#also don’t ask what I was doing with the background and colors. idk either
jovialoddity · 5 months
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Sub-par Redraw of one of my favorite images on the internet to sate my Chicago brainworms
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critterbitter · 8 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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“The terminals have given me a phone and I’m about to make very good use of it. Welcome to my blog! I think I’ve had one of these in life, but I can’t remember…”
The husk rubs the back of their neck awkwardly, then looks to the camera again.
“Anyhow! The name’s Sariel. Yes, like an angel, but I’m not one, don’t confuse it. I am, as far as I know, a human soul who, after spending years in Purgatory, has finally ended up in Hell!”
“Mortal, what are you doing?”
“Shut up Gabe I’m making a video.”
“Did I not tell you to refrain from speaking to me that way?”
“You did. I don’t care.”
The angel sighs tiredly, leaning over their shoulder to look at the camera as well.
They sigh as well, glaring at him out of the corner of their eye, then return to their little intro.
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“And, because I’m bored out of my mind, and Gabriel’s and the Vs’ antics can only amuse me so much, I’ve decided to make this silly thing to keep myself busy.”
“Hope you enjoy your stay~”
There’s a crash from somewhere in the background.
The husk’s head whips to the side, eye fixating on a spot behind the camera.
“Oh for fucks sake V!”
There’s a moment of silence. Then, they roll their eye.
“Both of you!”
They look back to the camera.
“Okay, gotta go, bye!”
So, I’ve decided to make an ask blog for Sariel, my ultrakill oc, because I was, in fact, somewhat bored
In this universe, the game commences as usual, except V2 and the prime souls live
All ooc things will either be in the tags, or written in purple as I am doing now
Sariel’s dialogue and actions will be written in the standard color
Gabriel’s dialogue and actions will be written in orange
V1’s actions and text will be written in blue
V2’s dialogue and actions will be written in red
Mirage’s dialogue and actions will be written in blue and the chat font
Minos’ dialogue and actions will be written in pink (bisexual lighting king)
Sisyphus’ dialogue and actions will be written in orange and the chat font
Oc and character interactions are encouraged!
Suggestive asks are okay, but NSFW asks are not!
Mod for this account is @skye-the-dragon if you wanna check me out I do art sometimes and throw headcanons along with it occasionally (shameless self promo lets goo)
Speaking of hcs, I will be throwing them into here as well, because this is my blog and I do what I want
I also will occasionally do art for this blog, so there’s that
I currently have a hyperfixation on ULTRAKILL, so when that runs out I’m probably gonna be less active here, unless it becomes a special interest (which it might honestly, but idk yet)
Trigger warnings for this account: talk of suicide and depression, talk of self harm, intrusive thoughts (and no, I don’t mean the “I bought something spontaneously” ones, I mean the “kill your entire family” ones)
cw (insert trigger here) - content warning for stuff, pretty self explanatory
ooc - OOC posting, also pretty self explanatory
Sariel’s visible shenanigans - dialogue and action posts (aka “videos”)
Sariel’s invisible shenanigans - only dialogue posts (aka “audio recordings”)
Sariel & co. - Sariel and other in-game characters interacting
Also here’s some refs for Sariel:
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I think that’s all, if I remember anything more I’ll edit the post lmao
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I know he’s not gonna win no matter what I say but I don’t really care. I’m doing this for the fun of it just like the akito chip bag paragraph.
Also disclaimer: I don’t really hate Rui’s outfits I’m just feeling kinda silly. I would wear most of his outfits tbh I NEED to either dress like my splatoon themed switch or dress like an antique store shelf covered in cool shiny little objects.
Im only gonna be talking about the outfits in his three star card titled “Runaway Thought Process” from the event “What’s on your mind? Exciting Picnic” because if I do anymore then one card I will go on forever and ever and then the poll will be over.
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As you can see, he clearly didn’t have any thought process when coming up with those outfits. I’m gonna start with the untrained version of the card first.
WHY. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS. WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE TO WEAR COLORS THAT LOOK SO DISAPPOINTING AND UNHINGED MATH TEACHER CORE WHEN PUT TOGETHER. I’m shaking and crying while writing this. After I submit this I will be suing him for the damages that he has caused not only to my soul but also to my laptop. Yes, I’m sobbing so hard looking at this that my room is absolutely flooding with tears. All of my possessions are destroyed. Please never let him have the free will to choose his own clothes ever again. Not even tsukasa in the background can save this, his outfit is horrific too. He will never be a star with a stylist who makes him look like whatever that is. I genuinely have no words for Tsukasa’s outfit except for please just never happen again.
As for the trained version of the card, FASHION CRIMINALS DO NOT DESERVE LITTLE HATS.
Also not a fashion crime, but the squirrel sitting on his shoulder looks like Nene. 10/10 squirrel I would pick berries and then leave some for her in a little napkin if squirrels are allowed to have berries. If they aren’t then idk I guess I’d just let her live in my walls or something.
In conclusion I have like 2 missing assignments but here I am writing about why Rui Kamishiro Project Sekai Colorful Stage Featuring Hatsune Miku should never under any circumstances be allowed within my or anyone’s line of sight just because of this. Also I’m submitting this as an ask and not a reblog bc I was gonna make it anonymous but idk if you can add images if you’re anonymous and I don’t want to check bc what if my 20 minutes of work gets deleted please help I have no idea how anything works anymore
1. imagine, i have 15 missing assignments and i decided to run a tournament
2. no you can't send images anonymously, but it doesn't erase your work if you do switch to anonymous
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lyriumsings · 1 year
for octavia: hero, fans, and development!
Hi!! Thank you for the ask! I’m gonna try to be less wordy because tumblr keeps eating my paragraphs lol
Hero: What is their favourite thing about G? Why is your MC such a big fan?
Probably their lyricism. Octavia is a very wordy person lol. They would most admire someone who has a lot of poetic, witty songs that can be interpreted multiple ways. Also G’s versatility. I personally like songs that feel like multiple songs in one and I think they would too. Or artists who are just capable of a wide range of sounds and styles which G canonically is.
Overall, it’s just that G is original and unpredictable. After meeting G in person, ngl I think they’re about what Octavia expected. Nobody’s perfect and G is a rock star so it seems pretty accurate that they would be Like That.
Fans: How is their relationship with their fans? Do they go out of their way to interact? 
Octavia loves their fans and interacting with them. Anyone who likes their music Octavia feels on some level understands them and may or may not feel the same as them. Their songs are usually deeply personal so Octavia really is putting a lot of themself out there when they perform.
Their music is not very “family friendly” but as a former hardcore music fan in my teens that hardly matters. Teens make up a lot of demographics anyway especially like sad ones lmao. So the fan aspect and the “influencing the young” part of fame are aspects she takes very seriously.
And as cliche as it sounds it’s still true that without fans Octavia wouldn’t have any sort of career. I imagine at the height of their career in the future they’ll go out of their way to do things for them. Buy food for people waiting in queue for their concerts, pay off college debt, etc.
Development: How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
I LOVE this question!! OK SO!! I kind of try to build my MCs into the narrative? Basically, I try to make a character that would be the most interesting (have the most issues lmaooo) to me. It’s hard to some up all the factors i take into consideration when making them because in my head it’s so complicated.
Step one is always pick a name lol. It’s honestly probably the hardest part for me. Finding a name that feels right and fits the setting is really important to me and after that comes everything else. Their actually personality is dependent on the personality of the characters they’re surrounded by based on that I decide how outgoing or introverted or well adjusted lol they are. Because that controls the dynamic between the characters.
And then based on their personality I start building the background so they have reasons to be that way. Whether they had supportive parents or any at all. If they were poor or rich etc etc. It helps me shape core character values.
Visually though, I always start with the face! Drawing the face is always my favorite part!! And I try to give them features that either compliment or contradict their personality. For Octavia specifically I wanted them to look kind of soft?? Which is something they actually don’t like—rounded cheeks puppy dog eyes etc.—and this is something she actively tries to offset with make up on stage. Octavia actually thinks they’re kind of plain so that’s why they wear make up at all on stage they don’t think they’re ugly they just don’t think they’re what a rock star is “supposed to look like”.
Next I go for palette which is also one of my favorite parts!! I always knew they were gonna be bipoc because *I am* and I would’ve killed for a lead of a alt/rock/punk whatever band that looked like them when I was a kid. Bipoc are incredibly underrepresented in that particular music scene so lol yeah. And I actually went back and forth on their hair color a lot but red just idk popped the best.
Are they still evolving visually? yes but mostly in the fashion department lol. I still have a lot of experimentation to cover; and narratively I think her development will go into a more hopeful place lol. But not until after a lot of angst. I’m a sucker for a happy ending so i’m gonna do my best to give them one bUT character building comes with suffering first so fksjdj but I mostly develop the character into what I think is the most interesting path? So, ngl it really just depends on what is thrown at them. If it makes sense for them to spiral out/things to go wrong and there’s a sequel with a change to fix it I might let them spiral out lol but overall I like happy ends after a good amount of trial so most likely Octavia will develop into a better version of themself lol
Thank you for the ask! “I’m gonna talk less” I said lol so that was a lie apparently.
