#also curious about chiss cuisine
eorzeashan · 2 years
really wish star wars had a comprehensive food guide.... the galaxy themed recipes they usually put out in those cookbooks feel inauthentic. seriously, there's not a single concrete section of detailed food in swtor or most of star wars that I can find save for alcohol and rations. you'd think a galaxy would be more developed culturally when food is so important, you know?
(it's also my headcanon that Eight's other favorite method of learning about another new culture is through their food, so he tends to stare expectantly at anyone with knowledge in that area hoping they'll treat him to a meal. it doesn't need to be good or bad as long as it represents the culture and has an interesting taste he's never experienced before).
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roguescarlett · 3 years
Because I want to talk about characters in my legacy but I had a moment when I just unsure of what to talk about or wondering if I bore anyone lol.
Anyways, onto my morning coffee ramblings. And as stated before, genderfluid afab Marr headcanon for Vathraki legacy.
I was thinking on Marr and their living arrangements. Marr didn't care much for life of luxury unlike her fellow Dark Councillors, she never really experienced the pleasures for this. Raised by her sith pureblood mother with no chiss father around, she spent her early life living rough until her mother's death and taken in by a Sith Master to begin her trainings.
As soon she completed her trainings and became Darth Marr, she hid her appearance, voice and name behind the full armour and mask leaving her mysterious to others and curious ones.
She never liked anyone to pry into her identity and history, she was mostly a private person. When it cones down to having her own living arrangements, she settled for a small apartment with lesser windows, but had to cope with the noisy city life that keeps her alerted. She wasn't really rich in money like the other Dark Councillors. Beside, all she cares about was having a place to herself to freely roam around without her armour and mask and a comfortable bed to sleep in than the floor in her early childhood.
It was an isolating, lonely life but Marr was used to it -- her privacy matters. Her apartment and office was her only escape away from socialising to rest her battery and be left alone.
Now fast forward to chapter one's epilogue and took Arisxara's hand in marriage, it put their living arrangements on the spot as Marr wasn't ready to unveil her identity to Arisxara, mostly because she rather earn her trust first.
After the ceremony, when asked about a residence to live in, Marr's apartment wasn't spacious or had enough rooms for them. Marr knrw from the moment she brought up the proposition of an arranged marriage to Kritanta, she would needed a new place. Luckily, she doesn't need to search for a property on Ziost because Vowrawn had already given a property for them to live as a wedding gift. It was in the countryside but it was more secured and private enough for them. Something what Marr would've liked.
It wasn't a penthouse (I had issues with sims 4 camera going crazy while trying to do screencaps) as it was much more a plot of land with a garden that Arisxara, sometimes, like to go sit outside.
Marr didn't expect to live in a place like this, as originally she thought it would be a penthouse at first. She had to accustomed to the luxuries that was given to her, since she never cared much for them as long the bed is comfortable and an armoury to put her mask and armour in.
It does felt like an upgrade from a small apartment to a bigger lot. Not to menrion away from the citylife was a bonus. Marr likes to meditate as a garden was nice addition.
It's no longer an isolating, lonely life now. Marr had come to enjoy Arisxara's company. It was awkward at first because the two don't know how to deal with socialising outside of their duties, but it gets better over the time once they are comfortable with each other.
When Marr started to share the bed with Arisxara, she had to admit that not does she help Arisxara to get settled from her ptsd nightmares at nights, it also helped them to feel safe together from sleeping rough with a knife under the pillow that made them more alert to their surrounding. Marr would always be the big spoon, she does like to hold onto Arisxara within her strong arms and sleep at ease.
Once Marr earned Arisxara's trust and unmasked to her, Marr couldn't resist to indulge on what Aris' satin blankets felt like on her skin. This prompted Arisxara to introduce Marr to the things she like -- including ordering Ziosti cuisine takeaways for occassions. Marr can cook for herself as a survivalist on rations and whatsnot, but now she can cook a more healthier meals as Arisxara cannot cook. at. all.
They're not really rich, mind you, they're just enjoying what was affordable to them and entitled to their own quiet life away from crowded city.
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