just how safe her decision had been.
Donghyuck, ever the one for dramatic expressionism, let out a long sigh nodding regardless to her decision.
“I think you should stay for a while, have a look around.” A new voice entered the conversation. Three heads glancing in his direction.
Jeno standing there with his arms crossed watching the current trio loitering in the carpark. Jeno’s jaw clenched tightly afterwards as if to hold back from saying regrettable words. Jaemin watched him closely, understanding that expression on his face, he’d been close friends with Jeno long enough.
“Again I’ll pass.”
“Not even a little curious?” Jeno asked out, letting his arms drop from their crossed position in favour of walking closer.
“Honestly not in the slightest.” Y/n was quick to respond even if she was curious what the three were doing.
“Five minutes, you might like it in there.” Jeno shot back as soon as she finished speaking, trying to not give her a second to really decide about it and just do it.
For a guy who’d been staring holes into the side of her head on her first day at Neo Tech, he was pretty persistent in wanting her to go into that building and warning bells were ringing in her head.
“She doesn’t want to, Lee, drop it.” Jaemin was quick to shut down whatever was going on, casting a look at him.
Y/n didn’t get why Jaemin called Jeno by that name but she assumed it was just a nickname even if during school the boys only referred to each other with their proper names. Pretty shitty creativity to nickname someone after their last name though.
“Lee!” A voice yelled from the building's now open door, letting out streams of red hued lighting. The figure hard to make out.
Apparently Jeno was being called over as he looked toward s the figure making a hand gesture before turning back.
“Next time you show up here, don’t be prissy, walk in.” Jeno stated bluntly towards Y/n before walking towards the building.
“The fuck did I do wrong?” Y/n muttered watching him leave.
“Well that was both interesting and boring.” Donghyuck clapped his hands giving the two a large grin before patting Jaemin’s shoulder.
“See you tomorrow at school Y/n and if you forget your laptop there’s always a seat next to me, but preferably you can also sit on top of me.” Donghyuck shamelessly spoke, waving as he moved to drag Jaemin backwards towards the building.
“Thanks again!” Jaemin offered her a half assed second thank you as he got dragged towards the building. Y/n only gave him a nod before moving to leave the sketchy area herself, not entering sure what the fuck just happened.
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Y’all I swear Jeno has a personality 🙏 lol just you wait and see 👀
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @strrykais @chenlesfavorite @dudekiss3r @strawberrysavi @nislost @polarisjisung @nattan127 @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun @bluedbliss @haechansbbg @officiallyjaehyuns @bunnychui @catpjimin @stqrgr7 @jaeveil @flamingi
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saturnyukaa · 2 days
Wakfu Human AU stuff I’ve been cooking up because I’m too lazy to draw it yet
(also yes I’m using their S2 iterations because THAT IS THE BEST SEASON + I hate S3 & 4 with a BURNING PASSION.)
Yugo and Adamaï are adopted fraternal twins, they live above their dad’s restaurant downtown and help him out with cooking. Yugo has a form of dwarfism and Ad is albino because dammit this is my AU I can do what I want. At this time they’re 12 / 13 and attending middle school. Also, they both have ADHD.
Yugo is big on Pokémon, Minecraft and MLP, and has a hat he literally never takes off in a Neurodivergent Kid kinda way (think Louise Belcher). Additionally, he has a pet budgie he’s crazy about.
Adamaï is a theatre kid (in a “I’m totally not projecting” kinda way) , and likes Transformers and Lego Ninjago. He also collects bracelets. You know what, I’m throwing in that he’s intersex because I can.
Amalia is 14 and a year away from highschool, she’s a big environmental activist and frequently drags her friends to rallies, and she has a decent social media following on Instragram where she essentially just vlogs. Her father is a politician and she comes from money, but she insisted on attending public school because she dislikes her status. She’s also a hardcore K-Pop stan because she WOULD (I’m not familiar with any bands but feel free to suggest any you think she’d like).
Tristepin is 17 and spent a year at military school, where he met a gruff dude a couple years older than him whom he now considers one of his best friends (Rubilax). He lives with his older cousin on his dad’s side, and boxes in his free time with coaching from said cousin (which is Goultard. by the way). Chronic shonen anime watcher…. he would SO eat up DBZ,, also a fan of combat related video games. He got held back a year in highschool and is dating Evangelyne.
Evangelyne is 18, has technically graduated and owns her own apartment. She does a ton of extracurriculars (figure skating, fencing, archery, tennis, creative writing, was on the debate team, etc.), and therefore was able to get into a really good college on a scholarship. She babysat Amalia when they were kids and Amalia’s family let her live with them for a few years when her dad left town. She regularly visits museums and adores the arts. Also a LOTR fan.
Ruel is OLD, an ex-rockstar / athlete / nepo baby and is absolutely LOADED, although now he just owns a pawnshop downtown and takes Yugo and Ad on fishing trips, where he gives them unwarranted advice about buying stock. He and Alibert are married for “tax benefits”, and co-parent the twins (I am a MASSIVE Rubert believer don’t @ me), although he’s still currently paying alimony to his ex-wife. He also owns an exotic, likely illegal pet and has gotten involved in more than one pyramid scheme.
Additionally, they all play DnD together and in this AU, the entirety of Wakfu is their custom DnD campaign (with Adamaï as the DM, ofc :3)
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