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
⭐ -> star! ships. send your sexuality, gender, and a description of yourself and what fandoms you're in. ( as long as i'm in said fandom lol ) ill ship you with 1 or 2 characters!
i have long wavy black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. i like spring a lot! especially because flowers start blooming around that time and i think flowers are lovely. i also really like to doodle. it’s fun, it’s quick, and  it’s relaxing!! but art in general is one of my passions. also music is almost always playing in the background whenever i do things.  and i really love rom coms and romance novels!! idc if it’s really cheesy, i just think it’s cute! i definitely believe in true love, even if i don’t think i might be able to meet mine. my favorite color is maroon! i’m also a virgo and i value my grades a lot and that can spiral in the wrong direction at times. i’m also short, 5”1 to be exact, and people tell me that i have small hands. i love high fives though, so i get that comment quite a lot. my love language is either touch or words of affirmation. i’m leaning towards words of affirmation but touch does help keep me grounded. i occasionally wear rings but i always my earrings and this one necklace. and i’d like to think that i’m a nice person! i really like to explain things to people if they don’t understand a topic and i’m pretty good at it too. i have really high expectations for myself and sometimes if i don’t meet that expectation i breakdown. i tend to cry easily, it’s not okay and is something that i’m working on. i’m bisexual and i’m in harry potter, marvel, and outer banks! it’s fine if you can’t do this and i’m sorry for writing so much! 
ily jules! congratulations on the milestone and take care xx
Hello angel :)) ily more, and you take care as well. i hope you enjoy!!
From the Harry Potter Universe, I ship you with...
James Potter!
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(depending on your image of James <3)
𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 would totally poke a little fun at your height, but he's made it clear he finds it endearing and he doesn't wish to upset you if he says something mean. Whenever he sees flowers, he thinks of you! While in school, James would always admire any and all nature forms with 'i know yasmine would adore this <333". Absolutely 100% will do/help you with homework, depending on the subject; James feels bad whenever he sees you cry, and he'll do anything to keep you from crying if he can help it :((( <333. Praises and gives you feedback about everything (they don't call him James motormouth Potter for nothing smh). Loved holding your hand because of how small they are and its a way for him to calm down. Will drop everything to make sure you're okay, it doesn't matter where you both are at. Loves when you ask for his input on jewelry and will spoil you rotten 🥰
(i'm only on season one of obx, so im so sorry if this is bad!)
From the Outer Banks universe, I ship you with:
Kai Cerrara!
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Ok but 𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 would probably love doing your hair because "it's literally so pretty, shut up!" Dancing to music on the beach or in a boat is a must, Kie definately tells you something like "ur legally required to sing cheesy love songs with me while we shimmy and dance around falling further in love with each other" idk I wasn't there 🤷. Kiara lovesss when you give her your random doodles/sketches :'( and would never throw them away. Asks you questions about things you like and know a lot about so she can hear your pretty voice explain things to her <3. I HAVE A BLURB IDEA: snuggling with Kie and her resting on your shoulder while you both read a romance novel or smth 😕❤️❤️ Would also get matching sets of like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Loves complimenting you :)
From the MCU, i ship you with...
Yelena Belova!
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𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚, for one, adores any and all piercings you have- specifically ear piercings. I feel like Yelena also would love braiding your hair and matching outfits and jewelry with you. Watching romance/comedy movies are a must, since Yelena missed out on... a lot when she was brainwashed. Loveloveloves any and all affection you show her, and would be someone to give you random high fives whenever you do something you're proud of. Yelena would often buy small plants (pink polka dot, succulents, anything really) she thinks you'd like (but small enough to be kept out of Fanny's reach). If you both were bored one day and you were laying on the couch, Fanny asleep on your lap. "Wanna watch a movie, detka?" Yelena asked, flopping on your opposite. Immediately a large smile spread across Yelena's face at the speed of which yasmine's stetchbook and pencil were discarded and replaced with the remote. "You choose," Yelena requested, pulling the shared fluffy maroon blanket up to her neck.
Please keep in mind this is only my second ship, so I apologize if this is bad!! ❤️
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ok gonna make a masterpost rant on my thoughts / hopes for #hakyeonsolodebut bc he’s coming back soon and i know hwang sejun follows me personally so 
1. pre-release digital single
option 1: summer
song: ok i know someone at that fuckass company is gonna be like “omg you should totally do a ballad” so i thought what if we didn’t have to suffer and it was just a little teaser for the album like dream and free tempo and hyuk’s songs were and not the main song? if we have to get a slow song, rather than a ballad i want something soft and sweet like choco chip cookie.
outfit: a mix of the ceci photoshoot and big issue, oversized shirts but less pink and more.. sparkly? i’m seeing stickers on his skin and glitter on his hair but idk that might be a vision for another time. anklets if we’re doing a beach thing. hair curly and parted so his eyebrows show a little (put some glitter on them like aoa cream king) maybe even some novelty hair clips
m/v: aesthetics..... the overused 3:4 aspect ratio solid color background with some objects in front omg.. but i’d eat it up for hakyeon honestly if it was more pastel and told a story. cutesy nostalgic with a girl maybe so he can trend for being boyfriend material again. balloons, very colorful, sunny summer-like, 
option 2: autumn
song:  i know vixx generally don’t do trends (thank god they never did beat drop chorus noise /barf) BUT, and hear me out, CITY POP is kinda on the rise and his #aestheticcore ass would GO ALL OUT. yukika - neon is like, representative intl stan choice but it is actually amazing. i can see hakyeon going upbeat retro but in my mind the prerelease single is a slightly faster ballad over a vaporwave/futurefunk/citypop instrumental (can you tell i don’t listen to that cringe shit). i can also see some trot elements being thrown in that suit fit hakyeon’s voice 
outfits: imagine this picture but with highwasted brown pants instead and a much flowier white/blue shirt with like puffier sleeves? maybe an extra button undone. then a beret (!), huge fucking dangly earrings, and his hair styled wavy like for the big issue magazine. black shoes with a high heel because fuck you or whatever these shoes are called because fashion. 
m/v: yeah i want it melancholic and rainy and dark and him singing to a stand mic late at night reminiscing.... the night sky.. stars.. starlights.. get it?
2. title track
option 1: sexy
song: if hakyeon went for a sexy concept, and i could totally see him do cunt very well, bass down low and heavy, something like shinhwa’s first love (!!!), hashtag’s freesm, sujeong’s tiger eyes, OR something with a western pop influence: poison, give it up to me, or even hara’s midnight queen
but the ideal? this song is everything i could ever want for hakyeon’s solo debut. the jrock-pop-dance-edm influences are brilliant, it’s fast paced and hot and leaves plenty opportunities for what hakyeon does best, and that’s stare at a stage camera seductively. 
dance: mm a lot of hip work and some flowy arm movements. a little contemporary dance break for hakyeon to flex. female and male back up dancers falling over him/fighting for his attention/serving as his chairs (which he did already lmfao). also that thing where one person moves from stage left to stage right and the dancers behind them copy and freeze in various poses/wave choreography. ALSO there’s a smirk and panting and a growl in this song... if no one got me i know hakyeon’s facial expressions got me!
outfit: THIS gay ass shirt is the ONLY choice wtf!!! taemin move promotions inspired but with higher wasted pants to suit hakyeon’s body type. no necklaces either, maybe gloves, dr martens... the highlight of this outfit would be his arms and lipoma <3 in an ideal world id ask for a little red gradient lip too but whatever, the eye makeup can go crazy instead
m/v: literally let’s bring it back to 2012 give me a box set and 50% dance shots 50% head shots i don’t give a fuuuck!
option 2 / follow up promotions (maybe featuring a female idol): i didn’t ask to be born latina
song: k hakyeon is canonically latinx so his debut song should have a lot of latin dance or even bollywood influences! i’m thinking if solo: koda kumi shake it, , tomochin’s loca, enrique iglesias’ bailamos or if he wants to be quirky he can plagiarize ACCHA ACCHA (get it????)
and if he invites one of his bitches shakira’s la tortura, cocosori’s mi amor, enrique iglesias’ takin back my love . he already covered havana and choreographed it and put his girls in those flamenco dresses soo... we know you want to king
dance:  i trust hakyeon to make troublemaker the 2nd most controversial performance in recent history. honestly just want him to do this to shake the table a little bit if he decides to go for a feature.
but if it;s a solo song... belly dancing!!! hello?????/ literally unfulfilled potential all up in this bitch! when he starts feeling ethnic >> he’s gonna be my cousin shakira said my hips don’t lie... 
outfit: RED! hello?? arguably his best color? when we put him in a sinfully tight shirt and add lace details and a huge leather corset-like belt and a deep v neck cross with long wide sleeves with details on the chest so it’s borderline a figure skating costume and HELLO WHEN WE CONVINCE HIM TO WEAR A CROP TOP AND BELLY DANCING PANTS AND THOSE SEQUIN SEE THROUGH SKIRTS AND DANGLY ACCESSORIES AND SOME INTRICATE WAIST CHAINS ohHoHHohhhpdhp yes it’s all coming together *brain fuckng explodes* also she should grow out his hair kinda like taekwoon hyde era? embrace your heritage king
m/v:  a whole storyline set in like the 50s in which hakyeon is a bartender/cleaner at a cabaret club and he stares wistfully at all the performers on stage and imagines himself up there and practices and then the climax of the song has him receiving standing ovations and as the song closes he’s like jolted from his daydream :’)
OR one of those stereotypical man having an orgy with a bunch of women mvs
4. pussy eating anthem
stellar - vibrato imagery. nuff said.
3. ft. yikyung
obviously this is just wishful thinking but since yikyung’s pretty active rn and has a whole song it’s not too far fetched? what’s far fetched is how close they are irl but i don’t doubt hakyeon will get a lot of his friends to feature, whoever they are. 
5. ballad
6. ft. vixx
aww in my light fashion i do think hakyeon would all but force vixx into the studio to do a cute little gift for the fans song <3 i don’t doubt he’d try to include h*ngbin too in some way. i don’t have concrete ideas for this one cuz fan gift songs suck but he’d probably be involved in the production/lyrics <3
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ramrage · 1 year
thoughts on the new mwiii logo 🥺 i think its kinda ugly
Hi hi! First of all, thanks for sending me an ask! It made my heart feel warm! I haven’t seen the logo yet so we’ll be picking through this in real time, together. Also, my job has me thinking and writing about logos a good bit, so this should be fun! at least for me, idk, i tend to be super duper pedantic i am so sorry
Okay, I think i was able to find The Real (leaked) MWIII Logo which I shall post below. If I’m wrong, just disregard everything I say from here on out lol
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So uh, hm. It’s hard to really assess everything with mfing PRICE in the background (i’ll let it slide because I love him), but I can’t say I love what I’m seeing (excluding price. love that.)
In my assessment, ofc, I can’t help but compare to the MWII so i’ll pop that below ~for comparison~
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Yum. Good soup.
Now that we’ve collected our evidence, let’s talk some shit.
Color Change
Apparently this is the first time CoD has used red as its key accent color, which honestly surprises me because like, how on the nose is that? War, violence, blood, red—that sort of thing. Frankly, I don’t know how the green really came into play branding-wise (an argument can be made for it nodding to the branding for xbox and monster energy, both things that exude Gamer Bro energy), so I’m cool with that change. I think going from the limey gamer green to a complementary red is a fun little switcheroo
Logo Mark
So both logos are like. Typography-heavy. Extremely. In fact, the pretty-pretty bit of mwii’s logo is just a highlighted portion of the typography. This, however, is not a bad thing! I kinda dig it. The M and W are bold enough as it is, and using them as elements of the mark is concise and plays into that aggressive, angular look. The MWIII logo mark is similarly angular and “on brand” and i think it’s nifty that it echoes the vibes of the back ops 3 branding, but. As its shown in the picture above, I am not vibing. Why?
This is where the logo falls apart for me, and coincidentally, is where my Logo, Branding and Design Vocabulary falls apart, too. In layman’s terms (because that’s all I can manage), shit is arranged and sized in a way that can only be described as “fucked”. In the MWII logo, the focus is the MW mark—it’s big, it’s bold, it carries the important information, at least for those in the know. Like, people who are already in the gaming community will know what the MW stand for, so its not super necessary imho to make MODERN WARFARE the focal point in the way the MWIII logo does. The elements of the MWIII logo are warring for my attention. My eyes want to go for the the graphic element because it’s a pretty color, but they also want to go to MODERN WARFARE because its so damn big. No balance. No swag. There’s also waaay too much white space around the III graphic imo
Design Details
Both logos play with lil angular cuts, so that’s cute and on-brand. Nothing really blows my mind about either design, though they sufficiently embody “modern” and “warfare” in that they’re modern and aggressive. But holy fuck do I aggressively dislike the MWIII typeface. What the fuck is that R? Like what the fuck is that? Maybe I have no taste but that is just. Ugly. Like, it plays with the symmetry of M and W which is cute and I see how making the A overlap creates those angular cuts, but fuck. Naur. There is something just super unattractive about it to me.
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pulim-v · 4 months
Back again. I was gonna wait but I don’t have a lot of patience lmao. I would totally read anything you shared cause it actually sounds really interesting :D For now tho, more questions!
Is your magic system based on anything?
If you were in your story, what role do you think you’d play (sorry if this is a weird question, it’s just what I do when I write)? Like as an example, who would you be friends with, who would you be against?
What do you do whenever you have writers block?
And then this one is just cause I’m curious, how long have you been on tumblr?
Oh this is kinda surprising lol I wasn't expecting more questions! Thanks again for asking, and I think I'll post a small bit of writing after this :]
1. Honestly my magic system isn't fully mine lol, my friend @\mykz-artchive has a whole world with a bunch of stories and I made FGCC in it to explore some stuff about the magic - as to the way I portray it, though, I'd say there's a lot of stuff that I tend to get inspired by, ig some examples of that are The Owl House, Fullmetal Alchemist Undertale
Idk if you want that but I'm also going to explain some stuff about the magic that is important: Magic in this world is sorted into two types, those being Elemental Magic, where you control the four standard elements, lightning, light, darkness, and pretty much any sort of matter, and Manipulation Magic, where you influence the way matter acts, like changing its weight ir size, its general properties, or even doing stuff like healing. Most people tend to use the former, with the latter being quite uncommon. Additionally, naturally occurring "wild" Magic is quite volatile, so its use was illegal until a bit before the events of my story, with most people just using the less dangerous, artificially processed and toned down "tamed" Magic. Lastly, people in this world don't have the physical capabilities to handle many different types of magic so the most you'll ever see someone using is three, with most people using either one or two. There's a lot more that is important about the magic system but this is what I can say without making this answer dar too long LMAO
2. That's a really interesting question! I'm not really that sociable and I'm really introverted so I'm not really sure, from the main cast I think the person I have the highest chance of being close to is Octavia, so I'd probably be with her when Shit Goes Down and things get messy with her, Spark and Fern (she does kinda have her own friend group off in the background but I wouldn't be with them that often since I don't think we'd even have overlapping classes lol)
3. Ok so I don't write much and my skills for dealing with art block are terrible but I'll try to answer this lmao
Honestly I'm dealing with a bit of art block right now, I haven't been able to come up with a new outfit for Dew in days and it's getting really really annoying, so what I try to do sometimes is to either juggle WIPs I already have to see if anything gets done, I doodle stuff I'm already familiar with like just the characters' faces, or I try to mess with older drawings to see if I can make anything better (even if it's just coloring better lol). Right now, I'm going to pass a bunch of older notebook drawings over to my sketchbook so I can actually post them without the annoying-ass lines in the notebook, and I hope that'll help a bit with going back to Dew later :]
4. I think since late 2020, my oldest post is from September 4th so it's probably from around then, though I only really started using Tumblr I think in late 2022 when I started to post art here lol
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wyuhing · 8 months
hi i'm wong yuhing
but u can just call me yu (please please PLEASE)
this post will double as my accepted portfolio btw but uh hi
i'm an animation student at seneca college (1st year as of posting) and i decided to make this to log my progress because um, yes.
im like really bad at communicating (like. awful) so i hope you don’t mind (your honor, i plead anxiety)
anyway. portfolio. here u are (almost everything is hand-drawn)
hand drawings
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you have no idea how long it took to learn the anatomical parts of the hand. i learned how knuckles were formed
they will teach you this in 1st semester life drawing. the construction of bones in the body, that is. you will finally learn where the metacarpals and are how to get carpal tunnel
i kind of don’t know what else to say
interior drawings
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okay i actually do know what to say and it’s that perspective is king. obviously yes it needs to be yknow. a bedroom. with stuff in it. but what they’re looking for is not detail, it’s perspective. if you have a lot of stuff but your perspective is all wrong, that’s not it
like are these lines all going to a vanishing point? are all these objects and furniture sized to scale? that’s what they are looking for, and you will learn Interior Layout Made Easy(TM) in 1st sem. exterior and nature scenes is a 2nd sem thing (and also what i am working on as of posting lol).
it took so many tries to make this bedroom look nice… and they aren’t even from opposite corners lmAO
object drawings
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also a structural thing, which you actually learn in layout in 1st sem. actually you can boil down every single object in existence to a series of either a rectangular prism or a cylinder and i am not joking
is this object structurally sound? does the object have form, does it adhere to the vanishing points (that are realistically super far apart)? stuff like that
draw any one object per day i promise you it’s an amazing structural exercise. im SO serious.
figure drawings
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idk if you should be asking me about figure drawings i barely got out of 1st sem with my life and a 60 but yeah i don’t think they care what kind of figures they are (like 1m gestures, or 20m poses). the ones i drew were both 15m but uh.
for gestures as you may know. they want the gesture. course it had to be relatively proportionate but they want the life in life drawing. movement, form! good line quality! which you will all learn in 1st sem and actually form is a big thing in 2nd sem too.
also by the end you will be able to know every single bone in the body, you will know where the greater tricantor is and how to draw a pelvis.
but please don’t ask me about life drawing i barely survived that class
personal art
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wow i hit the photo limit hooray! anyway, i did yet another interior design. why? im gonna be fr w u i just really like drawing backgrounds LOL- of course it’s messed up in all the wrong places but you will know how to fix this in 1st sem. they teach you all the fundies in 1st sem
my other was character design and tbh i cooked up smth random and let it sit. it’s also my only digital piece. really wish i added color but i was on a time crunch at the time.
o by the way you will also learn how to color and render in 2nd sem, i have a 73 in that class idk how i’m still alive.
so yeah that’s my accepted portfolio yayyyy!!!
your honor i plead neurodivergency i don’t know how to end a tumblr post
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ashxketchum · 2 years
Hello hello hellooooo animanga secret Santa at your service
how are you doing today? Anything new and interesting going on with you? Not that it’s any of my business, just interested
so, I started working on your gift (istg if this ends up being one of those things where I lose energy and finish late I think I might die) but I had a quick question for you
so, I didn’t exactly decide on what I was going to do, I just had a general idea and kind of started working on it. Ngl, I’m a little embarrassed because it seems kind of basic. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m not putting effort into it. I just tend to go for more simple stuff when I draw (not extremely elaborate, because then I never finish). One thing I sometimes do though, to spice it up a bit, is I put some bright colors on it, either on the subject or in the background. I was considering doing some of that for this, at least for some little detail highlighting, maybe background, idk. I’m not 100% sure yet, but before I made the decision, I wanted to check with you.
I know some people have issues with super bright stuff, so I just wanted to make sure that, if I do end up doing it, it won’t bother you. Would you be alright if I ended up going with that?
Anyways, sorry for the long ask, I probably could’ve made that shorter. Have a good one!!
Hiii, thanks for dropping by again! I'm doing good, actually just got some good news on the personal life front, so holiday season has taken a bright turn for me 🤭
Oh YAYYY I'm so excited to see what you create, and I love bright colours and effects so feel free to stick to your usual methods 🥰
And yeah I know the feeling about losing motivation midway so hang in there but also don't put too much pressure on yourself, I hope you were able to finish your school work well 💕
0 notes
ok hear me out
what if April was older
pov you’re like 15, working your after school job at your local pet store, nbd
Then this guy walks in wearing a literal suit of armor. It’s bright blue. He’s got long pinkish hair and golden horns. Are those freaking gargoyles on his shoulders. he asks for four turtles.
Sure, whatever. New York be like that sometimes. You get him four turtles, different types. While you’re, like, ringing up the turtles or w/ever, he starts droning on about how he’s going to mutate them into the greatest warriors in the universe and use them to reclaim his peoples’ rightful place on the surface
you aren’t really paid enough for this, but honestly it’s either this or freaking McDonald’s, so you deal with it
guy takes his turtles and leaves
maybe you mostly forget
maybe it keeps you up a few nights, idk
you get fired four months later in an incident that Totally wasn’t your fault but the managers just saw thirty hamsters dyed bright pink and jumped to conclusions, yknow? That’s how it be sometimes
Anyways, picture about 3 years later
you pick up a part time delivery job at a pizza place. Not ideal, but when you’ve been blacklisted from the majority of businesses in your general area, beggars can’t be choosers. Anyways, a guy asks for 3 large pizzas. You can hear kids yelling in the background. He sounds tired. Mood. then he asks you to leave them in an alleyway near a manhole. uhhhhh
look, you’re dead inside from customer service, but you’ve still got a Little of that investigative spirit that got you expelled from that fancy smancy high school sophomore year
So you wait
A rat man (!!?!???) emerges from the sewer, holding a very small toddler that’s also a turtle (?!???!?)
Wait. wait. wait.
that guy from the pet store.
no way.
Anyways, it takes a lot of yelling, panic, a few ninja moves (??) and some really awful lies from the rat man, but they manage to talk it out. It helps when one bawling turtle kiddo quiets after a couple minutes of the April O’Neil flair. (For once’s she’s grateful for her many younger cousins)
besides, she’s basically their aunt at this point. She sold them to the goat man, so she kinda counts. She’s pretty sure Rat Man- Splints- is just glad to have some help wrangling the disasters. He pays her nicely for her services, which is great, so she drops the other jobs and babysits mutant turtles in the sewers. It’s weird, for sure, but it could be way worse.
Plus, they’re all so cute.
Raph is super helpful, always following her around and trying to participate in whatever she’s doing. It’s so cute watching him bite his lip as he carefully fills Mikey’s sippy cup with juice (April holding onto the carton to make sure he doesn’t spill everywhere)
Donnie is super smart already, eagerly recounting to April whatever cool facts he’s learned. April buys him some Legos to build stuff, and he’s over the moon about them. Mikey eats one of the pieces, leading to a few hours of panic and a lifelong hatred of people touching his stuff.
Leo is a little show off, always yelling “April, April!! Lookit this!!” (Those words have proceeded, to date: three broken bones (at least mutants heal quickly), two sprained ankles, a sprained wrist, a nasty cut down his leg, and more scraped up knees that April can count).
Mikey is much less of a daredevil on his own, but he’s quick to copy whatever dangerous stunt Leo is doing. He’s always easily mollified with colorful bandaids, though, and Leo has more than once abandoned a trick when he sees Mikey trying to attempt it too. His drawings cover both the lair’s fridge and April’s own.
((( idk what this was I just think it’s very cute. My brain went “haha Draxum in a pet shop” and then everything else happened. i don’t know where Splinter gets his money, but he obviously Has it. He doesn’t work, but the boys can still afford pizza and have allowances (I’m assuming, since it’s unlikely they have jobs to earn money, so whatever they get is probably from Splinter.) and also?? Electricity?? (Where do they get that)
anyway I have Many questions that are never answered about that)))
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sixthwater · 3 years
Pick A Card - What Type of Character Would You Be
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Today we will be looking to see which character you would be or what tropes you would fall under within a piece of fiction, so don’t take this too personally and have fun!
Focus on which picture you resonate with, makes you the most comfortable, is the more familiar, etcetc. Take a deep breath and choose whenever you are relaxed. (Left → Right, Pile 1 → Pile 3)
Decks Used: Star Spinner Tarot, Archetype Cards, Believe in Your Own Magic oracle, Arcana of Astrology, and Rebel Deck
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Pile One: Lost Child
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You, my friends, would be the character that is innocent at heart, but tries to ground themselves to seem mature. Like they’ve earned their spot at the adult table. I’ve been trying to figure out what trope to assign you because at first I was going to go with "The Woobie" but it wasn’t quite that, and then I realized it’s because there’s a constant back and forth between this excitement (Choleric) and a more calmer front (Phlegmatic), which is actually reflected in the colors here. Even for those bouts that it gets really bad and goes into a Melancholic mode, the purples are here too, so let me actually start breaking this down. Lmao and “Skeletons” by keshi is playing:
Feel bad, go to bed Wake up even worse, yeah So sad in my head
With our 3oW Rx, KnoP, and HiPr Rx, it’s showing me that while the Knight is what’s being shown to the world, the Priestess still lurks in the background (fitting), which results in that 3oW struggling to finish projects. It’s like the Knight wants to be practical and ground himself. He sees things for what they are and ‘pssh ghosts aren’t real dummy’—whereas this Priestess is sort of just whistling in the corner of every scene you pass and flashing things before your eyes and going ‘what? Idk what did you see?’, testing you, like did you really smother her that much are you just pretending like you aren’t in touch with her, because she knows you’re not. So yeah you want to look closer but what did that KnofP just tell you? So this all leads to the stalemate of the 3oW Rx. You just kind of. Sit there and go back and forth within your mind over which side of yourself you want to sit in for the day but you’re never able to really balance either of them because at the end of the day they’re opposites that are difficult to bring together, but there’s another reason to that.
We have “Child: Wounded” and “Lioness: You’ve earned all your stripes”. For the princess card, I asked for which section you’d belong to if you were a character, and it’s the princess section meaning you wait for no one to save you and you can save yourself, but it’s interesting that these two came out together so it takes on a new meaning. This can range from you having a past with actual abuse or patterns of people pointing out the ‘weird’ things they consider you to do, which would tie back into you smothering certain aspects of yourself that you now feel like you need to hide and put others forward. However it’s something that you’ve fought through, survived, and now it’s a part of your life that you either refuse to forget as proof of the person you are or in a way you’re ‘happy’ that it brought you to better people or better things—and as I’m typing this my favorite song “Exorcism” by Clairity is playing, and this part is standing out to me
So I'll reclaim my body and my soul Banish the broken from my bones You're no longer my religion So I take on a whole new energy Manifest a better part of me
So yeah. Proud of you. Moving onto the astrology cards, these are qualities that you would give off or people would pick up on as a character I was SO giddy when I saw them and then realized the colors matched up Directly with the other cards, we love that here. We have Virgo and the Twelfth House, which pretty much repeats everything I said earlier with that KnoP and HiPr fighting with each other. It’s also interesting that these two cards are opposing signs/houses as well. For the waning gibbous moon, it states that “you may be feeling ostracized by your community” and that files in neatly with your child: wounded card. With the lunar eclipse card, that’s usually a sign that during this time truths will be revealed to you, so along with virgo this is screaming that your character would be one that has endured a not so happy childhood, and grew up steeling themselves, learned, and wants to put a better energy/heart back into the world to make sure other people wouldn’t have to experience that Or wants to make sure no one could ever hurt them like that again. Might be a little bit of both, but Virgo has a bad habit of being emotionally cut-off for people they don’t care for and then going All In for those that they love, but regardless they are service oriented and twelfth house is all about truths unshe- ah. Maybe you’re an oracle LMAO. Like the healer or token magical character that ~knows~ the unknown so everyone seeks their guidance. That would make sense with the troubled past because if a young kid just starts going off about how someone is gonna die in 4 days in a specific way and it happens that would probably be very concerning. Anyway onto the last card
The last card I wanted to pull was something your character would be caught saying or ‘an iconic phrase’. You guys got “Get the fuck out of your head: Get in your heart, it misses you”. Really trying to sell it here. Uh. Really I’d be repeating everything for a fourth time LOL. It’s very much head vs heart, my heads in the game but my hearts in the song vibes. Your character in a story has a lot of internal conflict but feels like once they go along on the heroes journey they would help to unravel a lot of their deeply rooted issues and would be coming out a lot happier, I’m happy for them. So actually, since I think some of this is…..hitting outside of fiction, I’m going to pull a positive therapets card (don’t tell the other groups sshhh).
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Character Ex: Vanya (Umbrella Academy), Yatora (Blue Period), Honey (Ouran High School Host Club), Forest Whitaker (Jingle Jangle)
I hope you have a fantastic morning, day, evening, night, wherever you are and I hope yoooouuu had a good glass of water today 😊
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Pile Two: Everything’s Good Here
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Let me be honest, yall confused the hell out of me at first. I thought you guys were the token charmer, and then the dude with the stick up your ass, and then party kid, but I got it we’re good. I Will Say though, that “Get Up And Move” by Kumi Koda was Stuck in my head while I was trying to actually think and now that I’ve mulled over everything that’s hilarious, because it’s not even really for the song, I was just thinking ‘get up and move your boooddyy’ before realizing the “Move Your Ass” card was there along with Hygeia. Quite literally fucking—go do something LMAO but I’ll add it anyway since she’s a good party song.
Starting with our main three cards: The Devil Rx, 9oW Rx, and 4oW. This is pretty clear to me that there was a- Ok I have no clear reasoning behind this so let’s use this as like, an example because after all this is supposed to be if you were a character. You were set up to follow this path, expected to fill certain shoes and fit this portrait or character (heh) that other people had in mind for you and it was difficult, some could say Annoying, because that wasn’t what you wanted to do. Eventually you got fed up and decided uh, ‘well I’m not gonna do this anymore?? Sorry guys’. Maaaybbbeee rebelled a bit too hard, and eventually made a deal that like ‘can I be myself at least if I’m gonna be doing this shit can I have a little bit of freedom’? It’s giving me those vibes. The Devil Rx calls for independence and breaking from addiction but you still have this 9oW Rx, which still shows that theres an input of way too much energy and things are still wearing you down. However it’s being balanced with a 4oW, so think of an equivalent of going to your 9-5 job and they ask you to do overtime but they promise you can have like Monday off or you’re thinking the entire time “man at least I can head straight home to binge some Netflix/straight to the bar to hang with my friends”. There’s a give and take with what’s wearing you down in this role you’ve taken but you’re balancing it out with what brings you joy, and you had to bargain or fight for that. I’m getting a sort of “I’m just looking out for myself” prioritizing vibe here, but it’s not negative. In The Devil card, he’s looking away from others, with eyes closed, who are tied out while he’s able to ‘escape’ if that’s what we’ll call it today, and in the 4oW she has her eyes closed and is looking down. Still content but there’s a sort of distant feeling in all of these cards that’s sort of feeling like “yeah I love you and I can make emotional connections but you’re going to have to fight for it and I’m prioritizing myself first always because why wouldn’t I?”. Which like, after a hypothetical childhood like that yeah why wouldn’t you. So combined with this Judge in shadow, I don’t think it’s a misuse of authority or being a prick or anything. If anything I think it’s either being brutally honest about how the world works (not everything is going to work and people die sally), or whenever people need your skills sometimes maybe you don’t actually try as hard as you should. That would probably be the misuse of authority. Now I’m understanding why I wanted to put this song on—Up To No Good by The Hoosiers, it’s a song about a man cheating on a girl so it didn’t fit but he keeps telling her that she’s foolish for just trusting him despite all the signs and kinda mocks her tbh.
I don't wanna be the one to tell you the world is broke But you're so innocent you cannot separate fire from the smoke Words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear But not everything that you are presented is as it appears
I’m getting like a child prodigy that is a Huge smart-ass and would rather being doing ‘more interesting’ stuff than their supposed job most of the time. Like ‘yeah yeah this has to be done or it’ll cause a rip in our galaxy I’ll get to it before 5 leave me alone’ and you pass out for uh eight hours, very stressful for everyone involved. You’re fun to be around though when there isn’t something important going on.
For the section you’d belong to we have “Universe: we’re all just stardust”, which is in the mermaid set. Which makes sense combined with the rest of your cards. It is said that “the mermaid finds her voice in this one” which I think is quite neat since the whole story up there speaks about creating your own path. On the other hand, this stardust card talks about understanding that we are all connected and that we must all help each other and do our part as there are bigger things besides us within this universe, since we are mere specks or dots on a map. I think this Really makes sense because if someone is weighed down with such a heavy burden or important role from childhood, then they would immediately understand how small we as humans are or how complex the world is. Especially if it’s a role they mastered. Thank god I watch anime or I really would’ve been stumped on this. SO! The astrology cards that I was laughing at earlier. Fifth House, Neptune, Hygeia, and the Twelfth House. This is actually hilarious you are definitely a character that the majority audience would fall for LMAO. So with Neptune and Twelfth House, this an obvious sign that
1. Your character would be capable of many things that they would choose to hide from nearly everyone they meet for various reasons (don’t ask me to do it, treat me like anyone else, a sore spot, etcetc),
2. Your character is insanely gifted and looks like they’re working magic to the untrained eye but they’re just well-known/chosen for a reason
3. Got some escapism problems
What do you use for that escapism?? Well we got the fifth house right there. You Love To Do Anything that stimulates those little brain cells of yours. Party? Ok. Flings? Ok. Those little already made cross stitches that you find in Michaels? Ok. Whatever you can do that doesn’t involve your job you’re gonna do it. Hell I can even see oversleeping since there’s Hygeia asking you to get yourself together and get a schedule put in for yourself along with the aggressive “Get the fuck outside”. Which is interesting because I was asking for what You would say. So in one sense I think you would be well aware that you’re slipping or being a little lazy, but then again, your job is stressful ☹ we gotta hit the boop boop button and cause the serotonin for two more hours you know.
Character Ex: Lavi (D. Gray-Man), Break (Pandora Hearts), Killua (Hunter x Hunter), Klaus (Umbrella Academy)
I hope you have a fantastic morning, day, evening, night, wherever you are and I hope yoooouuu get that schedule set in place, I have heavy 6th house placements I can help 😉
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Pile Three: #iconik
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Yes I have a biased pile No do not tell the other piles. Pile three….the amount of youtube essays that would be made about you……the way you would impact a generation that is way after your time…..the way you would divide the media…..your impact truly. Congratulations, you are the Token Mean Girl Pile!!! However at the end of the day, everyone (the media) falls for you so like? You’re winning anyway. You will never be seen slipping unless karma comes for you like it does every morning as if breakfast is served. Let’s get into it
To start off with our main three we have: The Lovers, 7oP Rx, and Justice. Alright, so this confused me at first because I thought you were the second love interest doomed to fail and well you Are, but Definitely not in the way I thought you were. The Lovers is sort of like, your front. You present yourself as this doe-eyed, fresh, and sort of innocent individual who would always put their partner first. It’s also the very first thing that others notice about you as well, there’s an immediate attraction that people would (well, other characters) catch and they think you’d be the perfect partner even though they know Nothing about you, but that’s perfect for you and you use that to your advantage. You can play the part and you’re emotionally intelligent—you know what people need and can sense how to operate with different people. Some 7th house energy going on here. Relationships are very important to you but not in a love way, it’s just that you know connections are extremely important for. Well, everything. Careers, Status, Opportunities—the people you know truly can change your life overnight so where’s the harm in just ‘playing nice’. Which is where the 7oP Rx comes into play. There is a lot of work put into things that ultimately, don’t stay in your life and will fall apart rather quickly because lies don’t stay hidden, no matter how well you think you can hide them. It’s a wasted investment considering it’s for something that you’re dipping your toes in to see if there’s a short-term win or to see if you can get a long-term connection, but that connection will be lost if you screw over the person you used to get there so either way? Hard work for nothing. So then we have the very interesting Justice card. This card plays out in two ways. One way is, very obvious, karma will come back to bite you in the butt. You come at someone with ill intent, then that will be served right back at you at some point. The second way, though, is that with your general honest composition, you get rewarded by the universe for not putting up with shit whenever people with even shittier intentions with you hurt you. Let me explain
For your archetype, we have “Bully”. Haha! Oh my god and “Crowded” by Jeannie Ortega started playing. Anyway, this fits right into your character trope that you come off as an extremely intimidating person. You’re not afraid to say what everyone would usually say behind closed doors or after that person is gone. Look up any clip of Fallon Carrington from Dynasty when she interacts with her step-mother or…well anyone, and that’s the energy that this card gives off. At the same time, this gives you the ability to confront your inner demons and whatever deeply rooted issues that causes a lot of your problems that you might deflect onto others. It gives you the strength to fight a lot of your battles. Which only adds onto that intimidating energy. If people aren’t used to talking to someone that will straight up tell you “hey you did this wrong you’re looking a little ugly also don’t touch me” then they’re probably not going to want to be around them lmao. However, at the same time that if you’re being an ass and causing conflict in other people’s life, since you’re willing to confront others when they’re being assholes or doing something that even You wouldn’t do, when you’re being horrifically wrong, then the world will come to protect you and deal out karma for you and hand you your Justice at the same time. Which is why this Justice card was very interesting to come up, as this happens with all the characters I listed as examples. While they ruined. About nearly everyone they interacted with, they also stood up for themselves, refused to take things lying down, and when they were fucked over they did get their own justice with the help of others or on their own. Big Saturn dom energy and we fucks with it.
You were also sorted into the mermaid section with the card “Villain: you can always rewrite the story”. A joke at this point. On one hand, mermaids are beautiful and they’re related to sirens, and they’re usually written as gorgeous creatures that could only possibly exist in fairy tales (Venusian energy). Either way, this card speaks about how even if we lose to shitty events or people in our lives, we can still rewrite our endings to make them better, or that we don’t have to leave them to end in tragedy. We are the writers of our own lives and we can do what we want with it. Now with the astrology cards that sealed your fate and was even Funnier: Psyche, Taurus, Juno, and Ascendant. So with the Ascendant here, it’s very clear that mask/front that I spoke about earlier, it’s very important. Whether it’s what you show others or that people only notice your appearance or beauty first. However, with this Taurus here, while it’s a Venusian planet, it still is stubborn and will tell you off if it oversteps boundaries. It appreciates it’s comfort and finer things, but don’t fuck with it. Having this here is a really nice bridge from the surface to inner world though, because your character clearly is a softie to those they actually have a bond with. Psyche and Juno are asteroids that deeply invest themselves into their relationships to the point of nearly destroying the world around them to make sure their relationship can thrive and doing whatever they can to make sure it can survive and improve. So whether or not it’s a false or real one that brings you happiness, relationships are at the center of your life and what makes you operate.
Finally, our last card for your fantastic catch phrase: “Don’t talk to anyone. Don’t look at anyone. You need some fucking time alone. And you know why”. This is….fitting for either you saying this to someone to put them in their place in a tough love sort of way or being Told this from someone very close to you in some sort of needed character development arc of sorts. The weird thing with this pile is that instead of songs, I thought of more moments and lines from scenes so Absolutely, you’d be an iconic character that would be remembered and clipped on youtube for years. Probably the character people would remember the most even if they hated you.
Character Ex; Fallon Carrington (Dynasty), Sharpay Evans (High School Musical), Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body), Ami Kawashima (Toradora)
I hope you have a fantastic morning, day, evening, night, wherever you are and I hope yoooouuu continue to take over the world with that boss ass energy you got going on there.
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starvine · 3 years
first date headcanons
attack on titan (modern au)
summary: some first date headcanons with some of the attack on titan characters. 
warnings: none, just fluff :)
eren jaeger: movie 
a little basic but it’s all eren could come up with
besides, it was between a movie and dinner and dinner felt too formal so y’all decided on a movie
he’d let you pick the movie tho
he might argue with you if it’s something stupid and claim that it’s horribly written (as if he knows a thing) but that’s it
eren would make sure to get the BEST snacks. spicy food? check. candy? check. popcorn? check. fruits? check.
he just wants to impress you (even if he did have to confide in his friends for some advice)
he just really likes you
during the movie, you guys would start shifting closer to each other, both a little too timid to move all the way all at once
but you guys would make commentary throughout the movie, laughing when things seem too cliché or when a character says something funny
half way throughout the movie, you guys aren’t even really paying attention it it
you’re too busy throwing popcorn at each other and trying to catch it in your mouths, feeding each other candy, and giggling at each other
it’s intimate in its own relaxed way, which makes eren realize how perfect you are
you both could make the most out of a pretty average first date situation and make it into a beyond amazing first date
and that was all he needed to ask you on a second date before he dropped you off at your car, walking with you to make sure you got there safely
and ngl you’d be a bit of a fool to say no to eren
armin arlert: aquarium 
sweetheart is so nervous 
before he came to your apartment to pick you up for your date, he was a little nervous wreck 
he was fidgeting with his fingers, playing with the buttons on his shirt--he probably accidentally opened one by accident 
but once he saw you, he felt fine 
it was as if he physically melted, you just make everything okay 
once you guys got to the aquarium, he would NOT shut up
he was probably pointing things out, telling you fun facts, asking you what is your favorite marine life 
“oh, you like pufferfish? that’s cool! i like them too. they’re very... puffy.” 
he’s like a child in a candy store 
but while he’s rambling about how the digestive system of a sea cucumber basically cleans the ocean, he’s wondering how he should make a move 
he doesn’t want to scare you off or anything, but he doesn’t want you to be disappointed 
but while you guys are looking at one of those large fish tanks, the ones where you walk through a tunnel, you guys just sort of stand there and watch in awe
or rather armin watches in awe while you look at him, a soft smile gracing his pink lips as his eyes dart across the illustriously blue colored glass
and when he feels your pinky latch onto his, he’s a little shocked that you had made the first move
he didn’t not expect it per say, he just thought that he would be the one to make the first move 
but his overthinking got in the way
and when he turns to look down at your intertwined pinkies, he caught you sending him a delicate smile that made his heart squeeze until he felt as if every part of him was on fire
but it was him who finally held your hand fully 
he just needed you to give him the extra push
mikasa ackerman: book store 
it’s a very calming atmosphere, which is something you’d both need for this first date
mikasa is probably pretty anxious for the first date, and wants to make sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself while also making sure she’s okay and enjoying herself
so the calming scent of the book store and the quietness is perfect for her to multitask between mediating the two
you’d both be tasked with picking each other books and then buying them for each other
so initially mikasa was nervous because she wasn’t sure what to get you but then you asked what she liked to read and so that allowed her to ask the same, making the situation less stressful
and all while you two are walking from isle to isle, eyes scanning the various book titles and covers, she sneaks glances at you and how pretty you look
and the fact that you seem very deep in thought, heavily concentrated on getting her the right book, makes her feel less concerned on whether or not you’d rather be with her or not
the answer is obviously a yes but mikasa has a hard time understanding that sometimes
so when you give her the book you bought for her, making sure to lightly touch her fingers while you hand it to her, she already knows that another date is what she wants you both to have or else she’ll probably explode
and based off of how flushed she looks, the possibility of her exploding is not highly unlikely
you guys will sit at this little table in the corner of the store, reading your books
i can picture mikasa annotating certain lines that remind her of you, making mental notes to show you later
overall, the date is pretty lowkey and very sweet
connie springer: dave + busters/bowling
ok there’s not much of an explanation for this one besides the point that if feels right
like connie is pretty energetic and i feel like you can learn a lot about a person based off of the games they’re drawn to 
hence the arcade
i think connie really likes those racing games or the zombie shooting games
he also claims he’s really good at ski ball (he’s not, he’s trash)
so a good portion of the date consists of you just laughing at him the whole time cuz in all honestly he’s not the best at games but he enjoys them for the fun of them
he’d definitely cheer you on when you were playing or try to mess you up if it was you two against each other
but either way he’d give you a hug or a pat on the head after every game
even if u beat him
he’d probably try to sneak a kiss when you guys were in one of those shooting games that requires a booth and the curtains drawn (does that make sense?)
it’s not really romantic like at all, especially since it smells like a million different people in there, but it’s very low stress so in all honesty that’s what makes the kiss nice
and after you guys had used up all your tokens, you’d combine your tickets and pick something together
your prizes would mostly consist of candy and him insisting he get you a plastic gem ring so you can always remember your first date together
it was also his little, strange way of asking you for a second date
levi ackerman: art museum 
unlike connie, he’s not super energetic
so a museum is right up his alley
levi’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to talk to you
and especially since you’re lovely, his words jumble together and he gets all flustered
so a nice, quiet museum exhibit is perfect for him
it’s a nice balance between casual and formal, so you both dress nice but aren’t restricted by the need to be super polite and stuff
he’d probably like it when you try to imitate the poses that are shown in the paintings or sculptures
just imagine the soft chuckle he’d be unable to prevent from escaping his lips which then melts into a soft smirk
beautiful, beautiful lad
he probably wouldn’t join you though, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
he just smiles at you and stares at the art, reading the background info they give on those little plates near them
but he would notice when you stare at him
he could be looking at some art made during the dutch golden age, but as soon as your head slightly tilted in his direction, his cheeks would HEAT up
you almost asked him if he was feeling alright he was so red
but as the date went on, levi really just thought about how much he enjoyed your presence
and he’s not a wicked talkative guy so being able to feel comfortable with someone even if you aren’t talking or doing much is pretty important to him
as the date concludes, levi finally works up the courage to place his hand on your shoulder, asking if there was anything else you wanted to see before the museum closes for the day
his face might be bright red, but the smile you give him makes him feel a little less embarrassed
what can you say, you’ve got charm 💅
hange: the fucking zoo
ok i won’t lie when i got the idea of hange taking you to the zoo for your first date i thought it was so funny and idk why
like they’d be so excited that they’d nearly forget that they’re on a date with you
they’d drag you around from exhibit to exhibit, pointing out the exact breed of tortoise or some really strange fact about the zebras without looking at the little description panel in front of the exhibit
it’s pretty comical
but then randomly, when you guys are sitting down and eating some fries from one of the concession stands, they start going on a rant about animal cruelty and how a lot of zoos don’t treat the animals properly
and you’re just sitting there like “what 🧍‍♀️” cuz they’re mood changed so quickly LMAO
and as soon as their rant started, it finishes and they’re rushing you to the reptile exhibit
they’d probably try to figure out if they could hold one of the snakes
you’d have to drag them out of there before they start harassing one of the workers into letting them hold a snake
they’d also give all of the animals names only to forget them in 2 seconds
“hey, robert, it’s good to see you again!” “hange, i thought you named them dante?” “oh... did i? 😁”
however there’s probably like one animal they absolutely despise and idk why but i feel like it’s parrots
y’all would be walking through this rainforest exhibit, birds flying from tree to tree and the whole time they’re cursing the birds under their breath for no reason at all
just an angry person walking through a rainforest exhibit, cursing out birds
pretty normal if you ask me
however, the date itself is pretty casual and almost feels like you guys are just hanging out
or it would if they didn’t ask you out on another date before dropping you off at home, kissing your cheek as their farewell
pieck finger: café
very simple and quaint
i feel like pieck has a coffee addiction and always puts her in a better mood
so what better place to go on a date then a café?
she’s definitely an iced coffee drinker, and will occasionally go for a hot drink but usually iced coffee is her go-to
and if you get a coffee or tea that she also happens to like, you’re already practically golden in her eyes
since pieck has a very soothing and lowkey nature, i can see the date being much more just like a conversation with someone you’ve known for forever instead of interview-y which is something i’ve found coffee/lunch/dinner dates to be a bit like
but pieck knows how to keep things interesting and she’s a pretty calming person to be around so all is well
i also can’t see her getting super nervous before the date
she seems pretty calm unless in high-stress situations, but even then, she’s pretty level-headed
but since she’s so calm, it makes you wonder if she really cares for the date
and of COURSE she does, she’s so excited about it
it’s just the way pieck is
but as the date continues, she’d probably start to tease you by playing footsies under the table
you gotta keep the date interesting, you know?
you guys would talk about your interests, family, friends, shows you’re watching
literally just anything and everything that’ll allow you guys to get a feel for each other
and if all goes well she’ll definitely suggest another date ;)
also don’t expect to leave without her either writing something cute on your cup, pressing a lip-stick stained kiss to your cheek that matches the one surrounding the rim of her cup, or a promise that your game of footsies will continue next time you see each other
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 3 years
Rambling thoughts/analyses on even more (!) stills:
Buckle in fuckos this is gonna be a long post 🤠
Let’s start with stills we know which ep they’re from:
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1. Episode 2x01 So obviously our mans is courting someone. Most speculate this isn’t Edwina and is another girl—which idk skin tone, might just be the lighting (?)—but my thought is that he might have a montage or a few scenes courting other girls in the ton and being bored out of his mind/deeming them inadequate to be his wife. He looks kinda antsy and ready to leave here to me so this fits. Also, note the room behind them? Lady Danburys home had a lot of roses and warm pinks and this cool lavender doesn’t totally fit that vibe. Could very easily be not Edwina.
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2. Episode 2x01
Our cutie at Lady Ds ball. Every time we see her in this outfit she seems nervous/ in awe. She seems vaguely pleased here—probably going to dance or getting attention. She deserves 🥰
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3. 2x03 Kate having tea. Lots of tea time this season what with ep 1 Anthony tea and ep 4 Kathony + Edwina tea. Thoughts here I actually really like that wig?? Even tho it’s tight? Also new color it’s nice on her but the dress itself I don’t love but she can make anything work. Her cute lil flower too 🥺
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4. 2x03 hdshshfakfnffnsj 😩😮‍💨🥴 we all know how I feel abt a certain Mary sharma (I’m free on Thursday when I am free). With our new crumbs of her always love how they do her hair. She’s GLOWING I’m DROOLING also this might be same tea as with Kate? Lightings different looks like she’s maybe under a tent so I doubt it. I’d also say this looks like Aubrey hall in the background? But eh who knows.
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5. Episode 2x02 Thots here: Anthony looks so old here I want him to keep away from Edwina jfc 😖. Other people have noted same Kate dress and hair as other still with her in purple with the velvet thingy over it when her and Ed are in the garden. Same episode too, but obvi no velvet or gloves. Also Edwina’s a different dress so who knows the timeline of this shit? Edwina changes (bc she gets wet? Actually kinda doubt that) maybe just to see him. She looks happy to see him, poor little girl. Kate looks surprisingly not feral here? Maybe she’s keeping her anger close to the best this ep.
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6. Episode 2x01 more fuckin tea. Clearly before or after the Graham Norton clip that takes place before the debut. Still wondering how they play into Lw and Kathony drama and when Lady D and QC became such good homies??
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7. Episode 2x04 heh heh heh. Wow they’re so subtle. First off. Obsessed. Whores in the wilderness unchaperoned. I’ve seen so many great theories and parallels abt this and deadmund and maybe including flashbacks. To answer my one ask question, his hand is pretty much over hers on the gun and it’s big and the position is awkward and I love it. She’s trying so hard to stay cool. She has her jaunty cap and i like it but it’s so weird from the angle and the lighting on her is also weird oh well. Funny that she insisted on coming along and still he’s teaching her how to shoot. What’s the truth? Are either of em even good at it 😂? If that hat wasn’t there he’d be so close but I love the look on his face so much and how the hat hits his forehead. Still don’t believe they’re having this moment whilst killing animals? Hopefully it’s a target? Anyway this has gotta happen before the pink hall that episode or at least I hope. The tension is real and I’m gonna be in so much pain 😩
Now moving on to stills where we don’t *know* the episode: I think it’s more likely most of these are from early on but they did give us a pen/el still from ep 7 so anything’s possible?
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8. Who knows when this is from but this is so interesting to me. She looks mad like but maybe also disappointed? Like she’ll tell you (Anthony) off but be sad about it. The wigs actually pretty okay and doesn’t distract from the look in her eyes. The sun on her is magnificent. Simones face is so dynamic and interesting in different shadows and angles and I’m always so intrigued by a new dimension of her gorgeousness.
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9. Clearly not a still but you got the idea. It goes with that scene in the trailer obviously. Have seen some speculation maybe it’s from those leaked pap pics of Anthony running after kate in the rain bc of her dark purple but his waist coat doesn’t match so it isn’t quite right. Maybe the pic of Simone in dark dark purple on the horse is still connected tho? I think it’s easy to believe this is a later episode bc of Kate and Anthony placement next to each other. Also how they’re the emo kids of the pic in their dark isolated colors. Whatever the bridgertons are looking at in the street (in front of Aubrey hall I think) must involve kathony Ed Mary and Lady D or else they wouldn’t be in the pic? But if kathony are married and At AH then why is everyone else fuckin there? Is this drama about Kathony or abt Edwina’s journey and they’re all interfering? Is actually a way early episode and the bridgertons are looking on concerned as kathony quarrel in the street (that actually be so funny). A mystery pic fr
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10. Lol ah yes, of course. Anthony’s firth moment (we’ve discussed this show being marketed too heavily on p &p and this isn’t too much imo. It’s a fun reference and promo hasn’t mentioned p and p that much at all. The bath? (From teaser didn’t actually analyze that bc Jesus Christ I have fanfic to write) I think is also another ref.) ANYWAY. episode? Idk. Same scene as the boat pics obviously. He goes crazy (man looks maaad) probably from jealousy and ends up toppling himself.also someone pointed out the ppl in the boat behind him were in the pap pics with Simone. Based on angles it could be the one behind him left but that’s a maybe. Other thoughts I don’t think it has to do with Newton? idk it just seems like a long shot kate bringing her dog to be w mr Dorset? Also idk how this fits with Edwina bc someone asked Chari on Twitter if she was in a fun scene with a lake and she said no. I’m just v confused. But I’d assume maybe this is ep 3? Really just pulling stuff outta my ass with that guess tho bc two seems full.
EDIT: THERE ARE MORE STILLS who knows how many parts this will be 🥲
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dirtycccat · 4 years
the demon bros + (un)dateables  drunk
tw for drinking so if you’re not into that yeah be warned. also there’s some mentions of horniness because uhhh,,,ya know
normal soft drunk
it’s neither too easy nor too hard to get him drunk
also his drink of choice is probably wine really really expensive wine
he has a pretty high tolerance but not as high as his party animal bros
since it looks like he drinks pretty often if you look at all the alcohol in his  mancave  study
it’s canon he’s a soft drunk??? which,,,, cute
but also chaotic af
i feel like he just reverts to angel lucifer? the really cute innocent baby that’s also very, very chaotic (think of lesson 37+ luci which i only saw screenshots of but still)
expect him to do a 180: if he’s a stern emotionally constipated dad sober drunk luci is basically him with 0 filters but a lot of emotion
he’ll make weird dad jokes, tell people he cares about them, ask dumb dumb questions that he thinks about daily but never voices
“ok mc but what is lol actually and why does levi say that all the time. wait why are you laughing… lots of love? ok then I send you lol”
prefers to drink with close friends and family only because he knows how he gets when drunk
will not admit it but he enjoys being able to feel so?? free and say whatever he wants since he feels like he can’t normally
heavy weight hyper puppy
he has a pretty high alcohol tolerance probably since he’s into partying
also he knows his limits because of past experiences
but sometimes limits are made to be broken
and once they’re broken oh boy
drunk mammon is just him but hyper
or more like even more hyper
i feel like he’d become as excited as a golden retriever on redbull in the first 4 hours
dancing with everyone, making crack jokes, getting into weird situations
and then if he drinks a liiitle bit too much
he’d just break down
and cry
and be an emotional mess
which ends up in him crying over your/ his bros’ shoulder telling everyone he loves them
and then end up falling asleep
so you have to take turns carrying him to bed and make sure he’s safely tucked in with a glass of water close by
you don’t mind though since usually he makes sure you get home safe when you go drinking 
heavy weight emotional drunk 100%
another boy that sleeps near a bottle of alcohol so he probably drinks regularly
if you’re in your room all day it’s pretty easy to just do it since you’re safe so he does it whenever he feels like it
this jealous boy can fake being chill while sober but once you get him drunk expect tears, angry rants, yelling, semi-public mental breakdowns
you always end up having to put him into bed while he cries on your shoulder all the while you try to lift this surprisingly heavy boy into his bathtub bed
but also since he’s the most artistic of the family I bet sometimes he does art while drunk?
you once went to his room trying to return a manga you took and oh no levi is painting a 2 meters ruri mural while he’s in the nude
don’t question it it helps him concentrate
sometimes sad bitch energy mixed with alcohol equals great things
he’s also in the lowkey horny drunk category
what can you do it happens when you’re a touch starved nerd,,, all alone in your room,,, drinking
light weight happy drunk
two glasses of wine and he’s gone
remember like all cards with satan drinking? yup he’s a happy drunk
if sober he’s like ugh partying is for nerds
drunk satan just wants to party with everyone
and vibe
he’ll invite everyone to take group shots, dance all night, do weird shit that ends up being photographed (to his next day hungover dismay)
he’s terrible at club dancing but he will be found in the middle of the dancefloor going wild
expect embarrassing dancing at first
but if you want to correct him he won’t say no to dancing with you more,,, intimately
may or may not grab your hands and start waltzing at some point though
(you think it’s great he’s so happy and free so it doesn’t matter)
heavy weight horny drunk
has the highest alcohol tolerance since he’s the party animal of the family
lmao what did you expect
drink of choice is probably devilgrammable cocktails: fun, sexy, colorful just like him
he’s the definition of babe let’s drink so we can have wilder sex
loves how oversensitive he feels while drunk??? and how his senses get overwhelmed
will moan out loud if he bumps into a table while drunk no shame, no regrets
and dance really lasciviously with whoever catches his eye
if you’re romantically involved not only will he grind into you or let you do so with him
but expect lap dances
if you surprise him with lap dances instead expect to be,,,, rewarded wink wink
but if you do something meaningful for him or give him tthoughtful compliments 
he will go into his emotional mode and literally hug you and never let go 
...and you’ll have to spend your night in his arms while he tells you all about how he thinks you’re perfect for him and how thankful he is that you’re in his life
expect some tears in those moments (that he tries to hide while you casually pretend they’re not there in the first place)
 idk normal tolerance and emotional drunk
since he’s HUGE it’s probably not super easy to get him drunk but also since he doesn’t really drink much it’s not hard either
talks about issues and cries
a lot
so he doesn’t drink all that much
and only does it with his family
him and belphie always end up cuddling and falling to sleep together if they both get drunk since they are both emotional messes when alcohol is involved
and you join them too if you’re drinking with them
heavy weight emotional drunk but on the angry side
like his twin but he probably...drinks more?? he’s such a sad bitch I mean c’mon
like his bro he’s an emotional drunk
sad crying, angry crying, just crying
that’s him that’s what you get into if you tell him to drink with you
will get in the stabby mode if too drunk
so don’t let him drink too much if you value your and his life  
...rather cuddle him until he gets too comfy and warm and falls asleep 
works every time
normal tolerance sleepy drunk
is used to drinking because of social gatherings and high class etiquette but he doesn’t indulge often
since he mostly drinks with luci, barbatos and you
high key prefers sweet cocktails instead of normal fancy drinks
i bet if you took him to the club he’d want to try out the weirdest most colorful cocktails
and then make barbatos redo them
can hold his liquor but he’s still a sleepy boy? like alcohol probably calms him and he’s just so comfortable and at peace he just,,, naps with his head on your shoulder (or luci’s, or barbatos’ depends who he’s drinking with or who’s closest to him at the moment)
if he’s in the club though it’s a different story
he goes full dad mode
doing all the embarrassing dad dances but proudly
remember the meme with prince william or whatever in the club? that’s him
A+ for effort though he really becomes the life of the party
heavyweight vodka aunt
doesn’t really get drunk drunk since he has to take care of diavolo 24/7
but once it’s self care day
oh boy
he turns into a single suburbian mom
you’d think he’s the sophisticated wine mom but oh no
closes all doors and windows, puts on a hot bath with scented oils, lights candles, plays soft jazz in the background
and then drinks straight liquor out of the bottle
(like that one vine)
if you’re close and drink together he’ll also talk a lot more than usual
and give you fun stories about the bois and diavolo
“mc did i tell you about the first week lucifer and his brothers came to the devildom and had to cook for themselves for the first time in their lives? lucifer did not know how an oven works and that you have to close it after you’re done cooking and almost burned the whole house of lamentation down.”
light weight spaced out drunk
do not give him alcohol unless you want to experience weird random xD simeon
physically he’s here, spiritually he’s astral projecting
looks the same, smiles handsomely, no change here
...but if you try talking to him he’ll say the weirdest shit like
“mc do you think that the stars know that they are loved and we watch them every day”
uh idk simeon??? what do you think???
if you’re romantically involved he will flirt shamelessly, even more shamelessly than usual 
because,,, he’s just more honest so he just says whatever
people get uncomfortable around you two and end up backing off and leaving you alone
surprising enough or not he looks like he’s also a lowkey horny drunk
ofc you can’t tell since he’s so chill all the time
but I bet you he’s horny inside hornier than asmo
heavyweight deep drunk
this boy has done some drinking in his lifetime 
...since he has whiskey grandpa vibes
will say really out of the blue thoughtful things??? which is so not like sober solomon 
“mc you remind me of one of the people that meant the most to me they too were here for me and believed in me when no one else did and I have to thank you for that”
wow solomon that sure was random since you were talking about how cold it is outside before but thank you i guess
fakes being not drunk easily but you can tell the moment he starts speaking that he’s gone
also looks at you straight in the eyes when he talks to you
and sometimes starts giggling or blushing
which makes you go??????? solomon are you okay
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